Pub Mirror 82 - Winter 2012

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BRANCH CIDER PUBS OF THE YEAR 2012 The new series of the Cider Pub of the Year competitions began in October at branch level with the joint winners being the Wellington Inn and the Hop & Vine. On Wednesday 24th October, locals and around fifteen members of Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA Branch gathered in the Wellington Inn, Hull to celebrate with owners Janette and Richard Gant the presentation of a certificate by Chairperson Angela Cawte. The couple have run the pub since 2004 and have sold real cider and perry from the outset when these products were not as popular as they are today. We then moved on to the Hop & Vine where Angela presented a certificate to Stewart Campbell and Janet Rowan. We were lucky to have the opportunity to choose from a large range of ciders and perries which had been purchased for the pub’s October cider festival. Both pubs will now be entered for the 2013 Yorkshire competition. Our thanks go to the licensees for supporting real cider and perry over the years and for their hospitality on the evening. We also thank Caroline and Rob Gibbon from Moorlands Farm Cyder for travelling from North Newbald on the night.

Stewart & Janet, Angela, Richard and Janette



Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

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Chairperson - Angela Cawte 07904 252910

Acting Branch Secretary - Bernie Cawte 07956 424239 also Magazine Editor Membership Secretary - Tony Garrett 07971 353226 also Branch Contact Pubs Officers East Yorkshire - Mark Bainton 07749 505365



Hull - Jill Walker 07932 774419 Branch Social Secretary - Vacant

ASSOCIATE POSITIONS Cider Representative David Litten Clubs Liaison Officer Steve Hopkinson Forum Master John Houldsworth


Pubs Liaison Officers Beverley - John Ashton Bridlington - Ivor Hurst Cottingham - Cliff Ottaway Driffield - Martin Bell Hedon - Pete Mason Hornsea - Keir Horner Market Weighton - Vacant Withernsea - Steve Allison

Branch Treasurer - Stewart Campbell 01482 449100 07500 543199 also Acting Press & Publicity Officer and Acting Pub Preservation Officer

Holderness - Pete Mason 07984 366207



Web Master Patrick Gladstone Young Members Co-ordinator - Vacant Beer Style Officer - Vacant Group - CAMRA Hull & East Yorkshire


Pubs Database Patrick Gladstone

BRANCH POSTAL ADDRESS CAMRA Hull & East Yorkshire Branch C/o 38 Jalland Street Holderness Road HULL HU8 8RB

ON-LINE CONTACTS Website: Yahoo Forum: Hull and East Yorkshire Facebook: Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA Blog: Twitter: @hullCAMRA

PUB MIRROR INFORMATION Pub Mirror is produced quarterly by Hull & East Yorkshire Branch of CAMRA, and edited by the Branch magazine editor, Bernie Cawte. Any views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Pub Mirror Editor, CAMRA locally or nationally or the magazines publishers. Please enjoy your real ale, drink responsibly and please support our advertisers. The next edition of Pub Mirror is due for publication in the first week of February 2013. Any contributions for that edition need to be with the editor by the 15 January 2013. Colour adverts: Full Page £140, Half Page £80, Quarter Page £50. Black and White Adverts: Full Page £80, Half Page £50, Quarter Page £30. Discounts are available for bulk adverts. @hullCAMRA




24 Albion Street, Hull


3 Real Ales and 4 Real Cider/Perry Budweiser Budvar & Pilsner Urquell on draught Food available until 9pm. “The best sandwiches in town” - Hull Daily Mail Guide

East Yorkshire Real Ale Festival 22nd - 24th November 2012 CAMRA AWARDS Yorkshire Cider Pub of the Year 2010-2012 Branch Cider Pub of the Year 2009-2012 National Cider Pub of the Year 2010 All our beers are served in over-sized lined glasses guaranteeing a full pint

2013 Good Beer Guide Listed Opening Hours: 4pm-11pm Tuesday; 11am-11pm Wednesday-Saturday; Closed on Sunday & Monday

The Wellington Inn & BREWERY

Rail/Bus Station 5 mins. walk

Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

Branch Website -

EDITORS COMMENTS by Bernie Cawte Well its that time of the year when we all look forward to relaxing and having some time off with family and friends. I hope you all have a good time and enjoy the festive period. Please spare a thought to all those who will be working over Christmas, especially the bar and pub staff who we keep so busy, and the emergency services who keep us safe and well over the stressful couple of weeks. Congratulation to Hop & Vine for winning the Yorkshire Cider Pub of the Year (POTY) award for the third time. Not only have they won that award but more importantly they have again won the Branch Cider POTY, albeit as joint winners with Wellington Inn, well done to both Richard and Janette, at the Wellie and to Stuart and Janet from the Hop & Vine. As you will see elsewhere in this edition we are looking towards the annual Hull Real Ale and Cider festival, our 35th festival, and again we are holding this event at the Holy Trinity Church in Hull. Our festival Committee have already met, and our planning to increase the number of beers available after the extraordinary success of this year festival. We have learned a lot from this year’s festival, not only about the number of beers, but about the glass collection and token issues that were raised by you the customers. If you are a CAMRA member why not volunteer to help with the festival, either as a member of the committee or as a worker for the festival week. Please contact any member of the committee if you are interested. The actual dates are 18th to 20th April so put them in your diary now, and hope to see you there.


Thanks to the following pubs, clubs and brewery for allowing us to use their premises for our various meetings over the last few months; Beverley Road Social Club, Brewery Wharf, George Hotel, Black Boy, The Sailmakers Arms, Minerva, Duke of York (Sutton), Olde White Harte, William Wilberforce, Hayworth, Rising Sun and Lion & Key.

Do you visit your local on a regular basis, if so why not help us and your fellow real ale drinkers keep up to date with what's going on there through either our facebook or twitter pages. Let us all enjoy your local and keep it alive. You could also help CAMRA keep its records up to date on our new web site CAMRA have pledged themselves to get together the most comprehensive list of pubs in the country. Check our web site to find out how you can help us reach that aim. Finally, if you have any ideas for future issues of Pub Mirror or want to send me some articles for publication please feel free to do so. Articles will be read but I can’t guarantee to publish, editorial privilege. space and CAMRA policies not withstanding. Please contact me at the following address, , thank you.

Admiral of the Humber, George Hotel, Hop & Vine, Kingston Hotel, Lion & Key, Minerva (NEW), Oscars, Pave, Sailmakers Arms, Three John Scotts, Walters, Wellington Inn & Brewery, Wm Hawkes, Ye Olde White Harte (NEW) - all Hull Green Dragon, Windmill and Woolpack (NEW) all Beverley The Marine Bar, Bridlington - King William IV, Cottingham Spread Eagle and Old Falcon (BOTH NEW) Driffield Goodmanham Arms, Goodmanham - The Station Hotel, Patrington Crooked Billet, Ryehill - The Ship Inn, Sewerby Big River Brewery - Bird Brain Brewery (NEW) - Great Newsome Brewery Moorland Farm Cyder - Theakstons Brewery - Wold Top Brewery Yorkshire Brewery Company Group-CAMRA Group - CAMRAHull Hull&&East EastYorkshire Yorkshire


Caledonian Deuchars IPA Theakston Old Peculier Theakston Dark Smooth Theakston Lightfoot Caledonian Flying Scotsman 2 Guest Beers each Month Fine Selection of Malt Whisky

The Big River Brewery, brewing real ales with character.

Big Red 3.9%, Ropewalk 3.5%, Windjammer 4.7%, Halcyon Daze 3.4%, Sailmakers Porter 5.2%

Find us at South Cave and Market Weighton farmers markets and select pubs around the region. Casks and hand pump hire available for parties. Brewed in Brough, East Yorkshire. Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

Contact: 07737 820 922

Branch Website -

HULL PUB NEWS by Jill Walker Arctic Ranger on Orchard Park re-opened on 28th July after a period of closure. The Bay Horse on Wincolmlee has a new manager, Danny Johnston and has re-introduced cask ale in the form of Batemans XB, he hopes to add XXB if the sales of the XB go well. The Tap on Spring Bank has closed and Ashley and Jess have moved to Kings Bar in Hull. I have been informed that they intend adding a second hand pump to the bar to introduce a changing guest ale alongside their regular Greene King IPA. City Hotel is selling real ales at £2.30 per pint during the week, with up to 4 available, but specifically they have recently taking delivery of 'Old Town Bitter' 4.5% ABV a special for them from Batemans. The pump clip is a photo of Alfred Gelder Street in bygone days. Three John Scotts, recently had within their ever changing range of real ales, beers from Axholme, which is a new microbrewery on the south bank, so all you beer tickers might want to pay a visit, as they intend to continue selling it. The brewery is the the work of Mike Richards who formerly worked at the now defunct Thorn Brewery. They are also selling Old Mill’s ever extending range. Sailmakers in the High Street is a rarity in that although it is a Punch Taverns pub 3 of the 4 real ales available are free of tie allowing licensee a free hand to chose. We benefit here from extensive variety of regularly changing beers, usually from local breweries, Alex also likes to have dark beers available for all you traditionalists. The New Clarence had a beer festival over the weekend of 27th - 30th September. I visited on the Friday evening and there was a good range of beer styles. As landlord Ian Cheeseman isn't an ale drinker himself, I think he should be applauded for his efforts to bring more choice to his customers in this way.


four ales from the Marstons range, EPA and Old Empire on permanently with the other two pumps for Marstons guest ales. Hobgoblin and Fortyniner were on when I was there last. This is a remarkable unspoilt multi-roomed pub and well worth a visit. Master's Bar, Jameson Street is currently closed and To Let. Spring Bank Tavern a temporary manager is in place, Louise Hollins. She has re-introduced real ale in the form of Jennings Cumberland. Opening hours are 12:00 – 12:00 Monday to Sunday. Yet another temporary manager in place in the Polar Bear although he reports that a new tenant is in the pipeline. There are currently three real ales on offer and on a recent visit these were Marston’s EPA, Wychwood Hobgoblin, and Jennings Cumberland. The pub’s opening hours are: Sunday to Thursday 12 noon – 11.00 pm and Friday & Saturday 12 noon – 2.00 am The Botanic on Spring Bank now has a sold sign outside, and we are optimistic it will become a real ale outlet. The George on Walton Street/Spring Bank West failed to sell at the same auction. The pub formerly known as The Square on Spring Bank has had a notice on a chalk board outside for some months stating 'Coming soon – Henley's Bar'. It is now open, advertising ‘specials’ I have yet had a chance to see if real ale is on sale. I am pleased to report that following some problems with licensing in September Phil and Sue at the Minerva now have the pub fully open again. I am sure they will be grateful for your support and custom. A walk around the Marina calling at the Green Bricks, Minerva and Goldcrest would help pass a Sunday afternoon, very nicely, and you get the bonus of blowing away the cobwebs!

