主編 Chief Editor/ 周家慧 Chia-hui CHOU 執行編輯 Executive Editor/ 沈寶莉 Polly SHAM 張琬琪 Annie CHANG 編輯 吳心萍 張玉鈴 林雅惠 黃昭儀
Editorial Team/ Hsin-Ping WU Yu-ling CHANG Been LAM Chao-yi HUANG
翻譯 Translator/ 張治瑩 Iris CHANG 校對 Proofreading/ 周于萱 Catta CHOU 美編 Graphic Designer/ 廖宣雅 Sonya LIAO 印刷 Printing/ 沈氏藝術印刷股份有限公司 Shen’s Art Printing Co., Ltd 出版日期 Release Date/ 2016 年 11 月 NOV, 2016
本刊物以大豆油墨及再生紙印刷 This brochure is printed on recycled paper with soy ink.
目 錄 Content 我們是誰? Who Are We?
Is Climate Change Relevant to Us ?
Women Standing in the Frontline of Climate Change
Introduction: Reclaim the Food Sovereignty and Combat the Climate Change
Where Does Our Food Come from?
吃真食物, 環保又健康
Let’s Eat Real Food to Be Environmentally Friendly!
My Energy-Saving Kitchen
食物不浪費,生活有智慧 Save Food Wisely
Growing Vegetables at the Balcony
Obtaining a Sustainable Environment
Build Your Green Food Community
The Women’s Global Call for Climate Justice
我 們 是 誰 ? Who Are We?
主婦聯盟環境保護基金會 Homemakers United Foundation 1987 年初,一群主婦有感於社會型態的急遽變遷,身為社會的一份子,不 能再坐視生活週遭的種種環境病態、教育缺失。於是他們以「勇於開口,敏 於行動,樂於承擔」自許,決心從自己做起,來改善環境,提昇生活素質, 「主婦聯盟」於是誕生。1989 年,主婦聯盟正式成立「財團法人主婦聯盟 環境保護基金會」。30 年來,「主婦聯盟」秉持初衷,倡議生活環保、綠 色消費、綠色飲食、低碳節能、非核家園。透過組織力量,監督政府制訂政 策;藉由社會教育,呼籲人人力行環保、永續生態。 In early 1987, a group of homemakers in Taiwan faced with drastic social change, problems and deficiencies in the environment and education system, realized they could no longer stay silent. In pursuit of their goals, "brave for expression, always ready for action, and willing to take responsibility,” they founded the “Homemakers United Foundation" (HUF) in 1989. For the past 30 years, HUF has advocated for issues such as low carbon life, green consumption, green diet, green energy, and nuclear-free homeland. HUF also supervises the government to implement green policies and raise awareness of the society on environmental issues. 主婦聯盟環境保護基金會 網站 website http://www.huf.org.tw/ E-mail service@huf.org.tw
婦女權益促進發展基金會 Foundation for Women's Rights Promotion and Development 為研議國家利益及整體考量之婦女政策,1997 年行政院成立「婦女權益促 進委員會」,並由各相關部會首長、專家學者及民間婦女團體代表組成。其 後為推動婦女人身安全保護措施工作,決議捐資成立基金會,並由政府逐年 編列預算挹注;希望藉由基金會的成立,開啟一扇民間與政府對話的視窗, 並建構一個婦女資源與資訊交流的中心。目前,婦權基金會為台灣推行性別 主流化、性別平等發展最重要的非營利組織之一,同時亦提供性別議題相關 訓練,並從事性別議題研究以及推動婦女國際事務之參與。 The Foundation for Women’s Rights Promotion and Development has been looking after women’s social issue and promoting gender equality in Taiwan over the years since its establishment in 1997 by the government and continued with its concern for the living conditions of women in Taiwan. As a bridge between public and private sectors, the Foundation not only offers a transparent platform for policy communications, but also established a women resource and information exchange center. Being one of the most important NGOs which dedicated to the implementation of gender quality in Taiwan, the foundation also provides training programs for local NGO workers, serves as a research unit on gender issues and actively promotes women’s international participation. 婦女權益促進發展基金會 網站 website http://www.iwomenweb.org.tw/ E-mail iwomenweb@wrp.org.tw
氣候變遷跟我們有關嗎? Is Climate Change Relevant to Us ? 談到氣候變遷,妳最先想到的是誰?北極熊?妳知道嗎,也許氣候變遷和妳 之間的關係比妳想得更近。 When we talk about climate change, what comes to your mind first? Polar bears, perhaps? Maybe climate change is closer to you than you can imagine. 愛吸熱的溫室氣體和氣候變遷有密不可分的關係,其中人為製造的溫室氣體 更存在於我們生活各處,如冷氣、交通工具等,更有甚者,連食物及烹調方 法,也會影響碳排放的多寡。按環保署的統計顯示,臺灣的人均碳排放高居 1
全球第 20 名 。可見,我們需要更低碳的生活方式。 Greenhouse gases have an inseparable relationship with climate change; especially the human-produced greenhouse gases are everywhere, such as gases from air-conditioners and all forms of transportation. What’s more, the choice of food and the way of cooking also produces carbon emission. According to the Environmental Protection Administration, Taiwan’s carbon emission per capita is ranked as No. 201 in the world. People in Taiwan really need to adopt a low-carbon lifestyle.
