Re-Imagine: Momentum

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EDITOR’S NOTE by Laureen Foo

The theme “moving in momentum” came to mind when I pondered on Re-Imagine 2018. I felt strongly in my spirit that God was moving in a new incredible way. When our senior pastors released the message of the church theme of Stepping Out and Stepping Up, I knew that this aligned perfectly. 2018 is a year of Stepping Out and Stepping Up with Momentum together with God. I hope that as you read through our magazine, you feel the stirring of God’s spirit of momentum through our pages. I hope you see His hand of coverage and blessing upon us. I hope you feel inspired, assured, and most of all, know the incredible power and depth of God’s Abundant Love for each one of us through the amazing testimonies written here. This is the year of Stepping Out and Stepping Up further in our lives and in our relationship with Him. As I write my Editor’s note for this year’s Re-imagine 2018, I see how much God’s hand is present on the lives of the members of our church across nations, and for Malaysia. A change has happened, the impossible has happened, and this is truly an exciting time to be living. It is a reformation; God’s reformation. Esther 4:14: …Perhaps you were born for such a time as this. To my amazing team behind the scenes of Reimagine. You have humbled me with your generosity and heart when each one of you Stepped Out of your comfort zones, your busy schedules and Stepped Up with your faith, love and giving for this year’s issue; all for your love of God. I know I have said this rather repeatedly, but truly without each one of you, this year’s Reimagine Issue will not be possible. Thank you with all my heart. Genesis 11:6: The LORD said, "Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them.”








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The outcome of life is the sum total of the choices made, the lessons learnt, and the relationships pursued as you journey forward. Life does not come to a standstill, whether you are prepared or not, every day the sun both rises and sets. It doesn’t send you a warning or seek your permission to end the day or begin a new day! In short, the world will keep spinning, days will become months and months become years. The question that confronts us is: “Are you keeping up with this changing seasons and tides?” Some people may feel overwhelmed by the fast pace of change and the enormity of coping with the challenges. I believe we should not be feeling this way but rather feel excited that we are living in such dynamic times! There is no better time to be alive on earth than now in all of human history.

The world today is more advance technologically, economically, and logistically more connected, and culturally more developed than any time in human history. Scientific advancements in the fields of medicine, IT technology, manufacturing, communications, travel and social media has given rise to better quality life and productivity. Easier communication and faster travel has make the world smaller and the neighborhood bigger! So, what does all this mean to the church? How should the church keep up to all these changes and be relevant to the times? Herein, I felt the Lord is saying to us that it is time for the church to rise and come to speed with the world in terms of advancement and productivity. We don’t have to be left behind and feel unexcited because God has also set in place a dynamic plan and role for His church in these changing times.

The church can be an advanced spiritual organism where our faith is not just a confession but a possession. The new life in God is not a dull, boring lifestyle waiting for our redemption from the ‘evil’ in the world. We got to find new meaning and connection with the changing times we are in with the dynamic unchanging Truth we have.

The reality is, there is nothing like this new life – it is full of grace, provision, power and hope. It will be unjust if we don’t step out and step up to the potential of what the new life in Christ can offer. We must show the world that holiness is not boring; believing in God is cool and wonderful; serving God is exciting and rewarding and that a life of obedience to the Word of God is the best thing ever!


“Stepping Out and Stepping Up”

‘Stepping Out and Stepping Up’ is about taking on a more radical and pragmatic approach in our walk with the Lord. It challenges us to take what we believe a little further, to step up to what we believe and to step out of what was keeping us in the shades. The days of nominal faith where we do nothing but just wait on the Lord and ‘let the Lord have His way’ should no longer be a norm. We can no longer afford to passively sit and let the Lord do His thing while we twiddle our thumbs in one corner and hope for the best. The Lord is calling for a generation of people who recognize the treasure of redemption and are reaching out for it.

‘Stepping Out and Stepping Up’ is also about leaving the shadows and stepping up into the front and taking on what we were redeemed for. A very pertinent story that fits well into the thoughts articulated here is that of Gideon. The story of Gideon found in the Book of Judges 6,7 & 8 is a very fascinating story. It is a story many can relate very well because of the familiar situation and circumstance encountered by Gideon. What he faced and had to deal with in his time reverberates with many today who lived with the different forms of ‘Midianites’ in their daily lives.

The narration of Gideon begins with a note of darkness and despair - “…the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord. So, the Lord delivered them into the hand of Midianites for seven years and the hand of the Midianites prevailed against Israel” - Judges 6:1.

Those were difficult times of harassment and continuous plunder encountered by the children of Israel, and as a result, most people lived in fear and despair. Against this backdrop we can now have a better understanding of Gideon’s behavior. He was living in fear, poor self-image and intimidation while trying to carry on the life he has.


Hence, we read in Judges 6:11, Gideon was threshing wheat in a wine press to hide from the Midianites! There were probably many others who were doing the same because of the extenuating situation. Under such circumstances, Gideon was doing the right thing, staying away from trouble and keeping as low a profile as possible and be non-descript!

Against this backdrop, the Lord appeared one day and remarkably opened up a whole new perspective of Gideon’s life that he had never seen before. It was a ‘stepping out and stepping up’ in his encounter with the Lord. What was most enlightening, and refreshing was the statement that the Lord greeted Gideon with.

Vs 12, “The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!” Wow! What a declaration and how seemingly out of touch and context it sounded! You can imagine the shock and skepticism Gideon must have felt when greeted by the Lord in that manner and hence his almost rude and sarcastic remark, “O, my Lord if the Lord is with us why then has all this happened to us?” He was literary saying to the Lord, “Come on, you can’t be serious. What you have just said is ridiculous because the facts are stacked up against what you say. You are not talking right Lord, it cannot be true!”

That would probably be how we would have sounded today too if we heard the same from the Lord. However, the next statement of the Lord’s response to Gideon was even more shocking. If what the Lord said at the beginning was unbelievable, then the reply was taking it to another level!

The Lord said, “Go in this might of yours, and you shall save Israel from the hand of the Midianites. Have I not sent you!” What??? Not only has Gideon heard that he is a “mighty man of valor” but he will now be the savior of the nation! How impossible and ridiculous is that?

So often we don’t see ourselves the same way the Lord can see us. He sees our possibilities, but we tend to focus on the impossibilities! God knows what He has put into us, but we only know what we have based on what we are experiencing daily. Your experience can defer from the Truth.


“When you are familiar with the valley and is so engulfed by it, and that’s the only world you know, you will self-sabotage the mountains you have”

– Dr. TD Jakes

Gideon has to step out of the shadows of fear, intimidation and poor self-image in order to step up into what God has prepared for him. The fears, intimidation and poor self-image in Gideon are real and undeniable in the light of the circumstances he was in.


However, the strength, power and grace of the Lord in him was just as real and undeniable. Gideon, like many people, was aware of his weaknesses but God was aware of the strength in him. Gideon would not have his place in the Kingdom narration had he not step out in obedience to the Lord and step up to who God said he was.

The same is true for us today. The full story of our place and exploits in the narration of the Kingdom of God in the church will only be heard when we step out of our human assessment and step up into God’s assessment of who we are! We must see through the eyes of faith the enormous spiritual inheritance we received in Christ to empower us for the work of the Kingdom. These spiritual resources enable us to fulfill and complete the assigned Kingdom destiny in everyone.

He had to step out and step up to bring down his father’s idols He had to step out and step up to go with the plans of the Lord He had to step out and step up to lead the army of Israel even though he had never led one before He had to step out and step up with the army of 300 to defeat the Midianites

As we progress further into Gideon’s story, there is the ongoing requirement for him to step out and step up at each stage as he fulfills his destiny and leaves an impact in the nation’s history!

He had to step out and step up to judge Israel without any prior experience

From Gideon’s account, we can learn that fulfilling destiny is about the choices of action we have to take. We can allow the excuses of circumstances, inexperience, lack of readiness, mistiming, personal issues and lack to hold us back or we can step out of them and step up into the path of our destiny. Gideon could have chosen to stay put or obeyed the voice of the Lord and move on. The Lord is calling us to listen to His voice to step out and step up while shutting down the other voices of dissent and containment.

We just got to learn to go with God and flow with His direction and instructions. When Gideon obeyed, he discovered the Lord’s grace and hand was really there to help him step out and step up. The story of the church has always been accompanied by the miraculous, unimaginable, powerful manifestations of grace, provisions and the undeniable unmistakable presence of the Lord, guiding all things into His perfect will and purpose.

