HR Magazine | Summer 2021

Page 1

22 Workplace imposters Find out why 85% of employees feel like frauds in their workplace

26 A third place Creating and maintaining a third place with flexible office solutions for tomorrow’s agile workforce

28 PEO partnerships Leveraging PEOs to enhance payroll efficiency, accuracy and compliance | | | |


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Vietnam US$6


Others US$15

3 & 16 June, 2021

HIGHLIGHTS The program kicks off with SAP’s global CEO and the management of SAP Greater China & Hong Kong providing an overview of strategies to accelerate business transformation in challenging times. Our customer interview series offers an opportunity to hear top executives from leading Hong Kong firms – including GP Batteries, HKTV Mall, Ocean Park, Signify and Towngas – share insights on their own digital transformation journeys. Focusing on Business Recovery and Transformation, SAP’s extensive ecosystem of partners and hyperscalers will discuss the essential requirements for a successful journey to digital excellence.

Breakout sessions from industry experts and dedicated content tracks covering line of business and industry topics will be available on-demand.

A portfolio of compelling customer and partner success stories to help you visualize the process of digital transformation and appreciate the advantages of becoming an Intelligent Enterprise.

STAR SPEAKERS Executive Keynote

Christian Klein SAP SE

Mark Gibbs SAP

Fabian Padilla Crisol SAP

And more... REGISTER NOW!


Publisher's Note Editorial Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

Well, the economy looks like things are picking up,

(p. 8) and US companies allowed to require COVID

Paul Arkwright

and HR Magazine is growing again. Since our move

vaccination of staff (p. 10).

to sunny Sai Kung, we’ve grown our team by 30% Sub-Editor

this year, bringing you an even more diverse team.

Proudly made in Hong Kong

Christy Chan, Ian Thomas

Our Livestreams continue to go from strength to

No, not just HR Magazine, but a whole new era

strength, with over 4,000 views of one event, but

of manufacturing industries 4.0 that are very

Staff Writers

we know you’re eager to get back on ground—and

much alive and kicking across the SAR. We take

Grace Mak, Harrison Wou

we’re working it all out for you. A socially distanced,

a sneak peek into the world of lingerie, face

safe, fun (the way only HR Magazine can make it),

masks and bonded fashion and how this, and one

on-ground event is coming your way real soon in

Yorkshireman on a mission, are impacting HR in

Q3…watch this space!

the manufacturing sector.

Art & Graft Head of Design Russell Balad

Our cover story, warzones to workplaces, takes an

HR Livestreams


exclusive look into Neil Jurd’s life of leadership.

Condensed wisdom from our stellar speaker line-

Heidi Chan

We share his insights from the UK Army and

ups: HR on the Money (p. 39), HR Trailblazing in

corporate life as to what makes a great leader and

2021 (p. 42) and HR Heartache (p. 46) keep you up

how HR can select and nurture future leaders in

to date on what’s working in HR straight from the

Russell Balad, Freepik, Pexels, Unsplash

their organisations.

winning horses’ mouths.

Editorial Enquiries

What’s new?

Paul Arkwright

In the news, Sino Group Launches Career Day

Tel: (852) 2736 6318

pitched at local youths (p. 4). HKJC is crowned the

most attractive company to work for in Hong Kong

Love & hugs

by Randstad (p. 7), COVID acceptance on the rise

From Paul & the team at HR Magazine


Advertising & Sponsorship Eric Chan Tel: (852) 2736 6339 Aamir Khan Tel: (852) 2736 6339

Subscriptions Jane Cheung Tel: (852) 2736 6375

Fax: (852) 2736 6369

Published By Excel Media Group Limited Shops 3 - 5, G/F Pak Sha Wan Centre Lot 523, DD 210 Hiram’s Highway—Hebe Haven Sai Kung, New Territories Hong Kong SAR

Printed By Promise Network Printing Limited Blk B, G/F Phase 4, Kwun Tong Ind Ctr Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR No part of this publication can be reproduced without consent from the Publisher. Copyright of all material is reserved

throughout the publication. Contributions are welcome but copies of work should be kept, because HR Magazine takes no responsibility for lost submissions. The views, conclusions, findings and opinions published in this magazine belong to those expressing such, and do not necessarily represent those of the Publisher or editorial team.


CONTENTS 2021 Summer HR News

HR Features

HR Legal


Hong Kong News


Imposters in the workplace




HR saves big money on mispromotions


International News


Creating a Third Place


HR Events


PEO partnerships


HR Moves


Proudly made in Hong Kong … again


HR in Numbers


Competitive ageing


Vaccines and the workplace

HR Books 52

The Leadership Book: A Step-by-Step Blueprint to Leadership Excellence

Cover Story 16

HR Community




Warzones to workplaces Leadership lessons and avoiding HR bombshells

HR on the Money


Total rewards solutions 42

HR Trailblazing in 2021 Challenge, change and coping strategies


HR Heartaches





32 3


Hong Kong News Sino Group Career Day nurtures young talent Around 1,000 positions on offer, with a third focused on opportunities for youths Sino Group will host the Sino Group Career Day on 29 May 2021 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. To meet the Group's business development needs and support Hong Kong's road to economic recovery, the Group is opening around 1,000 career opportunities across its various businesses, 30% of which are suitable for young people and fresh graduates. The roles available cover property development, property management,




technology, sustainability and other related sectors. Daryl Ng, Deputy Chairman, Sino Group, said, “The career opportunities we have created reflect our vision of "Creating Better Lifescapes" that benefit

represents yet another area where our business

matching advice. Young people will also be invited

communities now and for generations to come, with

development aspirations seek aspiring individuals to

to visit the "Knowing Yourself" section to better

a focus on the three interconnected pillars of Green

work with us for a sustainable future for all.”

understand their strengths and suitable career paths by conducting an occupational personality questionnaire.

Living, Community Spirit and Innovative Design. Passionate talents are sought for Sino Inno Lab, which

Ng added, “Across this full diversity of our business

"Creative Workshops" will also be hosted at the Youth

has served as a fertile ground for nurturing technology

portfolio, we welcome applications for the roles we

Zone for applicants for the hotel and hospitality

start-ups with the Group's commitment to supporting

have created, from individuals who share our passion

service positions. Workshops will be facilitated by the

innovation and technology. The Group also promotes

and vision. In particular, with opportunities designed

Group's hotel trainer to stimulate innovative ideas in

wellness and health within our community and aims

specifically for our young people, we hope to renew

response to work scenarios.”

to achieve WELL™ certification for all our new

our commitment to being an organisation that

projects in Hong Kong through a balanced blend of

values youthful innovation and energy and nurtures

Among the career opportunities on offer, around 30%

green designs, eco-friendly amenities and comfortable

it into long-term rewarding careers that tap into our

of the roles are made available for youths, including

environments. In alignment with the Group's emphasis

development projects in the Greater Bay Area and

the Sino Internship Programme, an excellent first step

on environmental protection and sustainability,

which benefit the Group and the wider community.”

for tertiary students who wish to develop careers in real estate, hotel, or property management industries.

we also proactively encourage the community to reconnect with nature through the integrated green

Youth Zone caters specifically to young talent

Sino Management Trainee positions are also available

community project, Farm Together, which will be

At the Career Day, a Youth Zone has been specially

for fresh graduates, through which the Group helps

progressively introduced to our properties. The

designed for young talents; Ms Elaine Liu, Group

employees define and achieve their career aspirations,

Group's commitment to the preservation of local

Associate Director & Chief Human Resources Officer,

providing them access to diverse resources that can

culture and heritage, most significantly embodied

Sino Group, said, “Onsite career consultations with

unleash their potential through a 20-month fast-track

in The Fullerton Hotels in Singapore and Sydney,

experienced HR professionals are available for job

management programme.



Adventure Host' to curate thrilling itineraries for guests looking for excitement and discovery. The Career Day provides opportunities spanning the Group's various business units, suitable for job seekers with different backgrounds, experience and academic qualifications. In addition to property management services, leasing, property development and hospitality services, the Career Day also offers opportunities in digital and innovative technology and sustainability, aligning with the Group's commitment to building a smart, sustainable community for Hong Kong, optimising and strengthening business development. Opportunities at The Fullerton

offer fun-filled and memorable guest experiences.

Long-term career environment

The Fullerton Ocean Park Hotel Hong Kong,

The 'Fun Desk' consists of dedicated 'Adventure

Dedicated to nurturing new and existing talents, Sino

located on the south side of Hong Kong Island, is

and Exploration', 'Nature and Conservation' and

Group offers a wide range of programmes to ensure that

set to be the first sustainable, oceanfront luxury

'Heritage and Culture' teams with exciting career

employees are provided with opportunities for growth

resort in Hong Kong. While the urban retreat

opportunities that include 'Nature and Conservation

and a rewarding career path. In policy and practice, the

awaits completion, the company is now looking for

Ambassador' to promote natural treasures and

Group provides a supportive working environment

passionate talents to join the opening team. The

marine biodiversity in Hong Kong; 'Heritage and

that promotes long-term growth in and with the Group

resort is creating a 'Fun Desk' tasked with dreaming

Culture Champion' to share the stories of Hong

through competitive remuneration packages as well as

COL Magazine A5 2021-05-11 v2-3 FINAL.pdf 1 5/14/2021 10:21:58 AM up HR and planning fun activities and programmes to Kong

and the neighbourhood; and 'Exploration and

incentive and recognition schemes. n



Vaccination Leave On 31 May, the Government announced the launch of the “Early Vaccination for All” campaign to further encourage Hong Kong citizens to receive COVID-19 vaccination. In Support of the Campaign, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong (PCPD), is now providing “Vaccination Leave” for Staff following their COVID-19 jabs. From 1 June 2021, to facilitate staff receiving COVID-19 vaccinations as early as possible and give recognition to those staff members who have already been vaccinated the PCPD have implemented two key measures: •

From 1 June to 31 August, all staff members of the PCPD will be entitled to one day of “vaccination leave” for each dose of vaccination received so that they can have sufficient time to take a rest after vaccination; and

Staff members who were vaccinated on or before 31 May this year may apply for one day of authorised leave, for each dose of vaccination

Manulife ramps up L&D

professional agents, advisors and world-class bank

already received. The leave may be taken by 31

115,000 insurance advisors across APAC benefit from

partners have been key in engaging our customers

March 2022.

newly launched academy to help propel their careers and

and offering them the right insurance solutions.”

equip them with digital skills to drive performance. The MBA also facilitates the sharing of best practices

Career Choice tool assesses insurance candidates

Manulife Hong Kong has just launched a region-

and includes practical workshops for both advisors

Manulife Asia has announced a three-year

wide training academy for its growing 115,000

and bancassurance partners, further strengthening

partnership with LIMRA to help recruit suitable

insurance advisors in Asia. The initiative, known

insurer-bank relationships across the region. To


as Manulife Business Academy (MBA), is a

date, Manulife has 10 exclusive bank partners in Asia

insurance experience. The union will see Manulife

unified learning and development platform that

that provide access to over 30 million customers. In

leveraging LIMRA’s Career Choice tool to assess

equips advisors with skills to succeed in digital

2020, Manulife increased its agency force in Asia by

candidates interested in providing financial and

environments, while helping them make customers’

a record 21% to over 115,000 agents. The number of

insurance advice.

lives every day better.

Manulife agents who are Million Dollar Round Table

MBA consolidates learning activities from across





(MDRT) members has also grown to around 3,600 in

LIMRA’s bespoke tool helps evaluate a candidate’s

2019 and is expected to increase significantly in 2021.

aptitude, entrepreneurial spirit, and prospecting courage in the light of a set of market-specific

the markets in Asia where Manulife operates. The facility provides recruits with the training and

Vibha Coburn, CEO, Manulife Insurance Berhad,

questions and easy to access self-generated report.

support needed to become a top insurance advisor

and former Chief Distribution Officer, Manulife

Bosco Lau, Regional Chief Executive Officer,

in their markets through online learning and end-

Asia, noted, “We are extremely pleased to see the

Asia, LIMRA, said, “It will help us recruit the best

to-end career development journeys, rather than

tremendous, high-quality growth in our agency

candidates and, for candidates, it will help them

relying on one-off classroom training sessions.

force across Asia. While Covid-19 has challenged

better understand the value they bring to people’s

all of us, we are also seeing people in our markets

lives as they provide the needed insurance advice

Anil Wadhwani, President and CEO, Manulife Asia,

stepping into the life insurance industry, with many

to customers.”

said, “The establishment of Manulife Business

keen to join Manulife.” Coburn added, “Digitising

Academy demonstrates our continuing commitment

and growing our agency force, including providing

The tool is currently being rolled out in Hong Kong

to digitise, grow and develop our agency force, which

the right training and technology for our advisors

and Singapore, with plans to extend usage to emerging

is a backbone of our Asia franchise. Our highly

ultimately helps serve our customers better.” n

Southeast Asian markets by the end of 2021. n



Christina Chung, Head of Talent Acquisition (left) and Stephanie Choy, Senior Talent Acquisition Manager (right) receive the Award for HKJC

of employer brands. It offers an accurate

HKJC most attractive company to work for in HK The Hong Kong Jockey Club was crowned the Most

Natellie Sun

understanding of employee value proposition

Attractive Employer in Hong Kong in Randstad’s 2021

Managing Director of

factors and drivers. This edition also marks the

Most Attractive Employer in Hong Kong SAR Awards.

Search & Selection

only global independent research that captures the

Randstad Greater China

changes in workforce sentiments before and after

The 2021 Randstad Employer Brand Awards winners

the COVID- 19 pandemic. This year, 2,630 locally

are ranked from the 75 most attractive commercial

based employees and job seekers were surveyed in

companies to work for in Hong Kong SAR, based

January 2021.

on workforce size. The awards are presented to the top three commercial companies with the highest attractiveness scores in the Employer Brand Research. Dr






and Organisational Development, HKJC, said, “The Club attaches great importance to people development. Over the past year, HKJC has made significant achievements, and these are the results of our employees’ strong capability. With the rapidly changing environment and new challenges ahead, continuously investing in our employees’ capability development and growth is critical. We will maintain our focus to build organisational strength and

We hope that employers will continue to strive to be a desired destination for the best talent Hong Kong has to offer.

Natellie Sun, Managing Director of Search & Selection at Randstad Greater China, said, “Establishing an effective employer brand amid Hong Kong’s longest recession and the global COVID-19 pandemic is not an easy task for anyone to take on. It is clearly an unprecedented challenge for employers to increase the quality of their engagement with employees and job seekers while managing the ramifications of dampened business sentiments and global lockdowns. However, those who had successfully built meaningful relationships with their employees would emerge stronger in the new normal.” She added, “Through the sustained

support our people to deliver higher performance.

efforts to strengthen employer brand strategies,

We hope to attract more talent to the organisation,

organisations have successfully attracted new

provide them with a strong platform where they can

talent for their companies and improved the

develop their careers and grow with us together.”

perception of their employer brands. Moving forward, we hope that employers will continue to

The 2021 Randstad Employer Brand Research

strive to be a desired destination for the best talent

examines job seekers’ and workers’ perceptions

Hong Kong has to offer.” n



APAC News COVID-19 vaccine acceptance up

vaccines are safe, whereas only 46% of those

Dr Daniel Ober, Medical Officer, Cigna International

unvaccinated feel the same. Challenges remain, but

Markets Americas, concluded, “The research

the improved perception around vaccines and their

shows people increasingly understand and trust

safety should be welcomed.”

COVID-19 vaccines. We know that vaccination is a critical part of ending this pandemic. The science

The overall rate of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance

demonstrates the overwhelming effectiveness of

has increased from 63% to 66% in a single

Perception varies across markets

month, according to Cigna’s COVID-19 Vaccine



vaccines to prevent severe COVID-19 infections,

Perception Study, which surveyed over 13,000

perceptions of vaccine safety. The difference

hospitalisations and even death. Getting vaccinated

people across 11 markets.

between markets is striking. In South Korea, for

is the most important thing for us to do, not just for

example, just 32% of respondents agreed the

ourselves but also for those we love. Our advice is

25% now vaccinated with at least one

COVID-19 vaccines available are ‘very safe’, this

clear, get vaccinated as soon as you can.” n

shot—rollout progressing well

compared to 80% in the UK and 78% in the UAE.

