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lead content editor joseph ng

editor in chief laureen foo

content adviser rebecca lee

content editor isaiah saw

lead designer sueen thoo

content editor nicki lee

SPECIAL THANKS Editor in chief

Content Editors


Nicki Lee Isaiah Saw Tan Hooi Ein Tai Ann Na

Lead Content Editor

Contributing writers


Joseph Ng Lead Designer

Sueen Thoo

Kevin Loke Ps. Samuel Thilak

“If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him… We need not wait to see what others do.” —Gandhi

Being part of the editorial team over the years, as a content writer, has given me the privilege to meet, know, and befriend some of the bravest people I know. The articles written here are but a glimpse into the lives of men and women who did not wait to see what others would do. They saw a need and took action by spreading hope with a simple act of love. This year’s ReImagine celebrates their lives and their willingness to be the change they wish to see in the world. As you read this magazine, I believe you will inspired to be a miracle in the lives of those around you. In addition, I encourage you — whoever or wherever you may be — to join a mission trip, and, in every and any way you know how, to serve. Lastly, my thanks and appreciation goes out to the Re-iMagine Team: You have been amazing in every way.

Editor’s note

Get in touch with us Experience the joys and significance of nation building today by joining one of our mission trips. For more information on the various lined up mission trips and how you can be a part of them, please contact Nancy @ 603-79805001. And if you like to share your stories or experience during your time in the mission field, you can email us at reimagine.hsggm@gmail. com. Your stories can be the fuel of inspiration to see more people building and impacting the nations together.



DANIEL CHEAH .................................. 0 8


DEBORAH ONG. ..................................11



THE CALL TO THE NATIONS ................ 16




q & a .................................................. 3 0 LESSONS ON WEALTH.. ...................... 3 4 eCONO MIC E MP OWER MENT STORIES.. 3 8





Complete in


Partners with



Once again in this magazine, we celebrate the greatness and grace of God upon our global ministry. What a privilege and blessing to serve the love and grace of our God to the nations! I’m so inspired and encouraged by the unflinching commitment and enduring faithfulness of both the leaders and members of HSG in standing up, and standing together with us, to fulfill the vision of releasing the treasures of the nations. Indeed, serving the Lord and fulfilling the call of God is a team effort! We are also honoured and inspired by the tenacity and faithfulness of our pastors and members of HSGGM global family. Their love for God and people is an encouragement and inspiration to us all in HSG Malaysia. We count it a privilege to serve alongside them and be a part of what God is doing through them in their countries! To God be the glory for the wonderful things He has done among His people! The Christian world is never just local, it is global in nature. Therefore, the Christian church must not just remain a local church but grow to become a global church. In HSG, we believe that ministry and building church is not just about doing our own things within the four walls of our church, or our city, or to serve our own group alone.

It is our conviction that we are commissioned to go and make disciples of all nations, and to serve alongside other pastors in building their congregations, to be that one church in many locations! As we stepped out in obedience and faith over the years to carry out this partnership, the fruits of our labour of love have been many and widespread. We give the Glory to The Lord for His blessing and guidance. Great and amazing stories of transformation and improvement in both personal lives and congregations, are often heard during our mission trips abroad. It is both humbling experience and a privilege to hear our pastors and leaders share their personal stories concerning the impact and influence that HSGGM has had on them, from building their personal lives, to building churches and an enlarged worldview. HSGGM is about walking in faith and obedience to the God-given mandate, together with a committed church congregation and our global Pastors who bought into the vision. This relationship of trust among the parties, allowed the grace and love of God to work through that common shared desire to bind us all together. Let us not stop believing and serving together.

10 What lies behind us are nothing compared to what lies within us and ahead of us! Together we serve and together we prosper through the grace and power of God Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain.—1 Cor 15:58 NIV HSGGM—One Church In Many locations!


A place that means waiting and more waiting, delays, boredom, wifi signages that do not mean much, overpriced food and beverages. Not too many years ago, smart phones and iPads were nonexistent, and domestic airports in some countries did not have F&B services. (There was even one small airport where they weighed both luggages and passengers before boarding!) It would be a lie if I were to use the words “excitement” and “enthusiasm” to describe my visits to this place. Airports… I really do not like these places… However, airports means work. Not just any work, but work that comprises of coming alongside pastors to help build their congregations. In essence, nation building: one person, one family, one community at a time. Each time we visit our family of churches, I am constantly reminded of this divine call to help His church: in HSG, we are not about doing our own things within

the four walls of our own church within our own city for our own group. We are commissioned to go and make disciples of all nations. Our work through HSGGM is neither small nor insignificant. Our international pastors often share their personal stories about how the conferences, seminars, and trainings, have transformed their Christian worldviews and values. Consequently, with renewed minds and refreshed energy, they made the necessary decisions for their churches and personal family lives. “Impact”—the one word our friends and family often use to describe HSG’s influence. I am continually humbled, awed, honoured and grateful to God for this gift of grace given to us for the nations. Airports are not so bad after all…


The airport


We can create a better world Story: This couple was at the lowest point of their lives both in ministry and marriage. In ministry, they were struggling and discouraged, hardly able to make ends meet. In marriage, it was a sweet-and-sour affair (though more sour than sweet). Their mindset regarding full-time ministry was about ‘living by faith’. To be involved in the marketplace for a pastor was something unthinkable. They came for PB and, with what they learned, began to make better decisions for these two major loves in their lives - church and family. Today, the wife operates multiple sundry businesses, and build houses where one floor is dedicated for church and ground

floor for business. The husband leads seven growing churches. This story is not an isolated testimony. It is one of the many stories visualizing and manifesting - in part - the fulfillment of the prophetic call and directive given to HSG in KL: “As these ships sail the oceans... I will release the treasures of the nations.” The Christian world is never just local – it is global. The Christian church is not to remain a local church, but to grow into a global church. As a Christian, you are commissioned to be first a local disciple, then grow to become a global discipler. When we partner with God and link arms


in this local and global venture, we can create a better world - One person at a time. One family at a time. One church at a time. This partnership with God and His church will define and change you for the better. Your future will be in good hands because: God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. Hebrews 6:10 NIV I am your shield, your very great reward. Genesis 15:1 NIV Airports are great places‌

I am continually humbled, awed, honored and grateful to God for this gift of grace given to us for the nations.




