~~ 'if:atpd'
Collection o
Premium Quality Canada
and B.N.A. Colonies'' Part II
H.R. Harmer Wednesda y, October 8, 2008 at 11:00 a.m. (A fter lot #270 a bri ef brea k for lunch will be tak en)
The "~
CollectionPart II
SALE TO BE HELD AT OUR OFFICES: 5 Franci s J. Clarke Circl e Bet hel, CT 06801
September 17-20
September 22-24
October 6-7
London, England Stampex - Stand # 15, Business Design Center Islington
Wiesbaden , Germany Offic es of Crimpen and Younger Wilhelmstrasse # 18
Bethel , CT USA call for details 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or by Appointm ent
5 Francis J. Clarke Circle, Bethel, CT 06801 Phone:+ 1.203.702.8490 I Facsimile: + 1.203 .798.7902 Email: hrharmer @hrharmer.com • www.hrharmer.com 0
(* ) Unused (withou t gumor regummed)
Unexploded Boo klet Boo klet Pane
* ** 0
Original gum (previous ly hinged or without gum as issued) Origi nal gum (neve r hinged)
Block of four or larger
Essay Proor Trial Color
Speci men
PB Pla1eBlock On Piece
Bidding Increments
EDU Earlies t Documented Usage
Cover , card or entire
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
MAJOR ABBRE VlATIONS c.d.s . = circu lar datestamps: H = never hinged ; cplt = compl ete; o.g. = original gum ; FDC = first day cover ; ovpt. = ove rprint ; h.r.= hinge remnant ; pmk. = posnnark ; incl. = inc ludin g s.e. = straight edge: ms = manu scri pt
Up to S 100
$3.000-$7 ,500
INCREA E $250 .00
$ 100-$300 S300-$750
S10.00 $25.00
$7.500-S 15,000 $ I5,000-$30,000
S750-$1 ,500 S 1.500-$3,000
$30,000-$75 ,000
$500.00 S1.000 .00 $2,500.00
$75,000 and Up
auctioneer¡ s d iscretion
CO OITIO N extremely fine - outstanding, the highest quality possib le. ve r y fine - choice cond ition. we ll ce ntered ; if imperforate with four we ll clear margins . fin e - sou nd in all respect . perfora tion s clear desig n; if imperforat e, margins may be close or touc hing, but wi ll not cut design . ver y good - stamps are so graded either by reaso n of gene ral appea rance of imperfect centerin g or a fault, Fau lts such as a thin spot. tea r, crease , etc. wi ll be desc ribed on individual lots at all times. In large r lots , degrees of conditi on denote the average , and co pies above and below such condition can be expected . Minor separations on block s o r sheets are Lhe rule rather than the exceptio n and are not grou nds for the return of a lot. The tenn "mint" denote s that the item has origi nal gum , but doe s not imply that it is never hinged. The tenn "unused" is used to desc ribe an unca nce lled item that is without gum . Regarding covers. the following are not j ustifica tion for the return of a lot : torn or panially removed back naps, light file folds which do not detract from the overa ll appearance and small edgetears which do not affec t adhes ive or marking s.
The above i11 c reme111 s ore si mply provided as a guide for biddh1g unifromiry. The auc1ioneer re10ins the right 10 change the increments or his discretion when bidding ac1iviry is par ticularly strong ro expe di1e the sa le. or he may break the increment s ro acco mooda te a,1 agenl S bid.
BIDS BY TELEPHONE (a) Must be confirmed in writing. (b) Any erro rs are the responsibility o f the bidder. (c) No bids accepted less than I hour before sale.
BIDS BY FAX OR EMAIL You may fax or e-mail bids up to l hour before sale comm ences -
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(203) 798 -7902 or hrhanner@hrharmer.com
PHONE BIDDING DURING THE SALE Phone biddin g space is limited and available on a first come, first served basis. The impona nce of reserv ing earl y cannot be overs tated!
LH .
I. Lots of not more than IO items. 2. To U.S. clie nts only, at ou r discretion .
haded pon ion can rep resent an ac tua l hinge or the area d isturbed by a hinge . ever hinged - unused wi th origina l g um in Post Office state and unm oun ted Ligh tly hinged - unu sed w ith full origi nal gum show ing some evide nce of a pre vious hinge which may be prese nt in part o r entirely remove d. Ori g inal gum - unused w ith original gu m somewhat di sturbed by prev ious hing ing whic h may still be prese nt. Pan origina l gum - unused w ith origi nal gum , large hinge remnants may or may not be prese nt. Disturbed origi nal gum - unused wi th orig inal gum , affected by swea ting, glazing or mount dis turb ance ; may not resemble Lhe orig inal gum. Unused wi thout gum (unless gum is menti oned) Unused wi thout gum , as issued.
3. Viewe r .llllW pay postage and insurance both ways and return lo 1s within 24 hours of receipt. 4. Viewer assu mes a ll responsibi lity, including properinsur ance. for any loss , whether in his po session or in any and all fonns of transit when returning Pos ta l Viewing . 5. References requir ed from bidders unkn own to us.
0 lots may be return ed with back stamps stating Fake, Falsch, or simi lar
BLOCKSOR SHEETS AND THE rR GUM: Minor separations are the rule, rather than the excep-
markings , Recent ly there has been a spate of German expertisers marking the backs of stamp s. It is you r responsibility as the purcha ser not to let this happen.
tion. in the case of blocks or sheets of any size. A few separations- aro und four perfs per row---do not afTecLLhe value of a block or shee t and are not grou nds for the return of a lot.
ESTIMATED VAL ES: If an estimated cash value is given, it is shown in the description . It is used where the lot is large or where the actua l value has linl e re lation to the catalogue price . It rep-
TD Ba 11k 11ortlt
102 IVest ft1uin S treet
rese nts the auctionee r ' appraisal of the true MARK.ET value of a lot and the figure is invar iably close to the actual rea lization. It is use less for mai l bidde rs to list any bids that are only a low proponio n of such estimates .
Ne w Br ita i11, CT 0605 1 ABA #: Oil / 03093 (formerly Glwt1onb 11ry Bank & Trust)
For: H.R. Harmer N utm eg A uctions, Inc. Acco 1111t# 424223 124 /
Mr. Charles E. Cwiakala 1527 S. Fairview Avenue Park Ridge, IL 6006 8 + 1.847 .823 .87 47
Mr. Frank Mandel P.O. Box 157 New York. NY 100 14-0157 + 1.2 12,675.08 19
Pur er Assoc iates, Inc 84 Webcowet Rd #2 Arl ington, Ma . + 1.781.777.9555
Please call/or new International instructions! (203) 702-8490
Dave Conway Sheritha Jones Jenn Naples
Sandy Hanrahan
5 Francis J. Clarke Circle Bethel , CT 0680 l TEL:+ 1.203.702.8480 I FAX : + 1.203.798 .7902 Email: hrhanner @hrharmer .com www.hrharmer.com
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Of course , if you have any que stio ns or concerns about Real-time bidding , please feel free to call our offices at 1.203.702.8490 or 1.800.782.6771 and ask for Jo Mills , or email us at hrharmer @hrhanner.com.
"The 'MountRoyal' Collectionof CanadaandB.N.A." PartII-
Unitrad e Ca talog or Estimat ed Value
"The'MountRoyal'Collectionof PremiumQualityCanadaandB.N.A.Colonies"PartII Wednesday, October 8, 2008 at 11:00 a.m.
5 Francis J. Clarke Circle Bethel CT, 06801 Province of Canada Pence Issue
O #1, 1851 3d Red, used singe with strong laid lines, amp le to huge margins , bright and fresh , target cancel , Very Fine. ............................................................................. .......................... ............................ ...................... . $ 1,600
0 #1, 1851 3d Red, left sheet-margin used example, with clear to enormo us margins on the other three sides, including bits of the adjacent stamp at base, good color on fresh paper, light blue target cancel , natural pre-printing crease, otherwise Very Fine; 1996 Greene Foundation certificate .. ............................ ........................ ....... $ 1,600
O #1, 1851 3d Red, a very attractive used horizontal pair, with mostly huge margins to well clear at top left, rich color on crisp white paper showing bold laid lines, neatly cancelled by a single light target cancel at center , Very Fine. .............. ................ .......... ........................................................ .......................... for singles $3,200
October 8, 2008
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
"The 'Mount Royal' Collectionof CanadaandB. .A." PartII
Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
0 #2, 1851 6d Slate violet, an impressive used exampl e, featuring uniformly large margin s all around wruch are quite uncharacteristic of this, plus it is uncommonly fresh , with rich color on crisp clean paper , very light and unobtrusive target cancel, an Extremely Fine gem; 2001 Brandon cert ificate. ............................ .......... .. 2,500 0 #2, 1851 6d Slate violet, select used single , with four ample to mostly large margins , strong color on paper showing clear laid lines, light sock-on-the-nose target postmark , Very Fine; 1995 F.Q.P. certificate.. ........... $2,500
6 0 #2, 1851 6d Slate violet , handsome appeari ng used horizont al pair , with large to very large margins all around, luxuriant color on fresh paper showing bold laid lines, neat target cancels and a bit of a red transit postmark as well, coup le expert ly repaired tears at top, Extreme ly Fine appearance. ............. ...........for singles $5,000
0 #2, 1851 6d Slate violet, handsome and scarce used vertical pair, with clear to huge margins all around, plus its color is gloriously rich and the impression is highly detai led on fresh paper that shows its laid lines well, target cancels and top stamp with a portion of a red postmark as well, Very Fine ; 1974 R.P.S. certificate . ..... .. ............ ............... ...... ....... .. ............................ ...... ......... .......... ..... ...... .............. .. ..... .. .................. for singles $5,000
October 8. 2008
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H.R. Harmer , Inc.
"The 'Mount Royal' Collectionof CanadaandB.N.A." PartII
Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
8 8
#2, 1851 6d Slate violet, intense color and prooflike impression , mostly large margins to cutting outer frame line at top, tied to Kennedy correspondence folded letter to New York by target postmark , red " IO" rate handstamp and matching "Canada " in arc, mostly clear red "Bellville , U.C./May 27, 1851" datestamp at lower left and partia l Kingston transit backstamp , fresh and clean , file crease affects the stamp in the top left margin only, Very Fine usage ....... .................................................................................................... ......................... ............. $2,500
4~ ~ .
#2, 1851 6d Slate violet, large margins to cutting outer frame line at right , rich color and fine impression , target cance l, on cover to Boston, Mass. , bold red "Montreal , L.C ./Ja 24, 1853" datestamp and matching "Ca nada" in arc handstamp , cover with edge tear s and portion s of photo corners adhering at top left and bottom right, otherwise Fine; 1992 P.F.certificate. .................................................. .................................... ........ 2,500
October 8, 2008
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
"The 'MountRoyal' Collectionof Canada and B.N.A." Part II ----
Unitr ade Catalog or Estim ated Value
ample to large margins all around, strong color on fresh paper showing bold laid lines, target cancel, shallow thinned spot at base only visible in fluid, Very Fine appearance................. $2,500
IO 0 #2b, 1851 6d Greyish purple,
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#2b, 1851 6d Greyish purple , large to mostly huge margins all around, strong color, cancelled by large red numeral " 1O" rate handstamp and tied by target cancel to cover to Newburyport, Maine, red "Quebec, L.C./ Aug 10, 1852" c.d.s. at lower left and red "Canada" in arc, clear red "Montreal, L.C./Au 11, 1852" transit backstamp, vertical crease at top through the adhesive, Very Fine usage. .......................................................................... $2,500
Octo ber 8, 2008
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H.R. Harm er, Inc.
"The'MountRoyal'Collectionof CanadaandB.N.A." PartII
12 12
Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
PEE#3Pi, 1851 12d Black, plate proof on India with vertical carmine "Specimen" overprint, mounted on card, seldom seen block of four, with large to mostly huge margins all around, rich color on fresh card, Extremely Fine; a rare multiple, as most blocks have been cut up into singles............................. for singles $ I0,000
13 PEE#3Pi, 1851 12d Black, plate proof on India with vertical carmine "Specimen" overprint, mounted on
card, another elusive block of four of this popular proof, with large to very large margins all around, vivid rich color on fresh card, Extremely Fine and choice; a rare multiple as most blocks have been cut up into singles. ..........................................................................................................................................................for singles $ 10,000
14 <*l #4d, 1852 3d Red on thin paper, an elusive unused horizontal pair, with large margins all around, bright and fresh, Very Fine; 1992 Greene Foundation certificate............................................................. for singles $4,000
#4iii, 1852 3d Red, ribbed hard wove paper, seldom seen unused example, four mostly large margins to clear at bottom right, strong color and detailed impression on fresh paper, faint vertical crease at right not noted on the certificate, Very Fine appearance; clear 2001 Greene Foundation certificate. .................................... $4,000
15 <*l
October 8, 2008
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
"The 'Mount Royal' Collectionof CanadaandB.N.A." PartII
Unitrad e Ca talog or Estim ated Value
16 I*' #5, 1855 6d Slate grey, an exceedingly scarce unused example , featuring generous margins all around, rich
unblemi shed color and a detailed impre ssion on crisp white paper , short sealed tear at top right mostly confined to the margin, otherwi se Very Fine ; a stamp which is missing from most mint Canadian collections ; 1996 Greene Foundation certificate ........... .......... ....................................... ............................................................... $35,000
18 17 0 #5, 1855 6d Slate grey, choice appearing used single, with uncommonl y large even margins all around, 17 rich color and clear impre ssion, light target postmark , tiny corner crease at top right not noted on the certificate , $2,000 Extremely Fine appearance; clear 2003 Gratton certifi cate as #Sb. 18 0 #5, 1855 6d Slate grey, margins well clear to mo stly ample all aro und , goo d color, light grid cancel , small thinned spot at top not noted on the certificate , Very Fine appeara nce ; clear 1995 Gre ene Foundation cer tificate ........... ............................... ......... .......................................... .......................... ................... ..................... $2,000
19 19 I*' #Sb, 1855 6d Greenish grey, handsome appearing unused single, with ample to mo stly large margins all
around, vivid rich color and a fine impress ion on fresh paper, thinn ed spots and pinhole , Ex tremely Fine appearance; 2000 Sismondo certificat e ...... ................. ....................... ....................................................... ................. . $35,000 October 8, 2008
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H.R. Harmer , Inc.
"The'MountRoyal'Collectionof Canadaand B.N.A."PartII
Unitra de Cata log or Estimated Value
~ . . - ~jj 20
#Sb, 1855 6c Greenish grey, select used example , with ample to mostly large margins all around, strong distinctive color and detailed impre ssion on fresh paper , relatively lightly cancelled, Very Fine; 1978 P.F.certifi -
20 0
cate . ................ ...................... ..... ................ ........... .. .................... ... .. ....... ............. ....... .. ...... .............. ..... ......... .. $2,000 2 1 0 #Sb, 1855 6c Greenish grey, used on small piece , intense color which could not be more representative of the shade variety, mostly huge margin s to well clear at top left, target cancel , trivial scuff in the margin only at bottom right , otherwise Very Fine. .................................................................................. ................................ $2,000
#7, 1855 10d Blue on thin paper, a choice used single , featuring uncommonly large margins all around, rich color and a sharp impres sion on crisp white paper , four ring "21" cancel of Montreal , Extremely Fine; 1999 Greene Foundation certificate.. ....................... ......................................................................... ......................... $2,500 23 0 #7, 1855 10d Blue on thin paper, choice appearing used example , large to huge margin s all around, includ ing showing the frame line from the adjacent stamp at top, unobtru sive target cancel , tiny corner crease at top right in the margin only and pinhole , Extreme ly Fine appearance .......................................... ......................... $2,500
22 0
* #7a, 1855 10d Blue on thick paper, ample to mostly large margin s all around, eye-catching intense color and razor-sharp impression on fresh paper , part original gum despite certificate stating "unused ", h.r. and some paper adhesions on gum , slight vertical crease not noted on the certificate , Very Fine appearance ; clear 1994 Greene Foundation certificate ................................................................................................................. .......... $27,000 25 C*> #7a, 1855 10d Blue on thick paper, an especially choice appearing unu sed single , with striking prooflike color and impres sion on fresh white paper , large to mostly huge margins all around, lightly horizontal crease at bottom large ly in the margin , Extremely Fine appearance ; signed Bloch and accompanied by 1990 Greene Foundation certificate; ex.-"Carr ington " .. .............. ....................... ........... ............. ................................ .......... $ 13,500
October 8, 2008
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H.R. Hanner , lnc.
"The'MountRoyal'Collectionof CanadaandB.N.A."PartII
Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
#7a, 1855 10d Blue on thick paper, used with "21" in four-ring cancel, clear to huge margins, deep rich color on fresh paper, two tiny thin specks at base, otherwise Very Fine. ........................................................ $3,000
26 O
#7ii, 1855 10d Blue on thin paper, major re-entry,pos. 29, intense color on crisp clean paper, large margins to cutting outer frame line at base, target cancel leaving the variety clearly visible, Very Good. .......... $950 (* l #8, 1857 ld Rose, an impressive unused example, boasting lavishly large even margins all around which are most uncharacteristic of this, lovely strong color and a highly detailed impression on immaculate paper, an Extremely Fine gem; such premium quality singles are few and far between; 1993 Greene Foundation certificate; ex.-Chapin. .............................................................................................................................................. $1,350
27 O 28
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#8, 1857 ld Rose, large margins to cutting outer frame line at top, bright and fresh, full original gum, h.r., Very Good; 2001 P.S.E. certificate as slightly oxidized, the oxidation having been subsequently removed... $700 l* l #8, 1857 ld Rose, unused horizontal pair, four mostly ample margins, good color on fresh white paper, left stamp with a light vertical crease and Fine appearance, the right stamp Very Fine; signed Bloch. ................ $2050
29 * 30
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#8, 1857 ld Rose, handsome appearing and rare mint block of four, with large even margins all around, bright color, full original gum despite ce1iificate stating "disturbed and missing o.g.", h.r.'s, bottom right stamp with a tiny stained spot not noted on the certificate, two heavy vertical creases, Very Fine appearance; 2003 Greene Foundation certificate ......................................................................................................... for singles $10,800 0 #Sa, 1857 112dRose on horizontally ribbed paper, seldom seen used vertical pair of this perennially difficult and fragile stamp, featuring large to very large margins all around, bright color on fresh paper, target cancels, top stamp with a pressed horizontal crease which is not noted on the certificate, but the bottom stamp is completely sound, Very Fine appearance; clear 2005 Gratton certificate .. ................................... for singles $7,000 O #Sa, 1857 112dRose on horizontally ribbed paper, scarce vertical pair, with clear to mostly large margins all around, single light target cancel, each with a faint pressed-out diagonal crease, top stamp with small thinned spots at upper left and some light staining, Very Fine appearance; 2005 Gratton certificate mentioning only a very light diagonal crease in the bottom stamp............. ................................................................for singles $7000
3 1 EE*
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H.R . Harm er, lnc.
"The'MountRoyal'Collectionof CanadaandB.N.A." PartII
Unitrade Ca talo g or Estimated Value
34 34
TCEE #9TCi, 1857 7 112dBlack, trial color proof on India, top right corner margin two imprints block of twelve (4x3), other margins clear to in on five stamps , top right stamp with a hole at top right , otherwise Very Good to Very Fine and quite scarce ..... ........................ .................. .................................. ............. ...for singles $6,000
35 * #9, 1857 7 112dGreen, fresh mint sing le, featuring luxuriant rich color and a crisp impression, mostly large
margins to well clear at lower left, including a parti al sheet-margin at right showing a bit of the imprint at base , traces of original gum , filled thin spot at top left, Fine appearance .......................................................... ....... $ 12,000 36 0 #9, 1857 7 112dGreen, attractive used single, with mostly large margins to just touching outer frame line at top left, lovely rich color on crisp white paper , unobtru sive four ring postmark, Very Fine; 2004 Greene Foundation certificate. ........ ................... .......... .. ............... ........... ...... ....... ............ .................. ......... ....... ....... ... $4,500 37 0 #9, 1857 7 112dGreen, used with bold "2 1" four-ring cancel of Montreal, huge margin s to clear at upper right , rich color, small tear at top, Very Fine appearance ; signed "AD" (Diena ) and Senf. ......... ..... ........ ...... $4,500
October 8, 2008
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H.R. Harmer , Inc .
"The 'Mount Royal' Collectionof Canada and B.N.A." Part II
Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
38 O #9, 1857 7 112dGreen, used with "21" four-ring cancel of Montreal, large margins all around, luxuriant color 39
on fresh paper, small tear at right, Extremely Fine appearance. ...................................................................... $4,500 #9, 1857 7 112dGreen, mostly large margins to clear at upper left, deep rich color on fresh paper, very lightly cancelled, tiny comer crease at top right entirely in the margin, otherwise Very Fine. .................................. $4,500
40 40
* #9a, 1857 7 112dDeep green, an exciting mint example of this distinctive shade, being in a quality that is rarely encountered, as it possesses a marvelous overall freshness which belies its age, with eye-arresting intense color on crisp clean paper, four large to very large margins, including showing traces of the imprint at base, plus its reverse reveals full clean original gum which has only been relatively lightly hinged, Extremely Fine; certainly among the finest mint singles available; 1993 Greene Foundation certificate as #9............................. $25,000
0 #9a, 1857 7 112dDeep green, choice appearing used single, with "21" in four-ring postmark of Montreal, large to huge margins all around, characteristic intense color on fresh paper, sealed tear at top not noted on the certificate, Extremely Fine appearance; signed Bloch, "AD" and "ED" (Diena) and accompanied by clear 1987 Enzo Diena certificate. .................................................................................................................................... $5,000 0 #9a, 1857 7 112dDeep green, select used example, featuring large margins all around, luxuriant rich color on fresh white paper, "21" in four-ring cancel of Montreal, Very Fine and handsome; photocopy of 1960 R.P.S. certificate; ex.-Jarrett. ...................................................................................................................................... $4,500
October 8, 2008
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
"The'MountRoyal'Collectionof CanadaandB.N.A." Part II -----
Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
#10, 1857 6d Reddish purple on very thick fibrous soft paper, gorgeous appearing used example , with gloriously rich color which could not be more representative of the issued, four lavish ly large margins , beautifully struck numeral "21" in four-ring cancel , skillfu lly filled thinned spot not noted on the certificate , Extremely Fine appearance ; clear 2002 R.P.S. certificate. ................... .......................................... ................. $8,0 00 44 0 #10, 1857 6d Reddish purple on very thick fibrous soft paper, an extremely rare used horizontal pair of this elusive and challenging stamp , with mostly huge margin s to well clear at top left, rich color in the shade that is distinctive only to this issue, red target cancel , the right stamp repaired at top right and with the right margin skillfully added (and therefore not counted) , the left stamp completely sound and Very Fine ; ex.Guilford, Fairbanks ............................................. .................................... ...................................... for a single $8,000 43 0
First Cents Issue .,
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** #15, 1859 Sc Vermilion,right sheet -margin single , exceptiona lly fresh , strong color and impression , unblemished original gum , Never Hinged, Fine; rare in this state of preser vation. ... ................ .... ........ ......... ............
* #15, 1859 Sc Vermilion, deep rich color and a razor-sharp impression, part original gum, Fine . ........... ...
47 47 <*> #16,
1859 10c Black brown, a plea sing unu sed example of this terribly difficult stamp, with deep luxuriant
color which could not be more representative of the shade, nicely centered when compared to the others , full perforations all around, Fine and rare ; 196 l R.P.S. certificate; ex.-Becker and Buck.. ................................... $9,000
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H.R. Harmer. Inc.
"The'MountRoyal'Collectionof CanadaandB. .A."PartII
Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
48 48
* #17, 1859 17c Blue, deep rich color, part original gum , reperforated at top which is not noted on the certificate , Very Fine appearance ; clear 2007 Brandon certificate. .. .. ...... ...... .. .......... .... .. ...... ...... .. ...... .. ...... .. .... .. .... $3,000
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#17, 1859 10c Red lilac, tied to ladies cover to Windsor, Vermont by Kingston c.d.s. , straightline "Paid" alongside , two 1861 transit backstamps , Very Fine. .... .. .... .. .. ...... .. .. .... .. ........ ........ ........ ...... .. .... .. .. ...... ............ $ 150
#l 7iv, 1859 10c Red lilac, "string of pearls", from pos. 3, used with light target cancel which does not obscure the variety, strong color on fresh paper Fine and scarce ; 2002 Greene Foundation certificate. .. .... .. .. .......... $500 51 0 #17iv, 1859 10c Red lilac, "string of pearls", from pos . 3, another used example in a distinctly different shade , light grid cancel leaving the variety clearly visible , fresh and Fine ; ex.-Lussey .............. ..................... $500 52 (* l #18, 1859 12 1/2c Yellow green, choice unused example , remarkabl y well centered for this difficult issue , wonderfully bright and fresh, full and even perforations , choice Very Fine . .. .. .. .... .. .... .. .. ... .. .... .. .. .. .... .. .... .. ... $ 1250 50
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
"The 'MountRoyal' Collectionof CanadaandB. .A." PartII
Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
#18b, 1859 12 1/2c Blue green imperforate, without gum as issued, wonderfully fresh horizontal pair, with mostly large margins to well clear at lower right, luxuriant color on crisp white paper, Very Fine and rare; only 50 pairs were issued; 2003 Greene Foundation certificate............................................................................. $8,000
53 *
54 54 EE * #18b, 1859 12 1/2c Blue green imperforate, without gum as issued, an incredibly rare block of four, with
mostly large margins to clear at left, luxuriant color on crisp white paper, Fine-Very Fine; only 50 pairs were issued and this is one of a mere three blocks of four believed to remain intact today. for pairs ............................................................................................................................................................ $ 12,000
55 TCEE#19TCi, 1859 17c Black, trial color proof on India, block of four, mostly large margins to clear at base,
stained spots, otherwise Fine-Very Fine... ...................................................................................... for singles $ 1,800 56 PEE#19Pi, 1859 17c Blue, plate proof on India with carmine vertical "Specimen" overprint, mounted on card, block of four, clear to mostly large margins all around, rich color on immaculate card, Very Fine. for singles .......................................................................................................................................................... $ 1,000 October 8, 2008
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Unitrad e Cata log or Estimated Value
57 57
* #19a, 1859 17c Slate blue, remarkably fresh mint vertical pair, with intense color and a crisp impres sion, full clean original gum , top stamp lightly hinged, Fine. ........ ...... ...... .. .. .. .... ...... .. ................. ...... .... .. ........ ............. $3,800
58 58
* #19b , 1859 17c Blue imperforate, right sheet -margin single, with ample to large margin s on the other three sides , intense color and prooflike impression on fresh paper , fraudulently gummed, Very Fine ; only 100 stamps were issued ..................... ........... ......... .................... ................................................................. ...for half a pair $3,750
59 * #20b, 1859 2c Rose imperforate , without gum as issued, horizontal pair, mostly large margins to just
touching outer frame line at lower right , strong color on fresh white paper , Fine-Very Fine and rare ; only 50 pairs were issued. .............. .............................................................. ......................................... ....................... $5,000 October 8, 2008
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Unitrade Cata log or Estim ated Value
Dominion of Canada Large Queen Issue
#21, 1868 1/2c Black, left sheet-margin mint block of six, quite fresh , original gum , top pair light h.r.'s, the bottom four stamps Never Hinged, natural gum bend, Fine and attractive . .............................. for singles $960
60 EE*/**
#25, 3c Red, attractive unu sed example , remarka bly well centered, sumptuously rich color on fresh paper , expertly regummed, Very Fine. .......... ............... ......... ............ ... .............. ..... ............ .......... ..... .......... ............... $2,500 62 <*l #27f, 1868 6c Black brown, an attracti ve unu sed examp le of this very scarce shade , particularly well centered, characteristic deep color , choice Very Fine ; seldom found this nice ; 1988 Greene Foundation certificat e... ............... ................................................ ............. ................................................ ................................ $3,500 63 * #28a, 1868 12 1/2c Blue, watermarked,mint single showing a full and two parti al letters of the Bothwell watermark , centered a bit to lower right, glazed part original gum , Very Good ; 2001 Greene Foundation certificate. .. ... .... ...... .. ..... .. ........... .. ......... .. .......... ... .... ..... .. ..... ... .......... ......... ... ........... ..... .. ....... ............... .... ...... $1,800 6 1 <*l
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Unitrad e Catalog or Estimated Value
64 64 EE. #29d, 1868 15c Brown purple imperforate, bottom sheet-margin block of four, with ample to mostly large
margins on the other three sides and showing a bit of the imprint at bottom right, luxuriant rich color and crisp impression on fresh paper, full clean original gum,very lightly hinged, Very Fine to Extremely Fine; only 200 pairs were issued and few blocks remain intact today....................................................................... for pairs $3,000
le Brown red, laid paper, choice appearing used example, incredibly well centered amid large balanced margins, deep rich color on clean fresh paper, grid cancel, diagonal crease at bottom right, Extremely Fine appearance; 2003 P.F.certificate............................................................................................................... $9,000
65 O #31, 1868
Small Queen Issue
... ...
