British Commonwealthand GeneralForeign Stamps & Postal Hist ory Featuring selections from the South Beach Collection of Foreign Stamps, the Pasadena Collection of Tristan Da Cuhna and a Gentleman 's Portfolio of British Rarities
H.R. Harmer Thursday, October 9, 2008 at 11:00 a.m. (After lot #3509 a brief break for lunch will be taken)
British Commonwealth and General Foreign Stamps & Postal History Featuring selections from the South Beach Collection of Foreign Stamps, the Pasadena Collection of Tristan Da Cuhna and a Gentleman's Portfolio of British Rarities
SALE TO BE HELD AT OUR OFFICES: 5 Francis J. Clarke Circle Bethel , CT 06801
September 17-20
September 22-24
October 6-8
London , England Sta mpe x - Stan d # 15, Business Design Center Islington
Wiesbad en, German y Offices of Crimpen and Younger Wilhelmstrasse #18
Beth el, CT USA call for details 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or by Appoi ntment
5 Francis J. Clarke Circle, Bethel, CT 06801 Phone:+ 1.203.702.8490 I Facsimile:+ 1.203.798.7902 Email: OUR CORPORATIO
(*) Unused (without gumor regummed) * Original gum (previously hinged or wilhout
Unexp loded Booklet
Booklet Pane
gum as issued) Original gum (never hinged) Used Block of four or larger Plate Block On Piece Cover, card or entire
8:30 a. m . to 5:00 p .m .
Proof Trial Color Specimen s Reprint R EDU Earliest Documemed Usage
MAJO R ABBRE VIATIO NS c.d.s. = c ircular date stamps ; NH = never hinged; cplt = com plete; o.g. = original gum ; FDC = first day cover ; ovpt. = overprin t; h.r.= hinge remnant ; pmk . = po stmark ; incl. = inc luding s.e. = straight edge; ms = manuscr ipt
Bidd ing Incre ments
UptoSI00 $100-$300 $300-$750 $750-S 1.500
S5.00 $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00
$3,000-$7,500 S7,500-$15 ,000 S 15,000-$30 ,000 $30,000-$75,000 $75,000 and Up
$250.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $2,500.00
S 1,500-$3,000
auctioneer' s discretion
CONDITION ext r eme ly fin e - outs tandin g, the highest quality po ss ible . ve r y fin e - choice condition. we ll ce ntered; if imperforate with four we ll clear margin s. fine - so und in all respect s, perfora1ions clear des ign ; if imperf ora te, margin s ma y be close or touching , but will not cut de sign . ve r y goo d - stamp s are so graded ei ther by reason of gene ral appea rance of impe rfec t ce ntering or a fau lt. Fau lts such as a 1hin spot , 1car, crease, etc. wi ll be described on indi vidua l lots at a ll times. In larger lots. degree s of cond ition denote the ave rage, and cop ies above and be low such cond ition ca n be expec ted. Minor separations on blocks or sheets are the ru le rather than the exception and arc not grou nds for the return of a lot. The tenn "mint" denotes that the item has origina l gum, but does not imp ly that it is neve r hinged . The tenn "unused" is used to describe an unc ancelled item that is wit hout gum. Regarding covers , the follow ing are not j ustifi cat ion for the return of a lot: tom or partiall y rem ove d back nap s, light file folds w hich do not detract from the overa ll appeara nce and small edge tears which do not affect adhesive or markings.
The above increments are simply provid ed as a guide for bidding ,mifromity. The auctio neer 1¡e1ains the right to change the increments at his discretion when bidding activity is parti cularly strong to exped ite the sale. or he may break the increments to accomoodare an agent S bid.
BIDS BY TELEPHONE (a) Mu st be co nfirmed in writing. (b) An y error s are the respo nsibil ity of the bidder. (c) No bids accep ted les s than I hour befo re sa le.
BIDS BY FAX OR EMAIL You may fax or e-mai l bids up to I hour before sale com mence s -
be sure to use
(203) 798-7902 or hrharmer @ hrh
PHONE BIDDING DURING THE SALE Phone bidding space is limite d and avai lab le on a firs t come , first served bas is. T he import ance of reserv ing ea rly ca nnot be ove rstated!
I. Lots of not more than IO items. 2. To U.S. clients only, at our di scretion.
Shaded portion can repr ese nt an actua l hin ge or the area disturbed by a hinge. ever hinged - unu sed w ith original gum in Post Office state and unmounted Lightl y hinged - unused wit h full original gum showing so me evide nce ofa pre vious hinge which may be pr ese nt in part or entire ly removed. Origina l gum - unu sed wi th origi nal gum so mewhat disturb ed by previous hinging which may still be pre sent. Part or ig inal gum - unu sed w ith origina l gum , large hinge remnants ma y or may not be prese nt. Disturbed orig inal gum - unused with original gum, affected by sweati ng, glazi ng or mount disturbance; ma y not resemble the or ig inal gum. Unuse d without gum (unless gum is mentioned) Unused without gum , as issued .
BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND THEIR GUM: Minor separation s are the rule , rather than the excep tion, in the case o f block s or sheet s of any size. A few se paratio ns- arou nd four perfs per row-do not affec t the valu e of a block or sheet and are not grounds for the return of a lm . ESTIMATED VALUES: If an estim ated cas h value is given , it is show n in the description. It is used w here the lot is large or whe re the actual value has little relatio n to the ca tal og ue pri ce. It represents the auctioneer's appra isa l of the true MARKET va lue of a lot and the figure is invariab ly close to the actua l reali za tion. It is usele ss for mail bidders to list any bid s that are only a low proportion of such estimates.
PHILATELIC AUCTION AGENTS Mr. Charles E. Cwiaka la 1527 S. Fa irview Avenue Park Ridge , IL 60068 + 1.847.823.8747
Mr . Frank Mande l P.O . Box 157 ew York, Y 10014 -0157 + 1.2 12.675.0 19
Pur ser Associates , Inc 84 Webcowet Rd #2 Ar lington , Ma. + I. 781.777.9555
3. Viewer fil!!S.!pay postage and insurance both ways and return lots wi thin 24 hours of receipt. 4 . Viewe r assumes all respons ibilit y, inc luding proper insurance. for any loss , w heth er in his posses s ion or in any and all fonns of trans it w hen returning Postal Viewing. 5. Refe rences required from bidde rs unknown to us.
HAN DSTAMP S/ BAC KSTAMP S Remembe r, 0 lots ma y be retu rned w ith back stamps stating Fake , Falsch , or sim ilar marking s. Recentl y there has been a spa te of German experti sers marking the backs of stamp s. It is you r responsibility as the purcha se r not to let thi s happ en.
orth TD Ba11k11 101 West Mai11Street New Britai11, CT 06051 A BA #: 0I I / 03093 y Ba11k& Trust) (former ly G/asto11b11r For: H.R. Harm er Nmm eg A uctions, / 11c. # 424223/ 14 / Acco 11111 Please call fo r new /11ternutio11ali11str11ctio11s! (103) 701-8490
Walter Spivey Jr.
Dave Conway Sheritha Jones Jenn Naples
Sandy Hanrahan
5 Francis J. Clarke Circle Bethel , CT 06801 TEL: + 1.203.702.8490 I FAX: +1.203 .798.7902 Email: hrharmer
REAL-TIME INTERNET BIDDING We invite you to utilize live internet bidding via Stamp Auction Network for our sale. This system allows you to feel the energy and exc itement of being on the auction floor as you actively follow the auction live at it happens. The bids are relayed promptly to you and your bid s are promptly relayed to us. You can jump into the auction at any time if you see a bargain or if something inter esting catches your eye while you enjoy all the comforts of your home of office . Best of all, we offer this service at no additional cost. While we believe this system is safe we cannot guarantee against all contingencies regarding the internet , or against user error. REGISTRATION IS VERY SJMPLE. FOLLOW THESE EASY STEPS AND START BIDDING !
in order to bid during our live auction, you must be registered and approved for biddin g with both Stamp Auction Network & H.R . Harmer.
IF YOU ARE COMPLETELY NEW TO STAMP AUCTIO N NETWORK: Brow se to and click "Register" at the top of the screen, fill out the form , making sure you check the box for H.R. Hanner , wait until you are approved, then go to the table of contents page for our auction, and pick "Join the Public Auction in Progress " . IF YOU ARE ALREADY REGISTERED WITH STAMP AUCTIO N NETWORK, BUT HAVEN'T BEEN APPROVED: Login at, pick "U pdate Registration ", check the box for H.R . Hanner , wait until you are approved , then go to the table of contents for our sale, and pick "Join the Public Auction in Progre ss". IF YOU ARE ALREADY REGISTERED WTTH STAMP AUCTIO N NETWORK AND ARE STILL PENDING APPROVAL: If you have selected H .R. Harmer , during your registration process and still haven ' t been approved, plea se feel free to contact us at 203- 702-8490, 1-800-STAMPS 1 (782-6771 ), or at hrharmer . IF
Login at , go to the table of contents for our sale, and pick "Join the Public Auction in Progre ss". You will be assigned a paddle number and are ready to start bidding! L ASTLY, if you are bidding actively on a lot and the bidding has passed your maximum bid kindly use the "Pass" button to help expedite the sale.
Of course, if you have any questions or concerns about Real-time bidding , please feel free to call our offices at 1.203 .702.8490 or 1.800.782.6771 and ask for Jo Mills, or email us at hrharmer
5. 6.
BIDDING Unless announced otherw ise by the auctioneer, all bid s are per lot, as numb ered in the print ed Ca ta log ue. H .R. Ha rmer, as age nt for the co nsignor or ven dor, sha ll reg ulate the biddin g and sha ll determin e the manner in w hich the biddin g shall be co ndu cted . Harm ers rese rves the right to w ithd raw any lot pri o r to sa le (w ith out liabilit y to any potenti al purchase r or age nt), to re-offe r an y withdra w n lot, to div ide a lot or to group two or mo re lots belonging to the sa me co nsig nor o r ve nd or, and to re fuse any bid believe d not made in good faith . Th e high est bid ac lmow ledge d by the auctionee r shall preva il. Should a disput e arise betwee n bidd ers (includ ing a di sput e be twee n a floo r bidde r and the auctioneer acting on behalf of a mai l bid der, co nsignor or vend or), the auctioneer a lone ha ll determin e who is the success ful bidd er and whether to reo ffer the lot in dispute . Sh ould a disput e arise a fter the sa le, the auctionee r 's sa le recor ds shall be co nclu sive. On all lots sold, a co mmi ssion of 15% on the hammer price is paya ble by the buyer. (a) Th e auction ee r reserves the right to bid on behalf of clients (and co nsigno rs o r ve ndors) but sha ll not be liable for errors and omi ss ions in exec utin g instructions to bid, however received, and whether such errors or omissions be thos e of the b idder or age nt or those of the auctionee r. (b) A ll lots are offe red subj ect to a reserve price. Th e auctioneer may impl ement such reserve price . Th e auctioneer may impl ement such reserve price by biddin g on behalf of the co nsignor vendor. (c) It may a lso be ass um ed that all co nsig nors have been adva nce d monies aga inst the sa le o f the ir sta mp s and Harmers therefo re has a sec ur ity in1eres 1 ove r and above the nom1al auction co mmi ss io n. (d) Pur chases made by a co nsigno r or vendor or his age nt on hi s ow n lots shall be considered as a sa le subj ect to co mm iss ions and sa les tax as appli cab le. (e) A ge nts are res ponsib le for all pur chases made on behalf of their clients, unl ess other arrange ments have bee n co nfin ne d in writi ng prior to the au ction. PAYMENT FOR PURCHASES Pay ment for lots, includi ng those on w hich opini ons are desi red (Co nditi on o f Sa le 8), sha ll be as fo llows: (a) Floor Bidd e rs. Pay ment of the purchase pr ice, or such pa rt ther e of as H armers shall requir e, shall be made by the pur chase r in such mann er as Hann ers may determin e. Th e name and addr ess of the pur chase r of eac h lot shall be give n to the auctioneer imm ed iately follow ing the sa le of such lo t. (b) Ma il Bidder s. A succ ess ful mail bidd er w ill be notifi ed of lots pur chase d . Befo re Harm ers w ill se nd such lots , pa ym ent in full must be rece ived by Han ners w ithin three (3) business days o f recei pt of the afo resa id notification by th e ma il bi dd er. Howeve r, a pur c hase r know n to Harm ers, o r w ho furnishes sa tisfac tory references , may al Ham1ers opti on, have pu rchases deli vered or forwa rd ed for imm ediate pay ment (by a dollar draf t on a U.S. bank in the case of ove rseas pur chase rs). Mailed delive 1y w ill be to the ad dress on the bid sheet and proof by Harm ers of recei pt o f a se ndin g at the ad vise d addr ess sha ll co nstitut e de livery. A ll charges for handlin g , delivery and insuran ce (o btained by Hanne rs on behalf of the pur chaser) shall be add ed 10 the pur chas e price ; a min imum charge of $ 1.00 w ill be made. Risk o f loss in transit shall be on the pur chase r. (c) Wh ere an opini on o f a genera lly recog n ized auth ority is des ired, the time for payment may be ex tended in acco rd w ith and subjec t to Co nditi on of Sa le 8. Titl e sha ll not pass to the purchase r until full pay ment ha s bee n rece ive d by Harm ers as age nts for the co nsignor or ve ndor. (a) Pur cha sers ag ree to pay for lots as spec ified in Co nditi o n of Sale 4 (o r as the sa me may be mo difi ed by Co nditi on of Sa le 8), and no credit is ex tend ed ; a late pay ment charge o f 2 % per month shall be add ed if pay ment is not made in acco rdance wi th the afo resa id co nd itions. Thi s is 24% pe r year. (b) In the eve nt that a bidde r shall fail to co mpl y w ith these Co nditi ons of Sa le ("No n- Compl ying Bidd er") , then, as to any lo t w ith res pec t to w hich such failur e to co mpl y occ ur s, Ham1ers ma y, in its so le d iscre tion, re-offe r such lot durin g the sa me auction or at an auction at a later tim e, or by pr iva te trea ty at such tim e as Hanners. in its so le di scretion, dee ms app ropri ate and the No n-Co mp lying Bidd er shall be liable for the de ficiency, if any, betwee n the hamm er pri ce and the net procee ds of a sa le to a subseq uent pur chase r, whether at auction or by priva te treaty, as we ll as fo r all cos ts and ex penses o f both sa les, a ll other charges du e thereund er, includin g co mmi ss ions w ith respec t to both sa les, w hether paya ble to Harm ers or to a third party and all inc identa l da mages. It shall be in Harm ers' so le di sc retio n to de rem 1ine w hether to re-offe r the lo t theretofo re ha mm ered-d ow n to a No n-Co mp lying Bidd er at the same auction, or by pri vate treaty in due course, or at a subsequ ent auction co ndu cted by Hanner s. In no eve nt shall any surplu s arising from the sa le o f a re-offered lo t be paya ble to a No n-Co mp ly ing Bidd er. (c) A defau lting purchaser shall be deemed to have gra nted Hann ers a sec urit y int eres t in prop erty in Ham1ers possess ion ow ned by such purch aser. Harm ers shall have all of the rights affo rd ed a sec ured pa rty und er the New York Unifon n Co nun erc ial Co de w ith res pect to such property an may app ly against such obl igations all monies held or rece ive d by it for the acco unt o f, or due fro m H armers to such pu rchase r. (d) If Harm ers tak es any lega l steps to sec ur e paym ent of a delin quent acco unt , the de faultin g pur chase r shall be liable for all lega l and other ex penses incurred by Hann ers to sec ure such payme nt, includin g but not limit ed to a reasonable allowa nce for attorn eys ' fees. For purp oses of th is parag raph , the tern, legal steps shall be dee med to includ e any and all co nsult ation by Harmers w ith its attorneys w ith respe ct to all matters arising out of a delinquent account.
(e) Pay ment is acce pted in the form of cas h, check or cred it ca rd (Visa or Mas terCa rd only).
EXHIBITION AND INSPECTION OF LOTS; QUALITY AND AUTHENTICITY 7. (a) On Premises Inspection and Postal Viewing. Ampl e opp ortunit y is give n for o n pr em ises inspection pri o r to the auction date, and , up o n wri tten request and at Harm ers disc retion, for inspection by postal view ing (a ll as detaile d elsew here in this Ca talog ue). (b) Ea ch lot is so ld as ge nu ine and co rrec tly desc rib ed , base d on ind ividu al desc ripti on as modifi ed by any spec ific notatio ns in thi s Ca talog ue, including bu t not res tricted to the sec tion entitl ed " Key to Ca taloguit1g" . (c) Quality. A ny lot which a pur chase r co nsiders to be inco rrectly desc ribed may be return ed to Harm ers w ithin two wee ks o f its rece ipt by such pu rchase r ('' Ret urnin g Purchase r"), prov ided , however , that the same is rece ived by Han ners within four weeks of the date of the auction; howeve r, Harn 1ers may, in its d isc ret ion, re fuse acce ptanc e o f such return ed lot. If an o pinion of a ge nera lly recog nized autho rity is desi red , the period of tim e w ithin w hich a lot mu st be rece ive d by Hann ers wi ll be ex tended in acco rdance w ith Co nditio n of Sa le 8. In the eve nt that a disput e ca rrnot be reso lved by refe rence to a ge nera lly recogn ized auth ori ty, and Hann ers thereu pon und en akes to re-offer the lot with a desc ription identical to the desc ription d isput ed , the Returnin g Purchase r shall be liable for the de ficiency, if any, between the pro ceeds o f the sa le to the Retumi ng Pu rchaser an d the procee ds ofa sa le to a sub se qu ent purchase r, as we ll as for all cos ts and ex penses of the re-sa le, includ ing com mi ss io n, and a ll incide ntal damages. A ny lot, the desc ripti on o f which is di sput ed, mu st be return ed intact in the co ndit io n received by the purchase r. The follow ing lo ts are not returnable exce pt at the discretion of Hann ers: (i) lots from purchase rs who artended the ex hibiti o n of the lots; (i i) lots exa min ed by pos tal viewe rs; (iii ) lo ts on acco unt of th e ir app eara nce, if they are illu stra ted in thi s Ca talog ue; (iv) lots d esc rib ed as hav ing repa irs, defec ts or faults- for any reaso n; (v) U .S. stamps (throu gh I 9 I 8) for reaso ns of paper inclusions, (v i)no et1caps u lated stamp s unl ess or ig inally offe red in thi s co nditi on. (d) Auth enticity. A ny lot which is decl are d otherw ise than ge nuin e by a ge nerall y recogn ized author ity is retum ab le, prov ided such lot is receive d by Han n ers w ithin four wee ks o f the date of the auction. Proo f that a ge nerally recog niz ed authority dec lines to ex pr ess an op inion is non n ally gro und s for the return of a lot. (e) Expenses incurr ed in the submi ss ion and the return of a lot under Condi tions of Sa le 7-9 are no t refu nde d. 8.
EXTENSION OF TIME Su ccess ful bidd ers w ho w ish to sub mit an item for ex peni zat ion must spec ify thei r requ es t in one of the fo llow ing ways: I) w hen submitti ng the ir bid , 2) by ca lling our offices w ithin 24 hour s o f the end of th e sa le, or 3) w ithin 5 days of rece ipt of the lot(s). A ll lots being sent for expert iza tion must be sent by H.R. Harm er, Inc ., exc lus ive ly. If it is dec ided by the bu ye r a fter he has rece ive d the items that an ex pert o pini on is needed , the items mu st be return ed to the offices of H.R. Hann er, Inc. , at the b uye r 's ex pense. Pay ment in full is ex pec ted for all items being se nt for ex pertizatio n. If a mutu ally acce ptable ex pert de tenn ines an item is not as desc ribed , then H.R. Harm er, Inc. w ill refu nd the full pu rchase price and the buyer 's premium for the item . If a lot is a ltered , it can not be return ed . Lots w ith ce rtifi ca tes from the P.F. or the P.S.E. less than 5 yea rs o ld, are not elig ibl e for re-submi ssio t1. Lo ts may not be return ed for reaso ns of gra de, if that gra de is diffe rent from that stated in the desc ript ion . EXPENSES OF CERTIFICATION Expenses of cert ifica tio n shall be born e by the purchaser excep t w here a lot is ce rti fied o ther than as desc ribe d and is retu rned to Hann ers in acco rd ance wi th Cond itio n of Sale 8.
SALES TAX I 0. Un less exem pted by law, a pur chaser shall pay Co nn ecticut o r New York State and loca l sa les taxes , or any co mp ensa tin g use taxes o f any other State. APPLICABLE LAW,JURISDICTION, ETC. 11. A ll matters arising out of this auction shall be gove rned by the laws of the Stat e of New York without giving effec t to the cho ice of law princ iples thereo f. 12. A ny co ntrove rsy or claim arising out of or relating to this auction shall be sett led by arb itration in the C ity o f New York , State of New York in acco rda nce w ith the Rul es of the A merica n A rb itration Assoc iatio n and jud g ment upon the awa rd rende red by the Ar bitr ator or Arb itrato rs may be entered in any Co un hav ing jurisdic tion . 13. Th e purchase r at thi s auction (a) co nse nts an d subm its to the j ur isdiction of the Co urt s of the State of New York and of the Co urt s of the Un ited States for a judi c ial di strict w ithin the territo ria l limit s of the State of New York fo r a ll matters arising o ut o f thi s auct ion sa le, includin g, w itho ut limit ation, any action or procee din g inst itut ed for the enforcement of any right , remed y, obli ga tion and liabi lity arising und er or by reaso n thereo f; and (b) co nse nts an d submit s to the ve nue of such ac tio n o r pr ocee d ing in the C ity and Co unt y of New York (or such j ud icia l d istr ict of a Cou rt o f the Unit ed States as sha ll includ e the sa me).
Table of Contents British Grea t Britain .. . .... . . . . . .300 1-30 14 Great Britain and offices .. . . ..... 3015-30 I 6 Aden . . . . . ........... . .. . . . .3017-30 18 Angui lla .. . . ......... . .... . . .. 3019 -30 19
Seyc he lles .......
. . . .. . . . ... .. 32 15-3219
Sie rra Leone .. . .. . ...... ..... .322 0-3 226 Somalil and Protectorate . . . .. . ... 3227 -3227 South Africa ..... .. . . . . ... 3228 -3229 Southern R11odesia . ... .. . .. .. .. 3230-3230 Sout h West Afr ica . . . . . ...... . .. 323 1-3232
.... Ge rm an State s ... Ge rm any & Area ........
... . . ... 3529-3531 . .. . . .. 3532 -3624
Greece ........... . .. . ... . .... 3625 -362 8 G reenland ... . .. .. . .... . ... . .. 3629-362 9 Guadeloupe . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 3630 -363 0 G uatemala . ...... . .. ... . . . .... 363 1-3631 Hun gary ........ . .. .. . . . . . . .. .3632-363 4
.3020 -3031 Australia & States .. ... . ....... Bahamas .. . .... .3032 -3033 Balu¡ain .. ..... . . . .. . ....... . .3034-3034 Bangkok ........ . . ......... .3035-3037
Stellaland .. . .. .... . ........ Straits Settlement s . ............. Suda n .......... . . .. ....
Barbado s ........ . . . .. .. . .... .3038-3038 Bec huanaland . ....... . .. .. . . .. 3039-3039
Mafi a Isla nd .. . .. ... . ........ .3240 -3243 Tobago ......... . . . ...... . . .. .3244 -3244
lnd o China .. .. . .. . . . ....... . . .3650-365 0 Israe l .. .. . . . ...... . ... . . .... 365 1-365 5
Bechua naland Protectorate ....... 3040- 3042 Bermud a ....... 3043-3045 Britis h Central Afr ica . . .. . .. . . .. 3046-3046 British East Africa ..... ..... . .. .3047-3049
Togo . .. . . . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .3245 -3255 Tran svaa l .. .... ............. .. 3256 -3256
Italian Area
British Guiana . . . .... .. . .. . . .. .3050 -3050 Burma .. .. . ... .. . . . . . . .... .. .305 1-305 1 Bushir e . .. ............. . . . . .. 3052-3052 Briti sh Oc cupation of Ca mero uns .. 3053-3053 Ca meroons ... . .... .... . .. . . .. .3054 -3056 Ca nad a & Newfo undland . .... ... 3057 -3069 Cape of Good Hope .. . .. . . . .... 3070 -3072 Cay man Islands ... .. ... . ....... 3073 -3078 Cey lon . ... ..... . .. ... .. ...... 3079-3082 Cyp rus ........ .. . .. .. . .. . .... 3083-3086 Egy pt .. . . . .......... . ... 3087-3087 East Afr ic a & Uganda Protectorate s 3088 -3088 Falkla nd Island s . ........... . ... 3089-3092 Gambia ......... .. . . . . . .. . . . .3093 -3093 G ibraltar ...... . . . . ........... Hong Kong . .. ... . .. . ..... . ... Ind ia States .. . ..... . . . . . .. ... Jordan . .. .. . . ... ......... ...
3094-3095 3096 -3096 .3097 -31 19 .3 I 20-3 I 3 1
Ken ya , Uganda & Tanza nia ....... 3 132-3 139 Kuwait .... . . .... . .. . .. . ... .3 140-3 141 Lab uan ..... . .. .. . . . .. . . ..... .3 142-3142 Lagos .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . . .... Leeward Islands .... . ...........
.3 I43-3 I 43 3144-3 145
Madag ascar .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .3 146-3147 Ma laya.. .. .. . . . .. . . . . .. 3 148-3150 Ma lta .... . .. .... . Mauritiu s ... . . . .... Na tal ..... . ... . . . Na uru .. ... .. . .... Nev is ........ . .. .
.... . ...... 3 15 1-3 151 . . . . . .. . . . .3 152-315 6 .. . . . . . . . . .3 157-3 158 . .. .. .. . . .. 3 159-3 159 ....... . ... 3160-3 16 1
New Brit ain .. ... .. . . .. . ... . . . .3 162-3 170 New Republic .............. . .. 3 I 7 1-3 I 74 New Zea land . . . . ... . .. . . . ... .. 3175-3184 Niger Coast Prote ctora te ......... 3185-31 86 Nigeria .. .........
. .. .. ... . ... 3187 -3 187
Nort h Born eo . . . .... .. . .. .. 3 I 88-3 I 88 Nyasa land Prot ectorate . .. .. . .... 3 189-3 193 Orange River Co lony .. . .. ... . . .3 194-3 197 Papua New G uin ea . . . .... . ..... 3 198 -3204 Rhodesia ... . .... .. . .. .. . .... .3205-3207 St. Helena .. . . . .. . . .. . .... . ... 3208 -3209 St. Vince nt .............. . ..... 3210-32 10 Samo a . .. . .. ....
.. .32 I 1-3214
. .. 3233 -3233 3234 -3 235 . . .. .3236-3239
Tri nid ad . . . .. .. . . . .. . . ... 3257 -3257 Tristan da C unh a .. . . . . . . .. . .... 3258-3293 Turks Islands . ..... . . . . . .. . ... .3294 -3295 Uga nda ..................... .3296-330 1 Zanz ibar . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. ....... Z ululand Worldwide Stamps A lban ia ..... .....
Ivory Coast Kiauchau Latvia .... Liberia . ..
... .. .. . .. . . . ... .3656 -369 3 .... . . .. . .. .. .... . . .. ..... . . .. . ... . .. . .. . .. .. ..........
.. .. . . .. ... . . .... . . ..
.3694-369 9 3700 -370 8 3709-37 12 .37 l 3-3769
Liby a .... .. .. ..... . .... . ... .3770 -3772 Liec htenstein ... . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. 3773 -377 6
.. . . . . . . .... 3308-3308
Lith uania ... .. .........
Luxe mb ourg .. . .. . ....... .... .3779 -3780 Ma dagascar ...... . ... . . .. . .. .. 378 1-378 3
.. . . .... 3309-332 0
An dor ra (Spanish & Frenc h) . . ... .332 1-3322 . ... 3323 -3323 An nam & Tonkin .... ....... Austria ........... . .. . .. .. . ... 3324-3358 Belgian Co ngo .. .. . .. .......... 3359-3360 Belg ium . .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . . .... .336 I- 3366 Ben in ... .... .. . ... ...... .... 3367 -337 I Bolivia . .....
Ice land . .. . . . ... .. . . ... . ... .. .3635-364 8 Ifni . .. .... .. ... .. . . . . . .... 3649 -364 9
. .. . .....
. .. . .... 3372 -3372
Bra zil .. ... .. . .. . .. . . .... .3373 -3373 Ca mero un ........... .. ....... 3374 -33 76 Ca pe Jub y .. .. .. . ........ . ... .3377 -3377
. .. . ... 3777 -377 8
Mar iana Islands . . .. . . .. .... .. .. 378 4- 379 3 Mar ienwe rder .... . .. ..... .. . .. 3794 -379 4 Marsha ll Islands ..... .. .. . Martinique .... .. . . .. . .... Mex ico ....... . ... . . . . . . . Monaco . . .... .. ....... ..
. .... 3795 -3796 . . ... 3797 -379 7 .. ... 3798 -382 5 . .. .. 3826 -382 6
Montenegro - German Occupa tion .3827 -382 7 Nethe rlands ... . .......... . . .. .3828 -383 3 New Ca ledonia .... . .. . ... . . ... 3834 -383 8 New Heb rid es (French ) . . . . . . . . .. 3839 -383 9 No rth ln ge rmanl and ....... . . ... 384 0- 3840
Caro line Islands ................ 3378 -3385 Cas tellor izo .. . .. ... . .......... 3386 -3387 Centra l Lithuania ... . .. .. . .. .. .. 3388 -3389 Co lombi a ... .. .. . ....... . . ... .3390 -3406
No rway . . .... .. . . . .. . .. . . . ... 3841- 384 1 Noss i Be ..... . .. . . .. . ... . . ... 3842 -384 2 Obock .............. . . .. . . .. .3843 -384 3
Cor fu ...... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3407-3407 Cyrenaica ... . .. .. . . . .. .. .. . ... 3408 -3408
Oltre Giuba .. .. ..... . .... . .... 3844 -384 4 Poland . . ........ . .. .. . . . . . .. .3845 -385 1
Czec hoslovakia .... . ........... 3409 -34 17 Dahome y .. ..... . . . . . .... .. .. .341 8-3418 Danz ig ..... .. ....... .. . .. .. . .341 9-3424
Port uga l & Co lonies .. .... Ru ss ia . . .. ... ............
Denm ark .. . ... .. . . ..... .. . .. Diego Suar ez ............ . ..... Domini can Republic .. . . .. . .. .. Ec uador ....... . .... .. ........
.3425 -342 5 3426 -342 9 .343 0- 343 I 3432-3434
Egypt . . ......... . . . ..... . ... 3435-3437 3438 -34 38 Elobey, A1mobon & Corisco ...... Eritrea .... Estonia ....
.. .............. . .. 3439-3 44 9 . . . . ..... . . . ....... 3450- 3451
..... .3852 -386 5 . . .. 3866 -3870
Saar ................ St. Pierre & Miq uelon . .. . .. Samoa .. .. . ............. Saudi Arabia . .. . .. . .. . . .. Senega l . ........ . .. .. ... Soma lia ... . . .. . .. .. . .... Soma li Co ast ...... ...... .
. .... 387 1-3878 . . . .. 3879-390 2 . .. .. 3903 -3905 . ... .3906-391 1 . . .. .39 12-39 13 . .. . .39 I 4-3925 . .. . .3926 -3929
Spain & Co lonies .. . .. . . . . . .... 3930 -393 8
Eth iop ia .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. ... .3452 -3452
Sweden . . .... .. . .. . ......... .3939-394 8 Sw itze rland .............. . .... 3949 -396 5
Faroe Islands ... . .. . ..... .. .... 3453-3 453 Fernando Po .. .. . . .... . .. . .. ... 3454 -34 54 Finland ...... . . . .. . . . . .. . ..... 3455-3455
Tahiti ...... . ........... . .... 39 7 1-39 72 Tann u Tuva .... . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. 3973 -3977
Fiume . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... 3456-345 7 Fran ce . .... . ....... .. .. . ..... 3458-3509 Reuni on .......... . . . . .. . ..... 35 10-35 1 I French Area . .. .. . . . . . . ..... .. .35 12-3520 Gabo n ....
. .. .. .. . . . . .. . .. .. .352 1-3525
German Co lonies
.. ........
.... 3526 -3528
Syr ia
. . . . . . .. ..........
. .. .. 3966 -3970
Togo ........... . .. . . . . ..... 3978-3990 Tripolitani a . . .. . .............. 399 1-3992 Tunisia ........ . .. ..... . .. .. .. 3993 -399 3 Vatica n C ity .... . ........ . . .... 3994-399 9 Wallis & Futun a Islands .... . . . . .4000 -400 1 Wes tern Ukraine . .. .. . ... . . .. . .4002 -40 I 8
British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Est imated Value
British Commonwealth and General Foreign Stamps & Postal History Thursday, October 9, 2008 at 11:00 a.m. Connecticut Offices: 5 Francis J. Clarke Circle Bethel, Ct 06801 Great Britain
300 1
92a, 1883 £1 Brown lilac, white paper perfectly centered, luxuriant deep color, bold "Nottingham/ Oc 26/ 83" c.d.s and "G H Bl GPO " boxed cancel , Extremely Fine ; it would be difficult to find a nicer examp le. Scott $7,750.00 (SG # 136, £7,250=$ 14,500) ......................... ........................................................... ............ Est. $5,000-7,500
3001 0
93, 1882 £5 Bright orange, nicely centered, attractivel y used with two registered postmarks , fresh and Very Fine. Scott $5,000.00 (SG # 137, £4,500=$9,000) ............. ......... ................. .................... ........... Est. $2,000-3 ,000
3002 O
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British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
• ~~l ,•'. ,•:
a 3003
3003 * lOSb,1884 5/- Deep crimson, nicely centered, rich color on fresh paper , original gum, Very Fine. Scott Est. $300-400 $950 .00 (SG # 181, £775=$1,550)............ .......................... ................................ .................................. 3004 * 124, 1891 £1 Green, well centered, very fresh , rich color, original gum, minute blemish and a small portion of the color has bled, otherwise Very Fine. Scott $3,500.00 (SG #212, £3,250=$6 ,500).... ........ Est. $750- 1,000
3005 3005 EEI O 139, 1902 2/6 EdwardVII, each stamp with neat "Registered Lombard St" oval cancel, top right stamp with red crayon mark , very well centered, Very Fine . Scott $600 .00. (SG #260, £560=$1 ,120)........ Est. $300-400
3006 ** 209, 1929 £1 Universal Postal Union, well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $1,400 .00. (SG #438 , £1,000=$2 ,000) ............................................ .................................................... Est. $750-1,000 3007 ** 209, 1929 £1 Universal Postal Union, well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $1,400.00. (SG #438 , £ 1,000=$2,000) .................... ............................ ............ .................. .................. Est. $750-1,000 October 9. 2008
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British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
3009 EX
0 209, 1929 £1 Universal Postal Union, tied to small piece by light c.d.s., very well centered, choice examEst. $300-400 ple, Very Fine. Scott $625.00. (SG #438, £550=$1,100) .................................................................... 3009 ** 222-24, 1924 2sh6d - lOsh George V Seahorses , complete mint set, bright and fresh, very well centered, Est. $500-600 original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $1,140.00. (SG #450-52, £ 1,000=$2,000) ................ 3008
30 11
30 12
* 046, 1901112d Blue green with "O.W./Official " overprint, original gum, h.r.'s, Very Fine. Scott $350.00 Est. $ 150-200 (SG #032 , £325=$650).. ...................................................................................................................... used centered, well color, bright nice overprint, "O.W./Official" with 30 11 O 052, 1902 2 112d Ultramarine $575-350 Est. ................... ..................... 1,200) £600=$ with face free cancel, Very Fine. Scott $575.00 (SG #039, 30 12 * 064, 1902 ld Carmine with "R.H./Official overprint, intense color, original gum, barest trace of hingEst. $ 150-200 ing, Fine. Scott $350.00 (SG #092 , £325=$650) .................................................... ......... ...................
30 10
30 13 EX
* 072-77, 1903 1/2d-3d with "Admiralty/Official " overprints cplt., bright and fresh, original gum, Fine to Very Fine set. Scott $1,195.00 (SG #0101-0106 , f l ,293=$2,586)..................... ............................... Est. $750-1,000
30 13
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British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
BP** BK32 , 1936 2/- Edward VIII Booklet , complete unexploded booklet, edition# 354, stitched at left, intact perforations on the l d and 1½d panes, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine. Scott $140.00. (SG Est. $ 100-150 #BC2, £ 110=$220) ..............................................................................................................................
Great Britain-East Africa Forces FOR USE IN TR IPOLITAN IA
30 15 EX
EE**J6-10, 1950 lL - 24L Overprints on Postage Dues, completemint set in blocks of four, bright and fresh, Est. $200-250 well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $401.00. (SG #TD6-I0, £320=$640) ......
30 15
Great Britain-Offices in Morocco
. U 23!. . . 30 16 EX
EE** 401-09 , 1917 3c on ld to lF on 1/ Surcharges on George V, matched set of control number blocks of six, well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine. Scott $143.00 for hinged. (SG #191-99, for Est. $ 150-200 hinged, £ !08=$216)..............................................................................................................................
30 16
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Lot --
British Commonwealth
& General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estim ated Value
** 38a, 195115c Double Surcharge on 2 l/2a George VI, very well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; photocopy of 1963 EPA certifi cate for block of four, this being the lower left stamp. Scott $1,100.00. (SG #38a, £1,000=$2,000) .................................................................................................................. Est. $600-750 3018 ** 38a, 195115c Double Surcharge on 2 l/2a George VI, very well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; 1963 EPA certifi cate for block of four, this being the upper left stamp. Scott $1,100.00. (SG #38a, £1,000=$2,000) .................................................................................................................................... Est. $600-750 3017
3019 EX
O 1-16, 1967 l/2c to $5 "Independent Anguilla" Overprints, complete used set, each with partial Anguilla Valley c.d.s., well centered, Very Fine, only 100 sets issued; 1998 Hol combe certifi cate f or the set. Scott $3,867.00. (SG # 1-16, £2,500=$5,000) .............................................................................................. Est. $ 1,500-2 ,000
O 44, 1915 5/- Yellow and gray, well centered amid large margins, light town cancel, choice Very Fine. Scott Est. $150-200 $425.00 (SG #30, £300=$600) ............................................................................................................ 3021 O 101, 1929 10/- Pinkand gray, 1932towncancel, VeryFine.Scott$625.00(SG # 112, £450=$900)...... Est. $200-300 3022 O 132, 1932 5/- Sydney Harbor Bridge, postally used with 1932 Melbourne cancel, Very Fine. Scott $300.00 (SG #143, £190=$380) .......................................................................................................... Est. $ 100-150
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Briti sh Commonwea lth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
:. lwii~~~~-
•• •• • •• •• ••
. . . •• . ••. ...•• .•
~~~~~~~ =
3023 EX 3023 EE ** 177-79, 1948-49 5/- to £1 Robes , thin rough ordinar y paper, sheet-margin mint block s of four, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $650.00 (SG # l 76a- 78a, £403=$806) ........ ................ ...... Est. $200-300
3024 3024
* J22 , 1902-04 20/- Emerald, a desirable mint example of this rare high value postage due, wonderfully well
centere d for this and quite fresh , bright color, origina l gum , choice Very Fine; 1998 Brandon certificat e. Scott $7,500.00 (SG #D44 , £4,000=$8 ,000) ................................ ................ .......... ............ ...................... .... Est. $4,000-5,000
3025 EX 3025
** Ml-7, 1946 "B.C.O.F." Military Overprints , complete mint set, fresh , well centered, original gum, Never
Hinged, Fine-Very Fine. Scott $332. 00. (SG #Jl- 7, £!60=$320) ................................................ ........
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Est. $ 150-200
H.R. Harm er
British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
Australian States-New South Wales
* 74, 1886 "Postage" overprint on £1 Rose and violet, a pleasing mint example of this very rare stamp , centered a bit to right as always, bright colors , original gum, Fine; only a single sheet was printed, many of which were used and lost to philately; signed Bloch and accompanied by 2,000 Brandon certifica te. Scott $7,500.00 (SG #240a, £4,000=$8,000) .......................... ............................................................ .......................... Est. $3,000-4 ,000
3027 EX
3028 EX
3027 * B1-2, 1897 ld(l/-) and 2 112d (2/-6) Diamond Jubilee cplt. , original gum , lightly hinged, fresh and Fine. Est. $ 100- 150 Scott $362 .50 (SG #280-81 , £210=$420) .................................. ..........................................................
* Bl-2, 1897 ld(l/-) and 2 112d (2/-6) Diamond Jubilee cplt., exceptionally fresh mint set, original gum, Est. $ 150-200 barest trace of hinging , Fine-Very Fine. Scott $362.50 (SG #280-81, £2 10=$420) ......... ...................
Australian States-South Australia
* 91, 1886 £10 Bronze, an attractive mint example of this rare and difficult high value, good color, disturbed original gum, which is not noted on the certificate, Very Fine for this; signed Champion and accompanied by 1984 R.PS. V certificate. Scott $5,250.00 (SG #206a, £3,250=$6 ,500) .............................................. Est. $2,000-3 ,000
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British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
Australian States-Western Australia
3030 3031 3030 O 2b, 1857 2d Brown on red, printed on both sides, front with large margins to touching, mute barred oval
cancel, reverse shows light impressions of four stamps, Very Fine and scarce; 1970 R.PS. certificate. Scott $1,000.00 (SG # 15a, £800=$ 1,600) .................................................................................................... Est. $500-750 3031 * 22, 1861 4d Vermilion, strong color, original gum, shallow gummed-over thinned spot and lightly toned, Extremely Fine appearance. Scott $1,200.00 (SG #35, £900=$ 1,800)................................................ Est. $ 1,500-2,000
... 1... •
: ...
£~1~~11Ji 3032
3033 EX
3032 * 4a, 1861 6d Pale lilac, striking bottom left corner margin mint single, full original gum, scissor separated at right a bit into the design, otherwise Fine and scarce. Scott $4,250.00 (SG #6a, £3,250=$6,500) Est. $500-750 3033 83** 132-47, 1948 112d- £1 Tercentenary,complete mint set in blocks of four, very well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $345.00. (SG # 178-93, £240=$480)........................................ Est. $ 150-200
3034 3034 ** 79 var, 1950 SR George VI, 'Extra Bar' variety, especially well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. (SG #78a, for hinged, £425=$850) ............................................................................ Est. $200-300
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British Commonwealth
& General Foreign Stamps & Postal History _
Estimated Value
* 1 var., 1882 "B" Overprint on 2c Brown, double overprint, an attractive mint example showing both overprints nearly coincident , strong color, large part original gum , small red spot on face , still Very Fine; a great unrecorded rarity which is quite likely unique; signed Bloch and accompanied by 2,000 Brandon certificate. Scott for normal $4,500.00 (SG #2 Var., £3,500=$7 ,000) .............. ............ ...................................... Est. $ 15,000-20,000
3036 3036 * 5, 1882 "B" Overprint on Sc Orange, a remarkable example of this terribly rare mint stamp , posses sing
a marvelous overall freshness seldom found on these , with radiant color on crisp white paper , full clean original gum , lightly hinged, Very Fine ; a substantially undercataloged stamp as a mere four mint copies have been recorded; 2002 B.PA. certificate. Scott $3,250 .00 (SG #6, £2,500=$5 ,000) .......................... .......... Est. $4,000-5 ,000
3037 3037 O 9, 1882 "B" Overprint on 30c Claret, an exciting used example of this tremendously rare stamp, with love-
ly strong color on fresh white paper, attractively centered, clear Bangkok town cancel, Very Fine and choice ; a stamp which is missing from even the most advance British Commonwealth collection s; signed Champion twice and accompaniedby 1985 PF certificate. Scott $39,000.00 (SG # 10, £30 ,000=$60,000) ................ Est. $20,000-30,000
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British Commonwealth & Genera l Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
3038 3038
mo Blb , Blc , 1907 "Kingston/Relief/Fund/Id. " surcharge on 2d Slate and orange , surcharge invert-
ed, block of fifteen (5x3), three stamps additionally showing the no period after " ld" variety, tied to piece by "Barbados / 8 JUN 07 " datestamps , Very Fine. Scott for singles $390.00 (SG # l 53a , l 53ea , Est . $150-200 £363=$726)... ................................ ............ ................ ............................. .............. ................ ................
27, 1888 Green "2d" surcharge on 2d Lilac and black, used as are all known examples, partial 1888 c.d.s., good color on fresh paper, Very Fine and rare; only a single sheet was issued at Vryburg; 2006 Brandon certificate. Scott $4,250 .00 (SG #23c, £3,500=$7 ,000) ...................................................................... Est. $3,000-4,000
3039 0
Bechuanaland Protectorate
* 58, 1888 10/- Green and black, well centered, original gum, sma ll faults but appears Very Brandon certificate . Scott $4,850.00. (SG #50, £4,000=$8,000) ................................ ........................ 3041 * 58, 1888 10/- Green and black , strong fresh colors, original gum , coup le minor gum mentioned on the certificate, Fine and rare ; I 994 Holcomb e certificate . Scott $4,850.00 £4 ,000 =$8, 000) ............................................................................................ ....................... .................
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Fine; 2008 Est. $1,500-2,000
bends not (SG #50, Est. $2,000-3,000
H.R. Harmer
British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
- -
J6, 1932 2d Postage Due, Large 'd' variety, bottom margin block of ten displaying the variety in the two right stamps , bright and fresh, well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine . (SG #D6a , for hinged, £3 l 2=$624).. ........... ......................................................... ............ ...................... ...................... Est. $200-250
3042 EB**
* 3a, 1875 3d Orange, an especially choice mint example of this elusive stamp , with strong distinctive color on fresh white paper , exceptionally well centered, full clean original gum , relatively lightly hinged, Very Fine ; 2001 Brandon certificate. Scott $2,050.00 (SG #5b, £2,000=$4 ,000) .......... ................ ...................... Est. $ 1,000- 1,500
* 97, 1932 12/6 George V, especially well centered, bright and fresh , original gum , lightly hinged, Extremely Fine . Scott $300.00. (SG #93, £250=$500) ............ ...................... .............................................. ........ Est. $200-300 3045 * 97, 1932 12/6 George V, well centered, bright and fresh , original gum , lightly hinged, Very Fine. Scott $300 .00. (SG #93, £250=$500) .............................. ................................................................ .............. Est. $150-250
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& General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
British Commonwealth
Estimated Value
British Central Africa
3046 3046 * 16, 1891 £5 Yellow green, deep rich color, nicely centered and extremely fresh, original gum; Extremely Fine; a beautiful stamp. Scott $ 1,800.00 (SG # 16, £1,700=$3,400) .......... ....................... ................. Est. $1,000-1,500
British East Africa
3047 0 31 Var., 1891 "1/2 Anna" Mombasa provisional surcharge and ms. "A.O." initials on 2a Vermilion, original face value not obliterated, bottom margin used example , light 1891 Mombasa c.d.s., Fine and incredibly rare ; unknown mint with only five used examples recorded by Minns and Krieger; 1972 R.PS. certificate. Scott unlisted. (SG #20b, £2,250=$4 ,500) ........ ................... ........................ ............... ................ Est. $2,000-3 ,000 3048 O 34b, 1891 "1/2 Anna" Manuscript Mombasa provisional surcharge and ms. "A.B." initials on 3a Black on red, used with clear "Mo mbasa/Ju 25, 91" datestamp , pressed-out horizontal crease at base not noted on the certificate , Fine appearance and rare, as only four used examples have been recorded by Minns and Krieger; clear 19 70 R.PS. certificate. Scott $2,750.00 (SG #24, £2,000=$4 ,000) ........... ................. Est. $ 1,500-2,000
* 34c, 1891 "1 Anna" Manuscript Mombasa provisional surcharge and ms. "T.E.C.R." initials on 3c Black on red, an incredibly rare mint example , rich color on fresh paper , large part original gum , Fine ; a stamp which is missing from even the most advanced British Commonwealth collections; 2006 Brandon certificate. Scott $7,800 .00 (SG #32, £6,500=$13 ,000) ........ ........................................ ................ ................. .......Est. $7,500-10 ,000
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British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal Histor 1.__
Estimated Value
British Guiana
3050 3050 <*l 09, 1877 "Official" overprint on 6c Chocolate , handsome unused example of this rarity, remarkably well
centered, strong color on fresh white paper , Very Fine; 1999 Brandon certificate. Scott $6,600 .00 (SG #09 , ÂŁ5,500=$11 ,000) ............................. ............................................................................. ........................ Est. $3,000-4 ,000
305 1 EX
** 13-16, 1937 lR - lOR George V issues, especially well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine. Est. $200-250 Scott $247.00 for hinged . (SG # 13-16, for hinged, ÂŁ209=$4 18) ................ ........................................
