c a n d i dat e s
Elections special
why is it important to vote?
what elected officers do
[Exec Candidates]
make your votes count
[Union Council Candidates]
[nus delegate candidates]
ways for losers to stay engaged
d in the su
I’d like to introduce this short article to you all by starting with a quote from Dr Judith Rich, who famously said “Before you decide your vote doesn’t matter in this election, I ask you consider this question: Where else in your life have you left the playing field because you didn’t like or agree with the way the game was being played?” Do not let things like “I’m not political enough” and “it’s just a popularity contest” or even “it’s too complicated to vote” put you off voting. We all do politics with a small ‘p’ every single day of our lives, especially when we are passionate about a particular topic or change. None of the above should put you off getting involved because voting is, in fact, more simple than most people believe and the result is always unpredictable. ANYONE can win. As students of the University of Huddersfield, voting is both a right and a responsibility for
each and every one of you. The Students’ Union is a democratically-led organisation and runs on the principle that every single member is eligible to vote in a free and fair election process. It is not only democratic, but is led by students, for students. The five representatives elected annually by you all, serve a one year full-time paid term in office as either President, or as one of our four Vice Presidents. These are known collectively as the Executive Committee, and they spend a lot of time talking to the University to fight for the issues you care about. The people elected make important decisions on your behalf and represent your views, not just on campus or locally to Huddersfield as a town, but also nationally. This is why it’s important that everyone makes use of their valuable vote and makes sure the right people are elected to drive your Union forward. This year’s election will open on Monday 17 March and close on Wednesday 19 March, so keep an eye out for candidates and their manifestos, and make your vote count.
WHAT ELECTED OFFICERS DO MATT WHEELTON VP ACTIVITIES A good Students’ Union should be the catalyst for change on campus. The Union should reflect the views of the student body (no easy task), and go into battle on behalf of students on a daily basis. Put simply, a Students’ Union should be the voice of its members, as stakeholders of the University. The election process is vital to a Union being successful. It gives every student the fundamental right to elect the students who lead the Union, based on their policies, beliefs and ethos. Elected officers are central to everything the Union does and their existence enables the Union to stay relevant, and work on issues that matter to students. Officers have different responsibilities. The core role of an elected officer is to be a representative of the student body.
Examples of this will be giving a student point of view at institution meetings, talking on behalf of students living in a town or city at a local council meeting or writing a letter to the press about an issue that affects students. The purpose of representation is to bring about change and improvement, not to monitor the status quo. Elected officers have a vital campaigning role in their unions to bring about change, but an equally important one in empowering students as individuals to do the same. They could be organising a demonstration for longer library hours, petitioning for an investment in teaching space or lobbying a local MP to vote against a fee increase. The final element of the officer role is trusteeship. As a charity, the SU is required to have a board of trustees, which is responsible for supporting, directing and developing the work of the Chief Executive. In order to be a good trustee, officers must be objective and put the needs of the organisation before their own needs when making decisions. All things considered, Students’ Unions live or die by the quality of their elected officer team. Officers are central to the decision making process in Students’ Unions, and therefore can directly affect your student experience, and that of future students. As such it is absolutely vital that the right people get elected. Take an active interest in candidates’ manifestos, ask them questions and trust your convictions when deciding on whom to vote for. It is vital that we vote, if this is to remain our Union.
exec candidates Exec officers are at the heart of the decision-making process in the students’ union. they control our direction.
* NOTE: The following section of candidate manifestos is supplied as submitted. Any typos/grammar are displayed as written. All content is the opinion of the candidates and does not represent the SU.
Ryan Beeforth su president About me
What I want to do
I was raised near Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire. Working since the age of 14 to achieve my aim of attending university, I understand the sacrifices, hard work it takes to attend university. I have proven leadership, organisational skills, I severed on the town cricket team committee, I captained the men’s team and coached, managed the under 14’s team. I was voted in as president of the university cricket team, since taking the presidencies I have doubled the size of the club, gained sponsorship for the team. I’m comfortable briefing and have represented the UK at the Space Olympics held in Russia.
As president of the Student Union my first challenge is to increase the actual voting membership of the student body, by rising awareness, chairing more discussion’s and inviting in guest speakers. I will propose that the university endorse a recognition scheme that highlights the work that volunteer’s within the Student Union or university as a whole do, raising the profile of the individual and union. I’m a mature individual who will thrive in the busy and challenging environment of the student union and I will work tirelessly to ensure I represent the student community to the best of my ability.
Why i want to stand I passionately believe in education for all, no matter what their background. I’m a conscientious individual who is keen to help others achieve both their educational and personnel goals, by being part of the Student Union we can work together as a team to achieve this across the student committee. I also see this as an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of how the student union works, both within the university and on a national level and see if we can possibly do more to help a wider audience of students.
Josh Elderfield su president About me
Why i want to stand
It has been an honour to serve as your Vice President for Education this past year and representing students’ views at the highest level within the university. I am now equipped to repeat that and be even more effective as President if elected. I am best-placed to stand as the figurehead for the union, having already formed relationships with key contacts within the university, meaning the lobbying I do for students can be as efficient and as effective as possible. Not only do I have experience and passion to my name, but moreover I have a solid track record.
I have delivered what was pledged in my manifesto last year, campaigning on unexpected course costs, working to develop the Course Rep structure. I have delivered more than what was just promised, from successfully lobbying Schools to create a student council, to presenting the Education Manifesto and encouraging the university take action subsequently. Looking forward, I plan to unify our students more and to work on ways which will make our students more employable. It is having the experience, drive, and passion which makes me want to stand for President, and why I would be an effective President.
