HudsonMOD June/July 2013

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J U N E /J U LY 2 0 1 3

e xc lu s i v e


New York Giants football legend TIKI BARBER talks about it all: Are you ready for his truth?

Toys We Love

From Manhattan to Dubai, HudsonMOD unearths spectacular objects of desire. Diamond encrusted Bentley, anyone?


+ Donald Trump carole Radziwill constantine Maroulis Amy Lau Matthew singer





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INSIDE J U N E /J U LY 2 01 3

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26 26 28 28 30 32 34




The football legend opens up—finally BY RICHARD PÉREZ-FERIA Photography by MIKE RUIZ exclusively for HudsonMOD

46 MUST HAVES: TOYS YOU WANT Don’t need these gadgets? Think again BY MARCO MEDRANO


HudsonMOD is all over this can’t-miss expo BY RICHARD CRAWFORD

Is there a brand anywhere that illicits such passion? BY SIMON MURRAY

56 KING OF THE PLAYGROUND Donald Trump, on the record BY ERIN DOSTAL


NYC designer Amy Lau tackles serious color BY WILLIAM WEATHERSBY

63 66 68 72


78 80 82 88


THE COVER: Tiki Barber was photographed by Mike Ruiz exclusively for HudsonMOD. Set Management: Amanda Thorogood. Fashion Editor: Jorge Ramón. Grooming: Marco Medrano, New York City. Grooming Products: ZIRH Platinum Skin Care (REPAIR, REVIVE, DRENCHED); Rex (Matte Finish and Instant Impact). Editorial Assistant: Jacqueline Roman. Clothes: Ermenegildo Zegna, New York City. Watch: Hublot King Power Zirconium Split-Second Chronograph White Limited Edition, Timepiece Collection, Englewood, NJ Shot on location in Morris County, NJ.



FALL 2012

GIANT LESSON “Humility is extraordinarily important in life.”


Toys My mom loves telling this story. One year in Boston, when my twin brother and i were toddlers, my hard-working parents wanted to make sure our Christmas would be memorable, so they bought us each an oversized, elaborately outfitted toy fire engine that, according to the story, took my dad all night to assemble. By all accounts, the trucks were stunning. On Christmas morning, when my parents excitedly revealed the treasures Santa had brought down the chimney, my brother and i made a beeline for the cardboard boxes the trucks came in. My mom says that we played with the boxes for hours and completely ignored the fire engines, much to my father’s dismay. lesson learned: Boys will choose their own toys. Do we ever. Can you believe it’s been less than 12 years since the world first laid eyes on the ipod? i can still recall the moment i opened my first one—a mere two months after the horrific events of September 11—and i remember thinking it was the first time since that terrible day that i had allowed myself to feel unfettered joy. And i loved it. What a wonderful toy. i was hooked. There, in the palm of my hand, lay the future. i became one of millions and millions of Steve Jobs–obsessed early adopters

of every jaw-dropping Apple gadget: iMac, ipod, iTouch, iphone— iEverything in sight, brother. like most everyone, i know several people—OK, only men—who give their pampered cars seductive names and often treat them better than they do the humans they say they love. Upon learning that his wife was leaving him after ten years of what he thought was a happy marriage, my good buddy’s initial comment to me was, “At least i still have Goldie.” And, yep, Goldie is his jacked-up Hummer, a ridiculous—but cherished—monstrosity. He remains single to this day. The trick for us boys is not to exactly hide our passion for toys, but to pretend we seek a balance and keep a firm hold on reality. Truth is, most men i know, be it golf clubs, boats, cars, watches or motorcycles, love their toys a lot more than they admit, particularly to the women in their lives. Even as many of my friends shake their heads in amazement about how their wives “need” 40 pairs of shoes, they’re scoping out their fifth rolex or their next Harley-Davidson chopper. Goose, meet gander. So now, every Christmas, i smile at my friends’ children, who are always invariably happy with everything Santa brings. But Uncle richard heeded the lesson his dad had to learn the hard way: Give the kid a gift card and let him choose his own damn toy. No one’s playing with a cardboard box on my watch.

the editor

Lesson learned: Boys will choose their own toys. Do we ever.



April/MAY 2013

RicHaRD PéRez-FeRia Executive Vice President, Editor in Chief






b y



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Luxury It’s hard to believe that HudsonMOD was launched just one short year ago. As they say, how time flies when you’re having fun! It seems like it was just yesterday when my business partner, Jason Lembo, and I were brainstorming the potential titles for the magazine. In a business of first impressions, we were vehement about selecting a name that evoked the essence of the publication in a couple of words. Not a simple task, mind you. Jason instantly preferred “Hudson,” which I agreed was perfect since our goal has always been to bridge the Hudson River. With such strong crossover appeal between northern New Jersey and Manhattan, Hudson was very fitting indeed. Faced with the need to develop an equally strong adjacent name, I struggled for what seemed like a lifetime— though in actuality it was only the span of a few days. With the term “mod” so prevalent in fashion and beauty it was definitely a front-runner, but I wasn’t completely sold on the idea. It wasn’t until I delved further into the true meaning of the word that I found my answer. As my research uncovered, “from the mid-tolate 1960s and onwards, the mass media often uses the term mod in a wider sense to

describe anything that is believed to be popular, fashionable or modern.” We had found our magazine title. With these six issues that we’ve brought you thus far, HudsonMOD encompasses so many things, but we continue to stay true to our initial goal of providing you with the magazine that this magnificent area deserves and celebrating life’s many luxuries along the way. In this past year our Editor in Chief, Richard Pérez-Feria, has made it a point to ask the many celebrities featured in HudsonMOD to define “luxury.” Their answers have been all encompassing—as we’ve come to discover from their responses, from long vacations to pure silence, what’s deemed luxury is clearly in the eye of the beholder. So, Richard, this one’s definitely for you: For me, luxury is actually working so tremendously hard at something, but enjoying every minute without regret. It’s all of the amazing people we’ve had the fortune of meeting along the way. It’s the spectacular events we’ve hosted to raise funds for so many in need. It’s spending the majority of our days alongside a dedicated and incredibly talented magazine team with a shared passion. In the end, it all ties together resulting in a life well lived. It’s, simply, HudsonMOD. To our staff, our advertising partners and to all of our amazing HudsonMOD family and friends, thank you for a wonderful year! Here’s to many, many more.


Luxury is working hard at something, but enjoying every minute without regret.

S h anno n St e itz President/Publisher


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The TeAM

Life weLL Lived

JUNE/JULY 2013 vo l u m e t Wo , n u m B e R t h R e e


Richard Pérez-Feria editor in chief

kathleen gates Murray online eDitoR amanda Thorogood eDitoR at laRge, luxuRy Richard crawford Fashion eDitoR Jorge Ramón Beauty/gRooming eDitoR Marco Medrano Design eDitoR William Weathersby coPy chieF Dana Schlesinger eDitoRial assistant Jacqueline Roman Design DiRectoR

associate eDitoR Simon

contRiButing eDitoRs

erin Dostal, Joshua Fine nadine Jolie, Robin Suerig Holleran contRiButing aRtists/PhotogRaPheRs

leonora conley, David kaptein chris Morris, Daniella Murray charles Palmisano, Mike Ruiz, Myrna Suárez

TiKi’s HuT Behind the scenes at tiki Barber’s cover story photo shoot at his new home in new Jersey.

shannon steitz Publisher associate PuBlisheR christopher


sales/maRketing DiRectoR

Hidden TalenT:

Copy Chief

I can do a fierce lip sync. He says: “If it’s not fun, it’s not worth doing.”

Has a dry wit with a twist of discretion. laurels: Never rest on them.

RObin SueRig HOlleRan Contributing Editor Claim To Fame: Climbed to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro after surviving

Claim To Fame:

Hidden TalenT:

I really make a mean pesto. sHe says: “Keep the writer happy. And know when to break the rules.”

gRaPhic DesigneRs, aDveRtising seRvices

george costello, Jared Weinberger amanda Mcelroy

maRketing associate

©2013 by MOD Media, LLC All rights reserved ISSN# 2167-6151

For advertising inquiries call 973.249.6157 or email For all editorial inquiries contact For subscription information and customer service contact

HudsonMOD is published by MOD Media, LLC




moD media, llc 973.249.6157






Dana ScHleSingeR

chris Pellegrino christine Wood maRketing manageR amanda Thorogood ciRculation DiRectoR lauren Mena WeB DeveloPeR larry Volmer account manageR


Celebrity Photographer Claim To Fame: Celebrity, fashion and beauty photographer who has shot everyone from Betty White to Kim Kardashian, Prince and Katy Perry. And is one of Kathy Griffin’s BFFs. laurels: My work has appeared in Vanity Fair, Flaunt, Condé Nast Traveler, Interview, Paper, Arena, Italian Elle and numerous international editions of Vogue. I’ve also directed several music videos for such artists as Kelly Rowland, Vanessa Williams and Jody Watley and I just launched my first iPad app called Pretty Masculine that won a Telly Award for best promotional online video.

a near-fatal airplane crash five years earlier. laurels: I was happy to receive an “Honorable Mention” in the 75th Writer’s Digest Writing Competition that attracted more than 15,000 official (and hopeful) entries. Hidden TalenT: I like to sew—even made my own wedding dress— although I don’t have much time for it these days. sHe says: “Never hesitate to grab an opportunity when it presents itself. You may not get a second chance.”


Mike Ruiz

The SPOTLIGhT LIVIN’ LUXE “Luxury is an emotional state,” says HudsonMOD’s Editor at Large Richard Crawford.

Which designers inspire you? I love the sexiness of Tom Ford and Roberto Cavalli; the new looks of Yves Saint Laurent and Vera Wang; the feminine touch of Nina Ricci; the romance of Monique Lhuillier; the edge of Balmain; the American classics of Ralph Lauren, Michael Kors, Donna Karan and J. Crew; the perfection of Valentino, Chanel, Christian Dior and Lanvin; the constant evolution of Diane von Furstenberg and Louis Vuitton. I can go on and on.

What celebrities’ style choices mirror the HudsonMOD reader?

EDitOr at LargE, LUxUry

A James Beard Award-winning native of Scotland, Richard Crawford’s love and knowledge of Scotch whiskey is only surpassed by his jet-set lifestyle.

What’s a “luxury ambassador?” My introduction to luxury came through my experience as a National Brand Ambassador for Glenlivet Scotch Whisky. Single malt Scotch whisky exists within the luxury category and is part of an overall lifestyle. I was providing a message and a visual brand summary that the consumer could genuinely identify with and aspire to. It made sense to apply the same principles and representation to a more comprehensive set of luxury brands.

How do you define “luxury?” I think it’s impossible to classify luxury in one characteristic. I have three core principles that I believe summarize the concept of luxury: Authenticity, identity and exclusivity. At the most basic level luxury is an emotional state. We wouldn’t think twice about pouring ourselves a glass of cool drinkable water but in many underdeveloped parts of the world it could be viewed as a luxury. The


extreme definition of luxury would encompass items of great value, high quality, esteem status and perhaps more than a little grandeur.

How do you achieve HudsonMOD’s motto of a “life well lived?” I have two philosophies that I believe lead to a life well lived: Always have an open mind and get a deeper understanding of everything and everyone around you. A fuller engagement will culminate in a greater appreciation for everything, which will ultimately lead to a richer and happier life. Get out of your comfort zone.

What’s your No. 1 fashion rule? Be aware of trends but don’t let them dictate your style. Fashion is about self-expression. I have a saying: “Your style is your story,” so wear it well and tell it to the world.

Jorge Ramón FaSHiON EDitOr

A long-time celebrated fashion expert, Jorge Ramón was the Fashion Editor for Time Inc’s Teen People, as well as former host of television shows The Mun2 Look and 10 Years Younger.

What makes fashion “luxury?” Luxury isn’t just buying the best and most expensive fashion. It’s a frame of mind. It’s giving yourself the best you can—from gorgeous food to well tailored clothing to a relaxing bubble bath. Luxury is available to everyone in all facets of life.

STYLE SHERIFF “Fashion is about self-expression,” says HudsonMOD’s Fashion Editor Jorge Ramón.


Richard Crawford

Beyoncé Knowles. She’s glamorous in couture or jeans—on stage, screen or street, she’s comfortable in her own skin and that’s what makes her a style icon and a reflection of our readership. Her incredible balance of style, humility, power and grace all wrapped up in a modern woman who’s challenging herself, moving forward and continually evolving. Also, undeniably, Michelle Obama hits the mark perfectly as well.

Discover the exceptional taste of Grey Goose Cherry Noir.

G R E YG O O S E . C O M



The WOW you know you want it

RARIFIED AIR The bare-bones price of this four-engine, 4,786-square-foot penthouse is a cool $330 million.

The JeT SeT’S NeW TOy


n the past, when traveling to the far corners of the earth, the world’s movers and shakers took to the skies in jets owned or chartered by the corporate office. But in 1996, foreseeing a demand for “personal use” aircrafts, Boeing introduced the first version of its reconfigured 737, thereafter known as the Boeing Business Jet (BBJ). And with the production of that airship, the luxury plane race really took off. Today, the wings parked in your hangar serve as the ultimate—and the quickest—litmus test for prestige. While almost every commercial leviathan you see on the tarmac at Newark Airport is also available for hire as a private jet, only an elite few (read billionaires, Saudi princes, business moguls) own one of the world’s largest passenger aircrafts currently flying: Boeing’s 747-8. Before customization, the bare-bones price of this four-engine, 4,786-square-foot penthouse is a cool $330 million. While the FAA doesn’t certify open water—hot tubs and swimming pools—on private aircrafts, it’s fairly common for privileged customers to outfit their planes with full kitchens, bedroom suites, bathrooms (with showers) and complete dining areas. Other customizable features include putting greens, exercise equipment and karaoke systems that, when taken together, provide an irresistible expression of personal style. What’s next is anyone’s guess. As Virgin Galactic and other private space companies gear up to shuttle wealthy explorers to the final frontier, maybe we’ll soon be talking about personalized space ships. As we now know, the sky is certainly not the limit. — S I M O N M U R R AY







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24 Grand Avenue Englewood, NJ 07631

WashingtOn WOWs WashingtOn


ne of the most glamorous parties in Washington, DC is undoubtedly the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner. The glitterati lit up the red carpet sporting Dolce & Gabbana, Oscar de la Renta, Prada and Marchesa. Style darling and award-winning actress Kerry Washington set the tone for the evening in a tailored black and white halter dress with a stunning open back by Wes Gordon. A baroque inspired pattern swathed her lower half in a romantic swirling pattern, adding modern sophistication and old world romanticism. In the ABC addictive juggernaut known as Scandal, Washington ’s character, Olivia Pope, also takes fashion risks—and they work. This glamorous “fixer” adds beauty and grace to the political landscape, both real and imagined. —JorGe ramón

The NUMBers

The Dress 515 Yards

The longest drive in golf history, by Mike Austin

375 feet

The longest putt in golf history, by Fergus Muir

1 in 67 million

Chances of making two holes-inone in the same round of golf

585 yards

The largest bunker in the world—dubbed Hell’s Half Acre—on the 7th hole at Pine Valley Golf Course in Clementon, nJ

336 235,292

number of dimples on a regulation golf ball

number of millionaire households (in assets) in nJ

$7.3 billion

net worth of Donald newhouse, new Jersey’s wealthiest resident, no. 51 on Forbes 400


year first organized baseball game was played on Hoboken’s elysian Fields

Flesh Gordon Kerry Washington set the tone for the evening in a tailored black and white halter dress with a stunning open back by Wes Gordon.


number of lakes and ponds in new Jersey


year the first brewery in America opened in Hoboken


year the first solid-body electric guitar was invented by les Paul in Mahwah

300 mph

Top speed of Dodge Tomahawk “superbike”

24 HUDSONMOD June/July 2013

RICHIE SAMBORA Rock Star @TheRealSambora Hope everyone enjoyed the Music Cares thang....always feels good doin somethin good for somebody.

