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Issue One

Woooaaahhh!What's happening!Where are we?

"Imagine a tennis ball full of water, with tubes going in and out of it. If you squeezed the ball, the water would squirt out the tubes. Now imagine a tennis ball squeezing itself for a whole lifetime." "...In your chest, your heart works like that. It's a powerful muscle with four hollow chambers. It squeezes itself for your whole life."

Are we in a dance club?

Cool!I wonder how it works?

I'm in somebody's heart?Weird! Hey look at the blood. It's so red!

No, silly, this is a heart.

That's 'cause it's full of oxygen. Just came in from the lungs.

Woah! Surf's up!The walls are closing in!We're in a huge tube.

It's an artery. We're moving through the body. Yikes, we're going into a smaller tube. And an even smaller one. Wait a minute, what's this stuff? Relax, man, we're in a capillary. That's where the blood drops off food and oxygen for all the cells of the body.

Waste products, like carbon dioxide.

So we're like a delivery service?Cool!




Red River Ride Buckets of Blood Healthy Eating Molly’s Sleepover ABC’s of Reading Labels Food Detective Silly Labels Active Living Ask Mr. Muscles

2 5 6 8 10 11 12 13

Excuses, Excuses Living Smoke-Free Money Well Spent Snappy Comebacks Think It Through Pick The Winning Team Jeremy’s HeartSmart™ Party Music Interview What Is It?

14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24

What!We're a garbage pickup service too?Gee, they make us do everything around here...

Say, the waves aren't as strong as before. That's cause we're futher from the heart. We're in a vein now.

Wait a minute. The blood's not so red anymore. It's bluish. Help!We're lost! Relax. The blood turns bluish-red as it drops off oxygen and picks up the waste.

Who are you calling vain? Not vain, goofy, vein!The tubes that carry blood back to the heart. We're on the return trip now.

Wow, it's a bunch of caves! Let's go exploring. Hey, we're back where we started from. Good - I'm bushed. I could use a few ZZZ's.

Not caves, we're in the lungs. In these little passages, we can drop off this carbon dioxide and pick up a fresh load of oxygen.

Not yet, buddy. We've got another trip to make.

Now where?

Okay, back to the heart. And the whole trip took only 26 seconds - as long as a TV commercial. Finally - home sweet home. (Yawn) Time for sleep.

Hey, look, the blood's red again. Man, that's bright! Hand me my shades.

Forget it. We've got to go out again.


What?More deliveries?More pickups? That's our job, pal, twenty-four-seven.

That was cool!

"Three easy steps will help you keep your circulatory system healthy and your body feeling good: 1. Eat heart smart - follow Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating. 2. Get active play, every day. Active play uses your whole body and makes you breathe hard,like walking fast or running. 3. Live smoke-free. Don't smoke. If you are around smokers, try not to breathe their smoke. Your heart does an amazing job. If you live a 'heart smart' life, it will keep pumping as long as you need it to." Know what?I'm going to take good care of my ol' tennis ball ! Me too!




How much blood does your heart pump in a day ? Try this experiment to find out.

1 1

Use the measuring spoons to measure about 80 ml of water into the measuring cup. That’s how much blood one heartbeat pumps.


In one minute, your heart pumps about 72 times. Measure the amount of water your heart pumps in a minute. (Hint: Measure 80 ml into a bucket 72 times or multiply 72 times 80 ml and pour that much into the bucket.) How many litres of water did you put in the bucket?


72 X 80 ml = _____ ml per minute. Divide ml per minute by 1000 to get litres per minute. 3

You will need: • Measuring spoons • Measuring cups • A large bucket (at least five litres) • lots of water • Somewhere to pour the water (like inside a bathtub, or outdoors)



How much blood would your heart pump in an hour? Is there a container in your house big enough to hold that much blood? Measure out that amount of water. (Hint: A bathtub holds about 375 litres.)

