DEAR LINDSEY, It was a pleasure meeting with you last Friday, and we are so pleased that our transformation/work with Hunt & Gather inspired you to ask our opinion. What a great, fun opportunity (for both of us)! We are impressed on how you have built your brand/clientele throughout WKH ODVW \HDU 7KH ȴUVW \HDU LV VXSSRVHG to be the hardest, right? Great job! We were also inspired by the passion for your work and the personal commitment you have already put into your space. We think with some of our recommendations, you can really bring your branding/business to the next level, and the quality of service/ results that you physically provide will match the visual aspects of the space. When your space is exciting & inspiring to you, it will excite and inspire your customers as well.
Before providing recommendations, we researched BANG, met with you to discuss your vision/the space, looked into similar businesses (drybar, Dry Lounge, etc.), brainstormed, & created a mood board for inspiration. The following are what we GHȴQHG DV WKH ȊSUREOHPVȋ ZH DUH trying to solve based on our meeting/research/design knowledge. ȏ ȏ
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Focal wall doesn’t make a large enough impact on the space Aesthetic can be a little confusing (customers commenting that LW VHHPV ȊYLQWDJHȋ LQVWHDG RI French-industrial, etc.) Customers aren’t seeing/utilizing the waiting area and are instead using the washing station to wait Hostess station is large, bulky, & not meeting the needs Not a lot of storage/electrical coverage at bar area Bar area doors (countertops) don’t provide level storage & the glass has occasionally broken
The goal of this booklet is to communicate our thoughts, design inspiration, & recommendations to solve the above problems in an organized way. We hope it is helpful to you as you plan out your next step, and we are thankful for the opportunity to work with you (whether you take all or none of our recommendations).
Please contact us with any questions. If you are happy with the services we have already provided, please pass our information on to other businesses you know that have similar needs. Thanks again!
Kelley & Troy Howley Hunt & Gather
Mood Board Primary Recommendations Secondary Recommendations Installation Renderings Shopping List
table of contents
PRIMARY RECOMMENDATIONS The primary recommendations are the action steps we think need to happen in order to make a large impact and solve some of the observed/discussed problems in your space. 1 Anchor the lounge/waiting area You already have some great pieces in the waiting area (we are still obsessed with that couch); however, we recommend adding an area rug to better GHȴQH WKH VSDFH ,W ZLOO PDNH WKH DUHD seem anchored and more cohesive, further communicating where clients should go to wait. We also recommend adding a larger-scale coffee table the space for depth (using wood tones similar to the focal wall).
2 Create a focal wall installation behind the “bar” 7KH ȊEDUȋ ZDOO VKRXOG KDYH WKH ODUJHVW impact in the room and really draw one’s eye. It should set the tone for the entire space’s aesthetics. Currently, the impact is there, but it isn’t substantial/large enough. We recommend using distressed, stained ZRRG SODQNV WR ȵDQN WKH HQWLUH ZDOO (see the Mood Board for examples of the stain). From there, mirrors, shelves, televisions, etc. can be hung from it. This installation will also draw eyes up to the beautiful architectural details of the ceiling & create more height. Using wood will add a warmth & depth that the space currently doesn’t utilize (with the exception of the fabulous wood mirror behind the sinks). In summary, creating this installation will solidify the focal point, will be functional, and will add to the aesthetic you are trying to create. See Ȋ,QVWDOODWLRQ 5HQGHULQJVȋ RQ SDJH
3 Amplify the French Industrial Bar aesthetic Through adding additional & intentional pieces to the space, customers will not be confused or think it LV Č&#x160;YLQWDJHČ&#x2039; DQ\ ORQJHU <RXU ORJR & website branding sets you up for the sophisticated French, industrialmodern look that you are going for REYLRXVO\ LQVSLUHG E\ Č&#x160;EDUVČ&#x2039; WRR but not all of those consistent elements are portrayed throughout the space. We recommend some new lighting (dramatic mix & match of French or repurposed chandeliers), DFFHVVRULHV Č´[WXUHV 3OHDVH VHH shopping list for recommendations. We know you like DIY projects, so perhaps those can just inspire you
and get you on the track of what to look for. We have some lighting & a coffee table currently in the shop WKDW PLJKW Č´W ZHOO ZLWK WKH DHVWKHWLF that we can offer at a 10% discount to design customers as well. We also recommend staining the wood boxes that you currently have as footstools in front of the wash station to the darker stain to increase the depth/ warmth and match our previous recommendations for the wooden wall installations. We would recomPHQG UHPRYLQJ \RXU ČľXRUHVFHQW lights and replace them with can lights or something less stark (or the other lighting you add may just do the trick!) Finally, try to be consistHQW ZLWK PDMRU Č´[WXUHV LQ WHUPV RI using brass, polished nickel, etc. See Č&#x160;6KRSSLQJ /LVWČ&#x2039; RQ SDJH
4 Change & move the hostess station We recommend moving the hostess station & scaling back on the size. 7KLV ZLOO JLYH \RX PRUH ČľH[LELOLW\ ZLWK the layout of the space, and you can angle it closer to the east side of the room, making customers more likely to see/utilize the lounge/waiting area. Additionally, it frees up more space
RQ WKH ČľRRU SHUKDSV WR DGG D Č&#x160;ČľRDWLQJ VWDWLRQČ&#x2039; IRU ZKHQ \RX DUH EXV\ move the make-up stand, etc.). Finally, if you only stock at the hostess desk with what you absolutely need, it will draw back on everyday clutter. You could even add a chalkboard to WKH VWDQG WR GLVSOD\ Č&#x160;VSHFLDOVČ&#x2039; OLNH they do at a traditional bar.