66% overall vaccine acceptance—up 3% in

The other markets where concerns about the safety

one month

of COVID-19 vaccines remain high include Taiwan,

Only 5% trust social media as best source

Thailand and Hong Kong, all of which had less than

of COVID-19 vaccine information

40% of respondents agreeing they are safe.

• • •





Vaccine acceptance & safety perception improving

To communicate the facts about safety effectively

Improvements in vaccine acceptance were seen in

and encourage vaccine uptake, it is critical that

China, Singapore, Thailand and Spain. The ongoing

the authorities in these markets target their public

successful rollout of vaccines means that overall, 6

information campaigns through the most trusted

out of 10 respondents now believe the vaccine will

channels in their respective markets to have the

be available to them, a month on month increase of

greatest impact.

2%. This is good news for governments and health authorities as it reflects improving confidence in

Social media not trusted

their vaccine rollout programs.

Throughout the pandemic, misinformation on social media has created obstacles to successfully

This month’s data also shows that 55% of

handling the pandemic and the vaccine rollout.

respondents now believe COVID-19 vaccines are

However, the Study shows that only 5% of the

safe. This is driven partly by the increased number

respondents consider social media to be the most

of people who have already been vaccinated; across

trusted source of information, despite the vast

the 11 markets studied, 1 in 4 people surveyed have

majority being social media users.

now received at least one shot. Social media falls behind government bodies, Sadler,

family doctors, private healthcare providers and TV

President, Cigna International Markets, said, “With

news and documentaries. Although in the 18 – 34

global vaccine rollout progressing well, the report

age bracket, social media is the fourth most trusted

indicates that there is much to be positive about.

source, for the over 35s, it falls to the seventh

Social acceptance plays an important role in trust,

most trusted source. There is a marked difference

so being vaccinated or knowing someone who has

between generations on this, with 7% of 18 –

been vaccinated leads to more positive views of the

34-year-olds saying it is their most trusted source,

vaccine. 83% of those vaccinated trust COVID-19

while in the over 55s this number falls to just 2%.







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International News All mothers are working mothers

Keeping an eye on teams

Women lost a total income of $800 billion

HR is increasingly leveraging software such

in 2020 because of increased COVID-19 care

as StaffCop, Variato Cerebral and ActivTrak,

responsibilities. The Women’s Foundation revealed

which utilise surveillance cameras to help

stark research that a lack of childcare drove 26% of

monitor employees’ behaviour both at

mothers out of the workforce during the pandemic.

work and on remote computers. The US-

Single mothers, those in low-paying jobs and

based restaurant group, Outback, recently

minorities suffer disproportionately.

trialled Presto Vision, whose cameras enable management to oversee employees and

Some households can afford domestic help, enabling

customers. The software allows managers

more mothers to enter the workforce, but this is not

to analyse waiting times and interactions

an option for most families. A motherhood penalty


applies in the workplace, and while TWF welcomes

following staff and privacy group concerns

laws protecting breastfeeding mothers, it advocates

over time spent chatting with diners being

bolder steps to support working mothers. The

confused with longer service times, Outback

Harvard Business Review suggests supportive work

eventually dropped the experiment.





environments come through comprehensive paid family leave, flexwork and childcare subsidies, and

With what is offered as “unmatched visibility

childcare facilities. Such policies not only relieve

into employee activity and communication”,

pressure on parents. Companies retain talent, boost

the effect on employee engagement is

productivity and increase profits. Government and

something that HR must be aware of. With

business should boldly reframe support for working

working from home now commonplace,

mothers to help them realise their true potential as

talent managers should take into account that

equal economic contributors. n

flexibility and a level of trust tends to create a much more convivial work environment than over monitoring. n

Companies can require employee vaccination in the US The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) ruled on 4 June 2021, that companies can require employees to get vaccinated and are also allowed to offer incentives. Millions of employees in the US have already been vaccinated safely, and while demand for the vaccine was initially high, companies and businesses now find themselves in a communications crisis, fighting rampant disinformation and needing to motivate the more hesitant and sceptical—without alienating them. No company wants to risk losing hard working employees over these policies, but it is also vital that companies keep their teams safe and healthy. So how can companies effectively communicate with their staff, and how do they motivate vaccine hesitant workers to get the vaccine? Organisations clearly need a strategic, crisis-minded communications approach in which empathy is vital in public health communications and strategies for countering fear-based scepticism. n



HR Events JUNE




Global HR Automative Summit

HR Exchange Live: Diversity and Inclusion

organised by NetExpat

organised by HR Exchange Network


8.00am (UTC+8)










2021 Physical Wellbeing LIVE! Day HR Magazine Live

organised by Community Business

Nurturing today's leaders to win tomorrow organised by HR Magazine Time

11:00am - 12:30pm (UTC+8)





HK (852) 2736 6339


10.00am - 5.00pm (UTC+8)



HK (852) 2152 1889


Online physical-wellbeing-live-day

21 – 22 The State of Today's HR Tech Stack 2021 organised by Venue


Online events/upcoming_virtual_events/the-state-oftodays-hr-tech-stack-2021_khqklqdq.html

Email Tel

12 HR MAGAZINE SUMMER 2021 CA 1-877-472-6648



TechHR India

HR Magazine Live

organised by People Matters

Leveraging HR tech









yo 02 u r d 1 on iar -g y ro un d





organised by HR Magazine Venue





IN (91) 9650 422363

11 – 13


9:00am - 5:30pm (UTC+8)



Regal Hotel, Hongkong Hotel, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong


HK (852) 2736 6339

14 – 16

AHRI Convention TRANSFORM 2021 organised by Australian HR Institute

HR Exchange Live: Corporate Learning organised by HR Exchange Network







18 Data Privacy in the Age of Remote Work

21 – 22

organised by HR Club Philippines Digital Innovation in HR & Workplace Management Time

10.00am - 12.00pm (UTC+8)



organised by Terrapin

Online learning-session-data-privacy-in-the-age-ofremote-work/






show-asia/corporate-learning/ SG (65) 6222 8550



HR Moves Mike Costello

Raphael Keusch

VP of Talent Acquisition

Senior Global Talent Partner



Mike Costello brings over 13 years of talent acquisition experience to

In June 2021, Keush was promoted to Senior Global Talent Partner, ABB, after

SmartBear as the company’s new Vice President of Talent Acquisition. Mike

almost four years with the Group as a Talent Partner. Keush attracts and hires

comes from American Tower where he spent the last eight years in various

internal and external talents for a wide variety of positions—primarily within

recruitment roles, most recently as Director, Talent Acquisition. SmartBear

the Powergrids and Electrification Products division of ABB Switzerland in

experienced a record, double-digit year of growth in 2020 and is hiring

Baden and Schaffhausen. He is responsible for the end to end recruitment

worldwide across sales, development, customer support, and more.

process, screen talents, conduct interviews/assessments, feedback sessions and offer negotiations with candidates. ABB operates in more than 100

Anne Scanlon, Chief People Officer, SmartBear said, “Mike’s strategic

countries with about 135,000 employees and is recognised as a technology

leadership experience in talent acquisition for Fortune 500 companies will

leader in electrification products, robotics and motion, industrial automation

support us as we continue to build a diverse and productive team, strive for

and power grids, serving customers in utilities, industry and transport &

cultural excellence, and meet the changing needs of employees worldwide.”

infrastructure globally.

While at American Tower, Mike hired and developed highly diverse and

Previously Keusch worked as a Senior Recruiter at EY (Ernst & Young), Keush

productive individuals while driving high levels of performance in all areas

was mainly responsible for experienced hires for Financial Services markets

of responsibility. He is a former Boston University men's basketball captain

and covered several other vacancies in Legal/administration.

with a four-year career as a shooting guard and small forward. After receiving a bachelor’s degree in sociology from BU, he subsequently joined the Terriers' basketball staff as assistant coach in 2003 for four seasons where he assisted with recruiting efforts, academic advising, and counselling.



HR in Numbers

1 billion COVID-19 doses

administered worldwide Our World in Data 2021



PR professionals had no OT

of all Partners to be

compensation despite longer weekly hours than the HK average

2020 Hong Kong Public Relations &

women by 2025

MIT Sloan School of Management, 2021

Communications Industry Salary & Benefit Survey, HKPRU




UK employees felt their manager

US employees willing to lower their

US employees are more satisfied with

had become less empathetic

during the most recent lockdown The Hub Events

salary to switch to WFH model

How WFH impacts US Employees,

an office-based job than WFH due to greater face-to-face communication How WFH impacts US Employees,



Warzones to workplaces Leadership lessons and avoiding HR bombshells

Leaders achieve things far beyond what they could do alone, by engaging others intellectually and emotionally in pursuit of a clear and compelling purpose.


his is how Neil Jurd OBE defines

battlefield, Jurd has become one of the top UK

leadership, and like his definition, pretty

names in leadership development. Being in HR

much everything about this ex-army officer is

is all-to-often often akin to a battlefield, and the

straightforward, down-to-earth and cuts straight

leadership challenges encountered require the

to the chase. Our cover story distils his decades

same basic skills and mindset too.

of leadership wisdom into practical measures HR can take to be better leaders themselves, scout

Army leadership lessons

out future leaders and nurture outstanding

Successful leadership is about knowing what you’re

leadership across their organisation.

trying to achieve, and Jurd noted, “Direction and connecting with people are critical. So, know your

Leadership from warzones to workplaces

direction, know where you’re going, and then really

Jurd has been leading others and working in

connect with people and bring them with you on

leadership development for most of his working

that journey.” Amid the external changes that the

life. As an officer in the British Army, he led military

world has undergone over the past decade, one

teams in Iraq, Yemen, Bosnia and Sierra Leone, as

might expect that this had precipitated significant

well as training leadership programmes at the Royal

changes in leadership strategies, but Jurd remained

Military Academy Sandhurst. After being injured

stoic, “I don’t think it has changed very much at all.

by an enemy mortar while leading his Gurkha

And I know this is not the ‘social media answer’ that

Squadron in Iraq, he received a commendation

people expect, but it’s true. Effective leadership

for his leadership as a junior officer. Jurd has since

has always had the same components: a leader

worked on leadership with the Leadership Trust,

is someone who knows where they are going and

Commonwealth Games Team Scotland and the

who can connect with people.” He added, “I don’t

National Health Service (NHS), and in 2020 was

really buy all this talk about the expectations of

awarded a British Citizen Award for his leadership

Millennials, or this generation or that generation.

efforts in the voluntary sector.

If people are well-led, it always looks very similar— irrespective of which groups they are leading.


With his intuitive leadership skills and years of

People want to belong to something; they want to

hands-on leadership experience in often highly

feel part of something—and effective leadership

stressful environments both on and off the

achieves that.”


Everyone can lead

Scouting out leaders

HR leaders already have to wear many hats in their

Jurd stressed that when HR is looking for future leaders, they should not be looking for one

workplaces: leadership, recruitment, marketing,

specific type of leader to carry the organisation forward. Instead, he explained, “You need a

employer branding, payroll, legal and compliance,

mix of leaders. Where organisations have ‘a type’, it really limits thinking and discussion and

L&D, HRS, mentor, counsellor, DE&I expert, to

creativity. So I would advise against looking for cookie-cutter leaders. Rather, HR should look

name a few. They must nurture both leaders and

for candidates who really buy into what the organisation is all about and who are genuinely

managers across multiple business streams and

excited about what it is you’re trying to achieve.” In terms of the key qualities that HR should

select who is best to lead and who is best to manage,

look for in a leader, Jurd highlighted several key traits that HR should be on the lookout for.

which can prove extremely challenging. Jurd noted, “You lead people, and you manage stuff. So, you manage your resources, your time, your space,


your buildings; but you move things forward with

Jurd explained, “Leaders’ personal values must

leadership, and you lead people. And if you lead

be aligned totally with what the organisation

people well, they’ll take care of the management.”

is trying to achieve. And they should be connected to and excited about the purpose of

This leadership should become a culture across

the organisation.” He added, “HR wants leaders

the organisation. Jurd said, “HR should encourage

who are passionate about what the organisation

everyone to lead, as they can do any job with

is trying to achieve, and who are focused on

leadership. People can increase their impact

purpose, rather than process.”

by leading because they engage others, and the more they can engage, the bigger the impact organizationally.” He added, “Everyone should be encouraged to have a leadership role in the organisation. The most vibrant organisations are the ones where everybody is fully bought into the purpose and make stuff happen by using their brain. Problems arise where organisations are too hierarchical, in which case the only brain that can really work is the most senior one because everyone has to defer to it. And that doesn’t work.”

Everyone should be encouraged to have a leadership role in the organisation. The most vibrant organisations are the ones where everybody is fully bought into the purpose and make stuff happen by using their brain.

Emotional Intelligence Having emotional intelligence is also a critical trait to look for in future leaders. Jurd explained, “Emotional intelligence is about understanding and being able to control and apply your own emotion and understanding, as well as understanding other people’s emotions. Then being able to offer support to others to help get them into the most effective place.”



Integrity Integrity and honesty are critical traits of great leaders, and Jurd remarked, “Integrity amounts to a oneness and being absolutely comfortable with yourself, straightforward and truthful are all important. Without integrity, you get problems down the line—people who are willing to cheat, willing to cut corners, and who are perhaps more interested in their own success than in playing things straight for the organisation. And if you have dishonest leadership, things can go seriously wrong.” To help avoid this when selecting future leaders, Jurd advised HR to look for those with a lack of self-ego, who is willing to put the interests of others and the larger organisational objectives above themselves. He added, “A willingness to learn is also essential because whatever a future leader brings in if they’re willing to learn and


develop, you can nurture them. Many brilliant people didn’t get their jobs just because they’d done something


similar before, but rather because someone, more often than not HR, recognised their future potential.”

Collective passion In selecting people with passion who are not too interested in their own status, but rather in connecting with others to achieve the organisational goals, HR can reduce friction between departments and achieve audacious business goals. Jurd clarified, “Talent like this who are happy to work with everybody else in the organisation, help avoid the awful kind of internal politics where people are constantly trying to outdo each other, which harms the organisation and culture


Neil Jurd gives orders for military operation to Gurkha Squadron in Iraq

as a whole.”


Colonel Neil Jurd OBE with UK Army cadets in North England



fundamental, underlying relationship is really good, because the parties had worked on it and spent a bit of time together to get to know each other, much easier to have difficult conversations later down the line.”

Building trust HR Magazine has previously shared Stephen M. Covey’s interview where he highlighted the importance of building the ‘Speed of Trust’ in organisations. Whilst widely accepted as critical to

Assessing leadership potential

the success of organisations, this can sometimes be

In terms of assessing leadership talent, Jurd noted,

challenging to foster. Jurd shared his advice on how

“The most useful thing is to watch people in a real

leaders can help build connection, empathy and

situation. I spent a couple of years working at the

trust in their organisation. He noted, “You’ve got to

Army Officer selection board at Westbury, which runs

explain why your mission is important. Because if

a robust three-day assessment process. Now I realise

people don’t get the theory, they don’t realise that this

that’s a luxury for most organisations, but if HR can

slightly different way of working achieves more. To

just put candidates into a group where they are given

get from stagnant to vibrant, you have to go through

discussion topics or problems to solve, watching the

a change curve. The people who are doing perfectly

interaction between them can be extremely telling.”

well in the current order or things—often those with the hierarchy or status—will often see change as a real

Such exercises are a great form of assessment for HR

Neil Jurd OBE

threat.” He added, “Working in a flatter, more engaged,

because generally, candidates can fake things for short

Leadership and Team

more dynamic way is much better for the organisation,

periods but cannot keep this up for very long when

Development for Dispersed Teams

but HR needs to give an intellectual explanation as to

under pressure. Jurd added, “During assessments, you

Neil Jurd Leadership

why those individual talents should work in this way.”

have to watch with skill and know what you’re looking for—people who can keep objective-focused, connect

Once this is out of the way, in terms of what HR needs

with others and do so with kindness and warmth. They

to do, Jurd notes, “It’s really not hard, a lot of it is

will be the best future leaders.”

