Re-Imagine: Awaken To Purpose

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R e - I m a g ine


are you awake?

T he ni g ht is about o v er , d awn is about to break . . .

Editor’s Note By Laureen Foo

“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” Joseph Campbell 201 6 marks a new phase for Re-Imagine as a publication which encompasses testimonies of faith from His Sanctuary of G l o r y ( H S G) a n d HSG Global Ministries. Yo u will f i n d , a s yo u read through our pages, s to r i e s of i n s p i r ati o n , hope and faith towards h ow G o d is a b l e to move in extraordinary lengths in the lives of men and women. This year’s theme “Awakening to God’s Purpose” speaks about how we are able to be the positive change we wish to see in the world.

God’s intended purpose for us is found in His written word, the Bible, where we are able to find our identity and receive revelation that we are bigger than how we see ourselves. My hope is that you will be inspired and motivated by the stories of faith and awaken to the realization to how God views you and of God’s love. With that, I would like to thank and appreciate the entire Re-Imagine Team who have dedicatedly put together the stories and articles of the inspiring people who took action in their community to bring about light in the world.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11

. . . B e up an d awake to what Go d is d oin g !

r o m a n s 13:1 1 –1 4


02 awa k e n to p u r p o s e

07 O u r co n f i d e n c e i n c h r i s t

12 p u r p o s e i n o u r co m m u n i t y

16 7 p f l p

p ow e r o i n t s r o m t h e o r d ’ s r ay e r

20 o h a c

u r e a r t s a h u r c h

F i n d i n g Fa i t h 2 2 H e a l e d & S av e d 2 4 AGAINST ALL ODDS 2 6 p ASSION F OR g OD 2 8

s p i r i t u a l r e s t o r at i o n &

B l e s s e d b y Fa i t h 3 0

economic empowerment

L e g a c y O F LOVE 3 4


HSGGM & Project barnabas 38

p u r p o s e i n o u r wo r l d

R e- i m ag i n e o u r wo r l d 40 INDONESIA 4 2 v IETNAM 4 4 P a m p a n g a , p HILIPPINES 4 6 PANGASINAN , PHILIPPINES 4 8 p u n j a b , INDIA 5 0 R a j a s t h a n , INDIA 5 2 HSGGM INDIA 5 3 christmas around the world 54

56 raising a purposeful g e n e r at i o n


66 u n i t e fo r t h e n at i o n s

Awaken To God’s Purpose In Our Lives By Pastor Daniel Cheah

Should we as a church, together every one of us be awakened to look beyond ourselves?

FROM LEFT: International Members serving barbecue on Mothers’ Day; Gabby Lim teaching a Kidzcovery Sunday School class; Destiny Praise in action for Sunday Service Praise & Worship.

During the last mission trip to the Philippines, The Holy Spirit opened my eyes to see that our involvement and investment in that nation for the last 20 years has certainly made a tremendous impact. When we first started, most of the pastors did not even have a decent pay. Whereas today, every one of them has their own family, a home to call their own and they can even afford to own a car! Everything has changed. Most of our churches there now have their own buildings and our pastors have also been financially strengthened.

Praise God for His marvelous grace and empowerment! And when I looked at the rest of the countries within our HSG Global Ministries and the people within our local church, the same phenomenon is seen. The Spirit-driven message of spiritual restoration and economic empowerment has indeed changed so many lives. Truly it is not by might, not by power, but by the Spirit of God.

one of us! God has never called the Church to just hold the ground, but rather, to be advancing. We are called to both defend, hold the ground and also to break forth and gain grounds. The Church’s great strength of perseverance, trust and faith in the Lord should not be merely a ‘just hang in there’ kind of action. The times of perseverance and holding on to faith are actually preparing us for a future awakening and season!

In 2016, God wants to awaken us to His power that is within and already at work in each

In winter, the whole world seems to go to sleep. The weather is cold, the ground


TOP (FROM LEFT): Dancers from Destiny Image performing a Christmas special; Volunteers from across different Carecells serving food to the crowd on Christmas morning.


is hard and trees and plants just seem to fall ‘asleep’ to to l e r ate th e h a r s h conditions. But deep down in the soil, within the cells of the plant life forces are at work preparing to break out when Spring arrives. As I reflected upon all this, the Lord began to speak to me through the book of Zechariah that spring has come! Spring is a season of renewal—trees, plants and animals revive as the warmth and brightness brings life back to the world. Everything comes alive again! The wintery years of persevering, holding on to faith and hope have prepared our character,

fortitude and spirit for this dawn of Spring. This Spring time is about being awakened again to God’s calling and purpose. There is a very distinct calling that God has given to us to go to the nations of the world. He has promised that wherever we go, He will release the treasures of the nations. We are not to be just another church but to be His Sanctuary of Glory. God wants to open our eyes to see that He is empowering us spiritually and economically to be better partners with Him in this calling.

FROM TOP: Band from The Broadcast and Chinese Ministry coming together for a performance on Easter Sunday; Line dancing group performing during Mid Autumn Festival; Youths from Generation 4Twelve serving popcorn after service.

All we need to do is come out of the stereotype thinking that in order to serve God, we must be able to preach, pray, sing and cast out demons!

Together as a church, we need to look beyond ourselves, be united and move forward towards the purpose of our calling which is to release the treasures of the nations. When each of us decides to avail ourselves to fit into this bigger picture of God’s plan, we will accomplish more than what we have accomplished in the last 20 years. So how do we work this out? God is not asking us to come out of our current daily routine to serve Him. Rather, to serve Him in the daily routine of our lives. Everything we do

able to preach, pray, sing and cast out demons. This is just so cliché and in fact, a wrong thinking, altogether.

has a connection to the Kingdom of God because His Kingdom is inside of us. In your office, in your house, you are His Sanctuary of Glory. We don’t have to stop what we are doing to get into God’s purpose. His purpose is already in motion, right where we are; we just need to go with the flow. Let’s break free of the old stereotype and start opening up new possibilities! The opportunities to step into our purpose are everywhere. The problem is that we have allowed ourselves to be conditioned to think that serving God and the purpose of God is all wrapped around what we call, ‘ministry’. And ‘ministry’ means preaching, singing, children’s ministry, youth ministry, etc. That in order to serve, we must be

It is very unlikely that your purpose is totally unconnected to the things you can do every day. In fact, your experiences, trainings and gifts are all you need to serve God and fulfill your purpose. All you need to do is to make a parallel connection to the eternal Kingdom of God. God wants to awaken us to the potential and the resources that we don’t see in ourselves. He wants to awaken us to realize our true identity in Him. He wants us to realize that because His power is within us, we can

be better than what we think we are. He is working in and through us. Open your eyes to see that you are much bigger, stronger and more capable


Service guides welcoming and helping out church members on Sunday morning.

Every day, everything we do, that’s the purpose of God.


than what you see in yourself. You already have what it takes to take the next step and answer His call to reach out to the nations. Let u s s te p o ut of o u r insecurities, doubts and fears— things that hold us back. God has already prepared us with His grace and anointing. He has already equipped us through our life experiences. Even when we never saw

any good reason why we had to go through certain circumstances, He already foresaw that it would prepare us for what He has planned. God is already moving. Spring time is not just a dream; it is God’s master plan for the whole world. Now is the time for us to awaken from our slumber, because God has a purpose for each and every one of us!

Our Confidence In Christ By Pastor Deborah Ong

Awa ke n i n g to G o d ’s purpose is a very important call to us, especially in the 21st century. Jesus said the cares of this world can be too much for one to carry‌ And it is so true, given the stress, perplexities and challenges that we face in life. There are many things in life that are so overwhelming that we can forget so easily that there is something bigger to live for.

An anchor amidst the storm We need to realize God’s purpose and who we are in Christ. This can be an anchor for our soul during the stormy times of life. During a storm, everything is tossed about and emotionally, we can be like a ship in stormy seas, swept away, damaged and destroyed. However if

FROM LEFT: Fun-loving dancers leading Kidzcovery children; Volunteers from The Broadcast and Generation 4Twelve preparing Welcome Packs for delegates of Project Barnabas; Visual and Video team serving during Sunday service.

we know our purpose, I mean really know (not just a quote), then it becomes an anchor inside us. It keeps us stable and keeps us from drowning from the stress. It becomes our peace and hope. And we can be confident that the storm will pass. This church is not just about spiritual restoration, but also about economic e m p owe r m e nt . We encourage our people to look at their own hands and pray, “God enable me, give me peace and wisdom. With these hands I am able to earn for my family. If I want something, I will work for it.


