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展開無痛節電生活 Begin an easy energy saving life


無油煙低碳烹飪術 The Art of Fume-Free Low Carbon Cooking


省時冰箱整理術 The Art of Time-Saving Refrigerator Orgaization


綠意盎然降溫術 The Art of "Green Curtain" Cooling


隨手關燈就是省電? 這些觀念是正確的嗎? Turn the lights off when you leave a room to save energy? Does it really make a difference?


認識節電小物 Get to know energy saving devices


展 開 無痛 節電生 活

Begin an easy energy saving life 想到節電,你想到的是高溫 38 度不能開冷氣;住在 10 樓只能爬樓梯,這些 近似苦行僧的做法嗎 ? 節能減碳,不需要增加生活的不便,也不是只有隨手關燈。這本小手冊裡, 主婦聯盟環境保護基金會將和您分享,我們在社區推動能源教育的系列課程 裡,一些實用兼顧生活品質又有趣的節能減碳方法。 When you think of saving energy, do you think it means no air-conditioning or living a monastic life of suffering? Conserving energy and reducing carbon footprint does not have to mean losing conveniences! In this little handbook, the Homemakers United Foundation will share with you some tips from our community energy education courses: the most practical and painless methods of conserving energy and reducing carbon footprints in your everyday life.

為何是我要節電 ?

Why should I have to conserve energy? 不是工業用的電比較多嗎 ? 為什麼要身為一般老百姓的我們節電呢 ? 這就要 說到尖峰用電的概念了,所謂尖峰用電,也就是圖中起起伏伏像山峰一樣的 部分,而住商部門就佔了尖峰用電的半數 (51.63%) 以上。 Isn’t industrial energy consumption a bigger problem? Why should an average person like me have to conserve energy? Well, the answer lies in the concept of peak energy use. Peak energy use refers to the “mountain peaks” in the rising and falling slopes shown in the chart below, and residential and commercial use accounts for more than half of total peak energy usage (51.63%). 這也就是為什麼通常是夏季白天時段,最容易出現電不夠用的警訊。為了尖 峰用電的高峰,幾乎沒有自產能源的台灣,就必須想發設法的開發新的能源。 This is also why we most often see energy shortage warnings during the day in the summer. When faced with the problem of peak energy use shortages, we must come up with ways of developing new sources of energy.


夏日尖峰用電成因資料來源:陳群元,住商型簡易時間電價正式上路,台電月刊 http://tpcjournal.taipower.com.tw/article/index/id/517 Statistics for the sources of summer peak energy use come from:“Residential and commercial simple time-based price of electricity, Taipower Monthly Report http://tpcjournal.taipower.com.tw/article/index/id/517

這本小冊可以告訴我甚麼 ? How can this handbook help?

除了爭論「用 XX 發電」之外,我們可以一起做的,就是一起降下尖峰用電, 因為節電,就是隱形的發電。 而這本小手冊,將告訴你如何透過一些小小的改變,就讓你無痛地節能減碳; 在這本小手冊裡,你可以知道如何在短時間內煮出一桌無油煙的佳餚;如何 減少你在冰箱前找食材的時間;怎樣利用植栽或是隔熱小物幫家中降溫等知 識之外;這本小冊還會釐清許多人對於節電的迷思,以及介紹一些節電的小 道具。希望這本小手冊,可以幫你輕鬆展開節電新生活! Conserving energy is the most painless form of energy production. This handbook will give you tips on how you can painlessly conserve energy and reduce your carbon footprint through a few small changes. In this handbook, you will learn how to cook a feast efficiently and quickly; how to reduce the time it takes to find things in your refrigerator; how to lower the temperature in your home. Finally, this handbook will also clear up some of the misconceptions about energy conservation, and introduce some useful energy conservation devices. We hope that this handbook can help you begin a new lifestyle of stress-free energy conservation.


無 油 煙低 碳烹飪 術

The Art of Fume-Free Low Carbon Cooking 電鍋是無油煙的好幫手,但你知道電鍋的耗電量約 800 瓦,逼近一台小型冷 氣的用電量嗎 ? 但又不方便改用別種爐具怎麼辦呢 ? The multi-functional electric rice cooker found in nearly every Taiwanese home is a great fume-free cooking tool, but do you know that the electric cooker uses around 800 watts of energy, almost as much as a small air-conditioning unit? But what can we do when it’s too much of a hassle to switch to another cooking device?



煮飯前先浸泡 30 分鐘,縮短煮飯時間。 Soak rice in water for 30 minutes before cooking to shorten cook time.


如果家裡有常備熱水,就利用熱水放在外鍋煮,可以縮短 30 - 40% 的時間喔! If hot water is readily accessible in your home, using hot water in the outer pot can reduce cook time by 30-40%.