Dealing with roadblocks In any organisation, there will be some who are perhaps a little reticent, scared or feel they are just not in the right place for change; Jurd noted a few tactics that work well for leaders faced with such challenges. He said, “HR should spend time making sure they understand the organisational culture. Look at the leadership around you, as very often, where you get disillusioned staff, when you look more closely, you’ll find mediocre leadership. Then be brave and confront that issue and whatever that entails. If, ultimately, that means getting the wrong talent off the bus, then so be it. You have to confront people who aren’t sufficiently interested in what the company is trying to achieve.”

Having a clear and compelling purpose is the cornerstone to leadership because if you don’t have it, everything which happens could be irrelevant.

just encouraging people to get to know each other. Having sessions where you pull people together is important—where you talk about purpose. Having a clear and compelling purpose is the cornerstone to leadership because if you don’t have it, everything which happens could be irrelevant.” He added, “Spend time talking about what you’re trying to achieve. Ask staff how they feel about what the organisation is trying to achieve. Ask how staff think the organisation can get there and methods that could be tried out.” Jurd concluded, “When all is said and done, HR should devote a lot of time to simply just ‘being with people’. Sadly, this is often contrary to what flies in most busy organisational cultures. To have the idea that, as a leader, you just pick up a cup of tea, stroll into the next office or go out onto the production

Jurd noted that leadership is about your personality,

line, and just spend time with people—with no

winning people’s hearts and minds and connecting

agenda at all other than getting to know them and

them to the common purpose. He added, “You

better understand them may seem counter-intuitive.

should create the culture where you can talk honestly

But in reality, when this is done and leaders make

about what’s going right and what’s going wrong, and

that connection, they find out how they can be best

there’s no threat. The answer is for the HR Director

use individual talent across the organisation. That

or HR Business Partner to confront the issue head-

closeness is critical to inspire talent to be more

on. Having great relationships and connections

energised and achieve more, which ultimately brings

with talent helps with such conversations. If the

both talent and business success.” n


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Imposters in the workplace 85% of employees feel like frauds in their organisations


etween May 2020 and May 2021, UK Google searches for ‘imposter syndrome’ increased

by 150%. Imposter syndrome is a psychological phenomenon in which people believe they are not as competent or skilled as their peers. Feeling like frauds, they spend their working lives waiting to be ‘caught out’ for their incompetence. Whilst these feelings have always existed, for some, the blurred boundaries of working from home have only made things worse. Being at home and out of sight is making some feel like bigger frauds than ever before—as reflected in the sharp increase in Google searches from May 2020 to May 2021. A recent survey of over 1,000 British employees primarily working in finance, marketing, digital and management roles, conducted by OnePoll, commissioned by The Hub Events, revealed 85% of British workers surveyed suffer from imposter syndrome.

Between May 2020 and May 2021, UK Google searches for ‘imposter syndrome’ increased by 150%




Create an inclusive and open environment 44% of those surveyed said they wanted an





challenges. Employees should be comfortable


speaking up when they have a problem without the fear of being seen as incompetent. Try to create an inclusive environment that helps employees

Give regular positive feedback A 60% majority of those surveyed said that they needed regular

open up, including letting everyone have an equal

positive feedback on their performance.

amount of time to speak in meetings and ensuring

This is one of the best things you can do

there are no interruptions. If people do mention

to help alleviate your team’s issues with

their mistakes, acknowledge them, but steer the

imposter syndrome. By providing regular

conversation towards what they’ve learnt and

and positive feedback, you’re empowering

potential for future wins.

your employees and helping to reduce doubt—you want to help them find the selfawareness and self-acceptance to push past imposter syndrome.


Recognise accomplishments When suffering from imposter syndrome, many employees will fixate on a supposed


Ask teams to create a ‘brag book’ HR can do more to encourage employees to internalise their successes. A great

lack of talent or skill. So bypass this by instead

way to do this is to ask them to keep an internal

praising the processes and methods they used to get

‘brag book’—a list of all their work-wins, no matter

results. Praise effort, not results. So tell your team,

how small. This helps them see the great work they

‘I’ve noticed you’ve worked hard on this’ as opposed

have been doing and focus less on the perceived

‘this is great work’. This offers the praise to combat

success of others. It will also help them when it

imposter syndrome, but in a way that highlights the

comes to review time too. Many team members do

work they have done to get there.

not realise the value of the work they do every day.


Remind teams that they are only human! Being detail-oriented and having high standards are great attributes

for employees to have, but imposter syndrome is born from this kind of perfectionism and, left unchecked, these traits can easily lead to burnout. Effective leaders highlight the human side of working—your team members are not Robot toy

robots, they need breaks, and they need to know that they can make mistakes. Don’t foster an allwork-no-play attitude. Instead, encourage staff to take time off and take holidays.




Offer your own mistakes

Christine Macdonald, Director, The Hub Events, also offered top tips for employees, which HR could share with

No one wants to look

colleagues, to help get everyone on the same page, particularly those already struggling with imposter syndrome:

like a weak boss, but

you do not want to look utterly infallible either. Tackling issues


Admit you are suffering from imposter syndrome


Be kind to yourself

with imposter syndrome begin and

It is easier to deal with problems we can name.

Your feelings are normal—everyone experiences

end with you—so do not be afraid

Only 25% of respondents had heard of imposter

them at some point. If you are having a bad day,

to be open with teams about issues

syndrome; once you know, it is easier to address

do not be scared of taking a breather.

like self-doubt. You need to explain

what you are feeling and deal with it.

that some of these feelings are


Develop a healthy response to failure

Remember people are emotional

Mistakes happen, and the best thing you can

standard parts of business, and they

It is easy to confuse the way you feel for facts.

do is learn from them and move on.

bring their own fears. By explaining

You might feel bad at your job today, but that

how you deal with these, you help

does not mean you are.

normalise these feelings.

With imposter syndrome, it is easy to ignore the

Remember you are self-involved

everyday tasks you do, so start tracking what

Other team members might think you’re doing

you do daily and highlighting any positives

normal: innovating, risk-taking are




fantastically. You only have access to your own thoughts—the way you come across to others

Only 25% of respondents had heard of imposter syndrome



Remember you are an expert

might be exactly the same way they come across

When people ask your opinions, try not to

to you, i.e. competent.

second guess yourself. You were hired for a

reason—because you are the expert in your

It is ok to say you do not know

own right.

If your boss puts you on the spot, it can be ok to say I do not know the answer. Alleviate this by framing it as something you can look into—you do not know the answer yet.


List your successes


HR saves big money on mispromotions project of a large industrial company in Russia.

Personality assessments applied to

The voices of just under 300 executives and seniorlevel managers who were being considered for

restructures save HR big money

promotions were analysed during discussions with the company’s HR team and their verbal responses

on mispromotions

to a dedicated questionnaire prepared by an external organizational consultant. The personality assessments output by the LVA technology


Natalie Zaharova

indicated that the characteristics and competencies

he research team of Professor Alexey Gusev


of approximately 28% of the candidates that were

from the Faculty of Psychology at Moscow

F2F Group

being evaluated for promotions were not suitable

State University and Nemesysco—a voice analytics

for their new positions and would have had a

technologies company—has worked collaboratively

difficult time coping with their new duties.

on research into the applications of voice analytics since early 2017. This joint research is being led by Professor Gusev with the support of F2F Group—a behaviour research and consulting firm in Russia. Nemesysco and the researchers at Moscow State University have recently completed research on using voice analytics for developing personality assessments for human resource purposes. For this research project, Professor Gusev and his research team tested anonymous subjects' recorded voice files using Nemesysco’s Layered Voice Analytics (LVA™) technology. As an outcome of this analysis of the emotions detected and measured by the LVA technology, the researchers established quantifiable methods for measuring the aptitude qualities

We estimate that this industrial company saved several hundreds of thousands of dollars in misapplied salaries, benefits and associated

Natalie Zaharova, CEO, F2F Group, said, “We estimate that this industrial company saved several hundreds of thousands of dollars in misapplied salaries, benefits and associated operational costs by acting on the recommendations of our research and offering promotions to only the matched candidates. The scientific findings of Professor Gusev and his research team were fully supported by the executive management team and used for the firm’s final decision making together with its common sense and human discretion.” Amir Liberman, CEO, Nemesysco noted, “This

operational costs.

ground-breaking research demonstrates for the

and personal competencies of job candidates

first time what can be achieved when the genuine

and employees being considered for promotions,

personality and true qualities of candidates and

including stress, motivation, teamwork, leadership

employees are assessed not based on what they

capabilities and more.

say or think about themselves but based on their emotional reactions to past situations and expected

Nemesysco’s LVA technology is designed to

future events. Our LVA technology serves as a

reveal the genuine emotional reactions of a

mirror of truth and allows managers at all levels of

person by detecting and measuring uncontrolled

an organization to take a better and more informed

psychophysiological changes to a person’s voice

decision about the team they want to build.”

during open conversations. The technology is indifferent to language or the content of speech.

The upcoming joint research projects planned by Nemesysco and the research team of Professor

Nemesysco reports that the testing methods

Gusev include a study on the emotional state of

that it developed together with the researchers

employees during prolonged exposure to stress and

at Moscow State University and F2F Group were

the development of a diagnostic tool for measuring

recently applied to the corporate restructuring

professional burnout. n



Creating a Third Place Flexible office model offers all-purpose work environments for tomorrow’s agile workforce With the majority of the global workforce working remotely for most of 2020, many companies and their employees suffered a considerable sense of loss in terms of workplace culture and practices. Businesses were quick to bring employees back to the office by working with flexible office space providers like Compass Offices to incorporate hybrid working, satellite offices, and Third Places where employees can perform best. 26 HR MAGAZINE SUMMER 2021


First Place

Second Place

Third Place



Meeting & relaxation

What is a Third Place? A Third Place is the social surroundings that are separate from employees' two usual social environments of home, which is the First Place; and their workplace, which is the Second Place.

Typical Places

examples might





In the wake of the pandemic, office space has

outside the home and workplace (see boxout). In

further proven necessary for companies and

today's context, they are a place where thriving

their employees in the long run. But what office

workplace communities are built. Within a Third

space can move along with the times, grow when

Place, teams meet to collaborate and engage; staff

a business does and is capable of fully capturing

find respite in a busy workday; colleagues find

the spatial requirements of a company at every

friendships over shared workplace activities—it

level of their progress?

is a common ground that benefits staff through productivity and wellness. In a flexible office

shops, cha chaan tengs, pubs,

Space that integrates all work models

space, the Third Place is a feature that comes



Flexible office space providers are making

readily available in the form of business lounges,

centres, pools, beaches, BBQs,

a difference in the workspace industry by

café space, as well as pantry and breakout areas

bookstores and parks.

supporting and delivering what companies

at no additional costs.


need to realise their objectives. Businesses are increasingly choosing flexible office space

Concepts change, but office space prevails

for many reasons, including flexible leases,

Today, the hybrid work model is at the forefront

business-ready workspaces, secure high-speed

of almost every future work model, with industry

connectivity, cost efficiency and scalability—

giants like Microsoft and Infosys leading the way

depending on business needs.

and an increasing number of companies following suit. Concepts like the hybrid work model do

A hybrid work environment and satellite offices

not diminish the importance of office space but

in a flexible office space promotes flexibility for

rather reinforce it. The office continues to play a

More recently, the concept of a

staff and allows companies to fully utilise space

crucial role in facilitating team collaboration and

Third Place has been leveraged

on demand and create room for the benefit of

internal communication. It is a space for activities

by companies of various sizes to

employees. Office space providers like Compass

that require physical presence and an avenue that

widen their offering in terms of

Offices, are increasingly offering customised

fosters a sense of belonging and team spirit—

shared common spaces in the local

flexible office space solutions.

that cannot be virtually replaced. Office space is also integral to helping keep the organisational

community. Coworking spaces for young entrepreneurs and startups

With multiple locations local and abroad,

culture intact, as well as enhancing brand image



flexible office spaces can support hybrid

and corporate identity.

design to incorporate “community

working and satellite office operations. Regional

coffee house” and “community

presences can be set up swiftly to speed up

New trends may come, and consumer behaviour

living rooms” while offices for

the time-to-market process, and staff can

change, but flexible office spaces remain adaptive

corporates and professionals have

conveniently converge at their offices located

to all space requirements and workplace needs

also embraced a similar concept to

in key business addresses. Even in a traditional

for every member of the organisation. With

help maximise this free space for

office setting, companies recognise the need

the ability to stay ahead of change and ensure

social interaction.

for a Third Place, but the plan is often hindered

business continuity for all business types,

by cost and priority. A concept coined in the

flexible office spaces look set to provide HR

80s by American sociologist Ray Oldenburg,

with the agile workspace solutions required by

Third Place are defined as social environments

today's workforce. n





PEO partnerships Making life easier for HR

What is a PEO, and why does HR need one? Implementing active lifecycle management within any organisation is key to attracting and retaining top talent while at the same time supporting the bottom line. A Professional Employer Organisation (PEO) provides well-informed employee management services and a complete suite of staffing solutions to meet this core HR need. PEOs help organisations identify the right talent and manage their performance

Companies are increasingly looking for flexible, efficient, accurate and compliant solutions with their staffing and payroll solutions and turning to PEOs for help. HR Magazine spoke with Edith Chan, Director of Tricor Staffing Solutions, to examine PEOs and how they can help HR with every aspect of the employee lifecycle.


by nurturing and supporting individuals based on the organisation’s staffing needs. In this way, PEOs help free up HR from transactional duties so they can place greater focus on strategic functions across the organisation. An increasing number of organisations are investing in PEO services as part of their strategic business planning to provide maximum business flexibility. Chan explained, “PEOs forge closelyknit, mutually beneficial relationships with both an organisation and its staff—providing timely solutions to any HR issues arising from recruitment and onboarding, to roster and performance management, to payroll and taxation compliance, right up to helping facilitate positive offboarding experiences.”


6 key employee lifecycle phases



Recruitment/Attraction Using





Setting realistic goals and expectations

e-recruitment platforms, engaging the


most suitable candidates who match

Creating both short- and long-term


individual development plans (IDPs).














shortlisting and background screening

ensuring compliance. Engaging and


encouraging employees to generate




contractual or permanent recruits.

new ideas—creating an environment






collaboration as a gateway to new


learning opportunities.

Ecosystem that facilitates hassle-free onboarding. Handling contracts, work visas, reference checks, orientation programmes and providing assistance during employee transitions.


Performance Unlocking potential and fostering an environment where talent can thrive. Facilitating talent growth while driving results with regular performance evaluations, career mapping, on-the-job training support and employee surveys.

5 6

Offboarding Practical logistical help with terminating and retiring talent and exit-interviews to help identify any critical gaps in engagement.