•.. .... ..
. ..... . 66
.. .. .
-· •
66 EE** #34, 1882 1/2c Black, bottom margin imprint block of ten (5x2), fresh and well centered, with several quite
choice, original gum, hinge reinforcement in the selvage only at bottom right, the stamps all Never Hinged, Fine to Extremely Fine.......................................................................................................................for VF singles $500 October
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
• •• • ~ .•......•...•........•
67 67 EB** #34, 1882 1/2c Black , bottom sheet-margin mint block of fifteen (3x5), wonderfully fresh, nicely centered,
original gum, Never Hinged, Fine to Extremely Fine............................................................... for VF singles
* #34a , 1882 1/2c Black imperforate , horizontal pair, large margins all around, original gum, lightly hinged, vertical crease in the margin only between the stamps, otherwise Very Fine and scarce; only 200 pairs were issued................................................................................................................................................................. $750 69 '*l #34a, 1882 1/2c Black imperforate , vertical pair, large to very large margins all around, bright and fresh, fraudulently gummed (appears N.H.), Extremely Fine; only 200 pairs issued both with and without gum. .. $750
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Unit rade Catalog or E timated Value
a gorgeous mint horizontal strip of six, the center pair the variety, remarkably well centered, with an especially choice gutter pair, pristine original gum, Never Hinged Very Fine and scarce; one of the nicest gutter pairs available........................................................................................... $1,200
70 ** #34iii , 1882 1/2c Black, gutter pair,
... ... ... ... ...••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. . •. •. •. •. •. ..• ..• .. . • • •. . . . •
... .• ..• .•
71 71 EE*/ **
#34iii , 1882 l/2c Black, gutter pair, bottom sheet-margin mint block of twelve (6x2), containing two
gutter pairs at center, h.r. reinforcement in the selvage only, original gum which is slightly disturbed on the left stamps of the gutter pairs, the others all Never Hinged, Very Good to Fine. .................................................. $455
le Yellow, brilliantly fresh mint single, well centered amid large margins, radiant color, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine................................................................................................... $180
72 ** #35 , 1870
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Unitrad e Cata.log or Estimated Value
•: ..,_/. •• •• ••• : .F~~~rst~ • •
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74 74 EE*/**
#35, 1870 le Yellow,top sheet-margin "ONE CENT" imprint block of eight (4x2), radiant color, original gum,
four stamps Never Hinged, selvage separated and rejoined by hinges , Fine-Very Fine ............................ ... for singles
75 75 EE** #35a, 1873-74 le
Orange, Montreal printing, handsome and choice mint block of four, strong and intact , rich characteristic color and fine impression , immaculate original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine , the left stamps both Extremely Fine and choice ; 1992 Greene Foundation certificate ; ex.-Dunn . ............... ......... for singles $3,600
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Unit rade Cata log or Estimated Value
* #35b, 1870 le Lemon yellow imperforate, without gum as issued, horizontal pair, four uniformly large mar$60 0 gins, radiant rich color on fresh paper , Extremely Fine. ........... .... .. .. .. .... .... .. ...... .. .... ...... .. .. .. .. ...... ... .... ............ 77 * #35b, 1870 le Lemon yellow imperforate, without gum as issued, horizontal pair, ample to large margins all around, vivid rich color on fresh paper , Very Fine. .......... .. ....... .. .... .. ..... .. ...... .... .. .. .... .. .. ........ ..... .... ........... $600 76
78 78
** #36, 1872 2c Green, fresh mint single , rich color, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine; 2002 Greene
Foundation certificate. ................. .................... ...... ..... .... .......... .................................. ........... .............. ......... .... $300 79 ** #36, 1872 2c Green, attracti ve mint example , nicely centered amid oversized margins , bright and fresh , pristine original gum , Ne ver Hinged, Very Fine. ..................... ........................... .................................................... $300
80 80
* #36a, 1872 2c Deep green imperforate, w ithout gum as issued , horizontal pair , large to huge margins all around , bright color on fre sh paper , left stamp with a shallow thinned spot at top , Extremely Fine appearance. ...................................................... .......... ......... ................................................... ............................ $900
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Unit rade Catalog or Estima ted Value
.... ....
',{\f .:111 \.f ~~~
#36c , 1872 2c Green, vertical half used as le, the right vertical half , tied by clear "Hal ifax , N.S ./Cana da/No 30, 85" duplex postmark to fresh blue cover addressed locally , Very Fine and attractive , though phil ate lic, usage. ........ .............. ..... ........ ......... ............. ..................... ...................... ............. .............. ... $2,500
\ 11S.
82 82
* #37, 1873 3c Orange red, select mint example, featuri ng eye-arresti ng intense co lor and a deeply etched impression on crisp white paper, excellent centering amid large margins , wonderfully fresh , original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine and striking. ............ .. ....... ...... .... ... .......... ..................... ...................... ..... ..... ................ ... $ 150
83 83
** #37, 1873 3c Orange red, horizo ntal strip of three, vivid rich color and fine impression , remarka bly fres h, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine ; 2004 Gratton certificate .. ...............................................for singles
$ I ,350
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Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value
84 84
** #37c , 1872 3c Dull red, choice mint single , wonderfully well centered within larger margins than normal , bright color on fresh white paper , unblemish ed original gum , ever Hinged, Extreme ly Fine ; 2000 Greene Foundation certificate. ............................... ...................... ..................................................................... ............ $450
• ••• •• •• • •
•• ••• •
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• ••• •
85 85
EE. #37c, 1872 3c Dull red, striking top left corner margin "THRE E CENT" imprint mint block of six (3x2), remarkabl y well centered, fresh color, strong and intact , slightly disturbed original gum , top stamp s with a natura l gum skip at top, bottom right stamp with a pulled per f., otherwi se Very Fine . ....................for single s $900
86 86 O #37iv, 1870 3c Rose, doubl e impression (kiss print ), sound used examp le of this rarity, being only the sec-
ond copy to have been discovered, the other one being fau lty, showing a clear kiss print , especia lly in the wide top margin, centered to lower right , duplex postmark , Very Good ; the only known sound exampl e; photocop y of 1996 and 1997 Greene Foundation certific ates.................................................................. ................. ......... $4,000
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Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value
87 87 ** #38i, 1876 Sc Deep olive green, left sheet-mar gin mint example of this distincti ve shade , original gum , hinged only in the selvage , the stamp Never Hinged, Fine ; 2001 Greene Foundation certificate. .... .... .. ...... .. $900
88 * #39, 1872 6c Yellow brown, particularly large margin s and attractively centered within them , part original
gum , Very Fine; 2001 Graves Foundation certificate. .......... ......... ............. .... .... ..... ....... .. ........................... ..... $900 89 * #39b, 1872 6c Yellow brown, perf. 11 1/2 x 12, nicely centered and fresh, lovely strong color and crisp impression , original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine... ......... ................................... .............. ..................... ....... $1,200
'." ,.
.· -
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. ·~ .. I
90 * #41b, 1891 3c Orange imperforate, gem horizontal pair , featuring extravagantly wide margin s all around,
bright and fresh , original gum , h.r., Extremely Fine and choice. .......... ...... .. ............ ...... .. .. ... .. ...... .. ............ ...
91 * #41b, 1891 3c Orange imperforate, without gum as issued, left sheet -margin horizontal pair, with large mar-
gins on the other three sides , bright and fresh , left stamp with a shallow thinned spot, Extremely Fine appearance....... .......... ................................... ...................................................................... ............ ............................. $600
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
92 * #41b, 1891 3c Rose vermilion imperforate, without gum as issued, horizontal pair, large margins to well clear at left, bright and fresh, Fine-Very Fine................................................................................................... $600 93 ** #41ii, 1885-86 3c Orange vermilion imperforate, right sheet-margin horizontal pair, with large margins on the other three sides, radiant color on fresh paper, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, left stamp with a diagonal crease at lower left, Extremely Fine appearance....................................................................................... $600
#42a, 1891 Sc Grey imperforate, right sheet-margin horizonta l pair, with oversized margins on the other three sides, strong color on fresh paper, original gum, trivial h.r., small thinned spot, Extremely Fine appearance. .............................................................................................................................................. $900 95 * #42a, 1891 Sc Grey imperforate, bottom sheet-margin horizonta l pair, with ample margins on the other three sides, rich color, original gum, light h.r., right stamp with two light vertica l creases, Very Fine appearance. ...................................................................................................................................................... $900 96 * #43b, 1895 6c Red brown imperforate, without gum as issued, horizontal pair, large margins all around, 750 sumptuously rich color, light horizontal crease, Very Fine appearance. .......................................................... 94 *
#43i, 1890 6c Chestnut, right sheet-margin part imprint mint block of twelve (6x2), showing offset on reverse, rich color on fresh paper, original gum, six lightly hinged or h.r., the other six Never Hinged, Fine; 1959 R.P.S. certificate.. ...........................................................................................................................for singles $ 1440
97 EE. / ••
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Unitrade Cata log or Estima ted Value
98 98 1â&#x20AC;˘ > #44d, 1895 8c Blue grey imperforate, unused, right sheet-margin vertical pair, with large even margins on
the other three sides, fresh color, couple tiny thin spots, Extremely Fine appearance..................................... $ I,000
99 99
* #44d, 1895 8c Blue grey imperforate, horizontal pair, ample to mostly large margins, original gum, lightly hinged, right stamp with a thinned spot at top, Very Fine appearance. ............................................................ $ I,000
100 ** #45, 1897 10c Brown red, attractive mint single, well centered within generous margins, sumptuously rich
color on fresh paper, original gum, Never Hinged, certificate states "some minor oxidation" which has subsequently been removed,Very Fine; 2003 Greene Foundation certificate........................................................... $2,400 1O1 ** #45, 1897 10c Brown red, handsome top sheet-margin part imprint mint single, sumptuously rich color and a detailed impression on fresh paper, nicely centered within generous margins, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. ............................................................................................................................................ $2,400 October 8 2008
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
~~~~~ . ~~~~~
.................... • •• • •• ••
' 102
l 02 EB* /** #45a, 1897 10c Dull rose, bottom sheet-margin mint block of six (2x3), fresh characteristic color and
fine impression, crisp and intact, original gum, top pair and bottom left stamp very lightly hinged, the center pair and the bottom right stamp Never Hinged, Fine, the bottom right stamp a Very Fine jumbo. ................ $4,500 I 03 * #45c, 1897 10c Brown red imperforate, an especially choice top sheet-margin part imprint vertical pair, with huge margins on the other three sides, strong color on crisp clean paper, original gum, very lightly hinged, Extremely Fine. ................................................................................................................................................ $750
104 * #45c, 1897 10c Brown red imperforate, horizontal pair, large to mostly huge margins all around, fresh color, original gum, h.r., Extremely Fine. .................................................................................................................. $750
105 * #45c, 1897 10c Brown red imperforate, without gum as issued, horizontal pair, large even margins all around, bright and fresh, Extremely Fine. ........................................................................................................ $750
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Unitra de Catalog or Estimated Value
106 106 * #45c, 1897 10c Brown red imperforate,
left sheet-margin part imprint vertical pair, with large margins on the other three sides, rich color, original gum, top stamp slight h.r. and shallow thinned spot, bottom stamp N.H., Extremely Fine appearance. .............................................................................................................................. $750
a gorgeous mint example, wonderfully well centered amid large margins, vivid rich color on fresh paper, full and even perforations all around, original gum, very lightly hinged, Extremely Fine. $600
107 * #46, 1893 20c Vermilion,
108 0
#46a , 1893 20c Brown orange imperforate , horizontal pair, ample to large margins including a partial sheet-margin at base, used with segmented cork cancel, creases, Very Fine appearance; exceedingly rare used, if not unique. ..................................................................................................................................Estimate $300-400
Small Queen Issue
109 109 ** #50, 1897 1/2c Jubilee , precisely centered amid large margins,
intense color and sharp impression, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; 2005 Gratton certificate........................................................................ $450
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Unitrad e Catalog or Estim ated Value
110 11o**
#56, 1897 8c Jubilee, a gorgeous mint single, being incredibly well centered within considerably larger margins than typically encountered,plus it is in a post office fresh state of preservation, with sumptuously rich color on crisp white paper, immaculate original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a true gem for the most meticulous collector. .................................................................................................................................................. $450 111 * #56, 1897 8c Jubilee , eye-arresting mint single, boasting extravagantly wide margins all around and being surprisingly well centered within these massive borders, intense color and sharp impression, redistributed original gum, an Extremely Fine jumbo. ................................................................................................................ $ 150
I 12 **
#56, 1897 8c Jubilee , gem mint example, boasting essentially perfect centering amid symmetrical margins, striking intense color on fresh white paper, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. ...... $450 113** #56, 1897 8c Jubilee , jumbo-margined top sheet-margin mint single, post office fresh and well centered, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine............................................................................................... $450
114 ** #57, 1897 10c Jubilee , a fantastic mint single, being flawlessly centered within perfectly balanced margins,
plus its color is sumptuously rich and the impression is highly detailed, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a true gem for the perfectionist; 2004 Gratton certificate....................................................................... $450 October 8, 2008
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
#57, 1897 10c Jubilee, a superb mint example , being extraordinarily well centered within considerably larger margins than normal , vivid rich color and a razor-sharp impression on immaculate white paper , pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine ; a true gem in every regard... ................................... ...................... . $450 116 ** #58, 1897 15c Jubilee, a fantastic jumbo-margined mint example , boasting lavishly large margins all around which are most uncharacteristic of this value, plus its color is luxuriant and its impression would rival that of a proof , post office fresh , pristine original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine ; a large-margined gem with few peers. ............................................................................ ............... ...................................... ............................... $ 1,050
#58, 1897 15c Jubilee, an eye-arresting mint single, possessing the largest margins we have ever encountered on this value, plus it is astonishingly well centered amid these massive borders , intense color, so expertly regummed that it is not noted on the accompanying certificate , an Extremely Fine jumbo ; 2000 Greene Foundation certificate and N.H . .. ................ ....... ........ ..................... .. ........... ........... ......... ..... .. ..... ........ ............. $350 118 ** #58, 1897 15c Jubilee, exceptional mint example , marvelously well centered within uncommonly large margins , incredibly fresh , with deep rich color on crisp clean paper , immaculate original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice . ........................ ................ ................................... ................................................ ... $ 1,050 117 (*l
#58, 1897 15c Jubilee, select mint single, wonderfully well centered within symmetrica l margins , luxuri~n! deep color on fresh paper , unblemished original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine ; 2003 Gratton certificate. ........................................ ...................................................................................... ................................ $ 1,050 120 * #59, 1897 20c Jubilee, select mint single, wonderfully well centered amid uncommonly large and well balanced margins , rich color on fresh paper , original gum , barest trace of possible hinging (if at all), Extremely
119 **
Fine. .................................................................................................................................................................. October 8, 2008
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Unitrad e Catalog or Estimated Value
121 121tE* #59, 1897 20c Jubilee , the deep verm ilion shade , left sheet-mar gin block of four, striking intense color, well centered, disturbed original gum , Very Fine and attractive. .. .............. .................... .......... ............ for singles $1,800
122 122** #60 , 1897 50c Jubilee, a particularly hand some left sheet -margin mint single, remarkably well centered
within larger margins than most, bright and fresh , pristine original gum , Never Hinged, trivia l natural inclusion, Extre mely Fine. .................... ....... ................ ................................................................ ................ ..................... $1,500
123 ** #60, 1897 50c Jubilee , strong color on fresh paper , original gum , Never Hinged, reperforated at right which
is not noted on the certificate , Very Fine appearance ; clear 2003 Gratton certificate. .... .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .... .. .. ...... .. $1,500 124 ** #60i, 1897 50c Jubilee , deep ultramarine shade , post office fresh , attract ively centered within large margin s, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. ............. ........................................................... ............ .................... .. $ 1,800
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
125 ** #61 , 1897 $1.00 Jubilee ,
an eye-arresting jumbo-margined mint single, boasting numerous desirable physical characteristics rarely found converging on a single copy, including possessing extravagantly wide and well balanced margins all around which are quite uncharacteristic of this, plus its centering would be a challenge to improve upon, its color is deep and luxuriant and the impression is highly detailed, in addition, it is in a post office fresh state of preservation, with immaculate original gum which is Never Hinged, simply Superb;
clearly one of the finest mint singles extant. ................. ................... ..... .......... ... ............ .......... ..... .. ..... ..... ... $3,600 126 ** #61, 1897 $1.00 Jubilee , a phenomenal mint single, featuring essentially perfect centering within uniform-
ly large margins, luxuriant color and a razor-sharp impression of fresh white paper, while full and even perforations all around serve to further enhance its tremendous eye-appeal, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a true gem for the perfectionist. ............................................................................................ $3,600
127 * #61, 1897 $1.00 Jubilee , a gorgeous mint single, boasting lavishly
large symmetrical margins which are quite uncharacteristic of this, with strong color and a fine impression on fresh paper, original gum, very lightly hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem; 1994 Greene Foundation certificate and 2005 F.Q.P. certificate as N.H. .............................................................................................................................................................. $ 1,200 128 ** #61, 1897 $1.00 Jubilee , post office fresh mint single, with vivid rich color and a fine impression, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. .......................................................................................................... $3,600
129 129 rn.;•• #61, 1897 $1.00 Jubilee ,
fresh right sheet-margin mint block of four, vivid rich color, strong and intact perforations, original gum, left pair lightly hinged and the right stamps Never Hinged, Fine and attractive. for singles.......................................................................................................................................................... $4,800
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Unirrade Catalog or Estimated Value
13 1
#61, 1897 $1.00 Jubilee, used with sock-on-the-nose "Brantford, Ont./Fe 20, 99" c.d.s., excellent centering and deep rich color, vertical crease and shallow thinned spot, Very Fine appearance..................................... $1,000 13 1 ** #62, 1897 $2.00 Dark purple, exceptionally fresh, rich color and crisp impression on immaculate paper, original gum, Never Hinged, nearly Very Fine.. ............................................................................................... $3,300
130 0
#63, 1897 $3.00 Jubilee, an impressive mint single, featuring lavishly large margins all around and being remarkably well centered within these generous borders, plus its color is swnptuously rich and the impression is highly detailed, particularly fresh, original gum, very lightly hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome. ...... $2,000 133 * #63, 1897 $3.00 Jubilee, select mint single, wonderfully well centered amid balanced margins, vivid rich color and crisp impression, original gum, h.r., Extremely Fine. ...................................................................... $2,000 132 *
#63, 1897 $3.00 Jubilee, handsome mint single, particularly well centered within uncharacteristically large margins, sumptuously rich color on fresh paper, original gum, very lightly hinged, choice Very Fine; seldom found this well 1nargined................................................................................................................................... $2,000 135 ** #64, 1897 $4.00 Purple, a phenomenal mint single, being the beneficiary of numerous desirable physical characteristics rarely found converging on a single copy, including being in a post office fresh state of preservation, with strong color on crisp clean paper, plus it is extraordinarily well centered within uncharacteristically wide and well balanced margins, while its reverse reveals full clean ever Hinged original gum, Extremely Fine; clearly among the finest mint singles extant; 1987 Greene Foundation certificate. .......................... $6,000 134 *
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Unitr ade Ca talog or Estim ated Value
136 **
#64, 1897 $4.00 Purple, a premium quality mint example, luxuriant deep color and a strong impression on bright paper, remarkably well centered within uncommonly wide margins, full and even perforations, original gum, fingerprint on gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. .............................................................................. $6,000 137 * #65, 1897 $5.00 Jubilee, lovely mint single, well centered within generous margins, sumptuously rich color, original gum, minor h.r., choice Very Fine....................................................................................................... $2,000
Queen Victoria "Mapleleaf" Issue
138 EX
*/** #66-73, 1897-98 l/2c-10c 138 EE
Victoria "Maple Leaf" cplt., fresh mint blocks of four, nicely centered, strong and intact, original gum, mostly lightly hinged, bottom stamps Never Hinged except on the 8c and 10c values, Fine to Extre111ely Fine set. .............................................................................................................................. $7,900
#70i, 1897 Sc Bright blue imperforate, horizontal pair, large even margins all around, rich color on fresh paper, fraudulently gummed to resemble #70a (appears N.H.), Extremely Fine... .......................................... $500
139 *
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Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value
#70i, 1897 Sc Bright blue imperforate, witho ut gum as issued, fresh block of four, large margins all around, deep rich color on crisp clean paper , Extreme ly Fine ; only 200 stamps were issued without gum . for pairs . ..... ........................................ ..................... ...................... ......... ............. ............................................. $1,000
#71, 1897 6c Brown, choice mint single , excellent centering within large margins, rich color and a razorsharp impression on fresh paper , original gum, Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine. ............. ............................... $525
141 **
#71, 1897 6c Brown, striking mint block of four, with each stamp remarkably well centered within oversized margin s, post office fresh , crisp and intact, original gum , Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine; ex.-Marden . .................. ............ ............... ............... .......... ....... .. .................. ......... .. ...... ................... ................... ..for singles $2, 1oo 143 EE. /** #71, 1897 6c Brown, fresh mint block of fom, deep rich color, nicely centered, original gum , lightly hinged, bottom left stamp Never Hinged, Very Fine .......... ............... ..............................................for singles $ 1,050
142 EE**
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Unitrade Catalog or Estim ated Value
144 *
#72a, 1897 Sc Orange imperforate, choice horizontal pair, four large even margins, rich color on fresh paper, original gum , very lightly hinged on the right stamp only, Extremely Fine ; only 50 pairs were issued. ..... ... $750
1897 10c Brown violet, handsome mint block of four, with each stamp exceptionally well centered amid large margins , deep rich color and crisp impression on fresh paper , strong and intact , original gum , Never Hinged, upper right stamp with a tear at top right and therefore not counted, the other three Extremely Fine. for three singles ................. .......................................................... ..................................... ................ .......... ...... $6,750
146 146 **
#73i, 1897 10c Brownviolet imperforate,a sensational bottom sheet -margin horizontal pair, featuring oversized even margins on the other three sides , striking intense color on fresh white paper , pristine original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a gem pair in every regard; only 50 pairs were issued . ............ ............ ........ $2,000
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
matched set of bottom left corner margin blocks of four, each with uniformly large margins on the other two sides, gloriously rich colors on immaculate fresh card, Extremely Fine; only 197 complete sets are possible, with this being as nice a set of blocks as can be found. ............................................................................................................ for singles $ 16,000
147PEE #74-84P, 1897 1/2c-20c "Numeral",plate proofs on India, mounted on card, cplt.,
148PEE #74P, 1898 1/2c Black, plate proof on India, mounted on card, left margin block of four, with large margins on the other three sides, fresh and immaculate, Extremely Fine. .......................................... for singles $800 149** #74a, 1898 1/2c Black imperforate, an especially choice horizontal pair, with uniformly large margins all around, rich color and prootlike impression on fresh paper, immaculate original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; only I 00 pairs with gum were issued............................................................................. $ 1,500
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Unitr ade Catalog or Estim ated Value
without gum as issued, right sheet-margin block of twelve (6x2), with large even margin on the other three sides, light horizontal crease mainly between the stamps ending in a tear in the selvage just affecting the bottom right stamp and one with a natural inclusion, otherwise Very Fine. $3,000
150 * #74iv, 1898 1/2c Black imperforate,
151 EX
le, 2c Carmine, Die II, Sc, Sc and 10c "Numerals" imperforate, without gum as issued, blocks of six (2x3), each with large margins all around, wonderfully fresh and crisp, 1c with a light horizontal crease through the bottom pair, otherwise Extremely Fine..... ......................for pairs $20,850
15 1 EB #74iv, 75vi, 77d, 79ii, 82ii, 83ii, 1/2c,
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
le Paler green imperforate , horizontal pair, oversized margins all around, rich color on fresh paper, fraudulently gummed to resemble #75a (appears .H.), Extremely Fine............................................. $900
I 52 * #75vi , 1898
#75vi , 1898 le Paler green imperforate , block of four, large margins all around, rich color, fraudulently gummed over a horizontal crease between the stamps to resemble #75a which has not been noted on the certificate, Extremely Fine; clear 2005 Gratton certificate as #75a o.g., .H. ..........................................for pairs 1,800
#75vi, 1898 le Paler green imperforate , without gum as issued, right sheet-margin block of twelve (6x2), with large margins on the other three sides, bottom stamps affected by a light horizontal crease ending in a tear in the selvage, otherwise Very Fine.....................................................................................................for pairs $5,400
* 154EB
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Unitrade Catalog or E timated Value
155 155 PtE #77P, 1899 2c Carmine , Die I, plate proof on India, mounted on card, right margin block of four, with
large margins on the other three sides, fresh and immaculate , Extremely Fine ..... ........................ for singles
.. ...
156 156PB. #77b, 1900 2c Carmine, Die II, booklet pane of six, exceptionally well centered and margined for this
notoriou sly difficult booklet pane, strong and intact perforation s all around, original gum , lightly hinged, top left stamp with a small production crease at upper left, otherwise choice Very Fine. ............ .......... .... .......... $2,000
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157 157PB. #77b, 1900 2c Carmine, Die II, booklet pane of six, fresh mint example of this scarce bookl et pane ,
strong and intact perforation s all around, original gum , lightly hing ed, Fine and attractive. .... .. .. .. .... ... .. .. .. ... $ 1,200
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Unitrade Cata log or Estim ated Value
158 158 PB.
#77e, 1900 2c Carmine, booklet pane of six imperforate, Die II, two panes tete-beche, without gum as issued, full sheet selvages at sides and wide top and bottom margins, fresh and immaculate, Extremely Fine; no more than twelve imperforate tete-beche panes exist; ex.-Alfred Cook... ............................................ $20,000
#77iv, 2c Carmine imperforate, Die I, without gum as issued, four large margins, intense color on crisp white paper, Extremely Fine. ............................................................................................................................ $500
159 *
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
160 PEE#78P, 1898 3c
Carmine, plate proof on India, mounted on card, left margin block of four, with oversized margin on the other three sides, immaculate and fresh, Extremely Fine. ...................................... for singles $800 161 PEE#79P, 1899 Sc Blue, plate proof on India, mounted on card, left margin block of four, with large margins on the other three sides, immaculate and fresh, Extremely Fine. .................................................. for singles $800
•• A •
#79, 1899 Sc Blue on bluish, top margin "Ottawa - No. 2" imprint horizontal pair, showing the plate no. "2" reversed, deep rich color on fresh paper , nicely centered , original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine . ....... ..... ............... ............... ...... ......... .......... ......... .......... ................ ............ ...... ...... for singles $ 1,800
#79ii, 1899 Sc Blue on bluish imperforate, without gum as issued, horizontal pair, four large to very large margins, bright and fresh, choice Very Fine. .................................................................................................... $900 164 * #79ii, 1899 Sc Blue on bluish imperforate, handsome left sheet-margin horizontal pair, with large even margins on the other three sides, rich color on fresh paper, fraudulently gummed to resemble #79a (appears N.H.), Extremely Fine. ................................................................................................................................................ $900 163 *
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
#79ii, 1899 Sc Blue on bluish imperforate, right sheet-margin block of four, with mostly large margins on the other three sides, rich color on fresh paper, fraudulently gummed to resemble #79a (appears N .H.),
165 *
Extremely Fine. ................................................................................................................................................
