Re-Imagine: Advance

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Life is all about moving forward. As the sun rises, it sets irrespectively. As days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months, and months pass to years, as surely as years become seasons. God had designed life in a progressing linear path that begins at one point and ends at the other point without the possibility of back tracking at any stage. I remember an old quote written in a bookmark given to me during the early years of my Christian life. It reads,

Only one’s life will soon be past Only what’s done for Christ will last! I believe our present life is meant to be preparatory. For the afterlife represents our eternal life. Therefore, we are advancing as we grow in our present life! We are living for the future. Eternity is basically a continuation of the present! It is where we left of in ‘life’ before eternal life.






But the path of the just is like the shining sun, That shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.




It is God’s intention that our lives get better with each passing day. In other words, ‘advancement’ is the buzz word of life. We must progress and we should be progressing. Advancement is the norm! Life is a gift from God and since God is good, there is no way He can give a gift we would regret. Therefore the life given by God is not only a gift but a blessing which is meant to be beautiful and good. It is important to keep our perspectives in check so that we could paint a proper mental picture to give us that drive to achieve that advancement in life. It is said that a bad idea can only be overcome or rewritten by a better resolution which is knowing that God’s will is always abundant and He is pleased when we pursue a better life with proper motivation and greater confidence. We must believe and be convinced that God wants a better life for all and that everything He has created serves a higher purpose which enhances and supports us spiritually for our advancement.


“Your life your choice” Every individual no matter how different we are has a choice to determine what and who he or she wants out of life. It is only if they have that drive to achieve that advancement of progression. When we recognize that God has created us to advance, we can now make better choices and experience ever-growing life because we know God wants it all for us. We don’t have to remain at a stagnant level where we met God. We can reach out, stay hungry and hunger for more of His glory, for His plan for us! As a child of God, our redemption is represented as more than just a one way ticket into heaven. It also sets us on a path of advancement with God’s support! This is a perspective that has yet to gain attraction in the church because somehow

the idea of God supporting our ‘earthly’ pursuit of success and achievement doesn’t gel well enough with the long-held wrong belief that God is spiritual and has no interest in the material. Such a belief doesn’t stand up to scrutiny because it was God who created the material at the beginning and then bequeathed his material creation to mankind-Gen1:26-28. Furthermore, it was Christ who stated that His coming was so that mankind would have life and have it more abundantly. He was not referring to the afterlife but life in general the life we are living now at this moment. Human advancement must be taken into consideration as the needs of the Body, Soul and Spirit. Progress in all three fronts would constitute an advancement

of the human life since it is only when these three aspects (Body, Soul & Spirit) are sufficiently taken care of, that life will be at its highest fulfilment. Christ was referring to this idea of life as the abundant life He came to give us! Advancement in life means advancement in Body, Soul and Spirit. These three areas are the expressions and the measurement of life and God having understood this expressed his concern too!

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. - 3 John 2


The quality and strength of our life are expressed and calibrated by these three. When the three converged, life is at its peak. God our creator knew what we must have if we are to live the abundant life, therefore He promised and prayed that we have it! Just like every other thing in life, we must first believe in it before we can have it. In the same way, we can read about this, but unless we believed in them, we will not open our lives to embrace and seek it for ourselves. What is it to prosper in these three areas?


Prosper in Material Possessions

God wants to equip us with possessions – to own possessions that can serve us to have a better life. It is God’s will that we have sufficient resources of finances, equipment, facilities and whatever things needed to fulfill our purpose and business given by Him. Most people confused the spirit of materialism with the need for material resources. Materialism is the spirit of greed, the desire of wanting more stuff for the sake of having more of it. It is the pure pursuit of material possessions. However, what we are referencing here is the provision and supply of material substance as a resource of empowerment for living and fulfilling life’s purpose. Material possessions are tools and servants to us not the other way around. We pursue God’s will and purpose not material possessions!



Prosper in Health

The Lord gave us two things from His body – the blood that was shed and the stripes from the beating. The Blood was for the forgiveness of sin and the stripes were for the healing of our bodies. It is a significant that the Lord’s supper has only 2 emblems – the blood and the body – the Blood was for the forgiveness of sins and the body for the healing of our bodies. The Lord wants us to remember that as long as the blood can forgive and cleanse our sins, the Body that took the pain can heal us of sickness and diseases. Hence, we must claim and see ourselves living in good health, free from pain and sickness. We do this by creating a mental picture of our life filled with health, vitality and youthful energy daily. What you see in your mind, your body will eventually move towards being realized - Proverbs 23:7.


Prosper in the Soul and Spirit

Spiritual prosperity means we can be filled with His knowledge and living in the favour and power of God’s Spirit. It is strange that there are so many of God’s people who are genuinely saved and reconciled by the blood of Christ but living in uncertainty and doubts of their spiritual blessings and inheritance. In the Book of Ephesian 1:3, the scriptures declared that those who are in Christ were blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places. The scripture is saying favour, grace and power of God are inheritances of God’s people. It is never a question of whether we can have them or not but rather a question on whether you can believe you have them already and therefore, drawing it from God. This also true regarding our knowledge of Him. In 1 Corinthians 2:12, the scriptures declared that we can know the things of God because we have received the Spirit of God! Scriptures

said the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth - John 16:1. As a child of God, you can have your Father’s knowledge. God doesn’t want to block the access to His knowledge and ways. Spiritual prosperity also implies that we have God’s favour. God is not against us but for us. He doesn’t work against us because we belong to Him. We are no longer His enemies but His children and friends. The favour of God is not just for a moment or season, but ongoing. According to Luke 4:19, part of the purpose of His coming was to declare to us that we are now living in the season of God’s favour. The original passage has ‘to proclaim the acceptable years of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God! However, the Lord deliberately excluded “and the day of vengeance of the Lord’. This is to highlight that we are now living in God’s favour not His wrath!

God has prepared so much material, spiritual and health blessings. All of which are waiting for us to embrace them!

Let's ADVANCE to be

A church of spiritual blessings A church of material blessings A church blessed with health


Returning to PentecostAL Roots

Unleashing the Power of the Holy Spirit BY REV. DEBORAH ONG


HSG 30th Anniversary! My 60th birthday! There is something about hitting a certain figure in age where some of us may feel that ‘our days are numbered’. One reason why our church theme TO ADVANCE is felt more personally, is because it impressed on an existing notion that time is short and therefore whatever we want to do, we should do quickly! When we were younger, we felt invincible but now we feel more vulnerable.

Looking at the Past To Move Forward A good thing about growing older is that we not only get to, but have to, and want to look at life lessons from bygones days so that we can better chart the way forward. Doing life sometimes looks like a gigantic snakes and ladders board game which is too unpredictable to plan for and put in a safe deposit box. Also, it is too complex to comprehend and to decipher. Occasionally, there are curve balls served our way and we get knocked off our feet and land hard. This is where and when the feeling of vulnerability grows on you. I reckon that we are just not that smart, period. We certainly do not possess the Infinity Gauntlet and Stones in Marvel Cinematic Universe that give the wearer omnipotence to dictate and control destiny. I suspect that some people wish to get their hands on that all powerful Dwarven glove with the 6 Infinity stones owned by Thanos!


Statistics revealed global church’s membership is in declining. Pew Research showed that the mainline Protestants in the U.S. dropped from 18.1 percent in 2007 to 14.7 percent in 2014. Despite the decrease, one denomination has been consistently growing: The Assemblies of God. “I think it’s a couple of things,” Superintendent Clay responded. “First of all, it has to be attributed to the work and person of the Holy Spirit…Each believer is a candidate for the baptism of the Spirit, and the more Christians understand that, the more we will see supernatural growth and perhaps even nationwide revival.” In a 2010 report, though many denominations experience membership

THE WAY FORWARD Returning to Pentecost Roots. Unleashing the power of the Holy Spirit.


declines, the Church of God of Prophecy (COGOP) is reporting growth. This worldwide denomination, estimates that 10,000 people joined the church each month with most of the growth happening in Africa, and is also evident in the U.S. The Overseer Howard said the church’s future strength depends on a return to its Pentecostal roots, this includes speaking in tongues and praying for healing. “Why is it that we are prone to try everything except the ministry of the Spirit?” he asked. “If the West is going to join the rest of the world in great harvesting for God in these last days they are going to have to return to the person, the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit.”

