In the Dark and twisted future Man will have but one city left on earth New London the other lies in the air the floating plaice of the Oligarkum where the world elite and powerful control all that moves the men of the earth live in little more than i massive prison a meat grinder to serve those above it is a ragged world of crime drugs mysterious cults and no chance for change until something happened. The awakening an event that shook the world to its very core in March year 2075 New London was spending trillions on new psyonic research after recovering from the war that ravaged the planet. They stumbled on a discovery in subject 018 and made contact with a world within our dreams they called that world SOLARI.
Welcome to Dreams of Solari a Sci Fi near future rpg where in the run down near apocalyptic city of New London man has discovered the power to access another dimensions a cross plane of existence separate form our laws of space and time within their dreams but it is a tale