St John's, Queens Road is now open again after a lick of paint. The new licensee Adie seems a very affable guy on first meeting. He is selling Group - CAMRA Hull & East Yorkshire



BRANCH G(ood )B(eer) G(uide) ENTRIES 2013 Congratulation to the following Pubs from our Branch area, that have been included in the 2013 Good Beer Guide.

BEVERLEY: Cornerhouse, Dog & Duck, Durham Ox, Green Dragon BLACKTOFT: Hope & Anchor BRIDLINGTON: Marine Bar, Prior John, Telegraph Inn

HOLLYM: Plough Inn HULL: Admiral of the Humber, Hop & Vine, Lion & Key, Olde Black Boy, Olde White Harte, Pave, Three John Scotts, Walters, Wellington Inn, Whalebone KIRK ELLA: Beech Tree

COTTINGHAM: Blue Bell, Duke of Cumberland, King William IV DRIFFIELD: Bell Hotel, Mariners Arms, Rose & Crown

LUND: Wellington Inn NORTH CAVE: White Hart OLD ELLERBY: Blue Bell

GOODMANHAM: Goodmanham Arms PATRINGTON: Holderness Inn, Station Hotel GREAT KELK: Chestnut Horse RYEHILL: Crooked Billet HEDON: Haven Arms SOUTH DALTON: Pipe & Glass

GREEN DRAGON 51 Saturday Market Beverley (01482) 889801

The Windmill Inn 53 Lairgate Beverley East Yorkshire HU17 8ET Tel: 01482 86 28 17

Greene King IPA - Abbots Ale Old Speckled Hen Plus Guest Beers Weekly changing guest ales from Yorkshire and Regional breweries as well as real ales from around the UK General Knowledge Quizzes on Tuesday & Wednesday @ 9pm


Lunches Mon to Sat: 11.30am-2pm Sun:12noon-2pm Sat & Sun Breakfast: 10am-12noon Bed & Breakfast - 19 En-Suite Rooms

Now serving Breakfast from 11am Food served daily until 10pm Freshly cooked Sunday Lunches

Good Beer Guide 2013 Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

Open all day from 11am (10am Sunday) Close at 11pm (midnight on Fri & Sat) Free Wi-Fi

Branch Website -

BEVERLEY SOCIAL CRAWL by Jill Walker It was a grey and damp Sunday as we set off from the Interchange on the bus to Beverley but the weather didn't dampen our spirits too much. The plan was to meet some more branch members in our first pub the Dog and Duck. We found a couple of the beers not on due to the fact that there was to be a beer festival the following weekend so the beers were being saved for that occasion. The beers on offer, including Copper Dragon's Golden Pippin and Nine Standards Silver Standard were all sampled with relish though and the general opinion was very favourable. The beauty of a walking survey trip is that people can move on when they are ready and others can catch up at their leisure rather than having to rush if you're unfortunate enough to be one of the last ones to be served so it was in this manner that we all drifted along to our next pub the Durham Ox. This two roomed local held more of our members who had opted to get a different bus which stops outside. Here we sampled Brass Castle's Cliff Hanger, Brain's Organ Morgan and John Smith’s Cask and were joined by even more members. This was turning into quite a crawl with around 26 of us by now. The next stop was the Cornerhouse where there were 12 different beers to choose from, the regular beers are Abbeydale Deception, Black Sheep Bitter, Taylor's Landlord and Tetley Bitter with the other 8 changing regularly. I tried the Theakston's XB which is one of my favourites and then Gold from Hop Studio which was very good. Charlie the Bar Manager had kindly arranged a buffet for our party which was most welcome. It was a very generous spread, I had said to cater for 20 but there were at least 26 of us, none of us shy when it comes to eating, yet there were plenty of left-overs for the regulars and bar staff and Charlie assured me that it wouldn't go to waste.


congestion at the bar here and some other customers were getting a little impatient with the two bar staff who were doing their best to cope. They did cope well but it did result in it taking quite a long time for all of us to be served, so some of our crowd had finished their drinks and moved on by the time the last ones were served. Our next destination, The Woolpack is one of those pubs that I've always thought of as being out of the way and a bit awkward to get to but on my last two visits to Beverley I've discovered that my impression is completely wrong. Out of the back of the Green Dragon onto Lairgate and a short walk down Newbegin brings you to The Woolpack in about 5 minutes. This little local was soon crammed full when our party entered. Jennings Snecklifter and Banks Fields of Gold were just two of the very well kept beers on the bar. Now, here is where things went a bit awry! As we'd all arrived at and been served at different times, some of the party were ready to move on and the next pub on the schedule was The Tiger so off they went to await the arrival of the stragglers. However someone suggested that we make an impromptu call into The Windmill as it was 'on the way'. I'm actually glad we did because the only other time I have been into the Windmill was a few years ago and it has improved considerably since then, it has recently been refurbished and had two real ales on offer, one of which being Wold Top Bitter, this was on top form and all of us enjoyed it very much. I won't leave it so long before I visit again. When we finally reached The Tiger some of our party had already left for home and the ones who were still there were asking where on earth we had been. The Tiger is a welcoming local with friendly customers. selling ales from the Marston's range with the Wychwood Hobgoblin going down particularly well.

Next up was the Green Dragon where there are up to 7 regularly changing beers to choose from, With a bus stop within a few yards of the door, today's included Rudgate Ruby Mild, Leeds Hellfire, and Itchen Valley Junga. Unfortunately this was an excellent pub in which to round off a very enjoyable survey trip. our rather large party did cause a bit of Group - CAMRA Hull & East Yorkshire


CAMRA MEMBERS 20p off a pint of Real Ale with Valid Membership (Excluding other offers - Membership Card must be shown)

Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

Branch Website -

MAGGIE by David Litten


ordinator she was always ringing round checking information and proof reading articles and news releases for me. She never wanted to be photographed or see her name in print, but occasionally I managed to persuade her to put her name to a well written article in Pub Mirror.

It is with great sadness that I report the premature death of Maggie Morris, my partner of twenty seven years and an active CAMRA member. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer last year, but after treatment, she appeared to have fully recovered by May of this year. Unfortunately, it returned with a vengeance in late July and just a week after diagnosis, she died on 2nd August, aged 62.

While working at the Head Post Office in Lowgate in the early 1990’s, when guest beers were much scarcer than today, I well remember having to regularly pop out and see Keith at the Black Boy to collect takeouts of Maggie’s favourite beer at the time – Moorhouse’s Pendle Witches Brew. She developed a taste for stouts and porters and whenever I went to the bar in a pub I knew what to order for her, especially if either Timothy Taylor Ram Tam or Batemans Salem Porter were available. The latter became her favourite beer of all time and when we held her 60th birthday party at the Bay Horse on Wincolmlee, I arranged for it to be on sale at the bar.

When I first met Maggie in 1985 her preferred drink was wine. With my encouragement, she soon discovered the delights of real ale and my single membership of CAMRA was rapidly replaced with Joint Life Membership. We travelled out together on branch social and survey trips with visits to remote pubs, with the Eagle at Skerne being of particular delight. Never one to self promote, she did many things in the background that went unseen by many members. She helped at real ale and cider festivals It was amazing to see so many people from near and far at Maggie’s funeral and the ‘celebration of her life’ held afterwards at the Wellington Inn on Russell Street. Licensees Richard and Janette (and Chris Robertson) did her proud, with Richard renaming one of his own beers “Maggie’s Choice” for the event. My thanks to them for hosting the event, and to Alan, Chrissie and David from The Lion and Key for the food. Thanks also to Sue and Keith Simpson from Brown Cow Brewery for producing a special bottled beer, and to artist extraordinaire Christine and her work was most invaluable in gathering Jopling for designing the label for the bottled beer. information for the tasting notes in the festival All at extremely short notice! programmes. When I became Branch Cider Representative and more latterly Regional Cider Co- Cheers Maggie – you are greatly missed. Group - CAMRA Hull & East Yorkshire



GOODMANHAM ARMS Goodmanham, nr. Market Weighton 01430 873849

37 Westwood Road, Beverley

01482 867095 Opening Hours Mon 4.30pm -10.30pm Tues - Fri 12pm - 3pm & 4.30pm - 11pm Sat - Sun 12pm - 11pm

7 Real Ales Dog Friendly Home-cooked food Thursday Night Quiz

Peg Fyfe Mild, Theakston’s Best Bitter & Old Peculier, Wold Top Bitter, Guest Beers, plus Real Cider from the wood Locally sourced produce : Lunch times plus Fri 5-7.30 Sunday Hog Roast Monday Steak Pie night Music Night 1st Thursday Jazz/Blues 3rd Thursday of Month Quiz Night: Wednesday Beer Garden Log Fires – Dog Friendly Pub All Hallows brewery BREWING NOW UNDERWAY OPEN 11am till late EVERY DAY

Good Beer Guide 2013 Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

Branch Website -

EAST YORKSHIRE PUB NEWS by Pete Mason/Mark Bainton The Lobster Pot, formerly the Broadacres in Bridlington, has re-opened after a £2 million revamp by Marston’s Inn and Tavern group. David and Sheila Reil are very pleased to be managing the establishment and look forward to seeing old and new customers back to sample the wide range of real ale from the Marston’s range. The Star in Kilham is now selling real cider and landlord Danny has plans for a winter festival in the run up to Christmas. The village staged their annual beer and cider festival over the weekend 7th - 9th September and was a great success. Well done to the Kilham Playing Fields Group who organised the event. The Blue Post Inn North Frodingham now sells real ales, Wold Gold and John Smith’s cask are regulars, along with a changing locally guest beer. The Travellers Rest in Long Riston has begun to sell two real ales. In Gilberdyke; sadly Wards Hotel has been put up for sale by auction. We hope the premises continue to be a public house.