行政院環境保護署,2016。〈溫室氣體排放統計〉。更新日期 2016 年 5 月 20 日。 Environmental Protection Administration, 2016. <Statistics on the emission of greenhouse gases>. Last update: May 20, 2016. http://www.epa.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=10052&ctNode=31352&mp=epa
諷刺的是,我們除製造大量人為溫室氣體,也是潛在的受害者。根據世界銀 2
行的報告,臺灣是面對極端氣候下脆弱度最高的國家之一 。近 10 年來, 臺灣面對越來越多的強颱、酷熱高溫、乾旱、不穩定降雨,甚至下雪,這些 災害都威脅著人民的性命、提高房屋及道路被摧毀的機會、造成新鮮蔬果供 應和價格大幅波動等。此外,因為全球異常升溫擴大熱帶傳染病的蔓延,也 使得我們的健康遭受威脅。 Ironically, we are self-inflicated by producing massive amount of greenhouse gases. According to the World Bank, when facing natural hazards2,Taiwan is one of the most vulnerable countries in the world. In the last decade, there are more and more stronger typhoons, extreme heat, draughts, unstable rainfalls, and even snow. These disasters are threatening our lives, housings, infrastructures and food supplies, etc. In addition, because of global warming, the prevalence of tropical diseases has become rampant and become a threaten to our health. 面對氣候變遷,我們除須學會適應,也要開始調整既有的生活方式,這本小 冊子將從女性的角度著手,和妳分享如何在日常生活裡正面迎擊氣候變遷。 To combat climate change, we need to adapt and adjust our lifestyles. Follow our suggestions in this booklet, and try to practice them in your daily life.
聯合國永續發展目標 2015 年,聯合國發表的永續發展目標 ( 簡稱 SDGs) 中 , 有 2 項目標也指出人類須為氣候變遷作出行動: 目標 12 確保永續消費及生產模式。 目標 13 採取緊急措施以因應氣候變遷及其影響。 In 2015, UN released a list of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) there are 2 goals related to climate action : Goal 12 Goal 13
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
The World Bank Hazard Management Unit, 2005. Natural Disaster Hotspots—A Global Risk Analysis . http:// documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/621711468175150317/pdf/344230PAPER0Na101official0use0only1.pdf
站在氣候變遷前線的女性 Women Standing in the Frontline of Climate Change
氣候變遷讓天災越演越烈,根據統計,天災來臨時,女性脆弱度較高。然而, 女性溫柔而堅定的特質卻是災後重建的穩定力量。 Climate change makes natural disasters more severe than ever. According to statistics, when natural disasters occur, women are the most vulnerable ones. However, the tenderness and determination from women are also the stable force for the reconstruction after the disaster. 馬賽伊博士是非洲第一位獲得諾貝爾獎的女性,她曾說過一個寓言故事:某 天森林發生了大火,當所有動物都茫然無措時,只有小蜂鳥無視其他動物的 訕笑,執著地用牠小小的喙來回銜水滅火。她就有如故事中的蜂鳥,並以蜂 鳥精神引領非洲女性在荒蕪的肯亞,種下了超過 4 千萬棵樹。 Dr. Wangari Maathai was the first African woman to win a Nobel Prize. Once she told a fable: one day there was a wildfire in the forest. When every animal was helpless, only a small hummingbird ignored the ridicule from others, insisted on flying back and forth, steadfastly putting out the fire with a small amount of water in its beak. Dr. Wangari Maathai was like the hummingbird in the story, and had lived a hummingbird spirit in leading African women to plant more than 40 million trees in barren Kenya.