PEOs can help HR across all aspects of the employee lifecycle, generating both short- and long-term benefits. Chan explained, “Initially, we analyse a company’s background, diagnose

Payroll & tax

key issues they face to help objectively quantify their exact current needs. Irrespective of size,

Monthly payroll, C&B, employee taxes, contract

organisations from start-ups to global MNCs now look for fully-customised solutions rather

staffing and compliance.

than off-the-shelf packages. Working with a PEO affords organisations this flexibility.”



left by an employee due to moving to another role,

Key benefits of PEOs

taking leave of absence, resignation or dismissal, the Recruitment & career transitions

PEO partner will fill the vacancy with an adequately

Recruitment of staff is always a challenge for HR as

trained temporary staff member. This avoids adding

not only is it time-consuming, but there is also a time

to the burden of already overworked teams, reduces

lag after onboarding as they might not immediately

unnecessary overtime costs and enhances daily

be able to handle time-sensitive tasks. These may

workflow during the time of transition.

then pile up while awaiting the new hire getting up to speed. Chan noted, “It generally takes at least

C&B An increasing number of companies also engage

two months to find a suitable candidate via in-house HR recruitment. In contrast, if a company partners

Edith Chan

PEOs to leverage their established HR infrastructure,

with a PEO, then they can expect to have multiple

Director of

providing them with immediate access to cost-

applications of pre-screened candidates on their

Tricor Staffing Solutions

effective, comprehensive employee compensation

desks within a month.” PEOs are able to rapidly

and benefit solutions. Chan noted, “With our contract

source suitable canditates by virtue of access to their

staffing services, Tricor becomes the legal employer

pre-existing recruitment systems and network of job

of the client organisation’s employees—including

advertisements in prominent channels. PEOs then screen, evaluate and conduct initial interviews with applicants before recommending suitable candidates to the partner. The success of any business hinges on having the right people in the right roles at the right times. A key benefit provided by PEOs is help with managing contingent workforces. Chan illustrated, “During a peak retail sales period, a good PEO can help rapidly ramp up the process of hiring and onboarding seasonal talent. This scalability allows the organisation to bring

PEOs forge closely-knit, mutually beneficial relationships with both an organisation and its staff.

sponsoring employment and handling employee benefits. This allows us to hold employment on behalf of the organisation, which significantly eases the burden of HR administrative work.” Chan noted the importance of HR considering the investment in terms of the time-cost of recruitment, employee onboarding,





employee benefits which often get overlooked when calculating the cost of hire. On managing key benefits, Chan added, “If we take a closer look at insurance, for example, a PEO

in sufficient talent within a short timeframe, with the

managing hundreds of different talent pools can

minimum fuss.”

obtain significant discounts from insurance providers on benefit packages due to economies of scale. By

As many PEOs evolve into more comprehensive and

partnering with a PEO, start-ups and SMEs are then

integrated vendors, backfilled outsourcing is another

able to realise these cost savings, which they would

way they help bring value to HR. When a position is

not be able to do so as small-scale individual entities.”



Compliance Start-ups and SMEs are often more inclined to outsource multiple HR solutions to a PEO within a manageable ongoing budget rather than having to invest in a seven-figure in-house HR system. Leveraging PEOs also provides much greater flexibility and scalability if users later wish to add on particular HR services, such as e-HR tools now favoured by many organisations. Such tools help reduce regulatory and legal administrative burdens and allow companies to use e-leave, e-timesheets and auto rostering system tools to help maintain employee attendance records. The success of any business also hinges on having the right people in the right roles at the right times. A key benefit provided by PEOs is help with managing contingent workforces. Chan illustrated, “During a peak retail sales period, a good PEO can help rapidly ramp up the process of hiring and onboarding seasonal talent. This scalability allows the organisation to bring in sufficient talent within a short timeframe, with the minimum fuss.” As many PEOs evolve into more comprehensive and integrated vendors, backfilled outsourcing is another way they help bring value to HR. When a position is left by an employee who has been moved to another role, taken justified leave of absence, or resigned from or lost their job, the PEO partner will fill in the vacancy with an adequately trained temporary staff member, which helps avoid adding work burden to an overworked team, reduces unnecessary overtime costs and enhances daily workflow during the time of transition.

PEO partnerships, the way forward With a robust PEO partnership, HR gets significant assistance with a wide range of HR-related issues to increase their organisational agility and adaptability. Operationally, a good PEO can help with contingency planning and rapid responses to external changes including advice on HR policies relating to antiCOVID-19 measures. They can also help with a wide range of ancillary HR functions ranging from onboarding and training up new recruits, to drafting employee dress codes, to assisting with workplace fit-outs and refurbishments. A PEO can rapidly pull together contingent workforces on an as-needs basis to ensure sufficient talent is on hand for more labourintensive events such as conferences and exhibitions. As any business evolves, so too should their HR strategies. By leveraging the flexibility and range of services afforded by PEO partnerships, HR can gain objective third-party input to help keep HR policies and processes up-to-date, compliant and resilient to change while better engaging their talent teams to drive business success. n



Proudly made in Hong Kong … again HR's role in the reindustrialisation of Hong Kong—the Yorkshire entrepreneur who set up shop in Kwun Tong and is hiring local talent in a completely new hi-tech garment sector.

Rise and fall of Hong Kong industry

Manufacturing became a footnote to the balance sheet of Hong

Before the new town of Sha Tin and the industrial estates of Tai

Kong, which became dominated by the finance, trade and tourism,

Po and Fanling came into existence, Kwun Tong and Tsuen Wan

transportation and telecommunications, and professional services

were established as satellite towns in the aftermath of the Second

sectors. Indeed, manufacturing contributed less to the economy than

World War. They housed a booming population, many coming from

the port at Kwai Chung, a facility that ironically became the busiest

Mainland China. They were also intended to house the expanding

container port globally thanks largely to the re-export of goods from

manufacturing base of Hong Kong, which was making its name as the

Mainland China.

producer and exporter of high-quality, reasonably priced garments. Businesspeople from cities such as Shanghai used their expertise

Transforming talent, processes & factories

in garment manufacturing to set up companies in the sector. The

The neglected flower that is the manufacturing sector, however,

Government provided innovative solutions for small businesses,

now finds itself tended and cared for by a new generation of

such as flatted factories. Local manufacturing flourished because of

entrepreneurs that is as forward-looking, dynamic and far-sighted

the availability of low-cost, hard-working local talent, the activities of

as the one that raised Hong Kong from its knees after the war.

dynamic entrepreneurs, cheap manufacturing facilities and access to

Tony Herbert, CEO, InnoConcept, a Hong Kong-based factory that

a growing financial sector.

provides a new employment ecosystem to locally based talent, is one such entrepreneur helping transform garment manufacture

The success of the manufacturing industry, however, led to its

and helping Hong Kong regain its place in global manufacturing.

downfall. The demand by workers for better wages made Mainland

The factory as we know it, manufacturing processes and the talent

China a better option. In the early 1990s, there were stories of workers

required to run them have undergone a dramatic shift. Herbert has

saying goodbye at lunchtime on a Saturday and returning to work on

led the way, injecting new life into factories for the future in the

Monday morning to find their garment factory not only shuttered

heart of Kwun Tong.

and dark but also devoid of machinery that had been removed and taken across the border. The lower levels of pay in Mainland

From Yorkshire to Yue Man Square

China were responsible for the migration. Back-office functions,

Herbert, a proud Yorkshireman, spent over two decades in the garment

however, stayed in the Hong Kong SAR, leading to more attractive

industry in the English East Midlands, near Nottingham, a city that

employment opportunities for young people taking advantage of

built its reputation on lace-making. Earning a living, or "making brass",

greater educational provisions. The service sector expanded, and

as Herbert put it in the language of Yorkshire, as a manager, before

those who provided professional services in law, accountancy and

witnessing the collapse of the garment industry in Britain. He saw

finance flourished.

production moving from a process that was wholly domestic to one that was eventually wholly overseas. He stayed in the industry, with

Finally, traditional manufacturing countries, such as the US and UK,

lengthy stints at Victoria's Secret and Triumph, both leaders in the

alarmed by the inroads that Hong Kong imports had made into markets

intimate apparel business. At the latter, as Global Head of Innovation,

previously dominated by their own industries, ensured that the

he was able to leverage the advantages of globalisation—with its

international General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade shackled Hong

disregard of country borders and traditional inflexibilities. He later

Kong through the imposition of quotas. Businesspeople found it more

oversaw garment production in Sri Lanka before finally settling in the

lucrative to trade their allocated quotas than actually make the subjects

Hong Kong SAR, where he established InnoConcept Limited in 2019.

of those restrictions. It also restricted the ability of new entrants to the market to establish themselves and expand; they were constrained by

As the CEO, Herbert has been the driving force behind the new way of

the "corset" into which the garment industry found itself squeezed.

running home-grown manufacturing businesses. Showing just



1 1. Tony Herbert demonstrates state of the art mask-making machine 2. Bonded fabrics provide unparalled comfort and flexibility, but require new employee skillsets to produce 3. Ultrasonic bonding techniques deployed by new-age flexible workteams





how manufacturing has changed, Herbert describes

invested heavily in modern machinery. As in many

his facility not as a "factory"

but as a "hi-tech

sectors, robots now dominate the manufacturing

development centre". He noted, "We manufacture

process. Herbert explained, "As the materials used in

athleisure apparel, sportswear and intimate garments

the centre are light and easy to handle, the industrial

for high-profile clients using the latest technology

robots we use do not have to be as large and heavy

to cut and bond materials rather than traditional

as those in other manufacturing areas. The specially

stitching techniques. This requires multi-skilled talent

designed adhesives we use are also water-based, and therefore more efficient and environmentally friendly."

who can quickly adapt to different hi-tech processes and constantly changing order volumes."

Tony Herbert

Agility brings talent, business & CSR opportunities



Training in new techniques The company has developed multiple product lines,

Adaptability and agility are essential in Factory 4.0.

some exclusively using adhesive bonding, some

Using similar machines to those for manufacturing

employing full stitching, and some using a blend

bras, the company quickly shifted its production lines and technological expertise to manufacture highgrade anti-pathogen masks during the pandemic. This brought three significant benefits to Hong Kong during an incredibly challenging time: increased employment opportunities for local talent, an increase in the supply of much-needed facemasks. The third, more intangible benefit has been in further enhancing the organisation's employer brand as it can produce personal protective equipment (PPE) that directly benefits the local community, which has made being part of the team a lot more attractive for locally-based talent. Proudly made in Hong Kong, again Herbert explained, "Drawing on new technology, under the tagline Artist of Originals, we are now able to offer home-grown 'Made in Hong Kong' solutions tailored to customers' needs. The reason we're growing so fast is that we are continually evolving by being agile and adapting to use technologies and propriety bonding materials in a sector that has elsewhere traditionally been rather inflexible."

The reason we're growing so fast is that we are continually evolving by being agile and adapting to use technologies in a sector that has elsewhere traditionally been rather inflexible.

of both techniques. Using both means of garment manufacture, the company has had to conduct extensive training to ensure that talent teams are multiskilled in different manufacturing processes. Herbert noted that it is comparatively easy to train up local talent in new procedures and that Factory 4.0 working procedures are more attractive than traditional ones— offering greater variety and flexibility for the team and the business. Herbert explained, "Producing clothing by stitching materials together is a continuous process, while bonding involves cycles in which adhesives are left to cure. This allows dovetailing of multiple processes simultaneously, making it more interesting and attractive to the line workers." Garment manufacturing was once at the forefront of industrial technology. Those working in the factories of the first industrial revolution were clothed thanks to Hargreaves' spinning jenny and Arkwright's water frame that helped launch the first industrialised cotton mills. Hong Kong's new industrial entrepreneurs, like Herbert, should be equally respected. Like industry, HR has also come a long way since the first industrial revolution—both

To achieve its goal of harnessing new technology to

have become more adaptive, agile and localised to

long-established industries, InnoConcept has also

continue to thrive in the new now. n



Competitive ageing Across the G20, one in every three workers is aged 50 and over, and in the next 20 years, this will increase to four in ten. These are the findings of the International Longevity Centre (ILC), a UK think tank on the impact of longevity on society. Together with other changes, such as the role of technology and AI in the workplace, this will radically transform workplaces in a future that will soon be our present.


he ILC is seeking input from industry leaders, employers, start-ups, policy experts, academics

and community organisations to find new and innovative solutions to these challenges and help unlock the potential of an ageing workforce and age diversity in the workplace. To this end, the ILC, supported by the Innovation Resource Center for Human Resources (IRC4HR), launched an international competition on 20 May 2021 to identify and reward the most promising innovations that respond to the challenge of an ageing workforce across four key challenge areas: • maintaining good physical and mental health; • building knowledge, skills and competence; • addressing discrimination and supporting diversity in the workplace; and • adapting the workplace for flexibility.

Longer working lives, alongside other trends such as the growing role of tech and AI, are going to fundamentally reshape the workplace of the not-sodistant future. Lily Parsey Global Policy and Influencing Manager, ILC



The competition, Work for Tomorrow, launched as

that when we challenge our assumptions and beliefs

part of International HR Day, is open for applications

Jodi Starkman

about what is possible—and we apply technology

worldwide until 1 September 2021, with the final

Executive Director

and modify policy to address a diverse set of human

awards ceremony to be held in early 2022. An expert


needs—the result can be a more inclusive, human-

panel of judges will assess applications, bringing

centred work experience for everyone. Starkman

insight from the private sector, policymaking,

continued, “An innovation competition is a creative

and research. ILS hopes that the competition will provoke conversations and pioneer solutions for a society where everyone can thrive, regardless of age. Lily Parsey, Global Policy and Influencing Manager, ILC, said, “Longer working lives, alongside other trends such as the growing role of tech and AI, are going to fundamentally reshape the workplace of the not-so-distant future. It’s time for employers to adapt in line with these changes. There has undoubtedly been much innovation out there, and among all the devastation it has caused, the pandemic has acted as a further catalyst for new ideas.” She added, “Work for Tomorrow will showcase and platform the best innovations in this space and spark conversations about what needs to happen next as we embark on the future of work.” IRC4HR is a private foundation with a mission to advance human relationships in industry, commerce,

From flexible work arrangements to rapid digital transformation to an increased focus on employee wellbeing, the global pandemic has demonstrated that when we challenge our assumptions and beliefs about what is possible.

and scalable vehicle for identifying solutions and changing the narrative around how to create age-inclusive work environments that enable all members of the workforce to thrive.” Bob Morton, President of the World Federation of People Management Associations (WFPMA), identified a solutions roadmap, he explained, “Meeting the challenges of the future of work in a post-pandemic world requires innovative and systemic approaches to create and adapt new working practices utilising both human and digital capabilities.” Mehbs Remtulla, Founder and CEO of What’s neXT?!, a community-based ecosystem connecting late-career transitioners with work and life-long learning opportunities, explained, “The narrative around ageing is misguided; society sees this stage of life as a period of decline, whereas it is a period of opportunity. The structures and networks we

education, and government organisations. Jodi

build in our working years do not work anymore,

Starkman, Executive Director, ILC, noted, “From

and it is hard to create new ones at this stage of

flexible work arrangements to rapid digital

life. We seem to lack the tools and resources to

transformation to an increased focus on employee

help us through this transition. There is no planned

wellbeing, the global pandemic has demonstrated

playbook for this period of life.” n





Flexibility is everything Organisations and their HR teams no longer have the luxury of imposing a one-size-fits-all

HR on the Money

framework into which all employees had to

Total rewards solutions

proposition (EVP) model to one of individual

fit, whether that was right for any particular employee or indeed for the employer. Willingly or otherwise, corporate institutions found that they had to move from an employee value value propositions (IVPs). EVPs are a form of box-ticking that aids the one-size approach; whereas,

Long ago, you paid your money; you got your staff. In the new now, however, the HR approach to total rewards is significantly more sophisticated. HR Magazine’s Livestream brought together HR heavyweights for their take on what companies should be doing to effectively reward staff, aid retention and create a healthy working environment. Stepping up to the plate were Trey Davis, Regional Leader, Executive Compensation Practice, Willis Towers Watson; Robert Li, Head of Rewards & Operations, The Hong Kong Jockey Club; Julien QuesterSemeon, Presales Manager, SAP Cloud, SAP Hong Kong; Dan Smith, Director, Alliance Group; John H Lee, Former Executive Director HR, Regional Head of Benefits & Wellness, JPMorgan





consider precisely what is most appropriate for each employee. Trey Davis, Regional Leader, Executive




Towers Watson, explained how this change had come about and noted the need for employers to be maximally flexible regarding C&B and work conditions. Businesses must offer a non-traditional set of models that allow older, valued employees to stay in the workforce longer, allow parttime and flexible working, use consultants, and embrace diversity and inclusion by hiring members of the LGBT, non-binary and ethnic minority communities. Davis made the point, “Hong Kong companies need to be thinking carefully about how sources of talent are changing to ensure a reliable supply of quality talent.” He also pointed out that the solutions put in place now should represent long-term thinking and not only confined to the pandemic scenario. This emphasis on building defences against future disasters was a theme endorsed by the other members of the panel.