Let’s find courage and confidence in God’s faithfulness to step out and step up into His amazing and dynamic plan for the church in these exciting times! Let’s launch out into the deep and experience a new level of God realities and fruitfulness in this season by stepping up with faith into new dimensions of ministries and actions. INCREDIBLE THINGS HAPPEN WHEN PEOPLE COME TOGETHER WITH GOD IN THEIR NATIONS. READ MORE ABOUT IT IN PG. 43 & 44



The Power of Planting Your Lasting Footprint Rev Deborah Ong

When it comes to Farming or Planting – Are there any takers? Most of us are not agrarian at all, we are not familiar in relating to the land, especially in the use of land or farming. Probably, even that is an understatement. Our generation of city folk (even those of us who come from smaller towns or rural areas) are illiterates in terms of agriculture of any form. We are simply purchasers and consumers of vegetables, nuts, fruits and flowers. Supermarkets and grocery stores are most definitely considered the go-to places, not farming. I am most guilty of this. But guess what? God loves Planting! It was quite revelatory for me to discover that Plants and Planting are of particular importance to God Himself. Here are some interesting facts:

There are 4 new years’ celebrations annually in the Hebrew calendar; one of them is Rosh HaShanah La’Ilanot — a New Year for Trees. In Israel, the Jewish people dedicate this day to restoring the land by planting trees. People of all ages, including school children, will plant tree saplings all over the land of Israel on that day.

During times of war, it was prohibited to destroy trees. “When you lay siege to a city for a long time, fighting against it to capture it, do not destroy its trees.” (Deuteronomy 20:19)


This is one matter close to God’s heart, for He Himself planted trees! “Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there He put the man He had formed.” (Genesis 2:8)

It was prophesied that the nation of Israel will bless the whole world with fruit. “In days to come Jacob shall take root, Israel shall blossom and put forth shoots, and fill the whole world with fruit.” (Isaiah 27:6)






The Romans laid siege to Jerusalem in AD 70, destroying the ancient Temple of Solomon and much of Jerusalem when it was set on fire by the Roman army under the command of the future emperor, Titus. The Jewish people were scattered throughout the world and for almost 1,900 years with no one taking care of the trees in the land. In 1867, Mark Twain described its barrenness in The Innocents Abroad: “[Israel is a] desolate country whose soil is rich enough but is given over wholly to weeds … a silent mournful expanse …. a desolation. … We never saw a human being on the whole route. … hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.”





Jerusalem in the early 1900s (Source: US Library of Congress) Upon returning to Israel, the early pioneers worked hard to replenish the land with trees. Sages and Rabbis of the Diaspora (dispersion among the nations) exhorted the Jewish People, “When you first come into the Land of Israel you are to engage in no other work than planting.” (Midrash Rabba, Leviticus 25) Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai even said, “If a seedling were in your hand and you were told the Messiah is at hand, come and plant the seedling and then go and greet him.” (Avot D’Rabbi Nathan) Today, the Jerusalem mountains have been repopulated with lush tree life. Pink Nectarine trees are seen in the Golan Heights region of northern Israel.






We can now see that Planting is clearly rooted in the DNA of the nation of Israel. In November 2016, more than 3,035 hectares (7,500 acres) of forests and 1,090 hectares (2,700 acres) of urban areas have been destroyed by fires. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel knew for certain that some of the fires that have ravaged the country were the result of “criminal and intentional” arson. He vowed to rebuild the homes that were lost in the fire and replant the forests that were burned. “In the place of every tree that was blackened, another 10 green trees will bloom,” he said. “That is what our predecessors did since the establishment of the Zionist enterprise, and that is what we will do as well: plant, build and deepen our roots.”


The Power of Planting Your Lasting Footprint. So, what has planting or farming have to do with us, especially in the 21st century? Well the modus operandi is still the same. God still loves planting and we are commissioned the most important task of planting. Our assignment is to restore the land by planting one person, one family and one church at a time. To build them up. To bear fruit.

Jesus and Paul use agricultural terminologies to depict the work of ministry. The word ‘trees' in the Bible is synonymous to ‘people’ and ‘the kingdom of God’. “You will know them by their fruits... Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit." Matthew 7:16,17 Paul wrote about one planting and the other watering. "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase." I Corinthians 3:6


Paul also used this as an illustration, “What is the kingdom of God like? And to what shall I compare it? It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and put in his garden; and it grew and became a large tree, and the birds of the air nested in its branches.” Luke 13:18-20

His Sanctuary of Glory Global Ministry is committed to continuously PLANTING people and churches because we understand and embrace the POWER of Planting. We are literally reviving and restoring our world by reforesting her with people and churches. No one can quit or deny who he or she really is. And this is even more so for Kingdom people are planters like his or her King. As Christian people, wherever we are, whoever we are and whatever our portions or pursuits in life, this is what we do. We continue to plant, build and deepen our roots for the Kingdom, we continue to touch people’s lives, we continue to empower them. This is how we grow. So never give up even when you see nothing much is happening or it does seem like a slowest and longest wait ever. The most important thing about planting is that we often don’t see the germinating of the seed before it bursts from the ground. The huge thing about planting and building is faith and patience in the waiting. Between the planting or building and the trees is the middle. Patience is not waiting because we are all going to wait whether you like it or not. Patience is how you act or behave while waiting. Hebrews 6:11,12 instruct on how to behave while waiting: And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end, that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. James 5:7: Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain.


Our beloved God loves planting, so leT us continue thE planting process. in doing so, we are reforesting our spiritually desolate world. AND AMIDST the process, I knoW it will change you first and then empower you to leave a perpetual legacy. THIS legacy of planting CAN BE your lastinG footprint.






The idea of making a difference, or being the difference in the world, is something that strikes a chord in our spirit. The twin messages of Spiritual Restoration and Economic Empowerment are built from the very same spirit. They are centered upon the understanding of the Church being the center to inspire, empower and equip men and women to live abundant and purposeful lives- the church being the light that makes that significant difference.

ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT In Christ we are heirs to the promise given to Abraham and enjoy the provisions of God. In fact, Abraham was known to be a rather rich man both in spirit and possessions. The idea that in order to achieve great wealth, one may neglect God is so far from the truth when it fact, the concept of Economic Empowerment is based on the fact that Spiritual Restoration and material prosperity are linked. As God’s children, we are empowered to create wealth and live without worry of tomorrow. Material and wealth provision are a consequence of spiritual pursuit for it is God who gives us the ability and power to create wealth and meet our needs (Deuteronomy 8:18). Seeking His ways and His Kingdom first, grants us His grace and protection to go further than we can ever imagine.

SPIRITUAL RESTORATION When there is no way, love makes a way. This cross of Jesus Christ shows the depth of God’s love for us. It is the reason why Spiritual Restoration holds its importance in humanity. When we place our faith in Christ, doors can open and obstacles can be overcome. Spirituality is not a form or state of being holy. It is a valuable moment of realization that with God by our side, we can achieve great things. Consider those moments when we were each hurt or experiencing a hurdle in our lives that we could never imagine getting through. Spiritual Restoration is capable in removing that mindset that we are incapacitated in our environment and replace it with the truth that when there is no way, God’s love will make a way. We were each made in His image to do great things.


Seeing Myself Through God’s Eyes


The past six years of my life can be summed up as a long journey of battling scoliosis. I was fourteen when I first discovered I had an abnormal curving of the spine. Living with scoliosis was both physically and emotionally challenging. Physically, because I experienced back pain 24 hours daily, 7 days a week. The condition makes my spine weaker compared to a normal spine, so it causes pain after standing or sitting for long hours. There are days where the level of pain becomes so bad that it hurts from something as simple as sneezing.


The physical pain, however, is nothing compared to the emotional toll I endured. Scoliosis did not only change the way I look, it changed the way I felt about myself. With uneven hips and a rib hump, clothes shopping became an issue because I was always worried about how crooked I would look in every piece of clothing.

What hurts me the most was the financial burden I've put my parents through. Scoliosis is not cheap. The surgery itself costs a bomb, and the chiropractic services were not any better. Each service usually costs an average of RM100, and I usually had to go on a weekly basis so you can do the math.