氣候變遷縱如熊熊烈火蔓延,女性的力量看似渺小,但累積起來卻不容忽 視。尤其女性的日常生活跟環境密不可分,從張羅家人的三餐食材、飲用水, 到能源的使用等,使女性對氣候變遷的危害特別敏感,同時更有意識及意願 要去改變環境的問題。因此,每位女性都可以是家中的環境教育家,和帶領 家庭改變的生活實踐者。 Climate change is now burning like wildfire. The power of women seems to be very small, but together women can be strong. Especially when woman’s daily life is inseparable from our environment. For example, women are usually in charge of obtaining food and water, and the use of energy, etc. Women are therefore particularly sensitive on how climate change influence people's live. Women have more awareness and willing to change the environmental problems. Therefore, women are the environmental educators and pioneers in the change of every household. 透過改變飲食、能源的消費習慣,女性除以身作則,教育下一代保護環境, 永續發展的價值觀外,更可改變家庭能源使用及飲食消費習慣,以行動來促 使現行商業模式走向低碳模式。而且這也是聯合國永續發展目標「目標五: 實現兩性平等,並賦予所有婦女權力」所提倡的。所以女力,真的是面對氣 候變遷最不可忽視的力量。 By changing diet and adjust the way of consuming energy, women not only educate our next generation to protect our environment, but also promote the idea of sustainability. By taking actions, women can also influence enterprises to shift to low-carbon business model. Gender equality and women empowerment is also Goal 5 of SDGs listed by United Nations. Women power is truly a great force to deal with climate change. 現在誠意邀請妳和你,跟我們站在氣候變遷的前線,以低碳生活正面迎戰。 Now, we wholeheartedly invite you to stand with us in the frontline. Fight back against climate change by promoting a low-carbon lifestyle.
重拾食物主權,正面迎戰氣候變遷 Reclaim the Food Sovereignty and Combat the Climate Change
「氣候變遷」與「食物主權」乍聽之下似乎跟我們的生活距離很遠,但其實 我們吃的每一口食物,都跟這兩件事息息相關。 "Climate change" and "food sovereignty" seem distant from our daily lives. In fact, every bite of our food is closely related to them. 台灣的糧食自給率只有 31% 左右。當食物變成市場上流通的「商品」,其 價格就容易受跨國大企業的成本考量所影響,甚至成為國際貿易談判時的交 換籌碼。故氣候災害發生、燃油價格波動時,我們的糧食來源與價格便會難 以自主掌握。 The food self-sufficiency rate in Taiwan is only about 31%. When food become "commodities", its price is inevitably influenced by transnational corporations, and even become a bargaining chip in international trade negotiations. Therefore, when climate disasters take place and the price of gasoline fluctuates, we have no choice of food and its price is decided by others. 在氣候變遷影響下,我們應發展多樣化、且能適應極端氣候和在地生長的作 物,提升糧食自給率,將選擇食物的權利拿回來,為適應氣候變遷做準備! To adapt to climate change, we should promote diverse local crops that endure extreme climate, raise our food self-sufficiency rate, and take back our right to choose food.
在這手冊裡,我們將與您分享如何以行動來面對氣候變遷: In this booklet, we are going to share with you some tips to face climate change : 1. 思考食物從哪裡來,降低食物里程來減碳。 2. 自己動手準備餐點,反思工業化生產過程中的環境成本。 3. 做好廚房能源管理、善用廚具輕鬆料理。 4. 以計劃消費和冰箱管理來減少食物浪費。 5. 在家裡的陽台種菜,增強面對異常氣候的韌性。 6. 支持農地農用與友善土地的生產者,確保永續的生產環境資源。 7. 打造自己的「綠色飲食生活圈」,共同面對氣候風險與食安問題。 1. Think about the source of the food. Buy local. 2. Prepare your meal by yourself. Learn about the environmental cost from industrial food production. 3. Manage to have efficient energy use in kitchen. 4. Plan before consuming. Tidy up your refrigerator to reduce food waste. 5. Grow vegetables on your balcony to strengthen the climate resilience. 6. Support “farmland for farming” and eco-farming to ensure the sustainability of environment. 7. Create your own “Green Food Community.” Together we face climate risks and food safety issues. 在氣候變遷常態化的未來,改變日常生活中的飲食與能源習慣,看似微小, 卻是每個人都能參與實踐的途徑,這些微小力量的累積與連結,將是我們迎 戰氣候變遷的最大力量。 Climate change might become the norm in the future. By accumulating tiny efforts, we can become the biggest force to change. Join us now !
