Re-Imagine: The Next Wave

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Table of Contents 05

Led by The Next Wave

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Our Heart as a Church

Spiritual Restoration & Economic Empowerment

My Dreams, His Recipe


Steadfast Faith Open Doors


Going Mobile


Unimaginable Favour



Water is Life: The Oasis Ministry


Love Across Oceans


HSGGM & Project Barnabas


Growth in Keningau


Building Tagum City


Flying High


Impacting Myanmar


Abundant Provision


Humble Beginnings in Shillong


The Boldness of Youth


Generation of World Changers Kidzcovery



The Mission to be a Wave of Change: Pray, Give, Go

Editor’s note by Laureen Foo

Being out there in the ocean, God’s creation, it’s like a gift He has given us to enjoy. Bethany Hamilton

I am humbled and inspired by the stories of the amazing men and women who show us what it truly means to step out with faith in God. They teach me the true meaning of allowing God to take us beyond how we see ourselves, and how He takes us into the Next Wave of our lives, whether in our personal walk with Him or in our ministries.

This season is an amazing ride on a Wave of Action, and I invite all of you to join us as one church and one family as we experience an exciting breakthrough with God. I would once again like to thank and appreciate the entire ReImagine Team who has humbled me with their dedication and effort in diligently putting together the stories and articles of this magazine.

This year’s ReImagine theme, The Next Wave, speaks about how His Sanctuary of Glory and our Global Ministries are moving into a season of momentum and action. It is a season of being purpose led by God to be the Next Wave (of Change, Love and Action) in the World.

Truly, without any of their help and the support of His Sanctuary of Glory, this magazine would not be possible. I thank God for each and every one of them and for their hands in breathing life into ReImagine 2017. Thank you for dedicating your time and talents in helping us bring light to the world.

My hope is that as you read through our pages, you will be inspired and spurred with excitement by the stories and testimonies of faith.


Led by The Next Wave

In 2016 we were awakened by the Lord to embrace our fullest potential and the resources we so often fail to see in ourselves. Christian maturity deals with the discovery and the recognition of our identity in Him - the awakening to His power and nature within us. We are in fact better than what we think we are, and thus we are designed to do far more than we could ever imagine. The ‘born again’ experience is a total package. It activates the switches for spiritual awakening and the inherent nature of God in us which had remained dormant till now. This is the Next Wave.

While the scripture in context refers to a future to come; when Christ will return together with His saints, for now I would like to use the same sentence to infer to a present yearning. For too long the church claims to be in this world but not of this world, that we are citizens of God’s Kingdom and that we are also God’s people. While the claim is bold and clear, unfortunately, on the ground level, we see the contradictions between appearance and reality. As God’s people, we are heirs of the Kingdom and the promises of God. However, in our daily lives, many church people faced similar situations as those who have not received Christ. They have as many fears, hang ups, doubts, struggles, needs, insecurities and worries as others. Often, this contrast between

The Next Wave is the rising and marching of an army of people who are purpose led by their conviction and understanding of their position and identity as God’s Children. They are not identifying themselves religiously as God’s servants and followers as in the past, but as Sons and Daughters of the Most High God! Sons and Daughters purposed by God to manifest and reflect His Glory. Isaiah 43:7 “Everyone who is called by My name, Whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him.” In the writings of Apostle Paul in Romans, he wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, “For [even the whole] creation [all nature] waits eagerly for the children of God to be revealed.” Romans 8:19 (AMP)



by Rev. Daniel Cheah

John 1:12: But to all who believed Him and accepted Him, He gave the right to become children of God.


the appearance and the claims can be too disturbing and confusing for both Christians and others alike. It’s time we breakout of this! I believed the Lord is putting out before us a choice and a commitment. Are we going to keep on living the way we have been living or are we going to embrace in totality the truthfulness of His Word to us and breakout? The choice is before us. We can choose a religious form of Faith or we can choose the dynamic life transforming Faith we read in Hebrews 11. The life transforming faith believes and embraces the existence of a covenant keeping God who is working for us and desires to fulfill His design for our lives. He is the God who rewards and empowers those who are His.

Since we are His children, we bear His status, His power, His character and we can enjoy His grace, His mercy, his favor and His abundance! Hence, all that is in God is available to us because of the special relationship we have with Him – as His children not just followers and servants. When we look at the status and relationships between that of master and a servant and father and his children, the difference is far and wide. Servants do not inherit the master’s possession whereas, children do. Servants will never have the intimacy with the master that children will have with their father. Servants can only have what the master gives whereas, children are heirs to all the Father’s possession! Furthermore, as children we can also inherit His character and virtues. Characters and virtues that empowers us to withstand and endure situations and challenges with courage and wisdom.

God keeps watch and brings opportunities, situations, circumstances, events and relationships to propel us to our purpose and destiny. He surrounds us with people and environment that will feed and lead us into the path of destiny. He does this because we are His children. The next wave is about living as God’s children! That’s the purpose God saved us for – to make us His children again.


As sons and daughters, our purpose is to carry the dignity, glory and name of our Father in heaven. 2 Corinthians 2: 14: “...Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.” As the Apostle Paul said in his writing to the Corinthians, as God’s children we are the carriers or diffusers of the knowledge of God to everyone both in church and outside. We do this not because it is imposed or required on us but naturally and cheerfully since we are His children.

Imagine what will be the outcome and what will the picture of the church be like when we start shedding the old image of master – servant mentality and start taking on the mindset of Father – children in our daily walk and service to God?

The Next WAVE is about living and serving God as children and not as servants. Led by who we are in Him and not just what we are to do.

Let us make 2017/2018 to be the turning around season in our lives – moving from servant mentality to sons and daughters’ mentality. We can do by being led by God’s purpose – the purpose not in terms of work but in terms of our being; our purpose as God’s children; sons and daughters of God the Father.