The quoTe

KELLY RIPA TV Host @KellyRipa Dear @michaelstrahan, you’re in our Hall Of Fame everyday! Here’s to next year!!!!! Xo FRAN LEBOWITZ Author @Fransbeard My #assaultweapon of choice? Words. HENRIK LUNDQVIST Hockey Star @HLundqvist30 If you figured it all out today, what would be the point of tomorrow? Enjoy the process of being a work in progress. Good night! MEGAN HILTY Singer/Actress @meganhilty Just found the greatest twitter account! Follow @CelebComplaint to see why you should never use social media to complain about ANYTHING! TINA BROWN Media Mogul @TheTinaBeast .@WomenInWorld not as far as they should. There’s not a single woman CEO of a major TV network. #wiwchat ANDY COHEN TV Host @BravoAndy Following Madonna on Instagram makes me quite happy. #simplethings

The feed

“It doesn’t matter if you win by a second or a mile, winning is winning.” –VIN DIESEL

@HudsonMOD Illustration by ChrIs MOrrIs exclusively for HudsonMOD


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The .com WHY CELEBS LOVE US Over the last year, HudsonMOD has delivered on the promise to provide New Jersey (and lucky Manhattanites) with the magazine it deserves. In the process, we’ve pursued and been granted the remarkable opportunity to have revelatory conversations with celebrities raised in the metropolitan area and from around the country, and to then share their stories with you, our savvy readers. We’re continually impressed with each star that stuns on the cover, and we’re smitten with the talents who grace the pages of every issue. But most of all, it’s fulfilling to prove what we’ve known all along—New Jersey is a magnificent state. And now we have the voices to back it up. Daisy Fuentes may have summed it up best when she appeared on the cover of our premiere issue: “Jersey

ACCESS HOllywOOD There’s no doubt: is where celebrities feel most like themselves, just ask the magazine’s first celebrity cover, daisy Fuentes (below).

represents the best of everything, and the most real of everything.” And there are many others who echo that same sentiment. “Jersey not only became my life, it became my home,” said London import and rock star hairstylist Tabatha Coffey. And when Wendy Williams was asked why she chooses to reside in the Garden State rather than in Manhattan, she put it this way: “When I was younger, New Jersey was safe for me, and it remains so.” In addition to gathering accolades for the state, our editors have gotten stars to open up in honest, funny and heartwarming ways, divulging the answers

to questions you yourself would ask: What does Brad Goreski really think of Rachel Zoe? What’s the best thing Rocco DiSpirito has ever eaten? Just who is Karina Smirnoff’s ideal dancing partner? And more. Much, much more. And because a great interview never goes out of style, has become home to all of these conversations, making it easy for you to catch up with the likes of Kimora Lee Simmons, Donald Trump, Victor Garber, Thom Filicia, Boomer Esiason, Joy Behar, Christine Ebersole and many more whenever the moment strikes you. There’s no doubt, folks: is where celebrities feel most like themselves. —AmAndA Thorogood

Kyan Douglas Grooming Expert

Selena Gomez Singer/Actress

Carlos Ponce Actor/Singer

Oprah winfrey Media Mogul

Jimmy Fallon Talk Show Host

Vanessa williams Actress/Singer

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The Score


Whether at the controls of one of his jets or his many other flying machines, John Travolta daily plays his own role: that of a first-rate pilot who has notched up over 6,000 flight hours and eight certifications on various types of aircraft. That of a man who is passionate about everything embodying the authentic aeronautical spirit. On his wrist is a Breitling Navitimer with its famous aviation slide rule. A cult-watch for all devotees and professionals of the conquest of the skies, equipped with Breitling Caliber 01, the world’s best selfwinding chronograph movement. For John Travolta, it is simply the ultimate chronograph legend. 5-YEAR BREITLING WARRANTY $7,945

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THe SCene save the date

Hello, Governor the The Governors Ball boasts three full days of music, with Kings of Leon, Guns and Roses and Kanye West.

THE GOvERNORS BALL MUSIC FESTIvAL IS HERE Since its inauguration in 2011, the Governors Ball Music Festival has become the summer festival New Yorkers can call their own, while also serving as the unofficial kickoff for the summer concert season. Beginning on June 7, the Governors Ball boasts three days of music, with Kings of Leon, Guns and Roses and Kanye West performing as the festival’s headliners. We just hope there is enough room on Randall’s Island for both the ticket holders and the egos.

Le HuNgeR

tHOu sHALt NOt MIss sHAkespeARe IN tHe pARk Shakespeare in the Park’s 2013 season runs through August 18. Modern Family’s Jesse Tyler Ferguson takes the stage at the Delacorte Theater for The Comedy of Errors. Love’s Labour’s Lost will wrap up the summer, with performances beginning July 23.

MOMA ps1 gALA Fans of the inspiring and often thought-provoking work featured in Manhattan’s Museum of Modern Art may not be as well acquainted with MoMA PS1 in Long Island City in Queens. The space, formerly known as P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center has been an affiliate of MoMA since 2000 and thereby extends the reach of both institutions. Supporters are invited to


The Hampton Cup The iconic Bridgehampton Polo Club in New York hosts the championship on August 24.


attend the MoMA PS1 Gala on June 18 to benefit the innovative exhibitions and programming that have made MoMA PS1 unequivocally one of the most important contemporary art spaces in the northeast.

WILD AND CRAZY BANJO Banjo in hand, Steve Martin and The Steep Canyon Rangers bring their unique sound to the Mayo Performing Arts Center on June 22 to promote their new album, Love Has Come for You, a collaboration with Edie Brickell.

HeR FLAMe BuRNs BRIgHt Lady Liberty makes her poignant return on July 4, when the Statue of Liberty officially reopens following repairs to the excessive damage the statue and Ellis Island endured during Hurricane Sandy.

US Open Tennis August 26 is the date to remember for 15 days of nail-biting tennis action at Flushing Meadows, NY.

Loyal partakers of Restaurant Week can fulfill their taste for Parisian flair with the newly minted French Restaurant Week. From July 8-14, diners can savor every delectable bite of coq au vin at participating restaurants throughout Manhattan.

NO gAMBLe WHeN It COMes tO gReAt FOOD The Atlantic City Food and Wine Festival has become a must for all summer bucket lists. Foodies, rejoice, because this year looks like it may be the best yet. Commencing on July 25 and with events running through July 28, the festival’s headliners include celebrity chef Rocco DiSpirito.

tHeReFORe ARt tHOu ROMeO Orlando Bloom is starring in Romeo and Juliet. Preview performances begin on August 24, with the opening set for September 19. This will be the first Broadway staging of Romeo and Juliet in 36 years, and it will honor the Bard’s words while moving the show’s setting to contemporary time.

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, NY The Spring/ Summer 2014 collections will debut at Lincoln Center September 5-12.

Feast Of San Gennaro The 87th annual celebration will be held in NYC’s historic Little Italy from September 12-22.


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The 10 let’s count the ways


Marina Bay Sands Resort Singapore $5.7 Billion Built during the uncertainty of the recent global financial crisis, the Sands Casino towering above Marina Bay in Singapore opened to record-setting profits for its industry. Created at a cost of nearly $6 billion, the Marina Bay Sands is the most expensive standalone casino on the planet. Atop the three 55-story hotel towers sits the SkyPark, the world’s longest cantilevered observation deck, featuring an infinity pool and 2.5 acres of landscaped gardens. A modern marvel, to be sure.

University Sarah Lawrence College Bronxville, NY $61,236 annually

Covering more than 40 wooded acres in New York’s posh Westchester County, the campus of Sarah Lawrence College is known for its ivy-covered Tudor-style buildings and small studentto-faculty ratio. Originally founded as a women’s college, the private university now admits both men and women from all over the world. Its impressive list of alumni includes fashion designer Vera Wang, director J.J. Abrams and author Alice Walker.


Aston Martin Edition Silver Cross Surf, RRP at Harrods London $3,100 When two preeminent British brands get together, you should expect nothing less than design, craftsmanship and luxury perfected. With only 800 manufactured worldwide, this is the most exclusive pram in the world, and it’s only available at Harrods.





Floating Bed by Janjaap Ruijssenaars $1,600,000 Inspired in part by the floating monoliths in Stanley Kubrick’s iconic film 2001: A Space Odyssey, Dutch architect Janjaap Ruijssenaars has designed a magnetic bed that allows sleepers to defy gravity in their sleep. Currently in its conceptual stages, a smaller platform, one-fifth the scale and featuring the same design, can also function as a table or sofa.



1923 Prototype Leica O-Series $2,800,000 The most expensive camera in the world isn’t digital or fitted with a high-powered lens. Instead, the Prototype Leica O-Series is a compact camera from 1923, made two years before the commercial introduction of the Leica A. Still in working condition, the camera sold at auction to a bidder wishing to remain anonymous. Being one of only 25 ever made makes it, well, unbelievably valuable.

Alpaca Huacaya $675,000

Known for being petting-zoo darlings—watch out, they spit— alpacas are also bred for their silky, nonprickly fleece that’s spun into a variety of garments, Armani suits very much included. The fluffy, beige, award-winning “Snowmass Matrix” became the highest selling alpaca ever sold in auction when it was acquired by Double “O” Good Alpacas a few years ago for $675,000. According to the Alpaca Owners and Breeders Association, these animals are representative of a billion dollar and growing industry.


The Aurora Diamanté Torino, Italy $1,300,000 The absolute pinnacle of writing utensils the world over, this extremely limited fountain pen is made available for purchase only once a year. The stunning pen is encrusted with more than 30 carats of De Beers diamonds that overlay a solid-platinum barrel. The quill—also referred to as the nib— is made of two-tone, rhodiumtreated 18-karat solid gold, putting a signature on this masterpiece.


Crystal Incantations Rock Crystal Bathtub by Luca Bojola Florence $550,000 This is one of only three bathtubs ever made by the Italian master craftsman Luca Bojola, and each is carved from a single block of pure crystal found in the Amazon’s rainforest. Equal parts unconventional, contemporary and classical, the culminating three-ton design allows you to bathe in effervescent waters brought to life by the opaque crystal. Indulgent doesn’t begin to cover this magical creation.

Tree House Blue Forest East Sussex, England $426,000

Fantasy getaways in the backyard aren’t just for kids anymore. This upscale timber “home” by Blue Forest—the world’s leading treehouse design consultancy—is the British company’s most lofty project, valued at nearly half a million dollars. The thatched medieval towers feature a kitchen, a toilet and large living areas for adults, while a separate children’s tree house comes complete with a trapdoor game room with plasma television and game console. And don’t forget the 80-yard zip wire for the necessary dramatic exit.

Pacifier Diamond Pacifier $17,000

If the rumors are true, your favorite Beverly Hills celebrity couple might have bought this luxe present for their newest bundle of joy. Dubbed “the newest trend in celebrity baby gifting,” the Diamond Pacifier features an overlay of 278 pavé-cut white diamonds totaling 3 carats on 14 karats of white gold. Further customization can include adding colored diamonds, the baby’s name and the birth date.



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THE LIFE livin’ large

CarOle raDziwill: Pretty. DaMn. SMart. photography by martina tolot


first became aware of Carole Radziwill at brunch seven years ago, when a close friend of mine, someone not prone to hyperbole or tardiness, showed up 40 minutes late to the restaurant because he couldn’t run out the door without finishing What Remains, the book he’d been reading. My friends and I looked at one another and bit: “OK, tell us everything.” And he did. What Remains (Scribner) is Radziwill’s searing account of her life after the shockingly premature death of her husband, Anthony Radziwill (nephew of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis), from cancer, at the age of 40. No less an authority on authors than Oprah Winfrey called Radziwill’s memoir “stunning,” because it is. But it’s also sad, compelling and beautifully written. So I remembered the name Carole Radziwill. Imagine my surprise at learning that this literary princess (she really is) had been tapped by Bravo TV to become one of the, um, notorious Real Housewives Of New York City. I couldn’t wait to see what would transpire and, boy, Radziwill didn’t disappoint. Seeming to float just above the ridiculous and perpetual bitch fest that is mistaken for friendship on this particular reality television program, Radziwill was at once hilarious and dismayed and functioned as a Greek chorus, standing in for us, the rapt audience. If you haven’t checked out the show, Radziwill’s bemused and lethal interactions with Countess LuAnn de Lesseps are the stuff of legend. Radziwill’s overtly sarcastic aside to the Countess who was relentlessly one-upping her, “I played football in high school,” should be on T-shirts. High comedy, indeed. But the best news was that the single Radziwill had completed her first novel, The Widow’s Guide To Sex & Dating (Henry Holt & Co.), coming out in September. With the messy business of her own life and television set aside for the moment, Radziwill—who grew up in a commune in upstate New York and was a former journalist at ABC News—was able to let her creative mind wander and conjure up characters from her deliciously warped and entertaining imagination. Be ready to love this Carole Radziwill. Bit of advice: Don’t keep your brunch bunch of hungry, smart, quick-witted friends waiting while you finish Radziwill’s addictive latest book. Believe me, it can happen to anyone.

Growing up in my grandparents’ house near Woodstock, NY was something my brother described as “lawless,” where I think of it as “unfettered,” and it made me curious about the world. It was a great childhood, and it exposed me to so many great characters.

Looking back on it now, it seems surreal, but the fact is, I was numb for a very long time after that.

When did you first realize you wanted to put pen to paper?


Tell me about your childhood.

It seems genuinely unbearable.

Is there one word that describes that horrible month when you lost not only your husband to cancer, but also your best friend, Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy; her husband, John Kennedy Jr.; and her sister Lauren Bessette—who were also friends—in a tragic plane crash?

At ABC News, I grew up fast and learned how to tell stories, how a story should unfold. I learned the concept of “the economy of words.”