食 物 怎 樣 來 ? Where Does Our Food Come from? 有沒有想過我們每天吃的食物是從哪裡和怎麼來到餐桌上的呢?食物從產地 到餐桌的距離,即是「食物里程」,食物里程愈遠,消耗的能源與排出的二 氧化碳即愈多,碳足跡也愈高。而「碳足跡」則是指產品從取得、製造、包 裝、運輸、廢棄到回收的二氧化碳排放量,也就是產品的整個生命週期過程 所直接與間接產生的二氧化碳排放量。 Have you ever thought about where does our food come from, and how does it end up on our tables? The distance between the land and the fork is called "food miles". The more the food miles is, the more energy it consumes, the more carbon footprint it produces. "Carbon footprint" refers to the total amount of carbon dioxide emission during obtainment, production, packaging, transportation, disposal and recycling, that is the direct and indirect carbon dioxide emission in the life cycle of a product.
由於全球化以及食物保存技術的發展,讓我們在台灣便能買到許多從世界各 地來的進口蔬果或食物。這些進口食物為保持漂亮的外觀,需經過重重加 工、包裝、運輸、冷藏保鮮等處理,過程中即產生大量的碳排放,加劇氣候 變遷。「吃在地、食當季」即是低碳飲食的重要守則,除縮短食物運送里程、 降低碳排放,也可減少食物的栽種與儲存成本。 With the development of food preservation technology and globalization, we can easily buy various kinds of imported food in Taiwan. To keep the freshness and appealing appearance, imported food are usually heavily processed, packaged, transported and refrigerated. The whole process generates massive amount of carbon dioxide which is exacerbating climate change. "Eat locally and seasonally" is one of the most important guidelines of low-carbon diet. It can shorten food miles, decrease carbon emissions and reduce the cost of cultivation and storage.
「吃在地、食當季」守則 Guidelines for "Eat locally and seasonally" 1. 購買食材時,應詢問或注意標示上的產地來源,優先選購在地生產的食 物。 2. 留意食材價格,當季當令的食材通常便宜又好吃。因為在適合的季節栽 種蔬菜,病蟲害問題較少,自然無需用藥,加上產量多,價格自然便宜, 可以吃得比較安心。 3. 可選擇到農夫市集直接跟農夫買,除了安心也可了解不同季節食物的生 長情況和最好的烹調方法。 1. Ask or check before buying. Give priority to local food. 2. Keep an eye on the price of food. Food in season is usually cheaper and tastier because there are less pest and diseases in season, and therefore no need to spray pesticide. 3. Visit farmers market and buy directly from farmers. You can get food in season, and ask the farmers how it was grown and the best way to cook it. 各季節蔬果食材參考網站: Websites for seasonal food reference: 台灣當季蔬果 Taiwan Food
台灣好食 Taiwan Good Food
The Knowledge of Agriculture
吃真食物,環保又健康 Let’s Eat Real Food to Be Environmentally Friendly! 現代人生活忙碌,為講求效率、方便,肚子餓時總希望在超商或超市架上抓 些能最快填飽肚子的包裝食品,如麵包、零食、玉米片等。然而,這些食品 背後,可能潛藏各種看不見的碳排放及環境問題。 Nowadays, people lead busy lives and are prone to eat processed food, such as bread, snack, and corn chips, for efficiency and convenience. However, it is very likey that various carbon emission and environmental issues lurk underneath the beautiful package of these food. 貨架上琳琅滿目的食品總讓人覺得自己有很多選擇,但其實可能是集中由少 數跨國企業生產。這些跨國企業為達到經濟效率、追求最低成本,原料可能 是跨海而來,甚至是以砍伐森林來獲取大面積土地作單一化生產,如加工食 品中常用的黃豆、玉米等。除運輸和伐木會增加碳排放外,單一化生產所需 的大量農藥、肥料、食品加工使用的化學添加物和加工工廠的大型機器等, 都需要依靠大量能源去製造和運作,這些都是在追求效率的過程中常被忽略 的環境成本。 A superb parade of food on the shelves gives us the illusion of choices. In fact, they may be produced by only a handful of multinational corporations. To pursue economic efficiency and low cost, corporations might choose to use cheap ingredients from overseas, even mono-crops such as soy-beans and corns from deforestation lands for processed food. The carbon emission from transportation and deforestation is already destroying our environment. The production process such as : massive amount of pesticides and fertilizers used in monoculture, chemical additives used in food processing, and the energy-consuming heavy machinery in the processing factories also consume huge amount of energy and resources. These are the environmental costs that are often neglected in the pursuit of efficiency.