4 5

_____ litres per minute X 60 = _____ litres per hour. _____ litres per hour ÷ 375 = bathtubs per hour. 4

How many bathtubs would your heart fill in a day, or 24 hours, of pumping? _____


What conclusions can you draw from your observations about your heart? ____________________________________________


total of 5.76 litres. In an hour, that’s 345.6 litres. In a day, it totals 8,294.4 litres – 22 tubs full. Answer Key: In one minute, a heart beating 72 times and pumping 80 ml each time pumps a



Feeling good and eating well Food is the fuel you need to stay alive and healthy. When you make good food choices, your body feels good, because it gets the fuel and nutrients it needs. Healthy food tastes good, too! But with so many foods to choose from, how do you know what are the best choices? Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating helps people make the right choices. It divides foods into four groups, plus one category for “other foods.”

grain products

Grain products, like bread, rice or pasta, give you energy from carbohydrates to burn during the day. The fibre in grain products helps to keep your digestive system healthy.

vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits give you energy and fibre, and they’re an excellent source of vitamins and minerals that keep you healthy.

milk products Milk products, like yogurt and cheese, give you protein for building muscle, plus vitamins and minerals to help build bones and teeth.

Variety and balance

Other foods

Eat a variety of foods from all four food groups every day to make sure you get all the nutrients you need.

Lots of foods we like are not part of the four food groups – they are “other foods.” This group includes things like candies, pop, snack foods, butter and oil. “Other foods” are often higher in fat and salt. For good health, eat “other foods” in small amounts. Or save them for special occasions.

For young people, the 5-5-3-2 guide makes it easy to remember how many servings of the four good groups you need as a minimum every day. 5 5 3 2

servings servings servings servings

of of of of

grain products vegetables and fruits milk products meat and alternatives

If you follow this guide, you will get the right balance that meets the needs of most young people. If you are a teenager, very active, or growing quickly, eat more servings from each food group. But remember, 5-5-3-2 is the minimum.

meat & alternatives

Heart Smart Choices Kids don’t usually cook their own meals, but you can often make your own choices. When someone asks you what you want, make the heart smart choice.

• Tell the person who buys food in your family that you would like to choose grain products, vegetables and fruits more often.

• When you are offered food, ask for a large serving of grain products, vegetables and fruits, and a smaller serving of milk products, meat and meat alternatives. Meat and alternatives. Meat and foods like eggs, beans and lentils give you the protein you need to help build muscle and body organs like your heart.

• When you choose an after-school snack, choose yogurt, crackers, fruits and juices instead of candies, chips and pop.


Molly’s Sleepover Mom, can I have a sleepover for my birthday? Pleeeeease! Sure Molly. As long as you and your friends get some sleep.

Promise. At least 10 minutes. Here's a list of stuff to get.

Chips, candy bars, cheese twists, ice cream sundaes, cake. Molly, this is all junk food!


CUCUMBER CRUNCHIES Cut a cucumber in half along its length. Scoop out the seeds and fill it with low-fat yogurt. Sprinkle sunflower seeds on top. Cut it into chunks, but keep them together until people start to eat.

So I'm not just feeding you and your friends junk food. Cake and ice cream are fine as long as you have some healthy snacks too. Mini pizzas, fruit kebabs, cucumber crunchies and yogurt shakes. Boring!

But mom, it's so uncool! The kids'll think I'm a freak. Especially...

Healthy food is not boring. It's fresh and delicious and fun. Tiffany. The new girl. She's so hot. She'll hate it. She'll hate me!

Especially who?


(Groan) My reputation is ruined!

MINI-PIZZAS Use a small tortilla for the base. Spread tomato sauce over it, then grated low-fat mozzarella or parmesan cheese. For more flavour, add sliced veggies, low-fat tuna or chopped cooked chicken. Or spice things up with a slice of hot pepper. Zap the pizza in the microwave or toaster oven until the cheese melts, then cut into mini-slices. For a change, use a sliced bagel or English muffin, a pita or even a piece of whole grain bread.

Hi, Molly.


Hi, Tiffany. Thanks for the invitation. I'm so excited. I can't wait. Yeah. Great.

