Hebe Jebes Hebe Haven Yacht Club 白沙灣遊艇會
24 Hour Charity Dinghy Race 2021 | Monsoon Winter Series 2021
Jan/Feb 2022
| Clean Pak Sha Wan Day
Hebe Jebes
Hebe Haven Yacht Club
General Manager
Operations, Facilities & Project Manager
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
Paul C. Arkwright
Matthew Bromley
Martin Turner
2719 9682
2719 7921
Accounting Manager
Marine Manager
Carol Chan
Jimmy Chow
2719 7925
2719 7919
Aamir Khan, Grace Mak, Camellia Poon
Membership Manager
PR & Communications Manager
Jessica Yau
Camellia Poon
2719 7927
2719 7962
Sailing Centre Manager
IT Manager
Rob Allen
Chris Lam
2719 7930
2719 7939
Human Resources Manager
Project Manager
Janet Lai
2719 7913
2719 7967
New Territories, Hong Kong
hhyc@hhyc.org.hk | www.hhyc.org.hk
General Committee
Member Windshifts
Don Johnston
New Members
New Members
Miss Kember-Cheah, Minni Lara Y.
Mr Chan, Bo Shun
Vice Commodore
Mr Juskys, Domas
Mr Elliott, Mark Patrick
Robert Quinlivan
Mr Kong, Lung Cheung
Mr Ling, Wai Yip Jackie
Mr Ou, Owen
Mr Pellarin, Simon B. M. H.
Rear Commodore—Operations
Mr Riha-Scott, Frantisek
Mr Xu, Anlan
Eddy Lo
Mr Yu, Yan Yee
Ms Lam, Shuk Yun Ada
Sub-editors Christy Chan, Ian Thomas Proofreaders
Sean Baylis, Laura Quinlivan, Andrew Sheard ART AND GRAFT Art Director Russell Balad Designer Heidi Chan Photography and Images Chris Howarth, Panda Man, Pexels, David Robinson, Unsplash
F&B Manager Billy Fung 2719 7916 billy.fung@hhyc.org.hk General Office 2719 9682 2358 1017 (Fax) Marine Office 2719 3673 2719 3273 (Fax) Sailing Centre 2719 0926 Main Bar 2719 8300 Sampan Service 9272 6204 9272 6205 10.5 Miles, Hiram’s Highway Pak Sha Wan, Sai Kung
ADVERTISING & SPONSORSHIP Poppy Lai Tel: (852) 2736 6339 poppy@excelmediagroup.org Jane Cheng Tel: (852) 2736 6339 jane@excelmediagroup.org EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Tel: (852) 2736 6339 Contributions, articles & photos should be sent to: hebejebes@excelmediagroup.org
PUBLISHED BY Excel Media Group Limited Shops 3 - 5, G/F, Pak Sha Wan Centre Lot 523, DD 210 Hiram’s Highway—Hebe Haven Sai Kung, New Territories Hong Kong SAR PRINTED BY Promise Network Printing Limited Blk B G/F
October 2021 / November 2021
Mr Yue, Kwok Yin Edmond Rear Commodore—Sailing
Mr Yuen, Tze Wing
Absent Members
Bridget Chan
Ms Tromans, Catherine Elizabeth
Mr Salonen, Janne Sakari
Rear Commodore—Sail Training
Absent Members
Harvey Jessop
Mr Au, Ivan
Mr Shaw, Stephen Kelly Ms Blomfield, Patricia
Mr Hopkins, Matthew Philip
Resigned Members
Hon. General Secretary
Mr Lee Ka Chung, William
Miss Johnson, Aribel Cate
Sonny Payne
Mr Yu, Yin Ping Pierre
Mr Chu, Mok Yuen
Hon. Treasurer
Resigned Members
Mr Wong, Sik Kuen
Aaron Goach
Miss Chen, Suen Ying Suzette
Ms Yip, Ming Chu
Mr Lo, Paco Abraham
Mr Cheung Kim Ming Reactivated Members
Members Andrew Badenhorst
Reactivated Members
Mr Morley, Brett Andrew
Phase 4 Kwun Tong Ind Centre
Frances Hurley
Mr Chan, Kwai Sang
Mr Skeels, Martyn Timothy
Kwun Tong Road
Jimmy Lau
Mr Tindle, Gordon
Joseph Lau
Hong Kong SAR
John Lo Kam Kuen Kay Patterson Sean Baylis Simon Robertson
No part of this publication can be reproduced without consent from the Publisher. Copyright of all material is reserved throughout the publication. Contributions are welcome but copies of work should be kept, because Hebe Jebes takes no responsibility for lost submissions. The views, conclusions, findings and opinions published in this magazine belong to those expressing such, and do not necessarily represent those of the Publisher or editorial team.
JAN/FEB 2022
January & February 2022
Events Calendar
Public Holiday Chinese New Year Day
01 / Feb
— 03 / Feb
New Year's Day Sailaway
01 / Jan
Sailing Centre Events
Yacht Racing Events
Dinghy Sailing Club
Kowloon Cup
08 & 15
26 / Feb
29 / Jan
16 / Jan
Monsoon Spring 1
26 / Feb
J80 Night Race
25 / Feb
Youth Sail Training Saturday Youth Sailing
Wednesday Sailing
09 & 16
23/ Feb
08 & 15
29 / Jan
26 / Feb
Youth Race Training HHYC Youth Race Training (Hebe Dragons & Green Fleet & Blue Fleet & Laser)
02 / Jan
05 / Jan
09 / Jan
04 / Feb
06 / Feb
12 / Jan
16 / Jan
09 / Feb
13 / Feb
19 / Jan
22 / Jan
16 / Feb
20 / Feb
26 / Jan
30 / Jan
23 / Feb WED —
27 / Feb
Sail Training Adult HKSF Level 1 & 2 - ADSF01221
30 / Jan
Keelboat Training - KBTC012201
30 / Jan
JAN/FEB 2022
Contents Club Calendar
02 January & February 2022
40 Sailability Round Up 44 Para Team and Tier 2 Para Team training
Reports 08 Commodore's Report 10 Vice Commodore's Report 12 General Manager's Report
Shutterbug 16 18 22 24
Monsoon Winter Series Races 1&2 Monsoon Winter Series Race 6 24 Hour Charity Dinghy Race 2021 (Cheque Presentation Ceremony) AGM
46 52 54 56
24 Hours Charity Dinghy Race thank-you notes KGV Challenge Week 2021 Sha Tin College Explorer Sailing Week 2021 Clean Pak Sha Wan Day
Club Updates 58 Rear Commodore—Sailing 60 Rear Commodore—Operations
Wine & Dine
26 F&B Upcoming Events 28 Wines & Beers of the Month
62 Classifieds
Racing 30 Monsoon Winter Series 2021 36 24 Hour Charity Dinghy Race 2021
JAN/FEB 2022
The General Committee 2021/2022 Mr. Don Johnston Commodore
Mr. Robert Quinlivan Vice Commodore
Mr. Eddy Lo
Ms. Bridget Chan
Mr. Harvey Jessop
Mr. Sonny Payne
Rear Commodore (Operations)
Rear Commodore (Sailing)
Rear Commodore (Sail Training)
Hon. General Secretary
Mr. Aaron Goach Hon. Treasurer
Mr. Andrew Badenhorst Member
Ms. Frances Hurley Member
Mr. Jimmy Lau Member
Mr. John Lo Member
Mr. Joseph Lau Member
Ms. Kay Patterson Member
Mr. Sean Baylis Member
Mr. Simon Robertson Member
JAN/FEB 2022
By the time you read this, I hope you will have had a very happy Christmas and New Year and taken at least a bit of time for a rest over the festive season. As we head into 2022, among the multiple projects detailed in the other reports in this issue, we will also be finally progressing with the Club’s updated Articles of Association (AoA). The updated AoA has already been approved by the Lands Department and we have received a policy statement of support from the Home Affairs Bureau, to be followed by approval by our membership. To facilitate this in March we will be hosting a webinar to explain the key updates to the AoA to members, including compliance with the current Companies Ordinance. Following this, we will then hold a General Meeting for the members to approve the new AoA. The Club will see a number of enhancements over the next few months and years, which you can read more about in the Vice Commodore’s Report and the General Manager’s Report. I thank you for your patience and understanding while we upgrade facilities for our membership. Stay warm and stay safe. DON JOHNSTON Commodore
當你讀到這篇文章時,我希望你已經度過了一個非常愉快的聖誕節和新年,讓自己身 心皆得到休息。 踏入2022年,本會將開展多個項目,其中本會的公司章程的修訂取得理想進展。地政總 署已通過最新公司章程,本會亦收到民政事務局的政策支持聲明,在本會會員批准後 將予落實最新公司章程。本會將在3月份舉辦線上論壇,向會員解釋公司章程的修訂項 目,及其內容如何與新《公司條例》保持一致。在此之後,本會將召開會員大會,徵求會 員的同意以通過最新公司章程。 在接下來的一年,本會將進行許多項目優化設施,期間可能會造成不便,敬請諒解。關 於優化項目的詳情可覽閱副會長及總經理的報告。 祝大家在新的一年平平安安、身體健康!
JAN/FEB 2022
At the recent AGM, I was delighted and somewhat daunted to be elected as Vice Commodore. I have been Treasurer for three years which, given my day job, was very much in my comfort zone. However, the Vice Commodore has traditionally overseen the Club's Planning and Works Committee, which is certainly not in my comfort zone. Fortunately, we have a very experienced and dedicated team on the Committee, together with the Club's project staff. As you all know, we have many projects in progress and some highlights of in-progress projects are set out below. Some of these projects will involve inconvenience to members as access to parts of the Club will need to be restricted for a period of time. We will keep any disruptions to a minimum and ask for your patience as the projects will provide an improved Club for your benefit. Seawall repairs Works were completed on 14 Dec 2021 which was ahead of schedule. The works were completed by Tong Kee and were within the agreed budget for the project.
Changing rooms renovation The design for our new changing rooms is complete and we are proceeding with the construction in January. Temporary changing rooms have been installed and construction, starting with the ladies, began in late December. Once the ladies’ room is complete, construction on the disabled and men’s changing room will follow. The project is scheduled to be finished by June 2022. Air-conditioning upgrade Replacement of a significant component of our air-conditioning system is scheduled to start in January 2022. The works will mean that the restaurant will need to be closed for certain periods. The staff are working to minimise the disruption and provide alternative arrangements for members during the installation. Boat rack safety walkways A pilot walkway will be built in early January. Subject to the design being satisfactory, the walkways are scheduled to be complete by May 2022. Thanks to the Planning and Works Committee and the Club’s project team for a huge effort over 2021. In 2022, members will see more of the changes resulting from these and other projects which are part of the master-plan and lease renewal.