追求快速、便宜的生產背後,乃是犧牲這麼多環境成本,也許我們可以一同 來思考是否要繼續依賴這樣工業化生產的食品。又或者,我們可以在日常的 飲食習慣中做些改變來對地球更友善: The obsession of fast and cheap products is leading to a higher environmental cost. We need to think again whether we want to rely on industrial products. Or can we take some actions to be eco-friendly : 1. 吃在地、吃當季,減少食物里程和碳足跡。 2. 多吃原貌食物,減少對加工食品的依賴:選購食材時,建議多吃新鮮蔬果、 肉類等食物,品嚐食物的原貌與原味。 3. 自己動手煮,讓選擇與製作餐點的權力掌握在自己手中,雖然市面上的 油品與調味料很難避免添加物,但自己動手料理可以掌握使用量,盡量 品嚐食物的原味。自煮共食也是與家人朋友最佳的互動! 1. Choose local and seasonal food to cut food miles and carbon footprint. 2. Eat real food, and reduce the consumption of processed food. Choose fresh vegetable and meat. Enjoy the natural taste of it. 3. Cook for yourself : take back the power of choice and cooking food. You are the one to decide how much condiments intake you want by preparing your own meal. Try to enjoy its natural taste. Cooking and dining with families and friends is also one of the best social activities!
我家廚房超省能 My Energy-Saving Kitchen
能源,是人類生活中不可或缺的日常所需,然而,在享受能源的同時,有沒 有想到我們可能常常不小心浪費它呢? Energy is essential in our daily lives. While enjoying the convenience it brings, do you know you may waste some? 根據工研院調查,廚房家電佔住宅家電耗能高達一半的比例,尤其是冰箱與 開飲機,因為全天都需插著電,往往造成家中電費高昂的原因之一。除此之 外,主婦們愛用的電鍋,其使用的電力竟然和一台小型冷氣機不相上下,每 使用一個小時就耗費一度電。因此若能針對廚房電器的耗電狀況進行改善, 不僅節能減碳,也能過著輕鬆料理的生活。 According to a research conducted by Industrial Technology Research Institute, kitchen appliances accounts for half of the total household energy consumption. Refrigerator and electric water boiler which may need to be plugged in 24 hours a day are the main reasons of your expensive electricity bill. Surprisingly, multi-functional cookers consume as much energy as a small air conditioner, consuming 1 kWh of electricity per hour. Therefore, if we can adjust the usage of kitchen appliances, we can not only save energy and cut carbon emissions, but also enjoy an easy cooking life.
Tips for saving energy in kitchen 1. 電鍋可搭配定時器或取消自動保溫功能,避免浪費電力。 2. 須長時間烹煮的料理可搭配燜燒鍋使用,減少顧火以及過多能源的消耗。 3. 高耗電的開飲機可以瓦斯爐或快煮壺燒水後,搭配保溫瓶來取代。 1. Set up a timer or cancel the heat-retaining function of multi-functional cooker to avoid energy waste. 2. Use thermal cooker for long duration cooking, so you do not have to look after the gas stove and can save energy. 3. Replace electric water boiler with kettle, and keep the hot water in vacuum flask. 電鍋搞定一飯三菜
Cook rice and three dishes at one time
第四層 [ 芋頭粉蒸肉 ] 選擇帶有部分油脂的豬肉,先用辣豆瓣 醬和少許的酒,糖,醬油醃過,再裹一 層薄薄的蒸肉粉,底下放芋頭。 The fourth level [steamed pork with taro] Choose a piece of pork with bits of fat, and marinate it with spicy bean paste and a little bit of wine, sugar and soy sauce. Then, coat the pork with a thin layer of steamed meat powder, and put it on the diced taro.
