The 11th University Scholars Leadership Symposium
The 11th USLS, organised by Humanitarian Affairs Asia with the unwavering support of eleven United Nations Agencies as strategic Knowledge Partners, carried a theme that resonated deeply with our generation: “Be the Change.” It was a call to action, an invitation to transcend the ordinary and embrace our roles as global citizens and future leaders.
For four transformative days, 453 emerging leaders from 46 countries converged at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand. The symposium was a testament to the power of diversity, bringing together young minds from different corners of the world to engage in a collective pursuit of knowledge, empathy, and empowerment.
Learning should not be confined to the classroom. It is a lifelong journey, and events like the University Scholars Leadership Symposium play a pivotal role in shaping the future leaders of our world. The 11th USLS was not just a symposium but a catalyst for transformation, a beacon of hope, and a testament to the power of education and collaboration.
The 11th University Scholars Leadership Symposium is the story of inspiration, empowerment, and transformation. It is a story that reaffirms our faith in the potential of our youth to be the change-makers our world so desperately needs.
In a world that often seems fractured and divided, where the challenges facing humanity can seem insurmountable, a beacon of hope exists. For eleven remarkable years, the University Scholars Leadership Symposium (USLS), organised by Humanitarian Affairs Asia, has been igniting the flames of inspiration in young hearts, urging them to step forward and take their place on the global stage.
USLS is not just an event, but a transformative journey designed specifically for the next generation of leaders. Its mission is clear: to equip young minds with the knowledge, skills, and passion to navigate our ever-changing world and lead it towards sustainability. The symposium is a sanctuary where young individuals discover their true calling, or if they are still unsure, they are gently guided towards finding it.
A week teeming with experiences that would etch an unforgettable impression in the hearts and minds of 452 delegates from 46 countries gathered at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, weaving together a rich tapestry of cultures, backgrounds, and aspirations.
What made this symposium truly exceptional were the voices that echoed through its halls. They were not just speakers but humanitarians actively shaping a better world. These individuals had transcended barriers and broken-down boundaries to effect positive change in fields as diverse as education, environment, social justice and animal rights. They were living proof that one person, one idea, can spark a ripple that becomes a wave of transformation.
However, USLS is more than just inspirational speeches; it is about turning words into actions. Delegates were given the incredible opportunity to step out of their comfort zones and into the world, to roll up their sleeves and make a tangible difference. The Kindness Day was a testament to their commitment, as they planted 2,000 mangroves to protect fragile coastal ecosystems, nurtured 1,200 trees to combat deforestation, cleaned the longest river in Bangkok to preserve the marine life and brought fresh hope with a coat of
paint to a minority school tucked away in the suburbs.
As the 11th USLS ended, the delegates departed with hearts full of inspiration, minds brimming with ideas and a deep sense of purpose. They were not just attendees but torchbearers of hope, ready to light the path towards a more compassionate, sustainable, and interconnected world.
At the USLS, you’ll discover the secret sauce that transforms you from ordinary to extraordinary –that extra spark that makes you stand out. The USLS is like a beacon that will light up your passion for improving the world, pushing you to step out of your comfort zone and rally behind a more significant cause. At USLS, you’ll embrace the four P’s: Passion, Persistence, Patience, and Purpose, which will empower you and shape your future.
USLS isn’t just another program; it’s an unparalleled adventure. It’s the spark that ignites your passion for humanity, urging you to champion justice, amplify the voices of the marginalized, and unlock your inner leader.
USLS is a call to action. It is an invitation to the world’s youth to step forward, embrace their roles as future leaders, and contribute their unique gifts to the global tapestry of change. It is a reminder that no matter where we come from, we have the power to shape a better future together.
So, to all the young souls yearning to make a difference, take that first step. Let the University Scholars Leadership Symposium be your guiding light, your catalyst for change. Together, we can create a world where hope triumphs over despair, compassion conquers indifference, and unity prevails over division. The world is waiting for you to rise and lead. Will you heed the call?
Ms. Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, the Under-SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations and UNESCAP Executive Secretary left an indelible impact as her words resonated with the delegates of the 11th University Scholars Leadership Sympoisum. Her virtual presence in the room was palpable, capturing the attention and anticipation of all in attendance.
Acknowledging the formidable challenges confronting our world, notably as we reached the midway point in our pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Ms. Alisjahbana painted a stark picture. The COVID-19 pandemic, escalating geopolitical conflicts, and the relentless advance of climate change reshaped the global landscape, often not in our favour.
However, within the shadow of these daunting obstacles, Ms. Alisjahbana offered a glimmer of hope that transcended the virtual platform. Her words carried an aura of expectation as she underscored the urgency of innovative and collective actions.
“In this endeavour,” she asserted, “we must recognize the pivotal role of young people.”
Ms Alisjahbana continued to chart a clear path forward, advocating for investment in youth-led initiatives, emphasizing the critical importance of education and training, and highlighting the imperative of involving young
voices in decision-making processes.
“Young individuals are wellsprings of innovation. They bring fresh approaches to problemsolving unburdened by the conventions of previous generations,” she declared, her conviction cutting through the digital divide.
Concluding with a resounding call to action, she proclaimed, “You are not merely the leaders of tomorrow; you can be the leaders of today.” With unwavering conviction, she stressed that our young scholars and students’ unique perspectives and unwavering dedication
placed them not on the cusp but firmly in the driver’s seat, ready to navigate the path ahead.
As Ms Alisjahbana concluded her address, a shared sense of purpose hung in the virtual air, leaving the delegates determined to become architects of positive change. Armed with innovation, collaboration, and the unwavering belief that a better world is not a distant dream but a shared responsibility, they departed with a renewed commitment to their vital roles in shaping a brighter future.
Ms. Gita Sabharwal, Thailand’s United Nations Resident Coordinator, delivered an inspiring address at the 11th University Scholars Leadership Symposium. Her address deeply resonated with the audience, invoking a profound connection with their hearts and intellects.
In her esteemed capacity, Gita Sabharwal acknowledged the younger generation’s pivotal role in steering our world towards a greener transformation. She underscored their profound responsibility, emphasising the need to curtail emission levels, champion social and economic inclusion, and steadfastly pursue the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Gita passionately affirmed, “Every contribution makes a difference, and you can lead the world to a more prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable future.”
Gita’s address also illuminated the harsh realities of our times. The world grapples with multiple crises, including climate change, economic fluctuations, and geopolitical tensions, all of which have far-reaching repercussions, disproportionately affecting the least developed nations.
Furthermore, Gita Sabharwal presented the SDGs as a beacon of hope. She emphasised their potential to yield positive outcomes for people, the planet, and the global economy. Gita masterfully illustrated their interconnectedness, underscoring the guiding principles of rights, justice, equality, and inclusion that underpin this transformative agenda.
Through Thailand’s journey toward achieving the SDGs, Gita revealed a complex landscape. While approximately 40% of the goals were on track, she noted that another 25% were experiencing regression, signalling a pressing need for focused efforts. She urged an acceleration of progress through impactful initiatives.
Gita Sabharwal highlighted the UN’s deep engagement with young minds. She unveiled a dedicated youth panel at the core of their strategy, serving as a platform to inspire participants to dream big, translate those dreams into concrete actions through volunteerism, and harness the potent force of digital solutions to expedite progress.
Engaging in a dynamic exchange with the young minds present, Gita surveyed their connections with the SDGs, revealing that quality education, gender equality, and climate action resonated most deeply with them. She challenged the delegates to consider which SDGs they believed to be the easiest to achieve, with “Partnerships for the Goals” and “Responsible Production and Consumption” emerging as prominent choices.
The UN Resident Coordinator, Thailand instilled an unwavering sense of purpose in the emerging world leaders. She illuminated the indispensable role of every individual, with a particular focus on the youth, in charting a course toward a future characterised by prosperity, inclusivity, and sustainability. Her resonant words echoed in the hearts of those present, igniting an impassioned commitment to embark on the ambitious journey toward sustainable development.
Dr. Angela Macdonald, the honourable Australian Ambassador to Thailand, delivered a compelling address at the 11th University Scholars Leadership Symposium. The Ambassador resonated deeply, emphasising the need for individuals to embody the change they aspire to witness in the world. Dr Angela address encapsulated the essence of diplomacy and the transformative power of kindness in professional settings and daily interactions.
Dr Angela highlighted the significance of kindness as not merely a diplomatic tool but as a fundamental guiding principle that should permeate all aspects of our lives. Her impassioned plea urged attendees to extend acts of kindness to colleagues and competitors, revealing the extraordinary potential embedded within such actions.
In her address, Dr Angela outlined five essential elements to drive meaningful change: inspiration, relationships, cultural understanding, data, and courage. Drawing from her journey, she stressed the importance of translating inspiration into actionable change.
The Ambassador emphasised the power of robust networks and expanded connections, illustrating how collaboration and exchanging diverse ideas can consistently yield superior results.
Cultural understanding was at the heart of Dr Angela’s address, inspired by her nation’s rich multicultural heritage. She encouraged the audience to confront cultural biases and cultivate a nuanced understanding of the world’s diverse cultures.
Data played a pivotal role in Dr Angela’s vision for sustainable outcomes. She underscored the necessity of setting precise goals, methodically collecting data, and comprehensively analysing the root causes of complex challenges to effect meaningful change.
Dr Angela celebrated courage and resilience as pivotal qualities in pursuing change. She urged the emerging leaders to seek their heroes, embrace courage, and persist
unwaveringly in the face of adversity, emphasising the importance of authenticity.
In a stirring conclusion, the Ambassador expressed profound hope for the future. She acknowledged the critical roles individuals, civil society groups, educational institutions, grassroots organisations, and non-profits play in driving change. Dr Angela’s optimism resonated throughout her speech, inspiring all to recognise small-scale projects’ transformative impact on communities and embark on their journeys of change.
Amidst an atmosphere charged with enthusiasm and a shared sense of purpose, the 11th University Scholars Leadership Symposium commenced its proceedings at the United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok invoking a call to action focused on kindling a culture of compassion and unity among the 453 young leaders from 46 countries.
The symposium witnessed an inspiring opening speech delivered by the Secretary-General of Humanitarian Affairs Asia, Mr Kim Solomon resonating with attendees and setting the tone for the upcoming days of collaboration and transformation. Mr Kim emphasized the power of each individual to ignite positive change not only through grand gestures but also through small acts of kindness and compassion in daily life.
“Welcome to the culminating event of the 11th University Scholars Leadership Symposium,” Mr Kim began, acknowledging the diverse audience in attendance. The speech underscored the symposium’s central theme of unifying young leaders in their pursuit of positive change, encapsulating the energy and hope shared by participants.
