Pub Mirror 97

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ISSUE 97 - Autumn

september - November 2016


THE FIGHT GOES ON An article sent in to us from one of our members in Beverley, featured in this edition, got us thinking of all the pubs in Hull and the surrounding area that we have lost in the last few years. In one way we have been lucky in the fact that new ‘bars/pubs’ have opened elsewhere to replace some of them, but we do need to keep working to protect our heritage. Some of those we have lost in Hull include Hockneys Bar, Beverley Road (left), Dolphin, Greenwich Avenue and the Charterhouse, Caroline Place (right). Outside of the city boundary the ‘Royal Mail at Thorgumbald’ is one pub that has been hard fought over, see our Pubs Protection report for further news on this one. CAMRA as DQ RUJDQLVDWLRQ LV ¿JKWLQJ KDUG with local communities and beer drinkers to protect as many pubs as we can. At the moment we have 8 pubs designated as Assetts of Community Value under the Community Right to Bid legislation, these are: Aldborough - The George & Dragon, Bempton - The White Horse, 'ULI¿HOG - The Mariners Arms (under appeal) Hull - The Rising Sun, Beverley Road - St. John’s Hotel, Queens Road - Highway, Willerby Road, North Cave - The White Harte and North Newbald - The Tiger. ,I \RX NQRZ RI DQ\ RWKHU SXEV LQ QHHG RI RXU VXSSRUW SOHDVH HPDLO RXU SXEVSURWHFWLRQ RI¿FHU .HQ Smith at also in This issue p7/9/11 hull, holderness & east yorkshire pubs p13 revitalisation project - p21 amber trail p22/24/30 survey reports - p25 committment to cask p26 pubs preservation (ACV) - p33 walk in beverley p36 brewery news - p40 dog friendly pubs


The GOODMANHAM ARMS Alehouse Goodmanham, near Market Weighton. Tel: 01430 873849

Try our selection of 8 CASK ALES and 4 CIDERS BEER PRICES from £2.25p per pint The Pub is OPEN EVERYDAY 11.30am ‘til late Tasty HOME COOKED meals made from locally sourced produce Lunchtimes 12 noon - 2pm (plus Sunday Roasts) Monday 5pm - 7pm is Pie/Steak night (£9.95/£10.95 includes a free drink) Log Fires - Hidden Beer Garden with seating Folk Night on the 1st Thursday of the month Jazz/Blues/Country music night 3rd Thursday of the month


Good Beer Guide 2013/14/15/16 CAMRA Village Pub of the Year 2011, 2012 and 2015 CAMRA Village Pub of the Year, Runner Up 2014

ALL HALLOWS BREWERY Micro-Brewery producing original Classic English Ale PEG FYFE Dark Mild, RAGGED ROBIN Dark Ruby MISCHIEF MAKER Traditional Copper, NO NOTION Porter, WAYWARD ANGEL Blonde Citrus Ale, GOODERS GOLD plus the odd SEASONAL BEER Our Brewster is the landlady, Abbie Logozzi with much help from Peter Utley Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA Branch Website -



CHAIRPERSON: Stewart Campbell 07500 543199/01482 449100

WEB MASTER: Bernie Cawte

TREASURER: Pete Mason 07984 366207


SECRETARY: Steve Purdie 07976 872298 also Branch Contact


MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Tony Garrett 07971 353226 PRESS & PUBLICITY OFFICER: Angela Cawte 07904 252910 MAGAZINE EDITOR: Bernie Cawte 07956 424239

SUPPORT POSITIONS PUB LIAISON OFFICERS Beverley: John Ashton Bridlington: vacant Cottingham: Cliff Ottaway/Derek Brooks 'ULI¿HOG Martin Bell Hedon: Pete Mason Hornsea: Brian Johnson Market Weighton: Chris Atkinson Withernsea: vacant PUBS DATABASE: Mark Bainton


BRANCH POSTAL ADDRESS Hull & East Yorkshire Branch of CAMRA C/o 19 Ryde Avenue Hull HU5 1QA

branch online sites

HULL PUBS OFFICER: Mark Spight 07932 652530 SOCIAL SECRETARY: Steve Allison 07858 607158 PUBS PROTECTION OFFICER: Ken Smith

Website: Facebook: Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA Twitter: @hullCAMRA

pub mirror information Pub Mirror is produced quarterly by Hull & East Yorkshire Branch of CAMRA and is edited by the branch magazine editor Bernie Cawte. Any views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor, CAMRA locally or nationally or the magazine publishers.

next pub mirror

7KH QH[W HGLWLRQ RI 3XE 0LUURU LV GXH IRU SXEOLFDWLRQ LQ WKH ¿UVW ZHHN RI 'HFHPEHU $Q\ contribution for that edition needs to be with the editor by 9th November 2016, you can email your article to the editor at: $GYHUWLVLQJ UDWHV DUH XQFKDQJHG IRU WKH ¿IWK \HDU UXQQLQJ DQG \RX FDQ DGYHUWLVH RQ D RQH RII basis or in bulk adverts, discounts are available. Please contact our advertising co-ordinator John Rushforth at:

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The TheKing KingWilliam WilliamIV IV 152 Hallgate, Cottingham, HU16 4BD 152 Hallgate, Cottingham, HU16 4BD Telephone: 01482 875996 Telephone: 01482 875996

Hull CAMRA VillagePub Pub of of the Year 2014, Runner upup 2013, 2015 Hull CAMRA Village thethe Year 2014, Runner 2013. Hull CAMRA Village Pub of Year 2014, Runner up 2013. Good Beer Guide (GBG) 2015 & 2016

Martin, Mandy & Staff Extend A Warm Welcome to All Martin, Mandie & Staff Extend A Warm Welcome to All Function Room Available with Private Bar andRoom Gardens Large Function Available with (FreePrivate Hire toBar CAMRA members) and Gardens

3 Regular Real Ales Cumberland Bitter 3 Regular Real Ales Marston’s Pedigree Cumberland Bitter Banks Sunbeam Marston’s Pedigree Banks Sunbeam 4 Changing Guest Ales

(Free Hire to CAMRA members) Buffet Buffetalso alsoAvailable Available (10% (10%Discount Discountto toCAMRA CAMRA members) members)

plus 4 Changing Guest Ales Real Cider plus Real Cider Food Served

Large LargeBeer BeerGarden/Outdoor Garden/OutdoorEating EatingArea Area Outdoor Smoking Area Area Outdoor Courtyard Smoking

Tuesday to Friday :11.00-2.15 & 5.00-7.15 Food Served MondayMonday & Saturday : 11.00-2.15 only to Saturday :

Tuesday Tuesdaynight nightisisQuiz QuizNight Night

Sunday Lunches : 12.00-3.15 11.00-2.15 & 5.00-7.15 Sunday Lunches : 12.00-3.15

and East YorkshireBranch CAMRA Branch Website - Hull and EastHull Yorkshire CAMRA Website -

from the editor - Bernie Cawte Welcome to the Autumn edition of Pub Mirror, yes autumn already, what ever happened to summer? It’s been a odd couple of months IRU XV VSRUWV IDQV ¿UVW ZLWK WKH Euro’s and then the amazing Olympics, so I hope you all enjoyed watching some of the events down at your local.

that holds liquid (beer/cider/ wine/etc). The container itself has two “holding tanksâ€?: a rigid plastic outer shell and an inner bladder (or bag). The contents of the inner bag are GLVSHQVHG E\ ÂżOOLQJ WKH RXWHU shell with gas which thereby compresses the inner bladder forcing the contents out.

As most of you will know, one of CAMRA original aims was to save Real Ale and after 40 years of campaigning that aim seems to have been achieved, so what now for CAMRA?

The name has the word keg in it, so of course this can’t be used for real ale, right?

We are at the moment having a country wide debate on this issue and if you are a member I hope you have joined in by completing the survey on our national web-site. One of the issues we are debating is the new(ish) technology out in the beerworld. This new piece of technology is called a key keg it is a proprietary container

Actually it can! CAMRA has RIÂżFLDOO\ DFFHSWHG WKH XVH RI key kegs and has stated that it falls within their guidelines. The rationale behind this decision is based upon two major factors: that the beer has a secondary fermentation within the container(which also means that the beer cannot EH ÂżOWHUHG RU SDVWHXULVHG DQG that extraneous gas never comes into contact with the product. Is this ‘craft beer’ ? Maybe.....

We would like to place on record our thanks to the following pubs, for the hospitality shown for our various Branch meetings, activities over the last few months: Ye Olde White Harte, Hull Kingston Hotel, Hull Hop & Vine, Hull The Highway, Hull Minerva, Hull King William IV, Cottingham Lord Nelson, Hull 7KHUH LV QR UHDO GHÂżQLWLRQ RI ZKDW FUDIW EHHU LV LQ WKH 8. 7KH WHUP LWVHOI KDV QR GHÂżQHG meaning within the industry and has therefore been twisted more into a marketing term. You will often see the words “craft kegâ€?, this means nothing and only creates more 5 confusion for the consumer. So what do you think, why not send us your comments or questions to the editor here at pub mirror?

My thanks go to the following for supplying the picture for these articles - Survey trips IURP7RQ\ *DUUHWW 0DUN %DLQWRQ DQG %DUU\ 'ULQNDOO 3XEV 3URWHFWLRQ IURP 5D\ 'XIÂżOO Editor of the HU12 - Assetts of Community Value, Ken Smith. Other photos from CAMRA Whatpub website.

OUR ADVERTISERS HULL - Furley & Co, Hop & Vine, Pave, Whalebone, BEVERLEY - Chequers, Green Dragon, Monks Walk, Sun Inn, Woolpack (NEW) BRIDLINGTON - Marine Bar, COTTINGHAM - King William IV DRIFFIELD - Butchers Dog, Spread Eagle ETTON - The Light Dragoon GOODMANHAM - Goodmanham Arms & All Hallows Brewery +('21 +HG¡2Q ,QQ Atom Brewery, Butcher Dog Brewery (NEW), CrystalBrew, Great Newsome Brewery, Half Moon Brewery, Wold Top Brewery, Yorkshire Brewing Company

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Spread Eagle

Exchange Street, Driffield, YO25 6LL Telephone: 07525 817175 Opening hours all week - 12 noon to Close LIVE BANDS ON THE FIRST SATURDAY EACH MONTH 4 Changing Real Ales Curry & Pint for £6.95 every Thursday with a choice of dishes. ¶0DF0LOODQ· FXUU\ WDVWHU HYHQLQJ on Thursday 29th September. No charge, charity donations only Sky Sports TV A Friendly Welcome Guaranteed with mine host Bob Palmer

hull pubs report by mark spight It would only be fair to start my report by congratulating Cameron’s on the fantastic job that they have done with Head of Steam. So far so good as the pub is already becoming very popular, particularly amongst real ale drinkers who are taking advantage of the great selection available DQG WKH ¿QH IRRG IURP ORFDO EXVLQHVV .HUE(GJH Another change comes at Station Hotel as I would like to welcome Andrew Large who has bought the pub from Old Mill brewery and has turned the pub into a free house offering some excellent local beers and ciders. Andrew is a very big supporter of CAMRA & I wish him well with his new venture. Another piece of good news is that Ye Olde Corn Exchange has once again reopened only this time under the name Dexters @ Ye Olde Corn Exchange and offers a good real ale choice plus CAMRA discount.

