Hua Hin Today September 2011

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Hua Hin Today


Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

Volume 8 Issue 11 September 2011

Floating Markets Now Open Sam Phan Nam Hua Hin & Dalat Nam Hua Hin


oth floating markets opened weeks apart from each other attracting numerous tourists from around the country to these new attractions. ..........Read More inside.

King´s Cup Connect 3e Elephant Polo Benefit Golf


at Black Mountain


ith a three thousand seat stadium being built and entrance to watch the games free of charge for everyone, this year’s event promises to be the biggest ever. ………..Read More inside


he Connect3e group & Black Mountain will hold a benefit golf tournament of which the proceedings go to the Karen refugees children ……….See Flyer inside

New Hua Hin Today Website

French Deli

Opened in Hua Hin


n upgraded and updated Hua Hin Today Website is now on the Internet. Read Hua Hin Today, Cha Am, Food Lovers and Property Listings online. Update yourself about Hotel Promotions and Hua Hin events at


xperience the delicious Baguettes and other French Pastry at The French Deli….more inside


Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

t won´t let me go, we are navigating into a manmade financial crisis again , Obama got some more credit with a time limit , Spain and Italy may need to borrow money from the Euro club to finance their deficit, Thailand says it all wont effect us. So better stay here. Hope our hard earned Euros, Pounds & Dollars will buy us some Thai baht in future. Just when you think the government might have matters under control, we find out it cannot even keep a bailed-out company it controls from trying to blow up the Bank of America, which itself needed federal bailout money to stay afloat. The notion that the world’s governments will not permit an economic meltdown seemed to be operative, less than two weeks after the US Congress threatened to torch the nation’s full faith and credit. Then the equities markets fell out of bed again last Wednesday. The open question is how long investor confidence in the policymakers’ powers can last. Anyway I am not a financial expert and should not manoeuvre myself into shallow waters. Getting pretty tired of all that financial scam. Hua Hin Municipality created the long promised parking spaces right in the middle of Petschkasem road and they even took s consideration with larger and smaller cars and of course motorcycles or is it a safer way to make U turns? I wonder. No joke, it is not hard to understand just follow one of the

lanes and you will be guided north south or south north depending on your tendency. With the Jazz festival gone, some hoteliers area bit disappointed as this year´s Jazz festival did not bring us the international groups as formerly announced. It was a budget problem and the organizer did all he could and paid it all from his pocket. So it was decided to promote the local Jazz scene , give them a chance to prove themselves and be elected for the big one on the King´s Birthday on the 5th of December this year. Some of us have approached the hotels for a Rhythm & Blues Festival which will take place in January 2012 on the North side of the airport between Hua Hin and Cha Am. Details will follow soon, but it promises to be a great event. The other night as I was about to go home , having a stroll through our famous bar street , the scent of broiling beef drew my attention to a hawker selling Beef Burgers. A bit sceptical approach was rewarded with great looking and yes great tasting thick,juicy beefburgers with all the works on top! Don´t hunger, get a burger at Soi Bintabaht. Slal president Richard Mehr parting and Khun Boris, Hilton GM taking over with Khun Sammy Marriott GM as PR. Good luck Boris. The Hilton Cocktail bar and New location of the stage together with a new group of Philippino Musicians brightened, upgraded the Beer

House ! Get there to see what I am talking about. My long time assistant, right hand , conscience, reminder, brain , censor, Jaa decided to continue her studies and will leave me at the end of the month. I may look for refuge for the October issue so get your guest room ready. We shall overcome. Finally someone is doing Soi 102. It was not possible to drive on it shortly after the railroad track. Soi 112 will become a 4 lane feeder to the by-pass highway. Budget was approved. The Venetia will be a joint project with financial support from the SCB. The project will be finished in July 2012 and expectations together with the Botaneo are at least 30 million visitors in 2012!


Freshly imported from Denmark, we ran across The Snake Whisperer at Baan Dusita Compound as he whispered to a Black Cobra which had just entered the holy grounds of his garden. Where the dogs failed to hunt down this highly dangerous creature , Kuhn Soren stepped in , glancing in full armour , armed with a kitchen knife on his lance, as he approached the king of snakes which had already played a role through history at the side of Cleopatra and Richard Burton. Skilfully and tactfully Soren “whispered” the reptile into retreat and once again saved his palace from disaster. For an appointment with the snake whisperer, call 0891098660.

Первая русская компания по недвижимости в Хуа Хине! Мы предлагаем:

Консультации юриста, экспертиза договоров и правоустанавливающих документов Адрес: 58 Naresdamri Road Hua Hin, Prachuabkirikhan 77110 Телефон: 084-425-31-41 e-mail:

from Chiang Mai and other goodies are served at Thai local prices. We also have a fresh vegetable buffet, Thai dessert specialties, Ice cream, herbal teas and other fresh drinks. Fresh coffee and smoothies available.

Open from 10 am -6 pm (closed on Wednesdays)

34/7 Soi Moodbaan Khao Noi, Klongchollapratan rd. Hua Hin, Prachuabkirikhan

Tel. 081 573 4207(Eng.), 089 964 4124 (Thai) To Samor Prong Community (blue bridge)

Krua Araya

HuaHin Airport


Продажа и аренда бизнеса

from North to South with rice noodles, yellow noodles or spaghetti. Famous Kao Soi

Soi Hua Hin 10


Продажа недвижимости - квартиры, виллы, земельные участки

We offer at least 10 different kinds of curries


Аренда квартир в кондоминиумах, таунхаусов и вилл

To Pracha Ruamjit Community (pink bridge)





Hua Hin Today

Soi Hua Hin 58

Pae Mai DrivingRange

Klai Kangwon Palace



Hua Hin Today

A Great Concert for a Great King

by Supansa


เมืองหัวหินได้รบั เกียรติจดั คอนเสิรต์

“84 พรรษา มหามงคล” น

ายสุวทิ ย์ เหรียญรุง่ เรือง รองนายกเทศมนตรีเมืองหัวหิน เปิดเผยว่า ขณะนีท้ าง บริษทั ไทยเบฟเวอเรจ จ�ำกัด(มหาชน)ร่วมกับบริษทั ตรีเพชรอีซซู เุ ซลล์ จ�ำกัด การบินไทย สาย การบินนกแอร์และเทศบาลเมืองหัวหินได้รว่ มกันจัดคอนเสิรต์ “ 84 พรรษา มหามงคล ” เพือ่ เป็นการเฉลิมพระเกียรติพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยูห่ วั ในวโรกาสมหามงคลเฉลิมพระชนม พรรษา 84 พรรษา ในปี 2554 นี้ รวมทัง้ เป็นการแสดงความจงรักภักดีดำ� เนินรอยตามเบือ้ งพระ ยุคลบาทในวันที่ จะช่วยเหลือสังคมและประชาชนผูท้ กุ ข์ยากและเป็นการระดมทุนหารายได้ใน การท�ำกิจกรรมการกุศล ตามแนวนโยบายของโครงการโดยเฉพาะในปีมหามงคลนี้ รายได้หลัง หักค่าใช้จา่ ยจะทูลเกล้าถวายฯ โดยเสด็จพระราชกุศลคอนเสิรต์ “84 พรรษา มหามงคล” ใน ครัง้ นีน้ บั ว่าเป็นการรวมพลังครัง้ ยิง่ ใหญ่ ของศิลปินนักร้องชัน้ น�ำในการร่วมใจกันแสดงคอนเสิรต์ เพือ่ ถวายความจงรักภักดีตอ่ สถาบันพระมหากษัตริย์ โดยเชิดชูพระอัจฉริยะด้านดนตรีของ พระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยูห่ วั น�ำโดยศิลปินชัน้ น�ำ เช่น มาช่า วัฒนพานิช, บุรนิ ทร์ บุญญวิสทุ ธิ,์ วิยะดา โกมารกุล ณ นคร, สุชาติ ชวางกูล, พาเมล่า เบาว์เด้น, ออดี้ พสิษฐ์, ทิพวรรณ ปิน่ ภิบาล, เอกราช สุวรรณภูม,ิ ณัชฐ ศักดาทร, ต้อล วันธงชัย, ติก๊ เพลกราวน์, มาร่วมขับร้อง บทเพลง พระราชนิพนธ์ และจะท�ำการแสดงทัง้ หมด 5 จังหวัด คือ กรุงเทพมหานคร จังหวัดเชียงใหม่ จังหวัดขอนแก่น จังหวัดชลบุรี จังหวัดประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ ซึง่ จังหวัดประจวบคีรนั ธ์จะจัดคอนเสิรต์ “84 พรรษา มหามงคล” ขึน้ ในวันเสาร์ ที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ.2554 ณ เมเจอร์ซนี เี พล็กซ์หวั หิน นับว่าเป็นความภาคภูมใิ จของพวกเราชาวอ�ำเภอหัวหิน จังหวัดประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ทไี่ ด้เป็นจังหวัด หนึง่ ทีม่ กี ารจัดคอนเสิรต์ เทิดพระเกียรติในครัง้ นีป้ ระกอบกับเมืองหัวหินก็มพี ระราชวังไกล กังวล ซึง่ เป็นสถานทีป่ ระทับ ขององค์พระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยูห่ วั และสมเด็จพระนางเจ้าสิรกิ ติ ์ พระบรมราชินนี าถ รวมถึงพระบรมวงศานุวงศ์ทกุ พระองค์ จึงขอเชิญชวนประชาชนชาวหัวหิน ตลอดจนนักท่องเทีย่ ว ร่วมงานคอนเสิรต์ “84 พรรษา มหามงคล” ซึง่ จะจ�ำหน่ายบัตรในราคา 1,999 บาท และ 999 บาท สามารถสอบถามรายละเอียดได้ที่ ไทยทิคเก็ตเมเจอร์ ทุกสาขา โทร 02-2623456 หรือ ติดต่อรายละเอียดได้ที่

big concert to celebrate His Majesty the King’s 84th birthday anniversary is taking place at the Major Cineplex, Hua Hin, on 10 September 2011. Organized by the Thai Beverage Public Company, Tri Petch Isuzu Sales Co. Ltd., Thai Airways International, Nok Air and Hua Hin Municipality, the concert, entitled “84th Anniversary: Auspicious Occasion,” will celebrate HM’s birthday anniversary in December and honor the royal initiatives on social work and helping poor people in particular. To commemorate the King’s genius on music, the concert boasts a large number of famous Thai artists. To name but a few are Marsha Wattanapanit, Burin Bunwisut, Wiyada Komarakul na Nakorn, Suchart Chawangkul, Pamela Bauden, Audi Pisit, Tippawan Pinpiban, Ekarat Suwannapum, Tol Wangthongchai and Tik Playground. They will sing the songs composed by His Majesty. A pride of Hua Hin which is the place where the royal family usually resides, this concert will be performed in only 5 provinces of Thailand: Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Khon Kaen, Cholburi and Prachuabkhirikhan. Tickets for the concert price 1,999 baht and 999 baht. Proceeds from ticket selling will be presented for HM’s charitable purposes. More information will be obtained at Thai Ticket Major tel. 02 262 3456 or

Tourists to Enjoy ‘Khon’ at Cicada Market

By Supansa


Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

– A traditional Thai masked drama – is to be performed at Cicada Market from July to December to honor and extol His Majesty the King and celebrate his 84th birthday anniversary on the 5th of December this year. According to Mr. Chanat Pongtharathik, the marketing director of Cicada Market, this performance aims not only to express gratitude to the beloved king of Thai people who has for a long time constantly dedicated time to develop the country, but also preserve national performing art and make it famous among younger generations. One of the most exquisite performing art of Thailand, Khon usually alludes the Indian mythology named, ‘Ramayana,’ of which the story revolves around the great battle between Phra Ram, a Brahman god in disguise as a human being, and Thossakan, a giant monster who has ten faces and twenty hands. This story symbolizes the fight between good and bad, in which the former always wins the latter. Lasting for almost 6 months, the event in September will take place on the 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th and feature the episode of Hanuman – a clever monkey soldier of Phra Ram – who fools Thossakan by working for him. On the 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd of October, there will be the episode on Thossakan casting Phiphek – his brother – away from his kingdom. The episode on Hanuman’s volunteering will be performed on the 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th of November. The last episode – Hanuman derides Thossakan by showing his heart case – will take place on the 4th of December. All episodes, which are free for everyone, will start at 7 p.m. Visitors can go to Cicada Market and enjoy the traditional dramatic performance of Thailand according to the schedule above. For further information, please contact 032 536 606 or 081 880 4004.

ซิเคด้า มาร์เก็ต เชิญชวน ชมโขนเฉลิมพระเกียรติ น

ายชณัฏฐ์ พงศ์ธราธิก ผูอ้ ำ� นวยการฝ่ายการตลาดสวนศรี ซิเคด้า มาร์เก็ต กล่าวว่า เนือ่ งในวาระ มหามงคลทีพ่ ระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยูห่ วั จะทรงพระชนมพรรษา 7 รอบ ในวันที่ 5 ธันวาคม 2554 นี้ ซิเคด้า มาร์เก็ต ตลาดงานศิลปะมีความจงรักภักดีและรูส้ กึ ส�ำนึกในพระมหากรุณาธิคณ ุ ทีพ่ ระบาท สมเด็จพระเจ้าอยูห่ วั ทรงบ�ำเพ็ญพระราชกรณียกิจเพือ่ บ�ำบัดทุกข์บำ� รุงสุขให้กบั ราษฎร ท�ำให้ราษฎรชาว ไทยต่างได้รบั ความร่มเย็นเป็นสุขใต้รม่ พระบารมีตลอดมา ซิเคด้า มาร์เก็ต จึงร่วมกับ ศศิ แดนซ์กรุป๊ ขอ น้อมเกล้าน้อมกระหม่อมถวายพระพรชัยแด่พระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัวด้วยการจัดการแสดงโขน เฉลิมพระเกียรติเนือ่ งในวาระมหามงคลดังกล่าวขึน้ ตัง้ แต่เดือนกรกฎาคม-ธันวาคม 2554 เพือ่ ถวายสดุดี และเฉลิมพระเกียรติแก่พระองค์ทา่ น อีกทัง้ เป็นการสืบทอดและช่วยกันอนุรกั ษ์ศลิ ปะประจ�ำชาติให้คงอยู่ และเกิดการแพร่หลายเป็นทีร่ จู้ กั มากยิง่ ขึน้ ส�ำหรับการแสดงโขนเฉลิมพระเกียรติในครั้งนี้จัดขึ้นเพื่อเป็นการเฉลิมพระเกียรติพระบาทสมเด็จ พระเจ้าอยูห่ วั เนือ่ งในมหามงคลเฉลิมพระชนมพรรษา 7 รอบและทีส่ ำ� คัญเป็นการเผยแพร่วรรณกรรม เรือ่ งรามเกียรติผ์ า่ นการแสดงโขนสูป่ ระชาชนทัว่ ไป นักเรียน นักศึกษา และชาวต่างชาติให้ได้รบั ชมและรับ ทราบถึงประวัตคิ วามเป็นมาส�ำหรับโปแกรมการแสดงของเดือนกันยายนจะเป็นการแสดง ตอนที่ 3 ชือ่ ตอนว่า หนุมานถวายตัว โดยจะแสดงทุกวันอาทิตย์ที่ 4, 11, 18, และ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554 ส่วน ในเดือนตุลาคมจะเป็นการแสดงตอนที่ 4 ชือ่ ตอนว่า ทศกัณฐ์ขบั ไล่ภเิ ภก แสดงทุกวันอาทิตย์ที่ 2, 9 16 23 และ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554 ส่วนในเดือนพฤศจิกายน จะเป็นการแสดง ตอนทีช่ อื่ ว่า หนุมานอาสา แสดงทุกวันอาทิตย์ที่ 6, 13, 20 และ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554 และเดือนสุดท้ายเดือนธันวาคมจะเป็นการ แสดงในตอนทีช่ อื่ ว่า หนุมานชูกล่องดวงใจซึง่ จะแสดงใน วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 ธันวาคม 2554 ส�ำหรับการแสดงทุกตอน จะเริม่ แสดงในช่วงเวลา 19.00 น. จึงขอเชิญชวน ประชาชนตลอดจนนักท่องเทีย่ วทัง้ ชาวไทยและชาวต่าง ประเทศสามารถชมการแสดงโขนเฉลิมพระเกียรติได้ฟรี ตามโปรแกรมการแสดงและสามารถสอบถามรายละเอียด เพิม่ เติมได้ที่ 032-536606 หรือ 081-8804004

Jazz Festival Hua Hin 2011


ortunately, the organizer of the Jazz Festival, Fanatix of Bangkok headed by Khun Soup was able to recruit a group of musicians in spite of last minute cancelation of the main sponsor. Now , with the help of The Hilton and Sofitel Resorts, the Hua Hin Jazz festival, with a selection of Local Musicians and international performers could take place on August 26 and 27. Unfortunately, an international line up as suggested by the Jazz specialist and artists director René Marugg had to be cancelled. The intended line up included

such performers as: Gonzalo Rubalcaba and Paquito de Rivera from Cuba, The Swiss Bconnected group, Hiromi Uehara from Japan and Marilyn Mazur world famous percussionist . Dominique Di Piazza world famous Bass player and the best Thai Saxophone player Koh Mr. Saxman. Among others, Kina Grannis, an american Summa Cum Laude graduate in social science and psychology and Jirapan, a Japanese Blues and Jazz virtuoso and Orange Pekoe were among the foreign performers whereas the University Band, Ford &

Friends, Infinity Band, Meaw Jirasak, P.O.P. and Ganesha are local performers just to name a few. In our October edition we will report in detail about the event.

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011




“1 Home 1 Degree”

Promoting Education in Hua Hin by Supansa


he Hua Hin Municipality has initiated a project called 1 Home 1 Degree to raise awareness among local residents on the importance of higher education concerning human resources capacity building. The Hua Hin Mayor Mr. Jira Pongpaiboon said that Thailand had signed an agreement for a free trade area for over 20 years. It also endorsed the agreement of ASEAN Community in 2004 and 2007 respectively with an aim to mobilize human resources and investment in the country to 100% in 2015. So, in order to retain this opportunity and protect the country’s society and economy from the so-called ‘brain drain’ or lack of quality human resources in the country, there is some real need to develop efficiency for Thai people. In Hua Hin in particular, 34 local communities will take part in the project which includes improvement of international communication in English and the bachelor degree knowledge. 150 representatives of the 34 communities will attend a 100-hour training of English communication. The Hua Hin Municipality is responsible for paying English trainers. Besides, the Municipality will coordinate with academic institutions in the area, namely the Rajamangala Technological University Rattanakosin of Klai Kangwon Royal Palace, the Petchaburi Rajabhat University and the Suan Dusit Rajabhat University in Hua Hin, to launch a special educational program for the local community members. This program, under cooperation of the Sukhothai Thammathirat University, the Technological and Management Science College of Klai Kangwon Royal Palace and the Petchaburi Agricultural College, consists of a special 1-year bachelor degree course, the lower and higher vocational courses. All the courses are divided into 1 part of in-class attendance and 2 parts of knowledge and experience transfer designed by the Office of Vocational Education, the Ministry of Education. The bachelor degree level has 12 courses of 72 credits. Those who complete the course will receive a B.A. on Management Science (Hotel and Tourism) from the Sukhothai Thammathirat University. In terms of the B.A. education, the Hua Hin Municipality is in charge of only coordinating and encouraging local people to access the education as much as possible to reach the main goal of national, social and human resources development and make Hua Hin a high potential city of tourism of Thailand.

