HR Magazine 2013 Autumn

Page 1

Autumn 2013

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HK hiring woes

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New Zealand NZ$9 Philippines P250 Singapore S$8 South Korea W6,500 Thailand Bt200 Vietnam US$6 Rest of the World US$15

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managing difficult employees


Ping pong tables & hr

alent on tar t g ge in p t ee

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HR MAGAZINE EDITORIAL Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

Paul Arkwright Copy Editor

Sophie Pettit Staff Writers

Philippa Edwards Zane Hosgood Andrew Ladommatos Drew McNeill ART Designers

Gloria Chan Aimee Han

OFFICE SHAKE UPS Photographers

We look at why replacing the boardroom

Graham Uden

table with a ping pong table can seriously enhance communication, page 7, and why

Editorial enquiries

Paul Arkwright Tel: (852) 2736 6318

Paul Arkwright Publisher & Editor-in-Chief HR Magazine

letting the grass grow beneath staff’s feet can be good for HR too, page 13. Cover story

In the midst of Hong Kong pitch advertising & sponsorship


controversies, we put our HR questions

Kim Lam

More job ads, but still less hiring. Looking

to the football giants on how the team

Tel: (852) 2736 6862

at the Q3 hiring forecasts, things are

manages close to 800 staff and keeps them

‘cautiously optimistic’ again with HR being

motivated and on target, page 16.

relatively bullish about expansion plans as Mark Nettleship

we move into the latter part of 2013. Despite

Fewer reports, more advice

Tel: (852) 2736 6339

this sentiment, over half of hiring managers

HR lessons from the big boys: a roundup

in Hong Kong are currently finding it

of advice shared at our breakfast briefing

difficult to hire talent with the right skill

from keynote Ken Pearson, Director,


sets, page 5. Salary increments in Hong

Business Execution Architecture,

Vivian Wong

Kong are also beginning to fall short of those

SuccessFactors and former Director of

Tel: (852) 2736 6375

made in China in relation to respective

Talent Development at Walmart.

Fax: (852) 2736 6369

inflation rates, page 6.

With recruitment headaches dominating


the news, LinkedIn is getting set to help

We look at recent changes to China’s


employers tap into potential jobseekers

employment law and visa requirements,

Excel Media Group Ltd.

before they even leave school. They have

page 9, and take a detailed look at how

Unit 101 Fourseas Building

just launched their University Pages and

changes to Chinese tax, employment,

208–212 Nathan Road,

high school pages due for launch in mid

immigration and foreign exchange control

Jordan, Kowloon

September, page 5.

laws are affecting HR, page 64.


Paramount Printing Company Ltd. 1/F, 8 Chun Ying Street Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate

No part of this publication can be reproduced without consent from the publisher. Copyright of all material is reserved

Tseung Kwan O, NT

throughout the publication. Contributions are welcome but copies of work should be kept, because HR Magazine takes

Hong Kong

no responsibility for lost submissions. The views, conclusions, findings and opinions published in this magazine belong to those expressing such, and do not necessarily represent those of the publisher, editor or editorial staff.

AUTUMN 2013 • 1

CONTENTS 05 HR NEWS 05 HR news 14 HR events 15 HR in numbers

18 COVER STORY 18 Cover story: HR by Manchester United


HR by Manchester United “Risk management can be invisible; either nothing is going wrong or it’s thanks to the good—or lucky—risk management”

20 HR FEATURES 20 Cautious optimism for Hong Kong hiring 23 HR must provide advice, not reports... lessons from Walmart 25 Employee hopscotch in Hong Kong 26 Going against the grain 29 Rebranded out 31 Civil serive...that’ll do nicely 32 Work-life balance 34 Does an office have to look like an office? 36 Catching up with complexity 37 Employees undervalue benefits 39 Challenge of change

40 employee wellness 40 Keeping staff healthy, staying competitive

41 HR Technology 41 The critical role of technology in the next generation HR 42 Redefining HR processes 43 Add oil!

45 HR Training 45 Sweet approach to learning and development 46 Four succession planning tips in fast-growing markets

50 HR COMMUNITY 50 HR Conference: managing difficult employees

54 HR legal 54 Healing China’s expat headache

56 HR CLASSIFIEDS 64 TIME OUT 64 HR’s dilemma



Rebranded out It is vital all employees are engaged in the rebranding process


HR bullish on Q3 hiring ” Finding workers with the right skills remains a challenging issue”

Challenge of change How will the change impact me personally?



HR lessons from Walmart “We didn’t have enough talent to fuel our growth”


Add oil! Video gaming entices potential talent to discover the oil industry.


Reverse mentoring—make or break? “A senior manager with 15+ years of experience...can still learn from someone half your age or a recent graduate”

HR Magazine’s HR Conference: managing difficult employees



AUTUMN 2013 • 3




Hong Kong one of the most difficult places to hire in Asia 57% of employers in Hong Kong are

Lancy Chui, Regional Managing Director,

Global problem

currently struggling to find staff with the

ManpowerGroup, Greater China Region

The global survey results reveal this talent

right skill sets—6% higher than the APAC

commented, “Sales representatives continue

shortage is endemic across the world and

average—according to the latest Annual

to be the most challenging positions to fill. In

most acute in Japan.

Talent Shortage Survey results just released

addition, our survey results have constantly

by ManpowerGroup Hong Kong.

shown that employers report a growing concern over the availability of engineers,

Who moved my talent?

with the job category having maintained

A pronounced worldwide talent shortage

a presence in the top five in-demand jobs

is now having a dramatic impact on Hong

over the past eight consecutive years due to

Kong employers, with the majority of

the booming of infrastructure and railway

them experiencing difficulty finding the

construction projects.”

right talent. In 2012 just 35% reported such

Who’s having problems?

Japan 85% of employers Brazil 68% of employers India 61% of employers

Surveyed employers in Hong Kong also

Turkey 58% of employers

difficulties, but since then the figure has risen

report that there are challenges filling open

dramatically to almost 60%—the highest

positions, with over a quarter saying that

level of hiring woes recorded since the global

candidates lack technical competencies, and

economic crisis struck. Over 400 Hong Kong

almost 20% reporting that candidates lack

employers were surveyed and 86% said that

self awareness. Fifteen percent of employers

Employers in Ireland, 3%; Spain, 3%; South

talent shortages will have a medium- to high-

also expressed concern that candidates’

Africa, 6%; the Netherlands, 9%; and the

impact on their ability to serve clients and

salary expectations were higher than could

Czech Republic, 9% are the least likely to

maintain their competitiveness.

actually be offered by the organisation.

face talent shortages.

Who’s hardest to hire?

Hiring solutions

most difficult roles to fill are skilled

Employers in Hong Kong are having the

Hong Kong survey participants did,

trade workers, engineers and sales

most difficulty filling jobs in sales, technical

however, acknowledge they are taking steps

representatives—unchanged from last

and engineering roles. Sales representatives

to overcome difficulties in filling critical

year. This year employers also report

have continued to top the ‘hardest to hire’

positions by adopting new approaches to

that accounting and finance, and

list in Hong Kong since 2007 and in APAC

people practices, modifying work models

management/executive positions are

since 2006.

and sourcing talent differently.

becoming increasingly hard to fill. Despite

Hong Kong’s hardest to fill jobs

Top approaches to innovative recruitment

1. Sales representatives (1)

1. Recruiting more from untapped talent

Hong Kong 57% of employers

The research shows that globally the

acknowledging the impact talent shortages have on their business, 22% of employers are not changing course to identify new 2. Technicians (4)

pools such as older workers (24%)

ways to address these shortages. In ManpowerGroup’s insight paper The

3. Engineers (2)

2. Actively recruiting women (13%)

Great Talent Shortage Awakening: Actions to

4. IT roles (6)

3. Redefining qualifying criteria to include

Take for a Sustainable Workforce, they suggest

individuals who may lack certain key

several strategies HR leaders should pursue

skills, but demonstrate the potential to

to fuel their organisation’s competitiveness.

acquire them (11%)

These include; identifying and attracting

5. Management / executive roles (5) (Figures in brackets indicate 2012 rankings, where applicable)

4. Using nontraditional recruiting practices (10%)

untapped talent, creating a culture of talent development, implementing a ‘Teachable Fit’ framework to ‘manufacture’ talent

LinkedIn taps into youth market

aligned with business needs, and improving collaboration with education institutions to ensure graduates are work ready.

LinkedIn has just launched its University

With University Pages, LinkedIn members

Pages. This addition to the LinkedIn suite

can now:

milestones in their education from getting

onto campus, right through to sourcing successful careers. In addition, from mid September, LinkedIn will also be made available to high

engage with the campus community and alumni of schools

explore universities

check out notable alumni

expand opportunities via exploring

school students who can explore schools

diverse professional career paths of

worldwide, expand their understanding of

other graduates—seeing where they

the careers available, and get a head start on

work, what they do, and what skills

building a network of family and friends to help guide them at every milestone of their

(See results of the Manpower Employment Outlook Survey for Q3 on page 20)

of services aims to help students at critical

they’ve acquired along the way •

build a career support network

career journey.

AUTUMN 2013 • 5


HK salary slump

✓ Employer of Choice

In relation to inflation rates, Hong Kong

are expected to award salary increments of

is lagging behind its neighbour China in

8.8% in 2013. Hong Kong and Singapore,

terms of Projected Salary Increases (PSIs),

however, have a far more paltry PSI

A recent survey from Asian Legal Business

according to the Towers Watson 2013 Salary

to come, estimated to be 4.5% in both

(ALB) has seen Baker & McKenzie nominated

Budget Planning Report—

locations. With inflation set to hit 4.4%

as employer of choice in the Philippines,

Asia Pacific.

in Hong Kong and 3.8% in Singapore,

Singapore and Thailand. Thousands of law

employees will find their salary rises will

firm employees over the region provided

not go far.

ALB with feedback on job satisfaction,

Against an inflation level of 4.3% in China, employers

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), responsible for collecting inflation data for the Asia-Pacific region, found that

remuneration, work-life balance, career prospects, mentorship and job security. Experience enrichment was one of the key

Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka and Vietnam

attributes associated with Baker & McKenzie

will be seeing the largest inflation hikes

Thailand whilst its Filipino and Singaporean

this year, although these will be offset by

arms were lauded for their international

impressive PSIs of up to

and local knowledge, team dynamics and

four percentage points over

competitive compensation packages.

inflation. Inflation in Japan is estimated at 0%, with a 2% PSI.

Winston Lee, APAC Regional Chairman, APAC, Baker & McKenzie commented, “We are very pleased with this result and to be recognised by our employees for our efforts in providing a great place to work. Happy employees create happy clients.”

You are worth...

Finance professionals jump ship again Lack of career progression and recognition

culture and good working environment

for their accomplishments, along with

are the most tempting factors for

limited compensation offered by their

finance professionals seeking a new

current employers, is pushing 73% of Hong

employer, according to the finding

Kong’s finance professionals to jump ship to

of the eFinancialCareers 2013 APAC

a new employer in 2013. This is significantly

Employment Survey.

higher than other countries, such as

A slowdown in hiring activity, however,

Singapore and Australia, where only 64%

has led to less people movement between

and 46%, plan to do so.

financial services companies while large-

When seeking a new position, nearly

scale layoffs at the end of last year are

Robert Walters recently launched its new

36% surveyed said they were looking for

likely to have stalled the potential for some

Salary Checker app, available for iPhone and

a minimum compensation increase in the

individuals to progress within

iPad. The app aims to provide information to

range of 10% to 19% to accept an offer, while

their organisations.

professional job seekers, allowing them to

32% were looking for 20% to 29%. On the

determine their market salary rate, compare

flip side, a minimum salary increase of 10%

deterred professionals in the finance field

this rate with other sectors and locations

to 29% from their current employer would

to look elsewhere for opportunities to

and view salary trends over time.

stop 55% from leaving their current jobs.

fulfil their needs, as George McFerran,

Phil Jenkins, Director, Digital Marketing,

Nonmonetary benefits were also noted as

These factors do not appear to have

Managing Director APAC, eFinancialCareers

Robert Walters commented, “Finding out

crucial, with 65% of respondents perceiving

explained, “While many companies are

what you’re worth can be a minefield but

healthcare as the most critical benefit,

mindful of the risk associated with losing

our new Salary Checker app makes it easy. It

followed by flexible working hours, 21%,

top talent, outward pressures can’t always

also provides a comprehensive and accurate

revealing the desire for an improved work-

be overcome. In this situation we tend to

overview for employers looking to benchmark

life balance.

see more candidates looking externally for a

pay against the rest of the market.”

Aside from compensation, the opportunity for promotion, a supportive


chance to advance their careers despite the challenging hiring environment.”


Shalini Mahtani, Founder

Time to come home, Hong Kongers

Community Business

In today’s internationally developed and

MBE for Shalini Mahtani

highly-transient economy, CEOs are

Founder of Community Business, Shalini

increasingly expressing their concern

Mahtani, recently received an MBE—

with the difficulties associated with

Member of the Order of the British

finding top talent.

Empire—for her outstanding contribution

According to the recent Bringing Talent

to Corporate Social Responsibility in

to Asia study commissioned by talent

Hong Kong. She received her medal from

acquisition firm Alexander Mann, 48%

His Royal Highness, Prince Charles, at

of companies in Asia reported that they

Buckingham Palace on 28 June.

were struggling to find talent, however the

Commenting on her achievement,

company opined that only 9% were looking

Mahtani said, “I am honoured to accept

in the right place—overseas—for people to

this award for my contribution to CSR

fill opportunities. The study recommends

expertise and experience which local firms

in Hong Kong. I will continue to serve

that companies focus on trying to attract

could leverage for a competitive advantage

my home, Hong Kong, and will focus my

candidates originally from Hong Kong who

and sustained growth.”

attention on making Hong Kong a more fair

have moved overseas. Commenting on the study, Martin Cerullo,

The study demonstrated that Asia’s brain drain is continuing to impact businesses,

and equitable society.” Mahtani has written numerous

Managing Director, Development, APAC,

with people moving overseas for travel

publications on the subjects of diversity and

Alexander Mann Solutions illustrated, “APAC

(65%), work experience (45%), better pay

inclusion, work-life balance and corporate

professionals who have moved abroad

(38%) or opportunities (38%). Cerullo argued

community investment in addition to

are some of the city’s best and brightest.

that businesses need to understand where

the work she has done with Community

What’s more, their time overseas has made

APAC nationals overseas look for jobs and

Business to further the cause of equality in

them even more valuable, earning in-depth

harness those channels to ‘market’ to them.

Hong Kong.

Boardroom ping pong Hong Kong Broadband Network recently announced its secret weapon in reaching boardroom decisions and achieving recordbreaking sales and financial performance in the first half of 2013. The traditional boardroom table has been replaced with a ping pong table to facilitate more relaxed communication and help shake up outdated business styles and boardroom boredom. This quirky boardroom style appears to be working, as latest performance figures released by the company show that, one year after the 62-manager-strong buyout, business is better than ever with revenue, subscriptions and coverage all significantly up. NiQ Lai, Head of Talent Engagement and CFO assures that those who succeed in emerging victorious against their seniors will gain bragging rights—rather than a stern talking to. The company, known for its out-of-thebox ideas and future-led initiatives also recently held its annual Sports Day for its Guangzhou employees, helping to further foster team spirit between Talents and as a sign of appreciation for their hard work.

NiQ Lai, Head of Talent Engagement & CFO, Hong Kong Broadband Network

AUTUMN 2013 • 7


Q1 jobs up 21% in Asia Property management jobs in Singapore

21st century career development

increased by 11.9% in the quarter as the country continues to build new

Korn/Ferry International has launched

developments, however Singapore overall

Forte—a career development tool,

experienced a net drop in job numbers by

intended to reinvigorate talent

Despite continued global economic

0.7% between Q4 2012 and Q1 2013. This

development in today’s competitive

uncertainty, job figures in Asia are showing

may be partly due to an increasing number

industry. Forte professes to give

robustness according to the Robert Walters

of low-margin businesses choosing to hub

employees control over their career

Asia Job Index Q1 2013. The report stated

in Malaysia instead of Singapore as a result

development plan by mapping out a clear

there was an increase in job advertisements

of the strengthening of the Singapore dollar

path to the next level, focusing on the

placed in Q1 of 20.6% across the APAC

and rising operating costs.

skills required to get there.

region. China reported a 23.8% rise in

Matthew Bennett, Managing Director,

Byrne Mulrooney, CEO, Futurestep—Korn/

overall job advertisements throughout Q1

Robert Walters Greater China commented,

Ferry’s Recruitment Process Outsourcing

as a result of a strengthened economy,

“Positive momentum in China has

business—commented, “Employee

following appointment of its new leaders.

somewhat boosted confidence in Hong

development has never been more

China’s expansion of consumer and luxury

Kong. The financial services sector is also

important. Organisations that will succeed

goods into second- and third-tier cities

benefiting from an improving stock market,

and achieve a competitive edge in their

also helped spur this growth in the world’s

with 94% year-on-year growth in equity

industries will put employee engagement at

second-largest economy.

funds in the first two months of 2013.”

the heart of their business strategy.”