在 上一次的年度大會上,我被 選為副會長,既高興又 緊張。在 此之 前,我已在本會 擔任了三年的司庫,早已適應工作。但 是現在職務 有變,副會長需統籌規劃及 工程 委員會 等事務,無疑 是讓我跳出舒適圈的機會。當然,我們的委員會團隊成員都 非 常有經驗、非常敬業,再加上本會的工作人員的協助,相信我們的工作將順利展開。 本會現階段已張開多個項目,接下來將重點介紹幾個主要項目。部份項目可能會造 成不便,例如會員不能進出入某些施工區域。這些工程項目皆以會員的福祉出發,本 會將盡最大努力將不便減少至最低,請各位會員諒解! 海堤修理工程 工程已於2021年12月14日完成,比原訂日期提早完工。該項工程由Tong
程的全部支出沒有超出議定預算金額。 本會更衣室和洗手間的翻新項目 本會已完成該 項目的設計,現正展開該工程。另外,也已安裝臨時淋浴和廁所設施 供使用。從12月底開始施工,先是女洗手間,然後是殘疾人士洗手間,最後是男洗手 間。該項目計劃於2022年6月完工。 重新安裝冷氣系統 本會的餐廳將在2022年1月開始更換冷氣系統的部件,因此餐廳將在特定時期關閉 兩週。本會將盡最大努力減少對會員造成的不便,亦請各位密切留意本會發佈的最 新安排。 船架安全通道 承建商將在2022年1月初建成一條模擬通道,若設計得到委員會通過,預計工程將於 2022年5月落成。 感謝過去一年規劃及工程委員會和本會各部門同事的辛勞工作。在新的一年裡,本會 總體規劃和租賃更新將陸續完成,會所的面貌將煥然一新,更好地服務各位會員。
JAN/FEB 2022
Wow, what an awesome fortnight my first two weeks as GM has been, including the Club’s coolest project, wedding bells at Hebe and some major fix-its coming online. Read all about it… Christmas prizegiving and party In the Garden Bar on 23 December, the Hebe Dragons’ multiple successes were celebrated at an awesome Christmas party that saw mums and dads helping out at the BBQ to serve up a veritable mountain of bangers and burgers to the 170 hungry revellers. Thanks to Sharon Robertson and her team and Rob for organising such a great event.
PAUL C. ARKWRIGHT General Manager
Wedding bells at Hebe Now that we’ve got Category-D arrangements under our belt, we’ve been able to host our first wedding at Hebe since the “Big C” came along to socially distance everyone. Billy, Chef Eric, Marco and the F&B team did an amazing job transforming the Garden Bar into a beautiful wedding venue for Rocky Lam’s son and new daughter-inlaw. Rocky took the time to write in and thank the Hebe team for making it such a great day … and they deserve it—an outstanding team effort and a brilliant event. Hebe fix-it time There are multiple projects kicking off now and in the next few months to make Hebe even better for everyone. See the Vice Commodore’s report for all the details but here are a few highlights. ________________________________________________________________________________________ The Club’s coolest project First off the blocks will be the much-needed air-con overhaul in the main Restaurant … remember sweltering in summer? These works have been deliberately scheduled to happen in the cool season and in the lull between the festivities of New Year and CNY. We are also combining these works with the simultaneous overhaul of the kitchen air filtration system and roof repairs to minimise any disruption to members. I’ve already sent out a separate email about adjusting F&B times and menus to accommodate these essential repairs. If you missed that, I’ve attached it again after my message here. Showering in style Next up will be the renovation of the club washrooms. You’ll see a temporary washroom block in place (with solar-powered water heaters) near the children’s playground for use while we completely renovate and redesign the club washrooms. Female washroom renovations will start in early January, followed by the disabled washroom (there will be an accessible temporary washroom during that time) and finally, the male washrooms. Upon completion, the temporary washroom block will then be relocated to the boatyard for our marine and maintenance teams to use to give them decent facilities and reduce pressure on the use of the members’ washrooms. Seawall repairs Members who like looking at concrete and those who use tenders may have noticed our swanky new seawall to replace the old disintegrating one. Next up, we will be repairing the two slipways and applying to add in some additional pontoon space for tenders near the new seawall.
Who moved my boat? The submarine ground investigation works will begin shortly as the prelude to the complete replacement of the marina piles. Soon you will see a big drill on a barge in the marina, which isn’t looking for oil, but rather checking out what’s in the seabed so the engineering bods can figure out how best to drive in the new marine piles. During this time, a few members’ boats in berths G11, G12, G13, G14, G15 and G16 will be relocated one at a time from their pontoon berths (for around one week) to allow access for the barge to conduct the essential GI works. A bit inconvenient, but it’s to ensure your berth is safe in the long run. Stay tuned for notices letting affected boat owners know about exact arrangements during this time. __________________________________________
以總經理的職銜上任已有兩週,陸續開展工作項目,下文將詳細說明: 頒獎和聖誕派對 在12月23日,龍隊在花園酒吧參加了頒獎儀式和聖誕慶功會。幸得一群家長相助,為這170名選 手準備了美味的香腸和漢堡包,在此特此感謝 Sharon Roberson、她的團隊以及Rob的付出,才 有這麼精彩又有趣的活動。 白沙灣遊艇會婚宴場地及籌劃 因會所現以D類餐飲處運作,自疫情之後終於能籌劃婚禮活動,活動當天緊守最新社交距離措 施。Billy、主廚Eric、Marco和餐飲部同事,把花園酒吧變成了一個美輪美奐的婚禮場地,Rocky 的兒子和他的新兒媳在此宴請親友。在婚宴結束後,Rocky親手寫信給致謝本會,感謝各位同事 的辛勞及表示自己對婚宴安排的滿意。 本會維修項目 本會已開展多個維修項目,在接下來的幾個月裡,本會將經歷不少變化。詳情請參閱副會長的報 告,容我在此簡略介紹: 最讓人期待的項目
Greening Hebe This will be an ongoing mission, but for starters, paper towels have been removed from the main washrooms to reduce paper usage, all club printers are being set to black and white by default to save ink and print costs, notices are being posted to remind members to use their own water bottles at the Club and our reverse-osmosis water filter to fill them up.
首先,會所餐廳的冷氣系統維修項目即將展開,不知大家還記得夏季酷熱難熬的那段時間嗎?這 次,本會刻意安排維修項目在涼爽的季節進行,在新曆和農曆新年的假期也會開展項目。是次冷 氣系統維修項目與廚房空氣過濾系統、屋頂維修項目同步進行,本會希望儘量在有限的時間內 完成各大項目,減少對會員造成的不便。本會經電郵通知各位關於餐廳的運營時間和菜單的改 動,各位會員可在今期會刊留意相關詳情。 本會更衣室和洗手間的翻新項目 該項目將分階段完成,預計1月初開始改造女洗手間,然後是殘疾人士洗手間,然後是男洗手間。 在此期間,兒童遊樂場附近將提供臨時淋浴和廁所設施。項目完工後,臨時臨時淋浴和廁所設施 將被轉移到船塢,供海事部和維修部同事使用。
Table settings To further enhance hygiene and your peace of mind at the Club, we are now setting tables with a placemat and a glass placed face down on a serviette, and servers will bring out your cutlery when members sit down to eat.
海堤修理工程 留意工程的會員或已留意到,本會用較新型的防波堤取代了破舊的防波堤。接下來,我們將維修 兩個船台,並申請在新海堤附近拓展浮橋面積。 更換碼頭樁柱長期替代項目 本會將進行場地勘察,為更換碼頭樁柱長期替代項目做準備。碼頭將停泊一艘駁船,船上有一
A little thank you to all our staff To accommodate a town hall meeting with all staff and host a thank-you dinner for them, we will close the Club early at 6.00pm on Wednesday 5 January 2022. On this date, the Restaurant and Garden Bar will take last food orders at 5.00pm, last drinks orders at 5.30pm, and Sean Baylis will be your sampan man for the evening from 6.00pm. There will also be security staff on site at all times.
台大型鑽機檢測海床狀況,以便工程的策劃。在此期間,G11、G12、G13、G14、G15和G16號泊位的 船隻將在其他位置停泊一週,以完成場地勘察的工作。在此期間,請相關船主密切留意本會的最 新安排。不便之處,敬請諒解。
綠化白沙灣遊艇會 本會部份洗手間逐漸減少紙巾用量;影印機默認設置為黑白;本會亦提倡會員使用自己的水 樽裝水。 餐桌佈置 為了進一步提高衛生水平,會所餐廳的餐桌上將放置餐墊和一個杯子,杯子朝下墊在餐巾紙上。
New team members To help better serve you, we’re building up the team at Hebe, and critical to that mission will be our new HR Manager as we wave goodbye to Rony, who is retiring at the end of December. I’ll keep you posted on new additions to the team as we onboard them.
當會員坐下用餐時,將有專人端出餐具以供使用。 感謝晚宴 本會將於2022年1月5日下午6點提前關閉,以舉行全員大會和感謝晚宴。在這一天,花園酒吧餐 廳的最後點餐時間為下午5點;最後點酒時間則為下午5點半。Sean Baylis 將在從下午6點開始在 舢板上為會員服務,現場也會有保安守候。 團隊壯大
Have a brilliant New Year, looking forward to seeing you all at the Club and hosting a shedload of fun member events throughout 2022.
為了更好地為您服務,本會的團隊不斷壯大中。本會的人事部經理Rony將在今年12月月底向我 們道別,職缺將由合適人選頂替。若有任何新成員加入團隊,我將第一時間跟大家分享。 在此祝大家新年快樂,2022年將舉辦一系列有趣的會員活動,期待與大家相聚!
JAN/FEB 2022
General Manager’s Notice
The good news is we’re making our Club even better in the New Year with a brand new air-con system, kitchen extraction system and repairs to the Restaurant’s roof. These essential works will be carried out simultaneously to minimise any disruption and will necessitate a slight adjustment to the Restaurant operations and Restaurant opening hours from 3 – 28 January 2022.
What’s happening?
Nobody likes broken air-cons, especially in summer; that’s why we’ve scheduled the complete replacement of the Restaurant air-con system immediately after the Christmas and New Year celebrations (before we get to our CNY celebrations). The original system is beyond antiquated and has to be completely replaced, which is a big job involving the phased closure of different sections of the Restaurant, while the ceilings are removed, and the new air-con system and ducting are installed.
