Order & Disorder

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oredr & dsioredr in my eyes

Le h u Z h an g

oredr & dsioredr in my eyes

Le h u Z h an g

ABUOT TIHS BOOK ...... “ This is NOT a definition book of Order and Disorder. �

o rder & disorder

This book talks about Order and Disorder in my eyes. It was a happy accident when I start to notice this topic. I did a typography poster for an assignment of my class. I just randomly setted all the types in one poster, some were in order, and some were not. After finished poster, I got some questions for myself. Visualy, does order creates a sense of beauty? Does disorder breaks it?


order & disorder



preface can yuo raed this ?



question 1 waht is oredr and dsiodrer ?



question 2 How dose oredr & dsiodrer afefct pepole ?



question 3 how do pepole aruond me dfeine tehm ?



question 4 how dose enivornment dfeine tehm ?



ending about Conclusion

can yuo raed tihs? preface o rder & disorder

01 01

If yuo can raed tihs, you hvae a sgtrane mnid, too. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotlv mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Waht is oredr and dsiodrer? question 1

oredr is...... A condition in which each thing is properly disposed with reference to other things and to its purpose; methodical or harmonious arrangement. o rder & disorder

Order exists in every corners of our lives. Usually, people describe the order as positive, and its opposite, disorder, naturally as negative. For example, orderly traffic is good, the gridlocked traffic is bad. It is a general consensus of most of us. In fact, the order exists in many different areas. For example, in visual design, we always could relate some works to either order or disorder. But, do you really think the order is good, and the disorder is bad?

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o rder & disorder



Look at ...... o rder & disorder

Two graphics on Page 5 and 6. Could you decide which one is ordered and which one is disordered? How do you feel the graphic from Page 7 and 8? Which one do you think is ordered? The graphic on Page 7 is an exactly same copy from Page 6, but compare to the graphic in Page 8, it’s obviously more ordered. In my opinions, order and disorder don’t exist individually by itself; they are related. In the visual world, it’s hard simply to say work A is in order, or work B isn’t. We always need to bring two pieces together and compare them. Then, we can say, compare with A, B is disordered, but compare with C, B is ordered.

11 12

rd, d, In teh teh viusal viusal wol wolr wolrd, In whteehr “oredr” edrr”” or or “ored r “or whteeh “ d sio d r e r ” , the g aol is to craete a kni knidd of buaety. Tehyy prseent a y. Teh buaet n, deis gn, form deisg for m of art and deisgn, Teh y and aslo a stlye. stlye stlye.. Tehy

are retaled retale d wtih ecah otehr, otehr oteh r,, and can not exsit dntl ntly.y.. indpeene ind peene dntly exsit indpeened

o rder & disorder



o rder & disorder



from dsioredr ...... o rder & disorder

When you look at stars in the sky, what will you do? For me, I will try to find some zodiacs, or, find some shapes among stars. Why people do that? When people see some disordered thing, they always want to find something ordered from it. For example the graphic on the right page. The dots were copied from page 8, they were just randomly arrange there. But, I found some shapes from it. It seems there’s a dog or horse there. Isn’t that interesting? It’s our nature, to find order from disorder. Because we want and love to discover things. We love possibility.

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how does oredr & dsiodrer afefct pepole? question 2


hmuan bheavoir ...... o rder & disorder

Refers to the range of behaviors exhibited by humans and which are influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics, authority, rapport, hypnosis, persuasion, coercion and / or genetics.

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My Desktop in order

o rder & disorder



My Desktop in disorder

our emoiton ...... o rder & disorder

In psychology, philosophy, and their many subsets, emotion is the generic term for subjective, conscious experience that is characterized primarily by psychophysiological expressions, biological reactions, and mental states. Emotion is often associated and considered reciprocally influential with mood, temperament, personality, disposition, and motivation. In general common view, an ordered environment, or arrangement could let people feel good and comfortable. People will feel nervous, uncomfortable, and lost in an disordered/chaos environment.

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“I always try my best to keep my desktop icons in order. I can’t work with a messy computer desktop. My nature forces me to clean it up. And I think I am an ordered guy. I want my books arrange in order, I want my talble clean, and I put my clothes in order. It’s hard to say it’s good or bad, I’m just living like that.”

o rder & disorder



This is nice......

how do pepole aruond me dfeine tehm? question 3

our dsektop ...... o rder & disorder

Look around me, what could represent people’s behaviors about order and disorder? Apparently, desktop, nomatter real desk or computer desktop. I interviewed some of my friends. I asked some “insteresting” questions which relate to the subject, and asked their’s computer desktop’s screen shot and desk’s photos. Answers were really insteresing, and I realized each person had different perspectives, and their desktops could reflect it.

