Sale 3061
United States Postal History, including:
The William B. Robinson Collection of Wisconsin Postal History
The John D. Bowman Collection of Boyd’s City Express Post
Postal History from the Collection of Steven M. Roth Selections from the Graham Booth, FRPSL Collection of Transatlantic Mails And material from other consignors
Auction Dates
October 26, 2022
10am Eastern: The William B. Robinson Collection of Wisconsin Postal History (Lots 101-316)
2pm Eastern: The John D. Bowman Collection of Boyd‘s City Express Post (Lots 401-618)
October 27, 2022
10am Eastern: Postal History from the Collection of Steven M. Roth (Lots 701-869)
1pm Eastern: Selections from the Graham Booth, FRPSL Collection of Transatlantic Mails (Lots 901-999)
3pm Eastern: United States Postal History and Collections (Lots 1001-1189)
The H.R. Harmer Team
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At H.R. Harmer we view ourselves as stewards of the hobby, dedicated to both preserving great collections of the past and building great collections of the future. Following the recent sales of the Provera, Challenger and Boulder Collections, and with several powerful sales forthcoming, our team has proven its ability to expertly describe and market signi cant and specialized collections. When you consign with H.R. Harmer, you are joining a long list of discerning collectors who have appreciated the historical signi cance, romantic intrigue, and aesthetic beauty a world-class philatelic collection can embody. We pride ourselves in building strong relationships with our consignors and telling the story of their collection to our worldwide network of clients..
Graphic Design Thomas Rhein & Tonya Rhein CEO, Philatelist and Auctioneer Charles Epting Accounts Manager and Philatelist Alison Sullivan Marketing and Accounts Manager Alyssa BaumgardnerOBVIOUS REPRINTS
Forgeries, fake cancels, and badly defective stamps are normally not included in catalog totals unless noted. However, as with any large group of stamps, some stamps may prove to be bogus, misidentified, or defective. Descriptions of quality are meant to apply to the overall condition of the lot. Lots described as being "mixed” quality or condition should be expected to contain some faulty material.
In some cases an "owner’s catalog value” is given. Such a figure is just that. An owner’s value may be useful as a guide but H.R. Harmer does not guarantee the accuracy of such a figure.
Stamps described as "mint” can be expected to have original gum (OG), but should be expected to be hinged unless specifically noted as never hinged (NH).
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In this catalogue we are pleased to be able to present several collections formed by some of the most distinguished and well-respected postal historians. While not necessarily linked in terms of their contents, I feel that these collections share a level of dedication and passion among their owners that is all too rare, and as such I felt they belonged together in one place.
Introductions for both the William B. Robinson and John D. Bowman collections can be found at the start of their respective sections, and so I will not retread ground here. Instead I would like to focus on Steven M. Roth, a prolific researcher and writer whose material contained in this catalogue runs the gamut from the Revolutionary War to carrier mail. His articles in journals such as the Chronicle and Penny Post are essential to researchers (I find myself turning to his 1997 census of the local post covers of Baltimore frequently), but it is not a stretch to say that one of his greatest philatelic achievements yet may be the two-part article he published in the Collectors Club Philatelist earlier this year on East Coast stage coach mail. Many of the covers featured in the article are offered in this catalogue, and we are confident that such exemplary scholarship will result in considerable interest from the market.
Whereas I have known Mr. Roth for a number of years, I am saddened that I never had the chance to meet Graham Booth, FRPSL, in person. Having been able to view two of his exhibits at Stockholmia 2019—and especially in working so closely with his material over the past few weeks—it is readily apparent what an exceptional collector and researcher Dr. Booth was. The covers in this catalogue are merely the beginning of the material we have in our office, representing primarily duplicates and items which did not make it into his exhibit collections. Our next sale will feature significantly more material from Mr. Booth’s holdings, which we are very much looking forward to.
In the closing section of this catalogue can be found nice selections of Blood’s local post, Alaska and Colorado postal history, mail between the US and Japan, and much more. In particular the collections offered at the end of this sale, while not great in number, are of a very high quality.
In closing, I would like to thank Mr. Bowman and Mr. Roth, as well as the families of Mr. Robinson and Mr. Booth, and all our additional consignors, for allowing us to bring such interesting, attractive, and important collections to market.