Those were hard times for me. My self-esteem was crushed and I began doubting God, questioning His plans in all this. It’s so ironic isn’t it, how God can cure cancer and other life-threatening diseases but not scoliosis? I was afraid — afraid that I had to live with this body forever. All I wanted was to look “normal”, yet why did it have to be so hard? This fear, however, has taught me the meaning of real faith. Faith is holding on to God even when nothing seems to be happening. It is believing in the promise of God even when doctors tell me it’s not possible. It’s okay if things doesn’t work out the way I hope so because I can be guaranteed healing at the end of this journey. So, I changed my perspective and started looking at myself through His eyes; I changed my focus on the possibilities rather than the facts. Knowing that surgery was out of the option, I tried many ways to ease the back pain and to prevent my condition from getting worse.

Along the road of recovery, I've learned different types of exercises, stretches and also picked up a new skill swimming! I got tired of allowing scoliosis to dictate the clothes I can or cannot wear. I took the challenge and began exploring In 2016, in University, I entered a fashion styles that flatter my competition known as the Loreal body type; such as high waisted Brainstorm. It was something bottoms and off shoulder tops. I really wanted to win. This is not a story which ends I kept my mind focused towards with me being completely accepting only Victory and healed. I am still living with nothing else. When I lost, I was scoliosis, have a hip that sticks way out, and constant back pain. so devastated and swept up by defeat. I thought that if I put all Perhaps I will never understand the reason I have this condition, my effort into it, I would succeed. I achieved 2nd place in but it's okay because scoliosis the competition but still I does not define me. Rather, it viewed it as a huge defeat. has given me strength and helped me embrace my After that I joined the Maybank imperfections. I may be bent, competition, and I still did not but I am not broken. emerge as the first placed This was the moment where I no winner. And once again, I viewed this as another defeat. I could longer allowed my back to not enjoy the journey or dictate my life or my future. victories I had as I focused too Rather this was the moment in my life, I learned to accept that much on the loss. I was super crushed. God is in the picture. I then reach a point of my life that I wanted to achieve something more, to expand, to grow.


God spoke to me. He made me realized that its not about the victories in life or goals, what matters more is the process. The moment that was spoken to me, I could clearly see what He meant. I learnt so much about marketing in FMCG through my time preparing for the Loreal competition. I grew in my skills in working with different groups in my time preparing for the Maybank competition. God taught me to keep my faith. It is easy to praise Him when times are great but I knew that it was in these moments when I felt the most lost or despair that I learn to rely on Him and His wisdom more. So, it was through those experiences that when it came to preparing for my competition in Beiersdorf AG, I was cool, confident and calm. When I first told my parents that I'm going to Germany for Beiersdorf's International Internship Challenge, mom was like "You're going alone? That's crazy!" Crazy it was.


Being selected as the top 32 participants out of 2500 applicants was crazy. Having to go somewhere which is more than 6000 miles away from home by myself was also a "crazy" move for me. The fact that I managed to win the competition was more than just a victory for me. It was the fruit of my trust in God. One valuable lesson I learned was to always get back up on your feet once you are knocked down by your failures. Persevering in His love, helped me pass all the deep valleys. A lot of people are trying to achieve a lot of things, aspire the great stuff and often we can be blinded by the victory or the end goal or for a healing that seems to be not coming. The thing is, failure and disappointments are all part of life. We should embrace the process as each failure and disappointment teaches a valuable lesson. When we shift our focus towards the mini victories of life, and away from our defeats, we realized that God is in the bigger picture.


PAM I came to know the Lord at a very young age. At the age of 3, an accident resulted in my family’s house burning down. Thankfully, neither my parents nor my 9 siblings were injured. The twelve of us huddled together outside the remnants of our house waiting for help, uncertain on what to do. A Christian couple came along and saved us. They offered us a roof over our heads. For years, we lived in a space of one room, filled with all 12 of us. They brought me to church and I attended Sunday school during my formative years.

melvin I came to know the Lord through Pam. It was through Pam’s colleague that the both of us really got to know Christ and accepted Him in our lives.

PAM My colleague told me that God led her to work in this company with me. She was wondering why and questionied God. She told me her doubts appeared because the company God led her to had offered a salary which was 25% less than what she was being paid previously. But she decided to listen because she felt a prompting that she could not explain, a prompting that told her that she would bring someone to know God. That someone was me. She and her husband then invited us to their house for dinner.


melvin We had a nice dinner together and that was when the both of us watched the movie Noah’s Ark for the first time. The movie touched our hearts. We felt that only after watching the movie, did we truly understand God and His love. We accepted Christ right there and then. Honestly, God kept calling us to Him throughout the years. He gave me a breakthrough by getting rid of my gambling habit. He helped me achieve something beyond what I ever thought was possible. From a life of struggling financially, he gave me an opportunity to start a business. It was a Proton dealership, Malaysia’s first national automotive maker.

PAM We did rather well. God gave us many more opportunities to grow. From Proton, He gave us an opportunity with Suzuki and then with Hyundai. He brought in many good men and women through our doors as good workers. And for many years, because of their hard work, our dealerships were recognized as top performers nationwide. But the reason why we dare say God was in the picture was due to very clear moments.


During the start of our Proton days, we had an empty land which needed to be built up for the showroom. At the time the land was too soft for the foundation to be built and any delay at the time would have cost us immensely. I prayed for God to withhold the rain until the building was completed. Not a drop of rain fell in the Klang Valley around the construction site. After the project was done, I asked God to send some rain for pleasant weather after our months of work under the heat of the sun.

The very next day, God sent rain and it was one of the heaviest rains we ever had in KL at the time. In fact, this was the rain that prompted the construction of our city’s Smart Tunnel project.

melvin God’s hand was truly in the picture; especially so when we were looking for a new premise for a showroom in Cheras. We struggled to find a suitable location that matches our space and cost requirements. One day, while we were both having lunch, I was prompted to leave immediately to Cheras. I did not understand why but I rushed Pam to go with me after dinner and leave straight from our home at Sri Damansara. We drove for half an hour with only one thought, God was leading us somewhere and we needed to listen and go.

The moment we got to Cheras, we saw a ‘FOR RENT/SALE’ signboard at an empty lot that suited our exact needs. We made a call to the agent and he told us to meet him around the corner at an eatery (makan place) nearby. The amazing thing was the fact that this agent just hung the signboard about half an hour ago, just around the same time I got the prompting to leave for Cheras. If this wasn’t God, I don’t know what is.

The moment he signed the deal with our sales staff, he requested to meet the owner. He then told me that God told him to purchase the car from this dealership in Cheras, disregarding all the previous dealers he visited. He said that the moment he walked into our dealership, he felt God’s peace and presence in the room which prompted him to immediately make the purchase here.

But it was this particular sale that showed us God’s hand all the more. There was a customer who visited many dealerships looking to purchase his next car.

PAM It was moments like these that led us closer to God and strengthen our faith and relationship with Him. Ever since we welcomed Him into our lives, He has led us to a place of financial security that we never thought possible all those years ago. Our families see the change in Melvin and me; they see a clear change in our family. There is a breath of fresh air and clearly less worry in our faces in comparison to years ago because we placed all our burdens, hopes and dreams on Him. Never did I think looking back all those years ago that our lives would be the way they are today, where we now live in our dream home, secure in His love and in the knowledge that we could provide for our family.

melvin God brought tremendous breakthrough for our family. It’s because of His love that we have been so blessed.


God Takes the Lead BY ANDREW YOON My earliest memories in church began with me following my Aunt Lisa and Aunt Ping Mui at the age of six. It was filled with memories of me playing in the church playground, enjoying good food prepared by Uncle Tan and just having fun. Every night my Aunt would pray for me and my family. And even though I did not understand much, I knew that she was praying for blessing, and those prayers were like little seeds of faith. As I grew older into a typical Malaysian student, I only came closer to my journey in building a relationship with God as I neared the end of Secondary school. My first crossroad came after attending an Easter event in church. It was a moment that I got to know who God was to me. There I met Timothy Lau. He was the very first person who approached me and invited me to join carecell. It was from the event, that I got to know Pastor Amanda. Both Timothy and Pastor Amanda persistently took their time and effort to continuously invite me for each church event and care cell outing. Yet despite this, I would just as persistently, turn them down. I still attended some church services, twice or three times every other month. But, I could plainly say my walk with God was not exactly established. I reached a point in my life after Form 6, wondering where I should go. STPM results came and the pressure was centered on the decision of choosing what career or course direction I would take. I was confused one which path to take. I had to juggle between my parents’ expectations versus what direction I had in mind to go for. This was when the invitation came to church led to a yes from my part and I finally decided to try and listen. I found myself surrounded by a support team of people who could help and guide me in what I wanted to do in my life and deal with this new crossroad.