HSGGM God loves to pour out His Spirit with power on those who will dare to align radically their purposes with His ―Steve Childers

“You are a man of war. As these ships sail the oceans of the world, so I will take you to the nations of the world. And where you go, I will release the treasures of the nations.” Where these words ended, destiny began. It was 1994. His Sanctuary of Glory, fresh out of its rocky transitioning years and low in numbers and spirit, was not what one would have called a prime candidate for reaching the


world. But with the vision of sailing ships, the voice of the Holy Spirit, and a good dose of God’s presence in the atmosphere, it was like a fire had been started, or rekindled from old embers. And so it was in 1994 that the very first missions conference kicked off, held in Hall 1 – or the Chapel, as it was then known. Even divinely inspired as it was, the missions conference took off to what is best described as a lukewarm start:

it was not bad, but it was not great either. What it needed – like some of us – was perspective to fuel the vision. And for what would later be known as Project Barnabas, perspective came in the form of a pastors’ conference in Brisbane, Australia. It was the second day of the conference, during a tea break, when Pastor Daniel looked around and saw the different delegates from diverse cultures and nationalities. The Holy Spirit then dropped something into his



If they can do this in Australia, we can do this in Malaysia! heart, and he thought, “If they can do this in Australia, we can do this in Malaysia as well.” In the subsequent years, His Sanctuary of Glory Global Ministries saw additions to its global family in the form of delegates flying in from their respective home countries to join in the annual spectacle that is Project Barnabas. In time, we have seen congregations grow, churches being planted, and our global family maturing in spirit and in growth. All around the world, lives are being saved and transformed because of the hand of God through the HSGGM

network of churches. And the best part? Our greatest achievements are still yet to be realized. With a vision to release the treasures of the nations and a six-year plan to accomplish that through the 3E strategy – Equipping Churches, Economic Empowerment, and Education Empowerment – HSGGM’s course is definite and set for a destination far beyond the horizon. It is going to be a long journey towards the fulfillment of the vision, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. Because it means that you – and your friends and family – still have time to hop on board and be part of the wave that will sweep the nations. The only question is: will you join us?


HSGGM Connections Engaging the World

New Outcome b y SA M UEL THILA K

As a pastor serving a church in Patiala, India, I was interested in growing my church and its ministry differently. I was determined to grow our church as a community of people who were interested in serving God, and actively blessing the community in Patiala together. The question was how, and who were the right people to guide us.

It took another phone call with Brother Richard (HSGGM International Mission Director) and numerous corresponding letters before he visited us in 1998. After all the meetings and talks we had with one another, we decided that we wanted to be part of His Sanctuary of Glory’s global family. Hence our church, A.G. Masihi Satsang Ghar, Patiala was officially adopted by HSGGM in 1998.

The answer came with a phone call in 1996 from Rev. D. Mohan’s office It was truly amazing to have met both (Senior Pastor of New Life A.G. Church). Ps. Daniel & Ps. Deborah, who have He asked me to drop by his office for a always been ever so willing to invest meeting and there, he shared a letter into our lives. There were many pastors he had received from a church in whom I have met, but there were very Kuala Lumpur called His Sanctuary of few who were interested in investing, Glory, which coaching and was very mentoring a HSG has played a very major interested simple church in role in the development of our in adopting India. a church in personal life, ministry & the India. I recall what Ps. church Daniel told us It was when he came surprising for us, as among the many to visit last year in October. He told us pastors representing the different that he had not come to minister but to churches in the district, God had placed “BUILD”. This was very true in our lives. our church in Rev. D. Mohan’s mind. We can truly attest that the connection with HSG has played a very major role




in the development of our personal life, ministry and the church. I had long envisioned my wife and I serving together in ministry. However, my wife was strongly reluctant to be involved due to some negative experiences she had. Attending the Project Barnabas Conference in 1999 changed that. She was able to see how

serving together was truly an inspirational example, as we could see how God was able to use these two amazing individuals in a ministrial that we hoped to reach. Being part of Project Barnabas allowed us to grow; and with each visit to the conference, we began to receive a new perspective on how serving a community as a church could be.

Ps. Daniel & Ps. Deborah ministered together as a team, and how rewarding it is to serve God in ministry. I knew God had touched her heart and inspired her.

My wife and I constantly kept our eyes, ears and hearts open to each message, as we observed and learned how things were done. We absorbed all that was taught and preached. We learned the principles behind each session and openly sought to apply them in our lives. We would then consciously look into how we could implement all we had learned, and constantly searched for ways to apply each message in the context of our local church. Being a part of Project Barnabas was, and still is, a great learning experience.