Chase & Co., and Thomas Tseng, Group Director of Human Resources, Wharf Hotels and Mimi Fu, Executive Director Human Resources, Ocean Park Corporation.

Hong Kong companies need to be thinking carefully about how sources of talent are changing to ensure a

Missed it? Scan the QR code to watch

reliable supply of quality talent.

the livestream on demand over at HR Magazine's YouTube channel. Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe!

Trey Davis Regional Leader, Executive Compensation Practice Willis Towers Watson



Spouses, children and parents are now also part of the concern of the employer. Dan Smith Director, Alliance Group Trey Davis Regional Leader Executive Compensation Practice Willis Towers Watson

Robert Li, Head of Rewards & Operations, The Hong

help reimburse such expenses would be favoured

Kong Jockey Club, revealed that the Club has moved

as employers of choice. All panellists emphasised

to a more flexible workday and workweek and that this

that corporate institutions must be more flexible in

change would continue after the pandemic passes.

allowing colleagues to take leave to deal with domestic

However, Li noted, “The exact form the working week

duties and crises.

will take will depend on what that ‘normality’ looks like in the future.”

Li pointed out the problems of running organisations

Mimi Fu

that require employees to travel outside Hong Kong.

Executive Director, Human Resources

John H Lee, Former Executive Director HR, Regional

To help meet this demand, the Jockey Club has

Ocean Park Corporation

Head of Benefits & Wellness, JPMorgan Chase & Co.,

paid for quarantine accommodation for its staff

added that the usual high-level policymakers are

returning to Hong Kong and adopted a flexible

having to give way to those lower in the hierarchy who

attitude to recuperative leave for those coming out

know the actual situations employees face.

of quarantine.

Changing face of C&B

Employees as the new HR

The move to IVP shows that talent has needs that

The more flexibility trumps HR policy, the more

do not fit neatly into the office model. Dan Smith,

employees take responsibility for their own well-

Director, Alliance Group, mentioned increased

being and, most notably, for the well-being of

offerings of life, health and other insurance policies

others. Quester-Semeon put forward the concept of

to meet the challenges of each person rather than an

employees being responsible for allocating a bonus

employer having to cover one single workplace.

pool to their colleagues. He pointed out that workers

John H Lee Former Executive Director Regional Head of Benefits & Wellness JPMorgan Chase & Co.

and immediate line managers know exactly who is He






cover workers’ mental health, including access

working efficiently, sympathetically, and deserving of additional reward.

to psychologists and psychiatrists. Smith said, “Spouses, children and parents are now also part

Thomas Tseng, Group Director of Human Resources,

of the concern of the employer.” He also raised the

Wharf Hotels, revealed that he devotes more time

problem of inadequate internet coverage and the

to ascertain staff views and how they are feeling

fact that employers may have to offer assistance to

through innovations such as afternoon tea meetings

overcome this.

where all views are welcomed to encourage reflective team feedback. Mimi Fu, Executive Director Human

Julien Quester-Semeon, Presales Manager, SAP

Resources, Ocean Park Corporation, shared that

Cloud, SAP Hong Kong, echoed the need to ensure

staff help boost their own morale, and that of

that colleagues have adequate health insurance

colleagues, by posting informal videos and messages

Robert Li

coverage. He also noted the additional challenges

of encouragement. The Park has also helped facilitate

Head of Rewards & Operations

and expenses that employees face when they have

yoga classes, initially organised by the staff themselves

The Hong Kong Jockey Club

school-age children, such as school fees, domestic

in the then empty Park, which later turned into a

helper fees and provision of computing equipment

viable business proposal to management to enhance

for distance learning. He noted that employers who

future visitor engagement.



Julien Quester-Semeon Presales Manager, SAP Cloud SAP Hong Kong

Dan Smith Director Alliance Group

Fu agreed that HR had ultimate responsibility for looking after everyone in the organisation and focused on caring for staff rather than the transactional side of hiring and HR administration systems. Only in this way could companies avoid the disruption of loss of staff and the costs of rehiring.

HR needs to be creative. It is only by being creative that they can be innovative. Thomas Tseng

When asked how HR could cope in times of falling revenue and tighter budgets, Fu remained stoic, “HR

Mimi Fu

needs to be creative. It is only by being creative that they

Executive Director Human Resources

can be innovative.” This might well be the advice that

Ocean Park Corporation

Group Director Human Resoureces Wharf Hotels

everyone in HR should have pinned above their desks. n

Title Sponsor

Premium Sponsor

Supported by



Enhancing organisational capabilities In addition to coping with the pandemic, businesses must keep their core functions

HR Trailblazing in 2021 Challenge, change and coping strategies

moving forward. Even in regular times, the key to preparing for the future is to build an elite talent team. NiQ Lai, Group CEO, HKBN, began the discussion with a reminder that companies grow organically and through M&A activity, which brings its own challenges. Lai noted, “The key point about organisational integration is having a robust corporate culture that will get better with acquisitions … this requires fusion

HR Magazine brought together specialists from different perspectives in HR to analyse the challenges they experienced during the year and give their thoughts on the steep learning curve HR has been on as it assumed new roles and functions. Giving their viewpoints were Alf Carlesäter, Former Senior Regional HR Leader, Talent Mobility - APAC & Sub-Saharan Africa, General Electric; Dr Richard Clayton, Chief Cognitive Officer, EQ Lab; Tanya Didovic, Founder, Neo Yogic Movement; NiQ Lai, Group CEO, HKBN; Mukta Arya, Head of HR, Societe Generale APAC; Dr Andrew

of the best ideas, not confusion of cultures.” In melding those from different backgrounds and cultures into a common culture, he added, “The key is having a distinct culture. You either love it or hate it. If you do not buy-in, then get out. Our core purpose is to make our home a better place to live. If this does not resonate for you, you’re the wrong talent for our company, especially the senior executives, because they have the most blocking power. It takes a team to move forward. That’s why it’s essential to get out the blockers as soon as possible.” In making the point that companies must never forget the bottom line, he continued, “We are an elite sports team. We are not just a family. We only offer conditional love based on performance. If you’re looking for unconditional love, go home. We want you to either love us or hate us. Just don’t be indifferent.”

Ma, Executive Director, Chorev Consulting International; Hannah McLeod, Head of Strategy, City Mental Health Alliance Hong Kong; and Florence Chan, APAC Diversity & Inclusiveness Leader—Talent, EY.

We believe we have to look after our talents before they can look after our customers. In doing so, we look after our shareholders. Profit is a subset of purpose. And we run our company

Missed it? Scan the QR code to watch the livestream on demand over at HR Magazine's YouTube channel. Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe!


for purpose. But you cannot achieve purpose without profit. NiQ Lai Group CEO HKBN


In a wake-up call for HR departments generally, Lai set out his philosophy, “If we don’t change, we die a little bit every day. You may not notice it, but we do die a little bit every day. Call it an obsession. If you have multiple obsessions, you have no obsession. If your core value talks about shareholders,

The maximisation of learning opportunities through nano learning is now much greater than with day-long workshops or traditional lengthy e-learning programmes.

customers and talents, you have no obsession; we lead with talent obsession; we believe we have to look after our talents before they can look after

Dr Andrew Ma

our customers. In doing so, we look after our

Executive Director

shareholders. Profit is a subset of purpose. And

Chorev Consulting International

we run our company for purpose. But you cannot achieve purpose without profit.” break, via one- to five-minute learning chunks. The

to such problems is a significant obstacle to getting

L&D challenges

maximisation of learning opportunities through

appropriate help. McLeod noted that of the actions

HR has always played a critical role in the L&D

nano learning is now much greater than with day-

to implement to enhance mental health, “Of prime

process but now faces the additional challenges

long workshops or traditional lengthy e-learning

importance for HR is conducting to work to try

of socially distanced learning. Dr Andrew

programmes.” This challenges HR to move away

and desensitise and socialise the topic of mental

Ma, Executive Director, Chorev Consulting

from the model of assembling large groups of

health across their organisation. One-third of

International, explained that the learning process

people in one place for lengthy sessions of formal

employees have experienced mental health stigma

itself has fundamentally changed because of

instruction. Ma added, “Flipped learning is all about

or know somebody that has experienced it. And

these constraints, “Whether Zoom or self-paced

utilising a real-time learning opportunity—whether

that figure, although alarmingly high, is actually

e-learning, L&D has had to adapt, and we have now

on Zoom or face-to-face that can be leveraged

down from 55% in 2020. So, there’s definitely been

divided our programmes into discrete ‘building

not just for lecturing but for deeper information

some improvement in reducing stigma, but there’s

blocks’—akin to connectable LEGO® blocks.

sharing. The discussion can be honed with case

still along to go.” McLeod urged for a change in

These L&D blocks can be delivered real-time via

studies and expanded experiential learning.” Ma

cultural values and said, “Education shows that

Zoom or on-demand as self-paced micro-learning

pointed out that learning now involves tools such

it’s okay not to be okay. Mental health shouldn’t be

chunks. And as talent attention span continues to

as Miro and VR to allow participants to interact in

differentiated from physical health; it should be the

dwindle, so too these chunks are getting smaller

virtual reality, which is being picked up as an L&D

same. If you’ve got a broken leg, you wouldn’t come

and smaller to remain engaging. We term this nano

gamechanger by agile HR teams.

to work; so, if you’ve got mental health challenges, you shouldn’t be expected to come to work either.

learning, where things have to be to the point and presented and digested in a few minutes. The trick

Ensuring staff well-being

is then to find the right mix of LEGO® pieces to

Something that everyone is acutely aware of at

facilitate seamlessly integrated learning journeys to

this time is mental health. Hannah McLeod, Head

McLeod emphasised the importance of leadership

the HR community.”

of Strategy, City Mental Health Alliance Hong

in initiating change, “Every panel, every article says

Kong (CMHA), contributed her advice on what

lead from the top, and that is absolutely true—it’s

Picking up on how the pace of learning has

HR should be doing to ensure the well-being of

a no brainer. However, leaders must pay more

accelerated, Ma said that even the average TED

the whole organisation. A recent survey by CMHA

than lip service to mental health. It’s moved well

Talk length is now too long. He explained, “Things

found that just over a quarter of the Hong Kong

beyond a tick-box exercise; it’s now essential to

have to be to the point so talent can learn anytime,

population has suffered a mental health problem

building a sustainable business.” HR will nurture

anywhere, whether on the MTR or on a coffee

in their lifetime. However, the stigma of admitting

and encourage senior leadership involvement,

It sounds simple, but it’s not easy.”



Every panel, every article says lead from the top, and that is absolutely true—it’s a no brainer. Leaders must pay more than lip service to mental health. It’s moved well beyond a tick-box exercise; it’s now Mukta Arya Head of HR

essential to building a sustainable business.

“How HR measures talent competencies has changed dramatically over the last 10 years. Now HR is having much deeper conversations with their people to help determine how well they are oriented and whether they can adapt their tactics when talking to different stakeholders or in different environments. Several tests can be performed to help assess this, ranging from standard employee surveys and analysis to simulations— where HR can see what happens in different scenarios.” Mukta Arya, Head of HR, Societe Generale APAC, highlighted the importance of adapting methodologies

Société Générale APAC

in modern-day talent mapping. She said, “We examined Hannah McLeod

core competencies and whether the existing leadership

Head of Strategy

model was still closely aligned with our core values. It’s

City Mental Health Alliance Hong Kong

vital to keep things agile. So, we added two mandatory criteria, one for acceleration and one for active learners, to reflect the changing times and the changing mindsets

but McLeod cautioned that mental health is vital at

that we are now nurturing across the organisation.”

all corporate levels, “It’s vital to equip employees of

She added, “We want to attract people who are global

all levels, especially managers with the skills needed

thinkers, people connectors and game-changers, so we

to recognise behavioural changes in team members

place great emphasis on innovation. Team spirit is one of

Alf Carlesäter

and to empower and enable them with strategies to

our core values, and we recalibrated core competencies

Former Senior Regional HR Leader, Talent

offer appropriate support.” She continued, “Middle

that we feel our employees should have to help them

Mobility, APAC & Sub-Saharan Africa

managers, in particular, need support as they feel

succeed in the organisation. The current model is

General Electric

crushed between the demands from the top and the

now more relevant than ever to the business and the

needs from below, both from their teams and possibly

environment that we are in.”

from their own families as well. EAPs are essential, but it is just as important that each colleague learns how to

Florence Chan, APAC Diversity & Inclusiveness Leader—

manage their own health in general, particularly their

Talent, EY, extolled the value of embracing diversity and

stress levels.

inclusion, “The brilliant thing about bringing diverse talent into previously homogenous teams—where

Tanya Didovic, Founder, Neo Yogic Movement, got

everyone’s the same, looks like you, sounds like you,

up in the middle of the night, UK-time, to join the

is from the same background—is that it brings that

conversation on mental health and managing stress. She

excitement, innovation and a difference that you can

advised, “Stress is all about anticipation. So if you better

leverage. This is the beauty and power of diversity and

Florence Chan

anticipate the stress, or at least the periods of stress

inclusion.” She explained the practicalities, “Having

APAC Diversity &

ahead, you’re better able to prepare for it. To limit your

someone who is differently-abled, such as hearing

Inclusiveness Leader | Talent

stress, you should remember to ‘rebalance’ by making

impaired or visually impaired, makes you aware of simple


me-time for yourself. You should also ensure you have a regular digital detox—where you purposefully switch off and isolate yourself from emails and text messages.” She added, “Activities such as yoga, meditation and breathing exercises help reduce stress and rebalance the body and mind. I would also advise everyone to spend

you have a regular digital detox—where

Talent mapping

you purposefully switch off and isolate

changed significantly. Remote working has shifted Chief Cognitive Officer

yourself from emails and text messages.

the dynamics within organisations, and assessing competencies has become an essential HR function. Tanya Didovic

EQ Lab


time for yourself. You should also ensure

more time reconnecting with nature.”

How employees operate in and between teams has Dr Richard Clayton

Remember to ‘rebalance’ by making me-

Dr Richard Clayton, Chief Cognitive Officer, EQ


Lab, addressed how competencies may be measured,

Neo Yogic Movement


things like when I am in a web meeting. I need to have my mouth uncovered if someone needs to lip read. I need to make sure that the audio is loud and clear in case a colleague that is visually impaired needs to hear me clearly; if you have both a visually impaired and a hearingimpaired colleague together, then video and audio must be set up perfectly and that you include live captioning.

We want to attract people who are global thinkers, people connectors and gamechangers, so we place great emphasis on innovation.

These things make you spatially more aware, help others, and help you make better business decisions.” Mukta Arya

Tanya Didovic

New normal, not quite so ‘new’

Head of HR

It is salutary to remember that the challenges HR faces

Société Générale APAC

Founder NeoYogic Movement

represent business as usual for many. Alf Carlesäter, Former Senior Regional HR Leader, Talent Mobility— APAC & Sub-Saharan Africa, GE, noted, “Much of what

not realistic, because the show still goes on and many

HR has done has been done remotely all along. So many

organisations will have people who still need to travel.

have already experienced the ‘comfort’ of not being

What has changed is that HR has to ensure proper

physically present in the same place organisationally.

due diligence and ensure that employees ‘qualify’ for

The initial reaction to COVID was sometimes: everyone

essential business travel.”

stop, don’t send any employees anywhere, but that was Carlesäter added, “Key is the availability of information,

You can test how staff are oriented, or whether they can change tactics when talking to people, or different types of people, or whether they can change tactics when a different environment opens up in

how you make an informed decision, and how you rationalise why employees need to travel. HR must

NiQ Lai

ensure that this process needs to examined, speeded up

Group Chief Executive Officer

and standardised. Have a good process for determining


if someone needs to travel, look at doing this safely and know how to pull them out of that situation in case immediate evacuation is needed.” He added, “In future, you are going to see solutions to this that are much more digital in nature, and you’re going to see more AI-driven information being made available on different platforms and more self-service functionality.”

front of them.