Top 10 China dream jobs

China employment, business & visa changes

1. Google

The procedure for obtaining a visa to visit

The exposure draft clarified situations which

2. Nanfang Media Group

or work in the PRC has changed as of 1 July

constitute illegal employment under the

3. Procter & Gamble

2013. Audit, advisory and tax firm KPMG

new law:

4. Apple

shared in the June 2013 China Tax Alert

5. Baidu (China’s answer to Google)

that the exposure draft of the ordinance

6. Bank of China

on the administration of entry and exit

7. Disney

of foreign individuals contains additional

8. Ikea

subcategories which will allow China to

9. Tencent

tighten and standardise processes and better

10. LVMH

define illegal employment behaviour. F visas, previously issued to foreign

Based on a survey of humanities, liberal arts

citizens invited to the PRC for various

and education students in China

reasons including giving lectures, taking part in sports events, conducting business

Google takes the top spot as the most

and research and studying culture and

desirable place to work for humanities,

education, will be split into F and M visas.

liberal arts and education students in China,

Going forward, the F visas will cover

according to the latest global Universum

only non-commercial activities whilst all

Student Survey, which reveals how students

business or trade visits will require M visas.

perceive organisations as employers. The complicated relationship between

The R visa, or ‘new talent visa’, is a new

• working in the PRC without a valid work permit and residence permit unless an exemption is obtained; • carrying out employment duties outside the working jurisdiction stipulated by the work permit; • carrying out employment duties for an employer other than the one specified in the work permit; • foreign students working beyond the scope and hours permitted under the student visa; and, • Z2 visa holders working beyond the scope of work approved by the authority. The application process for residence

addition to cover the visits of senior-level

permits is also going to change. Medical

the Internet giant and the Chinese

executives and foreign nationals with

check-ups—previously required for all

government does not appear to have

special skills that are in shortage in the

foreigners aged between 18 and 70 years old

tarnished its reputation among this specific

PRC. Applications for an R visa will require

when applying for a residence permit—will

target group of students, with 9% of them

recognition by the respective authority at

be extended to incorporate all ages from 16

rating it as their number one employer of

both provincial level and above regarding

and above, with no upper age limit. Also,

choice, moving up three places from last

the skills of the applicant and the need for

the time frame allowed for authorities to

year’s survey.

them in the PRC. Two types of R visa will

process applications is increasing from five

be issued, an R1 visa will be given to those

to 15 days.

Securing second place for two years running is southern China’s leading

staying for over 180 days, while an R2 visa

publisher Nanfang Media Group, with

will be offered for shorter stays, with the

Whilst the need to be aware of who is

the support of 8.9% of students, closely

option of applying for an extension. As

entering the country and when they

followed by Procter & Gamble, which

yet, the criteria for the R visa has not been

plan to leave is clearly important,

maintains the third spot on Universum's

specified, it is expected that in due course

KPMG suggest that an ulterior motive

list, with 8.5% of votes.

guidelines will be issued to assist authorities

may reveal itself. Their statement

in identifying and approving eligible

read, “It will be interesting to see how


the Chinese authorities will link the

Interestingly, this year Apple experienced the biggest drop in popularity of any company in the top ten, sliding down from first to

The Z visa, the standard working visa, is

visa type to the foreign nationals’ tax

fourth place, with only 8.1% of student votes.

to divide into two: Z1 for visits of over 90

compliance status in the PRC, thereby

Despite this disappointing result, Apple

days and a Z2 for shorter visits.

enforcing the collection of individual

upholds its strong reputation and sales record

For family members visiting Chinese

income tax from foreign individuals.

in China regardless of its limited number of

nationals or foreigners with a Chinese Green

It is imperative that the HR personnel

retail outlets in the country.

Card, a new visa—Q—has been introduced.

of companies in the PRC familiarise

Q1 will allow for visits of over 180 days and

themselves with the new visa types and

Q2 for short-term stays.

their associated requirements.”

Technology and media are not the only industries China’s students aspire to break into, with Disney, Ikea and French retailer LVMH—owner of luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton—also making it onto the hot list.

AUTUMN 2013 • 9


Give dad a break! As little as 15% of male executives are taking

After returning to work only two weeks after

advantage of their paternity leave after the

giving birth last year, she decided to take a

arrival of a new addition to the family.

drastic approach to the work-life challenge

This is surprising news given that more

by building, at her own expense, a personal

than half of men surveyed in a recent poll

nursery next to her office so that she could

conducted by Korn/Ferry stated that their

bring her baby to work.

company allows fathers to 'flex' their

This tactic, however, has caused outrage

hours to attend to parenting activities

among some stay-at-home employees

and a significant 61% feel their enterprise

following her announcement that all

encourages a healthy work-life balance.

Yahoo staff would no longer be able to

Furthermore, a whopping 76% of

work from home, demanding that all

respondents believe that companies

remote workers report back to the office or

that offer paternity leave benefits have a

resign. Given the free reign that computer

competitive advantage when it comes to

and technology types are often given to

attracting and retaining top talent. So what

support their creativity this may seem like

is stopping dad from taking a break?

a risky couple of steps for the CEO. In less

According to the poll, as many as four in

than a year, however, she has managed

ten new dads believe that doing so would

to increase Yahoo share price by 74%—

actually slow their career advancement.

something the previous four CEOs could

But what about mum? The pitter-patter of little feet has certainly not hindered the career of new mum and Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer.

not even come close to. It seems that, until attitudes towards

scales are far from balanced for many when it comes to juggling the life of work with

maternity and paternity leave change, the

newfound parenthood.

Staff members of PageGroup once again

kids living with cancer a better chance for a

showed their commitment to the St Baldrick’s

cure. I’m also particularly pleased that for the

Foundation by going under the razor to help

first time, my two young sons went under the

raise funds to go towards research to help find

razor and, with this act, stand in solidarity

a cure for childhood cancer.

with kids their age fighting cancer who

Close shave for CSR

Cheering spectators packed the Hard Rock Café in Lan Kwai Fong to witness fourteen

typically lose their hair during treatment.” The Group’s CSR activity also involves

volunteers from the Michael Page, Page

taking part in the annual Great Wall

Personnel and Page Executive businesses

Marathon held in Beijing, China, which

participate in the charity’s annual shave

sees around 130 staff from the business’s

event held on April 15.

China offices and other locations around

This is PageGroup’s fifth consecutive

the world run along the wall to raise

year of participation, demonstrating their

donations for the charity Operation Smile,

long-term commitment to the Foundation,

which funds surgical procedures for

which has resulted in a contribution of close

children with facial deformities.

to US$ 100,000 in donations raised by staff,

Thompson added, “Our involvement

clients, candidates and friends and family of

in corporate social responsibility activity

the organisation.

is a win/win for everyone. We have raised

Commenting on the chop, Anthony

money that has benefited people in need

Thompson, Regional Managing Director,

while at the same time, our employees

PageGroup, Greater China said, “PageGroup

have had the opportunity to be involved in

has been involved with the St Baldrick’s

incredibly meaningful causes and they have

Anthony Thompson, goes bald for the fifth time at this

Charity Shave event over the past five years

grown and developed through the process

year’s St Baldrick’s Charity event

and we are proud to be doing our part to give

and become better human beings.”



HR MBAs—are they really worth it? With the usefulness of MBAs increasingly scrutinised since the global financial crisis hit, one must ask themselves the question—is it really worth it? As MBAs around the world continue to become more specialised in the separate corporate fields, how useful is an HR MBA? HR Magazine decided to explore this frequently asked question by speaking with Yen, Le Thi Hoang, HR MBA graduate and Country HR Manager at British Council Vietnam. What does an MBA involve? Ms Le Thi Hoang—who recently received her MBA in Human Resource Management from the University of Wales—commented, “The MBA focused on a wide range of challenging topics. Firstly, it gave me a variety of hard skills, focusing on topics such as finance, management, marketing,

Is a bachelor’s degree enough?

operations and change management. It also

When questioned about the benefits gained

greatly assisted in the development of soft

from partaking in the MBA as opposed to

skills including leadership style, business

a regular bachelor’s degree, Le Thi Hoang

For entrepreneurs or corporate types?

ethics and communication.”

stated, “My bachelor’s degree helped me

Many people believe that MBAs are solely

to ‘read and learn’ some of the theory and

useful for people starting their own

on human resources issues including

practice of HR, my experience from working

business; Le Thi Hoang believes this is

employee relations, retention, HR

in HR put some of these pieces of the puzzle

not purely the case. She ascertained that

strategy and HR management, 50% of

together. And now my MBA gives me the

the various case studies and challenges

the course actually concentrated on

right tools to assemble the entire puzzle in a

of the MBA programme could help an

other business topics including sales,

logical, systematic and sensible way.”

entrepreneur launch a new business into

Although the focus of her MBA was

accounting and growth strategy. As

Le Thi Hoang asserted that one does not

a market, but similarly can help people

a result, this allowed more effective

need an MBA to be able to see the entire

working in different corporations become

communication with other areas of the

puzzle, but she feels it has helped her

more entrepreneurial and strategic in their

business outside of the HR function.

substantially as an individual.

day-to-day challenges.

AUTUMN 2013 • 11


BASF launch global learning campus When a staff development programme

region’s development such as a ‘New Leader

proves successful in a local setting, global HR

Program’—a programme designed to groom

executives can be faced with the challenge of

new leaders and accelerate their transition

rolling it out on an international scale. In this

from individual contributor to team leader,

situation it may be difficult to avoid losing

and the ‘New Employee Program’—aimed

some of the course’s effectiveness. Whether

at helping newly joined talents integrate

a company chooses to document and deliver

into the company smoothly and be more

the specifics or ship out the trainers, they

efficient in their roles.

must ensure that the impact of the original course is not compromised.

E-learning platform In addition to the proposed bricks-

Yes, money still talks

Asian talent hub

and-mortar learning hubs, virtual courses

Chemical company BASF is set to launch

will be designed and delivered online in

The latest figures from the jobsDB Q1 2013

a global learning campus to provide its

order to enhance their immediate and

Hiring Index suggest that 82% of employers

employees with best-in-class learning

continued accessibility, allowing for the

are willing to increase a staff member’s

opportunities focused on life-long learning.

best training secrets to be shared, retained

salary to help retain them, after they

The first of its facilities will be set up in Asia

and made available to future trainees.

resign. Other retention measures taken

Pacific, in Singapore. Hans-Christian Marxen,

According to Dr Wolfgang Hapke,

by employers include providing training/

Senior VP, HR APAC for BASF asserted that

President, HR, the advanced learning

career development opportunities (44%)

the country was the perfect place to start the

platform will allow BASF to, “Combine

and providing better work arrangements

venture due to its highly-educated population

global and regional customised

(40%). Mr Justin Yiu, General Manager,

looking for development opportunities to

programmes, in order to support the

jobsDB, Hong Kong commented, “When

give themselves an advantage. The first

continuous development of employees

good employees resign, employers will try

programmes to be offered in the APAC campus

while contributing directly to the

to retain them. This implies that salary is

will be centred on topics deemed core to the

company’s ambitious growth targets.”

one of the top concerns for employees.”

JW Marriott Hotel Awarded Hong Kong Best Employer JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong scooped the top spot in the Aon Hewitt Best Employer Awards in Hong Kong for the second time in a row this May. The award aims to recognise high standards of business and service excellence through effective people management and inspiring outstanding performance from its employees. Mark Conklin, General Manager commented, “I think it’s a reflection on our management team and their hands-on support and involvement of our frontline associates. It’s about teamwork, trust and working together; we are all one team.” From left to right, Jeremy Andrulis, Managing Director, Hong Kong & Taiwan, Aon Hewitt; Karl Hudson, Market Vice President, South China, Marriott International; Sandra Ng, Director, HR, JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong; and Klaus Liu, CEO Greater China, Aon Hewitt



HR letting the grass grow beneath staff’s feet—and reaping the rewards kitchen and walllength windows, which provide a captivating view of Central Hong Kong. The office marks the continued expansion of Spencer Ogden into Asia, building on the successful launch of their first Asian office in Singapore earlier this year, designed in a similarly flamboyant fashion. Design director Bonita SpencerPercival explained that the main inspiration was to provide an environment in which employees felt Global energy recruitment specialists

to the drab, uninspiring appearance

‘energised and motivated to work’, and

Spencer Ogden recently launched their

of many traditional offices. The main

that the best way to do this was to release

new office (pictured above) in Hong Kong,

workspace features large, round tables

them from the shackles of the traditional

providing staff and guests alike with a

standing atop a carpet of astro-turf,

working environment and to give them

stimulating, open space—in stark contrast

alongside a 1950s American-diner-style

something truly special.

AUTUMN 2013 • 13


Dates for your HR diary! September 11 (Tue)

October 7 (Mon)

October 24 (Thu)

December 4 (Tue)





SCMP and Classified Post What: Employer Branding Conference Where: The Mira, Hong Kong Fees:

Orchid Associates Group What:

HR Magazine What:

World Corporate Universities

HR Magazine Conference—


Attracting the best global leaders:


Intipesan What: HR Expo 2013 Where:

executive recruitment & employer

Richard Ivey School of Business—

Jakarta Convention Centre,



Workshop A, HK$2,500

Cheng Yu Tung Management

Cliftons Central Facility

Workship B, HK$3,000

Insitute, 3/F Phase One

Level 5, Hutchison House

+021 7883 8781

1 Harbour Road,

10 Harcourt Road,

Details: hrconference



Full day HK$3,500

Wanchai, Hong Kong Fees:

Central, Hong Kong Fees:

€1000.00 + VAT (I.V.A) @21%

September 26 (Thu) Who: The Goa Chapter at Panaji, Goa

The 3rd APFHRM Annual Regional HR Conference and the 32nd NIPM Annual National Conference 2013 Where: Kala Academy, Goa Details: info@ +91 9 561 266 094

What: Award for Excellence in Training and Development 2013 Where:

The Ken Blanchard Companies What: Blanchard Asia-Pacific Leadership Summit 2013 Where: Marina Bay Sands Hotel, Singapore Details:

October 23rd (Tue)

Whole day HKD 1,200

HR Magazine Conference— appraising & rewarding Where: Cliftons Central Facility, Level 5, Hutchison House

October 28 (Mon)

10 Harcourt Road,

Who: Salvo

Central, Hong Kong Fees:


FREE admission for all individual

The Certified Talent Economist

and corporate subscribers to HR

Programme Where: Singapore


Half day HKD 800

Whole day HKD 1,200


+65 6305 1364

+65 6305 1387

February 18 (Tues)

Pusat Pembangunan Kemahiran Sarawek What:

November 26 (Tue)

2013 Where:

88 Queensway, Admiralty,

Riverside Majestic Hotel

Hong Kong

Kuching, Sarawek, Malaysia Details:

Ms Adela Tsang +61 2774 8576

Ms Ellis Yeung +61 2774 8519

+6082 362279

Who: IQPC Worldwide Pte. What:

Malaysia International Techincal HRD and 9th AASVET Conference

Who: Hong Kong Institute of Human Resources Management What: HKIHRM 33rd Annual Conference & Exhibition Where: Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) 1 Expo Drive, Wanchai, Hong Kong Details:


HR Magazine What:

Details: Who:

JW Marriot Hotel Hong Kong,


Half day HKD 800


JW Marriott Ballroom (Level 3),

Pacific Place





+65 6775 1030

September 27 (Tue)

and corporate subscribers to HR


January 13 (Thu)

FREE admission for all individual


October 7 (Mon)


12th Annual HR Transformation & Service Delivery Summit Where: Grand Copthorne Hotel Singapore Details: +65 6722 9388


57% Percentage of employers that don’t communicate with employees on benefits.


Source: Towers Watson, Asia Pacific Employee Benefit Trends survey, 2013

Percentage of employers that think their employees valued their benefits sufficiently or higher. Source: Towers Watson, Asia Pacific Employee Benefit Trends survey, 2013

81% Percentage of employers that now have a documented benefit strategy to guide their on-going benefit decisions, compared to 66% in 2009.

Source: Towers Watson, Asia Pacific Employee Benefit Trends survey, 2013

32% Percentage of employers that will increase flexibility in their benefits next year.

15% Percentage of staff that said employer benefits were of no value.

Source: Towers Employee Benefit Trends survey, 2013

Percentage of employers that don’t communicate with employees on benefits. Source: Towers Watson, Asia Pacific

87% Percentage of global consumers who think brands should put equal priority towards the common good as well as corporate interests.

Employee Benefit Source: Student Body of America Association

Trends survey, 2013

86% Percentage of Hong Kong employers who say talent shortages will have a significant impact on their ability to serve clients and maintain competitiveness in 2013. Source: ManpowerGroup Hong Kong, Annual Talent Shortage Survey 2013

Source: Towers Watson, Asia Pacific Employee Benefit Trends survey, 2013

Watson, Asia Pacific


297% Percentage increase in foreign employees working in China over the last decade. Source: China’s Census Data, National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2012

AUTUMN 2013 • 15


AUTUMN 2013 • 17



Don’t get red carded by your employees

Employers globally are getting less and less

This, according to the Aon Global Risk

‘risk ready’. Just 59% now consider themselves

Management Survey 2013, recently launched

prepared for—or at least aware of—the multitude

in Hong Kong with the help of a host of

of factors which could damage their brand

individuals well-versed in people decisions

reputation, working capability and potential for

and team tactics including Manchester

talent attraction. This figure has declined by 7%

United legend Bryan Robson, Phil Townsend,

since 2011, perhaps accounting for the increase

the club’s Director of Communications and

of 14% in reported loss of income from the top

John Shiels, CEO of the Manchester United

ten rated risks between 2011 and 2013. ‘Failure

Foundation. With AON supporting the team’s

to attract or retain top talent’ has been rated as

2013 pre-season Asia tour—which ended

the fifth most important risk facing managers

with their 5 – 2 victory against Hong Kong’s

worldwide, representing a five-point leap in four

Kitchee team—they were able to share the

years, showing the increase in people-strategy

team-behind-the-team’s wisdom on team

anxiety amongst HR managers.

investment and analysing the competition.