Carefully push wooden popsicle sticks into peeled bananas, wrap in waxed paper and freeze. Or put out a tray of fruit chunks–apples, pears, papaya, cantaloupe, honeydew or whatever’s in season–with toothpicks and let your friends create their own kabobs. Yogurt sweetened with a little honey or jam makes a good dipping sauce.

Oh, by the way, I hope you're not having junk food. I'm really into healthy eating so I can feel good and have lots of energy and look my best.

Sure! I mean healthy is so-o-o-o cool. Fresh and delicious and fun-don't you think?

You - you are? But. But...

Healthy - cool - Absolutely! I'm having ...uh, mini-pizzas, fruit kebabs, cucumber crunchies and yogurt shakes.

Wow! All my favourites! Awesome!

Mom, You're a genius!


(Snicker)You don't have to tell me that.

Combine in a blender 350 ml (11/2 cups) vanilla-flavoured lower-fat yogurt, 50 ml (1/4 cup) skim milk powder and 250 ml (1 cup) orange juice. Blend until smooth. Makes two large or four small shakes. 9

There’s an undercover mystery in the kitchen cupboards of most homes: What’s hidden inside the containers? Sometimes, the labels are more fiction than fact!

TION RMA O F N IN VING RITIO sp.) SER NUT t 2 0g( 06 kJ Per 1 Cal 3 73

gy Ener in Prote Fat rates nsatu tes Polyu atura ouns Mon rates Satu l stero Chole ate r d y oh Carb

0.0 g 8.0 g 2.3 g 3.4 g 1.3 g g 0.0 m 0 . 0 g

The label is a clue, but it’s practically in code. Look at a box of breakfast cereal, or another food package from your kitchen, and check out these clues to reading food labels: • All packaged foods must list what’s inside, so look for the ingredients list. If you are allergic to anything, or want to avoid certain foods, the list will say if that substance is there. • The ingredients are listed in order, with the highest quantity first, and the lowest quantity last. • Some foods have a nutrition information panel. This panel tells you how many calories, how many grams of fat and how much of certain vitamins and minerals there are in a single serving.


Hydrogen ated Soyb ean Oil and Liquid Soybean, Modified Milk Ingre dients, ed d n e m S % al m 1 t, o 1 V eg c etable Mo Re A f o in no and e Vitam entag Diglycerid Perc Intake es, Vegetab Daily le Lecithin, S odium Ben zoate, Artificial F lavor, Bet a Caroten e, BHA-BHT, Vitamin A , Vitamin D .


• To use this information, you need to read how big a single serving is. If it says a single serving is 100 grams, but you usually eat 200 grams, then double what the label says to know what you are eating. • The nutrition information panel lists these nutrients: Energy – how many calories or kilojoules in a serving. Protein – grams per serving. Fat – total grams per serving. Sometimes the label also lists different types of fat. Polyunsaturates and monounsaturates are more healthy than saturates. Carbohydrates – total grams per serving. Sugar, starch and fibre are carbohydrates, the main source of energy for working muscles. Sodium and potassium – milligrams per serving. These are types of salt. Lower amounts of salt are usually better. Some foods have the Health Check™ logo on the label. These are good choices for heart healthy eating.

Food Detective Put your nutrition sleuthing skills to the test. Collect ten or more food packages from your kitchen at home. (Ask an adult before pulling things out of cupboards.) Then sort them into categories based on the information you find on the labels.

8 Which ones have a nutrition information panel? * * Which ones are highest in fat? 8 * Which ones are lowest in salt? 8 * Which ones give you the most calories? 8 * Which ones are healthiest? Why? 8

SILLY LABELS Make up your own labels for food products, and stick them over the store labels. Make them funny, but revealing. Here’s a sample label you might create for a sports drink:


New! Improved!

d water with liqui add b re ed s sy u P ugar and gas

Ingredients: Water, sugar and artificial everything.

