Louise Boyd Dale and Alfred F. Lichtenstein Collections Preview

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The Louise Boyd Dale and Alfred F. Lichtenstein Collections



Philatelic Auctioneers

Alfred F. Lichtenstein 1877 - 1947 Fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society, London Roll of Di stinguished Philatelists (1927) Founder and First Chairman of the Board of the Philatelic Foundation, New York (1945-47) Organizer and Chairman of the Expert Committee of the Philatelic Foundation, New York (1945-47) Trustee (and Member of the Board) of the Collectors ' Club (I 896-47) Don ation of the R esidence of the Collectors' Club. Namesake of the most prestigious award in American Philatel y

Today, sadly , the number of stamp collectors living who knew Alfred F. Licht enstein personally grows less each year, but the number of those w ho continue to benefit from his contributions to philately increases steadily. With his passin g in 1947 the era of the truly great collectors of the w orld dre w to a close, but his influence lives on. H e was an unassuming man, and modest , w hose greatest pleasure was to "talk stamps" with fellow collectors w hen the occasion permitted . After all, stamp collecting, w hich made its appea l at a very tender age, became his enduring avocation. To those of us who experienced this privilege, hours passed like minutes. We were amazed by his prodigious kno w ledge and grasp of a problem, w hether paper, printin g or perforation , postal markings, rates or routes. In spite of the heavy demands of his business , he invariably found time to welcome, in his office or home, those who came to him for guidance. H e participated in any wo rth w hile project, even w orld-wide, that wou ld contribute to philatelic scholarship. He nev er hesitated to lend his stamps for individual study, comparison or as aids to authentication. Durin g his lifetime, he was also responsib le for the production of numerous specialized handbooks w hich remain as standard reference today. Th e current home of the Collectors Club in New York is the result of the wa rmhearted desire, generosity and leadership of this man w ho envisioned a permanent meetin g place for collectors to gather for companionship and philatelic discussion. As a result of Alfred F. Lichtenstein 's dream-for w hich he so practically provided the basis on Collectors Club houses and preserves a philatelic reference library in an atmosphere conducive which to build-the to study and research and a permanent lecture room equipped to display exhibitions illustrating the discourses of speakers. Another of Mr. Lichtenstein's dreams w as the establishment in America of a central institution for the dissemination of philatelic kno w ledge. This he strove for an d talked about for years and, finally, w ith the support of a fe w like-minded individuals he helped to bring about the establishment of The Philatelic Foundation, barely two years befor e his death. Since the Foundation's Charter was granted by the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York Education Department on March 16th, 1945 thousands have benefited from the services-the audio v isual presentations distributed free to schools throughout the United States , publications, lecture courses and Expertizing Service. The Foundation's Certificates of authenticity are recognized and respected internationally and the number of requests continues to grow . These two institutions alone form a legacy that bears witness to the astounding v ision, generosity and power of one man to instill in others his dedication to philately. Alfred F. Lichtenstein was truly " The Patron of American Philately " . Ethel H arper January 8, 1989


Louise Boyd Dale 1913 - 1967 Fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society, London Roll of Distinguished Philatelists (1956) Special Medal of the Royal Philatelic Society, London (1950) Chairman of the Board of the Philatelic Foundation , Ne w York (1953-61) Chairman of the Expert Committee of the Philatelic Foundation, New York (1953-67) Trustee (and Member of the Board) of the Collectors' Club (1955-67) R ecipient of the Alfred F. Lichtenstein Memoria l Award (1962)

" ... She had that evening show n that sh e thoroughly knew her stamps and it was a wonderful thing for the United States to ha ve at the head of phi lately in that co untr y a lad y of such great knowledge, grace and courtesy ... "