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011


1 ปริญญา 1 ครัวเรือน

สืบเนือ่ งด้วยรัฐบาลไทยได้มกี ารเจรจาเปิดเขตการค้าเสรีมากกว่า 20 ปีแล้ว อีกทัง้ ยังได้มกี ารท�ำ ข้อตกลงในกลุม่ ประชาคมอาเซียน(REC) ซึง่ ได้มกี ารประชุมทีเ่ มืองหัวหิน เมือ่ ปี ค.ศ. 2004 (พ.ศ.2547) และปีค.ศ.2007(พ.ศ.2550)โดยมีขอ้ ตกลงในการเคลือ่ น คนและการลงทุนให้ได้ถงึ 100 เปอร์เซ็นต์ในปี ค.ศ.2015(พ.ศ.2558) เพื่อเป็นการรักษาโอกาสและป้องกันความสูญเสียทางสังคมและ เศรษฐกิจจากการเคลือ่ นทุน และการเคลือ่ นตัวของแรงงานกลุม่ ประเทศอาเซียนเข้าสูป่ ระเทศไทย จึงมีความจ�ำเป็นต้องท�ำการพัฒนา ศักยภาพของชาวเมืองหัวหินทัง้ 34 ชุมชน ด้วยการพัฒนาทักษะด้านการ สื่อสารในระดับสากล(ภาษาอังกฤษ)และองค์ความรู้ในระดับปริญญาตรี เทศบาลเมืองหัวหินจึงได้จดั ท�ำโครงการ 1 ปริญญา 1 ครัวเรือนขึน้ โดย แบ่งการจัดการออกเป็น 2 ส่วนดังนี้ ส่วนที่ 1 โครงการเรียนรูภ้ าษาอังกฤษ 100 ชัว่ โมง เพือ่ การสือ่ สาร โดยเทศบาลเมืองหัวหินจะจัดให้มกี ารสอนภาษา อังกฤษให้แก่ชมุ ชนทัง้ 34 ชุมชน ในเบือ้ งต้นได้กำ� หนดตัวแทนชุมชนเพือ่ เข้า เรียน จ�ำนวน 150 คน จาก 35 ชุมชน ซึง่ ทางเทศบาลเมืองหัวหินจะเป็นผูจ้ ดั หางบ สนับสนุนค่าใช้จา่ ยในการจ้างครูจา้ งสอน ส่วนที่ 2 โครงการเรียนปริญญาตรี 35 ชุมชน โดยเทศบาลเมืองหัวหินได้ดำ� เนินการประสาน กับมหาวิทยาลัย และสถาบันการ ศึกษาต่างๆทัง้ ในและนอกเขตเทศบาลเมืองหัวหินอันได้แก่ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยี ราชมงคล รัตนโกสินทร์ วิทยาเขตวังไกลกังวล มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเพชรบุรี มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนดุสติ ฯลฯ เพือ่ จัดท�ำโครงการพิเศษส�ำหรับภาคประชาชน อีกทัง้ ยังได้จดั ท�ำ โครงการพิเศษเรียนปริญญาตรี 1 ปี โดยได้รบั ความร่วมมือจากมหาวิทยาลัยสุโขทัยธรรมาธิราช วิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีและการจัดการวังไกลกังวล วิทยาลัยเกษตรกรรมเพชรบุรี โดยแบ่งออกเป็น 3 ระดับ คือ ระดับปวช. ระดับปวส. และ 3 ระดับปริญญาตรีครึง่ หลัง ซึง่ มีหลักการเรียนการสอนระดับปวช. และปวส. แบบ สัมฤทธิผ์ ลด้วยการเทียบโอนความรูแ้ ละประสบการณ์ 2 ส่วน เรียน 1 ส่วนซึง่ เป็นหลักสูตรของกรมอาชีวะ ศึกษา พร้อมทัง้ การเรียนในระดับปริญญาตรีครึง่ หลัง 12 วิชา จ�ำนวน 72 หน่วยกิต โดยใช้เวลาเรียนในช่วงเดียวกันเป็นระยะ เวลาประมาณ 1 ปีซงึ่ จะได้รบั ปริญญาบัตรสาขาวิทยาการจัดการ วิชาเอกการจัดการโรงแรมและการท่องเทีย่ วจากมหาวิทยาลัย สุโขทัยธรรมาธิราช พร้อมกับวุฒบิ ตั รในระดับ ปวช. และ ปวส. ด้วย ส�ำหรับการเรียนในระดับปริญญาตรีนที้ างเทศบาลเมือง หัวหินไม่ได้ใช้งบประมาณใดๆเพียงแต่เป็นผูป้ ระสานงานและจัดการให้แก่ชาวชุมชนได้เข้าถึงการศึกษาในระดับปริญญาตรีให้ ครบทัง้ 35 ชุมชนเท่านัน้ เพือ่ ให้เป็นไปตามวัตถุประสงค์ของการพัฒนาบ้านเมือง พัฒนาสังคม รวมไปถึงการพัฒนาคนให้มี ความรู้ ความสามารถอย่างทัดเทียม ซึง่ น�ำไปสูก่ ารสร้างโอกาสและเพิม่ มูลค่าทางเศรษฐกิจให้แก่ตนเองและเมืองหัวหินให้สม กับเป็นเมืองทีม่ ศี กั ยภาพของการเป็นเมืองท่องเทีย่ วของประเทศไทย

King’s Cup Elephant Polo Tournament Celebrates


its 10th Anniversary in Hua Hin

not only presents another highly popular King’s Cup Elephant Polo Tournament, but a momentous decade of nail biting action and amazing achievements, both on and off the pitch to look back upon. This year’s tenth anniversary event takes place from September 4 -11 on grounds adjacent to Anantara Hua Hin Resort & Spa.

of the captivating games from a VIP pitch-side seat.

With a three thousand seat stadium being built and entrance to watch the games free of charge for everyone, this year’s event promises to be the biggest ever. New editions include Chang Noi Children’s Day, an opening parade with army brass bands, Thailand’s last elephant spirit men, and traditional dancers to entertain the crowds. To celebrate a different perspective, a worldwide search for a ‘Roving Elephant Reporter’ aged between 7 – 15 years old has also been launched. The winner of Anantara’s hunt for a ‘Roving Elephant Reporter’ will become a star of the elephant polo circuit, delivering international coverage

For those that don’t know too much about Elephant Polo here are ten fun facts for fun-filled years of trunk to trunk action:

ladyboy team. The final score was 2-1 but the Auckland Herald headline the following day read “All Black Greats nearly beaten by the Fairies of Siam’.

Lastly, fifteen local and international celebrities have also been invited to paint and decorate an elephant replica which will be auctioned off for charity at the final gala dinner.

9. The most unusual auction piece sold at the tournament’s gala dinner was in 2005 when CEO of Minor International and owner of Anantara, Bill Heinecke was paid US$3,000 to shave off his beard. His wife won the bidding and Mr. Heinecke was clean shaven for the first time since the 1970’s.

1. Each elephant polo match takes a total of 14 minutes and is divided into two 7 minute “chukkas” or halves. 2. The longest polo stick used in the game is 94 inches 3. Each fully grown elephant eats 250 kilograms of bananas every day.

4. The elephants on the field are street elephants. For the duration of the tournament, the elephants are given proper food and medical care that they would not necessary receive otherwise.

10. During the first game of the 2004 championship, the umpire elephant a bull named Plai Kampeang - took a liking to the star striker, Pang Dodo, and decided to indulge in a bit of mid match romance. Dodo, being a girl of good breeding, took off at a pace closely followed by her amorous umpire. A change of rules saw umpiring of the game now done on foot.

5. The tournament has raised over The 2011 King’s Cup Elephant Polo US$300,000 primarily for the National Tournament promises to be yet another Elephant Institute, which provides medical memorable event! care, sustenance, employment and mahout training to Thailand’s elephant population. 6. The world’s first elephant assisted therapy clinic for autistic children was sponsored by the King’s Cup Elephant Polo tournaments in 2009 and 2010. 7. The world record for the quickest goal to be scored in a match was in 2005 when Peter Prentice scored in the first 9 seconds of play – nobody was more surprised than Peter who was oblivious he had scored the point. 8. The New Zealand All Blacks who had a team in 2004 were almost beaten by a Thai

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011




Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

Princess Galyani Vadhana Insitute of Music Holds Charity Fundraising Concert at Hyatt Regency Hua Hin guests gathered in a harmonious atmosphere of people who share the Rotary Club’s values. Mr. Brian Anderson, president elect of the Rotary Club of Royal Hua Hin, gave a welcome address to all attendees before introducing the string orchestra. ML Usni Pramoj, a Privy Councillor, accomplished violinist, composer and conductor, led the orchestra during the concert, which featured a selection of classical music pieces. The programme included Pramoj’s Divertimento for Strings and Trumpet Concertino, Haydn’s Cello Concerto in C Major and Britten’s Simple Symphony. A young Thai


cellist with an international reputation, Ekachai Maskulrat, and one of Thailand’s top trumpet soloists, Lertkiat Chongjirajitra, each performed pieces.

he Rotary Club of Royal Hua Hin, in association with the Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music, recently organised a charity fundraising concert featuring a string orchestra to raise funds in support of a new initiative aimed at student development. The concert was held in the Grand Ballroom at Hyatt Regency Hua Hin on Saturday, 20 August 2011.

After the performance, guests showed their appreciation while continuing to mingle in the hotel’s Fountain Lounge. “We are delighted and honoured to support this charity fundraising concert organised by the Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music and the Rotary Club of Royal Hua Hin, and to be a part of this joyful evening. As part of Hyatt Regency Hua Hin’s commitment to local communities, we also believe in giving back to society and supporting people in need. The Rotary Club of Royal Hua Hin has already been able to make a real contribution to local community projects and charities, and we are proud to be a part of this initiative,” said Sammy Carolus, General Manager of Hyatt Regency Hua Hin.

Considered a new Club chartered in 2010, the Rotary Club of Royal Hua Hin has already started on several projects to assist disadvantaged people in various ways. It supports the local community with a specific emphasis on sustainable projects benefitting children, low-income communities, hospitals and schools. The charity concert was one of the activities planned to raise fund for good causes. The evening started at 6:00pm with a cocktail reception, with

Boh Fai School Goes Green


with Garbage Recycling Center

he garbage recycling center, which has been set up 6 years ago in 2005, is an epitome of local community efforts in saving the environment and protecting the world from the now threatening global warming, reported the director of the Boh Fai Municipal School Mrs. Kanokwan Khaikaew. Under active cooperation of local communities in Hua Hin and students, parents and teachers of the school, the garbage recycling center was established due to waste mismanagement done by local people in surrounding areas. Instead of burning garbage, the center opts to sort out non-recyclable and recyclable wastes, buy and sell or re-use them over again. Soon after it was set up, the center enjoyed strong cooperation from various governmental and private sectors as well as neighboring communities and the Division of Public Health and Environment of the Hua Hin Municipality.

aluminum which can be turned into prostheses for the disabled. Moreover, it was awarded the 2nd class winner for a provincial level contest on garbage recycling center in 2006 and 2007. In 2008, it received the 1st prize and a plaque of honor from a contest of garbage recycling center. Again in 2009, it was awarded the

by Supansa

โรงเรียนเทศบาลบ้านบ่อฝ้าย จัดโครงการธนาคารขยะรีไซเคิล

Thanks to the cooperation of many other organizations, the Boh Fai School’s garbage recycling center initiated a lot of environmentally-friendly projects including getting donated waste materials made from 1st prize from a provincial contest of garbage recycling center. All the awards mark strong effort of the Boh Fai School’s garbage recycling center in waste management and protecting communities from global warming. At the moment, the Boh Fai School’s garbage recycling center is encouraging people to donate waste materials made from aluminum and unused milk cartons. The former will be used by the Prostheses Foundation of H.R.H. the Princess Mother to make prostheses for the handicapped while the latter will be used to make recycled roofs by the Friends in Need (of “Pa”) Volunteer Foundation of the Thai Red Cross. Donation can be made directly at the garbage recycling center, Boh Fai School. For further information, please contact 032 520 390 or 081 981 6414.

นางกนกวรรณ ไข่แก้ว ผูอ้ ำ� นวยการโรงเรียนเทศบาลบ้านบ่อฝ้าย เปิด เผยว่า ทางโรงเรียนเทศบาลบ้านบ่อฝ้าย (สังฆประชาอุทศิ ) ได้เล็งเห็นในเรือ่ ง ของปัญหาขยะมูลฝอย จึงได้ดำ� เนินการจัดท�ำธนาคารขยะรีไซเคิลขึน้ ซึง่ ทาง ธนาคารขยะโรงเรียนเทศบาลบ้านบ่อฝ้าย (สังฆประชาอุทศิ ) ได้เริม่ ด�ำเนินการ ตัง้ แต่ปี พ.ศ. 2548 มาจนถึงปัจจุบนั เป็นเวลา 6 ปีแล้ว โครงการนีจ้ ดั ขึน้ โดย ความร่วมมือระหว่างนักเรียน ครู ผูป้ กครองและชุมชน ได้มสี ว่ นร่วมในการ จัดการขยะอย่างถูกวิธี เพือ่ น�ำมารีไซเคิล ลดสภาวะโลกร้อน อันเป็นปัจจัยอย่าง หนึง่ ทีท่ ำ� ให้เกิดสภาวะโลกร้อน ซึง่ มีสาเหตุมาจากการจัดการขยะไม่ถกู วิธี มีการ เผาท�ำลายขยะโดยไม่มกี ารคัดแยกจนส่งผลให้เกิดภาวะเรือนกระจก ทางธนาคาร ขยะรีไซเคิลโรงเรียนเทศบาลบ้านบ่อฝ้าย (สังฆประชาอุทศิ ) จึงได้ดำ� เนินการจัด กิจกรรมต่างๆ ขึน้ มีทงั้ การคัดแยกขยะ การซือ้ – ขายขยะ และการน�ำขยะกลับ มาใช้ได้ใหม่ภายในโรงเรียน โดยมีการประสานความร่วมมือจากภาครัฐและภาค เอกชน รวมทัง้ ชุมชนใกล้เคียง ภายใต้การสนับสนุนส่งเสริมจากกองสาธารณสุข และสิง่ แวดล้อม เทศบาลเมืองหัวหินอย่างเป็นรูปธรรม นอกจากนีย้ งั มีการรับบริจาคอลูมเิ นียม เพือ่ น�ำไปท�ำขาเทียมให้กบั ผู้ พิการ ส�ำหรับโครงการธนาคารขยะโรงเรียนเทศบาลบ้านบ่อฝ้าย (สังฆประชา อุทศิ ) นีย้ งั ได้รบั รางวัลต่างๆ อีกมากมาย เช่น ปี พ.ศ. 2549 และปี พ.ศ. 2550 ได้รบั รางวัลรองชนะเลิศอันดับสองจากการประกวดธนาคารขยะระดับจังหวัด ปี พ.ศ. 2551 ได้รบั รางวัลชนะเลิศจากการประกวดธนาคารขยะ และยังได้รบั โล่ เกียรติยศพร้อมเกียรติบตั ร เป็นตัวแทนภาคกลางเข้าร่วมประกวดระดับประเทศ และรางวั ล ชนะเลิ ศ กิ จ กรรมเรี ย กคื น วั ส ดุ อ ลู มิ เ นี ย มเพื่ อ จั ด ท� ำ ขาเที ย ม พระราชทานให้กบั มูลนิธขิ าเทียมในสมเด็จพระศรีนครินทราบรมราชชนนี ส่วนปี พ.ศ. 2552 ยังได้รบั รางวัลชนะเลิศจากการประกวดธนาคารขยะระดับจังหวัดอีก ด้วย รางวัลต่าง ๆ สามารถการันตีถงึ ความมานะพยายามในการทีจ่ ะคัดแยกขยะ ได้เป็นอย่างดี และในขณะนีท้ างโรงเรียนเทศบาลบ้านบ่อฝ้าย (สังฆประชาอุทศิ ) ยังคงรับบริจาควัสดุอลูมเิ นียมเพือ่ ส่งมอบให้กบั มูลนิธขิ าเทียมในสมเด็จพระศรี นครินทราบรมราชชนนี รวมทัง้ รับบริจาคกล่องเครือ่ งดืม่ ยูเอสที เพือ่ ส่งมอบให้ กับโครงการหลังคาเขียวเพือ่ มูลนิธิ อาสาเพือ่ นพึง่ (ภาฯ) ยามยาก จึงขอเชิญชวน ผูท้ สี่ นใจสามารถร่วมบริจาคช่วยเหลือผูพ้ กิ ารได้ทธี่ นาคารขยะโรงเรียนเทศบาล บ้านบ่อฝ้าย (สังฆประชาอุทศิ ) ได้ตงั้ แต่บดั นีเ้ ป็นต้นไป สอบถามรายละเอียดเพิม่ เติมได้ที่ 0-3252-0390 หรือ 081-9816414

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011




Newly Appointed

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

New Faces in Town

New Director Of Food & Beverage Sofitel Centara Grand Resort & Villas Hua Hin

Ms. Atchareeya Lindstrand Hua Hin Today

Hua Hin Today recently welcomed Mrs. Atchareeya Lindstrand to the Hua Hin Today Family. Khun Atchareeya is now an assistant to the editor of Hua Hin Today Newspaper. Atchareeya holds a Bachelor Degree in Political Science (2005) and has been studying law for more than 90 Credits at Ramkhamhaeng University until now. She started working with international companies since 1998. Her first job was a Senior Operator for Sony Device Technology, from which she gains her experience for 7 years before moving on to Sure pass English Institute , Pan Asia International School and Media kids Academy Thailand. Her previous working experiences have prepared her well to excel in this position. Mrs. Atchareeya is hoping that her experiences will benefit her current position at Hua Hin Today and that she can get job done successfully. Welcome Atchareeya!

Jacques Mury, General Manager of Sofitel Centara Grand Resort & Villas Hua Hin is delighted to announce the appointment of Mourad Brahmi, as the Director of Food & Beverage. A French citizen, Mr. Brahmi used to work for Sofitel Angkor Phokeethra, where he held the position of Food & Beverage Manager. Prior to his three years assignment in Cambodia, Mr. Brahmi was assistant F&B Operation Manager at Garden Cliff Resort and Spa (Managed by Sofitel) in Pattaya and two years of Food and Beverage exposure in Suzhu and Shanghai, China. After graduating (Bachelor Degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management) from the Institute Vatel in Nimes, Mr. Brahmi had his first experience at the prestigious Sofitel Lafayette Square in Washington DC, USA.

New Public Relations Manager Sofitel Centara Grand Resort & Villas Hua Hin

Ms. Sangrawee Saengphro Hua Hin Today Pretty Ms. Sangrawee Saengphro or Phung Phung as her close ones call her is also a new member of The Hua Hin Today Team. Coming from the famous city in Northern Thailand, Chiang Mai, She has now fallen in love with the oldest beach front resort town of Hua Hin. Khun Sangrawee graduated from Chiang Mai University in Political Science (2009). After that she went to London, UK to study English and gain more life experiences. She was in London for about 1 year and then came to Hua Hin as she was invited by her sister who has a Thai restaurant at Hua Hin Soi 6 BorFaii . After two months, khun Sangrawee decided to live and work here. She applied for a position with Hua Hin Today team because she wanted to practice her English skills and gain more experiences in the various fields which the company has to offer.

Jacques Mury, General Manager of Sofitel Centara Grand Resort & Villas Hua Hin recently announced the appointment of Naruemol Thierkarochanakul, as the new Public Relations Manager. Khun Naruemol has more than 15 years experience from leading hotels, including Amari Atrium and Windsor Suites Bangkok. Before joining Sofitel Centara Grand Resort & Villas Hua Hin, Khun Naruemol was most recently Sales & Public Relations Manager of Centara Grand Beach Resort Samui.

‘‘BEFORE and AFTER MARRIAGE” Before - You take my breath away. After - I feel like I’m suffocating.

Before - Turbocharged. After - Needs a jump-start

Before - Twice a night. After - Twice a month.

Before - We agree on everything! After - Doesn’t she have a mind of her own?

Before - She loves the way I take control of a Before - Victoria’s Secret. Situation. After - Fruit of the Loom. After - She called me a controlling, Before - Feathers & handcuffs. manipulative, egomaniac. After - Ball and chain. Before - Saturday Night Live. Before - Idol. After - Monday Night Football. After - Idle. Before - He makes me feel like a million Before - He’s lost without me. dollars. After - Why can’t he ask for directions? After - If I had a dime for every stupid thing he’s done... Before - When together, time stands still. After - This relationship is going nowhere. Before - Don’t Stop. After - Don’t Start. Before - Croissant and cappuccino. After - Bagels and instant coffee. Before - The Sound of Music. After - The Sound of Silence. Before - Oysters. After - Fishsticks. Before - Is that all you are eating? After - Maybe you should just have a salad, Before - I can hardly believe we found each honey. other. After - How the hell did I end up with Before - Wheel of Fortune. someone like you? After - Jeopardy. Before - It’s like living a dream. After - It’s a nightmare.