Kitchen magic
Club kitchen hits the Garden Bar
You might be wondering how we’re going to carry on preparing meals while the kitchen vent system is also being renovated? Fear not, Billy and Chef Eric have worked their magic again and will move all essential cooking equipment downstairs to form a new bijou kitchen in the Garden Bar. We will be offering a new condensed and equally delicious menu during this period.
會所廚房搬到花園酒吧 空調和廚房抽氣系統,而餐廳屋頂亦會維修。 為盡量減少 對會員的干擾,這些工程將於 2022 年 1 月 3 日至 28 日期 間同時進行,届時餐廳運作和營業時間將會微調。 發生了什麼事? 掉,尤其是在夏天; 這就是為什麼我們安排在聖誕節和新 項艱巨的工作,涉及分階段關閉餐廳的不同部分,同時拆 除天花板,安裝新的空調系統和管道。 廚房魔法 您可能想知道在廚房通風系統也在翻新的同時我們將如何 繼續準備食物?別擔心,Billy 和廚師 Eric 再次施展魔法, 的小巧別緻廚房。 在此期間,我們將提供新的濃縮菜單。 什麼時候開放? ____________________________________________________________ 2022年1月3 - 15日(花園酒吧厨房) •
So what’s open and when? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3 – 15 January 2022 (Garden Bar kitchen) · Balcony & Garden Bar (Open, with new condensed menu) · The Restaurant and Inner Restaurant (Closed)
Restaurant opening hours · Monday – Friday: 11.30 am – 11.00 pm (except 5 Jan: 11.30 am – 6.00 pm) · Saturday & Sunday: 9.00 am – 11.00 pm · Last food orders 10.15 pm, last drinks orders 10.45 pm ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 16 – 28 January 2022 (Restaurant kitchen reopens) · The Restaurant, Balcony & Garden Bar (Open, full menu) · Inner Restaurant (Closed)
餐廳開放時間 星期一至星期五:上午11:30分 – 晚上11時(1月5日 開放時間:上午11:30分 – 下午6時) •
星期六及星期日: 上午9時 – 晚上11時
最後點餐時間:晚上10:15分(食物),晚上10:45分( 飲品)
____________________________________________________________ 2022年1月16-28 日(餐廳厨房重開) •
2022年1月29日(恢復正常) •
餐廳、内餐廳、露台及花園酒吧(開放。提供正常 菜單)
29 January 2022 (Back to normal) · The Restaurant, Inner Restaurant, Balcony & Garden Bar (Open, full menu) Restaurant opening hours · Monday – Friday: 9.00 am – 11.00 pm · Saturday & Sunday: 8.00 am – 11.00 pm · Last food orders 10.15 pm, last drinks orders 10.45 pm ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *Saying thank you to all our staff To accommodate a town hall with all staff and host a thank you dinner for them, we will close the Club early at 6.00 pm on Wednesday 5 January 2022. (On this date, the Restaurant, Garden Bar will take last food orders at 5.00 pm, last drinks orders at 5.30 pm and Sean Baylis will be your sampan man for the evening from 6.00 pm. There will also be security staff on site at all times).
餐廳開放時間 •
星期一至星期五:上午9時 – 晚上11時
星期六及星期日: 早上8八時 – 晚上11時
最後點餐時間:晚上10:15分(食物),晚上10:45 分(飲品)
*向我們所有員工致謝 為讓全體員工可以出席在2022年1 月 5 日星期三舉行的 員工會議,同時出席本會為他們舉辦的感謝晚宴,會所將 於會議舉行當日下午6時起關閉。當日最後食物落單時間 為下午5時,而最後飲品落單時間為下午5:30分。會員Sean Baylis 將在晚上 6 時開始駕駛舢板,會所也有保安人員隨 時待命,以防萬一。
JAN/FEB 2022
JAN/FEB 2022
JAN/FEB 2022
JAN/FEB 2022
JAN/FEB 2022
JAN/FEB 2022
F&B upcoming events Weekend BBQ Night
Chinese New Year Dinner Buffet
1 & 15 & 22 & 29 JAN 5 & 12 & 19 & 26 FEB
Sunday Roast / Sunday Buffet Restaurant (6.00–9.00pm)
2 & 16 & 23 & 30 JAN 6 & 13 & 20 & 27 FEB
Lawson’s Dry Hills Wine Dinner
Curry Buffet
Lion Dance
11 FEB
Restaurant (6.00–9.00pm)
13 FEB
14 JAN Japanese and Korean Night
Valentine’s Day Dinner
21 JAN
14 FEB
Scottish Night
Crazy Friday / Wine Fair
18 FEB
28 JAN & 25 FEB
Chinese New Year 31 01
F&B Arrangements
The Restaurant
The Garden Bar
Closed at 4pm
FEBRUARY, TUESDAY (Chinese New Year, Day 1)
Closed all day
FEBRUARY, WEDNESDAY (Chinese New Year, Day 2)
10am – 10pm (Limited Menu)
FEBRUARY, THURSDAY (Chinese New Year, Day 3)
10am – 10pm (Limited Menu)
JAN/FEB 2022
F&B wines & beers of the month Wine of the Month
Beer of the Month
Wines from Stellenbosch, South Africa
San Miguel Draught WHITE WINE $258/bottle Ken Forrester Vineyards, Petit Chenin Blanc 2020
$68/glass Well-balanced medium body, smooth on the palate with a pleasant clean finish. Slight hoppy note.
A youthful fresh wine with quince and pear drop flavours. Crunchy green apple and grapefruit
$25/half pint
flavours on the palate. Good mouthfeel and appetizingly tangy finish.
Ken Forrester Vineyards, Petit Cabernet Sauvignon 2019
A youthful wine showing fresh ripe mulberries and plums with a spicy undertone. A soft, rich and fruit-driven wine.
Wines from Italy
Peroni Nastro Azzurro Draught WHITE WINE
Gocce di Terra, Pinot Grigio Vigneti delle Dolomiti IGT 2019 - Trentino Alto-Adige
Sweet smelling with a coffee and malt nose. Perfect balance of bitter and roast character. Velvety in its finish.
Delicate and fruity with hints of apple and pear. Fruity and fresh with round, balanced palate.
Scarbolo, Friuli DOC Merlot 2017 - Friuli Venezia Fragrant aromas of wild berries and herbaceous notes of violets. Soft and silky body with sweet tannins and balanced structure.
$30/half pint
JAN/FEB 2022
MONSOON WINTER SERIES 2021 The Monsoon Series 2021-22 comprises three events and, like last year, is organised by HHYC in conjunction with RHKYC. 2021-22 冬季系列賽共舉辦三項賽事,與去年一樣,由本 會與香港遊艇會聯合舉辦。
Bucephalus and Ichiban approach the HKPN start (Monsoon Winter Series 2021, Race 1)
JAN/FEB 2022
The first event in the Series is the HHYC Monsoon Winter Series 2021, held over five Saturdays between 23 October and 11 December 2021. The second event comprises the RHKYC’s Monsoon Spring Cup 2022 to be held on the 13 and 14 February 2022. The Series concludes with the HHYC Monsoon Spring Series 2022, again over five Saturdays between the 26 February and 9 April 2022.
該系列賽的第一場賽 事是白沙 灣 遊 艇會 2021冬 季系 列 賽,於 2021 年 10 月 23 日至 12 月 11 日期 間 的五個 星 期 六舉 行。第 二場賽事是香港遊艇會2022春 系季列賽,於 2022 年 2 月 13 日至 14 日舉行。第三場賽事是 白沙灣 遊 艇會 2022 春系 季 列 賽,在 2022 年 2 月 26 日至 4 月 9 日之間的五個星期六再次 舉行。
There was only a light breeze in Pak Sha Wan when the committee boat headed out into Port Shelter to appraise conditions in preparation for Races 1 & 2 of the HHYC Monsoon Winter Series 2021 on Saturday the 23 October 2022.
當 會 船 從 白沙灣 出 發,當天 只 有 微 風,緩 緩 駛 入牛 尾 海,事 先視察白沙灣 遊 艇會2021冬季 系列賽第 1 和第 2 場比賽的場 地,該賽事於2022 年 10 月 23 日進行。
There the Race Officer, Rob Allen, was relieved to find the predicted 11- to 14-knot northerly. Settling on two geometric races, the top windward mark, A1, was laid at 0.8nm for IRC and the Sportsboats, with an inner mark, A2, at 0.6nm for HKPN and the J/80s, both at 15 degrees.
當日,如賽事主任 Rob Allen 所 預期,北面風力介乎 11 到 14
Hot Wired nears the leeward mark
節。 在兩個浮標賽中,IRC組 和 Sportsboats 的上風標記 A1 位 於 0.8 海里,內部標記 A2 位於 HKPN組 和 J/80級 的 0.6 海里, 均為 15 度。
Countdown procedures for the 1400 start for IRC were going according to plan, when it was realised that the outer distance mark of the start line had drifted out of position. With just 30 seconds to go, the AP flag was hoisted.
原本IRC組 於14時開始賽事,但 因為起 跑 線的外部距離標記偏 離位 置,賽 事管 理團隊掛起AP 旗幟。
Having re-layed the mark, the AP flag was lowered at 1404 with the IRC warning signal hoisted one minute later. Only two IRC boats, Talkinghead and Ricochet, joined the race out of the four entered for the Series, with Talkinghead leading over the line on two laps of the long course.
在 重 新投下標 記後,AP旗 在14
The second start involved nine Sportsboats and three J/80s. It was a congested start line with the competitive Sportsboats approaching at speed.
第二組賽事有 Sportsboats 和
Finally at 1420 it was the turn of the 10 boats in HKPN. Bucephalus led Ichiban at the committee boat end but seemed to stall on the line, forcing Ichiban to take evasive action and tack on to port.
時04分除下,IRC組的警號在一 分鐘後響起。 是次賽事共四艘 船報名參與,但只有兩艘 IRC 船 Talkinghead 和 Ricochet 參加了
Ichiban during HKPN countdown
比賽,Talkinghead 在兩圈長航 線保持領先。
擠,Sportsboats 以極快的速度 佔據前方。
始,HKPN級賽事共 10 艘船參 加。在會船後方 Bucephalus 排 在 Ichiban 前面 ,不過前者似乎 沒有前進,迫使 Ichiban 轉移並 駛入港口。
Meanwhile the breeze was gusting 14 knots before easing to 8, flicking between 0 and 14 degrees.