What i want to do • Launch a summer opportunities fair for students, where external organisations which run internships/volunteering projects can provide students with the opportunity and more choice to gain valuable experience over generally a quiet period for students. • Increase student employability within the union by launching a series of student-led enterprises such as a student design agency, and also through our forthcoming project, HudLets. • Lobby the university for extra funding in order for our services to continually grow and develop. The increases this year in student engagement with the union and the impact they’re having will eventually require extra staffing to support this.
David Speed su president About me
what i want to do
Hi I’m Dave. Whether it’s having a good time at HudCrawl - which will take place regularly due to my campaign as a Union Councillor, listening to the RadioHud studios as I’ve been questioning the current SU Exec team on air, or attending one of the many Politics Society events that I chair, then that’s just a snapshot of the work I’ve put in to improve the student experience. To go even further I am running for Students’ Union President. As President, my chief aim will be to implement the following policy – HudVocation.
My hope is to unite campus both in terms of international student engagement with home students but also amongst home students of different backgrounds and beliefs. With the help of the rest of the Reform slate; Coco Toma for Communications & Democracy, Nia Solovyova for Education, Chris Shanks for Wellbeing & Equalities and Mai Dam for Student Activities, we promise to deliver you an integrated campus. I urge you to read the manifestos of each my colleagues to get a full picture of the improvements that we’d deliver. Please put your faith in Reform. Vote Dave Speed #1 for President
Why i want to stand During my travels I’ve learned that we all seem to be worried about a lack of money and work experience, fortunately I have a plan to tackle this. I’ll create an online skills marketplace for our students, one designed to help you make money from your talents. The idea is simple; create a profile showcasing who you are, your experience, the talent you want to sell (translations, graphic design etc.) and how much you’d like to charge. Hosted on the SU website this will help find you a buyer and make sure you’re paid for any work you do.
George Gill VP Comms and Democracy About me
I thrive in taking leadership roles, and this is reflected in being the manager of one of the union’s sports teams. I would describe myself as a confident, outgoing, highly ambitious person who enjoys getting involved wherever possible to make a change. My time here has taught me that student involvement and interaction vitally shapes a vibrant, wellconnected Union. This is why I feel that I am the right candidate to become the next Communications & Democracy Officer.
More and more ways of communication are being developed, which is essential to a student’s involvement with the union. The new facilities we have in Student Central create great opportunities for our student groups to interact more, for example our radio station now have potential to commentate on BUCS fixtures. Furthermore, I also appreciate the importance of accountability and the democratic processes. I believe I am the right person to bring a sense of unity between our students through improved communications, both on the union’s general activities, and on our democratic processes. My manifesto pledges reflect these and this is why I am standing.
WHAT I WANT TO DO Communication • To improve the media coverage on BUCS teams, societies and general events around the union, through commentary and news stories, all featured in our student media. • To develop an SU app, featuring live polls, an instant help chat, society updates and general SU news. Democracy • To introduce a “24 hour reply” policy for the exec officers • To improve the understanding of the democratic processes by holding sessions on council and elections in term one and two. This will aim to increase council accountability, and aid to increase voter turnout.
Alex Humphries VP Comms and Democracy About me I’m currently a third year Broadcast Journalism student, and last year, you were kind enough to elect me as Station Manager of Radio Hud, a role which I have fulfilled to the best of my ability, developing the station further than it ever has been before. With this experience, and a proven track record in making positive change, I feel I would be able to make significant improvements to your Students’ Union.
Why i want to stand
TRANSPARENCY & ACCOUNTABILITY – I will develop a termly Scrutiny Panel, who hold the Exec to account on their manifesto pledges. I will launch a new marketing campaign in order to raise awareness of Union Council. As ‘your voice’, you should be aware of who Councillors are, what they do and when they meet. STUDENT MEDIA – Student Media has grown significantly over the past few years, and I will continue to work with the Station Manager and Editor in order to ensure maintained development.
I am standing for VP Communications & Democracy because I believe I can make a difference to the way your Students’ Union communicates with you, and improve democracy within the SU. I believe that I am the right candidate to improve student consultation, communication, transparency & accountability of the Exec, Union Council, and of the SU, as well as further develop and improve your student media.
What i want to do CONSULTATION & COMMUNICATION – It’s important that you are consulted about all decisions taken by your SU which affect you, and I will ensure that YOU are informed and have a say in those decisions should they come about. I also want to change how YOU communicate with your SU and Exec, implementing regular Exec Question Time sessions.
Coco Toma VP Comms and Democracy About me
Why i want to stand
Hi everyone, I’m Coco Toma, the current Vice President Communications and Democracy and I have had an absolutely amazing time representing you so far which means I want to continue helping improve your experience in Huddersfield.
Since July 2013 I have:
I came to Huddersfield from Italy a few years ago and I’m passionate about representing all ethnicities, cultures, religions as we live in one of the most globalised countries of the 21st Century. The main reason why I am standing is because I believe that my experience married with your student voice will be able to influence University decisions at the highest level.
• Embarked on an ongoing campaign around the International Manifesto for Change, communicating your concerns to MPs and community influencers in an attempt to improve International Student rights in the UK. • Helped deliver the most successful Freshers and Refreshers week’s in the University’s history. • Improved representation on our Union Council. For the first time ever parttime elected officers are paid to listen and represent your views- putting money into students pockets! • Ensured RadioHud is played out into Student Central, level 4. Giving students a platform to speak out gives the space an authentic student feel.