Before - Romeo and Juliet. After - Bill and Hillary..

Welcome khun Phung Phung!

Ms. Anusara Seangplean Hua Hin Today Khun Anusara Seangplean or khun Faii is also from Chiang Mai. She’s been in Hua Hin for 9 months. Ms. Anusara did her Bachelor Degree in Accounting from Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna. Her working experience from 2005-2009 is mostly in accounting field. Her previous job before moving to Hua Hin was with Kreejak & Associates Co.,Ltd. in Chiang Mai. After she moved here she started working as a secretary to a lawyer who is her acquaintance. After 8 months, khun Anisana decided to change her job because she wanted to have more experience and also to improve her English skills. Khun Anusana has joined the Hua Hin Today Team in its Accounting Department. As part of the strong team, she is now happy to work with her colleagues and learn more about the business. Warm welcome khun Faii!

Hua Hin Today


Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011


Volume 8 Issue 11 September 2011

Slow stock markets help fuel Asian real estate boom


hile stock markets the world over continue their bearish ways, real estate is becoming an increasingly attractive form of investment. In Asia, the market has seen major growth recently, and industry experts anticipate the expansion to continue into the future, according to Property Wire. Currently, the biggest markets in the Asia-Pacific region are in China and Australia, but Japan is making a comeback following its tsunami disaster earlier this year. Megan Walters, head of research for Capital Markets at Jones Lang LaSalle claimed the property market in the region is expected to see as much as US$100 billion in transactions this year alone. The heavy investment is backed by good economic sense, as well: prime office stock in cities such as Shanghai or Sydney offers yields of over 6 per cent, claims Walters. In China, approximately US$5 billion worth of commercial transactions took place in Q1, including the purchase of a state of the art office building for US$94 million in the Pudong area of Shanghai. Other cities in China saw similar action, such as the purchase of a 560,000 square foot factory in Suzhou in the largest deal

between the Singaporean and Chinese governments to date. While China booms, Australia remains the most attractive option for international investors. Boasting an S&P AAA credit score, Australia received only slightly less than US$4 billion in direct investment, nearly half of which came from overseas. With the overall economic climate not

likely to greatly improve in the near future, real estate will continue to be an overall safe and profitable investment. China in particular, and the entire AsiaPacific region, are set to capitalise, and as more and more big deals get completed, look for the market to continue to grow. Courtesy of

Bangkok developers to launch projects worth THB100bn in 2H


igh sales volumes have boosted confidence in Thailand where the top ten real estate developers are planning to launch residential projects worth more than THB100bn (US$334mn) in the second half of 2011.

Almost all companies surveyed plans to launch condominiums, single detached houses or townhouses. Pruksa Real Estate has 40 projects worth THB28bn (US$93.7mn) in the pipeline and Sansiri will launch 16 new residential projects worth THB22bn (US$73.6mn). Asian Property Development plans to introduce into the market 8 new projects worth THB10.2bn (US$34.1mn). The residential property market in Bangkok has witnessed growth in demand for projects priced lower than THB4mn (US$133,900) partly due to the new government’s zero interest financial package that gives first time home buyers of houses prices below THB4mn interest free loans for the first five years. Town houses has also gained market ground with more and more developers entering this form of residential projects. According to The Nation, Asian Property Development CEO Anuphong Asavabhokhin said that four of the company’s eight new residential projects launched in the second half of this year will be condominium projects, worth Bt7.65 billion while the next four will be townhouses, worth Bt2.57 billion. “We plan to launch eight new projects in the second half of this year because we believe that after the election, the country’s political situation will be stable, at least during the honeymoon period of the first six months. This will boost the confidence of home-buyers,” Anuphong said.


Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

Thai Property News

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

Bangkok condominiums: from high-rise to low-rise


he supply of new condominiums in Greater Bangkok has declined an estimated 10 per cent this year, while the number of new low-rise units is increasing, according to a report released by the Real Estate Information Center (REIC). Land allotment permits for low-rise units, excluding vacant land lots totalled 27,400 units in the first half of the year, up from 19,800 in the same period of last year. The increase in low-rise units is expected to equal the peak witnessed in 2005. According to the Bangkok Post, last year, lowrise permits totalled about 51,400 units, up from about 42,600 units in 2009. Meanwhile, the number of new high-rise housing construction permits in Greater Bangkok in the first quarter dropped to 260 buildings containing 1.51 million sqm from 302 buildings with 1.59 million sqm in the fourth quarter of 2010.


First-time car buyers will get tax waivers of up to Bt100,000 each and first-home buyers will be eligible for a zero mortgage rate for five years, Deputy Finance Minister Boonsong Teriyaphirom said.

The first quarter of last year saw 268 buildings with 1.64 million sq m, and this segment has been declining every year since 2007. Samma Kitsin, director-general of the REIC said the condominium sector had cooled due to over supply. He predicted the number of new condo units launched in Greater Bangkok this year to be inance Minister Thirachai Phuvanatnaraaround 60,000 down from 66,000 last year. nubala will today announce implementation of government policies to financially support Courtesy of people who want to buy cars and homes, (22/08/2011) Boonsong said. He explained that the Excise Department will waive its tax, which will result in lower car prices by up to Bt100,000. However, the car must be a new one and its price not over Bt1 million. The car cannot change hands during the first five years, otherwise its owner must return the tax incentives back to the Finance Ministry, he said. Eligible car models would be passenger cars or pickup trucks, he said, adding it would consider allowing commercial banks to join in


New residences for Pattaya

financing buyers. People buying homes would receive a zero mortgage rate for five years, on condition the house prices did not exceed Bt3 million. The Government Housing Bank will implement this new mortgage scheme which offers a much better term loan than that offered by the Abhisit government. The Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives said it was ready to introduce a credit card for farmers and a fuel credit card for motorists. Other state banks will join the projects. The government also plans to offer commercial banks incentives if they participate in these credit schemes, he said Courtesy of The Nation (August 19,2011)

Russians, Asia-based expats drive boom in Phuket demand


NYX Hospitality Group is adding an 11th development project to its established Amari brand in Thailand. Situated on a hillside overlooking Pattaya Bay, the 35-storey high-rise property Amari Residences Pattaya is set to begin construction in 2012 and will open in late 2014. According to the company, the property will feature 140 privately owned residential condominiums and 135 Amari-managed serviced apartments. It will offer standard one and two bedroom units, ranging from 34.5 sqm to 84.5 sqm, as well as larger four bedroom apartments and penthouses. Nova Group Thailand, the developer owning the property, is positive that the partnership with ONYX Hospitality Group will help to expand the economy and fortify both companies foothold in Pattaya. “We believe in ONYX Hospitality Group’s expertise in hospitality management and we are confident that ONYX Hospitality Group will lead our property in the right direction towards a bright future,” said Rony Fineman, President and Owner of Nova Group. His counterpart at ONYX, Peter Henley, President and CEO, also expressed his gratitude for the long partnership with Nova Group and optimism for future prospects, “We are delighted that Nova Group Thailand, the owner of the Pattaya property, has

entrusted us with the management of this key development. Through the management of this new project, we are pleased to position ourselves as a leading hospitality provider in Pattaya.” Courtesy of (22/08/2011)

surge in interest from Russian buyers and expats working in Hong Kong and Singapore has seen property sales in Phuket speeding up. While buyers from more traditional markets such as the UK are still feeling the sting of the global financial crisis, these new customers are picking up the slack, according to the Bangkok Post. Piya Sosothikul, managing director of Erawana Co (a Phuketbased developer), reported that local demand is minimal, but sales for the first two quarters of 2011 are up 25 per cent YoY. Mr. Piya hopes to see the market remain solid for at least the next year to 18 months, but is not confident of a return to the peak of 2006, when sales topped THB10 billion (US$334.31 million). Besides still-weak economies in North America and the EU, a potential return to form is being further hampered by a lack of

consumer confidence. Many buyers who paid substantial down payments are unable to get refunds on their villas and condos, as 29 projects out of a total of 168 have failed. This will further delay the total recovery of Europeans who were the big buyers before the economic and financial crisis hit in 2008.

Mr. Piya said his company would launch 15 villas at Tanode 3 in the Laguna area worth THB300 million (US$10 million) by the end of this month. Erawana launched the five-villa Peykaa, in which villas are worth THB1 million (US$33,400) each earlier this year. Currently it has sold 20% of both projects and expects to have in the neighborhood of THB200 million (US$6.68 million) in sales per year.


Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

Property News

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

Singapore home sales spring back

Prime Retail Rents Accelerate in Asia Pacific


rime retail rental growth in Asia Pacific accelerated in the second quarter with the CB Richard Ellis Asia Pacific prime retail rental index rising by 5.3% y-o-y. The figure was an improvement on the 4.1% y-o-y growth recorded in the first quarter and rental growth is now back to where it was prior to the onset of the global financial crisis in mid-2008. Greater China recorded robust growth of 12.3% y-o-y whilst the Pacific re-emerged as a driver of growth during the period, rents rising by 6.8% y-o-y. Retail sales growth remained solid across most key markets during the second quarter, rising by 8.2% y-o-y in May (excluding Japan). Manufacturing activity slowed considerably, however, partly due to disruption in the regional supply chain caused by the Japan quake and tsunami. Whilst economic fundamentals in Asia Pacific remained positive, concern was growing over the broader global picture as the United States narrowly avoided default and the situation in the Eurozone worsened. The second quarter nevertheless saw further expansion by domestic and international retailers with fast fashion stores continuing to account for the majority of prime leasing deals.

This group of retailers was particularly active in Greater China and appeared to be gradually replacing luxury brands as the main driver of demand. Watch and jewellery retailers, department stores and F&B outlets were also in expansion mode. Worries remain over the scale of new supply in the pipeline with 35 million sq. ft. (325,300 sq.m.) of new retail space scheduled to be completed in 2011, around 80% of which is set to come on stream in the second half of the year. The development pipeline in the Pacific remains limited, however. Mr. Sebastian Skiff, Executive Director, CBRE Retail – Asia said, “Beijing, Guangzhou, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City will see a particularly large volume of new completions to meet the needs of international retailers looking to expand. Elsewhere in Greater China, new retail supply will remain tight in Hong Kong and Taipei.“ “Looking ahead, rents are expected to continue to rise in Asia although the rate of growth will begin to moderate as new supply is completed in a number of key markets and consumers turn more cautious amid the deteriorating global economic outlook“, he continued.

Foreign funds sought in Vietnam market Foreign investors have plenty of opportunities in the Vietnamese domestic market, as developers are facing difficulties getting bank loans and buyers. According to Marc Townsend, managing director of CB Richard Ellis Vietnam, South Korean buyers have been returning to the market after leaving in 2008. Russian and Chinese investors have also been expressing interest in the market. A senior executive of developer Sacomreal said there has been foreign interest in the first half of this year about its project, reported VietnamNet. Foreign companies it has spoken with include Mapletree investments, a subsidiary of Singaporean Temasek Holdings; South Korean Sung Chang, which expressed interest in retail projects; and Israel’s Engellnvest. The analsysis director of Savills Vietnam, Su Ngoc Khuong, has received inquiries from domestic developers hoping to link with foreign funding. He said the number of cases in which domestic investors use the company’s consultancy services has increased by 20 per cent. He also said investors from South Korea, Japan and Singapore have expressed interest in apartment, villa and office projects. According to Khuong, it takes approximately one to two years for a transaction to be completed.

Singapore’s private home sales gained some of the ground lost in June as last month’s sales rose 17 per cent from the previous 25 per cent drop, as superstitious buyers dove in ahead of the traditionally slow Hungry Ghost Month. Developers sold 1,386 private units last month, up from 1,182 in June, according to data from the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA). The majority of the homes sold (54 per cent or 754 units) were in the suburban areas of the Outside Central Region. The rest of the Central Region, or the city fringe, followed with 37 per cent of the sales, according to TodayOnline. Dr Chua Yang Liang, head of research, South-east Asia, at Jones Lang LaSalle, told MediaCorp: “This is likely due to the Hungry Ghost Festival in August, when sales traditionally fall, as buyers secure units in advance of the slowdown.” He noted that there was a similar trend in the past two years, with the month before the Hungry Ghost Festival registering a runup in sales, before transactions fall off as both buyers and sellers held back during the Seventh Lunar Month that they considered inauspicious. But other fiscal factors may also be at play. Li Hiaw Ho, executive director at CBRE Research, said the sales were also boosted by low mortgage rates and attributes of new projects. Interestingly, while sales climbed, the number of new launches continued to fall, down by 11 per cent to 1,435, excluding ECs. As such, the take-up rate shot up to 97 per cent last month compared to 73 per cent in June. Still, on a year-on-year basis, the number of private homes sold fell 11 per cent from 1,553 units in July last year. And in light of key policy changes to the public housing market, including the ramping up of the number of Built-To-Order flats as well as


While new foreign investors still keep cautious when approaching the Vietnamese market, the experienced investors have been trying to expand their investment portfolios. Singaporean CapitaLand, for example, has purchased 70 per cent of the stakes of the residential quarter project in Binh Trung Dong ward in district 2 of HCM City from Khang Dien Saigon. The project is expected to cover an area of 2.9 hectares, which will contain 974 apartments. Of the total investment capital of US$70million, CapitaLand is holding 70 per cent of the capital contribution, while Khang Dien is holding the other 30 per cent. Just two weeks later, the group made another deal when it purchased 65 per cent of stakes of Quoc Cuong Saigon at US$5.8million. Quoc Cuong Saigon possesses a 9000 square meter land plot in Binh Chanh district in HCM City, which currently has a license for developing an 800-unit apartment. Courtesy of


the increase in the household income ceiling, property consultancy Jones Lang LaSalle estimates that annual demand of private units will be reduced by 700 to 2,000 units. Although sales transactions are expected to fall, prospective buyers waiting for prices to come down will be disappointed, given the prevailing low interest rates and the volatility in the global stock markets, some analysts said. Colin Tan, head of research and consultancy at Chesterton Suntec International, believes the downside is “limited”. “Singapore has emerged as one of the few economies that still has a triple-A rating,” he

said, referring to the Republic being an even more attractive investment destination amid the worsening sovereign debt crises in the United States and the euro zone. Others said demand will be more likely to be influenced by external factors than domestic policies. Ong Teck Hui, head of research and consultancy at Credo Real Estate, said: “The concern now is not so much about the HDB measures, but more about the deterioration in the external environment and our own economic outlook for the rest of the year. There seems to be more uncertainty relating to debt, and that is likely to affect sentiment and hence demand ultimately.” Courtesy of

More HDB owners venturing to private market

ore HDB flat dwellers have been turning to the private market, upgrading from their current properties, according to a recent report. The link was made by DTZ Research, which showed an increasing trend of buyers with HDB flat addresses, reported Channel News Asia. Close to 39 per cent of all private home purchases in the second quarter were from HDB owners, an increase from the first quarter numbers of 37 per cent and last year’s fourth quarter numbers of 34.6 per cent. According to DTZ, the increase may be from a rise in suburban launches, thereby appealing to HDB owners looking to upgrade. Other reasons include HDB owners interested in investment options, or singles moving out from their parents’ HDB units. Another trend that DTZ has identified is that these buyers are also purchasing small units that are below 1,000 sq ft in size. It found that 50.3 per cent of purchasers who bought units below 1,000 sq ft in Q2 this year had HDB addresses, an increase over the 47.5 per cent in Q1 2011. This is also a reversal from past trends in 2010 and Q1 2011 when private property owners were investing in small units. “As we all know, HDB resale prices have been on the increase. People who have made money selling their HDB flats are able to upgrade into

private properties,” said Eugene Lim, vice president of ERA Singapore. “They are buying more small units as smaller units are within affordable quantum. Those in HDB addresses rarely have affordability exceeding S$1million (US$825,000),” he added. From lodged caveats for new and secondary sales, DTZ said that total private property sales increased more than 20 per cent in the second quarter this year to 8,458 units, from 6,958 transactions in the first quarter. Of these transactions, 3,294 were primary sales from developers, a jump of 18.4 per cent quarter on quarter. Meanwhile, resales constituted 5,164 units, an increase of 23.7 per cent quarter on quarter. Foreign purchases made up 16 per cent of Q2 transactions, a similar number to the first quarter, but an increase from the 11 per cent recorded a year earlier. With the European and American debt along with economic concerns, buyers have been more cautious in the private sector. “However, purchase demand for private homes will still be supported by economic growth and the low interest rate environment in Singapore,” said Chua Chor Hoon, head of DTZ South East Asia Research. Courtesy of


Golf & Sport

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

Hyatt Open 2011 Golf Tournament

Names a 15-Year-Old Swedish Teenager The Champion


ua Hin, Thailand, 18 July 2011... Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok and Hyatt Regency Hua Hin, in association with the Banyan Golf Club, organised the Hyatt Open 2011 – the second Hyatt annual amateur golf tournament – on 16 and 17 July 2011 at the Banyan Golf Club, Hua Hin. As a result of last year’s success, this year’s event was well received by not only golf enthusiasts but also sponsors. There were 120 participants from Bangkok, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore as well as residents of the Hua Hin area. Kiatnakin Bank, Thai Airways, Toyota and the Post Publishing PCL supported the event. On the first day, which saw beautiful weather, the first round started at 12:00 noon and the first day’s game was completed at 5:00pm. A welcome dinner in the Ballroom of Hyatt Regency Hua Hin completed the first day’s event, allowing guests to enjoy a wide selection

of international buffet while guests were entertained by the resort’s trio band throughout the evening. The second day began at 8:00am with new group pairings based on the scores of the first day. Fortunately, guests did not have to face the challenges of the weather on the course during this two-day tournament, as the sun was not strong and players were able to enjoy a nice cool breeze from the mountains. Furthermore, during the two-day event, golf enthusiasts had an opportunity to experience a culinary showcase as well as the authentic hospitality of Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok and Hyatt Regency Hua Hin, as both Hyatt hotels hosted Hyatt’s Food & Beverage Hospitality Kiosk to refresh and reenergise the golfers. After the game on the second day, the prizegiving luncheon ceremony was held at the golf course. Amazingly, the winner of the Hyatt Open 2011 was 15-year-old Oscar Odestal from Sweden. The talented young teenager, who came for a holiday in Hua Hin with his family, received a VIP Golf Holiday at Hyatt Regency Coolum and two rounds of golf at Hyatt Regency Coolum Golf Course. The first runner up was Mr. Anand Singhsachthep, who received a prize of a full set of Titleist AP2 irons and a tour bag as well as a round of golf at Santiburi Samui Golf Course for two people. The second runner up was Mr. Amnaj Phankaew, who received a two-night stay in a Grand Suite at Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok and one round of golf at the Thai Country Club for two people. This year, no player received the

hole-in-one prize, which was a brand new Toyota Prius. “This event allowed you to enjoy the charm of Hua Hin as a destination, experience the ultimate relaxation and authentic hospitality at Hyatt Regency Hua Hin, and at the same time be excited and challenged by the golf tournament. Obviously, we received a very positive response from clients for this second annual event as we can see the high demand of participation. Moreover, after the first day game was completed, we started receiving enquiries from clients for next year’s tournament. This helped emphasise Hua Hin as a preferred family and golf destination for travellers who look for a weekend getaway from the city,” said Sammy Carolus, General Manager of Hyatt Regency Hua Hin. Richard Greaves, General Manager of Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok, said, “Since this year marks Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok 20th anniversary and Hyatt Regency Hua Hin will celebrate its 10th anniversary, the Hyatt Open event is one of a series of activities lined up for both Hyatt hotels to celebrate this auspicious

Athletes hit back


at Williams over Tiger rebuke

teve Williams, the caddie fired last month by Tiger Woods after carrying his clubs in 13 major triumphs, has been roundly criticised for his remarks after caddying for Australian Adam Scott in his victory at the World Golf Championships Bridgestone Invitational. Scott’s win on Sunday was one of the biggest triumphs of his career in one of his first events with 47-year-old New Zealander Williams as his caddie. “That’s the best week of my life. I have been caddying for 33 years, 145 wins, and that’s the best win I’ve ever had,” said Williams, who also called it his “most satisfying win” and added “I sort of believe in destiny sometimes”.