Seeing Ps. Daniel & Ps. Deborah

One notable insight I had received was

a renewed perspective of money. The thought that I had about money was very different at that point of time. I had the idea that the life of a pastor is one to be filled with struggle, and that to be a committed pastor, we had to depend on God to provide a way for us. The teaching of Economic Empowerment changed our attitude towards money. I now understand being financially strong enables us to be a greater blessing to the people around us, and to show the goodness of God. Embracing this principle, I found myself being blessed as I chose to financially bless those around me. That itself, was a greater blessing.

to live out these messages here in our church. With our growth, we have been able to minister and serve better in the Christian and secular field. Today, it is our desire to connect other churches and pastors in India to HSGGM, so that they too, would experience the same growth and blessings that we have, these many years.

I found myself being more blessed as I chose to bless others around me

Through all these years of being connected to HSG, our church in India


has grown from one level to another. We strongly believe this was only achieved through the dedication and love of Ps.Daniel and Ps. Deborah, and the HSG culture. We have heard and captured the vision, mission and the culture of HSG, and have taken steps


The Divine Connection Ps. Myint Nwe’s involvement with HSG Global Ministries is a story that goes way back; even before the latter was founded. In the year 1993, Ps. Myint Nwe was attending a leadership seminar at the Haggai Institute, when he chanced upon a leaflet for an event which featured Dr. Daisy Osborne. She was scheduled

to speak at a conference hosted by His Sanctuary of Glory. In his excitement, a correspondence with Ps. Daniel was initiated via snail mail. The friendship and connection that came out of that moment, proved to be a huge stepping stone in Ps. Myint Nwe’s journey. Two years later, he found himself holding up a signboard at the Myanmar


airport arrival hall, eagerly waiting to meet Ps. Daniel and Ps. Deborah for the very first time. During the trip, Ps. Daniel was given the opportunity to share in their home church on Sunday while Ps. Myint Nwe translated for him. At the end of the service, there was a call for salvation where two people came forward and accepted Christ as their personal saviour. They were the first man and woman who became the first members of His Sanctuary of Glory Myanmar.

They came from different families and cities. The man was a retired civil engineer at 55 years of age who is now working as a construction engineer and contributing to HSG Myanmar’s economic empowerment projects. The lady was 25 years old when she accepted Christ. Today she is a spiritual daughter to Ps. Myint Nwe, taking up the role of general secretary in the church and communicating with all other denominations in Myanmar. The salvations of these two key individuals was a confirmation from


I am glad to see the improvements that take place every year, not only in the church’s physical building, but also in the transformation of church members’ lives. I am very inspired! —Ps Myint Nwe

Within the same year, in the month of October, HSG Myanmar was established. It was an exciting adventure with God’s grace marking every step of the way, as even the finances needed was provided for right on time to purchase the land where the church was to be built on, . It was the humble beginning of a great journey for Ps. Myint Nwe and HSG Myanmar. In the year 1996, Ps. Myint Nwe attended the very first Project

Barnabas in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. “When I was first here (HSG Kuala Lumpur), PB was not held in the Sanctuary. We were only in a meeting room. However, every year when I come back to visit; there would always be changes seen from construction, sound system upgrades, stage renovation, and new members. I am glad to see the improvements that take place every year, not only in the church’s physical building, but also in the transformation of church members’ lives. I am very inspired!”—Ps Myint Nwe To date, he has never been absent from any PB conference, and he is very proud to belong to the HSGGM family, serving God and building His kingdom in Myanmar.


God to Ps. Myint Nwe, as they were both from staunch Buddhist backgrounds; making their salvation a miracle.

q&a Q: How am I able to experience Spiritual Restoration & Economic Empowerment in my life? Just like many things in life, we have to believe it before we can experience it. The same is true for SR and EE. Both are terms that indicate a consequence and a result, stemming from certain decisive actions. Spiritual Restoration is the term denoting a person’s position spiritually, after he has been reconciled with God, through faith in The Lord Jesus Christ. This person is now a child of God, and spiritually, he is repositioned in his relationship with God, and now enjoys a place of favour with, and grace from Him. The decisive action here is the choice to believe and embrace the finished work of Christ at the cross and confessing him as Lord and Saviour. Restoration is then completed and activated by the grace and power of God and witnessed by the Holy Spirit within.

Economic Empowerment denotes a person’s position economically, in regards to his/her financial ability and capacity. A person is economically empowered when he/she has the financial means necessary to meet his/ her own personal needs, as well as what he/she is wants to fulfil in the desired life purpose and role in the Kingdom of God. The decisive action here is believing in the goodness and love of God that He wants our lives to be complete and fulfilled. It is having faith in God’s will to prosper us and give us freely all things to enjoy, so that we have enough to meet our own needs and also be a blessing to others. When this is in our mind, we can now set out in confidence and put our hearts and strength to become a person with economic substance and means. This switch of mindset is critical to the process of becoming economically empowered. You are either advantaged or disadvantaged by your way of thinking.

Q: How is being Spiritually Restored linked to being EconomicALLY Empowered? In 2 Peter 1:3, the Scriptures clearly spells out the provision of God which is available to all those who are His. These provisions are for a fulfilled life, both in the spiritual and physical aspects, which are locked into the promises of God, and further found in the message of Christ’s redemption programme. Therefore, when a person is reconciled to God, he/she is able to tap into these promises of God, which give liberty and wisdom in the mind and spirit, to dig into the full potential of life, and to fully harvest the opportunities surrounding him/her. Thus, the person is now economically empowered. However, a clarification must be inserted here: nothing said here undermines the necessity of skills, wisdom, understanding and knowledge in any economic engagement. Salvation in the Scriptures encompasses a future, both in eternity and for the present time. In other words, it is God’s will that we have a happy eternity, as well as happiness in our present lives. While the will of God is clear for both areas, the experience is

