ISSUE 103 - SPRING 2018
PUBS OF THE YEAR 2017 Congratulations to the following pubs who won our POTY awards for 2017: HULL - George Hotel, Land of Green Ginger, Hull (right top)
TOWNS - Marine Bar, Expanse Hotel, Bridlington (above) VILLAGES - Goodmanham Arms, Goodmanham (right bottom) $ IXOO UHSRUW RI WKH ¿QDOLVWV LV HOVHZKHUH LQ this issue:
12th - 14th April 2018 Hull Minster
The GOODMANHAM ARMS Alehouse Goodmanham, near Market Weighton. Tel: 01430 873849
Try our selection of 8 CASK ALES and 4 CIDERS BEER PRICES from £2.60p per pint The Pub is OPEN EVERYDAY 11.30am ‘til late Tasty HOME COOKED meals made from locally sourced produce Lunchtimes 12 noon - 2pm (plus Sunday Roasts) Monday 5pm - 7pm is Pie/Steak night (£9.95/£10.95 includes a free drink) Log Fires - Hidden Beer Garden with seating Folk Night on the 1st Thursday of the month Jazz/Blues/Country music night 3rd Thursday of the month
Good Beer Guide 2013/14/15/16/17/18 CAMRA Village Pub of the Year 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016 & 2017 CAMRA Village Pub of the Year, Runner Up 2014
Try our sister pub The Bay Horse at Burythorpe
ALL HALLOWS BREWERY Micro-Brewery producing original Classic English Ale PEG FYFE Dark Mild, RAGGED ROBIN Dark Ruby NO NOTION Porter plus the odd SEASONAL BEER Our Brewster is the landlady, Abbie Logozzi with much help from Peter Utley Hulland andEast EastYorkshire Yorkshire CAMRA Hull CAMRA
Branch Website Branch Website-
SECRETARY: BERNIE CAWTE 07956 424239 also Branch Contact
PUB LIAISON OFFICERS Beverley: John Ashton Bridlington: Charlie Kettley Cottingham: 'ULႈHOG Martin Bell Hedon: Pete Mason Hornsea: Brian Johnson Market Weighton: Withernsea: 9ඉඋඉඖග
Holderness Road
Twitter: @hullCAMRA
Pub Mirror is produced quarterly by Hull & East Yorkshire Branch of CAMRA and is edited by the branch magazine editor Bernie Cawte. Any views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor, CAMRA locally or nationally.
IN THIS ISSUE P7/9/11 HULL PUBS, EAST YORKSHIRE PUBS , HOLDERNESS PUBS ͳʹȀͳ͵ ǧ ͳͶȀͳͷȀͳ͸Ȁͳ͹ Ƭ ͳͺ ǧ ʹͳȀ ʹʹ Ƭ ʹ͵ Ƭ ͶͶ ǧ ʹ͹ ǧ ǧ ͵ͲȀ͵ͳ ͵ʹ
ǧ ͵ͶȀ͵ͷ ʹͲͳ͹ ǧ ͵͸Ȁ ͶͲ
Mail Group -
The Station Inn 202, Beverley Road, Hull Tel. 01482 341482 An independent free house with locally produced real ale and cider and traditional pub games. Available for private functions. Bricknell and other local breweries
@stationinnhull Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA
stationinnhull Branch Website -
FROM THE EDITOR - BERNIE CAWTE and mission conducted in its 47 year history. The proposed changes are to review the objectives of the organisation and they are: a)To secure the long term future of real ale, real cider and real perry by increasing their quality, availability and This will be our 7th festival popularity there and the Branch’s 40th b)To promote and protect pubs EHHU IHVWLYDO 6WDႈQJ IRUPV and clubs as social centres and further information are as part of the UK’s cultural on the festival website, Keep heritage an eye out for information via c)To increase recognition of our Social Media pages on WKH EHQHÂżWV RI UHVSRQVLEOH Facebook, Twitter and the moderate social drinking Branch Website. d)To play a leading role in the provision of information, In April CAMRA holds its members weekend, which this education and training to all year is being held in Coventry, those with an interest in any beer, cider and perry the weekend of 21st April. e)To act as the voice and This could be a milestone in the history of the organisation. represent the interests of all CAMRA’s Revitalisation Project pub goers and beer, cider and perry drinkers is the biggest review into the f)To ensure, where possible, organisation’s purpose, vision
At the time of publication it is only a matter of a couple of weeks to our next festival which is as I hope you know/ knew is booked in for the 12th to 14th April 2018 at Hull Minster.
We would like to place on record our thanks to the following pubs, for the hospitality shown for our various Branch meetings, activities over the last few months: Hop & Vine, Hull George Hotel, Hull Ye Olde White Harte, Hull Yates, Hull
that producers and retailers of beer, cider and perry act in the best interests of the customer. Keep an eye on our Branch website and Facebook and Twitter feeds for updates on what the member decide. Finally I am hoping that some one else comes on board 5 to take on this magazine’s production, so check page 3 to see if they have.
7KH QH[W HGLWLRQ RI 3XE 0LUURU LV GXH IRU SXEOLFDWLRQ LQ WKH ¿UVW ZHHN RI -XQH $Q\ contribution for that edition needs to be with the editor by 14th May 2018, you can email your article to the editor at: $GYHUWLVLQJ UDWHV DUH XQFKDQJHG IRU WKH VL[WK \HDU UXQQLQJ DQG \RX FDQ DGYHUWLVH RQ D RQH Rႇ basis or in bulk adverts, discounts are available. Please contact our advertising co-ordinator John at:
OUR ADVERTISERS HULL - Furley & Co, Head of Steam, Hop & Vine, Pave, Station Inn, Whalebone BEVERLEY - Chequers, Monks Walk, Sun Inn (NEW) BRIDLINGTON - Marine Bar, Board Inn, BROUGH - Centurion Arm DRIFFIELD - Butchers Dog, Spread Eagle KIRK ELLA - The Beech Tree. GOODMANHAM - Goodmanham Arms & All Hallows Brewery +('21 +HG¡2Q ,QQ Atom Brewery, %UDGÀHOG %UHZHU\ 1(: , Crafty Little Brewery, Dicks Brewery Gene Pool Brewery, Great Newsome Brewery, Half Moon Brewery Old Mill Brewery (NEW), Wold Top Brewery, Yorkshire Brewing Company
Mail Group -
Wincolmlee Hull HU2 0PA Telephone : 07506868461 Open every day from 12 ‘til late Always available Rudgate Viking, Half Moon Old Forge Five ever changing guest ales Now 6 cider/perries $OZD\V ZHOFRPLQJ DWPRVSKHUH ZLWK ORJ ÀUHV DQG ZH DUH GRJ IULHQGO\ Yorkshire Regional CAMRA Pub of the Year runner-up 2016 Hull & East Yorkshire CAMRA Hull Pub of the Year 2014, 2015 & 2016 Hull & East Yorkshire CAMRA Cider Pub of the Year 2016 Good Beer Guide (GBG) 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 )ROORZ XV RQ 7ZLWWHU SDJH WKH ZKDOHERQH#UHDGLQJ
Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA
Branch Website -
HULL PUBS REPORT BY JON MAJOR , VWDUW P\ ¿UVW UHSRUW RI ZLWK D EHODWHG mention to Sutton Fields. After a major refurbishment in the Autumn of 2017 they now ERDVW ¿YH UHDO DOHV WKHVH DUH PDLQO\ IURP the Marstons range but do have guest ales ZKLFK LQFOXGH ORFDO DOHV 7KH\ DOVR RႇHU D discount to CAMRA members with a valid card.
pub of the year 2017, the winner being the George Hotel, Kim and Alan have worked incredibly hard getting the pub to where it is QRZ DVVLVWHG E\ D ¿UVW FODVV WHDP DQ DZDUG richly deserved. Runner up was Whalebone and third St. John’s congratulations to you all.
Although we are only 2 months into the year we have already seen several pubs in the Hull area close. Valbon, which some of us may remember this as Queens, Courts Bar on Land of Green Ginger and Foredyke at North Point Shopping Centre. Whether we see any of these reopen in the near future is still unknown.
On Saturday 23rd September I had the honour and pleasure along with other members of CAMRA in presenting this prestigious award to Sarah Crombie of The Duke of York in Sutton.
Commitment to Cask
One piece of good news is that Lisa Fowler, who many may know from the Kingston Hotel on Trinity Square has also taken the helm at The Goodfellowship on Cottingham Road, /LVD KDV NLQGO\ RႇHUHG WR KRQRXU WKH &$05$ GLVFRXQW DOUHDG\ LQ SODFH WKHUH RI S Rႇ D SLQW DQG Rႇ IRRG :H WKDQN \RX IRU WKDW Lisa and wish you much success in your new venture. Another pub that has recently reopened after a brief period of closure is the Falcon on *UHDW¿HOG The Old Grey Mare opposite Hull University has doubled its real ales from 2 to 4. Greene King IPA and Abbot ales are on permanently ZLWK WZR URWDWLQJ JXHVW DOHV 7KH\ VWLOO RႇHU D PHPEHUV GLVFRXQW Only early days to report on this yet but the regeneration of George Street looks pretty exciting already with bars either opening soon or well on the way of opening these include Sharkeys bar and The Service Station. Let’s hope even more follow and bring George Street back to the street it once was. Before I close I must add my personal congratulations to the top three Hull pubs in
Mail Group -
Only a maximum of four of these are awarded each year to pubs in Hull & East Riding that the CAMRA committee believe serve exceptionally good quality real ale on a regular basis. Landlady Sarah Crombie took on The Duke of York in 2014 as a struggling pub, since then, along with her mother Mikki she has turned it around. Havinhad a refurbishment last year 7 they are now attracting customers from far and wide. The pub has a comfortable lounge area and separate public bar with pool and darts. ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR WKH ¿QH TXDOLW\ IRXU UHDO DOHV WKH\ VHOO WKH\ DOVR RႇHU D IXOO GDLO\ IRRG PHQX ZKLFK also boasts an authentic Indian cuisine menu EHLQJ RႇHUHG GD\V D ZHHN ZKLFK LV VHUYHG LQ the pubs restaurant. To prove how popular the pub has become they KRVW ¿YH GLႇHUHQW GDUWV WHDPV DQG WZR IRRWEDOO teams along with a afternoon club with bingo and live entertainment on a Tuesday followed in the evening with a music quiz, Thursday evening is a very busy general knowledge quiz DQG 6DWXUGD\ LV OLYH HQWHUWDLQPHQW WKH ¿UVW Saturday is a free comedy night with singers the rest of the month. CAMRA believe this award, which was voted in for unanimously, is a well deserved achievement for Sarah and her hard working team.
