The "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
••• ••• .• •
= ~~~~~
H.R. Harmer, Inc. Saturday, December 8, 2007 at 11:00 a.m.
The "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empire UNRESERVED PUBLIC AUCTION AND MAIL BID SALE SALE TO BE HELD AT The Warwick Hotel The Essex Room , 2nd Floor 65 West 54'"Street, ew York, New York 10019 To reach us directly in New York Dial 410-852-8375 To reach us through the Hotel Dial 212-314-7888 • Fax 212-307-931 7 ALL BID SHEETS FAXED ON DECEMBER 8rn MUST BE SENT TO OUR ATTENTION AT THE WARWICK HOTEL, 212-307-9317.
5 Francis J. Clarke Circle, Bethel , CT 06801 ovember 26 - Frid ay Nove mber 30 and Monday, December 3 - Tuesday, December 4 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eac h Day The Warwick Hotel , 65 West 54'"Street, New York, NY 10019 Essex Room , 2nd Floor Thur sday, Decemb er 6 - Friday, December 7 from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. FOR VJEWI GO
5 Francis J. Clarke Circle, Bethel, CT 06801 Phone:+ 1.203.702.8490 I Facsimile:+ 1.203.791.1832 Email :
(*) Unused (without gumor rcgummed) * Original gum (previously hinged or wi 1hout ** C> :::J
... :.oJ
gum as iss ued) Original gum (never hinged) Used Block of four or larger Plate Block On Piece Cove r. card or entire
Unexploded Booklet Booklet Pane
E p
Essay Proof Trial Color Specimen Reprint
Earliest Documented Usage
9 :00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Bidding Increment s
MAJOR A BBREVI AT IONS c.d.s. = c ircular date stam ps; NH = neve r hinged ; cplt = co mplete; o.g. = orig inal gum: FDC = first da y cove r: ovpt. = overpr int; h.r.= hin ge rem nant; pmk . = pos tm ark ; incl. = includin g s.e. = straig ht edge; ms= manuscript
Up to 100 S I 00-$300 S300-$750 $750-S 1.500
S5.00 S 10.00 $25.00 $50.00 S I 00.00
S3.000-S7.500 S7.500-S 15.000 S 15.000-S30.000 S30,000-S75,000 S75.000 and Up
S250.00 S500.00 $ 1.000.00 $2,500.00
S 1.500-S3.000
auctioneer's discretion
CONDITIO N exlrc m ely fin e - outstandin g. the highes t quality poss ible. ve r y fin e - choice co nditi on, we ll ce ntered: if imper fora te w ith four we ll c lea r marg ins. fine - so und in all res pec ts, perforation s c lear de sign: if imp erforate. margins ma y be c lose or touching. bu t w ill not cut des ign. ve ry goo d - stamp s are so graded eit her by reaso n o f ge nera l appearanc e o f im perfect ce nte ring or a fault. Faults such as a 1hin spot. tear , crease. etc. will be de scribed on indiv idual lots at all time s. In larger lots. degrees o f co ndit ion den ote the average. and copies above and below such co nditi o n ca n be expected. Min o r separat ions on b locks or sheets are the rule rath er than the excep tion and are not gro und s for the return of a lot. The tem 1 "mi nt " denotes that the item has o riginal gu m, but does not impl y that it is neve r hin ged. T he tenn "unu sed" is used to desc ribe an unc ance lled item that is w ithout gum . Rega rdin g covers. the follow ing are not j ustifi ca tio n for the return of a lot : tom or parti ally remove d back n aps, light file folds w hich do not detract from the overa ll ap peara nce and small edgetears w hich do not affec t ad hesive or markin gs.
s are si mply prodded as a gtdde for biddin g 11nifromiry. The a11c1io11eerretains the creme 111 The above i11 right to change the incremen ts at his disc rerio11when bidding activity is pa rt icularly strong to expedi te the sale. or he may break the increme ms to accomooda te an agent~- bid.
BIDS BY TELEPHONE (a) Mu st be co nfinn ed in wri ting . (b) An y erro rs are the responsib ility of the bidder . (c) No bids accep ted less than I hour before sa le.
BIDS BY FAX OR EMAIL You may fax or e-ma il b ids up to I ho ur befo re sa le co mme nce s -
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I. Lots of not more than IO items. 2. To U. . clients only, at our discretio n.
Shaded portion can repre se nt an act ual hinge or the area disturb ed by a hinge. Neve r hin ge d - unu sed w ith o rig inal gum in Pos t Office srnte and unm o unt ed Light ly hin ged - unu se d w ith full original gum sho w ing so me ev idence o f a previo us hin ge w hich may be prese nt in part or entir ely removed . Orig inal gum - unu sed w ith original gum so mew hat d istur bed by prev ious hing ing which ma y still be prese nt. Part or ig inal gum - unu sed wi th original gum , large hin ge rem nants may or ma y not be pre se nt Distu rbed orig ina l gum - unu sed w ith orig inal gu m, affec ted by sw eating, gla zing or mount disrurban cc: ma y not rese mbl e the orig inal gum . Unuse d w ithou t gu m (un less gu m is mentio ned) Unuse d w ith ou t gum, as issued.
BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND THEIR GUM: Min or se parati ons are the rule. rather than the exce ption. in the case of blocks or sheets of any s ize. A few separation s- around four perf s per row-do not affect the va lue of a b lock or sheet and arc not groun ds for the return of a lot. ESTl.l\1ATED VA L UES: If an est im ated cas h va lue is g iven. it is sho wn in the de sc ripti on. It is used w here the lot is large or w here the act ual va lue has linl e relation to the ca ta log ue price. It represe nts the auctionee r 's appraisa l of the true MARK E T va lue of a lot and the figu re is invar iably close to 1he actua l rea liza tion. It is usele ss for ma il b idde rs 10 list any b ids that are only a low pro -
J. Viewer !JJl!filpay po stage and insuran ce both ways and return lots w ith in 24 hours of receipt. 4 . Viewer ass um es all respons ibilit y, includin(! proper ins uran ce , for an y loss, w heth e r in his po ssess ion or in any and all fonn s o f trans it whe n ret urnin g Pos tal View ing. 5. References req uir ed from bidder s unkno wn to us.
HANDSTAMl'S/BACKSTAMPS Remember, 0 lots ma y be returned w ith back stamp s stat ing Fake , Falsch, or s imilar markin gs. Recen tly there has been a spa te of Gennan cxpert ise rs marking the backs of stamp s. It is yo ur res ponsibi lity as the pu rchase r not to let this happ en.
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PHILATELIC AUCT ION AGENTS Mr. C harles E. Cw iaka la 1527 S. Fai rv iew Ave nue Park Ridge. IL 60068 + 1.84 7.823. 747
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Please add $20.00 U.S. to invo ice total to cove r bank charges, plu s any add itional fee imp ose d by yo ur bank.
George Eveleth
Nakia J. Davis
George Eveleth
Walter Spivey Jr.
Dave Conway Sheritha Jones
Karen Beige
Jenn Naples Christina Masche
Sandy Hanrahan
David Graham
5 Francis J. Clarke Circle Bethel , CT 06801 TEL: + 1.203.702 .8490 I FAX:+ 1.203.791.1832 Email: hrharmer www
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The "Roxburgh " Collection of Great Britain and Empire
S.G. Ca ta log or Est imated Value
The "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Saturday, December 8, 2007 at 11 :00 a.m.
The Essex Room of the Warwick Hotel 6th Avenue at 54th Street, New York, N.Y.
O S.G. #2, 1840 ld Black, unpl ated example with four large even margins, cancelled in red, choice Very Fine
(Scott # l ; $275) .......... .....................................................................................................................................£275
Dece mb er 8, 2007
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H. R. Harm er, Inc.
The "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
S.G. Ca ta log or Estim ated Value
S.G. #2, 1840 ld Black, Plate lb, huge margins to just touching at bottom left, including a bit of the adja-
S.G. #2, 1840 ld Black, Plate 2, four ample to mostly large margins, tied to local London cover by experi-
cent stamp at top, rich color, red MC cancel, on fresh folded letter from Haddington to Preston.kirkwith two clear strikes ofred "Haddington/ De 29, 1840" c.d.s., Very Fine (Scott #1; $475)....... ................................£475 mental black me, straight line "Oxford St. WC" handstamp and red "Oct 8, 1840" backstamp, Very Fine; this maltese cross cancel was not normally used until Feb. 1841 (Scott # 1; $475+) ....................... ....................£475 S.G. #3, 1840 Grey-black, worn plate, Plate 3, ample to mostly large margins, just tied by red me to folded cover to Hexham, red boxed "Kelso/ De 23, 1840" backstamp, fresh and Very Fine (Scott # 1b; $550). £475
6 7
S.G. #1, 1840 ld Intense black, Plate 4, mostly large margins to clear at lower left, rich color, just tied by
S.G. #1, 1840 ld Intense black, Plate 6, mostly large margins to clear at top, tied by bold red me to folded
S.G. #2, 1840 ld Black, Plate 7, mostly large margins all around, tied by blood-red me to folded letter to
red me to folded letter to Penrith, "Carlisle/ Ju 17, 1840" backstamp, fresh and Very Fine (Scott #la; $550)... ........................................................................................................................................................................£475
letter to Salop, red "Liverpool/ Oc 31, 1840" backstamp, fresh and Very Fine (Scott # 1a; $550)... ............£475
Bradford, red "Manchester/ Sp.9, 1840" backstamp cover with interior Scotch tape re-inforcemets, otherwise Fine (Scott # I, $475)... ..................................................................................................................................£475
Dece mb er 8, 200 7
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H.R. Harm er, Inc.
The "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
., ,Lwd ·tJJi// h!a /n/),nff /4
S.G. Spec. AS46a, 1840 ld Intense black, Plate 8, re-entry, lettered DL, choice example with large to huge margins all around, luxuriant color, tied by clear red me to folded letter to London, red "Liverpool/ De 16, 1840" backstamp, Extremely Fine and handsome example of this distinctive re-entry (Scott # la Var; $550+)..... £475
S.G. #1, 1840 1d Intense black, Plate 9, four ample to huge margins, including a bit of the adjacent stamp at top, tied by red me to small cover to Suffolk, "De 22, 1840" backstamp of London, Very Fine and attractive; red maltese cross cancels are scarce on this plate (Scott # la ; 550+) ......... ..................................................£475
IO ~ S.G. #2, 1840 Id Black, Plate 10, clear to mostly large margins, cancelled by black me on tiny folded letter
to Simonbum, Very Fine (Scott # 1; $600 off cover).......................................................................................£600 II
S.G. #5, 1840 2d Blue, Plate I, large margins all around, tied by red me to folded letter to London, red "Liverpool/ Jy 30, 1840" backstamp, stamp affected by inconspicuous filing crease, Very Fine appearance (Scott #2; 1,400) £1,700
Dece mber 8, 2007
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
The "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
S.G . Ca talog or Estimat ed Value
seldom seen mint block of four, with ample to mostly huge margins all around, including showing bits of the adjacent pair at left, fresh color, full original gum, vertical crease mainly in the margin between the stamps, left pair with light gum creasing, top left stamp with a small nick and small stained spot in the margin between the bottom pair and on the left stamp, Very Fine appearance and rare (Scott #4; $12,000).................... .................................................................................................................for singles £3,250
12 . 83 S.G. #14, 1841 2d Blue ,
13 * S.G. #47, 2d Deep blue (thin lines) , Plate 15, luxuriant deep color, full original gum, Fine (Scott #30; $450).
........................................................................................................................................................................£325 unused (no gum), characteristic intense color, reperforated at right, Fine appearance (Scott #37a; $3,250) . ................................................................................................................£3,500
14 * S.G. #75 , 1862 3d Deep carmine ,
15 * S.G. #87 , 1862 9d Straw, outstanding centering, fresh color, small part original gum or regummed,Extremely
Fine (Scott #40; $2,900)...............................................................................................................................£3,000 16
* S.G. #103, 1867 3d Rose , Plate 4, left wing-margin horizontal pair, full original gum, the left stamp with some short perfs at base, otherwise Fine and scarce (scott #49; $1,700 for singles)........... ......................£1,800
centered to upper right, pale shade, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Good (Scott #49, $525) ...................................................................................................................................£525
17 * S.G. #103 , 1867 3d Rose , Plate 8,
fresh mint single, bright color, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine (Scott #49; $525).. .....................................................................................................................................................£525
18 * S.G. #103, 1867 3d Rose , Plate 9,
original gum, light h.r., small thinned spot, Fine appearance; signed Brun (Scott ...................£ 1,850 #52; $1,250)..... .........................................................................................................................
19 * S.G. #110 , 1867 9d Staw,
deep rich color on fresh paper, traces of gum, Very Fine (Scott #54; $625). ..............................................................................................................................................................£900
20 * S.G. #117, 1867 1/- Green, Plate 4,
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H.R. Harm er, Inc.
The "Roxburgh " Collection of Great Britain and Empire
S.G . Catalog or Estima ted Value
an elusive mint example of this value, good color, somewhat disturbed original gum, nibbed top left corner perf, Fine and rare (Scott #56; $16,000).......................................................£ 17,000
21 * S.G. #121, 1880 2/- Brown,
22 22 * S.G. #127, 1874 5/- Pale rose, Plate 2, an uncommonly fresh mint single from this much scarcer plate, pretty pastel shade on crisp white paper, full original gum, h.r., Very Fine (Scott #57a; $7,500). ..................£8,250
S.G. #128, 1878 10/- Greenish grey, used, rich colors, variously repaired, Fine appearance; 2007 B.P.A. Certificate (Scott #74; $2,500) .....................................................................................................................£2,700
23 0
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H.R. Harm er, Inc.
The "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empire - -
S.G . Cata log or Estimated Value
a gorgeous used example of this scarce and difficult high value, being beautifully cancelled by a clear strike of"West-Strand B.O./Mr 31, 83" c.d.s. plus it is incredibly well centered, with strong color and a fine impression on crisp white paper, Extremely Fine; a premium quality copy in all respects (Scott #92a; $7,500)... ....................................................................................................... ...........................£7,250
24 O S.G. #136, 1882 $1 Brown-lilac,
25 25
* S.G. #137, 1882 $5 Orange, radiant rich color on fresh white paper, original gum, lightly hinged, light diagonal crease at upper right, otherwise Very Fine (Scott #93; $9,000).........................................................£ I 0,000
26 26 * S.G. #139, 1975 2 112d Rosy mauve, Plate 2,
original gum, Fine (Scott #66, $525)...............................£525
27 * S.G. #141, 1879 2 112d Rosy mauve, Plate 14, strong fresh color on clean paper, original gum, h.r., Very Fine
(Scott #67; $425).............................................................................................................................................£425 28 * S.G. #141, 1879 2 112d Rosy mauve, Plate 15,
particularly fresh, with rich color on bright paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #67; $425)...........................................................................................£425
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H .R. Harm er, Inc.
The "Roxburgh " Collection of Great Britain and Empire
S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
29 * S.G. #146, 1875 6d Deep grey, Plate 14, intense color, well centered, original gum , lightly hinged, light
stained spot at top right , otherwise Very Fine; 1983 B.P.A. Certificate (Scott #62; $425) . ..........................£500 30 * S.G. #152, 1876 4d Vermilion, Plate 15, right wing-margin single , fresh color, regummed, Very Fine (Scott
#69; $1,800) . .................................................................................
.......................... ........................... ..........£1,950
31 * S.G. #163, 1881 1/- Orange-brown , Plate 13, horizontal pair, rich color and crisp impres sion, quite fresh ,
original gum , the right stamp with a small thinned spot at top , otherwise Very Fine (Scott #87, $1,150) ... £625
32 * S.G. #180, 1883 5/- Rose, select mint example , wonderfully fresh and well centered, original gum , lightly
hinged, Extremely Fine (Scott # 108; $875) ... ........................ .......................... ..............................................£875 33 * S.G. #183, 1883 10/- Ultramarine, luxuriant rich color, original gum , h.r., Fine (Scott # 109; $1,725) ........ ...
................................................ ...................................... ....................................... .........................................£1,750 34 * S.G. #183a, 1883 10/- Pale ultramarine , a lovely mint single , exceptionally fresh and well centered, good
color on crisp white paper, original gum , lightly hinged, choice Very Fine (Scott # 109, $1,725) . ............ £ 1,950
•....... ..,·.·I!1 ..• ·
,., .