See how faith opens doors in page 16



This new wave is about the church who is God’s children rising and marching forward not as servants of the Lord but as children of the Lord. We serve the Father not just a master. We must understand the purpose of God – God was not planning to build a Kingdom of subjects but a Kingdom of sons and daughters; he was not planning to lead an army of servants but a family of sons and daughters to reclaim the world back to Him.

Deborah’s Reflection by Rev. Deborah Ong


We are a global majority! You are not a small fry doing insignificant things existing in a small community. Please get rid of the minority syndrome.

opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. God gave you a divine purpose, do not see yourself as small and insignificance.

Did you know that the Church of Jesus Christ is the largest global movement and organic organization on the planet? The Worldwide Christian community has a following of approximately 2.4 billion or 33.4% of total population of 7.3 billion. This excludes all the complex conversion data which are both varied and unrecorded.

God is not sleeping! He is onto the next and the next wave! Shall we ride these waves together? Did you know that the waves of God’s love and power pounding towards humanity has never waned through the centuries? The waves had kept on coming and growing. You know why? This is exactly who God is – He is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6). Those who seek Him will find Him. Also, even when we are faithless, He remains faithful because He cannot deny Himself. (2 Timothy 2:13) More so is this for a fact - the darker the night, the brighter the light. Jesus is the light of the world. And Light always overcome darkness.

The point is - Christianity continues to be the world’s largest religion and the numbers continue to climb. The amazing thing is, that this is happening despite the imperfections and the weaknesses we have! This is happening even though we are seemingly not ‘measuring up’ to the early church in the book of Acts. For the most part, we are in fact ‘grossly underperforming’. In other words, even though we have not even capitalized on the fullness of our potential, or realized the zeal and fire resident in us as the body of Christ...God is still working.

It is vital to know that God is constantly and powerfully pursuing humanity. He is relentless in His compassion and love simply because people need God – period.

Therefore, stop thinking and feeling like a minority! Think about this – we do have another majority with us.

My story - I needed God when darkness descended on me as I lay on the hospital bed paralyzed waist down. Jesus walked into my

And Elisha prayed, and said, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the Lord


Thinks about this: the only commodity that has eternal value and reward is people. Besides, a better world is tied to better people. And the gospel transforms people.

Therefore, ride on these waves – they are going to be big ones.

“Without God, life has no purpose, and without purpose, life has no meaning. Without meaning, life has no significance or Hope.”

Why so? Because when we partner with Him, we are not alone. He has our back. He takes us out of insignificance into something greater. God and us create the majority. All we have to do is to just take one more step up: talking and hearing from God, growing in the knowledge of God, praying for your family and friends, connecting them to Jesus. Being a friend, a healer, an encourager, a witness, and etc. All of this shows how each of us can take our commitment to God a notch up and be a wave of God’s love.

Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here for?

God’s love is an oasis. Read about our Oasis Ministry in page 20. 9


dark depressed hopeless world through a Christian friend who left me a book. Shortly after that I walked out of the hospital.

The Twin messages of Spiritual Restoration and Economic Empowerment are built with this understanding that the church is meant to inspire and empower men and women to live purposeful and abundant lives – centered upon the promise of love and faith given to those who believe in Jesus.



The cross of Jesus Christ is the sign of God’s love for us. It is the reason why Spiritual Restoration exists for humanity. When men and women place their faith in Christ, the way is opened to them to be reconciled and restored to their spiritual origin and position. Their faith in Christ creates a Father-child relationship with God and they now become a citizen of the Kingdom of God. As a citizen of His Kingdom, believers are able to enjoy a life of peace, abundance, productivity, and favor with God. Spirituality is not just a form or state of being holy. It is also a valuable and vital ingredient for successful living. In fact, it is through this same Spiritual Restoration, we are able to experience and enjoy the same grace of God’s provision through our faith and relationship with Jesus Christ.

In Christ we are heirs to the promise given to Abraham and enjoy the provisions of God. John 2 shows us that the grace of God is sufficient to satisfy a person’s spiritual and material needs when we are reconciled to Him. The concept of Economic Empowerment is based on the undisputable fact that Spiritual Restoration and material prosperity are linked. Material and wealth provision is a consequence of spiritual pursuit not out of it, for it is God who gives us the power to create wealth and meet our needs (Deuteronomy 8:18).


by Kimberly Yow




go for it and was successfully shortlisted for the interview. I went for the interview and was given confirmation of the scholarship in just a few hours.

I am currently pursuing a Diploma in Hotel Management at Taylor’s University. I enrolled in my university as I was blessed with a 100% tuition fee waiver scholarship after going through with an interview. When I was younger, I always wanted to go to this university due to its worldwide recognition. However, the cost of education at Taylor’s is very expensive. This made me think of choosing my second option instead. God did his miracle and one day, Taylor’s University sent me a message regarding the scholarship. After consulting with my father, I decided to

God is a provider and He will provide us for we are all His beloved sons and daughters. For in Philippians 4:19, God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. God knew His plans for me and paved the path for success. I began my hospitality and


In addition to that, my involvement in Project Barnabas’s food team has taught me how to cope with large events and serving a big group of people. I have grown to not be afraid of the crowd but instead learn to embrace and control the situation. Looking back, I realized that God placed the right people in my life to lead me to where I am today. Therefore, I would also like to encourage you to serve in church as well, because nothing is too small. That one step forward in that one simple task could bring you further than you could ever imagine. Because God’s plans are always to prosper us and He always knows his plans for us, we don’t have to be afraid. Nothing is too big of a challenge with God, for He is our strength. As I look back, I can say that my experience of serving in church is what got me the scholarship for my university and I’m really grateful to be able to attend a church which nurtures and believes in your potential.

culinary journey in Form 1, long before I started my Diploma studies. The first person who nurtured my talent was my leader in youth ministry. She saw the potential in me and recruited me into the food coordination team for our youth camp. Shortly after, another youth leader further enhanced my skills by giving me the opportunity to coordinate future youth events. He was a hospitality graduate from Taylors; he gave me his ideas and advised me throughout my entire learning process.