Charles Epting901 Williamsburg, New York to Newcastle, England (December 16, 1847), folded letter with red “New-York 5cts. 16 Dec” datestamp and “Paid” in arc, missed the December 16 sailing of the Britannia from Boston so carried by Cunard’s Hibernia on the line’s rst departure from New York, departing January 2 and arriving Liverpool January 16, “America/Liverpool Ja 16 1848” transit and Newcastle arrival backstamps, cover faults, ne appearance, ex-Biales and Boettger Offer
902 6 Gibraltar to Petersburg, Virginia (January 13, 1848), datelined folded letter with black framed “Gibraltar Paid” handstamp, red manuscript “4/-” rate, arrived Southampton January 29, carried via Cunard Line’s Hibernia from Liverpool departing January 30 and arriving New York February 16, red “New York Ship Feb 17” datestamp, blue manuscript “22” rating for 20c inland postage and 2c ship fee, horizontal fold and light stains, ne 50
903 6 Bristol, England to New York City (May 6, 1848), folded letter posted unpaid and sent to London, marked with red framed “Return’d for Postage” on reverse and returned to Bristol, 1sh packet fee paid when reposted in Bristol, carried by Cunard’s Hibernia departing Liverpool May 13 and arriving New York May 27, red “6” in circle applied upon arrival, very ne and attractive, ex-Winter 200
904 6 New York City to London, England (May 10, 1848), folded letter carried on the maiden return voyage of Cunard’s America, departing New York May 10 and arriving Liverpool May 22, backstamped London the following day, manuscript “1/-” packet rating, ne cover from a scarce voyage 50
905 6 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to London, England (June 19, 1848), folded letter with blue “Philada Pa. 5cts Jun 19” and framed “Paid” prepaying 5c inland postage to New York, endorsed “per Herman Steamer” (an American packet), but since transatlantic postage was not prepaid the New York post of ce sent via Cunard’s Acadia as an unpaid ship letter, arrived Liverpool July 5 and rated “1/-” due, very ne, ex-Barwis 100
1848 Retaliatory Period
906 6 Liverpool, England to New York City (June 24, 1848), folded letter franked with two 1sh Pale green paying double-letter rate, Liverpool backstamp, carried by Cunard’s Caledonia on the rst retaliatory rate voyage departing June 24 and arriving New York July 8, marked “48” due upon arrival in New York under the new Retaliatory Act, right stamp reaf xed, very ne, ex-Tabeart 100
907 6 New York City to Cognac, France (July 5, 1848), carried on Cunard’s Cambria on its rst retaliatory rate voyage from Boston, departing July 12 and arriving Liverpool July 24, red boxed “Colonies &c Art.13.” applied in London, Paris backstamp, very ne, scarce voyage 75
908 6 Shef eld, England to Newark, New Jersey (July 14, 1848), blue Shef eld datestamp, prepaid 1sh and carried on Cunard’s Europa on its maiden voyage, departing Liverpool July 15 and arriving Boston July 27, red “Boston Ms. Ship Jul 27” and “29” handstamps for 24c transatlantic and 5c inland postage, light edge wear, ne and rare, ex-Pullin 100
909 6 Boston, Massachusetts to Cognac, France (July 25, 1848), red straightline “Paid”, carried by Cunard’s Niagara departing Boston July 26 and arriving Liverpool August 6, red London backstamp and matching boxed “Colonies &c Art.13.”, French entry datestamp and manuscript due marking, very ne retaliatory rate cover 50
910 6 Liverpool, England to Brandywine Mills, Delaware (July 29, 1848), reattached folded letter, 1sh Pale green pays packet rate while 1d Red and 2d Blue pay 3d late fee, carried on Cunard’s Acadia departing Liverpool July 29 and arriving Boston August 13, red “34” retaliatory rate handstamp of Boston for 24c transatlantic and 10c inland postage, small edge faults, ne appearance, ex-Shephard 100
LotNo Start Price Cunard’s911 6 South America to London, England via New York City (August 18, 1848), carried under cover to New York, red “Forwarded by Howland & Aspinwall New York” oval backstamp, pencil “24” rating applied in New York, carried aboard Cunard’s Cambria departing New York August 30 and arriving Liverpool September 14, red London arrival backstamp (September 15) and manuscript “1/-” due, very ne and rare 50
912 6 Palermo, Sicily to New Orleans, Louisiana via London (August 18, 1848), mailed to London via Marseilles, arrived September 1 and paid ½d upon receipt, forwarded to New Orleans and carried via Cunard’s Europa departing Liverpool September 2 and arriving New York September 14, red “New York Ship Sep 14 34cts.” for 24c Transatlantic retaliatory rate and 10c inland postage, very ne and scarce 50
913 6 Halifax, Nova Scotia to New York City (August 23, 1848), faint red “Halifax Paid Au 23 1848” origination postmark, prepaid “1/-” at Halifax, carried on Cunard’s Britannia departing Halifax August 23 and arriving Boston August 26, rated “29” due on arrival (24c Retaliatory rate plus 5c inland postage), light wear and toning, still ne and scarce, the retaliatory rate applied to all foreign packets bringing mail into the US regardless of origin and so included British North America 50 914 6 New Orleans, Louisiana to Amsterdam, Netherlands (September 3, 1848), black New Orleans datestamp and matching “Paid” with “34” rate handstamp, carried by Cunard’s Niagara departing New York September 13 and arriving Liverpool September 25, red London transit backstamp (September 26) and manuscript “1/8” debit rating to Holland, reverse with rare red “Eng. Corresp. Over’s Hage.” two-line handstamp, small part of address enhanced, otherwise very ne 50