* N30 (Formerly), 1915 "Chancellerie" diagonal overprint on "Bushire/Under British/Occupation" overprint on 2K green and red violet, fresh and well centered, original gum , light h.r., Extremely Fine; a great rarity of which fewer that ten examples were printed; 200 1 Sismondo certificate; ex.-Sachai. Farahbakhsh #031. ............................................................................................................................... ................. Est. $7,500-10,000
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British Commonwealth
& General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimat ed Value
British Occupation of Camerouns
3053 EX
o 53-65, 1915 112d - 5S 'C.E.F.' Overprints, complete used set, most values tied to small pieces by Duala or Buea c.d.s., well centered, Fine-Very Fine; top four values signed Roumet. Scott $3,752.00. (SG #B1-13, £3,000=$6,000) .................................................. .................................................................................. Est. $ 1,750-2,000
3054 EX
cplt., all neatly cancelled by mostly Duala postmarks, generally fresh and well centered, Fine to Extremely Fine; seldom offered as a complete used set; 1/-, 3/- and 5/- with 2007 Brandon certificate and 2/- with 1995 Holcombe certificate . Scott $3,752.00 (SG #B 1-13, £3,000=$6,000) ........................................................................................................... ........... Est. $3,000-4 ,000
3054 O 53-65, 1915 "1/2d" on 3pf to "5s" on SM "C.E.F." Surcharges
right sheet-margin single with guide marker, c.t.o. by bold "Duala/Kameroun/19 .7.15" datestamp, incredibly fresh, Fine and scarce; only 100 copies of this error were printed. Scott $3,000.00 (SG #B 1la , £3,000=$6,000) ................................................ Est. $4,000-5 ,000
3055 0 63a, 1915 "C.E.F./2s" Surcharge on 2M Blue , "S" inverted,
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British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal Histor y
Estimated Value
3056 3056 0 64a, 1915 "C.E.F./3s." Surcharge on 3M Black violet, "S" inverted, near perfect centering, tied by piece
by full strike of "Duala/Kameroun/9.8.15" postmark, Extremely Fine and choice; only 99 copies were printed, very few of which were actually used; signed Holcombe, Kohler and Richter. Scott $3,000.00 (SG #B 12a, ÂŁ3,000=$6,000) .................................................................................................................................... Est. $3,000-4,000
3057 EX
P 50-65 var., 1897 1/2c to $5 Jubilee , Plate Proofs , complete set in pairs, large margins, bright and fresh, Extremely Fine. (Uni #50-65 var., 12,020C$=$12,621) ...................................................................... Est. $3,500-4,500
* 86a, 1898 2c Im perforate Imperial Penny Post, top margin block of six with "American Bank Note Co. 3058 EB Ottawa" imprint, without gum as issued, large margins, Very Fine, only 500 pairs issued. Scott $1,650.00 as three pairs. (Uni #86a, as pairs, 2, 100C$=$2,205) .............................................................................. Est. $1,000-1,250 October 9, 2008
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British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
3059 EX
Estimated Value
3060 EX
** 96-103, 1908 1/2c - 20c Quebec Tercentenary , complete mint set, very well centered, post office fresh , original gum , Never Hinged, Fine-Very. Scott $2,20 0.00. (Uni #96-103, 3,900C$=$4 ,095) ......... ..... Est. $ 1,000-1,500 3060 ** 149-59, 1928 le - $1 'Scroll' issue , complete mint set, well centered, post office fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine. Scott $1,463.00. (Uni # 149-59, 2,200C$=$2,3 10) .................... ......... ......... Est. $600-800
306 1 EX
** 149b-159a, 1928 le - $1 Imperforate Scroll issue , mint pairs , large margin s, origina l gum , Never Hinged , Very Fine , only an est im ated 250 sets were issued. Scott $3 ,970 .00 . (U ni # 149b -59a , 5,210C$=$5,471) ....................................... .................................................... ............ ........................... Est. $ 1,500-2,000
3062 3062 P Cla, 1928 Sc Airmail, Proof on India Paper left margin pair, large margins , Very Fine. (Uni #ClP, 400C $=$420) ......... .................... ......................................... .......................... ............ .............. .............. Est. $200-300
3063 3063 EB* MR4b, 1916 Imperforate 2c War Tax, Type I, margin block of six, without gum as issued, large margins, Very Fine. Scott $600.00. (Uni #MR4b , 750C$=$788) ............ ........... ....................................... Est. $300-400 October 9, 2008
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3065 EX
3064 EX
3064 SP** 61-74 var., 1897 lc-60c John Cabot Discovery Specimens, complete set, incredibly fresh, well centered, full original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine . (Uni #61s-74s , for hinged, 1,500C$=$ 1,575) .... Est. $ 1,000-1,250
* 115a-26a, 1919 Im perforate 'Trail of the Caribou,' complete set in pairs , without gum as always, 4c light crease in margin affects one stamp and 15c with light natural paper wrinkles, large margins , fresh colors , Very Fine . Scott $3,300.00. (Uni # 115a-26a, 4,200C$=$4 ,410) ................................................... ............... Est. $2,000-2,500
3066 * C2, C3b, 1919 Air Post surcharge and overprint, mint singles of each, latter with period after " 1921" Est. $ 150-200 variety, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine . Scott $385.00.............................. ....................
** C12, 1932 $1.50 on $1.00 Trans-Atlantic , original gum , Never Hinged , fre sh and Fine. Scott Est. $ 150-200 $450.00 .......................................... ........... ..................................... ........................................... ........... 3068 * C18, 1933 $4.50 on 75c Balbo flight surcharge, well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, choice Very Est. $150-200 Fine ; signed Elliott . Scott $400 .00 ................... ............................. ...................... ......................... .......
3069 3069 EE*** C18, 1933 $4.50 on 75c Balbo Flight surcharge, mint block of four showing each of the surcharge
settings, brilliant color, very well centered, original gum, bottom pair Never Hinged, top pair lightly hinged, Very Fine; 2001 EPA certificate. Scott $ 1,950.00. (Uni #C18, 2,860C$=$3,003) .......... .................... Est. $1,000-1,250 October 9, 200 8
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Cape of Good Hope
3070 3070 */** 25, 1880 3d Lilac rose, an impressive mint block of twelve (4x3), boasting a remarkable overall fresh-
ness which belies its age, good color, strong and intact perforations all around, original gum, two stamps lightly hinged and the other ten Never Hinged, Fine and scarce as most were utilized for surcharging; quite possibly the largest surviving multiple. Scott for hinged singles $2,700.00 (SG #36, £2,280=$4,560) .... Est. $5,000-7,500
307 1 1• 1 39, 1882 "One/Half-penny."surcharge on 3d Claret, unused as are most mint examples, sumptuously rich color on fresh white paper, Very Fine; actually even rarer than its catalog value would indicate; 1990 B.PA. certificate; ex.-Dale-Lichtenstein, Volk.Scott $3,850.00 (SG #46, £3,250=$6,500) .......................... Est. $3,000-4,000
3072 1• 1 170, 1900 "Mafeking/6d/Besieged" surchargeon 3d Violeton yellow,tracesof orginalgum, small thin at top right, Very Fine appearanceand rare; signed Bloch. Scott $6,600.00 (SG #9, £5,500=$11,000) .............. Est. $750-1,000
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Cayman Islands
20, 1908 "2 l/2d" Surcharge on 4d Brown and blue, original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Fine. Scott $2,000.00 (SG #35, fl ,700=$3,400) ......................................................................................... ........... Est. $1,000-1,500 3074 0 44, 1912 lOsh George V, tied to small piece by George Town NO .20.1919 c.d.s., intense color, well cenEst. $100-150 tered, Very Fine. Scott $240.00 for hinged. (SG #52, £225=$450) .................................................... 3073 *
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47, 1913 lOsh George V, tied to small piece by George Town NO.4. 1920 c.d.s., intense color, well cenEst. $ 100-150 tered, Very Fine. Scott $ 175.00. (SG #52b, £160=$320) ................ .................................................... 3076 tE** 67, 1921 lOsh George V, mint left margin block of four, delightfully fresh, well centered, original gum, Est. $200-250 Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $290.00 for hinged. (SG #67, for hinged, £240=$480) ....................
3075 0
3077 EX
85-96, 1933 l/4d - lOsh GeorgeV Pictorials, complete used set, attractive c.d.s., very well centered, Very Est. $ 100-150 Fine, lOsh 2003 BPA certificate . Scott $290.00 . (SG #96-107 , £180= $360) ...................................... 3078 * MR3, 1917 "War Stamp/I l/2d " surcharge on 1 112dUltramarine, original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Fine ; only 420 stamps were issued . Scott $1,000 .00 (SG #55, £750= $ 1,500) .................... ........ Est. $400-500 3077 0
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3079 1:8:12, 1857 6d Plum, three ample margins, in at top, tied by open grid cancel to small cover to Dublin, Ireland, partially clear balloon-style "Colombo/Ship Letter" backstamp, red "Paid/20 Sp, 1858" transit postmark also ties the stamp and "Dublin/Se 21, 1858" arrival backstamp, Very Fine; 1994 R.PS. certificate. Scott $4,700.00 (SG #1) ................................................................................................................................................ Est. $ 1,500-2,000
308 1
seldom seen unused example of this rare shade, luxuriant color and sharp impression on fresh white paper, ample margins to touching at base, nearly Fine; 2006 R.PS. certificat e. Scott $5,000.00 (SG # 1la, ÂŁ4,250=$8,500).................................................................................................. Est. $ 1,500-2 ,500 308 1 * 01 Var., 1869 "Service" overprint on ld Blue , imperforate horizontally , right sheet-margin vertical pair, with many blind perforations between stamp and sheet selvage, original gum, Fine; the first example we have ever encountered; 1998 Brandon certificate. Scott and Gibbons both unlisted................................. Est. $ 1,500-2,500
3080 <*> 12a, 1857 1/9 Yellow green,
E. 03 Var., 1869 "Service" essay overprint on 4d Rose red, well centered, original gum, Very Fine and very rare; this value was prepared for used but never issued and officially burned, fewer than a dozen examples are believed to have survived; signed Hol combe and accompanied by his 1998 certificate. Scott and Gibbons unlisted. ................................................................................................................................................ Est. $2,000-3,000
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* 19b, 1882 1/2pi Emerald, Die A, an especially choice mint examp le of this very elusive stamp, with vivid rich color that could not be more representative of the shade, full clean original gum that remarkably has only been very lightly hinged, Very Fine and rare; a stamp which is missing from most advance d collections ; 2007 Brandon certificate. Scott $5,750. 00 (SG # 16, £5,000=$ 10,000) .......... ............................ ................ Est. $4,000-5,000
3084 ** 49 var., 1904 lOpa Edward VII, 'Broken Top Left Triangle " variety, left stamp in pair with normal , especially fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. (SG #6 lc , for hinged, £90=$ 180) .. ...... .... Est. $ 100-150 3085 EB** 56, 1904 9P Edward VII, mint left margin block of four, especia lly fresh with rich colors , original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine . Scott $ 160.00 for hinged. (SG #68, for hinged, £ 160=$320) .................... Est. $ 150-200
* 109, 1928 £5 Black on yellow, an attractive mint examp le of this popular high value, rich colors , original gum , Very Fine . Scott $3,200.00 (SG # 117a, £3,200=$6 ,400) .................. .................... ...................... Est. $ 1,500-2,000
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** M9, 1935 lp Ultramarine overprinted "Jubilee/Commemoration/1935", post office fresh , original Est. $300-400 gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott retail for hinged $325.00 (SG #Al 0, for hinged £250) ..........
East Africa and Uganda Protectorates
3088 3088 O 58, 1912 lOORPurple and black on red, a rare used example with almost complete double ring Nairobi
cancellation , deep rich colors and perfectly centered, Extremely Fine and choice; an example for the perfectionist. Scott $3,000 .00 (SG #62, £2,750=$5 ,500) ..................................................................... ............... Est. $ 1,500-2,000
Falkland Islands
3090 EX
* 2, 1879 4d Dark grey, rich color on fresh paper , original gum, lightly hinged, reperforated at base, Fine Est. $200-300 appearance. Scott $1,400.00 (SG #2, £1,200=$2,400) ............................................................... ......... 3090 ** 74-76, 1933 5/ - £1 Centenary, top three values, delightfully fresh, very well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $3,425.00 for hinged . (SG # 136-38, for hinged, £2,950=$5 ,900) .............. Est. $2,500-3 ,000 3089
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** 94a, 1938 Ssh Yellow Brown and Indigo, bright and fresh , one slightly nibbed perforation, full original gum, Never Hinged, Fine; 1988 BPA certificate. Scott $625.00 for hinged . (SG #16 lb , for hinged, Est. $500-750 £900=$1,800) .... ...... .... ........ ........... ........... .......... ....... .... ..... ..... .......... ....... ...... .......... ....... ...................
Falkland Islands Dependencies
3092 EX
SP* SLl-8 var., 1944 'South Shetlands' Overprint on George VI, Specimen Perfins, complete mint set, bright and fresh, well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine, 2001 B.PA . certificate for the set. (SG #Dl-8 , for NH, £500=$1,000) .................................. ................................................. ................... Est. $500-600
190 Var., 1963 "Self-Government/1963 " overprint on 1/- Rufous-crowned Roller, double overprint, used with mostly clear Bathurst c.d.s., Very Fine; one of the greatest rarities of the British Commonwealth, being one of only two examples discovered; 2001 Brandon certificate. Scott unlisted . (SG #208a, Est. $7,500-10,000 £4,250=$8,500) ................................................................................................................................
3093 0
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Oli I:
rn** 24a, 1889 25c Surcharge on 2d, 'Small I" in 'centimos' variety, position R 6/2 in lower left margin block of eighteen with control number , one normal stamp with small spot gum toning, some weak perfs from folding , an attractive display item, well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine. Scott $242 .00 Est. $100-150 for hinged . (SG #17a b, for hinged, £180=$360).......................................... .................................... .... 3095 ** 93, 1921 £5 George V, lower left margin single with control number , exceptionally bright and fresh , original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $1 ,750.00 for hinged. (SG #108, for hinged, £1 ,300= $2,6 00) ........................................ ................................ ............................................. ............. Est. $ 1,000-1 ,250
Hong Kong
* 105, 1910 $2.00 Black and carmine, choice centering , original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine. Scott Est.$ I 50-200 $350.00 (SG #99, £325=$650) .................... ...................................... .................................. ................
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3098 EX
** 75, 1902 lSR Edward VII, mint pair, very well centered, 01iginal gum, Never Hinged, VF. Scott $280.00 Est. $200-250 for hinged. (SG # 146, for hinged, £260=$520). ................................... ............................................. ... 3098 ** 165-66, 1937 lSR - 25R George VI, well centered, bright and fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Est. $150 Fine. Scott $170.00 for hinged ..... ......................................................... ...................... ......................... 3097
3099 EX
** 165-66, 1937 lSR - 25R George VI, well centered, bright and fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Est. $ 150-200 Fine. Scott $170 .00 for hinged . (SG #263-64 , £200=$400) ......................... .................................. ..... 3100 ** CS var, 1929 8a George V Airmail, Reversed Serif on 'I' of India variety, bottom stamp in vertical pair with normal, very well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine. (SG #224b , for hinged, Est. $150-200 £275=$550) .............................................................................. ......................... ...................................
India Convention States CHAMBA
3101 EX
3102 EX
** 83-87, 1938 2R - 25R George VI Overprints, bright and fresh , very well centered, original gum, Never Est. $400-500 Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $7 10.00 for hinged. (SG #95-99 , £670=$1,340) ................... ..................... 3102 ** 101-06, 1943 lR - 25R George VI Overprints , complete mint set, bright and fresh, very well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $644.00 for hinged. (SG # 102-06, £449=$898) ........ Est. $300-400
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3103 EX
Estimated Value
3104 EX
EE ** 101-04, 1943 lR - lOR George VI Overprints, gutter blocks of four, well centered, bright and fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $736.00 for hinged. (SG #102-05, £636=$1,272)...... Est. $400-500 3104 EE ** 067-69 , 1944 2R - lOR George VI Official Overprints, blocks of four, especially well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $1,000.00 for hinged. (SG #084-86 , £700=$1,400) ........ Est. $500-750
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EE**069, 1944 lOR George VI Official Overprint, gutter block of four, especially well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $500.00 for hinged. (SG #086 , £300=$600) .......................... Est. $200-300
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3106 EX
3107 EX 3106 ** 113-17, 1942 2R - 25R George VI Overprints, especially well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine . Scott $322.00 for hinged . (SG # 113-17, £278= 556)......................... ........................ ....... Est. $150-200 3107 EE** 049-51, 1945 2R - lOR George VI Official Overprints, blocks of four, especially well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $530 .00 for hinged. (SG #092-94 , £440=$8 80) .......... .... Est. $200-300 JIND
3108 EX
3109 EX 3108 ** 145-49, 1938 2R - 25R George VI Overprints, especially well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $338.00 for hinged. (SG # 121-25, £197=$394) .......................... ................ .............. Est. $150-200 3109 EE** 145-49, 1938 2R - 25R George VI Overprints, blocks of four, especially well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $1,308.00 for hinged. (SG # 122-25, £740=$1 ,480) ........................ Est. $500-750
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Estimated Value
31 1
3 110
** 164, 1942 25R George VI Overprint, gutter pair, especiall y well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Est. $ 100-150 Very Fine. Scott $ 190.00 for hinged. (SG # 136, £120=$240) ............................................................ ** 164, 1942 25R George VI Overprint, block of four, especially well centered, original gum, Never 3 111 EE Est. $ 150-200 Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $380 .00 for hinged . (SG # 136, £240=$480) ............................... ...............
31 10
3 112 EX
** 072- 75, 1942 lR - lOR George VI Official Overprints, blocks of four, especially well centered, orig31 12 EE Est. $600-750 inal gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $939.00 for hinged . (SG #083-86 , £ 1,024=$2 ,048) ........ October 9, 2008
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3113 EX
3113 83** 83-84, 1938 SR - lOR George VI Overprints, gutter blocks of four, especially well centered, original Est. $200-300 gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $570.00 for hinged. (SG #91-92, £372=$744) ........................
051, 1942 l0R George VI Official Overprint, gutter block of four, especially well centered, original Est. $500-750 gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $960.00 for hinged. (SG #068, £680=$1 ,360). .......................
3114 83**
3115 EX
3115 ** OSlA-54 , 1940 lR - lOR George VI Official Overprints, very well centered, original gum, Never Est. $400-500 Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $1,007 .00 for hinged. (SG #068 -71, £437=$874) ............ ..........................
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3116 EX
tE** OSlA-54, 1940 lR - lOR George VI Official Overprint, gutter blocks of four, especially well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $4,030.00 for hinged. (SG #068-71 , £1,748=$3,496)Est. $ 1,250-1 ,500
3 116
3 117 EX
3118 EX
3 I 17 EX
** 93-96, 1938 2R - lSR George VI Overprints, especially well centered, original gum, Never Hinged,Very Est. $ 100-150 Fine. Scott $200.00 for hinged. (SG #93-96, £221=$442) .................................................................. 31 18 tE** 93-95, 1938 2R - 1ORGeorge VI Overprints, blocks of four, especially well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $420.00 for hinged. (SG #93-95, £444=$888) ................................ Est. $2 50-300 3117
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3119 EX 3119 EE**060-62,
1940 lR - SR George VI Official Overprints,blocks of four, especially well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine . Scott $2 12.00 for hinged. (SG #082-84 , £156=$312) ........... ... Est. $100-150
* 9a, 1920 Surchargeon 9Pi Bister,Perforated15x14, lovely color, original gum , lightly hinged, vert crease Est. $600-700 at right, Fine; 2007 B.PA. certificate. Scott $ 1,000.00. (SG #8, £800=$1 ,600).......... ..................... ...
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** 23 Var.,1923 5pi on 5pi Deep purple, overprint,a stunning top right corner margin single , near perfect centering, original gum , h.r. in the selvage only, the stamp Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; 1976 R.PS. certificate . Scott unlisted. (SG #26a, for hinged, £1 ,500=$3 ,000) ......................... .................. ........... Est. $2,000-3 ,000
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3 123
Estimated Value
3 124
26, 1922 Surcharge on lOPi Ultramarine Perforated 14, well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine; 200 7 B.PA. certificate . Scott $975.00. (SG #33, £850=$1,700) ................................................ Est. 500-600 3 123 * 28, 1922 lOPi Surcharge on lOPi Ultramarine Perforated 15x14, lovely color, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine; 2007 B.PA. certificat e. Scott $2,000.00. (SG #35, £1,800=$3,600) ............................ Est. $ 1,000-1 ,250 3 124 * 36 Var., 1922 3m Light brown, Ty. la overprint, original gum, lightly h.r., Fine and rare; 2006 B.PA. certificate. Scott unlisted. (SG #39bb, £ l ,500=$3,000) .......................................................................... Est. $2,000- 3,000 3 122 *
3 126
3 127
50, 1922 9Pi with Violet Overprint, well centered, deep color, original gum, lightly hinged, faint bend at bottom, Very Fine; 2007 B.PA. certificate . (SG #51, £900=$1,800) .................................................. Est. $400- 500 3 I26 * 51, 1922 lOPi with Violet Overprint, well centered, deep color, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine; Est. $600- 800 200 7 B.PA. certificate. Scott $1,250.00. (SG #52a, f l ,100=$2,200).................................................. 3 127 * 52A, 1922 20Pi with Reddish-Purple Overprint, especially well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine; 2007 B.PA. certificate. Scott $1,750.00. (SG #53, £ 1,600=$3,200) ................................ Est. $ 1,000-1 ,250 3 125 *
3 128
90, 1923 5/lOpi on 3m Light brown, Ty 6 violet handstamped surcharge, a fresh mint example of this world-class rarity, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine; with only three examples having been printed this is the key stamp to a complete collection of Transjordan; signed "ela " and accompanied by 1961 B.PA. certificate; ex.- "Samas". Scott $15,000.00 (SG #71, £3,000=$6,000) ....................................................Est. $7,500-10 ,000
3 128 *
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3129 3129
* 96, 1923 ½Pi Surcharge on 5Pi with Reddish-Purple Overprint, deep, rich color , original gum, lightly
hinged, Fine; 2007 B.PA. certifi cate. Scott $1,800.00. (SG #82, £2,000=$4 ,000) ............................ Est. $ 1200-1,500
3 130 * 322 var., 1955 15f Marriage of King Hussein and Princess Dina, Im perforate , top margin single with Est. $150-200 ample margins , original gum , lightly hinged, Very Fine. .................................................................... 3 13 1 ** 01 var., 1924112P Official Overprint,Arabic date '1242' instead of '1342 ', well centered, original gum , Est. 150-200 Never Hinged, Very Fine. (SG #0117a , for hinged, £ 150=$300) ......... ...... ...... ...... .... .............. ...........
Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania
3 133
* 41, 1925 £5 Blue and black, an attractive mint single, very fresh with rich colors , well centered, original gum , lightly hinged, Very Fine . Scott $2,400.00 (SG #99, £2,250=$4,500) ...................................... Est. $ 1,000-1 ,500 3 133 * 41As, 1925 £10 Green and black, overprinted "Specimen" , a magnificent example with gorgeou s colEst. $200-300 ors, lovely centering and fresh original gum, Very Fine. (SG # 100s, £350=$700) ............... .............
3 132
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3134 3134
Estimated Value
* 41Bs , 1925 £20 Green and red, overprinted "Specimen", rich colors , very fresh , original gum, insignif-
icant small gum bend, Fine. (SG # 101s, £550=$ l , 100)...... ............................................ .................... Est. $500-750 3 135 * 41Cs , 1925 £25 Red and black, overprinted "Specimen", a handsome example , very fresh, rich colors, original gum, Very Fine. (SG # 102s, £550=$ l , 100) ... ...... ... .. ....... ........... ..... ...... ............ ...... .......... ..... Est. $500-750
3 136
3 136 * 41Ds 1925 £50 Brown and black, overprinted "Specimen", incredibly fresh , vivid rich colors , pristine original gum, Very Fine. (SG # 103s, £650=$ 1,300) .. ............ ....... .... ............. ................. ...... .... ....... .... Est. $750-1,000
* 41Es , 1925 £75 Gray and purple, overprinted "Specimen", vivid rich color, perfectly centered, extremely fresh, original gum , an Extremely Fine gem. (SG # 104s, £900=$ 1,800) ..... ............ ...... ............... Est. $750-1,000
3 137
3 139
* 41Fs, 1925 £100 Black and red, overprinted "Specimen" , radiant colors , well centered, extremely fresh,
original gum, one slightly nibbed perf. , Very Fine and handsome. (SG # 105s, £ 1, 100=$2,2 00) ...... Est. $750-1,000 3139 ** 80 var, 1949 1/- George VI, 'Mountain Retouch' variety, top stamp in vertical pair with normal , well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine. (SG # 145ac, £ 1,000= $2,000) .......................... .... Est. $600-750 October 9, 2008
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3140 EX 3140
* 17-35, 1929 1/2a - lSR George V, complete mint set, well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very
Fine. Scott $ 1,284 .00. (SG # 16-29, £1,000=$2,000) ........................ .................... .................. ............ Est. $500-750 3 141 ** 100 var, SR Surcharge on 5/ George VI, 'Extra Bar at Top' variety, especially well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. (SG #9 1a, £450=$900) .......... ........................... ....................... Est. $250-300
3 142 3142 O 12 var., 1880 "8" Surcharge on 12c Carmine , no right foot to second Chinese character, excellent cen-
tering, open grid cancel , Extremely Fine and rare ; this variety only occurs once on a sheet of 60; 1984 B.PA. certificate not noting the variety. Scott unlisted . (SG # 11cl,£1,500=$3, 000) .................................... Est. $2,000-3,000
3 143 3143 O 37, 1886 10/- Purple brown, sound used example of this difficult stamp, well centered, fresh and Very Fine; 1980 Brandon certificate. Scott $ 1, 150.00 (SG #29, £ 1,000=$2,0 00) ...................................... Est. $500-750
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Leeward Islands
3 144 1:81 8, 1890 5/ Victoria, tied to envelope by "Antigua / FE .6.1895 " c.d.s. with additional stike at left, trivial tone spot , large "R" in oval handstamp , blue crayon Registration cross , Bath transit on reverse , addressed Bournemouth England, backstamped, quite attractive , Very Fine . (SG #8, £2,500=$5 ,000) ........... ... Est. $ 1,000-1 ,250
3 144
3 145
** 105 var, 1938 ld George VI, 'D I' Flaw, top stamp in vertical pair with normal , well centered, original Est. $ I 50-200 gum, ever Hinged, Very Fine. (SG #99a, £200=$400) .......................... ........................ ............ ........
3 145
... FtlU R PENCE.
3 147
3 146
* 12, 1886 4d Violet Handstamp,Without ManuscriptAmendment, large margins, light aging , original Est. $500-700 gum on corner as issued, Very Fine. Scott $1,350 .00. (SG #8ab, £ 1,200=$2,400) ........................ .... 3 147 * 20, 1886 4d Violet 'British Vice-Consulate'Handstamp,'Postage'24½ mm, large margins , original gum Est. $300-400 on corner as issued, Very Fine. Scott $500.00. (SG #39, £400= $800) ...................... .......................... 3 146
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Malaya-Malaysian States SUNGEI UJONG
3 148
a wonderfully fresh mint example of this newly listed error, showing a clear doubling of the overprint, rich color, full clean original gum, Fine; exceedingly rare of not unique; 2004 Brandon certificate . Scott unlisted. (SG # 12a, ÂŁ3,750=$7,500) ........ Est. $3,000-4,000
3148 * 6 var., 1882 "S.U." overprint on 2c Brown, double overprint,
well centered, regummed and slightly faded, otherwise Very Fine; the unique discovery copy; 1998 Brandon certificate. Scott and Gibbons unlisted. (SG #24 Var.) .......................................................................................................... Est. $3,000-4,000
3149 <*l 17 var., 1882-84 "Sungei/Ujong" overprint on Sc Orange , "Ujong" double ,
Malaysia SE LANGOR
3150 3150 <*l Sd, 1881 "Selangor " overprint on 2c Brown, wide "N", fresh unused example of this, the greatest over-
print rarity of Selangor, strong color on crisp white paper, Fine; 2004 Brandon certificate. Scott $6,250.00
(SG #4, ÂŁ7,500=$15,000) .................................................................................................................... Est. $2,000-3,000
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Estimated Value
65, 1919 10/- Black, perfectly centered, very light double ring Valetta c.d.s., Extremely Fine; I 980 R.PS. certificate. Scott $4,400.00 (SG #65, £3,750=$7 ,500) .................................. ...................................... Est. $ 1,500-2,000
3 I5 1 0
3 153
Sa, 1848 ld Red orange, intermediate impression on bluish paper, margins all around, fresh color, green numeral " 1" in double circle cancel , thinned spots and slight creases , Fine appearance; this cancel in
3 152 O
Est. $400-500 green is believed to be unique . Scott $2,750.00+ (SG # 11, £2,000=$4 ,000) ...................................... 3 I 53 ** 11, 1859 (9d) Magenta, ample to large margins , rich color, full original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Est. $500-750 Scott $775.00. (SG #29, £650=$1 ,300) .............................................. ................................................
/. 'j~~a-
-u-#' C:....
' .r
19, 1859 1/- Vermilion, large margins to close at top right, tied along with 1860 4d Rose (#26) by two i:;;:i strikes of "B53" in barred oval postmark to small cover to Bordeaux , endorsed "pr Suez & Marseille , "Mauritiu s/FE 6, 62" and two "Bordeau x/7 Mars , 62" backstamps and red French entry c.d.s. with "P.O.", cover with some light toning , still a Very Fine and unusual mixed issue franking. (SG #34, 48) ................ Est. $750-1,000
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Estimated Value
3 155
* 44, 1876 112d on 9d Green, red surcharge, rare mint single, normal centering for this, original gum, Fine; seldom offered ; 1935 R.PS. certificate . Scott $1,900.00 (SG #78, £2,000=$4 ,000) .......................... Est. $750-1,000 3156 l:E** 159a, 1919 lOR Green and red on blue green, olive back, Die I, a superb left interpane margin mint block of four, wonderfully fresh and well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, choice Very Fine; rare as a multiple in this pristine state of preservation. Scott for hinged $3,800.00 (SG #204a , for hinged, £3 ,400=$6 ,800) ........................ .............................. ......... ......................................... ......................... ... Est. $2,000-3,000
, '
) /
3 158
3157 181 2, 1857 6d Embossed Seal on Green, tied to envelope by partial strike of "Post Office / P.M. Burg" oval cancel (Pietermaritzburg ), backflatp missing , manuscript "6" rate marking , "Cape Packet / Devonport" transit on reverse , addressed London England, red receiving on reverse , Fine. (SG #5, £2,200=$4,400) .... Est. $ 1,000- 1,500 3158 * 109, 1908 £1.10 Violet and orange brown, bottom sheet-margin mint single, incredible rich colors , extremely fresh, nice centering , original gum, nearly Very Fine; signed AD (Diena). Scott $1,525.00 (SG # 162, £1,200=$2,400) ............. ...................... ................................................................. ................................ Est. $ 1,000-1 ,500
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Estimated Value
3159 (* l 15c, 1916 "Nauru" overprint on 10/- Indigo blue, unused, nicely centered, some staining not readily evident on face, Very Fine appearance; a rare stamp with only a single pane of 60 issued ; 1999 Brandon certificate. Scott $12,500.00 (SG # 18, ÂŁ10,000=$20,000) ............................................................................ Est. $1,500-2,000
3160 3160 0 13, 18671/-Yellow green on laid paper, a pleasing used example of this, the rarest stamp of Nevis, sock-
on-the-nose barred oval "A09" cancel, rich color on uncommonly fresh paper showing strong laid lines , Very Fine for this ; 1990 B.PA . certificate. Scott $5,750.00 (SG # 14a, ÂŁ6,000=$12,000) .......................... Est. $3,000-4,000
3161 3161 * 31b, 1883" evis 1/2d" surcharge on half of ld Violet, unsevered pair, an incredibly rare mint example, good color, part original gum, Very Fine ; a stamp which seldom makes an appearance at auction ; signed Hol combe and accompanied by 1997 Brandon certificate; ex.-Ferrari. Scott $4,000 .00 (SG #36b , ÂŁ4,000=$8,000) ............. ............................. ................... .................. ..................................................... Est. $2,000-3,000 October 9, 2008
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New Britain
3162 3162
3 163
3 164
* 13, 1914 "G.R.I. 2S" First Setting Overprint on 2M, especially well centered, fresh color, original gum ,
lightly hinged, VF, only 126 stamps issued ; signed Enzo Diena and others. Scott $2,500.00. (SG # 13, £ 1,800=$3,600) .............. ................................................... ................................................................... Est. $ 1,000-1,500 3163 0 20, 1914 "G.R.I. 2 1/2d" Surcharge on lOpf, Second Setting partial Rabaul c.d.s., well centered, Very Est. $ 150-200 Fine; signed by several. Scott $350.00. (SG #20, £275=$550) .......................................................... 3164 ** 22, 1914 "G.R.I. 3d" Surcharge on 25pf , Second Setting well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine, only 869 3d on 25pf surcharges (first and second settings ) were issued. Scott $125.00 for hinged. Est. $ 100-150 (SG #22, for hinged, £120=$240) ............................................... .........................................................
** 23, 1914 "G.R.I. 3d" Surcharge on 30pf, Second Setting top margin single, well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine, only 661 3d on 30pf surcharges (first and second settings) were issued. Scott $125.00 Est. $ 100-150 for hinged. (SG #23, for hinged, £ 120=$240) ...................................... .................... ............................
3 166
* 33b, 1914 "G.R.I./2d." Surcharge on 20pf Ultramarine , double surcharge, remarkably fresh and well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine; only twenty copies were printed according to Gibb s; 1991 B.PA. certificate. Scott $2,200.00 (SG #53g, £1,700=$3 ,400) .................................................. Est. $ 1,000-1 ,500
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& Postal History British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps ------
E timated Value
3 167
* 36c , 1914 "G.R.l./4d " Surcharge on 40pf Lak e and black , "4d" omitted , having been caused by a strong downward shift of the surcharge , resulting in the "4d" falling in the selvage, bottom sheet-margin single, bright and fresh, original gum, h.r., some perforation separations between stamp and sheet selvage reinforced by a hinged, Extremely Fine; one of a mere two examples known according to Gibbs ; 1991 B.PA. certificate. Scott listed but not priced . (SG #56 Var.)...................................................................................................... Est . $4,000 -5,000
3 168 3168
** 37, 1914 "G.R.I. Sd" Surcharge on 50pf , well centered, origina l gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine, only 599
issued. Scott $190.00 for hinged. (SG #57, for hinged, ÂŁ 150=$300) .................... .............. ............ ....
Est. $ 150-200
39 Var., 1914 "G.R.1./ls." Surcharge on lM Carmine, 5 112mm setting, large "S" from a different fount, attractive unused examp le of this intriguing stamp, of which only two examples have been recorded to date , rich color on fresh paper , Very Fine; signed Holcombe and accompanied by his 1989 certificate; ex.-Bute, Gibbs. Scott unlisted ; Gibbs #25a. (SG #64na, ÂŁ10,000=$20,000) ................................ ............ ........ Est. $4,000-5 ,000
3 169 (* l
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Estimated Value
3170 3170 * 41b, 1914 "G.R.I./3s." Surcharge on 3M Black violet, no stop after "I" and showing traces of a stop after "R" as usual , handsome appearing mint example of this rare variety, of which only a few copies are known, excellent centering , original gum , light h.r., shallow thinned spots not noted on the certificate , Extremely Fine appearance; signed Kohler and Richter and accompanied by clear 1999 Brandon certificate. Scott $6,750.00 (SG #6lb , £5,500=$11,000) ............. ......................................................................... Est. $ 1,000-1 ,500
New Republic
3172 3171 0 lA, 1886 ld Black on yellow, two singles tied to small piece by well struck coat of arms cancel , the right stamp well centered within large margin s, natural s.e. at left and with a faint horizontal crease in the top margin, the left stamp with bottom right corner missing prior to use and a bit of light toning , Fine for this as virtually all examples are faulty; only seventeen examples have been recorded, all of which are used, with this being one of only two such frankings ; signed Bloch twice. Scott for singles $7,000 .00 (SG # 1, £6,000=$12 ,000) ................................ ...................................................................................... ............ Est. $ 1,500-2,000 3172 * 32B Var., 1886 10/6 Violet on grey, "d" omitted, original gum , h.r., blunted perfs at right , otherwise Very Fine; much scarcer than its catalog value would indicate. Scott unlisted. (SG #43b , £450=$900) .... Est. $ 150-200
3173 3173 C8l 60, 1887 2d Violet on grey granite paper, nicely centered, tied by bold violet oval "Vryheid/14 Jun 88" handstamp to cover to Pretoria , entered the mails with Transvaal 1887 2d Olive-bistre (S.G . # 178) tied by "Utrecht /Z.A.R ./Ju 15, 88" duplex postmark , "Pretoria , Z.A.R ./22 m 88" backstamp , fresh and clean , Very Fine and quite scarce . (SG #73) ........................................................... .................. ..................................... Est. $ 1,500-2,000 October 9, 2008
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Estimated Value
ZU I D·A.f-rlI KA.
3174 3 174 */ ** 61b Var., 1887 3d Violet on grey, embossed arms tete-beche, bottom sheet -margin vertica l pair, the
bottom stamp with the embossed arms inverted, strong and intact perforations , original gum , lightly hinged, the bottom stamp Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine and rare. Scott unlisted. (SG #74b) ............................ Est. $750-1,000
New Zealand
3 176 3 175 0 1, 1855 ld Dull carmine, white paper, an attractive used example of this rare and sought after stamp , with
large margins to just into at lower right , strong color on crisp white paper , light open grid cancel, nearly Fine; 1992 Brandon certifica te. Scott $15,000.00 (SG # 1, £13,000=$26 ,000) ............................ ................ Est. $2,000-3 ,000 3 176 EE*** 121, 1903 2/- Blue green on laid paper, top sheet -margin mint block of six (2x3), wonderfully fresh , original gum , bottom pair tiny h.r. and the top four stamps Never Hinged, Fine ; probably the largest survi ving multiple ; 1969 B.P A. cer tzficate; ex. -Asc h. Scott for hinged sing les $ 1,800 .00 (SG #269a, £ l ,200=$2,400) .............................................. ........................... ........................................................... Est. $2,000-3,000 Octo ber 9, 2008
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& General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
E timated Value
3178 3177 EE** 320a, 1958 "2d" Surcharge on 1112d Rose brown, small surcharge, an incredibly rare mint block
of four, showing the obliterating dot 3 314mm instead of the usual 4 112mm,original gum, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine; R.PS.NZ. certificate. Scott listed by not priced. Campbell Patterson #N41a(l)(2). (SG #762bVar.) .......................................................................................................................................... Est.$1 ,000-1,500 3178 * AR40 Var., 1925-30 8/- Blue, error of color, fresh mint example of this intriguing stamp, having been printed in the color of the 2/- value instead of the dark blue normally used for the 8/-, original gum, Fine; this is the example of record for the Stanley Gibbons listing and is the only copy we have ever seen; 2001 Brandon certificate; ex.-"Midas." Scott unlisted. (SG #F138a, £500=$1,000) .................................. Est. $ 1,000-1,500
3179 3179
(* I
05, 1892 Magenta "O.P.S.O." handstamp on 6d Brown , unused, Fine and scarce; 1973 R.PS. certifi-
cate; ex.-Pattiz. Scott for used $700.00 (SG #012, £700=$1,400) ....................................................
Est. $200-300
3180 l8J 07, 09, 011, 013 & Unlisted, 1892-1902 Violet "O.P.S.O." handstamps on 112d Black, ld Rose, 2 112d Ultramarine, Sd Red brown and 1/- Scarlet, a unique franking comprised of 112dhorizontal pair, 1d block of
six (2x3), 2 112d block of four, 5d horizontal strip of three and the 1/-, which is not listed by Scott, an 'T' shaped strip of three, all tied by "Wellington, N.Z./20 SO 02" datestamps to large portion on parcel front, Very Fine usage; the most spectacular franking by these rare and difficult stamps in existence; signed Bloch and accompanied by 1981 Friedl certificate. Scott for singles not counting the unlisted 1/- is $5,035.00 (SG #O2a, 014, 017 , 019 , 023 , £10,200=$20,400) .................................................................... ........................ Est. $5,000-7,500 October 9, 2008
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Estim ated Value
3 182
3181 O 08, 1892 Violet "O.P.S.O." handstamp on 2d Violet, used with clear "N Z/Wellington/8 SP 92 " squared circle postmark , Fine for this; an outstanding rarity and the key item to the whole handstamped "O.P.S.O."issue; 1969 R .PS. certificat e; ex.-Pattiz . Scott and Gibbons listed by not priced. (SG #O7a) ...................... Est. $ 1,500-2,000 3182 ffi* 012 var., 1902 Violet "O.P.S.O." handstamp on 4d Rose, mint block of four, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine; 1994 R.P.S.N.Z. certificate stating "that this is a reprint produced for presentation or exhibition, using the genuine handstamp , but applied to a stamp variety which , with "O.P.S.O." overprint , is not known used ; ex.- "Mida s." (SG #015 Var.)...................................... ................................................................ Est. $750- 1,000
3 184
3 183
3 183 * 013 , 1902 Violet "O.P.S.O." handstamp on Sd Red brown, wonderfully well centered and fresh, original gum, small h.r., choice Very Fine; sign ed Bloch and accompani ed by 1990 Brandon certifi cate. Scott for used Est. $300-400 $525.00 (SG #017 , £550=$1 , 100) ............... .............. ....................... .................................................. 3184 * 014, 1902 Violet "O.P.S.O." handstamp on 8c Dark blue, original gum , h.r., short perf. at left not noted on the certificate , otherwise Fine and rare ; clear 1969 R.PS. certifi cate; ex .-Pattiz . Scott for used $625 .00 (SG Est. $200-300 #018 , £650=$ 1,300) ...... ....... ........... ......... .......... ......... ..... ........ .................................................. .........
Niger Coast Protectorate
3185 3185 * 23, 1893 112d on 2 112d Purple on blue, Ty. 4 surcharge in blue-black, select mint example of this rari-
ty, wonderfully bright and fresh , original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine; only 23 examples were printed; 2001 B.PA. certifi cate. Scott $3,000.00 (SG # 16, £4,750=$9 ,500) ........................................................ .... Est. $1,500-2,000
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Est imated Value
3 186
* 26, 1893 112d on 2 112d Purple on blue, Ty. 4 surcharge in black, particularl y fresh mint single , nicely centered, good color on crisp paper , original gum , small h.r., a Very Fine example of this rarity, of which only nineteen copies were printed; 1933 and 1993 B.PA . cert ificates. Scott $3,500 .00 (SG # 15, £4 ,000= $8,000) ....................... ........................... .................................... ........................................... ... Est. $2,000-3 ,000
3187 3 187
** 92 var, 1956 2d Tin Mining, 'Royal Visit 1956' Inverted Overprint variety, especially well centered,
original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine, 2005 BPA certificate. (SG #8la , £ 190=$380)............
Est. $ 100-150
North Borneo
3188 3188 <*> 54, 1892 "6/cents." surcharge on Sc Green, a collectable unused example of this rare stamp , well cen-
tered, bottom right corner perf. skillfully added, Very Fine appearance ; signed Kohler. Scott $9,000 .00 (SG #54, £9,000=$18, 000) .................................... .................... ...................... .............................. ................... ... Est. $750 -1,000
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Est imated Value
Nyasaland Protectorate
3 189
* 11, 1908 £10 Purple and ultramarine , a lovely mint example with fresh gum, some minor rubbing which effects most examples of this stamp as it was printed on chalky paper, nearly Very Fine. Scott retail $8,000.00 (SG #82, £9,000=$18,000) .................................................................................................................. Est. $4,000-5 ,000
3 190
3 19 1
* 23 var, 1913 £ George V, 'Nick in Top Right Scroll' variety, well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, VF. (SG #98c, £800=$1,600) .............................................................. ................................................ Est. $500-600 3 19 1 * 24a, 1914 £10 Pale ultramarine and dull violet, a handsome mint example, vivid rich colors, beautifully centered, original gum, Very Fine. Scott retail $6,000.00 (SG #99e, £3,500=$7,000) ........................ Est. $2,000-3,000
3 190
.. ·····························~····················
3 193 EX
* 67 var, 1938 £ George VI, Serif on 'G' variety, especially well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine. (SG #143c, for NH, £750=$1,500) ............................................................................................ Est. $300-400 3193 EE ** 68-81, 1945 Id to 20/ George VI issue , complete mint set of margin blocks of four, very well centered, Est. $ 150-200 original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $232.00. (SG # 144-57, £260=$520) .......................... 3192
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Estimated Value
Orange River Colony
* 14, 1877 "4" Ty. b Surcharge on 6d Rose, good color on fresh paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine. Est. $500-750 Scott $1,350.00 (SG #11, £1,200=$2,400) .......................................................................................... short several single, 3195 0 14a, 1877 "4" Surcharge on 6d Rose, inverted surcharge, right wing-margin used perfs., otherwise Fine and scarce. Scott $1,250.00 (SG # 1la, £1,100=$2,200).................................. Est. $200-300
DriC' Pt'll<'<'. 3 196
42c Var., 1896 "Halve/Penny."surcharge on 3d Ultramarine, inverted surcharge, no stop after "Penny",the left stamp in a top sheet-margin control no. " l" horizontal pair, pos. 59-60, the right stamp a normal inverted surcharge, strong and intact perforations, original gum, h.r. and light toned spot in selvage only, the stamps lightly hinged, Very Fine; only a single sheet of two panes of 60 received an inverted surcharge, the "no stop" variety only occurred once in the top and bottom panes, the only other example resides in the Royal collection, making the copy offered here the only example in private hands; 1960 B.PA . certificate . Scott unlisted. (SG #81a, £2,000=$4,000) .................................................................................................... Est. $ 1,500-2 ,000
3196 *
3 197
* 52G, 1900 "V.R.1./ls."Surcharge with level stops on 1/- Orange, original gum, h.r., small spot of soiling at top, otherwise Fine; during the first overprinting of the 1/- brown, a handful of the obsolete 1/- orange stamps were turned in and surcharged, it is thought that only about a dozen copies were made, making it vastly rarer that the subsequent raided stops printing in orange; 1992 B.PA. certificate . Scott $3,000.00 (SG # 1l0a, £3,500=$7,000) .................................................................................................................................... Est. $ 1,500-2,000
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Estimated Value _
Papua New Guinea
.. .
