Donate a Car, Change a Life Giving a Used Vehicle to Working Wheels Helps Families in Need of Reliable Transportation
People transitioning from driving are often faced with
car’s title and get the vehicle to the nonprofit. Donors
the question of what to do with their vehicles.
can then drop off cars themselves or have Working
Local nonprofit Working Wheels offers a solution by
Wheels’ volunteers come drive or tow the car away.
accepting donations of cars, inspecting and repairing
In addition to donations of vehicles, Working Wheels
them to ensure safety and reliability, and then selling
– a 501(c)3 nonprofit – also accepts monetary
those vehicles at a deeply reduced price to people in
contributions to the Parts and Repair fund.
need of reliable transportation. “Donate a car, change a life” is the motto of Working
A Vehicle’s Next Chapter Can Have Big Impact
Wheels, an Asheville-based organization that recycles
Working Wheels has helped hundreds of program
and repairs donated cars, transforming them into working wheels for working families in Western North Carolina. Working Wheels accepts vehicles in any condition and repairs as many of them as possible. The nonprofit
participants with their transportation needs. By having reliable transportation, these individuals have been able to work more hours, choose from a wider selection of available safe options, take themselves and their families to appointments and spend more
collaborates with mechanic shops in the area who
time with their loved ones.
work on donated cars at a discounted price. Those
vehicles that are not able to be placed in the program serve as parts cars or are sold to generate proceeds to help further the nonprofit’s mission.
organizations, including Helpmate, ABCCM, and Homeward Bound, to connect cars to people in need.
How to Donate to Working Wheels Donating a vehicle to Working Wheels begins by contacting the nonprofit by phone or through a form on their website. After a 10-minute conversation about the vehicle, Working Wheels guides donors on how to transfer the
“ This car means that I can get to work safely and on time,” a participant named Karen said of her Working Wheels vehicle. “I have a good job, and with reliable transportation, I can advance.” 76 Weaverville Road, Asheville, NC | | 828-633-6888