I was also given the platform to experience F&B operations through The Exchange Café. I had the chance to learn from co-workers with industry exposure. They taught me how to operate the café by learning management skills such as scheduling and purchasing.

Going Mobile


by Daniel Gajen Business owner of Sumo Mobile

When I was growing up, I never imagine myself starting a business one day. I was a shy person and preferred roles where I did not have to talk to people; be it at work or in church. One day, I was asked to serve as a Service Guide. It was out of my comfort zone, but somehow in my spirit, I was prompted that this was the right thing to do. Sunday after Sunday, I became more and more comfortable with greeting and engaging new faces. This eventually gave me the skills I needed in my job and eventually my business. While I still employed, I started an online store known as Sumo Mobile as a side business in 2012. Sumo Mobile was built as an alternate stream of income after hearing a message by Pastor Daniel about entrepreneurship and economic empowerment. Sumo Mobile sold electronics devices and mobile accessories. Little did I know that one day, Sumo Mobile would come to my rescue. I found myself in a low position when the company I worked in closed down and I was left jobless. It was a difficult time, as the economy was unstable.

He gave me the courage and inspiration on making the serious decision on making Sumo Mobile my full time business. I prayed about it and did my homework. I started researching and finding various ways to turn this dream into reality. When a kiosk store was offered to me at Campbell Complex, at a reasonable rent, I knew

Despite going for many interviews, I remained unsuccessful and jobless. At this point of time, I had the idea of expanding Sumo Mobile into a full fledge store. I was feeling uncertain about this idea as I would have to come up with the business capital, overcome doubts of financial risk, and possibly deterring or unsupportive comments. This was where God stepped in. Through my time alone with God,



that God’s hand was in this. My finances to support the store were secured as my bank loan was approved. Things were falling into place.

My advice to all budding business owners is to not be afraid. When you place God first and have faith and perseverance, the seemingly impossible will become possible. My economic breakthrough happened when I decided to work towards becoming what God has made me to be and chose to stop listening to negative voices. I have great plans for Sumo Mobile and I know that with God, my little business can do much more.

Soon, I was hiring staff for my business and it grew with a stable customer base. Church and Carecell friends continue to be supportive of me. My time as a service guide helped me engage with all my customers with exemplary service and after sales support. Despite being a small startup, I gained favour and trust from my suppliers. I see God’s breakthrough happening in my life.

God inspires boldness in us to do great things. Read about the boldness of youth in page 43 15

I accepted Christ when I was in my second year in UKM and had been attending Living Word Tabernacle, Kajang until I graduated. During this period, I was faithful with my tithes and offering, despite not having much as a student.

I was offered the job. I attributed it to God’s favour and blessing. Here, God showed how He qualified the unqualified. When I went back for my convocation after working for a month, many of my friends were still unemployed. This made me feel a little bit ‘floaty’ or perhaps unconsciously ‘proud’ and ‘self-exalted’. At that moment, I seem to have forgotten about God.

During my graduation year, the economy was bad and job opportunities were scarce. I told God that I would give my 1st month salary for any job I could get. At that time, I had sent out more than 40 applications, but only one company in Singapore had called me for an interview.

When I returned to Singapore, I was told that my employment pass application was rejected by the Singaporean government and I was asked to immediately leave the company! Disappointed, I left...

Thank God, I got the job after two long rounds of interview, despite not meeting any of the three listed requirements. I did not know why

And my dilemma and struggles began.


Having only worked for a month, I only earned a single month’s salary. I was contemplating to myself, “Should I give away my one and only month’s salary to God as I had promised?”

is so much more, which has yet to come, and I continue to live in Godly expectation. As much as I would often ask God, why He would allow bad circumstances to happen to me, I realise that I also often ask why He blesses me so richly.

I was ‘TESTED‘, but succeeded in overcoming my thoughts and remained faithful as I honour my promise by giving the entire salary without thinking about what may come next.

God’s answer to me was simply this: “You have proven yourself faithful”. I believe that it has much to do with my tithing and giving, especially during my early varsity days, when I had so little and yet I was giving so faithfully. The ‘seeds’ planted since then are now bearing more and more fruits.

Two months later, the company invited me to return as they had appealed and succeeded in getting my employment pass approved!

• • • •

I consider the incident and the two months of unemployment a test and a season of character building from God. I had more to gain than I had to lose and learnt many good lessons, which benefited and shaped me to become the person I am today.

God is faithful God honours those who honour Him God disciplines those He loves We can never outgive God

Finally, this verse is something I keep in my heart as the promise of God, which I am living by each day: Deuteronomy 28:12-13: “The LORD will open for you His abundant storehouse, the sky, to give your land rain in its season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow. The LORD will make you the head and not the tail; you will only move upward and never downward if you listen to the LORD your God’s commands I am giving you today and are careful to follow them.”

Over the years, God has been faithful to me and He has been with me through my ups and downs. I give Glory to God for He has always led me toward victory, as I continue to hold onto the faith and hope in Him. Indeed, I am very blessed. Counting my blessings... Today, though I may not be earning as much as many others, what I have now is already far beyond what I could imagine during my varsity years. Not least of all, I could never forget how grateful I am to God for my wonderful children, who are all intelligent and filled with Godly character, and my late wife whom He has blessed me with. I believe that there



In short:

Unimaginable Favour by Francis


It was a decision that required a me to trust God in a way that stretched my faith. I grew up with my close knit family in Ghana. I did not think I would ever leave my country. Years ago, I had received a prophecy over my life from my church Pastor. He told me that I would work in a foreign land and be blessed because of my attitude of humility and willingness to learn and grow.