From left to right: Phil Townsend, Director of Communications, Manchester United, Bryan Robson, Manchester United Legend ‘Captain Marvel’, and John Shiels, CEO, Manchester United Foundation

AUTUMN 2013 • 19


Left: Aon Hewitt and Aon Risk Solutions leadership teams meet with the media

Team players With a team of 60 players, 750 employees behind the scenes and 650 million fans worldwide, managing expectations poses a challenge of impressive scale. Townsend acknowledged that when it comes to the players, money is the number one retention tactic, while Shiels stressed the importance of making the team robust enough that it is never overly reliant on just one individual. For instance, the loss of Ronaldo did not damage the team as heavily as it could have thanks to the dynamics already fostered between the remaining teammates. Health and well-being ranks high on the agenda for the club too, which takes responsibility for the team as a whole including players, cleaners, ticket collectors, security and pitch management. Brand pride With a reputation such as Manchester United’s preceding them, job applicants often bring with them an alreadyestablished sense of pride and brand loyalty, something which the club does not want to disappoint. Players’ fitness levels are assessed continuously by ever-more technical means, showing them that the club values their investment and wants to help them be the best they can be. Staff are kept motivated by the prospect of supporting their club—when the team makes it to a league final, the contribution of the staff is rewarded, they are taken to cheer on the team at the match. For domestic finals they can share the team spirit and bring a plus one. Risk vs. opportunity When it comes to match strategy, no coach or manager will ever take a decision without fully considering the risks involved. Up until the last minute, even when player fitness has been assessed and the competition has been observed and analysed, one underthought decision could spell the end of a winning streak, or even a career. The nature of risk, however, is such that one decision could bring dividends. The Aon Global Risk Management Survey, compiled from the responses of over 1,400 companies worldwide, shows that in 2013 the most-used risk assessment method, primarily used by 62% of organisations, is senior management judgement. Hugh Graham, SVP, Balance Sheet & Risk, AIA warned that this traditional method needs to be shaken up, with contribution moving both top-down and bottom-up. He explained, “Risk management can be invisible; either nothing is going wrong or it’s thanks to the good—or lucky—risk management.” He shared that companies must ascertain their risk appetite through scenario modelling, updating of governance guidelines and benchmarking to prevent talent from defecting. Fortunately for Hong Kong’s hard-core Kitchee and Manchester United fans, it was decided to let the friendly go ahead despite international unease about their match being played on a highly waterlogged pitch, which presented the risk of player injury shortly before the start of the season. People risk on the rise Edouard Merette, CEO, Aon Hewitt APAC advocated creating a risk-aware culture with ownership, management and communication, and at the same time ensuring that risk factors are high on the board’s list of priorities.

Left: Winnie Wong, CEO, Aon Risk Solutions, Hong Kong


SUMMER 2013 • 20


Left to right: Murray Wood, Regional Managing Director Asia, Financial Services & Professions Group, Aon Risk Solutions, Edouard Merette, CEO, Aon Hewitt Asia Pacific, John Shiels, CEO, Manchester United Foundation, Gavin Gui, General Manager, Hilti (Hong Kong ) Limited, Hugh Graham, Senior Vice President, Balance Sheet and Risk, AIA Group, Y.C. Koh, President, Asia, American Express Int’l., Inc. and Jeremy Andrulis, Managing Director, Aon Hewitt Hong Kong and Taiwan

Jeremy Andrulis, MD, Aon Hewitt Hong

opportunity cost, he said, “You’ve got to do

of what will happen once a player is too old

Kong & Taiwan revealed that the least risky

something difficult to get to that end part.”

to play. While some are fortunate and able

location in the world for people is New York

to continue in a career related to football,

City, followed by Singapore. Hong Kong

Three degrees of generation

such as Ryan Giggs as coach for Manchester

came in at seventh place. This is, however,

The emergence and integration of the

United and Robson as Manager of the

set to change. Merette explained, “In the

younger generation into the workplace has

Thailand national team, the reality is that

mid 90s it was difficult to find talents. Now

caused HR managers headaches aplenty.

even football stars must plan for when their

the whole world has come to Hong Kong

Trying to align their future aspirations,

skills and talents no longer place them on

and the locals have entered the market.

working styles and benefit must-haves

the top of the pile. Robson commented,

China and India is set to produce a huge

with the time-honoured traditions in place

“You must plan before you finish your

amount of qualified individuals and so the

in established organisations is no mean

football career. You don’t want to end up

challenge will increase greatly.”

feat. Add to this the challenge of appeasing

about 35 with no education.” For managers,

the Gen Yers and even Baby Boomers that

Shiels recommended fostering team spirit

Opportunity cost

are comfortable with their working routine

and stressed that if in a position to do so,

Phil Clement, Global Chief, Marketing

and were required to jump through the

you should help to make youths more

and Communications Officer, Aon plc

very hoops that the latest generation is

successful than when they joined you. The

urged employers to consider the level

managing to avoid. But who is to blame?

Manchester United Foundation is designed

of engagement within their firm when

Merette believes that dynamic and varied

to seek out children in less fortunate areas

weighing up risks. Whilst risk is, as is its

work spaces and working styles are the way

to give them the opportunity to be bigger

nature, a game of unknown outcomes,

of the future and that trying to stave off

and better than they themselves thought

risk officers and HR teams should be

progress is pointless. He commented, “The

possible. Managers could do well to take this

recognising that their entire team is

problem with Gen Y is us old people.”

view, teaching not only the soft skills but

crucial in moving forward. Whether it be

also the harder skills to make employees

by ensuring the health of every member

Players to trainers

more engaged, more productive and great

is up to scratch, assuring members that

Robson, having been able to make a career

brand ambassadors.

input and innovation are welcomed and

out of football since the tender age of 15,

encouraged, or appreciating the value

acknowledged that those in football, and

your team is engaged, brand proud and

of developing your people against the

those around them, must always be aware

aiming for the same goal?

So, are you doing enough to make sure

AUTUMN 2013 • 21


As American and European economies continue to slowly stumble ahead in 2013, a great deal of speculation remains with regard to how this is affecting Asia and Greater China. Despite many Hong Kong-based professionals predicting a gloomy outlook for the SAR’s economic short- to medium-term future, the latest Manpower Employment Outlook Survey for Q3 2013 reveals that Hong Kong employers, in most sectors, are in fact taking a more bullish approach to hiring and staff expansion plans in key sectors.

An aggregate view on the outlook reveals that, across the APAC region, hiring plans are



strongest in Taiwan, New Zealand and India,



Positive hiring plans throughout the eight countries

and surprisingly weakest in Australia, which



and territories in the Asia Pacific. Employers in Taiwan

New Zealand


are the most optimistic of any in the 42 countries and



territories surveyed. However, India’s Net Employment



Outlook is the least optimistic reported by the country’s



employers since the survey began.



may reduce the desirability of Australia as one of the best countries to live and work in. Optimism rising After removing seasonal variations from survey data, Manpower reported that Hong Kong’s Net Employment Outlook stands at +13%, a positive result, which indicates that more employers plan to actually

Hong Kong


United States






Costa Rica






United Kingdom


by one percentage point year-on-year.



This suggests that many employers are





increase rather than decrease staffing levels. The outlook for hiring prospects has strengthened by two percentage points quarter-on-quarter but has weakened

remaining cautious when it comes to hiring. Of the 805 employers surveyed, a promising 18% forecast an increase in



South Africa


staffing levels within the next quarter, with



only 4% predicting a decrease. However,



the majority, 75%, forecast no change in Q3,



indicating that the head count is predicted



to remain relatively stable, with no ‘mass



hiring’ drives from employers. Q3 2013 Net Employment Outlooks: 65,000+ hiring managers interviewed across 42 countries and territories * Indicates unadjusted Net Employment Outlook data

Cautious optim ism 22 • HR MAGAZINE



showed a 16.5% increment from the previous Quarter-over-quarter


year.” The Survey reported that employers

Compared to 42 countries surveyed in Q2 2013

Compared to 41 countries surveyed in Q3 2013

within the transportation & utilities sector group predict steady workforce gains with an outlook of +13%, increased by a substantial five percentage points from the same quarter in 2012. Chui commented, “The Government’s support to reinforce and enhance Hong Kong’s position as an international shipping centre with high value-added maritime services has further propelled the hiring pace of this sector as the logistics industry now makes up one quarter





Relatively stable


Relatively stable






of Hong Kong’s GDP.” Positive albeit cautious outlook for other sectors Hiring within the finance, real estate

Notable shifts

Notable shifts Spain +5%

Japan +4%

and insurance sectors is likely to remain

India -6%

India -28%

steady in Q3, with employers reporting

China -4%

China -4%

an outlook of +13%, up three percentage points quarter-on-quarter, but down three percentage points since the Q3 2012 outlook. Fresh graduates looking for entry

Shifts in hiring plans

into the finance sector may not have as Mining and services on the rise

Manpower Group, Greater China Operations

many opportunities as those graduating

According to the Survey—which observed

explained, “Hong Kong’s ten major

two years ago, however Chui maintains

finance; insurance & real estate;

infrastructure projects continue to place

that there is still demand for talent in

manufacturing, mining & construction

added pressure on labour demand within the

risk management and compliance due to

services; transportation & utilities; and

construction sector and the Government’s

tightened banking regulations.

wholesale & retail trade sectors—all

plan to increase public housing has brought

industries expect to continue adding to their

positive benefits to stimulate hiring.

reported an outlook of +9%, which is nine

staff levels. Year-on-year, two-thirds of

However, despite positive demand within

percentage points lower than the Q3 2012

employers reported weaker hiring paces,

the sector, finding available workers with

outlook, indicating that hiring in these

whilst two of the six industry sectors

the right skills remains a challenging issue.”

sectors may continue to proceed cautiously.

surveyed reported strengthened outlooks.

Commenting on the growth of services, she

Whilst both local consumption and

observed, “Tourism is another mainstay of

mainland tourist demand remains steady,

sectors are also optimistic about future hiring

our economy, accounting for 4.5% of our

Hong Kong is still one of the world’s most

as Lancy Chui, Regional Managing Director,

GDP. Inbound tourism spending in 2012

expensive regions for retailers to rent.

The mining & construction and services

The wholesale and retail sector

g n o hirin K g g n Ho AUTUMN 2013 • 23


HR must provide advice, not reports...lessons from Walmart During these globally unstable economic

have enough talent to fuel our growth.”

closely together to identify a select few

times, every department within an

In fact the organisation had huge amounts

key metrics—for example percentage of

organisation is being examined with regards

of talent, but HR was just not clear about

customer complaints for customer service

to their level of indispensability. Strategic

exactly what key skills each staff member

staff, or frequency of on-time delivery for

HR involves the provision of advice to the

had and where those skills might be

driving and loading staff—for different

company’s leadership, as opposed to just

transferable into different postings. Pearson

teams within the organisation, as well

reports, according to Ken Pearson, currently

recalled a situation where an accountant

as ensuring they are aligned with the

Director of Business Execution Architecture,

with specialist knowledge departed from the

company’s vision and strategy, before

SuccessFactors, and formerly Director of

organisation, and there was a great deal of

implementing a metric-tracking system.

Talent Development at Walmart Stores.

emphasis placed on the difficulty of finding

It is highly beneficial to identify internal

someone with this technical knowledge,

talent metrics before spending money

hosted an executive breakfast roundtable

and the need to hire someone from outside

on expensive applicant tracking systems

at the Hong Kong Football Club on 4

of Walmart. In the end this staff member’s

and external hires. Commenting on the

June. Delegates included senior-level HR

replacement was found unloading trucks at

importance of having representatives

Directors, VPs and C-level executives from a

one of the Walmart stores, as it turned out

from every department assisting with the

variety of industries.

he had the required degree and hence the

implementation of such projects, he then

specialist accounting knowledge to be able

highlighted the importance of obtaining

to perform effectively in this job.

buy-in from staff at all levels.

HR Magazine and SuccessFactors

Pearson spoke in depth about his previous global HR leadership position served at Walmart, and the fundamental challenges

Pearson highlighted the importance of

Pearson debunked the myth that ‘HR

that he faced in the global retailer. He

HR searching for talent and niche skillsets

does not have a proper place at the board

reported, “I worked for a company with

within the organisation, as opposed to

table’ by commenting, “HR does have a

2.2 million employees, but every year I

always looking externally—from new

seat at the table. But just make sure you

heard the same problems recounted from

hires—at times when skills shortages are

check what you’re bringing to the table. HR

my leadership—the single thing that kept

hindering company progress. He emphasised

must provide advice to the CEO, not just

them awake at night was that we didn’t

the importance of HR and IT working

reports full of metrics.”

Ken Pearson, Director, Business Execution Architecture, APAC (right) and Francis Chan, Director of Product Solutions and HCM Strategy, APAC, SuccessFactors (centre) discuss the importance of valuable HR metrics reports with Paul Arkwright, Publisher, HR Magazine (left).



AUTUMN 2013 • 25


Going against the grain Reverse mentoring—make or break?

Tops tips for reverse mentoring:

Coaching your manager and lecturing your

trends in social media, technology and

CEO about the way of the future might only

consumer culture, with a view to bringing

seem like things that would happen in the

key benefits to the organisation and the

wildest dreams of today’s young employees

development of its future leaders. Turning

and interns, particularly in the hierarchical

the tables on traditional managerial roles,

world of Hong Kong. In reality, however, this

and taking a bottom-up—rather than top-

concept—known in the HR field as reverse

down—approach, enabled Welsh to facilitate

mentoring—is becoming increasingly popular

learning within the organisation by injecting

among organisations across Asia, which are

fresh views and ideas to foster a more

striving to keep their finger on the pulse of new

flexible and adaptable environment, better

technology trends and remain at the forefront

suited to the ever-changing digital world

of the digital revolution. But is turning the

and able to change with the times.

tables on traditional managerial roles really

The theory was that, over time, senior


Never assume knowledge and never let your ego get in the way. If you are a senior manager with 15+ years of experience, you can STILL learn from someone half your age or a recent graduate. The way that technology—and the world—is

the answer to staying ahead of the game and

leaders would adopt a new culture whilst

evolving today means that someone much

cracking the digital world of business, or

sending the message to less-experienced

more junior could be more advanced in

merely a recipe for disaster in the workplace?

members that their opinions and ideas were

To find out, HR Magazine caught up with Karin

valued. Even if their ideas were not adopted,

Clarke, Asia Regional Director of recruitment

workers would still have a chance to express

specialist, font, who has taken the tried and

their views and be heard by their seniors and

tested approach to reverse mentoring.

peers. This experience also allowed junior staff to develop their coaching and communication

In theory

skills, which they could continue to build upon

The concept of reverse mentoring was first

throughout their career. Whilst this all sounds

introduced by General Electric's former

simple and successful in theory, does it really

Chairman Jack Welsh in 1999 when he

work in practice?

directed 600 of his top managers to pair up with younger workers to learn more about technology and the Internet. Welsh had realised that the younger generation, now commonly termed Gen Y, was far more tech-savvy and adaptable to fast-paced advancements within the digital world, which some more senior leaders struggled to keep up with. Welsh’s recognition of this knowledge gap led him to adopt the practice of reverse mentoring, or rather backwards learning, whereby less experienced or younger employees were given the chance to mentor more senior members of staff on certain skills, attitudes and even perceptions. This included business interests, such as


areas beyond your expertise.



While teaching your colleagues, use terms that everyone can understand. If

In practice

What the theory does require to work

you are using jargon or brand

According to Clarke, reverse mentoring has

successfully in practice, however, is for

new acronyms, explain

provided immense benefits to the business’

senior managers to be willing to learn and

productivity and morale. Putting theory

question with an open mind and nurture

what they mean.


Help to teach with

into practice has not only enabled junior

mutual trust and respect within the mentee/

employees to mentor their seniors on social

mentor relationship. Once these elements

media, its various uses and the potential

have been established, the mentor can open

reach it has, but also tutor them on Apple

up to give more candid insights into how

Mac programs, apps and shortcuts that can

the younger generation actually uses their

be used to save time in the office.

smartphones, apps and online communities.

practical examples and

Clarke herself confessed that she had

demonstrations. Then

never used Apple before, until the newest

and provide a glimpse into the mindset

ask the team to try this

staff member in the office sat down with her

of the younger generation—a particularly


to walk her through all of the tips, tricks and

useful process for organisations targeting

shortcuts. She found this so useful that she

a more youthful consumer base. Clarke

decided upon the top five must-know short

explained that one of her major clients

cuts and had palm-sized laminated cards

within the field of telecommunications

created for all staff in the office.

actually uses its new graduates for


A short take-away

Reflecting on the experience, Clarke

document (with bullet points)

explained, “A manager may spend hours

is helpful. This can show staff

attending courses or teaching themselves to

These insights can go beyond technology

brainstorming sessions on marketing campaigns aimed at younger audiences.

how to perform this action again.

use Apple Mac shortcuts, but when paired

Building bridges

Staff will use this the first couple

with a Gen Y employee for an hour, could

These valuable insights into the hearts

have the most important ones mastered, as

and minds of Gen Yers, may well be key

well as picking up a bunch of other handy

to bridging the knowledge gap between

tips. This can be quite an eye-opener and

the CEO and the fresh graduate, helping

spur a generation of new ideas around

to build connectivity between generations

communicating, with not only your staff,

within an organisation. In Hong Kong,

but also your wider customer base.”

where technology and new digital

of times and throw it away once familiar.


Avoid allowing staff to miss

advancements play such a vital role in most Be open to change

companies, this is certainly a challenge that

As beneficial a concept as it is, Clarke

needs to be overcome.

the sessions (this spirals and

admits that reverse mentoring is yet to

the importance given to them

be embraced by organisations in Hong

continue to invest heavily in their digital

slowly diminishes). This also

Kong, largely due to the cultural norms

and creative teams and hire digitally-savvy,

surrounding superiority and set roles

creatively-trained graduates, but they also

within the workplace. For some businesses,

need their CEOs and managers to be as

the idea of a superior seeking advice from

clued-up as their young grads. In today’s

a subordinate might be a hard one to

rapidly evolving business environment,

swallow, as this would require them to

companies need to understand these

temporarily set aside the subordinate-

employees’ expectations and needs in order

boss relationship, which goes against

to retain their best talent and ensure the

the grain of how businesses have always

growth of the organisation.”

helps to build the morale of the staff who are chosen to train their seniors.

operated in the past. Clarke insists,

Clarke explained, “Hong Kong businesses

Whilst reverse mentoring may not be every

however, that reverse mentoring is still

business’s answer to staying at the forefront

a formal relationship, as they are not

of the digital revolution, it is certainly

simply ‘hanging out’ and it follows similar

working for some organisations across Asia.

objectives and ground rules to a traditional

Until the concept is more widely embraced

mentoring programme that HR would

in Hong Kong, however, it may be some time

ordinarily deliver.

before fresh hires are running the place.

AUTUMN 2013 • 27




Rebranded Out

The word rebranding tends to wash over HR these days, in a ‘yes, we’ve heard it all before’ kind of way. But, despite the growing need for organisations to reconsider their brand, does the process simply involve looking at how the firm is perceived?

