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PREFACE The very beginning of our project started at a contact seminar in Bled, Slovenia, where we were invited to take part in discussions about prejudice. Soon we found that we all have prejudice and the best way of handling prejudice was to accept it as a part of human nature. One can’t prevent it so we decided to deal with prejudice and to learn more about the phenomenon by taking prejudice as a path for better understanding and acceptance of each other, each individual and the variety in culture and behaviour among people. To take part in a project where more countries and people of different culture are involved is a real challenge. Our project ended up being a very fruitful experience. The topic we worked on turned out to be a real challenge for all involved since we all through the process had to face our own prejudice and by that challenging all of us in various daily life situations. The most challenging lessons we learned were to stand back and reflect on the things we meet and to open our minds before we judge anyone or anything. To give the “open mind” a chance and try to understand what is behind a specific attitude, a saying, a not understanding culture or behaviour. To accept and try to understand others the way we would like them to understand and respect ourselves. Very soon we realized that a life without prejudice is not possible since one also have to react immediately in some situations. So we found that the title we gave our project was quiet suitable for the phenomena we were dealing with. What can one learn form being member of a project involving more European Countries? You learn new people, new places, you get knowledge about other ways of living, other culture and also that people are friendly and open minded if you meet them the same way. You can not take part in a project with a topic as prejudice without have some emotional confrontations and discussions that certainly challenge yourself and your way of understanding life. Very soon in the process we decided to involve students since they are the coming generation to take over and to prepare them for that through the project. Through our sessions we have had many good discussions being with or without students involved. You can not leave a project like this without the feeling that something has change in one’s attitude towards other people, other cultures and one’s own personality. We are sure that all involved have had the feeling that all the efforts that were put into the project have been worth it. We want to thank all participants, all who in one way or another have contributed to the project and the process and we are convinced that we only through the project have explored each other in respect and intercultural understanding.
Mogens Victor Andersen, Odense (Denmark)
the project
PAP – the idea
PAP- die Idee
Are the Scottish as mean, as always been
Sind Schotten wirklich so geizig, wie man
told, the Germans hardworking, proper and
immer sagt, die Deutschen fleißig, ordentlich
without any sense of humour, the Spaniards
und humorlos, die Spanier feurig oder die
fiery or the Portuguese sad? Also with such
Portugiesen traurig? Auch mit solchen –
– still innocuous – prejudices and national
noch relativ harmlosen – Vorurteilen und
stereotypes will deal the project “PAP –
nationalen Stereotypen wird sich das Projekt
Prejudice as a Path”. The partners from
„PAP – Prejudice as a Path „ - zu deutsch:
Spain, Scotland, Denmark, Slovenia and
Vorurteil als ein Pfad - befassen. Die Max-
Germany want to find new approaches, how
Eyth-Schule will gemeinsam mit ihren
to transform prejudices - we all have some -
Partner aus Spanien, Schottland, Portugal,
into curiosity, and as the next step, how to
Dänemark und Slowenien Wege finden, wie
promote new knowledge about the cultural
aus Vorurteilen, die wir alle haben, Neugier
peculiarity of the others and the own nation.
und aus Neugier wiederum neues Wissen um
That also covers questions of common
Eigenart und Kultur der anderen und auch
cultural roots and convictions in the new
der eigenen Nation entstehen kann.
larger Europe. The target is to let prejudices
Auch die gemeinsamen kulturellen Wurzeln
get productive, reduce anxiety, arouse the
und Grundüberzeugungen im neuen großen
urge to research instead of judging and give
Europa werden in ausgewählten Klassen der
the students more confidence in acting in
the international arena.
Projektes im Deutsch- und Politikunterricht
In the end of the school year students of all
zur Debatte stehen. Das Ziel ist Vorurteile
partners will meet as a kind of ambassadors
of their country, present their results or just
abzubauen, Erkenntnisdrang zu wecken und
have a good time together.
den Schülern mehr Sicherheit beim Bewegen
auf internationalen Parkett zu geben.
(The German version was published in the local press of
Am Schuljahresende treffen sich dann
Alsfeld, Germany)
Jugendliche aus allen Partnerländern zum Austausch,
Ergebnisse, als Botschafter ihres Landes oder einfach so zum Zusammensein.
Brief description In the process of building a new Europe, prejudice and xenophobia are unfortunately increasingly becoming part of the daily life and cultural experience in the changing world towards globalisation. They are encountered in most countries throughout Europe. Prejudice is present in everyday situations and it is also and mainly affecting cultural and ethnic minorities, asylum seekers and refugees. This is creating barriers for their integration in European society. This project explores the cultural and emotional differences that create the barriers for a better acceptance and intercultural understanding. It aims at promoting the idea of European citizenship according to the motto of the European Constitution “unity in diversity”. We will start by confronting the participants/ learners with their own prejudice and those of others. This will be done through workshops with the learners in each partner organisations. The participants will subsequently initiate learning processes at a national and trans national level. We have to take into account that prejudice might be difficult to overcome but it can also be used as a positive tool for mutual understanding and respect. Finding the common ground of European culture will open learner´s minds to accept diversity and view it as an enrichment of their own individual horizon. This will establish innovative methods emerging from the different cultures and an awareness of one´s own identity. It will involve teachers and students alike. The aim is to empower individuals to influence their own situation through better understanding of their own and others´ cultural background. In the spirit of transnational partnership, a collective approach to this issue will enhance effectiveness, efficiency and innovation. The exchange of information, ideas and expertise between transnational project partners will take place during seminars and visits in order to •
Deepen the awareness of own cultural identity
Develop and share methods of how to cope with and understand the reasons behind prejudice and xenophobia
Actively involve learners in the project
Take the step from prejudice, to discovery, to curiosity, to reflection
Identify alternative solutions or approaches
Adapt existing tools or pedagogical approaches to situations in each member states.
The Partners 1. Max-Eyth-Schule, Alsfeld - Germany 2. Odense Tekniske Skole (Odense Technical College) Denmark 3. Instituto Provincial de Educación de Adultos (Regional Centre for Adult Education) - Spain 4. Escola Tecnológica, Artística e Profissional de Pombal (Technologic, Artistic and Professional School of Pombal) - Portugal 5. Ljudska univerza Kranj, Center za izobraževanje in kulturo (Adult Education Centre Kranj) - Slovenia 6. ESCUELA OFICIAL DE IDIOMAS DE LINARES (OFFICIAL SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES IN LINARES) - Spain 7. James Watt College of Further & Higher Education – UK (Scotland)
The theoretical background to the project. It was suggested (..) that a collection of essays should be created. Project members would aim to write down their experiences. (..) We are working on attitudes and therefore it is difficult to evaluate the effect of the project. This would be a way to document the work of the group, a subjective evaluation (‌), that would be a qualitative rather than a quantitive evaluation. (‌) It is hoped that these writings will provoke discussion. (Excerpt from the minutes of the third meeting in Alsfeld)
About prejudice… by Nathalie Ferret, Carla Monteiro and Maria Manuela Marques (Pombal, Portugal) Why talking about prejudice?! In an existentialist perspective, if I question myself – “Who am I?”; “Who is this body I live in?”; “Am I these thoughts, this culture or this ideology?” – maybe it makes sense to think over this subject. The fact is that we “catalogue” people and situations and that we commonly build images, probably too fast, of what we see or listen to. Therefore, the lack of knowledge, the ignorance or the easy tendency for the generalisation are the basis of that “categorisation”. And this way the prejudice against the other is developed… However, there are people who have the notion of how this process runs but they can’t avoid that biased vision. In this case, or in any other, we don’t have the aptness to point out prejudices of whoever it may be. On the other hand, how many times did we “invent” ourselves and pretend to hide true facts of our lives? The desire, or the need, of being accepted is so important that we nullify our own convictions and our identity. Consequently it is developed the prejudice against ourselves… Though, if we have prejudices, some of them, naturally or because we stubbornly want it like that, will be diminished. And the empty spaces left by these ones will be filled by others. But, isn’t it the way that I construct and reinvent myself as a person? All of this is disturbing. To think and talk about prejudice is disturbing. Even I, whose motto of life is “Live and let live!”, notice that I’m full of prejudices. It could be one or another, but no… they are the lighthouse of my social existence! I’m shocked! Or maybe not… I understand the usereflectionfulness of the prejudice, I coexist perfectly well with it, or them… Maybe not with all of them, after all… Because the look of the other bothers me, condemns me the same way my look condemns the other. So here it is a new kind of prejudice: the prejudice of the prejudiced!! To think about the prejudice is disquieting, but more disquieting will be “observing” the gradual constitution of a culture of prejudice fear… Therefore, talking about this subject is talking about deep reflection and a constant search for answers to, in the last resource, understand ourselves better.
While we don’t find the answers, let’s meditate over some questions that come to our minds when we talk about prejudices. After all, does not having prejudices make us better individuals or does having prejudices make us more attentive individuals? If prejudice causes a better knowledge of ourselves and of the other, is it positive? Won’t we have to leave our comfortable existence while we try to know the other? Will we be prepared to do this kind of concession? Isn’t the knowledge of the other a possible way to understand our own identity? Are some of our prejudices a way of misleading the look at ourselves? Are our prejudices used to hide the fear of diversity and loss of identity becoming synonyms? Are we excessively concentrated in our own existence to allow the presence of the other? Can we agree with Cécile Ladjale and George Steines, who defend that “ we can only be conscious of what we are when you’re confronted with the alterity”?
Let’s all and each one of us find the answers!
Prejudices as our mirrors (1) by Darja Kovačič, Kranj (Slovenia) Prejudices are related to various societies' development stages and their value systems. The differences, but especially the meanings we ascribe to these differences, are basic to the categorization and simplification of truths, to prejudices. How strongly prejudices show their presence correlates with the degree of judging – criticizing within a particular social context. People, as whole beings, always strive for balance, for equilibrium. After all, this is the way in which our physical health is regulated. Each illness attempts to eliminate the excess of something that prevents the balance. A human being, like any other eminent creation, possesses a highly complex structure of functioning. We're physical beings, but also psychological, social, spiritual. There are sets of rules in operation at all the levels. Whenever there occurs a lack of something, other systems try to make up for it, to put it back into balance. Of course, things aren't all that simple, as there are various other interactions at work. Nevertheless, the very realization of how complex our structure is can make us reflect on the need of applying more profound and complex explanations for all "our own creations". Our work on prejudices proves to be only the first stage of the unveiling of the layers of a much deeper structure of their comprehension, but most of all of our facing them and getting beyond them. Nevertheless, each work has to start somewhere. Let us therefore first look at ourselves, let us see ourselves through prejudices and introduce ourselves through them to our partners in the PAP project. For the sake of greater "objectivity", let me first note down an observation of a foreigner (a Czech man of letters, Jan Lego), who put remarked on general Slovene characteristics at the beginning of the twentieth century. The first of the reportedly general Slovene characteristics were cleverness and intelligence, followed by hatred for all things foreign (historically conditioned), and sincerity, cheerfulness, hospitality. Inspired by the first characteristic mentioned above, the Slovene participants in the project tasked ourselves with a more demanding aim – to search for the very nature of the operation of prejudices, entitled Prejudices as our mirrors. The idea expressed by the title gives us, at least on this stage of our understanding, the framework and the foundation for our facing prejudices and their elimination.
One of the general truths says that we constantly make efforts to change people according to our images or interests, in which we are more or less successful. More when we are in possession of economical and political power, trying to subordinate the weak. In the long run we can't be but less successful. In the long term it is only possible to change ourselves, we can only change others by first changing ourselves and offering us as mirrors to others for their behaviour and knowledge. If the entire human development cycle functions as "a system of mirrors", then we can claim that anything we judge or criticize is only a sign of a lack in ourselves, a missing part that is shown to us by those who we judge. We can employ this as a tool to understand where we are out of balance, out of tune with ourselves. The question that follows is: When are we in balance? What is our innermost essence? There is a variety of answers, but the fundamental essence of human beings is definitely love for ourselves and others, an open heart that has no room for judgments, where there is only the perception of the truth. There are many truths, and they are all conditioned by culture, religion, politics, status, gender, money. All these truths have in-built filters of perception that prevent us from seeing the truth. Without fail, they will only reveal partial truths. When we discard all possible filters, and replace them by the universal essence of human being that is love, we no longer judge, we only see, feel, and perceive without prejudices. Thus, when we observe prejudices against others, we are really shown ourselves. Where we are cramped, limited, imperfect. As soon as we accept it as a gift for our development and growth, we have really made a huge step for ourselves and others. Let us now turn our attention back to us, Slovenes. The entire theory is much easier to understand with concrete examples in mind. Recently, Slovenes have been faced with a living example of our prejudices, with Gypsies, with a Gypsy family. With their deportation. With rejection. Whole villages of locals united in their demands for the Gypsy family to be deported from their homes, from their region. And nobody, almost nobody wanted to accept them. Even the President of the Republic intervened, but in vain. Eventually the solution was provided by the newly elected mayor of Ljubljana, formerly a successful businessman. Perhaps it was his wide influence that made it possible for him to convince the local population to accept them, the Gypsies. What about the mirror – what is it saying to us? What do Gypsies symbolize in the minds of Slovenes? Freedom, independent and carefree attitudes, free time, big families, socializing, money isn't a problem, housing isn't a problem, and such like. And how do we see ourselves in the mirror? We are, more or less, the prisoners of our long working days. We've got very little free time to be laid back, to spend with families, money 10
seems to be too important for our lives, for our status. Consequently, we don't want to acknowledge that there's a different way of living and thinking possible, at least not in our immediate surroundings. It can exist somewhere else, in Australia, Africa, or even in Albania, but not in our immediate surroundings. Perhaps the mirror also awakens our guilty conscience about our excessive work-centeredness, our lack of time for the family, for having children, and it expresses the concerns about our survival. The thing we can most clearly perceive in this mirror is the need to live in greater balance and satisfaction. Therefore, we can thank our living example for teaching us how to add the elements to our life that will balance it and maintain the equilibrium. They may be simple, but so is their life (the Gypsy life). Unfortunately, we usually don't believe in simple things and recipes, because we have complicated our lives to such extent. Thank you, Gypsies, I've realized one or two things myself. I'll take a day off tomorrow; I've still got thirteen free days to use from last year's leave. As a teacher, how can I use the mirror in practice? Emphasising as we do, at least in our sphere, the importance of life-long learning, I have to accept all the examples that bother me most and keep me restless as the greatest gift. In the reflection of their mirror I can learn about the things that are unbalanced or suppressed in me, but which keep whispering from within my subconscious. This is the way to learn and grow without judging neither my students, nor colleagues, nor neighbours, nor myself. Moreover, with my own gradual change, I can offer a mirror to anyone who wants to see a part of him/herself in it. What is left is just support, encouragement and the decision FOR. FOR change.
Prejudices as our mirrors (2) by Arno Zierk, Alsfeld (Germany) Presumptions and prejudices - we all have them. They can be useful when we are faced at once with unfamiliar situations. They are harmless or odd if they don't affect life with other people. Inhabitants of village A may think that the inhabitants of village B are complete pinheads. This isn't interesting for people living 20 km away – they've got their own neighbours. This mechanism is simple and is therefore found all over the world. The others incorporate all characteristics which are not wanted in the own group. Getting rid of your own crap you feel delivered from the evil. This kind of salvation strengthens the own group and the own personality.
Men and girl talk are partially based on this mechanism. And it is more or less a question of good or bad taste, as long as the parties stay among each other and the speakers don't mix their prejudices with an adequate description of reality. It gets difficult when patterns of prejudice become socially relevant or if the word "truth" is mentioned. Prof. Peter Stignitz who is studying lies said: "Truth is the elastic sister of lying". Depending on the point of view, it complies one time with reality and another time with the lie. If prejudices towards a foreign group densifiy to a reality model, the people involved will do everything to keep this model alive, because nothing less than their "reality" is concerned. These world views are transported by parties, churches, or religious leaders and media.
those ongoing
are and
irrelevance and think that they cover the The sleep of reason bears monsters F. Goya (1796)
people's opinion. Hardly anybody believes what they read in newspapers like „Bild“
(Germany) or „SUN“ (Great Britain), but ideological ideas are passed on: Jews are rich, Muslims are fanatics and immigrants are criminals. This is nonsense and it is believed in a preconscious manor. People who obtain their explanations of the world mainly out of the yellow press, soap operas, talk or casting shows, or reality-TV shows, hardly have a chance to break the circle of preconceptions and their confirmation by mass media. And this is the reality of the majority of the European population – including our students – with the world experience delivered by the media, with more and more narrow space for personal experience, and a world where the weight of personal experience is disrespected. Those who have experienced the intensity of stage-managed emotions in a TV show, a movie, or in a socalled talk show, where problems are discussed that are usually presented by intellectual underachievers, can understand when I fear that the good old age of enlightenment with its thoughts of sense, tolerance, and education is robbed its “light”.
Max Frisch shows in his play „Andorra“ an aggressive variety of preconceptional structures, which not nly describe but in the end also create reality. He describes the fictional country of Andorry which more resembles his mother country Switzerland than the Pyrenee-Republic. The Andorrans place all their own negative characteristics on the protagonist Andri. After all, Andri is a Jew, and this explains everything – in reality he only is the son of a drunk, coward teacher. Little by little Andri takes on his preconceptional identity and is finally murdered after an absurd fascistic show trial. In a preview of this merciless trial Andri describes the mechanism as follows: It isn't a superstition, oh no, there are people like that, people with a curse on them. I'm like that. It doesn't matter what I do, the others only have to look at me and suddenly I'm what they say I am. That's what evil is. Everyone has it in him, nobody wants it, so where is it to go to? Into the air? It is in the air, but it doesn't stay there long, it has to enter into a human being, so that one day they can seize it and kill it… But who gets this evil that cannot stay in the air? The selection is not random. The individual victim or the victim group meets the following conditions: Clearly distinguishable from the own group defenceless (minority or low social class) predominant or experienced as predominant and potentially dangerous Such group can easily become the aim of aggressive prejudices, especially when unspecific and great fear is involved. To become effective, however, the process of preconceptional aggressive exclusion has to be legitimised.. Social legitimisation is achieved by the constant repetition of ideological topoi in the media which are accepted as the truth by a relevant majority. Such truths are always – not seldom pseudo-religious embellished – simplifications of complex realties that were not understood. done by the industry of consciousness. The personal legitimisation is done on basis of such social “truths”. The actual reality is selectively perceived on this foil and so the prejudice is confirmed. So, even if the economical and social causes for unemployment and poverty have been analysed, many students will keep on perceiving unemployed people or welfare recipients as lazy and greedy. The ethic legitimisation of aggressive prejudices is interesting: changing the victim’s and the offender’s role. The aggressor defines himself as the victim, who has to defend himself. He 13
appeals to his natural right of self-defence. This is, however, similarly absurd like the annual declaration of war of the Spartans to the already enslaved Helotes, but it is very effective for committing rascalities with a clear conscience. Without enrolling the history of AntiSemitism in this paper, I want to state that the greatest crime of mankind – the murder of the European Jews by the Nazis – was “legitimised” with this idea. The patterns of legitimisation draw their power mainly from the actual or imagined superiority of the foreign group, which shows own deficiencies and intensifies the already existing fear. D. Kovačič wrote very substantial things about this with the example of the gipsies in the Slovenian society. It is not seldom that traumatic historical events, which have entered the collective sub conscience long ago, determine the background of the direction of prejudices and threatening fear. For example the Romans madly feared the Celts since the so-called GaulCatastrophe from 387 BC. This fear may be an explanation for Cesar’s brutality at the Gaul submission 300 year later. Maybe Cartage wouldn’t have been laid to ashes if Hannibal and his elephants hadn’t accidentally taken the same road as the Gauls did some time ago. Since the Huns, the Germany fear a danger from the East. Even if Attila may have been a wise and mild sovereign, images and legends of animal-like monsters running over Europe are still alive. After a self-staged “raid” (German soldiers had been poked into Polish uniforms) Hitler could count on the Germans’ approval, when he started World War II with the words: “We are shooting back from today on.” After the Vikings, the Battle of Hastings and the Armada, the English are madly afraid of invaders. The Irish don’t know this fear, although their geographic situation is similar. They fear at best the Englishmen. If such prejudices without the slightest historical background can stay for centuries, if always new preconceptional patterns are build in a society, what makes us believe in a tolerant Europe with citizens who behave respectfully and who want to learn instead of fighting from each other? The answer is already contained in the question: To learn from each other. Meeting strangers with curiosity and not with fear. This doesn’t mean that everything has to be taken over. But if I want to perceive inferiority or deficiencies of me or my group without fear, I have to be self-conscious to a certain extend. People who know what they are worth, will find it easy to see the strength of others without perceiving them as an attack to their
own integrity. The things that we cannot adapt, can also be envied a little. This is a general task for pedagogics. Aggressive prejudices against unemployed or poor people, or refugees of poverty are not eliminated by a strong ego, but by minimising the uncertainty of belonging to the same group one day. This is a social-political task. If people’s worlds are a collection of ideas from the media, own experiences help. Especially young people need to make their experiences. Take your students to the world. This is a task for the teachers. And we shouldn’t sacrifice the good old enlightenment on the altar of commercialisation, but we should perceive it as a process and task. This is a demand on all of us.
A life with prejudice - an easy way of living? by Mogens Victor Andersen, Odense (Denmark) If you don’t want to live with a lot of facets and insight in the values life can give you, then just choose the easy way of living. Don’t spent time on reflection and research; just deem and judge people at a glance. Look at the word prejudice, it consist of a combination of a preposition: “pre” and a verb or a noun “judice” which has a meaning as the word “judge”. The preposition “pre” means something that comes first or something that has already taken place in time. To judge means to deem something or someone and if we now combine the two phrases we get the idea of prejudice: To deem someone as the first. We all know that it’s better to make some research or to think, give things a thought before we act. But don’t spent or vast your time by doing that, just deem based on your first impression. First of all it is much easier and you don’t need to think or reflect about reasons, motives, ethics or similar. It could mean that things would be more complicated but it might also mean that it might be more sophisticated and varied. I might take you behind your daily life situations and open up your mind for interesting values that one might not have been aware of. Life has so many facets if you are open to them and a serious way of treating your own life is to be open minded and not judge people or 15
phenomena just because you don’t understand what’s going on in the first place. Very often it expresses that things we do not understand or don’t have any relations to can seem strange and then we better prevent ourselves from involving in it; stay clear and don’t mind, close your eyes but remember to use your prejudice and deem and judge people based on their expressions, their attitude, the colour of their skin, their religion or their cultural background or even their language. Remember that they have been able to choose where they were born, to choose the colour of their skin, their language and so forth. Just start by deeming and judge then you are about to live your life based on prejudice and to give away your opportunity to get a richer life, to learn and know more people, to meet new friends. A Danish pop group has a song with the words: “A stranger is a friend you haven’t met yet”. Very often we use prejudice because it in the first place seems to be easier. Just to express one’s first impression is easy, isn’t it? Of course we all get associations to things we know, we like, things we dislike or don’t understand or even things that scare us. So if we then express ourselves based on this kind of motive we are about to use prejudice in the sense that we are about to deem and judge people on a very poor base. We do it before we do something else, that’s why the word “prejudice” starts with the preposition “pre” indicating that we judge before we think or before we even give things a chance. This is an easy way of living, but it won’t last and it won’t give you the best opportunities for a richer life. And by the way: You might meet people who use prejudice against you! Deem and judge you before they even know anything about all the good stuff you are made of! That’s not an easy way of living? Very often we intend to be more condemnatory to people who might have a lower social or cultural status, people who might not have had the same possibilities as ourselves our people who might face problem in handling their own life. How often do you use prejudice against people at a higher status or position. Give it a thought. By showing prejudice against someone you might even make their situation even worse. How about if it would be you next time?
In our project we have chosen to focus on prejudice. One reason is a mentioned above and based on that we know that we cannot abolish prejudice we cannot ban it. In a way it is an element of human nature. But we have chosen to focus on prejudice to learn more about its character, nature and the motive for using prejudice. We want to learn to live with
prejudice as apart of life, to understand it when we meet it and to understand what’s often behind; ignorance, fear and misinformation. Our conclusion so far is: we can’t prevent, we must accept and learn to use prejudice in a good way; meet people the same way you want them to meet you and don’t forget what a smile can do.
A Year of PAP by Eileen Daly, Modern Languages Lecturer, Grennock (Scotland) A year ago the International Office invited me to be part of an EU project, Prejudice as a Path (PAP). PAP is a Grundtvig 2 Project, aimed at young people about to embark upon the world of work. The project aims to create a learning environment which enables students to become aware of and to confront their own prejudices and those of the environment which surrounds them. This awareness, one hopes, will lead to their understanding the diversity within our society both nationally and on a European basis, a truly worthy aim given the country and the times in which we live. The lead partner of the project is from Max –Eyth-Schule in the town of Alsfeld in Germany. The other partners are from Portugal, Slovenia, Denmark and Spain (2 schools) and, of course, us. At James Watt the participating students are from the NC Police Service Course. The nature of this course makes it particularly suited to the project. Steven Lamb, Anne Campbell and their lecturers are at the forefront, working with the students. However in this past year not only have they had access to college materials but also to those provided by our European partners. Throughout the year students have benefited from the free exchange of teaching/learning materials between the project partners. E-mails, word documents, dvds, cdroms etc have been flying fast and furious across Europe, I can assure you. I’ve had to deal with them! One advantage of this project has been the opportunity to travel. Our meetings are held at weekends. Prejudice as a Path is about people and more importantly about how they interact. Therefore face-to-face contact is very important. The working language for the meetings is English. However since this is not the first language of most of the partners it can be quite demanding. Our working day is usually from 9 to 5. The host country
organises the evenings and we usually have an afternoon to experience some of the cultural aspects of the area. It probably sounds a bit dry but actually it’s very good. I think it boils down to how well the group gels and the PAP group is made up of a great bunch of people. In September of last year the first planning meeting was held in Pombal, Portugal. In February it was our turn to be the hosts. The sun shone and our guests saw Inverclyde at its best. In fact our Danish partners were so impressed by the area and the College facilities that they organised a return trip in July with a small group of students. The most important meeting of the year, which was attended by both staff and students, was held in Odense, Denmark, in June. Student representatives from each country delivered presentations on their project. Our representatives, Ailie Henderson and Samantha Green, did a great job and should be proud of themselves. The wonderful thing about the Odense meeting was the atmosphere created by the young people. Their enthusiasm and sense of fun was infectious. Friendships were made. E-mails were exchanged. The students themselves said that it was an experience they would always remember. We are about to start the second and final year of our project. Here at James Watt the project will focus on a new group of students with their own unique experiences and , whether they know it or not, their own prejudices. I wonder what they will discover about themselves?
Student’s Reports Opinions Experiences
Jonas Helweg-Mikkelsen Student number: 59083
Odense Tekniske Skole Odense technical college
Denmark Fyn, Odense
Report about my studies in Slovenia We went for Slovenia to study about Prejudices as a Path, we were 6 different countries represented in Slovenia, where Spain was represented by 2 schools. Here is a list of the different schools and where they were from. Max-Eyth-Schule, Alsfeld – Germany Odense tekniske skole (Odense Technical College) – Denmark Instituto Provincial de Educación de Adultos (Regional Centre for Adult Education) – Spain Escola Tecnológica, Artística e Profissional de Pombal Technologic, Artistic and Professional School of Pombal) – Potugal 5. Ljudska univerza Kranj, Center za izobraževanje in kulturo Adult Education Centre Kranj) – Slovenia 6. ESCUELA OFICIAL DE IDIOMAS DE LINARES (OFFICIAL SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES IN LINARES) – Spain 7. James Watt College of Further & Higher Education – UK (Scotland)
1. 2. 3. 4.
