Sale 2983 - Wm. Thomas Lockard Collection of Liberia Stamps and Postal History

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Cape Pa/mas

H.R. Harmer, Inc. Friday, March 14, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. est

The Wm. Thomas Lockard Collection Liberia Stamps and Postal History UNRESERVED PUBLIC AUCTION AND MAIL BID SALE SALE TO BE HELD AT: H R Harmer Headquarters 5 Francis J. Clarke Circle Bethel , CT 06801 Telephone 203-702-8490 • Fax 203-791-1832

EXHIBITION OF LOTS 5 Francis J. Clarke Circle, Bethel , CT 06801 Monday, March 3 - Friday March 7 and Monday, March IO - Thur sday, March 13 from 9:00 a.m . to 5:00 p.m. Eac h Day



5 Francis J. Clarke Circle, Bethel, CT 06801 Phone:+ 1.203 .702.8490 I Facsimile:+ 1.203.791 .1832 Email: hrharmer@hrharmer .com • O UR CORPORATIO




Unused {w ithout gumor regummed)


Original gum (previously hinged or without


Unexp loded Boo klet

9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Boo kl et Pane

gum as issued)


Essay Proof Trial Color

PB Plate Block


Specime n


Reprint R EDU Earliest Documcmcd Usage


O rig inal gum (never hinged)






Block of four or larger

... On Piece

Cover, card or en1ire

Bidding Increments

MAJOR ABBREV IATIONS c.d.s. = circular datestamps: NH = never hinged: cplt = complete: o.g. = original gum: FDC = first day cover; ovpt. = overprint; h.r.= hinge remnant: pmk. = postmark: incl. = including s.c. = stra ight edge: ms = manuscript



Up to SIOO $ 100-$300 $300-$750 S750-$1.500 S 1.500-$3,000

S5.00 S10.00 S25.00 S50.00 S100.00



$250.00 $500.00 St.000.00 S2.500.00

$3,000-$7.500 $7,500- 15,000 SI 5,000-S30.000 S30.000-S75,000 S75,000 and Up

auctioneer 's discretion

CONDITION extr emely fine - outstanding, the highest quality possible. very fine - choice condition, well centered; if imperforate with four well clear margins. fine - sound in all respects. perforations clear design; if imperforate, margins may be close or 01 cul design. !Ouching. bu1 will 11 very good - stamps are so graded either by reason of general appearance of imperfeel cemering or a faul1. Faults such as a thin spot. tear. crease. e1c. will be described on individual lots at all times. In larger lots, degrees of condition denote the average, and copies above and below such condition can be expec1ed. Minor separations on blocks or sheets are the rnlc rather 1han 1hc exception and are not grounds for the return of a lot. The tenn "mint" denotes that the item has original gum, but does not imply that it is never hinged. The tem1 "unused" is used to describe an uncancelled item thal is without gum. Regarding covers, the following arc not justification for the return of a lot: tom or pani ally removed back flaps, light file folds which do not detract from the overall appearance and small edgetears which do not affect adhesive or markings. ~-..,


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The above i11creme11tsare simp~J' provided as a guide for biddi11g1111ifromity,The auctioneer rewi ns the right to change the increme nts at Ms discretion ll'hen bidding activi ty is pa rticularly strong to expedi te rhe sale. or he may break the incremellfs lo accomoodate an agent S bid.

BIDS BY TELEPHONE (a) Must be confirmed in writing. (b) Any errors are lhe responsibility of 1he bidder. (c) No bids accepted less than I hour before sale. BIDS BY FAX OR EMAIL You may fax or e-mail bids up 10 I hour before sale commences -

be sure to use

(203) 79 1- 1832 or hrhann

PHONE BIDDING DURING THE SALE Phone bidding space is limited and available on a first come, first served basis. The imponance of reserving early cannot be oversta1ed!




1. Lois of not more than 10 items. 2. To U.S. clients only, at our discretion.

Shaded portion can represent an actual hinge or the area dish1rbed by a hinge. Never hinged - unused with original gum in Post Office state and unmounted Lightly hinged - unused with full original gum showing some evidence ofa previous hi.nge which may be present in pan or entirely removed. Original gum - unused with original gum somewhat disturbed by previous hinging which may still be present. Part original gum - unused with original gum. large hinge remnants may or may not be present. Disturbed original gum - unused with original gum, affected by sweating, glazing or mount disn,rbance; may not resemble the original gum. Unused without gum (unless gum is mentioned) Unused without gum. as issued.

BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND THEIR G M: Minor separa1ions are the rule, rather than the exception, in the case of blocks or sheets of any size. A few separations- around four perfs per row-do not affect the value of a block or sheet and are not grounds for the return of a lot. ESTIMATED VALUES: If an estimated cash value is given. it is shown in the description. It is used where the lot is large or where the actual value has little relation to the catalogue price. It represent the auctioneer's appraisal of the trne MARKET value of a lot and the figure is invariably close to the ac1ual realization. It is useless for mail bidders to list any bids that are only a low propon ion of such estima1es.

3. Viewer 1lli!fil pay postage and insurance both ways and return lots within 24 hours of receipt. 4. Viewer assumes all responsibility, including proper insurance. for any loss, whether in his possession or in any and all fonns of transit when returning Postal Viewing. 5. References required from bidders unknown 10 us.

HANDSTAM PS/BACKSTAMrs Remember. NO lots may be retumed with back stamps stating Fake, Falsch, or similar markings. Recently there has been a spate of Gennan expeni sers marking the backs of stamps. It is your responsibility as the purchaser not to let this happen.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR PAYMENT BY WIRE TRANSFER Please call for n ew iu strm :tion s! (203) 702-8490

PHIi ATELIC AUCTION AGENTS Mr. Charles E. Cwiakala 1527 S. Fairview Avenue Park Ridge, IL 60068 + 1.847.823.8747

Mr. Frank Mandel P.O. Box 157 New York. NY 100 14-0 157 + 1.212.675.0819

Purser Associates, Inc. 37 Moody Lane Danbury. CT 06 I0 + 1.203.748.2237

Please add $20.00 U.S. 10 invoice 1otal 10 cover bank charges, plus any additional fee imposed by your bank.

About the Collector - Wm. Thomas Lockard Wm. Thomas Loc kard 1924 - 2007 Tom Locka rd bega n co llecting stamp s at the age of 6. His ear ly co llecting interes ts included US min t and postally used covers. Tom 's co llect ion grew ugh the yea rs to include the United Kin gdom, Ca nada, Austr ia, Liechten tein, Belgium , Sw itzer land, Ryukyu Isla nds , Luxemb ourg, Ge rm any, Greece , Sierra Leo ne, and Allied Military l ssues for Ge rma ny, Ita ly and Trieste. Tom built an espec ia lly thoro ugh co llect ion of L iberian postal history . He was fascinated by the circum stances sur roundin g the creat ion of L iberia and found the postal history es pec ially interesting beca use of the re lationship betwee n the United States and thi s West Afr ican nation. In 1847 , the Lib erian co lonists -- many of them free d Afr ica n slaves fro m the United State s -declared themse lves an indepe ndent republ ic. Liber ia bega n issu ing stamp s in 1860 . As a pil ot Tom 's p hilatelic interests leaned toward a ir ma il. Lib eria bega n air mai l serv ice between Monrovia, the capita l, and Harp er in 1936. Until 1942 , air mail delivery to the US was routed thrn ugh Europe. World War IT interrup ted reliable serv ice via Euro pe and direct flights betwee n Liberia and the US were adve rtised to beg in in 1941 . Th e fi rst flight did not occ ur until Febru ary, 1942 . As a co nsequence, postage pr epared in 1941 , was in part amended with two bars overp rinting the date mak ing these air ma il issues w ith and without bars of spec ial co llector interest. It was ano malies such as these that made Liber ia of parti cular curios ity to Tom and other spec ialty co llecto rs. Tom was a member of the America n Ph ilate lic Soc iety and he was active w ith the L iber ian Ph ilatelic Society serving this phil atelic aff inity gro up in severa l capac ities for many years . Worki ng at Wellston Aerosol w ith his broth er, Dan, Tom deve loped and marketed a popul ar pre surized stamp liftin g spray ca lled "Li ft" . Tom Loc kard was born and rea red in Wellston, Ohi o. He gra duated fro m Ohi o State University in 194 8. He was a veteran of World War II serving in the No rth Pac ific Th ea ter as a B-24 pilot. Tom retired from the Air Force Rese rve in 1984 , as a L ieutenant Co lonel. Tom operated an insurance and rea l estate bu siness in his home town. He stayed act ive ly involved in his busine s, stamp an d coi n co llect ing , and publi c affa irs until his pass ing. He was dedicate d to many civic orga nizatio ns includin g Rotary , aro und whic h he buil t a sizable top ica l collect ion. He is surv ived by his w ife of 62 years , Jac que lyn Reed Lockard, three childre n an d six gra nd children.

Product Safein

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REAL-TIME INTERNET BIDDING We invite you to utilize live internet bidding via Stamp Auction Network for our sale. This system allows you to feel the energy and excitement of being on the auction floor as you actively follow the auction live at it happens . The bid s are relayed promptl y to you and your bids are promptly relayed to us. You can jump into the auction at any time if you see a bargain or if something interesting catches your eye while you enjoy all the comforts of your home of office . Best of all, we offer this service at no additional cost. While we believe this sys tem is safe we cannot guarantee against all contingencies regarding the internet , or against user error. REGISTRATIO


in order to bid during our live auction, you must be regist ered and approved for bidding with both Stamp Auction Network & H.R. Harmer , Inc ..




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Login at stampauctionnetwork .com, pick "U pdate Regi stration ", check the box for H .R. Harmer, Inc. , wait until you are approved , then go to the table of contents for our sale, and pick "Join the Public Auction in Progre ss".



If you have selected H.R. Hanner , Inc . during your registration process and still haven 't been approved, please feel free to contact us at 203- 702-8490, 1-800-STAMPS l (782-6771 ), or at hrharmer









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if you

are bidding actively on a lot and the bidding has passed you r maximum bid kindly use the "Pass" button to help expedite the sale.


Of course, if you hav e any que stio ns or concerns about Real-tim e bidding , please feel free to call our offices at 1.203 .702.8490 or 1.800 .782.677 1 and ask for Nakia Davi s, or emai l us at hrharmer @hrharmer .com.

Table of Contents Bank Notes ................................................ . ...... . .................... Stamps , Proofs & Essays ...... . ...... ...... . . . ........... Postal History ................ Stamp Collections & Accumulations ............................. Cover Collections & Accumulations ..... .. . ... ... ............... . ....................... ... ... . .. .......... Literature .......

1-3 Lots 4-105 .... Lots . ... Lots 106-246 Lots 24 7-251 Lots 252-260 261 Lot

Liberia Stamps and Postal Histor y


PUBLIC AUCTION SALE The Wm. Thomas Lockard Collection Liberia Stamps and Postal History Friday, March 14, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. est At our facilities in Bethel Connecticut Bank Notes

Republic of Liberia 1863 50c note, with specie clause and dated " 1863" with "3" in ms., strong color and no tears , Fine and scarce (Pick 6c). .............. .............................. .................. ........................................ Estimate $300-400



Republic of Liberia 1866 $1.00 note, with specie clause and dated " 1863" with "3"in ms., good color and no tears, Fine and scarce (Pick 7c). ...................................................................................................... Estimate $400-500



Republic of Liberia 1863 $3.00 note, with specie clause and dated " 1863" with "3" in ms., quite fresh for this, strong color and no tears, Fine and scarce (Pick 8).. ................ .............. ...................................... ... Estimate $400-500

March 14, 2008

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H.R. Harmer, Inc.


L iberia Sta mp s and Posta l History

Stamp s



EE*#2, 1860 12c Deep blue, an amazing mint block of 64 (8x8), being a full sheet with the selvages removed, many stamps showing traces of the frame Iine around the stamp, full original gum, some mostly light staining at top and some crimped or separated perfs. between the fifth and sixth horizontal rows, otherwise Fine-Very Fine; reported to be one of only four surviving sheets . .................................................. ............ Catalog Value $1440



* #7a, 1864 6c Red imperforate, right sheet-margin horizontal pair, with large margins on the other three sides, ?ri~inal gum, thinned spot and light crease, Very Fine appearance; much scarcer than its catalog value would 1nd1cate............................................................................................................................................. Catalog Value $200 6 P #7P, 1864 6c Red, plate proof on stout wove paper, ample margins, Very Fine and scarce. .... Estimate $ 100-150 5

March 14, 2008

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H.R. Hanner, Inc.

Liberia Stamps and Postal History



7 ffic*) #13, 1866-69 6c Light red, unused block of nine, from the transfer showing broken and irregular frame

lines, plus there is an extra row of horizontal perforations between the bottom strips of three, crisp and intact perforations, top right stamp with a deep thin, otherwise Fine....................................................... Estimate $300-400



8 TCEE#13-lSTC, 1866-69 6c-24c Trial color proofs, set of three different colors for each of the three values on thin paper in blocks of four, most being corner margin copies, the 6c in black, yellow-green and light blue, 12c in black, light blue and red, and 24c in black, yellow-green and red, other margins mostly large, bright and fresh, top pair of 6c green with a light horizontal crease, otherwise Very Fine. ...................................... Estimate $500-750 ** #14, 1866-69 12c Light blue, mint block of nine, from the transfer showing broken and irregular parts of 9 EE the frame line, remarkably fresh, strong and intact, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine and scarce; Ex. Homan.............. ........................................................................................................... for Singles Catalog Value $180


* #15, 1866-69 24c Light yellow green, remarkable mint block of 24 (6x3), quite nicely centered for a mulIO EE tiple of this always difficult issue, full original gum which is lightly toned as is to be expected, light diagonal Catalog Value $480 crease at upper right affecting five stamps, otherwise Fine-Very Fine and quite exhibitable. March 14, 2008

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H.R. Harmer, Inc.

Liberia Stamps and Postal History





11 P #16-20P, 1880 lc-24c Black, defaced die proofs on white wove paper, 50x76 mm, le and 2c with " D.

12 13

Fedwick Engr. 16 Holborn, E.C." imprint, 6c with "Dando, Todhunter & Smith/Engravers and Lithographers/22 Gresham St. Bank /London" imprint and 12c and 24c without imprints, Extremely Fine.. ........... Estimate $200-300 P #16-20P, 1880 lc-24c Black, defaced die proofs , another set which is identical to the previous lot ..................................................................................................................................................... Estimate $200-300 P #16-20P, 1880 lc-24c Defaced die proofs in color, on 50x76 mm white wove paper, le and 2c in issued colors with Feldwick imprints, 6c in Rose with Dando, Todhunter & Smith imprint, 12c in Blue and 24c in Yellowgreen, both without imprints, Extremely Fine and attractive set..................................................... Estimate $200-300





P #16-20P, 1880 lc-24c Black, defaced die proofs, die sunk on tissue paper, 93x132 mm, le and 2c with Feldwick imprints, 6c with Dando, Todhunter & Smith imprint and 12c and 24c without imprint, fresh and Extremely Fine set. .......................................................................................................................... Estimate $200-300 P #16-20P, 1880 lc-24c Black , defaced die proofs , another set which is identical to the previous lot.... ................................................................................................................................................. Estimate $200-300

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H.R . Harm er, Inc.

Liberia Stamps and Postal History__


16 16



P #16-20P, 1880 lc-24c Defaced die proofs in color, die sunk on 93x132 mm tissue paper, thelc in Dark blue and 2c in Vermilion with Feldwick imprints, 6c in Yellowwith Dando, Todhunter & Smith imprint, 12c in Red and 24c in Magenta, both without imprints, Extremely Fine and attractive set. ............................ Estimate $200-300 P #16-20P, 1880 lc-24c Defaced die proofs in color , another set which is identical to the previous lot... .................................................................................................................................................. Estimate $200-300

18 18

T #18 Var., 1880 6c Violet, trisect, the bottom horizontal third, affixed slightly overlapping a 6c Violet (Scott # 18) and tied together by clear strike of "Bassa, Liberia/ Jan 30, 1866" c.d.s. on piece, postmark repeated at left, Very Fine; one of only two recorded Liberian trisects , the other being a full cover to Manchester, England posted from the same town on the same date; signed Bloch........................................................... Estimate $300-400

19 19



#33-49S , 1892-96 lc-$5.00 Pictorials, overprinted "Specimen" cplt., original gum, h.r. or light paper adhe-

sions, most with owner's handstamp on gum, 30c small thin spot, otherwise Fine-Very Fine; actually a rather scarce set. ........................................................................................................................................ Estimate $ 150-200 20 C*l #35a, 1892 4c Green and black, center inverted, unused, rich colors on fresh white paper, choice centering, Extremely Fine. ........................................................................................................................ Catalog Value $100 21 * #37a, 1892 Sc Brown and black, center inverted, wonderfully fresh mint example of this scarce error, vivid rich colors, original gum, lightly hinged, nearly Very Fine............................................................. Catalog Value $450 March 14 , 2008

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H.R. Harmer , Inc.

