Driving Careers

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Do you know a BMW genius? We’ll reward both of you...

Where is our talent coming from? We bet you didn’t know...


Contents 01




BMW Genius

Hires This Quarter

Our learning program

Short description

Nathan Godillon




Where Our Talent Is Coming From



Q4 Agenda




Upcoming initiatives

Short description

Short description

Short description


Spotlight Nathan Godillon, BMW Sales Consultant

Helping customers find the vehicle that is right for them always keeps me on my toes. Thinking about how best I can help them and the smiles on their faces as I hand over the keys to their new vehicle keeps me going. I can proudly say that working for BMW has been the most rewarding position I have ever held. Every day is different and there is never a dull moment. I can see myself working within the BMW Group for many years to come.

Nathan Godillon has been with BMW for X years. Lorem ipsum

BMW Genius This month we saw the creation of the BMW Genius. As a BMW Genius, will inspire and excite customers in the dealership about the features and benefits of the latest BMW products including the electrifying new sub-brand BMW i. This exciting new role will be expected to provide insightful information and support Sales Consultants by demonstrating product options to customers.

Whilst our new Genius’ may not be a BMW expert right now, our comprehensive training programme will teach them everything they need to know to become a BMW Genius. Who wouldn’t want a job title like BMW Genius? Do you know someone who might fit this type of profile?

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Hires This Quarter

Where Our Talent Is Coming From

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SEEK BMW Careers Website Other Additional Sources Google CareerOne Employee Referral LinkedIn GoAutoNews

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