$ 1,800
#79ii, 1899 Sc Blue on bluish imperforate , without gum as issued, left sheet-margin block of twelve (6x2), with large even margins on the other three sides, wonderfully clean and fresh, Extremely Fine. ....for pairs $5,400
166 83.
167 167 PB3 #81P,
1902 7c Olive yellow, plate proof on India , mounted on card, left margin block of four, with large
to huge margins on the other three sides, immaculate and fresh, Extremely Fine..... ....................for singles
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Lo t
I 68
Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value
#81a, 1902 7c Olive yellow imperforate, without gum as issued, choice horizontal pair, large even margins all around, radiant color on crisp white paper, fresh and Extreme ly Fine; only 100 pairs were issued, all without gum. ............. ............. .................... ............. .......... .............. .......... .............................................................. ....... $750 169 * #81a, 1902 7c Olive yellow imperforate, without gum as issued, select horizontal pair, in a strikingly different deeper shade from the previous lot, large margins all around, fresh and Extremely Fine ; only 100 pairs were issued, all without gum. .......... ....... .......... .......... ..................... ....... ..... ......... ........... ......... ..... .. ............. ............. $750 170 * #81a, 1902 7c Olive yellow imperforate, without gum as issued, horizontal pair, ample to large margins , left stamp with a pinhole at top, otherwise Very Fine ; only 100 pairs were issued . .. ................ ...... ......... .......... .. . $750
171PB3 #82P, 1898 8c Orange, plate proof on India, mounted on card, left margin block of four, with large mar-
gins on the other three sides, immaculate and fresh , Extremely Fine . ........... .......................... ..... for singles
..- ~-¡ -::) . ..~~
172 *
#82a, 1898 8c Brown orange imperforate, choice horizontal pair, oversized margins all around, bright color on clean fresh paper , original gum , lightly hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome ; only 100 pairs were issued with gum. .................... ................................................. ............................. ................................ ......... .............. . $ 1,500 173 * #82a, 1898 8c Brown orange imperforate, hand some horizontal pair, large margins all around, rich distinctive color on fresh paper , original gum, lightly hinged, Extreme ly Fine; only 100 pairs were issued............. $1,500 174 * #82ii, 1898 8c Orange imperforate, without gum as issued, horizontal pair, large margins all around, strong color on crisp clean paper , fresh and Extremely Fine . ..................... ............................................................... $900 October 8, 2008
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Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value
#82ii, 1898 Sc Orange imperforate, horizontal pair, bright and fresh, large margins all around, fraudulently gummed to resemble #82a (appears N.H.), Extremely Fine; only 296 pairs exist........................................... $900 176* #82ii, 1898 Sc Orange imperforate, left heet-margin horizontal pair, with large even margins on the other three sides, good color, fraudulently gummed to resemble #82a (appears N.H.), Extremely Fine; only 296 pairs exist................................................................................................................................................................... $900
177 177EE *
#82ii, 1898 Sc Orange imperforate, handsome block of four, with large to very large margins all around, vivid rich color, fraudulently gummed to resmemble #82a which is not noted on the certificate, Extremely Fine; only 296 pairs exist; clear 2005 Gratton certificate. ........................................................................ for pairs $ 1,800
178 178 EE *
#82ii, 1898 Sc Orange imperforate, without gum as issued, left sheet-margin block of twelve (6x2), with large margins on the other three sides, bright and fresh, light horizontal crease mainly between the stamps, otherwise Very Fine.. ............................................................................................................................... for pairs $5,400
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.~.--. ~
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
10 ~~
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179 PEE#83P,
1898 10c Brown violet, plate proof on India, mounted on card, a very scarce left margin block of four, with large margins on the other three sides, vivid rich color on immaculate card, fresh and Extremely Fine...................................................................................................................................................for singles $3,400 180 * #83a, 1898 10c Deep brown violet imperforate, a lovely horizontal pair, with uncommonly large margins all.around, ?eep ricl'.color on fresh paper, original gum , lightly hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome; only 100 pairs were issued with gum............................................................................................................................... $ 1,500
#83ii, 1898 10c Brown violet imperforate, left sheet-margin horizontal pair, with oversized margins on the other three sides, privately gummed as these were ungummed, Extremely Fine; only 150 ungummed pairs exist. ........................................................................................................................................................ $ 1,250 182 PEE#84P, 1900 20c Olive green, plate proof on India, mounted on card, a very scarce left margin block of four, with large margins on the other three sides, deep rich color on immaculate card, fresh and Extremely Fine...................................................................................................................................................for singles $3,400
181 *
#84, 1900 20c Olive green, a stunning mint example of this high value, boasting magnificent centering within perfectly balanced margins, plus its color is gloriously rich and its impression is deeply etched on fresh white paper, full perforations all around, while its reverse reveals full clean original gum which is Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a true gem for the perfectionist. ............................................................................................ $2,700 184 EB. / ** #85, 18982c Black,lavenderandcarmin e, full sheetof 100foldedintotwopanesof 50, originalgum,about20 stamps separations (nearhinged,h.r.orwithpaperadhesionongum,theother80 NeverHinged,severehorizontalandverticalperforation ly fallingapart), thestampsFine-VeryFine; catalogedas 20 Finehinged,60 Fine NH and20VF NH (no photo)................. $7,250 183 **
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
* #85a , 1898 2c Black , lavender and carmine imperforate , without gum as issued, top right comer margin 185 EB
imprint block of six (3x2), with large margins on the other two sides, mounted on thick artboard, Extremely Fine and scarce. ........................................................................................................................................................ $2, I oo
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• 186
** #86, 1898 2c Black , blue and carmine , handsome bottom left comer margin imprint block of twenty 186 EB (5x4), fabulous rich colors, quite well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine............................... $3,000
187 187 * #86ii , 1898 2c Black , deep blue and carmine imperforate , without gum as issued, right sheet-margin hor-
izontal pair, with large even margins on the other three sides, prooflike color and impression, right stamp with a couple thinned spots, Extremely Fine appearance......................................................................................... $700
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"The 'MountRoyal' Collectionof CanadaandB. .A."PartII
Unitrade Cata log or Estima ted Value
188 188** #87i, 88i, 1899 "2 Cents" on 3c Carmin e, narrow spacing, horizontal strips of three of each , both very
fresh, with strong and intact perforations, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; latter with 1997 Greene $750 Foundation certificate. ....... ............ ..................... .............. ........... ...... ............ ....... ....................... ................ .....
le on one-third of 3c Carmine, 2c on two-thirds of 3c Carmine, the "Port Hood Provisionals ", an exceedingly rare mint pair of these sought -after provisional surcharges , each large part original gum , le with only a slight trace of the handstamp , 2c thinned spot, otherwise Fine and collectable genuine examples of these rarities which are seldom offered in any condition , these being among the few that escaped postmaster destruction ; each with Stanley Gibbons handstamp , 2002 Brandon certificate ; ex.-DaleLichtenstein. .......................................................................... ............. ................................................. .............. $50,000
189* #88B, 88C, 1899
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Unitrade Catalog or E timated Value
190 190 **
#88i, 1899 "2 Cents" on 3c Carmine, narrow spacing, horizontal strip of three, choice centering for this, post office fresh, with strong and intact perforations, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. .................... $450
19 1
19 1 *
#89a-93a, 1903 lc-lOc EdwardVII imperforate, without gum as issued, except the 2c original gum, lightly hinged, horizontal pairs, each with ample to mostly large margins, rich colors on clean fresh paper, Very Fine to Extremely Fine; only 100 complete sets of pairs are possible. .................................................................... $4,960 192 * #89a, 1903 le Green imperforate, without gum as issued, select horizontal pair, with large margins all around, deep rich color on fresh white paper, Extremely Fine; only 200 pairs were issued. .......................... $900
193 193 ffi.., #90a,
1903 2c Carmine imperforate,Ty. II, full pane of l 00, being the right half of the sheet with full selvages and "OTTAWA- No. - 14" imprint at top, full though somewhat disturbed original gum, some small selvage faults as is to be expected, otherwise Very Fine; rare as a sheet. ............................................................ $3, 11o
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
194 *
#91a, 1903 Sc Blue on bluish imperforate, without gum as issued, choice horizontal pair, with uncommonly large margins all around, luxuriant color on fresh paper, Extremely Fine and rare, only 100 pairs were issued. ...................................................................................................................................................... $1,500 195* #92a, 1903 7c Olive bistre imperforate, without gum as issued, handsome horizontal pair, with large to very large margins all around, deep luxuriant color on crisp white paper, fresh and Extremely Fine; only 200 pairs were issued. ...................................................................................................................................................... $1,000
#92a, 1903 7c Olive bistre imperforate, without gum as issued, fresh horizontal pair, with large even margins all around, luxuriant deep color on crisp white paper, Extremely Fine and scarce; only 200 pairs were issued................................................................................................................................................................. $ 1,000 * #92a, 1903 7c Olive bistre imperforate, scarce block of four, rich color on bright paper, large margins all 197 EB around, fraudulently gummed as this was issued without gum, Extremely Fine; only 200 pairs were issed; 2000 Greene Foundation certificate. .......................................................................................................... for pairs $2,000
196 *
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#92iii, 1903 7c Straw, handsome top margin "OTTAWA- o. - 2" imprint and post office order no. "93" strip of five, particularly well centered, strong color on fresh paper, original gum, h.r.'s in the selvage only, the stamps Never Hinged except pos. 2 with a small thinned spot, perf. separations between pos. 2 and 3, otherwise Very Fine to Extremely Fine............... ............................................................................................for singles $3,900
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Unitrade Ca ta log or Estimated Value
I 99 #93a, 1903 10c Brown lilac imperforate, without gum as issued, select horizontal pair, with large to huge mar-
gins all around, rich color on fresh paper, right stamp with a trivial natural inclusion, Extremely Fine and rare; only 100 pairs were issued. .............................................................................................................................. $ 1,500 200 * #94i, 1904 20c Deep olive green, a stunning jumbo-margined mint example, boasting near perfect centering within extravagantly large and well balanced margins, eye-arresting intense color and prooflike impression on fresh paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem. ........................................ $1,000
20 1 EX 201 rn*
#96ii-103ii, 1908 1/2c-20c Quebec Tercentenaryimperforate cplt., without gum as issued, a gorgeous set of blocks of four, each with uncommonly large margins all around, deep luxuriant colors on crisp clean paper, the 15c with a light vertical crease at right, otherwise Extremely Fine; especially rare as blocks of four as only 50 sets of pairs were issued without gum. ....................................................................................for pairs $ 12,800
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Unitrad e Catalog or Estim ated Value
202 202 83**#104, 1911 lc
Dark green, latheworkTy.B, bottom margin block of four, nicely centered, fresh and intact, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. .......................................................................................................... $300
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203 203 83** #105, 1922 le
Orange yellow, wet printing, Die I, upper right pane of 100, with "T-4 OTTAWA- No. A 169 901Z" imprint in the top margin, generally well centered, fresh and intact, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine; rare as a sheet. ...................................................................... for 50 Fine and 50 VF singles $6,000
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Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value
204 204 BP..
#106aiii, 1911 2c Carmine bookJet pane of six, squat printing, an especially handsome and choice example of this scarce booklet pane, incredibly well centered and with wide margins all around, strong and intact perforations, original gum, Never Hinged, Exh·emely Fine. .................................................................. $700
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205 205 BP..
#106aiii, 1911 2c Carmine bookJet pane of six, squat printing, another choice example of this scarce booklet pane, beautifully centered and large even margins, wonderfully fresh and intact, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. .................................................................................................................................. $700
206 206 **
#106x, 1915 2c Deep rose red experimental coil, Ty.A backstamp, vertical paste-up strip of four, with perfectly struck handstamp on the gummed side, full perforations, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. .... $1,000
. ... ..
.. . ......... . ...... , .,
207 207 *
#106xi, 1915 2c Deep rose red experimental coil, Ty. B backstamp, vertical paste-up strip of four, with perfectly struck handstamp on the gummed side, original gum, top stamp lightly hinged and the others Never Hinged, Fine and scarce. .................................................................................................................................. $900
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Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value
208 EX
the complete set of eight values in horizontal pairs, each with large even margins all around, rich colors, original gum, 5c with slightly disturbed gum, the others all Never Hinged, 4c with a slight crease in the right margin only, the 20c with a horizontal crease in the bottom margin and the $1.00 with a couple light bends at right, otherwise Extremely Fine; a rare set, especially N.H., as only 50 pairs of each were issued....................................................................................................... $38,500
208 */** #l 10a-22a, 1922-25 4c-$1.00 Admirals imperforate,
209 209 ** #ll0 b, 1922 4c Olive yellow, wet printing,
an outstanding mint single, extraordinarily well centered amid uncommonly large margins, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem. ...................................... $ 195
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. OTTA\NA- :;t9-A ~ 3
Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
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210 210PB** #111, 1914 Sc Dark blue, a remarkable bottom margin "OTTAWA - No. - A 13" and "940 B" imprint
block of twenty, being the bottom two rows of the pane, with side selvage at right and imperforate part arrow margin at left, remarkab ly well centere d for such a large multiple of this , intact perforations , pris tine original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine and choice . ............¡.................... .............. .................................... .................... $12,000
2 11 2 11 EE** #114, 1924 7c Red brown, dry printing, choice mint block of four, precise ly centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremel y Fine ....... ..................................................................................................for singles $360
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Unit rade Ca talog or Estim ated Value
2 12
#114, 1924 7c Red brown, dry printing, lathework Ty. D, bottom left corner margin block of four, post office fresh, strong and intact, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine. ................................................ $225
2 I 2 EB**
213 **
#114a, 1924 7c Red brown imperforate, a gorgeous mint pair, large margins all around and wonderfully fresh, immaculate original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; clearly among the finest of the mere 50 pairs issued. .............................................................................................................................................................. $5,000 214 * #114a, 1924 7c Red brown imperforate, rare horizontal pair, large margins, original gum, left stamp with a shallow thinned spot, Extremely Fine appearance; only 50 pairs were issued................................................. $2,500 215<*l #114a, 1924 7c Red brown imperforate, rare horizontal pair, large to very large margins all around, regummed (appears N.H.), Extremely Fine; only 50 pairs were issued. .......................................................... $2,500
2 16
#114b, 1924 7c Red brown, wet printing, a superb mint block of four, with each stamp wonderfully well centered within large margins, sumptuously rich color on fresh white paper, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine... ................................................................................................................for singles $480
2 16El3**
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
bottom margin block of four, incredibly well centered, strong and intact, original gum, very lightly hinged, Extremely Fine............................................... $300
217 EE. #114b , 1924 7c Red brown, wet printin g, lath ework Ty. D,
2 19
218 218 ** #114iii , 7c Red brown, thin paper, dry printing ,
fresh mint single showing the diagonal line in "V" of "SEVEN" variety, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; this variety is rarely found on the scarce thin paper
printing .............................................................................................................................................for normal $900 219 .. #114v, 1924 7c Red brown, wet printin g, diagonal line in "N" of "CENTS", choice mint example, near perfect centering amid large symmetrical margins, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem. .. $ 150
•• ..
.• . . . . . .................................................. 13 3
220 220 ** #114 v, 1924 7c Red brown, wet printin g, diagonal line in "N" of "CE TS", top
sheet-margin "OTTAWA - No. - A 8" imprint and "933 - P" strip of four, the left three stamps showing the variety and the right stamp normal, fresh and well centered, original gum, h.r. in the selvage only, the stamps all Never Hinged, Very Fine; 2005 Gratton certificate. ................................................................................................................ for singles $570
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Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value
22 1 221 ** #115, 1925 8c Blue,
incredibly well centered within larger margins than normal, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine ge1n. ...................................................................................................................... $ 150
222 222 ** #115a, 1925 8c Blue imperforate ,
rare top sheet-margin vertical pair, with large to huge margins on the other three sides, rich color, original gum, Never Hinged, two light diagonal creases, Extremely Fine appearance; only 50 pairs were issued. ...................................................................................................................... $5,000
mint block of four, original gum, top stamps h.r. and the bottom pair Never Hinged, top left stamp thinned spot and bottom right stamp natural inclusion not visible on face, otherwise Fine. .................................................................................................................................................................. $960
223 EE*/** #116, 1912 10c Plum,
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
224 EB ** #116, 1912 10c Plum, lathework Ty. C, bottom margin block of four, showing a full impression of the
lathework, not the 80% most often encountered, fresh and intact, original gum, the left pair with a narrow vertical gum skip, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine and rare. .................................................................................. $3,75 0 225 EB ** #117, 1922 10c Blue, wet printing, handsome mint block of four, beautifully centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Extren1elyFine. ........................................................................................................................ $960
#118, 1925 10c Bistre brown, impressive mint single, precisely centered within oversized margins, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem........................................................................... $ I 50 227 EB ** #118, 1925 lOc Bistre brown, a lovely mint block of four, excellent centering, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine to Extremely Fine............................................................................................................................. $720 226 **
#118a, 1925 10c Bistre brown imperforate, a premium quality horizontal pair, large margins all around, post office fresh, pristine original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; among the finest of the merely 50 pairs issued....................................................................................................................................................... $5,000 229 * #118a, 1925 10c Bistre brown imperforate, rare horizontal pair, four large margins, original gum, right stamp with a thinned spot, Extremely Fine appearance; only 50 pairs were issued. ...................................... $2,500 228 **
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
230 230 EE */** #119, 1925 20c Olive green, dry printing, fresh mint block of four, well centered, sumptuously rich
color, original gum, top stamps very lightly hinged and the bottom pair Never Hinged, Very Fine to Extremely Fine...................................................................................................................................................for singles $1,200
23 1
231 EE ** #119, 1925 20c Olive green, dry printing, latheworkTy. D, an especially choice bottom margin block of
four, remarkably well centered, post office fresh, strong and intact, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine, the bottom pair Extremely Fine gen1s..................................................................................................................... 2 500 ** #119, 1925 20c Olive green, dry printing, lathework Ty. D, bottom margin block of four, rich color on 232 EE fresh paper, original gum, Never Hinged, perf. separations in the selvage, Very Fine. .................................. $2,500
233 * #119a, 1925 20c Olive green imperforate, left sheet-margin horizontal pair, with oversized margins on the
other three sides, sumptuously rich color on fresh paper, original gum, right stamp with a small thinned spot and some sweated gum, Extremely Fine appearance and rare; only 50 pairs were issued; 2001 Greene Foundation certificate. ...................................................................................................................................... $2,500 October 8, 2008
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
234 234 EB ** #119b, 1912 20c Sage green, wet printing, handsome bottom left corner margin mint block of four, fresh
and well centered, immaculate original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; 2007 Gratton certificate . for singles.......................................................................................................................................................... $3,600
#119c, 1912 20c Dark olive green, wet printing, outstanding top sheet-margin mint single, beautifully centered amid large margins, striking intense color on fresh paper, immaculate original gum, Never Hinged, Extren1elyFine. ................................................................................................................................................ $600 236 * #119c, 1912 20c Dark olive green, wet printing, latheworkTy.A, bottom margin mint single, intense color and huge margins, original gum, small h.r., Very Fine..................................................................................... $450 235 **
237 237 *
#119iv, 1925 20c Olive green, dry printing, retouched vertical line in upper right spandrel, choice mint single, incredibly well centered amid large balanced margins, original gum, very lightly hinged, Extremely Fine. ................................................................................................................................................ $150
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
238 238
** #l 19iv, 1925 20c Olive green, dry printing, retouched vertical line in upper right spandrel, top sheet$450 margin "935" imprint mint single, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. ...... ............. ...............................
** #120, 1925 50c Black brown, wet printing, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine; 2006 Gratton certifi$360 cate. ............................................... ............................ ............. .......... ............. ......................................... ..........
#120, 1925 50c Black brown, hand some top sheet-margin mint block of four, post office fresh and well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine to Extreme ly Fine ..............................................for singles $1,440
240 ffi**
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
241 241 EE** #120a, 1912 50c Black, wet printing, choice mint block of four of this sought-after shade , with distinc-
tive intense color on fresh paper , remarkably well centered, pristine original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine to Extremely Fine . ......................... ............. .................................. ........................................................for singles $4,800
242 242 EE* #120b, 1925 50c Black brown imperforate, a very rare block of four, with large to huge margins all
around, original gum , lightly hinged, the left pair with a diagonal crease, which not unusual as such faults affect over 25% of the imperforates of this value , the right vertical pair is fresh and sound, Extremely Fine appearance ; with only I 00 stamps having been issued very few block s remain intact today. ...................-for pairs $6 000
243 243 ** #122, 1923 $1.00 Orange, choice margins and centering , original gum ,
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ever Hinged, Extremely Fine.
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"The 'MountRoyal' Collectionof Canada and B.N.A." Part II
Unitra de Catalog or Estimated Value
244 EE ** #122, 1923 $1.00 Orange, post office fresh mint block of four, nicely centered, original gum, Never
Hinged, Very Fine to Extremely Fine....... ......................................................................................for singles $1,800 245 EE ** #122, 1923 $1.00 Orange, post office fresh mint block of four, nicely centered, gloriously rich color, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine to Extremely Fine....................... ............................................for singles $ 1,800 246 EE */** #122, 1923 $1.00 Orange, fresh mint block of four, nicely centered, vivid rich color, original gum, top right stamp very lightly hinged, the other three Never Hinged, Very Fine..................................... for singles $ 1,500
247 247 EE ** #122, 1923 $1.00 Orange, dry printing, lathework Ty. D, bottom margin block of four, fresh and well
centered, original gum, very lightly hinged, Very Fine.....................................................................................
248 **
#122a, 1923 $1.00 Orange imperforate, a highly desirable horizontal pair, with large margins all around, rich color on fresh paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice; while 50 pairs were issued it is estimated that I 0-15 of these are seriously creased due to having been mishandled, of the remaining 35-40 sound pairs only a few are Never Hinged......................................................................................................... $5,000 249 * #122a, 1923 $1.00 Orange imperforate, rare horizontal pair, large margins all around, original gum, shallow concealed thinned spot in the margin between the stamps, Extremely Fine appearance; only 50 pairs were issued................................................................................................................................................................. $2,500 October 8, 2008
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"The 'MountRoyal' Collectionof Canada and B. 1.A."Part II
Unitrad e Catalog or Estimated Value
250 EB ** #126a, 1924 le Yellowimperforate horizontally,dry printing, Die II, left pane of 100, with top and bot-
tom selvages and a natural s.e. at left, nicely centered, strong and intact, original gum, five stamps with a small gum disturbance, Never Hinged, Very Fine; rare as a sheet. ......................................................for 25 blocks $3,000
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251EB ** #128a, 1924 2c Green imperforate horizontally, dry printing, right sheet-margin block of sixteen
(8x2), nicely centered, original gum, Never Hinged, slight gum wrinkle between two, otherwise Very Fine or better. ................................................................................................................................................................ $480 October 8, 2008
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"The 'MountRoyal' Collectionof CanadaandB. .A."PartII
Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
252 252 tE** #128a, 1924 2c Green imperforate horizontally, dry printing, right pane of 100, with full top, bottom and
right selvages, generally well centered, fresh and intact, original gum, ever Hinged, top left stamp with a gum disturbance and horizontal crease in the bottom selvage only, Very Fine; rare as a sheet. ............for 25 blocks $3,000
#128ai, 1924 2c Green imperforate horizontally, wet printing, select block of four, excellent centering and large margins, deep rich color on fresh paper, original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; scarce as only 2,200 stamps were issued. ................................................................................................................................ $1,200
253 rn**
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Un itrade Catalog or Estimated Value
254 254 **
#130b, 1924 3c Carmine coil, Die II, dry printing, strip of fom, original gum, Never Hinged,Very Fine.
$ 1250
#136, 1924 le Yellowimperforate, top margin "T - 3 - OTTAWA- No.-A 180" and "901 A" imprint block of eight, large even margins, original gum, lightly hinged in the selvage, the stamps Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. .................................................................................................................................................................. $500
255 PB.
#136, 1924 le Yellowimperforate,top margin"T-3- Ottawa - No. -A 179" block of eight, large even margins, original gum, lightly hinged in the selvage only, the stamps Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. ........................ $500
256 PB.
#137, 1924 2c Green imperforate, top margin "T-8 - Ottawa - No.- A-188 - 910 - B F" block of eight, large even margins, light 1939 town cancels, Exh¡emely Fine and rare............................................. for mint $500
257 PBO
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"The'MountRoyal'Collectionof CanadaandB.N.A." PartII
Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
258 258 **
#138, 1924 3c Carmine imperforate,latheworkTy.D, bottom left comer margin horizontal pair, with over-
sized margins on the other two sides, original gum ,
ever Hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome . ............