915 6 Bremen, Germany to Petersburg, Virginia (September 12, 1848), black “S.T.P.A. Bremen. 12/9” origination postmark and matching “Franco”, manuscript “1/6” (1sh6d) credit marking to Great Britain, departed Liverpool September 16 via Cunard’s America and arrived New York September 29, red “New York Ship Sep 30 34cts.” for 24c Transatlantic retaliatory rate and 10c inland postage, very ne and extremely rare, ex-Winter 914
916 6 Glasgow, Scotland to Mobile, Alabama (September 29, 1848), folded letter prepaid 1sh, carried from Liverpool via Cunard’s Britannia on her penultimate westbound voyage, departing September 30 and arriving New York October 17, red “New York Ship 34 Oct 17” handstamp for 24c ocean passage and 10c inland postage to Mobile (a total retaliatory rate of 34c), received October 25, missing back ap and light overall toning, still ne 50
917 6 Brussels, Belgium to Charleston, South Carolina (October 17, 1848), addressed to Charleston, South Carolina, manuscript “1/8” (1sh8p) rate paying postage from Belgium to US border, endorsed “Per next English Steamer from Liverpool”, left Liverpool by Cunard’s Hibernia October 21 and arrived Boston November 4, charged “34” upon arrival (24c 24c Transatlantic retaliatory rate plus 10c inland postage), light edge wear, a very ne and rare example of a Retaliatory Rate cover originating in Belgium 100
918 6 Liverpool, England to New Orleans, Louisiana (October 27, 1848), octagonal “Paid At Liverpool Oct 27 1848” handstamp, paid 1sh packet rate, carried on Cunard’s America departing October 28 and arriving New York November 8, scarce red “New-York Ship 34cts. Nov 9” retaliatory rate handstamp for 24c transatlantic and 10c inland postage, few le folds, very ne appearance, any retaliatory rate mail incoming to New Orleans is rare, ex-Tickell 100
919 6 New York City to Copenhagen, Denmark (November 13, 1848), carried via Cunard’s Hibernia departing Boston November 15 and arriving Liverpool November 27, “America Liverpool No 27 1848” backstamp and London transit, manuscript “1/6” (1s6d) debit rating, internal tears repaired with archival tape, very ne and scarce, ex-Wood 50
920 New York City to Cognac, France (November 21, 1848), folded letter carried on Cunard’s America on its nal retaliatory rate voyage, departing New York November 22 and arriving Liverpool December 4, London boxed “Colonies &c Art.13.” transit handstamp, Boulogne transit and Cognac backstamp, very ne 50
921 New York City to Cognac, France (November 28, 1848), folded letter carried on Cunard’s Acacia on its nal voyage (and third retaliatory rate voyage), departing Boston November 29 and arriving Liverpool December 12, red boxed “Colonies &c Art.13.”, various backstamps including Liverpool and Cognac, very ne 75
922 6 Persia to Palmer, Massachusetts via Edinburgh (December 22, 1848), partial folded letter from missionary in Persia with disinfection slits, originally addressed to Monson, Massachusetts, carried privately to Edinburgh where it entered the mails with red “Paid at Edinh. Dec 22 1848” split ring datestamp and manuscript “1/” rating, London and Liverpool backstamps, carried by Cunard’s America departing Liverpool December 30 and arriving Boston January 12, red “Boston Ship Jan 12” entry datestamp and matching “7” rate handstamp for inland postage plus 2c ship fee, red “Monson Ms. Jan 15” datestamp, forwarded to Palmer with manuscript “12” due rating, very ne and attractive, a rare forwarded and disinfected restored rate cover
923 Heidelberg, Germany to Greenville, Virginia (January 16, 1849), privately carried to England and paid “1/”, carried on Cunard’s Niagara on its only restored rate voyage, departed Liverpool January 27 and arrived Boston February 11, red “Boston Ms. Ship Feb 12” and “12” for 10c inland postage and 2c ship letter fee, cover faults including tear at top, still ne and scarce origin, ex-Boettger
924 6 Gloucester, Massachusetts to Saint-Malo, France (January 22, 1849), privately carried to Boston, travelled via Cunard’s America on its only restored rate voyage, departed Boston January 24 and arrived in Liverpool February 4, London February 5 transit and French receivers, letter regarding sh business, very ne and scarce 50
925 6 London, England to New York City (January 26, 1849), endorsed “Steamer via Halifax”, paid double letter packet rate of “2/”, carried on Cunard’s Niagara on its only restored rate voyage, departed Liverpool January 27 and arrived Boston February 11, red Boston datestamp and “12” rate for double the 5c inland rate plus 2c ship letter fee, very ne, mail carried on this voyage is very scarce
LotNo Start PriceLotNo Start Price
926 6 London, England to New York City (March 23, 1849), folded lettersheet prepaid at 4sh (four times the February 1849 treaty rate), carried on Cunard’s Niagara departing Liverpool March 24 and arriving Boston April 7, red straightline “Paid” and manuscript “20” for four times 5c credit, small faults, ne and early treaty rate use, ex-Boettger Offer
927 6 Liverpool, England to New York City (March 23, 1849), folded letter carried on Cunard’s Niagara, departing Liverpool March 24 and arriving Boston April 7, black “Boston Ms Ship Apr 7” with matching “24” and “19 cents” handstamps, very ne, early use of “24” the month after the treaty rate was implemented, ex-Boettger Offer