God’s work in my life that my Pastor was talking about. I accepted the job in Kuala Lumpur with a simple paycheck. Little did I know, that soon I was going to receive a job promotion in Media. My employers saw the potential in me and I was soon taking up more job responsibilities. The one thing I never forgot was God and I decided very early on when I started working that I would serve His Church in whatever capacity He led me to. This brought me the opportunity to serve in the video ministry in HSG. I learnt so many things while serving. This in turn expanded my ability to do better in my job.

I never imagined Malaysia to be that very destination. After waiting anxiously for a work visa to follow through in various countries, I was taken by surprised when I was given my work visa in Lumut, a small town in Malaysia. I took up the challenge, flew to Malaysia and went to work with enthusiasm. I found myself experiencing quite a culture shock when I arrived in Malaysia. It was completely different from what I had expected but it was rather interesting. However, when I was working in Lumut, I did not feel that I was meant to work there. I felt something missing in my career life and wanted more. A job opportunity opened up in Kuala Lumpur and I found myself taking a train to apply for a job interview. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where when you took a step of faith, then things somehow seem to fall into place? I experienced just that and I knew deep in my heart that, this was


Yet, I truly saw God’s favour on my life when people around me started helping me whether by helping me secure my accommodation or to feel part of the family with a Carecell. My Carecell and church was there for me when my father passed away in 2015. With his passing, I found myself in charge of my family’s business in Ghana. Today, that business is prospering and growing strong.

In the bible, Matthew 6:33 says,” Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need”. I see that verse coming true in my life all because I kept Him close, maintained a good attitude of humbleness and open the doors of opportunity He placed in front of me. I know that because He has been good to me, my future is secure. I now look forward to the greater things He has in store for my life.


Read about God’s amazing favour in Keningau in page 34


Water is Life:

the oasis ministry

by Kristy Yong Director and Counselor of Oasis Ministry


What is Oasis?

to pursue my undergraduate studies in Bachelor of Psychology and Communications and eventually my Masters in Counselling as I wanted to understand people better.

Oasis is a safe haven for those who need healing. Similar to the oasis in the desert, this ministry is an ‘oasis’ for people who need help or guidance. We offer help to those who are facing life challenges and need a listening ear, advice or guidance to make life changing decisions. We welcome people with questions about life or even those who are experiencing mental health illness at Oasis Ministry. Oasis is a safe place of God’s never ending supply of ‘water’ to all.

The courses and trainings have equipped me to be a better counsellor. When I was in Melbourne doing my internship; I saw many clients, from of many nationalities. Initially, like every other overseas student, I wanted to graduate and work in the clinic but the change in my decision took place after an incident at my placement. I was in a counselling session with an asylum seeker when he raised a question about my faith. I boldly shared my faith with him.

OUR VISION is to “offer a safe place to share”. OUR MISSION is to “Let God’s light shine before men, that they may see God’s good works and glorify Our Father in Heaven.” - Matthew 5:16

After that session, God’s revelation came upon me that evening and this showed me that without God, it is impossible for complete healing because God is whole and He brings complete healing to His people. I knew that God spoke to me and showed me that He can heal the people who come in for counselling sessions because He is the Healer and creator of mankind.

What inspired Oasis? I developed my love for people at a very young age while visiting the old folks’ home with my parents every Chinese New Year to give out red packet and to talk to the elderly. I never failed to join them every year and it was from those trips that I developed a heart for the elderly as I empathize with them and enjoyed spending time with them. When I grew older, my parents volunteered me and my siblings to help out at the Special Needs Children Centre. My childhood inspired me

Since receiving that revelation, I knew in my spirit that I wanted to be a Christian Counsellor. Upon coming back to Malaysia, God gave me a scripture in Psalm 23 to encourage me in pioneering a counselling ministry. I spoke to our senior pastors and Oasis was born.


Ministry is here for families and couples, the old and the young. It’s a safe place for everyone across all ages and regardless of all backgrounds.

Oasis Ministry is not exclusively intended as a place for those who are having problems. It is also a place of support and accountability. It is also a place where we can listen attentively to you, provide advices and guidelines. Therefore, trust that Oasis Ministry is never intended only for the sick as it is also for the healthy to continue to live life to the fullest, especially in the area of mental and emotional health.

What did you envisioned Oasis to be for people?

How/ What Oasis Ministry can do to be a blessing to the HSGGM?

Oasis Ministry is a place for people to find healing in their soul and spirit; it is both a refuge and a place to be accepted and relieved. I know that God is the supplier and the reason for this ministry. Desert Oasis’ are form from underground aquifers; therefore likewise God is the foundation (underground aquifers) where His supplies (of water) will reach the people who seek (a natural oasis) any help to overcome the challenges in life (pressure). I see that people who come into Oasis Ministry, being made well and becoming empowered to be fruitful people because of God’s never ending love for His people.

Oasis Ministry shares the values of HSGGM and we believe that we are commissioned by God to bring the message of spiritual restoration out into the nations. We have future plans of travelling to the nations to impact, equip and train spiritual leaders to be effective in ministering through clinical counselling skills. As our team of counsellors continues to grow, we hope to see this ministry expand and established in our global churches.

Is Oasis an exclusive place only for a certain group of people? Oasis Ministry is not exclusive for certain types of people. It is for anyone and everyone who needs support to overcome challenges and anyone who needs a confidential listener, or advice in the junctions of life, career advice, including any spiritual questions. Oasis



What kind of problems do I have to have in order to go to Oasis?