I started going more frequently to church and cell. Timothy became my cell leader and it was from his life, that I saw how God was able to build him into someone who was able to lead people. I saw Timothy’s passion in God’s work and the strides he made to build people up, and despite availing his time and heart, his work and studies were not affected. He did not need to give up one aspect of his life to live out the other. My parents on one hand did not object to me attending church but they did not understand how I could grow so close to this community that I now call home. They had this idea that God’s work was for retirees. Nonetheless, I found myself drawing closer to God and Timothy’s leadership helped guide me in my decision to choose a career path and deal with the question of what life should be all about.

I started to care more for people and I noticed that I became less argumentative or self-focused. The more I served, the more I grew as a person. And in cell, I was able to grow who I was and they became my second family. By letting go and trusting God, I was becoming more understanding and I could see a better version of who I was. As I started my walk closer to God, I learned how to put my burden aside and strengthen myself through Christ through praying. Each time I was stressed, I prayed. And each moment I prayed, especially in the morning, I felt God’s spirit acting as an energy boost and strength to overcome every obstacle.

As I reflect today, looking back to the time from not knowing Christ to this juncture of my life where I am serving, it’s amazing how God has led me this far. I found it all the more true that when God takes the lead in our life, he will take us to an abundant place that we never expect. This is the depth of his love for us.



JESUS, MY HEALER BY CLARA HO It was a typically normal Thursday morning in June 2013, when I felt very uneasy. A small soft voice kept prompting me to go for my bi-yearly breast examination. I could sense that it's the Holy Spirit that prompted me to go for the medical check. And when the result was out, it was found that there was a 1.8 cm cyst in my right breast. The doctor did a biopsy test and when the report was out the doctor told me that the cyst was malignant and needed to be removed. I was shocked and depressed to hear the news but I did not asked God why? God was in the midst of comforting me, and I felt this strongly as I he led me through Psalms 23.


A spiritual sister flew all the way from Chennai India and told me that God has asked her to come and pray for me. She didn't know what happen until we met. Nonetheless, she prayed for me and told me that God has already healed me. She told me to just give Thanks to Him, worship Him daily and serve the Lord by going mission trip. During this difficult time the whole church stood by me from the Senior Pastors right down to the cell members and friends. I was very blessed and have been prayed for by many overseas speakers who came by and they even prophesied over me that God has already healed me.

Psalms 23. The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3 He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. 4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

I began to confess God's healing scriptures daily and worship him as in Psalm 103:1-5. When I worship God on Sunday I can feel every cell and fiber in my body responding to His healing power. I also did some research on my diagnosis and learned a lot about how cancer is formed. I even learned how to read blood test, Histopathology report and CT scan. Two years after my alternative treatment, I went for a surgery in Sunway hospital. The Oncologist recommended me to go for chemo and radiotherapy but I did not feel so good to do so. I quickly asked my breast surgeon to write a referral letter to Dr John Low at Pantai Hospital and consulted him for a second opinion. After he read all my reports he recommended me to go for a 21 types of gene test and sent my specimen to LA California. God perform His miracle and gave me two incredible blessings:

1 2

He helped me to claim my insurance (RM19,000) for the test when it seemed impossible as at the time as the test was not covered in the insurance scheme. When the report came back, the reading showed an 8. This means I did not need to do any chemo or radiotherapy as I was now healed!

I can’t explain it any other way, other than it must be His Love. Praise God for His love, favor, healing and mercy over me. I asked Him why and the He gently reminded me that this is a new beginning. God has given me a new life and He wanted me to declare His works and glory all over the Earth as in Psalm 118:17.

“I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.” Psalm 118:17


Crossing Oceans BY EDEBHAGA EVAN

Leaving Nigeria for Malaysia was a bitter-sweet experience for me because I was going to a far-away country where I wasn’t sure of their way of life and also for the fact that I was going to be staying away from my family. I have never been apart from them all my life. On the other hand, I was happy because I was going to a place where I was going to have the opportunity to focus on my life and future. Arriving in my Malaysia came with its own disappointments as I found out that the country wasn’t what I expected it to be but these disappointments made me develop an even greater desire to be all the more successful at what I was here for. Even though I originally wanted to just study, I became even more committed to achieve beyond just graduating; I now strive to best in my field of study.

My name is Edebhaga Evans, a Nigerian from the southern part of the country. I am from a family of ten and I love watching football and hanging out with friends.


Having to study in a foreign country with sole financing from parents can be challenging when you have come of age and should be handling your affairs yourself rather than be fully dependent on your parents. This created some frustrations in my heart but God surrounded me with people who stood by me all the way whether in encouragements or financial support. This helped me stay focused on my studies because this was God giving me a second chance to become more than I ever thought I could be thereby leading me to even greater successes. I completed my diploma program in 2013 as the college’s best ever graduating student. I went on to finish my bachelor’s degree in computing with First class honors as well as being the best graduating student in my department.

God stayed true to his word of always being there even when no one is. Today, I am currently pursuing my masters in computer science with the University of Malaya without any hassle and financial troubles because God has always made provisions for my family even in the midst of economic downturns. I would like to encourage every young person out there to be confident and not be afraid of the future, but to take a step at a time, putting their faith in God who is faithful and able to make good His word given to us. The future is what we make of it today and if we can go one step a time, one success at a time, then we can surely conquer the future.

“infuse your life with action, don’t wait for it to happen, make it happen, make your own future, make your own hope, make your own love and whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from up on high but by doing what you can to make grace happen… yourself right now, right down here on earth.” - Bradley Whithford






Oasis Ministry is a safe haven for those who need healing. Similar to the oasis in the desert, this ministry is an ‘oasis’ for people who need help or guidance. We offer help to those who are facing life challenges and need a listening ear, advice or guidance to make life changing decisions. We welcome people from all walks of life to the Oasis Ministry. We welcome everyone from those with questions about life or even those who are experiencing a difficult time in their lives. Oasis is a safe place of God’s never ending supply of ‘water’ to all.

OUR VISION is to “offer a safe place to share”. OUR MISSION is to “Let God’s light shine before men, that they may see God’s good works and glorify Our Father in Heaven.” - Matthew 5:16


Serving in Our Chinese Ministry an INTERVIEW WITH PASTOR AMANDA


A New Year brings a new theme for the church and a fresh vision. We decided to interview Pastor Amanda about the ministry God had entrusted to her; it’s past, present, and future.

Pastor Amanda, you are currently our pastor for the Chinese Ministry, could you share a little on how your first started serving in His Sanctuary of Glory?

I am proud to say that I have been faithfully serving in this church since 1994. It was through this church that I first accepted Christ.

Wow! Have you always served in the capacity of a pastor all these years?

I first started serving as an accountant and a service guide. When Pastor Daniel asked me to lead the Chinese ministry, I panicked. I felt rather out of place as I came from an English-speaking background. With help and encouragement from the church and Chinese ministry members, I gradually embraced my new role as a Pastor. Over the years, through their support, I improved in the Chinese language. I am very thankful to them, as they have helped me gain confidence in delivering God’s Word from the pulpit.


How were you transformed when you became a pastor?

In the past, I would have been too timid. Today, I am defined by this verse, 2 Timothy 1: 7 “For God did not give us a spirit of Fear but a spirit of Power, Love and a Sound Mind.” This embodies how through serving in these ministries at home and abroad, God has empowered me to realize a bolder and more confident version of myself.

That is amazing to hear! What doors have God opened through your newfound confidence?

God has expanded my ministry as I continue to serve Him. My ability to minister is not only limited to the local church, but instead is amplified by HSGGM. As God connected us to churches in China, my role grew towards going on regular Mission Trips to facilitate Carecell and Spiritual Parenting trainings in the region. It’s amazing how God uses us to minister and help distant people separated by oceans.

Do share with us some of the changes you have witnessed in your ministry.

The message of Spiritual Restoration and Economic Empowerment has made a dramatic impact to the lives of our people, both here in KL as well as in China. Furthermore, I have noticed that every HSG & HSGGM member has the DNA of pursuing excellence running in their veins. There is a growing dedication to not only serve in ministry, but to serve in the marketplace as well.


