Huang Wei Cheng Portfolio 2015

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What does design mean for me? Design is based on life experiences. Design is an innovative thinking. Design is the way which can make our life better.



Huang, Wei-Cheng 黃薇臻



Nationality 國籍

Taiwan 台灣


Sketch/Rhino/Solidworks/ Keyshot


Mandarin Chinese/IELTS6.0 /Germ

INTERESTS 興趣 E-MAIL 信箱 Mobil 手機

Photography/Reading/Traveling/M +886-936830539

t/ Indesign/ Illustrator/ Photoshop

man A1 母語中文 / 精通英文 / 略懂德文 / 略懂日文

Movie watching/Volleyball Playing 攝影 / 閱讀 / 旅行 / 電影欣賞 / 排球


EDUCATION 教育程度 2014/10 - 2015/08

Fachhochschule Trier, Germany---Exchange Program Communication Design 德國特里爾應用科技大學交換學生 • 獲得教育部學海飛颺獎學金 • 修習溝通設計課程

2012/09 - 2014/08

National Taipei University of Technology---Master Degree Innovation Design 國立臺北科技大學創新設計研究所碩士學位 • 加入鄭孟淙老師設計心理研究室 • 英文發表研究論文於日本東京 IASDR 研討會 • 畢業論文 : 從行人穿越路口之行為策略探討號誌設施設計 - 以台 北市和平東路圓環為例


2008/09 - 2012/06

Tunghai University--- Bachelor Degree Industrial Design 東海大學工業設計學系學士學位 • 獲得 TEFA 獎學金參加美國加州州立大學海外交流 • 參加 VYA 國際蒙古志工團隊 • 撰寫工藝新趣企劃書獲得台灣工藝研究中心補助 畢業設計專題 - 竹意

2005/09 - 2008/06

National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park 新竹科學工業園區實驗高級中學高中部 • 獲得群育獎與全勤獎畢業


2013/11- 2014/05

SPOT Huashan Movie Theater Part-time Worker 光點華山電影館 工讀生 • 票務管理

2012/08 - 2012/12

Norm Pacific Automation Corp. Product Apperance Design Piecework Designer 新典自動化股份有限公司 接案 • 產品外觀設計

2011/06 - 2011/09

Industrial Design Internship Dot Desigh House 圓點設計股份有限公司 實習生 • 產品設計、平面設計




Group Leader in Activity in VYA International Work Camp VYA 國際蒙古志工團隊節慶活動企劃長 • 活動企劃 • 活動執行


Group Leader in X'mas Party Souvenir 耶誕舞會紀念品組組長 • 紀念品設計 • 紀念品製作工作分配


Group Leader in Stage Property of English Drama 英語話劇競賽道具組組長 • 道具設計與規劃 • 道具製作工作分配

HONOR 得獎記錄


IF concept award-Haier Special Prize 2014


IDEA Final List 2014


Great Design Award (Top 8) -Detected Aromatic Spray


Great Design Award (Top 8)-Alert area


31st Yodex Design Award (Honorable Mention)


3nd Taiwan Qualia Design Award (Honorable Mention)


To be selected in the New Crafts Design project


IP-ID Design Technology Award (Best Design Award)


IP-ID Design Technology Award (Honorable Mention)


Nei-Shin Cooperation Design Award (Honorable Mention)


Mazu Product Design Award (Silver Medal Award)


Mazu Product Design Award (Honorable Mention)



德國 IF 概念設計獎海爾特別獎—Thawer


美國 IDEA 傑出工業設計獎入圍—Easy Aid


技嘉奇想設計大賽優選—Alert Area




第 31 屆新一代設計獎佳作獎—竹意平衡






IP 的 ID 次方科技美學設計獎設計加值獎


IP 的 ID 次方科技美學設計獎評審團創新設計獎







Contents 目錄

Product Design 產品設計


Furniture Design 傢俱設計


Communication Design 溝通設計


Workshop 工作營作品


Photography 攝影


Contents 13

Product Design 產品設計

Thawer 解凍劃板


Easy Aid 便利貼


Alert Area 空中安全警報


Detected Aromatic Spray 口氣偵測清新噴霧


Ibrush 智慧牙刷


Baby Care 育兒警報


Failing Alert 失足警報


Product Design 15

Product Design 17

Thawer 解凍劃板

2014 IF concept award-Haier Special Prize 2014 IF 概念設計獎 - 海爾特別獎

Problem 問題

When taking out meat from the freezer, we often find it frozen and hard to cut. Microwaves can only defrost the entire food, which is a waste of time and also reduces the food's freshness. 當我們從冷凍庫中拿出食材時,往往會遇到結凍無法切割的問題。 微波爐一次只能解凍整塊結凍的食材,既浪費時間又不利於食物保鮮。