35 0 S.G. #185, 1884 £1 Brown-lilac, watermarked three crowns, fresh and attractive used example, relatively
lightly cancelled by oval registry postmarks , strong color, small imperfections , Very Fine appearance ; 2007 B.P.A. Certificate (Scott # 110; $2,300) . .................................... .................. .................. ...................... ........£2,400 36 0 S.G. #186, 1888 $1 Brown-lilac , watermarked three orbs, used with "Dublin Sorting Office / Ap 13, 89"
datestamp , rich color on fresh paper, small thinned spot, Very Fine appearance (Scott # 123, $3,750) ....... £3800
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H. R. Harmer, inc.
The "Roxburgh " Collection of Great Britain and Empire
37 EX 37
S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
* S.G. #187-92 , 194-96, 1883-84 1/2d-4d , 6d-1/- Victoria , complete set but for the 5d, original gum, couple h.r., 3d, 4d, 9d and 1/- with a couple toned perfs, otherwise Fine-Very Fine (Scott #98-103, 105-07; $3,402)... ······································································································································································£3,260
particularly fresh with good color, original gum, very lightly hinged, Fine (Scott # 104; $450) ...........................................................................................................................................£425
38 * S.G. #193 , 1884 5d Dull green,
* S.G. #196 , 1884 1/- Dull green, excellent centering, original gum, h.r., Extremely Fine (Scott # 107; $950). ········································································································································································£950
40 EX
cplt., original gum, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #111-22, 125-26; $630) . ................................................................................................................................................£525
40 * S.G. #197/211 , 213-14 , 1887-92 112d - 1/- Jubilee
4 1 * S.G. #212 , 1891 $1 Green , beautifully
centered, rich fresh color, original gum shallow gummed-over thinned spot that is only visable in fluid and small gum crease at bottom center, Extremely Fine appearance (Scott # 124; $3, 150). ························································································································································£3,200
42 EX 42
* S.G. #215/314 , 1902-13 112d - 1/- Edward VII cplt. set of 12 (no 4d orange or 7d grey), unsorted for printings and shades, original gum except Id no gum, some h.r., 2d spot, otherwise Fine-Very Fine (Scott #127-36; $537). ........................................................................................................................................ for cheapest £425
vivid rich color on crisp clean paper, beautifully centered, original gum, very lightly hinged, Extremely Fine (Scott # 139e; $260) ...............................................................................£225
43 * S.G. #262 , 1902 2/6 Dull purple ,
sumptuously rich color on fresh paper, original gum, very lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #140a; $400) ..... ..................................................................................................£350
44 * S.G. #264 , 1902 5/- Deep bright carmine ,
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
The "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
S.G . Cata log or Estimated Value
fresh color, original gum, lightly hinged, light stained spot at top center, otherwise Fine (Scott # 141; $700) ....... ..........................................................................................................£700
45 * S.G. #265, 1902 10/- Ultramarine,
post office fresh, typical centering, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine; 1977 R.P.S. Certificate.. .................................................................................................................................£180
46 ** S.G. #275a, 1911 ld Analine rose,
* S.G. #317, 1911 2/6 Deep purple, handsome bottom right corner margin mint single, luxuriant color on fresh paper, original gum, light h.r., Very Fine (Scott # 139a; $360) .......................................................................£220
* S.G. #318, 1912 5/- Carmine , eye-catching bottom right corner margin mint single, wonderfully well centered, fresh color, original gum, h.r., Extremely Fine and handsome (Scott #140b; $400) . ..........................£350
characteristic intense color, original gum, Very Fine (Scott # 142b; $1,750). ······································································································································································£1,750
49 * S.G. #320, 1911 $1 Deep green,
wonderfully fresh mint example, with deep luxuriant color on crisp clean paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine and desirable (Scott #142b; $1,750) ...........................................£1,750
50 * S.G. #320, 1911 $1 Deep green,
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
The "Roxb urgh" Collection of Great Britain and Em pire
51 EX
S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
52 EX
51 * S.G. #397-98, 1913 1/2d-ld multiple cypher watermark coils, both with good perfs , original gum , lightly
hinged, Flne-Very Fine set. (Scott# 177-78; $435) ................ ................... ............. ............ .................. .........£375 52 * S.G. #351/95, 418-29, 439-49, 1912-36 112d to 1/- George V, cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, some h.r. or
Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine sets (Scott # 159-72, 183, 187-200 , 210 -20; $546 .05) . ..................................£410
Seahorses Waterlow
53 * S.G. #399, 1913 2/6 Deep sepia-brown, wonderfully fresh and well centered, deep rich color , original gum ,
very lightly hinged, Extremely Fine (Scott # 173; $275) .............................................. ................... ............ ....£250 54 * S.G. #399, 1913 2/6 Deep sepia-brown, choice centering , nibbed perf. , original gum , minor h.r., Extremely
Fine (Scott # 173; $275) ......................................................................................... ..........................................£250 55 * S.G. #399, 1913 2/6 Deep sepia-brown, fresh and well centered, full and even perforations , rich characteris -
tic color, original gum , very lightly hinged, choice Very Fine (Scott # 173; $275) .... ...................................£250
56 56
* S.G. #399, 1913 2/6 Deep sepia-brown, vivid rich color on fresh paper , original gum, trivial h.r., Very Fine (Scott # 173; $275) ............... ................ ....................................... ...... ...............................................................£250
* S.G. #400, 1913 2/6 Sepia-brown, handsome right sheet -margin single, full and even perforations , remarkably fresh, original gum , tiny trace of hinging , Extremely Fine (Scott # 173a; $260) ...................... ............. £225
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
The "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empire __
S.G. Catalog or Estima ted Value
74 *
S.G. #402, 1913 10/- Indigo-blue, select mint example, deep luxuriant color on bright paper, full and even perforations, original gum, very lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #175; $625) ............................................£850
* S.G. #402, 1913 10/- Indigo-blue, well centered, striking intense color, some blunt perfs at bottom right, original gum, h.r., Very Fine (Scott #175; $625) ................................................................................................£850
* S.G. #402, 1913 10/- Indigo-blue, intense color, full and even perforations, original gum, Very Fine (Scott #175; $625) ....................................................................................................................................................£850
77 77 . EE S.G. #402, 1913 10/- Indigo-blue,
a gorgeous mint block of four, wonderfully well centered, strong and intact , deep luxuriant color contrasted by bright paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine (Scott # 175; $2,500) ··············································································································································£3,400
78 78 * S.G. #403, 1913 £1 Green,
excellent centering and fresh, full and even perforations all around, original gum, Extremely Fine (Scott #176; $2,100) ..........................................................................................................£2,200
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Empire _
s .G. Ca talog or Estim ated Value
79 * S.G. #403, 1913 £1 Green, vivid rich color on fresh paper, nicely centered, original gum, h.r., choice Very
Fine (Scott # 176; $2,100) ............................................................................................................................£2,200
80 * S.G. #403, 1913 £1 Green, original gum, faint diagonal crease and light stain at upper right, Fine appearance
(Scott # 176; $2,100) ....................................................................................................................................£2,200
handsome mint example of this scarce shade, characteristic intense original gum, Extremely Fine; 1972 R.P.S. Certificate (Scott perforations, full with and centered color, well ............................................................................£2,200 ............................................. . .......................... #176 var.)
81 * S.G. Spec. N72(2), 1913 £1 Deep green,
82 82
* S.G. #404, 1913 £1 Dull blue-green, beautifully centered, vivid rich color, full but slightly uneven original gum, very lightly hinged, Extremely Fine (Scott # 176a; $2,100) ..............................................................£2,200
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S.G . Ca talog or Estimated Value
'*> S.G. #404, 1913 £1 Dull blue-green, beautyfully centered, repaired perforation at top and regummed, Extremely Fine appearance; 2007 Brandon certificate (Scott # I 76a; $2,100). ..........................................£2,200
* S.G. #404, 1913 £1 Dull blue-green, gorgeous rich color, full and even perforations all around, original gum, Very Fine and attractive (Scott# 176a; $2,100) ..........................................................................................£2,200
rich color on fresh white paper, original gum, very lightly hinged, pulled perf. at top and a couple shorter perfs at base, otherwise Very Fine (Scott# 176a; $2,100) ....................£2,200
85 * S.G. #404, 1913 £1 Dull blue-green,
86 87 86 * S.G. #404, 1913 £1 Dull blue-green, top sheet-margin single, fresh and well centered, strong color, full orig-
inal gum, small gummed over thinned spot, Very Fine appearance (Scott #l 76a; $2,100) ......................£2,200 87 * S.G. #404, 1913 £1 Dull blue-green, strong fresh color, original gum, lightly hinged, light diagonal crease at
lower right, Very Fine appearance (Scott # 176a; $2, 100) ..........................................................................£2,200
De La Rue Printing
88 89 90 88 * S.G. #406, 1915 2/6 Yellow-brown, beautifully centered, full perforations, original gum, h.r., Extremely Fine
(Scott # 173d; $260) ........................................................................................................................................£250 89 * S.G. #409, 1915 5/- Bright carmine, fresh and well centered, vivid rich color, full and even perforations, orig-
inal gum, tiny trace of hinging, Extremely Fine (Scott #l 74a; $425) ..........................................................£425 90 * S.G. #409, 1915 5/- Bright carmine, deep luxuriant color on fresh paper, full perforations, original gum,
lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #I 74a; $425) ..............................................................................................£425 -----
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S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
* S.G. #409, 1915 5/- Bright carmine, gorgeous rich color on bright paper, full and even perforations, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott # l 74a; $425) ................................................................................£425
deep rich color on fresh paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott # l 74a; 425) ........................................................................................................................................£425
92 * S.G. #409, 1915 5/- Bright carmine,
choice example with near perfect centering and full even perforations all around, bright and fresh, original gum, very lightly hinged, Extremely Fine and choice (Scott #l 74c; $525) .... ········································································································································································£500
93 * S.G. #410, 1915 5/- Pale carmine,
nicely centered, good color and perforations, original gum, choice Very Fine (Scott #l 74c; $525) ................................................................................................................................£500
94 * S.G. #410 , 1915 5/- Pale carmine ,
95 * S.G. #410, 1915 5/- Pale carmine, strong fresh color and full perforations, original gum, Very Fine (Scott
#l 74c; $525) ..................................................................................................................................................£500 96 * S.G. #410, 1915 5/- Pale carmine,
rich color, original gum, fresh and Fine (Scott #l 74c; $525) ..........£500
attractively centered and fresh, rich color, original gum, h.r., Very Fine £2,500 (Scott # 175c; $2,200) ..................................................................................................................................
97 * S.G. #411, 1915 10/- Deep Blue,
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The "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
S.G. Ca talog or Estim ated Value
98 * S.G. #411, 1915 10/- Deep blue, rich color, original gum , very lightly hinged, light stain spot on gum , oth-
erwise Very Fine (Scott # l 75c; $2,200) .................. .............................................. ..................... ................. £2,500 99 * S.G. #411, 1915 10/- Deep blue, deep rich color on fresh white paper , full perforations , original , Fine (Scott
# l 75c; $2,200) ................ ........................... .......................... .................. ..................................................... £2,500
100 100 *
S.G. #412, 1915 10/- Blue, nicely centered, strong characteristic color, original gum, h.r., choice Very Fine (Scott # l 75b; $1,750) ............ ............... .......................................................................................................£2,000
IOI* S.G. #412, 1915 10/- Blue, well centered, fresh color, origina l gum, very lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott
# l 75b; $ 1,750) ................................................................................................... .............................. ...........£2,000
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The "Roxburgh :_ Collection of Great Britain and Empire
S.G. Ca talog or Estimated Value
102 102 * S.G. #413, 1915 10/- Pale blue, handsome bottom sheet-margin single, exceptionally well centered, bright
and fresh, original gum, lightly hinged, couple nibbed perfs. at lower left, otherwise Extremely Fine (Scott #175a; $1,800) ............................................................................................................................................£2,250
bright and fresh, full perforations, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott # 175a; $1,800) ..................................................................................................................................£2,250
103 * S.G. #413, 1915 10/- Pale blue,
striking right sheet-margin example of this very scarce and seldom offered shade variety, featuring characteristic intense color on fresh paper, nicely centered and good perforations, original gum, h.r., choice Very Fine; 1983 R.P.S. Certificate (Scott # l 75c var)....£4,000
104 * S.G. Spec. N70(4) , 191510/- Deep (intense) bright blue, a
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Catalog or Estimated Value
70(5), 1915 10/- Bright "Cambridge" blue, a desirable mint example of this sought-after stamp, featuring strong fresh color which could not be more representative of this elusive shade, original gum, very lightly hinged, Very Fine and rare; 1977 R.P.S. Certificate (Scott# 175a var.) ..........................................£4,500
I 05 * S.G. Spec.