How do you see the Chinese ministry reflect the theme, “Step Out and Step Up”?

I see the theme as God taking us to a new level of personal faith. I want the people, especially the younger ones, to know that God’s blessing is ready and available for all of them. I believe that this is the season where God makes this a true testament. I see Him ready and willing to bless and provide our full range of needs on another level. Through our serving and giving, I see an overflow of that very same blessing as we are empowered to be a blessing to others around us.

For our final question, are you excited for the coming Project Barnabas Conference? What do think is the next step for our Chinese Ministry and our Global Family?

Yes, I am very excited! PB embodies Matthew 28:19, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations”. I see that every person who attends the conference is each an extension of their nation. Together, we are building the Global House of God. I will never forget when a student from China once asked me, “Why are you wasting your time serving in church?” Yet, I continued to minister to him. He completed his studies and soon returned to China. He recently visited Malaysia again and thanked me for speaking into his life. He thanked me for inspiring him to be a more caring and dedicated person and leader. This story shows me that we are part of a bigger picture. It captures who we are as a ministry; we are a global family. We are a jigsaw piece in a huge masterpiece. We cannot underestimate what we do today. We cannot anticipate what God will do in the future. We have to keep sowing into people and let God expand their lives so that He can fill the territories we cannot touch. Together, as a church; a global church, I see each one of us being used mightily by God in continuing to unlock the treasures of the nations. This is where I believe God is taking us.

Amen! Thank you for taking the time to share your heart with us!





“Serving God is a privilege.” I learnt this from Jane’s testimony, and ever since it has been “stamped” in my heart.

Seven years ago, as a timid and shy girl, I was afraid to step up to serve. My best friends started serving and they inspired me to do something for God, to honour Him with what I can do. I started off under Jovine’s guidance by doing slides for youth service.

Oh my, I can still remember myself messing up the lyrics sequence and missing some of the lyrics for the praise and worship song as I was not familiar with it at first. I remember my hands were shaking and my palms were sweating while changing lyrics, oh, those were the times. My friend, Joshua would always be at the side, encouraging me by saying “Don’t worry, you can do it!”, but at the same time, I can see him being more anxious than I was. He would be the mentor that stood by if I needed SOS. I am laughing as I am writing this, looking back to how much we have grown. Right now, I can serve with more confidence and focus on God when I’m serving, because it is all for Him. Soon after, Rebecca, who is one of the many leaders in our church, introduced me to serve under media in the main service. I started availing myself whenever the team needed help, to stand by. I started learning the lights, scaler and even the PC. As I was going through and learning each of them, I started to understand how our service works.


I would like to honour the people working hand in hand with me, sound team included, as “behind-the-scene warriors”, I honour and appreciate what they do, and their profession. Here, I would like to give my gratitude to the people that taught me these sets of skills that I’ve never thought I’d be learning, Elliot, Timothy and Nicholas. I can really see their effort in putting their best into serving the Lord. Here’s a fact about me: I always get excited whenever I’m scheduled to do media in Kidzcovery. I really love how the kids are so joyful and enjoying every moment when they play with each other. The atmosphere brings joy to me, and I love the fact that I get to see this sight through serving Him in the aspect of media.

Here’s the story of how I started working in the Exchange café. One hot Saturday, when Mable was planning the list of people to be on duty next Sunday, she realized there was insufficient manpower. She turned to me and ask if I was available to help out, I said yes to that day, and I was automatically recruited as an Exchange staff after that. I love how the café is growing right now, and how the café is a platform for the young people gathering together, working together to run them. By serving and working in the Exchange café, I manage to learn how to make coffee, never did I even imagine myself making coffee months ago. I wasn’t even able to differentiate between espresso and latte, or cappuccino, that’s how bad I was. Within the few months of barista training given to us, I can say there’s definitely improvement, and I’m grateful for what I’ve learnt as I was able to apply it to the café outside of church which I’m working in. This has given me a better head start.

Where else can you find a café that provide free barista training for the staff, not just a few classes, but enough classes to brush up your skills and making sure you’re improving. I would like to describe serving Him as an act of love for Him. Thank you, Jesus, for the opportunity for me to love you. This church, is the place where my life skills developed, doing things beyond my imagination, a lot of them unplanned and being realized when faith takes place. This is what I learnt through serving: you don’t need to be good at anything to start of something. All you need is faith, perseverance, and most importantly, availability. God is amazing, He would stretch your capability as long as you avail yourself, putting Him as priority in whatever you do. Here’s a verse that speaks to me: Colossians 1:17, ‘He is before all things, and in him all things hold together’. Just put God first and do not worry of how things will turn up as long you keep your walk align with His.



Hi there! My name is Ezihuo Richman, I am from Nigeria, and I am a graduate student of University of Sunderland, UK. I majored in Mechanical Engineering.

WHY DO I SERVE IN THE CHILDREN MINISTRY? The first reason why I serve in the children ministry is due to the sheer joy it brings nurturing and equipping future world changers, and also is the fact that I love doing what I love and what is right. I have been serving in the children ministry for about 12 years now and in all this time there hasn’t been a shade of regret and sadness, it has been just JOY, more JOY and even extra JOY. Leading and teaching sure has no downside to it.

The second reason why I serve in the children ministry, is because of the thrill and love I get from teaching the children. I have been overwhelmed in numerous occasions by the love they have shown to me. On Teacher’s Day, the children showered me with so many gifts. Such gestures will even make you feel younger each day and you will be compelled to do more.

But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” MATTHEW 19:14 NLT


WHAT IS MY DRIVING FORCE? My driving force comes from my heart as I am very passionate about teaching the young ones and investing my time by sharing my knowledge and experience to prepare the young ones for the future. My dad once told me, “Son, whatever you are doing at any moment in time is not for you; it is for your future generation.” I definitely want to know more about children and equip myself to be a better father when I start a family in the future.

Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward. PSALM 127:3

THE ROLE OF MEN IN THE CHILDREN MINISTRY The role of the men in the children ministry to my own opinion is focused more into mentorship. As a male teacher in the children ministry you are going to be the father figure to stand alongside the children in reading, playing or even listening to their cries. Children ministry is not in any way reserved for the females alone, the males have an important role to play in it, so as to make it better. There is a story of the little boy and his father in a candy shop, where the young boy love to have some candies. After being told by the store owner to grab a handful of candies, the little boy turned to his father for approval. His dad gave him the go ahead but the little boy waited until his dad took a handful of candy and gave them to him. Upon returning home the dad asked why he refused to take the candy himself and with a smile on his face, the little boy replied his dad, “I didn’t take them because I know your hand is bigger.” This story resonates with me in my ministry as I work towards serving God and assisting children in reaching their dreams and growing happy in the Lord. I would like to conclude by thanking God who has been ever present towards me in this journey and have given me the zeal to be a source of blessing to this generation of young warriors for Christ, I know and believe greater things are in store for me. I encourage all of you to serve in whatever capacity you can. For once you do, you receive far more than you can ever give.


WHAT WE LOVE ABOUT HSG KO H IDLZISFC EO STVIEVRAYL Our ministry’s mission is centred towards leading children to have a personal relationship with God. By experiencing God’s love, children will grow in the knowledge and security that they are loved. - by Janet Lee (Children Church Director)

We decided to interview some of the little ones from Kidzcovery and asked them what are the things that they love about HSG. Here is what some of them have to say:

562 likes I like the praise and worship, I like my friends, I like the games and I like the food. #hsgmalaysia

462 likes Friends, Bible and Play. #hsgmalaysia Bernice, 9

399 likes I love our church because we can learn a lot of things here. I have a lot of friends and we can read a lot of from the Bible. #hsgmalaysia


Sandra, 11

Karen, 11

Adam, 11

492 likes Praise & worship and being able to see my friends. #hsgmalaysia

Ashlene, 10 Lawrence, 11

362 likes I love HSG church because the praise and worship is powerful and we play exciting games. #hsgmalaysia

362 likes I love church because it brings my whole family together and I can make friends too. #hsgmalaysia

Kyra, 11

Alyssa, 10

Yash, 11

352 likes I can see my best friends, I love the competitive games, the delicious prizes they give out to winners and coupon. #hsgmalaysia

392 likes Play, worship and food. #hsgmalaysia

362 likes The games, worship, people, teaching. #hsgmalaysia

Jasmine, 9

Daniel, 12 Samuel, 10 Serena, 9

512 likes Praise & worship, the teachers, the games, the pastors and the food. #hsgmalaysia

Adri, 11

462 likes Energy, ping pong, food, people, kidzone, friends, best friends, games, teacher, pastor and songs. #hsgmalaysia

362 likes Love the building, people and decoration. #hsgmalaysia

Destiny, 12 Mark, 11

422 likes Friend, good team work. Worship, Music and Art. #hsgmalaysia

472 likes Praise, worship, game and lesson #hsgmalaysia

417 likes The praise & worship, the fun games, the teaching and the celebrations. #hsgmalaysia

672 likes I love this church because of the praise & worship and the teachers. #hsgmalaysia

Reuel, 11

362 likes Energy, teachers, food, people, Kidzone, friends, best friends, games, pastors and songs. #hsgmalaysia

Matthew 19:14 - Jesus said, "Let the little children W W W . y o u r w e b s i t e . c o m come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."




