The John MacGillacutty Collection of United States Stamps
H.R. Harmer, Inc. Saturday, December 8, 2007 at 4:00 p.m.
TheJohn MacGullicutty Collection of United States Stamps UNRESERVED PUBLIC AUCTION AND MAIL BID SALE SALE TO BE HELD AT The Warwick Hotel The Essex Room , 2°• Floor 65 West 54'"Street, New York, New York 10019 To reach us directly in New York Dial 410-852-8375 To reach us through the Hotel Dial 212-314 -7888 • Fax 212-307-931 7 ALL BID SHEETS FAXED ON DECEMBER 8'" MUST BE SENT TO OUR ATTENTION AT THE WARWICK HOTEL, 212-307-9317.
5 Francis J. Clarke Circle , Bethel, CT 06801 Mond ay, November 26 - Friday Nove mber 30 and Mond ay, December 3 - Tuesday, December 4 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Each Day The Warwick Hotel , 65 West 54'"Street, New York, NY 10019 Essex Room , 2"dFloor Thur sday, December 6 - Friday, December 7 from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. FOR VIEWING ON DATES OTHER THAN THO SE LISTED, PLE ASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT.
5 Francis J. Clarke Circle, Bethel , CT 06801 Phone: + 1.203.702.8490 I Facsimile :+ 1.203.791.1832 Email:
I*) Unused (without gumor regummed ) * Original gum (previously hinged or without
Unexploded Booklet
** :::)
Original gum (never hinged) Used
Block of four or larger
E p TC
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Booklet Pane
gum as issued)
Trial Co lor Specimen R Reprint EDU Earliest Documented Usage
PB Plate Block
... On Piece
Cove r. card or enti re
MA JOR A BB REV IATIO NS c.d.s. = circular datestamps: NH = never hinged: cplt = complete: o.g. = original gum: FDC = first day cover; ovpt. = overprint: h.r.= hinge remnant: pmk. = postmark: incl. = including s.c. = straight edge; ms= manuscript
Bidding Increments
BIDS Upt oSI00 SI 00-S300 S300-S750 $750-$1.500 S 1.500-S3.000
S5.00 $ 10.00 $25.00 $50.00 SI 00.00
S3.000-$7.500 S7.500-S15,000 S 15,000-S30,000 S30.000-S75.000 $75,000 and Up
S250.00 S500.00 1,000.00 52.500.00 auctioneer·s discretio n
CONDITIO N extr emely fin e - outstanding , the highest quality possible. very fine - choice condition. well centered: if imperforate with four well clear margins. fine - sound in all respects, perforations clear design: if imperforate. margins may be close or touching. bul will 1101 cul design. very good - stamps are so graded either by reason of general appearance of imperfect centering or a fault. Faults such as a thin spo11 tear. crease. etc. will be described on individual lots at all times. ln larger lots. degrees of condition denote the average, and copies above and below such condition can be expected. Minor separations on blocks or sheets arc the rnlc rather than the except ion and are not grounds for the return of a lot. The tem1 "mim" deno 1es that the item has original gum, but docs 110 1 imply that it is never hinged. The tenn "unused" is used to describe an uncancelled item that is without gum. Regarding covers, the following are not ju stification for the return of a lot: tom or paniall y removed back flaps. light file folds which do not detract from 1he overa ll appearance and small edgetears which do not affect adhesive or markings.
The abo\ 'e incremems are simply provided as a guide for bidding 11nifromi1_, ·. The auction eer retai ns 1he righ t to change the incremenrs al his discretion when bidding ac1ivity is partic11/arlystro ng to expedi te the sale. or he may break the increments to accomooda re cm agent j· bid.
BIDS BY TELEPHONE (a) Must be confinn ed in writing. (b) Any errors are the responsibility of the bidder. (c) No bids accepted less than I hour before sale. BIDS BY FAX OR EMAIL You may fax or e-mail bids up to I hour before sale commences -
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(203) 79 1-1832 or hrham1er@hrhanner .com
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L. H.
I. Lots of not more than IO items. 2. To U.. clients only, at our discretion.
Shaded ponion can represent an actual hinge or the area disturbed by a hinge. Never hinged - unused with original gum in Post Office stale and unmounted Lightly hinged - unused with full original gum showing some evidence of a previous hinge which may be present in pan or ent irely removed . Original gum - unused with original gum somewhat disturbed by previou s hinging which may still be present. Part original gum - unused with original gum. large hinge remnants may or may not be present. Disturbed origina l gum - unused with orig i.nal gum, affected by sweating , glazing or mount disturbance ; may not resemble the original gum. Unused withou1 gum (unless gum is mentioned) Unused without gum, as issued.
BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND THEIR GUM: Minor separations are the rule, rather than the exception. in the case of blocks or sheets of any size. A few separations- around four perfs per row-do not affect the value of a block or sheet and are not grounds for the return of a IOI. ESTl ~1ATE D VALUES: If an estimated cash value is give n, it is shown in the descrip1ion. It is used where the lot is large or where the actua l value has little relation to the catalogue price. ll represents the auctioneer 's appraisal of the true MARKET value of a lot and the figure is invariably close to the acrual realization. It is useless for mail bidders 10 list any bids that are only a low proportion of such estimates.
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HANDSTAM PS/ BAC KSTAM PS Remember. NO lots may be returned with back stamps stating Fake. Falsch, or similar markings. Recently there has been a spa1e of German expen isers marking the backs of stamps. .It is your responsibility as the purchaser not to let this happen.
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George Eveleth
Nakia J. Davis
George Eveleth
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5 Francis J. Clarke Circle Bethel , CT 06801 TEL: + 1.203 .702.8490 I FAX: + 1.203.791.1832 Email: hrhanner@hr
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Scott Catalog or Estimated Value
The John MacGillacutty Collection of United States Stamps Saturday, December 8, 2007 at 4:00 p.m. The Essex Room of the Warwick Hotel 6th Avenue at 54th Street, New York, N.Y.
701 70 l
* #1, Sc Re d brown, a spectular quality mint 5c 1847 issue, featuring magnificent margins, including part of the sheet-margin at bottom, rich luxuriant color and a detailed impression on fresh deeply blued paper, eceptionally desirable full original gum, which has only a small trace of hinging in the upper right corner, Extremely Fine; certainly one of the nicer mint singles available; formerly part of a strip of three from the Alfred H. Caspary Sale in January, 1956, lot 15.......................................................................................................6,750.00
702 702 0 #1, Sc Red brown, horizontal pair, ample to mostly large margins all around, good color and detailed impres-
sion, neatly cancelled by lightly applied red grids, left stamp wth vertical crease, Very Fine appearance...... ..... ..................................................................................................................................................................1,300.00 December 8, 2007
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
Scott Catalog or Estimated Va lue
#ld Var., Sc Brown orange, dot in "S" in upper right corner, a sensational unused example of this scarce and distinctive shade, featuring deep luxurious color glowing on fresh crisp paper, four ample to mostly large margins, plus a strong impression helps to accentuate the variety, Extremely Fine; a rare stamp made especially so by its premium quality. ....................................................................................................................4,500.00
703 (* l
#2, 10c Black , an attractive unused example of this elusive classic rarity, margins clear at bottom and full on the other tlu¡eesides, attractive deep color and a razor-sharp impression on clean fresh paper, very light soiling which is not at all apparent, otherwise Fine; photocopy of 1959 P.F.certificate as regummed and 1978 P.F.certificate . .................................................................................................................................................... 16,000.00
704 ' * l
#2, 10c Black , beautiful example with four large to huge margins, excellent detailed impression complimented by lightly struck blue circular grid cancellation, interesting partial doubling of top right vertical frameline, Extremely Fine; 1981 P.F.certificate... .................................................................................................... 1,450.00
705 0
706 O
#2, 10c Black, ample to huge margins all around, rich color on fresh white paper, unobtrusive orange red grid cancellation, detailed impression revealing vertical plate scratches in left margin, choice Very Fine........... .................................................................................................................................................................. 1,425.00
1875 Reprints of 1847 Issue #3, Sc Red brown reproduction, without gum as issued, large to huge margins all around, deep rich color and clean sharp impression on deeply blued paper, trivial pressed corner crease in the right margin, Extremely Fine appearance......................... ..................................................................................................................800.00
707 *
* #4, 10c Black reproduction, without gum as issued, premium quality single with unformly large margins all around, exceptionally intense color and a razor-sharp impression on crisp clean paper, Extremely Fine. 975.00
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
Scott Catalog or Estimat ed Value
1851 Issue
the used single offered here represents a truely unique opportunity to acquire the only know example in the Dark blue shade, which has just been relisted in the 2008 Scott Specialized catalog after a long absence, this eye-appealing copy boasts large to huge margins all around, including a bit of the adjacent stamp at right, which allow its full Ty. I characteristics to be plainly visable, which is seldom the case with this rarity, eye-catching luxuriant color and a razor-sharp impression on fresh white paper, rare New York "large slug" cancellation appropriate to use on circular rate mail, corner crease at upper left, small tear at bottom center and thin in the lower left corner, Extremely Fine appearance; signed Ashbrook and accompanied by clear 1957 P.F.certificate as #Sa and 2007 P.S.E.certificate. The right pane Plate IE furnished stamps of four distinct designs: TypesI, lb, II and IIIA, only the seventh stamp in the top row of the right pane of I 00 of Plate I in its early state produced examples showing the complete original design as intended, a characteristic that one other le imperforate shows, which is just one of the reasons that it is so coveted by philatelists. Concerning the the distinctive Dark blue shade variety Neinken, in his comprehensive study of the le 1851-61 issue states: "This stamp (7RlE) in the dark blue color is indeed a very rare stamp. I recall seeing but one." Well, indeed, this is that one stamp! Wagshaw census #40, illustrated on page 358 of the National Philatelic Museum handbook; Ex.- "Connoisseur " collection . Listed but as yet unpriced in Scott. .................. ............................................................................................................for blue shade with minor faults 80,000.00
709 O #5 Var., le Dark blue, Ty. I, Pos 7R1E,
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H.R. Hann er, Inc.
