Hua Hin Today September 2012

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Hua Hin Today


Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012

Volume 9 Issue 11 September 2012

11th Anniversary of

The Elephant Polo Tournament


he highly popular King´s Cup Elephant Polo tournament will be held in Hua Hin from September 12th until September 16th where spectators and schickimicki can see and be seen with international royalty, celebrities, jet setters and stars……continued on page 33

...Continued on page 21...



Black Lotus Resort - Brunch Party – Saturday September 2 starting at

11:00 – Buffet – Live Music –THB 990.- Call 081 943 1632 - 081 943 1732 for more information and reservations ......continued on page 21.....

Luxury Mall in Hua Hin

According to press information from Bangkok, Siam Paragon and Partners will be building a luxury Mall on Petschkasem road across from The Intercontinental Hotel. The Mall will be started soon and will also feature a Crown Plaza Hotel. Further details were not revealed as HHT went to the printer.

Tesco Lotus opens a new supermarket in Hua Hin

Tesco lotus opened an additional Supermarket on Friday August 24 on Petschkasem road opposite the Centennial Park

Big C planning a Supermarket Mall coming soon

Big C organization has cleared the land opposite the Hua Hin Hospital in Hua Hin to build a Supermarket Mall similar to the one in Petchaburi. This information came from undisclosed informers without

Marathon & Triathlon Championships Thailand Bangkok Post 10 Km International Run - August 19 - Winner : Husien nd rd Mohammed Temam/ Ethiopia – 2 . Kipruto Rotich/ Kenia – 3 Chaiyut Boonma / Thailand

Hua Hin Triathlon - Winner

Simon Agoston/ 2nd Jaray Jearanai – 3rd Erik Bohm


Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012


Hua Hin Today



nyone went to the Glamour Havana Night party at the Hilton ? The Hua Hin Event Entertainment. It was absolutely fabulous with celebrities all over the place, Miss Universe; Natalie, Miss Thailand Khun Ning, you name it, they were all there . Can´t remember having such an event in Hua Hin before and it didn´t end there. The next day there was a Brunch at the Black Lotus Resort with all the Glamour of the night before. Black Lotus intends to have a Glamour Brunch regularly where you can see and be seen. High So stuff my dear readers and yours truly had one opportunity to announce Miss Universe to the glittering crowd. She is such a nice person with a refreshing personality. HHT will be reporting on the event in this issue. We all get what we deserve in one way or the other, somehow, sometime and in some way. It need not be bad or good, just what we deserve. It all comes and goes around, the good, the bad and the ugly, the bastards in our lives and our loved ones. Cherish what you´ve got my friend. It does not come back, neither the Euro. Balancing the Euro reminds me of a circus act where the clowns are down on the ground, having taken care nothing happens to them and up in the air is the Euro tight rope walker – holding a long stick with a weight at each end preventing the artist from dropping down but keeping the balance between growth and devaluation. Angela and Hollande sitting in the crowd holding hands out of anxiety, whilst the rest of the crowd consisting of German, Dutch and French taxpayers hoping for the best. Some of my American friends pis..d me off the other day with their never ending soap opera on B. Obama. So h is a Muslim, and so what ? The first amendment of the US constitution states that all Americans are equal and have equal rights regardless of race, colour and creed. This means that JFK being a Roman Catholic,

Reagan a Presbyterian, the Bushes, whatever they believed in, Mitt Romney as a Mormon and even Denzel Washington whose name is closely related to the first president of the US, have the right to become president if they are elected. If you don’t want the guy, don’t elect him ! We thought Helmuth Kohl and Mitterand were the greatest, only to find out that they manipulated national household figures of “potential” members of the Eurozone in order to create it. Now we are paying for it. Not only did it get private investors in trouble watching as their savings diminished, but moreover, here in Thailand those receiving their retirement and not being able to come up with the required capital to stay in Thailand on an O visa ! Bolt bolted it again, almost faster than sound and Phelps out swam a dolphin at the Olympic games. Great games, peaceful and nevertheless some, again tried it with doping. The American coach could not believe his eyes when Ye Shiwen out-swam his so carefully trained ladies. He promptly protested and accused her of taking not allowed drugs. The protest failed. We gotta accept that China is a great big country with almost endless talents within their 1.5 billion population against 315 million in the US.

church and Synagogue was overrun with pesky squirrels. One day, the Presbyterian Church called a meeting to decide what to do about the squirrels. After much prayer and consideration they determined that the squirrels were predestined to be there and they shouldn’t interfere with God’s divine will. In The BAPTIST CHURCH the squirrels had taken up habitation in the baptistery. The deacons met and decided to put a cover on the baptistery and drown the squirrels in it. The squirrels escaped somehow and there were twice as many there the next week. The Methodist Church got together and decided that they were not in a position to harm any of God’s creation.

So, they humanely trapped the Squirrels and set them free a few miles outside of town. Three days later, the squirrels were back. But -- The Catholic Church came up with the best and most effective solution. They baptized the squirrels and registered them as members of the professional and an international stage of church. Now they only see them on Christmas, performers of which some played with Miles Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday and Easter. Davis. Other greats of the Jazz scene have been approached! My filler joke of the day : Not much was heard about the Jewish There were five houses of religion in a small Synagogue, but they took one squirrel and had town: The Presbyterian Church, The Baptist a short service with him called circumcision Did you hear about the super mall coming to Church, The Methodist Church, The Catholic and they haven’t seen a squirrel on the property town? Apparently Siam Paragon with a still Church and The Jewish Synagogue. Each since. Yours Truly GMoss. undisclosed partner will build a Mall with a Crown Plaza hotel on it, just opposite the Intercontinental Hotel. Among others, Tesco Lotus opening on Petschkasem Road going south after the Fly over opposite the Centennial Park and Big C will build opposite the Hua Hin Hospital ( rumors say). As Xmas approaches and as the so stubbornly announced Hua Hin Jazz festival did not take place this year, some Jazz professionals, in close cooperation with private investors are looking at doing an international Jazz event in Hua Hin towards the end of the year. I have seen the line up, media plan and events planning. Wow, highly

Hua Hin Today



TAT Prachuap Director Pinnart promoted to a foreign assignment

he Director of Tourism Authority of Thailand’s Prachuap Khirikhan Office Mrs. Pinnart Chareonphol revaled her thoughts about past work at the TAT in Prachuap before taking a new position outside Thailand. She said she would be more than happy to help tourism of the country by encouraging foreigners to visit here and stay in Hua Hin and Prachuap Khirikhan. Mrs. Pinnart said that, for over 4 years in which she had served the TAT in Prachuap, there was a lot of hard work and problems, especially when she started working. Most of the problems were concerned about the location of the TAT’s local office in the province. However, after the office was moved to Hua Hin, all the work was carried out smoothly. The TAT’s Prachuap Director added that most of the work concerned events, road shows, traditional and local cultural festivals, welcoming tourism business entrepreneurs, tourism promotion inside and outside Thailand as well as problem solving meetings with governmental sectors. She admitted that tourist attractions in Prachuap Khirikhan and Hua Hin, especially archeological sites, natural parks as well as man-made attractions like Hua Hin Floating Market were highly admired by foreigners and Thai visitors because of their unique identity and distinctive feature: ‘One Stop Services’. This concept focuses on complete choices that a tourist attraction caters to serve the need of tourists so that they do not have to go to any other places. Mrs. Pinnart informed that she was going to work for the TAT’s office in Khun Ming in upcoming October in China where other 5 TAT’s offices were scattering, such as in Beijing and Shanghai. Her first project there is entitled, “The Romance in Royal Paradise Thailand” in which 999 Chinese newly wedded are invited to honeymoon in Phetchaburi and Prachuap Khirikhan. The first 100 couples will come here at the end of October after she goes to work there. So, hoteliers in both areas should prepare accommodations for them under this project. Other

Chinese couples will continue coming here until the end of this year. Then, there will be a lot of other tourism promotion activities to come up. Mrs. Pinnart said that, although around 1.7 million Chinese visitors came to Thailand each year, most of them stayed in Bangkok, Phuket, Krabi, Pang Nga and Koh Samui because there were chartered flights that flied them directly from their location to those places without any transit at Suvannabhumi International Airport. According to the Prime Minister Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra, by the end of 2012, up to 2.2 million Chinese tourists should have visited Thailand. She even thinks of opening one more TAT office in Guangzhou. The Association of Tourism Business Entrepreneurs in Hua Hin and Cha-Am has recently organized a farewell banquet to Mrs. Pinnart and the Deputy Director Mr. Charnyuth Sawetsuwan who is also taking a new post at TAT’s office in India.

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012

เปิดใจ ... ผูอ้ ำ� นวยการการท่องเทีย่ วแห่งประเทศไทย จ.ประจวบฯ ก่อนอ�ำลา-อาลัย

ผูอ้ ำ� นวยการการท่องเทีย่ วแห่งประเทศไทย ส�ำนักงานประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ และรองฯ กล่าวเปิดใจก่อนอ�ำลา-อาลัย สู่ ต�ำแหน่งในต่างประเทศ และพร้อมทีจ่ ะผลักดันและชักจูงให้ตา่ งชาติเข้ามาในประเทศไทยและเมืองหัวหิน-ประจวบฯ สมาคม ธุรกิจการท่องเทีย่ วหัวหินฯ จัดเลีย้ งส่งด้วยรักและอาลัย จากเปิดเผยของ นายปิน่ นาถ เจริญผล ผูอ้ ำ� นวยการ ททท.สนง.ประ จวบฯ ว่าได้มารับต�ำแหน่งผูอ้ ำ� นวยการฯ 4 ปีเศษ ซึง่ ในช่วงทีม่ าใหม่ๆ นัน้ ก็ยอมรับว่าเจอปัญหาและอุปสรรคมากมาย ทัง้ สถาน ทีต่ งั้ ของทีท่ ำ� การ ทัง้ ทีใ่ นตัวเมืองจังหวัดฯ จึงท�ำให้การท�ำหน้าทีห่ นักมาก ครัน้ เมือ่ มีการเปลีย่ นแปลงให้ทที่ ำ� การมาอยูเ่ มืองหัวหิน ซึง่ ก็ทำ� ให้งานทัง้ นอกและในเดินหน้าไปได้ดว้ ยดี มีทงั้ งานอีเว้นท์ งานโรวโชว์ งานกิจกรรมประเพณีทอ้ งถิน่ งานให้การต้อนรับ คณะผูป้ ระกอบการท่องเทีย่ ว งานส่งเสริมภายในและต่างประเทศ รวมทัง้ การประชุมร่วมในการดูแลแก้ปญ ั หาต่างๆ ร่วมกับภาค รัฐ ฯลฯ ซึง่ แหล่งท่องเทีย่ วของ จ.ประจวบฯ โดยเฉพาะเมืองหัวหินและทีอ่ น่ื ๆ นัน้ ก็ยอมรับเลยว่าสถานทีท่ างธรรมชาติ โบราณ สถาน แหล่งท่องเทีย่ วทีส่ ร้างขึน้ มาอย่าง “ตลาดน�ำ้ ” กิจกรรมวัฒนธรรมประเพณี ฯลฯ ดีมาก เนือ่ งจากเมือ่ นักท่องเทีย่ วทีม่ า ทัง้ ไทยและต่างชาติเขาก็ได้เทีย่ วแบบครบวงจรหรือทีเ่ รียกกันว่า “One Stop Serves” เพราะฉะนัน้ แล้วขอให้ชว่ ยกันดูแลรักษา ความเป็น “อัตลักษณ์” นีเ้ อาไว้ นางปิน่ นาถฯ ยังกล่าวอีกว่า ส�ำหรับในส่วนของสาธารณรับประชาชนจีนนัน้ ส�ำนักงานการท่องเทีย่ วของไทยเราก็มอี ยู่ ทัง้ หมด 5 แห่ง ทีใ่ หญ่ๆ นัน้ ก็มที ี่ ปักกิง่ เซีย่ งไฮ้ ฯลฯ ส่วนตนเองนัน้ จะไปประจ�ำอยูท่ ี่ คุนหมิง ซึง่ เป็นส่วนใต้ของประเทศทีอ่ ยู่ เหนือประเทศไทย โดยจะเดินทางไปในต้นเดือนตุลาคมนี้ ซึง่ โปรเจคโครงการแรกทีจ่ ะท�ำก็คอื “ดิโรเม้นท์ อิน รอยัล พาราไดซ์ ไทยแลนด์” โดยจะคัดเลือกสรรหาหนุม่ สาวชาวจีนทีแ่ ต่งงานใหม่จำ� นวน 999 คู่ ให้เดินทางมา “ฮันนีมนู ” ภายในพืน้ ที่ จ.เพชรบุรี และประจวบฯ โดยปลายเดือนตุลาคมหลังจากรับต�ำแหน่งแล้ว 100 คูแ่ รกก็จะพากหันเหินฟ้ามาทันที เพราะฉะนัน้ แล้วก็ขอให้ กลุม่ ผูป้ ระกอบการโรงแรมเตรียมการน�ำเสนอทีพ่ กั ให้ทางการท่องเทีย่ วได้รบั ทราบต่อจากนัน้ ก็จะทยอยกันมาในแต่ละเดือนไป จนถึงสิน้ ปี 2555 หลังจากนัน้ โครงการอืน่ ๆ ก็จะตามมาอีกมากมาย นีค่ อื รูปแบบของการเดินหน้าทางการตลาดท่องเทีย่ วจาก ภายนอกสูภ่ ายใน ซึง่ ก็กอ่ ให้เกิดรายได้ภาพรวมของประเทศและท้องถิน่ ส�ำหรับกรณีทวี่ า่ ขณะนีน้ กั ท่องเทีย่ วชาวจีนทีเ่ ข้ามาไทย ปีหนึง่ ประมาณ 1.7 ล้านคน และจะอยูท่ ี่ กทม. และใกล้เคียง รวมทัง้ จะไปอยูท่ เี่ กาะสมุย ภูเก็ต กระบี่ พังงา ทัง้ นีเ้ นือ่ งจากเขา มี “ชาร์ตเตอร์ไฟท์” นัน้ ก็คอื เทีย่ วบินตรงจากแต่ละมณฑลของเขาโดยไม่ตอ้ งมาลงทีส่ นามบินสุวรรณภูมิ ซึง่ ในปี 2556 นี้ ทาง ฯพณฯ นายกรัฐมนตรีกม็ ดี ำ� ริวา่ จะต้องให้นกั ท่องเทีย่ วชาวจีนเพิม่ ขึน้ มาสูป่ ระเทศไทยให้ได้ถงึ 2.2 ล้านคน โดยจะเปิดส�ำนักงาน การท่องเทีย่ วเพิม่ ขึน้ อีกแห่งหนึง่ คือ กวางโจว ซึง่ เมือ่ เป็นเช่นนีม้ นั ก็จะท�ำให้เม็ดเงินรายได้เข้าสูป่ ระเทศในภาพรวมสูงสุดถึงสอง ล้านล้านบาท ส่วนการทีท่ างสมาคมธุรกิจการท่องเทีย่ วหัวหิน/ชะอ�ำ ได้จดั เลีย้ งส่งตนเองและคุณชาญยุทธ เศวตสุวรรณ์ รอง ผอ. ทีจ่ ะเดินทางไปรับต�ำแหน่งทีป่ ระเทศอินเดียนัน้ ก็ตอ้ งขอขอบคุณในไมตรีจติ ทีม่ ใี ห้เราชาวการท่องเทีย่ วค่ะ

Support & Development needed for Hua Hin Sport Activities


he Singha Sport Development of Hua Hin, the sport club model that produces and promotes the right young sportsmen for the right goal, is now calling for local administrators to systemize sport activities and sport science in Hua Hin.

According to Mr. Amnart Pinkaew, the manager of the Singha Sport Development of Hua Hin, the club is celebrating its 4th anniversary this year thanks to continuous support by the senior managing director of Boon Rawd Co. Ltd. Mr. Santi Bhirombhakdi and the professional golfer Mr. Prayat Maksaeng who is also a Hua Hin native. Both of them are taking care of 22 male and female young golfers, 2 of whom are going to national and international golf tournaments.

practice golfing with self-discipline. However, some young golfers lack such characteristic due to their self-indulgence and some parents who seem to pamper their kids too much. “Mr. Santi founded the golf club because he’d like Hua Hin to have more new golfers who undergo proper training that leads them to become the professional with international standard,” said Mr. Amnart. “Since Hua Hin is like his 2nd home, Mr. Santi only wants the city to be famous as a sport hub of Thailand, not for his own benefit.”

