Created by Matt Cintron and Andrew Resnick

9 RINGS TABLE OF CONTENTS About 9 Rings 4 9 Rings Background Story 5 ‐ 7 Basic Game Play Options 8 ‐ 9 Basic Rules 10 Combat Basics 10 Attack Types 11 Types of Magic 12 The Consequences 13‐14 Experience and Leveling 15 Attributes 16 Skills 17‐24 Might Skills 18 Energy Skills 19 Agility Skills 20 Mind Skills 21‐22 Vitality Skills 23 Endurance Skills 24 Demon Races 25‐39 Titan 26‐28 Avadon 29‐32 Kundai 33‐36 Voulge 37‐39 Human Races 40‐42 The Tegai and The Onagi 41 The Nagahelm and The Rag Nok 42 Spells 43‐50 Earthly Spells 44‐46 Ethereal Spells 47‐48 Demon Spells 49‐50 Items 51‐61 Melee Weapons 52‐53 Ranged Weapons 54 Thrown Weapons 55 Shields 56 Armor 57‐58 Standard Items 59 Psychic Weapons 59 Ranged Spell Weapons 60‐61 Bonus Talents 62‐65 Appendix A: Character Sheet 66‐69 Appendix B: Monsters 70‐91 Appendix C: Usability Analysis 92‐93
9 Rings is a pen‐and‐paper role‐playing game in which players take on the roles of half demon, half mortal warriors in a land with peril, adventure, and inter‐dimensional rifts. The game gets its name because the inter‐dimensional rifts consist of nine rings of parallel planes of existence, where players will fight mortals, demons, sprits, dragons, giants, and gods for control of the mortal realm, all fueled by the newly released will of Amatavalu, The Dark One. The Game is run by a Realm Master (RM) who unfolds the adventure for the players. The RM has final say in all rule‐based arguments. If following an adventure guide, the RM may add in whatever new content they like or create an entire story of their own. However, the RM is always tasked with the responsibility of challenging the players appropriately and maintaining balance within the game.
About 9 Rings
It began with the Ancestral Gods. The Ancestral Gods were the originals, all formed out of the will of the very energy of the universe. The first was Tao, the bringer of all life, a creator of the earthly realm, who in his act to make himself and his creations perfect, extracted all traces of darkness and evil from them. But his action had unforeseen consequences, for all that extracted evil merged together and created the supreme entity of darkness known as Amatavalu, or The Dark One, who revolted and absorbed the power of Tao by turning his love to hate. Tao, in one last effort to save his creations, endowed seven mortals with his knowledge and divine power. These mortals became the Seven Sages, each one a high priest of Miran, the Order of Peace.
The Demon Gods were created by The Dark One in the beginnings of recorded history. As the harbingers of doom and his emissaries to the abyss, the demonic lords would ensure his rule over the corporeal realm of man and at last give him dominion over all existence. The first of these Demon Gods was Shandarus, the Demon God of Hate, Malice, and War.
Outside in the dusty plans of the torn and blood spattered lands of the Great Wars, the old ones and elder demons rose from sleep. The commotion even brought back races long thought to be extinct, like the Tonku, great horned beasts forty feet in size and covered in spikes, and the lrolath, shadows that can gain corporeal form and tear flesh from bone in a single strike. Man transformed and, in those horned mutations, thousands of new demons were born and died. The war went on with every one for themselves and everyone out for blood. Finally, after forty years, the last of them was dead all man and beast was reduced to smoldering ash.
Now The Dark One was a supreme force that existed not as a solid physical being in the earthly realm, but as the manifestation of hate itself, whose cumulative mass and sum existed as an exact replica of the amount of hate, malice, and ill will throughout the world. Amatavalu’s first act was to begin the Great Wars in forgotten history, where nearly all life was wiped out. This time was known as the Great Flood a flood of evil, not water, which caused man to go mad with blood lust and tear all life asunder. It was at that point that The Dark One finally became strong enough to exact his will upon reality in the form of the Demon Gods, or the Tan ku.
Sensing something was wrong, The Dark One turned his gaze to the gates of Miran and he saw the lone survivors, the Seven Sages, return from their deep sleep unscathed by the horrors and preserved from even time itself. Even with all the death and hatred that had just occurred, The Dark One still did not have the power to enter the physical world in his pure from as long as these Seven Sages remained.
After his victory, Amatavalu’s will was so powerful that a trace of his darkness was sewn into the soul of every living thing in the world. Those that succumb to the dark become his slave. Some were born with a greater sliver of The Dark One in their souls than others, causing these unfortunate beings to be under the influence of this terrible power to the extent that physical transformations could occur, altering not just their consciousness, but their very bodies. As such, horrible mutations would occur and these unfortunate beings became known as the Wretched.
However, The Dark One would not be stopped. With all his might and from the echoing souls of those slain in battle, he summoned two more Demon Gods: Gortaiath, the Demon God of Hunger, Lust, and Gluttony, and Vakrath, the Demon God of Visions, Lies, and Madness. Their first task was to eradicate the sages of Miran. As they licked their razor-bladed lips, a shiver went down the spine of every living thing left in the stone covered sanctuary, as they knew the fight of their lives was about to begin. It was a battle of the three Demon Gods against the gates of Miran. The magically honed and guarded fortress, said to have been carved from the very stones of creation itself, would now have to suffer the full force of these Demon Gods. But as the influence of The Dark One was still ripe throughout the land, if the sages raised so much as a finger in anger or revenge, they risked falling under his spell and turning into the very horrors they were fighting. For now, only defense was Thatpossible.was,until one day, when the Seven Sages combined their mental powers and the vested power of the Created to form new dimensional planes of existence, free from the ties of mankind and locked tight between the very folds of time. With all their power, they summoned nine grand dimensional planes nine holes leading to new realms. These holes spun before the Demon Gods, siphoning the air into an all powerful whirlwind that lifted the great beasts of their feet. Then, powering more and more energy into the storm, the sages made the winds so strong as to tear the Demon Gods apart, splitting them off into three pieces each, with each piece being absorbed by one of the nine dimensional holes. However, the sages did not stop there. Using the last of the God energy of Tao himself, the sages strengthened the trans dimensional storm and shot the winds into the heavens, right into the Broken Kingdom of Tao and straight into the heart of Amatavalu. The winds tore at him, spinning and ripping until he was torn into nine pieces and absorbed by each dimension. The dimensions were then sealed and each sage crafted a ring to hold the power of each dimension, with the Grand Sage getting three of them. The gates of Miran were opened and humanity was once again safe, for now. The Seven Sages parted ways, traveling to the farthest corners of the earth to seek out ways of restoring their power should the world ever need it again.
Thousands of years later a czar of mankind’s highest kingdom demanded some proof of the history his people had worshiped for so many years. A foolish apprentice in the ways of elder magic, mad with rage at the czar's insolence, sought to bring forth a single demon to teach the foolish king a lesson. But the spell went horribly wrong and with it the nine pieces of Amatavalu was given access to our world again. The dimensions he was banished to had been growing for ages and they were feeding off of Amatavalu’s ever-growing hatred of mankind and off the souls of the corrupted dead. The lands began to fall quickly, but the Council of the Magi, the greatest mages in all the land, gathered for a secret meeting, devising a plan to save the world. Their plan and the only hope for mankind came in the form of demonic power among mortals. Using an ancient ritual, they merged the blood of demons with mortal men, selecting the strongest of warriors and mages. For only one with the blood of a demon could hope to enter any of the nine dimensions of Amatavalu without going completely insane. From this ritual, new races of half human, half demon were born. Given the ability to use all the skill, innovation, and brilliance of man, combined with the insane power and destructive force of a demon, it is only them whose soul possesses the power to survive in the abyssal dimensions, traverse the Nine Rings and become a power great enough to stop The Dark One, Amatavalu. As one of these half human, half demon creatures, it is up to you to once again restore the future of all life in the land, or rise to become a power even more terrible than Amatavalu himself and take the land for your own. The choice is yours…
RM The man shoves you away angrily. "I don't need your pity," he bellows. The barkeep to the right of the bar beckons you over. How do you respond? And so on and so forth. This is how the RM narrates, unraveling the story to the players. For combat, the RM says where enemies are in relation to you and tells you how far you can move and the results of your actions. Rather than it having a physical representation, everything is described.