飯吃完了,記得拔掉保溫的插頭。 When you finish eating the rice, remember to unplug the cooker so that it does not continue to use energy keeping it warm.


配合高蓋和蒸盤,盡量一次做完飯 +3 道菜,讓用電可以發揮得淋 漓盡致。若怕味道混搭,可把味道重的放在上層。 Use a heightening lid and steaming plates to cook several dishes at the same time. This way you can make the most out of every watt of energy spent! The dish with the strongest flavor can be put on the highest level to avoid mixing flavor.

電鍋搞定一飯三菜 Cook rice and three dishes at one time 第四層 [ 芋頭粉蒸肉 ] 選擇帶有部分油脂的豬肉,先用辣豆 瓣醬和少許的酒,糖,醬油醃過,再 裹一層薄薄的蒸肉粉,底下放芋頭。 The fourth level [steamed pork with taro] Choose a piece of pork with bits of fat, and marinate it with spicy bean paste and a little bit of wine, sugar and soy sauce. Then, coat the pork with a thin layer of steamed meat powder, and put it on the diced taro.

第二層 [ 清蒸絲瓜 ] 切好的絲瓜,加油與鹽後放在蒸盤上。

The second level [steamed luffa] Add some oil and salt on the washed and cut luffa, and then put it on the steam plate.

第三層 [ 豆腐蒸魚 ] 豆腐切塊後放在蒸盤上,並把洗淨 的魚塊放在豆腐上,最後加上醬油 及薑絲。

The third level [steamed fish with tofu] Cut the tofu into chunks and put them on the steam plate. Put diced fish steak on the tofu and add soy sauce and sliced ginger. 最底層 [ 米飯 ] 洗好的米先放在內鍋。

The bottom level [rice] Put the washed rice in the inner pot.

外鍋 [ 兩杯水 ]

Outer pot [ 2 cups of water ] 電鍋加高蓋

Heightening lid for multi-functional cooker 圖片來源:主婦聯盟環境保護基金會、婦女權益促進發展基金會,為地球降溫的飲食指南,2016 年 11 月 Photo source: Homemakers United Foundation, Foundation for Women’s Rights Promotion and Development, “The Diet Guide for Cooling off the Earth,”November, 2016

其他建議菜單 Other dishes 第三層 Third level

清蒸高麗菜 Steamed cabbage

破布子蒸魚 Steamed fish

第二層 Second level

絞肉豆腐蒸蛋 Ground meat and tofu steamed egg

清蒸杏鮑菇筊白筍 Steamed king oyster mushroom

最底層 Bottom level

米飯 Rice

米飯 Rice

with water bamboo

註:建議蔬菜的部分可以選擇不易變色的蔬菜、菇類或根莖類,一般葉菜類較不耐蒸容易變黃。 Note: Select vegetables that don’t change color easily such as mushrooms and root vegetables. Most leafy greens turn yellow when steamed.

有其他更低碳的烹飪法嗎 ?

Are there ways to cook with an even lower carbon footprint?

若時間許可,使用燜燒鍋來燉煮,是更省能的方式喔。 If you have the time, you can use a thermal cooker to slow cook your food in the most energy efficient way!


省 時 冰箱 整理術

The Art of Time-Saving Refrigerator Orgaization

冰箱,是家中唯一 24 小時不斷電的家電, 而冰箱最耗能的時候,就是我們開門找東 西的時候,因此我們可透過以下方法,來 減少冰箱開門的時間,以及不必要的耗電。 The refrigerator is the only appliance in the home that, by necessity, uses electricity 24 hours a day. The fridge wastes the most energy when we stand with the door open looking for food. Here are some tips to reduce unnecessary energy waste.



使用保鮮盒 / 袋分裝 + 標籤,分裝可依照不同食物分裝或依照每餐 份量分裝食物 Use containers/bags+labels: store foods in separate containers based on category or by meal portions.


在冰箱外門貼上食物放置圖 Place a chart showing food placement on the outside door of the refrigerator.


計畫採購,不要買過多才是上上策 Plan your food shopping: the most important way to avoid waste is to avoid buying too much.


自製簡易泡棉門簾,減少冷氣外洩,可減少約一半的冷空氣外流。 DIY simple foam screens: this method can cut in half the amount of refrigerated air that escapes when the fridge door is opened.


檢查看看止洩邊條是否有漏洞 ? 一條縫隙就可以讓你家的冰箱多出 5~15% 的電力 Inspect refrigerator door sealing for leaks: one leak can increase the energy consumption of your fridge by 5-15%.

你家中的冰箱已經老舊到會發出噪音、不會冷了嗎 ? 冰箱使用 10 年效率衰 1 退 20%、15 年衰退 50%、至 20 年衰退 100% ;老舊冰箱可能悄悄偷走你 家的電費,但琳瑯滿目的新冰箱又該怎麼選呢 ? Is your refrigerator already so old that it makes a lot of noise and doesn’t stay cold? After 10 years, refrigerator efficiency is reduced by 20%, 50% after 15 years, and 100% after 20 years1; an old refrigerator may be secretly racking up your energy bills. How should you select your new fridge?