The address sought to bridge the gap between the ideals of renowned historical figures like Mother Teresa and Gandhi and the practical potential within every individual to make a meaningful impact. Delegates were urged to recognise that greatness is not confined to the grandiose but is also encapsulated in the seemingly ordinary actions that can shape the world.
“Mr Kim inspired us to acknowledge our potential as agents of change, regardless of our backgrounds or origins,” remarked Isla, a delegate from Australia “The speech ignited a sense of collective purpose that I believe will drive our interactions and initiatives throughout the symposium.”
The symposium’s overarching message emphasised the importance of initiating change within oneself before extending it outward. Delegates were encouraged to embrace the belief that their actions, however small, could contribute to a ripple effect of goodness that transcends borders and generations.
“In unity, we find strength. This symposium is not just a gathering; it is a starting point,” Mr Kim declared. The speech resonated with the symposium’s participants, many of whom shared a common vision of shaping a world rooted in compassion, equality, and progress.
The event’s inauguration echoed with the spirit of unity and purpose, as attendees embarked on a journey to foster positive change both within themselves and in the world around them. The symposium’s opening speech laid the groundwork for days of collaborative discussions, workshops, and initiatives geared towards building a better future.
The Regional Director of Humanitarian Affairs Asia, Ms. Janice Leong, commenced her address with a heartfelt tribute to the incredible journey of the symposium. She lauded each delegate for their unwavering courage, insatiable curiosity, and steadfast commitment to personal and societal growth. She acknowledged the initial doubts and uncertainties some may have harboured, such as initiating conversations with strangers in a foreign land. However, within the nurturing environment of the symposium, these doubts evolved into inconsequential nuances, overshadowed by the collaborative spirit, abundant positive energy, and shared sense of purpose that defined the symposium.
In a poignant moment, Janice celebrated the incredible acts of kindness and selflessness witnessed on Kindness Day, a testament to the power of collective action in effecting meaningful change. She asserted, “The smiles and gratitude of the local communities we serve will forever be etched in our hearts.”
As the delegates prepared to return to their homelands, Janice acknowledged the diverse tapestry of emotions coursing through their beings. She underscored the importance of preserving their shared vision to craft a better world in this pivotal moment. She stressed, “This is a critical moment, a juncture where the impact of this symposium can either be diluted or magnified. We must seize that inspiration and channel it into tangible action.”
She introduced the concept of PET management – a blueprint for navigating this journey. She explained that priority, Energy, and Time would be their guiding stars.
Janice encouraged each delegate to identify their priorities, filter out distractions, and fix their gaze on what truly matters. She stated, “These priorities are the pillars upon which your impact will be built.” Understanding the ebb and flow of their energy, she implored them to structure their time wisely, advocating for self-care as a means of sustaining their vitality in the long haul. Lastly, she spoke of time itself, advising delegates to invest it sagaciously, dedicating substantial blocks to pursuing their priorities while sidestepping superfluous distractions. She declared, “By aligning our priorities, managing our energy, and optimizing our time, we can become more effective and impactful in pursuing positive change.”
However, Janice was candid about the hurdles to social change. Doubts, challenges, and
the occasional pangs of exhaustion might surface. Nevertheless, she left delegates with a profound assurance: they were not alone on this journey. Encouraging them to nurture a support network of like-minded individuals, she emphasized that even in the darkest moments, there would always be those who could offer guidance, solace, and unwavering encouragement.
In closing, Janice expressed her heartfelt gratitude for the unwavering dedication, the fiery passion, and the indomitable commitment exhibited by all delegates throughout the symposium. She said, “You are the change agents our world desperately needs.” As they embarked on their respective paths, she wished them purpose, impact, and a world of endless possibilities. “Let the spirit of USLS ignite a fire within you. A fire that will burn brightly and guide you on your path as global change makers.” The road ahead might not always be smooth, but as Janice proclaimed, it is worth traversing, illuminated by the incandescent hope of a brighter, better world.
Felipe Queipo, a Communications Officer at the United Nations Department of Global Communications in New York, commanded the stage. His presence seemed to set the room ablaze with purpose as he embarked on a discourse centred around “The World Needs You.”
Felipe’s journey to this point was far from ordinary. Once a college singer, he serenaded his way through life until the United Nations captured his heart. “I joined the UN, and I fell in love with what I do, and I think I have the best job in the world,” he confided, his eyes reflecting the passion that fuelled his every word. “Fifteen years later, I am the happiest UN officer that you can find. I love what I do. I work with NGOs, and there’s nothing greater than seeing change in the world.”
But Felipe’s path to the UN was no walk in the park. Initially rejected for an internship, he refused to accept defeat. He called the recruiter, convincing her that he was a gamble worth taking.
His fervour extended to his role and to the UN itself, an institution he believed was often misunderstood and vilified. His mission was to uncover the UN’s essence while distinguishing its capabilities and limitations.
Diving into the UN’s illustrious history, he reminded us of its birth in 1945, from World War II’s ashes. “Seventy-seven years later, the UN remains a hope for humanity. The UN
has convening power. We can bring people together. But we are not perfect, and we have many challenges,” he shared.
Today, the UN confronts not only geopolitical conundrums but ideological ones as well. Felipe posed a thoughtprovoking question: “How do you fight ideas?” The UN’s approach, as he elucidated, rests upon three pillars – quality education, effective communication, and diplomatic finesse – with youth at their very core.
He delved further, laying bare our responsibility for resource mismanagement, global inequalities, and environmental destruction. “We are not owners of this planet; we are stewards, responsible for it and the people. Our engagement with youth is fundamental because you see things from a different perspective.” Felipe’s narrative resonated deeply with his message. Emerging from a modest background, he imbibed a crucial lesson from his parents: that abundance is best shared. “Find happiness in what you do, but ensure that service is at the core of what you do, that you do it for others. Because when you build societies by serving others, you’re not only growing yourself while becoming a better person. You will probably become the best version of yourself that you can become by putting yourself in the service of others,” he fervently declared.
Acknowledging the world’s clamour for youthful passion, Felipe also extolled the wisdom of older generations who tirelessly paved the way for their voices to be heard. “The most successful communicator is the one that listens the most,” he insisted. Drawing from his journey, he implored young minds to extend patience and empathy to older generations, respecting the battles they waged to secure their rightful place.
In closing, Felipe Queipo’s speech resounded as a poignant reminder that everyone, regardless of age or background, is indispensable in the collective quest for a better world.
Sherina Sham, a clinical psychologist and transformational coach, infused the symposium with the essence of selfdiscovery as she delved into “Be The Change.”
Her narrative began with the fundamental question, “Who Am I?” For Sherina, a multifaceted background played a pivotal role in shaping her identity, triggering a persistent yearning for belonging during her school years. To address this, she consciously crafted an identity characterized by unwavering politeness, correctness, and an illusion of flawlessness. However, as she shared with us, this persona, while initially empowering, gradually concealed her authentic self beneath layers of insecurity and self-doubt.
With her gaze fixed upon the young changemakers in the audience, Sherina extended her narrative to her university years, which exposed her to the formidable force of change, thrusting her into uncharted territories. Stripped of her familiar cocoon, she grappled with a profound sense of self-estrangement, resorting to self-harm as a coping mechanism. She candidly confided, “My arm looked like a piece of art,” emphasizing the desperate attempt to navigate the intricate labyrinth of her inner world. These struggles and internal battles spoke to a shared human experience often overlooked – the realm of our emotions and feelings.
In the solitude of her journey, Sherina invited the audience to join her in exploring self-discovery, where continuous reflection served as her guiding star. She recounted how she engaged in a series of self-inquiry questions, probing her likes, values, and dreams. The deeper she ventured into herself, the clearer her surroundings became. Gradually,
recognized the facade she had constructed, one disconnected from her genuine aspirations. Her transformation was catalysed by travel and encounters with kindred spirits, igniting her growth mindset.
Sherina shared the enlightening lessons drawn from her odyssey:
1. Beliefs as Catalysts of Change: Sherina asserted the role of beliefs as the architects of our actions, shaping our destinies. Her conviction in her mission and self-served as a turning point prompting introspection within her audience.
2. A Call to Action: Urging the audience with the words, “If you don’t like where you are, move; you are not a tree,” she emphasized action as the starting point for transformation.
3. Unveiling Emotional Intelligence: Sherina spotlighted emotional intelligence, with selfawareness at its core. She advocated that connecting with oneself is the foundation for empathetic connections with others.
4. Embracing Acceptance: Embracing acceptance as the birthplace of self-love, Sherina illuminated a path where compassion blossoms, fostering trust and action.
5. Cultivating Unique Gifts: She gracefully shared that each individual possesses a treasure trove of unique gifts awaiting nurture and growth.
6. Potential Arising from Adversity: Sherina imparted the wisdom that being broken does not equate to being useless. She shared a poignant parable of two buckets, one pristine and unbroken and the other riddled with holes. Despite its apparent flaws, the leaking bucket served a purpose on the journey, irrigating a barren land into a flourishing garden. The lesson was clear – perspective shapes our reality, and we hold the brush of responsibility in painting the canvas of our lives.
7. Transformation through Gratitude: Sherina illuminated the transformative power of gratitude. A slight shift towards a positive mindset can often incubate profound changes.
Sherina’s words left an enduring impression on our minds. Her message resonated as a poignant reminder that the path to transformation requires courage and resilience, guided by the beacon of self-discovery.
In a room pulsating with eager anticipation, Breauna Dorelus, the Founder and Chief Cause Consultant of Connecting the Cause, USA, embarked on self-discovery and transformation. As we delved into the theme “Do Something Great,” Breauna unveiled the profound insights she gained through her journey, inspiring readers with her wisdom about the potential pitfalls of well-intentioned assistance.
With over a decade of experience in the nonprofit sector, Breauna was intimately familiar with the complexities of service. Fearlessly, she brought to light the unspoken challenges that often hide within the world of philanthropy – issues like ego, paternalism, and the fleeting nature of what is often labelled as ‘help.’ These issues precisely gave birth to “Connecting the Cause,” a movement committed to reimagining volunteerism.
As she took the stage, Breauna implored us to reflect on our responsibility in safeguarding the dignity of those we serve, setting the stage for a profound shift in perspective. “We are not the heroes of someone else’s story,” she declared with unshakable conviction. “It is acceptable if they are the heroes of their own.” These words resonated deeply, challenging the conventional understanding of aid.