Love Across Oceans


“You are a man of war. As these ships sail the oceans of the world, so I will take you to the nations of the world. And where you go, I will release the treasures of the nations.”


through mission trips, or leadership trainings or hands-on collaborations, we in HSGGM aim to equip our local churches with empowerment.

This is the Prophetic Word given by the Holy Spirit to Pastor Daniel which birthed the HSG Global Ministries.


Economic Empowerment HSGGM empowers our churches through consultation and guidance to select and execute economic opportunities available to the local church to be economically empowered. The sharing of knowledge and the honing of both entrepreneur skills and management allow HSGGM to do just that, one church at a time.

What began in 1994 was the start of a small fire, a rekindling of spirits for a church that was re-emerging from a turbulent transition. His Sanctuary of Glory was led by the Holy Spirit and the presence of God to move towards building local churches across the globe through Equipping Churches, Economic Empowerment and Education Empowerment.

Education Empowerment Education gives a future to our children. HSGGM supports and encourage the education process by creating access for training, networking, consultation and funding. We aim to shine a light of education empowerment into the lives of our HSGGM global family.

The 3 Es Strategy Equipping Churches Our vision for HSG’s Global Ministries is to transform beyond just a mission outfit into a global Apostolic Community where churches and ministries can find their ‘spiritual home’ to both grow and reach out to their local communities. Our Project Barnabas Conferences are incorporated with workshops which are tailored to assist and improve the core skills of Pastors and leaders. Whether


This strategy has now became the cornerstone of HSG Global Ministries. Today we continue to fulfil this vision as HSGGM moves as a next wave of change through our 3Es strategy.


Project Barnabas, HSG’s annual international conference, was born with the vision to equip our global pastors and celebrate God’s amazing work across the nations. Every year, our attendees join PB expectantly; looking for God’s encouraging and inspiring word to help them in their personal lives, their work and ministry. Project Barnabas creates a platform for our delegates, church leaders and local members to equip themselves with workshops, leadership training and renowned international speakers. Be part of this amazing conference and experience a revival in both your life and personal walk with God.


Building Tagum City


Pastor Cip & Esther - Tagum City, Philippines

We love and cherish Pastor Daniel, Pastor Deborah, and HSG Kuala Lumpur members. We are so thankful to be part of this global family. When we first attended Project Barnabas, we were lacking financially. However, through God’s breakthrough in our lives, we are now we are able to attend Project Barnabas every year.

The Awana ministry was also recently launched to cater for children and youths between the ages of 3 to 14 years old. Each year, we used 4 different modules to teach God’s words. We also organized a Family day event and invited the children and youth’s family to join. Our church members donated a generous amount of clothes, bags, shoes and other things to bless the families. Through this ministry, we have seen more families joining our church and have managed to raised up future youth leaders for our church as well.

We praise God for our church premise in Tagum City as it was fully paid for as of last December. We acknowledge God as our provider as we know none of this is possible without Him. It was amazing to see that in the recent two years, God has blessed all of us as a church. Our members continuously pledged every month and soon we were able to pay for the building we built as a church.

In March 2016, we conducted a youth camp and around 200 youths joined our camp. Many of our youths brought their friends who were non-believers and through this camp, many of them decided to follow Jesus. We were also able to minister to the staffs and


We also want to thank God for our two daughter churches that are located in Baka and near Santo Tomas. Both churches are growing and our pastors are happy to be part of a global church. The two pastors from our daughter churches are planning to attend the next Project Barnabas. Despite being short on funds, they believe that God will bring a breakthrough and an opportunity for them to attend the conference soon. We believe that greater things are instore for us in Tagum City as we continue to grow as a church and a community in our nation.

We are currently planning to build a pastoral house to host pastors and visitors who visit our church in Tagum City. We have already started pledges for this project and we truly believe and trust that God will provide us this pastoral house, just as He has provided us with our new church premise.



managers who attended the Tagum Appliance Fiesta and this brought many of them to our church.

Impacting Myanmar Pastor Myint Nwe - Myammar


We have been part of HSG Global Ministries since 1995, and we are really proud to be part of this church. HSG Myammar is growing. We continue to see many new believers who has come to know Christ through our 3 Outreach programmes.

El Nino season as the environment upstairs would be too hot. We are planning to renovate the upper floor and fix the roof after Project Barnabas. Through the finances from our Economic Empowerment projects, such as paddy and chilli farming, and the funds we received from our church members, we were financially able to pay of the renovation costs.

I stay on the ground floor of our 2-storey church building which is also used for Sunday school. We recently renovated the ground floor that was ruined by the flood in Myanmar. We conducted our services here during the

With the changes in our government’s policies, we are now able to hold public evangelism. The churches in Myanmar started working


people with knowledge and various skills, from business and language skills, to farming and marketing skills to us here in Myanmar. I know that great things are to happen here in Myanmar and I look forward to seeing a new generation rise up in both skills and knowledge, especially so in these various fields. HSG Myanmar continues to grow and with each passing year. Indeed with all the new projects laid before us, I know that it is through God we are able to continue to impact the community here in Myanmar.


together. Every 1st Monday of the month, leaders from 27 different churches meet up to share our needs and progress. We were also able to start a clinic to serve the community. Currently, I am the Chairman of my city’s Christian Network. I am also a member of the Religion Unity Committee organized by the government to maintain peace and solve conflicts between different religious groups. I am now a Coordinator of an orphanage project where we work closely with the government’s social welfare and UNICEF to locate families for children in various home. This is to ensure that they can grow up in a proper family environment. In 2015, 90% of Myanmar was flooded and the water level rose to 10 feet high. We raised funds locally and sent teams out to help those who were in need. My daughter led a team to the areas which were flooded to distribute food, clothes, mosquito nets and medicine. We also teamed up with other churches to help the victims. We started our own Primary school when the government endorsed private education. Our staffs also volunteer as teachers in the school. We are also planning to start a Middle School soon. I pray that God will continue to send us

Children are our future. Read more about Kidzcovery in page 40


Humble Beginnings in Shillong


Pastor Jasper & Banita - Shillong, India

It’s really a joy and privilege to be here in HSG Malaysia. My wife and I have been coming here for 4 years now.