1 Timothy 4:12 Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. 42

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.� - Margaret Mead


WHAT IS HSG GLOBAL MINISTRIES? “You are a man of war. As these ships sail the oceans of the world, so I will take you to the nations of the world. And where you go, I will release the treasures of the nations.” - This is the Prophetic Word given by the Holy Spirit to Pastor Daniel which birthed HSG Global Ministries.

What began in 1994 was the start of a small fire, a rekindling of spirits for a church that was re-emerging from a turbulent transition. His Sanctuary of Glory was led by the Holy Spirit and the presence of God to move towards building local churches across the globe through Equipping Churches, Economic Empowerment and Education Empowerment.

The 3 Es Strategy Equipping Churches Our vision for HSG’s Global Ministries is to transform beyond just a mission outfit into a global Apostolic Community where churches and ministries can find their ‘spiritual home’ to both grow and reach out to their local communities. Our Project Barnabas Conferences are incorporated with workshops which are tailored to assist and improve the core skills of Pastors and leaders. Whether through mission trips, or leadership trainings or hands-on collaborations, we in HSGGM aim to equip our local churches by empowering them.

Economic Empowerment HSGGM encourages our churches through consultation and guidance to select and carry out opportunities which will empower them economically. We do this one church at a time; sharing business knowledge, opportunities and honing entrepreneur skills of the church leadership and members.

Education Empowerment Education is the key to the future for our children. HSGGM supports and encourages the initiatives for education empowerment among our churches by funding worthy education endeavors. We support the education process and pursuits by creating access to training teachers, networking of schools, consultation platform and funding of worthy projects. HSGGM also provides grants, scholarships as well as consultative and developmental involvement to further encourage educational pursuit and excellence. This vision became the cornerstone of HSG Global Ministries. Today we continue to fulfil this vision as HSGGM moves as a next wave of change through our 3Es strategy. Despite all our milestones, we know even greater works of God will happen through our Global Ministries. Join us and be a part of this amazing journey in changing the world.



Training and Development Director The HSG Education & Equipping Ministry has a rich heritage, dating far back in our church history. I remember joining classes when it was first named School of Christian Growth. I was only in primary school then! We would come in as early as 8AM before Sunday services every week to attend classes. It then grew to become Destiny Training School. Years later in 2010, when we first launched Carecells in the church, the ministry was named B.E.L.T. (Biblical Education for Life Transformation). And through all these different phases, I can recall how my life was shaped and molded at every juncture. Today, one ministry has evolved to have two distinct arms – Education & Equipping. With Education, we sharpen minds and place right values in people’s hearts with rich academic and Biblical knowledge. We are very honored and proud to be running extension campuses in partnership with Destiny College International and Bible College Malaysia. Destiny College International is a school for teaching and training Christian leaders, with cutting edge materials from world renowned leaders such as Dr John C Maxwell, Dr Myles Munroe, Dr Robb Thompson, and Dr Keith Johnson. Bible College Malaysia, on the other hand, facilitates theological studies on Biblical doctrines and the books of the Bible. Both these tertiary-level institutions are accredited in their respective spheres. As such, classes taken with them can eventually earn you recognized qualifications in leadership or theology.

As for Equipping, we place the right practical tools in people’s hands to lead successful lives God’s way and be ministers where they are. Our vast programs range from nurturing new believers, to training leaders and spiritual parents, to honing entrepreneurship, and even everyday skills for health, marriage, and parenting. With all that said and done, there is undoubtedly more to what we do than just putting Education & Equipping programs together. God has placed a call on this ministry to fulfill this portion of The Lord’s Prayer:Matthew 6:10 NKJV Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.

We believe in elevating people’s lives through God’s transformative power in every program – in head, heart, and hands – and raised up to be His army. Just like how I have experienced shaping, molding, and changing through the many years of education and equipping in HSG, I would love to see them experience the same and so much more! These people will be Dynamic, Healthy, Caring, Kingdom Minded, and God-Loving Christians. And we envision their transformed lives bringing further transformation to their surroundings. We see them bringing the Kingdom of Heaven down to the kingdom of earth in their communities, cities, and countries around the world.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela 45

WHAT IS PROJECT BARNABAS? Project Barnabas, HSG’s annual international conference, was born with the vision to equip our global pastors and celebrate God’s amazing work across the nations. Every year, our attendees join PB expectantly; looking for God’s encouraging and inspiring word to help them in their personal lives, their work and ministry. Project Barnabas creates a platform for our delegates, church leaders and local members to equip themselves with workshops, leadership training and renowned international speakers. Be part of this amazing conference and experience a revival in both your life and personal walk with God.






We have received great support as we build our church building. We will soon complete our pastoral house as God brings in new people into our second church. 2018 is indeed a year of Stepping Out and Up for Tagum City!

CAVITE & PANGASINAN PS ERIC & SUNDAY We have moved into a new building! We have been appointed as the official prison chaplain by the government as they recognize the improvement of the prisons we have served. We also received favour from the city mayor who greatly supported the planting of our new church at the local municipal hall. Many people from our Cuyapo outreach have been encouraged by God through our vacation bible school. This is truly God’s hand in our city.

PAMPANGA PS LANI We see a growth in numbers of the youth, through our open care cells. The young people are reaching out to their friends, schoolmates and their community. The youth leaders prepare exciting events where food is provided so they can fellowship throughout the meal after the events. It is an amazing time as the young generation rise up to share the love of God.


We are now using Facebook for evangelism and every time I share good news and activity updates, there is a great response. God also uses my daughter, Angel, who is now an ordained pastor. She leads the young people through a new bilingual service; which also aims to teach and expose them to English as a second language. Having raised new leaders, her ministry shows how God is alive in the hearts of the young people here in Vietnam.

MYANMAR PS MYINT NWE We are utilizing our church premise as a community centre. On Sundays, we conduct services, while on weekdays, we provide elementary and technical education with the help from the local authorities. Our premise is now place of empowerment! God has given us the ability to be the light in our community. We are also reconnecting orphan children to their biological families, in partnership with UNICEF.

INDONESIA KLATEN PS BENNY & SUPRAYATI New life is seen in the church of Klaten. It is revitalizing to see the church in Klaten grow from 60 to 80 people in attendance across 5 house churches. Having baptized many new believers, we see a strong movement of God’s presence over their lives. We need more space for the growing number of people!

CHINA YUNNAN PS LI Our churches in Mangshi, Ruili and Yingjiang are outgrowing their premises. These churches share a calling to serve our 3 schools in the Guogan conflict area. A ceasefire has allowed the schools to flourish; growing to over 200 students. Next, we will be building our 4th school and plant a church in Guogan.

T H e INDIA PUNJAB PS SAMUEL & SANCHITA I see a number of churches getting connected to HSGGM as we are leading the charge for a revival in India. I believe a lot more things are about to happen in our district as we have been entrusted to be the District AG Superintendent. God is Stepping Out and Up in His movement with India.

MEGHALAYA PS JASPER & BANITA The people of one of our outreach church were challenged with a vision to build a new house of worship. They pledged, they tithed, they tore down the old building, and they laid the new foundation with their own hands. They took it upon themselves to build their church. Now we have a new house to worship and praise the Lord every day. God has the power to move mountains when we come together in unity.

ORISSA PS FAGUA MAINZ Following a growth prophecy which I received during PB, my church has grown to plant sister churches in 4 locations. We believe this is just the beginning of the prophecy coming to fulfilment. When we trust in the Lord, He will bring us further than our own possibilities.