The core of Breauna’s message reverberated with the urgency of self-examination and the imperative of dismantling harmful practices. “I decided to embrace volunteerism so completely that I chose to scrutinize every facet of it, including how it has caused harm,” she confessed. Her words encouraged us to reflect on our actions and their
consequences deeply.
Breauna’s call to action was not a call for abandonment but reinvention. “I am not here to compel you to cease what you are doing necessarily,” she clarified, “but instead to encourage you to reimagine how you do it.” Her message was clear: transformation, not abandonment, was the path forward.
The narrative intertwined personal anecdotes with a tapestry of change, shedding light on the hidden biases and practices that often persist within the nonprofit sector. Breauna unveiled a stark truth: “In our efforts to come and address issues, we have inadvertently become a system ourselves, a harmful system that perpetuates negative stereotypes about the communities we serve, effectively embodying the saviour complex.” Her words struck a chord, compelling us to confront the uncomfortable realities of our actions.
However, her call extended beyond self-awareness; it was a summons to champion liberation for all. “If you aspire to achieve something truly great,” she challenged, “your aim should not be to save but to liberate.” Breauna’s words resounded like a clarion call for transformation, which she described as eliminating harm at its root.
As she looked toward a brighter future, Breauna expressed profound hope for a world transformed through collective effort and radical love. “The future of volunteerism will not be bound by loyalty to an organization,” she envisioned, “but will be anchored in dedication to a cause. It will reject paternalism and place the community, not the hero, at the centre.” With these words, she painted a vivid picture of the evolution of volunteerism.
“I will meet you on the other side of freedom and liberation because that is where authentic service resides,” she declared, leaving us with a powerful vision of reimagined service.
In a world yearning for visionary leadership, Sam Cawthorn, the Founder and CEO of Speakers Institute in Australia, delved into “The 12 Characteristics of an Influential Leader.”
Sam’s life journey is a testament to resilience, and his words narrated a story of life’s rapid changes and pivotal moments. He began by emphasizing the pace of change, noting that it has never been as swift as it is today and will likely never slow down. This set the stage for a profound exploration of time, meaning, and choices.
Sam painted a vivid picture of the transformative power of change that reshapes lives, defies odds, and opens the door to new beginnings. His message of hope ignited a sense of possibility, especially among young people who are future leaders. He encouraged them to be excited about what lies ahead, casting an aura of optimism.
However, within this optimism lies a challenge – making decisions, cutting away the unnecessary and embracing the essence of life. Sam delved into the etymology of ‘decision,’ where ‘Cision’ means ‘to cut,’ and ‘cide’ means ‘to kill.’ He emphasized that decisions are not mere choices but lifegiving incisions into the fabric of existence.
Sam’s call to action resonated deeply in a world often plagued by indecision. He urged everyone to stop hesitating and take a firm stand, moving beyond uncertainty. It was a rallying cry for young change-makers to make choices and chart their paths toward a brighter world.
In a moment of introspection, Sam introduced the concept
of ‘kairos,’ a Greek word representing a moment within a moment where profound transformation takes place. He shared his own ‘kairos’ moment, a near-fatal car accident in 2006 that resulted in the amputation of his right arm and permanent disability in his right leg. His journey from the brink of death to survival made him a living testament to the power of resilience.
Through the eyes of his young daughter, Sam revealed a profound truth – what we lack seldom defines us. Despite her surprise at not finding her daddy’s arm, she never said, “Dad, I wish you had two arms.” In her innocence, there was a valuable lesson: within each of us lies an abundance waiting to be harnessed.
With emotion in his voice, Sam shared his quest for character, a journey spanning nearly two decades. He emphasized that trust is no longer derived from logos, brands, or governments. It is born from the authenticity of individuals.
Sam illuminated the tapestry of character as a symphony of truth, morals, integrity, and ethics. He guided the audience through four pillars – character before charisma, integrity over brand, vision above mission, and trust preceding influence.
In his closing words, Sam unveiled the heart of his message – the power of vulnerability. He spoke of authenticity and the importance of sharing our stories, scars, lessons, and victories. Such sharing, he emphasized, builds trust, unites hearts, and drives positive change.
Sam’s narrative, which wove together choices, character, and vulnerability, left an enduring impression on the hearts and minds of the audience. His legacy, a roadmap etched in moments, called upon each individual to become the hero of their own story, seize ‘kairos’ moments, and shape a future of influence and inspiration.
Geraldine Cox, a former diplomat, began her discourse by revealing her humble origins as the daughter of an Australian milkman. Her words challenged conventional notions of wealth, echoing the declaration, “I possess wealth in countless ways.” Through this sentiment, she underscored that genuine wealth transcends material possessions.
As the narrative unfolded, Geraldine embarked on a life-altering journey, forsaking the allure of a promising diplomatic career. Amidst the aftermath of the war in Phnom Penh, she discovered her calling. From the ruins of shattered dreams, she founded Sunrise Children Village - a sanctuary filled with love, care, and unwavering hope for Cambodia’s war orphans.
One particularly touching story she shared was that of ‘Lai Tais,’ a young boy who had never experienced the warmth of a loving family or the simple joy of running like other children. Unimaginable hardships had marked Lai Tais’s life. His journey from despair to the embrace of Sunrise Children Village epitomized the essence of true wealth. He expressed his heartfelt desire in a profoundly moving moment, saying, “I wish for a mother who loves me and holds me, and I can run like other children.” His words served as a poignant reminder of the profound value of love, family, and the simple joys of life that many often overlook.
The emotional climax of her speech came with the heartwrenching story of ‘Noodles.’ This poignant tale epitomized the challenges faced by the children Geraldine sought to uplift. Noodles, an eight-month-old baby abandoned at a noodle stall, symbolized the daunting hardships these
vulnerable children endured. Tragically, she discovered that his innocent eyes had been cruelly harvested for the illicit organ trade before she could rescue him. Noodles remained forever beyond her reach.
In a profoundly moving moment, she told the delegates, “The most valuable currency we possess is the impact we have on others in the world. Always remember to be kind.”
Geraldine’s message stood resolute and compelling. “Challenge yourself to do what your heart yearns to do. Take risks and love big because you have the opportunity to do all of
this.” She called upon the audience to acknowledge their privilege, stating, “You bear an obligation. You were born among the top 5% of the world’s wealthiest through no fault of your own. It is a duty to extend your hand to those less fortunate.”
Geraldine’s speech served as a testament to the transformative power of selflessness and compassion. Its impact lingered, leaving an enduring impression on all fortunate to witness it. It served as a poignant reminder to contemplate the true meaning of wealth and the incredible influence that an individual’s unwavering dedication can exert in the lives of many.
Jack Growden, a 26-year-old visionary and the driving force behind LiteHaus International, captivated the audience with his passionate message on addressing inequality and advocating for digital equity on a global scale.
With disquieting statistics as a backdrop, Jack highlighted a grim reality: more than one-third of the world’s population faces various forms of digital inequality. Hailing from Australia, one of the world’s most developed nations according to the Human Development Index, he revealed a startling truth: one million Australian students lack access to a home computer.
In a poignant shift, Jack directed our attention to Papua New Guinea, Australia’s closest neighbour and a country ranked 158th on the Human Development Index. An astounding 94% of students have never had the opportunity to use a computer at school. Jack initiated a profound exploration of the digital divide, describing it as one of the twentyfirst century’s most significant yet least comprehended challenges. Somebody must bridge this wide gap. He emphasized, “It doesn’t just entail missing opportunities; it means being denied access to citizenship in the digital world.”
The genesis of Jack’s mission traces back to the 2017 University Scholars Leadership Symposium. “I was right here, in this very room, just like all of you,” he stressed. In that moment, a profound realization struck him, sparking
an unwavering commitment to serve humanity. Amid impassioned discussions and world-changing visions, he jotted down ‘LiteHaus’ in his notebook, unknowingly sowing the seed from which his life’s purpose would grow.
A month after the symposium, Jack embarked on an Honours thesis project in Papua New Guinea. During surveys, a startling revelation emerged - schools there lacked a crucial element for quality education: technology. This realization led him to donate his personal laptop, but he didn’t stop there; he pledged to return with more, giving rise to LiteHaus International from the humble confines of his parent’s garage.
From that single act of generosity in 2017, LiteHaus has evolved into a formidable force for good. Over 9,000 devices have been collected, refurbished to pristine condition, and repurposed to provide brighter futures for needy students.
Among the numbers, Jack shared a story that transcended mere statistics. He recounted an emotional visit to Kunabau Primary School to inaugurate the 40th digital classroom. A jubilant crowd awaited him, radiating smiles. Amidst the cheers, a poignant cry - a mother’s cry pierced the air. She wept not out of sorrow but sheer joy, relief, and gratitude. Her children would grow up with opportunities she never had - the chance to be part of something greater.
“You cannot hope to quantify something as beautiful, raw, and human as impact with mere numbers,” he conveyed to the delegates. Impact brings hope, inspiration, happiness, belief, dignity, freedom, and salvation. It’s a profoundly human experience. “You don’t measure impact; you feel it.”
In conclusion, he issued a powerful call to action: “We are the generation of opportunity and responsibility,” he declared. “It is our time to lead.” Jack implored us to become net producers rather than net consumers, to generate a surplus of social goods, and to leverage our optimism, audacious ideas, and faith in the future as a potent force for positive change in the world.
Sangduen Lek Chailert, often addressed as Lek, held the rapt attention of the USLS delegates. Standing before the gathering, her presence commanded unwavering attention.
Her eyes radiated unwavering determination, extending an invitation to the audience to accompany her on a voyage into the heart of the jungle. Lek embarked on an extraordinary journey destined to alter her life and the destinies of countless others, including some of the planet’s most magnificent creatures.
With each uttered word, it was as though the audience could discern the faint rustling of leaves and the whispers of the jungle, the very backdrop of her childhood. She commenced by narrating her early days in a place devoid of educational institutions, roads, or access to electricity.
One fateful day, while accompanying a missionary group deep within the jungle, she encountered a sound that would forever haunt her dreams - the anguished cries of elephants. Mere meters away, she witnessed a frail, emaciated elephant shackled to a colossal log. The elephant struggled to bear its immense burden with every ounce of its strength. The mahout, the elephant’s keeper, relentlessly prodded it with a spike while another man persistently hurled stones at the elephant’s head.
As she painted this grim tableau, it was as if the audience had been transported to that jungle, standing beside her,
sharing in her torment. “I screamed,” Lek recounted, her voice trembling, “I can’t say whose cries were louder, mine or the elephant’s. I gazed into its eye and felt a deep wound in my heart. I felt the agony. I felt anger, despair, determination, and confusion.” She pledged to devote her life to safeguarding these gentle giants at that moment.