I would like to take this RSSRUWXQLW\ WR RI¿FLDOO\ welcome Liam Young who has taken over City Hotel (above). Liam is well known around the area so I know that

the pub will be in good hands. More good news comes as KLVWRULF FLW\ FHQWUH SXE .LQJ William recently reopened under managers Fess Traynor & Jordan Armstrong. It is great to see this once popular pub reopened and I wish Fess & Jordan well. Dawn Gibbons who is well known in particular amongst cider drinkers recently took on The Albion. After redevelopments Dawn introduced real cider and real ale. One more new opening is Butler White’s on Humber Street. The more pubs the better we say….Good luck to all! Some sad news to report as Paul Hamilton has decided to leave Walters Bar in order to spend more time with his young family. As we are all aware Paul did a fantastic job in his two year stay and I would personally like to take this opportunity to thank him for all of his hard work. Good news is that the pub has once again been taken on by Alan Murphy & Chrissie Fleming who I’m sure will do a grand job. Another departure came as ,DQ .HOO\ &KHHVPDQ OHIW the New Clarence recently and once again I would like to wish them well in their future careers. 7KH ¿UVW -' :HWKHUVSRRQV outlet in the city, Zachariah

Mail Group -

Pearson closed its doors IRU WKH ¿QDO WLPH EDFN LQ May. It has been bought by Amber Taverns who own Ebenezer Morley and after redevelopments the pub will be open later this year. More JD Wetherspoon news as the extremely popular William Wilberforce has been made available for sale. At the time of this report the pub remained open and a buyer is still being sought. Another pub to be made available for sale is The Bay Horse. I am hoping a buyer can be found soon for this historic pub and the only Batemans outlet in the city. More changes came as West Bulls undergone a makeover, 7 The Swallow is now known as The Meadows, The Star & Garter closed and moved to The Star on Carr Lane in the former Bottoms Up White Horse) building, Yorkshireman has closed permanently and The George (Walton Street) became known as The Gay George. New real ale outlets include The Common Room (formerly Liberties Diner) and Jesmond Arms who have also introduced real ale. I would like to thank licensees of both for these positive moves.



Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

Branch Website -

hOLDERNESS pubs report by brian johnson Following on from my report in the last edition I decided to YHQWXUH D OLWWOH IXUWKHU D¿HOG and so took a trip to the south east corner of the branch area, down towards Spurn Point. Duly armed, therefore with survey forms and other paraphernalia I set off (with my trusty guide and driver) for what promised to be an enjoyable day out. First stop was the Crown and Anchor DW .LOQVHD /RFDWHG on the banks of the estuary it hosts great views across the Humber and provides not only a warm welcome but also sells two well-kept real ales, Timothy Taylor’s Landlord and Tetley Bitter. The landlady, who has been in situ for more years than she cares to remember, was recently awarded a branch Committed to Cask award for her unwavering approach to keeping and selling cask ale. In addition to excellent beer the pub also serves great food. From there we ventured inland to Easington and The Marquis of Granby. Opened in 1858 the walls are adorned with details of its history, an interesting read while enjoying a pint of their range of up to 4 changing beers including Timothy Taylor’s Landlord and Tetley Bitter. The pub is dog friendly, serves good food and also boasts en-suite accommodation for those wishing to linger a while longer. Also in Easington is the White Horse on North Church Side. This dog friendly old coaching inn with a separate garden across the road from the pub itself only sports one hand pump but the Tom Woods on

sale on the day I visited was very well kept and a welcome change. Next stop on this survey trip was the Coach and Horses at Welwick. This 18th century pub has six hand pumps serving an ever changing array of beers from local breweries making it a serious contender for inclusion in our Locale scheme. The Burn’s Head at Patrington Haven, was the next port of call. It is yet another 18th century pub with a separate beer garden and sells a very palatable pint of John Smith’s Cask bitter. Back in the main village of Patrington are the two long established pubs the Hildyard Arms and the Holderness, sadly the former is currently closed. Happily the latter is very much open for business DQG VHUYLQJ XS WR ¿YH FDVN ales with Sharp’s Doom Bar and Tetley Bitter being the regulars. As with most rural pubs it is dog friendly, at least in the bar, and has its own beer garden and also serves food every day except Tuesday. A new addition to the real ale scene in Patrington is Amy’s Bar and Kitchen, a micro-pub on the main road through the village which also operates as a café during the day. The cellar, which is housed in a converted garage next door to the pub, contains an ever changing array of ales from local breweries as well as a surprising, but delicious, UHJXODU IURP IXUWKHU D¿HOG Titanic Plum Porter is an excellent choice, although I suspect not to everyone’s taste.

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Finally on this marathon trip we called in at the Station Hotel, a large pub on the outskirts of Patrington whose name harks back to the days when you could get from Hull to Withernsea by train (thanks very much Mr Beeching). Although based mainly around food sales it nevertheless offers the discerning drinker a choice of Great Newsome ales DQG %ODFN 6KHHS %LWWHU EHLQJ food oriented the pub, while being family friendly, does not allow dogs inside although they are naturally welcome in the extensive outside area. -XVW WR ¿QLVK RII D OLWWOH ELW about the current scene in my home town, Hornsea. The bar at the New Inn on Market Place has recently undergone a refurbishment resulting in the introduction of a third hand pump. Prices range between £2.20 and £2.50, well worth a visit. The Marine Hotel on the sea front has also undergone a major facelift and now has additional hand pumps with one of them usually sporting a Great Newsome ale. Stackhouse Bar on Newbegin, the most recent addition to the real ale scene in Hornsea, goes from strength to strength and operates summer and winter opening times, once school holidays are over it is worth checking these before visiting. $QG ¿QDOO\ Luciens Bar also on Newbegin has increased its number of real ales from one to three, all from the Wold Top brewery.



Unit 4 Food & Tech Park, Malmo Rd Sutton Fields Ind Est (West) Hull, HU7 0YF United Kingdom T:01482 820 572



yorkshire brewery

Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

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EAST YORKSHIRE PUBS report by mark BAINTON Beverley The Monks Walk is now open all day, serving bar meals from noon ‘til 9pm Wednesday to Saturdays, bar snacks every day. Chantell and Simon are leaving the Tiger on 21st September - at the end of their lease as they cannot agree terms for it's renewal. There is a letting board outside and Punch are asking a rent of £24,000 pa on a full wet tie. Hodgsons has now reopened as the Potting Shed. The Lady le Gros has now been demolished, it had been closed for some years.

as they and the previous tenants turned the pub around and it was a good outlet for Half Moon and Bosun beers.

The Board Inn has Tetley Mild available regularly.

The Bay Horse is also getting new tenants very soon, much the same reason sadly with raising the rent on the pub. They have ended up putting John Smiths back in permanently which is a shame although they still have one guest beer usually ‘Locale’.

The Pack Horse received an application to create a micro pub in June 2016.

The Londesborough with their real ale bar is providing 4 real ales at £2.50 a pint.


Market Weighton

At the Telegraph Rob and Helen have sold the pub as a going concern as they would like to focus on brewing more,

Carpenters is now closed as the owners wanted the tenants to make more money basically through introducing food and by hiking the rent up. A shame

The Pack Horse’s refurbishment has now started on the out buildings as the inside is complete and has 4 hand pumps.

Hutton Cranswick

Sancton The Star has won a Yorkshire tourism award.

'ULI¿HOG The Spread Eagle has its own house beer brewed by Amber Ales . Butchers Dog took their beers to the East Riding County show and they also held a ‘meet the brewer’ night with Brass Castle. APOLOGIES TO WOLD TOP In the last edition PM96 we inadvertently credited another of our local brewers with your excellent Tour De Yorkshire beer ‘Hello Velo’ really sorry guys

britains best heritage pubs - Available now in the CAMRA Shop

Our beautiful celebration of Britain's pub heritage has been fully updated, with a wealth of new content and over 650 new colour photographs Mail Group -

Available now from the CAMRA Shop for just £9.99 @hullCAMRA


junction charity book - update A book about the rise of a Castleford pub has so far drummed up £2000 for charity.

stewardship of landlords Maureen Shaw and Neil Midgley (below right). In that

Proceeds from “Junk to Junction” written by beer enthusiast David Litten (below left) were handed over to Carol Archer (below right)of the Alzheimer’s Society at the pub on Carlton Street recently. time the pub has developed into a true hub of the local community. Along the way it has won many awards and is renowned as the only pub in the country that serves all its cask real ales from wooden casks.


The book chronicles the upturn of The Junction over WKH ODVW ¿YH \HDUV XQGHU WKH

The book contains 20,000 words and 50 colour

photographs and features forewords from noted beer writer Roger Protz and local broadcaster and writer Ian Clayton.

Copies are still available at the pub at £7.50 or £10 by mail order from David (contact by e-mail “littendavid@littendavid.”). Congratulation to all of those concerned, a great job well done for a great cause.

Whalebone Wincolmlee Hull HU2 0PA Telephone : 07506868461 Open every day from 12 ‘til late Always available Rudgate Viking, Great Newsome Frothingham Best Five ever changing guest ales Now 6 cider/perries $OZD\V ZHOFRPLQJ DWPRVSKHUH ZLWK ORJ ÀUHV DQG ZH DUH GRJ IULHQGO\ Hull & East Yorkshire CAMRA Hull Pub of the Year 2014 and 2015 Good Beer Guide (GBG) 2015 and 2016 Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA New Branch Website - Follow us on Twitter page the whalebone @reading664

the revitalisation project - latest news CAMRA’s Revitalisation Project has reached its halfway point with a second survey being launched to get more detail about members’ views on the future direction of the Campaign. More than 20,000 members have completed the initial survey and more than 1,000 have made their views known at around 25 consultation PHHWLQJV DFURVV WKH 8. 7KH ¿UVW VXUYH\ DQG WKH consultation meetings have shown members hold a wide range of opinions on who CAMRA should represent and how it should go about representing them. With another 20 members’ meetings still to come, it's likely that the range of opinions will continue to grow. In addition to talking to members about CAMRA's future direction, the Revitalisation Project steering committee has talked to people who work in and around the pub and brewing industries, as well as to politicians. The committee has commissioned analysis on the key economic, political and social developments WKDW LQÀXHQFH WKH ZRUOG WKDW CAMRA operates in. This includes the threats and

opportunities presented by changes in society, in consumer spending habits, in the way people socialise, developments in brewing technology and how we are likely to be affected by antialcohol campaigning and a changing attitude to health risks. Despite the wide range of opinions and factors for the committee to consider, several key issues have been highlighted which need to be explored with further consultation, of which the survey launched in August is WKH ¿UVW SDUW

Committee chairman Michael Hardman (above) said: “We’ve got some big questions to tackle. Should CAMRA continue to support and promote real cider and perry, or would both FDPSDLJQV EHQH¿W IURP EHLQJ run separately? Is it better to focus our campaigning on real ale, or do we need to widen our support to other types of

Mail Group -

beer to follow developments in consumer trends and brewing technology? Do we limit our campaigning to encouraging the drinking of beer in pubs and clubs only, or would it support the brewing industry more effectively to stretch our activity to advocating buying and drinking beer in a wide variety of different establishments? “Only you, our members, can help the steering committee UH¿QH WKH SURSRVDOV LW ZLOO make for the future direction of CAMRA. We need to know where CAMRA should position itself in relation to the type of drink it advocates and the places where it encourages people to drink. “Throughout this process your views as members have been fundamental and will continue to be. The 13 information you give us will help the committee construct detailed proposals to present to the National Executive, with the membership having WKH ¿QDO VD\ ZKHQ LW YRWHV on a proposal at CAMRA's Members' Weekend in Bournemouth in April 2017.” So if you are a member of CAMRA log on to the National website and sign in with your membership number and password and let us know your feelings ASAP. Dont put it off do it know, and let your voice be heard.


locale scheme explained CAMRA LocAle is an initiative which promotes pubs stocking locally brewed real ale. The scheme builds on a growing consumer demand for quality local produce and an increased awareness of ‘green’ issues. (YHU\RQH EHQHÂżWV IURP ORFDO SXEV VWRFNLQJ locally brewed real ale‌ • Public houses as stocking local real ales can increase pub visits • Consumers who enjoy greater beer choice and diversity • Local brewers who gain from increased sales • The local economy because more money is spent and retained locally • The environment due to fewer ‘beer miles’ resulting in less road congestion and pollution • Tourism due to an increased sense of local identity and pride - let’s celebrate what makes our locality different.


Participating pubs are granted accreditation at the discretion of the local branch, Hull & East Yorkshire CAMRA, and subject to the licensee agreeing that they will endeavour to ensure at OHDVW RQH ORFDOO\ EUHZHG UHDO DOH DV GHÂżQHG E\ the local branch, is on sale at all times and that RQO\ UHDO DOH DV GHÂżQHG E\ &$05$ FDQ EH promoted as a CAMRA LocAle. 7KH 'HÂżQLWLRQ RI /RFDO For the purpose of the Hull & East Yorkshire scheme pubs would have to stock a beer from either an East Yorkshire brewery or from a brewery within 25 miles of the pub. Real ales from regional and national breweries as well as from microbreweries can be regarded as “localâ€?, if they are brewed within what the branch has deemed to be the local area.