Despite the, at times, traumatic year HR has had, agility, L&D innovation, a greater focus on employee wellDr Richard Clayton

being, due diligence over travel, and a generous dollop

Dr Andrew Ma

Chief Cognitive Officer

of common sense have all helped HR continue to move

Executive Director

EQ Lab

their talent and organisations forward. n

Chorev Consulting International

Title Sponsor

Hannah McLeod Head of Strategy Featured Sponsor

Supported by

City Mental Health Alliance Hong Kong



previously, when equipment needed repairing, the fault would first need to be identified, then manually logged, the relevant parts ordered, and a repair scheduled. Using AI, the entire process can now be digitalised and leverage predictive maintenance—where the system

HR Heartaches

alerts users ahead of a potential breakdown of the required maintenance. This leaves HR with the time to schedule this maintenance at off-

Valentine’s Day is a distant memory, but for some HR heartache still lingers, and with this in mind, HR Magazine pulled together a powerful panel to share advice on avoiding the biggest HR heartaches right now. Sharing during the Livestream were: Philip Lee, HR Director, The Clorox Company; Serena Pau, Head of Product, Smart Energy Connect, CLP; Kaling Lee, Director of Tricor Staffing Solutions, Tricor Group; Mikel Yaw, Group MD, Elabram Group; Mukta Arya, Head of HR, Société Générale APAC and Pallavi Srivastava, APAC GTS Talent Partner, IBM.

peak hours and allocate sufficient workforce resources accordingly.” Automated workspace allocation The use of smart technology also frees up HR and the facilities team from laborious manual tasks such as going around the office checking that monitors are turned off and issuing reminders to staff members to do so in an attempt to save energy. Now the entire process can be automated, freeing HR up to focus on more strategic tasks. Pau noted how automated resource management could also help HR with ensuring teams remain socially distanced during pandemics. She explained, “With so many staff currently hot-desking, an automated workstation allocation system

Missed it? Scan the QR code to watch the livestream on demand over at HR Magazine's YouTube channel.

helps manage teams, who might all be working on different schedules, to help optimise social distancing by allocating each staff member a specific spot to work at. Moreover, the system can also automate the sanitation of each

Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe!

workstation in between user changes.” The system can also easily be retrofit in offices, as leveraging IoT components are virtually wireless and much more transferable than traditional wired systems.

Enhancing energy savings & employee experiences

the room booking—will automatically turn on

Serena Pau, Head of Product, Smart Energy

the AC and the lighting, so it’s at a comfortable

GBA recruitment trends

Connect, CLP, kicked off the Livestream,

level as soon as the meeting begins. This small

Kaling Lee, Director of Tricor Staffing Solutions,

sharing some of the work that CLP is doing to

but effective application of technology can have

Tricor Group, gave an update on recruitment

make life a bit smarter and a lot easier for HR.

a huge impact on the employee experience, and

trends across the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and

She shared, “Smart Energy Connect is the best

creating those better conference atmospheres

the Mainland of China. She noted, “Traditional

fit solution to help organisations become more

helps increase engagement, which can also

hiring techniques are beginning to drop off

sustainable, allowing them to optimise their

translate to better talent retention further

in Mainland China in favour of social media.

resources. The technology we help HR adopt

down the line.”

The usage of social media is quite different in Mainland China and Hong Kong. In Hong Kong,

includes smart building solutions that help HR automate their office Heating, Ventilation and

This smart building technology is scalable

many applicants would prepare a CV and use

Ari Conditioning (HVAC). So, during WFH,

too, Pau noted, “Where we help optimise

a job board or a company’s career website to

when fewer people are working in the office,

and entire building in terms of HVAC, this

apply for a job. In contrast, in Mainland China,

and there is no need to run AC through the

typically brings organisations energy savings

if HR wants to hire talent, they are increasingly

entire building, the system will automatically

of 25 – 30%, which is very easy to demonstrate

using WeChat to do so, as Wi-Fi is relatively

only turn on the AC in rooms which are

the ROI on over a year.” She added, “Resource

ubiquitous, and WeChat is widely used including

occupied.” She added, “This functionality

optimisation is another area that can bring

for job searches.” She added, “Many GBA cities

means that on a hot summer’s day before staff

great benefits to organisations. For example,

are also using LinkedIn to source talent. In

enter a meeting room, the system—aware of


addition, many GBA talents are using LinkedIn








to search for career opportunities—especially those in

station them in the GBA to work and receive on-the-

mid- to senior-level roles. Therefore, companies need

job training, will be granted a monthly allowance of

to have a more informative and interactive LinkedIn

HK$10,000 towards the salary for up to 18 months.

company page to help attract this talent pool.” Lee affirmed that Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is also growing in popularity across the GBA

GBA Youth Employment Scheme

to source the best talent. She explained, “If you

Find out more about 10K salary subsidies for up to 18 months

engage with recruitment firm they will charge you per placement fee percentage. But with RPO in the Mukta Arya

GBA, if HR needs to quickly ramp up headcount, for

Head of HR

example, due to an office expansion, engaging an RPO

Société Générale APAC

vendor can be the best bet. The RPO vendor will assign

Employers including HSBC, Bank of China, Tencent,

dedicated recruiters with specialised knowledge of

Huawei, PwC, China Light and Power, HK & China Gas,

the particular industry and job function to facilitate

MTRC, Sun Hung Kai and New World Development are

a targeted talent search in a much shorter timeframe

among those who have joined the scheme and provided

than in-house recruitment usually takes.”

job vacancies. A Government source in the Labour Department (LD) revealed that there is still a large

Mikel Yaw, Group MD, Elabram Group, highlighted the

quota remaining, as at 30 May 2021, a total of 2,680 job

importance of solid employer branding in attracting

vacancies were received, including 1,331 general posts and

quality talent. He said, “Strong collaboration between

1,349 I&T posts.

HR and the marketing team is essential to ensure that younger generations can get to know your company and

As at 31 May 2021, job seekers have submitted over 8,000

what it stands for through social media. So calibrating

applications for the job vacancies under the scheme using

your marketing strategy to create awareness and match

the online job application function of the Interactive

the talent pools you need for the future is critical.”

Employment Service (iES) on the LD’s website. The scheme allows enterprises to conduct recruitment

Kaling Lee Director of Tricor

GBA Youth Employment Scheme

through different channels. Job seekers may submit their

Staffing Solutions

Carrie Lam, the Chief Executive, announced in her

job applications directly to the participating employers

Tricor Group

2020 Policy Address the launch of the Greater Bay Area

without using the above website of the LD. Therefore, the

Youth Employment Scheme. The Scheme, launched

above number of online job applications does not reflect

on 8 January 2021, aims to encourage and support

the overall applications under the scheme.

young people to work and pursue their career in the Mainland cities of the GBA. From an HR perspective,

Lee added, “The scheme is specifically focused on young

organisations with operations in both Hong Kong

talent graduating between 2019 and 2021, so those who

and the GBA can utilise the Scheme to recruit and

graduated before then would not be eligible. There are

deploy local tertiary institution graduates to work in

also 700 places specially allocated for those taking up IT

Mainland cities in the GBA. The Scheme will provide

roles. HR also has used a rotation plan for these new hires,

2,000 places, around 700 of which are designated for

so although they can work in Hong Kong for part of the

innovation and technology (I&T) posts, including

posting, they also have to work in a Mainland City in the

R&D, IT, data analysis, system development, digital

GBA (excluding Hong Kong SAR and Maco SAR) for at

marketing, engineering, information security, as

least six months.”

well as technology-related intellectual property and Philip Lee

technology transfer.

The Clorox Company


Virtual recruitment Virtual recruitment is also gaining traction, not just in the

HR Director The objectives of the development of the GBA are

GBA but globally. Lee noted, “There are career fairs which

to deepen further cooperation and talent mobility

enable organisations to take their office into a VR set, so

amongst Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, promote

candidates can visualise the entire office environment

coordinated regional economic development, leverage

remotely, instead of having to attend in person.” She

their complementary advantages, and develop an

added, “HR can also leverage online pre-screening tools

international first-class bay area for living, working

including a pre-screen video, in which candidates spend

and travelling. Accordingly, organisations who engage

one minute introducing themselves followed by answering

eligible graduates under the Hong Kong Law, offering

HR questions that pop up on the screen. This would then

them a monthly salary of not less than HK$18,000 and

be followed by two to three essay-format written tasks.


From an HR perspective, this automation helps address

and sometimes it goes unnoticed. People just think it is

multiple candidate screening functions in one go.”

our job, but they don’t realise that we are human too, with our own emotions and our resilience level.” She added,

Yaw remarked, “Virtual recruitment is a great time saver

“It’s the responsibility of HR managers and the CEO to

for HR and can significantly speed up the recruitment

ensure that the HR team are taken good care of. I’m a big

process. It also affords HR greater team collaboration

believer that we first need to love ourselves in order to love

around meetings.” He added, “HR can also leverage

everybody else.”

innovative virtual recruitment tests to help assess applicants. Sometimes we give candidates tasks like

Lee added, “At the risk of sounding biased, I do feel that

preparing presentations or conduct psychometric tests to

HR is one of the most underrated functions in many

Serena Pau

help ensure we screen the right type of talent.”

organisations. HR has helped organisations navigate

Head of Product

COVID, but even on a daily transactional basis, HR has to

Smart Energy Connect, CLP

Getting buy-in

handle employee terminations tactfully, take care of line

Pallavi Srivastava, APAC GTS Talent Partner, IBM,

managers, support those feeling distressed. A lot of times

highlighted the importance of getting senior-level buy-in

organisations, maybe don’t take it for granted, but certainly

for any HR decisions. She noted, “To bring credibility with

underate these efforts.”

the business, HR must ask questions that directly impact the business. The question I would ask my business unit

Mobile talent

leader would be ‘What can HR do to help the growth of your

Arya noted, “For Society General, internal mobility is

business unit?’ If HR can create the value and demonstrate

very strong and in our DNA. This originated from France,

the ROI that investment in HR programmes and initiatives

where talent was quite mobile and would move postings

will bring, and how it directly impacts the growth of the

after three years. To make mobility work, it’s got to be

business, this makes a compelling case for the HR business

transparent; if people want to move, they can raise their

partnership.” This approach requires a detailed analysis of

hand to discuss with their manager and HR. And if there is

Pallavi Srivastava

all the financial metrics, knowing where the organisation is

a position, we would move them.” And the bank certainly

APAC GTS Talent Partner

in terms of revenue, profit, and talent.

helps its talent be upwardly-mobile, facilitating almost 170


mobilities within and outside APAC. Arya added, “This Philip Lee, HR Director, The Clorox Company, concurred

talent mobility is not only geographical but also functional,

and added, “Personally, I don’t like people describing HR

which gives people more internal opportunities that

as a support function; it is rather an enabling function.

facilitates talent self-development and helps HR in terms

The word means a lot, and it’s different. So asking the

of better retention.”

right question, I think, first and foremost, is how can we help? Where can we as a function and enable you best as

With the right tools, HR can continue to amplify the

a business? This approach opens many doors for business

employee voice while ensuring talent mobility—not just

leaders to come in and welcome HR with open arms

around the world but also internally and laterally in terms

knowing that we have a seat at the table because we think

of job functions. That process involves upskilling talent,

about all people solutions.”

and this is increasingly using technology—particularly AI and machine learning—which has seen the HR function

Mikel Yaw

Don’t forget HR

evolving too. No longer a support role, HR is now one of

Group MD

Mukta Arya, Head of HR, Société Générale APAC,

the most important organisational drivers and an enabler

Elabram Group

highlighted an often-overlooked issue in HR … HR

in moving forwards with employer branding, EVPs, and

themselves. She said, “It’s imperative that HR themselves

enhancing flexibility and work-life balance amid the new

are taken care of because, as HR, we really take the brunt,

hybrid work model. n

Sponsored by

Supported by



Vaccines and the workplace What employers need to know By Matthew Durham, Registered Foreign Lawyer & Kritika Sethia, Legal Analyst, Gall

Matthew Durham Registered Foreign Lawyer

The Vaccination Programme

The key question is whether mandating vaccination

The Hong Kong government’s vaccination programme

would amount to a ‘reasonable’ measure for ensuring

seeks to safeguard public health and facilitate a gradual

safety and health at the workplace. This will depend on

relaxing of restrictions on public activities by providing

factors such as the efficacy and safety of the vaccines, the

COVID vaccinations free of charge to Hong Kong residents

nature of the employee’s role, the health and safety risks

who are aged 16 and over (“Vaccination Programme”).

present at a specific time (such as the number of cases

Two vaccines are available: Pfizer BioNTech and Sinovac.

and deaths), and the employee’s reasons for refusing



vaccination, as well as whether there are available

provides a wide variety of information regarding the

alternatives to vaccination. Mandatory vaccination

Vaccination Programme.

may be a reasonable measure, for example, in high-



risk sectors such as food and beverage, and healthcare,


Kritika Sethia Legal Analyst Gall

Despite the government’s slogan “protect yourself and

where there is significant interaction with the public

others, get vaccinated”, the take-up rate has been low

and specific government requirements on the number

and many people seem reluctant to get vaccinated. The

of vaccinated staff apply. This would be decided on a

percentage of the population vaccinated to date is far from

case-by-case basis, with no certainty, and employers will

the 70% threshold which the government is aiming for.

need to exclude any such requirement for employees for

This presents a dilemma for employers seeking to provide

whom the vaccine is not recommended, such as those

a safe working environment.

with existing medical conditions.

The percentage of the population vaccinated to date is far from the 70% threshold which the government is aiming for. Can employers require mandatory vaccination?

Employers should also bear in the mind the possible legal

While there is nothing in the law which prevents an employer

consequence under the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance

from requiring employees to get vaccinated, this may

(Cap. 282), which may entitle an employee to compensation

potentially present a variety of legal and practical difficulties.

for "personal injury by accident arising out of and in the course of the employment" if they suffer illness or other effects through

As far as reasonably practicable, employers are required to

mandatory vaccination.

ensure the safety and health of all employees pursuant to


Section 6 of the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance

Requiring employees to be vaccinated may also leave

(Cap. 509) (“OSHO”) in addition to a common law duty

employers open to claims under the Disability Discrimination

to take reasonable care. Employees have a corresponding

Ordinance (Cap. 487). The definition of “disability” is broad

statutory duty to co-operate, alongside a common law duty

and includes medical conditions and the presence in the body

to obey lawful and reasonable orders of their employer.

of organisms causing, or capable of causing, illness or disease.


This a sensitive area and there are clear legal

of encouraging employees to get vaccinated. These

entitlements that employees are otherwise entitled

and reputational risks for employers in making

incentives include bonuses and one-off payments,

to. Similarly, companies should be cautious about

vaccination a mandatory condition of employment.

flights, staycations, tickets to theme parks,

policies which provide that only vaccinated staff

As a result, there has instead been significant focus

vouchers and coupons for shops, restaurants and

will be considered for promotions or pay rises. This

on encouraging employees to get vaccinated.

films, as well as lottery tickets. A private property

could well be considered discriminatory and give

developer has also weighed in by offering a lottery

rise to complaints and claims.

Are there ways for employers to encourage employees

with a chance to win a HK$10.8 million flat for

to get vaccinated?

those who are fully vaccinated.

Can employers monitor which employees have been vaccinated?