The other form of play is more concrete it involves playing on an actual board. Players are set up on a board (or set of boards) that has obstacles on it to represent the full length of the environment present to the players. They move on the board during their turns and the environment responds on the RM's turn. The RM still describes to you what's going on, but in addition to the description, there are physical representations on the board to show what is occurring in your particular demonic adventure.
Example: RM You arrive in Stone Crest Tavern. The two inn keepers immediately recognize that you are not altogether human and shoot you a dirty look across the room. The tavern is of modest means. Cloth‐covered tables and dimly lit candles fill your sight and the smell of rum stings your nostrils. Aside from the two barkeeps, an old woman nurses a lone drink in the far corner and a stout man sits sobbing heavily at the bar. What will you do?
The rules for adventuring are that the world is as the RM says it is. You can attempt to do what you wish in the world or use certain skills to accomplish things, but the RM decides whether or not those skills may be used for the task you're attempting and how the world responds to your choices. Characters must try to use their skills and abilities to achieve their desired outcome, while the RM's job is to make this a fun and interesting challenge.
The game can be played in two different forms one where the Realm Master is completely describing all that is happening to you while allowing you to make choices and actions, or where the RM sets the stage with a verbal description, but there is also a physical board on which the players move and interact with both enemies and the environment. A board is one of the easiest ways to keep track of combat.
Player 1 I go over to the man at the bar and ask him what's wrong. RM Give me a Diplomacy Skill check. Player 1 rolls a 25. Skill level was a 56. Check Failed.
To get new spells, you must either level up or purchase from or trade with spell teachers in the game.
Choice of MORTAL RACE: The player chooses one of the four possible options, hailing from the four corners of the world: Onagei (in the East), Tegai (in the West), Nagahelm (in the North), Rag Nok (in the South)
Starting attributes and abilities are defined by the races chosen and outlined later in this document. Once the starting points are marked down, the player gets 15 points to spend on their Core Attributes. A player may not put more than five of these fifteen points into any one singular attribute during distribution. Players get 225 points + (Mind Attribute x 2) to spend on Skills & Talents. After a skill reaches 60, it costs double the points. After a skill reaches 90, it costs quadruple the points.
Players get 15 Special Ability points and 0 Demonic Gift points Every level thereafter, a player is given 5 Attribute points, 50 + (Mind x 2) Skill points, 10 Special Ability points, and +10 HP. In addition, every player has a progressive chart of Attribute bonuses and Demonic Traits and Gifts they gain every level as their powers become stronger, as dictated in the Demon Races and Human Races section of this document.
The following dice are required to play 9 Rings: d2, d3, d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and d100. The d100 is usually just two 10‐sided dice, where one is the tens and the other is the ones, but you may actually use a full d100 if you can find one of these rather rare die.
TO START First each player gets a Character Sheet (See Appendix A). Choice of GENDER: The player chooses Male, Female, or Neutral
Choice of DEMON RACE: The player chooses one of the four possible options: Titan, Kundai, Voulge, or Avadon
All you need to play are the dice, rules document, enemy book, and some character sheets. Although not required, a board and pieces can help make the game more visible, but more on that latter.
NOTE: Remember, this is just a suggested starting point. If the RM wishes to run a campaign where the characters are deprived and must hunt, kill, and steal for their goods or are rich as kings at the start, that is entirely up to the adventure they're crafting.
DETERMINING WHO GOES FIRST: When you spot your opponent, roll a d100 plus your Agility Modifier. If your roll is higher than your opponent's, you go first; otherwise they go first. Tie rolls go to the player. This roll will not happen in the event of a surprise attack (see below).
*Mind Modifier = twice Mind attribute score Agility Modifier = twice Agility attribute score
SPELL POINTS: Spell points regenerate to full at the end of the day. You get 1d6 per character level returned any time you successfully rest.
STARTING GOLD: Everyone starts with 100 + (1d6 x 10) gold to spend on starting equipment. Add any bonuses from selected human race on top of this.
CRITICAL HITS: If you roll within your weapon's critical range, you roll damage as normal then take the weapon's rolled damage and double it. A critical roll with a weapon is an automatic hit.
COMBAT ATTACK BONUS and BONUS ATTACKS: Combat Attack Bonus (CAB) adds to your attack rating. If the listed CAB has a slash in it, like 60/10, the slash indicates a bonus attack. A character with this gains one bonus attack per round at the given CAB for the attack. This is not an additional physical action – you only get one bonus attack. However, these bonus attacks stack with ones you already have (the only ones that due so).
MOVEMENT: Everyone starts out with the standard movement of 60ft, which translates into six squares on the board, where each square represents 10ft, standard. If you choose to run, you may move +50% of your move speed, rounded down, which translate to an extra three squares if added to the standard movement. You may only move if you do this. If you choose to sprint, you can move double your movement speed, as long as you successfully roll to use the skill follow the instructions for using the Sprint skill when doing this, as outlined in the skills section.
EXAMPLE: Say your CAB is 60/10, which means one bonus attack at +10 CAB, but you also have a bite attack and an off‐hand attack. You can stack the bonus attacks from your CAB with one of your others. This means you can either use your bite attack with your CAB bonus attack or you can use your off‐hand bonus attack with your CAB bonus attack, but you may not attack three times, as you must choose between the bite attack and off‐hand attack, since those don't stack.
MELEE COMBAT: The most common form of combat, melee, involves first being within range of the opponent with your melee weapon. Melee weapons have three ranges: 5ft only able to attack those adjacent to you, 10 ft able to attack those one square away, and 15ft for the giant weapons, able to attack opponents one square away and two squares away when charging the opponent.
JUMP ATTACK: At the cost of your move action, a physical action, and a mental action, if you are at least 40ft away from an opponent, you may perform a jump attack at +10 AR and +5 damage. You must also roll a Leap skill check. If you fail, the actions are wasted.
CHARGE ATTACK: At the cost of your move action and two physical actions, move to an opponent and attack with +20 to your attack rating and +5 to damage.
SURPRISE ATTACK and FLANKING: If your opponent is unaware of you, treat this like a standard attack, except you get +10 to your attack rating. If you and an ally are directly in front of and behind a single opponent, you both get +20 instead. Any more players teaming up on the same opponent receive this bonus as well, but it does not grow any higher.
Standard Attacks take one physical action.
POWER ATTACK: At the cost of two physical actions, launch a single attack and if you hit, double the weapon's rolled damage.
DUAL‐WIELDING: When dual‐wielding, you get one bonus attack per round with the off‐hand weapon. This attack is made at ‐60 your current attack rating. The penalty is reduced to ‐30 if the weapon is small.
ATTACK TYPES STANDARD ATTACK: When attacking an opponent with a melee, ranged, or thrown weapon, you will roll the d100 and then add it to your skill with the weapon type, along with your Agility Modifier and CAB, then add any special or magical bonuses you might have to your attack rating. If the result is higher than your opponent's armored defense rating, you hit them and then roll damage. You have to be able to see the opponent and be within range to hit them with any ranged or thrown weapon. If the enemy is in some form of cover, it is at the RM's discretion whether or not to give you a potential miss chance or take subtractions from your roll to indicate the difficulty of hitting your particular target.
An attack like this takes one physical action and one mental action. If you have at least 10 Energy, it only costs one physical action.
ELDER: The magic of the assessorial gods; the strongest magic.
PSYCHIC WEAPON ATTACK: When attacking with a psychic weapon, roll a d100 and then add it to your skill with psychic weapons, along with your Mind Modifier and CAB. If the result is higher than your opponent's unarmored state, you hit and roll damage. With psychic weapons, you may deal damage to the opponent's mental stability instead of their health, if you wish.
NOTE: All magic types can be learned, but Elder Magic can only be learned from an Assessorial God.
An attack like this takes one physical action and one mental action. If you have at least 10 Mind, it only costs one physical action.
RANGED SPELL WEAPON ATTACK: When attacking with a ranged spell weapon, roll a d100 and then add it to your skill with ranged spell weapons, along with your Mind Modifier and CAB. If the result is higher than your opponent's unarmored state, you hit and apply the effects of the spell your weapon shoots out.
ATTACKING WITH A SPELL: When attacking with a spell, roll a d100 and then add it to your skill with the spell type, along with your Mind Modifier and CAB. If the result is higher than your opponent's unarmored state, you hit and apply the effects of the spell. Remember to look at the spell first. If it lists a resistance, the opponent gets one resistance roll against the spell, having to make the spell's resistance level. If they succeed, the spell is Anullified.standard spell will take one physical action and one mental action. If it takes more or less, it will say how many actions it takes in the spell list.