Product Design 19

Concept and Technology 概念與技術

People can choose the part they want to cook. 人們可以自由選擇需要的部位與分量切割。 T.G.M (thermo-electric generating module) Thermo-electric generators are devices that convert heat directly into electrical energy, using a phenomenon called the Seebeck effect . In short, T.G.M can be used to control temperature immediately, such as cooling and heating. 致冷晶片是一個通過直流電流可自由進行冷卻、加熱、溫度控制的半導體元件。

Product Design 21

Thawer defrosting and cutting board, combined with T.G.M (thermo-electric generating module) technique, lets users freely choose the parts that need thawing. Making cut frozen meat


and convenient. Also, it keeps the unused parts fresh. Thawer 解凍砧板,結合致冷晶片的技 術,可以讓使用者自由選擇食材需要 解凍的部位,快速方便又保持食材其 它部分的新鮮。


Choose the freezing parts which you need.

Thawer reducing the time, keeping food fresh, and making your life better!

Product Design 25

Easy Aid 便利貼

2014 IDEA Final List 2014 美國 IDEA 傑出工業設計獎入圍

Problem 問題

People suffer from diabetic needs to inject the medicine by themselves every day. However, patients with diabetic often have coagulopathy, so they need a band-aid to stop bleeding and avoid the bacterial infections after inject the medicine. There are 3.46 million of people suffering from diabetes, but band-aid in the market is unable to meet the demand of diabetic, who needs to stick a band-aid with one hand by themselves. This is the problem that we should pay attention to with an increasing number of diabetic patients. 糖尿病的患者必須每天自行注射藥物。但是他們的凝血功能不佳,因此需要有創可 貼的輔助止血。全世界有 3 百 46 萬的糖尿病患者,然而現有的創可貼卻沒有考慮到 他們的需求 --- 自行單手操作完成黏貼創可貼。隨著糖尿病患者的逐年增加,這是我 們必須去思考去改善的問題。

Product Design 27

Over 30 Billion diabetics in the world

Concept 概念

How to stick the band aid by only using one Hand? 然而,如何使創可貼的操作可以用單手獨立完成?

Product Design 29

Step1. Prepare the Easy-Aid. Tear off the white sheet. The plastic gasket will prevent the band-aid from mistakenly stick together. 撕開白色包奘紙,白色的墊片可預防創可貼黏住。


Step2. Stick the Easy Aid on the wound with gasket. Put the band-aid on the wound with gasket. Then press the gasket lightly so that the band-aid would stick tightly to the skin. 將創可貼與墊片一起貼在傷口上,再輕輕地施壓墊片使 得創可貼與皮膚緊密接合。

Step3. Peel off the plastic gasket from the band-aid . Separate the gasket from the band-aid with thumb and middle finger, which is the last step to apply successfully. 最後輕輕地拿開墊片,完成黏貼創可貼。

7 Strips Fulfill the cycle of the patient's need. Concerning the injection times per day and 7days’ period of doctor’s prescription, a package would include 7 pieces of Easy Aid. Fulfill the cycle of the patient's need. 考慮到每日一次的注射頻率,Easy Aid 為 7 片創可貼一組的包裝,可以提供患者 一周一個循環的使用。


Easy Aid 也可以提供手部受傷的 患者,只有一隻手可以黏貼創可 貼的患者使用。

On the other hand, Easy Aid can be used to people who has an hand injury. Easy Aid” is not only a one-handed band-aid, but provide the closest care in people’s life

Product Design 35

Alert Area 空中安全警報

2014 Great Design Award (Top 8) 2014 技嘉奇想設計大賽優選

Problem 問題

Because of the popularity of smartphones, the numbers of Smartphone Addicts increase a lot. However, it is really dangerous for people who always focus on their smartphone. Smartphone Addicts may ignore the construction on the sky. 近年來,智慧型手機的用戶急速增加,越來越多的人不 論身處何處都只專注於眼前的智慧型載具,而忽略周遭 的危險。