Scott Catal og or Estim ated Value
710 71oO
#5, le Blue, Ty. I, Pos 7R1E, a very pleasing used example of this important rarity, which comes only from a solitary position on the plate of 200 subjects from the first state of Plate 1, with mostly very large margins to just touching the outer plume at upper left, including a generous margin at base, which allows its distinguishing type characteristics to be fully visable, strong distinctive Plate lE color and clear impression, light and unobtrusive ms. cancel, small filled-in thin spots at bottom, Very Fine appearance; an attractive and desirable copy of one of the most coveted stamps in United States philately; only a total of 90 examples are recorded in the Wagshal census, of which only 59 are off-cover used singles, with the example offered here being no. 55; 2007 P.S.E. certificate with the grade of G-VG 40 and 2007 P.F.certificate. for minor faults ......80,000.00
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H.R. Harm er, Inc.
Scott Catalog or E timated Value
#SA, 1c Blue, Ty. lb, position 81Rl E, being one of the two best examples of this rare type, four excellent margins, especially at top where critical dignostic features are revealed, and a particularly large margin at base showing a bit of the adjacent stamp, tied by "Albany NY/ FEB ?" c.d.s. to lady's drop cover suggesting Valentine's Day usage (1852) and also explaining the unusual deep shade of stamp, the upper right corner of which been torn and reattached clear of the design, mild foxing affects cover, stamp with a small toned spot at top right margin, Very Fine appearance and rare. .................................................................................. 17,000.00
7 13
7 14
7 I2 0 #6, le Blue, Ty. 1a, pos. 95L4, sound used example of this rare type, ample top and bottom margins allow the full type charcteristics to be plainly visable, intense Plate 4 color and strong impression, very lightly cancelled, Very Good............... ....................................................................................................................12,500.00
#7, le Blue Ty. II, spectacular left sheet margin single with additional selvage below bearing part imprint, from position 21L2 displaying characteristic plate wear and phenomenal indigo shade consistent with late use of Plate 2, large margins to touching at top, part original gum, some gum toning, light creases mainly in the selvage, Fine appearance; a useful position piece.........................................................................................1,200.00
7 13 *
le Blue, Ty. III, pos. 77R4, exceptionally scarce unused example, with gloriously rich color distinctive to Plate 4 stamps, margins clear to ju st in at bottom, fresh and Fine. ......................................................7,500.00
714(* > #8,
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
Scott Catalog or Estimated Value
716 717 715 0 #8, le Blue, Ty. III, handsome used single, with luxuriously deep and radiant color, three huge margins,
fourth just touching at top, sharp clean impression on fresh white paper, lovely red cancellation which is lightly struck and confined to the lower left corner, nearly Very Fine; I 976 P.F.Certificate; Ex.-Lutwak . ....3,650.00 #SA, le Blue, Ty. Illa, scarce unused single, deep rich Plate 4 color and razor-sharp impression on fresh crisp paper, mostly large margins to barely touching top left plume, Very Fine.... .................................2,250.00
7I6 1*1
717l * I #9, 1c Blue, Ty. IV, choice unused single, recut once at top and once at bottom, margins are so lavish that
the additional recuts from the stamps above and below this one are visible, exceptionally beautiful color enhanced by the crisp sharp impression, Extremely Fine. ..........................................................................325.00
718 * #1OA,3c Orange brown,Ty. II, mint example of this newly listed stamp, with inner vertical frame lines recut,
this attractive example displays the type beautifully, margins all around except where touching at lower right, strong rich color with clean clear impression, traces of original gum, minute horizontal crease at left center, Fine appearance.................................................................................................................................................4,000.00 719 * #14, 10c Green, Ty. II, attractive mint example, with four clear to mostly large margins, good color on fresh
paper, traces of original gum (accompanying certificate states "part o.g."), nearly Very Fine; 1985 P.F. Certificate............. ....................................................................................................................................5,500.00 #15, 10c Green, Ty. III, select unused example, featuring deep luxuriant color complimented by sharp detailed impression on clean white paper, additionally,the margins are quite generous all around, fresh and Very Fine; 1979 P.F.Certificate......................................................................................................................... 2,200.00
720 l * l
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H.R. Harm er, Inc .
Scott Catalog or Estimated Value
1857 Issue
72 1
721 O #18, 20,
le Blue, Ty. I and Ty. II, vertical combination pair from Plate 12, top stamp #20 and bottom stamp # 18, particularly light manuscript cancellations, a few trivial toning specks, Fine..... ............................1, 100.00
722 O #19,
le Blue, Ty. Ia, pos. 92R4, remarkably well centered for this rare type, which comes only from the bottom row of Plate 4, deep rich color enhanced by both red and black cancels, tiny thin and light horizontal crease do not detract from overall Very Fine appearance; 2000 P.S.E. Certificate .......................................... 10,000.00 #20, le Blue, Ty.II, handsome mint example from Plate 12, sharp clean impression with beautiful color, full original gum, lightly hinged, horizontal crease at bottom, Fine appearance; photocopy of 1984 P.F.Certificate for a block of six, this being the top right stamp............. ........................................................................1,250.00
723 *
le Blue, Ty. III, pos. 66L4, an attractive example of this very rare mint stamp, exquisite fresh color, sharp clear impression, type characteristic easily visible without magnification, full original gum, horizontal crease, nearly Very Fine appearance, 1980 P.F.Certificate for a block of four, this being the top left stamp....... ................................................................................................................................................................ 17,500.00
724 * #21,
725 O
#21, 22, le Blue , Ty.III and Ty.Illa, vertical combination pair, the top stamp Ty.III from Pos 48R4 and the bottom stamp Ty. IIIa from Pos 58R4, rich characteristic Plate 4 color on fresh white paper, strong and intact perforations, neat blue open grid cancels, nearly Fine; 1979 P.F.Certificate...........................................3,535.00
le Blue , Ty. Illa, unused, prooflike imperssion and strikingly intense Plate 4 color, a few nibbed perforations at left and right, Fine appearance............................................................................. ..................1, 100.00
726 <â&#x20AC;˘ i #22,
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
Scott Catalog or Estimated Value
#23, le Blue, Ty.IV, wonderfully fresh mint example of this scarce stamp, with rich color and strong impression which allows the recut line at top to be clearly visable, full clean original gum, very lightly hinged, nearly Fine; 1978 P.F.Certificate. ........................................................................................................................9,000.00
727 *
#27, Sc Brick red,Ty.I, lovely fresh example with, bright beautiful color on clean white paper, red and black cancels, Fine.. ...........................................................................................................................................1,975.00
728 O
#28, Sc Red brown, Ty. I, unused, impressive deep rich color and clean impression, tiny corner crease at upper right not noted on the accompanying certificate, Fine appearnace; clear 1985 P.F.Certificate... 2,600.00
729 1â&#x20AC;˘ 1
#28b, Sc Bright red brown,Ty.I, striking example of this desirable shade, with radiant intense color, unobtrusive cancellation, reperforated left, Fine appearance. ..........................................................................1,750.00
730 O
#28A, Sc Indian red, Ty. I, sumptuous rich color distinctive to this issue, particularly fresh example beautifully enhanced by the delicate lightly-applied blue grid cancellation, reperfed at top, Fine appearance.3,900.00
731 O
#29, Sc Brown, Ty.I, unused, remarkably fresh example with lovely true color, in addition, the impression is unusually vivid, centering is well above norm for this tightly-spaced issue, nearly Very Fine; 1983 P.F. Certificate... .............................................................................................................................................. 1,500.00
732 i â&#x20AC;˘ i
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1-1.R . Harmer, inc.