5 ,QVWDOO D ČľRDWLQJ ZDOO LQ IURQW RI RÉ?FH DUHD ZDVKLQJ VWDWLRQ ,QVWDOOLQJ D QHZ Č&#x160;ČľRDWLQJČ&#x2039; ZDOO ZLOO be both visually interesting and functional. It will solve the problem of clientâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sitting in the washing chairs while they wait, because it will be more sectioned off. It will adGLWLRQDOO\ FRYHU XS WKH RÉ?FH VSDFH and will provide a place to display products, add shelves, etc. Using the same wood & similar design from the previous recommendation, DGGLQJ WKLV ČľRDWLQJ ZDOO ZLOO GUDZ eyes up and carry the warm, wood aesthetic to the east side of the room. 6HH Č&#x160;,QVWDOODWLRQ 5HQGHULQJVČ&#x2039; RQ SDJH 7
6 Install new bar top 3-inches above existing bar & add electrical to top This recommendation needs a little bit more brainstorming/work before a plan can be put in place, but we wanted to mention it now to get it RXW WKHUH VLQFH LW LV D GHČ´QLWH QHHG The doors are awesome, graphic, and
bold. The only problem is that the glass breaks and it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t provide a level workspace. Perhaps a clear, thick plexi-glass or glass top can be secured above the existing bar (so you can see down to the door details). This will allow for better utilization & storage while still showcasing the beautiful one that you have already built and love. The trick is that
plexi-glass, if it is too thin, has the possibility of bowing. Additionally, glass, if it is too thin, has the possibility of breaking. The only other option would be installing a new countertop (but we think what you have going on there is so cool and just needs some reworking)! Surge protectors can be added to the top (and hidden well) to keep cords more manageable.
SECONDARY RECOMMENDATIONS You can always do more, right? Of course. We have provided some PRUH LGHDV WKDW ZRXOG Č´W \RXU aesthetic/design needs, but only after the primary ones have been considered or executed. The secondary recommendations serve to just keep the ideas coming for your next stage of updates, so we KDYH QRW SURYLGHG DQ\ ČľRRU SODQV or renderings for them.
1 Install a small, half-wall where the current hostess station sits This would give you another threeIHHW Č&#x160;ZDOOČ&#x2039; WKDW \RX FDQ SXW D WDEOH RU move your make-up station to on the other side while hiding whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s behind it. It would provide an anchor without feeling like whatever is in that SODFH LV IUHH ČľRDWLQJ RU UDQGRP
2 Install wall with built-in shelves on the narrow, east wall IURP ČľRRU WR FHLOLQJ This gives you more storage and organization while bringing the similar height, warmth, and wall aesthetic across the room from your focal point. The current shelf you have there right now does the same in terms of function, though, so itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not a primary concern. 3 5HSDLQW WKH ČľRRU 7KH ČľRRU FRORU LV JUHDW DQG QRW D PDjor concern (since it is concrete and durable), but if you are looking for D TXLFN Č&#x160;IUHVKQHVVČ&#x2039; D FRDW RI SDLQW always does the trick. 8
Floating Wall Installation Focal Wall Installation Floor to ceiling distressed wood planks, builtinshelves, mirrors/etc. mounted to wood.
Floor to ceiling temporary wall- would have gapping every three or four planks so you can still see what is going on behind it while also providing privacy/distance.
Print large photographs of your art and feature them on the main teal wall above your mirrored credenza Ikea ($20)
Two-light, brass swag Hunt & Gather ($120)
Coffee Table Hunt & Gather
Magazine Rack 8UEDQ 2XWȴWWHUV ($64)
Lamp Hunt & Gather
C 11
Evelyn Chandelier ($242)
Luggage Hunt & Gather
Grove Collection Chandelier ($166)
Regent White Iron Chandelier
Miscellaneous Decorative Animals Hunt & Gather ($14-$36)
Nico Arch Mirror World Market ($140)
Brielle Carved Mirror World Market
I M Walnut & Gold Museum Mirror World Market ($140 J M
Clear Canisters World Market ($8-$10)
Andalusia Rug West Elm
Terranium Vases World Market
Brown Cowhide Rug Ikea
Stool (Hostess) World Market ($110)
Olin Grey Rug Crate & Barrel ($
Jasper Grey Rug Crate & Barrel ($
Olin Gold Rug Crate & Barrel ($
Table Mirror 8UEDQ 2XWȴWWHUV ($24)
Floral Wall Mirror 8UEDQ 2XWȴWWHUV
Industrial Coffee Table Craigslist
Y 14