Over time, Lek’s mission evolved. She contacted villagers and elephant owners, providing medical aid to the majestic creatures and educating their caregivers. Nevertheless, her path was strewn with obstacles. She encountered staunch resistance from those deeply entrenched in the logging and exploitative elephant tourism sectors, where elephants were subjected to cruelty for tourist amusement, ridden, and coerced into performing tricks. Detractors labelled her an adversary, and she endured protests, legal battles, and even arrests. Nonetheless, her resolve remained steadfast as she declared, “When I look into an elephant’s eyes, I see a fear deeper than my own. But they have no voice.”
Over the years, Lek’s tireless endeavours culminated in establishing the Save Elephant Foundation. “More than 85% of these elephants suffer from mental health issues upon
their arrival. They display madness, aggression, and anger. Some appear exceedingly timid. Some stand like statues. Until they are elephants once more.” She told the audience her strategy for persuading villagers and elephant owners to align with her cause. She realized authentic change could only be attained through compassion, not confrontation. “When I work with animals and with people, we must embrace the philosophy of love. Only love can triumph.”
Lek concluded with these resounding words: “As you graduate from university and embark on your careers, you will encounter diverse environments and confront intense pressures. Amidst these challenges, maintain a positive outlook. Refuse to let negativity poison your heart. Keep your goals in focus. Then, tirelessly labour to achieve them. Let love, not intellect, be the force that prevails in winning over others.”
It was a moment of collective enlightenment, a recognition that compassion could transform the world, beginning with one young woman’s journey from the depths of the jungle to the hearts of all who listened.
Ifrah Ahmed, a symbol of strength and resilience, brought her deeply moving message, “Fighting The Circumcision,” to the heart of the symposium. Her narrative unveiled a remarkable transformation from a survivor of unimaginable pain to an unwavering advocate for change.
Hailing from Somalia, Ifrah carried the enduring scars of female genital mutilation, a horrific experience she endured not once but twice, casting a long shadow over her formative years. Her words carried the weight of her past as she revealed to the audience the grim truth that “FGM has no health benefits for the girls at all; all it does is cause harm.” This stark revelation reverberated through the room, emphasizing the pressing need for change.
The turning point in Ifrah’s life came when she sought refuge in Ireland, a sanctuary where she found the courage to rise above her traumatic past. There, she made a life-altering decision: to break free from the chains of tradition that had long defined her. The realization that she possessed the power to reshape her own life and the destinies of countless others empowered her to stand against the shadows of outdated practices.
Her voice urged us to break free from the confines of history and carve out a future where silenced voices could resonate with newfound strength. In a world where 98% of women in Somalia bear the scars of this ritual, Ifrah emerged as one of the pioneering voices publicly condemning the practice, lending her voice to countless others.
As Ifrah unveiled her journey, her narrative emerged as
an inspiring tale of resilience. From her struggles in Dublin, where she joined forces with women from diverse backgrounds, to her pivotal role as a Gender Advisor to Somalia’s federal government, she forged a path through the darkness of entrenched tradition with unwavering determination.
Her message unfolded as a profound quest to challenge an age-old practice and transform the minds and hearts perpetuating it. Amid the audience’s rapt attention, Ifrah shared a deeply personal moment: the birth of her daughter. Holding her baby close to her heart, a newfound wellspring of courage surged, compelling her to become the unyielding voice
for every young girl oppressed by tradition. “I knew I had to be the voice in Somalia,” she declared, her words resonating with unshakeable conviction.
The journey from victim to champion mirrored a transformative potential within each of us. As Ifrah graced the stage, her presence served as a powerful call to action, reminding us that we can be the change we aspire to see in the world. Her discourse conveyed a profound lesson – that resilience, unity, and unwavering determination can dismantle even the most deeply entrenched injustices.
The grand finale of the symposium took our vibrant young leaders on an epic academic adventure. It was a day dedicated to a series of mind-blowing workshops hosted by the awesome UN superheroes, where young minds collided with brilliance, ideas danced, and the curtain was lifted on the world’s biggest challenges.
Imagine a morning filled with UN Women, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), and followed by an afternoon led by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR). Delegates were submerged in a treasure trove of knowledge and superhero wisdom!
These weren’t just any workshops; they were like secret passages to becoming global changemakers. Delegates didn’t just leave with more brainpower; they walked away as real-life superheroes ready to make the world awesome. This day proved that the symposium is all about growing the minds that will lead us to a cooler and more equal world.
In a room buzzing with youthful energy, the United Nations Workshop on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, hosted by UN-Women, took centre stage. The Theatre Room, embracing participants warmly, quickly reached full capacity, sending a resounding message that gender equality and the empowerment of women are unwavering priorities for today’s youth.
Guided by Emad Karim and featuring a distinguished panel including Alexandra Hakansson Schmidt, Clarina Bianchi-Banerjea, Perada Dulyapiradis, Bindu Bhandari, and Dr. Feroza Sanjana, this diverse group embarked on a profound exploration of the multifaceted issues surrounding gender equality. Emad’s moving introduction, interwoven with his personal family history, laid the foundation for the workshop’s central theme – the achievement of equality for all genders, with a particular focus on the empowerment of women. This approach fostered an environment of inclusivity, inviting candid and open conversation among all attendees.
Each speaker’s distinct role within the organization provided delegates with invaluable insights into the breadth of UN-Women’s endeavours. A recurring theme was the intricate
relationship between technology and gender equality, a relevant topic in today’s world where technology permeates education and daily life. While technological advancements can have negative impacts, UN-Women shed light on their potential as catalysts for positive social change. Additionally, the workshop spotlighted the stark disparity between women actively running businesses and women owning these enterprises, exposing a pronounced economic imbalance through the lens of South-East Asian agriculture.
As the session neared its conclusion, UN-Women introduced their “30 for 2030 program,” emphasizing the pivotal role of youth in driving positive change. This information provided delegates with a tangible understanding of how they can actively engage in the organization’s impactful work, offering guidance to young minds often grappling with the challenge of translating aspirations into actionable initiatives.
A highlight of the session emerged during the informal Q&A segment. It became evident that every individual in the audience resonated deeply with UN-Women’s work and hungered for more knowledge. The atmosphere brimmed with shared purpose and aspiration. The resounding sentiment among delegates post-workshop was a collective desire for its continuation, demonstrating that this workshop had not just struck a chord but had left a profound imprint on all delegates, igniting a spark of commitment to gender equality and women’s empowerment.
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) orchestrated a dynamic session that illuminated the profound potential of green jobs and skills in propelling sustainable development. This workshop ignited spirited discussions that shed light on the essential skills and opportunities crucial for guiding the private sector towards sustainability.
The session’s commencement, led by Mr. Mushtaq Memon, Regional Coordinator for Pollution and Chemicals and Action at the UNEP Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, echoed the central theme: green jobs transcend sectors. This pivotal theme revolved around reshaping existing roles to forge a path towards sustainable progress. Importantly, it underscored the necessity for green jobs to be of high quality, ensuring a just transition that leaves no one behind.
Ms. Youngran Hur, Regional Coordinator for Global Opportunities for SDGs (GO4SDGs) in Asia and the Pacific, unveiled the aspirations and initiatives of the Green Jobs for Youth Pact. This pact aims to catalyse the creation of 1 million green jobs, transition 1 million existing roles into green careers, and empower 10,000 young individuals to
initiate or expand their green businesses.
Youth empowerment emerged as a resounding theme, resonating with a call to action for young individuals to enhance their green skills through various avenues, including full-time employment and passionate advocacy.
Providing a corporate perspective, Ms. Moh Suthasiny, Co-Founder of Happy Grocers, shared insights into embedding sustainability within business operations. Her experiences vividly illustrated how sustainability can lead to the emergence of green jobs and cultivate an awareness of sustainability within the corporate landscape.
As the workshop reached its culmination with a spirited panel discussion, the audience actively engaged with questions spanning from building green skills to fostering stakeholder engagement and ensuring inclusivity in green job creation.
This workshop resonated as an inspiring testament to the potential of green jobs and skills in steering us towards sustainable development. It served as a rallying call for youth action and educational adaptation, leaving participants primed to advocate for green jobs while advancing their green skills, in alignment with the United Nations’ sustainable development goals.
In a thought-provoking session, Géraldine Ansart, Chief of Mission at the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Thailand, orchestrated a captivating workshop during the symposium. It convened the young scholars to delve into the intricate interplay between international migration and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Géraldine’s expert insights illuminated the workshop, peeling back layers of misunderstanding surrounding migration. She adeptly distinguished between migrants and refugees, placing a spotlight on the dignity and human rights of migrants. It was a revelation - the casual use of the term “illegal” to label migrants unveiled its complexity.
As Géraldine explained, categorizing migrants as “illegal” carries a criminal connotation that erodes their dignity and rights. In reality, they may find themselves in an irregular situation, but the “illegal” label oversimplifies their status and does them an injustice. This shift in perspective not only reframed the entire discourse but also reduced the risk of stigma and discrimination often faced by these individuals.
The heart of the workshop pulsated with an experiential exercise. Delegates assumed the roles of different Southeast Asian countries in a compelling simulation game. Here, they didn’t just learn about migration; they lived it. This experiential exercise transformed theory into understanding, deepening their grasp of migration’s multifaceted nature and its profound intersections with the SDGs. Scholars and speakers united in an atmosphere of mutual respect and profound dialogue, emerging not just informed, but inspired.
By the workshop’s conclusion, the delegates had embarked on a transformative academic journey. They gained not only a nuanced understanding of migration’s role in shaping societies but also a profound appreciation for the complexity of the SDGs. The workshop had not merely broadened their horizons; it had equipped them with the insights and knowledge necessary to become global change-makers, aligning with the United Nations’ mission to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
In an engaging workshop, Morgane Roussel-Hemery, representing the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), convened delegates to delve into the intricate landscape of supporting migrants and refugees during times of crisis. Morgane, serving as the Associate External Relations Officer for UNHCR, adeptly navigated the complexities of humanitarian aid in an increasingly interconnected world, compelling delegates to confront the unprecedented challenges head-on.
Morgane’s words resonated with passion as she unveiled UNHCR’s mission, which serves as a resounding call to safeguard the rights of refugees worldwide. She delved deeply into the critical importance of upholding these rights, encompassing aspects such as ensuring access to education and healthcare, as well as providing essential legal protections. Delegates were transported into the heart of the refugee experience through Morgane’s poignant narratives, fostering a profound sense of empathy and reinforcing the necessity of a human rights perspective in refugee assistance.