TYPES OF MAGIC EARTHLY: The magic of humans in the mortal realm.
ETHEREAL: The magic of the old heaven and the undead. DEMON: The magic of demons delving in blood and hellfire.
RUN: Opponent moves their full movement +50% rounded down in any direction away from the players.
DEMONIC STABILITY: This is a trait unique to characters, representing the instability of their demonic and human genetic state. Players have 50 demonic stability points. If they reach 0, a player's demonic nature overpowers their human one. This causes them to gain +10 Might and +10 Endurance, as well as a 1d8 bonus to all melee damage. In addition, the player must attack everything they see, including other players, until such time as their demonic blood lust is stabilized by a successful stability roll, either by the player at the start of every round or by one of their group members. Players stabilized this way are returned control of their character with a demonic stability score of 5 out of 50.
HEALTH POINTS: When an enemy’s health points (HP) reaches zero, they are dead. When a player's HP reaches zero, they fall unconscious and begin bleeding out. The player's party has five rounds to stabilize him. If they succeed, follow the rules dictated in the Stabilize skill. If they fail to Stabilize the player in the five rounds, that character is dead.
FLAIL WILDLY: A standard attack to everyone, including allies, in a 10ft radius at ‐40 attack rating. When a player uses all their mental stability points, they go insane. But instead of being limited by those three options, the RM simply takes control of their character and can have them do whatever he wants until such time as sanity is stabilized by a successful stability roll, either by a player at the start of every round or by one of their group members. Players stabilized this way are returned control of their character with a mental stability score of 5 out of 50.
MENTAL STABILITY POINTS: Every opponent and player has 50 mental stability points, unless otherwise stated on their stat charts. When an opponent loses all their mental stability points, they go insane. When this happens, the RM has limited control of the opponent and may choose to have them do one of the following: PASS OUT: Opponent falls unconscious to the floor. During your turn, if you are within ten feet, you may attempt a finishing move instead of a standard attack, using a full turn action. A finishing move is a standard attack roll ‐10, attempting to hit the opponent's unarmored state. This may be made more difficult by the RM if he sees the opponent you're trying to finish off as being especially hard to kill.
WOUNDS and INJURIES: In 9 Rings, things can get pretty intense, from incinerating flame spells to colossal goliaths' crushing blows. Chances are you're going to get hurt. In the event where the RM sees that you have taken a truly serious attack or when a creature has a special ability that dictates it, they may impose a wound on your character, which is a temporary hindrance to your abilities.
EXAMPLE: A severe gash on your left arm may give you a ‐30 to all off‐hand attacks and shield use, whereas a devastating psychic attack may leave you with post‐traumatic stress and make your temporary max mental stability 20. An injury is like a wound, but much worse.
EXAMPLE: If your character takes a serious fall, the RM may give them a broken rib, which could give them a hindrance of something like a temporary ‐35 to all Might‐related skills, or a steady amount of damage received continuously until a certain amount of time passes.
The way to remove these conditions is with rest, Treat Injury Kits, and the use of the treat injury skill. If you have the Resist Injury skill, hopefully you won't get wounded or injured in the first place. Resting can only relieve you from the effects of wounds, not injuries and it does this only if the rest is successful.
EXPERIENCE and LEVELING In 9 Rings, one levels up by achieving enough experience to attain the next level from kills or the completion of quests. Below is the progressive experience chart.
Experience is persistent and does not start back at zero when you gain a new level.
The RM decides what the value is for the experience of your encounters, quests, and enemies.
Level 2: 500 Level 3: 2500 Level 4: 7000 Level 5: 15,000 Level 6: 32,000 Level 7: 70,000 Level 8: 150,000 Level 9: 300,000 Level 10: 800,000
NOTE: Remember, as the RM, leveling is not the only way to reward your players. There are the obvious gifts of weapons and gold, but you can also reward them with a certain number of skill points or special ability points whenever they achieve something truly spectacular or make an effort to seek out training within the game. As the RM, all these tools are at your disposal.
ENERGY: +2 to Spell Pool for every single point. +1 to all Spell Damage every five points. For example, a character with 4 Energy would have a Spell Pool of 8 and +1 Spell Damage. You must have the necessary energy to cast a leveled spell and be at least of that character level based on the chart below: Level 1 = Energy 3 Level 2 = Energy 6 Level 3 = Energy 9 Level 4 = Energy 12 Level 5 = Energy 15 Level 6 = Energy 18 Level 7 = Energy 20 Level 8 = Energy 23 Level 9 = Energy 25 Level 10 = Energy 30 ACCURACY AGILITY: +2 to Attack Rating for every single point. +10ft to Movement every five points. +1 Physical Action every fifteen points.
ENDURANCE: +3 to Defense Rating for every single point. +1 Damage Resistance for every ten points.
The are six Core Attributes in 9 Rings. Each one is detailed below.
PROTECTION VITALITY: +3 HP for every single point. Immediate full rejuvenation and all negative effects removed every ten points.
DAMAGE MIGHT: 1d2 damage bonus at 3; 1d4 at 6; 1d6 at 9; 1d8 at 12; 1d12 at 15. Repeat cycle as add‐ons to current dice in increments of d2, d4, d6, d8, and d12 every three points. Increase damage bonus by one rank‐up when using a two‐handed weapon. For example, a character with 3 Might, using a two‐handed weapon, gets a 1d4 damage bonus instead of a 1d2.
MIND: +2 Mental and Magical Attack Rating for every single point. +10 to Magical Defense Bonus modifier every five points. +1 Mental Action every fifteen points. The other bonus from Mind, as indicated before, is that every level you add twice your Mind attribute level to available skill points.
ACTIONS: Skills take one physical and one mental action, unless otherwise stated. Skills that merely add their numbers to modifiers when you are performing other actions, like attacking, use no extra actions. If it takes a "full turn action", it takes all your actions, including move.
ADDED DIFFICULTY/EASE: The RM may place temporary subtractions or additions on your skill level if he/she deems that circumstances make what you are attempting to do additionally difficult or easy.
SKILLS This section contains the skills available to your character in 9 Rings, broken down by the attribute associated with them. When rolling, unless otherwise specified in the skill, use a d100 and attempt to roll under your current skill level. Doing so results in a successful use of the skill. This is referred to as a skill check roll.
Example: If my character springs a trap and the RM asks me to make a Dodge skill check, I will roll the d100 and try to get a lower roll than my skill level. If my Dodge skill level was 70 and I rolled 52, I would successfully dodge the trap, but if I rolled 90, I would have failed to dodge.
GRAPPLING: Roll the d100 and then add it to your grappling skill, along with your Might. Your opponent will roll the same to resist your grapple. The higher number is the victor, with a tie resulting in failure. If your grapple fails, they get to instantly roll an attack against you with ‐30 to your armor. If you win, you have grappled the opponent and on your next turn, you get the option to throw or pin them. After one of those actions is performed, if they are still grappled, they get a chance to resist again.
LEAP: Roll to make long jumps. Failure will result in falling down into whatever you were trying to jump across. MELEE WEAPONS: Add the number to your combat skill modifier when making attacks with any melee weapon. Damage is dependent on your Might and the weapon's damage rating.
BREACHING: Roll to bust through certain doors or windows, to enter a new space. If you fail to roll under your skill level, the object does not break and you may suffer damage at the RM's discretion. The RM will also decide which objects you are able or not able to use this skill on.
PIN: Immobilize opponent where you can still attack them with knives and unarmed attacks. If an ally is within range, they can attempt to finish them using a normal attack that, if successful, will cause instant death to the opponent. RM will decide if an opponent is to large to attempt grapple.
MIGHT SKILLS SCALING: Roll to climb objects. The RM will decide the times you have to roll for this. If you fail to roll under your skill level, the RM may dictate any damage that occurs in the event of a fall, or simply have it result in no movement.
SUNDER: Roll to break through enemy shield. If successful, the shield will shatter and opponent will lose the armor bonus from it and take 1d8 damage. If unsuccessful, your attack is wasted and your turn is over. Sunder requires all your might, so you may not use this skill if you have attacked once already this turn.
UNARMED COMBAT: Add the number to your combat skill modifier when making an unarmed attack. The damage for a standard unarmed attack is 1d6, 1d8 at skill 50, 1d12 at skill 75, and 1d20 at skill 99. Add additional damage as done with any melee weapon or other physical attack.