How much of The Widow’s Guide To Sex & Dating, is about your experiences as a young widow? The protagonist, Claire, is smarter than I will ever be, but, in a sense, all the characters in the novel are a part of me—they all came from me. Funny thing, the character I believe is my sort of alter ego is actually Charlie, Claire’s husband—go figure. [Laughs]

Define luxury. Luxury is living your authentic life. It’s a luxury that I don’t have to do what I don’t want to do.

What surprised you the most about joining The Real Housewives Of New York City this past season? I think there’s a general lack of selfawareness by some of the women.

You know your “I played football in high school” line became an instant Housewives classic. That’s funny. Well, yes, exactly. I was just playing around with [Countess LuAnn de Lesseps], and she just didn’t get it. I always play around. Here’s the thing: On the show, I like to stay engaged, but I come to it without any judgment whatsoever.

How about Aviva Drescher’s epic WTF meltdown in St. Barts? Well, [Long pause] that was certainly unexpected. [Laughs]

In five years, Carole Radziwill is… Taking more bubble baths. Oh, I’m not kidding, Richard! [Laughs]



FEAR FACTOR “Failure scares me. Not knowing the endgame, not knowing what the goal is, scares me,” says Barber, here with wife Traci.

36 HUDSONMOD June/July 2013

exclusive N E W YO R K G I A N T S



l E G E N dA RY R u N N I N G B Ac K TIKI BARBER hAS SOmEThING hE’d lIKE T O G E T O f f h I S c h E S T. IT ’S ABOuT TImE .

een thinking a lot about F. Scott Fitzgerald lately. Not clear on why that is, exactly, but I’m sure some of it has been sparked by the massive marketing campaign surrounding Baz Luhrmann’s $100 million Hollywood adaptation of The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald’s most famous work,

By RichaRd PéRez-FeRia

starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Whatever the reason, as I look around the crowded, clubby room I’m sitting in deep in lower Manhattan on a most gorgeous spring morning, anticipating

Photography by Mike RUiz exclusively for hudsonMOd

the arrival of legendary football player—and New York Giants record-breaking icon—Tiki Barber, it suddenly hits me: I’m actually waiting

hair and grooming by M a R c O M e d R a N O , N e w yo r k c i t y

for the NFL’s version of Jay Gatsby. I really am. “Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy.” When F. Scott Fitzgerald uttered that classic, revelatory quote, he couldn’t possibly have known how aptly that sentiment would apply to one Tiki Barber, the handsome, once-in-a-generation running back with the infectious smile who conquered Manhattan, only to fall—and fall precipitously—from his perch. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I hadn’t even met the guy. And I had a lot of questions. As do you.

June/July 2013 HUDSONMOD


TIKI, Inc. “In five years, I’ll still be creating new companies, building solid relationships. We’ll be well on our way to making Thuzio ‘the Amazon of talent interaction’,” says Barber, in his home office (far left) and at his New York Giants “Ring of Honor” induction ceremony.



June/July 2013


tiim Kiambu Barber was born to James and Geraldine Barber seven minutes after his identical twin brother, Ronde, on April 7, 1975, in Roanoke, VA. Tiki’s birth name means “fierytempered king,” and he was so named because he was screaming right out of the womb. Though the twins’ father was a football star at Virginia Tech and a former player in the World Football league, that particular sport wasn’t a foregone conclusion, because both boys suffered from seizures and lung ailments until the age of four and were strongly discouraged from pursuing contact sports. Also when the twins were four, Geraldine and James divorced, effectively ending the relationship they had with their dad.

next up, the brothers Barber accepted scholarships to the university of Virginia and became roommates. And even as Tiki remained focused on football, by no means did he slow down his excellence in other areas, including track and field— where he lettered three times—and, once again, academics. Tiki majored in management information systems (what?) and regularly made the Atlantic Coast Conference Academic Honor Roll. Clearly, Tiki Barber was no one-trick pony. Suffice it to say that Ronde, as the school’s star cornerback, and Tiki, as the record-breaking running back for the Cavaliers (he was the first player to ever run for more than 1,000 yards in back-to-back seasons), were shoe-ins for nFl greatness. Or were they? After all, both brothers stood a mere 5’ 10”, and back then, Tiki had a tendency to fumble. But in the 1997 nFl draft, Tiki was taken by the Giants in the second round, and Ronde was taken by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the third round, marking the first time the identical twins not only would be separated by geography—they had never been apart from each other for more than three days—but also would be competing against each other. How did they do? um, pretty damn well.

WilliAm HAuSeR (opposite


Geraldine, faced with raising two rambunctious sons alone, held as many as three jobs concurrently in an effort to provide for her family. For more than two decades, she was the assistant finance director for the Virginia Skyline Council of Girl Scouts. The brothers had a positive— and tireless—role model in their mom. As early as elementary school, Tiki and Ronde defied doctors’ orders about avoiding contact sports by participating in—and excelling at— football. By the time they arrived at Cave Spring High School in Roanoke, the Barber boys weren’t messing around. Tiki was a three-time Roanoke Times & World News All-District pick and was twice named the newspaper’s male Athlete of the year. As great as that was, football wasn’t even Tiki’s main focus in school. Challenged by his mom to make academics his true vocation, Tiki was—wait for it— an intellectual who graduated from high school with a perfect 4.0 gradepoint average and became nothing less than the school’s valedictorian. Question: How many nFl legends can claim that? exactly. But i digress.

“I wish I had listened to the

football experts—

and most certainly Coach Coughlin— about fixing my mechanics a lot earlier in my career.

My numbers could’

ve been nuts.”

June/July 2013 HUDSONMOD


Ronde just retired last month while still one of the premier defensive players in football and has done so in a quiet-as-a-whisper fashion down in Tampa. His career has paralleled his personality: Winning, but modest. His brother, well, chose a different path. Tiki Barber played ten magnificent seasons for the new york Giants and holds nearly 20 all-time records for the storied franchise, including the major one—most rushing yards— made three Pro Bowls, was named Sports Illustrated’s “Player of the year” and is on the Giants’ coveted “Ring of Honor.” let’s not put too fine a point on it: Tik Barber did his job phenomenally well for an entire decade. Did he ever. And, oh, yeah, all the while he ate up Manhattan and loved every minute of it.


ere’s the part of the Tiki Barber story that trips up most football purists: Barber is much more than a football player—he always has been, and he’s always known it—and the forward trajectory that is his life couldn’t be stopped by his retirement from the sport. Far from it. you see, that part of his story—the other-worldly athletic prowess— came almost too easily to him. now, what truly excites this Virginian is conquering the unexpected, tackling the seemingly impossible what’s-next goal in front of him. So, yes, being a rock star celebrity in the greatest city on the planet has certainly given Mr. Barber ample opportunity to stretch those nonfootball muscles. And boy has he stretched. Tiki Barber has written numerous books (including several children’s stories co-authored with Ronde), been a radio host on both WFAn in new york City and eSPn Radio; shared the microphone with his

40 HUDSONMOD June/July 2013

BARBER TALK “Some people continue to think I’m uncaring or stuck up, and I’m not either of those things.”

brother on Sirius Satellite Radio; appeared on live television in myriad roles, including lifestyle contributor to Fox & Friends, correspondent for two of nBC’s juggernaut programs— the Today Show and Football Night in America/Sunday Night Football; co-hosted the 66th Annual Golden Globes pre-show with Brooke Burke and nancy O’Dell; reported from both summer and winter Olympics; acted off-Broadway (Women of Manhattan) and on television (Knight Rider); and made numerous appearances on Iron Chef America, Project Runway, The Electric Company and Cash Cab.


um, insight. And finally, immediately after retiring from football, Barber made surprising comments about Giants quarterback (and emerging superstar) eli Manning’s leadership abilities, rankling many football fans. But all of those moments served as a prologue to the controversy that had real staying power: The firestorm over Barber’s romantic relationships. Here’s where the sharpened knives came out and, for the first time in his life, Barber was publically portrayed as a villain. In many tangible ways, he’s still working his way back from that draconian, relentless and unfair experience. I’ve been drawn to Barber for years, and I’ve wanted to meet him since first watching him play a decade and a half ago. For whatever reason, I’ve always

I had a real hunch that Barber and I would be simpatico because of our chosen paths. And then, just like that, the man of the hour was standing in front of me, smiling that Madison Avenue smile of his. And, just like that, I knew I was right. So right.


ver the course of the next five hours, Tiki Barber and I became friends. Good friends. And as incongruous as that sounds— after all, I’ve been fortunate to interview more than 500 celebrities in my career, and I consider very few of them close friends—I can count on one hand the times I knew I was talking to someone who saw me, the real me. And I believe Tiki felt the same. Snicker if you must (I know I’d be a bit skeptical

here’s little doubt that Barber has been preparing for life after football since childhood. Singleminded athletes don’t ever feel compelled to and access to the get straight A’s in school. “I had a fantastic NFL career Why would they? They’re all considered demigods by greatest city in the world, yet, deep in my gut, the millions of worshipping throngs. But Tiki Barber had I knew there was something missing—there is something other, bigger ideas. Then, alas, as so much missing—but I’ll fin d it. I’m going to fin great literature has taught d it.” us—and just as F. Scott Fitzgerald became F. Scott upon reading such a declaration), but I Fitzgerald with The Great Gatsby— felt that Tiki Barber and I were kindred know the truth. I also know truth when comes the inevitable fall from grace spirits. Sure, we’re the same height, I hear it. And Tiki Barber speaks truth. for our protagonist hero. And so it we both have shaved heads and we’re But, surprisingly, what I found was for Tiki Barber. clearly the better-looking halves of almost immediately when speaking While still playing for the Giants, our twin brothers—ha!—but elements with Barber was a man burdened Barber instigated a couple of about his demeanor, his interviews, with trying to keep his ambition, relatively minor controversies, first his choices speaks to something deep his intelligence, his light somewhat by criticizing Michael Strahan, his Allwithin me. In a strange way, he reminds dimmed for fear of being knocked Pro teammate and current co-host of me of Robert Redford’s character off his newfound perch, and it gave Live with Kelly and Michael (Barber in The Way We Were: Hubbell, the me pause. Though Barber is now now says he and Strahan are friends) great-looking all-American man who the co-host of the hit radio program and then, more problematic, by had the world handed to him on a TBD in the A.M. on WCBS, live daily criticizing head coach Tom Coughlin platter, but whose truth was much from Manhattan, and also a partner for his play calling. Coughlin, not darker and less assured. Hubbell in Thuzio, an athlete booking startup exactly a warm-and-fuzzy type, would have made a fine hero for that shows tremendous promise, didn’t take kindly to his player’s, F. Scott Fitzgerald, as would Barber.

June/July 2013 HUDSONMOD


BRIAn DoRSey (with ronde)

his trepidation was palpable. Tiki’s current—and, yes, inevitable—upward trajectory is much more methodical than ever because he’s learned the hard way that not everyone wishes him well. not at all. After hours of rehashing the many ups and more recent downs of his life, the subtext of what Barber was telling me boiled down to this: Did the punishment fit the alleged crime? If the people who think they know Tiki Barber—who he is and what he did—would collectively exhale, I know they’d simply find a kind, brainy man who played football a lot better than most and is now asking for a fair shot at redemption. And Barber, the married father of four, is also hoping to disprove another one of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s famous truisms: “There are no second acts in American lives.” In his extraordinary case, Barber knows Fitzgerald couldn’t have been more wrong. Tiki 2.0 is off and running, and, as you may have heard, Tiki Barber is pretty damn good at running.

42 HUDSONMOD June/July 2013

Tell me about your childhood. My mom was raising Ronde and me by herself, and she was always working. I remember being six or seven years old, and I couldn’t stop crying because my mom had to leave us with a babysitter and go to work. But our mom was always there when we needed her. My dad wasn’t a part of our lives since we were four years old. I’ll tell you one thing—I’m divorced, but I’ll always be there for my kids.

What’s your very first memory? I remember my mom putting us in the back of her car late at night as she made the six-hour drive to my grandparents’ house in eastville, on the eastern shore of Virginia. We’d sleep the entire drive and wake up to see the huge backyard, the front porch and the great brick house my grandfather, Willie, built by himself.

Tell me about the real Ronde and how being a twin affected your life. I love my twin brother. I love him and I like him, you know? He’s amazingly easy to hang out with, and we always have a great time together. I’m a hard driver and he’s laid back, but we

wouldn’t be in the nFl without the other. Ronde helps me relax, and I know I push him in other ways, too.

If you could change one thing about your brother, what would it be? I wish he would be more like me by capitalizing on certain business opportunities that he just doesn’t. He’s not as ambitious as I am.

If Ronde could change one thing about you, what would it be? He would make me stop caring about what other people say about me.

Tiki, did you always know you had greatness in you? When I was 13, my mother challenged me to make great grades. “Make all A’s,” she said. I made my mind up and I did it. That taught me that nothing stops me if I know what I want. As far as football, Sean Payton, the Giants’ offensive coordinator in 2000, really believed in me—in my talent—and I’ll always be grateful to him.

Let’s talk regrets. I wish I had listened to the football experts—and most certainly Coach

Coughlin—about fixing my mechanics a lot earlier in my career. My numbers could’ve been nuts.

Personal regrets? It would probably be how I handled the dissolution of my marriage. I would’ve made it known publically much sooner than I did, but I frankly didn’t think anyone would be that interested.

Tell me what you mean exactly. I mean by the time it became public that my marriage was over; it had been over for a very long time.

How important is humility? Wow—that’s exactly right, Richard. Humility is extraordinarily important in life. Straight up: There were plenty of mistakes made.

Such as? The timeline that my ex-wife and I first separated, got back together briefly and then decided to divorce isn’t what people believe it to be. Also, Traci, my wife, was so unfairly dragged into this, and for two years it

literally took over her life, and that’s especially unjust and plain wrong. This entire ordeal nearly devastated Traci, but we survived, and here we are.

is, scares me. Football was relatively easy for me because the goals defining success were always set. I knew what I had to do, so I did it.

The press—particularly Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post—was relentless in painting you as, frankly, a monster. Did everyone in your life turn away from you?

Do you think you’ve underachieved?

It was a surreal, confusing time for me. I must say, the one person who has stood by me my entire career is my agent, Mark lepselter. He’s so much more than my agent; he’s my brother. Truly. It was sad to see former close friends send me diatribes via e-mail, telling me what a terrible person I was, when all of their information came from the lies in the New York Post. I learned a hard lesson, though. Some people will always believe everything they read, no matter the source.

What scares you? Failure scares me. not knowing the endgame, not knowing what the goal

yes. Absolutely. I really do think I’ve underachieved. That’s actually a very interesting question, Richard.

