1.6 MODULE Education in Europe and the global world. Good practices.
1.6 module Table of contents: Learning objectives Competencies Methodology General organization Assessment Timetable
1.6 module Learning Objectives
In the following module we will....
Learn through the medium of English about education and good practice in Europe and the wider world
Learning objectives
1.6 module 1
learn to talk in English about basic concepts in education
describe other education systems in Europe (bilingual and/or multilingual)
learn about quality in education, describing, discussing and reflecting on different good practice examples.
So‌ This will not be a language course We will be using the language to work on content and both language and content will be equally valued
1.6 module To know Specific competencies
To know the Basque education system and different non-university European education systems
To know different bilingual, multilingual and multicultural education systems in Europe. To know different quality and good practice models in educational organizations. To know the characteristics and organization of a formal oral and written expository text in English.
• •
1.6 module To know how:
Specific competencies
To contrast different education systems.
• •
To identify and define “good practice” indicators in education. To analyse education contexts in order to reflect and to be able to identify areas of improvement in the teaching/learning practice. To extract the main ideas in an expository text related to education and different education systems. To produce simple and coherent expository texts related to education in formal contexts. To transfer knowledge and strategies related to oral and written expository texts, as previously worked in Basque and Spanish. To look for, select, collect and assess the relevant information to be able to compare different education systems. To be able to use a WIKI as a tool for collaborative work.
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1.6 module Cross-curricular competencies
• Learning how to learn: to reflect about the learning strategies used by the student throughout the module. • Group work: to negotiate the group-working rules, and follow up their fulfilment.
1.6 module
Students will try to: - “Identify what they need to learn in order to solve a problem that does not have a single answer� (Hmel-Silver, 2004: 235). - Students explore and learn content via authentic, problem-based projects essential to the curriculum (Thomas, 2000). Students will work: Collaboratively Communication Critical thinking skills.
1.6 module Characteristics of projects: Formative Research Closed project Students working in groups/teams Semi-guided Average length Complete project Multiple results
1.6 module
1.6 module
Research project
1.6 module
Project Quality in education and Good Practices in education Dealing with multilingual and multicultural contexts in language learning and contrasting them.
Learning about European and world wide education systems, bilingual and minority language systems.
Learning about the Basque education system
1.6 module – Research Project Steps to be taken •
Create groups of 4/5
Choose two education systems and three schools as • detailed below: o A school in the Basque Country o An education system within Europe and a specific school in it. o An education system belonging to any other country around the world and a specific school in it.
Understand research project and create group WIKI
1.6 module – Research Project •
Look for • information using different sources of information (the internet, library, experts...).
Find information on different • aspects related to the research project as happening generally in the education systems in those countries. (Education system, quality, bilingualism, multilingualism, multiculturalism, good practices...).
Compile the whole project into your final version of the written report.
Prepare your project presentation
Give your presentation. Listen to other presentations and ask questions.
Hand in your final research project report to your teacher.
As you look for information and try to put it together, you should be using your group WIKI to be able to compile your project
1.6 module – Research Project Chronogram
1.6 module – Research Project
1.6 module Working individually (through readings, personal experience...)
Working in small groups
Working in big groups
Working in average size groups
1.6 module
Individual work is also expected to improve your personal level of English
General organization
1.6 module 10 weeks Contact time: - 55 contact hours - Minimum 80% of attendance required Non-contact time: 90 hours
1.6 module
Class work: (20% of the final mark)
Group work (contact and non-contact hours):
Discussion sessions, follow up sessions, exchanging information sessions, language work sessions... self-assessment, peer assessment, attendance, participation...
Research project work (30%) Other pieces of work (10%)
Individual work (contact and non-contact hours):
Individual pieces of work throughout module (20%) Final assessment (20%)
1.6 module Project Assessment Process: 1st project report 2nd project report Work done through wiki Self-assessment and peer-assessment.
Final product: Report (Written group work) Presentation
1.6 module Week Number
Day 1*
Day 2
2:00-4:00 2:00-6:00
4:30-6:30 2:00-6:00
* In LH groups there will be some changes. For more accurate information look in your Student’s Booklet.
1.6 module Any Questions?