······-:······················ .. 3198
** 18, 1906 2/6 Large 'Papua' Overprint on Latakoi, vertical left margin pair with horizontal watermark, exceptionally well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. Scott $450.00 for hinged. (SG #20, Est. $300 -400 for hinged, £280=$560)........................................................................................................................
3 198
3 199
* 23 var, 1907 4d Small 'Papua' Overprint on Latakoi, Deformed 'd' of '4d' variety, watermark vertical, very well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine. (SG #42a, £180=$360) ........................ Est. $100- 150 3200 ** 48 var, 1909 2/6 Large 'Papua,' with 'Postagie' variety, exceptionally fresh, original gum, Never Hinged Fine. (SG #48a, for hinged, £550=$ l , I 00) .......................................................................................... Est. $600 -700
Sca mp s
BP** SG# SBl, 1970 50c Booklet, 'Postage Stamp' with Serifs, complete unexploded booklet containing Est. $200 -250 one pane of ten stamps, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. (SG #SB 1, £350=$700) ..............
320 1
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Estimat ed Value
** J6, 1960 6d Surcharge on 7 112d Postage Due, well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine, 2002 EPA certificate. Scott $1,100.00. (SG #DI , £800=$1,600) ........................................................ Est. $500-600 3203 ** J6, 1960 6d Surcharge on 7 112d Postage Due, well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine, 2003 EPA certificate. Scott $1,100.00. (SG #Dl , £800=$1,600) ........................................................ Est. $500-600 3202
········································································· : .JOHN ASH, • A.lJ! TBALIAN ~OTE ANO llT,\alP
PRl~ t t·n.
3204 EX
** 01-8, 010-12, 1931112d to 2/6 Official Overprints, set less the 1/ value, John Ash imprint strips of three, especially bright and fresh, very well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $462.00 for hinged singles. (SG #055-63 , 065-66 , for hinged singles, £333=$666) ........................................................ Est. $200-300
* 74, 1901 £5 Dark blue, an attractive mint example of this scarce high value, intense color on fresh white paper, well centered, original gum, h.r., Very Fine; 2002 E.PA. certificate. Scott $3,750.00 (SG #92,
£3,250=$6,500) .................................................................................................................................... Est. $2,000-3,000 3206 O 100B, 1909 £5 Deep blue on bluish, an incredibly rare postally used example of this high value, cancelled by a sock-on-the-nose "Mwinilunga/N. Rhodesia/5 Aug 1917" c.d.s. showing the "W" removed, strong color on fresh paper Very Fine; Robson Lowe notes "the late Rand Helm is reported to have used four copies for postal purposes" and this probably represents most that exist today; 2005 E.PA. certificate. Scott $5,000.00 (SG # l l 3e, £4,250=$8,500) ........................................................................................................................ Est. $3,000-4,000 Octobe r 9, 2008
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Estimated Value
3207 3207 *
113Var.,1910 2/6 Sepiaand deep crimson, original gum,fresh and Fine. (SG # 156, £400=$800) ..... .
Est. $ 150-200
St. Helena
Bl-4, 1961 2 1/2c + 3d to 10c + 1/- "St. Helena/Tristan Relief" surcharges cplt. , top of bottom sheetmargin singles, original gum, lightly hinged in the selvage only, the stamps all Never Hinged, Very Fine set, only 434 sets were sold of which about 150 mint sets exist. Scott unpri ced mint. (SG # 172-75 , £5 ,500=$ l l ,000) ...................................... ............................................................................................ Est. $3,000-4 ,000
3208 **
Bl-4 , 1961 2 1/2c + 3d to 10c + 1/- "St. Helena/Tristan Relief" surcharges cplt. , tied to locally addre ssed cover by bold " St. Helena /Oct 12, 61" first day of issue postmarks , cover folded in a bit at right , fresh and Very Fine ; of the 434 sets sold only about 100 were used on first day covers; signed Brid ger & Kay. Scott for used 2,650.00 (SG # 172-75, £2,250=$4 ,500) ........................................ ...................................... Est. $ 1,500-2,000
3209 FDC
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- E_s1_im_a1_ed_V: _alue
St. Vincent
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• 3210 EX
3210 ffi** 141-51, 1938 112d to£ George VI, complete mint in margin block s of four, very well centered, original Est. $ 100-150 gum, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine. Scott $220 .00. (SG # 149-59, £ 160=$320) ..............................
3211 3211 0 101c, 1914 'G.R.I.' Overprint on 3pf, Comma after 'I' variety tied to small piece by "Apia 15.9.1914" Est. $250-300 c.d.s. , well centered, Very Fine ; signed. Scott $375.00 . (SG # l0lc , £425=$850) ..............................
3212 3212 * 102a Var., 1914 "G.R.I./1/2d." Surcharge on Spf Green, double surcharge and fraction bar omitted
from the second surcharge , plus the first surcharge shows the " l " to the left of "2" in "1/2", original gum , trifle heavy h.r., Very Fine; only eight double overprints were printed , with this example without the fraction bar being unique; 1987 R.PS. certificate. Scott unlisted; Gibbs #2eb. (SG # 102d Var.) .................. Est. $5,000-7,500 Octobe r 9, 2008
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& General Foreign Stamps & Postal History --------=----------- ---=---
Estimated Value
* 106 Var., 1914 "G.R.I./4d." Surcharge on 30pf Orange and black on salmon, "G.R.I." omitted, attractive mint example of this rare error, uncommonly fresh, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine; only ten such errors were printed; signed Bloch and Gesicke. Scott and Gibbons unlisted. (SG #106 Var.) ........ Est. $2,000-3,000 3214 * 106Var., 1914 "G.R.I./3d." Surcharge instead of"4d." on 30pfOrange and black on salmon, fresh mint example of this unissued variety, original gum, lightly hinged. Extremely Fine; only ten examples were printed; 1964 R.PS. certificate; ex.-Thetford. Scott and Gibbons unlisted; Gibbs #6a. (SG # 106 Var.) .. Est. $2,000-3 ,000
3215 32 15
Seychelles/Fe 22, 67 clear origin backstamp on stampless cover to London, ms/ 1/- rate and endorsed "By
French mail via Marseilles", red "London/Mr 18, 67" arrival backstamp, trivial stain at bottom center, Fine and scarce................. .................................................................................................................................. Est. $ 1,000-1 ,500
3216 C8l AlO, 1861-63 9d Dull lilac of Mauritius, block of four, left pair with a pressed vertical crease from placement overlappingcover edge and top left stamp with a comer missing, tied by four strikes of "B64" in barred oval to cover to Lynn, Mass., bold "Seychelles/Ju 7, 70" backstamp, red London transit and red Boston entry postmark, cover refolded at top, Fine and rare usage to pay the 34c rate for 1oz to U.P.U.countries..................... Est. $2,000-3 ,000
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Estimated Value
32 17 181 A19a, 1863-72 6d Yellowgreen of Mauritius, left wing margin single , cancelled by neatly struck "B64" in barred oval postmark on 1877 folded letter to Nantes , France , Seychelles, Marseilles , Paris and Nantes backstamps, fresh and Very Fine. (SG #Z22) .............................................................................................. Est. $ 1,500-2,000
,. !W,
A36, 1878 "38 Cents" Surcharge on 9d Violet of Mauritius, horizontal pair used with two strikes of "B64" barred oval postmark , Very Fine and rare, especially as a multiple. Scott for singles $1, 100.00 (SG #Z43 , Est. $500-750 £1,000=$2,000) .................................................................................................................................... gum, ,original D16 Ty. "Specimen" overprinted reissues, II Die 3219 S 92s, 100s, 1927 3c Green and 12c Grey Winchester undercataloged, tremendously and rare Fine; Very lightly hinged, 3c with a tiny thin, otherwise recorded only three examples of the 3c, one of which is in the U.P.U. collection ; 1998 Brandon certificate for Est. $300-400 the 3c. (SG #99s, 107s Footnote , £510=$ 1,020) .................................. ................. .............................
3218 0
Sierra Leone
* 32a, 1893 "Half/Pfnny"surcharge error on 1 112dViolet, pos . R3/l, an especially choice mint example of this terribly rare error, exceptionally fresh, original gum, Very Fine; one of a mere six mint copies recorded by Beale, one of which is in the Royal collection ; 1932 R.PS. certificate. Scott $3,300.00 (SG #38a, £3,500=$7,000) ........................................................................................... ......................................... Est. $ 1,500-2,000
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& General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
Ty.f Surcharges on 1/- Lilac, horizontal strip of three, the center stamp #59A, tied to piece by three strikes of "Freetown/Sierra Leone/Jy 13, 97" datestamp, discolored as often from immersion in sea water, Very Fine and scarce combination multiple. Scott $1,660.00+ (SG #63, 66b, £ l ,430=$2,860) .................................................................................................................................... Est. $400-500 3222 * 58 Var., 1897 "2 1/2d" Ty. c Surcharge on 1/-Lilac, Italic "N" in "Revenue", an especially fresh mint example of this elusive variety, beautifully centered, strong unblemished color (most are discolored from having been dropped in to Freetown harbor), Extremely Fine; only 71 copies were printed; signed Champion twice and Hol combe. Scott unlisted. (SG #66a, £ l ,400=$2,800) ................................................................ Est. $1,000-1,500
322 1 O 56, 59A, 1897 "2 1/2d." Ty. a and
1: A . C p
3223 l:8J 103-21, 1912-24 1/2d-£ 5 George V, the complete set of all nineteen values, each tied by a separate strike of "Freetown/Sierra Leone/My 12, 22" datestamp to large cover to Denmark, remarkably clean and fresh, Very Fine; unique. Scott for singles off cover $3,294.30 (SG # 112-30, £3,500=$7,000) .......................... Est. $2,000-3,000
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& General Foreign Stamps & Postal History ---
No 73J7
Estimated Value
t-Mr1 I ft,.;,c,(
3224 i:;;:i Cl-5, C7, 1963 7d on 1112d to 6/- on 3d and 11/- on £1 Independence and Progress surcharges, tied to official registered cover to England by oval "4 MY 1963" cancellations , Very Fine and very scarce. (SG #263267 , 269) ...... ................ ........... .......... ....... ........... ..... ..... ......... ......... .... ........ ....... ............. ................. .... Est. $200-300
... ·························································· .
3226 3225
** C7, 1963 11/- on £1 Independence and Progress surcharge, very well centered, original gum, Never
Hinged, Very Fine , 2002 Brandon certificate. Scott $525.00. (SG #269, £600=$1 ,200) .................... Est. $300-400 3226 rn•• C7, 1961 11/- on £1 Independence and Progress surcharge, top left comer margin mint block of four, nicely centered, normal tropicalized original gum for this issue, Never Hinged, Very Fine and very scarce . Scott $2, 100.00 (SG #269, £2,000=$4 ,000). ......................................... ............................................ ............ Est. $750-1,000
Somaliland Protectorate
3227 3227
** 2 var, 1903 la Overprinted Victoria, Missing 'I' in 'British ' variety, in pair with normal example ,
exceptionally fresh , well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine . (SG #2a, for hinged, £ l 70=$340) ........................................... .............................................. ....................... ......................... . Est. $200-250 October 9, 2008
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& General Foreign Stamps & Posta l History -
Estimat ed value
South Africa :""
.., .,"' 0
'-< 0
"' .. ".'t'1"'
~ ... ... . "' "' C' "' "'
3229 EX
3228 tE** 45, 1936 112d Springbobok Watermark Upright, gutter block of four bi-lingual pairs , well centered, Est. $ I 50-200 original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. (SG #54bw, for hinged, £152=$304) ..................................
68-71, 68-71 var., 1935 112d - 6d George V Silver Jubilee, set of four matching envelopes each franked by a block of six, upper right stamp of each block displaying the "Cleft Skull" variety, each block tied by Johannesburg c.d.s, except the 112d tied by Elandskuil c.d.s. , all addressed to Johannesburg South Africa , Very Est. $250-350 Fine. (SG #65-68 , 65a-68a) .................................................................... ........................ ......................
Southern Rhodesia
Wsterlow & Sons I 1m1tNh London Wall , London , F' c . '-
········ ····•·1•• . ············ '
rn. 2 Var., 1924 ld
Brig ht rose, interpan neau gutter block of four, top pair imperforate between stamps and gutter margin, showing the full imprint in the gutter, strong and intact perforations , original gum , lightly Est. $400-500 hinged, faint toned spot in the gutter, otherwise Fine-Very Fine. (SG #2 Var.) ..................................
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South West Africa
021, 1947 2d Official Overprint, bi-lingual pair, partial c.d.s. , well centered, Very Fine ; 1998 RPS certificate. Scott $600.00. (SG #021 , £750=$1,500) .................................. ...................... ...................... Est. $400-500
323 I 0
EB O 021, 1947 2d Official Overprint, block of two bi-lingual pairs, centrally struck Windhoek 20.9.1947 c.d.s., well centered, Very Fine ; 2002 BPA certificat e. Scott $1,200.00. (SG #021 , £1,500=$3 ,000) Est. $750-1 ,000
Stellaland EEN PENNY
> ,-
,"' ,-
> 2
~ lll.t::::J!Jlli1t::::::J;R;;:=:Jl
la, 1884 ld Red, imperforated between, unused horizontal pair, particularly well centered, good color, couple tiny faults as usual , otherwise Very Fine and rare , as this error occurred only in one vertica l row of a single sheet. Scott $4,250.00 (SG # la , £3,750=$7 ,500) ........................ ....... ................ .................. ......... Est. $ 1,500-2,000
3233 <*l
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Estimated Value
Straits Settlements
* 67, 1884 "4/Cents" Surcharge on Sc Ultramarine, original gum, h.r., some light soiling , otherwi se Fine and scarcae; signed Thier. Scott $3,250 .00 (SG #72, £3,250=$6 ,500) ................ ................................ Est. $ 1,500-2 ,000
3235 S** 128A var, 1902 $25 Edward VII, Specimen Overprint, very well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Est. $300-400 Very Fine. (SG # 139s, for hinged, £275=$550) ....................................... .............. .......................... ...
3236 EX
** 79-94, 1949 lm - SOP Camel Rider, complete mint set in matched corner margin blocks with control 3236 EB
numb er, well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine. Scott $306.00. (SG #96-111, Est. $ 150-200 £260 =$520) ......... ........... ...... ......... ........ ....... ..... ........ ........... ................... ........ .......... ....... .................. ..
93a, 1948 20P Camel Rider, Chalk Surfaced paper, Perf 13, very well centered, Malakai c.d.s, Very Est. $ 100-150 Fine ; 2002 BPA certificate. Scott $ 175.00. (SG # 1 l0a , £ 180=$360) ................................. ...............
3237 0
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Estimated Value
* C33a, 3P Surcharge on 7 1/2 P Airmail Perf 11 1/2 x12 1/2, very well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine; 1984 RPS certificate. Scott $400.00. (SG #76b, £475=$950) .............................. Est. $300-400 3239 0 MO12, 1911 lOP 'Army Official' Overprint , very well centered, Taufikia 9. l.910 c.d.s, Very Fine; signed. Scott $600.00. (SG #A16 , £425=$850) .................. ............. ................................. ................. . Est. $200-300 3238
h25a la50a
3240 ffi** SG# MlC, 1915 "G.B. Mafia" Overprint in Red Violet on 2 l/2h, top margin block of four, faint over-
print on top pair, very well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine, only 140 issued; one stamp signed Buhl er. (SG #M IC , for hinged, £800=$1 ,600) .................................................................................... Est. $500-750 3241 ** SG# M2B, 1915 "G.B. Mafia" Overprint in Deep Purple on 4h, very well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine , only 160 stamps issued ; signed Buhl er and Hoffmann-Gi esecke BPP (SG #M2B , for hinged, £900=$1 ,800). .......... ..... ........................ ................. ....... .......... ........ ..... ........... .......... ........ ........... ...... ... Est. $500-750
** SG# M3B, 1915 "G.B. Mafia" Overprint in Deep Purple on 7½h, very well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine, only 140 stamps issued ; signed Hoffmann-Gi esecke BPP (SG #M3B , for hinged,
£550=$ l , l 00).........................
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.. ....................
...... ......... .......... .. ......... ... . ..... .... ........... .... .......... ......... .. ....
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Est. $300-400
H.R. Harmer
Lot ---
History British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal ---------'------------
Estimate d Value
** SG# MSC, 1915 "G.B. Mafia" Overprint in Red Violet on 20h, nearly an albino overprint, very well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine, only 140 stamps issued; signed Lange. (SG #MSC, for hinged, Est. $200-250 £325=$650) ..... ............. ...... ....... ......... ........ ................... ........... ...... ................................................. .....
'/ J . /(, c.,:-
/i~~~ ~
_______ .
3244 3244 C8I 24, 31, 1896 1/- Brown orange and "1/2d/Postage" surcharge on 4d Lilac and rose revenue, right sheetmargin horizontal pair and single of former and two singles of latter, all with some light staining, tied by "Tobago/Ju 9, 97" postmarks to registered cover to Dominica , "Dominic a/Ju 15, 97" arrival c.d.s., Very Fine Est. $750- 1,000 and unusual usage. (SG #24c, 33).. .......... ............................................................................................
34a, 1914 'One Penny' Overprint on Spf, Thin 'Y' in 'Penny' variety, tied to small piece by Lome 1.10.1914 c.d.s., well centered, Very Fine, only 550 issued; signed Kosack. Scott $500.00. (SG #H l3a , Est. $250-300 £350=$700) ................................................... ................................. .................. .................................... 3246 ** 36, 1914 'Togo Ang lo-French Occupation' Overprint on Spf, First Setting well centered left margin pair, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine, only 1,200 issued ; each signed Both e. Scott $250.00 for hinged. Est. $ 100-150 (SG #H2, for hinged, £200=$400) .... ........ ...... ........ ............ .................. .................. ........................ .... 3245 0
Oc tober 9, 2008
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Estimat ed Value
** 37, 1914 'Togo Anglo-French Occupation' Overprint on lOpf, First Setting well centered left margin pair, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine, only 1,000 issued ; each signed Bothe. Scott $300 .00 for hinged. Est. $200-250 (SG #H3, for hinged, £240=$480) .................................. ...................................... .............................. 3248 ** 43, 1914 'Togo Anglo-French Occupation' Overprint on 80pf, especially well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine, only 550 issued; signed Bothe. Scott $275.00 for hinged . (SG #H9, for hinged, 3247
£225=$450) ......................... .......... ..................................................... ............................. .....................
Est. $150-200
48, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" Catholic Mission narrow setting overprint on 3pf Brown, select used single , beautifully centered, neat 1914 c.d.s., choice Very Fine; only 25 copies were printed most of which were used; 1967 B.PA . certificate . Scott $1,000.00 (SG #H14 , £900=$1 ,800) .... Est. $750-1,000
3249 O
51 var., 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" Catholic Mission narrow setting overprint on 20pf Ultramarine, mint block of twelve (4x2) , pos. 37-40 , 47-50 , 7-10 , featuring the variety replaced "O" of "TOGO", this being the correction of the "TOG" error , which was only noticed part way through the printing , of which only about 25 examples exist, original gum, numerous hinge reinforcements of perf. separations , Very Fine; each stamp signed Bothe; ex.-Gibbs. (SG #H l 7) .............. .............................................. .......... Est. $750-1,000
3250 83.
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325 1
Estimated Value
o 54, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo -French/Occupation" Catholic Mission narrow setting overprint on 40pf Black and carmine, used with partial Lome c.d.s., rich colors on fresh paper , Very Fine; Gibbs estimates that only 25 to 30 stamps were issued, most of which were used ; 2005 B.PA. certificate. Scott $1,750.00 (SG #H20, £1,500=$3,000) .............. ...................................... ................... .............. .......... ............................... ...... Est. $ 1,500-2 ,000 3252 ** 63, 1915 'Togo Anglo-French Occupation' Overprint on lOpf, especially well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine , only 1,001 stamps issued. Scott $225.00 for hinged. (SG #H31 , for hinged, £200 =$400) .. .. ..... .. .......... ....... ..................... ..... ...... ........ .... ..... .. .... .. ..... ..... ........ .......... ................ ....... .. Est. $ 150-200
o 63 Var., 1915 "TOGO/ Anglo -French/Occupation" Catholic Mission third setting overprint on lOpf Carmine unwatermarked , outstanding centering , tied to piece by full strike of blue "Lome /Togogebeit/8/4.15" datestamp, some light staining, otherwise Extremely Fine ; this stamp is only known overprinted from an individual setting and to date only five copies have been recorded, all of which are used ; 1998 Holcombe certificate. Scott unlisted . (SG #H3 la , £7,000=$ 14,000) ................................ ............... ............................. Est. $4,000-5 ,000
** 64, 1915 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupati on" Catholic Mission third setting overprint on 20pf Ultramarine, pos. 17 showing wide and narrow "O" in "TOGO" , which resulted from the correction of the "TOG " error , wonderfully fresh , original gum , Never Hinged, nearly Very Fine ; only eight copies were printed; 1979 R.PS. certificatefor the block offour from which this was taken; ex.-Gibbs. Scott for normal $ 1,600.00 (SG #H32 , £ 1,400=$2 ,800) ........... ........................................... ............................ ............................... . Est. $ 1,000-1,500
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Esti mated Value
rn* 86a, 1920 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" Ty.8 overprint on 1/- Black on emerald green, emerald green back, rare mint block of four, original gum , some horizontal perf. separations reinforced by a hinge ,
fresh and Very Fine. Scott for singles $1,400.00 (SG #H53c , £1,200= $2,400) ..................................
Est. $500-750
3256 3256 * 135, 1892 £5 Dark green, rich color on fresh paper, original gum , h.r., Fine and scarce , as most copies on
the marketplace are reprint s or forgeries ; signed Holcombe and accompanied by 2003 B.PA. certificate. Scott $3,750 .00 (SG # 187, £3 ,250= $6,500) ......................... ................................. ........................................ Est. $1,500-2,000
3257 3257 * O9b, 1909 "Official" overprint on ld Carmine, inverted overprint,without red control mark, intense
color, original gum, h.r., Very Fine; one of only two known mint examples without the red control mark; 1959 B.PA. certificate. Scott for with control mark $900 .00 (SG #O9c , £750= $ 1,500) .................... Est. $1,000-1,500 October 9, 2008
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British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History -----------------
Estimated Value
Tristan da Cunha
Mll-"M g
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10th May, 1946 Petition for postage stamps with proposed designs, six page legal-sized typed petition , the sixth page of which contains a sheet of photographic essays for a nine-stamp set from I/2d to 2/6 designed by Allan Crawford and annotated by order of preference , page five has a strip of five of the red 1d "so uvenir " stamps used on Christmas and Easter mail affixed, along with the signatures of the petitioners and perfect strike of the Ty. VIII cachet ; of the three copies of this petition that were prepared and signed , one went to the authorities at Capetown , one was retained by Allan Crawford and the third is example offered here ; ex.-Cole ....................... ..................... .............................................. ............. .............. Est . $ 10,000-15 ,000
3259 C8I From Tristan d' Acunha/No Stamps Procurable manuscript endorsement in red on tan cover to London , departed Tristan 3 Nov. 1898 and entered the mails with "Simons Town/15 No 98" (Cape of Good Hope) hooded datestamp s and octagonal "T/25c" due handstamp , large "5d/F.B." due marking applied at the London Foreign Branch and "London , W.C./De 2, 98" arrival backstamp , fresh and Very Fine ; this cover was carried on board the H.M.S. "Thrush " which took away the survivors of the shipwreck of the "Glenhuntly" who had been marooned on Tristan for five month s . ................................................................ .................. ................ Est. $3,000-4 ,000
Octob er 9, 2008
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Estimated Value
3260 181 Tristan da Cunha typewriter overprint, three line overprint on United States 1922 l/2c olive brown and l 1/2c yellow brown (Scott #551, 553) and one line overprint on Great Britain 1924 l 112d Wembley (S.G. #431 ), the l l/2c stamp tied by "London F.S./Mar, 1929/Paquebot " machine cancel to cover to Holyoke , Mass ., U.S.A. , cover endorsed by Reverend Pooley and dated "24 .2.29 ", light vertical crease at right through the adhesive, otherwise Very Fine ; the third and most unusual of the six known typewritten overprint covers, being the only known cover with typewritten overprints on stamps of a country other than Great Britain and the only one of the six covers addressed to a country other than Great Britain; this cover was carried on board the S.S. "Duchess of Atholl " departing Tristan on 24 February , 1929; illustrated in the Crabb handbook. .......................................... ................. ............. ..................... ......................... Est. $3,000-4 ,000
~<lf f.l~~ %1f&rilt~~
â&#x20AC;˘ 3261
181 Tristan da Cunha typewriter overprint, three-line overprint arranged to fit the franking by George V 2d orange tied to cover to Oldham , England by "London F.S./Mar 1929/Paquetbot " machine cancel , signed and dated "24 .2.29" by Reverend Pooley, tear at bottom , still Very Fine ; the second of six known covers with typewritten overprint; this cover was carried on board the S.S. "Duchess of Atholl " departing Tristan 24 February, 1929 . .......................................................................................... .......................................... Est. $2,000-3 ,000 3262 181 Code Name H.M.S. Atlantic Isle, cover with original three-page enclosure to a serviceman on Tristan franked with South Africa 2d violet and datelined "May 15, 1945", addressed to "H.M.S. Atlantic Isle" care of Cape Town, top left comer of cover missing , otherwise Fine ; the addressee was one of three or four military personnel with the meteorological station on Tristan ; possibly carried on board the "Samgalleon" which called on June 24th, being one of only four ships to visit the island in 1945. ........ ............................... .... ... Est. $750-1 ,000
October 9, 200 8
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Estimated Value
MRs. P. Lf;;AR-1 1
• A. B. Crawfo; d, H.M. s .
Jo b 9,
F l eet
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KODAK (South Africa) LIMlnD , D-,nfontein , Johannesburg
3263 18] Code Name H.M.S. Job 9, inbound cover to Tristan addressed to "H.M.S. Job 9" care of Sirnonstown , Cape Province, "Johannesburg /20 July, 1943" machine postmark , Very Fine ; "Jo b 9" was the code name for Tristan from October , 1941 to January, 1944; this cover was possibly carried on board the H.M.T. "Rangitata " Est. $500-750 which called on Tristan on 10th Sept, 1943. ..... ......... ........... ..... ..... ...... ...... ...... ..... .. ..... ...... ...... ........... 3264 18] Tombstone Naval Censor, detailed strike initialed "H.C" and dated 10 March, 1945 on cover to London with additional red "Maritime /Mail/Post/Office " machine cancel , fresh and Very Fine ; the initials are those of Lt. Commander H.S.A Cornfie ld, R.N . who was the officer in charge of the meteorological station on "H.M.S. Atlantic Isle" in 1944-46, Crabb records no more that 30 such covers; this cover was carried on board the Est. $300-400 H.M.S . "Empire Welfare" departing Tristan 11 March , 1945. ............... .............................................
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3265 18] S.G. #Cl, Tristan da Cunha violet Ty. I cachet, particularly well struck cachet on cover to Todmorden , England franked with Cape of Good Hope 112d Yellow green (S.G . #70) tied by bold strike of rectangular boxed "PAQUEBOT" handstamp , entered the mails with Adelaide, Aus/Oc 25, 17" double circle backstamp , cover opened on three sides for display and reduced a bit at top at a slight diagonal which is not noted on the certificate , Fine and rare usage; this cover was carried on board the barque "Miche let" which departed 11 September , 1917; clear 2,000 B.P.A. certificate ..... ...... ......................................... ........................ ......................... Est. $4,000-5,000
Octobe r 9, 2008
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y_____ _o_s_t_a_l _H_i_st_o_r,,_ _ P _ S_t_a_mp_s_& gn _m_o_n_w_e_a_l_th_ &_ G_e_n_e_r_a_l _F_or_e_i""" B_r_it_is_h_ C_o_m 2
__ _te_d _Value ~ Es:tirna
S.G. #Cl , Tristan da Cunha violet Ty. I cachet, most ly clear strik e on fres h cove r to Widner, i:;;:i Eng land, end orsed in pencil on reverse "Dated Jan 23 - 19 17/rece ived 8-3-18", Very Fine. (SG #C l ,
ÂŁ4,000=$8,000) ....................................................................................................................................
Est. $3,000-4 ,000
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3267 i:;;:i S.G. #Cl , Tristan da Cunha violet Ty. I cachet, lightly struck cachet on clean cover to Windnes, England, entered the mails with bold "South Georgia/My 11, 18" datestam p, opened for display, Very Fine, this cover was carried on board the Norweg ian whaler "Perth " departing Tristan 26 April, 19 18 .. ................... Est. $3,000-4 ,000
October 9, 2008
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British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
J/1 ! . f. #: 41
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3268 Cg] S.G. #Cl, Tristan da Cunha violet Ty. I cachet, lightly struck cachet on cover to Windnes, England, entered the mails in London with boxed "T" and "1d/F.B." due handstamps , 1d postage due (S. G. D2) affixed and tied by "Windness /28 JA, 18" c.d.s. , flap missing , otherwise Very Fine; includes the original enclosure datelined " 1 May, 1918" which was not taken away until picked-up by the ship ""Sout hern Sea" which departed Tristan on 13 November , 1918! ..................................................... ................................................ ....... Est. $3,000-4,000
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3269 3269 EKU S.G. #Cl , Tristan da Cunha violet Ty. I cachet, beautifully struck on picture post card to Cape Town,
entered the mails with "Ca pe Town/08, DE 25" Christmas day postmark and large " ld " due handstam p, Very Fine; it is thought that this first cachet was provided by J.C. Keytel of Capetown , who visited the island occasionally on his schooner "Greyhound" and sent this card; this card was carried on board the whaler "Canton " which called on Tristan 19 December , 1908 and is one of only two known items from this first use of the cachet of origin; ex.-Cole. ..................................................................................................................Est. $7,500-10,000
gc/k ;::2 ~~" -- - - -- ---M$ ~'l\2
~c~ _J .
3270 3270 EKU S.G. #Cl, C2, Tristan da Cunha violet Ty. I and Ty. II cachets, former lightly struck and latter per-
fectly struck on cover addressed to Mrs. Percy Creagh , whose husband is believed to have provided the Ty. II cachet, Ty. I cachet overstruck with large boxed "Recei ved From H.M .Ships /No Charge to be Rend ered/Londo n/Sep 9 l 9"paquebot marking , with original four page enclosure datelined "20 October 1918" from Susannah Hagen describing her tough life, hopes for an end to the war in Europe and her desires for cloth , tea and coffee; this cover was carried on board the H.M.S. "Yarmouth" which departed Tristan 31 July 1919; one of only two known examples of Ty. I and Ty. II used together, in addition to being the earliest known usage of the Ty. II cachet . ..................................... ................................. ............................................ Est. $5,000-7,500 October 9, 2008
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Estimated Value
327 1 0 S.G. #C2, Tristan da Cunha/South Atlantic Ty. II cachet, lovely clear strike on cover to London , England, entered the mails with "Shanghai/26.3.34" biJingual c.d.s., and boxed violet "T 50 Ctmes " due hand stamp , which was struck out on arrival in London , large " 1 1/2d/F.B." due handstamp s and 112d emerald and ld carmine postage dues (S.G. DI0-11) affi xed and tied by "Londo n/2 My 34" date stamp s, cover opened out for display, Very Fine ; the latest known usage of the Ty. II cachet; thi s cover was carried on board an unidentified ship , though it was once thought to have been carried by the sailing ship "Ponape " whose mail was backstamped at Singapore; illustrated by Crabb on pg. 215 and further analyzed in Appendix C of his book .... .................................................... ................................... ............................................ Est. $4,000-5,000
327 1
3272 0 S.G. #C2, Tristan da Cunha/South Atlantic violet Ty. II cachet, beautifully struck on blue legal-sized cover addressed to Winston Churchill as Secretary of State for the Colonie s, endor sed "O.H.M.S." and with neat strike of "S-R Antarctic /Expedition 1921" datestamp of the Shackleton-Rowett expedition , vertical file fold at center, Very Fine; this cover was carried on board the schooner "Quest" to England ............. Est. $2,000-3,000
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Estimated Value
S.G. #C2, Tristan da Cunha/South Atlantic violet Ty. II cachet, clearly struck on cover to Edinburgh, entered the mails with neat "South/Georgia/Ju 4, 20" double circle datestamp, large " I l/2d/F.B." due hand-
stamp applied upon arrival in London and 112d and ld postage dues (S.G. Dl-2) affixed and tied by "Edinburgh/23 Jy 20" datestamps, Fine usage; this cover was carried on board the whaler "Pentham " which left Tristan on 25 May, 1920....................................................................................................................... Est. $ 1,500-2 ,000 3274 0 S.G. #C2, Tristan da Cunha/South Atlantic violet Ty. II cachet, fully struck cachet on buff cover to London, arrived in London with "London, F.B./14 MR 27/Paquetbot" postmark and large " l l/2d/F.B." due handstamp, after which 112d emerald and ld Carmine postage dues were affixed (S.G. Dl0-11 ) and tied by "London/ 15 MR 27" c.d.s., cover also shows a cross in circle handstamp on reverse indicating inspection of Tristan mail for unauthorized overprints, Very Fine; this cover was carried on board the R.M.S. "Asturias" departing Tristan 15 February, 1927, a picture post card of which is included................................... Est. $750- 1,000
S.G. #C2, Tristan da Cunha/South Atlantic Ty. II cachet, mostly clear strike on cover to Bath, England franked with Great Britain 112d and Id George V, entered the mails with Montevideo/Mar 24" machine back-
stamp and processed there with two bold strikes of "Clasificacion/Montevideo/24.III.28" postmarks and c.d.s. at lower left, "Bath/19AP 28" arrival backstamp, cover opened three sides for display, Very Fine; this cover was carried on board the S.S. "Author" departing Tristan 15 March, 1928. .............................................. Est. $750-1,000 October 9, 2008
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& General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
181 S.G. #C2, Tristan da Cunha/South Atlantic Ty. II cachet, nearly complete strike on grey cover to Westminster forwarded to Leicester , England, entered the mails with Buenos Aires machine backstamp and arrive in England with "London/My 4, 1927" backstamp , opened on three sides for exhibition , Very Fine ; this cover was carried on board the S.S. "Suveric" departing Tristan on 27 March , 1927. ...................... Est. $750-1,000 3277 181 S.G. #C2, Tristan da Cunha/South Atlantic Ty. II cachet, mostly clear strike on cover to London , entered the mails with bold "Port Elizabeth/3 May 26" (South Africa) backstamp and "T" and octagonal "T/20c" due handstamps, arrived in London with "N/2d" in circle and 2d agate postage due (S.G. D 13) tied by 25 May c.d.s., with original enclosure datelined February 14, 1926 from Mrs . Henry Green , Very Fine; this cover was carried on board the Norwegian barque "Asalea" departing 17 April for Durban and was one of only two ships calling on Tristan in 1926.... .......... ........ .......... .. ............... ........ ........ ...... ...... ............ ............ ...... ................... ... Est. $500-750
·t-~ e1, s. P. ~ t.rJ~P"n- ~
ST• . jAMB:s•s GATE, D UB L I
0-g/~ 3278
181 S.G. #C3, Tristan da Cunha Ty. III cachet, perfectly struck cachet tying horizontal pair of Great Britain George V 1d carmine to a pre-addressed return envelope provided by a charitable parcel sender from Dublin , Ireland, entered the mail s with "Lo ndon/Paquet bot/26 Ju, 29" postmark , cover with normal vertical file fold and some age spotting , Very Fine usage, with original enclosure datelined March 5, 1929 from Maria Green mentioning "We have had a very poor crop of potatoes this year the worst ever know." This cover was carried on board the S.S. "Halesius " departing Tristan 15 May, 1929. ..................... ........... ................................ Est. $500-750 3279 181 S.G. #C3, Tristan da Cunha Ty. III cachet , mostly bold strike on cover to London , England, entered the mails with "Durb an/24 Jul 25" backstamp , which was repeated on the face at lower left the next day, arrived in London with small "2d/F.B." due handstamp and 2d agate postage due (S.G . D 13) tied by "London/I Au, 25" c.d.s. , cover with small piece added at upper left, otherwise fresh and Fine; this cover was carried on board the S.S. "Anniversoise" departing Tristan 12 July, 1925. ............. ........................ ....................... .............. Est. $400-500
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& General Foreign Stamp ~ & Postal Histor r_ _____
_e E_sti_m_ate_d_v_a lu
¡1 2- 1 .
â&#x20AC;˘ -
466 /
S.G. #C3, Tristan da Cunha Ty. III cachet, smudged strike on cover to Dorchester , England forwarded to Mont Dore , France , entered the mail s with "Dorchest er/22 Ju, 23" datestamp and "T" due handstamp , forwarded with two France 50c postage due stamps affixed and tied by Puy de Dome postmarks , Mont Dore backstamp , cover with edge wear and wrinkles , Fine usage; this cover was carried on board the whaler "Herkules" departEst. $200-300 ing Tristan 19 May, 1923. .................................................................................................................... 328 l 181 S.G. #C4, Tristan da Cunha Ty. IV cachet, clearly struck with ms . "29 Feb, 1928" date added at center on folded letter to Liverpool from R. Pooley, entered the mails with " 1 l/2d/ To Pay/466" handstamp and l/2 d emerald and ld carmine postage dues (S.G. Dl0-11 ) tied by "Wavertree Liverpool/20 MR , 28" datestamp, Pooley writes "from the loneliest spot known" and mentions "no ship for a year"; carried on board the S.S. "Empres s of France." .............. ....................... ............................................. ............................ .............. Est. $ 1,000-1 ,500
181 S.G. #C4, Tristan da Cunha Ty. IV cachet, mostly bold cachet on fresh cover to Bombay, India, dropped at Cape Town, South Afiica with no postal markings applied, arrived in Bombay with "Bombay G.P.O./30 Nov 28" backstamp, opened on three sides for display, Very Fine; this cover was carried on board the S.S. "Baron Tweedmouth" departing Tristan 28 October, 1928 and was the third and final ship calling that year.... . Est. $ 1,000-1 ,500 3283 181 S.G. #C4, Tristan da Cunha Ty. IV magenta cachet, well struck cachet tying Great Britain ld carmi ne and 1 112d brown George V to cover to Kansas City, U.S.A., being a passenger 's letter written two days before ships call (enclosure included) , entered the mails with "London F.S./Mar, 1929/Paquetbot " machine cancel, fresh and Extremely Fine; this cover was carried on board the S.S. "Duche ss of Athol" departing Tristan 24 February , 1929. .............. ....... .......... ....... ............ ....... ........... ....... ........... ....... ......... .. ....................... ..... Est. $750-1,000
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Estimated Value
3284 181 S.G. #CS, Island of/Tristan da Cunha magenta Ty. IVa cachet, beautifully struck tying George V ld carmine on cover to Twickenham , England, used in combination with "Tristan da Cunha" violet Ty. Va cachet (S.G. #C7) on reverse , entered the mails with "London/Paquebot /26 Ju, 29" datestamp and large " l/2d /F.B." due handstamp , with 112d emerald postage due affixed and tied by "Twickenharn/27 JU, 29" c.d.s ., age spoting , Fine ; a fantastic combination usage of the two rarest Tristan cachets, being one of only three recorded examples, in addition to being the last known use of the Ty. IVa cachet and the earliest known use of the Ty. Va cachet ; this cover was carried on board the S.S. "Halesius" departing Tristan on 14 May, 1929........ .................... .................. ........................................... ......................... ....................... .. Est. $7,500-10 ,000
S.G. #CS, Island of/Tristan da Cunha magenta Ty.IVa cachet, three perfect strikes on cover to London , England, the first tying Great Britain 1/2d green and ld carmine George V, the second repeated at left and the third on back and showing the "bandeau " portion struck separately outside the cachet , which is dated " 10-2-29" in manuscript , entered the mails with "London F.S./Paquebot /26 JU, 29" c.d.s ., roughly opened causing some tears which have been mended and opened out for exhibition , Fine and rare usage , being the latest known usage of the Ty. IVa cachet; this cover was carried on board the S.S. "Halesius " departing 14 May, 1929 after having waited three months for onward transmission ... ...................................................................... Est. $4,000-5 ,000
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& Postal History General Foreign Stamps British Commonwealth & --------------------
E timated Value
S.G. #CS, Island of/Tristan da Cunha magenta Ty. IVa cachet, beautifull y stuck cachet on fresh cover to Great Barrington, Mass., U.S.A., entered the mails with "Lon don F.S./Paquebot /26 JU, 29" c.d.s. and "T" in circle due handstamp , "New York/N.Y." and "Due/I 0/Cents" entry postmarks, Extremely Fine and very attractive; the latest known usage of the Ty. IVa cachet; this cover was carried on board the S.S. "Ha lesius" departing Tristan 14 May, 1929.................. ......... .............................................. ............................................ Est. $4,000-5,000
S.G. #C6, Tristan da Cunha blue Ty. V cachet, well struck cachet tying Croydon registry ettiquette to cover to Tristan da Cunha franked by George V 2 112d, Sd and 9d tied by "C roydon Aerodrome /5 Ap, 33" datestamps and endorsed "by Air to Cape Town/Then by S.S. Caritnthia" at top and flown down to the Cape on Imperial Airways for expedited service to Tristan, unfortunately the S.S. "Cari nthia" could not call at Tristan as the weather was too rough , so the cover was delivered on the R.M .S. "Atlantis " in February , 1934, the cover was then sent back to England on board the "Ponape" and re-entered the mails with "Paquebot /Singapore /24 SP, 1934" backstamp and boxed bilingual violet "Returned to England without/Reason for non-delivery " handstamp, reaching London in Octob er, 1934, 18 months after it starte d; one of only two known examples of the first official air mail to Tristan; illustrated in Crabb on pag. 321 and 325 ..................................... Est. $1,000-1,500
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Estimated Value
et Hr.Ms. K XVIIl Vervoer d an Tri s tan da Cunha Naa r Kaa pstad e
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S.G. #C6, Tristan da Cunha blue Ty.V cachet, well struck on cover to Montevideo, Uruguay, entered the mails with "Cape Town/Paquebot/2 Apr 36" datestamp, Buenos Aires April 30 and several Montevideo May 1, 1936 backstamps, fresh and Extremely Fine; this cover was carried on board the Dutch submarine "K XVIII", which called on Tristan on 22 March, 1935, the cover bearing a bold "Met Hr.Ms.K XVIII/Vervoerd van Tristan da Cunha/Naar Kaapstad" ships cachet, and was the only vessel of its kind to visit Tristan in the years prior to WWII; accompanied by original unused envelope for the world cruise of the submarine, together with a souvenir brochure and photos of the vessel. ............................................................................ Est. $ 1,000-1 ,500 3289 181 S.G. #C6, Tristan da Cunha blue Ty.V cachet, on cover to Cape Town, South Africa, where it entered the mails with oval "Til e" due handstamp and ld postage due tied by "Cape Town/ 11 Jan 36" c.d.s., plus two official seals at top, cover with vertical file fold, Fine usage; this cover was carried on board the S.S. "Auditor" which called at Tristan on 7 January, 1936 and was one of only two ships to vist the island all year. ............ Est. $500-750 3288
3290 181 S.G. #C7, Tristan da Cunha Ty. Va cachet, lightly struck tying George V 11112 d brown to cover to Liverpool, with second strike repeated at left, Pooley's manuscript notation at left, light file fold at center, Very Fine; one of only six known covers with the Ty.Va cachet, most of which are "Halesius" mail; this cover was carried on board the S.S. "Tymeric" departing Tristan on 12 February, 1930.. ................................. Est. $5,000-7 ,500
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Estimated Value
··, _.,,,.
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tt. S. /l . 3291 3291 EKU S.G. #C7, Tristan da Cunha magenta Ty. Va cachet, perfectly struck twice on fresh cover to Great
Barrington, Mass., U.S.A., entered the mails with "London, F.S./Paquebot/26 JU, 29" postmark and "T" in circle due handstamp, "New York, N.Y." and "Duell 0/cents" entry postmarks, clean and fresh, Extremely Fine; this cachet was brought to Tristan by Reverend Partridge on the "Dutchess of Atholl" on 24 February, 1929 along with the Ty.V cachet, but it was not used on mail until May, the cover offered here is the earliest of the only six covers recorded with this cachet, which was taken away from Tristan by Pooley's assistant, Philip Lindsay, who left on the "Tymeric"; this cover was carried on board the S.S. "Halesius" departing Tristan 15 May, 1929.............................................................................................................................................Est. $7,500-10,000
• 3293 3292 3292 181 S.G. #CS, Tristan da Cunha Ty. VI cachet, ninteen strikes tying various George V 112d to 1/- values, plus
Edward VIII 112d to 2 112d and George V re-engraved 2/6 to 10/- Seahorses to large registered cover to Northampton, England, violet "Posted out of Course/F.S." handstamp and oval "Registered/Northampton/30 May 37" arrival backstamp, some minor faults as expected, still a Very Fine and spectacular franking; carried on board the "Carlisle" ......................................................................................................................... Est. $ 1,500-2,000 3293 181 S.G. #C9, Tristan da Cunha Ty.VII cachet, two strikes tying Great Britain Edward VII 112d and Edward VIII 1 112d to American WWII patriotic cover to Beira, Portuguese East Africa, South African censor labels and "Correio/Beira/1 1 Mar, 1942" arrival postmark, opened on three sides for display, Very Fine and rare; during World War II there was little mail from Tristan as its function as a meteorological station was cloaked in secrecy, this cover was possibly sent by an American pausing at the island on an American warship and is one of the few uses of the Ty.VII cachet after 1940................................................................................... Est. $750-1,000 October 9, 2008
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Estimated Value
Turks Islands
3294 3294 * 15a Var., 1881 "1/2" Setting 6, Ty. 6 surcharge on 1/-Violet , surcharge double and without bar, a
particularly fresh mint example of this very rare stamp, bright color, original gum, scissor separated at left leaving a wide margin with intact perforations, small thinned spot, Very Fine appearance; only ten examples were printed; 2006 Brandon certif icate; ex. -Dale-Lichtenstein. Scott unlisted. (SG # 14ba, £8,000=$ 16,000) .................................................................................................................................. Est. $4,000-5,000
3295 3295 * 24, 1881 "2 1/2" Setting 7, Ty. 22 surcharge on 6d Black, original gum, heavy h.r., s.e. at top, Very Fine for this seldom seen rarity; ex.-Yardley. Scott $8,500.00 (SG #32, £7,500=$15,000) ........................ Est. $4,000-5,000
5 3296
3296 O 22, 1895 30(c) Black , wide letters, narrow stamp , used with neat blue pencil "X" cancel, generous
margins showing nearly full dividing lines all around, light pressed horizontal crease not noted on the certificate , Very Fine appearance and rare; clear 2005 R.PS. certif icate. Scott $8,750.00 (SG #22, £8,000=$16,000) .................................................................................................................................. Est. $2,000-3,000 3297 * 41 Footnote, 1895 45(c) Violet, narrow letters, narrow stamp, without gum as produced, attractive example showing dividing lines on three sides, fresh and Very Fine; this denomination was prepared to oblige a local official but was never issued, with only six copies having been produced by Reverend Millar. Scott footnoted but not priced. (SG #41 Footnote, £2,500=$5,000) ............................................................................ Est. $ 1,500-2,000 October 9, 2008
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Estim ated Va lue
* 43, 1895 lOO(c)Violet, narrow letters, narrow stamp, without gum as issued, fresh mint example showing dividing lines at top and bottom, Very Fine and rare; 1967 B.PA. certificate; ex.-Isleham. Scott $3,250.00
(SG #43, £2,500=$5,000) .................................................................................................................... Est. 1,500-2 ,000 3299 * 53, 1896 lOO(c)Violet, fifth issue, without gum as issued, holes at stops as often, still fresh and Fine; 1989 Est . $400-500 R.PS. certificate. Scott $1,500.00 (SG #53, £ 1,400=$2,800) ..............................................................
