paragraph variations cari hume
the following pages show examples of different ways to separate paragraphs
I find these works particular stimulating because they give me direct insight into the thinking of many creative minds. These books let me ‘study’ with great masters beyond the restrictions of time and place and as such, I have been the pupil of Michelangelo, Louis Kahn, Pablo Picasso, to name but a few. The I am an avid reader. In fact, from the time I was a child, I always carry a book with me. These books have been an eclectic mix, reflecting my evolving interests.
insights and inspiration that are revealed to me through these readings have had a tremendous impact not only impacted my career and a designer and artist, but on me as a person as well. One book, however, has stayed a particular favorite of mine and I have reread it many times over the years. The book is Chinese Calligraphy, by Chiang Yee.
typeface variation I am an avid reader. In fact, from the time I was a child, I always carry a book with me. These books have been an eclectic mix, reflecting my evolving interests. One area which I am consistently drawn to, however, is books which are the compilations of essays, letters or thoughts of architects, painters, writers and designers. I find these works particular stimulating because they give me direct insight into the thinking of many creative minds. These books let me ‘study’ with great masters beyond the restrictions of time and place and as such, I have been the pupil of Michelangelo, Louis Kahn, Pablo Picasso, to name but a few. The insights and inspiration that are revealed to me through these readings have had a tremendous impact not only impacted my career and a designer and artist, but on me as a person as well. I have read so many wonderful books over the years which have entertained, delighted, inspired and instructed me that I am hard pressed to single one out from this impressive grouping. One book, however, has stayed a particular favorite of mine and I have reread it many times over the years. The book is Chinese Calligraphy, by Chiang Yee.
color variation I am an avid reader. In fact, from the time I was a child, I always carry a book with me. These books have been an eclectic mix, reflecting my evolving interests. One area which I am consistently I find these works particu- drawn to, however, is books which lar stimulating because they are the compilations of essays, letgive me direct insight into ters or thoughts of architects, paintthe thinking of many creative ers, writers and designers. minds. These books let me I have read many wonderful books ‘study’ with great masters be- over the years which have enteryond the restrictions of time tained, delighted, inspired and inand place and as such, I have structed me that I am hard pressed been the pupil of Michean- to single one out from this impresgelo, Louis Kahn, Pablo Pi- sive grouping. One book, however, casso, to name but a few. The has stayed a particular favorite of insights and inspiration that mine and I have reread it many are revealed to me through times over the years. The book is these readings have had a Chinese Calligraphy, by Chiang Yee. tremendous impact not only impacted my career and a designer and artist, but on me as a person as well.
running paragraph I am an avid reader. In fact, from the time I was a child, I always carry a book with me. These books have been an eclectic mix, reflecting my evolving interests. One area which I am consistently drawn to, however, is books which are the compilations of essays, letters or thoughts of architects, painters, writers and designers. I find these works particular stimulating because they give me direct insight into the thinking of many creative minds. These books let me ‘study’ with great masters beyond the restrictions of time and place and as such, I have been the pupil of Michelangelo, Louis Kahn, Pablo Picasso, to name but a few. I have read so many wonderful books over the years which have entertained, delighted, inspired and instructed me that I am hard pressed to single one out from this impressive grouping. One book, however, has stayed a particular favorite of mine and I have reread it many times over the years. The book is Chinese Calligraphy, by Chiang Yee. I find these works particular stimulating because they give me direct insight into the thinking of many creative minds. These books let me ‘study’ with great masters beyond the restrictions of time and place and as such, I have been the pupil of Michelangelo, Louis Kahn, Pablo Picasso, to name but a few.
inserting line space I am an avid reader. In fact, from the time I was a child, I always carry a book with me. These books have been an eclectic mix, reflecting my evolving interests. One area which I am consistently drawn to, however, is books which are the compilations of essays, letters or thoughts of architects, painters, writers and designers. I find these works particular stimulating because they give me direct insight into the thinking of many creative minds. These books let me ‘study’ with great masters beyond the restrictions of time and place and as such, I have been the pupil of Michelangelo, Louis Kahn, Pablo Picasso, to name but a few. The insights and inspiration that are revealed to me through these readings have had a tremendous impact not only impacted my career and a designer and artist, but on me as a person as well. I have read so many wonderful books over the years which have entertained, delighted, inspired and instructed me that I am hard pressed to single one out from this impressive grouping. One book, however, has stayed a particular favorite of mine and I have reread it many times over the years. The book is Chinese Calligraphy, by Chiang Yee.