928 6 New York City to Cologne, Prussia (April 20, 1849), folded letter endorsed “via Liverpool + Ostende”, prepaid 10c for double the 5c British packet rate, carried on Cunard’s Europa departing New York May 2 and arriving Liverpool May 14, London transit, black boxed “America per England” applied in Aachen, debit of “3/-” to Prussia and marked “36¾” Sgr postage due, backstamped Cologne, very ne, scarce early treaty rate cover, ex-Boettger
929 6 Boston, Massachusetts to London (May 28, 1849), paid 48c in cash (light pencil) for double the 24c treaty rate, “38” crayon credit, carried on Cunard’s Canada departing New York City May 30 and arriving Liverpool June 12, London receiver, very ne, ex-Boettger Offer
930 6 Singapore to Boston, Massachusetts (September 1, 1849), put aboard a ship in Singapore by forwarding agents Boustead & Co., travelled via packet to Suez and Marseilles, received by Baring Bros. & Co. in London on October 27 and rated 2sh 3d postage due, Baring Bros. paid the postage from Singapore to London and put the letter back into the mail unpaid on November 2, red “24” and black “19 cents” handstamps for treaty rate postage, carried on Cunard’s America departing Liverpool November 3 and arriving New York November 17, very ne, a rare origin for an incoming letter, ex-White and Shephard ‘Europa ‘America
931 6 Modbury, England to Dover, New Hampshire (November 13, 1849), Modbury, Devon straightline, blue Ivybridge November 14 datestamp, paid 1sh and carried on Cunard’s Canada to New York (departing Liverpool November 17 and arriving December 1), red “Br Packet Paid 24 1 Dec” (unusual without city name, Winter only records this marking for four months) and matching “5 cents”, scarce origin for transatlantic mail, ex-Boettger Offer
932 6 Morrisville, Pennsylvania to Mahon, Menorca (November 25, 1849), cover addressed to the “U.S. Ship St. Lawrence”, with original contents from the sister of a surgeon on the ship, manuscript “Paid 29” (overpayment of 5c), carried aboard Cunard’s America from New York departing November 28 and arriving Liverpool December 12, red London backstamp and boxed “Colonies &c. Art.13.” handstamp, sent via railroad from Calais and Paris to Marseilles, forwarded to Mahon via Perpignan and Palma, Spanish blue "11.R." due handstamp, very ne, a rare destination 100
933 6 New York City to Carduff Kelly, Ireland (November 26, 1849), folded letter with sender’s forwarding marking used as cornercard, carried by Cunard’s America departing New York November 28 and arriving Liverpool December 12, marked “Not Known” in Ireland and forwarded to London Dead Letter Of ce, from there sent to the Dead Letter Of ce in Washington, DC where it was processed on May 17, 1851 (probably due to a large backlog of letters), returned to New York May 30, 17 months after originally being sent, very ne, transatlantic letters returned to the DLO are uncommon 100
934 New York City to Cognac, France (November 27, 1849), folded letter carried on the nal voyage of Cunard’s Caledonia from Boston, departing December 5 and arriving Liverpool December 18, red boxed “Colonies &c Art.13.” handstamp and Calais transit, Cognac backstamp, very ne and rare, ex-Feldman 50 934
LotNo Start Price935 6 Dundee, Scotland to San Francisco, California (December 21, 1852), folded letter from the US Consulate in Dundee, crayon “1/2½” (for the 1sh transatlantic rate plus 2½ west coast surcharge), carried on Cunard’s America to Boston, then N.Y. & San Francisco Steamship Line’s Uncle Sam to Aspinwall and its Win eld Scott to San Francisco, very ne, ex-White and Shephard
936 6 San Francisco, California to Cognac, France (February 20, 1858), red “San Francisco, Cal Paid Feb 20 1858” datestamp with manuscript “60” rate (paying four times the 15c French mail rate), endorsed “Via Panama & New York”, red “New York Paid 18 Mar 17” datestamp, French backstamps, very ne and rare rate 50
937 6 Yreka, California to London, England (August 1, 1859), cover franked with three 1855 10c Green (35) tied by Yreka dates taps, carried via Panama to New York, then to Southampton on September 7, red “London Paid Se 7” arrival datestamp, cover and stamps with small faults, still very ne appearance, cover overpays the 29c rate by 1c, ex-Starnes
938 California to Sunderland, England (July 5, 1859), indistinct California datestamp ties two 1857 10c Green, types II and III (32, 33) to 10c Green Nesbitt entire, red New York “3” credit handstamp, carried by Vanderbilt Line’s Ariel departing New York July 30 and arriving Southampton August 12, London transit datestamp and Sunderland backstamp, overall toning, still ne, 30c postage prepaid the 29c west coast rate with a 1c convenience overpayment, ex-Richardson, signed Ashbrook
Transatlantic Mail 1860-71
LotNo Start Price
939 6 San Francisco, California to Neumark, Prussia (January 5, 1860), red “San Francisco 30 Paid Jan 5 1860” datestamp on large envelope, red “New York Br Pkt 7 Paid Feb 1” transit datestamp, carried aboard Cunard’s Africa to Liverpool, Aachen transit and Neumark backstamp, very ne, rare use of the “30 Paid” handstamp for Prussian Closed Mail rather than double the 15c rate to France 75