Bradbur y, Wilkington
106 EX
cplt., select mint set, wonderfully well centered, the 2/6 and 5/with a sheet-margin at right, original gum, lightly hinged, an Extremely Fine set (Scott # 179b-181; $855) ...... ········································································································································································£750
106• S.G. #414/17, 1918-19 2/6-10/- Seahorses
107 EX
I 07 * S.G. #414/17, 1918-19, 2/6-10/- Seahorses cplt., fresh, the latter two beautifully centered, original gum, light-
ly hinged, the 2/6 Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott # I 79b-l 81; $975) ............................................ £750
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S.G. Cata log or Estim ated Value -~
108 EX 108 * S.G. #414/17, 1918-19, 2/6-10/- Seahorses
cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #179b-181; $855) ..........................................................................................................................................£750
109 EX
cplt., rich colors on fresh paper, original gum, lightly hinged, FineVery Fine set (Scott # l 79b-l 8 l ; $855) ..........................................................................................................£750
I 09 * S.G. #414/17, 1918-19 2/6-10/- Seahorses
110 EX 11O* S.G. #415-17, 1918-19 2/6-10/- Seahorses
cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott # 179c-181; $855) ..........................................................................................................................................£750
cplt., original gum, h.r., Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #179c-181; $855) ······························································································································································£750
111* S.G. #415-17 , 1918-19 2/6-10/- Seahorses
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The "Roxburgh " Collection of Great Britain and Empire
S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
112 EX 112 * S.G. #415a-17, 1918-19 2/6-10/- Seahorses cplt., handsome mint set, fresh and well centered, good perfora-
tions , original gum, Very Fine (Scott # l 79a-18 l ; $840) ....................................... .............. ......................... £735
113 EX
113* S.G. #415a-17, 1918-19 2/6-10/- Seahorses cplt. , original gum , first two lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set
(Scott # l 79a-l 8 l ; $840) ................... ............. ................... ................. .................................................. ..........£735 114* S.G. #413a/15a , 1918 2/6 Seahorse, lot of eight stamps, range of different shades , original gum, three h.r.,
the others lightly hinged, Fine to Extreme ly Fine (Scott # l 79/ l 79c; $920 as cheapest) (No Photo) .......... £800 115 * S.G. #416, 1919 5/- Rose-red , lot of 6 mint singles , generally well centered, original gum , two h.r., others
lightly hinged, some perf. flaws, otherwise Very Fine (Scott # 180; $1,740) (No Photo) .......................... £1,500
l 16EX
116 * S.G. #450-52, 1934 2/6-10/- Seahorses cplt., handsome mint set, each beautifull y centered and with full per-
forations , original gum , very lightly hinged, Extreme ly Fine (Scott #222-24; 660) .................................. £575
117 EX
I 17 * S.G. #450-52 , 1934 2/6-10/- Seahorses cplt., attractive mint set, all very well centered and with full perfora-
tions , deep rich colors, original gum , very lightly hinged, Extremely Fine (Scott #222 -24 ; $660) .............. £575 December 8, 2007
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S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
ll8 EX
cplt., wonderfully well centered, gorgeous rich colors, original gum, h.r., Extremely Fine (Scott #222-24; $660) ..................................................................................................£575
118 * S.G. #450-52, 1934 2/6-10/- Seahorses
119 EX
S.G. #450-52, 1934 2/6-10/- Seahorses cplt., excellent centering, deep rich colors, original gum, h.r., Extremely Fine set (Scott #222-24; $660) ....................................................................................................£575
120 EX
cplt., select mint set, each with excellent centering and vivid rich colors, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine (Scott #222-24; $660) ..............................£575
120 * S.G. #450-52, 1934 2/6-10/- Seahorses, re-engraved
121 EX
cplt., beautifully centered mint set with glorious rich colors, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine (Scott #222-24; 660) ........................................................................£575
121 * S.G. #450-52, 1934 2/6-10/- Seahorses
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_ __ T_he "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
122 EX
cplt., another particularly well centered mint set, vivid rich colors and good perforations, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine (Scott #222-24; $660) ............................£575
122 * S.G. #450-52 , 1934 2/6-10/- Seahorses
123 EX
cplt., rich colors, original gum, Never Hinged,Very Fine to Extremely Fine set (Scott #222-24; $1,110) ..............................................................................................£575
123 * S.G. #450-52, 1934 2/6-10/- Seahorses, re-engraved
124 EX
124 * S.G. #450-52, 1934 2/6-10/- Seahorses
cplt., rich fresh colors, all with good perfs., original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine set (Scott #222-24; $660) ................................................................................................£575
125 EX
125 * S.G. #450-52, 1934 2/6-10/- Seahorses
cplt., rich colors and full perforations nicely centered, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine set (Scott #222-24; $660) ......................................................................................£575
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S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
cplt., deep rich colors, original gum, lightly hinged, 10/- h.r., Very Fine set (Scott #222-24; $660) ......................................................................................................................£575
126 * S.G. #450-52, 1934 2/6-10/- Seahorses
handsome mint block of four, intense color, crisp and intact, original gum, lightly hinged, the bottom pair with only tiny trace of hinging, Very Fine, the right pair Extremely Fine (Scott #224; $1,600) ..............................................................................................................................................£1,400
127 *tE S.G. #452, 1934 10/- Indigo,
a highly desirable mint example of this perennially popular color error, rich characteristic color on fresh white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine; it was long thought that the 2112dPrussian Blue came from color trials, however the color trials were printed from a different cylinder and are therefore of a slightly larger size, only four sheets of 120 were saved in the error color by the Post Office Stores Department on 25 June 1935, three of these were sold at the Upper Edmonton (London) Post Office until 4 July, many were used and some of these were lost to philately, therefore the true number of surviving mint examples is far less than the 480 stamps issued; 1980 B.P.A.Certificate (Scott #229a; $8,000) ..................................................................................................................................£7,500
128 ** S.G. #456a, 1935 2 112d Silver Jubilee, Prussian Blue error of color,
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S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
129 ** S.G. #478, 1939 10/- Dark blue, post office fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine (Scott #251;
$300). ······························································································································································£240
130 * S.G. #1-12 , 1934 l/2a-10R Dhow cplt., original gum with few values small h.r., fresh and Very Fine, an
attractive set (Scott #1-12; $300) ... ................................................................................................................£650
ANTIGUA 131 * S.G. #22, 1882 2 112d Red-brown ,
rich fresh color, original gum, Fine (Scott #13; $225) ....................£190
132 EX
133 EX
134 EX
132* S.G. #31-40 , 1903-07 l/2d-5/- Coat of Arms, Edward VII cplt., bright colors, original gum with some val-
ues h.r., Fine-VeryFine (Scott #21-30; $298).................................................................................................£250 133 * S.G. #41-50 , 1908-17 l/2d-2/- Coat of Arms cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very fine (Scott #31-
38; $147) ... ......................................................................................................................................................£ 140 cplt., original gwn, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Scott #58-64; $315)..... ..........................................................................................................................................................£250
134 * S.G. #55-61 , 1921-29 3d-£1 George V
135 EX
136 EX
137 EX
cplt., original gum, most lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Scott #4257; $185). ........................................................................................................................................................£ 170
135 * S.G. #62-80, 1921-29 l/2d-4/- George V
136 * S.G. #81-90 , 1932 l/2d-5/-Tercentenar y cplt.,original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Scott #67-76;
$210) .. .............................................................................................................................................................£180
Barbuda 137 * S.G. #1-11, 1922 l/2d-5/- George V overprinted "Barbuda " cplt., unusally fresh colors, original gum, light-
ly hinged, Fine-Very Fine, unusual in this choice condition (Scott # 1-11; $179)... ......................................£ 140
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The "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
138 EX 138 * S.G. #1-9, 1922 l/2d-3/- George V
139 EX
cplt.,original gum, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #1-9; $383). ..............£300
139 * S.G. #10-20, 1924-33 l/2d-3/- George V
cplt.,original gum, lightly hinged, 1/- few perf. tips toned, Fine-Very Fine set(Scott #10-21; $359.25).......................... ...........................................................................................£275
AUSTRALIAN STATES New South Wales fresh, centered to base, original gum, h.r., Very Good (Scott #75; $325) ...................................................................................................... ..£225
140 * S.G. #241b, 1885 10/- Mauve and claret, overprinted in blue, perf. 12,
141 EX
mint singles of each, usual irregular perfs., original gum, 20/- light paper wrinkles, otherwise Fine (Scott #85-6; $750) ..............................................£500
141 * S.G. #261-62, 1888-89 5/- Deep purple and 20/- Cobalt-blue,
142 * S.G. # 263, 1890 5/- Lilac, perf. 10, well centered for this, bright color,
original gum, Very Fine (Scott #87; $275) ..............................................................................................................................................................£150
143 * S.G. #264cb 20/- Ultramarine, perf. 12xll,
bright and fresh, well centered, original gum, h.r., Very Fine (Scott #88; $275) ............................................................................................................................................£180
some natural overprint ink spots on face, original gum, Very Fine (Scott # 108B; $325) ......................................................................................................£200
144 * S.G. #275b, 1894-1904 10/- Violet and claret, perf. 12xll,
145 * S.G. #277a, 1904 10/- Violet and rosine, perf. 11,
radiant colors on fresh white paper, original gum, Very Fine (Scott #108Bc; $375) ............................................................................................................................£250
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S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
160 EX 159 * S.G. #407, 1905 £1 Rose , incredibly well centered, sumptuously rich color, original gum, h.r., Extremely Fine
and handsome (Scott #206a; $450) ................................................................................................................£375
160 * S.G. #416/45, 1905-13 l/2d-£2 Definiti ves,
set of fourteen different values that is unchecked for perforations, original gum, h.r., £2 small thinned spot, otherwise Fine-Very Fine (Scott #218-21; $1,547.25) ............£1,500
16 1 EX
161 ** S.G. #D19-20, 1895 2/- and 5/- Postage Dues ,
post office fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine (Scott #123-24; $220 for hinged) ............................................................................................................for hinged £ 175
Western Australia
162 0
S.G. #1, 1854 ld Black, margins all around, red and black cancels, Fine (Scott #1; $210) ....................£200
163(* I S.G. #1, 1854 ld Black,
fresh unused horizontal pair, four clear to huge margins, deep rich color and proofline impression on crisp white paper, Fine and scarce (Scott # 1; $2,000 for singles) ......................£ 1,800
164 <*lrn S.G. #3, 1854 4d Pale blue, handsome unused block of four, with large even
margins all around, fresh color on bright paper, top right stamp showing the variety,"'"PE" of "PENCE" close together'\ from pos. R. 10/15 (S.G. #3t) and the bottom right stamp showing the variety/\part of right cross-stroke and down stroke of "T" of "POSTAGE" cut offAfrom pos. R.11/15 (S.G. #3v), plus the bottom left stamp shows a natural ink flaw, horizontal crease between the stamps and vertical scissors cut at bottom center betweem the stamps, otherwise Extremely Fine; a rare position multiple (Scott #3, 3vars; $1,400 for normal singles) ..........for singles £3,700
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The "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
S.G . Catalog or Estimated Value
165 ( * ) S.G. #4a, 1854 1/- Deep red-brown, unused, ample margins to just touching at left, deep rich color on fresh
white paper, small thin spot, Fine appearance (Scott #Sb; $1,500) ............................................................£ 1,500
166(* J S.G. #6a, 1855 1/- Pale brown unused (no gum), mostly generous margins to clear at left, good color on
fresh paper, Fine and scarce (Scott # 10; $3,000) ........................................................................................£3,500 S.G. #19, 1859 6d Grey-black, unused, margins clear to just touching, fresh color and characteristic worn impression, trivial corner crease at top right, otherwise Fine and rare (Scott #9 var.)_ ..............................£4,250
167 C* l
S.G. #25, 1860 2d Orange-vermillion, strikingly handsome unused bottom right corner sheet-margin block of four, with large even margins on the other two sides, vivid rich color on crisp white paper, faint vertical crease at center entirely between the stamps, otherwise Extremely Fine (Scott # 14; $360 for singles) ..£320
I68 r*Hl
S.G. #26a, 1864 4d Blue, watermarked sideways,right sheet-margin unused horizontal pair, with generous margins on the other three sides, deep rich color on fresh paper, faint creases, Very Fine appearance (Scott #15 var.) ................................................................................................................................................................£800
169(* J
170(* J S.G. #26 Var.,1864 4d Blue, watermarked upright inverted, left sheet-margin unused horizontal pair, with
ample to large margins on the other three sides, strong color on fresh paper, horizontal crease entirely in the bottom margin and vertical crease in the selvage only, still Fine and unusual (Scott # 15 var. ; $600 for normal singles) ................................................................................................................................................................£500
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The "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
S.G. Catalog or Estim ated Value
171 171 * S.G. #55b, 1879 2d Mauve, error of color, a choice appearing mint example of this exceedingly rare and
highly sought-after classic color error , with strong true color on fresh white paper , nicely centered, original gum , faint vertical crease at left not even noted on the accompanying certificate , Very Fine appearance; clear 1977 R.P.S. Certtificate (Scott #31a; $16,000) ................. ......................................................... ......... ............... £12 ,000
S.G. #71, 1876 2d Chrome-yellow, top sheet-margin horizontal pair, fresh and well centered, radiant color , original gum , lightly hinged, the left stamp Never Hinged, Very Fine (Scott #37; $150 for hinged) .......... £140
173 * S.G. #75, 1877 6d Lilac, horizontal pair, original gum , left stamp lightly hinged and right stamp h.r., Very
Fine (Scott #39; $280) ....................................... ........................... ...................... ........ .................... ................ £260
174 EX
176 EX
177 EX
174 * S.G. #124-28, 1902 2/- to £1 Victoria, attractively centered, rich fresh colors , the /\5/- with inverted water -
mark / original gum , Fine-Very Fine (Scott #84-88 ; $855+) ................................ ........................................ £645 175 * S.G. #134, 1902 2/- Bright red on yellow, perf. 11, vivid rich color on fresh paper , original gum , lightly
hinged, Very Fine (Scott #84a; $325) ................................... ............................................. ........ .................... £180 176 * S.G. #138-48, 1905-12 1/2d-5/- Definitives, cplt. , generally fresh and well centered, original gum , h.r., Fine-
Very Fine set (Scott #89-98; $303.25) ............... .............. .......... ............................. ...................................... £274 177 * S.G. #138-48, 1905-12 1/2d-5/- Definitives , cplt. , including most listed shade varieties, original gum, light-
ly hinged, h.r. or slightly glazed gum , Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #89-98 and shades ; $434 as cheapest) .......... .. ····································· ································ ···································... ·.. ·.······· ······································· ··········£440 December 8, 2007
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S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
I 78 EX
1/- with some lightly foxed perfs., otherwise Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 1-12; $1,275) ................................................................................£918
178 * S.G. #1-13, 1913 1/2d-5/- Kangaroo , original gum, 5/- h.r., five values below the
179 * S.G. #14, 1913 10/- Grey and pink, good color, original gum, light h.r., some lightly foxed perfs., otherwise
Very Fine (Scott # 13; $800)...... .....................................................................................................................£650 wonderfully well centered, strong fresh color, original gum, h.r., faint horizontal crease at top, otherwise Extremely Fine (Scott # 14; $2,000). ..........................................£I ,700
180 * S.G. #15, 1913 £1 Brown and Ultramarine,
18 1
used with neat 1913 Melbourne c.d.s., fresh colors and well centered, Very Fine (Scott # 14; 1,900) ........................................................................................................£1,800
18 I O S.G. #15, 1913 £1 Brown and ultramarine ,
184 EX
fresh mint single, with deep rich colors on crisp white paper, original gum, Fine (Scott #15; $5,000) ................................. ..................................................................................£3,750
182 * S.G. #16, 1913 £2 Black and rose,
183 0 S.G. #16, 1913 £2 Black and rose, vivid rich colors, neat Melbourne c.d.s., small thin spot, Fine appearance
(Scott #15; $2,750) ......................................................................................................................................£2,400 fresh, original gum, some h.r., Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 19-37; $338.50) ..............................................................................£318
184 * S.G. #20-23, 56-58 , 61-66 , 76-81 , 1914-24 1/2d-4 112d George V, nineteen different values,
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185 EX 185 * S.G. #24-28, 1915 2d-1/- Kangaroo , 186 * S.G. #29, 1915 2/- Brown,
S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
original gum, h.r., Fine-Very Fine (Scott #38-42; $815) ..............£615
bright color, original gum, Fine (Scott #43; $675) ........................................£450
187 * S.G. #30w, 1915 5/- Grey and yellow, watermark inverted,
radiant colors on bright paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine (Scott #44a; $1, l 00) ......................................................................................................£800
188 EX
188 * S.G. #35/42,40ba , 1915-27 2d-5/- Kangaroo,
the 1/- being the watermarked sideways variety, original gum, couple Ju ., the 1/- and 5/- Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Scott #45-48, 50-52, 54; $1,302.50) ................£606
189 * S.G. #43a, 1918 10/- Grey and bright aniline pink,
select mint example, particularly fresh, and well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine (Scott #55; $650) ........................................................£400
190 * S.G. #44, 1916 £1 Chocolate and dull blue,
excellent centering, original gum, small concealed thin spot, Very Fine appearance (Scott #56a; $2,400) ................................................................................................£2,250
191 * S.G. #44a, 1917 £1 Chestnut and bright blue, rich colors on fresh white paper, original gum, lightly hinged,
nearly Very Fine (Scott #56; $2,600) ..........................................................................................................£2,250
192 * S.G. #45, 1924 £2 Purple-black and pale rose,
vivid rich colors on fresh white paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine (Scott #59; $4,000)................................. ................................................................................£2,500
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S.G. Cata log or Estimated Value
193 193 * S.G. #45b, 1924 £2 Purple-black and pale rose, fresh and well centered, deep rich colors on bright paper ,
original gum, lightly hinged, choice Very Fine (Scott #59; $4,000) .......... ..................... ...........................£2,50 0
194 194 * S.G. #45b , 1924 £2 Purple-black and pale rose, deep rich colors , attractively centered with large margin s, original gum lightly hinged, Very Fine ; signed "AD" (Diena) and Raybaudi and accompanied bu 1980 Raybaudi certificate as S.G. #45 (Scott #59; $4,000) ...................................................... ..........................................£2,5 00
195 EX 195 * S.G. #73- 75, 73a, 1923-24 6d-£1 Kangaroo, 6d a horizontal pair , right stamp the broken leg variety, original gum , lightly hinged, Fine (Scott #49 ,49var., 53,57; $885+) ......... ...........................................................£654
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S.G. Cata log or Estimated Value
196 **EES.G.