not automatic. In the matter of our eternal future, for example, while a place is obtained for us the moment we believe in Christ, the rewards however, are determined by what we do while on earth. Likewise, for Economic Empowerment, it is not automatic, whether we will live Economically-Empowered lives or not, it depends on how we work on it. The wonderful truth is that we can be assured of God’s grace and favour working constantly for us. It is a wonderful feeling of peace and strength when we know that our economic pursuits have God’s pleasure in it. Studies have shown that when a person works with an inner sense of peace and confidence in whatever he does, he usually does it better, and success becomes inevitable! The real link is that contained within Spiritual Restoration, is the grace and will of God to enable us to be economically empowered. Since we are now able to pursue the divine purpose of reaching the world, which requires us to have more than enough resources (both financially and in terms of manpower), God’s grace and provision is able to come through and help us accomplish this great purpose. Our spiritual restoration positions us to succeed by giving us the sense of tranquility which comes from an inner feeling of well being and the feeling of hope and possibility which comes from the knowledge that God is 100% for us. All these positive vibes in turn help us to concentrate and give our best to our pursuits, which then lead us to be economically empowered as we succeed!

Q: Is the Message of Economic Empowerment all about Money? No, the message of Economic Empowerment is definitely not just about getting money; it is about getting sufficient resources to live out the God-given life and dream in each one of us. To do this, it is important that we break free and lay aside the prejudices and biases most people harbour about money. Money is a means and a medium through which we transact and procure things or opportunities, to express ourselves. It is a form and extension of ourselves. You spend the whole day working for your company, using your talents, training and experience to benefit or add value to your work. What do your employers give you in return? They pay you a wage or salary in the form of money! In other words, for all the gifts, talents, training and experience you expend in the course of your work (which essentially amounts to a portion of your life!), you receive a financial compensation in the form of money.

Every month when you receive your pay, you are actually receiving a return of your spent life for the whole month, converted into the form of money! As such, money itself cannot be evil! Money is in fact, the measure of the worth of your life! The message of Economic Empowerment is therefore not about getting money. Instead, it is a message informing us that because our lives have great value, we can create lots of money, since the quantity of money equals the quality and strength of our lives! So it is not about getting money per se; rather, it is about realizing what money is, and realizing too, our ability to create it, since money is the product of our lives. No one needs to be short of money if we believe our lives have some value since money is really that value!

Q: Is the Message of Spiritual Restoration limited to being more Prayerful? Absolutely not! Spiritual Restoration is a state of being, a position of reconciliation and oneness with God and His original plan for mankind. When we speak of restoration, we refer to the action or process of being placed back into the original state or position. So it is not just about prayer, though prayer is clearly one of the activities. The whole concept of Spiritual Restoration is the going back to, or the returning to, the original plan and position that God has created and given to mankind. It

encompasses the whole understanding and realization of one’s repositioning to God’s original creation order, where we have fellowship and access to God, as well as the authority and responsibility to co-rule with Him. Spiritual Restoration covers the whole lifestyle of the person and is not just limited to only certain aspects. It is a restoration of fellowship, worship, service and stewardship, which flow out of our relationship with God.

Q: After applying the message of Spiritual Restoration and Economic Empowerment into my life, what comes next? You can now move forward to fulfil your destiny, and in the process, leave behind a legacy, since you have both the relationship with Christ, and the resources to carry out His calling in your life! As you progress towards this direction, you are now living the abundant life!




After living, studying, and working in Australia for 16 years, I moved back to Malaysia with my family, mainly because we felt in God that our return would be a new phase in our lives. Besides, we wanted our children to grow up in an Asian culture, understanding the value of relationships with each extended family member, from cousins, uncles, aunties to their grandparents. It was the mid-1990s then. We moved into a nice terrace house in OUG, and I joined HSG on February 1, 1995. What makes my story interesting is that I started from the bottom. In I997, I was in a ditch financially. We lost all our savings from Australia in the stock market crash during the Asian financial crisis. With every day that passed, our finances were drying up and our wallets getting tighter. For many years, I struggled with the message of Spiritual Restoration and Economic Empowerment because my actual experience did not align with

what I heard from the pulpit. I believed in this message, yet I only experienced lukewarm success. I even sold jerry cans by the road side in Taman Desa during the water crisis in 1997 to improve our financial position. I used to say to myself, “I am a qualified professional engineer with a master’s degree, and Lee Chu was a successful financial controller in Australia. What on earth are we doing selling jerry cans by the roadside with one house and two mortgages?” My real breakthrough happened when I learned how to receive God’s anointing. In 2009 during the watch night service, Pastor Daniel said, “If anyone wants to be a millionaire, learn to ride on my anointing.” I said, “Yes Lord, I will ride on Pastor’s anointing as a springboard to my own anointing.” Things then started to improve without any tangible reasons. My investment in the stock market multiplied a few folds within a span of about 12-15 months. God also gave me wisdom on how, and what, to invest in the real estate. 70% of our wealth was accumulated


Lessons on w e a lt h

36 during the last 3 years, and to me, this is unbelievable. “What Man may need 5 years to achieve, God can do it in 5 seconds.”

and dangerous animals – just like the business world is not complete without conmen and people who are out to make use of us. The key, I learned, is to