第二層 [ 清蒸絲瓜 ] 切好的絲瓜,加油與鹽後放在蒸盤上。
The second level [steamed luffa] Add some oil and salt on the washed and cut luffa, and then put it on the steam plate.
第三層 [ 豆腐蒸魚 ] 豆腐切塊後放在蒸盤上,並把洗淨 的魚塊放在豆腐上,最後加上醬油 及薑絲。
The third level [steamed fish with tofu] Cut the tofu into chunks and put them on the steam plate. Put diced fish steak on the tofu and add soy sauce and sliced ginger. 最底層 [ 米飯 ] 洗好的米先放在內鍋。
The bottom level [rice] Put the washed rice in the inner pot.
外鍋 [ 兩杯水 ]
Outer pot [ 2 cups of water ]
電鍋加高蓋 Heightening lid for multi-functional cooker
Save Food Wisely
你知道嗎,食物浪費不只出現在你家餐桌或廚餘桶,而是從田裡採收到我們 餐盤中的所有過程都會出現。例如:不合乎上架標準的醜蔬果、因長途運輸 延誤的進口食物、溫控不當而腐敗的食物、通路過量採購而無法銷售的食物 等。 Food waste does not only happen on your dining table, but is also found in every process from the field to plate. Here are some examples: the irregular vegetables and fruits that are not fit for retails, the imported food that are rotten due to the delayed transportation or improper temperature control, and the food from the excessive purchase of the retailers. 每年全球就有 1/3 的食物未經食用或耗損而遭到浪費,數量高達 13 億公 噸,並會產生 44 億噸溫室氣體。如果食物浪費是一個國家,這個食物浪費 王國將是全球第三大溫室氣體的排放國,僅次於中國和美國。 Every year there are 1/3 of food spoiled or wasted around the globe. The weight of these food is 1.3 billion tons and generates 4.4 billion tons of greenhouse gases. If all these wasted food come from one country, it would be the thirdlargest emission country, right after China and the United States. 台灣的食物浪費也十分嚴重,每人每天的浪費量相等於一個國民便當。若每 個消費者都能做好計劃消費和冰箱管理的話,不但能減少浪費,也能省錢和 幫助地球降溫,真的是一件好事啊。 In Taiwan, food wasting is also a serious problem: the amount of food waste of each person every day on average is equal to a regular lunchbox. If everyone plans before buying and manages their refrigerators well, we can not only reduce waste, but save money and help cool off the earth. How wonderful will it be!
冰箱管理術 Tips for managing your refrigerator 1. 冰箱只放 8 分滿,讓冰箱保持最佳空氣循環,避免因看不見而遺漏食物。 2. 食物應分層、分裝,每次只拿適當份量退冰或烹煮,減少食材變壞的機 會。 3. 定期整理冰箱,多餘食材應盡早分送鄰居或好友,或以共食共煮方式妥 善利用。 1. Keep your refrigerator 80% full. In this way, refrigerator ventilate the best, and keeps your view clear. 2. Food should be sorted and put in different levels and packages. Retrieve an appropriate amount of food for thawing and cooking. 3. Clean your refrigerator regularly. Share extra food with your neighbors and friends, or cook and eat it with them.
在陽台種菜,增強韌性 Growing Vegetables at the Balcony
每逢颱風過境前後,菜價都異常不穩定,採買時還要擔心因為農民搶收,造 成較高的農藥殘留機率。若能在城市裡自己種菜,多認識不同季節可以吃些 什麼,這樣就不用怕颱風過後沒菜吃了。但要如何在都市裡種食物呢? Every time when a typhoon strikes Taiwan, the price of vegetables fluctuates drastically. In addition, there is a greater chance of pesticide residue due to the rush harvest before typhoon hits. If we can grow our own vegetables in city and learn more about seasonal vegetables, we will not have these worries above. So how can we start growing food in city? 其實,耕作不見得只能在寬廣的田地裡,只要經過設計與簡單施工,都市空 地、陽台角落、屋頂水塔旁也可栽種食物。若順著時令種菜,農耕更能讓我 們體驗當令當季的意涵和樂趣。而在陽台上種「可食盆栽」更是操作簡單、 方便照料的好方法。 Through simple design and construction, we can grow food in vacant lot, on balcony or rooftop. If you plant vegetables according to their seasons, you can experience how to work as a part-time farmer and learn more about seasons. Growing “edible pot” on balcony is easy and simple. 例如:廚房外最適合栽種辛香料植物,除種子或幼苗容易取得外,更可增加 食材風味,而且烹調時才採摘,保證新鮮不浪費。 For example, spices is the most suitable plants to grow on balcony. Their seeds or seedling are easy to get, and they add much flavor into our food; in addition, spices are picked up only when cooking to ensure the freshness and zero-waste.