* 56a, 1896 3a Black , overprinted "L" for local use, small "o" in "Postage ", pos. R 3/ 1, without gum as issued, left sheet-margin single, with large margins on the other three sides, bright and fresh, choice Very Fine. Scott $1,500.00 (SG #72a, £1,400=$2,800) ........................................................................................ Est. $750- 1,000
330 1
* 77b, 1902 "Uganda" overprint on l/2a Yellow green, double overprint, fresh mint example of this rarity, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine; quite undercataloged given that only five examples were printed (pos. 2) in the top five rows of one sheet; 1982 PF certificate. Scott $2,250.00 (SG #92c, £2,000=$4,000) .................................................................................................................................... Est. $ 1,000 -1,500
330 1
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Estimated Value
3302 1:8:J3, 3b, 4, 4b, 5, Sc, 6, 6b, 7, 7b, 17c, 1895-96 "Zanzibar" overprint on 1/2 Green, la Violet brown, lc6p Bister brown, 2c Ultramarine, 2a6p Green and 6a Bister, "Zanibar" errors, po s. R. 7/2, the fir st five in horizontal pairs with normal , tied to 2a6p yellow entire addre ssed locally by six strikes of c.d.s. cancel, top right corner clipped, otherwi se fresh and Very Fine ; phil atelic but quite unu sual and undoubt edly unique ; 1935 Rob son Lowe certificate. Scott for singles $ 10,322 .50 (SG #3, 3k, 4, 4k , 5, 5k, 7, 7k, 8, 8k, 13k, £9,671=$ 19,344) .................................................................... .............................................................. Est. $5,000-7,500
3303 O 15b, 1895-96 "Zanzibar" overprint on 3R Green and brown, "r" inverted, used with sock-on-the-
nose "Zanzibar /1 0 JA 96" datestamp , excellent centering and very fresh, some short perfs. at top not noted on the certificate , otherwise Very Fine ; clear I 995 R.PS. cert ifi cate. Scott $4,500 .00 (SG #20k , £4,500= $9,000) .................................................................................................................................... Est. $2,000-3,000 3304 O 31 Var., 1896 "2 1/2" Surcharge on 2a Pale blue, inverted "1" in "1/2", used with neat c.d.s. cancel , thinned at top right and slightly rubbed, Fine appearance and rare; only six or seven such errors were printEst. $400-500 ed .. Scott unlisted. (SG #27m, £1,600=$3,200) ...................................................................... ............
* 98a, 1904 "Two/&/Hlaf" Surcharge error on Sa Olive grey and red, rich colors on fresh paper, original gum , lightly hinged, Very Fine; a mere four examples of this error are recorded, one of which is in the Royal collection ; signed A llen and Bloch and accompani ed by 2007 Brandon certificate. Scott $ 11,500.00 (SG #209c , £13,000=$26,000) ................................................................................................................................ Est. $5,000-7,500
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Estimat ed Value
3306 181 Jl , J4B, 1931 le Black on orange and 12c Black on green, three singles of former , including a bottom left corner margin examp le and single of latter, all tied to the front of a cover from Nairo be franked sole ly by a George V 1c brown , "Zanzibar /JA 31, 3 1" backstamp and all the postage dues tied by 2 Februa ry datestamps , Very Fine; a rare and colofull usage as the 12c Black on green is almost never seen on cover. (SG #D 1, D7) ....................... ............. ....................................................................... ......................... .......... Est. $ 1,000-1 ,500
J8B, 1931 25c Black on magenta, without gum as issued, well centered, natural s.e. at left, light staining not noted on the certificate , otherwise Very Fine and rare; clear 1998 Brandon certificate. Scott $3,250.00 (SG #D13 , £2 ,750=$5,500) ................. ................................................................................... ............. ......... Est. $ 1,000- 1,500
3307 *
24, 1894 £5 Violet and black on red, a well centered used example , fresh colors, part of two double circle datestamp s, Very Fine; undercatalogued in our opinion ; 1980 R.PS. certificate. Scott retail $1,750.00 (SG #29, £ 1,500=$3 ,000) ....................................................... ............................ ......................................... Est. $ 1,000-1 ,500
3308 O
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Estimated Value
3309 O 1, 1913 Double headed "Eagle and Shqipenia " handstamp on 2 l/2pi Violet brown, neat purpl e c.d.s., fresh and Fine; signed Dr. Rommerskirchen . Scott $600.00 (Mi 9, €800=$1,264) .......... .................. Est. $200-300 33 1o
* 2, 1913 Double headed "Eagle and Shqipenia " handstamp on lOpa Blue green, bright and fresh, original gum, trivial h .r., Fine and scarce; signed Champion. Scott $650.0 0 ............ ............ .......... .... .. .... Est. $300-400 33 11 ** 4, 1913 Double headed "Eagle and Shqipenia " handstamp on Spa Ocher, well centered within large margins, bright and fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; signed Calves. Scott for hinged $400 .00 (Mi 4, for hinged, €500=$79 0) ...... .. ................................. .......... ...... ...... .......... ...... ................. .......... ...... .... Est. $200-300
33 12
33 14
3312 0 4, 1913 Double headed "Eagle and Shqipenia " handstamp on Spa Ocher, choice margins and center-
ing, very lightly cancelled, Extre mely Fine and choice ; signed Dr: Rommerskir chen. Scott reta il $400.00 (Mi 4, €500=$790) .... ..... .. .... ....... ...... ........... ............................. ................ .......... ...... ........ ....... ....... ........... ..... Est. $200-300 33 13 O 8, 1913 Double headed "Eagle and Shqipenia " handstamp on 2pi Blue black, tied to piece by large violet c.d.s., exceptionall y well centered, Extremely Fine. Scott $375. 00 (Mi 8, €450=$7 l l) .......... Est.$ 150-200 33 14 * 10, 1913 Double headed "Eagle and Shqipenia " handstamp on Spi Black , original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine and scarce; signed Holcombe and accompani ed by his 1995 certificate . Scott $850.00 .. Est. $400-500
17, 1913 Double headed "Eagle and Shqipenia " handstamp on 2pa olive green newspaper stamp , large purple c.d.s., Fine. Scott retail $400 .00 .................................................................................. .... Est. $ 150-200 33 16 * 19, 1913 Double headed "Eagle and Shqipenia " handstamp and "10" surcharge on 20pa Carmine rose, unu sually well centered, origina l gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine and quite scarce with only 345 issued; 1994 Miku lski certificate . Scott $950. 00 (Mi 15, €3,000=$4,740) .......... ........................ .................... Est. $400-500 33 15
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33 18
33 17
33 17 O 20, 1913 (1 pi) Black on laid paper, without eagle and value, large margins, large teal 1913 Tirana post-
mark, Very Fine. Scott $400.00 (Mi 2 A, €500=$790) ........................................................................ Est. $ 150-200 33 18 * 52A-53, 1914 lOpa and 20pa Violet and red Korce issue cplt., without gum as issued, both with large margins, Extremely Fine. Scott $300.00 (Mi Korea la-2a, €400=$632) ............................................ Est. $ 100-150
33 19 EX
** 332-44, E3, 1943 2q-50q on 60q German Occupation, "14 Shtator 1943" Overprint well centered, Est. $ 100-150 original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; each signed Krischke, Scott $98.00 (Mi 1-14, €240=$379) 3320 * C22-28, 1929 "Mbr. Shqiptare" overprints on 5q-3Fr Air post cplt., original gum, h.r., Very Fine set of which only 1,003 were issued; top three values each signed Kohler . Scott $818.00 (Mi 210-16, for NH, €1,800=$2,844) .................................................................................................................................... Est. $300-400
33 19
Andorra (Spanish)
3321 EX
cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Est. $200-300 Fine set. Scott $513.90 (Ed 1-12, €423=$668) ....................................................................................
332 1 * 1-12, 1928 "Correos/ Andorra" overprint on 2c-1 OPAlfonso
Andorra (French)
3322 EX
* J9-15, 1931-33 lc- "SF" on lFr Postage due cplt., original gum, most lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set. Est. $ 150-200 Scott $413.90 (Ceres TT9-15, €570=$901)..........................................................................................
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& General Foreign Stamps & Posta_!_History
Estimated Yalu_:
Annam & Tonkin
* 7-9, 1888 "A - T/1" to "A - T/5" Handstamped surcharges cplt. , original gum , #2 lightly hinged, #3 h.r., # 1 small thined spot (Cat. $175), otherwise Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $860.00 (Ceres 5-7 , €1,225=$ l ,936) .................................... ....................... ................. .......... .......................... .......... .......... Est. $200-300
3324 EX
3325 EX
3326 EX
3324 * 128-44, 1910 lh-lOK Franz Josef Birthday Jubilee cplt. , original gum , h.r., 2K-10K lightly hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $568 .15 (Mi 161-77, €550=$869) .............. .......... ................................ Est. $200-300 3325 * 128-44, 1910 lh-lOK Franz Josef Birthday Jubilee complete mint set, bright and fresh , well centered,
original gum, low values Never Hinged, top three values lightly hinged, Very Fine. Scott $568.00 . (Mi 161-77, €550=$869) ..................................... ............................................................................................ ......... Est. $200-300 3326 0 128-44, 1910 lh-lOK Franz Josef Birthday Jubilee, complete used set, top value tied to small piece by "Wien l 8.VIII.1910" c.d.s., most with matching partial Wien c.d.s. , well centered, Very Fine ; top value Ferchenbauer certificate. Scott $ 1,031.00. (Mi 161-77, €1,000=$1,580) ..................... ........... .......... Est. $400-500
** 219 var., 1919 Imperf2KVermillion and Black, very well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; signed Ferchenbauerwith accompanying 2004 certificate. (Mi 284 U, for hinged, €500=$790) .......... Est. $300-400
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** 380, 1936 10S Dollfuss, especially well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. Scott $1,300.00 (Mi 588, €1,300=$2,054) .................................................................................................... Est. $700-800 3329 ** 380, 1936 10S Dollfuss , especially well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; signed Kaufmann. Scott $1,300.00 (Mi 588, €1,300=$2,054) ........................................................................ Est. $600-750
333 1
** 380, 1936 10S Dollfuss , exceptionally well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. Scott $1,300.00. (Mi 588, €1,300=$2,054) .................................................................................................. Est. $600-750 3331 ** 380, 1936 10S Dollfuss, post office fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine. Scott $1,300.00 (Mi 588, El ,300=$2,054)...................................................................................................................... Est. $600-750
O 380, 1936 10S Dollfuss, tied to envelope by special commemorative "Innsbruck 25.VII.1936" date of issue cancel, envelope file fold and light aging not affecting stamp, internal address, Fine; 1976 R.PS. certifiEst. $500-750 cate. (Mi 588, €1,600=$2,528) ............................................................................................................
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3333 EX
** 404 note, 1945 "Osterreich" Overprints on lRM - 5RM Hitler, complete mint set, bright and fresh, well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine; each signed Mat! VOB. Scott $ 150.00. (Mi Va-Vd, Est. $ 100-150 €200=$3 I 6) ......................................................................................... .................................................
3334 181 405-23, 428-31, 1945 lpf - 5Rm Overprints on Hitler, complete set tied on three light green envelopes by "Graz 14.6.1945" c.d.s., unaddressed, Fine-Very Fine; each envelope signed Weihs and accompanied by certificate. (Mi 674-69311, €1,350=$2, 133) ...................................... ...................................................... .. Est. $500-600
11111111111 l 11111111111 ~·_
125,oo .
. . 3335
424-27, 1945 lRM - 5RM Type I "Osterreich" Overprint, well centered, complete set of marginal blocks of four, original gum, one #424 hinged, all other stamp s Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine; each stamp signed by several. Scott $2,600.00 (Mi 693IA-96IA , €3,000=$4,740) ................................................ Est. $ 1,250-1 ,500
3335 83**
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3338 EX
3337 EX
3336 EX
Estimated Value
3336 O 428-31, 1945 lRM - 5RM Type II "Osterreich" Overprint, well centered, complete used set with parEst. $400-500 tial Graz c.d.s ., VF; each signed Kava,~ Scott $915.00 (Mi 693IIB-96IIA , €1,000=$1,580)..............
** 428-31, 1945 lRM - 5RM Type II "Osterreich" Overprint , well centered, complete set, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine; each signed Kovar VOB.Scott $450.00 (Mi 693IIB-96IIB, €500=$790) Est. $200-300 3338 ** 428-31, 1945 lRM - 5RM Type II "Osterreich" Overprint , well centered, complete set, original gum , Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine; each signed Kovar VOBwith accompanying 2002 certificate. Scott $450.00 (Mi Est. $200-300 693IIB -96IIA, €500=$790) ....... ......... ....... ......... ................ ....... ........... ...... ........ .......... ...... ......... ....... ..
3340 EX
3339 EX 3339
*.* B106-09 , 1933 Ski Federation, complete mint set, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $500.00
Est. $200-300 (Mi 551-54 , €600=$948) ......................... ............................ ................... .............................................. 3340 ** B106-09, 1933 Ski Federation, complete mint set, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $500.00 Est. $200-300 (Mi 551-54, €600=$948) .......................... .............. .............. ....................................... .........................
334 1 EX 334 I O B106-09, 1933 Ski Federation, complete set affixed to small pieces , each with bold "F IS - Wettkampfe Est.$ I 50-200 Innsbruck 8.11.1933" c.d.s. , Very Fine. Scott $ 169.00 (Mi 551-54 , €350=$553) .......................... ....
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3342 C8l B106-09, 12g to 50g 1933 Ski Federation, complete set tied to envelope by "Innsbruck Wettkampfe 11.II.193 3 commemorative cance l which also ties special label depicting two racing skiers, "Durch Eilboten / Express " label at lower left, attractive Red and Black advertising for the FIS, no address , Very Fine . (Mi 551Est. $200 -250 54, €400=$632) ....................................................... .... ......... ............... .. ...............................................
** Bll0 , 1933 50g WIPA, very well centered bottom margin single , original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Est. $ 100-200 Fine . Scott $260.00 (Mi 555A , €320=$506) .............................................................. ..........................
~~ /7)'-c~
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,.11·••• , 1n:a
3344 C8l Bll0 , Bll0a , 1933 50g WIPA Granite and Ordinary Paper, both tied to Registered envelope by dual strike "WIPA 1933 Sezession 24.Juni " starburst cancels , airmail etiquette , addressed to Innsbruck , backEst. $600-750 stamped, Very Fine. (Mi 555A-B, €1,360=$2 ,149) .................... .................................................. ........
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Estimated Value
3345 3345
** BllOa, 1933 50g WIPA, Granite paper, very well centered bottom margin single, original gum, Never
Hinged, Extreme ly Fine. Scott $625.00 (Mi 556A , €750=$ 1, 185). .................................... .................
Est. $300-400
......................... . 1)oft'1a~fe Per
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3346 0 BllOa , 1933 SOgWIPA, Granite paper, tied to postal card by WIPA 1933 26/6 commemorative cancel , blue airmail etiquette at left, Vienna airmail transit , addressed Ipswich England, Very Fine. (Mi 556A, Est. $400-500 €900=$1 ,422) ........................................... ................... ........... ....................... .................................. ......
** BllOa, 1933 50g WIPA, Granite paper, fresh and well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Est. $300 -400 Fine. Scott $625. 00 (Mi 556 A, €750=$1, 185) ............... .....................................................................
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. ·························:•··················· ·····:·
Estimated Value
:. -·-·- ::a : :id :
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334 8 **
B111, 1933 WIPA Souvenir Sheet, very well centered, original gum , Never Hin ged, also includ es the origina l souvenir folder, Very Fine. Scott $3, 150.00. (Mi Block 1, €3,700=$5,8 46) .......................... Est. $ 1,500-2,000 3349 ** B111 , 1933 WIPA Souvenir Sheet, very well centered, origin al gum , Never Hinged, also includes the orig inal souvenir folder, Very Fine ; 2005 Ferchenbauer certifica te. Scott $3, 150.00. (Mi Block 1, €3,700=$5,846) ................... ............................................................................................ .................. ... Est. $1,500-2,000
. ............................. .......................... .. .. ... ... ....
. . ... . ····························· . . ... ·························· ... ~~~lf~ ~!".! ·,::1•"'' .
.··----·-·---- . .. .. ····························· ·························· INTERNATIONALE POSTWERTZEICHEN ·AUSSTELLUN G WI EN - 193 3
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,,. in
3350 **
B111 , 1933 WIPA souvenir sheet , post office fresh , original gum , Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine. Scott $2,500.00 (Mi Block 1, €3,700=$5,846) .............................. .............................................. .................. Est. $1,500-2,000 335 1 O B111 , 1933 WIPA Souvenir Sheet, three different special commemorati ve cancel s "WIPA 1933 29.Juni ," also includes the original souvenir folder, very well centered, Very Fine . Scott $2,500.00. (Mi Block l ,
€4,000=$6,320) .................................................................................................................................... Est. $1,750-2,000
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Estimated Value
3353 EX
3352 0 B111, 1933 WIPA Souvenir Sheet, special commemorative cance ls "WIPA 1933 5.Juli ," very well centered, Very Fine. Scott $2,500.00. (Mi Block l , €4,000=$6,320) ............. ................................. .......... Est. $ 1,500-2,000
** B185-88, 1946 ls-Ss Renner Souvenir Sheets, comp lete mint set, original gum , Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine ; each signed Ferchenbaue,~ Scott $2,000.00. (Mi 772B -775B, €2,300=$3 ,634) ....................... . Est. $ 1,000- 1,250
3354 EX
** B185-88, 1946 ls-Ss Renner Souvenir Sheets, complete mint set, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; each signed. Scott $2,000.00. (Mi 772B-775B, €2,300=$3,634) .................... .......................... Est. $ 1,000-1,250 3355 * B185-88 , 1946 lS-SS Renner souvenir sheets cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine set. Scott 3354
$2,000.00 (Mi 772B-775B, for NH , €2,300=$3,634) (No PH) ............... .................. ....................... ..
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Est. $750-1,000
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Estimated Value
** C3 note, 1918 Unissued 7K Flugpost Overprint on l0K Red Brown, very well centered, original gum , NH , Very Fine, only 500 printed; signed Ferchenbauer with accompany ing 2002 certifi cate. Scott $1,350.00
(Mi II, €1,300=$2,054) .......................... ................. ................................... .......................................... Est . $600-700 3357 ** C3 note, 1918 Unissued 7K Flugpost Overprint on Imperf lOK Red Brown, very well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine, only 500 printed ; signed Ferchenbauer with accompany ing 2002 certificate . Scott $1,000.00 (Mi IIB, €1,000=$1,580)... ............... ..................... ................... ............................. ..... Est. $400-500
3358 EX
* M69-82 Footnote, 1918 lh-lK Karl I imperforate cplt. , original gum , small h.r. or lightly hinged, Very Fine set. Scott $675.00 (Mi I U-XIV U, €800=$1,264) .................................................................... .. Est. $300-400
Belgian Congo
* 5, 1886 SFr Lilac, nicely centered for this and uncommonly fresh, original gum , trivial h.r.,Very Fine. Scott $375.00 (Off 5, €400=$632) ................................... ............. ................................................................ Est. $ 150-200 3360 * 13, 1891 lOFr Buff, choice centering and particularly fresh , original gum, h.r., Extre mely Fine. Scott $450.00 (Off 13, €500=$790) ............................................. ............................................. .................... Est. $200-300
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& General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
3362 EX
3361 EX
to lOFr+lOFr Semi-postal surcharges cplt., original gum, lightly hinged or h.r., 5c small thinned spot (Cat. $1.40), otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $940.00 (Off 150-63, Est. $300-400 €1,200=$1,896) .................................................................................................................................... 3362 * B84-92, 1928 Sc+Sc to lOFr+ lOFr Laying of First Stone of Orval Abby overprints cplt., fresh mint set, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-VeryFine, only 5,000 sets issued; all signed. Scott $650.00 (Off 272A-272K, €800=$1,264)........................................................................................................................................ Est. $200-300 3361 * B34-47, 1918 lc+lc
3364 EX
3363 EX
cplt., original gum, Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $475.90 (Off 342-50, €550=$869) ...................................................................................................... Est. $150-200 3364 * B132-43, 1933 Sc+Sc to 10Fr+40Fr Orval Abbey cplt., original gum, h.r. except top value lightly hinged, Very Fine set. Scott $607.50 (Off 363-74, €1,000=$1,580) ................................................................ Est. $200-300
3363 * B114-22, 1932 lOc+l0c to 10Fr+40Fr Cardinal Mercier
fresh used example of this rare stamp, bold boxed postmark, Very Fine; 2005 PF certificate. Scott $1,600.00 (Off CF50A, €2,450=$3,871) ...................... Est. $750-1,000
3365 0 Q52, 1915 20c Olive green parcel post overprint,
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& General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
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original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Fine; each signed Blo ch and 40c and I Fr signed Brun and all are accompanied by a 2005 PF cerEst. $300-400 tificate. Scott $825.00 (Off CF53-55, € 1,035=$1,635) ........................................................................
3366 * Q56-58, 1915 40c Green, 50c Gray and lFr Orange parcel post overprints,
3367 0 13, 1892 "Benin" Handstamp on lFr Bronze green on straw, neatly struck blue
1894 town cancel, excelEst. $ 100-150 lent centering, Extremely Fine and choice. Scott $325.00 (Ceres 13, €450=$711) ............................ 3368 * 15, 1892 Blue "Benin" handstamp on Sc Green on greenish, an unusually fresh mint example of this rare stamp, deep rich color on crisp clean paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine for this; signed three times. Scott $2,100.00 (Ceres 4 A, €3,000=$4,740) ...................................................................................... Est. $750-1,000 3369 * 15A, 1892 Blue "Benin" handstamp on 15c Blue, unusuallywell centeredfor this, brightcolor and quite fresh, large part originalgum, ExtremelyFine and rare. Scott $2,100.00 (Ceres 6 A, €3,000=$4,740) .............. Est. $750- 1,000
particularly fresh and well centered, used with neat Porto Novo datestamp, Very Fine and choice; only 500 stamps were surcharged. Scott $475.00 (Ceres 16, €650=$1,027) ...................................................................................................................... Est. $200-300 3371 o 19, 1892 "Benin" handstamp and black "75" surcharge on 15c Blue , used with 1894 c.d.s., small thin spot, Fine appearance; by far the rarest stamp of Benin with only 100 examples surcharged; signed twice. Scott retail $2,250.00 (Ceres 17, €3,150=$4,977) .............................................................................. Est. $300-400
3370 0 18, 1892 "Benin" handstamp and red "75" surcharge on 15c Blue,
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* C13, 1930 Brown "Correo Aereo/R. S./6-V-1920" Graf Zeppelin overprint on 10c Vermilion and black, rich colors on fresh paper, original gum, Very Fine; 1961 PF certificate. Scott $650.00 .................. Est. $300 -400
** C6A, 1927 "Servico/Aereo/500 Rs" surcharge on lOr Gray and black , original gum, Never Hinged, Est. $ 100-150 fresh and Very Fine; signed NY Stamp Co. Scott for hinged $375.00 ..................................... .........
3374 EX
7-19, 1900 3pf - SM Kaiser 's Yacht, complete set, attractive c.d.s., SM tied to small piece by Duala 2.12.1907 c.d.s., very well centered, Very Fine; top three values signed by several. Scott $8 12.00. (Mi 7-19, Est. $400-500 â&#x201A;Ź950=$ 1,50 I)....................................................................................................... .................................
3374 0
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Estimated Value
3376 EX
3375 EX
3375 * 101-15, 1915 lc-2Fr "Corps Expeditionnaire/Franco-Anglais/Cameroun"
overprints, complete except for the extremely rare # 105A, generally well centered, original gum , which is a bit tropicalized on some as usual , a couple h.r., 40c two foxed perfs. , the 45c and 50c with forged overpr ints (not counted) , otherwise FineVery Fine ; a difficult group to assemble. Scott $ 1,506 .00 .................. .............................. .................. Est. $500-750 3376 * Bl0-13, 1940 "+5Frs./Spitfire" Surcharges on 25c-70c cplt. , slightly tropical original gum as usual , Very Est. $150-200 Fine, each signed. Scott retail $470.00 (Ceres 236-39 , €530=$837) ............ ......................................
Cape Juby
3377 EX 3377 * 40-53 , 1934 "Cape Juby" overprint on lc-4P Pictorials cplt., original gum , lightly hinged, fresh and Very Est. $150-200 Fine. Scott $4 14.85 (Ed 51-5 8, 60-66, €556=$878) ............................................................................
Caroline Islands
la, 1899 3pf Light Brown 48 Degree Overprint , well centered, Yap 7.2 .1901 c.d.s., Very Fine; 1992 Est. $400-500 Friedric h Steu er certificate. Scott $7 50.00 (Mi 11, €850=$ 1,343) ........... ...... ... ............... .......... ....... .. 3379 O la, 1899 "Karolinen" 48 degree overprint on 3pf Light brown, fresh and well centered, neat 1899 c.d.s. , Est. $300-400 Extremely Fine. Scott $750.00 (Mi 1 I, €400=$632) .......................................................................... 3378 0
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rich color on fresh paper, neatly cancelled,Fine. Scott $575.00 (Mi 2 I, €350=$553)...................................................................................................... Est. $200-300 338 1 * Sa, 1899 "Karolinen" 48 degree overprint on 25pf Orange, particularly fresh mint example of this scarce stamp, vivid rich color, original gum, tiny trace of hinging, Very Fine; signed Grobe and accompanied by his 196 7 certifica te. Scott $1,650.00 (Mi 5 I, €1,800=$2,844) ................................................................ Est. $750-1 ,000 3382 * 6a, 1899 "Karolinen" 48 degree overprint on 50pf Red brown, excellent centering, intense color, original gum, light h.r., choice Very Fine; signed Kosack. Scott $900.00 (Mi 61, €800=$1,264) .............. Est. $300-400 3380 0 2a, 1899 "Karolinen" 48 degree overprint on Spf Green,
No Lot
3384 EX
7-19, 1901 3pf - SM Kaiser's Yacht complete set, attractive c.d.s., 5M tied to small piece by Ponape 1.8.1907 c.d.s., very well centered, Very Fine; top four values signed by several. Scott $958.00. (Mi 7-19, Est. $400-500 €1,000=$1,580) ....................................................................................................................................
3384 O
3385 121 20, 1910 "5 Pf" Provisional handstamped surcharge on 3pf Brown, bold surcharge on well centered stamp, tied to locally addressed picture post card by clear "Ponape (Karolinen)/ 12.7, 10" datestamp, light strike of negative "Kaiserlich Deutsche Postagentur/Ponape/Karolinen" postmark alongside, fresh and Extremely Fine; signed Champion and Grobe. Scott $5,500.00 (Mi 7 Pv, €7,000=$11,060).............................. Est. $3,000-4,000
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Estimated Value
zo" overprinton "20/Piastres"surchargeon SFr Dark blue and buff, original 3386 * 13, 1920 "B.N.F./CastelJori Est. $200-300 gum, Very Fine and rare; only 120 stamps were issued. Scott $600.00 (Ceres 13, €750=$1,185)........
3387 3387 ** 80-89, 1932 "Castelrosso"overprint on lOc-SL+ lL Garibaldi cplt., post office fresh, pristine original gum, ever Hinged, Very Fine set. Scott $650.00 (Sass 30-39, €750=$1,185) .................................. Est. $300-400
Central Lithuania
3388 EX
3388 * 13-22, 1920 2m on lSsk to 10m on Sauk Surcharges cplt., original gum, h.r., # 19 with a repaired corner
perf. (Cat. $24), otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set; the two key values signed, of which only 283 and 380 examEst. $500-750 ples, respectively, were issued. Scott $1,290.00 (Mi 4-13, €6,500=$10,270)...................................... 3389 * 21-22, 1920 10m on 3auk Light brown and red and 10m on Sauk Blue-greenand red, the two key values from the set, original gwn , h.r., Fine and scarce. Scott $1,125.00 (Mi 12-13, €6,000=$9,480) ............ Est. $400-500
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3390 EX
* 421-36, 1935 2c-10P Barranquilla Games cplt., original gum, h.r., 2P small thinned spot, otherwise Very Est. $400-500 Fine. Scott $1,028.00............................................................................................................................
Y~ ~~oz~ rJ~f:l~ 3391
Cl, 1919 "ler./Servicio/Postal/Aereo/6-18-19" overprint on 2c Carmine rose, well centered single tied to cover by two strikes of Barranquilla first flight postmark and Puerto Colombia arrival datestamp, cover a bit reduced at left, opened at base and with a vertical file fold at center, otherwise Very Fine and attractive; only 160 covers were flown; signed Herzog and Kessler. Scott for used single with faults $1,600.00 .... Est. $ 1,000-1 ,500
339 1
DE ~
without gum as issued, large even margins all around, vivid rich color on crisp white paper, Extremely Fine; signed Calves. Scott $2,750.00 .............................. Est. $ 1,500-2 ,000 3393 0 C3, 1920 10c Clouds and small biplane at top, used with violet oval company handstamp, ample to mostly large margins all around, light overall toning, otherwise Very Fine. Scott $1,750.00 .................... Est. $500-750
3392 * C2, 1920 10c Woman and boy watching plane,
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Estim ated Value
GACION AE ..-..- ~
Porte aereo: $
C4, 1920 10c Tilted plane viewed close up from above, four large margins , used with light violet oval company handstamp , some staining on reverse only caused by adhesive used to affix to cover, otherwise Very Fine. Scott $1,750.00.... .................. ............................... .......................... ............... .............................. Est. $750-1 ,000 3395 * CS, 1920 10c Flier in plane watching biplane, without gum as issued, ample to mostly large margins, rich colors on fresh paper, thinned spots, Very Fine appearance ; 1988 Rendon certificate. Scott $3,250.00 Est. $500-750 3394 0
Porte aeteo: $
* C6, 1920 10c Lighthou se, without gum as issued, large margins all around, rich color on crisp white paper, shallow thinned spot, Very Fine appearance. Scott $2,750.00 ............... ............................................. Est. $750- 1,000 3397 o C7, 1920 10c Fuselage and tail of biplane, used with well struck violet oval company handstamp and 1920 c.d .s., rich colors on fresh paper , tiny tear at bottom center not noted on the certificate , otherwise Very Fine and rare; clear 1996 A.PS certificat e. Scott $3,500.00 ........ ...................................................... Est. $750- 1,000 3396
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3398 * CS, 1920 10c Condor of cliff, without gum as issued, mostly large margins to touching at lower left, vivid rich colors on fresh paper, Fine and rare. Scott $5,500.00 .................................................................. Est. $1,500-2,000 3399 * C9, 1920 10c Plane at rest, pilot foreground,without gmn as issued,large even margins all around,gloriously rich colors on fresh paper, slight internal wrinkle, otherwiseVery Fine. Scott $3,250.00 .................. Est.$ I,500-2,000
....~ - ? AlilA
Porte drco: t
0 , 10
3400 1:8:1ClO, 1920 10c Ocean liner, large margins all around, good color and impression, tied along with 1918 3c Red (#358) by bold violet double circle "Correo Aerio/Cartagena-Colombia/22 Fed, 1920" postmark to fresh cover to Barranquilla, light oval "Compania Colombiana/NavegacionAeria/Agencia de/Cartagen" handstamp also ties the stamp as does a light arrival c.d.s., slightly reduced at left, Very Fine; a very attractive cover flown on the inaugural flight; signed Kessler ................................................................................................. Est. $2,000-3,000
* Cl 7, 1921 "Valor10 Centavos" violet handstamped surcharge Ty. "a" on 50c Pale green, original gum, Est. $200-300 h.r., slight creases, Fine appearance; signed Rendon . Scott $900.00 .................................................. 3402 * C18, 1921 "Valor10 Centavos"blue handstamped surchargeTy. "b" on 50c Pale green, well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, small thinned spot and couple light toned spots, Very Fine appearance. Scott Est. $200-300 $900.00 ................................................................................................................................................
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Estimated Value
0 C22, 1921 "30c" violet handstamped surcharge Ty. "e" on 50c Pale green, used with violet straightline company handstamp, natural s.e. at top, thinned spot, Very Fine appearance and quite scarce. Scott $1, l 00.00 .............................................................................................................................................. Est. $200-300 3404 0 C23, 1921 "$030" black handstamped surchargeTy. "g" on 50c Pale green, used with neatly struck circular company handstamp, small thinned spot, Fine appearance. Scott $1,100.00 ............................ Est. $200-300
3405 0 C24, 1921 "$030c" violet handstamped surcharge Ty. "g" on 50c Pale green, bottom left corner margin single tied to small piece by bold violet three-line company handstamp, Fine and scarce; 1989 Rendon certificate. Scott $1,100.00 ...................................................................................................................... Est. $500-750 3406 * C36, 1921-22 "Valor 20 Ctvs." handstamped surcharge Ty. "h" on 50c Pale green, fresh mint example of this rare stamp, original gum, very lightly hinged, light vertical crease, Fine appearance; signed Champion.
Scott $2,250.00 ....................................................................................................................................
Est . $500-750
3407 EX
Cl-12, 1941 "Corfu" overprints on 501-100D Air posts cplt., fresh mint set, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine and rare; the three key values each accompanied by 1980 A .PS. certificate. Scott
3407 *
$4,171.00.............................................................................................................................................. Est. $ 1,500-2,000 Octobe r 9, 2008
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+ 2L Rome-Mogadiscio flight overprinted "Servizio di Stato", fresh mint example, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine, only 750 issued; signed Raybaudi and accompanied by his 2006 certificate. Scott $2,750.00 (Sass I, €3,500=$5 ,530) .............................................................................. Est. $ 1,500-2,000
3408 * COBl, 1934 25L
3409 O B21a, 1919 "Posta/Ceskoslovenska/1919" overprint on lOKr Deep violet, tied to small piece by neat
c.d.s. cancel confined to the bottom left corner , Fine; signed Karasek and accompanied by his 2,000 certificate. Scott $275.00 (Mi 54 I b, €400=$632) ....................... .......................... ............... ....................... ......... Est. $100-150 34 10 * B37-39, 1919 "Posta/Ceskoslovenska/1919" overprint on 1.50.Kr on 2Kr to 4Kr Airpost, original gum, very lightly hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine; each signed Gilbert and others. Scott $1,400.00 (Mi 71-73, Est. $500-750 € l ,070=$ l ,69 l) ...... ................. ........ .. ..... ...... .............. ... ............. ................. ...... .......... ...... ................. ..
34 12
* B37-39, 1919 "Posta/Ceskoslovenska/1919" overprints on 1.50k on 2k to 4kAustrian air post stamps, fresh mint set, excellent centering , original gum, light h.r., Extremely Fine; each signed twice and accompanied Est. $500-750 by 1989 P.F certificate. Scott $1,400.00 (Mi 71-73, €1,070=$1,691) .............................. .................. 3412 * B45, 1919 "Posta/Ceskoslovenska/1919" overprint on 30h Carmine postage due, fresh and well centered, original gum , tiny h.r., Very Fine, only 450 issued ; signed Blo ch and accompanied by 1993 Mikulski certificate. Scott retail $375. 00 (Mi 79, €450=$7 l l ) .............................. .............................................. .. Est. $ 150-200 3411
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B46, 1919 "PostaCeskoslovenska/1919" overprinton 50h Carmine postage due, lightly cancelled, Fine and scarce with only 250 issued ; signed Gilbert. Scott $825 .00 (Mi 80, €900=$1,422) .................... Est. $300-400 3414 * B57, 1919 "Posta/Ceskoslovenska/1919" overprinton lOKr Ultramarine postage due, near perfect centering , original gum , trivial h.r., fresh and Extremely Fine, only 780 issued ; signed Gilbert and others. Scott Est. $150-200 retail $375 .00 (Mi 90, €300=$474) ...................................... ................................ ................................ 3413 O
34 17
* B70, 1919 "Posta/Ceskoslovenska/1919"on 70f Red brown on green, rich color on fresh paper , original gum , lightly hinged, Very Fine and scarce with just 150 issued; signed Srabo. Scott $2,400 (Mi 110, €2,200=$3,476) ............... ................... .......................................... .............. ................... ....................... Est. $ 1,000-1,500 3416 * B90, 1919 "Posta/Ceskoslovenska/1919" overprinton lOKrViolet brown and violet, pleasing mint single, original gum, h.r., fresh and Very Fine, only 235 issued ; signed Dr. Dub . Scott $1,250.00 (Mi 137, €1,300=$2 ,054) ........ ....................... ........... .......................................... ................................................ Est. $500-750 3417 * B110, 1919 "Posta/Ceskoslovenska/1919" overprint on 1f Green and black postage due, original gum , lightly hinged, diagonal crease at upper right, Fine appearance, only 150 issued ; signed Mikulski and others. Scott retail $1,250.00 (Mi 145, €1,300=$2 ,054) ....................................... .................... .................... ... Est. $ 150-200
34 18 EX
1-16, 1899-1905 lc-SFr Navigation and Commerce cplt. , original gum, h.r., Fine-Very Fine set. Scott Est. $ 150-200 $406.05 (Ceres 1-17, €582=$920)....... ................. ........ ....................................................... .................
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Esti mated Value
.. .. ······················ .............................. ..
: ...
.. .... .
.. ... ..................................................... . '. 3419
lla, 1920 "Danzig" Double Overprint on 2M Union of North and South, upper left margin block , very well center ed, original gum , one stamp lightly hinged, all other s Never Hinged, Very Fine . Scott $2,825.00. (Mi 1 l bDD, €3,450=$5,451) ................ ................................. .......................... ..................................... Est. $ 1,250-1 ,500
3419 EE**
3420 3420
* 44, 1920 60pf "lnnendienst" , fresh and well center ed, original gum , h.r., Extremely Fine ; one of the rarest
stamp s of Danzi g, only 2,40 0 issued; signed Kochkippe ler and Richter. Scott $ 1,250.00 (Mi 47 , €1,400= $2,212) .......... ..................... .................... ....................... .............................. ............................ Est. $500-750 342 1 * 47, 1920 lM "lnnendienst ", origin al gum , h.r., fresh and Very Fine ; one of the rarest stamps of Danzig , Est. $500-750 only 2, 120 issued; signed Kochkipp eler and Richter. Scott $ 1,200.00 (Mi 48, €! ,400=$2,212).... ....
3422 *
48, 1920 2M "lnnendienst" very well centered, original gum , lightly hinged, Very Fine, only 2,280 issued ; signed Bloch, 1994 Kniep certificate. Scott $ 1,200 .00. (Mi 49, €! ,400= $2,212) .............................. Est. $500-750 3423 * 48, 1920 2M "lnnendienst", fresh and well centered, original gum , h.r., Extremely Fine; one of the rarest Est. $500-750 stamp s of Danzig ; signed Kochkippeler and Richter. Scott $ 1,200 .00 (Mi 49 , €1,400=$2,212)... ..... October 9. 2008
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Estimated Value
..•...............•....•.•. :
.... 12 :. :
. l'lliif=~l!Of:,~~!'!!
:~====~ 3424 EX
3424 tE** 193, 195, 197-99 , 1924 lG - lOG Scenic Views marginal block s of four, post office fresh, very well cen-
tered, origina l gum , Never Hing ed, Very Fine; 2003 Ney certificate for the group. Scott $1,650 .00 (Mi 207-11 , €2,000=$3, 160) ............................. ............................................ ........................................................... Est. $800- 1,000
3425 3425 * 82, 1912 SKr G.P.O. Copenhag en, original gum , h.r., nearly Very Fine ; 196 7 Gronlund certifi cate. Scott $350 .00 (Fae 120, 3,000Skr-$420 )............................ ......................... ................................................. Est. $ 100-150
Diego Suarez
3426 0 2a, 1890 "15" Surcharg e on Sc Green on greenish, inverted surcharge, beautifully cance lled by maxi-
mum strike of "Diego Suarez/Madaga scar/18 Jui! 90" postmark , fresh and Fine . Scott $275 .00 (Ceres 2a, €375=$593) ........................................... ........................... .................................................................... Est. $ 100-150 3427 * 22, 1892 "Diego Suarez " overprint on 35c Blac k on yellow, original gum , light h.r., fresh and Fine; while 250 stamps were produced a good many were used or lost to philat ely; signed Thier. Scott $ 1,200 .00 (Ceres 22, €950=$l ,50 1) ....................................................................................... ................................................. Est. $400-500 3428 O J12, 1892 "Diego Suarez " overprint on 60c Black , large to huge margin s all around, rich color on fresh pape r, tied to piece by clear "Diego Suarez/ Madaga scar/ 3 Nov 93" po stmark, Extreme ly Fine and scarce. Scott $750.00 (Ceres TT12 , €900=$ 1,422) ............................................................... ........................ ........... Est. $300-400 Octo ber 9, 2008
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3429 3429 0 J12-13, 1892 "Diego Suarez" overprint on 60c Black and lFr Brown, both with large margins all around, each with neat c.d.s. cancel , small thinned spots, Extremely Fine appearance ; 1Fr signed Bernichon and Est. $300-400 Richter. Scott $2,250.00 (Ceres TT12-13 , â&#x201A;Ź2,500=$3 ,950) .............................................................. ..
Dominican Republic
3431 3430 0 31 Var., 1870 lR Black on Blue Green, Ordinary Paper, used with neat pen cancel , generous even margins all around, strong distinctive color, small thin spot mainly in the left margin , otherwise Very Fine, accom panied by Scott #31 on Dark Green Paper for comparison. The 1R on Blue Green paper is one of the great rarities of the issue with only three examples recorded, one of which is in the collection of the Central Bank of Est. $400-500 the Dominican Republic. ...................................................................................................................... 3431 câ&#x20AC;˘J 339 Var., 1938 le University of Santo Domingo, Im perforate , top left corner sheet margin imprint vertical strip of four, large margins , without gum, second and bottom stamps creased, Very Fine appearance and Est. $100-150 scarce. ..................................................................................................................................................
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3432 3432 0 6a, 1858 1/2P Orange yellow, select used single, large even margins all around, bright and fresh, "Lima" in dotted oval cancel , Extremely Fine ; 1975 R.PS. certificate. Scott $300.00......................... ........... Est. $100-150
3433 EX
* Cl-5 , 1928 50c on 10c to 3S on 60c "Ecuador/Provisional " surcharges cplt., each with disturbed original gum from interleaving as usual , Very Fine set; all signed Sanabria. Scott $520 .00 .......... ....... ... Est. $200-300 3434 * C6, 1929 "Ecuador/Provisional/SO Cts. 50" surcharge on 10c Green, fresh and well centered, slightly disturbed original gum , despite accompanying certificate stating "never hinged ", Very Fine; photocopy of 2002 Sismondo certificate for the block of four from which this was taken. Scott $700.00 ........................ Est. $200-300 3433
3435 3435 * 81a, 1922 "The Kingdon of Egypt" overprint on 4m Green, inverted overprint, pos. 21, left sheet-mar-
gin mint single, original gum with some foxing as usual, h.r., Very Fine and rare ; according to Hass only two sheets of I 00 received the inverted overprint , of these one remains intact in a private collection, while of the other I 00 he has only been able to record twelve copies , including the example offered here ; 1998 Haas certificate. Scott $225 .00 (SG # IOia) .......................................................................................................... Est. $750-1,000 October 9, 2008
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3437 EX
3436 EX
3436 * 121-24, 1926 Sm-SOP "Port Fouad" overprints cplt., first three top sheet-margin singles , original gum,
lightly hinged, 1Om and 15m Never Hinged, SOPwith some gum toning , otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set; each Est. $400-500 signed. Scott $2,075.00 .................... .............. ...................... ........................... .....................................
3437 TC* 155-58 Footnote, 1929 5m-20m Prince Farouk Birthday, black or brown centers cplt., original gum, Est. $200-300 h.r., Very Fine set; each signed Equitable. Scott footnoted but not priced. ... ............. .... ....................
Elobey, Annobon & Corisco
3438 EX
1-18, 1903 l/4c-10P Alfonso cplt. , original gum, h.r., Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $750.15 (Ed 1-18, Est. $200-300 €875=$1,383) .......... ......... ........................ ................... ........................... ...............................................
3438 *
3439 * 6, 1892 "Colonia Eritrea" overprint on 25c Blue , original gum, h.r., Fine and scarce. Scott $1,000.00 Est. $300-400 (Sass 6, €1,250=$ 1,975) .............................................. ...................................... .................................. 3440 * 11, 1892 "Colonia Eritrea " overprint on SL Blue and rose, rich colors , original gum, h.r., Fine. Scott Est. $ 150-200 $525.00 (Sass 11, €650=$ 1,027)........................ ............................. ................. ................................. ... October 9, 2008
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• kJJi ~
** CBOl , 1934 25L + 2L Rome-Mogadiscio flight Official AirmaiJ, post office fresh and well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine , only 750 issued ; signed Elliott. Scott $4,200.00 (Sass 1, €5,250=$8,295) .................. ............... .................................................................................................. . Est. $2,000-3,000
3443 EX
* Jll , 1903 "Colonia Eritrea" overprint on lOL Blue and magenta Postage due, overprint at top, bright colors on fresh paper , centered better than most , original gum , lightly hinged, Very Fine for this rare stamp ; 2004 Diena certificate. Scott $2,800.00 (Sass 11, €3,500= $5,530) .................................. .......................... Est. $750-1,000 3443 ** JlS-27 , 1934 "Eritrea " overprint on 5c-20L Postage dues cplt., original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine set. Scott $325.00 (Sass 26-38, €400=$632).... .............. ......... .................................. ...................... ..... Est. $ 150-200
3444 EX
* Ql-8 , 1916 "Eritrea " overprint on 5c-4L Parcel posts cplt. , including the rare 10c value, undivided pair s, Sc c.t.o ., others all original gum , mostly lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set; seldom offered as a complete set. Scott $4,822.50 (Sass 1-8, €6,000=$9,480) ........... ................ ................ ............................. .......... ...... Est. $2,000-3 ,000
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Estima ted Value
3445 EX 3445 * Q9-21, 1917-24 "Eritrea" overprint on Sc-20L Parcel post cplt., undivided pairs, original gum, most
lightly hinged, Fine-VeryFine set. Scott $835.50 (Sass 9-21, €1,000=$1,580)..................................