This quotation, from " The L ondon Philatelist" of J uly 1963, comes from a v ote of appreciation, seconded by Mr . Ewart Gerrish, at the conclusion of the lecture and display giv en by Mrs. Louise Boyd D ale at the "Ro yal " on May 2nd of that year. Her busy schedule at home had precluded her making an extended trip abroad so she fle w into London the day before her lecture , super v ised the mounting of her exhibit, tested the equipment that wou ld proj ect her slid es, kept her engagement and returned to Ne w York the next day . In the th irty -on e years I knew her, never was I aware of an appointment or commitment that she did not keep if it could possibly be av oided . She spoke slow ly, thought quickly and acted rapidly . In addition, her quick wit and dry humor frequent ly appl ied to discussions of problems, philatelic or other w ise- w ould always lighten any lurking te nsion s, thereby substituting smi les for frowns . Du ring the fifteen years I w orked closely w ith Louis e at The Phil atelic Foundation, I became aw are of the many qualities she had inherited from her father, Alfred F. Lichtenstein-in addition to her lov e of stamps which . he undoubted ly kind led w hen she was a child and encouraged as a teenager. Sh e, too, had visions for the encouragement of the study of stamp s, as had her father , and during the fourtee n years of her chairmanship of The Phil ate lic Foundation, from her election in 1953 until her death in 1967, she sought to achie v e much of w hat he had in mind, pursuing those ideals dev otedly . H istory has recorded the achievements of the Foundation and its Expertizing Service during her term in office . She faithfully inspected ev ery "patient " sent in for authentication and there are v ery fe w " w ork sheets" on file w hich do not carry her signature or initials signifying her revie w . D uring her long and painful illn ess her p erseve rance and desire to do her job w as such that, w hen the strains of trav elling became too great, sh e installed in her hom e th e same type of equipm ent as w as then in use at the Foundation in order to carry out thorough examinations of the subjects submitted. And so for many months I regu larly journeyed to her home at weekends w ith the "patients" and brought them back Monday morning . Thus they w ere alw ays av ailable for members of the Committee and office staff dur ing w orking hours and she w as able to carry out her determination to do her job. It w as Lo uise 's plan- w hen she "retired ", had that happened - that she and I w ould remount her collections, substituting perfection for near perfection, if such w as av ailable. Sadly , after her death, it was left to me to bring about much of the re-arrangement she had planned and to organize exhi bitions an d lectures, based on her studies, so that oth ers wou ld benefit from her lifetime of dedication to philatelic scholarship . Ethel H arper January 8, 1989




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THE LOUISE BOYD DALE AND ALFRED F. LICHTENSTEIN COLLECTIONS Two decades ago H.R. Harmer I nc., now Harmers of New York Inc. , was instructed by the executors of the Will of Mrs. Louise Boyd Dale to offer a selection of her collection at auction. Started by her father, Alfred F. Lichtenstein, nearly a century ago, it was further expanded by Mrs. Dale until her unti mely death in 1967. Much can and has been said of the magnitude of those superb collections sold by Harmers between October 1968 and December 1970. And, too, over the past twenty years, no philatelic group has been the subject of more speculation and conversation than have the remaining portions of this magnificent collection. It is, therefore , w ith a continued sense of pride that Harmers of New York Inc. w ill offer, on the instructions of the beneficiaries, the remaining sections of this amazing property . Spanning the next two-and-one-half years, the auctions w ill be held not only in New York but also in conjunction w ith the Galleries of Harmers of London and Harmers Auctions SA in Sw itzerland. The dates and ve nues are given on page five. To those aware of the earlier eleven auctions, the content s of the coming series of sales wi ll be as great or greater. For the younger generation, prepare to be astonished. A number of rarities w ill be familiar to w home ve r has attended the Int ernational Exhibitions, for sections and uniqu'! item s have been made available to their Courts of Honor . Ho weve r, the majority of the collections' gems have not been before the public eye for half a century and surprises wi ll be plentiful as the follo w ing pages wi ll attest . We now introduce the second Dale / Lichtenstein auctions.



April , 1989 - in Ne w York

Sale Thirteen


October, 1989 - In Zurich

Sale Fourteen


No ve mber, 1989 - in Washington (World Stamp Exposition '89)

1990 Sale Fifteen


Ma y , 1990 - in London

Sale Sixteen


September , 1990 - in Ne w York

Sale Sev enteen


No v ember, 1990 - in London

1991 Sale Eighteen


March, 1991 - in N ew York

Sale Nineteen


October , 1991 - in London

Sale Tw enty


October , 1991 - in London

Sale Tw enty-one


No v ember, 1991 - in Ne w York


Subscribers to Harmers of Ne w York 's catalo gues w ill automaticall y receiv e the series.