Wednesday March 7 we arrived in Slovenia in Ljubljana at about 16:00, and went with a cab to Kranj. When we arrived at the hotel we got dinner, shortly after did we went for opening meeting so we would be introduced about what was about to happen. Thursday March 8 we went back for the school where we saw what the different countries had been working with. Germany showed about “Albatross Island”. Albatross Island was a role-play where the Germans would like to show us a different way of living, far away from the western European. Kind of interesting point of views, where they showed us some rituals and ways of living. After the coffee break we had some activities for students. We got a German last name called Meyer, which was spelled in 3 different ways at our back. At the paper there was also told if we were a father, mother, son or daughter, and that way we made our first group. After we had found our family, we went for lunch at the hotel, before we went to Ljubljana. We went to Ljubljana at 14:00 where we had a guided tour around in the city, where we were told about the old buildings, the history of the city and such. When the tour was over we got two hours where we could go shopping, get a cup of coffee or whatever we wanted to. At 18:30 we met at a restaurant so we could have some dinner. When we were done, we had a concert at 20:15 with some Turkish music, made by Aynur Karadogan and Mercan Dede. It was an interesting concert where you heard a big drum, and a woman singing. Not many in our group liked it, we thought it was some kind of punishment for coming to Slovenia, happily it wasn’t. The host was only told that it was some Wonderful music by someone who had been there, so she was very sorry for it. But anyway this concert was a GREAT icebreaker. Now we had something funny to talk about. So anyway, the music was horrible, but I was so happy for the communication we got out of it. Friday March 9 we started at the school. Here we had a lot of presentations of experience from all of the countries working with prejudices. It was quite interesting to see what problems the different countries had. After all the presentations we had a coffee break for a few minutes. At 12:00 our tourist guide for Kranj came. She was going to show us the inner city. It’s a small city with only 53,000 citizens. The reason it was founded at exactly that spot was that there was 2 rivers protecting them from all enemies at each side and they met in a spear form. During the ages the water had removed the mud and made a great cliff. That means it was impossible for any enemies to get inside the city from any other side than the main gate, where they had a city wall 10 meters thick. After the tour we had lunch at the hotel and were told to meet at the school. At the school we got some different tasks that
Jonas Helweg-Mikkelsen Student number: 59083
Odense Tekniske Skole Odense technical college
Denmark Fyn, Odense
we had to do 3 or 4 persons. My personal opinion was it was dry stuff, we didn’t have any kind of possibility to write freely, which we are used to in Denmark. Strange to me somehow, but we got it made and told about it when we evaluated. At 19:00 we went for special Slovenian dinner, which was great! Saturday March 10 we went for the Postojna cave, which is a dripstone cave. It is 20 kilometres long and really worth seeing. There were some special animals, which live there without being able to see. Instead they had some other great senses that made them able to hear and feel much better. They were very sensitive to the light because they had never been out of the cave. After the caves we went to the seaside, at Piran. It was beautiful because of the clear weather so we had some great pictures. As dinner we got squid at a local restaurant. Here you could really see where this sort of food was normally eaten. Most of the Danes, the Germans and the Scottish ordered something else. The Portuguese and Spanish people didn’t have any problems with the preordered food. At 22:00 we arrived at the hotel. Sunday March 11 was the day we were going home for our home land. Therefore the rest of us who didn’t have to go early went for a last trip for Bled Lake. It was beautiful. In the middle of the lake there is a church on an island. At a cliff wall, 20 meters above sea level to the north, there was a beautiful castle. And of course for making the whole picture, we had the mountains with snow in the background. Indescribable, but such a beauty. It took 2 hours before we were back where we started. At 14:00 we went back to our hotel so we could reach our plane in time. On the way home we had clear weather, meaning we had this beautiful view over the Alps.
Conclusion: Well, I learned that we have a big difference in our culture, even inside of Europe. Even knowing we are this close to each other, though the European Union then we still eat different food, have different kinds of humour, different ideas about time, weather, and many other things. So I hope that the European Union will make more study trips like these. I think it is important for us all to learn who we live together with in Europe, so we can get rid of our prejudice against each other and learn to understand the different points of view of different countries. And this should be done from childhood by schools I think. I also was very glad for we went for one of the new European Union countries, where I could get the local’s opinion about the way of living before and after they joined. It was hard to tell if most people were for that they joined or against. But to me it seemed like most people were glad for the joining, and the people who was for it had more knowledge about politics than the ones who were against it. Usually the people against saw this union like they didn’t have their own country anymore whereas the people who was for the joining thought that this was their opportunity for their country to get freedom like most people have in the rest of the union. Another thing that I think was great about this project was that we had to speak English, which means there was a lot of learning. This kind of “learning by doing” where we were forced to speak English was great. It was like that when you had spoken English these 5 days, you also thought in English. I also got a lot of knowledge about Slovenia that I didn’t have before. Actually I didn’t know anything else about their country then that they are good at handball. After these studies I have experienced the great nature they have, and their beautiful cities they have, like Ljubljana and Kranj. I am so glad to see that they all over are about to renovate many buildings all over, so they can save them for the future. I also think that in the next few years, this country will be as well visited by tourists just like France, Italy,
Jonas Helweg-Mikkelsen Student number: 59083
Odense Tekniske Skole Odense technical college
Denmark Fyn, Odense
Greece and so on. They have the same beaches and then they have their mountains like in Switzerland. You can go here in every season and still get something out of it, you just need clear weather. I would really like to come back there some time, before too many tourists will visit there for holidays. I want to say thanks to all the teachers and students, for this great experience. It was a pleasure meeting you all, and I hope that we will meet again some time. I will never forget all that fun we had together, and if all other students enjoyed it half as much as me, then we all had a great time. If u ever should have anything u wants to know about Denmark, for holydays or anything u are all welcome to send me an email, or use messenger on one of the following email address. For Messenger. For mail. School mail.
Manuel Rodríguez, Spain My name is Manuel Rodríguez and I am a student at the Official Language School in Linares (Spain). Last year, I took part in the Grundtvig project, and I have also taken part on it this year. The first time I heard the name “Grundtvig” I thought it seemed to be a project about aeronautic industry or something like that. However, we had a meeting in the class where we were informed about the project, so at that very moment I decided to take part in it. I started to take part in the project in 2006. In order to study and reflect about some prejudices, all the students in the school answered a questionnaire about different prejudices, answers that allowed to create statistics which showed the level of prejudice regarding different topics (handicapped people, women, homosexuals, gypsies, etc). Later, both the students and the teachers who were taking part in the project decided to make a film in order to show some of the most common prejudices about Spanish people, such as “siesta”, the belief that everybody has a nap every afternoon, that all the Spaniards dance “flamenco”, that all of them like bullfights, etc. Writing the script, recording the film, etc, was hard and funny work which made us realise how often we can have prejudices without being aware of it. All this work was shown in Odense (Denmark), where we had the opportunity to meet the rest of the groups from the different countries which participated in the project. The experience was one of the most satisfying in my whole life, not only because of the places I visited (we stayed there during the most magic night of the year: June 24th ,we were singing typical songs from the different countries around a bonfire), but because of the charming people that were there, not olí from Denmark but also from the rest of the countries. As I have already said, it was a really special experience in my life because the places I visited were really nice and people were so lovely that I would have stayed there for ever. In 2007, I had the opportunity of taking part in the Grundtvig Project again. Likewise both the teachers and the students prepared and exhibition on prejudices with some posters which were hanging from the ceiling of the hall in the School. Moreover, we took some articles on prejudices from different newspapers and made them into posters and posted them on the walls all over the School. This activity was showed in Kranj (Slovenia), where we met the rest of groups from the other countries taking part in the project. The activities prepared by all the groups were really interesting, in fact, all of them showed how easy is to be prejudiced against others for no reason. That is why the exposition of the works made me realise that having prejudices is something very common. Furthermore, the days spent in Slovenia were really nice. I visited Ljubljana, Kranj, Postojna, Piran and Bled (a place which appeared to have been taken from a fairy tale).
The first day in Slovenia, there was a little interaction among the students belonging to different countries because they did not know each other. All this changed the next day, specially because the activities made the students from different countries mingle and interact with each other. This made me see different things from different points of view. To sum up, the whole project has been a wonderful experience for me because I have been enriched both my professional and personal world. Firstly with the teachers who have taken part in the project and specially with the Spanish teachers (working on preparations with them has been easy, funny and I have learnt very much from them). Secondly, because of the places I have visited (having the chance of being there has been very interesting). And last, but not least, because of all the people I have met (living different moments, some of them really enjoyable. Taking part in activities with them has made me more open-minded and see many things from a different perspective). To sum up, I have to say that I am extremely grateful to this Grundtvig Project and to the people who has made it possible.
Scottish Reflections on PAP Our involvement in the PAP project was a great experience. It gave us the opportunity to visit a country that we hadn’t heard of before, let alone chosen to visit. We met many interesting people and realised that students from other countries are just like us and have similar interests. The only difference is that we speak different languages.
All the meetings were conducted in English which was extremely lucky for us, given our distinct lack of foreign languages. We were really impressed by the other students’ knowledge of English and it made us realise that we should be making some attempt at communicating with our fellow Europeans in their languages.
As you would expect there was the occasional communication problem and, as native speakers, we worked hard to try to translate for our fellow students. This was an interesting and funny experience!
PAP has certainly opened our eyes. It has been an experience that we, personally, will never forget and we have told our fellow students at home all about. We all agree it would be wonderful if, in the future, more students could have the same opportunity as we have had.
Ruairidh Aitken Michael McCabe
Slovenien Da jeg startede turen til Slovenien viste jeg ikke hvad jeg skulle forvente af landet da jeg ikke havde hørt noget om det. Da vi ankom var det ikke så god en oplevelse da men taske ikke var kommet med og de prøvede på at overbevise mig om at min taske var en sort golftaske og ikke grøn militærtaske, den kom så i løbet af næste dag til hotellet, Der var regnvejr da vi kom og det forsatte lidt men i 3 dag vi var der klarede det op og blev fint solvejr. Folk parkerede over alt men der var stadig god mulighed for at komme rundt, bilisterne var også meget venlige til at lade fodgængere komme over først, hvor vi her i Danmark skal være heldig hvis der er nogen der holder tilbage for os. De har en god natur i Slovenien, der er næsten det hele der nede, fladt landskab, høje bjærge, strande og så mere. Vi så Ljubljana og Kranj, Kranj var den by vi boede i, byen var bygget på sten og mellem to floder, der siges at der har været umuligt at indtage byen fra de sider hvor floderne er, der var kun en side hvor man kunne komme ind og den havde en mur der beskyttede kranj. Ljubljana er Sloveniens hovedstad, der er mange gamle bygninger i Ljubljana og de holdes godt ved lige, mens vi var der så vi mange restaurerede bygninger, og det så ud til at de er godt i gang med at restaurere flere af dem. Vi var også i en drypstens hule, den var meget støre end dem jeg har set i Sverige, der var også et dyr de viste frem den er blind og laver normalt i total mørke, de skifter den ud hver 4 uge da de er følsomme for lys og det kan skade dem hvis de er der for længe. Alt i alt har det været en god og lærerig tur og jeg har ikke noget mod at komme til Slovenien igen en gang.
Emil Olesen
Europaprojekt ( 7. – 11. 03. 07, Slowenien) „Was habe ich erwartet? Was habe ich bekommen?“
von Alexander Machnjew
Das Projekttreffen fand vom 7.3. – 11. 3. in der slowenischen Stadt Kranj statt.
Lehrer und
Schüler der Nationen Portugal, Spanien, Schottland, Dänemark, Slowenien und Deutschland verbrachten fünf schöne Tage in Kranj. Doch wie waren die Erwartungen vor der Reise? Und haben diese sich erfüllt? Meine Erwartungen vor der Reise waren eher gering, ich wusste nicht direkt, was auf mich zukommt. Ich habe mich auf die Schüler und Lehrer der anderen Nationen sehr gefreut, da ich bisher noch keinen Kontakt mit Schotten oder Dänen hatte. Am Anfang war ich etwas nervös, als es um die Kommunikation oder später um die Präsentation ging. Aber das Gefühl ging schnell vorbei, denn die Atmosphäre war gut und die Leute waren sehr freundlich und offen. Sie alle waren kontaktfreudig, sodass ich mit einigen von ihnen ausführliche und gute Gespräche führen konnte. Ein weiteres Beispiel für die gute Atmosphäre ist, dass die ganze Gruppe die Abende zusammen verbrachte. Unser Aktivitätsplan war abwechslungsreich gestaltet. Wir hörten interessante Präsentationen und sahen die Sehenswürdigkeiten Sloweniens. Die Präsentation der Portugiesen hat mir besonders gut gefallen. Sie haben uns ein Video gezeigt, wo sich die Schüler in die Lage behinderter Menschen versetzten. (Arme an den Körper gebunden, Augen verbunden ) Bei der Besichtigung Sloweniens sahen wir einige Kirchen, eine Tropfsteinhöhle und den Strand. Die Kirchen fand ich etwas langweilig, da sie alle ziemlich gleich waren. Sehr schön dagegen war der Strand, man konnte von dort aus Italien und Kroatien sehen. Aber auch die Tropfsteinhöhle war interessant. Sie zählt zu den bekanntesten Höhlen Europas und man benötigt ca. 15 Stunden, um sie ganz zu erforschen. Aus diesem Projekt konnte ich einige positive Erfahrungen sammeln. Ich habe meine Englischkenntnisse aufgebessert und die Kommunikation mit Menschen anderer Nationen war einfach spannend. So waren für mich diese fünf Tage aufregend und interessant. Ich kann nur jedem raten, die Möglichkeit zu nutzen, bei solchen oder ähnlichen Aktivitäten teilzunehmen.
Englisch vier Tage am Stück
von Lydia Stach
Du kommst in einem anderen Land an. Eine andere Kultur und natürlich eine andere Sprache. Doch da es ein EU-Projekt mit verschiedenen anderen Nationen war, ging alles nur auf Englisch. Vor der Slowenienreise hatte ich mir Gedanken gemacht, wie wohl die Verständigung zwischen den ganzen Schüler der verschiedenen Nationen und den slowenischen Bevölkerung klappen würde. Ich lernte also diverse Vokabeln auf Slowenisch, um vielleicht in der Stadt etwas zu essen zu bestellen oder einfach nur, um mich ein wenig anzupassen. Denn so normale Wörter wie „hallo“ oder „tschüss“ auf Slowenisch zu kennen und auch anzuwenden, ist ein Gebot der Höflichkeit und würde bei den Slowenen einen bestimmt einen guten Eindruck machen. Jedoch waren die Vokabeln, die wir gelernt haben, bei weitem nicht genug, um damit ein ganzes Gespräch zu führen, somit wurde dann auf Englisch zurück gegriffen, da fast jeder zumindest ein bisschen Englisch versteht. Zu meiner Verwunderung verstand ich selbst mehr, als ich gedacht hätte und konnte auch relativ viel sprechen. Auch die andern, die Slowenen, die Portugiesen, Spanier und die Dänen waren gut zu verstehen. Nur die beiden Schotten, die hatten einen Dialekt, der klang ja ganz hübsch, nur nicht Englisch. Man darf sich den Glasgow-Sound ungefähr so vorstellen: Einer gurgelt mit seinem Badewasser und verschluckt sich dabei an aufgeweichten Kartoffelchips. Michael war besonders schlimm, natürlich nicht persönlich, Michael gurgelte unheimlich freundlich. Der zweite Schotte hatte so einen gälischen Namen mit ganz vielen Konsonanten, die man entweder gar nicht sprechen darf oder ganz anders, als man glaubt. Wir nannten ihn schließlich einfach Roo, wie kangoroo, wie er uns lachend erklärte. Roo verschluckte sich zwar auch immer an den imaginären Chips, aber gurgelte nicht so heftig, deshalb übersetzte er seinen Kollegen für uns in so etwas Ähnliches wie Englisch. Wir vier deutschen Schüler konnten uns natürlich auf Deutsch unterhalten, in Anwesenheit Anderssprachigen jedoch benutzten wir Englisch zur Kommunikation, damit es nicht zu Missverständnissen kommt, und um alle in das Gespräch mit einzubeziehen. Sprachliche Defizite konnte man auch zur Not mit Mimik und Gestik oder Pantomime einigermaßen verständlich ausgleichen. Manchmal merkten wir gar nicht, dass wir unter uns waren, und plauderten munter auf Englisch weiter. Meine Befürchtungen waren, dass ich so meine Probleme mit der Kommunikation haben werde. Es sind andere Menschen, die du da neu kennen lernst und dazu noch eine andere Sprache sprechen musst, die du nicht perfekt kannst. Du denkst dir, so wie gehe ich jetzt auf die Person zu, was wird sie mir antworten und werde ich es verstehen und wieder antworten können? 28
Für den Anfang war es sehr ungewohnt, da es neue Menschen sind und dazu noch eine andere Sprache, die du sprechen musst, aber umso mehr du mit ihnen geredet hast, desto lockerer wurde es. Wir alle verstanden uns gut und beim abendlichen Beisammensein ,da spielte die Nationalität und die Sprache kaum eine Rolle , denn, wie man zusammen feiert und sich amüsiert, das weiß jeder. Auch der Alkoholeinfluss vereinfachte so einiges im Englischsprechen und es wirkte deutlich flüssiger. Freundschaften
von Melanie Braunert
Am Ende der Reise war ich sehr traurig, als ich mich von meinen neuen Freunden verabschieden musste. Obwohl ich die Leute aus Portugal, Spanien, Slowenien, Dänemark und Schottland erst drei Tage vorher kennen gelernt habe,….
Zuerst begegneten wir uns Mittwoch beim
Abendessen. Ich wollte mich neben die anderen Leute aus Deutschland setzen, weil ich sie schon auf der Anreise kennen gelernt hatte, doch die Lehrer schlugen vor, die Länder zu mischen. Auf einmal hatte ich Angst etwas Falsches zu sagen oder einen falschen Eindruck zu erwecken. Ich glaube, den anderen Leuten an dem Tisch ging es genau so, bis ein Schotte das Schweigen brach und fragte, wie alt ich sei. Leider verstand ich ihn erst beim zweiten Mal. Doch als der Lehrer unserer Schule mir mitteilte, dass er ihn auch ganz schlecht versteht, ging es mir sofort besser und ich war nicht mehr so verunsichert. Nach dem Abendessen gingen wir noch in eine Bar und dort legten die Letzten nach ein paar Bier ihre Schüchternheit ab. Um mit den anderen ins Gespräch zu kommen, fragte ich sie nach dem Alter und durch eine kleine Frage entwickelten sich tolle Gespräche. Ich fand es wunderbar, mit Menschen aus anderen Ländern zusammen zu sitzen und die Möglichkeit zu haben, mit ihnen zu reden. Mit der Zeit wurde die Gruppe immer kleiner. Bis ich auch beschloss zu gehen, waren von den anfangs 20 Leuten nur noch sieben übrig geblieben, vier Deutsche, zwei Schotten und ein Däne. Am nächsten Morgen frühstückten wir wieder gemeinsam, doch diesmal setzten wir uns freiwillig neben Leute aus anderen Ländern. Danach gingen wir alle gemeinsam zur Schule. Die Schotten hatten einen Kater, hang over, wie sie selbst sagten, darum konnte ich sie auch beim Frühstück nicht sehen. In der Kaffeepause tauschten wir E-Mail Adressen aus. Das tollste Erlebnis von allen war am letzten Abend in einem Pub. Wir saßen alle gemeinsam, auch mit den Lehrern, zusammen. Als plötzlich das Entenlied kann und alle tanzten gemeinsam den Ententanz. Es war sehr lustig, die anderen zu sehen, wie sie zu einem albernen Kinderliedchen tanzten - selbst die meisten der Lehrer, es drückten sich nur drei Leute. An diesem Abend wurde noch sehr ausgelassen gefeiert, bis die Deutschen sich verabschieden mussten, weil unser Flug schon sehr früh ging. Diese Feier löste sich erst gegen 4:15 Uhr auf und mir wurde klar, dass ich diese Leute wahrscheinlich nie wieder sehen werde. 29
Quatro dias na Eslovénia… No passado dia 7 de Fevereiro de 2007, eu, Fábio Pedrosa, da Turma de Mecânica / Manutenção Industrial do 2º ano, na companhia do colega Adilson dos Reis e das professoras Manuela Marques e Carla Monteiro, deslocámo-nos à Eslovénia para realizar mais uma etapa do projecto Grundtvig2 – Prejudice as a Path Partimos de Lisboa às 7h40 da manhã e praticamente 5 horas depois, estávamos a aterrar em Liubliana, capital da Eslovénia. Kranj foi a cidade que nos acolheu, uma vez que é lá que se situam as instalações da Ljudska Univerza Kranj – um centro de educação de adultos. Foi em conversa amena que conheci todos os membros envolvidos neste projecto – professores e alunos: os escoceses, os alemães, os dinamarqueses e os eslovenos. Só mais tarde os membros de Espanha chegariam de avião, por volta das 22 horas. Começámos por conhecer as instalações da escola, onde se realizaria a maior parte das tarefas, antes de se dar a abertura oficial do encontro, feita pelo Coordenador Internacional do Projecto – o alemão Arno Zierk. Nesta sessão de abertura, houve tempo para uma prova de degustação de alguns dos melhores alimentos que são tradicionais em cada país presente. No final deste primeiro dia, ainda houve energias para a ida a um bar em frente ao Hotel, onde nos conhecemos melhor, com a companhia da “Lasko Pivo” (a melhor cerveja do país…). A forma encontrada pelos professores para dar início ao trabalho dos alunos foi a realização de um jogo, organizado pela comitiva alemã, que se chamava “Mayer Families” e que se destinava a organizar grupos de trabalho para os próximos dias… a “Ice breaking activity” foi como designaram a actividade. Realizámos logo de seguida o “jogo dos símbolos”. Para isso, cada país levou algo tradicional e representante da sua nação e aos alunos coube fazer corresponder cada objecto ao país de origem. Durante este segundo dia, deu-se a exibição dos trabalhos realizados em cada país, e nós fomos os primeiros! Começámos por preparar a nossa apresentação, criando “dificuldades” físicas em algumas das pessoas, vendando-lhes os 30
apresentámos a performance “My difference makes me far from you” – “a minha diferença faz-me distante de ti” – levada a cabo pelos alunos do curso de Animação Sociocultural da nossa Escola e que pretende fazer-nos reflectir sobre o preconceito que temos contra as pessoas com deficiências. O trabalho dos nossos colegas foi elogiado por todos e teve que ser visionado uma segunda vez para que os “surdos” e, principalmente, os “invisuais” presentes o apreciassem também… Na sexta-feira de manhã, com ajuda de uma guia, fomos conhecer a cidade de Kranj. À tarde, realizámos Workgroups (cada Mayer Family juntou-se). Questionámos as pessoas na rua sobre o que pensam acerca dos gordos, dos ricos, dos bons alunos, dos homossexuais, etc. Também tivemos de comprar algo que não excedesse os 10 cêntimos e relatar a forma como fizemos o “negócio”… Às quatro da tarde, todos os grupos apresentaram com sucesso os seus trabalhos, e, logo de seguida, os colegas espanhóis prepararam uma actividade para nós, sobre estereótipos. No fim, o merecido jantar e descanso, no bar em frente ao Hotel, mas nada de abusos… porque o próximo dia seria longo. No sábado, fomos visitar as grutas de POSTOJNSKA JAMA, grutas calcárias com 25km de comprimento, uma das maiores da Europa. Depois deslocámo-nos a Piran, uma cidade à beira-mar, no Sul da Eslovénia, onde víamos perfeitamente a Croácia e a Itália, e onde fomos almoçar, tarde, mas valeu a pena… muito bom! À noite, foi de mais! Juntamo-nos todos e corremos a cidade até os bares fecharem e sempre num grande convívio que já deixava saudades. Entretanto, começaram as despedidas e as comitivas que tinham avião mais tarde foram a uma visita a Bled, uma bonita cidade que ficava a 45 minutos de viagem. Passeámos e almoçámos lá, mas tudo à pressa porque o avião não esperava… A viagem correu bem e era bom repetir porque se aprende muita coisa, já para não falar das experiências, que são óptimas…
Fábio Pedrosa (MI 2005-2008)
Andreia Coutinho “Foi uma surpresa muito grande quando me convidaram para participar neste projecto, diria até que a palavra orgulho se encaixa melhor neste caso, orgulho em mim, sim, mas principalmente na escola, orgulho-me da minha escola por estar envolvida numa causa tão nobre como a luta contra a violência e os preconceitos! De início, quando fui convidada, era tudo muito confuso. Não sabia o que tinha de fazer, o que estavam a fazer, estava completamente desnorteada e assustada por saber que, durante a nossa estada na Dinamarca, tinha que falar em inglês! As professoras que estavam na organização do Projecto Grundtvig 2, Prof. Nathalie, Prof. Manuela e Prof. Carla foram estupendas, não só organizaram praticamente tudo, como ainda arranjaram um tempinho para colaborarem comigo e com o Marcos, o outro aluno seleccionado, apoiando-nos sempre com uma grande simpatia e predisposição, deixando-me assim super à vontade, tranquila e mais confiante. Nós, eu e o Marcos, pudemos colaborar com ideias para a apresentação do nosso tema, com informações sobre violência, pudemos também participar na pesquisa de músicas, poemas e textos que falassem de violência de uma forma que cativasse e sensibilizasse os jovem e demos a nossa opinião, como jovens, na selecção de imagens e textos. Um grande desafio alcançado com boa disposição, empenho e profissionalismo, é assim que eu descrevo o Projecto “Prejudice as a path”. Nunca o esquecerei, pois é um projecto de grande honra, que motiva qualquer um. Obrigada por me terem deixado colaborar e assistir a algo tão maravilho, apesar de, no final, eu ter desistido da viagem à Dinamarca, sei que a Lúcia apresentou todo este projecto tão bem ou melhor do que eu. Para esta grande causa, a Etap proporcionou uma grande equipa. Sempre que precisarem de mim, podem contar comigo!”
Andreia Coutinho
Lúcia Ferreira “Fiquei satisfeita em saber que tinha sido seleccionada para integrar o projecto Grundtvig2, apesar de ter ficado como suplente. Depois de saber que tinha havido uma desistência e que me ia juntar à equipa de trabalho, empenhei-me para tentar acompanhar a equipa, uma vez que já tinham iniciado os trabalhos. Organizámos uma exposição, na Etap, tendo como tema “A Violência e o Preconceito”, com as imagens e os textos relacionados com alguns tipos de violência. Apesar de não ter ouvido comentários, o balanço que faço é positivo e penso que, de maneira geral, as imagens ”tocaram” alguns alunos mais sensíveis. A segunda tarefa foi receber os alunos da Etap numa palestra, no Teatro-Cine de Pombal, com o palestrante e antropólogo Celso Rosa. Houve duas sessões, uma de manhã e outra à tarde, que correram bem e que tiveram grande aceitação junto do público-alvo, e onde houve bastantes intervenções pertinentes. Posteriormente, a equipa de trabalho partiu rumo à Dinamarca para representar a Etap e Portugal. Quando chegámos a Copenhaga, foi um pouco “stressante”, pois tivemos que apanhar diversos meios de transporte para chegarmos ao nosso destino; eu e o meu colega estávamos meio perdidos porque a confusão era enorme. Fomos muito bem recebidos (e apesar de algumas dificuldades na compreensão da língua inglesa, fui comunicando e quando não nos percebíamos, comunicávamos através de gestos ou expressões!) por todos os elementos que estavam ligados ao projecto. A nossa apresentação, assim como as dos outros países. correu bem, tendo o nosso trabalho sido elogiado por todos!! Ah! e já me esquecia, na Dinamarca, os Portugueses são conhecidos por jogarem muito bem futebol…e o Figo é o representante desportivo. Os nossos vizinhos espanhóis fizeram algum esforço para nos perceberem, tentando aprender logo palavras portuguesas; conseguimos perfeitamente manter um diálogo, nós em português e eles em espanhol…Pessoalmente, adorei a experiência…”
Lúcia Ferreira
The Questionnaires
Escola Tecnológica, Artística e Profissional de Pombal
This questionnaire fits in the Grundtvig Project 2 and its main goal is to check perspectives about different social realities. We appreciate your contribution and participation in this exchange.