Mr. Amnart added that sport development in Hua Hin, whether for football, tennis, badminton, takraw and basketball, was done without any exact plan. As a result, sponsorship for each sport Mr. Amnart said that the club was responsible event is not permanent and there is yet no aim to for training youth golfers who have elementary create international sportsmen. golfing skills. The training, provided by Mr. Amnart then suggested that each sport club professional volunteer golfers from Boon Rawd, in Hua Hin should follow the way the Singha aims to produce more young golfers for various Sport Development of Hua Hin did by setting tournaments all year round. Each year, it costs up a club supported by another institution or over 1 million Baht but it is worthwhile because, association and organizing a sport competition at when any young golfers are enlisted for a community and provincial levels. Moreover, Hua national tournament, the Sport Division of Boon Hin Municipality should play a key role in setting Rawd will give them further training so that they up a sport science center for sportsmen of all become professional golfers later. categories. Those actions with more practical and

The members of the Club need to observe the concrete goals will help improve sport activities rules and regulations strictly. They also have to in Hua Hin. By Chamnan


Hua Hin Municipality Sponsors Football Team

ith open arms, executives of Hua Hin Municipality gave full support for Hua Hin City, aka White Sailing Boat, the local football team of Hua Hin, and planned to make it as famous as the city itself.Senior Advisor to Hua Hin Mayor Mr. Siraphan Klompramot has lately announced that the municipal executives, led by the Mayor Mr. Nopporn Wutthikul, already accepted Hua Hin City under their support after the team won provincial football matches several times. Recently, it has upgraded itself by winning the B-graded trophy after the C-graded one. The football team is composed of 37 members, 4 of whom are coaching staff, 1 a team manager and others local and foreign players.Mr. Siraphan said that, in the near future, he would encourage the team to compete in professional matches, especially the Thai Premier League, because each player enjoys high running speed, particular ones of the defense and the right and left wings from Africa. The ability of those players will make the team as famous as the city itself.Mr. Siriphan added that the municipal executives were

also finding local footballers from local communities in Hua Hin. Anyone with proper ability to play the sport will be asked to join the team. Doing so will improve and upgrade local players while strengthen the teamwork as do other teams from Buriram and Pattaya. Founded for around 1 year under leadership of Lt. Col. Thanakrit Nopphakhunwijai and Col. Chatchai Rienmek, Hua Hin City has Mr. Jarupas Pinkaew as its manager. With both local and African footballers, it has continuously impressed both its leaders and audiences the same as the Brazilian football team usually does in terms of physical strength and tactics. Under current full support of Hua Hin Municipality and Singha Corporation by Mr. Santi Bhirombhakdi, this football team will certainly make itself and Hua Hin more famous for Thailand’s football.Even though both the team leaders and sponsors already signed an official contract at the Hua Hin Market Village on 2 August 2012, anybody who would like to be a part of the sponsor for this football team is welcome because the Hua Hin City is a football team exclusively for Hua Hin people.

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012


Hua Hin Today


Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012

By Chamnan

Hua Hin Needs Urgent

Environmental & Landscaping Facelift


he Natural Resources Ministry, Hua Hin/ Cha-Am Tourism Business Association and Hua Hin Municipality are now formulating an action plan to facelift the landscape and re-organize the environment in Hua Hin. This plan, which is also expected to serve as a pilot project for further national development, will highlight the city’s true colors upon its implementation. Chairman of Hua Hin/Cha-Am Tourism Business Association Dr. Rungrot Sileungsawas informed that he was formulating the plan with Director of the Bureau of Policy and Strategy on Natural Resources Ms. Ratchawadee Sripraphat and Deputy Hua Hin Mayor Ms. Phailin Kongphan, along with local committee members of Hua Hin. Major implementation will focus on supervising and controlling public infrastructure, namely main roads, lanes, streets, electricity poles, billboards installed in public areas, buildings, business buildings, hotels, guesthouses, natural parks, archeological sites and new buildings under construction, according to laws and municipal acts of Hua Hin. This plan also aims to foster long-standing local identity of Hua Hin people through many kinds of traditional culture well-known in the city, such as classical Thai dance, contemporary costumes during the period of Than Chai Pot and Prisana – the 2 main characters in famous Thai novel ‘Prisana’ – and traditional cuisines made 50 years ago. In addition, some plants which used to be common in Hua Hin should be grown in public areas and around houses and hotels to indicate that the city has had its own trees from the past to the present. “We have to bring back the past identity of Hua Hin because we’d like our younger generation to realize our status and encourage them to work actively on taking care of the city and developing it. More importantly, such identity is an added value on tourism among foreigners because, when they visit Hua Hin,

they’ll experience the past through local people and existing places, activities and culture. With cooperation of local communities in the city, we’ll maintain our roots for the next generation,” said Dr. Rungrot. Director of the Bureau of Policy and Strategy on Natural Resources Ms. Ratchawadee Sripraphat added that some major cities of Thailand like Phuket could not retain their old classic charm when new building and hotels were mushrooming. Lifestyle of local people there is changing, resulting in disappearing true identity. Therefore, Hua Hin may be inevitably changed the same as Phuket and Pattaya unless public and private administrations play a key role in retaining its identity. That is why the Natural Resources Ministry is working with local authorities in Hua Hin to formulate this action plan that integrates practical implementation with laws, municipal acts and public awareness. Upon a presentation of Hua Hin’s physical plan, the committee resolved to use a ‘zoning’ model to reorganize the city. To maintain and improve old buildings, houses, archeological sites, especially local communities by the sea, regulations need to be created to preserve them as a world heritage in the future. “In August, the Ministry of Natural Resources will make a 10-minute clip and copy it in CDs. This clip will talk about environmental conservation, reforestation, maintenance of old houses and archeological sites and fostering local tradition and culture. The CD will be given to Hua Hin people, schools and communities to encourage legal and behavioral cooperation,” said Ms. Ratchawadee. Within this year, the action plan will be completed in terms of its strategies, policy implementation and budget allocation. Then, in 2013, Prachuap Khirikhan Provincial Office, Hua Hin Municipality and concerned governmental agencies will carry out activities mentioned in the plan.

Stricter Laws for Entertainment Venues

By Chamnan

Bars and Establishments under scrutiny


ua Hin District Chief Mr. Pornchai Thomkrachang, Hua Hin Mayor Mr. Noppon Wutthikul and Superintendent of Hua Hin Police Office Pol. Col. Damrongsak Thong-Ngamtrakul have recently issued 9 social order regulations to control entertainment venues in Hua Hin and deal with problems affecting the urban society. These regulations will be included in a Memorandum of Understanding to be signed by owners of entertainment venues of the city. Around 500 entertainment venues that need to sign the MOU include bars, beer gardens, café, karaoke bars and restaurants in Hua Hin where live music is performed nightly. The major subject matters of the MOU are: 1.Legal acts will control each of the entertainment venues; 2.Children under 20 years of age are allowed to enter entertainment venues; 3. Entertainment venues must strictly prohibit drunken customers to enter their place; 4.Illicit drugs must not be sold, bought and taken in all entertainment venues; 5. Weapons of any kinds are strictly prohibited in entertainment venues; 6.Stewardesses or hostesses who work at entertainment venues are strictly prohibited to perform any obscene show; 7.Owners should take care of their entertainment venue and must not make loud noise or let out smell of food or toxic smoke out to its neighborhood; 8.Opening and closing hours should follow the law 9.Entertainment venues should take care of their staff and, if any of their staff involve in a legal case, their owner have to be responsible for it, too. Lately, two copies of the regulations have been signed by the entertainment venue

owners in Hua Hin and Hua Hin Mayor and Superintendent of Hua Hin Police Office. Both parties will keep one copy with them. A random check at entertainment venues will be conducted regularly and violation against the MOU will result in legal persecution because this MOU is a legal and behavioral agreement made by both parties. The Superintendent of Hua Hin Police Office added that such social order imposed to the entertainment venues in Hua Hin would maintain the city’s image in terms of natural tourism attraction. Unlike Pattaya where bars, beer gardens and go-go bars are common, Hua Hin prefers more peaceful and gentile atmosphere. Any entertainment venues that have any of the 9 problems above and need help from public authorities can contact them at any time. Realizing the problems but refraining from informing them to the authorities will be considered doing an offence intentionally. Bars and other establishments breaking above laws will be severely prosecuted and heavily fined.

ร่างแผนปฏิบตั กิ ารจัดท�ำสิง่ แวดล้อมภูมทิ ศั น์ของหัวหิน

กระทรวงทรัพยากรฯ สมาคมธุรกิจการท่องเทีย่ วหัวหินฯ เทศบาลเมืองหัวหินร่วมกันจดท�ำแผนปฏิบตั กิ ารจัดระเบียบสิง่ แวดล้อมภูมทิ ศั น์ อัตลักษณ์ตวั ตนของเมืองหัวหิน หวังสร้างให้เป็นแบบอย่างน�ำร่องแก่การพัฒนาในการระดับประเทศ จากการเปิดเผยของ ดร.รุง่ โรจน์ สีเหลืองสวัสดิ์ นายกสมาคมธุรกิจการท่องเทีย่ วหัวหิน/ชะอ�ำ จ.ประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ ว่าได้รว่ ม กันทาง น.ส.รัชวดี ศรีประพัทธ์ ผอ.ส�ำนักนโยบายและแผนทรัพยากรธรรมชาติฯ กระทรวงทรัพยากรฯ น.ส.ไพลิน กองพันธ์ รองนายก เทศมนตรีเมืองหัวหิน รวมทัง้ คณะกรรมการของท้องถิน่ เมืองหัวหิน จัดท�ำ “แผนปฏิบตั กิ ารจัดการสิง่ แวดล้อมภูมทิ ศั น์อตั ลักษณ์ตวั ตน ของเมืองหัวหิน” ขึน้ มา โดยเริม่ ตัง้ แต่สงิ่ สาธารณูปโภคทีเ่ ป็นของภาครัฐในท้องถิน่ อย่าง ถนนสายหลัก ตรอก ซอกซอยต่างๆ สาย ไฟฟ้า-เคเบิล้ ป้ายโฆษณาต่างๆ ทีอ่ ยูใ่ นพืน้ ทีข่ องราชการ ตึก-อาคาร สถานทีป่ ระกอบการ โรงแรม-บ้านพัก ทีเ่ ป็นของภาคเอกชน สถาน ทีแ่ หล่งท่องเทีย่ วทางธรรมชาติ โบราณสถาน การปลูกสร้างอาคารใหม่ในแต่ละเขตพืน้ ที่ ซึง่ ทัง้ หมดนีจ้ ะต้องอยูใ่ นรูปแบบของการดูแล ควบคุมทางสถาปนิก สถาปัตยกรรม ทางข้อกฎหมายและเทศบัญญัตขิ องเทศบาลเมืองหัวหิน และนอกจากนัน้ แล้วก็ยงั จะต้องสร้างอัต ลักษณ์ตวั ตนของผูค้ นทีม่ มี าในอดีตให้มาเป็นปัจจุบนั ทางกายภาพนัน่ ก็คอื วัฒนธรรมประเพณีเกีย่ วกับการละเล่นการแสดงทีเ่ คยมีมา เช่น ผีพงุ่ ไต้ ร�ำวง ฯลฯ การแต่งกายในชุดของท่านชายพจน์-ปริศนา รวมทัง้ อาหารการกินในยุคเก่าๆ อย่าง แกงคัว่ ส้มหน่อไม้ดองกับ ปลาริวกิว ปลาเค็ม-ปลาหมึกแห้ง ขนมหวานทีเ่ คยเกิดขึน้ เมือ่ 50 ปีทผี่ า่ นมา พร้อมกันนีอ้ ตั ลักษณ์ทเี่ ป็นเชิงธรรมชาติกายภาพอย่าง ต้นไม้ทเี่ คยมีอยูแ่ ล้วกับหายไป เช่น ต้นพลับ-ตะโก-แจง-เฟือ่ งฟ้าหางนกยูง ตะแบก ฯลฯ จะต้องกลับมาอยูใ่ นพืน้ ทีส่ าธารณะในพืน้ ที่ อาคารบ้านพัก โรงแรม ฯลฯ ทัง้ นี้ เพือ่ เป็นการบ่งบอกว่าอดีตนัน้ เมืองหัวหินเรามีตน้ ไม้เป็นของตนเองตามสภาพของความเป็นจริงตัง้ แต่ ชายหาดทะเลจนถึงเชิงภูเขา “การทีเ่ ราจะต้องหยิบยกน�ำเอาอัตลักษณ์ตวั ตนของเมืองหัวหินขึน้ มาสูใ่ นยุคสมัยนีน้ นั้ มันก็จะเป็นการบ่ง บอกสถานภาพความเป็นจริงให้อนุชนคนรุน่ หลังๆ ได้เห็น ทัง้ นี้ เพือ่ เป็นการสร้ างจิตวิญญาณให้เกิดขึน้ ในการทีจ่ ะมีสวนร่วมในการดูแล บ้าน พัฒนาเมืองและทีส่ ำ� คัญเป็นการสร้างมูลค่าเพิม่ ให้ กับเมืองทางด้านการท่องเทีย่ วให้กบั ต่างชาติทมี่ าเยือน ได้พบได้เห็นความเก่าแก่ในอดีตผ่าตัวบุคคล สถานที่ กิจกรรม วัฒนธรรมประเพณี โดยมีผคู้ นในพืน้ ทีท่ อ้ งถิน่ แต่ละฝ่ายมาเป็นตัวช่วย ตัวร่วมและเกิดเป็น “รูสท์” รากเหง้า ขึน้ มาสืบต่อไปในอนาคตอีกต่อหนึง่ มิตา่ งอะไร กับตามล่าหาความจริงมาเผยให้ได้เห็น” ดร.รุง่ โรจน์ฯ กล่าว ทางด้านน.ส.รัชวดี ศรีประพัทธ์ ผอ.ส�ำนัก นโยบายและแผนฯ กล่าวว่า ขณะนีเ้ มืองทีส่ ำ� คัญของ ประเทศไทยอย่าง ถลาง ภูเก็ตนัน้ สถาปัตยกรมใหม่ๆ ทางด้านอาคารโรงแรม บ้านพัก ฯลฯ ได้เข้าท�ำลายไป แล้วบางแห่ง รวมทัง้ การด�ำเนินการทางวิถชี วี ติ ของผูค้ นในพืน้ ทีเ่ กิดความเปลีย่ นแปลง ซึง่ ท�ำให้อตั ลักษณ์ตวั ตนทีเ่ คยมาอยูใ่ นอดีตก็ถกู ลบถูกกลืนลงไป นวัตกรรมใหม่ๆ เข้ามาสอดแทรก เพราะฉะนัน้ เมืองหัวหินซึง่ เป็นเมืองเก่าแก่ในอดีตแต่ปจั จุบนั ก็จะถูกปรับเปลีย่ นไป เหมือนๆ กับทีภ่ เู ก็ต และพัทยา ซึง่ ถ้าขืนปล่อยเอาไว้โดยไม่มกี ารเข้ามาดูแลควบคุมโดยอ�ำนาจของรัฐในท้องถิน่ และภาคเอกชนทีเ่ ป็นก ลุม่ อนุรกั ษ์แล้ว ความสูญเสียของอัตลักษณ์ “ตัวตน” มันจะหมดไปโดยไม่มสี งิ่ ใดมาหยุดยัง้ ได้ ทางกระทรวงฯ และส�ำนักนโยบายและ แผนฯ จึงต้องออกมาจัดร้างท�ำแผนในรูปแบบขององค์รวม เพือ่ ให้เกิดแนวทางปฏิบตั ทิ ชี่ ดั เจนโดยมีทงั้ กฎหมาย เทศบัญญัติ จิตส�ำนึก เข้ามาเป็นตัวช่วย เมืองหัวหินนัน้ เมือ่ คณะกรรมการฯ ได้นำ� แผนกายภาพเสนอแล้วก็จะต้องมีการก�ำหนเดรูปแบบ “โซนนิง่ ” ในการที่ จะดูแลพัฒนาทัง้ ของเก่าแก่ทมี่ อี ยู่ เช่น อาคาร บ้านเรือน โบราณสถาน โดยเฉพาะหมูบ่ า้ นชายทะเล ซึง่ อาจจะต้องจัดท�ำระเบียบขึน้ มา เป็นมรดกของโลกก็เป็นได้ “ในเดือนสิงหาคมนีท้ างกระทรวงฯ และกรมฯ ก็จะจัดท�ำสือ่ ละครสัน้ ความยาวประมาณ 10 นาที ลงแผ่น ซีดี ในรูปแบบของการอนุรกั ษ์ดแู ลสิง่ แวดล้อม การปลูกต้นไม้ การดูแลรักษาบ้านโบราณสถานทีเ่ ก่าแก่ การแสดงกิจกรรมทางวัฒนธรรม ประเพณี อาหารการกิน และอืน่ ๆ ให้กบั ชาวเมืองหัวหิน หลังจากก็นนั้ ก็จะจ่ายแจกให้กบั โรงเรียน ผูน้ ำ� ชุมชน ฯลฯ น�ำไปเผยแพร่ให้ได้ ชมกันในรูปแบบของการมีสว่ นร่วมทัง้ ทางพฤตินยั และนิตนิ ยั ” น.ส.รัชวดีฯ กล่าว ส�ำหรับแผนงานจัดท�ำสิง่ แวดล้อมภูมทิ ศั น์ในความเป็นอัตลักษณ์ตวั ตนของเมืองหัวหินนี้ ภายในปี 2555 นีท้ กุ อย่างจะเสร็จ สิน้ ลงทัง้ แผนงาน แผนปฏิบตั ใิ นเชิงนโยบาย การจัดสรรเงินงบประมาณ ซึง่ หลังจากนัน้ แล้ว ก็จะมอบให้ทางจังหวัดประจวบฯ เทศบาล เมืองหัวหิน ส่วนราชการทีเ่ กีย่ วข้องในรูปแบบของความเป็น “เจ้าภาพ” แล้วในปี 2556 นัน้ ทุกๆ อย่างก็จะเป็นองค์ขนึ้ มาให้เกิดการ ปฏิบตั จิ ริงทัง้ ระดับซอฟแวร์ และฮาร์ทแวร์คะ่

OTOP Center to Promote Local Products of Prachuap Kiri Khan


he Prachuap Khirikhan Governor Mr. Weera Sriwattanatrakul has recently chaired a board meeting on setting up of an OTOP (One-Tambon-OneProduct) and good products center of Prachuap Khirikhan and Pranburi. This center will be officially open at the end of September, 2012. Mr. Weera said that the Prachuap Khirikhan Provincial Office had allocated some annual budget under the provincial development plan of 2012. This budget is used to organize an OTOP fair at the OTOP and good products center in Pranburi district to promote local goods and products in Prachuap Khirikhan province for Thai and foreign visitors. The fair also supports small and medium businesspeople to earn more income. The organizers of the event have already discussed on how to use an area belonging to the Infantry Headquarters, the venue where the event takes place regularly, to establish the center. The official opening, scheduled between 24 and 28 September 2012, will feature a big OTOP fair, selling of various kinds of wellknown Prachuap Khirikhan pineapple as well as processed products made from coconut and pineapple by factories in the province. Aiming to promote good quality products of Prachuap Khirikhan for tourists, this event is unmissible for those who would like to know more about locally made products of the province. Both Thais and foreigners are welcome to the OTOP fair and the opening of the OTOP center on the dates mentioned earlier.

