A MONTHLY NEWSLETTER SHANNON’S SNIPPET Happy N ew Year ! As I wr i t e t hi s I am i n t h e P l a z a i n Kan sa s C i t y at a st r a t e g i c p l a n n i n g retre at f or B r y a n He a l t h - l e a r n i n g mo re ab out t he c ha l l e n g e s o f heal th c a re f rom t he p ro v i d e r s i d e . Heal th and hea l t h c a re i s a h u g e i ssue i n our i nd ust ry a s w e l l a s acro ss a l l i nd ust r i es i n t h e U S . Whi l e t he N a t i ona l A s s o c i a t i o n o f R E A LT O RS rec en t l y i n d i c a t e d i t co ul d not f i nd a p ro v i d e r f o r a nati o na l REA LT O R gro u p , a s t a t e asso ciat i on fi g ured i t o u t . K n o w i n g ho w i mp or t ant a fford a b l e c o v e r a g e i s to y our wel l b ei n g , a n d o u r co l l e ct i v e fa mi l i es, I ’ m f o c u s e d o n so l uti o ns. A nd l ear n i n g m o re a b o u t what is p ossi b l e. So s t a y h o p e f u l , gi ve m e i d eas and l e t ’s s e e w h a t we can a c c omp l i sh t o g e t h e r. Speak i ng of ac c om p l i s h m e n t , t h e end o f t he y ea r i s a g re a t t i m e t o re-fo c us on what we n t r i g h t , w h a t we coul d ha v e d one b e t t e r a n d
h o w w e ca n pa rtner to gether next y e a r t o ma ke o ur co llective go a ls. O u r f o c us o f the mo nth is o ur co re v a l u e o f “ I ntegrity” - o r a s w e sa y i t “ I n s piring Trust” . E very da y w e w o r k w ith peo ple w ho trust us to h e l p t h e m ma ke decisio ns tha t a re b e s t f o r them, kno w ing their g o a l s a nd drea ms a nd f ina ncia l c a p a b i l ities. Tha t is a w eighty re s p o n sibility a nd o ne w o rth d o i n g well. Tha nk yo u f o r ea r ning t h e t r u s t o f o ur clients in ea ch i n t e r a c tio n. A nd tha nk yo u f o r yo ur h a rd w o rk this yea r.
W H AT’ S I N S I D E 02
H a p p y Ja nua ry!
One family, One team, One goal.
HomeServices of Nebraska and HomeServices Title are officially at the new location:
7811 Pioneers Blvd. Suite 200, Lincoln, NE 68506
Integrity is not a 90% or 95% thing, it is either something you have, or you don’t. But what is integrity? According to its definition it is doing the right thing when no one is watching. What does that mean in real life practice though? What are some real-life examples you can think of? Often time integrity is associated with honesty. It appears, where we are currently as a society, that integrity really come down to trust. We all know that trust is something that is earned, and that people prefer working with people that they can trust. This even extends within the brokerage where agents, like yourself, prefer to work in conjunction with a brand that they trust. When we talk about integrity, we also need to talk about building trust. How do we go about building trust, as a brokerage, agent or just human? “We must do what is right, not what is easy.” Starting at the brokerage level, having integrity in real-life means not cutting corners. This can be shown through having training that isn’t strictly Online only, offering more than just a surface split and creating a ‘career culture’. At the agent level, integrity can manifest by always taking actions to provide the best results for your clients and their experience. Most of the time it is easier to take the short cuts but think of how it appears to the consumer. Would they feel they are getting the best service if the listing photography is just being done on an iPhone, if their offers are just sent over to them and not presented in person, etc.? We are seeing a return to the importance of quality over quantity. Part of the equation for quality service is integrity. While integrity may be hard to define, when you see integrity, or a lack thereof, it is extremely evident.
Moving forward with the new year, we all should aim to exude the characteristics of high integrity. Those characteristics are being a lifelong learner, self-awareness, fairness and consistency. Let’s challenge ourselves to take our practice of integrity to the next level.
“We must do what is right, not what is easy.”
@HomeRealEstate @HomeRealEstate @HomeRENebraska FACEBOOK
2 / 2019 HSNE NEWSLET TER / Leadership. Gratitude. Excellence. Integrity. Innovation.
Let’s talk food
Vegan Black Bean Soup YIELDS: 6 servings
PREP TIME: 20 mins
COOK TIME: 4 hours 30 mins
Everyone deserves to snack on something tasty on Super Bowl Sunday – even if they don’t eat meat/cheese. Whether you’ve gone vegan yourself or you’re hosting a vegan friend, here is one meatless recipe. Search the link at the bottom for more recipes (including appetizers, main dishes, and desserts!) To satisfy any plant-based eater on game day.