In view of the subsequent information, we would like to know your opinion. Circle a number in each one in accordance to the following distribution: 1. 2. 3. 4.
I disagree I don’t completely agree I agree I completely agree
1. 1.1
The feeling that hits us when we see a handicapped person is pity.
Handicapped people should have specific places to do their everyday activities (school, work, leisure) To integrate a handicapped student in a regular classroom is not the right thing to do. Handicapped people should have the same opportunities, privileges and rights as the ordinary citizen. The Government should invest more in equipment to support handicapped people. We all shall help handicapped people going beyond their differences.
Gypsies are very violent people.
Gypsies are drug dealers.
Gypsies don’t appreciate establishing social relationships out of their community. Gypsies like to preserve their culture and traditions at all cost.
Gypsies don’t get attached to a certain land to be happy.
Gypsies preserve their union.
1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6
3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6
Immigrants came to our country to take jobs from the Spanish people. Immigrants contributed to the increase in the criminality in our country. Immigration is a worldwide illness. Immigrants contributed to our culture’s value, through its diversity. Immigrants contributed to the national economy, accepting jobs the Portuguese don’t look for. We should look at immigration as a phenomenon of social need.
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
4. 4.1
Emigrants are exhibitionist people.
Emigrants have little education.
Emigrants are very critical in relation to their home country.
Emigrants work really hard to improve their quality of life.
Emigrants work in a foreign country but they never forget to help their home land. We should look at emigration as a phenomenon of social need.
Homosexuality is a kind of disease, it can be contagious.
Homosexual people should not frequent the same places as heterosexual people. Homosexuality is a shameful option.
Homosexuality is a natural tendency like any other.
5.5 5.6
The repugnance for homosexual people is as condemnable as racism. Homosexual people have the same right of constituting a family, just like heterosexual people.
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
6. 6.1
Women don’t have the competence to perform as leaders.
Women are physical and intellectually inferior to men.
Women have a natural vocation to do home keeping work.
Women should have the same job opportunities that men have.
More and more everyday, women play a significant part in our society. Women are more attentive to certain daily subjects than men.
7.1 7.2
The Christian religion should be the only religion in the whole world. A good Christian is a good citizen.
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
Certain religions encourage people to terrorism.
Religion shall be a personal option.
Every religion pacifies the soul of each people.
We can follow the religious principles without taking part in all the religious rituals, like mass.
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
Spanish only becomes prominent in a negative way, no matter the subject. In Spain, things in fashion come from abroad (clothes, films, music‌) Spain keeps relying on the same old values: bullfights, football and family. Spain has valuable resources that enable us to be recognized worldwide. Spanish people have a natural predisposition to fraternization.
Spanish people easily familiarize themselves to new realities.
8. 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4
9. 9.1
People who live in a town are more highly educated than those who live in the country. People who live in a town have a better quality of life.
People who live in the country have a better quality of life.
A person’s character is not evaluated by the place where he or she lives. People who live in the country show more clearly their spirit of serving and helping the other. The differences between the country and town life styles have the tendency to diminish.
9.5 9.6
This questionnaire was slightly modified used in several partner countries. See the following result as exemplary
Interpretation from Kranj
Personal characteristics
MEN 37%
COLLEGE / UNI 43% 35,0
35 28,7
25 20 % 15 10 5
6,3 2,4
0 < 19
60 +
Physically/mentally handicapped people
The Prejudice Factor
I feel pity when I see a physically/mentally handicapped person.
5 3,86
4 3,15 3
25 20 15 7,2
5 0
2,18 2
Physically/mentally handicapped people should have special places for their everyday activities (schools, work, fun).
1 0 O SL
35 27,9
30 21,8
25 20
15 10 5 0 --
-- absolutely disagree
Immigrants Immigrants contribute to the increase of criminal offences.
- disagree
+ agree
Homosexuality is a natural sexual orientation.
15 10,6
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
G&L have to same right to form families as heteros.
25 20 15
30 25 17,4
15 10 5
0 --
0 --
- disagree
-- absolutely disagree
++ absolutely agree
GLBTQ 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Immigrants contribute to cultural diversity.
+ agree
++ absolutely agree
-- absolutely disagree
- disagree
+ agree
++ absolutely agree
The town vs. the countryside A personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s character is not determined by their geographic origin.
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Certain religions encourage terrorism.
30 25
10 0 --
Each religion can reassure and redeem in its own way.
25 20 15 6,1
+ agree
50 40 30
20 7,8 10
++ absolutely agree
-- absolutely disagree
- disagree
+ agree
++ absolutely agree
Women 55,7
Gypsies do not obey the laws.
Women do housework by their very nature.
50 40 30 19,9 20
0 -
Women pay more attention to certain daily problems than men.
25 20 6,8
+ agree
-- absolutely disagree
45 40
35 30 25
17,9 10,6
10 5 0 --
++ 40,2
35 30 25 16,8
20 15 5
- disagree
++ 66,7
60 50 40 30
20 10
2,8 --
++ absolutely agree
10 5 0
Slovenia has good potential to become wellrecognised abroad.
20 15
Slovenes rely on tradition a lot (family, church, customs, music).
- disagree
Gypsy culture is very diverse and rich.
-- absolutely disagree
-- absolutely disagree
- disagree
-- absolutely disagree
People from the country are more willing to help each other.
+ agree
++ absolutely agree
- disagree
+ agree
++ absolutely agree
Slovenia & Slovenes – Sterotypes and Prejudice
What do they think about us? The Germans “say” say” we are:
Slovenia & Slovenes: Stereotypes & Prejudices
typical of the Balkans region, undeveloped industry, nation of farmers, small country, uneducated, reserved, awful skiing resorts
The Croatians “say” say” we are: rich, vain, alcoholics, have stolen Croatian sea & land, mean, silly, reserved, introvert
Ljudska univerza Kranj Adult Education Centre, Kranj Slovenia
Slovenes vs. the Other The Croatians / Croatia
The Germans / Germany
The Austrians / Austria
o o o than
fairer better salespeople more enterprising richer
o o o
The Spanish / Spain
darker lazier more dangerous
o o o
Slovenes about themselves o o o o o o o o o
hard workers introvert good cars are status symbols the worst drivers the best wine drinkers mean envious alcoholics keeping up with the Joneses
o o o o
?????, introvert, small country, good workers, reserved
Slovenes about Gypsies
uglier slower less hard-working more aggressive worse drivers lazier fatter nicer richer more hard-working meaner
The Spanish “say” say” we are:
delicious food awful roads (the worst in Europe) the greenest country the most beautiful part of Europe
live in caravans & huts live together in communities no jobs lazy dance, sing, smoke dark dirty bushy eyebrows poor uneducated lots of children
Language Learning
Learning a foreign language is …
English is …
useful interesting enjoyable easy difficult
useful interesting enjoyable beautiful easy 8% difficult
13% 4%
German is …
Spanish is …
useful interesting enjoyable beautiful easy difficult 46% harsh
35% 18%
useful beautiful easy 18% difficult
6% 2%
The most difficult language is …
The easiest language is … 25
15 8 15
1 3
0 n En
h Sp
sh an i
Spanish German English
10 5
ia Ital
0 1
0 7
1 4 9
an rm Ge
an rm Ge
ina and Sc
v ia
ar i ng Hu
nch Fre
The Films “My name is Papy” “My difference makes me feel far away from you” ”Stereotypes in Society”
My name is Papy An Alien is visiting Spain and learns a lot about stereotypes
The script (English/ German) AGENT MARTIN I believe the time has come that you explain to us what you were doing in that area without any documentation.
Ich glaube, es ist langsam Zeit, uns zu erklären, was Sie eigentlich hier treiben. so ohne Papiere. AGENT JULIE You have a lot of things to explain to us ... What does this list we found with your personal belongings mean?
Sie haben uns eine Menge zu erklären... Was soll diese Liste, die wir bei ihren Sachen gefunden haben? PAPY It’s just a list
Das ist nur so eine Liste.
AGENT MARTIN Do you really want us to believe that it’s JUST a list? Come on, tell us once and for all ... What did you want this for?
Wollen Sie uns wirklich weismachen, das sei NUR eine Liste? Los, sagen Sie uns ein für alle Mal... Wofür brauchen Sie das?
PAPY I just wanted to check a few things . . .
Ich wollte halt ein paar Sachen überprüfen.
AGENT JULIE All that appears in this list has no sense. Why have you written down all this nonsense?
Alles, was auf dieser Liste auftaucht, macht keinen Sinn. Warum haben Sie all diesen Blödsinn aufgeschrieben?
PAPY It’s not nonsense, it was very important information.
Das ist kein Blödsinn, sondern das sind wichtige Informationen.
AGENT JULIE What does it mean that in Spain no one works at 7 o’clock in the morning? I believe it’s a very obvious statement . . .
Was soll das heißen, in Spanien arbeitet kein Mensch um 7 Uhr morgens. Das weiß doch jeder ... PAPY It’s a bit of a long story . . .
Das ist ein Teil einer langen Geschichte....
AGENT MARTIN The sooner you start, the sooner we will go . . .
Je früher Sie anfangen, desto eher kommen wir zu Potte… PAPY My task was to check the list, so I went to Spain.
Meine Aufgabe war es, die Liste zu überprüfen, deshalb bin ich nach Spanien gekommen.
AGENT MARTIN And . . . In order to do that you had to go to Spain? Don’t you know the Internet?
Und… Um das zu tun, mussten Sie also nach Spanien? Kennen Sie das Internet nicht? PAPY Precisely, this list was in the internet . . . well, at least of something similar
Genau, diese Liste stand im Internet… Na ja, so was Ähnliches jedenfalls.
AGENT JULIE We are running out of patience, Mrs Papy.
Wir verlieren langsam die Geduld, Frau Papy.
PAPY I arrived at a town in the South of Spain; it was 6 o’clock in the morning, and I had to prepare myself to confirm the first point in my list . . . .
Ich kam in einer Stadt in Südspanien an, es war 6 Uhr morgens, und ich musste mich fertig machen, um den ersten Punkt der Liste zu überprüfen….
PAPY . . . I had to look for a good place to watch if anything happened. I only had to wait for a few minutes to see the first workers arriving. Something was wrong in my list, because that shouldn’t be happening! At seven o’clock in the morning, a siren went off and immediately, all the workers were in.
Ich musste mir einen guten Platz suchen um zu beobachten, ob irgendetwas passieren würde. Ich musste nur ein paar Minuten warten, da waren schon die ersten Arbeiter. Irgendetwas auf meiner Liste stimmte nicht. Um 7 Uhr ging eine Sirene und sofort waren alle Arbeiter da. AGENT MARTIN What kind of tale are you telling us? Spanish people working at seven o’clock in the morning?
Das sind doch Märchen! Spanier, die um 7 Uhr morgens arbeiten? AGENT JULIE ... you surely got the wrong country . . .
…Sie sind sicher im falschen Land gewesen….
PAPY All that I know is that there were people working not only in that particular place but in the whole country. As far as it concerns to me, the previous information I had was wrong.
Nach allem, was ich weiß, haben überall im Land die Leute gearbeitet und nicht nur an diesem speziellen Ort. Ich persönlich denke, dass meine Vorinformationen wohl falsch waren. AGENT JULIE Look! This is really good: the next point in the list talks about Spain being a tourist destination . . .
Schau mal! Das ist stark: der nächste Punkt besagt, dass Spanien ein Urlaubsland ist....
AGENT MARTIN And . . . , What did you do to check that piece of information? Go to a beach and sunbathe?
Und ....Wie haben Sie die Information überprüft? Zum Strand und in die Sonne legen?
AGENT JULIE Last year I was in the Costa del Sol with my husband and my children, it was unforgettable . . .
Letztes Jahr war ich mit meinem Freund an der Costa del Sol - ein unvergessliches Erlebnis…
AGENT MARTIN Please don’t drift off the questioning . . . This guy is really strange, and she shouldn’t see us out of our role . . .
Bitte, komm nicht vom Thema ab ...Die Type ist ziemlich schräg, und sie sollte uns nicht aus der Rolle fallen sehen... AGENT JULIE OK! Could you answer the question?
OK! Würden Sie die Frage beantworten?
PAPY . . . what anyone would do: talk to an expert. I walked into a travel agent’s and I asked for the most demanded tourist pack. According to my information, they should have offered me a sun and beach destination. But the information was not completely correct. In Spain there are more things apart from that. I ended up visiting a museum and going sighseeing around the city.
…was jeder machen würde: einen Experten fragen. Ich bin also in ein Reisebüro gegangen und habe nach dem meistverkauften Touristenprogramm gefragt. Nach meinen Informationen hätten die mir ein Sonne und Strand Ziel anbieten müssen. Das war aber nicht ganz korrekt. In Spanien gibt es eine ganze Menge mehr. Ich habe schließlich ein Museum besucht und eine Stadtrundfahrt gemacht. AGENT MARTIN Yes, sure, yours was a complete trip.
Klar, Sie haben ein Komplettangebot gebucht.
AGENT JULIE With so much hassle, I’m sure you felt hungry.
Nach dem ganzen Theater waren Sie sicher hungrig.
PAPY Of course . . . the next point in the list was to eat a fantastic paella.
Natürlich …der nächste Punkt auf meiner Liste war, eine phantastische Paella zu essen. PAPY . . . so I went into a restaurant and I ordered something to eat. Although it seems that they don’t eat paella every day because they offered me a sandwich. // I then went to check that every one sleeps the siesta after lunch, but . . . that doesn’t seem to be true either!!! At those times there are a lot of
people working, or doing useful things, as studying.
….also bin ich in ein Restaurant und habe etwas zu essen bestellt. Aber die Leute scheinen tagsüber keine Paella zu essen, denn sie haben mir ein Sandwich angeboten.// Dann wollte ich sehen, ob alle nach dem Mittagessen schlafen, aber ...das scheint auch nicht wahr zu sein. Zu der Zeit waren eine Menge Leute am Arbeiten oder machten Sinnvolles, lernen zum Beispiel. AGENT JULIE That reminds me that today I haven’t slept my siesta!
Das erinnert mich daran, dass ich heute noch keinen Mittagsschlaf hatte. AGENT MARTIN Don’t remind me, neither have I.
Sag nicht sowas, ich auch nicht.
AGENT MARTIN Mrs Papy, I believe we have been very patient with you so far, but you still haven’t made it clear to us who you are, where you come from and what you are doing in this country.
Frau Papy, ich glaube wir hatten bis jetzt reichlich Geduld mit Ihnen, aber Sie haben uns immer noch nicht erklärt, wer Sie eigentlich sind, woher Sie kommen und was Sie in diesem Land machen. PAPY . . . well . . . ...Tja... AGENT JULIE Carry on, we are listening to you carefully.
Weiter, wir hören aufmerksam zu.
PAPY Well, it was five o’clock, and according to my information, at that time there is always a bullfight. I immediately went towards the nearest bullring to check it. Although, again, this information was wrong!
Tja, es war 5 Uhr nachmittags und nach meinen Informationen müsste um diese Zeit immer ein Stierkampf stattfinden. Ich bin sofort zur nächsten Stierkampfarena gefahren um das zu prüfen. Wieder eine Falschinformation.
AGENT MARTIN Are you trying to tell us that in Spain there are no bullfighters, no matadores???
Wollen Sie uns erzählen, in Spanien gäbe es keine Stierkämpfer, keine Matadoren???
PAPY Yes, there are a few, but neither ALL Spaniards are bullfighters nor there are bullfights every day, and, furthermore, not everyone likes it. . . It’s such a ridiculous generalisation!!!
Ja, es gibt ein paar, aber weder sind ALLE Spanier Stierkämpfer noch werden jeden Tag Stierkämpfe veranstaltet und – darüber hinaus – nicht jeder mag das ...Das ist eine lächerliche Verallgemeinerung!!! AGENTE JULIE Well, and . . . where do YOU come from? If we are allowed to know . . .
Ja und ….wo kommen SIE her? Wenn Sie die Frage gestatten ....
PAPY I come from many places, but not from any in particular. I’m just an employee who is doing his job.
Ich komme aus vielen Orten, aber aus keinem bestimmten. Ich bin nur eine Angestellte, die ihren Job macht.
AGENT MARTIN And, can we bloody well know who do you work for???!!! Won’t it be some kind of apocalyptic sect???!!!
Und können wir verdammt noch mal erfahren, für wen Sie arbeiten??!! Irgend so eine Weltuntergangssekte???!!!
PAPY No way . . . Why do you ask so?
Auf keinen Fall.....Wie kommen Sie da drauf? AGENT MARTIN Because of the next point in your list . . . I believe it has to do with religion.
Weil der nächste Punkt auf Ihrer Liste ....Ich glaube, der hat mit Religion zu tun. PAPY You are right, but as you may have noticed, it’s also crossed out. Because again it was a generalisation . . . one which even I doubted. In Spain, there are all type of beliefs, religions and cultures . . . at least this is something I’ve learnt in my trip.
Stimmt, aber wie sie vielleicht bemerkt haben dürften, ist auch er ausgestrichen. Denn es war schon wieder eine Verallgemeinerung....was ich selbst nicht geglaubt hätte. In Spanien gibt es alle möglichen Glaubensrichtungen, Religionen und Kulturen....das wenigstens habe ich auf meiner Reise erfahren.
AGENT MARTIN I’m really impressed!!!
Ich bin wahrhaft beeindruckt!!!
AGENT JULIE Despite this guy being a bit strange, as well as this list of obvious questions that even a child could answer, I’m finding out things which I would never believe they could be true.
Auch wenn die Type ein bisschen schräg ist, genau wie diese Liste mit so offensichtlichen Fragen, dass sie jedes Kind beantworten könnte, ich finde hier Dinge heraus, die ich nie für möglich gehalten hätte. AGENT MARTIN You don’t pretend us to agree with her, do you?
Willst ihr etwa zustimmen?
AGENT JULIE It’s not that, it’s simply that . . .
Nein, nicht direkt, aber es ist einfach.... AGENT MARTIN And what can you tell us about the next point in your list, Mrs. Papy? What do you mean by saying Spain isn’t a developed country?
Und was können Sie uns über den nächsten Punkt auf ihrer Liste erzählen, Frau Papy? Was soll das heißen, Spanien ist kein entwickeltes Land? PAPY But haven’t you both realised yet that in this list there are only PREJUDICES???!!!
Habt ihr zwei immer noch nicht kapiert?? Auf dieser Liste stehen nur VORURTEILE!! AGENT MARTIN What do you mean?
Was heißt das?
AGENT JULIE . . .I think it’s what she’s trying to tell you for a while.
…Ich glaube, das will sie uns die ganze Zeit klarmachen.
PAPY I can see that your colleague has paid more attention than you have! Indeed! It’s unbelievable that you don’t know that, as a good extraterrestrial that I am, I always fulfill the aims of my mission, and in this one I have realised that the information we had was wrong. What happens? Can’t I be a good alien just because I am a woman and I’m less than 2 metres tall??? I believe that it’s you who are full of PREJUDICES.
Ihre Kollegin hat besser aufgepasst als Sie! Tatsächlich! Unglaublich, dass Sie nicht wissen, dass ich als anständige Außerirdische, die ich nun mal bin, immer die Ziele meiner Mission erreiche, und bei dieser habe ich herausgefunden, dass unsere Informationen falsch waren. Was ist los? Kann ich kein ordentlicher Alien sein, nur weil ich eine Frau und weniger als 2 Meter groß bin??? Ich glaube, Sie sind voll mit VORURTEILEN: AGENT MARTIN I think we’d better release her . . .she’s a bit crazy...
Wir sollten sie laufen lassen …die ist nur ein bisschen durchgeknallt.
AGENT JULIE Do you think our boss will agree?
Und ist der Chef einverstanden? AGENT MARTIN It’s a question of trying.
Ist einen Versuch wert.
Escola Tecnológica, Artística e Profissional de Pombal – PORTUGAL
Performance “My difference makes me feel far away from you”
Since prejudice against handicapped people was detected, especially by thinking that these people should have specific places to work and study and by the fact that people mostly tend to feel sorry for them, this activity was developed to lead people from the school and local community to interact in representative situations when handicapped people are object of
prejudice. The performance enabled people
situations that are very difficult for people who don’t see, hear, speak, walk or basically don’t interact the way people consider, in a prejudiced way, “normal”.
internalization of feelings that promote the self-knowledge and the knowledge to deal with our impulses when we are face to face with the difference.
Simple things like preparing an orange become very difficult.
The group acted outside and inside the schoolâ&#x20AC;Ś
â&#x20AC;Śall wearing the same tshirt.
James Watt College of Further and Higher Education, Greenock, Scotland DVD presented at Kranj meeting, March, 2007. This DVD entitled Stereotypes in Society was developed and filmed by students on the NC Access to Police Course who are involved in the PAP project. The DVD raises the following questions about stereotypes: 1. What is your opinion? 2. Who or what forms that opinion?
Violence and prejudice With an exhibition etap, Pombal tried to work out the relation between prejudice and violence. students were confronted with the pictures and asked about their feeling, while watching to photographies. The interviews were filmed. The film was shown during the second PAP meeting in Odense, Denmark.
The Presentations Scotland â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the Scots - Stereotypes Introducing Slovenia PAP in Odense Visit to Slovakia
Scotland – the Scots - Stereotypes
Stereotypes Presentation Introduction
By Ailie Henderson & Samantha Green
Breakdown Of Class Process Fill in “Stereotypes for each group” group” worksheet Discussion of worksheet Project aim/s issued Discussion of project in class Project plan Research periods during class time Short stereotypes essay Hand in completed project.
Process In Class
Understanding Stereotyping
Understanding Ourselves
What stereotyping means?
How the Scots perceive themselves as superior
Why do we stereotype? Who do we stereotype? The impact of stereotyping
1 58
Common Scottish Stereotypes
Famous Scots Alexander Graham Bell James Watt John Logie Baird Alexander Fleming Charles Rennie Mackintosh William Wallace Robert Burns Robert Louis Stevenson Sean Connery Billy Connelly
Appearance â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Kilt wearers, small and stocky, ginger haired, or Gaelic features which include: dark hair and blue eyes. Perceptions â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Friendly, patriotic, sociable, welcoming, proud, violent, unhealthy and heavy drinkers. Scottish Associations - Whiskey, thistles, haggis, iruiru-bru, bru, tartan, bagpipes, castles, lochs and heather.
Alexander Graham Bell
William Wallace
John Logie Baird
Alexander Fleming
Sean Connery
Robert Burns
Billy Connelly
Robert Louis Stevenson
2 59
Understanding Ourselves
Britain means England
How the Scots perceive themselves as inferior
Performance in sport Scottish Football Team
Scottish Rugby Team
European Stereotypes
Hard workers – good mechanics Sleep during the day – eat paella Happy go lucky – eat lots of bacon Play the accordion – talented at lace making Warm and hospitable - believe in traditional values Good lovers – eat pizza and pasta a lot Eat frogs legs, snails and horsemeat, wear berets
3 60
Introducing Slovenia
This presentation shows us a very ironic view of young people explaining their own country
Introducing SLOVENIA
Prejudice As a Path Urša Potočnik
Nena Rotar
REGIONS - Gorenjska
It’s a crocodile, that grew up in Gorenjska!
From where came a lizard?
REGIONS - Štajerska ► A man from Gorenjska invites some friends over for a visit. When they arrive he takes them into the house, ask them to sit down and says: »Would you like something refreshing?«, they: »yes very much, thank you«. And then Gorenjec says: »Honey, open the window.«
REGIONS - Dolenjska
► Fighting
► Drinking (0,5‰ of Alcohol already in the Air)
REGIONS - Primorska
► Very similar to people of Štajerska.
► Alcohol
► Verve ► Loose
► Unability to loosen up
Æ not serious
► Suicidal nation
Pap in Odense
This presentation shows besides other exemplary the disknowledge about their European neighbours and especially the small countries of many students in Europe.
PAP in Odense • Jens Rasmussen and Susanne Holmstedt introduced the project to a class of carpenters who are in their second year of a four year apprenticeship. They are 18 in class, aged between 20 and 25 and all males. They had returned to the college for a five week period before they had to return to their workplaces, so they are accustomed to the tone and language of a construction site, to co-workers from other vocational backgrounds and to the demands of a job.
PAP in Odense Carpenters in second year of apprenticeship By Jens Rasmussen and Susanne Holmstedt Odense Technical College
PAP in Odense
PAP in Odense
• The first point of the agenda was a general discussion of prejudice: • Do we all have prejudice and what are we typically prejudiced against? – The general answer was that we feel prejudice against people we know little about; artists are usually longhaired, living off society, producing so-called art that is no good, does not resemble anything and should be left to people who would like to spend money on it, not be paid by the ordinary citizen through taxes etc.
• What about the workplace? – The other craftsmen never clean up the construction site; everything like that is left to the carpenters. The rest are usually lazy, in the way, never do their jobs at the right moment and need the carpenters to hold everything together.
PAP in Odense
PAP in Odense
• Other ethnic groups in the workplace? – There are not many among craftsmen on a construction site but the ones they know are OK. They work hard and know their jobs, but the others, the ones who have other jobs or other groups are the troublemakers who should be sent out of the country – especially if they commit crimes. It is on the other hand OK to employ Poles (seen a lot at the moment in Denmark) if they get the same pay as the Danish construction workers. If they are paid less, it is not acceptable.
• Females on a male-dominated workplace? – They should not work as carpenters because they do not have the physical strength needed on a big construction site. They can only work for big companies where they can get help for lifting heavy equipment etc. They might be able to finish their apprenticeships but they will not be able to find jobs afterwards because of their physical limitations.
PAP in Odense
PAP in Odense • Pizzeria – primarily owned by Turks/Pakistanis, not Italians! Everybody would go there, and it is even possible to get a pizza with ham or bacon.
• Next we presented some images from around the town to talk about shops and who would own or frequent them. There is a fine line between expectations and prejudice – would I go to a certain shop if I know who owns it or would I rather stay away?:
• Old-fashioned hotdog stand – usually owned by Danes, and usually only Danes would go there.
• Bicycle shop – usually owned by Danes, and only Danes go by bike (perhaps Vietnamese or Chinese as well) but hardly ever any Muslims. They would instead own an old BMW or Audi.
PAP in Odense
PAP in Odense
• Very cheap hair salon – owned by Muslims and mostly frequented by Muslims. One of the students had been to one but would never ever go again – did not like the haircut.
• Sailboat/boat in front of a house – only Danes would own a boat (but not every Dane owns a boat) because the Muslims are afraid of the water.
• Grocer’s – owned by Danes but everybody would go there – if it was cheap enough
• Danish butcher’s – selling ham, beef and lamb. Not frequented by Muslims as the meat is not halal.
• Newspaper kiosk, also selling groceries etc. Usually owned by Pakistanis or Turks, not Danes.
• Portuguese wine-shop. Only Danes would go to this shop because Muslims are not allowed to drink alcohol.
