HR Magazine | Winter 2021 & HR Magazine Awards 2021 Special Supplement

Page 1

22 Avoiding webinar woes James Robinson shares HR tips to make webinars more engaging

26 Post-pandemic workwear British fashion designer, Giles Deacon, examines what employees will wear for their return to work

30 eMPF & HR Ka Shi Lau, MD & CEO, BCT Group on the benefits of eMPF and its impact on HR | | | |

Imposter Syndrome 70% of employees affected Women worst hit How HR can eliminate it


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Publisher's Note Editorial Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

Employee travel is getting more possible. After

window (where they can be opened) together

Paul Arkwright

being granted a travel exemption on compassionate

with more than a few waistline expansions. As a

grounds and waiting eight months for a travel visa

result, employees have been left at increasing odds


to be issued, I could finally book flights to see my

as to what to wear. We spoke with British fashion

Christy Chan, Ian Thomas

three children studying in Sydney, Australia. I used

designer, Giles Deacon, to examine what the best-

my Airmiles, accumulated over the past 18 non-

dressed employees are likely to be wearing for their

Staff Writers

travel months to get free flights there … and they

return to work.

Grace Mak, Harrison Wou

let me in. Coming back to two weeks’ quarantine (recently upped to three) in Hong Kong reminded

HR Magazine Events

me what a fantastic system we have in place to

Ka Shi Lau, MD and CEO, BCT Group, shares the

Head of Design

protect us, our businesses and our livelihoods

benefits of eMPF and its impact on HR at our on-

Russell Balad

from COVID-19. I’ll be sharing that story along

ground breakfast briefing at the Ritz Carlton (p. 30).

Art & Graft

with my top tips for travel and quarantine with the Designer

HR community at our next on-ground event on 10

Check out the shortlisters who made the judges’

Heidi Chan

December 2021.

cut in the HR Magazine Awards 2021 and their


Our cover story (p. 14) explores the growing

(p. 38). It’s now up to the votes from our readers

Russell Balad, Freepik, Pexels, Unsplash

international—if not new—phenomenon of Imposter

(that’s you) as to who will win, and we’ll announce

Syndrome, which is now impacting 70% of

the winners live at our upcoming on-ground HR

employees worldwide. We examine what it is, why

Magazine Conference. We’re super excited to share

Paul Arkwright

it happens, why it affects women more, and most

the results and have already got the champagne on

Tel: (852) 2736 6318

importantly, what HR can do to help mitigate it.

ice for our Fri-yay! early finish and celebration on

HR initiatives in our special Awards supplement

Editorial Enquiries

10 December 2021 at the Regal Hongkong Hotel.

Advertising & Sponsorship

What’s new? Things are looking up, with predicted salary

Christy Chan

increases across APAC. Estimates include a 5.3%

Tel: (852) 2736 6339

pay rise for senior executive positions predicted

by Willis Towers Watson (p. 6) and an average

Stay safe, stay focused, stay happy. Enjoy...

1.7% rise across the board anticipated in the Aamir Khan

latest Hiring, Compensation & Benefits Survey by

Tel: (852) 2736 6339

JobsDB. are In Hong Kong news, why meals might

be just as important as salary to employees (p.4 )

Love & hugs

and the Government gets tough on offenders of

From Paul & the team at HR Magazine


doxing and release of personal information (p. 5).

Jane Cheung Tel: (852) 2736 6375

Fax: (852) 2736 6369

Published By

Avoiding webinar woes Come on, we’ve all had them, and it isn’t just painful for those watching; it’s even worse for those who have to present them and try and keep

Excel Media Group Limited

delegates in their jim-jams awake. At the end of

Shops 3 - 5, G/F

the day, or the beginning for that matter, it all boils

Pak Sha Wan Centre

down to marketing. James Robinson, Marketing

Lot 523, DD 210

Manager, Buffalo 7, shares his no-nonsense tips

Hiram’s Highway—Hebe Haven

for HR to help keep webinars engaging rather than

Sai Kung, New Territories

appalling (p. 22).

Hong Kong SAR

Printed By

Post-pandemic workwear With the plethora of online communications and

Promise Network Printing Limited

housebound employees forced to WFH throughout

Blk B, G/F

the pandemic, dress codes have gone out of the

Phase 4, Kwun Tong Ind Ctr Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon Hong Kong SAR

No part of this publication can be reproduced without consent from the Publisher. Copyright of all material is reserved

throughout the publication. Contributions are welcome but copies of work should be kept, because HR Magazine takes no responsibility for lost submissions. The views, conclusions, findings and opinions published in this magazine belong to those expressing such, and do not necessarily represent those of the Publisher or editorial team.


CONTENTS 2021 Winter HR News

HR Features

HR Books


Hong Kong News






International News


HR Events


HR Moves


HR in Numbers

Cover Story Imposter Syndrome Why 70% of today’s talent experience

Attract talent by trying to drive it away

higher awareness

Creating an employer brand that eliminates


Avoiding webinar woes

weaker candidates


Post-pandemic workwear Days of formal business attire numbered

HR Community

HR Magazine Awards 2021 35

HR Magazine Awards 2021 Special Supplement

30 14

Mental health support uptake low despite

eMPF Benefits to talent and impact on HR

HR Classifieds

imposter syndrome, why it is worse for women, and what HR can do to eliminate it


HR Classifieds






35 3


Hong Kong News 90% employees prefer daily meal allowances over other incentives

and spent at least 50% of their time at the office

WFH impacting engagement

before the pandemic.

The Survey found that over three-quarters of employees expressed feeling less connected to

Employee engagement is heavily influenced by lunchtime bonding, while nearly 90% of employees

Embracing WFH

their colleagues as the time spent working from

said that they would like daily meal allowances to

Most employees surveyed said they plan to return

home extended, while over 83% agreed that team

boost their productivity over other incentives, such

to the office at least three days per working week.

building was important to the success of the

as transportation or well-being subsidies. This is

However, employees stressed the need for flexibility—

business. Among the industries where employees

according to the Deliveroo for Work Survey, which

requesting to work from home at least 1 – 2 days a week.

reported feeling less connected due to work from

shows a detailed picture of how the pandemic has

Respondents from offices in the New Territories plan

home policies, the healthcare sector reported the

impacted workplace arrangements and employee

to work from the office more frequently than those

highest average, with 85% stating this was the case.

preferences in terms of company benefits across

based on Hong Kong Island or Kowloon. Meanwhile,

In contrast, respondents who work in the Sales,

Hong Kong. The Survey conducted by ‘Deliveroo

46% of people working at larger companies of more

Media & Marketing sector were the least likely

for Work’, the new name for ‘Deliveroo for

than 500 people plan to return to the office full-time,

to feel a disconnect (69%). Over 77% of those

Business’, covers over 1,000 participants, all of

compared to just 24% of employees who work in

polled said they experience higher productivity

whom worked a minimum of three days per week

companies with 31 – 50 employees.

when they have close working relationships with



their co-workers, while over two-thirds agree

over other incentives, such as transportation or

that teams are happier and more productive after

well-being subsidies. Companies need to be more

eating lunch together.

creative on benefits offered to maintain and attract talents. Additional insights into worker preferences

Employees want more company lunches

uncovered through the Survey are:

Half of the respondents said that food options​​ provided or sponsored by their companies were

Coffee (67%), Fruits (49%), Soft Drinks (46%),

‘uninspiring’. Over 65% of employees surveyed agree

Biscuits (46%), and Chocolate/Candies (43%)

they would like to eat together with their colleagues

are employees’ top five preferred food items

more; the top reasons for this choice include that

regularly available in the office pantry.

eating with colleagues helps them get to know each other better and create new bonds. Meanwhile,

Sushi and tea, along with juice and pizza, were

different sectors and industries across Hong Kong

selected as the top workplace food options

Tough government stance on doxing

have varying food subsidy plans for employees:

among 37% of those surveyed.

A former clerical assistant of the Immigration Department was recently sentenced to almost

43% of employees expressed interest in

four years in prison for doxing. The neologism

always offers subsidies for meals while working

receiving an extra day of annual leave as a

derived from a misspelling of the abbreviation for

in the office, but less than 13% offer subsidies

small prize, while 34% would prefer a food

‘documents’ and/or the MS Word file suffix ‘.docx’

when working from home.

delivery, grocery gift card or electronic gift

as ‘dox’ refers to compiling and releasing a dossier

card instead.

of personal information on someone, often done

One-third of employees said their company

39% of respondents whose offices are

maliciously—with the intention of causing stress Most employees preferred food delivery and

and drawing unwanted publication attention to

company always offers subsidies for meals

grocery gift cards over dine-in vouchers (27%)

the ‘outed’ party.

when in the office, compared to less than

as a result of the pandemic

based in the New Territories said that their

28% of respondents whose offices are based

In this case, an immigration assistant obtained

in Kowloon and 33% of respondents whose

Spencer Miau, Head of Deliveroo for Work (Hong


offices are based on Hong Kong Island.

Kong & Singapore), said, “COVID-19 has caused

including government officials, judges, police







tremendous shifts to take place in workplace

officers and their family members, from the

Offices based on Hong Kong Island are more

culture, and companies should react swiftly to

Immigration Department’s computer system

likely to offer subsidies when working from

emerging trends. They can do this by listening to

without authorisation and provided the data to

home more than those in New Territories; 16%

their employees and offering solutions to build

the administrator of the social media platform,

vs 10%, respectively.

a winning culture. It’s unsurprising to us that

Telegram, for publication. The defendant pleaded

employees across Hong Kong feel disconnected

guilty earlier to one count of “misconduct in

Industries such as Healthcare and IT & Telecom

from their colleagues, and we believe that more

public office” and was sentenced on 27 September

were the most likely to say that their companies

creative food-related offerings are key to re-

2021 to imprisonment for 45 months.

offer meal subsidies, while the education sector

establishing bonds between co-workers following

was the least likely.

the pandemic.” He added, “Throughout the

The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Ms

pandemic, we have remained committed to

Ada Chung Lai-ling welcomed the court ruling

Diverse food options & meal benefits

suggesting new and innovative ways to increase

and said, “This is the heaviest sentence imposed

Interest in a diversity of workplace food options is

employee engagement. As an example, we decided

by a court in a doxing case so far. Doxing acts can

high amongst office workers in Hong Kong. Nearly

to focus on rolling out e-gift cards last year as a

bring very serious legal consequences. The cyber

90% of employees surveyed say they would like

more flexible way for our partners to reward their

world is not beyond the law. Once again, I urge

daily meal allowances to boost their productivity

staff working remotely.” n

members of the public not to break the law.” n



APAC News APAC employers plan larger 2022 pay rises Pay rises are making a comeback, and companies across APAC plan to give employees larger rises next year as they recover from the economic fallout of the pandemic and face mounting challenges attracting and retaining employees, according to the latest Salary Budget Planning Report by Willis Towers Watson. As a fast-growing region, markets in APAC will see the highest 2022 salary increases, while countries in North America and Western Europe are expected to stay flat, and the rest of the regions taking longer to recover and stabilise. Companies in APAC are projecting average salary increases of 5.3% for executives, management and professional employees, and support staff next year. This is up from the average 4.9% increases employees were granted this year. In addition, emerging markets such as India at 8.8% and Indonesia at 6.5% are forecasting significant salary budget increases for 2022 compared with this year. pandemic. Although there is a positive outlook

resulting in long-term business savings. However,

With APAC expected to perform better than the

among businesses, companies are also monitoring

the buoyant job market and the challenge of engaging

rest of the world in trade, the overall manufacturing

the inflation trend as it looks set to increase in several

employees outside of an office environment mean

output across the region has also shown substantial

markets in APAC. Organisations may further adjust

that companies will need to pay top dollar to retain

recovery. In addition, the pandemic has produced

their 2022 salary budget forecast in the latter part of

their top talent.

accelerated growth and enormous demand for

this year.” With the recovering environment in many markets,

wireless communication. Strong foreign direct investment into the region, along with the demand

Higher salary rises in 2021 are partially attributed

attrition rates have also increased in countries with

for technology, communication and 5G equipment,

to few companies freezing pay increases compared

positive business outlooks, including Australia, China,

have created new demand and job opportunities

to last year. In 2020, an unprecedented number of

Singapore, Taiwan and Vietnam.

across the High Tech and Media industries. High

companies cancelled salary reviews, 30%, in APAC,

Tech companies in the region are projecting the

whereas, in 2021, the figure dropped to 13% and is

Hsu added, “Attracting and retaining employees

most significant increases (5.5%), followed by

forecast to return to the low level of 2.5% next year.

remains a major challenge for employers. In fact,

Manufacturing (5.4%), Pharmaceutical and Health

Notably, rises are returning to close to pre-pandemic

the current environment makes these challenges

Sciences (5.2%) and Media companies (5.2%).

levels. The larger rises coincide with a surge in

even more difficult. Employers need to deliver a

demand for labour and a shortage in supply of specific

sound employee value proposition supported by

professional roles with premium skills.

comprehensive Total Rewards programmes. Beyond

Edward Hsu, Business Leader, Rewards Data and

competitive salaries, which are table stakes at the

Software, Asia Pacific, Willis Towers Watson, noted, “Many businesses awarding high salary increases are

Companies are also going through extensive

moment, companies also need to focus their spend

also acknowledging and rewarding their employees

planning in 2021 and will be experimenting with

on a diverse set of benefits, wellbeing and upskilling

who have demonstrated resilience throughout the

hybrid models that better fit employees’ lifestyles,

programmes to drive employee engagement.” n



3.2% salary increase forecast in 2022 for Hong Kong

Lee Quane, Regional Director – Asia at ECA

A 3.2% average salary hike is predicted next year

International, said, “Hopefully, workers in Hong

in Hong Kong, 0.7% higher than in 2021. After

Kong will be pleased to see their salaries are set

factoring in inflation, the real salary increase in

to increase again next year, with a much needed

Hong Kong will be 1.1%, which is almost double

3.2% boost on average before inflation. Employers

the real increase seen in 2021. Yet, Hong Kong

in the APAC region are increasingly optimistic

still lags behind many other Asian nations

in their financial outlook for the coming year

though, including Singapore, Taiwan and China.

and as the world begins to once again open up,

This, according to the latest Salary Trends Report

and business and the economy in general look

by ECA International (ECA) as APAC rebounds

set to improve. The forecast for 2022 is also

from the economic effects of COVID-19.

further improved by the fact that a much lower percentage of companies are expecting to enact

The average rate of salary growth for workers

salary freezes next year—down to 11% in Hong

in Hong Kong was 2.5% in 2021—slightly higher

Kong compared with 18% this year.”

than the 2.1% anticipated by companies in the 2020 survey. However, businesses are expecting

Quane added, “However, when compared to

a greater level of economic recovery in 2022

salary trends in other Asian nations, Hong Kong

and salaries are set to increase by 3.2 % next

still lags behind many of its neighbours. Workers

year. After factoring the forecast 2.1% inflation

in Singapore and Taiwan are predicted to see

for next year, this means workers in Hong Kong

bigger salary increases in 2022, both forecast to

will be left seeing a real salary increase of 1.1%

see increases of 3.5%, while employees in China

- almost double the real salary increase of 0.6%

are expected to see an average salary increase

that was seen this year.

of 5.8%.” n



International News Fuel Up Fridays Manulife launches well-being initiative with 5 extra personal days in 2022 Manulife just announced Fuel Up Fridays—its new initiative to support the well-being of its global team. Starting on 10 September, Manulife will dedicate the second Friday of each month through the end of the year to employees ‘fuelling up’ through a morning of collective learning, followed by an afternoon off to recharge in support of physical and mental health. In addition, Manulife is giving its more than 37,000 colleagues five additional personal days to use during 2022 in appreciation of all their hard work helping people make decisions easier and lives better. Roy Gori, CEO, Manulife, said, “Our team has shown incredible stamina as we continue to navigate the global pandemic, supporting our customers, our communities, and each other. We know that many different factors contribute to our physical and mental well-being, and that’s why we’ll continue to take a holistic approach focused on fuelling our creativity through learning and fuelling our resilience through rest.”

Boost workplace well-being by spending time in nature Nordic city takes remote work to the woods

Throughout the pandemic, the insurance and investment giant has been

Finland has long been a pioneer in offering flexible work-life options

guided by its commitment to support the well-being of its global team

and employers who appreciate employee well-being, even before the

and to promote a greater sense of connectivity, engagement and inclusion.

pandemic. Now Lahti, the European Green Capital 2021, has set up remote

Earlier this year, the Group launched ‘Elevate’, a programme of activities and

workstations in the city’s nature sites free for everyone to use. The city also

celebrations around healthy living, and marked its second ‘Thank You Day

encourages other actors to set up workstations and therefore shares the

Off ’ for all colleagues globally. n

drawings for open use. Workers are now longing for hybrid solutions and increasingly value their own freedom to determine the place and time for work. Many have also found themselves to nature more often in between meetings and have awakened to the importance of nearby nature. That is why Lahti, the European Green Capital 2021, has built remote workstations in nature to remind us of both the diversity of working life and the calming effect of nature. Mira Keitaanranta, Human Resources Director, City Lahti, noted, “The way we work will never be the same, and we wanted to acknowledge this by setting up remote workstations. Lahti is a city where you can conveniently combine remote work and nature. In the midst of remote working, many have found that nature has positive effects on mood.” The new Viita workstations are specifically designed to serve the needs of remote workers: they include a telephone, cup holder, an area for a laptop, a

Manulife Prestige Centre set to open in Tsim Sha Tsui on 23 August 2021


place for pens and space to hang a bag or purse.

Spending time in nature boosts well-being The global pandemic and the shift to remote work has made work communities consider the importance of well-being at work from a new perspective. Spending time in nature has many benefits on our overall well-being, as it can at best improve an employee’s mood and reduce stress. Saara Piispanen, Head of Communications, Lahti, said, “Managing






important, and employers are constantly finding new ways to support the well-being of their employees. We wanted to make our contribution and sincerely encourage employers and other actors to also set up remote working spaces. Maybe that can be done using the design of the Viita workstation.” Viita workstations will be in use for the first time this autumn as a part of the Green Capital Year. The drawings will be free for everyone to use and available on Lahti’s European Green Capital website. The workstations have been made in collaboration by a Finnish design company, Upwood; creative agency, TBWA Helsinki; and a team of students from the LAB Institute of Design and Fine Arts—who have all been involved in the process. n


HR Events FEBRUARY 1–2

22 – 23

Talent Exchange Live 2022

Resilience Through Resourcefulness

Organised by HR Exchange Network

Organised by Connect Media Studio

Venue Email


ICC Sydney, 14 Darling Drive, Sydney Venue



15 – 17 World HRD Congress — 30th Edition

AU (02) 8004 3172


Organised by World HRD Congress

24 – 25


Taj Lands End, Mumbai

2022 Queensland HR Leadership Summit


Band Stand, BJ Road, Mount Mary, Bandra West, Mumbai,

Organised by HR Leadership Network




Maharashtra 400050, India IN (91) 22 68277770

21 – 25


Hilton, Brisbane



AU (61) 2 8854 5353



190 Elizabeth St, Brisbane City QLD 4000, Australia leadership-summit/

12th Learning & Development World Congress 2022 Organised by Equip Global Venue






14 – 15 HR Core Lab 10th Summit Organised by Teneo Venue



Online & in-person





26 – 28


HR Magazine Conferences: Kickass L&D

Wellbeing @ Work Summity Asia 2022

Organised by HR Magazine

Organised by FOW Insights

Time Tel

8:30pm - 2:00pm (UTC+8) HK (852) 2736 6339

18 – 21


Integrated (Online & In-person)



UK (44) 0 1273 741505



Innovation@Work Asia Organised by The Economist Venue


19 – 20 HR Exchange Live: Employee Engagement and Experience APAC Organised by HR Exchange Network Venue





25 – 26 HR Tech Live APAC 2022 Organised by HR Exchange Network Venue





25 – 27

20 – 21

World HR Congress 2021

Digital Innovation in HR & Workplace Management

Organised by The Chartered Institute of Personnel Management

Organised by Terrapinn


Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH),


Suntec Convention Centre, Singapore



Colombo, Sri Lanka




HR Moves Paul Lewis

Richard J. Watson

Beverly Yeoman

Global Head of Business Development

Global and Asia-Pacific Cybersecurity Consulting Leader

Chief Diversity Officer

MAXIS Global Benefits Network


deVere Group

Lewis has over 15 years’ experience working with



deVere Group, the financial advisory, asset

multinational organisations and implementing

Cybersecurity Consulting Leader, has now stepped

management and fintech organisation, has just

global employee benefits programmes. He joined

into a global role, succeeding Kris Lovejoy as the EY

appointed Beverley Yeomans as its inaugural Chief

MAXIS Global Benefits Network (MAXIS GBN)

Global and Asia-Pacific Cybersecurity Consulting

Diversity Officer (CDO). Based in Malta, Yeomans,

in 2016. The international employee benefits

Leader. Watson is a recognised cybersecurity

also Chief Operating Officer for the Group, takes

joint venture between MetLife and AXA, recently

executive with a career spanning more than two

up the additional role with immediate effect and

announced that Lewis will become its global Head

decades in the UK, Middle East and Asia-Pacific. In his

reports directly to the founder and CEO, Nigel

of Business Development. He will oversee the

new role, he focuses on helping HR understand and


Group’s four Business Development regions and

protect themselves from the risk of cyber incidents.

report to Mattieu Rouot, CEO.

His areas of experience include cyber risk assessment,

Green commented, “deVere is committed to

technologies for monitoring and protecting against

making our globe-spanning organisation even more

cyber-attack and managing cyber incident response.

inclusive, diverse and equitable. To ensure that

Lewis will lead a function that now has a portfolio




of well over €1 billion covering the employee

this critical commitment is successful, we needed

benefits captive space, working with around 50%

Watson has worked in a number of industries,

someone who knows our culture inside out to lead

of multinationals in this growing market. He noted,

focusing on those that have significant intellectual

the charge. Beverley has been at the top of her game

“There’s a compelling opportunity in the market

property to protect, a significant risk of brand

in a senior executive role and on the Board, for

as more multinationals look to global employee

damage from a cyber-attack or whose core operations

some 22 years in a highly male-dominated sector.

benefits programmes to control costs and offer

require them to have large volumes of personal

Due to traditional industry biases, it’s a depressing

more to their people – by focusing on innovation

data. Prior to that he held leadership roles in the

reality that very few women have ever achieved this

and continuing our dedicated customer service, we

technology and aerospace and defence sectors. He

level, so young, and for this long in international

are well placed to capitalise on this opportunity

earned a BSc in Accounting and Financial Analysis

financial services.” He added, “Beverley tore-up

and continue to be the network of choice for

from the University of Newcastle and a Diploma in

that ‘rule book’, breaking down barriers and leading

multinationals across the globe.”