The workshop transcended the boundaries of a traditional lecture; it evolved into a dynamic forum for dialogue and collaboration. Delegates embarked on a journey of
international cooperation, recognizing that addressing the refugee crisis necessitates united efforts, including active engagement with governments worldwide. Advocacy emerged as a powerful instrument for change, as Morgane illuminated how raising awareness and garnering support can drive transformation on a global scale.
During a moment of reflection, Morgane posed a profound question that resonated deeply: “If you had to leave your country and home tomorrow, what one thing would you bring with you?” Delegates, some of whom had personal experiences as refugees, shared their heartfelt responses, forging deeper connections and understanding among participants.
The workshop reached its zenith with a brainstorming session focused on innovative fundraising ideas for refugee assistance. Delegates channelled their creativity to envision a brighter future for those displaced from their homes. The room buzzed with positivity, questions, and conversations that transcended borders and backgrounds.
As the workshop came to an end, delegates departed with an enriched perspective on the vital work of UNHCR and the transformative power of viewing refugee issues through a human rights lens. Guided by Morgane Roussel-Hemery’s wisdom, they embarked on a renewed vision, armed with the knowledge that they could be champions for refugees, offering them a renewed chance at life.
During the workshop hosted by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), delegates embarked on an in-depth exploration of critical issues surrounding human trafficking and migrant smuggling. Under the expert guidance of Sylwia Gawronska, a Regional Programme Advisor and a Counter-Trafficking Project Officer at UNODC, the workshop not only ignited profound discussions but also shed light on the intricate facets of these global challenges.
Sylwia’s expertise shone as she meticulously differentiated between trafficking and smuggling, casting a spotlight on the multifaceted nature of these crimes. Adding depth to the delegates’ understanding, a compelling documentary film produced by UNODC vividly portrayed the lives and hardships faced by smuggled migrants in Cambodia.
A pivotal question lingered in the air: “What would happen to human trafficking and migrant smuggling if we lived in a world without borders?” This query ignited passionate debates among USLS delegates, underscoring the immense gravity of these
issues in our tightly interconnected world.
The discussion about a borderless world resonated deeply within the room. Sylwia’s insights were both enlightening and sobering, revealing that a world without borders could indeed lead to a surge in human trafficking and migrant smuggling. It served as a stark reminder of the critical importance of raising awareness and providing education, especially in the context of social media and deceptive advertisements.
The workshop also brought to light the grim reality of organ trafficking, a rampant form of exploitation prevalent in the Asia Pacific region. This sombre revelation emphasized the urgent need for comprehensive efforts in prevention, protection, and prosecution to effectively combat these heinous crimes.
As the session approached its conclusion, its impact was undeniable. It underscored the collective responsibility we all bear to safeguard our world and its future generations. Delegates left with a renewed commitment to educate themselves, their communities, and their peers, recognizing that today’s youth hold the key to a better future. It was a resounding call to action that continued to resonate long after the workshop concluded, inspiring delegates to advocate for change and contribute to a world that is safer, fairer, and more compassionate for all.
At the core of the United Nations Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) workshop lay a profound exploration of youth’s potential in mitigating global disasters, with a keen focus on the Asian region.
Guided by the remarkable Jekulin Lipi Saikia, an eminent figure in the field of disaster management, and joined by esteemed colleagues Branwen Millar, a Programme Management Officer at UNDRR Thailand, dedicated to empowering women’s leadership in disaster risk reduction across Asia-Pacific, and Harold Rice, a Junior Professional Officer specializing in climate adaptation’s impact on livelihoods and population dynamics.
As the workshop unfolded, a singular truth crystallized: understanding disaster risk reduction held the key to nurturing resilience and advancing sustainable development. In a world where the shadow of disaster looms ever larger, this knowledge emerges as an invaluable beacon. Jekulin, our guiding light through this illuminating journey, shared a wealth of expertise and real-world experiences, weaving vibrant narratives of challenges confronted and victories celebrated in the realm of disaster risk reduction.
Jekulin orchestrated a captivating series of interactive sessions, involving delegate votes and thought-provoking inquiries about personal encounters with disasters. A breakout session ignited spirited collaboration among delegates, inspiring them to formulate strategies for mitigating disaster risks rooted in diverse scenarios. The ‘Kindness Day’ initiatives consistently emerged as shining examples.
As the workshop concluded, one undeniable truth prevailed: the discourse on disaster risk reduction was not one of despair but rather an epic narrative of human determination, wisdom, and an unwavering commitment to safeguarding our world.
The United Nations Exhibition is not just a display of knowledge but a testament to the boundless power of inspiration and the unwavering dedication to a better world.
The world is facing unprecedented challenges, and amid this turmoil, the United Nations stands tall as a beacon of hope and change. They have set forth the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a roadmap to a brighter future. However, here is the thing - these goals need champions, torchbearers who will lead us towards a brighter tomorrow. Moreover, who are those torchbearers? That is right, it is you, the young and dynamic leaders of today!
Recognising this imperative, Humanitarian Affairs Asia has orchestrated a symphony of purpose. They have brought together ten selected UN agencies with remarkable stories of change and progress. These UN agencies are here to showcase their groundbreaking work and, more importantly, to ignite a fire of inspiration among the delegates.
The youth, full of energy and unafraid of challenges, are steering the ship towards a better world. The United Nations Exhibition at USLS 2023 is not just an event; it is an invitation to the delegates to embark on a transformative journey together. It is an opportunity to dive deep into the ocean of global challenges and emerge stronger, armed with knowledge and a burning motivation to become the architects of a brighter, more sustainable future.
As the primary United Nations agency for international development, UNDP operates in 170 countries and territories, striving to eliminate poverty and reduce inequality. We achieve this by assisting nations in shaping policies, enhancing leadership skills, fostering partnerships, strengthening institutions, and building resilience to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Our work focuses on three core areas:
Sustainable Development: UNDP promotes sustainable economic growth while safeguarding the environment, emphasizing sustainable resource management, equitable access to essential services, and climate change mitigation.
Democratic Governance and Peace Building: We support nations in achieving stable democracies and peaceful societies by bolstering institutions, upholding the rule of law, encouraging inclusive political participation, and addressing conflicts.
Climate and Disaster Resilience: UNDP addresses climate change and disaster preparedness, collaborating with countries to adapt to a changing climate, reduce vulnerabilities, and enhance readiness for natural disasters.
In summary, UNDP’s comprehensive approach combats poverty, reduces inequality, and advances the SDGs through sustainable development, democratic governance, peacebuilding, and climate resilience efforts worldwide.
UN Women is the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. A global champion for women and girls, UN Women was established to accelerate progress on meeting their needs worldwide.
UN Women supports UN Member States as they set global standards for achieving gender equality, and works with governments and civil society to design laws, policies, programmes and services needed to ensure that the standards are effectively implemented and truly benefit women and girls worldwide. It works globally to make the vision of the Sustainable Development Goals a reality for women and girls and stands behind women’s equal participation in all aspects of life, focusing on four strategic priorities:
• Women lead, participate in and benefit equally from governance systems
• Women have income security, decent work and economic autonomy
• All women and girls live a life free from all forms of violence
• Women and girls contribute to and have greater influence in building sustainable peace and resilience, and benefit equally from the prevention of natural disasters and conflicts and humanitarian action
UN Women also coordinates and promotes the UN system’s work in advancing gender equality, and in all deliberations and agreements linked to the 2030 Agenda. The entity works to position gender equality as fundamental to the Sustainable Development Goals, and a more inclusive world.
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global authority on the environment.
UNEP’s mission is to inspire, inform, and enable nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations.
For over 50 years, UNEP has worked with governments, civil society, the private sector and UN entities to address humanity’s most pressing environmental challenges - from restoring the ozone layer to protecting the world’s seas and promoting a green, inclusive economy.
UNEP is driving transformational change by drilling down on the root causes of the triple planetary crisis of climate change, nature and biodiversity loss and pollution.
UNEP’s work is focused on helping countries transition to low-carbon and resourceefficient economies, strengthening environmental governance and law, safeguarding ecosystems, and providing evidence-based data to inform policy decisions.
Through cutting-edge science, coordination and advocacy, UNEP supports its 193 Member States to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and live in harmony with nature.
The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) plays a central role in uniting governments, partners, and communities to foster a safer, more resilient world. UNDRR serves as the key focal point within the United Nations system for disaster risk reduction, with a primary focus on fortifying resilience and safeguarding sustainable development achievements against the impact of disasters.
UNDRR assumes the role of the custodian of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 20152030, providing vital support to countries in the framework’s implementation, progress monitoring, and review processes. Additionally, UNDRR actively advocates for and aids governments in ensuring that development initiatives are informed by risk considerations. Within the United Nations system, UNDRR takes the lead in facilitating collaboration among relevant stakeholders, activities, and knowledge, thereby fostering a cohesive, harmonized, and rigorous approach to disaster risk reduction.
UNDRR collaborates with stakeholders to generate political momentum and commitment to action, operating at global, regional, and local levels. Its overarching aim is to diminish existing risks and proactively prevent the emergence of new ones, contributing to a world less susceptible to the adverse impacts of disasters.
The mission of UNAIDS is to lead, strengthen and support an expanded response to HIV and AIDS that includes preventing transmission of HIV, providing care and support to those already living with the virus, reducing the vulnerability of individuals and communities to HIV and alleviating the impact of the epidemic. UNAIDS seeks to prevent the HIV/AIDS epidemic from becoming a severe pandemic.
Distinguished as the sole cosponsored Joint Programme in the United Nations system, UNAIDS serves as an exemplar of UN reform. It capitalizes on the collective wisdom and capabilities of 11 United Nations system Cosponsors. Notably, it is the only UN entity incorporating civil society representation into its governing body.
UNAIDS has played an instrumental role in shaping and amplifying the response to HIV, facilitating dialogue, and inclusively involving marginalized communities in decision-making processes. In its absence, the human rights of people living with HIV would have faced greater challenges, and the voice of civil society would have resonated less prominently. UNAIDS remains an indispensable force in the global battle against HIV/AIDS.
The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) is the preeminent intergovernmental organisation dedicated to addressing migration-related challenges. Rooted in the belief that humane and organized migration benefits migrants and society, IOM is an integral part of the United Nations system.
IOM’s paramount mission is to support migrants worldwide, crafting effective responses that adapt to the ever-evolving migration dynamics. As such, IOM is a vital source of counsel on migration policies and practices. The organisation extends its reach to emergency situations, cultivating resilience among all individuals on the move, focusing on the most vulnerable. Moreover, IOM dedicates its efforts to enhancing governments’ capacity to manage diverse forms of mobility and their associated impacts.