Unit 4 Food & Tech Park, Malmo Rd Sutton Fields Ind Est (West) Hull, HU7 0YF United Kingdom T:01482 820 572
Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA
Branch Website -
EAST YORKSHIRE PUBS REPORT BY MARK BAINTON Market Weighton Weighton Whippet has been closed for some time now. Uncertain if it has ceased trading completely or looking for new licensee. Good news in the town is the Carpenters Arms reopened at the end of 2017. New owners, Mark & Caroline Atkinson have taken over the running of this free house, it was previously owned by Hawthorn Leisure. Mark bought out free of tie on his pumps, to turn it into a free house, initially selling 3 cask ales, which comprised of Theakstons Best Bitter and constantly changing light ales and dark ales on the other 2 pumps. Due to customer demand D IRXUWK SXPS ZDV DGGHG WR GLVSHQVH -RKQ Smith Cask.
Cottingham The new micro pub the Hugh Fitz Patrick has had a few teething problems and the opening has been put back to around Easter time according to Shirley Bamforth the lady behind the venture.
winners of the Pub of the Year award in our Town category, twice being the bridesmaid 2012/2015 now the bride. It wouldn’t be right not to acknowledge the man who started and pushed real ale at the Marine Bar those many years ago, Paul Bennett. Paul could see the potential in supporting CAMRA’s aims, introducing 3 regular ales to VWDUW RႇHULQJ D GLVFRXQW IROORZHG E\ rotating guest beers then a guest cider, and was rewarded with an entry into the Good Beer Guide, putting the pub on the radar and it went from strength to strength with 9 consecutive entries into the Guide. Paul has moved on now & taken charge of the running of the Expanse Hotel of which the Marine Bar is part of. Bridlington should be very grateful of what he started. Board Inn has been submitted for an award for its superbly restored refurbishment inCAMRA’s Interior Pub Design Category. Meanwhile 9 the TAP, a craft keg bar opened recently at the rear of this historical pub. The conversion from stables and outbuildings has been done to Rowan Inns usual high standards and LQFRUSRUDWHV D VQXJ ZLWK ¿UHSODFH DQG D KDWFK to the main bar.The lighting is unusual, being hung from a network of ship’s ropes. South Cave Fox & Coney after its reopening at the end of last year has became dog friendly and has a GLVFRXQW IRU &$05$ PHPEHUV
The Railway reopened in December. Andy Hutton formerly from the Gardeners Country Inn at Coniston is at the helm. Their opening times are closed Mon (except Bank Holidays) Tue-Thur 12-11 food available up to 8.45; FriSat 12- midnight food available up to 8.45 Sun 12- 10.30 food up to 7.30. Bridlington &RQJUDWXODWLRQV JR RXW WR -XOLH 3RUWHU DQG KHU DVVLVWDQW $QLWD 3HDUVRQ DQG DOO RI WKHLU VWDႇ at the Marine Bar for becoming the 2017
Mail Group -
Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA
Branch Website -
HOLDERNESS PUBS REPORT BY BRIAN JOHNSON First I have some sad news in that two more pubs have closed permanently the George and Dragon in Holmpton and the Travellers Rest in Long Riston at time of writing I have no information about the future of these pubs The Board Inn in Skipsea is going up for sale. I understand from the manager that there is some interest in buying it and to continue running it as a pub. Several pubs were closed for a few weeks in the new year for refurbishment, the ones I know about are the Station in Patrington, the Falcon at Withernwick, and the Railway at New Ellerby. I am looking forward to visiting in the near future to see the results of all the hard work. There has been a few changes of ownership or licensee in recent months: The Marquis of Granby at Easington is under new ownership
Finally, if any of you are reading this and live in the Holderness area I really could do with your help in advising me of any changes in the pubs you visit, whether it is change of management or beers especially if the quality is excellent or poor or they stop selling ale. If you know of any pubs that you think deserve an entry in the 2020 edition of the Good Beer Guide we begin surveying in May and have trips to various parts of the East Riding each month until October. For a pub to be surveyed it must be nominated and seconded by CAMRA members this can be done either by attending one of the CAMRA RSHQ PHHWLQJV KHOG RQ WKH ¿UVW :HGQHVGD\ of the Month at various pubs (details on page 43 of this magazine) or by email to the Branch Chairperson at:
The Alma in Withernsea is also under new ownership and I have just heard they have started selling three ales – Titanic Plum Porter, Hook Norton “Nice Try” (in honour of the 6 nations rugby) and Exmoor Mild. Presumably an ever-changing range, but a very interesting choice to start. The Roos Arms in Roos has new owners from sometime this month and the former managers of the Constable Arms at Sproatley have taken over at the Cross Keys in Cowden and the Blue Post at North Frodingham is also under new management
12th - 14th April 2018 Hull Minster
More news from Withernsea, The Captain Williams now has a third handpump and is varying its choice of ales, but the Old Boat Shed LV QR ORQJHU RႇHULQJ &$05$ GLVFRXQW In the Holderness area we have seven entries in the 2018 Good Beer Guide.
Mail Group -
LOCALE SCHEME EXPLAINED CAMRA LocAle is an initiative which promotes pubs stocking locally brewed real ale. The scheme builds on a growing consumer demand for quality local produce and an increased awareness of ‘green’ issues.
(YHU\RQH EHQHÂżWV IURP ORFDO SXEV VWRFNLQJ locally brewed real ale‌ ‡ Public houses as stocking local real ales can increase pub visits ‡ Consumers who enjoy greater beer choice and diversity ‡ Local brewers who gain from increased sales ‡ The local economy because more money is spent and retained locally ‡ The environment due to fewer ‘beer miles’ resulting in less road congestion and pollution ‡ Tourism due to an increased sense of local identity and pride - let’s celebrate what PDNHV RXU ORFDOLW\ GLႇHUHQW Participating pubs are granted accreditation at the discretion of the local branch, Hull & East Yorkshire CAMRA, and subject to the licensee agreeing that they will endeavour to ensure at OHDVW RQH ORFDOO\ EUHZHG UHDO DOH DV GHÂżQHG E\ the local branch, is on sale at all times and that RQO\ UHDO DOH DV GHÂżQHG E\ &$05$ FDQ EH promoted as a CAMRA LocAle. 7KH 'HÂżQLWLRQ RI /RFDO For the purpose of the Hull & East Yorkshire scheme pubs would have to stock a beer from either an East Yorkshire brewery or from a brewery within 25 miles of the pub. Real ales from regional and national breweries as well as from microbreweries can be regarded as “localâ€?, if they are brewed within what the branch has deemed to be the local area. These breweries are considered to be our LocAle breweries: ‡ All Hallows, Goodmanham ‡ Atom, Hull Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA
‡ Bridlington, Bridlington ‡ Bricknell, Hull ‡ Cathead, Hull ‡ Crafty Little Brewery, Brough ‡ Dicks Brewery, Brough ‡ East Yorkshire Beer Co, Beverley ‡ Gene Pool Brewery ‡ Great Newsome, South Frodingham ‡ Half Moon, Ellerton ‡ Old Mill, Snaith ‡ Twisted Angel Brewery, Beverley ‡ Vision Brewery, Hull (NEW) ‡ Wold Top, Wold Newton ‡ Yorkshire Brewing Co, Hull ‡ Yorkshire Brewhouse, Hull ‡ If your local pub carries any of our breweries’ EHHU SOHDVH FRQWDFW RXU /RF$OH 2ႈFHU -RQ Major whose email address is on page 3 of this publication. Our LocAle pubs are listed on the below and opposite.
Chilli Devil’s, Hull
Fox and Coney, South Cave Branch Website -
Hornsea: Stackhouse Bar, Marine Hotel
Bempton: White Horse
Kelk: Chestnut Horse
Brunswick, Marine Bar, 3DFN +RUVH 3ULRU -RKQ Queens Hotel, Telgraph.