In Driffield; The Old Falcon is now selling cider and re-introduces real ale. Particularly pleasing are the discounts offered to CAMRA members from Ist November 2012. We are also delighted that Pub of Year winner in 2011 Bob Palmer has moved to the Spread Eagle. It is a double benefit as it means a long standing pub has a promising future but we also have a free house in the town. If his plans come to fruition on time, branch member Ian Allott is using his love of real ale to good use by opening a new free house in Beverley. By the 1st February ‘Chequers’ will be serving 3-5 real ales and 3-5 ciders in Swaby’s Yard, I look forward to my first drink there! The All Hallows Brewery at the Goodmanham Arms in Goodmanham has crafted Peg Fyffe Mild to be sold at the pub, but has also gone out to local festivals in the area, including the event we ourselves held at Beverley Racecourse in September and has had a very favourable response.

10% Discount for card carrying CAMRA members on cask ale

The Ship is a traditional family Pub The Open from 11.00 amShip to 11.00 pm (12.30 on Friday and Saturday) Several Real Ales and Ciders available From the Following Breweries KingsHead Marston, Mansfield, Jennings, Banks, Wychwood and 2 quests ales Bar Meals Menu Available from Tuesday to Friday 12noon- 2.00pm and 5.30pm- 8.30pm Saturday 12noon - 2.30pm and 5.00pm - 8.30pm and Sunday Cavery 12noon - 4pm

Roaring Log Fire and dog friendly pub

Cliff Road, Sewerby, Bridlington - Telephone. 01262 672374 Group - CAMRA Hull & East Yorkshire


The Station Hotel Patrington 01964 630262 email: Families Most Welcome Function Suite & Conservatory Marquee Coming Soon Situated on A1033 Main EYMS bus route 75/76/77 Listed in CAMRA’s Good Beer Guide 2013


Locally sourced produce freshly prepared daily Great value lunch menu

Monday to Saturday 12noon - 4pm Full house a la Carte menu Monday to Thursday 12noon - 8pm Friday and Saturday 12pm - 9pm First Class Sunday Lunch 12noon to 7.30pm Buffets, Banquets and Outside Catering tailored to suit your needs

The King William IV 152 Hallgate, Cottingham, HU16 4BT Spread Eagle Telephone - 01482 875996 MARTIN, MANDIE and STAFF EXTEND A WARM WELCOME TO ALL Three Regular Real Ales Cumberland Bitter, Marston’s Pedigree Jennings Dark Mild

5 regular guest ales changing weekly Large function room and buffets available ideal for all occasions Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

Food Served Monday to Saturday (except Monday & Saturday evening) 11.00 - 2.30 & 5.30 - 7.45 Sunday Lunches 12.00 - 3.00 Large beer garden and eating area Outdoor courtyard with smoking area Tuesday Night is Quiz Night Branch Website -

Hull social crawl to wincolmlee by jill walker Saturday 28th July was a warm sunny evening when Patrick and I met up with the five other branch members who hadn't been put off by my choice of pubs for this crawl. I had chosen the pubs of County on Francis Street, Kingston on Cumberland Street and Whalebone and Bay Horse both on Wincolmlee because they are pubs that, being in a very industrial area of the city, I thought probably don't usually get a lot of evening traffic. After a couple of beers in our meeting place of the Wellington Inn (their own brew Salamanca going down a treat with a few of us) we were on our way.

First stop, County and in my opinion, the highlight of the whole night. Only one beer on offer, being Banks’ Bitter which was absolutely superb. Such a shame that they can't sell enough real ale to make use of the other two hand pumps on the bar if the Banks’ was an example of how they keep their beers! The real treat in here though was the absolutely wonderful barmaid who clearly took no nonsense from anyone. Some quality banter between her and Pete had us all falling about laughing and really set the mood for the night. That's what I call a proper barmaid someone remarked and I have to agree. I'll bet they don't get any trouble makers in that place, or if they do, they're swiftly dealt with by a tongue so sharp it could cut your head off! Reluctantly leaving the jovial atmosphere of the County, we set off on the fairly long walk to Kingston. Two of our party decided to wait for us in the Whalebone so it was just five of us who arrived at the Kingston feeling very thirsty. I had phoned the landlord during the week to advise him of our visit and to ask if he had beer on the


bar. He confirmed that yes, he had Black Sheep. I'm not a fan of Black Sheep personally but these trips are all about visiting different pubs in our city so in we trooped. You've guessed it I'm sure – no pump clips, no beer on! I wasn't a happy bunny but as there was no one behind the bar and of the people in the pub, no one looked like they were even going to attempt to get up and serve us, I really didn't know what else to do except follow the rest of the crew, who had already walked back out again. On the way back to the Whalebone, Howard insisted us having a photo standing underneath the Wincolmlee street sign, this was in response to Mark, our East Yorkshire Pubs’ Officer winding me up the previous week by disputing my choice of name for the crawl area.

At the Whalebone where we bumped into former Chairman of the branch Alan Canvess with a group of friends. Alan did suggest that perhaps I should also have checked the Bay Horse for beer too, which I hadn't thought to do. As we were now rather ahead of schedule, we enjoyed a couple of drinks and a welcome sit down in the Whalebone, the Diana Mild was pleasant and also on the bar was Whalebone's Neck Oil and a brew from Copper Dragon. For anyone who hasn't visited this pub I recommend that you do so soon. It is a real hidden gem and the pictures on the walls of old pubs no longer in existence are fascinating as are the old sporting photos of our local teams. Alan's crowd left to go to the Bay Horse and shortly after, we followed only to see them come straight back out and shake their heads at us indicating that there was in fact, no beer to be

Group - CAMRA Hull & East Yorkshire

Continued on next page @hullCAMRA


Wincolmlee (c0ntinued)

continued from previous page had. I went in myself to check and sure enough, no beer. Apparently they haven't had any for several weeks! I was embarrassed by now and starting to feel like my second ever pub crawl was turning out a bit rubbish. Despite everyone reassuring me that it didn't matter, I felt bad about dragging everyone on a long walk to three pubs when only one of them actually had any beer! I'm only pleased that the weather was clement.

Another trek, this time back into town to visit The Old English Gentleman where the beers on the

bar were Jennings Snecklifter and Cock-a-hoop. Now Snecklifter is a favourite of both Patrick and me and despite it being a bit lively when first pulled, it tasted wonderful. We were joined in here by Mark who had been at work up to then, a big thank you to him for making the effort to come out and join us. We now seemed to be on a synchronised pub crawl with Alan's crowd as having beaten us to the Old English Gentleman, they now followed us to our last pub of the night the New Clarence. It was just as well we went in because prior to our arrival there were only two people in the place. The camera came out again, now dubbed the CAMRA camera by Howard. Former branch member Mick kindly took a photo of us all together. Then Linda dragged Alan's crowd over to sit with us whilst she took another photo. I think that on the whole everyone enjoyed the evening, despite the enforced changes! I certainly did and my thanks go to Kim and Mike, Howard and Linda, Pete, Steve and John and of course Patrick for all joining me and making the night a success.


Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

Branch Website -

Members discount scheme


Our thanks go to the following local pubs where CAMRA members can take advantage of the following offers on production of their membership card:

Hull Pubs Kings, King St: 10p off a pint of cask ale; Admiral of the Humber: 20p off a pint of cask ale – cannot be used in conjunction with a Wetherspoons voucher; Three John Scotts: 20p off a pint of cask ale – cannot be used in conjunction with a Wetherspoons voucher; The Haworth Arms: Beverley High Road: Discount card for everyone – 8th pint of cask ale free – AND 10% off cask ale for CAMRA members;

East Yorkshire Towns & Villages Triton Inn, Brantingham: 10% off cask ale; Marine Bar, Bridlington: 10% off cask ale; Gardeners’ Country Inn, Coniston: 10% off meals; Blue Bell Cottingham: 10% off cask ale; Duke of Cumberland, Cottingham: 10p per pint off cask ale; King William IV, Cottingham: 10p per pint off cask ale; Railway Inn, Cottingham: 30p off a pint and 15p off a half of cask ale; The Black Prince, Cottingham: 10% off cask ale; Old Falcon, Driffield: 20p off a pint of cask ale (from 1st November); NEW Plough Inn, Hollym: 10p off per pint off cask ale; 5p off a half pint Rose and Crown, Hornsea: 10p off per pint off cask ale; Beech Tree, Kirk Ella: 20p off a pint of cask ale (National Ember Inns promotion); NEW Old Mill, Langtoft: 10p off a pint of cask ale; The New Inn, Leven: 10% off cask ale; The Carpenters Arms, Market Weighton: A loyalty card is offered to CAMRA members; Sandpiper, Melton: 10% off cask ale The Gnu, North Newbald: 10% of cask ale; The Holderness, Patrington: 10% off cask ale; The Star, Sancton: 10% of cask ale; The Ship Inn, Sewerby: 10% off cask ale; Green Dragon, Welton: 10% off Cask Ale; Warton Arms, Woodmansey: 10% off cask ale. Please make use of these offers as they will save you money and show the pubs that CAMRA members use them. Also, please let us know if the published details appear to be incorrect. Offers change and we are not always the first to know. Details of local discounts for members are publicised locally in Pub Mirror (of course), in the Members’ Digest, on the branch website and forum, on facebook and at branch events such as the Real Ale and Cider Festival. If you travel elsewhere in the country, check out the local CAMRA branch websites and the CAMRA magazines to find out offers available in the area you are visiting. All members currently receive £20 worth of vouchers from Wetherspoons over the year. These take the form of 40 vouchers, each worth 50 pence off a pint of real ale. Membership leaflets We try to keep a supply of CAMRA membership leaflets in pubs nominated for the Good Beer Guide. If the pub where you found this magazine does not have any, please let me know. Group - CAMRA Hull & East Yorkshire