#73a, 1923 6d Chestnut, leg of Kangaroo broken, the top right stamp in a block of four, sumptuously rich color, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Fine to Extremely Fine (Scott #49 var.) ..................£147
197 EX 197 *
198 EX
S.G. #107-12, 1929 6d-10/- Kangaroo, includes duplicate 9d and 2/- values, original gum, Ju . or lightly
hinged, Fine-Very Fine lot (Scott #96-101; $1,290) ......................................................................................£790 S.G. #132-37, 1932-35 6d-£1 Kangaroo, rich colors on fresh paper, original gum, lightly hinged, 2/- and £1 Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Scott #121-22, 125-28; $2,632) ..................................................................£985
198 *
S.G. #138, 1934 £2 Black and rose, rich colors on fresh paper, original gum, Fine (Scott #129; $3,250) .... ......................................................................................................................................................................£2,500
199 *
New Guinea
a choice mint example of this very rare error, particularly fresh and well centered, with both overprint impressions of equal strength, good colors, original gum, relatively lightly hinged, Extremely Fine (Scott # 1Oa; $5,750).........................................................................................................................................................£6,500
200. S.G. #lOc, 1914-15 "G.R.l./5d" Surcharge on 50pf Black and purple on buff, double surcharge,
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20 I 20 1 *
S.G. Ca talog or Estimated Value
203 EX
S.G. #85, 1915 £1 Brown and ultramarine, rich colors, original gum, fresh and Fine (Scott # 10; $500) ........................................................................................................................................................................£425
202 * S.G. #85, 1915 £1 Brown and ultramarine, rich colors on fresh white paper, original gum, lightly hinged,
Fine (Scott # 10; $500) ....................................................................................................................................£425 203
* S.G. #150-62 , 1931 ld-£1 Bird of Paradise cplt. bright colors, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine; a select set (Scott #18-30; $423).....................................................................................................................£350
205 EX
204 EX
206 EX
S.G. #163-76, 1931 ld-£1 Bird of Paradise air mail overprints cplt., original gum, 3d, 5d, 2/- to £1 Never Hinged, others lightly hinged or small h.r., fresh and Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #C 14-27; $324 for hinged) . ...... ·······························································································································································.........£375
204 .; ••
205 * S.G. #177-89, 1932-34 ld-£1 Bird of Paradise cplt., original gum, very lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine; a
choice set (Scott #31-45; $258)..................... ................................................................................................£225 206
* S.G. #190-203, 1932-34 ld-£1 Bird of Paradise air mail overprints cplt., original gum, lightly hinged or h.r., Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #C28-43; $298)...............................................................................................£250
208 EX
207 EX
S.G. #204-5, 1935 £2 and £5 Goldfields, excellent centering, £2 original gum, lightly hinged, £5 regummed,Very Fine (Scott #44-45; 885) ..................................................................................................£800
207 * <*)
S.G. #212-25 , 1939 1/2d-£1 Bulolo Goldfields cplt., light evenly toned original gum, lightly hinged or small h.r., Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #C46-59; $913)...............................................................................................£750
208 *
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S.G. Ca talog or Estim ated Value
209 EX
2 10 EX
2 11
cplt., mostly fresh and well centered, lovely bright colors, original gum, 5/- h.r., the others all lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #27-32; $441.50) ........................................£325
209 * S.G. #47/57, 1884-90 ld-£1 Victoria,
cplt, 6d no gum and stained, others all original gum, couple low values h.r., Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #37-43; $444.50) ... ..................................................................................£325
21O* S.G. #62/70, 1902 ld-£1 Edward VII
cplt., original gum with some values h.r., £1 evenly toned gum, still Fine-Very Fine (Scott #49-56; $260). ............................................................................................................£325
2 11 * S.G. #81-89, 1912-19 ld-£1 George V
2 12 EX
213 EX
2 14 EX
cplt., most values evenly toned original gum, lightly hinged or h.r. with some lower values a bit of glazed gum, otherwise Fine-Very Fine (Scott #70-84; $350) ....... ········································································································································································£265
2 12 * S.G. #111-25 , 1921-37 1/2d-£1 Staircase, George V
cplt., original gum or h.r., some lower values minor perf tip toning and/or some small foxing spots, otherwise Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 1-14; $306) ..£225
2 13 * S.G. #1/14w, 1933-37 3p-5R George V overprinted "Bahrain"
BARBADOS 2 14 * S.G. #105-15, 1902-03 1/4d-2/6 Colony Seal
cplt., original gum, most lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set(Scott #70-80; $251) .... ..........................................................................................................·····..............................£200
2 15 EX
2 16 EX
cplt., original gum, 8d-2/6 values lightly hinged, others h.r., Fine-Very Fine; 1Opand 2/6 signed Senf (Scott #81-89; $230).. ...................................................................£190
215 * S.G. #116-24, 1897-98 /4d-2/6 Diamond Jubilee
216 * S.G. #170-80, 1912-16 1/4d-3/- George V
cplt. bright colors, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine, an attractive set (Scott # 116-26; $215).. .............................................................................................................£ 180
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S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
2 17 EX
cplt., original gum, lightly hinged or small h.r., Fine-Very Fine set(Scott #83-93; $362).... ...............................................................................................................................£335
217 * S.G. #73-84, 1913-24 l/2d-5/- George V
2 19
2 18 EX
218 * S.G. #83-4, 1914-15 2/6 and 5/- Seahorses, Waterlow printings , fresh and well centered, original gum 2/6
lightly hinged and 5/- h.r., Very Fine (Scott #92-3; $315) ............................................................................£290 219• S.G. #84a , 1914 5/- Rose-carmine, Waterlow printing, double overprint , one albino , wonderfully fresh,
rich color, original gum, very lightly hinged, Fine (Scott #93b; $425) ........................................................£375
22 1 EX
222 EX
220 * S.G. #87a, 1919 5/- Bright carmine , D.L.R. printing , double overprint, one albino, rich color on fresh
white paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine; 1969 R.P.S. Certificate (Scott #93c; $525). ..............£450 221 * S.G. #88-89, 1920-23 2/6 and 5/- Seahorses, Bradbury-Wilkinson printing, rich colors on fresh white
paper, original gum, light h.r., Very Fine set (Scott #94-95; $240). ..............................................................£ I 95 222 * S.G. #88-89, 1920-23 2/6 and 5/- Seahorses, Bradbur y-Wilkinson printing, vivid rich colors, original gum,
2/6 light h.r. and 5/- lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #94-95; $240).... ...........................................£ 195 wholesale lot comprised of two 2/6 and for 5/- values, original gum, most lightly hinged, two h.r., Fine-Very Fine (Scott #94-95; $760) (No Photo) ........................................................................................................................................................................£610
223 * S.G. #88-89 , 1920-23 2/6-5/- Seahorses, Bradbury Wilkinson printing,
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224 EX 224
225 EX
S.G. Catal og or Estimated Value
226 EX
* S.G. #99-110, 1923 1/2d-10/- George V cplt., original gum with 5/- and I 0/- being lightly hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #105-16; $351) .......................................................................................................£275
S.G. #15-16, 1875 ld on 2d Dull blue and ld on 3d yellow-buff, good colors, regummed, Fine,-Very Fine
(Scott #13-14; $1,425) ................................................................................................................................£ 1150 S.G. #5lb-55, 1918 2/- to £1 George V cplt, original gum, lightly hinged, 2/6, 4/- and £1 Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #49-54; $833 for hinged). ..................................................................for hinged £600
226 */**
227 EX
228 EX
* S.G. #88-93, 92g, 1924-30 2/- to 12/6 Geroge V cplt, including both 10/- shades, all are well centered, original gum, some h.r., Very Fine set (Scott #94-97, 96a; $765) ......... ..............................................................£565
* S.G. #240-50, 1905-07 lc-96c Colony Seal cplt., original gum, fresh and Fine-VeryFine set (Scott #160-70;
BRITISH GUIANA $176) .. .............................................................................................................................................................£ 140 S.G. #251, 1905 $2.40 Green and Violet overprinted "Postage and Revenue", gorgeous fresh colors, original gum, Extremely Fine (Scott # 171; $190) .................................................................................................£ 160
229 *
230 EX
23 1 EX
232 EX
S.G. #259-69, 269a, 1913-21 lc-96c George V cplt., including the 96c "white back" variety, vivid colors, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine, elusive in this premium condition (Scott # 178-89; $167). ....£ 130
230 *
S.G. #84-93, 1904-07 lc- $5 Edward VII cplt., particularly fresh colors, original gum, $ I and $2 very lightly
hinged, others h.r., Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #62-71; $490) ..... ....................................................................£450 S.G. #101-10, 1913-21 lc-$5 George V cplt., including extra shade of I c, original gum, most lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #75-84; $358).........................................................................................................£325
232 *
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235 EX
G. Catalog or Estimated Value
236 EX
S.G. #124-37 , 1922-33 lc-$5 George V cplt., original gum, most lightly hinged including dollar values, FineVery Fine set (Scott #92-104; $272). ..............................................................................................................£275
233 *
* S.G. #48-50 , 1921 2/6-10/- Seahorses, seven mint sets, generally fresh and well centered, original gum, some h.r., most lightly hinged, Fine to Extremely Fine (Scott #62-64; $735).(No Photo) .................... ................£630
S.G. #Ll-10 , 1905 1/2d-1/- Edward VII overprinted "Levant" cpit., deep rich colors, original gum, FineVery Fine, an attractive set (Scott # 15-24; $133)... ........................................................................................£ 100
235 *
BRITISH SOLOMON ISLANDS S.G. #1-7, 1907 1/2d-1/- War Canoe cplt., fresh colors, original gum which is slightly disturbed on thel/-, usual rough perfs, Fine-Very Fine set(Scott #1-7; $309) ................ ...............................................................£250
236 *
237 EX
238 EX
S.G. #8-17, 1908-111/2d-5/- War Canoe cplt., original gum, 1/- to 5/- lightly or very lightly hinged, FineVery Fine set (Scott #8-18; $230).. .................................................................................................................£180
237 *
S.G. #22-38 , 1914-23 1/2d-£1 George V cplt., fresh colors, original gum, most lightly hinged, Fine-VeryFine, tough to find as nice as this (Scott #28-41; $455) .................... .....................................................................£400
238 *
239 EX
240 EX
24 l EX
* S.G. #23-33, 1907-10 lc-$1 River View cplt., includes Sc reversed watermark variety (SG #27x), fresh colors, original gum, h.r., Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 13/36)......... ..........................................................................£190
* S.G. #35/48, 49-50, 1908-22 lc-$5 River View, original gum with most values a bit of toning as often, $5 small bits of paper adherence on gum, Fine-Very Fine... ..............................................................................£222
24 1 *
S.G. #51-59 , 1922 lc-$1 Exhibition Overprints , 2c broken "N" var, 3c short "I" var, original gum with 1c25c values moderate even gum toning as often Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 14b-33a, $2!0+) .............................£192
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Lot ____
The "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
S.G. Catalog or Est imated Value
242 EX
244 EX
242 * Scott #98-103 , 1911 6c-15c Definitives , engraved
cplt., exceptionally fresh, well centered, original gum, each with only tiny trace of hinging, Very Fine set, all signed Rlchter (S.G. #111-16; £300).. ...................$350 243 * Scott #131-44, 145-59, 163-71, 183-99, 212-25 , 1923-33 Views, Gilbert all cplt., original gum, S.G. # 14962 and 164-78 even gum toning, lightly hinged or h.r., Fine-VeryFine sets (S.G. #149-62, 164-78, 179-87, 20920, 222-25, 228c, 236-49; ). (No Photo) .......................... .................. ................................................... .......$576 244 * Scott #172-82, 1931 lc-30c Pictorials, re-engraved
cplt, original gum, most lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (S.G. #198-208; £170)... ............................................................................................................................$216
245 * Scott #C2, 1919 $1.00 on 15c Scarlet,
intense color, original gum, Very Fine (S.G. # 143; £110).. .......$200
nicely centered, original gum, lightly hinged fresh and Very Fine; signed Brun, Champion and others (S.G. #221, £225).. .......................................................................$275
246 * Scott #C12, 1932 $1.50 on $1.00 Trans-Atlantic,
247 EX
cplt., original gum, 5c and 75c h.r., others lightly hinged, Very Fine set (S.G. #230-34; £150).................................................................................................................................$164
247 * Scott #C13-17, 1933 5c-75c Labrador
248 * Scott #Cl 8, 1933 $4.50 "Gen. Balbo Flight" surcharge on 75c Bister, fresh and well centered, original gum,
very lightly hinged, owner's handstamp on gum does not show through, choice Very Fine (S.G. #235; £275). .. ........................................................................................................................................................................$350
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The "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
S.G. Catalog or Estima ted Value
Nova Scotia
25 1 EX
249 1• l Scott #2, 1851 3d Bright blue, four large to huge margins, including a bit of the frame line from the adajcent stamp at upper left, bright fresh color and sharp impression, expertly regummed, Extremely Fine (S.G. #3, £ 1,000) ........ .................................................................................................................................................$1,100
CANADA ample to huge margins all around, vivid rich color on fresh white paper, square open grid cancel, Very Fine. ....................................................................................................................................$200
250 O Scott #4, 1852 3d Red,
original gum, 20c several h.r.'s, 50c lightly hinged, Fine (S.G. #11516; £475) ............ .............................................................................................................................................$750
25 1 * Scott #46-47, 1893 20c and 50c Victoria,
252 EX
cplt, quite fresh overall, original gum except 2c regummed,20c faint diagonal crease, and $1.00 small repair at top right, otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set (S.G. #121/ 140; £4,000) . .. ···················································..·················································································································$6,932
252 * Scott #50-65, 1897 1/2c - $5.00 Jubilee
.... •.
. •
.-... •
top margin "Ottawa No. 1" imprint block of eight, original gum, hinged in the selvage and the top left stamp, the other stamps Never Hinged, some vertical perf. separations at center re-joined by a hinge, otherwise Fine-Very Fine (S.G. #148; £640 for hinged singles) . ..........................for singles $3,325
253 . EE Scott #72, 1897 Sc Orange,
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S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
254 EX
255 EX
* Scott #74-84 , 1898-1902 l/2 c-20c Victoria cplt, generally well centered, original gum, 2c purple with some foxed perfs, otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set (S.G. # 150/65; £900). ............................................................$1,512
* Scott #74-84 , 1898-1902 1/2c-20c Victoria cplt, original gum, l/2c creased, 2c purple with some foxed perfs and 8c pulled perf, otherwise Fine-Very Fine (S.G. # 150/65; £900)...........................................................$1,512
. ..
. ..... ..
..... . • • • ,. .. ... ..
• 7
........······ ·····~······ ······•··········· .. ...
... " • • • •••I•• •
• ..... .. . • •. • • •. • • • • • • • • I••
256 256 *83
Scott #81, 1902 7c Olive yellow, an eye-catching left sheet-margin mint block of twelve, being incredibly
well centered throughout, with each stamp being beautifully centered within large margins, wonderfully fresh, original gum, three top stamps lightly hinged and nine stamps Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome (S.G. # 160; £780 for hinged)........ ...............................................................................................................$2,385
257 EX
258 EX
**/ * Scott #89-95 , 1903-08 lc-50c Edward, original gum which is somewhat disturbed on the 10c and 20c, 2c and Sc Never Hinged, le thin spot, 10c and 20c couple nibbed perfs, 50c corner crease, otherwise Fine-Very Fine (S. G. 173/87;£800). ............................................................................................................................$2,098
** Scott #104-22 , 1911-25 lc- $1.00 Admiral cplt set of eighteen values, fresh, original gum all except #'s 106 and 115 Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (S.G. 196/215, 246/55; £355 for hinged). ..............................$1,965
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s.G . Catalog or Estimated Value --
259 EX
Scott #195-201, 1932 lc-13c Definitves cplt, post office fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (S.G. #319-25;£1 I0 for hinged). ..............................................................................................................$281
259 **
PB Scott #226, 1935 50c Dull violet, top margin imprint and plate "Np. 1" block of six, outstanding centering, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine..................... ....................:..........._....................................$325
260 ..
26 I •• rn Scott #09 , 1949 50c Dark blue-green, left sheet-margin mint block of four, a few perf. separations at left,
original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine (S.G. #0169 ; £640). ...........................:.....:..:.., ................................$800
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S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
262 EX
263 EX
264 EX
S.G. #13-16, 1907 4d- 5/- Edward VII cplt, original gum , first three h.r., 5/- lightly hinged but with a lightly foxed perf , otherwise Flne-Very Fine (Scott # 13-17; $350) ........... ................................ ................ ............£275
262 *
* S.G. #33-34 , 1907 1/- and 10/- Edward, watermarked crown CA, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #29-30; $260) .... .......... ........... .......... ............................... ................................. ................................... .£220
264 * S.G. #40/52b , 1912-20 1/4d-l0/- George V cplt., original gum , lightly hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine
set(Sco tt #32-44 ; $383) .... .................. ............................... .......................................................... .................... £200
S.G. #52, 1914 10/- Deep green and red on green, luxuriant rich colors , prestine original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine (Scott #44a; $150 for hinged) .... .......... .................. ............................ .............for hinged £120
265 **
S.G. #53a, 1917 1 112d on 2 112d War Stamp, fraction bar omitted, the top right stamp in a block of four, fresh and well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine (Scott #MRI , MRla ; $183 for hinged) ... ........................... .............. ............. .................................................. ...................................................... .......... £196
266 **EE
267 EX
268 EX
267 *
S.G. #69/83, 1921-26 1/4d-l0/- George V unusually fresh colors , original gum, most including shilling values lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine ; a lovely set (Scott #50 -63; $176) . ....................... ............................ .............£ 130
* S.G. #84-95, 1932 1/4d-l0/- Centenary cplt. , original gum , lightly hinged, 10/- light even gum toning , other-
wise Fine-Very Fine (Scott #69-80 ; $466) ....... ............... ........................................... .................................. ..£400 December 8, 2007
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s.G.Catalog or Estimat ed Value
271 EX
270 EX
large margins to close but clear at lower right, vivid rich color, disturbed original gum, Fine; 1957 R.P.S. Certificate (Scott #10; $925).......................................................................£800
269 * S.G. #9, 1857 10d Dull vermilion,
cplt., particularly bright colors, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine; a select set (Scott # 166-77; $195) .........................................................................................£ 160
270 * S.G. #265-76 , 1903-05 2c-2R25c Edward VII
cplt., original gum with few lower values even gum toning as often, 1R h.r., others lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott # 178/96) .......................................................£I 50
27 1 * S.G. #292-300, 1910-11 2c-10R Edward VII
273 EX
272 EX
l0R dies I and II, vivid $342)........... ..£320 213a; colors, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine, elusive this nice (Scott #200-1,
272 * S.G. #301-02, 304-05 , 307, 310-18, 318b , 319, 1912-25 lc-20R George V, includes
original gum, most lighly hinged with few including 20R h.r., Fine-Very Fine, an attractive set (Scott #225-44; $246). ................................................................£245
273 * S.G. #338/57 , 1921-32 lc-20R George V, fresh colors,
nicely centered, fresh color, original gum, very lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #245; $245) ...........................................................................................................................................£500
274 * S.G. #358, 1924 SORDull purple,
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~ _ The "Roxburgh " Collection of Great Britain and E mpire
S.G. Ca talo g or Estimat ed Value
• ••• ••
275 ** S.G. #360, 1927 l00R Dull purple and blue,
a strikingly handsome top left corner sheet - margin control #1 mint single, incredibly well centered, deep luxuriant colors, original gum, hinged in the selvage only, the stamp Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice; signed "AD" (Diena) and Raybaudi and accompanied by 1908 Raybaudi certificate (Scott #247; $1,500 for hinged)....... ........................................................for hinged £ 1,400
276 EX
277 EX
278 EX
276 * S.G. #363-67 , 1927-29 1R-20R Geor ge V, original gum, Fine-Very Fine (Scott #254-58; $173)..