$ I 60
#138, 1924 3c Carmine imperforate,latheworkTy.D, handsome bottom left corner margin block of four, with large margins on the other two sides, deep rich color, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. .. $300
259 EE**
l:.l K
260 260 *
#138, 1924 3c Carmine imperforate,an exceedingly rare top margin "T-7 OTTAWA - No. -A 130" and "944 BK" imprint strip of four, with enormous margins on the other three sides , intense color , somewhat disturbed original gum , h.r. in the selvage only, stained spot in the margin at upper right , otherwise Extremely Fine; plate multiples from plates 129-31 with the imprint in the top margin are very rare and were not regularly issued, it is believed that only four of each plate number imprint pieces exist ; 1993 F.P.Q. certificate mentioning neither the disturbed gum nor the stained spot. ........................................ .............................................. Estimate $ 1,000-1,500
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II "The 'MountRoyal' Collectionof CanadaandB.N.A." Part --
Unitrn de Ca talog or Estimated Value
#138, 1924 3c Carmine imperforate, latheworkTy.D, bottom margin "T-7 OTTAWA- No. -A 126" and "944 BG" imprint block of eight, generous margins, used with two light strikes of Winnipeg c.d.s., fresh and Very Fine.......................... ...................................................................................................................for mint $750
261 PBO
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262 262 PB**
#138, 1924 3c Carmine imperforate, full bottom margin latheworkTy. D and "T-7 - OTTAWA- No.-A
128 944 BH" imprint block of twenty, being the bottom two rows of the pane, with full side selvage at left and
part arrow at right, with oversized margins at top and right, original gum, Never Hinged, the right vertical pair with light creasing, othe1wiseExtremely Fine and scarce... ............................................................................ $ 1,725
#138, 1924 3c Carmine imperforate, lathework Ty. D, handsome bottom left corner margin "T-7 OTTAWA- No. -A 128 944 BH" imprint block of sixteen, with large even margins on the other two sides, original gum, very lightly hinged on three stamps, Extremely Fine....................................................................... $1,635
263 PB*
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"The 'MountRoyal' Collectionof CanadaandB.N.A."PartII
Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value
* 264 EE
#138i, 1924 3c Carmine imperforate, pyramid guide lines, left sheet-margin block of for, with large even margins on the other three sides, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine. ............................................ $300 * #138i, 1924 3c Carmine imperforate, pyramid guide lines, left sheet-margin block of four, with large 265 EE margins on the other three sides, original gum, barest trace of hinging, Extremely Fine. .............................. $300
266 **
#139i, 1926 2c on 3c Carmine, shifted surcharge, well centered single showing the surcharge shifted 225 strongly upwards and at a slight diagonal, original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; signed Bileski. .... 267 ** #139i, 1926 2c on 3c Carmine, shifted surcharge, resulting in a vertically split surcharge, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and unusual; signed Bileski. .................................................................................... $225 268 * #140b, 1926 2c on 3c Carmine, triple surcharge, well centered, original gum, light h.r., choice Very Fine. $300 ~30. â&#x153;&#x201C;
269 269 **
#140c, 1926 2c on 3c Carmine, double surcharge, one inverted, top sheet-margin mint single, also showing a single inverted surcharge in the selvage as well as some surcharge ink smears, original gum, ever Hinged, fresh and Very Fine. .......................................................................................................................................... S675
ot/.1ÂŁ October 8, 2008
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"The 'Mount Royal' Collectionof Canada and B.N.A." Part II
Unitrad e Cata log or Estima ted Value
270 EX
#141a-45a , 1927 lc-12c Confederation imperforate cplt., blocks of four, all but the Sc with a sheet -margin, most with large margins all around, original gum , Never Hinged, one 2c with a slight gum crease , otherwise Very Fine to Extremely Fine set. ....... ..... ........ ........ ....... ........ .. .... .......... .. ............. .......... .... .. ..... ... ..... ..... $2,400
270 EE**
27 1 EX 27 1 **
#141b-45b, 1927 lc-12c Confederation imperforate vertically cplt. , select set of horizontal pairs , each being exceptiona lly well centered and with large margins , original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice . .................................. ................................... ............................. ............... ............................................. $ 1,200
272 EX
273 EX
*/** #141c-45c, 1927 lc-12c Confederation imperforate horizontally cplt. , vertica l pair s, well centered and margined, original gum , le , 2c and Sc lightly hinged, 3c and 12c Neve r Hinged, Very Fine set. .................. $960 273 * #141c-45c, 1927 lc-12c Confederation imperforate horizonta!Jy cplt. , vertical pairs , well centered and margined, original gum , light ly hinged, Very Fine or better ............................................................... .............. $800 272
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274 EX
Unitrad e Ca talog or Estim ated Value
275 EX
** #146a-48a, 1927 5c-20c Historical imperforate cplt., a pristine set of horizontal pairs , each with large margins all around, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremel y Fine. ......... ... ......... ..... ........ ....... ........................... .... $720 275 ** #146a-48a, 1927 5c-20c Historical imperforate cplt. , select set of horizontal pairs , large margins all around, including the 12c and 20c with sheet -margin, origina l gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. ...... .... $720 274
276 276
** #149-59, 1928-29 lc-$1.00 George V Scroll issue cplt. , original gum , Never Hinged except the 8c lightly hinged, Fine set. .............................. .................................... ................... ................... ....................... ................ $ 1,068 .50
277 EX 277
278 EX
** #149b-59a, 1928-29 lc-$1.00 "Scroll" issue imperforate cplt., a gorgeous set of horizontal pairs , each with
large to very large margins all around, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome. ........ $5,212.50 278 ** #149b-59a, 1928-29 lc-$1.00 "Scroll" issue imperforate cplt., select horizontal pairs , each with large margins all around, original gum , Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine set. .............. ............. ............................... $5,2 12 .50
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
280 EX
279 EX
cplt., choice set of horizontal pairs, mostly large $5,212.50 ................................................................................. Fine Extremely margins, original gum, Never Hinged, 280 ** #149b-59a, 1928-29 lc-$1.00 "Scroll" issue imperforate cplt., horizontal pairs, most with large margins, including 4c and 8c with sheet-margin, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine to mostly Extremely ........... $5,212.50 Fine ...................................................................................................................................................... 279 ** #149b-59a, 1928-29 le-$1.00 "Scroll" issue imperforate
~ <-.. ~ ...... ~ . .
282 EX
28 1
cplt., horizontal pairs Fine set; ex.Extremely an Hinged, Never gum, showing 4.5mm spacing vertical gutter, large margins, original $1,687.50 .................................................................... Marden........................................................................................ 282 * #149b-54a, 1928-29 le-Sc "Scroll" issue imperforate, horizontal pairs, each with large even margins, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine. ........................................................................................................ $900
281 ** #149acvi, lS0acvi, 153acvi, 1928 le , 2c and Sc George V imperforate, tete-beche
284 EX
283 EX
cplt., lc-8c horizontal pairs and l0c-$1.00 vertical pairs, each with large even margins all around, original gum, $1.00 very lightly hinged, the others all Never Hinged, Extremely Fine set. .............................................................................................................................$4,762.50 284 ** #149b-54a, 156a-59a, 1928-29 le-Sc , 12c-$1.00 "Scroll" issue imperforate, complete but for the I 0c value, lc-8c horizontal pairs and the I2c-$ 1.00 vertical pairs, each with large margins all around, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. ........................................................................................................ $4,838 283 */** #149b-59a, 1928-29 le-$1.00 "Scroll" issue imperforate
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Unitrad e Cata log or Estimated Value
285 285 BP*/**
#149c-S3c, 1928 le, 2c and Sc "Scroll" issue imperforate, booklet panes of six, tete-beche, the set of horizontal pairs with 4.5mm vertical gutters between the panes, all with large to huge margins, original gum, very lightly hinged, the le Never Hinged, Extremely Fin; a desirable set of this sought-after issue. ............ $4,725
286 286 IIJ**
#149ciii-1S3ciii, 1928 le-Sc George V imperforate, tete-beche, the set of three blocks of four showing 4.5mm vertical and 4.5mm horizontal gutters, each with large margins all around, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine set. ...................................................................................................................................... $4,500
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"The 'MountRoyal'Collectionof CanadaandB. .A."PartII
Unitrade Catalog or E timat ed Value
287 287 ** #149cvi-153cvi , 1928 le-Sc George V imperforate, tete-beche
cplt., the set of three horizontal pairs with 4.5mm spacing, ample to mostly large margins, the Sc with a wide sheet-margin at top, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine set. .....................................................................................................................................$1 ,687 .50
288 EX
289 EX
288 ** #149d-59b, 1928 lc-$1.00 "Scroll" issue imperforate vertically
cplt., fresh horizontal pairs, original gum, ever Hinged, Very Fine set. ............................................................................................................................ $5,325 289 ** #149d-59b, 1928 lc-$1.00 "Scroll" issue imperforate vertically cplt., horizontal pairs, generally well centered and margined, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine set. .................................................................... $5,325
29 1 EX
cplt., horizontal pairs, well centered and margined, original gum, Never Hinged, except 50c tiny h.r., $1.00 natural s.e. at top, 3c tear at top, otherwise a Very Fine set. .................................................................................................................................................... $4,825 291 ** #149e-59c , 1928-29 lc-$1.00 "Scroll" issue imperforate horizontall y cplt., vertical pairs, generally well centered and margined, original gum, ever Hinged, Very Fine set. .............................................................. $5,325 290 . ; •• #149d-59b , 1928 lc-$1.00 "Scroll" issue imperforate vertically
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292 EX
Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
293 EX
292 ** #149e-59c, 1928-29 lc-$1.00 "Scroll" issue imperforate horizontally cplt., original gum , Never Hinged, 4c natural s.e. at right , Very Fine set. ........... .............. ............. ..... .... .............. .................... .. ............... ............ $5,325 293 ** #149e-59c , 1928-29 lc-$1.00 "Scroll" issue imperforate horizontally cplt. , vertical pairs , original gum , Never Hinged, lc-8c values each with owner's handstamp on gum , Very Fine set. .... ............. .......... ............. $5,325
294 EX
295 EX
#149e-59c, 1928-29 lc-$1.00 "Scroll" issue imperforate horizontally cplt. , ver tical pairs , original gum, le , 2c , 8c , 12c and 20c lightl y hinged, the others , including the 50c and $ 1.00 Never Hinged , Very Fine set. ... .................................................................................. ............................... ....... ......................... $4,850 295 . ; •• #149e-59c, 1928-29 lc-$1.00 "Scroll" issue imperforate horizontally cplt., vertical pairs , generally well centered and margined, original gum, lightly hinged, except the 1c-4c and $1.00 Never Hinged, 4c natural s.e. at left, Very Fine set. ......................................................................... ........... ...................................... ...... ....... . $4,300
294 . ; ••
OTTAWA-N<?A - 3 - 944 -C-M.
296 296 PPB #151P, 1928 3c Dark carmine, plate proof on India, handsome top margin " OTTAWA - No.A -3 944 C-M." imprint block of eight , with large even margins on the other three sides , Extremely Fine and scarce. ........................ ...................................... ........ ....................................... ......................... ....Estimate $750-1000 October 8, 2008
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
297 297 rn** #153acii, 1928 Sc Deep violet imperforate , tete-beche,
block of four showing 4.5mm vertical gutter and 3.0mm horizontal gutter, large to very large margins, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and scarce................................................................................................................................................................. $1,125
298 298 ** #158 , 1929 50c Dark blue, well centered within generous margins, original gum, Never Hinged, choice Very Fine. .................................................................................................................................................................. $700
299 rn** #158 , 1929 50c Dark blue,
mint block of four, nicely centered, fresh and intact, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. ............................................................................................................................................ $2,800 300 rn*/** #158, 1929 50c Dark blue , mint block of four, original gum, top stamps with barest trace of hinging and the bottom pair Never Hinged, top pair choice Very Fine and the bottom stamps Fine. ................................ $ 1,500
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"The 'Mount Royal' Collectionof Canada and B.N.A." Part II
Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
301 30 I * #158b , 1929 50c Dark blue imperforate vertically, right sheet-margin horizontal pair, well centered, original gum , very lightly hinged, choice Very Fine ................................................................................................ $1,000
302 EE** #158iii, 1929 50c Dark blue, "Man on the mast" variety from pos. 58, the top left stamp in a block of four, fresh and intact, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine; one of Canada's most sought -after varieties . ........ $3,700 303 ** #159a, 1929 $1.00 Olive green imperforate , choice vertica l pair , large margins all around, original gum , Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine and handsome. .............................................................................. ................ .. $1,350
304 ** #163d , 1930 le Deep green imperforate , Die II , select horizontal pair, with large to very large margins all around, origina l gum, Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine ; quite rare as only 50 pairs were issued. .................. $4,000 305 ** #163d, 1930 le Deep green imperforate , Die II, horizontal pair, uniformly large margins all around, orig-
inal gum, Never Hinged, right stamp with a mild internal wrinkle , still Very Fine and rare; only 50 pairs were issued. ..................................................................................... .......... ..... ......... ........................................ ......... $4,000
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"The'MountRoyal'Collectionof CanadaandB.N.A."PartII
Unitrad e Catalog or E tim ated Va lue
#174a, 1930 12c Grey black imperforate, gem vertical pair, oversized even margins all around, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome; only 75 pairs were issued. .............................. $ 1,800 307 * #174a, 1930 12c Grey black irnperforate,vertical pair, large even margins all around, slightly disturbed original gum as often, Extremely Fine appearance; only 75 pairs were issued. .................................................... $900 308 * #17Sa, 1930 20c Brown red imperforate, vertical pair, four uniformly large margins, original gum, very lightly hinged, Extremely Fine and scarce; only 75 pairs were issued............................................................. $900 306 **
309 309 '*> #17Sa, 1930 20c Brown red imperforate, left sheet-margin horizontal pair,
with large margins on the other three sides, deep rich color, regummed, Extremely Fine; only 75 pairs were issued....................................... $900 3 10 ** #176, 1930 S0c Dull blue, a premium quality mint single, featuring virtually perfect centering amid larger $600 margins than normal, full and even perforations, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem.......
3 11
#176a, 1930 S0c Dull blue imperforate, choice vertical pair, oversized even margins all around, immaculate original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem; only 75 pairs were is ued. .................................. $2,500 3 12 * #177a, 1930 $1.00 Dark olive green irnperforate,handsome vertical pair, large even margins all around, original gum, very lightly hinged, Extremely Fine; only 75 pairs were issued. .............................................. $ 1,250 3 11 **
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"The'MountRoyal' Collectionof CanadaandB. .A." PartII
Unitrade Catalog or Estima ted Value
313 313 (*l #177a, 1930 $1.00 Dark olive green imperforate, horizontal pair, four large even margin s, rich color, expertly regummed (appears N.H.), Extremely Fine; only 75 pairs were issued . .................................... ........ $1250
314 314 ** #190a, 1931 lOc Cartier imperforate, horizontal pair, ample to large margin s, original gum , Never Hinged, $975 Very Fine; only 150 pairs were issued. ............................................................................................................
315 EE** #190a, 1931 lOc Cartier imperforate, post office fresh block of four, with four uncommonly large margins, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem ; only 150 pairs were issued. for pairs... ............. $1,950 316EE** #190a, 1931 lOc Cartier imperforate, block of four, large to very large margins all around, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; only 150 pairs were issued..... ........................................................................ $ 1,950 317 EE** #190a, 1931 10c Cartier imperforate, handsome block of four, large margins all around, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine ; only 150 pairs were issued.. ............................... .................................. $1,950
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"The 'MountRoyal' Collectionof Canada and B. .A." Part U
Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value
#190a, 1931 10c Cartier imperforate , scarce block of four, large margins , original gum , top stamps lightl y hinged and the bottom pair Never Hinged , Extreme ly Fine; only 150 pair s were issued . for pairs . .... ....... ......... ...... ....... ..... .... .......... ............ ..... ............... .. ......... .... .. ......... ..... .. ........ .. ... ....... .... .. ....... .... . $ 1,625
318 EB. /**
3 19
#195-201 , 1932 le-13c George V Medallion issue cplt. , fresh mint blocks of four, original gum , Never Hinged except three Sc lightly hinged, Fine ... ................................... .................... .......... .......................... ....... $766.5 0
3 19EB*/**
32 1 EX
#195c-200a, 1932 le-Sc George V imperforate, horizontal pairs, each with ample to mostly large margins , origina l gum which is disturbed as often on the 4c-8c , the lc- 3c ever Hinged, Very Fine to Extre mely Fine; only 150 of each were issued .... ...... .................................. .................... ............... ...................... .............. $2,475 321 ** #195c-200a, 1932 le-Sc George V imperforate , choice set of horizonta l pairs, each with large margins all around, pristine original gum , Never Hinged, including the 4c-8c which are so often found with disturbed gum , Extremely Fine; only 150 pair s were issued . .. .... .. ....... ....... ........... ....... ...... ................. ..... .. ...... .. ...... ... ...... .... ... 3, 150 322 */ ** #195c-200a, 1932 le-Sc George V imperforate, horizont al pairs , each with large margins all around, original gum which is slightly disturbed on the 4c-8c as often , the lc-3c ever Hinged, Extremely Fine ; only 150 pairs of each were issued . .................. ................... .......... ................. .............. ............... ................................ ... $2,475 320 */**
, 2008
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Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value
'~~i '
oo,~-1:!!!!§1=¢i~i=f!1:i: 323
#195c-200a, 1932 le-Sc George V imperforate, left sheet margin horizontal pairs , except the 8c a top left comer margin pair, all with large even margins on the other three sides, very fresh, original gum, very lightly hinged, except the 8c hinged only in the selvage, Extremely Fine and handsome ; only 150 sets were issued,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,....... ,,................. ,, ..... ,,,...... ,,,....,,,............ ,,.................. ....................... ....... $2,025 324 */ ** #195c-200a, 1932 le-Sc George V imperforate , horizontal pairs , all with large even margins , original gum except le , 4c and 8c regumrned, Sc disturbed gum and 2c and 3c Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; only 150 pairs of each were issued .. ,,............. ,,........................... ......................... ................................................ .................... $1,950
323 */ **
#195c-200a, 1932 le-Sc George V imperforate, rare block s of four, all with large margin s all around, original gum which is disturbed on the 4c-8c as often , the lc-3c Never Hinged, 4c with light comer creases at bottom right, otherwise Extremely Fine; only 150 pairs of each were issued ................................... for pair s $4,950 326 ** #201a, 1932 13c Dull violet imperforate , choice vertica l pair, with large margin s all around, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and scarce; only 100 pairs were issued. ............. ........................... $ 1,750
325 EE*/**
#201a, 1932 13c Dull violet imperforate, bottom left comer margin block of four, with large even margins on the other two sides, regumrned, Extremely Fine and handsome; only I 00 pairs were issued . ..........for pairs $2,000
327 EE(*l
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"The'MountRoyal'Collectionof CanadaandB. .A." PartII
Unitrade Catalo g or Estimat ed Value
328 (*> #202a, 1933 Sc UPU Meeting imperforate, vertical pair, large margins , expertly regumrned (appear s N.H.) , Extremely Fine; only 75 pairs were issued ............................. ............................... ........................................... $800 329 **
#203a, 1933 20c Grain Exhibition imperforate, vertical pair , ample to mostly large margins , original gum , Never Hinged, choice Very Fine; only 75 pairs were issued . .................. ............................... ...................... ... $ 1,600
33 1
330 330 **
#208a, 1934 3c Cartier imperforate, select horizontal pair, large margin s all around, original gum , Never Hinged , Extremely Fine; only 125 pairs were issued . ............................ .......................................................... $ 1,200 331 ** #208a, 1934 3c Cartier imperforate, horizontal pair , large even margins all around, original gum, Never Hinged, right stamp with a natural translucent spot , otherwise Extremely Fine; only 125 pairs were issued. $ 1,200
â&#x20AC;˘> #208a, 332 EEt
1934 3c Cartier imperforate, bottom sheet-margin block of four, with ample to large margins on the other three sides, fresh color , regummed (appea rs N.H.), Extremely Fine ; rare as a block as only 125 pairs were issued . ....................... ......................................... ............................... ......................................... for pairs $ 1,600
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Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value
333 333 ** #208iv, 1934 3c Cartier, wide gutter, horizont al strip of four showing the wide gutter at center , original
gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine . ........................ .......................... .................... ........... ....................... ................
334 334 fE** #208iv, 1934 3c Cartier, wide gutter, block of eight (4x2) containing two hori zontal strips of four with wide gutter at center , strong and intact , original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine . .................................. ........ $ 1,600
335 335 ** #209a, 1934 10c Loyalists imperforate, hand some top sheet -margin vertical pair, with generous margins on the other three sides, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine and scarce; only 50 pairs were issued. ...... $3,500 October 8, 2008
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
336 **
#209a, 1934 10c Loyalists imperforate, select horizontal pair, ample to large margins all around, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; one of the scarcer imperforates, with only 50 pairs issued. .......................... $3,500 337 * #209a, 1934 10c Loyalists imperforate, horizontal pair, large even margins all around, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine and scarce; only 50 pairs were issued. ...................................................................... $2,000
338 338 EE *
#209a, 1934 10c Loyalists imperforate, seldom seen block of four, large margins, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine; with only 50 pairs issued blocks of four are very few and far between. .................. $4,000
#210a, 1934 2c New Brunswick imperforate, horizontal pair, four large margins, good color, skillfully regummed (appears N.H.), Extremely Fine; only 75 pairs were issued .......................................................... $850 340 (* l #210a, 1934 2c New Brunswick imperforate, horizontal pair, large margins including a partial sheet-margin at top, rich color, expertly regummed (appears N.H.), Extremely Fine; only 75 pairs were issued. ........ $850
339 (* J
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
343 EX
342 EX
341 *
#210a, 1934 2c New Brunswick imperforate, vertical pair, large margins all around, original gum, very lightly hinged, Extremely Fine and scarce; only 75 pairs were issued............................................................. $850 342 P #211-16P, 1935 lc-13c Silver Jubilee, plate proofs on India, mounted on card, a very rare set of vertical pairs with horizontal gutters, each with large even margins, Extremely Fine; only twenty such pairs exist for the 3c, 1Ocand 13c, including eight in the two sets of cross gutter blocks. ......................................Estimate $2,000-3,000 343 P #211-16P, 1935 lc-13c Silver Jubilee, plate proofs on India, mounted on card, horizontal pairs with vertical gutter, except the 13c which does not exist with a vertical gutter and is represented by a bottom margin horizontal pair instead, all with large margins, an Extremely Fine set. ..............................................Estimate $2,000-3,000
#211-16P, 1935 lc-13c Silver Jubilee, plate proofs on India, mounted on card, vertical gutter blocks of eight (4x2), except the 13c which does not exist as such and is represented by a plain block of eight, , each with large even margins all around, fresh and Extremely Fine; only sixteen sets are possible. ............................ $7,200
344 PEE
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Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value
345 345 PEE #211-16P,1935 lc-13c Silver Jubilee, plate proofson India, cplt., matched set of top margin vertical gut-
ter blocks of eight (4x2), except the 13c value which does not exist with a vertical gutter and is instead represented by a plain block of eight, all with oversized margins, Extremely Fine; handsome and rare, as only sixteen such sets are possible. .............................................................................................................................. $7,200
346 346PEE #211-16P, 1935 lc-13c Silver Jubilee, plate proofs on India, mounted on card, vertical gutter blocks of
eight of each, being two blocks of four separated by a wide vertical gutter, except for the 13c value which does not exist as such and is instead represented by a block of four all with large margins, Extremely Fine; only sixteen suchsetsexist........................................................................................................................................... $6,600
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347 EX
348 EX
Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
349 EX
347 ** #211a-16a, 1935 lc-13c Silver Jubilee imperforate cplt., le, 2c and Sc horizontal pairs and 3c, 10c and
13c vertical pairs, each with a sheet-margin at side and large margins on the other three sides, original gum, Never Hinged, each with owner's handstamp on gum, Extremely Fine; only 100 complete sets of pairs are possible. .................................................................................................................................................................. $3,600 348 ** #21la-16a , 1935 lc-13c Silver Jubilee imperforate cplt., le-Sc horizontal pairs and 10c and 13c vertical pairs, each with oversized margins all around, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; only 100 complete sets of pairs are possible. .................................................................................................................................. $3,600 349 ** #21la-16a , 1935 lc-13c Silver Jubilee imperforate cplt., a lovely set of pairs, 1c, 2c and Sc being horizontal pairs and the 3c, 10c and 13c vertical pairs, each with large even margins all around, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine set; only 100 complete sets of pairs are possible. ................................................ $3,600
: l~!l!Jl -~,..~.JP'""'
..• •.
350 350EB** #211i, 1935 le Silver Jubilee, "weeping princess", Plate 1 UR, pos. 21, top left corner margin block of
six (2x3), the bottom left stamp the variety, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine....... ....................
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
35 1
* 351 EE
#213i, 1935 3c Silver Jubilee imperforate, vertical gutter, block of eight, being two blocks of four separated by a ve1iicalgutter at center, large even margins all around, original gum, very lightly hinged, Extremely Fine and rare; only five such multiples exist. ................................................................................................ $3,500
352 EE * #215i, 1935 10c Silver Jubilee imperforate, vertical gutter, block of eight, being two blocks of four sep-
arated by a vertical gutter at center, large even margins all around, original gum, very lightly hinged, Extremely Fine and rare; only five such multiples exist. ................................................................................................ $3,500
353 EE */** #216i, 1935 13c Silver Jubilee, shilling mark, Plate I UR, Pos. 78, the bottom right stamp in a mint
block of four, original gum, lightly hinged, the bottom pair including the variety Never Hinged, Very Fine and scarce................................................................................................................................................................. $1,249 October 8, 2008
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Unitrade Ca talog or E tim ated Value
354 EEO #216i, 1935 13c Silver Jubilee, shilling mark, Plate 1 UR , pos. 78, a remarkable bottom sheet-margin
used block of ten , the center right stamp the variety, nicely centered, 1935 Montreal datestamp s, Very Fine ; probably the largest used multiple containing this variety. .... .. .. ................ ................ ........ .... .. .......... .... .. ...... .. 704
355 PEE #217-27P, 1935 lc-$1.00 George V Pictorials , plate proofs on India, mounted on card, cplt. , a fabulous
set of cross gutter blocks of sixteen , large margins , 1c-8c each with a horizontal crease at top between the top four stamps and the remainder of the multiple , otherwise Extremely Fine ; a visually striking and highly exhibitable set; being one of only two sets of cross gutter blocks extant. ............ ................ Estimate $30,000-40,000 October 8, 200 8
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II "The'MountRoyal'Collectionof CanadaandB. .A."Part --
Unitrad e Catalog or Estimated Value
356 EX
cplt., select mint blocks of four, excellent centering, original gum, Never Hinged, one 13c natural inclusion, Very Fine to mostly Extremely Fine. ..........for singles $1,282.50
356 EE** #217-27 , 1935 lc-$1.00 George V Pictorials
left sheet-margin block of twelve (6x2), large even margins, original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; only 150 pairs were issued. ..................................................for pairs 1,800
357EE** #217c, 1935 lc Green imperforate ,
359 EX
358 EX
358 ** #217c-27a, 1935 lc-$1.00 George V Pictorials imperforate cplt., the lc-8c horizontal pairs and the l0c-
$1.00 vertical pairs, each with large margins all around, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice; only 150 sets of pairs were issued. ...................................................................................................... $4,200 359 */** #217c-27a, 1935 lc-$1.00 George V Pictorials irnperforate cplt., pairs, the lc-8c horizontal pairs and lOc- 1.00 vertical pairs, all with large margins including 10c-20c and $1.00 with partial sheet-margins, original gum, Never Hinged except the $1.00 with slightly disturbed gum, top 50c stamp with a slight crease in the left margin, otherwise Extremely Fine; only 150 sets of pairs were issued. .................................................... $4,000 October 8, 200 8
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Va lue
360 EX 360 EE** #217c-27a , 1935 lc-$1.00 George V Pictorials imperforate cplt., seldom seen blocks of four, each with
large even margins all around, origina l gum, Never Hinged, fresh and Extreme ly Fine; with only 150 sets of pairs issued N.H. blocks are scarce indeed.. ........................................................................................ ............. $8,400
36 1 EX 361 EE** #217c-22a , 1935 le-Sc George V imperforate , blocks of four, each with large margins all around, original gum , Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine; only 150 pairs of each were issued .......... ......................... for pairs $3,600
Sherbroake Sherbrooke
362 362 EE #217xx, 1935 le Green, precancelled , imprint block of twenty, being the top two rows from the sheet, with
full selvages at sides and at top , except above the left pair, showing a double "Sherbrooke/P.Q." precancellation, plus the top left pair shows a partial offset of the precancel on the gumme d side, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Good to Fine ; only a single pane of 100 was discovered ........................................ ............. $3,000-4,000
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Unitrade Catalog or E timated Value
363 363* #219c, 1935 3c Dark carmine, printed on the gummed side, top sheet-margin single, full original gum,
Fine and scarce; only 200 examples are recorded. ..........................................................................................