Est. $200-300
** Q24, 1936 "Erit rea" overprint on S0c Orange parcel post, vertical pair, remarkably fresh, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Fine and scarce. Scott for hinged $1,300.00 (Sass 25, for hinged, €800=$1,264) ...................................................................................................................................... Est. $500-750 3447 ** Q27, 1936 "Eritrea" overprint on 2L Green parcel post, post office fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Est. $ 150-200 Fine. Scott for hinged $275.00 (Sass 28, for hinged, €350=$553) ......................................................
* Q30, 1936 "Eritrea" overprint on lOL Rose lilac parcel post, original gum, h.r., Very Fine. Scott $525.00 Est. $ 150-200 (Sass 31, €650=$1,027).. ...................................................................................................................... 3449 ** Q31, 1936 "Eritrea" overprint on 20L Lilac brown parcel post, original gum, Never Hinged, tiny natural inclusion, fresh and Fine. Scott for hinged $525.00 (Sass 32, €650=$1,027).............................. Est. $300-400
l'\UIJM tllll ll "'AI.IKA
345 1 EX
3450 O 8, 1919 Violet "Eesti" handstamp on lk Orange, well centered, strong color, two partial strikes of 1919 Tallinn datestamp, Extremely Fine and rare with only 7 stamps issued; signed Kosack and Gouking. Scott
$ 1,750.00 (Mi Lokal; Reva! I A, €5,000=$7,900) .............................................................................. Est. $750-1,000 345 1 ** B9-12, 1923 2 l/2m + 3 l/2m and Sm + 7m 'Aita Hadalist ' Overprints, complete mint set, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine; each signed Mikulski . Scott $135.00 for hinged. (Mi 46A-47B, €560=$885) .......................................................................................................................................... Est. $250-300 October 9, 200 8
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94-100, 1911 l/4g on 1/4g to 16g on 16g Dire Dawa provisional handstamps and manuscript surcharges cplt., each tied to separate piece by blue double circle "Dire Dawa/ 1 Oct 11" first day of issue postmark , Fine-Very Fine set; all signed ''AD " (Diena) . Scott retail $350.00 .... ........... ...... ... ......... ....... .. Est. $ 150-200
3452 0
Faroe Islands
3453 3453 0 1, 1919 "2/0RE" Surcharge on So Green, tied to large piece along with unsurcharged Denmark So green by clear "Thor shavn/20.1.19" c.d.s., Very Fine. Scott $400 .00 (Fae 3, 4,000Skr= $560) .................... Est. $ 150-200
Fernando Po
3454 3454 * 62, 1899
lP Yellow green, particularly fresh, well centered amid large margin s, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine and choice . Scott $300.00 (Ed 68, â&#x201A;Ź440=$695) ................................. ..................... Est. $ 100-150
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Estimated Value
3455 3455 O 1, 1856 5k Blue, a select used example, featuring large to huge margins all around, plus it is uncommon-
ly fresh , with strong color on crisp white paper, neat ms. "x" cancel and bold "He lsingfors/18 /9, 185x" postEst. $500-750 mark , Extremely Fine; 1995 Nielsen certificate. Scott $1,900.00 (Fae 1 I, 16,000Skr=$2 ,240) ........
3457 EX
3456 EX
104-21, E4-5, 1920 le on Sc to lOL on 20c "Reggenza/ Italiana/ dell Carnaro" overprints and surcharges cplt., each with neat c.d.s. cancel , except # 117 mint, fresh and Fine set. Scott $1,298.50 (Sass 131Est. $300-400 46, for used, €1,000=$1,580)....... .............................................................. ...................... ............... ...... canc.d.s. neat with each , cplt. 3457 0 122-33, 1920 "Arbe" and "Veglia" overprints on Sc to 55c on Sc values $ 100-150 Est. ........................ .......... cel, fresh and Fine. Scott $420 .00 (Sass Arbe 5-10, Veglia 5-10 , €450=$7 1 l)
3456 O
3458 0 3c, 1849 20c Black on yellowish, tete-beche, horizontal pair, three clear to large margins , fourth in at bot-
tom left, neat lozenge cancel , left stamp with a filled thin spot at top not noted on the certificate , Very Good Est. $500-750 appearance ; clear 1993 A.PS certificate. Scott $6,600.00 (Yv #3d, €7,500=$ 11,850) ...................... 3459 * 6d, 1862 25c Blue, re-issue, uniformly large margins all around, bright and fresh , full original gum , choice Est. $200-300 Very Fine . Scott retail 500.00 (Yv #4d, €550=$869) ............................ ........ ........... .......... ............. ..
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m11ini11 Fn u:rwm l
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3460 3460 EE*/** lla , 1862 25c Blue re-issue, a remarkable block of fifteen (5x3), boasting a marvelous overall freshness,
with rich color and a crisp impression on clean white paper, mostly large margins all around, full clean original gum, top left and top right stamps h.r., the others all Never Hinged, bottom right stamp with a light diagonal crease, otherwise Very Fine to Extremely Fine; seldom found these days in such a large multiple; 1995 PF certificate. Scott for hinged singles $6,750.00 (Yv #lOc, for hinged singles, €7,125=$11,258) .................... Est. $4,000-5 ,000
346 1
ample to large margins all around, vivid rich color, original gum, trivial Est. $200-300 h.r., Very Fine. Scott $700.00 (Yv # 12, €950=$ 1,501) ........................................................................ 3462 * 19c, 1862 80c Lake , re-issue, large margins all around, wonderfully fresh, full clean original gum, lightly hinged, choice Very Fine. Scott retail $1,500.00 (Yv # 17Ah, €2,200=$3,476) .................................. Est. $750-1,000 3463 * 36, 1868 80c Rose on pinkish, select mint example, exceptionally fresh, strong color on crisp clean paper, origEst. $400-500 inal gum, very lightly hinged,Very Fine; signed Bola.ffi. Scott $1,000.00 (Yv #32, €1,300=$2,054) ...... 3461 * 13, 1854 Sc Green on greenish,
* 37 Var., 1869 5Fr. Gray lilac and lavender, imperforate, an impressive left sheet-margin single, with large even margins on the other three sides, possessing an extraordinary overall freshness rarely found on these, strong color and impression on crisp clean paper, full original gum showing only the slightest trace of hinging, Extremely Fine and rare; signed Brun and accompanied by 1990 Behr certificate. Scott unlisted. (Yv #33c, €11,000=$ 17,380) ................................................................................................................................ Est. $4,000-5,000
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Estimated Value
* 49, 1871 "10" Surcharge on 10c bister, bright and fresh , original gum, pinhole at base not noted on the certificate , Fine appearance , clear 1989 A.PS. certificate. Scott $ 1,500.00 (Yv #34, €2,200=$3 ,476) Est. $200-300 3466 * 62, 1872 30c Brown on yellowish, original gum , fresh and Fine ; signed ''AD " (Diena) and Calves and Est. $200-300 accompanied by the latter's 1995 certificate . Scott retail $650.00 (Yv #56, €875=$1 ,383) .............. 3467 * 74, 1878 40c Red on straw, Ty. II, rich color on fresh paper , original gum , lightly hinged, Very Fine . Scott Est. $200-300 $600.00 (Yv #70, €750=$ 1, 185) ..................................... ..................................................................... 3465
-~·..&. ....•.,-J'->
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3468 * 79, 1876 10c Green on greenish, Ty. II, rich color, original gum , lightly hinged, fresh and Fine. Scott Est. $300-400 $ 1, 100.00 (Yv #76, €1,400=$2,2 12) ................ ....................................... ..................... ................... .....
87, 1880 le Black on Prussian blue, Ty. II a plea sing example of this scarce and difficult stamp , used with light and unobtru sive c.d.s. cancel , fresh and Fine. Scott $4,350. 00 (Yv #84, €5,000=$7,900) Est. $ 1,000-1 ,500 3470 ** 96a, 1877 SFr Red lilac on lavender, Ty. II, right sheet-margin mint single , wonderfully fresh , unblemEst. $400-500 ished original gum , Never Hinged, Fine. Scott $725.00 (Yv #95a, for hinged, €680=$1 ,074) .......... 3469 0
347 1 347 1
* 197, 1923 "Congres Philatelique/ de/ Bordeaux/ 1923" overprint on lFr Claret and olive green,
fresh and well centered, original gum , lightly hing ed, choice Very Fine . Scott $400.00 (Yv #1 82, Est. $ 150-200 €525 =$8 30) ......................... .......................................... ....................................................................... 3472 * 226, 1925 SFr. Philatelic Exhibition souvenir sheet, fresh and clean , original gum , very lightly hinged, Est. $500-750 Very Fine. Scott $ 1,000 .00 (Yv #Bloc 1, €1,350=$2 , 133) .......... ............................ ......... ...................
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. ..
Estimated Value
..__. 3473
** 241, 1927 5Fr & lOFr Strasbourg Exhibition souvenir sheet, remarkably fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, light corner bends , still Very Fine. Scott $2,150 .00 (Yv #Bloc 2, €2,700=$4 ,266) .............. Est. $750- 1,000
3474 EX
* 251, 252, 253, 254A, 1929-33 lOFr and 20Fr Values, fresh mint singles of each, original gum, lightly Est. $200-300 hinged, Very Fine. Scott $690.00 (Yv #261, 261b, 262 , 262A , €859=$1,357) .................................. 3475 * BlO, 1917 5Fr + 5Fr Deep blue and black, strong colors on clean fresh paper , original gum, tiny h.r., Very Est. $500-750 Fine. Scott $1,550.00 (Yv # 155, €1,900=$3 ,002) .................................... ............................. ............... 3476 * BlO, 1917 5Fr + 5Fr Deep blue and black, exceptionally fresh mint single, nicely centered, original gum , Est. $500- 750 barest trace of hinging , Very Fine. Scott $1,550.00 (Yv # 155, €1,900=$3 ,002) ..................... ...........
3477 EX
BK*/** B274a, B282a, B291a, B301a, 1952-55 Red Cross booklets, complete booklets of each, original gum, #B274a lightly hinged, the others all Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $870 .00 (Yv #Carnet 2001-04 , Est. $200-300 €1,270=$2,007) ............................................... ........................ ..................................... ........................
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E timated Value
* Cl-2, 1927 2Fr and SFrAir post overprintscplt., original gum, light h.r., nearly Very Fine. Scott $400.00 Est. $ 100-150 (Yv # 1-2, €500=$790)..........................................................................................................................
** C3, 1928 "10 Fr."Ile de France surcharge on 90c red, a wonderfully fresh mint example, bright color, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; signed Raybaudi and Calves and accompanied by a photocop y of the latter 's 2001 certificate for the set. Scott $2,500.00 (Yv #3, €3,750=$5,925).................................... Est. $ 1,500-2,000 3480 * C4, "10 Fr."Ile de France surcharge on 1.S0Frblue, nicely centered, good color, original gum, Very Fine and scarce with only 900 issued; signed Ray baudi, Brun and Calves and accompanied by the latter's 2001 certificate for the set. Scott $8,250.00 (Yv #4, €12,000=$18,960).......................................................... Est. $3,000-4,000
3481 EX
3482 EX
3483 EX
CS-14, 1936 85c-50Fr 'Plane Over Paris'Airmails, cplt., several with slight offset on gum, very well centered, fresh colors, Very Fine. Scott $976.00. (Yv #8-14, €1,270=$2,007) ........................................ Est. $400-500 3482 . ; •• CS-14, 1936 85c-50Fr 'Plane Over Paris'Airmails, cplt., original gum, Never Hinged, except the 50Fr. very lightly hinged, Very Fine set. Scott $1,070.50 (Yv #8-14, €! ,385=$2,188)................................ Est. $300-400 3483 * CS-14, 1936 85c-50Fr 'Plane Over Paris' Airmails, cplt., original gum, lightly hinged or slight h.r., Very Fine set. Scott $976.75 (Yv #8-14, €! ,270=$2,007)............................................................................ Est. $300-400 3481 *
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Bri tish Common wealt h & Ge neral Foreign Stamps & Postal Histor y
Estimated Value
** C15, 1936 50Fr Ultramarine, top sheet-margin mint single, original gum, lightly hinged in the selvage only, the stamp Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $1,150.00 (Yv #15, €1,500=$2,370) ...................... Est. $500-750 3485 * C15, 1936 50Fr Ultram arine, beautifully centered, original gum, very lightly hinged, Extremely Fine. Scott $575.00 (Yv #15, €800=$ 1,264) ................................................................................................ Est. $200-300 3484
* J35, 1894 30c Oran ge red, choice mint example, excellent centering, original gum, lightly hinged, choice Very Fine. Scott $475.00 (Yv #TT34, €700=$1,106) .......................................................................... Est. $150-200
France - Chamber of Comm erce (Timbre de Greve)
Re ■ tante
pr~s de St . Nazaire Loire INF.
LABAU LE. I R 811' I I
3487 121 Dal# 1, 1945 Poche de L' Alantique - St azaire 50c, tied to Registered manila envelope by "La Baule Loire-Inferieure 1.5.1945" c.d.s. along with 1.50F and 4F Marshal Petain, addressed Le Pouliguen France, backstamped,Very Fine; signed. (Dal 1, €300=$474) ........................................................................ Est. $200-250
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Estimated Value
- ona11ur ,RO
paa,, r, a ti!lnt,
BATZ S\J't o.Jf't prea S.Ulf'r llAZAI !!! (Lair,
I ufro)
R 3488 181 Dal# 2, 1945 Poche de L'Alantique - St Nazaire 2F, tied to Registered manila envelope by "Guerande Loire-Infre 14.4.1945" c.d.s. along with a pair of 2F Marshal Petain, "taxe percue " handstamp , addressed Batz Est. $200-250 France , backstamped, Very Fine ; signed. (Dal 2, €300=$474) .............................................. ..............
French Offices In China
3489 3489 O 14-17, 1901 "2 Cents" on 25c to "16 Cents" on 25c Black, each used with clear Peking c.d.s., Very Fine
set; 2c signed Brun and Calves, 4c signed Brun, Calves and Schlessinger, 6c and 16c signed Calves. Scott Est. $400-500 $ 1,340.00 (Ceres 19-22, €3,575=$5 ,649) .................................. ..........................................................
J9, 1903 Carmine "A/Percevoir" handstamp on 15c Blue, neat 1903 town cancel , centered a bit to upper left, Fine for this and quite scarce ; 19 78 Brandon certificat e. Scott $1,250 .00 (Ceres TT8 , Est. $400-500 €2,750= $4,345) .................................................................................................................................... 349 1 0 J9a, 1903 Purple "A/Percevoir" handstamp on 15c Blue, tied to small piece by Peking favor cancel , Fine Est. $500-750 and rare; 2,000 R.P.S. certificate. Listed in Scott but not priced. (Ceres TT8a , €2,750=$4,345) ...... 3492 * JlO, 1903 Carmine "A/Percevoir" handstamp on 30c Brown on bister, an exceptionally fresh mint example , sumptuously rich color on crisp clean paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine . Listed in Scott Est. $500-750 but not priced . (Ceres TT9, €1,600=$2 ,528).. ................ ......................................................................
3490 0
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Estim ated Value
* 2A, 1901 Sc Green on greenish, original gum, minor h.r., fresh and Fine, only 450 issued. Scott $575.00 (Ceres 4, €625=$988) .... ................... ................ ........................... ........................................................ Est. $200-300
6, 1901 15c Blue, light c.d.s. cancel, Very Fine and quite scarce with only 450 issued; signed Thiaude. Scott $725.00 (Ceres 7, €900=$ 1,422) ................................................................................................ Est. $300-400 3495 * 15, 1901 SFr Red lilac on lavender, nicely centered, original gum, small paper h.r., Very Fine, only 600 issued. Scott $725.00 (Ceres 15, €785=$ 1,240) .................................................................................. Est. $200-300 3494 0
3496 EX
* 1-17, 1906 lc-lOFr "Kouang/Tcheou-Wan" overprints cplt., original gum, Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $746.00 (Ceres 1-17, €700=$1,106) .................................................................................................... Est. $200-300
* 7C, 1903 25c Black on rose, original gum, Fine and scarce; signed Calves. Scott $650.00 (Ceres 9, €750=$1,185)............................................................................ ............................................................ Est. $200-300
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& General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
French Offices In Egypt-Port Said
3498 3498 * J4, 1921 "30/ Milliemes" surcharge on SOc Red violet, a wonderfully fresh mint example of this rare
stamp, vivid rich color, original gum, very lightly hinged,Very Fine; missing from most collections; 2006 A.PS. certificate. Scott $3,000.00 (Ceres TT4, €3,450=$5,45 l ) .................................................................... Est. $ 1,000-1 ,500
French Offices in Zanzibar
*'*l 12-16, 1894 l/2a & Sc on le to 10a & lFr on 40c Surcharges cplt., original gum, except last unused, Est. $300-400 some h.r., Fine set of which only 600 were issued. Scott $ 1,290.00 (Ceres 12-16, €1,420=$2,244)..
3,500 0 31, 1897 2 l/2a & 2Sc on l l/2a on lSc Blue, neat c.d.s. cancel, Fine and rare with only 190 issued. Scott Est. $200-300 $675.00 (Ceres 34, €775=$1,225)........................................................................................................ 350 I O 32, 1897 Sa & SOc on 3a on 30c Brown on bister, strong color on particularly fresh paper, neat c.d.s. canEst. $200-300 cel, Very Fine, only 300 issued. Scott $600.00 (Ceres 35, €725=$1,146) ..........................................
perforated all around and tied to small piece by neatly struck "Zanzibar/28 Juil, 97" postmark, Very Fine and rare with only 20 issued; signed Roumet and accompanied by his 2003 certificate. Scott $2,600.00 (Ceres 44, €3,000=$4,740) .................... Est. $1,000-1 ,500
3502 O 36, 1897 "2 1/2 Annas 2Sc" Surcharge on blue sheet-margin,
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Estimated Value
38, 1897 "5/Annas/50c" Surcharge on red on straw sheet-margin, perforated all around, tied to small piece by full strike of "Zanzibar /28 Jui!, 97" postmark , Very Fine and rare as only 20 were issued. Scott retail $3,250.00 (Ceres 45, €3, 150=$4,977) ....................... .............................. ...................... ....................... Est. $1,500-2,000
3503 0
50, 1904 "25c" & "2 1/2/Annas" on "4" Surcharges on 40c Red on straw, tied to piece by well struck "Zanzibar /22 Juil , 04" datestamp , fresh and Very Fine; only 150 were issued , apparently all of which were used; signed Roum et and accompanied by his 2003 certifi cate . Scott $1,000.00 (Ceres 58, El,000=$1,580).................................................................. ......................................... ................ ......... Est. $400-500
3504 0
52, 1904 "50c" & "5/Annas" on "4" Surcharges on 40c Red on straw, tied to small piece by partial "Zanzibar /22 Jui! 04" c.d.s. , fresh and Fine; quite rare with only 100 stamps having been issued, virtually all of which were used. Scott $1,200.00 (Ceres 60, €1, 150=$1,8 17) ......................................... ............. Est. $500-750 3506 0 54, 1904 "lfr" & "10/Annas" on "4" Surcharges on 40c Red on staw, an attractive used example , with "Zanzibar /22 Jui! 04" postmark , bright and fresh , Fine and rare ; a mere 50 stamps were issued, all of which were used; signed J-F Brun and Calves and accompanied by 1998 Behr certificate; ex.-Gilbert. Scott $1,900.00 (Ceres 62, €2, 150=$3,397) .......................................... ................. .................................... ... Est. $750-1,000 3505 0
60, 1904 "1/2/Anna" Surcharge and "Timbre" overprint on 50c Blue postage due, incredibly well centered, tied to small piece by clear "Zanzibar /22 Jui! 04" c.d.s ., Extremely Fine and scarce; only 300 stamps were printed, all of which were used. Scott $425 .00 (Ceres 68, €450=$711) ...................... ........................ Est. $ 150-200
3507 0
61, 1904 "1/Anna" Surcharge and "Affranch't" overprint on 10c Brown postage due, fresh and well centered, neat "Zanzibar /22 Juil 04" datestamp , Extremely Fine and scarce; only 300 stamps were issued, apparently all of which were used; signed Brun. Scott $425 .00 (Ceres 69, €450=$7 l 1) .... ... ..... .... .. .... .. .... Est. $ 150-200 3509 * JSa, 1897 "2 1/2/Annas" Surcharge on 50c Lilac, a pleasing mint example of this elusive surcharge error , original gum , light h.r., Fine; seldom offered as only 50 were issued. Scott $1,400 .00 (Ceres TT5a , €1,350=$2,133) .............................. ............. ................ ..................................................... ............. ....... Est. $400-500 3508 0
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British Common wealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal Hi stor y
E timated Value
35 10
3510 * 15, 1891 "Reunion " overprint on 75c Carmine on rose imperforate , four generous margin, full original Est. $100- 150 gum, Very Fine ; signed Bernichon. Scott $325. 00 (Ceres 15, €475=$7 51) ................ ........................ 3511 * 28, 1891"Reunion " overprint on lFr Bronze green on straw, nice ly centered, orig inal gum , minor h.r., Est. $150-200 fresh and Very Fine. Scott $475.00 (Ceres 28, €575=$909) .......................... ......................................
French Congo
* 1, 1891 Sc on le Black on lilac blue, red surcharge , an especia lly fresh mint example of this very elusive
stamp, original gum , trivia l h.r., Fine and rare as only 100 were issued; signed Brun. Scott $5, 100.00 (Ceres IA, €7,350=$ 11,613) ........................................................................... ............. ..................................... ..... Est. $2,000-3,000
French Guiana
3513 3513
* 14, 1892 35c Black on orange, diagonal "Guyane" overprint, ample to large margins all around, small part
original gum, Very Fine; signed Brun and Marque/et. Scott $2, 100.00 (Ceres 12, €2,850=$4,503)......
Est. $500-750
French India
35 14 3514
* 23, 1903 "0,40" Surcharge on 50c Carmine on rose, orig inal gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Fine, only
1,500 issued. Scott $425.00 (Ceres 23, €6 15=$972) .......... ................ .......... ............ ........................ ....
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Est. $150-200
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& General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estima ted Value
French Morocco
35 17
3515 O 9, 1893 "Timbre/Poste" and red bar overprint on Sc Black postage due, tied to small piece by Tangier
c.d.s., Fine and rare ; only 150 stamps were produced , most of which were used. Scott $800.00 (Ceres 9, €1,100=$1,738) .............................................................. ............................................. ......................... Est. $400-500 35 16 O 10, 1893 "Timbre/Poste " and red bar overprint on 10c Black postage due, tied to small piece by light Tangier postmark , fresh and Fine; quite scarce as only 450 stamps were issued. Scott $575.00 (Ceres 10, €775=$1,225).................. ................ ............................... .................... ............... .................................... Est . $200-300 3517 * 24, 1903 "5/Centimos" Surcharge on Sc Light blue postage due with boxed "P.P." overprint, nicely centered for this, strong color, part original gum, Very Fine and rare; only 150 stamps were produced .. Scott $1,100.00 (Ceres 18, €1,500=$2 ,370) ...................................... ......................................... ................... Est. $400-500
35 18
* Bl , 1914 10c + Sc on 10c Red, a desirable mint example , rich color and uncommon ly fresh, centered to lower right as usual, boldly struck surcharges with the Sc red surcharge inverted as always, full original gum, Fine; a lovely mint example of this great rarity with only 25 issued ; signed Brun and Champion and accompanied by 1998 Behr certificate. Scott $ 18,500.00 (Ceres 54, €26,000=$4 1,080) ..................... ...........Est. $7,500-10,000
* BS, 1914 "10" Blue and "+5" red surcharges on 10c Rose , fresh mint example of this scarce stamp which was largely sold at Casablanca , original gum, lightly hinged, Fine ; only 2,500 stamps were issued; 2001 A.PS certificate. Scott $350 .00 (Ceres 58, €525=$830 ) .......................... .................................................... Est. $ 150-200
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Estimat ed Value
French Sudan
0 1, 1894 "Soudan Fr/0,15" Surcharge on 75c Carmine on rose, used with c.d.s. cancel, tiny thin spot, Very Fine appearance; a rare stamp in any condition. only 1,000 issued; signed twice. Scott $1,600.00 (Ceres 1, Est. $300-400 €2,250=$3,555) ....................................................................................................................................
352 1
352 1 * 1, 1886 "GAB/5" Surcharge on 20c Red on green, vivid rich color, original gum, small bit of album page
Est. $ 150-200 adhearing to gum, Fine. Scott $475.00 (Ceres 1, €575=$909) ............................................................ 3522 * 2, 1886 "GAB/10" Surcharge on 20c Red on green, select mint example, fresh and well centered, origiEst. $ 150-200 nal gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine. Scott $475.00 (Ceres 2, €575=$909) ..........................................
0 6, 1888-89 "15" Surcharge on 10c Black on lavender, neat Libreville c.d.s., fresh and Fine; a rare stamp which is missing from most collections as only 800 were issued; signed "WH.C." (Colson). Scott $1,200.00 (Ceres 6, €1,450=$2,291) .................................................................................................................... Est. $400-500 3524 O 7, 1888-89 "15" Surcharge on lFr Bronze green on straw, light 1889 Libreville datestamp, strong color Est. $400-500 on fresh paper, Fine and rare with just 1,200 issued. Scott $1,000.00 (Ceres 7, €1,250=$1,975) ...... 3523
3525 EX
0 46-48, 1910 1Fr-5Fr Fang Woman, each with bold 1910 Libreville postmark, fresh and well centered, Est. $ 150-200 Very Fine. Scott $655.00 (Ceres 46-48, €760=$1,201)........................................................................
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& General Foreign Stamps & Postal History ~-
Estimated Value
German East Africa
3526 3526 * Mi Wuga V, 1916
lR Pink Wuga provisional , without gum as produced, a particularly nice example of this difficult stamp, good color on unusually fresh paper , small thin spot at top , otherwise Very Fine and scarce; signed Richter . Scott $1,400.00 (Mi V, El ,700=$2 ,686)......... ...................... ..................................... .. Est. $400-500
German New Guinea
3527 EX
7-19, 1901 3pf - SM Kaiser's Yacht complete set, attractive c.d.s., 2M tied to small piece , very well centered, Very Fine; top three values signed by several. Scott $894.00. (Mi 7-19, â&#x201A;Ź1,000=$1,580)........ Est. $500-600
3527 0
German Southwest Africa
3528 3528 SP 13s-2Ss, 1900 3pf-SM Kaiser's Yacht, overprinted "Specimen " cplt. , very fresh , original gum, lightly
hinged, Fine-Very Fine ; SM signed Buhler . (Mi 11 SP-23 SP, â&#x201A;Ź1,300=$2,054) .......... .......... ............
Est. $300-400
German States BAVARIA
* 14, 1862 18Kr Vermilion red , particularly
fresh mint examp le, strong color and impression , large even margins all aroun d, full original gum, small h.r. , choice Very Fine. Scott $875.00 (Mi 13 a, El ,200=$1 ,896).... ........................................................... .................................... .................. ............. .. Est. $300-400
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& General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
0 22, 1864 3sgr Rose rouletted 12, numeral "9" in square grid of the Braunschweig Bahnpostamt, full roulettes all around,bright color on fresh paper, pressed vertical crease, Very Fine appearanceand rare; signed Buhler twice and accompaniedby 2001 Lange certificate.Scott $2,500.00 (Mi 16 A, €650=$1,027)...................... Est. $300-400
353 1
choice appearing used single, large margins all around, face-free c.d.s. confined to the top left corner, rich color and crisp impression, small thinned spot, Very Fine appearance. Scott $5,250.00 Est. $500-750 (Mi 1 a , €7,000=$11,060) ....................................................................................................................
3531 0 1, 1850 3pf Brick red,
particularly fresh, rich color and strong embossing, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine; 1995 Sommer certificate. Scott $450.00 (Mi 11, €650=$1,027) ................................................ Est. $ 150-200 3533 EE** 42, 1887 S0pf Olive Green block of four , original gum , ever Hinged, bright and fresh, each stamp signed Wiegand.Scott $200.00 (Mi 44 II b, €320=$506).................................................................... Est. $200-300 3532 * 11, 1872 18Kr Bister,
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Estimated Value
** 65A, 1900 SM Empire's 25th Anniversary, Type II post office fresh, especially well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; signed Pfenninger, 1991 Jaschke certificate . Scott $1,300.00. (Mi 66II, €1,800=$2,844) .................................................................................................................................... Est. $750-1,000 3535 0 65A, 1900 SM Empire's 25th Anniversary, Type II well centered, Elten 17.1.1902 c.d.s., Very Fine; signed Oechsner, Scott $325.00. (Mi 66II, €500=$790)...................................................................... Est. $250-300 3534
** 78, 1902 SM Empire's 25th Anniversary, 26 x 17 Holes, Carmine Vignette post office fresh, especially well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; signed Hochstadter BPP Scott $575.00. (Mi Est. $500-600 81Ab, El,400=$2,212).......................................................................................................................... 3537 ** 78, 1902 SM Empire's 25th Anniversary, 26 x 17 Holes , Light Red Vignette left margin single, post office fresh, very well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; 1990 Jaschke certificate . Scott Est. $400-500 $575.00. (Mi 81Aa, €900=$1,422) ......................................................................................................
** 78, 1902 SM Empire's 25th Anniversary, 26 x 17 Holes , Light Red Vignette post office fresh, especially well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; 2005 Jaschke-Lantelme certificate. Scott Est. $400-500 $575.00. (Mi 81Aa, €900=$1,422) ...................................................................................................... 3539 ** 78, 1902 SM Empire's 25th Anniversary, 26 x 17 Holes, Light Red Vignette post office fresh, very well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; signed Ho chstadter EPP, 1991 Jaschke certificate . Scott $575.00. (Mi 81Aa, €900=$1,422) ...................................................................................................... Est. $400-500
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Estimated Value
** 79, 1902 2M Union of North and South Germany post office fresh, especiallywell centered,originalgum, Never Hinged,ExtremelyFine; 2004 Oechsner certificate. Scott $300.00. (Mi 79A, €350=$553)........ Est. $ I 50-200 354 1 * 82, 1915 5pfWar Printing, Double Print - One Inverted, well centered, original gum, hinged, Very Fine; 2007 Jaschke-Lantelme certificate. (Mi 85IIaDK, €500=$790).......................................................... Est. $250-300
** 94a, 1905 3M Kaiser Wilhelm Monument, 26 x 17 Holes lower right margin single, post office fresh, well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; signed Buhler Scott $160.00. (Mi 96Alb, €250=$395) .......................................................................................................................................... Est. $100- 150 3543 O 102, 1920 3M Black violet, watermarked circles, an attractive used example of this rare stamp, deep rich color on fresh white paper, Chemnitz c.d.s., Very Fine; signed Blo ch. Scott $3,200.00 (Mi 96 B II a W, €5,000=$7,900) .................................................................................................................................... Est. $ 1,500-2,000
** 364 var., 1927 15pf International Labor Bureau, "Missing Hyphen" variety very well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; 2,000 Schlegel certificate (Mi 4081, €800=$1,264) .................. Est. $400-500
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British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estim ated Value
3545 BP** 368c , 370 var., 374b , 1928 2RM Presidential Booklet
complete unexploded booklet with three panes, well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and scarce intact booklet. (Mi MH 25a, € 1,700=$2,686) .................................................................................................................................... Est. $750-1,000 3546 BP** 415b, 418c , 419 var., 419c, 1934 2RM Hindenburg Booklet complete unexploded booklet of four panes, well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. (Mi MH 35, €700=$1,106)................ Est. $300-400
3547 EX
** 593A-599, 1948 2pf-84pf Posthorn Ty. "b" (Network) overprints cplt., original gum, Never Hinged except 25pf bright ultramarine lightly hinged, l 0pf natural inclusion, Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $550.00 (Mi 52 II - 68 II, €800=$1,264)........................................................................................................................ Est. $ 150-200
••••••••• ••••••• • ••••• •••••••••
mint booklet pane of two stamps only, well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott unlisted. (Mi H Blatt 44, €750=$1,185) .................................. Est. $300-400 3549 BP** B14a, 1925 Charity Booklet Pane mint booklet pane of two plus "X" labels, well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $450.00. (Mi H Blatt 43, €600=$948) .................................... Est. $250-300
3548 BP** B14 var., 1925 Charity Booklet Pane
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Estimated Value - --
.... .
: ~enui,e : eine'ffiod)e : ®ol)I:: : fnl)rts= : mnrken1
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B24a, 1928 Charity Booklet Pane mint booklet pane of seven plus "marken !" label , well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine . Scott $250.00. (Mi H Blatt 65, €350=$553).............. .......... Est. $ 150-200
3550 BP**
B24a, 1928 Charity Booklet Pane mint booklet pane of seven plus "postkarte !" label , well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $250 .00. (Mi H Blatt 64, €350=$553)........... ............. Est. $ 150-200
3551 BP**
~~; ~~ii$) ~ : .
Xil~"l ~r.:. .
B24a, 1928 Charity Booklet Pane mint booklet pane of seven plus 'X" label, well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $250.00. (Mi H Blatt 63, €350=$553) .................... ................ Est. $ 150-200
3552 BP**
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• •• ••
3554 EX
** B32a, 1929 50pf+40pf, "+40 PE" for "PF" variety left margin mint single, well centered, original gum, Est. $250-300 Never Hinged, Very Fine; 2001 Schlegel certificate. Scott $140 .00 (Mi 434 I, €600=$948)... ........... 3554 ** B49-57, 1933 Wagner complete mint set, post office fresh, well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $1,815.00. (Mi 499A-507A , €2,844=$4,494) .............................. ................. ........... Est. $ 1,250-1 ,500 3553
.•................. ·....... .......... ·............ ..... · ............... _1·
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** B58, 1933 10 Year Anniversary Souvenir Sheet, very well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $4,500.00. (Mi BL 2, €7,000=$11 ,060) ............................................................................ Est. $3,000-4 ,000
** B58, 1933 10 Year Anniversary Souvenir Sheet, very well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine; 2006 Schlegel certificate. Scott $4,500.00. (Mi BL 2, €7,000=$11 ,060) ..................... ............. Est. $3,000-4 ,000
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Estima ted Value
** B58, 1933 10 Year Anniversary Souvenir Sheet, very well centered, faint impres sion from comer mounts , original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; 2003 Schlegel certificate. Scott $4,500.00. (Mi BL 2, €7,000=$11,060) .............................................. ...................................... .......................... .................... Est. $3,000-4 ,000
** B58, 1933 10 Year Anniversary Souvenir Sheet, very well centered, slightly aged original gum, Never Hing ed, Very Fine; sheet and each stamp signed Schlegel, one stamp signed Brun . Scott $4,500.00 . (Mi BL 2,
€7,000=$11,060) ........... .............................................................................. ........... .............. ................ Est. $2,500-3 ,000
** B58, 1933 10 Year Anniversary Souvenir Sheet, very well centered, minor gum disturbance, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; signed Schlegel BPP Scott $4,500.00. (Mi BL 2, €7,000=$1 1,060) ............ Est. $2,000-2 ,500
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Estimated Value -
* B58, 1933 10 Year Anniversary Souvenir Sheet, very well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine. Scott $1,150.00. (Mi BL 2, €1,800=$2,844) ................................ .............................................. Est. $750- 1,000
B58, 1933 10 Year Anniversary Souvenir Sheet, dual strike of "Primisweiler 27.Jan.1935" c.d.s., very well centered, exceptionally fresh, Extremely Fine; signed Oertel, 2003 Oechsner certificat e. Scott $7,400.00. (Mi BL 2, €13,000=$20,540) ......................................................................... ..................................... Est. $6,000-7,500
3561 0
3562 EX 0 B58a-58d, 1933 10 Year Anniversary issue four strikes of "Rudesheim 30.6.1934" c.d.s, and tied to Registered manila envelope by Magenta Luftpost handstamp , very well centered, airmail etiquette , addressed Munich , backstamped, Very Fine; 2005 Schlegel certificate . Scott $1,000.00 as used. (Mi 508-11, for used, €1,800=$2,844) ...................... .............................................................................................................. Est. $ 1,000-1 ,250
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** B68 , 1935 OSTROPA Souvenir Sheet, very well centered, trivial thin speck in margin as often on these due to acidic nature of the paper , original gum, Never Hinged, scarce with original gum, Very Fine. Scott Est. $400-500 $700.00 for ungummed. (Mi BL 3, for ungummed, €1,100=$1 ,738)............................ ............. ......... 3564 O B68 , 1935 OSTROPA Souvenir Sheet, dual strike of special commemorative cancel , well centered, Very Est. $400 -500 Fine. Scott $700.00 . (Mi BL 3, €900=$1 ,422) ....................................................................................
.....·. ·.............. .·................... ... .
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3565 0 B68, 1935 OSTROPA Souvenir Sheet, dual strike of special commemorative cancel , well centered, Very Est. $400-500 Fine. Scott $700.00 . (Mi BL 3, €900=$1 ,422) ............... ............. ........................................................ 3566 0 B68, 1935 OSTROPA Souvenir Sheet, dual strike of special commemorative cancel , well centered, Very Est. $400-500 Fine. Scott $700.00. (Mi BL 3, €900=$1 ,422) ....................................................................................
BP**B82a , B83a , 1936 2RM Olympics Booklet with Red Striped Cover unexploded booklet of two panes , Est. $250-350 well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine . (Mi MH 42b , €600=$948) ............................
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Estim ated Value
BP** B82a, B83a, 1936 2RM Olympics Booklet with Red Striped Cover unexploded booklet of two panes , well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine . (Mi MH 42b, €600=$948) ............................ Est. $250-350
HOT[LF"lDBER GERHOF f kOt• J 1.50 0~
3569 3569
Mi #lOJ, 1912 Rhine and Main Pioneer Zeppelin Flight, special card franked by 5pf Germania plus pair
and single 30pf semi-official airmail stamps all tied by "Flugpost am Rhein u. am Main / Darmstadt 23.6.1912 " special cancel , addressed Darmstadt , Very Fine (Mi III, €640=$1,0 I 1) ...... ....... .... ........ ............ ......... Est. $250-300 3570 C8l Mi #10, 1913 Feldberg-MuhlhausenAirmail, tied to picture postcard by "Erste / Flugpost I Feldberg Muhlhausen 11.Sep.1913" cancel , card franked by 5pf Germania tied by "Muhlhausen ll.Sep.1913" c.d.s. , autographed picture depicts the pilot standing in front of his bi-plane, 1999 Sieger certificate. (Mi 10, €900=$1,422) ........... ..... ........ ............ ..... .................. ....... ........... ........... ........... ........... .... ................... ... Est. $400-500
357 1 C8l Mi #12, 1924 Berlin to Angora First Flight Airmail, tied to Red envelope by "Erster Flug Berlin-Angora I Berlin 5.7.1924" c.d.s., "Mit Luftpost " airmail etiquette , franked by l0pf and 50pf airmail stamps tied by "Berlin 4.7.1924" c.d.s., "First Trip / Berlin-Angora " flight cachet , addressed Angora , backstamped, Very Fine; 1999 Sieger certificate . (Mi 12, €1,200=$1 ,896) .................................... .............. .............................. Est. $500-600
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ltit Luthohi
f f "Grat Zeppelin"
Estimated Value
Siiclamerikatohrt Europa naoh :Buropa
l8J Mi #62c, 1930 Europe-Pan-Amer ica Round Flight, envelope franked by strip of three 2RM and a single of 2RM and 4RM "South America Flight " overprints all tied by "Luftsc hiff / Graf Zeppe lin 19.5.1930 " on board cancel , red South America flight cachet and violet "E urope Pan-America Round Flight" cachet which also ties stamps, Friedrichshafen transit on reverse , addre ssed Kons tanz Germany , Very Fine . (Mi 62c, €2, 100=$3,3 18) ....................... ............ ............................................................................................. .... Est. $ 1,000-1 ,250 3573 l8J Mi #347, 1933 "Chicago Flight", envelope franked by lRM "Chicago Flight" overprint as well as two singles 25pf and 50pfHindenburg strip of five all tied by "Friedrichshafen 14.10.1933 " c.d.s., red triangular flight cachet , Rio de Janeiro Brazil transit on reverse , addressed Indianapoli s IN, backstamped, Very Fine . (Mi 347, €500=$79 0) ... ............. .............. ......... ............ ...................................... .. ............ ........... .. ............ .......... Est. $250-300
3574 3574 ** MI VI, 1912 20pf Rhein und Main Airma il Overprinted "E.EL.P " bottom margin mint single, very Est. $200-250 well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine; signed Brett!. (Mi VI, €450=$7 l l ) ..............
3575 EX 3575 ** C20-26 , 1924 Spf - 300pf Airmails complete mint set, well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $1, 127.00 (Mi 344-50 , € 1,500= $2,37 0) ............................... ............................................. Est. $750- 1,000
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Estim ated value
3576 EX
EE** C20-26, 1924 Spf - 300pf Airmails complete mint set of marginal blocks, four high values with top margins, well centered , original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine . Scott $4,508.00 (Mi 344-50 , €6,000=$9,480) .................................................................................................................................... Est. $2,500-3 ,000
BP** C28d, C30b, 19312RMAirmail Booklet complete unexploded booklet including two panes of stamps plus three panes of airmail etiquettes, well centered, original gum, Never Hinged,Very Fine, scarce intact booklet. (Mi MH 20, €700=$l , 106) ............................................................................................................ Est. $300-400
BP** C30c, 1926 20pf Airmail Booklet Pane mint booklet pane of five plus labels, well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $475.00. (Mi H Blatt 47, €650=$1,027).................................. Est. $300-400
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History Foreign Stamps & Postal British Commonwealth & General ---------
Estimated va lue
3580 EX
3579 3579
* C38-39, 1930 2M - 4M South America flight cplt. , original gum, small h.r., Very Fine set. Scott $460 .00
Est. $ 150-200 (Mi 438-39 , €640=$1 ,0l 1) .................................................................................................................. 3580 ** C40-42, 1931 lRM - 4RM Polar Flight Overprints cplt, well centered, original gum with barest trace of fingerprint, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $2,975.00. (Mi 456-58 , €4,000=$6,320) ...................... Est. $ 1,500-2,000
8 3582 EX
358 1 EX
** C40-42, 1931 lRM - 4RM Polar Flight Overprints cplt , well centered, original gum, each with barest trace of fingerpr int, Never Hinged, Very Fine ; 2006 Oechsner certificate. Scott $2,975.00. (Mi 456-58 , €4,000=$6,32 0) .............................................................. ........................................ .................. ............ Est. $ 1,500-2,000 3582 ** C40-42, 1931 lRM - 4RM Polar Flight Overprints cplt, top value with left margin , well centered, original gum , two low values with bare st trace of fingerprint , top value flawless gum , all are Never Hinged, Very Fine; 2006 Schlegel certificate. Scott $2,975.00. (Mi 456-58 , €4,000=$6 ,320) .................................. Est. $ 1,500-2,000
358 1
3583 EX
3585 EX
Polar Flight Overprints cplt, original gum , small h.r., fresh and Fine-Very Fine Est. $200-300 ) ............................ ........................................................ €900=$1,422 , 456-58 (Mi $630.00 Scott set. 3584 * C43-45, 1933 lRM - 4RM Century of Progress Flight Overprints cplt., original gum , small h.r., fresh Est. $300-400 and Very Fine set. Scott $780.00 (Mi 496-98 , €1,200=$ l ,896) .......................................................... 3585 O C43-45, 1933 lRM - 4RM Century of Progress Flight Overprints cplt, well centered, attractive c.d.s Est. $500-750 cancels, Very Fine. Scott $780.00. (Mi 496-98 , €1,000=$ l ,580) ............................ ............................ 3583
* C40-42 , 19311RM-4RM
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3586 EX
** OL16-21, 1905 3pf - 25pf Officials very well centered, complete set, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $1,100.00. (Mi 9-14, €1,100=$1,738) .................................................................................................. Est. $500-750
~k(lli ~J~ 3587
Mi #7A, 1944 Crete "Inselpost" Overprint, tied to envelope by "Feldpost 19.11.1944" c.d.s., encircled " IO" handstamp, addressed Heidenau Germany, Very Fine; signed Rungas BPP, accompanied by 1979 certifi.cate. (Mi 7A, €700=$l , 106) ................................................................................................................ Est. $300-400
** Estonia (Parnu) MI #10 I, 1941 Parnu Occupation "Pernau 8.VII 1941" Type I Overprint on SOK Farm Workerwell centered right margin single, original gum, Never Hinged,Very Fine, only 800 issued; 2,000 Krischke certifi.cate. (Mi IOI, €3,600=$5,688) .................................................................................... Est. $ 1,500-2,000 3589 ** Latvia,Mi #Sx, 1941 "Latvija/ 1941.1/1.VII"Overprinton 30KAviatoron Carton Paper well centered strip of three, originalgum, Never Hinged,Very Fine; signedKrischke BPP (Mi 5x, €660=$1,043) ...... Est. $200-300
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Estimated Value
Lithuania, MI #3x, 1941 Lithuania Occupation "Nepriklausoma Lietuva 1941.VI.23" Overprint on 1OKFactoryWorkeron Carton Paper well centered block of four, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; signed Keifer and Krischke accompanied by latter's 1979 certificate. (Mi 3x, €800=$1,264) .......... Est. $300-400
3590 EE**
359 1 EX
** Lithuania MI #10-18, 1941 Lithuania Occupation "Vilnius"Overprint on Workers set well centered complete set, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine, only 5,000 sets issued; each singed Dub and Keiler BPP (Mi 10-18, €1,700=$2,686) .................................................................................................................. Est. $750-1,000
** Lithuania (Raseiniai) MI #8K, 1941 Raseiniai Occupation "Raseinial 1941.VI.23" Inverted Overprint on 80K Flag at North Pole Type III surcharge, well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; signed Richter, 2,000 Krischke certificate. (Mi 8K, €4,500=$7,110) ........................................ Est. $2,000-2 ,500 3593 ** MI #9K, 1941 Raseiniai Occupation "Raseinial 1941.VI.23" Inverted Overprint on 80K Girl with Beets Type II surcharge, well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; signed Richte,; 2,000 Krischke certificate. (Mi 9K, €900=$1,422) ...................................................................................................... Est. $400-500 MI #lOK, 1941 Raseiniai Occupation "Raseinial 1941.VI.23" Inverted Overprint on 80K 3594 ** MayakovskyType III surcharge, well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; signed Richter, 2,000 Est. $400-500 Krischke certificate. (Mi 1OK, €900=$1,422)...... ................................................................................ 3592
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Estimated Value
** Lithuania (Rokiskis) MI #6bK , 1941 Rokiskis Occupation "Laisvas 1941.VI.27 Rokiskis" Inverted Overprint on SOK Farm Worker Type II surcharge in Red, well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very
Fine; 1989 Krischke certificate. (Mi 6bK, € 1,500=$2,370) ................................................................ Est. $400-500 3596 ** Lithuania (Telsiai) MI #13, 1941 Telsiai Occupation "Laisvi Telsiai 1941.VI.26" Overprint on 30K Agricultural Fair Type I surcharge, well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; 1994 Krischke certificate. (Mi 13, €450=$7l 1) ................................................................................................................ Est. $200-300 3597 ** MI #15, 1941 Telsiai Occupation "Laisvi Telsiai 1941.VI.26" Overprint on 30K Agricultural Fair Type I surcharge, well centered left margin single, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; signed Krischke. (Mi 15, €450=$711) .................................................................................................................................... Est. $200-300
···············•·(•········ lillfl]IIJIDlmnll~lilil •
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** MI #18, 1941 Telsiai Occupation "Laisvi Telsiai 1941.VI.26" Overprint on 30K Agricultural Fair Type III surcharge, well centered bottom margin single, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; signed Krischke BPP (Mi 18, €450=$71l ) .................................................................................................................... Est. $200-300 3599 ** MI #20, 1941 Telsiai Occupation "Laisvi Telsiai 1941.VI.26 " Overprint on 30K Agricultural Fair Type I surcharge, well centered left marginal single, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; signed Krischke. (Mi 20, €450=$711).............................................................................................................................. Est. $200-300 3600 ** MI #22, 1941 Telsiai Occupation "Laisvi Telsiai 1941.VI.26" Overprint on 30K Agricultural Fair Type III surcharge, well centered top right marginal single, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; 1994 Krischke certificate. (Mi 22, €450=$7 l l) ............................................................................................ Est. $200-300 3598
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360 1
Estimated Value
** MI #24, 1941 Telsiai Occupation "Laisvi Telsiai 1941.VI.26" Overprint on SOKAgricultural Fair Type I surcharge, well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; 1996 Krischke certificate . (Mi 24, Est. $200-300 €450=$7l l) .......................................................................................................................................... 3602 ** MI #25, 1941 Telsiai Occupation "Laisvi Telsiai 1941.VI.26" Overprint on 60K Agricultural Fair Type I surcharge, well centered bottom margin single, original gum, Never Hinged,Very Fine; signed Krischke . (Mi 25, €450=$71l).............................................................................................................................. Est. $200-300 3603 * Ukra ine (Goroc how) Mi #16 A, 1944 12+28pf Gorochow Occupation well centered, without gum as issued, Very Fine, only 200 issued; signed Pi ckenpack, 1999 Krischke certificate. (Mi 16 A, €2,000=$3, 160).................................................................................................................................... Est. $500-600
360 1
German y (French Zone) - Rhine Palatinate
Atelier de fabrication des tlmbres-poste d'Ottenbourg
3604 EX 3604 P 6N16-29 var, 1948 2pf - lDM Definiti ves, Deluxe Proofs , complete set of fourteen, especially fresh,
Extremely Fine. (Mi 16M-29M, €1,000=$1,580) ................................................................................ October 9, 2008
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Est. $400-500
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Estimated Value
9N21-34, 1948-49 2pf-3M Red "Berlin" overprints, cplt. , select used set, neatly cancelled, Fine-Very Fine. Scott $650 .20 (Mi 21-34 , €1,000=$1 ,580). ........................ ...................................... ............ ....... Est. $200-300
3605 0
§ ~~~=~~~~~~
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100 Jahre deutsche Briefmarke
fur 2 DM
zu 20 Pf zu 10 Pf zu 4 Pf zu t Pf ◄1---------------t!