Nutrition Information per 350 ml serving


e bl ub

Now with added fruit-like flavour! Made with fat-free water, the drink of athletes! Special value: Contains no food groups whatsoever


Energy: 350 Cal /1400 kJ Protein:


Total Fat:


Total Carbohydrate: 0 g Sodium:

0 mg


0 mg 11

active living Active play, every day Many kinds of play will keep your heart active and healthy. If you follow these suggestions, your heart will get all the exercise it needs. • Play at things that are fun.

What if your homework was to get out and play? Well, it is! To keep your heart healthy, you have to exercise it, just like any other muscle. And the best way to exercise your heart is to get active play, every day. When you are active, your heart beats faster, and that makes it stronger. You also breathe deeply, and take in lots of oxygen. So, get out and have fun!


• Do some kind of active play for 30 minutes each day. • Do activities that make you feel warmer and breathe a little harder.

• Play at things that use many different groups of muscles, such as your arms, legs, back and stomach. • Play for at least 10 minutes at a time without stopping or resting.

Here are some examples of hearthealthy active play. There are things you can do indoors or out, summer or winter. Can you think of any others? swimming cross-country skiing soccer running tennis walking a dog bike riding roller skating floor hockey rowing canoeing

kayaking snowshoeing dancing hiking basketball volleyball trampoline jumping hopscotch ice hockey ringette field hockey


ice skating rope jumping skateboarding others:

k s A

Mr. Muscles Do you have questions or problems about active play? Ask the expert, Mr. Muscles!


Dear Mr. Muscles, I’ve been dating my boyfriend for two months, but I don’t know if we can stay together. He likes playing basketball. I like playing volleyball. Can our relationship survive? – Splitting, Saskatoon



Dear Mr. Muscles, Whenever I play a lot, I get hot and sweaty and my hairdo collapses. This is a fashion disaster! Help! What’s the best way to get active play without sweating? – Keeping Cool, Kamloops

? ?

Dear Splitting, Anyone who likes only one sport is thinking small. Both of you need to think big. Start by playing basketball with him once or twice, just for fun. Then challenge him to play volleyball. Most guys can’t resist a challenge. Once you’ve started, try out some other sports. Who knows? True love may bloom over badminton! – Mr. Muscles


Dear Keeping Cool, You have a problem, all right–you’re fixated on your hair! Getting hot means your heart is working hard. Getting sweaty helps your body stay cool. This means you are getting a good workout. Wear sports clothes that wick sweat away from your body. Loose outer clothes let you cool down quickly. Have a shower after a really active workout. And drink plenty of liquids to replace the water you’re losing. You can always fix your hair later! – Mr. Muscles

Now It’s Your Turn! Make up your own question. Then pretend you’re Mr. Muscles and answer it.



Dear Mr. Muscles, I want to get bigger muscles, just like you. A friend told me that I could get more muscles if I get special protein powder and pills. Where can I get some? – Longing, Lethbridge



Dear Longing, Do you think I got big and strong by taking powders? No way! I worked hard for these rippling, bulging muscles. Get lots of exercise and active play. Follow Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating and eat a variety of foods. Don’t take powders or pills unless a doctor tells you to. They can make you very sick. Stick with it–and someday you’ll be as cute as me. – Mr. Muscles

Dear Mr. Muscles, 13

Dear _____________,

EXCUSES, EXCUSES... Have you ever made an excuse when you didn't feel like getting active? Maybe you've used a few excuses like these: But I have an appointment playing video games.

I've tried everything, and they are all borrr-ing.

I only really tried a few things, and some of them were fun sometimes.

But I've heard that too much fresh air isn't good for you.

My Best Excuse: Okay, I know that fresh air is healthy. I'm just making a dumb excuse.

I can have fun being active and playing videos. Video games don't really give physical exercise.