Leading Professional Services Firms from Harvard

by example. She was the ideal person to become

Business School.

our first-ever Chief Diversity Officer.”



HR in Numbers




Hong Kong talent agree that team

Employees who stay in the same role

Number of Indian start-ups

Deliveroo Survey, 2021

World Economic Forum

Global Gender Gap Report 2021




employees agree that teams are

talent in the UK has experienced

building is important to success

talent in non-traditional and

for five years will need reskilling

part-time work experiencing

happier and more productive after


Deliveroo Survey, 2021

gaps in their benefits

eating lunch together

founded by women

imposter syndrome UM UK Survey, 2021



Imposter Syndrome

Who’s impacted most? While Imposter Syndrome can affect anyone, there is evidence that it may impact women more than men. Paul Knopp, US Chair and CEO, KPMG, noted, “It is important for organisations to gain a more thorough understanding of the specific issues women may face as they advance in their careers and as they move toward the C-suite.” The Future of Women in Business Report, published by KPMG, which surveyed 750 high-performing executive women in Fortune 1000 companies,

Why 70% of today’s talent experience imposter

revealed that 75% had experienced Imposter

syndrome, why it is worse for women, and what

surveyed indicated that they put more pressure

HR can do to eliminate it

experience the same self-doubts.


Syndrome at some stage in their career. In addition, the Report revealed that 81% of women on themselves not to fail than men do, with 74% feeling that their male counterparts do not

Laura Newinski, Deputy Chair and COO, KPMG US, echoed these sentiments, “It’s important to realise that most women experience similar

mposter Syndrome is nothing new, first

The Syndrome is a more common phenomenon

doubts at some point in our careers. Our

coined by clinical psychologists Pauline



contribution as leaders is pivotal. Together,

Clance and Suzanne Ines back in 1978,

Phenomenon, published in The Journal of

we have the opportunity to build corporate

but there is new evidence that it is rising

Behavioral Science, estimates that 70% of people

environments that foster a sense of belonging

dramatically in Hong Kong and globally—fuelled

will experience at least one episode of this

and lessen the experience of imposter syndrome

by both mental health issues the pandemic has

Impostor Phenomenon in their lives. Such

for women in our workplaces.”

thrown into the HR mix and by the much-touted

experiences are not only limited to highly

impending Great Resignation.

successful talent, anyone could fall prey to





Imposterism, if they are not able to internalise Not a disorder, Imposter Syndrome instead

their success. And thanks to over-parenting and

refers to a pattern of behaviour where employees,

over-exposure to social media—depicting perfect

and HR alike, doubt their accomplishments and

people with perfect lives and perfect families and

have a persistent fear of being exposed as a

perfect jobs—the new generation workforce

fraud. So, while you were trying your best to put

seems more prone to feelings of being a fraud.

surveyed indicated

you ever thought to yourself that you might just

A recent survey of professionals—primarily

be ‘winging it’, fear not, you are not alone.

working in finance, marketing, digital and

that they put more

together that next HR report or presentation, if

management roles—conducted by OnePoll, Scale and scope

commissioned by The Hub Events, revealed 85%

As evidence of the recent spike in awareness of

of British workers surveyed suffer from imposter

Imposter Syndrome, research released by Charles

syndrome. And in Hong Kong the situation seems

Tyrwhitt revealed that between May 2020 and

just as grave, Justine Cooper, Head of Brook

May 2021, UK Google searches for ‘Imposter

Graham APAC, Pinsent Masons Vario asserted in

Syndrome’ increased by 150%. The Future of Women

the Hong Kong Lawyer that in Hong Kong and the

in Business Report, published by KPMG, defines

legal profession, in particular, imposter syndrome

Imposter Syndrome as, “A persistent inability

can also be more prevalent. Moreover, Hong

to believe one’s success is deserved or achieved

Kong’s relative high achievement orientation and

by working hard and possessing the necessary

the demands of the profession can exacerbate

skills … often accompanied by feelings of self-

the feelings of ‘covering’ associated with the

doubt, fear of success or failure, or self-sabotage.”

imposter syndrome.


81% of women

pressure on themselves not to fail than men do, with 74% feeling that their male counterparts do not experience the same self-doubts.

Symptoms of Imposter Syndrome





Self-deprecation •

Criticising your own job performance.

Having difficulty accepting and internalising praise.

Dwelling on minor things that you did not achieve, rather than tasks you have accomplished.

Doubting capabilities •

Doubting your ability and potential.

Discounting your successes—attributing it to external factors.

Being unable to assess your competence and skills accurately.

Having persistent feelings that you are a fraud

Being fearful that one day someone will ‘out’ you for being ‘substandard’.

Dreading success as you think you are not worthy of it or may be ‘outed’ by others as being undeserving of it.

Overworking •

Putting too much time and effort into projects to

Competing with others to be the best at everything.

Holding yourself to unachievable levels of perfectionism.

compensate for your perceived lack of knowledge or ability

Suppressing true feelings •

Avoiding showing confidence—as you think

Being afraid of disappointing others so

you lack the intelligence or ability to excel.

much so that you sometimes take no action just to avoid failing.


Tips to overcome Imposter Syndrome

feeling as though we need to prove our worth, remember that everyone tries and fails before they master new tasks. HR and line managers can help encourage employees by celebrating failures as ‘learning opportunities’ rather than criticising them. Meet a mentor Employees should seek out advice from a trusted mentor when they feel uncertain

Facts over feelings

not, speak to your friends outside of work. A

about particular tasks. A mentor should

Employees sometimes let their emotions get

problem shared is often a problem halved, and

objectively show you where your strengths are

the better of them and make rash decisions

simply orating your thoughts to a listening ear

and support you when you feel out of place.

or think the worst rather than thinking

may help you realise that your performance is

things through logically. Taking time to

not as bad as you thought it was when there is

Identify supportive colleagues, seniors, friends

focus attention on facts rather than feelings

no objective evidence of you failing to perform

and family members, and let them help you

can be applied to many aspects of our lives

at work. Moreover, your colleagues may be

refocus on your achievements. Trust in their

in and out of the office, but it is essential to

experiencing similar anxieties, and being

opinions, if they praise your work—believe

help mitigate Imposter Syndrome. Firstly,

open about your feelings will likely be very

them, if they offer constructive feedback—

take time to step back and analyse these

therapeutic on your well-being and theirs.

take it positively as an opportunity to help you

‘Imposter’ thoughts for what they are—

Finally, if there is no support network in your

improve your work and get even better, rather

inaccurate and unhelpful. Then push them

workplace, ask for one to be created.

than a personal attack.

focus on what is evident: if your project has

Stop comparing, start redirecting

You’re not alone

met its goals or the praise you have received

Many employees compare themselves to

A significant factor that exacerbates Imposter

from colleagues or seniors.

others, and while a bit of healthy competition

Syndrome is employees worrying about what

is good, when taken to excess, it can become

their colleagues feel about them. So, try to

Self-affirmation is an excellent way, if a little

counterproductive and start to manifest as

create a team environment where everyone

unnatural when you start doing it, of helping

envy, low self-esteem and even depression.

has an equal chance to speak and lead in their

stem the tide of negativity. So, if you perform

Instead of benchmarking against others,

own way.

well, someone praises you, or you have

employees redirect their energy and attention

simply just ticked something off your to-

to focus on their own goals and what is

Understand that everyone has moments

do list, take a few moments to congratulate

required to achieve them.

of self-doubt and that rather than being

aside because they are just thoughts. Next,

inadequate or a fraud, employees are simply

yourself for your achievements, no matter how small it might be. Your efforts led to

If employees slip back into unfavourable

feeling something that many others feel as

that ‘success’ even if it was a ‘micro success’;

comparisons, they should be encouraged

well. Every employee will ‘feel’ inadequate

it was you who brokered it, and it did not

to take a break so they can refocus on the

sometimes, but that does not implicitly mean

happen just by chance. Of course, there will

positive steps required to achieve their goals.

they actually ‘are’ inadequate.

be times where things do not quite work out,

HR can play a crucial role in facilitating this

but instead of focussing on them or assuming

process by fostering relationships with their

It’s not you, it’s the place

others might criticise you for it, simply pick

teams where everyone is actively encouraged

There are occasions when feeling like an

yourself back up and try again and again

to talk about their ambitions what they would

Imposter is natural. If an employee is the only

until things eventually work themselves out.

like to achieve in the company.

woman, or ethnic minority, or English speaker, or LGBTQ+, or person over 65 in a workplace,

Avoid projecting your misconceptions about yourself onto others as to how they might

Take your time

or if they are the only person performing a

feel about you, instead focus on the facts and

Everyone, employees and HR alike, need

particular job function—it is perfectly normal

again on your successes to date.

to start somewhere, and if you’re doing

for them to feel ‘abnormal’ and be anxious

something new at work or are given a new

about fitting in. Remember, feeling like an

Less superhero, more leaning

responsibility, avoid pressuring yourself to try

outsider does not equate to being less adept

It is important to realise that no one can

and master it the first time. Needing additional

or capable at performing work duties.

know everything, and there is no shame

guidance can make employees feel inadequate

in asking for help sometimes. If you have

or weak—especially if there is an audience.

Leverage your limitations

friends whom you feel comfortable opening

There is no shame in taking your time to get

Employees who get hung up on thinking

up to at work, confide in a colleague. If

to grips with new work tasks, and instead of

that they ‘do not know anything’ should be



According to the LPGA Women’s Network study, when Imposter Syndrome kicks in, 57% of its members said they had been workaholics

Imposter Phenomenon encouraged to take a few moments to assess

best ways of combating Imposter Syndrome.

their current knowledge gaps objectively. They

By celebrating the little victories along the

can then ask better questions to garner better

way, employees can significantly boost their

answers to help upgrade their knowledge

confidence and help push away the idea that

and skillsets with this information. Celebrate

their success was down to luck rather than the

such learning opportunities to help motivate

fruits of their labours.

employees to grow and develop themselves, reminding them to be realistic—as no one can

Value worth, not work

know everything.





appreciate their finished work, there is a lot more which can also be celebrated. Team leads

Even the highest achieving talent sometimes

should be encouraged to celebrate, as well as

must deal with the little fellow on their

the ‘final product’, the inputs of employees

shoulder, making them doubt themselves.




curiosity, humility, interpersonal skills and

recognition, awards and accolades, rather than

intelligence. Employees are worth a lot more

congratulate themselves, they tend to put their

than the tasks they accomplish and the things

successes down to luck, good timing or even

they produce.




the context changes, so can the experience


Baby steps, celebrate micro-successes


is related to context. If



poor judgement from their seniors. This failure

of Imposterism. It’s socially constructed, so change the social circumstances, and

to internalise accomplishments can prove

Break from social media (and work if you can)

challenging and, if left unchecked, can stifle

As with any social media, LinkedIn can be

career development.

tough on employees who are not feeling their best. A quick doom scroll confirms this, in that

Employees who constantly worry about not

people only tend to post their extraordinary

achieving goals, or being unable to measure

achievements, awards, cool offices, and great

up against their co-workers, will rarely achieve

new roles rather than any of the times they

their full potential. So, instead of simply

failed on projects or were slowly drowning

focusing on the end goal, employees should be

under a mountain of paperwork.

encouraged to take pride in every step along

the experience may change too. Dr Terri Simpkin

the way and the efforts they have put in and

Most people in high-powered executive

Associate Professor

the organisation required to achieve them.

positions got there by working very hard for

University of Nottingham

Encourage team members to create a to-do

a very long time. And, according to the LPGA

list of what needs to be done and then check

Women’s Network study, when Imposter

off each task as they move closer to achieving

Syndrome kicks in, 57% of its members said

the overall goal. In this way, they can celebrate

they had been workaholics.

micro-wins every day. Employees





This can be even more important for

themselves by taking a break from social

women in the workplace, who often take on

media, including LinkedIn—and if they can—

multiple roles at both the home and office.

from work altogether. Time away from social

When trying to ‘do it all’, women sometimes

media, especially when coupled with time

overlook rewarding themselves for these

away from work, creates an opportunity for

micro-accomplishments. A survey recently

positive self-reflection and celebration of

conducted by the LPGA Women’s Network

employees’ own micro accomplishments and

amongst its professional members found that

allows them to return to the office refreshed

‘feeling valued highly’ was ranked among the

and more confident.



Pandemic: friend or foe to Imposters?

of the usual swing of things. From personal

underachieving. In such cases, employees

Interestingly, research has found that

experience, I can safely say the same may

may be left feeling guilty or even shameful

working from home can mitigate these

be true for those isolating in designated

about achieving success.

feelings. According to the University of

quarantine hotels upon return to Hong

Nottingham, there was a 75% decrease

Kong from overseas trips.

HR action points Work stresses can compound employees’

in feelings of imposter syndrome in 2020 compared to the year before, when

Consequences of Imposters


employees were in physical offices. Dr Terri

For Imposters, success does not necessarily


Simpkin, Associate Professor, University

bring happiness; they may often experience

symptoms of Imposter Syndrome, HR

of Nottingham, commented, “Imposter

fear, stress, self-doubts, or simply feel

should try and nip it in the bud with

Phenomenon is related to context. If the

uncomfortable with their achievements.

interventions as quickly as possible.

context changes, so can the experience of

From an HR perspective, such irrational

However, HR must first create a safe

Imposterism. It’s socially constructed, so

fears can interfere with an employee’s

working environment in which employees

change the social circumstances, and the

ability to accept and feel proud of their

are empowered to be their true selves.

experience may change too.”

inherent abilities and achievements and are

This requires fostering an open culture,

likely to impact their psychological well-

driven by senior executives, to ensure all

being negatively.

employees acknowledge the existence

This may not be the case for everyone,

about upon

Imposter identifying

Syndrome. potential

and significance of Imposter Syndrome

however, and some workers may have experienced intensified feelings of self-

When faced with an achievement-related

and encourage them to talk about any

doubt combined with feeling deflated and

task, HR must understand that Impostors

challenges they are having in this regard.

isolated when working from home. Working

may experience uncontrollable anxieties

Simply helping people start conversations

remotely for significant periods can impact

simply because of their inherent fear of

about Imposter Syndrome and sharing



failure. Left unchecked, such employee

any experiences of ‘feeling inadequate’,

and being in the general swing of it all.

behaviours can quickly lead to losing their

especially from people in more senior

Employees might feel ‘out of the funk’ and

mojo and suffering from burnout, emotional

roles, can have a huge impact on reducing

start to doubt their skills when they are out


the stigma that surrounds it.









Christine Macdonald, Director, The Hub Events, offered more tips for HR leaders looking to alleviate cases of Imposter Syndrome in their workplaces. Create an inclusive and open environment

44% of those surveyed said they wanted an open environment to discuss

challenges. Employees should be comfortable speaking up when they have

a problem without the fear of being seen as incompetent. Try to create an

inclusive environment that helps employees open up, including letting everyone have equal talk time in meetings and ensureing there are no

interruptions, help. If people mention their mistakes, acknowledge them, but

There’s only so much HR can do,

steer the conversation towards what they’ve learnt and potential for future wins.

and they too should try not to be

Give regular positive feedback

good to also sometimes lean on

feedback on their performance. This is one of the best things you can do

getting in help from third parties

regular and positive feedback, you’re empowering your employees and


self-acceptance to push past imposter syndrome.


Recognise accomplishments

massive help in destigmatising the

on a supposed lack of talent or skill. Bypass this by instead praising the

honest conversations about where

So, tell your team, ‘I’ve noticed you’ve worked hard on this’ as opposed ‘this

mental health spectrum, and which

superheroes, but know that it is

A 60% majority of those surveyed said that they needed regular positive

others for support. In this regard,

to help alleviate your team’s issues with imposter syndrome. By providing

with a comprehensive well-being

helping to reduce doubt—you want to help them find the self-awareness and

physical, mental, emotional, financial social





promote everyone

in the workplace. This can be a

When suffering from imposter syndrome, many employees will fixate

Imposter Syndrome and facilitating

processes and methods they used to get results. Praise effort, not results.

individuals currently are on the

is great work’. This offers the praise to combat imposter syndrome, but in a

tasks they might need some help and

way that highlights the work they have done to get there.

encouragement with.

Ask teams to create a ‘brag book’

Next steps

great way to do this is to ask them to keep an internal ‘brag book’—a list of

brushed aside along with the latest

they have been doing and focus less on the perceived success of others. It

be placed high on the HR agenda

not realise the value of the work they do every day.

individual employee progressions and

Remind teams that they are only human!

impacts on teams. Mitigating Imposter

for employees to have, but imposter syndrome is born from this kind of

exists then embracing ways in which

Influential leaders highlight the human side of working—your team members

open conversations about how they

mistakes. Don’t foster an all-work-no-play attitude. Instead, encourage staff

together and nurturing a supportive

HR can do more to encourage employees to internalise their successes. A

Imposter Syndrome cannot just be

all their work-wins, no matter how small. This helps them see the great work

workplace fads; rather, it needs to

will also help them when it comes to review time too. Many team members do

as a genuine concern that limits can precipitate significant negative

Being detail-oriented and having high standards are great attributes

Syndrome requires firstly accepting it

perfectionism and,and left unchecked, these traits can easily lead to burnout.

everyone in the office can have more

are not robots; they need breaks, and they need to know that they can make

are really feeling. Finally, working

to take time off and take holidays.

and celebratory culture that leverages

Offer your own mistakes

negativity and self-doubt. It is not

infallible either. Tackling issues with imposter syndrome begin and end with

master or lowering the bar; instead,

You need to explain that some of these feelings are normal: innovating, risk-

the bar to a realistic level and reduce

explaining how you deal with these, you help normalise these feelings.

inadequate and left behind. n

multiple methods to help mitigate

No one wants to look like a weak boss, but you do not want to look utterly

about HR becoming a black-belt

you—so do not be afraid to be open with teams about issues like self-doubt.

it is a chance for them to help reset

taking are standard parts of business, and they bring their own fears. By

the chances of employees feeling



Mental health support uptake low despite higher awareness One-third of employees say they felt more

The research highlighted the importance of

comfortable talking about mental health over the

employers investing in health and well-being

past 12 months than ever before, while 6 in 10

support and services to ensure a sustainable and

believe people will be more comfortable talking

productive workforce, as many staff are still dealing

about their mental health in the future. Despite

with the mental health challenges of the pandemic.

this, just 1 in 10 used counselling services during

Although it is evident that employers globally have

the pandemic, demonstrating a disconnect in

been stepping up to provide support, a lot more

comfort levels between talking about mental health

can be done to ensure employees are using and

and actively accessing support services.

reaping the benefits of this support. According to the Mental health in the workplace paper published

This was revealed in the latest multi-market

by the WHO, depression and anxiety cost the global

research by Ipsos MRBI on behalf of Allianz

economy USD 1 trillion a year in lost productivity.

Partners. The research was conducted amongst

Providing appropriate mental health support

expat and local employees in the UK, Germany,

to employees improves their quality of life and

Canada, UAE and Singapore to measure the impact

increases companies’ productivity. Paula Covey,

of COVID-19 on respondents’ mental health and

Chief Marketing Officer for Health, Allianz Partners,

help employers understand how best to support

commented, “While the health insurance industry

the mental health of their teams.

always recognised the importance of mental health


Only 2 in 5 employees feel that resources provided by their employer are sufficient to support their mental health


Top five mental health support services provided by employers

with a counsellor, which may mean that employees

were sometimes uncomfortable talking about. Our

don’t know enough about Employee Assistance

long-term goal is to make talking about mental

Programmes (EAP) or exactly what kinds of

health as comfortable as talking about a sprained

scenarios counselling can help with. As a result,

wrist. We want to encourage dialogue and help

employers will need to invest in education and

people to understand that mental health challenges

awareness campaigns around these services. And

are normal, sometimes frequent, and help them

as most employees are not comfortable discussing

understand when and how to make use of support

their mental health with their employers, it’s

services.” She added, “It’s clear from the research

important to emphasise that counselling and EAP

that awareness of mental health has increased and

services are entirely confidential.

people are more comfortable talking about it, and The survey revealed that there is no one-sizefits-all approach to mental health. Whilst some

uptake of some mental health services like Employee

employees value counselling services, other

Assistance Programmes (EAP) and counselling. I

employees value the role of technology in aiding

think there’s a real opportunity here for employers

their mental health. Almost half of those working

to build on their mental health support programmes

in UAE and Canada claim to monitor their mental

digital team get-togethers

and make some significant strides forward.”

health almost of the time. Smartphone apps are

extra time off

Over the past number of years, employers have

health, followed by journalling and speaking

increased mental health support and services to

to a professional. Employers should consider

their employees, a trend that is likely to continue

providing employees with information on mental

post-pandemic. Yet, only 2 in 5 employees feel that

health apps, making them available to employees

resources provided by their employer are sufficient

and encouraging staff to use them to track their

to support their mental health. So while some

mental health.



counselling services


feel comfortable discussing their mental health

room that everyone knew was there, but people

employees feel supported and there’s still a very low



Despite this, less than a quarter of respondents

it felt, to some degree, like the silent elephant in the

this is extremely encouraging. However, not all

(most valued by employees)


as well as physical health, in the wider public domain,


6 in 10 believe people will

the preferred method of monitoring mental

companies have been stepping up, particularly

be more comfortable talking about their mental health in the future

in the UAE, for most there is more work to do.