From that point onwards, the Gospel spread and the church grew in numbers. From this village, the Gospel spread to other places and now we have established churches in 4 to 5 places.

Rev Dr Jasper, my father, started our church in Nongtarian and we now have a total of 500 to 600 members. It all started when a girl from this village came to Shillong city to work for one of our church members. He called my father to minister to her and she accepted Christ. She asked permission to return to the village to share the Gospel with her mother. Her mother invited my father to the village and he led the entire family to Christ. They were the first family to accept Christ in this village.

We have also started a day care in Nongtarian. 90% of the nearby villages are members of our church in Nongtarian. Due to a limited budget, we were only able to take in 50 kids although there is still a great need here. The 50 kids are from underprivileged families. Some have no parents and are staying with relatives. We provide free tuition and dinner before sending them home at night. Prior to the starting of


just the kids from this village who were attending. Even those from neighbouring villages and other churches started attending too. The church is growing and God has transformed the lives of the members here. We are thankful that God used us to be an instrument and a channel of blessings to the people in this region.

A group of young people felt the need to come together in the church and worship God every day. This started with only 4 to 5 members, but after 5 years, it was no longer



this centre, we had no graduates in this village. Today, we are proud to see them graduating from their studies.

Growth in Keningau


Pastor Clarence & Rebecca - Keningau, Sabah

In 2015, God provided us with a better premise to run our church. We were given a good rental rate, so we took up two lots, instead of just one. We spent a total of RM50,000 on renovation works to equip the church, including fixing the air conditioning and laying carpet on the floor. This was all done to bless the people who attend our church services and to provide a comfortable venue for them to experience God. To date, our building is 99% completed. The Main Hall is located at the 1st lot, while the office, Visitor’s Lounge and Sunday school are located at the second lot.

consisting of 4 adults and 3 children. Our members are now actively serving in the Youth ministry, special performances, and Children’s ministry in addition to attending Carecells. After hearing the message about Economic Empowerment during one of the Project

When we moved into this new premise on February 2016, we had 7 new members,


Barnabas we attended, we started a mart named Oikos Mart. That was one and a half years ago. Today, the business is thriving and we will be opening a new branch soon. We are planning to name the new mart as Youbell Mart.

When we accept Christ as our Lord and Saviour, we become heirs to the promise of God. I hope all of us will realize this amazing provision of God. In fact, it is indeed our privilege and honour to be a child of God as He is a loving Father that never fails us. And it is because of this promise that God will continue to open new doors and bring us into victory in every situation of our lives. God will continue to do great things in our lives here in Keningau, Sabah.

I want to encourage all HSG members to continue to love God and serve Him faithfully despite the challenges that we may all be facing. From my experience, I know God loves me and He is in control of every situation in our lives. He helped opened the doors to our business and guided us this far.


John 1:12, “Yet to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God�


Flying High


Pastor Ariffin - Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

In Jan 2016, HSG Kota Kinabalu moved into a bigger premise which comprises of a Sunday School room, Nursery Room, 2 meeting Halls for us to conduct trainings, an Admin office and a spacious hall that can accommodate about 180 people. Our church location is very strategic, facing the main road and known to the locals. After moving in for 3 to 4 months, our attendance has increased 20% to 30%. People found a sense of belonging here and their needs were met.

became a platform to reach out to the youth and younger generation; a platform to inspire and cultivate the right attitudes and help them grow. When we first started, we lacked resources; therefore we partnered with the youth ministries of other churches. In 2012 and 2013, we started a few mission trips to the Philippines. For some of these children, it was their first time aboard and on a plane. The mission trip opened their eyes, and showed them how they can serve people from other languages, race and nation. In the future, we hope we can visit more countries.

We started a FLY HIGH Conference in 2009 to minister to the youth and younger children. We chose the name FLY HIGH because a lot of parents limit their children’s abilities and ambition, and we wanted these children to know that they can do so much more than what they could ever imagine. They could FLY HIGH with God in their lives. This conference

We had an extraordinary FLY HIGH Conference this year in March. I could feel the presence of God throughout the conference and many lives were touched.


his siblings in their school work and today, he serves as one of our youth leaders. This transformation is one of the many testimonies we received since the launch of the FLY HIGH Conference. This shows us that when God steps into our lives, a transformation for something greater can take place.



I had a good testimony from a father whose 18 year old son attended our Conference. Prior to this conference, he refused to help his parents do any household chores. He did not like to help his brothers and sisters in their school work and never attended any church activities. After this Conference, he changed. He became more hard working and he was soon helping his parents with the household chores. He stepped up and started teaching

Abundant Provision


Pastor Jack - Thailand

We used to face many challenges in our ministry. The people of Thailand believe that a pastor should not work outside but serve God full time in church. Our perspectives changed after we learned about Economic Empowerment through Project Barnabas. We realized that when a pastor is blessed financially, he can then serve God without any worries. I am grateful to God for opening our eyes to this realization and for providing my wife a job as an English teacher. This has contributed financially to the family.

church. We began to see God’s power move in the place and miracles started to take place. When we first moved into the building, we did not have any sound equipment as we could not afford to buy them just yet. God provided for us in a miraculous way. A young man, whose entire family had recently accepted Christ, brought me to his house. There he opened a door and revealed a storeroom full of sound equipment. He told me to take whatever we needed for the church. It was truly an amazing thing.