UNITED STATES APRIL 1989 - in Ne w York


St. Louis " Bear " Sc on greenis h (1 lXl ) corner cop y on 1845 cove r. From the Col. £.H.P. Green Co llection. I



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1857-61 Issue Matching top mar gin copies

1875 Reprints of 1857-60 Issue Im perforate pairs (40-47 vars)

1875 Special Printing Continenta l Bank Note Co. 90c violet carmine (177)

1861 90c blue (72) used on 1864 cover to Hong Kong. From the Stephen D . Brow n Collection.

SWITZERLAND OCTOBER , 1989 - in Zurich

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1843 "Do ubl e Geneva" (2Ll ) corner co py, or igin al gum.

1849-50 Geneva 4c Vaud (2LS )

1845 Basel D ove 2 ½r black, cri mso n & blue (3Ll ) o n 1848 cove r.

Geneva 1850 Sc Vaud (2L6 ), block of eight, or iginal gum.

Zuri ch 1846 6r ( 1L4 ), she et mar gin strip of five, o ri gina l gu m.

1846 Zurich 4r black, hori zo ntal line s ( I U )

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE . NOVEMBER , 1989 - in Washington

Unique Tete-beche pair, 1861 " Wood Block" 4p blue (9 var. ). From th e R.F.A. Riesco Collection.

Unique 4p "Wood Block" Color Error in block of 4 on cover. One of th e top five philatelic rarities in the world.

1863-64 I penny deep carmine red, wmkd. CC (S.G . 22), pair, o riginal gum .

1861 " Wood Block " 4p blue (9), pair.


1989 - in Washington

186 1 " Wood Block" 1 pe nny red (7), blo ck of 4, origina l gum.


1861 " W oo d Bloc k" 4p blue (9) origina l gum .

1855- 58 4p black. From th e H adlows an d Cooper Co llections .

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1861 "Woo d Block " 4p blu e (9), blo ck of 4 on 1861 cover .

1853 1 penny red (1), shee r margin block of six, ori ginal gu m

OCEANIA MAY 1990 - in London

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BR. SOLOMON ISLANDS: 1939-51 2 ½p o live green & ro e vio let, imp erforate ho rizo nt ally (7 1a), sheet margin bloc k of 4.

FI]I : 187 1 se- tenant strip of fo ur (6, 8- 10), o riginal gum .


WAL ES: Th e un iqu e tete- beche gutt er pair of th e 1850 2p " Sydne y View " . Th e p remi er item in Austr alian Phil ately .


BARBADOS: 1861 Rou gh perfs . 1sh black, block of 4 imperfor ate between (21a). From the Hind and T. Charlton Henr y Co llect ions .

BERMUDA: 1882-1903 1sh green, blo ck of nine, containing 3 vertical strip s of thre e imperf. between (9a). On ly 10 strip s known.

BARBADOS: 1878 1/2p on half of Ssh du ll rose (57a), a pair of unsevered pair s, left value no period . F rom the Hind and T. Charlton Henry Collections.

ST. CHRISTOPHER: 1887-88 1 penn y on 2 1/2 penn y ultramarine, type " f" (23), or igina l gum.

ST. VINCENT: 1871-78 ! sh lilac rose (22), original gum.

I DOM IN ICA: 1886 Ip surcharge on 6p green (14), used with various ha lf penn y surcharge s on 1888 cover to Anti gua . From th e T. Charlton Henr y Collection.


1990 - in London

1869 Imp erfora te 6p blu e (4), full sheet of 15, o riginal gum .

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1886-87 2p o range, d o ubl e emb oss ing (14 var .), full sheet o f 15, o riginal gum .

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BRITISH AFRICA MARCH 1991 - in Ne w York

BR . CENTRAL AFRICA: 1895 £25 blue green & black, un wa term ark ed (31 ), origina l gum .



BR. CENT RAL AFRICA: 1896 £25, Crown and CC water m ark (42), origina l gum.