MEMBERShip form

Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

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MEMBERS CORNER by Tony Garrett


Just fill in the application form (or a photocopy of it) and the direct debit form in this publication to I would like to invite you to join CAMRA to play a receive 3 months membership free. Direct debit is also cheaper year by year. Alternatively, you part in the campaigns to keep quality real ale may want to commit yourself to a life behind the bars, keep pubs on your streets, rather than see them turned into housing or office membership and never make a second payment! blocks and to work towards your pint being good You can also join using a membership forms found in many local pubs, forms in value for money. The traditional advantages of Wetherspoons magazines and in CAMRA membership are: publications, or on-line via the CAMRA website. v Be a member of the most successful It’s only £5 extra to buy a joint membership consumer organisation in Europe; so why not get double the benefit v Be part of a social and active branch (Wetherspoons excluded) with many events throughout the year; v Be involved by nominating and selecting Want to get active in CAMRA? the pubs included in the Good Beer Feel free to ask about what’s going on, Guide; committee or associate positions that maybe v Receive a monthly copy of the ‘What’s Brewing’ CAMRA newspaper, providing vacant, social activities and surveying for the next Good Beer Guide. You may have some the latest news on CAMRA nationally great ideas for what we should do in the branch and details of beer festivals and social or which pubs are worthy of Good Beer Guide events; v Receive a quarterly copy of the CAMRA entries, let us know. Relevant contact details can be found elsewhere in this Pub Mirror. magazine, ‘Beer,’ offering informative articles about many subjects related to beer and cider; v Receive a branch newsletter bi-monthly, North Marine Drive, Bridlington updating you on all the local news and 01262 675347 activities (Hull and East Yorkshire Bridlington’s Friendly Pub branch members only); v Receive discounts on the RRP of many Always Available CAMRA products including the best Timothy Taylor Landlord selling Good beer Guide; Wold Top Bitter v Enjoy free or discounted entry to beer festivals; John Smiths Cask

Why Join CAMRA?


However, there are other incentives to help you decide whether or not to join: Ø Ø Ø


Increasing numbers of pubs nationally are offering discounts on real ale to CAMRA membership card holders; £20 of vouchers for real ale at Wetherspoons pubs (40 fifty pence vouchers); Discounts on holidays, insurance and other offers from reputable companies (see national website for the latest offers); More information about real cider and where to find it; Group - CAMRA Hull & East Yorkshire

Plus regularly changing guest beers 10% Discount for card carrying CAMRA members on cask ale

Food Served Daily from 12 noon to 8pm Live Music - Every Sat & Weds Night Quiz Every Sunday Recipient of a CAMRA Committed to Cask Award 2009

GOOD BEER GUIDE 2013 A winning team for the 6th year running @hullCAMRA


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The northern frontier by mark bainton The nights are drawing in now but nothing could deter our intrepid band of ‘survey trippers’ heading to our Northern Frontier, our most northern region within the picturesque Yorkshire Wolds.


in Louth, the Plum Porter was particularly special and I thank the licensees for providing us with a chance to try it.

We began at The Anvil Arms in Wold Newton. Here we were treated to Black Sheep Bitter, Theakston’s Best bitter and Green King IPA. Up the road to Burton Fleming and to the Burton Arms which had Deuchars IPA and Theakston’s Best Bitter, some had both before we moved on!

Onwards to Kilham and a visit to the Old Star. This traditional village pub served a very interesting selection of ales; Brains’ Organ Morgan, Copper Dragon Golden Pippin, Ossett Bitter and Otter Bitter from Devon along with cider and perry, so the range represented breweries all over the country. At the time of our visit to Kilham the village was holding its annual beer festival on the recreation ground (30 ales). Sadly we had to focus on carrying on with the survey trip! We moved on to the Falling Stone in Thwing. The pub’s name originates from a meteorite which fell from the sky on 13th December 1795 and was found close by, it’s now housed in the

At Harpham we sampled the St.Quintin Arms which is on Main Street. A popular pub with villagers and the passing visitor. So when the 20+ survey trippers arrived to sample the Wold Top Anglers Reward and Tetley Cask, the place became very full, but Ian & Zoe didn’t mind. We travelled on to our last port of call, The Chestnut Horse in Kelk. Jon the landlord informed me he has a regular clientele who either come down to dine on Lucy’s famous pies or drink his Wold Top, Wold Gold and Jennings Cumberland ale or the guest beer Hop Studio, Summer XS from Elvington. I think its both! After saying our farewells it was back to Hull and to start planning the next survey trip.

Science Museum in London, a monument stands where it fell. On at the bar was, Cameron’s Best Bitter, Great Newsome Jem’s Stout, The Pride of Fulstow and Plum Porter from Fulstow Brewery

All the pubs which were visited have dining facilities as well as a bar area and a menu to suit all. Contact details can be found on their websites.

Group - CAMRA Hull & East Yorkshire



Beverley Real Ale Guide 2012

1. ANGEL 15 Butcher Row Draft Bass, Theakston’s Best Bitter

10. HAYRIDE Grange Walk Wells Bombardier and Theakeston’s Old Peculier

20. ROYAL OAK Cartwright Lane John Smith’s Bitter and guest beer

2. BEAVER 8 North Bar Within John Smith’s Bitter

11. HODGSONS Flemingate Tetley Bitter and guest beers

21. ROYAL STANDARD North Bar Without Black Sheep Best Bitter and Jennings Cumberland

3. CORNERHOUSE [GBG 2013] 2 Norwood Abbeydale Deception, Black Sheep Best Bitter, Tetley Bitter, Timothy Taylor Landlord, up to 8 guest beers.

12. KINGS HEAD Saturday Market Brakspear Bitter plus 3 from the Marston’s range.

4. DOG & DUCK [GBG 2013] 33 Ladygate Black Sheep Best Bitter, Copper Dragon Golden Pippin, John Smith’s Bitter, Ringwood Boondoggle, Timothy Taylor Golden Best and one guest beer.

13. LORD NELSON 13 Flemingate John Smith’s Bitter 14. MOLESCROFT INN 75 Molescroft Road Jennings Bitter, Jennings Snecklifter plus guest beer.

15. MONKS WALK Highgate (entry also from Eastgate) 5. DURHAM OX [GBG 2013] 48 Black Sheep Best Bitter (not always available). Norwood John Smith’s Bitter; 2 guest 16. MOULDERS ARMS beers. 32 Wilbert Lane One real ale available. 6. FORESTERS ARMS Beckside 17. ODDFELLOWS Beers from the Marston’s Eastgate range. Black Sheep Best Bitter and Greene King IPA 7. GRAPES (PUSH INN) Saturday Market 18. QUEENS HEAD Tetley Bitter plus guest beer 5 Wednesday Market Greene King IPA and Old 8. GREEN DRAGON [GBG Speckled Hen and seasonal 2013] beer. 51 Saturday Market Beer Range Varies; up to 7 19. ROSE & CROWN guest beers. North Bar Without John Smith’s Bitter and Black 9. GROVEHILL HOTEL Sheep Best Bitter 183 Holme Church Lane Up to 3 Jennings/Marston’s Beers Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

22.SUN INN 1 Flemingate Black Sheep Best Bitter, Caledonian Deuchars IPA; TimothyTaylor Landlord and guest beer. 23. TIGER INN Lairgate Black Sheep Best Bitter, Wychwood Hobgoblin and Copper Dragon Golden Pippin and guest beer and Westons Cider. 24. VICTORIA Victoria Road Marston’s Pedigree and changing guest from Marston’s range. 25. WHITE HORSE INN 22 Hengate Samuel Smith’s Old Brewery Bitter (Cask Breather used) 26. WINDMILL 53 Lairgate Greene King Abbot Ale, Greene King IPA and guest. 27. WOOLPACK INN Westwood Road Jennings Bitter, Cockerhoop, Snecklifter, Marston’s EPA, Wychwood Hobgoblin, and up to 2 guest from the Marston’s range.

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Beverley Real Ale Guide 2012

Group - CAMRA Hull & East Yorkshire






We now offer a full range of fruit cyders which are: PEACH --APRICOT --BLACKCURRANT -- BLACKBERRY -- CHILLI -- PASSION FRUIT CRANBERRY --RASPBERRY --RHUBARB. They are all based on our medium sweet cyder with a hint of these flavours. All flavourings and sweetenings used are from completely natural sources which we believe is the first time a full range has ever been launched at one time using natural products which now makes us the market leader in artisan crafted cyder in the country. We are now scaling up production to cope with demand. These cyders are available initially in 500 ml bottles but later in 2013 we will be able to supply it in 20 ltr bag in the box. It can be supplied in bag in the box now, but only to special order. Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

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INN CIDER by David Litten Hull and East Yorkshire Branch leads the way in the county with around thirty regular cider and perry outlets, its Cider Pub of the Year Competition and the quarterly Cider and Perry Tasting Panel.