** #220a, 1935 4c Yellowimperforate, left sheet-margin block of twelve (6x2), large even margins, original 364EB gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine...................................................................................................for pairs $1,800
365 ** #221a, 1935 Sc Blue imperforate vertically, horizontal pair, choice margins and centering, original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; only 150 pairs were issued; ex.-Marden. ...................................................... $450
ever Hinged, Very Fine; only 150 pairs were issued. ...................................................................................................................................... $450
366 ** #221a, 1935 Sc Blue imperforate vertically, horizontal pair, original gum,
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
........................ 367
367 EE** #221a , 1935 Sc Blue imperforate vertically, handsome bottom sheet-margin block of four, with large
margins and exce llent centering, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; only 150 pairs were issued . ............ ......... .......................................... ........... ....... ............... ........................... .................................for pairs $900 368 EE** #221a , 1935 Sc Blue imperforate vertically, block of four, well centered and margined, original gum , Never Hinged, choice Very Fine ; only 150 pairs were issued ............ ........................................ ........ .for pair s $900
369 369 EE** #22lb , 1935 Sc Blue imperforate, right sheet-margin block of twelve (6x2), with oversized margins on the other three sides, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremel y Fine ; only 150 pairs were issued . ..for pair s $1,800
370 EX 370 ** #223a-27a , 1935 lOc-$1.00 Pictorials imperforate , choice vertical pairs , each with large even margins all around, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine ; only 150 pairs of each were issued. .......................... $2,400
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"The 'MountRoyal'Collectionof CanadaandB.N.A."PartII
Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value
#223iii, 1935 10c Carmine rose imperforate, vertical gutter, a striking gutter block of eight , being two blocks of four separated by a vertical gutte r at center , large even margins all around, original gum , Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine and rare ; probably fewer than six such multiples exist today. .............................. $3,750
372 372 83**
#223i, 1935 13c Violet imperforate, vertical gutter, block of eight, being two block s of four separate d by
a vertica l gutter at center, large even margins all around, original gum, Never Hinged, the right vertica l pair in the left block with gum bend and wrinkle , otherwise Extremely Fine and rare; probably fewer than six such
multiples exist today. ......................................................................................................................................
#226ii, 1935 50c Dull violet imperforate, vertical gutter, block of eight , being two block s of four separated by a vertical gutter at cente r, large even margins all around, original gum , ever Hinged, Extremely Fine and rare; probably fewer than six such multiples exist today. ...................................................................... $3,750
373 83**
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
#227ii, 1935 $1.00 Blue imperforate, vertical gutter, block of eight, being two blocks of four separated by a vertica l gutter at center, large even margins all around, original gum trivial offset specks on gum from another stamp, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine and rare ; probably fewer than six such multi-
ples exist today. ............ ........................ ......... ......................................................................................... ........ $3,750
r -.
.. .
. -
•• 375 EX
** #231c-36a, 1937 le-Sc George VI imperforate cplt., choice set of horizontal pairs, all with large even margins all around, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; only 100 sets of pairs were issued................. $3,600 376 ** #231c-36a, 1937 le-Sc George VI imperforate cplt., select horizontal pairs, all with large margins, original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; only I00 sets of pairs were issued. ................................................ $3,600 377 * #23le-36a, 1937 le-Sc George VI imperforate cplt., horizontal pairs, large margins, original gum, lightly hinged, right Sc stamp with a small thinned spot, otherwise Extremely Fine; only I 00 sets of pairs were issued. .............................................................................................................................................................. $2,400 375
378 378 EE */** #237a,
1937 3c Coronation imperforate , rare block of four, oversized margin all around, original gum,
top pair lightly hinged and the bottom stamps Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; only 75 pairs were issued. ..
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"The'MountRoyal'Collectionof CanadaandB. .A." PartII
Unitr ade Catalog or Estimated Value
#241-45P, 1938 lOc-$1.00 Pictorials, plate proofs on India mounted on card, cplt. but for the 13c value which does not exist , blocks of four with horizontal gutter, all with large even margins , 10c with the usual horizontal crease in the gutter , Extremely Fine and rare ; only four sets of horizontal gutter blocks can exist. for plain block s........................... ............................... ....................... .......... ........................ .............. ................. $2,400
379 PEE
380 EX
38 1 EX
** #24lb-45b, 1938 lOc-$1.00 Pictorials imperforate cplt. , including both 10c shade s, a choice set of vertical pairs, except the l 0c horizontal pairs as usual, each with large margins all around, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremel y Fine ; only 75 sets of pair s were issued. ...................... ................ .......... ........................ .... $5,700 38 1 */** #24lb-45b, 1938 lOc-$1.00 Pictorials imperforate cplt. , including both 10c shade s, all with four oversized margins , original gum , 10c-20c lightly hinged and 50c and $ 1.00 Never Hinged, the $ 1.00 with owner 's hand stamp s on gum, Extremely Fine set. .......... .... ... ............... .............. .. ............ .... .............. ......... .. ..... .. ..... ... $4,500 380
382 EX 382 EE**
#249-62, 1942-43, lc-$1.00 War Effort cplt. , select mint block s of four, well centered, original gum ,
ever Hinged, two 10c with thinned spots , otherwi se Very Fine to Extremel y Fine ... .............. ....for singles October 8, 2008
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$ 1,200
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"The 'MountRoyal' Collectionof CanadaandB. .A." PartII
Unirrade Cata log or E timated Value
383 EX 383 */** #249d-55a, 1942-43 le-Sc Values imperforat e, horizontal pairs, each with large margins all around, orig-
inal gum, both 4c values lightly hinged, the others all ever Hinged, Extremely Fine; only 100 pairs of each were issued. ...................................................................................................................................................... $3,800
384 EX 384 ** #249d-62a , 1942-43 lc-$1.00 War Effort imperforate cplt., a wonderful set of pairs, the lc-1 0c being hor-
izontal pairs and the 13c-$1.00 vertical pairs, each with large even margins all around, original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice; only 50 complete sets of pairs are possible. .......................................... $ I0,350
385 EX 385 */** #249d-62a, 1942-43 lc-$1.00 War Effort imperforate cplt., a particularly handsome set of sheet-margin
pairs, the 1c-10c being horizontal pairs and the 13c-$1.00 vertical pairs, all with oversized margins on the other three sides, original gum, lightly hinged, #251, 253, 255 and 256 lightly hinged in the selvage only, with the stamps being Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; only 50 complete sets of pairs are possible............................. $7,700 October 8, 2008
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
386 ** #251b, 1942 3c Dark carmine imperforate , bottom sheet-margin horizontal pair, with large margins on the
other three sides, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; only 100 piars were issued..... .................... $600 387 ** #252i, 1943 3c Rose violet , with vertical gutter between , choice horizontal pair, remarkably well centered, strong and intact perforations, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and rare; only twenty pairs have been recorded. ..................... ................ ................................ ............................. ................................. ....................... $3,750 388 ** #255a, 1942 Sc Deep blue imperforate ,
horizontal pair, large margins all around, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. .................................................................................................................................. $600 389 EE ** #258, 1942 13c Dull green, lower left plate "No. l" pane of 50, fresh and intact, original gum, ever Hinged, Very Fine to Extremely Fine (No PH) ................................................................................................ $642 ..:.......................................... :..................... :·····················. ·····················<······
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390 EE ** #259 , 1943 14c Dull green, lower right plate "No. l " pane of 50, post office fresh and intact, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine.... ..................................................................................................................... $929.50 October 8. 2008
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39 1
Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value
392 EX
#262a , 1942 $1.00 Deep blue imperforate , vertical pa ir, large margi ns, goo d color, regumme d (appears N.H.) , Extreme ly Fine ; only 75 pairs were issued. ............................................. ...... ........ ............................... $700 392 EE** #268- 73, 1946 Sc-$1.00 Peace cplt., choice mint blocks of four , each incre dibly well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine set. ......... ............................... ....................... ............ .................... ..... $597 391 (* )
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393 EX
393 PB** #273, 1946 $1.00 Red violet, matched set of plate "No. I" blocks of four, origi nal gum , Never Hinged, two Fine-Very Fine and two Extremely Fine. .... ......... .... ...... ........... ........ .......... ..... ...... .... ...... .......... ............... $1,350
. ····~........... .:........... ,
. ..... ,•.•....... .•.•.:....•••....... .. ..
394 ** #321 , 1953 $1.00 Totem Pole, top sheet-margin horizontal strip of three , showing a dramatic rightward shift
of a single vertical row of perforations between pos. 1 and 2, resulting in pos. 1 being and extra-wide stamp and pos. 2 being a very narrow stamp includin g the cutting off of the denom ination, original gum , Neve r Hinged, Very Fine and strikin g; probably no more than ten such misperforations exist. ............................ Estima te $750-1,000 October 8, 2008
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U nitrade Ca talog or Estim ated Value
.4...........~ ............~ ....... ....:..... ......;............;...... ......~................~ ............~:......... ··········~
.. . .. j . .
..,.. '"! ··
395 395 EB**#339 Var., 1954 3c Carmine rose, misperforated, top right pane of 100, the left six vertical rows with
normal perforations and the right four vertical rows showing a dramatic perforations shift, having been caused by a paper jam in the perforating machine, as evidenced in some light vertical creasing in the seventh vertical row, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine for this; unique........ ...........................................Estimate $3,000-4,000
396 ** #339a, 1954 3c Carmine rose, imperforate vertically, bottom sheet-margin horizontal pair of this rare error, pos. 93-94, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine; only 50 pairs were discovered. .................................... $2,000 397 (*l #341v, 1954 Sc Bright blue, imperforate vertically,between stamp and sheet-margin, centered to right and
without gum as are all known examples, Fine and extremely rare; a mere six singles are known, plus a plate block. ................................................................................................................................................................ $500 October 8, 200 8
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'_'T_h_e_'_M_o_u_nt Royal' Collectionof CanadaandB.N.A."PartII
Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
398 398 E 1955 2c Experimental phosphorescent paper stamps,
lot of six stamps in different colors, orange, red, green, brown, carmine and black and blue and black, all perforated and produced without gum, Very Fine and rare; accompanied by a photocopy of the 1955 letter from the Plant Superintendent of the Canadian Bank Note ~o. _to the E.B. Eddy Co of Hull, who produced the experimental paper; a wondefull item fo~ the tagging spec1ahst. ....................................................................................................................................Estimate $ 1,500-2,000
399 399 EE ** 1958 4c Indian Head essay, complete imperforate pane of 25, designed and printed by the American Bank
Note Co. but with no imprint to that effect, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and rare; believed to be one of only two remaining intact sheets ...........................................................................Estimate $4,000-5,000 October 8, 2008
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AN 400 400 c*1 #387a, 1959 Sc St. Lawrence Seaway,center inverted, a handsome unused (no gum) example of this pop-
ular invert rarity, well centered, fresh colors on crisp white paper, Very Fine; 1992 Greene Foundation certificate.......................................................................................................................................................for N.H. $ 16,000
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401 401 PB** #390, 1960 Sc Battle of Long Sault, top left corner margin plate "Nol " block of four, the top right stamp
with a portion of the bistre brown background design missing, having been caused by a corner foldover, with the missing portion of the design printed on the gummed side, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and unique...........................................................................................................................................Estimate $300-400
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* #392 Footnote., 1961 Sc Pauline Johnson, imperforate and red inscriptions omitted, a fantastic mint vertical pair, with huge margins all around, including showing a bit of the adjacent stamp at top and bottom, original gum, top stamp with a thinned spot at top left and bottom stamp with a stain in the margin only at lower left, otherwise Very Fine; only two imperforate pairs are known, this is the unique example that also has the red omitted. .......................................................................................................................... Estimate $3,000-4 ,000 403 ** #468Ac, 1969 6c Orange, DF, DEX, imperforate, pair, well centered and margined, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. .................................................................................................................................. $400 404 ** #468Ac, 1969 6c Orange, DF, DEX, imperforate, strip of four, the bottom pair the error, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; an interesting transition strip........... ................................................ for pair $400 405 * #480 Footnote, 1968 Sc Narwhal, printed in black only, vertical strip of three, badly misperforated as always, full original gum, vertical crease at right, Fine appearance; a rare and striking item....... Estimate $500-750 402
#S02-03P, 1969 Sc-6c Christmas, plate proof on proof paper , se-tenant horizontal strip of four with 38mm vertical gutter between , Extremely Fine ; it is believed that only ten such strips exist; ex.Mass. .......................................................................................................................................... Estimate $ 1,500-2,000
407 407 P
#S02-03P,1969 Sc-6c Christmas, plate proof on proof paper, horizontal pairs of each, both with large even margins all around, 6c with a crease in the margin at top left, otherwise Very Fine; only 50 pairs of each are known...............................................................................................................................................Estimate $500-750
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( f '< <tt
Unitrade Catalog or Estim ated Value
.,,tM.< ,.1-i- Ui-w
40 8
#503a, 1969 6c Christmas, black omitted, tied by clear strike of "Vancouver South Burnaby / 17 XII , 69" c.d.s. to clean Christma s card sized cover to England, Extremel y Fine and rare ; only six or sevencoversare known............................................................................................................................................................... $4,000
40 8 0
409 **
#503a, 1969 6c Christmas, black omitted, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine and quite scarce ; only 191 mint examples are known ; 1995 F.Q.P.certificate ...... .................................................. ........ ..................... $3,000 410 ** #503a, 1969 6c Christmas, black omitted, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine and quite scarce ; only 191 mint examples exist. .......... ............. ........ ................. ............. ....... ................ .... ....................... ................... $3,000
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#503a, 1969 6c Christmas, black omitted, tied by clear "Vancouver, B.C ./Nov 1, 1969" wavy line machine po stmark to cover addressed locally, addres s somewhat faded, Very Fine and rare ; only six or sevencoversare known............................................................................................................................................................... $4,000
411 0
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Son"O Pr.r11em1>1,
412 **
Unitra de Catalog or Estim ated Value
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Canada 6 Canada 6
Canada 6 Canada 6
4 12
#535a, 1971 6c Maple Leaves in Spring, imperforate, horizontal pair, large even margins all around, orig-
inal gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine ; only 75 pair s reported. .......... ........................................................ $ 1,200 413 ** #535a, 1971 6c Maple Leaves in Spring, imperforate, top sheet-margin horizontal pair , with large even margins on the other three sides , original gum , Never Hinged , Extremely Fine ; only 75 pairs were discovered. ................................. .................................................................. .............................................. ................. $ 1,200
414 414 **
#537i, 1971 6c Maple Leaves in Autumn, grey omitted, top sheet-margin mint example of this frequentl y faked error , original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine and rare; 1997 Greene Foundation certificate.. ........ ..... $4,000
• • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• ••• • ••• • ••• • ••• •• W1n1e, H1ver
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Canada 7 Canada 7 Canada 7 : Canada 7 415 415
** #538 Var.,1971 7c Maple Leaves in Winter, double paper, top right corner margin horizontal strip of five , the center stamp with double paper , having been caused by a paste-up repair , which is clearly visible on the face of pos. 2 and the reverse of pos. 4, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine and rare ; only five such strips have been recorded ................ ...................... ........................ .......... .................................................... .......Estimate $400-500
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
Canada 6 : Canada 6 Canada 6 Canada 6
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** #554a, 554b, 1971 6c Christmas, all color omitted and printed on the gummed side, a spectacular mint 416 EE multiple from the bottom left corner of the pane, containing four full stamps with all color omitted, plus eight others with part of color missing, and three full stamps printed on the gummed side, as well as parts of ten others, all having been caused by a large foldover, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine for this; a unique showpiece. ........................................................................................................................................................ $ 14,500
~-;::• Canada 8
='-;:.::-Canada 8
#575b, 1975 Sc Subarctic Indians, imperforate vertically, right sheet-margin horizontal strip of three, the right pair the error, also being partially imperforate at top and bottom and with an extra vertical row of perforations at right as always, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; fewer than 50 pairs have been recorded............................................................................................................................................................. $ 1,250
417 **
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.•........... .•., •.. 4 18
#593xiii, 1973 Sc Ultramarine, imperforate bottom half of stamp and margin, bottom sheet-margin block of four, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine..... ............................... ............ .............. ....................... $600
418 83**
#605 Var., 1976 10c Dark carmine coil, double perforations, strip of four, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine and striking .... ............................. ..................................................................................... .Estimate $400-500
419 **
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#614a, 1974 15c R.C.M.P.Centenary,imperforate, top left corner margin imprint block of four, original
gum , saved from a fire resulting in some singing on reverse which is not readily apparent on the face , Very Fine appearance; only a couple plate blocks exist. .. .......... ............. ...... ... ........................... ...... .............. ..... ........ .... $2,000 421 * #614a Var.,1973 15c R.C.M.P.Centenary, imperforate, added impression of 10c, top sheet-margin vertical strip of three , the top stamp with the added impre ssion of the 1Oc Spectrograph and the bottom pair normal , original gum which is lightly soiled as usual , Very Fine ; a rare and eye-catching error . .......Estimate $750-1,000 October 8, 2008
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
Canada 8 :Canada 8 j
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422 **
#619i, 1973 8c Scottish Settlers, yellow paper, original gum, Never Hinged,Very Fine and scarce; only 150200 examples are thought to exist. .................................................................................................................. $275 423 PB ** #658 Var., 1975 8c Ann of Green Gables, kiss double impression of blue, top right corner margin setenant imprint block of four, two stamps the errors, original gum, ever Hinged, Very Fine and rare; as yet unlisted by Unitrade; 2006 Gratton certificate..... ................................................................Estimate $ 1,500-2,000
. ....... ......... ....................
#663ai, 1975 8c Chown and Cook, double paper, the center horizontal pair in a right margin block of ten, being the right two vertical rows from the sheet, with imprints at top and bottom, having been caused by a pasteup to repair a paper break, original gw11, ever Hinged, Very Fine¡ only five such error blocks exist. ........ $ 1,000
424 83**
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425 425 ** #693d , 1976 8c Royal Military College Centenary, double impression ,
horizontal se-tenant pair, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; a rare and visually stunning error. ................................................................ $5,000
426 426 0 #714xx Var., 1978 12c Parliament , precancelled , right sheet-margin horizontal strip of three, showing a dra-
matic leftward printing shift, original gum, Never Hinged,Very Fine for this; probably only ten examples exist; $300-400 2005 Gratton certificate. ............................................................................................................Estimate
427 ** #716c , 1978 10c Red and black, red and tagging omitted ,
original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and striking. ...................................................................................................................................................... $2,000 428 ** #716c, 1978 10c Red and black , red and tagging omitted , original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and striking. ...................................................................................................................................................... $2,000 429 * #716c , 1978 10c Red and black, red and tagging omitted , top sheet-margin single, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine. .................................................................................................................... for N.H. 2,000
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#723Ab, 1978 50c Prairie Street Scene, brown omitted, right sheet -margin block of four of this striking so-called "Ghost Town" error , original gum , ever Hinged, Extremely Fine and quite scarce ; only 150 exam ples reported ... ........................... ............................................................................. .......................................... $ 12,000
430 83**
43 1
43 1 **
#726b, 1979 $1.00 Fundy National Park, black and tagging omitted, origina l gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine; only about 200 examples have been reported. .. ........ ........ ... ........... ... ........ ..... .. ............... ....... ....... ..... .... $ I ,000 432 83** #727a, 1979 $2.00 Kluane National Park, silver omitted, block of four, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. .. ....... ..... .. .................. .. ........ ............. .......... .............. ................ ....... ............. ....... ........... ... ...... $3,000
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Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value
433 433
** #730a, 1978 14c Parliament coiJ, imperforate, strip of thirteen , perforated at both ends but otherwise imperforate , original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine .... ............................ ......................... for six pairs $ 1,350
434 434
** #730a, 1978 14c Parliament coil, imperforate, strip of thirteen , perforated at both ends but otherwise imperforate , original gum, Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine . ........................................................ for six pair s $1,350
............ 435
#741a, 1977 10c Christmas, imperforate vertically, bottom sheet -margin block of four containing two error pairs , original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine and rare ; only 30 pairs are known. .............................. $3,000
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436 ** #741a, 1977 10c Christmas, imperforatevertically, block of ten, being two horizontal rows from the pane 436EE with sheet selvages at sides, imperforate vertically between the second and third vertical rows and part perforate horizontally, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; only 30 pairs have been reported. .................... $3,000
437 ** #742 Var., 1977 12c Angelic Choir, "Canada 12" inscription omitted, full pane of 50, pos. 47 the error, 437EE plus a number of other positions show the inscription partially omitted, original gum, ever Hinged, Very Fine; the only known example of this unusual error .......................................................................Estimate$7,500-!0,000 October 8, 2008
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Unitrad e Cata log or Est imated Value
...•. .. .• •. CANADA 438
438 ** #749b, 1977 12c Fisherman's Dream, grey and tagging omitted ,
the right stamp in a horizontal se-tenant pair, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and rare; only 22 sound examples are known; 2000 Saskatoon guarantee. ........................................................................................................................................ $3,000 ** #784 Var., 1979 4c Hepatica, printed on the gummed side, left sheet-margin block of four, original gum, 439 EE ever Hinged, Very Fine and scarce; as yet unlisted in Unitrade.....................................................Estimate $500-750
440 ** #789d, 1979 17c Green and black, black omitted and misperforated horizontally
as always, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine for this, only 100 such errors are known. ...................................................... $ 1,250 441 ** #789d, 1979 17c Green and black , black omitted and misperforated horizontally as always, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine for this; only a single sheet of 100 was discovered. ...................................... $ 1,250
442 442 ** #806a, 1979 17c Parliament coil, imperforate,
strip of thirteen, perforated at the ends but otherwise imperforate, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine..... .............................................................. for six pairs $1,200
443 443 ** #806a, 1979 17c Green coil, imperforate,
strip of six, the right strip of four the errors, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; an interesting transition multiple....................................................................................... $400
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
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444 444 EB ** #817-lSc , 1979 17c Canadian Authors, imperforate, left sheet-margin block of six, the left vertical pair
completely imperforate, the center vertical pair part perforate and the right vertical pair normal, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and scarce................................................................................................................. $2,500
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445 445 ** #817i-18i, 1979 17c Canadian Authors, brown and blue doubled, right sheet-margin horizontal se-tenant
pair, the left stamp with brown doubled and the right stamp with blue doubled, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine........................................................................................................................................................... $ 1,000
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** #840 Var.,1979 17c Christmas, major Repellex error, a visually stunning top left corner margin imprint 446 EB block of ten, showing colors missing on portions of seven stamps in oval or circular patterns, original gum, ever Hinged, Very Fine and unique. ..........................................................................................Estimate $ 1,000-1 ,500 October 8, 2008
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Unitrade Cata log or Est imated Value
447 **
#865a, 1980 35c Uranium, printed on the gummed side, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and rare; only 30 copies are known to have been saved from one error sheet discovered in Winnipeg in 1980. ........ $ 1,000 448 ** #865a, 1980 35c Uranium, printed on the gummed side, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and rare; only 30 examples are known to have been saved from a single error sheet discovered in Winnipeg in 1980. ............................................................................................................................................................ $ 1,000
'\'n -
I~ 1
#878 Footnote, 1980 17c "Look of Music" Exhibition, imperforate, brown and most of magenta omitted, right sheet-margin block of four, original gum, Never Hinged, top right stamp with a small internal wrinkle, otherwise Very Fine; only a single sheet of 50 was discovered................................................................. $2,000
449 EE **
45 1
** #878i, 1980 17c "Look of Music" Exhibition, "Canada 17" and tagging omitted, printed on the gummed side, an elusive sound example of this unusual tripple error, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; while 200 examples are known only about half are sound; 1998 Saskatoon guarantee. ................................ $2,000 451 ** #924c, 1983 32c Red on cream, beige background and tagging omitted, the so-called "Maple Leaf in Winter" error, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and quite scarce; only about 150 copies are known. .............................................................................................................................................................. $1,500 450
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Unitrad e Ca talo g or Estim ated Value
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** #926Bf, 1987 36c Parliament, Harrison paper, imperforate, left sheet-margin block of ten (5x2), the left 452 EB vertical pair completely imperforate, the adjacent pair part perforate and the remaining six stamps normal, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and rare; only twenty blocks are known. .................................... $2,000
.•. ............•................•........... 48
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1983 48c Cradle, magenta omitted, top left corner margin imprint block of four, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. ........................................................................................................................ $ 1,800 454 ** #937 Var., 1983 $5.00 Point Pelee, black color shift, left sheet-margin single showing a dramatic shift of the black inscription to the left, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. ............................Estimate $300-400
453 PB** #929i,
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#951a, 1983 32c Brown coil, imperforate, strip of ten, original gum, ever Hinged, Very Fine. ..........
October 8, 200 8
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$ 1, 125
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
456 **
#953a, 1987 36c Dark red coil, imperforate, pair, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine. .................. $375 457 ** #976i, 1983 32c World CommunicationsYear,double impression of multicolored globe, top sheet -margin sing le, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and scarce .... ........... ................................................ $ 1,000 458 ** #981i, 1983 32c World University Games, printed on the gummed side, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine ; only a single sheet of 50 was discovered; 2003 Saskatoon guarantee; ex.-Mass. ............................ .... $ 1250
459 **
#996a, 1983 32c ickel, silver and tagging omitted, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. .... $ 1,000 460 ** #1133a, 1987 36c Charter of Rights and Freedoms, imperforate, right sheet-margin horizontal pair, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. ......... ........ ................ ..... ........ ......... ........ .......... .... ....... .. ..................
461 461
** #1155iii, 1988 le Flying Squirrel, imperforate, bottom sheet-margin horizontal apir, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. .......................................... ............ ...... ............................... ....... ................. ............... 1,000
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Unitrade Catalog or Estim ated Value
462 462
** #1164c, 1988 38c Queen Elizabeth II, imperforate , vertical strip of three, the bottom stamp completely imperforate, the center stamp part perforate and the top stamp normal, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. .................................................................................................................................................................. $500
#1165d , 1988 38c Houses of Parliament , Slater paper, double impression of all colors except black, left sheet-margin block of four, choice centering for this, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and striking. $ 1,400
463 ffi**
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• • ........•.......••.•.......•.•....... 464
#1166 Var., 1989 39c Flag over Clouds , misperforated , bottom right comer margin block of four showing a misregistration of the perforations at bottom, causing the bottom pair to have "crazy" perfs., original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine for this; probably only five such blocks exist. ......................................Estimate $500 -750
464 ffi**
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. :
Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value
. '.,
465 465 EE**#l
l 78c, 1989 76c Grizzly Bear, perf. 13x13, Slater paper, full sheet of 50 of this issue which was used only for a short time in 1989, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine and rare. ............................................ $2,600
466 466
** #1181a, 1989 $1.00 Runnymede Library, black inverted, hand some bottom sheet-margin single of this modern invert error, original gum,Never Hinged , Extremely Fine; far more rare than the Seaway invert as only a single sheet of 25 were discovered, of which only twenty examples show the full "$ 1 Canada" inverted. ......... ............................................... ........................................................... ......................................... $ 17,500
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••• ••• • -----
•• •• •• •-~ • ....
46 7
#1181a, 1989 $1.00 Runnymede Library, black inverted, a spectacular left sheet-margin horizontal pair, the right stamp with complete black inscriptions inverted and the left stamp with just "$ 1" inverted in the lower right corner, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; one of the greatest invert rarities of the world, with only five such combination pairs extant............................................................................................... $32,500
467 **
468 468
** #1181i, 1989 $1.00 Runnymede Library, imperforate, bottom left corner margin vertical strip of five, the top pair the error and the remaining stamps normal, original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine and eye-catching; only 25 imperforate pairs have been recorded. .................................................................................... $2,000
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..,. ,
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Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value
469 469 tE** #1181 v, 1989 $1.00 Runnymede Library, Im perforate, margin block of ten (2x5), the bottom horizon-
tal pair imperforate and the other stamps normal , full selvages top , left and bottom , original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and eye-catching ; only 25 imperforate pairs have been recorded. ........... ... .. ........ .... .. .. .... $3,250
470 470 tE** #1182a, 1989 $2.00 McAdam Railway Station, imperforate, left sheet-margin block of four, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. ........................................................ ............................................ .......... $3,000
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
47 1
471 EE** #1183 Var., 1990 $5.00 Bonsecours Market, black color shift, top right corner margin imprint block of
nine (3x3), showing a dramatic shift of the "Canada $5" inscription upwards and at a slight diagonal , original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine . ............................ ........................................ ............ ................ .... Estimate $3,000-4,000
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472 EE** #1183 Var., 1990 $5.00 Bonsecours Market, black color shift, bottom right corner margin imprint
block of six (3x2 ), showing a dramatic shift of the "Canada $5" inscription upwards and at a slight diagonal so that the bottom left stamp ha s the inscription nearly omitted, original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine . ............. ............. ........... ................ ........................................................................... .............. Estimate $3,000-3 000
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
473 ** #1194Bf, 1990 39c Flag coil, imperforate,
vertical strip of four, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. .................................................................................................................................................................. $500 474 EE ** #1194Bf, 1990 39c Flag coil, imperforate , left sheet-margin block of four, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. ................................................................................................................................................ $500
475 475 ** #1194d , 1988 37c Parliament coil, imperforate , transition
strip of six containing two imperforate pairs, top stamp fully perforated and bottom stamp perforated at bottom, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. .................................................................................................................................................................. $450
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••·· .. .... ,f""' ........