The subtle digs at Woods, the former World No 1 now ranked 30th who won 13 of his 14 major titles with Williams as caddie, brought swift rebuke on Twitter posts. Paul Azinger, the 2008 US Ryder Cup captain, was stunned Williams would rebuke Woods as he did, posting, “Wow! Really? In yo face TW?” “Steve Williams breaks the unwritten caddy rule, by talking to the press. Most don’t, a few do at times when appropriate,” Azinger posted later. US tennis star Andy Roddick was stunned as well. “Am I missing something? Was steve the one actually playing?” Roddick pondered in one posting, later noting, “the guy was just happy for his new employer! So happy for him that he almost mentioned his name”.

And Roddick was far from alone in feeling that Williams stole the spotlight from Scott. “Steve surely doesn’t seem bitter at all,” tweeted US LPGA player Christina Kim. “Greatest week of my life. Good job congratulating Adam, who hit the shots, you knob.” English golfer Oliver Wilson posted: “Cannot believe they have interviewed Steve Williams. Nice of him to take away from Scotty’s win. Says it all...” Woods had said he fired Williams in person on July 3 at the PGA National event near Philadelphia, but Williams said the dismissal came in a telephone conversation after the caddie asked to work for Scott on a temporary basis while Woods was recovering from left leg injuries suffered at the Masters. “He called me up when I asked him to go and caddie for Adam and he didn’t agree with it and thought it was time to take a break,” Williams said. “In caddie lingo, that means you’re fired.” Williams was cheered by spectators as he walked up the 18th green alongside Scott, who cracked, “I had no idea how popular a New Zealander can be, coming from Australia. Surprising.” But Scott also gave serious praise to Williams’s effort, saying, “Obviously he’s a popular guy around here having won now eight times. They appreciate him a lot and he’s a bit of a character. It was fun to get support, whether it’s for me or him, I don’t care. It’s the right team.” Scott said he wants no part of bitterness between Woods and Williams, although many golf fans can hardly wait to see how tense the situation is when Woods and Scott are next paired together. “That’s between those guys. I’m not involved in it at all and they know that,” Scott said. “I’m just out here to do my job. They’ll figure that out themselves. They’re both men.” Williams said he and Scott were friends off the course and that has helped them blend well quickly. “Just because you’re a good caddie doesn’t mean that you’re the one who can put a good player over the top,” Williams said. “You’ve got to gel. Adam was a friend of mine off the course, so I was fairly confident we’d get along pretty good. It’s obviously like a dream come true.” Courtesy of

occasion. This is a way to express our sincere appreciation to clients for their continued support to both Hyatt hotels, giving Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok and Hyatt Regency Hua Hin an opportunity to gain our foothold in the hospitality industry in Thailand as well as to build brand loyalty. We are excited about celebrating the 20th anniversary and 10th anniversary of the hotels this year, and we believe that moving forward, both Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok and Hyatt Regency Hua Hin will continue being the preferred brand for Thai and international travellers.” The schedule of the Hyatt Open 2012 will be finalised early in 2012 to allow golf enthusiasts and families to plan their seaside holiday with challenges on the course again. Once finalised, the dates and information of next year’s event will be available on and To ensure golfers and guests do not miss any update the Hyatt hotels in Thailand, become a fan on www. and

Vietnam Golf Tours Launches the Ultimate Website for Golf in Vietnam


elcome to Vietnam, Welcome to Indochina – An undiscovered and unique golf destination in South East Asia. We invite you to experience the most exciting and breathtaking Vietnam golf vacations available. Golf in Vietnam awaits you. Golf as a sport has been going through troubled times recently. There was the controversy about Tiger Woods that didn’t do the sport any good. TV viewer ship has gone down. With the recession looming large, many golf courses in the west have even had to close down. The only saving grace is the fact that golf as a sport is growing in the east. Several new golf courses are opening and people from all corners of the world are actually traveling to countries such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia and others to play the game. A new website, http://, is now promoting the game in Vietnam.

Thanks to the website, Vietnam golf is certainly on an upswing. Those who are still new to golf in Vietnam and Indochina may be surprised to know that there are a few really outstanding golf courses in the region. In fact, some of these courses have been designed by Nick Faldo, Greg Norman, Colin Montgomerie and other famous golf design companies. Many of them are located in exotic locations close to the World Heritage Sites. The Vietnamese golf courses are located in Saigon, Hanoi, Phan Thiet & Mui Ne, Dalat, Danang and in Hoi An. There are courses that are close to the incredibly beautiful Halong Bay, the heritage of Hue Ancient Imperial Citadel and the My Son Holy Land. On your trip to Vietnam, you could play the game and do some traveling to these exotic locations in the Far East.

...Read more on page 38...

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011



Worth Knowing

KVIK Danish Design Kitchens Hua Hin O

le Frendesen the owner and MD of KVIK Hua Hin focuses on the local market, developments and private projects. Kvik kitchens are very popular in all of Europe as tghey are practical and good value for money. More importantly however is the quick service as they can supply almost any combination from their warehouse in Hua Hin within a short time. A champion of attractive design Kvik swims against the current and makes a clean break with old paradigms. Kvik celebrates the recipe of the good life where innovative Danish design blends with surprisingly low prices. This is seasoned with inspiration, quality, professional advice and naturally your very own personal touch. These are the key ingredients in the Kvik universe!

A kitchen revolution

Kvik is known for a variety of cutting edge designs and innovative solutions, which are trademarks of the Danish kitchen specialist. Most noticeable on the Kvik design accolade is the Sociable Kitchen, which was first introduced in 1999. The fundamental idea behind the Sociable Kitchen is a large, inviting communal area for the family, with plenty of room to meet, have fun and not least to create lovely food and eat together. The Sociable Kitchen works just as well on weekdays, when everything needs to be done quickly and efficiently, as it does at

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

Real Estate Juristic person

By Somsak Chopaka of Siam Firm Inter Laws

the weekend when there is more time to enjoy cooking. The focal point in the kitchen set-up is the work island. This is in the centre of the room, so that more than one person can work and prepare meals at the same time. In essence, the Sociable Kitchen is an attitude towards spending time with your family while preparing the meal.

Extra cabinet space

Kvik is also at the forefront when it comes to functionality. It should be easy and comfortable to work in your dream kitchen, whether during the week, when the pace of life is hectic, or at the weekend, when you take more time to prepare meals. All of Kvik’s cabinets are therefore 80 cm high, which is completely unique on the market. Depending on the worktop you choose, the total worktop height, including plinth, will be 90-100 cm. Kvik has named this height X-large, and it offers the best ergonomic working conditions. If extra cabinet space is needed one may choose the XX-large solution. This will not only provide the ergonomically correct worktop height, but also has extra-deep base cabinets, adding up to 40% more cabinet space than traditional cabinets. Contact Mr. Ole Frendesen in Hua Hin. Telephone: 66 (0) 32530211 Email:olefr@ Or check them out on the website www.kvik.

Siam Firm Inter Laws was established by Khun Somsak Chopaka an Attorney at Law with 30 years of working experience in domestic and international law, for individuals both foreign and local, domestic entities and in-house legal counsel for numerous established international companies. Khun Somsak will be giving legal advice about the ever changing situation in regards to Thai Law and keeping readers up to date with the constant changing business and social environment here in Thailand. During my time here I have seen many foreigners come to Thailand with the aim of setting up a real estate business. Buying land and sub-dividing it to build houses to sell to foreigners or Thai clients together. A lot of real estate project owners sub-divide more than nine plots of land making it a large development requiring a license from the land department. But many owners choose forgo this procedure and find tricks around this process. Some project owners who have more than nine plots of land do not apply for a real estate license and only apply for a license later on after construction is finished, as it is then necessary to have in order to transfer the land and home to a client. In this kind of business there will always be common property such as a swimming pool, community roads and clubhouses etc. all of these common properties should be transferred to the co-owners on that project. With the coowners then arranging a meeting to elect a juristic person who is then registered at the land department who then transfers all of the common property transferred to him or her. The money that is allotted for the maintenance of this common property is also transferred from the project owner to the committee of the juristic person in order for them to properly maintain the common property. It is good for the co-owners to take charge and set up the maintenance of their properties as they do not require any profit from the services and maintenance fees become cheaper than if the owner were to take care of this process. Among real estate projects which do not have a real estate license and keep the common property under the name of the project owner, it is common for the project owner to always ask for money for maintenance. This fee is subject to the project owner’s discretion as to the cost which can increase whenever they want to increase it causing a lot of problems with the coowners about the expense of taking care of the common property. Another way around is by the

owner offering to sell the common property to the co-owners. If the common property is under the project owners name it is vulnerable to an abuse of power as I have seen many cases where a project owner does not maintain common property, does not pay bills and does not fulfill his responsibilities leaving the co-owners in a terrible mess over their properties. Our comment: If the project owner has applied and received a real estate license, the co-owners can elect a juristic person and then sue the project owner to transfer the common property to the juristic person. If the project owner does not have the real estate license then the problem cannot be solved this way. The co-owners will have to sue the project owner on a charge such as fraud referencing to a brochure or website of the project ensuring what they promise to provide e.g. a swimming pool. If this is the case a juristic person cannot be elected and it is necessary to set up a company limited owned by the co-owners as shareholders and to transfer the common property into the company name. If you have your own case or any questions regarding law in Thailand please feel free to write in to us and we will answer any questions or concerns in this column. English Hotline: 081 808 9175, 089 774 6001, 084 979 4714 Pattaya Office: +66 (0) 38 906 721-3 Bangkok Office: + 66 (0) 2 260 3025 – 7 Hua Hin Office: +66 (0) 32 531 508 For more information see

The Big Question: So how dangerous is cannabis? Why are we asking this question now? The head of the UN’s anti-drugs office has said that cannabis use has turned into a major pandemic which is causing as much harm as cocaine and heroin. Antonio Maria Costa also implicitly criticised countries such as Britain for relaxing the law on the possession of cannabis. “Policy reversals leave young people confused as to just how dangerous cannabis is,” Mr Costa said. “With cannabis-related health damage increasing, it is fundamentally wrong for countries to make cannabis control dependent on which party is in government. Today, the harmful characteristics of cannabis are no longer that different from those of other plant-based drugs such as cocaine and heroin.” What is cannabis? The most commonly used illicit drug in Britain, if not the world, also called marijuana, it is produced from certain parts of the Cannabis sativa plant and comes in various forms - dried leaves, concentrated resin known as hashish, or distilled oil. The strongest parts of the plant are the female flowering tops, which are prevented from going to seed by growing them in a pollen-free environment. Sensemillia, as this form of cannabis is sometimes called, is strong because none of the plant’s energy goes into making seeds, but instead produces

the psychoactive substances which cause the desired effect. Cannabis grows wild in many parts of the world, from Poland and Hungary to Afghanistan, India and China. Its dried leaves or resin have been smoked by varied cultures over many thousands of years. Cannabis has been used in societies ranging from the Hindus of India, the Thracians of southern Europe and the ancient Scythians, who liked to smoke it in a steam room. Indeed the charred seeds of cannabis have been found at a Stone Age burial site in Romania, and cannabis was first documented as a herbal remedy in a Chinese pharmacy text of the first century AD. Why do people take it? Cannabis is a psychoactive substance; in other words, it affects the brain. But it also affects other parts of the body. It increases pulse rate, decreases blood pressure, causes bloodshot eyes and increases appetite. However, it is the effects on the brain that cause the feelings of calm euphoria and gentle elation that many users enjoy. The drug has a mild sedative effect but the experience depends greatly on individual mood and the social environment at the time it is taken. Some people get the giggles and become talkative, others become subdued and quiet - the classic symptoms of being “stoned”.

Many people feel less inhibited while under the influence of cannabis, in much the same way as drinking alcohol, which is why it is a common party drug. What does it do to the brain? The most active ingredient of cannabis is a chemical called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It can pass across the biological barrier that separates the brain from the bloodstream, and in doing so penetrates the central nervous system. Here, it acts on the natural proteins or receptors that control nerve impulses passed from one part of the brain to another. Cannabinoids such as THC act on a specific protein receptor that is widely distributed in the brain. As a result it interferes with concentration and thought, memory, pain perception and muscle co-ordination. THC particularly interferes with the cerebellum - the “autopilot” of the brain - which is important for balance, posture, and co-ordination of movement. The drug also affects the hippocampus, which is important for the formation of memory. These influences on the brain help to explain why cannabis intensifies ordinary sensory experiences, such as eating, watching films or listening to music. They also explain why users get a false sense of how time passes, and why they suffer from various problems with shortterm memory, poor reaction time and general

Courtesy of Steve Connor, Science Editor unsteadiness. Are there any more dangerous side-effects? This is a hotly disputed topic. Cannabis does not produce physical dependency, as does heroin, but some people who use it regularly can become psychologically dependent. Cannabis smoke is carcinogenic, and so can contribute to lung cancer, just like tobacco smoke. And regular smoking can exacerbate existing respiratory problems, such as asthma, bronchitis and wheezing. A few studies have suggested that regular users may also have impaired immune systems, and there is little doubt that driving while stoned is dangerous - one study found that smoking cannabis doubles the risk of fatal car crashes. According to a study in The Lancet, large doses of THC produce confusion, amnesia, delusions, hallucinations, anxiety and agitation. “Such reactions are rare, occurring after unusually heavy cannabis use; in most cases they remit rapidly after abstinence from cannabis,” it says. The really important issue is whether cannabis can cause serious, long-term problems for a person’s mental health. Earlier this year the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs concluded that there may be a link between cannabis use and the onset of psychotic ...Read more on page 38... illnesses,

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011



Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

Hua Hin Today


Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011



Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

VW Beetle

The legend lives on Volkswagen might have been the victim of its own creation, the Beetle. It may be difficult to successfully argue if Beetle made Volkswagen popular or Volkswagen made Beetle into a phenomenally popular car brand. Perhaps, one might say since Volkswagen is the creator, the credit should go to Volkswagen. Whatever the case may be, Beetle is the undisputed king of car brands of all times. It is the Michael Jackson of Pop music or the Pele of Soccer. Its supremacy is displayed well beyond any doubt by the fact that over 21 million Beetles were sold between 1938 and 2003, almost the current population of Australia. Not only are its looks different, it charted a new course in technology by deploying

an air-cooled rear engine. Extremely high build quality and innovative, eye-catching advertising are attributed to its phenomenal success. Beetle ended its run as the longestrunning and most-produced automobile of a single design. The New Beetle :

Some Chinese Surf Freely, for Now

A new web technology being championed by China is allowing a short-term gap in its socalled “Great Firewall,” which blocks Chinese internet users from sites blacklisted by the government in Beijing. Experts say how the gap is closed could have ramifications for the entire world. The gap exists because of IPv6, the next generation of Internet protocol designed to replace IPv4. The change is needed because the old system is about to run out of IP addresses, the combination of numbers that identify your computer over the Internet. IPv6 will offer a nearly infinite number of IP addresses. The lack of new IPv4 addresses is being felt most acutely in China, which was allotted a relatively small share of IPv4 addresses when they were doled out in the 1980s. At the time, some 4 billion IP addresses seemed like enough for the entire world. But with the proliferation of networkable devices, IP addresses are becoming a scarce commodity. Exactly when IPv4 addresses will become exhausted is debatable, but it’s likely to happen sometime in the next few years, according to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which is responsible for managing IP address around the globe. To answer the shortage, China has been a leader

in rolling out IPv6. But it’s only available to a small slice of the population, mainly in the big cities and around large universities. At least some of these users seem to be able to surf without blocking or filtering. “We have been testing IPv6 connectivity to China for the past year, and so far, it seems like the Chinese government is not paying attention to it at all,” said Andrew Lewman, the Executive Director of the TOR Project, an open network that helps people protect their identity online. Lewman’s observation seems to be borne out on the ground in China, at least anecdotally. “Many people (including me) are using IPv6 related tricks,” e-mailed one Chinese web surfer and engineer, who wished to remain anonymous. “Yes, I have used IPv6 to go around the firewall,” user “Dxing” told VOA on Google +. “For now, the firewall cannot deal with IPv6,” said user “Brain,” a student in Heifei on Google +. China has more Internet users than any other country, with more than 450 million surfers, 66 percent of whom access the Internet using cell phones. “For China to be fully on the Internet, in it’s

Technical Trends



What is an SUV ? An SUV is a Sport Utility Vehicle At one time off-road vehicles with fourwheel drive were simply called Land Rovers or Jeeps. It was only after the Range Rover launch in 1969 they started to be called fourby-four, 4x4 or 4WD. These vehicles were built for off-road purposes with the ability to switch to 2WD or 4WD and lower gearing. Not all 4WD vehicles are called SUVs. SUV was a vehicle that combined the towing capacity of a full-size truck with the passenger and storage capacity of a minivan. However, as consumer demands have changed, so has the SUV. Many manufacturers now focus on fuel-efficiency and driving and riding comfort, rather than towing capacity. Typical features of an SUV include seating for five to seven, high seating and road positioning, roomy interior, non-dedicated trunk space, high engine capacity and 4 wheel drive capability. Though the SUV was originally designed to be an off-road vehicle for sporting purposes, their popularity has spawned several different breeds, including the luxury SUV. A sport utility vehicle (SUV) is an estate car body on a truck chassis. Off-road ability depends on the type of 4WD system. SUVs had fat tyres, long travel suspension, vague steering, heavy bodies and a high centre of gravity. Handling was poor, some were not as comfortable and spacious as their appearance promised, and they were uneconomical and less than safe.

What is a Crossover? Not all SUVs are four wheel-drives. Although SUVs were extremely popular during the 1990s by 2007 they were being heavily criticised whilst becoming unviable. Since 2007 the traditional SUVs built like trucks are gradually being replaced by lighter weight Crossover SUVs which are built on car platforms with car like tyres, suspension and steering with near car like handling and fuel economy. Off-road capability when present is often limited. Crossovers also use many features found in estate cars and MPVs regaining their appeal as big family cars. Typical SUVs : Toyota Landcruiser – Landrover Discovery - Jeep Cherokee – VW Tuareg – Porsche Cayenne Typical Crossovers : Toyota Fortuner – Honda CR-V – Kia Sportage – Ford Kuga – BMW X3 –X5 – Nissan Xtrial Fact file : Editor Note : this is only small selection of SUVs and Crossovers available in Thailand.

full glory moving into the 21st century, it needs more phone numbers, or essentially more Internet addresses,” said David Gewirtz, an Internet expert at the U.S. Strategic Perspectives Institute. Lewman said the number of people using IPv6 is probably in the “tens of thousands,” but he expects China to start paying attention as soon as those numbers reach a critical mass. Another reason there’s no IPv6 firewall is the hardware is not plentiful. “There are just not enough vendors selling the equipment to use on an IPv6 Great Fire Wall,” he said. “Basically [the Chinese government] just has to say to vendors that there are billions of dollars to be made here.” Once this happens, things could get very interesting. Hal Roberts, a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and an expert on Internet filtering circumvention and internet surveillance, said IPv6 could present a double edged sword. On one hand, the creation of a nearly infinite number of new IP addresses could be a boon to anonymity, which largely relies on the ability

of an anonymous surfer to quickly change IP addresses on the fly to avoid detection. On the other hand, Roberts said there’s a movement, pushed largely by U.S. law enforcement agencies and the Recording Industry Association of America to build a strong association between hardware and IP addresses. In other words, since there would be so many IPv6 addresses, it would be possible to hardwire every computer, cell phone or any other type of hardware that connects to the Internet with an IP address, making anonymity virtually impossible. “That’s a debate that’s still happening,” said Roberts. “We don’t know which way that will go.” Roberts added that the hardwired route could have implications far beyond China. “It’s more likely that this would be a policy that the whole world would share. That’s the bigger risk in my mind. The bigger threat is that industry and law enforcement folks are going to convince the U.S. and everyone else that this is the best way for the Internet to be run.”



Property for Rent : Contact: 085- 8081-822,,

RHO-0057 Luxury Villa 7 mins from Hua Hin town center

3 bedrooms + 1 maid room, 3 bathrooms Land area: 700 Sqm, Living area: 276 Sqm. Inc: Internet, UBC and Security 24 hours,

RCO-0026 Condo close to Takiab beach 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom Floor: 5th Living area: 58 Sqm. Security 24 hours, communal pool and fully furnished.