I’ll tell you why I ask: I think when a person achieves the level of success you’ve had in football, everyone assumes he’s overreached to attain that excellence. With you, however, I’ve always sensed you felt you could’ve done a lot more with your life than run with a football. early in my career, I sometimes would regret playing football at all. I have felt—and do feel—that I underachieve. let me put it this way: My life as a star athlete wasn’t what I wanted it to be. I was my high school’s valedictorian. I majored in engineering. I wanted to be an astronaut. I was a total space geek. Believe me, when I first discovered computers

brother lives: “Luxury feels a lot like how my With ease, with comfort—a place

where you go and your guard’s completely down. Yo u know, luxury is a place where you belong.”

TWIN PEAKS “I love my twin brother. I love him and I like him. We wouldn’t be in the NFL without the other,” says Barber of Ronde, pictured here at Tiki’s wedding last summer (far left). Barber and Traci relax in their northern New Jersey home (far right).

June/July 2013 HUDSONMOD


at uVA, it changed my life. But I played football well, and it has given me opportunities very few people will ever have. look, Richard, I had a fantastic nFl career and access to the greatest city in the world, yet, deep in my gut, I knew there was something missing—there is something missing— but I’ll find it. I’m going to find it.

What does Tiki 2.0 look like? It looks exactly like an entrepreneur. I love that word. I’m very excited about our company Thuzio because technology is changing how we interact with celebrities and athletes.

In five years… I’ll still be creating new companies, building solid relationships. We’ll be well on our way to making Thuzio “the Amazon of talent interaction.”

Tell me a secret. you may not believe me entirely, but I’m a significant introvert.

Introvert? Yeah, whatever.

Matt Lauer. Are you kidding me? I wanted to be Matt lauer. How about that? [Laughs]

nowadays there are some vocal minorities that make a lot of noise on social media; that I do encounter.

Your agent, Mark Lepselter.

Are you happy?

Mark lepselter would jump in front of a train for me. Is there anything else that needs to be said?

Define luxury.

Right now, I’m having the time of my life, Richard. I’m thoroughly enjoying the conversation as well as the company, and this Jack Daniels is very nice, too. [Laughs]

luxury feels a lot like how my brother lives: With ease, with comfort—a place where you go and your guard’s completely down. you know, luxury is a place where you belong.

If you could have won an Oscar, a Tony, an Emmy and a Grammy, tell me what would you have liked to have won them for?

Where do you belong, Tiki? One place I didn’t belong was in an nFl locker room.

What do you mean? One day, after a game, I was thinking that here I am 29 years old, and I couldn’t—and didn’t—ever have real, intelligent conversations in the locker room. The locker room with all the jock talk just wasn’t a place I enjoyed.

I love this question! [Laughs] let’s see now... my Oscar would definitely be for playing nicolas Cage’s character in Moonstruck, the Tony for a role in Rent, the emmy for either Grey’s Anatomy or Dexter and a Grammy for John legend’s Ordinary People.

Finish this sentence for me: Tiki Barber is… The most intellectually complicated former football star you’ll ever know.

See, I knew it! I knew you wouldn’t believe me! [Laughs]

What remains the biggest misconception about you?

Let’s wrap this up in a bow, Tiki: What happened here today?

Time for everyone’s favorite, the name game: Eli Manning.

Some people continue to think I’m uncaring or stuck up, and I’m not either of those things.

He’s extraordinarily talented. I believe that, year over year, eli’s better than his brother [Peyton]—without a doubt.

Tiki, do you think most people still root for you today?

Don’t assume you know me by what you’ve read. yes, I’m cocky—I’m a great athlete, smarter than most people I sit in a room with. But if you let me know you, I’ll let you know me. you’ll never find a greater friend in the world. So, yes, absolutely, this is what’s happening now with you. Seriously, brother—you know it, too.

Michael Strahan. He’s charismatic, genuine and opportunistic—more than me. I love his success, and I love seeing a black man on morning television.

Tom Coughlin. I love and hate Tom Coughlin in the same breath. He’s by far the best coach I ever played for, but he simply didn’t know how to treat his players.

44 HUDSONMOD June/July 2013

I really think so. I’ll put it this way: I’ve never had an unpleasant encounter in person with a fan—not ever. But

“Don’t assume you know me

by what you’ve read.

If you let me know you, I’ll let you know me. You’ll never find a greater friend in the world.”

GIANT STEP “Early in my career, I sometimes would regret playing football at all. I have felt—and do feel—that I underachieve.” June/July 2013 HUDSONMOD





Must-Haves Toys You Want

Put your eyes back in your head. It took me a while, too. Why choose between fun on land or fun at sea when you no longer have to, thanks to Quadski’s 45-mph hybrid fusion of an ATV and a water craft. Behold, the world’s first high-speed sports amphibian—it’s a beauty. Quadski boasts a 175-horsepower BMW Motorrad engine and tranny. Priced at $40,000, you’d better place your order before they go into wait-list mode. Check it out at

46 HUDSONMOD June/July 2013

By Marco MeDrano

OK, guys. You. Me. Them. Us. No matter the time of year, we don’t need an excuse to talk about our favorite toys, plan trips around them, take their photos or give them their own Facebook pages. These toys already hold our most coveted places of honor, yes? Recent technology has served up some amazingly useful gadgets that not only provide exciting amusement and macho bragging rights, but cutting-edge improvements that take mediocrity away from our everyday devices. HudsonMOD slashed and burned through many, many contenders and found the very best musthave toys right now. Let the games begin!

Next time you’re asked the time, you can answer with an extraordinary visual—your reSSence Type-3 watch. We all know too well that there are hundreds of six-figure luxury watches with plenty of history and aesthetic elegance. But hold on to your hats, brother, the RESSENCE Type-3 is coming in September to the flagship Tourneau store on Madison Avenue. The unbelievable watch is so new and, frankly, jaw dropping, Tourneau doesn’t even have pricing yet. Notice that all the configuring is done from the back of the watch—no hands, no crown. Get it before James Bond claims this timepiece as his next must-own trinket. This watch is like nothing I’ve ever seen—and I mean ever.

With so many television options, I asked myself this straightforward question: What’s the TV I want to own? Here it is in all her beauty: The 85-inch Samsung S9 Ultra HD TV. Dazzling with vivid colors and four times the resolution, and boasting powerful hidden speakers making the set take on an art gallery–worthy aesthetic, you must want to add this baby to your most-loved possessions. Priced at $40,000, you’d better think twice before handing over the remote. After all, isn’t this a love story between man and machine? I think it is.

If you were the first one at the country club to give your golf game the edge with GC2 technology’s club and swing analysis, then you’ll want to leap forward with HMT— Head Measurement Technology. Foresight Sports is blazing ahead with game-changer advancements, allowing you to instantly see— in real time—critical data such as club-head velocity, horizontal club path, smash factor, dynamic loft and lie—and even impact location. Starting around $6,500.



Clear Blue Hawaii’s Molokini is sure to take sightseeing to a whole other level. Ever thought your kayak would double as an IMAX theater? Well, the Molokini is pretty darn close, as it’s an all-transparent kayak made out of the same durable polycarbonate material used in the production of bulletproof glass and fighter-jet canopies, with a whole host of rider upgrades. And weighing in at a mere 40 pounds—I’ve seen cats heavier than that—moving from surf to sand is a snap. Your only dilemma is choosing between a one-person foldable option or a two-passenger kayak, ranging from $2,400 to $7,200.

Freud coined the term “King Baby” to describe a mental condition affecting individuals who believe the world revolves around them, beating to the rhythm of their drum alone. But when you’re a rock star or selfdescribed mogul, that’s precisely what it does. With this mentality and a badass image in mind, King Baby Studio created the Fleur De Lys Relic large silver dog tag and jewelry including stars, stripes and skulls that can be found locally at Aires Jewelers in Morris Plains.

Before you configure your entire budget on your luxe man cave, be sure to consult with your architect, because you’re going to want to incorporate the measurements of these badass speakers into your drawings—they’ll blow the doors right off their hinges. Here’s why: Handling 2000 watts, McIntosh XRT2K engineers “made the dream come true with their three-way dual column design meticulously housing 40 tweeters, 64 midrange and 6 woofers.” Can you hear me? CAN? YOU? HEAR? ME? Exactly.

Those in the know hold Kalamazoo Gourmet Kitchens in high regard—and in their own backyards. The heavy-gauge stainless steel marvel is fabricated by hand in Michigan and boasts weather-tight cabinetry that withstands the harshest outdoor conditions, including raging rainstorms and searing heat waves. They’re the only gas grills that let you burn wood (for flavor enhancement) and charcoal at the same time. Go to and see why every nuance of fine outdoor cooking has been thought through with the discerning cook in mind.

48 HUDSONMOD June/July 2013

Toys WE LoVE

Big BoyS ToyS Dubai 2013 CARAT TOP The coating on the Bentley is made up of 101 carats of diamonds. This isn’t diamond dust, but actual diamonds.


ince the world is our playground, then Dubai is our proverbial sandbox, that place from childhood that lets us imagine a quest for hidden treasure. Old maps of desert islands—where X marks the spot—lead to a treasure chest of worldly goods waiting to be unearthed. Dubai is that singular place where nothing—nothing— seems indulgent, just necessary. Atlantis The Palm, Dubai brings fantasy to life annually. In reality, the map is only a decade old—the island has the distinctive shape of a palm tree—and the spoils are housed in an event that showcases the world’s most luxurious playthings and is

By ricHarD crawfOrD

aptly titled “Big Boys Toys.” This spectacle, held earlier this year, is so opulent and so lavish that the united Arab emirates royal family reserves a day just for them. From Ferrari to Fabergé, the show offers the planet’s rich and famous myriad treasures that combine the class and style of James Bond with the bankroll of Bruce Wayne. In other words, it’s the outof-this-world, ridiculously fantastical can’t-miss event of the season. As an enthusiast of the finer things in life, and still very much a boy at heart, I relished the opportunity to browse through the world’s most amazing toys. Walking in, my senses were immediately bombarded by magnificence and luxury. Involuntary

responses that included widening of eyes, opening of mouth and quickening of both heart rate and walking pace were evidence that the inner child never really leaves the soul. Where to begin? Oh, where to begin? I truly believe the clothes make the man, so when I learn that the world’s most expensive suit is on display, I know I have my starting point. I’m quick to emphasize that luxury and class are not necessarily about cost, but when an item of clothing holds the world-record price tag of $114,000—with a certificate of proof, thank you very much—it makes sense to showcase. At first glance, the suit jacket is quite understated, a single-breasted

June/July 2013 HUDSONMOD


50 HUDSONMOD June/July 2013

HOT SPOT “Dubai was the perfect location for this event. I mean perfect,” says HudsonMOD’s Richard Crawford enjoying the perks of this desert oasis.

The Swiss manufacturing company, luxury Refinish, has developed a technique of integrating diamonds into various solvents and compounds. The diamonds are then suspended throughout the layers of lacquer, giving any item you choose to coat a shimmering texture and an almost living and breathing (organic) quality. The coating on the Bentley is made up of 101 carats of diamonds. The company is keen to point out that this isn’t diamond dust, but actual diamonds that have been cut to the minimum tolerance that defines a rough-cut diamond, keeping its physical beauty and magnificence.

“Bling” doesn’t even begin to sum up this Bentley—these guys take it to a different level by saying “diamonds are energy that makes us happy.” Who am I to argue? And in the presence of this automobile, I’m happy. Very, very happy. My next moment of awe is with a toy that truly walks the line between real and fantasy, a piece of machinery that appears to question the laws of physics. Inspired by sci-fi film, Tron: Legacy, the Xenon motorcycle is a fully functional, street-legal piece of art. A thick, dark vehicle fit for a superhero, enhanced by sky-blue electroluminescent strips that outline the chassis and spokeless wheels, a mechanism that doesn’t seem to make sense. It’s not just about the aesthetics; with a Suzuki 996 cc four-stroke engine and maximum speed of 100 MPH, the thrill is real. So very real. Further enhanced by an operating position that puts the driver almost parallel to the ground, the motorcycle is an adrenalin shot for both rider and spectator. Shifting gears, golf is a game that embodies heritage, integrity and incredible emotional and mental toughness, but in this modern era, technology has taken a significant foothold. Some of the research that goes into the game’s modern equipment mirrors that of nASA, with many of the large corporate brands promising increased distance and accuracy using many of the club brands. Countless purists have argued that the amplified dependency on technology has taken away some of the game’s charm. I say no. The Sweet Wood Golf Company crafts golf equipment using oldfashioned materials and traditional


black garment with a very fine pinstripe, somewhat similar to the suit I currently sport. On closer inspection, the craftsmanship and superiority of the suit are quite evident. The fabric is a combination of scarce and limited wools from vicuña, a South American animal linked closely with the alpaca; and qiviut, the Inuit word used to describe the fine inner layer of wool collected from the Arctic muskox. When combined with pashmina, the blend of materials creates the planet’s most luxurious cloth that has an almost charming quality to the touch. The pinstripe is an 18-karat gold thread, subtle yet distinguished, adding a sense of gravitas to the light material. A total of nine 18-karat gold buttons adorned with fine jewels from several countries impart a final elegant panache to the jacket. The suit is a testament to the expertise and bespoke quality of service the designer, Alexander Amosu, demands from himself and for his clients. Mission accomplished, to be sure. The Bentley is a majestic vehicle, with a masculinity and audaciousness that remind me of the regal Clydesdale horses. But in an environment such as Dubai, where even the police drive lamborghinis and luxury vehicles are as common as a Honda Accord on the Jersey Turnpike, a Bentley doesn’t mandate many second looks—until now. My attention is drawn to this particular car by its distinct color scheme; it’s primarily black, except for the contrasting cream-colored hood. Aside from being a completely different color than the rest of the vehicle, the hood seems to have a life of its own, an energy and brilliance that seem to dance off its surface. Then I realize what I’m seeing: Diamonds! Are. You. Kidding. Me? Wow!

For comprehensive video highlights from Richard Crawford's Dubai trip go to

assembly skills, working with various hardwoods and forged irons to create a singular feel and touch unrivaled by today’s equipment. They bring simplicity back to the game, challenging you to play with a feel-based swing rather than a technology-driven approach offering an experience that can take you back to a golden era of golf, when style, class and grace where an integral part of the sport. If a round of golf at St. Andrews Old Course in Scotland is on your bucket list, make sure you take a set of Sweet Wood clubs with you. It’s the golf equivalent of using Mickey Mantles’ bat as you step up to the plate in yankee Stadium. In other words, it’s something you won’t soon forget. Dubai was the perfect location for this Big Boys Toys event. I mean perfect. It’s a cosmopolitan city that has become a hub of business and culture that connects east to West. A location that attracts innovation, sporting events, live entertainment and ambitious developmental projects, including skyscrapers, shopping malls and signature man-made islands. It’s a true testament to man’s ingenuity, and it’s sometimes difficult to differentiate between what’s real and what’s fantasy. It has an opulence that rivals any other city in the world and can be described as las Vegas on steroids. After a few days of being immersed in the world’s most exotic and expensive playthings, it would be reasonable to think I’d be worn out and ready to get back to reality. not so fast. Big Boys Toys only made me want more, and I’m now researching other events around the globe so that I can continue my quest to make the world my own personal playground. But I’d sure look better in my travels behind the wheel of a diamond encrusted Bentley, dontcha think?