Last year, God blessed us with a place that was closed for 15 years. The Superintendent approached me and offered us the church building for God’s work. My wife and I prayed and evangelized. After 2 months, the first family came in. Shortly after, a woman accepted Christ and brought all her friends to

The church is now growing in numbers.


I am thankful for Pastor Daniel Cheah and Pastor Deborah Ong as well as all the members of HSG Malaysia for all the things we learned each time we attend Project Barnabas. Project Barnabas has indeed brought about a positive change in mind-sets and transformations in our lives and ministry.



We brought some of our members to PB so that their lives can be changed and they in turn can influence others. We have also been teaching and training people in Thailand. Our members are growing spiritually and becoming even more committed to the work of God.


The power of discovery sparks amazing growth and inventions; inventions that turn imagination and dreams into reality. When the plane was first invented, no one could imagine that we would one day be able to soar beyond the sky and land on the moon. When children are able to freely discover and learn; great things happen. Kidzcovery is the children ministry of His Sanctuary of Glory. It is our passion and mission to help children discover and learn, and to grow in God’s love, power and His destiny for their lives. The word Kidzcovery is derived from the words Kids and Discovery. Like the name, our ministry’s lesson plans are prepared with fun and experiential lessons for the children so that learning is an exciting journey of discovery.


games. Our lesson plans are tailored to encourage children to learn about God and engage with one another in a fun and safe learning environment. Recently, we made some improvements to the children ministry with the expansion of two new classrooms. Kidzcovery worked with our Senior Pastor,



Our ministry’s mission is centred towards leading children to have a personal relationship with God. By experiencing God’s love, children will grow in the knowledge and security that they are loved. Biblical principles and values are incorporated in all our classes, activities, events and even


Working Hand in Hand with HSGGM

Ps Daniel, Allen Tan and the church Administrator, Richard Tan in the building of these two classrooms to ideally create the right environment for learning, safety and fun for these two classes. Our concept was an inspired theme from the story of Noah’s Ark. The two classrooms were designed with a kaleidoscope of colours. In addition to the new classrooms looking really lively and colourful, they are a reminder of God’s wonderful promises in all of our lives. Our expansion shows Kidzcovery’s passion and dedication we have towards children. We are active in its goal to contribute and bless the children in our community. Our future plans include opening our doors to classes for drama, arts and craft and future tailored classes for children with special needs. Family days, fun services and exciting events are in store for Kidzcovery. This is a new exciting phase for Kidzcovery’s ministry.

This mission of ours to bring God’s love to each every child is very much in the heart of our ministry and our global family. We aim to assist and work together with our global family in their local children ministries and grow like Kidzcovery in their efforts to bring education and the love of God’s to the children around them. Our heart for children motivates our mission to see every child given the right opportunities to education and we look forward to building this future together with HSGGM. After all, children are our future.

“We may not be able to prepare the future for our children, but we can at least prepare our children for the future.” FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT


Generation of world changers

the boldness of youth.

by Laureen Foo

As young children, we have this ingrained boldness to try new things without fear of failing, doubts or reservations. A young baby takes his or her first step without fear of reproach. He or she just tries and before you know it, the young child is a running toddler. The youth have this amazing boldness and are in general unafraid to try new things. They are often described as both energetic and ever ready to take charge or climb the nearest

Generation 412 and Broadcast are HSG Kuala Lumpur’s youth and campus ministry. These ministries vision and mission stems in its’ believe in bringing God’s love to where it matters most; the hearts of young people. Our goal in these two ministries is to remind young people that with God’s love, they are



mountain. This boldness is what drives them to turn the impossible into the possible.


able to embrace their boldness with God, to cast aside all barriers and emerge from the limits they have place upon themselves. With the conviction of God’s love, they can touch beyond the skies whether in their schools, their homes or with reaching their dreams.

High Conference, while in Kajang, their first Youth Leadership cell was launched. The youth ministry in India creates their very own sound in worship as they start to incorporate their own songs in services, while posting covers of them on social media. Vietnam has recently started a youth and campusservice run fully by the youth ministry. This new wave of fresh zeal and passion for God is rising across borders, especially with HSG KL successfully launching our 1st International Youth Camp and with second one in the works.

These two ministries are the epitome of youth, zest and contagious excitement, especially in their passion for God. This passionate zeal shows a glimpse of what is to come; an exciting future of rising young leaders, business owners and amazing people. In our HSG Global Ministries, this wave of excitement can be seen with several of our youth and campus ministries launching their own conferences and youth Leadership cells. In Sabah, the youth recently hosted the Fly

Our vision for this camp is to bring God’s love across youth borders. The goal for this camp is to set all the participants on fire for God; to inspire them enough and stir their passion so when they return home, or to their ministries and schools, they will continue to live out their Christian faith boldly and reach out actively. Drawing inspiration from HSGGM’s Project Barnabas Conference, our International Youth Camp is dedicated towards building the passion of God in the Youth across the nations. Now with all that has happened we are left with the question of whether “is this it?” The amazing thing is that all of this is just



1 Timothy 4:12, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”

the tip of the ice berg. With God in the picture, our Global Youth Ministries are just getting started. Whether it is music, ginger selling or business growth, when people come together regardless of age and without any hesitation or doubt, the sky’s the limit to what will happen.