THROW: You toss opponent 2d6 feet in direction of your choice and they take fall damage of 1d3 per two feet, rounded down.
THROWN WEAPONS: Add the number to your combat skill modifier when making attacks with any thrown weapon. Damage is dependent on your Might and the weapon's damage rating.
TUNNELING: If you have this specialization ability and the RM rules the surface you're currently on is tunnel‐friendly, then you may roll to move half your move speed underground as a tunnel action. You may stay underground for two whole rounds, but you will have to roll to resist suffocation. Failure to tunnel results in a loss of move action.
UPHEAVAL: Roll and subtract result by Might to lift immensely heavy objects. Failure will result in no movement from the object and potential damage at RM's discretion.
TREAT ENERGY INJURY: Roll to treat an injury caused by energy magic. You must have an energy magic treatment kit or supplies the RM deems an equivalent in order to use this skill.
ELDER MAGIC: Add number to rolls to successfully cast an elder magic spell. If you fail, your actions are wasted. A roll of 99 equals a critical success and means the opponent does not get an opportunity to resist. A roll of 1 equals a critical failure and costs the player 50% of their HP, rounded down.
DEMON MAGIC: Add number to rolls to successfully cast a demon magic spell. If you fail, your actions are wasted. A roll of 99 equals a critical success and means the opponent does not get an opportunity to resist. A roll of 1 equals a critical failure and costs the player two demonic stability points.
FOCUS ENERGY: Roll to spend a turn focusing on your magical energy to get 25 points added to your caster roll and +10 to damage. Takes all actions; must not move to perform.
RANGED SPELL WEAPONS: Add number to rolls to successfully cast spells from a staff, wand, or other magical projectile weapon. If you fail, your actions are wasted. A roll of 99 equals a critical success and means the opponent does not get an opportunity to resist. A roll of 1 equals a critical failure and the weapon backfires, dealing 1d6 damage to yourself. You need at least 5 Energy and have the ability to cast level 1 earthly magic to use a low class ranged spell weapon, 10 Energy and have the ability to cast level 2 earthly magic to use a medium class ranged spell weapon, and 15 Energy and the ability to cast level 3 earthly magic to use high class and special ranged spell weapons.
RESTABILIZATION: Roll to resist any form of destabilizing demonic energy present in the 9 Rings. If you fail, you lose demonic stability points at RM's discretion.
ETHEREAL MAGIC: Add number to rolls to successfully cast an ethereal magic spell. If you fail, your actions are wasted. A roll of 99 equals a critical success and means the opponent does not get an opportunity to resist. A roll of 1 equals a critical failure and costs the player two mental stability points.
NOTE: Remember, Elder Magic can only be learned from an Assessorial God.
EARTHLY MAGIC: Add number to rolls to successfully cast an earthly magic spell. If you fail, your actions are wasted. A roll of 99 equals a critical success and means the opponent does not get an opportunity to resist.
ENERGY SKILLS USE DEMONIC GIFT: Roll to successfully use your demonic gift. If you fail, your actions are wasted. If you roll 40 under your skill level, it's a critical, which doubles your damage if it's a damage‐dealing effect.
MELEE SPELL: Roll before you attempt to cast a spell while in close combat. If you fail, you lose the chance to cast. This roll takes no actions, but if you fail the roll, you lose whatever actions the spell cost as if you cast the spell.
AGILITY SKILLS STEALTH: Roll to hide successfully from one's enemies. This is a full turn action. If it is a success, you are hidden and opponents must make a spot check to find you. If you fail, you waste your turn. This action cannot be done in plain sight or where there are no places to hide. RM has final say in this matter.
SPOT: Roll to spot hidden enemies or objects. Your RM will tell you when a spot check is necessary to see something. Using spot only takes one mental action.
ESCAPE: Roll to escape when tied up or otherwise trapped. RM may temporarily lower your skill to represent difficulty of the escape. Full turn action.
DODGE: Roll to avoid surprise attacks, reflex‐based traps, and spell attacks that have this as their only form of resistance, like fireball. If you fail, the damage or effect is dealt as normal. The RM will tell you when you must roll this skill. It takes no actions.
RIDE: Roll to successfully ride on a mount at their given speed. If you fail, your movement action is wasted or you are thrown to the ground at the RM's decision. Rolling this skill takes away no actions.
THEFT: Roll to make any attempt to steal something. Failure will result in a confrontation with whoever you're trying to steal from. RM may make temporary adjustments to skill based on difficulty of what you are stealing. This skill may not be used in combat.
TRAP SENSE: Roll to successfully detect nearby traps. If you fail, the actions are wasted.
FLIGHT: Those that have the ability to fly roll to successfully fly through the air at their ability's given speed. If they fail, their movement action is wasted or they fall to the ground at the RM's decision. Rolling this skill takes away no actions.
EVASION: Roll to attempt to avoid pursuers while being chased. If you succeed, you are no longer pursued; otherwise your pursuers are still after you. This may only be used when fleeing from something that's chasing you.
DYNAMIC MOVEMENT: Roll when trying to flee from a combat encounter, where you must make a roll under your skill number, as usual. Full turn action. If you fail, you're still in combat and you've wasted your turn. If you succeed, you can move out of combat three times your regular movement speed. Also roll as to make any checks prompted by the RM related to balance or acrobatics at no action cost.
RANGED WEAPONS: Add the number to your combat skill modifier when making attacks with any ranged weapon. Damage is dependent on your Might and the weapon's damage rating. Some ranged weapons will limit or take away your Might damage bonus, like crossbows.
PSYCHIC TAKEOVER (PT): Roll to attempt a hostile takeover of an opponent's mind. Initially, this can only be done on those who are a lower level than you. Once your skill is 60, you can attempt it on those equal to your level, and once your skill is 90, you may perform it on those one level higher than you. If your attempt is resisted, you take mental stability points equal to your level. To attempt a PT, you must possess the mental assault skill, as well as have two mental actions. The attempt takes all your actions and you may not move while you attempt this action, nor while you are controlling the opponent.
MIND SKILLS MENTAL ASSAULT: You may perform the skills below equal to the number of points you have in Mind, per day. You must have The Mind is My Weapon talent in order to use the mental assault skill. Your mental assault level is equal to your character level.
TELEKINETIC STRIKE (TS): At the cost of one physical action and one mental action, attack your opponent with psychic energy in the form of damage. Roll like a regular attack, but add the mental assault skill to your attack bonus and your mental attack rating. Your mental attack rating is equal to twice your Mind attribute. Roll this against their unarmored defense score and deal damage based on the chart below. Mental Resistance score your opponent must Mental Assault Level roll higher than to resist PT Damage from TS Rating
1 40 + Your Mental Attack
2d4 2 55 + Your Mental Attack Rating 2d6 3 80 + Your Mental Attack Rating 3d6 4 90 + Your Mental Attack Rating 3d8 5 100 + Your Mental Attack Rating 1d6 + 3d8 6 110 + Your Mental Attack Rating 2d10 + 2d6 7 115 + Your Mental Attack Rating 3d6 + 2d10 8 120 + Your Mental Attack Rating 2d8 + 3d10 9 125 + Your Mental Attack Rating 6d10 10 130 + Your Mental Attack Rating 15d6
KNOWLEDGE: Roll to see if you possess knowledge on a certain topic. The RM will tell you what you know if you succeed. If you posses a knowledge specialization associated with the topic you are inquiring about, add +30 to your skill for the check.
DISMANTLE: Roll on any checks to disable a device or take apart an object without destroying it. This is primarily used to disarm traps. Your RM will tell you the results of your effort based on your roll.
PSYCHIC WEAPONS: Add the number to your combat skill modifier when making attacks with any psychic weapon. Damage is dependent on your Might and the weapon's damage rating. Roll as a skill check before using any of the weapon's special psychic abilities. If you fail, your actions are wasted.
MIND RESISTANCE: Use as a skill check to resist non‐combat attempts to psychically persuade your character. RM will tell you when you need to roll. In combat, it works like magical resistance. Add the skill's number to a d100 roll, along with your Mind bonus and any specials for resisting psychic attacks you might have. If your roll is high enough, you will resist the psychic attack being cast at you or the psychic effect of the area you are in. This roll is called a mental resistance roll and is done when a psychic attack is being cast at you or when prompted by the RM. If you fail, you will likely lose mental stability points, at RM's discretion.