另外,利用扦插技術,不花錢也可種出蔬菜來。例如地瓜葉、紅鳳菜、紫蘇、 空心菜等,都非常適合扦插,而且只要有足夠陽光和水,存活率非常高。過 程中更可邀請家中小孩協助照顧和觀察生命的變化,讓家裡也能成為食農教 育的最佳場所。 In addition, by employing the technique of cutting propagation, you can grow vegetable without spending a penny. Sweet potato leaves, Okinawa spinach, shiso, and water spinach are all suitable for cutting propagation. With sufficient sunshine and water, these plants can easily survive. You can also invite kids to take care of them as part of life education, making your home the best classroom for food education. 簡易地瓜葉扦插示意圖 Cutting Propagation of Sweet Potato Leaves 1. 挑選枝條健壯的部分去除多餘葉子,留下 10 至 15 公 分長 2. 將莖部底端插入培養土 2 至 3 公分,保持土壤濕潤。 3. 約 7 至 10 天就會長根發新葉。 4. 只採收頂端嫩葉部份,保留根部,就能持續採收。 10-15 cm
2-3 cm
1. Pick out the firm part of a twig and remove extra leaves, and leave the twig at 10 to 15 cm. 2. Pluck the end of the stem into the soil for 2 to 3 cm, and keep the soil moist. 3. Roots and new leaves will grow in about 7 to 10 days. 4. Only harvest the new leaves on the top and keep the root, and you can keep harvesting.
保護土地與環境永續 Obtaining a Sustainable Environment
支持在地生產的好食物、提高我國的糧食自給率,固然是拒絕依賴進口食 品,或任由國際糧商控制糧價的最佳方法。但是,我們必須要有好的農地, 才能生產出售價合理又安全的國產食物。所以,在有限的土地及水資源下, 守護農地與採用友善農法耕作便極為重要且刻不容緩。 The best way for us to support local food and increase the food self-sufficiency rate is to reduce the consumption of imported food and regain our rights to control food price from multinational agricultural corporations. However, we need to have good farmland to produce safe food at a reasonable price. Therefore, with limited land and water resources in Taiwan, preserving farmland and employing eco-farming are extremely vital and urgent. 除有機農法外,對環境友善耕作方法還有非常多種。目前,台灣主要有 2 種 辨別友善農法耕作產品的模式,一種是經過第三方驗證,在產品上貼上「有 機標章」,它們都必須遵守自然資源循環永續利用原則,不允許使用合成化 學物質,強調水土資源保育與生態平衡之管理。 There are many other types of eco-farming besides organic farming. Currently, there are 2 types of eco-farming identification: product labeled with "organic verification" are examined by a third party. These products shall adhere to the principle of sustainability in nature, such as synthetic substances are not allowed during farming, and emphasizes on the conservation of soil and water and keeps ecology in balance.
另一種則是以公開、參與的方式,讓消費、銷售和生產者等不同人士共同組 成的 PGS(Participatory Guarantee System)第二方參與式保障系統,像 是農民市集,提供在地小農及消費者之間的溝通管道、強化兩者之間的連結 和信任,並建立屬於該社群對於友善環境農業行為的標準、稽核方式,讓參 與者可共同學習和分攤責任。消費者除能更認識及多元選擇友善耕作的農產 品,也能減輕生產者驗證的負擔,讓小農和社區產業能有更多參與保護土地 及發展友善農業的機會,擴大社會及環境的永續發展。 The other one is to employ an open and participatory method to organize Participatory Guarantee System (PGS). PGS consists of consumers, retailers, and producers. For example, farmers markets build and strengthen the connection and trust between farmers and consumers. It can further establish their own standard and auditing methods of eco-farming, and share the responsibilities of verification. PGS is a way for consumer to learn more about eco-friendly products, to support small farmers and local community to participate in developing a sustainable environment.