I will do something about it.” When God becomes the center, we are assured that He will bring everything into place.

Identity in Christ There is a very important reason why every person needs to awaken to who God made them to be— for when you find your identity in Christ, you will find your purpose. Most people struggle with thoughts of inadequacy. It

is a natural inclination for many of us. We think we are not good enough and we begin to compare ourselves. However, when we find Christ (we are growing in knowing and discovering Him), we will find our worth in God. We would then be able to say, “In Christ, I know that He is good enough. And His strength is made perfect in my weakness. Maybe I don’t know how to get there and maybe my ways have not worked out, but God’s ways are higher than mine. And with the Greater One in me, I can be better!”

‘But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.’ 2 Corinthians 12:9 “… because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 09

The more you believe about your new identity, there will be less thoughts of “I don’t think I can… I am not capable.” Instead, you will begin to say, “I can forgive. I can do this. I can change. I will have a better day tomorrow.” We need to realize that God has not made us for a small life but a full life filled with His goodness and blessings. Every Christian has a higher call, a higher cause for living and the reality is life throws so many things at us that can draw us away and derail us from our Christ-


called cause for living. There is so much that we can contribute. Not just to the church, but also to humanity. If we do not realize this, and we do not understand the value of who we are, there’s going to be a great loss in our life which will affect all areas of living (family life, working life, etc.).

Biblical Equality This awakening to who we are and to our purpose has a very strong connection to women in the church.

FROM LEFT: Serving desserts on Easter; Leaders from Generation 4Twelve serving at the games redemption counter during our Community Charity Carnival & Bazaar, Women who serve in Chinese ministry.

P a s to r D a n i e l a n d I strongly believe in biblical e q u a lit y of m e n a n d women. We respect each other’s individuality and we respect each other’s strengths and opinions on many things, though we may differ. We learn to agree to disagree. And we learn to submit to one another. We don’t have to push our way in. You can be a change factor without being a reactive factor. We can be strong and yet we do not need to be offensive. Respect a n d l ove is th e key i n biblical equality.

Agent of Change We m u s t n eve r eve r forget our call in life to be the salt and the light as a church. We live for the cause of spreading God’s love, the good news to tell people that, “Hey, there’s a Heavenly Father we can come home to.”

turn to page 28 to see what happens when you attach confidence to your passion

strong because the more we know God, the more we discover ourselves. We are then able to live life well and be a blessing.

Lastly, never ever detour from your identity—who you are in Christ. Continue to pursue to know and understand God. Keep that personal relationship


Purpose In Our Community By Joseph Ng


FROM TOP LEFT: Students from The Broadcast feeding the homeless in Kuala Lumpur on New Year’s Eve; A Carecell visiting a local orphanage; Leaders from Generation 4Twelve distributing daily necessities to the homeless; Sherlyn Yong working with Epic Homes to construct shelter for the local aboriginal people (Orang Asli); A Carecell visiting a local orphanage; Local social work by HSGGM Indonesia.

It is not simply an awakening for the sake of being awake—there is a purpose to which we are called, a reason to be awake and alive and active in this world. Picture yourself as a typical Galilean—a tradesman, p e r h a ps; m ayb e a housewife—awakening one day to a growing commotion. The teacher is here, they say, the one they call Jesus. He is going up the mountain and everyone is following to hear Him teach.

T h e p owe r b e h i n d Awakening to Purpose hinges upon the last word in the phrase. It is not simply an awakening for the sake of being awake—there is a purpose to which we are called, a reason to be awake and alive and active in this world.

You have already made plans for the day, but you know the opportunity of a lifetime when you see one. You drop everything and follow the crowd streaming out and away from town, through the green windswept plains of Galilee and up rocky slopes. He is already teaching when you arrive; and as you settle down, you hear the beginning of a sermon.

When questioned by a teacher of religious law on the most important commandment, Jesus answered “Love your neighbor as yourself.” It is a commandment that demands the awakening of one to his or her purpose. Otherwise, what utility can there be found in this unconditional love we are called to give?

“You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden… a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” Matthew 5:13–16

This is the kind of awakening that we see rippling across the consciousness of our congregation. From contributing mon ey and food to homes for the underprivileged on the Carecell level and participating in projects to feed the homeless on the personal level, we are witnessing an increasing awareness of the purpose


to which God has called us: to be the salt and light of the world; to demonstrate the love of God to our fellow human beings; to be the Jesus this world can see. Among our church’s efforts to contribute in meaningful ways to our community, the event that time and time again draws in the crowds is our blood donation drive. People gather from all around both to receive health checkups and to donate blood to save and improve lives. Far f rom th e wear y, burdened looks one might expect from people who are giving away a part of themselves, there are smiles all around and laughter amidst the general chatter as we gather to make a collective difference for the greater good. But we can’t mention smiles and laughter without also mentioning our Community Charity Carnival & Bazaar that was held during Christmas. A joint effort between HSGKL and seven nonprofit organizations, the event saw a massive turnout as people from all walks of life gathered

for food, fun games and entertainment. Starting at 11AM and going on for the better part of the day, not even a mid-afternoon torrential downpour could dampen the crowd’s spirits. For the children, pony rides and turns going down the giant slide were had while representatives from the non-profit organizations shed light on what they do and the impact they have in society. The total proceeds totaled over RM40,000 ($10,000 USD), which will no doubt be put to good use in the service of human lives. What does this all mean to us? Are we to congratulate ourselves for our exemplary behavior, give each other a pat on the back? Far from it—we are more concerned about being molded into the image of God and living out the commandment of Christ as we awaken to the purpose we have in our community. When we run this race for the least of these, as the old gospel tune goes, we are letting our little light shine. And in the words of St. Francis of Assisi: “All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.”

Picture yourself again as the Galilean, sitting upon a soft patch of grass in a setting not unlike the one at the beginning of this writing. The one they call the Christ is teaching again, and as you consider the parable of the sheep and goats, you hear Him say: “…I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me. Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you? And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’” Matthew 25:35–40

Find out how Christmas is celebrated in our HSGGM global family on page 54. We are also impacting a community in sabah. Find out more on page 56.


FROM TOP LEFT: Blood donors at our Community Health Carnival; A family from the neighbourhood enjoying themselves at our Community Charity Carnival & Bazaar; Free health checks for the public; Cheque presentation to NGOs; NGO booths; Taking turns at the dunking machine.


7 Power Points From the Lord’s Prayer By Pastor Deborah Ong

Psalm 145:18 “The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth.”

On November 2015, The Church of England produced a 60 second commercial to encourage people to pray more. It simply contained The Lord’s Prayer spoken by people from all walks of life. Yet, despite getting

clearance from advertising authorities, disputers successf ully banned the co m m e rcia l f ro m screening because they believe that it carries the risk of upsetting or offending audiences. When I read about that news, it got me to revisit The Lord’s Prayer myself. And I rediscovered that The Lord’s Prayer is in fact, truly powerful. Why? Because it shapes the lives of families, communities and entire societies by instilling timeless values that steer us away from being overwhelmed; especially in today’s consumer culture. Advertising sells consumerism, while The Lord’s Prayer encourages contribution. Let me briefly share with you the 7 Power Points I found in the words of The Lord’s Prayer.


see how prayer brought a miracle to indonesia on page 42


Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name

This power prayer point gives us an identity and a place in the world. It opposes the idea that we are formed by random specks of matter, that we are merely an intelligent species in the animal kingdom. God said in Genesis 1:26, “Let us make man in our image and likeness.” We are wonderfully and equally created in the image of—and deeply loved by—our heavenly Father. The existence of a Father also reinforces the existence of a family—the church. In this family, as children of God, we are nurtured to succeed and encouraged to become agents of change.


Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven

We are given courage to live in an imperfect world as we represent the Kingdom of God. This world is not as it was meant to be upon creation and has been distorted from its true purpose. But God is at work to redeem and transform this world and to establish His love and righteousness here. We are not to retreat from the world in fear and pain, but to join in the struggle to establish His Kingdom and see justice and peace prevail.


Give us this day our daily bread

This prayer teaches us to live with contentment, restraining our greed. Yes, in this church we believe that God has blessed us to obtain wealth so that we can be a blessing to others. But in the pursuit of wealth, we should maintain the spirit of contentment and must be watchful for greed, because the destruction and ruin of temptation is very real.



Forgive us of our sins

This acknowledges our human imperfections and offers us a pathway to forgiveness. Romans 3:23 states “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” We have to accept the reality of sin within us. When we repent, God is faithful to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. As people of the Kingdom of God, we have unending grace and mercy.