Price: 65,000 THB per month.

Price: 25,000 THB/Month

RHO-0085 House for rent in Hua Hin Soi 114 3 bedrooms,

RCO-0044 Studio condo for rent 5 kms from Hua Hin town center

Negotiable for long term

3 bathrooms, Land area 712 Sqm, Living area 275 Sqm., Price incl: fully furnished, Internet, UBC and Security 24 hours ,

Studio room Floor: 4th Living area: 60 Sqm. Inc: Internet, UBC and Security 24 hours,

(45,000 THB in April to May)

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

Property for Sale : Contact: 085- 8081-822,,

SHO-0004 House near Cha-am Beach Start from 1.9 to 2.3 Million Baht Including : Land size 800 Sqm. Living area: 600 Sqm. 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms

(Hot Offer)

SHO-0069 Nice pool villa Hua Hin center

Price: to 8.3 Million THB

RCO-0051 Both House Beach Condo

RCO-0050 Condo in Hua Hin Heart Town

SHO-0031 House 7 Km. from Hua Hin center

RCO-0045 Sea View Condo

2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms. Floor 11th , Living area : 120sqm. Large size of two balconies. Full furnished, European kitchen, Communal swimming pool and Fitness.

Price: 35,000 THB/month

RCO-0001 Takiab Beach Sea View Condo

2 bedrooms 1 bathrooms. Floor 18th, Living area : 90sqm. Full furnished European kitchen, Communal swimming pool and Fitness.

Price: 45,000 THB/month

4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms Land area: 400 Sqm. Living area: 250 Sqm. Security 24 hours, club house and fully furnished.

Price: 65,000 THB/month

Price: 4.9 Million THB (Hot deal)

RCO-0041 Boat House Sea View Condo

SCO-0006 Sea View Condo

2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms. Floor 7th, Living area : 88sqm. Full furnished European kitchen, Communal swimming pool and Fitness.

Price: 35,000 THB/month

RCO-0008 Nice Condo in Hua Hin by Mountain View Side.

1 bedroom 1 bathroom. Floor 2nd, Living area: 66sqm. Full furnished European kitchen, Communal swimming pool and Fitness.

Price: 28,000 THB/month

Private swimming pool and fully furnished.

SHO-0039 Luxury pool villa in the golf course 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms

SHO-0071 Luxury Villa 1.5 Km. from golf course

Negotiable for long term

Price: 65,000 THB/month

5 bedrooms 6 bathrooms Land Size: 1600 m² Living Space: 320.00 m² House located in Hua Hin Soi 102

Land area: 1,100 Sqm., Living area: 400 Sqm. Security 24 hours, club house and fully furnished.

Price: 20,000 THB per month.

2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms. Floor 3rd , Living area : 150 sqm. Full furnished European kitchen, Communal swimming pool and Fitness.


3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms Land area: 700 Sqm. Living area: 276 Sqm. Security 24 hours and fully furnished.

Price: 65,000 THB/Month

2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms. Floor 3rd , Living area : 142sqm. Full furnished European kitchen, Communal swimming pool and Fitnest.


3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms Living space:425 sqm. Near Mill Ford Golf Course, 24 hours security and swimming pool

Price: 15.9 Million THB

3 bedrooms + 1 maid room, 4 bathrooms, Land area: 600 Sqm. Living area: 342 Sqm., Security 24 hours, club house and fully furnished.

Price: 15 Million THB

SCO-0002 Penthouse Condo Beach Front & Sea View 3 bedrooms 2 Bathrooms, 182 Sqm. Fully well furnished.

Price: 12 Million THB

Price : 15 Million THB

SHO-0040 Pool Villa

SCO-0030 Hua Hin Beach Front Condo

Price: 12 Million THB

Price including all furniture

included fully furnished.

4 bedrooms 5 bathrooms Land size: 808 sqm. Living space:425 sqm.24 hours security, golf club, sport club and private swimming pool. *reduced from 16 Million THB.

Ready to move in condo 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms 120 Sqm. Floor 9th, 2 balconies are large space and Sea view

Visitwww :,www.huahintoday.netformorePropertyforSale&

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011



Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011




Hua Hin Today


Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

House for Sale Seaside Apartments for Rent

(Short-long term)

• Baan Chaitalay 2 br./2 bth. • Boathouse 1 br./1 bth. • Mykonos 1 br./1 bth.

• Baan Saechuan 2 br./2 bth. • Townhouse 2 br./3 bth. • • Palm Pavilion Studio1 br./ 1 bth. 2 br./2 bth.

All apartments featuring: living area with integrated kitchen, balconies or terraces, swimming pool, fitness, direct access to beach. Fully furnished / completely equipped.

Tel : 081-829-5478 (Eng.), 086-003-6920 (Thai) E-mail:

Absolute Beachfront Land Prachaub

Located in country atmosphere with mountain view, 5 km. From Hua Hin beach near La Village, 1,600 sqm ( 1 rai ), 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom

2,600,000 Baht Call : 081 449 6772

The Breeze Condo for Rent

3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 157 sqm. Exclusive fully furnished, Seaview 65,000 Baht per month. Contact 0819154169 ( Eng.), 0834486228 (Thai) E-mail:

Shop for Rent

Located in Hilton Hua Hin Resort & Spa An area of 37 square meters (Outside the Hotel) or an area of 47 square meter (Inside the Hotel) For more information please contact: Khun Saowalak & Khun Khwanchanok 032 538 999

Insight English Language Schools English and Thai Classes for everyone Educational Visa, Translation & TEFL courses Schools in Hua Hin, Cha-Am & Bangkok 032-470 681 E-mail:

Hua Hin Yoga & Pilates

Open Everyday from 9 am – 3 pm Above Zoom Optic Shop, Petchkasem Road. Entrance via soi 74, Tanawit Hotel, Beautiful plot 526 sq.wah., chanote , 30 m. beachfront, 40 km south of Prachaub. Scenic swimming beach, next to resorts, holiday homes,electricity & black road.

Price 9,500,000 Baht

Call 0818208353 or

Car Wash for Sale & Rent


beside Pimpaka Massage Tel : Eng : K.Tu 081-453-5978 Thai : K.Ta 087-689-4203 E-Mail :

Beachfront Land for Sale Bo nok, Prachuabkirikhan

Beautiful location, opposite Nongkae Temple between the way to 5 star hotel on Takiab Rd. Closed to main road. Suitable for all businesses. 365 sqm. Contact K. Rung 0805289769 ( Thai-Eng.), K. Daeng 0863264957 (Thai-Eng.)

House for Rent or Sale Soi Hua Hin 19

3 Storeys House – 80 sqm. Fully furnished. 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, large living room and 1 kitchen. Soi Hua Hin 19. 100 metres from the sea. For rent TBH 18,000 /month.

Selling price THB 3,500,000. Call Khun Noom 0898379935

Approx.13,056 sqm beautiful piece of beachfront land with square shape, 98m the beachfront wide, and just 1km. from Petchakasem road, 30 mins from Hua Hin. Can build just 12m from the beach. Ready for road, water and electricity. Price THB 7,000,000 Tel.081-809-5083


Italian Restaurant

Complete kitchen equipment including a gas Pizza Oven and cooling / Freezing units for sale.

Equipment 1 year old. Further Restaurant accessories and furniture available.

Call : Peter 0800217969

Sport injury, neck & back pain, muscle aches, joint stiffness, repetitive strain and injury, stroke etc. Our qualified physiotherapist can help you with PT. equipments, spine mobilization technique, therapeutic exercise and massage. More information

please call 032-512735, 086-6992829 or visit us at Soi 88/1 Petchkasem Rd.

( Next to Hua Hin Market Village Shopping Center )

House for Sale

Chutpee Project Start from 1.9 to 2.3 Million Baht Including : Land size 800 Sqm. Living area: 600 Sqm. 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms Distance to beach only takes less than 5 minutes by driving. Contact Thai: Khun. Chutpee 080-650-6692, English Khun.Cha 085-8081-822 For more information just let me know ja.

Car for Sale

Opel Astra Caravan 1996 Automatic

Revised Engine 15.000 KM New Tires – No Acccident Price : 150,000 Baht Call: Jerry 089 009 8560


• Thai Female, Ages 24 - 30 • Bachelor degree • Good command of English • Computer literacy • Good personality • Attractive salary + commission

Contact: 081 927 2555 Email:

Hua Hin Today


Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

The The Park Park

Exclusive Residences in Hua H in Exclusive Residences in Hua H in


s investment in Asia and in particular in Thailand is on the rise again, investors are quite critical about their investments.

With the dollar on the decline and international finances unstable, investors are price conscious and critical about the quality and security of their purchases. Thailand offers house buyers a stable market with low prices. Real Estate property inThailand gives investors interesting stable value increases as the country develops to one of the leading economies in South east Asia.

For the price you pay to build a garage in Germany, a potential buyer can purchase a bungalow inThailand. Pool Villas such as the ones inThe Park compound offer top building quality secured by European building supervision. The Park is developing project with affordable pool villas fully furnished from Baht 4.5 Million ( € 104.000 ) or fully financed with free housing during the building period. The project, on Soi 116 is only a few minutes away from the beach front and close to the main road in Hua Hin, Petchkasem road and within minute’s reach of 2 mayor golf courses. The Park Villas are completely furnished with stylish furniture chosen to match the exclusive style of the villas. The basic Villas have a living area of 262 m², 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, with plot sizes from 375 m² onward. A show house is ready to be inspected. Customized requirements will always be considered. The resort includes a Club House, Mini Market, Fitness Center and round the clock Security. The location is conveniently situated on the edge of Hua Hin town center at a short distance from the shopping mall and other stores. A 30 year family club membership at the Springfield Royal Country club is offered for the first 10 buyers. Sales Office: 58 Naresdamri Rd. Hua Hin Tel. 032 511 535


Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

courtesy of


ome-education has always been legal in the United Kingdom and other western countries and thanks in part to the efforts of homeeducating families, the right to home-educate has been reaffirmed in recent acts of parliament. You do not need to be a qualified teacher in order to teach your children at home and you are not obliged to follow the national curriculum. There are many advantages to teaching children in their own homes. Children taught at home tend to learn better, to be happier, to be more sociable, and to be more independent than those who are made to spend large amounts of time in school. The majority of people who teach their children at home do so because they do not have the financial resources to be able to afford private education and settle for home-education because it is the only option left to them. Or even pay for the high school cost in Thailand and the poor standard of education. This also applies to parents of children who have special educational needs, children who experience stress at school, children who cannot adapt to the school curriculum, children who are bullied or subject to racist abuse at school and also to parents who wish to provide their children with a level of moral or religious education that cannot be guaranteed by schools in their area. Only a minority of home-educating families are aware at the outset of the educational advantages of home-educating . These factors combine to make home-educating families shy of drawing attention to themselves:

KIDS & EDUCATION Home Teaching parents are often worried that their own lack of teaching qualifications will make them open to criticism from education professionals; many parents have experienced situations of conflict with the staff of their local schools before finally deciding to home-educate; and parents that choose to homeschool on ethical or religious grounds may themselves suffer abuse from the majority population for the moral stand that they have chosen to take in their own lives. In essence, home-education simply involves the time-honoured process of parents doing what parents are meant to do - taking responsibility for the upbringing of their own children. Not surprisingly, it works. Advantages of Home-Education The ubiquity and availability of schools means that many people have forgotten that, for young children at least, home education was the preferred option for anyone who could afford it for up until quite recently. The reason for this is simply that children learn better when in the comfort of their own homes. The home is a better environment for learning than a classroom. This explains why home-taught children often feature in the headlines for having passed their A levels at surprisingly young ages and for their high levels of success in gaining admittance to universities. There is, however, a more subtle side to the learning potential offered by the home environment which is often mentioned by home educating families but which is difficult or impossible to quantify in terms of exam success.

Children working at home are able, from a young age, to develop a greater depth of knowledge. They are not restricted by the subject matter of a narrow curriculum or the content of school textbooks but can interact with their parents and other adults in a way that allows them to explore areas that interest them, at their own pace. This has the effect of making them enjoy the process of learning , it makes them more responsible and mature, it makes them more able to adapt to requirements of a rapidly changing world and it gives them a belief in themselves. This is one of the aspects of home-education that receives the least public recognition but which homeeducating parents rate most highly. Home-education also has social advantages. School creates an artificial and highly stressful social situation that young children in particular find difficult to deal with. Home-schooled children are not subject to this stress. One of the immediate advantages of this, often remarked on by friends and family, is that home-schooled children get on very well with their brothers and sisters. They do not squabble and fight in the way that has become accepted as normal sibling rivalry in cultures where school attendance is universal. The resulting peace in the home goes a long way to compensate for the extra time and trouble required to home-educate. Home-schooled children also find it easy to socialise with adults and people of all ages. Not being subject to the ‘us and them’ syndrome that characterises school life, they tend to accept people as they find them. This has longterm advantages because it means that if they encounter problems in teenage years they are not forced to seek advice solely from people as young and immature as themselves, they are likely to have older friends, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbours etc. to turn to, as well as their parents of course, for a wider perspective on the problem that they are facing. Home-education is particularly beneficial for any child who, for whatever reason, does not fit in the mainstream school system. This applies especially to children who have special educational needs. All young children thrive under a continuity of care: children need to be able to build up longterm relationships with any adult who is caring for them and those adults have to be available at all times. This requirement is even more imperative in children who have severe learning difficulties; a succession of teachers, however well-meaning they may be, disorients the child and impairs their tenuous process of learning. Home-educating these children requires a huge level of commitment from their families but it is the tried and proven method that works best.


Courtesy of


ne cause of children’s growth failure is Growth Hormone Deficiency. Growth hormone is secreted by the pituitary and is one of a number of hormones affecting a child’s growth. Sometimes there is a deficiency of other pituitary hormones resulting in Hypopituitarism. However, for this segment we will restrict our discussion to growth hormone deficiency in children. A growth hormone deficient child usually shows a growth pattern of less than 2 inches a year. In many cases the growth hormone deficient child will grow normally until the age of 2 or 3 and then begin to show signs of delayed growth. Other children will experience growth failure earlier or later than this age range. Though much smaller, these growth hormone deficient children have normal body proportions and often tend to look younger than their peers. Some may appear to be on the higher percentile in weight, though cases of Growth Hormone Deficiency have been diagnosed for children of low weight. When a parent suspects growth failure of their child, they are often not immediately tested for Growth Hormone Deficiency. Previous growth measurements, when available, should be evaluated, a bone age (x-ray of a child’s hand and wrist) taken and blood samples assessed for possible thyroid hormone deficiency. Testing for Growth Hormone

Deficiency will occur when other possibilities of short stature have been ruled out. A child’s growth hormone secretion will be stimulated by one of several agents such as clonidine and Ldopa. The release of growth hormone may also be measured over a period of 8-12 hours, since growth hormone secretion varies throughout the day and is greatest after falling asleep. Once diagnosed with GHD, treatment is with human growth hormone, now available in unlimited quantities. Though every child may not react similarly to growth hormone treatment, the majority of children under therapy today reach a normal adult height or nearly their full growth potential. Growth hormone therapy is given by injection, either daily or several times per week. Parents are trained to give these injections and children, once they are comfortable with it, continue on their own. Early diagnosis is extremely important for a growth hormone deficient child. To obtain the best results, a child must be diagnosed and treated at a relatively young age. Accurate annual measurements and plotting of a child’s growth chart allows for identification of growth failure and treatment before the child’s bones fuse. Once fusing has taken place, no additional growth is possible. Short stature can be difficult for a child and their family. Many children much shorter than their peers experience both physical and emotional problems. Communicate with your child, offer assistance when necessary, but remember, act towards your child according to their age, not according to their size.


Many children have no learning difficulties at all before starting to attend school but are then diagnosed as having reading difficulties, behaviour problems etc. When this is the case any perceived problems will disappear when the child is removed from school. They can learn at their own pace, at home, and are usually able to successfully re-enter the school system some years later if they so wish. In addition to everything else, the home provides the ideal environment for a child in which to achieve academic excellence. There are innumerable examples of mathematicians, artists, musicians, writers, linguists, philosophers and scientists who are self-taught or who were taught at home. It is a well-established tradition and one that continues today. Conclusion Home-education is the simplest and most accessible alternative to school. When school starts to fail a child it makes sense to educate them at home - at least for a while. It gives them a chance to find their feet; to build up their self-confidence; to enjoy themselves; to rebuild relationships with their family and to get a clear perspective on life before diving into a new situation. Beyond this, the home can provide the ideal base for a child’s education from start to finish. It allows flexibility, encourages initiative, fosters self-reliance, gives space for creativity and ,nowadays, provides access to an unlimited world of knowledge. Editor´s Remark : Home schooling does not nurture social contacts to other children and therefore lacks in socializing, sharing and understanding between children of the same age groups outside their family circle. In my humble yes , not ideal for social behaviour unless you live in the Sahara or Gobi dessert or on an oil rig.


of the world

7 wonders of the world as we were taught : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Great Pyramid of Giza Great Wall of China Taj Mahal Hanging Gardens of Babylon Machu Picchu Colossus of Rhodes Lighthouse of Alexandria

7 Wonders of the Modern World - - - - - - -

Channel Tunnel CN Tower Empire State Building Golden Gate Bridge Itaipu Dam Netherlands North Sea Protection Works Panama Canal


Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

Legal Advice


Criminal Law in Thailand Part VI

Getting Arrested without a Warrant—The Wrong Man


ere’s a more difficult example that illustrates another circumstance under which a policeman can arrest without a warrant because it’s a flagrant offense. Let’s say a police officer is walking down the street and comes upon an victim of an attack by some heavy instrument, bleeding and unconscious on the sidewalk. Witnesses tell the officer the direction in which the perpetrator headed and the police officer runs off in pursuit. A block away, the officer encounters Suspect A holding

by James Finch and Nilobon Tangprasit of Chavalit, Finch & Partners, Ltd. a tire iron and walking quickly in the direction away from the crime, looking as though he is fleeing the scene. The officer arrests Suspect A. This brings us to another ground for arrest in the “flagrant” category in which a police officer can, under Thai law, arrest without a warrant. This is where a suspect is arrested nearby the site of the crime and has with him the spoils of the crime or items used in its commission or there is clear indication that he committed the crime on his body or clothes. The tire iron could have been used in the commission of the crime, because the victim’s injuries generally fit those of a heavy instrument such as a tire iron. Let’s say, however, that hours later, when the dust on all of this settles, Suspect A with the tire iron can prove he had nothing to do with the attack on the victim and had just borrowed the tire iron from his bartender to fix a flat tire incurred as a result of running over a whiskey bottle he’d mistakenly left under the car. Was this arrest proper? In this case, the Suspect A was carrying the tire iron, which could easily have been the item used to attack the victim. Although it turned out that Suspect A was innocent and should be released, the police officer was probably not guilty of improper conduct in arresting Suspect A. We say “probably” because a judge making the decision would have wide discretion in deciding what was reasonable on the part of the officer in a case like this. The judge might look to see if the police officer had seen some clear indication that Suspect A had committed the crime on his body or clothes, because, as mentioned above, this is an alternative possibility for this category of arrest without a warrant. But let’s change the facts in the case again, as lawyers often do to explain legal issues. Let’s say instead the Suspect A hadn’t been carrying a tire iron or appearing to flee.

Instead, he had simply been a man in the street, a block away from the attack, walking normally in a direction away from the incident. If the officer arrested this man, there was no obvious “flagrant” offense, and the officer could be guilty of improper arrest. What you must do when you’re improperly arrested will be covered later. For now, we’ll continue on with our explanation of what is and isn’t proper arrest. There are additional grounds upon which a police officer can arrest without a warrant and we’ll cover these next. * Chavalit Finch & Partners, Ltd. are lawyers specializing in real estate and business transactions. They can be contacted by email at, on the web at or by telephone at+66( 0) 32 522237,( 0)32 522273. Their offices are located at 19/51 Hua Hin Soi 19, (Wat Klaikangwon), Petch Kasem Road, Hua Hin, Prachuab Kirikhan 77110, Thailand. James Finch’s cell number is +66(0)89 207-9390.