Now, more than ever, there is an opportunity for

Providing a variety of services is essential, both

employers to add real value to their employees’

in-person and digitally, as is having a combination

lives and contribute to a society that is more open

of HR sponsored activities like wellness talks

when it comes to discussing mental health and

and those based around personal relationships

wellbeing. Providing employees with the right

because many people only feel comfortable talking

tools and support is key to reducing the stigma

about their mental health with friends or family.

that has long been attached to mental health. n



Avoiding webinar woes


Webinars are harder work Webinars are, by nature, ideal for communicating to a pretty much unlimited audience size. While advantageous in terms of scope and potential reach, delivering material in the online sphere is an entirely different kind of craft to face-to-face presentations. Webinar participants are a tough


ince the end of 2020, webinars have increased by 162% and in the UK alone searches for ‘webinars’ have seen a 110%

increase during the same period. This according to research by ON24 Benchmarks that covered over 2,000 organisations. COVID-19 has led to a boom in popularity for webinars. As companies were forced to work from home, many business leaders began to experiment with remote methods to deliver sales and teaching processes. It looks like webinars will remain a staple of workplace culture as we return to the office. There are few who will be unfamiliar with the basics of webinars, but do you

crowd. In-person, people have no choice but to listen to you. Online, they’ve got the freedom to exit your webinar with a single click. You’ve got to put in that work to keep your audience engaged. Almost all of us have dialled into a webinar and switched off, or started doing something else at the same time. Being an expert and passionate about what you do doesn’t exempt you from being boring. Even those at the top of their game are guilty of rambling on, dwelling on topics that no one cares about and making people question why they signed in to listen. They’ve got the knowledge, but






participant-focused way needs some extra work. Without engagement, those participant numbers will plummet.

know how to create a webinar experience that actually keeps listeners engaged? We spoke to James Robinson, Marketing Manager, Buffalo 7 for

Webinar participants are a

his top 10 tips for creating engaging webinars.

tough crowd. In-person, people have no choice but to listen to you. Online, they’ve got the freedom to exit your webinar with a single click.




Presentations vs webinars The principal difference is that the focus of presentations is the speaker, whereas the focus of webinars are the slides themselves. Presentation audiences absorb the information by watching and listening, in silence, to the speaker in their physical form. Webinars, on the other hand, are interactive online seminars that anyone with an internet connection can access. The slides act as a visual magnet and focal point of people’s screens, with the speaker taking on a more supplementary, explanatory role. That’s not to say


that the speaker is redundant, rather that the speaker’s role is to facilitate understanding of the slides, instead of the slides facilitating the speaker.

Structure webinars like a story To master audience engagement, you need only look at the techniques deployed in every single successful story. They always begin with a hero—the central character without whom the entire journey would be pointless. In the context of webinars, this is your audience. Position them as the hero of their own story. They’re the ones who need to take the next steps and embark on their own journey of discovery. So, before you start building your slides, take the time to understand who you’re delivering the webinar to and what they truly care about. This information will help you frame your material to be completely user-focused. You need to start strong. All openings should have an impact, hooking listeners straight away and demonstrating that you understand their perspective. Begin with an idea they recognise and identify with—something they can relate to. You could address a shift in the industry, emerging trends or share a particular insight on their situation. This will establish common ground and trust. If they perceive you as someone who gets the situation, they’re in, they’ll believe in what you say, and each slide will carry much more credibility. Each idea you share is going add value to audiences’ lives or save them somehow—maybe from overspending, inefficiency or overconsumption. Perhaps you’ve got a solution that’ll accelerate their processes, save them time or ease some sort of internal pressure. Whatever it is that you can help them with, always align your solution to a challenge they’re facing in their daily lives. This conflict and resolution are usually the apexes of the story and the main body of your webinar. This middle section has to connect to them on a personal level if you’re to keep them engaged throughout. Finally, your closing slides need to end with a summation of how much better their lives will be if they adopt your ideas. Close with a refresh of the main benefits, your key messages and a definitive call to action. There’s no point building all that momentum if it doesn’t lead anywhere.




Choose text type well If people can’t read your content, any hope of teaching your listeners something valuable is gone. I’d recommend nice, clean fonts that are easy on the eye like Tahoma, Verdana and Palatino. These fonts are legible, professional and classic, but with enough personality to separate them from the more formal fonts like Times New Roman. If formal is the tone of your webinar, go for Times New Roman 4

or Garamond for a more literary style. If you decide to use custom fonts, your listeners will be able to

Clarity first, simplicity second

see them when you share your screen, but they’ll need to have them downloaded to their computers if you send the deck out to them after your webinar.

Opt for words that people will understand, but if you need to use jargon, make sure you explain the terminology. After you’ve composed each sentence, read it aloud to make sure it actually makes sense. If you are covering a particularly complex subject, you could check in with them verbally at different stages to make sure they’ve understood. A simple “Does that make sense?” or “Do you have any questions?” will suffice. The first step is making sure your audience understands what you’re trying to say, but the second and for some, the most important, step is to make it easy for them to retain the information you’re providing. An effective way to do this is to limit your ideas to just one per slide. Some people worry that a higher slide count dilutes the impact of your messaging, but your audience isn’t keeping a tally, and having more slides doesn’t necessarily mean you’re talking for a longer duration. The length of your script doesn’t need to change, only the visual format it’s presented in. Doing this will simplify your ideas, breaking them out into digestible chunks that listeners can take in one at a time.


Remove bullets, orphans and widows Now that you’ve refined your story, you


Give messages an icon

can start to think about how you’re going


to visualise it. The first thing to do is chuck

Icons offer users a visual format that they’re

out those bullet points. They’re only really

familiar with. You need only unlock your phone

permissible in the classroom and your listeners

screen to see an icon-dominated style of organising

deserve more than a GSCE-level experience.

information. PowerPoint now has its own icon

Also, watch out for widows. A widow is a very

library with a variety of different types, all of which

short line, usually one word that sits on a line

are fully editable. While we wouldn’t advocate an

by itself. An orphan is when that single word or

icon-only slide, we would endorse cutting each line

a single line leaves you no choice but to start

of text down to a few keywords and giving each line

a new column, or a new slide entirely. Both

an icon to accompany it. Icons capture the core of

of these things aren’t particularly sightly and

your message and can convey an idea much quicker

stand out on a slide for all the wrong reasons.

than a sentence can. For some, icons are just easier

Luckily, the fix is a simple re-jig of your lines.

to understand than words and more memorable.



Use images to visualise ideas Images could be the thing that jogs your listener’s memory when they tell their line manager what they learned from your webinar, so choose wisely. Think high-quality, high-resolution images from trusted sources. The best images are relevant, thoughtprovoking and emotive. They get people thinking. But you want people to be thinking positive things. Some images, like stock photos, will only make people question your judgement and taste. The world doesn’t need any more pictures of people hi-fiving in suits. Do us all a favour by opting for the more contemporary, sophisticated images found free of charge on sites like Unsplash.


Give webinar some movement While slides can still look good without it, animation accentuates all the right bits in all the right places, but only when everything is perfectly balanced. Too much and your ideas will be swept away in a tide of fly-ins and dissolving text. Too little and your deck will lack the zest and consistency it needs to be so good your listeners can’t forget it. Decide if your webinar needs to have a slick, polished, professional feel or a more lively, playful tone. If you’re leaning towards the professional side, go for animations like fade. If you want to be more playful, opt for ones like zoom.


Time to perfection, leave room to digest Timing





messages easier to understand. Animation can prioritise bits of information, showing them in order of importance or in the logical sequence you intend for them to be read in. So, instead of showing your participants everything at once, you have total control over the pace of delivery. If your ideas warrant more of an explanation than a single slide, you can link multiple slides together so fluidly they’ll look as though they’re one slide to your viewers. n



Post-pandemic workwear Days of formal business attire numbered The past 18 months has thrown many a wardrobe into disarray, as HR and employees alike struggle to decide what the most appropriate workwear for virtual Zoom meetings while working from home (WFH) would be. Many have ditched their traditional work attire for sweatpants, athleisure wear and pyjamas while working from home. In other cases, at the very least, there has been an attempt to be the least bit presentable by donning a work-appropriate top while keeping the bottom half well hidden from fellow Zoomers. However, as many Lockdown comfort and style

workplaces plan their gradual return to the office—or not at all in the case of

British fashion designer Giles Deacon, who curated Pippa Middleton’s wedding dress and has

companies like Deloitte, who recently told staff that they can work from home

styled celebrities including Scarlett Johansson and Victoria Beckham, recently teamed up with

forever—an increasing number of businesses are opting for a halfway house

the International Workplace Group (IWG) to reimagine office wear collection for the post-

hybrid work mode for their teams. But what impact is this having on workplace

pandemic workplace. The IWG x GILES capsule collection has been designed with this in mind,

attire, workplace fashion trends and employer workwear expectations?

fusing the more comfortable clothing choices many have adopted at home with smarter attire one would usually expect in an office setting. The idea being to combine office sharpness with lockdown comfort style. All fabrics are organic with poplins, soft needlecord, compact wool and cotton jerseys at the collection core. This is a move away from more traditional fabrics commonly worn pre-lockdown to guide workers to make more considered choices for their work wardrobes by buying pieces that are sustainable and have longevity. The colour palettes move from traditional black and white to a broader, muted palette of charcoal greys, alongside soft-washed navy and brown chosen to invigorate the strength and dependability of the wearer. The colours of khaki and sand were explicitly chosen for their calming properties, with brighter colours such as light blue to help the wearer feel happy, confident and have authority and red for leadership and determination.



Employee choice inspires creativity at work

Giles Deacon, Designer of the collection, said,

employees, 64%, opting for comfy clothes during

55% of employees surveyed said they work better

“There has been a noticeable change in people’s

the WFH period. Over 59% said the days of

when given the freedom to dress how they like,

relationship with clothes over the pandemic,

formal business dress are over, and 39% think it

with 40% stating this also affords them greater

and as a result, what we wear to the office has

will be acceptable to wear less formal clothing in

creativity at work. This, according to IWG

changed forever. The capsule collection has

the office due to the hybrid working model.

research, which also highlighted office workers’

been designed with the hybrid worker in mind,

strong desire to return to smarter workwear, but

combining a smart business look with comfort.

While workwear fashion is evolving, nearly two-

without sacrificing comfort or being fashionable.

Every colour and fabric has been selected to

thirds of employees surveyed still agree that what

As a result, the hybrid office-wear collection

make the wearer feel happy, calm, confident and

you wear is linked to seniority, with 32% stating

encapsulates three separate looks—one male,

determined wherever they may work.”

that they feel better about themselves when

one female and one non-binary—combining

wearing smarter clothing.

fashionable style, flattering silhouettes and softer

End of formal business attire?

tailoring to ensure the wearer looks sharp but

The question of what to wear when returning

Hub & spoke work models

comfortable while at work. The collection also

to the office has been at the forefront of many

Successive waves of COVID-19 cases worldwide

plays to workers’ wishes to express individuality

workers' minds, with the vast majority of

have meant that WFH has become the norm for

at work through their outfit choices. Millennials and Gen Z workers were found to be particularly conscious of expressing themselves

Over 59% said the days of formal business dress are

at work via their wardrobes. Over half of 18 – 24-year-olds said their outfits reflect their

over, and 39% think it will be acceptable to wear less formal

personality, the highest of any age demographic. In a similar vein, 51% of 25 – 34-year-olds said their office attire is linked to their creativity— higher than any other age group.


clothing in the office due to the hybrid working model.


There has been a noticeable change in people’s relationship with clothes over the pandemic, and as a result, what we wear to the office has changed forever.

55% of employees surveyed said they work better when given the freedom to dress how they like, with 40% stating this also affords them greater creativity at work

many, but there are already clear indications

last year or so and the desire to look and feel

that the future of work is a hybrid model. This

fabulous whilst not compromising on comfort.”

year, IWG has seen a significant rise in demand for both suburban, 32%, and rural, 20%, office

Flexible workspaces

spaces globally—as businesses begin operating

On the importance of flexibility in workspaces,

with a ‘hub and spoke’ model. This approach


Giles Deacon

means employees are splitting their time

technologies are transforming the world of

Designer of the IWG x GILES

between home, a local office and occasionally at

work. People want the personal productivity

capsule collection

a corporate HQ.

benefits of living and working how and where





they want. Businesses want financial and Research by IWG among business leaders at

strategic benefits. Our customers are start-ups,

FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 undertaken in Q1/

small and medium-sized enterprises, and large

Q2 2021 revealed three times the number of

multinationals—with unique business goals,

companies currently looking to use a hybrid office

people and aspirations. They want workspaces

model compared to those looking to carry on in

and communities to match their needs. They

the same way as pre-pandemic. Despite this clear

want choice, and IWG is at the forefront of the

shift towards more flexible practices, however, a

current workspace revolution in offering a choice

physical office is still set to play a crucial role in

of professional, inspiring and collaborative

post-pandemic working life. For example, Wi-Fi

workspaces, communities and services.”

login data shows that office visits at its sites are up by 58% since the beginning of January 2021.

She added, “We create personal, financial and strategic value for businesses of every size.

Fatima Koning, Group Chief Sales Officer,

From some of the most exciting companies

IWG, said, “We are delighted to have partnered

and well-known organisations on the planet to

with Giles Deacon to create the IWG x GILES

individuals and the next generation of industry

collection, bringing to life the latest post-

leaders—all of them harness the power of

pandemic workwear trends. The collection

flexible working to increase their productivity,

has been inspired by our experiences over the

efficiency, agility, and market proximity.” n




Benefits to talent and impact on HR HR Magazine and BCT Group recently hosted a breakfast briefing to update HR figureheads on the introduction of the eMPF and precisely what this means for HR and the talent teams. Since 2000, the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) has regulated, supervised and monitored the operation of the MPF system; and is now preparing for the next big step in the MPF’s history with the development of the eMPF platform.

eMPF is a onestop electronic platform for MPF members to manage their

BCT Group is a leading provider of MPF products

members also have the responsibility to manage

and one of the largest trust companies in Hong

their own MPF accounts, and HR should continue

Kong, focusing on the provision of pension

to help employees do so.

MPF accounts.

(including MPF and ORSO) products and bestin-class asset servicing solutions. The Group’s

Lau pointed out that the numbers involved in

Ka Shi Lau, BBS

Managing Director and CEO, Ka Shi Lau, BBS,

MPF are huge, “Thirteen trustees manage and

Managing Director and CEO

took time out of her busy schedule to help guide

maintain MPF schemes, which include over 400

BCT Group

attendees through the intricacies of the new

funds, four million members with 11 million

mechanism. Moreover, Lau has a distinguished

accounts, and total assets of HK$1.2 trillion.”

record of public service in the retirement and

Young people have become used to changing

pensions industry, and despite being up till 4.00

jobs more frequently, and as a result, have an

am that morning, was as keen and spritely as

average of three to four separate MPF accounts.

ever to share her knowledge and experience.

Some even have ten accounts following

Dr Orlando Chan, a specialist ophthalmologist,

employment changes. Lau reckoned, “Young

continued the theme of overcoming the

people will be saying in the future, ‘20 years

workplace challenges of ageing—discussing the

ago, where was I?’ and ‘Which provider did I

difficulties our eyes experience in modern work

contribute my MPF to?’”

environments. Both presenters looked to the future to reassure attendees of their financial

With no current incentive for scheme members

and optical outlooks and to explain how HR can

to actively monitor the performance of their

further help talent in these areas.

accounts or enhance them, once set up, most MPF accounts are simply ‘forgotten’ by the

Pension pots go digital

employee and new ones set up with each of

Lau noted that preparation for retirement is

their subsequent employers. Consequently, the

important for all employees, and particularly for

number of MPF accounts that have to be created

the young. She reminded delegates that those in

has been compounded by this propensity of

HR had a duty of care to ensure that their talent

employees to amass multiple MPF accounts as

teams, of every age, understood retirement is not

they switch employers. The back-office HR work

something way into the future, but rather a very

required to support these MPF account updates

real, present challenge. The HKSAR Government

generates around 10,000 paper transactions a

and the regulator continually talk about retirement

day. Lau commented, “These current paper trails

and the MPFA, but other, equally important,

really do kill forests, are not eco-friendly and

stakeholders need to be actively involved. MPF

place unacceptable demands on administrators.”



providers do not do so, HR must chase them up for timely and up-to-date information. Staff will be happy because if they are prepared for retirement, they are happier colleagues. The new eMPF platform is designed to boost efficiency and help the employee experience.” Lau turned to the importance of pre-retirement planning and provision, drawing attention to the reality that, “In the retirement space, 74% of the money you need to live on and enjoy life comes from the savings you make before you retire. Investments after you retire will not be enough. That’s why it is important to build adequately for retirement.” The successful implementation of eMPF will enable scheme members to maximise

74% of the money you need to live on and enjoy life comes from the savings you make before you retire.

the post-retirement benefits of their plans. Lau offered the three As as a means for staff to achieve this, in that they must ensure: •

Active management of their MPF account;

Appropriate investment decisions are made, and

Additional contributions are made to help

Lau continued, “Administration is the most tedious

The COVID pandemic has highlighted the

part. eMPF is a one-stop electronic platform for MPF

problems associated with paper-based systems,

members to manage their MPF accounts across

including mundane difficulties such as cheque-

different MPF schemes. Members’ information will

signers stuck outside Hong Kong. Lau urged

Lau noted that being active in managing accounts

be securely stored within this centralised platform.

HR, “Make it electronic, use direct debit, use

need not be onerous and suggested that in

We are not replacing the whole system; we are

bank transfer, try to be paperless. If you’re still

most cases advising staff to examine their MPF

only centralising MPF scheme administration.”

doing many things on physical hard copies—

accounts at least once a year should be sufficient.

maximise their savings.

try to help yourself and help your company Lau summed up the advantages of eMPF

by going paperless. It is also very green, very

Members should balance risk against security

as, “It will be a one-stop platform bringing

environmentally friendly. HR cares for talent

in choosing plans and making appropriate

standardisation, automation and streamlining.”

and gives employees much relevant information.

investment decisions. The best way to maximise

Companies’ MPF providers also have a duty

investment returns, however, is by making

to give information to scheme members, but if

additional voluntary contributions.

HR timetable The mega project of eMPF was kick-started in 2018, with the Legislative Council in 2021 passing the enabling legislation and approving a separate company, eMPF Platform Company Limited, as the system manager. PCCW Solutions is the contractor constructing and rolling out the mechanism. The development work of the eMPF Platform is scheduled for completion by the end of 2022, with trustees are being onboarded in batches and full implementation expected in Q2 2025. Lau pointed out, “MPF is one of the biggest social systems in Hong Kong”, and that the period required to complete the online transition reflects this. The data milestone is for 90% of all schemes to be digital within five years of the eMPF launch. Lau emphasised that HR has two to three years in which to align their companies’ processes.



When we are working at or near a computer or concentrating the blink rate can significantly reduce up to 70% … increasing the risk of scratching, scarring or infection of the eye.

Leveraging tax incentives

that permits members to make TVCs. Lau

Lau urged all members to top up their

reminded the delegates that HR has a significant

contributions and that this could be done by

role in educating staff on their MPF options

making voluntary contributions to existing

to help them maximise their asset allocation.

plans, special voluntary contributions or taxdeductible




Enhancing employee eye health

plans. TVCs offer the most rewards, as members

Dr Orlando Chan Chia Chieh, a specialist in

can enjoy tax deductions of up to $60,000 of

ophthalmology, then navigated delegates through

contributions per annum to help reduce their

some of the hazards our eyes face in their daily work

tax burden. Lau said that she and other advisors

and offered tips to safeguard employee eyesight in

were urging the Government to further increase

the context of workplace wellness. In this digital age,

this cap to $100,000 to encourage greater vesting

employees are frequently on their phones, tablets

in MPF accounts.

and computers—all of which cause digital eye strain, with screens close to their eyes. In addition,


TVCs offer maximum flexibility, as scheme

the muscles that control the shape of the eye, and

members can contribute the amounts they want

therefore the ability to focus (accommodation),

at the intervals they choose and can increase

weakens as employees age. Older employees,

or reduce payments as they wish. However,

thErefore, tend to lose the ability to focus on

talent must be careful to choose a scheme

their screens without the aid of reading glasses.


Use the 20/20/20 rule, and take a quick eye break every The polluted conditions in which we work also

Therefore, HR is well advised to adopt anti-

adversely affect the ability of our eyes to produce

glare coatings or screens in front of computer

tears or tears of the right quality and cause dry

monitors to help reduce glare and better protect

eye syndrome. There is less of the lubricant

employee eye health.

that helps our eyes to refocus rapidly, leading to headaches and vision problems. This can be

In giving tips for reducing digital eye strain, Dr

compounded when employees are concentrating

Chan advised, “Take regular breaks and limit

on screens, as this markedly slows their blink

screen time, particularly in the evening. Our

rate, which reduces the rate at which tears flow

computer displays should be high resolution

over the eyes.

and at least 19” wide. In addition, the brightness of computer displays should approximate that

20 minutes for 20 seconds to look at something at least 20 feet away.

Dr Chan revealed, “Studies have shown that when

of the surroundings.” He also recommended

we are working at a computer or concentrating,

exercising one’s eyes regularly, “Use the

the blink rate can significantly reduce up to

20/20/20 rule, and take a quick eye break every

Dr Orlando Chan Chia Chieh

70%. Consequently, fewer tears mean the rate at

20 minutes for 20 seconds to look at something


which dirt and foreign bodies are flushed away is

at least 20 feet away.”

lowered, increasing the risk of scratching, scarring or infection of the eye.” Dr Chan noted that dry

HR should also encourage their talents to go for

eyes could be remedied with artificial tears and

regular eye check-ups to help screen and detect

improving the air quality in the workspace. He

conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma and

also advised that computer screens should ideally

macular degeneration.

be positioned 10 to 15 degrees below eye level. So, for clarity, HR plays an important role in Employees are also subject to problems

encouraging talent to pro-actively manage their

caused by glare caused by sunlight and bright

MPF accounts to maintain good financial health,

artificial lighting in the workplace—both direct

which can now be done online. However, talent

and reflected. In addition, fluorescent lights

shouldn’t spend too long online to ensure good

also generate harmful ultraviolet radiation.

eye health too! n

Did you miss it? Scan the QR code on the left to watch the breakfast briefing by HR Magazine and BCT Group



Attract talent by trying to drive it away Creating an employer brand that eliminates weaker candidates

organisation. The construct and principles behind the framework effectively repel most of an external talent audience and compel the few, better-matched individuals to apply. The book covers: •

Traditional employer branding versus Give and Get branding

Crafting employer brand stories

Developing candidate personas

The ability to attract and retain the most talented

the many and compel the few. The best way to

Defining employer brand essence

candidates can make or break a company. In GIVE

attract top talent is to embrace the harsh realities

Activating the employer brand


of the company, those it would typically hide from

Measuring employer brand effectiveness

Compel The Few With Impact, Purpose and Belonging,

candidates. The authors help companies capture their

employer brand experts Bryan Adams and Charlotte

unique ‘brand of adversity’ and show how struggles

Understanding the talent audience on a deeper level

Marshall show how traditional branding, which

can be harnessed to elevate the value of joining and

allows companies to create meaningful experiences.

involves selling a company’s strengths, inevitably

staying with the organisation. They teach a simple

Companies can more effectively communicate

leads to poor candidate selection. The most effective

approach to craft a meaningful employee value

their brand by crafting a persona—an archetypal

employer brands take the opposite approach: instead

proposition based on a mutual value exchange that

representation of each audience segment with unique

of trying to attract candidates, they try to repel them

they call Give and Get.

priorities, preferences, and perspectives. Segmenting the talent audience into different personas provides

so that weaker candidates are eliminated before they The Give and Get approach works to attract and

the opportunity to understand and cater to each of

retain candidates who are a good culture fit. The

the different brand strengths, benefits, opportunities,

The ability to attract and retain the most talented

employer brand statement is paired with an employee

and expectations. By defining one or more personas,

candidates can make or break a company. In GIVE

value proposition, defined by a give (what an employee

companies can create a more meaningful brand


must be prepared to provide, commit, or sacrifice) and

experience with their external talent audience instead

And Compel The Few With Impact, Purpose and

a get (what an employee can expect in return). This

of one generic brand experience bearing the weight of

Belonging, employer brand experts Bryan Adams and

approach is radically different from conventional

responsibility to engage with everyone.