As we forgive those who sin against us

In our imperfections, we will all disappoint and frustrate one another, as James 3:2 puts it, “We all stumble in many ways.” However, we are not meant to live in an environment of hostility and strife. Instead, we are to forgive and be forgiven. People are not made happy by having more things and belongings; that is the falsehood of consumerism.


True happiness comes from relationships, and the key to good relationships is mutual reconciliation and forgiveness.


Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil

This prayer point builds resilience in the human spirit. We are living in a world where there is violence and cancer, where there are difficulties and challenges, where we are tested when things go wrong for no clear reason. Yet, we are reminded to be confident that God’s love, goodness, and wisdom will be there to help us during these moments of our lives. Faith is not just for the green pastures, but also for when we travel through the deep dark valleys . We may not have all the answers,

but we know for sure that God will never leave us nor forsake us as He promised in Deuteronomy 31:6 and Matthew 28:20. We are reassured in Romans 8:28 that “for those who love God all things work together for good.”


For Yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, now and forever. Amen. This final power prayer point in The Lord’s Prayer tells us that we have a higher calling and a greater purpose that surpasses our small personal desires. It is an instruction on how to live this life well. Live it in such a way where we establish His Kingdom of peace, love and righteousness. Through His power available to us, we are to live to the full glory of our Creator.

There are less than 100 words in The Lord’s Prayer, and it takes less a minute to pray them. It is a simple daily prayer, but do not underestimate its immense power.

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us of our sins As we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, now and forever. Amen.

Matthew 6:9–13


Our Heart As A Church 20

Spiritual Restoration When a man or woman believes in the cross of Jesus Christ, the way is opened to them to be reconciled and restored to their spiritual origin and position. Their faith in Christ creates a Father-child relationship with God and they now become a citizen of the Kingdom of God. The believer is now ‘home’. As a citizen of His Kingdom, they can now enjoy a life of peace, abundance, productivity, prosperity and favor with God. Therefore, spirituality is not just some form or state of being holy but also a valuable and vital ingredient for successful living. Throughout biblical history, God has always blessed and provided materially for His people when they walk in His ways. Today we too can experience and enjoy the same provision through our faith and relationship with Jesus Christ.

Economic Empowerment In Christ, we are heirs of the promise given to Abraham and can now enjoy the provisions of God. Based on 3 John 2, there is sufficient grace from God to satisfy a person’s spiritual and material needs when they are reconciled to Him! The concept of economic empowerment is based on the undisputable fact that spiritual restoration and material prosperity are linked. Material and wealth provision is a consequence of spiritual pursuit not outside of it, for it is God who gives us the power to create wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18). The Twin Messages of Spiritual Restoration and Economic Empowerment are built with this understanding; that the church is meant to inspire men and women to live purposeful and abundant lives—centered upon the promise given to those who believe in Jesus.


Finding Faith Isaac Lim

Isaac Lim and his wife, Rubee.


After I gave my heart to Jesus, I felt that I was grounded and secured in everything I do. I somehow know that there is somebody guiding me through the journey of life and taking interest in everything I do. I got saved a few years ago in a camp organised by His Sanctuary of Glory Penang where Pastor Daniel Cheah was the speaker. I remember the person who invited me to go for this camp describing the church as a family. I had never heard ‘church’ described that way before.

To top it off, the best thing that happened was when I made the decision to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour, which led to Pastor Daniel praying for me and leading me to invite Jesus into my life. I felt such great peace during the prayer. It was one of the happiest days of my life.

Fascinated, I decided to go, even though at that time I was studying in Kampar, Perak and that would require me to go all the way to Penang.

Ever since I gave my heart to Jesus, I feel grounded and secured in everything I do. I somehow know that there is somebody guiding me through the journey of life and taking interest in everything I do.

That was one of the best and most important decisions I have ever made. Although I was only there for a day because I had to rush back for classes, the people there genuinely welcomed me with open arms and the warmth that they showed towards me was so real.

It is so different from my perspective on life and religion before I met Jesus and attending church, where I was dictated more by fear than faith. I’ve always had the mindset that religion exists to pinpoint my mistakes and

The Lim family.

highlight my flaws, causing me to be afraid. But being a Christian is nothing like that. God is a faithful God. And I have firsthand experience of that. You see, for 3 years, I stopped coming to church due to many things that happened in my life and I had to move back to my hometown. I was jobless for two years, with a wife and two young children to take care of. But even at my darkest and most challenging moments, I realised that God was always there for me. God would send help my way, demonstrating His love and kindness towards me. Somehow business and income would miraculously be there every month to meet our day to day needs. After meeting with Celine Koay and talking about

God, I have decided to come back to church, only this time with my entire family, and it has been great. I felt the warmth and excitement once again when I stepped back into the church. I was home o n ce a g a i n a n d th at feeling that I belonged to a much bigger and caring family was rekindled. The church has taught my wife and I many, many things about God and how to walk with Him, and that has been life changing. I have more business opportunities opened up to me now and I am beginning to see more positive changes happening in my family and in my life. I am so glad that my children, through the church, will be able to know God intimately at this young age and that this will add value to their

lives as they grow older. What an advantage! With two children and a lot of responsibilities, we do have our challenges coming to church every week, yet all of this is nothing compared to the blessings that we receive every Sunday when we come to HSG Penang. W h e n G o d m a ke s a n appointment with us, He will not leave us empty handed. God is faithful even when we are not and I believe there will many greater adventures in store for all of us as we follow Him. Thank you Jesus and His Sanctuary of Glory for being there for my family and me. God bless.


Healed & Saved Sherlyn & Kristy Yong

Our mom works all year round, every single day, in our family-owned restaurant. On a regular day in April 2014, as she was working, she suddenly experienced mild stroke symptoms. She started having trouble moving her lips and blinking. Our brother, who was also working at the restaurant at the time, noticed her stutter while she was talking to him. Suddenly, she fainted and our brother had to rush her to the hospital immediately. When they arrived, the surgeon refused to h ave h e r a d mit te d because the chances of her surviving were less than 20%. It was brain aneurysm.

One after another, surgeons ref use d h e r b e c ause of her critical condition. After hours of searching, one surgeon finally sympathized with us and was willing to have our mom admitted to the hospital. But he told us to be prepared because our mom may not survive. And even if she were to survive, she would be paralyzed. We prayed continually and after six hours of surgery, we were told that it was a miraculous success! However, she had to be observed for a couple of days because she might experience some immobility. True enough, she woke u p f ro m th e su rg e r y with slurred speech and

One after another, surgeons refused her because of her critical condition.

Sherlyn and her mum, Sally.


But he told us to have our hearts prepared because our mom may not survive. And if she were to survive, she would be paralyzed. The Yong family with Kristy on the far left

memory loss. She did not know where she was and where she lived. She could not even recognize her own children. When we visited her, she told us that she met Jesus during her surgery. Throughout her time in the hospital, our siblings and the both of us visited and prayed for her every day. One day, Pastor Amanda visited her and shared the gospel with her. Mom got saved right away in the hospital! O u r m o m h a s si n ce recovered. She still has an artery inside her that is bulging, but the doctor said that it is not harmful yet . N ow, o u r m o m is

always happy! Recently, she even went for a Christian conference for the first time in her life. Our mom believes in God’s existence and love, but she still faces challenges in her public declaration of her faith in Christ. She is from a staunch Taoist background. Her father—our grandfather— and our father are practicing Ta o is t s . T h ro u g h o u r mom’s healing, our father is now slowly accepting her faith in Jesus just as he acknowledges that our sister and the both of us are Christians. In fact, he is so much more open now and would even listen willingly when we share the gospel with him!

It was definitely a ver y tough journey for our mom and our family, holding tightly onto hope even though she only had less than 20% chance of sur vival. She definitely escaped death by God’s mercy. Today, whenever she goes for her checkups, the surgeon would still express his amazement at her miraculous healing. We truly believe that God is a lways wo r k i n g i n o u r f a m ily. T h ro u g h uncertainties, challenges, both good and bad times, We believe that He makes all things work together for good, in His time.