940 6 San Francisco, California to Mauzé, France (July 11, 1862), folded lettersheet sent at the unpaid 15c treaty rate, black “15” rate handstamp of San Francisco, endorsed “By Overland Mail” (Central Overland stagecoach to St. Louis), “New York 3 Aug 5” transit datestamp, carried on Cunard’s Asia departing Boston August 6 and arriving Queenstown August 16, Calais transit and Mauzé backstamp, very ne, ex-Needs 50
941 6 San Francisco, California to Bordeaux, France (October 30, 1865), franked with 1863 5c Brown and strip of four 10c Green (76, 68) tied by San Francisco targets, paying the 45c triple rate under the 1857 convention, carried overland to New York where it received a red “New York Paid 36 Nov 21” datestamp, carried via Cunard’s Cuba departing Boston November 22 and arriving Queenstown December 1, Calais and Paris transit and Bordeaux arrival datestamps, very ne 75
942 San Francisco, California to Cognac, France (November 10, 1865), folded letter sent at three times the 15c unpaid French mail rate, black “Unpaid” in circle and “45” rate handstamps of San Francisco, endorsed “Steamer Via Panama”, black “New York 9 Dec 5” credit handstamp, transit/arrival datestamps from Calais, Paris, Bordeaux, and Cognac, French “16” due, very ne and rare combination of markings 100
943 6 St. Louis, Missouri to Thurles, Ireland (March 27, 1866), black March 27 St. Louis datestamp on folded letter, black “N. York Am. Pkt 21 Mar 31” credit datestamp, carried aboard the Inman Line’s City of Washington which lost her propeller early in the voyage but proceeded by wind, the ship lost her rudder on April 12 and this cover was transferred to the Galway Line’s Propontis in the mid-Atlantic, backstamped Cork April 27 where large “1s-” due handstamp was applied (twice the 6d rate), very ne and interesting delayed cover, ex-Feldman
Inman’s944 6 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Paris, France (July 7, 1868), cover franked with 1866 15c Black (77, one toned perforation), tied by black grid to 3c Pink entire to Paris, France, purple “Philadelphia 6 Jul 7” exchange datestamp, blue Calais entry (July 19), red boxed “PD”, light vertical le fold away from stamp, very ne and attractive 100
945 6 Birkenhead, England to San Francisco, California (November 14, 1868), mourning cover franked with Great Britain 6d Lilac, tied by “Birkenhead No 14 68” duplex, magenta “San Francisco Paid All” exchange datestamp, Paci c Insurance company backstamp, very ne use Offer
946 6 Silver Mountain, California to London, England (March 9, 1869), cover franked with 1861 12 Black (69), faint “Silver Mountain Cal. Mar 9” double circle datestamp, endorsed “Via Steamer”, red “New York Paid All Mar 30” transit, carried aboard Cunard’s Siberia arriving Queenstown April 11, red “London Paid 12 Ap 69” datestamp ties adhesive, original contents, small faults along top edge, very ne use from a rare origin, ex-Needs 75
947 6 Liverpool, England to San Francisco, California (October 14, 1869), blue cover franked with three Great Britain 6d Lilac, tied by “Liverpool 14 Oc 69” duplexes, magenta “San Francisco Paid All Oct 31” arrival datestamp, minor discoloration, very ne 50
948 6 San Francisco, California to La Tremblade, France (January 15, 1871), franked with 1869 10c Yellow (116), quartered cork cancel, red New York “6” credit handstamp, red “PD” in oval, London and Calais transit datestamps, stamp lifted and thinned and with tiny hole in bottom right of “1”, very ne appearance, this cover pays a phantom 10c rate to France per 7½ grams, known to the post of ce but not the general public, 2004 Philatelic Foundation certi cate 100
949 6 Sacramento, California to London, England (September 30, 1871), cover franked with 1869 6c Ultramarine (115), tied by “Sacramento Cal. Sep 30” datestamp, carried by railroad to Chicago and by Allen Line’s Nestorian fro Quebec, October 17 London receiver, edge faults, still a ne and rare 6c Pictorial use from California, ex-Kramer 946 947
LotNo Start PriceMixed Frankings (US and other Countries)
LotNo Start Price
950 6 London, England to Newark, New Jersey (August 12, 1859), mourning lettersheet franked with Great Britain 1sh Green, tied by London duplex, originally addressed to New York City, carried aboard Cunard’s America departing Liverpool August 13 and arriving Boston August 27, red “Paid” and “5 cents” handstamps, forwarded to Newark, New Jersey with 1857 3c Dull red tied by August 30 New York datestamp, light wear and stamps with creases, still a ne and attractive use, ex-Baron 75
951 6 New York to Royston, England (July 5, 1871), indistinct postmark on cover franked with 1870 6c Carmine Banknote (148), paying the 1870 Treaty Rate on 1871 cover to Royston, England, backstamped London July 5, redirected to London with Great Britain 1d Red placed precisely over the US adhesive, July 6 Royston postmark and July 7 London backstamp, very ne and choice, three ships arrived in London July 4 (Cunard’s Calabria, Inman’s City of Paris, and N.G.L.’s Bremen) 100
952 6 New Orleans, Louisiana to Ribeauvillé, Germany (June 19, 1872), cover franked with 1870 10c Brown Banknote (150), black grid and matching “New Orleans La. Jun 13” datestamp, red “New York Paid All Br. Transit Jun 19”, forwarded to Paris with Germany 1872 1gr Rose and 2gr Ultramarine Small Shield tied by Rappoltsweiler datestamps, very ne and rare mixed franking, a colorful and attractive cover 250