.........£ 170
277 * S.G. #28-36 , 1902 1/2d-1/- Definiti ves
cplt., original gum, usual rough perfs, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #3038; $211). ························································································································································£160
278 * S.G. #76-80 , 1921-23 2/- to £1 "RAROTO NGA" overprints
cplt., bright colors, original gum, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #67-71; $258).. .......................................................................................................................£250
279 EX
280 EX
279 * S.G. #98a, 98b, 118-21, 1932-44 2/6-£5 Arms ,
original gum, very lightly hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine (Scott# 103-08; $697)..... ................................................................................................................................£755
280 * S.G. #131-36 , 1943-54 2/6-£5 Arms
cplt., original gum, lightly or very lightly hinged, £3 erased pencil note on gum, Fine-Very Fine set(Scott # 124A-126C; $250).. ...............................................................................£400
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The "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
281 EX 28 I *
282 EX
283 EX
S.G. #40-49 , 1894-96 1/2pi-45pi Victoria cplt., original gum, some including 45pi h.r., Fine-Very Fine
set(Scott #28-37; $256)...................................................................................................................................£200
* S.G. #50-59 , 1902-04 l/2pi-45pi Edward VII cplt., original gum, many lightly hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #38-47; $619). ........................................................................................................................£500
* S.G. #60-71 , 1904-10 5pa-45pi Edward VII cplt., original gum, 45pi lightly hinged, others h.r., Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #48-59; $255) .. .......................................................................................................................£250
284 EX
S.G. #85-99 , 1912-15 10pa-45pi George V cplt., original gum, many including 45 pi lightly hinged, FineVery Fine set (Scott #72-86; $437) . ................................................................................................................£400
284 *
* S.G. #100 , 1923 10/- Green and red on pale yellow, rich colors on fresh paper, original gum, Very Fine (Scott #87; $425) .. .....................................................................................................................................................£375
* S.G. #102, 1924 £1 Purple and black on red, fresh and well centered, original gum, lightly hinged,Very Fine (Scott #110; $350) ...........................................................................................................................................£300
287 287 ** S.G. #ll 7a, 1928 £5 Black on yellow a highly desirable post office fresh mint single, intense color, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; seldom found in this pristine state of preservation (Scott #109; $3,200 for hinged) . ....................................................................................................................for hinged £3,000
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288 EX 288 *
289 EX
S.G. Catalog or Estima ted Value
290 EX
S.G. #123-32 , 1928 3/4pi-£1 Anniversary of British Rule cplt., light evenly toned original gum, otherwise
a Fine-Very Fine set (Scott # 114-23; $330) . ..................................................................................................£300
289 *
S.G. #4-9, 1877-79 112d - 1/- Victoria cplt, generally fresh and well centered, original furn, h.r., Very Fine;
infrequently offered as a set (Scott #4-9; $717) .. ...........................................................................................£627 290
* S.G. #27-36 , 1903-07 l/2d-5/- Island View, Edward VII cplt., original gum, lightly hinged or small h.r., FineVery Fine set (Scott #25-34; $227). ................................................................................................................£170
29 1 EX
292 EX
29 1 *
S.G. #37-46 , 1907-08 l/2d-5/- Island View, Edward VII cplt., original gum, some values including 5/- h.r., Fine-Very Fine set ..........................................................................................................................................£ 160
292 * S.G. #71-91 , 1923-33 l/2d-£1 Seal of Colony, George V cplt., bright fresh colors, includes shade varieties
of the 1 112d scarlet, 2 112d ultramarine and 3d red, original gum, lightly hinged or small h.r., Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #65-85; $417).. ...............................................................................................................................£325
293 *
S.G. #2, 1879 4d Grey-black , good color, original gum, light h.r., some nibbed perfs, otherwise Fine and
scarce; 1949 R.P.S. Certificate (Scott #2; $1,300).......................................................................................£1,200
294 EX 294 *
295 EX
296 EX
S.G. #60-69 , 1912-20 1/2d-£1 George V cplt., includes both shades of the 5/-, strong colors, original gum,
Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #30-40; $1,223).. ...................................................................................................£850 295 *
S.G. #73-80 , 1921-28 l/2d-3/- George V cplt., original gum, most including 3/- lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #41-48; $158) .. .......................................................................................................................£130
296 *
S.G. #116-26 , 1929-36 l/2d-£1 George V cplt., a select set with bright fresh colors, original gum, very lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine, scarce so nice (Scott #54-64; $724) .....................................................................£600
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The "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empi ~
s.G. Cata log or Estima ted Value
297 EX 297
* S.G. #127-38 , 1933 112d - £1 Centenary cplt, generally fresh and well centered, original gum, most lightly
hinged, Very Fine set (Scott #65-76; $3,554) ...............................................................................................£3,000
ll•l 11;iiUUltl=I
298 EX 298 *
299 EX
S.G. #118-24, 1906-12 1/2d-£1 Edward VII cplt., original gum, Fine-Very Fine .............. .....................£350
* S.G. #125-37 , 134b, 134d, 1912-23 ¼d-£1 George V cplt. including three different varieties of the 1/-, fresh colors, original gum, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #79-91, 88a; $408)..... ........................................................£305
* S.G. #1, 1869 4d Brown, uncommonly fresh mint example, four ample to large margins, sumptuously rich
GAMBIA color crisp clearn paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott # 1; $575).......................................£500
30 I EX
302 EX
303 EX
S.G. #57-58, 73-85 , 1904-09 1/2d-3/- Edward VII, rich colors, original gum, lightly hinged, a choice set (Scott #41-64; $340) .......................................................................................................................................£300
30 1 *
* S.G. #86-102 , 1912-22 1/2d-5/- George V cplt., bright fresh colors, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine; scarce so nice (Scott #70-86; $143) .......................................................................................................£ 130
* S.G. #118-42 , 1922-29 1/2d-5/- George V cplt., original gum, most light hinged, 10/- light even gum toning, otherwise Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 102-24; $230). ..........................................................................................£210
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The "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
S.G . Catalog or Estimated Value
304 EX
305 EX
306 EX
304 * S.G. #1-7, 1886 112d - 1/- Victoria cplt , fresh mint set, good colors and nicely centered, original gum, light-
ly hinged or h.r., Fine-Very Fine (Scott # l-7 ;$ 1,219) ............. .................. ................... ............... ................£1,100 305 *
1• 1 S.G. #8-14, 1886-87 112d - 1/- Victoria cplt, fresh colors , original gum except 2 112d and 4d regummed (£160), Fine-Very Fine (Scott #8/20; $569) .. ............... ..................................................................... .............£550
306 * S.G. #15-21, 1889 Sc on 112d - 75c on 1/- Victoria surcharges cplt , original gum , low values h.r., others
lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #22-28 ; $252) ................................... ...................... ...................... ..£ 180
307 307 * S.G. #23b, 1889 10c Carmine, value omitted, an attractive mint example of this rare and sought-after error ,
vivid rich color , original gum , lightly hinged, several toned spots on gum which are not readily visable on face , otherwise Fine, signed Holcombe (Scott #30a; $6,000) . ........................................................ ....................£5,500
308 * S.G. #64 , 1908 £1 Deep purple and black on red, well centered, some light rubbing as usual , original gum,
h.r., Very Fine (Scott #64; $600) ......... ...........................'......................... ................. ........ ............................... £500 309 * S.G. #72-74 , 1910-11 2/- to 8/- Edward VII, fresh and well centered, rich colors, original gum, lightly hinged,
Very Fine (Scott #60, 62-63;$410) .. ................... ............ ............................................ ........ ............................£380 310 * S.G. #76-85, 1912-24 , 112d - £1 George V cplt, good colors , original gum which is somewhat disturbed on
the £1, some h.r., Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #66-75 ; $357) ....................................... .................... .............. ..£275 December 8, 2007
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The "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
3 11 EX
S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
312 EX
cplt, fresh original gum, most lightly hinged, 2/- h.r. and 4/- NH, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #76/90; $380).........................................................................................................£325
3 11 * S.G. #89-101, 1921-27 112d - 8/- George V
312 * S.G. #102-07 , 1925-32 1/- to £1 George V
cplt, deep rich colors on fresh paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine set (Scott #84/92; $270).................................................................................................................£200
3 13
a handsome mint example of this always popular high value, wonderfully fresh, vivid rich colors, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #93; $1,750). ......................£1,300
313 * S.G. #108 , 1925 £5 Violet and black ,
3 14 EX
3 15 EX
3 16
cplt, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine set (Scott #107; $ 146). ····················································....................................................................................................................£150
3 14* S.G #1-7, 1911112d - 1/- Edward VII
315 * S.G. #12-23 , 27-32, 1912-27 l/2d-10sh George V, original gum,
lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Scott #1425, 27-31; $285). ············································································································································£256 fresh and well centered, rich colors, original gum, Very Fine and scarce (Scott #26; $650)...........................................................................................................................£550
316 * S.G. #24, 1924 £1 Purple and black on red,
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The "Roxburgh " Collection of Great Britain and Empire
S.G. Ca talog or Estim ated Value
3 18
3 19 EX
fresh mint example of this scarce and difficult stamp, deep rich color on white paper, original gum, small h.r., Fine (Scott #3, $750) ........ ...........................................................................£700
317 * S.G. #3, 1875 6d Orange ,
318 * S.G. #25, 1894 20/- Dull mauve and black on red,
particularly fresh, gorgeous rich colors, original gum, very lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #25; $190) ... ........................................................................................£ 160
3 19 * S.G. #38-48, 1902 112d - 20/- Edward VII
cplt, original gum which is disturbed on the two top values, Fine set (Scott #38-48; $342). ................................................................................................................................£275
320 EX 320
32 1 EX
* S.G. #59-68, 1907-13 1/2d-5/- Edward VII cplt., original gum, most lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott
#56-65; $172) ............ .....................................................................................................................................£130 321 * S.G. #70-84, 1913-21 l/2d-20/-George V
cplt., unusually fresh colors, original gum, lightly hinged, FineVery Fine; an attractive set (Scott #69-80; $247)....... ....................................................................................£ 140
322 EX
322 * S.G. #100 ,lO0a, 1921-24 25/- Dull Purple and green, die I and die I,
both fresh and with rich colors, original gum, former trivial h.r. and latter very lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #94,94a; $275) ......................£270
323 * S.G. #102, 1921 £2 Green and orange ,
fresh mint single, deep luxuriant colors, original gum, very lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #95; $450)....... ........................................................................................................£425
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.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
326 EX
325 EX
324 324 *
S.G. #12, 1873 6d Orange-Vermillion , deep rich color, original gum, h.r., s.e. at base, otherwise Fine (Scott
325 *
S.G. #38-47, 1902 1/2d-10/- Edward VII cplt., original gum, most lightly hinged, 3d some perf tip toning,
326 *
S.G. #67-76 , 1904-06 l/2d-10/- Edward VII cplt., fresh colors, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine;
#SD; $925) ......................................................................................................................................................£700
still Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #48-57; $241) .................................................................................................£ 173
scarce this nice (Scott #58-67; $485)..... ........................................................................................................£350
328 EX
327 EX
S.G. #77-88 , 1906-111/2d-10/- Badge of Colony cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-VeryFine set (Scott #68-78; $281) ................. ................................................................................................................................£250
327 *
S.G. #112-34 , 1921-32 l/2d-10/- George V cplt., fresh colors, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine set (Scott #91-112; $ 132) . ....................................................................................................................................£1l 0
328 *
329 EX 329 * S.G. #17/21 , 1922 2/6-10/- Seahorses cplt., original gum, 2/6 trivial h.r., others lightly hinged, Very Fine to £225 Extremely Fine set (Scott # 12-14; $315) ......................................................................................................
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The "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
330 EX 330 *
S.G. #l 7/21, 1992 2/6- 10/- Seahorses cplt , fresh and well centered, original gum , small h.r., Very Fine set (Scott # 12-14; $300) ... ............................... ............... ............... ........... ............... .............................................£225
33 1 EX 33 1 *
S.G. #l 7/21, 1992 2/6- 10/- Seahorses cplt , original gum , small Ju ., Fine to Extremely Fine set; 10/- with 1982 Brandon certificate (Scott # 12-14; $300) . .............................. ..............................................................£225
332 EX 332 *
S.G. #l 7/21, 1992 2/6- 10/- Seahorses cplt, original gum , 10/- trivial h.r., other s lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott # 14-16; $300) . .............................. ...................................... ............................... .....................£225
• •• ••• ••• ••
••• •• •• •• •
333 EX 333 **
S.G. #17, 19, 1922 2/6 Chocolate-brown and 5/- Rose-red, hand some top corner margin mint singles , original gum , h.r. in the selvage only, the stamp s both Never Hinged, form er Very Fine and latter Fine (Scott # 1213; $300) . .................... ..................................................................................... ...............................................£115
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The "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
S.G. Ca talog or Estimated Value
334 EX
cplt., the 2/6 being the scarcer reddish-brown shade, original gum, 2/6 lu ., the others lightly hinged, Fine to Extremely Fine set (Scott # 12-14; $315+) ........................................£285
334 * S.G. #18-21 , 1922 2/6-10/- Seahorses
full perforations and quite fresh, original gum, h.r., Very Fine (Scott #36; $200).. .....................................................................................................................................................£225
335 * S.G. #44, 1922 2/6 Chocolate-brown
336 * S.G. #45, 1922 5/- Rose-red ,
original gum, lightly hinged, nearly Very Fine (Scott #37; $225)... ..........£250
337 EX
cplt, brownish original gum, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #56-58; $325). ········································································································································································£302
337 * S.G. #64-66 , 1922 2/6- 10/- Seahorses
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S.G. Catalog or Estima ted Value
338 338
* S.G. #64b, 1922 2/6 Chocolate-brown, accent omitted, well centered, original gum, h.r., tiny thin spot, otherwise Very Fine (Scott #56a; $450) ...............................................................................................................£450 S.G. #65b, 1922 5/- Rose-red, accent reversed, wonderfully fresh with gloriously rich color, original gum, bery lightly hinged, Very Fine and scarce (Scott #57 Var) . ............................................................................£800
339 *
340 EX 340
* S.G. #83-85, 1925-28 2/6- 10/- Seahorses, narrow date cplt, original gum, h.r., Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #77-79; $270) ................................................................................................................................................£225
34 1 34 1 **
S.G. #83a, 1927 2/6 Chocolate-brown, wide and narrow date pair, vertical pair, top stamp the narrow date, wonderfully fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, weak perfs and top stamp with trivial gum inclusion, still Very Fine (Scott #77A; $500) .. ...............................................................................................................................£275
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S.G. Cata log or Estimated Value
342 342 *
S.G. #86a, 1927 2/6 Chocolate-brown, wide date, circumflex accent over "a", pos. R. 9/2, fresh and bright,
original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #77b Var)...............................................................................£275 S.G. #86a, 1927 2/6 Chocolate-brown , wide date, circumflex accent over "a", pos. R. 9/2, deep color on fresh white paper, original gum, very lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #77b Var).........................................£275
343 *
. .... ... •
S.G. #86a, 1927 2/6 Chocolate-brown , wide date, circumflex accent over "a", the top right stamp in a mint block of four, boasting near perfect centering, strong and intact perforations, original gum, top pair very lightly hinged and the bottom stamps Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a gem block in every regard (Scott #77b, 77bVar). ........................................................................................................................................for hinged £419
344 **/* 83
S.G. #87a, 1927 5/- Rose-red, wide date, circumflex accent over "a"', pos. R. 9/2, gloriously rich color on fresh paper, nicely centered, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #78b Var).................................£425
345 *
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The "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empir!__
S.G. Catalog or Estima ted Value
346 EX 346 *
S.G. #99-101, 1935 2/6- 10/- Seahorses, re-engraved cplt, excellent centering and very fresh, original gum,
each with only a tiny trace of hinging, an Extremely Fine set (Scott #93-95; $763).....................................£375
347 347 *
S.G. #101, 1935 10/- Indigo re-engraved, intense color and excellent centering, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine (Scott #95; $500) ..................................................................................................................£300
348 EX 348 *
S.G. #102-04, 1937 2/6- 10/- St. Patrick cplt, fresh and well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine
set (Scott #96-98; $260). ................................................................................................................................£425
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Th ~ Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empire G.