I’m an avid reader. In fact, from the time I was a child, I always carry a book with me. These books have been an eclectic mix, reflecting my evolving interests. One area which I am consistently drawn to, however, is books which are the compilations of essays, letters or thoughts of architects, painters, writers and even some designers. I find these works particular stimulating because they give me direct insight into the thinking of many creative minds. These books let me ‘study’ with great masters beyond the restrictions of time and place and as such, I have been the pupil of Michelangelo, Louis Kahn, Pablo Picasso, to name but a few. I have read so many wonderful books over the years which have entertained, delighted, inspired and instructed me that I am hard pressed to single one out from this impressive grouping. One book, however, has stayed a particular favorite of mine and I have reread it many times over the years. The book is Chinese Calligraphy, by Chiang Yee.
varying pica width
varying letter weight I am an avid reader. In fact, from the time I was a child, I always carry a book with me. These books have been an eclectic mix, reflecting my evolving interests. One area which I am consistently drawn to, however, is books which are the compilations of essays, letters or thoughts of architects, painters, writers and designers. I find these works particular stimulating because they give me direct insight into the thinking of many creative minds.
These books let me ‘study’ with great masters beyond the restrictions of time and place and as such, I have been the pupil of Michelangelo, Louis Kahn, Pablo Picasso, to name but a few. I have read so many wonderful books over the years which have entertained, delighted, inspired and instructed me that I am hard pressed to single one out from this impressive grouping.
One book, however, has stayed a particular favorite of mine and I have reread it many times over the years. The book is Chinese Calligraphy, by Chiang Yee.
varying paragr aph sha pes I am an avid reader. In fact, from the time I was a child, I always carry a book with me. These books have been an eclectic mix, reflecting my evolving interests. One area which I am consistently drawn to, however, is books which are the compilations of essays, letters or thoughts of architects, painters, writers and designers. I find these works particular stimulating because they give me direct insight into the thinking of many creative minds. I have read so many wonThese books let me ‘study’ with great derful books over the years masters beyond the restrictions of which have entertained, time and place and as such, I have delighted, inspired and been the pupil of Michelangelo, even instructed me that I Louis Kahn, Pablo Picasso, to am hard pressed to single name but a few. The insights and one out from this impresinspiration that are revealed sive grouping. One to me through these readbook, however, ings have had a tremenhas stayed a dous impact not only imparticular favorpacted my career and ite of mine and a designer and artist, I have reread it but on me as a permany times over son as well. the years.
varying paragraph alignment I find these works particular stimulating because they give me direct insight into the thinking of many creative minds. These books let me ‘study’ with great masters beyond the restrictions of time and place and as such, I have been the pupil of Michelangelo, Louis Kahn, Pablo Picasso, to name but a few.
I am an avid reader. In fact, from the time I was a child, I always carry a book with me. These books have been an eclectic mix, reflecting my evolving interests. One area which I am consistently drawn to, however, is books which are the compilations of essays, letters or thoughts of architects, painters, writers and designers. I have read so many wonderful books over the years which have entertained, delighted, inspired and instructed me that I am hard pressed to single one out from this impressive grouping. One book, however, has stayed a particular favorite of mine and I have reread it many times over the years. It’s called Chinese Calligraphy, by Chiang Yee.
I have read so many wonderful books over the years which have entertained, delighted, inspired and instructed me that I am hard pressed to single one out from this impressive grouping. One book, however, has stayed a particular favorite of mine and I have reread it many times over the years. The book is Chinese Calligraphy, by Chiang Yee.
drop caps & equivalent
y introduction to this book was by mere chance rather then deliberate intention. I was roaming through the book store of the Metropolitan Museum of Art about twenty five years ago, skimming through the books which caught my attention.
ve read so many wonderful books over the years which have entertained, delighted, inspired and instructed me that I am hard pressed to single one out from this impressive grouping. I was roaming through the book store of the Metropolitan Museum of Art about twenty five years ago, skimming through the books which caught my attention. The book is Chinese Calligraphy, by Chiang Yee. I was roaming through the book store of the Metropolitan Museum of Art about twenty five years ago, skimming through the books which caught my attention.
have read so many wonderful books over the years which have entertained, delighted, inspired and instructed me that I am hard pressed to single one out from this impressive grouping. I was roaming through the book store of the Metropolitan Museum of Art about twenty five years ago, skimming through the books which caught My introduction to this book was my attention. by mere chance rather then deliberate intention. I was roaming through the book store of the Metropolitan Museum of Art about twenty five years ago, skimming through the books which caught my attention.
varying point size I am an avid reader. In fact, from the time I was a child, I always carry a book with me. These books have been an eclectic mix, reflecting my evolving interests. One area which I am consistently drawn to, however, is books which are the compilations of essays, letters or thoughts of architects, painters, writers and designers.