Roos Arms
Sproatley: Blue Bell Inn
Walkington: Ferguson Fawsitt
Blue Bell
Hope & Anchor
Howden: Tailors Chalk
Beverley: Chequers, Monks Walk, Windmill
Paull: Humber Tavern
Kingston upon Hull: Furley & Co, Hop & Vine, Larkins Bar, Lion & Key, Royal Hotel, Minerva, Old House, Pave, Station Inn, Vintage, Walters, Whalebone, William Hawkes, Yates
Triton Inn
Wawne: Waggoners
Welwick: Coach & Horses
Withernsea: Old Boat Shed
Lelley: Stags Head
Buccaneer, Centurion Arms
Leven: Hare and Hounds, New Inn
Hare & Hounds
Burton Pidsea:
Little Weighton:
Do you think your pub should be on this list then contact us at:
Black Horse
Black Bull, Nancy
Withernwick: Falcon Inn,
New Ellerby: Railway Inn
NOW AVAILABLE The First Forty Years
Cross Keys
Driffield: Benjamin Fawcett Butchers Dog, Spread Eagle
North Cave: White Hart
North Frodingham: Blue Post Inn
Ship Inn
The History of the Hull & East Yorkshire Branch Of CAMRA by Ken Smith %UDQFK 3XEV 3URWHFWLRQ 2IÀFHU
Old Ellerby: Blue Bell
Goodmanham Arms
Ottringham: Watts Arms
St Quintins Arms
Hedon: Shakespeare, Hed’On Inn
Patrington: Amy’s Bar & Kitchen, Station Hotel
Mail Group -
beer and cider support group? Keg is returning with a passion, as breweries and pubs want to
the membership has decided. This is one way that illustrates how CAMRA is about member
Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA
Branch Website -
Hull Pubs Avenue, Chanterlands Avenue: Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOHV DQG IRRG Corn Exchange, Lowgate: Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOHV Dram Shop, George Street: S Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; D SLQW RI FDVN DOHV Furley and Co, Princes Dock St Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOHV Gardenersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Arms, Cottingham Road: Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOHV Goodfellowship Inn, Cottingham Road: S Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; D SLQW RI FDVN DOH DQG Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; IRRG Haworth Arms, Beverley High Road: <RXU WK SLQW RI FDVN DOH IUHH ± $1' Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOH IRU CAMRA members; Head of Steam, Trinity Square: S Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; D SLQW RI FDVN DOH National, National Ave: Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOHV Old Grey Mare, Cottingham Road: Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOHV Pave, Princes Avenue: Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOHV Sutton Fields, Oslo Road: Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOHV (NEW) Vintage, Silver Street: S Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; SLQW RI FDVN DOH East Yorkshire Town and Village Pubs: Black Horse, Atwick: Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOH Dog and Duck, Beverley: S Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; D SLQW RI FDVN DOH DQG D PHDO GHDO 0RQ WR )UL OXQFK Monks Walk, Beverley; S Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; D SLQW RI FDVN DOH Green Dragon, Beverley: S Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; D SLQW RI FDVN DOH Triton Inn, Brantingham Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOH 16 Marine Bar, Bridlington Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOH Red Hawk, Brough Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOH Ferry Inn, Brough Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOH (NEW) Fair Maid, Cottingham Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOH King William IV, Cottingham S SHU SLQW Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOH Railway Inn, Cottingham S Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOH Tiger, Cottingham Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOH The Butcherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dog, 'ULá&#x201A;&#x2C6;HOG S Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; D SLQW RI UHDO DOH RU FLGHU Middle Pub (formally Old Falcon),'ULá&#x201A;&#x2C6;HOG S Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; D SLQW RI FDVN DOH Light Dragoon, Etton S Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; SLQW RI FDVN DOH Hedâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;on Inn, Hedon Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOHV Marine Hotel, Hornsea Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOH Stackhouse Bar, Hornsea S SHU SLQW Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOH Beech Tree, Kirk Ella DQ (PEHU ,QQV Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HU RI S Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; D SLQW RI FDVN DOH QRW DYDLODEOH 0RQGD\V Wheatsheaf, Kirk Ella: Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; IRRG SOXV FDVN DOH DW Â&#x2026; D SLQW ZKHQ GLQLQJ (NEW) New Inn, Leven Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOH Sandpiper, Melton Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; IRRG Duke of Cumberland, Nth Ferriby: Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; IRRG SOXV FDVN DOH DW Â&#x2026; D SLQW ZKHQ GLQLQJ (NEW) Ship Inn, Sewerby S Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; D SLQW RI FDVN DOH Sun Inn, Skirlaugh; Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOH Fox and Coney, South Cave: Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOH (NEW) Ferguson Fawsitt, Walkington Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; D SLQW RI FDVN DOH Green Dragon, Welton: Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOH Warton Arms, Woodmansey Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; FDVN DOH You can also use your Wetherspoons 50p vouchers which are now valid for real cider and real ale.
Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA
Branch Website -
MEMBERS DISCOUNT SCHEME (CONT) 3OHDVH PDNH XVH RI WKHVH Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUV DV WKH\ ZLOO VDYH \RX PRQH\ DQG VKRZ WKH SXEV WKDW &$05$ PHPEHUV XVH WKHP $OVR SOHDVH OHW XV NQRZ LI WKH SXEOLVKHG GHWDLOV DSSHDU WR EH LQFRUUHFW 2á&#x201A;&#x2021;HUV FKDQJH DQG ZH DUH QRW DOZD\V WKH ¿UVW WR NQRZ ,W LV DOZD\V ZRUWK WDNLQJ \RXU PHPEHUVKLS FDUG DQG DVNLQJ EDU VWDá&#x201A;&#x2021; LI WKH\ Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HU D GLVFRXQW HYHQ ZKHQ D SXE LV QRW OLVWHG DERYH <RX PD\ JHW D nice surprise! Details of local discounts for members are publicised locally in Pub Mirror (of course), in the Membersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Digest, on the branch website, on facebook and twitter and at branch events such as the Real Ale and Cider Festival. Licensees may want to look at it as a form of advertising their pub. If you travel elsewhere in the country, check out the local CAMRA branch websites and the &$05$ PDJD]LQHV WR ¿QG RXW Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUV DYDLODEOH LQ WKH DUHD \RX DUH YLVLWLQJ Want to get active in CAMRA? Feel free to ask about whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going on, committee or associate positions that maybe vacant, social activities and surveying for the next Good Beer Guide. You may have some great ideas for what we should do in the branch or which pubs are worthy of Good Beer Guide entries â&#x20AC;&#x201C; please let us know. Relevant contact details can be found elsewhere in this Pub Mirror but my email contact for any membership issues in particular is:
The UKâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best selling pub guide is back!
Get your hands on a copy of CAMRAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 45th edition of the Good Beer Guide and hunt out the best pubs in Britain, with the help and guidance of CAMRAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 180,000+ members. Complete the form below and discover the indispensable guide for beer and pub lovers young and old. By buying the book directly from CAMRA youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re helping support and protect real ale, real cider & real perry, and pubs & pub-goers. The new guide is published in September 2017 you can order a copy now (details below).
How To Order* Post: Complete the form on this page and send to: CAMRA, 230 Hatfield Road, St Albans AL1 4LW Phone: To order by credit card please phone 01727 867201 during office hours. Online: Please visit
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I wish to buy the 2018 Good Beer Guide for £11 (CAMRA Members only) plus p&p
I wish to buy the 2018 Good Beer Guide for £15.99 plus p&p
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Postal Chargesâ&#x20AC; : UK £2.50. EU £7.50. Rest of the World £10.00
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*Further discounts available at â&#x20AC; Please note postal charges stated apply to orders for one copy of the Good Beer Guide 2018 only. Full details available at
GBG 2018 A5 Order form advert Landscape.indd 1
Mail Group -
19/07/2017 13:04
FOLLOW THE TIGERS ON THE AMBER TRAIL We are pleased to continue our long association with the Tigersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 2á&#x201A;&#x2C6;FLDO 6XSSRUWHUV &OXE ZH DUH QRZ LQ RXU WK \HDU DQG VXJJHVW some real ale pubs near the grounds. Most of these pubs will be in CAMRAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Good Beer Guide, so I hope you enjoy the real ales/ FLGHU RQ Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HU LI \RX FRPH DFURVV DQ\ RWKHU SXEV HVSHFLDOO\ DZD\ friendly pubs, please let us know at Burton Albion - Tuesday 10th April (KO 19.45) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The home of English beer brewing in the past it still has 7 pubs in this year 2018 GBG. Coming up from the station is Derby Inn, 17 Derby Road (DE14 1RU) friendly two roomed Victorian pub LW Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUV D VWHS EDFN LQ WLPH WR D PRUH UHOD[HG ZD\ RI OLIH XVXDOO\ Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HULQJ D FKRLFH IURP UHDO ales and serves evening meal. Also near the railway station is the Roebuck Inn, (right) 101 Station Road (DE14 1BT) another Victorian pub, once the Inde Coope brewery tap. The original draught Burton Ale was launched here in 1976. Serving up to 6 real ales, including Draft Bass. Another pub on Station Road is Last Heretic, 59 Station Road, a smart micropub in a terrace of commercial buildings, up to 6 real ales and 5 cider and perries. Bristol City - Saturday 21st April (KO 15.00) The Orchard Inn,(right)12 Hanover Square (BS1 6XT) a previous National CAMRA cider pub of the year, is a popular one bar street-corner local, close to the SS Great Britain and 15 minutesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 18 walk from the city centre along the harbourside. Up to eight beers served by gravity and up to 24 ciders are available. Homemade pub food is served. The Tobacco Factory Café Bar, Raleigh 5RDG %6 7) LV D ¿YH PLQXWH ZDON EHKLQG WKH Atyeo stand.Popular with a young, funky crowd as well as locals. The low-cost interior design PDNHV D YLUWXH RI WKH LQGXVWULDO IHHO 2á&#x201A;&#x2021;HULQJ D great selection of drinks and a restaurant quality menu. Brentford - Sunday 6th May (KO 12.30) - This is it, famously the only club with a pub on each corner and also holds the record for having most pubs within a square mile. Of those four SXEV WZR KDYH IHDWXUHG LQ WKH *%* 7KH *ULá&#x201A;&#x2C6;Q (TW8 0NP) (right) is a friendly corner local with comfortable interior, outside seating and a small shaded patio beer garden. The pub featured in WKH IRRWEDOO ¿OP µ*UHHQ 6WUHHW¶ 1HZ ,QQ 7: 0NX) for away fans is a cosy pub/inn, there is a large beer garden at the rear and there are numerous TVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in the bar with separate restaurant area. On the New Road corner of Brook Road is the Royal Oak, a quieter more laid back pub thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s very small and friendly, although the size means it can get quite crowded. To complete the quartet is The Princess Royal on the Ealing Road corner of Braemar Road, was a pub run by the club but it is now returned back to Fullers. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s friendly, laid back and reasonably priced. Hope you had a good season trying our recommended CAMRA GBG pubs, see you soon Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA
Branch Website -
Supporters of Hull Real Ale & Cider Festival
HULL REAL ALE & CIDER FESTIVAL 2017 - REVISITED $V HGLWRU RI 30 , ZRXOG OLNH WR RႇHU P\ DSRORJLHV WR Derek Taylor Photography as some of the pictures from the last years festival, which featured in our last edition, failed to meet the standard we all would hope to achieve. This was purely down to our quality control and not Derek’s photo’s. Therefore I have reprinted them as they should look and hope it gives you a true represenation of Derek’s work. Derek can be contacted at We also had the same with problem with one of the adverts, that of Great Newsome Brewery DQG DJDLQ , ZRXOG RႇHU P\ DSRORJLHV IRU QRW SLFNLQJ LW XS DW RXW SURRI UHDGLQJ VWDJH
Mail Group -
HULL REAL ALE & CIDER FESTIVAL 2017 - REVISITED Dont forget our 2018 Festival is on 12th to 14th April at Hull Minster. Come and enjoy the unique atmosphere in this stunning environment. Further details elsewhere in this magazine.