Ingredients 2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil | 2 medium carrots, chopped | 2 stalks celery, sliced | 1 medium onion, finely chopped 1/4 c. Tomato paste | 3 cloves garlic, crushed with press | 1 1/2 tsp. Ground cumin | 3 c. Vegetable broth 3 cans (15 oz. each) black beans, undrained | 1 c. Frozen corn | Avocado chunks and cilantro leaves
Directions In 12-inch skillet, heat oil on medium-high. Add carrots, celery and onion. Cook 6 to 8 minutes or until starting to brown, stirring occasionally. Add tomato paste, garlic and cumin. Cook, stirring, 1 to 2 minutes or until garlic is golden and tomato paste has browned. Stir in 1/2 cup broth, scraping up any browned bits. Transfer contents of skillet to 6- to 8-quart slow-cooker bowl along with beans, corn and remaining broth. Cover and cook on High for 4 hours or Low for 6 hours. Serve with avocado and cilantro. View more Vegan Super Bowl Recipes that pair perfectly with football, and a healthy start to the new year! https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/food-recipes/g25778949/vegan-super-bowl-recipes/ via @goodhousemag
UPCOMING EVENTS Buyside Training
Rise + Shine Kickoff
Wedding Fair
January 15th, 2019
HomeServices of Nebraska 7811 Pioneers Blvd. Ste. 200 1pm & 3pm
January 15th, 2019
Cornhusker Marriott 333 S. 13th Street Networking: 8:30am Event: 9am
January 20th, 2019
Woods Bros Awards
HOME Awards
Top 10% | Leaders Circle Reception
February 1st, 2019
February 7th, 2019
Country Club of Lincoln 3200 S. 24th Street Cocktails: 5:30pm Dinner & Awards following
Country Club of Lincoln 3200 S. 24th Street 11:30am Luncheon & Awards
Embassy Suites 1040 P Street 10am - 4pm
February 15th, 2019
Lincoln Station - Great Hall 201 N. 7th Street Cash Bar & Business Attire
Leadership. Gratitude. Excellence. Integrity. Innovation. / 2019 HSNE NEWSLET TER / 3
Birthdays 1-2 Chuck Larsen 1-3 Sharon Hartell 1-4 Amy Truell 1-7 Mary Stull 1-12 Anne Meyer Cook 1-13 Steve Heironymus 1-13 Katy Manning 1-13 Gregg Boosalis 1-15 Gary Dominguez 1-16 Vern Sorensen 1-17 Roger Schreiner 1-23 Mai Do 1-27 Erika Bartels 1-27 Melissa Nielsen 1-29 Ted Glaser
Birthdays 1-5 Dory Marsh 1-14 Nicole Zotto 1-29 Tafe Sup Bergo
Birthdays 1-5 Darlene Starman 1-21 Kevin Burklund 1-26 Kim Wiedenbeck
Anniversary 1-1-2015 Megan Yank 1-1-2010 (2-14-11) Marsha Turbett 1-02-1998 Bruce Hahn 1-04-2012 Ruslan Babahanov
Anniversary 1-1-95 Jim Thomas 1-1-78 Jeanine Curtis 1-1-76 Bernie Divis 1-1-76 Gary Helman 1-1-01 Vern Sorensen 1-1-16 Rhonda Rogers 1-3-18 Newlyn Zimmerman 1-3-19 Andrew Hanna-Ransom 1-4-16 Aaron Wagner 1-4-11 Adam Wiekamp 1-4-11 Deb Raatz 1-4-17 Julie Tallichet 1-6-17 John Kalogeras 1-6-92 Chuck Larsen 1-6-17 Nicole Shoecraft 1-7-11 Talli Kratochvil 1-7-13 Megan Ourada 1-7-02 Bob Tallichet 1-7-14 Amy Truell 1-7-16 Daria Springer 1-10-14 Jake Grasmick 1-12-12 Eric Brown 1-15-15 Shannon Meysenburg 1-16-14 Gary Hardt 1-23-14 Shannon Williams 1-25-16 Marsha Artz 1-25-18 Kristi Reins 1-27-94 Sherri Walker
1-10-2017 Jessie Heldenbrand 1-20-2014 Dave Boeckner 1-22-2018 Jamie Bertucci 1-26-2017 Shelby Carney 1-29-1980 Dick Young 1-31-2014 Tyler Reynolds
1-2-2003 Mark Tvrdy 1-6-2003 Rita Dinger 1-6-2003 Beth Scholz 1-5-2005 DeEtta Mayrose 5-27-2015 Ben Bleicher
WILDERNESS HILLS Birthdays 1-11 Tammy Peter 1-12 Diane Brehm 1-15 Sandra McMurry 1-27 Bailey Reisdorff Anniversaries 1-1-2007 Linda Kuhlman 1-1-2018 Sandra McMurry 1-1-2004 Mark Graham 1-7-1985 Joe Mara 1-8-1989 Mike Thomalla 1-10-2003 Dean Lesoing 1-12-2004 Amy Rose 1-15-1979 Sandra Harder 1-15-2018 Tracy Foreman
DID WE MISS YOUR CELEBRATION? EMAIL hsne-marketing@homeser vicesne.com to be featured.
HAPPY 2019! from
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