What i want to do • Complete delivery of the International Manifesto for Change: Support International and EU students from the moment they arrive with an induction programme, inviting social events, and graduation party for students who struggle extending their visas. • Organise Exec on Tour: A weekly afternoon dedicated to Student Engagement. This will be series of Q&A’s and campaigns attended by all Exec Team members meaning we will be more accountable than ever.
• Strengthen Student Media: Apply for a community license for Radio Hud and extend operations to the Weekend. Also increase diversity of groups participating in Student Media.
AshLEy Lau VP Education About me
What i want to do
Hey, I’m Ashley Lau final year Law and Business student. I’m the current Business School Representative who was elected last year by students like you. I’m currently involved with the Teaching and Learning Consultant Project for the past two years at the university, this has given me the opportunity to engage in reflection and dialogue around teaching and learning approaches in different schools. Outside studying times *seriously*, I enjoy a lot of different sports, but my main love goes to tennis. I enjoy talking as well, so if you ever see me, do come and say hey!
My main focus will be to make your student life better. I’ll lobby the university to improve the system to spread assignment hand in dates, as different courses will have different modules and students sometimes get really harsh deadline dates, where all assignments are handed in during the same week. I would like to open up more opportunities to you, learning new languages, musical instruments, sports and other activities and gain a recognisable qualification through these opportunities. I will need your vote to help me make your student life better. Vote #1 for Ashley Lau VP Education!
Why i want to stand I want to stand for VP Education because I want to help all the students to make your classroom experience at the best. I believe that there are potentials out there for learning to be so much more than it is now. With my experience working with the Student Union, I am more than able to get the work done. I want to return something to the university which has been a home to me, so I am standing to ensure that you get the best experience out of your time here at the University of Huddersfield.
Michael McGougan VP Education About me
Why i want to stand
I am currently studying a PGCE specailising in creative media production. My practice has me comitted to the life-long learning sector, where I have developed a personal drive and ambition for change in post-16 education. I am inspired to change educations accessibility, outcome and delivery at university level, and I have a real passion for teaching, training and learning. I am a very ambitious and driven individual, who is always striving to be the best.
It used to be a case where if you had a degree you had a job, well in the 21st century Britain that we live in, this just is not the case. Experience is invaluable, all courses need to implement work placements as a part of the curriculum. The scholarship fund will help the students and university alike, more links with external companies and awareness for the university coupled with extra money on loan day for the students, what’s not to like? The world is changing, education is not! We need to change and adapt, and this starts with the development of the teaching, bringing something different to laborious lectures.
What i want to do I intend to inrease the amount of courses with an aspect of work placement up to 100%. Thus making the students of Huddersfield more employable. I will lobby an education conference for all lectures, improving creativity and innovation in their practice in order to engage the 21st century student. I will implement and trial an education scholarship fund which will be funded by external business based upon work placements, widening participation in a tough economic climate. I will also strive to raise awareness of pre exsiting course specific scholarship funds, promoting equality between all students.
Nia Solovyova VP Education About me
What i want to do
My name is Nia Solovyova, and I’m currently completing a Masters by Research degree. I’m an EU student from Latvia and I have dedicated the last five months to representing international and EU students in the SU Council as International Rep.
• Improve academic support: I believe person becomes a student when they decide to join university. I want to provide a welcoming information pack for all students before induction, preparing students for academic life.
As an undergraduate, I was a Student Rep for all three years and very well aware of the issues that students face in classrooms. I’m also a founder and the vice-chair of the PolSoc, where I feel I’m respected as a good leader who genuinely cares about the members.
Why i want to stand I’m standing because having spent nearly four years studying in Huddersfield, I have realised that there are achievable goals that the VP education can set to improve the overall student experience at the University.
• Increase portfolio support: University experience is about self-development, I want our students to be the most competitive in the job market. Extending portfolio development would provide the opportunities for you to stand out. • Deliver family support: Having child care group and nursery on campus would make students with children’s academic life more rewarding. I would lobby University for such services.
I also believe that our campus is a diverse and exciting place. I feel that Students’ Union must care and represent every single student group in university. I believe that with my extensive academic and life experience I’m the right person to be that representative.
Why i want to stand
If I had to choose a movie to describe me, it would have to be ‘The Blind Side’. This film is so powerful in many ways, and nothing more so relates to me than the story of a guy, at an all-time low in his life, reaching the top through the desire and commitment of somebody (Sandra Bullock) believing in what he can achieve. What I mean by this; I feel everybody should be given the opportunity to do what they want or love and nobody should be deprived of that opportunity, I want to support this.
Having been a part of a society myself for the entirety of my 3 year degree I know what an experience it truly is. It has helped gather close friendships, confidence, awareness and the opportunity to express myself. I want this opportunity to be provided to a large percentage of the students’ at this award winning University so each student can have the experience I have had and possibly even better. Having spoken to a number of students, some believe they never had the chance and wish they had, others just want more diversity/choice.
What i want to do If I am fortunate enough to be elected, I want to deliver diversity and push the niche. I want the sport and activities opportunities to differ as much as the vast amount of different personalities and cultures there are across the University. Why push the niche? First of all, I consider the ‘niche’ to be those activities that do not get much say, that do not get much publicity and are pushed to the back; and as a result very little people know of these sports/activities and very little join. I also want to increase interaction within AND between clubs/societies through different events, for a more ‘together’ Students’ Union. Vote #1 – Callum Adams for VP Student Activites Vote Evolve – Take your SU to the next level.
What i want to do
During my time studying Entrepreneurship and Business at the University, I have been lucky enough to be involved in a number of sports, societies and activities, something which I believe all students should have the opportunity to do. Through being a member of the football team and participating in other events around the University, I have been able to find the right balance between studying and socialising, something which has really enhanced my time here. It’s now my time to give something back to the University and its students.