Why rebrand?

small and large, should be looking at

Entrepreneurs continue to be attracted to

branding as a critically important concept,

the Hong Kong region—due to low barriers

during both good and bad economic times.

to entry—and therefore competition across many sectors, including the recruitment

Review the business

industry, continues to intensify. Achieve

Babis reported that the rebranding exercise

Asia is a Hong Kong-based recruitment

was not simply a case of changing the ‘look’

firm currently undergoing a fundamental

of the company from an outside perspective,

rebranding project. Damien Babis, Director

it also involved a fundamental review of the

& Founder, Achieve Asia commented, “The

services they offer to candidates and clients.

recruitment market is changing, not only

As well as the traditional recruitment

in terms of increasing competition but also

service of identifying exceptional, ‘hard

regarding demand from business partners,

to source’ talent for their clients and

clients and candidates. It is important

finding great opportunities for strong

for companies to look at how they are

candidates, the company also offers a range

communicating their product and service

of additional services including third-party

looking at our entire business practices and

range to external parties, as opposed to

employment services, outsourced payroll,

what needed to be changed.”

purely relying on their reputation to facilitate

in-house recruiting services and temporary

growth.” Building a strong, relevant brand is

& contract staffing. Babis commented, “We

Involve all parties

not only imperative for engaging with new

realised that we have to communicate to

Rebranding is not something that should

customers, but it also helps maintain strong

clients and candidates what services we can

be looked at by the marketing department

ties with current clients.

provide to them, but—equally important—

alone. Whilst marketing teams are

what we can not offer too.”

heavily involved in the operational

Babis illustrated that the aim of rebranding was not only to enhance the

The rebranding of Achieve Asia was not

Damien Babis, Director & Founder, Achieve Asia

implementation of various aspects of

candidate and client experience of Achieve

an overnight process; Babis disclosed it is

rebranding, it is vital that all employees

Asia, but also to help potential employees

an ongoing process, even after the project’s

are engaged in the rebranding concept

of the business understand more about the

initial implementation. He explained,

including the sales, finance, HR, IT and

identity of the business and the experience

“We realised the importance of talking

operational support functions, as well

of working there. Greater transparency

with various stakeholders of the business,

as external parties such as suppliers,

regarding the benefits and features of

be it employees, management, clients,

customers and various other stakeholders.

working life at the company is now evident

candidates and other parties. We consulted

from the new website.

with a business specialising in branding,

of the rebranding exercise at Achieve Asia,

There is great importance placed on

When asked about the overall experience

transformed our logo and the look and

Babis concluded, “This has been a valuable

taking a step back and looking at the

feel of the business and services offered.

opportunity to review the whole business

company’s brand and operations from an

We also launched an entirely revamped

and what we are all about. What began as a

external perspective, as opposed to simply

website, which includes new features such

rebranding exercise has ended up as a top-

continuing with day-to-day operations.

as an interactive salary review function for

down and bottom-up strategic reflection of

Babis believes that clients in every sector,

jobseekers and companies. We ended up

the entire organisation.”

AUTUMN 2013 • 29


Civil service...that’ll do nicely Students name HKSAR Government as ideal employer

University students in Hong Kong have

Electric. CLP Group leapt 22 places in the

named the HKSAR Government as their

business category, DBS Bank rose 24 places

ideal employer. Over 4,000 students from

in the engineering category and HK Electric

various fields took part in the Wetfeet Talent

jumped 38 places in the humanities category.

Insider Review, conducted by Universum. The HKSAR Government moved up one

Out of favour

place from second position in 2012, pushing

At the other end of the scale, General

the former number one—HSBC—off the

Electric and Royal Bank of Scotland fell

top spot.

out of the Top 100 in the Business and

The survey also revealed that, while

Engineering categories, respectively. LG

keen to find a secure job with a friendly

barely managed to stay in the Top 100

working atmosphere and a good work-

range after plunging 47 places. Whilst the

life balance, Hong Kong students are less

second and third top employer spots for

interested in a job with international travel

Business students were claimed by HSBC

or relocation implications—the popularity of

and JP Morgan, local banks are increasing

international careers dropped by 7%.

in popularity. Hang Seng Bank climbed six

Ankiti Modi, Country Manager,

places to reach 14th, while the Bank of East

UNIVERSUM commented, “As the world’s

Asia reached 39th place, a rise of 18 places.

top financial centre—ahead of the US, UK and Singapore—and poised to become the

Salary expectations

world’s biggest financial centre by 2016,

This year’s survey revealed that Hong Kong

Hong Kong is definitely making a stronger

students’ expectations of remuneration

presence today than ever. With the world’s

have risen to HKD17,578—an 11% rise on last

attention on Asia with Hong Kong at its

year. The Engineering cohort had the biggest

heart, it is no wonder that future talent

increase in salary expectations at 16%, to

generally feel a great sense of pride to work

HKD17,248. The importance of high future

in the city upon graduation and give less

earnings proved to have significantly increased

emphasis to having an international career

for Business students this year when compared

or having opportunities for international

to last, becoming the attribute that they

travel or relocation.”

consider third-most important.

New kids on the block

on job security by Business students, and

The banking sector continues to be the

also on high future earning by students in

most attractive industry for Business

the Auditing and Accounting industry, the

students to work in after graduation.

Big 4—PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte

Engineering student favour the

Touche Tohmatsu, Ernst & Young and

Engineering and Manufacturing industry

KPMG—have been seen steadily working

while those in Humanities chose Media

their way up the leader board since 2011.

and Advertising.

Currently, Deloitte is most popular at fifth

With increasing importance being placed

The companies that most shook up the rankings were CLP Group, DBS Bank and HK

place but each of the four made it into the Top 10.

AUTUMN 2013 • 31


Life Work

Hong Kong


Despite the global work-life balance index falling, Hong Kong citizens have bucked the trend by improving their quality of life.

Hong Kong may have a reputation for

the global average, while local men fare less

just about the number of hours people work,

having a workaholic culture, however—

well with a much lower score—just below

but also about how much people achieve

contrary to popular belief—Hong Kong

the global average of 120/160. This may be

during those hours and how much they

workers have struck a balance between

due to women spending more time at home

enjoy what they do. Hong Kong is a strong

their personal and professional lives,

with family and, as such, achieving higher

example of a hard-working and productive

according to new research. China, on the

satisfaction rates.

marketplace where people feel content with

other hand, has seen a sharp decrease

the amount of time and energy they have

in the work-life balance and has been

A harder-working China

overtaken by India, which is now lending

While Singapore and Taiwan have also

more time to leisure.

experienced modest gains compared to last

Room for improvement

year's Index, mainland China witnessed

Robin Bishop, Director, Corporate

produced by Regus, has fallen slightly with

a sharp 13-point drop from last year’s

Responsibility, Community Business

workers still shouldering the additional

149/160 index points to this year’s 136/160.

commented, “It is certainly encouraging

workload that was taken on during the

While still one of the highest scores in

to see that the work-life balance has

downturn. As a result, a staggering 42%

the region, this represents one of the

improved for Hong Kong. Over the past

of workers now spend less time at home

steepest declines, with 72% of mainland

seven years, our own research survey

with family than they used to due to work

professionals reporting that they spend

has shown minimal increase in people’s

commitments, with most major European

more time working now than they did last

satisfaction achieving a good balance and

markets, the US and Australia being hit

year. Despite this, 69% report finding work

there’s clearly room for improvement.”

the hardest.

now more enjoyable.

The global Work-Life Balance Index,

The Index took into account time spent

Commenting on the Index, John

for their lives outside of work.”

It’s good to see that the overall perception of the workforce in Hong Kong

away from home, productivity in the

Henderson, Chief Finance Officer, Regus

is changing and more progress can be made

workplace, additional work and the overall

Asia Pacific said, "These results have to be

if companies take the lead on creating

satisfaction of workers worldwide to give

good news for Hong Kong, since staff who

a culture that promotes flexibility and

a general picture of personal work-life

are happy at work are both more productive

encourages individual employees to take

harmony. Interestingly, women in Hong

and less likely to leave. These findings

ownership for proactively managing their

Kong enjoy a better work-life balance than

demonstrate that work-life balance is not

own work-life balance.



AUTUMN 2013 • 33



Does an office have to look like an office?


Unconventional solution

According to Yaw, even though employees

With retention of key talent being one

may finish work at 5 or 6pm, they are

of the most pressing concerns facing the

often not in a rush to leave. He stated,

continued growth and success of companies

“They like to stay here; they hang out,

today, employers are having to make a more

they get to know each other. It all helps to

concerted effort to deliver a consistently

deconstruct real and perceived boundaries

appealing EVP that is not simply attractive

which can often be a problem in more

in the short term, but remains so over

traditional workplaces.”

the long-term to forge increased loyalty and stronger allegiances between staff

Company culture

and company. Elabram Systems recently

The design of the office space is intended to

launched a new office in Jakarta—a non-

reflect the deeper values of the company;

conventional workspace which Sunny Yaw,

values which help to maintain a low rate

Technical Director, envisages as part of the

of employee turnover and a high rate of

solution to making all members of staff feel

productivity and satisfaction amongst staff.

included and valued.

In the three months that Elabram have been in the new office, employee productivity

Effective utilisation of space

and focus have increased, while stress levels

Yaw believes that one of the key facets that

have reduced significantly. In fact ‘office’

can increase employee retention lies in doing

almost seems an inappropriate term for a

something unique, and to offer a sense of

space in which employees not only do their

community not found in other workplaces.

jobs, but also socialise and relax outside of

The space he acquired in Jakarta presented

the regular working hours.

him with the opportunity to realise this; a blank canvas on which he could paint his

Harmonious productivity

own vision for an office that is not simply

Talent retention remains one of the

functional, but utilises space in a way which

major pressing issues facing employers

makes everyone feel more comfortable and

today—acquiring the right, talented staff

relaxed, allowing them to remain focused

is often difficult enough, but convincing

and driven towards achieving goals.

them to stay and build their career with you remains an altogether more difficult,

As an increasing number of companies begin to consider the benefits of providing more stimulating working environments to their employees, HR Magazine visits a workplace which has taken this idea further than most and evaluates the effects on communication, production and staff wellbeing.

Redefining the workplace

long-term challenge. A significant step

The open concept space incorporates

towards addressing this concern lies in

influences from a range of styles, with

understanding the reasons that people have

a kitchen and bar running the length

for leaving. Often, matters can boil down

of the main room, facing wall-length

to a simple lack of inspiration or sense of

windows, which add to the overall feeling

identity within the team. A more involved,

of openness and space. Comfortable

social atmosphere, such as that constructed

seating and carefully-sourced décor mean

by Elabram, fosters an environment in

that two of the meeting rooms are more

which employees not only enjoy working,

reminiscent of what you might expect

but also spending time together after work.

to find in a coffee shop while walking

This sense of freedom and the reduction

through any number of modern European

of barriers between tiers of the workforce

cities than the traditional, functional, grey

serve to forge a far more harmonious and

environments of other offices. The third

mutually satisfying experience for people

meeting room, Yaw’s personal favourite

at all levels of the organisation, which

and so-called ‘main event’, takes the form

positively affects productivity and ensures a

of an elevated container, located above a

better working life for all.

games area, which contains a multitude

There will always be external factors

of welcoming sofas, chairs, a billiard table

to consider, but a pleasant working

and even an Xbox.

environment remains high on the list of priorities for any major talent. Sustained

Refuge from chaos

long-term growth and development are key

The swirling maelstrom of smoke and

for any major company—addressing the

metal that is rush hour in Jakarta means

issue of talent retention is central to that,

Opposite: the newly opened

that simply getting home at the end of the

and it seems like companies such as Elabram

Elabram System’s office in Jakarta

working day can be a stressful experience.

may have found part of the solution.

AUTUMN 2013 • 35


Catching up with complexity The pace of change in HR is taking its toll in a world of ever-growing complexity

2 3 4

Human resources is at the centre of a

factors included changes in regulation and

the path for people success.Embrace

storm—a significant one. As organisations

compliance and the emergence of new

technology. If you are in HR today then

seek to exploit every aspect of their

technologies that make it more difficult to

you are a technologist. Your ability to

operations to drive competitive advantage,

gather important data.

understand technology and make it work

they are finally recognising that the biggest

The results of this global survey were

for you, not the other way around, will

lever for growth—their people—is not only

particularly gloomy in the APAC region,

be a huge factor in your success. If your

the one they need to focus the most on, but

with 17% of HR leaders and executives in

candidates are on Facebook or Twitter,

also the hardest to grasp. After all, people

Hong Kong having little confidence in their

then go there too. If you’re not sure what

are inherently complex and outcomes of

leaders to handle accelerating complexity.

Cloud computing is, or SaaS, then get

changing the way we work with our people

In Singapore, 33% of respondents feel


are never certain. Add to that a time of

‘overwhelmed’ by complexity in their

unprecedented economic volatility and a

roles. These results are concerning as with

pace of change in technology that we have

fear and uncertainty comes paralysis—

cares about cost per hire, measure it,

never seen before and it requires HR to

at the very time that HR needs to be

if they care more about quality of hire

develop a clarity of purpose and strength of

actively responding to the challenge. HR

then measure that. It’ll be more difficult

will that has often been absent.

professionals, therefore, must learn to deal

but much more valuable. The two key

with complexity in order to thrive and avoid

requirements in HR metrics are alignment

the risk of slowly fading away.

with the business and simplicity.

Transforming HR from a purely administrative function to one that actively drives business results is a process that has already started, but given the fast-paced

Hints and tips for ‘embracing’ complexity

change of this evolution, most organisations do not have the time required to unleash the


1. Do not see complexity as a problem

3. Measure what matters—if your business

4. Embrace failure and take risks. Accelerated evolution requires trial and error, and with error comes failure.

full potential of its talent. Today the focus

to be solved. Understanding that it

Achieving competitive advantage

of HR needs to be in creating conditions

is the complexity of your workforce

in hiring and developing talent

in which talent succeeds and a service

that creates its power is the start of

usually means doing things that your

provider to help line management to achieve

this important journey. If that means

competitors are not, and so learning to

objectives through ingenious strategies to

different hiring processes between

live on the edge and getting it wrong as

hire, onboard and retain top talent.

countries or functions, more than one

often as you get it right is part of the fun

performance management process or

of embracing complexity.

There is, however, a problem HR does not feel well-equipped for this new world, and

using mobile to attract the best—then

in particular the average HR professional

so be it.

feels particularly ill-equipped to deal with

By taking an accelerated-evolution approach to HR transformation and learning

the growing complexity that requires them

2. See your role as creating the conditions

to embrace and deal with constant change.

for talent to succeed. The biggest value

surrounded by we can start the journey to

A recent survey commissioned by Lumesse

you can sometimes make in helping

ensuring HR delivers on its potential by

found that 61% of HR leaders reported

to embrace complexity is to ruthlessly

helping our talent deliver on theirs. These

feeling overwhelmed by complexity

eliminate bad complexity—pointless

are exhilarating times but if we embrace

and 52% claimed that they did not have

bureaucracy, poor management and

them we stand a chance of making the

the ability to fully cope with it—these

unclear and unaligned goals. Help clear

difference between success and failure.


to embrace the complexity that we are


Employees undervalue benefits Nearly half of employers are spending 20% of their payroll on providing employee benefits, but half of employees have little to no appreciation of these benefits.

The 2013 Asia-Pacific Employee Benefit

Jackson added, “We found that some

When it comes to benefits communication,

Trends Survey, conducted by Towers Watson

employers are responding to the gap

the survey revealed that almost a third of

between February and March 2013, among

between actual cost and employee value

organisations still do not communicate

1,066 employers in the region, found

perception by adding to the number of

with employees about benefits. A strong

that employee value perception does not

benefit programmes in their portfolio.

correlation was found between effective

necessarily increase as spend increases. That

However, this may only widen the gap,

communication and benefit value

is, those employers who are spending more

rather than close it. As workforces

perception—companies that communicate

on benefits are not necessarily going to see a

continue to diversify, a ‘one-size-fits-

effectively tend to see higher employee

corresponding increase in value perception.

all’ benefits portfolio is rarely the best

value attached to benefits.

Matthew Jackson, Director, Benefits

solution. These employers would likely

Andrew Heard, Managing Director, Asia

Optimisation, Asia Pacific, Towers Watson

achieve a similar or better result by

Pacific Benefits, Towers Watson stated,

commented, “It is apparent that benefit

reviewing and adjusting their existing

“It is crucial that employers recognise

strategy now plays a more important role

portfolio of benefits—and introducing

the diversity in their workforce and

in employers’ eyes when addressing key

employee choice—rather than adding

that different segments of employees

business objectives such as improving

more programmes for everyone.”

have different needs. Flexible benefits

attraction and retention.” 81% of employers

are a great way to do this, as it enables

now have a documented benefit strategy

Flexibility increase

employees to pick and choose those

to guide their on-going benefit decisions,

The survey also found that the number of

benefits that appeal to them—however

compared to 66% in 2009. However, the

employers planning to either introduce or

this is only part of the picture. Without a

survey raises troubling questions about

increase flexibility in their benefit plans

strong communication and administration

the effectiveness and value derived from

is set to double in the next year: 32%

strategy, much of this effort would be

this strategy—particularly considering the

will increase flexibility in their benefits

wasted. Employers should take a holistic

current competitive business environment

next year, compared to the 15% doing so

look at their benefit design and overall

and the war for key talent that we are seeing

this year, and 23% will introduce flexible

portfolio to optimise their benefit spend

in the region.

benefits, compared to 12% this year.

and increase employee value perception.”

AUTUMN 2013 • 37


Challenge of change Why has the success rate remained so low?

2. Personal concerns

initial stages of concern, leaders will find

Blanchard Companies’ Hong Kong office.

How will the change impact me

that their employees are more open to

Contact him at:

personally? Will I win or lose? How

the change at this point and are ready to

will I find the time? At this second

evaluate the change on its merits.