PAP in Odense
PAP in Odense
• We had invited a surprise visitor: A carpenter called Pernille (a girl). She is very good looking, and she came in her street clothes, not her work clothes, so from looking at her, it is impossible to tell that she is a carpenter. • She had finished her apprenticeship six years ago and has had no problems in finding a job since then. She explained about her experience as a woman on a construction site and answered a lot of questions from the students. She had had difficulties in finding an apprenticeship, but once she had finished her training, there were no problems. She has worked for three different companies, and now she plans on staying where she is.
• When asked about physical limitations, she said that she did not pretend to be macho – she asked for help when she needed it. Because of that she expected to last perhaps ten years longer as a carpenter than the people who lifted more than they had to (according to the trade agreement). Close to her body she could lift 25 kg just like everybody, but she had no problems in asking for help when it came to heavier stuff. Besides, she could order the apprentices around since she was the journeyman, so she had somebody to do the heavy lifts!
PAP in Odense
PAP in Odense
• Sometimes people would confuse her and the apprentice, and instead of talking to her about the job, they would approach the apprentice. He would then refer to her as the most experienced, so they would have to ask her. She thought she had a good job. • The students were astounded by her – especially the ones who thought that girls could not work as carpenters on a construction site!
• We divided the students into groups and asked them to make posters with what information they had about the other countries in the PAP-project. They thought that Spain and Portugal were too similar to differentiate, so they were combined in one group.
PAP in Odense
PAP in Odense
» » » » » » » » » » » » » » »
Poster about Germany Curry sausages Hitler Cars Discount (Lidl, Aldi etc.) Football Autobahn (Motorway) The Wall Mozart/Beethoven Harsh language Long hair (footballers with a certain look) Dubbed TV Pay for bathroom visits Yellow raincoats Renting summer cabins
» » » » » » » » » » » » » »
Poster about Scotland Drinking Guinness or stout Drinking whisky Bagpipes and kilt Big castles and fortifications Glasgow/Celtic – football Loch Ness – Nessie Haggis (sheep thingy) Civil war – uprising against the English (Braveheart) Alex Ferguson (Manchester United) Edinburgh Short with money Highland Games Worse weather than in Denmark
PAP in Odense » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » »
PAP in Odense
Poster about Spain/Portugal Fruit picking Wine Farmers Women in big outfits Siesta Lazy Bad carpenters Houses of concrete Good footballers – Figo Water polo players Flamenco Air conditioning – swimming pools – spoiled Straw hats Crazy policemen Fish soup – squid
» » » » » » » » »
Poster about Slovenia Muslims Sand Camels Cheap booze and women Scarves Slaves Handball Sausages
PAP in Odense • Each group presented their poster and elaborated on the words on it. The reference to Hitler was as a historical fact, not a description of all Germans. There was a certain arrogance implied when talking about Germans renting summer cabins on the west coast of Jutland. The most pejorative statements were presented about the Spaniards and the Portuguese – lazy, bad carpenters, crazy policemen. They knew nothing about Slovenia at first – they thought it was in Africa – but when we pointed it out on the map, they came up with handball and good sausages. They were a bit embarrassed about their ignorance.
Visit to Slovakia
Face to face contacts are the best tool to help people getting out of their prison of sterotypes and prejudices.
Expectations/ prejudices?
Evaluation Visit of Slovakia •Trip with students to eastern Slovakia (Spisska Nova Ves)
•low prices
•Two groups in 2004 and 2006
•people are less wealthy
•before the trip we asked for their expectations
•criminality/ prostitution
•afterwords we asked for spontanous impressions
•extreme poorness •bad food
Result: less prejudice – more knowledge – personal point of view
•dirty cities
Important impressions of Slovakia
Verification/ surprises
12 pretty women
•low prices
• no evidence of criminality or prostitution
•people are less wealthy
•good food
low prices
beer/ pubs
friedlyness cold weather
•pretty cities and landscape
0 2004
1 70
Prejudice and
Europe in practical terms: religions at dialogue
Project day at the Max-Eyth-School in Alsfeld for 12th grade of specialized secondary school
Motivation: This project day describes the attempt of putting the Abrahamic religions into dialogue. The focus was on following aspects: socio-cultural historical political
Christianity as the basis of our western
experienced a significant break with traditions and is no longer considered instantaneous and binding by many adolescents. Due to the German history and the Holocaust, Judaism is no more than a religious side note
Islamo-fascistic fundamentalists commonly superimpose knowledge about the Islam and many young people think that the Islam is rather a terrorist organization than a religious attitude. For these reasons, we consequently enunciated the following objectives and contents: meeting representatives of the different religions and getting to know their attitudes with the possibility of scrutinizing them abolishing prejudices by personal encounters in order to evoke an attitude of tolerance and appreciation recognizing and, if applicable, altering historical, political and religious misinterpretations
Course of action 1. Intensity of encounters and discussions depended very much on the authenticity of the representatives of each religion and their openness to the teenagersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; questions, which were sometimes inconvenient. 2. The atmosphere was, in view of the fact that many pupils were surprised by the topic, a mixture of tense curiosity and reserved interest. 3. The possibility of meeting Jews and Moslems and talking to them was a new experience for most of the pupils and even lead to new perceptions (â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Jew was actually a really nice guy.â&#x20AC;?) 4. It was also notable that some pupils misunderstood this project day and its topic for an invitation to stay at home (ca. 10-15%) 5. The lack of their own religious socialization made some pupils speechless so that a critical discussion could hardly take place. 6. The discussion in plenum was unlike the team working perceived as little interesting and informative.
Results 1. Many young people think that people who are religious show this not only by the way, they talk but also by the way, they dress. 2. There are no taboos concerning the questions. 3. The adolescents make clear that they do not want to be defined by church or confession. If they represent a certain point of view at all, they would prefer a patchwork religion. 4. Religion is more an attitude than an operating level or a religious denomination. 5. The religionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s contribution to peace and understanding is assessed differently â&#x20AC;&#x201C; from marginal to absolutely necessary. 6. Political dedication as an operating level of faith is irreproducible for young people and is rather being suspected than appreciated. 7. The apathy against religious questions, which is very common among young people, illustrates that this domain is not part of their sphere of competence. 8. Representatives of the different religions as well as the local press perceived this day as an important issue, which is desired to be continued.
Analysis of Prejudice´s diagnose questionnaires Escola Tecnológica, Artística e Profissional de Pombal
Group VII – Religion
“What about Religion?”
7.1 The Christian religion should be the only religion in
Grundtvig 2 Project - Prejudice as a Path 07
65% of the people inquired consider the existence of religions which stimulate terrorism, showing their prejudice.
Religion 1
“Are there any religions that encourage terrorism?” “What’s the importance of religion in our daily life?”
80,0% 70,0%
the whole world. 7.2 A good Christian is a good citizen. 7.3 Certain religions encourage people to terrorism. 7.4 Religion shall be a personal option. 7.5 Every religion pacifies the soul of each people. 7.6 We can follow the religious principles without taking part in all the religious rituals, like mass.
Discussions among school groups; Watching and criticizing films; Researching material: documentaries, films, books, news,
50,0% 38,7%
19,6% 12,1%
9,3% 10,0%
Analyzing the content of literary works; Compilation of material to prepare a Thematic File which will
0,0% 7.1
% I disagree % I agree
% I don't completely agree % I completely agree
make part of the Didactic Kit.
Before research… Catholic Religion:
There isn’t enough separation to analyze the Catholic
Believing in God implies believing in miracles such as Fátima; The Church contradicts the principle of charity because
Religion and Church are not synonymous; People are catholic due to tradition… there’s no place to
priests, and especially the Vatican, are materialistic and they show ostentation; Fátima and all the “holy places” are only a way of blackmail by “faithful people” towards divinity; Fátima and all the “holy places” are a business and a form of religious tourism: ex.: “Cova da Iria Hotel” or “Hotel Três Pastorinhos” (Three little shepherds Hotel)… Only old people go to mass.
reflexion; Religion is the faith that we have and the Church is the
people that make it up; Catholic people are worse sinners than those who aren’t.
Some films…
Islamism Islamism incites terrorism; Moslems are insane and fanatic; Islamism mixes religious haughtiness and the religious
Seven Years in Tibet -1997- Jean Jacques
Annaud and Eric Vally
fundamentalism; Moslems want to dominate the world by violence, justifying their actions as being a “holy war”; The Islamite see their religion as being better than any other they see themselves as its true followers; All sacrifices are justified e rewarded after death; It’s not the Islamic religion that gives rise to violence but people.
Not without my daughter – 1991- Brian
Gilbert Valley of the Wolves (Kurtlar Vadisi – Irak), Turkey – 2006 – Serdar Akar, Saddullah Sentürk The name of the rose – 1986 - Jean Jacques Annaud
Some literary works… Song for a Raggy Boy – 2003 – Aisling Walsh
Felizmente há luar!, 1962, Luís de Sttau
El crimen del Padre Amaro (The crime of
Memorial do Convento, (Baltasar and
Father Amaro) – 2002 – Carlos Carrera The day the sun danced – 2007 – Ian & Dominic Higgins Flight 93 - Peter Markle The path to 9/11 – 2001 – With Harvey Keitel Al Qaeda – doc. from Biography Channel
Blimunda)1982, José Saramago A Relíquia, (The Relic)1887, Eça de Queirós
Some cartoons…
What comes to my mind…
After research…
made by Ana Raquel Santos
See a video about comparison
Conclusions: All religions, in their way, have the intention to do good; No religion began without blood; All religions rely on rituals and work as nourishment to the spirit; Religions themselves don’t stimulate terrorism;
between catholic and islamic religions. The film is only shown in the electronic version; you will find it on the CD.
People can put a wrong interpretation on
religion, and this misinterpretation can lead people to violent actions; The way religions are propagandized also lead to terrorist actions; Islamism is not a violent religion, but there is a generalization of single facts /actions; There is a constant connection between countries in war and the fact that their inhabitants are Moslems.
Materials Projects Ideas
I.P.F.A. DE CADIZ. SPAIN activities 2005-2007 Story Board 1. SURVEY:
Following Portuguese partner questionnaire. Translated into Spanish. Presented to 290 pupils of secondary education.
2. Handicapped people:
-Positive attitude. -Handicapped classmates. -Sensitive. -Sorrow.
3. Gypsies:
-Accepted and integrated. -Jobs: Sale on the street-markets. Flamenco dancers and singers. - New phenomenon in the province of Cádiz. - Cadiz restricted area.
4. Immigration: 5. Homosexuality:
- Positive point of view. - Necessity of the same rights as homosexuals.
6. Women:
- Opportunities must increase. - Housework must be shared.
7. Religion:
- The arrival of new religions: -awareness. - Inciters of violence. - Terrorism.
8. Spain: Low estee. Singularity.
Proud signs of identity. Acceptance of the foreigners.
9. Country / Town: Country life: better quality of life. 10. Speech by a Russian student: Maria Kareva.
Topics: stereotypes: Think Spaniards ……about …… foreigners. Foreigners about Spaniards. - A foreign person in Cádiz: problems: timetable Accent Burocracy Similarities: Same interest. Same leisure 11. Aim: provoking direct talk. (foto de los estudiantes) 12. Know PAP partner countries.
(mapa de Europa de fondo).
Activities Of The First Term (2005-6) 1. Analysis of our identity, our characteristics, self-knowledge. These activities are for students of E.S.A. and 1º Bachillerato. The first ones write their work in Spanish whereas the latter ones write papers in English. The knowledge of the prejudice against others implies a reflection about us. Then differences and similarities are established. Three main objectives are intended to promote in these activities: - To deep on students’ prior knowledge of their identity, their region and reflect upon its social/economical effects. - To share oral and written information and opinions about the topic with their classmates. - To encourage a critical and positive attitude towards future information coming from different cultures and use it to reflect upon their own. Activities: - Brainstorming about characteristics which identify people. - Reading and gathering information about Where they live: region, town, and suburb. The school: the centre, the group of students. Young people and ways of socializing. Leisure time. - Organising and exchanging ideas. - Individual writing. - Oral exposition. 2. A board on prejudice. A board is held on the wall of the centre’s hall. All the students who attend either full time courses or evening classes can see and read the board. The objectives are: - To attract people attention about the project “PAP” and also about other European countries. - To give news about the Grundtvig project “PAP”, with articles and posters. Activities: - Holding articles about racism, topics, stereotypes and all kinds of prejudice. - Informing students about the project. - Presenting other countries with some posters. These were sent by the tourist office of the different partner countries.
• February-June 2006 • Activities of the second term
-It follows the questionnaire of the Portuguese partners,
-It was translated and presented to 290 students.
1. Handicapped people
2. Gypsies • They accepted and integrated. • Jobs: - Sales at the street-markets.
Disc apacidad
• Students have a positive attitude. • They are used to handicapped classmates. • They are sensitive. • They feel sorrow.
– Flamenco dancers and singers
70,0% 62,6% 56,1%
58,5% Gi t a n o s
Serie2 39,2%
29,3% 30,0%
34,3% 31,8% 26,8%
3,3% 3,3%
2,9% 1,8%
Ser ie1
Ser ie3
Ser ie4
Ser ie2
42,0% 38,6%
6,8% 3,2%
0,0% 1
3. Immigration
4. Homosexuality • Positive point of view. • Necessity of the same rights as hetereosexual people.
• New phenomenon in the province of Cádiz. • Cadiz is a restricted area with regard to jobs. In m i g r a n t e s
Ho m o s e x u a l e s 60,0% 90,0%
82,1% 80,0%
75,2% 71,3%
41,8% 40,0%
35,7% 32,7%
22,1% 16,5% 13,4% 9,5% 10,0%
Ser ie3
Ser ie4 28,4%
16,8% 17,9%
Ser ie2 Ser ie3
Ser ie4
Ser ie1
Ser ie2 25,5%
Ser ie1
11,0% 10,0%
10,7% 11,5%
7,0% 4,1%
0,0% 1
5. Women
6. Religion
Mu j e r e s
73,2% 69,8%
54,2% 46,3%
50,0% 43,3%
Ser ie1 Ser ie2
Ser ie3
Ser ie4
30,0% 23,0% 18,1%
20,0% 13,1% 9,8%
0,0% 1
• Oportunities must increase. • Housework must be shared by men and women.
70,0% 63,4% 59,8% 60,0% 52,0% 50,0%
35,7% 28,7% 29,1%
30,0% 21,8%
Serie1 Serie2 Serie3
29,0% 26,5%
20,0% 14,0%
13,1% 13,1% 8,3% 9,1%
14,0% 11,0%
5,8% 5,4%
0,0% 1
7. Spaniards • Low esteem • Singularity
Re ligión
• The arrival of new religions • Production of awareness. • Inciters of violence. • Terrorism.
8. Country/ City
• Proud of their roots. • Aceptance of foreigners.
Ciuda d/ Ca m po
40,0% 33,9%
34,1% Ser ie1
32,0% 29,5%
Ser ie2
21,5% 19,0%
Es p a ña
17,9% 13,9%
Ser ie3 Ser ie4
50,0% 50,0%
0,0% 1
41,5% 40,0%
39,0% 35,6%
34,6% Ser ie1 29,6%
28,9% 25,4%
• Country life implies a better quality of life.
Ser ie2 Ser ie3
Ser ie4
15,4% 13,2%
13,0% 10,0%
11,7% 7,0%
0,0% 1
C. Getting to know the PAP partner countries
B. Speech about sterotypes • Maria Kareva, a Russian student, talked about • Stereotypes : what Spaniards think of foreigners and viceversa. • Problems of an immigrant in Cádiz. • Similarities of youth in Spain and out of Spain: leisure time, interest.
• Activities: • 1. Talking about their previous knowlege of Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Portugal and Slovenia.
3. Searching information
2. Learning where each country is. • They have to place each country in a map of Europe.
The students are divided into groups
A worksheet with data to gather is given: Geographical situation, economy, culture, gastronomy, politics, leisure time.
4. Making posters with the relevant information
5. Oral presentation of the posters.
D.2.Reading newspapers about
D. Other activities:
- racism in football; - Spanish topics
1. Provoking discussions – from quotations such as “
Gathering, selection and arrangement of information and photographs
Commenting these articles in class.
Do you know French people? I don´t know I have only met one French person.”
D.3.Watching a video Young people and solidarity. Topic: immigration.
December 2006 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; January 2007 Students worked on papers. Students got information in order to identify their country, their area, and themselves. The idea was to deep on our knowledge of our own identity, in order to be able to compare to other people, other likes and other situations. When we analyse our prejudices, we will get back to s They searched data and read about about Where they live: the region, the town, its history, the suburb and their characteristics. Where they study, the centre. Their group as young people. Their activities in their leisure time. Board. We held a board on the hall of the centre. All the students either full time students or evening ones who attend classes can see what we are doing in the centre. There is information on the board about grundtvig, the project and the other countries involved in it. The main idea is to attract the attention of all the students who come to the school. We have to take into account that most our learners hardly come to the school, but for test reasons. We have also held some posters of some countries on the walls. Posters and papers. We consider important for students to know who our partners are. Therefore we gave them a model and they are working on getting data and information about the different countries and the town and villages which work in PAP. They are learning about the countries, the geographical situation, inhabitants, climate, economy,
languages, costumes, etc. They also share their knowledge with other students with an oral exposition. They are working on this now. 1. REPORT ON PREJUDICE SURVEY. Following the diagnostic questionnaire about prejudice presented by the Portuguese partners of the project PAP, the IPFA translated and presented this survey to 300 adult students of secondary education in the province of Cรกdiz in order to inquire what their prejudices were. We present the conclusions. Handicapped people. Generally speaking students have a positive attitude towards the handicapped. The nowadays educational system provides chances and aid for those who suffer from any degree of handicap. Students are used to sharing a classroom with disabled people and are quite sensitive. Handicapped people are seen with sorrow, but at the same time they think society must increase their opportunities. Gypsies They are quite accepted and are integrated in our society. Gipsies are considered to be good flamenco dancers and singers and most of them make their living at the street market. Therefore they are part of our society. They are considered to be proud of their customs, culture and idiosyncrasy. Immigration. This is a new phenomenon in the province of Cadiz. They are seen as workers who accept employees refused by Spaniards. We have to take into account that Cadiz is a restricted province with regard to work and there are no many immigrants.
Emigration. Historically people from Cadiz emigrated to other countries or cities. Emigration is a way to improve the quality of life and it is considered to be a social need. Homosexuality. Students have a positive point of view with regard to this topic. Population has changed their pejorative and negative image of homosexuality. They need to have the same rights as heterosexuals. Women. They have more capacity to lead. Opportunities must increase for them and housework has to be shared by men and women. Religion. Laicism is spreading in our society. At the same time Catholicism is not the only religion. However the arrival of other religions is seen with awareness and even some of them considered as inciters of violence and terrorism. Spain. Feelings are contradictory: Low esteem of being Spanish and proud of their roots; singularity of the Spaniards but acceptance of the foreigners. Country/ Town. The differences between living in the country or in the city are not big. Country life is considered to be better than city life. Finally, we have to say that the difficulty in the detection of prejudice is due to the political correctness in the answers of people.
1. Exhibition of cartoons related to Prejudice.
a. 20 cartoons related to prejudice are displayed. b.Students comment on their point of view about the cartoons. c. Exhibition of cartoons at the centre.
2. A MAGAZINE (May 2007)
The students will write a magazine in which they will include: a. Information about PAP and their partners
a. Immigration today and their reality in Cรกdiz.
b. Interviews to : - Homosexuals. - Handicapped people. - Immigrants. - People from other regions or countries who live in Cadiz
b. Gay and Lesbians.
c. Women and their problems today. c. The cartoons exposed in the centre and cartoons drawn by students. d. Reviews of films related to prejudice: Shrek 2, Crash, Guess e. News.
ACTIVITIES 2006-2007 1. Exhibition of cartoons related to Prejudice.(January 2007) a. 20 cartoons related to prejudice will be displayed. (Cartoonist Fritz) b. Students will comment on their point of view. c. Exhibition of cartoons at the centre. 2. A magazine. (May 2007) The students will write a magazine in which they will include: a. Information about PAP and their partners. b. Interviews to : - Homosexuals. - Handicapped people. - Immigrants. - People from other regions or countries who live in Cadiz. Students will be divided into groups. They will prepare a questionnaire in order to interview different people. Once they have met them, they will choose the most important quotations and write a summary in the magazine. c. The cartoons exposed in the centre and cartoons drawn by students. d. Reviews of films related to prejudice: Crash, Guess Who, Shrek 2 e. News.. 3. Lectures /workshops. Topics: a. Immigration today and their reality in Cรกdiz. b. Gays and Lesbians. c. Women and their problems today. d. Europe and their diversity.
2. SPEECH ON STEREOTYPES “A FOREIGNER IN SPAIN”. On the 15 of May, a Russian pupil of IPFA, Maria Kareva, gave a speech about stereotypes and lifestyle of young people in Russia and Spain. This was held in a classroom of the school and all the students of E.S.A. and 1º Bachillerato attended that lecture. Firstly she talked about herself, her life, her studies and the way of life in Russia. She explained how she met Spanish people and how she decided to live in Spain for some time. The main problems for her were the stereotypes we have in each country, how difficult it is to make people change their minds and how hard it is to be in a foreign country. She enumerated the problems foreigners have to adapt to this country such as timetable, bureaucracy and accent. Maria pointed out how similar the interests of young people are in both countries. Finally there was a debate and the students asked questions. At the end, the students presented a summary of this speech to their teachers. 3. GETTING TO KNOW THE PAPs’ COUNTRIES. The first problem we detected in students was the lack of knowledge of other countries. Therefore the teacher worked with the knowledge of those countries with two courses of adult secondary education. Objectives: -
To enlarge the students´ prior knowledge on some European countries.
To encourage a positive attitude towards information coming from different cultures and use it to reflect upon our own.
To share oral and written information and opinions about these countries with their classmates and teacher.
Activities: 1. Talking about what we know. The teacher and the students make comments in the classroom about the previous knowledge of Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Portugal and Slovenia . 2. Learning where each country is. The teacher gives the students a map of Europe on which they have to place them. 3. Searching information. a. The teacher divides the students in groups. b. She hands out a worksheet with the data of the material to gather. Geographical situation. Economy. Population. Culture. Gastronomy. Politics. Leisure Time. c. The students firstly gather information and photographs, select and arrange them. 4. Making posters. The students make posters with all the relevant data. 5. Presenting the posters. Each group makes an oral presentation of their posters activating and enlarging their knowledge. 6. Hanging the posters. The posters are hung on the walls of the school.
To enlarge students´ knowledge about the phenomenon of the immigration coming from Africa.
To share opinions.
Activities: -
Brainstorming about immigration and their causes.
Watching the video.
Writing the conclusions extracted after watching it.
5. PROVOKING DISCUSSIONS RELATED TO PREJUDICE. A. With quotations such as “Do you know French people? I don’t know, I one French person.”
have only met (Chesterton).
The underlined words can be changed by Gypsy, German, Danish,… b. With newspaper articles related to racism in football and topics.
1. Lecture (February 2007): A woman of an homosexual association gave a speech about:
ACTIVITIES October – February 2006-7.
. The different terms to define a homosexual person. . The distinction among homosexuality, heterosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality. . The new law about homosexual marriage which is valid since last June.
3. Songs.
2. FILM: Northern Country.
The students listened two songs: A hip-hop song related to women discrimination. A reggaeton song which is full of all kind of prejudice.
Plot: In the 80s the first woman who worked in a mine struggled for the women’s right.
Activities: - Listening to the songs. - Analizing the lyrics. - Writing their point of view.
Activities: View of the film. Debate about prejudice on women . Writing of essays about the topic.
4. Cartoons. a. 20 cartoons related to prejudice are displayed. b.Students comment on their point of view about the cartoons. c. Exhibition of cartoons will be in April.
Wellcome to the welfare nation.
5. Literary contest. • All the students are encouraged to write a story about prejudice. • The best story will be issued in the “Prejudice Magazine” (May).
3er mundo = Third world 1er mundo = First World
6. Magazine (May 2007) • The students are working on the magazine which will be issued in May 2007. It will include: a. Information about PAP and their partners b. Interviews to : - Homosexuals. - Handicapped people. - Immigrants. - People from other regions or countries who live in Cadiz c. The cartoons exposed in the centre and cartoons drawn by students. d. Reviews of films related to prejudice: Shrek 2, Crash, Guess e. The best short story about prejudice written by the students.
Project: Inter-activity about predjudice (engl. slovenian) 1. WHAT'S THE TITLE? DISCUSSION Bring photos that show people of various nationalities, ethnicities, races, classes, genders, etc. Ask your students to provide possible titles for each photo. The titles are likely to reveal at least some of the prejudices against the groups of people shown on the photos. Discuss them with your students. DODAJ NASLOV: POGOVOR Slušateljem prinesi fotografije, ki prikazujejo ljudi različnih narodnosti, ras, družbenih razredov, spolov itn. Naroči jim, naj vsaki fotografiji dodajo naslov. Naslovi bodo verjetno razkrili nekaj predsodkov, ki jih imajo slušatelji do prikazanih skupin. O predsodkih se s slušatelji pogovori.
Describe a somewhat difficult personal situation. Ask your students to imagine how they would react in each specific situation. Example: At PE you have to decide to take part in a sport. Your schoolmate wants to play football, and everyone starts shouting "Lezzy, lezzy!" at her. What would you do? Discuss. KAKO BI RAVNAL/-A? POGOVOR Slušateljem opiši nekoliko težavno situacijo. Vprašaj jih, kako bi sami v takšni situaciji ravnali Primer situacije: V šoli pri telovadbi se morate vsi odločiti za nek šport. Sošolka, ki je tudi tvoja dobra prijateljica, se odloči za nogomet, nakar skupina sošolcev začne vzklikati “Lezba, lezba!” Kako bi ravnal/a?
Ask students to imagine they come from abroad (e.g. a group of Germans, a group of Spaniards, etc.). Ask them to imagine how they – as foreigners – perceive Slovenes. Their idea are like to reveal as much about Slovenes as about foreigners. Discuss. KAKŠNI SO SLOVENCI? OPISOVANJE Slušatelje prosi, naj si zamislijo, da so pripadniki drugih narodov (npr. skupina Nemcev, Špancev itn.). Zamislijo naj si, kako – kot tujci – vidijo in dojemajo Slovence. Pogovori se o njihovih zaključkih, ki ravno toliko kot o Slovencih razkrijejo tudi poglede slušateljev na skupine tujcev, ki so jih predstavljali.
Write a list of pairs (e.g. nationalities, professions, etc.). Ask students to compare them. You can give them varying degrees of freedom of choice. Discuss their answers in terms of prejudices. Examples: Germans work _________________ than Spaniards. The Swiss are _________________ than Italians. Slovenes _________________ Austrians. Doctors _________________ nurses. etc. PRIMERJANJE LJUDI, PRIMERJANJE PRIDEVNIKOV Sestavi seznam parov (npr. narodnosti, poklicev ipd.). Slušatelji naj pare med seboj primerjajo. Pri tem jim lahko pustiš več ali manj svobode. Pogovori se z njimi o predsodkih, ki jih njihovi odgovori razkrivajo. Primeri: Nemci delajo _________________ kot Španci. Švicarji so _________________ kot Italijani Slovenci _________________ Avstrijci Zdravniki_________________ medicinske sestre. ipd.