當日風速為14 節,然後減弱到 8 節,在 0 到 14 度之間徘徊。
Sportsboat Too Bogan prepares for the off
A good start for Talkinghead and Temujin (Monsoon Winter Series 2021, Race 6) This Saturday series is intended to give participants— and especially new owners, skippers and novice crews, including those on the newly-acquired Tolo—a chance to hone their skills. The need for this was quite apparent out on the course. Approaching the leeward mark on its first lap, the J/80 Baring Asia 2 veered violently towards the Magic 25 Merlin forcing it to bear away and almost broach before returning to round the mark.
系列賽旨在為參與者,尤其是新船主、 船長和新手船員,包括為新購入的 Tolo 的船員提供一個磨練技 能的機會。在 第一圈 J/80 Baring Asia 2 接近逆風標 記時, 猛烈轉向 Magic 25 Merlin,迫使 後者偏離標記。 在
H e rri n g以 第 一 名完 成 賽 事,其 次 是 Talkinghead。 Longtze,Too Bogan,
Despite starting five minutes after IRC, the Magic 25, Red Herring, was first to finish followed by Talkinghead in IRC. The Longtze, Too Bogan, washed its kite approaching the finish whilst Scrumpy in HKPN and Havoc in Sportsboats brought up the rear.
在到達終點後清潔風帆,而 HKPN 中的 Scrumpy 和 Sportsboats 中的 Havoc 則在後面。 15時15分進行第二場賽事,Talkinghead
Miss LeVa rounds Bay Island (Monsoon Winter Series 2021, Race 6)
在 同 樣 的 賽 道 上 跑 了 兩 圈,領 先
It was a quick turnaround for the start of Race 2 on, again, two laps of the same courses, with IRC away at 1515. Talkinghead again led Ricochet over the line, the latter having resolved rigging issues which slowed its progress in Race 1.
Ricochet成為首名衝線,後者已解決第 一場賽事發生的索具問題。 在 Sportsboats 和 J/80級 的第二次起 步後,起航線上 Too Bogan 快速轉向 以避免撞上兩艘 J/80級。 Havoc 身處
In the second start for Sportsboats and J/80s, towards the rear of the fleet Too Bogan approached the line on port but had to tack quickly to avoid two J/80s. Havoc brought up the rear but missed the four-minute start window.
起 航 線 尾端,錯過了四分鐘的起 航時 限。 在第一次繞過 A2 迎風標記時,LoTech 不小心纏上標記,拖延了其他三艘船的
On the first rounding of the inner A2 windward mark LoTech snared the mark, dragging it three boat lengths before managing to free it. Scrumpy following behind was only slightly disadvantaged with the mark in its new position.
進度,及後終於順利解開。 在重新投下 迎風標記後,Scrumpy 跟在後面,略微 處於劣勢。 在第二次繞過迎風標記時,J/80 Baring
On its second rounding, the J/80 Baring Asia 2 grazed the mark and completed its obligatory penalty turn.
Jive passes Cham Pai beacon (Monsoon Winter Series 2021, Race 6)
Asia 2 與標記擦肩而過,完成懲罰自轉 一圈。
JAN/FEB 2022
In IRC, Talkinghead scored line and handicap honours in both races with Ricochet 2nd in both.
在 IRC 組中,Talkinghead 在兩場比賽中都獲得了衝 線榮譽和讓分系統排行榜首名,Ricochet 在兩場比 賽中都獲得了第二名。
Red Herring took line honours and 2nd on corrected in Sportsboats’ Race 1. Phoenix placed 3rd in Race 1 and to line honours and 2nd in Race 2. Serendipity took handicap honours in both.
Red Herring 在 Sportsboats 的第 1 場比賽中獲得 衝線榮譽和第 2 名。Phoenix 在第 1 場比賽中獲得第 3 名,在第 2 場獲得衝線榮譽和第 2 名。Serendipity 在這兩場比賽中都獲得了讓分系統排行榜首名。
Alex Chan’s Jive won the J/80’s first race with Eliza Yeung’s Jelik 7 in 2nd and Edmond Yew’s Baring Asia 2 in 3rd. In Race 2, Jelik 7 came out on top with Jive 2nd and Baring Asia 2 again 3rd.
Alex Chan 的 Jive 贏得了 J/80級 的第一場比 賽,Eliza Yeung 的 Jelik 7 獲得第二名,Edmond Yew 的 Baring Asia 2 獲得第三名。 在第 2 場比賽 中,Jelik 7 奪得第一,Jive 排第二和 Baring Asia 2
With no prize-giving, back at the Garden Bar, Rob Cook and crew on Ichiban were celebrating their first line honours for some time, not only in HKPN’s Race 1 but also in Race 2, and no doubt continued celebrating on learning they had also taken handicap honours in both as well. Lazy Piggy and Bucephalus traded places in Races 1 and 2 with Lazy Piggy 2nd and Bucephalus 3rd in Race 1. Positions were reversed in Race 2.
All in all, a great start to the Series for the 24 competing boats.
總 而 言之,這 是 圓 滿 的 一 天,為 該系 列 賽 事 開了
因防 疫 規 定,賽 事沒有 安 排 頒 獎 典 禮,大 家回到 花園酒吧。Rob Cook 和 Ichiban 的船員慶祝他 們在HKPN級的第一場和第二 場比 賽中奪 得 衝 線 榮譽,也慶祝他們奪得讓分系統排行榜首名。
一場賽事,第 1 場中的 Lazy Piggy 位居第二名 和 Bucephalus 位居第三名;在第 2 場中, Lazy Piggy 位居第三名, Bucephalus 位居第二名。
Jive heads for Rocky Harbour (Monsoon Winter Series 2021, Race 6)
Line honours for Talkinghead at Green Beacon (Monsoon Winter Series 2021, Race 6)
JAN/FEB 2022
There were many bleary-eyed sailors and supporters at the Hebe Haven Yacht Club as dawn broke on Sunday morning in the annual 24 Hour Charity Dinghy Race.
週日清晨,一年一度的24小時慈善小艇賽在白沙灣遊艇會開展,參賽者和工作人員似乎因 早早到達場地睡眼惺忪。 夜間18時至早上4時風速較弱,偶爾風勢會持續10分鐘左右。但根據 Bubbalicious 的Olivier Decamps的說法,從晚上20時到22時這段時間並不理想,他們在兩小時內只航行了三圈,
Conditions were light overnight (between 1800 and 0400) with occasional puffs lasting 10 minutes or so. Not so for the period 2000 to 2200 according to Olivier Decamps of the Bubbalicious team, which completed just three laps in two hours. Others were even less lucky, barely completing one! Fortunately, the breeze began to build as the morning progressed with 10- to 15-minute laps recorded.
其他人的情況就更加不樂觀了,幾乎沒有隊完成一圈!會長Don安排Paul,前副會長兼現 任總經理,在海上通宵工作5個小時。慶幸的是,他們在這一場賽事中都能呆在小艇裡。隨 著天色漸漸明亮起來,微風開始增強,速度顯著加快,每圈航速達10至15分鐘。 選手們使出渾身解數,展示各式各樣的技巧,比賽過程中也發生了幾次船身顛覆的狀況。 值得留意的是,賽艇在賽道上的位置非常重要,在大部分情況下,離起跑、終點線、會船較 近的船隻經常出現失速的意外;在賽道上還有其他的阻礙會影響選手,例如運動快艇、機 動遊艇,甚至會船有時也會影響參賽隊伍的船隻前行。 到早上11時,風速最高時可達15節,但在中午太陽出來後,風速短暫緩慢下來。與此同時, 岸上的萬聖節節日氣氛非常狂熱,DJ Kevin Lewis的音樂讓大家情緒高漲。期間,會所搖身
A wide range of skills were on display on the water with more than a few capsizes. Positioning of boats on the course was also critical with those going close to the start / finish boat, Hebe One, often stalling, while those that went on the outside of Hebe One failed to pass through the gate with no lap recorded. There were other ‘obstacles’ on the course with run-abouts, motor yachts and even dragon boats on occasions obstructing the sailors.
一變,佈置巨型蜘蛛和骷髏,選手和工作人員們則身著奇裝異服,完美融入節日。各個遊 戲攤位也非常惹人注目,尤其是孩童最喜歡的充氣城堡。 隨後比賽在14時結束,賽果已有定論,慶祝活動繼續在岸上進行。頒獎儀式在15時30分後 開展,花園酒吧的營業時間也因當天的活動延至17時,當天的選手和工作人員的興致高 昂。 會長Don致感謝辭的時候,指這次活動共600名船員和300名義工參與,負責賽事管理、碼 頭集結整備、記錄時間和監管安全。他謹代表白沙灣遊艇會感謝70名全職和30名兼職員 工,在社交距離限制下,依然出色地完成任務,使活動圓滿結束,功不可沒。
By 1100, gusts of up to 15 knots were recorded but, after the sun broke through, around noon, the breeze briefly eased. Meanwhile the onshore carnival continued with live music and DJ, Kevin Lewis, pumping out the hits. Being Halloween the venue was decorated with ghoulish themes, including giant spiders and skeletons, while sailors and supporters got into the spirit of the event in spooky attire. The various stalls also attracted much interest, particularly the bouncy castle for kids. With the race concluding at 1400, festivities continued onshore whilst results were tabulated. The prize-giving began soon after 1530 and the bar stayed open until 1700 much to the delight of the revellers. Don Johnston, commodore of the Hebe Haven Yacht Club, gave an impassioned speech of appreciation, thanking all 600 sailors and the 300 volunteers involved in race management, dock marshalling, time recording and safety. Also thanked were the club’s 70 full time and 30 part time staff who had all contributed to bringing the event to a successful conclusion, despite the difficult social distancing restrictions.
JAN/FEB 2022
The support of the principal sponsors, Knight Frank, China Light & Power, Carlsberg and Corney & Barrow, was recognised, while tokens of appreciation were also presented to various participants, too numerous to mention here. He also expressed his delight at being able to run the event again, after last year’s event had to be cancelled due to COVID restrictions. In the first event run 20 years ago, 32 teams participated, while this year, 39 teams were on the water.
他 也 感 謝 一 眾 首 要 贊 助 商,包 括 萊 坊、中 電 集 團、嘉 士 伯 和 Corney & Barrow的支持,最後 並 感 謝 參 與 活 動 的 選 手 們。他 還表示去年因疫情 而被 迫 取 消 該活動,今年能再次舉 辦實屬難 得。20年前舉辦第一次舉辦24小 時慈善小艇賽,有32支隊伍參加, 今年則有39支隊伍參加。
In concluding, Don was optimistic that having already raised HK$800,000 that the Club may be close, when all donations were counted, to a fundraising achievement of HK$1 million (and he was right). On 3 December, at a special cheque presentation ceremony in the Garden Bar, funds were distributed to the Children’s Cancer Fund, IDEAL, Sailability Hong Kong, the Sai Kung District Community Centre, and Treats. Moreover, there was also a presentation of overall prizes—as this year, these were awarded for both racing and fundraising achievements. The newly appointed General Manager, Paul Arkwright, was then introduced and, speaking in Cantonese, summarised the Club’s appreciation to one and all. It was then on with the prizegiving, calculated on corrected times.