APRIL IS COMMUNITY PUBS MONTH Our view of community pubs is inclusive EXW TXDOLÂżHG &$05$ÂśV ZRUNLQJ GHÂżQLWLRQ that a community pub is â&#x20AC;&#x153;a licensed hub which encourages social interactions and puts something back into the communities it
friends, acquaintances or strangers, putting VRPHWKLQJ EDFN ZH PHDQ WR Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HU VRPH IDFLOLW\ RU XQGHUWDNH VRPH DFWLRQ ZKLFK LV RI EHQHÂżW WR a community, without any motivation based on GLUHFW ÂżQDQFLDO EHQHÂżW WR WKH SXE Licensees have been encouraged to organise community focussed events during April, so if your pub is organising such an event please let us know and we will advertise it through our various social media sites on Facebook and Twitter as well as via our Branch Website.
servesâ&#x20AC;?. By encouraging social interactions we mean discussions and conversation between customers, whether those customers be family, Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA
:H KDYH 3XEV 2á&#x201A;&#x2C6;FHUV IRU DOO DUHDV GHWDLOV DUH on page 3 of this edition of Pub Mirror. Contact us and let us help you to encourage and promote your â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Community Assetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Branch Website -
SOCIAL NEWS BY CAROL JOHNSON Wassailing to Skidbrook A party of thirty one, including six new members travelled by coach to Skidbrook Dale in Lincolnshire to celebrate the Wassail, with much dancing and singing, as well as the contribution from the Morris men and women. We dipped toast in cider and put it on trees to bless next seasonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s crop and feed the birds. We drank the cider, and enjoyed a hog URDVW ZKLOVW VWDQGLQJ E\ D ZDUPLQJ ¿UH LQ WKH orchard. 7KH QH[W VWRS ZDV WKH 1HZ ,QQ DW 6DOWÃ&#x20AC;HHW where Batemanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s XB and Yellow Belly were on Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HU )XUWKHU SHUIRUPDQFHV E\ WKH 0RUULV PHQ and women continued as the snow fell thick and fast outside.
:DNH¿HOG 9LVLW On Saturday 3rd February I had the pleasure once again in hosting a visiting branch of CAMRA, this time it was thirty members from WKH :DNH¿HOG %UDQFK RQ WKHLU SRVW IHVWLYDO YLVLW They started their visit at Bridlington Brewery followed by 2 hours visiting several bars around Bridlington. They arrived in a cold and rainy Hull at 3.45pm visiting several bars around the Old Town DUHD DQG VHYHUDO ¿QLVKHG ZLWK D YLVLW WR +RS Vine before their coach picked them up at St. Stephens at 8pm. All had nothing but praise for the bars they visited.
We went into Louth with the most amazing church spire, it seems to go on forever The pubs are small and quaint with many connecting alleyways. $ ¿UP IDYRULWH WKH &RQVRUWLXP LV D QHZ micro pub in the Market Place, where most of our party met up. It was the same in the Wheatsheaf where we drank Brains Bitter, 7KRUQEULGJH -DLSXU ,3$ LQ VPDOO TXDLQW URRPV As the snow had turned to rain, these pubs were most welcoming :H OHIW DW SP DQG ¿QLVKHG WKH UDá&#x201A;&#x2030;H RQ WKH way home after a great day out.
We thank them for choosing our area for their visit and hope to see them in the future. 5HSRUW IURP -RQ 0DMRU +XOO 3XEV 2á&#x201A;&#x2C6;FHU
Forthcoming Events June 16th - Great Newsome Brewery September 22 or 23 - Malton Social Trip October 13th or 15th North Valley Railway - Beer Festival December 8th - Christmas trip to &KHVWHUÃ&#x20AC;HOG 0DUNHW
(Bernie and Angela enjoying the Gas Lamp Lounge in Louth)
Mail Group -
Look out for further details via Branch Website and Social Media outlets.
Opening Hours Thursday 12th & Friday 13th April - 12noon to 10.30 pm Admission ÂŁ5 (including free festival guide and refundable glass cost) Saturday 14th April - 12noon to sell out or 9pm Admission free all day, (ÂŁ1 refundable glass charge) Admission free at all times to CAMRA members on production of a current membership card
Other Festival Highlights Over 135 Real Ales - 30 plus Cider & Perry 25 plus Bottled and Canned British & Foreign Beers Hot and Cold Food Stalls CAMRA Tombola Children Welcome Before 5.30pm Live Acoustic Music
Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA
Branch Website -
12th - 14th April 2018 Hull Minster
HULL REAL ALE & CIDER FESTIVAL Volunteer staffing form 2018 Your personal details
Name Address
Postcode Telephone number CAMRA membership number (if applicable) Relevant qualifications (if applicable) Medical restrictions (if applicable) Email Address
Festival Set up Please tick when you will be helping to set up the festival, this includes building the bars and stillage and more.
Sunday 8th April - loading van Monday 9th April Tuesday 10th April Wednesday 11th April
Lunch snack provided Lunch snack provided Lunch snack provided
Shifts whilst festival is open
First of all which job would you prefer to do? (please place in preference i.e 1, 2, 3 etc)
Please now mark when you will be working
Serving on the gravity bar Serving on the real ale bar Serving on the cider bar Serving on the bottle bar Admissions Token sales Tombola 1130-1500
Glass washing Steward/Security Other (specify) Don't mind
Thursday 12th April (open 12:00-22:30) Friday 13th April (open 12:00-22:30) Saturday 14th April (open 12:00-21:00)
One token per hour worked Taxis will be provided where needed
Festival take down Please tick when you will be helping to take down the festival, including returning the kit to storage
Monday 16th April
Signature By signing this staffing form you indicate that you understand and will comply with the festival staff guidelines, including health & safety, licensing requirements and food hygiene regulations. Signature ..
Date ..
Return to Angela Cawte at email: or post to 38 Jalland Street, Holderness Road, Hull, HU8 8RB
Mail Group -
Independent bar & eatery serving a freshly prepared seasonal menu of meat, fish, veggie, vegan and gluten-free dishes We also offer an extensive selection of world beers, ciders, cask conditioned ales and fair-trade tea/coffee
Check out our website, facebook and instagram pages for music and event listings Recommended in the ‘Rough Guide To Yorkshire’
www.pave pave_bar_hull
As listed in CAMRA’s Good Beer Guide 2018
PAV E · 1 6 - 2 0 Pr i n c e s Av e n u e H u l l H U 5 3 Q A · Te l ( 0 1 4 8 2 ) 3 3 3 1 8 1
Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA
Branch Website -
branch agm report 2018 by angela cawte The Branchâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s AGM was held at the George Hotel, Land of Green Ginger on 7th March.
down. Anyone intrested in taking on this role, please contact the branch Chairperson or Secretary.
We were joined by Regional director Kevin Keaveny, (below right pictured with Bernie Cawte Branch Secretary and Angela Cawte, Branch Chairperson).
A presentation was made to Barry Drinkall (pictured below) in recognition of his involvement in branch activity in the past year.
Kevin encouraged all members to not only vote but to use those votes wisely as part of CAMRAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Rejuvenation review.
The meeting also paid tribute to Neil Pickford and Ivor Hurst who both passed away in the last year
There are some changes to the Branch Committee.
Tony Garrett, Membership Secretary, stood down from the role after 11 years to concentrate on his business. Ken Smith has now added the responsibility for membership to his continuing role of Pub Protection. Steve Allison, who shared the role of Social Secretary, stood down after two years, because of his work commitments. Mark Spight, SUHYLRXVO\ 3XEVÂś 2á&#x201A;&#x2C6;FHU IRU +XOO KDV UH MRLQHG WKH FRPPLWWHH DV 3UHVV 2á&#x201A;&#x2C6;FHU and will deal with all forms of media. All other roles remain unchanged. 'HWDLOV RI DOO %UDQFK Rá&#x201A;&#x2C6;FLDOV DQG DVVRFLDWH positions can be found on page 3. 7KHUH LV RQH PDMRU Rá&#x201A;&#x2C6;FHU YDFDQF\ DQG WKDW LV this magazines editor role, Bernie has been editor for 8 years and is now wanting to stand
Mail Group -
Thousands of pubs at your fingertips! Featuring over 35,000 real ale pubs
Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA
Branch Website -
dog friendly pubs We are always being asked for Dog Friendly pubs in our area so with the help of our branch member Steve Purdie and his dog Belle (below) here is a list of pubs we know about. If you know of anymore please email me at with the details Atwick, Black Horse inn (NEW) Beverley, Woolpack Beverley, Chequers Beverley (Hull Bridge), Crown and Anchor Beverley, Tiger Beverley, Royal Standard Beverley, Potting shed Beverley, Monks Walk Beverley, Green Dragon, front room only Beverley, White Horse (Nellies) (NEW) Beverley, Sloop inn Beverley, Cornerhouse Beverley, Lord Nelson Beverley, Queens Head , after food service Cottingham, Cross Keys Cottingham, King William IV Cottingham, Hallgate Tavern Cottingham, Railway 'ULá&#x201A;&#x2C6;HOG %XWFKHUV 'RJ Easington, Marquis of Granby Easington, White Horse Hedon, Hedâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;On Inn Hollym, Plough Hornsea, Luciens Bar Hornsea, New Inn Hornsea, Marine Hotel Hornsea, Stackhouse Bar Hull, Head of Steam Hull, Peoplesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Republic
Sailmakers, High St. Hull Furley & Co, Hull Whalebone, Hull Lord Nelson, Hull 6W -RKQÂśV +XOO Queens, Hull Bay Horse, Hull William Hawkes, Hull Polar Bear, Hull Old English Gentleman, Hull Blue Bell, Hull Black Boy, Hull The Station, Hull The County, Hull (bar only) The Highway, Hull (NEW) Hop & Vine, Hull Blue Bell, Keyingham Wheatsheaf, Kirk Ella Stags Head, Lelley Carpenters Arms, Market Weighton 29 Red Lion, Market Weighton White Hart, North Cave (NEW) Duke of Cumberland, North Ferriby Holderness Inn, Patrington Humber Tavern, Paull Ship Inn, Sewerby Green Dragon, Welton Coach and Horses, Welwick Old Boat Shed, Withernsea
discount dave We were saddened to hear of the death of Dave Walsh, a regular real ale drinker in the Old Town and a fan of Pub Mirror. Although he was not a CAMRA member he was what is usually referred to as a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;regularâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, most recently at the George Hotel. Dave was fondly kown as â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Discount Daveâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; due to his habit of making gifts of food and sweets ERXJKW DW UHGXFHG SULFHV IURP 0DUNV DQG 6SHQFHU WR WKH VWDá&#x201A;&#x2021; LQ WKH SXEV 'DYH PDGH friends with many of the regular customers who paid tribute to him by attending his funeral held at Chanterlands Crematorium. He will be missed, RIP.