EXAMINE: Roll to look over specific objects closely to see if you can gain useful information. RM will decide what information to reveal based on your roll. If you fail, he will reveal nothing.
PERSUASION: Roll to lie, trick, or otherwise use guile to manipulate characters in your game. The RM may force you to roll this whenever you attempt to lie. Failures in this case will likely result in a fight.
DIPLOMACY: Roll when attempting to explain, discuss, or otherwise converse with characters in the game. Failure will likely result in confusion over what you are trying to say.
CRAFT: If you have the appropriate materials and talent, you roll to attempt to craft the desired object. Basic materials not listed in craft talents can be made with just the materials. If you fail your roll, the materials might be destroyed, at the RM's discretion.
READ TOMES: Roll when checking to see if you understand any of the writings in books that are a member of the ancient tomes class. You will encounter these on your journeys and, if successfully read, can unlock great secrets. Fail to read the ancient words properly too many times and the book may explode, at the RM's discretion.
ENERGY RESISTANCE: Add the skill's number to a d100 roll, along with your Mind bonus and any specials for resisting spells you might have. If your roll is high enough, you will resist the spell being cast at you or the magical effect of the area you are in. This roll is called a magical resistance roll and is done when a spell is being cast at you with a required resistance roll or when prompted by the RM.
REST: Roll to see how well you rest. RM decides what happens as a result of how well you roll.
TREAT PHYSICAL INJURY: Roll to see how well you use Treat Injury Kits or other items for treating physical injuries. Failure may result in no heath restored or even more damage, at the RM's discretion.
RESIST POISON: Roll to stave off, endure, or completely avoid the effects of a poison. RM will prompt roll if threatened with being poisoned. Takes no actions.
VITALITY SKILLS CHARM: Roll to see how well you are received and perceived by other people and animals. This roll with be prompted by the RM. You may roll your charm skill whenever you wish to make a person or animal like you more. If you fail, they will like you less.
EXAMPLE: A success may result in 2d4 HP restored, while a failure may result in an encounter with wolves.
SENSE: Roll to use your body’s natural energy to sense the presence of unseen, hidden, or invisible life forms. This takes a full turn action. Failure results in a wasted turn.
RESIST DISEASE: Roll to stave off, endure, or completely avoid the effects of a disease. RM will prompt roll if threatened with being diseased. Takes no actions.
SWIM: Roll to determine success of all swim checks. Failure may result in little to no movement through the water. Fail enough times in a row and you may start to drown, at the RM's discretion. Takes no actions.
RESIST SUFFOCATION: Roll on all attempts to resist damage from suffocation, like while under water. RM prompts rolls. Takes no actions.
TREAT MENTAL INJURY: Roll to use mentally enhancing kits and restorative ingredients to regain mental stability or to cure a mental affliction. Failure will result in no benefit for the condition and loss of ingredients. This can be done with mental energy alone and no ingredients if your skill is 60 or above.
SPRINT: Roll to run at twice one's movement speed. Failure causes you to move as normal. Full turn action.
RESIST INJURY: Roll to resist permanent injuries on your body. Rolls are prompted by RM and take no actions. USE SHIELD: Tests capacity with shields and determines which shields are available to you. Once your skill is at 40, you may use medium shields, at 60 you may use heavy shields, and at 80 you may use high and special class shields, as long as you meet their specific requirements.
ENDURANCE SKLLS USE ARMOR LIGHT; MEDIUM; HEAVY; DEMON; TITAN: Roll this skill for any checks the RM dictates involving your armor. Takes no actions.
RESIST EXHAUSTION: Roll to resist the effects of exhaustion. RM prompts roll. Takes no actions. Failure may result in kneeling to catch your breath, collapsing, fainting, or falling.
RESIST DAMAGE: You may only put points in this skill if you have 60 in Resist Injury and 70 in Resist Exhaustion. Roll this skill when attacked to gather all your Endurance and attempt to completely resist all damage from a single attack. On your next turn, you cannot move. If successful, you take no damage, but RM may allow damage to get through if the attack you face is overwhelmingly deadly.
The main purpose of these skills is to grant you the ability to get better at using certain classes of armor and gain the ability to use new armor. Every 30 points you have in the skill of the armor you are currently wearing, gives you a +5 special defense bonus to your total armor.
STABILIZE: Roll to stabilize yourself or others when dying to stop blood loss, or to attempt to stabilize yourself or others when all mental or demonic stability has been lost. Full turn action. If successful to stabilize blood loss, player is placed back at 1 HP, but they are only able to move at half their current speed unless assisted by another person or until healed beyond this point. If successful to stabilize mental or demonic stability loss, they are stabilized and receive 5 mental or demonic stability points, respectively.
Every one starts out with the ability to use Light Armor, but the others must be earned according to the following progression: If Light Armor = 40, you can use and put points into Medium Armor. If Medium Armor = 60, you can use and put points into Heavy Armor. If Heavy Armor = 80, you can use and put points into Demon Armor. If Demon Armor = 90, you can use and put points into Titan Armor.

TITAN High combat and endurance; Medium vitality; Low stealth and magic. Perhaps the most traditional looking demons amongst the hoards, Titans are true terrors on the battlefield. Usually standing well over eight feet tall, they are well known for their abilities to rip people to shreds, as well as to swing two‐handed weapons at speeds impossible for a regular human. They are the greatest warriors amongst the hybrid demons. ACTIONS: Physical Actions 2; Mental Actions 1 STARTING HP: 25 STARTING TALENTS: Two‐Hand Weapon Adept; Slasher ATTRIBUTE BONUSES: LV1 Might +2 Vitality +1 Endurance +1 CAB=+10 DT Devil's Hide, Devil's Horns DG Roar LV2 CAB=+20 LV3 Might +1 Vitality +1 Endurance +1 CAB=+30 DG Carnal Sunder LV4 Endurance +2 CAB=+40 DT Wicked Claws LV5 CAB=+50 DG Devil's Rage LV6 Might +2 CAB=+60/+10 LV7 CAB=+70/+20 DG Cursed Flame LV8 Might +2 Vitality +2 CAB=+80/+30 DT Wings LV9 CAB=+90/+40 LV10 Might +3 Vitality +3 Endurance +3 CAB=+90/50/+10 DG Demon Aura DT = Demonic Traits DG = Demonic Gifts CAB = Combat Attack Bonus SKILL BONUSES: Use Light Armor +40; Use Medium Armor +20; Unarmed Combat +10; Melee Weapons +30; Resist Exhaustion +20; Resist Poison +20; Resist Disease +20; Thrown Weapons +30
LV7 DG Cursed Flame = once per day you may use Cursed Flame. The three squares in front of you are engulfed in flame. All creatures within take 6d10 fire damage.
LV5 DG Devil's Rage = activate this once per encounter for‐30 to Attack Rating and +10 to damage for two rounds.
DT Devil's Horns = gives you an additional +3 damage whenever you successfully land a charge attack DG Roar = when within 5ft of an opponent, you may designate one opponent as a target and blast them with a terrifying roar. With a successful Use Demonic Gift roll, the target becomes frightened and gets a ‐15 to their Attack Rating rolls for six rounds.
LV1 DT Devil's Hide = gives you an additional +5 special bonus to your armor
LV10 DG Demonic Aura = You are now wrapped in a demonic aura. Your attacks get +10 damage, your mental, magical and physical defense get +30, and all creatures five levels lower than you have a 50% chance of running in fear when attempting to attack you.
LV4 DT Wicked Claws = you now have long, sharp, dangerous claws. All your unarmed attacks deal +5 damage.
LV3 DG Carnal Sunder = gives you an additional +30 to all attempts to Sunder. In addition, if Sunder is successful, target also takes 1d8 damage.
LV8 DT Wings = you have grown wings. You may now fly 90ft in any direction as a standard move action.