最後,Don指據估算,本會已籌得 80萬港元至100萬港元的善款,並 安排於12月3日在花園酒吧舉行支 票頒授儀式,善款將支持兒童癌 症基金、勵智協進會、航能香港、 西 貢 區 社 區中 心 及「 親 切 」。此 外,當日還有頒獎儀式,嘉獎相關 人員在賽事和籌款活動方面的貢 獻。隨後,新上任的總經理Paul, 用廣東話向所有人士表示感謝, 接而開始頒 獎,賽事名次經時間 校正後計得出。
JAN/FEB 2022
Sailability Round Up November 2021
I can’t believe where the year has gone, and I would like to say a huge thank you on behalf of Sailability Hong Kong Limited to Hebe Haven Yacht Club and its members for the home provided to us in Pak Sha Wan, which continues to provide much-needed respite and accessible sailing to our sailors.
By Kay Rawbone
光陰似箭,轉眼間一年又過去了。我謹此代表航能香港,向白沙灣遊艇會及其會員的 支持表示由衷的感謝,讓我們的水手得以享用資源,讓更多人認識帆船運動。 透過航能香港的活動,不少獨居人士從中獲得滿足感;那些缺乏資源參與水上運動的 人,也從航能香港的活動中慢慢融入社區,還能結識新朋友的同時提高溝通技巧;參 加者不斷學習新技能時,同時也在增強心理健康。在這個充滿挑戰的時期,我們的活 動能幫助參與者增強自信心。
Our sailing programmes have provided respite and enjoyment for those who live alone and the feeling of isolation that brings. Moreover, they bring integration within our community for those who don’t have the opportunity or accessibility to enjoy inclusive watersports, increased communication skills when meeting new friends, mental wellness as we take to the lovely waters surrounding us in Sai Kung whilst learning a new skill. They also allow participants to enjoy much needed physical activity and gain higher self-esteem and confidence, during the challenging time we are all living through right now.
2021年10月至11月的活動一覽: 賽馬會善樂學校逢週二舉辦航行課程,為期12週,共有18名學生參加。這是他們參與航 能香港活動的第10個年頭。 香港女障協進會參加了由美國婦女會贊助為期三天的帆船活動。自強協會的成員亦在12 月參加了該項活動。 新鴻基Scallywag計劃資助基督教勵行會轄下兩個青年團體,讓他們參加帆船課程裝備 自己,為重返香港帆船運動總會的一級及二級比賽做準備。目前,心光盲人院暨學校 的學員已完成兩期帆船課程。
October and November 2021 activities Jockey Club Sarah Roe School enjoyed a 12-week programme with 18 students joining on Tuesdays. This is their 10th year of sailing with us.
「親切」參加了一年一度為期六週的帆船活動,14名傷健青年水手各攜一名同伴參加, 最後還舉辦了「多元及包容航行日」呼應活動宗旨。這一年度的勝出者是Ben。 在義工童軍領袖的陪同下,黑武士失明人體育會的成員第一次嘗試航行。預計在內年 將有更多人參加,往年參加者都表示十分享受這類活動。
The Disabled Women’s Association enjoyed three days of sailing sponsored by the American Women’s Association of Hong Kong (AWA). Ladies from STEP Association joined for three days in December, again sponsored by the AWA.
與基督教靈實協會合作的航行活動,為中風康復患者提供一日水上活動。許多人在生 病後沒有參加任何戶外活動,透過是次活動,他們在水上度過一日美好的時光。 週六帆船活動定期舉行,繼續提供帆船訓練及康樂活動。
Scallywag Foundation scheme provides sailing courses for two youth groups from Christian Action who have graduated and are looking forward to returning for their HKSF Levels 1 & 2 and Ebenezer School for the Blind, who have completed two sailing sessions so far. TREATS joined their annual six-week sailing programme, culminating in an Inclusive Sailing Day for 14 youth sailors with disability sailing with a buddy. Sailor Ben was the winner this year of their fun race. Blind Darkness Fighters had a Taster Day accompanied on the water for their first sail by our Scout Leader volunteers. This group will be joining more in 2022 as they enjoyed the experience so much. Haven of Hope Relive Project for people in rehabilitation recovering from strokes. Many had not undertaken any outdoor activity since their illness and really enjoyed their day on the water.
傷健水手每週兩次的航行培訓定期舉行,部份參加 Hansa 303賽事的選手開始裝備自 己,有意挑戰 2.4mR 賽事。
Saturday Sailing continues to provide sail training and recreation on a weekly basis.
香港會基金資助的長者航行課程的參加 者已完成培訓,課程定期舉辦20多個活 動以維繫連結。這是基層長者第一次參
Para Sailors Training – twice weekly training continues and is now incorporating new sailors aspiring to progress from Hansa 303s to 2.4mR sailing.
與該項課程,也是他們第一次接觸航海 活動。此外,我們還在該課程的參加者 中組成帆船維修隊伍,實屬驚喜。 不久前的24小時慈善小艇賽,共
Senior Sailing Programme funded by the Hong Kong Club Foundation. Training of Senior Sailor volunteers now completed with a core group of 20+ retained and supporting programmes on a regular basis. This includes supporting grass roots seniors sailing for the first time and many of our other programmes. In addition, we have found a maintenance team from this core group which is a real find for the charity.
14艘船參與,其中一艘便是我們的 Enterprises,這是它第一次下水。船隻 由義工Ryan掌舵,與一群患有自閉症水 手一同參與賽事。其他隊伍則有週六航 行水手、賽馬會善樂學校、東華三院徐 展堂學校、明愛樂義學校、匡智晨輝學 校,新鴻基Scallywag基金和Golden Age Sailors。謝謝上述隊伍的參與,為活動 籌募善款,最後也感謝傷健水手和大家 的支持,當天每個人都玩得很開心。
24hr Dinghy Race – 14 boats entered the race with one of our renovated Enterprises participating for the first time. She managed a few of laps with a crew of ASD sailors with volunteer Ryan at the helm. Great job and it was good to see her on the water. Other boats were sailed by Saturday Sailors, JCSRS, TREATS with sailors from Tsui Ting Tong School, Caritas Lok Yi School, Morning Hope School, EM youth from our Scallywag Foundation Program, Golden Age Sailors – well done and thank you for the money raised for the race, and last but not least our Para Sailors and friends. A great time was had by everyone at a very well organized event.
Mike Rawbone 挑戰杯的第三場系列賽 於 11 月 21 日舉行,獲獎者名單請留意 下期會刊。 路向四肢傷殘人士協會主席嚴楚碧女士 早前到訪白沙灣遊艇會,為西貢區議會 製作有關傷健人士無障礙設施的短片, 進一步推廣白沙灣遊艇會活動及地區的 無障礙設施。 推出紀念Mike
以往一樣,全新設計。售價港幣150,尺 寸包括S、M、L、XL及XXL。
The 3rd Race Series of the Mike Rawbone Challenge Cup commenced on 21st November. Watch this space for the winners in the next edition! Visit to HHYC by Rabi Yim, Chairperson of Direction Association for the Handicapped making a video for Sai Kung District Council (copy for the club too) about the accessibility at HHYC for sports. Great campaigner for accessibility in HK and great promotion for the club. Launch of our new T-shirts in memory of Mike Rawbone. Same colour – new design HK$150 Sizes: S,M,L,XL & XXL 41
JAN/FEB 2022
The Disabled Women’s Association
Scallywag Foundation
Ebenezer Sailing
EMS Graduation
Ebenezer learning what a pontoon is.
Activites photos
New T-shirt
Ben TREATS winner
JAN/FEB 2022
By Andrew Sheard, Club Member and Sailability Volunteer
In November, World Sailing launched a global campaign to get sailing back into the Paralympic Games in LA 2028. Sailing was included in the Games up to 2016 but it was then dropped for Tokyo 2020 and Paris 2024, and the sport is driving hard for greater numbers and diversity of participants. Here in Hong Kong, Rex is 20 years old and an all-round sportsman.
去年11月,世界帆船運動總會針對帆 船運動開展宣傳活動,旨在讓帆船 運動重返2028年洛杉磯殘奧會。帆
In summer 2019, as he finished secondary school, Rex went with a group of friends on a beach holiday to Thailand, as many of us have. He was into sports like cycling and football and thought it would be a great idea to try surfing but tragically ended up in a Thai hospital for a week with a serious injury to his spinal cord. That was followed by a year of hospital treatment back in Hong Kong and since then he uses a wheelchair.
船運動在2016年之前一直被列入奧 運會項目,但在2020年東京奧運會 和2024年巴黎奧運會中卻不見其身 影。世界各地的帆船運動愛好者正 在努力提高參與者的人數,讓更多 不同背景和文化的人參與其中。 在香港,因帆船運動而改變人生的 故事不算罕見。20歲的Rex是一名全 能運動員,在2019年的夏天從中學 畢業後,與一群朋友去泰國度假。
Keen to continue with his sporting skills, Rex started playing wheelchair basketball and at one of these games in early 2021 a friend invited him to try sailing. He now attends Sailability for sailing training on Sundays with coach Paul. He enjoys sailing because “it’s relaxing, you can just chill out, and it’s also exciting, especially when the wind is strong, I like experiencing that feeling of speed when moving across the water.” In the future he would like to take part in more competitive sailing races.
他個人非常喜歡運動,自己會騎單 車和踢足球,到了泰國也試過衝 浪,但不幸的是,他的脊髓因這一 次意外嚴重受傷,在泰國醫院住了 一個星期。之後,又回到香港接受 了一年的治療,從那以後,他的生 活便離不開輪椅。 Rex渴望繼續他的運動生涯,開始 接觸輪椅籃球。在2021年初的一 場輪椅籃球比賽中,朋友向他介紹 帆船運動,從此他便和帆船運動結 下不解之緣。現在,他定期和教練
In 2020 Rex started a degree course at Baptist University in Journalism. He said “Baptist U does a lot for people with special needs, including wheelchair access, and it’s good that the lecturers just treat me like any other student.”