如何為土地和環境永續盡一份力? How to obtain a sustainable environment?
1. 到農夫市集跟農友直接購買,以消費支持友善耕作的生產者。 2. 參與農夫市集或食農教育團體舉辦的農地之旅及農事體驗,了解友善農耕 對保護土地的重要性。 3. 為自己打造綠色飲食生活圈,讓自己和關心環境的農友、店家與團體凝聚 在一起。 4. 支持農地農用,確保農業永續。 1. Visit farmers market and buy directly from farmers. 2. Participate in farming tour held by the local food education organization or farmers market to learn the importance of eco-farming. 3. Build your own green food community to connect farmers, shops and organizations. 4. Support the policy of "farmland for farming" to ensure a sustainable agriculture.
打造綠色飲食生活圈 Build Your Green Food Community 每天都有 3 次機會為自己的飲食負責,將「食」的權力握在手中,讓飲食成 為改變世界的力量。 Every day you have 3 times that you can choose to be responsible for your diet. If you take back the control of food, it will become a power to change the world.
透過食物,你可以將生活連結到關心環境與實際付諸行動的農友、店家與團 體,讓自己與社會重新凝聚在一起,形成可以支持彼此、共同面對氣候風險 與食安問題的「綠色飲食生活圈」。 You can connect your life with food issues to those farmers, shops and organizations who care about our environment and willing to take action. Form a “Green Food Community” to support each other and face the climate change and food safety issues together.
跟著以下 6 種方式,開始打造你的綠色飲食生活圈: Build your Green Food Community through the following ways: 1. 自備購物袋到販售好食材與友善環境商品的「綠商店」消費。 2. 去「農夫市集」與農夫面對面,聊聊農事與學習農家手路菜。 3. 品嚐「綠餐廳」使用在地小農、友善耕作食材所做的季節料理。 4. 尋找願意減少食物浪費或分享多餘食材的「食物銀行/惜食分享站」。 5. 參加「食農教育場所」舉辦的活動,獲得更多綠色飲食知識的滋養。 6. 跟著「友善環境 NGO」一同行動,關心環境、飲食與農業的大小事。 1. Bring your own shopping bag and buy food from "Green Stores", where environmentally friendly items can be found. 2. Visit "Farmers Market" and talk to farmers about farming and their traditional dishes. 3. Dine at a "Green Restaurant", where local produce is grown by eco-farming and small farmers. 4. Search for a "Food Bank / Food Sharing Station", where people are dedicated to reducing food waste or sharing extra food. 5. Participate in the events held by "Food Education Center" to learn about green diet. 6. Take actions with "Environment-friendly NGOs" on environmental, food and agricultural issues.
綠餐廳 Green Stores
食物分享站 綠商店 Green Stores
農夫市集 Farmers Market
食農教育場所 友善環境NGO Environment-friendly NGOs
最後,還有一件重要的事:快把你的綠色飲食生活圈分享給更多人知道吧! Last but not the least: "Share your Green Food Community with more people now!" 邀請你一起使用綠食圈網路地圖,並參與「共創綠食圈-全民找點行動」, 分享你找到的點,讓全民一起享綠,共同打造綠色飲食生活圈,實踐綠食生 活!即刻行動請上: We sincerely invite you to use our Green Food Community Online Map, and participate in "Reporting Green Spots". Share the spots you have found! Please log onto:
Map of HUF's Green Food Community
全民找點行動回報頁面 Webpage of Reporting Green Spots
加入「氣候正義,女性倡議」全球號召活動 「氣候正義,女性倡議」全球號召活動,是由來自全球各地,關心婦女與環 境議題,且相信面對氣候變遷,需採取立即且符合正義行動的非政府組織所 共同發起。 邀請你加入我們,共同支持氣候正義!
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Join the call The Women’s Global Call for Climate Justice is a global campaign organized collectively by a group of regionally diverse women’s rights and feminist organizations, brought together by the urgent need for just action on climate change. Join us and fight for climate justice by endorsing “THE CALL”