• • • • • • • • • • •

Bridlington, Bridlington Bricknell, Hull %XWFKHUV 'RJ 'ULIÂżHOG Cathead, Hull Crystalbrew, Brough Dicks Brewery, Brough Great Newsome, South Frodingham Half Moon, Ellerton Old Mill, Snaith Wold Top, Wold Newton Yorkshire Brewing Co, Hull

If your local pub carries any of our breweries’ EHHU SOHDVH FRQWDFW RXU /RF$OH 2I¿FHU 3HWH Mason, whose email address is on page 3 of this publication. Here are the new pubs that have joined the LocAle scheme.

NEW LOCALE PUBS Bempton -White Horse


Welwick - Coach & Horses

These breweries are considered to be our LocAle breweries: • All Hallows, Goodmanham • Atom, Hull • Bird Brain, Howden Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

New Branch Website -

Current locale pubs Arnold Bay Horse

Howden Tailors Chalk


Beverley: &KHTXHUV &URVV .H\V Monks Walk, Windmill


Chestnut Horse


Brantingham: Triton Inn

Brough: Buccaneer


Cowden: &URVV .H\V

Driffield: Benjamin Fawcett Butchers Dog, Spread Eagle

Dunswell: Ship Inn

Admiral of the Humber, Burlington, Furley & Co, Hop & Vine, Minerva, Old House, Oscars, Pave, Royal Hotel, Star of the West, Three John Scotts, Whalebone

Lelley Stags Head

Goodmanham Arms

Hedon: Shakespeare, Hed’on Inn


Wawne: Waggoners

Withernwick: Falcon Inn

Withernsea: Old Boatshed

Leven: New Inn, Hare and Hounds


Little Weighton: Black Horse

The First Forty Years

New Ellerby: Railway Inn

N0rth Cave: White Hart The History of the Hull & East Yorkshire Branch Of CAMRA

North Frodingham


sproatley: Blue Bell Inn

walkington: Kingston upon Hull: Ferguson Fawsitt

Burton Pidsea: Black Horse, Nancy

Roos: Roos Arms

Sandy Beaches Holiday Village

Burstwick: Hare & Hounds

Paull: Humber Tavern

Keyingham: Blue Bell

Hope & Anchor

Brunswick, Marine Bar, Prior John,Telegraph, Pack Horse, Queens Hotel

Patrington: Station Hotel


Blue Post Inn

Old Ellerby: Blue Bell

Ottringham: Watts Arms


Lucien’s Bar, Stackhouse Bar

Mail Group -



membership report by Tony Garrett. Membership secretary Why Join CAMRA? CAMRA, as the biggest consumer organisation in Europe, is a powerful lobbying organisation for the interests of real ale drinkers and it has only achieved this status through ordinary drinkers who care about their real ale joining up. If it wasn’t for individual members joining the organisation and paying their subs, CAMRA would not have had the effect it has done on breweries, pubs and Government policy. However, it is not all about the lobbying side of things, members themselves UHFHLYH EHQH¿WV DQG FDQ EH DFWLYH LQ WKHLU EUDQFK RQ LVVXHV SHUWDLQLQJ WR UHDO DOH DQG RWKHU CAMRA campaigns. , KDYH KHDUG SHRSOH VD\ WKDW WKH ¿JKW IRU FDVN DOH LV QRZ GRQH DQG LQ HIIHFW ZH FDQ VLW EDFN and enjoy our pints without having to worry about the campaign, but to neglect what CAMRA was originally about is not to learn from history. CAMRA began (and SPBW - Society for the Preservation of Beer from the Wood) before it because big breweries that were happily gobbling up the smaller breweries were looking at how they could brew beer as economically as possible without worrying about the quality for the customer. Gassed beer in kegs was the answer and FDVN FRQGLWLRQHG DOH GLG QRW JHQHUDOO\ ¿W WKH EXVLQHVV SODQV WKH\ ZHUH ZRUNLQJ WR ,QGHHG PDQ\ pubs were pleased with the extra shelf life they got from keg beers. The result was a lack of choice for the beer drinkers in their locals. Even now, we see big breweries taking over the smaller ones (eg Coors taking over Sharp’s) and good quality small breweries that close when they feel they cannot compete. I also see many pubs that will serve cask ale but do not give it the care and attention that it requires for be quality ale. If the main campaigning organisation for quality cask ales does not keep up the pressure on the industry and in Government circles to promote good quality cask ale and continue the promotion of quality real ale to the public at large, then I believe that we face a possible move back to the 1960s and 70s where big and medium sized breweries 16 will look to favouring keg over cask and poorer quality ingredients to save money. We may also see smaller breweries less able to cope economically, particularly if less promotion means a smaller take up by the public. I can’t say that this will necessarily happen, but we have seen it happen before and I believe that early signs can be seen already. If CAMRA remains supported by its members and continues its fervent campaigning for real ale in a 21st century context, then I can see a positive future for cask conditioned ales in the future. However, it can only do this productively with the support of its members. If you are not currently a member, then consider joining and taking a stand for real ale. The traditional advantages of membership are: %H D PHPEHU RI WKH PRVW VXFFHVVIXO FRQVXPHU RUJDQLVDWLRQ LQ (XURSH %H SDUW RI D VRFLDO DQG DFWLYH EUDQFK ZLWK PDQ\ HYHQWV WKURXJKRXW WKH \HDU %H LQYROYHG E\ QRPLQDWLQJ DQG VHOHFWLQJ WKH SXEV LQFOXGHG LQ WKH *RRG %HHU *XLGH * Receive a monthly copy of the ‘What’s Brewing’ CAMRA newspaper, providing the latest news RQ &$05$ QDWLRQDOO\ DQG GHWDLOV RI EHHU IHVWLYDOV DQG VRFLDO HYHQWV * Receive a quarterly copy of the CAMRA magazine, ‘Beer,’ offering informative articles about PDQ\ VXEMHFWV UHODWHG WR EHHU DQG FLGHU * Receive a branch newsletter bi-monthly, updating you on all the local news and activities (Hull DQG (DVW <RUNVKLUH EUDQFK PHPEHUV RQO\ * Receive discounts on the RRP of many CAMRA products including the best selling Good beer *XLGH (QMR\ IUHH RU GLVFRXQWHG HQWU\ WR EHHU IHVWLYDOV Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

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membership report (cont) However, there are other incentives to help you decide whether or not to join: > Increasing numbers of pubs nationally are offering discounts on real ale to CAMRA membership FDUG KROGHUV ! RI YRXFKHUV IRU UHDO DOH DQG UHDO FLGHU DW :HWKHUVSRRQV SXEV ¿IW\ SHQFH YRXFKHUV > Discounts on holidays, insurance and other offers from reputable companies (see national ZHEVLWH IRU WKH ODWHVW RIIHUV ! 0RUH LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW UHDO FLGHU DQG ZKHUH WR ¿QG LW ,I \RX DUH QRW FXUUHQWO\ D PHPEHU \RX FDQ MRLQ &$05$ WRGD\ E\ ¿OOLQJ LQ WKH DSSOLFDWLRQ IRUP LQ this edition of Pub Mirror, use the dedicated membership forms, or sign up on-line. It’s only £5.50 extra to buy a joint membership so it would make sense to “make it a double!” If you are a CAMRA member, please get involved in the CAMRA revitalisation project to help CAMRA assess where its campaigning strategy needs to be directed. ,I \RX DUH QRW FXUUHQWO\ D PHPEHU \RX FDQ MRLQ &$05$ WRGD\ E\ ¿OOLQJ LQ WKH DSSOLFDWLRQ IRUP LQ this edition of Pub Mirror, use the dedicated membership forms, or sign up on-line. It’s only £5.50 extra to buy a joint membership so it would make sense to “make it a double!” If you travel elsewhere in the country, check out the local CAMRA branch websites and the &$05$ PDJD]LQHV WR ¿QG RXW RIIHUV DYDLODEOH LQ WKH DUHD \RX DUH YLVLWLQJ You can also check out our WHATPUB website, a CAMRA Nationa Real Ale pub guide.


,QIRUPDWLRQ XSGDWHG E\ WKRXVDQGV RI &$05$ YROXQWHHUV Featuring over 35,000 real ale pubs

Thousands of pubss


at your fingertips!

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members discount scheme Our thanks go to the following local pubs where CAMRA members can take advantage of the following offers on production of their membership card: Please note that there have been some recent additions and removals to this list, so please note the changes Hull Pubs Dexters at Ye Olde Corn Exchange, Lowgate, Hull: 10% off cask ales (NEW) Furley and Co, Princes Dock Street, Hull RII FDVN DOHV Gardeners Arms, Cottingham Road, Hull RII FDVN DOHV Goodfellowship, Cottingham Road, Hull S RII SHU SLQW RI FDVN DOH DQG RII IRRG Haworth Arms, Beverley High Road, Hull <RXU WK SLQW RI FDVN DOH IUHH ± $1' RII FDVN DOH IRU &$05$ PHPEHUV Head of Steam, Trinity Square, +XOO 20p off a pint of cask ale (NEW) Old Grey Mare, Cottingham Road, Hull RII FDVN DOHV Pave, Princes Avenue, Hull RII FDVN DOHV East Yorkshire Town and Village Pubs Dog and Duck, Beverley: S RII D SLQW RI FDVN DOH DQG D PHDO GHDO 0RQ WR )UL OXQFK Monks Walk, %HYHUOH\ RII FDVN DOH Triton Inn, Brantingham RII FDVN DOH Marine Bar, Bridlington RII FDVN DOH Red Hawk, Brough RII FDVN DOH Blue Bell, Cottingham RII FDVN DOH Fair Maid, Cottingham RII FDVN DOH King William IV, Cottingham S SHU SLQW RII FDVN DOH Railway Inn, Cottingham S RII FDVN DOH 18 Tiger, Cottingham: 10% off cask ales and 50p off food The Butcher’s Dog, 'ULI¿HOG S RII D SLQW RI UHDO DOH RU FLGHU Old Falcon, 'ULI¿HOG S RII D SLQW RI FDVN DOH Light Dragoon, Etton: 20p off pint of cask ale: (NEW) Haven Arms, Hedon: S RII D SLQW RI &DVN $OH S RII D KDOI SLQW Hed’on Inn, Hedon RII FDVN DOHV Marine Hotel, Hornsea RII FDVN DOH New Inn, +RUPVHD S RII D SLQW RI FDVN DOH (NEW) Stackhouse Bar, Hornsea S SHU SLQW RII FDVN DOH Beech Tree, .LUN (OOD DQ (PEHU ,QQV RIIHU RI S RII D SLQW RI FDVN DOH New Inn, Leven RII FDVN DOH Sandpiper, Melton RII IRRG Star, Sancton RII FDVN DOH Ship Inn, Sewerby S RII D SLQW RI FDVN DOH Sun Inn, 6NLUODXJK RII FDVN DOH Ferguson Fawsitt, Walkington: 10% off a pint of cask ale Green Dragon, Welton: RII FDVN DOH Warton Arms, Woodmansey RII FDVN DOH Old Boat Shed, Withernsea: 20p off cask ale: (NEW) Off licence, BeerinaBottle, Beverley: selling a wide range of bottled beers, 5% off bill You can also use your Wetherspoons 50p vouchers which are now valid for real cider as well and for real ale and with a meal deal. Please make use of these offers as they will save you money and show the pubs that CAMRA

Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

Branch Website -

members discount scheme (cont) members use them. Also, please let us know if the published details appear to be incorrect. Offers FKDQJH DQG ZH DUH QRW DOZD\V WKH ¿UVW WR NQRZ ,W LV DOZD\V ZRUWK WDNLQJ \RXU PHPEHUVKLS FDUG and asking bar-staff if they offer a discount even when a pub is not listed above. You may get a nice surprise! Details of local discounts for members are publicised locally in Pub Mirror (of course), in the Members’ Digest, on the branch website, on facebook and twitter and at branch events such as the Real Ale and Cider Festival. Licensees may want to look at it as a form of advertising their pub. If you travel elsewhere in the country, check out the local CAMRA branch websites and the CAMRA PDJD]LQHV WR ¿QG RXW RIIHUV DYDLODEOH LQ WKH DUHD \RX DUH YLVLWLQJ 0HPEHUVKLS OHDÀHWV :H WU\ WR NHHS D VXSSO\ RI &$05$ PHPEHUVKLS OHDÀHWV LQ SXEV nominated for the Good Beer Guide. If the pub where you found this magazine does not have any, please let me know. Want to get active in CAMRA? Feel free to ask about what’s going on, committee or associate positions that maybe vacant, social activities and surveying for the next Good Beer Guide. You may have some great ideas for what we VKRXOG GR LQ WKH EUDQFK RU ZKLFK SXEV DUH ZRUWK\ RI *RRG %HHU *XLGH HQWULHV ± SOHDVH OHW XV know. Relevant contact details can be found elsewhere in this Pub Mirror.