Paul參加週日的帆船訓練,毫無疑 問他非常享受帆船運動,「這項運 動讓人心情很放鬆,亦令人興奮, 尤其是在風很大的時候,我喜歡在 水中移迅速移動的感覺。」Rex分 享道。
Back the Bid Rex
Rex with volunteer Alan
On the topic of sailing’s inclusion in the Paralympics, Rex said “I can’t understand why sailing was ever dropped from the Games. If it is included in the Olympics it should also be in the Paralympics. Sailing in the LA Games in 2028 is a great goal for the leading para sailors in Hong Kong and throughout the world!” For now, Rex is focusing on his degree and honing his sailing skills. Like many sailors who have limited mobility on land, he loves the freedom of being in a dinghy and being able to move anywhere the wind allows. He believes sailing is not just about the technical skills of handling the boat, but about mental attitude. “I’ve learned that when sailing you have to have an adaptive mindset, to respond quickly to the changing conditions.” Adapting quickly to change – that seems to encapsulate Rex’s life so far. What a wonderful inspiration to us all!
Rex and Rabi Yim taking to the water - both are wheelchair users
2020年,Rex開始在香港浸會大學攻讀新聞學學位。他說:「浸會大學給予許多資源予 有特殊需要的人,例如提供輪椅;上課的時候,老師也把我當作其他學生同等對待。」 談及帆船運動的將來,Rex渴望能參加更加有挑戰性的帆船比賽。他在談到帆船項目被 列入殘奧會項目時說:「我不明白為什麼要取消帆船項目,如果它被列入奧運會運動項 目,它也應該被列入殘奧會。若2028年洛杉磯殘奧會能舉辦帆船比賽,對香港、全世界 的傷健選手來說,他們追逐的是一個偉大的目標!」 目前,Rex正專注於學業和帆船技能。在陸地上行動受制,他喜歡在海上的自由,與 海風肆意游動。他認為帆船運動不僅講究駕駛船隻的技巧,心態也是重要的因素之 一。Rex強調:「在帆船運動中,你必須有迅速適應環境的心態,以快速應對不斷變化 的挑戰。」 直到今天,迅速適應變化的能力在Rex的生活裡仍起著重要作用,對所有喜歡帆船運動 的人來說,這也是需時時學習、謹記的能力。
JAN/FEB 2022
24 HOUR CHARITY DINGHY RACE THANK-YOU NOTES Children’s Cancer Foundation 兒童癌病基金 By Ms Lucille Wong, Development Director
We cannot thank Hebe Haven Yacht Club (HHYC) enough for its warm and unwavering support to the Children’s Cancer Foundation (CCF). We are pleased to be the major beneficiary of HHYC 24 Hour Charity Dinghy Race since 2002. As of 2020, over HK$8M had been raised for CCF. With the selfless dedication and colossal efforts of the 24 Hour Race Committee, participants and volunteers, despite the pandemic, another successful event was held in 2021!
We must also show our deepest gratitude to HHYC for the warm support to our Sunshine Crew members since 2011. From the Pico and Quest training courses provided by professional coaches to the invitations to various regattas and the annual 24 Hour Charity Dinghy Race, all of which are giving them unique and life-changing experiences, not to mention enhancing their self-confidence through the process! It is very touching and encouraging to witness the growth and transformation of our Sunshine Crew members through various trainings and competitions. We are also grateful to HHYC for providing a platform for our Foundation to promote our work and services at the carnival.
On behalf of the children and families we serve, may I once again express our heartiest appreciation for your staunch support in the past nineteen years. We earnestly look forward to the upcoming 24 Hour Charity Dinghy Race and other events in 2022!
熱心支持。自二零零二年起,兒童癌 病基金一直是廿四小時慈善小艇賽的 主要受惠機構之一。至二零二零年, 這項賽事已成功為基金籌得合共超過 港幣八百萬元。儘管受疫情影響,有 賴賽事委員會會員、參賽者和義工的 努力付出,相信二零二一年的賽事一 定會再次成功地籌得可觀的數字。
艇會,自二零一一年起對我們陽光小 艇隊成員的暖心支持。由白沙灣遊艇 會的專業教練所提供的Pico和Quest 夏季帆船訓練、以至各項公開賽事和 廿四小時慈善小艇賽的參賽邀請,每 次都帶給陽光小艇隊獨特而難忘的經 驗,亦令他們的自信心增添不少。我 們能見證着一眾青年康復者在訓練和 賽事中成長和蛻變,實在是別具意義 和令人鼓舞。我們亦多謝遊艇會安排 慈善攤位,讓我們在嘉年華中宣揚基 金信念和使命。
你們在過去十九年來的鼎力支持!我 們熱切期待往後的二十四小時慈善小 艇賽和來年的精彩活動!
From IDEAL to Hebe Haven Yacht Club 勵智協進會 By Chairperson of IDEAL Mrs. Katherine Li On behalf of IDEAL (The Intellectually Disabled Education and Advocacy League), I would like to express my sincere gratitude towards Hebe Haven Yacht Club for organising the 24 Hour Charity Dinghy Race to raise funds to help the under-privileged.
我謹代表勵智協進會,衷心感謝白 沙灣遊艇會舉辦24小時慈善小艇 賽,為弱勢社群籌款。 勵智協進會主要由一群智障人士、 家長組成,依靠慈善款項來運營組
We are a self-help group formed by a group of parents with intellectually disabled children. We rely on charity funding to meet our running costs. We have been privileged to be included as a Hebe Haven Yacht Club charity beneficiary since 2009. We have been receiving donations from the annual 24 Hour Charity Dinghy Race since then, plus the family fun activities, charity stores and funfairs which our member families have enjoyed very much. The donations empower IDEAL to plan long-term programmes and equip our members with the best start in life. We are really grateful for the invaluable experiences shared with the community.
織。自二零零九年起,我們有幸參 與每年的24小時慈善小艇賽,成 為白沙灣遊艇會的受惠機構之一, 還能參與親子活動、慈善攤位和市 集,這一切我們都非常享受。24小 時慈善小艇賽所募得的款項將用以 制訂長期計劃,讓我們的成員享用 更多的資源以裝備自己。非常感謝 白沙灣遊艇會給予寶貴機會,讓我 們與社區的其他組織一同參與是次 活動!
JAN/FEB 2022
Sai Kung District Community Centre By Mr William Chan, Chief Executive (Acting)
Thank you Hebe Haven Yacht Club (HHYC) for inviting us to the wonderful 24 Hour Charity Dinghy Race 2021 and the continuous support to Sai Kung District Community Centre (SKDCC)! We had great fun in the event and people really like our light clay and balloon twisting workshop!
We hope more people will know and support our cause and services through the event and we are looking forward to participate in next year’s 24 Hour Charity Dinghy Race!
參加精彩的24小時慈善小艇 賽2021以及對西貢區社區中 心的持續支持!我們在活動 中玩得很開心,大都真的很 喜歡我們的輕粘土和氣球扭 曲工作坊!
了解和支持我們的工作和服 務,期待參加明年的24小時 慈善小艇賽!
Thank you note from TREATS 來自「親切」的感謝信 “We are grateful to have Hebe Haven Yacht Club as our partner who shares the same belief and dedication on social inclusion in Hong Kong. We want to express our heartfelt gratitude for the donation raised from the Hebe Haven Yacht Club 24 Hour Charity Dinghy Race 2021 to help with our services. With the donation, TREATS will be able to continue our current Inclusive Sailing Project to bring more positive changes to teenagers of all abilities. The project aims to empower teenagers with special needs to build confidence and social skills through inclusive sailing experiences by buddying up with a mainstream teammate. We value HHYC as a close partner of TREATS, and together we are building an inclusive Hong Kong for all children.”
「我們很高興能與白沙灣遊艇會合 作,雙方對提高社會的包容性有共同 的信念。我們衷心感謝白沙灣遊艇會 2021年24小時慈善小艇賽所募集的善 款。有了這筆捐款,「親切」將能夠 繼續舉辦帆船活動,這些帆船活動旨 在協助有特殊需要的青少年建立自信 和社交技能,為青少年提供更多機會 改變自己。我們視白沙灣遊艇會為「 親切」的重要合作夥伴,合力為所有 青少年建立一個共融的香港。」
JAN/FEB 2022
Sailability HChoaritynNgo: 91 / 15775 Kong Limited “Making Saili ng A
ccessible to EVER YONE” Charity No: 91/1 5775
For the attentio
n of:
The 24hr Charity Dinghy Race Org anising Committ HHYC ee 10.5 Miles Hiram ’s Highway Pak Sha Wan Sai Kung Hong Kong 16th December 20 21 Dear All Donation of HK$ 200,000 to Saila bility Hong Kong Limited We write to than k you for the do nation of HK$20 Dinghy Race’ ch 0,000 presented eque presentatio to us at the ‘24 H n evening. What to us was a won our Charity an amazing nigh derful surprise. t it was and the amount donated We are of course aware how muc h effort goes into concerned is to making this even be congratulate t a success and ev d es pecially with the together. This ye eryone short time scale ar really was very you had to put th special and one e event of the best ever A very special w . Well done to yo ell done to Fran u al l! ces and Joseph w raising of HK$1, ho steered the co 000,000 for the ur se to get us there an benefit of local ch achievement. d the arities in such a short span of tim e was a fantastic On behalf of us all at Sailability H ong Kong Limite event; our Para d and in particul Sailing Teams an ar our sailors who d their friends, SE Program sailors, joined the N schools, NGOs, under represente ot he r ch d ar vi iti a status or ethnic es, Scallywag program etc and ity, Senior Sailors of course our vo from our Elderly lunteers and Inst sailing ructors. It really Thank you again was a weekend for this wonderf to re member. ul donation and your continued Yours sincerely support.
Kay Rawbon e
Kay Rawbone Co founder & CE O Sailability Hong Kong Limited
Sailability Hong Kong Limited, c/o HHYC, 10.5 Mi Tel: +852 2719 les Hiram’s High 9682 Fax: +8 way, Pak Sha W 52 2358 1017 an, Sai Kung, Ho website: www. ng Kong sailability.org.h k
JAN/FEB 2022
KGV CHALLENGE WEEK 2021 Teaching and reaching on Jelik 6 (KGV Challenge Week)
英皇佐治五世學校挑戰週 From 1 to 5 November 2021, King George V School held its ‘Challenge Week’, providing an opportunity for its pupils to try a range of activities, including paddle-boarding, mountain-biking, sports and beach camps, even pottery, away from their books and computers.
In this case, 42 fortunate pupils, from years 8 to 12, swapped their classroom for Port Shelter, joining the sailing programme organised in conjunction with the Hebe Haven Yacht Club, for the Hebe Haven Yacht Club’s ‘KGV Challenge Week’.