Mail Group -
PUBS PRESERVATION SOCIETY First of all this month I want to give a bit of an update on one of Hullâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most interesting and important pubs, namely the White Hart on Alfred Gelder Street. Those of you who have been past it during late -DQXDU\ DQG HDUO\ )HEUXDU\ ZLOO KDYH QRWLFHG that it is shrouded in an extraordinary amount RI VFDá&#x201A;&#x2021;ROGLQJ VHH EHORZ :KHQ , ÂżUVW VDZ LW , was somewhat alarmed as this Grade II listed building is a very important part of the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s history. I need not have worried however as a quick call to the local planning conservation Rá&#x201A;&#x2C6;FHU VRRQ FOHDUHG WKLQJV XS ,W VHHPV WKH city has been successful in obtaining funding from a central source which has been used to set up â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Old Town Heritage Schemeâ&#x20AC;? which allows property owners to bid for money to help refurbish the exterior of their building. The owner of the White Hart has taken advantage of this to improve the appearance of this iconic pub. All work is being monitored by the 30 FRXQFLOÂśV Rá&#x201A;&#x2C6;FHUV WR HQVXUH WKDW LW FRPSOLHV with the strict conditions relating both the grant funding and the requirements of the relevant listed building legislation. We now know that, following completion of the works, WKLV PDJQLÂżFHQW SXE LV VFKHGXOHG WR EH UH opened, hopefully by 30 March 2018, under the management of Crafty Little Brewery.
either currently being considered or have been GHFLGHG LQ WKH UHFHQW SDVW )RU FODULÂżFDWLRQ when reading the following please be aware WKDW LQ WKH SODQQLQJ UHJXODWLRQV GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW XVHV IDOO LQWR GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW FODVVHV WKLV LV VRPHWKLQJ ZKLFK LV GHWDLOHG YHU\ VSHFLÂżFDOO\ LQ ZKDW LV called the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Use Classes Orderâ&#x20AC;?. The ones which mainly interest me when reading about changes of use are â&#x20AC;&#x153;A4 - Drinking Establishmentâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;A3 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Restaurants and Cafesâ&#x20AC;? as it is these which will usually be applying for alcohol licences and so are potential outlets for real ale. I should also point out that since the change in the regulations last year any material changes to a public house from change of use to complete demolition have required full planning permission so applications for this type of building are becoming more frequent.
East Riding of Yorkshire 1.Lairgate, Beverley: Application to convert two retail units to a â&#x20AC;&#x153;Drinking Establishmentâ&#x20AC;? Refused 2.The Green Dragon, Beverley: (below) Alterations including, 7KH UHPRYDO RI VRPH Âż[HG VHDWLQJ 5HPRYDO RI the two curved ends of the bar; New wooden Ă&#x20AC;RRULQJ WR FRYHU WKH SDYLQJ LQ WKH IURQW VHDWLQJ area; Complete refurbishment of the toilets; ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI D Âż[HG FRYHUHG VHDWLQJ DUHD LQ the courtyard Pending Consideration
Also in this edition I thought Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d detail on some of the planning applications relating to public houses and other drinking establishments, either existing or new proposals, that are Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA
Branch Website -
BY KEN SMITH 3.The Goodmanham Arms, Goodmanham: (below) $SSOLFDWLRQ WR FRQYHUW WZR Ă&#x20AC;DW ZLQGRZV WR ED\V Approved
5.Dover Sole ( formerly Gipsyville Tavern): Application to erect a three storey building behind retained elevations to provide ground Ă&#x20AC;RRU UHWDLO XQLWV DQG Ă&#x20AC;DWV DERYH Approved 6.The Star, Portland Street: (below) Demolition of pub to make way for new parking arrangements for hotel. Approved
4.136 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 138 Newbegin, Hornsea: Change of use from shop to drinking establishment/cafĂŠ and associated alterations. Pending Consideration 5.2 Lairgate Beverley Pasha Turkish Barber Change of use to CafĂŠ/restaurant Pending Consideration
7.Corner of Scale Lane & High Street: Change of use to drinking establishment Approved
Hull 1.140 George Street (Former Black & Decker shop) Change of Use to drinking establishment Approved
8.The George, Spring Bank West: (below) Application to demolish (No application for a replacement building on the site). Pending Consideration
2.Lord Line Building, St Andrewâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dock: $OWHUDWLRQV DQG FKDQJH RI XVH WR Rá&#x201A;&#x2C6;FHV restaurant and drinking establishment Pending Consideration 3.King William House, Market Place: Change of use and alterations to create (among other things) drinking establishment and microbrewery. Pending Consideration 4.The Windmill, Hotel, Witham: &KDQJH RI XVH RI ÂżUVW Ă&#x20AC;RRU KRWHO DFFRPPRGDWLRQ WR VHOI FRQWDLQHG Ă&#x20AC;DWV Approved
Mail Group -
If you have any comments or information please contact me at the following email address:
CIDER IN MAY AND MILD IN MAY CAMPAIGNS Cider is now promoted nationally in May in addition to our October Cider campaign and LV SDUW RI RXU HႇRUWV WR UDLVH WKH SUR¿OH RI UHDO cider/perry campaigning throughout the year. An important aspect of real cider and perry is that the taste and appearance can not only vary from year to year, but also vary from batch to batch. This is because apples and pears vary from year to year, and from orchard to orchard. Typical Taste Attributesv- includeSweetness, Fruitiness, Sharpness,Tannin, Wine-Like, Cask Matured i.e.the taste of oak, whisky, rum, wine, or sherry you get from maturing the drink in a previously used wooden cask. Other tastes include tart, sour, bitter, and “farmyard”.
There are also various styles including West Country, Eastern and Kentish. There are also single varieity v blended as well as ‘keeved’ (where the yeast is intentionally starved of nutrients before all the sugar has been
fermented to alcohol). Check out our WhatPub app for your local cider pub and if they are doing anything special for May please let us know at cider@hull.camra. Mild in May is an ongoing campaign in which CAMRA try to help pubs promote at least one mild on their bars throughout May. Mild is a beer that is less hopped than bitter, etc. The darkness of Dark Milds comes from the use of darker malts and/or roasted barley. “Chocolate” “fruity”, “nutty” and “burnt” are all tastes to be found in the complexity of Milds. However, not all milds are dark. Timothy Taylors Golden Best is a light coloured mild, as is Bank’s Original. In Scotland, 60/- ale is similar to mild. Does your pub plan to have Mild in May, if so let us know so we can spread the word via our social media sites. Or why not ask your local to get some mild in, these may be available from our LocAle brewers, details on the brewery pages in this magazine.
Love our real ale as much as we do? Enjoy our bottled beers at home! ORDER ONLINE AT FREE to CLICK & COLLECT
Tour the Brewery! Enjoy a fascinating trip around our traditional brewhouse and Fermenting Room. Experience the Old Mill brewing process, starting with the aroma and taste of English hops and malted barley, then through the scientific process and finally on to the end product; a glass of one of our award-winning ales from the Old Mill bar. Group visits are welcome, pre-booking is essential.
Call 01405 861813 or email
OLD MILL BREWERY SNAITH YORKSHIRE DN14 9HU 01405 861813 and East Yorkshire CAMRA Branch Website -
USEFUL INFORMATION REAL ALE V SMOOTH What is Real Ale? Real Ale is a living beer. It continues to ferment DQG GHYHORS LWV IXOO ÀDYRXU LQ WKH FDVN Real Ale is brewed from traditional ingredients, malt, hops, water and yeast matured by secondary fermentation in the container from which it is dispensed, and served without the extraneous use of carbon dioxide or nitrogen via hand pumps. Real Ale is also called cask beer or cask conditioned.
CAMRA HEAD OFFICE Campaign for Real Ale Limited +DW¿HOG 5RDG ST ALBANS AL1 4LW 01727 86720
CITIZENS ADVICE If you have any complaints regarding short measure or any related consumer rights issues, please contact Citizens Advice: 03444 111 4444 or
TRANSPORT INFORMATION BUS COMPANIES East Yorkshire Motor Services (01482) 592929
Examples of Traditional Handpumps What are ‘Smooth’ beers? Smooth beers are brewed in much the same way as real ale but eventually the natural yeast is killed and processed to give longer shelf life. The dead beer is then resurrected by means of chemicals and served chilled by gas pressure through fonts. Smooth beer sales are also known as nitro-keg beer.