Atlantis The Palm, Dubai


f you had ventured to find Atlantis both provide a sophisticated and The Palm, Dubai in an atlas a stylish environment, with three dozen years ago, like its fabled floors of open living space and namesake, the only thing you the most dramatic view you could would’ve seen is the deep blue sea. ever imagine from a master-suite now, thanks to man’s ingenuity window. As you draw back the and almost unlimited financial curtains, you’ll be greeted with a resources, there exists a man-made floor-to-ceiling glass gateway into island oasis in the shape of a palm the sunken city of Atlantis. tree, upon which sits a majestic It’s simply spectacular. fun-filled sanctuary, distinct in its When the muscles ache from pink coral color and the sky bridge the wild water, it’s time to visit that connects both its towers. the Resort Spa, which offers the Behold: The Atlantis at The Palm best therapeutic services in all of Resort Dubai offers an abundance Dubai. And for you guys, I highly of exciting nautical activities and recommend The Royal Shave at the heavenly comforts nearly too Gentleman’s Tonic Barber Shop. numerous to mention. There are many off-site Central to the resort, both in excursions offered through the location and in theme, concierge service. My is the lost Chambers favorite was the fourAquarium, home to more wheeler desert trek than 65,000 marine and camping tour. An creatures. If you prefer adrenaline-charged drive to get a little more up through the desert dunes DUBAI TO DIE close and personal on ATVs, followed by a No one can with the underwater camp barbecue complete dispute the mindblowing nature inhabitants, Dolphin Bay with belly dancers as of this resort. offers a more interactive entertainment. Bliss. experience. Still not quite In a city where luxury satisfied? Try the 42 acres of wet and opulence are judged at a level and wild fun served up by the above anywhere else on the planet, Aquaventure water park. it may be a little presumptuous to All accommodations on the claim that the Atlantis Resort offers property are best-in-class and the ideal choice for a family-friendly designed with both maritime getaway. Bottom line: no one can and Arabic influence. If you’re dispute the unique, mind-blowing considering a romantic getaway or nature of this resort experience. looking to woo your partner with After all, you’re actually vacationing a lavishness and indulgence never on an island that wasn’t even part to be forgotten, splurge a bit and of the world a mere decade ago. reserve an underwater suite. The Talk about mind blowing. Poseidon and the neptune suites —RicHaRD cRawfORD

June/July 2013 HUDSONMOD


THAT’S AMORE Ferrari’s loyal market of enamored owners gives it its edge.



June/July 2013

Toys WE LoVE

FERRARi A Love Story

by SimON mUrray


few months ago, the london-based valuation firm Brand Finance released a survey of the world’s most valuable brands, ranking them by their worth in millions. Atop the Global 500 sits what one might expect: the modern-day captains of industry, the multinational technology giants Apple, Google, Samsung and Microsoft—with mega retailer Wal-Mart rounding out the list’s top five. The surprise, however, may be that none of these billiondollar enterprises achieved the highest brand rating this year. Other big name brands—Coca-Cola, PwC, Hermès—also fell short. In fact, the lofty laurels of “Most Powerful Brand in the World” went to a niche sports-car manufacturer with humble racing beginnings in Italy. According to Brand Finance, in terms of raw brand power, a loyal market, net profit margins and unmistakable personality, Ferrari is king. long live the prancing horse!

June/July 2013 HUDSONMOD


ALFA MALE Enzo Ferrari’s career racing Alfa Romeos gave rise to the now famous motif.

If social media is any indication of brand presence in this world, then Ferrari is doing something right. A scan on Facebook shows that Ferrari’s page has more than 11,000,000 “likes”—that’s two million more than Apple, in case you were wondering. In Formula One racing, Scuderia Ferrari (Team Ferrari) has more than half a million followers on Twitter. As these towering social media statistics illustrate, Ferrari has figured out how to generate mass-produced desire on a scale unmatched by most luxury brands. This is all the more remarkable when you realize what forces were aligned against Ferrari, because it certainly wasn’t an easy ride to the top.

conspicuous tax evasion, Ferrari somehow emerged from the fog of uncertainty, posting record financial numbers in 2012. Ferrari sold a total of 7,318 cars last year—an increase of 4.5 percent— outpacing the record number sold in 2011. This uptick is credited with helping to boost revenue to $3.2 billion in 2012, a net profit of $325 million and a return on sales of 14.4 percent. It’s no surprise, then, that last month Ferrari CeO Amedeo Felisa claimed the business had set aside at least $300 million for R&D to reduce emission production in the next five years. Can you say laFerrari ten times fast? With so much arrayed against a luxury manufacturer, what, then, is

It is therefore unsurprising that when we benchmark it against brands of all kinds in all categories, it comes out on top. Though the F1 championship title has recently proved elusive, over the long term, Ferrari has the irresistible force of being the best in the world.” Of course, similar to Formula One and sports car racing, anything is possible in this globalized world economy. And with proven markets in the uS, China and Japan, Ferrari is still showing off new tricks, on and off the racetrack. The fierce, teamspirited business founded by enzo Ferrari in 1929 has since become an international icon for the epitome of craftsmanship, discovering in the process how to continually stay fresh, exciting and ahead of the pack.

THe HiSTOry The story of Ferrari’s rise is so much more than an exceptional brand capitalizing on success. The Ferrari saga, at its heart, is a love story. Though the cars that would carry his name wouldn’t be invented until 1947, the soul alive in the racecar design of every Ferrari model produced today is irrevocably tied to the legendary life of its founder.

“Ferrari has the irresistible force of being the best in the world.” recOrD year In the past year, while austerity measures cut deep swaths in the coffers of Italian businesses, and raids by the Guardia di Finanza—the Italian policing agency that deals with financial crime—sent many owners of exotic and luxurious Italian cars rushing to export their beloved supercars to markets in Germany, France and eastern europe to avoid

54 HUDSONMOD June/July 2013

the secret to driving such profitable growth? And how do seemingly immeasurable intangibles like having a “strong” brand work in its favor? “What Ferrari lacks in scale, it more than makes up for in passion,” David Haigh, founder and CeO of Brand Finance, told HudsonMOD when he was asked to provide some insight on the subject. “Ferrari’s appeal is tribal, its fans love it, live it and breathe it.

In his early years, enzo Anselmo Ferrari showed a lack of interest in school. Instead, his passion was auto racing, a burgeoning sport that was fast, dangerous and widely publicized, with cars and their drivers capturing the attention of audiences worldwide. But what we have come to expect of the Ferrari sports car today is more a product of enzo Ferrari’s years in the pit, on the factory floor and as eventual

leader of his eponymous company. His career racing Alfa Romeos almost 20 years prior to building the first Ferrari (the 125 S) did, however, give rise to a motif that would define a brand. Similar to courageous fighter pilots facing combat in World War I, and because of the hazardous nature of the sport, racecar drivers were never sure they’d live to see another race. So in an act of solidarity, the mother of Count Francesco Baracca, an ace fighter pilot shot down during battle in WWI, invited Ferrari to use the symbol of the prancing red horse emblem that decorated the fuselage of Baracca’s planes. The crest has largely stayed the same and to this day, the badge signifies a long history of racing prestige. In some ways, given the world we live in, it also seems representative of an unrealistic pinnacle of perfection, an impossible archetype, but one that doesn’t stop the fervent idolization associated with it one bit. It doesn’t

take a Ferrari owner to tell you that such cars are the incarnation of luxury perfected.

can find the Ferrari DnA coursing through blow dryers, cameras, watches, hats, sunglasses, headphones, skis, laptops, THe BraND golf clubs, mountain Addressing a congregation bikes, surfboards, roller of more than 250 members skates, scooter helmets, of the car-savvy media at cuff links and not to the automaker’s Maranello mention a wardrobe for factory, luca di Montezemolo, the entire family. Ferrari’s chairman, made a “My father always had promise at a recent expo: He one objective in mind: would keep Ferrari production Always improve,” says exclusive while increasing BLOWN AWAY the founder’s son, Piero working-class job growth in You can now find Ferrari. And it’s in this his native country of Italy. the Ferrari DNA determination that the Wedding both innovation and coursing through Italian racing company blow dryers, hats, exclusivity is the laFerrari, a cameras, clothes has created a symbol of hybrid supercar making good and watches. excellence known in every on Montezemolo’s promise. corner of the planet. Only 499 will be built. like any love story, the passage of As a testament to the charismatic time is the true testament of passion, presence of Ferrari, di Montezemolo’s as flames wane and burn out, or, with merchandising has achieved a rare luck, grow stronger. The romance level of ubiquity. nowadays you with Ferrari burns all the brighter.

Ferrari Club OF aMeriCa Turns 50 in sTyle

MOnIkA De MeyeR (sidebar)


he largest Ferrari club on the planet—the Ferrari Club of America—hit a milestone this year with its 50th anniversary. To commemorate the FCA’s golden jubilee, members of the Pennsylvania/new Jersey chapter teamed up with Ferrari Maserati of Central new Jersey and HudsonMOD to put together a luxury event worthy of the half-centennial lineage and the prestigious brand. More than 200 Ferrari enthusiasts enjoyed delicious food—including an original creation from the Cake Boss—and participated in a raffle in hopes of winning something

from the impressive list of luxurybrand prizes. The event’s proceeds benefited the Ronald McDonald House Charities. Few events in memory boasted the number of spectacular Ferraris sharing a parking lot—the private supercars of almost every make, year and model on display was staggering and spectacular. And joining this slew of Italian-made toys was the showstopping appearance of the FCA’s 50th Anniversary Ferrari 599 GTB-HGTe,

resplendent with American and Canadian flags adorning the relay car’s hood. Such symbolism was an evocation of the car’s 20,000-mile journey across north America, with stops at every one of the 16 regions and 35 chapters in the uS, Canada and Mexico along the way. eventually, this 599—the last north American specification 599 produced—will make its way to current owner and FCA member Jim Taylor of TaylorMade Marine. —SiMON MUrray

June/July 2013 HUDSONMOD


Toys WE LoVE

KING OF THE Playground DonalD Trump Tees off (anD iT’s noT on TwiTTer This Time) by eriN DOStal


rash, wildly successful and a new yorker to the core, Donald Trump is much less a businessman than an undeniable American icon. From his television show The Apprentice (and the hit spinoff The Celebrity Apprentice) to his modeling agency, from his real estate empire to his simultaneously famous (and certainly infamous) rumored 2012 uS presidential run, Donald Trump has shown he has what it takes to create buzz and stay relevant over the course of many decades. Madonna has nothing on The Donald. But mostly he’s a luxury guru. He’s arguably the godfather of the American luxury hotel, with namesake properties in new york City, Chicago, las Vegas, Toronto and Waikiki. The name Trump, as he unabashedly frequently notes, is synonymous with class and elegance. TRUMPS ALL “I have a wonderful wife and young child, four grown children who are doing well and the Trump Organization has had fantastic growth.”

56 HUDSONMOD June/July 2013

Trump built his empire upon a great collection of domestic and business real estate that spans from Istanbul to Seoul. When he’s selling the lifestyle that his golf courses demand, the joy of the deal is easily palpable on Trump’s face. He loves being Donald Trump, and who can blame him? He’s achieved a life few can dream of, and he knows it. Trump has now achieved

rarified status—à la Oprah—in that he can now influence who else is successful. Omarosa, anyone? His life in the limelight hasn’t always been glossy, however, marked by a few high-profile divorces and an avalanche of inevitable bad press and public celebrity feuds. But Trump doesn’t seem to care. If anything, his past has made him stronger—it’s why he’s where he is today. In some ways, Trump represents a part of us we all wish we could uncover, a confidence that says, “I don’t care what you think. I’m doing things my way.” And he has the money and track record to back it up. Despite all of the ups and downs during his career as a tycoon and a media personality, Trump says he’s never been happier. And why shouldn’t he be? He has a gorgeous wife, four successful Trumpemployed grown children, a young child and more money than he needs. It’s luxury in its purest sense. HudsonMOD caught up with Donald Trump and found him to be blunt, confident and playful. you know—exactly what we expected.

Define luxury. Beauty is luxury. Whatever elevates us above and beyond necessity is luxury.

Is this your happiest moment? I’d have to say yes. I have a wonderful wife and young child, four grown children who are doing well and the Trump Organization has had fantastic growth. I’m fortunate and very happy.

What has been your largest regret? I don’t have a big regret. Things have worked out very well for me.

PAR foR the couRse “My golf courses in New Jersey are beautiful, including Trump National Golf Club Bedminster.”

What’s the biggest continuing misconception about you?

for success: Get in, get it done, get it done right and get out. It works.

That I do everything for money. I don’t need any more money and haven’t for a long time. I do things because I love doing them, and I love the challenge involved. I’m not a complacent person.

let me ask you this: Do you think the state of new Jersey always gets a really bad rap? Is it fair?

Best advice you’ve ever received? My father always told me to “know everything you can about what you’re doing,” and he was right. It’s important to have a comprehensive knowledge of any endeavor. He knew construction and development from the ground up—he was an excellent carpenter. He knew how everything worked. He was a great example. My father also gave me his four-step formula

The people who don’t know new Jersey give it a bad rap. They’re ignorant of the full spectrum of the state that includes a spectacular coastline, beautiful horse country and picturesque towns and villages. My golf courses there are beautiful, Trump national Golf Club Bedminster, for example, and can rival many other states for diversity of beauty.

Do you ever plan on retiring? no. As my father, Fred C. Trump, said, “To retire is to expire,” and I agree. I love what I’m doing.

What’s your guilty pleasure? I love ice cream.

Besides your family, what is your most valued possession? The Trump Organization. I’ve been building it for years, and it’s become a symbol of excellence worldwide. We’re known as the gold standard, and that is what I have always aimed for.

Will you ever run for president? Tell me a secret. My hair is mine! [Laughs]

That’s definitely a question I ask myself now and then.