Dr. Pat Francis, a speaker from America, opened my eyes to see that my mindset was stopping me from becoming successful. I thought that a Christian cannot be successful in the business world as the world is corrupted. But Dr. Pat Francis said that the world is like a zoo: it would not be complete without the cunning

know how to handle these people when you meet them. I began to see myself as

W h at M a n m ay need 5 ye ars to achie ve, God can do it in 5 seconds

Little by little, bit by bit, I moved forward, and with the combined power of the right mindset and the favour of God, I started to become successful. For those of you looking to be successful in the business world: once you understand the principles of business and you combine it with the favour of God, it is easy to be prosperous. By riding on God’s anointing and blessing, and at the same time obeying the rules of success and the commandments of God, you will be able to find your success. I have come a long way since. Both Lee Chu and I are able to do more with our newfound financial freedom. We are able to give when we see a need. Because God has given us so much, we can just give freely. I found that because of the journey I have had with God, I have become more

We are able to give when we see a need. Because God has given us so much, we can just give f r e e ly. confident – I know that He will always come through for me. I am a product of the message that works, and I have been blessed by it. Inside me, I feel that this is just the beginning. There is so much more that can be done – not so much about what money can do for me, but about what God can do, through me for His kingdom’s sake. I believe that there are greater days ahead.


someone who is able to be successful in the business world, while at the same time holding on to my Christian principles.


Stories of Economic Empowerment Success Keningau P s. Rebecca The frozen and vegetarian food business was bankrupt, or at least close to it, when Pastor Rebecca picked it up with a friend. Inspired by the message of Economic Empowerment, Pastor Rebecca went back to Keningau and ventured into the business with her friend. Knowing that she would not be able to run the business without wisdom, this was exactly what she prayed for, for God to give her wisdom to run the business, and to talk to the people that she will meet. Her prayer was answered: today, the business has three branches, and even her business partner has to admit that there is a special favour upon her.

Ghana P s. Daniel A sinor With the mobile phone business he started through the help of HSGGM, Pastor Daniel Asinor has been able to save up for a new car. He is now using the car as a taxi, opening up a new stream of income for him.


Things are moving along well. Her business partner, recognizing the source of their success, has started giving a portion of the income to the church. Through the business, Pastor Rebecca has been able to provide job opportunities to her church members and support the ministry financially. She hopes that with time, as the business grows, she will be able to do even more to grow God’s kingdom.

A welcoming ambience to the church | A beautiful place to host receptions, parties and functions | A delightful café serving your favorite tasty bites and beverages | A conducive environment for meetings and discussions | A wonderful space for carecell, family and friends | A relaxing area to hangout before and after service.

K-SQUARE K - “Koinonia” [A transliterated form of the Greek word, κοινωνία, which means communion, joint participation; the share which one has in anything, participation, a gift jointly contributed, a collection, a contribution, etc.]



The Na

Our Adventu

We must be global Christians with a global vision because our God is a global God. ―John Stott


ure Thus Far


hidden in th

he mountains b y ISAIAH SA W

There is so much more to life than what they are experiencing


Before there were roads, it was almost impossible to reach Guo Gan Mountain. The condition today is considerably better, but the villages are still hidden in the mountains. You would be able to see the neverending ranges of mountains as you stand at the edge of my quarters, where miles and miles of greenery surround you.

here, living together with the teachers and children, I have been taught and humbled in every way possible. Every morning I would be awakened by the the sounds of children reciting sentences after their teachers. A quick wash up (where the icecold waters never fail to sting), and I would be off for a little video and photo capturing adventure.

Families are still finding it hard to understand the importance of education.

Sometimes, the beauty would strike you with awe. Other times, there is a feeling of isolation from the outside world. In the one week or so that I spent

In documenting their daily lives, I often catch little sparks of enthusiasm in their eyes when they read. And when I point my camera towards

them, the sheepish smiles they offer in return is a kind of innocence that remains untarnished by time and circumstances. Most of the teachers here are not local; some hail from cities, while others come from nearby towns and villages. Whilst on a casual stroll to one of the schools, I had a conversation with Ma Zhang Yun, one of the longest-serving teachers up here. Having been here since the first school was founded, he was thankful that the conditions have improved so much since. Before the roads were cleared, the paths to these villages were filled with cow dung. The villagers had no access to clean water

The teachers, however, are having a difficult time getting students to school. While the school has been a blessing to many, families are still finding it hard to understand the importance of education. Often, students who have reached the ages of 15 or older are forced to stop attending classes on a regular basis, because at that age, “they should be working and supporting the family�. With the new sugar processing plant, almost every household is devoted to sugar cane planting. These students are expected to help their families in planting and harvesting sugar canes. Can we blame the parents? I’m afraid not. We can only persuade them by bringing awareness to the importance of education. Until an understanding is reached, I believe the cycle will most


before Pastor Li and his team came. Since 2009, the team had built toilets, new classrooms, a church, and hostels for teachers, children and guests to stay in.


That is why the building and commencement of the high school in September 2014 is of utmost importance. It would give older students a chance to further their studies, and with a high school in place, students will be better equipped should an opportunity to enrol into a college or university arise. However, the current staff is barely coping with the teaching and construction works. There are a few specific needs in place. Manpower, Ps. Li mentions, is always a big concern. Not many are willing to spend their time in a place as isolated as this. I have seen teachers juggling between two classes simply because there were not enough teachers to go around. As frustrating as the job must be, I have never seen the teachers losing their patience with the children. La Jie, a Primary 4 teacher, hopes that her students would one day be able to get some extracurricular books to aid their learning. The children depend very much on textbooks, but not everyone has access to them. In fact, in my time there, I have only

seen teachers with textbooks, while the students copied notes. During our trip, we conducted hygiene classes, which I believe is one of the main advances we must pursue. Toilets, for example, are a staple need for us in urban Kuala Lumpur, but for the community in Guo Gan, they are a luxury. Through financial help from HSGGM, toilets have been built here. They are the preliminary facilities needed in Guo Gan, and they allow the teachers to teach children the importance of hygiene. As I sit here, writing this; a few questions play in my mind: can the teachers remain here forever? No, there is more work to be done. Can the children remain hidden in the mountains? No, there is more to life than what they are currently experiencing. Yet there remains many more children out there, just like them, in need of help and the opportunity to have an education. While we have the strength and the luxury God has given us, I believe we should — we must — make good use of it and do something more. Change must begin with us.


likely continue.