953 6 London, England to Bradford, Massachusetts (November 27, 1872), Great Britain 1d Pink stationery envelope uprated with pair of 1d Red, tied by November 27 London duplexes, originally addressed to Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, carried by Inman Line’s City of Brussels, red “New York Paid All Dec 10” entry datestamp, forwarded to Bradford, Massachusetts with 3c Green Banknote tied by December 11 Hanover datestamp, very ne, ex-Baron 50
954 6 United States to Oxford, England (February 19, 1873), cover of unknown origin franked with three overlapping 1870 2c Red brown Banknotes (146), paying the 1870 Treaty Rate to London, carried by the Guion liner Nevada departing New York on February 19 and arriving Liverpool March 2, where it received a red Liverpool Packet handstamp, then franked with Great Britain 1d Red and reposted on March 4 to Christ Church College in Oxford where it arrived the next day, light wear, very ne and attractive mixed franking 100
955 6 Liverpool, England to Middletown, Virginia (July 23, 1874), cover franked with Great Britain 3d Rose tied by July 23, 1874 Liverpool duplex, originally addressed to Baltimore, Maryland, carried by Inman Line’s City of Paris, red “New York Paid All Aug 3” entry datestamp, forwarded to Middletown, Virginia with 3c Green Banknote, August 4 Baltimore datestamp, light toning, very ne use Offer
956 6 Denver, Colorado to Paris, France (March 15, 1878), cover franked with 1873 3c Green Banknote (158), small faults, tied by black cork to 3c Green stamped envelope to Paris (overpaying by 1c the UPU rate), postmarked Denver, Colorado March 15, 1878, blue “Forwarded by Munroe & Co., 7 Rue Scribe Paris” oval handstamp, forwarded to Seville with France 30c Brown paying redirection fee, light wear, very ne and attractive, ex-Pacetti 100
957 6 Easton, Pennsylvania to Cork, Ireland (August 27, 1886), cover franked with 1875 5c Taylor (179), redirected back to Easton on August 27, 1886, franked with Great Britain ½d Green and two 1d Lilac paying UPU ½ oz rate, September 7 arrival backstamp, light toning and stamps small faults, ne and colorful appearance 75
958 6 New York City to London, England (July 21, 1890), cover franked with 1888 5c Gar eld (216), redirected to New York City upon arrival in London and franked with Great Britain 2½d Jubilee, July 21 Bedford Street postmark, New York July 30 arrival backstamp, 5c stamp small faults, very ne and attractive mixed franking 50
959 6 San Francisco, California to London, England (October 26, 1893), cover franked with three 1890 5c Chocolate (223) with cork cancels, red “Registered Oct. 26, 1893, Station K, San Francisco Cal.” four-line datestamp on cover to London, England, New York registry label ties stamps, forwarded to Brixton Hills with postage paid by pair of Great Britain 1½d Violet & green tied by “Registered North Kensington W. 13 No 93” datestamps, various New York and British backstamps, very ne and scarce, ex-Angel
A street in San FranciscoShort-Paid Transatlantic Mail
Cunard’s ‘Africa’
LotNo Start Price
960 6 Liverpool, England to West Haverford, Pennsylvania (February 19, 1853), cover franked with 1sh Pale green, deemed to be overweight and struck with green “38 Cents” due handstamp, carried on Cunard’s Cambria departing Liverpool February 19 and arriving Boston March 5, black “Br Packet Boston. Mar 5” and matching “48”, manuscript “Short Paid”, light overall wear, ne use 75
961 6 Newcastle, England to Providence, Rhode Island (May 29, 1862), folded letter franked with Great Britain 4d Pale red, tied by “Newcastle-on-Tyne My 29 62” duplex, carried by Cunard’s Africa departing Liverpool May 31 and arriving Boston June 13, upon arrival black “Br. Packet 24 Boston. 13 Jun” datestamp applied for 24c due, very ne, the transatlantic rate was still 1sh when this letter was sent 100
962 6 Dundee, Scotland to Andover, Massachusetts (December 4, 1863), folded letter franked with Great Britain 1d Red and 9d Straw, tied by “Dundee De 4 63” duplexes, carried aboard Cunard’s Australasian departing Liverpool December 5 and arriving New York December 18, upon arrival “N.Y. 24 Br. Pkt Dec 4 U.S. 35 Notes” depreciated currency handstamp, two strikes of two-line “Insuf ciently Stamped” handstamp, vertical le fold through 1d stamp, otherwise ne 50
963 (6) Sterling, Iowa to Hull, England (April 17, 1867), cover front franked with 1862 24c Red lilac (70), prepaying the single-weight rate to the UK, red “New York Br. Pkt 19 Apr 17” datestamp applied initially crediting the UK with 19c for British packet paid mail, then re-weighed in New York where it was found to be over ½ ounce so black “N. York Br. Pkt 10 Apr 17” and “Short Paid” in oval handstamps were applied, carried aboard Cunard’s Java departing New York April 17 and arriving Queenstown April 27, while on board struck with the very scarce “2/-” due handstamp, backstamped Hull upon arrival, stamp and front both with small faults, still ne and rare use, the 1849 Anglo-US Treaty only allowed for unpaid or fully prepaid mail, partial prepayment was ignored with such mail being treated as wholly unpaid 100
964 6
Londonderry, Ireland to Newark, New Jersey (May 15, 1868), franked with 6d Lilac tied by Derry datestamp, deemed to be overweight and stamped with “Over ½oz Insuf ciently Paid” three-line handstamp, crayon “12” due (twice the de ciency), carried by Cunard’s Scotia from Queenstown May 17 and arriving New York May 26, “New York US 22 Notes May 26” depreciated currency handstamp, trivial wear at left, still very ne