Unitrade Ca talog or Estim ated Value
-;- ..
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#1204-05 Var.,1988 37c Wildlife Conservation, major foldover,se-tenant pane of 50 containing a huge corner foldover from another pane attached at lower left, including portions of the gutter with traffic lights and all or parts of nine additional stamps from the adjoining pane including part of the imprint, original gum, Never $5000-7500 Hinged, Very Fine and unique; ex.-Mass. ..............................................................................Estimate
476 EE**
#1232ai, 1989 38c ative Boats, imperforate vertically between stamps and sheet-margin, left sheetmargin se-tenant block of four, original gum, right pair with slight adhesion on gum, ever Hinged, Very Fine; only 20 such blocks are known......................................................................................................................... $800
477 EE**
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
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478 478 rn**
#1249-50, 1989 38c Canadian Infantry Regiments, full pane of 50 with a matched set of the scarce inscription blocks , original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. .. .......... .................... .............. .. ........... ..... .. $ 1,034
••• • • 479 479 PB** #1289-92b, 1990 39c Canadian Folklore, imperforate,matched
set of traffic light comer margin block s of four, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and exceedingly rare, especially as a matched set; only four imperforate panes of 50 were discovered, therefore, at most only four matched sets can exist. .......... $ 12,000
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
480 480 **
#1343i, 1991 40c Basketball, blue omitted, strikin g right sheet-margin horizontal strip of five of this repellex error, the center stamp the error , original gum , Never Hinged , Extreme ly Fine and rare. .............. .. $2,750
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481 **
#13S0iv, 1991-98 2c Strawberries, imperforate, left sheet-margin vertica l pair, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremel y Fine . .......................... .............. ................... ................................................ ............. .......... $1,000 482 ** #13S0iv, 1991-98 2c Strawberries, imperforate, top left corner margin vertical pair, original gum , Never Hinged, Extre mely Fine and choice. ............ .............. ................................... ..................... .............................. $ 1,000 483 ** #13S0iv, 1991-98 2c Strawberries, imperforate, left sheet-margin vertical pair, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremel y Fine. ....... .. ....................................... ... ................ ................... .................. ..... ............. ........ $ 1,000
484 ** #13S2iv, 1991-98 Sc Rose hip, imperforate, vertical pair, including a substantial portion of the adjacent stamps at left, original gum , Never Hing ed, Extreme ly Fine ... .................. ........................ .................... .......... $1,000 485 **
#13S2iv, 1991-98 Sc Rose hip, imperforate, vertical pair, including a substantial portion of the adjacent pair
at left, original gum ,
ever Hinged, Extremely Fine. ............ .................. ......... ................................ ............... $1,000 486 ** #13S2iv,1991-98 Sc Rose hip, imperforate, vertical pair, including a substantial portion of the adjacent pair at left and a bit of the adjacent stamp s at right , original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice. .. $1,000
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
487 ** #1353ii, 1991-98 6c Black raspberry, imperforate , vertical pair , including a sizeable portion of the adja-
cent stamps at left, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. .. .. ................ .......... ...... .......... ................ .... $ I ,000 488 ** #1353iii , 1991-98 6c Black Raspberry, imperforate , top sheet-margin vertical pair, including a large portion of the adjacent stamp at left, original gum , Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine........ ........................ ............. $1,000 489 ** #1353iii, 1991-98 6c Black Raspberry, imperforate , vertical pair , including a large portion of the adjacent stamps at left, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremel y Fine.................................................... ................ ....... $1,000
49 1
** #1354a, 1992 10c Kinnikinnick, imperforate on three sides fro m bottom row, bottom sheet-margin block 490 EB of six (2x3) , the bottom pair the error with printer 's rejection mark mainly in the selvage as apparently always, original gum , Neve r Hinged, Very Fine; only 25 such blocks are known . ...................................... ................ $ 1,500 491 EB**#1354a, 1992 10c Kinnikinnick , imperforate except along top of stamps , horizontal pair from the bottom row of the pane in a marginal vertical strip of twenty, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine and rare ; only 25 such pairs are known, six of which are defective. ................... ............................................................... $ 1,500 October 8, 2008
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S111~0â&#x20AC;˘00" huy PeMe
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Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value
** #1355iv, 1991-98 25c Saskatoon berry, imperforate, vertical pair, including a substantial portion of the adjacent stamps at left, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine............................................................. $ 1,000 493 ** #1355iv, 1991-98 25c Saskatoon berry, imperforate, vertical pair, including a substantial portion of the adjacent pair at left, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. ................................................................ $ 1,000 494 ** #1355iv, 1991-98 25c Saskatoon berry, imperforate, vertical pair, including a large portion of the adjoining stamps at left, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine..................................................................... $ 1,000
#1356i, 1991 42c Flag over Hills, imperforate, block of four, original gum, Never Hinged, ms. notations in the margins mostly between the stamps, otherwise Very Fine to Extremely Fine....................................... $2,000 496 ** #1359f, 1994 43c Flag over Field, imperforate between, vertical pair from a booklet pane, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. ........................................................................................................................ $ 1,000 495 tE**
J 1
497 497
BK #1359f, 1359fii,1994 43c Flag over Field, imperforate between, unexploded booklet pane of sixteen, from a miscut booklet pane of 25, containing seven vertical pairs imperforate between (#1359f) and two stamps with label imperforate between (#1359fii), original gum, Never Hinged,Very Fine and quite rare; unlisted as an error booklet pane ............................................................................................................................................. $ 11,000
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... ..
... .
Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
. ..
top right corner margin block of sixteen (8x2), original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and striking............................................................................... $32,000
498 l:E** #1359ii, 1992 43c Flag over Hills, double impression,
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499 499 BK #1361 b Var., 1995 45c Flag over Building , booklet pane of 25, misperforated,
unexploded booklet containing a single pane showing a strong downward shift of both horizontal rows of perforations, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine for this. ..........................................................................................Estimate $ 1,000-1 ,500 500 BK #1361b Var., 1995 45c Flag ove r Buildin g, booklet pane of 25, mis perforated , a similar lot (No PH) ..................................................................................................................................Esti1nate $ 1,000-1 ,500
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Unirrade Catalog or Estimated Value
501 501 ** #1362ii , 1362ii,1998 45c Flag over Building , imperforate , a wonderful block of twenty with wide ver-
tical gutter at center , original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine ; only 36 imperforate gutter pair s were found ... ..................... ..................................... .............................................. .................................................. .... $ 14,050
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502 502 EE** #1375 Var., 1994 $1.00 Yorktown Court House, "CANADA $1" at bottom instead of at top due to a
9mm upwards shift , top right corner margin block of four, showing "CANA DA $ 1" in the top selvage , original $750-1,000 gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and striki ng ............................. ........................................ Estimate
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Un itrade Cata log or Estimated Value
.•• 503
503 **
#1376a, 1994 $2.00 Provincial Normal School, inscriptions omitted, right sheet -margin single , original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; only 68 examples are known. ............................................................ $1,500 504 ** #1376a, 1994 $2.00 Provincial Normal School, inscriptions omitted, top sheet-margin single, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; only 68 examples are known. ............................................................ $1,500
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505 505 EE**#1378 Var., 1996 $5.00 Victoria Public Library, major foldover,a stunning full sheet of 25, displaying
a huge corner foldover at upper right , showing the color bars and trimming guide at top and previously unknown lathework design at right , seven stamps with varying "crazy" perforations , original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine for this ; an eye-arresting and unique error almost never found on high values ... ............ Estimate $5000-7500 Octobe r 8, 2008
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Unitr ade Ca talog or Estim ated Value
506 506 **
#1395a, 1992 43c Flag coil, DF, imperforate, strip of four, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. .... $400 507 ** #1395a, 1992 43c Flag coil, DF, imperforate, sh·ip of twelve containing six error pairs, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine (No Photo) .......................................................................................................................... $ 1,200
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508 508 EE **
#1441-42 Var., 1992 42c Canada in Space, shifted hologram, the top stamp in the second vertical column of a full se-tenant sheet of twenty, showing a strong downward shift of the hologram mostly onto the stamp beneath , original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; a rare and striking error; 1995 F.Q.P. certificate . ................................................................................................................................Estimate $2,000-3 ,000 509 EE ** #1441-42 Var.,1992 42c Canada in Space, hologram double, the bottom stamp in the third vertical row in a full se-tenant pane of twenty, the other stamps normal, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and unusu$750-1,000 al; as yet unlisted in Unitrade; 1995 F.Q.P. certificate... ..........................................................Estimate ** #1442iii, 1992 42c Canada in Space, high orbit, showing the nose of the shuttle well above the top of the 510 EE hologram on the center two columns of the se-tenant pane of twenty, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine (No PH) ............................................................................................................................................................ $750 511 EE ** #1442iii, 1442v, 1992 42c Canada in Space, high orbit and black hole, full se-tenant pane of twenty, the bottom four stamps from the two center vertical columns with the high orbit variety (# 1442iii) and the two stamps above them clearly showing the black hole variety( # 1442v) where there is a wide black line beneath the earth, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and unusual (No PH).............................................................. $700 ** #1442iv, 1992 42c Canada in Space, low orbit, full se-tenant sheet of twenty, the two center columns the 512 EE varieties, showing the bottom edge of the shuttle touching James Bay, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine (No Photo) ........................................................................................................................................................ $900 Octo ber 8, 2008
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Unitrad e Catalog or Estima ted Value
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513 513 83** #1499b, 1993 43c Christmas , imperforate between,
top left corner margin block of six (3x2), the right horizontal pairs the errors, plus the left stamps are imperforate vertically between the stamp and selvage (#1499ii), original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. ................................................................................ $4,500
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514 83** #1499b, 1993 43c Christmas , imperforate betwee n,
top left corner margin block of six, the right horizontal pairs the errors, plus the left stamps are imperforate vertically between stamps and sheet selvage (# 1499ii), original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; ex.-Mass. ................................................................ $4,500
515 515 **
#1519-20 , 1994 43c Wheelchair marathon and High jump , "Canada 43" in silver instead of gold, horizontal se-tenant pair, original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine and rare; apparentl y only thirteen were found; as yet unlisted in Unitrade.............................................................................................Estimate $ 1,500-2 ,000
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
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516 5 16 PB** #1534ii,
1994 52c Christmas unissued value, matched set of imprint blocks of four, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a very difficult matched set of plate blocks to assemble. ........................................ $3,800
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517 PB**
#1534ii, 1994 52c Christmas unissued value, bottom right corner margin imprint block of four, original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine. .............................................................................................................. $950 518 PB** #1534ii, 1994 52c Christmas unissued value, scarce top right corner margin imprint and traffic light block of four, original gum, ever Hinged, Extremely Fine. .......................................................................... $950 October 8, 2008
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Unjtrade Cata log or Estimated Value
519 5 19 tE** #1534ii, 1994 52c Christmas unissued value, full pane of 50, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine . ................................................................................................... ............................................................... $ 10,600
520 tE** #1534ii, 1994 52c Christmas unissued value , full pane of 50, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine (No Photo) ............................... .............................. ................................................................................... $ 10,600 521 tE** #1534ii , 1994 52c Christmas unissued value, full pane of 50, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine (No Photo) ............................... ........................... .............. ........................................................................ $ 10,600 522 ** #1535ii, 1994 90c Christmas unissued value, five mint singles , all original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine (No Photo).... .................................................................... ..................................... ................................... $3,000
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523 ** #1559 Footnote, 1995 $1.29 Group of Seven Three Original Members souvenir sheet of three , showing
a strong perforation shift to the lower left, resulting in "43 Canada " being completely off the stamp on the left stamp , mostly off the center stamp and half off the right stamp , original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine for thi s; includes the other two souvenir sheets as well as the information booklet and original cardboard envelope . $750 October 8, 2008
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Unitrad e Cata log or Estim ated Value
** #1568-69 Var., 1995 45c Greetings, die cutting omitted, vertical pair from the booklet pane of ten with greetings stickers, self-adhesive, Very Fine and rare; as yet unlisted in Unitrade................... Estimate $ I ,500-2 ,000 525 ** #1568-69 Var., 1995 45c Greetings, die cutting omitted, vertical pair from the booklet pane of ten with greetings stickers, self-adhesive,Very Fine and rare; as yet unlisted in Unitrade.......... .........Estimate $ I 500-2 ,000
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** 526 EB
#1627 Var.,1996 45c Christmas, lower left pane of 50, showing a large foldover at the imprint at lower left resulting in extra-wide sheet-selvages, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. ..............Estimate $2,000-3 ,000
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
527 527 EE **
#1683a, 2000 47c Queen Elizabeth II, imperforate , bottom sheet-margin block of four, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. ........................................................................................................................ $ 1,800
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528 528 PB** #1683a,
2000 47c Queen Elizabeth II, imperforate , a stunning top right corner margin imprint block of
sixteen (4x4), the bottom two horizontal rows completely imperforate, the second row with only a few misplaced vertical perforations and the top row grossly misperforated, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and very rare; from the sole sheet found near Elliott Lake Ontario in May 200 I. ..........................for four pairs $3,600 529 PB #1683ii, 1998 47c Queen Elizabeth II, imperforate at bottom, bottom right corner margin imprint block of eight (2x4), the bottom pair completely imperforate and the pair above it part perforated, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and rare. .................................................................................................................... $ 1,500
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
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miniature pane of four , origina l gum , Never Hinged , Extreme ly Fine and rare ; listed in Unitrade but as yet not priced. ........................................................................................................................................Estimate $4,000-5,000
531 531 EE** #1705ii, 1998 46c Flag over Iceberg , booklet pane of 30, die cutting omitted , a remarkable uncut sheet
of four panes of 30, resulting in thirty vertical pairs with horizontal die cutting omitted, self adhesive, Very Fine and striking. ...................................................................................................................................................... $4 500 October , 2008
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Unitra de Catalog or Estimated Value
532 532 BK** #l 705ii, 1998 46c Flag over Iceberg, booklet pane of 30, die cutting omitted, complete miscut book-
let of 40, with die cutting omitted between the first and second horizontal rows, resulting in ten vertical pairs imperforate between , self-adhesive, Very Fine. ....... ............. ....... ............................... ..... ............. ................ .... $ 1,500
533 533 BK** #1705ii , 1998 46c Flag over Iceberg, booklet pane of 30, die cutting omitted , complete miscut book-
let of 40, with die cutting omitted between the second and third horizontal rows , resulting in ten vertical pair s imperforate between , self-adhesive , Very Fine. .. .. .. .......... .......... .... ........ ........ .... .. ...... .. .. .. .... ...... ........ .... .......... $ 1,500
534 534 BK** #l 705ii, 1998 46c Flag over Iceberg , booklet pane of 30, die cutting omitted, complete miscut book-
let of twenty, with die cutting omitted from the horizontal row, resulting in ten vertical pairs imperforate between , self-adhesive , Very Fine .... ..................................... ............ ......... ............................................... ........ $ 1,500
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Unitrade Ca ta log or Estimated Value -
.. ...........•.•....•.....•..•.•.•........•••... CANADA
#1767i, 1999 46c Year of the Rabbit, red and tagging omitted, top right comer margin imprint and traffic light block of four, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and scarce. ..................................for singles $5,000
535 PB**
Masterpieces of Canadian Art 1999
Chd,-d ·a:u,Te de l'art canadien 1999
#1800 Var., 1999 90c Coq Lico me, missing silver, full sheet of sixteen, the top eight stamps with white horizontal and vertical bars and part of the silver missing at upper left, plus the second horizontal row has a row of white maple leaves, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; a bizarre oddity that is believed to be unique. ......................................................................................................................................Estimate $5,000- 7,500
536 83**
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Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value
537 **
#1878ii, 2000 47c Stylized Maple Leaf coil, blue inscriptions omitted, pair, self-adhe sive, Very Fine. $ 1,800 538 PB** #1883a, 2001 47c Year of the Snake, gold omitted, top left comer margin imprint and traffic light block of four, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and rare ; only four panes of 25 were discovered. ...... $9,500
#1885a, 1885c, 1885e Vars.,2001 NHL All Stars, blue omitted, vertical strip of three, used along with ninetee_nother strips of three affixed to form and cancelled with magic marker stroke , slight bends ,_Fine; could be unique. ............ ........................................... ..................... ............... ............................. ............. .Est11Tiate $3,000-4,000
539 0
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Unitrade Ca talog or Estima ted Value
#1885b, 1885d, 1885f Vars., 2001 NHL All Stars, Blue omitted, right margin se-tenant vertical strip of three, original gum, Never Hinged, bottom stamp with a small piece out at lower left, otherwise Very Fine and rare; unlisted by Unitrade. ........................................................................................................Estimate $3,000 -4,000
540 **
541 54 1 BK** #1931i, 2002 48c
Flag over Post Office booklet pane of ten, blue omitted, two complete booklet panes of ten, both with the blue omitted, one with background in violet and the other with background in magenta, these having been caused as the ink ran out, self-adhesive, Very Fine. .......................................................... $ 10,000
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• (
Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value
••••••••c .,_,.,..,
#1932a, 2002 48c Golden Jubilee, imperforate , spectacular full pane of sixteen, full imperforate, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and rare............... ............................................................................$ 14,400
542 ffi**
543 543 **
#1935ii, 1994 90c Christmas unissued value, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. ................
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
#1969i, 2003 48c Year of the Ram, gold omitted, full pane of 25, the left two vert ical columns the errors , plus the gold is also mis sing from the left sheet-margin , original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine.......... ....... $6,200
544 EB**
#1969i, 2003 48c Year of the Ram, gold omitted, full pane of 25, the left vertica l column and the bottom two stamps in the secon d column the errors , plus the gold is also missing from the left sheet-margin and mo stly missing from the other three stamps in the seco nd column , original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine ; 2003 Greene Foundation certificate .............. ......... ......... ........ ................... ....... ..... ....... .......................... ............. ...... $4,300 546 EB** #1969i Var., 2003 48c year of the Ram, gold omitted, full pane of 25 , showing the gold missing from the left sheet-mar gin , original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine ; 2003 Greene Foundation certificate $150-200 (No Photo ) .............. .............................. .................................... ...... ................................... .......Estimate 545 EB**
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"The'MountRoyal'Collectionof CanadaandB.N.A."PartII
Unitrade Catalog or Estima ted Value
11111111 1111111 11111 111111111 63491 027 9 2 5
547 547 **
#2001d, 2003 96c National Emblems souvenir sheet, imperforate, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. .................................................................................................. ................................................................ $2,000
Canada 10 self-adhes,ve stamps x 49q 10 timbres autocollants x 49 ~ S4.90
... ..... ..,,.,,., ~
CfW,l.l<, .... 1rc,...-,.,,...,t
548 EX
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#201la Var., 2003 49c Flag over Edmonton, booklet pane of ten, miscut, two adjacent booklet panes showing a 32mm miscut, resulting in portions being tete-beche and unique tagging varieties on both panes , selfadhesive, Very Fine for this ........ ..................................................................................... .............. Estimate $ 1,500-2,000 549 BK #2011av, 2003 49c Flag over Edmonton, booklet pane of 10, imperforate, CBN printing on Fasson coated paper , self-adhesive , Extremely Fine ; 2006 Gratton certificate. .................. .. ........... ...... ........ ............ ....... $895
548 BP
October 8, 2008
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•.: -1-=----. ••
Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
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** #2201 i, 2007 52c Year of the Pig, foil stampings omitted, 550 EB
full pane of 25 showing the gold foil stampings omitted, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine.. ...................................................Estimate $3,000-4,000
+ 2 labels , unsevered pair of unexploded booklets, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; a rare and unlisted error........... ................................Estimate $500-750
551 BK #BK138, 1992 42c Flag over Hills, booklet pane of 25
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Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value
552 BK #BK236A, 2000-01, 47c Flag and Inukshuk, printing omitted, complete booklet of ten showing only the $500-750 tagging and die cutting , all colors omitted, Very Fine and rare; unlisted in Unitrade . ............Estimate 553 BK #BK236A, 2000-01, 47c Flag and Inukshuk , printing omitted, complete booklet showing only the
tagging and die cutting , all printed colors omitted, self -adhe sive, Very Fine and rare; as yet unlisted in $500-750 Uni trade. ................... ............ ........................... .................................. ...................................... Estimate
554 554 ** #Clb, 1928 Sc Brown olive imperforate vertically, horizontal pair, original gum , Never Hinged, fresh and
Very Fine. ............... .......................................................... ................. ................................................................
555 ** #Cle, 1928 Sc Brown olive imperforate horizontally, vertical pair , original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. $450 .............................. .... ..... ..... ....... ............................ ... ....................... ........ ... ........... ........ ... ................................ 556 * #Cle, 1928 Sc Brown olive imperforate horizontall y, vertical pair, choice margins and centering , original
gum , lightly hinged, Extremely Fine........... ....................................... .................... ........................................... October 8, 2008
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Unitrad e Ca ta log or Estim ated Value
* #C3c, 1932 6c on Sc Brown olive, surcharge triple, select mint single showing the surcharges well apart, better centered than most, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine. ........................................................................ $200 558 * #C3c, 1932 6c on Sc Brown olive, surcharge triple , original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Fine........... $200 557
559 559
** #C5b, 1935 6c Red brown imperforate , choice vertical pair, lavishly large margins all around, original gum, ever Hinged, an Exh¡emelyFine gem; only 125 pairs were issued....................................................... $ 1,200
#C5b, 1935 6c Red brown imperforate , top right corner margin horizontal pair, with large margins on the other two sides, fresh color, regummed (appears N.H.), Extremely Fine; only 125 pairs were issued. .......... $800
560 (*)
Oc tober 8, 200
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"The'MountRoyal'Collectionof CanadaandB.N.A. " PartII ------
Lot ----------
Unitrad e Cata log or Estimated Value
561 561 EE*#CSiii, 1935 6c Red brown imperforate,gutter block, a wonderful gutter block of eight , being two blocks of four separated by a wide vertica l gutter at center , large margins all around, original gum , very lightly hinged, the left and right vertical pairs Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and rare. ...... .... .......... ...... ...... .. ...... .. .... ...... .. .. $6,400
563 562 ** #C6a, 1938 6c Blue imperforate, handsome top sheet- margin vertical pair, with oversized margins on the other three sides , original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice. .......................... ........................ 1,200 563 <*l #C6a, 1938 6c Blue imperforate,top left comer margin vertica l pair, with large even margins on the other three sides , bright color, regummed (appears N.H.) , Extreme ly Fine. ...................................... ...................... $800 '°""CANADA
564 564 **
#C7a, 1943 6c Deep blue imperforate, choice bottom sheet-margin vertica l pair, with uncommonly large
margins on the other three sides, original gum , ever Hinged, an Extremely Fine gem ; only 50 pairs were issued......... ...................... ........................... ...................... ..................................... ............................................ $1,200 565 ** #C8a, 1943 7c Deep blue imperforate,select vertical pair, uncommonly large even margins all around, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice ; only 50 pairs were issued . ...................................... .... $1,200 October 8, 2008
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PartII "The 'MountRoyal' Collectionof CanadaandB.N.A."------
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Unitra de Catalog or Est imated Value
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#C9i, 1946 7c Deep blue on thin transparent ribbed paper, top right corner margin imprint and plate "No. l " block of four, original gum, very lightly hinged in the selvage and on one stamp , modified top selvage, otherwise Very Fine... ...................................... ................................................. ...................... ........................... $ 1, 125
566 PB*
567 567 **
#CEla, 1942 16c Bright ultramarine imperforate, handsome and choice bottom sheet -margin vertical
pair, with large margins on the other three sides , original gum, Never Hinged, Extre mely Fine ; only 75 pairs were issued. .. .. ...... .. ............ .. .... ...... .. ........ ....... ....... ....... .. ..... ....... .. ............ ......... ...... ....... ....... ....... ....... ............ $ 1,200 ** #CE2a, 1943 17c Bright ultramarine imperforate, rare left sheet -margin block of four, with ample to 568 EE large margins on the other three sides , original gum , Never Hinged, owner's hand stamp on gum of each , Very Fine ; only 75 pairs were issued and few blocks remain ..... ...................... ........................................ for pairs $2,400
569 EX
#CL2c/52, 1924-32 Private CommercialAirlines Air Post Semi-official collection of 40 mostly different mint singles and a tete-beche pair, the lot is comprised of " #CL2c , CL3-6, CL8 (2), CL9 -12, CL12a, CL13-15 , CL19 , CL20b , CL23-25 , CL25a , CL25b , CL25c , CL26c , CL26e , Cl29 , CL29a , CL40 (3), CL41 and CL43-52 , all origina l gum, most lightly hinged or Never Hinged, generally Very Fine ; a nice clean lot that would provide an excellent basis for continuation .... ...................................................................................... ......................... $4,700
569 **
October 8, 200 8
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Unitrade Catalog or Estim ated Value
IMPORTANT. Letters, and other articles by first class mail. intended for SPECIAL AIR DELIVERY, to be marked plainly on address side
and carry regular postage. Special Air Delivery stamps to be placed on the back or reverse ONLY. The sender assumes all risk. LAURENTIDE AIR SERVICE LIMITED operating
first Regular Air Mail Service."
"Let Aircraft Serve You."
570 570 BK.
#CL4a , 1924 Laurentide Air Service Ltd. , Fifth issued (25c) red, booklet pane of two, unexploded booklet containing four panes , fresh and intact without any creasing at the staple, original gum with interleaving adhering , front cover with small scuff at bottom , otherw ise Very Fine and scarce . ........... ....... ........... ..... $1,800
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Letters, and other articles by first class mail. intended for SPECIAL AIR DELIVERY, to be marked plainly on address side-
"BY AIR MAIL " and carry regular postage. Special Air Delivery stamps to be placed on the back or reverse ONLY. The sender assumes all risk. LAURENTIDE "Canada's
AIR SERVICE LIMITED operating first Regular Air Mail Service."
"Let Aircraft Serve You."
57 1 57 1 BK.
#CL4b, Laurentide Air Service Ltd., 1924 Fifth issue (25c) red, booklet pane of two, top stamp dark red and bottom stamp light red, unexploded bookl et containing four panes , fresh and intact without any creasing of the cover at the staples, original gum with interleaving adhering , Very Fine and scarce. ................ .... $ I ,800
IMPORTANT. Letters, and other articles by first class mail, intended for SPECIAL AIR DELIVERY, to be marked plainly on address side--
"BY AIR MAIL'' and carry regular postage. Special Air Delivery stamps to be placed on the back or reverse ONLY. The sender assumes all risk. LAURENTIDE AIR SERVICE LIMITED operating "Canada's first Regular Air Mail Service." "Let Aircraft Serve You."