The reports above resonate amongst many Pentecostal ministers. One particular question-statement disturbed me and I somewhat felt in my spirit a quiet but definite rebuke. How poignant is the question “why are we so naturally disposed and willing to try everything except the ministry of the Holy Spirit?” This provoking question evokes a keen sense of sadness and regret. Hence, the timely reverberating call to return to our Pentecostal roots date as far back as the book of Acts. Oh, how we need the Person and the Power of the Holy Spirit as we do life whether in ministry, in business or in our personal and professional aspirations.

Recently a post on social media caught my attention and simultaneously stir up hope and faith for Christendom future. We could be living in the most exciting time in church history. The post is about Smith Wigglesworth Prophecies to Lester Sumrall in 1939. This is a brief overview. Smith Wigglesworth spoke about a healing revival movement that happened just after World War 2. He spoke about people from different denominations being filled with the Holy Spirit and there was the Charismatic movement. He spoke about a wave of teachings on faith and healing and there was the Faith movement. Then he prophesied, “I see the last day revival that’s going to usher in the precious fruit of the earth. It will be the greatest revival this world has ever seen! It’s going to be a wave of the gifts of the Spirit. The ministry gifts will be flowing on this planet earth...and they will bring the sick to churches where they allow the Holy Ghost to move.” How incredibly inspiring to know that we are living in such a time of the manifestations of the gifts of the Holy Spirit like in the book of Acts. What do we do? How do we response to this prophetic move of the Holy Spirit? What must we do, to do the works of God?


What do we do? How do we response to this prophetic move of the Holy Spirit? What must we do to do the works of God? Since last year, I felt an acute restless dissatisfaction in my soul and was thinking about the need to equip ourselves in the gifts of the Spirit. It was further confirmed with the clarion call to have our own book of Acts and record the works of the Holy Spirit in our lives. With that, during the first quarter, we placed emphasis and have begun to equip as many among the leadership teams to move in the supernatural. With the focus on operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We are mindful that if ultimate the goal is to be supernatural; we will be barking up the wrong tree. But if the ultimate goal is to be up close and personal with the Holy Spirit, I believe we will end up supernatural as an eventuality. Today, as you read this article, we invite you to join us grow an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. Have a conscious awareness of the person, presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Know the Holy Spirit as in walk, talk, think and feel. Acknowledging the Holy Spirit everywhere, all the time. Take Him to your home, school and campus, to the marketplace and to your business. Be where He is as He leads us to launch into the deep. Flock to the church services, conferences, seminars and trainings as we learn about the Person, the Presence and the Power of the Holy Spirit. How else do you get to fill up your book of Acts (also known as the Acts of the Holy Spirit) unless we know the Holy Spirit?


Never forget that this is our presiding mission in life - this mission defines life success in its truest form. Hebrews 12:28 describes our mission with these words, “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.” Every child of God has one predominant mission whatever your portion in life may be, and that is to serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. The greatest service is to be a witness of Christ. We are the Jesus to our world. He moves and works through us to save, heal, restore and deliver our community with God’s love and power.

Talking about Looking at the Past to Move Forward indeed! As I approached my 60, I embrace the sense of vulnerability because the fact is, I am not that smart neither am I that strong. But as I rededicate my life towards a committed relationship with the Holy Spirit, I dare say that we shall experience the waves of invincibility as we encounter the works of the person and power of the Holy Spirit amongst us.



A Glimpse Back to Where It All Began

30 years have passed and the church has grown across the nations. We have sailed across waters as a “Man-of-War” ship, with one goal and one mission; to be a global apostolic church movement. All the while, spreading the message of God’s Spiritual Restoration and Economic Empowerment to the nations. But where did it all begin? Where did HSG come to be? It all started with Pastor Daniel Cheah and Pastor Deborah Ong receiving an invitation to take over the pastorate of Bethel Tabernacle. This was what the church was known at the time. The church was located on the first floor of a shop-lot and needed a new pastor. “The feeling I had was that this was a group of people that were without a shepherd and I felt compassion for them,” Pastor Daniel Cheah. God began to speak to Pastor Daniel and Pastor Deborah and the church about the need to pray, to fast and to tidy up the whole facility. Soon, renovation was done to beautify the place so that it will be fitting for a Sunday service. A new sense of ownership was felt among the members. The church was able to move into another level of spirituality that was never seen before.

“Christ never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8 A church of spiritual blessings A church of material blessings A church blessed with health


Many felt the power of God come in during the services and people would get healed and subsequently with that, the church began to grow. The spirit of God broke into the church, and there was a clear transformation. Lives were changed and there was a new love and a new freshness to bring people and their friends and family to the church. A lot of people came to the church and committed their lives to the Lord. A true revival came. “We sought the Lord, what would be a suitable name for our church that will identify this new move of God that has taken place in the church. God reminded me of the promise that He gave me saying that when the Sanctuary is built, His glory will fill the place. And it was with that, we decided to name the church His Sanctuary of Glory,” Pastor Daniel Cheah.

Seeing the rapid growth that took place in the church, HSG had to now look for a bigger premise to accommodate the growth. A new premise was found in a building called Wisma Tan Kim Onm. Following the move to this new premise there was a lot excitement in the church. Many things were happening and there was a lot of energy. Everyone wanted to do their part or something more to contribute to the growth of the church. The people went into a different level of worship, from prophetic dancing,

to banners, classes for tambourines, and concerts. More young people were coming in. We found ourselves filling up the premises. The church started off with renting the first floor, then we began to expand and rent another floor.

The property was just a bungalow but with a big piece of empty land next to it.

Eventually, HSG encountered a hurdle. The rental of our present premise doubled. When the time came for us to renew the contract, the church leadership came together and decided that it was time for us to look for a property of our own. The search for a new property led us to Taman Yarl.

With the purchase of the property, HSG now moved into the phase where services would be conducted in rented premises, in hotels and office buildings. In the meantime, construction began in Taman Yarl.

“Upon entering the property in my heart and spirit, it was like…This is it. This is the property!” Pastor Daniel Cheah.


THE MOVE Things began to really change when HSG decided to now move into our premise in Taman Yarl. The first Sunday services were held outside the newly constructed building because at that time, the CF was not out for the building. We only had canopies set up with stand fans. The team was so committed. Everyone present, choose to look at it positively that there is something bigger than what we are doing. And at that very moment, we knew we were building the kingdom of God as a church, and we are building the foundations of this church. Everyone was very determined.

On August 31st, HSG had our dedication service for the new premise. The joy was unspeakable because it was really as if we came home to our promised land. It was a very exhilarating and high point of our church life. However, shortly after, the experience seemed to turn the other way. Soon, people were feeling extremely discouraged. The hall still had bare cement. And our attending numbers began to drop. The hall was only filled with about 70-80 people and it was very empty. “Very painful times, for me as a person because these are the people that I grew up with,” Albert Lim. There were questions on everyone’s mind. “If God has called us here and if this is from the Lord, why


is this happening?” There were many impossible situations. “And I just cried out to the Lord in the spirit and said God, do it for us!” Pastor Daniel Cheah.

The church kept believing and persevering. Members grouped together with one prayer in their hearts; “God, You started this, and you will see us through.” “This is where I want to be. If I left for another church, I still have to answer to the same God. This is where I found God. How could I leave this family? Every family has problems. You don’t run to another family when your own family

has problems. You stay and solve them, building the house together,” Mrs Megam.

“There were these amazing people who believed and they went through thick and thin with the church. And I say no, we are not going nowhere. We are going to build this and we are going to rebuild this whole thing,” Pastor Deborah Ong.

“We have a fantastic group of men and women who sacrificed all the way through and with this small group of people, it can be done!” Pastor Deborah Cheah.