Charlotte Marshall show how traditional branding,

employer branding methodology, focusing solely

which involves selling a company’s strengths,

on an organisation’s opportunities, benefits, and

By demonstrating how to craft and share stories

inevitably leads to poor candidate selection. The

strengths. Employer brand becomes much more

that create an emotional connection between a

most effective employer brands take the opposite

effective when these attributes are combined with

company, its people, and its candidates, GIVE & GET

approach: instead of trying to attract candidates,

the challenges people in the company face.

EMPLOYER BRANDING equips corporate recruiters,

enter the hiring process.

managers, and C-level executives with the ability to

they try to repel them so that weaker candidates are eliminated before they enter the hiring process. GIVE & GET EMPLOYER BRANDING outlines

The Give and Get approach helps candidates

turn the entire workforce into a team of ambassadors

decide whether they have what it takes to succeed

and advocates, armed with insights, messages,

by highlighting what it is really like to work at an

and stories that make them proud to be there. n

a more effective way to brand and manage the employee experience. It redefines the concept of an employee value proposition by matching a company’s strengths with candidates’ aptitudes


and desires. Instead of a sales pitch aimed at seducing candidates, this approach harnesses the value to be found within the cultural realities and expectations of the company. The authors noted, “High performing organisations don’t want or need more candidates—they want more of the right candidates.” When organisations follow conventional employer brand thinking and lead with their strengths, they will ultimately flood their funnels with unqualified applicants. Instead, employer brands should repel


Bryan Adams is the CEO and founder of Ph.Creative, recognised as one of the leading employer brand agencies globally with clients such

as Apple, American Airlines, and GVC. He is also a bestselling author, podcaster, creative strategist, and specialist speaker.

Charlotte Marshall was named the 2019-2020 Employer Brand Leader of the Year and has successfully built and launched five Fortune 500 employer brands. In addition, she is an in-demand international

speaker and the global employer brand lead at Danaher Corporation.

Foreword Foreword & Index

Shift happens... 2021 proved every bit as challenging for HR as 2020 did. The pandemic continues to be a catalyst for positive change management across all aspects of the employee lifecycle in organisations. Shift happens, and it is happening quicker than ever before, organisations are becoming more responsive to employee, market and organisational needs. The HR Magazine Awards 2021 recognise company successes across Hong Kong and internationally, in identifying challenges, adapting and creating talent managing best practices that enable organisations not just to survive, but indeed thrive in the current VUCA landscape.

Featured organisations (in alphabetical order) HR initiatives


HR roadmaps are being

AIA Taiwan

48, 58

developed faster, smarter and


52, 56

more agile than ever before.


The HR Magazine Awards

57, 61

2021 celebrate those in the

44, 46, 54

HR space who have exceeded

Atrium HR Consulting HKBN IBM

KAS Group Asia Mattel

Pizza Express PwC

Rosewood HR Vendor initiatives


39, 45, 60 40, 42, 50 43

41, 47, 51

in identifying and addressing

Atrium HR Consulting

63, 70

talent needs during this



challenging time with flexible,


innovative strategies to ensure


both their employees and their


organisations continue to thrive.


First Advantage HandsOn IBM


nemesysco SAP


Team Building Asia

66 65

68 69 72 75

Paul Arkwright Publisher & Editor-in-Chief HR Magazine


Best COVID-19 HR initiative

HKBN Group HR Award Categories

HKBN COVID-19 Playbook

To safeguard Talent health and safety during COVID, HKBN launched the HKBN COVID-19

Best COVID-19 HR initiative

Playbook as an evolving guideline containing the latest policies, preventive measures, and contingencies. implement


Meanwhile, numerous





measures in the office and for its frontline Talents. As COVID-19 infection numbers in Hong Kong stabilised, in August 2021, HKBN officially adopted a ‘4+1 Hybrid Work Mode’. To help Talents transition to this model, the company provided: •

Instructions and guidelines on effective information security procedures for WFH.

Rather than fear the inevitable change under post-pandemic, we embrace •

Comprehensive hardware, software and backend support for seamless connection

change as a way to evolve and transform how we do things—turning

to the company’s internal systems.

challenges into opportunities, to create better Talents and a better company. •

Workshops on effective communication via video conferencing.

Dedicated Live Corner set up in theHong

with full-paid leave compensation provided.

Kong office to handle Talent demand for live

This measure encourages talents to report their

streaming and virtual meetings.

health condition honestly and promptly to help curb the virus transmission chain.

HKBN also prioritised the safety of all frontline and core operational Talents with the supply of PPE like face masks and hand sanitisers. In addition, split-

Tracking office activity: even after introducing hotdesking, Talents were required to use a

office arrangements were rolled out to mitigate the

mobile App to register their seat. If any Talent

risk of cross-infection. As a precaution, Talents at risk

was identified as having COVID-19, this allowed

of contracting COVID-19 are required to undergo

the easy tracking of close contacts to help

self-quarantine at home for 14 days, with full-paid

arrange for their self-quarantine.

leave compensation provided. To further enhance safety, the following were also implemented:

Enhance health & hygiene awareness: health-

related advice posted in physical offices and Flexible hours to avoid large crowds:

on the intranet to enhance talents’ health and

flexible working and lunch hours so Talents can

hygiene awareness. Initiated multiple channels

commute and enjoy their meal at non-peak

for Talents to get COVID-19 tested.

hours to avoid crowds. Full-paid quarantine leave: as a precaution,

Provide clean place to work: hire professional service





Talents at risk of contracting COVID-19 must

cleaning, and applying antiviral coatings. Also,

undergo self-quarantine at home for 14 days,

we deliver PPE to talents upon request.


Best COVID-19 HR initiative

HR Award Categories

Best COVID-19 HR initiative

KAS Group Asia COVID-19 relief package for team members

The dramatic spread of COVID-19 has disrupted lives, livelihoods, communities and businesses worldwide. The COVID-19 support provided by KAS Group Asia for its

Key services facilitated: •

businesses in the impacted regions within Asia, especially in the

Easy access to COVID-19 RT-PCR tests and pharmacy orders for team members and families via EAP provider.

locations with high COVID cases such as India and Bangladesh, has been an important deliverable to safeguard the Health

and Safety of its team members (TMs). At the same time, the

Delivery of supplies like pulse oximeters to team members on a need basis.

measures were essential in ensuring business continuity with the initiatives, arrangements and decisions taken.

24/7 availability of safe, sanitised vehicles for movement of TMs, immediate family and delivery of supplies.

The three main objectives of the COVID-19 relief package were to: • 1.

Protect the health and well-being of KAS Group Asia’s

Sharing of critical information to COVID resources through Office WhatsApp groups.

people, their families, and stakeholders through emergency preparedness, heightening awareness and training.

COVID SOS Services: secured these services through one of our IT support partners, which consisted of information


Maintain business activities as uninterrupted as possible

such as hospitals, medicines, and access to COVID beds

through continuity planning and having proactive crisis

with oxygen support in our partner facility.

management plans in place. • 3.

Protect and strengthen long-term relationships with TMs,

Oxygen concentrators were bought and made available for emergency use.

partners and the communities in which the Group operates. •

TMs were given the flexibility to work from their hometown on a case-by-case basis.

Provision of COVID-19 workplace vaccination programme tied to an IT support partner.

Other provisions made to support TMs’ health and well-being included policy issue and revisions so that the Company covered the cost incurred towards vaccination via the EAP provider or self-availed channels for team members and their immediate family members. In addition, half-day vaccination leave was provided (for both first and second jabs to all team members. The company also ensured that a COVID-19 leave policy was implemented to support TMs absence due to the COVID-19 impact. Key paybacks of the initiatives:


Business Resilience and Crisis Preparedness

People Support and influencing positive Relationship building

Workplace Health & Safety reinforcement

Community Support and reinforcement

Best COVID-19 HR initiative

Rosewood Hotel Group HR Award Categories


Best COVID-19 HR initiative

At the Rosewood Hotel Group, talents work instinctively and from the heart to

To us, it’s more than a job; it’s our Calling.

master and elevate their craft. Together, they push the boundaries to impart magic into every day. They care for people and make it their purpose to

our associates bonded together by a

Management Trainee (MT) programme to

build long-lasting, genuine relationships.

shared purpose.

cultivate the next generation of leaders

To their talents, it’s more than a job; it’s their ‘Calling’.

in luxury and hospitality, recruiting 50 The pandemic has prompted Rosewood

MTs in the midst of COVID-19 and

to rethink the experience it provides to

launching a global recruitment marketing

Rosewood introduced #RosewoodRaise,

associates. Earlier this year, the Group


a relief initiative to assist our associates

launched #DiscoverYourCalling, a global

video views and acquired 100,000+

and local communities who have been

culture and employer brand programme

LinkedIn followers. Of the 10,000+ job



redefining the experience working with

applications Rosewood received, the

pandemic. The initiative quickly took

Rosewood Hotel Group. They have

first MT cohort is 67% female, aligned

off and evolved as our associates

embedded their purpose, culture and

with its firmwide initiative to have at

worldwide stepped up and went beyond

values in moments that matter, including

least 50% female representation in all

to contribute, supplying necessities

recruitment, onboarding, performance

development programmes.


management, development and rewards.








(#RosewoodontheMove), leading local




At Rosewood Hotel Group, each day is full of opportunities to enrich the

enriching the lives of more than 20% of

structured learning and development

lives of our guests and colleagues.

its associate population. The initiative




To create new experiences and make





new discoveries. With us, it’s not just a





reaching new heights throughout, with












associates to


Directors. It has also revamped its global

career but a deeply rewarding journey.


Best employee wellness programme

HR Award Categories

Best employee wellness programme

KAS Group Asia KGA Wellness programme and ‘COVID-19 Wellness Programme’

Most employers recognise that the benefits of employee

KGA has launched a raft of programmes to help address

wellness programs are often intangible. An upbeat, healthy,

health, safety & wellness, including:

happy, productive, and revenue-generating workforce … isn’t that what every employer wants? It is all about creating a

KGA Wellness Week, across Asia offices: ‘Wellness

workplace of choice where you have a bunch of happy and

Week’ in a hybrid model (both in-office and virtual)

healthy employees delivering business outcomes, and at KAS

focusing on physical, mental, social and emotional

Group Asia, they like to call it ‘The Employee Positivity Factor’.

wellness to bring


holistic approach towards

overall well-being. Key sharings included: Pay It Key employee benefits:

Forward: doing good deeds and sharing the story;

When employees interact with customers, this translates


into a significantly higher customer experience. When

exercise; Health Talk on ‘Workplace Ergonomics’

employees interact with co-workers, this leads to the

and how to work pain-free; Get some Vitamin D;

generation of new ideas and solutions to business

Mindfulness: attaining peace of mind and body;

challenges, a more positive working environment,

and Office Pilates: re-energise, reset and recharge.

Step It Up: various step challenges; Flex Your Body: sessions





and more value produced by each employee—all of which positively impacts the company’s bottom line.

COVID-19 Wellness advice in locations with high COVID-19 impact including India and Bangladesh)












suitable methods for calculating ROI, the additional

term COVID complications; Impact of Covid-19



Pandemic on Children; Power of Gratitude, empathy


and companionship; and a suite of Mindfulness

contributions made by employees who are ‘well’ and

Workshops; meditation sessions; fun and dance

their impact on the company’s bottom line potentially

sessions; and creative engagement sessions for team

bury the ROI estimated by the hard-cost savings.

members’ children including art and craft, origami






employee improving





employee The

and storytelling sessions. Being able to help employees find pride and purpose in their jobs with an air of health consciousness and a sense of personal well-being inculcated in whatever they do.

It is all about creating a workplace of choice where you have a bunch of happy and healthy employees delivering business outcomes, and at KAS Group Asia, we like to call it ‘The Employee Positivity Factor’.



quick, healthy recipes for management of long-





Best employee wellness programme

PizzaExpress (Hong Kong) Limited HR Award Categories

Wellness Initiatives 2021

Pizza Express Hong Kong is proud of its family values, so when COVID erupted and life as we know it came to a pause, their

Best employee wellness programme

priority was to support their family unit, particularly with large numbers of our frontline staff unable to visit family in their home countries. Out of this need, ‘Team Wellness’ was launched with three key goals to: •

Support the physical and mental wellbeing of the team.

Celebrate the cultural diversity.

Have fun along the way.

The ‘Team Wellness’ initiative provided the opportunity for the company to show staff that it cared. Moreover, it created a brand-new platform for rewarding and thanking staff and in turn helped create a happy, healthy and positive workplace. All of this was to be achieved with smart budgeting to minimise resources and maximise impact. 2021 marks Pizza Express Hong Kong’s 20th anniversary and presented a great opportunity to celebrate this with their team with prizes, rewards and excitement. The group strives to ensure

Activities run to date have included ‘Fit for Fun’ challenges to

that Pizza Express is a workplace that offers open, transparent

promote physical exercise, innovative mindfulness workshops such

communication, staff support and is a fun, understanding and

as yoga, Singing Bowl meditations, soapmaking and learning to draw

exciting place of employment. To help facilitate these goals,

Zentangles, plus health talks and Chinese Medicine assessments.

the Group planned sustained initiatives across the year, using a

The Group also completely reinvented their annual staff party to

new internal Facebook group as an opportunity to disseminate

include a virtual live draw attended by over 300 colleagues through

information in a fun and friendly manner.

Facebook Live and the launch of a personal ‘thank you’ campaign for everyone to express gratitude to their colleagues. Pizza Express also makes a point of celebrating cultural occasions and success, recently awarding one of their chefs their first Million Dollar Menu award. Talent’s long service is also celebrated, and the Group used their 20th Anniversary to honour staff who had also been with the company for 20 years.

In this environment, we like to remind our teams: every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.


Best employee wellness programme

HR Award Categories

Best employee wellness programme

PwC Wellness Reimagined: PwC Wellness Ecosystem

PwC puts its people at the heart of all its strategies. As the Firm builds the workforce of the future, it aims to foster a holistic culture of wellness and flexibility where its people can

Key ROIs •

Reintroduce and raise awareness of the holistic wellness framework and offerings for people from all walks of life.

live healthily, work smartly and stay socially connected with one another. •

Emphase the cultural importance of empathy and compassion as a skill to take care of each other’s wellness.

The Firm launched its Wellness Reimagined App 1.0 to empower its talent to own their wellness journey in a personalised yet connected way. With this seamless one-stop-shop for

Wellness made a top priority for the firm, aligned with PwC’s people value proposition to ‘Make life rewarding’.

wellness services and products, PwC’s people are now able to make appointments and purchase PwC-curated wellness services of their own choice, including Flexi-Life Benefits, get complimentary one-on-one sessions with certified wellness

Position Wellness Reimagined App as an enabler to enhance and walk through people’s wellness journey.

professionals through Life Coach, as well as shop for wellness products with corporate discounts and have them delivered

By the end of July 2021, the App sign-up rate reached 95%

right to their doorstep through Life Store and Great Finds.

among all employees across Mainland China and Hong Kong

In addition, recognising the importance of close family and

within only three months of its launch, with the Flexi-Life

friends, PwC also went the extra mile to take care of their

benefits function achieving a 76% usage rate.

people’s loved ones by extending the coverage of plans and benefits to family and friends. Through the launch of Wellness Reimagined App 1.0, PwC has provided a platform for employees to experience how they can make ‘work-life harmony’ possible at the Firm in an innovative way, empowered by technology.


A platform for our people to own their wellness journey, human-led and technology-empowered.

Best recruitment campaign

HKBN Group

proactive, and willing to learn and take

It’s the same when you’re applying for a



up challenges. HKBN uses a host of

job—having a LUCA and knowing how to

HKBN launched their Summer Innovator

assessment factors such as areas of

tell people about it will make candidates



interest, mindset, learning agility and level

stand out from other applicants.

discover the purpose of work and live

of exposure. And of course, those who

their lives to the fullest, reflecting this

love the unique culture and demonstrate

Despite some saying HKBN are far too

year’s theme: ‘Ignite your Passion,

the ability to fit in have a significant

demanding and that the chances of getting

Jumpstart a Purposeful Career’.

advantage. Throughout the recruitment

in are no better than winning the lottery

process, interns are given chances to

(therefore not worth the effort), HKBN has

demonstrate their unique thinking and

seen applicants returning for another try after




internship 2021








outstanding skillsets while getting the

failing to make the shortlist in a previous year.



chance to truly understand HKBN’s core

And for young Talents who do get selected,

students far more than just typical

purpose. Traditional education may box

HKBN has witnessed how they have been



people into a speciality, but HKBN feels

jolted out of their comfort zones and become

facilitate students from jumping out

the need to adapt and diversify in real life.

indispensable contributors to key projects.

of their comfort zones and being an

Everything their Talents do must have a

Moreover, their energy and passion have

inspired headstart for their career,

unique and clearly defined edge if it is to

brought value to HKBN’s operations and

the programme helps mould young

make an impact—HKBN call this Legal

fostered an energetic and positive working

Talents into future leaders through

Unfair Competitive Advantage (LUCA).

environment for the whole company.






Best recruitment campaign

This summer, instead of just organising

HR Award Categories

Summer Innovator Programme 2021: Ignite your Passion, Jumpstart a Purposeful Career

finding a purposeful career. And just as HKBN builds up its Talents through entrepreneurship, continuous learning & development, and LIFE-work priority, so too it selects interns not only for their immediate impact but also for their future potential. The




programmes reflect this philosophy, not just honing hard skills with office-based

With shyness shed, horizons expanded, and eyes open to Purpose, we’re certain whatever bright careers our Summer Innovators pursue, they will make purposeful use of their HKBN experience to unleash positive change!

experiences but also supplementing them with a wide range of real-world exposures. This leaves interns much better





and able to thrive when faced with future challenges. HKBN often tells applicants not to treat any processes as an ‘interview’ but rather a two-way communication journey with give and take on both sides. The company does not expect candidates to be perfect in






exposure to extracurricular activities, but instead that they are open-minded,


Best recruitment campaign

HR Award Categories

Best recruitment campaign

PwC Empower the future with trust: 2022 PwC Campus Recruitment Campaign As we now live in a world undergoing some fundamental

in the Firm. The wide range of activities was specially

changes, building trust is becoming increasingly important.

designed to help potential talents get a clearer picture of

The future generation has a profound role to play to restore

what career and life are genuinely like at PwC to match

trust in society as a whole.

their employment preferences. The campaign has been an enormous success and yielded tens of thousands of

Living the PwC purpose, the Firm defined their 2022 campus

applications to date, mainly comprising high performers

recruitment theme as ‘Empower the future with trust’ and

from PwC’s target universities.

launched a wide range of activities covering the entire candidate journey. Key initiatives saw them:

Campaign Key ROIs

350,000 talents reached via PwC Live Show broadcast

3,000+ participants at 14 PwC Days in the five

Create nationwide awareness via ‘PwC Live Show’:

a live talk show featuring Norah, a stand-up comedian

on three social media platforms.

and PwC alumni, and PwCers from different functions, which inspires students on what life is like at PwC. •

Accelerate consideration via ‘Meet with PwC’ on

campus: offline campus talks, open days and firm

visit sessions run, in parallel, across China to share the PwC business, culture and working environment

main PwC offices across China in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Hong Kong.

100+ activities run in Spring, and 94 activities run

300,000+ views of 2022 campus recruitment-related

in Autumn.

with target talents. •

Inspire application via ‘PwC Day’: an immersive

Wechat posts

offline event where students can come to PwC offices

to experience and connect with PwCers and imagine themselves as new joiners and future partners. Through the 2022 Campus Recruitment Campaign, PwC was able to effectively and interactively communicate their beliefs and values to Gen Z—inspiring them to reimagine the impact they could bring to society by joining PwC, as well as how they could thrive personally and professionally


We’re reimagining together with Gen Z, to empower the future with trust and deliver sustained outcomes.

Best recruitment campaign

Rosewood Hotel Group HR Award Categories

Employer Branding Strategy

As part of its global expansion, the Rosewood Hotel Group has about 10,000 associates globally; and is poised to add another

Best recruitment campaign

10,000 in the next 3 - 5 years, as it enters new markets such as Japan and Brazil, where candidates may not be so familiar with the Rosewood brand. Aligning with the CEO’s vision to become the world’s leader in luxury lifestyle, new brands and businesses are being rolled out, including wellness, a private members club, lifestyle e-commerce. Candidates will have different employer expectations from these different brands and businesses, and so too, be looking for different value propositions from such potential employers. The Group has also emphasised its Purpose and Values in the knowledge that candidates look for employers who are purpose-driven and for a company whose values align with their personal values.

Key ROIs •

Promoting and building employer brand awareness and consideration in core and emerging markets with a

To create this distinctive employer brand identity, going

remarkable number of increments of LinkedIn followers

forward, the Group rolled out a sustainable three-stage

reaching the milestone of 100k followers for the

Employer Branding Strategy.

Rosewood Hotel Group Company LinkedIn Page.