572 572 BK. #CL4b , Laurentide Air Service Ltd. , 1924 Fifth issue (25c) red, booklet pane of two, top stamp
dark red and bottom stamp light red, unexp lod ed book let containing four pan es , original gum , eac h with a bit of interleaving adhering to the bottom left corner , back cover with a crease at th e stap le, otherwise Very Fine. ............ .......................... ......................................................................... ......................................... $1,800 October 8, 200 8
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimat ed Value - -----=------
.. .. ............. ················ --~········· ·...···················r· ~~~_.r••~1-aIm-r.lj'-
················ ............. ''":'"'········ ...···················:· 573
#CL4c, Laurentide Air Service Ltd., 1924 (25c) Red, booklet pane of two, top stamp dark red and bottom stamp light red, original gum , very lightly hinged, fresh and Fine.. ............................ ............... .......... ............ $300 574 EB** #CL9b, Elliot-FairchildsAir Service, 1926 (25c) Blue on yellow, tete-beche, block of four, being the $3 15 right half of the pane of eight , the top right stamp inverted, original gum , Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine . ..
573 *
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#CL25, CL25a, CL25b, CL30, Patricia Airways and Exploration Co. Ltd., 1926-27 Sc Green and red on yellow,overprintTy. B, descending in black , red and green and Ty. D overprint in black , horizontal pairs of
575 **
each with sheet-margin s, original gum, Never Hinged, one #CL25a with a small nick , otherwise Very Fine.
576 576 P
#CL42P, Yukon Airways and Explorations Co. Ltd., 1927 25c Black, reverse die proof, fresh and
Extre1nely Fine. ............ .................................................................................................................................... October 8, 200 8
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Un itrade Cata log or Est imated Value
577 577 *
#CL52a, Canadian Airways Ltd., 1932 "10 Cents" surcharge on (10c) orange and blue, surcharge inverted, original gum , lightly hinged, Fine and rare ; only a single pane of 50 was produced.... ................... $ 1,000 578 * #CL52a, Canadian Airways Ltd., 1932 "10 Cents" surcharge on (10c) orange and blue, surcharge inverted, original gum , tiny gum adhesion speck , lightly hinged, Fine and rare ; only 50 examples exist. .... $ 1,000
l=~======:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::==:: :::!!!!!! ~ • l.':::::::: ~ ==============::!!!!!!!!! !=::!.I
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579 EE** #CL52a, Canadian Airways Ltd., 1932 "10 Cents" surcharge on (10c) orange and blue, surcharge
inverted, an especially handsome and choice bottom left corner margin mint block of four, wonderfully fresh and well centered, original gum with a couple light fingerprint s, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and rare , especially as a block as only 50 copie s were discovered .... ............................ ................... .................... for singles $6,000
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580 580 PB* #CO la, 1946 7c Deep blue "0.H.M.S." overprint, no stop after "S", pos. 47, bottom left corner margin
imprint and plate "No . 1" block of four, the bottom right stamp the error , original gum , lightly hinged, the error Never Hinged, Extremely Fine . .......................................................................... ........ ......................... ............. $240
October 8, 20 08
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"The'MountRoyal'Collectionof CanadaandB.N.A." PartII
Lot -----
Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value
581 581 **
#E3b, 1927 20c Orange imperforate vertically, gem horizontal pair , choice centering and margins , origi$375 nal gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. .............................................. .................. ........................ ............... .
582 EE •• #E3b, 1927 20c Orange imperforate vertically, top sheet-margin block of four, fresh and intact , original
gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine to Extremely Fine . .... ....... ..... .. ...... .. ..... ....... .. .............. ...... .. ..... .. .................. ... $750 583 ** #E3c , 1927 20c Orange imperforate horizontally, choice verti cal pair, well centered and margined, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. .............. .............. ........ ....... ....... ......... ...... ....... ............... ........ ......... $375
584 584 rn•• #ESa, 1932 20c Henna brown imperforate, seldom seen block of four , large even margins all around,
pristine original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and rare; only 75 pairs were issued and few blocks remain. ......................................................................................... ........................... ............................... ........... $2,400 October 8, 200 8
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"The'MountRoyal'Collectionof CanadaandB.N.A." PartII
Unitrad e Cata log or Estim ated Value
585 585 <*l
#ESa, 1932 20c Henna brown imperforate, vertical pair, ample to large margins , rich color, expertly $800 regummed (appears N.H.) , Very Fine; only 75 pair s were issued. ........... ................................. ......................
#E6a, 1935 20c Dark carmine imperforate, rare right sheet-margin block of four, with oversized even margin s on the other three sides, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice ; only 75 pair s were issued and few block remain intact today. ................ ........................ ......................................... ....................... $2,400
586 EE **
587 587 **
#E8a, 1938 20c Dark carmine imperforate,choice vertical pair, uniforml y large margins all around, orig$1,200 inal gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; only 75 pairs were issued. ............................................................ 588 ** #E8a, 1938 20c Dark carmine imperforate,select vertical pair, oversized margin s all around, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice ; only 75 pairs were issued. ...................................................... .... $1,200 October 8, 2008
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"The'MountRoyal' Collectionof CanadaandB.N.A." PartII
Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
#ElOa, 1942 10c Green imperforate, handsome vertical pair, four large even margins, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; only 75 pairs were issued. ........................................................................................ $ 1,200 590 ** #ElOa, 1942 10c Green imperforate, choice vertcal pair, uniformly large margins, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; only 75 pairs were issued..... .................................................................................... $ 1,200
589 **
** 591 EE
#ElOa, 1942 10c Green imperforate, seldom seen right sheet-margin block of four, with oversized margins on the other three sides, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and rare; only 75 pairs were issued and few blocks remain intact today................................................................................................................... $2,400
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#Fl , 1875 2c Orange, top margin "TWO CENTS" and most of "British American Bank Note Co, Montreal" imprints block of six, gorgeous bright color, original gum, h.r. reinforcements, the center pair with a heavy vertical crease reinforced by hinges, otherwise Fine-Very Fine. ............................................for four singles $450
592 EE*
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"The 'Mount Royal' Collectionof Canada andB. .A." PartII
Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
593 593 ** #Flb , 1888 2c Rose carmine, vertica l strip of four, strong characteristic color, post office fresh, original
gum, Never Hinged, reperforate d at right which is not noted on the certificate , Very Fine appearance ; clear 2005 Gratton certificate . ............................................................................ ................................................................ $5,400
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594 594 * #Fl b, 1888 2c Rose carmin e, top right comer margin imprint and plate no. "2" vertical strip of seven, bright and fresh , original gum, h.r. reinforcement of perf. separations , still a Fine and attractive multiple... ........... $ I ,575
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- ------
Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
- -----
595 * #F2, 1875 Sc Dark green, an impressi ve mint example , featuring extravagantly wide margins all around
which are most uncharacteristic of this and being remarkably well centered within these generous borders , deep $200 rich color on fresh white paper , original gum , lightly hinged, Extremely Fine; a large-margined gem. ........ 596 * #F2c, 1875 Sc Dark green imperforate, without gum as issued, striking left sheet -margin part imprint vertical pair, with large even margins on the other three sides, luxuriant color on fresh white paper, Extreme ly Fine and choice ; only 200 pairs were issued. ................................................................................. .......... .............. . $1,500
597 (* l #F2c, 1875 Sc Dark green imperforate, vertical pair, huge margins all around, deep rich color , expertly
regummed over a small diagonal crease at bottom left, Extremely Fine appearance; only 200 pairs were issued........................... ........ ................................ .................................. ............. ............... .......................... ...... $1,500 598 EB. #F2c, 1875 Sc Dark green imperforate, handsome appearing wide bottom margin most of "British American Bank Note Co. Montreal" imprint block of four, with oversized margins on the other three sides, rich color, original gum, top pair shallow thin spot and vertical crease at right , bottom left stamp N.H. , Extremely Fine appearance . ........................................ .................. ................................... ................................ .....for pairs $3,000
599 599 * #F3, 1876 8c Dull blue, a lovely mint single , particularly well centered within large margins for this difficult $600 value, strong color, full original gum, Extremely Fine... ......................................... ........ ........................... ......
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Unitrad e Ca talog or Estimated Value
Ill ■
600 * #Jlb-J2b, J4b, 1906 le-2c, Sc Postage Due imperforate cplt., without gum as issued, all with large even margins , Very Fine set; only I 00 of each were issued. .. .. .. .... .. .. ..... .. ..... .. .. .......... .. .. .. .... .. .... .. .. .. .... .. .. ...... .. ..... . $ 1,500
60 1
601 **
#Jlla, 1934 le Dark violet imperforate, horizontal pair, generous margins all around, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice ; only 100 pairs were issued..... ....... ..................... ................................... . $ 1,000 602 ** #Jlla, 1934 le Dark violet imperforate, handsome left sheet-margin horizontal pair, with large margins on the other three sides, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine ; only 100 pairs were issued. ............ $ 1,000
603 EX
604 EX
603 **
#J15a-20a, 1935 le-lOc Postage Due imperforate cplt. , horizontal pairs , each with large margins all around, original gum , one l c with small gum disturbance spot from mount , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine ; only 100 sets of pairs were issued . ..... .. .... .. .. .. ..... .... ... .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .... .. .... .. ... ..... .. .. .. .... .. .... .. ... .... .. .... ... .. . $ 1,500 604 . ; •• #Jl5a-20a, 1935 le-lOc Postage Due imperforate cplt., horizontal pairs , each with a sheet-margin at left or right and huge margins on the other three sides, original gum which is slightly disturbed as most often on the 1c-4c values, the 10c Never Hinged, Extremely Fine ; only 100 sets of pairs were issued . .. ......... .............. ... $ 1, 125 605 ** #Jl 7a, 1935 4c Dark Violet imperforate, horizontal pair, large even margins all around, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine ; only 100 pairs were issued...... .......... ................ ............ ................................. $375 October 8, 2008
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·······~············~··············-········ :. : :.. .
Unitrade Ca ta log or Estim ated Va lue
-.. . . ................................... .: . ., .. ..... .................................. : : : : : ...
.. ..
606 606 . ; •• #MR3a, 1916 2c+le Carmine, Die II, horizontal "OTTAWA- No. - A 15" and "937 F" imprint strip of
ten, being the bottom row of the pane, with full selvages at bottom and left and a natural s.e. at right showing part arrow, beautifully centered with several choice copies, original gum, five stamps light h.r. and the other five Never Hinged, Very Fine to Extremely Fine..................................................................................................... $5,000
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607 607 EB** #MR4, 1916 2c + le Brown, Die II, bottom right corner margin full latheworkTy.B block of fifteen (3x5), fresh and intact, original gum, ever Hinged, Fine-Very Fine.............................................................for fine $735
Octobe r 8, 2008
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"The 'Mount Royal' Collectionof Canada and B.N.A.Colonies" Part II
Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
608 * #MR4b, 1916 2c+lc Brown imperforate, Die I , without gum as issued, horizont al pair, uniforml y large
margins, Extremely Fine. ......... ..... ............ ..... ............ ....... ...................... ..... .. ...... ............ ...... .............. ...... ....... $250 609 EE* #MR4b, 1916 2c+ le Brown imperforate, Die I, without gum as issued, choice block of four, large even margins all around, Extreme ly Fine . ....... ..... ............. ............ ...... .... . .. ........ ........ ......... .. .. ..... .. ..... ..... ....... ......... $500 fil
......... ....
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6 10
610PB** #06a, 1949 10c Olive "0.H.M.S." overprint, no stop after "S", pos. 47, fantastic bottom left corner
margin imprint and plat e "No . 2" block of four, the bottom right stamp the variety, perfectly centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice. ............. ................ ..................... ............... .......... ............. .... $450 61I PB** #06a, 1949 10c Olive "0.H.M.S." overprint, no stop after "S", pos . 47 , another fantastic bottom left corner margin imprint and plate "No . 2" block of four, the bottom right stamp the variety, perfectly centered, original gum , Never Hinged, an Extreme ly Fine gem. .............. ...... ......................................... ................ ....... $450
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50c Dark blue green "0.H.M.S." overprint, top right corner margin imprint and plate "No. l " block of four, original gum , hinged in the selvage only, the stamps Never Hinged, bottom pair with a light crease, Very Fine appearance. ............................ .................................................. ................................ ............ $1,800
612 PB* #09 , 1949
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Unitrad e Catalog or Estimat ed Value
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613 613 PB**
#O9a, 1949 50c Dark blue green "O.H.M.S. " overprint, no stop after "S", pos. 47, a seldom seen premium quality bottom left corner margin imprint and plate "No. l " block of four, the bottom right stamp the variety, incredibly well centered, strong and intact, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; clearly among the nicest of the mere 150 examples printed. .................................................................................................. $3,200 6 14 PB** #O9a, 1949 50c Dark blue green "O.H.M.S. " overprint, no stop after "S", pos. 47, bottom left corner margin imprint and plate "No. l " block of four, the bottom right stamp the variety, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine and rare...................................................................................................................................................... $2,400 T1Wfs.=:=,.:: ~tl~1=l'OIJARI) CNl'ADIAIJ -
:r.TAWA lft'
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6 15 615 PB*
#010 , 1949 $1.00 Red violet "O.H.M.S. " overprint, top right comer margin imprint and plate "No. l " block of four, choice centering, original gum, very lightly hinged in the top selvage only, the stamps Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. .................................................................................................................................. $675 6 16 PB* #010 , 1949 $1.00 Red violet "O.H.M.S." overprint,top leftcomermarginimprintandplate''No. l" blockof four, beautifullycentered,originalgum, lightly hingedon the top selvageonly, the stampsNever Hinged,ExtremelyFine. $675 µ.. OJ (l)
6 17 EX
#010 , 1949 $1.00 Red violet "O.H.M.S. overprint, matched set of imprint and plate "No. 1" blocks of four, all with excellent centering, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome. .................. $3,600 618 rn ** #O15Ac , 1950 Sc Deep blue "O.H.M.S. " overprint , no stop after "S", top left plate "No. l " pane of 100, pos. 78 the error, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine (No Photo)..... ............................................. $52 1
617 PB**
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Unitrade Catalog or Estim ated Value
. -•-
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620 EX
#025, 1950 $1.00 Red violet "G" overprint, bottom left comer margin plate "No. 1" block of four, excellent centering , original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. .................. ...................... ........................ $ 1,000 620 PB** #025, 1950 $1.00 Red violet "G" overprint, matched set of imprint and plate "No . l " blocks of four, well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine to Extremel y Fine set..... ....................... ............... ...... $4,000
619 PB**
............................... . 621
621 **
#O26a, 1950 10c Fur Resources "G" overprint,one without "G", pos. 31, bottom left comer margin vertical strip of four, top two stamps the error pair, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and scarce . .......... $ 1,275
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.......·.... ,
Unitrade Catalog or Est imated Value
....... .. .·..····•1································ ··········
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#O26a, 1950 10c Fur Resources "G" overprint, one without "G", pos . 31, top left corner margin imprint and plate "No . 2" block of sixteen (2x8) , pos. 13 the error , original gum , Never Hinged, corner crease in the selvage only at top right , otherwise Very Fine; it is believed that only about 50 error pairs exist. ...... $ 1,800 623 EB*/** #O26a, 1950 10c Fur Resources "G" overprint, one without "G", pos. 31, top left corner margin plate "No. 2" block of sixteen (2x8) , pos. 13 the error , original gum, hinged on the selvage and three stamps, the error pair Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and scarce . ..................................................................................for pair $ 1,275
r-.. CX)
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624 EX
matched set of imprint and plate "No . l" blocks of four, all well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine to Extremely Fine set... ............................ $4,000 625 PB** #038, 1953 50c Textile Industry "G" overprint, matched sets of imprint and plate "No l " and "No. 2" blocks of four, excellent centering , original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine sets (No Photo) .............. $520 624 PB** #027, 1951 $1.00 Fishing Resources "G" overprint,
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626 626
Unitrade Catalog or Est imated Value -
** #O46a, 1963 le Deep brown "G" overprint , double overprint , attractive top sheet-margin single ,
original gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine and rare ; only 80 copies were discovered; 1998 Greene Foundation certificate..... .................................................... ........................... ........................... ............................................ $ 1,500 627 ** #O46a, 1963 le Deep brown "G" overprint , double overprint , mint example showing both overprints nearly coincident, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine and rare; only 80 copies were discovered; 1995 Greene Foundation certificate. ............. ............. .................. ....... ................. ..... ........................... .................. .... $ 1,500
.fl 2
** #O47a, 1963 2c Green "G" overprint, one without "G", vertical pair , the top stamp the error , plus the bottom stamp shows the "G" badly misplaced (#O47iii) , strong and intact perforations , original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and rare. ......... ................................................................ ......... ......... ....................... ............ $ 1,500 629 * #0234 Var., 1937 4c Yellow, perforated small "0 HM S", perfin omitted , vertical pair, the bottom stamp the error and the top stamp normal , strong and intact perforations , original gum , very lightly hinged, Extremely Fine and rare ................................................................................... ......................... ..........................................$300 -400 628
630 EX 630
63 1 EX
* #0241-45, 1938 lOc-$1.00 Pictorials, perforated small "0 HM S", original gum , lightly hing ed, Fine
$305 set. ........................................ ................ ..................... .................. ........................................ ............................. 631 ** #0249-62, 1942-43 lc-$1.00 War Effort, perforated small "0 HMS " cplt. , a select set with all but the 14c and 20c value without damag ed perforations caused by positioning of the perfin , original gum , 13c-20c lightly hinged, the others Never Hinged, Very Fine ...... ................... ............................................................... . $483.70
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
632 **
#OX3, 1907 Victoria on white paper, a superb mint single , incredibly well centered amid balanced $375 margins , pristine original gum , Never Hinged, fresh and Extremely Fine . ................. ..................................... 633 ** #PWF6a, 1946 Black on red rouletted, vertica l pane of five, fresh and intact , original gum , Never Hinged, bottom stamp with a slight crease , otherwise Very Fine ............ ........................................... .......................... $337.50
634 634 **
#BCL23a, Law, 1912-26 Fifth Issue 25c Green, imperforate vertically, bottom margin horizontal pair, beautifull y centered within wide margins , pristine original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and scarce. $500
#BCL38a, Law, 1942-48 Eighth Issue 30c Orange, imperforate vertically, mint block of ten (5x2), being the bottom two rows of the sheet , the two right horizontal pairs the errors , original gum , lightly hinged, both error pairs Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine, the errors Extrem ely Fine.... ...... ................. ................. ......... $980
635 EB */**
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
636 **
#BCL40b, Law, 1942-48 Eighth Issue $1.00 Blue, imperforate horizontally,right margin vertical strip of three , well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, bottom stamp with small faults in the lower right margin only, otherwi se Extremely Fine . .................................................................................. .................................. for pair $150 637 ** #BCL63b, Law, 1981 Thirteenth Issue $1.00 Blue, imperforate, horizontal pair with vertical gutter, large even margins all around, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. ................... .................... ......... ........ $500
638 638 **
#BCL63b, Law, 1981 Thirteenth Issue $1.00 Blue, imperforate, vertical pair with horizontal gutter, large $500 even margins all around, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine . .............. .......... .... .. ........ .. .......... .. ....
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Unitrade Cata log or Estima ted Value
639 TC
#FB18-36TC, Federal Bill, 1865 Second Issue lc-$3.00 Victoria, trial color plate proofs on India mounted on card, lot of 30 different horizontal pairs, comprised of I c-3c in violet, green, brown and blue, 4c in blue, Sc in green, 6c in brown, 7c in orange, 8c in blue, 10c in vermilion, green, brown and violet, 20c in brown, 30c in green, 40c in vermilion, 50c in violet, $1.00 in green and black, $2.00 in vermilion and black, blue and black and yellow-brown and black and $3.00 in yellow-brown and black, all values of the set are represented, most with generous margins, all wonderfully fresh and clean, generally Very Fine and most attractive... ....................................................................................................................................Estimate $ 1000-1500 640 P #FB18-36P, Federal Bill, 1865 Second Issue lc-$3.00 Victoria, plate proofs on India mounted on card, set of seventeen horizontal pairs representing and example of each value, the 1c-9c in vermilion, 10c and 30c-50c in blue, 20c in brown and $ 1.00-$3.00 bicolored in issued colors, all with generous margins, incredibly clean and fresh, Very Fine and quite attractive.......................................................................................Estimate $ 1000-1500
64 1 641 P
#FB18-36P,Federal Bill,1865 Second Issue lc-$3.00 Victoria, plate proofs on India mounted on card, a gorgeous set of seventeen horizontal pairs, representing an example of each value, the I c-9c in vermilion, 10c and 30c-50c in blue, 20c in brown and $1.00-$3.00 bicolored in issued colors, all with generous margins, incredibly clean and fresh, a Very Fine and handsome set. ..........................................................Estimate $ 1000-1500
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FB53a, Federal Bill, 1868 Third Issue $2.00 Red and black, center inverted, an attractive used example of this very rare and sought-after revenue error, with vivid rich colors on fresh white paper, very light and unobtrusive ms. cancel, closed tear at upper right, Fine appearance; 1979 Greene Foundation certificate. .. $8,500
642 0
643 tE** #FEGl-11,
Electricity & Gas Inspection, 1930 S0c-$10.00 George V cplt., mint blocks of four, fresh and well centered, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine...........................................for hinged singles $278 644 tE** #FPS6a, Postal Note & Script, 1932-48 4c Blue, imperforate horizontally,mint block of four comprised of two vertical error pairs, wonderfully fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine and rare; only 50 pairs reported. ......................................................................................................................for pairs $1,000 October 8, 2008
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Unitrad e Catalog or Estim ated Value
645 645 <*> #FWS3, War Savings , 1918 2Sc Orange with French inscriptions , unused (no gum) , reperforated at right
and tear at left, Fine appearance ; one of the rarest of all Canadian revenue stamps as only a few examples are believed to exist. ....... .......... .. ......... ......... ................ ..... ......... .......... .............. ... .. ..... ............. .. .............. ..... . $5,000
646 BK #FWSlSa , War Savings, 1940-41 2Sc Carmine , booklet pane of eight different designs , unexploded $650 $ 10.00 booklet of five pane s, panes original gum, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine, the bookl et Very Fine..... 647 .o #QL109-16 , Law, Coat of Arms Issue lOc-$2.00 Green and black cplt. , all without gum except the scarce $ 1.00 value is used, Very Fine set. ............... ..................................................................................................... $237.50 648 0 #SLla , Law, 1907 Coat of Arms First Printing Sc Blue on white, center inverted , pos. 17, incredibly well centered, used with usual punch cancel , Extremely Fine and choice ; altho ugh 80 sheets each containin g a single error were printed, fewer than ten examples have been recorded , all except one still in the full sheet are $900 used, most of which have fau lts, the examp le offered here is one of the finest known; ex.-Balner. ..............
0 .~'
& Walton #EN-E2 to EN-E4 , (Sc) and (10c) Entire essay, unfinished designs in three different colors, blue, green and red on white laid paper , being the rejected die essays without value prepared by George F. Nesbitt & Co. and attributed to Canada or Nova Scotia , Very Fine and rare group ...... ...........Estimate $ I 000-1500
649 &8:i Covert
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British Columbia & Vancouver Island
#7, 1865 3d Blue, unused, left wing-margin single, strong color on fresh paper , nicely centered, vertical $ I 75 crease at left in the margin only, Fine appearance. .............. ...... ..... ......... ........... ........ ........ ...... ..... .......... ........
650 (* )
New Brunswick
651 651 *
#4, 1851 1/- Dull violet, a gorgeous appearing example of this rare and difficult mint stamp , possessing a marvelous overall freshness few others still retain , lovely bright color , four large even margin s, full original gum , some creasing which is not readily apparent, Extremely Fine appearance; 1993 Greene Foundation certificate .......................................................................................... ........................... .-............... $50,000
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
... .. ... ..········E· . ...... .--. ·····!·············.:.····· ..... ~~~
-······· ,
.L...... I 652
#6, 1860 le Red lilac, top right corner margin two imprints block of 25 (5x5), quite well centered for such a large multipl e of this, sh·ong and intact perforations , regummed, top right stamp with a diagonal crease , Fine or better ..... ..................... ................................................................. .................................... ......for fine singles $500
652 EE< *i
#2, 1857 2d Scarlet vermilion, a handsome appearing mint example of this elusive stamp , featuring considerably larger margin s that typicall y found on most existing copies , plus it color is absolutely radiant on fresh white paper , part original gum despite the certificate stating "unused - without gum ", diagonal crease at upper left, Extremely Fine appearance ; only 3,000 stamps were printed, mo st of which were used, with this being one of the more attractive singles available; 1973 R.P.S. certificate ................... .................................. $40,000
653 *
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Unitrad e Cata log or Estimated Value
654 654râ&#x20AC;˘> #8, 1957 8d Scarlet vermilion, horizontal pair, large to huge margins all around, luxuriant color and prooflike impression on white paper, regumrned (appears N.H.), Very Fine to Extremely Fine..... ................ $1,000
655 655 (*> #9, 1857 1/- Scarlet vermilion, unused as are virtually all copies, striking intense color on fresh paper,
margins close but clear all around, Fine; a nice sound example of one of Newfoundland's rarest stamps, only 2,000 were printed most of which were used; signed Buhler and accompanied by 1996 Greene Foundation certificate........................................................................................................................................................... $12,000
656 656 EE ** #12A, 1860 5d Violet brown, bottom left comer margin block of four, with large even margins on the other
two sides, wonderfully fresh, strong color, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, horizontal crease in the bottom margin just touching the stamps, otherwise Extremely Fine... ........................................................for singles $800
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Unih¡ade Catalog or Estimated Value
657 657 0 #15ii, 1860 1/- Orange, watermarked, handsome appearing used example of this exceedingly rare stamp,
clearly showing the "ST" of "STACEYWISE" watermark, four ample to mostly large margins, fresh color, neat grid cancel, pressed-out vertical creases, Very Fine appearance; an incredibly rare stamp, only 1,000 copies were printed of which Pratt estimates only 21-23 show the paper maker's watermark, of which perhaps three of four have survived for philately; 1983 Greene Foundation certificate; ex.-Harrison...... ..................................... $ I8,000
658 658 PEB#25Pi, 1865 Sc Yellow brown, plate proof on India, mounted on card, handsome left margin part imprint
block of six (3x2), with large margins on the other three sides, wonderfully fresh, Very Fine to Extrernely Fine. ..............................................................................................................................for singles $540
#48a, 1880 2c Red orange imperforate, unused top sheet-margin "British American Bank Note Co. Montreal" imprint horizontal strip of four, with oversized margins on the other three sides, bright color on crisp clean paper, left stamp with a light diagonal crease, otherwise Extremely Fine and very rare. ......................................................................................................for two pairs $800
659 <*l
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660 EX
#61-74, 1897 lc-60c Cabot cplt. , original gum , some h.r., 4c small thin and 1Oc pulled perf. , otherwi se FineVery Fine set. ................... ...................................... ............ ............... ................ ............................. ............ ....... $375
660 *
66 1
#78-85S, 1897-1901 lc-5c Royal Family, overprinted"Specimen", a fabulous complete set of all 44 different types of red or blue " Specimen " overprint in blocks of four, compr ised of 1/2c (5), 1c carmine rose, I c green (11), 2c orange , 2c vermilion (9), 3c (8), 4c (2) and Sc (7) , each with additional security punch , all wonderfull y fresh and mo stly well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Fine to Extremely Fine ; an eye-catch ing and highly exhibit able set. ...... .. .. ...... .. .... ........ ...... ...................... .... .. .. ............ .. ............ ...... ........ .... .. ........ .. $6,400
66 1 ffi**
662 662
* #84a, 1901 4c Violet imperforate, without gum as issued, horizon tal pair, large to very large margins all around, bright and fresh, Very Fine and scarce.... .............. ................ ............................ .......................... ......... $450
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Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
#86P, 1908 2c Carmine, plate proof on India, horizontal strip of eight, being two strips of four separated by a vertical gutter, large margins, light horizontal crease and vertical crease in the gutter ending in a tear at top, Very Fine appearance and scarce. .................................................................................................................... $800
663 P
#96TC, 1910 12c Guy lithographed, trial color plate proofs on stamp paper, four different colors, buff, yellow green, blue green and carmine, all with large margins, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and $400-500 scarce.........................................................................................................................................Estimate
664 TC
#96a, 1910 12c Guy lithographed imperforate, fresh horizontal pair, with oversized even margins all around, original gum, ever Hinged, left stamp with a light internal paper wrinkle, otherwise Extremely Fine and scarce; only 100 pairs were issued............................................................................................................. $1,000 666 * #99a, 1911 Sc Guy engraved imperforate, horizontal pair, large margins all around, rich color on fresh paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine. ...................................................................................... $400
665 **
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667 *
#114a, 1911 15c Royal Family imperforate, without gum as issued, ample to large margins, Very Fine.