DESPITE BEING DISCOURAGED, PERSEVERANCE CARRIED THROUGH ... The people continued to support the church in every way they could. Those moments pulled people together as a community. Every day, members would gather in church as early as 6 AM to pray. HSG members gave our time, we gave our energy, everyone gave more than their fair share. God was listening to our cries. HSG applied for a bank loan. The chairman of the board, who was a prebeliever, stood up and said, “We can trust the church”. With that, the loan was approved. Another moment of God’s greatness was seen when there was a business man who saw our empty hall. He wrote out a cheque and said “Pastor, get on

with the renovation”. It was through those miracles that HSG completed the sanctuary hall renovation by Christmas eve that year. God showed Himself to many through those miracles. For many, this cemented their faith. The church continued to grow over the next 30 years. And through that and many more moments, HSG continues to fulfil her God given vision across Malaysia and the world. “It is really something to be proud of, to have a church that welcomes people from all walks of life and different nationalities. Through everything that this church has gone through, its ups and

downs, God constantly reminds us that He is with us all the way. So, it’s truly an adventure to be a member of HSG. Because we’ve seen the growth, we have seen the progress, and we believe He will continue to do the same in future. We will grow together, and we will advance together, “Pastor Reuben. Looking back to where it all began; it is no denying that HSG is truly a testament to 30 years of God’s faithfulness. Where there seems to be no way, God will make a way. “Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart” Psalm 27:14.




Completed building

Bathel Tabernacle (Calvary outreach)


“March towards the mountaintop… from your fortress on the mountaintop you will go to the nations… and bring light to lands afar” -Prophecy by Rev. Ken Newton


Birth of PB & HSGGM


First Missions Convention


Call of God



Birth of HSG Church expansion


Land purchase Atop a hill in Taman Yarl



“You are a ‘Man of War’… where you go, I will release the treasures of the nations” - Prophetic vision received by Rev. Daniel Cheah

Expanding the Sanctuary



Church K-Square landscaping



“You are a sending church!” -Prophecy by Ap. Dr. John Tetsola

Launch of Carecells


2020 & Beyond

The Exchange Café opens


Addition & renovation of halls

Sanctuary Rebirth Launch of Education & Equipping Ministry

Accelerating into the future: HSG 2


Launch of Oasis Ministry Kidzone & facility upgrades



Vision of Destiny Praise: To create God moment experiences for personal and corporate transformation

YOU’LL DO AGAIN: THE STORY BEHIND OUR SONG We are delighted to introduce a song Written and composed by our own Destiny Praise (DP) team. This is truly a great time to celebrate the talent and dedication of the entire DP team as we focus on this year’s theme “Advance”. Here is Destiny Praise’s behind the scenes story of the collaboration. The Destiny Praise team gathered together on early December 2018 to brainstorm about creating a song we could call our own. It was not only me; Joseph Cheah and many other DP members also helped with the creation of this song. The entire process felt like it was in God’s divine timing.

Australia for help with the backing track of the song.

It was only recently that our team has gathered both the talents and resources to compose a song from scratch. We even enlisted help from Brandon, one of our team members, who is now studying music in

The Holy Spirit led each and every single one of us; there was a high level of mutual understanding, agreement, passion, and teamwork as we all converged towards a unified direction for the song.


It only took 3 meetings for us to complete the song and its arrangements. Everyone involved was able to understand each other. This accelerated process makes me feel that the Holy Spirit made this a much easier process.

We already had it in mind to make the song easy to pick up and the beat catchy. But we also placed a lot of thought into the lyrics. This season the church has been emphasising the importance of the relationship with the Holy Spirit. Joseph and I had to come up with the words for the song. Many times, we found ourselves going another direction, but we had to remember that this song is about the Holy Spirit. We had to focus on words that expresses the greatness of the Holy Spirit.

“YOU’LL DO AGAIN” Song Lyrics All powerful, All faithful, Yesterday to forever You fill me, empower me, Spirit come take over

I’ve seen You move the mountains, And chains were broken I’ll see You move all mountains, And chains all broken

I will trust in all Your ways, See your wonders work today For all You’ve done, I know You’ll do again Release Your power, I know You’ll move again

For all You’ve done, I know You’ll do again Release Your power, I know You’ll move again For all You’ve done, I know You’ll do again, I know You’ll do again

For all You’ve done, I know You’ll do again, I know You’ll do again

We were able to complete the song by February 2019 and waited until it was my turn to worship lead to sing it in the sanctuary. It felt really amazing to sing a “house” written song in church. I think this song hits the nail, and strikes directly in the heart; it clearly pinpoints the expectations and goals of HSG. It showcases how much we as a Church believe how amazing God, the Holy Spirit is. Even though we had not intentionally done so. The words “you’ll do again” kept coming up in the chorus. Some of us in the DP team tried to change it up, but every alternate option just didn’t sound right. Then we remembered that church has been talking about the Book of Acts happening again since beginning of this year, and we thought that would be a good title for this song.

The title “You’ll Do Again” was a clear intentional attempt to set it apart from other songs. We also wanted to emphasise that this song is not talking about a singular instance. The song chorus starts with “For All You’ve Done…” the word “All” is used to express the continuous involvement of the Holy Spirit within our lives. Getting back to this intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit is the direction we want to advance. We want the Holy Spirit to be as real as in the times of the book of Acts.

even an interlude in the song meant to encourage people to express their gratefulness and dance.

HSG is a prophetic church and this is a prophetic song, but we don’t want it to stop there. While writing this song, Joseph and I kept feeling the jubilant presence of the Holy Spirit. That is why the tone of the entire song is a tone of celebration. there is

With that said, we can’t wait for what the rest of the year has in stored for us, and what new songs the Holy Spirit will put into our hearts. It has been a great honour to sing the story of HSG.

We really want this song to touch the hearts of the entire HSGGM family and encourage other congregations to “Do Again” and dare to advance. To write songs of their own because no other song can truly put down into words what your church is moving towards.


If God is for us, who can be against us? ROMANS 8:31


Our church is called to be a Global Apostolic Church Movement. We are an international community of congregations with shared values, objectives and commitments. We are chosen with the purpose to be a witness for the Lord like the early church. We believe that every man, woman and child need not remain in the state of lack; God never created us this way. The twin messages of Spiritual Restoration and Economic Empowerment are built from the very same spirit. They are centered upon the understanding of the Church being the center to inspire, empower and equip men and women to live abundant and purposeful lives- the church being a much-needed beacon of light.



When there is no way, love makes a way. This cross of Jesus Christ shows the depth of God’s love for us. It is the reason why Spiritual Restoration holds its importance in humanity. When we place our faith in Christ, doors can open and obstacles can be overcome. Spirituality is not a form or state of being holy. It is a valuable moment of realization that with God by our side, we can achieve great things. Spiritual Restoration is capable in removing any mindset that we are incapacitated in our environment and replace it with the truth that when there is no way, God’s love will make a way. When we are in Christ, we are a new Creation where Spiritual Restoration takes place, and the impossible becomes possible (2 Corinthians 5:17).

In Christ we are heirs to the promise given to Abraham and enjoy the provisions of God. In fact, Abraham was known to be a rather rich man both in spirit and possessions. The idea that in order to achieve great wealth, one may neglect God is so far from the truth when it fact, the concept of Economic Empowerment is based on the fact that Spiritual Restoration and material prosperity are linked. As God’s children, we are empowered to create wealth and live without worry of tomorrow. Material and wealth provision are a consequence of spiritual pursuit for it is God who gives us the ability and power to create wealth and meet our needs (Deuteronomy 8:18). Seeking His ways and His Kingdom first, grants us His grace and protection to go further than we can ever imagine.




My name is Richard Tan. I have worked as a banker for 35 years. I have 3 wonderful children and a wonderful wife, Florence. I have been serving the church since 1989, and decided to serve fulltime in January 2010. Looking back, I have great memories and its amazing to see how the church has grown from where it was at Wisma Tan Kim Onm to the church we are today. The church has seen many ups and downs and its truly fulfilling to see the members grow. I was working as a banker when I first started serving. It was not much of a question of whether I should or should not serve. There was a heart to serve among all of us. Each of us took the step to serve


where there was a need in the church. The amazing thing was that God allowed me to take care of my “business” while I stepped up to take care of God’s business. When there were moments when I had to coordinate both areas, God saw it through. There was a moment when Project Barnabas required my attention while a particular project which I had to oversee in the bank needed to be done urgently. There was a time constraint. Yet, God saw us through; the project target was met and Project Barnabas was successful.

I decided to fully retire and join HSG full time in 2010. At the time, our church encountered an issue with our ongoing renovation. Due to my background as a banker, I was able to use my knowledge and experience to help with the situation. The issue was solved miraculously through God. He brought connections to us and opened the doors to different individuals to help us. Every issue that we had as a church in regards to our renovation. In 1990, I was asked to be the International Mission Director for HSG Global Ministries. At the same moment, I was asked to be the bank country head of Vietnam. I had a conversation with my family and with God. I had a few things to consider. My eldest son was 17 at the time and SPM exams were around the corner. I had to consider that if I left for Vietnam, my wife and children could follow me but my eldest who had his exams, and he would most likely have to be left behind in the country.