YORKSHIRE CIDER PUB OF THE YEAR 2012 The Hop & Vine in Hull has won the Yorkshire CAMRA’s Regional Cider & Perry Pub of the Year competition for the third consecutive year in a record year for entries. The finalists were all visited and judged on criteria that included quality, temperature and price. Also considered were aspects of the pubs themselves i.e. atmosphere, service & welcome, style/décor, community focus, and sympathy with CAMRA’s aims. The number of pubs selling real cider and real perry in the county is now around 300 and it is therefore a tribute that the pub has maintained its position ahead of the competition. The presentation of a certificate was made to Stewart Campbell and Janet Rowan by Yorkshire Regional Cider Co-ordinator, David Litten on the evening of 24th October 2012.


National cider poty The Royal Oak, Wantage, has been judged the CAMRA National Cider and Perry Pub of the Year for 2012 after a year of local and regional judging rounds. News of the Oxfordshire pub’s success was announced on 1st October - the day CAMRA began its annual National Cider and Perry Month campaign to champion the production, history and skill associated with real cider and perry making. Owned and run by landlord Paul Hexter and his wife Frankie since taking over the premises in 1983, the Royal Oak is a multi award winning street corner pub famed for its extensive drinks selection, and also renowned for being an active supporter of local charities, holding regular fundraising events. The pub has today been crowned by CAMRA as the best cider and perry pub in Britain, with the Royal Oak stocking a formidable 15 ciders and perries at any one time, the majority of which are sourced from the local area. Judges praised the owners for their support of local producers and dedication to promoting the real cider industry to customers. In the quest to become the best cider and perry pub in Britain, the Royal Oak beat 3 other National finalists to the accolade. These pubs are Arkwright Arms, Sutton cum Duckmanton, Derbyshire: Graduate College Bar, Lancaster University: Lancaster and Horns Lodge, South Chailey, East Sussex.

PUB NEWS Stewart, Janet and David

cIDER MONTH EVENTS IN OCTOBER The Beverley Millennium Orchard celebrated National Apple Day with its 12th Apple Festival on Sunday 14th October. The Hop & Vine hosted its fifth cider and perry festival on 18th – 20th October timed to coincide with National Apple Day. There were 15 real ciders and perries sourced from the award winning local Moorlands Farm, the West Country (including the CAMRA National Champion Cider, Cornish Orchards Farmhouse), Wales and Brittany.

The Old Falcon in Driffield is stocking Westons Old Rosie and a Moorlands cider while the Old Star at Kilham is now selling a real cider.For pubs in our area that sell real cider see pubs with list on page 41.

BRANCH CIDER TASTING PANEL The Branch's Cider Tasting Panel met for its quarterly meeting at the Hop & Vine in Kingston upon Hull on the evening of Tuesday 16th October 2012. As the pub had just received its stock for the cider festival we were able to choose from around fifteen ciders/perries. ‘Cider Tasting Cards’, similar to the ‘Real Ale Tasting Cards’ that are already used by the Real Ale Tasting Panels, were used.

Group - CAMRA Hull & East Yorkshire Group - CAMRA Hull & East Yorkshire

@hullCAMRA @hullCAMRA



The Campaign for Real Ale has recently revealed how the real cider and perry industry is growing in line with the UK’s real ale boom. There are now over 1,000 breweries operational across the UK (the highest number for over 70 years) and new figures show that there are now over 300 producers operational across the UK, twice as many as in 2005 when CAMRA's Good Cider Guide reported 155 producers in operation. With the research conducted by CAMRA’s National Cider and Perry Committee, some of the biggest growth areas of the UK for real cider and perry include Herefordshire, which boasts over 40 producers, and Somerset, with over 35. Such is the increasing interest in the nation’s historic cider making tradition; even less popular areas for cider including Yorkshire are seeing small companies start life. Locally, Rob Gibbon flies the flag in the Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA branch area at North Newbald where he has been producing his popular and award winning Moorlands Farm Cyders for the last few years. Andrea Briers, CAMRA National Cider and Perry Committee chairman, said: ‘We are delighted to see a large number of people coming into the real cider and perry industry and playing a major part in driving consumer interest in local produce, whether sold at a small farm outlet or a CAMRA festival. Our local branches are discovering new producers starting up all the time, meaning we are constantly revising our databases, and always welcoming new information.’ ‘It’s also exciting to hear many of these producers reporting high demand for their ciders and perries. This shows how many drinkers in the current climate are shunning mass produced brands and instead are turning to their local producer for quality and choice.

Yorkshire Brewery

Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

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THE BIRD BRAIN BREWERY - SO FAR by David Litten In the west of CAMRA’s Hull and East Riding branch area is the pleasant market town of Howden. Probably most well known for its Minster Tower which is visible for miles, it is also the home of Bird Brain Brewery where Phil Usher has been brewing his beers since 2008.


little money and being a true Yorkshireman, he built his own kettle and cooling coil for full grain mash to go with a small mash tun made from a picnic cooler that contained a strainer and sparging arm. This all grain brewing made great beer with the body and mouthfeel he wanted. The only problem was that it took 7 hours to make 5 gallons. Brewing was therefore limited to twice a month for home demand. The Chairman of Doncaster CAMRA asked Phil to brew a beer for Doncaster Beer Festival for charity. That and other festivals and events meant that brewing was now taking place at most weekends. As an engineer by training, he had the confidence told build something bigger. Buying and building stainless tanks and other equipment continued as money and items became available.

After spending eleven years in East Africa with pale, warm lager made by large local breweries, Phil returned to Yorkshire hoping to find the Yorkshire beers of his memories. However, the great cask beers he hoped to find no longer existed and the cans available in supermarkets were even worse.

The next problems occurred when he could brew 81 gallons. How much could he really drink a week and how was he going to store it? As a home brewer, Phil had four plastic polypins and six Cornelius kegs. The solution arrived in the form of 30 casks that were purchased from Garton brewery when the brewer there was selling up to retire to Cyprus.

In 2000 there were very few brew kit stockists left. Phil searched the internet and located “Hop & Grape” which stocked all the kits and toys a brewer could need. After using kits and extract for a while, he wanted something better. With

A few barbeques were held locally with food and beer for friends to taste. A lot of beer was being consumed but not enough. The answer was to consider going professional. This caused a problem since Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs discovered that the branch chairman of Doncaster CAMRA had already advertised Bird Brain

Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA Branch Website - Group - CAMRA Hull & East Yorkshire @hullCAMRA



beer at the Doncaster Beer Festival. Once it was made clear that the beer was for charity, Phil arranged with HMRC for a license and training.

Now in its fourth year of brewing, capacity has increased with a 4 barrel electric kettle, and another conical fermenter. Extra hot liquor tanks and more casks totalling 115 (all stainless steel – plastic casks are not used) mean that capacity can be expanded as required. Brewing normally takes place twice a month, when the day job allows. Phil hopes to brew regular beers more often with more local pubs taking our beers. The regular beers are Shiny, Howden Bittern, Puffin Pale Ale and a couple of dark beers (to be determined).

Landlord Tony Milner of The Victoria in Goole with Phil Usher of Bird Brain Brewery

Currently there are two regular outlets: the Victoria Hotel in Goole, for which Shiny is brewed; and the Creykes Arms in Rawcliffe, which takes Howden Bittern. Also in Rawcliffe, the Jemmy Hirst at the Rose & Crown has always had at least one cask of every different beer brewed. Bird Brain beers have been sent to festivals not only in Yorkshire but all over Britain including London, Brighton, Liverpool, Newcastle and Scotland, and at a wide variety of pubs in between. So why is the brewery called Bird Brain? It is obvious! When Phil mentioned starting a brewery to his father, he asked ‘What kind of bird-brained idea is that?’ and since you need a lot of names for beers and there are lots of bird names to use and it all fell into place. Photos by Bob Wallis, Sean Stewart and David Litten. Hull- and East Hull Yorkshire Group CAMRA & EastCAMRA Yorkshire Branch Website - @hullCAMRA

EMERALD ALES by Paul Altersyke It’s all change for the better on the Irish Beer Scene; if you’ve been before and were disappointed then read on. Inspired by an article in the CAMRA Beer magazine of Autumn 2010, on my third visit in April 2011, I endeavoured to seek out some beer other than the brewpubs. Invaluable in seeking out pubs selling it in Dublin, and Ireland in general is the Beoir website, which lists all known outlets for Irish Craft Beer in both Northern Ireland and the Republic. I found the wonderfully tasty Galway Hooker, Rebel Red from Cork and Trouble Dark Arts Porter on this visit. Other tasty brews were tried too in various pubs, and thanks to an understanding fiancée (now wife) I was lucky enough to find some of the best outlets in the centre of Dublin to try Irish Ales. When next returning to Dublin in September 2011 with our son, we headed for O’Neill’s, Suffolk Street, one of the more traditional pubs with a great range, I noticed a poster for a Beer Festival. This was for the inaugural Irish Craft Beer Festival at the Royal Dublin Society. It wasn’t on the weekend we were there so I vowed to do a bit of research on the web when we got home.


charge, which included a glass, we got our tokens and were away. The hall was a lovely venue, and each brewery/producer had their own trade stand which covered 3 sides of the venue. There were 14 breweries represented, 3 cider producers and a stand selling a limited section of USA beers; Beoir also had a stand. After perusing the programme we started off on trying a bit of cask ale from Dungarvan. Unfortunately it really could have done with better cooling as it was a warm evening. I did try other cask ales from other brewers which again seemed to suffer with the same issue. Some of my personal favourites I tried at the Festival were the Bo Bristle Rowers Red, and IPA, and Eight Degrees Sunburnt Red, and Barefoot Bohemian Pilsner. I advised Simon that some beers were possibly best left until the next day when we were doing a pub crawl. On the Saturday, across lunchtime, we did a History Walking Tour about the Easter Rising of 1916; very informative if you have an interest of that sort of thing. Our first pub of the day was Messrs. Maguire where we tried 4 or 5 of their