Guided by the foundational principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter, including the unwavering commitment to upholding human rights for all, IOM maintains an unwavering commitment to respecting the rights, dignity, and well-being of migrants. The organization’s endeavours are guided by a multifaceted set of values grounded in inclusivity, human rights, and humanitarian principles. IOM remains steadfast in its pursuit of a world where the benefits of migration are accessible to all while safeguarding the rights and dignity of migrants.
UNICEF operates in over 190 countries and territories, tirelessly reaching out to the world’s most marginalized children and adolescents. Our mission is to safeguard every child’s rights, no matter where they are.
In even the most challenging environments, we are committed to doing whatever it takes to ensure that children survive and flourish, realizing their full potential from the earliest stages of life through adolescence. Our work encompasses a broad spectrum of activities, from supporting infant health to empowering young adults.
With a global presence, UNICEF stands as a beacon of hope, striving to create a world where every child’s rights are protected and their futures are filled with promise.
Education transforms lives and is at the heart of UNESCO’s mission to build peace, eradicate poverty and drive sustainable development. UNESCO believes that education is a human right for all throughout life and that access must be matched by quality. The Organization is the only United Nations agency with a mandate to cover all aspects of education. It has been entrusted to lead the Global Education 2030 Agenda through Sustainable Development Goal 4.
UNESCO provides global and regional leadership in education, strengthens education systems worldwide and responds to contemporary global challenges through education with gender equality as an underlying principle. Its work encompasses educational development from pre-school to higher education and beyond.
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organiSation dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights and building a better future for people forced to flee their homes because of conflict and persecution.
We lead international action to protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people.
We deliver life-saving assistance, help safeguard fundamental human rights, and develop solutions that ensure people have a safe place called home where they can build a better future. We also work to ensure that stateless people are granted a nationality.
We work in over 130 countries, using our expertise to protect and care for millions.
The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), a specialised agency within the United Nations, spearheads global initiatives to eradicate hunger and ensure food security for all. Our core objective is to guarantee that individuals have consistent access to ample nutritious food, enabling them to lead active and healthy lives.
With a membership comprising 195 entities, including 194 countries and the European Union, FAO operates in more than 130 nations across the globe. We are dedicated to confronting the multifaceted food production, distribution, and sustainability challenges. FAO’s comprehensive approach spans various critical areas, including agricultural development, fisheries, forestry, and natural resource management.
Through collaborative efforts with our member states, partners, and stakeholders, FAO strives to promote sustainable agricultural practices, enhance food systems, and alleviate hunger and malnutrition worldwide. Our commitment to achieving global food security remains unwavering as we work towards a world where no one goes to bed hungry.
Kindness Day at the 11th University Scholars Leadership Symposium sparked an electrifying vibe that left an unforgettable imprint on everyone present. It wasn’t just a mark but a dynamic burst of unity, compassion, and an unwavering determination to ignite transformation. The 453 delegates from 46 countries channelled their inner changemakers, weaving a tapestry of interconnected kindness that uplifted human spirits and nurtured the environment we thrive in.
As the symposium unfolded, these extraordinary delegates painted a vivid portrait of how a simple act of kindness could catalyse ripples of positivity that cascaded through time and space. From random acts of kindness that brightened a stranger’s day to collaborative projects that transcended boundaries, they lit up the world around them like a constellation of compassion.
Think about it - instead of mere promises, the symposium carved a path of action, fuelling the fire of a fresh cohort of leaders ready to sculpt a world steeped in positive change. They turned the mundane into the magical, proving that every small effort adds up and that the youth wields the power to sculpt a future adorned with empathy and innovation.
And oh, the symposium? It wasn’t just a gathering; it was an orchestra of inspiration and empowerment. It pulsated with the rhythm of unity, resonated with the melody of compassion, and harmonised with the symphony of impactful deeds. A platform that talked and walked the walk, leaving behind a trail of kindness, unity, and boundless hope.
So here’s to a symposium that isn’t confined to four walls; it’s an idea, a spark that ignites a revolution of hearts and minds. It’s not just a legacy; it’s a movement that shapes tomorrow’s trailblazers, one act of kindness at a time. Welcome to a world where youth is not just a bystander but the conductor of positive change, where every moment etches an indelible mark on humanity’s canvas.
Amidst the picturesque backdrop of the Chao Phraya River, a transformative event unfolded – the River Cleaning Initiative. In a harmonious blend of environmental consciousness and communal spirit, the USLS delegates converged along the riverbanks, their kayaks poised to become vessels of change. Orchestrated under the unwavering guidance of Thammasat University, this endeavour transcended a mere cleanup; it embodied a profound commitment to realise Sustainable Development Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation.
The passionate young trailblazers embarked on a mission that resonated far beyond the water’s surface. With unwavering resolve, they meticulously extracted debris, symbolising the fragments of progress that, when pieced together, form a mosaic of lasting change. The tangible results were undeniable, but the resonance of their actions extended further. The cleansing touch of their efforts rekindled the river’s delicate ecosystem, breathing life into its waters and, consequently, breathing renewed vitality into the local community’s social and economic fabric.
Each paddle stroke carried an echo of transformation, a chorus of the river’s relief, and a testament to the community’s revived optimism. The atmosphere was electric, charged with the energy of metamorphosis, as the riverbanks underwent a remarkable metamorphosis of their own. Once-forgotten spaces blossomed into thriving ecosystems, vivid symbols of what collective determination can achieve. The unity of purpose was sealed in a heartwarming exchange as the local community reciprocated the delegates’ dedication with a nourishing feast, cementing the bonds forged during this collaborative odyssey.
The wisdom of Professor Prinya Thaewanarumitkul, Thammasat University’s Vice President of Sustainability, added depth to the day’s achievements. His insights and words of encouragement underscored the profound significance of the endeavour, amplifying its resonance and imprinting lasting inspiration upon all involved.
As the delegates bid farewell, they carried home more than just sacks of collected waste. They departed as emissaries of renewed purpose, intimately connected to the community’s beating heart, and fortified by an unassailable belief in the potency of unified action. Once languishing under the weight of neglect, the Chao Phraya River now stands as a beacon of environmental rejuvenation and communal empowerment – a testament to what can be achieved when passionate hearts converge for a shared vision.
In a profound display of their roles as catalysts of transformation, the USLS delegates converged at Surootmaijaroen School – an underprivileged Muslim School nestled on the outskirts of Bangkok. There, they harnessed the potent force of art to bridge divides and kindle aspirations, orchestrating an event that breathed life into the concept of a brighter, more vibrant future. A living embodiment of Sustainable Development Goal 4 - Quality Education. This initiative confronted the challenges faced by marginalised children and infused every brushstroke with the promise of a better tomorrow.
Picture this: a symphony of vivid hues poised in the hands of delegates, weaving a captivating tapestry across the school’s previously drab walls. The alchemy of art was unmistakable as every stroke became a conduit of transformation, corridors metamorphosing into kaleidoscopic tales of imagination. Time and space seemed to shift, dinosaurs sprung to life, and underwater realms teemed with the enchantment
of fish and marvels. The very floors of the school were reborn as a playground of joy, hopscotch patterns mirroring the intricate tapestry of childhood itself.
As the day unfurled, the children’s gestures of gratitude painted a canvas of smiles on the delegates’ faces. Tokens of appreciation and handcrafted artworks spoke volumes, a heartwarming language of connection that replenished energies and enriched spirits. A shared lunch with the school principal, Metikan Nontasorn, transcended the bounds of sustenance. It became a mosaic of cultures and flavours, her signature Roti and Thai milk tea infusing the air with a sense of unity and belonging.
The day crescendo with a chorus of joy. Games and activities became conduits of laughter and camaraderie. At the same time, a captivating dance performance by the children encapsulated the very essence of the day – a fusion of diverse worlds united by the universal dialect of compassion and creativity.
The participants transformed Surootmaijaroen School into a canvas of hope in a single, extraordinary day. Through the brushstrokes of collaboration and the hues of empathy, they etched a message that resonates long after the paint has dried: the pursuit of positive transformation is as vibrant and vivid as the palette of a passionate artist.
Bound by a common purpose, the USLS delegates embarked on a quest that harmonised with the very rhythm of sustainability – contributing to the realisation of a greener future, a vision encompassed by planting a million trees, as envisioned by the Governor of Bangkok. Their mission was as vivid as the azure skies they aspired to rekindle: to combat CO2 emissions, cleanse the air that sustains us, and breathe life into the essence of UN SDG 13: Climate Action.
In partnership with the Bangkok Metropolitan Authority, their collective endeavour sprung to life. Earth met eager hands as the team reverently sowed the ground with 1,200 indigenous tree species, cultivating not just saplings but the very seeds of promise for a brighter tomorrow. Together, they inscribed a tale of resilience, a narrative resonating in every root that took hold.
The environmental canvas of Bangkok bore witness to their indelible impact, a vibrant legacy etched in hues of green. The tree planters authored a saga of transformative change firmly rooted in a profound love for the planet and a vision of shared well-being.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, their day’s labour concluded with more than a sense of accomplishment. An interlude of gratitude unfolded, embodied by the presence of Deputy Governor, Mr Sanon Wangsrangboon, who extended his heartfelt appreciation to the delegates. A sumptuous repast, lovingly prepared by the local community, graced their senses and nourished their spirits – a tangible reflection of the profound bonds forged with both the land and its stewards.
United by a shared purpose that resonated with the very rhythm of nature, a passionate team embarked on a voyage of significance – the renaissance and safeguarding of our precious Mangrove forests. Guided by the esteemed Thailand Department of Marine and Coastal Resources, this dedicated cohort set the course for Tambol Bangpakong Mangrove Forest, relentless in their pursuit to counterbalance the looming threats of coastal encroachment, aquaculture expansion, and the insidious touch of pollution.
In a harmonious dance between the ebb and flow of time and tide, these delegates stood as advocates for Mangroves, the steadfast sentinels of our coastal landscapes. Beyond being a sanctuary for an array of marine species, these vital forests stand as bastions of maritime prosperity, water purification, coastal shielding, and even warriors against the spectre of climate change, locking away carbon with their tenacious roots.
Each seedling planted was not just a botanical act but a pledge to nurture sustainable livelihoods, resilient communities, and a healthier planet – a tangible echo of the resounding call of UN SDG 14: Life Below Water.
With hands gently sinking into the earth and feet grounding them on the cusp of the ocean’s embrace, the delegates became architects of hope, recalibrating nature’s equilibrium with every mangrove planted and every aquatic refuge constructed.