Show students two photos, one showing a child from the Third World, and the other one showing a child from the West. Ask your students questions like: Which of the two children is likely to - live longer? - get smacked by their parents? - get better education? - be happier in life? Discuss their answers in terms of the prejudices they reveal. PREDSTAVLJAJ SI: POGOVOR Slušatelje pokaži dve fotografiji, ena naj prikazuje otroka iz kakšne revne države, druga pa iz bogate. Slušatelje vprašaj npr.: Kateri od obeh otrok bo verjetneje: živel dlje? dobil klofuto od staršev? dosegel višjo izobrazbo? srečnejši v življenju? Pogovori se o odgovorih s poudarkom na predsodkih, ki jih razkrivajo.
Ask your students to describe a social group (e.g. Roma, immigrants, etc.) or a nation/country. After they have finished it, ask them to complete a quiz about how much they know about the group they have just described (5 to 10 questions should suffice). Then compare their answers with their initial ideas. Ignorance is usually in clear correlation with prejudice. Instead of (or in addition to) asking your students to do the quiz you can show the students a video (e.g. a documentary) on the social group/nation or have the students look for information using the internet. ALI SO MOJE IDEJE PRAVILNE? KVIZ/DOKUMENTAREC/SPLET Slušatelje vprašaj, naj podajo svoje videnje neke družbene skupine (npr. Romi, priseljenci ipd.) ali narodnosti /države. Potem jih prosi, naj rešijo kviz, ki se nanaša na skupino, ki so jo ravnokar opisali (5 do 10 vprašanj bo dovolj). Nazadnje skupaj primerjajte odgovore na kviz z začetnimi idejami. Nepoznavanje je ponavadi v jasni povezavi s predsodki. Namesto (ali poleg) kviza si lahko ogledate kakšen dokumentarni film ali pa informacije o družbeni skupini/narodu poiščete na spletu.
See what our students think/know about Spain. Tole o Španiji mislijo/vedo naši slušatelji.
Evaluation: see below
Spain: Spain: The First Three Associations 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Spain: Who / what / where are you?
s il o hts nc he ella eo v i ac l pa llfig me o be fla bu
Famous Spaniards
Spanish Places
10 8
6 4 5
4 1
Dali Almodovar
ci ne m ar a ch ite ct ur e sc ie nc e ph ilo so ph y
ra tu re
us i
lit e
pa in tin
Picasso Cervantes
J. Iglesias G. Lorca
10 11
1Ă&#x2014;: Cordoba, Sevilla, Costa Brava, Granada, Andalusia, Loret de Mar, Malorca, Bilbao, Bergosa
Las Ketchup
PAP in language lectures 1. DESCRIBING PEOPLE – LOOK/LOOK LIKE Show students a few photos of different people and ask them to guess the people's age, character, job and nationality. With this exercise they practise LOOK / LOOK LIKE. Example: This person looks smart and quiet. He looks like an artist and he looks Spanish. OPISOVANJE LJUDI – LOOK/LOOK LIKE Razdelimo nekaj slik, ki prikazujejo različne ljudi. Slušatelje prosimo, naj glede na fotografijo poskusijo ugotoviti starost, značaj, poklic in narodnost ljudi na sliki. Opomba: Ta vaja je v angleščini namenjena uporabi glagolov LOOK / LOOK LIKE Primer: Ta oseba izgleda pametna, tiha. Izgleda kot umetnik, itd.
DESCRIPTIONS OF DIFFERENT NATIONS- writing activity, practising the writing skill Ask students to write a few sentences about different nations. They should rely on their knowledge of these nations only. OPISI NARODOV- pisna aktivnost, vadenje pisne spretnosti Slušatelje prosimo, naj za domačo nalogo napišejo nekaj stavkov o različnih narodnostih. Pri tem se naj zanašajo samo na svoje poznavanje teh narodov. Primer: samo v angleški verziji
Example: The Slovenes They live in a small country with a lot of mountains, lakes and a with a little sea. In winter they like skiing and in the summer they like going to the mountains. They like going to the sea too. They start work early and finish work very late. These people speak two languages. They eat a lot of potatoes and meat. It's an ex-Yugoslavia republic. It's a small Alpine country with the biggest mountainTriglav. It's on the sunny side of the Alps.
The Danish Their country is a part of a big peninsula. They have a royal family. They think they are all Hamlets. Their country has very large fields, pastures, but it doesn't have many mountains. One million people live in the capital. They work a lot on the fields and they love fishing. They are always very nice. They also love sport. Their most popular sport is handball. I like their women handball team. The Germans They have big cities with a famous car industry. Our politicians in Slovenia drive with their cars. They live in houses with gardens or in very expensive flats. They work a lot, but they once a year they all go on holiday to countries like Spain, Greece, Croatia and Dominican Republic. They are good workers and soldiers. They started one world war, but they lost. Their national dish is sauer kraut and sausages. They drink a lot of beer from one litre glasses. They are quite strong and fat but also clean. They are economical and they are good with their money. They like dancing polkas and waltzes. They love their country and their people, but they don't like the Turkish or people from the south of Europe. They are precise and stingy. They love sports, especially football and formula 1. They have a lot of industries and they are known for their products of good quality. They go to the sea at the weekends. They love eating sausages and bacon. Every year there is a large drinking festival, called Octoberfest, which is known worldwide. They know how to have a good time, and they are usually happy. The Spanish Their county lies near the sea. It is famous for beaches and their coast is always full of people. They like watching soap operas and they love watching bull-fights. They also like music and dancing. They have a siesta every day. Their night-life is very unusual. Their disco-bars don't close before 9 o'clock in the morning. They don't sleep a lot. Their country has fantastic beaches and lots of sunshine. Their best known traditions are flamenco and bullfights. The Spanish eat a lot of vegetables, noodles and potatoes. The Scottish They live in the north of Great Britain. They have many famous people like Annie Lennox, Rod Stewart, Sean Connery, Evan McGregor, etc. They make the best whisky in the world. They are famous for their Loch Ness and the monster Nessie. Men wear kilts and they play bagpipes. Their language is very difficult. I don't understand it, although I speak English. They have high hills and a lot of beautiful lakes and castles.. Theri capital is Edinburgh. Every summer, there is the largest arts festival in the world in Edinburgh. They are
famous for their whisky and kilts. They have one of the most handsome actors: Sean Connery. The French They don't speak foreign languages. They eat cheese every day for dessert and they drink very good wine. They have very fast trains and they make good cars and planes. The people are very polite. They have famous people, but some of them are already dead: Napoleon, Alain Prost,… The Portuguese They have a very long coast, with a lot of beautiful beaches. Tourism is very important for them. They are also famous for their special sort of wine: Port People speak Portuguese, which is a very difficult language to learn. A very famous Portuguese person in Vasco de Gama, who was a sailor. He was the first to discover India.
COMPARISON OF NATIONS / CITIES – comparative adjectives and adverbs
Write a few countries or cities on the board. Students work in pairs- each pair should compare two countries or cities, according to the following chart THE COUNTRIES or THE CITIES THE COST OF LIVING THE WEATHER THE LIFESTYLE THE FOOD PUBLIC TRANSPORT Example: SLOVENIA – GERMANY Slovenia is smaller and more beautiful than Germany. It's warmer in Slovenia and there is also more sun. The Slovenes eat more healthily and drink less beer than German people. PRIMERJAVA NARODOV / MEST- stopnjevanje pridevnikov in prislovov Na tablo napišemo nekaj narodnosti ali nekaj večjih svetovnih mest. Slušatelje razdelimo v pare in vsak par mora primerjati dva naroda, oziroma mesti, glede na sledečo razpredelnico DRŽAVI oziroma MESTI ŽIVLJENJSKI STROŠKI VREME NAČIN ŽIVLJENJA HRANA JAVNI PREVOZ Primer: SLOVENIJA – NEMČIJA Slovenija je manjša in lepša od Nemčije. V Sloveniji je bolj toplo in več sonca kot v Nemčiji. Slovenci jemo bolj zdravo in popijemo manj piva, itd.
TYPICALLY ENGLISH? Write TYPICALLY ENGLISH (you can choose any other nation) on the board. Students then brainstorm and come up with as many things as possible which they believe are typical of this nation. When you have enough ideas on the board, ask them to make Present Simple sentences. Example:
red buses tea at 5 read The Times love their Royal family
Present Simple sentences: The English have red buses.
The English drink tea at five, etc. TIPIČNO ANGLEŠKO? Na sredino table napišemo TIPIČNO ANGLEŠKO (lahko tudi kateri drug narod). Tečajniki naštevajo čimveč stvari, ki mislijo, da so tipične za ta narod. Ko zabeležimo nekaj njihovih idej, jim naročimo, naj iz teh predlogov tvorijo sedanjik (v angleščini The Present Simple). Primer: TIPIČNO ANGLEŠKO rdeči avtobusi čaj ob petih berejo The Times obožujejo kraljevo družino Iz tega sledijo stavki kot: Angleži imajo rdeče avtobuse. Angleži pijejo čaj ob petih popoldne.
4. NATIONALITIES – ADJECTIVES/ADVERBS Write some of the nationalities on the board. For each of them students should answer the following questions: 1. What are these people like (outer appearance and their personality)? 2. How do they say »I love you«?
Example: The French
1. The French are very romantic. 2. They say »I love you« passionately and quietly.
NARODNOSTI – PRIDEVNIKI/PRISLOVI Na tablo napišite nekaj narodnosti. Za vsako od teh narodnosti naj slušatelji odgovorijo na sledeča vprašanja: 1. Kakšni so ti ljudje (izgled in osebnostne lastnosti)? 2. Kako ti ljudje izgovorijo njihov izraz za »Rad te imam«? Primer: Francozi 1. Francozi so zelo romantičen narod. 2. »Rad te imam« rečejo strastno in potihem.
Pap in k
Observation or only prejudice Students are told they visit a foreign island the first time, they are scientists who want to find out, how the society of the island ALBATROS works. Enter two people (male and female), both are softly humming. The male always walks in front of the female. The look friendly to the visitors and make sure that everybody has both feet on the ground. The male touches only other males, the female touches both gender. PAP in Kranj You are scientists visiting the island ALBATROS
Visit to the island „ALBATROS“
the first time.
Watch closely Find out, how the ALBATROS society works
After that both take a seat. The male one sits on a chair, the female kneels down aside of the male. The male eats some peanuts out of a small bowl with obvious delight. The female eats after that. The male stands up, puts his hand to the neck of the female and bow her three time to the ground, the women’s forehead has to touch the ground. Both leave the room humming. Students are asked to give a flash report of their observations. Most will ascertain an extremely patriarchal and misogyny society on Albatros.
Culture of Albatros
Now give us a flashlight report
Albatros people are very peaceful Happy and content, they hum
What do you think about our Albatros people?
Angry, they make hissing sounds (very seldom) Mother Earth is the highest Goddess (female God)
Would you like to live there?
Everything what has to do with the earth is well respected Peanuts grow in the earth, they are the ritual food They take care that visitors have full contact with the ground in order to get much energy from the earth
1 103
Pap in k
Men and Women
Duties of males Albatrosians
Women bear children, like Mother Earth bears all life
The males have to protect the females:
they are adored therefor and have privileges:
They have to walk a couple of steps in front in order to defend the females against eventual attacts
Only women are allowed to sit on the ground as a symbol of their closeness to the Goddess Mother Earth.
They have to pregust every food to make sure that it is good, no poison in it â&#x20AC;&#x201C; before a woman eats it
Men/ Males have to sit on chairs, they are impure
The explanation of the true relations between genders on Albatros and the values there can be useful to initiate discussion about prejudice.
Highest Ritual
Another Exercise
Male Albatrosians are only allowed to have spiritual contact with Mother Earth in one case:
1. Look at the picture you get
If a woman allows him to put his hand on her neck. The woman will bow to the earth, conceive the cosmic energy with her forehead from Mother Earth and give some of it to the hand of the man.
2. Do not show your picture to the others 3. Give it back
In all other cases men are not allowed to touch women without special permission â&#x20AC;&#x201C; they are impure!
2 104
Pap in k
With picture puzzles the recognitions might be deepened. Give one group the outline of the young woman, and the other this of the old one. When showing the picture puzzles students will only see either the old one or the young one, depending on the group they were member in.
You see, what you expect to see...
...but now you can switch.
Some more picture puzzles, just for fun
1 105
Role Play Exercise:
Who would you give the job to?
Students took part in the following decision making role - play during the activities session at the Kranj meeting. Because of time restraints the activity was reduced to choosing one successful applicant from four interviewees. Would the age, sex, appearance or nationality of the job applicants affect the decision of the managers, in this case, the students? As it turned out our students gave the job to Applicant 1, the migrant worker, because of his commitment. After the exercise the students wanted to know what the correct answer was. There is no correct answer. It is simply an awareness raising exercise. Teachers agreed that the role-play could easily be adapted to suit different classes. Different roles could be created and teachers in language classes could choose to use it as a speaking or reading exercise. There is an accompanying grid on which teachers can note group results. The purpose of this exercise is to see how underlying prejudices of managers can influence the decisions they make. ______________________________________________________________ Situation: • Your group are managers of a home improvements superstore. • You are all young and want to make lots of money. • The store sells everything from wallpaper and paint to new bathrooms and kitchens. • You have advertised for two sales assistants. Task: Using the information which follows • As a group discuss the pros and cons of each job applicant. • Note the positive and negative aspects of each applicant on the paper provided. • Select the two people to be offered the jobs. • Write the reason/s for your decisions. Remember! You are looking for people who will work well with your customers, sell lots of products and make lots of money for your store!
Stage 1: Read the job advert.
SUPADUPA DIY Are you enthusiastic, flexible and reliable? Do you enjoy working with the public? We are a young and busy company. We are looking for enthusiastic and reliable full-time sales assistants to join us in our ultra modern home improvements store. Hours: 35 hour week. Must be prepared to work weekends 4 weeks annual leave Apply in writing to ……………………………………. We are an equal opportunities employer.
Stage 2: The people interviewed for the jobs were all asked the same questions. Read the questions and the answers they gave. As a group discuss each applicant’s suitability for the job and make a note of the group’s comments on the appropriate sheet.
Applicant 1: Male - Age: 28 Appearance: Slim, tidy, well-dressed Attitude: Friendly, talkative – unusual accent Why did you apply for the job as sales assistant? I would like to work in a nice place where I can meet and talk to people. At the moment I’m working in a factory at night. I have bought things for my flat in this store and I like shopping here. Would you like to tell us a little about yourself? I came to this country one year ago. In my country I was a painter and decorator. I liked my work but there were problems in my country so I came here. I’m a good worker and I’m good people. I like to learn and do new things. I’m taking language classes because this country is my home now. We sell decorating materials, bathrooms, kitchens - everything to improve the home. Are you interested in home improvements? I was a painter and decorator in my country. I know everything about painting houses. I also like fixing things in my flat. Have you ever worked in a store before? No, but I would like to. It would be interesting. Do you like working with the public? Yes. When I was a painter I used to work in people’s houses. I enjoyed meeting and talking to people. The opening hours of the store are 09.00 – 20.00, 7 days a week. Would weekend working be a problem for you? How about working till 8 o’clock in the evening? Working in the evening or at weekends is not a problem for me. It’s important that I work.
Applicant 2: Male - Age: 58 Appearance: Average height and weight, casually dressed Attitude: Friendly, talkative Why did you apply for the job as sales assistant? I was made redundant last year and now I am bored. I like working. I want to meet different people and be busy. It would be good. Would you like to tell us a little about yourself? I was a plumber for 38 years. I’m healthy and I’d like to do something to get me out of the house. I want a job.
We sell decorating materials, bathrooms, kitchens - everything to improve the home. Are you interested in home improvements? I was a plumber for 38 years. I know everyting there is to know about bathrooms and pipes and all that. I do a bit of painting in the house too. Have you ever worked in a store before? No, never. Do you like working with the public? Yes, I do. The opening hours of the store are 09.00 – 20.00, 7 days a week. Would weekend working be a problem for you? How about working till 8 o’clock in the evening? Working in the evening wouldn’t be a problem. Weekends would be okay as long as I knew in advance.
Applicant 3: Female - Age: 30 Appearance: Average height and weight, tidy, well-dressed Attitude: Well-spoken, very serious Why did you apply for the job as sales assistant? I’m looking for a job where I can meet people. I like this store and I think I would enjoy working here. Would you like to tell us a little about yourself? I’m a single mother. I have two children. They are 5 and 7. They are at school now so I would like get out and earn some money to make life better. We sell decorating materials, bathrooms, kitchens - everything to improve the home. Are you interested in home improvements? I like doing things in the house. I decorate and try to fix things. Have you ever worked in a store before? Yes, before the children were born I had a job in a department store. Do you like working with the public? Yes, I do. The opening hours of the store are 09.00 – 20.00, 7 days a week. Would weekend working be a problem for you? How about working till 8 o’clock in the evening? I don’t think it would be a problem. My mother helps me.
Applicant 4: Female - Age: 48 Appearance: Slim, tidy, well-dressed. Smiles. Attitude: Very cheerful, a bit nervous Why did you apply for the job as sales assistant? I want to earn money for myself and I want to get out of the house and meet people. Would you like to tell us a little about yourself? I’m married. I’m a very sociable person. I’ve spent the last twenty years looking after my children. They are grown up now and have left home. Now I can do what I want to do. We sell decorating materials, bathrooms, kitchens - everything to improve the home. Are you interested in home improvements? Yes. I love looking at all the new designs and ideas. I love colours and I think a home should be bright and comfortable.
Have you ever worked in a store before? Yes, I work in the local supermarket on Saturdays. I’ve been doing that for 6 months. Do you like working with the public? Yes, it’s good. It’s interesting. The opening hours of the store are 09.00 – 20.00, 7 days a week. Would weekend working be a problem for you? How about working till 8 o’clock in the evening? The hours would not be a problem for me. My time is my own.
Applicant 5: Female - Age: 19 Appearance: Well-dressed, a definite skin problem on face and hands. Attitude: Very friendly, quite well-spoken, a bit nervous Why did you apply for the job as sales assistant? At the moment I work in a factory and I don’t really like it. My friend works here and she says it’s good. Would you like to tell us a little about yourself? I left school last year because I wanted to earn money. But I don’t like my job. It’s noisy and boring. I like to be able to talk to people. I passed my maths and IT exams in school. One day I’d like to be a manager in a store. We sell decorating materials, bathrooms, kitchens - everything to improve the home. Are you interested in home improvements? I’ve never thought about it before. But the things in the store look nice and modern. Our house is nice. We got a new kitchen last year.
Have you ever worked in a store before? When I was at school I worked one night a week in a supermarket. Do you like working with the public? Yes, I liked working in the supermarket. It was bright and cheerful. The opening hours of the store are 09.00 – 20.00, 7 days a week. Would weekend working be a problem for you? How about working till 8 o’clock in the evening? The hours are not a problem.
Applicant 6: Male - Age: 18 Appearance: Jeans and t-shirt Nose ring Eyebrow ring Head shaved Attitude: Quite pleasant and well-spoken. Very relaxed. Why did you apply for the job as sales assistant? It’s important for me to earn money and the job advert looked good. Would you like to tell us a little about yourself? I left school last year. I did quite well in my exams. I want to go backpacking next year so I need to save up some money. We sell tools, decorating materials, bathrooms, kitchens, everything to improve the home. Are you interested in home improvements? Not really, I’m more interested in music. But I was good at woodwork in school.
Have you ever worked in a store before? No. Do you like working with the public? I think I would like it. The opening hours of the store are 09.00 – 20.00, 7 days a week. Would weekend working be a problem for you? How about working till 8 o’clock in the evening? Shouldn’t be a problem.
Stage 3: The pros and cons of each applicant, the decision of your group and why you made that decision. Briefly complete the following sheets for each applicant.
Job applicant 1 +
Job offered: Yes/No (Delete as appropriate)
Job applicant 2 +
Job offered: Yes/No (Delete as appropriate)
copy this pages for applicant 3-5
Teacher’s Sheet: Overall Group Results Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
P E R S O N 1 P E R S O N 2 P E R S O N 3
ED/PAP2/ Activity/Teacher Sheet
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
P E R S O N 4 P E R S O N 5 P E R S O N 6
ED/PAP2/ Activity/Teacher Sheet
115 2
Elektronik og Data ODENSE TEKNISKE SKOLE SMH/04-07-2007 18:48:13
Prejudice –tasks • Read the texts about prejudice. • Choose two of the texts and prepare a combined oral presentation with illustrations (PowerPoint) of your chosen subjects. Duration about 10 minutes. • Write an essay of about one page (40 lines, font size 12-14) about prejudice in society as such. Hand in to teacher. • Watch the film The Full Monty and discuss the various aspects of prejudice in the film. • – choose Demonstration and complete tests in the four areas of Weight, Age, Race and Sexuality. Print out your results and hand in to teacher – as an alternative, send an email with your results attached to your teacher (
Elektronik og Data ODENSE TEKNISKE SKOLE SMH/04-07-2007 18:48:13
Age prejudice 'ubiquitous in UK' By Jonathan Amos BBC News science reporter, Dublin
Get to 49 and it seems you could be "over the hill" - at least that's how many of us perceive it. Forty-nine is the age that people, on average, in a Kent University study stated that youth came to an end. The UK-wide survey has thrown up some interesting facts on how we view people who are older or younger than us, and just how far our prejudice extends. And it is clear that teenagers as well as pensioners can sometimes feel put down because of their age. "We shouldn't forget that one of the important targets of ageism is young people. They feel very aggrieved about the stereotypes that portray them as nasty yobs who are drunk all the time," Dominic Abrams, a professor of social psychology at Kent, said.
His study was conducted for the charity Age Concern. Some of the results have been released here at the British Association's Festival of Science.
Inter-group contact and positive relationships across the generations seem to be an important mechanism for combating ageist stereotypes Prof Dominic Abrams, Kent University
They come from detailed interviews with 1,843 people over the age of 16, and they appear to show that age prejudice is ubiquitous in British society. More people (29%) reported suffering age discrimination than any other form of discrimination. "Ageism is the most pervasive form of prejudice in Britain today," Dominic Abrams said. "Ageism is the form of prejudice experienced most commonly by people in the UK and that seems to be true pretty much across gender, ethnicity, religion, disability - people of all types experience ageism, and indeed people of all ages
Elektronik og Data ODENSE TEKNISKE SKOLE SMH/04-07-2007 18:48:13
experience ageism."
The study reveals just how strongly perception of ageing is related to the age of the perceiver, and - to a degree by the sex of the perceiver, too. For example, the arrival of old age recedes into the distance as one gets older.
The study may inform better ways to break down classic stereotypes
So, if you are a 24-year-old man, you think old age arrives at 55; but if you are a 62-year-old woman, you consider youth to end at 57. The fact that criteria "float" makes the task of detecting and tackling ageism particularly challenging, according to Professor Abrams, and has to be considered when developing strategies to undo the usual stereotypes - that old people are "doddery but dear" or that young people are "shallow and callous". Some other findings from the interviews show: • • • •
From age 55 onwards, people are nearly twice as likely to have experienced age prejudice than any other form of discrimination Nearly 30% of people believe there is more prejudice against the old than five years ago, and that this will continue to get worse One third of people think that the demographic shift towards an older society will make life worse in terms of standards of living, security, health, jobs and education One in three respondents said they viewed the over-70s as incompetent and incapable.
One key point is that a half of all people under the age of 24 have no friends over 70, and vice versa. And the data shows that those without intergenerational friendships are also more likely to hold negative beliefs about the competence of people over 70. "Inter-group contact and positive relationships across the generations seem to be an important mechanism for combating ageist stereotypes," Professor Abrams said.
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Piling on the prejudice By Duncan Walker BBC News Online Magazine
The fight against flab is being waged as never before, with healthy lifestyle campaigns in abundance. But is the drive to get people in shape adding to fattism? If anyone is still able to sit up and take notice, 2004 is proving to be a turning point in the war on waists. With two thirds of Britons now overweight or obese - and the bulges still growing - warnings about overeating, inactivity and the associated health risks are made daily.
Those few extra pounds are no longer a personal matter to be sighed over in the privacy of the bedroom. They are a social problem which, it is said, need to be worked off together. While elastic-waisted jogging bottoms are yet to be handed out on the NHS, the government, papers and even fast food firms are all telling us to change our ways. Yet in the collective rush to create a slim line future, is there a danger of actually making things worse? Critics say that not only do overweight people know diets don't work, but dwelling on the idea that extra pounds are "bad" heightens the one remaining acceptable prejudice fattism. Cheerful jibes "The perception of most people is dyed in the wool, that fat people are ugly, lazy, unattractive and unable," says Vicki Swinden, founder of Fat is the new Black, one of a small but growing number of groups campaigning for the overweight.
Most people accept that racism and homophobia are unacceptable, says Ms Swinden, but many cheerfully trade jibes about the weight of strangers.
We live in a blame culture, if something happens someone will get the flak Toast
friends, family, colleagues and
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Think amusing comments about "fat boy", or questions like "who ate all the pies?". Prejudice against the overweight is such that they are less likely to get a job and can earn less when they do. A Liverpool University study found preconceptions about the obese extended to their friends, who were judged less attractive than those with slim companions. Other potential pitfalls are being stared at by schoolchildren, being spoken to slowly and dealing with people's shock when you eat fruit or exercise, says Louise Diss, advocate for The Obesity Awareness and Solutions Trust (Toast). Vigorous turn It is of course a long time since the British considered extra pounds to be a sign of health, wealth and general sex appeal. Weight has long been a favourite stick with which children and adults - beat one another.
But the vigorous turn of the debate in recent months has added to the feeling that the overweight and obese are somehow lacking as individuals. It was in May that the One in three adults will be obese by Commons Health Select Committee published a report 2020, MPs believe which showed that obesity rates had risen by 400% over the past 25 years. It suggested that by 2020 one third of adults and half of children could be obese. Not only were the costs to the individual great, with shorter life expectancy and health problems like diabetes, but society was also paying the price. Weight related health issues already cost the NHS ÂŁ3.7bn a year and the figure will only rise, it warned. Headlines about "Telly tubbies" draining the nation's resources followed. In addition to the government campaigns, a BBC healthy lifestyles programme will start this week. Fat Nation is aiming to acknowledge the need for a longer-term approach than mere crash diets, and will run over two years. Psychologist Susie Orbach, author of Fat is a Feminist issue, says the accumulated effect is that people have made the fat issue a personal one. They judge because they perceive a lack of control in others and think "there, but for the grace of God go I".
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Toast agrees: "We live in a blame culture, if something happens someone will get the flak," says Ms Diss. "As it becomes more of an issue it's going to become a problem for more and more people." Insides 'squashed' Despite their anger at the blame heaped on the overweight, even those campaigning for greater acceptance recognise that it's unhealthy to be carrying extra pounds. Both fat and things like chocolate have been denounced and it's crazy, because it will produce completely the opposite effect
"You won't be as healthy if you are overweight as me, because your insides are being squashed by your outsides," says Ms Swinden, Susie Orbach whose website has received tens of thousands of visitors since it was launched earlier this year. But campaigners say greater acceptance is needed of the fact that people are unable to simply get up one morning and start to shed the extra weight. The Commons Health Select Committee agrees. In its report it said individuals have a key role in managing their own health. But it added: "As the main factors contributing to the rapid rises in obesity seen in recent years are societal, it is critical that obesity is tackled first and foremost at a societal rather than an individual level."
Campaigners believe this is where the message has become blurred - people understand that it's not good to be fat, but not that those who are overweight aren't entirely to blame for the problem. Vicki Swinden says few people will ever have model figures Many people continue to see the extra pounds as self-inflicted and therefore something to be tackled with nothing more than a little bit of self discipline.