And so to 2012! After getting confirmation of the dates I asked friends if anyone else was interested. Luckily, after my brother, Simon confirmed he’d like to attend my wife gave me the thumbs up; flights and hotel were booked and so off we went. The dates of this year’s festival were September 7th-9th. We got there at around 6.30 on the Friday, to find people drinking outside enjoying the beer. After paying a €10

own brews, including a hoppy Olympic IPA. Disappointingly they didn’t have their Plain Stout available, which I’d tried on a previous visit, and is possibly the best Irish stout I’ve drunk. After a 10 minute walk or so we arrived at Against the Grain on Wexford Street. I’d called here on a previous visit when it had only just opened. This place is a must, and we stayed here a while Continued on next page Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA Branch Website - Group - CAMRA Hull & East Yorkshire @hullCAMRA


EMERALD ALES (continued)

Continued from the previous page trying several beers between us including Bay Ale red, and Stormy Port porter from Galway Bay Brewery in Galway, and the wonderfully dry Shandon Stout from Franciscan Well, Cork. They also had a Thornbridge beer on cask available. We then had a 5 minute walk to the Bull & Castle, Dame Street, where again there was a good range in the Beer Hall. Next stop was the Porterhouse, on the edge of Temple Bar. I enjoyed their Red Ale here, and they have an excellent range of their own ales, including 3 stouts, plus guests; incidentally they also have a branch in Covent Garden, London. Time was marching on now, but after working distances out we headed to the Black Sheep, Capel Street which has a similar range to Against the Grain; not too big a surprise as it’s owned by the same group. Our last pub was W.J. Kavanaghs, which was further out of the centre on Dorset Street Lower. A friendly place though and though, well worth the trek. They also had a few Thornbridge beers on Cask here.

Nicholas Charles Frederick Hotham 1947-2012 fondly remembered Nick was an active member of the Hull Branch of CAMRA in its early years and with Jane, they were valued helpers at our Branch beer Festivals. He will be remembered for his wit and sense of humour and good nature- a true gent. But also for pioneering the first Real Ale Off -Licence in Hull . Nick opened the “Good Beer Shop” at 55 Grafton Street in the late 70s which became a mecca for discerning beer drinkers. It was a genuine “offie”with cask beer on tap from 2 hand pumpsyou took your own container to be filled. The Shop must have been built as an off -licence with a cellar with a trap door. Nick invariably emerged from the cellar with a smile on his face every time a customer entered-he seemed to spend a lot of time down there for some reason! His knowledge of beer [as well as cars - he used a Reliant Scimitar as a dray] - was legendary. His customers included Paul Heaton and other members of the Housemartins. Another customer brought a tea pot to be filled with ale-an eccentricity which I am sure Nick would have appreciated. Apparantly, he was involved in a pioneering hovercraft service across the Humber when his mechanical engineering skills were no doubt put to good use.

In summing up Dublin has now become a beer destination for myself, and I’m discovering new places to try beer every time I go.

A good turnout at a Thanksgiving Service at St. Mary’s, Dalton Holme was followed by several pints in Nick’s memory at the Pipe and Glass Inn . Any Donations to the Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund please. Paul Ashton

Our pub crawl was by no means exhaustive, but you would certainly get the chance to try a few different ones. Why not go yourself, and give the Irish Craft a try? Slainte!

Hull- and East Hull Yorkshire Group CAMRA & EastCAMRA Yorkshire Branch Website - @hullCAMRA


USEFUL INFORMATION REAL ALE v SMOOTH What is Real Ale? Real Ale is a living beer. It continues to ferment and develop its full flavour in the cask. Real Ale is brewed from traditional ingredients, malt, hops, water and yeast matured by secondary fermentation in the container from which it is dispensed, and served without the extraneous use of carbon dioxide or nitrogen via hand pumps. Real Ale is also called cask beer or cask conditioned.

CAMRA HEAD OFFICE Campaign for Real Ale Limited 230 Hatfield Road ST ALBANS AL1 4LW 01727 86720

CONSUMER DIRECT If you have any complaints regarding short measure or any related consumer rights issues, please contact Consumer Direct: 0845 4040506

TRANSPORT INFORMATION BUS COMPANIES East Yorkshire Motor Services (01482) 327142 @

Examples of traditional handpumps

What are ‘Smooth’ beers? Smooth beers are brewed in much the same way as real ale but eventually the natural yeast is killed and processed to give longer shelf life. The dead beer is then resurrected by means of chemicals and served chilled by gas pressure through fonts. Smooth beer sales are also known as nitro-keg beer.

Stagecoach (01482) 222333 @

Bus Call (8am till 8pm 7 days a week) (01482) 222222

TRAIN COMPANIES Hull Trains 08450 710222

Northern Rail 08457 484950

TransPennine Express

Examples of ‘Smooth’ dispensers

08445 565637

CAMRA says Please don’t Drink & Drive Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA Branch Website - Group - CAMRA Hull & East Yorkshire @hullCAMRA



ALL HALLOWS Goodmanham Arms, Main Street GOODMANHAM YO43 5JA (01430) 873849 Regular Beers: Peg Fyfe Dark Mild (ABV 3.8%), Wayward Angel (ABV 4.3%), Suicide Blonde (ABV 5%) BLO - Paul Altersyke

OLD MILL Mill Street SNAITH DN14 9HU (01405) 861813 @ Regular Beers: Mild (ABV 3.4%), Bitter (ABV 3.9%), Old Curiosity (ABV 4.5%), Bullion (ABV 4.7%), Blonde Bombshell (ABV 4.0%), Yorkshire Porter (ABV 4.4%)

BIG RIVER 48 Grange Park BROUGH East Yorkshire HU15 1AA (07737) 820922 @ Regular Beers: Windjammer (ABV 4.7%), Big Red (ABV 3.9% ), Rope Walk (ABV 3.5%), Halcyon Daze (ABV 3.4%), Sailmakers Porter (ABV 5.2%) BLO - Paul Ashton

WELLINGTON INN BREWERY Russell Street HULL HU2 9AB (01482) 329486 @ Regular Beers: 1st Duke (ABV 3.7%), Beau Douro (4.5%), Stateman (4.0%),Waterloo Porter (ABV 4.0%), Leipzig (5.8%). BLO - Steve Hopkinson

BIRD BRAIN 30 Hallgate, HOWDEN Goole DN14 7SL (01430) 432166 Regular Beers: Shiny’s (ABV 3.9%), Howden Bitter (ABV 3.9%) BLO - Stewart Campbell GREAT NEWSOME Great Newsome Farm South Frodingham Winestead HULL HU12 0NR (01964) 612201 @ Regular Beers: Sleck Dusk (ABV 3.8%), Pricky Back Otchan (ABV 4.2%), Frothingham Best (ABV 4.3%), Jem’s Stout (ABV 4.3%) BLO - Stewart Campbell MOORLANDS FARM CYDER TTH (York) Ltd Moorlands Farm NORTH NEWBALD (01430) 827359 @ Cider: Medium Sweet Cyder (ABV 6.4%)

WHALEBONE 163 Wincolmlee HULL HU2 0PA (01482) 226648 Regular Beers: Diana Mild (ABV 3.5%), Neck Oil (ABV 3.9%) BLO - Howard Joy WOLD TOP Hunmanby Grange Wold Newton DRIFFIELD YO25 3HS (01723) 892222 @ Regular Beers: Bitter (ABV 3.7%), Wold Gold (ABV 4.8%), Headland Red (ABV 4.3%), Anglers Reward (ABV 4.0%) YORKSHIRE BREWING CO The Old Fruit Market, 70 Humber Street, HULL, HU1 1TU (01482) 329999/618000 @ Regular Beers: True North (ABV 4.5%), Jubilation Ale (ABV 4.8%), Tyger Tyger (ABV 3.6%) BLO - Mark Bainton

Hull- CAMRA and EastHull Yorkshire Group & East CAMRA Yorkshire Branch Website - @hullCAMRA


Follow The Tigers on the Amber Trail In conjunction with our friends at Hull City Official Supporters Club, we are looking at the next few away fixtures for City as they chase promotion from the Championship.

Saturday 10th November 2012 v Cardiff City There are 13 pubs in the Cardiff area in this years GBG and the popular city centre pub Great Major (33 High Street, CF10 1PU) is a good a start as any and it also has traditional Welsh food served in the evening. Opposite the Millennium Stadium is Zerodegrees (27 Westgate Street, CF10 1DD) a very eco friendly pub, with several bars on different levels. Seasonal brews including fruit beers and stouts always available. Saturday 17th November 2012 v Birmingham City It is not particularly recommended that you visit pubs near to the ground, so we have given you two pubs within 10 minutes of New Street Station. The first is Old Joint Stock (4 Temple Bar, opposite the Cathedral, B2 5NY) which in its previous life was the Old Joint Stock Bank. It is a Grade II listed building and boasts elaborate decorative features, a large island bar and a club room to the rear and a balcony drinking area. Good quality food is served along with guest beers and ciders from local breweries. The second pub is the Wellington (37 Bennetts Hill, B2 5SN) a local CAMRA Pub of the Year which boasts 17 hand pumps with local ales and two ever changing ciders. No food is served but you can take your own and plates and cutlery will be provided. Saturday 1st December v Nottingham Forest Nottingham is one of the gems in terns of real ale pubs with no less then 18 pubs in the GBG 2013. The VAT & Fiddle (12-14 Queen’s Bridge Road, NG2 1NB) which is adjacent to the Castle Rock brewery, one of the best known breweries well known for Harvest Pale as a previous winner of Beer of the Year. Hot food is served daily. A second pub worth a visit is the Canal House (48-52 Canal Street, NG1 7EH) which used to house the canal museum, but is now a converted open-plan pub that contains a certain quiet cosiness. Food available daily. Saturday 8th December v Watford Watford’s oldest pub is called the One Crown, (156 High Street, WD17 2EN), and dates from the 16th century. The U shaped bar divides into a lounge and a games area. The guest beers are often seasonal beers from Tring Brewery and change on a monthly basis. There are two pubs within 5 minutes of Watford Junction Station that may be interesting. The Southern Cross in Langley Road has a good range of ales and was a GBG pub for many years. The other is The Nascot Arms in Stamford Road (off Langley Road) with about 6 beers from the Greene King range. Friday 21st December v Derby County Turn right out of the station and make your way down to the Brunswick Inn (1 Railway Tavern, DE1 2RU). This pub re-opened in 1987 and a purpose built brewery was added later. Now owned by Everards, it is the model for the company’s project backing micro-brewers. Busy on match days. The second choice is the local branch’s 2011 Pub of the Year the Old Silk Mill (19 Full Street, DE1 3AF) 9 real ales are on offer, including beers from the cask and two traditional ciders . Tuesday 1st January v Blackpool The Pump & Truncheon (13 Bonny Street, FY1 5AR), has what is described as hearty and generous home cooked meals and a good selection of malt whisky to keep you warm. The local Fuzzy Duck brews are available along with up to 6 changing guest ales. A 10% discount available for card carrying CAMRA members on food and real ales. Saturday 19th January v Peterborough United There are many good pubs I could recommend, so here are a couple near to the football ground and the city centre. Brewery Tap (80 Westgate, PE1 2AA) is the home of a recently installed custommade specialist brew plant for Oakham Ales, which can be viewed through a glass wall. Twelve real ales are on hand pump and excellent value food is always available. Also worth a visit is Charters (Town Bridge, PE1 1EM), which is a large Dutch Barge moored just under the bridge that leads to the ground. 12 real ales are usually on tap and bar meals available at lunch time. Details correct at time of writing - Bernie Cawte Magazine Editor Group - CAMRA Hull & East Yorkshire