It is truly a testimony of God’s faithfulness in our lives, as a family and as a church. He has indeed watched over us. As this year marks the 30th year of our church, I am reminded again through my years of serving; God will continue to bless us and what He has done, He will do it again and more. God is ready to advance us further and I look forward to seeing the next chapter of where He will take us.

I decided to place God first, and declined the job offer to stay with my family, serve the church and support my son. God did not leave me in the dark but instead He brought me promotion upon promotion and my family grew closer with each other and with God.



by Associate Professor Dr. Patrick Nwabueze Okechukwu

My name is Patrick Nwabueze Okechukwu, I am a University lecturer and I have been worshipping in this church since 2002. I first met this couple, Pastor Daniel and Pastor Deborah, when we in MICF (Malaysian International Christian Fellowship) approached this church, HSG, to adopt the ministry. MICF was a fellowship of Foreigners, especially Nigerians. The bravery, courage and


warmness exhibited by Pastor Daniel and Pastor Deborah to adopt the ministry and enlist the Ministry in the Assemblies of God Malaysia was a pleasant surprise. Even though they were less acquainted with the activities of the ministry and leadership, they did it anyway. To prepare us as leaders of MICF, HSG gave us an intensive leadership

training that lasted for a period of almost six months. The leadership training was an orientation and preparation for my spiritual life and study life in Malaysia. Some of the powerful words that they used during the leadership training sessions permeated into my inner man and stirred my soul for the good of my mindset and thinking.

With those words, and the training and preaching from HSG’s pulpit, I set out my journey in Malaysia with a different perspective. In one of the meetings here in 2003, I received a miracle which led to me securing and getting a part time lecturing job in UCSI University and in 2006 I was given a full-time job as a lecturer. Ever since then, this Church has helped transform my life in so many ways. God’s amazing favour and blessings upon my professional life thus far: Associate Professor and Head of the Forensic Science programme 11 years long service award from UCSI University Two inventions recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education as Potential Products from Malaysian Universities for commercialization Enlisted in MARQUIS “Who’s Who in the World” Awards: Recipient Medal for innovation of antihistamine potential agent in 2005 Holds Patent for the discovery of the use of “Palmatine for treatment of diabetes mellitus” in 2016 Published a book in 2017 Made discovery of supplement “PlasGluCon” for the treatment of diabetes mellitus in 2017 Award Recipient of Nigerian Excellence Award 2018 Appointed Academic Advisor for Advanced Diploma in Pharmacology by British Pharmacology Society in 2018 Invited by the Malaysian Foreign Affairs Minister to advise on the New Malaysia Foreign Policy Invited to meet Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir at the 33rd Asia-Pacific Rountable in June 2019

Today, my beautiful wife and 3 kids are actively serving in this church. I am the owner of my own property in Kuala Lumpur since 2007. This church has been a great transformer and metamorphosis of people. This church is akin to a biological process known as immunocompetence. Immunocompetence is a process which converts an ordinary plasma protein to complements that fights against diseases in three ways; Enhancement of phagocytosis, inflammation and cytolysis. In similar way this church is an immunocompetent and metamorphosing agent, when one comes here as nobody, this church will transform one into somebody who becomes a soul winner, singer, social person, lover of souls, prayer warrior, and everything God has intended us to be. Pastor Daniel, Pastor Deborah and HSG, I thank you all for being part of my life for the past 17 years, for transforming my life and for being my mentor. I believe HSG will not only celebrate 30 years anniversary, but 60 years, 90 years, 120 years and even more. HSG shall grow from glory to glory!



My name is Anna and I serve in the Chinese Ministry. I have two grown sons and currently work as a nurse in a local clinic. This is my testimony on how God miraculously saved me from almost dying. For many years, I depended on my “artificial liver” to survive and live. Sometimes my body feels unwell and uncomfortable. This situation gave me a lot of pressure. But God’s grace is sufficient for me and I believe His power is made perfect in my weakness. Early in October 2018, the doctor wanted me to go for follow up and body check. God again gave me assurance through Psalm


37:4 “delight thyself also in the Lord: and He shall give thee the desire of thine heart”. I prayed that the body check this time will turn out alright. The medical team used two different methods to do my body check. When I returned to see them for a follow up visit to take my results; the first thing the doctor told me was, “You can go travelling at ease now!” I was a bit puzzled. Did the doctor make a mistake? The doctor said, “This is really a miracle, I guess you all must had prayed? Your liver has completely regrown! You do not need to rely on that “artificial liver” anymore!”

Wow! I felt inexplicable excitement at that moment! It was really wonderful! I have been living trapped for years but the news was the breaking of chains, a washing away of all the negative emotions I felt. It was a new breakthrough; a true light at the end of the tunnel. It was a clear turning point of how I thought my life would be. I never imagined the goodness of God to be this abundant that I could live free; free from the situation of what was.

At that moment, when I heard the miraculous news I just answered, “God is all mighty, all things are possible to those who believe!” Yes, He is indeed my Jehovah Rapha (God, my healer), my Jehovah Jireh (God, my provider)! He has not only given me that miraculous healing. He also provided all my medical expenses. Sunway Medical Center paid 100% of my medical bills! You see when God supplies, He supplies in an overflow. And when something this amazing happens, you can’t help but shout with joy. I know, for the rest of this life God has given to me, I will be singing praises to Him. To God be the glory!



My name is Stephanie Goh and I was born and raised in Seremban. I work as a personal trainer and help people lead healthier and fitter lifestyle for a living. When I was asked to share my testimony, I had no idea what to share because I grew up in a Christian family and growing up, I was taught that Jesus loves me so I always knew that God loves me and Heaven is for me. I don’t have any life changing or


interesting story of how I came to know Christ. So I asked God, “What is my testimony? What is it?”. Over time, I came to realize that, I have too many things to share. Growing up, I always thought that it is an obligation to go to church and serve God because I am a Christian and practice my faith like how other religions do what they’re supposed to do. Even when I was

actively serving during my university years, my heart wasn’t there. I was doing it out of obligation. I would find tons of excuses so I don’t have to serve and would often skip church. I always thought it’s hard to be a Christian because we have to be good and what not and that people are watching my every move. At that point, I literally felt like a nun.

After graduation, I took a “holiday” from God thinking I can do life on my own. Of course, I was happy but there was no peace in my heart. Until I came across HSG one day driving home from work. I was like... Wow! There’s a church here but I told God, maybe one day but not today. Every time, I would drive pass HSG, I’ll tell God - Not today. Until one day. I was going through a lot of ups and downs in my work and personal life and I felt like maybe I needed to go back to church. I remember it was the first week of December, 3 years ago. Even though it was my first time coming here, everything felt so familiar. For the first time, I felt God’s love and presence so strongly. It was like the parables of the lost son - I felt like God was welcoming me home with his arms wide open. My initial plan was just to come, sit at the back and ‘ciao’. But God has a different plan. I met Elsa and Sharon and got connected to Tara and Kristy’s carecell.

From that moment, after visiting HSG, I was still going to church on and off. I was quite reluctant to attend carecell because of Friday’s traffic but I was still invited to other carecell activities like Christmas party. It was until last year, I found out that I have “extra friends” living with me in my house, spirits if I wasn’t making myself too clear. There was one night I went to bed with the lights all off and woke up finding the lights on. It was terrifying! So, I had my carecell members - Sharon, Tara, Kristy, Janice come over and do house cleansing. I am really thankful that they came and prayed over my house and I was actually amazed by the power of prayer. At that time Kristy has been telling me to not be afraid and that I have power and

authority. But at that time I was still afraid as I did not really understand how strong God’s love was for me. It was through that moment, that I decided to attend carecell and started spending more time with God. I am very thankful to have Tara and Kristy, to guide and lead me in my walk with God. As I walk with God and build a personal relationship with Him, I realize that going to church or attending carecell and serving in church is no longer an obligation. I actually want to be in church. I want to serve Him. I don’t want to miss Friday carecell. And instead of feeling like a nun, I feel free. God poured out so much love for me through my HSG family and I am really thankful and blessed

to be part of this church. Today, I am so excited to see what more can God do and reveale to me. And instead of finding excuses to stay away from serving, I ask God every day to use me for His will and purposes, to spread His love and joy. I want to take this opportunity to thank Sharon, Kristy, Tara, and my Subang Carecell for guiding me, being there for me and walking with me through this journey. Instead of being afraid of invisible “friends”, now that I know my power and authority in Christ, I just want to find them and cast them out, in Jesus Name!