戰週,學生藉此機會遠離書本和電腦,嘗試各種活 動,例如划槳衝、越野單車和沙灘露營,甚至陶藝 課程。
歲到12歲,參加了由白沙灣遊艇會組織的帆船活動。 學生被分為兩組,第一組共18名學生將在8艘Quest
The students were split into two camps—18 opting for dinghy sailing on eight Quests and four Picos to complete their HKSF Levels 1 & 2 dinghy sailing certification. Twentyfour others, some of whom have already participated in past years on dinghies, chose to learn on five of the club’s J/80 keelboats.
航行、4艘Pico航行,並以考獲香港帆船運動總會一 級及二級小艇證書。另外24名學生,當中部份學生 有航行經驗,選擇了5艘J/80龍骨船。 挑戰週期間的天氣非常理想,除了11月5日當天天色
Conditions throughout the week proved ideal, although Friday the 5th was somewhat overcast, with a lighter southeasterly, when the fleet headed out. The sun eventually broke through around noon.
陰暗,在隊伍出發時,海面吹著輕緩東南風。中午 時分,太陽終於出來了。 英皇佐治五世學校的代表Kay
Organising the event on behalf of KGV was Kay Edwards, assisted by Lisa Conway and other teachers. Both Edwards and Conway have been involved in sailing activities at HHYC, including past ‘Challenge Weeks’, as well as supporting the KGV teams in the annual 24 Hour Charity Dinghy Race.
Conway和其他老師的協助下,組織了這次活動。長 久以來,兩人非常支持白沙灣遊艇會的活動,例如 與遊艇會合辦挑戰週活動,現身24小時慈善小艇比 賽支持其學校隊伍。
According to Conway, some of the pupils are naturals while others build confidence by being out of their comfort zones! One youngster was feeling a little queasy on the first day but refused to give up and, by the end of the course, was confidently helming her J/80.
Lisa Conway表示有些學生天生就有自信,而另一些學生則 是通過跳出他們的舒適圈來建立自信。在第一天,有個小 女生感覺有點不舒服,但她不想缺席活動就此放棄。在挑 戰週結束之際,看到她在J/80船上信心十足的模樣,十分 開心。
Coaching and safety support was provided by a number of HHYC’s sailing instructors, one of whom, Nigel Slattery, is a former KGV pupil. Other students who have participated in the Challenge Week have pursued their interest in sailing by joining the HHYC Dragons dinghy sailing teams.
該活動由多位帆船導師提供訓練及職員,其中一位導師 Nigel
學員還想參加白沙灣遊艇會龍隊,顯然對帆船運動有極 大興趣。
Yani, one of the instructors and safety boat drivers, praised the students and was surprised how attentive, responsive, polite and courteous they were, comments similarly supported by other instructors. Grishma, Victoria and Hernice sailing a Quest loved the experience except for an early collision! Olivia on another Quest really enjoyed learning something different.
其中一名導師兼救生艇駕駛員Yani,稱讚學生的專注力、敏 捷的反應、禮貌並且謙恭,其他導師也十分同意。 Grishma、Victoria和Hernice非常享受在Quest上的航行體 驗,儘管一開始發生了和其他船隻碰撞的狀況。在另一艘 Quest上的Olivia則坦言自己很享受學習新事物。
On the final day, the J/80 sailors sailed to a seafood restaurant in Cascade Bay, Kau Sai Chau, to enjoy lunch before sailing home. In the light airs, some were towed back to the club for a late lunch at the Garden Bar. There their instruction continued before certificates of participation were presented along with other certificates to the star performers. Certificates for those completing their HKSF Levels 1 & 2 will be awarded later.
在航行的最後一天,J/80級船的隊伍前往滘西灣的一家海鮮 餐廳享用午餐,然後啟程返回。部份返回遊艇會後,在花園 酒吧又享用了一頓美食。接近活動尾聲,主辦方向出色表現 的學員頒發證書。而完成香港帆船運動總會一級及二級小艇 證書的學員,將於稍後獲頒發證書。
The success and popularity of this programme, which started in 2008, certainly enriches the lives of the young participants and helps to develop their confidence and ability to work as a team, especially so given the range of ages involved.
挑戰週活動始於2008年,不少年輕學員透過參加活動豐富 了生活、培養團隊精神、增強信心和能力。
JAN/FEB 2022
The participants (Sha Tin College Explorer Sailing Week 2021)
The Sha Tin College Explorer Week provides an opportunity for its pupils to stretch themselves beyond their normal comfort zones and become involved in academic, career and sporting activities. Amongst the most popular, according to philosophy teacher Lindsay McGaw, is the Hebe Haven Yacht Club’s Sha Tin College Explorer Sailing Week. “It was heavily over-subscribed for the 42 places on the course,” she exclaimed.
Conditions were perfect for the first two days of the course, with an ideal breeze for beginners and sunny conditions, although the breeze eased on Wednesday and Thursday.
學生,讓他們跳出舒適圍,在參與學術、職涯發 展的同時,也參加體育活動。哲學老師Lindsay McGaw指,當中最受歡迎的活動是白沙灣遊艇 會的沙田學院探索航行週,她強調說:「原訂名 額為42個,最後報名人數遠遠超過42個。」
足,不過活動當日週三和週四的風勢有所緩和。 18名學生乘上6艘RS Pico及5艘RS Quest,最後
Eighteen pupils underwent dinghy sailing on six RS Picos and five RS Quests qualifying for the Hong Kong Sailing Federations Level 1 & 2 dinghy sailing certificate. The remaining 24 were spread among the five J/80s for keelboat training, each with a qualified instructor on board.
獲得香港帆船運動總會一級及二級帆船證書。 其餘的24人則在5艘J/80級上接受龍骨船訓練, 每艘船上皆有一名導師。 2021年11月19日,當隊伍最後一天駛往牛尾海
Conditions on Friday, 19 November 2021, were gloomy when the fleet headed out into Port Shelter for the final day, with barely even a zephyr about.
時,天氣非常惡劣,幾乎沒有風。 不過在這一週裡,學員們完成了多種培訓。
During the week the pupils had undergone extensive training from the club’s instructors – knot tying and navigation were among the most popular land-based activities. The crews on the J/80s were shown how to navigate a course around Shelter Island, which some then accomplished. On Friday, however, they had to plot their own courses to Cascade Bay, where they were later rewarded with a seafood lunch.
當中打結和定向是最受歡迎的活動。在J/80 級上的學員們學習如何在牛尾島定向,並圍 繞島嶼航行,當中部份隊伍挑戰成功。到了 週五,學員需自行規劃去滘西灣的航行路 線,完成任務後,終能享用一頓豐盛美味的 海鮮午餐慰勞自己。
Fortunately, out on the water, at around 1100, a 6- to 8-knot northeasterly kicked in and the sun briefly broke through the clouds. The participants were able to demonstrate their competencies learned over the week. In groups of three, the single-handed RS Picos were accompanied by an instructor on a RIB with another RIB supporting the RS Quests.
當日約11時,水面上刮起6到8節的東北風,太陽短 暫地衝破了雲層。學員們展示他們在這一週所學 的技能,使出渾身解數。以三人為一組,單人RS Pico船隻配有一名在RIB船隻上的導師,亦有其他 RIB船隻支援RS Quest船隻。 當J/80級船上的學員Wesley被問及他最喜歡課程哪
Questioned about what he enjoyed most about the course, Wesley, sailing a J/80, commented that it was team-building, making new friends, and learning the rules of sailing. Oh, as well as learning to avoid the boom. Commendably on the J/80, Jelik 7, they were also able to demonstrate their environmental awareness, taking the trouble to collect floating garbage when there was insufficient breeze to make way.
Those on the RS Picos and RS Quests, including Chesley and Charlie, most enjoyed capsizing their dinghies, while Germaine relished learning how to tie knots. With the breeze having filled in, the fleet made its way to the fish farms in Cascade Bay for a 1230 lunch. Thereafter, the dinghy sailors were returned to their craft whilst the J/80 sailors enjoyed 30 minutes swimming and frolicking at Cascade Bay Beach. By then the breeze had died and the J/80s had to motor or motor-sail back to the Club.
RS Pico和RS Quest上的Chesley和Charlie,自己的
Once back at the Garden Bar, the instructors issued certificates of participation to their students. Summing up, the instructors were all impressed with their students and, in particular, how disciplined and keen they were to learn. Also, on a positive note for the Club several of the pupils expressed an interest in volunteering for the Sailability HK programme. No doubt given the feedback from the lucky ones who joined this year’s programme, next year’s event is also likely to be over-subscribed.
家結交新朋友、學習航行規則;還有學會如何避免 與其他船隻碰撞。在J/80級船、Jelik 7上的學員們在 沒有風的時候,他們撿起海面上漂浮的垃圾,充分 展示自身的環保意識。
船在海面上傾覆了不但沒有沮喪還十分激動;而 Germaine則喜歡學習如何打結。微風伴隨著船隊 前往滘西灣的養魚場,大家在12時30分享用午餐。 之後,小艇上的人員已返程,而J/80級上的學員們 則在滘西灣享受了半個小時的游泳和歇息後,因海 面無風,需驅動發動機啟程回白沙灣遊艇會。
表示,學員的自律、對學習新事物的熱情給他們留 下了深刻的印象。 當中還有部份學員表示,將來有興趣以義工身份參 加航能香港的活動。從今年活動的反饋來看,明年 的活動可能有更多人參加,反應會更加積極。
JAN/FEB 2022
35 volunteers and their good work
CLEAN PAK SHA WAN DAY The initial Clean Pak Sha Wan Day had been scheduled for Sunday 10 October, but Tropical Storm Lionrock obliged the Club to postpone for a week to Saturday 16 October. In between, the No. 8 Typhoon Signal was again raised as Kompasu roared past bringing more flooding and destruction … and lots more litter and debris to our shores. In particular the beaches and rocky coastlines near the Club.
最初的「清潔白沙灣日」原定於 10 月 10
的到來,本會另訂日期,安排在 10 月 18 日。 期間又有8號颱風「圓規」呼嘯 而過,為沿岸帶來更多的垃圾和碎屑 等雜質,本會附近的海灘和岩石海岸 線尤以明顯。
So, the 45 volunteers from the Club and 22 from the Nam Wai community who arrived by ferry at Little Campers Beach just before midday had their work set out for them. Blue plastic buckets, broken bottles and polystyrene boxes, rubber mats, fridges, unwanted clothing, face masks, half a dead Jetski and, worst of all, discarded fishing nets, covered the sand from the waterline well into the undergrowth. Around the corner, towards Marina Cove, the shore of Nam Wai Beach, too, was covered in rubbish.