挑選變頻的冰箱,可以比相同容量的定頻冰箱省能 30% Select a frequency conversion refrigerator: it can save 30% more energy than a fixed conversion refrigerator of the same size.


挑選能源效率分級 1 級的產品,而且 EF 值 ( 能源因數值 ) 越高越好, 耗電量越低越好。 Select a product with a grade-1 energy efficiency rating, the higher the EF (Energy Factor) rating, the better. A high EF means low energy waste.

冰箱應該設定幾度 ?

What temperature should I set my refrigerator? 答案應該要看生活需求而異,如果冰箱只拿來冰飲料,設定在 10℃也未必會造 成影響。 一般情況來說,食物保存的安全低溫是 5℃以下,冷凍是 0℃以下。可將溫度 調節鈕設置在「中」即可。 The answer depends on individual use. If you only use the fridge for cooling beverages, it’s fine to set the temperature as high as 10℃ without any problems. Under typical circumstances, food storage is safer under 5℃ and under 0℃ for the freezer. Generally, you can just leave the temperature set to “medium.”

1 1

惜物是美德,但老舊電器撐著用不是──節電雲林篇,泛科學 http://pansci.asia/archives/88183 Maintaining old things to avoid waste is a virtue, but holding on to inefficient old appliances is not--Energy Saving Yunlin Chapter, PanSci http://pansci.asia/archives/88183


綠 意 盎然 降溫術

The Art of "Green Curtain" Cooling 你家中有西曬的陽台嗎 ? 可以利用豐沛的陽光來種下遮陰的綠簾喔,根據日 本的研究,利用爬藤植物降溫的效果,最高可以達到 11℃。 Does your home have a west-facing balcony? You can make use of abundant solar resources to grow a “green curtain” for extra shade. According to research done in Japan, using vine plants to block sunlight can lower temperatures as much as 11℃ .



培育場所:以南向或東西向的陽台、窗台、空地為適 ( 陽台不外推 ) The growing location: a south, east, or west facing balcony, window sill, or unused space.


保持距離:不論是牆面還是屋頂,都要保持點距離讓空氣流通,才 能達到降溫效果 Maintain distance: whether it’s a wall or a roof, you need to maintain space between the surface and the green curtain to allow airflow in order to achieve temperature reduction.


栽種時機:台灣氣候可從 3 月開始準備,4 月種植,如此剛好可以 為 7、8 月的炎炎夏日降溫,並調節空氣中的溫濕度 Optimal planting time: in Taiwan’s climate, start your preparations in March for planting in April so that you can achieve optimal temperature reduction in the brutal heat of July and August and adjust humidity levels in the air.


What to plant ?

牆面與屋頂栽種:適合栽種多年生草本植物,像是軟枝黃蟬、龍吐珠、炮杖花。 窗戶或陽台:適合栽種一年生草本植物,像是苦瓜、絲瓜、小黃瓜、牽牛花…等, 這樣約 9、10 月,綠簾子的植栽便會自動枯萎,增加秋冬的日照。 Walls and Roofs: perennial herbaceous plants such as golden trumpet (Allamanda cathartica), bleeding glory-bower (Clerodendrum thomsoniae), and orange trumpetvine (Pyrostegia venusta), etc are the best choice. Windows or Balconies : annual herbaceous plants such as bitter melon (Momordica charantia), luffa gourd (Luffa aegyptiaca), cucumber, and morning glory (Ipomoea nil), etc are the best choice, because this type of green curtain will naturally wither allowing sunlight to penetrate through in autumn and winter.

家裡沒陽台又想降溫怎麼辦 ?

But how can I lower temperatures if I don’t have a balcony? 可以利用隔熱貼,或是竹簾喔,約有 60% 的熱能是透過窗戶進入室內的, 因此在窗戶玻璃上貼隔熱貼,也可以間皆減少對於空調的需求。如果可以的 話,盡量在窗戶的外面貼隔熱貼或掛竹簾,效果會比在內側更好。 You can use heat blocking film or bamboo shutters! Approximately 60% of heat energy enters buildings through windows, so by placing heat blocking film on windows, you can indirectly reduce the need to use air conditioning. If possible, install heat blocking film or bamboo shutters on the outside of windows for the best results.


隨 手 關燈 就是省 電 ? 這些 觀 念是正 確 的 嗎? Turn the lights off when you leave a room to save energy? Does it really make a difference?

燈到底要不要關 ?