นายวีระ ศรีวฒ ั นตระกูล ผูว้ า่ ราชการจังหวัดประจวบ คีรีขันธ์ เป็นประธานการประชุมคณะกรรมการด�ำเนินงาน ศูนย์ OTOP และของดีประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ ปราณบุร ี เพือ่ หารือ การจัดตัง้ ศูนย์ OTOP และของดีประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ ทีจ่ ะเปิด ตัวอย่างเป็นทางการในเดือนกันยายนนี้ ตามทีจ่ งั หวัดประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ได้จดั สรรงบประมาณ ตามแผนพัฒนาจังหวัด ประจ�ำปี 2555 เพือ่ จัดกิจกรรมจัด แสดงและจ�ำหน่ายสินค้า OTOP ทีศ่ นู ย์ OTOP และของดี ประจวบคีรีขันธ์ อ.ปราณบุรี เพื่อเป็นการส่งเสริม และ ประชาสัมพันธ์สนิ ค้า ของดีในจังหวัดประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ให้เป็นที่ รู้จักแพร่หลายไปสู่นักท่องเที่ยว ทั้งชาวไทยและชาวต่างๆ ชาติ ซึ่ ง จะเป็ น อี ก ช่ อ งทางในการน� ำ เงิ น เข้ า สู ่ จั ง หวั ด ประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ อีกทัง้ ยังเป็นการส่งเสริมผูป้ ระกอบการรายย่อย ให้มชี อ่ งทางในการจ�ำหน่ายสินค้าเพิม่ มากขึน้ จึงได้มกี ารหารือ ประเด็นการขอใช้ทดี่ นิ ซึง่ อยูใ่ นความครอบครองของศูนย์การ ทหารราบ การส่ ง เสริ ม ให้ มี ก ารจั ด แสดงและจ� ำ หน่ า ย สินค้า OTOP ภายในศูนย์อย่างต่อเนือ่ ง และเข้มแข็ง ซึง่ ศูนย์ OTOP และของดีประจวบคีรีขันธ์ ปราณบุรี มี ก�ำหนดการเปิดตัวอย่างเป็นทางการ ระหว่างวันที่ 24 – 28 กันยายน 2555 ภายในงานมีการจัดแสดงและจ�ำหน่าย สินค้า OTOP สินค้าวิสาหกิจชุมชน จัดแสดงและจ�ำหน่ายสุด ยอดสับปะรดหลากหลายสายพันธุ ์ รวมถึงสินค้าแปรรูปจาก มะพร้าวและสับปะรดของโรงงานอุตสาหกรรมในจังหวัด ประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์ดว้ ย

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012


In The City


Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012

Hilton Hua Hin Resort & Spa welcome Natalie Glebova (Miss Universe)

Hua Hin, August 22, 2012 - Hilton Hua Hin Resort & Spa led by Mr. Michael Schmitt, General Manager of hotel, recently gave warm welcome to Natalie Glebova (Miss Universe), for the first modeling and fashion show in Glamour Havana Night Party at Hilton Hua Hin Resort & Spa.

Glamour Havana Night Party at Hilton Hua Hin Resort & Spa Mr.Michael Schmitt (GM at

Hilton Hua Hin Resort & Spa ) Khun Ning Kamala (Miss Thailand World) Mr.George & His wife Khun Bell Phawadee (Beautiful black dress) and in the middle Natalie Glebova (Miss Universe)

ลงนามถวายพระพร คุณวีรญา ศรีเพ็ญ ผูต้ รวจการพยาบาล โรงพยาบาลกรุงเทพหัวหิน ตัวแทนผูอ้ ำ� นวยการโรงพยาบาล กรุงเทพหัวหิน พร้อมด้วยพนักงานโรงพยาบาลกรุงเทพหัวหิน ร่วมลงนามถวายพระพร เนือ่ งในวโรกาสมหามงคลเฉลิมพระชนมพรรษา สมเด็จพระนางเจ้าสิรกิ ติ ิ์ พระบรมราชินนี าถ 12 สิงหาคม ณ อาคารอเนกประสงค์วงั ไกลกังวล อ�ำเภอหัวหิน จังหวัดประจวบคีรขี นั ธ์

Sports Day at Putahracsa Hua Hin

The RCRHH meets every Friday

The hardworking team at Putahracsa Hua Hin recently got together for a day of fun and enjoyment at the beach. The yearly sports day, which included football, beach volley ball, thug of war, which were some of the activities taking place, was concluded in the evening with a Beach BBQ.


ugust 3, 2012: Lt. Col. Apichart Arpasilp of the Royal Thai Police addressed members of the Englishspeaking volunteer community service organization, the Rotary Club of Royal Hua Hin (RCRHH). His topic, “Safety and Security in Thailand”, was informative, helpful, entertaining and well received by attending members and guests. On behalf of the Club, President Brian Anderson presented the Certificate of Appreciation to Lt. Col. Apichart. The RCRHH meets every Friday at Baan Laksasubha Resort. If you would like an invitation to attend a meeting as a guest or present non-commercial information to the Club, please send email to For general information on the RCRHH and its activities, please visit www.

เสวนา “การดูแลรักษาสุขภาพสตรี”

ML. Suravut Thongthaem, Senior Vice President- Sales, ONYX Hospitality Group. (3rd left) along with GM Simon Dell (Center) and Ms.Wallee Kruprasert Director Sale & Marketing of Amari Hua Hin are welcoming Natt Thewphaingam, Sawitri Suthichanone, Danu Singhaseni, Rungrong Wannarot and Chatchai Charoenchunna, famous artists and popular VJs from Cool 93 fm together with their lucky audience to experiences Amari Hua Hin as the 1st group exclusively (recent) Amari Hua Hin located just two and a half hours from Bangkok and next to Khao Takiab, a popular stretch of beach, the resort offers easy access to the city’s shopping and entertainment venues. The 223-room Amari Hua Hin will offer refined comfort and elegant resort style accommodation combined with exclusive services and facilities that will define the new Amari guest experience.

มอบเต้นท์อเนกประสงค์ ศศิเพ็ญ ปิยสุทธิ์ ผูจ้ ดั การโรงพยาบาลกรุงเทพหัวหิน

นพ.กิตติ ลอยชูศกั ดิ์ ผูอ้ ำ� นวยการศูนย์สง่ เสริมสุขภาพสตรี โรงพยาบาลกรุงเทพหัวหิน ให้เกียรติเป็นวิทยากรบรรยายให้ความรูเ้ สวนา เป็นตัวแทนผูอ้ ำ� นวยการโรงพยาบาลกรุงเทพหัวหิน เข้ามอบเต้นท์อเนกประสงค์ให้กบั เทศบาลเมืองหัวหิน โดยมีนายนพ ประชาชน ในหัวข้อ “การดูแลรักษาสุขภาพสตรี” พร้อมด้วยคุณศศิเพ็ญ ปิยสุทธิ์ ผูจ้ ดั การโรงพยาบาลกรุงเทพหัวหิน ให้การต้อนรับ พร วุฒกิ ลุ นายกเทศมนตรีเมืองหัวหิน เป็นผูร้ บั มอบ เพือ่ น�ำเต้นท์อเนกประสงค์ดงั กล่าว ไปใช้ในกิจกรรมของทางเทศบาล เมืองหัวหินต่อไป โดยมีผสู้ นใจเข้าร่วมงานเป็นอย่างมาก ณ โถงชัน้ 1 โรงพยาบาลกรุงเทพหัวหิน เมือ่ เร็วๆนี้

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012



Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012


Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012


Volume 9 Issue 11 September 2012


YOTEL – Minutes from Check-in & Arrivals

he Schiphol Airport hotel ( at Amsterdam) is located in the ‘airside’ or ‘transit’ area of the main terminal. The location in Lounge 2, near Pier D gives customers the ultimate experience of being only minutes away from departure and arrival gates. They have created a first class hotel experience at a great value price. ‘Cabins’ are bookable by the hour with check in and checkout times totally flexible for you to choose. The cabins are small but perfectly formed, smartly designed so that everything is at your fingertips, simple and easy to use. They also have free WiFi and hot drinks, ‘Food to Go’ is available 24/7, you can order from our menu at the Galley. So the next time you have an early flight, a stopover or are in transit, why not get a few hours to relax, refresh, connect and sleep before your onward journey. CABINS: The ‘cabins’ come with free WiFi and a workstation. Beds come with luxury sheets and each cabin has a monsoon power shower room with body wash and towels.

The technowall has a TV and power services. In fact, everything you’d find in a luxury hotel in under 10sqm. PREMIUM CABIN: Moving double bed with luxury sheets. Monsoon power shower room with body wash and towels. Technowall with TV and workstation with power services, free WiFi. Underbed luggage storage.110sqft or 10sqm. PREMIUM CABIN DOUBLE BUNK: Double bed and two large bunk style single beds with luxury sheets. Monsoon power shower room with body wash and towels. TV and workstation with power services, free WiFi.248sqft or 23sqm. - max occ. 4,To book this cabin please select the “Twin” cabin in the booking process. STANDARD CABIN: Large bunk style single bed, cosy for two with luxury sheets. Monsoon power shower room with body wash and towels. TV and workstation with power services, free WiFi. 75sqft or 7sqm. Assistant Editor note: Yotel has three cabin-style airport hotels with cabins ranging in size from 75 sq.ft to 108 sq.ft and

each comes equipped with wireless internet, flatscreen tv, foldout desk, en-suite bathroom with shower and 24-hour room service. Oh, and a bed! All for about $50 for the first 4 hours and $12/hr for each additional hour for a standard cabin. In addition to the one in Amsterdam, there is one at Gatwick and Heathrow airports, in London. The NYC Yotel is the first non-airport site, with larger “cabins” at 170 sq.ft and $149 per night. There will be an airport-style self check-in and a robot (Yobot) to store left luggage. For more information please check on www. http://

“Wondrous Hua Hin” Special Night by Amari Residences Hua Hin


mari Residences Hua Hin, the first hotel-serviced condominium with fully furnished by the high quality loose furniture exclusively provided by Chanintr Living, has recently presented .Wondrous Hua Hin the memorable and wonderful experience to launch the ready to move-in condominium project to provide a truly impressive experience with a number of special activities for welcoming all guests and customers at Hua Hin, Khao Takiab road, Prachuabkirikhan. Mr. Yuthachai Charanachitta, President & CEO of Amari Estates Co., Ltd. stated, “We are proud that the project has been successfully developed as our intention. To express our sincere thanks to our many satisfied customers, we arranged the special moment,Wondrous Hua Hin to provide the truly experience on location for our customers, and to share the happiness and enjoyment during the festive holiday period. The event atmosphere is filled with vibrant colors. From the front of project, there was a stunning installation, Wondrous Hua Hin decorated by colorful sparkling mosaic, coming along with the orange umbrella decoration. Moreover, the lobby of the hotel has opened for welcome guests especially. Golf carts were provided to transport guests to the event zone. When stepping into the event, it was amazed

with the beautiful landscape with the wide green lawn, swimming pool which surrounded by the building of hotels and condominiums like a new kingdom in HUA HIN. Furthermore, there were several D.I.Y. activities for entertaining kids and adults such as batik painting, body painting, cotton candy, as well as Tasty Hua Hin signature food stations. The riveting event came to a magnificent conclusion with a mini concert led by the energetic and cheerful MC Puttachart “Tuitui” Pongsuchart, following by Jennifer Kim, featuring with Tu Nantida alternating beautiful songs and amusing stories.The distinguished guests attending “Wondrous Hua Hin” included Maj Gen Srikanya Tongbaiyai, Sunetta Pathaisawan, Somjai Lertsettakarn, Krissadawan Sayamanond, Arthit Laosakul, Sophit Sucharitkul, VarapornThongsuk Nampawiwat, Amnart Soboonkerd, Nirin Pornprasit Hast-Chayanin Limlarppol, Wattanaporn Limpsaengsri, Duangwimol-Kittipong Petchmontien, Bell-Suphol Puasiriruk, Peck Palitchoke, etc. Live to your own rhythm at Amari Residences Hua Hin and experience the luxury show suite fully furnished and decorated exclusively by Chanintr Living at the sales office, Khao Takiab Road. In addition, don’t miss the upcoming new project in Phuket, which is scheduled to open later in the year.

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Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012


Thai Property News

Bangkok to get new lifestyle complex

hai-based W-Property has announced a THB1 billion investment to create W District, a new lifestyle centre located in the heart of Sukhumvit. In addition to W District, the company also launched Weltz Residences, a luxury condominium targeting highend customers in the Sukhumvit area. “Prakhanong connects downtown and midtown. In the midtown area there are more residences and more people living in this area, and they need quality urban facilities to suit their lifestyle. We have undertaken an in-depth study of the area and our target group, and we are creating a lifestyle mall under the concept of ‘Urban Fusion Lifestyle’ that will be a new lifestyle district, variety, offering a better quality of life and a new urbanista,” said Wichai Poolworaluk of Woraluk Property Company Limited, the developer of the W-Property brand. W District will consist of a retail complex of 10,000 sqm divided into different zones including a super market, restaurants, open spaces, shops and fashion and beauty offering as well as an outdoor activity zone and a hostel. Construction is underway and the project is expected to be completed in the third quarter

Thailand tourism continues digital push with “Thailand in your Hand”


of 2013. Weltz Residences comprise 177 high-end condominium units that come fully furnished, ready to move in. Facilities include the Skywalk and Sky Lobby on the 46th floor which offers 360 degree panoramic views of Bangkok, an aquarium, waterfall and green spaces. The condominium is centrally located close to the BTS and a BTS walk way connecting the project to the BTS has been approved my the BMA. Weltz Residences includes Thailand’ first commercial helipad on a residential condominium in Thailand, and it is now open for service.

he Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is continuing to keep ahead of the competition in the use of digital technology to promote the country as a tourist destination. A couple of weeks ago, the TAT has launched http://mobile.tourismthailand. Making 19 Thailand tourist related phone apps available as free downloads. The apps can be used across a spectrum of digital devices including IPhone, Ipad, Android, Blackberry and Nokia. including IPhone, Ipad, Android, Blackberry and Nokia. Presenting the new ‘Thailand in Your Hand’ service to the press and tourist industry luminaries, Suraphon Svetasreni, the head of the TAT, said that the apps were particularly helpful to first time visitors providing more information that can be carried in a guidebook available at people’s fingertips. He stated ‘these facilities and services will help them (tourists) focus on enjoying themselves, rather than wasting time, effort and money just gathering all the necessary’. The apps have been developed by a specialist IT development team within TAT and as a result, Thailand has become a world leader in utilising the latest technology to promote the tourist industry. The Amazing Thailand

Smooth Life Tower Appoints CBRE as Its Sole Agent


mooth Life Tower, a 26-storey office development on Sathorn Road, announces an official appointment of Office Services team at CBRE Thailand to act as its sole agent for office space leasing. Situated on North Sathorn Road at the core of Bangkok’s central business district, this 12,300-sq.m. building is easily accessible to the interchange station of Silom MRT and Sala Daeng BTS and close to several five-star hotels including Sofitel So Bangkok Hotel, The Sukhothai Hotel, Banyan Tree Bangkok Hotel and The Metropolitan Hotel Bangkok. According to Mr. Nithipat Tongpun, Executive Director – head of Office Services at CBRE Thailand, “Having a column-free design, the building provides a high level of space flexibility. Smooth Life Tower is also built with raised floors making it easy for cabling and communication systems. With a floor plate of 870 sq.m., it can be subdivided into spaces of 80 sq.m. or more to accommodate different space requirements. A multipurpose meeting room is located on 23rd floor which is perfect for meetings with great city views. The asking rental is also very attractive for the Sathorn area at THB 550 per sq.m. per month”.

Bangkok Bank presents a second Baht 2 million The Energy Hua Hin condominium to lucky credit cardholder



angkok Bank Credit Card Vice President Mayuree Tantibhana (right) and Baan Rajprasong Director of Sales Supreeya Laddaklom (left) co-presented the second 31.78 sq.m. The Energy Hua Hin condominium, valued at Baht 2,174,000, to Jane Jongsathitwatana (center) a lucky Bangkok Bank credit cardholder. The total prize value of the campaign is Baht 6,522,000 and the 3rd and last lucky draw to win a condominium will be held on 30 August. For more information, please contact any Bangkok Bank branch nationwide, call Bualuang Phone 1333 or visit:


app, which contains highly detailed, easily accessible travel information has even topped as the most popular Android download. The development team believe the technology gives them a definitive edge over competing South East Asian countries. The apps cover an enormous range of travel and holiday information from the ‘Amazing Thailand’ information app which functions as a digital guidebook, to highly specialized information like the Thailand Medical Tourism app which provides the latest information on the international standard medical facilities available throughout the country. One app is dedicated to newlyweds. The Blissful Honeymoon app is designed specifically to help couples enjoy their first taste of married life. Another is specifically aimed at golfers, providing comprehensive information on over 150 courses across the Kingdom.One of the most useful TAT apps is a translations app to help people communicate in the Thai language. ‘Speak Thai’ is a personal translator that has 2,500 useful words and phrases. The app can translate English, French, simplified Chinese, Japanese and Russian.