Spread Eagle

Exchange Street, Driffield, YO25 6LL Telephone: 07525 817175 Opening hours all week - 12 noon to Close 3 Changing Real Ales Occasional Meal Promotions during the week Sky Sports TV Under New Management So A Friendly Welcome Guaranteed with mine host Bob Palmer

the old falcon market place ~ driffield ~ YO25 6AW

CASK IS BACK Serving an ever changing selection of two “QUALITY” real ales




Westons ~ OLD ROSIE Moorlands ~ Real Cyder Additionally we permanently have available

Theakstons Best Bitter whilst it’s a keg … it’s a great tipple … it’s great value @ £2.20 PINT (find Sue and the girls opposite The Yorkshire Trading Company and EYMS Bus Stop)

Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

Driffield is my home town, so I feel sentimental about the place and I visit regularly when I go home to visit Mum and Dad. I have a rather dog eared Driffield Guide, which from the 3 digit telephone numbers probably dates from around 1972. It lists the public houses, and it was useful when I was asked to adjudicate a bet as to how many pubs might close when Benjamin Fawcett opened. Apart from a couple lost in the 80’s and 90’s I am pleased to note that things have got better and real ale going back to both pubs advertising here - the bet is still outstanding………although I discovered that the hatch where I bought my ‘pop’ at the Mariners was closed up a few years ago. A review of Driffield pubs was published by us relatively recently and a guide to all pubs in Driffield will be published in a future edition. It’s less than 30 minutes by train, why not see for yourself some of the pubs from a guide that predates CAMRA? Angela Cawte Branch Website -


From my chair by angela cawte Regular readers will know that I have now been the Chairperson of this branch in an official capacity since our AGM in March 2012, I was acting before that (believe me that was never acting!) So effectively I have been ‘at the top’ for around 18 months, it has been my pleasure to meet and know such a diverse group of people in that time. At the heart of this all is the love of real ale. In particular the GBG 2013 has a number of new entries and some long standing ones, exemplifying the hard work put in by publicans so you can enjoy quality real ale. It is a joint effort locally these things are, but I had the awesome responsibility of typing up the reports written when the successful pubs were surveyed. And the organising and managing our local Pub of the Year competition, after the members who vote have decided the area’s best pubs we then whittle down to the best of the best. It’s a time consuming and enjoyable hobby, yes folks I have a ‘real’ job too! I calculated that by going on each survey trip we have run this year I have drunk in more than 30 pubs I would otherwise for one reason or another not have had the pleasure of sampling! It’s a good job we do it once a month rather than at one go!

won’t necessarily know you are there, but it helps us encourage others to try you out. What could be better than that? I would like to thank everyone who has participated in putting this edition of Pub Mirror together and those who distribute the magazine in real ale outlets. In particular those who know me know I wear two hats and I am Bernie’s wife, as our magazine editor, he puts in hours and hours to produce each magazine and I see first hand the pleasure he gets in the acknowledgements sent from readers. So ultimately I thank Bernie for all I know he does to make this happen, and wonder if he will edit my comments out ?

The purpose of trying to inject some light heartedness into my ‘job description’ is to encourage you, the reader, to have a go in participating in branch activities, many people over time express dis-satisfaction as to the pubs in the Good Beer Guide, but did they vote? This branch has more than 700 members and as much as I understand people have different motivations in joining CAMRA, I would also encourage everyone to do something more, so if you are a member why not come to a meeting, yes they may be held at time you find inconvenient, but unfortunately there are only a few suitable venues. EVERYONE can check out what we are up to at CAMRA and members can see additional information. This is only as good as the information we are given, so again if something is missing tell us!


Dean and Paul welcome you back home Purveyors of Real Ales & home cooked locally sourced food Food served Wednesday to Sunday (from 1200 noon) CAMRA Good Beer Guide 2011 The Land of Green Ginger, Hull

As for publicans, it’s great when a new advertising pub comes on board, after all if you are a publican and don’t advertise the public Group - CAMRA Hull & East Yorkshire


Hull Marina’s Real Ale Pub

NOW RE-OPEN Now for the news in “CASK TALES” Read all about it! Read all about it!


TRY OUR FAMOUS FISH & CHIPS Our new winter warmers menu is here !"#$%&'""()%*+"$%,#-%,."".#-/)%01-223

Ric Owen & Friends - Weds’ nights 8pm Open Mic Night - Friday nights 8pm


~FREE ROOM HIRE~ The Minerva, Nelson Street. Hull. Tel. 01482 - 210025 Join us on Facebook – Minerva Hull Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

Branch Website -

LETTERS PAGE Some clips from letters received since the last edition of Pub Mirror, the first from: Paul at the Triton Inn, Brantingham. I finally got chance to read through Pub Mirror after some were dropped off last week. I have to eco what many say, its a superb little publication now. the glossy paper makes a world of difference, but also the content now is so attractive and easy to read. Well done, you and your team. One of my customers was heard praising the old town map of pubs with REAL ALE, he said its the best thing he's seen like that for many years and plans on trying out a few more pubs, as he works in the town. Its amazing that someone about 40 years old hasn't tried all the pubs in Hull, I think I had by the time I was 19 (far too much spare time on my hands obviously!)


Real Ale Festival, and won a very anonymous envelope from the box at the back. It was lunch for two at the Pipe and Glass worth nearly £60 and all we had to pay was our fuel from West Yorkshire and £8.50 for drinks (I was volunteer driver with two halves of Wold Top and my wife had the huge red wine because she'd been volunteer driver for 4 of us back from Old Mill Brewery the previous night!) Why I'm writing to you is that nobody at the festival would really have known of the generosity of this sponsor. Also, as an incentive to buyers of tombola tickets at this year’s festival. Thanks Bob a very good point, all though all of our sponsors are recognised at the festival, we don’t normally put that sponsorship elsewhere. Pardon the pun but it gives us food for thought for next year. If you have anything to say please or comments to make, please send any letters to me at Editors decision to print is final.

We have started selling HEADLAND RED now as our third Real Ale - of all the beers Ive tried here, it has had the most favourable reaction. "Smooth and slightly nutty " is how I would describe it (but then again, some people probably think of me being smooth and nutty!) Im increasing our ciders again and plan on making a splash in October for the real Cider and Perry thing. Anyway, thanks once again for a great magazine and all your hard work in the cause. Thanks Paul for the kind words, look forward to seeing you soon, glad to hear about the increase in cider and perries, will pass that on the David our cider rep. Next is a letter received from one of the many people to enter our Tombola at the last HRACF. Bob Wallis from Wakefield CAMRA With one of my many hats I do stuff for the charity efforts at Wakefield beer festival including blagging meal vouchers from food oriented pubs. I had a go on your tombola at last year's Hull Group - CAMRA Hull & East Yorkshire


(01964 622303)

Runner Up CAMRA East Yorkshire Village Pub of the Year 2010

Open: 4 pm - Midnight Mon to Thurs 12 noon - Midnight Fri to Sun 4 Regular Real Ales Banks Bitter Jennings Cumberland Wychwood Hobgoblin and two changing guest beers A traditional Village Pub now serving a full menu Thur to Sun Thur to Sat 12noon to 8pm Sunday Lunches 12noon to 6.30pm.