Liberia Stamps and Postal Histor y




22 * #37a , 1892 8c Brown and black, center inverted , excellent centering and very fresh, rich color s, original gum , lightly hinged, Extremely Fine. .... .. .... .... .. .. .... .. .... .... .. .... .. .. .... .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .... .. .... .. .... .... .. .... Catalog Value $450 23 0 #37a , 1892 8c Brown and black, center inverted , seldom seen used example, near perfect centering, deep rich colors on fresh paper, unobrtu sive "Mo nrovia, Liberia/I Mar, 1897" c.d.s., Extremely Fine. Catalog Value $450



#37b , 1892 8c Brown and black, center sideways, unu sed horizontal pair also showing the head misplac ed, fresh and well centered, rich colors, Very Fine; a rare and eye-catching multipl e. .... .... .. .. ............ Catalog Value $900 25 I* ) #37b , 1892 8c Brown and black, center sideways, unu sed, deep rich colors on fres h white paper, Very Fine and striking. ....... ...... .... ....................... ..................................... .................. ..................................... Catalog Value $450 24

(* l




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TCEE#47-49TC , 1892 $1.00 Brown and black, $2.00 Green and $5.00 Blue and black, trial color proofs , full sheets of ten of each, all with "Waterlow & Sons Ltd ./Specimen" overprint and security punch , no gum , Fine-Very Fine and scarce. ... ............. ................. .......... ...... .... ...... ............ ....... ........................... ..... Estimate $500-750

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Liberia Stamps and Postal History










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27 27

TCE E #47-49TC, 1892 $1.00 Brown and black, $2.00 Green and $5.00 Blue and black, trial color proofs, full sheets of ten of each , all with "Waterlow & Sons Ltd ./Specimen " overprint and security punch , no gum , Fine-Very Fine. ............. ....... ............ ....... ..... ...... ........ .......... ....... ..... ............. ................ ........ ......... .. Estimate $500- 750

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E #47E, 1892 $1.00 Blue Hippopotamus essay, single engraved impression on thick 85xl 17 mm gummed and perforated paper , Very Fine ; believed to be unique ; Ex.-Davis. ...................................................... Estimate $200 -300 29 E #47E , 1892 $1.00 Violet Hippopotamus essay, single impression on thick 85xl 15 mm perforated and gumme d paper , Very Fine ; believed to be unique. .... ..... ....... .................. .............. ... ........ .... ....... .... Estimate $200 -300


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Liberia Stamps and Postal History


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P #47P, 1892 $1.00 Ultramarine and black, die proof on 38x30 mm card, Very Fine and rare. Estimate $200-300 PEE#47TC, 1892 $1.00 Brown and black, trial color proof, full sheet of ten, imperforate at bottom between stamp and sheet-margin, each with "Waterlow & Sons Ltd./Specimen" handstamp and single security punch, no gum, Fine-Very Fine; one of only two sheets discovered imperforate at bottom. .................... Estimate $200-300

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TCEE#47TC, 1892 $1.00 Brown and black, trial color proof, full sheet of ten, imperforate at bottom between stamp and sheet-margin, each with "Waterlow & Sons Ltd./Specimen" overprint and single security punch, fresh and Fine-Very Fine; the second of the two known imperforate at bottom sheets. ................ Estimate $200-300 TCEE#47TC, 1892 $1.00 Brown and black, trial color proof , full sheet of ten, each with security punch and "Waterlow & Sons Ltd./Specimen" overprint, except position 4 with Specimen overprint omitted, no gum, Very Fine; rare if not unique. .......................................................................................................... Estimate $200-300

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* #49a, 1892 $5.00 Carmine and black, center inverted, vivid rich colors on fresh paper , original gum , h.r., Very Fine. ........................................................................................................................................ Catalog Value $325 35 T #49a, 1892 $5.00 Carmine and black, center inverted, tied to small piece by twice struck rimless Monrovia c.d.s., near perfect centering , fresh and Extremely Fine. ...... ...... ... ... ........... ........ ........ .. ................. Catalog Value $325


36 36 T #49a , 1892 $5.00 Carmine and black , center inverted, another example tied to piece by two clear

strikes of "Mo nrovia, Liberia /Mar 23 , 1896" rimless datestamp , excellent centering , fresh and Extremely Fine. ............................................................................................................................. ................... Catalog Value $325




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37 37 TCEE#49TC, 1892 $5.00 Blue and black, trial color proof, full sheet of ten , imperforate vertica lly at left, cre-

ating two horizontal pairs , imperforate between at left, each with "Waterlow & Sons Ltd ./Specimen" overprint and single security punch , fresh and Very Fine.. ................................ ............................................. Estimate $200-300 Ma rch 14, 2008

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TC #49TC, 1892 $5.00 Grey-violet and black, trial color proof on stamp paper perforated and gummed, o.g., Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and rare. ........................................................................................ Estimate $100-150 39 EE** #62a , 1905 Sc Ultramarine and black, center inverted , an incredibly fresh bottom right corner margin mint block of four, nicely centered, crisp and intact, pristine original gum, lightly hinged in the bottom selvage only, the stamps all Never Hinged , Very Fine ; a rare multiple , especia lly in the stellar quality . ............................................................................................................................................ Catalog Value $2800 38




#62a , 1905 Sc Ultramarine and black, center inverted , incredibly fresh and well centered, vivid rich colors on bright white paper, original gum, Never Hinged, minute gum adhesion speck, Extremely Fine. .................................................................................................................. for hinged Catalog Value $700 4 1 0 #64C , 1901-02 24c Olive green on yellow Official handstamped "Ordinar y", select used example of this elusive stamp, neatly cancelled by Buchanan c.d.s., fresh and Very Fine; signed Brun................. Catalog Value $400 42 * #64C , 1901-02 24c Olive green on yellow Official handstamped "Ordinar y", rich color, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine and scarce; signed Champion. ................................................................ Catalog Value $400 40 **




43 * #64D , 1901-02 $1.00 Blue and black Official handstamped "Ordinar y",

a pleasing mint example of this important Liberian rarity, original gum, small h.r., trivial mild gum bend, Very Fine; among the rarest of all Liberian stamps; signed "AD" (Diena)......................................................................................... Catalog Value $2000 44 * #64E, 1901-02 $2.00 Brown on yellow Official handstamped "Ordinar y", a collectable mint example of this important Liberian rarity, original gum, h.r., some light gum toning, small thin and vertical crease ending in a tear at bottom, Fine appearance; only a few copies exist; listed in Scott but not priced......... Estimate $500-750 45 * #64F, 1901-02 $5.00 Carmine and black Official handstamped "Ordinary", a pleasing mint example of this exceedingly rare high value, rich colors, original gum, h.r., choice Very Fine; listed but unpriced in Scott. ................................................................................................................................................ Estimate $2000-3000 March 14, 2008

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46 46

* #65, 1901-02 le Green Official handstamped "Ordinar y, bottom sheet-margin horizontal pair , both stamps with diagonal overprint, the right stamp showing "Ordinar y" doubled, remarkab ly fresh , origina l gum, h.r.'s, Very Fine and rare; Ex. Farr.. ................................... ................... ..................................................... Estimate $ 150-200



47 mo S.G. #175 , 1901-02 le Lilac rose Official handstamped "Ordinar y", an eye-catching used block of four, vivid rich color on fres h paper , strong and intact , cancelled by two perfect strikes of "Buch anan , Liberia/IO May 1902" datestamps , Fine -Very Fine; a rare "Ordinary " multiple which is mysteriously not listed in Scott. .... .. ............... ....... .......... ....... ... ............................ ........ .......... ....... .......... ........ .... ....... .... Estimate $750-1000 48 O S.G. #175 , 1901-02 le Lilac rose Official handstamped "Ordinar y", horizonta l pair, fresh and intact , cancelled by perfectl y struck "Buchanon , Liberia / IO May 1902" datestamp , Extreme ly Fine and choice ; mysteriously unlisted in Scott ; Ex. Cockrill. ............................................................... ............. .................. Estimate $300-400




#66A , 1901-02 2c Bister and black Official handstamped "Ordinar y", a choice used block of four, can celled by two bold strikes of "Buchanan , Liberia/10 May, 1902" datestamp , wonderfu lly well centered, strong and intact perforations , Extreme ly Fine ; a rare multiple of this stamp which is on ly known used ; Ex. Cockri ll. .......................................... ............. ............................. .................................... for singles Catalog Value $600 50 0 #66A , 1901-02 2c Bister and black Official handstamped "Ordinar y", fresh vertical strip of three , vivid rich colors , bold partial "Buchanan , Liberia /I O May, 1902" postmarks , Fine-Very Fine; a scarce multiple of this stamp which is only known used ; each stamp signed "AD" (Diena ). ......... ........... ...... ....... ..... ...... Cata log Value $450


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#66A, 1901-02 2c Bister and black Official handstamped "Ordinary", fresh horizontal strip of three , vivid rich colors , strong and intact , "Buchanan , Liberia/10 May, 1902" cancels , Fine-Very Fine; a scarce multiple of this stamp which is only known used; each signed "AD" (Diena ).............. ....................... Catalog Value $450 52 O #66A, 1901-02 2c Bister and black Official handstamped "Ordinary", fresh horizontal pair, vivid rich colors, "Buchanan , Liberia/10 May, 1902" datestamp s, Fine-Very Fine; only known used ........... Catalog Value $300 51 0



1901-02 4c Green and black Official handstamped "Ordinary", choice appearing used example of this rare stamp , outstanding centering , light Buchanan c.d.s. , thinned spot , Extremely Fine appearance; unlisted in Scott. ...... ...... ....... .................... .............. ....... ...... ....... ...... ............. ... .................................... .......... ... Estimate $400-500 54 O #69, 1901-02 Sc Violet and Green imperforate Official handstamped "Ordinary", left sheet margin pair , the bottom stamp with "Ordinary" inverted,ample margin s, central "Monrovia , Liberia / 8 Jun 1902" c.d.s., bottom stamp with thinned spots and a repaired tear at top , Very Fine appearance and rare; Ex. Cockrill. ....... ....... .... .............. ......... ........ ............ ........ .... ....... ...... ..... .................. ............ ..... .......... .. Estimate $400-500 53 0



55 O #69 Var., 1901-02 Sc Violet and green imperforate Official handstamped "Ordinary" sideways, pair ,

clear to huge margin s all around, rich colors on fresh paper , used with beautifully struck "Momovia , Liberia/25 Oct 1902" c.d.s. , Fine-Very Fine and rare ; horizontally applied handstamp s catalog $600.0 0 as singles . ....... ....... ...... .............. ... ........... ........ ............ ...... ............. ....... .. ....... ....... ......... ....... .......... .... Estimate $750-1000 56 O #70, 1901-02 Sc Lake and black Official handstamped "Ordinary", fresh and well centered, "Monrovia , Liberia/19 Aug 1902" postmarks , choice Very Fine . .. .. .... ..... .................. ....... .... ............ .......... ...... Catalog Value $225 March 14, 2008

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59 57 * #73, 1901-02 16c Lilac Official handstamped "Ordinary", excellent centering and fresh , original gum , Extremely Fine; signed "AD" (Diena )............... .................. .................. ............................ .............. Catalog Value $300 58 * #73, 1901-02 16c Lilac Official handstamped "Ordinary", strong color on fresh paper , original gum , h.r., choice Very Fine. .......... ...... ........... ........ .......... ..... ....... .......... ....... ......... ................... ..... ............ ..... Catalog Value $300 59 * #76a, 1901-02 25c Yellow green Official handstamped "Ordinary" , "0 S" omitted, intense color ,

part original gum , paper adhaesion on gum , Fine and very rare; listed in Scott but not priced; signed Calves . ............................... ............................. ............. ...................................................... ............. Estimate $500-750



60 #77 Var., 1901-02 32c Greenish blue Official handstamped "Ordinary", wonderfully fresh and bright , bold

"Monrovia , Liberia /Oct, 1902" datestamp , Very Fine and choice ; listed in Scott at least until 1988 and then mysteriously deleted. .. .. .......... ...... .......... .. ..... .. ......... .. .... .. ..... .... .. .... ........ .... ...... ....... ..... ....... .... .. .......... .. Estimate $ 150-200 61 * #79, 1901-02 $1.00 Ultramarine and black Official handstamped "Ordinary ", attractive mint example , strong fresh colors , original gum , Very Fine ; signed Bloch . .. ...... .... ...... ........ .......... ...... .. .......... .... Catalog Value $275



* #79, 1901-02 $1.00 Ultramarine and black Official handstamped "Ordinary", choice mint single, wonderfully fresh and well centered , rich colors , original gum, lightly hinged, Extreme ly Fine; signed Senf. ...... ........... ...... ........... ................... ...... .................. .......... ...... ........... ....... ............. .... ............. ... Catalog Value $275 63 * #80, 1901-02 $2.00 Brown on yellow Official handstamped "Ordinary" , rich color, original gum, thinned spots, Fine appearance ; seldom available in any condition ; signed Champion ................ ............... Catalog Value $1800


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66 65 64 64 * #81, 1901-02 $5.00 Carmine and black Official handstamped "Ordinar y", strong colors, original gum, minor h.r., Fine; one of the rarest of all Liberian stamps . ................................................... ....... Catalog Value $2000 65 * #88 Var., 1901-02 25c Yellow green Official , "0 S" handstamp inverted and handstamped "Ordinar y" inverted , bright and fresh, original gum, h.r., Very Fine and rare; signed Gibbons (N.Y.). .......... Estimate $200-300 66 * #90, 1901-02 32c Greenish blue Official handstamped "Ordinar y", fresh and well centered, original gum,

h.r., Very Fine; signed Bloch and accompanied by 1982 Friedl certificate. .................................. Catalog Value $200



* #9lb , 91c, 1902 "75c." on $1.00 Ultramar ine and black, inverted surcharge , horizontal pair, the left stamp the thin "c" and comma variety (Scott #91c), strong and intact perforations, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine; rare as a se-tenant pair, the thin "c" and comma variety is listed as an inverted surcharge but not priced, each signed "AD" (Diena). .............................................................................................................. Estimate $300-400 68 * #92, 1902 "75c" surcharge on $1.00 Ultramarine and black Official , strong fresh colors, original gum, h.r., some light perf. toning and pinpoint thin speck, Very Fine appearance; among the rarest stamps of Liberia; signed Champion twice. .................................................................................................................. Catalog Value $2500 67

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69 69 * #93, 93a, "75c" surchar ge on $1.00 Ultramarine and black Official , bottom sheet-margin horizontal pair,

being the bottom row from the pane with full side selvages, the right stamp with thin "C" and comma variety (Scott #93a), strong and intact perforations, original gum, h.r.'s, the left stamp with a light diagonal crease at lower left, otherwise fresh and Fine-Very Fine; one of the rarest items in Liberian philatel y and a highlight of the Lockard collection; Ex. Davis................................................................................. for singles Catalog Value $6200 March 14, 200 8

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#94TC, 1903 3c Liberty,trial color proofs, blocks of nine mounted on 150xl45 mm card in three colors, brown, rose and orange, the brown missing its backing paper and rose with some light toning, otherwise Very Fine and rare. .................................................................................................................................. Esti.mate $200-300

70 TC



TC #101-13TC, 1906 lc-$5.00 Pictorials,trial color proofs, blocks of nine mounted on separate l50x145 mm framed cards, the complete set of thirteen values, plus an extra 2c on bluish paper, odd spot of toning, Very Fine; very rare as a set. ............................................................................................................................Estimate $ I000-1500 72 * #113 Var.,1906 $5.00 Red brown and black, center inverted,nicely centered and fresh, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine and striking; not listed by Scott. .................................................................... Estimate $300-400 71

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unused top sheet-margin block of four, with large margins on the other three sides, fresh and Extremely Fine; unlisted in Scott as imperforate. .............................................................................................................................................. Estimate $200-300 E #117E, 1909 (Sc) Gunboat "Lark" artist's wash and ink drawing on 71x9 lmm card, blue frame and black s~ip in c~nter, no inscriptions but with pencil notation "Liberia Postage" at top and "5 cents 5" beneath, Very Fine; unique . ..................... ............................. .............. .................. ................................................ Estimate $400-500

73 EH *, #ll 7a Var., 1909 Sc Ultramarine and black imperforate, center inverted,




pasted on 90x67mm card deeply sunk in center, rejected design with frame in blue and center in black, Perkins, Bacon handstamp on reverse, Very Fine;

75 E #ll 7E, 1909 Sc Gunboat "Lark" artist 's wash and ink drawing

unique. ............................................................................ ................................... .............................