Sales looking up for listed Thai firms

recent article by The Nation reported that while the overall demand to buy residences in Thailand has begun to recover in Q2 of this year, listed firms have enjoyed perhaps the best financial results, in many cases, topping their estimates made earlier this year. The director and chief business officer of Pruksa Real Estate, Prasert Taedullayasatit confirmed that the total revenue of his company in Q2 was THB6.8 billion (US$215 million) higher than in Q1 which saw a total revenue of THB4.6 billion (US$145 million). It has been inferred by this that the demand to purchase residences was beginning to gradually recover for single detached houses, townhouses, low-rise homes and high-rise homes. “We believe that the property market this year will grow between 10 percent and 15 percent compared to last year and that the overall property market in Bangkok and suburban areas will see sales of between THB270 to THB280 billion (US$8.58.8 million) by the end of this year,” said Taedullayasatit. On the other hand, the managing director of LPN Development, Opas Sripayak, said that because the company had just three condominium projects set to be transferred to its customers in the first half of 2012, the total revenue of the company was in fact lower than it had been in the same period of the previous year. That said, the company remained optimistic since it plans to deliver THB10 billion (US$317 million) worth of

residential projects over the course of Q3 and Q4 this year. It is anticipated that this will contribute to driving its total revenue up to THB13 billion (US$412 million) by the end of 2012. In contrast, the senior vice president of finance and accounting at Asian Property Development, Phumipat Sinacharoen, said that it was primarily down to the company’s condominium projects launched in the first half of this year that the company’s financial results had experienced strong growth during that period. The condominium projects were accountable for as much as 40 percent of the company’s revenue in the first half of the year which was a total of THB7.08 billion (US$224.5 million), an increase of 12.4 percent from Q1 and Q2 of last year. Furthermore, compared to that period in last year, the company enjoyed an increase in net profit by 66 percent, partly down to the recent reduction in corporate tax from 30 percent to 23 percent.



Asia Property News

25 Chinese cities experience property price rises

t has been reported by Live Trading News that China is more determined than ever to maintain property sector curbs since home prices were seen to rise in more than a third of the country’s main cities. Of the 70 cities tracked, 25 saw prices climbing in June, the highest recorded figure since July last year and after just six cities registered month-on-month price rises during May. The capital of Zhejiang, Hangzhou experienced the highest growth rise, with an increase of 0.6 percent from May. Both Beijing and Shanghai experienced growth in the region of 0.3 percent. The sudden climb in the 25 cities has been attributed to cuts made to the central bank rates.“Rising home prices in June were partly led by booming transactions stimulated by lower interest rates and demand from first-home buyers,” explained a bureau official. “Amid positive market sentiment, some developers even raised prices.”He went on to explain that the current cooling policy will not be eased, since the government is still focused on the long term goal of curbing speculative buying. Xinhua News Agency responded to speculation that the curbs may be eased off: “It is local governments and property developers who are trying to push home price higher. The central government should introduce more long-term cooling measures,

including taxes,” the agency announced, quoting officials and analysts. The stern cooling measures have lowered property stocks, with China Overseas Land & Investment experiencing a decrease of 4 percent. It has been noted in a People’s Daily commentary that China’s former economic growth may be due partly to the investment of property developers, with real estate contributing to 5.5 percent of the gross domestic product over the past decade, making it a national pillar industry. The commentary went on to declare however, that the country should not rely on the same tactic in future:“To boost economic growth now through property development would be poisonous for China.”

South East Asia marches ahead with high end residential project prices


ccording to the latest residential index published by Jones Lang LaSalle, capital value growth of luxury residential properties throughout Asia are being topped by those of emerging South East Asian cities. Jakarta lead the way with a huge increase of 19.2 percent during the twelve months before the end of the second quarter this year.“Jakarta has outperformed its neighbouring markets once again this quarter in the high-end residential sector. The market has been fuelled by strong wage and employment growth, low interest rates and high consumer confidence. We expect this upward trend to continue for the rest of the year, in line with projections that Jakarta will see the strongest price growth in the luxury residential space in 2012,” said Todd Lauchlan, head of Jones Lang LaSalle Indonesia. Another emerging South East Asian city which registered a high increase over the last year up until the end of Q2 of 2012 was Manila, with an increase of 10.5 percent.“South East Asia (SEA), led by Indonesia and increasing the Philippines, is enjoying a growth spurt on the back of commodity demand and offshoring and outsourcing activities. How the SEA region would respond to the slowing global demand remains uncertain but the strong underlying domestic demand could mitigate this downside risk” said Dr Chua Yang Liang, Head of

Research South East Asia. In comparison, cities that have traditionally been considered powerhouses in the Asian property market have not been as successful, with high end residential prices in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore and Beijing experiencing annual declines as high as 8 percent.“Prices in China are expected to soften further in the second half of 2012 with policy restrictions likely to remain in place, although tight supply in prime locations will likely limit price discounts by developers. Rental correction, government policies and generally weaker investor sentiment should underpin further price declines in Singapore in the second half of 2012. On the other hand, Hong Kong prices are expected to stay relatively flat in the last half of 2012 because of tight supply and low holding costs.” said the company’s head of research for the Asia Pacific region, Dr Jane Murray.

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012

Impiana Nusajaya Resort Apartments, Nusajaya, Malaysia

Price: From RM301,888 (US$95,477) to RM3,071,888 (US$971,563) Ownership: Freehold Investment overview Nusajaya is located within Iskandar Malaysia and just next to Singapore. By 2018, Nusajaya will enjoy greater connectivity to Singapore with a proposed Rapid Transit System (RTS) that will link the MRT extension from Tuas to Medini. Nusajaya is supported by various economic clusters which include education, tourism, wellness, Islamic banking and finance. Major projects coming onstream this year include LEGOLAND Malaysia, ‘Bob the Builder’ and ‘Hello Kitty’ theme parks. Property brief Just

15 minutes’ drive to Singapore via the Second Link and close to LEGOLAND Malaysia, Medini Business District, Puteri Harbour and EduCity, Impiana Nusajaya is a luxury freehold condominium offering views of the Straits of Johor or the gardens of East Ledang. Comprising 488 units in four blocks – two 11-storey low-rise and two 23-storey high-rise buildings, it will be tastefully designed with bold, clean lines. Choose from 1-bedroom studio apartments to luxurious 4-bedroom duplex and penthouse units with private gardens. Impiana Nusajaya Resort Apartments is developed by UEM Land Bhd and is a gated and guarded development.

The Scotts Tower Singapore

Price: From S$2 million onwards (US$1.6 million), Ownership: Freehold Investment overview The Scotts Tower enjoys close proximity to the shopping belt at Orchard Road, the new financial hub at the Marina Bay Financial Centre and the entertainment hotspots along the Singapore River. Residents have easy access to a plethora of shopping malls and promenades at their doorstep, and a huge variety of international dining options. Recreational facilities such as American Club and Tanglin Club are in close proximity. Easily accessible via the Pan Island Expressway (PIE) and Central Expressway (CTE), connectivity to The Scotts Tower is enhanced with Newton and Orchard MRT Stations nearby. Property brief Located in prime district 9 at the intersection of Scotts Road and Cairnhill Road, The Scotts Tower is designed by international award-winning Dutch architect, Ben van Berkel of UNStudio. This development comprises 231 SOHOconcept apartments that offer breathtaking views over the height of 31 storeys, with recreational facilities abound at the sky terraces on Level 2 and Level 25. Choose from luxurious 1-bedroom to 2-bedroom SOHO apartments, size ranges from 624 sq ft to 850 sq ft. Each units come with high floor-to-floor ceiling.

A unit in Frank Gehry-designed Opus Hong Kong recently


old For HK$470 million (US$60.6 million), setting the record for the priciest condominium in the city, and possible in the world, after London’s One Hyde Park, reported The Property Observer. The 576-square metre unit, bought by an unidentified buyer, fetched HK$81,597 per square metre. It occupies the entire eight floor of Opus Hong Kong, located in the upscale Peak neighbourhood. The developer Swire Properties declined to confirm the deal. “We have no information to share at this point,” Swire spokeswoman May LamKobayashi told AFP.At the time of launch, Swire indicated they intended to hold on to Opus Hong Kong and that units were

meant to be available on a rental basis only. However Swire did say the units would be available for sale if the right offer was made. According to Bloomberg, Opus Hong Kong cost HK$27,000 per square foot to build, including land premium. The plot on which Opus Hong Kong is built has been in the possession of Swire since the 1940s and until recently housed a company executive.Opus Hong Kong is Frank Gehry’s first residential project in Asia. The world-famous architect has entered the competition to win the contract for the highly-anticipated National Art Museum of China to be built in Beijing. Hong Kong local media said the previous record was HK$360 million, paid last year.

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012




Banyan Golf Club Hua Hin

3rd Annual Charity Amateur Golf Tournament Banyan Golf Club – Friday, October 26th, 2012 Shotgun start – 12:00 noon

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012

Hyatt Open 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012



Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012



Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012



Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012


Hua Hin Today


Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012

Hot Deals Properties in Hua Hin

House for Sale

Sea View Condo in Town Centre

Price: 6,500,000 THB Reduced by 35%! 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms, Living area: 104 Sqm. More info > > SCO-0017

Condo for Sale

Luxury Condo Sea View

Price : 16,500,000 THB Reduced by 10%! 2 bedrooms 3 bathrooms, Living area: 128 Sqm. More info > > SCO-0049

Fully Furnished Pool Villa

Price : 9,500,000 THB Promotion- Brand New Villa Ready to Move In! 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms, Living area: 285 Sqm. Land area: 720 Sqm. More info > > SHO-0054

Sea View Condo in Town Centre

Quality Brand New House

Price: 5,100,000 THB Brand New with Good Value! 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms, Living area: 180 Sqm. Land area: 408 Sqm. More info > > SHO-0018

Beach Condo in Hua Hin

Price: 6,500,000 THB Reduced by 10%! 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms, Living area: 64 Sqm. More info > > SCO-0016

Price 5,900,000 THB Reduced by 25%! 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms, Living area: 90 Sqm. More info > > SCO-0059

Stunning Sea View

Land in Hua Hin near Beach

Land for Sale

Beautiful Hills Land in Soi 112

Price: 4,500,000 THB/Rai 1,600 Sqm. 64 Rai (102,400 Sqm.) Devisable. More info > > SCO-0004

Price: 3,200,000 THB/Rai 1,600 Sqm. 53 Rai (84,800 Sqm.) Non - Devisable. More info > > SLD - 0013

Price: 5,000,000 THB/Rai 1,600 Sqm. 5 Rai and 200 Sq/w Non - Devisable. More info > > SLD - 0017

House for Rent

Pool Villa in Town Price : 35,000 THB/Week (May – Oct) 4 bedrooms + 1 guess room 4 bathrooms Fully furnished European kitchen Pool table More info > > RHO-0027

Pool Villa in Hua Hin

Pool Villa in Golf Course

Price : 65,000 THB/Month (May – Oct) 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms Fully furnished European kitchen More info > > RHO-0085

Price: 75,000 THB/Month (Short term) 4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms Fully furnished European kitchen More info > > RHO-0004

Condo in Khao Takiab Beach

Condo in Hua Hin Heart Town

Condo for Rent

Condo near Khao Tao Beach

Price: 30,000 THB/Month (May-Oct) 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms Fully furnished European kitchen Club house More info > > RCO-0032

Price: 25,000 THB/Month (Best price in best area!) 1 bedroom 1 bathroom Fully furnished European kitchen More info > > RCO-0026

Price: 55,000 THB/Month (Best area!) 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms Fully furnished European kitchen More info > > RCO-0039

Contact : Property for Sale & Rent : 0909-709-322



Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012

Kids & Wellness

Website Makes Math Fun for Kids

NEW YORK — Ask a lot of people and they will tell you that math is not their strong suit. In an international student assessment program in 2009, the United States ranked 25th in math proficiency. One New Jersey parent wants to help change that, beginning with a new nightly ritual. Laura Overdeck grew up with numbers. She always helped measure ingredients when her mother baked, and she learned about angles from her father, who did carpentry in his spare time. Math became her favorite subject, and she went on to major in astrophysics in college. Overdeck knew she wanted her own children to be math literate, too.“And when we had our first child, when she was about two, we just started giving her a math problem every night, right alongside the bedtime story,” Overdeck said.The problem was usually a story, involving animals, cars or candy that let the toddler count either in her head or on her fingers. Overdeck says it caught on with the family.”Our third child, when he turned two, he started yelling that he wanted his own math problem because he saw his brother and sister doing it. And we thought, ‘Wow, we have a household where math is fun, it’s the sought after thing at bedtime,’” Overdeck said.In February, after friends started asking her to send them problems for their children, Overdeck launched Bedtime Math, an Internet website where she posts daily puzzlers for children. She now has more than 5,000 people on her email list. Oggie Stachelberg’s father Cas is a Bedtime Math subscriber. For eight-yearold Oggie, the nightly problem is a welcome addition to the evening. It usually follows teeth-brushing.Tonight’s problem starts off with a logic puzzle about Friday night traffic



The Path to Increased Wellness and Longevity

ince the dawn of human civilisation people have been searching for ways to live longer and look better than their biological age and prevailing conditions would normally allow. Today our life expectancy is longer than it has ever been and scientists predict that within a few decades, 100 years can be the normal lifespan for human beings in industrialised countries. Most experts agree that aging is due to a combination of factors; genetic inheritance, lifestyle, environment and personal attitudes and then gets down to the numbers. Oggie is toward life and aging itself. There is little already in school, but Overdeck is particularly we can do about our genetic composition, but keen to hook children on numbers before they there is a lot we can do to change our lifestyles get there. and environments. So why introduce little ones to math so early? A lifestyle including regular exercise, a highUniversity of Chicago psychology professor fibre diet low in fat, salt and cholesterol, Sian Beilock, an expert on performance moderation with alcohol and abstinence from anxiety, says the more fun and familiar math tobacco helps us to achieve wellness and is early on, the less likely children will panic longevity. when they encounter math in school.“My We don’t have to change everything at lab has shown recently that kids as early as first grade report feeling anxious about once, but making just a few changes in our doing math,” Beilock said. “There’s actually lives can have a noticeable impact on how we research showing that the more parents use look and feel. Being healthy is about feeling number words with their kids in all sorts of full of life and energy with the mind, body and settings. ‘You’re going to get two cookies’ spirit harmoniously working together so we or ‘we’re going to take a nap for 20 minutes.’ can lead a full and active life. Good health That actually improves and is correlated is a continuous process and even in our 50s with students’ math performance later on,” and 60s, we can increase vitality and longevity Overdeck says she would like to see math by following the major lifestyle activities get a cultural makeover. “You can hear totally prescribed below. educated adults say, ‘You know I’m just not Fitness – Regular exercise is something we that good at math,’ or ‘I’m kind of afraid of can and should do for a lifetime. It helps math.’ And that’s a totally acceptable thing us feel and function better physically and for a well educated person to say, but you mentally and reduces the risk of many agenever hear them say, ‘Well, you know, I’m related illnesses. Exercise can help prevent just not that good at reading,” Overdeck said. premature aging due to being overweight. Overdeck says she wants children and their Elderly people who exercise on a regular basis parents to become as fluent in numbers as they – regardless of how much they weigh, whether they drink, smoke or have a health disorder – are in Dr. Seuss or Harry Potter.

are typically healthier and tend to live longer than those who do not exercise. In our later years, physical activity is the most positive force in living a full life. Working out for just 30 minutes a day can substantially increase your chance of reaching age 90. Establish a fitness regimen and find a workout partner or join the local gym. Good mental health status can be sustained by practicing yoga, Tai Chi and meditation exercises. Nutrition – A well balanced diet that is lower in calories and focuses on whole foods rather than processed foods promotes better health and longevity. It should include at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, some whole grain foods and some cold water fish such as salmon or sardines which are high in Omega 3 oils. Avoid overeating and have an early dinner to allow for proper digestion before sleeping. Adapting your eating habits to this type of diet can reduce the risk of various diseases and age-related illnesses, and supports your body to look, feel and function better. Personal Health Management – Besides the obvious necessity of good personal hygiene, it’s common sense to limit your intake of alcohol to the occasional social drink and avoid smoking. Be sensible and avoid high risk activities as well. Detection – By engaging in early detection through regular health screenings, you are offered the opportunity to identify, prevent and successfully combat disease. Monitoring, treatment and control of chronic degenerative diseases can ensure a long and healthy life. Education – Read and research the latest information concerning health and longevity and incorporate these practices in your daily life. What you learn on your own today will pay off tomorrow.Chiva-Som International Health Resort, Hua Hin, Thailand www.