S.G. Ca talog or Estim ated Value
350 EX
349 349 *
S.G. #1-6, 1860 ld - 1/- Victoria, generally quite fresh for this difficult issue, original gum except 4d
regummed (cat. £200), Fine and scarce (Scott # 1-6; $1,085).........................................................................£870 most lightly hinged, ................£346 ............................................. ............................................. . $484) 46-54; #37-45, (Scott Fine Very
350 * S.G. #37, 39, 41-45 , 46-56, 1905-11 1/2d-2/- Coat of Arms, George V, original gum,
35 I EX
352 EX
353 EX
cplt., original gum, 1R gum toning spot, still a Very Fine set; 3R signed Senf (Scott #54-71; $857).. ...........................................................£550
35 1 * S.G. #49-63 , 1895-96 1/2a-5R Victoria overprinted "British East Africa"
S.G. #49-63, 1895-96 1/2a-5R Victoria overprinted "British East Africa" cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, 2R-5R tiny gum toning spots as often, otherwise Very Fine; 2R-5R signed (Scott #54-71; $857)... ...... ········································································································································································£550
352 *
1• 1 S.G. #65- 79, 1896 1/2a-5R Victoria cplt., original gum except 2 l/2a and 3R unused, some h.r., 4 l/2a small thin spot, otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #72-87 (less la rose); $457) .. ...................................£325
353 *
354 EX
355 EX
cplt., original gum, l a disturbed gum, ................................£300 ............................ ............................................. $393) Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #88-93;
354 * S.G. #80-85 , 1897 l/2a-7 1/2a Overprinted "British East Africa"
vibrant colors, original gum, h.r., Very Fine (Scott #102a-06; $1,048) . .. ......................................................................................................................................................................£1,010
355 * S.G. #92-96, 1897 IR-SR Victoria,
an especially choice mint example of this high value, marvelously fresh, radiant color, virtually perfect centering, original gum, lightly hinged, an Extremely Fine gem (Scott # I 08; $875). ········································································································································································£800
356 * S.G. #98, 1897 20R Pale green,
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S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
S.G. #99, 1897 SORMauve, a select mint example of this scarce high value, incredibly fresh, with strong color on bright white paper, nicely centered, original gum, very lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott # 109; $1,900). ······································································································································································£1,600
357 *
358 EX
S.G. #1/14, 1903 l/2a/10R EdwardVII, complete for series less the 3R, original gum, many lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #1/14; $706)......................................................................................................................... £615
358 *
S.G. #15, 1903 20R Grey and stone, strong fresh colors on clean white paper, original gum, h.r., Fine (Scott #15; $625). ......................................................................................................................................................£550
359 *
360 360 *
S.G. #16, 1903 SORGrey and red-brown,an extraordinarily choice mint example of this scarce high value, possessing outstanding centering and a marvelous overall freshness which belies its age, rich colors on bright white paper, full and even perforations, original gum, barest trace of hinging, Extremely Fine; a true gem for the finest collection, (Scott# 16; $1,600).....................................................................................................£ 1,500
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S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
36 1 EX
original gum, many lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine, with the ..... ..................................................................................£5 l 5 $554) /29a; #17 (Scott fresh particularly 1ORbeing
36 1 * S.G. #17-31 , 1904-07 1/2a-10R Edward VII,
rich colors on fresh paper, nicely centered, original gum, Very Fine £550 . (Scott #30; $625) ............................................................................................................................................
362 * S.G. #32, 1907 20R Grey and stone,
a pleasing mint example of this scarce high value, featuring glocentered, original gum, h.r., Very Fine (Scott #30A; $1,750). nicely riously rich color without a trace rubbing, ................................................£1,700 ......................................................................................................................
363 * S.G. #33, 1907 SOR Grey and red-brown,
364 EX
set incl some shade varieties, original gum, FineVery Fine (Scott #40/54; $407+) .....................................................................................................................£300
364 * S.G. #44/58, 1912-21 lc/lOR George V, 34 values from the
incredibly fresh mint single, rich luxuriant colors, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; an elusive stamp in this state of preservation, signed Roumet (Scott #55; $350 for hinged) ..........................................................................................................................for hinged £350
365 ** S.G. #59, 1912 20R Black and purple on red,
vivid rich colors on uncommonly fresh paper, original gum, lightly hinged, nearly Very Fine (Scott #55; $350) ... ......................................................................................£350
366 * S.G. #59, 1912 20R Black and purple on red,
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S.G . Catalog or Estimated Value
367 * S.Gg #60, 1981 20R Purple and blue on blue, beautifully centered rich fresh colors, origina l gum , very
lightly hinged, just a hint of gum toning at base, still Very Fine( Scott #356 ; $400) .....................................ÂŁ400 368 * S.G. #61, 11912 SORFull rose-red and dull greyish green, a choice mint example of this high value , excep-
tionally fresh and well centered, strong unrubbed colors , original gum , tiny trace of hinging , coice Very Fine ; signed Roumet (Scott #57, $625) . .................................. ..................................................................... ........... ÂŁ600
369 369 ** S.G. #62, 1912 lOORPurple and black on red, an eye-arresting top right corner sheet-margin control no.
1 single with counting number 49, being in a quality that is quite unlike any other we have encountered, being in an absolutely pristine state of preservation , with gloriously rich colors on immacu late paper , plus its center ing would be impossible to improve upon , while its reverse reveals unblemi shed origina l gum which is Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine; an amazing Gem for the most condition concious collector (Scott #58; $6,000 for hinged) .. .......................................................... ................................................................. ..........for hinged ÂŁ5,500
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S.G. Ca talog or Estim ated Value
S.G. #63, 1912 S00R Green and red on green, a stunning mint example of this high value rarity, being in a quality that would be impossible to improve upon as this fabulous stamp feataures near perfect centering, gloriously rich colors on exceptionally fresh paper as well as full perforations all around, while its reverse reveals full original gum with only the faintest trace of possible hinging (if at all), an Extremely Fine gem, among the finest quality examples of one of the rarest stamps of British Africa; signed A. Diena and Raybaudi and accompanied by 1971 Diena cetificate (Scott #59, $22,000)..... ........................................................................£22,000
370 *
37 1 EX
S.G. #76-95 , 1922-27 lc-£1 GeorgeV, rich colors, original gum, lightly hinged with the 1/- £1 values barest trace of hinging, Fine-Very Fine, a select short set of these popular issues (Scott # 18-37; $446) . ..............£350
371 *
S.G. #96, 1925 £2 Green and purple, a gorgeous left sheet-margin mint single, post office fresh and well centered, rich luxuriant colors on crisp white paper, pristine original gum, neer hinged, choice Very Fine; scarce in this premium quality; signed Champion and Roumet (Scott #38; $725 for hinged)............... for hinged £700
372 **
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S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
373 373
** S.G. #97, 1925 £3 Purple and yellow, an exciting post office fresh top sheet-margin mint single, well centered, with radiant colors on bright white paper, immaculate original gum, lightly hinged in the selvage only, the stamp Never Hinged, Very Fine; signed Champion in the sheet margin (Scott #39, $1,100 for hinged). ............ ......................................................................................................................................................for hinged £950
374 374
** S.G. #98, 1925 £4 Black and magenta , a pleasing mint example of this scarce high value, boasting a marvelous overall freshness few others still retain, well cenered, gorgeous rich colors on white paper, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; signed champion (Scott #40; $1,850 for hinged) ..........for hinged £ 1,900
375 375
* S.G. #99, 1925 £5 Black and blue, a handsome mint single, strong fresh colors, excellent centering, full perforations, original gum, h.r., choice, Very Fine (Scott #41; $2,000) ...........................................................£2,250
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S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
S.G. #102, 1925 £25 Black and red, a collectable example of this rare and sought after high value, deep luxuriant colors, skillfully regummed, Fine (Scott #41c; $21,500). ..............................................................£23,000
376 1*)
378 EX
377 EX 377 *
S.G. #110-23, 1935-37 lc-£1 George V cplt., original gum, most lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott
#46-59; $348). ················································································································································£275
378 *
S.G. #16-28 , 1929-37 1/2a-10R George V overprinted "Kuwait", cplt. to I0R (less 2a vermilion, SG # 19b),
original gum, many including l0R lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 17-34; $526). ............................£390
S.G. #1-8, 1890 1/2d-5/- Victoria cplt., original gum, ld and 7d toned o.g., h.r., Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 1-8; $191) .. .............................................................................................................................................................£160
379 *
S.G. #9-16, 112d - 5/1 Jubilee cplt, 2 112d unused (no gum) and lightly toned at upper left (cat. £6), others all original gum, Fine-Very Fine (Scott #9-16; $820). ..................................................................................£600
380 *
S.G. #29-35 , 41-45, 1905-11 l/2p-5sh Edward VII, original gum, most lightly hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine (Scott #29-40; $290). ..............................................................................................................................£259
38 1 *
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382 EX
382 * S.G. #59-80 , 1921-32 1/2d-£1 George V, cplt. less the
S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
384 EX
/4dvalue, original gum, lightly or very lightly hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine; a select set (Scott #62-83; $443)...........................................................................£400
Straits Settlements 383 * S.G. #105, 1989 $5 Orange and carmine,
rich colors, original gum, small h.r., Very Fine (Scott #88; $500). ········································································································································································£325
384 * S.G. #110-21, 1902-03 lc-$5 Edward VII
cplt., moderately toned original gum, otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #93-104; $440)......... ......................................................................................................................£350
385 EX
386 EX
385 * S.G. #127-36, 138, 155, 159, 161, 162, 164-67, 1904-12 lc/$5 Edward VII,
original gum, with a good number moderately toning as often, many lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 109-28 (less # 125); $780) ... £639
386 * S.G. #141-51 , 1906 lc-$1.00 Surcharges
cplt, plus an extra 4c with shifted overprint, original gum, h.r., 3c tiny thin (cat. £20) and $ 1.00 with some toned perfs (cat. £48), otherwise Fine-Very Fine (Scott # l 34A-44; $557). ····················································································································································..........£350
387 EX
388 EX
387 ** S.G. #248-49, 1922 $2 and $5 Malaya-Borneo Exhibition,
remarkably fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Scott #166d-67d; $305 for hinged) .......................................................................................£301
388 * S.G. #260-74 , 1936-37 lc-$5 George V
cplt., original gum, many including dollar values lightly hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #217-34; $153) .... ...........................................................................................£190
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The "Roxburgh " Collection of Great Britain and Empire
S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
389 EX
39 1 EX
390 EX
389 * S.G. #1-8, 1900 lc-50c Overprinted "Federated Malay States " cplt., original gum with some usual light
even toning, many lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott # 1-8; $580)... ..................................................£ 190 S.G. #9-12, 1900 5c-$2 Overprinted "Federated Malay States ", original gum, 5c toned and $2 disturbed, Fine-Very Fine (Scott #9-12; $446).. .............................................................................................................£405
390 *
39 I * S.G. #15/22 , 1900-01 lc-50c Tiger, includes shades of I c(3), 3c(2), 8c(2), I 0c(3), original gum with usual
light to moderate toning, 20c light crease, otherwise Fine-Very Fine (Scott #l 8a-25b+ shades; $480+) ........... .. ········································································································································································£400
393 EX
392 EX
S.G. #28-50 , 1904-22 lc/$5 Definitives , 21 values from the set with shade varieties of the 4c(2), 5c(3), 8c(2), 10c(4), 50c(3), $1(2), original gum with some of the oft-encountered light to moderate toning, Fine-Very Fine (Scott #26a-36 + shades; $847+). ..................................................................................................................£8 15
392 *
393 * S.G. #52-81 , 1922-34 lc-$5 Definitives, with extra shade varietis of SG #74 and 76, original gum, mostly
lightly hinged including $5 values, fresh and Fine-Very Fine; scarce so nice (Scott #49-75, 77-79, 73a; $573). ········································································································································································£425 Johore
394 EX
394 **EE S.G. #49-53 , 1898 $1-$5 Sultan Ibrahim, extraordinarily fresh mint blocks of four the $5 with a sheet
margin at left, lovely bright colors on crisp clean paper, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine; rarely found in this pristine state of preservation (Scott #47-51; $940 for hinged). ..........for hinged £868 December 8, 2007
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S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
395 EX
396 EX
397 EX
S.G. #103-25, 1922-40 le - $10 Sultan Ibrahim, original gum, mostly lightly hinged, gum toning affects 25c, $3 and $5 values and $10 with a couple barely foxed perfs, otherwise Fine-Very Fine (Scott #101-22; $504)... ········································································································································································£500
395 *
S.G. #1-23, 1902-21 lc-$5 Definitives cplt., fresh colors despite most values with gum toning as often, some h.r., Fine-Very Fine sets (Scott #1-20; $279).................................................................................................£235
396 *
397 *
S.G. #26-40, 52-59, 1921-40 lc-$5 Definitives cplt., original gum with good number of values usual gum toning, many lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine sets (Scott #23-45; $203).........................................................£2 l 2
398 EX
399 EX
S.G. #60-68, 1937 lOc-$5 Sultan cplt., light evenly toned original gum, lightly hinged or h.r., Fine-VeryFine (Scott #46-54; $229)............. ..........................................................................................................................£225
398 *
S.G. #40-54, 1937-40 lc-$5 Sultan IsmaiJcplt, rich colors on fresh paper, original gum, most lightly hinged, Very Fine set (Scott #29-43; $864).................................................................................................................£800
399 *
Negri Sembilan
400 EX
S.G. #21/38, 1935-41, lc-$2 Arms, set to the $2 lacking only the 15c value in mint blocks of four, post office fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine (Scott #31-34 less #28A; $263.20 for hinged) .................. ...................................................................................................................................................... for hinged £419
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S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
40 I EX
402 EX
403 EX
cplt, fresh and well centered, original gum, most lightly £ 130 .......................................................................................... . 7) $13 #45-59; (Scott set Fine hinged, Fine-Very
401 * S.G. #68-85, 1935-41 lc-$5 Mosque and Sultan
Trengganu 402*
S.G. #1-17 , 9a, 1910-19 lc-$5 Sultan Zain ul ab din, generally fresh and well centered, original gum, $3
with light paper adhesion on gum, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #la-1 8; $450).................................................£403
MALTA 1 403 * S.G. #45-63 , 1904-14 /4d-5/- Edward VII cplt. with extra shades of /4dand 112d, original gum, many light1
ly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #28-45; $312)..... ..................................................................................£250
404 EX
405 EX
406 EX
cplt., original gum, most h.r., Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #66-73; $522). ······························································································································································£425 1
404 * S.G. #97-104, 1921-22 /4d-l0/- George V
T" overprints cplt. original gum, some small h.r., FineVery Fine set (Scott #77-84; $354) .................................................................................................................£325
405 * S.G. #106-13, 1922 1/2d-5/- "SELF GOVERNME
cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #86-93; $225). ................................................................................................£190
406 * S.G. #114-21, 1922 1/4d-l0/- "SELF GOVERNMENT" overprints
407 EX
408 EX
409 EX
cplt., including both shades of the£ 1 value, original gum, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #98-114, I 14a; $437) ....... ......................................................................................................£325
407 * S.G. #123-40, 1922-26 ¼d-£1 "Malta"
cplt, original gum, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott # 131-47; $182)....... ········································································································································································£]40
408 * S.G. #157-72, 1926-27 1/4d- $ Definitives
* S.G. #193-209 , 1930 1/4d-l0/- Definitives cplt., original gum, most lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott # 167-83; $201).. .............................................................................................................................................£190
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S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
50 RUPEES 410
S.G. #27, 1858 (4d) Green, ample to large margins all around deep rich color, original gum, Very Fine, signed "AD" (Diena) (Scott #9; $500) ......................................................................................................................£450
4 10 *