ORISSA PS MARK We started as a house prayer meeting, doing ministry from Chennai to Orissa. Now we have grown, purchased land, and have built a new church building. God is bringing more people to our church and we have a place to carry out baptism services. God’s hand has opened doors for us experience more of His miracles and blessings.

W O R L D SABAH KOTA KINABALU PS ARIFFIN We started opened a tuition center with over 70 students. We have received positive reports from the parents and they have thanked us for improved results in their children’s results. As we reach out and collaborate with other churches, they were transformed by our message of Economic Empowerment. We believe that this will lead to a fresh revival in Sabah.

KENINGNAU PS CLARENCE We have begun music and worship classes and we can feel the Holy Spirit during our practices. Additionally, we host courses to teach our people how to evangelize and host care events. God has opened the door for us to branch out our Economic Empowerment businesses further.

KOTA MARUDU PS UHANIS Spiritual growth of our members continue to increase and they enjoy worship. Currently we are in the midst of setting up infrastructure for online leadership conferencing with HSG Kuala Lumpur. I know God has great plans for Kota Marudu.

PENANG PS REUBEN The Penang Church has opened its doors to campus students, especially from East Malaysia. We focus on providing campus friendly and young adult programs. Now we have moved into our new premise, with favour from the management. Furthermore, we have seen growth in people and finances. We expect God to take us even further.

KAJANG PS BEULAH We are looking for a new church building to grow into! On weekdays, we have started an English literacy center to give our people a better chance and opportunity to secure better livelihood. I have also good reports from those who have passed through our doors; a few of our past members returned home and planted their own church ministries.

GHANA ACCRA PS DANIEL We are developing the infrastructure and facilities for our church members and to enhance our services. People are coming far and wide to worship and praise the Lord. There is a hunger for God’s love among the people of Ghana.

NIGERIA PORT HARCOURT PS JOSEPH Our church continues to multiply with working professionals and doctors joining our congregation. Many have encountered the truth of Economic Empowerment and grow to become big contributors to the ministry. We also conduct monthly healing services and we see miracles happening every service. I have confidence that something bigger is going to happen because our God is a God of miracles!




In April 2017, we had an election for the Assemblies of God District Committee Superintendent. This was a big turning point of my life. It was a step of faith that propelled me into a greater season of momentum for the year 2018. At this time, I was the forerunner of our HSGGM movement in India. My church has been impacted by the teachings of Ps Daniel and Deborah, and both my family and I have been blessed. I desire to see others being blessed by this relationship as well. I believe this is what the churches in India require. So over the years we have reached out and connected close to 30 churches to this movement.


by Pastor Samuel Thilak

This experience with growing HSGGM in India has expanded my love for the ministry beyond my own church, and so in my spirit, I felt this is the right timing for this role as God had first prepared my heart through HSGGM.

God said to me, “The door I have opened, no man can shut,” from Revelations 3:8. I received a double confirmation when unbeknownst to me, my anxious wife Ps Sanchita was also comforted by the same verse from God. During the election process, we have continued witnessing God’s hand on this new appointment. Virtually all the concerns and worries we had were all addressed supernaturally, further fueling our determination to serve our district of Northern India. I believe that with this greater responsibility, God will be able to use me to impact, guide and build pastors in India as they look to us as a model church. Suffice to say, I won the election. When my responsibility as District Superintendent grew, our church members and leaders rose up as well and took care of matters which previously I had to personally attend to. We have seen an incredible growth in ownership and pride in them. Some of our previously timid leaders suddenly rose in confidence to minister to the community, praying for the needy and sick, and faithfully sharing the gospel to many families. Our church hall is full every Sunday. I once thought that by taking up this role, I would let my church down. But the reality is, as God uses me in greater authority, my church rose up higher than it had ever been before.



by Pastor Win Maung Oo I’m Pastor Win from Myanmar. In 2001, I worked in Balakong, Malaysia. Pastor Beulah invited us to LWT. I worship there for 4 years. Pastor Beulah was my spiritual mother. In 2005 I returned to Myanmar, married, and in 2006 God asked me to start a ministry. I went for bible training and went on mission trips to the rural areas of my country. In 2016, Pastor Beulah visited us, she invited us to PB, and we came here for a new and interesting experience. God opened new doors with new vision here in PB and I’m very excited.

a connection to hsg kajang


The Salvation Army in Myanmar has been there for over 100 years. We mostly do social work, orphanages, homes for the poor, feeding program, building toilets, health awareness, in rural areas. We are in 53 areas in Myanmar.

We are now in discussion with Pastor Daniel Cheah on how to further grow this group of people. I will bring them for the next step we identified this year, which is to change their daily lifestyle of the people to be God centered.

God reveal a personal vision to me to organize a group of leaders since 2015, a separate organization with over 80 people as a church. I never truly understood this vision, until PB where it shook and encouraged me to understand the direction in full.

Our country has changed to a new democratic government. Opportunities has begun to open. But this progress is only beginning. We have congregation and people but we have to rent or use public areas like park or beach. It is a struggle for us to not have a permanent area.

This PB I gained a lot of new experience and learn a lot on how to run a church in Pastors Forum. Alcoholism is a huge issue, 80% of men drinks. There was a Buddhist man who was an alcoholic. He walks pass our church every day. One day I invited him to come in. He ignored me twice, and the 3rd time I found him sprawled on the ground drunk so I carried him home. That Sunday he came to church, after church I invited him to lunch, and he shared, he has 3 children and his wife had recently passed away. I told him to come every Sunday, and not to worry as God will help and show you the way.

After 6 months, he received Christ. His village leader was very angry with him and questioned him on why he accepted Jesus. He replied, “I want to accept because Christ mindset is totally different from those you have here”. That story happened 6 years ago; today he is a leader in the church, and he now reaches out to preach the gospel to people. He no longer drinks alcohol. His name is Ko Sein. He is changing many lives of the people in his village. The transformation that God does in people’s lives like Ko Sein, showcases how the impossible becomes possible. It is stories like these that keep me going. It is the knowledge that we are partnering together as a HSGGM family that keeps me going. It is my faith in God that keep us all moving. And I know, despite our struggles, a breakthrough is on the horizon, and I look forward to the day where greater transformation begins.


Philippines - Iloilo City by Pastor Eduardo AGENTS OF CHANGE

Our ministry “Christ for the World Ministry� consists of about 200 people across 5 village churches surrounding Iloilo city. In addition to evangelistic community crusades, we also give focus on our children ministry and Twilight ministry for the aged.

Through these programs, we have provided for, ministered to, and introduced Jesus to many non-Christians. Many lives have been changed as we continue to impact more and more village people. We continue to conduct our crusades at all the surrounding villages, where through song, dance, and sometimes drama, we attract crowds to hear the gospel. Sometimes we are at the middle of the field, while other times we use basketball courts, but no matter the location, God’s miracles continue to take place in forms of new salvations, miraculous healings and restored lives. Our children ministry across our 5 churches involves conducting weekly Saturday services, weekly feeding programs, and sponsorship arrangements for vitamins, shoes and school bags. We have identified over 400 children who are sorely in need of basic necessities.


On the opposite end of the spectrum, our Twilight ministry reaches out to the elderly who are typically 70 and above. Some of them are living alone and neglected; their children have since moved away for better economic opportunities. Our provision of groceries as well as the message of hope brings assurance that there is a God who knows them and cares for them.

For areas where we have no immediate presence, we partner with local churches and pastors to reach out to the community. As our ministries predominantly focus on serving the needy, financial struggle is commonplace. But God has never failed to provide on every occasion as we continue to be a blessing to the people in every way we can.

It was not until we came in contact with HSG Global Ministries and Project Barnabas where God expanded His provision to us with the message of Spiritual Restoration and Economic Empowerment; something which had never crossed our minds at the time . It was a simple, yet a revolutionary thought. We are here not to just meet their needs through humanitarian efforts. We are here to disciple and build people so that they can lead better lives.

We are not supposed to only settle at doing charitable acts, but a change agent.We thank God in His plan to connect us to Pastor Daniel and Deborah, whom we acknowledge as our spiritual mentors. We embrace their willingness to share with us and speak into our ministry. Our focus and vision has since changed, and we have experienced breakthrough in our lives, our leadership and our ministry.

We enthusiastically apply what we learn from HSGGM, and are comforted in knowing that we are not walking this path alone.