SPA & Health

The Barai Spa & Resort


he Barai is one of the premier luxury spas in Thailand set over 4.5 acres 18,500 square meters] of beachfront land offering you a journey of the mind, body and spirit, where the art of the architecture is your guide. To provide the path to inner tranquility, through stunning surroundings and architecture, through the luxury Barai Suites designed as sanctuaries to rejuvenate and rest, through the Barai Spa offering customized authentic therapies and signature massages that are inspired by the traditions of ancient Thai health rituals combined with the best of Western therapies and through healthy dining and balancing lifestyle options such as Yoga and Tai Chi. It is not apparent from the first stepping-stones that you are about to experience an astonishing journey of mind/body/spirit, with unique architecture as a guide. The world is left behind on entering the mysterious dark and shadowy Entrance Gallery. There isan immediate sense of emotional calmness and a slowing of pace whils comprehending the feeling of peace and tranquility from deep within. Throughout The Barai, the single colour of traditional Thai ochrered permeates, allowing the eye to absorb the architectural flow, whilst the body and mind sink even deeper into relaxation. After being met at the Salarai water court, you are welcomed into the reception area where preparations are made for the next step of the journey. With its holistic approach to wellness, a custom-designed treatment plan suited to your own requirements, is prepared. The Barai offers an intuitive selection of treatments based on the Thai belief of maintaining the vitality and balance of the four elements: water for relaxation and indulgence ; earth for balancing and cleansing; air for purification and beautification; and fire for energizing and replenishing. Every aspect of your chosen element flows through the treatment sequence from the music accompanying your selected massage, the sensual aromas and the creative and flavor some food.

this experience together in the privacy of one of the double rooms, three of which offer deluxe hydrotherapy treatments, a Vichy treatment room and steam room. Within the treatment room, the kaleidoscopic colours of the four elements play with the light, the essential oils of the chosen element tantalize the olfactory senses whilst you are gently caressed with the dulcet tones of the harmonizing music. Here the sensory journey continues as you are left alone to enjoy the steam room and milk bath. The massage therapist then takes you further down the sensual pathway of your Barai experience. If you choose the Compress Massage, each compress used is freshly prepared with fresh herbs and flowers, in conjunction with your selected element oils. The opulence of The Barai is in the monochrome décor, the feather-mattressed massage beds, soaring ceilings, space enhancing mirrors, treasures behind the sliding doors and the knowledge that there is little intrusion into the dignity of your deeply personal journey. It is not possible to immediately face the realities of the outside world after indulging in a Barai treatment experience. The Barai recognizes time is needed to recalibrate, so Tranquility Court with its shady, stone and sand courtyard and lap pool offers tantalizing glimpses of the sea, whilst still enveloped in the sanctuary of serenity – a perfect location for contemplation and transition. The Barai is set on 4.5 acres of serene beachfront property adjoining the Hyatt. For the absolute indulgent experience, you can stay in one of the eight residential spa suites, fully equipped with steam room, soaking tub, Thai massage bed area, and other exclusive tailormade furniture including the unique 3x2m bed. Historic McFarland House, a beachfront two-storey pavilion with its vast sea panorama, is the last stop on your voyage of personal discovery. Each meal served is delicious and flavor some and is integral to each element’s individuality A personal spa butler guides you Once you have experienced The Barai, a haven to one of the 18 exotic treatment rooms through of rest and rejuvenation for the mind, body and sand floored corridors, past intriguing glimpses spirit, there will be no doubt in your mind that of sculptures and rippled walls that lure your this is definitely Hua Hin’s Jewel in the Crown. gaze to the open sky. Couples can also enjoy

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012

Acid Reflux

By Dr.Moretom

Gastroesophageal Reflux


astroesophageal reflux disease, commonly referred to as GERD or acid reflux, is a condition in which the liquid content of the stomach regurgitates into the esophagus which is the tube that takes food and drink from the mouth to the stomach. At the bottom of the esophagus where it enters the stomach there is a ring of thick muscles that seals off the stomach when it is working to digest food. In some people this muscle is weak and GERD occurs. The liquid can inflame and damage the lining of the esophagus. I think everybody has had this happen occasionally. Suddenly you feel the stomach contents come into your mouth. It tastes very bitter, you swallow and it goes away. Usually you do not feel the stomach cramping that accompanies normal vomiting. The regurgitated liquid contains acid and may also contain bile that has backed-up into the stomach from the intestines. It is the acid is the nasty part of the refluxed liquid. Gerd is not as common in Asian people as in westerners. Once GERD begins, it may continue for life; after the esophagus has healed the treatment usually will need to be continued indefinitely although in some patients with intermittent symptoms treatment can taken only during symptomatic periods. There flux of the stomach’s liquid contents into the esophagus occurs in most normal individuals. One study found that reflux occurs as frequently in normal individuals as in patients with GERD symptoms. In patients with GERD, however, the refluxed liquid contains more acid more and the acid remains in the esophagus longer. It has also been found that liquid refluxes to a higher level in the esophagus in patients with GERD than normal individuals. Acid often the case, the body has ways to protect itself from the harmful effects of reflux and acid. Most reflux occurs during the day when individuals are upright. In the upright position, the refluxed liquid is more likely to flow back down into the stomach due to the effect of gravity. In addition, while individuals are awake, they repeatedly swallow, whether or not there is reflux. Each swallow carries any refluxed liquid back into the stomach. Finally, the salivary glands in the mouth produce saliva, which contains bicarbonate. With each swallow, bicarbonate-containing saliva travels down the esophagus. The bicarbonate neutralizes the small amount of acid that remains in the esophagus after gravity and swallowing have removed most of the liquid. Gravity, swallowing, and saliva are important protective mechanisms for the esophagus, but they are effective only when individuals are in the upright position. At night during sleep, gravity is not in effect, swallowing stops, and the secretion of saliva is reduced. Therefore, reflux that occurs at night is more likely to result in acid remaining in the esophagus longer and causing greater damage to the esophagus. A doctor friend of mine had continuous cough and sore throat. After years of suffering it was

found that it was night-time GERD that was the problem. Certain conditions make a person susceptible to GERD. It can be a serious problem during pregnancy. The elevated hormone levels cause reflux by lowering the effectiveness of the lower esophageal muscle ring. At the same time, the growing baby increases the pressure in the abdomen. Both of these effects will increase reflux. Thediagnosis is usually made from the story that the patient tells the doctor andtreatment can be started. Most patients will work out for themselves whichfoods tend to bring on an attack and make suitable adjustments. In morecomplicated or severe cases investigation of the amount of acid and thepressures in the esophagus may be needed. It may also be necessary to look downthe esophagus with a gastroscope. These tests can be performed in Hua Hin. The goal of treatment is to manage it by reducing the amount of acid in the stomach and the amount of reflux that occurs. For mild GERD, this can sometimes be accomplished by using over-the-counter antacids and making certain lifestyle changes. If more treatment is needed, other types of drugs, either over-thecounter or prescription, are available. Only very rarely will surgery be needed. Some dietary changes may be needed spicy food should be avoided and beer, because of the volume of fluid, will exaggerate symptoms There are 3 types of drugs used to treat GERD. Antacids such as Maalox, Rolaids, and Tums Histamine H2-blockers such as Tagamet, and Zantac Proton pump inhibitors such as Prevacid, Prilosec, Nexium and Protonix Taking antacids when needed may be appropriate for the initial treatment of minor symptoms.H2-blockers help cut the stomach’s production of acid and work best for people with mild GERD. They are available in prescription strength and as over-the-counter drugs. For moderate or severe GERD, another type of drug known as a proton pump inhibitor, which is stronger than H2-blockers, may be needed. These drugs turn off the acid pumps that stimulate the production of acid from the stomach. They are all available in prescription strength, and Prilosec OTC,Prevacid 24hr, and Zegerid OTC are available over the counter. For complicated or chronic GERD, proton pump inhibitors are often taken indefinitely. A doctor needs to be consulted if these medications are used because, the drugs may interfere with other drugs being taken, have serious sideeffects and other problems may be overlooked. If you feel that you have this problem, try using antacids between meals and at bedtime. If it doesn’t improve see an Internist Doctor.Dr Michael Moreton is British/Canadian Hospital Consultant living in Hua Hin. He was the International Medical Coordinator at Bangkok Hospital for 5 years.

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012


Legal Advice


Brief On Thailand’s Implementation On Intellectual Property

he United States Trade Representative (USTR) has elevated Thailand to the Priority Watch List (PWL) in its annual Special 301 Report, issued under the U.S. Trade Act, on the ground that there had been an increase in intellectual property violations in Thailand. Considering that the above claim has a direct bearing on the country’s image within the international community, the Thai Government has thus developed a clear policy to tackle all violations associated with intellectual property right. This intention can be inferred from both in the new Constitution of Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2550, which gives special emphasis on providing protection on intellectual property on par with international accepted standard, as well as the National Policy of the current Thai Government under the premiership of General Surayud Chulanont, which was declared to the National Legislative Assembly, that places high priority on the development of intellectual property. Accordingly, the Department of Intellectual Property, as the principle agency in the development of intellectual property system in Thailand, has developed measures so as to ensure a sustainable development in the intellectual property protection system of Thailand. These measures range from the promotion of intellectual property creation to the establishment of an effective information database system to a reliable intellectual property examination process and the promotion of the utilization of intellectual property for commercial purposes. At the same time, due to the present rapid technological advancement, the Thai Government has placed special effort to enhance the existing legal framework on the protection of intellectual property as well as to increase the flexibility in legal enforcement by empowering the administrators with the ability to issue rules and regulations for effective implementation. Moreover, there has been significant advancement in the amendments of various laws and regulations, both under the responsibility of the Department of Intellectual Property and related agencies, such as the Copyright Act, the Trademark Act, the Patent Act, the Customs Act, and the Radio and Television Broadcast

Operation Act. More importantly, the Department of Intellectual Property and related agencies have closely coordinated with one another to suppress intellectual property violations in an integrated manner with clear target and expected results. Essentially, this report presents the progress on each of the cooperative efforts so as to prevent and suppress all intellectual property violations in Thailand: • Measures Against Counterfeit Activities; All agencies relating to suppressing counterfeit activities have focused on the suppression of large scale violations, including retailers, especially those within the red zone with high levels of violations, such as Pantip Plaza. So far, the effort has led to the seizure of numerous factories and warehouses of violated goods. • Suppression on Cable Piracy; the Thai Government has expedited the prosecution of license cable television operators which violate cable television copyright under the Radio and Television Broadcast Operation Act B.E.,by empowering the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) with the authority to withdraw licenses in cases that the court has passed a final ruling that the licensee has violated the copyright. Accordingly, the Thai Government is certain that the Act will play a vital role in the effective suppression on cable piracy. • Suppression on Optical Disc Piracy; All related agencies, including the Department of Intellectual Property, have strictly enforced the measures under the Act on Optical Disc Production. These include, random inspection of production factories to search for pirated products and import control on machines and raw materials for CD production, as well as close coordination between all related agencies to identify original source of pirated products and activities. In addition, the Royal Thai Police has developed a proactive measure to suppress the sale of pirated products via the displaying of the CD cover pictures. • Suppression on Software Piracy; the Department of Intellectual Property has created a manual on the use of copyright software without violations to be disseminated to all business

agencies and the general public. Moreover, all public agencies have been instructed to use only legitimate software. • Suppression on Book Piracy; Since a majority of book piracy occurs at academic institutions, which need to use textbooks published abroad, especially during school year, the Thai Government by the Department of Intellectual Property has created a manual on the fair use of copyrighted works so as to enhance the knowledge and understanding on the beneficial of such works without violations. Moreover, seminars and trainings have been provided to professors and personnel at universities, such as on 2 November 2007, with the objective of introducing access to textbooks without violation, such as via large purchases and the usage of second-hand books. • Suppression on Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals; The Thai Government is well aware that counterfeit and poor quality pharmaceuticals can have adversely affect the health care system of Thailand and have serious repercussion on the life, health, and sanitary of the general public. Therefore, the Department of Intellectual Property and related agencies, including the Ministry of Public Health, the Royal Thai Police, and various private agencies, is in the process of establishing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the suppression of counterfeit and illegal pharmaceuticals. The MOU is scheduled to be signed in November 2007 with the objective of promoting greater coordination and the exchange information among all signatories so as to enhance the effectiveness of suppression activities. • Furthermore, all agencies related to the suppression of intellectual property violations, such as the Customs Department and the Department of Special Investigation, have placed emphasis on the destruction of all confiscated pirate products in order to prevent them from reentering the market. In this respect, the Customs Department has already scheduled the destruction of two CD production machines worth around 20 million Baht in the first week of December 2007. In addition, in order to ensure effective

prosecution of intellectual property violation cases, the Thai Government has coordinated closely with all law enforcement agencies, including the Office of Attorney General and the Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court, to facilitate legal proceedings, such as the issuance of search warrants and appropriate sentences and penalties. In this connection, the Central Intellectual Property and International Trade Court has reported, by not waiting for a deferral or time to determine the penalty, a significant number of cases of intellectual property violations in the Thailand have evidently been expedited and successfully prosecuted. Finally, given the present rapid advancement in technology and continual changes in forms of violations, the Thai Government has perceived that cooperation among all agencies and sectors on raising the capability of officials relating to the suppression of intellectual property violations is an important step towards effective suppression activities. To this end, the Thai Government has thus sought cooperation from various experienced international agencies and organizations, such as USPTO, EPO, and JPO, on human resource development and capacity building on all issues regarding intellectual property. With regard to future work plan, the Thai Government will focus on consistent implementation to ensure concrete and significant outcome, both in terms of expediting legal reforms and increase coordination among related agencies to effectively suppress intellectual property violations in all dimensions. Indeed, the Thai Government is fully confident that all of the aforementioned efforts and activities will help to resolve the intellectual property issues in the country and, more importantly, assure of a continual and sustainable development of the intellectual property system in Thailand.



Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012


Absolute Beachfront Land Prachaub

Insight English Language Schools English and Thai Classes for everyone Educational Visa, Translation & TEFL courses Schools in Hua Hin, Cha-Am & Bangkok 032-470 681 E-mail: david@insightenglish. com www. insightenglish-huahin. com


Beautiful plot 526 sq. wah., chanote, 30 m. beachfront, 40 km south of Prachaub. Scenic swimming beach, next to resorts, holiday homes,electricity & black road.

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Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012



Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012



Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012


Centara swoops 8 awards in SmartTravelAsia poll


entara Hotels & Resorts has won eight awards in the SmartTravelAsia Best in Travel Poll 2012, conducted by the region’s only dedicated online travel magazine with over one million readers worldwide.Vijay Verghese, editor of SmartTravelAsia, presented the awards to the Centara executive team at the corporate offices in Centara Grand at CentralWorld. “These awards represent a great triumph for the Centara team, and we are extremely proud of this achievement,” said Suthikiati Chirathivat, Suthikiati Chirathivat, Chairman of the Board of Centara Hotels and Resorts. “We believe this shows our strength across the hospitality spectrum, as the awards cover the business, conference, leisure and spa categories.”Centara had also won eight awards in the 2011 SmartTravelAsia polls. Centara Grand at CentralWorld was named in the 2012 awards as being amongst the top 25 business hotels in Asia, and also amongst the top 25 conference hotels in the region. Centara Grand Beach Resort Samui, Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Hua Hin, and Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort Pattaya were all named amongst the top 25 leisure hotels and resorts in Asia. Named amongst the top 25 spa hotels and resorts in the region were Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Hua Hin, Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Krabi, and Centara Grand Beach Resort Samui.

Photo 1-2 : Suthikiati Chirathivat (Centre), Chairman of the Board of Centara Hotels and Resorts andVijay Verghese (3rd left), Editor of SmartTravelAsia online magazine, shake hands after the awards presentation as looking on from left are: Robert MaurerLoeffler, General Manager of Centara

The Elephants Have Packed Their Trunks and are Heading to Hua Hin for

the 11th Kings Cup Elephant Polo Tournament


he highly popular King’s Cup Elephant Polo tournament is celebrating its eleventh anniversary in the royal seaside town of Hua Hin from September 12th to September 16th and promises to have nail-biting action both on and off the field. With free admission for everyone, spectators can rub shoulders with European and Asian royalty, international sporting stars and local celebrities. The event has something for everyone including a spectacular opening parade through the main streets of Hua Hin, Thailand’s last ‘elephant spirit men’ (Kru Ba Yai), traditional dancers, a baby elephant camp and fun fair and a wide range of food and beverage outlets to tantalize Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre the taste buds. at CentralWorld; Chris Bailey, Senior The tournament this year will see the New Vice President for Sales and Marketing Zealand All Black’s Robin Brooke, Olo of Centara Hotels & Resorts; Thirayuth Brown and Adrian Cashmore go head Chirathivat, Chief Executive Officer of to head with royals Prince Carl-Eugen Centara Hotels & Resorts; David Good, Oettingen-Wallerstein and his wife Princess Vice President for Operations of Centara Anna and daughter Princess Joanna. Miss Hotels & Resorts; and Michel Horn, Vice Tiffany Thailand will also be playing in the President for Operations of Centara Hotels tournament for the first time adding a hint & Resorts. of fun and a lot of colour. International and local celebrities, including US actress Isabelle Fuhrman, Former Thai PM Aphisit Vejjajiva super models Cindy Bishop, Lukkade Methinee and Marie Claire Editor in Chief Jackie Frank have donated their artistic talents by painting a piece of “The Big Picture” painting which will be on display throughout the event and which will be auctioned off for charity at the final gala dinner. The tournament was introduced to Thailand in 2001 by Anantara Hotels, Resorts & Spas and has grown to one of the biggest charitable events in Thailand that has raised almost US$500,000 for projects that better the lives of Thailand’s elephant population including: Mahout accommodation at the Thai Elephant Photo 3: Centara Grand & Bangkok Conservation Centre (TECC), a mobile centrifuge for the Thai Elephant Conservation Convention Centre at CentralWorld. Centre elephant mobile veterinary clinic.

Centara Hotels & Resorts is Thailand’s leading operator of hotels, with 38 deluxe and first-class properties covering all the major tourist destinations in the Kingdom. A further 16 resorts in the Maldives, Vietnam, Bali Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Mauritius Indian Ocean, brings the present total to 54 properties. Brands and properties within Centara ensure that specific categories such as couples, families, individuals, and meetings and incentives groups will all find a hotel or resort that is appropriate to their needs. Centara operates 24 branches of Spa Cenvaree, one of Thailand’s most luxurious and innovative spa brands, together with its newly launched value brand Cense by Spa Cenvaree, which provides core spa services for busy travellers. The company’s Kids’ Club is available at all the familyfriendly resorts to ensure that the youngsters and teens are taken care of. Centara Hotels & Resorts also operates two state-of-the-art convention centres in Bangkok, and two in northeastern Thailand, one being located in Udon Thani and the other in Khon Kaen. For more information and reservations, please visit Photo 4: Centara Grand Beach Resort & our website at http://www.centarahotelsresorts. Villas Hua Hin, a member of the Leading com,Facebook: Hotels of the World. centarahotelsresorts Twitter: MyCentara.