BR. CENTRAL AFRICA: 1898 1 penn y vermi llion & ultramarine, pair, one wi th o ut ova l (58c). From the Hind Collection.

NIGER COAST PROTECTORATE: 1893 20 shi lling on 1 shi lling green Red and Black surchar ges (35, 36). Onl y 7 copie s known.

SAINT HELENA: 1893 2 1/,p on 6p blue , scrip of three , double surcharge in cen ter (47a), original gum .

NIGER COAST PROTECTORATE: 1893 ½p (vio let) on half of I penn y lilac (7A), un severed pair, origina l gum .

SIERRA LEONE: 1897 2 1/2p on 2 shillin g, type " f" (63A ), original gum .

SAINT HELENA: 1868 lsh on 6p yellow gree n, pair, one wit hout sur cha rge (236 ), origi nal gum .


BADEN : 1851 First Printin g 9 kr euzer deep rose (4a), sheet mar gin block of eight, original gum .

WUR TTE MBE RG : 1873 70 kreuzer red vio let (53) pair with green cancel.

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BADEN: Rur al Postage Due. 1862 12kr on ye llow, used. (LJ3).

BRUNSWICK : 1864 Roulett e 16 Y,sg r (13), bloc k of six, original gum .



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: 1852-55 Y, sgr green (4), strip of three on cover.


BREMEN : 1866-67 7 groshen on yellow (13) on 1867 cover to Copenhagen.

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BREMEN : 1866-67 10 groshen black (14), pair, on 1867 cover to New York. From the Alfred H. Caspary Co llection.

BAVARIA OCTOBER , 1991 - in London

Th e famous tete- beche Error of th e Fir st Issue in a bloc k of tw elve. Onl y 3 error s kn ovm. From th e Ferrari Co llection.

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Postage Due: 1895 2pf o n Jpf gray 0 14), pair, on 1895 cover. O nly six known co pies.



1991 - in New York

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C YPRUS: 1934 l p brow n and black (1286), corn er pair imperfo rate betwee n .


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C YPRUS: 1934 ½p green (126a), corn er bloc k of fo ur , imp erfo rate betwee n.




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ANNIVERSARIES When Harmers auctioned the first portion of the Dal e/ Lichtenstein collections in New York in 1968, the sale was held at the same time as th e 50th Anniversary of H .R . H armer Ltd . in London, the parent company. Now, some twen ty years lat er, it is with great pleasure that we proclaim the 50th anniversary of Harmers of New York and th e 10th Anniversary of H armers of London, along w ith the formation of a new Harmer Gallery in Switzerland. Family-o wne d and managed since 1918, spanning three generations on tw o sides of the Atlantic, each of our offices celebrates its own very significant birthday and, again in conjunction with this important occasion in our history, the selling of the second portion of the collections.

FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY Harmers of New York Inc . 14 East 33rd Street New York, NY 10016 U.S.A . (212) 532-370 0

SEVENTIETH ANNIVERSARY H armers of Lond on Stamp Auctioneers Ltd. 91 New Bond Street London WlA 4EH, England (01) 629-0218 FAX # (01) 495-0260

FIRST ANNIVERSARY Harmer s Auctions SA Riva Paradiso 32A CH-6902 Lugano, Switzerland (091) 548362 FAX # (091) 549822

Reprodu ced by kind permi sion of the Roya l Philat elic Society, London

Q ueen Elizabeth I I View ing the D ale/ Lichtenstein Collection of the Cape of Good H ope at the Exhibition Commemorating the Centenary of the Ro ya l Phil ate lic Society, L on don April , 1969

HARMERS OF NEW YORK INC. 14 East 33rd Street New York, NY 10016 U.S.A.


HARMERS AUCTIONS SA Riva Paradiso 32A CH-6902 Lugano, Switzerland






HARMERSo/NEWYORK 14 EAST 33rd STREET NEW YORK, NY 10016 Please send me, when publi shed, the following Catalogues and Lists of Prices Realized of the Louise Boyd Dale and Alfred F. Lichtenstein Collections. SALE#







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British Africa


Cape of Good Hope


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