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Interview with

Jerel Johnson Graduate student in Graphic Design (RISD). Former Web Designer and Web Strategist

Do you describe yourself as an ordered people or disordered? I like chance and dress disorderly to a degree but am otherwise fairly ordered in terms of how and where I allocate things so I tend to tell people I’m “ordered” when they ask. Do you organize your desktop icons in order? How? Desktop icons are minimal at best. I like an uncluttered desktop. There are two: 1. A shortcut to my most commonly trafficked folder. 2. A text file for quick notes, sort of like a scratch o rder & disorder

pad. The icons in my dock which I do keep exposed are ordered to a degree, roughly speaking: web browsers, text editors, calendar, design applications, skype, music Apps, calculator, and other miscellaneous. I’ve skipped a few but the screenshot serves as a good map. Do you organize your books in order? How? I used to when I lived in NYC. But since we moved to Providence I really don’t organize on the shelves. That said, the bookcases themselves are loosely organized: fiction, non-fiction, design books, academic resources, and a miscellaneous or mixed shelf. Have your parents ever told you to put stuffs in order? If yes, what did they say? Yeah, but I can’t remember. I’m sure it was along the lines of “Pick up or stuff or we’ll throw it away.” Do you feel uncomfortable if you sitting in a really messy room? Why? If I can’t walk on the floor because of the clutter then yes. I recently had this experience at someone else’s home and I could not believe that they lived that way. I was astonished. If the place is clean but has some clutter I don’t really mind. That’s another thing to think about – the difference between dirt and disorder. Disorder as long as it doesn’t get in my way I’m ok with (dirt, not so much). Do you think keeping things in order is good for mood, people, or world? I think the world needs a healthy mix of both and that a global top down approach in the name of order will never be achieved. That’s not to say that I am OK with countries not


getting their act together around critical issues. I’d like to see some order there. But I don’t think “a place for everything and everything in its place” is a good way to think about people


so much. It’s good for sailing. But for people, I would ask “Who decides what my place should be?” It’s complicated!

o rder & disorder



Jerel Johnson’s Desktop

Interview with

chloric huang Web & UX designer

Do you describe yourself as an ordered people or disordered? Both, but more of an ordered person. Do you organize your desktop icons in order? How? Yes, by used frequency and functions. Do you organize your books in order? How? o rder & disorder

Yes, by different categories. Do you organize your closet in order? How? Yes, By sizes. Larger to smaller, from left to right. Have your parents ever told you to put stuffs in order? If yes, what did they say? They did all the time. “ Your table is so messy, clean it up! ” Do you feel uncomfortable if you sitting in a really messy room? Why? No, totally not, I feel irritating. Do you think keeping things in order is good for mood, people, or world? It depends…personally, it’s about your own habits, public wise, or for work, it’s a matter of efficiency.

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Hyunjin Kim’s working space

Interview with

Hyunjin Kim Graphic Designer

Do you describe yourself as an ordered people or disordered? I think I’m the one in between. Do you organize your desktop icons in order? How? Yes, I order my desktop by subjuct. Do you organize your books in order? How? o rder & disorder

Yes, hmmm, maybe by size. Do you organize your closet in order? How? Yes, by my requency of use. Have your parents ever told you to put stuffs in order? If yes, what did they say? My parents always tell me to organize my stuff. I say I have my own way to organize things eventhough it doesn’t look like quite organized. Do you feel uncomfortable if you sitting in a really messy room? Why? Not really. Do you think keeping things in order is good for mood, people, or world? I don’t think it’s always good. It dependes on so many things.

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Yoon Kim’s working space

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Yoana Wiman’s working space

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Well, another kind of desktop

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how does enivornment dfeine tehm? question 4


in natrue ...... o rder & disorder

In our environment, we can see lots of examples about order and disorder, from animals, urban cities, farms, street views, super markets, etc. Many many examples tell us a fact, nomatter order or disorder, they exist in our environments, in our lives. Look at the city we live, houses arrange one by one from each other. Look at birds in the sky, they are lining up and flying. Look at farms, squares by squares, that’s the order. But we can also see a lot disorders. Leaf has symatrical patterns, but when they fall down on the land, they are disordered. People will discuss which one is better. I would say there won’t be any answer about this question.

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o rder & disorder



ABuoT conculsoin ...... “ I don’t think there’s a CONCLUSION here.”

o rder & disorder

I honestly don’t think I can get any conclusions from this book. These are all orders and disorders in my own eyes. The book is straightforward, local, and personal. I think the main reason for me to make this book is trying to start notice my environment, find out the question and use my own perspective to research, define it. Order and disorder is a tremendously large topic, it exist everywhere in our lives. Maybe in the future, I will research this topic deeper. But for now, I will stop here, take a rest.

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Oh, sorry, I’m off......


o rder & disorder

Designed by lehu zhang

instructed by lucinda L. hitchcock Nancy A. Skolos

photographed by lehu zhang

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printed & binded by lehu zhang

Paper Epson presentation paper matt

copyright 2012 Š lehu zhang, RISD

To be continued ......

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