Estimate $400-500

76 P #ll 7P, 1909 Sc Gunboat "Lark" die proof of adopted design,

74x57mm with pencil "appd 8/2/09", Very Fine; also includes a bottom margin plate proof on stamp paper. .................................................. Estimate $200-300

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77 * #147, 1915-16 50c on $2.00 Deep green and black, Ty. "m" surcharge, wonderfully fresh and well cen-

tered, deep rich colors, original gum, barest trace of hinging, Very Fine; missing from most Liberia collections. ................................................................................................................................................ Catalog Value $800 78 0 #147 , 1915-16 50c on $2.00 Deep green and black, Ty. "m" surcharge, fresh and well centered, rich colors, c.t.o. with Monrovia c.d.s., Extremely Fine and rare. .............................................................. Catalog Value $800 79 * #151, 1915-16 "2" handstamped surcharge on 15c Indigo and black, remarkably fresh, excellent centering, original gum, light h.r., Extremely Fine; quite scarce and seldom offered. ............................ Catalog Value $400

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80 EE * #157 , 1916 "1916/3" surcharge on 6c Violet, without gum as issued, bottom sheet-margin block of eighteen (6x3), some faint toning, otherwise Fine and scarce. for singles ............................................ Catalog Value $765 81

P #230-36Pl, 1928 lc-$1.00 Definatives, large die proofs on India sunk on full sized l 50x226 mm cards, the complete set of seven values, Very Fine and rare. .......................................................................... Catalog Value $500

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82 82

TC #309-12, C63-64TC, 1949 lc-50c Pictorials, progressive trial color proofs, the complete set of all eleven printing stages, including the finished proof, for all six values on 60x95mm gummed paper, except one stage on coarse ungummed paper, Very Fine and rare. ............................................................................ Estimate $500-750


83 EB** #334-37 , C68-69, 1952, 3c-10c Famous Liberians, 25c-50c Airmail, Bi-Color Issues from Set, all with

Inverted Centers in Complete panes of 25, Very Fine, Never Hinged, Scott unlisted, airmails priced at $50 per

stamp, which we have used for each stamp to establish a catalog value ........................................ Estimate $6000-7500


84 84

** #B3 Var., 1918 "Two Cents " surcharge on le Deep green and black imperforate, center inverted,

large margins all around, fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and striking; not listed in Scott. ................................................................................................................................................ Estimate $400-500 85 * #Cl, 1936 "Air Mail/Six Cents" surcharge on 2c Violet, slightly disturbed original gum as usual, Extremely Fine; signed "AD" (Diena) and Forester. . ...................................................... for with disturbed o.g. Catalog Value $150 March 14, 2008

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86 86 EH*l #C2 , 1936 "Air Mail/Six Cents " surcharge on 3c Bister brown, unused bottom sheet-margin block of

ten (2x5), excellent centering, surcharge breaks paper as often, top pair with a light horizontal crease, otherwise Very Fine; 1977 S.P.A. certificate... ................................................................................................ Catalog Value $ 1500



le Green , error not surcharge on Official stamp , usual slightly tropicalized original gum, Fine and rare; 1976 A.P.S. certificate. ...... for with disturbed o.g. Catalog Value $750 88 * #C3m , 1936 "Air Mail/Si x Cents " surcharge on le Green, error not surcharge on Official stamp , another mint example of this rare stamp, usual tropicalized original gum with a bit of interleaving adhearing, a couple blunt perfs. at left not noted on certificate , otherwise Very Fine; 1996 A.P.S. certificate. ...................................................................................... for with disturbed o.g. Catalog Value $750

87 * #C3m , 1936 "Air Mail/Six Cents " surcharge on

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~IR ~ MAIL 89 90 92 89 * #Cl 7, 1941 "First Flight/LIBERIA-U.S/1941/SOc" surcharge on le Green, a desirable mint example of

this air mail rarity, fresh and well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine; not only the rarest Liberian air mail stamp, but also one of the rarest stamps from the whole county; signed Kessler and Oriol and accompanied by 1952 P.F.certificate. ........................................................................................................ Catalog Value $ 1800 90 * #C23, 1941 "First Flight/LIBERIA-U.S./1941/SOc" surcharge on 20c Magenta, fresh, original gum, very lightly hinged, corner crease at top left and mild gum crease, neither noted on the certificate, Very Fine appearance and scarce; photocopy of 1988 Mackal certificate. ................................................................ Catalog Value $ 1500 9 1 #C61, 1948 25c 1st Flight of Liberian International Airways, defaced printing plate, measuring 12" high by 14 1/2" long and weighing 8.5 lbs, defaced vertically with an average of three lines through each stamp, the plate printed 80 stamps at a time in a 4x20 format with a vertical and horizontal gutter; this issue was prepared hurriedly, in just about two weeks H.L. Peckmore & Sons of Elizabeth, N.J. took a photograph of a Liberian International Airways plane in flight and designed a 25c and 50c stamp, engraved them, printed them and hand them in Monrovia for the first flight; a unique philatelic item for the Liberia collector who "has everything". (No Photo) ........................................................................................................................................ Estimate $1500-2000 92 ** #C62 Var., 1948 50c 1st Flight of Liberian International Airways, imperforate horizontally,top sheetmargin vertical pair, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and scarce (Sanabria 92b). Estimate $200-300


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93 EE ** #C68 Var., 1952 25c Lilac rose and black, frame printed on the gummed side, center on reverse,


bottom right corner margin plate no. " ID" block of four, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and unusual. ..................................................................................................................... ....................... Estimate $ 150-200 EE** #C69 Footnote, 1952 50c Dark blue and carmine, center inverted,top right corner margin part imprint block of four, showing the center shifted downwards as usual, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and striking. ............................................................................................................................................ Catalog Value $200

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95 95 * #F2, 1893 (10c) Black Greenville, well centered, good color, traces of original gum, some slight toning , otherwise Very Fine; one of Liberia's rarest stamps . .................................................. ................. ..... Catalog Value $2250


96 * #F3, 1893 (10c) Black Harper, precisely centered, traces of original gum , couple ink spots on face and slight toning, otherwise Very Fine ; one of Liberia's rarest stamps . .................................... .................. Catalog Value $2250

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97 EE** #F6-9, 1894 "10 cents 10" surcharge on Registration, complete set of all four cities in full sheets of 39,

astonishingly fresh , strong and intact perforations , pristine original gum , Never Hinged, Fine to Extremely Fine; one of only two sets of sheets believed to exist. ................ ............... ..................... for hinged singles Catalog Value $780 March 14, 2008

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99 98 98 TC #F12TC, 1903 10c Violet and brown "Harper" trial color proof, block of six mounted on 152x147mm

framed card, Very Fine and rare....................................................................................................... Estimate $ 100-150 99 * #F23a-24a, 1921 10c Orange and black and 10c Green and black, imperforate, pairs, without gum as issued, fresh and Extremely Fine. .................................................................................................... Catalog Value $300

10 1


100* #F23a-24a, 1921 10c Orange and black and 10c Green and black, imperforate, without gum as issued, sheet-margin pairs, fresh and Extremely Fine. ................................................................................ Catalog Value $300 IOI* #M2 Var., 1916 "L F File" surcharge on leYellow green and black, surcharge sideways, well centered, rich colors, original gum, light h.r., Extremely Fine and quite scarce. .......................................... Estimate $300-400



** #M3, M3a, M3b, M3 Var., 1916 "L F File" surcharge on le Light green, two mint corner margin blocks I 02 EE

of 50 ( 10x5),being the complete setting of the surcharge, the first block with upright surcharge showing the error 2nd "F" inverted in the 9th vertical column (Scott #M3a) and the error "FL F" in the 10th vertical column (Scott #M3b), the second block with surcharge inverted and also showing the same errors, o.g., Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine; the inverted surcharge is not listed in Scott; probably unique as multiples of the full setting; Ex. Rosenblum.... ............................................................................................................... Estimate $1000-1500 103 0 #M5b, 1916 "FL File " surcharge error on le Yellow green and black Official, used with neat c.d.s. cancel, Fine and rare. ............................................................................................................................ Catalog Value $550 Marc h 14, 2008

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I 04 rn.. #M6-M6e, 1916 "L F File surcharge on le Light green Official, two mint corner margin blocks of 50

(1Ox5), being the complete setting of the surcharge, the first block with upright surcharge showing the error 2nd "F" inverted in the 9th vertical column (Scott #M6a) and the error "FL F" in the 10th vertical column (Scott #M6b), the second block with inverted surcharge (Scott #M6c), also showing the errors 2nd "F" inverted in the 9th vertical row (Scott #M6d) and "FL F" in the 10th vertical row (Scott #M6e), o.g., Never Hinged, Fine-

Very Fine; the inverted errors are listed but not priced in Scott; probably unique as multiples of the full setting; Ex. Rosenblu1n................................................................................................................................. Estimate $1000-1500 l 05 P lc-$2.00 Revenues , large die proofs on India die sunk on full sized 150x226mmcards, set of six comprised of 1c, 3c (unissued), 5c, 10c, 25c and $2.00, fresh and Very Fine. ................................................ Estimate $500-750

Postal History

106 1061811839 Cover to Philadelphia , stampless folded letter datelined "Monrovia, Nov. 9, 1839" from H. Teage to

Benjamin Coats rated "20" in ms., partial red "Norfolk, Va./Jan 16" arrival c.d.s. and two different straightline "SHIP" handstamps, interesting contents from a newspaper printer mentioning that Gov. Buchannon is a subscriber, Very Fine ............................................................................................................................ Estimate $400-500

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.Y., lengthy four page stampless folded m1ss1onaryletter datelined "Monrovia, I0th April, 1840" to Miss. Juliet Buchanan, endorsed "pr Ship Saluda" and rated " 12" due in ms., clear red "New-York/Ship/Jun 3" arrival postmark, Very Fine. ...................................................... Estimate $200-300

107 181 1840 Cover to Poughkiepsie,

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108 1081811840 Cover to Poughkeepsie , N.Y., three page stampless folded missionary letter to Miss. Juliet Buchanan

datelined "Monrovia, 4 Sept., 1840, endorsed "pr The Cathleen" with partial blue "PhiJada, Pa/Oct 19" arrival postmark and matching straightline SHIP", rated "20" due in ms., tear at top center clear of postmark, otherwise Very Fine. ................................................................................................................................ Estimate $200-300





d.._ cfL-t?V _/2,t-<.109 1091811841 Cover to

ewYork, stampless folded letter datelined "Cape Palmas, September 21, 1841", being a

Missionary letter from Abraham Miller to Rev. Daniel Wells, endorsed "Pr. Brig Aluloulo/Capt. Lawlin" and rated "6" due in ms., fresh and Very Fine. ...................................................................................... Estimate $200-300 March 14, 2008

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110 1101:811842 Cover to Cincinnati, stampless folded letter datelined "Factory Island, Liberia

(1842)" , being a Missionary letter from Wesley Johnson to Miss Melinda Hamline, endorsed "Per Bg . Globe" and rated "27" due in ms., clear "New -York/Ship/May 6" arriva l postmark , 1842 docket at left, Extremely Fine; interesting missionary letter.......................................... ........................ ................. ............... ................................... Estimate $500-600

111 1111:811842 Cover to New York, stampless folded letter datelined Alexandria Settra Koo, W.A. Oct. 3rd, 1842,

being a Missionary letter to Rev. Daniel Wells from his brother , partial blue "Philadelphia , Pa/Dec 9" arrival postmark and matching "SH IP" handstamp , rated "24" due in ms., Very Fine; a rare letter from this small settlement. .......... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ............ ...... .................... ...... .. ..... ............. ..... ............................ ...... Estimat e $400-500

112 1121:811846 Cover to Philadelphia , stampless folded letter datelined "Mo nrovia Liberia, June 25, 1846 from H.

Teage to Banjamin Coates, a leading figure on the Board of Foreign Missions, red "New York/Ship/ Aug 6/7 cts." arrival postmark , Very Fine. .. ...... ...... ...... .......... ...... ........... ......... ....... ........ ......... .. ....... ............ ....... Estimate $200-300

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1848 Cover to New York, stampless folded letter datelined "Greenville Sinoe, May 10th, 1848" being a Missionary letter from Jos. M. Priest to Walter Lowrie , endorsed "Ca pt. Lawlin/Ship Madona" , red "6" in circle ship due handstamp , Very Fine. .... .. ...... ...... ...... .. .. .......... .... .. .......... ...... ...... .... ...... ...... .......... .... Estimate $400-500

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114 I 14t8:I 1848

Cover to New York, stampless folded letter datelined "Republic of Liberia , Monrovia , December 9th, 1848" from H.W. Erskine to Walter Lowrie , blue "Baltimore , Md ./Jan 22" arrival c.d.s . and matching straight line "SHIP" and "7" handstamps , interesting contents, Very Fine . .... .... .. .... .. ........ ....... ...... .... ...... . Estimate $200-300


1849 Cover to Norfolk, buff cover with three page letter enclosure datelined "Republic of Liberia , Monrovia , 15 Nov. 1849" from N.M. Hicks to A.D. Harrell , U.S. Navy, cover endorsed "pr Liberian Packet " with blue "Baltimore , Md ./Dec 31" arrival postmark and matching straightline "SHIP" and twice struck "7" rate , red "No rfolk , Va./Jan 4" c.d.s. from where it was forwarded to Fairfield, Va., cover with right sideflap missing and mended tear at right , otherwise Fine. ....... .. ............... .... .... ............. ....... ..................... ........... ....... ... Catalog Value $200


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116 1161811850

Cover to New York, stamp less folded letter datelined "Republic of Liberi a/ Monrovia , March 19th, 1850", being a Missionary letter from H.W. Erskine to Walter Sourie , red "6" in circle due hand stamp , Very Fine............. .......................................................... ......... ................................................................. .. Estimate $300-400

117 117181 1851

Cover to Philadelphia, with "Brig Halecyon" docket and bold red "New -York/Ship/ Apr 24/7 cts." arrival postmark, docketed on backflap "Ans. pr. Liberia Packet/Jul 12, 1851" and on the inside flap "arrived at Monrovia on the 25th January , passage 32 days!", some cover toning , Fine. ............... ................. Estimate $150-200

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~4{/U 118 1181811852

Cover to Philadelphia , stamples s folded letter datelined "Monr ovia, May 24th , 1852", being a merchants letter from J.M. Lewis to Benjamin Coates endorsed "Li beria Packet ", Baltimore , Md ./Jul 3" arrival postmark and matching "SHI P" and "7" handstamps , Very Fine. (No Photo) ....... ...... ............ ..... Catalog Value $200



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I 19 1191811854

Cover to Philadelphia , stamp less folded letter datelined "Monrovia , Nov 18, 1854", being a merchant s letter from John B. Jordan to Coates & Brown , endorsed "v ia Salem" and rated "S hip 7", with neat strike ofred "Ho lmes Hole , Ms ./Jan 31" transit postmark, Very Fine and desirable. ... ....... .......... ............ ...... .. Estimate $400-500

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120 120 1811858 Cover to Philadelphia, stampless folded letter datelined "Monrov ia, Febry 3rd, 1858", being a mer-

chants letter from John B. Jordan to William Coppinger , endorsed "Per Ship M.C. Stevens" and rated "8" due in ms., blue straig htline "SHIP " handstamp and matching "Baltimore , Md ./Mar 23" arrival c.d.s. , interesting Estimate $400-500 contents , Very Fine. ......... ................ ......... ......................................... .............. ................................. ,¡


12 1 121181Harper Liberia, blue handstamped provisional with ms. "Paid" at center on 1859 folded cover to Paris, red

"Paid/Liverpool/ Br Packet /6 Fe 59" and "London/Paid/Fe 9 59" transits , Calais entry c.d.s. and red "PD" in circle and Paris arrival backstamp , all marking s well struck, Extremel y Fine and rare ....... .............. Estimate $ 1000-1500

.122 122 1811860 Cover to Penbery Court House, South Carolina, yellow cover with blue "Baltimore , Md ./Aug 20"

arrival postmark and matching straightlin e " SHIP" and "5" hand stamp s, with excellent contents datelined "Careysburgh, Liberia, July 9th, 1860" from a new settler to a Mr. Burr Ramage , the four page letter reads in part " being well pleased with my new home and find it is the only place for the colored man that cares for himself and wants to be free ....The Society give all persons that is free a free passage from Baltimore to this country and 6 months support after we get here ....and gives us land to start on so that any industrious man that wants to live can thrive in this place.", Fine ; includes typewritten transcript. .............................. .. Estimate 400-500 March 14, 2008