Stagecoach (01482) 222333 Bus Call (8am til 8pm 7 days a week) (0871 200 2233)
TRAIN COMPANIES Hull Trains 03450 710222 Northern Rail 0800 200 6060 TransPennine Express 0345 600 1671
Examples of Smooth Dispensers Mail Group -
CAMRA says Please don’t Drink & Drive @hullCAMRA
pubs of the year (POTY)2017) As you will have seen on the front page we have annouced our winners of the Pubs of the Year for our Branch Area. Here is some information on the best of our pubs. These pubs are nominated by our members and this year over 60 pubs were nominated for the three areas or categories which our Branch covers (Hull, Towns and Villages) These results have been determined by independent judges, and based on considerations of not only the quality of the real ale served but also the overall experience, including value for money and adherence to CAMRA’s values.
Previous Hull Pub of the Year for the last 3 years, and the runner-up in CAMRA’s Yorkshire Pub of the Year 2017 Other pubs commended in this section were: St Johns Hotel, Queens Road
Towns Winner: The Marine Bar, Expanse Hotel, Bridlington
Hull (City) Winner: The George Hotel, Land of Green Ginger.
An unexpected gem of a hotel bar Runner-up:
A fabulous example of how a pub can improve, now selling seven casks and a cider, once in danger of closure, now an absolute pleasure Runner-up: The Whalebone, Wincolmlee
An early micro-pub and also last year’s runner up in the same category. It’s amazing how much is packed into such a small place Other pubs commended in this section were:
Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA
Branch Website -
POTY 2017 (cont) Villages Winner Goodmanham Arms, Goodmanham Serving excellent Yorkshire Beers, Ciders & Lagers WůƵƐ Ă ƐĞůĞĐƟŽŶ ŽĨ &ŝŶĞ tŝŶĞƐ Θ ^ƉŝƌŝƚƐ
It’s a CHATTER PUB (No TV or Juke Box)
A long standing members’ favourite, tucked away in the Wolds village of Goodmanham
Food served daily 12noon—2.45 pm Monday—Saturday: homemade soup, ŚŽƚ Θ ĐŽůĚ ƐĂŶĚǁŝĐŚĞƐ͕ ĐŽůĚ ƉůĂƩĞƌƐ Θ ƉŽƌŬ ƉŝĞƐ Sunday: Home-cooked Sunday Lunch
Runner-up: The New Royal Mail, Thorngumbald LIVE MUSIC Mon & Weds (and some weekends) QUIZ Tuesday Quiet Rooms & Beer Garden Dog friendly !
One of the newest pubs in the branch area, created in response to the loss of the original Royal Mail pub in the village Other pubs commended in this section were:
Blue Bell, Ellerby We would like to thank all our members who took part in the POTY process, it is nice to see some new pubs amongst those nominated. Reports of the presentation award and pictures ZLOO EH LQ RXU QH[W HGLWLRQ GXH RXW LQ -XQH
Mail Group -
30p discount per pint on real ales/ciders on ƉƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ ŽĨ DZ ĐĂƌĚ
Visit our Fb page for upcoming beers at ‘Monks Walk public house’
19 Highgate, Beverley , HU17 0DN Tel: 01482 864972@hullCAMRA
BREWERY NEWS ALL HALLOWS Goodmanham Arms, Main Street *22'0$1+$0 <2 -$ 01430 873849 Regular Beers: Peg Fyfe Dark Mild (ABV 5DJJHG 5RELQ 5XE\ $OH 1R 1RWLRQ 3RUWHU $%9 %/2 -RKQ $VKWRQ :LQWHU 6RODFH D ULFK GDUN DOH LV $EELHÂśV latest brew alongside her three regular beers.
ATOM Unit 4 Food & Tech Park Malmo Road, Sutton Fields Ind Est W HULL, HU7 0YF 07908 737769 5HJXODU %HHUV %ORQGH $%9 3DOH $OH $%9 'DUN $OFKHP\ $%9 ,QGLD 3DOH $OH $%9
BLO Atom have started a new barrel aging SURJUDPPH ZLWK WKH ÂżUVW FDVNV EHLQJ -LP %HDP
36 bourbon casks in which they are aging Neutron Star, for release with the next batch of Neutron They are also about to release a new pale ale called Planks Constant, which is an all German pale ale and part of the origin series.
BRIDLINGTON BREWERY Pack Horse 7 Market Pl, %ULGOLQJWRQ <2 45HJXODU %HHUV 4XD\ *ROG $%9 BLO - Tony Garrett Rob and Helen are now brewing their beers regularly and report that their beers are selling well at the Pack Horse in Bridlington. They have taken a rest on brewing Bulldog for the time being, concentrating on the new ale, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Moeâ&#x20AC;?, a hoppy beer made from Mosaic hops. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Seafretâ&#x20AC;?, previously brewed at the Telegraph, is another light beer, which although it has the sound of a coastal mist, is actually named after a local music duo. Finally, they continue to brew their liquorice Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA
SRUWHU ³%ODFN -DFN´ ZKLFK VRPH UHDGHUV ZLOO have drunk and enjoyed before. So, if you are in Bridlington, take a wander to the Pack Horse and try some of their own brewed ales.
BRICKNELL BREWERY Bricknell Avenue HULL HU5 4ET 07729 722953 Current Beer Range: Saazy Blonde (ABV &DVFDGH 3DOH $%9 $QFKRU 3DOH $OH $%9 'RXEOH $QFKRU ,3$ $%9 %RVSKRURXV 6WURQJ 'DUN 5XE\ $OH $%9 &KRFRODWH 3RUWHU $%9 6ODYDQND ,PSHULDO 5XVVLDQ 6WRXW $%9
%/2 -RKQ 5XVKIRUWK 1HZ EHHUV DUH 0HDX[ $EEH\ DW /DUNLQÂśV %LWWHU LV RQ JHQHUDO VDOH LH QRW MXVW IRU WKDW EDU DQG *UHHQ +RS %LWWHU LV 6WLOO selling out mainly on bottle condition but pins being supplied on request.
CRAFTY LITTLE BREWERY Building 40, Humber Business Park, Saltgrounds Road, BROUGH, HU15 1ED 01482 661393 5HJXODU %HHUV 5HG 7DLO $%9 :ROI %LWH $3$ $%9 %ODFN 5\HQR $%9 &KDP$/(RQ $%9 DQG 3HUN\ 3RUWHU $%9
%/2 -RKQ 5XVKIRUWK Regular beers updated and beers are going really well!
DICKS BREWERY 7 Pickering Grange Brough HU15 1GY East Yorkshire 01482 667329 and 07792 417564 %LJ +HDG %LWWHU $%9
BLO - Vacant Branch Website -
The Crafty Little Brewery has opened its doors...
"' (.- 0!Ã&#x2013;d, + 0"' PPP 01482 661393
Beech Tree Southella Way, Kirkella, HU10 7LS, Tel: 01482 654350
PETE Management & JULIE Under New along with team to invite from our Peter,the Julie & allare thepleased team would like to you wishto allchoose our guests, *5 REGULAR or 5 GUEST ALES new & old, a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year at any time throughout the day or while QUIZ NIGHT EVERY MONDAY & WEDNESDAY *QUIZZING ON MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY NIGHTS 5 REGULAR CASK ALES & 5 GUEST ALES TO CHOOSE FROM or while enjoying your 20P DISCOUNT ON ALL REAL ALES ON PRODUCTION OF *FOOD SERVED TILL 10PM every day CAMRA CARD 20P A PINT FOOD DISCOUNT TO CARD CAMRA MEMBERS SERVED TILL CARRYING 10PM EVERYDAY
BREWERY NEWS EAST YORKSHIRE BEER CO 2 The Courtyard, Tokenspire, Woodmansey, Beverley HU17 0TB Tel: 01482 873382/07456 063670 &RUH UDQJH 7RS +RXVH 0LOG $%9 .LQJ %LOO\ %LWWHU $%9 (DUO GH *UH\ ,3$ $%9 )XOO 0HDVXUH (QJOLVK 3RUWHU $%9 6WDU RI WKH :HVW 3LOVQHU $%9 %UHZHU\ /LDLVRQ 2á&#x201A;&#x2C6;FHU 'H +HPSVWRFN No change at present to the 5 core beers produced. Two new vessels have recently been purchased (mash & kettle) to complement the existing equipment. This will allow for an increase in beer production and hopefully more opportunity to retail to licenced premises. EYB Co has planned a charity event at The Beer Shed & Brewery, over the Easter ZHHNHQG WR UDLVH WKH SUR¿OH RI WKH %UHZHU\ DQG 38 to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer research. This will take the form of a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;One million & one darts challengeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; record attempt starting at 10am Sat 31/3/18 through to Monday am, with teams, local dart celebrities and local radio presenter. The Bottle Shop (which currently only retails EYB Co beers) plans to expand to sell other locally produced beers from the likes of Atom Brewery, Gene Pool & Bricknell Brewery.
colaboration with the Cross Keys at Beverley was brewed at the end of February. There are SODQV WR EUHZ D QHZ PLON VWRXW IRU WKH new bottled range.
GREAT NEWSOME Great Newsome Farm South Frodingham Winestead HULL, HU12 0NR 01964 612201 5HJXODU %HHUV 6OHFN 'XVN $%9 3ULFN\ %DFN 2WFKDQ $%9 )URWKLQJKDP %HVW $%9 -HP¶V 6WRXW $%9
BLO - Vacant Following planning approval to convert another farm building to expand brewing capacity, building work has begun with completion expected by early summer. There has been a FKDQJH RI SHUVRQQHO LQ WKH EUHZHU\ Rá&#x201A;&#x2C6;FH ZLWK D QHZ PHPEHU RI VWDá&#x201A;&#x2021; -DQH 7KH\ DUH ORRNLQJ to add another member to the brewing team so a recruitment process is currently underway. Agreement has been reached to supply beer WR WZR PDMRU SXE FRPSDQLHV -': 0 % IRU 12 weeks from mid February and mid March respectively. The list of monthly specials for next 6 months has been agreed and will shortly be added to the website. February special is 6WRJJ\ D VHVVLRQ ,3$ ZLWK EHUU\ Ã&#x20AC;DYRXU and pine and herbal aroma. March special is +RSV LQ 6SULQJ ,3$ EUHZHG ZLWK %ULWLVK hops.