Stage 1: build awareness, get in front of passive

Engaging members with compelling employee stories,

candidates, build initial brand recognition by improving

showcasing Rosewood as an employer of choice and

external perception, build general awareness, and

pushing compelling employee stories, featured across

amass target followers. Key platform measurements:

the career website, LinkedIn Life Page, WeChat, and

number of ad impressions, career page views, job

Glassdoor, to relevant talents.

views. Key organisational measurements: driving brand awareness, generation of some great buzz.

Global Management Trainee Programme has received 10,000+ Management Trainee Job Applications.

Stage 2: develop interest and consideration, develop

trust and differentiate to increase conversion and quality,






2,000+ submissions.

illustrate ‘Why Rosewood is a great place to work’ via video series, employee stories and thought leadership. Key platform measurements: content engagement rate (e.g. clicks, shares and comments), relevant

Setting up dedicated pipeline pages to capture candidate leads for core roles.

follower growth, click-through rate. Key organisational measurements: more followers and being known as a thought leader. •

Stage 3: generate leads, search, outreach and jobs to

The Group has emphasised its Purpose and Values

talents into applicants. Key platform measurements: job

in the knowledge that candidates look for employers

access relevant inbound candidates and convert interested

applications, job views, apply rate, In-mail response rates and number of hires. Key organisational measurements:

who are purpose-driven and for a company whose

getting lots of candidates, making quality key hires, and reducing time and cost to hire.

values align with their personal values.


Best L&D programme

HR Award Categories

Best L&D programme

AIA Taiwan New ways of working in L&D: creating a learning organisation with advanced tech, digital tools and networking platform to enhance employee learning mindset Seeing L&D as an investment of human capital from an

programme allowed AIA Taiwan to win the Taiwan

organisational perspective, AIA Taiwan plans their annual

Insurance Excellence Award-Silver prize in the Talent

T&D rollout through a Plan-Do-Check-Action cycle and

Development Category.

uses this as the basis to leverage its 70-20-10 learning framework for training design. Under this model, employees obtain knowledge and skills through structured curriculum


Wider community: as well as structured programme initiatives and coping with IFRS 17 going live,

learning, benefit from best-practice sharing between

AIA Taiwan is the leader on IFRS 17 issue among

interpersonal connections, and apply this to their daily work.

insurance companies in Taiwan and were invited to share their IFRS experience by the government

This L&D framework has proven an extremely effective

Insurance Bureau, Cathay Life Company, and the

approach for AIA Taiwan to transfer learned knowledge and

National Cheng Chi University among others to help

skills to its employees’ daily work projects. Performance

them better prepare for IFRS, and help positively

results, measuring employee L&D success in terms of the

impact the economy and society while carrying out

quantitative indicator of average employee productivity,

their brand promise of creating, ‘Healthier, longer, and

rose from 3.6 million in 2019 to 3.9 million in 2020,

better lives’ for all their customers.

indicating an average productivity growth of 8.3%. The Return of Investment (ROI) for AIA Taiwan on these new

With this blend of benefits for its people, the organisation

ways of L&D can be seen in three key areas:

as a whole and the wider community, AIA Taiwan has been able to leverage multiple positive impacts from its


People: after AIA Taiwan started putting its training

innovative L&D programmes. This, coupled with the 70-20-

courses online in 2020, the accumulated learning

10 blended learning approach, has catalysed a huge uptake

results rose by around 51% in just a year (from

in AIA Taiwan’s training programmes. For example, the

13,828/times/person/year in 2020 to 20,852/times/

course, ‘Soft capabilities most needed on the international

person/year in 2021). Employees are quickly getting

stage’ recently launched by AIA Taiwan, saw the trainers

used to the ‘learn online’ and ‘learn anytime anywhere’

co-working with a local publication, leveraging a series of

methods so that they can complete their learning

online videos and courses—some facilitated by the former

journeys based on their individual development plans

CEO of Microsoft, Greater China. Employees were allowed

(IDP). In addition, they can choose their interest topics

to self-enrol, with no pressure to join, and yet almost

to learn and grow their other skill sets, such as ‘digital’

50% of the company’s 330-strong team enrolled and

and ‘agile’ course topics that better equip them.

completed the programme. In addition, the CHRO hosted a post-course online sharing workshop with employees—


Organisation: leveraging the 70-20-10 learning

inviting every participant to share their takeaways from the

model to help employees learn and grow their

training. With highly positive feedback (94%), this initiative

professional knowledge for job assignments. Taking

is another excellent example of AIA Taiwan putting their

the International Financial Reporting Standard No. 17

‘learning anytime anywhere’ mantra into perfect practice.

“Insurance Contracts” (IFRS 17) learning programme as an example, the company rolled out the physical classes and online training courses to provide employees professional knowledge (10%), joined the IFRS 17 task force in the AIA Group to build a co-learning network (20%), and applied the learned knowledge and skills of IFRS 17 into a pilot process for testing and adaption to actual job assignments (70%).









L&D in AIA Taiwan is more tailor-made, more on-the-ground and more personal oriented to help the people, team and organisation grow.

Best L&D programme

HR Award Categories

Best L&D programme

KAS Group Asia KGA Learning Strategy

The fundamental goal of this initiative was to drive a culture of self-learning and disruption. KGA is on a digital transformation journey. Therefore, it was imperative for the organisation’s success that employees are open to learning new things and, thereby, future capabilities. The idea is to create

Key ROIs •

Talent Retention: HiPos were identified, and quarterly governance discussions were conducted to assess and evaluate the plans put in place by managers for these HiPos.

an environment that fosters learning from failures and experimentation. The learning nudges provided through the learning strategy empower leaders to provide quick intervention and coaching as well as guide them towards the right approach of development. Additionally, everyone is

Performance Management: included the leadership capability

framework and what ‘Amazing Looks Like’ to help differentiate top

empowered to choose the learning of their choice, and the time they want

performers. Functional and department level calibration discussions

to invest in learning.

were conducted to ensure that a high-performance bar was levied to measure the delivery of goals as well as the behaviours leveraged to deliver the goals.

The learning strategy has been vital in building talent and growing them within the organisation. The key area where the transformation has helped the business raise the bar of the overall performance, i.e. not only the ‘what’ of the business goals but the ‘how’ as well. Key levers to drive this







engagement surveys, with a full detailed survey once a year and a

change were driving a culture of change and self-disruption, and the focus

‘dipstick’ survey done mid-way. In terms of career development,

areas of the strategy involved: leadership development, building high-

employees scored: access to learning at 89% (+9% YoY), career

performing and engaged teams and learning culture. This journey was a

opportunities at 78% (+14% YoY), and manager’s interest in

significant transformation from the traditional learning approach and was

employee’s career and development at 83%.

based on four key pillars: 1.

Educate: creating awareness of the accountability of each role in

Programme Evaluation: overall, programmes received an average score of 4.3/5 for relevance and content. Furthermore, 92% of the

the learning journey and awareness around some key aspects to be

participants across all programmes gave indicative behavioural

successful in their job roles.

feedback of applying the knowledge in their job roles, with 95% confident of applying the learnings in their job roles.


Enable: building enablers for leaders and managers to empower them

with the right tools and resources to support their team’s development. One of the key mindset shifts that the KGA learning strategy focused on was moving away from a centrally driven traditional learning approach to on the job learning opportunities and identification. As a result, ‘Facilitative Leadership’ and ‘Managers as Coaches’ were launched along with ‘Building Effective Teams’ to raise the overall performance bar.


Deploy: in addition to flagship training programmes, the core of the

self-learning culture was to provide employees with tools that would allow for self-paced on the go learning through our online Learning Management System. Some of the tools, which on average 30% of employees leveraged for everyday learning via the LMS, included ‘ Leadership Insights’ with a one-minute summary reading provided, with around eight articles being read by each employee.


Evaluate & Measure: the success of the learning programmes was

evaluated using Kirkpatrick levels and KPIs connected to business success metrics.


Best L&D programme

Rosewood Hotel Group

The Daily Calling: a distinctive, quick

HR Award Categories

Rosewood Academy, Perfect Discovery, Discovery, Be a Hotelier, Clear Review, The Daily Calling and impactful way the Group shares Rosewood culture to life. Be a Hotelier: a three-day immersive experience in which all new hires get the

opportunity to experience the various hotel operation functions.

Best L&D programme

and celebrates moments that bring the

Clear Review: revamping performance management, Rosewood has done away

with annual performance reviews and introduced a tech platform to provide ongoing

Our Culture is unique. This is not a job, this is a Calling.






coupling the performance review from compensation planning. Career Transition: the Group provides career transition support and anyone

Through the Rosewood Hotel Group’s

leadership and technical skills training,

requiring a review of their CV or help with

Culture of Excellence, they have become

workshops, learning circles as well as access

job application processes and interview

a beacon in terms of attracting the most

to leadership speaker series, mentoring

skills are guided through the recruitment

extraordinary talent. Joining the Group is

and external learning resources including

process. Personalised support and online

aspirational and considered the pinnacle

LinkedIn Learning, videos and books.

webinars help ensure all global associates,

of success. The Group’s culture is unique, and they point out that working there is not a job, but rather ‘a calling’. To facilitate this, a core mission of the Group is to raise

current and past, are well equipped with Perfect Discovery: providing an immersive

practical tips on career coaching and

and engaging experience to all new hires

job searching. The Group also promotes

around the world.

internal mobility to help nurture talent and

the maturity, capability and competency of the Talent & Culture function to meet the demands of the new normal and leap

provide room for them to flex their wings, Discovery: enabling talents to discover their

calling, as joining Rosewood is not only a job

ahead of the competition with best-in-class

but also a journey for employees to discover

practices from in and outside the Industry.

their potential and exceed themselves. The

Key initiatives include:

Group ensures all onboarding associates,





departments, functions and locations.

whether part-time, intern or full-time, have Rosewood Academy: transforming the

the same seamless experience of learning

approach to learning and development

about Rosewood and becoming part of the

across the Group is committed, at all levels,

Rosewood community. The Group is also

to grooming the next generation for high

committed to developing all associates

performance and potential. Their Academy

through personalised training programmes,

offers leadership development programmes

and when they join the company, they are

to accelerate talent growth with a 12-month

paired with a trainer to guide them through


their unique Discovery programmes.




Best D&I initiative

HR Award Categories

Best D&I initiative

EY Equity for All

EY has been promoting the motto of ‘Building






believe promoting gender, racial and sexual orientation equity is important to maintain a professional business environment. To this end, the EY organisation has engaged in a raft of Diversity & Inclusiveness (D&I) initiatives including formulating the Inclusion and Non-Discrimination Global Policy to embrace multicultural experience and diversity.

Building a better working world, together we promote gender, racial

EY in Hong Kong received recognition in 2021 with the Gold Award in the inaugural Equal

and sexual orientation equity.

Opportunity Employer Recognition Scheme by the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) - the only Big Four receiving this Formulating the Mentorship Programme

what it means to bring their true selves

Diversity & Inclusion Strategy by CTgoodjobs.

to pair up high-potential female staff

to work on Pink Friday.

The EY organization also signed the Good


Employer Charter and was recognised as

more women into the pipeline of

a “Family-friendly Good Employer” by the

management positions.

honour, and Grand Award winner of the Best




move •

x Fruits in Suits Mentorship Program to offer a safe environment for student

Labour Department, and signed the Racial D&I Charter in 2019.


The EY Hong Kong D&I Committee and

discussions to support them in being their best selves. Establishing



bisexual, •

24-hour EY Global Marathon event to

multiple support networks promote equity

transgender and allies (LGBTA) network to



promote LGBT inclusion in the workplace


Professional Women’s Network (PWN), Unity

to build close-knit communities and allow

Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.

and the Cultural Diversity Network (CDN).

colleagues to reach their potential.




Professional Women’s Network (PWN) •

Rated as Gold Standard in Hong Kong Top Employers for LGBT+ Inclusion Index

broader social network for female

Supporting Gay Games 11 Hong Kong 2022.

Sponsoring OUT Leadership Asia Summit



to bring together leading figures from



with in



University for Women, Teach for Hong

Joined ‘Partnering for Racial Justice in

around Asia for panels, discussions, and

Business’ by the World Economic Forum

networking events on LGBTQ+ equality.

during The Davos Agenda 2021.


continue moving ahead in promoting gender equality.

CDN collaborated with EY Ripples, the

Kong and Delia Memorial School.

career development at EY. •


programme, on projects with Asian •

professionals to connect, forming a sense of belonging and promoting their


EY global Corporate Responsibility

by Community Business in 2021.

Establishing the PWN committee to


Cultural Diversity Network (CDN)

drive different initiatives to build a


Formulated the Queer Straight Alliance

Held Lego Serious Play Workshop to allow colleagues to explore stories of

Received Gold Award for the Best D&I Initiative by HR Magazine in 2020.

Best D&I initiative


At the beginning of 2021, Diversity & Inclusion was prioritised as one of the top people agendas at IBM Consulting Hong Kong. The goals being to promote the awareness and importance of diversity, equity and inclusion, particularly in empowering women’s success in technology.

As we continue to uphold the values of diversity, inclusion, and equity, we will make IBM a better and stronger company

Key milestones Mar 2021: launched the IBM Women’s Day Campaign on social media to share the successes of female leaders at IBM Consulting Hong Kong. The campaign was exceptionally well received with a plethora of views and likes. May 2021: ran a series of training sessions for all managers to raise awareness of unconscious bias.

Best D&I initiative

IBM recognises the unique value and skills every individual brings to the workplace and their clients. Arvind Krishna, CEO, IBM, noted, “I fundamentally believe that as we continue to uphold the values of diversity, inclusion, and equity, we will make IBM a better and stronger company.”

HR Award Categories

IBM Consulting Diversity & Inclusion Initiative Programme

Jul 2021: launched an internal D&I survey as an interim feedback mechanism to gauge the effectiveness of the D&I programme and collect ideas on what to focus on next. Nov 2021: partnered with The Women’s Foundation on the ‘Girls Go Tech Program’ and hosted a group of 30 secondary schoolgirls from diverse backgrounds to highlight the importance and market impacts of blockchain technology and inspire them to embark on tech careers.


Best D&I initiative

HR Award Categories

Best D&I initiative

PwC Maternity and infant healthcare programme

PwC, has always cared about its people’s health, safet y

Firm also encourages knowledge sharing among working

and happiness, and fully understands that working

mothers and hosts face-to-face sessions regularly in its

mothers are especially facing challenges in their daily

Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen offices, which

work and life. With this in mind, it launched the ‘Maternit y

were shifted to online sessions after the outbreak of

and Infant Healthcare Programme’ in Februar y 2018 to


help relieve their family duties and motherhood struggles. In light of the pandemic, with employee health being Working mothers are often busy fulfilling their family

emphasised more than ever, PwC has further refined

duties, especially when their children get sick. Considering

its programme, based on employee feedback. Firstly,

that it is difficult to make timely appointments at public

incorporating COVID-19 related suppor t in their general

hospitals in China, PwC came up with t wo innovative

healthcare consultation ser vices. Secondly, establishing

solutions to help them:

a ‘Bubbly Girl’ WeChat group, where non-pregnancy-andpuerperal-period female employees can have girls’ talks.






appointment bookings for urgent issues. •

Thirdly, in bringing traditional Chinese medicine experts onboard to enrich the healthcare offerings.

Healthcare WeChat Group: providing 12/7 healthcare consultation ser vices.

A dedicated WeChat ser vice account has also been

Key 2021 programme highlights •

5,000 employees subscribed to WeChat service account.

44,000 views of online healthcare lectures.

1,500 par ticipants of offline healthcare talks.


established under the Maternit y and Infant Healthcare Programme to share relevant medical and scientific ar ticles along with health tips on a weekly basis. The





medical practitioners. •

8 m i l l i o n cost s av i ngs d u e to re d u ce d t i m e of h osp i t a l e ng ag e m e nt s .

PwC remains passionate about its mission and will continue to provide all-round healthcare and wellness programmes for its people.

We understand our people have different struggles at different stages of their life, and we are here to back them.


Best workspace

Atrium HR Consulting

workspace that breeds creativity, collaboration, interaction

workplace, it had four key goals in mind. Firstly, to create

... and hence joy. Williams noted that this atmosphere

joy at work; Secondly, to take talents from simply being ‘OK’

then encourages and motivates employees and positively

to ‘thriving’; thirdly, to encourage greater interaction and

influences their performance and productivity.

collaboration between colleagues; and fourthly, to support an overall sense of well-being and fulfilment.

The Atrium workspace is designed and structured to help employees seem more approachable by generating a feeling

Pauline Mei Ling Williams, Director at the Company, has

Best workspace

When Atrium HR Consulting wanted to create a winning

HR Award Categories

Thriving in the Workplace—Creating Joy at Work

of community and a more collaborative culture.

pioneered a suite of initiatives to help achieve these goals, which started with spreading quite a lot of joy. First, she created a joyful workspace that communicates and reflects the organisation’s vision and values. Then she created a joyful atmosphere in a workspace, which is crucial as it

Joyful workspaces, especially during this challenging

influences the behaviours of employees and ultimately the customer experience.

time, help support employee well-being, ensuring they

Pauline has also worked to ensure joyful attitudes of

feel happy and fulfilled while promoting dialogue,

employees in the workplace, as these can also help reflect and amplify the overall workspace vibe. To help facilitate

openness, and transparency.

this, Atrium HR Consulting has created a friendly and open


Best workspace

HR Award Categories

Best workspace

EY Extraordinary work experience empowered by connective, modern, caring workspace EY in Hong Kong recently moved to a new

high-tech autofocus webcams and interactive

well-being as a cornerstone. The office

office space in Quarry Bay in May 2021. The

flipcharts. Employees can use the EY Mobile

design includes height-adjustable tables,

award-winning new office design offers a

App to connect with the office facilities, check


connective, modern and safe workspace for

in/out the work desk and access work areas

technology which helps reduce glare and

EY people. Three core elements are at the

via a QR code. An online booking system

reflectance to provide a more comfortable

heart of the design, ensuring it facilitates an

and room booking device help arrange room

work environment. In addition, air quality

extraordinary workspace.

allocation and meeting bookings to make our

sensors monitor air quality and regulate

work life even more convenient.

ventilation to ensure good air quality. The

Connected Workspace We







space also features special caring rooms, and


essentially. The space offers a range of communal spaces with hot desk design.

Caring Workspace

including breastfeeding facilities and a multi-

The safe work environment allows EY

faith room to respect every employee’s

talents to work and thrive, with employees’

religion and care about their needs.

The Collaborate Zone features touchdown workspace and a sofa-and-armchair area to facilitate socialising and relaxed discussion of projects. This zone encourages colleagues to open up and elaborate more on their ideas

The award-winning new office design offers a connective, modern and safe workspace for EY people.

in a relaxed environment, enhances team relationships, boosts team morale and helps ignite sparks of inspiration. The







open and

meeting rooms to accommodate teamwork, gatherings and training sessions. This zone facilitates talents moving around freely to promote creative and innovative ideas. Inidividual Workspace Modern Workspace

The EY office now provides a flexible and efficient work environment with modern facilities that leverage the latest technology to help colleagues be more productive and handle challenges with greater flexibility. Individual workspace features desks with accessible hubs, 24” inch monitors and audio ports. Sensors automatically keep track of hot desk utilisation and occupancy status. Phone Booths provide a silent and disturbance-free zone for maximum concentration. Meeting Rooms are equipped with highresolution monitors, built-in microphones,


Community Zone

Collaborate Zone

Best workspace


Best workspace

Mattel’s mission is to empower the next generation to explore the wonder of childhood and reach their full potential. With this, the company promises to create innovative products and experiences that inspire, entertain, and develop children through play. And things are no different when it comes to Mattel’s workplaces, as they create the best job and the best work environment for its talent teams—with play as their language, they make play their work.

HR Award Categories

We Collaborate. We Innovate. We Execute!

To keep things play ful, Mat tel strives to create the best workplace for its employees and to create a more diverse and inclusive environment both in the company and in the world around it . In view of the continued challenges riding from COVID -19 faced by the organisation, wellness has been a key focus. Mat tel initiated its Employee Wellness 360 programme to ensure that it provided the most positive workplace experience possible to help all its employees stay happy and healthy — physically, mentally, socially and f inancially. Greater workplace flexibilit y like flexi hours and work from home arrangements are put in place in supporting the psychological safet y and well-being of employees. In addition to this work from home flexibilit y, Mattel also provides advice on home office set-up and helps with the provision of the latest tech to facilitate WFH along with health advice and tips for remote work. In Mattel’s offices, significant work has been put into creating relaxing office workspaces. Each employee is afforded a sit-down/stand-up desk so they can benefit from changing their posture throughout the workday, and select the perfect work height for their workstation. The office also features table football, so employees can take a bit of time out from work and enjoy a game of fuzzball with their colleagues. T h e m e et i n g ro o m s h a ve b e e n s p e c i a l l y d e s i g n e d a t M a t te l to c re a te u s e r- f r i e n d l y, f l ex i b l e w o r k s p a c e s fo r t i m e s w h e n c o l l e a g u e s n e e d to g et to g et h e r fo r m e et i n g s , c o l l a b o r a t i ve p ro j e ct s a n d te a m b u i l d i n g a ct i v i t i e s .

We have the best job and offer the best work environment as play is our language and we make play our work.

Mattel’s flexible workspaces and work arrangements are complemented with a raft of family-friendly initiatives and fun programmes, all of which have been greatly appreciated by employees, and manifest in high levels of employee engagement and internal pride. Mattel was also awarded the ‘Best Workplace’ Bronze Award by HR Magazine in 2020.


Best work-life integration

Best work-life integration

AIA Taiwan New ways of working-hybrid style

Hybrid approaches, work-life-balance leave, and mountain climbing for greater employee choice

AIA Taiwan cares deeply about the work life balance of its employees and has a raft of staff welfare programmes to support

HR Award Categories

this goal, including: •

Multiple annual leave types: 14 days annual leave, 2 days family care leave, 12 days full-pay sick leave, 18 days of half-paid sick leave and parental leave.

Employee group insurance to take care of employees and their direct family members.

Annual employee health check & travel subsidy.

Employee club activities including, badminton, coffee,

even more attention and care to employees’ conditions in

jogging, and hot dance clubs.

providing even more flexibility. Currently, 70% of colleagues can

With the impact of COVID-19 this year, the company has devoted

now leverage WFH, and the other 30% who cannot work from •

Year-end party to appreciate employees’ contributions over

home due to their job natures, are given work-life-balance leave

the year.

that allows them to pick up one day a month to relax and recharge themselves before returning to the office.