- Implement a Give it a Go month in term one, where sports and societies will run taster sessions and events for students to try out new activities, with the aim of increased participation for the rest of the year.
Why i want to stand Firstly I’m standing to increase participation for previously under-represented groups of students, ensuring they can have a voice. The role of VP Student Activities has developed over the years and now covers much more than just the sports clubs and societies. The role now has a much improved focus on volunteering, trips, and other student events - which I fully endorse. As well as acting as a platform to bring unity to campus, the new Student Central building gives us the opportunity to develop all aspects of student activities, something which I will look to really push forward if elected.
- Introduce a Vice Chancellor accredited volunteering scheme where a set number of volunteering hours must be completed to receive an award; significantly enhancing students CVs, benefiting the community and increasing the public perception of students. - Organise a summer ball in term three where live acts will perform on a stage at the University, with the intention of uniting students on campus.
Why i want to stand
Hi All, It comes to that time of year where Students put themselves against one another in order to become YOUR Union representatives. My name is Michael Brown, and I want to become your Student Activities VP. I am a young man that is always kind and considerate and enjoys a good laugh. I have represented the University in countless activities, such as Karting, Archery, and also Rugby league, and am currently volunteering my services to become a marshal/supervisor for when the Tour de France comes to Yorkshire. Please do not be afraid to come and say hello if you see me around the University, I will talk and answer any potential questions you may have on any activities, or what I intend to do.
The reason I want to stand is because over the last few years, there have been moments where, according to some students, the Union has not stood by what it promised and I want to provide a face that students can rely and trust. Now, I may not the brightest bulb in the shop, but I do get things done, quickly and efficiently.
What i want to do Provide a sturdy stepping block for people that come to the Students Union and want to set up brand new societies:- in simple I wish to help all newly formed/ potential new sports or societies gain a strong footing to start up. Unity:- Start up a process to allow everyone to be able to partake in the activities established at the university. Develop the Give it a go sessions. Develop a system to allow potential members the opportunity to develop and obtain suitable leadership qualifications to maximize the chance of sporting development in their local communities, or running activities in their local area.
What i want to do
I’m Mai Dam, an Events Management student, currently on placement with the International Office as an International Events Coordinator.
• Increase Cross-cultural Events: With a diverse campus, representing over 120 nationalities, our SU should offer a twoweek cross-cultural Freshers, packed with accommodating activities. In addition, increase number of student trips from local to European breakaways.
You’ll probably see me pretty much everywhere on and off campus. You won’t believe how difficult it is for me to stay still! I have to run, laugh, and jump around all day long because I love meeting and working with people. Being involved has given me the best University experience I could have ever asked for, and now I really want to give something positive back to the people that have given me the time of my life so far.
Why i want to stand My dedication and passion for student activities is why I am running for this position. As an International Events Coordinator I have experience organizing events, and supporting students on both individual and society levels. I have a thorough understanding of the gap between home students and international students as well as the gap amongst home students with different backgrounds or beliefs. Thus, not only do I have the skills to be your next VP Student Activities but I also have strong ideas and policies that are realistic and achievable.
• Extend Society Support: Create a ‘let’s get started’ financial pack along with workshops to help societies create better value for membership. Also, offer more support for new societies by coordinating a fundraiser. • Create Internal Competitions: Beside Varsity and BUCS, I want to organize more internal competitions for sports societies, creating a friendlier competitive environment. Sustain ‘Give it ago’ programme.
Alysia ford VP Wellbeing AND Equalities About me
Why i want to stand
It has been my pleasure to be a part of the University of Huddersfield community whilst studying for my degree over the past three years. Alongside my studies I have been actively involved in two of the newest societies, as well as being a student ambassador. My passion and dedication not only resides here, but also being driven to help those in need. Which is why I feel a compassionate role, such as this, would effectively draw upon my own personal attributes. Thus to represent the students in a role I feel such passion about would be a great honour.
My drive has originated from past experiences, and thus wanting to better the accessibility and facilities made available currently. I strive to become a voice to those left feeling vulnerable and furthermore empower all students irrelevant of personal circumstance. I feel it is fundamental to provide a friendly and approachable welfare service, which the university and its students due to unforeseen circumstances have been deprived of over the last year. Thus particular care and attention is essential when addressing such a sensitive area, which I feel I can effectively adhere to.
What i want to do - I strive to actively lobby both the university and government, by supporting the NUS, against the cuts to the Access to Learning Fund, thus promoting Equality and the Right to further education. - Adopt an active role in ‘Hud Lets’, promoting student rights to fair and safe housing, thus protecting against exploitation. - Promoting an effective cross-platform of communication between the newly neighbouring Student Services and the SU Advice Centre drawing upon all the Universitie’s facilities. - Producing a comprehensive Domestic Student Guide, utilising individual experiences thus uniting a number of students from various different backgrounds.
Mohammed Haroon VP Wellbeing AND Equalities About me Hi. I’m Mohammed Haroon, a Computing in Business undergraduate; born here in Huddersfield. Having been a student rep and student ambassador for my school during my previous years here at the university; has equipped me with the fundamental skills that are needed for the VP of Wellbeing & Equalities exec position. During my time here at the university I have taken part in activities and fundraising events, this has allowed me to interact with people from all walks of life.
Why i want to stand If you elect me in the VP Wellbeing & Equality exec role, I will work hard to diminish any barriers that may linger between; genders, race, sexuality, cultures, disability and student – teacher relationships issues.