AVADON High endurance; Medium magic and combat; Low stealth and agility. Avadons are granted a very interesting set of powers stemming from the Aveda demon genes in their blood. Like the Aveda, they are both corporeal and ethereal at the same time. This means that although they are living creatures, part of them exist in the land of the dead. This allows them great ability to communicate with spirits, use life force energy to heal those who have been injured, and have good knowledge of ethereal magic. ACTIONS: Physical Actions 2; Mental Actions 1 STARTING HP: 21 STARTING TALENTS: Healer; Knowledge ‐ Ethereal ATTRIBUTE BONUSES: LV1 Energy +2 Vitality +1 Endurance +1 CAB=+5 DT Replenishing Antlers, Curved Claws, DG Blessings of the Dead LV2 CAB=+10 LV3 Vitality +1 Endurance +2 CAB=+20 DG Demonic Light LV4 Energy+1 Endurance +1 CAB=+30 DT Ethereal Arms LV5 CAB=+40 DG Soul Gaze LV6 Might +1 Energy +1 CAB=+50 LV7 CAB=+60/+10 DG Specter Familiar LV8 Energy+2 Endurance +2 CAB=+70/+20 DT Armored Skin LV9 CAB=+80/+30/+5 LV10 Energy +3 Vitality +3 Endurance +3 CAB=+85/+40/+5 DG Ethereal Presence DT = Demonic Traits DG = Demonic Gifts CAB = Combat Attack Bonus
SKILL BONUSES: Use Light Armor +40; Treat Physical Injury +20; Use Shield +20; Melee Weapons +20; Resist Exhaustion +20; Restabilization +10; Treat Energy Injury +20; Mind Resistance +30; Treat Mental Injury +10; Stabilize +10; Ethereal Magic +30 KNOWN MAGIC TYPE: Ethereal KNOWN SPELLS: Entropic Bolt; Death Aura; Sacred Energies
LV5 DG Soul Gaze = at the cost of four spell points, you can gaze into a creature's soul. Doing this gives you exact knowledge of its health, armor, and any special abilities it may possess.
LV3 DG Demonic Light = light emanates from the Avadon and gives the group a 60ft radius of clear visibility, even in pitch black areas.
DG Blessings of the Dead = at the cost of two spell points, all within a 30ft radius from the Avadon gain +5 Attack Rating and +2 damage on all attacks for six rounds.
LV4 DT Ethereal Arms = your arms glow full of ethereal magic and all weapons you hold ignore any damage resistance an ethereal creature has to physical weapons.
LV7 DG Specter Familiar = once per day, summon a level 5 specter to your side for one hour. Actions 2; Mental Actions 1 Movement 60ft 12 Agility 8 Energy 5 Vitality 10 Mind 5 Endurance 12 HP 40 Attack Rating + 56 Weapon: Ethereal Claws 2d8 +2 Damage Armored 100 Unarmored 75 Resistance Bonus +24 Physical Damage Resistance +5 Skills: Unarmed Combat 40; Spot 60 LV8 DT Armored Skin = your skin is armored granting you a +10 special bonus to armor
LV10 DG Ethereal Presence = you have the presence of a Grand Ethereal Specter and thus get + 40 Special Armor bonus, +10 physical weapon damage resistance, and a 20% chance to convert any ethereal creature lower than your level within 5ft to your side.
AVADON DEMONIC GIFTS AND TRAITS LV1 DT Replenishing Antlers = the Avadon has large curved antlers growing from their shoulders. Once per day, they may heal all within a 50ft radius of where they are standing by 2d10 points of HP. This is a full turn action
DT Curved Claws = the Avadon has small curved claws that give it +2 to all unarmed combat attack damage and + 10 to the grapple skill.

KUNDAI Very High magic; Medium stealth; Low combat, endurance, and vitality. Kun‐Drada demons are said to be the original sources of all magic throughout the lands. The massive knowledge and arcane energy that they possess are reflected in their human hybrids, the Kundai. Not only can the Kundai use every form of magic known to man, demon or ghost, but they also have the incredible power to naturally defy the very laws of gravity. Kundai can do this even in their weakest forms. ACTIONS: Physical Actions 2; Mental Actions 1 STARTING HP: 17 STARTING TALENTS: Hidden Potential; Knowledge Arcane, History, Demons ATTRIBUTE BONUSES: LV1 Energy +2 Agility +1 Mind +1 CAB=+0 DT Demonic Mind, Soulless Eyes, DG Levitation 1 Hover LV2 CAB=+10 LV3 Energy +3 CAB=+20 DG Arcane Leech LV4 Energy +1 Mind +1 CAB=+30 DT Demonic Tendrils LV5 CAB=+40 DG Levitation 2 Float LV6 Agility +1 Energy +1 CAB=+50 LV7 CAB=+60/+10 DG Arcane Overcharge LV8 Energy +2 Mind +2 CAB=+70/+20 DT Four‐Pronged Scorpion Spine LV9 CAB=+80/+30/+5 LV10 Energy +5 Mind +3 Agility +1 CAB=+85/+40/+5 DG Levitation 3 Flight DT = Demonic Traits DG = Demonic Gifts CAB = Combat Attack Bonus
SKILL BONUSES: Earthly Magic +30; Demon Magic +30; Ethereal Magic +10; Focus Energy +20; Resist Energy +20; Spot +20; Persuasion +10; Mind Resistance +20; Psychic Weapons +10; Knowledge +40; Ranged Spell Weapons +30; Ranged Weapons +10; Use Demonic Gift +20 KNOWN MAGIC TYPE: Ethereal; Demon; Earthly KNOWN SPELLS: Ethereal = Sense Ethereal; Soul Armor Demon = Gaze of Hate Earthly = Burn; Shocking Wave; Stun; Arcane Aura; Sense Arcane; Energy Burst
LV10 DG Levitation 3 – Flight = you may now fly 200ft in any direction as a standard move action and remain in the air for up to five rounds
LV1 DT Demonic Mind = gives you a +4 to your starting spell pool and lets you use physical actions as mental actions for the purpose of casting spells.
LV5 DG Levitation 2 – Float = use this ability to hover 15ft above the ground, a distance of 70ft. Any effects related to the ground's surface that would normally affect you do not. You do this in exchange for your standard move action, as well as the actions it takes to use demonic gift. You can remain hovering for three rounds before returning to the ground's surface.
DT Soulless Eyes = +15 on all mental/magical resistance checks.
DT Demonic Tendrils = gain +20 Mental Resistance, +10 Magical Resistance, and +2 damage on all spells.
LV7 DG Arcane Overcharge = once per day, using a full turn action, you may add 3d10 damage to a single spell.
DG Levitation 1 – Hover = use this ability to hover 10ft above the ground, a distance of 50ft. Any effects related to the ground's surface that would normally affect you do not. You do this in exchange for your standard move action, as well as the actions it takes to use demonic gift. You can remain hovering for two rounds before returning to the ground's surface.
LV3 DG Arcane Leech = you may use a full turn action to target a single opponent and steal 1d6 SP from them, if that opponent has any SP to steal. If they do not, you sense it and actions are not used
LV8 DT Four‐Pronged Scorpion Spine = at the cost of two physical actions, you may launch four scorpion stinger attacks, dealing 2d4 +1 poison damage per strike to any opponent within 5 ft

VOULGE High stealth and agility; Medium combat and endurance; Low magic. One with shadows, Volan demons are literally part of the darkness that surrounds them, as they stalk their prey during the night. Like their greater demon elders, the Voulge are masters of stealth and the use of blades. In addition, they possess massive psychic energy that allows them to perform devastating mental attacks and at higher levels, even take over the minds of their opponents. ACTIONS: Physical Actions 2; Mental Actions 1 STARTING HP: 19 STARTING TALENTS: The Mind is My Weapon; Trap Sensor ATTRIBUTE BONUSES: LV1 Agility +3 Mind+1 CAB=+0 DT Psychic Glands, Devil's Bite DG Shadow Blade LV2 CAB=+10 LV3 Agility+1 Mind+2 CAB=+20 DG Evolution of Mind LV4 Might +1 Agility +1 CAB=+30 DT Shoulder Sabers LV5 CAB=+40 DG Dark Flame Daggers LV6 Mind +2 Agility +1 CAB=+50 LV7 CAB=+60/+10 DG Abyssal Leap LV8 Agility+3 Mind +1 CAB=+70/+20/+5 DT Four Arms LV9 CAB=+80/+30/+10 LV10 Agility +3 Mind+3 Might +3 CAB=+90/+40/+20 DG Shadow Form DT = Demonic Traits DG = Demonic Gifts CAB = Combat Attack Bonus SKILL BONUSES: Melee Weapons +20; Ranged Weapons +30; Stealth +30; Persuasion +20; Psychic Weapons +20; Mind Resistance +20; Dodge +10; Trap Sense +20; Mental Assault +5; Use Light Armor +25; Spot +20
LV10 DG Shadow Form = you gain invisibility from opponents, +50 to Dodge, your Shadow Blade bonus damage increases to +10, and your current movement gets +50ft
LV1 DT Psychic Glands = +10 to Mental Assault skill and +1 to Telekinetic Strike damage
LV3 DG Evolution of Mind = you gain an additional mental action
LV4 DT Shoulder Sabers = any opponent that successfully attacks you takes 1d6 damage
DT Devil's Bite = you get one bonus attack per turn at ‐20 your current attack rating and 1d4 physical damage. DG Shadow Blade = +2 damage whenever attacking an opponent while flanking or by surprise.