Be an Inventor So physical activities don't interest you? Why not think about what would make them more interesting, and invent a game you'd like? Make up your own rules, and use any equipment you have, but follow these guidelines: The game must:

The Reality is: 14

路 be safe for any players 路 use several different muscle groups (such as arms, legs, back and stomach) 路 make you breathe harder for 10 to 15 minutes at a time 路 take 30 minutes or more to play Challenge your friends to play your game. Have fun!




v good



health v

Tobacco smoke carries • 4000 chemicals like

nicotine and tar into a er. of these can cause canc smoker’s lungs. Over 60 n harm it. beat faster, and that ca t ar he ur yo s ke ma e Nicotin kes the blood vessels. That ma ed gg clo to d lea n ca e Nicotin . It can blood through the body the ve mo to er rd ha heart work stroke. cause a heart attack or smoke. es oxygen in tobacco lac rep s ga e xid no mo Carbon t has to the lungs, and the hear to ts ge en yg ox s les s This mean body. t enough oxygen to the beat even harder to ge sily damaged much more ea me co be gs lun s le’ op pe Young more le also become addicted op pe g un Yo s. le’ op pe than older . a very hard time quitting quickly, and they have

• •



reasons to live smoke-free Most people don’t smoke, and most smokers want to quit. Here’s why pe ople want to live smoke-free: • No smoker’s breath. • No upset stomach fro m tobacco. • No nicotine stains on teeth and fingers. • Don’t lose your brea th in games and sports. • Don’t get sick as mu ch. • Have healthier hear t, blood vessels and lungs. • Avoid the risk of fire s caused by smoking. • Save the money spen t on tobacco. • Don’t have to leave public places to smoke. What are your reas ons?




people’s smoke

The smoke from other people’s cigarettes smells bad, but that’s not all – it can harm your lungs and heart. • Second-hand smoke is the smoke that smokers exhale. Some of the harmful substances stay in the lungs, but most goes back into the air, where others can breathe it. • Sidestream smoke comes off the lit end of a cigarette. It may be the most dangerous, because it is not filtered. Together, they are called environmental tobacco smoke. This kind of air pollution causes one-third of lung cancers. Smokers say they can make up their own mind if they want to smoke, but they force everyone around them to smoke, too.

Hollywood Smokescreen

When you want to live smoke-free It can be hard to stay away from tobacco smoke when your family or friends smoke, or if they want you to smoke. These tips can help: • Tell them you don’t like tobacco smoke. Create a smoke-free zone wherever you can, and ask others to respect your choice. • Choose non-smoking places to meet, like sport centres and restaurants. • Sit near an open window or door, or leave the room when a room gets smoky. • Help other people quit. Often people can’t do it alone, but your support can help them decide to quit, and stick to their decision.

Have you noticed that movies are full of people smoking? In fact, 85% of recent films feature characters lighting up. Why do you think tobacco companies want movie stars to smoke? Because it makes smoking look glamorous, risky, defiant and fun–and that encourages young fans to do it. Critic’s clean air guide Be your own critic and rate the movies yourself. Watch your favourite video or TV show, and try this four star rating:

✔✔✔✔ ✔✔✔ ✔✔ ✔

A breath of fresh air. No smoking to be sniffed. Hazy. Minor characters smoke. Getting stinky. Major characters smoke. Gasp. Hard to breathe, non-stop smoke.










Your movie: Rating: 16

What conclusions can you draw about smoking in movies and TV?

The health effects of smoking are one good reason not to smoke. The cost of cigarettes is another.

Movies for two, popcorn and pop

A pack of cigarettes may cost only about $6, but when you add up the costs for a week, a month, a year... that’s a chunk of change!

MP3 player Buzz-out boredom with a personal MP3 player

Goldfish with a bowl to call home

Daydream a little. What would you like to buy? A CD? A new pair of sneakers? A cool outfit? Tear pictures of your “wish list” out of magazines or catalogues, make a collage,

A Ball with bounce

and hang it on the wall. Now, do some math. At $6 a pack, how many packs of cigarettes would it take for you to save up for your dream items? Write the number on your collage. What’s a better deal–putting your money into treats for yourself or spending it on a product that gives you bad breath, stains your teeth and can make you sick? Duh!


There's a lot of pressure on kids to smoke, and sometimes you need a smart, funny answer for when someone is trying to get you to light up. In the speech bubbles below, write some snappy replies you could use. And remember, it's okay to be rude.