S.G. #222, 1924 SORDull purple and green, excellent centering, original gum, very lightly hinged, light diagonal bend which does not break the paper, otherwise Very Fine (Scott #200; $900).............................£700
4 11 *
S.G. #9, 1884 2 ½d Red-brown, rich color on fresh white paper, original gum, Very Fine (Scott #3; $300). ········································································································································································£250
413 EX
414 EX
415 EX
413 *
S.G. #14-23, 1903 ½d-5/- Seal of Colony, Edward VII cplt., original gum, 5/- lightly hinged, fresh and FineVery Fine set (Scott # 12-2 1; $210).... .............................................................................................................£180 S.G. #24-33, 1904-08 1/id-S/- Seal of Colony, Edward VII cplt., original gum, 5/- small h.r., Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #22-31; $257).. ...............................................................................................................................£200
414 *
S.G. #35-47, 40a, 1908-14 1/2d-S/- Seal of Colony, Edward VII cplt. including 3p "white back" variety, original gum, lightly hinged or small h.r., Fine-Very Fine (Scott #31A-41; $168). ............................................£229
415 *
416 EX
S.G. #84-93, 1932 /2d-S/- Tercentenary cplt., original gum, 5/- lightly hinged, others h.r., Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #75-84; $193). ................................................................................................................................£150
416 *
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S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
4 18 EX
4 17 EX
cplt.,original gum, fresh and ...............£200 .......................................................................................... $255) Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #20-26;
417 * S.G. #17-23, 1903-05 5c-2P Edward VII overprinted "Morocco Agencies"
/zd-2/6 Edward VII overprinted "Morocco Agencies" cplt., original gum, most including 2/6 lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #201-08; $ 180) ..... ..................................................£ 150
418 * S.G. #31-38, 1907-13
five mint sets, fresh and well cen(No Photo) ..................£465 $525) 18-19; #2 (Scott tered, original gum, lightly hinged, few h.r., Very Fine sets
419 * S.G. #53-54, 1914-31 2/6-5/- Seahorses Bradbury Wilkinson printing,
five mint sets, all well centered, original gum, one set $362.50) ( o Photo) ............................£325 #242-43; (Scott better or Fine Very h.r., others all lightly hinged,
420 * S. G. #72-73, 1935-37 2/6-5/- Seahorses , re-engraved,
423 EX
422 EX
42 1 EX
all wonderfuly well centered, rich fresh colors, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine set (Scott #55a, 55-57; $ 188)..... ..........................................................£167
42 1 * S.G. #139, 136, 138; 1914-26 2/6 - 10/- Seahorses,
well centered, original gum, lighly hinged, Very Fine set (Scott #55-57; $178) ......................................................................................................................................£167
422 * S.G. #140, 136, 138, 1914-26 2/6- 10/- Seahorses ,
original gum, lightly hinged except 5/- small h.r., very Fine set (Scott #56, 57a; $178)..... ..................................................................................................................£157
423 * S.G. #139, 1236, 141, 1914-26 2/6 - 10/- Seahorses,
425 EX
Well centered, full even perforations, original gum, h.r. choice very Fine; 1982 R.P.S. Certificate (Scott #56a; $150) ....... ....................................................................................£ 140
424 * S.G. #173, 1914 5/- Pale rose-carmine ,
NAURU cplt., original gum, most lightly hinged including 10/- very lightly hinged, high values even gum toning as often, Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 116; $670)........... ..............................................................................................................................................£585
425 * S.G. #1/12, 20, 22, 23, 24, 1916-23 1/id-10/- George V overprinted "Nauru"
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S.G. Cata log or Estimated Value
426 426
* S.G. 317, 1916 5/- Rose-carmine , Waterlow printing, an especially handsome and choice mint example of this very elusive stamp, possessing outstanding centering, luxuriant color and full perforations all around, original gum, very ilghtly hinged, Extremely Fine; a nicer example would be a challenge to locate, 1984 B.P.A..... Certificate (Scott # 14b; $2,500)...................................................................................................................£2,500
••• •• ••• •• ••• ·•• 427 427
* S.G. #18, 1916 10/- Indigo-blue, Waterlow printing , an especially desirable left sheet margin mint example of this most sought after British Oceanea rarity, with characteristic intense color on bright paper, original gum, very lightly hinged, Very Fine; a superior example of this very rare stamp; 1978 B.P.A.Certificate (Scott # 15c; $8,000) ... ....................................................................................................................................................£ l 0,000
428 EX
428 * S.G. #24, 22, 23, 1916-23 2/6- 10/1 Seahorses ,
original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 13-15; $495). ······························································································································································£440
429 * S.G. #23, 1916-23 10/- Pale blue, De la Rue printing ,
nicely centered and fresh, full perforations, original gum, very lightly hinged, Very Fine; 1978 R.P.S.Certificate(Scott #15; $300) ..........................................£250
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S.G. Ca ta log or Estimated Value
43 1
430 EX
S.G. #4-9, 1908 1/zd-1/- Edward VII Overprints Wmk... Crown CA, light even gum toning as often, FineVery Fine (Scott # 1-6; $216)...........................................................................................................................£180
430 *
NEW ZEALAND 431 * 432
S.G. #186, 1878 5/- Grey, uncommonly fresh, orignial gum, lightly hinged, Fine (Scott #60; $550).......£375
* S.G. #259, 1898 5/- Vermilion, well centered, rich color, original gum, h.r., choice Very Fine (Scott #83; $400). ······························································································································································£225
434 EX
S.G. #405a, 1909 ld Carmine, imperforate, horizontal pair, ample to mostly large margins, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #131a; $350).ly ..........................................................................................£350
433 *
S.G. #416/30, 1915-30 1 1/ip-1/- George V, vivid fresh colors, original gum, some lightly hinged or small h.r., Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 145-59; $236)... ..................................................................................................£130
434 *
436 EX
435 EX
S.G. #33-37, 1918-29 2/- to £1 Victoria overprinted "Niue" cplt., bright colors, original gum, lightly hinged or small h.r., Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #303-34; $341). ................................................................................£300
435 *
S.G. #51-54, 1931 2/6-£1 Arms overprinted "Niue" cplt., original gum, 10/- spot of gum toning, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #49-52; $150)....... ..................................................................................................................£130
436 *
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The "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
437 EX 437 * S.G. #54-63, 1904-06
438 EX
440 EX
/id-10/- Edward VII cplt. , original gum , I 0/- lu. , most others lightly hinged, FineVery Fine set(Scott #50-59; $2 19)............. ........................ ................ .............. ................................. ............. £120
Northern Nigeria 438 * S.G. #1-9, 1900
/2d-l0 /- Victoria cplt., original gum , most including 10/- lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott # 1-9; $396) ...... ....................... ................................... .................... ................................................ .......£450 439 * S.G. #10-18, 20-27, 28-39 1902-11 1/id-10/-Ed ward VII cplt. , 1910-11 set with some extra shade varieties, original gum with some values light toning as often , lightly hinged or h.r., Fine-Very Fine setc (Scott # 10-18, 19-26, 28-38 ; $360). (No Photo) ..................................................... .............. .......................................... .....£280
440 * S.G. #40-52, 1913
/2d-£l George V cplt., vivid bright colors , origina l gum, most lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set; scarce so nice (Scott #40-52; $304) .... ................................................... .......................................... £225
Southern Nigeria
44 1 EX 441 * S.G. #1-9, 1901-02
442 EX
443 EX
/2d-l0/- Victoria cplt., original gum , most including 10/- lightly hinged, fresh and FineVery Fine ; an attractive set (Scott # 1-9; $23 1) ...... ................... .............. ........................... ............................ .£200
442 * S.G. #10-20, 1903-04
/2d-£1 Edward VII cplt., original gum with barest trace of hinging , £1 with coup le spots of light gum toning , Fine-Very Fine set (Scott # 10-20; $565) ... .................... ......................................£475
443 * S.G. #21-32, 1904-09 1/2d-£l Edward VII cplt. , unusally bright colors , original gum , most including £1 light-
ly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #21-31; $473) .......................................................................................
444 EX
S.G. #33-44. 33b, 34a, 39a, 1907-11 1/2d-£l Edward VII cplt., original gum , £ 1 being a top margin single and Never Hinged, others lightly hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine set Scott #32-44 + shades; $420+ ). ...... ............................................. ................... ......... ........................ .................................. ............... ...................... £392
444 **/*
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446 EX
445 EX
S.G. Ca talog or Estimated Value
447 EX
S.G. #45-56 , 1912 '/id-£1 George V cplt., original gum, light hinged or h.r., with the high values being very lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine; an attractive set (Scott #45-56; $290)...........................................................£225
445 *
Nigeria 446 *
S.G. #1/12 , 12b, 1914-29 , '/zd-£1 George V, includes both dies of the £ 1 but lacks the 4d, original gum, most
including both £ 1 values lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Scott # l/ 12, 12a; $518).... ...................................£450
S.G. #34-45 , 1936 '/zd-£1 George V cplt., original gum, lightly hinged or h.r. with the 10/- and £1 values being very lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #38-49; $159).............................................................£ 150
44 7 *
449 EX
448 EX 44 8 *
450 EX
S.G. #129-37 , 1904 4c Surcharges cplt., original gum or slightly disturbed original gum, h.r. Fine-Very Fine
set (Scott # 110-18; $221) ... ............................................................................................................................£ 140
* S.G. #146-57 , 1904-05 4c Surcharges cplt., unusually fresh with strong colors, original gum, Fine-Very Fine
set (Scott # 124-35; $185)...................... .........................................................................................................£ 150 450
* S.G. #178-83 , 1911 25c-$10 Coat of Arms cplt., original gum, lightly hinged or small h.r., $10 some light
gum toning spots as often, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott # 152-57; $255)... ........................................................£550
452 EX
451 EX 45 1 *
S.G. #214-34 , 1918 2c "Red Cross" surcharges cplt., particularly bright fresh colors, original gum, lightly
hinged or small lu ., Fine-Very Fine; a choice set (Scott #B14-30; $661) .....................................................£900
* S.G. #D31 , D38-43, D45-49 , 1902-12 1c/24c Postage Due overprints , original gum, few values a bit dis-
turbed o.g. from hinge or munt removal, Fine-Very Fine (Scott #120-3 1; $143)...........................................£315 Decembe r 8, 2007
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The "Roxburgh" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
453 * S.G. #27, 1895 3/- Black and yellow, radiant rich colors on fresh white paper, original gum,
h.r., Fine (Scott #27; $150). ······················································································································································£140
454 * S.G. #37, 1896 2/6 Black and magenta ,
fresh and well centered, original gum, h.r., Very Fine (Scott #37; $160) ... ............................................................................................................................................................£ 140
455 * S.G. #39, 1896 5/- Black and olive,
choice centering, original gum, Extremely Fine (Scott #39; $190) . ..£160
456 456 * S.G. #40, 1896 £1 Black and blue,
an exceptionally fresh mint example of this difficult stamp, uncommonly well centered, rich colors on bright paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine and choice, 1976 B.P.A... Certificate (Scott #40; $1,050) ...... ............................... .................................................................................£900
457 457 * S.G. #40, 1896 £1 Black and blue,
good colors on fresh paper, original gum, nearly Very Fine; signed Senf (Scott #40; $1,050) .. .......................................................................................................................................£900
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The "Roxburgh " Collection of Great Britain and Empire ---
S.G. Ca ta log or Estimated Value
458 458
* S.G. #41, 1896 £10 Black and oran ge, a handsome and choice mint example of this popular high value, being considerablybetter centered than normal, vivid rich colors on fresh white paper, original gum, relatively lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #41, $7,750)....... ......................................................................................£7,500
an outstanding mint example of this British Africa high value rarity, boasting a marvelous overall freshness seldom found on these, plus it is remarkably well centered, with full perforations, rich colors on crisp white paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine; one of the nicest examples that we have encountered; signed Senj (Scott #69; $6,500).................................................................£5,000
459 * S.G. #67, 1903 £10 Grey and blue,
46 1 EX
nicely centered, some rubbing at center as often, orginal gum, slight h.r., Very Fine (Scott # IO; $500)...........................................................................................................£475
460 * S.G. #81, 1908 £1 Purple and black on red,
/2d-£l George V cplt. including two shades of the I 0/-, original gum, lightly hinged or small h.r., fresh and Fine-Very Fine set (Scott # 12-23 + shades; $422.70+) .............................................£406
461 * S.G. #83-98 , 1913-19
* S.G. #98, 1913 £1 Purple and black on red, well centered, fresh unrubbed color, original gum, small h.r., choice Very Fine (Scott #23; $200) ................................................................................................................£ 180
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S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
S.G. #99e, 1919 £10 Purple and royal blue, a handsome mint example of this scarce high value, luxuriant rich colors, attractively centered, original gum, slight h.r., Very Fine; signed "AD" (Diena) and accompanied by 1979 B.P.A. Certificate as S.G. #99 (Scott #24; $3,750).............................................................................£3,500
463 *
464 EX
465 EX
S.G. #100-13, 1921-33 ½d-10/- George V cplt., select set with rich colors, original gum, lightly hinged, FineVery Fine (Scott #25-37; $236).......................................................................................................................£200
464 *
RHODESIA 465 1*)
S.G. 310, 13, 1892 £1 Deep blue and £10 Brown, rich fresh colors, the £10 showing a portion of the paper
marker's watermark, regummed, £ 10 thin spot, Fine appearance (Scott #16, 19; $3,040)... ......................£2,940
S.G. #92, 1901 £5 Deep blue, intense color, regurnmed over a filled thinned spot, Fine appearance, signed "AD" (Diena) (Scott #74; $3,500) . ..............................................................................................................£3,250
466 (*)
S.G. #113, 1909 £1 Grey-purple , precisely centered, original gum, small h.r., Extremely Fine (Scott #99; $160) ...............................................................................................................................................................£ 160
467 *
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468 EX 468 *
S.G. Ca talog or Estimated Value
S.G. #119/153 , 1910-13 1/id/2/- "Double Heads ", complete set of different values less the 4d, original gum
with 1/2d-6dbeing lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 101-05, 107-12; $507) . ......................................£585
* S.G. 3156, 1910 2/6 Sepia and deep crimson , incrediblywell centered amid balanced margins, gorgeous rich colors, original gum, fresh and Extremely Fine (Scott # 113 Var).... .............................................................£400
470 * S.G. #158 , 1910 3/- Green and violet , gloriously rich colors on fresh paper, excellent centering, original gum,
Extremely Fine (Scott # 114; $175) . ................................................................................................................£ 170
rich colors on fresh white paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #115; $250).... .........................................................................................................£225
471 * S.G. #160a , 1910 5/- Crimson and yellow-green ,
472 * S.G. #160a , 1910 5/- Crimson and yellow-green , bottom sheet margin part imprint single original gum, light
h.r., a few blunt perfs at right, otherwise Fine (Scott # 115; $250) .................................................................£225
* S.G. #160b , 1910 7/6 Carmine and pale blue, fresh colors, original gum, Fine (Scott # 116; $700) . ....£600
vivid rich colors, original gum, paper h.r.'s, Very Fine (Scott # 117; $425) ..... ................................................................................................................................................£375
474 * S.G. #164 , 1910 10/- Blue-green and orange ,
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S.G . Cata log or Estim ated Value
S.G. #165, 1910 £1 Carmine-red and bluish black, beautifully centered and fresh, rich luxuriant colors, orignal gum, small h.r., Extremely Fine (Scott # 1I 8; $1,150)..... ..............................................................£ 1,100
475 *
S.G. #166ab, 1910 £1 Scarlet and reddish mauve, error of color, a presentable mint example of this popular color error which only exists mint, gorgeous rich colors and sharp impression, original gum, small gummed over thin spot, otherwise Very Fine; one of the major rarities of Rhodesia as only 100 were discovered among the post office remainders (Scott # 118 Footnote)... ..................................................................................£10,000
476 *
477 477 *
S.G. #243, 1913 £1 Black and violet, intense colors, slightly disturbed original gum, Fine (Scott # 138; $400). ····················································································· ···················································································£350
478 *
S.G. #18, 1864-80 1/- Deep yellow-green,original gum, h.r., Fine and scarce (Scott #23; $625) ..........£600
S.G. #71, 1908 10/- Green and red on green, original gum, h.r., Very Fine; signed "ED" (Diena) (Scott #60; $240). ···················································································································································...........£200
479 *
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482 EX
481 EX
480 EX
S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
original gum with Ssh and £ 1 being lightly hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine (Scott #95-99, $590). ..............................................................................................................................£450
480 * S.G. #92-96, 4p-£1 Colony Badge,
/zd-15/- Badge of Colony cplt. including 2d "broken mainmast" variety, original gum, very lightly hinged except 15/- small h.r., I 0/- small thin spot, otherwise Fine-VeryFine; 15/- signed Bloch (Scott #79/94; $1,260+) .....................................................................................................................£ 1,300