活動當天,本會招募的45名義工和 南圍的22名義工在早上乘渡輪抵達 小露營灣。到達目的地後,放眼望去 皆是藍色塑膠桶、碎樽、發泡膠盒、
Beach landing
膠墊、冰箱、舊衣、口罩、水上摩托 車,還有被人丟棄的漁網,沙子都堆 積在灌木叢裡。不遠處,朝著匡湖居 方向的南圍泳灘海岸亦被垃圾覆蓋。
Black refuse bags and garden gloves were brought ashore and the volunteers sprang to work, spreading out and picking up whatever they could. Everyone filled a bag, some even two, and everything was brought together so that an assessment of the day’s work could be made. But, as later pointed out by the beachmaster, the bags and other assorted rubbish could not be left at the high tide line as it would simply be washed out to sea again when the water level rose. The volunteers then moved their hard work another 20 feet up the beach ready for collection by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department.
義工們迅速行動起來,拿出黑色的垃圾 袋和手套,開始撿拾垃圾。每個人的袋 子都裝滿了垃圾,有的人甚至裝滿了兩 個袋子,然後把所有的垃圾袋集中放置 一處。海灘管理員提醒,這些垃圾袋不 能留在漲潮線上,因為當水位上升時, 它們將再次被沖進大海。於是義工們垃 圾袋移到海灘上50釐米遠的地方,方便 食物環境衛生署收集。 Jen Dentry fills a refuse bag
Many of the young volunteers come from Renaissance College, West Island School, a Nam Wai community group and, of course, club members. “It’s about education, it’s about community and we enjoy doing it,” said one of the organisers, Carol Biddle.
許多年輕的義工來自啓新書 院、西島中學、南圍社區團體 和本會成員。「這個活動能讓 參與者認識環境保育、社區貢 獻,我們非常喜歡籌辦這一類
Fridges and all sorts of plastic items
The beach clean-up was started some 15 years ago by former Commodore Mark Houghton, and is now a regular annual event on the Club’s social calendar. It has gained support from the Government and, of course, the village kai fong. “The young participants get a chance to meet other young people and at the same time develop a sense of pride in the environment,” said then-Club Vice Commodore, Paul Arkwright.
Carol Biddle分享。 15年前,前會長Mark Houghton 自發舉辦清理海灘的活動,現在 該活動已成為本會的恆常項目之 一,獲政府和街坊的支持。副會 長Paul Arkwright說:「年輕義 工透過活動認識新朋友,同時建 立保育環境的自豪感。」
The enforced rescheduling of the clean-up brought numbers down a bit, as 100 people had signed up for the previous Sunday. As so often happens when dates are changed, many had to pull out because of previous commitments. Another clean-up is planned for the winter and, hopefully, it will again attract wide community support.
是次活動因天氣因素更改日期, 使參加人數有所減少,原本共 100人報名參加10 月 10 日的清 潔日。不過因計劃有變,許多人
Returning after a hard morning's work
未能配合而不得不錯過活動。下 一次的清潔日將於冬季舉辦,希 望能再次得到社區的熱烈響應。
The cost for the Club to be involved in clean-ups is minimal, but the long-term advantages are enormous. Pak Sha Wan suffers badly from debris following inclement weather—Typhoon Mangkhut (September 2018) was a prime example, where Little Trio Beach was knee deep in polystyrene. Raising awareness in the local community, led by HHYC, and making every effort to keep the environment clean, can only be a good thing. Well done to all the volunteers who helped out at the Clean Pak Sha Wan Day!
本會組織及參加這一類的活動成 本不算高,但所帶來的影響是 正面及長久的。以往惡劣天氣過 後,白沙灣總會遭受破壞。2018 年9月颱風「山竹」吹襲的時 候,三星灣堆積的發泡膠多至及 膝。在本會的倡議後,合力提高 社區的環保意識、保持環境清 潔,成效顯著,有賴一群義工在 背後付出巨大努力。
Fragrant Harbour joins the effort
Black bags full of rubbish
Discarded fishing net
JAN/FEB 2022
After leaving SailCom for two years, I am glad to be back and standing again as the Rear Commodore–Sailing. Over the past two years, our Sailing Centre (SC) and SailCom have done fantastic jobs promoting sailing and racing. I am excited to be working with all of them again. In the coming year, we would like to do more for our yacht cruising community, including organising activities for cruising boats to give these sailors more opportunities to meet each other to share their cruising knowledge and skills.
BRIDGET CHAN Rear Commodore—Sailing
Since our SC started organising J/80 sailing every Wednesday and Friday last year, we have nurtured a group of J/80 sailors. This year we will develop a more comprehensive J/80 sailing plan to give even more members a taste of keelboat sailing and train them up in keelboat handling and hopefully get even more to join our keelboat racing events. Of course, with more frequent usage, our boats also require more maintenance work. A systematic boat maintenance plan will be developed as well. To ensure boats are being properly helmed and looked after, we will also ensure that all sailors on our J/80 approved helm list are equipped with enough knowledge and skills of boat handling to sail competently and safely. For any members who would like to join our J/80 sailing, please get in touch with the SC Upcoming events: Kowloon Cup (15/16 January) On 15/16 January we will host the Kowloon Cup Regatta. This is a two-day event with an Island Race on Saturday afternoon and a pursuit race on Sunday. On Sunday, boats will have their own start time based on their HKPN handicap rating. The slower boats will start first, and the race will finish at Rocky Harbour with lunch and a prize-giving at High Island (Yau Lei) Seafood Restaurant. The highlight of this pursuit race is that boats are required to keep doing laps around two marks at the Bay Islet waters and the finish mark after sailing the course until the race finishes at around 2:00 pm. Monsoon Spring Series 2022 Every year, in conjunction with Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, our Club hosts the Monsoon Series, comprising the Monsoon Winter Series, the Monsoon Spring Series and the RHKYC Spring Cup. Awards will go to teams who get the best overall combined results over three race events. Last year the IRC and HKPN winners were Talkinghead and LoTech, respectively. This year it started with our Monsoon Winter Series from 23 October to 11 December. With very promising wind on most of the race days, teams of Talkinghead (IRC) and Lazy Piggy (HKPN) won in their respective classes and take the lead on the Monsoon Series. The 2nd Series, our Monsoon Spring Series, will start on 26 February and run until 9 April 2022. Come and join in! Charisma Trophy 2021-22 The Charisma Trophy is presented annually to the boat that records the fastest time under sail around the Kau Sai Chau islands from 1 March to the last day of February of the following year. Mono-hulled keelboats not exceeding the length of 35 feet: if you would like to attempt this year’s challenge—don’t forget to do it before 26 February. For details, please check the club website. Lastly, volunteers are critical; contact the SC if you want to be part of our race management team. We will give you all the training you need to get involved in this essential and super fun activity.
在離開賽事委員會兩年之後,我很高興再次回到這裡,並被委任助理 會長(賽事)一職。在過去的兩年裡,帆船中心和賽事委員會積極推 廣帆船運動及比賽,我很高興能再次與他們共事。 在未來的一年,我們將為本地的遊艇航行活動投入更多精力,包括 組織遊艇航行的活動,讓船員結識新朋友,提供更多的機會予他們 分享知識和技能。 帆船中心從去年開始逢週三、週五舉辦J/80級帆船比賽,慢慢培育 了一眾J/80水手。今年,我們將制訂一個更全面的J/80級帆船培訓 計劃,讓更多的會員體驗在龍骨船上航行並增加相關訓練,藉此鼓 勵更多會員參與。此外,我們亦會制訂定期維修船舶的計劃,以確 保船隻性能運作正常;我們亦會確保水手具備足夠的知識和技能, 才能確保航行之旅安全。若會員有興趣參與該活動,請與賽事委員 會聯繫。 精彩活動一覽: 九龍盃(1月15日至16日) 我們將於1月15日至16日舉辦九龍盃帆船賽。這是一個為期兩天的賽 事,週六下午舉行環島賽,週日則是追逐賽。在週日,賽事團隊根 據各艇在HKPN的讓分系統排行榜,被安排在不同時間起步,較慢的 船隻會先啟航。比賽將於糧船灣結束,之後到有利海鮮漁村酒家享 用午膳和舉行頒獎儀式。最令人期待的莫過於週日的追逐賽了,該 賽事要求船隻圍繞匙洲水域的兩個賽標和終點賽標航行,預計當天 下午2點結束比賽。 2022春季系列賽 每年,我們都會與香港皇家遊艇會合辦系列賽,包括冬季系列賽、 春季系列賽及香港皇家遊艇會春季盃,獎項將頒發給在三個比賽 項目中獲得最佳綜合成績的隊伍。去年IRC和HKPN的得獎者分別 是 Talkinghead 和 LoTech。今年10月23日至12月11日將開始冬季系 列賽。在大部分比賽日子,風勢都很好。Talkinghead(IRC)和Lazy Piggy (HKPN)均在所屬級別的比賽中獲勝。春季系列賽將於2022年 2月26日開始至4月9日結束,萬勿錯過! Charisma Trophy 2021-22 每年的 Charisma Trophy 將頒發予,在3月1日至翌年2月最後一天 於滘西洲以最短時間完成航行的單體龍骨船,該類船隻長度不超過 35英尺。若有意參與該項活動,請在於今年2月26日之前完成滘西 洲的航行旅程。關於活動詳情,可瀏覽本會網站。 最後,在此呼籲有興趣參與賽事管理團隊的人士,請聯繫帆船中 心。義工在任何賽事的貢獻都至關重要,我們將安排相關訓練,讓 義工參與的同時亦能享受箇中樂趣。
JAN/FEB 2022
It is a great honour to be re-elected as chairman of the Marine department. With the appointment of the new General Manager, we will address the unfinished projects of the previous year and will continue to contribute to the improvement of our facilities and services in the coming year. As for the newly ordered cranes, they will arrive before the end of December. We hope that the delivery will go smoothly and the cranes will be available to our members in March 2022. Another project on wastewater treatment will go into service after testing. Members may contact the Marine department for more details.
EDDY LO Rear Commodore—Operations
感謝再次能有機會出任海事委員會主席。隨著新任總經理開始接任工作,始處理未 完成待辦事項。我們協助改善本會的狀況。 船會新訂購之吊機,將會於月內付運,希望航運順利,可以在3月份爲各會員服務。 有關廢水處理,經測試後,在可行的時間及情況下,可以透過不同方法爲會員服 務。如有需要服務,詳情請聯絡海事部瞭解。
During the Lunar New Year, the service hours of our Marine Department will be adjusted: 春節期間,一如過往本會海事部服務時間有所調整如下:
Happy New Year to you all! 在此謹祝會員身體健康,新年進步!
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