My name is Bentley Tee. I hail from Kuantan, Pahang and work as an entrepreneur in a branding & marketing company. This is my story.

Beauty of Darkness Before I knew Christ, my life was beautiful but it was beauty in darkness. I was a Buddhist and blessed with a happy big family. I did well in school and experienced achievements in sport and school. In my social life, I was surrounded by my friends and was blessed with a beautiful girlfriend. But I always had difficulties in understanding why humans exist, and I was not living a strong purpose. I did not know my purpose or why I was here.


This led to my early teen years seeking to discover “What is life?” Firstly, I joined a Buddhist Association; I climbed quickly as a leader within 3 months. But internal conflicts disappointed me, and I left in less than 6 months. That disappointment led me to become an atheist, believing in moral values and science, believing God as just a story told in fairy tales.

Life remained with many unanswered questions of “What is life? Why we are here?” Nonetheless, I had many friends and successes on the road up to my early working years. Darkness occurred when my girlfriend of 4 years broke up with me and started dating another guy.

I felt beaten and broken. Depression sunk into my soul and I experienced a roller-coaster of emotions for 7 months.

I was heartbroken and I changed from being a man who was optimistic and doing well from school right up to the workplace,

Beauty of God’s People But this chapter of darkness slowly opened up the door that led me to God’s people. Something that clearly changed my life. While I was going through my darkest point many friends condemned me, some would love to help but they were clueless how to do so. Eventually they gave up on me. Yet, there was this one special person who never gave up on me and strangely relentless in trying to encourage and lead me out of the messy mental situation that I was in. This person was Matthew Leong. My colleague and best friend. Growing up with a Buddhism community, we as kids were always told that Christians always force people to accept Christ. I disagree. Matthew Leong never did that. Neither did Audrey Liaw nor Rachel Koh who are among the close Christian friends I know. One perspective people had about Christians which was told to me, was something that I experienced and would vouch to be true. Love spreading from their energy. That got me thinking.


Does God exist? Why are these people so passionate & upbeat? That defining point of salvation came, when I was depressed and wanting to solve this mental equation. I drove all the way to meet Matthew for “advice”. Coincidentally, we met up, outside the foyer of HSG. After sharing much of my repeated stories & catching a breather, Matthew

interrupted and said “Ben, the only way to help you, is to seek your creator, which is God. Would you accept Christ?”. I was shocked and stunned for a few seconds. My brain was like “erm...What?” However, I really trusted him and willingly accepted Christ that day. In my heart, a Malaysian “rojak” language of “Nothing to lose already, die then die la, Here we go”.

Yet, accepting Christ changed my life immediately. Two big Miracles happened! Firstly, one month from when I decided to be a Christian, I successfully pitched a big Project and started my own business; it flourished and I enjoyed being an entrepreneur ever since.

Beauty of Social Circle The second miracle happened 7 months after I accepted Christ which is God’s gift of a beautiful social circle and support system into my life. That circle is my Subang Young Adult Carecell. I was always doubtful about my social circles in life, as many friends have come and gone over the years, but this one changed my perspective and I never fail to love connecting and bonding with my carecell members.


Starting my journey as Christian, I somehow understood carecell is a close group focused on building a more intimate relation among Christian towards Christ’s ultimate goal. But I was reluctant to join and experience disappointment again. Here he came again, my friend Matthew Leong. One day, Matthew text messaged me and said “Ben, life should not be that way, you should have friends. That is how life supposed to be!” I was touched by his messages I decided to give carecell a try.

It was the first day at carecell, my palms were sweating and I felt seriously uncomfortable with the scary & funny eyes of “strangers” a.k.a. cell members looking at me. I felt my world was so small that night; I felt like a young child hiding behind my “Mom” Matthew Leong, not wanting to join in. Matthew then said “Ben, don’t worry. Just go!” and so I did.

Guess what? Now I can officially say I am the “gangster” of the Subang Young Adult Carecell. I will never forget the carecell sessions we had, the mamak stalls we conquered, community works, birthday celebrations and of course the Holy Spirit and God’s presence I never believed I could ever experience.

Although it seems that Matthew was playing a key role in changing my life, but in a wider and bigger perspective, I know I was saved by God and it was indeed a beautiful salvation. God is so good to me, and I love Him and I look forward to serve God at this beautiful church called HSG. I found the answers to the questions I had. I found a greater purpose with His love. This scripture best describes my newfound life in Christ; 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.” I hope all who reads my story know that God is that missing puzzle piece of life. He completes us in ways we never can imagine. May God bless this church and its people forever and ever, because I was truly blessed the moment I stepped into the front doors of this church; my church, my family.



There is an amazing moment when two or three people gather together to fellowship with one another. Carecells are more than just a simple social gathering. They are the life and essence of the church. Being part of a carecell welcomes you to a whole new support system and an opportunity to develop strong relationships. Here, we will grow in God’s word and faith and realized our fullest potential as we connect with each other in the different stages of life. Connect, share, grow, and reach out to your world together as a family in your Carecell! Get in touch with us so that we may connect you to one!




BY KRISTY YONG (Counselor and Director of Oasis Ministry)

Oasis is a safe haven for those who need healing. Similar to the oasis in the desert, this ministry is an ‘oasis’ for people who need help or guidance. We offer help to those who are facing life challenges and need a listening ear, advice or guidance to make life changing decisions. We welcome people from all walks of life to the Oasis Ministry. We welcome everyone from those with questions about life or even those who are experiencing a difficult time in their lives. Oasis is a safe place of God’s never-ending supply of ‘water’ to all. Oasis Ministry has a heart for the nations. We have similar values with HSGGM, we aim to bring God’s healing and light through this ministry to the nations where many lives can be touched and


transformed. Oasis Ministry has a dream of travelling to the nations to impact, equip and train spiritual leaders to be effective in ministering through clinical counselling skills. Oasis Ministry believes that we are commissioned by God to bring the message of spiritual restoration out to the nations through our services to the people.

OUR VISION is to “offer a safe place to share”. OUR MISSION is to “Let God’s light shine before men, that they may see God’s good works and glorify Our Father in Heaven.” - Matthew 5:16

Here are a few stories of brave individuals who have chosen to share their stories on how Oasis has given them an oasis to allow God to work in their lives. * Their names and background details have been altered for privacy.


I’ve always been struggling with self-image issues due to my size and that has led me to use different unhealthy methods to cope with it. I find it hard to talk about these things as well, simply because I do feel like it isn’t a topic anyone would casually bring up, until I turned to Oasis Ministry for help. It was through the encouragement of my then-ministry leader who pushed me to make an appointment to see how Oasis can help, and I’m very glad I went for it. Oasis has provided me with a platform to openly talk about anything, especially the most sensitive things, allowing someone

to hear and listen and then through them, help me to discover the answers to the difficult questions and to overcome my struggles. While I have not completely overcome everything I’ve been through, and what I am struggling with; I’ve certainly seen a positive change. And through the sessions, my self-image has improved tremendously as I view myself from the eyes of my Father and I have learnt to love myself too. It hasn’t been easy, but it is extremely comforting to know that in a world where everyone wants to be heard, we can be heard in Oasis Ministry.



I’m a university student. I was referred by my university supervisor who happens to know about Oasis Ministry and she referred me to Kristy, my counsellor. I was in a toxic relationship and as a result, I became a totally different person and I grew to hate the person I had become. I had Anxiety and Depression after the relationship ended. Many nightmares about what my ex-partner has spoken over me took place after the break-up. I was so traumatized, and my self-esteem was at its lowest. I was not able to focus on my studies, I just wanted to stay home even when I had classes. I felt so worthless. Oasis Ministry has been a place where I found tremendous healing. I find it safe to speak to my counsellor and she knows what she is doing. I don’t feel judged or condemned in the sessions. After several sessions in Oasis Ministry, my anxiety is


in control and I am slowly coming out of depression. I notice I am no longer fearful going to university. Oasis Ministry has helped me a lot in guiding me out of my false-self into this new person where I know this is who I am. I have completely forgiven my ex-partner now and I am able to move on in my life. This phrase; “I am not the words my ex-partner used to speak about me”, stays with me. Oasis Ministry has changed my life, I am grateful for my counsellor who has helped me to find my confidence in God and I am currently completing my master’s degree. I have also decided to stay on a couple more sessions to work on some other issues in my life.