Paul Murphy is Director, Client Solutions for The Ken

Successful organisational change is a

stage, people wonder if they have the

challenge. It is estimated that over half of

skills and resources to implement the

organisational change initiatives do not meet

proposed change. This is one of the most

Who else should be involved? How

their objectives. In a survey (International

overlooked and under-managed stages

can we work with others to get them

Consortium for Executive Development Research)

in organisational change initiatives

involved in what we are doing? How do

of 350 senior executives across 14 industries,

and it is the underlying reason why so

we spread the word? Now that employees

68% confirmed that their companies had

many change initiatives fail. Leaders

have sold themselves on the benefits of

experienced unanticipated problems in the

need to take the time to specifically

the change, they are eager to spread the

change process.

address individual needs and fears near

word and encourage others to implement

the beginning of the change process.

the change as well. At this stage, leaders

Change gets derailed or fails for

Without this basis of trust, they will find

can begin to shift roles and allow others

predictable reasons

themselves fighting a difficult battle to

to run with the ball.

Studies show that people who are faced

surface them later on in the process.

with change express six predictable and sequential concerns. One of the primary

5. Collaboration concerns

6. Refinement concerns

3. Implementation concerns

How can we make the change even

reasons why many change efforts fail is

What do I do first? Second? Third? How

better? At this last stage, the change

that leaders do not consider change from

do I manage all of the details? People

is well on its way and employees

a recipient’s perspective. In any change

at the Implementation Concerns Stage

are now focused on continuous

effort, leaders need to address concerns that

are focused on the details involved in

improvement and related ways to

people have when they are asked to change.

implementing the change. At this point,

innovate. The leader’s role is to

To generate the momentum necessary for

leaders need to specifically spell out who

encourage this refinement, support

the change to be successful, plan for these

will organise the change, how and when

further innovation, and invite others to

six stages of concern:

it will start, and what the details of the

challenge the status quo.

implementation will be. The six stages of concern

One person at a time 4. Impact concerns

Change will occur. It is a certainty. The

What is the change? Why is it needed?

Is the effort worth it? Is the change

issue is, how can managers and leaders cope

What is wrong with the way things

making a difference? Are we making

with the barrage of changes that confront

are now? At this stage, people want to

progress? At this stage people are

them daily as they attempt to keep their

learn more about the proposed change

interested in learning whether the

organisations adaptive and viable? They

and have the chance to ask questions.

change is paying off. If leaders have

must develop strategies to listen in on

Leaders need to be careful at this stage

done a good job addressing the first

the conversations in the organisation so

that they do not shift from telling to

three stages of concern, this is the

that they can surface and resolve people’s

selling. What people will want at this

point in the process where people will

individual concerns with change.

stage are direct, honest answers about

sell themselves on the benefits of the

what the change is all about.

change. By successfully addressing the

1. Information concerns

Change—even organisational change— happens one person at a time.

AUTUMN 2013 • 39


Keeping staff healthy, staying competitive

With hundreds of thousands of working

that healthcare costs rose at a 15% slower

employees’ own time. Phoenix shared, “We

days lost to sick leave in Hong Kong each

rate for staff who were offered a wellness

have received very positive feedback. I hear

year, companies are understandably keen

programme compared with those who were

conversations about the topics when I walk

to keep their workforces healthy. But

not. At the same time, these programmes

around the office.”

encouraging workers to take better care

help to boost productivity and reduce

of themselves is not always an easy task,

absenteeism by helping staff to better

health and wellness programmes, which

particularly given Hong Kong’s culture

manage conditions such as depression,

embrace holistic wellness solutions for

of long working hours and the multiple

stress and back pain.

both body and mind, are the most popular.

demands upon people’s time. Many firms in Hong Kong have also been

Mybenefits from Alliance launched

Mybenefits has found that structured

These programmes may consist of bespoke

its engagement services with a view to

health talks, yoga and meditation sessions,

slow compared with their European and US

helping firms introduce tailored wellness

spa evenings and health food classes. The

counterparts to introduce measures that

programmes for their employees. Williams

group has obtained preferential rates with a

would help to empower their staff to keep fit

stated, “We perceived a growing awareness

number of providers, including the serene

and eat well.

among companies that employee benefits

Bliss Spa at W and alternative healthcare

But things are beginning to change as

are not just about compensation, but rather

provider SOL Wellness, to keep its services

companies are realising that not only does

about offering a wider range of services that

cost effective.

having a wellness programme help to

make staff feel valued.”

reduce the number of working days lost to

Legal firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher

Williams points out that solutions also have to be compatible with workers’

illness, but it can also be a valuable tool in

& Flom, decided to put a greater emphasis on

busy lives, while sessions should be as

staff retention. Pauline Mei Ling Williams,

employee wellbeing as part of an overhaul of

interactive as possible. There is growing

director of employee benefits consultancy

its staff benefits offering. Lorelle Phoenix,

evidence that workers value wellness

Mybenefits commented, “By giving staff

the firm’s Asia Pacific Offices Manager said,

programmes, with companies that actively

access to valuable information on looking

“Employee wellbeing is very important,

engage their employees reducing their

after themselves, it shows that the company

that is why we decided to implement a

voluntary staff turnover by around 25%,

cares about them. This can not only help to

more holistic benefits programme.” The

according to a US study by Towers Watson

boost productivity, but it also keeps staff

firm holds quarterly seminars on topics

and the National Business Group on Health.

feeling positive about their employer. It is a

such as relaxation, stress management and

Williams remarked, “If you put things in

win-win situation.”

nutrition, while it plans to hold its first

place to encourage people to take better

Wellness Week in October, which will include

care of themselves, you will in the long

companies with wellness programmes have

chair yoga sessions and raw food cooking

term be reducing absenteeism and have a

reduced healthcare costs. A US study, carried

classes. The firm holds the seminars during

happier, healthier workforce, leading to

out for health insurer Highmark, found

office hours, so that they do not encroach on

improved productivity.”

Research has consistently shown that



The critical role of technology in the next generation of HR By Philip Wixon, Owner & Founder, Catalyst Business Consulting

The other day, I saw a debate raging on a

increased in the past five years, the market

An HR system is a significant investment,

LinkedIn HR blog I subscribe to where the

is still quite fragmented. Some systems have

so when making a robust evaluation of

discussion initiator posed the question, ‘Are

strong core-HR capability (HR database

what each vendor can offer it is critical to

big HR departments a thing of the past?’ As

management, leave administration etc.), but

consider four main criteria:

more and more comments were posted, it

lack modules covering L&D or recruitment.

seemed two key changes needed to be made

Other solutions provide deep expertise in

in order to achieve this. First, the capability

talent and learning but lack core-HR system

what the system can do (and can’t do),

of HR to know the businesses they support,

capability. Other solutions are the result

and how easy it is to navigate;

understand financial management issues

of several acquisitions over time but have

and generally be able to understand and use

not been fully integrated and so navigating

quantitative analytical approaches and tools

between modules proves disjointed. Yet

much does the vendor team seem to

must be increased. Second, views suggested

others have modules that were so recently

know about HR practices and their own

that there need to be solid HR-technology

developed that they are largely unproven.

system? Consider their credibility;

architecture in place. At Catalyst, we believe the two issues are

1. Functionality and usability—in essence,

2. Confidence in the vendor team—how

Involving the HR leadership team, IT, Finance and as many business stakeholders

3. Technology—this is where your IT team

inextricably linked. In many organisations,

as you can in this process has proven to be

can add most value to the process, by

HR technology is typically so poor that

a successful approach to ensure buy-in and

understanding the security practices

HR is forced to do very time-consuming,

ownership of the final decision. Support this

each vendor follows, and also how

low-value-add work. HR is prevented from

with a business case that makes reasonable

integration with other systems in your

spending time in the business and providing

assumptions about how the new technology

organisation will work; and

proactive advice because the data on hand

can improve HR productivity, and you

is either of poor quality or spread across

are well on your way to presenting your

4. Pricing—cloud systems are typically

multiple systems (taking time and effort to

leadership team with a compelling case.

on a ‘per user per year’ basis, and

collate into anything useful). As such, many companies are fast

HR technology is critical in enabling

over three-year contracts. HR needs

HR to become the business partner it

to become very familiar with the

realising that HR technology is not a ‘nice to

has always aspired to be. But, at present,

underlying pricing models (e.g. each

have’, but rather a critical enabler of more

no one system can tick all the boxes.

module may be priced individually, or

effective HR service delivery. The biggest

Evaluating the market is a classic example

different types of employees may be

challenge, however, is choosing the right

of the old saying, ‘an ounce of prevention is

priced differently e.g. full- vs. part-

system. While the pace of development has

worth a pound of cure’.

time employees).

AUTUMN 2013 • 41


Re d e f i n i n g


p ro ce s s e s

HR is currently in the midst of a transitional

The area where evolution can currently

process—demanding an increased presence

be seen is operational processes, such as

at the boardroom table as a fully-formed

onboarding and recruitment, although at

strategic entity. For HR practitioners, the

present it is still ‘very much an emerging

correct utilisation of underlying data is

area and not mainstream’.

therefore of critical importance, meaning

New technology is also allowing for

that there is a growing need for companies

more intuitive data to be generated,

to be using new, efficient methods of

which Clarke hopes will help to

storing, analysing and accessing their data.

improve our work-life balance by

HR Magazine recently caught up with

cutting down on the swathes of

Ashley Clarke, Chief Operating Officer,

information that HR practitioners

FlexSystem, to discuss the changes that

often have to battle through. Rather

ever-improving technology will bring about,

than having hundreds of reports to

and the best practice for guiding companies

wade through, they can be advised of

through this process of change.

exceptions. This way, the information received can be more proactive and

Redefinition of processes

more relevant, reducing associated

Currently, many companies are locked

admin costs. It can also help to bring

into no solution or old solutions and have

attention to matters that might

difficulty getting their data out easily, a

otherwise slip under the radar, such as

problem which is compounded further by

employees who have not taken enough

the data potentially being spread across

days off and are at risk of burning out.

different offices governed by different rules, often in different languages. Clarke predicts that this whole interaction


Companies can enjoy a more proactive approach to reporting and an increased ability to explore the relationships

with underlying data is going to change over

between variables such as education

the next ten years, with some really exciting

level and performance, which can really

developments allowing for the metaphorical

open people’s eyes regarding KPIs and

‘knocking down’ of walls between offices in

the underlying factors that play a role in

different parts of the globe.

achieving them.


“In this way, the information received can be more proactive and more relevant, reducing associated admin costs.”

There are also strategic benefits to

Taking the first step

be considered. Workforce planning is

Clarke states that as with any change

dependant on a myriad of different things—

management strategy, management

newer technology allows us to bring them

buy-in is paramount, and it is necessary

all together and analyse the potential effects

to nominate a steering committee,

of each in a more intuitive way.

which can apply steady thought and a guiding hand to the procedure. He went

Missing opportunities

on to stress the need to be on a modern

Many systems in place today are around

platform that takes into account the

six or seven years old and—with all the

emerging technology.

underlying changes to technology in

Prioritising is a vital facet of the

terms of increased speed, alterations

change management process, with the

to the user interface and the increased

core processes such as compensation

significance of mobile data, that have

and benefits being taken care of first,

occurred in this time—there are several

before moving onto the finer details:

exciting processes that companies are

onboarding, recruitment, appraisals,

currently not fully utilising.

performance management and training.

Clarke believes that one of these areas is

This, Clarke feels, is one of the major

Employee Self Service (ESS). The successful

perks of using modern technology: it can

implementation of ESS could provide

be rolled out in stages, with each one

significant reductions in admin costs relating

being an individual step on the longer

to streamlined processes on leave expenses,

journey towards total integration. Change

procurement and travel and lead to more

will apply to all employees, meaning

effective expense management in general.

that a wide variety of ages and abilities

Underpinning the success of ESS needs to be

are being catered to. This step-by-step

a structured workflow—as processes need

method allows everyone to understand

to work across applications as well as have a

the new processes and to get up to speed,

user-friendly environment for putting data

and should go some way to ‘demystifying

into the system and retrieving it.

the process’.

AUTUMN 2013 • 43



Add oil!

Video gaming entices potential talent to discover the oil industry.

The world’s need for oil and gas is leading

consist of? Where is the oil locked? Players

across the industry, with 25% of companies

exploration into even deeper waters and

will be tested on how precisely they position

failing to find enough engineers. There were

ventures demanding precision and cutting-

the high-tech drilling equipment—always

also shortages in drilling specialists (38%),

edge technology. It’s a sophisticated,

keeping an eye on temperature and

subsea specialists (75%), HSE specialists

fascinating industry and everybody now has

pressure—before they can start extracting

(37%), project engineers (65%) and

the opportunity to glimpse into what oil and

and producing the oil found. Players have

geoscientists (25%).

gas exploration is all about.

to constantly make the right analysis and

Maersk Group is launching ‘Quest for Oil’—a free, highly sophisticated computer

Despite advances in alternative fuels,

decisions and then use the knowledge they

more than 6 billion people still rely on the

gain to play ‘Quest for Oil’.

skills, innovative abilities and dedication

game that allows players to experience first-

of the oil industry in providing not only

hand the stresses and strains of successfully

Inspiring recruitment

gasoline for transportation or ensuring

managing an oil company. Playing against a

Maersk’s aim is to make the oil industry

heating or cooling for billions of households

digital artificial intelligence opponent, the

more accessible and to highlight the

and workplaces around the world, but

game tests players’ ability to understand

importance of this vital resource to the

also thousands of products we use in our

the key challenges of the oil industry: how

world economy. The oil industry suffers

everyday life.

to ‘read’ earth layers, how to detect where

from a reputation for lack of transparency

to find oil reservoirs and how to drill and

and the company wants to change the status

Experience the underground

successfully bring oil to market.

quo and engage and educate the public. It

Claus V. Hemmingsen, CEO, Maersk

also wants to inspire young people to take

Drilling explained, “New times call for new

explained, “Most people take for granted

up a career in the oil industry which is

measures, and we want to use the computer

that we have oil and natural gas and not

presently experiencing a recruitment crisis

game to tell the story of an extremely

many people understand what it takes to

in certain regions.

innovative business, which the entire world

Jakob Thomasen, CEO, Maersk Oil

find and produce it.” To master the challenge, players will need

Recent surveys on the North Sea oil

depends on, in a new and engaging way. We

industry indicate that 70% of employers are

wish to engage in dialogue about our oil and

to test analytic skills by looking for oil on a

‘struggling’ to recruit quality candidates and

energy business through gamification and

seismic map. What does the underground

the recruitment crisis is ‘set to get worse’.

at the same time give all interested the best

look like? Which layers of earth does it

The surveys also reveal mass skill shortages

opportunity to experience the underground.”



Sweet approach to learning & development EXTRA LIFE (+1) or GAME OVER for underachievers?

If you thought virtual games like Candy

decided to give them an ‘extra life’ in

exercises, training assignments, self

Crush Saga were just a way to idly pass the

order to support them and help them break

assessments and follow-up action. The

time on the commute to work, you might

through their challenges and reach their full

programme focused on increasing the

be mistaken. According to Peggy Wong,

potential—thus ultimately increasing staff

confidence and motivation of employees,

such games can actually incorporate many

productivity and reducing staff turnover.

therefore creating a more positive attitude

of the philosophies of real life and present

Getting buy-in from all senior executives,

and enhancing their interaction with

us with ways of tackling difficult situations,

however, was a challenge for Wong as

breaking through tough challenges and

some felt that investing in this particular

So what was the outcome? Achieving a

solving problems that we encounter on a

programme was perhaps not the best use

100% completion rate, the programme saw

day-to-day basis.

of time and resources, not to mention that

a total of 85% of ABC members reactivated

some felt focusing on the bottom net of

back into business to resume working—an

that the concept of this particular game

employees was not the way to go. However,

astonishing result given that the KPI for the

has come to form the basis of Sun Life’s

like Candy Crush itself, this presented

programme was only set at 20%. Raising

latest skills training Adapt to Breakthrough

Wong with a challenge that she was able to

staff morale, performance and productivity,

the Challenge ABC Programme. The purpose

overcome as she gradually gained support

the ABC programme achieved an ROI of

of the programme was to change the

from her peers.

548%, creating, in the words of Wong, a

Wong believes this to such an extent

attitudes and behaviour of 100 employees

Moving on to the next level of the game,

customers and colleagues.

win-win situation and proving that giving

who had been identified as unable to meet

a 3D approach was taken to the training

an ‘extra life’ was certainly the right

the financial benchmarks of the company

programme, which brought onboard

move to make.

in 2011 and, in game speak, help them to

direct managers and training experts. The

complete their difficult level and progress

programme was launched and conducted

Presentation by Peggy Wong, Training Manager,

to the next stage. Rather than simply

over a 15-month period, consisting of seven

Learning & Development Centre, Sun Life (HK) Limited

giving these employees a ‘GAME OVER’

training focuses delivered through a series

conclusion, the company, led by Wong,

of three-day workshops, team-building

AUTUMN 2013 • 45


cc es in sio fa np stgr ow lann ing ing ma tip s rk et s



So you are in a fastgrowing market. Perhaps it is China, or Vietnam, or Indonesia, maybe Russia. Your situation probably looks a bit like this: market is growing, and of course the Board envisions the market share to grow at least the same rate. You are expecting doubledigit growth in business. Everything is looking good. Except that you will need to fill 20 top-level critical positions in the coming five years, and you only have a handful of HiPo employees who are ready in the short- to mid-term. In fact, you have a feeling that some of the mid-level or even top-level leadership positions are currently being filled by people who are perhaps not yet ready. It is no doubt that the occupants of these positions have very strong track records, though there may just be a little gap to close before they can become strategic and inspirational leaders. In a nutshell, you need to strengthen the succession pipeline.


This article was written by Grace Lau, Managing Consultant of atrain Limited with offices in Germany, Hong Kong, US and Brazil.