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Um tc h la 1se 1tti
3606 BP** 9N42a, 9N43a, 9N47a, 9N49a, 1949 2DM Booklet, complete unexploded booklet , staple at left, well centered panes , original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine. (Mi MH 1, €700=$1 ,106) .......................... Est. $300-400
** 9NB3a, 1949 Currency Devaluation souvenir sheet, original gum , Never Hinged, fresh and Very Fine . Scott $825.00 (Mi Block 1, €1, 100=$1,738) ...................................................................................... Est. $300-400
Berlin Semi-Postals #9NB1-99
.. .. ... ..
... ... ..
9NB3a, 1949 Currency Devaluation souvenir sheet, dual strike "Die Post Hilft den Wahrungsgeschadigten Berlin 18.12.1949" c.d.s , (second day cancel) , well centered, Very Fine ; signed Schlegel accompanied by 1980 certificate. Scott $2,100.00. (Mi Block 1, €2,800=$4 ,424) ........... ................. Est. $ 1,250-1,500
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Estimated Value
BERLINER .Wl\HRUNGSGESCH!\DIGTEN ..DER.......... .... .............. . ............. .. ............ ......... . : :
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36 10
O 9NB3a, 1949 Currenc y Devaluation souvenir sheet, dual strike "Dillenburg 10.3.1950" c.d.s, well centered, Very Fine ; 2003 APS certificate. Scott $2, 100.00. (Mi Block 1, €2,800=$4,424) .................... Est. $ 1,250- 1,500 36 Io 181 9NB3a, 1949 Currency Devaluation souvenir sheet, affixed to reverse of post card conveying Christma s and New Years greeti ngs, dual strike "Die Post Hilft den Wahrun gsgesc hadigten Berlin 17.12.1919" c.d.s, First Day cance l, well centere d, Very Fine. Scott $2,100.00 for used. (Mi Block 1, €5,000=$7 ,900) ........ Est. $2,500-3 ,000
Berlin Russian Occupation - Thuringen
. 2mGH
361 I
** Mi Block 1 x I, 1945 2RM Anti-Fascist Souvenir Sheet, "Dot in 'C' of 'Reichs rnark' variety, well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine. (Mi Block 1 x I, €2,500=$3 ,950) .............................. Est. $ 1,000- 1,250
36 11
36 12
** Mi Block 1 x V, 1945 2RM Anti-Fascist Souvenir Sheet, "Broken Leg of 'H' in Weihnachtsspende ' variety, well centered, original gum , Neve r Hinged, Very Fine. (Mi Block 1 x V, €2,500=$3 ,950) .. Est. $ 1,000- 1,250
36 12
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Estimated Value
Mi Block 2t, 1945 lORM Christmas Souvenir Sheet, Erfurt 1.z.24.12.1945" c.d .s., well centered, Very Fine; 2003 Stroh certificate. (Mi Block 2t, €3,000=$4,740) ........... ..................................... ........... ... Est. $ 1,250-1,500
36 13 0
. ....................... ...:........................... .:····· 5
36 14 EX
3615 EX
** 82-84, 1951 12pf - 50pf Chairman Mao issue, complete mint set, well centered, original gum, Neve r Est. $200-250 Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $285.00. (Mi 286-88, €360=$569) ......................................... ..................... 36 15 ** 82-84 , 1951 12pf - 50pf Chairman Mao issue, complete mint set in pairs , well centered, origina l gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $570.00. (Mi 286 -88, €720=$1,138) ................................................ Est. $400-500
36 14
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DDR 1020 ZKD
DDR 1020 ZKD
2/ 1
36 18 EX
36 17 EX
36 16 EX
Estimated Value
Mi Dienst-C#16-30, 1964PoliceTravelPermitOverprintedOfficials,completemint set of 17 stamps, bright Est. $ I50-200 and fresh, very well centered,original gum, Never Hinged,Very Fine. (Mi 16-30, €400=$632) .............. 36 17 ** Mi Dienst-C#16-30, 1964PoliceTravelPermitOverprintedOfficials,complete mint set of 17 stamps, bright and fresh, very well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, VeryFine. (Mi 16-30, €400=$632) .............. Est. $150-200 3618 ** Mi Dienst-C #46-60, 1964 Police Travel Permit Overprinted Officials , complete mint set of 84 stamps, bright and fresh, very well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. (Mi 46-60, €3,000=$4,740) .................................................................................................................................... Est. $1,000-1,500
36 16 **
German Offices in China
* 16a, 1900 "5 pf " Foochow surcharge and "China" overprint at 45 degree angle on lOpf Carmine, fresh mint example, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine; signed Kohler . Scott 575.00 (Mi 7 I B, Est. $200-300 €700=$ l , l 06) ...................................................................................................................................... 3620 * 18, 1901 Tientsin "China" handstamp on 5pf Green, fresh and well centered, original gum, lightly Est. $150-200 hinged, Very Fine; signed Bothe, Pfenninger and Thier. Scott $350.00 (Mi 9, €500=$790) .............. 36 19
362 1
3621 * 21, 1901 Tientsin "China" handstamp on 30pf Orange and black on salmon, an attractive mint exam-
ple of this rarity, rich colors on fresh paper, nicely centered, original gum, trifle heavy h.r., trivial natural paper inclusion, Very Fine; signed. Scott $6,500.00 (Mi 12, €6,000=$9,480) .............................................. Est. $3,000-4,000
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Estimated Value
* 23, 1900 Tientsin "China" handstamp on 80pf Lake and black on rose, original gum , h.r., small oily stain in the bottom left corner which is not noted on the certificate , otherwise Very Fine and quite rare; signed Bloch, Kohler, D,~ Oertel and Thier and accompanied by clear 1958 Friedl certificate. Scott $4,000 .00 (Mi 14, €6,000=$9 ,480) .............. ........................ ................................. ................ ...................... ....................... Est. $ 1,000-1,500
German Offices in Morocco
** 14, 1903 60c on S0pf Unissued Type II Overprint , well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; 2005 Ronald Steu er certificate. (Mi 14 II, €500=$790) .............................. ........................................ Est. $200-250
German Offices in Turkey
3624 3624 0 30, 1903 "25 Piastre" surcharge on SM Slate and carmine, two light 1905 datestamps , fresh and Fine; signed Szekula. Scott $475.00 (Mi 23 II, €700=$1 , 106)............... ....................................................... Est. $ 100-150
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E timated Value
3625 3625 O 15, 1862 SOLHermes, strip of seven, each with "9" in lozenge cancel, right stamp with trivial edge flaw, full to large margins, gorgeous color, extremely scarce multiple, Very Fine. (He 22) ........................ Est. $ I,500-2 ,000
3626 3626 * 45a, 1875 SL Dark yellow green, horizontal pair, clear to large margins all around, the right stamp showing a deformed control number on reverse, original gum, h.r., Fine; signed Sismondo and accompanied by his Est. $200-300 200 1 certificate. Scott for singles $550.00 ..........................................................................................
3628 EX
3627 EX
188-95, Dedeagatch 1913 IL-SOLBlue cplt., without gum as issued, Very Fine set; each signed twice. Est. $500-750 Scott $1,600.00 .................................................................................................................................... 3628 * N196-201, Dedeagatch 1913 11-501Blue cplt., without gum as issued, 51 with an extra row of horizontal perforations at base and 11and I 01are "short" stamps from having received an extra row of horizontal perforations at base, Fine-Very Fine set; each signed. Scott $960.00 ............................................................ Est. $300-400
3627 *
3629 EX
19-27, 1945 Carmine or blue "Danmark/Befriet/5May 1945"overprinton lo-SK.rPictorialscplt., original gum, very lightly hinged,fresh and Very Fine set. Scott $557.50 (Fae 19-27, 5,500Skr=$770)........ Est. $200-300
3629 *
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Estimated Value
& DI 30" Surcharge on 60c Brown on cream and lFr Rose on cream, both with large margins all around, including #Jl 3 with portion of top left corner margin , bright and fresh, original gum, Est. $200-300 Extreme ly Fine. Scott $550 .00 (Ceres TT13-14 , â&#x201A;Ź825=$1 ,304).... ............................................. .........
3630 * J13-14, 1903 "G
* 54, 1894 Narrow "1894/10/Centavos" surcharge on 75c Carmine rose, original gum, paper h.r., Fine and Est. $200-300 quite scarce; 1993 A.PS. certificate. Scott retail $550 .00..... .......... .....................................................
363 1
3632 EX 3632 ** 462-65, 1932 lP-lOP Madonna cplt., original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine set. Scott $252.50 for Est. $ 150-200 hinged. (Mi 484-87, â&#x201A;Ź420=$664) .................................. ......................................................................
October 9, 200 8
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Estimated Value
75 E A
oe i..: UN 10 N P osTALE
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3634 EX
3633 EX
B198A-D, CBl-lC & Footnote, 1947 8f+8f to 70f+70f Roosevelt cplt., mint blocks of four of each plus the set of eight corresponding souvenir sheets of four, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine. sets. Scott Est. $ 150-200 $466.00 (Mi 985-92 , €400=$632) ...... .. ...... .... .. .... .. ...... .. .... ...... .. ...... .... .... .. ...... .... ...... .. .... .. .... ...... ...... .. 3634 * C81, C81 Var.,1950 3fo U.P.U.souvenir sheet, perf. and imperf., original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine. Est. $300-400 Scott retail for N.H . $900 .00 (Mi Block 18A, 18B, for NH , € 1, l 50=$1 ,817) .... ...... ...... .. .......... ...... ..
3633 83**
8, 1876 Sa Blue, good color on clean fresh paper , light c.d.s. cancel , Fine and scarce. Scott $775.00 (Fae Est. $200-300 9, 7,000Skr=$980) ...... .... .... ....... .... ..... ......... ........... ............. ..... .... ......... ...... ........... ....... ...... ............ ..... 3636 0 31, 1897 Black "prir" and red "3" surcharge on Sa Green, well centered for this , rich color on crisp white paper , bold Re ykjavik postmark , Very Fine ; 1974 PF certificate. Scott $600 .00 (Fae 35, Est. $ 150-200 5,500Skr=$770) ............................................... ..................................... ......................................... .....
3635 0
32, 1897 Black "prir" and red "3" surcharge on Sa Green, select used example , excellent centering , rich color on fresh paper, neat 1897 c.d.s. , choice Very Fine; 1972 PF certificate. Scott $525.00 (Fae 34, Est. $ 150-200 4,500Skr=$630) ...... .... .............. ......... ......... .... ....... ........ .......... ........ .... ....... ..... ............ ...... ........... ........ 3638 * 33, 1897 Black "prir" and red "3" surchargeon Sa Green, centered a bit to left, original gum, barest trace Est. $200-300 of hinging, Fine;photocopy of 1986 Moller certificate.Scott $1,100.00 (Fae 37, 8,000Skr=$1,120) .... 3637 0
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_Lo_t ______
B_ritish Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Posta_l _H_i_ st_o~ry~ _ __
E_s1_im_a1e _d Value
3639 * 53, 1902-03, Black "I Gildi/'02- '03" overprint on 6a Grey, Perf 13, fresh and well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine; 2,000 Nielsen certificate. Scott $700.00 (Fae 52, 6,500Skr=$910) .......... Est. $200-300
* 63, 1902-03 Black "I Gildi/ '02- '03" overprint on 3a Orange, Perf 14 x 13 1/2 nicely centered for this and very fresh, bright color, original gum, small h.r., Very Fine; 2002 Moller certificate. Scott $1,500.00 (Fae 38, 12,000Skr=$1 ,680) .......................................................................................................... .............. Est. $500-750
3641 EX
* 92-98, 1912 Sa-SK Frederick VIII cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $367.50 (Fae 114-20, 2,500Skr=$350) ....................... ....................................................................................... Est. $ 100-150 3642 * 141-43, 1924-30 "Kr. 10" Surcharge on lKr-SKr Definitives , mint singles of each, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine. Scott $955.00 (Fae 103, 107, 123,, 8,000Skr=$1,120) .............. .................. Est. $300-400 3641
3643 O 143, 1930 "Kr. 10" Surcharge on SKr Brown and slate, light c.d.s. cancel , fresh and nearly Very Fine. Scott $600.00 (Fae 107, 4,000Skr=$560) .......................................................... ............... ................... Est. $150-200 3644 O C9-11, 1931 30a-2K "Zeppelin/1931" overprints cplt., each with neat Reykjavik c.d.s., Very Fine set. Scott $525 .00 (Fae 162-64, 3,800Skr=$532) ..................................... .......................... ....................... Est.$ 150-200 October 9, 2008
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Estimated Value
* C12-14, 1933 lK-lOK "Hopflug Italia/1933 " overprints cplt., original gum, lightly hinged,Very Fine set; 1999 Henrik Pollak certificate for the set. of which only 4,ooo were issued. Scott $2, l 00.00 (Fae 165-67,
l 7,500Skr=$2,450) ..............................................................................................................................
Est. $500-750
cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, 5Kr and lOKr with a few toned perfs., otherwise Very Fine; 2003 Sismondo certificate for the set. Scott $2,100.00 (Fae 16567, 17,500Skr=$2,450) ........................................................................................................................ Est. $400-500
3646 * C12-14, 1933 lK-lOK "Hopflug Italia/1933 " overprints
3648 EX
nicely centered, remarkably $350.00 (Fae Tj 15, Scott certificate. lsen Nie 997 I Fine; Very hinged, lightly fresh, original gum, 2,700Skr=$378).................................................................................................................................... Est. $100-150 3648 * 053-67 , 1930 3a-10Kr Parliament Millenary official overprints cplt., original gum except 15a and 20a no gum, some h.r., 1Oavertical crease and 2Kr and 1OK.rwith natural inclusion, otherwise Fine-Very Fine set. Est. $200-300 Scott $1,010.00 (Fae Tj 59-73, 6,300Skr=$882)..................................................................................
3647 * 025, 1902-03 "I Gildi/'02 -'03" overprint on 3a Yellow, Perf 14 x 13 1/2,
3649 EX
cplt., fresh mint set, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine and scarce; lP-lOP signed Hevia and/or Arechavala. Scott retail $1,795.00 (Ed 1-15, â&#x201A;Ź1,750=$2,765) .......................................................................................................................... Est. $750-1,000
3649 * 1-16, 1941-42 "Territorio/de Ifni" overprint on lc-lOP Definitives
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Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
Indo China
3650 EX
* 65-82, 1919 "2/5 Cent" on le to "4 Piastres"on lOFrSurchargescplt., fresh mint set, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine. Scott $365.45 (Ceres 72-89, €380=$600) ................................................ Est. $ 100-150
'Jp111 il'lll1i1 i1lll1i1~l'JO:::I '7pll1 n,ll1''Jll1i1i1lll1i1~l'JO:::I 11111Nii1 ';,111 l1111N1i1 ';,111 • :n:::i,n:::iil : :n:::i,n:::in • '7lC1111' ';,p111,.• • '7N1111' ';,p111 .. "'il1111,pi1 "lll1 ! ":::1111
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····················~·-··· 3651
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•• ····· ···••
** 7-9, 1948 250m-1,000mCoins, with tabs, original gum, 250m and 1,000m lightly hinged in the tab only, the 500m Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine. Scott $7,500.00 (Bale 7-9, for NH $6,600) ...................... Est. $2,000-3 ,000
........................... . . .,
itlW:123'10=>?;,w 1i1r11c,;i, ,~ ;, ,111
:n::i ,n::m c,,111,, ,.. u:,11111j:'il
,ic,> 'li,ti#
. ... .. .. . . .,. ....... 3652
** 9, 1948 1,000m Black-blue on pale blue, with full tab, bottom right corner margin mint example, folded between stamp and right sheet-margin, tab single with strong and intact perforations, original gum, Never Hinged, nearly Very Fine; the key value to the set. Scott unlisted individually.(Bale 9, $4,150) ...... Est. $ 1,500-2,000
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Estimated Value
·····················•• ❖ ••············· ·· ······t··········
. ,n,n1:>·l:,:i.,u.>•N - 1':,.1"T•':,\..> U->'Nl
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55, 1952 1,000p Menorah, with tab, bottom right corner margin block of four with full tabs, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $500.00 (Bale 59, $620) ............................................ Est. $200-300
3653 EB**
3655 EX
3654 EX 3654 **
Jl-5, 1948 3m-50m Postage dues cplt., with tabs, fresh mint set, strong and intact perforations, original
gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and desirable. Scott $2,750.00 (Bale PD 1-5, $2,800) ...................... Est. $1,500-2,000 3655 */** Jl-5 , 1948 3m-50m Postage dues, with tabs, cplt., fresh set with strong and intact perforations, original gum, 3m, Sm and 20m lightly hinged, !Om and 50m Never Hinged, Very Fine set. Scott $2,750.00 for NH (Bale PDI-5, for NH $2,800) .............................................................................................................. Est. $750-1,000 October 9, 2008
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Estimated Value
Italian States TUSCANY
0 16, 1859 9cr Gray lilac, just clear to ample margins, tiny flaws as often, light cancel, Fine appearance; 2003 Ray baudi certificate. Scott $7,750.00 (Sass 16, €7,000=$11,060) ............................................ Est. $500-750
0 23, 1860 3L Ocher, partial "Firenze" oval cancel, close margins to in at bottom, good color, a rare stamp, Fine; signed Oliva, 2006Avi certificate. Scott $135,000.00. (Sass 23, €120,000=$189,600) ..........Est. $ 15,000-17 ,500
3658 3658 3659
o o
lO0e,1924-2525c Blue+ Piperno,c.d.s. cancel,Fine. Scott $625.00 (Sass 6, €1,000=$1,580) .... 100g,1924-2525c Blue+ Tagliacozzo , c.d.s.cancel, Fine. Scott$610.00(Sass 8, €1,000=$l ,580) ..
Octob er 9, 200 8
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Estimated Value
3660 EX
3660 * 165-70, 1923 10c-5L Manzoni cplt., original gum, h.r., Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $793.00 (Sass 151-56, Est. $300-400 € 1, l 50=$1,817) .................................................................................................................................... 3661 * 188 Footnote, 1927 20c Volta, "Cyrenaica" overprint omitted, bottom sheet-margin mint single, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine and rare; signed "ED " (Diena). Scott $2,750.00 (Sass 210A, €4,500=$7, 110) .................................................................................................................................... Est. $ 1,500-2,000
3662 ** Blla , 1922 Blue "B.L.P." Litho. overprint on 20c Brown orange, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine; signed "ED " (Diena) . Scott $1,700.00 (Sass 7, €2,000=$3,160)..... ................................................... Est. $750-1,000 3663 * B16, 1923 "B.L.P." Litho. overprint on lL Blue and green, original gum, h.r., Fine and scarce; signed Bolaffi and accompanied by his 1980 certificate. Scott $4,650.00 (Sass 12, €5,500=$8,690) .......... Est. $750-1,000
L . 300 WALE ....•.... ....................
I L FOGLIO ................. ..... ..... . .
rn•• C35-39, CEl -2, 1932 Garibaldi Airmails, complete mint set in gutter blocks of four lightly folded through the gutter, most with imprinted selvedge, original gum, Never Hinged, bright and fresh, Very Fine. Scott $1,080.00 (Sass S1506, €950=$1,501) ................................................................................................ Est. $400-500
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Es tim ated va lue
·~i-r !
~~""' I ~,~~
... ~r
3665 EX
+ 19.75L and 5.25L + 44.75L Balbo Transatlantic Flight, complete sheets of each containing twenty triptychs , each with a different pilots name , fresh and intact , original gum , Never Hinged, one with a trivial wrinkle , Very Fine, seldom found a full sheets. Scott for single triptychs $11,500.00 (Sass S.1509T, €14,000=$22 , 120) .......................................................... .................... .......................... Est. $5,000-7,500
3665 EB** C48-49, 1933 5.25L
10 3666 EX 3666 ** C48-49, 1933 5.25L
+ 19.75L to 5.25L + 44.75L Balbo Trans-Atlantic Flight, fresh triptychs of each ,
strong and intact perforations , original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $575 .00 (Sass S.1509T, €700=$ l , 106) ............................ .................. ........................................................ ................ .......... ........ Est. $200-300 3667 * CO2, 1934 lOL Rome-Mogadiscio Flight Official , fresh and well centered, original gum , lightly hinged, Very Fine ; signed Bloch. Scott $825.00 (Sass 2, €1,000=$ l ,580) ................ ................... ................... Est. $300-400
3668 3668 * Q76, 1954 1,000L Ultramarine, intact horizontal pair, well centered, strong and intact perforations , original gum , lightly hinged, choice Very Fine. Scott $2,800.00. (Sass 81, €3,400=$5,3 72) .................... Est. $ 1,000-1,500
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y British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal Histor ---------
Estimated Value
Italy - Occupation - Austria (1918)
O (Austria) NlS, 1918 "Regno d'ltaliaNenezia Giulia/3. XI. 18" Trieste overprint on 2K Light blue, tied to piece by bold "Abbazia/29.XI.18" c.d.s., Extremely Fine. Scott $500.00 (Sass 15, €600=$948) .. Est. $200-300
3670 * (Austria) N16, 1918 "Regno d'ltaliaNenezia Giulia/3. XI. 18." Trieste overprint on 4K Yellow green,
wonderfully fresh and well centered, original gum, trivial h.r., Extremely Fine, only 1,600 issued. Scott Est. $400-500 $1,100.00 (Sass 17, El,300=$2,054) ....................................................................................................
367 1 EX
3671 O (Austria) N42-45, 1918 "Regno d'ltalia/Trentino/3 nov. 1918" Trentino overprint on 40h-80h values,
each tied to piece by double circle "Trento 1/15.XII.18" postmark, Very Fine; all signed Mohrmann. Scott Est. $ 150-200 $360.00 (Sass 10-13, €440=$695)........................................................................................................ 3672 * (Austria) 49, 1918 "Regno d'ltalia/Trentino/3 nov. 1918" Trentino overprint on 4K Yellow green, a select mint example of this rare stamp, particularly fresh and crisp, original gum, trivial h.r., Extremely Fine, only 210 issued; signed Hofer. Scott $4,250.00 (Sass 17, €5,250=$8,295) ........................................ Est. $ 1,500-2,000
3673 EX
cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Fine, only 3,000 sets issued; 50c and IL signed Raybaudi and accompanied by his 2,000 certificate. Scott $422.95 (Sass 1-7, €500=$790)...................................................................... Est. $ 150-200
3673 * (Austria) NJl-7, 1918 "Venezia/Giulia" Trieste overprints on Sc-lL Postage dues
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Estimated Value
Italy - Italian Social Republic
3674 EX
3675 EX
* Ql-12, 1944 Sc - 20L Overprints on Parcel Post, complete mint set, fresh colors, typical centering , origEst. $600-700 inal gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine. Scott $1,250.00. (Sass S.2104, €1,400=$2,212)................ 3675 * Ql-12 , 1944 Sc - 20L Overprints on Parcel Post, complete mint set, fresh and intact, original gum, lightEst. $600-700 ly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $ 1,250.00 (Sass S.2104, €1,400=$2 ,212) ............................ ......
3676 EX
* Ql-12, 1944 Sc - 20L Overprints on Parcel Post, comp lete mint set, original gum, 50c with a vertical crease (cat. $6.50) and 3L damaged (cat. $50.00), otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $1,250.00 (Sass S.2104, Est. $300-400 € 1,400=$2 ,212) .................................................................................. ..................... .............................
Italy - Offices in China
le, 1917 "Pechino/4 Cents" surcharge error on Sc Green, an incredibly rare used example of this error, which should have been surcharged "2 Cents" instead of "4 Cents" , remarkably well centered and wonderfully fresh, neat and identifiable violet c.d.s., Very Fine; only a couple used copies exist; signed "ED" (Diena) and accompanied by I 963 Fiecchi and I 987 Diena certificates. Unlisted as used, Scott for mint $5,600.00 (Sass 1a, for mint , €7,000=$11,060) .............. ................... ...................... ........................... ....................... ........... Est. $3,000-4,000
3677 0
* 8, 1917 "Pechino/8 Cents " surcharge on 20c Brown orange, strong color on fresh paper, original gum, lightly hinged, a few nibbed perfs . at upper left, otherwise Fine and rare; signed . Scott $8,000.0 0 (Sass 5, €10,000=$ 15,800) ................................................ ................................................ ....................... ......... Est. $2,000-3 ,000
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E timated Value
•~1 ,
-·3679 3679 O 30b, 1918-19, $2.00 on SL Blue and rose, narrow Ty. III surcharge, a wonderful used example of this
rare stamp, nicely centered, particularly bright and fresh, tied to piece by full strike of 1921Tientsin datestamp, Very Fine and handsome; signed Calves and Ray baudi and accompanied the latter s 2002 certificate. Scott $8,750.00 (Sass 29, €1 l ,000=$17,380) ................................................................................................Est. $4,000-5,000
Italy - Offices in China - Tientsin
3681 EX
3680 * 4, 1917 "Tientsin/6 Cents" surcharge on 15c Slate, nicely centered for this, original gum, h.r., Very Fine; Est. $500-750 1983 SPA. certificate; ex.-Hill. Scott 1,750.00 (Sass 3, €2,200=$3,476) ........................................ 3681 * 5-14, 1917-18 le-lOL "Tientsin " overprints cplt., including the unissued watermarked 20c value, original gum, mostly lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $433.00 (Sass 4-13, €500=$790) ............ Est. $ 150-200 3682 * 15-23, 1918 1/2c on le to $2.00 on SL Surcharges cplt., 10c used (cat. $24), the others all original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Fine. Scott $733.00 (Sass 15-23, for mint, €900=$1,422) .......................... Est. $200-300
3683 * 15a, 1918 "1 Cent/Tientsin" surcharge on le Brown, inverted surcharge, original gum, very lightly hinged, fresh and Fine. Scott $400.00 (Sass 15b, €500=$790)............................................................ Est. $ I 50-200 3684 * JS, 1918 "4 Cents/Tientsin" surcharge on 10c Buff and magenta, an especially choice mint example of
this rare stamp, wonderfully well centered and particularly fresh, original gum, slight h.r., choice Very Fine; signed Bolaffi and "ED" (Diena). Scott $4,750.00 (Sass 5, €6,000=$9,480) .................................... Est. $1,500-2,000 October 9, 2008
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Estimated Value
Italy - Offices In the Turkish Empire
* 9a, 1908 "1 Piastre " spelling error first Constantinople surcharge on 25c Blue , original gum, trivial h.r., fresh and Fine. Scott $1,200.00 (Sass 4d, €1,500=$2,370) ............................................ .............. Est. $300-400 3686 * 10, 1908 "2 Piastre " first Constantinople surcharge on 50c Violet, original gum , Fine and scarce with only 199 issued. Scott $2,400.00 (Sass 5, €3,000=$4,740) ............................ .................... ............ .... Est. $500-750 3687 ** 18, 1908 "4 Piastre " second Constantinople surcharge on lL Brown and green, particularly well centered for this and wonderfully fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; signed Raybaudi and accompa Est. $500-750 nied by his 1995 certificate. Scott for hinged $1,100.00 (Sass 13, for NH , €2,100=$3 ,318) ............ 3685
* 20Ef, 1908 "20 Piastre" for "4 Piastre " fourth Constantinople surcharge error on lL Brown and green, vivid rich color s on fresh paper , original gum, lightly hinged, Fine and scarce; signed Sarani and accomEst. $500-750 panied by his 2,0 00 certificate. Scott $1,900.00 (Sass 18a, €2,400=$3 ,792)...................................... 3689 * 24a, 1921 "5 Piastre" surcharge on 25c Blue , double surcharge, bright and fresh , original gum , very lightly hinged, Fine. Scott $275.00 (Sass 31a, €350=$553) .......................... ...................................... Est. $100-150
3690 EX
Jl-6, 1922 10c - SL Postage Dues cplt., each with quarter of Kingdom of Italy contro l mark as always, original gum, except 2L unused, lightly hinged, Fine and rare set with only 300 issued ; 5L signed "ED " (Diena). Scott $2,380.00 (Sass 1-6, €2,800=$4,424) ............................................ ...................... ...................... Est. $400-500
3690 *
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& General Foreign Stamps & Postal History------
Estim ate d Value
369 1 EX
* 1-8, 1909-11 lOpa on Sc to 40Pi on lOL Surcharges cplt., original gum, h.r., 20Pi with light perf. staining at upper right, otherwise Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $1,230.00 (Sass 1-8, €1,500=$2,370) .......... Est. $200-300
Italy - Trieste - Zone A AMG & VG
3693 EX
3692 EX
3692 ** Ql-12, 1947-48 lL-S00L Parcel Post cplt., undivided pairs, fresh and intact, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine set. Scott $649.15 (Sass 1-12, €1,100=$1,738) .................................................................. Est. $200-300 3693 * Ql-26 , 1947-S41L-1 ,000L Parcel Post issues cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-VeryFine sets. Scott retail for .H. $976.35 (Sass 1-26, for hinged, €835=$1,319) ............................................................ Est. $ 150-200
Ivory Coast
a desirable mint example of this rare stamp, possessing lavishly large margins all around, plus it is uncommonly fresh, with full clean original gum which has only been lightly hinged, Extremely Fine and choice, only 75 issued; signed Brun. Scott $3,100.00 (Ceres 4A, €4,100=$6,478) .............................................................................................................................. Est. $ 1,000-1,500 3695 * Q4, 1903 "Colis/Postaux" overprint on lFr Rose on buff postage due, a select mint example of this rare stamp, large margins all around, fresh color, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine, only 75 issued; signed Brun , Miro and Roum et and accompanied by the latter's 2003 certificat e. Scott $3,100.00 (Ceres 4B, €4,100=$6,478) ....................................................................................................................................Est. $ 1,000-1 ,500 3696 O Q9, 1903 "lFr/Colis Postaux" Ty. a surcharge on Sc Blue postage due, a pleasing used example of this rare stamp, generous even margins all around, neatly cancelled, choice Very Fine; signed Roum et and accompani ed by his 2003 certificate. Scott $3,250.00 (Ceres 7d, €3,850=$6,083) ...................................... Est. $ 1,500-2,000
3694 * Q3, 1903 "Colis/Postaux overprint on S0c Lilac postage due,
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British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
* Q23, 1903 "4Fr/Colis Postaux" surcharge Ty. I on 60c Brown on buff postage due, handsome mint example of this elusive stamp, with uncommonly large margins all around, strong color on fresh paper, original gum, light h.r., Extremely Fine; a rare stamp indeed, with only 72 copies printed. Scott $1,200.00 (Ceres I lb , €1,250=$1,975) ............................................................................................................................ Est. $500-750
3698 O Q24b , 1903 "* 4 Francs */Colis Postaux" surcharge with two large stars on 15c Green postage due,
top sheet-margin used single, with oversized margins on the other three sides, bright and fresh, neat face-free c.d.s., an Extremely Fine gem. Scott $300.00 (Ceres 9b, €475=$751)................................................ Est. $ 100-150
* Q34-36 , 1905 "2 Francs/C.P." to "8 Francs/C.P." surcharges on lFr Rose on buff postage due, the set of three, all with large margins including 2Fr with sheet-margin at left and 4Fr with sheet-margin at base, bright and fresh, original gum, lightly hinged except 2Fr light h.r., Extremely Fine; first two signed Brun and last Est. $400-500 signed Senf. Scott $1,100.00 (Ceres 20-22, €1,505=$2,378) ..............................................................
3700 EX
Mi V411-611,1898 20pf- 50pf'China' 56 Degree Overprints, top three values of the set each tied byTsingtau c.d.s. to small piece, well centered,Very Fine; each signed Bothe. (Mi V4II-6II, €860=$1,359) .............. Est. $400-500
3700 O
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& General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
3701 370 I * 5, 1900 "5 Pf." Ty. "e" Surcharge and "China" 48 degree overprint on l0pf Carmine, select mint sin-
gle, deep rich color on fresh white paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine; signed Kilian and Richter. Scott $2,000.00 (Mi 2, €3,000=$4,740) .............................................................................................. Est. $750-1,000
3702 EX 3702 SP** 10-22 var., 1901 3pf - SM Kaiser's Yacht, "Specimen" Overprints complete mint set of pairs ,
very well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; each sig ned Bothe . (Mi 5SP-l 7SP, €5,200=$8,2 l 6).................................................................................................................................... Est. $2,000-3,000
3703 **/* 10-22 var., 1901 3pf - SM Kaiser's Yacht, "Specimen" Overprints "cplt., many with sheet-selvage,
generally fresh and well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, except 30pf and lM lightly hinged, 1M thinned spot and 2M and 3M some light gum toning, otherwise a Very Fine set. (Mi 5s-l 7s, for H, €2,600=$4, I 08) .................................................................................................................................... Est. $500-750 3704 83** 18, 1901 80pf Kaiser's Yacht, very well centered block of four, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; Scott $250.00 (Mi 13, €340=$537) ............................................................................................ Est. $150-200 Octobe r 9, 200
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Estimated Value
** 22, 1901 SM Kaiser 's Yacht, well centered, original gum, ever Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $525.00 (Mi 17, €700=$ l , 106) .................................................................................................................................. Est. $300-400 3706 0 22, 1901 SM Kaiser's Yacht, well centered, partial Tsingtau c.d.s., Very Fine; signed Pfenninger and Bothe BPP Scott $675.00 (Mi 17, €800=$1,264) .......................................................................................... Est. $300-400 3705
choice used example, intense color on fresh white paper, beautifully centered, two bold strikes of 1907Tsingtau postmark, choice Very Fine; J994A.PS. certificate. Scott $1,700.00 (Mi 26 A, €2,000=$3,160) .......................................................................................................................... Est. $750- 1,000 3708 0 32, 1905 $2 1/2 Slate and carmine, attractive used single, nicely centered, luxuriant rich colors, tied to small piece by two strikes of "Tsingtau Iapautau/Kiautschou/5/6 09" postmarks, Very Fine and scarce; signed Dr. Lantelme. Scott $4,400.00 (Mi 27 B, €4,200=$6,636) .................................................................. Est. $2,000-3,000 3707 0 31, 1905 $1 1/2 Black violet,
37 10
** C9-13, 1933 10s-100s on 25c "Latvija-Afrika/1933" overprints cplt., each with ample to huge margins, including the 100s with huge sheet-margin at left, post office fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine to Extremely Fine set. Scott for hinged $525.00 (Mi 220-24, for NH, €900=$1,422) ............................ Est. $300-400 37 10 * CB21-24, CB21a-24a, 1933 8s (68s) to 40s (l.90L) Latvian Aviators perforate and imperforate cplt., original gum, h.r., Very Fine sets. Scott $655.00 (Mi 228A-231A, 228B-231B, for NH, €500= 790).......... Est. 200-300
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Estimated Value
37 11
1 3, lNS-6 , Red "Libau" overprint on 15pf, 25pf and 50pf Germania, each tied to piece by clear 1919 Feldpost datestamp, Very Fine; key 25pf and 50pf signed Kosack and 50pf also signed Richter. Scott $640.00
371 1 O
(Mi 3 B b, 5 B b, 6 B b, â&#x201A;Ź930=$1,469) ................................................................................................
Est. $200-300
1N8-13, 1919 Blue "Libau" overprint on 5pf-50pf Germania, each tied to piece by well struck early July 1919 "Deutsche Feldpost/ 168" datestamp, Very Fine; all signed Hochstadter and Kosack. Scott $830.00 (Mi 1 B a - 6 B a, â&#x201A;Ź 1,410=$2,228) ...................................................................................................... Est. $400-500
3712 O
37 13
P 16P-20P, 1880 lc-24c Defaced die proofs in color, on 50x76 mm white wove paper, le and 2c in issued colors with Feldwick imprints, 6c in Rose with Dando, Todhunter & Smith imprint,12c in Blue and 24c in Yellow-green, both without imprints, Extremely Fine and attractive set............................................. Est. $400-500 37 14 P 16P-20P, 1880 lc-24c Defaced die proofs in color , another set which is identical to the previous lot . ................................................................................................................................................ Est. $400-500
37 13
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37 15
Estimated Value
37 15 P 16P-20P, 1880 lc-24c Black , defaced die proofs , die sunk on tissue paper , 93xl32 mm , le and 2c with
Feldwick imprints , 6c with Dando , Todhunter & Smith imprint and 12c and 24c without imprint , fresh and Extreme ly Fine set. ......... ........ .......... ...... ............. ..... .......... ..... .. ..... ...... ...................... ........ ... ...... ........ Est. $200-300 3716 P 16P-20P,1880 lc-24c Black, defaced die proofs, another set which is identical to the previous lot... Est. $200-300
S.G. #175, 1901-02 le Lilac rose Official handstamped "Ordinary", horizontal pair , fresh and intact , cancelled by perfectly struck "Buchanon , Liberia/IO May 1902" datestamp , Extreme ly Fine and choice ; mysteriously unlisted in Scott ; Ex. Cockrill . .. .... .. .... .. .... .... .. .. ...... .. .... .. .. .... .... .. .... .. .. .... .... .. .. .... .. .... .... .. .. .... .. Est. $500-750 37 18 0 66A, 1901-02 2c Bister and black Official handstamped "Ordinar y", fresh horizontal strip of three, vivid rich colors , strong and intact , "Buchanan , Liberi a/ 10 May, 1902" cancel s, Fine-Ver y Fine; a scarce multiple of this stamp which is only known used ; each signed "AD " (Diena). Scott $450 ...... .... ...... ...... Est. $500-750 3717 0
37 19 0 66A, 1901-02 2c Bister and black Official handstamped "Ordinary", fresh horizontal pair, vivid rich colors, "Buchanan , Liberia/IO May, 1902" datestamp s, Fine-Very Fine; only known used. Scott $300 ...... Est. $500-750 3720 70, 1901-02 Sc Lake and black Official handstamped "Ordinary", used with 1902 Monrovia c.d.s., rich
colors on fresh paper , Very Fine; signed Bloch. Scott $22 5.00 ............ ........................................ ...... October 9, 2008
Page 175
Est. $ 150-200
H.R. Harmer
British Commonwealth
& General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
372 1
* 79, 1901-02 $1.00 Ultramarine and black Official handstamped "Ordinar y", wonderfully fresh, origiEst. $ 150-200 nal gum, lightly hinged, Fine; signed. Scott $300.00 ..........................................................................
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3722 3722 EE** 334-37, C68-69, 1952 3c-10c Famous Liberians, 25c-50cAirmail, Bi-Color Issues from Set, all with
Inverted Centers in Complete panes of 25, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine, Scott unlisted, airmails
priced at $50 per stamp, Quite rare and the only set we have seen in complete panes .....................Est. $ 10,000-15 ,000 3723 C61, 1948 25c 1st Flig ht of Liberian International Airways, defaced printing plate, measuring 12" high by 14 1/2" long and weighing 8.5 lbs, defaced vertically with an average of three lines through each stamp, the plate printed 80 stamps at a time in a 4x20 format with a vertical and horizontal gutter; this issue was prepared hurriedly, in just about two weeks H.L. Peckrnore & Sons of Elizabeth, N.J. took a photograph of a Liberian International Airways plane in flight and designed a 25c and 50c stamp, engraved them, printed them and hand them in Monrovia for the first flight; a unique philatelic item for the Liberia collector who "has everything". (No PH) ................................................................................................................................................ Est. $2,000-3 ,000
* F2, 1893 (10c) Black Greenville , a remarkably fresh mint example, excellent centering, full clean original gum, lightly hinged, light vertical crease at left, Very Fine; one of the rarest stamps of Liberia; signed Richter. Scott $2,250.00 .................................................................................................................................... Est. $1,000-1,500 3725 t* l F3, 1893 (10c) Black Harper , an elusive unused single showing part of the papermaker's watermark, quite fresh for this, shallow thinned spot, Very Fine appearance ; one of Liberia 's rarest stamps. Scott $2,250.00 .............................................................................................................................................. Est. $750-1 ,000
Oc tober 9, 2008
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British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
3726 3726 * FS, 1893 (10c) Black Robertsport, a select mint example of this rare stamp, preci sely centered and uncommonly fresh, full original gum, paper h.r., Very Fine; signed Champion. Scott $ 1,000.00 ..... ........... Est. $500-750
eesi Monrovia Liberia, clear circular postmark on blue cover to Philadelphia , magenta ms. "Paid" and "2/cents " handstamp , red "Paid/Liverpool/Br Packet/30 Ap 75/2d" transit postmark , no U.S. arrival markings , slightly reduced at right , Very Fine. ...................... .............................................................. ................ Est. $750-1,000 3728 eesi 1882 Cover to Belgium, franked by the very scarce 1882 8c Blue (Scott #22), scissor separated at top and left and light stain, tied by "Harper , Liberi a/Sep 14, 1882" c.d.s. to cover to Leuze with printed comer card of the Compagnie Beige de Commerce Africain, red "London/Oc 12 82" transit back stamp and Leuze arrival backstamp , Very Fine; an exceedingly rare franking which is quite likely the earliest usage ; signed Holcombe and accompanied by his 1990 photo certificate. ..................... ................................................... ........ Est. $ 1,000-1,500
3729 eesi 1882 Cover to Germany, franked by single 1882 16c Red (Scott 23) cancelled by six-bar grid on buff cover, well struck "Monrovia, Liberia/May 22, 1882" c.d.s. alongside, red "Paid/Liverpool /Br Packet/ 14 Ju 82" transit and London transit backstamp, "Hamburg /16/6 82" arrival backstamp , Very Fine; scarce early usage paying the double rate. .............................................................................................................................. Est. $750-1,000
Octobe r 9, 2008
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History British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal ----------
Est imated Value
1885 Cover to Connecticut, a gorgeous cover franked with 1880 2c Rose and 6c Violet (Scott 17-18) tied to each other by two strikes of rectangular six-bar grid, perfectly struck "Monrov ia, Liberia / Apr 24, 1885" c.d.s. alongside and bold red "Paid/Liverpoo l/Br Packet/18 My 85" transit , "New York/Paid All" arrival backstamp, fresh and Extremely Fine . .............................................................................................................. ......Est. $7,500-10,000
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r~~ 3731
Ca. 1890's "Aus Westafrika" rectangular boxed handstamp ties Germany 1889-1900 20pf Ultramarine (Scott #49) to cover to Leipzig , Germany , "Hugo Grabo /Monrovia , West Africa " handstamped corner card at lower left and printed return address of "Carl Schultze , Liberia , West Africa" confirm the Liberian origin , parEst. $500-750 tial backstamp , stamp with small fault , Fine and interesting usage. ..................................................
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~ -/ -,,.,_,, .,,Yr:;, 3732 C8I 1892 10c Registered entire to Germany, legal sized entire uprated by 1892 4c Green and black and 16c Lilac (Scott #35, 41) tied by rimless "Monrovia , Liberia /Oct 3, I 892" postmarks , c.d.s. repeated at left, Liverpool and London registry transits and "Hamburg /27 10 92" arrival backstamp, cover opened on three sides for display, Very Fine. ....... ....... ........ .. ......... .... ....................... ........ ..... ....... ....... ............. .. ........... ...... ... Est. $750-1,000
October 9, 200 8
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British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History - ---
Estima ted Value
• 682
3733 1:81 1894 Monrovia to Stuttgart to Monrovia message and reply card, matching severed halves, the message side with rimless "Monrovia, Liberia/27 Jul 94" postmarks, red "Paid/Liverpool/Br Packet/16 Aug 94" transit and Stuttgart arrival postmark , reply half returned registered and uprated with Wurtemburg 1875 20pf Dull blue (Scott #6 I a) tied by clear "Stuttgart /24 Aug 94" c.d.s., registry etiquette , London and Liverpool registry transits , Very Fine pair and incredibly rare as such ... ................................................................ .. Est. $4,000 -5,000
1:81 1894 Cover to Germany, franked by 1894 Sc Carmine and black imperforate (Scott #52) tied by rimless "Monrovia, Liberia/22 Jun 94" c.d.s., routed via Cameroun, with boxed "Aus West-Africa/mit/Hamburger Dampfer " handstamp , "Coln (Rhein)-Verviers /Bahnpo st/Zug 13/16 7 94" R.P.O. transit and Munich arrival backstamp, trivial cover tear at top right, still Very Fine and rare ............................................... ........ Est. $ 1,000-1 ,500
October 9, 200 8
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British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
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Estimated Value
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1895 Registered cover to Germany, franked with 1892 4c Green and black and 16c Lilac (Scott #35, 41) tied by bold "Monrovia , Liberia/5 Feb 95" c.d.s., Liverpool and London registry transits and "Hamburg / 1.8.95" Est. $300-400 backstamp , Extremely Fine. .............. ...................... ...... ................... ...... ............. ................ .... ............ 3736 181 1895 Cover to Philadelphia, franked with 1894 5c Carmine and black imperforate (Scott #52) tied by rimless "Monrovia , Liberia/12 Jun 95" datestamp , clea red "Paid/Liverpool/ Br Packet/8 Jy 95" transit and Philadelphia arrival backstamp, cover with Muhlenberg Mission printed corner card and original typewritten Est. $300-400 enclosure , a bit reduced at right , still Very Fine. ................................................................................