GOOD BEER GUIDE 2017...AVAILABLE NOW! The Campaign for Real Ale’s (CAMRA) best-selling beer and pub guide is back for 2017. Fully updated with the input of CAMRA’s 180,000+ members, the Guide is indispensable for beer and pub lovers young and old. Buying the book directly from CAMRA helps us campaign to support and protect real ale, real cider & real perry, and pubs & pub-goers. The new Guide will be published in September 2016, you can order a copy now (details below).


HOW TO ORDER Post: Complete the form on this page and send to: CAMRA, 230 Hatfield Road, St Albans AL1 4LW Phone: To order by credit card please phone 01727 867201 during office hours Online: Please visit Your details (please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS) I wish to buy the 2017 Good Beer Guide for £11 (CAMRA Members only) plus p&p I wish to buy the 2017 Good Beer Guide for £15.99 plus p&p

Postal Charges† UK £2.50 EU £7.50 Rest of the World £10.00

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FOLLOWmaggie THE TIGERS ON THE AMBER TRAILlitten marvelous in mexborough by david Welcome to the 2016/17 football season. I am pleased to continue RXU ORQJ DVVRFLDWLRQ ZLWK WKH 7LJHUV RI¿FLDO VXSSRUWHUV FOXE DQG give you some real ale pubs near the grounds. Most of these pubs will be in CAMRA’s Good Beer Guide, so I hope you enjoy the real DOHV FLGHU RQ RIIHU ,I \RX ¿QG DQ\ RWKHU SODFHV LQ WKH DUHD SOHDVH feel free to email the details at BURNLEY - SAT 10TH SEPT (KO 15:00) Bridge Bier Huis (2 Bank Parade, BB11 1UH) right, is a large open plan free house, serves Moorhouse’s Premier Bitter and 4 guest beers as well as cider and perry. A regular CAMRA award winner. The Talbot (65 Church Street, BB11 2RS) is also a popular venue, and has recently been refurbished with 4 en-suite rooms available for guests. The pub dates back to the 1800’s. Six guest beers are normally on offer as well as 2 regular ales. The licensee is a cask ale enthusiast so the beers should be well looked after. Both these pubs are in the 2016 GBG. LIVERPOOL - SAT 24TH SEPT (KO 15:00) The Arkles $Q¿HOG 5RDG/ 7- SXE QHDU WR WKH JURXQG LV NQRZQ DV WKH DZD\ IDQV SXE EXW as can be expected it can get extremely crowded with fans queuing outside to get in. The Flat Iron :DOWRQ %UHFN 5RDG / 6< ZKLFK LV D ¿YH PLQXWH ZDON DZD\ LV PRVWO\ IXOO RI /LYHUSRRO fans, but the bars are mixed and very friendly. Beers supplied by Liverpool Organic, including swaps, have been available. Most recently beers have come from the Marstons Group. AFC BOURNEMOUTH - SAT 15TH OCT (KO 15:00) Wetherspoon’s Mary Shelly in (Saint Peters Road, BH1 2AD) at the eastern end of pedestrianised section is a good, big pub with cheap food and jugs of beer. Fan friendly, but you may have to take off your colours to get in. The Queens Park Hotel (482 Hildenhurst Road, BH8 21 9AR) is the closest pub to the ground (3 mins walk from the ground), There is a good mix of home and away fans, and rarely any trouble. There is good choice of beer including Sharp’s Doom Bar and 3 changing beers. Snack and rolls on matchday, a big screen TV, and a great atmosphere. The Firkin Shed +ROGHQKXUVW 5RDG %+ %= D 0LFURSXE VHOOLQJ WKH ¿QHVW ORFDO UHDO DOHV and seasonal ciders. A single room bar with comfortable seating and tables around the wall, a ‘shed’ bar and views into the cellar from the corridor leading to the outdoor area at the rear. Serves up to six ever changing real ales.ten ciders and the odd glass of wine. Note the Firkin Shed is a phone-free zone. WATFORD - SAT 29TH OCT (KO 15:00) There are a number of pubs in the town centre, which can be used by visiting fans. The Hogs Head on the high street has plenty of space and offers reasonably-priced beer. The Moon Under Water (44 High Street, WD17 2BS) right, a Wetherspoons pub, has some of the cheapest drinks (and food prices) in the town, served in a fairly relaxed atmosphere. It also allows children in if they are eating. Macs Bar (14 Fearnley Street, WD1 7DD) the closest pub for away fans is 5 minutes from the ground. The pub is for away fans only (go along Vicarage Road towards the Harlequin Centre and the pub is on the left just past the small shopping arcade). SUNDERLAND - SAT 19TH NOV (KO 15:00) If you have a bit of time of your hands, then you may like to try the Harbour View (Roker, SR6 0NU) situated on the sea front, which is around a 15-20 minute walk away. Simply go along Roker Avenue (opposite the main entrance to the stadium) until you reach the seafront, turn left along the front and you will see the pub up on the left. The pub which is listed in the CAMRA Good Beer Guide’s 2015 and 2016, serves up to six real ales and reasonably priced food (with its own match day menu).

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east coast survey trip Our East Coast survey trip on June 12th was the second of our GBG 2018 survey trips and the area we visited ZDV 'ULIÂżHOG %ULGOLQJWRQ DQG surrounding villages.

2XU ¿UVW VWRS LV WKH White Horse (above) at Bempton with its very distinctive blue slated roof. After a recent refurbishment with an increase in number of ales available we are offered 3 LocALE Wold Top beers, one from their new Coastal Range along with Wolds Way and Headland Red all are very good. The pub is 22 open from noon each day with food available most days and is close to the RSPB Bempton Cliffs bird sanctuary, so there’s a reason to kill two birds with one stone...

by mark bainton

Royal Dog and Duck-Timothy Taylor’s Landlord and Wells Bombardier are served and ZH DOO ¿QG RXU ZD\ RXW LQ WR one of the two beer gardens it has to offer and to enjoy our drinks in the sunshine. Short drive into Bridlington and the Marine Bar becomes the next to be surveyed. Two ales from the Acorn Brewery, Heart of Oak and Darkness catch a few eyes as we don’t seem to see this brewery regularly. A Wold Top bitter, the locALE beer, Timothy Taylor Landlord, John Smith Cask are always available. There was a 4.2% beer brewed for the Euro football FRPSHWLWLRQ IURP %UDG¿HOG aptly named Euro 2016 and a Cornish Orchard cider as the remaining choices. All are excellent with a beer style for everyone’s palate.

splits into three groups and start at different places. The micro pub and brewery, the Butchers Dog on Middle Street South treated us to one of their new beers Yorkshire 7\NH ORF$/( ÀRUDO pale session ale. Along with this were Great Heck Voodoo Mild, Elland Summit, Brown Cow Pale Ale, Lytham Lowther 3.9%, Half Moon Mitis (a mild) and a very good selection of national, regional and local ciders from the box tower next to the bar.

Next it’s the Spread Eagle (above) on Exchange Street, serving Wold Top Coastal (LocALE beer), Revolution’s Should I Stay or Should I Go 4.5%, Lytham Epic 4.4% a light bitter easy drinking. All top form.

The Royal Dog and Duck

(above) at Flamborough was our next destination. With a fair few on the trip some went and visited the Ship across the road and the choice to sample was %UDG¿HOG %ORQGH RU 6KDUSœV Doombar I had the Blonde as you don’t often see this in the region so much. Back to the

The Telegraph(above) home to Bridlington’s only brewery LV VRRQ ¿OOHG ZLWK RXU EXV party but Rob the owner is on hand so we are soon served with Abbeydale Moonshine, Cathedral Gold from Milestone and two of the LocALE brewery’s beers. Burlington Bertie at 4.5% and Old Rogue at 3.8% both were very good to drink. We leave the coast and head LQODQG WR 'ULI¿HOG :H KDYH three pubs to see so the party

Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

Lastly The Mariners on Eastgate. The three Marston’s range on here were Ringwood Best Bitter, Banks’ Sunbeam, and Pedigree New World. All who had the Sunbeam said what a very good pint it was. The branch applied to have this establishment granted an ACV, although this was achieved, it now subject to an appeal. Time has caught up so back to the coach and home. I would like to thank all the licensees’ staff and Acklams Coaches for a great day out.

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heading out to hedon The trip on the 9th July was WKH ¿UVW WLPH , SHUVRQDOO\ organised a survey trip, for me it had an auspicious start making me feel glad it didn’t rain! Never the less I thoroughly enjoyed it and it helped me appreciate the work involved ensuring the days goes smoothly, so much so i will do it again!

by brian johnson

One thing I would say is that LI YLVLWLQJ IRU WKH ÂżUVW WLPH GRQW be put off if it seems manic as the bar is usully quiet, unless there's a CAMRA trip there of course.

Our survey started with a visit to the Humber Tavern and the Crown (below) at Paull the

Humber Tavern was serving *UHDW 1HZVRP (OGHUÀRZHU 24 Power and Tetley Bitter whilst the Crown had Adnams Ghost 6KLS *UHHQH .LQJ ,3$ DQG Morland’s Golden Hen. ,W ZDV D ¿QH HYHQLQJ DQG PRVW people were outside drinking when we were lucky enough to see one of the North Sea Ferries go by. However we were soon on our way again to the Haven Arms (above right) just outside Hedon were inspite of them having a 350 guest party in the marquee we were made very welcome in the bar and they were good enough to lay on a snack for us wich was much appreciated. They KDG ¿YH KDQG SXPSV VHUYLQJ Great Newsome Jem’s Stout, %HOKDYHQ 6W $QGUHZV ¿QDOO\ Rudgate Brewery ales Volsung DQG %UHZ ZLWK HOGHUÀRZHU

Onwards into the centre of Hedon were we split up and some went to the Shakespeare Whist others went to the Hed’on Inn. The 6KDNHVSHDUH EHORZ KDG ¿YH

Lemon Dream, Old Slug Porter, Timothy Taylor Bolt Maker, and Nelson Brewery Admiral. Our last pub in Hedon, some of us walked there, was the Station a traditional pub with 2 outside seating areas. They were serving Timothy Taylor Landlord, Black Sheep Bitter, *UHHQH .LQJ ,3$ DQG %DFN 2Âś the Net, in honour of the Euros Leaving Hedon we headed north to Preston and the Nags Head a pleasant pub with two outside spaces they were serving two ales, Morland Old Golden Hen and Adnams Ghost Ship. Here Stewart Campbell presented our Committment to Cask award to the long serving licensees Lastly we almost went into the middle of nowhere but found a real oasis in the form of the Stags Head Inn (below)

hand pumps serving Green Jack’s Orange Wheat Beer, Draymans Drop Hook Norton, Great Newsome Sleck Dust, and John Smith Cask. The HedOn had Titanic Plum Porter, Burton Bridge Golden Delicious, Great Newsome Liquorice Lads Stout, Salopian

Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

at Lelley where we were made welcome in spite of the lateness of the hour they were serving Great Newsome Frothingham Best and Blackstar, Yorkshire Oregon Girl and Titanic Plum Porter. Having surveyed all the pubs we headed back home in mellow mood with some of the group surveying the backs of their eyelids!

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committment to cask Unfortunately Michael had been unwell recently so the award was made to Marian, his wife by Branch Chairman, Stewart Campbell (pictured below)

Committed to cask awards are made to licensees who have shown commitment to serving good quality real ale for a number of years in what DUH GLIÂżFXOW WUDGLQJ WLPHV These licensees are some of the un-sung stars of the real ale scene in our branch area and we hope these awards highlight the work they are doing.

remote pubs in our branch it is well worth a visit when in the area.