Even those who would appear to be natural allies of the cause continue to suggest the problem is down to individuals. "There is absolutely no one, apart from yourself, who can prevent you, in the middle of the night, from sneaking down to tidy up the edges of that hunk of cheese at the back of the fridge," wrote shadow arts minister Boris Johnson in his Daily
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Telegraph column. 'Short-sighted' Well intentioned as they may be, the healthy eating campaigns are simply adding to the problem, says Susie Orbach and will heighten the UK's "crazy eating". She says: "Both fat and things like chocolate have been denounced and it's crazy, because it will produce completely the opposite effect." Food needs to remain pleasurable, Ms Orbach argues, something which is being forgotten by the "narrow, demonistic and short-sighted" campaigns. For many of the growing numbers of people who are overweight or obese, the immediate battle remains not one of losing pounds, but of fighting for acceptance. "People's ambitions may well be to be slimmer and we would never disagree with that, but the great majority of us are never going to look like poster girls," says Ms Swinden.
Prejudice 'okay' survey finds Many people in Scotland appear to believe some form of prejudice is acceptable, according to new research. A quarter of those questioned said there were good reasons for intolerance of some kind.
The survey asked people about their social attitudes
Only 5% of the 1,600 people questioned thought there was no discrimination in Scotland while nearly 60% felt disability rights had not gone far enough. The findings are part of a survey commissioned by the Scottish Executive to look at attitudes towards gay people, the disabled, those in ethnic minorities and women. With the row over Section 28 in the past, experts said the survey suggests that about half of those living in Scotland believe there is still a lot of homophobic and racial prejudice.
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The research, being published on Tuesday, also found that more than half the people in Scotland consider there to be a great deal of prejudice against ethnic minority groups. It also showed that older people with no qualifications were more likely to be intolerant, while knowing someone who is gay made people less likely to treat others differently.
The Equal Opportunities Commission Scotland (Eocs) said the results showed many people found prejudice in areas of employment acceptable and added that more should be done to challenge
One alarming figure to come out of the survey is the fact that 28% of people still feel that women make more suitable primary teachers than men Eocs
A spokesman said: "One alarming figure to come out of the survey is the fact that 28% of people still feel that women make more suitable primary teachers than men. "This outmoded assumption does not just stereotype women it also prevents men from following a career of their choice." 'Negative attitudes' Those carrying out the survey had identified three possible reasons for discrimination continuing in Scotland. Some people's attitudes were found to be coloured by their own experiences in life, while others perceive those in certain minority groups as a threat to their economic success. The most significant factor was said to be the image that some people have of those who they think are different from themselves. The survey has been welcomed by the gay and lesbian equality group, Stonewall Scotland. Director Ali Jarvis told BBC Radio Scotland that the survey had showed up what they expected. She added that Scotland on the whole was not a prejudiced society but some entrenched pockets needed to be tackled.
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ENGELSK Discriminatory
"Now the opportunity is to attitudes are held for the most part only by a actually start shaping minority of Scots, but in specific policies and some cases that interventions that can minority is not an address, and perhaps work inconsiderable one on changing, the negative Prof John Curtis attitudes that are out there - as well as building on the positive ones." Maggie Chettie, of the Moving on Racial Equality in Scotland group, said the survey offered "nothing new" on the issue of discrimination in Scotland. She said: "I would have been much more interested in looking at something much more focused, something looking at the mechanisms of institutionalised racism, rather than something which does nothing more than reiterate what we already know. "We need something much more practical which is actually going to focus in on how can we overcome discrimination." 'More action' Professor John Curtis of the National Centre for Social Research in Scotland, which carried out the survey, said that showed that Scotland was by and large a tolerant society. He said: "Discriminatory attitudes are held for the most part only by a minority of Scots, but in some cases that minority is not an inconsiderable one." Communities minister Margaret Curran welcomed the results of the survey. She said: "I'm encouraged by much of these findings. The majority of people think prejudice is wrong and want to see more action to combat it." The executive plans to use the findings to inform future policy decisions.
Muslims face 'serious prejudice'
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Members of London's Muslim community are "disproportionately" victims of hate crimes, a report from the mayor's office has claimed. Mayor Ken Livingstone said that as one in every 12 Londoners were Muslims, they faced "serious discrimination and prejudice".
Muslims face more faith hate crimes than any other community
The report, Muslims in London, also said that the community has the lowest rates of employment. The report aims to "combat ignorance and Islamophobia", Mr Livingstone said. But some have criticised the report for lacking balance and placing too much emphasis on the challenges facing London Muslims. "It shows the community in London in a negative way," said Ahmed Versi, editor of the Muslim News. "I believe that the communities in London are more integrated and are living in peace." High unemployment There are 706,000 Muslims in the city, of which 40% were born in the UK (according to the 2001 census). In 2005-2006, there were more than 1,000 religiously aggravated attacks reported in the capital, which is a 87% increase since the previous year, the report said.
"Muslims in London face serious discrimination and prejudice... Muslims are disproportionately victims of religiously aggravated crime, more so than any other faith," Mr Livingstone said. The community also has the Very few Muslim women work full-time highest levels of unemployment, 42% in the 16-24 age group, compared with the 60% of the general population. The report recommended public bodies should investigate direct and indirect cases of discrimination and improve Muslim representation in the government. The mayor said: "I hope this report will increase
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understanding between communities and combat some of the ignorance, prejudice and Islamophobia stirred up by some sections of the media." Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), and the report's co-author, said it documented "the needs of the community and identifies policy initiatives. The report is a role model for other major cities".
Press Analysis and Poster Exhibition Local
scrutinized for news on prejudices. These were sorted out and presented in big posters with
translated into the three languages taught in our school (English, French and German), so that all the students, personnel and visitors could see them.
The Linares team at work
Media coverage of the exhibition
Films with prejudices
Students at all levels have been attending film sessions in which different films have been carefully selected according to their topic (women
immigrants and so on), the viewing being followed by class discussions and/or written activities.
Learning about the partners 1. Match the following cities and countries from the list below. All of them are partners in the project Prejudice as a path, in which the EOI from Linares takes part: CĂ DIZ POMBAL GREENOCK ALSFELD ODENSE KRANJ
2. We are going to watch a DVD about Slovenia. Before watching it, answer the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
What do you know about Slovenia? Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s its capital city? Where is Slovenia located? How many inhabitants are there? What language do they speak? What are they known for? Are there any national stereotypes you associate with the Slovenians?
3. Now watch the video and take as many notes as possible about the following aspects: 1. Tourism highlights a. Landscape b. Congresses 2. Economy a. Human resources and hi-tech b. European markets c. Key sources 3. Arts and Culture a. Events b. People 4. Agriculture a. Species b. Products c. Exports 4. Has your image of the country changed after watching the dvd? 5. What new words or expressions have you learnt? 6. Complete the following text with factual information about Slovenia:
Area: 20,273 km2 Population: 1,964,036 (2002 census) Capital city: Ljubljana Language: Slovene; in nationally mixed areas, also Italian and Hungarian Currency: Slovenian tolar (SIT) Important dates: - Independence - 25 June 1991, - Member of EU - 1 May 2004 The Republic of Slovenia lies at the heart of Europe, ___________ the Alps and the Mediterranean meet the Pannonian plains and the mysterious Karst. To the north is Austria; to the east, Hungary; to the south, Croatia; and to the west, Italy. Slovenia __________ an independent state in 1991 and a member of the EU ____May 1, 2004. Arts and Culture Situated at a cultural crossroads, Slovenia has _________ been a place of high artistic achievements. Arts and culture have had a special position in the history of the Slovenian ________ and have compensated for the lack of its own state and political institutions in the past. A rich cultural life and far-reaching institutions, organisations, and cultural societies are comparable to the most ___________ European countries. Economy Using quality of life ______social standards as criteria, Slovenia approaches, or ________ exceeds, the European average. Slovenia is directed towards development and a market economy. Geography You can recognise Slovenia through images of the Alps and the Adriatic, the famous Karst and the Pannonian Plain; you can recognise it by the varied __________ of its regions, which are all accessible to the visitor in a single day! History Slovenia has been populated ________ the Stone Age. This is an overview of the last 1500 years - since our Slavic ancestors arrived in this territory:
Some Important Milestones: 6th century AD
The Slavic ancestors of present day Slovenia first settle in the area in the 6th century AD.
7th century
The Slavic Duchy of Carantania, the first Slovenian state. Carantania becomes part of the Frankish empire; the Slavs convert 745 to Christianity and gradually lose their independence. The Freising manuscripts, the first known writings in the Slovenian around 1000 and Slavic dialect in Latin script. 14th century to All the Slovenian regions pass into the possession of the Habsburgs, 1918 later the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. The Reformation brings literacy, the first printed book in 1550 and 1550 and 1584 in 1584 the first Slovenian translation of the Bible. 1918 Formation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Federal Peoples' Republic of Yugoslavia (officially declared on 29 1945 November 1945). April 1990 First democratic elections. 23 December 88.5% of voters at the referendum vote in favour of an independent 1990 Slovenia. 25 June 1991 Slovenia officially declares its independence. 15 January The EU officially recognises Slovenia's independence. 1992 22 May 1992 Slovenia becomes a member of the UNO. 1 February Association Agreement with the EU comes into effect. 1999 26 April 2003 Slovenia signed EU Accession Treaty in Athenes. 1 May 2004 Slovenia became an EU member. Sport The first great achievements of Slovenian sportsmen and sportswomen in the history of world sports were mainly in gymnastics. Particularly __________ was Leon Ĺ tukelj (1898-1999), who, between 1922 and 1936, won eight gold, four silver and five bronze medals in three Olympic Games and three World Championships. State Under the Constitution, Slovenia is a democratic republic and a social state governed by law. The state's authority is based ______ the principle of the separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers, with a parliamentary system of government. Tourism In Slovenia, you can experience amazing contrasts in the _______ day: a morning swim in the Adriatic, followed two hours later by skiing below Alpine peaks, then an adventurous discovery of Karst subterranean phenomena and an invigorating bath in a thermal spring; an encounter ______history in a lively mediaeval city and, not far away, a more solitary stroll through primeval forests or undulating, winegrowing hills. Information taken from
VIDEO ON SPAIN PRE-VIEWING ACTIVITY How much do you know about Spain? Before watching a short video presentation we would like you to answer the following questions. Then, after watching the video, you can check your answers to see whether you were right or wrong. 1. What are the first three words/topics/themes you think of when you think of Spain (answer in your own language if you cannot think of the word in English!): ________________
2. Can you name at least one famous Spanish person in each of the following categories: o
3. Can you name three places in Spain? _______________ ________________
4. Which of the following aspects do you think will be dealt with in the video? Tick (â&#x2C6;&#x161;) them. Arts
History Nature Prehistory Climate Science & technology Religion Sun & beach
Cuisine Sports Geography Festivals & celebrations People
WHILE VIEWING Now watch the video and answer the following questions: 1. In Spain, prehistoric remains are ... a) non existent B) note researched
c) endless source of research
2. Which of the following people lived in Spain in the past? Phoenicians Greeks Vikings Normans Aztecs Turks Anglosaxons Celts Incas Muslims Slovenes Francs Mayas Indians Romans Germanics Maories Magyars Mongols Eskimos 3. Which three cultures/religions coexisted in Spain in the Middle Ages? ___________________ ___________________ _________________ 4. Which two artisitic styles did Spain receive from Europe? ______________________
5. Thousand of pilgrims from all over the world have come, and still come, to do ______________ Way. 6. a) b) c)
In the Rennaissance years, Spain was .... part of the Chinese Empire one of the 3 most powerful countries in the world under the rule of the Sultan of Turkey
7. The most famous book character, mentioned in the video, is: a) El Zorro b) Don Quixote c) Casanova 8. The modern Spain is a tourist destination thanks to its ... (only tick (â&#x2C6;&#x161;) the ones mentioned in the video): Culture Golf courses Beaches & sun International congresses Cheap alcohol & cigarettes People Fiestas Food Ski resorts 9. According to the video, Spanish people are: a) hard-working b) passionate c) friendly and hospitable 10.Spain is one of the most outstanding tourist destinations in the world because of its ... (only tick the ones mentioned in the video): Warm climate quality tourism good communications beautiful women technical and professional infrastructures excellent cuisine museums and art galleries castles and palaces
VIDEO ON SPAIN - KEY PRE-VIEWING ACTIVITY How much do you know about Spain? Before watching a short video presentation we would like you to answer the following questions. Then, after watching the video, you can check your answers to see whether you were right or wrong. 1. What are the first three words/topics/themes you think of when you think of Spain (answer in your own language if you cannot think of the word in English!): ________________
2. Can you name at least one famous Spanish person in each of the following categories: o
Painting ___DALÍ, PICASSO, MIRÓ, VELÁZQUEZ, . . . (Their masterpieces are seen in the video)_______________
literature CERVANTES, GARCÍA LORCA, MACHADO, J.R.JIMÉNEZ (Nobel prize in 1956), ...
architecture_____SANTIAGO CALATRAVA, ...._____________
science RAMÓN Y CAJAL, SEVERO OCHOA (both Nobel prizes, in 1906 and 1959 respectively), MARIANO BARBACID, MIGUEL SERVET, ..
____ORTEGA Y GASSET, ...______________
3. Can you name three places in Spain? (Seen in the video) _____SEGOVIA____
4. Which of the following aspects do you think will be dealt with in the video? Tick (√) them. Arts √
History √ Nature √ Prehistory√ Climate√ Science & technology Religion √ Sun & beach
Cuisine √ Sports Geography Festivals & celebrations √ People
Now watch the video and answer the following questions: In Spain, prehistoric remains are ... a) non existent B) note researched c) endless source of research 10. Which of the following people lived in Spain in the past? Phoenicians √ Greeks √ Vikings Normans Aztecs Turks Anglosaxons Celts √ Incas Muslims √ Slovenes Francs Mayas Indians Romans √ Germanics Maories Magyars Mongols Eskimos 11. Which three cultures/religions coexisted in Spain in the Middle Ages? ______JEWISH_______ _______MUSLIM____ 12.
Which two artisitic styles did Spain receive from Europe?
13. Thousand of pilgrims from all over the world have come, and still come, to do ___ST.JAMES’S_________ Way. 14. In the Rennaissance years, Spain was .... d) part of the Chinese Empire e) one of the 3 most powerful countries in the world f) under the rule of the Sultan of Turkey 15. The most famous book character, mentioned in the video, is: a) El Zorro b) Don Quixote c) Casanova 16. The modern Spain is a tourist destination thanks to its ... (only tick (√) the ones mentioned in the video): Culture √ Golf courses Beaches & sun International congresses Cheap alcohol & cigarettes People √ Fiestas √ Food √ Ski resorts 17. According to the video, Spanish people are: a) hard-working b) passionate c) friendly and hospitable √ 10.Spain is one of the most outstanding tourist destinations in the world because of its ... (only tick the ones mentioned in the video): Warm climate √ quality tourism √ good communications √ beautiful women technical and professional infrastructures √ excellent cuisine museums and art galleries castles and palaces 135
Web-quest about prejudice
The PAP-meetings
The first meeting in Pombal On the twenty third of September, year two thousand and five, the partners of the Grudtvig Project held a meeting in ETAP, Pombal, Portugal. The coordinator Arno Zierk and Kerstin Pfeiffer from Germany, Susan Wadsworth, Anne Campbell and Eileen Daly from Scotland, Charo Mougan and Curra Ronco from Cadiz, Spain, Paul Mrocek and Pilar Anfruns from Linares, Spain, Darja Kovacic and Andrej Zavrl from Slovenia, Susanne Halmstedt from Denmark, Manuela Marques, Nathalie Ferret and Carla Monteiro from Portugal, were present at the meeting. The agenda consisted on: 1- Introduction; 2- Expectations; 3- Website; 4- Renewal before February; 5- Questions of many kinds. To start the first point of the agenda, the partners from Andalusia, Spain, explained how the teaching system works there. Therefore, in their school, a language school, there are two kinds of students: officials and externals. Official students have to attend classes and external students donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t, they may only do the exams to get their certificates. The teaching level starts in the elementary and goes to the advanced level. Students may attend that school since fourteen years old and it has no limit. In private institutions, students have tutorials once a week and then they take the ordinary courses. There are also bilingual schools to the foreign students. The curriculum is the same in every school. Fees are small to everybody. After, the partner from Denmark introduced her school. It has thirteen hundred students, diffused in all kind of courses. The system obligates them to find an apprenticeship. In this way students have training from four to five years to get their certificate. Susanne explained that it is an independent school because it has his own Board of Directors, and it is divided in several departments, related to several areas. There are twenty-five English teachers. Studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; age is around twenty years old, but there is no age limit. It is a school for voluntary students because they can choose between going to secondary school and going to that school. Students donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to pay
to attend classes there. In Denmark everyone has the chance to have a formal education, and there is a high percentage of success. The partners from Portugal introduced ETAP to the other members. Manuela explained there are several courses which are accomplished in three years. In the second and third years, students have a training month. During that time they go to the labour market, they don’t have a salary and their performance is evaluated. There are teachers in ETAP who attended classes there and went to the University after. The partners from Cadiz started their introduction by saying that they teach in a secondary school, where students are around eighteen years old. There are two kinds of education systems: an official and an external one. In the official education system students have lessons everyday. In the external education system students may have lessons twice a week for example, but they can choose not to attend classes. There are one hundred and twenty five students in the official education system in that school. This school also works as a second opportunity for students who didn’t finish their degrees. There are many unemployed people in that area and lots of students who left their studies to look for a job. When they can’t find a job, they can return to that school. In relation to the external education system, there are twelve hundred students. Some students don’t attend classes but they do the tests in order to have the Certificate or to go to the University. It is a free education system. The partners from Scotland work in a College divided in four campuses and it has twenty-two hundred students. There’s a mixture of education systems: there are fulltime classes, evening classes, one day a week classes and others. The College deals with different subjects. This College admits students coming from abroad. The international community may do exams and attend English classes as well. Their College takes in students who need a second chance to get a Scottish Certificate. There are also a great variety of courses for these students, whose age already varied between sixteen and eighty four. The College has several community centres to help students who are afraid of going to College, for example. Most of the students don’t pay to go to College. Scotland has a high percentage of unemployed people due to the lost of lots of manufacturing industries in the West of Scotland, and the College helps people finding out new vocations. The partners from Germany presented his school: the Max-Eyth-Schule - Alsfeld. It has twenty-six hundred students from thirty nations, mostly between fifteen to forty years old, and one hundred and eighty teachers. There are eleven different sections of 141
education, as vocational training, full-time vocational training and education for students with special needs, for example. Students may go to the University as soon as they finish their course in this school. There are several subjects that students may choose. In Germany, compulsory school are nine years or until sixteen years old, but Arno explained that his school is a voluntary school. However, students are forced by the circumstances to attend that or other school to have the chance to get a job. Students don’t have to pay to study there. The partners from Slovenia talked about their Education Centre, which has fifteen different programs. Students may have a second chance there. However they have to pay to attend that school. Only primary school is free. Students can learn several languages there: English, German, Italian, French and others. There are also programs for free times and seminars for enterprises, for example. Students have vocational training, and their age average is twenty to forty years old. It is obligatory to attend eight years of primary school. If students are not successful they choose to go to that school. On the second point of the agenda, Arno presented the main ideas of the Contact Seminar in Bled – Slovenia, on November 2004. After, he pointed out that we should learn with each other, seeing the differences. We, European citizens, have lots of things in common, as philosophical and historical backgrounds. Therefore, arousing curiosity is very important for the development of this project. At the end of the first year, students will be ambassadors of their schools in Odense – Denmark – and they can transmit their ideas by drama, pictures, paintings, sculptures, and other kind of performances. Mobility should involve students which have common characteristics, so it was decided that they shall be between 18 and 20 years old. During the meeting, Arno started a short discussion about students’ behaviour. All the countries involved said that they don’t have serious problems with behaviour. However, Scotland said that some young teenagers could not deal being in a class and they were not interested in classes at all. The teachers from Cadiz said that they had some problems in a project for youngsters. They were having a second chance but they didn’t take advantage of it, and most of them ended in the same place where they came from. After, Manuela, from Portugal, talked about the Portuguese expectations and she said that their main purpose was to involve students in this Project. Therefore, they want all the community to participate in the choice of the subject. They would like to begin 142
with a Prejudice Diagnostic, in order to check in which areas we are more prejudiced, how that prejudice comes out and the underlying reasons for it. It is of a great importance to analyse and justify the theme. Though, they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget that this is a common project. Once they are going to work in a partnership, they suggested the creation of a similar instrument which can compare and evaluate the different prejudices inside different countries. After the assessment process, each country could make an exhibition of its own reality. Simultaneously, they could ask if they have the same prejudices or if they are different. Portugal will share the diagnosis tool with the partners so they can adopt their idea in the second year of the project, if appropriate. The partners from Cadiz, Spain, informed that they will look at their own culture, geography, history and economy in order to create a webpage in Spanish. At the same time they will create an instrument for partners with this webpage. They will also take ideas from students on where prejudice exists within society. Slovenian partners talked about a presentation through their own prejudice about themselves. Slovenia may cooperate with Spain â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Linares - on prejudice in language learning, since they have the same ideas. Scottish partners explained that there would be a first year pilot. During that year students will work together in the Police course. They will find out their prejudices and change them if possible. Classes will work in groups to analyse strengths and weaknesses. To do so students may choose their tasks and allocate jobs. For example they can make a video or a calendar about stereotypes and prejudice. Scotland said it was very important to blend this project into the curriculum. Partners from Andalusia will analyse themselves and the environment around them through the language. They will have in consideration the immigrant population issue. At this point Spain and Portugal assumed they have the same survey and that students could develop that survey. Maybe the evaluation and the comparison of the activities in Portugal and Spain will be very useful. Prejudice related to language learning will also be explored. Denmark will use small groups. They have the idea of using drama as a way of presenting prejudices and of stimulating the discussion. They can also use videos. Germany will use two classes where they will discuss their prejudice and the question of the national identity. They want to connect the discussion with their prejudices and summarise them. This exploratory work will be used to check if it is
possible to deal with prejudice in a direct way. They want to question where prejudices come from and if there is any truth in the prejudices. At the end of the presentation of the expectations, the teachers summarised the most important issues. The key issue is the process, not the product. Each partner will begin an activity and then present it at the next meeting, to start the evaluation of the activities and to share experiences. In the third point of the agenda, it was decided that Germany had the responsibility of doing the website for this project. Before the next meeting, all the documents shall be prepared to be translated. The website shall be almost finished before the next meeting, which has been established to start on the second of February till the fifth of February, in Scotland. (With nothing else to add, it was considered closed the meeting whose minute will be read and signed by all the partners, in the terms of law.)
The second meeting in Greenock
Minutes Grundtvig 2 Project: Prejudice as a Path (PAP) Location: James Watt College of Further and Higher Education, Greenock, Scotland Dates:
Thursday, 2nd February – Sunday, 5th February, 2006
from Denmark:
Mogens Victor Andersen Susanne Holmstedt Jens Rasmussen
from Germany:
Sadia Awan (Student) Jasmine Brox (Student) Friedhelm Miebach Arno Zierk (Project Co-ordinator and Chairperson)
from Portugal:
Nathalie Ferret María Marqués Carla Monteiro
from Slovenia:
Špela Bešter Andrej Zavrl Darja Kovačič
from Scotland:
Anne Campbell Eileen Daly
from Cádiz, Spain:
Charo Mougan Margot Pérez
from Linares, Spain: Paul Mroček
Apologies from Pilar Anfruns (Linares, Spain) and Susan Wadsworth (Scotland).
Thursday, 2nd February: Project group members who had travelled via London arrived throughout the afternoon and early evening at James Watt College and settled into their accommodation at the college Halls of Residence, Waterfront Campus. The party from Alsfeld, Germany, had arrived the previous evening, having travelled via Prestwick.
That evening there was the opportunity to renew friendships and meet new faces at a welcoming dinner in the town of Greenock. Friday,3rd February:
1. The morning session took place at the collegeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Finnart Campus. Arno Zierk, Chairperson and Project Co-ordinator, welcomed the group. The aim of the Friday session was presentation of the website by the German students and progress reports from each of the participating schools/colleges.
2. Sadia Awan and Jasmine Brox, students from Max-Eyth-Schule, Alsfeld, gave a Powerpoint presentation on the website which they and two of their classmates have created for the project. They gave instructions regarding passwords and registration required for access to the website. For security reasons there will be a special area for teachers. The site address is . It should be available in one week. Should we require to make any changes to information on the website or add new materials we should contact SA or JB via email to Arno Z. Discussion followed regarding type of articles/information for website. Suggestions were: descriptions of lessons taught, lists of student groups, minutes of meetings, articles from local press regarding the project. All articles should be written using Word or Powerpoint. All pictures/photographs should be mailed separately. ED requested that instructions regarding the website and its use should be emailed to all partners. This was agreed. Partners to receive these instructions via Arno Z. Students should be encouraged to use the website. The creators of the site have included a forum. However the Portuguese representatives suggested that a chat room where students could meet and exchange views in real time might attract more interest from the students involved in the project. SA and JB stated that this might prove difficult to set up but that they would investigate the possibility of this type of communication. The issue of safety and security with regards chat rooms was raised by AC. Special attention would need to be paid to this. AC enquired about the possibility of posting video clips on the site. SA and JB will investigate this. Teachers thanked the students for their presentation and the good work that they have done so far.
1. Each project partner then proceeded to present a report on the activities which have been carried out thus far by their institution. a) Pombal, Portugal: María Marqués presented the Pombal report. She presented each member of the group with documentation relating to the work which has been going on in Pombal. This included: i) a questionnaire in which students had to reflect upon their attitudes towards 9 areas of society, study statements and circle 1,2,3 or 4. (1 =I disagree and 4 = I completely agree). The 9 areas were: The Handicapped The Gypsy population Immigrants Emigrants Homosexuality Women Religion Portugal and the Portuguese Town and country ii) an analysis of the questionnaire results iii) a timetable of activities resulting from the analysis. The questionnaire was issued to students aged 15-23 throughout the school. The sample covered students from all disciplines. The questionnaire was issued to both male and female students. 324 questionnaires were completed. Analysis of the results showed that i) prejudice relating to most of the 9 areas was moderate. ii)
that the degree of impreciseness amongst those questioned is high, exceeding 25% in option 2.
the main prejudices were related to 4 areas viz. the Handicapped, the Gypsy population, homosexuals and religion.
those questioned did not reveal obvious prejudice against emigrants, immigrants, women, the national issue or the town/country divide.
As a result of this analysis the Portuguese group have formulated a plan of activities to focus on the areas of religion, the Handicapped and the Gypsy population. These activities will be based on the idea of ‘knowing me, knowing you’. They will aim to use the students’ prejudices as a tool to enable them to get to know themselves better and to know and understand others. It is proposed to name this plan of activities ‘Identities’.