Malaysia - Penang

Outside the Box: Beyond the Four Walls by Pastor Reuben

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9

In recent times, the word “Technology” has become a dirty word and it is used to describe a conduit of replacing the role of humanity and that it’s approaches are cold and impersonal. Even in the church circle, the technology known as “Streaming”, has had a bad reputation, as it denotes of Christian not coming to church but “experiencing” church in the comfort of their own home. However, in His Sanctuary of Glory Penang, we do things differently. We believe that technology placed in the hands of passionate believers, can make a difference and blows away the limitations when it comes to ministering to the many, when done right and in partnership with the Holy Spirit. Together with the HSG Media Team of Kuala Lumpur, we have developed a unique experience of having our services being live streamed from our headquarters from time to time, especially when there are guest speakers.


More than just watching a stream on the screen, it is a combination of preparation, technological savviness, a whole lot of prayer and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, which brings together the powerful combination of the spiritual factor to the given physical tools that have been made available for us. The simple premise is this; each service has to have a set person (a pastor or a minister) The likes of preachers such as Keith Johnson, Mark Baker, Andrew Owens, Apostle Naomi Dowdy as well as our Senior Pastors, Pastor Daniel Cheah and Pastor Deborah Ong, have not only have their messages delivered clearly on screen, but the tangible anointed presence in those sessions are felt and experienced too among the congregation that are watching through the streams. We had seen some powerful altar calls happening as well as people responding to salvation through these various live stream services. To date, through the live stream alone, we have seen 14 people coming to the Lord in 2018 alone.

The concept of a live streaming service has also helped us expand to meet the needs of the different groups of people in our church and the community. The changes of lifestyle and demands of life sometimes dictate the fact that not everyone can show in an appointed service, but with this technology. This has helped us to expand to various additional services, should they not be able to make it for the traditional Sunday Morning service. It is more than just watching a message, it is also experiencing the message and having their lives potentially be transformed.

In 2018, we are targeting to expand more, especially with this tool, as we keep the church door wide open, without limitations and prejudices. We are in the process of identifying and training more leaders that can help increase this work more, as we believe in the vision of the house to become a blessing to the state of Penang and the world.



Malaysia - KOTA KINABALU by Pastor Ariffin

In November 2016, we started a tuition centre on weekdays at our church premises. Initially, the intention was for it to help the children in our church with their studies, but as the word spread, we realized that there is a huge demand for tuition services at our area. We prayed over this and decided to expand and open our doors to the public. With that in mind, our license application was approved without a hitch, and we began promoting our tuition center. In a matter of months, we have maxed out our capacity of 70 students weekly, as God brought to us professional engineers, lecturers and doctors with a passion for teaching. Without our prior knowledge, one of our students was diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), but as he joined our tuition classes weekly, his father noticed a significant improvement of his son’s condition and studies. This is one of the many positive reports we received from parents who are incredibly thankful to us as their children improved in their school exams. Enjoying the friendships they have built during classes, some students even encouraged their parents to come to church on Sundays as well. Our desire for the tuition centre is not only to teach students, but to also motivate and inspire them. We believe that as this tuition centre empowers the church economically, and it would also spiritually restore the students that come through our doors.


Malaysia - KENINGAU by Pastor Clarence For all these years, I have been the pastor, worship leader, cell leader and musician of our church. We took a personal step of faith and moved to a new building with new facilities. My wife and I felt the responsibility to train new leaders in the church. I began to realize that instead of praying for new leaders to join our church, I have to personally and purposefully disciple, grow and build leaders from the people we currently have. We have loyal people who serve, but we have yet to grow them towards becoming leaders of the ministry. In order to do that, I would also have to pass on some of the roles which I am holding on my own.

This is why we have begun to facilitate additional classes to better equip our people in not only serving in more areas, but also to have a stronger identity and higher level of ownership. This is why we have begun music and worship classes. We started off small, but their interests and connection with the Holy Spirit gradually grew. We also have leadership seminars in church to further develop our people. As of today our church started three new steps in reaching our destiny. First of all we have opened a second branch of Oikos Shops, and a brand new therapy centre.

The therapy centre offers full laser body scan for customers to check their health. Additionally, we started having music classes, training the believers in playing musical instruments. Previously it was me alone with the guitar. Now we have grown and are planning care events in the new church venue to welcome newcomers. Our youth ministry is also experiencing growth. With dedication and patience, our efforts have begun to pay off. A few of our members have taken up the mantle to lead their ministries. Despite the challenges we face, I believe that our people can grow and be shaped to be the leaders God calls them to be.



By Laureen Foo

When we look towards how we can go out there and Step Out and Step Up with Momentum, the call to mission is exactly one way we can do so. I remember thinking mission work was related to being a monk or nun, dressed in a religious garb, and setting off to each town or city, seated on a donkey. Well, this was the image painted in my mind when I read the stories in the bible. I had this point of view that we had to be extremely pious or religious, in order to qualify for such a thing. Then, the idea of being a humanitarian was introduced to me, and I found myself drawn to image of going out there to the world, build houses for the homeless, feed the hungry or create a source of drinking water. Well we all know that this is further from the truth.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 “Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, just as you are in fact doing.”

Mission work is much more profound than this “imaginary view”. It combines more than just going out there to build homes, feed the hungry, or provide a way for people to have a source of income. It goes beyond just humanitarian work. It is literally a step beyond our comfort zones in front of the TV, or our laptops and café hopping, and playing angry birds to beat each other’s high scores. It definitely goes beyond us just changing our Facebook picture banner for a cause that is miles away. Its walking the talk.

There is this idea that in order to go out there and make a difference, we have to leave everything behind and venture out. There is the perception that we must first be someone great, or someone influential enough to even make a difference in the first place. Well, look at Oprah building schools everywhere. She definitely has the means. Yet, the thing is, His Sanctuary of Glory Global Ministries showed me that no matter who we are, whether it be Bill Gates, or even the simple man who has a good job and a loving family, or even an average student doing not too bad in school; God can use us to touch the world.

We are called to see our lives beyond just living, beyond just existing. We are each called in our own way to go forth for a mission, to step out and step up in our lives. After all, God has called us to be the salt and light to the world, to our community, to our families, to our friends. And going on a mission trip is definitely one way of doing just that.

So, let us look at each mission trip as an avenue to spread love in the world. It is an avenue to work together to touch the lives of people throughout the world. HSGGM has mission trips to educate children, equip people and empower churches. No matter HSGGM shows each one of us that no matter which country we would go or ability we what stage of life we all are at, we can do think we have, God can stretch us in ways more than just the mundane nuances of life; we never realized before. waking up and going to work, sleep, repeat.

1 John 5:4 “For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world — our faith.” 59

Called to STAND TOGETHER as a COMMUNITY We often think that going on a mission trip focuses purely on the “going” and what we will be doing there. When in fact, missions are part of a bigger picture. The call to missions is a call to work together as a community. In truth, amazing things do happen when a group of people collaborate with one heart, and one goal. When we work together with each other as a community, hand in hand with God, the biggest miracles can take place. And this includes:

The Call to Stand in Prayer


Prayer is an essential part of each mission trip. Praying is acknowledging God’s presence in our life, and each mission trip. And when we stand together in prayer, miracles can happen. When God is in the picture, He can move mountains.

The Call to Volunteer


The call to mission has the heart of serving. It is in the very heart of offering to be a service guide, or the camera guy, or work in kidzcovery or even in talking to the person next to us. No matter which area of ministry, be it in working in the Exchange café or helping fetch someone to church, there is always the need for more helping hands. Never underestimate the impact of a simple act of kindness.

The Call of Our Mission Faith Promise


Our giving does more each day. Our giving through tithes, offerings, mission and vision pledges, do far more in the work of blessing one family or one child, or one local church. It is part of our call to mission; the call to bless one another, the call to shine light to the world.

The Call to Witness


We are called to build each other up. Sharing our testimony and story with one another does exactly that, it builds each life in an amazing way. It shows how incredible the power of God has in our lives, even when the situation seems dire. Even a simple candle can cast aside the heaviness of darkness; this is the power of every testimony.


editorial TEAM

Laureen Foo Editor In Chief

Elliot Koh Content Advisor

Sean Soo Writer

Sally Lum Writer

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Rachel Voon Writer

Shem Amal Writer

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Summer Kho Illustrator

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