Come be part of the next wave & join us for the International Youth Camp 2017!! Venue

Paradise Valley, Broga For more info, contact us on our Facebook page 45

The Mission To Be A Wave Of Change

pray, give, GO

by Wong Lee Chu

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” PRAY, GIVE, GO

Barack Obama

Every one of us, at some point of our lives, wish we could do something greater than ourselves. And being a part of His Sanctuary of Glory opens up that opportunity to each of us. With global missions as her heartbeat, HSG has truly been an agent of change in the nations. All of us who have been standing together with our church in praying and giving towards global missions would surely find our lives blessed and impacted, knowing that we are making a difference in the nations. It is walking the talk in making a clear impact. However, when we take a further step and GO on a mission trip, it would bring us to a whole new level of experiencing God and missions, a deeper personal level which can only be achieved when we see and experience firsthand the amazing things being done around the world.

bless us and that we will be a blessing to the nations. Often if not always, we hear someone else report about what God is doing and how much of a blessing we are as a church. However, being there to hear with our own ears and see with our own eyes will truly leave us feeling thankful and privileged for the opportunity to be a blessing to the nations. It is a life changing experience. Missions are in God’s heart and we who love Him would want to capture the same heart. When we are there among the people, and as we hear, see and feel them, God will fill our hearts with love and passion for them, a connection built with people whom we may not even know. We will find our hearts and spirits enlarged to be able to include and embrace others and realize that life in God is more than just about ourselves. It will inspire us to want to pray more, give more and “go” more. It will begin in a small measure but as we continue to GO, our hearts will capture His in increasing measures.

The GO-ing takes us to the nations and gives us the opportunity to witness God’s marvellous works. It gives us the opportunity to experience how we are in fact agents in being a wave of change. God said that He will


and what we do not have. GO-ing on a mission trip that takes us to people who live with much less will truly make us appreciate and grateful for what we have. And we will be blessed and humbled by the generosity of many of the people who having little themselves, will give their best to God and to us. When they would not have meat themselves, they give us meat. Such was my experience on one of my trips and I learnt that generosity is not measured by what one has but by the attitude of one’s heart.

Learning about and from these different cultures that we call family through our global ministries, further add to our life experiences. The bible speaks about a great multitude from every nation, tribe, people and language standing before the throne and the Lamb worshipping Him. It is indeed an amazing thing to experience firsthand how each one of us will be among that great multitude on that day. Seeing another group of people from a different part of the world worshiping God shows us a picture of that amazing vision.

Indeed missions trips are truly life changing experiences. Yes, by all means we must all continue to pray and give but when we take one more step and go, we will find ourselves further enriched with the experience. I guarantee that you would want to go again.

We read Helen Keller’s quote “I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet”. Often I am sure that just like me, we catch ourselves complaining about life



GO-ing on a mission trip and meeting people of different cultures, languages and ways of life is an enriching experience. This may be outside of our comfort zones but when we go with an open heart and a mind, willing to embrace diversity, we will find the experience enriching instead of intimidating.

Standing together for the community


There is a certain energy, creativity and amazing change that come from bringing people together to collaboratively solve problems, and seize opportunities to make a difference. However, more often than naught, we think that we need to do something monumental or shockingly incredible to make a true impact. This is further from the truth. When we collaborate with God for our community, simple actions can in fact make the biggest impact.

impacting the life of one child. Financial Investments through tithes, offerings, mission and vision pledges all go a long way towards God’s movement across the world.


Standing Together in volunteering our talents and our experiences


From serving on Sundays as a service guide, to offering a ride to a person in need, there is always room for more helping hands. When we volunteer our talents and our time to, we find ourselves bless with opportunities to improve our own talents and experiences. No matter what we area we serve, it is an area of growth and provision. A simple guiding hand builds one another and stretches our efforts to reach out to the world and build better future.

Standing Together to Pray for the Nations The power of prayer and faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. Prayer allows us to acknowledge that God is in the picture and He stands with us in this movement. With the Lord by our side, we are able to overcome anything we face through His amazing provision and grace.

Standing Together to Witness


Standing Together to Join a Mission Trip

Go-ing on a Mission Trip blesses us with an unforgettable experience. No matter what our experience or ability, God can use us in ways we never realized before.



Sharing a testimony and God experiences with our families, friends and the people around us can touch a life in an incredible way. Our story in our walk with God can bring the joy and hope to another; and that is what makes a true difference. Never underestimate the power of a simple action of prayer, giving, volunteering our talents or going on a mission trip. Simple actions are how we change the world.

Standing Together to fulfil our Mission Faith Promise The simple act of giving blesses more than one nation. It stretches further than one local church, to beyond one family, and

See how we are all connected as a global family in page 24 & 25. 48

























Contact Us Interested in our Global Ministries?

If you are pastoring a church & would like to be connected or know more about HSGGM, please contact:

share your stories

Your stories can be the fuel of inspiration to see more people building and impacting lives, families and the nations together. We are ready to assist, should you be interested in contributing your stories and experiences. Please contact:

For ministries within Malaysia: Wong Lee Chu E:

T: +603 7980 5001

For ministries beyond Malaysia:


Nancy Woon E:

A: His Sanctuary of Glory No.10, Jalan Awan Berarak, Taman Yarl, 58200 KL, Malaysia

Richard Tan (Thailand & Indonesia Country Director) e:


Ps Beulah Ng (Myanmar & Nepal Country Director) E: Christine Lim (China Country Director) E:


Shem (Ghana & Nigeria Country Director) E:

We want to hear from you about what you think of this edition of ReImagine! Send us your feedback andsuggestions to help improve our next edition.

Tara Ong (Philippines Country Director) E:


join a mission trip

Our mission trip schedules are available upon request. Should you decide to join us in reaching the nations, please contact:

Follow us on Facebook for the latest updates, news, events and more!

Nancy Woon E: T: +603 7980 5001

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