Around Hua Hin

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

Welcome Media Fam Trip Connection Plus 2011 at Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa



Sofitel Centara Grand Resort & Villas Hua Hin


s. Jittima Kontrong, Marketing Communications Manager of Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa (7th left) recently welcomed Connections Plus 2011 Media Fam Trip which is organised by Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB). There are many leading journalists from MICE publications from Asia and Europe such as India, Japan, Singapore, Australia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Lao, France, Russia that came to site inspection Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa for the potential in MICE business.

Cocktail Bar at The Hua Hin Brewing Company

ua Hin, August 2011 – HRH Bhatchara Kitiyabha recently visited Sofitel Centara Grand Resort & Villas Hua Hin for a get together Gala Dinner Party with participants from the program of Senior Executives on Justice Administration batch 15 & 16, who are top ranking from leading organizations and companies in Thailand. Thirayuth Chirathivat (standing left, 1st row), Senior Vice President - Project Management of Centara Hotels & Resorts, graduated from batch 15 was the host and Jacques Mury (2nd from left, 1st row), General Manager presented a courtesy welcome. The party was organized in hotel’s Colonial Hall.

Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa 4Th Year Hotel Anniversary


rom The editor´s point of view : The Hilton Hua Hin Brewing Company once again amazed with the creation of an upgraded venue at the Beer House. Where the musicians stage was, a Cocktail Bar was created with the musician moved to the back of the location creating a much larger perception of the Beer House and a far better infrastructure of the whole set up. Now you can enjoy a cocktail in good company whilst listening to a Philippino band playing popular music. Drinks and cocktails as before reasonably priced with no suroprises when the party ends. You know what you get and what you get is good !

Hyatt Regency Hua Hin Shares The Greatest Love of Mothers to Community


ugust 2011, Hua Hin - Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa organized its 4th year anniversary ceremony on Monday, 15th August 2011. The spiritual ceremony led by Dr. Noppadol Mingchinda, Chief Executive Officer of Grande Asset Hotels & Property Plc. Hotel management team paying respect to the spirit houses of the hotel and offering religious aliment to the monks at the hotel Grand Ballroom. In the afternoon, special menus were provided by the great chefs for the hotel associates to enjoy their lunch celebrating party.

Hilton at its Best


yatt Regency Hua Hin, in association with Yamsaard School Hua Hin organised the “Mother’s Day Charity Lunch” - an opportunity for mothers and family to share their loves, care and generosity to needy in Hua Hin community on Thursday, 11 August, 2011. More than 90 students of Yamsaard School Hua Hin together with parents gathered for Mother’s Day activity and charity lunch at Hyatt Regency Hua Hin, to raise fund for Cholprathan Pranburi School in Prachuap Khiri Khan Province. variety of imaginative and fun activities ine Dinner at White Lotus Restaurant was of course a typical “ Hilton at it´s Best. A great A to celebrate Mother’s Day such as cup cake performance of the newly appointed FB Manager Khun Samuel Tobias Peter and Director decoration was arranged for the children to show of Operations Khun Tane Picken. their creativity and love to heir mothers. To make


Gallo wines were the theme of the night with a selection of local grilled food. Indulging in the Shiraz Cabernet, it was hard to part. The venue was the amazing 17th floor at the White Lotus Restaurant and the even more amazing views of Hua Hin at night.

Beach Café Goes Bavarian


n September, the month of the famous Munich “Oktoberfest” the Beach Café Restaurant goes Bavarian! No matter, if you are a fan of Pork Roast with Potato Dumplings or a sweet tooth that prefers a Kaiserschmarrn (sweet omelet with rum and raisins), you will find your treat. We serve Authentic Bavarian kitchen. Find out for yourself! As Bavarian as it gets in Hua Hin. Beach Café Restaurant, Soi 75/1 by the Sea.


this charity lunch special, the hotel’s Executive Chef Mitele Sbardellini and his team prepared many special menus including German potato salad with mustard dressing and bacon, gratinated macaroni with Bolognese and béchamel and a superb selection of desserts. Sammy Carolus, the hotel’s General Manager, stated that “We are pleased to be a part of this joyful charity lunch for Mother’s Day where Mothers and their children have gathered in this loving atmosphere. And what makes this event even more special is the love will be shared to the needy students and we can make a difference in the lives of people in our community.”

French Deli in Hua Hin

he only authentic French Deli in Hua hin opened it´s door this August. French Deli contracted a French Baker & Pastry Chef for this unique shop. Khun Gaston, a Belgian Entrepreneur , well known for La Paillote and Blue Moon Restaurants has once more created a dream in Hua Hin. French Deli is intentioned to serve Hua Hin residents as well as Hotels & Restaurants with French bread and Pastries and Chocolate of all kinds. Monsieur Gregory, originally from The Alsace in France is in charge of the pastry and bread production. You will find French Deli at the main railway crossing in Hua Hin on Soi 70 – Chomsin “La qualité et le savoir- faire Francais des Patisseries , Pain et Chocolat” Road.

Hua Hin Today

Spa-Health & Wellness

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

The Herbs Resort & Satira Spa

By Gmoss


he Germans say “Klein aber Fein“, exactly as I see The Herbs, Satira Spa. Situated on Petschkasem Road after the Shell Staion going North amidst the car shops in an unusual place for a Spa, The Satira is a dependence of The Herbs Hotel on Nahbkaehat Road. However, surprise when you enter the Spa. Clean, modern good smelling and very friendly staff. I was seated and served a herbal tea with Khun Thai explaining all about Satira Spa and the many products of Satira which are made from indigenous herbs and spices combined with natural active ingredients from botanical extracts and therapeutic pure essential oils. the limbs, I was ready to list for the 2014 senior Olympics swimming competition. Actually the massage did wonders. Still no sign of increased brain function, however I may have been at the limit already. Altogether a great experience of soft massage, precious oils in a relaxing and pleasurable atmosphere. Very recommendable as the prices are very reasonable. You can get a 150 minutes ( 2 hours and 30 minutes!) De-Stress muscle release for 2500 Bath. A 90 minute Royal Thai Massage for 800 Baht. All in a fancy modern Spa room with private shower, toilet and air conditioned. Satira have their own farm where the basics of a Satira Spa at The Herbs : 8/95 Petschkasem lot of their comprehensive product range is grown Road – 086 327 1388 – – and produced. Reservation recommended. I chose a relaxing herbal oil massage with geranium oils to brighten up my spirit and freshen the brain function. Sceptical but anxious as Dutch people can get, I underwent the treatment by an experienced therapist who forced the invigorating oils into my precious skin. Almost falling asleep and catching myself making these” almost a sleep noises”, I needed to stay awake to be able to experience my increasing brain power. Feeling a lot fresher and loser at

Personal medical

Sofitel Centara Grand Resort and Villas Hua Hin Spa Review By A. Bress W hen comparing spa experiences in the Hua Hin resort scene, there are several big names that occupy a category of their own. These are the places where you know you will be sufficiently pampered and given an opportunity to experience something truly unique. The Sofitel Centara Grand Resort and Villas Hua Hin is one of the resorts that elicit the most mystery and intrigue. Sofitel Centara Grand Resort and Villas Hua Hin, 1 Damnernkasem Road, is located in the heart of the tourist center. Spend even a week in Hua Hin and you will encounter the Sofitel in some form. From even just one curious and desperate peek inside, the grounds seem forbidden, untouchable, and exclusive. Whether the pretentious façade is intentional or not, once the gate has been opened and entrance permission has been granted, the layers of intrigue are stripped away to reveal a surprisingly warm, welcoming world of privilege. I arrive as the day’s heat is about to break and the guests are appearing freshly washed and eager for their dinner reservations. The atmosphere is traditional, proper. I make a point not to step on a single blade of the grass. The massive resort complex is a white Colonialstyle mansion with several open-air lobbies where guests can lounge with a book or quietly chat over a coffee under the wooden ceiling fans. The entire Sofitel campus feels like a well-run homestead from the American Plantation Era where grandeur is obvious, but doesn’t compete with nature. The Spa Cenvaree, open from 09:00 to 21:00, is nestled behind the outdoor swimming pool in a separate building. Much like the entire Sofitel Resort, the Spa Cenvaree is simple and comfortable. The Spa Cenvaree décor does not command any special attention, nor does it try to impress guests with traditional symbols of luxury or romanticism. It is a basic, clean spa lobby with a reception desk, small seating area and a limited display of spa products for sale. Upon entering, I am greeted by name by Spa Manager Boulyhadar “Kathy” Narkthawol who offers me an obligatory “welcome drink” of iced purple butterfly pea tea. We chat about the spa and the various sister resorts through out Thailand.



have some suggestions concerning access to your medical and personal records. When you are in your home country , your family doctor will have a record of all your medical problems over the years. Here, where you have come relatively late in life, that is not the case. You need to keep your own records. Ex-pats during their working life may have lived in many countries and ben seen by doctors in half the countries in the world. It was a patient who gave me the following idea. She keeps at home a folder for each family member. In it she places the records of any medical event or treatment. Reports of blood tests, X-rays, annual check ups—everything goes in the folder. Then if one of her family gets ill she takes the folder with her to show to the Doctor. Nowadays, you may prefer to transfer the information into a site on your laptop but this is more work and believing in KISS, keep it simple stupid, approach to life the old-fashioned folder will be less work and should be easier to access. Anytime you are admitted to a hospital, ask for a copy of the Discharge summary and if you have surgery a copy of the operating room note. Incidentally if you are submitting a claim to an Insurance company, even if they are not asking for these items enclose them with your claim form, it will increase the credibility of the claim. Another collection of information is important in the unfortunate event that you should make an exit from this life. Information about yourself may not be known to others, including your housemates. Make a document listing—Your name, that should be your formal name, everybody may call you Lefty, but your legal name is actually Geoffrey. Your date of Birth, your Passport number and Social Security number for some countries. The name of your Health Insurance company and the policy number. Name, address, telephone number and Email address of at least two family members. The

by Dr. Michael Moreton

same information about lawyers and financial planners should be included in addition to information about the location of the will and any life-insurance policies that you carry. When you have all this information together it is useful to send copies to your family and a best-friend in Thailand. One of the situations that we face on a regular basis is what should happen to your body. When an ex-pat retiree dies, we have to contact the next of kin. It is sad that the wife/husband that you left twenty years ago, but omitted to divorce, has to be contacted and will be making decisions that you had expected the new live-in friend to make. Thai lady who has cared for an ex-pat man for nineteen years may have no legal status.. We have to report the death to the police and if they are satisfied that the cause of death was a medical event there are two choices. The body can be sent to Bangkok for embalming, a difficult and expensive business or if cremation is planned the police will allow this to happen without embalming. This differs a little from province to province. You should discuss your preference with your friends and family and ideally include a statement about this in your information document. If you wish your body to be transported home, it is a very involved and expensive process , involving police, undertakers in both countries and of course the Airline. There is always a two or three day delay, while family fly out and this can cause some anxiety. The more information that is here in Thailand the better. We had a demise recently in Hia Hin and everything went very smoothly. The family were full of thanks and said the the Hua Hin police had been very helpful and understanding. I know that this is depressing stuff but you do need to be aware of things.


She makes me feel like a new friend. “Our philosophy is ‘In love with life,’” Narkthawol said. Narkthawol said the spa operates on a holistic health goal where they aim to encourage positive attitudes and purification treatments with local products to promote a spa experience that becomes a state of mind. She said the spa uses an array of local medicinal herbs like ginger, red rice, coffee beans, turmeric, pandanus leaf, neam leaf, kaffir lime and lemongrass. For my spa experience, I was treated to a Tamarind and Sesame Body Scrub and Aromatherapy Massage with their Aromatherapy Signature massage oil with cinnamon extract. The Spa Cenvaree is a deceivingly large facility with about a dozen treatment rooms lining each dimly lit hallway. After a brief tour, I was shown to my single treatment room, which was appropriately small and private. The treatment began with a chilling swirl of the singing meditation bowl, which prepared me for relaxation. The body scrub treatment was as expected and sufficiently relaxing. The rich and succulent smell of tamarind was strong through the entire treatment. “The body scrub helps remove dead skin and acts as an antiseptic. It also helps with dehydrated skin,” Narkthawol said. After a long, hot shower in one of the private locker rooms, I return to the massage table ready for the aromatherapy treatment. The masseuse, Mattana, who has worked at the Spa Cenvaree for nearly two years, is careful. She delicately applied the warming oil and worked it into my skin in a traditional Swedish massage fashion.

...Read more on page 38...

Coronary Heart Disease Treatment of coronary heart disease with drug eluting stents


by Dr. Michael Moreton – Bangkok Hospital

onmedical treatment of coronary heart disease started with balloons only to dilate the coronary vessels. In the first time therefore after dilatation we had a lot of acute occlusions of coronary vessels because of dissections after balloon dilatation. First step forward was the introduction of coronary stents. The implantation of coronary stents after dilatation with a ballon reduced the acute occlusions of the vessels, because the dissections were held by the stent. But the restenosis rate was very high with this bare metal stents. So trials with different metal alloys were made. But the reduction of the restenosis rate was not satisfying in this way. The next step were drug eluting stents. These stents were covered with cytostatic drugs to avoid the growth of the intima of the coronary vessels. But we needed a carrier for this drugs, which garanteed that the drug stayed on the stents, the so called polymers. But these polymers were strange material also and caused other problems like inflammatory reactions, allergic reactions, thrombosis and so on. So the surch went on for a way to deliver the drugs without a polymer.

Now we have found this way with the new YUCON-stent. On this stent the drug is delivered on a microporous surface of the stent after being sprayed on the stent in a special procedure. Using this stent you combine the advantage of a drug eluting stent with the advantage not using a polymer with its side-effects. You get the results of a low restenosis rate in combination with the absence of polymer attached negative side effects. It seems the future of drug eluting stents will be polymer free!

Hua Hin Today

Wine & Dine


Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

Best Western Plus Hua Hin


EST WESTERN PLUS always offers that little something extra. From well appointed rooms to modern amenities, it’s thoughtfully designed to suit the needs of any business or leisure traveller. What to expect when you stay at BEST WESTERN PLUS Upgraded bath amenities. Breakfast available to help you get the right start on your day

Convenient in-room mini-fridge . Fitness room. On-site laundry and/or same-day dry cleaning services Free high-speed Internet to help you stay connected to work, friends and family. Free local calls Spacious work desk in all guest rooms to keep you productive. In-room coffee & tea maker Business center (copy, fax services and computer access to print airline boarding passes, maps & more) Our Best Western Plus Serenity Hotel is brand new and located close to Hua Hin airport with beach access a few steps away. The Charisma open air Restaurant serves both Thai and western food, practically pool side. There is an air conditioned restaurant on the second floor but our summerly breeze made us choose the ground level. A glance at the menue reveals a variety of mouthwatering Thai diushes A spicy Tom Yam Goong with fresh prawns , Crispy Shrimp salad, Chicken skewers, Papay salad, Green & Red Curies, Stir

Frieds and all sorts of Fish dishes. The western Menue contains popular western dishes such as Pork Chops, Chicken Cordon Bleu, Rib Eye steak, Fish & Chips, Pan Fried Salmon, Hamburgers and Italian Pastas. A selection of Salads and Desserts round off the comprehensive creations. Fancy Australian wines accompany your lunch or dinner at choice. Our Chef Khun Pond suggested a selection of food including a very delicious and interesting Pumpkin soup as a starter served with toasted bread crumbs and garlic bread. A Chef Salad with eggs cheese and cooked ham was served next. Our waitress Khun Pui did a perfect job serving from the right and removing from the left with a smile asking “May I clear your plate please ? “. As English is not recognized as very important in Thailand, Khun Pui did her best successfully and her ever forgiving Thai hospitality made us comfortable and relaxed. Chef Pom brought in a Ribeye Steak, Local Bangkok Beef, surprisingly tender and cooked to perfection. The fish and chips could have come from a UK fisher boat except for the fact that in the UK it is served in a newspaper and at the serenity on a fancy plate. We tried both the pan fried Dory with Parmesan

Pla Too

junction at which it is located is name after the place. Located at the Naebkehard and Dechanuchit crossroad.

“Juz Passen By” Tips

By Piyanit


here are a number of cute little eating & drinking places in Hua Hin and HHT is going to review these for you.

Smile as you have your coffee.

Freshly brewed coffee, hot & cold, Miss Smiley has it all. Just outside McDonald and Subway with cushioned Sofas under an umbrella. You can even pick up your copy of Hua Hin today there.

Sahachai-egg noodles soup with crab meat

Famous for different kinds of chili paste and other dishes, mostly made from mackerel fish. Pla Too is open in the late afternoon until late. If you’re familiar with spicy Thai chili paste, this place is a must try! Pla Too is located on Chomsin Road.

Pa Prang’s Thai Desserts

Chez LuLu

By GMoss

cheese and the fish and chips for taste. Both fresh and Arroy. A Spaghetti Carbonara was served as a between dishes, small but very nicely done, creamy and all. All dishes were accompanied by a 2009 Shiraz Cabernet from the Tree Line vineyards in Australia. A Juicy Cheesecake served with a Blue Berry Topping and a Serenity Resort special, Honey toast with vanilla Ice cream rounded of our lunch whilst it was raining cats and dogs. The prices are reasonable taking into consideration that you are practically dining at a 4 star resort and eating good fresh food. Congratulations to Khun Pom, the GM and his team. A good start! Reccomendable.

Best Burger in Town

BintaBurger Your meal could be as simple as a bowl of noodles soup. If you decide so, there’s a good place for noodles soup in the town area. Enter Soi Hua Hin 68. On the right hand side is the small place for Bamee Keaw- Poo- Moo Daeng or egg noodles soup with crab meat, dumpling and roasted red pork. The place is open in the evening. Get a big bowl and enjoy!

Thoong Ngern

Cosy little French Bistro with French Cuisine near the Hua Hin railway Station. Get French drinks like Pastis and Wines with French snacks and meals. Lulu will serve you with a smile.

Baan Than Khun

Delicious Authentic Thai desserts are served here at a small shop on Chomsin Road, about 50 meters from the traffic light junction. Notice the blue bowls nicely lined up, inside each one is the traditional dessert which is not so easy to find nowadays. Pa Prang’s desserts are popular among locals and Thai visitors and Thoong Ngern is one of Hua Hin’s best places the recipe of her yummy ‘Kanom waan’ has for Khao Kaa Moo or Pork Leg with rice. been well-received for more than 50 years. Located in Soi Hua Hin 68 on the left hand side, only a few meters from Petchkasem Rd. Jek Pia Thoong Ngern also serves tasty Chinese fish maw soup. Choose Thoong Ngern for dinner would be the best choice as it’s open from 5 pm.

Khao Mun Kai Lom Huan

T Another very interesting small place for coffee, tea and various other drinks. Here, the setting is nice and unique. It is full of rare antique items some of which are also for sale. Meet friendly owner, khun Wi at Baan Than Khun on Chomsin Road, at the corner right before you turn left to Hua Hin Fishing Pier. Her coffee and tea is as good as the place’s décor!

Known for the Thai style coffee for a long time, now Jek Pia has become the eating place for breakfast and dinner with several choices of food for its customers. This is one of the first places visitors of Hua Hin will think of as they can get different kinds of easy dishes from 5-6 food stalls in the local ambience. In fact, this eating place is so famous that the

One of the oldest eating places in town, Lom Huan serves delicious Khao Man Kai and different styles of healthy soup to go with your rice and chicken. Lom Huan is located in the mid of town on Dechanuchit Rd. only a few steps from Jek Pia junction. It is quite easy to find.

hai movie star Amarin giving Bintaburger agrees with Hua Hin Today! Bintaburger is the best burger in town. The Burger Cart is usually on Soi Bintabaht next to Valentine Bar from 9.30pm-3am and Karaoke until 5am. They are thick, juicy, plenty of salad and fresh vegetables and cooked just perfectly. Bintaburger can be hired for your party! Just go and see them, try them and make an appointment for your garden party.