According to the research, crane accident usually happened in crowded cities and making heavy casualties. 根據研究發現,起重機掉落的事故大多發生在人潮擁擠 的市中心,造成嚴重的大型公安意外。

Product Design 37

Concept and Technology 概念與技術

Alert people and Smartphone Addicts directly and quickly, but not too loud or impact others in the city. 能向智慧型載具重度使用者、忽略周遭危險的族群,快速並直接的發出警戒而同時也 不會干擾周遭其他人。 Directional Loudspeaker 指向性喇叭技術 The directional loudspeaker is invented by Taiwan Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). This technology can transform the native audio to ultrasonic quickly. Because people can not hear ultrasound, the directional loudspeaker can directly send the sound accurately and straight. Therefore, the sound will not be scattered or impact others. 指向性喇叭技術是由台灣工研院所研發的,這個技術可以快速地轉換原始的音訊載入 超音波中。利用空氣非線性的特性,調變後的超音波在空間中被還原成原始音訊。但 由於超音波俱有明確的方向性、可以精准地在軸線上集中發送聲音,因此不會打擾到 旁人也減少了音訊在空氣中的散射。保護隱私。

Product Design 39

Regular Loudspeaker

Directiona Loudspeaker

Alert area can even alert Smartphone Addicts.


Alert area can even alert Smartphone Addicts. Alert people who walk under the danger area with directivity loudspeaker. Meanwhile, people who walk outside the area will not be avoided. Alert area 可以警戒專注於智慧型載具的人。應用指 向性喇叭的技術,Alert area 可以確實的提醒進入的 危險區域的人,同時不會打擾到在警戒範圍之外的一 般用路人。


Alert area can be used 24 hours day and night. Besides, its doesn't matter the weather is good or not. Alert area 不受白天、黑夜與晴天、 雨天的影響。



Product Design 45

Detected Aromatic Spray 口氣偵測清新噴霧 2014 Great Design Award (Top 8) 2014 技嘉奇想設計大賽優選

Problem 問題

Around 95% of us suffer from bad breath at some time in our lives However, it is really embarrassing to have bad breath in the social area. 全世界大約有 95% 的人深受口臭問題的困擾。 在社交的場合裡,口中有異味是件不禮貌且尷尬的事情。

Product Design 47

Concept and Technology 概念與技術

According to the research, using too much

fine fragrance will complicate the

bad breath problem. 市面上有許多種類型的口氣清新噴霧,然而, 根據研究指出,清新噴霧得過量反而會加重口 臭的問題。 Electronic nose can analyze the level of bad breath, then give the proper quantity of fine fragrances. 電子鼻技術,可以偵測口中異味的程度,給予 適當分量的清新噴霧。

The appearance ,which is transparent and simple, is based on lip balm. 造型上以旋轉方式開瓶,以簡潔透明的護唇膏 的造型作為出發避免口臭清新噴霧給予的負面 觀感。

Product Design 49

DETECTED AROMATIC SPRAY Detected Aromatic Spray 透過電子鼻技術,感測口中的異味程 度,調整口氣清新噴霧的用量,幫助有效的去除口中異味,並帶來 清新好口氣。


Product Design 53

Ibrush 智慧牙刷

Problem 問題

If you don't brush your teeth completely, you may get decayed tooth or periodontal disease. However, there are lots of parts of your teeth is really hard to notice. 刷牙如果未能清潔完全,會造成細菌滋生,而進一步引發牙周病或是齲齒等問題。 然而,刷牙的過程中,牙齒有許多看不到的位置,我們無法透過鏡子看到影像, 也無法確定是否有完成清潔的工作。

Product Design 55

Concept and Technology 概念與技術

iBrush is a toothbrush, which connect with Electronic nose. Electronic nose can detect the bacteria in your mouth. Therefore, according the data and your smartphone, then, you can brush your teeth entirely and have a good breath day and night. iBrush 則是一隻與電子鼻技術結合的電動牙刷,利用電子鼻可以探測細菌殘留的 功能,與智慧型手機結合,讓使用者在刷牙時可以看著智慧型手機對牙刷位置進 行挑整,將口腔內的細菌更徹底的清理,得到充滿好口氣的一天。





Everyday you have healthy smile Besides, iBrush can make a personal data. With cloud computing, iBrush can send the data to your dentist, which is good for keeping checking your tooth . 此外,iBrush 也將記錄口中牙齒的個別病歷與狀 態,透過雲端資料庫系統將記錄傳送到牙科診所 中,幫助醫病之間的溝通。