Against All Odds Sally Lum

While we are limited in our abilities, remember God is limitless. My husband Gary and I have been serving in a children’s home called City Revival Home for 3 years. It was there, in late 2006 when we first laid eyes on Ivan. We were forewarned about his complications but nothing could prepare us for this. Though born normal, the boy was thrown against the wall by his father who was under heavy drug influence. The abuse resulted in brain damage and partial paralysis. Life would be extremely tough for Ivan. No matter, we clearly felt God’s calling for us to take this case so we took Ivan as our second “son.” In his initial diagnosis, the surgeon

TOP: Young Ivan; RIGHT: Therapy session

Find out why we believe in serving the community on page 12


LEFT: Ivan standing up; TOP: Sally

told me that he wouldn’t be able to walk and that he would be wheelchair bound for life. I refused to believe this because I believe in God and not in fate. The surgeon promised that he would help where necessary. This marked the start of many tests and examinations. Challenging times would be ahead of us but we trusted God for a miracle. My son stayed home for two years to help Ivan cope with a very intense schedule. On top of medical consultations, there were various therapies th at Iva n n e e d e d to g o through, each with varying degrees of difficulties. Those two years turned out to be extremely crucial. We discovered more damage that needed to be corrected.

He had to undergo three corrective surgeries. The first was a corrective eye surgery to realign his eye sight. Later, we discovered his testicles were above his pelvic bone and had to be pulled down. The last surgery was the most intensive: six incisions on three joints of each leg to straighten them. The subsequent physiotherapy became even more painful.

His screams of pain were heartbreaking but we understood this was crucial for his wellbeing. Members of HSG banded together and bought a walker and peddler for this strong boy to exercise his legs. Despite these being perhaps the toughest years, God really poured His favor on Ivan. He only h a d th e b e s t d o c to r s from each department for his many consultations and treatments. The story of a little boy saving stranded starfishes

is my favorite inspirational story. It serves to remind me that while I can’t help every person who has a need, I can do something for someone whom God brings along my way. Today, Ivan is an active 12-year-old. And the most wondrous miracle is the fact that Ivan can now walk and talk like any normal child. He is able to take care of himself. And he also enjoys learning, especially reading and mathematics. Iva n represents the epitome of our passion in social works. His life is truly a miracle. His life shows that while we, as people are limited in our abilities, we should always remember that God is limitless. And when we would avail ourselves to Him in meeting the needs we see around us, this will allow Him to use us to make a difference. Truly Ivan’s story shows that when we take a small step of faith, God will bring us to bigger miracles.


Passion For God Victoria Unigwe

From the country of Nigeria, Victoria is the eldest in a family of six siblings. She is the talented wife to Mr Daniel Chicka and the proud m oth e r of 3 -ye a r- o l d , Emmanuel Chicka. Upon graduating with a Degree in Microbiology back home, Victoria came to Malaysia in 2009 to pursue her second degree. Eight days after arriving in Malaysia, she met her husband who then brought her to HSG. Initially, she had a Degree in Nursing in mind, but God had other plans . The decision to pursue a Diploma in IT came soon after talking to her friends who encouraged


Victoria’s family

her to explore the ways technology is being used in various businesses today. She was instantly intrigued by h ow te ch n o l o g y is shaping our world and shaping our future. Now, she is actively pursuing a Masters in Technology in Environment Management.

She grew up singing in church choirs and worshipping God. Her mother was a key influencer in encouraging her to grow her talent and passion for music. She has not stopped being a part of God’s ministry in praise and worship since, and is part of Destiny Praise in HSG.

Coming from a Christian home, Victoria’s mother placed her in the church choir at the tender age of eight.

Despite her passion for music, Victoria never thought of being an artist because she believed that being an artist required a lot more from her than being just a good singer. Victoria admits that her gift is not a great voice, but a great passion for the Lord. She finds herself to be talented in writing gospel music. In fact, she

That was when she discovered her love for music.

Victoria serving in Destiny Praise

has been writing gospel music for over 15 years now. However, she has always kept this to herself. One day, she met a friend through Facebook. She was drawn to connect to a gospel singer known by the name Sensational Ify. They became friends quickly but Ify did not know that Victoria could sing. It was not until Victoria sang in front of If y that she immediately saw great potential in Victoria and started encouraging Victoria to launch her own album. Victoria has just released her first gospel album, Extravagant Love, with 8 song tracks in which she

dedicates her passion for God. The decision to launch her first album was made because of the encouragement she received from Ify, her friends, and the people of Destiny Praise. This same decision is motivated by her desire to use this moment as a way to share the love of God and to invite people to HSG to experience this same love. Victoria is often inspired in church. In fact, she gets excited ever y Sunday morning to hear God’s word for her life and her song writing. Whenever she feels inspired, she would start writing immediately, even when it is in the middle of

She desires to use this moment as a way to share the love of God and to invite people to experience this same love.

the night. Victoria explains that when she feels God’s Word in her heart, she is moved by the Holy Spirit to write a song. Recently, she managed to write a whole song in less than an hour right after a worship session! Victoria gives God complete credit for blessing her with this talent. Victoria’s advice to all aspiring singers, is that they should not wait to have a great voice, but instead seize every opportunity they have to work on their gift. She urges everyone to have zeal in their pursuits and trust God to open doors of opportunities in their lives.


Blessed By Faith Jane Ching

Jane at Alpha Excess’ factory

At first, I was content just growing my business within Malaysia, but you could say God had other plans. In 2013, I was empowered by a vision. I felt that God wanted me to go beyond just being a small enterprise. 30

Jane’s family

My company Alpha Excess sells commercial entrance matting in Kuala Lumpur. P r i o r to s t a r ti n g my business in this industry, I was in real estate. Our commercial door mats are aluminium mats, chair mats for carpet and wooden flooring, coil mats and carpet mats for buildings and offices. Alpha Excess originally runs on an online platform through a website and began only as an avenue for side income. I stumbled upon it while buying goods from my husband’s

Jane and her daughter (Rachel) at the office.

company. The positive responses I garnered online really encouraged me and it eventually led me to go into this full time. At first, I was content just growing my business within Malaysia , but you could say God had better plans for me. In 2013, I was empowered by a visi o n th ro u g h Apostle Naomi Dowdy. I felt that God wanted me to go beyond just being a small enterprise. And true enough, I soon found that working from

home was not an ideal situation as I needed a place to meet clients and showcase my products. However, realistic questions of doubt and fear started p l a g u i n g m e a b o ut moving out. I found myself constantly worrying about how I would cope with the added expenses of expanding by having my own office. The reason which lifted me up was my decision to cast all my fears and worries unto God in prayers. I consciously took a great leap of faith by simply trusting Him.


I felt God’s prompting to cease my fears and overcome them. It was during the Project Barnabas conference when I heard Pastor Randy Needham encouraging the entire congregation to “Let God take over, and mountains can come down.”

Then in 2014, I was able to find a suitable office space, and doors opened to the right avenues of finances and the key resources which I required. It was an answered prayer which further convicted my heart that God was indeed leading me in the right direction. I felt assured and confident at how amazing things started to fall into place as I placed my faith in God at the center of my business. I n 2 01 5 , th e re wa s a particular high demand for a product but issues with


the supplier arose. The only supplier had increased the price steeply and delivery lead time and so my supply line was affected. And again, I felt a prompting to expand my business further. My initial response to the idea of becoming the supplier myself was not an immediate yes as the mountain seemed too high. I was extremely hesitant but I felt God’s prompting to cease my fears and overcome them. It was during the Project Barnabas conference when I heard Pastor Randy Needham encouraging the entire

Jane at her desk

congregation to “Let God take over, and mountains can come down.” So, I once again stepped out with greater faith towards believing that God was speaking over my situation. N at u r a lly, i n eve r y exp a n si o n , f i n a n cia l resources, manpower, and expertise were key areas I needed an answer to. I was alone in this business. I could neither diversify nor expand if I worked alone. There was a clear answer to my search for

someone with the right expertise and God brought in someone with 14 years of experience in producing this very same product. During the period of waiting, continual project opportunities with my growing clientele provided the answer I was seeking in the area of financial resources I required for further business expansion into producing this product. My daughter also came in to help me at the perfect time. In her, I found the help

I needed and truly, there was no one more ideal than my own daughter. God astounded me with answers to these areas the very moment I said yes towards taking a greater step of faith. This experience of faith has brought my family closer and made us stronger. It has certainly taught me to appreciate God’s love even more and being obedient to Him brings rewards. It showed how God can truly do wondrous things through faith as small as a mustard seed.


Pastor Pat and her husband conducting water baptism together

Positive Pat, as she liked to introduce herself, was not just a cute moniker but an unwavering and courageous position for her own life and others.

Pastor Pat: A Legacy Of Love Pastor Patricia Tan was a member of His Sanctuary Glory who served as a ministry staff for 18 years. She returned home to the Lord on July 2015, leaving behind a much treasured legacy. What a fitting place to pay tribute to this wonderful servant of God. “Re-Imagine�! Pastor Patricia Tan was a woman that championed people to Re-Imagine their lives and out-look of life.