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

Hotel Promotions & Events Calendar


HUA HIN EVENTS & PROMOTIONS - September Hua Hin Events – September 2011 King´s Cup Elephant Polo – September 4 – 11 - Anantara Hua Hin Connect 3 Golf Tournament – September 23 – Black Mountain Hua Hin / Cha am Golf Festival – September 30 - All Hua Hin Golf Courses

Hotel Promotions

Unless indicated differently , ALL prices are to be understood Per Person - NET + VAT + Service Charge

Banyan Resort & Golf Club

Golf festival 2011 - August - September 2011 Green fee at Banyan during Golf festival in August and September at THB 1,950.- /pers. inclusive of Caddy & Cart GOLF PACKAGE STAY 1 PLAY 1 in Jacuzzi Villa or Private Pool Villa (Stay 1 night & Play Golf 1 person) 1 night in 1 bedroom villa for 2 persons THB 4,599.- nett (room only). Special during Hua Hin Golf Festival from today until 30th September 2011. This special promotion is including: 1 round of golf 18 holes at Banyan Golf Club (include green fee, caddy, GPS golf cart and round trip transfer to golf course) Honey Moon Package - 4 nights pool villa or jacuzzi villa include breakfast for 2 persons at THB 26,600.- 1st March 2011 - 31st October 2011. This special promotion is includes: . Honeymoon welcome drink upon arrival - . Special Honeymoon amenities set up in villa upon arrival - . 1 hour Thai massage for 2 persons per room per stay- . 1 hour body scrub or oil massage for 2 persons per room per stay - one bottle of wine,.Call for further details. Golf & Wine Dinner - Saturday, 24th September 2011 Afternoon golf tournament. Tee times from 12.30 p.m., followed by a 5 course wine dinner at The Terrace Restaurant. THB 3,600.- golf & dinner. THB 2,100.- dinner only. After 4 Golf Play as many holes as you can and experience the Sunset at Mulligan’s Pub. THB. 1,500.- per person inclusive of a pint of draught beer with finger snacks. The 10th Hua Hin/ Cha Am Golf Festival. Special offers during Golf Festival at Banyan Golf Club, Hua Hin and Banyan Resort & Golf, Hua Hin (August September) For further information or reservations please contact 032-616200 or, www.

Hilton Resort & Spa

White Lotus All-You-Can-Eat Dim Sum Indulge yourself with a delectable Chinese meal every Saturday, Sunday and on Public Holidays from our comprehensive menu of authentic Dim Sum delicacies Price: THB 449 nett per person Mooncake festival monthly promotion - a variety of sumptious mooncakes hand carried from China THB 320 nett per cake Vegetarian Festival 27 September - 5 October special Gin Je menu and enjoy unique vegetarian dishes Chinese - style Full Moon dinner 11 September Join our 5 course set menu while watching the full moon from the highest restaurant in Hua Hin THB 899 per/pers. Chay Had Signature poolside specials Greek salad served with your choice of soft drink or crumbly bacon, shredded lettuce and chopped tomato saladwiches and fries with your choice of soft drink THB 300 nett Theme Dinners: Monday’s and Tuesday’s – Leisure Night Order from our special unique á la carte menu Wednesday’s – Wine Dinner - Five course set dinner with a glass of wine perfectly matched with each course THB 1,550 nett per person. Friday’s – Seafood and Meat Sunset Grill “All you can eat” Our chef will open flame barbeque your selection to your liking - all seafood and meat is charged per 100 grams. The salad bar, soup of the day and dessert is free of charge The Market Theme Dinners : Monday’s & Tuesday’s – Authentic Thai Terrace Dinner Enjoy our unique á la carte menu Wednesday’s & Friday’s - All-you-can-eat pizza, pasta and salad buffet. Price: THB 550 nett per adult Price: THB 300 nett per child 6 – 11 years Thursday’s Taste of Siam Thai Buffet with a live Thai music Price: THB 550 nett per adult Price: THB 300 nett per child 6 – 11 years Saturday’s – International Barbeque buffet Enjoy our live band with a unique terrace experience Price: THB 850 nett per adult Price: THB 450 nett per child 6 – 11 years Signature dish of the month - Seared Tuna Steak with risotto served with a bottle of local beer THB 450 nett or with a glass of wine THB 550 nett 032-616200 or, www.

Hyatt Regency

Sunday Brunch: McFarlane House from 11.30 – 15.00 hrs. Baht 1,300 net per person inclusive of a bottle of sparkling wine per two persons. child 6 – 12 Baht 500 Fridays and Saturdays from, 6:00pm to 10:30pm. The all-you-can-eat tapas promotion is priced at Baht 700 net per person. Talay Thai Restaurant - All You can Eat Thai Dinner Promotion is offer for dinner at Talay Thai Restaurant and is priced at Baht 600 net per person for adults and Baht 300 net for children aged 6-12. children under six , accompanied by their parents eat free. Afternoon Tea : Take a break and enjoy your day at McFarland House everyday from 2:00pm to 6:00pm priced just Baht 300 net per person. For reservations and further information, please contact Hyatt Regency Hua Hin on Hotline . +66 2254 6200 or +66 3252 1234, or e-mail


Flavors of Asia Dinner Buffet - Fridays at InAzia Restaurant. Indulge in Asian flavors. Japanese, Thai and Indian menus at only THB 700 net per person. Saturdays- International Buffet at The Deck Restaurant with a selection of International Appetizers & Salad, Soups, Hot Entrées and Dessert at THB 900 net per person. and Dinner 6.30 pm-10.30 pm. Info : call (0) 32 708 155 or e-mail


Happy Hours Make your way down to the trendiest chill out venue in the heart of Hua Hin, where great music and inventive beverage creations await. Sit back, relax and sip your favorite cocktail while enjoying the cool sea breeze, an ideal end to a perfect day. 50% discount on all drinks everyday from 5.30pm-7.00pmAnd try out our new menus at Oceanside Beachclub and Restaurant. Daily from 11.00 hrs. – 23.00 hrs. Tel. 032 531 470

Bars - Beer – Wine & Snacks SOS – Tug Boat Bar - Acoustic music

Enjoy Uncle Tom playing accoustic guitar daily from 6:30 pm -9:30 pm (except on Sunday’s) Live sports on the large TV screen

Hua Hin Brewing Company:

Beer can chicken is back by request - you haven’t tried real chicken unless you try our famous beer can chicken THB 800 nett per chicken (great for 2). Monthly special - Succulent char grilled pork spare ribs in smoked BBQ sauce, served with chunky spiced potato wedges and mixed apple salad THB 450 nett. Beer House : Weekend Coyote Madness Every Friday & Saturday from 11: 00 pm till late let’s get down and naughty because it is the weekend and the girls are ready to party. The home of F1 - 1 September Monza (Belgium) 25 September Singtel (Singapore)

THAILAND THIS MONTH Samui International Jazz Music Festival: 18-25 Sep 2011 For one week in September 2011 the air of Koh Samui in Thailand will be once again filled with Jazz Music. Koh Samui has gained it’s spot as international leisure and travel destination. People love to come here to experience the warm and welcoming hospitality on the island and to indulge themselves in the tropical lifestyle – and we are happy to spoil our visitors with yet another attraction: The Samui International Jazz Music Festival.

Spa Promotions THE BARAI at The Hyatt : EXPERIENCE A NEW LEVEL OF LUXURIOUS RESIDENTIAL SPA THE BARAI invites you to experience a new level of luxurious residential spa suite that offers you a personal inner peace and tranquillity starting from Baht 18,500++ per night for The Barai Balcony Suite and Baht 20,500++ per night for The Barai Pool Suite from now until October 31, 2011. This offer includes : One night accommodation in a residential spa suite – The Barai Suite, healthy breakfast at McFarland House, or served in the comfort of your suite, all-day hot and cold herbal tea, and evening cocktails at McFarland. - A choice of 60-minute Thai Foot Reflexology, Traditional Thai Massage, Swedish Massage, Aromatherapy Massage or Muscle Relief Massage for two people per night. -An in-suite Aromatherapy Milk Bath and an in-suite Aroma Steam prepared by your own Suite Butler - Access to all other benefits and courtesies extended to guests of The Barai Suite and all-day Suite Butler services. For reservations and further information, please contact THE BARAI at Hyatt Regency Hua Hin at Hotline Tel: +66 2254 6200 or +66 3251 1234- thebarai.hrhuahin@ SHERATON - Aspadeva Spa -“Touch of Aspadeva”

New Spa Promotion Thai Touch: discover the ancient art of aromatherapy and experience the healing powers of essential oils and help to balance Mind, body and soul - 15 min. Thai Herbal Steam - 45 min Thai Herbal Scrub - 60 mins Traditional Thai Massage or Secret Thai Facial. Mandarin Orange Touch: 15 mins Mandarin Orange Steam - 45 mins Mandarin Salt Body Glow Scrub - 60 mins Swedish Massage with Orange oil. Contact Aspadeva Spa at Tel: 66 (0)32 708 235 E-mail:, Resort Reservation Tel: 66 (0)32 708 080. Best rates are always available for online reservations at

PUTAHRACSA SPA - daySpaDetox & Relax. A re-energizing warm treatment.Enjoy 2 hours spa package with Organic Spice Scrub + Hot oil massage at THB 2,100 nett (Original price THB 3,600)** Save 20% on your choice of a la carte treatment**Valid 1-30 September 2011. Daily from 10.00-20.00 hrs. Book now 032 531 470 Ext. 2 World Gourmet Festival Bangkok: 5-11 September 2011

Four Seasons Hotel Bangkok will be hosting the 12th Annual World Gourmet Festival at the hotel from September 5 to 11, 2011. Since its inception, the festival has grown in prominence to feature an extraordinary lineup of some of the best chefs from across the globe. Gourmet festivals exist throughout the world, but only Four Seasons Hotel Bangkok brings award-winning master chefs under one roof for a week-long celebration of outstanding food and superb wines.

Phuket Vegetarian Festival: 26 Sep - 6 Oct 2011

The Thai-Chinese in Phuket have long passed on the vegetarian festival to purify mind and soul by refraining from meat consumption and meditating. Symbolising the presence of the deities throughout the festival are 9 lanterns lit up and placed aloft on Ko Teng poles. On the 6th day of the festival, there will be religious processions and incredible display of face-and-body piercing. On the last day, there will be a “Koi Han” ceremony to exorcize ill fortune and a farewell ceremony for the deities at night.

Linkin Park returns Bangkok for A Thousand World Tour 2011 Live in Bangkok on September 23 at Aktiv Square, Muang Thong Thani.

38 Vietnam Golf Tours


...more from page 16...

Imagine awakening to a perfect sunrise from an ocean front villa, followed by 18 holes of championship golf courses. Mongtgomerie Links Vietnam, which have been routed to capitalize on its close proximity to both the warm, tranquil East Sea and striking Marble Mountains — which are clearly visible from various points on the courses. Montgomerie Links Vietnam has the good fortune of having truly outstanding natural features. The sandy soil, wind-blown dunes, and indigenous vegetation combine to create the framework for a very strong links golf course. In the meanwhile Danang Gold Club is located along Vietnam’s stunning Central Coast and amid a wild, seaside landscape almost identical to what the world’s first golf courses were carved from, an experience was crafted as much by Mother Nature as it was by the legendary Greg Norman. In other words, it’s links-style golf in the truest sense of the term. And it’s here, in Asia, for the very first time, for golfers to enjoy. Sea Links Golf & Country Club is the second course in Phan Thiet, joining Ocean Dunes Golf Club as two jewels in this Vietnamese coastal town. Sea Links Golf Club is built on an area of 160 hectares on a cliff with wild and beautiful sand dunes. The golf course is practically at the sea level, just a few minutes from Full Moon Beach and with amazing views of the ocean below. The courses designers, Ronald Fream and Golfplan Company, highlight that the course retains much of the original terrain of white sand dunes. Designed by Nick Faldo, the 6746-yard par 72 course at Ocean Dunes Golf Club winds through seaside dunes, with the coastal breezes shaping its character day-to-day. It is an engaging and playable course for higher handicapped players who will enjoy the openness of the links-course. The Ocean Dunes Golf Club is an outstanding natural site with sand dunes, sea breezes, beach vegetation, and sea views. “We

The Big Question

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although there was insufficient evidence to state that frequent users were more likely to develop schizophrenia. Nevertheless, several studies have suggested that there may well be an association between smoking cannabis in adolescence and mental illness in later life including schizophrenia. What does the stronger version do to you? It has been suggested that the smoking of more potent forms of cannabis, known as “skunk”, can result in something called cannabis psychosis, although this has not been conclusively proved. Skunk is a generic name used to describe the 100 or so varieties of cannabis plant that have higher-than-average levels of THC. Skunk may also contain higher levels of the 40 other substances in cannabis that are thought to be capable of having an effect on the body. Traditional varieties of cannabis have a THC content of between 2 and 4 per cent, while some varieties of skunk can have THC levels of up to 20 per cent. Some users say the immediate effect of smoking skunk is that they get stoned more quickly. They also report higher levels of transient hallucinations, which are particularly common in people who have already taken LSD, a known hallucinogenic drug. Skunk’s potency can sometimes catch people out if they have been used to more dilute forms of cannabis. As a result they can suffer from

have let the dunes determine the routing and the look of the golf course. It should have the feel and the playability of the early seaside courses, but with a tropical climate” says Nick Faldo. is the first company that specializes in golf and the selling of Vietnam golf packages. The fact is, this is one company that has more than ten years of knowledge and expertise in the travel, tourism and golf business. is the one-stop shop that covers all the vacation requirements of a golf tourist. It can help the golfer find best accommodations, make the transport arrangements, learn about the different golfing destinations in the country and book the Vietnam golf courses, discover the tourist attractions in the country and help them visit the places of interest. The website also provides useful tips on the best places to eat, shopping experiences, nightlife of bustling Saigon City and helps them select their golfing gifts. The website is offering several golf packages that will keep the tourists at some of the biggest hotels in the region. Many of them are among the best-known hotels anywhere in the world as well. There are various packages that range between three days and eighteen days. But, the golf tours can also be personalized to suit the unique requirements of the traveler. The website will be happy to help you with whatever you need. This is Vietnam golf planning at its best. plans and organizes Vietnam golf tours and vacations to Vietnam. The website does this for other countries in Indochina as well, such as Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Cambodia. You can select from any of the several golf packages on offer, and you can also place a request for a custom-made plan. Please visit to learn more about golfing in Vietnam and to learn more about the business.

anxiety attacks and feelings of mild paranoia. However, there is no evidence to suggest that smoking skunk poses any new risks compared with the heavy smoking of weaker forms of cannabis. Is cannabis medicinal? Cannabis has a long history as a folk remedy, and some of its natural constituents are reported to have therapeutic value for illnesses such as asthma, glaucoma, mild to severe muscle spasms and pain, as well as anorexia and mood disorders. Is smoking cannabis really that bad for you? Yes... * There is convincing evidence to suggest a link between heavy use and serious mental illness * Cannabis smoke is just as dangerous as cigarette smoke in causing lung disease * Driving while even mildly stoned significantly increases the risk of fatal accidents No... * There is no evidence that cannabis causes physical dependency in the manner of heroin or cocaine * Mild users of cannabis are not more likely to become addicted to ‘harder drugs’ * Many long-term users of cannabis lead normal, healthy lives which they find enhanced by recreational use of the drug

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

Sofitel Spa Review

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The music is soft, the smell is penetrating, and I briefly drift into sleep. The only thoughts that remain in my head are, “Please, don’t stop.” The overall Spa Cenvaree experience was serene and sincere, exceptional. In addition to traditional spa treatments like body scrubs and aromatherapy, the spa offers several spa packages ranging from THB 2,595 to THB 6,595. Most of the packages include half a dozen treatments and can last up to half a day. The spa menu is a neverending guide to relaxation and worthy candidate for top offerings in Hua Hin. As well as using local ingredients, the Spa Cenvaree aims to “Live Greener” through environmental preservation efforts, including energy-efficient low lighting, recycled and biodegradable products and reusing flowers whenever possible. Narkthawol said the Spa Cenvaree will offer an early bird promotion for the month of September. “We are open from nine to nine, but if you book with us before two, the first treatment is 15 percent off, the second is 20 percent off, and the

third is 25 percent off,” Narkthawol said. “We are not slow, but we want to bring in more than just resort guests. Our main target for this promotion is outside customers.” With 18 resort and spa facilities located through out Thailand, the Sofitel has created an elegant escape experience with a philosophy of every detail matters. However, when walking through the perfectly groomed grounds of the Sofitel Resort, its clear the details don’t always need to be elaborate or flashy. I leave the spa well after night has fallen. I step out of the air-conditioned Spa Cenvaree and into a wall of misty, humid air. All resort activity has vanished. The once active swimming pool sits placid. A frog hops across the pebble footpath and dives into the pool with a muffled splash. I weave through the labyrinth haven of thick bushes, palm trees and tropical plants. The chorus of nocturnal creatures calls out from their hidden branches and makes me feel as if downtown Hua Hin couldn’t possibly be a few steps away. Sofitel Centara Grand Resort and Villas Hua Hin is a special place where nature is allowed to exist on its own and the foliage is as firmly grounded as their reputation for excellence.

Hua Hin Municipality & the Environment Ministry Launch a Green Campaign By Chamnan Puengjoh The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the Prachuab Khirikhan Provincial Office and Hua Hin Municipality are currently launching an environmental management campaign to raise awareness of all local communities in the city concerning environmental threat and how to protect the earth from it. The campaign also aims to honor their majesties and celebrate His Majesty’s 65th anniversary of accession to the throne this year. Recently, 170 committee members from Hua Hin communities have participated in this campaign with cooperation of officers from the Department of Policy and Planning to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the Prachuab Khirikhan Provincial Office and Hua Hin Municipality. The campaign consists of three activities. The first one -- a meeting to discuss about cooperation from governmental agencies and representatives from each local community – was already done. The second – launching a project on cleaning houses, roads and the Hua Hin city – was carried out in August. The last activity – doing good things for Thailand, saving environment and admiring Hua Hin by bicycle and threewheeled car – is being done this month. According to Mrs. Nisakorn Khositarat, the Secretary-General of the Department of Policy and Planning to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Hua Hin is a much favored holiday getaway for both Thais and foreigners. Unfortunately, this beautiful beachfront city is at present cluttered with billboards and electricity posts in public areas. Moreover, area trespassing to construct buildings and houses illegally is becoming common in the city. So, beautiful landscape was damaged due to selfish and profit-oriented people who ignore laws and municipal acts. “Local administrators will enforce environmental law and monitor those who violate it whereas the provincial officers will adopt and implement plans formulated by central offices or the government,” stressed Mrs. Nisakorn. The environmental management campaign is a pilot project of which implementation is based on problems and recommendations made by the community representatives of Hua Hin. Its main aim is to return green space to this once verdant beachfront city with scenic landscape. However, without active participation of local administrators and community members, it would be hard to bring back this beautiful image to the city, concluded Mrs. Nisakorn. Editor Note : Monitoring may appear as not sufficient to control litterbugs. Hard fines and educational social service are probably more efficient

The Hua Hin Today Team

Responsible for Hua Hin Today / Cha-Am Today / Property & Golf Today & Food Lovers

Pol.Gen Maj Noi Mr.Gerard Mosselman Ms.Atchareeya Lindstrand Ms.Julaporn Wannapuek Ms.Janthar Jadjantuk Wannapaiboon (Jerry) (Ning) (Kae) (Kange) Editor Consulting Editor Assistant to the Editor Public Relations & Advertising Sales & Marketing

Mr.Grit Promprasert (Nat) Graphic Designer

Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011



Hua Hin Today

Volume 8 issue 11 September 2011

Cha Am Today


Volume 3 issue 1 September 2011

Volume 3 Issue 1 September 2011

Reggae on the Rock 3

Biggest Music Festival Ever in Cha-Am By Sorravit


eggae music lovers will have great fun again at the Reggae on the Rock 3.