• Create awareness of disability testing & Bring attention to issues that students may be facing within the university • SUPPORT students on financial and accommodation issues and formulate ideas for events, campaigns and policies if need be. • Improve student – teacher relationships • To improve YOUR academic life • To improve YOUR social and community experience (more tailor made events) • Prioritizing diverse career opportunities and employability support for all students
What i want to do • Encourage more gender diversity on courses • To improve YOUR social and community experience • Create more tailor made events: from career networks, cultural events, charitable fundraising events. • Raise health awareness
Shazma Mahmood VP Wellbeing AND Equalities About me
Why i want to stand
I am an enthusiastic and dedicated individual who will fight for your rights and try my best to make your student life better. I have previously been elected as a union Councillor and NUS delegate. Through my time as a union Councillor I developed experiences of what issues students are facing, if elected I will address these issues and resolve any problems. At the NUS conference I met exec’s from other universities, this allowed me to see what other SU are offering their students and I will apply some of their ideas to our SU to take it to the next level.
The reason why I want to run for the position of VP wellbeing and equalities is that I want to address key issues students are facing. My main focus will be on creating a bond between the international students and the students union, making sure that they feel welcomed to the university. This role is very important to me as I want to use my skills and what University of Huddersfield has taught me and apply it to the role. I will work alongside the advice center and bring my ideas and policies into the student union and make the student life better.
What i want to do If elected I will aim to increase the level of counselling student receive. Being a psychology student and having awareness of mental issues, it will be my main priority to raise awareness of mental health and provide mental health support. I will aim to carry out various workshops which will help students to handle finances in a better way, which will lead to a more calm and relaxing student experience. I will also address issues that students have previously experienced. Vote #1 Shazma Mahmood VP Wellbeing & Equality. Vote Evolve - Take your SU to the next level
Chris Shanks VP Wellbeing AND Equalities About me
What i want to do
Hi, I’m Chris Shanks, a final year politics student originating from Northern Ireland. I’m noticeable on campus aside from my accent. I suffer from a disability known as Cerebral Palsy which affects my day-to-day mobility around campus. This has created a number of unique problems that I have overcome since arriving at university, and has motivated me to fight vocally for students on a range of issues. I have plenty of experience campaigning, from Union Council to regularly contributing to the student debate through T’Hud, Radio-Hud and appearing on panels debating issues of equality on campus.
• Tackle financial hardship: Distribute a limited number of financial hardship boxes that contain essentials for students who are struggling with their finances in the run-up to receiving Student loans. This could contain food vouchers, branded toiletries, stationary etc. To supported with a local and national campaign on immediate student finances.
Why i want to stand
• Develop a ‘Big White Wall’: An online mental health network that supports students throughout their education and increases awareness of the issue on campus. • Run an effective No means No Campaign: A year-long awareness campaign to highlight and combat sexual violence.
I feel my work as Union Councillor this year helping implement a zero tolerance policy on harassment, and establishing links with a local food bank, show real commitment to addressing inequalities. I want to be your Wellbeing and Equalities officer because I wish to highlight and tackle some key student issues, in particular financial hardship, mental health, and sexual harassment. In somewhat unfortunate circumstances friends and I have been personally affected by the problems highlighted. It’s now time to offer solutions.
Make Your Votes Count kevin lawson editor
Despite everyone’s best intentions, the competitive nature and pressure of the SU Elections can often lead to accusations and ill-feeling between candidates, which is something that takes its toll on the entire election process. With this in mind, T’Hud has put together some advice for our readers to make sure you and your votes are not caught up in any potential issues:
Don’t trust anyone to vote on your behalf – If a candidate has convinced you that they are worth your vote, make sure that they pass you an iPad or Laptop and that you sign out without your University passwords being saved to the device.
Read the manifestos – Don’t just copy your mates, vote for who you think is fit or the person whose name you’ve heard of most… actually read what each candidate has to say and consider their policies and whether you agree with what they stand for.
Vote for one person at a time – With many candidates teaming up to form ‘slates’ you’re likely to be asked to vote for an entire group of students for office. Don’t just give all these votes away, make sure you understand what each candidate stands for before you make your choices.
Don’t vote after you’ve been drinking – This may seem obvious, but in the past there have been occasions when canvassers have asked students who have had one too many, to make their selections. If this happens to you, just refuse and wait until you’ve sobered up before casting your votes.
Be vigilant – If you see a candidate or one of their supporters behaving in a way that you think is a breach of the rules, report it to the Representation Team in the SU. The elections should be a clean process, but with paid positions at stake, people can get carried away. Equally, if you’re campaigning for a friend, make sure to spread the word of their good work rather than trying to trash other candidates – this doesn’t have to get nasty.
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Union council candidates alongside their studies, union councillors set the political direction of the Students’ Union and hold the Exec officers to account. * NOTE: The following section of candidate manifestos is supplied as submitted. Any typos/grammar are displayed as written. All content is the opinion of the candidates and does not represent the SU.
What i want to do Having been in position there are many elements which I have achieved, and on that reflection there are few others that I would personally want. I would make it a key priority for majority of the students on campus to know all the Executive Officers, by name or face. I would also would look at to make the union council meetings to run fairly and smoothly, and to get more students to attend meetings. I always aim to deliver what I promise on and make sure that I try my best at what I set out to do.
SHAH ISLAM COUNCIL CHAIR What i want to do It is expected of me to keep prior information on issues arising from my school and give feedback to the unions’ council. Therefore, will familiarise with the outputs of all staff-student committees within the school of applied sciences and maintain regular contacts with all chairs. To support in achieving realistic goals in decision making, as an active representative; assist in the planning and organisation of course representative meetings, maintain a constructive courteous attitude with the people being represented and the SU. All in all, act as a point of contact for school, representative team and respond proactively to issues raised by students.