Scott Catalog or Estimated Value
Ty.II, fresh mint single, warm rich color, original gum, light hr, Fine; 1988 P.F.Certificate. ··································································································································································2,400.00
733 * #30A, Sc Brown,
Ty. II, unused, fresh example with sharp detailed impression, small corner crease at top right, Fine appearance; 1986 P.F.Certificate. ..........................................................................................2,750.00
734 (*) #32, 10c Green,
Ty. III, unused, impressively well-margined single, exceptionally even and balanced margins top to bottom and left to right, tiny thin spot and soiled, wonderful vivid color, Extremely Fine appearance; 1987 P.F.Certificate. ................................................................................................................................2,750.00
735 1• ) #33, 10c Green,
736 * #36, 12c Black , Plate I,
handsome example of this difficult stamp, wonderful rich color and clean sharp impression, full original gum which has been lightly hinged, fresh and Fine; 1989 P.F.Certificate....... 2,000.00
737 1• 1 #38, 30c Orange , unused, bright and fresh, Fine;
1984 P.F.Certificate...... .......................................1,050.00
deep rich color on fresh paper, regummed over shallow thinned spot, Fine appearance........ . .................................................................................................................................................................. 1,500.00
7381• > #39, 90c Blue ,
rare used example of this high value, notable for being one of the few US. stamps more valuable used than mint, beautifully centered for this tightly spaced issue, also complimented by attactive blue town cancel, faults include thinning and reperforation, Very Fine appearnace; signed "J.M.B." (Bartels) and accompanied by 1978 P.F.Certificate............ .....................................................................................................9,800.00
739 0 #39, 90c Blue,
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
Scott Catalog or Estimated Value
1875 Reprint of 1857 Issue
74 1
#40, le Bright blue reprint , without gum as issued, an exceptionally tall example with perforations easily clearing the design all around, additionally,the color is especially brilliant and the crisp white paper supports the vivid prooflike impression, Very Fine and choice............... ..................................................................625.00
740 *
#41, 3c Scarlet reprint , without gum as issued, strikingly intense color and a detailed prooflike impression on crisp white paper, attractively centered, Very Fine; only 479 stamps were issued; 1973 P.F.Certificate..... .... ··································································································································································3,250.00
74 1 *
#42, Sc Orange borwn reprint, without gum as issued, sumptuous rich color, crisp sharp impression on fresh white paper, reperforated at left, Very Fine appearance; only 878 stamps were issued........................... 1,400.00
742 *
#43, 10c Blue green reprint , without gum as issued, intense color and sharp impression on crisp paper, trivial tiny corner perf. crease at top right, otherwise Fine; only 516 stamps were issued ........................ ...3,000.00
743 *
#44, 12c Greenish black reprint, without gum as issued, a lovely example of this difficult value, with large margins and being attractively centered within them, virtually full perforations, rich prooflike color and impression on crisp white paper, Very Fine and handsome; only 489 stamps were issued; 1965 P.F.Certificate.. ......... ..................................................................................................................................................................3,250.00
744 *
#45, 24c Blackish violet reprint, without gum as issued, a fantastic example of this difficult reprint value, with stunning vibrant color, crisp white paper upon which the impression is deeply etched, and the margins are abnormally wide, precisely centered, Extremely Fine; only 479 issued; 1982 P.F. Certificate..... ..........3,250.00
745 *
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H.R. Harm er, Inc .
746 746 *
Scott Catalog or Estimated Value
#46, 30c Yellow orange reprint, without gum as issued, magnificent radiant color emanates from this incred-
ibly fresh stamp, addtionally, the impression is vivid and prooflike which is enhanced by the crisp white paper upon which it has been printed, Fine; only 480 stamps were issued. ......................................................3,250.00 747 *
#47, 90c Deep blue reprint, without gum as issued, dazzling deep rich color augmented by a razor-sharp impression, additionally complimentedby the fresh crisp paper upon which this scarce stamp was printed, reperforated at right, Fine appearance; only 454 stamps were issued...............................................................4,750.00
1861 Issue 748
* #56, 3c Brown rose "August", bright and fresh, original gum, light hinged, Very Fine, now listed as #65E15h......... ....................................................................................................................................................550.00
#62B, 10c Dark green "August", unused, astonishingly fresh with luxuriant color, sharp impression which reveals a number of fine vertical plate scratches in left margin, Fine; 1993 P.S.E. certificate .......... .....3,750.00
749 (* l
* #62B, 10c Dark green "August", exceptionally well centered mint example, impressive luxurious deep rich color distinctive only to this issue, crisp detailed impression, redistributed original gum, small sealed tear at upper left and tiny thin do not detract from its Very Fine appearance. ....................................................8,000.00
751 * #64, 3c Pink, a highly elusive mint example of this rare stamp, exhibiting bright pastel color and an impres-
sion which is clean and sharp, plus its centering is better than most, as its perforations clear the design nicely all around, original gum, Fine; a remarkably difficult stamp to locate with full original gum; 1967 P.F.and 1991 P.S.E. certificates.....................................................................................................................................14,000.00
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
Scott Ca talog or Estim ated Value
752 1• 1 #64, 3c Pink, unused, exquisite and unmistakable true color, fresh crisp paper yielding a clear impression, light! horizontal crease at top, Fine appearance; 1990 P.F.certificate. ....................................................5,500.00
753 * #66, 3c Lake , incredibly fresh with intense color and prooflike impression, original gum, Fine.............2,000
attractive and pleasing unused example, with warm color and crisp clean impression, Fine; 1985 P.F.certificate...... .............................................................................................................................1,000.00
754 1• 1 #71, 30c Orange,
755 1• 1 #72, 90c Blue, strong color and sharp impression on fresh paper, deceptively regummed and reperforated at
top, nearly Very Fine appearance... ..........................................................................................................1,500.00
756 0 #74, 3c Scarlet, fresh example exhibiting unblemished radiant color and a deeply etched impression, usual
bold horizontal pen strokes, Fine; 1976 P.F.and 1999 P.S.E. certificates..................... ..........................5,000.00
7571• 1 #75, Sc Red brown, unused, gorgeous deep rich shade seldom found so fresh, wonderfull overall appearance
with margins clear all around, nearly Very Fine; 1992 PF. certificiate.............. .....................................2,250.00
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
Scott Ca talog or Est imated Value
759 758 760 7581*) #76a, Sc Black brown, unused, prooflike impression greatly enhances distinct color , Fine and quite scarce .
······································································································································································800.00 759 * #83, 3c Rose "C" grill, marvelously fresh left sheet -margin example , exquisite delicate rose shade, full orig-
inal gum , very lightly hinged, Fine ; 1977 P.F.Certificate ........... .................. ........................................ ..8,500.00
1867 Grilled Issues #84, 2c Black , "D" grill, particuarl y well centered example of this perennially difficult issue , wonderfully intense shade , with a cancellation that is unobtrusive , minor nibbed perfs and some creasing at top, Very Fine appearance ............................................................... .......... ............................................ ............. .for fine 4,500.00
760 O
•• ·••y '
•• •••
76 1
#8SB, 2c Black , "Z" grill, unused, gray back shade , full intact perforations , centered to uppre right , small corner crease at bottom right , Very Good appearance ; 1987 P.F.certificate .................................... ....... 6,500.00
761 l* l
#SSC, 3c Rose, "Z" grill, pleasing example of this scarce grill , with nice sharp easily visible horizontal grill ridges , also the stamp is quite fresh with characteristic reddish tone to the rose color, corner perf crease at lower right , Fine appearance ... ..................................... ..................................................... .......................... ........3,750.00
762 0
763 *
.#~8, 3c Rose?"E" grill, striking bottom left corner sheet-margin single , wonderfull y fresh , deep rich color , ong1nal gum , Fine .... .................................. ......................... ........... .................................. ......................... 1,200.00
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Scott Catalog or Estimated Value
10c Green, "E" grill, select unused single, notably well centered within generous to huge margins, wonderful rich color on crisp clean paper, Very Fine. ....................................................................................2,400.00
764 '*1 #89,
765 * #90 , 12c Black , "E" grill, vivid rich color and razor-sharp impression, original gum, Fine and scarce.. .......