Tip 1: Robust HiPo selection

We had a client, who used to have

markets. HiPos, who are used to

a more decentralised HR approach,

performing very well (partly because the

The first step to strengthening succession

realised this was a problem and then

market is growing so fast), find it very

pipeline is to have a systematic way to

decided to strategise talent development

helpful to participate in development

select people into the pipeline. It sounds

regionally. That resulted in the creation

programmes in which they receive candid

like common sense but, unfortunately, it is

of feeder positions in slower-growing

feedback in a safe environment, and are

neither that common nor easy to do because

markets, which in turn offered profound

coached to reflect on their contributions

managers in different business functions

development opportunities for HiPos.

and flaws as a leader. One of our clients

and units tend to have different definitions

Feeder positions are stretch positions

of ‘high potential’. While evaluating past

to be filled by HiPos, so that they gain

performance is relatively straightforward,

the necessary competencies before

evaluating potential is trickier. Having a

they are considered for a similar role in

well-defined leadership competency model

more critical markets. Some of the most

would help as it allows managers to compare

successful HiPo development cases we

their HiPo employees with a common

have seen came from putting HiPos into

language. Some companies also use tools

bigger roles in relatively stable markets.

such as interviews, psychometric tests and

The organisation’s benefits are three-

assessment centres to measure potential

fold. First, HiPos’ development will be

more objectively.

accelerated and thus strengthen the

We worked with a client who had done all of the above but the HiPo selection was still not satisfactory. We discussed and discovered that the most critical element— candid and well-informed talent review discussion—was missing. We had to change the way talent reviews were facilitated, so that 1) the managers understood and bought


into the evaluation criteria, and 2) each nominated employee was systematically and critically evaluated. It takes more than


succession pipeline. Second, the risk of putting HiPos into feeder positions is much


added awareness-based elements, such as self-reflection and feedback, even in the selection and onboarding process. As an HR friend once said, “There appears to be no perfect-fit candidate in the whole country. So I’ll settle with an imperfect one who is aware of his/her imperfection.”

Tip 4: Leverage on expatriates flexibly You may find yourself in a situation where you need to fill a critical position in a very

smaller than directly promoting them to

short time. You thoroughly assessed ten

key positions in fast-growing markets.

candidates and only two of them have the

Third, it helps to retain HiPos as they can

right kind of experience, competencies

easily go to a competitor, and will do so if

and values. Yet, neither of them speak

they do not get a bigger role.

the local language, which the business

Tip 3: Awareness-based development

unit leaders have said is a ‘must-have’ criterion because up to 30% of the staff does not speak fluent English. What would you do? Would you lower your standard so

In many cases, companies are willing to

as to hire someone who speaks the local

take the leap of faith to hire or promote

language? Or would you revisit the priority

someone who may not yet be really ready.

of this criterion and if necessary challenge

Sometimes that does not even seem like

your colleagues’ assumption? Localness is

an option to choose but rather a reality

undoubtedly a very helpful thing to have.

to accept, especially in fast-growing

To a certain extent, a foreigner—even a

markets where talents are rare and rapid

culturally sensitive one—can never truly

Once you’ve got a pool of HiPos, it is time

business expansion essentially pushes

replace someone who knows the local

to accelerate their development so that

people up the organisational ladder. That

language and culture. However, in markets

they can fill critical positions in a timely

means many people are walking in shoes

where local talents are very rare, it may be

manner. Companies are highly creative

which are bigger than their feet. This gap

more realistic to leverage on expatriates to

in this aspect and deploy a wide variety of

is an inconvenient truth in fast-growing

temporarily patch the succession pipeline

talent development tools and methods. But

markets. Business figures look good and so

and to act as a catalyst to strengthen

there is an obstacle particularly prominent

it seems unnecessary to many managers

the local pipeline. For instance, we have

in fast-growing markets: HiPos are so

to make a fuss about gaps in leadership

seen companies in which expatriates

busy in their current role that there is no

competencies. Initiatives that build self-

are specifically tasked to cultivate local

time for development. It is too risky to

awareness would be particularly helpful in

successors within a specified time frame.

promote the unready HiPos, but it is also

this situation.

In some cases, local peers are also assigned

a detailed and standardised process—your stakeholder management skills and courage are what really count.

Tip 2: Feeder positions in low-risk markets

too much of a luxury to give them stretch

As a psychologist, I cannot emphasise

to coach the expatriates. A client once

assignments that get them out of their

enough that self-awareness is one of the

put it nicely, “Having a good mix of locals

comfort zone. So, many companies end up

strongest predictors of success. This is a

and expatriates reminds me that this is

just sending HiPos to training or, at most,

particularly relevant point when we work

not a local company, but an international

giving them a special project.

with HR professionals in fast-growing

company operating locally.”

AUTUMN 2013 • 47


Managing difficult employees

Whether it is working with disengaged employees, a boss that takes all the credit or a disgruntled former peer, coping with difficult situations within the workplace can be a stressful experience and have a detrimental impact on day-to-day life—both inside and outside the office.

Furthermore, knowing the most effective ways

consider when facing challenges such as

D’Angelus recounted some

to tackle such situations can be a headache

global employee relocation, acquisitions,

of his difficult experiences as

for employees and the human resources

divestments, reorganisation, leadership

a HR practitioner working in

department once they become involved.

changes and country- and region-wide

multinational corporations. He

integration. He acknowledged that we

shared his memory as part of a

universal issue at its latest conference

now live in a world that is becoming more

global company that acquired

entitled ‘Managing difficult employees’.

internationalised every day, and that in

a smaller firm within a new

More that 250 HR practitioners from around

the past five years he has encountered

expansion market, which

the region gathered together to share

far more employee challenges, as a HR

created a substantial cultural

stories, case studies and practical tips on

professional, than ever before.

mismatch. He opined, “It felt

HR Magazine decided to explore this

a range of difficult, and often sensitive,

It is clear that employees are more aware

like we were taking one step forward and

scenarios, which have challenged employees

of their rights, however HR has to not only

and employers to overcome obstacles to

ensure it follows the legal advice when

restoring harmony back into the office.

managing difficult employee situations,

explored, when D’Angelus was part of a

like mass redundancies, but also implement

divestment project, where the company had

practical HR approaches.

to manage the situation of 500 employees

Callistus Antony D’Angelus

two steps backward.” Another challenging scenario was

taking voluntary redundancy. He

Senior Vice President, Global Employee Relations Manager, Wells Fargo

emphasised the importance of strong leadership and employee

Dealing with difficult and challenging employee situations— an international conundrum

buy-in when managing such difficult, complex scenarios.

D’Angelus spearheaded the conference


with an interesting discussion on various


high-level, strategic issues HR needs to

then moved on


Callistus Antony D’Angelos, Senior VP, Global Employee Relations Manager, Wells Fargo


to explore differences in culture and the


general lack of company headquarters’

management, was

understanding of local needs and customs.

reviewed with four

D’Angelus recounted situations in

priorities outlined;

which organisations took an extremely

align goals (company-

headquarter-centric approach, often

wide), collaborate

forgetting the important requirements

to create, build high

of other-country operations and instead

talent pools and

taking a ‘my way or the highway’

develop a connected

approach. Even though we are in Asia,

workforce. Colling

there is still a substantial propensity

continued to elaborate

to transfer from HQ or hire external

on the idea that we

Western leadership, as opposed to looking

all face challenges; whether it be an

at the local market’s competitors to

employee frustrated at the incomplete

evaluate potential candidates. D’Angelus

compensation statements or the lack

insightful. Wixon gave the following

emphasised the strong need to develop

of visibility over internal opportunities;

useful advice; ask yourself what you

more local leadership in Asia, and the

or the manager, unsatisfied by the lack

intend to achieve from a system and how

various reasoning for someone who

of quality data on your team to make

you intend to connect with employees

understands the mindset, motivations and

effective decisions or the HR department,

internationally, a key factor when

working style of the local employees. He

tired and stressed with the demands of

making your choice. Be realistic about

asserted, “Organisations need to stop using

the business and the inability to provide

the company-wide implementation, cost

internationally-consistent practices and

HR information when needed.

implications of the system should be

adopt more local practices and cultures.” He

Further to the challenges Colling stated,

Philip Wixon, Founder & Director, Catalyst Business Consulting and Emily Colling, General Manager, Li & Fung (Trading) Limited

carefully evaluated, keeping in mind that

also acknowledged that there is no ‘silver

“We realised that we had to improve our

most new HR technologies are cloud-

bullet’ that deals with difficult employee

HR systems to better support the business

based, and therefore more user-friendly

situations, but one needs to develop a

process and employee engagement.” She

than we are used to, with the likes of

comprehensive corporate strategy on a

illustrated how efficient recruitment, a

mobile device extensions being a major

case-by-case basis.

quality approach to core HR, promoting

breakthrough in HR systems. Until the

D’Angelus concluded the discussion by

your organisations compensation &

business believes you can get the most

reflecting the argument that HR needs to

benefits package, and a good talent

important pieces of data off the ground

recognise that we can not eliminate all risks

attraction strategy can enhance the

they’re not interested in the more detailed

when dealing with internationally-complex

efficiency of your HR department.

aspects. The usability of a system is a big deal. No one vendor ticks every box

difficult employee situations, however 99% of the time, legal proceedings are not taken against the organisation, even if they do

Philip Wixon

gain trust with how HR can deliver results

Founder & Director, Catalyst Business Consulting

the legal route.”

Emily Colling

Re-engaging HR and Employees— choosing the right HR Technology Having recently undertaken a journey through an evaluation of the key elements of a good HR vendor, and the importance

General Manager of HR Process and Systems, Li & Fung (Trading) Limited

of making the right choice, Philip Wixon found it to be a challenging, yet rewarding task. Sharing from this experience, Wixon

Re-engaging HR and Employees— choosing the right HR Technology

gave us his insight into the key factors that should be considered when choosing your HR system and the benefits of

Emily Colling shared some invaluable insight into her recent review of common

emphasis on assessing the most important pieces of data to your organisation, therefore making functionality one of the

when managing highly-difficult situations, such as divestment, without always taking

vendors to manage various aspects of HR. In conclusion, Wixon made a strong

not follow the minimum legal requirement route. He opined, “CEOs need to, over time,

and lots of employers are using various

making the right choice. “Accurate and timely employee data is

HR practices and processes, with a

critical to effective people management,”

comprehensive look at how we can

shared Wixon, illustrating how businesses

improve HR. An issue critical to business

wants more data and data that is more

top elements to consider in your decision.

“The approach to evaluating and selecting an HR vendor can make or break the future success of that investment.” AUTUMN 2013 • 49


Left to right: Paul Arkwright, Publisher, HR Magazine; Alex Cho, Managing Director, Intertrust Hong Kong and Ashley Clarke, COO, FlexSystems

Ashley Clarke COO, FlexSystems, and

Alex Cho Managing Director, Intertrust Hong Kong

attached to the finance department. He

However, getting hold of this data is an

investigated the leanness of HR teams

ongoing conundrum. What does the HR

in Asia, and the fact that these teams

manager do when they receive that dreaded

struggle to extract and compile high-quality

email from HQ: ‘how many employees do

employee metric data when required for

you have?’ There is clearly a requirement

decision making. Part of the reason, he

for transparent, commercial data on

observed, is a lack of HR staffing due to

performance metrics.

the small teams, when compared to the

With proactive HR reporting software,

counterpart teams in the HQ, for example,

we can take advantage of alerts, compile

the USA. Another part of the reason is due

meaningful reports on metrics such as

to confidentiality, and the fact that data is

year-to-date attendance, sickness, holiday

not readily available. The final reason, he

allowances, revenue generated per employee

noted, is due to a lack of strong systems in

and travel expenses. Clarke opined, “There

Many HR professionals appear to be

HR which actually allow the user to extract

are still many companies with a lack of

constantly vocalising one key problem

meaningful data.

effective systems and therefore no ability to

How technology in HRIS can help reduce HR headaches in managing employees

they are continuing to face in their

Clarke explored employee motivation

compile meaningful data.”

organisation. The problem is a substantial

and expressed, “The more difficult the

lack of qualitative and quantitative

employee, the better they are at bringing

scenarios which helped emphasise the

information about performance and other

tangible results to the company. Nothing

requirement of robust systems and useful

metrics within the business, which will aid

drives employee behaviour more than when

data. He commented, “When companies

the HR and management team in making

someone isn’t achieving their targets.”

go through M&A, they need to look at

What triggers difficult behaviour in

employees from both companies, put

better decisions. Ashley Clarke and Alex Cho gave a dynamic presentation on the requirement

Cho followed up by introducing sample

employees? Clarke identified some of the

together integration plans and consider

main problems as:

the impact on employees’ perception of job

of this type of high-quality information and

security. Companies need to explain the

recent trends in Asia, as the HR function

• Too much work, too little time

reason for the integration, and identify who

continues to mature across organisations.

• Poor work-life balance

are the best talents, stay close to them, and

Clarke commenced the presentation by

• No time for office administration

listen to them.”

speaking about the vast investment that has

• Lack of progression

been made into HR over the past 10 years,

• Pay deemed to be too low

to overcome without meaningful HR

and the fact that traditionally it has been

• Personal views are different to

systems, which can clearly aid better

less mature in Asia than in the West, and often seen as a ‘side’ function, commonly


company views

These challenges are very difficult

decision making, particularly in mid-tolarge organisations.


Ada Li

When it comes to protecting yourself during the management of difficult

Senior Associate, DLA Piper

employees, Li outlined the following useful

Dealing with difficult employees

• ensure all records are kept up to

steps that can be taken:

date on the employee’s attendance, performance, sickness and annual

Managing difficult employees

leave archives;

has proved to be one of the biggest challenges in HR

• careful documentation of

today, especially in Hong

any performance issues—

Kong where employment law

all the while making your

seems to be so grey. Ada Li

expectations clear;

has a wealth of experience in relation to the issue and has

• always conduct a proper

shared from her perspective

investigation, issuing a warning

and knowledge on the

letter where necessary;

subject, giving practical steps that can be taken to avoid

• check your contractual disciplinary policy

falling flat on your face in

to ensure no breach is made in your

regard to legal obligations.

approach to addressing concerns; and

Ada Li, Senior Associate, DLA Piper

• demonstrate clear and detailed evidence in your decision to terminate the contract, avoiding a Full house again. Over 250 delegates in attendance at HR Magazine’s

potential dispute on the grounds of

conference on managing difficult employees

discrimination or prejudice.

AUTUMN 2013 • 51


Lynda Aurora

Lynda Aurora, Partner, Plus Partnership Limited

FCCA CA (Aust.) MBA MA-HRM MCC, Partner, Plus Partnership Limited Bibi Ferreira. It is proving to be

Dealing with difficult people in your organisation— bosses, colleagues and staff

more and more fundamental to the success or failure of the business. As such, it is ever more important for HR to initiate the implementation of core values, to the future success

Who hasn’t had to deal with a

of the business.

difficult employee or boss? This

She highlighted the importance

was the question put to the

of identifying behavioural issues

audience by Lynda Aurora in the opening of

important for bouncing back from them.

affecting performance, illustrating that in

her presentation. As expected, the answer

She also shared that part of building

many cases difficult staff are often more

she received was ‘nobody’. Whether it is

resilience is taking extreme selfcare.

than competent and just need some form

the boss that takes all the credit for your

Whether that means reducing caffeine

of support. Having a bad attitude can affect

hard work, the boss that micromanages

consumption, getting more sleep, going to

productivity and morale, therefore issues

you, the disgruntled former peer who was

the gym more regularly or eating a healthier

need to be addressed promptly. Sit down

not chosen for your promotion, or even

diet, “What you do now invests in your

with the department head, discuss the issues

you yourself, everyone has, at some point

future health.” Aurora closed by reminding

and formulate a resolution. Developing a

in their professional life, had to deal with

the audience that whatever the situation,

the uncomfortable and often unsettling

whoever is involved and whatever the

experience of working with difficult

outcome, it is important to see it as the

people. What is important, however, is

greatest opportunity for growth

how one handles these situations and the

and personal development.

strategies used to take control of these scenarios which, if not dealt with correctly, can create a knock-on effect of negative

Aurora’s tips on how to deal

emotions, such as low morale, engagement

with difficult people in your

and productivity, within the workplace.


Aurora offered suggestions on how to deal with these different example situations

1. Recognise it

but stressed that the first step in ensuring

2. Don’t avoid it

an effective and positive outcome to any

3. Develop a strategy to deal with it

one of them is to acknowledge the problem

4. Ensure you are in change of your fate

as soon as possible and not ‘bury one’s head in the sand’. She explained, “People that are different from us have a different attitude,

and not a victim of it 5. Develop your resilience and develop executive stamina

behaviour and perspective, therefore it is

6. Above all keep your composure

important to take the emotion out of the


situation and take a step back in order to look at it more objectively. That way you can try and see things from their point of view in order to reframe the situation and

Janet Bibi Ferreira

Janet Bibi Ferreira, Director, Human Resources,

begin to change behaviours and attitudes.” Creating opportunities to have clear, albeit often difficult, conversations with

Baker Tilly Hong Kong

Director, Human Resources, Baker Tilly Hong Kong

the situation and ensuring negative emotions are not left to fester and cause

positive attitude will inherently improve morale and productivity. In conclusion

the colleague involved is vital in handling

Advice from Baker Tilly on dealing with difficult employees

Ferreira gave some top tips on remaining upbeat; be enthusiastic, always have a systematic approach, seek the good in

damage in the longrun. Aurora also advised that remaining calm and collected is key

The role of HR has evolved over recent years

people, look for opportunities to have fun

in dealing with difficult situations, and

from the back office personnel to a more

and finally, find yourself an outlet to vent

building one’s own resilience is just as

central, board-based function, shared Janet

frustration or any concerns.



July Kong 2. For staff with low skill but high attitude

Director, Human Resources Southern China, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

influencing, engaging and understanding

gradings, Kong commented that

all need to come into play to make this

coaching them was the most effective

relationship a successful one.

way of helping them achieve more within the organisation.