Many employers have been seeking to encourage and incentivise employees to get vaccinated. This has

Employers are also offering employees additional

Employers are not prohibited from monitoring

taken a variety of forms. The starting point is often to

leave if they get vaccinated, as well as transport

the vaccination status of their employees provided

ask employees what concerns they have and why they

allowances to get to vaccination centres. There

they comply with the requirements relating to

are reluctant. This discussion often centres on the

are reports of additional leave of one to three days

collection, use, processing, handling, storage

safety of vaccines, especially given media reports that

being offered and with guidelines that this leave

and deletion of personal data under the Personal

some individuals have either died or suffered severe

may be used on receiving the vaccination or, in

Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) (“PDPO”).

effects after receiving the vaccine. Nevertheless,

some cases, at a later date. Polls suggest that while

Accordingly, where employers provide incentives

experts and the government website emphasize

individuals agree that additional leave should be

based on proof of vaccination, they must comply

that the vaccines are safe and that the Vaccination

offered, this is not in itself a major incentive to

with PDPO.

Programme is the best approach to combat the

get vaccination. Final thoughts

virus in Hong Kong in the long term. Another point to make is that vaccination may enable individuals

At this stage, it appears that financial incentives

This is a complex and sensitive area which is moving

to travel outside Hong Kong as the world begins to

have the biggest impact and employers need to

with the COVID-19 situation. There is a delicate

open up more. So, it makes sense for employers to

consider what is likely to be most influential for

balance to strike for employers between securing

communicate this information to employees.

their specific workforce. In devising incentives,

business interests and safety on the one hand and

however, employers should focus on persuasion

employee concerns and the risk of claims on the

Increasingly, however, employers are also offering

and encouragement rather than pressure or duress.

other. Clear and consistent communications with

financial and other similar incentives as a means

Employers should avoid removing benefits and

employees play a vital part in this process. n



The Leadership Book: A Step-by-Step Blueprint to Leadership Excellence by Neil Jurd


his innovative new guide draws on Neil Jurd’s service as an operational military leader in

the British Army, through battle and humanitarian missions, to walk anyone through the principles and deployment of effective leadership. The Leadership Book is a straightforward guide to leadership and team development. It is written in clear language and presented in a simple format supported by clear graphics. An experienced leadership




approach to leadership is people-focussed and inclusive, with an emphasis on leaders establishing and sharing a clear and compelling purpose. The book explains what leadership is and emphasises the need for a balance between leadership





encouraged to communicate, connect, and build strong relationships. A section is devoted to the importance of leaders taking time to think, and the book includes simple models and tools for decision making, coaching and planning. Influenced by the military concept of Mission Command, the book has a strong focus on creating a positive culture and empowering team members at all levels. n



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Dew-Point International Ltd. is a leading provider of training and management consulting services throughout Asia. We assess the specific needs of our clients and respond with customised, practical training programs and consulting services. Established in 1973, we combine in-depth knowledge with genuine enthusiasm and highly dynamic training techniques to create productive and effective learning experiences. DewPoint enhances organisational and individual effectiveness by building the capacity within organisations without the need of continued outside help. Through assessment, skills training, team facilitation and executive coaching, we have ensured the long-term success of countless clients.

Dew-Point International Ltd. 21/F., Ritz Plaza,122 Austin Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Growth Academy Asia reimagine the L&D landscape by providing HR with cutting-edge, tech-driven learning and development solutions. Founded in 2021, the Hong Kong-based learning company focuses on HR matters such as leadership development, onboarding and diversity and inclusion. Its mission is to enable individuals and teams to reach their full potential through immersive training programmes backed up by science and tech. Integrating technology, AI, and game theory into their products allows them to measure what matters and produce comprehensive personal and team action plans to enable participants to engage on their continued learning journey with confidence and measurable results.

Growth Academy Asia Unit B, 2/F, 708-710 Prince Edward Road East, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2730 1151 Fax: (852) 2730 0164

Stuart Harris, Founder and Managing Director Tel: (852) 3002 2472



The PTI Group is a consulting, training, and publishing group. In conjunction with the internationally-renowned professional association, International Professional Managers Association (IPMA) of UK, we offer online pure distance learning courses (PDLCs). IPMA’s website:

The PTI Group 20/F. Wellable Commercial Building, 513 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Our “Financing & Capital Raising Professional™ (FCRP™)” and “Environmental, Social & Governance Expert™ (ESGE™)” programmes seek to enhance candidates’ practical & international knowledge in raising funding for companies (bank financing, IPO, private equity etc.) and ESG respectively. Upon qualification, candidates can use respective professional designation, awarded by IPMA.

Tel: (852) 3511 9288

Raise your colleagues’ ability to add value through practical & international knowledge by enrolling in our PDLCs.

The Vocational Language Programme Office aims at offering quality vocational English, Chinese and Putonghua training for working adults to meet their language needs at work. We have run various courses for public organisations and private corporations before, such as HKSAR Water Supplies Department, Hospital Authority and Pizza Hut Hong Kong Management Limited. With the support from the Language Fund, the QF-recognised Vocational English Enhancement Programme is on offer for enhancing the practical English skills of the Hong Kong workforce. Individual corporations can enjoy great flexibility by having the VEEP courses operated at their training venues and preferred schedule. On completion of the course, learners can receive 60% of the course fee reimbursement and obtain certificates issued by the Vocational Training Council and LCCI.

H.R. Solutions specialises in training in leadership, performance management, sales and general skills development including negotiating, project management, presentation skills and communication skills. We are official partners of Think on your Feet® and engage-universe, and accredited DISC and MBTI® facilitators. Based in Hong Kong, we work regionally with local languages delivery as required. Our workshops incorporate simple frameworks and processes to provide effective, structured learning, supported with tailored experiential exercises, cases and role-plays. Our long-term development programs combine classroom training with on-the-job learning, ongoing coaching and on-line resources as appropriate. We aim to ensure participants can apply the skills immediately in the workplace for better team performance and superior business results.

Vocational Language Programme Office Vocational Training Council Room 437, 4/F, Academic Block, 30 Shing Tai Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2595 8119

H.R. Solutions (Int’l) Ltd. Room 2802, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2573 0501



Holistic Wellness Hong Kong (HWHK) regularly organises different types of events, lectures and workshops, all of which have been carefully and scientifically designed to help participants manage their emotions, cope with stress and improve interpersonal relationships and work performance.

Holistic Wellness Hong Kong Unit C, 8/F, Hung To Center 94-96 How Ming Street Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

HWHK is committed to promoting the practice of Holistic Wellness to the general Hong Kong public in their daily life and work. They offer different kinds of personal and corporate training services.

Tel: (852) 9794 1363 (Raindy) Tel: (852) 9454 5687 (Vincent)

Hong Kong Adventist Hospital—Stubbs Road is one of the leaders in medical services, providing organisations with comprehensive health assessment packages to choose from. The hospital works closely with HR and Benefits specialists to design tailor-made programmes to satisfy your staff’s unique requirements. The checkups not only assess staff’s health status and identify the risk factors, it also provide preventive programmes to help clients fine-tune their lifestyles for healthy living. All the services are supported by experienced professional staff using advanced equipment in modern facilities.

Hong Kong Adventist Hospital­— Stubbs Road 40 Stubbs Road, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3651-8835 Fax: (852) 3651-8840


Major Compare is a leading international employee benefits consultancy, risk management advisory and business insurance brokerage firm. They work with companies of all sizes both in Hong Kong and around the world to advise and implement customised employee benefit plans with the goal of retaining and attracting employees. Through industry specific due diligence Major Compare also help reduce HR overheads with policy management and by ensuring your company is fully and properly insured with the guarantee of the lowest premium(s). All services provided by Major Compare are completely free to their clients.

Major Compare 1/A, 128 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3018 1353

Pacific Prime Insurance Brokers is a leading international health insurance brokerage specialising in providing comprehensive coverage options to individuals, families, and companies throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Working with over 120,000 clients in 150 countries, Pacific Prime can deliver advice in more than 15 major languages. With offices strategically located in Shanghai, Singapore, Dubai, and Hong Kong, Pacific Prime is able to provide immediate advice and assistance to policyholders located around the world. Pacific Prime works with over 60 of the world’s leading health insurance providers, giving customers unprecedented access to the best medical insurance products currently on the market.

Pacific Prime Insurance Brokers Ltd. Unit 1 - 11, 35/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2586 0731 Fax: (852) 2915 7770

Total Loyalty Company is a leader provider in providing corporate wellness and staff engagement solutions in Hong Kong for companies of all sizes. We curate solutions based around wellness events and campaigns, staff discounts, regular communications, all provided through a program website and app, branded as your internal program.

Total Loyalty Company Unit 2106, Westlands Centre, 20 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2536 9010 Fax: (852) 2536 9008

Underpinning our wellness programs is our unique TLC Wellbeing Survey, allowing each employee to develop an instant set of metrics of their total wellbeing and create an individualise wellbeing plan. As well a company-wide summary (anonymous data) can enable TLC to help each client develop a meaningful and targeted wellbeing campaign for staff. More than just yoga classes and steps challenge, the TLC Corporate Wellness programs provide practical and impactful programs that make a positive difference.

FINANCIAL SERVICES Societe Generale is one of the leading European financial services groups. Based on a diversified and integrated banking model, the Group combines financial strength and proven expertise in innovation with a strategy of sustainable growth, aiming to be the trusted partner for its clients, committed to the positive transformations of society and the economy.

Societe Generale Level 34, Three Pacific Place 1 Queen’s Road East Hong Kong (regional Head Office)

FLEXImums stands for mums & women who want to work! FLEXImums was established with the vision to empower and connect working mothers and mothers returning to work with full-time and part-time jobs. FLEXImums’ portfolio of clients extends across all sectors, from public to private and SMEs to large multinationals.

FLEXImums (852) 6540 0526 www.genderequityconference. com

atrain is a premium consultancy in leadership assessment, talent management and organisation development. Headquartered in Germany, we have offices in Europe, United States, South America and Asia.

atrain Limited Unit 1201-3, 135 Bonham Strand Trade Centre, 135 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan

Tel: (852) 2166 5388



90% of our consultants are business psychologists; we bring together the best of business strategies and the psychological approach to develop solutions tailor-made to your requirements. We explore and research on innovative concepts, and help you to cultivate the company culture you envisage. Our international presence and culturally diverse teams enable partnerships with multi-national corporate clients for their business growth and success.

Tel: (852) 2522 9018

Put us to the challenge—you will not be disappointed.



Atrium HR Consulting is a joint venture between Alliance Group International and RamsaySmith, bringing together extensive experience and a wealth of specialist knowledge. Atrium’s aim is to help businesses achieve the highest possible level of performance by maximising efficiency, cost savings and results. Atrium’s services are used and trusted by more than 25% of the Fortune Global 500. Building upon their current client base, resources and an established global infrastructure they work to deliver a professional customer-focused service around the world.

Atrium HR Consulting. 22/F OVEST, 77 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Contact person: Pauline Williams Tel: 852 2891 8915

Today Atrium supports clients across 180 countries with their recruitment, training, employee benefits and wellness programmes.

Flex Human Resources strives to provide small and medium-sized Hong Kong businesses with comprehensive, reliable and cost-effective HR outsourcing and consulting services. Our services include recruitment and selection, headhunting, payroll processing, benefit administrations, performance management, training and development, employee surveys, HR analytics and projects, etc. With strong talent databases, we also provide staff leasing and outsourcing for companies in Hong Kong, China and overseas.

Tel: (852) 3466 5279

The Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA) was established in 1960. The HKMA is a non-profit making organisation which aims at advancing management excellence in Hong Kong and the Region, with a commitment to nurturing human capital through management education and training at all levels, the HKMA offers over 2,000 training and education programmes covering a wide range of management disciplines for approximately 48,000 participants every year.

Hong Kong Management Association 14th Floor, Fairmont House, 8 Cotton Tree Drive, Central, Hong Kong

Korn Ferry is the pre-eminent global people and organizational advisory firm. We help leaders, organizations and societies succeed by releasing the full power and potential of people. Our nearly 7,000 colleagues deliver services through Korn Ferry and our Hay Group and Futurestep divisions. At Korn Ferry, we design, build, attract and ignite talent. Since our inception, clients have trusted us to help recruit world-class leadership. Today, we are a single source for leadership and talent consulting services to empower businesses and leaders to reach their goals.

Korn Ferry International (H.K.) Limited 15/F, St. George’s Building, 2 Ice House Street, Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2971 2700 Fax: (852) 2810 1632

Through our vision, research and tools across 80 offices and 3,400 employees, we convert potential into greatness. Our solutions range from executive recruitment and leadership development programs, to enterprise learning, succession planning, and recruitment process outsourcing (RPO). Organisations around the world trust Korn Ferry to manage their talent—a responsibility we meet every day with passion, expertise, integrity and results.

Tricor Consulting Limited is a member of Tricor Group dedicated to creating value for clients and strengthening their organization capabilities through: Strategic Management—Shaping your future and making it happen Organization Structuring—Aligning organization structure with strategies HR Consulting—Maximizing performance and return on investment of human assets Talent Management—Cultivating talents to create competitive advantage Director Remuneration and Board Evaluation—Ensuring appropriate remuneration of senior executives and building an effective board Training Resources Consulting—Maximizing business impact of training with ondemand scalable resources. Change Management—Partnering with clients to drive and enable organization transformation


FLEX Human Resources Unit 705, 7/F, Tamson Plaza, 161 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2526 6516 Tel: (852) 2774 8500 Fax: (852) 2365 1000

General inquiry: Leadership and Talent Consulting: ltc.

Tricor Consulting Limited Level 54, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2980 1027 Fax: (852) 2262 7596



At BIPO, we help businesses transform and digitalise, enabling them to thrive and realise their growth ambitions. Around the world, we support over 1,600 clients across 87 countries and regions with a new generation of HR solutions. Our comprehensive suite of service products from our award-winning cloud and mobile-based HR Management System (HRMS), multi-country payroll calculation, overseas landing services, Professional Employer Organisation (PEO) to attendance automation provide clients with a multi-regional, integrated and seamless user experience.

BIPO C1, 22F TML Tower, No. 3 Hoi Shing Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong Florence Mok: Tel: (852) 3643 0295 Email:

COL Consulting Limited (COL) is leading by dedicated and enthusiastic ICT professionals and is at the forefront of an array of HRMS providers to attain Excellent HR Information System Provider at HR Excellence Awards 2014 by the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM).

COL Consulting Limited (COL) Unit 2502, 25/F, 9 Chong Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

With domain expertise in business applications, our certified team of professionals deliver the best practice Human Capital Management (HCM) solutions ranging from the award-winning HR Pro, the web-based and mobile compatible employee self-service portal to Talent Management system for MNCs, enterprises and SMEs.

Tel: (852) 2118 3999 Fax: (852) 2112 0121

COL is Oracle and Cornerstone OnDemand certified partner. COL has cultivated comprehensive professional services capabilities with the CMMI Level 3 qualification to cope with the proliferated demand for digital transformation.

With strategic offices in Hong Kong, China, UK and US, DaXtra is a world leading specialist in high-accuracy multilingual CV parsing, semantic search, matching and process automation technologies. Our solutions are compatible with most leading recruitment ATS and CRM systems and are designed to bring efficiency and automation, while dramatically reducing the overall ‘cost of hire’. Over 1000 organisations globally use DaXtra products every day – from boutique recruitment firms to the World’s largest staffing companies, from corporate recruitment departments to job boards and software vendors.

Daxtra Technologies (Asia) Ltd. Unit 401, OfficePlus 93-103 Wing Lok Street Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Ramco Systems is a next-gen Enterprise software player disrupting the market with its multi-tenant cloud and mobile-based enterprise software in HR and Global Payroll. Part of the USD 1 billion Ramco Group, Ramco’s employees are spread across 24 offices globally and focus on Innovation and Employee Experience to differentiate itself in the marketplace. Infused with Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, and with next-gen features such as Chatbots, Voice, and Facial recognition-based workforce management, Ramco Payroll (offered as platform & as managed services) manages 50+ country payroll covering Greater China, APAC, Middle-East & Africa on one single platform.