Gina and CJ

I’m married for 31 years to a wonderful man and have 3 beautiful adult children. Sometime last year I sensed things weren’t as they were meant to be. Calls to my husband weren’t always answered or returned. Monthly allowance was getting less and less. I felt grieved and helpless. But I kept praying fervently and pressed in. My husband got posted overseas and planned to come home during his off days. The first break came and he didn’t come home due to some menial appointments. On the second break, he said he wanted time to be on his own and my offer to go to him was rejected. He sounded cold and wasn’t himself. I decided to make a surprise visit and to my horror, I discovered a thirdparty involvement. My world came tumbling down.

All I remember, is lifting my right hand up and saying, “In the midst of this chaos I choose to trust my God.” I felt an unbelievable sense of peace come over me. God led me to a friend who was a member of HSG church who prayed with me and supported me through this ordeal. She in turn connected me with a marriage counsellor at Oasis Ministry who counselled, prayed and supported me on numerous occasions. I bothered her with many whatsapp messages and she never failed to respond, comfort and pray for my family. She had a heart for God and His people. It is so comforting to be surrounded by Godly women. I felt God was in control and looking after me. His presence was immense during this turmoil. My counsellor told me that my husband will have a ‘Saul to Paul’ breakthrough which has come to pass. I had two visions, the prodigal son

and God removing scales off my husband’s eyes and heart and leading him back to his family. I believe both visions have come to pass. My husband’s love for me is overwhelming. He has started revealing himself more and more to me and my children. God has brought him out of the valley of the shadow of death. It is now nearly six months and God is healing and restoring our marriage. My husband has come back to God. He attended a service at HSG KL last month and received healing during the altar call. We are still working through a few issues and every day is a better day. Looking back, God’s hand was always upon us and He prepared and equipped me for a day such as this. Never ever, did God ever give up. God will never leave us nor forsake us. What God put together no man can tear asunder. I love the Word God gave me more than 20 years ago. ‘As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord’.

God is good all the time. Humble yourselves before God, resist the devil and the devil will flee from you. I love my God so, so much for what Jesus did on the cross for all of us. He made us victorious, righteous, holy and justified us. His grace is sufficient for us. He restored my family.




The Children’s Church Ministry of HSG believes every child is the future. We are committed to building and developing the church’s next generation.

Our Mission Our mission is to lead children to have a personal relationship with God in a fun and meaningful environment through interactive learning. By experiencing God’s love, they will love Him, His Word and His People. Our Vision 1. Love God Matthew 22: 37-38 Jesus replied, “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment”..

2. Love The Word of God Joshua 1:8 Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

3. Love Other People and Self Matthew 22:39 A second commandment is equally important: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’.

Kidzcovery has come a long way from just being a place to drop off children during sunday service. In fact, now kidzserve (the ministry of children from 6 to 12 years old) has worship leaders, media personnel and even masters of ceremonies who are children that are part of this ministry.

Janet Lee: Kidzserve is not just a sunday school or sunday childcare, it is a children’s ministry. What I am trying to emphasize is lessons will not stick to children if it is only spoken in their general direction. They will only truly learn about God’s love and teachings through experience. Kidzserve does not want children to sit down for a few hours as if they were in school, but for each and every child to feel a sense of contribution and ownership in their own ministry.


Apostle Naomi Dowdy once said children’s ministry is about “teaching children to hear from God themselves”. Know this, we had to change all the mindsets of the people involved in children’s ministry. We are no long teachers or caretakers, but children’s ministers. This revelation came to us while some of the teachers went on a mission trip in The United States of America. We saw children actively participating, singing, praying on stage and we

wanted to bring that in to our church. Changing our thinking was an active ongoing training. We shared this vision on switching our role from teachers to children’s ministers. We had to start making requirements to set the bar to take up the role of a children minister. We had to learn how to stop acting like a teacher who just lectures children in front of class, and learn how to work alongside with children. We held many

teacher’s training and meetings, all with the goal of seeing things from God’s point of view on the value of each and every child. The plan is to let the children be incharge of every activity except teaching. The adults will always act as a safety net for the children, but we want the children to first see the events they are incharge of as their own, and feel the presence of the Holy Spirit.


On the 7th of April we had our first children team run kidzserve. The difference of the children’s response was as clear as night and day. The children in the audience responded better when they saw other children singing on the stage. Many children responded to the altar call when the teacher announced that it would be children leaders who would be praying for them Everyone’s spirit was lifted and both teachers and children saw that this change was good. The parents were happy to see their children using the platform to express their talent through service. I recalled Pastor Daniel once said “Your contribution to the church is not a single event, it is like a drop of water falling into a puddle. The things you do causes a ripple in the puddle and it continues outwards. That is the value of your contribution.”


I for one feel that the Holy Spirit really moved because I have never seen myself as a children’s minister. I know I don’t have a natural passion for children, but I was guided towards this ministry. Even my leaders have been empowered by the Holy Spirit. We know what we achieved today could only be achieved through the Holy Spirit. In short kidzserve is the first step in teaching the children about the holy spirit. There are still many ways to improve kidzcovery. Ultimately, we also need to work with the families, on holding on to Godly values and keeping close to the Holy Spirit. As the church moves forward with this year’s theme Advance, we at kidzcover will also continue to grow.



Generation 4Twelve – Youth & Campus Ministry 1 Timothy 4:12 New International Version (NIV) “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”

Generation 4Twelve are called to reach out to young generations as we live by the verse 1 Timothy 4:12. We are to let everyone know that even though we are young, the passion and hunger that we have for God is what defines us. It’s not about how much knowledge or experience one has, it’s about availing ourselves and having faith that God can use us to do things beyond our imagination even at such a young age. On the 8th April, a team of five went to Yangon, Myanmar for a mission trip. We were invited by Pastor Zaw from Miracle Makers Ministry, Yangon to speak to the youths that attended Junior Camp and Youth Camp.


Their ministry had organized a Junior Camp that went on for 3 weeks. The campsite for the Junior Camp was located at Mingaladon which is located in the northernmost part of Yangon. We were there for four days and were thankful for their great hospitality. We were all amazed and inspired by the hunger that the youths have towards the word of God. The youth were very active and responsive when given task to do or questions to be discussed. Every praise and worship session were no doubt enjoyable. All of them were so passionate in worshipping God no matter what situation they were in. Due to intemittent power supply in that country,

places often face power outage from time to time. Although they experience multiple power outage during the session, that didn’t stop them from giving their best to praise God. Most of us from the team really stepped out of our comfort zone when speaking to the youths though it was a first time for many of us. It was an eye-opening experience. It made us realize how small our problems are back at home compared to what they’re facing there. After the camp ended, our team moved to downtown Yangon where we attended Dominion Camp. Our team also spoke for a couple of sessions and since it was organized by the same parties, we got to see familiar faces from

the Junior Camp! We also attended the Burmese services as we wanted to experience what it was like. Though we did not understand the messages that the pastors were preaching, we somehow felt connected spiritually. During the altar calls, we saw many miracles happening. There were many people encountering God and was filled by the Holy Spirit. Even the younger ones were crying out to want more of Him. We strongly felt the Holy Spirit’s presence filling the whole room.


Matthew Leong here, youth director of Gen 412 youth & campus ministry. Favourite food is pasta with extra extra cheese, age 30. I did not know what to expect because I have never shared and taught in a discipleship school before. This was my first time to Myanmar. Yet I knew that our mission would be a successful one as I knew God would move powerfully in our teaching and sharing. The young people loved us, and we were equally inspired by their enthusiasm. I was blown away by the move of the Holy Spirit in every service. The youths were touched by our testimony and journey with God, and we challenged them to go further in life and their walk with God. In summary, we ministered, prayed, played, ate and connected with all of them. We came back with a whole new perspective about life and ministry, and our eyes opened on how God works in all places and all people despite different ages and walks of life.