On-site doctor consulting services by quarterly: caring for the health of employees

In addition to hybrid working styles, AIA Tawian’s CEO also made a very thoughtful move in setting up the ‘CEO iTouch online’ aimed

Massage service for employees.

Healthy nudge activities including, healthy workshops,

cared about employee feelings concerning WFH and provided the

stress-relief activities, healthy exercises, walking, and

opportunity for him to help with any difficulties they were having

mountain climbing.

at work. The CEO iTouch online meetings garnered very positive

at WFH employees during the pandemic. The CEO held 11 online meetings to communicate with employees; this demonstrated he

employee feedback, who said the meetings were very inspiring. •

Employee Assistance Plan (EAP). Despite the impact of the pandemic this year being more severe for Taiwan than last year, the company’s continued care for employees and emphasis on work-life balance was manifest in the results of the 2021 Gallup Employee Engagement Survey, which showed AIA Taiwan had 72% engaged employees, compared to 58% for all financial institutions participating in the Survey.

Work-Life balance helps employees in AIA Taiwan to live well, plan well, think well, feel well ... then work well!


Best work-life integration

HR Award Categories

Best work-life integration

HKBN Group LIFE-work Priority

At HKBN, when they say LIFE-work Priorit y, they truly mean LIFE-work priorit y rather than work-life balance, that is at HKBN there is no ‘balance’ only prioritisation of LIFE over work. Adapting to a changing workplace under COVID-19, HKBN empowered its Talents to choose when, where, and how they work. In March 2021, they piloted a new hybrid mode, giving Talents the flexibilit y to work from home at least one day per week, when possible. In August 2021, later making this their ‘4+1 Hybrid Work Mode’ for balancing the benefits of team collaboration with individual flexibilit y. Echoing the Life-work Priority principle, HKBN always encourages its Talents to live a healthier, active and more rewarding life. The organisation has continued to organise various activities and talks to improve wellness levels in four core areas: physical health, mental health, financial health and social health. Besides, employees get comprehensive leave benefits including half-days off on Friday once-a-month, half-day leave during important festive occasions, 17 days’ public holiday entitlement, examination leave—not only for Talents’ development but also to help Talents’ children study, volunteer leave, family care leave, birthday leave, anniversary leave, bonus leave, adoption leave, upgraded maternity leave, paternity leave, and grandparenthood leave. For Talents who need more vacation leave, HKBN also offers a bonus leave scheme, allowing them to use one day’s pay to redeem for two days’ leave, up to 10 days a year. Overall, the company’s entitlement policies provide the equivalent of about 39 additional days off annually for each Talent. With the flexible working arrangement and HKBN’s comprehensive leave benefits, Talents can freely allocate their time to family and personal development. HKBN is happy to see that Talents judge themselves based on a long-term sustainable pursuit of ‘purpose + profit ’ rather than the number of hours worked. ‘ Work to LIVE, not live to work ’ is no longer just a slogan but a ‘phenomenon’ in HKBN.

At HKBN, we truly mean LIFE-work priority rather than work-life balance, i.e. for us there is no balance, rather we clearly prioritise LIFE over work.


Best work-life integration






HR Award Categories

Employee Wellness 360: balancing work and home life


together with active, positive lifest yles. organisation



Best work-life integration



employees’ well-being and strives to balance the work and home life of all its talent teams. While fully committed to suppor ting its employees, consumers, communities and the planet, nothing is more impor tant to Mattel than the well-being of its employees and their families. Flexibilit y is key in creating a culture of psychological safet y and well-being dif fering Mattel,


ever yone

challenges therefore,


and has

anxieties. striven


maintain a balance of work and home life for all employees from a holistic and multi-faceted approach. Flexible working arrangements: work

from home arrangements to maximise flexibility,





departure times for employees working

Flexibility is key in creating a culture of psychological safety and well-being as everyone navigates differing challenges and anxieties.

in the office. Work-life balance benefits: early offs

on Fridays and festive celebrations to events:

Physical fitness: wellness webinars on

when holidays fall on Saturdays. Parental/

and meditation challenges, the Global Step

healthy eating. Sanitiser kits and daily fruit

Maternity leave and work from home

Challenge, Mattel Play It Forward, Mattel

baskets are provided to all staff. Employee

arrangement to support new parents.

Play Dates, Special Olympic Hong Kong

massage sessions.

Team building events and fun Birthday

Fun Day, Mattel Global Gift of Play. Special

and Anniversary celebrations.

staff purchase schemes for toys and face

enable employees to better enjoy their personal







initiatives include free Headspace accounts

masks. Health and Safety tips on remote Family-friendly policy: dependants also enjoy medical and dental benefits.

Social fitness: Recreational social clubs, APAC and local competitions and festival

working, home office set up and virtual fire

celebrations. CSR sessions run, including

drill training. Physical yoga classes.

Earth Day and International Women’s Day,

In addition, family members join the company’s vir tual Talent Shows and

pain relief, strengthening the back and

help raise awareness on important topics. Financial fitness: wellness workshops

Vir tual Letter Writing initiatives as par t

and wellness programme that provides

Globally, Mattel continues to be recognised

of the global Play It For ward Campaign.

reward points for voucher redemption.

for its efforts around philanthropy, health

Gif ts are distributed at celebrations to share a little joy among employee families too.

and Emotional fitness: webinars on better sleep, music therapy, and a fully-funded EAP.





sustainability, responsible supply chain and product safety.


Best HR vendor (recruitment)

Atrium HR Consulting HR Vendor Award Categories

International Recruitment

Global HR solutions

Atrium’s International Recruitment solves HR problems by providing a bespoke service that matches the best candidates to senior positions. Saving clients time and profiling, coaching and concierge onboarding. Through global networks and recruitment specialists, Atrium ensures suitable and sustainable staff selection and integration to senior international and expatriate positions. Selecting the right candidates

Improving results

Atrium of fers a comprehensive ser vice that is both

Finding the right senior staff to fill vacancies in multiple

time-ef ficient and cost-ef fective. All aspects of the

global locations can be expensive and time-consuming

recruitment process can be carried out remotely,

when looking beyond the local talent pool. Atrium can


step in to provide a bespoke solution, relieving HR

preparing candidates for inter views. By carr ying out

departments of the hassle of vetting, interviewing, testing

the entire process remotely, the client saves money on

and shortlisting suitable candidates. Operating a global

travel and accommodation costs.

shor tlisting,




Best HR vendor (recruitment)

money and prepping candidates from the initial application,

network of offices, Atrium’s dedicated team of recruitment specialists provide access to over 250 million executives in

Saves time: only allocate time for final interviews

over 189 countries, allowing clients to find the best people

Reduces costs: no travel and accommodation expenses

from a world of talent. In-depth practical, competence

Consistency: retain corporate message throughout global outpost offices

and psychometric testing ensure only the most suitable candidates are shortlisted.

Bespoke service: provided by experienced global HR professionals

Finding the best talent •

Cut recruitment costs by up to 65%

Access to specialist market knowledge

Extend your global reach

Access to suitable candidates, not applicants

Solve internal capacity issues by vetting, testing, profiling and prepping

Control over consistency

Achieving faster results

Atrium’s Global HR Solutions provide the means to match the best candidates to senior positions, relieving HR departments of the hassle of vetting, testing, profiling and prepping, until the final interview. As a result, HR can save time, reduce costs and ensure corporate consistency. Moreover, Atrium doesn’t tie clients to an exclusive contract, leaving them the flexibility to switch suppliers and the packages for different positions.


Best HR vendor (recruitment)

HR Vendor Award Categories

Best HR vendor (recruitment)

Elabram Group End-to-end HR outsourcing solutions

Elabram’s primary mission is to assist HR with its valuable and efficient services. The company provides three core service types: • • •

end-to-end services in HR Outsourcing executive search for managerial positions temporary recruitment solutions for short-term projects/roles

These services are managed via multiple bespoke approaches. Firstly, Elabram implements technology in its business process. They then create an effective system recruitment-based strategy that can not only reduces the time to hire but also increases the effectiveness of the process. With five branches already firmly established across the Southeast Asia region, Elabram understands the individual laws, regulatory and compliance issues, and unique HR requirements of each jurisdiction. This indepth local knowledge coupled with a regional network enables them to help search for best-fit talent for clients across APAC. In terms of people, Elabram maintains a global database and network so that their team of dedicated recruiters can source the best talents from multiple industries and leverage their skills to ensure the right talent lands in the right organisation. With Elabram doing the heavy lifting, this leaves clients to focus on their core business and what they do best.

We think globally and act locally. With five branches across Southeast Asia, we excel in helping HR find and onboard the best talent for permanent and temporary positions.


Best HR vendor (recruitment)

First Advantage HR Vendor Award Categories

Recruitment: comprehensive background check solutions

First Advantage delivers comprehensive background check solutions that enable recruiters to make confident choices, reduce risk, and maintain compliance. It uniquely offers a single product and the most comprehensive

Best HR vendor (recruitment)

suite of checks worldwide, including 96% of all countries and territories. Offering an advanced global technology platform, superior customer ser vice and compliance expertise delivered by local staff who understand local markets, First Advantage helps customers worldwide build fully scalable, configurable screening programs that meet their unique needs. Background screening helps guard financial loss and reputational damage from wrong hires. When HR teams include background screening in their onboarding process, they can avoid the potential costs of bad hires, including: •

Salary paid

Training investment

Potential sickness and absence leave

Compensation (severance)

Recruitment costs

Low morale within the team and wider business

Reputational damage

Brand damage

Protect brand and reputation

Customer attrition

Protect customers and employees

Revenue loss

Reduce loss of loyalty and trust

Guard against financial loss

By screening employees, employers can:

First Advantage is a leading global provider of technology solutions for screening, verifications, safety, and compliance related to human capital. The company delivers innovative solutions and insights that help customers manage risk and hire the best talent. Enabled by its proprietary technology platform,






help companies protect their brands and provide safe environments for their customers and their most important resources: employees, contractors, and contingent workers. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, First Advantage supports over 30,000 clients worldwide with 26 offices throughout North America, Europe, India and Asia. In addition, the company’s 75 million international background screens annually cover 200+countries and territories.


Best HR vendor (HRIS)

HR Vendor Award Categories

Best HR vendor (HRIS)

BIPO Automated HR, multi-country payroll solutions

Marrying the passion for technology with innovation,

announcements and changes in the workplace.



Through this self-service feature, businesses can

Management System helps businesses scale up through

reduce administrative workflows by up to 40% while

the digitalisation of HR processes. In addition, the Group

maximising internal resources simultaneously.





provides automated HR, multi-country payroll solutions with built-in payroll calculation compliant with statutory regulations to ensure error-free processing.

2 .

Per formance Management: to suppor t employees working from home, Line Managers can evaluate

employees’ per formance and provide continuous feedback within the integrated HRMS plat form to

BIPO’s business strategy is based on four pillars:

suppor t employees working from home. Seamless •

Service excellence

and convenient, this tool is ideal for working

Technology and innovation

remotely, resulting in an estimated 3.5 days time

Thought leadership that drives engagement across

savings per employee.

HR and business communities •

Employee engagement among BIPO’s internal teams


BIPO Payroll: a complete HRMS solution with multi-

country statutory support, automating the entire

With a focus on providing customers with a trusted

payroll process, removing manual calculations and

launchpad for grow th, the BIPO platform is ISO-27001

increasing efficiency and accuracy.



multi-countr y



boosting local business leaders’ confidence in BIPO’s partnership to champion their international expansion


BIPO mobile app: available in multiple languages is a ‘made for mobility’ solution, helping businesses and

plans. The platform and solutions have been designed

employees stay connected 24/7 while on the move.

to build enterprise resilience and boost workplace

Integrating with BIPO’s Time & Attendance module

productivit y

that enables employees to check-in or clock-in safely






and accurately with GPS Location.

capabilities through streamlining processes. Core modules in BIPO’s HR Management System:

BIPO is committed to providing professional human


resource system solutions for global companies and SMEs


alike. With agile, cloud-based solutions made for mobility,

Leave Management

BIPO’s intuitive, multi-lingual mobile app ensures businesses

Time & Attendance Management

and their employees stay connected 24/7, with on-demand


access to information readily available through any smart

Performance Management

device. Furthermore, without the need for separate system


integration or installation, the functionality of the mobile app significantly improves productivity, resulting in cost savings

During the pandemic when remote work and hybrid

by as much as 25%, ensuring businesses stay cost-efficient

work arrangements are the norm, BIPO’s HRMS platform

and cost-effective.

addresses specific pain points faced by businesses: Our North Asian hub in Hong Kong, along with our 1.

BIPO Employee Hub: a self-service portal with an

global infrastructure in more than 100 countries and

intuitive multilingual user experience and automatic

regions, helps businesses expand compliantly. At BIPO,

workflows reducing administrative burden. It also

our passion for technology and innovation empowers


businesses to shape the future of HR, ensuring increased






to keep employees abreast of updated policies,


efficiency and convenience.

BIPO celebrates their success at the HR Magazine Awards 2020


Best HR vendor (HRIS)

Best HR vendor (HRIS)

IBM Transform hiring interviews into AI-powered personalised career conversations IBM is transforming hiring interviews into AI-powered personalised

HR Vendor Award Categories

career conversations and elevating leader and candidate

Experience-Based Candidate Engagements: candidates

are greeted with a hassle-free, meaningful experience from the

experiences with smarter, faster decision making and rewarding

initial questionnaire to personalised interview and report, which

user-centric digital interactions. AIA topped MDRT for six years

they would receive post-interview as a token of appreciation.

running with one of Hong Kong’s largest agency forces, yet

Design principles are simple, intuitive and conversational

currently faces around a 70% industry-wide three-month attrition.

based on mutual exploration between the candidate and AIA.

The Career Aptitude Test (CAT) delivered by IBM heads up a multi-

Candidate engagements are further personalised with tailored

phase AI-powered transformation to enrich the end-to-end career

interview questions, meaningful ‘facilitation talks’, and ongoing

experiences for the best next-gen agents and meet these hiring

onboarding and training suggestions—all powered by analytics

challenges. The goal is simpler, faster, smarter: promote full digital

and mapped to their candidate profile, driving higher candidate

adoption, eliminate decentralised manual processes, and embed

interest and satisfaction.

powerful analytics. Digitalising the Old, Uncovering the New: combining seasoned







solutions are strong concepts of empowerment and best-in-

leaders and trainers’ tacit experience, existing performance and

class self-service across every element of the talent journey.

behavioural data, and machine learning empowers leaders to

With a personalised data-driven report toolkit and insights

make informed unbiased hiring decisions.

dashboards, young aspiring leaders can facilitate more effective targeted interviews to evaluate a candidate’s organisational fit.

Integrated Seamless Career Experience: the IBM system

Meanwhile, senior leaders can identify HiPo talents for fast-track,

covers all bases from personalised candidate interview experience

match candidates with their best-fit leaders, and manage the

to bespoke onboarding and training recommendations to

team’s near real-time performance data against their predictive

seamless digital interactions for leaders’ post-onboarding people

success potential.

and performance management. Centralised, Smart Candidate/Agent Profiling Framework:


Advocacy for Digital Adoption: digital and analytics are critical drivers of AIA’s enhanced abilities to recruit, train, and actively

CAT empowers leaders with a common holistic framework

manage an increasing number of new agents in real-time. CAT

to unbiasedly identify, evaluate and fast-track future leaders.

is the first digital tool in AIAHK to cover this end-to-end journey,

Grounded on established psychological theories, knowledge

providing rapid, seamless, connected workflow interactions with

from business, recruitment, training professionals and 800+

its existing recruitment platform iRecruit affords leaders and

agent data samples, IBM used data science to create the ideal

candidates frictionless integrated experiences, creating deeper,

agent profiling model focused on eight core competencies to

richer data for analytics and a connected data ecosystem with

help HR match key talent.

smarter synergies, driving efficiency and scalability.

Best HR vendor (HRIS)

Nemesysco HR Vendor Award Categories

Voice analytics technology

The goal of Nemesysco’s technology is to empower HR to make better hiring decisions and build strong teams. The company’s voice analytics technology for genuine emotion detection allows HR to understand beyond the spoken

Best HR vendor (HRIS)

words and reveal the true intentions of job candidates and employees. The technology works by detecting and measuring uncontrolled psychophysiological changes to a person’s voice during open conversations. It is indifferent to language or content of speech and measures emotions including excitement, uncertainty, stress and others that are not overtly expressed. current HR applications that rely on artificial intelligence organisational

(AI). Instead of using AI-driven capabilities, which reinforce

consultants and internal HR teams. The technology

biases and even stereotypes, Nemesysco’s technology

analyses the voices of job candidates and employees

allows HR to evaluate each candidate and employee as a

being considered for promotions during interviews and

unique individual.







in response to dedicated questionnaires. The emotions personality

Recently, Nemesysco has been helping HR cope with the

characteristics and competencies, such as motivation,

ongoing impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on employee

teamwork, leadership capabilities and more. By matching

engagement and hiring in two main directions. Firstly,

the personalities and competencies of candidates and

since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, millions

employees with the values of an organisation, Nemesysco

of employees around the world have been forced to work

creates a more robust match for both sides.

from home for the foreseeable future in conditions that are





severely impacting individual and team productivity. Even With the solution, HR can enable its organisation to engage

though technologies for remote employee collaboration,

more productive employees who are more inclined to stay

such as video conferencing and virtual shared working

with the organisation over the long term. At the same time,

spaces, are enabling businesses to continue working,

it helps HR avoid hiring and promotion decisions that are

managers cannot fully understand and measure how

mismatched for both sides. Moreover, the technology

these new conditions impact the performance and overall

helps HR overcome the biases built into many of the

state of mind of their employees. As a result, HR teams worldwide have begun using the Nemesysco technology for remote employee wellness monitoring. The technology runs in the background during real-time or recorded conversations with employees and initially establishes a baseline for each monitored employee and monitors for changes in emotions relevant to the workplace, such as stress, frustration, fatigue, motivation and enthusiasm. Secondly, the system has enabled HR teams to successfully support the transition to remote recruiting and hiring practices, providing the tools to equip recruiters with the knowledge of non-verbal cues that are not accessible via digital communication, yet extremely valuable for any HR assessment and decision-making.


Best HR vendor (wellness)

HR Vendor Award Categories

Best HR vendor (wellness)

Atrium HR Consulting Employee Benefits that come with dedication

Atrium’s market knowledge is second-to-none, and making the most

Group shops the market on the client’s behalf. If an insurer wants to be

of this vast expertise, the Group has four primary goals that guide

competitive, they need to drop their prices because they know Atrium

them every day and in everything they do. Firstly, is to craft the best

will show better offers and benefits with both new business and annual

policies at the most competitive prices, which is accomplished through

renewals of existing business.

vigorous negotiation with every insurer at every renewal. Secondly, assemble and maintain the world’s premier employee benefits team

Atrium’s team of experts saves our clients time and hassle by taking

to provide our clients with the world-class dedicated support they

care of the arduous, though necessary, administration work required

require and deserve. Thirdly, to constantly assess (and re-assess) the

by insurers. Clients notify Atrium of changes and leave them to do the

employee benefits market, understanding all the new products and

back work to notify the proper contacts within the insurance company.

services offered by various providers and benchmarking on behalf of

This saves clients a lot of work since each insurance company has

customers. Finally, to lighten the administrative burden on overworked

their own unique and different system; no two insurers are the same.

HR professionals to the greatest extent by handling as much of the

Atrium’s relationships across the insurance market affords them

day-to-day paperwork and background tasks as possible.

familiarity with multiple insurance company systems so clients can save their own time and money in learning this.

In these unprecedented times, it is even more critical for benefits professionals to ensure that their employee benefits (such as their

This client business becomes part of Atrium and the Alliance Group’s

medical and life insurance policies) are fit-for-purpose by helping to

‘book of business’ with the chosen insurer. This has excellent benefits,

engage, motivate, reward and retain their people. Atrium’s reputation,

as the insurers are incentivised to keep Atrium clients happy because

experience and knowledge in this field empowers them to support

they want to maintain their business relationships with the Group,

clients in their efforts to engage, motivate, reward and retain their

which drives lots of business their way. Although an insurer could

talent, often their most expensive investment. Atrium sources the best

afford to lose one ‘small group’, they cannot afford to lose their

and most appropriate benefits at the best price, which is the most

business relationship with their top broker. Therefore, our clients

explicit demonstration of how we can help trim their bottom line while

benefit by being part of this ‘book of business’. Moreover, all EB clients

maintaining benefits of the highest order.

become part of the Atrium family, which means they become eligible for discounts and offers on our other award-winning global services,


Employee benefit costs are lower when a client uses Atrium’s EB service

including International Recruitment, Global Wellness, and Training and

to secure their group medical and life insurance policies because the

Development initiatives, as well as tailored HR Support.

Best HR vendor (wellness)

HandsOn Hong Kong make a difference in the community and connect to one another

A 2018 study by corporate giving soft ware company, Benevit y,

meaningful way by creating ser vice activities that empower teams

looked at more than t wo million users worldwide across 118

to give their time and talent to make a difference in the community

enterprise companies to study the link bet ween participation in

and connect to one another. The programmes help meet three

company purpose initiatives and employee retention. They found

core goals:

that turnover was reduced by an average of 57% for employees who were actively engaged in their company’s giving and


Connection: when employees have felt disconnected due

volunteering efforts.

programmes that instil a sense of connection—to the

Closer to home, Hong Kong-focused research conducted by

community and one another.

Nielsen in 2018 (pro bono work for HandsOn) found that 83% of

to remote working and social distancing, HandsOn offers

respondents said volunteering improves their mental health and 2.

Engagement: the HandsOn team develops programmes

well-being, while 82% said it makes them feel more empowered.

to run in-person, or virtually that engage employees to

In addition, 86% agreed that company-sponsored volunteering

learn about their community, tr y new experiences, stretch

activities help bind teams together, and 80% replied that it boosts

themselves beyond their day job, and have fun at the same

their sense of belonging. HandsOn’s own research in 2020 with

time. These shared experiences among teams create a

volunteers showed that beyond wishing to help the communit y,

positive impact on the world. They also help break down silos

the number t wo reason for ser ving was to support the volunteer’s

within organisations and bind them together with a sense of

own well-being.

Best HR vendor (wellness)

HandsOn helps companies engage with their employees in a more

HR Vendor Award Categories

Service activities that empower teams to give their time and talent to

collective achievement. 3.