There followed a short discussion regarding one of the Portuguese projects which will involve gathering photographs etc to create a small exhibition to be held in the town of Pombal and will cover one of the areas dealt with in the questionnaire. MM expressed the Portuguese group’s desire to connect their students with students from the other countries. It was decided that the problem of how to connect the students would be an issue for the next working period. 147
The Chair congratulated the Portuguese group on the work done so far and asked the question why was there no apparent prejudice against immigrants or emigrants. MM stated that those questioned were too politically correct to express prejudice in these areas. Pombal has a high proportion of immigrants, in particular from France and Switzerland, among its population. She wondered if the results would be different if the survey were carried out in a different part of the country. Questions were asked regarding the Gypsy population in Pombal. MM stated that they were not well received in Pombal, that they are marginalised by the general population, but that they also tend to exclude themselves. The issue of education of Gypsy children was raised. In general they receive only a basic education. b) Linares, Spain: Paul Mroček presented the report from Linares. The Spanish and Portuguese students are already working together, emailing each other. The question of a chat room was raised again in that this might be better than email. There was also discussion about what the students actually talk about when they are emailing or speaking to each other. In Linares the teaching group of Upper Intermediate/Advanced English is aged 17+. In all work related to the project the teachers aim to exploit all 4 skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. For example questionnaires have led to group discussion about who the Spanish really are, followed by listening comprehension and then a writing task ‘What are we Spaniards really like?’ Discussions have lead to some interesting results – the good things about the Spanish are true and the bad things are false! In Linares they have also been using the DVD received from Slovenia. PM demonstrated how this was used in the English class. He showed the project members a worksheet which had been written to accompany the DVD. He pointed out an exercise in which the students have to match towns to countries. The results were not good and showed that there is great ignorance among students. The internet was also used eg to find information about Slovenia. PM recommended the use of the DVD to the project members as it is an interesting way for the students to learn about another country. He asked that each school/college should provide copies of a DVD about their country for the other members of the project by June or September. Linares also used an adapted version of the Portuguese questionnaire. The wording in section 8 was changed from Portugal to Spain. The questionnaire was issued to 16-20 year olds. Results are still being gathered and collated. However PM believes that when all the information is in and analysed the results will be similar to those of the Portuguese, in particular with regard to the attitudes towards gypsies. He also pointed out that, in recent years, immigration had increased dramatically in Spain – particularly from Ecuador, Morocco and Rumania. It will be interesting to see the results of the Immigration section. Conclusions drawn from all replies to the questionnaire should be ready for June and these will be presented on a graph. PM raised the possibility that some students may not have fully understood statements in the questionnaire given that they were in English. This may have an effect on results and conclusions. Linares has a population of 60,000 of which around 1,000 are of Pakistani origin. PM stated that given the difference in the size and nature of Linares and Pombal it would be interesting to compare the results from the two towns. 148
February – June: 1. Time will be spent preparing a video about the Spanish and their way of life. 2. Their will be a school trip to the town of Alcalá la Real which centuries ago was a border town between Arab and Christian Spain. The question will be raised - if Arab and Christian could live together then, why not now? 3. Useful textbooks: could there be an exchange of lists of useful texts? PM presented calendars with thought-provoking quotations to the members of the group. These may be useful for discussion groups. He also presented each member with a small gift symbolising the mining heritage of and the consequent multicultural background of the town of Linares. At this point the meeting broke for lunch which was served in the very pleasant surroundings of Ambition Restaurant. This is the training restaurant of James Watt College which is run by the lecturing staff and the students involved in the various Hospitality courses. Vice Principal of the College, Kathleen Taylor, joined the project members for a deliciously prepared lunch which was served very professionally by the young trainees. Lunch was followed by a coach tour of Greenock during which the group members were able to appreciate the spectacular views of the Firth of Clyde and, thanks to the very knowledgeable guides from Inverclyde Voluntary Tourist Group who accompanied the tour, learn something of the district of Inverclyde and its people, past and present. The tour ended with a visit to Inverclyde Municipal Buildings and the Council Chambers where the group members were warmly welcomed by Provost Ciano Rebecchi.
The group returned to James Watt College, Waterfront Campus. Presentations on activities in the various schools/colleges resumed. c) Alsfeld, Germany: Arno Zierk presented the information from Alsfeld. The teaching group, aged 17-20, was asked about stereotypes eg What is the stereotypical German? The answer? Beer-drinking, always complaining and has no sense of national pride. As far as knowledge of other countries is concerned there would appear to be much ignorance. To the German students Denmark was Legoland, no more, no less. The students seem only to have knowledge/opinions of countries they have visited on holiday and then only from a tourist perspective. This is worrying. Arno Z displayed a slide of a map of Europe which showed students’ impressions of which countries were similar to/different from Germany. The results have still to be collated. Information regarding stereotypes and prejudices should be used with students from another country. The question was again raised of the questionnaire that has already been used by Portugal and Spain being adapted for use with students in the other participating countries. It was proposed that this should be further discussed at the next day’s meeting. d) Kranj, Slovenia: Andrej Zavrl delivered the presentation for this group. He reminded us that in Kranj they teach 3 languages. The school has adult classes which are fee-paying and that the level of language is not very high. Therefore the project has to be introduced through language learning. In the school English, Spanish and German are taught. They set out with 2 goals in mind viz.
1. To find out what students thought of language learning by using questions such as: Is there a connection between the language and the people? Sample answers were Spanish is beautiful whereas German sounds harsh. What is the easiest language? What is the most difficult language?
2. To investigate stereotypes and prejudices. This is a work in progress. The investigation started with the students looking at their own attitudes to Slovenia and the Slovenes. Then they were asked the question what do other people eg Germans, Spanish, Croatians think of us? Their responses reveal more about themselves than anything else. An interesting lesson on the comparison of adjectives was used to elicit the students’ opinions of Slovenes and other nationalities. It would seem that the strongest prejudices are directed at groups we do not know.
Špela Bešter then gave a brief description of the work she has been doing with her class of beginners. SB explained that she uses a course book but that it is always possible to find, in the course book, material which can be exploited for the project eg texts, pictures. One of the first activities was to find out how to say ‘I love you’ in different languages. Another activity involved discussion of typical stereotypes and how other nations are perceived by the students. Any false misconceptions on the part of the students could be dealt with in discussion. The false impression that the students had of the English was quoted as an example. A homework activity was ‘What do you think foreigners would think of us, the Slovenes?’ SB gave another example of an activity in her classroom in which students are invited to invent slogans for the various capitals of the world. This is followed by discussion. SB stated that she finds there is always an opportunity to discuss prejudice. e) Odense, Denmark: Susanne Holmstedt and Jens Rasmussen talked to the group about the work that has been done so far with the Danish students. They had intended to show photographs however due to IT incompatibility this was not possible. The student group consists of 18 students, aged 18-20, who are 2 years into their training as carpenters. The students spent one day considering prejudice. These students are now back with their companies doing on-site training. However SH and JR intend to use the same group on their return to the school. The students were asked, “In general what do we have prejudices about?” One answer was artists and there followed lengthy class discussion on this point. The discussion then moved to prejudice in the workplace. The students spend much time on construction sites and it was noted that:
There was strong prejudice and criticism about other trades 1. There was prejudice against women being involved in their trade. They were surprised later to have their prejudices confronted by a young woman, fully qualified in their trade, and to hear her experience. 2. There was strong prejudice against foreigners in the workplace. However it should be noted that in reality the students knew only a few foreigners and they were okay because they knew them. It was the ones that they didn’t know that they said they were prejudiced against. This is much like the attitude of the Slovenian students. Photographs were taken of places in the town. Students were shown the photographs and asked questions such as: a) Would you go to this shop? b) Who would own it? They were shown pictures of a barber’s shop, a bike shop and a pizza parlour. They all said that such shops would be owned by Turks. They were then shown a picture of a boat. The students said that this would be owned by a Dane. Students were divided into 4 groups and asked what they knew about different countries and to make posters about the countries. The results were similar to those of Portugal and Spain in that the Danish students knew nothing about Slovenia. However they did know a lot about Scotland. As a result of this awareness raising the students are now keen to take part in the project. It was an enjoyable day.
f) Cádiz, Spain: Charo Mougan presented the work of her school. She stressed that the aim of what had been done so far was to serve as an introduction to the subject of Prejudice as a Path. Four class groups are involved in the 3 main activities and through these activities the aim is to achieve the 2 goals of: 1. Enabling the students to get to know themselves and other nationalities 2. Spreading the knowledge gained of other countries. Activity 1 – Reflection. In this activity students studied and analysed their region, town, where they are studying. This was followed by discussion and then students wrote about each point raised. Each student wrote about 2 pages. Activity 2 - The spreading of knowledge. To achieve this goal information about the project – this might on occasion be only one or two key words eg the name of the project – is put on the school noticeboard. The aim is to attract the students’ attention to the project, to make them curious so that they ask questions and will be encouraged to become involved. Each student attends only 2 days per week. With the aid of the noticeboard they can see that they are part of a bigger thing, part of Europe.
Activity 3 – Learning about others. The Cádiz students don’t know much about other countries. Therefore groups have been assigned countries and have had to find information about them eg. population, climate, economy, language. The students are now working on posters to reflect what they have learned.This section is not yet finished since the students have still to search the net for further information regarding schools. The students are interested in people not just an idea. The official Friday session of the meeting ended at 5.00pm to be reconvened at 9.30, Saturday, 4th February, 2006. Dinner that evening was in the pleasant surroundings of a local restaurant, this time in the smallest town of Inverclyde, Gourock.
Saturday, 4th February, 2006 James Watt College, Waterfront Campus, Greenock The second session of the meeting began at 9.30am. All members in attendance at Friday’s session attended the session on the Saturday. Chair, Arno Zierk. Agenda: 1. Greenock Presentation 2. To divide into sub-groups: Group A to discuss re-application form. Group B to discuss website and how to connect students. 3. As a whole group to discuss future plans 1. Greenock, Scotland: Anne Campbell gave a presentation of the work that has been going on in James Watt College. The project work is being piloted with the NC Access to Police class. The students on this course are well aware that they must eradicate prejudices if they are to proceed to police training. AC stated that their project work was available for viewing by members of the group. Project work with the class began with discussion. What impression did the students have of each country? Slovenia - They didn’t know where it was. Thought it sounded Russian. Spain - Spain meant tourist resorts, very football - focused. Denmark - Legoland, bacon and football. Portugal - Tourist resorts, football and golf. They had no typical stereotype for any of these countries. However for Germany the typical German was blond, tall, blue-eyed and arrogant. Also with regard to the country, they knew where it was and referred to it in terms of the history that they had learned at school. AC stated that there had been some interesting results from the discussion given that the class had not just discussed countries involved in the project. Discussion of other UK nations, of the Italians, French and Americans lead to stereotyping and the realisation that there were prejudices. AC stated that this exercise re-inforced the awareness of this student group of their particular need to move past these prejudices.
The next step in the project is to create video clips. AC asked if these and the project materials could go on the website. Arno Z enquired about the associations the students made with Germany. AC and ED gave a brief explanation of the place of 1939-45 European History in the Scottish Primary and Secondary Curriculum and offered that as a possible reason. It was also stated that there had been much about the period in recent years on film and TV. AC mentioned the fact that football plays an important part in the lives of many of the students. For example they were very familiar with Denmark although they had never been there. This interest in the country is fuelled by their interest in the Danish footballers who play or have played in this country. It was agreed that ignorance can play a part in prejudice. Within many of the countries there is a big divide in the situations and aspirations of the people. Many, because of their situation, have very narrow horizons. They are very insular in their outlook.
3. At this point the group divided into 2 sub-groups: Group A to discuss re-application form. Group B to discuss website; how to connect students and the methods to be used to confront them with their prejudices; to discuss the next meeting in Odense.
Group A: The group methodically worked its way through last yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s application form, discussed its content and noted any changes and/or amendments that were required for the re-application. Most changes were of a minor nature eg names/contact details of contact persons. It was decided to bring students to Kranj instead of Cadiz and to make the stay in Kranj four nights because of the involvement of the students. In order that Arno Z can complete the form and forward it to the participating schools/colleges it was agreed that ED would send minutes of this meeting to him on Monday, 6th February.
Group B: 1. Website and connecting students: Each school/college to ask for volunteers from the students to chat/work with students from other countries. Each school/college to name 2 student ambassadors asap for Denmark meeting. 2. Methods to be used: Each school/college to use the questionnaire, with suitable adaptions; to use the DVD, develop accompanying questionnaire and to obtain and disseminate DVD of own country. PMâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s questionnaire to be posted on website as example. MM to send excel spreadsheet with results to participating schools and colleges.
3. Preparations for Odense: Each school/college to prepare a song that everyone can share at the next meeting! What can students do in Odense? This should be based on the activities being carried out in each school/college between now and June. Activities Feb-Jun: Pombal - Work on the theme of violence Linares - Video Greenock - Video Kranj - Competition Cádiz - Nationality project Odense - Students not in college until September. Will inform project group. Alsfeld - to inform project group. Before the meeting closed partners were reminded that copies of all materials and reports are required for inclusion on the website. Arno Z to email project partners when the website is up and running. Project partners to email MA asap with numbers travelling to Odense so that appropriate accommodation can be booked. Arno Z thanked all partners for their participation and thanks were given to the Greenock partners for their hospitality and organisation. The meeting closed at 12.15. After lunch some of the group travelled to Edinburgh to spend a few hours enjoying the sights of the capital. However most opted to spend the afternoon in Glasgow, enjoying an interesting and ‘bracing’ tour of the city by open-top bus and then spending some time in the city centre. In the evening the whole group came together and enjoyed a very pleasant farewell dinner in the very European atmosphere of Princes Square in Glasgow city centre. Sunday, 5th February: Departure day for all groups apart from the Danish contingent. Members set out on their return journeys at various times throughout the day. The German group, who were travelling late, decided to spend the day in Glasgow before heading to Prestwick airport. The adventurous Danes hired a car and set out to discover Scotland! Monday, 6th February: Having returned safely from their adventure the Danish group set off after breakfast on what was to turn out to be a rather long return trip. The opinion of all the participants is that the time spent in Greenock by the group was productive, worthwhile and enjoyable.
The third meeting in Odense Minutes of Grundtvig 2: Prejudice as a Path (PAP) Location: Odense Technical College, Denmark Dates: 22-25 June 2006 Present:
Arno Zierk (project co-ordinator and chairperson) Kerstin Pfeiffer Victoria Eichler (student) Carina Buchenau (student) Sebastian Narz (student) Christian Keitzer (student)
Maria Manuela Marques Nathalie Ferret Carla Monteiro Marcos Moutinho (student) Lúcia Ferreira (student)
Eileen Daly Anne Campbell Steven Lamb Samantha Green (student) Ailie Henderson (student)
Darja Kovacic Andrej Zavrl Spela Bester Urska Potocnik (student) Helena Rotar (student)
Spain – Cadiz: Charo Rosario Mougan Rivero Auxiliadora Perez Arozena Ismael Romero Cruz (student) María Carrera Gonzalez (student) Spain – Linares: Pilar Anfrúns Guillen Paul Mroček Francisca Vargas Navarro (student) Manuel Jesús Rodríguez López (student) Emilio José Martínez Gómez (student) Denmark:
Mogens Victor Andersen Jens Rasmussen Susanne Holmstedt Henrik Madsen (student) Emil Olesen (student)
Thursday 22 June Welcome in Odense with presentation of delegates. Project co-ordinator Arno Zierk gave the historical background and status of the project followed by open discussion and introduction of student task. Friday 23 June Lecture on prejudice by Ole Stig Andersen (OSA) OSA started out by giving an example of prejudice from the newspaper. The chairman of the government’s integration council expressed strong prejudice against Muslims. He then proceeded to talk about how ideas change when they are transferred from mind to mind. Ideas are like genes; they spread, reproduce and change on their way. When an idea is presented followed by protests against this idea, the act of protesting against the idea will propagate the idea as it will not be allowed to be silenced. The protest itself will nurture the idea and bring it out in the open. Another example of basic prejudice is the slave trade: Unless certain people are presented as less valuable, less “human”, it is not possible to treat them as a commodity. Therefore people were divided into races of different value – homo sapiens as representative of the higher order and homo monstrosa as representative of man as beast. This trait is also present in the way the Russian authorities present Chechnya and its inhabitants in the news; it is necessary to stereotype people there in order to be able to conduct war on the civilians in Chechnya. OSA claims that we need prejudice because of our background, living as primitive man on the savannas and in the forests. We needed to react quickly on the basis of too little information in order to survive because we were considered food by the predators of that age. Prejudice makes it possible for somebody to know something about a subject about which you have never heard.
The teachers’ meeting Planning of the next meetings in Germany (16-19 November 2006), Slovenia (March 2007) and Spain – Cadiz (21-24 June 2007). The teachers debated the course of the project, and some expressed frustration about the lack of debate on the subject of prejudice in the project. In the different countries people are more concerned about local prejudice than prejudice about the other participating countries. An idea would be to place teaching materials on the project homepage so ideas and materials can be shared by all participants. It is not possible to transfer everything but some materials could act as inspiration for other participants. That would perhaps lead to more co-ordination between the meetings so there could be a common goal. For another project it would be desirable to have more student involvement, also at an earlier stage so the students could interact during the project and not just at the conclusion of the project. It would be easier to maintain the motivation to work in the project.
The co-ordinators’ meeting The co-ordinators prepared the final report of the first year for the project as a whole. National reports should also be prepared. Arno Zierk emphasized that this Grundtvig 2-project already has achieved good results despite the present frustrations and in the ensuing debate, he pointed out that uniformity was not a goal for the project. In another project it would perhaps be possible to include exchange students so the students would know more about each other than they do in the present project. For the second year, it is good that the students meet already at the second meeting (in Slovenia) because they can pass on their experience to each other before they finish the school year at the national colleges. Subjects for the meeting in Germany: Planning of the rest of the year Presentation of results from August-November 2006 Exchange of ideas Homepage development Theoretical lectures/workshop on prejudice The goals we want to work towards: Local prejudice will be most important to many participants Our starting point should be the occupational choice of the students – their future jobs Maybe a few colleges could co-operate on exchanging ideas about local prejudice – perhaps sending DV-recordings to the other participants
The students’ task The students were divided into small groups with representatives from 3-4 colleges in each. Their task was to learn about each other, to discover any prejudice, to relate a first-hand experience of the Danes in Odense and to learn a few words in one of the other languages. The results were presented at the session the next day. Friday 24 June Presentation of results from each group Spain – Linares: Linares had used the questionnaire developed by the Portuguese, and the students presented the results – showing that there was no prejudice in any form in connection with either of the subjects mentioned in this. See PowerPoint presentation. They had also made a film which they presented at the meeting. Portugal: Portugal had used the questionnaire, and the results showed prejudice against the handicapped, gypsies, immigrants and women.
They had arranged a photo exhibition and handed out a brochure at this session that had been made in connection with the exhibition. Students from the college had participated in interviews to reflect on the photos, and the project participants saw a film that had been made of the interviews. The film was done in order to raise awareness on the subject. An anthropologist had been invited to give a lecture on the subject of prejudice with both positive and negative reactions from the students. Slovenia: Slovenia had used the questionnaire and presented the results, which showed little prejudice among the Slovenes. The students presented a project that dealt with prejudice about different regions of Slovenia. The PAP-participants learned about general characteristics of the different regions of Slovenia and how these regions are perceived on other parts of the country. Furthermore this study revealed that prejudice against the rest of the former republic of Yugoslavia is prevalent. Scotland: The group of students that had participated in the project was a preliminary class of police candidates. They had worked with stereotypes as an important element of their education to raise awareness of their own prejudice on the subject. They had worked with attitudes among the Scots in general and their own in particular. They related some typical perceptions about Scotland to the rest of the PAPparticipants. Some of their work had dealt with attitudes and prejudice against foreigners but also towards other Scots. Spain â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Cadiz: Cadiz had used the questionnaire from Portugal and presented an analysis of the results. Furthermore they presented the results from an interview with a Russian girl. They had worked with knowledge of the other participating countries through diverse activities, producing posters, working with provocative questions and dealing with news from the newspaper. Denmark: Denmark is in the middle of gathering results from the questionnaire from Portugal but has not received all the responses yet so the final results will be presented at the meeting in Germany. Ole Stig Andersen was invited to the meeting as a part of the proposal for the PAPmeeting.
It had been necessary to find another group of students for the meeting in Odense and for the subsequent meetings due to the alternate training of the Danish students, which meant that the first participants were unavailable for the rest of the meetings. Therefore the students who attended the meeting in Odense had only been part of the project for a short period of time and had not had time to prepare material on their own. Germany: Germany is in the middle of a process so does not have that many results to report. Much energy has been spent on the homepage, however, and the PAP-participants were introduced to the preliminary work. Everybody was instructed about the forum and how to register and create a new user. Texts and photos can be sent to the webmaster (address on the homepage). New items on the menu will be teaching materials and presentations (from the session in Odense). Photos should be separated from the text and should be sent in the format .jpg. Do not send .pdf files, partly because of the length and partly because of subsequent inability to edit the texts. Preferred formats are .doc and .rtf. Session finished at 15.00 on 24 June. Return journeys of participants on 25 June.
The fourth meeting in Alsfeld Minutes Grundtvig 2 Project: Prejudice as a Path (PAP) Location: Max-Eyth-Schule, Alsfeld, Germany Dates:
Thursday, 16th November – Sunday, 19th November, 2006
from Denmark:
Mogens Victor Andersen Susanne Holmstedt
from Germany:
Arno Zierk (Project Co-ordinator and Chairperson) Kerstin Pfeiffer Klaus Schache
from Portugal:
María Marqués
from Slovenia:
Andrej Zavrl Darja Kovačič
from Scotland:
Anne Campbell Eileen Daly
from Cádiz, Spain:
Charo Mougan Carlos Garrastazul Sánchez Virginia Macías
from Linares, Spain: Paul Mroček Rosa Corredera
Apologies from Pilar Anfruns (Linares, Spain), Nathalie Ferret and Carla Monteiro (Pombal, Portugal), Špela Bešter (Kranj, Slovenia) and Claudia Benesch (Alsfeld, Germany).
Thursday, 2nd February: Project group members arrived throughout the afternoon and evening and settled into their accommodation at the Hotel Klingelhöffer, Alsfeld. In the evening there was the opportunity to renew friendships and meet new faces at the first session and welcoming dinner in the hotel. PAP Session 1: Arno Zierk welcomed group members, old and new, to Alsfeld. Susanne Holmstedt and Mogens Andersen would arrive later that evening. AZierk had organised a light-hearted introduction to the German language in which everyone
participated with varying degrees of success. There followed a discussion of the programme for this Alsfeld meeting. As a result of a request at the Odense meeting a workshop would take place on the Saturday afternoon. It was hoped that material from this workshop could be used with students in class. María Marqués had previous requested that there be a session on Religion and Prejudice. There would be a session on this on Saturday morning led by Klaus Schache, a teacher of Religion at MES. Timetable for Friday was discussed and agreed. A question which had been asked in Odense was discussed viz Can we define our ultimate aim and how do we achieve it? The issue of employing a variety of approaches or a singular approach was raised and opinions shared. A. Zierk stated that the use of diverse approaches might make for more difficulty in producing statistical results. However by using a variety of approaches we are likely to find more examples of best practice. Also each institution has a different type of student and this defines the type of work which can be done by each partner in the project. Paul Mroček stated that good work had been done during the first year of the project but that a more coordinated approach was required in this second year eg a joint project. He quoted the joint project of Linares and Kranj. Could this be extended in some way to involve the other partners? Charo Mougan expressed similar aspirations. Anne Campbell stressed the need to have a definite common target for all students who would be attending the Kranj meeting. It was generally agreed that although variety was desirable there should be more commonality and more of a collaborative approach and that this discussion and discussion of the meeting in Kranj would continue at the next session. AZierk raised the question of what happens once the project is completed. Danish students had gone to Greenock during the summer. The group should be looking to form lasting links eg student/institution exchanges. Before closing this first session AZierk reminded the group of the importance of informal discussion between group members. This would enhance the discussions at formal meeting sessions. The session closed at 20.05 and was followed by dinner.
Friday, 17th November: 1.The morning session began with a tour of Max-Eyth-Schule. Project members met and talked with students and teaching staff. An interesting and enjoyable nationality stereotypes exercise was carried out in a Politics class. 2. Following this, project partners then proceeded to present a report on the activities which have been carried out thus far by each institution. Greenock: AC explained the NC Police Course. She explained that this year’s students have been working together now for twelve weeks. They have constructed questionnaires, interviewed people and filmed the results. Discussions have taken place within the college to include Media Studies students in any future activity which involves filming. This would result in a more professional video and spread awareness of the project within the college. Alsfeld: Kerstin Pfeiffer stated that the classes she had worked with were not at school now. Some students had left and she was looking for a new class with which to do the project. School examinations are causing a problem in this regard.
KP stated that in Alsfeld the theme which had been used in class was that of Migrants. AZierk had used the film, “Jacob, the Liar” to provoke discussion. There had been discussion on prejudice because of religion – Islamophobia. The Religious Education teacher is working on a project and KP and AZierk wanted PAP students to be involved in this. They hope to be able to create a presentation from this for the meeting in Slovenia. Odense: Susanne Holmstedt said that she has started with a small group of students but has not had a lot of time with them. In her English class she is using texts which deal with different types of prejudice. Students will be making individual Powerpoint presentations about two subjects of prejudice. Mogens Andersen has found what could be a useful resource on the Net – the Implicit Association Test. He still has to see how it works in practice. He will find the web address and pass information on to project members. The film, “The Full Monty” is to be shown to students to elicit examples of prejudice. Kranj: The teachers are trying to integrate activities into their language teaching, to collate these materials and make them available to other members of the project. The fact that they finished in June and did not start classes again until October means that there is not much to report. Darja Kovačič stated that the group from Kranj is interested in how to deal with prejudice and not just how to recognise it. She views prejudice as a real problem at present in Slovenia. There then followed some discussion about the fact that not everything that is bad is prejudice; that what is concerning DK could better be termed as cultural conflict to which this group has no answer. Pombal: The group is preparing some things. María Marqués described a project , not part of Grundtvig 2, in which the school is involved along with the town council. The school is trying to form a class for Gypsy girls. This class would take place once a week for one hour. It would revolve around literacy and childcare. In return it is hoped that those involved will learn more of Gypsy culture. The planned order of activities in Pombal is changing. The questionnaires showed prejudice with regards religion. The group is trying to think of a different way of working with this problem. They do not want to have another lecture as they did on violence. They are planning a “street” interactive drama performance which will deal with the reactions of the public to handicapped people. Linares: Paul Mroček passed on best wishes to the group from Pilar Anfruns. He then presented each group with a copy of the DVD, “My Name is Papy.” This was the short film that had been made by the Linares group about prejudices. Four weeks ago they began a film season which will run until May. The school has secured an agreement with the local cinema which enables English language students to view a number of films (eg Bend it with Beckham, My Big Fat Greek Wedding and Bridget Jones’ Diary) which deal with prejudices and there will be follow-up activities. PA and Rosa Corredera are having a series of discussion with the advanced students about male/female stereotypes. They are collecting pieces of writing which may be used in the future. The school in Linares will soon celebrate its 15th anniversary and as part of the celebration work has begun to organise an event to which the school will invite famous people from the region to speak to the students about their experiences abroad. The school is looking for sponsorship for the event and it is hoped that there will be press coverage. One year ago the group began collecting cuttings from the local press about prejudices. The aim was to see how the press dealt with the groups mentioned in the original questionnaire. The group is now sorting out these cuttings. Students will study
them to find key phrases. There is the possibility of creating an exhibition in school from this exercise. The end product will be filmed for the Slovenia meeting. PM then spoke of 3 ideas. 1. To create sketches about daily situations in which prejudice arises. Students will be asked to write the sketches. The best sketch from each level will be chosen and students could perform their sketch in school in English. 2. To prepare a “web quest”, a treasure hunt on the Net. PA and PM have attended a course on this subject. The advantage of a web quest would be its availability to everyone. 3. There is a problem in getting students involved in the project because of the limited time they spend at the language school. Along with the group from Kranj, Linares would like to create board game about prejudice. Cádiz: Virginia Macías said that her students, aged 18-40, have a poor level of knowledge of cultures. Charo Mougan provided the group with a list of planned project activities for this year at the school in Cádiz. 1. In the school there is to be an exhibition of cartoons about prejudice. A local cartoonist is to prepare 20 cartoons eg about immigrants, women, gays etc. The aim is to make students think about prejudice and form opinions. The cartoonist will come to the school to discuss the drawings and their meanings with the students. 2. A magazine will be produced by the students. This will include: a) information about PAP and PAP partners b) Interviews about different groups in society c) The cartoons from the exhibition and ones drawn by the students d) Reviews of films about prejudice which will have been viewed by the students e) News items 3. a) b) c) d)
Lectures and workshops. Topics to include: Immigration today and the reality in Cádiz Gays and Lesbians Women and the problems they experience today Europe and its diversity
AZierk thanked partners for their reports. He stated that now what needed be done was to find a common point. Informal discussions should revolve around this matter. Key areas to be discussed were: 1. How to deal with prejudice 2. Is it prejudice or truth? Who defines what is truth? 3. Exchange of culture to change points of view 4. Stereotypes as part of the development of society 5. Unwillingness of young people to move out of their own environment With this, the afternoon session was brought to a close. The group then made its way to the centre of the town of Alsfeld where they were given an interesting and informative guided tour of the town. Evening session, 6.30-8.00, Hotel Klingelhöffer: AZierk opened this session, which was to centre on discussion common aims and approaches.