··································································································································································5,250.00 7660 #90 , 12c Black, "E" grill, well centered amid generous margins, unusually strong grill impression, segment-
ed cork cancel, Very Fine....... ......................................................................................................................400.00
769 768 767 767 * #91, 15c Black , "E" grill, scarce mint example of this challenging issue, rich color and sharp impression,
original gum, nearly Fine appearance; 1989 P.S.E. certificate...... ......................................................... 12,000.00 768 * #92, le Blu e, "F" grill, exceptionally rich color which is considerably deeper than usual, wonderfully fresh,
full clean original gum, very lightly hinged, Fine; 1987 P.F.certificate...................................................3,500.00 769 * #95, Sc Brown, "F" grill, deep rich color, clean crisp impression, original gum, nearly Fine........... 3,750.00
770 * #96 , 10c Green, "F" grill, affordable mint example of this issue, deep rich color, original gum which is some-
what disturbed and not noted on the certificate, Fine; 1981 P.F.certificate.............................................3,500.00 December 8, 2007
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771 771 *
Scott Catalog or Est imated Value
#97, 12c Black, "F" grill, exceptionally fresh example with sharp clean impression, full original gum, very
lightly hinged, nearly Fine; photocopy of 1997 P.S.E. certificate for a block of four, this being the bottom left stamp... ......................................................................................................................................................3,500.00
772 0 #97, 12c Black, "F" grill, used with exceptionally striking trueGreen cancellation, which is quite uncom-
mon on this issue and much more rare than its modest 200.00 premium would indicate, nibbed upper left corner perf., nearly Very Fine.................. .........................................................................................................550.00
#98, 15c Black, "F" grill, handsome mint example, nicely centered for this issue, with the perforations clearing the design all around, original gum, Fine... ........................................................................................4,500.00
773 *
#99, 24c Gray lilac, "F" grill, fresh mint single, uncommonly rich color and a razor sharp impression on crisp paper, original gum, h.r., Fine; 1990 P.S.E. certificate....... ............................................................8,500.00
774 *
#100, 30c Orange, "F" grill, wonderfully fresh mint single, with bright vibrant color and clear impression on white paper, full original gum, relatively lightly hinged, Fine; actually quite scarce this nice........... 8,500.00
775 *
#100, 30c Orange, "F" grill, used with beautifully struck neat geometric circle of wedges cancellation, lovely fresh color, Fine................... ....................................................................................................................900.00
776 0
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1-1.R. Harmer, Inc.
Scott Catalog or Estimated Value
1875 Reissue of 1861 Issue
le Blue re-issue, unused, beautiful bright color and strong sharp impression on crisp white paper, a couple of nibbed perfs at top and corner perf. tip crease at bottom right, Very Fine appearance...............450.00
777 1* 1 #102,
unusually fresh mint example, featuring intense jet-black color and a razor-sharp impression on crisp white paper, additionally the perforations are full and even, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine; only 979 stamps were issued; 1976 P.F.certificate...... ...................................................................4,500.00
778 * #103 , 2c Black re-issue,
779 * #104, 3c Brown red re-issue, attractive mint single, with gorgeous rich color and a deeply etched impression
on exceptionally fresh paper, full original gum, Fine; only 465 stamps were issued; 1959 P.F.certificate........... ··································································································································································5,000.00
deep saturated color, regummed,tiny corner perf. crease top right and small sealed tear, Very Fine appearance; only 672 stamps were issued......... ..............................................................1,850.00
780 I*' #105, Sc Brown re-issue,
spectacular saturated color and quite fresh, sharp impression on bright white paper, original gum, Fine; only 451 were issued issued; 1981 P.F.certificate............. ......................................4,250.00
781 * #106, 10c Green re-issue,
strong color and clear impression distinctive to this re-issue, part original gum, small thinned spot revealed only in fluid; Fine appearance; only 389 stamps were issued........ .............5,000.00
782 * #107, 12c Black re-issue,
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Scot1 Ca talog or Estim ated Value
783 * #108, 15c Black re-issue, intense jet-black color on bright white paper, well centered, original gum, Very
Fine; only 397 stamps were issued; 1975 P.F.certificate..... ....................................................................5,500.00 784 * #109, 24c Deep violet re-issue, stunning rich color enhanced by prooflike impression on crisp white paper,
small part original gum, Fine; only 346 stamps were issued; 1978 P.F.certificate... ..............................7,000.00
785 (* l #110, 30c Brownish orange re-issue , unused, wonderful deep rich color characteristic of this issue, a few
nibbed perfs., otherwise Fine; only 346 stamps were issued. ..................................................................4,000.00 786 ' * l #111, 90c Blue re-issue , unused, gloriously rich color on bright crisp paper, small filled thin spot and reper-
forated at left, neither noted on the accompanying certificate, Very Fine appearance; only 317 stamps were issued; clear 1971 P.F. certificate.... .........................................................................................................4, 150.00
1869 Pictorial Issue
787 * #113 Var., 2c Dark brown, remarkable intense shade, wonderful impression on fresh paper, part original gum,
Very Fine....... ..............................................................................................................................................800.00 788 * #116, 10c Yellow, astonishingly brillant color, original gum, small h.r., Fine.. ...................................2,750.00
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Scott Cata log or Est imated Value
#117, 12c Green, attractive example exhibiting superior rich color, remarkably sharp impression with unusually fresh paper, original gum, relatively lightly hinged, nearly Very Fine...............................................2,750.00
789 *
79 1
#118, 15c Brown and blue, Ty.I,lovely bright colors, central vignette shifted to right, redistributed large part original gum, corner perf. crease at bottom right, otherwise Fine.... .....................................................10,000.00
790 *
79 1,â&#x20AC;˘ i
#119, 15c Brown and blue, Ty. II, wonderful colors and clean impression, regmmned, Fine...........1,750.00
792 792 O
#119b, 15c Brown and blue, Ty. II, Center Inverted, an affordable used example of this desirable invert rarity, with only 92 copies recorded according to the Siegel census, transparent cork cancel, several creases and closed tears, Fine appearance; 1990 P.S.E. certificate..... ................................................................17,500.00
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Sco tt Cata log or Estim ated Value
attractive mint example of this exceptionally rare stamp, of which fewer than 30 are known to exist, striking rich colors, especially when compared to others, addition-
793 * #120a, 24c Green and violet, without grill,
ally, this example reveals a clean and sharp impression, large part original gum, vertical crease at right, Fine appearance; 1976 P.F.certificate. ............................................................................................................ 13,500.00
794 1â&#x20AC;˘ 1 #121, 30c Ultramarine and carmine, bright colors, centered clear of design, regummed, Fine.... .3,750.00
attractive example of this rather challenging high value, vivid rich color and clean clear impression, full perforations all around, regummed, Fine. ....................................................5,500.00
795 1â&#x20AC;˘ 1 #122, 90c Carmine and black,
1875 Reissues 1869 Issue le Buff re-issue, particularly well-centered, warm rich color enhanced by the razor-sharp impression on bright paper, original gum, choice Very Fine..... ....................................................................................675.00
796 * #123,
fresh example with gorgeous color, sharp impression on bright paper, couple short perforations not noted on the certificate, part original gum, nearly Very Fine appearance; clear 1975 P.F.certificate.............................................................................................................................................................5,500.00
797 * #125, 3c Blue re-issue,
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Scott Catalog or Estimated Value
798 * #126, 6c Blue re-issue,
handsome appearing mint example, rich color and sharp impression, reperforated at right, full original gum, Fine appearance........ .........................................................................................2,250.00
799 * #127, 10c Yellow re-issue,
unusually fresh with bright color on crisp white paper, small inclusion, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine...........................................................................................................................2,250.00 strikingly deep color, sharp prooflike impression, full clean original gum, very lightly hinged, Fine. ..................................................................................................................................3,000.00
800 * #128, 12c Green re-issue,
801 1*) #129, 15c Brown and blue re-issue Ty. III,
well centered, wonderful rich color, regummed,Very Fine... .... ..................................................................................................................................................................1,050.00
802 (*1 #130, 24c Green and violet re-issue , unused, choice centering, rich fresh colors and razor sharp impression,
small diagonal crease at lower right not noted on the certificate, choice Very Fine appearance; clear 1968 P.F. certificate.................................................................................................................... ...............................1,200.00
803 i * i #131, 30c Ultramarine and carmine re-issue,
unused, beautiful bright colors and clean impression, minute corner perf. crease at upper left, nearly Very Fine appearance; 1975 P.F.certificate...............................1,700.00
804 (* I #132, 90c Carmine and black re-issue ,
rather attractive unused single, vivid rich colors with detailed impression on crisp paper, faint stain at top right has been largely eliminated, nearly Very Fine; 1977 P.F.certificate ............... ........................................................................................................................................2,250.00
le Buff re-issue , handsome example of ths soft paper re-issue, wonderful luxurious color, original gum, Fine.. .............................................................................................................................................................375.00
805 * #133,
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Scott Catalog or Estimated Value --
1870 -71 National Bank Note Co. Grilled
#134 Var.,le Dark ultramarine with grill, marvelous deep rich color distinctive to this disirable shade, clean sharp impression, tiny thin not noted on the certificate and faint corner perf crease, large part original gum, Fine appearance; 1976 P.F.certificate...............................................................................................................2,750.00
806 *
#135, 2c Red brown with grill, attractive unused example, gorgeous rich color with notably clean clear impression, Fine... ........................................................................................................................................550.00
807 (* I
#137, 6c Carmine rose with grill, rich fresh color, full perfs. all around, original gum which has been slightly disturbed, h.r., Fine; 1990 P.F.certificate. ............................................................................................5,750.00
808 *
81 1
#138, 7c Vermilion with grill, radiant rich color, easily discerned grill points, sharp impression, small part original gu1n, Fine.....................................................................................................................................4,500.00
809 *
8 1o(* l
#139 Var., 10c Yellow brown with grill, lovely fresh unused example of this distinctive shade, Fine; signed "W.H.C." (Colson) and Koslow and accompanied by 1993 P.F.certificate not noting the shade variety....... ...... ..................................................................................................................................................................2,750.00
81 1 0
#140, 12c Dull violet with grill, nicely centered used example, with particularly deep color for this challenging grilled value, faint diagonal crease at upper right not noted on the certificate, otherwise nearly Very Fine; signed "DFK" (Kelleher) and accompanied by clear 1974 P.F.certificate..... ....................................3,250
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8 12
8 13
Scott Catalog or Estimated Value
8 14
rather attractivesingle, with radiant color on bright paper, particularlywell-struck impression, original gum, faint comer crease at bottom left, Fine appearance; 1986P.F.certficate...........8,500.00
812 * #141 , 15c Orange with grill,
used with lightly struck Blue oval cancellation, reperfed at right and trivial perf tip repair at top, Fine appearance. ............................................................................................................3,815.00
813 O #143 , 30c Black with grill,
nicely centered unused example of this grilled high-value, gorgeous deep color emanating from crisp white paper, sharp impression, Very Fine; 1986 P.F.certificate. ................9,000.00
814 1*1 #144 , 90c Carmine with Grill,
1870-71 National Bank Note Co.