On or off with the lights? 隨手關燈大概是大家對節能節碳最熟知的做法,但也有人說電器一直開開關 關會耗損,到底誰才是對的呢 ? 隨手關掉不必要的燈的確可以省電,但太過 頻繁也會減損燈泡壽命,因此,建議離開 10 分鐘以上才要關。 冷氣也是,如果只離開 1 小時以內,請把溫度調高 1-2 度就好,不用讓冷氣 頻繁的開關機。若要出門較久,可在出門前半小時左右把冷氣先關機,而不 是出門最後一刻才關,就可以省下一些電力了。 Everyone has heard that turning off the lights when you leave a room is a simple way to save energy and reduce carbon emissions, but others say that turning things on and off all the time is more wasteful, so who should we believe? Turning the lights on and off too frequently will shorten the lifespan of lightbulbs, so we recommend only turning the lights off when you will leave a room for more than ten minutes. The same rule goes for air conditioning! If you leave a space for less than an hour, adjust the temperature to be 1-2 degrees higher, but don’t turn it off. If you plan go out for a longer period of time, you can turn off the air conditioning about half an hour before you leave, instead of right before you leave, to save even more energy.



Energy-efficient lightbulbs don’t actually save energy

省電燈泡其實近似於彎曲的螢光燈,所以把螢光燈換成省電燈泡是沒有省到 電的,但相對於白熾燈泡來說,是有省到電。建議大家可以直接換成 LED 燈 泡,可以更省喔 ! Energy efficient lightbulbs are basically curly fluorescent lights, so replacing with an energy efficient lightbulb doesn’t actually save energy. We recommend using LED lightbulbs instead for maximum efficiency!

半夜洗衣服會省家裡電費嗎 ?

Will late-night laundry lower my electric bill? 除非你家中有裝智慧電錶,讓你及台電都能掌握你每個時間段的用電量,否 則以目前每兩個月計費一次的做法,台電是不知道你在幾點洗衣服的。 而且,一般家庭通常也沒有採用時間電價的方案,所以也沒有不同時段的計 價喔。所以下次,不要為了省電費,在深夜洗衣吵鄰居了喔! It’s no use unless your home has installed a smart meter so that Taiwan Power knows your hourly energy consumption! Otherwise, energy usage is typically calculated every two months. Furthermore, most homes have not signed up for time-of-day electricity price adjustments, so the price will be the same for energy use at any time. So next time, please don’t keep your neighbors awake with the sound of your washing machine churning away at midnight.


認 識 節電 小物

Get to know energy saving devices

定時器 Timers

你希望晚上捕蚊燈自動開 ? 白天自動關嗎 ? 你希望出門採買時,飯自動煮好、水自動燒好嗎 ? 你希望上班時,熱水瓶自動關機嗎 ? 想省下睡覺時的待機電力,但常常忘記關嗎 ? 以上的情況,都可以讓定時器幫助你喔,市面上有許多形式的定時器,可以 設定電器幾點開 / 關,是居家節電的小幫手喔! Do you wish that your mosquito lamp could turn itself on and off at the proper time? Do you wish that when you are out shopping, the rice and water would cook itself? You want to reduce the energy use, but you often forget to turn things off? A timer can help you achieve everything listed above! There are many varieties of timers on the market, you can use them to determine what time things should turn on and off; they are a great tool for reducing home energy use!


Power strips with on/off switches 出門前要拔掉許多電器的插頭嗎 ? 此舉雖然省電,但可能會有電器使用安全 的隱憂,而且,也蠻麻煩的。在不會過載的情況下,其實可以使用有附開關 的延長線,出門前直接關掉延長線開關就好了。 不過要注意,一些耗電量非常大的家電如烘乾機、除濕機等,盡量不要使用 延長線喔。 Do you have to unplug a bunch of appliances before you go out? Unplugging is a good way to save energy, it’s true, but perhaps you worry about its effects on appliance safety? At the very least, it’s a real hassle. As long as you don’t overload the outlet, you can use power strips with on/off switches. All you have to do is turn the off the switch before you go out the door!


本手冊為「深度減碳,邁向永續社會 - 邁向深度低碳社會:社會行為與制度 轉型的行動研究計畫」( 蕭新煌教授主持,中央研究院社會學研究所 ) 研究成 果之一。 本手冊文章內容綜合本會研究、黃建誠所著《省水、電、瓦斯 50% 大作 戰!!:跟著節能省電達人救地球》一書,以及世界材料網(https://www. materialsnet.com.tw/)內容撰寫而成。

編輯顧問 Consulting Editor

蕭新煌 總 編 輯 Chief Editor

吳心萍 執行編輯 Executive Editor

周于萱 翻

譯 Translator

蔡雪青 美

編 Graphic Designer

廖宣雅 出版日期 Release Date

2017 年 12 月 DEC, 2017 出版單位 Publication by

Homemakers United Foundation

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