Hello, I’m Erin and I’m turning 18 in November. I really went on this trip with an expectant heart; wanting God to show me what He wanted of me to do for his Kingdom. I also prayed and ask God to guide me in speaking to all these young people. I wanted God to also open up doors for me to do things that I’ve never done before. I really encountered God on a whole new level. He once again showed me what He’ll do to those that’s hungry for Him. I saw miracles happening that I’ve never seen before. God is so good, and I was reminded of His love once more.

Hello Reimagine readers! My name is Jade, currently 22 years old. I’m a lover of Bravo Sweet Chilli Sauce, a Myanmar product. I’m a soon-to-be a degree holder of Mass Communication in UCSI University. I prayed for encounters and the manifestations of the Holy Spirit, before the trip. I prayed for the youths that we would minister to, to have a never ceasing fire for God. I had high expectations for the mission trip, specifically for healing and breaking of bondage to happen right in front of my eyes. Needless to say, God really did not disappoint! It was truly an experience I would never forget.





My name is Alysha and I’m 19 this year. I had graduated from a foundation course called MUFY last year at Sunway College. Having the opportunity to minister to the young people over there had open up my eyes on how God can just use anyone to do His works when we take that step of faith knowing that we are not the one that is doing it, but the spirit of God working through us. Being able to be part of the mission trip is probably one of the best decisions that I had ever made. God’s power and love was seen throughout the camp. All in all, we went to bless but were in turn blessed by the camp and His love.

Hello, my name is Joel Wong Ka Pin. I am 18 this year and had just graduated high school. I am currently serving in various ministries in HSG. I enjoy serving a lot, whether in the youth ministry and in the exchange cafe. This year in early April, I had the opportunity to participate in a mission trip being held in Myanmar. It certainly was exciting yet it was a nervous experience for me as this was my very first mission trip. We went as a team of 5 people and encountered many experiences such as being inspired by the people there. Going there made me realized that I had plenty more to learn about our Father and I also experienced truly, the hunger of God’s people. It definitely was far more enjoyable and more enriching than I had expected.

Being on this mission trip made us more spiritually alert and closer to God. We became more aware of capturing God’s messages to us. It has definitely changed our life. We also became more passionate in wanting to build the Kingdom of God because we know that the fire and passion that was ignited in our heart, has a purpose. We went with expecting hearts and came back full of answers. We really want our experience to be an example to the younger generations to let them know that even though they are young, God has already put a purpose in their life and that they just need to take that step of faith


to tell God – YES God, use me. We want to build up more leaders and maybe even pastors in the making. We know we are the ones, the generation that will define our future.


WHAT IS HSGGM? “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead

“You are a “Man-of-War”. As these ships sail the oceans of the world, so I will take you to the nations of the world. And where you go, I will release the treasures of the nations.”- This was the Prophetic Word given by the Holy Spirit to Pastor Daniel which birthed the HSG Global Ministries. What began in 1994 was the start of a small fire, a rekindling of spirits for a church that was re-emerging from a turbulent transition. His Sanctuary of Glory was led by the Holy Spirit and the presence of God to move towards building local churches across the globe through Equipping Churches, Economic Empowerment and Education Empowerment.

The 3 Es Strategy


Equipping Churches

Our vision for HSG’s Global Ministries is to transform beyond just a mission outfit into a global Apostolic Community where churches and ministries can find their ‘spiritual home’ to both grow and reach out to their local communities. The Project Barnabas Conference is incorporated with workshops which are tailored to assist and improve the core skills of Pastors and leaders. Whether through mission trips, or leadership trainings or hands-on collaborations, we in HSGGM aim to equip our local churches with empowerment.


Economic Empowerment

HSGGM empowers our churches through consultation and guidance to select and execute economic opportunities available to the local church to be economically empowered. The sharing of knowledge and the honing of both entrepreneur skills and


management allow HSGGM to do just that, one church at a time.


Equipping Churches

Education gives a future to our children. HSGGM supports and encourage the education process by creating access for training, networking, consultation and funding. We aim to shine a light of education empowerment into the lives of our HSGGM global family. This vision became the cornerstone of HSG Global Ministries; and over the years we grew in size and reach. Today we continue to fulfil this vision as HSGGM moves as a next wave of change through our 3Es strategy. Despite all our milestones, we know even greater works of God will happen through our Global Ministries. Join us and be a part of this amazing journey in changing the world.

WHAT IS PROJECT BARNABAS? Project Barnabas, HSG’s annual international conference, was born with the vision to equip our global pastors and celebrate God’s amazing work across the nations. Every year, our attendees join PB expectantly; looking for God’s encouraging and inspiring word to help them in their personal lives, their work and ministry. Project Barnabas creates a platform for our delegates, church leaders and local members to equip themselves with workshops, leadership training and renowned international speakers. Project Barnabas is also a special time for recharge and reunion for both our local members and our global family. Be part of this amazing conference and experience a revival in both your life and personal walk with God. Find out more about HSGGM & PB at







As rapid economic growth in Vietnam creates more jobs, many young adults from distant agricultural regions have flocked towards urban cities to build a better future for themselves and their family. It is this group of people that Angel Vinh aims to reach out to, with a simple yet effective strategy; conducting English-language services. And with that, she planted a new ‘international English’ church in the southern city of Ho Chi Minh.


This ‘urban migration’ phenomenon is not limited to Ho Chi Minh; it is happening in the northern capital city of Hanoi as well, where Ps Ruth is emulating the same strategy with equal success. “In both churches, we have foreigners and tourists who join our afternoon Sunday services, while the local young people cherish the opportunity to practice, learn and gain exposure to the English language,” says young enthusiastic Angel.

“Through this platform, we are not only able to teach them the language, but to expose them to the Kingdom of God as well!”

“Because Angel can speak English really well, and is a good disciple, I believe God will do great things though her ministry. I am proud of her,” says her father, Ps Joshua Vinh. With decades of experience and ever vigilant to changes in societal trends, Ps Joshua himself also takes initiative in reaching out to young adults with a different strategy; by going digital. “With modern communication in Vietnam pivoting to social media such as Facebook, we spread the news of the gospel there, introducing many people to Christ for

the very first time,” says Ps Joshua. “The Vietnamese community isn’t only limited to Vietnam alone. Our YouTube livestreams are viewed by Vietnamese people from all over the world, including the US and UK,” touts Ps Joshua.

“Of course, I would like to create our own app, once we are able to tap into the relevant expertise,”

he declares in faith. “By keeping the church relevant and adopting to the changes of the world today, we believe that we can really be blessing and to Vietnamese people everywhere, no matter where they are and what they do. I thank God that we have so many new ways to share about the love and goodness of Christ to all Vietnamese speaking people.”



Ps Prince David Singh leads his ministry for the past 19 years in the city of Sirhind in Punjab. The Sirhind community was predominantly of the Sikh and Hindu background, but through the connection Ps Prince’s church has with HSGGM, more and more people from these communities are coming to know Christ as the church experiences exponential growth, having doubled in 2017-2018 alone. Miraculous healings are seen and experienced throughout these years from healing from cancer and heart diseases.


These are few of the many testimonies that have risen from his congregation. “We have a rather famous hospital nearby, with the best specialists in the region, and so far, they had to cancel two major surgeries with our church members, because when the day of the operation arrived, they were found to no longer need the operation anymore and were sent home,” quipped Ps. Prince. “The doctors could no longer find the terminal diseases they were initially diagnosed for, because God has healed them.”

It all began back in the early 2000s when, Ps. Prince was an active participant in the activities organized by the district AG. He soon came to hear of an up and coming visionary church steadily growing in the nearby city of Patiala, and shook the hands of its senior pastor, Ps Samuel Thilak for the very first time. There was something about this man of God and this church that peaked Ps Prince’s interest, and he continued to keep tabs on the progress of Ps Samuel’s ministry. From building expansions, to community outreaches, leadership programs and starting cell groups all over town, one constant pattern did not escape Ps Prince’s observation; that Ps Samuel had a completely radical perspective of the economics of the Kingdom. “That was something I would want to adopt for my own church,” said Ps Prince in the Hindi language as Ps Samuel translated for him. “And

so, with that, I joined HSG Global Ministries and Project Barnabas for the first time in 2008.” “Although I do not understand English and require translation most of the time, yet year after year as I come for PB, I find myself challenged with new knowledge to bring change to my own church.” Among the many things Ps Prince has learned and emulated from Ps Samuel, Ps Daniel and Ps Deborah; one of the proudest steps that his ministry has taken is to be involved in missions themselves. “Today our church has raised two pastors whom are sent to reach further communities around Sirhind,” Ps. Prince shares enthusiastically. “I have also learned the importance of investing into my personal growth in becoming a better leader for my people. I find this approach to be significantly more effective than the old ways of just blindly sacrificing myself

and my family for people all the time. This has attracted many lay-people in the church to want to rise up in leadership as well.”