Ramco Systems #761, 7/F, 181 Queen’s Road Central, Hong KOng

SuccessFactors, an SAP company, is the leading provider of cloud-based Business Execution Software, which drives business alignment, optimises workforce performance, and accelerates business results. SuccessFactors customers include organisations of all sizes across more than 60 industries. With approximately 15 million subscription seats globally, we strive to delight our customers by delivering innovative solutions, content and analytics, process expertise, and best practices insights. Today, we have more than 3,500 customers in more than 168 countries using our application suite in 35 languages.

SuccessFactors 35/F, Tower Two, Times Square, 1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay, HK

Tel: (852) 3695 5133

Rohan Raghunath Tel: +852 95166231 Email:

Tel: (852) 2539 1800 Fax: (852) 2539 1818



LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT For over 20 years MDS has been the market leader in talent development, leadership training, sales effectiveness and executive coaching, producing great results for global companies in the Greater China and APAC regions. MDS is the certification centre and distributor of leading personality and leadership assessments for talent development programmes including the MBTI® and FIRO® , Leadership Effectiveness Analysis (LEA360™) and GMI® , Strong Interest Inventory ® for career planning, Sales Performance Assessment™ (SPA™) for sales development, and TKI® for negotiation skills. From MDS offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai and Taipei we manage an outstanding team of international trainers and executive coaches delivering a vast collection of leadership and sales programmes including the Miller Heiman products.

Management Development Services Limited Room 1701–3, Kai Tak Commercial Building, 317–319 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2817 6807 Fax: (852) 2817 9159

In 2016, MDS launched the Smith-MDS partnership with University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business. The partnership draws on a world-class faculty, facilitators and executive coaches to deliver leading edge executive development solutions.

LEGAL / EMPLOYMENT LAW / TAX DLA Piper has been doing business in Hong Kong for 20 years. It has close links with our other offices in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and the US. Together, we provide clients with a seamless global capability to meet their business needs. Staffing the Hong Kong office is a vibrant team of over 130 locally and internationally-trained partners, lawyers, consultants and legal executives. Our lawyers regularly assist clients with their multi-jurisdictional cross-border activities throughout the Asia Pacific region. Reflecting the international diversity of our clients, our people in Hong Kong all speak English, with individuals speaking Putonghua (Mandarin), and a wide range of Asian languages and dialects including Cantonese, Korean, Shanghainese, Taiwanese, Vietnamese as well as French, German, Italian, Punjabi and Spanish.

DLA Piper 25/F, Exchange Square Block 3, 8 Connaught Pl, Central Tel: (852) 2103 0808

At EY, our purpose is building a better working world. The insights and quality services we provide help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.

EY 22/F CITIC Tower, 1 Time Mei Avenue, Central, Hong Kong

Hugill & Ip is a young independent law firm, but with decades of experience providing bespoke legal advice and exceptional client service to individuals, families, entrepreneurs and businesses, in Hong Kong and internationally. The firm’s core team comprises partners who are recognised as leaders in the areas of Dispute Resolution, Corporate & Commercial, Family, Probate & Trust and Employment.

Hugill & Ip Solicitors 2308, Two Lippo Centre 89 Queensway Hong Kong

Hugill & Ip’s Employment practice is constantly developing to keep pace with the law and has gained a respected position with employers, employees and among our peers as being at the forefront of providing practical and straightforward advice in a complex and fast-moving area of law.

Tel: 2846 9888 Tel: 2868 4432

Tel: (852) 2861 1511 e​n quiry​@

Whether advising individuals or companies, the firm provides advice that is results-driven. With extensive knowledge and experience of employment law in Hong Kong, Hugill & Ip is able to advise on all options but will also “come offthe-fence” and offer advice that achieves a practical solution

WTS is a tax and business consulting firm providing assistance in the strategic planning and management process of intercompany assignments’ cost and compliance. Our Global Expatriate Service specialists advise on expatriate issues relating to corporate tax, personal tax, social security matters and process consulting across Asia. Our expertise therefore enables us to identify assignment related risks at an early stage and optimise tax and social security payments for companies and their employees while keeping the administrative burden to a minimum. In conjunction with our international network, we can assist you in almost 100 locations worldwide.


WTS consulting (Hong Kong) Limited Unit 1004, 10/F, Kinwick Centre, 32 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2528 1229 Fax: (852) 2541 1411



AsiaWorld-Expo is Hong Kong’s leading exhibitions, conventions, concerts and events venue, yet it is also an ideal venue for annual dinners, worldclass conferences, cocktail receptions, media luncheons and sumptuous banquets. With Hong Kong’s largest indoor convention and hospitality hall, AsiaWorld-Summit which seats up to 5,000 persons, together with a full range of meeting and conference facilities, award-winning chefs and attentive hospitality staff, AsiaWorld-Expo is definitely your choice for an unforgettable event.

AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau, Hong Kong, China

Rockbird Media is an events management expert who aims to organize best-quality events that will bring impact to its clients’ business growth. We aim to spread this principle in Asia and the Pacific, and even globally. We don’t just organize events. We create the kind of experience that people talk about, the ones they cannot get enough of. It’s who we are.

Rockbird Media

I’m an independent videographer based in Hong Kong, specialising in event videos, interviews, brand videos and many more. My love of watching films and tv shows intrigued me to discover all the intricacies within film making. I believe a good video requires a great team and careful attention to detail which leads to an effective video.

Paul Fukushima Tel: 6356-1700 Email: https://fukushimapaul.wixsite. com/home

Tel: (852) 3606 8888 Fax: (852) 3606 8889



Headquartered in Switzerland, Adecco is a Fortune Global 500 company with around 5,000 offices in over 60 countries and territories around the world. We possess the skills and global intelligence to develop human resource strategy for the highest levels, yet remain close to clients, local markets and needs. Adecco Hong Kong has over 30 years of experience in the region, with a comprehensive service offering that includes permanent placement, temporary & contract staffing, recruitment process outsourcing, HR consulting & assessment services, employment contract services, recruiting projects & overseas search, payroll outsourcing & administration services, and training.

Adecco Personnel Limited 12/F, Fortis Tower, 77-79 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Elabram Group is responsible for the global business of Elabram HR Solution, Elabram Telco, XRemo, and WMS, with a more than 20 years history and core competencies in human resources and telecommunication consultancy.

Elabram Group Level 23 Nu Tower 2, KL Sentral, Jalan Tun Sambanthan, Kuala Lumpur 50470, Malaysia.

The company has successfully placed more than 83.000 talents and served more than 118 clients worldwide. In its four business divisions, Elabram Group is continually expanding its capability and innovation to align customer needs.

Established in 1996, Frazer Jones is a Human Resources Recruitment Consultancy. Contact us to find out how we can assist you in your next Human Resources hire or if you are looking for a change in your HR career. As part of The SR Group, Frazer Jones has wholly owned offices in Singapore, Sydney, Melbourne, Dubai, London, Düsseldorf and Munich and has access to the best HR talent around the world.

Tel: (852) 2895 2616 Fax: 2895 3571

Mikel Yaw Tel: +60338317888 Email:

Frazer Jones 1918 Hutchison House, 10 Harcourt Road, Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2973 6737



Headquartered in the Netherlands, Randstad is a Fortune Global 500 Company and the second largest recruitment & HR services provider globally, with operations spanning across 39 countries with over 29,700 corporate staff that help talented people develop their career potential and provide companies with the best people to reach their business goals. Founded in 1960 by Frits Goldschmeding, our Asia Pacific operations reaches across Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, China, Japan, India, Australia and New Zealand. Randstad Hong Kong was established in 2009 and specialises in permanent and contract recruitment across specialized areas including Accounting & Finance, Banking & Financial Services, Construction, Property & Engineering, Information Technology & Telecommunications, Sales & Marketing, Supply Chain & Logistics.

Randstad 5/F, Agricultural Bank of China, 50 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong

Tricor Executive Resources has for the past 28 years built an unrivalled reputation for integrity and professionalism in the executive search business. Our team of specialist consultants and researchers provide a range of practical and innovative solutions to help you search for the right talent to meet your business needs. We utilize in-depth research, intense resourcing and a highly focused approach in the identification of qualified candidates in the appropriate industry sector. Our clients consists of multinationals, publicly listed and private companies as well as family-owned and start-up companies.

Tricor Executive Resources Limited Level 54, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2980 1166 Fax: (852) 2869 4410

We also provide advice on HR best practices to enhance your human capital. Our HR Solutions can help drive your business performance through the effective use of talent. These include Compensation and Benefits Benchmarking; Soft Skills and Management Development Training; Performance Management Systems; Talent Assessment Centre; Human Resource Outsourcing; Career Counselling and Talent Transition Management and Employee Engagement Surveys.

Tel: (852) 2232 3408


KAS Group Asia (KGA) is the exclusive direct sourcing arm of Kmart Group that operates the iconic retail brands Kmart Australia, Target Australia and Catch. KGA’s operations span the largest sourcing markets across Asia including China, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Cambodia, Indonesia and Vietnam, supporting an annual sourcing capability of US $ 2.5 billion.

KAS Group Asia (KGA) 10/F, Trade Square, 681 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Asian Tigers, has provided international relocation and moving service to the Hong Kong market for more than 40 years. We move people internationally, regionally, and even within Hong Kong itself. Our experienced, multilingual staff enables Asian Tigers to deliver low-stress relocation services. Perhaps you are responsible for coordinating your office move and would like to know more about ‘low down-time’ office relocations. Whatever your needs, wherever you are headed, Asian Tigers can help facilitate and streamline your relocation. Give us a call and find out how we can assist you.

Asian Tigers Mobility 17/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Crown Relocations, a worldwide leader of global mobility, domestic and international transportation of household goods, and departure and destination services, has over 180 offices in more than 50 countries. From preview trip and immigration assistance to home and school searches, orientation tours, intercultural training, partner career programme, and ongoing assignment support, Crown offers the best relocation solutions to corporate clients and transferees across the world.

Crown Relocations 9 - 11 Yuen On Street, Siu Lek Yuen, Sha Tin, New Territories

Lavina Mehta Tel: (852) 2732 3402 Fax: (852) 2730 1051 Email:



Tel: (852) 2528 1384 Fax: (852) 2529 7443

Tel: (852) 2636 8388



Four Seasons Place, the epitome of luxury and elegance, Four Seasons Place creates a relaxed and homely living environment amidst the surrounding opulence. With 519 serviced suites designed by internationally renowned designers, guests can choose from a range of stylish accommodations from studios and 1/2/3-bedroom suites to penthouses that open up to spectacular views of Victoria Harbour. It also features a rooftop heated pool & jacuzzi, sky lounge, gymnasium, sauna and multi-purpose function room to meet business and recreational needs. Heralding a comfortable, hassle-free living experience, all guests are pampered with personalised hotel services from VIP airport pick-up to 24-hour multi-lingual concierge services.

Four Seasons Place 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong

GARDENEast is prestigiously located at the heart of Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, boasting 216 luxurious units in 28 storeys.

GARDENEast Serviced Apartments 222, Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Each of our luxurious units is subtly unique. Spacious studio, studio deluxe, deluxe 1-bedroom, executive suite and twin-beds in selected rooms, with their sizes ranging from 395 to 672 square feet, are comfortably-appointed with an all-encompassing range of fittings and furnishings. The landscaped gardens offer a relaxing lifestyle, peace and tranquillity of green living and a diverse choice of dining and entertainment is right on your doorstep.

Tel: (852) 3196 8228 Fax: (852) 3196 8628

Tel: (852) 3973 3388 Fax: (852) 2861 3020

The HarbourView Place is part of the Kowloon Station development, located at a key harbour crossing point. Located atop the MTR and Airport Express Link at Kowloon Station. The junction of major rail lines, three minutes to Central, 20 minutes to the Airport, a mere 30 minutes to Shenzhen and 60 minutes to Guangzhou. It is a place for the best view of Hong Kong and Kowloon and is an icon property at Harbour Gateway. Located next to International Commerce Centre, the fourth tallest building in the world, The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong and W Hong Kong, guests can enjoy a premium luxury living with the large shopping mall Elements and Hong Kong’s highest indoor observation deck Sky100.

The HarbourView Place 1 Austin Road West, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Conveniently nestled in the East of Hong Kong, Kornhill Apartments is one of the biggest apartment blocks in town, featuring a total of 450 units with a variety of unit configurations designed to suit every need imaginable.

Kornhill Apartments 2 Kornhill Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

Notable for cozy and contemporary décor, as well as superior amenities and services, the complex is located next door to Kornhill Plaza where you can relish a wide array of shops and entertainment choices.

Tel: (852) 2137 8101 Fax: (852) 2568 6256

The apartments are an excellent choice for corporate clients who cater for visits by expatriate colleagues. Units include studio, one to two-bedroom suites and deluxe three-bedroom suites.

Regal Hotels International is one of the largest hotel operators in Hong Kong, currently owns and manages twenty-three hotels. Committed to exceeding the needs of each and every guest, all Regal Hotels provide first-class international guestrooms and facilities including state-of-the-art meeting and banquet rooms.

Tel: (852) 3718 8000 Fax: (852) 3718 8008

Regal Hotels International 11/F, 68 Yee Wo Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, CN



Vega Suites, is the stylish suite hotel in Kowloon East. Located atop the MTR Tseung Kwan O Station, Island East and Kowloon East are only 3 MTR stops away. The integrated complex becomes a new landmark creating a comfortable, relaxing and home like living space for guests. The all-encompassing landmark development comprises two international hotels & luxury residence The Wings. Situated directly above the trendy PopCorn mall, connected to one million square feet of shopping, dining, leisure and entertainment. There is a lustrous selection of units – ranging from Studio, 1-Bedroom, 2-Bedroom to 3-Bedroom with flexible staying terms.

Vega Suites Atop Tseung Kwan O Station 3 Tong Tak Street Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong

V is a collection of award-winning hotels, serviced apartments and private residences in Hong Kong.

V Hotels and Serviced Apartments Unit 5702, Cheung Kong Centre, 2 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3602 2388 Fax: (852) 2891 1418

Bringing our philosophy of eat, shop, live easy, each V is nestled in a plethora of restaurants, amidst excellent shopping hubs and surrounded by an extensive transportation network. V Wanchai and V Wanchai2 are minutes walk from HKCEC, whilst the Lodge connects to 5 railway systems. Each V is urban, contemporary, but calm and quiet. Our two Causeway Bay properties host penthouse and terraced apartments for families and elegance entertaining, whilst V Happy Valley features an outdoor water garden.

Tel: (852) 3963 7888 Fax: (852) 39637889

Each V carries a different design motif, yet shares one critical ingredient – we deliver a high standard of comfort and good honest service.

STAFF BENEFITS Nespresso provides a range of machines dedicated to professional use that meet the different needs and expectations of our customers. Zenius is the one of the latest innovation in the professional machine range by Nespresso and comes at an affordable price. It is intuitive to use, reliable and integrates the latest technological advances by Nespresso. Zenius is the ideal machine for small and big companies looking for quality and simplicity. At Nespresso we want to make it possible for you to make the same full-bodied espresso offered by skilled baristas. Your business can benefit from years of Nespresso expertise in premium Grands Crus coffees, innovative machines and excellent customer support.

Nespresso, Division of Nestlé Hong Kong Ltd. Unit 505, Manhattan Place, 23 Wang Tai Road, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong

Philip Morris Asia Limited is building a future on a new category of smoke-free products that, while not risk-free, are a much better choice than continuing to smoke. PMI's smoke-free IQOS product portfolio includes heated tobacco and nicotine-containing vapor products. As of March 31, 2020, PMI estimates that approximately 10.6 million adult smokers around the world have already stopped smoking and switched to PMI’s heated tobacco product, which is currently available for sale in 53 markets in key cities or nationwide under the IQOS brand.

Philip Morris Asia Limited Suites 2402-2411 24/F Devon House, Taikoo Place 979 King’s Road Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

For more information, see our PMI ( and PMIScience ( websites.

Tel: 800 905 486 Fax: 800 968 822

Tel: 28251600

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