On 25 June during the branch trip to Great Newsome Brewery open day we took the opportunity to visit Crown $QFKRU LQ .LOQVHD WR PDNH a presentation to licensee Jean Bunker to recognise her continuing commitment to real ale with Holderness 3XE &DPSDLJQV 2IÂżFHU %ULDQ Johnson making the award (pictured below)

The Nags Head is a Punch Taverns pub and was in the Both Jean and Michael are 2016 Good Beer Guide. fully deserving recipients Morlands Golden Hen and of these awards and Hull & Timothy Taylor Landlord are East Yorkshire members are the regular beers with one grateful for their commitment guest ale available. The pub to real ale over the years. consists of a large main bar, a smaller separate bar with a dart board and a conservatory area plus a large garden with childrens play area making this a pub for all. A hub of the local community the pub hosts many charity functions including fun days. The pub is open 12-3 and 5-11 MondayThursday, and from noon on FridaySunday with food served 12-2:30 and 01757 288977 5-7 MondayW W W.HALFMOONBREWERY.CO.UK Saturday and 12-7 Sunday.

Jean has been licensee of the Crown & Anchor since 2000 and despite the remoteness of the pub has continued to sell real ales in the pub for the duration. Ideally situated for visitors to Spurn Point the Crown & Anchor sells Tetley Cask and Timothy Taylor Landlord. Popular with bird watchers and locals alike the pub is open from 5pm Monday-Friday and from noon at weekends with food served daily from 5-8:30 except Saturday when food service commences at 5:30. Whilst this pub is one of the most

On the survey trip in July we took the opportunity to recognise the truly remarkable commitment to real ale by Michael Rouse, licensee of the Nags Head in Preston for the last 38 years. Yes, you read that correctly, 38 YEARS.

Mail Group -

Hand Crafted Beer



pubs preservation society The Royal Mail, Thorngumbald

Towards the end of May this year the Steering Group who had been campaigning to save the Royal Mail from demolition asked me if I would represent them at the planning committee meeting where the application was being considered. The group, with support from the majority of the villagers and us in the EUDQFK KDG EHHQ ¿JKWLQJ IRU almost 19 months to have the 26 application turned down and the crunch time was coming on 6 June. 7KH SODQQLQJ RI¿FHU GHDOLQJ with the application, while always maintaining her professional demeanour and approach, had throughout the prolonged process always shown a willingness to listen to and accept representations from the objectors. However, her report, which ran to several pages and clearly stated that the application, 1. Did not meet National Planning Policy guidelines 2. Failed to meet any of the criteria required for the loss of a pub contained in the newly adopted East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s local plan:

3. Failed to prove, despite close examination by two separate council departments, that the pub was not viable (another factor that was at odds with the requirements of the local plan) concluded that it should be approved. The one and only reason for this was that, due to WKH LQÀH[LEOH QDWXUH RI WKH planning regulations by which she was bound and because the pub had been refused Asset of Community Value (ACV) status, the owners, New River Retail (NRR), could either demolish the existing building or change it into a shop without the need for any planning permission. As I have mentioned before in this publication the nomination for ACV status was, much to everyone’s surprise and disappointment, refused not once but twice by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

On the day of the meeting I, along with a group of about twenty villagers, mainly from the Steering Group, turned up at County Hall Beverley to plead the case that despite the recommendation to approve, there was still scope to refuse the application. I, as spokesperson for the group, had just three minutes to detail the reasons why the

Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

committee should go against the recommendation. To that end I had prepared a speech with all the relevant information. I particularly wanted to stress the above SRLQWV IURP WKH RIÂżFHUV report as these were valid planning grounds for refusing the application and could have been defended at any subsequent appeal. I also had three alternative options to suggest for the members to consider. These were: 1. Refuse the application outright 2. Defer the decision on the application and as elected members review the ACV decision (it appears ACV decisions are made solely by RIÂżFHUV ZLWKRXW DQ\ PHPEHU input) 3. Defer the decision and carry out a site visit to view the area in general and the site in particular, before coming to a conclusion. Due to the committee chairman being more interested in what was happening behind me, all the objectors stood when I approached the microphone, my three minutes were immediately reduced to just over two. This meant that I had to rush what my presentation and even had to omit a large part of it and go straight to the suggested options. Not only did the chair waste my valuable time at the beginning but then, while I was speaking, proceeded to ignore me and carry on a

New Branch Website -

by ken smith separate conversation with WKH FRXQFLO RIÂżFHU VLWWLQJ QH[W to him. If he heard anything of what I was saying I would be very surprised. The same thing happened when Councillor Sue Steel, Ward Councillor for Thorngumbald, also made representation to the committee. She also asked for a deferral to allow more time for the members to consider the implications of the proposal. By contrast when the representative of NRR was speaking he not only allowed her the full three minutes but also paid rapt attention to every word. He even thanked her at the end of her speech.

the pub was not viable but was told that the permitted change of use under the planning regulations overrode this consideration. It was obvious from both his speech and body language that the chairman, Councillor Brian Pearson, had made up his mind to approve the application even before attending the meeting. He simply browbeat nearly all of the rest of the committee into agreeing with the recommendation. I say nearly DOO DV WKH ÂżQDO YRWH ZDV WR to approve the application with 1 abstention.

Following this farce members of the committee were then offered the opportunity to comment. Despite a number of them expressing concern about the application the chairman was not prepared to make any concessions and never even responded to the requests for a deferral.

My thanks go to those brave souls who were prepared to have the courage of their convictions and vote against the chairman’s edict.

One committee member questioned the failure to prove

Somewhat laughingly NRR, as part of their original

submission and then verbally at the committee, contended that a Co-op store was a suitable community asset to replace the pub. It will be interesting to see how they react when the allotment group turn up for a meeting, all covered in mud and carrying their prize vegetables or the over 50s group arrive for their Wednesday afternoon bingo session. Maybe they can hold their meetings in the alcohol or tea aisle. Finally on this sorry tale it KDV QRZ EHHQ FRQ¿UPHG WKDW the Royal Mail will close on 12 September 2016. I am, however, delighted to say that Paul’s application to create a new micro pub in the village has now been approved. It will be situated in the old sorting RI¿FH EHKLQG WKH QRZ FORVHG 27 SRVW RI¿FH RQ WKH PDLQ VWUHHW According to his Facebook page he will be calling it the New Royal Mail but that along with the opening date has \HW WR EH FRQ¿UPHG .HHS an eye on our web site and Facebook pages for the latest information.

camra yorkshire club of the year 2016 WINNER


Wortley Men’s Club in Wortley

York Brewery Club in York

Mail Group -

3UHVHQWDWLRQV RI FHUWLÂżFDWHV to the licensees of both clubs will be made during October. The dates and times of the presentations will be advised as soon as possible. Peter Goddard (Deputy Regional Director) has agreed to do the presentation at the Wortley 0HQÂśV &OXE DQG .HYLQ .HDYHQ\ 5HJLRQDO 'LUHFWRU the presentation at the York Brewery Club.


regional what pub award At the July branch meeting held at the Highway, Willerby Road, Hull, the Deputy Regional Director, Peter Goddard (centre) was in attendance to present two branch members, Pete Walker (left) and Robert Cawkwell (right) with awards to record the region’s thanks for the work they have done in updating pub details for WhatPub. is a website, produced by CAMRA, which lists nearby pubs wherever you may be in the country. The content of WhatPub is created from each CAMRA branch’s local database, and they are responsible for keeping that data up to date. Here in Hull & East Yorkshire, we have nearly 600 pubs in our database which are kept up to date by carrying out pub surveys but with such a large area to cover and sizeable number of pubs the branch is always in need of volunteers submitting updates via the website. Pete and Robert are two such volunteers and have been 28 sending in updates for over two years now. As a branch we appreciate any feedback on the entries for each and every pub on the database. Members can login to submit details but nonmembers can also send in updates if there is anything on a pubs entry that need correction or updating. When on the pubs entry in WhatPub there is a ‘Submit updates’ icon that will open up a new window where the new information can be submitted. This information will be sent to the WhatPub database co-ordinator who will then update the database accordingly.

Woolpack Inn


37 Westwood Road, Beverley

01482 867095

Now Serving Old Rosie Cider 7 Real Ales Dog Friendly Home-cooked Food Sunday Roasts Tuesday Night Pie & Pint Thursday Night Quiz

Are you able to adopt one or two pubs you visit regularly and check that the info we hold is correct? If so please Email the branch chairman Stewart Campbell at In addition to keeping the branch information up to date WhatPub can also be used to help the branch select the entries for the good Beer Guide. CAMRA members, when logged in, can submit beer scores for individual pubs thereby allowing the branch to maintain a record of which pubs are selling real ale of high quality on a consistent basis. This can be done whilst in the pub via phone, tablet etc or by recording your scores and submitting them at a later date. Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

Opening Hours Mon: 4.30pm -10.00pm Tues -Fri:12pm - 3pm/4.30pm - 11pm Sat & Sun: 12pm - 11pm New Branch Website -

the Social scene by steve allison On Saturday 25th June, a group of 21 members and guests headed out to the Holderness area to the Great Newsome brewery day, where we treated to a range of their beers - Sleck Dust, )URWKLQJKDP %HVW (OGHUĂ€RZHU Power and Pricky Back Otchan. There was also food, JDPHV DQG D UDIĂ€H DV ZHOO DV the opportunity to have a look URXQG WKH KRS ÂżHOG YLQWDJH tractor collection and brewery tours. On behalf of the branch I would like to thank Matthew and his team for a wonderful day out.

congratulations to Jean and her team. We then headed to the White Horse at Easington where we enjoyed a Tom Woods Lincoln Gold a committed to cask award. Jean has been at the pub since 2000, remaining in sole charge since 2002 and continues to sell 2 real ales [Timothy Taylor Landlord and Tetley Bitter) despite the pubs remote location, again on behalf of the branch

On leaving, we visited some pubs in the Holderness area, ÂżUVW XS ZDV WKH Crown and Anchor DW .LOQVHD DERYH right) were we presented the landlady Jean Bunker with

2XU ÂżQDO VWRS ZDV WKH Coach and Horses in Welwick DERYH 7KLV ZDV RXU ÂżUVW chance to visit the pub since it reopened and with a selection of 4 real ales including 2 from Great Newsome, it was a great way to round off a fantastic day.


local festival news Friday 30th September and 1st October - Beverley real ale and cider festival is being held at the Memorial Hall , Beverley Friday 7th and Saturday 8th October - Wold Top Big Sky Beer Festival The two day festival at Wold Top Brewery includes live music and camping area available. Enquiries and ticket purchases 01723 892222 or 13th, 14th, 15th October - Scarborough First Real Ale, Cider & Arts Festival will be held in the Old 3DUFHO 2IÂżFH 6FDUERURXJK 6WDWLRQ RQ 7KXUVGD\ WK )ULGD\ WK DQG 6DWXUGD\ WK 2FWREHU 2016. The three-day festival is organised by the Scarborough Branch of CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale, in conjunction with The Campaign for Real Art. 60 different real ales, including some of the best brewed locally, will be available. 15 of them will be dispensed by hand pumps and 45 served by gravity, direct from the cask. 15 real ciders will also be available. Lined glasses will ensure that the customers will receive full measures. The opening hours will be 12 noon -10:30pm on Thursday and Friday, and 12 noon until sell out Is your local holding a beer festival then why not ask the landlord/landlady/licensee to email the detail to us at Do you know of any real ale and cider festivals or events going on in the local area please let us know! (Note that these are not CAMRA events unless stated)

Mail Group -


don’t you wolds away the bus What’s this all about you’re wondering. Well it was the GBG 2018 survey trip you have missed going around the rural villages with in the Wolds on a sunny afternoon in August. It’s a good job some of us have made the effort to get involved or you wouldn’t see any entries for this area in the Good Beer Guide or at our annual beer festival at Holy Trinity Church it just wouldn’t happen! After text messages, phone calls trying to contact a certain Phil B. The coach trip ¿QDOO\ JRW RQ LWV ZD\ SLFNLQJ everyone else up so we could head out to the village of Walkington just outside of Beverley. The two pubs on the list were the Barrel Inn (below) and Ferguson


from race days donate their Paddock Enclosure tickets’ to be displayed above the bar, makes an interesting site worth seeing. The Ferguson Fawsitt Arms is a little further up the road & after the recent refurbishment mainly within the carvery/dining area where the guests are treated to great menu which has been locally sourced. Our menu was had four courses. For starters Wold Top Wold Gold followed with Black Sheep. Mains consisted Five Continents from Treboom Brewery, herby tasting (nice with the lamb) or Black Sheep) and dessert the sweet tasting Ruby Mild from Rudgate. In North Newbald and The Tiger, another four courses were on offer - Tetley Cask, Black Sheep, Yorkshire Blonde from Ossett and Timothy Taylor Landlord. Again we spilt as the other pub in the village is the Gnu Inn (below).