Ease: HR leaders count on HandsOn to develop innovative, well-

managed programmes and provide a meaningful experience for their employee volunteers. The team of professionals is experienced running programs, but they also conduct regular needs assessments with 100+ charity partners, keeping their finger on the pulse and ensuring that each programme run addresses specific needs in the community.

Community engagement provides companies with the opportunity to demonstrate their values, engage their employees and contribute towards a more inclusive society and sustainable future. HandsOn believes that doing well in business and doing good for the community are not mutually exclusive goals. Companies that successfully integrate business goals with responsible Environmental, Social and Governance (EST) practices are often more profitable, sustainable and resilient. Engaging employees in social impact programmes is also closely connected to a company’s ability to attract and retain talent—a critical factor in ESG scoring and indicator of a company’s long-term financial health. According to research by PwC, 88% of millennials gravitate towards companies with strong CSR programmes, and 86% would consider leaving if their employer’s programmes no longer met their expectations.


Best HR vendor (wellness)

HR Vendor Award Categories

Best HR vendor (wellness)

Starmaker Creating the right conditions for people to actualise the highest vision of themselves Now more than ever, people need a boost of meaning and connection. So Starmaker has been working with companies around Hong Kong throughout the pandemic to be of service and encouragement to the people they work with. As a family business, a sense of sincerity and compassion is at the heart of all their work, having honest conversations with modern professionals about how to grow and thrive. A theme that has been a focus of StarMaker for years but has organically emerged as an unspoken need by many of the teams and individuals they work with is identifying and navigating negative emotions. A desire for wellbeing underpins all of our motivations; however, how we act on our motivations do not always create and increase wellbeing. Gaining the tools necessary to adjust behaviour and build habits is the first step to going beyond a growth mindset and participating in growth itself. Starmaker helps organisations get the best out of their people and help people get the most out of their work, and their central mandate is to create the right conditions for people to actualise the highest vision of themselves. Teresa and Sam shine in providing bespoke consultancy solutions with active listening, probing and facilitating skills that enable executives to become more effective when influencing and communicating with stakeholders with empathy and authenticity.

They dive deep into

conversations to customise their programmes to align with both business objectives and employee needs. Rather than just selling a pre-packaged solution upfront, the team are insightful and take a humanistic, engaging approach in delivering their programmes.


Best HR vendor (L&D)

Justwork Hong Kong Limited

In 2017 Justwork envisioned a company

leaders with proprietary experiential learning

built on passion and enthusiasm for learning

programmes, tailored training workshops,

and development. The commitment to

employee engagement events and people

quality and the devotion towards improving


the potential of people has created the

programmes are always flexible with online,

foundations for excellence. Justwork uses

in-person and hybrid facilitation models.


HR Vendor Award Categories

Experiential training and events: creating hands-on, fun, memorable journeys


Best HR vendor (L&D)

fun ways to help their partners and clients with a serious attitude. Now Justwork is known as a group with three brands

TYCOON® an interactive, experiential learning tool





Justwork Team Building, TYCOON® and

incorporating digital technology with an

DISC Maps. To maximise the impact as

intricate design to inspire the minds of











Justwork not only provides consultation

the world. This methodology is based on

and training services but also certification

extensive research in educational theory

courses of their training and coaching tools

and psychology and enables participants

to help HR partners incorporate them into

to improve self-awareness in a fun and

their professional practices.





changes the way its participants play Justwork Team Building making indelible and lasting impacts on workforces and

their business and life by simulating and then





Justwork uses fun ways to help their partners and clients with a serious attitude. entrepreneurial thinking to achieve their most vital goals. As the creator of the tool, Justwork also provides related corporate workshops and certification courses. DISC Maps with 35 years of devotion in cartography




MapsTell reinforced the traditional DISC model by adding a visual layer. This tool brings people unique experiences in discovery, reflection and development—whether individual, team, personal or project level. The designed programme in coaching or training is based on its own patented components. As an exclusive partner in Asia, DISC Maps’ mission is to help in-house HR practitioners, corporate leaders, coaches and trainers to be able to leverage this tool with their employees and clients.


Best HR vendor (L&D)

Best HR vendor (L&D)

SAP SAP Litmos

and effort for learning and development teams. Countless

HR Vendor Award Categories

tasks and communications can be automated. Content can be curated from the built-in library, and the interface can be easily customised to match the company’s brand, even offering different layouts and designs to create unique experiences for different audiences. SAP Litmos solutions enable businesses to deliver critical knowledge to employees, customers, and partners at any time, on any device—even offline. They empower employees to perform at their best; increase customer engagement and loyalty, and deepen commitment and contribution from the extended enterprise. It’s the only learning platform a company needs to centralise and deliver training across the entire business. The solutions get learners started immediately with automated email invitations, an intuitive UI, and single sign-on through integrated systems. Create rules to automatically assign courses, learning paths, and team placement. Companies can measure and influence performance; and track course completions, test averages, content popularity, and more with built-in reporting and analytics. They are in a position to increase engagement with built-in tools like gamification (leaderboards, badges, points), interactive SAP Litmos gives training professionals everything they need

hotspots, achievement social sharing, and discussion forums.

to manage their entire training programme from one secure,

In addition, organisations can customise SAP Litmos Training to

centralised environment. A cloud-based solution that unifies

match their brand. With basic CSS and HTML knowledge, admins

virtual, classroom, mobile, and social learning, SAP Litmos

can customise the interface down to the finest details, from fonts

solutions empower training departments, sales and service

and colours to headers and footers and more.

leaders, safety and compliance managers, and HR teams to collaborate, author, globally distribute, and track web-based

They can make training accessible from anywhere, 24/7 on or

training courses, as well as schedule and track instructor-led

offline, and to learners with disabilities. With 35+ preconfigured

courses. In addition, it automates formerly burdensome tasks so

languages, users can select their language of choice, eliminating

that teams can focus their energy on aligning training with the

barriers to learning. The solutions will automate alerts to prompt

company’s strategic agenda.

users to take training and define assignment rules; schedule automated reports; and score learners’ video assessments with

The SAP Litmos portfolio consists of two solutions:

AI-powered analysis.

SAP Litmos Training

The system is complemented by SAP Litmos Training Content

SAP Litmos Training Content

that provides an off-the-shelf content library that offers current and relevant material in ready-to-access courses in compliance,


The portfolio combines a Learning Management System (LMS)

leadership and management, communication and social skills,

with a content library—a mix that saves vast amounts of time

and much more.

Best HR vendor (L&D)

Team Building Asia

HR plays a key role in developing, reinforcing and improving the

And Coach, the luxury brand, about their hybrid TBA experience:

culture of an organisation. Team Building Asia aims to provide HR “With our teams spread out over Macau and Hong Kong, we found

TBA intends to make HR’s job easy by providing them with anything

that they were less connected because we can’t physically bring

they might need at every step of the way, including pre-event “How

them together. TBA is the expert in the field and thanks to their

to play”-guides, explainer videos, post-event souvenir booklets, and

great variety of hybrid team building activities, seamless execution

much more.

and high-energy facilitation, we were able to reconnect our teams across borders. Not only that, our teams loved the activity and were

To tap into HR’s needs, Team Building Asia overcomes geographical

very impressed by the final output, the Coach City.”

boundaries by bringing a wide variety of virtual, hybrid and in-person solutions. Even (partly) behind screens, TBA succeeds at engaging

Besides team building, Team Building Asia also engages HR with

teams to collaborate. And although the logistics aren’t always

meaningful thought-leadership initiatives, such as webinars with

simple, also the hybrid solutions have proven to be a success.

keynote speakers as well as holding keynote speeches themselves,

Best HR vendor (L&D)

with apt solutions to support the development of their workforce.

HR Vendor Award Categories

Creating tangible learning outcomes that staff can apply at work

which were well-received by many stakeholders. Here’s what our client Pfizer, the pharmaceutical, said about their virtual TBA experience: “Team Building Asia did an awesome job in engaging our team and participation was outstanding. We were thoroughly impressed by the performance of all the teams and the linkage to our objectives of situational leadership and courageous conversations. The effectiveness of the programme has scored highly and we strongly

We create engaging experiences with tangible outcomes focused on solving prominent HR problems, all based on strongly funded R&D.

recommend this innovative remote activity.”



HR Classifieds Index Business Process Outsourcing 76 Co-working Spaces 77 Consumer Goods 77 Education / Corporate Training 77 Employee Well-being / Insurance 79 Financial Services 80 Gender Equity 80 HR Consulting 81 HR Technology Solutions 82

Leadership Development Legal / Employment Law / Tax MICE Venues / Event Organisers Recruitment / Executive Search / Staffing / Outsourcing Retail Relocation / Logistics Serviced Apartments / Hotel Staff Benefits

83 83 84 85 86 86 86 87

BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING BangMang Group was established in 2007 and provides Full-service HR solutions. As of 02.2019, 163 branches have been opened and cover over 300 cities in China. In the past 10 years, over 10,000 companies and 300,000 employees chose BangMang as their strategic HR partner. BangMang is dedicated to power business success with extraordinary HR.

Hong Kong BangMang Outsourcing Company Limited Unit 02, 11/F, Sunbeam Commerical Building, 469-471 Nathan Road, Hong Kong

Hong Kong BangMang Outsourcing Co., LTD established in 2015 provides outsourcing services includes Full-service HR solutions, Recruitment, Employee Leasing, and Employment Training. Our business partners cover Hong Kong, Mainland China, USA, and overseas regions. We are dedicated to provide the best HR services for your business goals.

Tel: (852) 2116 1600 Mr Law: (852) 6904 3721

TMF Group helps global companies expand and invest seamlessly across international borders. Its expert accountants and legal, HR and payroll professionals are located around the world, helping clients to operate their corporate structures, finance vehicles and investment funds in different geographic locations. With operations in more than 80 countries providing managed compliance services, TMF Group is the global expert that understands local needs.

TMF Hong Kong Limited 31/F, Tower Two Times Square, 1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Tricor Business Services draws on our diverse professional expertise, backed up by the latest technologies and systems, to provide a comprehensive range of services, including but not limited to: Business Advisory; Accounting & Financial Reporting; Treasury & Payment Administration; Human Resource & Payroll Administration; Tax Services; Trade Services; Trust Assets Administration; Fund Administration; Governance, Risk & Compliance; and Information Technology Solutions.

Tricor Services Limited Level 54, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong

Our work processes and controls in the rendering of accounting and payroll services are externally audited by Ernst & Young Hong Kong and accredited each year in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3402.


Tel: (852) 3188 8333 Fax: (852) 3188 8222

Tel: (852) 2980 1888 Fax: (852) 2861 0285



Commons Workshop is an event space located in core CBD, on 353 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai. Enjoying panoramic sea view of Victoria Harbour on high floor (28/F), it is a grade A event space with industrial design and decorated with green plants to provide a comfortable environment. With well-equipped and one stop related event service and arrangement, it is specially tailor-made for different types of events, whether you’re hosting corporate trainings, seminars, product launch, press conference, networking events, business meetings, photo shooting, advertisement filming, etc.

Commons Workshop 28/F Sunshine Plaza 353 Lockhart Road Wan Chai Hong Kong

Compass Offices is a leading flexible office space provider in Asia Pacific. Founded in 2009, Compass Offices has grown to 9 cities, serving over 20,000 satisfied clients. Our clients include Fortune 500 companies, growing start-ups, entrepreneurs, independent professionals and enterprise teams.

Compass Offices Level 12, 20, 29, 38, Infinitus Plaza, 199 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 3911 0600 Fax: (852) 3911 0601 Email:


cozy event space is your ideal venue for corporate and private events, ranging from training sessions, team building, seminars, meetings, conferences, workshops, parties… the possibilities are endless. Our versatile multi-purpose space may accommodate up to 50 seats in a seminar setting, and the layout may be freely configured according to your requirements. We are located in a brand new premium office building in Sheung Wan, and are the only tenant of the floor, which attributes are well appreciated by corporate clients that prefers a prestigious, modern and private venue.

cozy event space 17/F Skyway Centre 23 Queen’s Road West, Sheung Wan,Hong Kong Phone No.: +852 5741 6863 E-mail:

To meet the flexibility required by many businesses, the space may also be rented in weeks or months for temporary office use for up to 20 staff members, with two rooms that may be used as meeting rooms or managers’ rooms.

Contact us today to schedule a site visit or to obtain a quotation!


Clorox is a global company with leading brands that have become household names: our namesake bleach and cleaning products; Ayudín® and Poett® home care products; Pine-Sol® dilutable cleaner; Fresh Step® cat litter; Kingsford® charcoal; Hidden Valley® and K C Masterpiece® dressings and sauces; Brita® water filtration products; Glad® bags, wraps and containers; and Burt's Bees® natural personal care products. We manufacture products in more than two dozen countries and market them in more than 100 countries. Clorox trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol CLX.

Clorox 21/F Greenwich Centre, 260 King’s Road, North Point, Hong Kong SAR

ACT is a corporate L&D consulting and training company based in Hong Kong & Singapore with over 15 years’ experience in people training and development that partners with forward-thinking organizations and leaders who understand the importance of their greatest asset - their people.

Asia Corporate Training Ltd. 13B, Shun Pont Commercial Building, 5-11 Thomson Road, Wanchai, HONG KONG

The acronym for the company name, ACT, simply and powerfully represents the philosophy of taking ACTion: to understand how one’s belief will lead to specific behaviours which will result in specific outcomes. ACT believes that selfawareness of how we think and act is critical for personal growth, to translate into leadership effectiveness, contributing to greater corporate success as a result.

Tel: (852) 25756470

Ivy Li Tel: (852) 2919 1166 Email:




As a trusted international organisation and a global leader in English training, the British Council has over 70 years’ experience in English assessment. We develop and deliver English language programmes for businesses in Hong Kong. Aptis, British Council’s English testing tool, is a robust four skills test used by corporate businesses, government organisations and educational institutions. It provides an accurate and affordable way to benchmark language levels of employees for recruitment or career advancement purposes. With results available in as little as 24 hours, Aptis assesses ability in the areas that HR want to focus on – in individual skills or combinations of speaking, writing, listing or reading.

Tel: (852) 2913 5100 exam/aptis

BPP is a global leader in professional education and training, working with the world’s leading global organisations to reach new levels of productivity, value, and growth. We work with you to create educational programmes to upskill and cross skill your employees and build your workforce set for the future.

BPP Education Group 80 Robinson Road #02-00, Singapore, 068898

Chorev Consulting International Unit B, 3/F, Kin On Commercial Building, 49-51 Jervois Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

• • •

Offer leadership development programs and consulting services in the area of High EQ leadership, Change Management, Growth Mindset and Advanced communication with diverse stakeholders Programs based on the latest scientific research & Asian organization context to inspire behaviorial change Provides services in the area of customized 360 rollout, LEA 360, MBTI, EQi-2.0 and Strategic Management Clients including John Lewis, Hang Lung Properties, Hong Kong Government, Jardine Matheson, Amadeus, Nano and Advanced Materials Institute (NAMI), Citic Telecom CPC, Value Partners, YMCA, HKUST, Chinese University and City University of Hong Kong

Dew-Point International Ltd. is a leading provider of training and management consulting services throughout Asia. We assess the specific needs of our clients and respond with customised, practical training programs and consulting services. Established in 1973, we combine in-depth knowledge with genuine enthusiasm and highly dynamic training techniques to create productive and effective learning experiences. DewPoint enhances organisational and individual effectiveness by building the capacity within organisations without the need of continued outside help. Through assessment, skills training, team facilitation and executive coaching, we have ensured the long-term success of countless clients.

Growth Academy Asia reimagines the L&D landscape by providing HR with cutting-edge, tech-driven learning and development solutions. Founded in 2021, the Hong Kong-based learning company focuses on HR matters such as leadership development, onboarding and diversity and inclusion. Its mission is to enable individuals and teams to reach their full potential through immersive training programmes backed up by science and tech. Integrating technology, AI, and game theory into their products allows them to measure what matters and produce comprehensive personal and team action plans to enable participants to engage on their continued learning journey with confidence and measurable results.


British Council 3 Supreme Court Road, Admiralty, Hong Kong

Tel: (65) 9338 7331

Tel: (852) 3568 2747 Fax: (852) 3544 3300

Dew-Point International Ltd. 21/F., Ritz Plaza,122 Austin Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2730 1151 Fax: (852) 2730 0164

Growth Academy Asia Unit B, 2/F, 708-710 Prince Edward Road East, Kowloon, Hong Kong Stuart Harris, Founder and Managing Director Tel: (852) 3002 2472


The PTI Group is a consulting, training, and publishing group. In conjunction with the internationally-renowned professional association, International Professional Managers Association (IPMA) of UK, we offer online pure distance learning courses (PDLCs). IPMA’s website:

The PTI Group 20/F. Wellable Commercial Building, 513 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Our “Financing & Capital Raising Professional™ (FCRP™)” and “Environmental, Social & Governance Expert™ (ESGE™)” programmes seek to enhance candidates’ practical & international knowledge in raising funding for companies (bank financing, IPO, private equity etc.) and ESG respectively. Upon qualification, candidates can use respective professional designation, awarded by IPMA.

Tel: (852) 3511 9288

Raise your colleagues’ ability to add value through practical & international knowledge by enrolling in our PDLCs.

The Vocational Language Programme Office aims at offering quality vocational English, Chinese and Putonghua training for working adults to meet their language needs at work. We have run various courses for public organisations and private corporations before, such as HKSAR Water Supplies Department, Hospital Authority and Pizza Hut Hong Kong Management Limited. With the support from the Language Fund, the QF-recognised Vocational English Enhancement Programme is on offer for enhancing the practical English skills of the Hong Kong workforce. Individual corporations can enjoy great flexibility by having the VEEP courses operated at their training venues and preferred schedule. On completion of the course, learners can receive 60% of the course fee reimbursement and obtain certificates issued by the Vocational Training Council and LCCI.

H.R. Solutions specialises in training in leadership, performance management, sales and general skills development including negotiating, project management, presentation skills and communication skills. We are official partners of Think on your Feet® and engage-universe, and accredited DISC and MBTI® facilitators. Based in Hong Kong, we work regionally with local languages delivery as required. Our workshops incorporate simple frameworks and processes to provide effective, structured learning, supported with tailored experiential exercises, cases and role-plays. Our long-term development programs combine classroom training with on-the-job learning, ongoing coaching and on-line resources as appropriate. We aim to ensure participants can apply the skills immediately in the workplace for better team performance and superior business results.

Vocational Language Programme Office Vocational Training Council Room 437, 4/F, Academic Block, 30 Shing Tai Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2595 8119

H.R. Solutions (Int’l) Ltd. Room 2802, Tower Two, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2573 0501


Holistic Wellness Hong Kong (HWHK) regularly organises different types of events, lectures and workshops, all of which have been carefully and scientifically designed to help participants manage their emotions, cope with stress and improve interpersonal relationships and work performance.

Holistic Wellness Hong Kong Unit C, 8/F, Hung To Center 94-96 How Ming Street Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

HWHK is committed to promoting the practice of Holistic Wellness to the general Hong Kong public in their daily life and work. They offer different kinds of personal and corporate training services.

Tel: (852) 9794 1363 (Raindy) Tel: (852) 9454 5687 (Vincent)

Hong Kong Adventist Hospital—Stubbs Road is one of the leaders in medical services, providing organisations with comprehensive health assessment packages to choose from. The hospital works closely with HR and Benefits specialists to design tailor-made programmes to satisfy your staff’s unique requirements. The checkups not only assess staff’s health status and identify the risk factors, it also provide preventive programmes to help clients fine-tune their lifestyles for healthy living. All the services are supported by experienced professional staff using advanced equipment in modern facilities.

Hong Kong Adventist Hospital­— Stubbs Road 40 Stubbs Road, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3651-8835 Fax: (852) 3651-8840



Major Compare is a leading international employee benefits consultancy, risk management advisory and business insurance brokerage firm. They work with companies of all sizes both in Hong Kong and around the world to advise and implement customised employee benefit plans with the goal of retaining and attracting employees. Through industry specific due diligence Major Compare also help reduce HR overheads with policy management and by ensuring your company is fully and properly insured with the guarantee of the lowest premium(s). All services provided by Major Compare are completely free to their clients.

Major Compare 1/A, 128 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3018 1353

Pacific Prime Insurance Brokers is a leading international health insurance brokerage specialising in providing comprehensive coverage options to individuals, families, and companies throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Working with over 120,000 clients in 150 countries, Pacific Prime can deliver advice in more than 15 major languages. With offices strategically located in Shanghai, Singapore, Dubai, and Hong Kong, Pacific Prime is able to provide immediate advice and assistance to policyholders located around the world. Pacific Prime works with over 60 of the world’s leading health insurance providers, giving customers unprecedented access to the best medical insurance products currently on the market.

Pacific Prime Insurance Brokers Ltd. Unit 1 - 11, 35/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2586 0731 Fax: (852) 2915 7770

Total Loyalty Company is a leader provider in providing corporate wellness and staff engagement solutions in Hong Kong for companies of all sizes. We curate solutions based around wellness events and campaigns, staff discounts, regular communications, all provided through a program website and app, branded as your internal program. Underpinning our wellness programs is our unique TLC Wellbeing Survey, allowing each employee to develop an instant set of metrics of their total wellbeing and create an individualise wellbeing plan. As well a company-wide summary (anonymous data) can enable TLC to help each client develop a meaningful and targeted wellbeing campaign for staff.

Total Loyalty Company Unit 2106, Westlands Centre, 20 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2536 9010 Fax: (852) 2536 9008

More than just yoga classes and steps challenge, the TLC Corporate Wellness programs provide practical and impactful programs that make a positive difference.


Societe Generale is one of the leading European financial services groups. Based on a diversified and integrated banking model, the Group combines financial strength and proven expertise in innovation with a strategy of sustainable growth, aiming to be the trusted partner for its clients, committed to the positive transformations of society and the economy.

Societe Generale Level 34, Three Pacific Place 1 Queen’s Road East Hong Kong (regional Head Office)

FLEXImums stands for mums & women who want to work! FLEXImums was established with the vision to empower and connect working mothers and mothers returning to work with full-time and part-time jobs. FLEXImums’ portfolio of clients extends across all sectors, from public to private and SMEs to large multinationals.