8 16
8 15
8 17
le Ultramarine , lovely pastel color, clear impression on crisp white paper, original gum, lightly hinged, nearly Very Fine. ..........................................................................................................................................700.00
8 15 * #145,
816 * #148, 6c Carmine , rich color, part
disturbed original gum, a few nibbed perfs, Fine......................... 1,200.00
8 I 7 * #151, 12c Dull violet, luxurious deep color, full perfs all around, lightly disturbedoriginal gum, Fine. 3,000.00
8 18 1*1 #152, 15c Bright orange , beautiful unused single, with fresh radiant color and a sharp impression on crisp
white paper, miniscule corner perf. crease at upper left, otherwise Very Fine.........................................1,300.00 beautiful unused example, the color is particularly rich and the margins are uncharacteristically large and evens, Extremely Fine.....................................................................................................925.00
8191*1 #153, 24c Purple ,
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Sco tt Ca talog or Estim ated Value
unused, strikingly intense color enhanced by the razor-sharp impression, fresh and Fine... ····································································································································································3000.00
820 l * I #154 30c Black,
821 1*1 #155, 90c Carmine,
rich lovely color, regummed, Fine... ..................................................................2,400.00
1873-75 Continental Bank Note Co. 822 * #156 Var.,
le Gray blue, select mint example of this distinctive shade, handsome margins, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine; clear I 992 P.F. certificate not specifically noting the shade variety. ................300.00
stunning unused example of this desirable shade, deep rich saturated color enhanced by superb impression, additionally benefitting by abnormally large even margins, Extremely Fine... ······································································································································································500.00
823 l * I #161 Var., 10c Dark brown,
unused, nice margins despite being reperforated at left, lovely bright color, regummed, Very Fine appearance... .......................................................................................................... 1,250.00
824 I* ' #163, 15c Yellow orange,
825 * #166, 90c Rose carmine ,
astonishingly tall single, bright color emanates from unusually fresh paper, clear sharp impression revealing horizontal lay-out line below bottom margin, full original gum, small h.r., light diagonal crease, Very Fine appearance.. .........................................................................................................2,750.00
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Scot t Ca talog or Estim ated Value
826 * #173, 12c Dark violet special printing, without gum as issued, an pleasing example of this rare and desir-
able special printing value, boasting intense color and proof-like impression on bright crisp paper, scissors separated perfs. easily clear of design all around, Very Fine for this, approximately 60 examples are believed to exist ; 1957 P.F.certificate... ......................................................................................................................7,250.00 827 * #179 , Sc Blue , particularly fresh with deep rich color and sharp impression, original gum, small album page
offset on gum, Fine.......................................................................................................................................850.00
1879 Amer icank Bank Note Co.
828 {* l #187, 10c Brown , unused, rich fresh color, Fine; 1994 P.S.E. certificate. .......................................... 1,400.00
829 ** #189 , 15c Red orange , remarkably luminous color, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine.......................900.00 830 * #191 , 90c Carmine , impressive centering, extraordinarly large margins, beautiful color, original gum, light-
ly hinged, small thin at lower left, Extremely Fine appearance. ..............................................................2,500.00
1881-88 Bank Note Issues
831 ** #215 , 4c Carmine , lovely mint example, with beautiful bright color on marvelously fresh crisp paper, orig-
inal gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. ............................................................................................................800.00 832 * #218 , 90c Purple , superior color, particularly fresh, original gum, trivial h.r., Fine. .......................... 1,200.00 Dece mb er 8, 2007
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Scott Cata log or Estima ted Value
1890-93 Regular Issue
833 833 * #219a-229a , lc-90c Im perforate ,
complete set of horizontal pairs, including both 2c colors, margins generally large alI around, 90c particularly so with right sheet-margin, original gum, lightly hinged or h.r., 3c small sealed tear at bottom and 15c thinned spots, otherwise, Fine to Extremely Fine; seldom offered as a complete set...............................................................................................................................................................5,635.00
834 * #220c, 2c Carmine, cap on both "2"s, a seldom-seenjumbo-margined mint example, featuring uncharacter-
istically lavish margins, in addition its color is particularly rich and its impression highly detailed, surprisingly well centered, original gum, Extremely Fine...............................................................................................700.00
1893 Columbian Exposition
835 EX
le - 5.00 Columbians, plate proofs on card, cplt., generally with good to large margins, some with weak or faded color and a few with minor thinning, otherwise Very Fine... .................................. 1,435.00
835 #230-245P4,
836 ** #230,
le Columbian, oversized margins, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine...... .................60.00
scarce mint vertical pair, clear margins all around, especially large at right and bottom, regummed over usual light creasing and tiny sealed tear at top, nearly Very Fine appearance; actually quite a bit nicer than most and an excellent item for the Columbian series specialist. for 1ninimal faults ......................................................................................................................................1,250.00
837 <*l #231b, 2c Columbian, imperforate
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Scott Cata log or Estimated Value
#232, 3c Columbian, block of four, bright and fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine. for singles ....................................................................................................................................................600.00
838 tE**
••....••..•.••....•.. AMEIIICAN
y ....................••......•..•..
... .
BAIIK ~ on:
... :
. 839
#233, 4c Columbian, bottom margin imprint and plate "No.20" block of six, incredibly vibrant color, fresh and intact, original gum, lightly hinged, four stamps Never Hinged, top left stamp thinned, Fine-Very Fine appearance. ................................................................................................................................................ 1,050.00