“She is a reminder to all of us that partnering with God is the highest honour one can receive.” Pastor Reuben Kee Her love for God was so clearly seen in her love for people. She treasured what God treasures, which led her to see potential in people that normally would be so easily brushed off. B y h e r own h u m b l e admission, she was a simple person that loved her God, her family and her church. Positive Pat, as she liked to introduce herself, was not just a cute moniker

Pastor Pat praying for people in need

but an unwavering and courageous positioned for her own life and others. Her investment and labour of love towards others came from a place of relentless faith. “Inspiring”, “Caring”, “ Wa r m”, “ G e n e ro u s”, “Strong”, “Kind”, “Godly” and “Friendly” are among the words commonly used by her friends and family to describe our Pastor Pat. More appropriately these are more than just adjectives but

simple seeds that she has sown in each every one of us. Her passion still echoes th ro u g h o u r h e a r t s . Sometimes it seems like you can still hear her cheering us on as she did when she was still physically with us. For that, a lot of us can say these words… “Thank you for giving to the Lord… I am a life that was changed.” Thank you, Pastor Pat.


Purpose in Our World



What Is HSGGM? “Action without vision is only passing time, vision without action is merely day dreaming, but vision with action can change the world.” Nelson Mandela “You are a man of war. As these ships sail the oceans of the world, so I will take you to the nations of the world. And where you go, I will release the treasures of the nations.” This is the prophetic word given by the Holy Spirit to Pastor Daniel Cheah that birthed HSGGM. What began in 1994 was the start of a small fire, a rekindling of spirits for a church that was emerging from a turbulent transition. Led by the Holy Spirit and


the presence of God, this vision became the cornerstone of HSG Global Ministries; and over the years we grew in size and reach. As we continue to fulfil the vision, HSGGM’s next step involves our 3E strategy— Eq u i p p i n g C h u rch e s , Economic Empowerment & Education Empowerment; where even greater works of God will happen! Join us and be a part of this exciting journey; we welcome you aboard!

What Is Project Barnabas?

To equip our global pastors & to celebrate His works across the nations, Project Barnabas, our annual international conference, was born. Every year, international delegates and local members join PB expectantly; and God has never failed to touch their lives and their ministry. 39

Philippines (tagum city) Pastor cip

Philippines (Pampanga) Pastor Lani

Indonesia Pastor Benny

O ur childre n ministr y is

The Carecell is really working

Faith continues to grow within

a c tively rea ching o ut to yo ung

well for us! Everyone loves it! We

our congregation despite strong

pre-believers. We recently organized

have also expanded our church

opposition from the local town council.

a youth conference with almost

building to the next lot!

300 youth. We are now working o n confe re n ces fo r f a rme rs ,

Thailand (Ban-Phai) Pastor Jack

Vietnam Pastor Joshua

Our newly planted church in

Implementation of ‘1000 fishers of

Ban-Phai is currently growing in

Philippines (Pangasinan) Pastor Eric

men’—raising up 200 evangelists

its efforts to reach out to the local

throughout various provinces

community. Today, our weekly

We have grown and we are now

every year from now till 2020.

service is growing in attendance.

India (Punjab) Pastor Samuel

INDIA (punjab) PastoR JAYARAJ

India (Meghalaya) Pastor jasper

We are kicking off more Carecells!

Our congregation made pledges

We b u i l t n e w c h u r c h b u i l d i n g s

O u r r e v a m p e d , d y n a m i c HSG -

f o r o u r l a u n c h i n to m i s s i o n s ,

for 3 of our village outreaches.

inspired praise and worship

w h i c h i s a n e xc i t i n g f i r s t f o r

We a l s o conducted several

i s now conducted in 3 languages—

our church. We also started our

evangelistic events across our region

Punjab, Hindi and English!

very first Leadership Cell.

with many saved.

India (Odisha) Pastor Moses

India (Rajsthan) Pastor Rajnish

INDIA (Chhattisgarh) Pastor aroj

Our technical school continues

Excited about our newly completed

We are at the final phase of

to change the lives of individuals.

sanctuary! We went to border tribal

completing our brand new church

We are also sharing the gospel

villages to minister where thousands

building! All glory to God!

through our prison ministry.

gathered and were touched by God.

women and indigenous people.

moving to a bigger space!


Myanmar Pastor myint Nwe

Nigeria Pastor Joseph

O ur agriculture a n d orpha nag e

Lives are being touched as we

proje c t s a re doing well . We a re

see our Carecells grow and more

also reaching out to non-believers

p e ople coming to ch urch on

through communit y projec ts

S un days— Praise Th e Lord !

and malaria prevention talks .

Ghana Pastor daniel

China PAsTOR Li

We are enjoying our new church land

We a re con duc ting eva ng elistic

and we believe that God has so much

events throughout our state with our

more planned for us as we move towards

newly upgraded music instruments.

our coming new season of growth.

Penang Pastor Reuben

Sabah (Kota Kinabalu) pastor ariffin

Sabah (Kota Marudu) pastor uhanis

We have started a business fellowship to

Moved to a new building and just

Ever since we established our church

help entrepreneurs in their walk with God.

concluded a 3-day Youth Conference.

about half a year ago, we currently

We also have exciting future programs

It was an awesome time with over 100

have 100 in attendance very Sunday.

lined up for our children ministry.

youth in attendance.

It is a joy to see our church touching

Kajang Pastor Beulah

Sabah (Keningnau) pastor Clarence

We are conducting English literacy

We have moved to a new building

classes to help migrant workers. We

and have begun implementing

have also adapted the class for children

the Carecell system. We are now

and have seen 50 children showing

prepared for even more growth!

lives in our corner of Sabah.

great improvement in their studies.


God Is Bigger Than Our Problems By Pastor Benny from Indonesia

We know that the church is made of people, not a building Sunday service in the former church premises

I am Pastor Benny from Indonesia . I am really grateful for the God-given opportunity to meet Pastor Deborah and to learn how to expand our church here. We have had a few struggles back home. Our church that we built had to be closed down and thus we could not use our premises for church services. But that didn’t stop us from worshipping Him. For 2 years, we had our services from house to house every week. Many members have left us since.

H oweve r, we a re n ot disheartened because we still experience God and His works. We know that the church is made of people, not a building. I see my church members encouraging each other in their respective Carecells. Once, a church member had severe backbone problems that were causing her a lot of pain. The doctor said that she needed to undergo an operation. It was very expensive and she definitely could not afford it. When she shared the news with us, we all started praying for her

Service Guides on Sunday morning

and believing for healing. We visited her regularly. One day, she was just healed miraculously! She did not feel any pain anymore. We called for the doctor and even he said that it’s a miraculous healing; extraordinary! Upon healing, she shared her testimony with a friend who had backbone problems too. After hearing of it, I encouraged her to pray for her friend as we did for her. And then her friend was also healed! Naturally, their friends were curious

and started asking about their miraculous healings. Through sharing their testimonies, they shared about God’s love too.

God’s amazing works in our lives spur us on as a church. I believe for a breakthrough. Before I lef t for Kuala Lumpur, the district head had signed for the approval of my request to

have a church building of our own. Now, we are just waiting for the confirmation. I believe that those who left us and even those who persecuted us would eventually come back and worship God with us because God’s love always wins. I believe for us to step up to the next level. I believe that He will continue with his miraculous works and help us rise as a church. I will spread the good news to inspire our outreach pastors. As God has blessed me, he will surely bless them too.


A Mission Field Ripe For The Harvest By Pastor Joshua from Vietnam

“Vietnam is a very large country with a population of 90 million people. The mission field is huge and the people are hungry for the word of God…” A lot of people are unaware that Vietnam is still under communist rule and that evangelism is illegal in our country. Large gatherings are also prohibited. Because of this, when we share the gospel it is always through friends, family and relatives and always on one to one

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few...” Luke 10:2

FROM LEFT: An outreach church family; Streets of Vietnam; Pastor Joshua conducting water baptism.

basis i.e. clandestinely. Despite the risks and adversities we face, God is with us and His Spirit is moving through country.

of believers continued to have ‘Carecell group meetings’ with praise and worship and bible study in their homes.

Recently, one of our church members who has relatives in the Mekong Delta region invited my church worker to his village to share the gospel. He stayed there for about 2 weeks sharing the gospel with them and upon accepting the Lord, they formed a Carecell group there. This young group

After just six months, their friends and neighbours accepted Christ and the Carecell grew. What started out as just 3-4 people grew very rapidly to almost 20 people. In Vietnam, when we reach this number, it’s very significant and we proclaim it a church.