FLEXImums (852) 6540 0526 www.genderequityconference. com

Tel: (852) 2166 5388




HR CONSULTING atrain is a premium consultancy in leadership assessment, talent management and organisation development. Headquartered in Germany, we have offices in Europe, United States, South America and Asia. 90% of our consultants are business psychologists; we bring together the best of business strategies and the psychological approach to develop solutions tailor-made to your requirements. We explore and research on innovative concepts, and help you to cultivate the company culture you envisage. Our international presence and culturally diverse teams enable partnerships with multi-national corporate clients for their business growth and success.

atrain Limited Unit 1201-3, 135 Bonham Strand Trade Centre, 135 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan Tel: (852) 2522 9018

Put us to the challenge—you will not be disappointed.

Atrium HR Consulting is a joint venture between Alliance Group International and RamsaySmith, bringing together extensive experience and a wealth of specialist knowledge. Atrium’s aim is to help businesses achieve the highest possible level of performance by maximising efficiency, cost savings and results. Atrium’s services are used and trusted by more than 25% of the Fortune Global 500. Building upon their current client base, resources and an established global infrastructure they work to deliver a professional customer-focused service around the world.

Atrium HR Consulting. 22/F OVEST, 77 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Contact person: Pauline Williams Tel: 852 2891 8915

Today Atrium supports clients across 180 countries with their recruitment, training, employee benefits and wellness programmes.

Flex Human Resources strives to provide small and medium-sized Hong Kong businesses with comprehensive, reliable and cost-effective HR outsourcing and consulting services. Our services include recruitment and selection, headhunting, payroll processing, benefit administrations, performance management, training and development, employee surveys, HR analytics and projects, etc. With strong talent databases, we also provide staff leasing and outsourcing for companies in Hong Kong, China and overseas.

FLEX Human Resources Unit 705, 7/F, Tamson Plaza, 161 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3466 5279

The Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA) was established in 1960. The HKMA is a non-profit making organisation which aims at advancing management excellence in Hong Kong and the Region, with a commitment to nurturing human capital through management education and training at all levels, the HKMA offers over 2,000 training and education programmes covering a wide range of management disciplines for approximately 48,000 participants every year.

Hong Kong Management Association 14th Floor, Fairmont House, 8 Cotton Tree Drive, Central, Hong Kong

Korn Ferry is the pre-eminent global people and organizational advisory firm. We help leaders, organizations and societies succeed by releasing the full power and potential of people. Our nearly 7,000 colleagues deliver services through Korn Ferry and our Hay Group and Futurestep divisions. At Korn Ferry, we design, build, attract and ignite talent. Since our inception, clients have trusted us to help recruit world-class leadership. Today, we are a single source for leadership and talent consulting services to empower businesses and leaders to reach their goals.

Korn Ferry International (H.K.) Limited 15/F, St. George’s Building, 2 Ice House Street, Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2971 2700 Fax: (852) 2810 1632

Through our vision, research and tools across 80 offices and 3,400 employees, we convert potential into greatness. Our solutions range from executive recruitment and leadership development programs, to enterprise learning, succession planning, and recruitment process outsourcing (RPO). Organisations around the world trust Korn Ferry to manage their talent—a responsibility we meet every day with passion, expertise, integrity and results.

Tel: (852) 2526 6516 Tel: (852) 2774 8500 Fax: (852) 2365 1000

General inquiry: Leadership and Talent Consulting: ltc.



Tricor Consulting Limited is a member of Tricor Group dedicated to creating value for clients and strengthening their organization capabilities through: Strategic Management—Shaping your future and making it happen Organization Structuring—Aligning organization structure with strategies HR Consulting—Maximizing performance and return on investment of human assets Talent Management—Cultivating talents to create competitive advantage Director Remuneration and Board Evaluation—Ensuring appropriate remuneration of senior executives and building an effective board Training Resources Consulting—Maximizing business impact of training with ondemand scalable resources. Change Management—Partnering with clients to drive and enable organization transformation

Tricor Consulting Limited Level 54, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2980 1027 Fax: (852) 2262 7596


At BIPO, we help businesses transform and digitalise, enabling them to thrive and realise their growth ambitions. Around the world, we support over 1,600 clients across 87 countries and regions with a new generation of HR solutions. Our comprehensive suite of service products from our award-winning cloud and mobile-based HR Management System (HRMS), multi-country payroll calculation, overseas landing services, Professional Employer Organisation (PEO) to attendance automation provide clients with a multi-regional, integrated and seamless user experience.

BIPO C1, 22F TML Tower, No. 3 Hoi Shing Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong

COL Consulting Limited (COL) is leading by dedicated and enthusiastic ICT professionals and is at the forefront of an array of HRMS providers to attain Excellent HR Information System Provider at HR Excellence Awards 2014 by the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM).

COL Consulting Limited (COL) Unit 2502, 25/F, 9 Chong Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

With domain expertise in business applications, our certified team of professionals deliver the best practice Human Capital Management (HCM) solutions ranging from the award-winning HR Pro, the web-based and mobile compatible employee self-service portal to Talent Management system for MNCs, enterprises and SMEs.

Tel: (852) 2118 3999 Fax: (852) 2112 0121

Florence Mok: Tel: (852) 3643 0295 Email:

COL is Oracle and Cornerstone OnDemand certified partner. COL has cultivated comprehensive professional services capabilities with the CMMI Level 3 qualification to cope with the proliferated demand for digital transformation.


With strategic offices in Hong Kong, China, UK and US, DaXtra is a world leading specialist in high-accuracy multilingual CV parsing, semantic search, matching and process automation technologies. Our solutions are compatible with most leading recruitment ATS and CRM systems and are designed to bring efficiency and automation, while dramatically reducing the overall ‘cost of hire’. Over 1000 organisations globally use DaXtra products every day – from boutique recruitment firms to the World’s largest staffing companies, from corporate recruitment departments to job boards and software vendors.

Daxtra Technologies (Asia) Ltd. Unit 401, OfficePlus 93-103 Wing Lok Street Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Ramco Systems is a next-gen Enterprise software player disrupting the market with its multi-tenant cloud and mobile-based enterprise software in HR and Global Payroll. Part of the USD 1 billion Ramco Group, Ramco’s employees are spread across 24 offices globally and focus on Innovation and Employee Experience to differentiate itself in the marketplace. Infused with Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, and with next-gen features such as Chatbots, Voice, and Facial recognition-based workforce management, Ramco Payroll (offered as platform & as managed services) manages 50+ country payroll covering Greater China, APAC, Middle-East & Africa on one single platform.

Ramco Systems #761, 7/F, 181 Queen’s Road Central, Hong KOng

Tel: (852) 3695 5133

Rohan Raghunath Tel: +852 95166231 Email:


SuccessFactors, an SAP company, is the leading provider of cloud-based Business Execution Software, which drives business alignment, optimises workforce performance, and accelerates business results. SuccessFactors customers include organisations of all sizes across more than 60 industries. With approximately 15 million subscription seats globally, we strive to delight our customers by delivering innovative solutions, content and analytics, process expertise, and best practices insights. Today, we have more than 3,500 customers in more than 168 countries using our application suite in 35 languages.

SuccessFactors 35/F, Tower Two, Times Square, 1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay, HK

ACT is a corporate L&D consulting and training company based in Hong Kong & Singapore with over 15 years’ experience in people training and development that partners with forward-thinking organizations and leaders who understand the importance of their greatest asset - their people.

Asia Corporate Training Ltd. 13B, Shun Pont Commercial Building, 5-11 Thomson Road, Wanchai, HONG KONG

The acronym for the company name, ACT, simply and powerfully represents the philosophy of taking ACTion: to understand how one’s belief will lead to specific behaviours which will result in specific outcomes. ACT believes that selfawareness of how we think and act is critical for personal growth, to translate into leadership effectiveness, contributing to greater corporate success as a result.

Tel: (852) 25756470

Tel: (852) 2539 1800 Fax: (852) 2539 1818


For over 20 years MDS has been the market leader in talent development, leadership training, sales effectiveness and executive coaching, producing great results for global companies in the Greater China and APAC regions. MDS is the certification centre and distributor of leading personality and leadership assessments for talent development programmes including the MBTI® and FIRO® , Leadership Effectiveness Analysis (LEA360™) and GMI® , Strong Interest Inventory ® for career planning, Sales Performance Assessment™ (SPA™) for sales development, and TKI® for negotiation skills. From MDS offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai and Taipei we manage an outstanding team of international trainers and executive coaches delivering a vast collection of leadership and sales programmes including the Miller Heiman products.

Management Development Services Limited Room 1701–3, Kai Tak Commercial Building, 317–319 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2817 6807 Fax: (852) 2817 9159

In 2016, MDS launched the Smith-MDS partnership with University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business. The partnership draws on a world-class faculty, facilitators and executive coaches to deliver leading edge executive development solutions.

LEGAL / EMPLOYMENT LAW / TAX DLA Piper has been doing business in Hong Kong for 20 years. It has close links with our other offices in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and the US. Together, we provide clients with a seamless global capability to meet their business needs. Staffing the Hong Kong office is a vibrant team of over 130 locally and internationally-trained partners, lawyers, consultants and legal executives. Our lawyers regularly assist clients with their multi-jurisdictional cross-border activities throughout the Asia Pacific region. Reflecting the international diversity of our clients, our people in Hong Kong all speak English, with individuals speaking Putonghua (Mandarin), and a wide range of Asian languages and dialects including Cantonese, Korean, Shanghainese, Taiwanese, Vietnamese as well as French, German, Italian, Punjabi and Spanish.

At EY, our purpose is building a better working world. The insights and quality services we provide help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.

DLA Piper 25/F, Exchange Square Block 3, 8 Connaught Pl, Central Tel: (852) 2103 0808

EY 22/F CITIC Tower, 1 Time Mei Avenue, Central, Hong Kong Tel: 2846 9888 Tel: 2868 4432



Hugill & Ip is a young independent law firm, but with decades of experience providing bespoke legal advice and exceptional client service to individuals, families, entrepreneurs and businesses, in Hong Kong and internationally. The firm’s core team comprises partners who are recognised as leaders in the areas of Dispute Resolution, Corporate & Commercial, Family, Probate & Trust and Employment. Hugill & Ip’s Employment practice is constantly developing to keep pace with the law and has gained a respected position with employers, employees and among our peers as being at the forefront of providing practical and straightforward advice in a complex and fast-moving area of law.

Hugill & Ip Solicitors 2308, Two Lippo Centre 89 Queensway Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2861 1511 e​n quiry​@

Whether advising individuals or companies, the firm provides advice that is results-driven. With extensive knowledge and experience of employment law in Hong Kong, Hugill & Ip is able to advise on all options but will also “come offthe-fence” and offer advice that achieves a practical solution

WTS is a tax and business consulting firm providing assistance in the strategic planning and management process of intercompany assignments’ cost and compliance. Our Global Expatriate Service specialists advise on expatriate issues relating to corporate tax, personal tax, social security matters and process consulting across Asia. Our expertise therefore enables us to identify assignment related risks at an early stage and optimise tax and social security payments for companies and their employees while keeping the administrative burden to a minimum. In conjunction with our international network, we can assist you in almost 100 locations worldwide.

WTS consulting (Hong Kong) Limited Unit 1004, 10/F, Kinwick Centre, 32 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2528 1229 Fax: (852) 2541 1411



AsiaWorld-Expo is Hong Kong’s leading exhibitions, conventions, concerts and events venue, yet it is also an ideal venue for annual dinners, worldclass conferences, cocktail receptions, media luncheons and sumptuous banquets. With Hong Kong’s largest indoor convention and hospitality hall, AsiaWorld-Summit which seats up to 5,000 persons, together with a full range of meeting and conference facilities, award-winning chefs and attentive hospitality staff, AsiaWorld-Expo is definitely your choice for an unforgettable event.

AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau, Hong Kong, China

Rockbird Media is an events management expert who aims to organize best-quality events that will bring impact to its clients’ business growth. We aim to spread this principle in Asia and the Pacific, and even globally. We don’t just organize events. We create the kind of experience that people talk about, the ones they cannot get enough of. It’s who we are.

Rockbird Media

Tel: (852) 3606 8888 Fax: (852) 3606 8889



Headquartered in Switzerland, Adecco is a Fortune Global 500 company with around 5,000 offices in over 60 countries and territories around the world. We possess the skills and global intelligence to develop human resource strategy for the highest levels, yet remain close to clients, local markets and needs. Adecco Hong Kong has over 30 years of experience in the region, with a comprehensive service offering that includes permanent placement, temporary & contract staffing, recruitment process outsourcing, HR consulting & assessment services, employment contract services, recruiting projects & overseas search, payroll outsourcing & administration services, and training.

Adecco Personnel Limited 12/F, Fortis Tower, 77-79 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Elabram Group is responsible for the global business of Elabram HR Solution, Elabram Telco, XRemo, and WMS, with a more than 20 years history and core competencies in human resources and telecommunication consultancy.

Elabram Group Level 23 Nu Tower 2, KL Sentral, Jalan Tun Sambanthan, Kuala Lumpur 50470, Malaysia.

The company has successfully placed more than 83.000 talents and served more than 118 clients worldwide. In its four business divisions, Elabram Group is continually expanding its capability and innovation to align customer needs.

Tel: (852) 2895 2616 Fax: 2895 3571

Mikel Yaw Tel: +60338317888 Email:

Established in 1996, Frazer Jones is a Human Resources Recruitment Consultancy. Contact us to find out how we can assist you in your next Human Resources hire or if you are looking for a change in your HR career. As part of The SR Group, Frazer Jones has wholly owned offices in Singapore, Sydney, Melbourne, Dubai, London, Düsseldorf and Munich and has access to the best HR talent around the world.

Frazer Jones 1918 Hutchison House, 10 Harcourt Road, Central, Hong Kong

Headquartered in the Netherlands, Randstad is a Fortune Global 500 Company and the second largest recruitment & HR services provider globally, with operations spanning across 39 countries with over 29,700 corporate staff that help talented people develop their career potential and provide companies with the best people to reach their business goals. Founded in 1960 by Frits Goldschmeding, our Asia Pacific operations reaches across Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, China, Japan, India, Australia and New Zealand. Randstad Hong Kong was established in 2009 and specialises in permanent and contract recruitment across specialized areas including Accounting & Finance, Banking & Financial Services, Construction, Property & Engineering, Information Technology & Telecommunications, Sales & Marketing, Supply Chain & Logistics.

Randstad 5/F, Agricultural Bank of China, 50 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong

Tricor Executive Resources has for the past 28 years built an unrivalled reputation for integrity and professionalism in the executive search business. Our team of specialist consultants and researchers provide a range of practical and innovative solutions to help you search for the right talent to meet your business needs. We utilize in-depth research, intense resourcing and a highly focused approach in the identification of qualified candidates in the appropriate industry sector. Our clients consists of multinationals, publicly listed and private companies as well as family-owned and start-up companies.

Tricor Executive Resources Limited Level 54, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2980 1166 Fax: (852) 2869 4410

We also provide advice on HR best practices to enhance your human capital. Our HR Solutions can help drive your business performance through the effective use of talent. These include Compensation and Benefits Benchmarking; Soft Skills and Management Development Training; Performance Management Systems; Talent Assessment Centre; Human Resource Outsourcing; Career Counselling and Talent Transition Management and Employee Engagement Surveys.

Tel: (852) 2973 6737

Tel: (852) 2232 3408




KAS Group Asia (KGA) is the exclusive direct sourcing arm of Kmart Group that operates the iconic retail brands Kmart Australia, Target Australia and Catch. KGA’s operations span the largest sourcing markets across Asia including China, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Cambodia, Indonesia and Vietnam, supporting an annual sourcing capability of US $ 2.5 billion.

KAS Group Asia (KGA) 10/F, Trade Square, 681 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Asian Tigers, has provided international relocation and moving service to the Hong Kong market for more than 40 years. We move people internationally, regionally, and even within Hong Kong itself. Our experienced, multilingual staff enables Asian Tigers to deliver low-stress relocation services. Perhaps you are responsible for coordinating your office move and would like to know more about ‘low down-time’ office relocations. Whatever your needs, wherever you are headed, Asian Tigers can help facilitate and streamline your relocation. Give us a call and find out how we can assist you.

Asian Tigers Mobility 17/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Crown Relocations, a worldwide leader of global mobility, domestic and international transportation of household goods, and departure and destination services, has over 180 offices in more than 50 countries. From preview trip and immigration assistance to home and school searches, orientation tours, intercultural training, partner career programme, and ongoing assignment support, Crown offers the best relocation solutions to corporate clients and transferees across the world.

Crown Relocations 9 - 11 Yuen On Street, Siu Lek Yuen, Sha Tin, New Territories

Lavina Mehta Tel: (852) 2732 3402 Fax: (852) 2730 1051 Email:


Tel: (852) 2528 1384 Fax: (852) 2529 7443

Tel: (852) 2636 8388


Four Seasons Place, the epitome of luxury and elegance, Four Seasons Place creates a relaxed and homely living environment amidst the surrounding opulence. With 519 serviced suites designed by internationally renowned designers, guests can choose from a range of stylish accommodations from studios and 1/2/3-bedroom suites to penthouses that open up to spectacular views of Victoria Harbour. It also features a rooftop heated pool & jacuzzi, sky lounge, gymnasium, sauna and multi-purpose function room to meet business and recreational needs. Heralding a comfortable, hassle-free living experience, all guests are pampered with personalised hotel services from VIP airport pick-up to 24-hour multi-lingual concierge services.

Four Seasons Place 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong

GARDENEast is prestigiously located at the heart of Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, boasting 216 luxurious units in 28 storeys.

GARDENEast Serviced Apartments 222, Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Each of our luxurious units is subtly unique. Spacious studio, studio deluxe, deluxe 1-bedroom, executive suite and twin-beds in selected rooms, with their sizes ranging from 395 to 672 square feet, are comfortably-appointed with an all-encompassing range of fittings and furnishings. The landscaped gardens offer a relaxing lifestyle, peace and tranquillity of green living and a diverse choice of dining and entertainment is right on your doorstep.


Tel: (852) 3196 8228 Fax: (852) 3196 8628

Tel: (852) 3973 3388 Fax: (852) 2861 3020


The HarbourView Place is part of the Kowloon Station development, located at a key harbour crossing point. Located atop the MTR and Airport Express Link at Kowloon Station. The junction of major rail lines, three minutes to Central, 20 minutes to the Airport, a mere 30 minutes to Shenzhen and 60 minutes to Guangzhou. It is a place for the best view of Hong Kong and Kowloon and is an icon property at Harbour Gateway. Located next to International Commerce Centre, the fourth tallest building in the world, The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong and W Hong Kong, guests can enjoy a premium luxury living with the large shopping mall Elements and Hong Kong’s highest indoor observation deck Sky100.

The HarbourView Place 1 Austin Road West, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Conveniently nestled in the East of Hong Kong, Kornhill Apartments is one of the biggest apartment blocks in town, featuring a total of 450 units with a variety of unit configurations designed to suit every need imaginable.

Kornhill Apartments 2 Kornhill Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

Notable for cozy and contemporary décor, as well as superior amenities and services, the complex is located next door to Kornhill Plaza where you can relish a wide array of shops and entertainment choices.

Tel: (852) 2137 8101 Fax: (852) 2568 6256

The apartments are an excellent choice for corporate clients who cater for visits by expatriate colleagues. Units include studio, one to two-bedroom suites and deluxe three-bedroom suites.

Tel: (852) 3718 8000 Fax: (852) 3718 8008

Regal Hotels International is one of the largest hotel operators in Hong Kong, currently owns and manages twenty-three hotels. Committed to exceeding the needs of each and every guest, all Regal Hotels provide first-class international guestrooms and facilities including state-of-the-art meeting and banquet rooms.

Regal Hotels International 11/F, 68 Yee Wo Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, CN

Vega Suites, is the stylish suite hotel in Kowloon East. Located atop the MTR Tseung Kwan O Station, Island East and Kowloon East are only 3 MTR stops away. The integrated complex becomes a new landmark creating a comfortable, relaxing and home like living space for guests. The all-encompassing landmark development comprises two international hotels & luxury residence The Wings. Situated directly above the trendy PopCorn mall, connected to one million square feet of shopping, dining, leisure and entertainment. There is a lustrous selection of units – ranging from Studio, 1-Bedroom, 2-Bedroom to 3-Bedroom with flexible staying terms.

Vega Suites Atop Tseung Kwan O Station 3 Tong Tak Street Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 3963 7888 Fax: (852) 39637889



V is a collection of award-winning hotels, serviced apartments and private residences in Hong Kong. Bringing our philosophy of eat, shop, live easy, each V is nestled in a plethora of restaurants, amidst excellent shopping hubs and surrounded by an extensive transportation network. V Wanchai and V Wanchai2 are minutes walk from HKCEC, whilst the Lodge connects to 5 railway systems. Each V is urban, contemporary, but calm and quiet. Our two Causeway Bay properties host penthouse and terraced apartments for families and elegance entertaining, whilst V Happy Valley features an outdoor water garden.

V Hotels and Serviced Apartments Unit 5702, Cheung Kong Centre, 2 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3602 2388 Fax: (852) 2891 1418

Each V carries a different design motif, yet shares one critical ingredient – we deliver a high standard of comfort and good honest service.


Nespresso provides a range of machines dedicated to professional use that meet the different needs and expectations of our customers. Zenius is the one of the latest innovation in the professional machine range by Nespresso and comes at an affordable price. It is intuitive to use, reliable and integrates the latest technological advances by Nespresso. Zenius is the ideal machine for small and big companies looking for quality and simplicity. At Nespresso we want to make it possible for you to make the same full-bodied espresso offered by skilled baristas. Your business can benefit from years of Nespresso expertise in premium Grands Crus coffees, innovative machines and excellent customer support.

Nespresso, Division of Nestlé Hong Kong Ltd. Unit 505, Manhattan Place, 23 Wang Tai Road, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong

Philip Morris Asia Limited is building a future on a new category of smoke-free products that, while not risk-free, are a much better choice than continuing to smoke. PMI's smoke-free IQOS product portfolio includes heated tobacco and nicotine-containing vapor products. As of March 31, 2020, PMI estimates that approximately 10.6 million adult smokers around the world have already stopped smoking and switched to PMI’s heated tobacco product, which is currently available for sale in 53 markets in key cities or nationwide under the IQOS brand.

Philip Morris Asia Limited Suites 2402-2411 24/F Devon House, Taikoo Place 979 King’s Road Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

For more information, see our PMI ( and PMIScience ( websites.

Tel: 800 905 486 Fax: 800 968 822

Tel: 28251600

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