I find these partic-particular I findworks these works ular stimulating stimulatingbecause because they they givegive me direct insight me direct insight into into the the thinking of many thinking of many and creative many minds. These creative minds. These books letbooks me ‘study’ with with let me ‘study’ great masters beyond the great masters beyond the restrictions of timeof and restrictions time and place place and asas such, and such,I Ihave have been the been thepupil pupilof of MichelMichelangelo, Louis angelo, Louis Kahn, Pablo Kahn, Pablo Picasso, to name Picasso, to butname a few.but a few. I have read so many wonderful books over the years which have entertained, delighted, inspired and instructed me that I am hard pressed to single one out from this impressive grouping. One book, however, has stayed a particular favorite of mine and I have reread it many times over the years. The book is Chinese Calligraphy.
widow line ornament I am an avid reader. In fact, from the time I was a child, I always carry a book with me. These books have been an eclectic mix, reflecting my evolving interests. One area which I am consistently drawn to, however, is books which are the compilations of essays, letters or thoughts of architects, painters, writers and designers. I find these works particular stimulating because they give me direct insight into the thinking of many creative minds. These books let me ‘study’ with great masters beyond the restrictions of time and place and as such, I have been the pupil of Michelangelo, Louis Kahn, Pablo Picasso, to name but a few. I have read so many wonderful books over the years which have entertained, delighted, inspired and instructed me that I am hard pressed to single one out from this impressive grouping. One book, however, has stayed a particular favorite of mine and I have reread it many times over the years. The book is Chinese Calligraphy.
indentation I am an avid reader. In fact, from the time I was a child, I always carry a book with me. These books have been an eclectic mix, reflecting my evolving interests. One area which I am consistently drawn to, however, is books which are the compilations of essays, letters or thoughts of architects, painters, writers and designers. I find these works particular stimulating because they give me direct insight into the thinking of many creative minds. These books let me ‘study’ with great masters beyond the restrictions of time and place and as such, I have been the pupil of Michelangelo, Louis Kahn, Pablo Picasso, to name but a few. The insights and inspiration that are revealed to me through these readings have had a tremendous impact not only impacted my career and a designer and artist, but on me as a person as well.
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my own: bursts
ny oth
ith oks.
er bo
I am an avid reader. In fact, from the time I was a child, I always carry a book with me. These books have been an eclectic mix, reflecting my evolving interests. One area which I am consistently drawn to, however, is books which are the compilations of essays, letters or thoughts of architects, painters, writers and designers. I find these works particular stimulating because they give me direct insight into the thinking of many creative minds. I saw nnection by the co ith chinese w d scinated e fa nc tly ie an e inst d an ect exper a bit of time to. k, I becam h I had no dir pire hows d quite ular boo ug te o n o tic i lth ev ar A d p is ng I painting. es of th ted, ook, ok somethi er color the pag color was and wat through eligh . One b . The bo ee. d ith water graphy w lli Flipping , g ca in g e d nt ai e in year s ang Y Chines hy, p calligrap between i r tain roup
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my own: patchwork
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stayed a particular favorite of mine and I have reread it r ve many times oears. the y
colophon booklet designed by cari hume
Cover & headers Otama, 24/18 and 60/48 Indentations Adobe Garamond Pro, 12/14 Extended Melbourne Regular, 12/12 Melbourne Light, 9/10 Typeface Variation Helvetica Neue Ultra Light, Oblique, and Bold, 11/14 Color Variation Berthold Walbaum Book, 11/14 Running Paragraph Avenir Next Condensed, 12/14
Varying Pica Width Oxford, 11/12 Varying Paragraph Alignment Oxford, 10/12 Varying Letter Weight Melbourne Light, 11/14 Melbourne Bold, 14/14 Clarendon, 250 Drop Caps and Equivalent Helvetica Neue Ultra Light, 11/14 Helvetica Neue Bold, 11/14 and 24/14 Helvetica Neue Bold Italic, 24/14 Widow Line Ornament Garamond, 12/14
Varying Point Size Clarendon, 9/14, 14/14, 12/14
My Own: Patchwork Avenir Next Condensed Ultra Light, 12/14 Avenir Light, 10/14 Oxford, 12/14 ChunkFive, 14/14 Clarendon, 12/14 Fertigo Pro, 12/12
Varying Paragraph Shapes Avenir Light, 10/14
My Own: Bursts Abadi MT Condensed Light, 9/10 and 6/8
Inserting Line Space Znikomit , 10/14