Donating an elephant ambulance to the TECC The Thai Elephant Therapy Project, which initially provided 16 autistic children with a free clinic to develop their social interaction and emotional skills by using elephants as a working partner with occupational therapists. The official elephant autism clinics commenced in Chiang Mai in 2011, with future clinics to be expanded to include children with Down’s Syndrome and other conditions. Five elephants were rescued from Thailand’s city streets to participate in the world’s first ever Thai Elephant Therapy Project, in conjunction with Chiang Mai University Department of Occupational Therapy and the Thai Elephant Conservation Centre. Four of these five elephants now live at Anantara Golden Triangle’s Elephant Camp and have retired from active participation. Funds raised from last year’s event have been donated in helping build the first elephant hospital in Krabi in the southern part of Thailand. A THB 500,000 gantry to help lame elephants stand has been donated to the Thai Elephant Conservation Centre. 4,000 trees have also been planted in Hua Hin to shelter elephant corridors from electric fencing in the area. The 11th King’s Cup Elephant Polo Tournament is held at Hua Hin’s Suriyothai Army Base approximately 20 minutes from Anantara Hua Hin Resort and Spa. For more information on King’s Cup Elephant Polo, please visit www. Anantara Hua Hin Resort & Spa is a distinctive Thai villagestyle resort located on the sunrise coast of the Gulf of Thailand. Hidden amidst 14 acres of luxuriantly landscaped mature gardens and lagoon pools, the picturesque resort enjoys a beachfront location at the quiet end of Thailand’s historic royal seaside town. For more information please visit www.anantara. com.

Hyatt Regency Hua Hin Named One of World’s Best Coastal Resorts By CNNGO

yatt Regency Hua Hin recently received the great recognition of being named as one of the world’s best coastal resorts in Asia by CNNGo. The judges of CNNGo considered several key elements of Hyatt Regency Hua Hin that make the resort one of the world’s best coastal resorts. Hyatt Regency Hua Hin hosts THE BARAI, an award-winning destination spa, enabling the resort to provide a world-class spa journey for the resort’s guests. The resort also provides three interconnecting pools, the river pool, lagoon pool and children’s beach pool with a not-to-be-missed 22 metrelong waterslide. Thanks to its prime location, the resort has the longest beachfront in Hua Hin, giving guests an opportunity to enjoy a leisurely walk along the beach in the early morning or during the sunset. Another element that was taken for consideration by judges was the recreational activities. Hyatt Regency Hua Hin offers a wide range of activities including introductions to Thai culture and local activities such as garland making and lotus leaf folding class for monk offerings. All in all, Hyatt Regency Hua Hin offers a Photo 5: Centara Grand Beach Resort & resort lifestyle experience Villas Krabi. that meets the desires of

guests who seek an idyllic beach holiday. Sammy Carolus, General Manager of Hyatt Regency Hua Hin, commented on the recent recognition, “Management and associates of Hyatt Regency Hua Hin are very honoured that the resort has been named one of world’s best coastal resorts in Asia by CNNGo. Hyatt Regency Hua Hin Named One of World’s Best Coastal Resorts By Cnngo announcement, there are five resorts from Asia selected as world’s best coastal resorts and Hyatt Regency Hua Hin is the only one in Thailand. This recognition will encourage us to strive for product and service excellence that our guests deserve and rightfully expect. Thanks to CNNGo, and of course our guests who have supported us.”


Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012

Events Calendar

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012


Hua Hin & Promotions........September 2012 TRADE FAIRS, EXHIBITIONS & CONVENTIONS in Thailand

Hotel Promotions and Events

Unless indicated differently, ALL prices are to be understood Per Person - NET + VAT + Service Charge - ++ etc. Children 1 – 6 years are usually free. Children from 6 – 11 are usually charged less -50% or more. Check with Staff.

Banyan Resort Hua Hin

Banyan Pool Villas: 1 Bedroom Villa : THB 5,799 incl Breakfast Buffet for 2 Persons

2 Bedroom Villa : 8,850 THB with Breakfast for 4 Persons. Package includes : Welcome Drink – Fresh Fruit Basket in Room – Free Bycicles Rental for 2 hours – Late Check out at 15 :00 – Including Massages : Alternatively, Thai Massage 90 Minutes – Oil Massage 60 Minutes – Foot Massage 60 Minutes – Body Scrub 60 Minutes – Herbal Compress 60 Minutes. Call for updated information : Tel: +66 (0) 3253 8888.


at Hyatt Regency Hua Hin -

Golf enthusiasts should not miss the event of Hua Hin / Cha am Golf Festival, being held between August 1 – September 30, 2012. This Golf Festival will allow you to enjoy a round of golf with a special green fee only at Baht 800 per person at 10 participated golf courses in Hua Hin and Cha am area. Hyatt Regency Hua Hin offers golf enthusiasts the perfect choice of golf holiday with a special package starting from Baht 4,400++ per room per night from 1 August to 30 September, enabling golfers and their families to join us in celebrating the Hua Hin/ Cha Am Golf Festival 2012, which allows participants to enjoy the tranquillity of Hua Hin while having fun and facing challenges on the course. This offer includes: One night’s accommodation in a luxurious Hyatt guestroom with daily breakfast for two adults.Complimentary transfers between the hotel and a participating golf course for hotel’s guests.A variety of recreational activities, such as Yoga, Tai Chi, Water Aerobics and complimentary access to the fitness centre Rates are subject to 17.7% tax and service charge. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion(s); prior reservations are required and are subject to availability. For reservations and further information, please contact Hyatt Regency Hua Hin at Hotline Tel: +66 2254 6200 or +66 3252 1234, or e-mail The list of participating golf courses is as follows:The Majestic Creek Golf & Resort,Springfield Royal Country Club,Royal Hua Hin Golf Course,The Imperial Lake View Hotel & Golf Club,Kaeng Krachan Country Club and Resort,Palm Hills Golf Club & Residence,Sawang Resort & Golf Club,The Banyan Golf Club,The Eagle Milford Golf Club,Royal Thai Army Sports Center Suan Son Pradipat Golf Course.

Putharacsa Promotions:

King Prawns : – From 1st to 30th September 2012 Treat yourself in a dining ambience second to none with King Prawns prepared in an exclusive culinary style to delight any food connoisseur throughout the month of September, at Oceanside Beach Club & Restaurant In season! @ Oceanside Beach Club and Resturant :You won’t get those at Home! Taste the explosive passions of our cocktails and mocktails made from fresh Rambutan and Mangosteen, shaken or stirred all are guaranteed to deliver a class of perfection

Villa Maroc Resort, Pranburi

“Dine 4 Pay 3” Moroccan BBQ Dinner Saturday Night at Casablanca Restaurant Casablanca Restaurant at Villa Maroc Resort invites you and family to enhance your relaxing weekend with our special offer “Dine 4 Pay 3” Moroccan BBQ Buffet Dinner on Saturday night at THB 950 net per person. Buffet line includes Moroccan Harira Soup, Chicken Tagine, Pasta Station, Seafood BBQ Station and selections of desserts. This promotion is available every Saturday night from 6.30 pm. - 10.00 pm. For reservation please contact Villa Maroc Resort call: 032 630 771 or email: rsvn@

Beach Café Bavarian by the Beach

Discover Chris´ Schweinereien and his Bavarian Pre-Oktoberfest Schmankerleien Now this is what we call A Boirischen Brotzoait and Delicious sumptuous Bavarian Delights Leberknedlsuppn….THB 140 Liverdumpling Soup Katoffesuppn...THB 140 - Potato Soup Schwoainsbroan mit Kartoffeknedl …. THB 290 ..und Blaukraut - Pork Roast with Potatodumplings and Red Cabbage Leberkaas mit Spiegelei...THB 240 - Meatloaf with Fried Egg Fleischpflanzerl mit Kartoffelsaload….THB 240 - Meat Balls with Potato Salad Kaiserschmarrn mit Puderzucker…THB 190 - Sweet Omelette with Rum, Raisins and Sugar Coating (please allow 45 minutes for this dish) Muichreis mit Zimt..THB 190 - Rice Pudding with Cinnamon. Niks wie hin : Schliesslich kimmen wir net olle uf der Wassersuppn daher gschwomme ! Editor : Highly reccomendable. Make sure haven´t eaten for about 2 days before

Hilton Hua Hin Resort & Spa

White Lotus : After full moon buffet on September 2,Touch the Full moon, be chilled and stunned with the amazing view while our expert chefs handle your gastronomic desires with Asian twisted food THB 999 nett per adult THB 499 nett per child 6-11 years

Sky Bar : Blue Moon :Perfect for sitting in the sky on a hot summer day, this moonshine drink will have you seeing stars if you’re not careful! Please drink responsibly for THB 220 nett Chay Had Restaurant : Theme Dinners : Monday – Thai curry night The

meticulous art of preparation, seasoning and blending flavors has evolved into a distinctive culinary category on its own. We have featured five of the best curries that will appeal to the most discerning of palates for THB 550 nett per adult THB 300 nett per child 6 – 11 years, Wednesday - Wine Dinner A 5-course set dinner with a glass of wine perfectly matched with each course for THB 1,550 nett per person Monthly Theme Party – Sexy Crew Flight Night-September 28,Welcome aboard flight 6969 on the Girls on Top Beer House plane shortly departing for Hedonism to our Hostess and Pilot affair party! We welcome you on behalf of Captain Lindt and crew members. Smoking is prohibited throughout the flight but you can use the smoking terrace,Please remain in seated until the seat belts signs are turned off, we may experience some turbulence due to some banging tunes. Two floors of tunes supplied by our sexy hostess Smithy, Alpha, Fifi and Pilot Dulcie Danger playing pop and the spinning the rock. Dress up: Air Hostess, Pilot, Tourist, Disaster and win freebies


Oil & Gas Thailand (OGET) 2012 is the only specialized oil & gas event in Thailand

that brings together an international congregation of both upstream and downstream oil and gas companies. Venue: Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC), Bangkok, Krung Thep, Thailand Date: 05-SEP-12 to 08-SEP-12 Food & Hotel Thailand remains the number one event in Asia for the hospitality industry’s premium market supply of international food, beverage, equipment and technology. Venue: Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC), Bangkok, Krung Thep, Thailand Date: 13-SEP-12 to 17-SEP-12 Bangkok Gems & Jewelry Fair will be a timely event that will allow visitors and buyer from all over the world to benefit and prepare for their upcoming market needs and best selling season of the year. Venue: Impact Exhibition & Convention Center, Bangkok, Krung Thep, Thailand Date: 19-SEP-12 to 21-SEP-12 Building Maintenance & Asset Management Expo Asia (BMAM Expo Asia) is the international exhibition and conference dedicated exclusively on building maintenance. Venue: Impact Exhibition & Convention Center, Bangkok, Krung Thep, Thailand Date: 19-SEP-12 to 21-SEP-12 CONSTECH 2012 - Thailand International Construction Machinery, Equipment and Technology Exhibition 2012- is now repositioned as an international exhibition and conference dedicated exclusively to construction machinery, equipment and technology. Venue: Impact Exhibition & Convention Center, Bangkok, Krung Thep, Thailand Date: 19-SEP-12 to 21-SEP-12 World Spa And Well Being Convention is going to be the perfect destination where more than 3000 trade visitors, 5000 general public along with 400 congress delegates from different places will gather to witness the spa and well being industry of Thailand. This is the largest exhibition which duly provides myriad opportunities to enhance the image of Thailand in the global Spa market. Venue: Impact Exhibition & Convention Center, Bangkok, Krung Thep, Thailand Date: 19-SEP-12 to 21-SEP-12 Focusing on leisure & tourism projects, property & real estate, hotels and commercial businesses, Venue: Impact Exhibition & Convention Center, Bangkok, Krung Thep, Thailand Date: 19-SEP-12 to 21-SEP-12 Landscape Asia is a must to attend summit that creates huge impact on the economy and development of Thailand as this summit will mainly focus on domestic development and infrastructural improvements. Venue: Impact Exhibition & Convention Center, Bangkok, Krung Thep, Thailand Date: 19-SEP-12 to 22-SEP-12 Thailand International Logistics Fair is an opportunity for manufacturers and suppliers of the latest in Logistics Systems, Warehousing, Storage, Transportation, Distribution and Total Supply Chain Management. Venue: Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC), Bangkok, Krung Thep, Thailand

SPA Promotions Hilton Spa Promotion :

The Spa at Hilton Hua Hin Resort & Spa “Putting back a little of what life takes out” Asian Thai Ritual 2 hrs THB.3, 000++/person or THB.5, 500++ /couple :Tamarind scrub, Thai Massage Herbal Bath

For more information and reservations, please call 032-538999 or thespa.

Putahracsa Spa – DaySpa :

The Ultimate Spa Buffet THB 2,990, Design your own 3 hours spa destination by choosing from our wide range of spa treatment. Appetizer (Your selection of Body scrub) : Aromatic Salt Scrub, Pure Honey Scrub, Jasmine Milk Scrub, Detoxifying Scrub Main Course (Your selection of Body massage) : Purifying Massage, Energizing Massage, Anti Stress Massage, Traditional Thai Massage Dessert (Your selection of beauty treatment) : Oriental Facial, Manicure, Pedicure Accommodation : For Special deals on Rooms log on to our website



Wine & Dine Food Food Food

hai people eat several times a day more than we Westerners do. I always see Thai people eating or at least chewing something. My office is abandoned at 11:30 am as staff prepares to go and eat. When they are back, not even 1 hour later, someone is chewing some food again. They eat small portions without thick gravy and that keeps them slim. Not necessarily healthy. Thai food with exception of steamed vegetables is not as healthy as we may think. Unsaturated oils used to deep fry, brown sugar, too many shrimp, coconut cream.

Especially sugar is a killer. Scientists, in close cooperation with heart surgeons now discovered that sugar causes inflammation of the arteries which can cause heart attacks. Not cholesterol is the biggest killer. However, happiness often goes through the stomach and on my endless strives to report about good food, healthy and great tasting, I decided to comment on some smaller restaurants:

The Beach Café Restaurant, located on the beach going down Soi 75/1 turn left at the Kite Boarding School and Voilá. Wuith access to the beach this is an ideal place for a lunch break or a romantic dinner right on the beach. It is the new highlight under Hua Hin’s beachfront restaurants combining Hua Hin’s gorgeous white sand beach atmosphere during daytime with a romantic garden setting for candlelight dining. Beach Café’s expert kitchen team is experienced in Thai and European cuisine offering a variety of finest grilled and seafood dishes. It is the place for excellent food and

beverage quality at down to earth prices served in an outstanding sea breeze atmosphere. And yes, prices are moderate and perfectly in line qith the quality. A Range of German Beers and International wines crown this establishment.

Backyard Steak

on Phetchakasem Road after the Shell Station going north. A pleasant open atmosphere either under a roof or under the stars. At lunch time you can choose Thai and international delicacies from the menue. At Dinner time, the all you can eat Buffet at Baht 189.- is very comprehensive with BBQ marinated Chicken, Beef and

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012

cooks and runs the place. You can get Thai food but also a selection of French food. You name it, she has got, it unless you want Snails. The prices are low and the taste is high. She is a great cook and chats with you at the table, sometimes even pouring you a red wine on the house. It is her hobby which reflects on the quality of food.

Tick Restaurant on Soi 112 is the hone of many UK expats as they chat with Tony whilst Khun Tick masters the kitchen. From Fish and Chips to Massaman Gai…it coziest of atmosphere. Die Süsse will attend is all there with a great selection of Beer and to you in Thai English or German. A must for your coffee break or even lunch as street wines. As for Tony´s special ! serve their curries and Thai noodles La Famila in Soi 102 – small but cosy hawkers straight to you at Baan Tankhun. Italian restaurant with a very individual service, composing Pizzas and Pastas with specialties Black Lotus Restaurant on Soi of the week. Lasagnas are worthwhile tasting 112 – follow the signs to Banyan golf Club and as they come broiling on the table with melted you will see the entrance on the right. Black cheese inviting a first bite. Rigatoni al Forno Angus Steaks, Lamb Chops, Pad Thai and and other Italian musts can also be had as many more international and Thai specialties. take aways or if you live close by, a complete catering for your party. Live music on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday evenings. Chef Peter crowns your food choice with a home made original Tiramisu.

Hickory Jazz Club – with Khun Neng, wife of Khun Santi, a well known Jazz aficionado and president of the Bangkok Jazz club, organizer of many Jazz Festivals, cooking herself delicious high level Thai compositions, you will indulge in this culinary delight, with Jazz music life on weekends, very often with internationally celebrated Jazz musicians. Our own Koh Mr. Saxman performs occasionally. A selection of wines including sparkling delights Pork, freshly done before your very eyes. crowns this recommended establishment What impressed me was the variety of salads located on Petschkasem road opposite VIP and fresh crude vegetables. However what Condo Chain and next to the 3BB office. you don’t eat, you pay. Reasonable! Full Café Baan Tankhun “ Die Süsse “ programmer of beverages and wines. – on the corner of Chomsin and Naresdamri Aree Restaurant on Soi 94 practically road at Hua Hin Port. Freshly brewed coffee opposite Suay Vista Club on the left side, just any style in an antique environment of a few stone throws away from the new Noi many collected items from chairman Mao to restaurant. – This Restaurant is rather small but Monocycles, scooters and paintings, pictures is a secret tip among French residents. of His Majesty The King when he was young The owner is French and his Wife, Khun Aree on a storybook frame. Collections for the early 50´s up to late 80´s randomly placed in the

Enjoy Breakfast, Lunch Dinner and Brunch Poolside wearing only your swimwear! Welcome to roll into the refreshing 2m pool and drift to the pool bar for an appetitive or digestive. Black Lotus carries International wines and Champagnes. On Saturdays, the Buffet Brunch starts at 11:00. Saturday September 2, with live music !