668 EX
$ I 50
669 EX
668 *
#115a-26a, 1919 lc-36c Trail of the Caribou imperforate cplt., without gum as issued, horizontal pairs, all with large even margins all around, fresh and Extremely Fine; only 50 sets were issued. .............................. $4,200 669 * #115a-26a, 1919 lc-36c Trail of the Caribou imperforate cplt., without gum as issued, horizontal pairs, each with large margins all around, including 2c with sheet-margin at left, one 4c small thin, otherwise a Very Fi11eset; quite scarce and only 50 sets were issued. ........................................................................................ $4,200
670 EX
670 *
#13lb-32b , 134a-42a, 1923-24 lc-2c , 4c-15c Pictorials imperforate, without gum as issued, except 2c original gum, Never Hinged, horizontal pairs, each with large margins, rich colors on fresh paper, Very Fine. .. $2825 671 EE** #132b, 1923-24 2c Carmine imperforate, right sheet-margin guide crossline block of four, with large margins on the other three sides, intense color, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine.....................................................................................................................................for pairs $750 October 8, 2008
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Unitrad e Catalog or Estimated Value
#147 Var.,1928 3c Brown, grossly misperforated, top sheet-margin block of four, showing a strong shift of both the horizontal and vertical perforations, scissor separated as usual to leave the stamps intact, original gum, h.r., Very Fine for this.......... ...................................................................................................Estimate $300-400 $ I50 673 * #163c, 1929 le Green imperforate, without gum as issued, horizontal pair, Very Fine. ..........................
672 Ea.
675 EX
674 ** #166a, 1929 4c Magenta imperforate, handsome top left corner margin vertical pair, with large margins on the other two sides, rich color on fresh paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine......................... $315 675 . ; â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ #172-82, 1931 lc-30c Pictorials, re-engraved cplt., generally fresh and well centered, original gum, 4c and 20c lightly hinged, the others all Never Hinged, Very Fine set.................................................for hinged $322
676 EX
*/** #183-99, 1932-37, lc-48c Definativescplt., blocks of four, except 48c pair and two singles, original gum, 676 EB top stamps lightly hinged and the bottom pairs ever Hinged, Very Fine set. ..............................for singles $600 Octobe r 8. 2008
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■ #•
Unitrade Cata log or Estimate d Value
••4!• ••••
.. ...... 679 EX
678 EX
#183b, 1932 le Green imperforate, horizontal pair, oversized margins all around, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. .................................................................................................................................. $450 ** #183iv, 1932 le Green, imperforate at bottom, between stamp and selvage, left sheet-margin block of 678 EE eight (2x4) with horizontal gutter between the two blocks of four, the bottom pair the variety, plus the bottom pair in the top block of four shows an extra-wide margin at bottom, crisp and intact, original gum, Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine and unusual multiple from the booklet pane production sheet; also includes a top margin vertical pair with the bottom stamp showing the extra-wide margin and a top right corner margin block of four with an extra row of horizontal perforations through the bottom pair. .................................................................... $750 679 ** #186c, 187d, 189a, 191b, 1932 2c-5c Definitives imperforate, horizontal pairs, all with large margins all around, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. .................................................................................... $495
677 **
. . ··············--···············-·····
•...... .. .. ...................................... . ... .. .. .. 68 1
** #187 Var.,1932 3c Orange brown, bottom right corner margin block of four from the booklet pane pro680 EE duction sheet, showing an extra row of horizontal perforations through the bottom pair and a gutter margin at $200-300 top, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and unusual.........................................................Estimate 681 ** #187d, 1932 3c Orange brown imperforate, left sheet-margin horizontal pair, with large margins on the other three sides, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. .................................................................... $ I 80
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Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value
* 682 EE
#191d, 1932 Sc Deep Violet imperforate, Die I, without gum as issued, handsome bottom left corner margin block of four, with large margins on the other two sides, bottom right stamp with two light toned spots, otherwise Very Fine. ................................................................................................................................for pairs $240 683 ** #193a, 1932 10c Olive black imperforate, vertical pair, oversized margins all around, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. .................................................................................................................................. $180 684 * #193a, 1932 10c Olive black imperforate, without gum as issued, vertical pair, four large margins, Extremely Fine. ................................................................................................................................................ $120
685 PEE #208P,
1932 7c Red brown, plate proof, bottom left corner margin block of four, with large margins on the other two sides, Extremely Fine and scarce. ............................................................................................ $200-300 686 ** #208b, 1932 7c Red brown imperforate between, horizontal pair, beautifully centered amid balanced margins, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and quite scarce............................................................... $900
#209a, 1932 Sc Orange red imperforate, vertical pair, large even margins all around, original gum, tiny trace of hinging, Extremely Fine. .............................................................................................................................. $ 150 688 ** #210a, 1932 24c Light blue imperforate, vertical pair, large to huge margins, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. ................................................................................................................................................ $375 687 *
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Unitr ade Cata log or Estim ated Value
689 689tE** #211, 211i, 1933 15c Land & Sea, sheet of 25 without selvages , the bottom row without watermark , yield ing five vertica l pairs , one unwatermarked, fresh and intact , original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine .. ......... $637. 50
690 690 ** #213a, 215a, 1933 2c and 4c Gilbert imperforate, vertical pairs , both with large margins , original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine ... ............................................... ........................ ............................................... $ 187.50
691 **
#247i, 1938 4c Royal Family imperforate, horizontal pair, large margins , original gum , Never Hinged, $225 Extreme ly Fine. .................. ........................... .................................... ............................................................... 692 ** #248i, 1938 7c Royal Family imperforate, horizontal pair, large margins , original gum , Never Hinged, $225 Extreme ly Fine. .......... ............................................................................ .......................................................... Octobe r 8, 2008
Page 185
H .R. Harmer. Inc.
"The'MountRoyal'Collectionof CanadaandB. .A." PartII
Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
#253a, 1941 le Dark grey imperforate, horizontal pair, large margins, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. ................................................................................................................................................ $300 694 ** #262i, 1941 15c Pale rose violet, full offset image on the gummed side, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and striking. .............................................................................................................................................. $450 695 ** #263i, 1941 20c Green, full offset image on the gummed side, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and striking............................................................................................................................................................... $450 693 **
potents : 12STAMPS \ _:: .
Don. tents : 12 sTAMPs 697
#BK2, 1932 40c Unexploded booklet, containing le green pane of four (#183a), three 2c Rose panes of four (#l 85a) and 3c orange brown pane of four (#187c), all perf. 13, clean and fresh, panes original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. .................................................................................................................................. $1250 697 BK #BK2, 1932 40c Unexploded booklet, a similar lot................................................................................. $1250 696 BK
\::;o ntents: 12STAMPS
poten ts : 12STAMPS \ _:: ·
#BK2, 1932 40c Unexploded booklet, another similar lot. .................................................................... $ 1250 699 BK #BK2, 1932 40c Unexploded booklet, another similar lot, but the cover with an opening crease by the staple... .............................................................................................................................................................. $1250 698 BK
October , 2008
Page 186
H.R. Harmer, Inc.
Lot -----------
"The'MountRoyal'Collectionof CanadaandB.N.A."PartII ---
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Unitrade Cata log or Estimated Value ---
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700 700 EB* /** #C2, C2a, C2b, C2ii, 1919 $1.00 on lSc Scarlet, scarce combination block of four, the top left stamp
without comma after "Post" and without period after " 1919" (#C2b), top right stamp normal (#C2), bottom left stamp without comma after "Post" (#C2a) and bottom right stamp with small comma after "Post" (#C2ii), well centered, strong and intact, original gum, top left and bottom right stamps h.r. and top right and bottom left stamps Never Hinged, the bottom right stamp with thinned spots, otherwise Very Fine . ............................................................................ .................................................. ..for singles $2,360
701 701 *
#CS, 1930 36c Olive green "Trans-Atlantic/Air Mail/By B.M./"Columbia"/September/1930/Fifty Cents" surcharge, pos. 2 in the setting of four, fresh and desirable mint example of this air post rarity, deep
luxuriant color, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine; only 300 stamps were issued, of which 100 were used on flight covers, leaving only 200 mint copies available to collectors; signed Bolaffi, Diena and Hocombe and accompanied by 1963 Bolaffi and 1995 Holcombe certificates. ...................................................................... $8,000
702 702 *
#CS, 1930 36c Olive green "Trans-Atlantic/Air Mail/By B.M./"Columbia"/September/1930/Fifty Cents" surcharge, pas. 2 in the setting of four, attractive mint example of this rare stamp, deep rich color on
fresh paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine; only 300 stamps were printed, of which 100 were used on flight covers, leaving only 200 mint stamps available to collectors; 1996 Greene Foundation certificate. .............. $8,000 October 8, 2008
Page 187
H.R. Harmer, Lnc.
"The'MountRoyal'Collectionof CanadaandB.N.A."PartII
Unitrade Catalog or Estim ated Value
703 703 ** #C7c, 1931 50c Green imperforate, vertical pair, large even margins all around, luxuriant color on fresh paper, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice. .................................................................... $1,350
#C8b, 1931 $1.00 Blue, imperforate between, vertical pair, bright and fresh, original gum, small h.r.'s, bottom stamp with a small thinned spot, Very Fine appearance; only ten pairs are known; 1970 B.P.A. certificate; ex.-Sydney Harris....... .................................................................................................................... $ 1,400 705 ** #C8c, 1931 $1.00 Blue imperforate, vertical pair, large to very large margins all around, wonderfully fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine................................................................................................... $ 1,350 706 ** #C8c, 1931 $1.00 Blue imperforate, top sheet-margin vertical pair, with large to very large margins on the other three sides, bright and fresh, original gum, very lightly hinged in the selvage only, the stamps Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome. .......................................................................................................... $ 1,350 704 *
#ClOa, 1931 50c Green, Imperforate between, horizontal pair, well centered, original gum, right stamp with a shallow thin in the bottom margin, Very Fine appearance; only ten pairs are known. .............................. $ I,200 708 ** #Cl2, 1932 $1.50 on $1.00 Trans-Atlantic, fresh and well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, natural inclusion, Very Fine. ........................................................................................................................................ $800 707 *
Octo ber 8, 200 8
Page 188
H.R. Harm er, Inc.
"The 'Mount Royal' Collectionof Canada and B.N.A." Part II
709 EX
Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
7 10
#C13a-17a, 1933 Sc-7Sc Labrador imperforate cplt., matched set of right sheet-margin vertical pairs, each with large even margins on the other three sides, original gum, 60c Iightly hinged in the selvage only, the stamps all Never Hinged, an Extremely Fine set. ........................................................................................................ $4,8 00 710 * #C13a-17a, 1933 Sc-7Sc Labrador imperforate cplt., fresh vertical pairs, each with large even margins all around, original gum, very lightly hinged on the top stamps, an Extremely Fine set; ex.-Marden. ................ $3,000
709 **
7 11 EX
7 12
#C13a-17a, 1933 Sc-7Sc Labrador imperforate cplt., left sheet-margin horizontal pairs, each with oversized margins on the other three sides, original gum, Sc and I Oclightly hinged, the others all Never Hinged, right Sc stamp with a thinned spot, otherwise an Extremely Fine set. ............................................................ $4,440 712 * #C13b, 1933 Sc Labrador, imperforate between, horizontal pair, fresh and well centered, original gum, light h.r.'s, Very Fine and rare; only 20 pairs are believed to exist......................................................................... $ 1,600
7 11 . ; ..
5\A .,..
5 ""'
7 13
7 13 *
#C13c, 1933 Sc Labrador, imperforate between, vertical pair, wonderfully well centered, original gum, very lightly hinged, fresh and Extremely Fine; probably only 20 pairs exist. ........................................................ $ 1,600 7 14 ** #C14a, 1933 10c Labrador imperforate, yellow orange shade, vertical pair, post office fresh, large margins all around, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine................................................................... $400 7 15 ** #Cl 7a, 1933 7Sc Labrador imperforate, vertical pair, large to very large margins original gum, Never Hinged, fresh and Extremely Fine. .................................................................................................................. $ 1,280 October 8, 2008
Page 189
H.R. Harmer. Inc.
"The'MountRoyal'Collectionof CanadaandB. .A." PartII
Unitrade Catalog or E timated Value
NSSC #TB50, Military Canteens, Second Issue, without gum as issued, unused block of 32 (8x4), large margins all around, couple minor internal wrinkles, otherwise Very Fine; rare as such a large multiple. 2002 SSC........................................................................................................................................................ $2,560
7 17
717 SP
NSSC #TB82, Tobacco, Second Tobacco Importation Issue, 2 Ounces dark blue imperforate, overp~inted "CANCELLED" in magenta, without gum as issued, vertical pair, clear to huge mar~ins, Fine-Very $300-400 Fme................. ..........................................................................................................................Est1n1ate 718 * #OXl, 1905 Black on blue, well centered, original gum, tiny tear and comer crease at bottom left, Very Fine appearance......................................................................................................................................................... $1,000
719 7 191â&#x20AC;˘ > #5, 1851 6d Dark green, unused, four clear margins,
luxuriant color, certificate notes "small crease at lower left corner" which we are unable to detect, however there is a shallow thinned spot at center, Fine appearance; 1995 Greene Foundation certificate. ................................................................................................................ $5,000
October 8, 2008
Page 190
H.R. Harme r, Inc.
"The'MountRoyal'Collectionof CanadaandB.N.A. " Part ll --------
Lot -------
Unitrade Catalog or E timated Value
720 720 (* l #7, 1851 1/- Dull violet, desirable sound unu sed exa mple , margins all around, strong color and sharp
impression on crisp clean paper , Fine and rare ; signed Roig and acco mp anie d by 1984 Greene Foundation certificate. ............ .. ................ ................. .......... .. ... ..... ..... ............ .............. ....................... ............. .. ....... ......... t 3,500
le Black, plate proof on India overprinted "SPECIMEN.", mounted on card, block of four, the top pair with Ty. B "Specimen " overprint and the bottom stamps Ty. C " Specimen" overprint, pos. 2627, 36-37 , large margins all around, fresh and Extremely Fine. ...................................................................... $200
721 PEE#8Pii, 8Piii, 1860
Prince Edward Island ' . • ,1 . ~' ·::;-:·;;. ;;,
. ·~
'; •
722 EE* #5, 5v, 5vii, 5viii, 1862 2d Rose , part perforate , bottom left corner margin block of four, being imperfo-
rate between stamps and sheet selvages at left and bottom creating the three varieties, original gum , some light h.r. reinforcements , Fine and rare multiple.... ........... ................................. ............................ .......................... . $655 723 * #6iv, 1862 3d Blue, imperforate at bottom, between stamp and sheet selvage, original gum , small h.r., horizontal crease in the selvage only at center , still Fine and scarce. ... .......... .............. ....... ........ ....... ....... ...... $250 October 8, 2008
Page I 91
H.R. Harmer , Inc.
"The 'Mount Royal' Collectionof Canada and B. 1.A." Part II
Unitrade Catalog or Estimated Value
#6v, 1862 3d Blue imperforate, tete beche horizontal gutter pair, without gum as always, ample to mostly large margins all around, rich color, small faults as all have, Very Fine appearance; only six such pairs are thought to exist. .......................................................................................................................................... $ 1,750 725 TC #9TC, 1868 4d Pale blue, trial color plate proof on stamp paper, printed on both sides, single with ample to mostly large margins all around, reverse with full impression of 1862 3d Blue (#6), Very Fine and $200-300 rare; probably only a single sheet of 60 was printed.................................................................Estimate
724 *
#9e Var., 1868 4d Black on yellowish, imperforate between, horizontal strip of three, the left pair the error, plus the center stamp shows the shading variety two dots in front of Queen's nose, original gum, left stamp h.r., Fine and rare.............................................................................................................................for normal pair $2 12
726 *
........-¡.. '
#9vi, 1868 4d Black on yellowish, imperforate between, horizontal strip of five, being the top row of the pane, with full sheet selvages at left, top and right, the left strip of three the error, strong and intact perforations, original gum, Never Hinged, the errors affected by a light diagonal crease, Fine appearance and very rare; a mere six strips are recorded. ...................................................................................................................... $900
727 **
October 8, 2008
Page 192
H.R. Harmer. Inc.
Directions to our offices in Bethel, Connecticut I 84 in Connecticut Exit 5 - follow signs to Main Street Danbury , Connecticut South on Main Street, Danbury, Connecticut. Left on South Street-Route 53 In Bethel follow Grassy Plain Street to Francis J. Clarke Industrial Park. Take a right into Industrial Park. We are the first building on the Right. Visitors Parking for Office at Main Entrance West side Visitor Parking for Auctions on North Side of Building
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H.R. Harmer, Inc. 5 Francis J. Clarke Circle Bethel, Ct 06801-2845 (203) 702-8490 (203) 798-7902 FAX An Escala Group Company
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Danbu,y Fair Hall
Unless announced otherwise by the auctioneer. all bids are per lot. as numbered in the printed Catalogue. H.R. Hanner, as agent for the consignor or vendor, shall regulate the bidding and shall determine the manner in which the bidding shall be conducted. Hanne rs reserves the right to withdraw any lot prior to sale (without liability to any potential purchaser or agent). to re-offer any withdrawn lot. to divide a lot or to group two or more lots belonging to the ame consignor or vendor, and to refuse any bid believed not made in good faith. The highest bid acknowledged by the auctioneer shall prevail. Should a dispute arise between bidders (including a dispute between a floor bidder and the auctioneer acting on behalfof a mail bidder, consignor or vendor), the auctioneer alone shall detennine who is the successful bidder and whether to reoffer the lot in dispute. Should a dispute arise after the sale, the auctioneer's sale records shall be conclusive. On all lots sold, a comm ission of 15% on the ham mer pric e is
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Successful bidders who wish to submit an item for expen ization must specify their request in one of the following ways: I) when submitting their bid, 2) by calling our offices within 24 hours of the end of the sale, or 3) within 5 days of receipt of the lot(s). All lots being sent for expertization mu st be sent by H.R. Harmer, Inc., exclusively. If it is decided by the buyer after he has received the items that an expert opinion is needed, the items must be returned to the offices of H.R. Ham1er. Inc., at the buyer 's expense. Payment in full is expected for all items being sent for expertization. If a mutually acceptable expert determines an item is not as described, then H.R. Harmer, Inc. will refund the full purchase price and the buyer 's premium for the item. If a lot is altered, it cannot be returned. Lots with certificates from the P.F. or the P.S.E. less than 5 years old, are not eligible for re-submission. Lots may not be returned for reasons of grade, if that grade is different from that stated in the description.
Expenses of certification shall be borne by the purchaser except where a lot is certified other than as described and is returned to Ham1ers in accordance with Condition of Sale 8.
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(a) The auctioneer reserves the right to bid on behalf of clients (and consignors or vendors) but shall not be liable for errors and omissions in executing instrnctions to bid. however received. and whether such errors or omissions be those of the bidder or agent or those of the auctioneer. (b) All lots are offered subject to a reserve price. The auctioneer may implement such reserve price. The auctioneer may implement such reserve price by bidding on behalf of the consignor vendor. (c) It may also be assumed that all consignors have been advanced monies against the sale of their stamps and Harmers therefore has a security interest over and above the normal auction commission. (d) Purchases made by a consignor or vendor or his agent on his own lots shall be considered as a sale subject to commissions and sales tax as applicable. (e) Agents are responsible for all purchases made on behalf of their clients, unless other arrangements have been confirmed in writing prior to the auction. PAYMENT FOR PURCHASES
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Payment for lots. including those on which opinions are desired (Condition of Sale 8), shall be as follows: (a) Floor Bidders. Payment of the purchase price, or such part there of as Ham1ers shall require, shall be made by the purchaser in such manner as Hanners may determine. The name and address of the purchaser of each lot shall be given to the auctioneer immediately following the sale of such lot. (b) Mail Bidders. A successflil mail bidder will be notified of lots purchased. Before Harmers will send such lots. payment in full must be received by Ham1ers within three (3) business days of receipt of the aforesaid notification by the mail bidder. However, a purchaser known to Harmers. or who furnishes satisfactory references. may at Hanners option, have purchases delivered or forwarded for immediate payment (by a dollar draft on a U.S. bank in the case of overseas purchasers). Mailed delivery will be to the address on the bid sheet and proof by Hanne rs of receipt of a sending at the advised address shall constitute delivery. All charges for handling. delivery and insurance (obtained by Hanne rs on behalf of the purchaser) shall be added to the purchase price; a minimum charge of S 1.00 will be made. Risk of loss in transit shall be on the purchaser. (c) Where an opinion of a generally recognized authority is desired. the time for payment may be extended in accord with and subject to Condition of Sale 8. Title shall not pass to the purchaser until full payment has been received by Hanners as agents for the consignor or vendor. (a) Purchasers agree to pay for lots as specified in Condition of Sale 4 (or as the same may be modified by Condition of Sale 8). and no credit is extended; a late payment charge of 2% per month shall be added if payment is not made in accordance with the aforesaid conditions. This is 24% per year. (b) In the event that a bidder shall fail to comply with these Conditions of Sale ("Non-Comp lying Bidder"), then. as to any lot with respect to which such failure to comply occurs, Hanners may, in its sole discretion, re-offer such lot during the same auction or at an auction at a later time, or by private treaty at such time as Harmers. in its sole discretion, deems appropriate and the Non-Complying Bidder shall be liable for the deficiency, if any, between the hammer price and the net proceeds of a sale to a subsequent purchaser, whether at auction or by private treaty. as well as for all costs and expenses of both sales, all other charges due thereunder, including commissions with respect to both sales, whether payable to Hanners or to a third party and all incidental damages. It shall be in Hann ers' sole discretion to determine whether to re-offer the lot theretofore hammered-down to a Non-Complying Bidder at the same auction, or by private treaty in due course, or at a subsequent auction conducted by Hanner s. In no event shall any surplus arising from the sale of a re-offered lot be payable to a Non-Complying Bidder. (c) A defaulting purchaser shall be deemed to have granted Harrners a security interest in property in Harmers possession owned by such purchaser. Harmers shall have all of the rights afforded a secured party under the New York Uniform Commercial Code with respect to such property an may apply against such obligations all monies held or received by it for the account of, or due from Hanne rs to such purchaser. (d) If Hanners takes any legal steps to secure payment ofa delinquent account, the defaulting purchaser shall be liable for all legal and other expenses incurred by Ham1ers to secure such payment. including but not limited to a reasonable allowance for attorneys' fees. For purpose of this paragraph, the term legal steps shall be deemed to include any and all consultation by Hanners with its attorneys with respect 10 all matters arising out of a delinquent account. (e) Payment is accepted in the form of cash, check or credit card (Visa or MasterCard only).
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H.R. Harmer,Inc.
"The'MountRoyal' Collection of Canadaand B.N.A."PartII
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October 8, 2008 H.R. Harmer, Inc.
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Lot# 361 363 367 370 376 377 378 379 380 384 385 386 387 388 391 396 397 398 400 401 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 417 418 422 425 429 438 439 440 446 447 448 454 456 458 459 460
10/09/2008 09:26:50 H. R. Harrners Inc. Prices Realized for Sale 2988 October 08, 2008 The "MountRoyal" Collectionof Canada Part II
Realized Lot# 1,500 230 325 1,200 1,400 650 1,050 1,200 2,900 5,250 4,000 350 1,900 400 200 1,250 600 1,800 4,750 270 1,450 525 2,000 1,900 1,500 2,100 600 625 2,200 1,000 375 140 3,000 525 1,450 575 800 1,050 725 650 260 300 800 525 1,050
480 483 484 487 492 505 508 525 540 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 560 563 564 565 566 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 580 581 583 585 586 593 595 597 598 599 600 608 609 610 611 613
Realized Lot# 2,100 500 500 500 500 5,500 1,600 1,500 2,700 550 550 425 300 150 130 100 170 190 625 650 600 1,250 2,600 575 450 450 170 210 375 120 375 190 230 1,150 850 475 325 650 725 800 200 290 325 230 2,000
614 620 621 622 624 628 630 632 639 640 646 651 653 655 656 657 659 662 666 668 670 674 675 676 677 678 681 686 692 693 694 695 701 703 704 705 707 708 709 710 711 713 715 718 719
Realized Lot# 1,300 2,100 600 725 1,100 725 210 200 900 850 400 4,250 5,250 3,000 150 3,750 600 450 160 2,500 1,500 250 200 300 300 800 95 500 130 190 240 240 4,250 625 350 650 350 300 2,500 1,700 1,250 800 650 160 900
720 722 724 725 727
Realized 4,250 325 900 170 500
Page No. 1
Lot# 1 2 6 8 12 15 16 17 18 19 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 32 33 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 55 62 64 65 66 67 69 70
10/09/2008 09:26:50 H. R. Harmers Inc. Prices Realized for Sale 2988 October 08, 2008 The "MountRoyal"Collectionof Canada Part II
Realized Lot# 900 375 675 350 5,250 600 2,200 350 190 3,500 350 350 2,900 2,800 250 325 1,000 1,350 950 2,100 375 350 375 12,500 400 1,450 1,800 3,000 800 250 3,750 600 95 300 260 850 4,500 425 1,800 1,900 2,100 450 325 230 1,150
71 72 73 76 77
78 79 80 81 82 84 85 87 89 90 91 93 94 95 96 98 99 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 117 118 120 121 123 125 126 127 130 132
Realized Lot# 240 150 240 375 325 200 210 160 1,500 130 700 1,050 850 550 325 120 260 280 200 240 325 350 400 400 400 250 525 500 400 350 70 500 240 425 450 450 700 260 375 100 3,250 2,500 700 290 1,400
134 135 137 139 140 141 142 144 145 146 153 154 155 156 158 159 162 163 165 168 169 170 171 172 173 177 180 181 183 187 189 190 191 192 194 197 200 201 202 204 205 207 208 209 210
Realized Lot# 1,050 8,500 1,050 170 525 260 1,100 350 3,250 1,400 475 675 425 675 12,000 300 375 700 500 500 400 170 475 600 800 550 750 400 1,450 200 8,000 240 2,800 650 1,050 800 650 6,750 150 575 525 575 23,000 325 6,500
212 213 214 215 216 217 219 220 221 222 223 226 228 229 231 233 235 237 238 239 241 242 243 248 249 251 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 261 264 265 266 267 268 269 271 273 274 276 281
Realized Lot# 230 4,250 625 625 600 100 170 290 170 1,050 100 200 3,250 800 1,050 650 375 100 230 170 2,400 3,250 220 3,500 675 300 750 1,050 260 325 170 75 140 375 140 140 220 240 200 575 650 425 375 200 800
286 296 297 300 301 302 304 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 348 349 350 353 354 358 359 360
Realized 2,300 800 475 400 375 1,900 1,900 900 230 475 260 375 1,300 700 230 500 1,000 700 1,900 700 900 400 1,350 900 450 200 800 650 425 475 850 1,800 1,800 900 1,500 210 230 1,800 1,800 180 625 375 2,100 1,500 4,250