And what a tally it was – a majestic count of 2,000 Mangroves now standing tall, accompanied by seven meticulously crafted fish abodes, each an oasis for marine life to flourish.
But this endeavour transcended mere conservation; it was an act of stewardship, an unwavering testimony to their commitment to safeguarding the fragile embrace of our planet’s environment. As they left behind a legacy woven with threads of thriving biodiversity and revitalised sanctuaries, their actions reverberated as a whispered promise to the oceans – “We are present, standing resolute as your guardians.”
Harmony in Diversity
In the grandeur of the United Nations Reception Hall, where delegates from across the globe deliberated upon the world’s most pressing issues, there was a moment of solace and rejuvenation - the eagerly anticipated lunchtime performances.
On the first day, as the delegates gathered for their meal, the enchanting melodies of a Thai fusion music ensemble filled the air. The combination of traditional Thai instruments with contemporary rhythms transported the audience to the lush landscapes of Thailand. The music flowed through their hearts and souls, serving as a reminder of the importance of embracing diverse cultures and finding harmony even in the most complex diplomatic discussions.
The following day, a traditional Chinese guzheng performance took centre stage. The delicate plucking of strings produced music that felt like whispers from ancient dynasties. It was as though the music held the secrets of patience and wisdom,
reminding the delegates that amidst the fast-paced world of diplomacy, taking a moment for introspection and reflection was paramount.
On the third day, the stage came alive with the vibrant sounds of a jazz performance. Jazz music’s upbeat rhythms and spontaneous improvisations filled the hall with infectious energy. Delegates found themselves tapping their feet and smiling. The jazz performance was a reminder that amidst all the serious discussions and decisions that shaped the world, there was always a place for joy, creativity, and the celebration of the human spirit.
Each of these performances, spread over three different days, served as a vital reminder to the delegates. They were reminded of the richness of human culture, the importance of patience and wisdom, and the need for joy and creativity even in the most serious of pursuits.
In the halls of diplomacy, where the fate of nations hung in the balance, the lunchtime performances at USLS 2023 had been a poignant reminder that music had the power to recharge their spirits, align their souls with the world’s most pressing issues, and bring moments of profound beauty and harmony.
I return from the ‘University Scholars Leadership Symposium’ by Humanitarian Affairs Asia, and my heart is overflowing with gratitude for this transformative experience. Surrounded by remarkable individuals from 46 countries across the world, I have been profoundly touched by the power of unity and compassion.
Jake BeasleyThe USLS is more than just an event; it’s a gathering of kindred spirits who share a common vision for a better world. It’s difficult to capture the essence of this extraordinary gathering, but at its core, it radiates hope for a brighter future and an unwavering commitment to action. Among these like-minded souls, I felt a palpable connection that transcends borders, all of us bound by our shared dedication to creating a safer and more sustainable world for everyone. The atmosphere throughout the event was one of introspection and a deep consideration of our roles in addressing complex social issues. Despite the daunting challenges we discussed, optimism flowed through every moment of the week. The speakers shared their personal journeys of transformation, highlighting a common thread: they saw a problem, and they decided to be part of the solution. Each of them had crossed the threshold from being mere observers to becoming
catalysts for change. This revelation was my main takeaway - an understanding that action is not a choice; it’s a responsibility, and it is through action that we can pave the way for profound change.
Every day, we are confronted with the glaring inequalities that persist globally, whether it’s in access to education, clean water, food, or safe living conditions. The weight of these challenges can be overwhelming, but meeting and learning from new friends from far-flung corners of the world reminds me of our shared humanity. We face similar issues in our respective corners of the globe, and it’s a reminder that we all bear a personal obligation to contribute to a more harmonious future, utilizing the blessings in our lives to uplift those around us.
I am inspired to take the message of ‘take action’ and weave it into the fabric of my daily life. Volunteering and advocacy will no longer be occasional commitments; they will become intrinsic parts of who I am. I now understand that significant progress is built upon the foundation of small, deliberate steps toward change. Each step in any direction opens up a world of possibilities to support those in need.
In this symposium, I found not just knowledge and inspiration, but a family of global citizens bound by the threads of compassion, hope, and a shared determination to make the world a better place. My heart is filled with warmth and purpose, and I carry forward the torch of positive change with renewed vigour and commitment.
Keena State College, USA
From the myriad of sessions, discussions, and heartfelt interactions I experienced during the 11th USLS, I uncovered a profound truth: people from all walks of life share a burning desire to create positive, meaningful change, whether it’s within the boundaries of their homes, their communities, or on a broader global scale. What struck me even more was how personal life experiences served as guiding stars, propelling individuals towards addressing the injustices that had deeply affected them. These journeys are a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, where adversity becomes the fuel for crafting a future to be proud of. Their actions are a testament to their commitment to leaving behind a world better than the one they inherited, enriching the lives of others and the generations they may never meet. These revelations have indelibly shaped my perspective in several profound ways. Firstly, I’ve come to understand that failure and uncertainty are not adversaries to be avoided, but rather essential building blocks in the construction of a more refined character. True leadership doesn’t glorify individuals; it reflects the universal human desire to do good, irrespective of circumstances within or beyond our control.
Secondly, these inspiring examples demonstrate that while dreams may begin with a single person, it is an innovation that breathes life into those dreams. It’s the synergy of ideas from diverse founts of knowledge that transforms possibilities into realities. It only takes one person to ask themselves what change they can initiate in their immediate environment. It could be as simple as transforming a negative self-perception into a positive one, offering a helping hand to someone in need, advocating for a voiceless creature, or having the courage to ask a question in front of a large audience. These acts of courage serve as beacons, illuminating the path for others to discover their own capacity to be the change they wish to see in the world.
So, if you were to ask me, “What do I hope to achieve from participating in this symposium?” my answer would resound with a rediscovered belief that our strength as individuals magnifies when we stand together. It was within the welcoming embrace of this symposium that I had the privilege to connect with kindred spirits, whose passions acted as sparks igniting the flames of inspiration in fellow delegates, all united by a shared desire to effect meaningful change. It’s often easy to lose hope in the face of adversity or to forget that there are others navigating similar challenges. However, through our heartfelt conversations and shared experiences, I’ve come to realize that every person carries within them an innate desire to do good and to be seen as a force for good. Collaboration unveils the diverse perspectives each individual brings to the table, providing fresh insights and a collective reservoir of experiences to tackle the complex challenges of our modern world.
Above all, it underscores the shared belief that, although we may not all be unwaveringly optimistic about the future that lies ahead, we share an unwavering optimism in our collective ability to weather its storms when we stand together.
I am profoundly touched by the revelation that my journey towards fostering positive change is never a solitary one. The USLS provided me with an awe-inspiring platform through which I connected with extraordinary individuals hailing from every corner of the globe. Their presence acted as a catalyst, igniting a fire of inspiration deep within me. As I engaged with fellow delegates and absorbed the wisdom of our distinguished guest speakers, my mind brimmed with countless ideas, propelling me towards greater heights in my mission to create a positive social impact.
Yimei HuangThe University of Hong Kong
The guest speakers, in particular, played an instrumental role in reshaping my perspective and empowering me to take tangible action. Their stories, infused with a wealth of wisdom and expertise, resonated deeply within me, serving as a potent reminder of the extraordinary power we all possess to effect transformation. Their words became a constant refrain, echoing the truth that each individual carries within them the potential to initiate waves of change, the effects of which ripple far beyond the boundaries of their immediate surroundings.
With this newfound wellspring of inspiration and a fortified sense of determination, I am now emboldened to embark on creative endeavours that contribute to positive social change. The USLS has armed me with a treasure trove of experiences, ideas, and unwavering confidence in my ability to make a difference. My commitment to continual growth and progress is unwavering, and I pledge to harness my knowledge and skills to actively advance the causes of sustainable development, social justice, and the betterment of our global communities.
The University Scholars Leadership Symposium was an unforgettable experience that left an indelible mark on my life. Prior to the symposium, I was blissfully unaware of the heart-wrenching global issues that plagued our world, such as human trafficking in Cambodia and the cruel treatment of elephants for tourism in Thailand.
Lundaasuren MunkhbatFrom the very beginning, the symposium was a whirlwind of inspiration. The speakers, passionate and dedicated individuals, shed light on these grave issues, sharing their personal experiences and the strides they had already made toward positive change. It was both heart-wrenching and heartwarming to witness.
As the symposium progressed, my awareness deepened, and my sense of responsibility grew. The stories of human trafficking survivors and the plight of the mistreated elephants struck a chord in my heart. I felt a moral obligation to act, to be a part of the solution, no matter how small my contribution might be.
By the time the event concluded, a profound transformation had occurred within me. The determination to make a difference, both locally and globally, had crystallized. I realized that I couldn’t stand idly by when there were lives to be rescued and injustices to be rectified. I was ready to embrace the role of a change-maker.
Leaving the symposium, I carried with me a renewed sense of purpose and a burning desire to effect positive change. Armed with knowledge, inspiration, and a network of likeminded individuals, I was determined to tackle the pressing issues that had been laid bare before me.
The University Scholars Leadership Symposium not only opened my eyes but also ignited a passion for making the world a better place. With every step I took, I was one step closer to fulfilling the promise I had made to myself - to be a beacon of hope and change in a world that sorely needed it.
I’m overwhelmed with gratitude and inspiration. This symposium has been an extraordinary journey of personal and collective growth, leaving an indelible mark on my perspective and aspirations.
The symposium’s commencement was a vibrant celebration of our diversity. Draped in traditional attire, we embodied our interconnected world’s colours, a potent reminder of our shared humanity. This cross-cultural exchange shattered barriers, fostering connections and transcending geographical boundaries.
The symposium’s most impactful facet was personal narratives. We heard stories of resilience, like Ifrah Ahmad’s fight against female genital mutilation. Her unwavering courage and compassion inspired me to confront injustice, envisioning a world where justice knows no boundaries.
Workshops by Géraldine Ansart (IOM) and Morgane Roussel-Hemery (UNHCR) further enlightened me. Ansart highlighted migrants’ vital role and the need to advocate for their rights, promoting a harmonious global society. RousselHemery shed light on the struggles of refugees
worldwide, urging us to take action and stand up for their rights. It emphasized the importance of humanitarian efforts extending beyond empathy.
As a Singaporean, I’ve been awakened to the responsibility my safety privilege carries. This privilege demands action for the greater good, recognizing our interconnectedness with each other and the environment. These workshops cemented my commitment to justice and compassion, motivating me to educate and advocate for human rights.
The Kindness Day mangrove planting activity showcased the power of collective action. Planting 2000 mangrove saplings in a day highlighted our role in climate change mitigation. Constructing fishery houses to encourage biodiversity and sustainable livelihoods underlined our capacity for positive change.