481 * S.G. #97-113, 100a, 1922-37
ST. KITTS-NEVIS 482 * S.G. #1-10, 1903 /2d-5/- Definitives cplt., original gum, lightly hinged or small h.r., Fine-VeryFine set (Scott 1
# 1-10; s$152)...................................................................................................................................................£130
484 EX
483 EX
/2d-£l George V cplt., original gum, 2/- small h.r., others very lightly hinged, fresh set (Scott #24-36; $314).. .................................................................................£250 lovely a Fine; Fine-Very and
483 * S.G. #24-36, 1920-22
/2d-£l Tercentenary cplt., bright fresh colors, original gum, lightly hinged or small h.r., #52-64, $1,393)...................................................................................................£ 1,100 (Scott set Fine Fine-Very
484 * S.G. #48-60, 1923
485 EX 485
486 EX
487 EX
* S.G. #31-36, 1883 1/2d-1/- Victoria, Die I cplt., original gum, 6p and 1/- h.r. or disturbed o.g., others lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set. ..............................................................................................................................£700
486 * S.G. #39-42, 1886-87 ld-1/- Victoria , Die 487 * S.G. #43-52, 1891-98
I cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set. ......£225
/2d-l0/- Victoria, Die II cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, 5/- and 10/- trivial light
toning, Fine-Very Fine set. ..............................................................................................................................£ 170
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s.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
488 EX
490 EX
S.G. #64-7, 1904-10 /id-5/- Edward VII cplt., original gum SG #75 some gum toning spots, still a FineVery Fine set (Scott #50-63;$244).... .............................................................................................................£250 1
488 *
S.G. #14, 1869 1/- Brown, rich color and clear impression, part original gum, Fine (Scott # 10; $600) ...£500
490 *
S.G. #67-75, 1899 1/2d-5/- Victoria cplt., original gum, 5/- fresh and very lightly hinged, others lightly hinged
or h.r., with some values light evenly toned gum, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #62-70; $156) . ........................£ 120
49 1 EX
492 EX
493 EX
S.G. #76-84, 1902 1/2d-5/- Edward VII cplt., original gum, lightly or very lightly hinged, 2 1/id pulled perf., otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #71-79; $182) . ....................................................................................£130
49 1 *
/id-£1 Edward VII cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, including the £1, or h.r., FineVery Fine (Scott #82-89; $450) .......................................................................................................................£350
492 * S.G. #85-93, 1904-11
S.G. #108-20, 1913-17 ½d-£1 George V cplt., original gum, lightly hinged or Ju. , fresh and Fine-Very Fine set (Scott # 104-16; $154) ..... ..........................................................................................................................£110
493 *
Rlt-i ~ 494 EX
495 EX
496 EX
494 *
S.G. #1-8, 22-25, 28-36, 1890-1900 2c/R2.25 Victoria, original gum, lightly hinged or small h.r., various lower values with small bit of gum toning incl SG #6 with toning showing through at bottom, otherwise FineVery Fine (Scott #1-21; $467) .........................................................................................................................£443 S.G. #82-97, 1917-22 2c-5R George V cplt., original gum, lightly hinged or h.r., few with some gum toning as often, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #74-89; $204) .... .......................................................................'..............£170
495 *
S.G. #98-123, 1921-32 2c-5R George V cplt., original gum, lightly hinged or h.r., good number (mostly lower values) usual evenly toned o.g., Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #91-114; $189). ..................................................£ 160
496 *
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S.G. Cata log or Estimated Value
497 EX
498 EX
499 EX
S.G. #41-53, 1896-97, /id-£1 Victoria cplt, higher values quite fresh , the £1 being a top sheet margin example with contorl no. 2, original gum , some h.r., the £1 Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #34-46 ; $363 for hinged ) .. ...................... .....................................................................................................................£300
497 */**
* S.G. #41-53 , 1896-97 1/2d-£l Victoria cplt. , original gum, lightly hinged, including high values, or small h.r., Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #34-46; $363) ... ........... ......... ....................... ........................ ........................ ........... £300
* S.G. #73-85, 1903 1/2d-£l Edward VII cplt., fresh colors , original gum , lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine; an elusive set in this choice condition (Scott #64-76; $655) . ..............................................................................£375
500 EX
501 EX
S.G. #86-98 , 1904-05 /2d-£l Edward VII cplt., original gum , lightly hinged or small h.r., few including 2/and 5/- light gum toning as often, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #77-89; $399) . ........................................ ........£300
500 *
S.G. #99-111 , 1907-12 1/2d-£l Edward VII cplt. , a select set with unusually rich colors , original gum , lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set; scarce so nice (Scott #90-102; $415 ) .. .................................. ......................... £325
501 *
502 EX 502 *
S.G. #112-30, 1912-21 /id-£5 George V, a complete set with particularly bright fresh colors, original gum , lightly hinged, Fine -Very Fine; a more attractive set would be difficult to assemb le (Scott # 103-19; $2,30 1) ..... ..................... ..................... ............................... ............................. ................................................ ................£2, 550
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S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
503 EX 503 * S.G. #131-47 , 1921-27 ½d-£2 George V, the
full set, original gum, lightly hinged, including 10/- and £2, or h.r., some lower values evenly toned o.g. as often, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #122-38; 712) .. ...................£690
504 504 ** S.G. #148, 1923 £5 Orange and green,
a superb mint example of this scarce high value, with radiant colors on fresh paper, plus it is perfectly centered and its perforations are full and even all around, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a very desirable stamp in this extraordinary state of preservation; signed Roumet (Scott #139; $1,300 for hinged) ......................................................................for hinged £ 1,600
505 EX
506 EX
cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine; a select set (Scott # 140-52; $217) ...... .........................................................................................................................£200
505 * S.G. #155-67 , 1932 ½d-£1 George V
cplt., original gum, h.r., Fine-Very Fine set (Scott # 140-52; $217.20) . ········································································································································································£200
506 * S.G. #155-67 , 1932 ½d-£1 George V
507 * S.G. #32-44 , 1904 ½a-SR Edward VII
cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, including SR, or h.r., Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #27-39; $201) ......... ................................................................................................................£170
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509 EX
508 EX
S.G. Ca ta log or Estim ated Value
5 10 EX
l a and 2a, bright colors, original gum, lightly hinged, including SR, or h.r., most light even gum toning, otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #51-63, $195). ····················..........................................................................................................................................£ 186
508 * S.G. #60-72 , 1912-19 ½a-SR George V cplt. including extra shades of
/2a-SR George V cplt., original gum, most, including the high values, lightly hinged, many light even gum toning as often, otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #64-76; $174) . ......................£ 150
509 * S.G. #73-85 , 1921
/2a/lR Edward VII Official overprints, original gum, lightly hinged, FineVery Fine (Scott #011-15 ; $469). ..................................................................................................................£437
510 * S.G. #010-13 , 015, 1904-05
SOUTH AFRIC A Cape of Good Hope
5 1I
clear to mostly large margins all around, luxuriant color on fresh white paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #4; $1,100 for singles) . ........................................................£950
51 1 * S.G. #6a, 1855 4d Blue , pair,
512 * S.G. #18, 1900 ld Deep blue on blue,
original gum, h.r., Fine (Scott # 178; $925) ....... ..........................£850
5 13 * S.G. #19 , 1900 3d Pale blue on blue, original gum,
h.r., Fine (Scott #179; $1,400) ... ..........................£ 1200
5 15 EX
5 14 EX
5 I 6 EX
both incredibly fresh, with luxuriant colors on bright white paper, original gum, very lightly hinged, Very Fine and choice (Scott #94, 96; $183). ................................£212
5 14 * S.G. #140 , 142, 1902 5/- and £1 Edward VII,
cplt, vivid rich colors, orignial gum, h.r., Very Fine set (Scott # 110-16; $479)G ............................................................................................................................................ £375
515 * S.G. #165-71 , 1908-09 6d- £1 Edward VII
Transvaal 5 16 * S.G. #244-58 , 1902
/2d-£l Edward VII cplt., original gum, £ 1 lightly hinged, others mostly h.r., fresh and
Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #252-66; $357).......................................................................................................£398 Dece mber 8, 200 7
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S.G. Ca talog or Estimated Value
517 EX
5 18
S.G. #1-10, 1888-93, /2d-1/-Victoria, original gum except 3d no gum, h.r., /2dand ld with foxed perf. and 4d lightly toned, otherwise Fine-Very Fine (Scott #1-10; 491.75) ..............................................................£442 1
517 *
S.G. #11, 1892 5/- Rose, beautifully centered, good color, part original gum, Extremely Fine (Scott # 11; $600) ..............................................................................................................................................................£550
518 *
S.G. #29, 1894 £5 Purple and black on red, a presentable example of this sought-after value, good color, expertly regummed over pressed-out vertical crease, Very Fine appearance (Scott #24; $5,250) ..............£4500
520 520*
521 EX
S.G. #17, 1916 £1 Green and red, good colors, original gum, Fine; signed "AD" (Diena) (Scott #16; $850) ........................................................................................................................................................................£600
S.G. #42/49b, 1930-45 1/2d-2/6 Views, thirteen values, original gum, lightly hinged or h.r., most with gum toning spots to varying degrees including 2d blue, otherwise Fine-Very Fine (Scott #33-44 + shades; $914+) ... ········································································································································································£500
52 1 *
522 EX
522 * S.G. #15-27, 1931-37 /2d-5/-George V cplt. original gum, most lightly hinged, most even gum toning or 1
small toning spots, otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set (Scott# 16-30; $167) ............. ........................................£130 Dece mb er 8, 2007
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S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
South West Africa
523 523
* S.G. #15, 1923 £1 Green and red, setting II, vertical bi-lingual pair, strong and intact, original gum, bottom
stamp h.r., Very Fine and scarce (Scott #15; $1,150) ................................................................................£1,000
525 EX
524 EX
S.G. #49-54, 1927 2d-10/- Views cplt. bilingual pairs, original gum, with most values slight gum disturbance, lightly hinged or h.r., Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #88-93; $229).................. ...................................................£ 180
524 *
525 **
S.G. #74-87, 1931 1/2d-20/- Views full set including airmails in bilingual pairs, original gum, Never Hinged,
except airmails very lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott # I 08-20, C5-6; $300 for hinged) . ......................................................................................................................................................for hinged £200
527 EX
526 EX
528 EX
S.G. #11-20, 1933 /id-10/- George V cplt., original gum with light even toning, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine; high values signed (Scott #10-19; $153) ......... ......................................................................................£130
TANGANYIKA cplt. including upright and sideways watermarks, fresh colors, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-VeryFine set (Scott #10-28, 23a-28a; $774)...........................................£715
527 * S.G. #74-88, 83a-88a, 1922-24 5c-£1 Giraffe
528 * S.G. # 93-107, 1927-31 5c-£1 George V cplt., fresh colors, original gum, lightly hinged, typical brownish
gum on high values, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #29-44; $366) .. .....................................................................£300 December 8, 2007
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S.G. Catalog or Estimated Value
530 EX
53 1
S.G. #87, 1869 5/- Rose-lake, exceptionally fresh, outstanding centering, original gum, h.r., Extremely Fine (Scott #56; $190) ............................................................................................................................................£170
529 *
530 *
S.G. #114-24, 1896-1906 1/2d-£l Britannia cplt. including both types of the ld, original gum, lightly hinged
or h.r., Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #74/90; $997)....... ......................................................................................£700
TOBAGO 531 * S.G. #5, 1879 5/- Slate, original gwn, h.r., Fine and scarce (Scott #5; $750) ..........................................£750
532 EX
534 EX
532 * S.G. #101-09, 110-12, 117-26, 129-39, 162-75, 176-86, 1900-28 '/zd-10/- Definitives cplt sets, original gum,
most lightly hinged, few odd bits of gum toning, Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 1-22, 25-35, 44-57, 60-70; $457). ...... ········································································································································································£353
533 * S.G. #23, 1895 "2 ½" Surcharge on la plum, rich color and quite fresh, original gum, lightly hinged, Very
Fine; signed Schlessinger (Scott# 18; $175) ..................................................................................................£ 150 S.G. #210-24, 1904 ½a-SR Coat of Arms cplt., unusually fresh colors, original gum, most including roupe values lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine sret (Scott #79-93; $243)....... ............................................................£210
534 *
535 EX
536 EX
535 * S.G. #225-39, 1908-09 lc-l0R Sultan, original gum, lightly hinged, including 4R-10R very lightly hinged,
or h.r., fresh and Fine-VeryFine (Scott #99-I l 3s; $406) .... ...........................................................................£360 536 P S.G.
#225/45P, 1908 lc-200R Sultan and Port, plate proofs on watermarked stamp paper, twenty values lacking only the 25c but including an extra IR value, bright and fresh, large margins, Extremely Fine and scarce; Ex.-De La Rue Archives (Scott #99/119 var.) ................................................................................................£750
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S.G. Ca talog or Estim ated Value
537 *
S.G. #240, 1908 20R Black and yellow-green, fresh and well centered, deep luxuriant colors, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #114; $325) ................................................................................................£375
S.G. #241, 1908 30R Black and sepia, choice mint single, virtually perfect centering, wonderfully fresh, sumptuously rich colors, original gum, barest trace of hinging, an Extremely Fine gem (Scott #115; $375) .... ········································································································································································£400
538 *
539 *
S.G. #242, 1908 40R Black and orange-brown, well centered and fresh, deep rich colors, original gum, choice Very Fine; signed Roig (Scott # 116; $525) ........................................................................................£550
54 1
540 *
S.G. #243, 1908 SORBlack and mauve, outstanding centering, strong fresh colors, original gum, extremely Fine; signed Roig (Scott # 117; $450) ............................................................................................................£500
541 *
S.G. #244, 1908 lOORBlack and Steel-blue, deep rich colors on fresh paper, redistributed o.g. or regummed which is not noted on the accompanying certificate, Very Fine; signed "AD" (Diena) and with his 1999 certificate (Scott # 118; $750) ..................................................................................................................................£700
542 *
S.G. #245, 1908 200R Brown and greenish black, rich fresh colors, skillfully regummed which is not noted on the certificate, Fine; signed "AD" (Diena) and accompanied by his 1962 certificate (Scott #119; $1,150) .. ......................................................................................................................................................................£1,l 00
543 EX
544 EX
S.G. #246-260g, 1913-18 lc-200R Sultan, Dhow, complete set, original gum, lightly hinged or h.r., high values with even gum toning as often, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott # 120-40; $2,558) .. .....................................£2,615
543 *
S.G. #246-60gP, 1913 lc-200R Sultan and Dhow, plate proofs on watermarked stamp paper, complete set of all 21 values, each with large even margins, fresh and bright, an Extremely Fine set; Ex. -De la Ru e Archives (Scott # 120-40 var.) ........................................................................................................................£750
545 *
S.G. #297, 1921 30R Black and brown, beautifully centered, original gum, small h.r., Extremely Fine (Scott #177; $210) ....................................................................................................................................................£200
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S.G. Cata log or Estimated Value
Commonwealth Omnibus Issues 546 *
1935 Silver Jubilee cplt, all 250 stamps including the scarce Egypt issue, original gum, h.r. or mostly lightly hinged, occasional perf. fault, etc. but overwhelminglyFine-Very Fine set. (No Photo) ...................... ÂŁ1,100
547 *
1948-9 Royal Silver Wedding, complete set of 136 stamps lacking only the St. Kitts-Newis set, fresh, original gum, low values h.r. and the high values all lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine (No Photo) ........... .........ÂŁ1,793
Dece mber 8, 2007
Page 91
H.R. Hann er, Inc.
Unless announced otherwise by the auctioneer, all bids are per lot, as numbered in the printed Catalogue. H.R. Harn1er. as agent for the consignor or vendor, shall regulate the bidding and shall determine the manner in which the bidding shall be conducted. Hanners reserves the right to withdraw any lot prior to sale (without liability to any potential purchaser or agent), 10 re-offer any withdrawn lot, to divide a lot or 10 group two or more lots belonging to the same consignor or vendor, and to refuse any bid believed not made in good faith. The highest bid acknowledged by the auctioneer shall prevail. hould a dispute arise between bidders (including a dispute between a floor bidder and the auctioneer acting on behalfof a mail bidder. consignor or vendor},the auctioneer alone shall determine who is the successful bidder and whether to reoffer the lot in dispute. Should a dispute arise after the sale. the auctioneer·s sale records shall be conclusive. On all lots so ld, a com mi ssion of 15% on th e hammer price is
EXHIBIT ION AND INSPECT ION OF LOTS; QUALITY AN D AUT HENT IC ITY (a} On Premises Inspect ion and Postal View ing. Ample opportunity is given
(b) (c}
payable by the buyer .
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