Come on! One won't hurt you!

Hurt! It makes my throat burn and my eyes water!

Come on, big baby. Scared you'll get caught?

Everyone's doing it. You want to be the only one not?

Your Comeback: Your Comeback:

All that mumbo-jumbo about cigarettes hurting you is a load of bunk! I've been smoking 35 years and I'm fit as a fiddle (hack,cough,gasp.) Your Comeback:


Problem Define the problem. You can’t make a good decision until you have a clear problem.

Picture this: A friend offers you a cigarette. Your parents have told you not to smoke, and so far you haven’t. But your friend teases you and calls you a goody-goody. So you smoke the cigarette, even though it tastes gross and makes you sick to your stomach. Afterward, your parents find out and ground you.

Options Often the best decision comes from thinking of new ideas. Instead of just thinking about smoking, what other things could you and your friend enjoy doing?

Now you’re mad: • Mad at your parents for punishing you. • Mad at your friend for teasing you. • Mad at yourself for doing something you didn’t really want to do.

Consequences What will the consequences of each option be? For an important decision, write down the consequences.

Making a good decision is never easy, but if you think carefully about your choices, you will make the right decisions more often, Don’t let other people decide for and you’ll be able to you. If you have thought about prove it. Here are some options and consequences, you will steps to follow to show be able to explain why your that you are thinking decision is best. for yourself:


Action Act on your choice. It’s the only way to know if you really made the best decision.

Review Were the consequences what you expected? Did it solve the problem? After reviewing your choice, you can stick with your decision, or change your mind. Maybe you will make a better decision next time.



Winning team “Listen, I want you to lead my mountain-climbing team when we tackle Mount Everest next year.” Wow! Ever since I’d started climbing, Everest had been my goal. “Who’s on the team?” I asked. “That’s up to you. Naturally, you’ll want people with great climbing skills. But they need more than that. They have to be in great physical and mental shape. One weak member of the team can put us all in danger. Think about it and let me know.” It was true. Picking the right team was crucial. I’d have to check out the best climbers in the world to see who to bring along. I checked my files.


Trained in Switzerland, tons of experience. Runs 10 km a day, uphill. Sticks to a balanced diet, but smokes like a chimney, “to relax,” he says.




Grew up in Saskatchewan, says she’s always trying to see over the horizon. Vegetarian, but eats a balanced diet. Plays six different team sports.

Trains the Coast Mountains rescue team in skiing, snowshoeing and iceclimbing. Invented a special backpacker’s diet combining four food groups in dehydrated bags.


Grew up in the mountains of western China. Used to smoke, but quit 10 years ago. Does martial arts to keep in shape. Unwinds in the kitchen by cooking a wide variety of foods.


First woman to climb the seven highest peaks in the Rockies. Practically lives in the weight room, can bench press 75 kilos. Builds muscles with a high-protein, lowcarbohydrate diet.

Ryan Researcher and techie, powers his computer by running on a treadmill. Spends hours on the computer researching mountain climbs. Lives on chocolate bars.

I could only take three of them on the climb. Which ones should it be, and why? Team member #1: Reasons for choosing:

Team member #2: Reasons for choosing:

Team member #3: Reasons for choosing:

Reasons for not choosing the others:

s ’ y m e Jer HeartSmar t™ To

create a

funny story, ask your friends to suggest words to fill in the blanks in the


story below, but

the words in the

don’t let them

blanks. Then read

see the story

the story back to your


friends. How does it sound?