Fawsitt Arms, there is also the Dog and Duck here too. We divided up into two groups making it easier for the staff in the pubs to cope with there been 28 in attendance. At The Barrel, Thwaites Wainwright, Lancaster Bomber & Heritage soon began to be dispensed to the waiting group& Westons Rosie Pig cider completed the four hand pumps at the bar. As Beverley’s race course isn’t far away above the front of the bar patrons

Here the offering was York’s Guzzler, Sharps Atlantic and Black Sheep. Oddly Phil B disappeared again when it was time to leave, excuse this time “didn’t we have an extension?” so again our departure was delayed. 7KH ³ERWWOH EHHU UDIÀH´ LV D feature of trips I organise, at this point in the trip we are on to round three. Previously

Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

Alan T (below) always thought

his ticket was never entered into the pot as his number has never even been close to any of the numbers drawn. So what a surprise in round one when he was one off, but in round three his number came out much to his happiness. We couldn’t stop laughing as he won the only bottle of Italian lager, enjoy it Alan! We reach Market Weighton and a new micro pub is our destination. The Weighton Whippet in the Market Place, a couple of doors from the *ULI¿Q. The wide selection on offer was Atom Camomile, Wold Top Wold Gold, Horbury Blonde from Bosun’s Brewing Co from West Yorkshire & Baron Saturday a 5.2% porter from Treboom Brewery, north of York but this soon went, we were told this had been very popular over the weekend, but four Yorkshire beers in one outlet made a welcome change. While some were unable to get in at the start as it’s a micro pub several SRSSHG LQWR 7KH *ULI¿Q DQG The Londesborough Hotel until all were served at the Whippet. Neil aka ‘Sat-Nav’ earned an ear bashing as he directed the coach driver to park some distance away from the pubs by those who hadn’t realised they had passed the pub and

New Branch Website -

by mark bainton had to walk further but the *ULI¿Q DQG /RQGHVERURXJK Hotel were both highly praised by the groups, who visited them, check out Whatpub for their details. Goodmanham Arms is in the shadow of All Hallows Church & where the brewery took its name. We are also in the shadow ….of a farm building as Sat-Nav had the driver pull up at the top of the hill ok for walking down (pictured) but walking up after

the ales have gone down is a different matter. We aren’t disappointed with All Hallows beers these included Peg Fyfe Ragged Robin and Wolds Way but No Notion had sold out before we arrived, a choice of a mild/ bitter/IPA/ and porter. The guest beers were Lancaster Bomber, Theakston Best Bitter, Hambleton Stallion, Yorkshire Blonde and Moorhouses Whitewitch. Several box ciders are also available including local producers and as far as Suffolk and Herefordshire. With the weather as it was we took ample pleasure in the use of the beer garden to enjoy our chosen drink. After another delayed start we set off towards South Dalton and the Pipe and Glass which is very popular with diners so our delays slightly worked out well for both the pub and

ourselves as there wasn’t any disruption for either set of patrons. Our beer menu consisted of the pub’s house beer Two Chefs brewed up at Cropton, Wold Top Coastal 3, Black Sheep & Scarborough Brewery Transmission 3.9% light citrusy pale ale and lastly Pulp Cider Company offered their Rhubarb craft cider 4%, slightly dry, rhubarb giving it a VZHHWLVK ¿QLVK Thanks to Sat-Nav’s misdirection when leaving the parking area the coach’s underside, sills and other parts scrape along the ground but the front is touching the road we are becoming ‘grounded’ similar to the coach and stack RI JROG LQ WKH ¿OP 7KH ,WDOLDQ Job. Shall we all run to the back so the front goes up? The driver gets the vehicle out and asks about damage Sat-Nav replies in the style of DQRWKHU ¿OP 0RQW\ 3\WKRQV Holy Grail -where the knight whose arms and legs have both been cut off replies back… ‘It’s just a mere scratch’. Well there wasn’t a dry eye on the coach after that remark. Lund and the Wellington Inn (below) next, the schedule

Bitter and Timothy Taylor Landlord and guest beers were Great Newsome’s Sleck Dust and Festival Fuel from Pennine Brewing to make up the beer selection. Praise is due to the member of the bar staff who single handedly kept the half pints coming during our visit here, a credit to his profession. After no more delays we can see the sun is dropping off the horizon time, to head to our last pub. We get to the Ship Inn at Dunswell. The very last round WK IRU WKH UDIÀH ZHQW ZLWKRXW a hitch. Turning up at a pub in a coach is great, to see the reaction of the patrons already in the pub or sat outside when we start to disembark is priceless.There’s a nautical theme in the pub due to its name. Pictures, ropes bells, 31 sailing blocks stern lights a whole host of memorabilia. You can enjoy a LocAle beer from Great Newsome or all Hallows Brewery. Today we had Great Newsome’s Sleck Dust and Frothingham Best. All Hallows Ragged Robin and *UHHQH .LQJ¶V +DUG\ +DQVRQ completed the four beers. The latter sold out four servings into our visit. This concludes the Wold Way trip, just like to thank the licensees, staff and Acklams for a great day.

is well and truly behind times by well over an hour but what great village pub overlooking the village green. Always available is Theakston Best

Mail Group -

If you have enjoyed reading this article and wouldn’t mind participating on a survey trip look up the dates and contact numbers in this magazine and come and join-in the madness.


assetts of community value certification by ken smith First the really good news! Following a submission to Hull City Council in the middle of June the Lord Nelson on Endike Lane has now been added to the growing number of pubs in the area designated as Assets of Community Value. The welcome pack and DOO LPSRUWDQW FHUWLÂżFDWH ZLOO EH delivered once I get them from &$05$ KHDG RIÂżFH Secondly as mentioned in the last edition of this most estimable publication (you can still get hold of a copy in some pubs or read it on the branch ZHEVLWH WKH $&9 FHUWLÂżFDWHV

for Highway Willerby Road and White Hart at North Cave ¿QDOO\ DUULYHG 7KLV PHDQW , ZDV DEOH WR IXO¿O P\ SURPLVH and present Jo (below left) at the former and, in Tracy’s absence, Glen (below right) at the latter with their well-earned accolades. Photographic evidence of this can be seen below but once again that bloke in the CAMRA T shirt managed to get on the other side of the camera. More submissions are in the pipeline so watch this space and keep an eye on both the web site and Facebook page for developments.

of the licensees to their customers and the loyalty of the customers to their local which really determines whether the criteria are met. While we accept that ACV status alone does not guarantee the safety of any pub it does nevertheless provide another layer of protection from the current planning regulations. It is an old adage but in these tough times “Use it or Lose it� has never been more true and the best way to keep your local open is to get down there and show your support and we at CAMRA urge you to do this.

In closing I would just like to say well done to all those pubs (the full list is the branch web site) which have been awarded this status wherever they are in the area. While designation relates to the building it is the commitment


new branch cider representative - alex hayward Hello I am Alex Hayward the new Cider Representive for the branch, I have been a member for about four years and some of you will know me from the yearly beer festival which I always help out with on the cider and bottles bar. I am fond of many ciders and beers but prefer cloudy scrumpy styled ones,

Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

I am available to contact for any cider related issues at Latest news is that the Head of Steam are rotating a few different ciders into their mix, not just Westons, have had some Biddenden ciders and rarer ones, why not seek them out?

New Branch Website -

a walk in beverley from baz henderson We recived this poem from Baz a CAMRA life member, who found it in a book of Household Recipes, Medical Remedies and Home Brewing, dated 1920. How many of the Beverley SXEV FDQ \RX ¿QG ,W PD\ QRW EH WKH ¿QHVW SRHP EXW GRHV JLYH IRRG IRU WKRXJKW DV WR ZK\ we need ACV’s. I met a man the other day After order had been restored With the Rose and Crown in hand To their homes they all come back When all at once he made a stop And being rather tired And under the Kings Head he stand They sat down at the old Woolpack The Royal Standard it waved over him And being rather hungry Like a Valiant Soldier he then stood They had had some bread and jam Then mounted on a grand White Horse Through the kind invitation But not one made of Wood Of the Lion and the Lamb He took a ride around The Globe With his Pack upon his horse Then called to see if George was in And found him in of course He next took a ride up Norwood And found things in a queer state For the Durham Ox had bolted And knocked down the Sign of Gate

Just then the Foresters horn was heard They were chasing the Buck When the Odd Fellows they came by And wished us all good luck All at once the Blue Bell rang out When everything else was still $QG *HRUJH DQG 'UDJRQ ZHUH ÂżJKWLQJ Inside the old Wind Mill

1RZ ÂżQGLQJ WKLQJV LQ VXFK D VWDWH He didnt know what was a loss So went and had a glass of wine With the Lady of Le Gross While he was there a row commenced For a Tiger was brought in $QG PDWFKHG WR ÂżJKW WKH 'UDJRQ For a heavy sum of Tin.

The Red Lion made a horrible row It kept us all alive It tried to gobble the Malt Shovel up And upset the old Bee Hive The Reindeer rushed at the old Kings Head When George the Third was King Then rushed into the Tanners Arms Which made the tanners sing

It was proposed to have some music So the Drum and Monkey was engaged They sent for them by Telegraph At which the Queens Head got enraged And while all this was going on A young man made a call He asked for our permision To perform with a Golden Ball

We went down to the Moulders Arms And had a glass of beer Then down to the Hall Garth We tried ourselves to steer But as we passed Wilbert Lane The Angel Hotel we could not pass So we popped into Mr Garforth’s And had another glass

Lord Nelson hearing of the row At once made for the Ship And ordered all his Mariners To Anchor down to slip Then ordered every man on board 7R ÂżOO D OLWWOH FDQ With a drop of real good brandy Which was brought in by the Swan

We went down to the Railway When brightly shone the Sun Then all at once I spied the Dog and Duck So I went and fetched my gun When I came back I found the Dog Was up the old Oak Tree So I shipped on a Sloop near Beverley Beck And Sailed away to sea.

Thanks Baz, have you something of interest about our local pubs or breweries, if so please email it to our editor at

Mail Group -




Get a new Habit

51 Saturday Market Beverley (01482) 889801

Mon - ‘MONDAY CLUB’ Selected Drinks ÂŁ1.99

Tues - SMARTPHONE PUB QUIZ No pens, No paper, No cheating



*KIJICVG $GXGTNG[ *7 &0 6GN 01482 864972

Weds - 8pm ‘IN THE ROUND’ Open Mic/Jam Night


Thurs - TRADITIONAL QUIZ Cocktails 2 for ÂŁ5.50 + crack the safe

Fri - LIVE MUSIC Join Us Last Friday of the Month from 9pm Ask us about our DRINKS PACKAGES Breakfast served from 8am every day Food served 7 days a week 10 Cask Ales and hand pulled ciders Quiz nights start at 9pm

Check out our website for more info at

FREE HOUSE - serving excellent local beers, lagers and ciders from: Atom, Brass Castle, Great Newsome, Wold Top, Yorkshire Brewing .... and others It’s a ‘Chatter’ pub. No TV, no jukebox dog-friendly the best beer gardenWHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT? &Ĺ?ŜĚ ƚŽĚĂLJ͛Ć? Ä?ÄžÄžĆŒĆ? ĂŜĚ ĹśÄžÇ Ć? Ăƚ͗ ÍšDŽŜŏĆ? tÄ‚ĹŻĹŹ ƉƾÄ?ĹŻĹ?Ä? ĹšŽƾĆ?Ğ͛

Cask Marque CAMRA Good Beer Guide 2013/14/16


useful information real ale v smooth What is Real Ale? Real Ale is a living beer. It continues to ferment DQG GHYHORS LWV IXOO ÀDYRXU LQ WKH FDVN Real Ale is brewed from traditional ingredients, malt, hops, water and yeast matured by secondary fermentation in the container from which it is dispensed, and served without the extraneous use of carbon dioxide or nitrogen via hand pumps. Real Ale is also called cask beer or cask conditioned.

camra head office Campaign for Real Ale Limited +DW¿HOG 5RDG ST ALBANS AL1 4LW 01727 86720

consumer direct If you have any complaints regarding short measure or any related consumer rights issues, please contact Consumer Direct: 0845 4040506

transport information BUS COMPANIES East Yorkshire Motor Services (01482) 327142

Examples of Traditional Handpumps What are ‘Smooth’ beers? Smooth beers are brewed in much the same way as real ale but eventually the natural yeast is killed and processed to give longer shelf life. The dead beer is then resurrected by means of chemicals and served chilled by gas pressure through fonts. Smooth beer sales are also known as nitro-keg beer.