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181 1896 Registered cover to Germany, franked with 1893 "Five Cents" on 6c, 1894 5c Carmine and black imperforate pair and 1894 4c Green and black Official (Scott #50, 52, 017) tied by separate strike s of "Monrovia , Liberi a/27 Mar 97" datestamps, "R" in circle handstamp and "Munchen VI/28 Apr 98" arrival backEst. $300-400 stamp, Very Fine . .................................................................................................................................. 3738 181 1896 Registered cover to Germany, beautifully franked with 1892 le Vermilion, 1893 5c on 6c Blue green and 1894 5c Carmine and black imperforate and rouletted (Scott #33, 50, 52, 53), plus 1894 le Vermilion , two 2c Blue and 4c Green and black Officials (Scott #015-17 ), each tied by rimless "M onrovia, Liberia/28 Mar 96" c.d.s ., "R" in oval, Munich arrival back stamp , whereupon it was forwarded to Nymphenburgh and backstamped, Est. $300-400 Very Fine and colorful. ... .....................................................................................................................
Octobe r 9, 2008
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British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
Mr . Paul
Kid er l e n
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0 1896 Cover to Germany, pre-printed cover to Ulm franked by 1892 16c Lilac (Scott #41) tied by rimless "Monrovia, Liberia/ 10 Sep 96" postmark , no indication that it entered the registry system despite the imprint , Very Fine. .... ............................ .......................... ....... ..................... ................................... ................ ... Est. $300-400 3740 0 1899 Cover to New Jersey, franked by 1897 le Lilac rose and horizontal pair of 2c Bister and black (Scott #54, 57) tied by rimless "Harper, Liberia/ 13 May 99" datestamps , "New York/Jun 21, 99" entry and Plainfield arrival backstamps , slight toning , Fine and scarce...... ...................................................... ................... Est. $500-750
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0 1899 Registered picture post card to Austria, franked with 1892 4c Green and black and 6c Blue green and 1897 le Lilac rose and 2c Bister and black (Scott #35-36, 54, 57) all tied by rimless "Monrovia, Liberia/9 May 99" postmarks , "R" in oval and Vienna arrival postmark , view side is "A Funeral in Monrovia" , scarce regEst. $500-750 istered post card, Very Fine. .... .............. .......... .................... .......... .................. .............. ...... ............ .... 3742 0 1901 Registered cover to Munich, franked by 1896 15c Slate (Scott #40) tied by rimless "Monrovia, Liberia/8 Jan O1" c.d.s., violet straightline "per Woermann Line" endorsement , German transit registry etiquette, "Oberhausen-Boxtel /Bahnpost/Zug 28/7.2.01" transit and Munich arrival backstamps , printed corner card of the Liberian Coffee Plantation , minor cover tear at left, otherwise Very Fine. .... .................. Est. $500-750
October 9, 2008
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British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History--------
Estimated Value
1901 Registered 3c entire to Belgiun, 3c Brown legal sized entire uprated with 1894 5c Carmine and black 0 imperforate and 1897 le Lilac rose (Scott #52, 54) tied by "Ha rper , Liberia /Jun 25, 1901" datestamps , "AR" hand stamp and red Hamburg registry etiquette , Verviers , 25th July arrival backstamp , cover with file fold at Est. $300 -400 center away form stamp s and adhesive stain at lower right , Fine and scarce usage. .. .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. 3744 0 1904 Registered cover to New York, with 1903 10c Magenta and black Robertsport Registration (Scott #F 14), plus 1892 20c Vermilion and 1903 "Fifteen/Cents " surcharge on 24c Olive green (Scott #42 , 96) all tied by "Gra nd Bassa, Liberia /12 Jul 04" postmarks, endorsed "Via S Leone " with Freetown transit and Brookl yn Est. $300-400 arrival backstamps , Very Fine. ............................................................ ................................................
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1904 Picture post card to England, picture side a view of the town of Monrovia, reverse with 1903 3c 0 Black (Scott #94), entered the mails in the Gold Coast with 1902 ld Violet and carmine rose (Scott #38) tied by "Tarkwa , Gold Coast/No 8, 1904" c.d.s. , Liberian stamp tied by clear " Sekondi , Gold Coast/No 9, 1904" Est. $300-400 tran sit, Extreme ly Fine and interesting. .. .. .......... ........ .... ........ ...... .. .... ...... .. ...... .... .. .... .. ...... .... .. .... .. .... 3746 0 1910 Cover to Gotha, franked with 1909 5c Ultramarine and black (Scott # 117) tied by perfectl y struck oval "Deutsche Seepost/Linie /Hamburg/Westafrika / 17. 1. 10/:XXXII" ship cancellation , blue German Consulate Est. $300-400 in Monrovia label on reverse , stamp with a couple foxed perfs. , still Very Fine and attractive. ........
October 9, 2008
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British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
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374 8
0 1910 Registered cover to Philadelphia, franked by 1894 5c Carmine and black imperforate , 1909 10c Plum and black and 10c Black and ultramarine rouletted Official (Scott #53, 125, 069) tied by two strikes of double circle "Harper , Liberia /Mar 18, 1910" datestamp s, with both the # 125 and 069 having been previously cancelled at Harper on Nov 22, 1909, rare large violet registr y etiquette and Plymouth transit backstamp , Est. $200-300 Extremely Fine and unusual. .............. ............................................................ ...................................... 3748 0 1911 Registered cover to New York, with 1903 10c Violet and black Monrovia Registration (Scott #F13) , plus 1906 1c Green and black and pair of 2c Carmine and balck (Scott # 101-02) tied by hooded "Registered/Monrovia , Liberi a/Feb 20 11" postmark s, Liverpool transit and New York arrival registry backEst. $400- 500 stamps , Very Fine and attractive .................................................................. ............. ............................
TheHome Correspondence School, Springfie ld, Mass . 3749
0 1911 Registered 10c entire to Sierra Leone, orange and black 10c Johnson uprated with 1905 Sc Ultramarine and black (Scott #62) tied by hooded "Registered/Monrovia , Liberi a/Jul 24 11" datestamps , Monrovia registry etiquette and Sierra Leone registry backstamp , slightly reduced at left, fresh and Very Fine; Est. $200-300 a scarcer destination than one might suppose . ......... .............. .......................... ................ .......... ......... 3750 0 1913 Paquebot cover to U.S.A., franked with 1906 2c Carmine and black and pair and single of 1909 le Emerald and black Official (Scott # 102, 059) tied by four clear strikes of"Paqueb ot, Plymouth/Ja 19 13" datEst. $400-500 estamps , Very Fine and scarce . .......................................................................................... ..................
October 9, 2008
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British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
375 1
l2l 1914 Registered cover to Bohemia, Austria, salmon cover with 1892 25c Yellow green, 30c Steel blue, 32c Greeni sh blue , 1897 1c Light green and 1892 32c Greenish blue Official (Scott #44-46 , 56, 022) tied by "Monrov ia, Liberia/ 16 Jan 1914" datestamps , Monrovia registry etiquette, cover with two punch holes at base, Est. $300-400 otherwise a Very Fine high value philatelic usage..... .......................................................................... 3752 12J 1914 Registered cover to New York, legal sized cover franked with 1906 20c Orange and black (Scott # 106) tied by partial "Monrovia, Liberia /2 Feb 14" c.d.s. with registry etiquette alongside , Plymouth transit and New York registry backstamps , seal of the Post Office Department /Liberia tied on reverse , cover with vertical Est. $300-400 fold, Fine and scarce usage .............. ......................................... ........................... .................................
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12J 1917 Cover to New York, legal sized cover with "American Legation." corner card franked with 1916 " 1916/1 O" surcharge on 24c Rose red (Scott # 159) tied by "Monrovia, Liberi a/ I 4. VII. 17" c.d.s., two wax seals Est. $300-400 of the U.S. Legation on reverse , Very Fine double rate usage. ............ .......................... .................... .. 3754 l2J Harper Liberia/Paid handstamped provisional with ms "5" rate on buff cover to New York redirected to Ashville, N.C., mostly clear "Harper , Liberia/ 2.11.27 " c.d.s . alongside and N.Y. Mar 10, 1927 backstamp , Fine Est. $500-750 and rare. ...................... .................................................... ............................................................... .......
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British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimat ed Value
181 1929 Sierra Leone 112d postal card registered to Germany, franked by 1928 le Green and 2c Gray violet and 10c Olive gray Officials (Scott #230, 0159 , 0162 ) tied by double circle "Buchanan , Liberia/9 XI 29" postmarks , "R" in oval and two bold strike s of oval "Deut sche Seepost/ Linie/Hamburg- /Westafrika/ 13. 1. 29" ship cancel and arrival c.d.s. , Very Fine and scarce with registered po stal card usage .... ................... Est. $ 1,000-1 ,500
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181 1936 Cover to Boston, franked with 1923 1c Centennial (Scott #209) paying the unsealed circular rate and tied by "Monrovia , Liberia/27 IX 36" c.d.s ., Very Fine and rare international usage. .......... ...... Est. $300-400 3757 181 1944 Cover to New York, franked by the scarce 1944-46 2c on 3c Violet and black and 3c on 2c Dark violet handstamped surcharges tied by partial "Mo nrovia, Liberia /1 1. X. 44" po stmark s, colorless embossed comer card of the Ganta Mission , cover with some creases and wrinkl es, still a Fine and rare Est. $300-400 commercial usage. .................................................................................................. .......... ..................
October 9, 2008
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British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History --
Estim ated Value
Ur . L. J.. Sc,~Pihe r
18:J 1951 Registered cover to New Jersey, franked by 1923 $2.00 Orange and blue (Scott #226) tied by clear "Robertsport , Liberia /Ia 3 6" c.d.s. , Robertsport registry handstamp , arrived in New York with magenta " Supposed Liable to/United States/Customs Duties ", oval "U.S. Customs/Free of Duty/Port of New York" and "Collect 10c Postage Due/For Customs Service " handstamps with U.S. l 0c Carmine Postage Due tied by two target cancels , forwarded to Yaounde, Cameroun where 10Fr Blue-green Postage Due was applied and tied by "Yaounde , Camerou n/4 Avr 51" c.d.s., U.S. PO. Department Official Seal affixed on reverse , paste-up cover with paper adhesions around the perimeter , Very Fine ; a wonderful usage of the $2.00 value and scrace triple Est. $500-750 country franking. ... ........... ..... ........... ........... ............ ................ .... ...... ............ ............. ........ .......... ........ 3759 18:J 1951 Registered cover to New Jersey, from the same correspondence as the previous lot, franked with 1923 2c, 10c, 20c and 30c (Scott #215, 218 , 220, 222) tied by "Robertsport , Liberi a/Ia 3 6" postmarks and sent under the same registration number , New York registry transit backstamps and Elizabeth receiver , plus "Notice " hand stamp , forwarded to Yaounde, Cameroun where 20Fr Dark brown Postage Due was applied and tied by "Yaounde, Camerou n/4 Avr 51" datestamps , also a paste-up usage with paper adhesions around the perimeter Est. $500-750 of the reverse, Very Fine.... ................................................................... ............... .................................
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1905 Registered cover to Germany, franked with 1903 10c Lilac and black Monrovia Registration (Scott #Fl3a ) plus 1903 "Ten/Cents ", "Fifteen/Cents " and "Twenty/Cents " surcharge s (Scott #95-97) tied by separate strike s of "Monrovia , Liberia /28 Feb 05" postmarks , "R" in oval, faint backstamp , cover with bit of flap missEst. $300-400 ing and horizontal fold at base , Fine usage. ................ ............. ...... ...... ..... .. ............. ................ .... .......
October 9, 2008
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Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History~ ---British --
Estima ted Value ---
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181 1911 Registered cover to Philadelphia , franked with 1903 10c Magenta and black Robert sport registration (Scott #F 14) and 1910 bisected 10c Black and ultramarine imperforate with provisional "5/Cents " typewritten surcharge (Scott unlisted ), both tied by hooded "Regi stere d/Robertsport , Liberia /Dec 6 11" postmark s, Robertsport registr y etiquette , three backstamps including magenta "Philadelphia , Pa./Regi stered/Ja n 5, 1912", cover stain at top right affecting the bisect , still a Fine and very rare usage ............ ........................... Est. $ 1,000-1,500
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1916 Registered 2c entire to France, additionally franked with Liberian Frontier Forces 1916 le on le green and black Official (Scott #M6c) with LFF/lc inverted and 1914 10c on 50c red brown and black Official (Scott #092) tied by "Monrovia , Liberia /1 3. VII. 16" postmarks , Monrovia registry etiquette , Aydat, Puy de Est. $500-750 Dome receiving backstamp , Extremely Fine ; attractive franking. .. .... ........ ...... .... .. ...... .. .......... ...... .. .. 3763 181 1919 Registered 2c entire to Honduras, additionally franked with Liberian Frontier Forces 1919 1c on 2c Lake and black , lc on 2c Carmine and black Official (Scott #M4 , M7) and 1914 20c on 75c Purple and black Official (Scott #075) tied by "Monrovia , Liberi a/ 14. I. 19" postmarks , Monro via registry etiquette , Liverpool , New York and violet "Puerto Cortez , Honduras /Mar 11, 1919" registry transit backstamps , Very Fine ; attractive Est. $500-750 franking to this rare destination. ...... .. ...... ........... .......................... .................................... ............ .......
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British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
0 1894 Official cover to London, franked with 1892 32c Greenish blue Official (Scott #09 ) tied by clear strike of rimless "Monrovia, Liberia/Aug 2, 1894" c.d.s ., legal sized cover with "Department of State" imprint Est. $300 -400 at lower left, fresh and Very Fine. ............. ............ ....... ............. .......... ...................... ....... ........... ......... 3765 0 1906 Registered Official cover to Brussels, franked with ordinary 1896 15c Slate (Scott #40) and 1894 16c Red lilac and 24c Olive green on yellow and 1898-1905 le Lilac rose pair and le Deep green (Scott #020-21 , 028-29) tied by violet double circle "Monrov ia, Liberia /May 29, 1905" datestamp s, match ing "R" in oval, London and Brussels registry back stamps, Post Office Department wax seal on reverse, fresh and Est. $400 -500 Very Fine. ........................................................................................... ...................................... ...........
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0 1914 Registered Official cover to New York, franked with ordinary 1896 15c Slate (Scott #40) tied by hooded "Registered/Monrovia, Liberia/May 16 14" postmark , registry etiquette, Southampton transit and New York registry backstamp, legal sized cover with "Customs Receivership .of the/Republic of Liberia " imprin t, Est. $200 -300 Very Fine. ....... ........ ........... ....... ........... ....... ............. ...... ...... ........ ..... ... ............ ........... .... ............... ...... 3767 0 1920 Local cover, with bottom margin vertica l strip of five, plus vertica l strip of three and pair, representing all ten types of the 1915 2c on 5c Turquoise and black black surcharge Official (Scott O88a) one stamp damaged, tied by eight strikes of "Monrovia , Liberia / 14. XII. 20" postmarks , cover with "Compagnie Francise Est. $200 -300 de I.:Afrique Occidentale" imprint, Very Fine. ............. ............. .......... .............................. ............ ......
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British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History ~----
Estimated Value
181 German Seepost covers postmarked from Liberia A diverse group of private, commercial, and official mail, loose or hingelessly mounted on album pages, comprising 7 covers, 11 picture postcards, 4 postal cards, 4 stamped entires, and a wrapper, franked with various definitives, commemoratives, and official stamps of the 1897-1914period, all tied by oval "Deutsche Seepost Linie Hamburg-West Afrika" date and ship number cancels; includes 1927 cover to Chicago from British Bank of West Africa, Cape Palmas (logo and printed tape on reverse) franked with Liberia Scott 165 tied by seapost cancel dated 27.7.27 XXXXI; le Liberia wrapper to Germany franked with Scott 060 , 071 tied by seapost cancels dated 10.7.14 XXXIII; 10c entire (H&G B6) to Germany, seapost cancel dated 6.5.97 VI; generally Fine-VF, with fair to clear strikes; careful inspection of these scarce covers advised for full appreciation. (No PH) ................................................................ Est. $5,000-7 ,500 3769 181 Ottlie Helm family Liberia correspondence Over 300 covers hingelessly mounted in 3 slicased Scott Specialty albums, mostly from Fred Helm to his future wife Ottlie Rohe in the USA, and her replies, written during Fred's days at the Firestone rubber plantation in Liberia, postmarked from the mid-l 920s through early 1950s, to and from Liberia, franked with single or combination usages of US 1920s regulars and commemoratives, or various I 920s-l 950s Liberian definitives, commemoratives, airmails, and officials; many photocopied letters accompany (originals absent), telling of life and work at the plantation, comings and goings of ships, and other interesting matters; condition rather mixed; generally Fine and better; a fine assemblage of covers, some of which likely display scarce usages, coupled with Fred's and Ottlie's exchanges about life and Liberia, affording a great opportunity for the postal or Liberia historian; Viewing is indispensable for full appreciation. (No PH) .......................................................................................................................... Est. $5,000-7,500
377 1 EX
3770 EX
* 20-31, 1921 lc-lOL Pictorials cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, le small hole (cat. $3.25), otherwise Est. $ 150-200 Fine-Very Fine. Scott $544.25 (Sass 21-32, â&#x201A;Ź600=$948).................................................................... 377 1 * Ql-13 , 1915-24 "Libia" overprint on 5c-20L Parcel post cplt., undivided pairs, original gum, most lightEst. $200-300 ly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $703.25 (Sass 7-13, â&#x201A;Ź800=$1,264) ............................................
used undivided pair, lightly cancelled, fresh and Fine. Scott $500.00 (Sass 23, â&#x201A;Ź600=$948).................................................................................... Est. $ 150-200
3772 O Q23, 1936 "Libia" overprint on lOL Rose lilac parcel post,
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3773 EX
* la-3a, 1915 5h-25h Johann II, thin unsurfaced paper cplt., original gum, small h.r., Very Fine set. Scott $1,300.00 (Mi l y-2y, 3yb, €450=$7 1 l) ...................................... ........................ .......................... ...... Est. $200 -300 3774 * 3b, 1915 25h Ultramarine, original gum , trivial h.r., choice Very Fine. Scott $350.00 (Mi 3yb, €400=$632) .............. .................................. ............... .......... .................... ........................... .................. Est. $ 100-150 3773
.. -· ... ...
. ... .. .. .... . .... .
=.. ■= ... .
. .... .-
•• •••••n
* 115, 1934 5Fr Agricultural Exhibition souvenir sheet, original gum, light h.r., fresh and Very Fine. Scott $ 1,200 .00 (Mi Block 1, for NH, €2,500=$3 ,950) .............. ............................................. ..................... Est. $500-750
** 259a, 1951 2Fr Dark blue, perf. 14 1/2, original gum , Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine. Scott $450.00 (Mi Est. $200 -300 304 B, €1, 100=$1,738) ......... ........... ............................................. .......................................................
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Estimated Value
3777 EX
92-92D, 1920 20sk-80sk Grand Duke Vytautas trial printings cplt. , somewhat disturbed original gum from hinge removal , Very Fine ; only 2,000 sets were issued . Scott $750.00 (Mi 78 I - 83 I, €900=$1 ,422) ......... ..... ......... ................... ........... ....... .. ......... ....... ............. ....... ............ ........ ................ Est. $200-300 3778 * 207, 1923 25c Deep blue, original gum, h.r., Very Fine and scarce with only 1,200 issued; signed Kohler. Scott $450 .00 (Mi 215, €600=$948) ............................................................................. ....................... Est. $200-300 3777 *
• 3779
3780 EX
3779 * 151, 1923 l0Fr Deep green souvenir sheet, original gum, minor h.r. on the selvage only, Very Fine. Scott $1, 100.00 (Mi Block 1, for NH , €2,500=$3 ,950) .............................. .................. ...................... .......... Est. $400-500 3780 ** B65A-Q , 1935 5c-20Fr Intelectuals cplt., original gum, Never Hinged, 1.75Fr and 3Fr with a few stained perfs. , otherwise Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $1,000.00 (Mi 266-80, €1,500=$2,370) .......................... Est. $300-400
3781 EX .
3781 O French Offices 8-13, 1891 5c-5Fr Type-set issue cplt., each with a sock-on-the-nose town cancel , ample
to large margins , Sc with a horizontal crease (cat. $30), otherwise a Very Fine set; 1Fr signed Thier. Scott $1,381.50 (Ceres 8-13, €1,930=$3,049) .............................................................................................. Est. $300-400 3782 o French Offices 23, 1896 Sc on le Black on bluish, neat 1896 c.d.s . cancel , slight crease at top right, Fine appearance and rare; signed Bernichon and Brun. Scott $2,100 .00 (Ceres 23, €2,850=$4,503) ........ Est. $300 -400
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3783 3783 0
French Offices 25, 1896 25c on 3c Gray, bold surcharge and well centered,tied by 1896 c.d.s. to piece of
mourning cover, Very Fine and choice, only 900 issued. Scott $950.00 (Ceres 25, €1,300=$2,054) ......
Est. $300-400
Mariana Islands
rich color on uncommonly fresh paper, original gum, h.r., Fine and scarce; signed Rey os . Scott $625.00 (Ed 2, €575=$909)........................ Est. $200-300 3785 0 6, 1899 "Marianas/Espanolas" handstamp on 15c Slate green, used with appropriate crown in oval postEst. $400-500 mark, some blunted perfs., otherwise Fine and rare. Scott $1,200.00 (Ed 6, €1,050=$1,659) .......... 3786 0 lla, 1899 "Marianen" 48 degree overprint on 3pf Light brown, several strikes of "Saipan/1/1 00" datestamp, rich color on fresh paper, near perfect centering, Extremely Fine; 2005 Jaschke-Lantelme certificate . Scott $2,000.00 (Mi I I, €1,000=$1,580) ............................................................................................Est. $1,000-1 ,500
3784 * 2, 1899 "Marianas/Espanolas" handstamp on 3c Dark brown,
12a, 1899 "Marianen" 48 degree overprint on Spf Green, used with several strikes of "Saipan/1/1 00" datestamp , rich color on fresh paper, Very Fine; signed Kosack. Scott $1,700.00 (Mi 2 I, €850=$1,343) ...................................................................................................................................... Est. $750-1,000 3788 * 13a, 14a, 1899 "Marianen" 48 degree overprint on lOpf Carmine and 20pfUltramarine, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine; 20pf signed Steuer. Scott $380.00 (Mi 3 I, 4 I, €440=$695) ............ Est. $150-200 3787 0
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3789 0
lSa, 1899 "Marianen" 48 degree overprint on 2Spf Orange, tied to piece by full strike of "Saipan/Marianen/5 /4 00" postmark , well centered, bright and fresh, faint horizontal crease , Very Fine appearance ; signed Drahn, Friedemann, Grobe, Gtz. and Thier twice and accompanied by 2006 Jaschke-Lant elme certificate. Scott $2,750.00 (Mi 5 I, €1,300=$2,054) .............................. .................... ............................ Est. $500-750 3790 O 16a, 1899 "Marianen" 48 degree overprint on S0pf Red brown, right sheet-margin single with excellent centering and luxuriant color, tied to small piece by clear "Saipan/Marianen/10 / 10 00" c.d.s., fresh and Extremely Fine ; signed Drahn and Pfenninger twice and accompanied by 1968 Pfenninger and 2006 JaschkeLantelm e certificates. Scott $2,750.00 (Mi 6 I, €1,200=$1 ,896) .................... ............. ....................... Est. $ 1,500-2,000
3791 EX
** 17-19, 1901 3pf - SM Kaiser's Yacht, well centered, original gum, complete set, Never Hinged, Very Fine. (Mi 7-19 , €620=$980) ... ....... ............... ...... ........... ...... ................................ .... ............ ............... ........... Est. $250-350 3792 ** 29, 1901 SM Kaiser's Yacht, well centered left margin single, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine ; 3791
1993 Ronald Steuer certificate. Scott $340. 00 (Mi 19, €500=$790 ) ..................................................
Est. $200-250
3793 3793 O 29, 1901 SM Kaiser's Yacht, well centered right margin single, dual Saipan 24 .1.1907 c.d.s. ties stamp to small piece , Very Fine ; signed Richter and Bothe EPP Scott $500.00 (Mi 19, €600=$948).. ............ Est. $200-300
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31, 1920 lM Commission Interalliee MarienwerderOverprint,well centered lower left margin pair tied on Registered Money Order envelope by four strikes of Neudorfchen 13.9.1920 c.d.s, "Einschreiben" straightline handstamp in blue and "Durch Eilboten" handstamp in dull violet, Registration and Money Order etiquettes, addressed Chernnitz Germany, backstamped, Very Fine; signed Klein BPP Scott $525.00 (Mi 20, €690=$1,090)........................................................................................................................................ Est. $250-3 50
Marshall Islands
1, 1897 "Marschall-Inseln"overprint on 3pf Dark brown, scarce used single, light Jaluit c.d.s., Very Est. $200-300 Fine. Scott $725.00 (Mi 1 II, €380=$600) .......................................................................................... overprinton 3pf Light brown,beautifullycenteredand fresh, originalgum, h.r., 3796 * la, 1897 "MarschaU-Inseln" shallowthinnedspot at top, VeryFine appearanceand rare. Scott $4,250.00(Mi 1 I, €4,500=$7,110)...... Est. $500-750
3795 0
Ql, 1903 "Timbre-Poste/SF./Martinique/ColisPostaux" surcharge of 60c Brown on buff postage due, large margins all around, original gum, h.r., fresh and Extremely Fine. Scott $475.00 (Ceres 60, €650=$1,027) ...................................................................................................................................... Est. $ 150-200
3797 *
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3798 ** 18a, 1864-66 3c Brown, without district overprint, an especially choice mint example of this scarce and
difficult value, featuring large to mostly enormous margins all around, strong color and sharp impression on crisp clean paper, while its reverse reveals full original gum which is Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; a nicer example would be a challenge to locate. Scott for hinged $650.00 .................................................... Est. $400-500 3799 O 42, 1867 1/2r Gray on thin gray-blue paper with Gothic "Mexico" district overprint, four ample to huge margins, neat c.d.s. cancel, Very Fine. Scott $190.00 ................................................................ Est. $100-150 3800 0 74a, 1872 50c Black on yellow imperforate, no period after "50", "Puebla 4 7" district overprint and "Anotado" overprint, mostly large margins to just touching at top, light town cancel, Fine and scarce; 1991 MEPSI certificate . Scott $475.00 ........................................................................................................ Est. $200-300
3801 380 1 * 229, 1892 lOP Carmine ,
intense color, full original gum, Fine and rare. Scott $1,900.00 ........
Est. $750- 1,000
3802 O 262 Var., 1896-97 12c Orange brown error of color on paper watermarked "RM" interlaced,
well centered, violet oval postmark, Very Fine; sig ned Brun and accompanied by 1998 MEPSI certificate. Scott unlisted. ................................................................................................................................................ Est. $200-300 3803 0 276a, 1897-98 20c Brown rose, perf. 6, particularly large margins and well centered for this, neat 1897 town cancel, Very Fine and rare. Scott $650.00 .................................................................................. Est. $200-300 CORREOS
I SÂŽA .; hl1do Libre y Sobenno
3804 EX
OE 13 DE DIE 11113
~ ~
* 294-303, 1899 le-SP Definitives cplt., original gum, h.r., 1P and 5P lightly hinged, 2c small thin (cat. $4.50), otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $427.15 ........................................................................ Est. $150-200 3805 * 329, Sonora 1913 Sc Black and red, rouletted in black, without gum as issued, excellent centering, Extremely Fine. Scott $300.00 ............................................................................................................ Est. $ 150-200
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* 363, 1914 2c Yellow green, "Victoria de Torreon" overprint , fresh mint single with roulettes clearing the design , original gum , very lightly hinged, Fine ; signed Shelton and accompanied by a photocopy of 1984 Est. $100-150 MEPSI certificate for a block of four, this being the bottom right stamp. Scott $225.00 .................. 3807 <*>367, 1914 20c Yellow brown, "Victoria de Torreon" overprint , unused, strong color on fresh white paper , roulettes clipped at top , otherwise Fine and rare ; 1977 MEPSI certificate for a horizontal pair, this being the left stamp. Scott $2,500.00 ........................................ .............................. ................ ...................... ............ Est. $750-1,000 3808 * 590, 1916 60c Barril surcharge on Carranza overprint on 2c Green, original gum , nearly Very Fine; Est. $200-300 1982 MEPSI certificate. Scott $450.00.......................... .......... ................................................... ......... 3806
••••••••••••• 3810
* 705, 1934 SP National University, bottom sheet-margin single, original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Est. $100- 150 Fine. Scott $325.00 .............. ........................................... ................................... ................... ............... 3810 ** 706, 1934 lOP National University, post office fresh mint example of this popular high value, excellent centering, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, choice Very Fine ; 2002 A.PS. certificate. Scott for hinged Est. $500-750 $ 1, 100.00..... ................. .............. ...................... ....................................................................................
** C4 Footnote, 1928 25c Dark blue and green trial color, fresh and well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine and rare; this stamp is from a batch of 225 proofs or essays comprised of nine different varieties sold at the Mexico City post office on 3 May, 1929, while they were ostensibly sold to collectors, Est. $400-500 most were used up on mail going out that day, making mint examples rare indeed. ...... .................. .. 38 12 * C60, 1934 lOP National University, original gum , tiny trace of hinging , nearly Very Fine. Scott Est. $100-150 $240.00 ................................................................... ........ .......................... ................. .................. ........
38 11
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3813 3813 0 C61, 1934 20P National University, handsome top interpane margin used example, wonderfully well centered, fresh colors on crisp clean paper, neat and unobtrusive c.d.s., Extremely Fine. Scott $1,300.00 ........... ... Est . $750- 1,000
38 15
* C74, 1935 20c Lake overprinted "Amelia Earhart/Vuelo/de Buena Voluntad/Mexico/1935", a superior mint examp le of this popular air post rarity, fresh and well centered, full perforations , original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine; signed Bloch, Holcombe and Sanabria and accompanied by 1995 Holcombe certifi cate. Scott retail $3,250.00 ................................................................... ........................... .................... Est. $ 1,500-2,000 3815 ** C76A , 1936 20c Lake, revenue watermark, an especially fresh example of this very elusive mint stamp, strong color on crisp clean paper , original gum, Never Hinged, Fine; a stamp which is missing from most Mexico and air post collections; signed Bloch and accompanied by 1956 Friedl and 1995 P.F certificates . Scott for hinged $4,500 .00 ....................................................... ......................... ...................... ......... ............. Est. $2,000-3,000
38 14
38 16
3817 EX
3818 EX
** C471A , 1975-76 60c Yellow green, unwatermarked , original gum , Never Hinged , Extremely Fine and rare; photocopy of 199 7 MEPSI certificate for a block of four , this being the top left stamp. Scott $1,200.00..... .......................... ........................... .................................................................. .................. Est. $500-750 3817 o CO3-9 , 1929 2c-40c Black , overprinted "Habilitado/Servicio Official/Aereo" in red, seldom seen used set, each with neat c.d.s. cancel , Fine-Very Fine. Scott $630.00 ....................................... ................. Est. $300-400 3818 * CO3-9, 1929 2c-40c Black , overprinted "Habilitado/Servicio Official/ Aereo" in red, origina l gum , h.r., 4c small thins , otherwise Fine -Very Fine. Scott $525.00 .................. ............... ............................ ....... Est. $ 150-200 3816
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38 19
3819 * COlO, 1929 lP Black , overprinted "Habilitado/Ser vicio Official/Aereo " in red, a particularly fresh and attractive mint example of this rare stamp, well centered for this, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine; signed Ruidiaz and others and accompanied by 2,000A. PS. certificate . Scott $2,250.00 ............................ Est. $1,000-1,500 3820 * CO18, 1932 50c Dark blue and claret, overprinted "Servicio Official" , good colors on fresh paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine and scarce; signed Sanabria. Scott $1,000.00 ............................ Est. $400-500
3821 0 O29A Var., 1896-97 50c Purple , watermarked "RM" interlaced, handstamped "Officia l", double overprint, right margin single, light c.d.s. cancel, hint of edge toning, otherwise Fine and rare. Scott for normal
$650.00 ................................................................................................................................................ Est. $200-300 3822 O 045 , 1898 10c Lilac rose, unwatermarked , handstamped "Official" , bottom left comer margin single, Est. $ 150-200 bright and fresh, neatly canceled, Fine and scarce. Scott $500.00 ......................................................
3823 EX
original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-VeryFine;former signed Shelton. Scott $350.00 .......................................................... Est. 100-150 3824 * 0195 , 1927-28 SP Carmine and black, overprinted "Official ", original gum, lightly hinged,Very Fine. Scott $300.00........................................................................................................................................ Est. $ 100-150 3823 * 0191-92, 1927-28 SP Carmine and black, overprinted "Official" in red, blue,
3825 3825 * O217a, 1934 2c Scarlet, rouletted , overprinted "Official ", fresh mint example of this error, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine and scarce. Scott $350.00 .................................................................................... Est. $ 100-150 October 9, 200
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3826 3826 * 10, 1885 5Fr Rose on green, choice mint example of this scarce high value, particularl y well centered amid
balanced margins , uncommonly fresh , original gum , lightly hinged, trivial spot of soiling on face , still Extremely Fine. Scott $3,000.00 (Ceres 10, €2,800=$4,42 4) .............................................................. Est. $ I,000-1,500
Montenegro - German Occupation
3827 EX
3827 ** 3Nl0-14, 3NC1-5, 1943 25C - lOL German Occupation set overprinted "Nationaler Verwaltungsausschuss
10.XI.1943 ," well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine, only 1,000 sets issued; each signed several, two key values 1994 Krischke certificate. (Mi 10-19, €5,000=$7,900) .............................................. .. Est. $2,000-3,000
3828 EX
3828 EE**/* 62, 64-68, 70, 75-78 , 81, 1898-1919 3c/50c Wilhelmina , fresh mint blocks of four , original gum ,
top stamps lightly hinged or small h.r., bottom stamps Never Hinged, Fine-Ver y Fine. Scott for singles $ 1,000 .80................ ................................................................ ................... ........................................... Est. $300-400 3829 0 86, 1905 lOG Orange , vivid rich color on crisp white paper , face-free c.d.s. cance l confined to the top left corner , Extreme ly Fine and handsome . Scott $625.00 (Mi 66 A , €800=$ 1,264) ........................ ........ Est. $200-300 October 9, 2008
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383 1 EX
* 101, 1913 lOG Red on straw, fresh and well centered, original gum , lightly hinged, Extremely Fine. Scott Est. $200-300 $675 .00 (Mi 92 B, €950=$ 1,501) ...................... ............................................................ ...................... 383 1 ** 319-22 , 1949 lG-lOG Juliana cplt. , original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine set. Scott $893.50 (Mi 540Est. $300-400 43, €1,200=$ 1,896) .......... .................................. .................... ................................ .......... .................... 3830
3833 EX
3832 3832
** Cl3-14, 1951 lSG and 25G Seagull cplt., original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine set. Scott $460 .00 (Mi
Est. $200-300 580- 8 1, €600=$948) ........................................................... ................................................................. 3833 * GYl-7 , 1921 15c - 7 l/2G Marine Insurance cplt. , original gum , h.r., Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $605 .00 Est. $200-300 (Mi 1-7, for NH , €1,400=$2,212) ........ ..................................................................... ...........................
New Caledonia
3834 C*> 10, 1886 "N.C.E./Sc." Surcharge on lFr Olive green imperforate, a pleasing unused example of this rar-
ity, ample to large margins all around, rich color on fresh white paper , Very Fine ; the rarest stamp of New Caledonia, with only a single sheet of 100 surcharged; signed Calves and accompanied by 1998 Behr certificate. Scott for o.g. $8,500 .00 (Ceres 8, for o.g., €1 l ,500=$18 , 170) ................. ............................. Est. $2,000-3 ,000 3835 * 16-17, 19, 1892 "Nlle/Caledonie" overprints on 20c Green on red, 35c Violet on orange and lFr Bronze green on straw imperforate, each with large to huge margins , rich colors , original gum , lightly hinged except Est. $200-300 35c h.r., Very Fine ; 35c signed Bernichon. Scott $637.50 (Ceres 17-20, €1,705=$2,694) ................ October 9, 2008
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3836 EX
Estimat ed Value
o 23-33, 1892 "NHe/Caledonie" overprints on Sc-lFr Navigation and Commerce cplt., scarce used set, attractive ly cancelled, Sc and 25c thinned (cat. $25), otherwise Fine-Very Fine; 75c signed Miro. Scott retail $65 1.50 (Ceres 24-34 , €1,250=$1 ,975)...... .................. ............................................................ ............ Est. $ 150-200 3837 * 180-81, 1932 40c and 50c Paris-Noumea flight overprints, fresh, original gum, 40c lightly hinged and 50c h.r., Fine-Very Fine; both signed twice. Scott $800.00 (Ceres 1-2, €1, 100=$1,738).......... .......... Est. $300-400
3838 3838 O JS, 1903 2Fr Red brown 50th Anniversary of French occupation overprint, clear "Noumea/3 Nov 03"
postmark , ample to large margins , fresh and Very Fine, only 300 issued. Scott $1,000.00 (Ceres 15, €1,400=$2 ,212) .................................. ....................... ...................................... ................ ..................... Est.$400 -500
New Hebrides (French)
* 35, 1920 "Sc" Surcharge on 50c Red on orange, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine and scarce ; only 300 stamps were issued . Scott $900.00 (Ceres 58A, €1,200=$1,896)...................... .................................. Est. $300-400
North Ingermanland
3840 EX
* 1-7, 1920 Sg-lOM Arms cplt., original gun, mostly lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set; key 5M and 1OM values signed Gronlund. Scott $419 .00 (Fae 1-7, 4,000Skr=$560 ) .................. .... ...... ...... ...... ........ .... Est. $ 100-150
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384 1 EX 3841 * 64-69, 1907-10 1Kr-2Kr Haakon VII, Die A and Die B cplt., original gum, h .r., Fine-Very Fine sets. Scott Est. $200-300 $880.00 (Fae 90-96, 6,800Skr=$9 52) ..................................................................................................
Nossi Be
3842 EX 3842 * Jl-5 , 1891 20c on le to 35c on 20c Postage due surcharges , original gum, some minor h.r., #14 with a
light diagonal crease (Cat. $375), otherwise Fine and scarce with only 250 each of 14-5 issued; last signed Brun Est. $300-400 and Thier. Scott $ 1,557.50 (Ceres TTl- 5, €1,870=$2 ,955) ................................................................
* 63, 1894 25Fr Brown and blue, select mint example, generous even margins, original gum , trivial h.r., Est. $300-400 fresh and Very Fine. Scott $625.00 (Ceres 63, €925=$ 1,462) ....................... .....................................
Oltre Giuba
3844 EX 3844 * Ql-13 , 1925 "Oltre Giuba " overprint on 5c-20L Parcel post cplt. , undivided pairs, original gum , h.r., Est. $200-300 Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $730. 00 (Sass 1-13, €850=$ 1,343)... ........................................................... October 9, 2008
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* 50, 1919 90h Red violet Cracow overprint , fresh and well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine; signed Blo ch, Diena and Mikulski and accompanied by 1976 Friedl certificate. Scott $750.00 ................................................................. ................................................. .............................. Est. $300-400 3846 ** 346a, 1945 1.50z on 25g Deep red, pos. 26, post office fresh and well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; also includes #349a in similar condition; signed Ryblewski and both signed Kronenberg and accompanied by his 1995 certificate. Scott for hinged $775.00 .............................. Est. $200-300 3847 * C26A-C, 1948 80z-120z Air posts cplt., panes of sixteen with four labels and marginal markings , original gum, hinged in the selvage only and 80z and 120z with some album page adhesions in the selvage only, the stamps all Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott for singles $1,200.00 (No PH) .................. ............. ......... Est. $300-400 3845
* J7, 1919 40h Rose red Cracow overprint, original gum , slight h.r., fresh and Very Fine ; signed Schlessinger and Thier. Scott $400.00 ............. .............. .......... ................ .......................... ................ . Est. $200-300 3849 0 Jll, 1919 "Porto/15" Surcharge on 35h Violet Cracow overprint, neat 1919 town cancel, Very Fine; signed Jankowicz, Philatelia Krakow, Schmutz and others. Scott $300.00 ........................................ Est. $ 100-150 3848
Poland - German Occupation
3850 EX
3851 EX
** Mi 1-111,1944 6Gr - 40Gr Unissued Village Scenes cplt. , well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine. (Mi I-III , â&#x201A;Ź1,500=$2,370) ............................................................................................ ...... Est. $750- 1,000 3851 ** Mi 1-111,1944 6Gr - 40Gr Unissued Village Scenes cplt. , well centered, original gum , Nevet Hinged, Very Fine; each signed Ceriel (Mi I-III , â&#x201A;Ź1,500=$2,370)............. ................... .......................... .......... Est. $700-1,000 3850
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Estimated Value
& Colonies
6, 1855 25r Blue, Ty. II, fresh unused single, ample to large margins , rich color on crisp white paper , Very Est. $150 -200 Fine; signed "ED " (Diena). Scott for o.g. $950.00 .................. ............. ............................................. 3853 * 9, 1856 Sr Brown, large even margin s all around, part original gum with a few spots of soiling , still Very Fine ; signed Schlessinger and accompanied by 2006 Sismondo certificate . Scott $375.00 ............ .. Est. $ 100-150 3854 * 21, 1866 50r Green, fresh mint single, four ample to mostly large margins , bright color on white paper , full clean original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine . Scott $250.00 (Mi 21, â&#x201A;Ź350=$553) ............................ Est. $ 100-150
3852 <*l
3855 3855 *
146, 18951,000rViolet and green, well centered, original gum, trifle heavy h.r., fresh and Very Fine . Scott $625.0 0 (Mi 123, â&#x201A;Ź1,000= $ 1,580) .................... ............................ ..................... .......... ...................... . Est. $ 150-200
3856 EX 3856 *
Cl0-20, 1947 la-lO0a Air Post cplt. without gum as issued, generally well centered for these and quite fresh, Fine-Very Fine; a rare air post set which seldom makes an auction appearance. Scott $2, 168.00 ........ Est. $ 1,000-1 ,500
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Estimated Value
Portuguese Guinea
* J25, 1919 "Republica" overprint on a60r Red brown postage due, without gum as issued, a select mint example of this elusive stamp, well centered, rich color on fresh white paper , choice Very Fine; photocop y of 1992 I.S.PP certificate. Scott $550 .00 ............................ ............... ...................... ..................... .......... Est. $200-300
Portuguese India
* 1, 1871 lOr Black, scissor separated as usual leaving large to huge margins , strong color on fresh paper , traces of gum, Very Fine and scarce . Scott $625.00 ...................... ........................................... ........... Est. $200-300 3859 0 2, 1871 20r Dark carmine, used, scissor separated at left and bottom , Extremely Fine; 1969 R.PS. certificate. Scott retail $300.00.............................. ................... ............................... ...................................... Est. $ 100-150 3860 0 42, 1876 300r Violet, scissor separated at top, light grid cancel , Extremely Fine and scarce; 1998 Nucleo certificate. Scott retail $450.00 .................... ................................ ................................. ....................... Est. $200-300 3858
3861 3861 * 79b, 1881 "5" Surcharge on 20r Vermilion, inverted surcharge, horizontal pair , full perforations and excellent centering , original gum , Very Fine and scarce . Listed in Scott but not priced. .................. Est. $ 150-200
3862 EX 3862
* 38 Footnote, 1901 2 1/2r to 300R Giraffe and Camels, center inverted, complete set of all thirteen val-
ues , without gum as issued or original gum, 15c thinned spots , 25c light crease , otherwise Fine-Very Fine ; a striking and popular set. Scott $650.00....................... ............................................................. ............ Est. $400-500 October 9, 2008
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& General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
3864 EX
3863 * 47, 1903 "Provisorio " overprint on 15c Black and orange brown, original gum , Very Fine and scarce; 1998 IS.PP certificate. Scott $400.00 ....................................................... ..................................... .... Est. $200-300 3864 * 63-80 , 1918 1/4c on 2 1/2r to le on 130r on 300r "Republica" surcharges cplt., original gum , h.r., #78 crease (cat. $2.75), otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set. Scott retail $467.70 ........... ........................... ...... Est. $200-300
St. Thomas & Prince
* 129B, 1913 "Republica " overprint on "400/Reis " on lOr Yellow, witho ut gum as issued, Very Fine and Est. $300-400 quite scarce; signed Champion. Scott retail $600.00 .................... ............................................... .......
3866 EX
3866 ** 1518-25, 1950 lR Skyscrapers cplt., original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine set. Scott $460.00 Est. $200-300 3867
* C23a, 1931 50k Grey blue error of color, original gum, lightly hinged, nearly Very Fine. Scott $950.00 Est. $500-750
A <(
s"e 1ft
3868 EX
3868 ** C37-39, 1933 5K-20K Stratosphere cplt., original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine set. Scott for hinged Est. $200-300 $300.00 ................................................ ................................ ....................................................... ......... 3869 O C68, 1935 lR on 10k Moscow to San Francisco Flight surcharge, neat Moscow c.d.s. confined to the upper right corner, Extreme ly Fine . Scott $1,250 .00 .................................................. ........................ Est. $750-1,000 October 9, 2008
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Russia - Offices in Turkey
3870 3870 0 3, 1865 (20k) Deep blue and rose, an impres sive used single, featuring lavishly large margins all around,
including a sheet-margin at right and showing the dividing lines all around, rich colors on crisp white paper , light lozenge of dots cancel , an Extremely Fine gem. Scott $850.00.... ................................... ........... Est. $500-750
' 387 1
lM Carmine rose, double overprint, well centered, light c.d.s . cancels , Very Fine; 1996 Burger certificate. Scott $ 1,350.00. (Mi 17AIIDD, €2,400=$3,792) ...................... Est. $ 1,000-1 ,500 3872 O 38 var, 1920 SM Bavaria Overprinted Small "A" in "SAARE" variety tied to small piece by Homburg /Pfalz l 6.MRZ.1920 c.d.s. , well centered, Very Fine ; 2000 Burg er certificate. (Mi 3011, €2,800=$4 ,424) ................................ ................ ........................................ ...................................... ...... Est. $ 1,000-1 ,500
3871 0 17b, 1920 "Sarre" overprint on
3874 EX
3873 0 38, 1920 SM Bavaria Overprinted "SAARE" very well centered, light c.d.s. , Very Fine ;
1999 Burger certificate . Scott $800 .00. (Mi 30, El,100=$1 ,738) .................. ........................ .................................... .... Est. $500-750 3874 ** B9-15, 1928 Welfare, very well centered, original gum , Never Hinged, complete set, Very Fine. Scott $850.00 . (Mi 128-34, €1, 100=$1,738) ................................................................... ............................. Est. $500-600
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3875 EX
B9-15, 1928 Welfare, each tied to small piece by Saarlouis 29.3.1929 c.d.s, very well centered, complete set, Very Fine; top value signed Oertel, 2,000 Ney certificate for the set. Scott $4,250.00. (Mi 128-34, €5,000=$7 ,900) ............................... ................................... .................................................................. Est. $2,500-3,000 3876 ** B15, 1928 l0F+l0F Welfare, especially well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine; 1991 Est. $400-500 Ney certificate . Scott $675.00. (Mi 134, €900=$1,422) ............ .................................................... ......