Turning ugly ducklings into swans

On the issue of nurturing quality talent within the organisation, Kong made reference to a famous Chinese saying,

3. For staff with high skill and low

“病向淺中醫” which roughly translates as:

As Director of HR for Deloitte Touche

attitude gradings she stressed the

any illness is best treated early before it

Tohmatsu, July Kong takes care of HR

importance of motivating them to

has chance to take a firm hold. She added,

for the entire Southern China region

ensure that they remained focused, on

“Every so often a difficult employee is the

covering Hong Kong, Macau, Shenzhen

task and continue to move forward and

result of a difficult manager. So prevention

& Guangzhou and she began rather

push themselves.

is better than correction.”

philosophically by explaining how HR could turn ‘ugly ducklings’ within their

She summarised that the three most 4. For staff with high skill and high

important considerations in facilitating

own organisations into swans. Kong

attitude gradings Kong highlighted the

this were: communication, communication

explained the importance of internal

need for HR to retain such key talents—

and communication.

communication and building up a proper

as being high performers

metrics on exactly what existing staff

they might be easy prey for

within the company can and cannot

poachers, and would also

do. She suggested adopting a four-box

need to be kept engaged in

skill-attitude matrix to help differentiate

their roles.

different types of employees and decide on the best course of action for them moving

To help make this a reality in

into the future.

her own organisation, Kong explained how they help

1. For staff with low skill and low

employees to be leaders both

attitude gradings, Kong explained the

inside and outside the firm by

importance of not only motivating such

providing on-the-job coaching

staff, but also coaching them to help

and training.”

them better accomplish tasks. She also

Kong went on to highlight

suggested that in some cases it may be

the complexities of the HR-

better for HR to completely redeploy the

staff relationship, and how

staff to alternative postings with duties

numerous factors including

which are better suited to their skill set

appreciation, communication, coaching,

July Kong, Director, Human Resources Souther China, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Event Sponsors Gold



AUTUMN 2013 • 53

Healing China’s expat headache



The opening of new markets in China in

taxable services to the host company

the past few years has created an explosion

through the secondee. As a result, some local

of job opportunities and a flourishing

tax bureaus began to levy enterprise income

demand for skilled expatriate workers,

tax and business tax on reimbursements for

with latest census figures revealing a

salary and benefits that the Chinese host

leap from 74,000 to 220,000 foreign

companies receiving the secondees remitted

employees between 2000 and 2011. Sending

to the overseas employers.

expatriates to China, however, has proven

Jinghua Liu, Tax Partner, Baker &

to be a headache for many multinational

McKenzie, Beijing explained, “Local

organisations since 2009 when the Chinese

employment in China will provide the

tax authorities started to treat secondment

employee with a certain amount of

as creating a permanent establishment for

protection that some foreign companies

the overseas employer.

may not want to give their employees and,

With inconsistent and competing

from a tax perspective, if you do not have

concerns related to Chinese tax,

local employment the foreign company is

employment, immigration and foreign

considered as the employer of the expat

exchange control laws and requirements, a

working in China. That may create tax

cross-border secondment arrangement does

exposure for the foreign employer under the

not come without its complications. Global

permanent establishment theory.”

law firm Baker & McKenzie explain some of the guidelines for expatriate secondments

Mounting costs

in China and provide some advice on how

Jonathan Isaacs, an employment Special

to tackle some of the issues companies may

Counsel at Baker & McKenzie in Hong

encounter in the process.

Kong added that in addition to rising income tax levels, foreign nationals are

Taxing times

now required under national regulations

One of the biggest legal headaches for

to contribute towards China’s social

organisations seeking to bring foreign

insurance system, just as local Chinese

workers into China is tax, which became

employees would. He pointed out that

acute in 2009 when many local tax

unfortunately most expatriate workers

authorities began to treat secondment as

do not benefit from this law, which was

creating a permanent establishment in China

brought into play in October 2011, as they

for the overseas employer, which provides

rarely choose to retire in China and many


choose not to use Chinese public hospitals,

determined by examining whether the

Shie pointed out the new immigration

where their medical costs can be covered

overseas employer or the host company

entry and exit law, effective on 1 July

by their medical insurance contributions.

in China supervises and controls the

this year, which outlines visas and work

secondee’s work in China and bears the

permits that apply to all employers hiring

additional costs incurred for employers

costs and benefits that come with it. Most

foreign workers for operations in China.

recruiting talent from overseas are

local tax authorities, however, have not

She highlighted that many of the penalties

not having a significant impact on

applied the guidance under Notice 75 to

have become more stringent with regard

hiring activity on the whole, as the

secondment arrangements.

to ensuring foreign employees hold the

Isaacs stressed, however, that these

skills shortage, combined with China’s

On the other hand, Bulletin 19 is a

appropriate permits, a law change that

burgeoning markets and thriving

stand-alone notice focusing on secondment

organisations should review and ensure

economy, continues to lure expatriate

arrangements and provides more practical

they adhere to, in addition to Bulletin 19, to

workers from across the globe.

guidelines to local tax authorities. It is,

further alleviate the expat headache.

therefore, more likely to be implemented at New guidance

the local level.

Guidance does exists to help organisations

Bulletin 19 lists following specific factors that are indicative of a taxable presence:

ensure that their secondment

Communication is key

arrangements adhere to local law. The

Bringing foreign talent into China from

State Administration of Taxation (SAT)

overseas has always created issues for

company to the foreign company

recently issued Bulletin 19 to provide greater

organisations, therefore ensuring that

are in the nature of service fees or

certainty to multinational companies

they take a holistic approach to the process

management fees;

and host companies in China about how

is imperative. Grace Shie, Head, Global

to structure cross-border secondments

Immigration & Mobility, Greater China,

in a way that avoids creating a taxable

Baker & McKenzie explained, “Organisations

company to the foreign company exceed

establishment in China.

employing foreign talent into China

the amount of the foreign company’s

should consider all the issues that may

payroll costs for the secondee;

Liu explained that the guidance

• payments from the Chinese host

• payments from the Chinese host

under Bulletin 19 is generally similar

arise throughout the process of arranging

to the previous guidance under Notice

secondments—from tax and employment

75— a long document that provides the

through to immigration. It is imperative

payment received from the Chinese host

interpretation of many provisions in

that all departments within the organisation

company rather than paying all of it to

bilateral tax treaties and provides guidance

maintain clear communication to ensure that

the secondee; and,

on whether the overseas employer has a

they are consulting each other and working

permanent establishment in China under

collaboratively—from the legal and finance

the secondment arrangement. This is

teams through to human resources.”

• the foreign company keeps part of the

• the secondee’s individual income tax has not been fully paid in China.

AUTUMN 2013 • 55


Index Business Process Outsourcing

| 56

Legal / Employment Law / Tax

| 60

Conference and Exhibition Venues

| 56

Pest Control and Environmental Services

| 60

Education and Corporate Training

| 57

Psychological Assessment Tools

| 60

Management Consulting

| 57

Recruitment / Executive Search

| 61

Employee Wellbeing and Insurance

| 58

Relocation and Logistics

| 61

HR Technology Solutions

| 59

Service Apartments and Hotels

| 62

Leadership Development

| 59

Staff Benefits

| 63

Business Process Outsourcing Dynamic Resources has been established since 1997 with direct offices in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Vancouver. We provide Outsourcing Services in Employment, Payroll & Fringe Benefits Administration; Project Recruitment & Mapping; Executive Coaching; Business Entity (Representative Office, WOFE) & HR Management System Establishment in the PRC.

Dynamic Resources Asia Limited 904, Tower B 14 Science Museum Road Tsim Sha Tsui East, Hong Kong

KCS is one of Asia’s leading independent corporate services companies. We specialise in corporate accounting, corporate secretarial, payroll solutions, trust and wealth advisory services as well as tailored solutions for the private equity and asset management industry. We offer unrivalled industry experience and expertise combined with the collective wisdom that comes from over 450 experts based in 13 locations across Asia. We are large enough to handle any size of project, but small enough to ensure that every assignment is based on personal trust and commitment—a combination rarely seen in business today. Discover the difference total peace of mind can make to your business.

KCS Hong Kong Limited 8th Floor, Gloucester Tower, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong

Tricor is a member of The Bank of East Asia Group. Tricor Business Services offers efficient, effective and professional advisory and outsourced support services to our clients. We deliver seamless solutions to address issues in accounting & financial reporting; cash, fund and payment administration; human resources and payroll administration; business advisory; trade services; and systems solutions to ensure the adoption of best practices in your business.

Tricor Services Limited Level 28, Three Pacific Place, 1 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong

Cliftons provides premium, purpose-built, training and event facilities and solutions, ensuring our clients’ programmes are delivered seamlessly and successfully around the globe. Over the past 14 years, Cliftons has grown to provide clients with the largest network of dedicated computer and seminar training facilities across the Asia Pacific region. Encompassing over 150 state-of-the-art training and meeting rooms within 10 CBD locations in New Zealand, Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong, this footprint of proprietary venues is supplemented by a global affiliates network that allows clients to manage all of their training needs around the world with a single point of contact.

Cliftons Training Facility 33rd Floor, 9 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2135 8038

Tel: (852) 3589 8899 Fax: (852) 3589 8555

Tel: (852) 2980 1888 Fax: (852) 2861 0285

Conference & Exhibition Venues


Tel: (852) 2159 9999


AsiaWorld-Expo is Hong Kong’s leading exhibitions, conventions, concerts and events venue, yet it is also an ideal venue for annual dinners, worldclass conferences, cocktail receptions, media luncheons and sumptuous banquets. With Hong Kong’s largest indoor convention and hospitality hall, AsiaWorld-Summit which seats up to 5,000 persons, together with a full range of meeting and conference facilities, award-winning chefs and attentive hospitality staff, AsiaWorld-Expo is definitely your choice for an unforgettable event.

AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau, Hong Kong, China

Our Executive Voice Coaching Program teaches practical techniques to harness the power of your voice in order to speak with confidence and authority. Unique in Asia, our programme takes place in a professional recording studio and uses studio technology to reinforce learning. This training is designed for Middle and Senior Executives whose need to communicate effectively is critical, and complements existing corporate training and development programmes.

All Voice Talent 18th Floor, Wheelock House, 20 Pedder Street Central, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 3606 8888 Fax: (852) 3606 8889

Education and Corporate Training

All Voice Talent is Asia’s premier voiceover and voice coaching organisation. We supply voice artists, directors and trainers for amongst others, Bloomberg, The Wall Street Journal, Microsoft, Turner Broadcasting, British Council and Fleishman Hillard.

Tel: (852) 2517 0866 Fax: (852) 2911 4732

Bite-Sized Training high impact 90 minute workshops. Staff too busy to attend full day training, looking for better ROI for your training, need training delivered in your local language, want lunch-and-learn or breakfast sessions, or just need training delivered across multiple locations? Bite Sized Training is the answer! With 25 topics to choose from, covering everything from Negotiation, Delivering Presentations, Managing Gen-Y, Sales and Leadership, and delivered by expert, accredited trainers, Bite Sized Training is the learning and development system of choice for leading companies across the Asia Pacific. Visit or email for more information.

Bite-Sized Training Suite 1001 - 1002, Mass Mutual Tower, 38 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Tailor-made business training, testing and benchmarking solutions throughout Hong Kong, Macau and China. Corporate and individual programmes.

Excel Education Limited Unit 101, Fourseas Building, 208-212 Nathan Road, Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Excel’s renowned courses are tailored to the job nature, level and needs of the students. Our targeted, interactive approach in facilitation has allowed us to build an unrivalled reputation in the corporate training field. Clients include: the Airport Authority, American Express, Bausch and Lomb, Credit Agricole, KCRC, the Hong Kong Government, Swire Travel and United Airlines.

Tel: 800 903 210 Fax: (852) 2816 7150

Tel: (852) 2736 6339 Fax: (852) 2736 6369

Management Consulting The Hong Kong Management Association was established in 1960. As a non-profit-making professional organisation, its mission is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of management in Hong Kong. Offering annually over 2,000 training programmes to more than 45,000 participants, ranging from work-orientated short courses, workshops, Certificates, Diplomas to Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Degrees, the HKMA is one of the largest providers of management training and education in the Territory.

Hong Kong Management Association 14th Floor, Fairmont House, 8 Cotton Tree Drive, Central, Hong Kong

Ipsos’ Employee Relationship Management (ERM) practice specialises in employer brand and employee engagement research programmes, as well as linking employee and customer metrics, assessing corporate values, auditing internal communications and evaluating HR management policies and practices. With offices in 84 countries, Ipsos has the resources to conduct research wherever in the world its clients do business.

Ipsos Hong Kong 22nd Floor, Leighton Centre, 77 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2526 6516 / 2774 8500 Fax: (852) 2365 1000

Tel: (852) 2881 5388

AUTUMN 2013 • 57


reallyenglish works with major international publishers (Cambridge University Press, Pearson Longman, McGraw-Hill) to create cost-effective and flexible world-class courseware that is tailored to local needs. We provide educational, fun and interactive online courses which are easy to use and hold learners’ interest. By controlling every aspect of the service, including hosting, support, coaching and reporting, we guarantee that over 80% of students will complete their course. All our energy is devoted on two service objectives—getting students to finish and showing managers and educators the results. (Hong Kong) 51/F Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Tricor Consulting Ltd. is a member of Tricor Group & BEA Group. Our services include Human Resources advisory on policies, practices, reward, PMS and Human Capital (maximize talent investment through assessments, development centres, training and development); Strategic Management (perform strategic analysis, formulate strategies and execution management); Organisation Structuring (design structure to align with business directions); Change Management (build commitment and overcome resistance for organisation change); IT Consulting and HRIS (maximize IT investment to create business value); Business Process (reengineer and manage business processes to achieve business results) and Business Turnaround (reduce costs and enhance revenues through an integrated approach).

Tricor Services Limited Level 28, Three Pacific Place 1 Queen’s Road East, Central, Hong Kong

Aetna International is committed to helping create a stronger, healthier global community by delivering comprehensive health benefits and health management solutions worldwide. Aetna International's expatriate business is one of the industry's largest and most prominent US-based international health benefits providers, supporting more than 500,000 members worldwide. The organisation’s expatriate offerings include medical, dental, vision, life, disability and emergency assistance. Aetna International’s health management business collaborates with health care systems, government entities and plan sponsors around the world to design and build locally-applied health management solutions to improve health, quality and cost outcomes.

Aetna International Room 401-3, 4/F, DCH Commercial Centre, 25 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

Matilda International Hospital offers newly developed facilities and state-of-theart equipment for a comprehensive health assessment service and is committed to providing the best care and personal attention for both corporate and individual clients. Matilda Medical Centre has extended services to Central and Tsim Sha Tsui and provides full primary and preventative healthcare services. The combined expertise of the hospital and medical centres results in an entire suite of resultorientated health and wellness services to address specific medical and budgeting needs. The provision of inpatient services and advance surgical suites ensures seemless follow through care and access to a wide range of experienced specialist facilities and advanced treatment options.

Matilda International Hospital 41 Mount Kellett Road, The Peak, Hong Kong

Pacific Prime Insurance Brokers is a leading international health insurance brokerage specialising in providing comprehensive coverage options to individuals, families, and companies throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Working with over 100,000 clients in 150 countries, Pacific Prime can deliver advice in more than 15 major languages. With offices strategically located in Shanghai, Singapore, Dubai, and Hong Kong, Pacific Prime is able to provide immediate advice and assistance to policyholders located around the world. Pacific Prime works with over 60 of the world’s leading health insurance providers, giving customers unprecedented access to the best medical insurance products currently on the market.

Pacific Prime Insurance Brokers Ltd. Unit 1-11, 35th Floor, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong

With a mission of providing and promoting primary and preventive eyecare to the public, PolyVision offers a pioneering eye healthcare plan fitting different staff benefit schemes, and provides eye care seminars and packages to help monitor and maintain the eye health of staff through companies.

PolyVision Eyecare Centres Room 4406-4410, Hopewell Centre 183 Queens Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Their eye examination is one of the most comprehensive in Hong Kong. It covers: Case History, Vision & Refractive Status, Binocular Vision, Color Vision Screening, Intra-ocular Pressure, Ocular Health, Fundus Photography, Diagnosis & Treatment.

Tel: (852) 2861 0138 Fax: (852) 2861 0123

Tel: (852) 3602 3090 Fax: (852) 3602 3111 Mobile: (852) 5165 2467

Tel: (852) 2980 1888 Fax: (852) 2861 0285

Employee Wellbeing and Insurance


Tel: (852) 2860 8081 Fax: (852) 2147 9960 Mobile: (852) 5165 2467

Contact person: Sireen Cheng Tel: (852) 2849 0389

Tel: (852) 3113 1331 Fax: (852) 2915 7770


HR Technology Solutions Lumesse is the only global company making talent management solutions work locally. We help customers around the world to implement successful local talent management initiatives that identify, nurture and develop the right people, in the right place, at the right time. Our multicultural background and presence means we understand how to deliver talent solutions that work the way our customers work, as individuals and as teams, because no two people, organisations or cultures are the same. We regard differences as strengths, not as obstacles.

Lumesse Unit 1905, World Trade Centre, 280 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

SilkRoad technology is a Talent Management software company providing solutions to enable companies to manage the entire career of your employees. We help you to bring in the best talent and keep it for the long term. From our offices in Hong Kong and throughout Asia Pacific we focus on the people, not the numbers, and pride ourselves in being the only HR technology vendor to centre our efforts around helping our clients provide truly positive talent experiences. Spread the smiles with SilkRoad’s talent management software. Work Happy!

SilkRoad technology Hong Kong 5-10th Floor, Tai Yip Building 141 Thompson Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL®) is a top-ranked, global provider of executive education that unlocks individual and organisational potential through its exclusive focus on leadership development and research. Ranked among the world’s top providers of executive education by BusinessWeek and No. 3 in the 2010 Financial Times executive education survey, CCL serves corporate, government and nongovernmental clients through an array of programs, products and other services. CCL-APAC’s headquarters are based in Singapore. Other global locations include Brussels, Moscow and three campuses in the United States.