1. It was agreed that each partner should produce a toolkit of materials which would include instructions for use eg hard and cd copies of materials (translations should be available in English)/target groups. Materials which have already been produced include: Questionnaires, DVDs of participating countries, exhibition details (Pombal), Powerpoint presentation presentation (Kranj), short film (Linares), film and reports (Greenock). These materials and others should be brought to the meeting in Kranj. 2. The theoretical background to the project. It was suggested by AZierk and MA that a collection of essays should be created. Project members would aim to write down their experiences. There followed much discussion on this matter. Some members expressed concern. Others were quite positive. AZierk stated that this would be a form of evaluation. We are working on attitudes and therefore it is difficult to evaluate the effect of the project. This would be a way to document the work of the group, a subjective evaluation. AC agreed with AZierk that it would be a qualitative rather than a quantitive evaluation. Andrej Zavrl said that the forum on the website had not taken off and that some other way of communication/discussion among teachers of the project was required. The following members agreed to produce pieces of writing on topics for the webpage. It is hoped that these writings will provoke discussion. MA – Awareness among teachers of prejudice DK – Prejudice as a mirror KP and AC – Face to face contact and the changing of ideas MM – Who am I to judge other people’s prejudices? There then followed much discussion about the date of the Kranj meeting. It was finally agreed that the group should meet in Kranj 7-11th March, 2007. The Cádiz meeting would be 21-24th June, 2007. Information about numbers travelling to Kranj should be sent to DK by 15th December, 2006. KP expressed concern that there had been very little discussion about what students would do in Kranj. It was agreed that one hour would be set aside during the Saturday session to discuss this issue. Return travel arrangements were checked for the group and the session closed at 8.00pm. Saturday, 18th November: The day’s session began with a presentation by Klaus Schache, Religious Education teacher at MES, about a project planned for next year’s European Day. This project will involve representatives from all main religions. The project is being planned to address the following: • 32 different nations are represented at the school. Therefore it can be assumed that there is a variety of religions represented. • Religion does not play a big role in the school. • Islam is now heard of more in the media. • In lessons KS sees students concentrating more on the differences between Islam and ‘Islamism’. • That fear may be a motive for nationalism and/or racism. • To create a bridge within the school between the different religions and also to gain insight into the attitudes of the different religious groups and national groups. • To find similarities between religions.
It is to be hoped that participating students will gain knowledge of themselves and their own culture and as a consequence they will find themselves more open to and ready to benefit from other cultures. A question and answer session followed the presentation. KS was thanked for his interesting presentation and invited to participate in the rest of the day’s activities. The second session of the morning was devoted to discussing the meeting in Kranj. There was lively discussion regarding what students should do both in Kranj and in the run-up to the meeting. The question was: given that there is the one aim should there be a singular approach or is it better to have diversity? It was agreed by all that there would be a rotating programme of activities, but what would those activities be? Suggestions: a) AC and KP suggested that there should be interactive workshops. It was acknowledged that there would always be a language problem but that that should not prohibit such exercises. KP would prepare a half-day exercise for Kranj. b) Ice-breakers, as had been used successfully at the Odense meeting. c) That the students should explore Kranj for a half-day in mixed groups. d) PM stated that given there was to be commonality that would allow for presentations by the different student groups. He questioned why the Danish and German students should not have something to present at the end of the year. This was discussed at length. It was generally agreed that presentations need not and should not revolve around “What we have done: here are the statistics and results etc …” . Students could present formally or informally their own experience of the project. The presentation should not be a threatening experience for any student. The discussion resulted in the following agreed proposals for the Kranj programme: • Role play, half-day session. • Exploration of Kranj, half-day session. • Rotating workshops/presentations/sharing of experiences, half-day session. • Presentation of materials, length of session to be agreed. AZierk requested that all information re materials and presentations should be sent to him by 20 February, 2007. • CM suggested ‘choice activities’ work groups. PM agreed to be responsible for the coordination of this. PM then led a brain-storming session for activities to be offered in the choice activities sessions in Kranj. The following suggestions are a result of this session. • Sketches • Songs • Poems • Creating newspaper headlines • Posters • Storyboard. This would involve photography. Availability of camera and printing facilities was discussed. • Board game • Miming • Consequences • Film viewing and discussion
• • • •
Creating a trivia questionnaire Creating game/reality show Treasure hunt Shooting a film
All partners should consider the development of an idea and send their thoughts to PM. KP suggested that an international buffet might be an event which would bring the different groups together. KP also suggested thst since time was running short the viewing and trial of the ‘Implicit Association Test’ could become a common activity which could be carried out back home in each institution. Doing it this way could produce a good set of results. It was agreed that the test would be trialled in Odense. Three subjects would be trialled and access information e-mailed to all partners. The number of students involved in each institution would be at that institution’s disgression. Travel details given the day before were confirmed and the morning session closed at 13.00. After lunch at MES, overseen by Chef de cuisine, AZierk, there was a workshop from 14.00-18.30 which dealt with cultural awareness and prejudice:practical methods and approaches. The workshop leaders were Ute Helfried and Nazli Doğan. The group met for the closing dinner at 20.00 at the Hotel Klingelhöffer. AZierk, in closing the Alsfeld meeting, thanked all participants for their hard work and enthusiasm and looked forward to meeting again in Kranj. Project members departed for their various hometowns throughout the morning of Sunday, 19th November.
The fifth meeting in Kranj Minutes Grundtvig 2 Project: Prejudice as a Path (PAP) Location: Kranj, Slovenia Dates:
Wednesday, 7th – Sunday, 11th March, 2007
from Denmark:
Teachers: Susanne Holmstedt Mogens Victor Andersen Students: Jonas Helweg-Mikkelsen Emil Olesen
from Germany:
Teachers: Arno Zierk (Project Co-ordinator and Chairperson) Klaus Schache Students: Lydia Stach Melanie Braunert Alexander Machnjew Markus Kröll
from Portugal:
Teachers: María Marqués Carla Monteiro Students: Fábio Daniel da Costa Pedrosa
from Slovenia:
Teachers: Darja Kovačič Špela Bešter Andrej Zavrl Students: Eva Dezman Andreja Rant
from Scotland:
Teachers: Anne Campbell Eileen Daly Students: Ruairidh Aitken Michael McCabe
from Cádiz, Spain:
Teachers: Charo Mougan Virginia Macías Students: Laura Verdejo Ana María Mauyet
from Linares, Spain: Teachers: Pilar Anfruns Paul Mroček Rosa Corredera Students: Manuel Jesús Rodríguez López Apologies from Nathalie Ferret (Pombal, Portugal).
Wednesday, 7th March: Project group members arrived throughout the afternoon and evening and settled into their accommodation at the Hotel Creina, Kranj. In the evening there was the opportunity to renew friendships and meet new people at dinner in the hotel and then at the first session at the Ljudska univerza Kranj. PAP Session 1: Arno Zierk and Darja Kovačič welcomed group members, teachers and students, to LUK, Kranj. The Spanish party would arrive later in the evening. Due to a prior commitment Mogens Andersen would not arrive until Friday. Discussion of the programme for this Kranj meeting was followed by a visit to an English Language class which was being taught that evening by Špela Bešter. Here PAP students and teachers had the opportunity to meet and converse with the Slovenian adult students. This was lively and enjoyable session thanks, in no small measure, to the enthusiasm and interest shown by Danish student, Jonas. The evening was brought to a close with an International Buffet. As requested each national group had brought along some typical food and/or drink from their country. Thursday, 8th March: 1.The morning session began at LUK with various ‘ice breaker’ exercises. a) International Guessing Game. Each group of teachers had brought items associated with their country. Students had to match the items with the country. Portugal came out top, with 100% correct. Scotland came last with a score of 50%. b) AZierk then organised the Meier Game, a ‘Who am I?’ game, in order to form the international groups in which the students would work for the rest of the time in Kranj. c) Albatross Island. Teachers and students participated in this game about a hidden island, with a hidden culture, in which the participants are scientists. d) An Impressions exercise. Participants were divided into two groups. Each group was given a picture which they were asked to study. The aim of the game was to show how we can be manipulated in as much as we see what we expect to see. Therefore we should be prepared to go beyond first impressions. e) The participants then viewed three sketches about prejudice from Mogens Andersen. 2. The second half of the morning saw the beginning of the Students’ Presentations: a) Portugal: The Portuguese group presented a DVD which they had developed and filmed in Pombal entitled, “My difference makes me feel far away from you.” It centred on the notion of exclusion and showed the difficulties faced by people with physical handicaps. This was followed by a question and answer session and then a game in which all participants were handicapped in some way and therefore cooperation was necessary to achieve a common goal. Each national group was issued with a copy of the Portuguese DVD.
b) Germany: In Alsfeld the German students had participated in dialogues about religions, anti-conflict training and meditation. Their presentation included an account of the Day of Religions which was held in their school during which students thought about and discussed Judaism, Islam and Christianity. c) Scotland: The two Scottish students presented the DVD ‘Stereotypes in Society’ developed and filmed by students involved in the project. The DVD raised the questions, “What is your opinion?” and “Who or what forms that opinion?” 3. The afternoon and evening were spent in the capital, Ljubljana. This began with an interesting guided walking tour of the city, followed by some free time to explore. In the evening the group ate together in a local restaurant and the evening was rounded off with an international music concert. Friday, 9th March: The morning session began at LUK with more presentations about the work which had been going on in the national groups. Cádiz, Spain: CM and VM gave an account of the activities in which their students had been involved since the last meeting in Alsfeld. a) There had been a lecture on homosexuality. b) Students had viewed and discussed the film ‘Northern Country’, the true story of a mining family in 1980’s USA. c) Time had been spent listening to and studying and discussing songs of different genres eg reggae, hip hop. d) Cartoons, eg commenting on violence, had been collected and students’ reaction to these had been discussed. An exhibition of cartoons would be held in April. The cartoons would be disseminated to the other national groups. e) A literary contest had been organised. All students in the school had been invited to write a short story about prejudice. The best story would be published in the school’s Prejudice magazine in May. f)
Work is continuing on the Prejudice magazine.
Linares, Spain: RC showed a series of photographs depicting the progress of the different PAP activities in which the Linares students and teachers are involved. a) Exhibitions: posters in English, French, German and Spanish were hung throughout the school to arouse the curiosity of the students. b) Film viewing: Films about various types of prejudice had been viewed by students. Follow-up activities were created to allow discussion post-viewing. c) Webquest. The Linares group is working on a webquest about PAP which they aim to publish. d) Brainstorming session and teacher discussions about eg immigrants/the disabled/women/police. RC also mentioned that in addition to the above activities individual teachers were also trying to incorporate the idea of PAP in their day to day lessons.
Further information was then given about the Webquest. Participants viewed the introduction and instructions for its use. Webquest group tasks were also shown eg 1. To find out what the project is about. 2. To find out about the institutions involved. 3. To search for information about the countries. 4. To choose from a list of prejudice topics and prepare a chart with positive and negative aspects. The Webquest also includes resources and reference links and a section on evaluations. There are peer group evaluation guidelines and students can also be evaluted by the teacher. Project Implicit is included in the Webquest to enable the student to discover what, if any, prejudice he/she may have. To play the Webquest institutions should download JCLIC Player. To create download JCLIC Author. Work regarding Webquest is on-going. Following the presentations from Spain there was a lively open-air role-play activity session based on Managing Conflict. This activity was led by the German group. The aim of the session was to demonstrate how to intervene in potentially violent situations without causing the violence to escalate. After such physical exertions food and drink was necessary. A tasting of Spanish cuisine followed. Before the close of the morning session a journalist from a local paper interviewed the Project Coordinator, the Slovene Coordinator and one student. A photograph was taken of the group for publication in the local press. Before lunch AZavrl led the group in an interesting walking tour of the town of Kranj . After lunch students and teachers went their separate ways. The students participated in planned group activities, led by PM, in LUK and the town of Kranj. The teachers met to discuss planning and the final report. Teachers’ meeting: 1. It was agreed that the final meeting would take place in Cádiz 21-24 June. MM raised the question of students going to Cádiz. AZ stated that there would be no special student programme since it was intended to be a meeting for teachers but Portugal could bring a student if they wish. 2. Plans for the remainder of the project: Slovenia: There would be development of language learning activities related to the project. The group is in the process of setting up a website to include these activities. The languages would be Slovenian and English. Scotland: Project staff are not involved with the students during the last term. The students will have moved on to a different part of their NC course. Staff will compile materials used and developed in Greenock during the course of the project to form a toolkit.
Linares, Spain: The school will continue to develop the plans already mentioned viz the exhibition and webquest. Cádiz, Spain: Their exhibition and magazine will be completed in May. Portugal: a) The project dealing with religion and with homosexuality will be finished. NF is currently working on a guide to this. b) Students will be producing cartoons. c) Staff may decide to share the essays with certain students in English classes. d) Staff are considering contacting a TV station with a view to getting a video/documentary about Islam which they could explore with the students. Denmark: SH developed materials but has had very few students to use it with. Therefore her aim is to use the materials with a wider audience at the school. The group will also continue using the Implicit Test. Germany: a) The situation here is similar to Scotland. Examination is approaching and students will be leaving school. b) KS considered attempting once more to make a film but is unsure. c) AZ plans to collect all the materials that have been produced and used by all of the groups throughout the project. This would include eg essays, teaching and learning materials with instructions, presentations. This will involve work for the rest of the project members. Project members should send their collated work in paper form, including any photographs and brief descriptions, and on CD/DVD. Each piece of material should contain a short introduction. Printing and copying costs for the collected materials could be met by Alsfeld, the coordinating institution. Re the sending of materials to AZ: • Up to 2G of material can be sent via e-mail • Films are better sent by post There was discussion re the title page for the collected work. AZ requested copies of the films, DVDs and presentations shown during the meeting in Kranj. Greenock and Cádiz would send copies. CM gave AZ a CD of all Cádiz project activities, years 1 and 2 of the project. PA gave AZ a booklet of newspaper articles. What could be done ‘Post - PAP’? • There followed some discussion regarding applying for a new project in 2008 for the following year. AZ suggested that those interested in participating in future projects should apply for a Contact Seminar. Dates of these seminars and the topics being covered can be found on on the National Agencies’ web pages. Participants in contact seminars do not go along with definite project ideas and it is a plus to have had experience of another project. •
There was positive discussion about possible student exchanges and placements following the project.
This meeting closed at 16.00 While the teachers were holding their meeting the students participated in and reported back on various planned activities viz: 171
1. In their 4 Meier families the students carried out a ‘Prejudice’ questionnaire/survey of passers-by in the town of Kranj. In addition to carrying out the survey students were given the ‘fun’ task of purchasing an item/items for less than 10 cents and to get a receipt. Undoubtedly the winners of the purchasing task were Family 1 who negotiated a reduction in the price of a packet of tissues! 2. Workshops: Students spent 30 minutes on an acitvity and then moved to another. No two students from the same country were in a group. a) Job application/interview role play: Students were given a scenario and information about job applicants. They had to choose the most suitable candidate. b) Male/Female stereotypes: Students matched descriptions to characters in films or TV series. c) Nationalities: Students matched comments to the nationalities. d) WebQuest: It was pointed out by the organising team from Linares that a WebQuest is something which should be done over a period of time. This activity on Friday, 9th March was just to give students a taste of what a webquest is. The students themselves found that the links in the webquest were quite useful but in 30 minutes it was very difficult. It was noted that this activity could be helpful in English classes. AZ closed the official session of the seminar. He thanked PA, PM, AZavrl and the students for their hard work and effort in the planned activities. He thanked DK and her team for the organisation of the time in Kranj and their hospitality. He then asked each student for one word to evaluate the seminar. Typical answers were: great, interesting, perfect, cool, new experience (that’s two words!) and excellent.
Saturday, 10th March: A very interesting and enjoyable touristic day was organised by DK. ED was very pleasantly surprised by the birthday wishes sung to her in all the languages of the project and the gifts she received from the group and thanked everyone. The group spent the morning at the Postojna Caves and then made their way to the seaside resort of Piran where the seminar closed with an enjoyable meal in a restaurant by the sea. Sunday, 11th March: Project members departed for their various hometowns throughout the day. Those leaving on later flights took the opportunity to visit Lake Bled before leaving Slovenia.
Minutes Grundtvig 2 Project: Prejudice as a Path (PAP) Location: Cádiz, Spain Dates:
Thursday, 21st – Sunday, 24th June, 2007
from Denmark:
Mogens Victor Andersen Susanne Holmstedt
from Germany:
Kerstin Pfeiffer Klaus Schache Arno Zierk (Project Co-ordinator and Chairperson)
from Portugal:
Cândida Isabel de Andrade Alves María Marqués
from Scotland:
Anne Campbell Eileen Daly
from Slovenia:
Luka Kürner
from Cádiz, Spain:
Charo Mougan
from Linares, Spain: Pilar Anfruns Rosa Corredera Paul Mroček
Apologies from Nathalie Ferret and Carla Monteiro (Pombal, Portugal) and Darja Kovačič (Kranj, Slovenia).
Thursday, 21st June: Most project group members arrived throughout the afternoon and settled into their accommodation at the Hotel de Francia y París, Cádiz. Because of the timing of flights the Danish and Scottish parties had arrived the previous evening. On the Thursday evening at a dinner in a local restaurant Arno Zierk and Charo Mougan welcomed group members to Cádiz. Friendships were renewed and the planned agenda was informally discussed.
Friday, 22nd June: AZ officially opened the meeting and CM welcomed group members to the Instituto Profesional de Formación de Adultos (I.P.F.A.), Cádiz. The programme for the day was discussed. Then AZ spoke of the objectives of this, the final project meeting.
Evaluation of the project and preparation of the final report. To achieve this: (i) The group as a whole would discuss the book documenting PAP activities and materials. (ii) Coordinators would then meet to discuss the Partnership report, while the other group members would discuss the good and bad points of the project.
To discuss how to continue and build on the work of the project after these two years of funding.
(i) AZ issued draft copies of the ‘PAP Book’ to group members. The Alsfeld group, as coordinating partner, has sufficient funds to pay for the printing of the book. Regarding costs 100 copies would be 1.000€. If more copies were needed the cost would have to be shared among the partners. AZ then took members through the book and invited comments. Some errors were pointed out eg ‘Linares Questionnaire’ to be changed to ‘Pombal Questionnaire’ and ‘Violence and Prejudice’ appeared twice. Some spelling errors were also noticed eg on pages 4,5 and121. The group discussed what was missing from the document. RC stated that Linares material and activities still had to be included. They had prepared a dossier of materials which had been used in Kranj and the activities that had taken place in the school eg the exhibition. AZ reminded everyone that he could only accept work in pdf or Word. The Linares group stated that a part of their material was a program for creating activities and this could not be written in pdf. It was suggested that a short description of this particular material could be included in the final document. The Linares group would look at their materials to decide what should be included in the final document. MM pointed out that her essay, plus the Portuguese work on religion, which included two films, still had to be included. SH gave AZ two CDs with photos from all the meetings. She invited him to choose which ones should be included in the final document. Also regarding articles in local press she enquired as to whether the Kranj article had been published. LK would check with DK on his return to Kranj. AZ thought it better to keep local press articles for inclusion in the National reports. KP said that the German translation of the Papy film should be removed in the interests of quality. This was agreed. ED said she would provide the Scottish material still outstanding viz the students’ presentation and the role-play activity from Kranj. AZ said that students’ reflections have not yet been received. These ‘reflections’ did not need to be written in English. Students could express themselves better in their own language. He informed the group that acceptable formats were doc/rtf/odt. With the exception of the Portuguese the group accepted the paper version of the document. MM stated that her group was not keen on a printed version of the document. They would prefer a digitized version. AZ stated that all partners would receive the book/document in both formats. 174
There followed discussion regarding the films/DVDs produced by various partners. It was decided there should be a list of contacts in the book for those interested in obtaining copies. AZ pointed out that the films are too large to be included on the web page and furthermore the page would only be on-line until November. AZ asked LK if he would give advice at the next day’s session regarding reducing the films so that they could go on the web page. A deadline of 30th June was set for inclusion of materials. A copy of the document would be sent to Kranj for their approval. AC volunteered to proof read the final draft of the ‘PAP Book’. AZ will send her the draft on CD. AZ raised the question of copyright. He checked with CM and MM that there was not a problem with the pictures used in their projects. CM and MM confirmed that there was no problem. There then followed a short break during which the group was officially welcomed to Cádiz and to I.P.F.A. by the Principal of the school, D. Celso Laviades Alvarez, and Vice-Principal, Francisca Ronca. When the session resumed it was agreed that a deadline of Saturday, 30th June would be set for corrections and contributions to the ‘PAP Book’. Contributions should be in Garamond 12. Partners requested the following number of copies of the published version of the book: Denmark, Scotland, Cádiz, Germany and Slovenia – 10 per group Portugal – 6 Linares - 15. Partners were shown a draft cover for the book which had been designed by the Portuguese. The book would go to the printers in August and partners would receive their copies at the end of that month. (ii) Partners then split into two groups – the coordinators to discuss the partnership report and the other members of the group to consider the following evaluation questions: 1. What has been the benefit of PAP Personally For your institution For the students Regarding anything else? 2. What is there to criticise and/or to praise regarding Organisation Activities and materials Communication?
The group would discuss the outcome of these separate meetings at the next day’s session. The session then closed for the day. Lunch was in a local restaurant. This was followed by a very interesting guided walking tour of the city of Cádiz and later on in the evening everyone met for tapas.
Saturday, 23 June: In the morning KP said her goodbyes to the group. She had to leave for Barcelona to lead a school trip. The group then headed for Puerto de Santa María where they visited the Plaza de Toros and the cellars of Bodegas Terry. This was followed by lunch in a local restaurant. The working session took place in the Diputación de Cádiz. Before beginning the session the group had the opportunity to visit the impressive Council Chamber. The work of the day began with AZ reporting that the coordinators had discussed the Partnership report at length and had agreed on its content. A deadline for required statistics had been set for Saturday, 30th June. AZ said that he had asked MA to write a preface to the final PAP document/ book. There then followed a report from AC about the previous day’s evaluation discussion. 1. What has been the benefit of PAP? Personally: The group concluded that it was interesting to visit other schools/colleges to see how and what other teachers do. It provided the opportunity for self- reflection, for discussion on learning approaches and best practice. Participants had the opportunity to make new friendships and to visit places that they would not normally have visited. PM stated that it had allowed him to see how a European project works. It had opened his mind and it had been such a positive experience that he would like to take part in another project if the opportunity arose. He also felt that it had given him greater insight into how students and teachers think. RC agreed with PM. She felt that we may live far apart but we have the same ideas and encounter the same problems. For your institution: SH spoke of the exchanges which have been planned between Denmark and Germany. MM and MA praised the practical value of the international relationships. PM believes that the students have benefitted greatly. The exhibition which took place in the school has created public interest in the school and the project. The school now feels a part of Europe and not simply an institution. PM values support the project has received in the school and the interest it has generated. Linares has not been used to taking part in European projects but the success of PAP has sown the seeds for future participation. Five students from Linares were actively involved in the project. The exhibition was seen by all students in the school. PM hopes that the project activity and the interest it has generated will attract more students. The German experience is similar to that of Denmark and there could be possible exchanges with Spain in the future.
For the students: There have been noticeable benefits to students. SH has noticed an improvement in the confidence of all students who have participated in the project. Both she and PM spoke of individual students whose minds have been opened by the project and whose attitude and/or confidence have improved greatly. PM also spoke of the improvement he has seen in the English language of a particular student. Group members agreed that it is essential that any future project must allow students from the participating countries to meet each other. This face-to- face contact and the opportunity to work and socialise together are vitally important. MM said that she had seen a noticeable improvement in student/teacher relationships. Regarding anything else? No comments were made regarding anything else. 2. What is there to criticise and/or praise regarding Organisation: This had gone well, in particular the two meetings which the students attended. Activities and materials: The activities organised for the students at the meetings were good. Also, good use was made of ‘ice-breakers’ to encourage communication between students. Communication: It was not always clear to all of the partners exactly what was required for the next meeting. More communication between meetings would perhaps have avoided this problem. Also it would have provided the opportunity for further exchange of views. The e-mail list should be regularly updated. The website has not really worked. With hindsight it would have been better to have more direct teacher involvement and for that teacher to be part of the project group. AZ thanked AC for her report. PA stated that it had been a good idea for each institution to work in its own way and on its own projects. She had been concerned about this at the start of the project but was now convinced that diversity had been the better way. MA agreed with this but commented on the grant available and travel costs. AZ asked LK about reducing the films. LK can reduce the films but not with the software being used at present. He will take the films/DVDs to Slovenia to do the work. He hopes to reduce them on to CD which would not require any special software to playback. AZ thanked LK and requested that he send the originals back to him. The group then discussed new collaborations as a result of PAP. 1. Odense and Alsfeld: A student exchange would take place in Feb/March 2008. Preparation was being done in IT classes. There has already been much exchange of ideas. 2. Odense and Pombal: Students from the International class in Odense would visit the school in Pombal as part of the project they are involved in. 3. Linares and Alsfeld: The German and Spanish departments will try to build an etwinning programme. AZ pointed out that Alsfeld’s students are beginners. AZ suggested that Cádiz might join the programme but CM said that German is not taught in I.P.F.A. Greenock was also asked to participate. ED is keen on the idea
but will not know what students she has until September. She will contact Linares when she has a better idea. Linares will know by September who will be in charge of the department. Initially contact in Alsfeld will be through AZ. 4. Contact was established in 2006 between the IT departments of Greenock and Odense with a view to students doing courses or part of courses in either country. This had had to be put on hold temporarily. However Odense is keen to reestablish contact with the IT department in Greenock. A special PAP get well card for Darja Kovačič was then signed by all members of the group. LK would give this to DK on his return to Kranj. Midsummer celebrations in Odense: MA requested that we call Odense to send greetings to the people we met and had an enjoyable time with last year. The official session of the Cádiz meeting and Project PAP were brought to a close by AZ. He thanked CM for her hospitality and the work she had done to organise this last PAP meeting. He thanked the project members for being such a great group. MA thanked everyone, in particular AZ for his work as PAP coordinator. The group then attended a private viewing of the exhibition, ‘Los Caprichos de Goya’, in the Diputación de Cádiz. Group members met later in the evening for a enjoyable dinner at an open-air restaurant in Cádiz. Sunday, 24th June: Project members departed throughout the day for their various hometowns.
Last words “It was my first EU project - what can I say, it was like the first love, short, intensive, great, unforgettable, incredible, would like to last…” (One of the participants in a farewell letter to the others )