LV8 DT Four Arms = you gain two bonus attacks with a d12 might damage bonus limit and minus 50 to your highest Attack Rating
LV5 DG Dark Flame Daggers = whenever using any type of dagger or knife, thrown or not, you may use your demonic gift to give them +2d6 arcane damage
LV7 DG Abyssal Leap = as a full turn action, make a special jump instead of your standard leap. Fire emerges from where you land in a 30ft radius around you. Enemies caught within the blast radius take 4d8 fire damage. You may not move your next turn and you only get one physical and one mental action.
Heavily industrious and full of ambition, the Tegai are most commonly known for their way with words and the spread of their language, which is the common tongue of the earthy realm. They are also known to be great studiers of history and have been around for quite a long time, with a resistance to some diseases.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Knowledge Hunting, Cities, Sea, Maps, Arcane Arts
STARTING GOLD: +90 gp SKILL BONUSES: Knowledge +35; Ride +20; Evasion +15; Dynamic Movement +15; Spot +10; Examine +25; Diplomacy +20; Persuasion +15; Sense +10; Escape +15
STARTING GOLD: +75 gp SKILL BONUSES: Charm +10; Knowledge +25; Resist Disease +15; Dismantle +10; Craft +30; Swim +20; Rest +15; Sprint +15; Persuasion +20; Ride +15; Examine +10; Spot +10
Primarily a Zeno‐centric society, the Onagi have always had a particular distaste for those from outside their eastern borders. However, they are excellent artisans, arcane enthusiasts, known riders, and have a great love of hunting and the sea. The Onagi have a particular affinity toward maps as well. In addition, they are in generally known to be quite intelligent, as well as quick on their feet.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Knowledge History, Nature, Cities, Crafting; Craft Wood
The Rag Nok hail from the southern lands of crazed heat, great jungles, and massive deserts. They are extremely talented at battle and train in it from a young age. They are quite athletic and have great knowledge of how to survive in the wild. They are also an extremely religious people, with a great understanding of both their own, as well as many other religions across the lands, and are very mentally resilient.
The Nagahelm are the great northerners of the Dark Moon Mountains. Living in harsh cold and a brutal environment full of dangerous predators, survival has become their strong suit. They are also well versed in knowledge of legends and the lore surrounding the Mystic Tomes, as it was deep within the Dark Moon Mountains that those tomes where originally found.
STARTING GOLD: +60 gp SKILL BONUSES Knowledge +15; Scaling +20; Sunder +10; Breaching +15; Sprint +30; Spot +10; Leap +20; Restabilization +5; Mind Resistance +15; Dynamic Movement +5; Dodge +10; Craft +5 Starting gold +60gp SPECIAL ABILITIES: Knowledge Religion, Nature, Hunting, Crafting
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Knowledge Legends, Hunting, Nature, Books, Runes
STARTING GOLD: +50 gp SKILL BONUSES Knowledge +10; Resist Disease +20; Sprint +5; Grappling +10; Theft +5; Read Tomes +30; Resist Poison +15; Resist Injury +15; Resist Suffocation +15; Resist Exhaustion +15;
Energy Burst 2 2 send your energy outward in an even more 3d4 0 40 - Arcane AoE 3 10 violent burst Entanglement 2 roots emerge from the ground, holding the 1d10 100 3 Poison DD + DoT 3 10 Enemies cannot move and take 1d10 victim in place and poisoning over time damage every turn. If attacked, entanglement ends.
Summon Weapon 1 summon a temporary low class melee 3 Summon 2 5 This can be cast on yourself or on an ally. thrown or ranged weapon. Wind Cut 1 hits the target with a high velocity blast of 1d10 90 Air DD 1 5 slicing wind Arcane Aura 2 2 cast magical shield on self 5 Self Buff 4 10 prevents 2d6 of any incoming magical damage
9 Rings Spell List ‐ Earthly Magic SP = Spell points Cost = Number of ability points it takes to learn AoE = Area of Effect DD = Direct Damage DoT = Damage over Time Name Level Description Damage Range Radius Duration Dmg Type Spell Type SP Cost Attributes (ft) (ft) (Turns) Arcane Aura 1 cast magical shield on self 5 Self Buff 2 5 prevents 2d4 of any incoming magical damage Arcane Bolt 1 a blast of mystic power released from the 2d4 80 Arcane DD 1 5 hands to fend off enemies Burn 1 the four squares directly in front of you 2d3 0 40 Fire DD 3 5 alight with flame, dealing damage to all in the area Conjure Light 1 summons a small ball of light illuminating a Summon 1 5 this spell lasts for one hour in game world 50ft radius around the player time. Energy Burst 1 send your energy outward in a violent burst 2d3 30 Arcane AoE 2 5 Force Wave 1 hits the target with a wave of magical force, 1d8 40 - - Physical DD 3 10 Target is pushed back 1d6 * 10ft. If creature sending it backwards is large, RM may modify distance or nullify it Frostbite 1 a single target becomes wrapped in an aura 2d2 90 2 Cold DD + Debuff 2 5 target receives 20ft movement penalty for of icy cold for two turns, slowing its duration of spell movement Minor Deteriorate 1 hits a target with a blast of highly corrosive 1d6 80 Corrosive DD 1 5 50% chance that one piece of wooden acid, damaging its equipment and health equipment is destroyed
Arcane Bolt 2 2 a more powerful blast of mystic power 4d4 80 Arcane DD Burn 2 2 an upgraded Burn causes more damage to 4d3 0 40 Fire DD enemies Earthen Armor 2 boost your armor rating with the power of 0 3 Self Buff 3 10 Boosts armor rating by +50% rounded down the earth
Flame Burst 2 Blast of intense heat 3d8 40 Fire DD 3 10
Sense Arcane 1 sense any arcane energies in the area 200 AoE 1 5 Shock 1 a small swift bolt of lightning sent through 3d3 40 - - Lightning DD 1 5 +1d4 damage if target is in water or soaked the ground and into your target Stun 1 chance to stun an enemy for one turn 1d6 60 1 Physical DD 1 5 20% chance to stun target
Name Level Description Damage Range Radius Duration Dmg Type Spell Type SP Cost Attributes (ft) (ft) (Turns) Flash Freeze 2 a cold blast bursts around you, freezing all 0 30 1 2 Cold AoE 3 10 All enemies are frozen/stunned for 1 2 turns enemies within its blast radius full turn action Force Wave 2 2 hits the target with greater force, sending it 2d6 40 Physical DD 3 10 Target is pushed back 2d4 * 10ft. If creature further back is large, RM may modify distance or nullify it Frostbite 2 2 a single target becomes wrapped in a 2d4 90 3 Cold DD + Debuff 4 target receives 40ft movement penalty for greater aura of icy cold for three turns, duration of spell slowing its movement further Haste 2 Increase movement speed 0 2 Self Buff 3 10 Allows player to make twice as many movement actions per turn Ice Blast 2 blast of intense cold 3d6 80 Cold DD 3 10 targets movement gets 10ft next round Minor Deteriorate 2 2 hits a target with a blast of more potent 2d6 80 Corrosive DD 2 70% chance that one piece of wooden or corrosive acid, damaging its equipment and iron equipment is destroyed health Shock 2 2 a swift bolt of lightning sent through the 5d3 50 Lightning DD 2 +2d4 damage if target is in water or soaked ground and into your target Shocking Hold 2 use the power of lightning to subdue your 60 3 Lightning DoT + 3 10 Target takes 2d3 lightning damage per turn. target Debuff Target takes an additional 3d3 lightning damage if a movement action is taken. Sleep 2 causes target to sleep for two turns 100 2 Debuff 3 10 Target is put to sleep, unable to perform any actions during the duration of the spell. If attacked, sleep ends. Resistance 60 Stun 2 2 chance to stun an enemy for two turns 1d8 80 - 2 Physical DD 2 10 50% chance to stun target Summon Weapon 2 2 your summoned weapon now lasts longer 6 Summon 4 10 This can be cast on yourself or on an ally. Wind Cut 2 2 hits the target with a very high velocity blast 2d10 90 Air DD 2 10 of slicing wind Earthquake 3 cause the ground to shake at location 2d10 100 50 Physical AoE 4 15 50% chance for knockdown to each enemy caught within. Fire Wall 3 create a wall of fire to prevent enemies from 4d4 80 3 Fire AoE 4 10 Enemies immune to fire can pass through moving forward unharmed Perfect Storm 3 create a lightning storm in an area 3d10 80 50 Lightning AoE 4 15 All enemies become soaked