Stagecoach (01482) 222333 Bus Call (8am til 8pm 7 days a week) (01482) 222222

TRAIN COMPANIES Hull Trains 08450 710222 Northern Rail 08457 484950 TransPennine Express 08445 565637

Examples of Smooth Dispensers Mail Group -

CAMRA says Please don’t Drink & Drive @hullCAMRA


Brewery news ALL HALLOWS Goodmanham Arms, Main Street GOODMANHAM, YO43 5JA 01430 873849 Regular Beers: Peg Fyfe Dark Mild (ABV 3.6%), Mischief Maker Copper Ale (ABV 3.8%), Gooders Gold (ABV 4%), Wayward Angel Blonde/Citrus (ABV 4.0%), Ragged Robin Ruby Ale (4.8%), No Notion Porter (ABV 5.6%), Elder and Wiser (ABV 3.8%) BLO - John Ashton Wolds Way IPA, a 4.5%ABV pale air, with citrus and almond notes is Abbie’s latest brew. An update on the BAY HORSE, BURYTHORPE where an opening date of 8th October has been muted, this is later than anticipated owing to the extensive nature of works required to restore the building. The wait should be worthwhile, however, as four ALL HALLOWS beers are planned plus four guests and a 36 micro-brewery in the bar

ATOM Unit 4 Food & Tech Park Malmo Road, Sutton Fields Ind Est W HULL, HU7 0YF 07908 737769 Regular Beers: Blonde (ABV 4%), Pale Ale (ABV 4.5%), Dark Alchemy (ABV 4.9%), India Pale Ale (ABV 5.6%) BLO - Chris Smith $WRP DUH LQ ¿QDO QHJRWLDWLRQV WR VWDUW VHOOLQJ beers into Russia and Germany /DVW PRQWK WKH\ ZHUH WKH RQO\ 8. EUHZHU invited to the Craft Beer Helsinki festival, serving and talking beer, enjoying amazing feedback and great things came from Finland. Special Beers - Atom have done two new FROODERUDWLRQV UHFHQWO\ 1. Hybrid with Garbutts on Princes Avenue lager/ale cross, light and refreshing kolsch style Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

beer 2. Currently not named but Atom have produced a Orange and chilli IPA with in conjunction with Heardow House Leeds, which was launched on the 3rd September as part of Leeds beer week on the rooftop terrace at Headrow. 3. On the 19th August Atom are brewed brew #200, their take on a 15% Imperial, 2 mashes, lots of hard work, which will created a monster of a beer. Atom are currently undergoing new equipment installations to bring capacity up to meet demand, presently they are pre-sold for up to 8 weeks in advance so more capacity is greatly needed. Atom have been refocusing on the local market with the addition of an extra 4 permanent lines in and around Hull, added to this they were involved in the Freedom Festival in September by being the key supplier to the 3 main bars at the event.

BIRD BRAIN 30 Hallgate, HOWDEN Goole, DN14 7SL 01430 432166 Regular Beers: Shiny’s (ABV 3.9%), Howden Bitter (ABV 3.9%) BLO - Stewart Campbell

BRIDLINGTON BREWERY The Telegraph 110 Quay Road BRIDLINGTON, YO16 4JB 01262 674592 Regular Beers: Quay Gold (ABV 4.2%), BLO - Tony Garrett Rob and Helen, who run the Bridlington Brewery, have sold the Telegraph Inn where the brewery has been based until now and have packed the brewery equipment up ready to re-site it. There are two options for its new SRVLWLRQ ± HLWKHU LQ WKH JURXQGV RI WKH 3DFN New Branch Website -

Brewery news Horse Inn in Bridlington old town or in an old warehouse building near the station. Either of these options will require work to make the buildings suitable to house the brewery. Consequently, they have now paused brewing until they have redeveloped the brewery and they do not anticipate to be brewing again until the new year. They still have their brewer active and he will be working with them on the redevelopment of the brewery on its new site. We look forward to supping the Bridlington Brewery beers again in 2017

BRICKNELL BREWERY 67 Bricknell Avenue HULL HU5 4ET 07729 722953

The Butchers Dog now have hire bar and events marquees up and running as well as a new cider whole sale business, so Ithere is a lot to be on with at the moment!

CRYSTALBREW Building 40, Humber Business Park, Saltgrounds Road, BROUGH, HU15 1ED 07773 938380 Regular Beers: Blond (ABV 4.5%), Jade (ABV 4.0%), Black Pearl Treacle Stout (ABV 5%), BLO - John Rushforth 5 new brews, Belle, Anzac Pale, Hawk and Summer Breeze all at 3.8%ABV and Indian Summer IPA at 5.2% ABV.

Current Beer Range: Saazy Blonde (ABV 4.0%), Cascade Pale (ABV 4.5%), Anchor Pale Ale (ABV 4.9%), Double Anchor IPA (ABV 6.2%), Bosphorous 1875 (Strong Dark Ruby Ale), (ABV 6.5%), Chocolate Porter (ABV 4.8%), Slavanka 1873 (Imperial Russian Stout) (ABV 7.0%) BLO - John Rushforth

Crystal Jade represented Crystalbrew at the GBBF and a new beer was brewed for this VXPPHU D ÀRUDO DQG FLWUXV SDOH EHHU ZLWK D good balance of malt and hops, called ‘Summit 37 and Cascade(4.0%)’. Also the Autumn special, Indian Summer IPA(5.2%), is just nicely racked and ready to go out shortly.

Bricknell are supplied a couple of pins at the Leven Beer Festival at the beginning of September and 3 pins will be available at the Beverley Festival at the end of September, (no further details at the time of going to press other than they will be outside of their standard range of 7 Vegan friendly beers)

7 Pickering Grange Brough HU15 1GY East Yorkshire 01482 667329 and 07792 417564

THE BUTCHERS DOG 10D Twydale Business Park Skerne Road 'ULI¿HOG YO25 6JX 01377 254032

GREAT NEWSOME Great Newsome Farm South Frodingham Winestead HULL, HU12 0NR 01964 612201

Regular Beers: %ODFN 6SRW 6WRXW $%9 3HSSHU¶V 3DZ 3RUWHU $%9 <RUNVKLUH 7\NH %LWWHU $%9 .XNDU ,3$ $%9 DQG One -O-One Pale Ale (ABV4.6%) BLO - Angela Cawte

Regular Beers: Sleck Dusk (ABV 3.8%), Pricky Back Otchan (ABV 4.2%), Frothingham Best (ABV 4.3%), Jem’s Stout (ABV 4.3%) BLO - Stewart Campbell

Mail Group -


Regular Beers: Big Head Bitter (ABV 4.5%)


Brewery news The brewery recently held an open day which was attended by the branch further news in Social Secretary’s report, but needless to say a good time was had by all. If you get the chance to go to one you won’t be disappointed. It has been a busy few months for Great Newsome Brewery. Liquorice Lads Stout and Little Gem’s Hodgsons IPA have been KRQRXUHG DW WKH *UHDW 7DVWH DZDUGV WKH brewery has rebranded and launched new look pump clips and bottle labels with the tag line ‘A True Yorkshire Gem’ and on 25 June a brewery Open Day was held raising £500 for local charity Humber Rescue.


Seasonals for forthcoming months are Cornucopia (4.3% golden ale, clean bitterness coupled with hints of butterscotch) in September followed by Pigs Ear (5.2% copper coloured and malty), Out Foxed (4.4% autumnal red ale) and Skeins Retreat (3.6% copper coloured session bitter with fruity hop notes). As usual the brewery team will out and about at various festivals so go along and pick up bottles and mini-casks from them.

HALF MOON BREWERY Forge House, Ellerton <25. <2 3% 01757 288977 07741 400508 or 07736 112399 Regular Beers: F’Hops Sake (ABV 3.9%), Dark Masquerade (ABV 3.6%), Old Forge Bitter $%& .,60(7 $%9

4.7%), Blonde Bombshell (ABV 4.0%), Seasonal Beers: Fall Over (ABV 4.5%) Available September: A russet coloured, IXOO PDOW\ TXDI¿QJ DOH ZLWK D VPRRWK PHOORZ character. Fire and Brimstone (ABV 3.9%) Available October: Hubble, bubble, malt, hops and trouble! With a hint of chocolate on the double. Winter Warmer(ABV 4.7%) Available November: A strong, easy drinking ELWWHU ZLWK SOHQW\ RI IUXLW DQG KRSV 7KH ÀDYRXUV H[WHQG ZLWK D U\H PDOW\ ¿QLVK

WOLD TOP Hunmanby Grange, Wold Newton DRIFFIELD, YO25 3HS 01723 892222 Regular Beers: Bitter (ABV 3.7%), Wold Gold (ABV 4.8%), Headland Red (ABV 4.3%), Anglers Reward (ABV 4.0%) Wold Top Brewery has launched the forth in D VHULHV RI ¿YH OLPLWHG HGLWLRQ µ&RDVWDO 6HULHV¶ EHHUV WKDW UHÀHFW WKH (DVW <RUNVKLUH coastline just three miles from its farm based location. Coastal Series 4 is a 4.2% ABV, refreshing pale golden ale. )XOO RI ÀRUDO QRWHV DQG FLWUXV ÀDYRXUV The October offering Wort’s N’Ale is a 4.1% ABV golden bitter, with a fresh bitterness and notes of orange and spice.

OLD MILL Mill Street, SNAITH, DN14 9HU 01405 861813 Regular Beers: Mild (ABV 3.4%), Bitter (ABV 3.9%), Old Curiosity (ABV 4.5%), Bullion (ABV Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

The last in the series of brews is Coastal Series 5, a 4.1% ABV beer with roasted malts give a smooth, full and rounded taste. Perfect for winter nights. <RX FDQ ¿QG WKH ERWWOHV DQG FDVNV LQ 3XEV New Branch Website -

Brewery news Restaurants, Shops and Deli’s throughout East & North Yorkshire. Some of our bottles are also available in some of the larger retailers both regionally and nationally In the space of just one week, the team at Wold Top Brewery picked up two awards and a place LQ WKH ¿QDO RI D UHJLRQDO IRRG DQG GULQN DZDUGV for its coastal inspired beer. Just days after being awarded a bronze medal at the International Beer Challenge, the Wold Newton brewery’s Scarborough Fair IPA was awarded Highly Commended in the Great British Food Awards this week and has also been shortlisted in the Best Drink Product category of Yorkshire Life magazine’s annual Food and Drink awards.

COLEMANS CIDER CO Eastgate House East Street .LOKDP East Yorkshire 07866 551018 Colemans have been really busy over the last few months supplying craft cider to a number of events including Beverley Folk Festival, Burton Agnes Jazz Festival, Moonbeams Festival and Howden Show.

The results of the Yorkshire Life awards will be announced during an evening celebration hosted by TV news presenter Claire Montgomery on Monday, September 26th at Rudding Park in Harrogate.

They are currently gearing up for this year’s cider making season which starts in September. The aim is to double the amount of cider made in 2015 and to this end they have recently purchased another cider press together with a number of larger 1000L fermenters. They are keen to hear from people who have surplus apples which they will trade for apple juice and/or cider. Contact them via 39 their website or give Marc a call.