June/July 2013 HUDSONMOD



urple has always been a color that connotes royalty and piety, bountiful grapes and spectacular streaks at sunset; it’s a part of the spectrum that’s lush, saturated and intense. But hues in the family that run the gamut from rich aubergine to tawny wine aren’t always the easiest to live with in modern homes, particularly when flowing from room to room. Manhattan interior designer Amy lau says she was thrilled to work with a couple whose passion for purple anchored a design scheme for a redesigned pre-war apartment on the upper east Side, just off Fifth Avenue. Gutting a roomy three-bedroom home to incorporate mostly new furnishings, COLOR OptiOnaL the clients, a new york City–based real estate developer “With this project, and his wife, were drawn to the distinctive color range. we were working with “It’s not always easy to work with such strong colors and a different design vocabulary. It was have them subtly capture the eye rather than overwhelm a great fun to explore room,” lau says. “We wanted to introduce textural elements all the options,” in the purple colorway judiciously, blending them with says Amy Lau of her silvery hues and artful architectural details. It clients’ Upper East Side Manhattan home. was great fun to explore all the options.” lau, a “next garde” Chelsea-based designer, with a client list that includes elvis Costello and elie Tahari, considers herself primarily a modernist, whose projects often showcase midcentury modern furnishings, shapes and retro color palettes. A cofounder of the Design Miami fair, the sister show to the “art world Super Bowl” that is Art Basel in Miami Beach, lau is astute about working with contemporary artists and artisans on projects around the world, from Saudi Arabia to the Hamptons. “With this project, we were working with a different design vocabulary,” lau says. Collaborating with Brooklyn-based Guerin Glass Architects, “we wanted to honor the traditional lines, layout and deep moldings of the apartment, but bridge the gap between contemporary and traditional furnishings.” The impressive introduction to the apartment upon arrival is a long central entry gallery, where a custom wool-and-silk runner showcases a rich, sophisticated tone. The silk threads of the rug and the bold geometric pattern create artwork underfoot that

N E W YO R K C I T Y I N T E R I O R D E S I G N E R A MY L AU WOWS AG A I N W I T h h E R l A T E S T p R O j E C T. p R I N C E W O u l D b E p R O u D .

PurpleReign BY W i L L i A M W e At h e r s BY


58 HUDSONMOD June/July 2013

June/July 2013 HUDSONMOD


catches the light beautifully. Reinterpreting the paneling in the pre-war apartment, a framework of molding complements dove gray wallpaper. At the end point of the gallery, the adjoining living room shimmers with tones of pearl gray and metallic ice blue. For a modern take on moldings in the vintage apartment, the design team created a picture-frame effect around the fireplace. A white inset surrounding the fireplace is a sculptural stucco swirl of curving lines, blending both matte and polished elements. “It’s an abstract, bespoke look that showcases fine artistry,” lau says. A white stone fireplace surround and hearth complement the look. The curves of the wall are echoed in the ribbon-like pattern of a Stephanie Odegard rug. A chair and ottoman have a silver hand-hammered leather effect, while a Robsjohn-Gibbings lounge chair adds style pedigree. The hand-painted pillows by Aviva Stanoff incorporating the beloved plum hues pop off the neutral sofa and chairs, while another aubergine sofa floats in the space. A plaster chandelier hangs overhead as a grace note. Purple peeks out again in the luscious, lively shade used in the lacquered dining room. Bold moldings frame hand-painted and silver-leafed wallpaper with an abstract willow motif along one wall. The treatment gives the expanse a feeling of panels by Gustav Klimt, lau says. Other

walls are lacquered a deep purple, while the dining room chairs, which the owners retained from their previous home, are upholstered with crushed velvet, and the back sides are covered in silk. A silver-shaded pendant lamp adds a modern touch.


retreat from the plum hues in the more formal spaces, the warm, intimate media room has a park view, a mahogany-paneled ceiling and men’s suiting wall upholstery. “We added the wood ceiling to add some architectural interest to the otherwise small space,” lau says. Graphic fabrics infuse energy into bedrooms for the three children. The boys’ room features wood-framed, ship’s-cabin–style beds below a wood shelving unit, with contemporary fabrics mixing blue, silver, yellow and gray abstract prints. The girl’s room

features vibrant floral-print draperies that cue the room’s mix of lavender, deeper purple, blue and chartreuse (the traditional furniture got a color transfusion of the latter). A pendant light is wrapped with a striped pattern that’s echoed in two painted wall stripes that create a border. Meanwhile, the subdued master suite boasts lush, understated textiles, including an undulating upholstered headboard for the king-size bed. Heavenly wallpaper creates a peaceful backdrop. In its reconfigured master bath, off-white marble walls contrast unexpectedly with earthy, oiled-teak, custom casework. For a functional yet stylish kitchen, the design team worked with Poggenpohl to create a sleek design that incorporates wood-fronted white cabinetry. A marble-topped Saarinen table is surrounded by wood Morph chairs from Formstelle. Poured terrazzo floors stand up to heavy family traffic. “This family was fun to work with,” lau says. “We weren’t tied to any one style or period of furnishings, and the color samples at every meeting were always truly exuberant sessions.” The chic apartment’s refinement of the materials—its moldings, custom carpets, plasterwork, textiles and exquisite light fixtures—combine with silvery backdrops to allow those eggplants and lavenders and plums to pop as emboldened streaks of color. Purple reign, indeed.

“We weren’t tied to any one style or period of furnishings, and the color samples at every meeting were always truly exuberant sessions.” 60 HUDSONMOD June/July 2013

RunneR’s woRld The impressive introduction to the apartment upon arrival is a long central entry gallery, where a custom wooland-silk runner showcases a rich, sophisticated tone.

June/July 2013 HUDSONMOD



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COVET pretty please

Tennis, everyOne? LOve-40 (CaraTs) B y S I M O N M U R R Ay


t was like a moment out of a fairy tale—or a diva’s worst nightmare. During a match at the 1987 US Open, world champion and sporty sex symbol Chris Evert—known for her good looks and armload of Grand Slam titles—watched in dismay as her George Bedewi–designed bracelet snapped, sending the individually set diamonds scattering across the court in front of her. As the story goes, Evert, cool and composed, asked the chair umpire for a pause in play so she could retrieve her precious stones, as millions of fans watched. Thereafter, the diamond line bracelet was given a name associated with the sport of love. Today, tennis bracelets are considered a must-have accessory for red carpet celebrities as well as by tennis pros including Venus and Serena Williams, who continue to smash forehands and power winning backhands down the court, bedecked in impressive diamonds. Popular for both formal occasions and poolside lounging, with stones that pop, traditional tennis bracelets typically feature a symmetrical row of in-line diamonds held together by a clasp. But isn’t it fun to break with tradition from time to time? We think so. Aires Jewelers, the fine jewelry and design store in Morris Plains, has as part of their Signature Collection a tennis bracelet that will surely make a commotion both on and off the court. The stunning bracelet is classically uniform, but instead of individual studs, it features a unique design set with 9.09 carats of diamonds along a clasp of 18K white gold. The total value for such a masterpiece is $27,400. But with such a versatile bracelet at your disposal, we know that such jewelry will go with an infinite number of your summer ensembles. Game, set, match? Oh, yeah—at love. GLAM SLAM The stunning bracelet features a unique design set with 9.09 carats of diamonds along a clasp of 18K white gold, at Aires Jewelers in Morris Plains.

As the story goes, Chris Evert, cool and composed, asked the chair umpire for a pause in play so she could retrieve her precious stones, as millions of fans watched.



COVET a Clip abOve THe resT


HiDDen Treasure

n a world where time is of the essence, the Denley Valet Box proves to be a true gem in keeping track of your modern-day treasures. Crafted with the classic man in mind, the alligator-embossed, chocolate leather finish ensures that this piece is a far cry from the random container you’ve invariably used to hold the valuable items you need at a moment’s notice. lUXe BOX Designed by Ralph Lauren The Denley and featured as part of the Valet Box is tops in terms iconic brand’s Home collection, of functionality. the luxurious box features the classic details you hadn’t realized were missing from your aesthetic life, but will now undoubtedly appreciate. Upon lifting the fine-leather writing pad, you’ll discover a clean suede- and woodlined interior that celebrates the work of true artisans. And the macho mystique of the case will have you eager to get the removable brass nameplate monogrammed immediately, elegantly claiming the valet as your own. The sophistication of the Denley Valet Box transcends mere beauty. With studded brass reinforcements at each corner and convenient compartments for every man’s myriad necessities, the luxe box proves supreme in terms of functionality as well. The hinged lid contains an ingenious interior folder, which serves as the perfect location for storing important documents and business cards. The box also includes a sleek brass cylinder vessel that stores writing utensils, as well as a small writing blotter that channels the days of antique stationery over iPhone notepads. Pristine in appearance and practical in use, this valet $995 box will easily become one of your most coveted items. How could it not? — JacqUeliNe ROmaN


By JacqUeliNe ROmaN


decade ago, the masterminds behind M-Clip realized that the money clips on the market didn’t live up to expectations. The company’s founders yearned for something that not only could hold an adequate amount of content—cash and credit cards—but also had the durability and quality to stand the test of time. Through innovative thinking, they designed a money clip with a sliding lever function, and they insisted on using only the highest quality materials for their product. The blend of practicality and sophistication that emerged immediately caught the eye of the luxury market, just as it will catch yours. The latest designs by M-Clip include a dazzling array of diamonds, making the urge to flash your cash stronger than ever. For a modest gleam, clients can opt for a money clip boasting a fully paved slide bar adorned with 120 diamonds and a polished rhodium finish. Those who desire a more extravagant design can go with the stunning money clip paved with 240 diamonds. For the price of $4,500. But good looks like this take hard work. Each money clip is contrived with up-to-date engineering technology, complete with neoprene grip pads and a precision stainlesssteel, heat-tempered spring. And these diamond-encrusted money clips are as functional as they are attractive. The standard-capacity spring can hold eight to ten bills and six to eight cards. What positions M-Clip money clips above the rest is their distinguishable handmade features. Every diamond is cut with precision and each clip is polished in order to meet a level of exquisite beauty seen nowhere else in the market. It’s time to take your money clip seriously. These striking designs by M-Clip are all aBOUT THe BeNJamiNS simply too spectacular The M-Clip has a dazzling array to keep tucked away of diamonds, making the urge to flash your cash stronger than ever. in your pocket.

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STYLE fashion chronicles



This summer, more is more when it comes to your new swimsuit—yes, the one-piece is making a major comeback. Gone are the grandma frilly skirts and thick straps; bring on the sexy show-stopping styles that will turn heads whether you’re poolside or on a sandy beach. Try Éclairée’s peek-a-boo panel of the Noémi Black ($320, or the modern, sleek and h-o-t designs from French powerhouse Eres (Eres Boutique, New York City; Barneys New York). Styles called Bang, Intoxe and Requiem help in—as they say—sculpting women’s bodies and beautifying them with ingenious cuts, without padding or boning.


U lt r a f E m m E

Wu KNEW Jason Wu’s top has a sexy lace back that looks brilliant coming as well as going.

Take time to smell the roses this summer, because floral prints are popping up everywhere this season. Inspired by the floral confections that were popular on the runway, try mary Katrantzou’s graphic Aria Printed silk-georgette blouse ($995; Or try a print mix with rachel roy’s floral fantasy silk shift dress with sexy keyhole detail (Orchid Dress; $398; More of a blushing daisy? Then go for Dior’s rounded flower sunglasses ($295, Neiman Marcus) for a look that’s flower power at its best. Nicholas Kirkwood for Erdem’s floral-print jeweled heel pump will have you tiptoeing through the tulips all summer long ($1,495;


SuMMer iS H-O-t By JOrGE ramÓN

Are you ready for statement-making summer looks that include bold floral prints, sexy swimwear and to-die for footwear that will keep you ahead of the fashion pack and looking fabulous? Prepare to up your style game with these new essentials that spell out one chic—and hot—summer. Bring it on, Mr. Heat.


Maxi dresses are this summer’s answer to no-brainer, elegant, easy and effortless dressing. Nothing will help you spread your wings and fly away in this luxurious nature-inspired stunner from Italian favorite Etro. Feel the drama with the Cold Shoulder Butterfly Caftan Gown (; $2,995; Neiman Marcus). The Karl Tank Dress from the Chloe Heritage




style. Go for drama or simplicity or up the sexy factor in a Balenciaga ensemble that takes “a white top and black pants” to a whole new level ( Fashion darling Jason Wu’s Leather and Lace peplum top is with leather insets (that are incredibly slimming) and a supersexy lace back are a “Yes, please” that looks brilliant coming and going ($1,585,


EaSy RiDER Summer leather is a must, and a leather moto jacket is even more so. The summer moto jacket is both pretty and punk. Give instant edge to flowing pretty boho skirts, add attitude to tailored shorts and give dimension to destructed denim—this jacket is soft as butter. Escada’s cropped version of the jacket comes with detachable sleeves, two-inone for ultimate versatility ($2,350 Neiman Marcus). Rebecca Minkoff’s “Wes” perforated leather in Mustang Red will get your engines revving ($788, Or try the dreamy sky-blue hue of alice + Olivia’s lambskin Moto Jacket ($898;, pictured below).

ZOE TO THE MAX We can’t possibly mention maxi without invoking the maxi queen herself, Rachel Zoe.

collection, with its modernist interpretation of flora and fauna, fuses day or evening versatility that works perfectly with wedges or flats ($2,995 And we can’t mention maxi without invoking the maxi queen herself, Rachel Zoe, and her maxi-laden, beautiful collection (


MONOCHROME A key trend that dominated the runways is the pairing of black and white. This season, nothing says classic more than this essential combination that never goes out of


Dior’s cat-eye redux is past-meetsfuture with its sexy pastel shades and futuristic crescent-shape top frame. Purrr-fect. Dior’s Dior Demoiselle 2 ($379 Dior, The Mall at Short Hills).

Fashion Flash 

The clothing might exude effortless elegance, but Piazza Sempione designs every piece with immense care and precision. Extensive fabric designs created in Italian laboratories are meant to find the perfect balance of weight and consistency for all fabrics. Fulfill your retail craving at their Mall at Short Hills location.

Remember those ID bracelets you would get engraved in your younger years? The look is receiving an update, courtesy of Tiffany & Co., Barneys New York and Marc Jacobs.

Stock up on this summer’s most divine prints and rich textures at Tory Burch. With a few Garden State locations, the newest collection contains subtle embellishments and intricate patterns that will transform hazy summer evenings into a fashion gala.

The rising Manhattan district North of Madison Square Park (NoMad) has become home to a plethora of innovative design houses, including the Parisian label Maison Kitsuné. This contemporary fashion line is currently celebrating its first anniversary in New York City and reflects the changing landscape of this increasingly fashionable area.