839 PB.
#233a, 4c Blue Columbian error of color, attractive mint example of this rare and desirable commemorative color error, being the preferred deeper blue of the two shades, with luxuriant rich color and prooflike impression, centered to the left but the perforations all clearing the design, fresh overall appearance, original gum, Ju., tiny thin spot not noted on the certificate, Fine appearance; 1966 P.F.certificate................. 19,000.00
840 *
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Scott Catalog or Estimated Value
84 1
#234, Sc Columbian, block of four, sumptuously rich color and sharp impression, pristine original gum, ever Hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine................................................................................................... 1,040.00
842 EE*
#235, 6c Columbian, mint block of four, deep color, original gum, center h.r., Fine-Very Fine. ......360.00
#236, Sc Columbian, left sheet-margin imprint block of eight, bright color and clean impression, original gum, Never Hinged, minor perf. separation reinforcement in margin not affecting stamps, Fine. .......... 1,600.00
843 EE**
#241, $1.00 Columbian, sumptuous rich color and detailed impression on fresh paper, original gum, very lightly hinged, Fine.... ............................................................................................................................... 1,200.00
844 *
#245, $5.00 Columbian, attractive mint example, intense color and sharp impression, original gum, nearly Very Fine. ..................................................................................................................................................3,000.00
845 *
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Scott Catalog or Estimated Value
1894 Unwatermarked Bureau Issue
846 * #262 , $2.00 Bright blue, vivid rich color and sharp impression on white paper, original gum, very lightly
hinged, natural paper wrinkle as often found on this first Bureau printing, otherwise Fine................ ...3,250.00 affordable example of this high value, intense color, redistributed part original gum, Fine........... ................................................................................................................................................5,000.00
847 * #263 , $5.00 Dark green,
1894 Watermarked Bureau Issue
exceptionally choice horizontal pair, with uniformly large margins all around, intense color and deeply etched impression on fresh white paper, full original gum, Extremely Fine; only 100 stamps were issued .....................................................................................................................1,600.00
848 * #276b , $1.00 Black, Ty. I, imperforate,
849 * #276A , $1.00 Black , Ty. II, intense color and wonderful impression, original gum, tiny filled thin speck vis-
ible only in fluid and not noted on the certificate, nearly Very Fine appearance, clear 1977 P.F.certificate.. ..... ....................................................................................................................................................................1500.00 850 * #277a, $2.00 Dark blue, gloriously rich color and razor-sharp impression, original gum, h.r., thin speck, Very
Fine appearance......................................................................................................................................... 1,200.00 851 * #278, $5.00 Dark green ,
lovely color, original gum, small h.r., small tear at right center not noted on the certificate, nearly Very Fine appearance, clear 1975 A.P.S. certificate .........................................................2,400.00
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Scott Catalog or Estimated Value
1898 Trans-Mississippi Exposition
852 852
* #292, $1.00 Trans-Mississippi,rather nicely centered with intense color, original gum, h.r., tiny thin spot and
lightly toned on the lower right corner, Very Fine appearance.. ............................................................... 1,250.00 853
* #293,$ 2.00 Trans-Mississippi, particularly well centered mint single, with deep luxuriant color and prooflike impression on crisp clean paper, original gum, tiny thin speck, Very Fine appearance...........................2,250.00
* #293, $2.00 Trans-Mississippi,deep rich color, original gum, small thin at lower right corner, Fine appearance.. .........................................................................................................................................................2,250.00
* #294a, le Pan-American, Center Inverted, especially fresh mint example of this 20th century invert rarity,
1901 Pan American Exposition with particularly deep rich colors on bright paper, attractive centering for this issue, disturbed original gum from hinge removal and faint vertical crease, Fine appearance; 1982 P.F.certificate. ..................................11,000.00
856 856 *
#296a, 4c Pan-American, Center Inverted, an affordable mint example of this sought-after rarity, reasonably well centered for this, with perfs. barely touching design at bottom right, disturbed original gum as virtually always (certificate states "part o.g."), light corner creases at upper left and upper right not noted on the certificate, a few nibbed or short perfs., Fine appearance; only 203 stamps were issued both with and without "Specimen" overprint, with the unoverprinted stamps being decidedly scarcer; clear 1967 P.F.certificate. () .... ································································································································································35,000.00
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Scott Cata log or Estimated Value
1901-8 Regular Issue
choice centering amid symmetrical margins, gorgeous rich color and crisp impression, original gum, Extremely Fine.......................................................................................................................475.00
857 * #310, 50c Orange,
particularly intense color on crisp white paper, slightly disturbed original gum, tiny corner perf. thin in upper left corner, Fine appearance.............................................................................3,000.00
858 * #313, $5.00 Dark green,
choice mint horizontal pair, uniformly large even margins all around, deep rich color on fresh paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine......................... ..................................500.00
859 * #315, Sc Blue imperforate ,
860 * #315, Sc Blue imperforate , fresh horizontal pair, handsome margins all around, original gum, lightly hinged,
Extremely Fine... ..........................................................................................................................................500.00
86 I * #317, Sc Blue coil, a rare mint single, which is actually scarcer as a single than a pair, beautiful deep rich
color with sharp impression on fresh crisp paper, original gum, h.r., Fine; 1992 P.F.certificate..... ......6,000.00
862 * #318, le Blue green coil, an exceptional mint pair of this rare coil, with remarkably precise centering and
generous margins, wonderful intense characteristic color, full and even perforations, original gum, Extremely Fine; Armstrong notes that as of 1980, approximately 80 pairs were certified as genuine; 1963 P.F.certificate for a strip of four of which this is left pair, and 1977 certificate... ........................................................ 16,500.00
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Scott Catalog or Estimated Value
Ty. II coil, two mint singles of this 20th century rarity, having come from a pair, rather well centered for this, beautiful fresh color, original gum, left stamp h.r., nearly Very Fine; both signed "CHM" (Meekel) and accompanied by 1945 A.PS. and 1984 P.F.certificates as a pair.....................................14,000.00
863 * #322, 2c Carmine,
1908-10 Double-Line Watermark
B B B ..â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘........
mint guide line pair, sumptuously rich color, remarkably fresh, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine; 1976 P.F.certificate. ................................................................................................ 1,250.00
864 * #350, 4c Orange brown coil,
865 ** #351, Sc Blue coil,
pair, intense color, original gum, Never Hinged, fresh and Fine... ......................1,000.00
extraordinary mint paste-up pair, the bottom stamp, which is not affected by paste-up, is a superlative jumbo, particularly deep color and razor-sharp impression on crisp fresh paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine and striking.................................................................................................475.00
866 * #351, Sc Blue coil,
867 * #351, Sc Blue coil,
marvelous mint guide line pair, rich color on fresh paper, original gum, top stamp very lightly hinged, bottom stamp Never Hinged, nearly Very Fine; 1976 P.F.certificate...............................1,250.00
868 868 * #352,
le Green coil, pair showing 3 mm spacing, particularly fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine; photocopy of 1979 P.F.certificate for strip of four, this being the right pair. ..................................................525.00
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ated Value Scott Catalog or Esti111
869 * #354 , 4c Orange brown coil, guide line pair, sumptuously rich color, original gum, h.r., Fine......... 1,500.00
870 * #355 , Sc Blue coil, a most attractive mint guide line pair, choice cente1i ng, lovely bright color with sharp
impression on fresh paper, original gum, lightly hinged, choice Very Fine; 1975 P.F. certificate. ..........1,500.00
87 1 * #356, 10c Yellow coil, beautiful radiant color and sharp impression on crisp white paper, original gum with
barest trace of hinging, Fine; photocopy of 1979 P.F. certificate for line strip of four, this being the left stamp. ..................................................................................................................................................................3,250.00 a wonderful mint pair, featuring radiant color and clean deeply etched impression on well centered for this difficult issue, strong and intact perforations, original gum, paper, inclusion-free bright .................................................................................................................7,000.00 ...... Very Fine; 1959 certificate
872 * #356 , 10c Yellow coil,
1909 Bluish Paper
873 873 * #359 , 3c Deep violet on bluish paper, a sensational mint single, marvelously well centered, additionally the
impression is sharp on fresh deeply blued paper, rich luxurious color, original gum, choice, Very Fine; signed "Stanley Gibbons" and "W.C.P. & Co.". ..................................................................................................2,000.00 er 8, 2007 Dece111b
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er, Inc. H.R. Har111
Scot t Cata log or Estimated Value
#360, 4c Orange brown on bluish paper, a pleasing example of this important 20th century rarity, with rather attractive centering within generous margins for this issue, deep luxuriant color on crisp clean paper, original gum, light h.r., nearly Very Fine for this; 1961 and 1984 PF. certificates. ............................................24,000.00
874 *
#361, Sc Blue on bluish paper, lovely fresh color and sharp impression on deeply blued paper, original gum, very lightly hinged; fresh and Fine; 1983 PF. certificate........... ..............................................................6,000.00
875 *
876 *
#362, 6c Red orange on bluish paper, wonderfully fresh mint single, bright fresh color and sharp impression on crisp strongly blued paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine....................... ............................ 1,500.00
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Scon Catalog or Estim ated Value
877 877 * #363, 8c Olive green on bluish paper , a truly magnificent example of this key 20th century rarity, of which
fewer than 90 copies exist today in private hands, fabulous centering for this within abnormally large mar-
gins, full and even perforations all around, remarkable rich color emanating from exceptionallyfresh paper upon whose surface a deeply etched impression is revealed, original gum, relatively lightly hinged, choice Very Fine; an important addition to any advanced collection of mint 20th century United States stamps; photocopy of 1968 P.F.certificate for a block of four, this being the upper right stamp... ..................................................27,500.00
Dece mber 8. 2007
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1-J.R. Harmer, Inc.