965 6 Liverpool, England to Saco, Maine (November 30, 1869), cover franked with Great Britain 1d Red, tied by “Liverpool 30 No 69” duplex, black two-line “Insuf ciently Paid” handstamp, carried aboard Cunard’s Palmyra departing Liverpool the same day and arriving in Boston December 12, crayon “16” and straightline “In U.S. Notes” handstamp showing 16c due, very ne 75
966 6 Birmingham, England to Chicago, Illinois (February 24, 1874), envelope franked with three Great Britain 1d Red, tied by “Birmingham Fe 24 74” duplexes, black “Insuf ciently Prepaid” in oval, carried aboard Cunard’s Batavia departing Liverpool February 24 and arriving Boston March 9, upon arrival blue two line “U.S. Currency 13” handstamp applied, small tears including one through middle stamp, ne appearance 75
967 6 Queenstown, Ireland to Manitou, Colorado (October 22, 1875), cover franked with Great Britain 2½d Claret, tied by “Queenstown Oct 22 75” duplex, manuscript “25” de ciency, probably carried by Allen Line’s Scandinavian to Quebec, in Chicago two-line blue “U.S. Currency 15” handstamp applied, small tears and overall wear, still ne appearance Offer
Cunard’s Java
968 6 London, England to Yonkers, New York (November 26, 1875), mourning cover franked with Great Britain ½d Rose and two 1d Red, all tied by “London No 26 75” duplexes, deemed to be overweight and struck with black “T” handstamp ( rst year of use), carried on Cunard’s Java departing Liverpool November 28 and arriving New York December 8, black “New-York Due 15 cts Dec 8” datestamp, small tears, very ne appearance 966 967
LotNo Start Price969 6 Liverpool, England to Charleston, South Carolina (February 25, 1876), envelope franked with Great Britain 2½d Claret tied by “Exchange Liverpool 25 Fe 76” duplex, deemed to be overweight so black “T” handstamp applied, upon arrival in New York black “New York Due 15 cts. Mar 16” due datestamp applied, small faults, very ne appearance 75
970 6 Kendal, England to Rinbeck, Iowa (February 13, 1877), cover franked with three Great Britain 1d Red (small faults), tied by “Kendal Fe 13 77” duplexes, marked “30” centimes for the shortfall, probably carried by Allan Line’s Sardinian, black two-line “U.S. Currency 14” handstamp, light wear, still ne Offer
971 6 London, England to Utica, New York (November 4, 1879), cover underfranked with Great Britain 1d Red, tied by “London W.C. No 4 79” duplex, black “T” handstamp, carried from Queenstown by Inman Line’s City of Montreal, upon arrival in New York black “U.S. Charge to Collect 4 Cents” handstamp applied alongside two 2c postage due stamps, arrived in Utica December 3 where it was advertised, later marked “Unclaimed” and sent to the Dead Letter Of ce, where the postage due adhesives were removed and the cover returned to England under separate cover, back ap faults, very ne and interesting use, ex-White 100
972 6 Queenstown, Ireland to Syracuse, New York (September 13, 1880), cover franked with Great Britain ½d Rose and two 1d Red brown, all tied by “Queenstown Se 13 80” duplexes, upon arrival 10c Brown postage due (J5) applied, black “New York Sep 25 Due 10 Cents” opera glass with “T” and “25” handstamps, Syracuse backstamp, light wear, ne 50
973 6 Uddingston, Scotland to Painesville, Ohio (May 25, 1881), cover franked with Great Britain 2½d Blue (small faults), tied by “Uddingston My 25 81” duplex, horizontal pair of 5c Brown postage due adhesives (J4) with crayon cancel, “New York Jun 5 Due 10 Cents” and “T Centimes 25” opera glass handstamps, very ne 50
Transatlantic Printed Matter
LotNo Start Price
974 6 Liverpool, England to Boston, Massachusetts (July 19, 1847), “Stitt, Day, & Co.’s Prices Current of American Produce”, 1d impressed newspaper tax mark, framed “Paid at Liverpool Jy20 1847” and “2” handstamps, carried by Cunard’s Hibernia departing Liverpool July 20 and arriving Boston August 2, trivial ink erosion, very ne and scarce 50
975 6 Baltimore, Maryland to Liverpool, England (June 20, 1855), folded outer lettersheet, 2c printed matter rate prepaid by horizontal pair of 1851 Type IV 1c Blue (9, positions 81-82L1L), tied by blue postmark, carried by Cunard’s Africa departing Boston June 20 and arriving Liverpool July 1, large green “2” due handstamp, ne and attractive 50
976 6 New Orleans, Louisiana to Liverpool, England (March 12, 1856), folded outer lettersheet with the 2c printed matter prepaid by two 1851 Type IV 1c Blue (9), tied by light New Orleans datestamp, blue framed “Open Printed Circular”, carried by Cunard’s America departing Boston March 12 and arriving Liverpool March 27, large black “2” due handstamp, very ne 50
977 6 Liverpool, England to Kennebunk, Maine (June 9, 1860), “Boult, English, & Brandon’s Freight Circular” franked with Great Britain 1d Red (faults), carried aboard Cunard’s Asia departing Liverpool June 9 and arriving New York June 21, black “2” due handstamp upon arrival in New York (only example known on incoming printed matter), very ne, ex-Winter 50
978 6 New Orleans, Louisiana to Liverpool, England (November 14, 1868), vertical pair of 1868 3c Red “F” grill (94) on large part printed circular (missing left hand internal page), paying the 6c book rate of January 1, 1868, very ne example of this short-lived rate, ex-Tabeart and Wood
979 6 “Supplementary Mail”, red Type A handstamp on 1858 folded letter to Cognac, France, red “New York Paid 12 Jul 21” datestamp, carried by Cunard’s Africa arriving in Liverpool August 2, Calais and Paris transit markings and August 4 arrival backstamp, very ne, ex-Wood 50