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/JJ;,-1-://4123 123 1811862 Cover to Bristol, Maine, franked by a fine example of 1860 12c Deep blue (Scott #2) cancelled by

blue "Monrovia, Liberia /Paid" postmark , with matching negative "PAID" handstamp , cover with colorless embossed corner card of Yates & Porterfield, New York, red "Paid/Liverpoo l/Br Packet/ IO Ju 62" transit , rated " 16" due in crayon on arrival in New York and sent on to Maine with "Portland Me Am Pkt./5/Jun 27, 1862" postmark with integral "5" rate, light soiling , a Fine and rare fir st issue usage ............................. Estimate $3000-4000

124 124 1811863 Disinfected cover to Philadelphia, small cover with disinfect ion punche s around the entire perimeter ,

franked by 1860 6c Red and 24c Green (Scott #1, 3), tied to each other and to cover by two strikes of blue "Monrovia, Liberi a/Paid" postmarks and "5" rate handstamp , 6c s.e. at base, endorsed "via England" with red "Paid/Liverpoo l/Br Packet/9 Ju 63" transit and red crayon " 16" debit, clear "Philadelphia / Am. Pkt./Jun 23" arrival postmark , Very Fine; a rare and wonderful fir st issue cover...... ...................... ................... Estimate $5000-7500

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Monrovia Liberia, clear circular postmark on blue cover to Philadelphia , magenta ms. "Paid" and "2/cents" handstamp , red "Paid/Liverpool/Br Packet/30 Ap 75/2d" transit postmark , no U.S. arrival markings , slightly reduced at right , Very Fine. .................. ....................................... ....................... .............................. Estimate $400-500

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1881 Cover to Pennsylvania, small cover front which has been skillfully rebacked franked by two 1880 le Ultramarine and 6c Violet (Scott #16, 18),pre-usage faults , cancelled by six-bar grids, matching "Bassa, Liberia /Oct 28, 1881" c.d.s. at left and red "Paid/Liverpool /Br Packet/15 no 81" transit postmark , forwarded from Eddington to Bloomsbury , Fine appearance......................................................................... .. Estimate $200-300

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1882 Cover to Belgium, franked by the very scarce l 882 8c Blue (Scott #22), scissor separated at top and left and light stain, tied by "Harper , Liberi a/Sep 14, 1882" c.d.s . to cover to Leuze with printed corner card of the Compagnie Belge de Commerce Africain , red "London/Oc 12 82" transit backstamp and Leuze arrival backstamp , Very Fine; an exceedingly rare franking which is quite likely the earliest usage ; signed Holcombe and accompanied by his 1990 photo certificate. ...... ...... ...... ...... .............. .... .................. ............ .... Estimate $750-1000


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128 128 0 1882 10c Registered entire to Germany, uprated with two singles of 1882 16c Red (Scott #23), edge ton-

ing, cancelled by six-bar grids , matching "Monrovia , Liberia /Sep 30, 1882" c.d.s. and octagonal "Registered/Sep 30, 1882" handstamp , Liverpool and London registry transits , registry ettiquette applied in Germany overlapping the stamps has been mostly peeled away, "Dresde n/2 11 82" arrival backstamp, Very Fine and rare quadruple rate franking. .............................................. ...................................................... Estimate $500-750

129 129 0 1882 Cover to Germany, franked by single 1882 16c Red (Scott 23) cancelled by six-bar grid on buff cover,

well struck "Monr ovia, Liberia/May 22, 1882" c.d.s. alongside , red "Paid/Liverpool/Br Packet/ 14 Ju 82" transit and London transit backstamp , "Hamburg /16/6 82" arrival backstamp , Very Fine; scarce early usage paying the double rate. .................................................... ............................... ............................................. Estimate $400-500

130 130 0 1884 Cover to Germany, franked by a choice example of 1882 8c Blue (Scott #22), cancelled by six-bar

grid on immaculate cover, "Hamburg /29/4 84" arrival back stamp , very fresh, an Extremely Fine and rare usage ............. ....... ..... ....... ..... ........... .............................. ..................... .............................. ............... Estimate $500-750 March 14, 2008

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Cover to Connecticut, a gorgeous cover franked with 1880 2c Rose and 6c Violet (Scott 17-18) tied to each other by two strikes ofrectangular six-bar grid, perfectly struck "Monrovia , Liberia/ Apr 24, 1885" c.d.s. alongside and bold red "Paid /Liverpool/Br Packet/18 My 85" transit , "New York/Paid All" arrival backstamp , fresh and Extremely Fine ....................... ................................ .................. ......................... ............... Estimate $4000-5000




Cover to New York, franked with singles of 1880 2c Rose and 6c Violet (Scott #17-18), small faults and light staining from affixing adhesive, cancelled by six-bar rectangular grid on cover to New York City, matching partial "Bassa , Liberia /Jun 6 1885" c.d.s. at upper left and red "Paid/Liverpool/Br Packet/6 Jy 85" transit postmark , "New York/Paid All" backstamp , cover with piece missing at bottom right , Fine and scarce usage . .............................................................................................................................................. Estimate $300-400





L 133

10c Registered entire to Denmark, uprated with 1885 8c Lilac (Scott #29a) just tied by six-bar grid, well-struck "Monr ovia, Liberia /Oct 30, 1886" c.d.s. at lower left, octagonal "Registered/Oct 30, 1886" handstamp and "Ringe/22 11" arrival back stamp , Very Fine and rare usage to this scarcer destination . Estimate $500-750


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Liberia Stamps and Postal History ----------~--REGISTERED LETTER, .\ ~, O Pf lC R




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134 134~ 1888 lOc Registered entire to Germany, uprated with 1885 16c Yellow (Scott #30) cancelled by six-bar grid,

"Monrovia, Liberia /Oct 29, 1888" c.d.s. alongside and matching octagonal "Registered/Oct 29, 1888" handstamp , oval Liverpool and London registry transits and arrival back stamp , Very Fine and very rare double rate usage. ......... ......... ..... ...... ....... .................. ............ ........ ........ ......... ............. ..... .......... ........ ............ ... Estin1ate $750-1000

136 I 36 ~ 1889 Registered to Switzerland, with five singles of 1880-85 issue s including (Scott # 17,2 1,24 -6),

stamps with toning , cancelled by "Liberia , May 7, 1889" c.d.s ., purple straight line "Regi stered" handstamp at top , London oval registry tran sit, "Lausanne 27 /VI/8 9" arrival back stamp , Very Fine and rare early franking. ....... ............. ................ .................. ........ .......... ......... ........... ...... ........... ........ ..... ...... Estimate $500-750 Marc h 14, 2008

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u . ,r, .JJ. 137 1370 1889 Cover to Philadelphia, franked by 1889 8c Blue (Scott #32), small faults , tied by six-bar grid, match-

ing "Monrovia , Liberia/Jan 12, 1889" c.d.s. alongside , "New York/Paid All" entry backstamp and Philadelphia receiving backstamps , Very Fine; quite possibly the earliest usage..... ........................................ Estimate $400-500









138 138 0 1890 10c Registered domestic entire, franked with well centered 1881 3c Black (Scott #21) tied by "Harper,

Liberia/Jan 21, 1890" datestamp , c.d.s. repeated at left and matching octagonal "Registered /Jan 21, 1890" handstamps, addressed to Monrovia with beautifully struck "Monrovia, Liberia /Jan 27, 1890" receiver, Very Fine and rare dome stic registered usage. ........................................................................... ..................... Estimate $400-500


Ca. 1890's "Aus Westafrika" rectangular boxed handstamp ties Germany 1889-1900 20pf Ultramarine (Scott #49) to cover to Leipzig , Germany, "Hugo Grabo/Monrovia , West Africa" handstamped corner card at lower left and printed return address of "Carl Schultze , Liberia , West Africa" confirm the Liberian origin, partial backstamp , stamp with small fault , Fine and interesting usage. .................. ............................ Estimate $300-400


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140 I40 C8'.I 1892

Domestic cover, franked with a fine single of 1881 3c Black (Scott #2 1) tied by six-bar grid to folded cover to Rosedale , Harper Co., clear rimless "Monrov ia, Liberia/Jan 19, 1892" datestamp alongside , remarkably fresh, Extremely Fine.... .............................................. ................................. ................. ........... Estimate $500-750


1892 Domestic cover, franked with single 1881 3c Black (Scott 21) tied by six-bar grid to remarkably fresh cover to Rasedale , Harper Co., matching rimless "Monrov ia, Liberi a/Jan 19, 1892" c.d.s., Extremely Fine and choice; Ex. Davis. .... ..... ...... ............... .... ...... ...... ..... .............. ...... .............. ................. ...... ................ Estimate $400-500





1892 10c Registered entire to Germany, legal sized entire uprated by 1892 4c Green and black and 16c Lilac (Scott #35, 41) tied by rimless "Monrov ia, Liberi a/Oct 3, 1892" postmarks , c.d.s. repeated at left, Liverpool and London registry transits and "Hamburg /27 10 92" arrival backstamp , cover opened on three sides for display, Very Fine.. ................................................................................................... ............ ...... Estimate $400-500

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143 143C8l1892 Local cover, franked by left sheet-margin single of 1880 12c Yellow (Scott #19) cancelled by six-bar

square grid, matching rimless "Monrovia , Liberia /Jan 20, 1892" c.d.s . alongside, addressed within the city, cover with light vertica l and horizontal folds , Fine.. ................. ....... ............................................... Estimate $300-400




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144 144C8l1892 Domestic 3c entire to Germany, 3c Hilary Johnson entire with the face officially erased and cancelled

by rimless "Monrovia , Liberia /Jan 6, 1892" c.d.s. , uprat ed for International use with "Postage/Paid" handstamp , Hannover backstamp , Extremely Fine and unusual....... .................................................................. Estimate $ 100-150

145 145 C8l1893 Sc Entire to Bangkok , Thailand, cancelled by bold on-the -nose rimless "Harper, Liberia/28 Oct 93"

postmark , "Ban~ko ~ 19 12 93" arrival postmark alongside and repeated on back , Very Fine usage to this most uncornmon destination . .................................................... ............................................ .................... Estimate $400-500 March 14, 2008

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1894 Monrovia to Stuttgart to Monrovia message and reply card, matching severed halves , the message side with rimless "Monrovia, Liberia/27 Jul 94" postmarks , red "Paid/Liverpool/Br Packet/16 Aug 94" transit and Stuttgart arrival postmark , reply halfreturned registered and uprated with Wurtemburg 1875 20pfDull blue (Scott #6 1a) tied by clear "Stuttgart /24 Aug 94" c.d.s., registry etiquette, London and Liverpool registry transits, Very Fine pair and incredibly rare as such ............. .................................................................. Estimate $2000 -3000



1894 Cover to Germany, franked by 1894 Sc Carmine and black irnperforate (Scott #52) tied by rimless "Monrovia, Liberia /22 Jun 94" c.d.s., routed via Cameroun, with boxed "Aus West-Africa/mit /Hamburger Dampfer " handstamp , "Co ln (Rhein)-Verviers/Bahnpost /Zug 13/16 7 94" R.P.O. transit and Munich arrival backstamp , trivial cover tear at top right, still Very Fine and rare. .................................. .............. Estimate $750-1000


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.L.PATTON,M :D., No11rt11,'N , Li«ri,,,


148 1481811894 Cover to Illinois, franked with 1892 le Vermilion and 2c Blue and 1894 Sc Carmine and black imper-

forate (Scott #33-34 , 52) tied by singles strike of "Monrovia, Liberia /9 Jun 94" c.d.s., red "Paid/Liverpool/ Br Packet/10 Ju 94" transit and "New York/Paid All" entry backstamp , printed comer card of Miss G.E.L. Patton , M.D., Very Fine. .................... ........... ............ ..... .......... ........ ....... ....... ... ............ ........... ...... ........... ... Estimate $200-300

149 1491811894 10c Orange and black entire to Hamburg, cancelled by rimless "Gra nd Bas sa, Liberia/11 May 94"

postmark , with c.d.s . repeated at lower left, red "Paid/Liverpool/ Br Packet/3 Ju 94" transit and Hamburg backstamp , fresh and Extremely Fine . ...... ...... .. ............ ...... .. .......... ..... .. ...... .... ...... .......... ............. .......... Estimate $200-300


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Conl! 150 1501811895 Cover to Connecticut, franked by singles of 1880 24c Rose red and 1885 le Carmine (Scott #20, 24),

both tom prior to use , the 24c stamp tied by six-bar grid and the 1c by partial Grand Bassa c.d .s., with straightline "Grand Bassa/10 Oct 1895" handstamp at lower left, red "Paid/Li verpool/ Br Packed/3 Nov 95" transit , "New York/Paid All" and Clintonville , Ct. backstamps , apparently sent registered with only the franking and blue crossed crayon lines to indicate this service,Fine and rare usage. ......................... ................. Estimate $300-400

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1895 Cover to Connecticut, overfranked by 1892 32c Greenish blue and $1.00 Ultramarine and black (Scott 151e;;a;i #46-47) tied by single clear strike of rimless "Monrovia, Liberia /4 Sep 95" datestamp , red "Paid/Liverpoo l/Br Packet /23 Sep 95" transit, plus "New York/Paid All" entry and West Haven arrival backstamps , cover with horizontal fold at base , still Very Fine; though philatelic these high values are rarely seen on cover. Estimate $200-300


1895 Registered cover to Germany, franked with 1892 4c Green and black and 16c Lilac (Scott #35, 41) 152e;;a;i tied by bold "Monrovia, Liberia /5 Feb 95" c.d.s., Liverpool and London registry transits and "Ha mburg/1.8.95" backstamp , Extremely Fine. .................. .............................................. ............................................ Estimate $200-300

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1895 Cover to Philadelphia , franked with 1894 5c Carmine and black imperforate (Scott #52) tied by rim153e;;a;i less "Monrovia , Liberia/12 Jun 95" datestamp , clea red "Paid/Liverpoo l/Br Packet/8 Jy 95" transit and Philadelphia arrival backstamp , cover with Muhlenberg Mission printed corner card and original typewritten enclosure , a bit reduced at right , still Very Fine. .... .. ..... ....... ....... ........... ...... .......... ........ ........... ..... Estimate $200-300 March 14, 2008

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Registered cover to Germany, beautifully franked by horizontal strip of three 1881 3c Black , 1892 le Vermilion pair, 2c Blue, 4c Green and black pair and 1894 Sc Carmine and black imperforate pair (Scott #2 1, 33-35 , 52) all tied by rimless "Harper , Liberia/28 Nov 96" datestamps , "R" in circle also tied 3c strip, "Muenchen/31 Dec 96" arrival backstamp , Very Fine and colorful usage . .................................... Estimate $300-400



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Registered cover to Germany, franked with 1893 "Five Cents" on 6c, 1894 Sc Carmine and black imperforate pair and 1894 4c Green and black Official (Scott #50, 52, 017) tied by separate strikes of "Monrovia , Liberia /27 Mar 97" datestamps , "R" in circle handstamp and "Munchen VI/28 Apr 98" arrival backsta1np, Very Fine. ........... ....... ..... ........... .................... .................. .............................. ...................... Estimate $200-300



10c Entire to Hamburg, uprated with 1885 3c Violet (Scott #26) tied by well struck rimless "Monrovia, Liberia /21 Jan 96" po stmark , Hamburg arrival backstamp , fresh and Very Fine. ........ .................. Estimate $200-300


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157 1571811896

3c Postal card to Germany, datelined at Grand Bassa and cancelled by boxed "Aus/Westafrika" handstamp, "Hamburg /21 6 96" arrival postmark , Very Fine. ................................................................ Estimate $200-300


Registered cover to Germany, beautifull y franked with 1892 le Vermilion, 1893 Sc on 6c Blue green and 1894 Sc Carmine and black imperforate and rouletted (Scott #33, 50, 52, 53), plus 1894 le Vermilion, two 2c Blue and 4c Green and black Officials (Scott #015-17) , each tied by rimless "Monrovia, Liberia /28 Mar 96" c.d.s., "R" in oval, Munich arrival backstamp, whereupon it was forwarded to Nymphenburgh and backstamped, Very Fine and colorful. ...................... ....... .... ....... .................. ....... ........................ ........... ........... ..... Estimate $200-300



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159 1591811896

Cover to Germany, pre-printed cover to Ulm franked by 1892 16c Lilac (Scott #41) tied by rimles s "Monrovia, Liberia / 10 Sep 96" postmark , no indication that it entered the registry system despite the imprint , Very Fine. .......... ..... ...... ....... ......... ..................................... ......... ................ .................. ............ ....... Estimate $ 150-200

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160 1601:811897 10c Registered entire to Germany, uprated by a vertical strip of three and single of 1881 3c Black