Come and have a good pint and a good natter. @hullCAMRA



The far flung western reaches of the Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA empire is the ancient town of Howden with its Minster and remote railway station. It is not the easiest place to get to on public transport. Trains take around 30 minutes but the station is about 1 mile from Howden. The X55 EYMS bus leaves the Hull Interchange at 11.15 and then 2 hourly but takes just over 1 hour to get to Howden. The return is 2 hourly from 11.02.

ale but talking to the barmaid the owner is looking to install pumps so watch this space! Across from the Board Inn is Vicar Lane and down there around the right hand bend is Jay Jays (below) which is a cafe bar selling Black

Starting in Hallgate which is to the east of Howden centre there is the Wheatsheaf (below)

Sheep. Carrying on up Vicar Lane and through the small alley takes you to Bridgegate and to the right is Bowman’s (below) which sells Deuchars

which was closed for a time last year but has reopened and offers John Smith’s Cask and Timothy Taylor Landlord. Turning right out of the pub takes you past a very good chippy before turning left into the Market Place where you will find the Whitehorse Inn (below). There has and the Wellington Hotel (below) which is an

been a recent change of tenant who is planning an increase in real ales; currently there are three hand pumps with John Smith’s Cask, Hobgoblin and another beer soon to be added and plans for another pump. A couple of doors further down Market Place is the Board Inn which currently does not do real Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

Old Mill Brewery House. It had Traditional Bitter, Summer Sunshine and Blonde Bombshell available. All these venues are open daily from around 12.00 apart from the Wheatsheaf which opens at 16.00 on Mon-Thurs. Branch Website -



Thanks to intensive lobbying by CAMRA, the new guidance on Planning Regulations introduced recently, includes national policies which are potentially very helpful to community facilities like pubs. Most importantly, Councils are told to “guard against the unnecessary loss of valued facilities and services” which specifically includes community pubs. What's also crucial is that these rules apply to all pubs, urban and rural. Councils must have in place, by March 2013, local planning policies consistent with the Framework; in the meantime, Framework policies should generally be applied.

at or if you would like any of these documents posted to you then please phone CAMRA’s Campaigns Officer Claire Cain on 01727 798 454.

So what does all this mean if your local is threatened by an unwanted planning application? You should object to the Council, of course, but when doing so, make sure to refer to the relevant policies in the Framework. If you can show that loss of the pub would reduce the local community's ability to meet its day-to-day needs, then the Council should refuse the application. CAMRA has produced an advice note on the best wording to use and this can be found, along with much other information on planning issues,

Sadly, not every development adversely affecting pubs needs planning consent – conversion to a restaurant or a shop for instance. CAMRA is campaigning hard to get planning law changed in these areas. In the meantime, the new Framework is very much a step in the right direction.


Beer tax escalator

CAMRA is pleased to launch its new pub website ‘WhatPub’ to all members of the Campaign. The website is the product of thousands of volunteers visiting pubs, adding content and developing the site over a 2 year period. The 'WhatPub' website aims to become the best, most comprehensive online pub listing which all pub-lovers can use and enjoy. At present there are currently more than 21,000 pubs listed on this site but we need YOUR help to ensure these listings are as complete and accurate as possible. What better time to get involved? We realise that this is only the end of the beginning for 'WhatPub'. We know that we must continue to develop and improve the site and with the help and support of members like you we can make this the best pub website in Britain.

The Framework is already making an impact. Councils in Cambridge and the Fylde have used it to refuse planning applications to convert pubs to houses. In those cases, the applicants have appealed against the refusal and, in each case, the Government Inspector, considering the appeal, has dismissed it largely because approval would run counter to Framework policies.

If you have any issues regarding a campaign to save a local pub in your area please contact CAMRA’s Local Planning Policy Advisor Paul Ainsworth on or

The CAMRA backed campaign for the Government to look at the Beer Escalator Tax took another twist when a National Sunday newspaper joined the campaign. The battle to freeze beer tax - and save the traditional British pub - has now been joined by the Sunday People. MPs of all parties will now debate and recommend (hopefully) that George Osborne abandons the beer duty escalator, which will add five per cent tax next year and clobber hard-pressed pub drinkers for another 10p. Since the escalator was introduced in 2008 by Labour Chancellor Alistair Darling, beer duty has increased by 42 per cent. That means drinkers are now paying 55p tax on each pint costing an average £3.17 Another 52p goes in VAT, 18p in employment tax and 12p in business rates on every pint. The average pub is shelling out £66,500 a year in tax and nearly 6,000 pubs have since shut it was introduced.

Group - CAMRA Hull & East Yorkshire


100+ Bee 25+ Cide





hull Real Ale & CIDER FESTIVAL where

holy trinity church - hull when

18 - 20 april 2013 th



Organised by hull & east yorkshire camra Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

Branch Website -

PUBS WITH ….….….….. A rare and unspoiled interior of outstanding historic interest: Beverley - White Horse Inn Bridlington - Station Buffet Kingston Upon Hull Olde Black Boy - Olde White Harte St John’s Hotel - White Hart Oversized, lined glasses: (Guaranteeing a full or ½ liquid pint) Bridlington - Station Buffet Beverley - Dog & Duck (Black Sheep Only) Hollym - Plough Inn Kingston Upon Hull - Hop & Vine Real draught cider (not keg), East Yorkshire: Beverley - Cornerhouse : Green Dragon Brantingham - The Triton Bridlington - Prior John Cottingham - Cross Keys : Railway Driffield - Tiger Inn : Old Falcon NEW Dunswell - The Ship Goodmanham - Goodmanham Arms Hedon - Haven Arms Hessle - Hawke formerly Admiral Hawke Hornsea - Smugglers Kilham - Old Star NEW North Newbald - Tiger Inn - The Gnu South Dalton - Pipe & Glass Tickton - New Inn Real draught cider (not keg), Kingston Upon Hull Clubs and Pubs: Adelphi Club Admiral of the Humber The Gardener’s Sailmakers Arms Hop & Vine Lion & Key New Clarence Olde Black Boy Pave Rising Sun Three John Scotts Walters Wellington Inn Whalebone Xanders Zachariah Pearson Real Mild regularly available: Beverley - Cornerhouse Blacktoft - Hope & Anchor Brough - Buccaneer Cottingham - King William IV Driffield - Tiger Inn Goodmanham - Goodmanham Arms Hornsea - Rose & Crown Kingston Upon Hull -Whalebone : Ravenser Rising Sun : Duke of York (Sutton) NEW Preston - Cock & Bell Wetwang - Black Swan

41 A quiet room (no piped music or juke box, TV, electronic games): Beverley - Rose & Crown : White Horse Inn Woolpack : Hodgsons Bridlington - Old Ship Inn Cottingham - King William IV Driffield - Bell Hotel Great Kelk - Chestnut Horse Goodmanham - Goodmanham Arms Kingston Upon Hull - Olde Black Boy St John’s Hotel Licensee who has gained Cask Marque Accreditation, East Yorkshire: Beeford - Tiger (new) Beverley - Green Dragon : Grovehill Royal Standard: Tiger : Molescroft Inn Bridlington - Old Ship Inn: Prior John : Friendly Forrester NEW Brough - Buccaneer Cherry Burton - Bay Horse Cottingham - Blue Bell : Duke of Cumberland: King William IV : Railway Driffield - Bell Hotel : Benjamin Fawcett Ferriby - Duke of Cumberland Hedon - Shakespeare Hessle - Marquest of Granby: Norland Hornsea - Victoria Kirk Ella - Beech Tree Market Weighton - Griffin : Red Lion North Cave - The White Hart Inn North Newbald - Gnu : Tiger Patrington - The Holderness : Station Hotel : Hildyard Preston - Nags Head Roos - Roos Arms : Black Horse Ryehill - Crooked Billet Sewerby - Ship Inn South Cave - Bear South Dalton - Pipe and Glass Tickton - Crown & Anchor Walkington - The Barrel Willerby - Toby Carvery: Hop Pole NEW Licensee who has gained Cask Marque Accreditation, Hull Clubs and Pubs: Admiral of the Humber : Avenue Gardeners Arms : Haworth Arms : Hop Pole Manor Farm : Mill : National : New Clarence Odd Bottle : Old Grey Mare : Pave : Ravenser : Three John Scotts : Victory Pub William Wilberforce : Zachariah Pearson : West Bulls

Group - CAMRA Hull & East Yorkshire



BEVERLEY RACE DAY 2012 - MINI BEER FESTIVAL own exclusive entrance to the course - right next to the real ale bar.

The branch at the invitation of Beverley Racecourse, held our inaugural real ale and cider festival during a race meeting on Saturday 1st September.

The Crew Entertainment was provided by the organisers of the Beverley Folk Festival which helped make this venture a truly great event. All beers and ciders were sold out well before the last race, so we will be bringing in a few more next time. The Venue

We had 16 real ales from local breweries including All Hallows, Big River, Bird Brain, Brass Castle, Great Heck, Great Newsome, North Riding & Wold Top, plus Moorlands Farm Cyder on offer.

The Punters

Some of the Beers CAMRA members were given the opportunity to purchase 2 tickets for the price of one, plus there Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

Talks are already underway for next year’s event where the racecourse would act as hosts again and Hull & EY CAMRA will hope to select a wider range of locally sourced real ales, after all we have had several micro-breweries set up in the 12 months leading up to the event. Who knows what the next 12 months will bring? So ‘pencil in’ a weekend at the end of August or early September and we will look forward to seeing you then. And finally we gained new members at the event and we welcome them to CAMRA and hope they are enjoying the benefits of it! Branch Website -

Group - CAMRA Hull & East Yorkshire




Branch Open Meetings All open meetings start at 8pm and conclude at approximately 9.30pm with a chance to socialise and refreshments are normally provided at the end of the meeting. Wednesday 7th November - Lion & Key, High Street, Hull. GBG nomination meeting. Wednesday 5th December - The George Hotel, Land of Green Ginger, Hull. Wednesday 9th January - The New Clarence to be confirmed Survey and Social Trips These trips run from May through to October on the second Saturday of the month and are used to survey the village pubs that are nominated for the following year’s Good Beer Guide. Details of next years trips will be in Branch Events Diary in the next edition. Please contact our Pubs Officers, details available on the Branch Contacts page or see Branch Website for further information. Branch Beer Festivals Thursday 18th to Saturday 20th - The Hull & East Yorkshire branch of CAMRA are proud to bring you our 35th Hull Real Ale & Cider Festival, which will be held at the Holy Trinity Church, Lowgate, Hull - 100 and more beers, a minimum of 25 cider and perries, plus entertainment from local folk/acoustic artists. Keep in touch by logging on to our Branch Festival Blog - Sunday 25th August 2012 - Beverley Race Course. To be confirmed.

tel. 01964 612201

Hull and East Yorkshire CAMRA

Branch Website -

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