Their leader then invited me to a ceremony where we worshipped God with praise and worship songs and had great fellowship. This in our way, made them officially a p a r t of o u r ‘ch u rch’. Now, their leader comes to Ho Chi Min city every month to receive training with all the other leaders. All glory to our Lord!


Stepping Into New Grounds By Pastor Lani from Pampanga, Philippines

The HSG Philippines family

With ever y challenge that we face, we emerge stronger and better than before, proclaiming God’s goodness and faithfulness. The Lord has empowered u s to re a ch th e n ex t level of our faith through challenging us to obey His Word. He has shown us all things are made possible through Him. We have witnessed His hand move from the biggest down to the smallest of ways in the expansion of our ministry. Last year, we took a leap of faith to purchase the vacant lot next to our church. We star ted to work together in raising the funds for the lot; from young high school

students to adults, we all pledged for the lot in faith. Today, I am pleased to say that we have almost paid off the lot completely! God has truly blessed each of my members tremendously when we give for the purpose of His kingdom. Our second challenge was in mid-2015 when we were having our CCLT training with Pastor Deborah. The halls were not air conditioned and the heat wa s u n b e a r a b l e . S h e suggested that we install air conditioners for the comfort of our congregation. Verbally, I agreed. But the figure needed for installation was 220,000

Young people of HSG Philippines

p e s os (a p p roxi m ate ly RM18,600). Upon discussion and praying over the issue, my leaders and I decided to install the air conditioners by faith. We made the announcement in church th at S u n d ay m o r n i n g it s e lf. I co ul d fe e l th e atmosphere of uncertainty a s we we re s till i n th e midst of paying for the lot. However, we kept our faith in God. And in February 2016, our hall became fully air conditioned! When we choose to obey God, He will show His great providence in ways we cannot comprehend. Recently, a brother who visits us occasionally told

me that he can see that we as a church are listening to what God is telling us to do. This is because each time he visits our church, he would see improvements f rom his previous visit. When he left, he blessed the church with USD1,000, easing our financial burdens tremendously. It helped open our eyes to see and understand the rewards of obeying God’s word even more. With the implementation of the Carecell System in our church, we are able to strengthen our leadership base and embrace God’s vision through igniting our passion to reach out

to people. Our leaders and congregation are renewed in our excitement to reach out to people and grow them into being leaders themselves. We are praying and believing in God’s grace for us as we reach out to people. There are still many out there who need Christ in their lives and I believe that God has sent us to share His love with them. My deepest prayer is to for us to align ourselves to God’s calling and purpose to our lives as we continue to seek and honour Him.


Our Leaders Of Tomorrow By Pastor Eric from Pangasinan, Philippines

They motivate me to do more, as I am not alone in recognizing that there is still much work to do in the Kingdom. Being the hope of our nation, I view our youth ministry as a vital component of our church. Despite the high demands on their time, be it for their studies or for their family the youths never fail to also set aside time for God’s work. Week in, week out, our three youth Carecells continue to serve in church as well as in our many community projects. They organize their own prayer meetings, proactively share the good news and invite their less fortunate peers to our weekly feeding programs. While I continue to be inspired by their lives, I also recognize the need to also minister to them and grow this burning flame of God in

Youth Valentine’s Day event

their lives. This culminated in our youth camp which is a major event for all of them. Conducted once or twice every year, our 3 day camps aim to refresh and recharge our entire youth force. From exciting games to restorative devotion times and vibrant spirit-fuelled praise and worship sessions, God’s presence is there ministering to every one of them. I thank God for such a passionate group of people. They motivate me to do more, as I am not alone in recognizing that there is still much work to do in the Kingdom. We par tner with local schools and conduct and anti-drug seminars, opening up yet another avenue to reach out to this generation.

Every Sunday, we conduct our feeding program in conjunction with our services. Children from our neighbourhood and surrounding remote areas are invited to enjoy meals provided by our church members. Over time, the parents of these children, touched by our works, also grew connected to us, and in turn, found God’s love and salvation through Christ. By meeting the needs of the community, we open up new doors to reach hearts and share the gospel.

When a typhoon hit our region, we responded by expanding this feeding program to the afflicted areas, and even helped with rebuilding works. By continuing to shine God’s love, our lives become the epitome of Galatians 6:9 “So let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” One day, this generation of youth will be my successors, and I cannot wait to see what God can do through their able and willing hands!

get to know our youth leaders across the world on page 64


Breaking Barriers By Pastor Samuel & Sanchita from Punjab, India

We see now that sometimes when God takes something away from us, it is so He can replace it with something far greater.

Carecells in action We were going through a bit of a difficult period with our Carecells, as some of our leaders had left for personal reasons. We were quite discouraged, but there wasn’t much we could do about it. However, God is good and sometimes when people leave, it is because God wants to bring in someone new. What we didn’t realize was that God had already prepared the next level of leaders to take over. They immediately stepped up and said “We are ready!” Here’s the best part—they were all women! Now, in India, this is a huge deal because in

order for a woman to lead anything it requires tremendous commitment, time and sacrifice. We are in Punjab where the education level is low, especially for the women. Here, it is a woman’s responsibility to cook 3 meals a day. Plus, they have to clean and care for the children as well as the husband. Some of their husbands are not even saved, so the wives have to work extra hard! But these women were somehow willing to sacrifice their time and energy and amazingly pull it off. Another reason why it is such a massive thing for these ladies to step up is our location. We are located on

the outskirts of town and it can take 45 minutes to reach our house for some of these ladies. That’s another 45 minutes journey home. In our part of the world, it gets dark rather quickly, especially in winter. So, travelling after dark for a lady can be risky. This did not deter them; instead, they pooled their money and hired a cab, which also sends them home. We truly thank God for men and women like these who say “Come what may, I’m not going to stop doing God’s work!” We see now that sometimes when God takes something away from us, it is so He can replace it with something far greater. What God has accomplished through us has set a new trend for

FROM LEFT: Voice Raisers on Sunday Praise and Worship; Church members attending church classes.

other churches to follow. Other pastors are now also keen to implement the Carecell system in their churches as they see that it brings tremendous life, growth and value to the church. And, it is our joy to share all we know and teach others to implement the Carecell system so they too may experience the fullness of Christ.

PRAISE & WORSHIP IN 3 LANGUAGES! During last year’s Project Barnabas, some of the songs that were sung had such beautiful lyrics that I wanted so much to introduce them to our congregation.

There was just one problem —translation—because sometimes, translation is just not possible. How could we teach an English song to people who only speak Hindi and Punjabi? There are a handful of people in our congregation who understand English but the rest wouldn’t be able to understand a single word! Nevertheless, we decided to take a step of faith and introduced the songs in English anyway, come what may! So now we have our praise and worship in 3 languages— Hindi, Punjabi and English! We don’t know if our English speaking members started inviting friends or what happened, but suddenly

more and more English speaking people started coming to our church! We were quite surprised and excited with this most unexpected development. Our little step of faith to worship God, resulted in such a tremendous blessing! Now, we have more people in our church, more seats are filled, the praise and worship is more exciting and we’re taking our church and worship to the next level!

witness the power of unity on page 66


Influenced, Impacted, Inspired By Pastor Rajnish Jacob, Rajasthan, India

The new sanctuary

Cornerstone church is the largest AG Church with 400+ members and leads the missions in Rajasthan for the 65 million people to yet to be saved. I thank the Lord for the growth of the kingdom of God in Rajasthan. Since we connected with HSG and started attending


Project Barnabas, our perspective of ministry changed and effectiveness i n cre a s e d . We a re implementing many of the lessons from PB in the area of developing leaders, successors and empowering the church, both spiritually and economically. This year, we built our main sanctuary and its design was inspired by HSGKL!

HSG has influenced us in 3 areas: 1. Relationship within the church—a sense of belonging 2. Quality devotion and worship 3. Living a quality and effective life for Christ Right now we are focusing on reaching out to exploited communities and bringing them to Christ.