(Scott #21) tied by four strikes of rimless "Harper , Liberia/30 Jan 97" datestamps , appropriate arrival backstamp , Very Fine; a rare and desirable usage of the 3c "Inland " stamps on foreign mail. ....... ..... Estimate $400-500


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-#; .wa, /J: r 161 1611:811897 10c Registered entire to Germany, uprated by a vertical strip of three 1881 3c Black (Scott #21) tied

by light strikes of rimless "Harper , Liberia /30 Jan 97" postmarks , appropriate backstamp, Very Fine; though there is a 3c stamp missing this is still a nice usage of the 3c "Inland " stamps on foreign mail... Estimate $200-300



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162 1621:811897 Entire to Germany, 3c Brown entire uprated with 1892 2c Blue (Scott #34) tied by Grand Bassa , Liberia /22 Nov 1897" datestamp , "Hamburg/12.12.97" arrival backstamp , Very Fine and scarce. Estimate$ 150-200

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1898 Germany lOpf Carmine reply card to Germany, the reply half with lengthy message in German cancelled by clear "Grand Bassa , Liberia /18 May 98" datestamp , Baden-Baden arrival postmark , card with avertical fold at center, still a Fine and rare usage.......... ..................................................... .................. Estimate $ I 50-200

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1899 Cover to New Jersey, franked by 1897 le Lilac rose and horizontal pair of 2c Bister and black (Scott #54, 57) tied by rimless "Harper , Liberi a/ 13 May 99" datestamp s, "New York/Jun 21, 99" entry and Plainfield arrival backstamps , slight toning , Fine and scarce. ........................... ......................................... .... Estimate $300-400

164 0

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165 165 0

1899 Registered picture post card to Austria,franked with 1892 4c Green and black and 6c Blue green and

1897 1c Lilac rose and 2c Bister and black (Scott #35-36 , 54, 57) all tied by rimle ss "Monrovia, Liberia /9 May 99" postmarks , "R" in oval and Vienna arrival postmark , view side is "A Funeral in Monrovia", scarce registered po st card, Very Fine . . ..... ..... ................... ....... .. ........ .. .. .... .. .. ...... .. .. ..... .. ......... ........ ........... .. .... Estimate $300-400

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166 !66 0 1899 Entire to Canada, 2c Ochre entire (H&G #3) uprated with 1892 2c Blue and 1897 le Lilac rose (Scott

34, 54) tied by separate strikes of rimless "Monrovia , Liberia /24 Jan 99" datestamp , red "Paid/Liverpool /Br Packet/15 Fe 99" transit and "Toronto , Canada /Fe 28 99" back stamp, Very Fine three-color franking to this scarcer destination. .......................................................................................................................... Estimate $200-300



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-- ~~~~ 167 167 0 1900 Picture post card to Zurich, franked by 1897 le Lilac rose and 2c Bister and black (Scott #54, 57),

entered the mails in with Cameroun 1897 3pf Yellow brown and 25pf Orange (Scott #1, 5) tied by four strikes of oval "Deutsche Seepost/Linie/Hamburg- /Westafrika/22 . 5. 00/VI" with date slug inverted, Very Fine and attractive combination franking . .............................................................................................. Estimate $500-750

168 1680 1900 Cover to Conakry, French Guinea, franked with 1897 le Lilac rose and vertical pair of 2c Bister and

black (Scott #54, 57) tied by two beautiful strikes of Buchanan, Liberia/Apr 12, 1900 c.d.s., Freetown, Sierra Leone transit and Konakry arrival backstamps, slightly reduced at right and a little light toning , Fine usage to this rare destination. ........ .................................... ....................................................................... ..... Estimate $300-400 March 14 , 200 8

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Liberia Stamps and Postal History


1900 Cover to Virginia, attractively franked by two 1894 Sc Carmine and black imperforate and Sc Violet and green Official imperforate (Scott #52, 026) each tied by faint strikes of Monrovia c.d.s. and clear "Plymouth/Ship Letter/De 20 00" transit postmark, Manchester , Va. backstamp , includes enclosure on U.S. Legation letterhead listing available Liberian stamps . ............................... .................... ................. Estimate $ 150-200


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t/a~.C.~lf_ . a::.~-:- /J3 170

170 C8J1901 Registered 10c entire to Calcutta, India, Orange and black 10c Johnson stamped envelope uprated by

1892 2c Blue and 4c Green and black on reverse and 10c Chrome-yellow and indigo , 1894 Sc Carmine and black imperforate and 1897 50c Red-brown and black (Scott #34-35, 38, 52, 63) tied by "Monrovia , Liberia/2 5 Mar 0 l" postmarks , "R" in oval handstamp , endorsed "via Madeira (crossed out), Genova + Brindisi , "Sea Post Office /Ap 28 0 l " transit and "Calcutta/5 My 0 l " arrival backstamp s, a little toning , still Very Fine ; a rare commercial franking with the 50c value. ............... ......... ................... ........................ .................. ......... Estimate $500-750

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1901 Registered cover to Munich, franked by 1896 15c Slate (Scott #40) tied by rimless "Monrovia , Liberia /8 Jan 01" c.d.s., violet straight line "per Woermann Line" endorsement, German transit registry etiquette , "Oberhausen-Boxtel/Bahnpos t/Zug 28/7.2.01" transit and Munich arrival backstamps , printed corner card of the Liberian Coffee Plantation , minor cover tear at left, otherwi se Very Fine. . ............. .... Estimate $300-400


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Registered cover to Germany, franked by 1897 single and pair of le Deep green, two pairs of 2c Orange red and black and single Sc Grey blue and black (Scott #55, 58, 61) all tied by eight strikes of rimless "Monrovia, Liberia/28 Feb Ol" postmarks, "R" in oval handstamp, Liverpool and London transits and Frankfurt

172 c:,;;i1901

backstamp, Very Fine and colorful. ................................................................................................

Estimate $200-300


Registered 3c entire to Belgiun, 3c Brown legal sized entire uprated with 1894 Sc Carmine and black imperforate and 1897 1c Lilac rose (Scott #52, 54) tied by "Harper, Liberia/Jun 25, 1901" datestamps, "AR" handstamp and red Hamburg registry etiquette, Verviers, 25th July arrival backstamp, cover with file fold at center away form stamps and adhesive stain at lower right, Fine and scarce usage. ...................... Estimate $200-300

I 73 c:,;;i1901

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174 174

1901 Registered cover to Germany, franked with 1892 4c Green and black vertical strip of three, 1896 15c Slate and 1894 Sc Carmine and black imperforate (Scott #35, 40, 52) tied by rimless "Monrovia, Liberia/24 Apr 0 l" postmarks, "R" in oval handstamp, straightline "per Woermann Line" endorsement and Muruch arrival Estimate $200-300 backstamp, cover with two blue German Consulate in Monrovia seals on reverse, Very Fine.

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Liberia Stamps and Postal History


s. s. ¡â€˘w ..1sri" l!iss

!Ja.ry Bar.ta,


175 12l 1903

Cover to New York, cover front only franked by two horizontal pairs and two singles of 1901 2c Orange red and black Official handstamped "ORDINARY " (Scott #67), plus 1892 6c Blue green and 1897 le Deep green pair (Scott #36 , 55) all tied by five strikes of "Harper , Liberia /22 May, 1903" postmarks , endorsed "Per. S.S. Warri" , red "Paid/Liverpool/Br Packet /24 Ju 03" transit , Fine ; an incredible franking stated to be the largest num.ber of "ORDINARY" stamps on one piece; signed Gilbert and accompanied by his 1942 certificate . .......................... ......................................... ................................................ ..... Estimate $ 1000-1500


l 7612l 1903

Registered Cover to Germany, franked by rare 1901 50c Red brown and black Official handstamped "ORDINARY" (Scott #78) tied by Monrovia c.d.s., "R" in oval handstamp , bold "Zehlendorf / 16.3.03" arrival backstamp , cover with a vertical file fold and opened on three sides for display, Fine; philatelic , but a rare high value franking . .... ............ ......... .......................... ..... ........ ...... ......... .... ....... .................. ......... ........... Estimate $750-1000


1903 Registered cover to Germany, franked by 1901-02 24c Olive green on yellow Official handstamped "Ordinary " double overprint , both inverted (Scott #75 Var.) tied by "Monro via, Liberia /14 Apr, 1903" datestamp with c.d.s. repeated at right , "R" in oval hand stamp and crossed crayon lines , cover with two thirds of back missing , but "Zehlendorf /29 . 4. 03" back stamp remain s, Fine and po ssibly unique usage; Ex .-Moris ....................... ............................Esrimate.$15.0,.LQ0O ...... .... .... .... ...... ..... ... ...... ................. ... .


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178 1781811903 Registered cover to Boston, franked with 1896 10c Chrome yellow and indigo and 1898 Sc Gray blue

and black Official (Scott #38, 035) tied by "Monrovia, Liberia/14 Aug 1903" postmarks, "R" in oval handstamp, London registry transit and Boston arrival backstamp, Very Fine. .................................... Estimate $ 150-200

179 1791811904 Registered cover to Belgium, franked with 1892 4c Green and black, 12c Rose red and 1902 75c on

$1.00 Ultramarine and black (Scott #35, 39, 91) each tied by "Monrovia, Liberia/6 Nov 1904" c.d.s., "R" in circle handstamp and "247" in circle also tying 75c stamp, hooded "Registered/London, E.C./28No 04" transit and Bruxelles receiving backstamps, Very Fine and handsome............................................................. Estimate $200-300

180 180

1904 Registered cover to New York, with 1903 10c Magenta and black Robertsport Registration (Scott

#F 14), plus 1892 20c Vermilion and 1903 "Fifteen/Cents" surcharge on 24c Olive green (Scott #42, 96) all tied by "Grand Bassa, Liberia/12 Jul 04" postmarks, endorsed "Via S Leone" with Freetown transit and Brooklyn arrival backstamps, Very Fine. ........................................................................................................ Estimat e $200-300

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181 181C8l 1904 Picture post card to England, picture side a view of the town of Monrovia , reverse with 1903 3c Black

(Scott #94), entered the mails in the Gold Coast with 1902 1d Violet and carmine rose (Scott #38) tied by "Tarkwa , Gold Coast/No 8, 1904" c.d.s. , Liberian stamp tied by clear "Sekon di, Gold Coast/No 9, 1904" transit, Extremely Fine and interesting . .............................................. .... ............................ .................. Estimate $150-200

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Mi.inchen ;}8 Bovl ~r e- Bavarln .

182 182 C8l 1906 Registered cover to Munich, franked with the scarce 1901-02 24c Olive green on yellow Official hand-

stamped "Ordinary " (Scott #75) tied by indistinct Monrovia c.d.s. to preprinted cover, "Muenchen 38/25 Aug 06" backstamp , fresh and Extremely Fine . .......................... .................... ................................ ........ Estimate $500-750

183 183 C8l 1906 Registered high value franking to London, comprised of ordinary 1906 $ 1.00, $2.00 and $5.00 val-

ues and Official 1906 $1.00, 2.00 and $5.00 values (Scott # 111-13, 056-58) , 111 corner missing , all tied by "Monrovia, Liberi a/27 Apr 06" postmarks to small 10c Registration entire , hooded London registry backstamp , Extremely Fine and handsome. .......... ................... ........... ......... ............ ............................ ............... Estimate $300-400 March 14, 2008

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1910 Cover to Goth a, franked with 1909 5c Ultramarine and black (Scott# 117) tied by perfectly struck oval "Deutsche Seepost /Linie/Hamburg /Westafrika/17. 1. I 0/XXXII" ship cancellation, blue German Consulate in Monrovia label on reverse , stamp with a couple foxed perfs. , still Very Fine and attractive. ........ Estimate $200-300



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1910 Registered cover to Philadelphia, franked by 1894 5c Carmine and black imperforate , 1909 10c Plum and black and 10c Black and ultramarine rouletted Official (Scott #53, 125, 069) tied by two strikes of double circle "Harper, Liberia /Mar 18, 1910" datestamps, with both the # 125 and 069 having been previously cancelled. at Harper on Nov 22, 1909, rare large violet registry etiquette and Plymouth transit backstamp , Extremely Fine and unusual. .............................. ............................... ...................... ....................... Estimate $ 100-150

I 85 0


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186 1860 1911 Registered cover to New York, with 1903 10c Violet and black Monrovia Registration (Scott #Fl3),

plus 1906 le Green and black and pair of 2c Carmine and balck (Scott #101-02) tied by hooded "Registered/Monrovia, Liberia /Feb 20 11" postmarks , Liverpool transit and New York arrival registry backstamps, Very Fine and attractive. ............ ........... ..... ....... ............... ....... ... ........... ............... ........... ... Estimate $200-300 March 14, 2008

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1911 Registered 10c entire to Sierra Leone, orange and black 10c Johnson uprated with 1905 Sc Ultramarine and black (Scott #62) tied by hooded "Registered/Monro via, Liberia /Jul 24 11" datestamps, Monrovia registry etiquette and Sierra Leone registry back stamp, slightly reduced at left, fresh and Very Fine; a scarcer destination than one might suppose . ....... ................. .......... ............ .............. ........ ....... ..... Estimate $100-150





1912 Registered picture post card to Bosnia, picture side a lakeside view of Monrovia , reverse franked with 1909 1c Yellow-green and black pair and 10c Plum and black imperforate (Scott 115, 118a) tied by partial "Monrovia, Liberia /Aug 5 12" datestamps, Monrovia registry ettiquette and straightline "Registered" handstamp , Zavidovic arrival postmark, fresh and Extremely Fine; registered post cards are quite unusual and scarce. ....... ......................................................................................... .............................................. Estimate $300-400

188 0


1912 Registered entire to Germany, 10c orange and black Johnson entire to Erfurt, Germany additionally franked by 1880 6c Violet (Scott #18),pre-affixing tear at bottom left, tied along with registry indicia by "Registered/Monrovia Liberia /Oct 11 12" hooded datestamp, straig htline "Registered" handstamp and Erfurt backstamp , small pieces of back missing from removal of wax seals, Very Fine........................... Estimate $200-300


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TheHome Corresponden School, ce Sprin gf ield, Mass. 190 1901811913 Paquebot cover to U.S.A., franked with 1906 2c Carmine and black and pa ir and sing le of 1909 le

Emera ld and black Officia l (Scott # 102, 059) tied by four clear strikes of "Paquebot , Plymouth/Ja 19 13" datestamps, Very Fine and scarce. ............ ..... ........................ ..... .. ...... ..... ....................... ...... ....... ......... Estimate $200-300




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191 1911811914 Censored cover to U.S.A., franked by pa ir of 1909 2c Lake and black and 1909 le Emera ld and black

Official (Scott # 116, 059) tied by Monrov ia postmarks to cover with "Amercian Consu lar Service " imprint, "Freetown , Sierra Leone /17 Au 14" transit backstamp where it was opened by censor and resea led, Very Fine and interesting usage . .... ........... .... .... .......... ......... ...... ........... .................. ......... ....... .. ............. .......... Estimate $200-300


192 1811914 Registered cover to Bohemia, Austria, salmon cover with 1892 25c Yellow green , 30c Steel blue , 32c

Gree nish blue, 1897 I c Light green and 1892 32c Greenis h blue Officia l (Scott #44-46, 56, 0 22) tied by "Monrovia, Liberia/16 Jan 1914" datestamps , Monrovia registry etiquette, cover with two punc h holes at base, otherwise a Very Fine high value philatelic usage. ............................ ............................................ Estimate $ 150-200 March 14, 2008

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193 193 0 1914 Registered cover to New York, legal sized cover franked with 1906 20c Orange and black (Scott # 106)

tied by partial "Monrovia , Liberia /2 Feb 14" c.d.s. with registry etiquette alongside, Plymouth transit and New York registry backstamps , seal of the Post Office Department /Liberia tied on reverse , cover with vertical fold, Fine and scarce usage. ........ .................... ..... ........ ....................... ............. ... ....... .................. ........... Estimate $ 150-200

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194 1940 1916 Registered cover to Paris, legal-sized cover franked by 1880 6c Violet and 12c Yellow, plus 1909 2c

and 1909 1c Official (Scott # 18-19, 116, 059) , each tied by "Monrovia , Liberi a/26. VI. 16" c.d .s., Monrovia registry ettiquette , Sierra Leone and London registry transit backstamps , vertical cover fold away from the stamps , Very Fine. .............................................................................................................. ........... ... Estimate $200-300



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Fred. Reinha1¡d ,u Bantlgen trasse

BERNE Suls.!!e


1950 1917 Registered cover to Switzerland, franked with a complete set of 1916 3c-1 0c surcharges on 1880 issue

(Scott # 157-59) tied by two strikes of "Monrovia , Liberia/27 III I 7" datestamps , Monrovia registry etiquette, Sierra Leone , Liverpool and London registry transits and Bern arrival backstamp , cover with horizontal fold well away from stamps , Very Fine full set franking. ...................................................... ................ Estimate $300-400 March 14, 2008

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MONROVIA 16n R No. • J osepb. l!ep~ i iiJeh , Zofingen , Swi~ zerlml . ¡


Registered 2c entire to Switzerland, additionally franked with a complete set of 1916 3c-10c surcharges on 1880 issue (Scott # 157-59) tied by "Monrovia, Liberia /1 1. VI. 17" postmarks , Monrovia registry etiquette , sent via Spain, with Cadiz and Madrid registry transits , opened and resealed by French military censor and Zofingen arrival backstamp , stamps with slight staining from affixing adhesive, still Very Fine ; an interesting full set usage . ................................................. ............................................. .............................. Estimate $300-400


A merican Leqat/on. l!:O"'rovio., Llbrria

u . S . Oovernc.ent Despatch


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New York City , U. S . A.