Sabah Human

nitarian Trip 21–25 AUGUST

A team of 6 people embarked on a journey to East Malaysia Sabah, for a medical trip, as well as meeting up with the leaders of the kota kinabalu team. Though it was a team that was made up of individuals from various walks of life and experiences, yet each one of them had something valuable to contribute, to bring to the the table.

The result? Not only have they become a catalyst for God to work life-defining wonders for the children and other people there, but they themselves have experienced a journey of miracles, meaning and joy.


Dr Jessica liew Medical Doctor by profession, HSG Carecell leader

When I first contacted the drug company to request for 320 doses of deworming medication, I was informed by the staff that they may not be willing to donate such a large quantity. Nonetheless, I persevered and managed to get in touch with the manager of the company who agreed to donate 400 doses to us! I went on to explain that we only needed 320 doses but she insisted that it is always better to prepare for more in case more children showed up during the sessions. It may have been a simple act of charity on the part of the drug company, but I was touched by God’s favour shown in the whole process, and how He causes events to fall into place for those who serve Him.

ho kuan Fai

Biotech student HSG Carecell core team member

Timothy Lau

Medical student from IMU HSG carecell leader 2008-2012 Preparation for the trip began a month prior, but God saw to it through that everything we needed for the children was provided for - toothbrushes, deworming medications and multivitamins - enough to cater to over 300 students. I embarked on this trip with the mindset of making a difference in people’s lives, but what I realize now is that this trip made me a different person - one who appreciates life more, and who is now ready to use my God-given talent for God’s work. Our effort in this trip may seem like a drop of water in the ocean but for the people receiving, it is like a drop of water in the desert.

This is my first time going on a mission trip and all I wanted was to help others who are in need. When I first saw the living conditions of the stateless children I could not believe my eyes. However, the happiness in the children’s eyes as they made do with their situation, inspired me. I realized then that I have so much more in my life in the big city to be grateful for. I realized too how much more can be done to change the world that these children are living in.


Two young ladies had their eyes opened to the challenges faced by many right in their own nation. HERE ARE their reflections on what they have learned from this trip.

Sueen Thoo Graphic Designer HSG Carecell leader

“The highlight of my trip was the opportunity to teach the children at Hope Learning Centre. It really moved me to see how excited they were to learn and how smart and full of potential they really are. Some of them were really fast learners, quickly applying every bit of knowledge we shared and soaking it all in like a sponge.”

Chua Su Ean College Student Spiritual Parent

“This trip has helped me be thankful for everything I have such as food to eat everyday, clothes to wear and access to quality education because the children at the settlement do not get that. In spite of that and the environment that they are in, the children are so full of energy and willingness to learn. Their attitude motivated me to interact with them, teach them and also to become a positive role model in their lives.”

56 2 013 HSGGM TRIPS February 2013 Bua Yai, Thailand Yangon

April 2013 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

July 2013 Tagum City, Philippines Myanmar China

August 2013 Thailand Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

September 2013 Vietnam Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

October 2013 India

Throughout the year, teams are sent to various nations to conduct training to help the churches in their transition and establishment of the Care Cell System amongst their congregation. In most trips, a pastoral team will be joined by lay leaders and members who not only assist in the training, but also get to experience the environment, both spiritual and physical, of the churches at which they are located.

HSGGM has been entrusted with the honour of not only providing the spiritual infrastructure of our churches around the world, but also to contribute to the sociological aspect as well. Among the most significant example of this is demonstrated in China and Vietnam

Trainer: Christine Lim

Logistic Manager, china country coodinator & HSG Children Church Core-Team Leader

To be temporarily away from work and be in the mission field adds a lot of meaning to my life. It is the profound self-realization that it is not just about me, but that I am part of something bigger with HSGGM. The impact of our actions is more far reaching that one can imagine. This trip meant a lot to me as a project on education, training and development is always special and dear to my heart. I was honoured to be the interpreter for Ps. Deborah and Ps. Daniel in the Spiritual Parenting and Leadership Training sessions and I learnt a lot in the process. It is an amazing feeling, knowing that you are making a difference... it is just amazing and life changing!


Training Trip: Ruili, China Date: 28 July–9 August 2013 Objective: Teachers’ Enhancement Course, Leadership Training, Spiritual Parent Training


Teacher by Profession, HSG Children Church Core-Team Leader

I was given the opportunity to equip and train 20 young teachers in the Guogan schools up in the mountainous area near Ruili.

Trainee: Wu Hui Minister, China

I would like to thank the team, Pastor Daniel and Pastor Deborah for coming to train us to be spiritual parents. I believe what was taught in the Spiritual Parenting Class is very important in showing us that the sharing of the gospel includes building and nurturing people, and the relationships we have. The SP class taught us to share the gospel in a very natural way.

It was a long, long 12 hour trip to reach our destination but we were looking forward to the task ahead to see God use us for a ministry that I have always been passionate about - ministry to children. I believe God raised me for just the time as this, because I have just retired from 34 years serving as a teacher in a national school. We had a very fruitful time ministering to these people. I felt very honoured to be used by God for this meaningful task of playing a role to help equip these young people to be more effective teachers, workers and leaders to fulfill the Great Commission.


