World café Language anxiety Powerpoint

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WORLD CAFÉ Language Anxiety (in the small, and not so small)

Introduction: Language Anxiety In this section of the Course we are going to: • consider how people feel when they are faced with anxiety in language related situations.

• explore how we feel in a new language related situation in order to better understand how a child might feel.

Introduction: Language Anxiety Then we will apply this, and other information we may have observed during teaching practice to how a teacher might help a child who is learning Basque as a 2nd language in immersion.

World café

• How do you feel at the moment?

World café

• How did you feel last year when you started English at HUHEZI in 1.4?

World café

• Can you think of other situations in which you might feel anxious in using one of your languages?

World café

• What might make you feel less anxious?

World cafĂŠ

• How could a small child feel when entering an immersion classroom?

World café

• How could a small child feel when entering an immersion classroom? • Why would a small child feel like this?

World cafÊ • How do adults feel in situations where they are required to interact (speak / listen in a different language)?

World café • What does having a low/ high affective filter mean (Krashen, Lightbown and Spada 56-57)? • Can a little alcohol perhaps make a difference?

World café

Think about your teaching practice…

World cafÊ • Did you identify any children who might be feeling like this during your teaching practice? (take 10 minutes to talk and write some notes about them)

World café • How might young children deal with this anxiety? • How can teachers help them to overcome this anxiety?

Next week we will continue reflecting on our

feelings of anxiety with languages and the strategies we use to try and understand.

Try to remember situations where you think you may have seen children suffering from language anxiety.

You will combine these ideas with your own feelings next week to produce an individual text (for 22nd March) about how stressful it can feel to be a learner in a communicative situation. We will give you more details on Friday next week.

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