Product Design 61

Baby Care 育兒警報 2011 IP-ID Design Technology Award (Honorable Mention) IP 的 ID 次方科技美學設計獎評審團創新設計獎

Problem 問題

It is really dangerous for babies who ignore by their parents. Babies may turn their body when sleeping, however, sometimes the quits may cover their mouth and nose. Babies may be smothered by the quits, which impact a terrible situation. 父母有時因為忙碌而忽略嬰幼兒的狀況。嬰幼兒可能 因為睡眠的翻身而導致棉被遮住口鼻無法呼吸的狀 況。而這些父母的疏忽可能會導致非常嚴重的危險甚 至嬰幼兒的死亡。

Product Design 63

Concept and Technology 概念與技術

A devices which can help parents take care the sleeping baby. 我們提出一個概念,希望可以在嬰幼兒睡眠時,且父母不在身邊時,有一個裝置能幫 助父母監測嬰幼兒的狀況。 Face Recognition system 人臉辨識系統 Face Recognition is a system which can record the data of people’s faces. Then , according to the data of the faces, Face Recognition can recognize different person’s identity by the feature of their faces. 人臉辨識系統可以記錄人臉於數據資料庫中。而根據人臉辨識系統的資料庫,該系統 便可藉由人臉的特徵判別不同人的身份。

Product Design 65

BABY CARE Baby care with Face Recognition Technology can scan the faces of babies every time, which can help parents make sure baby's safety when sleeping. Baby care 配置人臉辨識系統技術,可以事先 儲存嬰幼兒的臉部特徵數據資料。因此,一旦 嬰幼兒有任何的身體不適,或是非一般正常狀 況時,人臉辨識系統可以立即地偵測,且立即 地警戒不在身旁的父母親。

Product Design 67

Product Design 69

Falling Alert 失足警報 2011 IP-ID Design Technology Award (Best Design Award) IP 的 ID 次方科技美學設計獎設計加值獎

Problem 問題

It is really dangerous that the floor of the bathroom has been always wet and smooth. The Elder or child may easily fall down in this kind of dangerous. 浴室環境地板濕滑,老人、小孩常有失足滑倒卻沒人 知曉而釀成悲劇的風險。

Product Design 71

失足警報 There is a pressure sensor system inside the Falling Alert. As a bathroom mat, Falling Alert can not only avoid people falling down, but also remind people outside when something dangerous happened. 失足警報作為一浴室防滑墊,不僅有防滑 的功能,更結合了大面積壓力感測技術, 再有人跌倒時能發出警告音效,並傳送訊 息通知家人,以達雙重保護。

Product Design 73

Furniture Design 傢俱設計

Idea Series 竹意系列


To be selected in the New Crafts Design project 台灣工藝研究中心工藝新趣企劃書入圍補助

Balance / Light 平衡 / 燈具


Pregnant / Table 孕育 / 桌


Origin / Chair 原點 / 椅


Furniture Design 75

Learing Technology 技術學習

Great Crafts Master Mr. Zhang,Xian-Ping Speciality: Rush weaving,Bamboo weaving, Vine weaving 國寶級工藝師傅 張憲平老師 擅長:藺草編、竹編、藤編

Furniture Design 77

Learing Technology 技術學習

Furniture Design 79

Learing Technology 技術學習

Furniture Design 81

Learing Technology 技術學習

Furniture Design 83

Sketch 概念草圖

Furniture Design 85

Model 概念模型

Furniture Design 87

Furniture Design 89

Balence / Light 平衡 / 燈具 31st Yodex Design Award (Honorable Mention) 第 31 屆新一代設計獎佳作獎 3nd Taiwan Qualia Design Award (Honorable Mention) 第 3 屆台灣感質賞佳作獎

Process 製作過程

There are three steps for making this product. Step1. Close the circuit. Step2. Weave the bamboo Lamp Shade. Step3. Compose all the parts together. 三個步驟完成燈具製作 步驟 1. 組裝電路。 步驟 2. 編織竹編燈罩。 步驟 3. 組裝所有零件。