Hua Hin Hills Vineyard welcomes 10 top chefs from Thailand

to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Monsoon Valley Wines S

iam Winery, the leading producer and importer of premium wines, is celebrating the 10th anniversary of its Monsoon Valley Wines by inviting guests and wine lovers to experience the beauty of Hua Hin Hills Vineyard together with fine wines and superb cuisine from some Thailand’s best chefs. Since its launch in 2002, Monsoon Valley has become the essential New Latitude Wine from Thailand. Grapes harvested at Hua Hin Hills Vineyard, the first and only vineyard in Prachuab Khirikhan province, are carefully handled by Siam Winery Winemaker Kathrin Puff, allowing the wines to win international awards year after year, and firmly putting Thailand on the worldwide wine producing map.To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Monsoon Valley Wines, Hua Hin Hills Vineyard is creating several unique events by inviting 10 famous chefs from a range of top restaurants in Thailand to come to Hua Hin Hills and create their own special gastronomic menu, paired with Thai premium wines, Monsoon Valley. Starting this September and until July next year, one of these renowned chefs will visit to the Sala Wine Bar and Bistro

every month. The first 3 include Chef Alex Gares from Four Seasons Resort Koh Samui, Chef McDang (M.L. Sirichalerm Svasti.), and Chef Patrick Martens from Zuma in Bangkok. This program will run from September 2012 through June 2013. Hua Hin Hills Vineyard is proud to offer very special packages each month*. The special

packages include a 5-course wine dinner on Fridays and a 3-course lunch on Saturday. Each dish will be delicately crafted by these renowned chefs to perfectly match with selected Monsoon Valley wines. Plus, you can feature riveting cooking class demonstrations of culinary techniques and secret recipe with some of the ten most renowned chefs on Sundays. For your convenient, each package also concludes a round trip transfer from downtown Hua Hin (Market Village) to the vineyard.

Moreover, Hua Hin Hills Vineyard will also offer our precious guests with many other interesting activities to enjoy at the vineyard, including vineyard tours on elephant back or creating their own unique wine label. Visitors can take the finished bottle back as a souvenir,

to remind them of all the happy moments at Hua Hin Hills Vineyard, or give it to their loved ones as a gift. Don’t miss these special activities and be a part our year-long celebration to enjoy the unforgettable experiences at Hua Hin Hills Vineyard and celebrate the amazing 10 years of Monsoon Valley with us. The list of chefs celebrating Monsoon Valley Wines 10 years in 2012: 1. Chef Alex Gares (Four Seasons Resort, Koh Samui Thailand) in September 28-30, 2012 2. Chef McDang (Thanadsri & Son Consulting Co., Ltd) in October 27-28, 2012 3. Chef Patrick Martens (Zuma restaurant) in November 23-25, 2012 To receive further details for the program in 2013 or reservations, please contact Hua Hin Hills Vineyards Tel. 081-7018874-5, 0817010222 or visit Check us out on Facebook huahinhills and instagram @siam_winery. We will have lots of fun with activities and special prizes for our fan page!

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012

Delightful Children/Young Adult Wallcovering from OLLY and LITTLE ONES Collection

Goodrich is presenting the latest European designer’s collections of digitally printed modern mural wallcoverings for children and young adult.Fun, quirky, colourful and with names like Pink Castle, Kids Madness, Monster Truck, Fairy Tale, Tweety, Farm World, Pirate Adventure, Fun Train and Paws to name a few, these collections are sure to be a bright addition to your living room and bedrooms. Select one to use in the shop, school, kindergarden or nursery to add a fresh look to your interiors! The OLLY and LITTLE ONES collection presents latest addition of kids mural wallcoverings. With the fun images and vibrant colours, decorating your kids room will definitely be a blast. Inspiring imagination and creativity, fantasy becomes reality with the wide range of themes available for your selection. Be it a safari, fairytale, car race or garden theme; there is something for every little boy and girl in these collections. About Goodrich Global: Goodrich Global provides the perfect finishing touch to every interior. It offers an extensive collection of

interior wall coverings, carpets, fabrics and floorings to create a completely personalized furnished ambience. Goodrich believes in ensuring that every dream design comes to life. Above all else, Goodrich is driven by the vision that every living space is an expression of a unique cover story. Goodrich boasts a strong presence in 30 regional offices and galleries located in 8 countries including Singapore (Headquarters), China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and United Arab Emirates. Goodrich is well placed to meet all your interior furnishing needs, globally. For customers here in Thailand, the Goodrich Gallery is a treasure trove of creative ideas and inspirations. Catalogues and samples bring to life the latest wall covering trends, collections and designs, with a range that stretches from fun and whimsical to glamorously ornate and stylish. Should you seek home decoration assistances from our gallery consultants at Ekamai (66 2381 7778) and at CDC Crystal Design Center (66 2102 2088) or simply visit our website for more details.

More H


Golf Citizen Open A Big Draw In Thailand

ua Hin, Thailand - Tracy Carter shot a sizzling net 60 to win the GOLF CITIZEN Open tournament, organized by golf in DUBAi, at Thailand’s premier Banyan Golf Club, Hua Hin. Playing off a 21 handicap, Carter did well to keep the ball in play at the demanding course to take the honors, a good five shots ahead of Sam Sheriff. The fully-subscribed tournament was part of golf in DUBAi’s drive to increase golf’s popularity and accessibility all around the world through GOLF CITIZEN, a new golf reservation website.The winner of the event won an all-expenses-paid two-day stay at Banyan Resort with two complimentary golf rounds over the weekend while the first runnerup was awarded a Banyan Pro Shop voucher worth THB.10,000 and the second runner up THB.5,000 Launched by ‘golf in DUBAi’ last year, the website ( aims at promoting golf courses on its network. We are encouraging members of the EGF to book rounds through the GOLF CITIZEN network as part of our drive to collectively promote all the clubs,” said Mohamed Juma Buamaim, vice chairman and CEO of golf in DUBAi. “The members can sign up to become ‘GOLF CITIZEN’ for free and book rounds at courses of their choice. They can easily browse the site and all the options available are easily found with a mouse click or two,” he added.The fast-expanding network of GOLF CITIZEN includes all major courses

in the UAE and more are being from Thailand and Vietnam.“Our aim is to have every single golf course in the UAE, Thailand and across the region join the GOLF CITIZEN booking engine where one can book multiple tee times in one go.”Stacey Walton, Banyan Golf Club’s General Manager thanked golf in DUBAi and GOLF CITIZEN for their support in what will be one of Hua Hin’s most popular annual golf tournaments.“All participants in the Golf Citizen Open registered as a golf citizen member and entered the event on line through the website ( This is definitely a great way to secure pre- paid golf reservations and has created a new booking channel to increase our golf rounds. The flexibility and control we have over the booking system and revenue management is what I like most from a club managers perspective and the convenience to view and book a tee time instantly is a great advantage for our members and visitors.” Stacey remarked.

Congratulations to Miss Thailand 2012

at Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok

Experience Home Cooking Risotto at Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa

Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa invites then finished with freshly grated Grana Padano you to experience traditional Italian home cheese and butter. All combined with other fine cooking and comfort food at its best. ingredients such as Parma ham, Italian cheeses, saffron and home grown vegetables. It makes a hearty main dish and paired with a glass of wine makes it simply perfect. Salas Restaurant, the pool restaurant set in the heart of the resort, serves authentic Italian food in a relaxed Thai setting. Enjoy the favorite meal in one of 10 unique pavilions, surrounded by a lagoon style pool and tropical gardens. All special Risotto dishes start from Baht 320 net per dish (Prices are inclusive of 10% service charge and 7% tax) and are available daily throughout September and October 2012 at Salas Restaurant from 11.00 am -9.30 pm. Enjoy special Italian dishes, “Risotto”, at Please call (0)32 708 000 or e-mail reservations. Salas Restaurant with imported Carnaroli rice for information, room cooked with shallots, white wine and broth, reservations and meeting enquiry.


L. Preeyapun Sridhavat, Vice President of National Council of Women of Thailand, (4th from left) has recently hosted a dinner to congratulate to Miss Thailand 2012 together with The First runner up and The Second runner up. The event was held at the residence 305, Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok Hotel. Photo shows: (from left) 1st Mr. Khemmatat Paladesh, Vice President Marketing of MCOT Public Company Limited.

2nd Ms. Nutta-Orn Sophon, The Second runner up. 3rd Ms. Bunnisa Sirisang, The First runner up. 4th ML. Preyapun Sridhavat, Vice President of National Council of Women of Thailand. 5th Dr. Kurujit Nakornthap, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy of Thailand. 6th Prissana Kampusiri, Miss Thailand 2012. 7th Mr. Suradej Boonyawatana, Vice President of Old Vajiravudh Student Association Under his Royal Patronage


Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012

Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012



Hua Hin Today

Volume 9 issue 11 September 2012

Cha Am Today


Volume 4 issue 1 September 2012

Volume 4 Issue 1 September 2012

Afternoon Bird Watching, Evening Trek & Admiring


Freshwater Fireflies at Kaeng Krachan

he chief officer of Kaeng Krachan National Park invited visitors to join the afternoon bird watching and admiring freshwater fireflies program from 1 August to 31 October 2012 at 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Mr. Chaiwat Limlikitaksorn, the chief officer of Kaeng Krachan National Park, said that the park boasted the largest area in Thailand. Covering 2,915 square kilometers or 1.8 million Rais of Tanao Sri Mountain Range, most areas of Kaeng Krachan are tropical forests with complete natural attractions that offer beautiful natural wonders like Tho Thip Waterfall and the foggy Phanern Thung Hill as well as various kinds of flora and fauna, especially butterflies and freshwater fireflies. Visitors usually go there from September to the end of October even though this period is a rainy season of Thailand and the park is closed following an order of the Department of

อุทยานแก่งฯ ชวนเทีย่ วป่ากลางคืนช่วงปิด ฟืน้ ฟูปา่ “ดูนกยามเย็น เห็นหิง่ ห้อยน�ำ้ จืด”

National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation. To offer another option to visitors who would like to come to the park during its closure and promote tourism in Kaeng Krachan district, the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation has launched the afternoon bird watching and admiring freshwater fireflies program. Taking a total of 3 hours from late afternoon to early evening, the program consists of 10 visitors guided by officers from the park to do short forest trek and take a safe ride inside the forest from Daan Saam Yod to Kilometer 4. Along the way, visitors will see freshwater fireflies, various birds and small animals that feed themselves at night. Those who would like to join the activity need to inform officers at Kaeng Krachan National Park in advance and form a group of 10. Each of them has to pay a fee of 200 Baht. A personal tour costs 2,000 Baht. No one is allowed to take a trip without an officer from the park. Reservation can be made at office hours from Friday to Sunday at the Kaeng Krachan Tourism Promotion Booth at the ‘Balade’ ground close to Kaeng Krachan District Office. For more information, please contact 032 459 293 and 081 880 6382.


นายชัยวัฒน์ ลิม้ ลิขติ อักษร หัวหน้าอุทยาน แห่งชาติแก่งกระจาน เปิดเผยว่าอุทยานทีม่ พี นื้ ทีก่ ว้าง ใหญ่ทสี่ ดุ ของประเทศไทย มีพนื้ ทีถ่ งึ 2,915 ตาราง กิโลเมตร หรือ 1.8 ล้านไร่ เป็นต้นน�ำ้ ล�ำธารของแม่นำ�้ หลายสาย พืน้ ทีส่ ว่ นใหญ่ของอุทยานฯ เป็นภูเขาสลับ ซับซ้อนอยูใ่ นเทือกเขาตะนาวศรี สภาพภูมปิ ระเทศ เป็นป่าดิบชืน้ มีแหล่งท่องเทีย่ วทางธรรมชาติทอี่ ดุ ม สมบูรณ์ครบครัน ทัง้ ปรากฏการณ์ธรรมชาติทสี่ วยงาม (ทะเลหมอก ทีย่ อดเขาพะเนินทุง่ น�ำ้ ตกทอทิพย์ ฯลฯ) พืช สัตว์ปา่ และแมลง (ผีเสือ้ หิง่ ห้อยน�ำ้ จืด ฯลฯ) แต่ละปีมนี กั ท่องเทีย่ วเข้าเทีย่ วชมมากเป็นอันดับต้น ๆ ของอุทยานแห่งชาติในประเทศไทย ทุกๆ ปีตงั้ แต่เดือน กันยายน-ปลายเดือนตุลาคม เป็นช่วงฤดูฝน อุทยานแห่งชาติแก่งกระจานจะปิดให้บริการท่องเทีย่ วตามประกาศของ กรมอุทยานแห่งชาติ สัตว์ปา่ และพันธุพ์ ชื ตัง้ แต่แคมป์บา้ นกร่างไปจนถึงยอดเขาพะเนินทุง่ ชัว่ คราว เพือ่ คืนสภาพ ความสมบูรณ์ทางชีวภาพวิทยาและทางธรณีวทิ ยา พักฟืน้ ธรรมชาติให้ความอุดมสมบูรณ์ของผืนป่ากลับคืนมา และ ลดความเสีย่ งอันตรายทีอ่ าจเกิดแก่นกั ท่องเทีย่ วเนือ่ งจากอยูใ่ นช่วงฤดูฝน เช่นเดียวกับทุกอุทยานในประเทศไทย นายชัยวัฒน์ กล่าวต่อไปว่า เพือ่ เป็นการสร้างทางเลือกให้แก่นกั ท่องเทีย่ วทีม่ าเทีย่ วอุทยานแก่งกระจาน และเป็นการกระตุน้ เศรษฐกิจในช่วงฤดูปดิ ป่าไม่ให้ อ.แก่งกระจาน เงียบเหงาซบเซา ตลอดจนสร้างรายได้ให้แก่ชมุ ชน ท้องถิน่ อย่างต่อเนือ่ ง และสร้างรายได้เป็นสวัสดิการแก่เจ้าหน้าทีน่ อกเวลาท�ำการ อุทยานแห่งชาติแก่งกระจาน ภาย ใต้การอนุมตั ขิ องกรมอุทยานฯได้จดั โปรแกรมท่องเทีย่ วรูปแบบใหม่ให้แก่นกั ท่องเทีย่ วในช่วงฤดูการปิดป่า ใช้ชอื่ โปรแกรมว่า “ดูนกยามเย็น เห็นหิง่ ห้อยน�ำ้ จืด” เพือ่ ให้นกั ท่องเทีย่ วได้ชนื่ ชมและสัมผัสธรรมชาติในป่าแก่งกระจาน รูปแบบใหม่ “โปรแกรมท่องเทีย่ วนีจ้ ะจัดขึน้ ในช่วง 17.00-21.00 น.ทุกวัน เป็นระยะเวลา 3 เดือนคือตัง้ แต่ 1 ส.ค.-31 ต.ค. นักท่องเทีย่ วทีเ่ ข้าร่วมกิจกรรมจะได้สมั ผัสบรรยากาศธรรมชาติของป่าแก่งกระจานในยามค�ำ่ คืนรวม ระยะเวลาประมาณ 3 ชัว่ โมง โดยเจ้าหน้าทีจ่ ะน�ำนักท่องเทีย่ วชุดละประมาณ 10 คน เดินป่าในเส้นทางศึกษาธรรมชาติ ในระยะสัน้ ๆ และนัง่ รถชมบรรยากาศป่าในเส้นทางตัง้ แต่ดา่ นสามยอด ถึง กม.ที่ 4 สภาพเส้นทางเดินรถเป็นถนน ลาดยาง ท�ำให้งา่ ยต่อการควบคุมผลกระทบทีจ่ ะเกิดขึน้ กับทรัพยากรธรรมชาติ รวมถึงไม่เป็นเส้นทางอันตรายแก่นกั ท่องเทีย่ วทีเ่ ข้าเทีย่ วชมแม้เป็นเวลาค�ำ่ คืน เส้นทางดังกล่าวนักท่องเทีย่ วจะได้พบและศึกษาเรียนรูเ้ รือ่ งหิง่ ห้อยน�ำ้ จืด และนกนานาชนิด และสัตว์ขนาดเล็กทีห่ ากินในยามค�ำ่ คืน เป็นการศึกษาและสัมผัสธรรมชาติรปู แบบใหม่อย่างใกล้ ชิด นักท่องเทีย่ วทีจ่ ะเข้าร่วมกิจกรรมต้องแจ้งเจ้าหน้าทีพ่ ร้อมช�ำระค่าบริการ ท่านละ 200 บาท (รอครบจ�ำนวน 10 ท่านจึงน�ำเข้ากิจกรรม) หรือเหมาจ่าย รอบละ 2,000 บาท ณ ศูนย์บริการนักท่องเทีย่ วอุทยานแห่งชาติแก่งกระจาน ในวันและเวลาราชการ ศุกร์-อาทิตย์ ติดต่อได้ที่ บูธชมรมธุรกิจการท่องเทีย่ ว อ�ำเภอแก่งกระจาน ลานคนเมืองยามเย็น “บาลาเด้” ใกล้ทวี่ า่ การอ�ำเภอแก่ง กระจาน ทัง้ นีอ้ ตั ราค่าบริการดังกล่าวรถค่ายานพาหนะและเจ้าหน้าทีอ่ ทุ ยาน เป็นผูน้ ำ� เทีย่ ว (ไม่อนุญาตให้เทีย่ วชมเองโดยเด็ดขาด) สอบถามรายละเอียด เพิม่ เติมได้ที่ โทร 032-459293, 081-8806382” นายชัยวัฒน์กล่าว

Sirindhorn International Natural Park Goes Green

ith a newly initiated alternative energy model for the ‘1 District 1 Community Energy’ project, the park will serve as a good example of environmentally friendly community that observes His Majesty’s self-sufficiency principles and enables other neighboring communities to learn and adapt for their specific purposes. Acting director of the Center of Energy for Environment to the Princess Sirindhorn International Natural Park Mr. Natthapong Lapmee has lately announced that the Energy Conservation Promotion Fund had already granted some financial support to install an alternative energy system at the park under the ‘1 District 1 Community Energy’ project. This system will encourage visitors to learn more about alternative energy and gain in-depth knowledge on how different types of alternative energy and its inside mechanisms work as well as how to install and maintain the system. Mr. Natthapong added that the models of alternative energy under

this project included a windmill that can generate 1 kilowatt electricity, solar system that can produce 500 liters of hot water, a 15-kilogram solar system dryer, a 1,800 watt solar system incinerator, a 2.5 cubic meter biological fermentation barrel, an air compressor barrel that can produce 150 liters of hot water per day, a model of 1 kilowatt hydro generated electricity and the gasifier system that can produce 240 kilograms of fuel gas per day. All the above models on alternative energy will serve as a good community learning center for local people in the area because they are cost-effective and environmentally friendly. Visitors who would like to see them are welcome daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Princess Sirindhorn International Natural Park, 1281, Rama VI Military Base in Cha-Am, Phetchaburi. For more information, please contact 032- 508 352 , 032 508 396 or website: www.