Unit 6 Arthur Street Hull HU3 6BH Tel: 07760 669157 5HJXODU EHHUV ' 1 $OH $%9 &RPLQJ 6RRQ 3DOH $OH $%9 3ULPRUGLDO 2R]H $%9 *HQHWLF &RGH $%9 %UHZHU\ /LDLVRQ 2á&#x201A;&#x2C6;FHU Pete Travis
Forge House, Ellerton YORK YO42 4PB 01757 288977 07741 400508 or 07736 112399 5HJXODU %HHUV )¶+RSV 6DNH $%9 'DUN 0DVTXHUDGH $%9 2OG )RUJH %LWWHU $%& .,60(7 $%9
Gene Pool have started to bottle the beers as ZHOO DV VXSSO\LQJ FDVNV WKH ¿UVW EDWFK ZHQW RXW DW WKH HQG RI )HEUXDU\ $ RQH Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; EUHZ LQ Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA
-RQ¶V %ORQGH D VXSHUE $%9 ROG ELWWHU especially brewed in aid of Brain Tumour Charity available now. Branch Website -
Mill Street, SNAITH, DN14 9HU 01405 861813 5HJXODU %HHUV 0LOG $%9 %LWWHU $%9 2OG &XULRVLW\ $%9 %XOOLRQ $%9 %ORQGH %RPEVKHOO $%9
Hunmanby Grange, Wold Newton DRIFFIELD, YO25 3HS 01723 892222 5HJXODU %HHUV %LWWHU $%9 :ROG *ROG $%9 +HDGODQG 5HG $%9 $QJOHUV 5HZDUG $%9
Old Mill Brewery are proud to announce their new charity beer â&#x20AC;&#x153;12th manâ&#x20AC;? which is in partnership with Opening up Cricket and Campaign Against Living Miserable &$/0 ZLWK Â&#x2026; IRU HYHU\ SLQW VROG JRLQJ WR CALM So with that in mind they have created this pale EHHU ZLWK D ORYHO\ FLWUXV KRSSHG ÂżQLVK 7KH 12th man comes from the cricket theme that WKH WK PDQ EULQJV WKH GULQN RQ WKH ÂżHOG DV well as connecting the number of males under 45 whose lives are taken every day due to suicide.
TWISTED ANGEL Unit 2 Beckside Court, Annie Reed Road, Beverley, HU17 07432 588159 %/2 -RKQ 5XVKIRUWK &XUHQW $OHV %HUVHUNHU ,3$ ,PSDOHU ELWWHU 'D\ZDONHU 6WRXW DQG 6KDSHVKLIWHU 3DOH $OH
VISION BREWERY (NEW) Vision Brewery Co Ltd, Unit12, Burma Drive, 0DUĂ&#x20AC;HHW /DQH Kingston upon Hull, HU9 5SD Tele - TBC %UHZHU\ /LDLVRQ 2á&#x201A;&#x2C6;FHU %HUQLH &DZWH &XUUHQW EUHZV + (\H %LWWHU DQG 'DUN $UJXV 2OG $OH
Mail Group -
Forecoming event at the Brewery where we continue our support for The National Garden 6FKHPH ZKLFK LV WKH PRVW VLJQLÂżFDQW FKDULWDEOH funder of nursing charities in the country, GRQDWLQJ RYHU Â&#x2026; PLOOLRQ VLQFH LWV LQFHSWLRQ LQ 1927. We are very proud to have supported the scheme by opening the gardens at Hunmanby Grange for 25 years. We estimate that we have UDLVHG RYHU Â&#x2026; LQ WKDW WLPH 3OHDVH FRPH and join us for our annual open gardens and EUHZHU\ ZHHNHQG RQ QG DQG UG RI -XQH A new brew for early this year was Gemini D $%9 SRUWHU SDUW RI WKH QHZ Constellation range.
YORKSHIRE BREWING COMPANY Brewery Wharf 70 Humber Street, HULL, HU1 1TU 01482 618000 Regular Beers: Supernatural Blonde (ABV 2UHJRQ *ROG $%9 0XWLQ\ $%9 <RUNVKLUH 3DVVLRQ $%9 %ODFNMDFN $%9 0RVDLF $%9 0RRQGDQFH $%9 5DVSEHUU\ 7LSSOH $%9 6WUDZEHUU\ %ORQGH $%9 :DYHULGHU $%9 6KDQJUL /D $%9
BLO - Mark Bainton Minster Ale is to be showcased at the Hull Real Ale & Cider festival in April. Moon Dance Mutiny and Old Ebenezer are available across the region at the present.
Matrich House Goulton Street Kingston upon Hull HU3 4DD 01482 755199 %/2 -RQ 0DMRU
Eastgate House East Street Kilham East Yorkshire 07866 551018
If you have any imformation about our local breweries please contact the breweries BLO or you can e-mail the editor at
Although Yorkshire Brewhouse is one of our regionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s newest breweries itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s future looks very good indeed. Three original ales as above ZHUH VKRUWO\ IROORZHG E\ 5HG 5RELQ D chocolate stout. Their newest one in production is Yorkshire pale ale. As you may have noticed all these names are a play on the local dialect or themes and brewed with real â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Yorkshire Prideâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; All beers are available in both bottles and cask
WUDGLWLRQ Farmers Ales from Bradfield Brewery
On-Site Brewery Shop open Monday â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Saturday 10am until 4pm. Visit our page on Facebook or follow us ( 0114 2851118 ( BradďŹ eld Brewery Limited.Watt House Farm, High BradďŹ eld, Sheffield, S6 6LG
Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA
Branch Website -
Mail Group -
DRINK OR FOOD FOR THOUGHT From Metro Monday 12th February – it makes sense to me, the Editor Local authorities up and down the country say the best way to avoid a massive increase in council tax charges would be for everybody to spend more time down the pub. Planned tax hikes across the UK could be avoided if people spent less time preparing meals at home or drinking in front of the TV and spent more time eating and drinking in pubs say experts. ,W LV HVWLPDWHG FRXQFLOV VSHQG RI WKHLU EXGJHW RQ HODERUDWH DQG FRVWO\ UH F\FOLQJ VFKHPHV But studies show that waste disposal could be virtually eliminated if people tweaked their eating and drinking habits – even if just modestly. ‘Recycling empty lager cans, wine bottles, take-away cartons and food packaging accounts for a huge slice of our council tax take’, claimed a spokesperson for Northampton County Council. ‘By spending all night in the pub people would not only do away with the need for recycling but would save themselves an absolute fortune.’ ‘Do the maths’, continued the spokesman. ‘Spend 5 or 6 nights a week down the pub drinking EHHU DQG SOD\LQJ GRPLQRHV«RU IDFH D ULVH LQ FRXQFLO WD[ ,W GRHVQ¶W PDWWHU KRZ PDQ\ WLPHV you do the calculation, the result comes out the same. Council tax payers would save themselves a fortune by heading for the pub straight after work’. Health experts also agree that people should stop exercising too. ‘If people stopped exercising
42 there would be no need for them to buy bottled water’, said one expert. ‘They would be saving a fortune and would also be protecting the environment. Its a win/win situation for all concerned.’ ‘Stop any unnecessary exercise – which is basically all of it.’, continued the expert. ‘You can exercise by walking down the pub. You can even run – place a bet with your mates to see who FDQ JHW WKHUH ¿UVW /DVW RQH LQ SD\V WKH ¿UVW URXQG <RX FRXOG GR D 6DPED RQ WKH ZD\ KRPH« that’s good exercise. Instead of a bottle of Evian waiting for you there would be a pint of Stella.
‘There would no doubt be winners and losers’, admitted the expert. ‘Yes, your local gym might close. But it could be turned into a wine bar. The pubs could even form a quiz league or play each other at football. See – with just a few basic lifestyle changes you can save money AND improve your well being.’
Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA
Branch Website -
BRANCH EVENTS DIARY Branch Open Meetings - all open meetings start at 8pm and conclude at approximately 9.30pm (unless otherwise stated) to give you a chance to socialise, refreshments are usually provided at the end of the meeting. Wednesday - 4th April - The Minerva, Nelson Street, Hull Wednesday - 2nd May - Venue TBC Wednesday WK -XQH 9HQXH 7%& Survey Trips - run from May through to October Sunday - 13th May - Destinations TBC 6DWXUGD\ WK -XQH 'HVWLQDWLRQV 7%& Social Trips/Events - members only, run throughout the year. POTY presentation Trips 17th and 25th March 2017 WK -XQH *UHDW 1HZVRPH %UHZHU\ µ)HVWLYDOH¶ 22nd or 23rd September - Social trip to Malton 13th or 14th October - North Valley Railway Beer Festival Please contact our Social Secretary at for further details
HULL REAL ALE & CIDER FESTIVAL 2018 12th to 14th APRIL 2018 - 40th Beer Festival Hull Minster (Holy Trinity Church), HU1 1RR Look out for further details on our web sites at:, & Facebook and Twitter pages
MARINE BAR Bridlington’s Friendly Real Ale & Cider Pub North Marine Drive, Bridlington, YO15 2LS Telephone : 01262 675347 <RUNVKLUHV )DYRXULWH 3XE )LQDOLVW +XOO &$05$ 7RZQ 3XE 2I 7KH <HDU 5XQQHU 8S &$05$ *RRG %HHU *XLGH <HDUV 5XQQLQJ )UHH 3UHVV 7RZQ 3XE RI WKH <HDU :LQQHU
Always Available Timothy Taylor Landlord - Wold Top Bitter - John Smith’s Cask 2 Regular Changing Guest Ales and 1 Regular Changing Real Cider 10% Discount for CAMRA members on Cask Ales Home cooked Food | Live Entertainment | Quiz Events Sky & BT Sports of a CAMRA Committed to Cask Award 2009 Mail Group -Recipient @hullCAMRA
A MYSTERY TO US ALL - WELL ALMOST ALL The Mystery Brewery and LocAle Trip 25th February 2018. I started with cryptic clues to the places we went to such as; wash your KDQGV IRU WKH ¿UVW SXE :H VWDUWHG RXW LQ WKH town of Mexborough, at the Imperial Brewery Tap (below). It was the most photographed
the Fat Cat, with a choice of 10 hand pumps well worth a visit, Kelham Island Tavern had a wide choice and the Riverside had a choice of 6 LocAle beers. A new Craft micro pub next door to Riverside, has opened, all are well worth a visit. The weather was cold but sunny and going around all the pubs was enjoyable, we took the opportunity to chat with local people and had a great time After another ride in the countryside we arrived at Hill Top Brewery (below) and pub
pub on the trip where we had the LocAle EUHZHG RQ WKH SUHPLVHV EHWZHHQ Â&#x2026; DQG Â&#x2026; SHU SLQW DQG LW PDGH D JRRG VWDUW 7KH brewer did 3 trips around the brewery with a
free half pint at the end of the tour and it set the scene for the whole day
in Conisborough South Yorkshire. Hill Top Best Bitter is just one of many they brew. On a personal level I met some long standing friends there. Then we went to the Black Swan at Asselby following a roundabout trip as the coach driver missed the turning but all was well and we arrived a few minutes late. The pub was most welcome and warming. A customer helped the manager pull the pints; Taylorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Boltmaker and Robinsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Trouper just two of WKRVH RQ Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HU
We had a drive through the country side and DUULYHG LQ 6KHá&#x201A;&#x2C6;HOG IRU WZR KRXUV EHJLQQLQJ DW
:H PHDQGHUHG RXU ZD\ KRPH GURSSLQJ Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; people as we went. We thanked the driver who helped to make the trip so good. . I have had some feedback from two new SHRSOH RQ WKH FRDFK -DPLH &RRSHU DQG 3HWHU &KDPEHUODLQ ZKR HQMR\HG WKHLU ¿UVW WLPH RQ a trip, although both are CAMRA members. I have been told they had a brilliant time and are coming again, saying I had set the bar high I just hope I can keep it up! 5HSRUW IURP &DURO -RKQVRQ 6RFLDO 6HFUHWDU\
Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA
Branch Website -
CAMRA FESTIVALS FOR YOUR DIARY Thursday 12th April -- Saturday 14th April 2018 12TH SKIPTON BEER FESTIVAL 2018 Ermysted Grammar School, Gargrave Road, Skipton BD23 1PL. Close to town centre â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10 minutesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; walk from Skiptonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s railway and bus stations. 2YHU GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW %ULWLVK UHDO DOHV FLGHU SHUU\ foreign bottled beers. Website: or phone the branch contact on 01274 510674.
Friday 4th -- Monday 7th May 2018 BARNSLEY BEER & MUSIC FESTIVAL
12th - 14th April 2018 Hull Minster
Elsecar Heritage Railway, Elsecar Heritage Centre, Wath Road, Elsecar, Barnsley, S74 +80+ real ales, 50 + ciders, and bottled beers This will be great weekend out for all the family. Contact Margaret on (01226) 714492 or email Andrew at More details at
Thursday 7th June â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Saturday 9th June 2018 27TH DONCASTER BEER FESTIVAL The Dome, Bawtry Road, Doncaster, DN4 7PD Over 100 real ales and ciders. See advert opposite and For more information: www.doncasterbeerfestival. NB: The festivals below are subject to approval.
Friday 24th -- Saturday 25th August 2018 CLARO BEER FESTIVAL 2018 Ripley Town Hall, Ripley, Harrogate, HG3 3AX
Thursday 27th -- Saturday 29th September 2018 CALDERDALE BEER AND CIDER FESTIVAL 2018 Hebden Bridge Town Hall, Hebden Bridge
Mail Group -
pubs with............................ Interior or internal features of outstanding historic interest: These pubs are on CAMRA’s National Inventory of Historic Pub Interiors: Beverley - White Horse Inn Bridlington 6WDWLRQ %XႇHW Kingston Upon Hull - Olde Black Boy Olde White Harte : Polar Bear : White Hart (currently closed) Oversized, lined glasses: (Guaranteeing a full or ½ liquid pint) Bridlington 6WDWLRQ %XႇHW Beverley - Chequers 'ULHOG - The Butchers Dog Hollym - Plough Inn Kingston Upon Hull - Hop & Vine Real draught cider (not keg), East Yorkshire: Beverley - Cornerhouse : Green Dragon : Tiger Dog & Duck : Chequers ; Monks Walk Bridlington 3ULRU -RKQ Brough - Centurion Arms (NEW) Cottingham - Cross Keys : Railway King William IV 'ULHOG - Tiger Inn : Old Falcon : Butchers Dog Dunswell - The Ship Goodmanham - Goodmanham Arms Hedon - Haven Arms : Hed’on Inn 46 Hessle - Hawke formerly Admiral Hawke Hornsea - Stackhouse Bar North Newbald - Tiger Inn : The Gnu Skidby - Half Moon Skirlaugh - Sun Inn : Duke of York South Dalton - Pipe & Glass Sproatley - The Blue Bell Tickton - New Inn Withernsea - Golden Sands Holiday Park : Oid Boatshed Walkington - The Barrel Real draught cider (not keg), Kingston Upon Hull Clubs and Pubs: Adelphi Club : Admiral of the Humber : Albion The Gardener’s : Sailmakers Arms Head of Steam : Hop & Vine : Olde Black Boy Pave : Station : The George Hotel 7KUHH -RKQ 6FRWWV :KDOHERQH ;DQGHUV Real Mild regularly available: Blacktoft - Hope & Anchor Beverley - Monks Walk Bridlington - Board Inn Goodmanham - Goodmanham Arms Hornsea - Rose & Crown, Stackhouse Bar Hull - Whalebone
A quiet room (no piped music or juke box, TV, electronic games): Beverley - White Horse Inn : Woolpack : Chequers - Monks Walk Bridlington - Old Ship Inn Cottingham - King William IV 'ULHOG - Bell Hotel : Butchers Dog Great Kelk - Chestnut Horse Goodmanham - Goodmanham Arms Kingston Upon Hull - Minerva: 2OGH %ODFN %R\ 6W -RKQ¶V +RWHO Licensee who has gained Cask Marque Accreditation, East Yorkshire: Atwick - Black Horse Beverley - Green Dragon : Tiger; Grapes Durham Ox : Cross Keys Bridlington - Stirling Castle : Friendly )RUUHVWHU 2OG 6KLS 3ULRU -RKQ Brough - Ferry : Buccaneer Cherry Burton - Bay Horse Cottingham - Blue Bell : Railway : Fair Maid 'ULHOG - Bell Hotel : Benjamin Fawcett Flamborough - Ship Inn (NEW) Hedon - Shakespeare : Station Hessle - Marquis of Granby : Norland : Darleys Kirk Ella - Beech Tree : Wheatsheaf Hornsea - Marine Hotel : Victoria Market Weighton - Bay Horse (NEW) North Cave - The White Hart Inn North Ferriby - Duke of Cumberland Patrington - Station Hotel Preston - Nags Head Ryehill - Crooked Billet Sewerby - Ship Inn South Dalton - Pipe and Glass Willerby - Toby Carvery : Hop Pole Licensee who has gained Cask Marque Accreditation, Hull Clubs and Pubs: Admiral of the Humber : Avenue Four in Hand : Gardeners Arms : Haworth Arms Harvester : Manchester Arms : Manor Farm Mill : National : Odd Bottle : Old Grey Mare 3DYH 6W -RKQV +RWHO 6DLOPDNHUV 6XWWRQ )LHOGV 7KUHH -RKQ 6FRWWV <DWHV (NEW) West Bulls : Whistling Goose ACV Pubs: Aldbrough - The George & Dragon Bempton - The White Horse 'ULHOG - The Mariners Arms Hull 7KH 5LVLQJ 6XQ 6W -RKQ¶V +RWHO Highway : Lord Nelson North Cave - The White Harte North Newbald - The Tiger South Cave - The Bear
If you know of any pubs/clubs to add to this list please email to: Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA
Branch Website -
Centurion Arms
@CenturionMicro Centurion Arms
Micropub Skillings Lane, Brough ŽŶƐƚĂŶƚůLJ ĐŚĂŶŐŝŶŐ ĐĂƐŬ ĂůĞƐ͕ ϭͬϯ ƉŝŶƚ ŇŝŐŚƚƐ ĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ͕ DZ >ŽĐ ůĞ͘ DŝůĚ ƌĞŐƵůĂƌůLJ ĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ͘ ĞůŐŝĂŶ ĂŶĚ dƌĂƉƉŝƐƚ ĞĞƌƐ͘ ƌĂŌ ůĂŐĞƌ͕ ZĞĂů ŝĚĞƌ Dog Friendly Pork Pies from Fields of Anlaby Open 7 days: ϯϬ Monday—dŚƵƌƐĚĂLJ ϭϳϬϬ—ϮϮϯϬ
Hed’On Inn M I C R O P U B 7 Watmaughs Arcade, St Augustine Gate Hedon TELEPHONE : 01964 601100
Currently serving 7 changing cask ales 6 traditional ciders and craft lager - daily A wee pub with a BIG welcome Open daily from 1pm to 11ish Find us on Facebook @The Hed’on inn and on TripAdvisor CAMRA LocAle accredited Rႇ UHDO DOH WR FDUG FDUU\LQJ CAMRA Members CAMRA Good Beer Guide 2018
Mail Group -
Opening Hours Thursday 12th & Friday 13th April - 12noon to 10.30 pm Admission ÂŁ5 (including free festival guide and refundable glass cost) Saturday 14th April - 12noon to sell out or 9pm Admission free all day, (ÂŁ1 refundable glass charge) Admission free at all times to CAMRA members on production of a current membership card
Other Festival Highlights Over 135 Real Ales - 30 plus Cider & Perry 25 plus Bottled and Canned British & Foreign Beers Hot and Cold Food Stalls CAMRA Tombola Children Welcome Before 5.30pm Live Acoustic Music
Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA
Branch Website -