REtRO SHaDES Sunglasses are a summer staple, and the most in-demand styles are classic shapes with a little something extra. There’s nothing more classic and universally flattering than an aviator style, and Gucci’s updated the look with its Marina Chain Aviator with bold chain-link arms and gradient lenses ($395, Tap into your vintage vixen and explore oversized 1960s Jackie-O square frames with Fendi’s tortoise shell front and contrast arms. Christian



gorgeous forever young

Easy. BrEEzy. suMMEr. By MarcO MeDraNO


s HudsonMOD celebrates its first anniversary of helping you stay gorgeous, I’d like to say thank you for coming along for the beautiful and informative ride. Summer’s definitely here, along with the inevitable slew of costume changes that the season demands— yoga, pool, luncheon, beach with the kids, shopping, dinner out—so many outfit changes that you may feel a bit like Diana Ross in Mahogany. Doesn’t it seem as if you spend countless hours in the warmer months wiping, washing and rinsing salt, chlorine, sweat and SPF from your skin and hair? Well, when it comes to maintaining that girl-like face of yours, science hasn’t let you down. Let’s face it, the more flawlessly clear, taut and toned we become, the less makeup (foundation and powder) we wear. That’s a good problem. Need a lift? One of your new BFFs should be reFa—a solar-powered personal microcurrent device that provides safe, cumulative, ongoing benefits. Natural aging can diminish your skin’s collagen production, luster, firmness and circulation. ReFa recharges your skin via microcurrent. I betatested this platinum-coated breakthrough device in 2011, and I guarantee this will be one piece of hardware you will always use. Best part? It works from your calves to your forehead. Be sure to maximize ReFa with the Up Serum and the Body Serum, which contain collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid and are infused with Amiporine, a pomegranate extract that promotes deep absorption of the product.


Activated skin is youthful and taut—period. EYE AYE! Test-drive the videos at Christian Dior’s Bird of Paradise which With years of research eye compact is also why behind them, discover why is extraordinary. it’s recommended that Ocean+ is quickly gaining you keep the product traction in this country and refrigerated. The Ocean+ proprietary why The Four Seasons Beverly Hills skincare collection is as decadent can’t keep it on the shelves. Ocean+ and as rich as you’d hope, including is a deluxe skincare brand formulated their Pure Serum, Pure Hydronutritive under the careful scrutiny of cream (pump) and Omega-3 world-renowned scientists capsules. The Pure Vapocoli mist and and the National Research Pure Microalgae masks are rare treats. Center of Canada. The Your skin may have found a lifelong, company is less about the trusted source. Find your cure at marketing “wow” and more about the proven “3P” caliber, as in Now for something truly pure, potent and penetrable. extraordinary: For those There’s collagen, then there’s occasions when you need to Pure Gel 99.7% with Native make a lasting, luxe impression, Soluble Marine collagen what better than the christian Type 1 (90 percent of our Dior Bird of Paradise quad skin’s collagen is type 1). This eye compact to set you apart, safe, naturally sourced dynamo just by reversing the dark/light can penetrate at the cellular shades for varying situations? level—most collagen can’t—


GorGeous You can’t go wrong following Dior’s legendary counsel. It is Dior, after all. If you consider yourself a golden girl who insists on pre-ordering the latest, plushest, fastest and most expensive baubles, OroGold’s $1,500 24K Nano Night Recovery serum must be on your must-own radar. Colloidal gold, also known as nano gold, “is a suspension of sub-micrometer-sized particles of gold

Marco’s Tips 

Need an on-the-go, five-star, all-in-one marine nourisher you can trust? From Pilates to pool to supermarket, La Prairie’s Revitalizing Emulsion for face, eyes and neck is ready.

Is getting your man to adhere to a skincare regimen difficult? Not with the ZIHR Platinum collection. Rich, easy and effective for a modern man.

Hair need a rapid lift? Comb working spray on roots. Roll hot rollers four inches from scalp (instead of starting from ends). Loosen curl with hands and blow dryer.

Haven’t mastered “dry clean” products for your hair? Vigorously air-blowing “the heck” out of your hair with a vent brush (root area, first) can freshen up that look. Proceed with round brush or iron and shine the ends.

Shiny? Palladio oil-absorbing rice paper tissues with rice powder (on one side) are perfect on-the-go disposables that won’t smudge makeup.


in a fluid, both invisible and innovative, luxe, dewy visible to the naked eye.” That powder-foundation just means it’s a terrific carrier compact in this century. for pushing the precious Really. Just see it, products into the skin. The touch it and feel it. ingredients in the 24K Nano Day Recovery and 24K BioYour well-maintained Brightening Complex Peeling tresses have many A-list lines are quite impressive, too— choices. But when you 24K-gold-flake serum, avocado need a product that will oil, retinol, mother-of-pearl and absolutely get in and more—and are sure to kick-start saturate your hair with lackluster, aging complexions. moisture, strength I used it to quickly heal a deep and restoration, I highly precious Metal abrasion on my cheek, with no recommend the powerful scarring. OroGold’s $1,500 and ultranourishing kukui 24K Nano Night Here’s something for those nut, with its organic, Recovery serum who have a fear of wearing built-in sun protection. must be on your bathing suits or exposing any Resurrect from Paul must-own radar. skin this season. Remember Brown Hawaii, a pioneer DermaBlend, the original bodyof safe hair-relaxing and luxury brands, camouflage cover-up? You’ll be glad does just that. Believe me. In my 1990s to know they’ve worked very hard WTF “Fabio goes to Hollywood” to remain state-of-the-art sheer— phase, I had chemically relaxed and producing varying strengths of highlighted hair down to my chest. head-to-toe concealer options that I slept in Resurrect for two nights and are waterproof, beach-proof, whitecouldn’t believe it dress-proof and boast a sealing was possible— powder. I made DermaBlend’s artist I didn’t have to Rena Thaper prove I could go cut my hair! The out in public (full cover-up) Hapuna Keratin without anyone noticing. The Retexturizer results were simply amazing! Conditioner and Find your specific shade of the Ultra Intense Cover Creme or Quick-Fix Conditioner are (spot concealer) and get considered liquid back to enjoying the summer gold in a bottle. with confidence. An in-store Use Treat Elite consultation will go a long spray after the way. shower or post-water activity. If you As for primers and BB must iron your hair, consider their creams (all-in-one primers), professional-level tourmaline AKI check out EvePearl. Iron, with its heat-resistant pouch for com’s Priming Moisturizer immediate packing and its switch on Treatment, a marvelous, the inside to avoid accidental shutoffs. transparent tinted cream that even men Take advantage of everything can wear for a flawless finish. summer has to offer, and No blending required. Want unleash your inner a terrific all-in-one CC cream Mahogany. Was there with SPF 50? AmorePacific’s ever anyone better than Color Control Cushion Diana Ross at giving Compact is the most great face and hair?

SHELTER beautiful, inside

DreaM it, BuilD it By William WeatHerSBy


icture your favorite memories from a summer vacation: Hedonistically soaking beneath a waterfall at a lagoon, gazing at the stars with friends surrounding a bonfire on the beach, or perhaps feasting on the best barbecue you’ve ever tasted, straight from a masterchef’s grill. Such self-pampering fantasies often require a clutch of passports, plane tickets and intricate itineraries, but a New Jersey design studio is bringing the good life much closer to home—in your own backyard. Randolph-based JM Lifestyles is an architectural design and fabrication firm that creates everything from a tropical pool grotto to a resortworthy outdoor cabana. Helmed by Jeff Kudrick and Michelle Radley, JM Lifestyles ( specializes in custom concrete applications.

Concrete? It’s sexier than it sounds. The eight-year-old company has pushed the limits of the material and explored its most recent technical advances. For example, by using post consumer recycled glass instead of sand as an ingredient, the concrete is surprisingly lightweight and easy to form. WoodForm™ Concrete is a JM Lifestyles’ exclusive, which approximates the look of woods such as teak or driftwood with the impressive durability of concrete. It’s easy to maintain and virtually weatherproof, and it fools the eye with its aesthetic look. Likewise, other JM Lifestyles concrete creations mimic the look of natural stone. “Fake rock” this is not.

WET BAR A swim-up bar in a private pool was designed by Randolph-based JM Lifestyles. A steel fish design is embedded in the stone-like cement surface.




“The concrete we’ve developed performs many outdoor tasks,” Kudrick says. “We can work with homeowners or their designers on very specific, intricate ideas—a 20-foot-long curving bar, or a beach house filled with multiple fire pits and tables. Unlike natural stone, the concrete doesn’t have to be sealed and doesn’t absorb moisture. And unlike natural wood, it won’t split or crack. It’s a material that can adapt to your creative imaginings.” The company also creates custom indoor features, such as bars, countertops, fireplace surrounds and furniture. The studio works with metal, glass and wood and fabricates designs for retail projects. But summer is the season when JM’s artistry shines brightest outdoors. One of the team’s larger undertakings was creating a full-tilt waterfall and grotto to accompany a homeowner’s private oasis in Old Westbury, NY. Alongside a pool that spreads 40 by 95 feet, the enclosure features fiber-optic lighting embedded in a stone-like bar top, plus a swim-up bar inlaid with semiprecious stones and steel fishskeleton fossils. It’s something to see. Combining a fabricator’s sense of precision with a talented artist’s eye for creating jaw-dropping, oneof-a-kind environments, Kudrick is genuinely excited about a new line for the company, called Outdoor Living Foundations. Working with the foundation of component parts—tables, fire pits, seating, grill enclosures—the team can create semicustom outdoor areas efficiently and quickly. “Since the concrete forms are lightweight and don’t require special footing, they are a practical way to enhance a deck or patio, or even placed out in the yard.” Book your backyard vacation now.


long live we time.

create the perfect setting for the moments that last a lifetime. To receive your free Idea Book from Belgard, the nation’s leading brand of pavers, visit, scan the QR code or call 877-235-4273. Š 2013 Oldcastle. All Rights Reserved. BEL13-0118

Jersey shOre DOne right By William WeatHerSBy


hen searching for a second home along the Jersey Shore, one homeowner discovered an engaging site that was hard to pass up: a house on Long Beach Island, bordering protected wetlands with sweeping bay views. Yet the existing 1970s house, with two-foot roof overhangs around its perimeter and deep steps leading down to the backyard, wasn’t making the most of its setting. “There wasn’t a flow from indoors to outside, the whole point of living at the shore,” says Marguerite Rodgers, the Philadelphia-based interior designer enlisted to renovate and furnish the house and upgrade its outdoor amenities. “We wanted to open up the views and enhance the areas for relaxing as well as entertaining.” Working with the architect of record, A. Robert Torres, Rodgers replaced the windows along the rear of the house with floor-toceiling units to bring the




outside in. The living room now features a wraparound corner window that creates a panoramic effect. New shingle siding simplifies the look of the house’s exterior, which is no longer burdened with overhangs. An outdoor shower area was enclosed as a screened porch, its floor, walls and ceiling clad in rich mahogany, evoking the cabin of a ship. Outfitted with a room-length built-in bar topped by green granite, the porch serves as a pivot point between indoor and outdoor spaces. It’s a beautiful space, but can accommodate guests lounging in damp swimsuits without the need to venture into the main (and dry) house. With new mahogany floors, the open floor plan of the adjacent kitchen, living room and dining room easily accommodates weekend guests. The kitchen’s custom walnut cabinetry with sliding doors evokes Japanese tansu chests. Oriental rugs and Japanese art, such as framed sketchbook paintings displayed in a bedroom, throughout the single-story house further the Asian theme. “The client didn’t want a ‘beach house’ look per se, and was drawn to warm wood tones and the artistry of master craftsmanship,” Rodgers says. Lounge chairs and a wall-hung cabinet, all designed by George Nakashima, are complemented by a Tucker Robbins coffee table in the living room. Here, another SHORE THiNG “We wanted to open up the views and enhance the areas for relaxing as well as entertaining.”



SHELTER wood screen slides over the flatscreen TV when not in use. The Japanese influence extends into the backyard, where ipe wood decking surrounds the pool next to a rock garden. The deck is outfitted with a teak dining table and set of chairs from Barlow Tyrie. The chaises and side tables are from Richard

Schultz. The wood furnishings and deck blend with the house’s wood cladding as subtle counterpoints to the natural scenery. Devised by landscape architect NV Holmes & Son, the rock garden of pea gravel and large boulders is planted with native reeds and grasses, an easy-to-maintain array for the vacation

Design Finds 


Fashion designer Oscar de la Renta brings his artful eye to entertaining, with a new island-inspired gift and tabletop collection. Featuring more than 70 products, the line is a tribute to the designer’s beloved homeland of the Dominican Republic as well as designs in his fashion archive. Collaborating with interior designer Miles Redd, de la Renta has adapted an ikat dot motif from a 1970s dress into a china pattern, while a bar tray evokes natural stones. Dot and Dash cocktail plates, set of four, $125; Cadiz large tray, cobalt, $595; tray stand, $395. The line is available at Bloomingdale’s at The Mall at Short Hills. Luxury retailer Baccarat unveils its Manhattan flagship store, a two-story wonderland showcasing sparkling tableware, lighting and jewelry. Designed by acclaimed architect Rafael de Cárdenas, the



elegant Madison Avenue store features a delicious blend of rich woods and dark stones, the perfect backdrop for the brand’s iconic sparkling baubles. As part of the bounty, designer Jaime Hayon has introduced the Elephant to his Zoo Collection of figurines that function as boxes. Elephant: clear $1,000, gray-blue $1,200 (numbered editions). www. 

home. Long plank walkways staggered through the plantings offer additional vantage points from which to take in the scenery. Balancing the front of the house, an enclosed courtyard graces a new entrance. Streamlined and enhanced with fine finishes and fittings, this getaway now puts its best face forward, toward the bay.

Just in time for planning your party around the pool, Roxane Mosleh has opened a luxe MissoniHome boutique in Southampton, NY. The 500-square-foot boutique, the first stand-alone home-design store supported by the fashion house, has the new Margherita Outdoor collection featuring a wide range of motifs covering pillows and bags of all sizes.

Matter, the SoHo gallery, showroom and manufacturer, has launched a new furniture line by the hot design firm Roman and Williams. From the award-winning duo Robin Standefer and Stephen Alesch, who designed the Ace Hotel, the Standard Hotel’s Boom Boom Room—Manhattan’s smokin’ hot spot—and homes for Ben Stiller, the lighting and furniture pieces evoke an “American Vernacular.” The collection, entirely made in the US, is crafted with high-grade materials, such as custom brass hardware and fine leather and woods, including American black walnut, claro walnut, teak and reclaimed white oak.

The vision of Elad Yifrach, L’Objet presents one-of-a-kind home accessories, resplendent with vibrant colors, rich textures and pleasing shapes. Inspired by the artisans of Venice and the legendary fashion and textile designer Mariano Fortuny, the jewelry or keepsake box is an elegant repository for personal treasures. Each box is upholstered with luxurious Fortuny fabric and features brass details, a suede lining and a key with tassel. $450.

HOME jersey proud

Way before ever taking the Broadway stage himself. “I was very lucky to grow up there,” he says of living in Bergen County. “We received a tremendous opportunity with education, and the arts support is amazing. When I was in high school, our chorus teacher took us on a big field trip to the Marquis to see Raúl Juliá in Man of La Mancha, which was a great piece and a tour de force performance by him, and it resonated with me.” While his career path would eventually bring him to Manhattan’s famed theaters by way of The Wedding Singer in 2006, Maroulis’ name—along with his powerful voice and long locks—achieved national recognition in the fourth season of ratings juggernaut American Idol. Alongside country sweetheart Carrie Underwood, Maroulis was the edgy rocker whose rendition of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” is still remembered as one of the show’s most poignant performances as was his equally impactful interpretation of the Rodgers and Hart classic, “My Funny Valentine.” It’s that same persona and powerful stage presence that made Maroulis the perfect, if not obvious, choice to play the lead character, Drew, in Rock of Ages, reminding audiences that Broadway is still so very cool. Maroulis’ portrayal garnered him a Tony nomination and critical acclaim, with

Double threat Constantine Maroulis with co-star Deborah Cox (below).