Scott Ca talog or Estim ated Value
878 879 880 878 * #364 , toe Yellow on bluish paper, lovely mint example of this denomination, choice centering, wonderful
intense glowing color on fresh paper, original gum, Very Fine........ ....................................................... 1,900.00
879 * #365, 13c Blue Green on bluish paper, a select mint single, boasting uncommonly large margins, luxurious
rich color on crisp fresh paper, original gum, h.r. choice Very Fine; 1976 P.F.certificate.... .................3,000.00
880 * #366, 15c Pale ultramarine on bluish paper, wonderful mint single, with pretty pastel color on immaculate
paper, well centered for this, fresh original gum with only a tiny trace of hinging, Very Fine. .............. 1,50.000
1910-13 Single-Line Watermark
881 881 * #388, 2c Carmine coil, particularly fresh mint example of this scarce and frequently faked coil, radiant color
on crisp paper, original gum, minute trace of hinging (if at all), Fine; 1975 P.F.certificate...................1,250.00
882 882 * #388 , 2c Carmine coil, attractive mint pair, boasting the more desirable 3 mm spacing, bright fresh color on
crisp paper, nicely centered for this, strong and intact perforations, original gum, h.r., nearly Very Fine; 1982 P.F.certificate.. .........................................................................................................................................3,500.00
Decembe r 8, 2007
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Scott Catalog or E timated Value
883 883 * #388, 2c Carmine coil, a marvelous mint guide line pair, featuring outstanding centering for this elusive coil
rarity, striking "fiery" color with deeply etched impression emanating from bright crisp paper, original gum, h.r.'s, choice Very Fine; rarely seen in this nice, 1982 P.F.certificate................................. ....................8,500.00
• • • • • • •
• •
885 884 884 0 #389, 3c Deep violet coil, Ty. I, attractive example of this rare Orangeburg coil, wonderful rich color, neat
wavy line machine cancellation as appropriate to this issue, centering easily exceeds "fine" valuation as per Scott catalog, minor creasing and two thins, nearly Very Fine appearance; 1976 P.F.certificate.. ....... 11,000.00 885 ** #393 , 2c Carmine coil, choice mint pair, magnificent centering, bright vibrant color on fresh white paper
and crisp clean impression, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine.. .................................275.00
887 886 886 * #394 , 3c Deep violet coil, mint guide line pair, choice deep color, handsome centering, original gum, lightly
hinged, nearly Very Fine...............................................................................................................................425.00 887 ** #395, 4c Brown coil, gorgeous guide line pair, with fabulous centering, rich sumptuous color and crisp white paper, original gum, ever Hinged, choice Very Fine........... .................................................................. 1, l 00.00 December 8, 2007
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Scott Ca ta log or Estimated Value
888 888 ** #396, Sc Blue coil,
beautiful guide line pair, attractively centered, particularly deep color with clean sharp impression on fresh paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. ..........................................................975.00
1913-15 Panama Pacific Exposition
889 ** #400 , 10c Panama-Pacific,
orange yellow, radiant color, exceptionally fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. ....................................................................................................................................................300.00
890 * #404 , 10c Pamana-Pacific , perf.
10, particularly fresh with bright vibrant color and a razor-sharp impression on crisp inclusion-free paper, attractive centering, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine.......................900.00
1912-14 Perf 12 Issues cplt. including both 50c values, attractive colors, original gum, h.r., Fine-Very Fine set. (No Photo) .................................................................................................................................. 1,315.00
89 1 * #414-423, Sc - 1.00 Franklin
1913-15 Perf 10 Watermarked
892 892* #445, 3c Violet flat plate coil, handsome mint guide line pair, exquisitely well centered, gorgeous deep color
~i~h cleanly incised impression on pristine paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine; 1976 PF. certificate.......... ............................................................................................................................................. 1,300.00 Dece mber 8, 2007
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Scott Cata log or Estimated Value
893 8930 #445, 3c Violet flat plate coil, an exceptionally rare used guide line pair, tremendous centering, deep rich
color, moderate duplex cancellation, Very Fine; genuine used line pairs are very few and far between.2,750.00
894* #449, 2c Red rotary coil, Ty. I, attractive mint example of this coil rarity, with marvelous bright color in the
distinctive red shade characteristic of genuine examples, fresh crisp paper yielding a prooflike impression, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine; 1981 P.F.and 1997 P.S.E. certificates........ .............................................3,000.00
895 * #449, 2c Red rotary coil, Ty. I, desirable mint pair of this rare and difficult coil, featuring an extremely fine
centered stamp at top, marvelous overall freshness, plus it possesses the distinctive red color found only on genuine examples, strong and intact perforations, original gum, Fine-Extremely Fine; l 972 P.F. certificate............. ..................................................................................................................................................................7,000.00
896 ** #453, 2c Carmine rose rotary coil, Ty. I, post office fresh mint pair, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine. ....
······································································································································································675.00 897 ** #454, 2c Red rotary coil, Ty. II, joint line pair, beautifully centered, wonderful rich color, crisp and intact,
original gum, Never Hinged, choice Very Fine.. .........................................................................................900.00
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Scott Cata log or Estima ted Value
898 898
** #459, 2c Carmine imperforate coil, mint pair, deep rich color and superlati ve impre ssion, origin al gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine . .......... .................. .......................... ................. ....... ..............................................725.00
899 899 *
#459 , 2c Carmine imperforate coil, hand some joint line pair , with the usual crease which is wholly confined within the design of the left stamp , bright color, original gum , lightly hinged, Very Fine appearance ; signed "Ward" ........ ..................................................... ............................ ............................. ................................... 750 .00
1916-19 Perf 10 Unwatermarked
900 *
#467, Sc Carmine error, nicely centered with strong color , original gum , lightly hinged, Very Fine ... 550 .00
901 *
#467 , Sc Carmine error, rich color on fresh paper , original gum , lightly hinged, Fine ....... ..................550.00
902 *
#478 , $1.00 Violet black, attracti vely centered within rather wide marg ins, rich color on fresh white paper , original gum , h.r., Very Fine ................................................................................................................... ...... 800.00
December 8, 2007
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
Scott Cata log or Estimat ed Value
903 903 O #482A, 2c Deep rose imperforate , Ty. la, Schermack
Ty. III perforations , a wonderful used example of
this most sought-after 20th century rarity, featuring Schermack perforations on both the left and the right, being one of the very few copies that can claim this important and desirable characteristic, plus, quite remarkably, these perforations are well clear of the design on both sides, a quality that further enhances its desirability, in addition, its bottom margin is close but clear of the design, rich distinctive color on clean fresh paper, small corner margin crease at top right, Fine appearance; a stamp that is missing from even the most advanced collections of United States stamps; 1982 P.F.certificate. Scott #482A was issued imperforate by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and sold to the Schermack Company for use in their patented stamp-affixing machines; these stamp dispensing and affixing machines applied the stamps one at a time, often slicing the stamps not on the hyphen-hole perforations as intended, but typically well into the design and most often cutting off the perforations on one side, to date a mere 32 single have been recorded , this being Siegel census #482A-CAN-24. ································································································································································55,000.00
Dece mb er 8, 2007
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Scon Catalog or Estimated Value
• • • • • • •• • · ·~~:liiiii._:~ • • 904 904 *
#491, 2c Carmine coil, Ty. II, an outstanding mint pair, featuring marvelous centering, especially when com-
pared to most, plus it posseses the rich carmine color that is distinctive to this issue, particularly fresh with strong and intact perforations, original gum, trivial little h.r., Extremely Fine and choice; 1960 P.F.certificate. ..................................................................................................................................................................6,000.00
1917-19 Perf 11 Issues
#500, 2c Deep rose, Ty. Ia, marvelous mint single, well centered within uncommonly large margins, exquisite color on fresh clean paper, original gum, very lightly hinged, choice Very Fine.......... .......................280.00
905 *
906 **
#505 , Sc Rose error, brilliantly fresh, gorgeous color, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine.. .................700.00
907 907 * #505, Sc Rose error, beautiful mint combination pair, the right stamp the error, exceptional centering, bright
fresh color, original gum, 2c stamp small h.r. and the error lightly hinged, Extremely Fine..... ................350.00
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
Scott Catalog or Estimated Value
** #505, Sc Rose error, top margin block of nine with center stamp the error, gorgeous color and remarkably 908 EB fresh, crisp and intact, original gum, Never Hinged, error stamp with natural perf. disc adhesion, Fine-Very Fine ..................................................................................................................................................................1, 150.00
vertical pair, unused example of this scarce error, with no trace of the blind perforations found on so many, faults include creases and a sealed tear in right margin of top stamp, Very Good.... .................................................................................................................2,000.00
909 <*) #515b, 20c Light ultramarine, imperforate between ,
910 * #519 , 2c Carmine ,
particularly well centered amid large margins, rich unmistakable color, original gum, lightly hinged, choice Very Fine...................................................................................................................450.00
1918-20 Offset Issues 911 ** #533 , 2c Carmine offset imperforate, Ty. V, beautiful mint single,
rich color on brilliant white paper, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine.. .....................................................................................230.00