Anyanwu PrinceSs Peace
What i want to do I’m passionate, considerate, friendly, and full of ideas so I’d like to think I’ve got the perfect mix of cultures and educational systems to help out my fellow students when an issue presents itself. I want the science community to be more connected and speak up about current issues. There has been some great success in the Science Department and it is important that other students hear about the new and exciting research that is being done at our awesome University! I’d like to use my creativity and innovation to inspire the science students to further build and develop their community.
Natali Berger
Abhinandan Chowdhury
What i want to do I will endeavour to turn the university of the year into Our University of the Year; not just by ensuring we get the most out of it, but by striving to ensure that the university becomes Our place, not just A place; be it a giant canvas in your main building OR a chance to cover the plaza in paint OR control of the plaza projector for an evening… The only limit is our creativity (and a board of directors that may need a bit of convincing). Other than that, let’s make the University of Huddersfield Our Canvas; Our University
Tevin Nyansimera SCHOOL REP (Art, Design & Architecture)
What i want to do i would also like to ensure that all students enjoy their time fully at Huddersfield University and are aware of all of the resources available to them in order to aid their learning, also raising awareness to the resources available to students who are struggling with work or attendance etc. as i have had a few fellow students already approach me to ask about these and feel that not all of the students actually know what is available to help them and what they can actually use. being a student should be fun, enjoyable, but at the same time challenging with work, having said that, every student should get the most out of their experience at Huddersfield University and feel that they are comfortable raising any issues they may have.
MAllory BInks
School Rep (BUSINESS) 33
What i want to do I want to voice your opinions in an impartial, democratic and fair way. I would like to encourage increased communication throughout the school and provide more support to course representatives. I would like to engage with subject areas across the school to facilitate greater integration; this can be achieved by interaction between societies associated with the Business School through, for instance, organising events and social activities. Ultimately, it’s your choice, your experience and your vote
Nicole Natur
SCHOOL REP (BUSINESS) What i want to do If elected business school representative, an idea I hope to put in place is a way to reduce the price students pay for textbooks. Every penny counts for a student and I hope to create a book swap/forum where students who have no more use for their textbooks can offer sell them to students in need.
Matthew Turner SCHOOL REP (BUSINESS) 34
What i want to do To help students communicate their issues and concerns through me and to be able to feel comfortable talking to a person who will understand their concerns and will help to make university life more easier and less worrying for them. to also encourage students to participate in charity and voluntary events so that the university has a higher amount of money should they wish to donate and this can help to build a more higher reputation of the university alongside the awards they have already achieved making this university the best for equality and diversity for all.
Somiah Yousaf SCHOOL REP (BUSINESS) What i want to do I shall work with computing and other societies for more student’s activities and trips which will help student’s progress in their field. Support students with any issues that they might have. I will hold meetings with students and course reps to discuss how we can make our university better.
Sajjad Naseer
School Rep (COMPuting & ENGineering) 35
What i want to do Collaborating has been essential to making changes and I want to share this success. I look to continue to hold regular meetings with student, staff and representatives, keeping those lines of communication open. I will feedback the outcomes of discussions to all concerned including the Students’ Union. More importantly, I will advocate for everyone in the Human and Health Sciences School. After all, it’s not about what I want, it’s about what you want to achieve. Together we will improve student life. I’m not a super hero, but I’m the next best thing!
Nadine Rooney
SCHOOL REP (Human & Health Sciences) What i want to do If I am elected, as the representative of the department of human and health sciences, I would wish to become as well known to students within the department as possible. I propose to do this firstly through social networking, by setting up a specific twitter or facebook account, in which students can contact me directly with their concerns, I would also aim to hold weekly meetings in which students with concerns can come and meet with me directly, so I can feed straight back to the students union. By establishing this relationship I believe more student voices will be represented, which is vital to the job.
David Wilson
SCHOOL REP (Human & Health Sciences) 36
What i want to do i want to make a difference and be a part of change. I was previously a student representative in my first year and i enjoyed discussing issues and positive feedback with my fellow students and sharing this with the tutors at panel.
Lisa Woods SCHOOL REP (Human & Health Sciences) What i want to do I have several ideas about how to get international students take part in campus life. At first, we should hold more events which care about different regions, try to gather international and native students together to shorten the distance among different cultures. For instance, at the date of Dragon Boat festival in China, we can organize a talent show to celebrate it. Next, we can invite some teachers to give a speech to international students to help them adapt to life in UK. Moreover, we could put collection boxes around school to collect student’s problems, or set up an exclusive email for international student to ask for help.
Zhu Tian Sheng
International Students Rep 37
What i want to do I want International students to feel themselves in comfort in the university of Huddersfield, make their adoptation easier, as I expirenced much when I first time came to the United Kingdom, it is a big experience for everyone so I want to welcome intarnational students so warm so they will feel them like at home, by meeting them at train stations and nearest airports, helping them with coming to the University and giving them basic tour and information for all cases, by creating Internation Student pack and creating a transfer to Uiversity and their accomodation.
Alisher Shomanov
International Students Rep What i want to do Improve welfare support given to LGBT students: I plan to work with the universities student services team and SU Welfare rep to improve the support given to students who are having problems related with sexuality. Make an awareness of LGBT events and dates: I feel that events such as National Coming Out Day and Anti-bullying week should be amplified among the student community. I plan to do this by running campaigns and working closely with both internal and external student societies and organizations. Improve the universities gender policy: There are problems with the university’s gender policy affecting transgender students.