Cover to New York, legal sized cover with "American Legation ." corner card franked with 1916 " 1916/1 O" surcharge on 24c Rose red (Scott # 159) tied by "M onrovia, Liberi a/ I 4. VII . 17'' c.d.s., two wax seals of the U.S. Legation on reverse , Very Fine double rate usage........ ........................... ...................... Estimate $ 150-200



Registered Sc entire to Honduras, uprated by the very rare 1915-16 50c on $2.00 Deep green and black Ty. "m" surcharge (Scott #147) tied by "M onrovia, Liberia/25 . VII. 18" c.d.s., Monrovia registry etiquette , Bord eaux transit, double oval New York registry transit also ties the stamp, violet Puerto Cortez 30 Sept. transit and San Pedro Sula Oct 7 arrival back stamp s, cover faults , still an incredibly rare usage of this elusive stamp to a remarkable destination ; 1976 A.PS. certificate .................. ....................... .................... Estimate $ 1000-1500


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MONROY IA I No . 76:5


~ '~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ 199

1918 Registered 10c entire to Honduras, uprated with 1915-16 25c on $ 1.00 Deep green and black Official (Scott #082 ) tied by "Monrovia, Liberia/25 . VII. 18" c.d.s ., Monrovia registry etiquette , Bordeaux and New York transits and Puerto Cortez arrival backstamp , Very Fine usage to this rare destination. Estimate $300-400


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1920 Domestic cover, locally addressed philatelic cover franked with 1880 12c Yellow and 24c Rose red, 1914 "2ct" on Sc Ultramarine and black , 1920 "Four Cents" on Rose and black with double surcharge and "Three Cents" on le Green and red brown Official with double surcharge, one inverted (Scott # 19-20, 154, 177b, 0111 c), all tied by separate strikes of "Monrovia, Liberi a/27. XII. 20" postmarks , fresh and Extremely Fine.............. ............... ............................................ ............. ............. ................................................ Estimate $ 150-200

200 0

Mr. Ja oe



No. Cl arent'ion , Ver mont , U. S.A .

20 1 201 0 1920 Cover to Vermont, franked with 1880 6c Violet and 12c Yellow, plus 1914 "2 cents" on Sc Ultramarine

and black (Scott 18-19, 154), tied by separate strikes of "Monrovia , Liberia / 13. VIII. 20" datestamps, trivial age spots , still Very Fine and attractive. ......... ........... ................ ........ ............. ............ ........ ................... Estimate $ 150-200 March 14, 2008

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! . C. l.

'l;nglan4 .

202 2020 1921 Registered cover to England, franked with two copies of 1880 6c Violet (Scott #18), tied by separate

strikes of "Monrovia , Liberia /24 VI. 21" c.d.s., endorsed "v ia Germany " with registry ettique te added in Hamburg , red hooded "Registered/London , E.C ./10 Au 21" backstamp , cover with vertica l and horizontal folds away for the adhesives , Fine and unusual late commercial usage..................... .......................... .... Estimate $300-400


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203 203181 1921 Registered entire to Mexico, I 0c Ceylon George V Registered entire overprinted "Specimen " on

reverse to which a new address panel has been pasted on an franked with 1918 Sc Ultramarine and black and 1921 10c Red violet and black Officials (Scott #010 I, 0131) tied by single strike of "Monrovia , Liberia /31 X 21" c.d.s. , registry etiquette , Sierra Leone and London registry transits and Novo Laredo arrival backstamps, Very Fine ; resourceful and unusual. .. ........ ...... .. ......... ............... ...... .. .... .. .......... .... .......... ............ .... Estimate $300-400

204 204 1811921 Cover to Hamburg, franked by a single copy of 1880 6c Violet (Scott #18), tied by clear "Monrovia ,

Liberia /2 5. VI. 21" c.d .s. to cover with merchants corner card, "Post Office Monrov ia" wax seal on reverse , Very Fine late commercial usage . ....... ............ ..... .. .......... ....... ....... ......... ...... ....... ................ ...... ....... ...... . Estimate $200-300 Marc h 14 , 2008

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2051811921 Cover to Switzerland, franked with 1921 le Green (Scott # 183) paying the unsealed circular rate,

tied by "Mo nrovia, Liberia/14 . V 21" c.d.s. to legal sized cover with "Comme rcial Intelligence Bureau , West Africa " imprint , Very Fine; rare solo usage of a l c stamp on international mail. .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... Estimate $ 150-200

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ass, 9 Oberwallstr Eck, 1-laus ogtciplatz, Ein&angllausvogteiplatz

206 2061811924 Registered cover to Germany, franked by 1923 50c Dull violet and orange and $5.00 Blue and brown

violet Official imperforate and without "0 S" overprint (Scott #223, 0154 Var.), mostly clean "Monrovia, Liberia /16. V 24" postmarks and "R" in oval handstamp , Coln transit and Berlin arrival backstamps , fresh and Extremely Fine ; philatelic but unusual. ....... .. .... .............. .......... .. ............ ..... .... .... ..... ..... ............. ... Estimate $200-300

207 2071811924 Registered cover to Chicago, franked with pair of 1918 Sc Gray blue and black and 1923 Sc orange

and dark green Official (Scott # 165, 0144) tied by two strikes of "Monrovia , Liberia /1 VII 24" postmarks , magenta "Registered " hand stamp and boxed "AR", New York and Chicago registry backstamps , cover with staple hole at left, still Very Fine and attractive........... ...................... ...................... ........ ........ ............ Estimate $ 100-150 March 14, 2008

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208 20812';]Harper Liberia/Paid handstamped provisional with ms "5" rate on buff cover to New York redirected to

Ashville , N.C. , mostly clear "Harper , Liberia/ 2.11.27" c.d.s. alongside and N.Y. Mar 10, 1927 backstamp , Fine and rare. .. ................. .... ........ ....... .............. .. ............... ............ .... ...... .... ......... ............... ........ ..... .. .... Estimate $200-300

209 20912';]1929 Sierra Leone 112d postal card registered to Germany, franked by 1928 le Green and 2c Gray violet

and I 0c Olive gray Official s (Scott #230, 0159 , 0162 ) tied by double circle "Buchanan , Liberia /9 XI 29" postmark s, "R" in oval and two bold strikes of oval "Deut sche Seepost / Linie/Hambur g-/Westafrika /13. 1. 29" ship cancel and arrival c.d.s. , Very Fine and scarce with registered postal card usage. ........................ Estimate $500-750

i.t.,t to TA'SOU. p~ 1 Jr•notl Line . Homewa.ra. Ju.lf


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2 10 2 1012';]1929 Registered cover to London via Ivory Coast, sent from Cape Palma s, Liberia and type endorsed

"With Runner to Tabou/Per French Line.Homeward. July 3rd, "e ntered the mail s in the Ivory Coast with three single s of 1913 1Fr. Orange and black (Scott #71) tied by "Tabou, Cote D 'Ivory/6 Jui! 29" datestamp s and registry etiquette , "Horn sey/25 Jy 29" arrival backstamp , Fine; a most unusual routing of mail from Liberia into the Ivory Coast.... ............................................................................. ................ ........... ................ ..... Estimate $200-300 March 14, 2008

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211 211 C8l 1936 Cover to Boston, franked with 1923 le Centennial (Scott #209) paying the unsealed circular rate and tied by "Monrovia, Liberia/27 IX 36" c.d.s., Very Fine and rare international usage. ... ...... ......... Estimate $150-200

Dr. Asnes oonohugh 23 llid land ave, Ml1te .t'lains, N , Y. U. S . A,

212 212C8:i1944 Cover to New York, franked by the scarce 1944-46 2c on 3c Violet and black and 3c on 2c Dark

vio let handstamped surcha rges tied by partial "Monrovia , Liberia/1 1. X. 44" postmarks , colorless embossed corner card of the Ganta Mission , cover with some creases and wrink les, still a Fine and rare commercial usage . ............. ........ .............. .............. ........ .............. ............. .. ...................... .................. ... .......... ... Estimate $ 150-200

213 213C8:i1951 Registered cover to New Jersey, franked by 1923 $2.00 Orange and blue (Scott #226) tied by clear

"Robertsport , Liberia /Ia 3 6" c.d.s., Robertsport registry hand stamp, arrived in New York with magenta "Suppo sed Liable to/United States/Customs Dutie s", oval "U.S. Customs /Free of Duty/Port of New York" and "Collect 10c Postage Due/For Customs Service" hand stamps with U.S.I0c Carmine Postage Due tied by two target cancels , forwarded to Yaounde, Cameroun where 10Fr Blue-green Postage Due was applied and tied by "Yaounde , Cameroun/4 Avr 51" c.d.s. , U.S. P.O. Department Official Seal affixed on reverse , paste-up cover with paper adhesions around the perimeter , Very Fine ; a wonderful usage of the $2.00 value and scrace triple country franking... ................. ........................................... ................ .............................................. .. Estimate $400-500 March 14, 2008

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Registered cover to New Jersey, from the same correspondence as the previous lot, franked with 1923 2c, 10c, 20c and 30c (Scott #2 15, 218, 220, 222) tied by "Robertsport, Liberia/la 3 6" postmarks and sent under the same registration number, New Yorkregistry transit backstamps and Elizabeth receiver, plus "Notice" handstamp, forwarded to Yaounde, Cameroun where 20Fr Dark brown Postage Due was applied and tied by "Yaounde, Cameroun/4 Avr 51" datestamps, also a paste-up usage with paper adhesions around the perimeter of the reverse, Very Fine. ................................................................................................................ Estimate $300-400


~ 215

3c Brown entire to Conakry French Guinea, uprated with 1915-16 2c on 25c Dark brown and black (Scott #137) tied by the violet straightline handstamp of the French Guinea airplane, partial "Conakry, Guinea Francais/ 11 Mars I 6" arrival postmark also ties the stamp, with the c.d.s. repeated at right, cover with opening tear at bottom right and vertical fold at center, Fine and rare early airmail usage, this airmail service started in 1937. ................................................................................................................................................ Estimate $ 150-200

215 i:,;:i1916





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I/. J. A


"Hindenburg" flown registered cover to Los Angeles, franked by 1928 15c Dull violet (Scott #235) tied by indistinct Monrovia c.d.s., "R" in oval handstamp and endorsed "By airship "Hindenburg"/via Frankfurt A.M.", appropriate magenta flight cachet, additionally franked on reverse with Germany 1936 50pf-75pf Hindenburg (Scott C57-58) tied by Frankfurt 17. 9. 36 air mail cachet, New Yorkand Los Angeles registry backstamps, Very Fine and rare............................................................................................................... Estimate $3000-4000

216 i:,;:i1936

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Mathews ,


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iauy uf ZiEsue 217

217C8l 1936 Provisional Air Mail First Day Cover, the complete set of three (Scott #C 1-3) tied by single strike of

clear "Monrovia, Liberia/28 II 36" first day of issue postmark to fresh cover to Grand Bassa, Extremely Fine and quite rare; the used stamps alone catalog $525 .00 ............ ................... ................................... Estimate $300-400



. INC. iA

f.r . c . ,c. Novotnv p Fi r eetone Plantetion Cape Palmas , Libe r ia


218 2181:8l1936 First Day Air Mail cover to Cape Palmas , franked with 1936 "Air Mail/Six Cents" surcharge on le

Green Official showing a double surcharge (Scott #C3 Var.) tied by "Monrovia, Liberia/28. II. 36" first day of issue postmark , Harper arrival postmarks front and back, fresh and Very Fine. ............................ Estimate $300-400

Qii..Q'&ASlo_ 0" ':"IE FlRST -"ll!ERIAli


, ·or...rort -Ckpe Pal.JIU

lierm z!nui:t J~olle c/o A. Woerwum & Co .

Jlarpe:r (C•T)• Pal.!iu} .Liberia


le Green Official (Scott #C3) tied by bold "Monrovia, Liberia/28. II. 36" first day of issue postmark, Harper arrival postmark, fresh and Extremely Fine; signed "AD" (Diena).......................... ............... .......................... Estimate $150-200

2!9 1:8l1936 First Day Air Mail cover to Cape Palmas, franked with "Air Mail/Six Cents" surcharge on

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220 220C811936 First Day Air Mail cover to Cape Palmas, franked with "Air Mail/Six Cents" surcharge on 2c Violet

(Scott #C 1) tied by "Monrovia , Liberia /28. II. 36" first day of issue postmark , Harper arrival c.d.s. , Very Fine. ...... ................ .................. .......... ..... .......................... .... .............. ........... ... ........ ....... ................ Estimate $ 150-200

221 221 [81 1937 Registered Air Mail cover to New York, franked by the scarce 1936 6c on 2c Violet and 6c on 3c Bister

brown (Scott #C 1-2), plus Scott #'s 236, 257 pair and single (on reverse) , C3D and O 162 all tied by "Monrovia, Liberia /25. IX . 37" datestamps , New York registry backstamps, Cl-2 with some adhesive staining and 236 faults , still a rare commercial usage of these air mail provisionals. .. .. .. .... .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .... .... .. .. Estimate $300-400 AIRMAQ,

The Rev, R,T, Dickerson 111 South Beech Str eet Oxford , Ohio U.S.A •

222 222 [81 First Flight Cover to U.S.A., franked with uncancelled 1938 20c Magenta and 30c Gray black (Scott #C 10-

11), "F irst Flight/From/Fisherman's Lake/Robertsport , Liberia, W.A./To/U.S.A." flight cachet , opened by censor and sealed at left, cover with vertical fold away for the stamps, Fine. .. .. ........ .......... .. .... ........ Estimate $ 150-200 March 14, 2008

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__ Liberia Stamps and Postal History _

223 223 C8:I 1946

Registered Air Mail Cover to Missouri, franked with a pair of 1944-45 "30cts" surcharge on 1c Yellow green and black (Scott #C46A ), the top stamp showing inverted surcharge , and two 1940 10c Commonwealth (Scott #279), one affixed overlapping cover edge, all tied by "Monrovia, Liberia /17. IV 46" postmarks , New York and Kansas City registry backstamps , Very Fine commerical usage of this provi sional. ...... Estimat e $ 150-200

P.1.B.PUl •


224 224 C8:I 1904

Registered cover to Belgium , attractive ly franked with 1903 10c Green and black Registration stamp (Scott #F 12) as well as 1892 25c Yellow green , 1894 5c Carmine and black imperforate pair and 1897 3c Red and green, Ty. I (Scott #44, 52, 64), all teid by "M onrovia, Liberia /29 Jun 1904" postmarks , "R" in circle handstamp, hooded "Registered/London/ 15 Jul 04" and Brus sels tran sits and La Hulpe arrival backstamp s, fresh and Extreme ly Fine....... ........................ ................................. ................ ....................................... .......... Estimate $200-300


1905 Registered 2c entire to Germany, beautifull y franked 1903 I 0c Blue and black Buchanan Registry issues (Scott #F8, 1902 3c Green Official s (Scott #030 , 038 , 043) tied by double marks , "Hamburg /30.12.05" backstamp , Very Fine and colorful.

225 C8:I

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with 1894 10c Red on yellow Monrovia and F 10) and 1898 le Light green , 15c Slate and circle "Mo nrovia, Liberia/Dec 2, 1905" post...................... ............................ Estimate $200 -300 1-1. R. Harmer, Inc.