BrOaDway’s Biggest iDOl By AmANDA THOrOgOOD


love New Jersey!” Although I’m unable to confirm that this is the same enthusiastic phrase with which Constantine Maroulis answers all of his phone calls, there’s no denying his passion. While the focus of our conversation shifted between topics, one thing was clear: Maroulis is nothing if not genuine. And those who have seen his performances would surely agree. Born in Brooklyn and raised in Wyckoff, NJ, Maroulis has had music as a constant in his life and was no stranger to the enchantment of musical theater and the Great White




even The New York Times saying Maroulis “possesses a soulful, pure and intense voice that negotiates the mountains of melisma and cuts through the electricity with ease.” High praise, indeed. However, it’s Maroulis’ most recent role as the title character in the resurgence of the musical Jekyll & Hyde that’s given fans even further insight into the scope of his talent and the boundaries he’s willing to push for the right theatrical role. “It starts in a very vulnerable and sweet yet strong place,” Maroulis says. “It’s a dark piece, and we grab it by the throat as soon as it begins.” As for his plans into the years ahead, it seems as though New Jersey is never far from the crooner’s mind. “I’ve been looking for a home in New Jersey; the right sort of home,” he says. “I’m into the pre-war stuff; I like the early 1900s as well, and I’ve been looking for those kinds of things. I do love being in the city as well though. I think ultimately I’d like a home in both places.” But what exactly makes New Jersey so special, Mr. Maroulis? “This is the one state that offers pretty much everything—from beautiful mountains to beaches, close proximity to New York City, tremendous real estate and amazing schools,” he says. “Let the people who don’t know New Jersey think it’s about Snooki and smog, and we’ll keep the beautiful beaches, the wonderful farmland, the affluent cities and towns and great school systems to ourselves.” Does the state of New Jersey have a better advocate singing its praises from the very heart of Broadway? Constantine Mouralis, proud Jersey boy.



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4 & 5 STA R L U X U R Y H OT E L S



ground ground

hot wheels

FAST TRACK “We were going 140 miles per hour, reducing my clearly needless presence to a 180-pound bobble-head doll. I was in speed heaven.”

NeeD fOr SpeeD By SimON mUrray


was about five miles from the private racetrack at the fabled Monticello Motor Club, and every car I saw along the way seemed to be driving fast—really, really fast. But maybe it was only an illusion. This summer, if you find yourself driving along Route 17 or Route 87, do yourself a favor and keep your eyes open for any Lamborghini Gallardos, Audi R8s, Ferrari 458s, Corvette Stingrays or any other breed of sports car pushing its way north along those longitudinal highways, because such cars may very well be heading to the same racing haven I was checking out for the first time. The MMC is conveniently nestled in the rolling foothills of the Catskills that take on a fiery tinge in early fall. At only 90 minutes from Manhattan—about 25 minutes if chartering a helicopter—it’s a quick


ride, but the venue’s website warns members itching to put pedal to the metal to respect all local speed limits until getting out on the four miles of track, which, blissfully, doesn’t have any speed restrictions. When I arrived, I was given a tour by Matt Gottlieb, the club’s marketing vice president who explained the concept of the “private automotive resort.” Gottlieb, who, not surprisingly, is also a rally car driver, explained that the private motor club was similar to a private golf club, in that the 175 acres of varying terrain come complete with a clubhouse, dining rooms, private locker rooms and professional instructors—only without the links. “Our main focus is our members,” Gottlieb says. “We’re built around our membership, so that means exclusivity, track access and country club amenities.”

Open from mid-April through November, the MMC is the perfect place for the more than 200 members to truly let loose their roadsters and kick some ass-phalt. As I was leaving the club, the track and business operations vice president, Aaron Weiss, asked if I wanted to join him as he got a Lotus 2-eleven racecar prepped and ready for a member. Um, hell, yeah! By fourth gear, wind whooshing past our heads, we were going 140 miles per hour, reducing my clearly needless presence to a 180-pound bobble-head doll. I was in speed heaven. I wasn’t aware of the potential peril rushing around us until a fly collided with my helmet’s visor just as Weiss mashed on the brakes, slowing us down to a mere 40 mph to take a tight turn carving up the slope of a hill, allowing me a brief moment to catch a glimpse of where the bug was plastered, right around my forehead. But even then, I found a strange comfort in the unadulterated thrill of speed. Speed is pure. And it becomes all-consuming in its womp-womp-womping as it reduces the world around you to beautiful, psychedelic baby food. Getting out of the car felt like taking a first step onto another planet. Every nerve in my system was awakened; every sensory neuron seemed to be working better than before. I thanked Weiss and asked Gottlieb if he felt this way after every race or time trial. He didn’t want to admit it—mostly to himself, I wager— but like everything else, time had a dulling effect on that novel feeling, he said. But I could see in his eyes that the thrill would never go away. That would never change. I’ll be back, Monticello Motor Club. I, too, now have a need for speed.


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It’s time to take another look at Basking Ridge Country Club. You’ll find eighteen holes of challenging golf that will test all shot-making We’ve been working as hard Introducing Sue and Tomskills. Delaney, Co-Head PGA Professionals Introducing Sue and Tomhave Delaney, Co-Head PGAmaking Professionals on our course as you on your game, it Introducing Sue and Tom Delaney, Co-Head PGA Professionals playable, fair and fun for all, from scratch golfers to Introducing a New Executive beginners. And, when you want to work even harder Level of Membership! on your game, bring your clubs over to our extensive Affordably Designed For Ages 37 & Under-No initiation or monthly assessments required practice fee facilities, or get adining tune up from Co-Head Golf Professionals, Tom and Sue Delaney and their PGA Staff. One glance at our swim club and you’ll notice the expanded amenities and list of activities. Lastly, take a look at the many non-equity membership options we offer Introducing that require no initiation Sueno andbond, Tom Delaney, Co-Headfee PGAand Professionals no monthly dining assessments. You’ll find that Basking Ridge Country Club is a truly outstanding value.

185 Madisonville Road, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 For complete information and to schedule a tour, contact our Director of Membership, Kelly Pantone at 908.766.8200, Ext.116 or

drInK happy hour


(oak barrels) that vary in origin, size and previous contents. For example, finishing Scotch whisky in barrels that originally contained rums, wines or ports adds layers of complexity and flavor that appeal to the connoisseur and offers a more approachable essence to the inexperienced palate. There’s no hard rule that determines how you should enjoy your whiskey.

Scotch is the sweet nectar of a craft that has been passed from generation to generation.

LIQUID GOLD Drinking good Scotch whisky is all about discovery.

great SCotCH! By RicHaRD cRawfORD


hy does single-malt Scotch whisky— Scotland’s own “water of life”—demand a respect that no other libation elicits? Primarily, it’s the creation of a nation steeped in rich heritage and colorful history. It’s a product of the raw materials from a spectacular natural landscape. Finally, it’s the sweet nectar of a craft that has been passed from generation to generation through what I consider to be the real fabric of the proud country of Scotland: the people themselves.



June/July 2013

In the last decade there has been a renaissance in whiskey, both in consumption and in production. A global demand and distribution that far surpass any other time in history and availability in corners of the world that has never before sampled the nectar. The new Scotch enthusiast is diverse and educated and possesses a discerning palate. The most significant change and probably the driving force in this reawakening are the developments in maturation. A slight shake up in what was considered the traditional caskmanagement process means that many distillers are now using casks

There are, however, some ways that can augment your experience and enjoyment. Adding a splash of water to your whiskey will unlock a multitude of aromas and flavors, analogous, perhaps, to the process of letting wine breathe, or aerate, before consumption. The water softens the alcohol’s impact on both the olfactory sense and the palate and enhances the characteristics of the whiskey. There’s no precise amount of water that’s suggested—it’s a subjective choice. Typically, you’ll add water until you find your personal sweet spot. If you go beyond the sweet spot, you’ll simply need to add a little more whiskey. I find the most effective glassware to be a snifter. The bulbous shape of the vessel captures the bouquet released from the spirit, allowing a profoundly aromatic sensory experience. Drinking good Scotch whisky is all about discovery, a never-ending quest to find that perfect euphoria between the moment you’re in and the fine aged spirit that coats your palate. It’s a chance to create new memories and recall the old. So wherever you are, pull up a chair, pour a fine single malt into a glass and cherish the occasion.


events FCA 50th Anniversary Celebration The commemorative Ferrari 599GTB-HGTE cruised into the showroom at Ferrari Maserati of Central New Jersey on its journey from Milan and across North America. The more than 300 guests in attendance at the April 21 celebration toasted with cocktails, viewed some of the hottest cars from Ferrari’s fleet and clamored for the opportunity to win a number of prizes, including an outdoor kitchen from JM Lifestyles and Sub-Zero, valued at $30,000.

Shana Newstadt-Skiadas, Maria Giron, Brenda Grafas, Jeffrey Kudrick, Michelle Radley Stephanie Grafas, Michelle Horn

Richard Crawford

Shana Newstadt-Skiadas, John Skiadas

Stalin Ramirez, Pat Cianci

Cori, Francois, Ava and Andre Chaker

Shannon Steitz, Jillian Gesumaria, Matthew Steitz

84 HUDSONMOD june/july 2013

For more HudsonMOD event photos, visit

Michael Delfosse, Laura Landau, David Esteves

Shannon Steitz, Ray Gil

Nicole Basto, Denise Palazzo

Gretchen Lerach, John McCormick

Irene Vacante, Richard PĂŠrez-Feria

Mark Lepselter, Chis Burns, Shannon Steitz, Jason Lembo, Richard PĂŠrez-Feria

Nicolas and Jason Lembo


Monika De Meyer

june/july 2013 HUDSONMOD


events DePasquale Soirée Every now and then you deserve— and quite frankly need—a day of shopping, pampering and complete beautification. Enter DePasquale The Spa and Neiman Marcus. The two joined fabulous forces for a night of shopping and beauty treatments all to benefit Camp Nejeda, a camp for children with Juvenile Diabetes. Danielle Ramirez, Elena Souchkova, Karen Prosniewski, Erlis Aguilar, Justin DePasquale, Sharon Chambers, Lori Merusi

Nick Mangold, Jennifer Richmond Mangold, Justin DePasquale

Richard Pérez-Feria, Shannon Steitz, Justin DePasquale

Joe Mastalia, Lori Merusi

Richard Pérez-Feria, Shannon Steitz, Marco Medrano

Joanne and James Matilasso

Christopher Arends, Ronald Arends


86 HUDSONMOD june/july 2013

tyler g. alexander

events Bloomingdale’s Trend Report With the runway positioned at Bloomingdale’s in The Mall At Short Hills amongst some of our favorite designer looks—Rachel Zoe, Tory Burch and Diane von Furstenberg, to name a few—guests received a front row look at the upcoming summer trends and advice on how to carefully balance the looks by HudsonMOD’s esteemed Fashion Editor, Jorge Ramón.

Color blocking perfects any woman’s figure

Gina Heuck, Ronald Baker, Dorothy Kiely of Bloomingdale’s Short Hills

Jorge Ramón

The DVF wrap-dress is an absolute summer staple

This look combines the black and white trend with color-blocking creating pure glamour


Charles Palmisano

june/july 2013 HUDSONMOD


encore we’re not done yet

Matthew Singer: the StyliSh Man

a print, in either a shirt or short from Gucci, etro or Paul Smith, definitely. A navy blue tie is a must for me as well. I definitely need a pair of blue jeans and, yes, a pocket square.

first spot Matthew Singer, a dapper young man with matinee-idol hair, in the men’s private dressing lounge in neiman Marcus deep inside The Shops at Riverside, which is more of a sexy man cave with tufted sofas, three-way mirrors and the requisite flat-screen TV showing Tiger Woods’ latest sporting exploits. Dressed in an immaculately tailored double-breasted suit that’s the perfect shade of navy, the handsome 34-year-old director of men’s fashion at neiman Marcus Group (including Bergdorf Goodman) is astutely eyeing a runway look and putting his spin on it by changing khaki pants for a pair of teal blue cords,

A pocket square? Really?


thereby elevating a bright yellow Moncler puffer vest to catwalk heights. Part Pied Piper, part enfant terrible, this menswear tastemaker is changing the way men understand fashion. And, lucky you, gentle reader, he lets HudsonMOD in on how to make a statement this summer and explains why a pocket square is the ultimate secret weapon of gentleman style. Who knew? And then, just as we’re warming up, he’s out. Dashing for a car that’s waiting to whisk him to his home in Manhattan, birthday cake in one hand (to celebrate his 35th the next day), briefcase in the other, Matthew Singer leaves me believing he will have his cake and eat it, too. And why not? He’s the real deal, folks.

“Men are now embracing color and pattern, but it’s an evolution, not a revolution.”

—Jorge ramón

Define luxury. neiman Marcus.

Why is dressing so important for the modern man? Fashion is becoming the norm for a lot of guys, and they’re getting more interested in clothing. For example, men are now embracing color and pattern, but it’s an evolution, not a revolution.

What are the items men need in their closets right now? HIP TO BE SQUARE “a pocket square is always the ticket into the party.”

88 HUDSONMOD June/July 2013

I travel with at least ten pocket squares. They’re amazing! I don’t wear a tie to summer events, just a pocket square. They add that Dolce Vita sensibility. A pocket square is always the ticket into the party.

First is a navy blazer; navy is my go-to color. A loafer—the new Gucci 60th Anniversary style is amazing. Focus on what’s going to make a statement—a graphic punch, such as

What’s your favorite pair of jeans?

Absolutely 3x1. They’re amazing, and my favorite. Their shop is in SoHo, and you can alter or modify them from an existing template. The jeans start at around $300 and go to the $500-$700 range for a custom pair. Worth every penny.

Who are your style heroes? My dad. His whole style and his aesthetic, what he was wearing and what he was into, had a huge impact on my own style. Another person was [magazine editor and fashion icon] Stefano Tonchi. I saw him back when I was at Scoop nyC, and I thought this guy was just amazing. I didn’t know who he was then, but I knew he had style. Did he ever.

This summer you’ll be wearing… Golf clothes, or jeans and a T-shirt.

Boxers or briefs? Oh, it’s definitely briefs. Hanro are the best. That’s all I wear.

Suit or blazer? I have to go with suit.

What’s the best fashion advice anyone ever gave you? Don’t be the trend; be on trend.


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