4 Continents 20 Pictures by Herbert RĂźcke Exhibition in the Kontinentol Resort Beach Arua, West Nile Uganda 2007
Albert Nile Aquarell – Collage, 2007 Room 101
Traditional Hut near Uleppi Aquarell 2007 Room 201
St. Vincent Carriban Island 1993 Irrigation System, Saudi Arabia Pen and Ink Drawing 1994 Room 203
German Parliament Photography, 2004 Office Room
Aquarell Room 102
On the Road to Asmara, Eritrea Pen, Water and Ink Drawing 1994 Room 303
Grubenhagen, German Village Photography 2005 Room 301
Ricefield in Indosesia Aquarell 1991 Room 302
Vulcano Mexico Aquarell 1983 Room 302
Mediaeval Guildhouse, Stralsund, Germany Photography 2006 Room 202
Herbert Rücke, Self-Portrait of the Artist Board Marker and Acryl Colour 2007
Albert Nile Aquarell – Collage, 2007 Room 101
Ski Lift, Alpes, South Germany Aquarell 1993 Dining Room
Philharmonie, Comcert Hall, Berlin Germany, Photography 2005 Room 404
Petite Navis, Carribian Islands Aquarell 1993 Lounge
Traditional Quarter Saudi Arabia 1993 Pen & Ink Lounge
Working in Agriculture Aquarell – Collage, 2007 Reception
TV Tower, Berlin Germany Photography 2006 Room 401
Old farmhouse at Baltic Sea, Germany Aquarell 1990 Dining-Room
Residence of a Noble Family, Germany Photograhy 2004
Branderger Gate, berlin, Germany Photography 2005 Room 402
Park in Germany Photography 2006
The pictures of this permanent exihition were selectet from my collection of fotos, drawings an sketches by the manager of the hotel Kontinentol in Arua. Each was presentet in one room of the hotel.
Port of Grenada, Carribian Island Pen and Ink 1983 Room 403