3875 O
3878 EX
3877 EX
** B23-29, 1931 Welfare complete mint set with matched left margins , very well centered, original gum, Est. $200 -250 Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $334.00. (Mi 144-50, €450=$71 l).. .................................... .............. Scott Ney. 3878 0 B23-29, 1931 Welfare complete set, attractive c.d.s., very well centered, Very Fine; each signed $300 -400 Est. .... $465.00. (Mi 144-50, €650=$1 ,027) ................................................................. ...............................
St. Pierre & Miquelon
5, 1885 "05/S PM" Surcharge on 75c Carmine on rose, ample to large margins , neat 1886 c.d.s., nearEst. $100-150 ly Very Fine; signed "AD " (Diena). Scott $260.00 (Ceres 10, €300=$474) ......................................
3879 O
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Estimated Value
388 1
lFr Bronze green on straw, a lovely used example of this very rare variety, showing the "S P M" above the "25" surcharge , large margins all around, tied to small piece by bold red-brown 1885 datestamp , Very Fine; only a few examples exist; 1988 PF certificate. Scott retail for normal $2,750.00 (Ceres 2a, €4,500=$7, 110) ............................ .............................................................. Est. $ 1,500-2,000 388 1 0 9, 1885 Inverted "5/S PM" surcharge on 2c Brown on buff, beautifully cancelled by maximum strike of clear 1885 postmark , nicely centered for this and uncommonl y fresh, Very Fine ; 1987 PF certificate. Scott retail $2,400.00 (Ceres 1, €3,000=$4,740) .............. ............................................................................ Est. $ 1,000-1,500 3880 0 7 Var., 1885 "S P M/25" Surcharge on
12, 1886 Sc Black, an especiall y choice used example , tied to pi ece by clear " St. Pierre et Miquelon /22 Fevr 86" postmark , huge margins all around, Extremel y Fine. Scott $ 1,350 .00 (Ceres 16, €1,450 =$ 2,291 ) .................................................................................................................................... Est. $500-750 3883 0 13, 1886 10c Black, hand some used single, large margins all around, tied to small piece by clear "St. Pierre et Miquelon/25 Janv 86" datestamp , Very Fine and scarce ; signed Raybaudi and accompanied by his 1986 certificate. Scott retail $ 1,450.00 (Ceres 16A, €1,500=$2 ,370) .............................................................. Est. $500-750 3882 0
3884 <*J 17, 1885 Thin numerals "15c./S.P.M." surcharge on 35c Black on orange, unused, deep rich color on
fresh paper , centered clear of design , Fine and rare ; a mere 50 examples were issued; signed Calves and accompani ed by 1998 Behr certif icate; ex.-Gilb ert. Scott for o.g. $2,000.00 (Cere s 15, for o.g.,
€2,300=$3,634) .................................................................................................................................... Est. $400-500 3885 * 206C, 1942 "France Libre/F. N. F. L." overprint on 10c Bister and magenta , rich colors on fresh paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine, only 154 issued; 2001 A.PS. certificate . Scott $1,250.00 (Ceres 232,
€1,850=$2,923) .................................................................................................................................... Octo ber 9, 2008
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Est. $500-750
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& General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estimated Value
* 206D, 1942 30c Red brown and blue, overprinted "France Libre/F.N.F.L.", intense colors on fresh paper , original gum , lightly hinged, Very Fine , only 276 issued; signed and accompanied by 2001 A.PS certifiEst. $500-750 cate. Scott $1,250.00 (Ceres 233, €1,850=$2,923) ...................... ............ ............ ............................ .... 3887 * 207, 1942 "France Libre/F. N. F. L." overprint on 2c Black and dark green, original gum, lightly hinged, Est. $100-150 Very Fine, only 282 issued ; signed Calves. Scott $225.00 (Ceres 234, €350=$553) .................... ...... 3886
* 208A, 1942 "France Libre/F. N. F. L." overprint on Sc Violet and dark brown, vivid rich colors, origiEst. $400-500 nal gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine, only 306 issued. Scott $825 .00 (Ceres 236 , €1,250=$1,975) .... 3889 * 213, 1942 "France Libre/F. N. F. L." overprint on lFr Orange brown and orange red, rich colors, original gum , lightly hinged, fresh and Very Fine, only 397 issued ; signed Calves. Scott $375.00 (Ceres 241 , Est. $ 150-200 €550=$869) .................................................................................................. ........................................ colrich gloriously brown, dark and 3890 * 216, 1942 "France Libre/F. N. F. L." overprint on 5Fr Red brown $150-200 Est. ........................ €500=$790) , 244 (Ceres ors, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine. Scott $350 .00
389 1 * 216A, 1942 "France Libre/F N F L" overprint on 20c Black and red orange, original gum, lightly Est. $150-200 hinged, fresh and Very Fine , only 142 issued . Scott $500.00 (Ceres 285, €625=$988)............. ......... 3892 * 218A, 1942 "France Libre/F N F L" overprint on 1.50Fr Deep blue and blue, original gum , lightly Est. $200-300 hinged, Fine and scarce. Scott $525 .00 (Ceres 288 , €750=$1, 185) ....................................................
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Estimated Value
* 222, 1942 "France Libre/F. N. F. L." overprint on 2c Dark blue green, fresh and well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine, only 289 issued. Scott $440.00 (Ceres 246, €750=$l , I 85) .... Est. $150-200 3894 * 225, 1942 "France Libre/F. N. F. L." overprint on Sc Carmine lake, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine and scarce, only 208 issued. Scott $850.00 (Ceres 249, €1,300=$2,054) .................................. Est. $300-400 3895 * 227, 1942 "France Libre/F. N. F. L." overprint on 15c Red violet, excellent centering and very fresh, original gum, very lightly hinged, Extremely Fine and scarce with just 129 issued. Scott $1,575.00 (Ceres 251, €2,350=$3,713) .................................................................................................................................... Est. $500-750
3897 EX
3898 EX
* 248, 1942 "France Libre/F. N. F. L." overprint on 5Fr Henna brown, excellent centering, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine and scarce, only 100 issued; signed. Scott $2, l 00.00 (Ceres 272, €3,000=$4,740) .................................................................................................................................... Est. $750-1,000 3897 * 260-79, 1941 "Noel 1941/France Libre/F. N. F. L." carmine overprints on 10c-20Fr Pictorials cplt., fresh mint set, generally well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine, only 171 sets issued; accompanied by Ottawa Philatelic Division letter of authenticity.Scott $897.50 (Ceres 212-31, €1,350=$2,133) ........ Est . $400-500 3898 * 280-99 , 1941 "Noel 1941/France Libre/F. N. F. L." black overprints on 10c-20Fr Pictorials cplt., generally well centered, original gum which is slightly disturbed on some values from interleaving adhearing, lightly hinged, 1.75 Fr small thin spot, otherwise a Very Fine set. Scott $2,095.00 (Ceres 212-31, €3,000=$4,740) .................................................................................................................................... Est. $400-500 3896
3899 EX
3900 EX
3901 EX
* J42-46, 1942 "France Libre/F. N. F. L." overprints on 25c-3Fr Postage dues cplt., original gum, lightly hinged except the 25c Never Hinged, Fine-VeryFine set of which only 215 were issued; the key 50c value signed Bileski. Scott $1,920.00+ (Ceres TT52-56, €2,665=$4,211) .............................................................. Est. $750-1,000 3900 * J48-57 , 1942 "Noel 1941/F NFL" overprints on 5c-3Fr Postage dues cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine set. Scott $570.00 (Ceres TT42-51, €730=$1,153) ............................................................ Est. $ 150-200 3901 ** J58-67, 1942 "France/Libre/F NF L'' overprints on 5c-3Fr Postage dues cplt., pristine original gum, Never Hinged,Very Fine set of which only 810 were issued; 3Fr signed Bloch. Scott for hinged $680.00 (Ceres TT57-66, for hinged, €925=$1,462) .................................................................................................... Est. $300-400 3899
October 9, 2008
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Est imat ed Value
- - ----
* QS, 1942 "FranceLibre/F.N. F. L."overprinton 20c Bister brownand violet brownoverprinted"Colis Postaux, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine and scarce ; signed J-F Brun and accompanied by 2001 Sismondo Est. $300-400 certificate. Scott $875.00 (Ceres CPS, €1,250=$1 ,975) ......... .............................................................
3904 EX
3903 EX
** 57-69, 1900 3pf - SM Kaiser'sYacht,well centered, original gum , complete set, Never Hinged, Very Fine ; Est. $300-400 each value signed Bothe. (Mi 7-19, €700=$1 , 106) ............................... ............................................... Fagamalo by 3904 O 57-69, 1900 3pf - SM Kaiser's Yacht, complete set, attractive c.d.s., SM tied to small piece 19.5 . 1914 c.d.s. , well centered, Very Fine ; top value signed Zobisch . Scott $887.00. (Mi 7-19 , Est. $500-600 €1,000=$1 ,580) ....................................... ...................... ...................................................... .................
3905 3905
0 69, 1900 SM Kaiser'sYacht,well centered, dual Apia 12.7.1903 c.d.s. ties stamp to small piece , Very Fine;
signed Bothe EPP Scott $500.00 (Mi 19, €600=$948)....... ...................................................... ...........
Est. $200-300
Saudi Arabia
3906 3906
** L67, 1925 1/2pi Red, black unframed and blue two-line overprints,both pas . 4, a wonderfully fresh
mint example of this rare stamp , gloriously rich color, original gum , Never Hinged, meaningless "24" in pencil on gum, Very Fine; signed "DG " (David Graham) and accompanied by 1993 Filatco certificate. Scott for hinged $2,500.00 ......................... ............................... .......................................................................... Est. $750-1,000 October 9, 200 8
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Estimated Value
3909 EX
3907 * LlO0, 1925 1/2pi Red, red three-line overprint, rich color on fresh white paper , centered a bit to left, origEst. $200-300 inal gum , lightly hinged, Fine for this; signed "ela ". Scott $ 1,000.00. ............................................... 3908 * LJl 7, 1925 20pa Red postage due, red two line overprint reading up, original gum, h.r., Very Fine ; signed "ela ". Scott $375.00 ................................................................................................................ Est. $100-150 3909 * 30-34, 1925 lpi on lOpa to 5pi on lpi Pilgrimage issue handstamped surcharges cplt., original gum, Est. $200-300 lightly hinged or h.r., Fine-Very Fine set; the key value signed "ela ". Scott $925.00 ........................
39 IO * 38A, 1925 1/8pi Red brown, overprinted in black, an attractive example of this rare second Nejd hand-
stamp which only exists mint , intense color, usual disturbed original gum , Very Fine; 1996 Filatco certificate. Scott $4,500 .00 ...................................... ............................. ........... ...................................................... Est. $1,000-1,500 3911 ** Pl, 1925 1/8pi Red brown "Newspaper" overprint in black, an especia lly choice mint example of this scarce and difficult stamp, post office fresh and well centered, unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Very Est. $500-750 Fine ; seldom seen this choice ; 1992 A.PS certificate. Scott for hinged $ 1,800.00 .......... ..................
3912 0 15, 1887 "10" Ty.h Surcharge on 20c Red on green, used with partial 1888 Dakar c.d.s. , nicely centered,
vivid rich color on fresh white paper , Very Fine and scarce; signed Champion twice. Scott $525 .00 (Ceres 4, Est. $200-300 â&#x201A;Ź700=$ l , 106) ... ....................... ............ ....... .................. ....................... ......... ..... ............... ............ ......... 3913 * 20, 1888 "10" Ty. m Surcharge on 20c Red on green, original gum, h.r., Fine; signed Richter and others. Scott $750.00 (Ceres 4a, â&#x201A;Ź725=$1 , 146) ................. ............................. .................... ........................ .... Est. $200-300 October 9, 2008
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Estimated Value
Somalia ~ "Centes1m r
39 15 EX
39 14 O 8-9, 1905 15c on Sa Orange and 40c on 10a Lilac surcharges cplt., used singles of each , neatly can-
celled, Very Fine, only 3,000 of the 15c and 4,000 of the 40c were issued ; both signed. Scott $1,075 .00 (Sass 8-9, €1,600=$2,528) ............... ............. .................................................. ............................................ .. Est. $300-400 3915 * 61-66, 1924 6b-3R Surcharges on 10c-5L Manzoni cplt. , original gum , h.r., Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $598.00 (Sass 55-60, €800=$1,26 4) ...... ................................................... ................ ........................ ... Est. $ 150-200
39 16
* COl , 1934 "11 Nov. 1934 XIII/Servizio Aereo/Speciale" overprint on 25c Colonial Arts, rich color on fres h pape r, original gum , lightly hinged, Very Fine, only 1,500 issued . Scott $2,500 .00 (Sass 2, €3,500=$5 ,530) ...................... .................................. ............. .................................................... ........... Est. $750-1,000
39 17 EX
39 18
39 19
39 17 O Jl -8, 1906-08, "Somalia Italiana/Meridionale" overprints on 5c-1L postage dues, scarce used singles , neatly cance lled, 20c faulty (cat. $55.00), otherwise Fine . Scott $732.50 (Sass 1-8, €1,l 10=$ 1,754) Est. $200-300 39 18 * J9, 1906 "Somalia Italiana/Meridionale " overprint on 2L Blue and magenta postage due, rich colors
on fresh white paper, original gum , very lightly hinged, Fine, only 1,000 issued. Scott $ 1,050.00 (Sass 9, € 1,500=$2,3 70) .. ...... ................ .... ......... .......... ......................... .................. .................. ............ ..... .. ..... Est. $200-300 39 19 * JlO, 1906 "Somalia Italiana/Meridionale" overprint on SL Blue and magenta postage due, bright and fresh, original gum , lightly hinged, Fine, only 1,000 issued ; signed Richter and Senf Scott $ 1,050 .00 (Sass 10, € l ,500=$2,370) ............. ................................ .............................. .......................... .......... ..................... Est. $200-300
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3920 EX
& General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
3921 EX
Estimated Value
3922 EX
* J12-22, 1909-19 "Somalia Italiana" overprints at top on Sc-lOL Postage dues cplt., 10c used, others all original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine. Scott $694.00 (Sass 12-22, for mint, €1,000=$ 1,580).... Est. $ 150-200 392 1 * J12a-21a, 1920 "Somalia Italiana " overprints at bottom on Sc-SL Postage dues cplt., 10c used, others all original gum , lightly hinged, Fine. Scott $1,365.00 (Sass 23-32 for mint , €1,900=$3 ,002) ......... . Est. $400-500 3922 ** J42-S4, 1934 "Somalia/Italiana" overprint on Sc-20L Postage dues cplt. , post office fresh ,original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine set. Scott for hinged $235.50 (Sass 52-64 , €750=$1,185) .................... ...... Est. $ 150-200 3920
3923 EX
3924 EX
* Ql-9, 1917-19 "Somalia/Italiana" overprint on Sc-4L Parcel post cplt. , undivided pairs , original gum , lightly hinged or h.r., 2L with repaired corner at top right (cat. $52.50), otherwise Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $609.00 (Sass 1-9, €900=$1 ,422) ......................................................... .............................. ............... .. Est. $150-200 3924 * Q2S-37, 1926-31 "Somalia/Italiana" overprint on Sc-20L Parcel post cplt., original gum , lightly hinged or h.r., Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $571.00 (Sass 30-42 , €850=$ 1,343) ............... .......... ............ ........... Est. $ 150-200
* Q49-S0, 1934 "Somalia/Italiana " overprint on lOL Rose lilac and 20L Lilac brown parcel post, undivided pairs , strong and intact , original gum , lightly hinged or h.r., Fine. Scott $800.00 (Sass 64-65 ,
€1,200=$1,896) ....................................................................................................................................
October 9, 2008
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Est. $200-300
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British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
Estima ted Value
Somali Coast
~ «-? <-<~? ·~
~~ ~ 3926 181 4, 1894 "1/Djibouti"surchargeon SFr Carmine,generous margins all around, tied by "Djibouti / Postes/ 14 Nov 94" and "Protectorat Francais/ Postel Express/ Cote des Somalis" postmarks to cover front only to Djibouti, datestamp repeated at upper right, Very Fine. Scott for used $475 .00 (Ceres 4, €650=$1,027) ............ Est. $200-300
21, 1894 25Fr Rose and blue, scarce used example with partial blue c.d.s. , ample margins , fresh and Very Fine . Scott $875.00 (Ceres 20, €1,100=$1 ,738) ............. .............................................. ....................... Est. $400-500 3928 * 22, 1894 S0Fr Blue and rose, attractive mint example of this high vaue, ample even margins all around, good colors, original gum , h.r.'s, Very Fine . Scott $575.00 (Ceres 21, €775=$1 ,225) ........................ Est. $200-300
3927 0
3929 EX
24-26, 1902 "0,05"on 75c to "0,40"on 2Fr Surcharges,each with blue c.d.s. cancel , first with large margins , the other two with ample margins , #25 with a vertical crease (cat. $47.50) , otherwise Fine-Very Fine. Scott $458.50 (Ceres 23-25 , €670=$1 ,059) ................. ...................................................... ..................... ...... Est. $ 150-200
3929 O
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Estimated Value
3930 * 200, 1873 lOP Violet brown, nicely centered for this, rich color, redi stributed original gum , which is not
noted on the certificate, Fine and scarce; signed Sellschopp and Saeftel and accompanied by the latter s 1980 certificate. Scott $1,750.00 (Ed 140, €2,750=$4 ,345) .................... ........................................... ......... Est. $400-500 3931 * 210, 1874 lOP Black , original gum , trifle heavy h.r., slight soiling at top, otherwise Fine for this . Scott $2,750.00 (Ed 152, €3,775=$5,965) ......................................................................... .......... ................. Est. $750-1,000 3932 0 221, 1875 lOP Ultramarine, Madrid c.d.s ., bright and fresh , Fine ; signed Buhl er. Scott $ 1,750 .00 (Ed 171, €2, I 00=$3,318) ............... ............. ...................................... .................................................... .............. Est. $400-500
3933 EX
3933 * 572-73 , C88-89 , 193610c-15c 1st National Philatelic Exhibition cplt. , origina l gum , first two h.r., the air mails lightly hinged, Extremely Fine. Scott $385.00 (Ed 727-30 , €568=$897) .................................. Est. $ 100- 150 3934 *
617, 1936 30c Dark blue, perf. 11, original gum , lightly hinged, Fine. Scott $550.00 (Ed 801, €800=$ 1,264) ..... .............. ........... ....... ......... .......... ...... .. ... ........ ........ ......... ............... ....... ...... ....... ....... .. Est. $200-300
3935 EX
3936 EX
* B32-46 , 1927 3c on 2c to lOP on l0P Surcharges on Coronation Silver Jubilee cplt., original gum , very lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $358. 95 (Ed 373-87, €550=$869) ................................ ...... Est. $ 100-150 3936 * B64- 73, 1927 Coronation Silver Jubilee colonial overprints cplt., original gum , very lightly hinged, FineVery Fine set. Scott $392.50 (Ed 392-401 , €550=$869) ............................ ........... .............. ........... ...... Est. $ 100- 150
October 9, 2008
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Estimated Value
Spanish Guinea
3938 EX
3937 * 8D, 1903 "Habilitado/Para/Correos/10 cen de peseta" on 1P25c Carmine Revenue, ample to large marEst. $300-400 gins all around, rich color on fresh paper , original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine . Scott $750.00. ... 3938 * 42-57, 1906 "Guinea Continental/Correos Assobla" overprint on lc-lOP Alfonso cplt. , original gum ,
h.r. or lightly hinged, 15c thinned spot (cat. $12.50) and 4P with a diagonal crease at bottom left (cat. $350) , otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set; 10P signed. Scott $2,357.00 ........................................................... . Est. $750-1,000
1, 1855 3s Blue green, an especially choice used example of this scarce and perennially difficult stamp, remarkably well centered, strong color on crisp white paper , sock-on -the-nose Stockholm c.d.s. , choice Very Fine ; 1960 Friedl certificate. Scott $3,000.00 (Fae 1, 35,000Skr=$4 ,900) ..................... ................... Est. $ 1,000-1,500 3940 0 37, 1877 lrd Bister and blue, incredibly well centered, rich colors on fresh paper, town cancel , Extremely Est. $100-150 Fine ; 1975 Gronlund certificate. Scott $400.00 (Fae 37, 4,000Skr=$560) ...... .......................... ........ 38, 1878 lKr Bistre and blue, original gum , h.r. , nearly Very Fine. Scott $500 .00 3941 * Est. $ 100-150 (Fae 38, 5,000Skr=$700) ................... ................................................... .................................... .......... 3939 0
* 90, 92, 1918 550 Pale blue and 800 Black , both wonderfully fresh and well centered, bright color s, original gum , lightly hinged, choice Very Fine duo ; the two key values of the set; each signed Champion and accompanied by 1966 PF certificate. Scott $3,100.00 (Fae 92, 94, 30,000Skr=$4 ,200) ..................... ......... Est. $1,000-1,500 3943 ** 189, 1922 150 Violet watermarked, post office fresh, original gum , Never Hinged, Fine and rare; a stamp which is missing from most Sweden collections ; 1999 Norsten certificate. Scott for hinged $2,650.00 (Fae l 75cx , 45 ,000Skr=$6 ,300) .............................................. .............. .............................................. Est. $1,500-2,000 3942
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3944 EX
Estimated Value
3945 EX
* 197-211, 1924 So-SKr. U.P.U. Congress cplt. less l0o watermarked, original gum, some h.r., 350 thinned, Est. $200-300 otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $739.80 (Fae 196-210, 6,000Skr= $840)................... ............... 3945 * 213-28, 1924 So-SKr U.P.U. Congress cplt., original gum, some h.r., 2Kr. N.H. , 450 tiny thin spot, otherEst. $200-300 wise a Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $834.00+ (Fae 211-25 , 212cx , 8,425Skr= $1,180) ........................ .. 3944
3946 EX
3947 EX
** 248-62, 1936 So-lKr Swedish Postal Service cplt., original gum, Never Hinged, 250 small natural incluEst. $ 100-150 sion, fresh and Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $300.00 (Fae 246-57, 2,800Skr=$392) .............................. 3947 * Jl-11, 1874 lo-lKr Postage dues cplt., original gum, most lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set. Scott Est. $300-400 $1,277.00 (Fae Ll-10 , L7b , 9,310Skr=$1 ,303) .................................................... .............................. 3948 0 LXla, 1856 (lsk) Gray black on thin paper, starbust cancel , well centered, choice Very Fine. Scott Est. $300-400 $900.00 (Fae 6a, 8,000Skr=$1 , 120) .............................................. ...................................................... 3946
3949 O 1L2, Zurich 1843 6rp Black, red vertical lines , a select used example, with ample to large margins all
around, strong color, neat red rosette cancel , Very Fine; 2004 Kimmel certificate. Scott $1,750.00 (Zurn 2S, Est. $500-750 2,250SF=$1 ,935)... ........... ..... ............................... ....... ...... ...... ..... ............... .......... ..... .......................... 3950 0 1L4, Zurich 1846 6rp Black , red horizontal lines, large margins to just in at lower right , rich color on fresh white paper , bold red rosette cancel , about Fine ; signed Muller and accompanied by 1961 Hunziker cerEst. $200-300 tificate. Scott $ 1,600.00 (Zurn 2W, 2,000SF =$ 1,720) ...................................... ............................ ......
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Estim ated Value
3951 O 2Lla, Geneva 1843 Sc Black on yellow green, the left half of the so-called "l0c Double Geneva", remark-
ably fresh, with strong color and impression on clean paper, four ample to huge margins , neat red rosette cancel, small thinned spot at top left, Very Fine appearance ; signed Moser and accompanied by 1992 Rel/stab certificate. Scott $9,000 .00 (Zurn 4L, 11,000SF=$9 ,460).. ................ .................... .................................. Est. $750-1,000 3952 O 2L3, Geneva 1846 Sc Black on yellow green, sound used example , margin touching frame lines all Est. $200-300 around, red rosette cancel , Very Good; signed Senf Scott $1,750.00 (Zurn 6, 2,100SF=$1,806) ...... 3953 O 2L4, Geneva 1848 Sc Black on dark green, an attractive used single , ample to large margins all around, strong color and impression on crisp clean paper , bold red rosette cancel , completely free of the faults and repairs that plague so many copies , Very Fine; signed Sismondo and accompanied by his 2002 certificate. Scott $3,000 .00 (Zurn 7, 3,100SF=$2,666) ............................................................................ ...................... Est. $750-1,000
3954 3954 O 3Ll, Basel 1845 2 l/2rp Black, crimson and blue, a lovely used example of this rare and perennially pop-
ular stamp , being completely free of the myriad faults and repairs that plague most copies , ample to large margins all around, strong fresh colors on crisp white paper, neat red Basel c.d.s. confied to the lower right comer , Very Fine and desirable ; signed Ray baudi and accompani ed by 1986 Rel/stab certificate . Scott $12,500.00 (Zurn 8, 16,000SF=$ 13,760) ......................................... ............................................................... ........ Est. $4,000-5,000
3955 EX
* 181-85, 1914-30 3Fr-10Fr Pictorials cplt., original gum , h.r., Very Fine set. Scott $1,097.00 (Zurn 129-31, Est. $300-400 142, 179, l ,687SF=$ 1,451) ................... .............. ............................................. ....................................
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. ... ... . ..
.. ....
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«NABA» 1934
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Estimated Value
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* 226, 1934 5c-20c NABA souvenir sheet, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine. Scott $500.00 (Zurn 1, Est. $200-300 500SF=$430)... ..................................................................................................................................... 3957 0 226, 1934 5c-20c NABA souvenir sheet, very well centered, double strike "Nat. Briefmarken austtellung / Zurich 6.X.1934" c.d.s., Very Fine. Scott $550.00. (Zurn 1, 750SF=$645) ...................................... Est. $300-350 3956
** 228a var., 1936 Sc Chillon, Tete-Beebe pair on Thin Transparent paper, especially well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; 199 7 Marchand certific ate. (Zurn K32y.1.09, l ,600SF=$1,376) Est. $400-500 3959 ** 243a, 1938 20c San Salvatore, Tete-Beebe pair on Thin Transparent paper, very well centered, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine; 199 7 Marchand certificate. (Zurn K35y.1.09, 1,600SF=$1,376) Est. $400-500
•• •• •
.• •• .•• •• .•.
3960 EX
** 293-305, B145, 1945 Sc-lOFr PAX cplt., mostly sheet-margin singles including 5Fr and lOFr with a comer margin, original gum, Never Hinged,Very Fine set. Scott $525.00 (Zurn 262-74, 24, 526SF=$452) .... Est. $200-300
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& General Foreign Stamps & Postal History .e::f~,.
· ;
Estimated Value
E. S.JUterBrunne r
Bl\!' (BripeJ J
ll! 117
v:.,~.:'.'::::::, --
3961 C8l Zurn# 1-111,1912 lORp Pro Juventute Forrunners, complete set of three tied to Registered orange envelope by "Brig (Brigue) 26.XII.1912" c.d.s. , the same cancel also ties 3c Tell's Son pair, 5c Tell's Son and 12c Helvetia at upper right, file fold, 10c Carmine with rounded comer at lower left, addressed Granichen , backstamped, Very Fine; 2006 Eichele certificate. (Zurn I-III, 10,320SF=$8,87 5) .................................... Est. $2,000-2,500
3962 3962 EBO B2a, 1915 Sc Green on buff, tete-beche, block of four containing two tete-beche pairs , cancelled-to-
order by centrally struck "Rutli /8.XII.15" postmark , Very Fine. Scott as pairs $1,750 .00 (Zurn Kil , as pairs , Est. $150-200 3,000SF=$2,580) .......... .................................................................................................................. ......
** B143, 1945 3Fr + 7Fr Lifeboat souvenir sheet, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $200.00 Est. $ 100-150 (Zurn 21, 250SF=$215)... ............................ ......................................... ................. ........................... ....
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Estimated Value
** B206 , 1951 40c LUNABA souvenir sheet, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine. Scott $275.00 (Zurn 32, 325SF=$280) .................... ........... .................................................................. ................................. Est. $ 150-200
3965 181 1871 Bourbaki Army Military Frank, affixed to small envelope, "Interlaken 10.II.1871" c.d.s ., stamp with light soiling and envelope with edge wear, addressed Bern Switzerland, backstamped, Fine ; 2,000 Bossert certificate. (Mi 1, €850=$1,343) .............. ........................... ............................................. .................... Est. $500-600
3966 EX
* 11-20, 1919 lm on le to 20Pi on SFr Surcharge cplt., original gum, some h.r., Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $323.05 (Ceres 11-20, €404=$638) ............................................................................. ......................... Est. $ 100-150 3967 * 24, 1920 "O.M.F./Syrie/20/Piastres" Surcharge on SFr Dark blue and buff, original gum, h.r., Fine and scarce; signed. Scott $450.00 (Ceres 24, €625=$988) ................................................... ..................... Est. $150-200 3966
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3969 EX
Estimated value
3970 EX
3968 * 71, 1920 "O.M.F./Syrie/50/Piastres" Surcharge with ornament on lFr Claret and olive green, original
gum, lightly hinged, Fine; very scarce and seldom offered; signed Saikali and others. Scott $650.00 (Ceres 55, Est. $200-300 €950=$ l ,50 I) ................................................ ........................................................... ....................... ...... 3969 O C4-6, 1921 lPi on 20c to lOPi on 2Fr Violet handstamped air post surcharges cplt., scarce used set, Est. $ 100-150 Very Fine. Scott $340.00 (Ceres 4-6 , €455=$719) .............................................................................. 3970 * Jl-4, 1920 lPi on 10c to 4Pi on 40c Postage due surcharges cplt. , particularly fresh mint set, original Est. $200-300 gum, lightly hinged, Fine to Extremely Fine. Scott $640.00 (Ceres TTI -4, €950=$1,501) ................
3971 397 I O 12, 1893 "Tahiti" Overprint on 25c Yellow on straw, a lovely used example of this rarity, beautifully can-
celled by a maximum strike of blue "Papeete /Tahiti/ Aout 93" postmark , well centered, vivid rich color on fresh white paper , Very Fine and rare with only 200 issued ; signed Calves. Scott $5,500.00 (Ceres 14, €7,000=$11 ,060) ................... ........ ............................. .................... ................................ ............ .......... Est. $2,000-3,000
3972 3972 * J14-16, J18-26 1893 "1893/Tahiti" overprint on lc-2Fr Postage dues, a complete mint set (less the 4c) ,
with the exception of the Sc which is used, each with ample to mostly large margins , including the 60c with sheet-margin at left and !Fr with bottom left corner sheet -margin, original gum except 15c unused, some h.r., le , Sc, 15c, 40c and 2Fr, small thinned spots, otherwise Fine to mostly Very Fine set; signed as follows : Jc Schlessinger and Senf, 3c Brun, J0c Calves, 20c Calves, 30c Calves, 40c Calves and ]Fr Bernichon and Champion. Scott $6,850.0 (Ceres TT14 -16, 18-26 €9, 100=$13 , 195) .............................. .................. Est. $1,500-2,000 Octob er 9, 2008
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Estimated Value
Tannu Tova
** 37, 1932-33 "35" Surcharge on 18k Dark blue and red brown, bottom sheet-margin single, exce llent centering , original gum , Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine. Scott $275 .00 for hinged (Mi 37, for hinged, Est. $ 150-200 €160=$253) ....................................................................................................................... ........ ........... 3974 ** 38, 1932-33 "35" Surcharge on 28k Emerald and black brown, bottom sheet-margin single, flawless centeri ng, original gum , Never Hinged, Extreme ly Fine and choice. Scott $275.00 for hinged (Mi 38, for hinged, €160=$253) ................................. ....................... .................................................................................. Est. $ 150-200 3973
3975 * 40, 1933 "15" Ty. 2 Surcharge on 6k Orange yellow, original gum , h.r., nearly Very Fine. Scott $300.00 (Mi 39 II, €340=$537)... ................................................................................. ...................................... Est. $ 100-150
* 41, 1933 "15" Ty. 3 Surcharge on 6k Orange yellow, right sheet-margin single, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine. Scott $500.00 (Mi 39 I, €550=$869) ...................... .................. ...................................... Est . $200-300 3977 * 44, 1933 "35" Ty. 3 Surcharge on 15k Red brown, scarce mint examp le, original gum , very lightly hinged, fresh and Very Fine. Scott $ 1,500.00 (Mi 40 I, €1,700=$2 ,686) ............................ ............ ................ Est. $750-1,000
3978 EX
3978 0 7-19, 1900 3pf - SM Kaiser 's Yacht, comp lete set, attractive c.d.s ., well centered, Very Fine ; top four values signed by several. Scott $759.00. (Mi 7-19 , El ,000=$ 1,580). .................................... ................... Est. $500-600 3979 0 19, 1900 SM Slate and carmine well centered, dual Lome 12.8.1912 c.d.s. ties stamp to small piece , Very Fine; signed Bothe EPP, Scott $450 .00 (Mi 19, €600=$948) ............................... ............................... Est. $200-300 October 9, 2008
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Estim ated Value
19, 1900 SM Slate and carmine, light Lome c.d.s., fresh and well centered, choice Very Fine ; signed Kohler. Scott $450.00 (Mi 19, €600=$948) ................................................ ...................... .................. Est. $200-300
3980 0
3981 3981 EB** 154-56, 1914 "TOGO/Occupation/franco-anglaise/10" surcharges on Spf Green, bottom sheet-margin
mint block of 25, fourteen stamps Ty. g surcharge (# 154), the bottom ten stamps Ty. h surcharge (#155) and one Ty. i surcharge (# 156), plu s pos. 4 in the block shows a broken "0" in " 10" of which only 100 examples can exist, original gum, Never Hinged, some perf. separations between the third and fourth horizontal rows and one stamp with a small fault, otherwise Very Fine. Scott for hinged singles $482.00+ (Ceres 24, 24a-b) .. .. .. ...... Est. $200-300
3982 0 161, 1914 "TOGO/Occupation/franco-anglaise"
overprint on 40pf Lake and black , select used example , neatly cancelled, choice Very Fine. Scott $525.00 (Ceres 28, €675=$1 ,067) ........ .... ............ ...... Est. $200-300 overprint on 80pf Lake and black, choice used 3983 0 162, 1914 "TOGO/Occupation/franco-anglaise" example , tied to piece by bold "Atakpame /26.10.14" date stamp , fresh and Extremely Fine ; signed Kohler, Merid ian and Holcombe and accompanied by the latter's 1999 certificate. Scott $525 .00 (Ceres 29, €675=$ 1,067) .................................................................................... ................ .................................... Est. $200-300 October 9, 2008
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Estimated Value
3984 0 164, 1914 "TOGO/Occupation/franco -anglaise/05" surcharge on 3pf Brown, a splendid used example
of this rare stamp, perfectly centered, fresh color, tied to sma ll piece by blue town cancel, Extremely Fine and rare with only 61 issued and known only used; signed Bothe, Champion and Holcomb e and accompanied by 1996 Roumet certificate. Scott $4,400.00 (Ceres 43 , €6,000=$9,480) ................................................ Est. $2,000-3,000 3985 0 165, 1914 "TOGO/Occupat ion/franco-anglai se overprint on 5pf Green," well centered, attractive Blue comer cancel, Very Fine, only 1,000 issued; signed Bloch. Scott $425.00 (Ceres 44, €450=$71 1) ...... Est. $300-400
165, 1914 "TOGO/Occupation/franco -anglaise overprint on 5pf Green, outstanding centering , tied to small piece by unobtrusi ve blue town cancel , fresh and Extremely Fine. Scott $42 5.00 (Ceres 44 , €450=$7 l l ) .. ....... ............ ....... ......... .... ..................... ....... ..... ...... .............. ............... ...... .............. ..... .... Est. $300-400 3987 * 166, 1914 "TOGO/Occupation/franco-anglaise " overprint on lOpf Carmine , original gum, small blue and yellow stains on face , otherwise Very Fine , only 908 issued ; signed Richter and accompanied by 1991 PF certificate. Scott $1,050.00 (Ceres 45, € 1,450=$2,291) ...................................................................... Est. $200-300 3988 * 167, 1914 "TOGO/Occupation/franco -anglaise " overprint on 20pf Ultramarine, original gum , h.r.'s, Very Fine and scarce with only 263 issued ; signed Brun and Calves. Scott $ 1,300.00 (Ceres 46 , € l ,650=$2 ,607) ........... ................................ .................................................... ................... .................. Est. $500-750 3986 0
169, 1915 "Togo/Occupation/franco-anglaise " overprint on 30pf orange and black on salmon , well centered single with gloriously rich colors , tied to sizea ble piece by full strik e of blue "Anecho /Togo/4/1" datestamp, fresh and Extremely Fine; a mere 37 examples were printed; signed Calves and Sismondo and accompanied by the latter 's 2001 certificate and 1998 PF certificate. Scott $7,000.00 (Ceres 48 , €8,500=$13 ,430) ................ .................... ................................. .............. ........................................ ....... Est. $3,000-4,000
3989 0
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Estim ated Value --~
3990 3990 0 170, 1914 "TOGO/Occupation/franco-anglaise"
overprint on 40pf Lake and black, a marvelou s used example of this rarity, well centered, rich colors on fresh white paper, neat blue Anecho postmark, choice Very Fine, quite arre with only 36 examples issued ; signed J-F Brun and accompanied by his 2002 certificate. Scott $7,000 .00 (Ceres 49, €8,500=$13 ,430) .................................. .................... .................................. ........ Est. $4,000-5 ,000
3991 EX
3992 EX
* 11-16, 1924 "Tripolitania" overprint on 10c-5L Manzoni cplt. , original gum , h.r., 10c faults (cat. $12 .00), otherwise Fine-Very Fine . Scott $623.00 (Sass 11-16, €800=$1 ,264) ............................ ...... Est. $150-200 3992 ** B50-53, 1930 "Tripolitania" overprint on 30c + toe to SL+ 1.50L Semi-postals cplt., post office fresh , Est. $ 100-150 original gum , Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $290.00 (Sass 69-72 , €375=$593) ................ 3991
3993 3993 0 8, 1888 5Fr Gray violet on grayish, fresh and well centered, face -free c.d.s . cancel, Very Fine and choice. Est. $100-150 Scott $300.00 (Ceres 8, €375=$593)...... ................................................. ................................... ..........
Vatican City
3994 EX
3995 EX
* 35-40 , 1934 40c on 80c to 3.70L on lOL Provisional surcharges cplt. , fresh mint set, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine; each signed "AD " (Diena) and accompanied by 1965 Hunziker certificate. Scott retail $793.25 (Sass 35-40 , €1,200=$1 ,896) ....................................... ................................................. Est. $300-400 3995 * 35-40 , 1934 40c on 80c to 3.70L on lOL Provisional surcharges cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, 40c with a foxed perf and 1.30L and 2.05L with light facial scuffs , otherwise Fine-Very Fine set. Scott $793 .25 (Sass 35-40, €1,200=$1 ,896) ....................................................... ........................ .................................. ....... Est. $200-300 3994
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Estimated Value
3996 EX
35-40, 1934 40c on 80c to 3.70L on lOL Provisional surcharges cplt., each a neat c.d.s. cancels, Very Fine set and far more elusive in used condition. Scott $878.4 0 (Sass 35-40 , €2,000=$3 , 160) .......... Est. $300-400
3996 O
3997 EX 3997
3998 EX
** 41-46, 1935 5c-1.25L Juridical Congress cplt., origina l gum, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine set. Scott
$500 .00 (Sass 41-46 , €1,155=$1,825)............. .......................... ................ ................................... ........ Est. $200 -300 3998 ** C18-23, 1949-53 U.P.U.,Gratianus and Dome of St. Peter's issues cplt., original gum, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine sets. Scott $4 78.50 (Sass 18-23, €800=$1,264) ....................... ............................ ....... Est. $200-300 3999 ** Vatican selection of a few dozen earlier sets in glassines including # 149-53 , 155A (2),173, B1-4 , C9-15 , C20-21 , C22-23 and Ql-15 , original gum , Never Hinged , Fine-Very Fine sets. Scott $1,2 17 .20 (No PH) ..... .... ... ..... ... ... ... ... .... .... .... ... .. ..... .. .... ..... .. ... .. .......... ................................................................. Est. $300 -400
Wallis & Futuna Islands
4,000 EX 4,000 *
94-126, 1941-43 "France Libre" overprinton lc-20Fr Pictorials cplt. , original gum , lightly hinged, Fine-
Very Fine set. Scott $565.50 (Ceres 92-124 , €755=$ 1, 193)........... ............. ............................. ...........
Est. $200 -300
400 1 EX 4001 *
J24-36, 1943 "France/Libre" overprint on 2c-3Fr Postage dues cplt., usual brownish original gum , 4c
light crease (Cat. $30), otherwise Fine-Very Fine. Scott retail $420.0 0 (Ceres TT24-36 , €572=$904) Octobe r 9, 2008
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Est. $ 150-200 H.R. Harmer
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Estimated Value
Western Ukraine
* 5-8, 1918 "5" and "10" Kolomyia surcharges cplt., a rare set of these four provisional surcharges, mostly well centered, original gum, #7 with a bit of foreign matter adhering to gum and #8 with some very light toned spots, otherwise Very Fine, only 452 of the 10h on 6h and 404 of the 10h on 12h were issued; the two key values signed Senf and others. Scott $2,755.00 (Mi 1-4, €4,400=$6,952) .......................................... Est. $ 1,000-1,500
seldom seen used example, clear "Kolomea" c.d.s., Est. $500-750 ............................................ 700=$2,686) 1, € 4, (Mi nearly Very Fine; signed twice. Scott $1,250.00 4004 0 26, 1919 4hr on 4k Dark green, excellent centering and fresh, light Stanislau c.d.s., Extremely Fine and Est. $ 150-200 rare with only 150 issued; singed Bulat and Korner. Scott $300.00 (Mi 24, €600=$948)..................
4003 0 8, 1918 "10" Kolomyia surcharge on 12h Light blue,
* 28, 1919 10hr on 10k Deep violet, original gum, Very Fine, only 199 issued. Scott $550.00 (Mi 26, €600=$948) .......................................................................................................................................... Est. $200-300 4006 * 29 Var., 1919 lsh on lk Black , red and yellow, "H" omitted from second line of surcharge , original gum, lightly hinged, Exh·emely Fine; signed Korner, Marbach and Miku lski. (Mi 29 var.) .............. Est. $400-500 4007 * 34, 1919 6sh on 6k Black , red and yellow, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine, only 112 issued; signed Est. $ 100-150 Bulat and Marbac h. Scott $200.00 (Mi 34, €650=$1,027).................................................................. 4008 * 34, 1919 6sh on 6k Black , red and yellow, original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Fine; signed Bulat. Scott $200.00 (Mi 34, €650=$1,027) ............................................................................................................ Est. $100-150 4005
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Estimated Value
* 41-43, 1919 lOsh on 10h to 45sh on 45h Surcharges on Austrian Military Semi-postals cplt., origina l gum, h.r., 10h short perf. , otherwise a Very Fine set, issued in quantities of 245,308 and 401 respectively ; JOsh signed Bloch, Bulat and Stein, 20sh signed Korner and Stein and 45sh signed Korner. Scott $265.00 (Mi 6163, €380=$600) .................... ................................................................. ................. ......................... ..... Est. $ 100-150
4010 * 47, 1919 Ssh on Sh Olive green, original gum , h.r., Very Fine, only 70 issued; signed Poburenny. Scott $225.00 (Mi 44, €200=$3 l 6) ........................ ........... ................................................................. .......... Est. $ 100-150 4011 * 50a, 1919 12sh on 12h Blue , surcharge inverted, fresh and well centered, original gum , slight h.r.,
Extreme ly Fine and scarce ; signed Bulat and Champion . Scott $550.00 (Mi 47 var.) ...................... Est. $300-400 40 12 ** 51, 1919 lSsh on 15h Bright rose, post office fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine and scarce with just 90 issued ; signe d Stein. Scott for hinged $425.00 (Mi 48, for hinged, €250=$395) ............ ........ Est. $300-400
40 13
4013 * 54, 1919 30sh on 30h Slate, excellent centering , original gum, h.r., Extremely Fine , only 35 issued ; signed Poburenny. Scott $825 .00 (Mi 51, €750=$1, 185)......... .............. ......................................................... Est. $400-500 4014 * 55, 1919 40sh on 40h Olive bister, original gum , light h.r., fresh and Very Fine , only 46 issued ; signed
Poburenny. Scott $700 .00 (Mi 52, €500=$790) ........ ......................... ........ ................... ...... .......... ...... Est. $300-400 o 57 Var., 1919 60sh on 60h Carmine rose , "Pen." missing from second line of surcharge, two strikes of Stanislau c.d.s. , Very Fine and rare , only 45 of the 60sh surcharges were issued ; sig ned Korn er. (Mi 54 var.).. ................................................................... ........................................................ ............. Est. $750-1,000
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Histor y & General Foreign Stamps & Postal ----------
Estimated Value
0 59, 1919 90sh on 90h Dark violet, near perfect centering, light Stanislau c.d.s., Extremely Fine and scarce with just 38 issued; signed Bulat, Korner and others. Scott $850.00 (Mi 56, €500=$790)................ Est. $400 -500
401 7 O 64, 1919 15sh on 36h Violet postage due, partial
Stanislau c.d.s., fresh and well centered, Extremely Fine,
only 195 issued; signed Bloch and Korn er and accompanied by 1999 Miku lski certificate. Scott $400.00 (Mi
Est. $200-300 27, €400=$632) .................................................................................................................................... 40 18 * 103, 1919 Sh Ultramarine postage due, fourth Stanislaviv issue without rosettes , pos. 3, excellent centering, large part original gum, small thinned spot, Extremely Fine appearance and rare; only 60 copies were issued; signed Friedi, Stein and others and accompanied by 1999 Mikulski certificate. Scott $1,200.00 (Mi 91, Est. $300-400 €2,000=$3,160) ....................................................................................................................................
End Of Sale Thank You!
October 9, 2008
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H.R . Harmer
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British Commonwealth & General Foreign Stamps & Postal History
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October9, 2008 H.R. Harmer
5 Francis J. Clarke Circle â&#x20AC;˘ Bethel CT 06801 Tel.(203) 702-8490 â&#x20AC;˘ Fax(203) 798-7902 E-mail:
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