Jeremy’s class had been learning about how to have a healthy heart. So Jeremy decided to throw a heart-smart party with his friends. He invited

__________ , __________ , __________ , and __________ . First they played soccer using a _______________ . Then they divided into two teams for a game in which you had to throw a _______________ into a ______________ . That made everyone’s heart beat ________ times a minute. “What a great workout!” said ______________ . “I can hardly _____________ !” said __________________ . Then it was time for heart-smart snacks. To start, there were carrot sticks with _______________ , then sandwiches made of _______________ with mustard and ___________ . For a healthy dessert, Jeremy served fruit cubes dipped in ____________ . “This is the most _____________ food I’ve ever eaten,” said ______________ . Then the kids listed reasons why they didn’t smoke. “Smoking is gross because it makes your teeth ___________,” said _______________ . “It makes your breath smell like _______________ ,” said _______________ . Before his friends left, Jeremy gave each one a _______________ as a gift. “Thanks for the _______________ party, Jeremy,” they all said. “Stay HeartSmart™,” Jeremy said and went to clean up the _______________ .


Music Interview

Your Kid’s Beat Reporter recently caught up with the fab band the Heartstoppers at their live New York recording session. I nabbed this exclusive interview with dreamy group leader WW, long-haired drummer Jooles, and blue-eyed bassist Crissy. Pumped: Hey, guys, you won the

Pumped: It means the

Pumped: You’re active every day,

Big Beat Award!

Heartstoppers are the band with the healthiest lifestyle.

you eat heart-healthy, and you don’t smoke. It’s a good thing, really.

Jooles: Gross! What did we do to

Who’s going to take our music seriously if we have a healthy award?

WW: The Big Beat Award? Totally cool. What’s it mean?

deserve that? 22


Music Interview continued Pumped: You could be healthy role

Jooles: I hate it when people

models for your audience.

smoke. It’s hard enough to sing a whole set without that poison in the air.

WW: We don’t want to be role models. We’re anti-models. We’re here to challenge boring, oldfashioned ideas.

Pumped: But you do eat a balanced

Pumped: So you do all the right things to win the Big Beat award.


variety of food?

WW: Well, you get pretty sick of burgers and fries when you’re touring.

But we don’t want it. We just want to stay in shape for our music, and feel good, and have fun. Our fans don’t want us to have a healthy award.

Pumped: And I’ve seen you play active games, like in-line hockey,

Pumped: But that’s the great

volleyball and frisbee, even

thing. Fans all over the world think it’s cool to be healthy. They voted for you to win.

jogging backstage.

WW: Well, we have to keep in shape to put on a good show.

Crissy: Besides, it’s fun. You


They think we’re cool?

should see Jooles skip rope on the

Crissy: Of course,

tour bus!

we’re cool!

Pumped: And none of

you smokes.

Jooles: Well, in that case I don’t mind winning the Big

All together: Blech!

Beat award.

WW: It stinks.

WW: Hey, let’s write a

Crissy: It makes your

HeartSmart™ song for our new album. I’ve got some new tunes.

voice weak.

HELP THE HEARTSTOPPERS COMPOSE THEIR NEW HIT! Write HeartSmart™ words to your favourite song. Mention all the things that made the Heartstoppers win the Heart Smart Big Beat award: eating healthy food, getting active play and staying smoke-free. Once you’ve written the lyrics, perform your song. You could even tape it or make a rock video. Who knows, maybe you’ll be the next pop sensation! 23

What Is It?


What would you see if you could look under your skin? Look at the microscope photos on this page and see if you


can tell what they are. To



the page upside down.

Not much blood gets through clogged arteries. When blood can’t get to the heart, you can have a heart attack, and part of your heart dies. When blood can’t get to your brain, you can have a stroke, and part of your brain dies.

see if you are right, turn

Veins and arteries make a network of tunnels under your skin. Blood cells zip from one place to another, dropping off food and picking up waste as they go.


Capillaries are so narrow that blood cells only fit single-file. Because they are so small, and the capillary walls are so thin, the blood cell can transfer food and oxygen out and waste products in.


PUMPED magazine is


generously supported by CIBC.

1-888-HSF-INFO (1-888-473-4636) The Heart and Stroke Foundation thanks CIBC for providing funds to help make the production of this magazine possible. This support does not imply an endorsement by the Foundation of the products or services of CIBC. The content of this educational resource has been independently researched and written by the Heart and Stroke Foundation and is based on scientific evidence. CAT 23130222

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