Distribution Areas • Palmdale • Lancaster • Acton • Littlerock • Lake L.A. • Pearblossom • Quartz Hill • Rosamond • Mojave • Leona Valley • Santa Clarita • New Hall • Saugus • Valencia
Points of Distribution: Vallarta Market, Albertson’s, Vons, Wal Mart, Public Schools, Public Offices, Churches, Latin Markets and more than 1000 small business
Thousands of readers every two weeks are waiting to do business with you
Special Position 10% Extra Full Color Process 10% Extra 15% Discount to all Non Profit organizations PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
Where and How to Advertise
here is little doubt that publicity and advertising in any of the different mediums of communication is beneficial, however, it is important to know that there are notable differences between them. Knowing the differences is important when starting an ad campaign, or even when simply trying to strengthen your business presence in your dominant area. Customer markets are different, depending on the size, reach and projection of the business within the community which it is located. For example, a barber shop or beauty salon has an area of influence of a few square miles surrounding its locale; while a refreshing beverage like Pepsi or Coke can have a presence and generate consumer need in any part of the world. Based on this, we can say that businesses within an urban area of a city, generally, have as their customer base the residents living within their area of influence; which, depending on certain first step to knowing which is the most effective media through which to inform potential geographical variables, could be anywhere within a range of 2 to 10 square miles. This is the clients of the existence of a needed provider near them. Merely communicating the existence of a business is not a guarantee of commercial success. In a permanent goods and services consumer market, with a great variety of offerings, it is necessary to generate need (demand) toward specific services or products and, even more important, through the appropriate channels (media). Ad campaigns are based on the knowledge of the marketplace, its habits and consumer needs. They inform and compel the consumer need to direct its attention toward a pre-determined business, which offers a product or services that satisfy the demand that has been generated. Aside from motivating consumers, ad campaigns have to be very effective at informing the public in regards to the business location and how one can best acquire the advertised goods and services. In this regard, there are notable differences in the manner and effectiveness between the different mediums of communication, because, depending on the medium, the human brain needs different amounts of stimulation (ad spots) in order to assimilate the information
that is not transcendental in his existence. Because Hispanic/Latinos come from low level consumer societies, they need a larger amount of ad spots in order for their brain to record the benefit or usefulness of any goods or services; that is why how they receive the information is so important. To illustrate a few examples: In order to establish the name of a business within the consciousness of a possible consumer, television needs to air 15 ad spots; radio needs 10 ad spots; and written media needs 4 ad spots. In television’s case, because it is fully an entertainment and news agency medium, the audience is not, and doesn’t want to be, predisposed to assimilate commercial-type information. It is because of this that TV publicity geniuses utilize sophisticated methods in order to achieve their goals, which is why this service medium is so expensive. Because of its high volume of viewers and huge areas of transmission, this is an adequate medium for large businesses with a higher level of marketing and distribution. Radio is also an effective means of entertainment, a great companion for motorized commuters. Inside automobiles is where radio establishes its empire, but it lacks effectiveness when the information it airs requires directions or specific telephone numbers, due to the almost impossible task the motorist would have in taking notes while driving. Inside the home, at times when a family gathers after a day’s work, television replaces radio, however, radio does have a certain effectiveness in the workplace, where employees are allowed to listen. A great deal of the radio programming from big corporations is designed for an audience that is very mobile and, also, for one that they know will have a difficult time changing the channel during commercials, which is easier to do for those watching television. The written media has the advantage of impacting their readers with ads that are permanent and longstanding and that do not require writing down directions or phone numbers. In addition, they have the ability to direct the information to specific segments of the public, with greater consumer attributes. Written media, magazines over daily newspapers, in particular, also have the advantage of being more affordable and cost-effective than the other two mediums (TV &
Radio) and, in many cases, have a superior permanent effect on its targeted audience. The quality of the ad, the adequate support (publicity medium) and the focus on the targeted audience, guarantee the effectiveness of the ad campaign. Advertising luxury cars in an area where the average family income is less than $20,000 per year is just a waste of time and money. That’s why it is important to know about the different medium and the type of ad campaigns. Here at La Gaceta, we have conducted a careful study of the areas where we have established a presence. Based on the results of this knowledge, we have developed ad strategies which fulfill the needs of our clients. The average profile of our readers is within the population groups with a medium to high level of education, who assimilate and demand content elaborated by media professionals, that is up to the level and quality of life that they wish to experience. Keep in mind that the fact that this segment of the population has a greater consumer potential, does not guarantee that they will be predisposed to reading business ads, which is why La Gaceta is, primarily, a source of information and analysis of the daily events and activities of Hispanics/Latinos dedicated to success in this country. At La Gaceta, ads compliment the articles and segments of interest to our readers, which is why our pages are not saturated with ads. We know that readers pick up a magazine or any other form of written medium motivated by the writings they provide, not by the ads being promoted. Hipanics/Latinos, in particular, because of cultural background and influence related to consumerism, do not normally look to a written medium for the ads. However, at La Gaceta, we have succeeded in capturing our readers’ attention and respect in regards to what we recommend and to what they might accept as useful. So, dear merchant, the success of your enterprise depends on how many people know about and are aware of what you have to offer to them and how they find out about it. Call us and, perhaps, we can be of assistance to you by explaining more about what you have read here today. .