Liberia Stamps and Postal History






. 1

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.. 226

1905 Registered cover to Berlin, franked with 1903 10c Violet and black Monrovia Registration (Scott #F13), plus seven different issues (Scott #38, 45, 91, 98, 040 , 042 , 043) all cancelleld by HAPAAG crayon "X" with no town cancels , "R" in oval handstamp and Berlin receiver, cover with vertical fold at left clear of any stamp s, reverse with shipping company imprint , Fine and colorful franking . ...... .. ..... ...... ..... Estimate $200-300

226 0

·, I

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v.;o/;t 227 227 0 1905 Registered cover to Germany, franked with 1903 10c Lilac and black Monrovia Registration (Scott #F 13a) plus 1903 "Ten/Cent s", "Fiftee n/Cents " and "Twenty/Cent s" surcharge s (Scott #95-97) tied by separate strikes of "Monrovia , Liberia /28 Feb 05" postmarks , "R" in oval, faint backstamp , cover with bit of flap missing and horizontal fold at base , Fine usage. ............. ....... ..... ...... .. ............ ...... ............ .... .. ............ ... Estimate $200-300

228 228

1907 Registered cover to New York, franked with 1903 10c Violet and black Regi stration stamp (Scott #F 13), plus 1906 Sc Ultramarin e and black Official (Scott #04 8) tied by separate strikes of "Monrovia, Liberi a/24 Apr 1907" c.d.s., "R" in oval handstamp , Liverpool registry transit and New York registr y receiving back stamps, flap mis sing, still Very Fine. .... .... .. .. .... .. .. .... .... .. .... .. .. .... .... .. ..... .. .. ... .... .. .. .... .. .... .... .. .. Estimate $ 150-200

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229 229181 1910 Registered picture post card to Germany, franked with 1903 10c Violet and black Monrovia

Registration (Scott #F13) and 1906 le Green and black plus 1906 10c Dull vio let and black, 1909 15c Claret and black and 20c Bister and green Officials (Scott # 101, 049 , 063-64) tied by oval Deutsche Seepost/Linie/Hamburg-/Westafrika/26. 10. 10/XXXVII" postmarks , Very Fine and colorful mixed issues franking. .............. ........... ....... .. .......... ...... ..... ...... ....... .......... ................ ... ........ .......... ...... ..... ........ .... Estimate $200-300 ROBERTSPORT

INo. 136

r . -¡ ¡ Car l isle


t ., , Pa . , U. S . A,

Phi l adelphia

2918 1 230 2301811911 Registered cover to Philadelphia , franked with 1903 10c Magenta and black Robertsport registration

(Scott #F 14) and 1910 bisected 10c Black and ultramarine imperforate with provisional "5/Cents " typewritten surcharge (Scott unlisted) , both tied by hooded "Registered /Robertsport , Liberia /Dec 6 11" postmarks , Rob ertsport registry etiquette , three backstamps including magenta "Philadelphia , Pa./Registered/Jan 5, 1912", cover stain at top right affecting the bisect, still a Fine and very rare usage . ............... ................. Estimate $500-750

2 910

Philadel U.

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231 2311811911 Registered Cover to Philadelphia, franked with 1894 10c Green on buff Harper Registration (Scott

#F7) and 1894 Sc Violet and green imperforate Official (Scott #026 ) both tied by perfectly struck hooded "Regi stered/Harper, Liberia /Feb 20 11" datestamp , large violet registry etique tte and Philadelphia arriva l backstamp, Very Fine and attractive . ................. ............ ...... ............ ........... .... .. ............. ......................... Estimate $200-300 March 14, 2008

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'7- ~~ -~ {~ .). 232 232 l:8l 1916 Registered 2c entire to France, additionally franked with Liberian Frontier Forces 1916 le on le green

and black Official (Scott #M6c) with LFF/lc inverted and 1914 10c on 50c red brown and black Official (Scott #092) tied by "Monrovia, Liberia/I 3. VII. 16" postmarks, Monrovia registry etiquette, Aydat, Puy de Dome receiving backstamp, Extremely Fine; attractive franking. ............................................................ Estimate $300-400

Yr, Erich Parch6 San Ped r o Sul a


Cent ra l America

233 233 l:8l 1919 Registered 2c entire to Honduras, additionally franked with Liberian Frontier Forces 1919 1c on 2c

Lake and black,lc on 2c Carmine and black Official (Scott #M4, M7) and 1914 20c on 75c Purple and black Official (Scott #075) tied by "Monrovia, Liberia/ 14. I. 19" postmarks, Monrovia registry etiquette, Liverpool, New York and violet "Puerto Cortez, Honduras/Mar 11, 1919" registry transit backstamps, Very Fine; attractive franking to this rare destination.. ..................................................................................................... Estimate $300-400


Post Office Liberia.


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234 234 l:8l 1892 Cover to England , legal sized cover with "General Post Office Liberia" imprint unusually franked by

1885 16c Yellow imperforate (Scott #30 Var.), enormous margins to in at base, diagonal usage crease, tied by rimless "Monrovia, Liberia/Jul 2, 1892" c.d.s., postmark repeated perfectly at left, vertical file fold, Very Fine; probably a unique usage of the imperforate 16c to pay the double rate. ........................................ Estimate $500-750 March 14, 2008

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1893 Official cover to London, franked with l 892 4c Green and black and 6c Blue green Officials (Scott #03-4) tied by well struck rimless "Monrovia , Liberia/l 7Jun 93" c.d.s., red "Paid/Liverpool /Br Packet/9 Jul 93" entry postmark , legal sized cover with "Treasury Department /Comptroller 's Office " imprint at lower left, fresh and Extremely Fine. ......... .......... ....... ........... .... ......... .......... .............. ......... ......................... ............ Estimate $200-300

235 0

O ffici al.


1894 Registered Official cover to London, with 1894 10c Red on yellow Monrovia Registration stamp (facial scuffs and adhesions) and 1894 Sc Violet and green imperforate Official (Scott #F8, 026 ), the Sc stamp tied by rimless "Monrovia , Liberia/20 Jun 94" c.d.s., boxed "Aus West-Africa/mit/Hamburger Dampfer" backstamp and red hooded London registry receiver, legal sized cover with "General Post Office Liberia " imprint , Very Fine. ................. ..... ........................... ............... ........ .... ....... ............ ..... .................. .... Estimate $200-300

236 0





237 237 0 1894 Official cover to London, franked with 1892 32c Greeni sh blue Official (Scott #09 ) tied by clear strike

ofrimless "Monrovia, Liberia /Aug 2, 1894" c.d.s. , legal sized cover with "Department of State" imprint at lower left, fresh and Very Fine.. ......................................................................................... .............. .......... Estimate $200-300 March 14, 2008

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238 238'8l 1895 Official cover to London, franked with 1892 le Vermilion pair (one with corner missing) , 2c Blue and

6c Blue-green (Scott #01 , 02 , 04) tied by rimless "Monrovia, Liberia /5 Mar 95" datestamps , "Paid/Liverpool/Br Packet/4 May 95" transit and London backstamp , cover with "Department of State" imprint at lower left, Very Fine three color franking. ............. .......... ................ ............. ........................... ... Estimate $200-300 ~·':f


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"' ,....... rt. -, ,,(~"-t..A./l 239

239 '8l 1895 Official cover to London, franked with two pairs of 1894 Sc Violet and green rouletted Official (Scott

#027 ) cancelled by partial strikes of rimle ss Monrovia c.d.s., red "Paid/Liverpool/Br Packet/5 De 95" entry postmark and London backstamp , legal sized cover with "Department of State" imprint at lower left, folded vertically at center and small tear at base, Fine and attractive. ............................................................ Estimate $ 150-200

240 240'8l 1906 Registered Official cover to Brussels, franked with ordinary 1896 15c Slate (Scott #40) and 1894

16c Red lilac and 24c Olive green on yellow and 1898-1905 1c Lilac rose pair and 1c Deep green (Scott #020-21 , 028-29) tied by violet double circle "M onrovia , Liberia /May 29, 1905" datestamps , matching "R" in oval, London and Bru ssels registr y back stamp s, Post Office Department wax seal on reverse , fresh and Very Fine . ........................... ............................................. ............................... ................................. Estimate $200-300 March 14, 2008

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• 241 2411211914 Official cover to Austria, franked by ordinary 1882 16c Red and 1906 2c Carmine and black block of

four (Scott #23, 102) plus 1893 Sc on 6c Blue green and 1898 le Lilac rose and 10c Chrome yellow and indigo Officials (Scott #013 , 028 , 03 7) all tied by "Monrovia , Liberia /30 May 1914" postmarks , registry etiquette and Southampton and Birmingham transit backstamps , large wax seal of the Post Office Department on reverse , two punch holes at bottom , otherwise a Very Fine and colorful usage . .......................... ................ Estimate $ 150-200 C U STO M S fllCC~IVl RC~U ■ LIC

R S HI ~



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8413 5

. ·," . 242

ew York, franked with ordinar y 1896 15c Slate (Scott #40) tied by hooded "Registered/Monro via, Liberia /May 16 14" postmark , registry etiquette , Southampton transit and New York r~gistry backstamp , legal sized cover with "Customs Receivership.of the/Republic of Liberia " imprint , Very Fine... ........................ ........................................................................................................................ Estimate $ 100-150

2421211914 Registered Official cover to


Pree under Con.,.cntion•

n,. ..





~ 1.1~-i.

0 243 243 1211915 International Postal Order to Paris, large cover with "Post Office of Liberia " and "Free under con-

vention" imprints sent registered with "Monrovia, Liberia /I 6. XI. 15" datestamp and registr y etiquette , registry transit backstamps , cover with all over age spotting but very rare. ............ ...... .......... .... ........ ........ Estimate $300-400

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244 2441811919 Registered Official cover to Hartford, franked with 1905 le Light green , 19 I 8 10c Dark green and

pair 1915 "Two Cents" black surcharge on 5c Turquoise and black Official (Scott #56, 166, O88a) tied by bold "Monrovia, Liberia /24. V 19" postmarks , registry etiquette, New York transit and Hartford arrival backstamps , cover with "Treas ury Department " imprint , slightly reduced at top, Fine; why the Liberian Treasury Dept. would have occasion to write the Fuller Brush Co. we will leave up to your imagination. ...... ...... ....... ... Estimate $ 150-200

245 2451811920 Local cover, with bottom margin vertica l strip of five , plus vertical strip of three and pair , represent-

ing all ten types of the 1915 2c on 5c Turquoise and black black surcharge Official (Scott O88a ) one stamp damaged, tied by eight strikes of "Monrovia, Liberia/14. XII. 20" postmarks , cover with "Compagnie Francise de L'Afrique Occidentale" imprint , Very Fine.... ............................................................................. Estimate $150-200



路w 路 '

~ 路01~;t9~ ~~ . 246

1 112d Sierra Leone Postal Card to Germany, oval Deut sche Seepost , HamburgWestafrika /1 1. 1.29/XXXI origination handstamps from Bana na Island , carried on the ship "Este", additionally franked with Liberian 5c Blue Official (Scott #0161) tied by "Rivercess / Liberia/I 4. I. 19" postmarks , Riverce ss registry etiquette , Maisach receiving strike, Very Fine; Rare registered Postal Card. ............................................ ........................................................................... ............. ............ Estimate $500-750

2461811929 Registered

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& Balances

247 * 0

Advanced Liberia collection, 1860-1984 An extensive mint OG , used, cto, and unused collection neatly mounted in 4 slipcased Scott albums comprising definitives , commemoratives, semi-postals, airmails , Officials , and other back-of-book , elusive early imperf pairs, full sheets, and "Ordinary " handstamped issues , good inverts, overprints, surcharges, color errors ; includes mint 22 (x3), 25a corner margin imperf block of 15, 26a corner margin imperf block of 20 (x3), 24-31, 30a corner margin imperf block of 15, 33-49 , 33A , 35a, 46a ; full sheets of 10 each of 47 (x8; 3 NH), 47a (x4; 2 NH) , 48 (xl 1; 7 NH) , and 49 (xl0; 6 NH); 63 full sheet of 20 (x2 , 1 NH) , 64C , 71 double overprint , 74 , 75 , 79 (x5), 82 (x5, 1 with double overprint) , 83 (x4) , 84 (x8), 85 (x4), 86 (x5) , 87 (x2), 88 (x3), 88 inverted overprint, 90 (x4) , 91 full sheet of 10, 91b , 94a , 95-7 full sheets of 20, 101-13 , 103a, 104a (x2), 106b (x2) , 107a, 110b, 112a, 114 full sheet of 20 (x2), 116a (x3), 117a, 119a block , 120a (x2), 121a block , 127a half sheet of 20 , 141 full sheet of 20 NH , 147 (x3), 148a, 149 (x3), 154c, 155, 156 block , 160 block of 15 with 160b (x2) , 161(x3) , 209-13 , 214-27 , Cl-3 (Cl, C2 signed) , C3Cv imperf between NH , Cl8 and C19 signed, Fl , F10a14a, F20-4 , F25-9, F27 rare full sheet of 50 (one stamp torn , minor selvage separations, dry gum), Jlc , 01-12 , full sheet of 10 of O1 l(x2) and 012 (x2, 1 NH) , 025 , 026 full sheet of 48,083 (x2), O88a, 011326, 0157 rare block of 25 (perf separations) , 0158-64 (x2), used 24-31 , 29 horizontal pair with 1888 Registered cancel , 66 (x4) , 66A , 69 , 75, 107b, 155, 156, 161, 191a, Bl5 , C2 signed, C3 signed, Fl, and much more , occasional minor fault , tropical gum , generally Fine-VF , a few interesting collateral items accompany , an excellent collection filled with scarce to rare , under-catalogued items , well worth careful viewing and an eager bid. (No Photo) ....................................................................................... .Estimate$15000-20000 248 * O Amazing Liberia accumulation Many thousands of unorganized mint OG , cto, and postally used stamps from 1860 through the 2000s comprising definitives , including various "Liberia" Arms, commemoratives, souvenir sheets, semi-postals , airmails , officials , registration , 1906-1911 Revenues , etc. on pages , in 9 albums, glassines , 3 stock books , and 3 dealer 's counter books , replete with scarce early full sheets , plus singles and sets with Scott values to $100+, including mint 24-31 , 27 full imperf sheet of 60, 33-49 (x2), 35a, 47 , 48 (x2) and 49 (x3) full NH sheets of 10 each, 53 scarce sheet of 48 (few separations, couple pieces of selvage absent) , 56 , 58 , and 62 (x2) full sheets of 60 (6x 10), 63 full sheet of 20, 78 , 79 , 101-13 , 104-113 full sheets of 20 , 117a, 148a , 157a (unused), 209 - 13, 217, 221 (x2), 301-4 & C57 full sheets of 25 , several sets of 309-12 & C63-4 in full sheets signed by Szyk , 341-6 full NH sheets of 24 , B3-l 5, C 1 signed Sheridan , C 1-3 signed Kessler, Sanabria C7 (1977 SPA cert) , C68-9 centers inverted , Fl , Fl0a , Flla , 01-12 (x2), 015-22 , O23a-5 , 035-6 sheets of60 (partial selvage), 046-58 corner blocks , 083, used 191 a, C 1 tied to small piece by FD cancel, 091 , and much more, occasional fault , generally clean , Fine-VF , a great, profitable lot , loaded with contemporary mint NH , elusive early mint sheets, and early postally used material (strong potential for finding Seepost and other good cancels) , careful viewing will surely prove worthwhile and will elicit a strong bid . (No Photo) ............................. ................................... .......................................... ................... Estimate $8000-10000 249 * (* I Tantalizing hoard of Liberia printing errors and varieties Many hundreds of largely unorganized , mint og and unused stamps from the 1880s through the 1970s mounted on album pages , in glassines , and counter book pages , comprising a very diverse range of common to rare perf, imperf , overprint , and surcharge varieties , plus printing and color errors of definitives , commemoratives , souvenir sheets , semi-postals , airmails, and B-O-B , unlisted in Scott , but several are listed in Gibbons or Sanabria, many are thought to exist in extremely small quantities, including Scott 28v horizontal pair imperf between , 49v vertica l and horizontal pairs imperf between , 96v red surcharge, 126B pair imperf between (5 known) , 127Ev imperf pair , 174v imperf pair (50 known) , 258v inverted overprint (25 known) , 270v horizontal block imperf between (probably unique) , 292Av block of 10 with double sur charge and strip with "4CTI" error, 1952 Ashmun stamp and sheet varieties including scarce 334v inverted vignette, 341 v-346v various errors , 368v imperf block with inverted flags , B5v "Two Cents" doubled (25 known) , C4-13v imperf pairs, Cl9v inverted overprint , Fl0av violet invert (50 known) , F 13v blue color error (50 known) , F23 and F24 imperf , J6 horizontal pair imperf between (5 known), O43v block of 8 with misapplied "OS " resulting in bottom 4 stamps being unoverprinted (probably unique) , O65v missing "OS", O67v triple "OS", 0104v trial zig-zag roulette , and so much more, generally fresh , Fine-Very Fine , with abundant mint NH , careful viewing will reveal this to be a great treasure trove for the Liberia specialist. (No Photo) ........................................................................ Estimate $6000-8000 March 14, 2008