Ps Prince’s growth did not go unnoticed by the Christian leadership community in the region. For the 3rd year in a row, he has been elected as the District Treasurer for the AG, recognizing his qualities as a trustworthy figure. “I want to thank God for HSGGM for welcoming us and enabling us to learn to be fruitful. Our ministry will not have grown to where it is today without this impactful connection.”



It is an amazing thing to see the young people grow and connect with one another. It is even more amazing to see them worshipping freely with all their hearts. This was the sight that tugged on our hearts here in Sabah in Kundasang where 5 of our East Malaysia Churches gathered together to host an amazing camp. As breathtaking were the views of the mountain and greenery, it was nothing in comparison to seeing young people boldly praying and worshipping the Lord. We took the time to talk to each of our pastors here in Sabah and really got to know the heart of the camp. About 170 people were in attendance with a huge majority being youths and young children. For many, this was their first camp. This camp’s success is made sweeter as it is the very first camp where all of HSGGM’s East Malaysia Churches decided to host together. The idea for the camp started in 2018 during the Pastor’s Conference in September. It was an idea that was on the hearts and minds of our pastors but there were a lot of doubts and hurdles that did not allow the camp to materialize earlier. For our pastors, this was truly a camp that was birth at the right time. When our pastors decided to take a step up and step out away from worry, they realized that they were able to overcome each item that was seemed as a problem initially.


The presence of the children and youths make the camp come alive. And the heart of our pastors is truly seen throughout the camp. Their dedication and love for their congregation and for God was evident for all who went.

camp was called to happen; needed to take place, right here.

But what took centre stage was the amazing power of the Holy Spirit when His amazing presence was felt by all at the altar. And at that moment, all of us who attended, felt that this

As we left the camp, we felt refreshed with God’s spirit. Here in East Malaysia, God is stretching us further and advancing us with new spirit. There is call to rise up and advance.

Are we ready? We are called to go forward. With that, as we look to the future, we are planning future endeavours and avenues to reached out across East Malaysia.



Years ago, Pastor Myint Nwe baptized a young 22-year-old man who just joined the church. His mother washes clothes for a living, and she has been praying many years for her son to receive salvation. “I remembered that on that day, she was so proud to witness God answering her prayers,” Pastor Myint Nwe recalls. Then the first Sunday of the month came, and a regular customer dropped a large quantity of clothes for her to wash. “They needed these to be washed urgently as a family member was getting married,” she shared. Alas, with the poor economic condition of the family, and Myanmar as a whole, any job is better than no job. She took it up, and decided to skip church that day. “I asked my son to go to church on his own that day,” she recalls. “But what about your tithes and offering?” her son asks. “Pass them to me, and I will place them into the offering bag on your behalf,” he offered. And so she did. Little did she know; the money did not make it to church. And neither did her son. “He used up all the money for alcohol,” Pastor Myint Nwe revealed. “He was previously a drunkard, and he relapsed to his old ways,” he further explained. “This one time was sufficient to damage his future.”


No one knew how it started, but a drunken brawl ensued, and this young man was caught up in it. When the authorities came, he was found holding a bloodied knife, while a few men were sprawled on the floor; severely injured with stab wounds on their body. He was incarcerated for 3 years in a remote prison at an abandoned mining town. “It takes a 6 hour drive, plus another hour of walking through a long muddy trail to reach to this prison,” describes Pastor Myint Nwe. “There was no road. But I am his pastor, and I wanted to show him my love and God’s love.”

years, bringing food for the young man and praying for him each time. “I also got to minister to a few more men in the prison who were his friends,” recalls Pastor Myint Nwe. In 2018, the young man was released, and returned home. He also led his fellow friends in prison to receive Christ and they were each baptized by Pastor Myint Nwe. “Pastor was over 70 years old, yet he travelled so far to visit me. He was the grandfather I never had. Even my own father never visited me in prison. Through Pastor’s actions, I saw God’s love for me,” the young man relays.

Today, this young man actively serves in the church. Despite having a prison record, he has been blessed with a decent job and has begun providing for his parents. Pastor Myint Nwe concludes, “Even though it was not easy, but Jesus has done the hardest part by dying on the cross for us. Seeing this young man in church today brings me joy in knowing that it was all worth it.”

Despite the journey Pastor Myint Nwe visited the prison many times over the


PHILIPPINES - BANDING TOGETHER AS ONE NATION We came together as one church from many locations in Central Philippines to attend the Pastors and Church Leaders Conference. The conference was held from February 28th 2019 to March 1st 2019. It was attended by more than 150 church leaders and Pastors from different locations. They travelled all the way from different cities; Southern, Northern and Central part of Panay Island and Guimaras Island. The conference was so


inspiring. The morning session was held by Pastor Daniel Cheah while the afternoon session was with Pastor Deborah Ong. Pastor Daniel spoke on God’s calling and strategies that will bring results to the leaders’ future. He shared about how we were to inspire others, to dream more and talk about the solutions not on the problems. While Pastor Deborah explained the history behind the scripture on 1 Timothy 2:12. A lot of the Pastors were enlightened about it.

Many who attended lived outside the city and even very far. There were twelve pastors who slept here in the city in the house of their friends or families throughout the two days. They did not want to miss the conference especially the continuation of what they learnt. Their interest and enthusiasm were clearly seen and they came early.

While most conferences or seminars held were given free foods and accommodations (since they have sponsors), our conferences did not have that. Instead, there was a strong sense of community. On the first day, lunch was contributed by 50 pastors under our group. Each of the pastors contributed 300 pesos, knowing that there were no sponsors for the conference. On the 2nd day, the lunch we had was solicited from a friend. Snacks & coffees were from special offerings in our church. The rest was from the amazing hearts of Pastor Elisa Alivo and Pastor Eduardo Alivo. They have done it many times, keeping Hebrew 6:10 in their hearts – “For

GOD is not unrighteous to forget our work and labor of love, which we have sowed toward His Name, in that we have ministered to the saints, and do minister.”

to be used mightily to change ourselves, our congregation and our country for the better. Now its time for us to advance together and move with God.

“Everything done in love and sacrifices will have a due reward. GOD is our Great Rewarder!” Pastor Elisa Alivo. This spirit of love, shone brightly through the giving of the leaders. By God’s provision, we plan to be in a place where pastors can focus, isolate and delve deeper into God’s plan to advance. God’s work in the Philippines is not finished. Yet with the coming together of our ministries in the Philippines with HSGGM, we are ready


CALL TO MISSION We are called to advance together in Prayer, Witness, Community, and Missions. Pray: Faith as small as a mustard seed is capable of moving mountains. Let us move in prayer and invite God to take us further than we have ever gone before. Participate: As we continue to serve, give and volunteer together as a church; we create the ripples of change God has envisioned for the world. Go: Be a witness of God’s amazing love and be transformed by what God is doing across the world by joining our mission trips. As we advance together, let us be reminded of God’s faithfulness. What God has done; He will do it again and more! If you are pastoring a church and would like to get connected or know more about HSGGM, please contact: Matthew Leong (Malaysia National Missions) Ps. Beulah Ng (Myanmar & Nepal Country Director)

HSG KUALA LUMPUR OUR SERVICE TIMES Sundays @ 10:00AM (English, Chinese & Children Services)

Ms. Christine Lim (China Country Director)

Saturdays @ 3:00PM (Youth & Campus Service)

Mr. Shem Amalaya (Africa Country Director)

Not in KL? Visit our other locations at Penang, Kajang, Kota Kinabalu, Keningau & Kota Marudu! Find out more at

Ms. Tara Ong (Philippines Country Director) Ps. Reuben Kee (India Country Director) For other nations, general inquiries, or if you would like to join a mission trip: Ms. Nancy Woon (Missions Coordinator)


Follow us on Facebook for our latest updates, news, events and more! HSG Global Ministries HSG Kuala Lumpur No. 10, Jalan Awan Berarak, Taman Yarl, 58200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: +6 03 7980 5001

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