In retrospect, this symposium has left me filled with gratitude and determination. Grateful for the lessons learned, friendships forged, and shared passion for positive change. Determined to carry this spirit forward, translate insights into impactful actions, and be an agent of change. It’s been an inspiring journey, a reminder of our interconnectedness and the potential for small actions to shape a better world. I’m humbled by this privilege and look forward to contributing to similar symposiums in the future. Together, we’ll work towards a more just, inclusive, and sustainable world, believing that the change we seek is not only attainable but within our grasp.
I had the privilege of participating in the 11th edition of the University Scholars Leadership Symposium (USLS), an event that left an indelible mark on my life. This symposium was unlike anything I had ever experienced before, and it profoundly touched my heart. For the first time, I found myself in the company of people from continents beyond Europe. This exposure introduced me to a world of new ideas, diverse mentalities, rich cultures and traditions, and unique life perspectives that had previously eluded me. As the days passed, I forged friendships that spanned the globe, and it became evident that despite our differing backgrounds, we shared common dreams and aspirations. However, what truly moved me during this symposium were the stories of change and courage. One speaker’s emotional account highlighted the challenges faced by vulnerable children in Cambodia and her unwavering commitment to creating a home for these children in Phnom Penh. Additionally, there were discussions about initiatives to bring digital classrooms to schools in Papua New Guinea and the Philippines, as well as an impassioned speech about the “12 Characteristics of an Influential Leader.” These talks reinforced the idea that with determination and action, the concept of ‘impossible’ becomes obsolete.
Without a doubt, had I not been a part of this symposium, I would have remained oblivious to the remarkable individuals who are reshaping the world in profound ways.
In closing, my heartfelt gratitude goes out to Humanitarian Affairs Asia for orchestrating this life-altering event. I also wish to express my sincere thanks to my university for affording me the opportunity to be a part of something so profoundly moving and transformational. The experience has forever changed me, and I am now committed to making a difference in this world, no matter how daunting the challenges may be.
At the 11th University Scholars Leadership Symposium (USLS), I discovered a powerful truth: even our smallest steps can have a significant impact on making the world better. The concept of “changing the world” may seem overwhelming individually, but at the USLS, I learned that we are not alone. Collaboration with people worldwide is possible, and when combined, our small actions can create profound change.
The phrase “Many a little makes a mickle” echoed throughout the symposium, emphasizing that collective efforts lead to substantial transformation. Meeting students from diverse backgrounds ignited my passion for contributing to a more sustainable world.
As a student, I now aspire to study global issues, gain a deeper understanding of their complexities, and take small actions for societal betterment. In the future, as a responsible member of society, I’m committed to addressing issues I’m passionate about, including gender equality, educational equality, and animal rights. The USLS was a turning point, showing me that global change is achievable through collective effort. It reinforced the idea that our individual actions, no matter how small, contribute to a brighter future.
The University of Technology Sydney
I was chosen as a delegate to represent my university at the University Scholars Leadership Symposium (USLS) in Bangkok, Thailand. Held at the United Nations Conference Centre, this opportunity was a dream come true for a firstyear student like me.
The symposium brought together students from around the world, all driven by a shared passion for making a positive difference. It was humbling to meet so many like-minded individuals, and I knew this experience would be a source of inspiration throughout my academic journey.
Throughout the week, we were exposed to influential speakers who had made significant strides in addressing the United Nations’ sustainable development goals. Their stories were incredibly inspiring, highlighting the immense impact one dedicated person can have on global challenges. Workshops and seminars filled our days, broadening our understanding of critical global issues and equipping us with the skills necessary to drive change. We delved into topics such as sustainable development, environmental conservation, and the power of grassroots movements. It was an intensive crash course in leadership, empathy, and the art of taking action.
One of the most memorable moments came during our Kindness Day. We found ourselves knee-deep in mud, planting mangroves along a river outside Bangkok. The local community depended on the river for their livelihoods, and they shared firsthand how essential its health was to their economy. This experience opened my eyes to the interconnectedness of global issues and the potential for shared solutions.
It made me realise that the challenges faced by communities in Thailand weren’t so different from those in my own country, Australia. I gained a fresh perspective on environmental issues, particularly related to water quality, and how similar strategies could be implemented back home. As the week drew to a close, I reflected on the profound impact the symposium had on me. It reaffirmed my belief in the power of one person to make a difference in the world, given knowledge, passion, and determination. I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the opportunities life had presented me and was inspired to seize every chance that came my way.
Most importantly, the symposium transformed my dream of working for an international organization like the United Nations from a distant aspiration into a tangible goal. It opened up new possibilities I had never considered, igniting a fire within me to pursue a path of leadership and positive change.
The University Scholars Leadership Symposium was a turning point in my academic journey. It taught me that the world is full of opportunities waiting for those willing to take action. As I continue my studies and strive to make a positive impact, I carry the lessons and inspiration from this experience with me, reminding me that I can be a force for change in our complex and interconnected world.
Zhang Tianqi
Zhejiang University of Science and Technology
I want to convey my deep and sincere gratitude to Humanitarian Affairs Asia and your exceptional team for hosting such a fantastic event. The Organisation’s meticulous planning and unwavering dedication played a pivotal role in ensuring the event’s success, leaving us with cherished memories and a profound impact on our lives. Your kindness and unwavering spirit have touched our hearts, and we genuinely appreciate your efforts.
I eagerly anticipate continuing our partnership, fostering future collaboration and exchange opportunities. Once again, I extend my heartfelt thanks for your generosity and unwavering commitment.
I’d like to sincerely thank you and the entire team for your hospitality during our attendance at the USLS. Participating in this event was an absolute delight, and we sincerely appreciate the tremendous effort put in behind the scenes to ensure its success.
Your team’s unwavering dedication and hard work were evident in every facet of the symposium, from the thought-provoking sessions to the flawless organisation. This experience has profoundly impacted us, and we eagerly anticipate carrying the valuable lessons and inspiration we acquired into our future endeavours. Once again, thank you for this extraordinary opportunity.
Dr. Napisa Waitoolkiat Naresuan University, ThailandI wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for everything Humanitarian Affairs Asia and the USLS team did to make the event genuinely fantastic. Our students, without a doubt, gained immense knowledge and insight from the program. It was a truly eye-opening experience for all of us. The event’s impact will undoubtedly resonate with our students for years. Thank you once again for providing such a valuable and transformative opportunity.
It is a tremendous honour to have had the opportunity to connect with you and your team at the University Scholars Leadership Symposium (USLS) in Bangkok. The experience was remarkable, and my students and I found immense joy in the rich and purposeful events you orchestrated.
We sincerely appreciate your unwavering dedication to organising a conference of this magnitude. The effort invested in making USLS 2023 a reality has not gone unnoticed, and it’s a testament to your commitment to the cause. Witnessing the resounding success of this year’s symposium left us feeling profoundly proud to be part of such an exceptional community.
The impact of USLS 2023 extends beyond the event itself. It has left an indelible mark on all my students, empowering us with renewed vigour and inspiring us to continue our journey as advocates for positive change. The connections made and the knowledge gained during our time at the USLS will undoubtedly shape our future endeavours in countless ways.
Once again, thank you for your hospitality, for creating a platform where like-minded individuals can come together, and for fostering an environment that encourages growth, understanding, and collaboration. We are immensely grateful for the experience and eagerly anticipate the opportunity to participate in future editions of this transformative event.
Tsinghua University, China
Thank you for the incredible experience you offered me and my students during the 11th University Scholars Leadership Symposium. As this was my inaugural journey abroad with my students to participate in an international symposium, I must confess I had some initial apprehensions. However, Humanitarian Affairs Asia extended us the warmest and most enthusiastic welcome upon our arrival, dispelling all our worries. It truly felt like a home away from home.
As we journeyed back home, I couldn’t help but notice the profound impact the symposium had on our students. They described it as an unforgettable memory. They had the privilege of listening to inspiring motivational speakers, forging connections with remarkable individuals, participating in a meaningful kindness day, and immersing themselves in the diverse cultures and values of those they met. It was a truly enriching experience for them, and they had a fantastic time at the USLS.
Undoubtedly, the 11th University Scholars Leadership Symposium was an incredible success. I want to extend my sincere gratitude to Mr. Kim for his exceptional hospitality and to all the dedicated volunteers for their hard work in making this event possible. It’s been an extraordinary journey, and we are immensely grateful for the opportunity.
The 11th University Scholars Leadership Symposium (USLS), orchestrated by Humanitarian Affairs Asia, came to life in collaboration with the United Nations System. As the event unfolded at the United Nations Conference Centre in bustling Bangkok, it saw the gathering of 453 delegates hailing from 46 countries. Each delegate brought with them a rich tapestry of cultures, backgrounds, and dreams, weaving together a vibrant mosaic of hope and aspiration.
24. Nepal
25. Netherlands
26. New Zealand
27. Panama
28. Papua New Guinea
29. Philippines
30. Qatar
31. Romania
32. Saudi Arabia
33. Singapore
34. South Africa
35. South Korea
36. Sri Lanka
37. Switzerland
38. Syria
39. Taiwan (ROC)
40. Thailand
41. Timor-Leste
42. Trinidad
43. United Kingdom
44. USA
45. Poland
46. Vietnam
As we reflect on the resounding success of the 11th USLS, our hearts are brimming with gratitude for the pivotal role played by the esteemed UN Agencies in making this symposium an extraordinary triumph.
The unwavering commitment to our shared cause, the tireless dedication to exchanging knowledge, and the relentless pursuit of positive change have undeniably been the cornerstones of our collective achievements. Without your invaluable contributions, the 11th USLS would have remained a distant dream.
Our partnership has paved the way for innovation and inspiration and has become a beacon of collaboration. You’ve generously shared your expertise and unyielding passion for a better world; for that, we extend our deepest gratitude.
UNICEF, UNAIDS, UNEP, UNDRR, IOM, FAO, UNDP, UN-WOMEN, UNHCR, UNESCO, UNODC – each of your organizations has added an indispensable layer of wisdom and perspective to our symposium. Your presence and active participation have elevated our discussions, broadened our horizons, and enriched our understanding of the world’s most pressing issues.
As we move forward, let us steadfastly continue championing knowledge together, ever committed to the pursuit of positive change and dedicated to forging a brighter, more sustainable future for all.
The realisation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals hinges on a robust commitment to global partnership and cooperation, ensuring that no one is left behind on our collective journey towards development. Together, we shall strive to make this vision a resounding reality.