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
Scott Catalog or Estimated Value
912 912 * #534B, 2c Carmine offset imperforate, Ty.VII, fabulous bottom sheet-margin and part arrow mint single , the bottom margin is a staggering 11 1/2 mm from the bottom frame line , other margins are lavish, luxuriant vibrant color, original gum , lightly hinged, two tiny natural paper inclusion spots, Extremely Fine and handsome ; 1976 P.F. certificate ............................. .................... ..................... .................................. ................. 2, 100.00
913 913 * #534B, 2c Carmine offset imperforate, Ty.VII, handsome mint pair of this scarce issue , beautiful rich color, generous margins all around, original gum , lightly hinged, Extremely Fine ; 1975 P.F. certificate ........ .4,400.00
1919-21 Issues
914 * #539, 2c Carmine rose coil waste, Ty. II, attractive mint example of this scarce issue , strong distinctive rich color and razor-sharp impression , original gum , Fine; 1978 P.F. certificate. .................... for fine 2,850.00 9 I5 <*1 #544, le Green coil waste, pleasing used example of this scarce rotary press issue, nicely centered for this
difficult stamp, attractive duplex cancel with year date " 1924" indicating relatively late usage , distinctive grayish cast to the green color, sharp impression , light diagonal creases , Fine appearance ; signed " SA" (Spencer Anderson) and accompanied by 1964 P.F certificate ............... ........................................ ......... .for fine 3,750.00 Dece mber 8, 2007
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Scott Catalog or Estimated Value
1922 Regular Issue
9 16
#554d, 2c Carmine, perforated 10 at top, an attractive appearing unused example of this tremendously rare error, of which /\a total of a mere nine examples are recorded /\ (two unused, four used and three covers), having been caused when a normal perforation 11 wheel was replaced erroneously with an only-style perforation 10 wheel, deep rich color on fresh paper, small corner crease and a tiny internal paper split at bottom right, Fine appearance; /\one of only two known unused copies; /\ 2006 A.P.S. and 2007 P.F. certificates. ......................................................................................................................................for N.H. with s.e. 7,500.00
9 I 6 '*1
917 **
#573, $5.00 Carmine and blue, well centered within large margins, particularly bright and fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine... ........................................................................................................240.00
1923-29 Issues
918 **
#599A, 2c Carmine coil, Ty. II, post office fresh mint pair, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine..... ....475.00
#599, 599A, 2c Carmine coil, Ty. I and Ty. II, mint combinationjoint line strip of four, the left stamps Ty. I and the right stamps Ty. II, significantly low centering reveals part-plate number above left Ty. II stamp, a sensational variety thus, radiant color, bright and fresh, original gum, lightly hinged, the two end stamps Never Hinged, Fine for this.....................................................................................................................................975.00
919 *
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
Scott Cata log or Estimated Value
#613, 2c Harding, rotary press, perf. 11 an attractive used example of this most sought -after commemora tive rarity, being rather nicely centered, especially when compared to the others , as this stamp is often found quite poorly centered, with the perforations touching the design on one or two sides , not so the example offered here however, as the perforations clear the design nicely all around, rich color and characteristic rotary press impression , plus it is so faintly cancelled that it appear s to be unu sed (and in fact we are not convinced that it is not) , expert ly repaired in the bottom right corner , Fine appearance; the 2c Harding Memorial issue produced from rotary press sheet waste is one of the great rarities in United States philately , with fewer than 50 copies confirmed to exist, of these 22 have their perforation s cutting or touching the design on one or two sides ; Siegel census #613-CAN -26 as a sound stamp ; clear 1963 P.F. certificate and 2007 P.S.E. certificate . ....................................................................................................................................................for fine 45,000 .00
920 0
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Scott Catalog or Estim ated Value
921 921 ** #703b, 2c Yorktown, Dark lake and black, unmistakable rich color, post office fresh with original gum ,
Never Hinged, Fine, photocopy 1978 P.F.certificate for a block of four, this being the lower left stamp. 800.00
922 922 ** #1542c, 1542d, 1542 Var., 10c Kentucky Settlement, Green (engraving) missing and green (engraving)
and black (lithography) missing, a spectacular right sheet-margin combination horizontal strip of four, which is exceptional in its rarity as well as sensational in its appearance , consisting of a nearly normal stamp at left which is missing just a small part of the engraved green , next to which is a transitional example with virtually all of the engraved green missing as well as just a bit of the lithographed blue , green and black mis sing, the third stamp is missing all of the engraved green (# 1542c), as well as portions of other colors , the right stamp is missing the engraved green and the lithographed black colors (# 1542d), original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; an amazing and visually striking transitional error multiple ; accompanied by William Hatton's Linn 's article concearing this piece .......................... .......................................... .................................. .........Est. 4,000 .00-5,000.00
. .. ..
T■Di a. P
Air Post Issues
. ;
: ~~=~~ :::~ ~:
923 923 PB** #C3, 24c Carmine rose and blue, top margin arrow, two "TOP" and plate nos . 8493, 8492 block of
twelve , nicely centered, fresh with bright colors , original gum , top left stamp with gum skip, Never Hinged, a couple natural inclusions and pre-printing paper fold at top right just affecting the top right corner , otherwise Very Fine ................................ ............. ................................................... ...................... ....................... ......2,100.00 December 8, 2007
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
Scott Catalog or Estimated Value
#CS, 15c Dark blue, exceptionally scarce postally used bottom margin plate number 14829 block of six, usual oval cancellations rather lightly applied, attractive centering , crisp and intact , Fine-Very Fine and handsome .............................................................................. ............. .................. ............. ................... .............. 1,550.00
924 PBO
925 EX 925 *
#C13-C15, 65c - 2.60 Graf Zeppelins cplt. , fresh , original gum, 65c and 1.30 Never Hinged, 2.60 lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set. .................................................. ............. ................... ................... ................... 1,900 .00
926 926 0 #ClS, 2.60 Graf Zeppelin , Fine single tied by well-struck "Washington , D.C./ Apr 19, 1930 5 PM " first day
of issue machine cancel to flown cover to Syracuse , N.Y., approprate violet US and red German flight cachets and green Lakehurst zeppelin backstamp , typed address , Very Fine . .......................... ............................ 1,200.00 Dece mber 8, 2007
Page 4 7
H.R . Harmer, Inc.
Scon Catalog or Estimated Value
ew York, N.Y./ Oct 2, 1933 12 M" first day of issue machine cancel and red German flight cachet to flown cover, also with atractive and cleanly struck violet US "Century of Progress" cachet, particularly fresh cover with scarcer block of four, Very Fine....... 200.00
92718:1C18, 50c Graf Zeppelin, well centered block of four, tied by"
Postage Due Issues
#J14, 50c Deep brown special printing, centered a bit to right, characteristic razor-sharp impression on fresh paper, original gum, nearly Fine and rare; only 179 stamps were issued; 1953 P.F.and 1996 P.S.E. certificates. ··································································································································································8,000.00 929 * #J21, SOCRed brown, extraordinarily fresh and beautiful mint single, luxuriant rich color and a cleanly incised impression, plus the original gum has only been lightly hinged, trivial natural paper inclusion, nearly Very Fine........ ........................................................................................................................................... 1,900.00 928 *
#J57, 30c Carmine lake, lovely mint single, bright fresh color, full even perforations, attractive centering, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. ......................................................................................................575.00
930 **
Local Issues
#40Ll, City Despatch Post, ew York, .Y, 3c Black on grayish, a sensational top sheet-margin mint single, with lavishly large margins on the other three sides, vivid rich color and sharp impression on fresh paper, original gum, h.r., Extremely Fine; signed several times and with 1991 P.F.certificate; this issue was the first adhesive postage stamp used in the United States. ......................................................................................375.00
931 *
December 8, 2007
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
Un less announced otherwise by the auc tioneer, all bids are per lot, as numbered in the printed Cata logue. H.R. Harn1er, as agem for the consignor or vendor, shall regulate the bidding and sha ll determine the manner in which the bidding shall be conducted. Harn1ers reserves the right to withdraw any lot prior to sa le (wi thout liability to any potential purcha ser or agem), to re-offer any withdrawn lot, to di vide a lot or to group two or more lots belonging 10 the same consignor or vendor, and to refus e any bid belie ved not made in good faith. The highe st bid acknow ledged by the auct ioneer shal l prevail. Should a dispute arise between bidder s (inc ludin g a dispute betwe en a floor bidder and the auctioneer acting on behalf of a mail bidder, cons ignor or vendor ), the auctioneer alone shall determi ne who is the succe ssful bidder and whether to reoffe r the lot in dispute . Should a dispute arise afte r the sa le, the auctioneer 's sa le records shal l be concl usive. On all lots so ld, a commi ssio n of 15% on the hamm er pric e is payab le by the buyer. (a) The auctioneer reserves the right to bid on behalf of clients (and consignors or vendors) but shall not be liable for errors and omissions in exec uting instructions to bid , however rece ived , and whether such error s or omissions be those of the bidder or agent or tho se of the auctioneer. (b) All lots are offered subject to a reserve price . The auctioneer may implement such reserve price . The auct ioneer may implement such reserve price by bidding on behalf of the consigno r vendor. (c) ft may also be assumed that a ll consignors have been advanced moni es against the sa le of their sta mp s and Hanners therefore ha s a secur ity interest over and above the nom1al auction commiss ion. (d) Purchases made by a consignor or ve ndor or his agent on his own lots sha ll be cons idered as a sa le subject to comm iss ions and sale s tax as applicab le. (e) Agents are respon sible for all purcha ses made on be ha lf of their cliem s, unles s other arra ngeme nts have been confirmed in wr iting prior to the auction.
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