George Ford
What i want to do I want to bring about better recognition and awareness for genderfluid / non binary persons within the University. I believe this is a larger issue than most LGBT realise. I want to lobby the University to change application / admission forms to include a personal preference when it asks for a persons legal gender / sex, as you can already do with your name.
Nick Rawlinson-Price LGBT Rep
What i want to do University policy bars students from working more than 15 hours a week during term time. This is an out dated rule in an era where students of all ages need to work at least this number of hours in order to make ends meet. So by the end of my term as Mature Student Rep I will replace this policy with one that recognises the different needs of students who will eventually leave University with debts approaching £40,000. I will also continue the good work of Nia and Steve, my colleagues in Reform, to successfully implement our plans to introduce childcare facilities on campus for staff and students.
Jack MCcabe
Mature Students Rep 39
What i want to do One of the main reasons I would like to stand for this position is to campaign for a creche at the university for student parents as this is something needed but lacking. It is a challenge for many parents to come to university, dropping children off on the way somewhere, perhaps not en route to the university, it could be several miles away. Not all student parents drive so this is even more challenging. If there was a creche on-site, students could arrive at university, drop their child off at the creche/ nursery and pick them up at the end of the day/ after class. It would be comforting and convenient for the student to know that their child is within the same vicinity.
Emma Marsden
Students with Dependents Rep What i want to do I will create a support network for students with empathy and understanding. I will encourage the University and SU to listen to student need and act on them where ever possible. I will liaise with companies to hopefully gain further discounts for student families. I am looking to approach major supermarkets and long standing businesses. I will listen to what students want and do my best to support their needs I want to make the University of Huddersfield the best university to attend if you are a student with dependents.
Stevie Oliver
Students with Dependents Rep 40
What i want to do I want to make sure that everyone gets a ‘level playing field’ in university. I want to promote the disabilities services and support groups already at the university (which I have used myself and are fab!). I also want to make sure the right people know what support you need. I want to be your student with disabilities representative and be someone who can give all students a fighting chance at university life.
Christina Shevill Students with Disabilities Rep What i want to do If I’m elected, I would like to create a 24 hour university “safe point” which I believe would be a worthwhile and positive thing. Recent events around the town have raised concerned for the safety of our students, and having a “safe point” will allow students to have support no matter what the time or situation. Counselling services for those who have experienced abuse is also something I would like the university to have, although the current counselling services are more than adequate, specific counselling and help for those who have experienced abuse is something I feel is very important. I’d also like to cease the sale of “lads mags” in the SU shop, as they’re not beneficial to university study whereas other magazines that would be beneficial to university studies could be stocked as an alternative.
Lorna Gray
Women’s Rep 41
What i want to do Dealing with the general public is my forte, as I am empathetic with a strong acumen for philanthropic endevours. I have numerous certificates that I have aquired over the years volunteering, I would like to put to use all the training I have recieved to good use and help others have a voice through my continual involvement in the community advocating for the poor and powerless in society. I will recieve intrinsic satisfaction to be appointed as womens representative. Thank you.
Lesedi Pule
Women’s Rep What i want to do • Greater Integration between the schools of the university • Greater integration of work and socializing between pupils • Increased awareness of what is happening in the SU, the importance of the SU and ways pupils can get involved. • Improving communication and promotion of SU events in the various university school buildings.
Joshua Norman
• Greater support networks for students, making sure they are coping with workloads and adjusting to Student life.
Open Place Rep
What i want to do My main policy would be to improve student tutor relations. To get the most out of your time at the university a good relationship with you tutor is going to be important. I would like to see regular meetings between the students and personal tutors to ensure you are happy with your current degree. I would like to campaign for better support for students doing a joint honours degree. I will aim to try and prevent assignment deadlines and timetable clashes. I will also look to improve interdepartmental communications, for students doing a joint honours degree in separate schools.
Amerdeep Singh Panesar council open place What i want to do I would like to improve student safety at night to prevent people being victims of harassment and assault. One of the ways this can be achieved is by having a monitored safety zone on the university campus where students can go if they feel their safety is at risk. I think the best place for the safety zone would be in the student central building to be easily found and accessible to people who may feel they are vulnerable, for example those who may have lost their friends with no way to get home, and under the influence of alcohol.
Jess Pickthall
council open place 43
What i want to do I feel the university at this moment in time is divided in terms of ethnicities. The main issue I wish to work on is to help bridge the gap between different ethnicities, in order to integrate the University. I wish to do this by organizing more social activities held in the Student Central which would be of interest to all, regardless of race, colour or religion. Another barrier which should be broken is between the different schools and departments on campus. All schools should come together as one to help promote the students, for example events management with fashion students.
Maria Saleem
council open place What i want to do Working with other councillors again to pass great policies for the SU is something I am very excited to do. This last year I have seen many great policies pass through council such as a no tolerance attitude sexual harassment motion and a successful motion to see the SU lobby the university for childcare services. I will continue to support such great policies and also seek to see the implementation of my own policy focused on reforming the extra expenses around university accommodations to make sure extra costs are clear and reasonable for students living in them well in advance before they move in. For example car parking costs , bus costs and laundry costs. Students should know about these costs in advance of moving to accommodations so they can financially prepare for them.
Daniel Stevens council open place
What i want to do Many students, including myself, feel that the University does not have close enough links to other charities. When I asked other students, doing charity days and supporting them was quite a prominent point while at secondary school and college - almost like a ‘tradition’. If elected, I wish to carry this on and organise an entertaining and lively charity day each year that involves the University as a whole thus helping to unite all societies and students from all backgrounds. Amongst others, this will aid the formation of closer ties to the chosen charities and also generate larger donations.