980 “New York Sup. Paid Oct 2”, red Type E datestamp ties 6c Dull pink (159) alongside 30c Gray black (165), both stamps tied by black corks to cover to Montpellier, France, carried by NGL’s Necker to Southampton, back ap missing and small repairs along top edge, very ne, these stamps combine to pay double the 9c Treaty rate to France plus 18c supplementary fee, ex-Noel and Walske 100
Supplementary Mail 981982
981 6 “N.Y. Supplementary Paid Jan 4 79”, Type F duplex ties 5c Taylor to 5c Blue stamped envelope to Bremen, Germany, carried by N.G.L.’s Oder, January 16 arrival backstamp, very ne and choice, ex-Hogg and Markovits 75
982 6
“N.Y. Supplementary Paid May 22 80”, Type F duplex ties 10c Brown Banknote (187) to cover to London, England, arrival backstamp, very ne Offer
983 6 “N.Y. Supplementary Paid Sep 4 80”, Type F duplex ties 30c Black Banknote (165) to cover to Vienna, Austria, carried by Inman’s City of Richmond to Queenstown, then transited through London and Aachen before arriving September 13, small faults along top edge, very ne appearance, 30c stamp pays the UPU 1½ oz 15c rate plus the supplementary fee of the same amount 100
984 “N.Y. Supplementary Paid Oct 9 80”, two strikes of Type F duplex tie pair of 5c Taylor (185) to folded letter to Bordeaux, France, carried on NGL’s Rhein, French arrival datestamp also ties, very ne Offer
985 6 “N.Y. Supplementary Paid Nov 20 80”, two strikes of Type F duplex tying 1c Blue and 2c Vermilion Banknotes to 1c Liberty postal card addressed to Warrington, England, printed illustrated return address on reverse, horizontal crease, colorful and ne appearance
986 6 “N.Y. Supplementary Paid May 21 81”, two strikes of Type F duplex tie 2c Vermilion Banknote to 2c Liberty postal card to Speyer, Germany, June 1 arrival backstamp, light wear, very ne, ex-Login and Kristol
987 6 “N.Y. Supplementary Paid May 3 84”, two strikes of Type F duplex tie 15c Red orange Banknote to 5c Brown entire to Charleroi, Belgium, endorsed “per steamer Arizona”, “Supplementary Mail, May 3/84, 9:30 PM” docketing on reverse, May 13 arrival backstamp, very ne and attractive cover, ex-Kristol
988 6 “N.Y. Supplementary Paid Jul 5 84”, two strikes of Type F duplex tie 5c Gar eld (205) to 5c Brown entire (U222) to Vienna, Austria, carried on Inman Line’s City of Chicago, Vienna backstamp, very ne, ex-Kristol Offer
989 6 “N.Y. Supplementary Paid May 27 86”, two strikes of Type F duplex tie 5c Gar eld and 10c Brown Banknote (205, 209) to 5c Brown entire (U222) to Bremen, Germany, carried by White Star’s Republic, German backstamp, very ne, ex-Kristol
990 “N.Y. Supplementary Paid Jun 17 86”, two strikes of Type F duplex tie two 5c Gar eld (205) to 2c Brown entire (U277) to Ischl, Austria, 2c convenience overpayment, carried by White Star’s Germanic, arrival backstamp, very ne, ex-Kristol
LotNo Start Price
991 6 “New York Supplementary Paid Mar 10 88”, two strikes of Type F duplex tie 5c Gar eld (205) to 5c Blue entire (U330) to Berlin, Germany, carried on Cunard’s Aurania, German backstamp, very ne, ex-Kristol Offer
992 6 “New York Supplementary Paid Apr 10 89”, two strikes of Type F duplex tie 5c Gar eld (216) to 5c Blue entire (U330) to Bremen, Germany, carried on NGL’s Lahn, German backstamp, light toning to cover and stamp, still ne, ex-Kristol Offer
993 “N.Y. Supplementary Paid Nov 2 89”, multiple strikes of Type F duplex tie three pairs of 2c Green Banknotes (213) to 10c Brown entire (U190) to Paris, France, overpaid 2c out of convenience or confusion, Paris receiver, light vertical le fold, very ne and attractive, ex-Kristol 50
994 6 “N.Y. Supplementary Paid Oct 7 93”, Type F duplex on 1c Columbian entire (U348) to Hamburg, Germany, carried by CGT steamer La Bretagne, Paris transit datestamp and Hamburg backstamp, small tears at top, very ne, although severely underpaid there is no sign of missing stamps, it is possible the entire was mistaken for a 5c envelope and the supplementary fee paid in cash, ex-Kristol 50
995 6 “N.Y. Supplementary Paid Dec 20 93”, Type F duplex ties 10c Columbian (237) to cover to London, England, additional purple “Late Mail” handstamp (considered by Piszkiewicz to be a post of ce marking), carried by White Star’s Teutonic, London backstamp, very ne and scarce 994 995
996 6 “N.Y. Supplementary Paid Sep 30 94”, two strikes of Type F duplex tie 1c, 2c, and 5c Small Banknotes (219, 220, 223) to 2c Green entire (U311) to London, England, arrival backstamp, very ne and colorful franking, ex-Kristol Offer
997 6 “New York Supplementary Paid Apr 20 95”, Type F duplex ties 5c Chocolate (255) to 5c Brown entire (U223) to Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, carried on Cunard’s Lucania, Swiss backstamp, very ne, exKristol Offer
998 6 “New York 1-30 97”, magenta Type G oval ties 50c Orange (275) to legal-sized cover to Paris, France (Warnier correspondence), carried by Cunard’s Campania, Paris arrival datestamp, very ne and scarce 100
999 6 “New York P Apr 7 10AM 97”, two strikes of duplex tying 1895 2c Carmine to 2c Liberty postal card to Antwerp, Belgium, endorsed “per Majestic”, Antwerp receiving datestamp, light creases, very ne and rare, White Star’s Majestic sailed at noon so her normal mails would have closed at 9 AM, ex-Gundel and Kristol street in New York City