Trainer: Linda Kee

60 Trainee: Ye Shu Yia

Teacher in Guogan, china

In Guogan, parents are generally not encouraged to bring their sons and daughters to school due to the tough environment they are in. Realizing the importance of education, I was still very much encouraged to help these children as a teacher. I hoped to help the children here to realize their potential and reach their dreams through education. The Malaysian training team helped to teach us teachers to understand how important education was in influencing a child’s life. The team helped train the other teachers and me, to become better educators; as they encouraged our endeavours. I have personally learnt to become an example of what we teach. I further realized I would need to properly prepare my lessons and pray for the kids. I truly hope and believe that there will be potential leaders who will be raised from this school, and that when these children grow up, they will become instruments in God’s kingdom.

Trainer: Jenny Chong

Country Manager for a medical device company. vietnam country coordinator

It is truly interesting to participate in a mission trip; you get involved with the pastors and leaders there. From the start, there would be a connection with the people there. They truly become part of your family, where you will remember them in prayer. After a mission trip, you would not be just an observer during PB, but an active participant. You would even look forward to welcoming the Pastors back and be glad for the opportunity to look after them when they are here. In one of the trips, we met up with the youth group in Vietnam. After a time of P&W and sharing, we prayed for them and God moved through us through prophecies and prayers of encouragement. There was inner healing that took place in that session. We received feedback from some of the youth, mentioning that they were encouraged by our stories. It felt amazing to know that God has also used us through the prayer time to provide answers and confirmation on another person’s prayer and hope in their ministry and work place. It amazes me God chose to use Danny and myself who are ordinary church members; neither teachers, nor pastors, nor prophets, to minister to His people.


Training Trip: vietnam Date: 23–27 september 2013 Objective: Leadership Training, Spiritual Parent Training


ghana nigeria india china mYanmar philippines vietnam indonesia thailand malaYsia


new developments Over the last two and a half years, the church in Patiala, India has seen great improvement in its construction building plans. Presently the Sanctuary and the top floor of the building has been completed. Similarly, three churches in the different districts of India are further undertaking the last phases of construction and renovations of their respective church buildings. In addition, there is great excitement in the air with the increased growth found in the congregation of Patiala over the past months. There has also been noticeable improvement in the praise and worship

sessions in the church in Patiala with the purchase a new sound system for the Sanctuary, thanks to the financial assistance of HSGGM. A new venue has been built for the children’s ministry, which gives them a place to worship God, to grow and to learn. The next phase of construction will be concentrated on the building of a new church office and classrooms for the children ministry. Pastor Samuel hopes to further provide new studying equipment and better facilities for the children.

64 philippines

Dare to Believe Cavite, Philippines Following the high floods in 2010, the construction of the building for Freedom Worship Center had been troubled with insufficient funds. Knowing that there was no way around it, Pastor Eric prayed for wisdom to create resources in order to see the construction to its completion. At the same time, the members began helping out and contributing resources to the project. Within a year, the ground floor was ready, and the building was completed just in time for their Anniversary in September 2013.

pampanga, Philippines It was Project Barnabas Conference 2013 when Ps. Lani was challenged to expand the church by purchasing the adjoining vacant lot. The expansion was seen as a challenging financial endeavour. After many long prayer sessions, meetings and negotiations, the lot was bought. Ps. Lani shared the undertaking of the project with the entire congregation. Inspired, the congregation has managed to accumulate a building fund which has paid off 35% of the property. Ps. Lani was proud to share how some of the students in her congregation had assisted in the contribution. Today, Ps. Lani’s team is eagerly working on hosting a mini concert, and a potential business in sales to assist the building fund. They are hopeful that God will open the doors needed to reach their goal.

Tagum City, Philippines The church started building its premises in 2012. As the church construction progressed, the venue has been utilized for various Thanksgiving and Christmas Events, and Leadership Training. In May 2014, the construction was officially completed in time for the building dedication. The church is now working on implementing the carecell system.



clear WATERS Pastor Jack and the church in Thailand have successfully installed a water pump for the community. Now, every family has access to clean water, thanks to the generosity of HSGGM. Music instruments have also been added as part of the new church equipment, enhancing the church services. The people of Buayai, Thailand thank everyone in HSGGM for their help and support.


classrooms, leaving the school exposed to the elements. Reconstruction of the classrooms has since started, and they are working to replace the old wooden partitions with concrete walls.

In 2013, HSGGM supported the building of the teachers’ hostel, students’ hostel, toilet, and the students’ & teachers’ kitchen for the school in Guogan, China.

Seeing the success of the school, the villagers have asked Pastor Li’s team to take over the two other abandoned schools in the area. As they work towards making all three schools fully operational, they remain hopeful that they will be able to build a secondary school for the children, who are rapidly growing up.

Assisting Community Education

Late in the year, however, a storm came and blew away some of the wooden partitions that made up the walls of the



ACCELERATED GROWTH Recently, 814 people heard the Gospel of Jesus through the church services, evangelistic meetings, and personal witness. A total of 248 people accepted Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

17 people were officially baptized while two additional cell groups were newly planted. The growth in Vietnam has been tremendous, showing God’s favour to the local Agape Churches which are stretched out in fifteen of Vietnam’s provinces. So far, 2014 has been a year of miracles.


HOPE IN PROGRESS Here in Ghana, the church has recently bought a piece of land, and is in the progress of building the church. Currently, the church looks forward to the promising experience of establishing the carecell system after the recent Spiritual Training sessions conducted in Ghana by HSGGM’s KL team.