Brewery Wharf 70 Humber Street, HULL, HU1 1TU 01482 618000

Moorland Farm, Cliffe Road North Newbald <25. <2 65 01430 827359

Regular Beers: True North (ABV 4.1%), Supernatural Blonde (ABV 4.5%), Mutiny (ABV 3.6%), Yorkshire Passion (ABV 4.5%), Oregon Gold (ABV 4.5%), Moondance (ABV 4.5%), Raspberry Tipple (ABV 4.8%), Strawberry Blonde (ABV 4.8%), Honeymoon (ABV 4.8%). BLO - Mark Bainton

Cider: Medium Sweet Cyder (ABV 6.2%), Medium Dry Cyder (ABV 6.2%), Fruit Cyders and Apple Juice.

The Raspberry Tipple was selected to go to WKH *%%) LQ /RQGRQ WKLV ZDV WKH ÂżUVW WLPH IRU the brewery thats one of their beers had gone down to the festival, congratulations to Guy and the team its not easy to get selected.

Mail Group -

Dawn from Moorlands Farm Cyder have recently taken over the The Albion pub off Freetown Way, Hull. At the time of witting it is still being refurbished but expect it to be reopen very soon.


dog friendly pubs We are always being asked for Dog Friendly pubs in our area so with the help of our Branch Secretary Steve Purdie and his dog Belle (below) here is a list of pubs we know about. If you know of anymore please email me at with the details. Woolpack, Beverley Chequers, Beverley Dog and Duck, Beverley Tiger, Beverley Royal Standard, Beverley Potting Shed, Beverley .LQJ :LOOLDP ,9 &RWWLQJKDP Railway, Cottingham Blue Bell, Cottingham %XWFKHUV 'RJ 'ULI¿HOG Marquis of Granby, Easington White Horse, Easington Goodmanham Arms, Goodmanham Plough, Hollym Luciens Bar, Hornsea Stackhouse Bar, Hornsea Head of Steam, Hull People’s Republic, Hull Sailmakers, High St. Hull

Furley & Co, Hull Whalebone, Hull Lord Nelson, Hull St. John’s, Hull Queens, Hull Bay Horse, Hull William Hawkes, Hull Polar Bear, Hull Old English Gentleman, Hull Blue Bell, Hull Black Boy, Hull The Station, Hull Carpenters Arms, Market Weighton Red Lion, Market Weighton Holderness Inn, Patrington Humber Tavern, Paull (NEW) Coach and Horses, Welwick Old Boat Shed, Withersea


Yorkshire Pub Walks - Available Now in the CAMRA Shop CAMRA’s Yorkshire Pub Walks is the sixth book in the best-selling series by Bob Steel and launches a bold new series design. The book takes in country and town across 25 routes that showcase Yorkshire’s unique heritage and beauty, and are designed for Ç Ä‚ĹŻĹŹÄžĆŒĆ? ŽĨ Ä‚ĹŻĹŻ ƚLJƉĞĆ? ĂŜĚ Ä‚Ä?Ĺ?ĹŻĹ?Ć&#x;ÄžĆ?Í• each with great pubs at its heart. A pocket-sized, traveller’s guide to some of the best walking and ĎŜĞĆ?Ćš ƉƾÄ?Ć? Ĺ?Ĺś zĹ˝ĆŒĹŹĆ?ĹšĹ?ĆŒÄžÍ˜ dŚĞ walks are grouped geographically and explore some of the region’s ĨÄ‚Ć?Ä?Ĺ?ŜĂĆ&#x;ĹśĹ? ĹšĹ?Ć?ĆšĹ˝ĆŒĹ?Ä?Ä‚ĹŻ ĂŜĚ ĹŻĹ?ĆšÄžĆŒÄ‚ĆŒÇ‡ heritage as well as its thriving brewing scene. The book Ä?ŽŜƚĂĹ?ĹśĆ? ÄžĆ?Ć?ĞŜĆ&#x;Ä‚ĹŻ Ĺ?ŜĨŽĆŒĹľÄ‚Ć&#x;ŽŜ about local transport and Ä‚Ä?Ä?ŽžžŽÄšÄ‚Ć&#x;ŽŜ͘ Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

Available now from the CAMRA Shop for just ÂŁ7.99 (CAMRA Member Price RRP ÂŁ9.99)* New Branch Website -


Clearly Great Ales! Brewers of quality real ales using the ¿QHVW QDWXUDO LQJUHGLHQWV Follow us on Twitter @crystalbrewales Find us on Facebook Crystalbrew


l CrystaB e l l e Blonde Brewed in Yorkshire ABV 3.8%


Further details: email : or phone : 07773 938380

al Cryst Anzac Pale

al CrystBlack Pearl

NZ Hops

Brewed in Yorkshire ABV 3.8%

Brewed in Yorkshire ABV 5.0%

pubs with............................ Interior or internal features of outstanding historic interest: These Pubs are on CAMRA’s National Inventory of Historic Pub Interiors: Beverley - White Horse Inn Bridlington - Station Buffet Kingston Upon Hull - Olde Black Boy Olde White Harte : Polar Bear : White Hart (currently closed) Oversized, lined glasses: (Guaranteeing a full or ½ liquid pint) Bridlington - Station Buffet Beverley - Chequers 'ULI¿HOG - The Butchers Dog Hollym - Plough Inn Kingston Upon Hull - Hop & Vine Real draught cider (not keg), East Yorkshire: Beverley - Cornerhouse : Green Dragon : Tiger Dog & Duck : Chequers Bridlington - Prior John Cottingham &URVV .H\V 5DLOZD\ .LQJ :LOOLDP ,9 'ULI¿HOG - Tiger Inn : Old Falcon : Butchers Dog Dunswell - The Ship Goodmanham - Goodmanham Arms Hedon - Haven Arms : Hed’on Inn Hessle - Hawke formerly Admiral Hawke Hornsea - Stackhouse (NEW) 42 Nafferton .LQJV +HDG North Newbald - Tiger Inn : The Gnu Skidby - Half Moon Skirlaugh - Sun Inn : Duke of York South Dalton - Pipe & Glass Sproatley - The Blue Bell Tickton - New Inn Withernsea - Golden Sands Holiday Park : Oid Boatshed (NEW) Walkington - The Barrel Real draught cider (not keg), Kingston Upon Hull Clubs and Pubs: Adelphi Club : Admiral of the Humber The Gardener’s : Sailmakers Arms Head of Steam (NEW) : Hop & Vine Olde Black Boy : Pave : Station (NEW) The George Hotel : Three John Scotts Whalebone : Xanders

A quiet room (no piped music or juke box, TV, electronic games): Beverley - White Horse Inn : Woolpack : Chequers Bridlington - Old Ship Inn Cottingham .LQJ :LOOLDP ,9 'ULI¿HOG - Bell Hotel : Butchers Dog Great Kelk - Chestnut Horse Goodmanham - Goodmanham Arms Kingston Upon Hull - Olde Black Boy: St John’s Licensee who has gained Cask Marque Accreditation, East Yorkshire: Atwick - Black Horse Beverley - Green Dragon : Tiger Royal Standard: Molescroft Inn : Grapes Bridlington - Stirling Castle : Friendly Forrester Brough - Ferry Cherry Burton - Bay Horse Cottingham - Blue Bell : Duke of Cumberland 5DLOZD\ &URVV .H\ )DLU 0DLG 'ULI¿HOG - Bell Hotel : Benjamin Fawcett Hedon - Shakespeare Hessle - Marquis of Granby : Norland : Darleys Keyingham - Ship Inn Kirk Ella - Beech Tree Holmpton - George and Dragon Hornsea - Marine Hotel : Victoria Market Weighton - Carpenters North Cave - The White Hart Inn North Ferriby - Duke of Cumberland Patrington - Station Hotel : Holderness Inn Preston - Nags Head Sewerby - Ship Inn South Dalton - Pipe and Glass Walkington - The Barrel Inn Willerby - Toby Carvery : Hop Pole Withernsea - Commercial Licensee who has gained Cask Marque Accreditation, Hull Clubs and Pubs: Admiral of the Humber : Avenue : Crooked Billett Gardeners Arms : Haworth Arms Manchester Arms : Manor Farm : Mill : National Odd Bottle : Old Grey Mare : Pave Pearsons 6W -RKQV 6DLOPDNHUV 6XWWRQ )LHOGV Three John Scotts : Victory Pub William Wilberforce : West Bulls : Whistling Goose

Real Mild regularly available: Blacktoft - Hope & Anchor Bridlington - Board Inn Brough - Buccaneer Goodmanham - Goodmanham Arms Hornsea - Rose & Crown Stackhouse Bar Kingston Upon Hull - Duke of York (Sutton)

ACV Pubs: Aldbrough - The George & Dragon Bempton - The White Horse 'ULI¿HOG - The Mariners Arms Hull - The Rising Sun, Beverley Road - St. John’s Hotel, Queens Road - Highway, Willerby Road, North Cave - The White Harte North Newbald - The Tiger

Please note the cider/mild pubs are being updated as we go to print

If you know of any pubs/clubs to add to this list please email

Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

New Branch Website -

10% discount on cask ales available to CAMRA members upon presentation of membership card Check out our website & facebook page for music, comedy and event listings

As listed in CAMRA’s Good Beer Guide 2016


Independent bar & eatery serving world beers, handpulled cider and cask conditioned ales including Theakstons Best, Tetleys Gold and rotating guests from regional brewers

www.pave 2016

PAV E · 1 6 - 2 0 Pr i n c e s Av e n u e H u l l H U 5 3 Q A · Te l ( 0 1 4 8 2 ) 3 3 3 1 8 1


Hed’on Inn

M I C R O P U B 7 Watmaughs Arcade, St Augustine Gate Hedon TELEPHONE : 01964 601100

Currently serving 7 changing hand pulls 7 bag in box ciders to choose from 6HOHFWLRQ RI ¿QH ZLQHV DQG specialist spirits A friendly, inviting atmosphere. Open daily from noon, Monday - Thursday to 11pm, Friday & Saturday to midnight, Sunday to 11pm. CAMRA LocAle accredited 10% off real ale to card carrying CAMRA Members

Mail Group -


branch events diary Branch Open Meetings - all open meetings start at 8pm and conclude at approximately 9.30pm (unless otherwise stated) to give you a chance to socialise, refreshments are normally provided at the end of the meeting. Wednesday - 5th October - Station Inn, Beverley Road, Hull Wednesday - 2nd November - George Hotel, Land of Green Ginger, Hull Wednesday - 7th December - Bay Horse, Wincolmlee, Hull Survey Trips - run from May through to October usually on the second weekend of the month and are used to survey the village pubs that are nominated for the following year’s Good Beer Guide Saturday - 10th September - Hornsea Area Sunday - 9th October - Patrington area Social Trips UXQ WKURXJKRXW WKH \HDU WKH IROORZLQJ DUH DOUHDG\ FRQ¿UPHG Saturday QG 2FWREHU .HLJKOH\ :RUWK 9DOOH\ 5DLOZD\ %HHU )HVWLYDO Look out for further details on our web site & Facebook and Twitter pages

HULL REAL ALE & CIDER FESTIVAL 2017 Thursday 27th to Saturday 29th April Holy Trinity Church, Hull Check out our website for updates throughout the year. 44

MARINE BAR Bridlington’s Friendly Real Ale & Cider Pub North Marine Drive, Bridlington, YO15 2LS Telephone : 01262 675347 Yorkshires Favourite Pub Finalist - 2014 +XOO &$05$ 7RZQ 3XE 2I 7KH <HDU 5XQQHU 8S CAMRA Good Beer Guide 8 Years Running )UHH 3UHVV 7RZQ 3XE RI WKH <HDU :LQQHU

Always Available Timothy Taylor Landlord - Wold Top Bitter - John Smith’s Cask 2 Regular Changing Guest Ales and 1 Regular Changing Real Cider 10% Discount for CAMRA members on Cask Ales Home cooked Food | Live Entertainment | Quiz Events | Sky & BT Sports Recipient ofYorkshire a CAMRA Committed to Cask Award 2009 Hull and East CAMRA New Branch Website -

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