HSGGM INDIA 22 churches and growing... Ps Samuel Thilak A G Masihi Satsang Ghar Patiala, Punjab

Ps Prince David

Ps Jayaraj

Ps Sunny Samuel

A G Masihi Satsang Sirhind, Punjab

Ludhiana AG Church Ludhiana, Punjab

Sangrur A G Church Sangrur, Punjab

Ps Balan

Ps Raju

Ps Prem Prakash

A G Church Moonak, Punjab

New Life A G Church Moonak, Punjab

New Life A G Church Bhadson, Punjab

Ps Kundan Adhikari

Ps Krishan Lall

Ps Varghese

A G Church Chandigarh, Punjab

A G Church Khumanon, Punjab

Sharoon Church Rajpura, Punjab

Ps Satyadas

Ps Moses Benny

Ps Ashish Tirkey

Sharoon Church Sirhind, Punjab

Phildephia A G Church Roorie, odisha

Phildephia A G Church Roorie, odisha

Ps Fagua Meing

Ps Nirmal

Ps Joseph

Miracle A G Church Sundargarh, Odisha

Faith A G Church Sundargarh, Odisha

Badugaon, A G Church Sundargarh, Odisha

Ps Pratap Bilung

Ps Munna Kisan

Ps Dashrat Munda

Masihi A G Church Sambalpur, Odisha

Nawangaw A G Church Sundargarh, Odisha

Chidya A G Church Sundargarh, Odisha

Ps Rajnish Jacob

Ps Aroj Lall

Ps Jasper Lyngdoh

Cornerstone A G Church Jaipur, Rajsthan

Immanuel A G Church Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh

Assembly Church of Jesus Christ Shillong, Meghalaya

Christmas Picnic Assembly Church of Jesus Christ, India

Caravan Carolling

Youth Christmas Event

Assembly Church of Jesus Christ, India

Agape Outreach Church, Vietnam


Around The World By Christina Cheah & Raja Raswan

Serving food on Christmas day A.G. Masihi Satsang Ghar, India


Church group photo Freedom San Raymundo, Philippines

During a Christmas icebreaker game

Church members and their gifts

Freedom Salvacion Rosales, Philippines

A.G. Masihi Satsang Ghar, India

Christmas Group Photo

Christmas Party Games

Living Word Tabernacle, Kajang, Malaysia

Freedom Nagcuralan, Philippines

No matter which country or culture, there are two experiences that the HSG Global family have in common. The mutual love of feasting and the joy of the company of loved ones as we celebrate Christ our Savior, who was born on Christmas day. Joy to the world!

Group photo on Christmas Day

Christmas Photobooth

HSG Philippines

HSG Penang, Malaysia

Church members dressed up for Christmas

Church members dressed up for Christmas

Living Word Tabernacle, Kajang, Malaysia

Living Word Tabernacle, Kajang, Malaysia


Raising A Purposeful Generation By Pastor Uhanis

“Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.” George Washington Carver 56

Kota M ar udu , forme rly known as Bandau, is a small town l o c ate d i n S a b a h , East Malaysia. The story of HSG Kota Marudu began at the Pastor’s Conference in 2015. That was when Pastor Daniel and Pastor Deborah first met Pastor Uhanis. A casual conversation between Pastor Daniel and Pastor Uhanis about

h is th o u g ht s o n th e conference eventually led to Pastor Uhanis talking about the lack of proper education in Kota Marudu. Children in Kota Marudu h a v e to t r a v e l a l o n g distance to public schools but their parents are unable to afford the transportation fees. Hence, some children

find out how it began on page 69

FROM LEFT: HSG Kota Marudu church family; Young Praise and Worship team; Pastor Uhanis is sharing God’s word; Conrtuction of the church building

are forced to forgo school entirely. This education gap has been taking a toll on the well-being of the young people in the town often leading children living lives without a bright future and for some, immoral activities. Pastor Uhanis shared his heart, dream, and passion —building a dormitory in

a church next to the local public school to meet the needs of these children. Though a church by itself will leave an impact on society, combining it with basic education and accommodation for the children will make a tremendous difference in creating an avenue for children to increase their

living standards. Our Senior Pastors felt the heart of Pastor Uhanis’ dream and decided to be a part of this man’s great passion. Decisions were made and f u n d s we re a ll o c ate d to the building of the church. Within a few weeks, they decided on the location a few hundred meters


Students on the new stage

away from the local public school and built an empty structure for the main hall. They were able to have their first Sunday service that weekend with a total attendance of 50 students. Making a difference in people’s lives is one of the most significant things a person can do. It creates a ripple effect. Contributions and faith through the His Sanctuary of Glory Global Ministries creates hope and opportunities into the lives of children in Kota Marudu. Work does not end here as the goal of

our church in Kota Merudu is to build an equipped boarding school within the church compound so that the children are able to attend school easily. With the boarding school functioning, the lives of many young children will be impacted. Not only will we be able to provide th e m accommodation and food , but most importantly, the ability to change their future.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela 58

Though a church by itself will leave an impact on society, combining it with basic education and accommodation for the children will make a difference in creating an avenue for children to increase their living standards tremendously.

Completed church building interior


Emerge Undefeated By Matthew Leong, Ministry Leader of Generation 4Twelve and The Broadcast of His Sanctuary of Glory, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Young people today need God more than ever. They need to know they are not alone.


“You are Stupid! Ugly! You are a FAILURE!” These are the thoughts that run through the minds of many youths. We are bogged down by peer pressure, insecurities, doubts, fears and worries almost every day of our lives.

in ourselves and our abilities. These thoughts have brought generations of young people towards depression, anger, pain and in many cases, suicide. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that about one million people die each year from suicide, that’s 90 deaths EVERY HOUR!

It is easy to be overwhelmed by fear, and lose confidence

Young people today need God more than ever. They

need to know they are not alone. They are loved, valued and are stronger than they believe. With God, they are able to overcome all things and Emerge Undefeated! “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7

Generation 4Twelve and The Broadcast is HSGKL’s youth and campus ministry which believes in bringing God’s love to where it matters most; the hearts of young people. It’s really about making a difference in people’s lives. We can feed them and do acts of service but nothing is going to replace what God can do

on their lives. With God’s love the young are able to cast aside all barriers and emerge from the limits they have placed upon themselves. Young people need to realize they’re made to be an undefeated force to be reckoned with. And with that conviction of God’s love, they can become the change of hope in the world.


“Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence.” Ephesians 3:12

BE THE CHANGE Sometimes we distance ourselves from people whom we feel like don’t fit


into our Christian circle but these are the very people who need God’s love most. There is a real need for courageous Christians who are convicted with the passion to make a positive impact in people’s lives. Young people need to know and understand that they can make a real difference just by being real and relevant; because

sometimes we are the only Jesus people can see, touch and feel. Be that Jesus and make the difference, be the change!

FIND OUT MORE! Learn about Generation 4Twelve and The Broadcast’s upcoming camps or events by following us on Facebook:

There is a real need for courageous Christians who are convicted with the passion to make a positive impact in people’s lives.


Youth Leaders




Location: HSG Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia Fav Food: Mee Sup Pipin

Location: HSG Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Fav Food: Cheesy Pasta

Location: HSG Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia Interest: Making new friends

What inspires you?

What inspires you?

Leading our group of energetic young

At this age, it is a crucial time for youths as they make choices and develop their

people, I am given the opportunity to

God-given talents which will shape their future. We strive to be there for them and

make a real difference in their lives.

guide them every step of the way.




Location: Agape Outreach Church, Vietnam Fav Foods: Pizza & barbecue

Location: God’s Arm Deliverance Mission Int’l, Port Harcourt, Nigeria Interest: Football

Location: Agape Outreach Church, Vietnam Fav Foods: Seafood & hotpot

What inspires you?

What inspires both of you?

I believe that our church youth should

We love God, and we love our young people. We believe they will one day grow to

continue to be socially relevant to reach

become a new generation of Christ-centered leaders. It’s always a moving sight for us

out during these challenging times;

when we see them touched by the Holy Spirit. Their passion energizes us to press on

especially on the subject of morality.

forward with God’s work!

Our lives can be the light unto others.


of hsggm




Location: HSG Philippines, Pampanga, Philippines Interest: Photography

Location: A.G. Masihi Satsang Ghar, Punjab, India Fav Food: Rajmah

Location: A.G. Masihi Satsang Ghar, Punjab, India Fav Food: Paneer

What inspires you?

What inspires you?

What inspires you?

B eing a worship lea d e r for o ur

It is great to see our youth discover

As I grow spiritually closer to God while

youth, I get to witness first-hand the

their gifts from serving in church. As a

serving, I want others to also have this

powerful presence and anointing of

budding worship leader, I feel amazed

experience and relationship with Christ.

God amongst our young people.

when those whom I train, through their passion and initiative, grow in music.


sa kyaw lwin Location: HSG Myanmar, Yangon, Myanmar Fav Food: Fish

naw cho nwe oo Location: HSG Myanmar, Yangon, Myanmar Fav Food: Chicken Rice

What inspires you?

What inspires you?