More to Come

Pastor Ariffin and the church in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, has given their church building a fresh coat of paint, breathing new life and beauty into their environment. It has attributed to a better ambience and atmosphere for church functions, and an uplift of church members’ pride towards the church.



After some disputes, the church in Nigeria has at last recovered the 4 plots of land that they had bought in 2009. Since Pastor Deborah’s visit in 2012, they have stepped out in faith and bought 4 more plots. Together with the church, Pastor Joseph is trusting God that they will be able to begin building on the land soon, so that they may expand and have their own church building. They also hope to establish a school to support the church.

70 Breaking the Cycle: Giving Hope kota kinabalu, malaysia

Hope Learning Centre was started by Pastor Michael Liman towards the end of 2007 with a dream to provide basic education to the stateless children of Sabah. The education center started with just Pastor Michael and his wife, teaching 25 children, 3 of whom were their own children. “The vision is to break the cycle of poverty through proper education,” Pastor Michael says. “[And we do this by] developing and enhancing [the

children’s] natural talents.” The stateless children know the bitter taste of disappointment all too well. Born into a world that would not give them a place to belong, the dreams that they have are soon lost in an increasingly bleak reality and a rapidly darkening future. When there is no one who will have you, every day is a continual struggle for survival.

The first and most challenging step was to help the children move on from this survival mindset, so that they can look further and higher. “Once we overcame that, the success of the school just exploded. And now we are reaching our maximum capacity,” Pastor Michael reports. “This leads us to a desire to expand our operations and to strive to provide a higher quality of education. We also do social work, feeding the poor students and involving the kids to sow the value of giving back at a young age.”The dream is not just castles in the sky: the local

police reported a reduction in juvenile crime ever since the school started. One student, Fatimah, who went to the school in 2009 as an illiterate teenager who could not even hold a pencil, has now finished schooling, and even got a job as a cashier in a big supermarket

contributors to their communities.

– something unheard of within the stateless community.

to impact the lives of neglected groups of people.”

Today, the school is teaching 350 children on a regular basis, and has touched over 2,500 lives over the past years. With a dedicated team of educators, the school aims to groom the children to become leaders and

There can be only brighter skies ahead for Hope Learning Center and its children. Through proper education, we can secure a better tomorrow for our world.

“[We want to] teach them to engage the community and [also] how they can contribute in their own way,” Pastor Michael shares his vision for the children. “We hope to bring the school


After driving the same second hand car for 11 years, Pastor Sanchita had always desired to get a new car, and if it were not for the financial burden that came with the price tag on a new car, she would have bought it many years ago. It was a Sunday when they drove the car, and the automobile jerked and spluttered

throughout the entire journey, threatening to break down at any time. Behind the wheels, Pastor Sanchita prayed for journey mercy, and at the back of her mind, hoped that this would be the last time they had to sit in this car. Their miracle came when Pastor Samuel’s aunt sent them a love gift – and that really became the last Sunday they sat in the old car. When Monday rolled around, the keys to a brand new Toyota Innova Top Model was passed to them. “God may not always answer you at once,” Pastor Sanchita said, “But when you need Him to, He does!”

Tormented No More MA CHANG YUN, CHINA

Ma Chang Yun had a strange encounter when he was ministering in a nearby village in China. He met a 29 year old man who was demon-possessed. He exhibited strange behaviour and would walk around without clothes, beat his parents, and destroy the things around his house. It seemed as though there was nothing that could be done for him. Together with a team, Ma Chang Yun caught him and prayed over him for a week. He immediately became calmer and began to show a semblance of normal behaviour again. Since the week of prayer, he is now walking clothed and has been actively talking to people. He has even begun treating his parents with respect and could communicate properly with them.

Today, he has a job and is living a better life. Ma Chang Yun agrees that this young man’s life is a testament to the power of God. It truly shows our God is a God of miracles


Our Faith: It Works HUYEN, VIETNAM

In 2008, despite her family’s Communist background, Huyen heard the gospel and accepted Jesus into her

life. She serves with the music team in the church in Hanoi, and God has blessed her in her work. When she completed school, she took up a job as a restaurant waitress, and with God’s favour, the owner promoted her to the position of restaurant

manager after a year of working there, a position that allowed her to have Saturdays and Sundays off. It was a fine arrangement, and she was able to serve in church during the weekends. In 2013, however, her boss required her to begin working on Sundays on top of her normal working days, with the promise of a salary increase. Huyen talked to her boss and explained that she had to go to church on Sundays, and so had to forgo the extra money. Hearing this, the boss fired her, cutting off her monthly income of 200USD. But Huyen was not one to give in to disappointments or setbacks. She has since found a new job at a beauty salon in Hanoi, where she is learning the trade of hair dressing and nail painting. Her mentor, a good Christian, heard her story and decided not to charge her for her lessons. It is incredibly encouraging to hear about her resilience and faith. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

Contact Us

If you are pastoring a church and would like to be connected or know more about HSGGM, please contact

We are ready to assist, should you be interested in contributing your stories and experiences.

Wong Lee Chu ( National Missions Director for ministries within Malaysia

Please contact Rebecca Lee@+603 7980 5001 or write in to us at

Richard Tan ( International Missions Director for ministries beyond Malaysia

HSG GLOBAL MINISTRIES No. 10, Jalan Awan Berarak, Taman Yarl, 58200 KL, Malaysia Contact No: +603 7980 5001 www.

Schedules of our mission trips are available. Should you decide to join us in building the nations, please contact Nancy Woon @+603 7980 5001.

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