Starting from midday to midnight at the northern beach of Cha-Am, the Reggae on the Rock 3 features 18 leading ska-style reggaeists and rock stars of Thailand, namely Moderndog, T-Bone, The Richman Toy, Ten to Twelve, The Super Glasses, Scrubb, Teddy Ska Band, Klear, 25 Hours, Jofax, Deep O Sea, The Mousses, The Bottom Blue, Tick Shiro, Jui Juis, Tamon, The Jukks and Jean Kasidit. All of them will give great fun and non-stop entertainment to the audience. Following its big success for two times, the Reggae on the Rock 3 will be held under the concept, “Discover your Fun.” The organizers: GMM TV, Honda Scoopy I and the Cha-Am Municipality, have already planned to facilitate and provide safety to all visitors at the event, who are expected to reach 100,000 in number. Not only does this event entertain all visitors in Cha-Am but it also boosts the city’s image as the biggest venue for music festivals on the beach of Thailand. So, music aficionados, brace yourselves for the great fun and enjoyment at the upcoming Reggae on the Rock 3.

เร็กเก้ ออน เดอะ ร็อค 3

เทศกาลดนตรีรมิ ทะเลสุดยิง่ ใหญ่แห่งปี

๓ กันยายนนี้ เตรียมมันส์อกี ครัง้ กับเทศกาลดนตรีรมิ ทะเลชะอ�ำ เร็กเก้ ออน เดอะ ร็อค ครัง้ ที่ ๓ พบกับ ๑๘ ศิลปินแนวเร็กเก้สกา และร็อค ชัน้ น�ำของเมืองไทย อัดแน่นเต็มเวที เทีย่ งวันยันเทีย่ งคืน ณ ริม ชายหาดชะอ�ำฝัง่ เหนือ จีเอ็มเอ็ม ทีวี ร่วมกับ รถจักรยานยนต์ฮอนด้า สกูป๊ ปี้ ไอ และ เทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำ เตรียมจัดเทศกาลดนตรีรมิ ทะเลสุดยิง่ ใหญ่แห่งปี ณ ชายหาดชะอ�ำฝัง่ เหนือ วันเสาร์ที่ ๓ กันยายน ๒๕๕๔ ตัง้ แต่เวลา ๑๒.๐๐ น.จนถึงเวลา ๒๔.๐๐ น. ภายใต้ชอื่ งาน Honda Scoopy i Reggae on The Rock 3 ภายใต้แนวคิด Discover your fun ชีวติ สนุกถ้า ไม่หยุดค้นหา โดยเป็นการรวมศิลปินแนวหน้าของเมืองไทย ทัง้ เร็กเก้ สกา และร็อค จ�ำนวน ๑๘ วง เล่นให้ความสนุกสานบันเทิงกับผูร้ ว่ มงาน อย่างต่อเนือ่ ง ประกอบด้วย ประกอบด้วย Moderndog, T-BONE, The Richman Toy, Ten to Twelve, The Super Glasses, Scrubb, Teddy Ska Band, Klear, 25 hours, Jofax, Deep O Sea, The Mousses, The Bottom Blue, ติก๊ ชิโร่, จุย๋ จุยส์, ทะโมน, The Jukks, จีน กษิดศิ หลังจากทีม่ กี ารจัดงานเทศกาลดนตรีรมิ ทะเลชะอ�ำ เร็กเก้ ออน เดอะ ร็อค มา ๒ ครัง้ ได้รบั เสียงตอบรับจากกลุม่ วัยรุน่ ให้ความ สนใจเข้าร่วมงานเป็นแสนคน ท�ำให้บรรยากาศชายหาดในช่วงทีจ่ ดั งาน คึกคัก มีสสี นั ส�ำหรับในการจัดงานครัง้ นี้ ฝ่ายผูจ้ ดั ได้วางแผนเตรียม ความพร้อมเพือ่ อ�ำนวยความสะดวกและรองรับผูท้ จี่ ะเดินทางเข้ามา ร่วมงานเรือนแสนคน โดยเฉพาะในเรือ่ งของการจราจร การรักษาความ ปลอดภัย ซึง่ คาดว่าจ�ำนวนผูร้ ว่ มงานในปีนคี้ งไม่ตำ�่ กว่าปีทผี่ า่ นมา แน่นอน ทัง้ นี้ เพือ่ ความสุข ความสนุกสนานของผูร้ ว่ มงาน และเพือ่ ตอกย�ำ้ ให้เมืองชะอ�ำเป็นศูนย์กลางของเทศกาลดนตรีรมิ ทะเลทีย่ งิ่ ใหญ่ ทีส่ ดุ ของเมืองไทย อย่าลืม ๓ กันยายนนี้ สนุกสุดมันส์เทีย่ งวันยังเทีย่ งคืนกับ เร็ก เก้ ออน เดอะ ร็อค ครัง้ ที่ ๓ ได้ที่ ชายหาดชะอ�ำฝัง่ เหนือ

B 42


Cha-Am Tour on a Bike: Love at First RideBy Sorravit


ow visitors can admire interesting and beautiful natural and cultural tourist attractions of Cha-Am by a bicycle. Just one ride from Cha-Am beaches to Cha-Am local communities, one can experience longcherished tradition, local lifestyle and culture hardly found elsewhere.

participants riding a bicycle across the beach to the western part of the city where the Cha-Am Municipal Fresh Market is located. Then, they will visit the Cha-Am Community to pay respect to Chao Poh Khao Yai – the highly revered god for local people there. Afterwards, the participants will visit Wat Cha-Am Khiri Buddhist Temple, an oldest Buddhist monastery in Cha-Am which has very long Naga-shaped stairs leading up to a cave. Inside the cave, visitors can pay respect to a Buddha image made of sand stone and admire Cha-Am in breathtaking panoramic views. Next, the participants will visit ChaAm Child Care Center, a unique bridge over a canal by the Wat Cha-Am and the Takian goddess shrine. The trip back to the Cha-Am beach passes a big reservoir, verdant paddy fields and old windmills.

A widely known beachfront city of Thailand, Cha-Am welcomes over a million of Thai and foreign visitors every year. Foreigners in particular like to have long stay in Cha-Am because, apart from beautiful sandy beaches, the city boasts old yet unique and charming local communities awaiting ones to learn more on their history. The Cha-Am community, for instance, which is one of the oldest villages of Cha-Am, still retains one-of-a-kind local lifestyle of its people including their strong belief on Buddhism and traditional paddy farming. Even though the program takes only half a The Cha-Am Tour on a Bike is an activity day, tourists will fully enjoy various activities that enables participants to experience local they will never forget with professional tour lifestyle in Cha-Am in a very relaxing way. guides. Now open for everyone, the Cha-Am Starting at 8 a.m. and finishing at 12.30 Tour on a Bike can be booked with khun Pina p.m., the tour, taking 12 kms., will see the at tel. 081 432 6616.

Volume 3 issue 1 September 2011

จักรยานทัวร์...ชะอ�ำ เมืองทะเลส�ำราญ


จากชายหาดชะอ�ำอันเลือ่ งชือ่ แล้ว ภายในเมือง ชะอ�ำยังมีสถานที่น่าสนใจในเชิงธรรมชาติและ วัฒนธรรมให้นกั ท่องเทีย่ วได้สมั ผัส ซึง่ นักท่องเทีย่ วทีม่ าพักอยู่ ชายหาดเพียงปัน่ จักรยานข้ามมาฝัง่ หมูบ่ า้ นชะอ�ำก็จะได้พบกับ วิถชี วี ติ ชุมชน วัฒนธรรมพืน้ บ้าน ประเพณีความเชือ่ และ ทิวทัศน์ทอ้ งทุง่ น่าอันงดงาม จากการที่ชะอ�ำเป็นเมืองท่องเที่ยวชายทะเลที่มีชื่อ เสียงเป็นทีร่ จู้ กั ระดับโลก ท�ำให้แต่ละปีมนี กั ท่องเทีย่ วทัง้ ชาว ไทยและชาวต่างชาติเดินทางเข้ามาท่องเทีย่ วพักผ่อนหลายล้าน คน โดยเฉพาะชาวต่างชาติ ทีน่ ยิ มเข้ามาพ�ำนักในเมืองชะอ�ำ เป็นเวลานานๆ แต่ดว้ ยความทีช่ ะอ�ำเป็นชุมชนเก่า จึงมี เอกลักษณ์และมนต์เสน่หห์ ลายอย่างนอกเหนือจากชายหาด ทีค่ อยต้อนรับนักท่องเทีย่ วเข้าไปสัมผัส เรียนรู้ โดยเฉพาะ บริเวณหมูบ่ า้ นชะอ�ำ ซึง่ เป็นชุมชนเก่าแก่ดงั้ เดิมของเมืองชะอ�ำ ทีย่ งั คงด�ำรงกลิน่ ไอของวิถชี วี ติ ชาวนา ความเชือ่ ทางพุทธ ศาสนาและสิง่ ศักดิส์ ทิ ธิ์ จักรยานทัวร์ชะอ�ำ จึงเป็นอีกกิจกรรมหนึง่ ทีจ่ ะเป็น ประตูนำ� นักท่องเทีย่ วเข้าไปสัมผัสกับวิถชี วี ติ และธรรมชาติอนั งดงามแบบช้า ๆ เริม่ ตัง้ แต่เวลา ๘.๐๐ น. ถึง ๑๒.๓๐ น. ระยะ

ทางประมาณ ๑๒ กิโลเมตร โดยในช่วงเช้าจะน�ำนักท่องเทีย่ ว ปัน่ จักรยานจากชายหาดชะอ�ำข้ามฝัง่ มาด้านตะวันตกของเมือง ชะอ�ำ ชมตลาดสดเทศบาลเมืองชะอ�ำ ซึง่ เป็นตลาดสดขนาด ใหญ่ทไี่ ด้มาตรฐาน พร้อมด้วยสินค้าทัง้ คาวหวานครบครัน จาก นัน้ เข้าสูห่ มูบ่ า้ นชะอ�ำ หมูบ่ า้ นเก่าแก่คเู่ มืองชะอ�ำ ชมศาลและ นมัสการเจ้าพ่อเขาใหญ่ สิง่ ศักดิส์ ทิ ธิท์ ยี่ ดึ เหนีย่ วจิตใจของชาว ชะอ�ำ ชมวัดชะอ�ำคีรี วัดเก่าแก่คเู่ มืองชะอ�ำทีม่ บี นั ไดนาคขึน้ ไป สู่ถ�้ำเขาวัดชะอ�ำเพื่อนมัสการพระพุทธรูปหินทรายและชม บรรยากาศของหมูบ่ า้ นชะอ�ำในมุมสูง เยีย่ มชมศูนย์เด็กเล็กวัด ชะอ�ำ ชมสะพานข้ามคลองวัดชะอ�ำทีเ่ ป็นเอกลักษณ์ และแวะ พักกราบขอพรศาลเจ้าแม่ตะเคียน จากนัน้ ปัน่ จักรยานวนรอบ สระอ่างชะอ�ำ เพือ่ ชมทิวทัศน์ทอ้ งทุง่ นาอันสวยงาม ชมโรงสี ข้าวเก่า และปัน่ จักรยานกลับไปยังฝัง่ ชายหาดชะอ�ำ กิจกรรมจักรยานทัวร์ชะอ�ำนีใ้ ช้เวลาเพียงครึง่ วัน แต่ นักท่องเทีย่ วจะได้สมั ผัสและสนุกกับประสบการณ์หลากหลาย ภายในเมืองชะอ�ำทีจ่ ะประทับใจไม่รลู้ มื อีกทัง้ ยังเป็นการออ ก�ำลังกายไปในตัว น�ำเทีย่ วด้วยมัคคุเทศก์มอื อาชีพ ซึง่ ขณะนี้ เปิดให้บริการแล้ว โดยนักท่องเทีย่ วทีส่ นใจ สามารถติดต่อได้ที่ คุณพินา หมายเลขโทรศัพท์ ๐๘๑-๔๓๒๖๖๑๖

Suphak Beats 1st Rank for Thailand Jet Ski Championship in Cha-Am The Thailand Jet Ski Championship 2011 was officially ended with Suphak Setthura, from the Flamingo team, winning the first price in the Pro Jet Ski Sport GP category. With the highest score of 15 out of points16 this year, he is expected to qualify for the upcoming world championship. Apart from Suphak, Weeraphong Maneechom, Chok U-thit Molee and Chaowalit Kuacharoon, professional Thai jet skiers, also beat their best records. Presided over by the Gen. Surayuth Chulanont at the opening ceremony on 6 August 2011, the Thailand Jet Ski Championship took place at the lookout at the Cha-Am beaches. This is the 4th and the final trial in which its winner will take part in the world jet ski championship in America. The event was filled with fun and thrill throughout as all jet skiers exerted themselves to the utmost for the championship. Both tourists and local people in Cha-Am showed up to greet and cheer their favorite sportsmen. Veeraphong Maneechom, the winner in 2010, still kept his championship for the second time this year as a professional jet skier, beating a jet ski champion from Japan last year, he showed improved skills at carefully and calmly controlling and speeding his jet ski. That’s why Veeraphong took home a trophy for his Flamingo team with Arthit Wongpinta and Omerd Sari as the 2nd and 3rd runners-up. For the 800-CC professional jet ski on-seat category, Chok U-thit Molee aka ‘Thunderstorm’ won the 1st prize while Pradit Buree from K 45 Maxima and Suthiwas Chaisiriwichien from Motorfield were the 2nd and 3rd runners-up. The legendary jet skier of Thailand Chaowalit Kuacharoon aka ‘Ironman’ won the 1st prize for the 1,600-CC professional jet ski on seat category, beating two well-known Thai jet skiers Nakorn ‘Pern’ Silachai from Monkey Serf

Saranae and Supharat Nilnopparat from Mahidol CRC Paed Riw. The 2nd and 3rd runners-up were Ekchol Kingcharnsilp and Nakorn ‘Pern’ Silachai. Suphak Setthura was the only jet skier for the GP Prosport category to beat the big Flamingo team and won the first prize scoring 15 from 16. Chawalit Kuacharoon from Flamingo and Permpol Therapat from Pusan Nakorn Pathom won the 2nd and 3rd prizes respectively. Following is the list of winners from other categories: • Thanaphan Phangjunan from Singha PTT

(the winner for Semi-Professional 4-Cycle Jet Ski On-Seat); • Thanawin Phakphokhai from Nakorn Pathom Racing (the winner for Semi-Professional 1,300 CC 2-Cycle Jet Ski On-Seat); • Supaluck Nilnopparat from Mahidol CRC Paed Riw (the winner for Semi-Professional 1,600 CC Jet Ski On-Seat); • Atthaphol Khunsa from PTT Power R (the winner for Semi-Professional Jet Ski On-Stand); • Omerd Sari from Flamingo (the winner for Semi-Professional Jet Skier On-Stand of over 40 Years Old);

• U-dom Phongphrae from Nakorn Pathom Racing (the winner for Semi-Professional Female Jet Skier On-Stand); • Orapam Thiraphatphanit from Pusan Nakorn Pathom (the winner for Semi-Professional Free Style); • Weeraphong Maneechom from Flamingo (the winner of Amateur 1,600 CC Jet Ski OnSeat); • Atthaphol Khunsa from PTT Power R (the winner of Amateur 800 CC 2-Cycle Jet Ski OnStand); • Thasawanont Phuekphong from Flamingo Jet Ski (the winner of Beginner 800 CC 2-Cycle Jet Ski On-Stand); and • Thasphong Saeng U-thai from Fifty Nine Racing (the winners of Beginner 800 CC 2-Cycle Jet Ski On-Stand and Below 13-YearOld Jet Skier Racing) Giving closing remarks for this event, Mr. Chomporn Saengmanee, Deputy Governor of Phetchaburi, said that the province was wellequipped in all aspects, especially tourism. Holding the Jet Ski championship this year manifests the strength of Phetchaburi on organizing a big sport event to promote tourism in the province and in Cha-Am. Promoting tourism in Cha-Am is a major task of the Cha-Am Municipality. In doing so, local people here will earn more from their business. The Thailand Jet Ski Championship is an event which plays a key role on using sport to promote tourism in the city, concluded the Cha-Am Mayor Mr. Nukul Pornsomboonsiri. Captions T300 Chawalit Kuacharoon winning the race. 52 Suphak Setthura, the star for the upcoming world jet ski championship this year. T6 Weeraphong Maneechom fiercely beating other jet skiers for the amateur prize.


Volume 3 issue 1 September 2011


Hua Hin Resort & Spa Cares for Environment


ua Hin, August, 2011 – Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa led by Mr. Sitthirat Hothongkam, Executive Assistant Manager was delighted with the “Global Green Certificate” from Kimberly Clark Thailand Co. Ltd. showing that the hotel has committed to save the environment by using all environment friendly products assured by Thailand Environment Institute. These products are helped to reduce the pollution, water consumption, electricity consumption also hotel has encouraged all associates, guests and the community to learn and participate in protecting the environment.

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Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa Wins Gold Standard For

Smoke Free Hotel in Thailand 2011


heraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa received the Smoke Free Hotel in Thailand 2011 in “Gold Standard” currently, only 20 per cent of the total number of hotel rooms are smoke. Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa continues to make steady progress in its smoke-free campaign as well as increasing number of well-informed customers and hotel guests worldwide consciously make healthier lifestyle choices, have introduced legislation to curb smoking in public areas in an attempt to reduce health risks associates with exposure to second-hand smoke. The Smoke-Free Hotel Programme, initiated by the Green Leaf Foundation with the support of the Action on Thai Health Promotion Foundation, raises the bar on environmental as well as service quality and charts a new course for the Thai hospitality industry. The Green Leaf Foundation Hotel SmokeFree Programme aims to increase the ratio of rooms designated smoke-free accommodation. The Green Leaf Foundation Smoke-Free Hotel standards are divided into three categories – Basic, Silver and Gold. To be eligible for standards in the Smoke-Free Hotel Programme, a hotel applicant must first meet the basic qualifying criteria. These are:

available, have over 75 per cent non-smoking staff and meet health-related criteria as specified will meet the Silver Standard. They will be presented with a certificate with a silver star. Gold Standard Smoke-Free Hotels To be awarded the Gold Standard and be presented with a certificate with a silver star, a participating hotel or (or resort) property needs to offer over 75 per cent smoke-free accommodation and over 85 per cent or

more of its staff must be non-smokers. It also needs to meet other health-related criteria as specified.

Participants in the Smoke-Free Hotel Programme will enjoy greater visibility. The list of participating hotels and resorts will be widely publicised and promoted throughout Silver Standard Smoke-Free Hotels Thailand and in over 30 countries around Seen picture from left: Dr. Roongroch Seeluangsawat, President, Hua Hin / Cha –Am Tourism Participating hotel (or resort) properties the world, particularly in the key markets for Association and Mr. Sitthirat Hothongkam, Executive Assistance Manager, Sheraton Hua Hin offering between 65 to 75 per cent smoke- visitor arrivals to Thailand. Resort & Spa. free accommodation out of the total rooms

Cha-Am Today Language Corner Welcome to the latest edition of Language Corner, the easy to understand guide to speaking conversational Thai. Every day we probably use phrases such as ‘Can I have……….?’ Or ‘Would you like……….?’ In this month’s issue, we are going to learn about asking and offering, how to say these phrases in Thai in a very simple way. This includes asking something for someone. Asking Basic form: Kor……………..….noi (krap/ka). Example: Kor naam-som noi krap.

Can I have………….? Can I have some orange juice?

Asking something for someone: Kor………………hai kun……….noi (krap/ka). Can you give………to…………? Example: Kor chaa-ron hai kun Joe noi ka. Can you give Joe some hot tea? Politer form: Kor………………..noi dai mai (krap/ka). Can I have………….please? Example: Kor gaa-fair noi dai mai ka. Can I have some coffee please? Kor bpaak-gaa hai kun John noi dai mai ka? Can you give John a pen please? Offering Aao…………………….mai (krap/ka) Example: aao naam-bplaao mai ka.

Would you like……………? Would you like some water?

In the next edition, we will learn what to say when you want to do something or go somewhere and to invite other people. Language Corner is brought to you by Insight English Language School. For Thai and English classes, contact 032-470 681 or For on-line study visit For inquiry about Thai language, please email

Khun Jantira Kijsoncheep HR Manager and associates of The Hotel Cha Am held community service activity which was also co-organized with directors of Baan Bangket school and Boorai school to clean the temple, Wat Baantha. 40 people included students, teachers and hotel staff joined this event on Sat. 22 August 2011.

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Volume 3 issue 1 September 2011

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