CCL® 89 Science Park Drive #03-07/08 The Rutherford Lobby B Singapore 118261

With 98 years of experience, Dale Carnegie® Training is a world leader in performance-based training. With offices over 80 countries worldwide and courses in 27 languages, we produce measurable business result by improving the performance of employees with emphasis on:

Dale Carnegie® Training Suite 1701, 17/F East Exchange Tower 38 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

• Team member engagement • Leadership development • Customer services

Tel: (852) 2845 0218 Fax: (852) 2583 9629

Tel: (852) 2815 3456 Fax: (852) 2890 0399

Contact person: Eric Choi Tel: (852) 9193 8573

Leadership Development

• Sales effectiveness • Process improvement • Presentation effectiveness

Over 425 corporations of Fortune 500 continue choosing us to be their partner.

Tel: (65) 6854 6000 Fax: (65) 6854 6001

Calling all HR Managers & Directors: • Are you looking for structured programmes to develop your staff? • Sponsor or part sponsor your staff to achieve MBA, Masters, Bachelor, Diploma or Certificate courses • The spend is value for money • The return is measurable & tangible • Choose from 31 courses from 9 UK Universities (Bradford, Sunderland, Wales, Birmingham etc.) • 16 years in HK *All courses are registered

RDI Management Learning Ltd. 7th Floor, South China Building 1-3 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong

alphaeight specialises in behavioural-science research and people development. We utilise research to create individual and team development solutions— focused on business objectives—for leaders, managers and frontline workers. It’s all about research and evidence: solutions, built upon scientifically proven research on how the human mind works, are practical and easy to adopt and utilise exclusive tools and techniques developed by our research institute. It’s all about you: solutions tailored to your people’s specific needs and your business objectives—give you the results you want. It’s all about impact: measure changes before, during and after development.

the alphaeight institute 1906, 19/F, Miramar Tower 132 Nathan Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2992 0133 Fax: (852) 2992 0918

Mrs Stephanie Herd Tel: (852) 2302 0283 Fax: (852) 2302 0006

AUTUMN 2013 • 59


Legal / Employment Law / Tax

Baker & McKenzie defined the global law firm of the 20th century and is redefining it to meet the needs of the global economy of the 21st century. With a network of 69 offices across 41 countries, we have been building valuable insights into the different laws and distinctive business cultures around the world. What sets us apart is our uncompromising commitment to excellence, coupled with our deep local roots and the experienced global perspective that comes from helping companies navigate sophisticated legal and business issues at home and across borders. We are regularly involved in first-to-market transactions and are widely recognised as the leading law firm in Hong Kong and China.

Baker & McKenzie 14th Floor, Hutchison House 10 Harcourt Road, Central, Hong Kong 23rd Floor, One Pacific Place 88 Queensway, Hong Kong

Excel Global Consulting is a leading business consultancy specialising in the enhancement of business performance through a unique approach to people management. Our goal is to deliver you the knowledge and resources to improve business productivity by creating better employee engagement within your organisation using customised human capital management solutions. With our support you’ll gain a committed, more innovative and highly motivated workforce primed to lead your business towards greater efficiency and productivity. With Excel Global your employees will gain greater job satisfaction in a solution-oriented work environment where engagement is productive, innovative and geared to better business performance.

Excel Global Company Information Level 8, Two Exchange Square, 2 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong

wts consulting (Hong Kong) Limited is a dynamically growing professional services firm and member of WTS Alliance, a global network of selected consulting firms represented in about 100 countries. A close cooperation in Asia as well as globally ensures fast and highly efficient access to local specialists with international cross border experience.

wts consulting (Hong Kong) Limited Unit 1004, 10/F, Kinwick Centre 32 Hollywood Road Central, Hong Kong

Through our business units Tax and Consulting and our cooperation partner for Legal advice we offer a comprehensive service portfolio and provide integrated solutions on Expatriate matters, covering legal, corporate tax, personal tax and social security matters across Asia.

Tel: (852) 2528 1229 Fax: (852) 2541 1411

Andreas Lauffs, Jennifer Van Dale Tel: (852) 2846 1888

Tel: (852) 2846 1888 Fax: (852) 2297 2289

Pest Control and Environmental Services BioCycle is the first pest management company in Hong Kong to have acquired both the ISO 14001 and the ISO 9001 System Certifications. BioCycle was set up in 1991 to provide safe and environmentally friendly Pest Control, Termite Consulting, Sentricon Colony Elimination System for termite colony and Sanitation Services, and operates under European management.

BioCycle (Hong Kong) Limited Unit A G/F & 11/F, Lok Kui Industrial Building, 6-8 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

We are the exclusive user of our group’s insecticide, BioKill, which has been approved by the AFCD of HK Government not to carry the poison label.

Tel: (852) 3575 2575 Fax: (852) 3575 2570

Only the professional carpet cleaning and pest-control services of Truly Care, Hong Kong’s specialists in occupational, industrial, environmental and domestic hygiene can give you a clean, safe and bug-free office and home. Don’t put your staff’s health at risk! For a free, no obligation, inspection and quotation, please call us now on 2458 8378

Truly Care (HK) Ltd. Room 1522, Nan Fung Centre, 264-298 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong

PsyAsia International is Asia’s leading independent distributor of Psychometric Tests of Personality and Aptitude. PsyAsia International also offers employee screening and assessment services, personal development courses and human resource training and consultancy. Using highly qualified and experienced organisational psychologists, our solutions are World-Class. Our focus on scientific, evidence-based psychology at the core of our Human Resource Training and Consulting activities, as well as the employment of fully registered organisational psychologists, separates us from those providing similar services in the HR field.

PsyAsia International Level 8, Two Exchange Square 8 Connaught Place Central, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2458 8378 Fax: (852) 2458 8487

Psychological Assessment Tools


Tel: (852) 8200 6005


Recruitment / Executive Search

Established in 1997, ConnectedGroup is a privately owned enterprise and has developed from a pure executive search business into a full spectrum human capital consulting firm. With offices in Asia and the Middle East we are well placed to service two of the fastest growing regions in the world and our consultative and client driven approach has positioned us as a partner of choice for companies across a diverse range of functions and industries. We work to values of candid, creative and connected and our employees are constantly measured against these behaviours to deliver the highest levels of service quality.

ConnectedGroup 19/F, Silver Fortune Plaza 1 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong

HRA provide human resource consultancy & recruitment support to construction, engineering, manufacturing and the oil & gas sectors.

HRA Associates (HK) Limited 1703, 17/F, Silvercord Tower 1 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon, Hong Kong

Based in HK and with international partners, we operate in Asia and the ME. HR consultancy services include the full range of HR services including training; HR audits and outsourced HR support.

Contact person: Adam Edwards Tel: (852) 3972 5888 Fax: (852) 3972 5897

Tel: (852) 2735 9961 Fax: (852) 2735 9967

Silenus is certainly your partner of choice who specialises in recruiting talents in the Consumer and Retail sectors in Hong Kong. We provide customised solutions to meet your specific recruitment needs. Leveraging on our deep understanding of your manpower and business needs, coupled with an extensive candidate pool, we can help you recruit the right candidate who is able to drive your business to new heights. Our dedicated professional recruitment consultants possess superb recruitment skills. They can see the competency, personality, career aspirations and interests of candidates objectively and accurately, thus enhancing the efficiency and value of the recruitment process.

Silenus (Hong Kong) Limited 8/F, World Wide House 19 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong

Tricor Executive Resources, the former search and selection practice of PricewaterhouseCoopers in Hong Kong, has over the last 25 years built an unrivalled reputation for integrity and professionalism. Through focused research and intense sourcing, we recruit management and top-level executives for positions in Hong Kong, Mainland China and the region. We also offer related HR services such as recruitment outsourcing; compensation and benefit advice; outplacement and career counselling; and advisory services on grading structures and job descriptions.

Tricor Executive Resources Limited Level 28, Three Pacific Place 1 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong

Asian Tigers, has provided international relocation and moving service to the Hong Kong market for more than 40 years. We move people internationally, regionally, and even within Hong Kong itself. Our experienced, multilingual staff enables Asian Tigers to deliver a low-stress relocation services. Perhaps you are responsible for coordinating your office move and would like to know more about ‘low-down-time’ office relocations. Whatever your needs, wherever you are headed, Asian Tigers can help facilitate and streamline your relocation. Give us a call and find out how we can assist you.

Asian Tigers Mobility 17/F., 3 Lockhart Road Wanchai, Hong Kong

Crown Relocations, a worldwide leader of global mobility, domestic and international transportation of household goods, and departure and destination services, has over 180 offices in more than 50 countries. From preview trip and immigration assistance to home and school searches, orientation tours, intercultural training, partner career program, and ongoing assignment support, Crown offers the best relocation solutions to corporate clients and transferees across the world.

Crown Relocations 9-11 Yuen On Street, Siu Lek Yuen, Sha Tin, New Territories

Tel: (852) 2185 6300 Fax: (852) 2185 6303

Tel: (852) 2980 1166 Fax: (852) 2869 4410

Relocation and Logistics

Tel: (852) 2528 1384 Fax: (852) 2529 7443

Tel: (852) 2636 8388

AUTUMN 2013 • 61


Thinking Relocation? Think Santa Fe. Santa Fe is a leading Relocation Services Company, providing a comprehensive range of the highest quality services to individual and corporate clients, including: immigration/visa, home/school search, language/cultural training, tenancy management/expense management and local, office, domestic and International moving services. Established in Hong Kong in 1980, Santa Fe has continuously expanded operations throughout the world. Today, Santa Fe Relocation Services is part of the Santa Fe Group and offers a single-source solution for organisations looking to transfer their employees globally. The Santa Fe Group currently operates in 52 countries with 122 offices worldwide.

Santa Fe Relocation Services 18/F, CC Wu Building 302-08 Hennessy Road Wan Chai, Hong Kong

City Loft Serviced Studio, bucking the trend of expensive staff housing. Companies looking for staff housing can breathe a big sigh of relief with City Loft Serviced Studio value-for-money monthly rentals of only $7K – $15K per month. Whether your overseas trainees or project team need 1 month or 1 year, City Loft’s flexible rentals are perfect for teams arriving and departing Hong Kong throughout the year. Once your staff arrives at the airport, leave it with us to help them move into their small comfortable flats that are never more than 3-5 minutes from a MTR station on Hong Kong Island.

City Loft Serviced Studio Unit 801, 8/f Cheung’s Building No. 1-3 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Four Seasons Place, the epitome of luxury and elegance, Four Seasons Place creates a relaxed and homely living environment amidst the surrounding opulence. With 519 serviced suites designed by internationally renowned designers, guests can choose from a range of stylish accommodations from studios and 1/2/3-bedroom suites to penthouses that open up to spectacular views of Victoria Harbour. It also features a rooftop heated pool & Jacuzzi, sky lounge, gymnasium, sauna and multi-purpose function room to meet business and recreational needs. Heralding a comfortable, hassle-free living experience, all guests are pampered with personalised hotel services from VIP airport pick-up to 24-hour multi-lingual concierge services.

Four Seasons Place 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong

Ovolo, is a Hong Kong hospitality company that provides guests with modern city accommodation with award-winning interiors, focused customer care and all-inclusive service packages. Founded in 2002, the company now own and operate four hotels and two serviced apartment properties in Hong Kong and an international hotel in Melbourne, Australia.

Ovolo Group Limited 3 Artbuthnot Road, Central, Hong Kong

The HarbourView Place is part of the Kowloon Station development, located at a key harbour crossing point. Located atop the MTR and Airport Express Link at Kowloon Station. The junction of major rail lines, 3 minutes to Central, 20 minutes to the Airport, a mere 30 minutes to Shenzhen and 60 minutes to Guangzhou. It is a place for the best view of Hong Kong and Kowloon and is an icon property at Harbour Gateway. Located next to International Commerce Centre (ICC), the fourth tallest building in the world, The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong and W Hong Kong. Guests can enjoy a premium luxury living with the large shopping mall Elements and Hong Kong’s highest indoor observation deck Sky100.

The HarbourView Place 1 Austin Road West, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Vega Suites, is the first stylish suite hotel in Kowloon East. Located atop the MTR Tseung Kwan O Station, Island East and Kowloon East only 3 MTR stations away. The integrated complex becomes a new landmark creating a comfortable, relaxing and home like living space for guests. The all-encompassing landmark development comprises two international hotels & the luxury residence The Wings. Situated directly above the trendy PopCorn mall and connected to one million square feet of shopping, dining, leisure and entertainment. There is a lustrous selection of units ranging from Studio, 1-Bedroom, 2-Bedroom to 3-Bedroom with flexible staying term.

Vega Suites 3 Tong Tak Street, Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2574 6204 Fax: (852) 25751907

Serviced Apartments and Hotels

at the ICC megalopolis


Tel: (852) 2881 7979 Fax: (852) 3196 8628

Tel: (852) 3196 8228 Fax: (852) 3196 8628

Tel: (852) 2165 1000 Fax: (852) 2790 5490

Tel: (852) 3718 8000 Fax: (852) 3718 8008

Tel: (852) 3963 7888 Fax: (852) 3963 7889


Staff Benefits

Red Packet is the market leading gift experience provider and offers a range of corporate gift experiences tailored for corporate reward & recognition programs. Red Packet offers a unique range of experiences across gastronomy, sport, entertainment and discovery, and are ideal for employee recognition rewards or for a wider customer loyalty campaigns.

Red Packet 15/F, Shun Feng International 182 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai

As the most comprehensive and strategically focused employee benefits specialist, Mybenefits provides international companies with a one-stop solution to achieving employee benefit objectives and has quickly become the preferred partner of Human Resource professionals in Asia.

Mybenefits 14/F, Grand Millennium Plaza 181 Queen’s Road Central , Central, Hong Kong

100% proven track record at helping companies: Reduce employee benefit costs, Reduce HR workload, Increase employee satisfaction

Contact person: Pauline Williams Tel: (852) 2891 8915

Nespresso, the worldwide pioneer and market leader in highest-quality premium portioned coffee, introduces consumers to the world’s finest Grand Cru coffees to be enjoyed in the comfort of their own homes and savoured outside the home, in locations such as gourmet restaurants, upscale hotels, luxury outlets and offices. Nespresso is driven by core competencies that enable it to create highest quality Grand Cru coffees, long lasting consumer relationships, and sustainable business success. Nespresso focuses on its unique Trilogy, the unmatched combination of exceptional coffee, smart and stylish coffee machines and personalised customer service. Together, these three elements deliver moments of pure indulgence – the Nespresso Ultimate Coffee Experiences.

Nespresso Division of Nestle Hong Kong Ltd. 7 Floor, Manhattan Place 23 Wang Tai Road, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong

Total Loyalty Company provides a staff social club outsourcing solution for Hong Kong companies. Offering a customised solution for each client, the staff social club program includes a company branded website, branded membership cards, a wide range of lifestyle benefits and privileges and a full calendar of social events. A staff social club can add immense value to a company’s culture, from generating greater employee engagement, assisting with staff retention, through to creating a better work life balance for employees.

Total Loyalty Company Suite 2202, 22/F Manley Comm. Bldg. 367-375 Queen’s Road Central, HK

Tel: (852) 3168 0228 Fax: (852) 3568 5252

Tel: 800 905 486 Fax: 800 968 822

Contact person: Sam Lau Tel: (852) 2536 9010 Fax: (852) 2536 9008


HR’s dilemma

Do you want your HR team to be more

Fast and efficient, Zenius heats water to the

productive? Keep bums on seats and fingers

optimum temperature in just 35 seconds.

on keyboards? The more time you spend at

It is designed with high-quality materials

the desk, the more you will get done, right?

chosen for the robustness of internal and

Wrong. According to a study by leading

external elements, as well as incorporating

science research website Science Daily,

an automatic ‘power off’ function. It is the

brief diversions during the day can vastly

first Nespresso machine with an integrated

improve focus. The study concludes that,

SIM card that can communicate with

after a certain period of time, the ability

Nespresso’s Customer Relationship Centre.

to focus begins to decline. At this point, it’s time to take a break. But what should we do with our 15-minute break?

Afternoon t

But which coffee to drink? So now you have the machine, how do you

ea o

r co

choose the perfect coffee product to go with

ff e e? Br ea k

it? Nespresso has introduced its Crealto limited edition coffee, with the slogan

in g

‘when coffee meets gastronomy.’ For Crealto, Nespresso Green Coffee



Specialist Alexis Rodriguez was inspired by

e th

Michelin-starred chef Mauro Colagreco’s


application of long-roasting techniques

d rk

at low temperatures. Uniting the creative


strengths of both areas of expertise, Crealto

ate acilit to f

reveals roasted notes that are surprisingly round with a lingering finish, achieved by a long-roasting method. With an intensity of 8—on a scale of 1 – 10—and blended entirely from washed Arabicas, the unique

greater pr od u c tiv ity

character of Crealto allows its rich aroma to be fully appreciated. Its long roasting time cooks all the notes harmoniously, allowing it to develop round roasted notes that are long-lasting. Commenting on the release of Crealto, Alexis Rodriguez explained, “At Nespresso we are always looking for innovative ways to surprise coffee lovers with unique coffee discoveries that unveil new sensorial experiences. We have worked

Afternoon coffee, anyone?

with world-class chefs for a long time, as

Whether it’s a meeting about HR strategy,

there are many synergies between Nespresso

staff retention challenges, compensation

and the world of high gastronomy.

and benefits, or just a short break to unwind, good coffee made easily is what


every office needs. Nespresso, recently

Different coffee moments

launched Zenius, the latest in their

So what time of day is it best to drink

professional machine range. At Nespresso,

coffee? If you have just one cup of coffee a

continuous innovation and a passion for

day, common sense may suggest that a good

perfection have been key drivers in the

time to have it might be at lunch time. In

quest to consistently deliver high-quality

fact, Professor David Benton, a psychologist

coffee to consumers worldwide, for

at the University of Wales, found that a

enjoyment in and out of the home. Zenius is

large lunch is often associated with lapses

ideal for small and large companies looking

of attention in the afternoon, but a cup

for quality and simplicity in their coffee.

of coffee helps offset the mid-afternoon

The machine integrates new technological

doldrums. Don’t get hung up on when to

innovations while bringing you all the

have a coffee, any time is suitable! Now,

benefits of Nespresso products and services.

whose turn is it to make the coffee?

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