3D Model 建模測試


Balance 平衡

Based on the circle weaving, I design a new shape for the lampshades. Besides, because of the bamboo material, this shape has its own supporting force. Therefore, people can freely set this lamp in different ways, which make the space more interesting and relaxing. 改變平衡的向度,思緒轉換,編織空間的流動。改編具有張力與 韌度的輪口編織,創造新的造型,成為一立體俱有支撐力的水滴 型。五角的設計,可以自由地轉動換位,思緒轉換,將空間營造 得更加自然輕鬆。

Furniture Design 95

Furniture Design 97

Pregnant / Table 孕育 / 桌

Process 製作過程

There are four steps for making this product. Step1. Make the beaueiful wood tabletop. Step2. Make the solid iron table legs. Step3. Weave the bamboo weaving. Step4. Compose all the parts together. 三個步驟完成燈具製作 步驟 1. 製作木頭桌板。 步驟 2. 製作鐵桌腳。 步驟 3. 編織竹編。 步驟 4. 組裝所有零件。


Pregnant 孕育

蛋形的桌面不同於圓桌,有助於人群的集中。輪口 編織的樣式與燈具及椅子相互呼應。透過觸摸發現 桌面的輪口貫穿桌底的編織空間,透過觸覺感知探 索空間的無限可能。 The tabletop shape is an egg, which is different from normal table, but good for gathering people together. The circle weave is similar to the light. People can touch the weave from top to down to feel the unlimited design thinking on this table.

Furniture Design 101


Furniture Design 103

Origin / Chair 原點 / 椅

Process 製作過程

There are four steps for making this product. Step 1. Make the beautiful wood chair. Step 2. Make the solid iron chair legs. Step 3. Weave the Vine weaving. Step 4. Stitch the Cushion. Step 5. Compose all the parts together. 三個步驟完成燈具製作 步驟 1. 製作木頭椅。 步驟 2. 製作鐵椅腳。 步驟 3. 編織竹編與藤編。 步驟 4. 縫製坐墊。 步驟 5. 組裝所有零件。

Furniture Design 105

Origin 原點

Because of the height of the table is 69cm, so we set the height of chair 39cm. People can be more relaxing and talk freely with each other in this comfortable area. 座椅的高度設定為 39 公分,配合 69 公分高的桌子,從嚴肅的辦公環境轉換到此輕鬆自 在的空間,用輕鬆自在的姿態互相溝通、交流。



Idea 竹意

Bring the fresh air from nature to the work area, making people feel relaxed and gathering people talk together. 將自然的元素帶入辦公空間,讓 人們感到放鬆並促進人群的聚集 與溝通

Furniture Design 109

Communication Design 溝通設計

Communication Design 111

Communication Design 溝通設計 - 海報設計

Communication Design 113

Communication Design 溝通設計 - 海報設計

Communication Design 115

Communication Design 溝通設計 - 人物設計

Communication Design 117

Communication Design 溝通設計 - 字形設計

Communication Design 119

Workshop 工作營


Interdisziplinäre Woche - Digital Tensegrity Workshop, Trier, Germany


Structure Design Workshop


WayFinding for Greater Taichung Design Workshop with Chiba University & Chib


Taichung Nantun Old Steet Sightseeing Improving Design Workshop


International Conference of Innovation & Design Workshop


Lukan Color Imagine Research Workshop with Musashino Art University


Design Cross Over Workshop


YDW Taipei World Design Expo Crafts Design Workshop


IP-ID Design Technology Workshop


Symbiosis plant Design Utilizing Workshop with Chiba University & Chiba Institiute


Green Tableware International Workshop

ba Institiute of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan

e ofTechnology, Chiba, Japan

Workshop 121

Workshop 工作營

Symbiosis plant Design Utilizing Workshop with Chiba University & Chiba Institiute of Technology, Chiba, Japan

Workshop 123

Workshop 工作營

Symbiosis plant Design Utilizing Workshop with Chiba University & Chiba Institiute of Technology, Chiba, Japan

Workshop 125

Workshop 工作營

WayFinding for Greater Taichung Design Workshop with Chiba University & Chiba Institiute of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan


Workshop 工作營

Structure Design Workshop

Workshop 129

Workshop 工作營

Interdisziplinäre Woche - Digital Tensegrity Workshop, Trier, Germany

Workshop 131

Workshop 工作營

Design Cross Over Workshop

Workshop 133

Photography 攝影

Photography 135

Photography 攝影

Photography 137

Photography 攝影

Photography 139

What does design mean for me? Design is based on life experiences. Design is an innovative thinking. Design is the way which can make our life better.

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