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items compris ing mint OG and unused singles, pairs , blocks, and full sheets of common to rare die , card , color , and progressive proofs , trial colors , essays , and specimens of various definitives , commemoratives , semipostals , airmails , officials , etc. from 1892 through early 1970s , including 1881 3c large die proof on tissue , 1892-1896 trial color plate proofs , partial and complete sheets (x80+) of Water low punched or "cancelled" proofs and specimens of various 1892-1905 definitives and officials (mixed condition), 1903 3c card and sunken die co lor proofs , 1903 3c and 1906 25c , 50c matted color trial proofs in blocks of 9 each , 1909-1912 black imperf plate proofs to 75c, 1912 10c perf and roulette proofs , scarce 1912 75c black block of 10 color proof, 1913 $5 die proof on India , 1918 25c die proof in issued co lor and 50c large die and frame and vignette color proofs , 1938 airmail proofs to $1 , printer's index copy of 1940 3c Commonwealth commemorative with notations , perf and imperf 194 7 Centenary sheets , progressive specimen blocks and proof pairs and sheets of 1949 Ashmun issue , 1952 Ashmun die proofs , color trials , and specimens , including complete 3c specimen pane of 50 , and scarce 1952 3c brown Ashmun color trial without "Specimen" overprint , and so many more, accompanied by about 100 colored spider proof reprints of panes of 100 of 1948 25c Airmail issue , made from the original defaced plate , generally fresh , Very Fine group with amazing scope and content that welcomes careful viewing, and is sure to prove irresistible to the Liberia specialist. (No Photo) .......... .............................................. .............. ........ Estimate $7500 -10000 251 * O 1860-1880 "Libert y Seated" issues group over 300 used and unused copies with a mixture of genuine and forgeries , mounted on album pages , arranged on stock pages , or in g lassines , with representation of each value from every year issued , including unused # 1 signed Kemeny , # 13 block of 32 (8x4 ), # 16 with paper fold , used # 1, #2 tied to small piece by red Liverpool packet cancel and adjacent "Boston BR. PKT. /2 JUN / 5" cancel , # 18 with Buchanan and Grand Bassa cancels , and other good items , the forgeries comprise mostly Fournier 's works including a nice typology annotated in Dutch with a few illustrations , and large black and white photoplates of 6¢-24¢ blocks of 32 , mixed condition , mostly average to Fine , extreme ly useful material for the collector of these challenging issues . (No Photo) ................... ..................................................................................................... Estimate $ 1500-2500 252 i:;:;;:i Classic Liberia cover group Over 100 pre-1940 covers , loose or hingelessly mounted on album pages , comprising mostly postally used regular and registered private and commercial mail franked with single or combination usages of definitives and commemoratives , plus a few philatelic covers (first flights, etc.) ; better items espied include 1844 missionary letter , several 1882 and 1885 issue covers , unusual 1894 Sc bisect (Scott 52v) tied to registered cover to USA , adjacent red oval 1895 London registered transit cancel ; 1894-1900 pictorials (3 8, 52 pair , 54 , 58) tied to registered Monrovia -England combination cover ; 1896 50c (63) tied to 1900 registered cover to England ; 1900 Sc (61) tied to Harper -USA registered cover , adjacent red 1900 Liverpool packet transit eds ; 1897 3c and 1905 2c (58 , 64) tied to 1905 cover to USA ; 1905 Sc (62) tied to cover to USA ; 1906 I 5c (l 05) tied to registered cover to England ; 1909 75c (124) late usage on 1954 cover to Canada ; 1918 2c strip (164) tied to cover to London , redirected to Kent ; 1920 Sci 10c surcharge ( 179) tied to cover to Germany , typed "pr. ' SIS Ekari' via Plymouth /London "; 1921 le (183) and late usage of 1903 Registered stamp (Fl 1) tied to 1921 HarperUSA registered cover ; 1925 Sc (217 ) tied to mission corner card cover to Philadelphia , adjacent New York "Due l 0 cents " duplex and circled "T" hands tamps , US 10c precancelled postage due affixed ; 1928 Sc (223 ) tied to cover to Belgian Congo , adjacent 1937 Brazza ville eds; 1928 le , 3c (230 , 232) tied to Monrovia Department of State title envelope to Philadelphia ; and many more ; mixed condition , Fine and better , with many scarce to rare usages and varieties ; Ear ly Liberia covers are elusive , so close inspection of this desirable , profitable group is advised. (No Photo ) ..................................................... ... Estimate $3000-4000 253 German See post covers postmarked from Liberia A diverse group of private , commercia l, and official mail , loose or hingelessly mounted on album pages , compris ing 7 covers , 11 picture postcards , 4 postal cards , 4 stamped entires , and a wrapper , franked with various definitives , commemoratives , and official stamps of the 1897-1914 period , all tied by oval "Deutsche Seepost Linie Hamburg-West Afrika " date and ship number cance ls; includes 1927 cover to Chicago from British Bank of West Africa , Cape Palmas (logo and printed tape on reverse ) franked with Liberia Scott 165 tied by seapost cancel dated 27.7.27 XXXXI; le Liberia wrapper to Germany franked with Scott 060 , 071 tied by seapost cancels dated 10.7. 14 XXXIII; 10c entire (H&G B6) to Germany , seapost cancel dated 6.5 .97 VI ; generally Fine-VF , with fair to clear strikes ; careful inspection of these scarce covers advised for full appreciation. (No Photo ) .............................................................................................................. Estimate $3000-4000

250 * <*l Valuable holding of Liberia proofs and specimens Many hundreds of unorganized

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Liberia Stamps and Postal History -~-

254121Substantial contemporary Liberia cover holding Two large boxes freighted with over 1700 predomi-

nantly postally-used private , missionary , official , and commercial covers, loose or hingelessly mounted on pages, and mostly postmarked 1940 through 1980s; combination covers, re-directed mail, censored and registered usages galore , plus air letters , first flights , and FDCs; the majority postmarked Monrovia (a few from Free Port, Harper , Kakata , River Cress , Yekepa) and addressed to USA; better covers include Scott C4 , CS (2) on 1941 "West Humhaw /216925 / Steam Screw" Harper-USA paquebot cover; C23, C24, each on 1941 first flight Liberia-USA cacheted cover ; C47 on 1944 registered commercial combination cover ; 295 pair on 1945 combination cover; several C4 7 overprint varieties on cover; C4 7 pair on censored 1945 combination cover; C48 pair on 1945 censored combination cover ; 293 on 1946 mission cover; C46A pair on 1946 registered combination cover ; C48B on 1946 registered commercial combination cover ; C50 on 1946 registered cover; scarce 10¢ Liberia air letter look-alike , diplomatic pouch transmission, 1963 Washington , DC eds ; and many more; condition somewhat mixed, generally Fine-VF ; a strong likelihood of many scarce usages within ; a fantastic group for the Liberia collector or dealer ; Viewing is a must for full appreciation . (No Photo ) .................... ...................... ............ .................................................. Estimate $3000-4000 255121Classic Liberia picture post card group 40 cards depicting nati ve peoples and scenes, postmarked from early 1900s through 1930s , postally used and franked with single or combination usages of various definitives and airmails , most addressed to European destinations plus a few unused cards; we espied a 1905 dated card franked with Scott 55 , 58 , 94 , postmarked Monrovia to Austria via Sierra Leone , with Freetown transit eds , and 6.3 .05 Vienna " Bestellt " receiver eds ; 1907 dated card franked with Scott 94, 102 , 01 , postmarked Monrovia to Berlin , with 31.3 .07 receiver eds ; usual wear or toning , generally Fine and better; intriguing group , likely some scarce usages within; Viewing advised. (No Photo ) .................................. ......... ......... .................................. ................................. ·········...... Estimate $750-1000 256121 Contemporary Liberia cover collection Over 550 items hingelessly mounted in 5 slipcased Scott Specialty albums comprising postally used regular , censored , registered covers, picture post cards , air letters franked with single and combination usages of defintives, commemoratives , and airmails , plus some philatelic mail including FDCs and various first flight covers , some of which franked with Scott C 18, C20 , C22, C23 , C24 , C25 , C26 , C3 I pair , C50 ; other good covers include 1944 registered censored commercial cover to USA , franked with Scott C42 , C4 7 paying proper rate; 1945 Liberia Treasury Department registered cover from Monrovia to Liberian Vice Consul , New York, franked .with Scott 279 , C48 pair ; 1945 censored cover from Monrovia to USA via Freetown , Sierra Leone , franked with Scott C50 ; commercial cover from Monrovia to USA franked with Scott C48A ; 1946 registered cover from Burgess D. Peal c/o War Department to Savage Arms, USA , franked with Scott 279 , C48B ; and many other valuable covers too numerous to list ; condition somewhat mixed, generally Fine and better ; a strong collection , replete with scarce usages, making this a rare opportunity for collectors and cover dealers alike ; Viewing is a mu st for full appreciation. (No Photo) ............................... ................ ...................................................... ... Estimate $2000-3000 257121Classic Liberia airmail cover group 70 plus covers postmarked 1930s to 1940 s, loose or hingeles sly mounted on album pages , displaying single and combination usages on private and commercial regular , registered, and censored mail , all postally used , plus so me philatelic covers , including first flights , a few of which franked with Scott C 1, C2 singles ; better covers include Scott C3A , C3E (X6) on 193 7 US Foreign Service combination cover ; fabulous , large 1941 registered , redirected , US officially sea led, 10¢ postage due air letter to USA franked with Scott 274 , C6 , Cl 0, and US J81 (x2), J82 (x2), var iou s customs handstamps and postmarks; Scott C50 pair , 279 on 1945 registered , censored cover to USA ; Scott C48A , C49 on 1946 registered cover to USA ; mixed condition , generally Fine or better ; fascinating group replete with elusive usages , making this a grea t opportunity for the collector and dealer alike ; Viewing a must for full appreciation of the content. (No Photo ) ............................................ Estimate $2000-3000 258121Ottlie Helm family Liberia correspondence Over 300 covers hingeles sly mounted in 3 slicased Scott Specialty albums, mostly from Fred Helm to his future wife Ottlie Rohe in the USA , and her replies , written during Fred's days at the Firestone rubber plantation in Liberia , postmarked from the mid-1920s through early 1950s , to and from Liberia , franked with sing le or combination usages of US 1920 s regulars and commemoratives , or vario us l 920s-l 950s Liberian definitives , commemoratives , airmails , and officials ; man y photocopied letters accompany ( originals absent), telling of life and work at the plantation , comings and goings of ships , and other interesting matters ; condition rather mixed; generally Fine and better ; a fine assemblage of covers , some of whic h likel y displa y scarce usages, coupled with Fred's and Ottlie 's exchanges about life and Liberia, affording a great opportunity for the postal or Liberia historian ; Viewing is indispen sable for full appreciation. (No Photo) ........................... ............... Estimate $2000-3000 March 14, 2008

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H.R. Harmer, Inc.


Liberia Stamps and Postal History

259C8:I Classic Liberia Official cover group 90 covers , loose or hingelessly mounted on album pages , replete

with private , commercial , registered , and censored mail , American and British Consulate , American Legation , Liberia Customs , Department of State , and General Post Office covers, franked with single or combination usages , all postally used, plus some philatelic covers , including Scott C3 on first flight cover; among the many very elusive items are 3 American Consu late/Sanitary Report covers; Scott 026 pair on 1909 cover to USA ; a parcel piece to Pari s franked with Scott 174, 219, B14 pair , 0144 ; Scott 1781, l 79gv, 180f, O11 lc on -1909cover to USA ; Scott 015 9, 0160 , 0163 on cover to France; Scott 063 pair on 1913 registered cover to Zavidovice , Bosnia ; Scott 127, 091 on 1920 cover to USA; and many more ; some show the usual creasing or wear; generally clean , Fine-VF group; many scarce to rare usages within , making this a fantastic opportunity for collector and dealer alike ; careful viewing is necessary for full appreciation of the content. (No Photo ) .............................................................................. Estimate $4000-5000 260C8:I Liberia postal card and stationery collection, 1889-1893 Over 200 items , most hingelessly mounted on pages and in a Scott album , comprising a fine array of postally used and unused postal cards , postal reply cards , stamped entires , regi stered envelopes, wrappers , and several perfin specimens ; includes unused H&G 2 showing var ious printing shift s (38 pieces) ; B4 perfin "Waterlows' Specimen" (4 colors) ; B4 perfin "Specimen "; B5; B6 perfin "Specimen " (2) and "Waterlows ' Specimen" ; B7 (x2); C2 Harper prepaid ; El perfin "S pecimen "; used H&G 1 (x4), 2 (x3, one addressed to San Marino) , 3 (xl6) , 4 (x8) , 5 (x5) ; Al (x3); Bl (x4) , B2, ms "per Bookpo st" (x2); B2 prepaid ; B3 Brewerville cancel; B4 franked with Scott 34; B5 (x5), B6 (x4); B6 Monrovia to Quittah , Gold Coast , ms "per Woerman Steamer ", cork cancel over ms . "Paid"; C 1; C2 prepaid , postmarke d Harper ; C4 franked with Scott 52, and more ; somew hat mixed condition amongst the used, unused item s with occasional toning, generally Fine-VF ; Viewing of thi s highly desira ble collection is essential for full appreciation of its content. (No Photo ) .................................................................................................................. Estimate $4000-5000 26 1 LIT Useful Liberia philatelic literature group Several hardcover books, including "Liberia Specialized Stamp Catalogue" (x4); "A Century of Liberian Philately" (x3, one of which is a rather worn soft cover copy); "Liberia" (Cockrill), 2 volumes (booklets 1-10, 21-25), signed by author, plus a few duplicate booklets; and "Life of Jehudi Ashmun"; also, assorted copies of "Journal of Liberian Philately" (1986//2007); and National Philatelic Museum booklet on Liberia; generally clean group, Fine-VF ; valuable educational material for the Liberia collector: Please inspect ! (No Photo) ............................................................................ Estimate $ I00-200

March 14, 2008

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H.R . Harm er, Inc.

ESCALA GROUP, INC. - NORTH AMERICAN AND ASIAN PHILATELIC AUCTION DIVISION Laurence Gibson President , Chief Operating Officer x212 George Eveleth Executive Director of Philately x214 Nakia Davis Director of Operations x216 nakia@nutmegstamp .com Andrew Mastriannio Operations Assistant x217 andrew@nutmegstamp .com

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John Bull Stamp Auctions, Ltd.

Geo rge Eve leth, Pres ident geve leth@hrharm m

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H. R. Harmer, Inc. is one of the grand names in phil ately. Con ducting public auctions since 1940 , the compa ny has a tra dition of offe ring many importa nt and valuab le single owner co llection sales. Founded in London in 19 18 by Henry R . Harm er, the fi rm has enjoyed the highes t of rep utations, while co nducting some of the most important sales in phil atelic history, includin g the Rothschild, Fra nklin D. Rooseve lt, Caspa ry and Lage rloef sa les, as we ll as the rece ntly co ncluded DaleLichtenste in auctions. Th e fir m enjoys a well-dese rved reputation, indu stry wide, for integrity and superb customer serv ice.

Nutmeg Stamp Sales P.O. Box 4547 Danbur y, CT 068 13 Tel.: 203-792 -3862 Fax: 203-798 -7902 E-m ail: info@nutm egsta m David Coog le, Pres ident dav id@nutmegstamp .co m N utm eg Stamp Sa les is one of the leaders in the philate lic marketp lace , offer ing over 150,000 lots per year aimed at the full spec trum of co llectors, with items ranging in va lue from $ IO to $50,000 per item. Co nsidere d by many to be Am erica's ' user-friendly ' mail auction house, most lots are illustrated in the catalogs in close prox imity to their desc ription, and all lots are dep icted in co lor on the website. Founded in 1996 by renowne d dea ler Andrew Lev itt, CEO Emeritus, and David Coog le, President, Nutmeg has historically so ld prim arily owned inventory rather than consignments, creating a unique alternative w ithin the sta mp indu stry.

Laurence G ibson, Ma nag ing Dir ector in U.S.A. lgibso n@hrh arm m Tel.: 973 -882-0887 Fax: 973 -882-3499 Customer Service in Hong Kong info@j bull. co m Tel: +852-289 0-5767 Fax: +852 -2576 -5 110 www.jbull .com. lgibson@greg mannin m Founded in 1975, Jo hn Bull Stamp A uctions is widely regar ded as the wor ld leader in Chinese and As ian phil ately, Jo hn Bull enjoys an unsurp asse d reputation for integ rity and customer se rvice, in addition to being the oldest phil atelic auction hou se in Hong Kong




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