Kiran Kaur Thind council open place What i want to do • Food counters, such as the deli, open longer as many students like to eat later in the day. • I have also found disappointment regarding the shutting of the SU bar and students feel they should have a dedicated social area within the university to attend during the evening. • Improvement to the student magazine, T’Hud, into a well-known and useful resource, with more regular updates as well as advertising interesting events around Huddersfield. • Better access to technical support when computer systems and websites (i.e. journals) don’t work
Andrew Wall
council open place 45
nus delEgate candidates NUS Delegates represent Huddersfield Students’ Union at NUS National Conference. They vote on national policy and elect the national executive of NUS. * NOTE: The following section of candidate manifestos is supplied as submitted. Any typos/grammar are displayed as written. All content is the opinion of the candidates and does not represent the SU.
What i want to do I will be aiming to make sure that I represent all students at the University of Huddersfield and be voting and contributing to debates with that in mind. As a final year student and long time local resident I am very proud of the University and will strive to represent it to the very best of my ability. As a mature student I will be looking to make sure that mature students are considered in all deliberations and motions. Equally as an ethnic minority student I am particularly keen on legislation against all forms of discrimination and will make this my number one priority at Conference.
Steve Howe
NUS Delegate What i want to do I will always make sure that every student has a voice, gets heard and appropriate action taken if needs be. As delegate there are many avenues that can be explored to help students, and myself to be one I would always get ideas from fellow students.
Shah Islam
NUS Delegate 47
What i want to do To have Influential voice: My main motive is to represent the thoughts of all University of Huddersfield Students. As I will be at the conference to represent your views and opinions, I will take issues to NUS Conference that UoH Students feel need to be addressed. To engage and involve student: I will ensure that detailed and informative feedback is given to every student, as you are the reason for attending the National Conference. To have impactful contribution: National conference is the biggest event that NUS have and hundreds of unions are represented there.
Kafayat Kehinde Lamidi
NUS Delegate
What i want to do We’re all affected by government policies in one-way or another, but each of these affects us differently. We’re all opposed to the recent increase in tuition fees, but also, university is becoming increasingly inaccessible to potential students. This is due to the fact that the continuing increase in living costs is not reflected in what the government feel is enough to keep us going. I want to make sure that it is our opinions that are voiced in future government policies.
Nicole Natur
NUS Delegate 48
What i want to do • Fight against the continual rise of tuition fees • Voice concerns about the rise of Student accommodation prices • Ensure future students have a fair financial agreement due to government funding cuts • Consider and voice the view of all the Huddersfield Students including underrepresented groups such as LGBT, BME, and disabled students • Ensure Diversity and equal opportunities for all Students
Joshua Norman NUS Delegate
• Put forward the arguments for free tuition and tuition fee grants, seen in Scotland and Wales.
What i want to do As a Union Councillor, I have developed skills in communication, debating and campaigning. I’m enthusiastic about using these skills to take my role as a student representative to the next level – the NUS National Conference. My enthusiasm for student politics has fuelled my desire to work with delegates from universities across the country to help set the policy of the NUS for the coming year.
Georgia Salter
NUS Delegate 49
Ways for losers to stay engaged in the SU
If you didn’t win, there’s no need to boycott the SU - after a few days of wallowing, pick yourself up and try one of our tips for creating positive change on campus, with or without VP status. Don’t give up on your current position. Just because you’ve not been re-elected or promoted for the next year, doesn’t mean there isn’t time to make a change in your current role. Too many losing candidates become disengaged when they miss out on a big role and forget their previous commitments to the society or cause they’re all already involved in. Focus on making the best of what you’ve got and implement as much positive action as possible in the time you have got.
Jenessa Williams deputy editor
ou’ve campaigned for days, smiled at strangers until your face feels like it’s about to fall off and worn more ‘Vote!’ badges on your backpack than Avril Lavigne during her ‘Sk8ter Grl’ days. It’s been a tough election and unfortunately, a handful of votes meant that position you worked so hard for just slipped out of your grasp. It’s easy to feel bitter and remain convinced that you were the only worthy winner and everyone else sucks, but as the old ‘Mean Girls’ wisdom goes, calling someone fat doesn’t make you any skinnier.
Don’t make the winners your enemies. Even if they’ve pipped you to the post, a gracious winner should still make time to listen to your ideas and may even consider putting some of your own manifesto points into action. If you were attempting to be re-elected for a position and missed out, be kind to your successor chances are they could learn a lot from your experience and may pay you back in kind. Don’t take it as a personal insult. People vote the way they do for many reasons so there’s really no need to walk around campus feeling as if everybody hates you – it just might not have been your year. Put it down to experience and focus on the positive skills you developed during the campaign trail – any new friends you’ve made, CV-worthy communication techniques you’ve learnt, public speaking skills… all valuable skills.
Pull up a spare chair. Attend meetings where there is an open chair – it’s a chance for you to share your opinions on important campus issues without having to be elected. Same goes for volunteering opportunities – by turning up to events and making yourself known on campus, elected or not, you can still be a person whose voice is influential and respected. Get Media Savvy. If you aren’t already, get active in the local and student community. Set up your own fundraisers for causes you are passionate about and make use of the University’s student media – both Radio HUD and T’Hud are always on the lookout for students with great ideas and opinions relating to student life. If at first you don’t succeed…. consider running again the next year or get involved in local council. Be humble and listen to both positive and negative feedback – by speaking to people, making an effort to consider their opinions and build on current connections, you’ll find yourself with a much stronger case to run again the year after. Who knows what the outcome might be…
‘ can still be a person whose voice is influential and respected.’
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