B 42

City News

Volume 4 issue 1 September 2012

Fishing Lovers Invited

Special Activities to Make Shell for 2nd Cha-Am Fishing Games Eating Festival Livelier this Year


ha-Am is going to organize the 2nd Fishing Games during the Festival of Shell Eating, Bird Watching and Squid Catching. Winners will be awarded a trophy from Cha-Am Mayor.Following the success of the 1st Cha-Am Fishing Games at the 1st Pu Chak Crab Festival last year, the 2nd Fishing Games will take place from 8 September at 6 p.m. to 9 September at 7 a.m. at the southern part of Saphan Hin where the 14th Festival of Shell Eating, Bird Watching and Squid Catching is organized. Held by Cha-Am Municipality and the ChaAm Fishing Sport Club, the fishing games are divided into 6 categories according the type of fish to be caught: grouper, snapper, stingray, bagrid catfish, drumfish and any other fish. A trophy and cash will be awarded to 1st and 2nd winners and other prizes with no trophy will be given to other winners. A competitor can do fishing with as many rods as he would like to but only one helper is allowed. Competitors are allowed to use any fishing equipment and baits. In case fish caught by different competitors have the same weight, the first one weighed will be entitled for awarding.Opening of the Fishing Games is 6 p.m. and all competitors have to arrive at the venue at 5 p.m. on 9 September. Judges will start weighing fish from 7 p.m. of 8 September to 7 a.m. of 9 September 2012 and they will keep all fish caught. Application is now open

until 8 September 2012 or on the date of the event from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. The applicants will need to pay 150 Baht application fee for each of their fishing rod. Interested fishing lovers can obtain more information at Sap Jao Lai Shop tel. 032 472 236, Khon Tok Pla Shop tel. 085 429 5823.

The upcoming 14th Shell Eating, Bird Watching and Squid Catching in Cha-Am is now ready with more special highlights on boat racing and fishing competition, confirmed the Cha-Am Municipality, Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) and Singha Corporation.One of the biggest tourism promotion activities of Cha-Am, this annual event will take place at the Cha-Am lookout on the beach between 8 and 16 September 2012. The Phetchaburi Governor will chair the opening ceremony, too.The Mayor of Cha-Am Mr. Nukul Pornsomboonsiri said that the organizers decided to hold this event earlier this year on the second Saturday of September and it would be like this in the years to come. Usual highlights include squid catching on open water with charge as cheap as 100 Baht per person. Most visitors who already join the activity will like it as squid catching is a fun experience. Also, bird watching is much favored by tourists, especially bird lovers, because it is free and visitors can see rare winged creatures living in Thailand and migrating from other countries. Moreover, the venue at night has many fresh seafood on sale along with many stage performances. On the first day of the event, the Cha-Am Municipality is organizing a boat racing that includes scooters and banana boats. Held from 9.30 a.m. to 3 p.m. next to the lookout in southern part of Cha-Am beach, the boat racing will coincide with the fishing competition at Saphan Hin, one of the most beautiful locations where tourists admire sunset in Cha-Am. The

fishing competition will start at 6 p.m. on 8 September and finish at 7 a.m. on 9 September. Ms. Nongnit Tengmaneewan from TAT said that TAT had constantly supported the Shell Eating, Bird Watching and Squid Catching Festival to promote tourism during the rainy season in Cha-Am when few visitors come to the city. During this period, however, many squids can be found and a lot of birds are migrating from cold weather in other places to stay here. So, it is a good occasion to launch this event. Mr. Wichai Phlailaharn from Singha Corporation was glad that his company had still ben selected as a main sponsor for the event since the first time. He guaranteed that this year’s festival will be bigger and livelier than previous years’, especially artists invited for the evening performances. So, tourists and local people alike should not miss the event no matter what.For more information on this festival, please contact the Cha-Am Municipality at tel. 032 471 665 or TAT’s Phetchaburi Office at tel. 032 471 005-6.

Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa Th


Celebrates 5 Annivesary of Nice to Meet You

ua Hin, August 2012 – Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa celebrated the Grand 5th anniversary of “Nice to Meet You” on 18th August, 2012 under the theme “White & Gold Glamour” with dazzling glorious design and décor with part of the proceeds of auction and

lucky draw donated to UNICEF Charity and Starwood Associate Relief Fund. The opening of this event was presided by Martin Raich, General Manager of Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa and Sitthirat Hothongkam, Hotel Manager. The celebration was well-attended by

more than 150 guests included Grande Asset Hotels & Property Public Company Limited’s management and owners, celebrities, wellwishers, Starwood Hotels & Resorts’ leaders, media and hotel guests. In the welcome speech Martin Raich said, “Since our opening just over five years ago, Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & are proud to gain such high level of recognition and very grateful to the support of our owning company, Starwood Hotels & Resorts, business partner, media, the local community and the unrelenting endorsement of all those who contributed to our success in positioning us among the finest properties in this area”. “Many of our associates meet their soul mates here, started their lives together and yet still belong to each other. And we, management and associates of Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa hope you will have a great time and we will definitely seeing each other again in the next


five years to celebrate our 10th Anniversary”. Added up by Sitthirat Hothongkam. To further enhance this special night, “Nontri Orchestra Wind Band” took centre stage and further mesmerized the crowd with their superb performance and music. Continued by auction to bid for collector item and special vouchers from Starwood Hotels & Resorts entertained by professional MC, Ketsepsawat Palakawong Na Ayutthaya. With the milestone of achievement, Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa has strengthened its endeavor to deliver inspiring, high valued and exceptional experiences to our guests in an environment which is inherent in timeless Thai hospitality. The 5th Celebration event was to express its sincere appreciation and thank for the great support along the journey, since its first day of opening up till now, as well as continuously moving forward to the future.

Celebrates The Queen on National Mother’s Day

ua Hin, August 2012 – Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa, leaded by Martin Raich, General Manager together with associates and in-house guests celebrated special occasion of Her Majesty the Queen Sirikit’s 80th Birthday on 12 August 2012 at Sundara Terrace. Khanitha Singtothong, Director of Rooms is a representative in paying homage to H.M. the Queen with Candle-lit ceremony “Long Live the Queen”. developed many projects to support sustainable H.M. the Queen is like the Mother of all Thai people who has to take care of millions growth to our country until today. This date is of children in the whole country. She has also marked as National Mother’s Day.

Volume 4 issue 1 September 2012


Inside Cha-Am

Cha –Am & Hua Hin Restaurants Guide

an Benjarong Restaurant, Royal Thai cuisine, Dusit Thani Hua Hin /Cha-am. Address: 1349 Petchkasem Road,Cha-am, Petchburi 76120 , Hua Hin Beachfront, Hua Hin / Chaam, Thailand. Enjoy authentic Royal Thai cuisine at the Dusit Thani Hua Hin’s famous “Baan Benjarong” in a traditional Thai setting overlooking the lagoon. Make your selection of dishes from our a la carte menu or help yourself to a delectable buffet spread. Fu Lue Chinese Restaurant, Grand Pacific Sovereign. Address: 334/1 Ruamjitt Road, Cha Am Beachfront, Cha Am, Thailand.Authentic Cantonese Cuisine by Master Chef. Salas Pool restaurant, Italian gourmets, Sheraton Cha am-Hua Hin, Address: 573 Petchkasem Road, Thambol Cha-Am, Cha-Am, 76120 ThailandSet in the heart of the resort, this poolside restaurant serves authentic Italian gourmets in a relaxed Thai setting. Enjoy your favorite meal in one of 10 unique pavilions, surrounded by a lagoon-style pool and tropical gardens. Black Lotus Restaurant and Lounge, Address: Soi 112, Hua Hin, Thailand,Black Lotus Restaurant and Lounge is a new restaurant in Hua Hin. Our Chef provides a fine symphony of the North European kitchen and the traditional Thai dishes, we strive to give you a perfect dining experience in luxury surroundings, at very reasonable prices. White Lotus Restaurant, Hilton Hua Hin, Address: 3 Naresdamri Road, Hua Hin Beachfront,Savor delicious Szechuan and Cantonese dishes from this 17th floor Hua Hin rooftop restaurant at the Hilton Hua Hin Resort & Spa. Choose the outdoor seating for panoramic views of the Gulf of Thailand Papa John’s Grill Restaurant & Beer Garden Restaurant, Hua Hin Address: 1/154 Soi Moobaan Khao Takiab, Hua Hin, Prachuab Khiri Khan, Thailand Da Mario Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria, Hua Hin, Address: 20 Naresdamri Road, Hua Hin, Prachuabkhirikhan 77110, Thailand ,Da Mario Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria is situated in Hua Hin near fishing pier, with a charming of the beach of Gulf of Thailand, only 190 km south of Bangkok. Launched 3 outlets in Phuket over 15 years ago. Da Mario represents an Italian cuisine from all regions in Italy, just being like other authentic restaurants in its country. Da Mario’s management and staff invite you to visit us to taste a part of Italy in Thailand. Prime Steakhouse & Blackout Cocktail Bar, Hua Hin. Address: Thipurai City Hotel, 8/5-7 Soi Kanjanomai Poolsuk Road, Hua Hin, Prachuabkirikhan 77110 Thailand Whether you are after a romantic meal with a loved one or a large group of friends getting together for a party, Prime is the perfect choice. The wide menu has been created to satisfy all tastes. The menu offers you everything from pasta, salad, desserts, pizza and European specialty dishes.The salmon has been imported from Norway and the beef imported from Australia and New Zealand, to be sure of the highest quality. Also on offer are the highest quality wines, whiskey, cognac, and champagne. The aim is to offer high quality food and service at reasonable prices. Mamma Mia & Pizza Mia Restaurant Hua Hin, Call: 032-512 250 ,Come and join us for lunch or dinner in our new fully air-conditioned restaurant. Or come and relax with a cappuccino on our beautiful roof garden terrace which has a wonderful ocean view. Oceanside Beach Club & Restaurant, Putahracsa Resort Hua Hin Address: 22/65 Naeb Kaehat Road, Hua Hin, Hua Hin City Center, Hua Hin, Thailand : A fantastic combination of relaxation, well-being, simplicity and flavors, available at Putahracsa Resort. Real culinary journey, the menu displays a refined Mediterranean inspired cuisine along with Asian inspirations, and authentic Tapas selection to accompany amazing and inventive cocktails for all. A place where music becomes source of enjoyment, creating an unforgettable experience. Villazzo Restaurant, V Villas, Hua Hin, Address: 63/39 Petchkasem Road, Hua Hin, Prachuab Kirikhan 77110 Thailand.Dine in style at Villazzo Restaurant. The resort’s chic poolside eatery serves exquisite cuisine alfresco or in air-conditioned comfort, beginning with a delicious buffet and a la carte breakfast. At lunch, discover the secrets of Thai cuisine at V Villas’ fun and inspirational cooking classes. Learn how to cook one of the world’s most popular cuisines with the resort’s gifted chef. The delicious dishes include salads, soups, main dishes and desserts. Participants in the class can choose from a wide selection of popular recipes including marinated and grilled barbecued pork with mixed fruit salad, pomelo salad with prawns, green curry with chicken, massaman curry with beef, stir-fried chicken with cashew nuts, dumplings in coconut milk, and much more. In the evening, guests can enjoy an enticing menu of beautifully plated delectable dishes, complimented by a selection of outstanding wines. La Paillote, French Restaurant Hua Hin, Address: 174 Naresdamri Road, Hua Hin, Thailand (Opposite Centara Grand Hua Hin ) LA PAILLOTE is a quality French restaurant located in Hua Hin. Our restaurant is open seven days a week from 10:30am until late in the evening. La Paillote team is pleased to welcome you to the “LA PAILLOTE” romantic outdoor terrace as well as or in our well ventilated inside dining room. The LA PAILLOTE French expertise is a “sun oriented” style of French cuisine.The kitchen is managed by Gaston and Joyrak who has an extensive culinary experience in Thailand and in France as well. Our tranquil atmosphere and exquisite food does not mean expensive pricing. Our aim is to provide outstanding food and drinks at a very reasonable price. Heaven’s Kitchen Hua Hin, Address: 21 Soi Hua Hin 55 Chomsin Road, 77110 Prachubkririkhan, Thailand.Heaven’s Kitchen has more than a bit of Heaven The newly opened restaurant in the center of Hua Hin lives op to its name. It actually has a little piece of Heaven. The hosts Michael and Peter welcome you at the cozy little balcony facing the street. On the balcony there is a clear view of the street and the life that passes by — while you enjoy a drink or some of the many small dishes from the menu. The place has an intimate atmosphere where chef Peter likes to listen to your wishes and comes with suggestions for tasteful appetizer. The large bright back room has space for 45 guests. Throughout the afternoon and evening there is a steady traffic of visitors who enjoy specialties of Thai, German dishes and Heaven’s Kitchen’s own versions of familiar international dishes. Black Mountain Golf Restaurant, Hua Hin. Address: 565, Moo7, Nong Hieng Rd, Hin Lek Fai, 77110 Prachaup Khiri Khan, Thailand. The restaurant overlooks the course’s spectacular scene offers the satisfying the appetite of those golfers who wish to fuel up prior to their impending round. Delicious coffee, snacks and cold drinks are served by the pleasant staff and can help to prepare the body for the rigors of golf as well as ward off any pre-game nerves arising in anticipation at playing on such a special course. Hagi Japanese Restaurant, Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas. Address: 1 Damnernkasem Road, Hua Hin, Prachuab Khirikhan 77110, Thailand Hagi Japanese Restaurant combines traditional dishes and cutting-edge cuisine under one roof. The eclectic menu features a selection of sushi, noodles, tappanyaki and more.Recommended dishes include Ebi kawari - deep-fried shrimps wrapped in cornflakes, Ginmutsu saikyo yaki - grilled snow fish marinated with bean paste sauce, and Mango rainbow maki – rolled mango. Pirom Restaurant, Thai cuisine, Intercontinental Hua Hin Address: 33/33, Petchkasem Road, Prachuab Khiri Khan, Hua Hin, 77110 Thailand Authentic regional Thai cuisine is the culinary focus of Pirom, the InterContinental Hua Hin Resort’s traditional Thai restaurant. Enjoy watching your meal prepared before your eyes with Pirom’s open kitchen. Mondovino Wine Bar, Hua Hin, Address: 22/65 Neab Kaehat Road, Hua Hin Sub-district, Hua Hin district, Prachuabkirikhan 77110, Thailand .The first Aperitif wine bar in Hua Hin, with a retail shop on the premises too. Selling you wine by the glass or by the bottle. We have an extensive range of old and new world wines at competitive prices. Mondo Vino have quality of cheese and salami from Italy, you can take home or sitting have a mixed could cut and testing some wine by the glass. Also, we’ll serve with the fresh bread from wood figs oven every day, we serve Hot Pizza, and Hot Pasta Recommended.

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Dusit Thani Hua Hin:

One of Australia’s Top-10 Family-Friendly Resorts-Thailand 2012


or the second consecutive year, Dusit Thani Hua Hin was been voted as one of Australia’s Top-10 Family-Friendly Resorts -Thailand 2012 from Holiday with Kids magazine. This award is evidence of hotel’s outstanding holiday appeal and facilities for families since they invite the readership of over 600,000 parents and 53,000 online members to vote for not only the most popular holiday operators but also those of the highest quality they have encountered.


Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa Awarded Outstanding for Safety, Occupational Health and Workplace Environment 2012

heraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa is recognized as an “Outstanding Award for Safety, Occupational Health and Workplace Environment 2012” in the Western Chapter Safety Week which was held during 9-10 August, 2012Sitthirat Hothongkam, Hotel Manager as the representative of Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa received “Outstanding Award for Safety, Occupational Health and Workplace Environment 2012” from Anusorn Kraiwatnussorn, Vice Minister of Labour at Wittyapirom Hall 1 Phetchaburi Rajabhat University. This award is recognized Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa’s demonstration a commitment of safety and security environmental on workplace to associates. “It is our great pleasure for being awarded. This is proven our commitment in focusing on an excellence occupational safety and healthy workplace as well as consistency cared for local Community”; said Sitthirat Hothongkam, Hotel Manager, Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa.

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Cha Am Today

Volume 4 issue 1 September 2012

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.