God has placed in my heart a

Upon seeing the Holy Spirit move

passion to develop the youth in

among the youth during Summer Bible

my church. I believe that for every

Camp, my desire to continue serving

life choice we make, it should be

the children and youth was invigorated.

done with trust and faith in God.

Country: HSG Philippines, Pampanga, Philippines Interests: Film & Cinema What inspires you? Yo u t h m i n i s tr y g i ve s m e t h e platform to develop my faith and relationship with God as I serve Him. With this privilege, I want to inspire them to reach their potential by displaying God’s glory in my life.


Unite For The Nations “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Helen Keller

Students of Guo Gan school

On Februar y 2015 , the Burmese army sent tens of thousands of troops into the mountainous region of Guo Gan, supported by aircraft and artillery in response to an insurgent at tack on th eir militar y base . Clash e s b et we e n both force s swe pt th e re gion , displacing ove r 50,000 civilians from their homes. “The situation is still ver y complicated. Neither side can win; neither side can get a decisive result.” says U Aung Kyaw Zaw, a Burmese political observer. Amidst the chaos and turmoil in the remote mountainous region, a single school continues to serve the community.


Church leaders in China enjoying an icebreaker game

There are now fewer teachers and students around. Classes are now scheduled situationally, and the already poor acce ss to th e school worse n e d by hastily erected military checkpoints. Yet, the children who are present enthusiastically look forward to the next class, where perhaps they will l e a r n h o w to m u l t i p l y numbers, or where the rain comes from. The light of hope through e d u c ati o n co nti n u e s to s h i n e d u r i n g th os e d a r k ti m e s , s own a few ye a r s a g o by a co ll a b o r ative ef fo r t b et we e n p a s to r s and churches from China, Myanmar, and Malaysia.

Building a school in a region with no vehicular access was a tremendous challenge that was overcome through persistence, ingenuity, and passion for the Guo Gan community. Each party contributed their unique strength; HSGGM oversaw l o g is ti c s a n d b u il d i n g materials, while our partner church network in China managed the teaching syllabus, learning materials and training of teachers. Such projects were one of the few collaborations around the world where HSGGM engaged not just one or two, but many pastors in a nation all at once; breaking mindsets, developing leaders, and impacting local communities.

EDUCATION AFFECTS EVERYONE: FROM CHILDREN TO PASTORS Education did not just bring change to Guo Gan. After the school project, the partnership between HSGGM and the church n e t wo r k w a s f u r t h e r expanded when HSGGM was invited to train their outreach pastors, elders and leaders on multiple o cc a si o n s . T h os e i n attendance were awestruck with th eir n ew found knowle dge of pastoral c are and leade rship. “Now we know how to shepherd God’s people with a clear development structure and are equipped to identify areas of


improvement,” comments a pastor. There was genuine excitement and a renewed vigor in expanding God’s kingdom. “If God can touch a team from Malaysia to be here, He can instil a determination in us to fulfil His mission here,” proclaims the elder of the group. Trainings and meetings such as these also serve as a platform to build

connections, exchange ideas, and form partnerships and collaborations for initiatives much larger than any single pastor would be capable of achieving alone. Guo Gan was the first project; but it certainly would not be the last. Talks are ongoing to engage in partnership for more projects across the region; and across the world.


breaking language barriers in india on page 50

“For the body does not consist of one member but of many... All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.” 1 Corinthians 12:14 & 27

United For The Gospel For the past few years, HSGGM has conducted s eve ra l tr a i n i n g s o n pastoral leadership, church development and economic empowerment. In regular attendance were HSGGM pastors and church leaders as well as district council committee members of AG North India. “I come not just to encourage you to continue God’s wonderful works, but to build you up and equip you to become leaders befitting of the work that lies before us all,” proclaimed Pastor Daniel Cheah, as he shared on the importance of their personal development to their ministry. “How unfortunate it is that other pastors missed this

wonderful knowledge!” said a pastor who travelled the breadth of the country to attend the trainings. The demand for consecutive trainings was so strong that Pastor Samuel has risen up to the challenge to conduct them resulting in a growing number of other Carecell-based churches across the region. As it did in China, the renewal of the minds of God’s people has begun in our network of churches in India. 1 Corinthians 1:10 “I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree... and be united in the same mind.”

East Malaysia While we continue to make great strides across the globe, there is a calling to impact our nation as well. HSGGM has been regularly hosting conferences for pastors since 2013 in East Malaysia, equipping over 75 churches across 17 denominations in Sabah.

find out more about hsg kota marudu’s progress on page 56

I n to d ay ’s wo r l d of decreasing attention spans and countless competing distractions, where both information and moral values are dictated by the internet, we must awaken to the purpose why God has placed us here in this time and age. The planet is growing increasingly globalized and so is its problems, issues and opportunities alike.

“Opportunities do not only exist in Kuala Lumpur, we can also create wealth here in our villages using our resources!” said a pastor excitedly, upon learning about the message of Economic Empowerment. One pastor, with a heart for education, started a sweet potato farm where the proceeds financed the

United For The Community construction and operations of a small school. After talks and discussions with peers and counterparts, another inspired pastor shared his vision of building a church with a hostel which ensures that village children are able to attend school while God’s word is being ministered to them. From this sharing, HSG Kota Marudu was born through the partnership with HSGGM. James 2:18b “How can you show me your faith if you don’t have good deeds? I will show you my faith by my good deeds.”

In order to for God’s glory to shine through, the church also has to go global. And we can achieve this in the spirit of partnership and unity. There is a ce r t a i n e n e rg y a n d creativity that comes from bringing people together collaboratively to solve the problems and seize the opportunities around us. This is where you, the reader, can play a part.


Leadership & Pastoral Training in Wenzhou, China; Sabah, Malaysia & Punjab, India

unite in prayer

unite in action

unite in witness

You can unite in prayer with us for our churches, our leaders, and for the nations that they are serving. Pray that God’s guiding hand will continue to lead and guide us all towards expansion of His works and His house, so that we may spread God’s love to more lives and more communities. That His spirit never ceases to inspire us to continue to overcome e a r th ly o bs t a cl e s a n d barriers for His glory, much like Joshua and his army overcoming the towering wall of Jericho.

You can unite in action with us by contributing yo u r t i m e , s k i l l s a n d talents for the Kingdom. From going on mission trips to ser ving on Sundays, there is always room for more helping hands. Financial inve stme nt s through tithes, offerings, mission and vision pledges, all go a long way towards God’s movement across the world, in our church, and in your personal Godgiven pursuits, dreams and goals.

You can unite in witness as you share your testimony and God experiences with your family, friends, and the body. Your story may just be the one that touches the life of another, bringing the joy of salvation into his or her life. That person may be the next leader of a Carecell, or even a church.


There is a certain energy and creativity that comes from bringing people together collaboratively to solve the problems, and seize the opportunities, around us.

There is so much more to be done to reach out to people for Christ. There are literally thousands upon thousands of churches and Christian organizations doing God’s good work across the globe; and HSG and HSGGM are proud to be among them. Together, let us awaken and take this next step towards God’s intention for all our lives, our purpose.


The Team 72

Editor in Chief

Laureen Foo Editor & Advisor

Raja Raswan Content Advisor

Rebecca Lee Elliot Koh Writers & Proof Readers

Kelly Tan Christina Cheah Pastor Reuben Kee Joseph Ng Nicki Lee Isaiah Saw Designer

Sueen Thoo

Contact Us Interested in Share Your our Global Stories Ministries? If you are pastoring a church and would like to be connected or know more about HSGGM, please contact: For ministries within Malaysia

Your stories can be the fuel of inspiration to see more people building and impacting lives, families and the nations together. We are ready to assist, should you be interested in contributing your stories and experiences. Please contact:

Follow us on Facebook for the latest updates, news, events and more!

Contents here and more are available online

Wong Lee Chu E:

T: +603 7980 5001 E:

For ministries

A: His Sanctuary of Glory

beyond Malaysia

No.10, Jalan Awan Berarak,

Richard Tan

Taman Yarl, 58200 KL, Malaysia



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Our mission trip schedules are available upon request. Should you decide to join us in reaching the nations , please contact:

We want to hear from you about what you think of this edition of Re-Imagine! Send us your feedback and suggestions to help improve our next edition.

Nancy Woon


E: T: +603 7980 5001

N o p a r t o f t h i s publication may be reproduced in any form or transmitted by any means without the prior written permission of HSG Global Ministries

m at t h e w 6 : 2 2

Y our eyes are win d ows into your bo d y . I f you open your eyes wi d e in won d er an d belief , your bo d y fills up with li g ht .

HSGGM One Church in Many Locations


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