Name Level Description Damage Range Radius Duration Dmg Type Spell Type SP Cost Attributes (ft) (ft) (Turns) Summon Frost Fiend 3 summons a frost being to fight alongside 0 5 Cold Summon 5 15 Might 12 Agility 3 Energy 7 Vitality 7 Mind 5 you Endurance 13 Hp spell35Attack Ratting +50 Attack Ratting + 76 Weapon Frost punch 3d4 +2 frost damage spell pool Armored110/14 unarmored defense rating 90 Mental/Magical resistance bonus + 39 skills unarmed combat 70 earthly magic 40 spells frost bite Full Turn Action Summon Golem 3 summons an stone golem to fight alongside 0 5 Physical Summon 5 15 Might 10 Agility 3 Energy 1 Vitality 8 Mind 1 you Endurance 7 Hp Attack45 Ratting +66 Weapon stone fists 1d8+1d6 damage Armored 101/ unarmored defense rating 80 Mental/Magical resistance bonus +0 skills unarmed combat 60 Full Turn Action Summon Shock Fiend 3 summons a lightning being to fight 0 5 Lightning Summon 5 15 Might 8 Agility 13 Energy 7 Vitality 7 Mind 5 alongside you Endurance 9 Hp spell31Attack Rating +66 Attack Ratting +86 Weapon lightning claws 2d8 +1 lightning damage Armored 90/ unarmored defense rating 77 spell points Mental/Magical14 resistance bonus + 27 skills unarmed combat 60 dodge 59 earthly magic 40 spells FullshockTurn Action
Sacred Energies 1 heals a player of hp damage 1d6+2 60 Heal 2 10 Soul Armor 1 boost your magic defense 3 Self Buff 2 5 increases your magic resistance by +20
9 Rings Spell List ‐ Ethereal Magic
Entropic Bolt 1 bolt of ethereal magic 1d12 60 Ethereal DD 1 5
Entropic Bolt 2 2 bolt of ethereal magic 2d12 60 Ethereal DD 2 10 Ghastly Howl 2 a blast of sound mixed with deathly magic
2d4 40 Ethereal DD 3 10 all hit targets get 10 to their attack rating next turn. Reanimate Dead 2 Bring back a slain enemy to fight alongside 50 Summon 4 10 Target must be at or below your level. you Target loses 2d10 health per turn from decay. Restoring Grasp 2 infuse party member with restoring energy 5 Ethereal Heal 3 5 give party member 2d4 +1 health back Sacred Energies 2 2 heals a player of hp damage 2d6+3 80 Heal 4 10 Soul Armor 2 2 boost your magic defense further 3 Self Buff 3 10 increases your magic resistance by +20 and unarmored state when being attacked by magic by +20 Spectral Walk 2 allows you to walk through obstacles, Self Buff 3 10 Spectral Walk lasts until another spell or including enemies attack is performed Summon Lesser Spirit 2 summons a lesser spirit to fight alongside - 0 - 5 Divine Summon 4 10 Physical actions 1 Mental 1 Movement 60ft you Might 5 Agility 2 Energy 3 Vitality 4 Mind 1 Endurance 3 Hp Attack17 Ratting +44 Weapon ethereal claws 2d4 +2 damage Armored/ unarmored defense rating 95 Mental/Magical resistance bonus +0 Physical damage resistance =5 Skills- Unarmed combat 40 Spot 60 Tongues of the Dead 2 Allows you to talk to spirits - - - - - Buff 1 5 can talk to ethereal spirits
Death Aura 1 character emits a sickening aura of death 2d3 10 2 Ethereal DoT 2 5 targets take damage on their turn if within full turn action range not the instant when the spell is cast.
Whispers of the Dead 1 Allows you to hear spirits 200 1 Buff 0 5 can hear the whispers of ethereal creatures in the area Blinding Flash 2 send out a flash of light, potentially blinding 0 80 3 AoE 3 10 Enemies have 50% chance to resist. If enemies enemy is blinded, it cannot attack, but can roll to resist each turn for the duration of the spell Death Aura 2 2 character emits a sickening aura of death 2d6 30 Ethereal DoT 3 10 targets take damage on their turn if within full turn action range not the instant when the spell is cast.
SP = Spell points Cost = Number of ability points it takes to learn AoE = Area of Effect DD = Direct Damage DoT = Damage over Time Name Level Description Damage Range Radius Duration Dmg Type Spell Type SP Cost Attributes (ft) (ft) (Turns)
Name Level Description Damage Range Radius Duration Dmg Type Spell Type SP Cost Attributes (ft) (ft) (Turns) Divine Intervention 3 the gods stop all ranged attacks from 0 50 1 AoE 4 15 Only melee attacks can hit caster and allies physical objects from penetrating radius within the radius around you Divine Wave 3 a wave of divine energy damages all in its 4d8 100 10 Divine AoE 3 10 All enemies in a line from 0 100ft take wake damage Enter the Void 3 Temporarily leave the plane of the living 200 Teleport 5 15 Teleport to target location and appear in a new location full turn action Ghostly Cloud 3 creates a cloud of spectral energy at target 150 50 3 AoE Debuff 3 10 Enemies caught within have movement location halved and 50% chance of 1-turn blindness each turn Heavenly Burst 3 a burst of divine energy emanates from you 4d8 0 30 Divine AoE 3 10 All enemies within radius are damaged Heavenly Touch 3 heals nearby ally 1d10+10 10 Heal 4 10 Cannot use on self Mirror Image 3 creates decoy image of yourself 4 Self 4 10 50% chance that enemies attack decoy instead of you Mystic Reverence 3 player releases a powerful aura that stuns 50 Ethereal AoE 4 10 all enemies within area roll a resistance roll nearby enemies of 70 if they fail they are stunned for 1d4 turns Spectral Walk 2 3 if you walk through an enemy, enemy takes 4d3 Divine Buff + DD 4 15 Spectral Walk lasts until another spell or damage attack is performed. If you walk through an enemy, 50% chance Spectral Walk ends.
SP = Spell points Cost = Number of ability points it takes to learn AoE = Area of Effect DD = Direct Damage DoT = Damage over Time Name Level Description Damage Range Radius Duration Dmg Type Spell Type SP Cost Attributes (ft) (ft) (Turns)
Charm 1 causes target to fight alongside you for two 80 2 Charm 3 10 Target regains control of its body after the turns spell wears out (if still alive) resistance roll 50 Choke 1 magic that chokes the opponent 1d6 70 Demon DD 1 5 enemy must roll a to resist at 70 if they fail extra d12 damage
Terror 1 causes target to run in fear - 30 - - - Debuff 2 10 50% chance target enemy runs in fear. If creature is large, RM may reduce the chance or nullify it. Claw 2 transform hand into demonic magic claw 4d6 10 Physical Polymorph 3 10 1d4 bleed damage for 2 turns and strike opponent Death Gaze 2 stare down your target with a deathly gaze 4d4 100 - - Death DD 2 10 50% chance to stun enemy for one turn
Eyes of Loathing 2 use demonic energy to burn targets soul 1d12+1 90 - - Demon DD 10% chance enemy will run +1d12 damage to opponents mental stability Harm 2 2 use dark magic to internally damage an 2d8+2 80 Demon DD 2 10 opponent Necrosis 2 causes target to decay over time, full turn 150 3 Death DoT 3 10 After a one turn delay, deals 4d4 death action damage each turn Sacrifice 2 2 a more adept ability to sacrifice a charmed 60 Heal 3 10 target creature must be under your control or summoned monster to gain health and have 50% or less health at the time of the casting. You will be healed for 2d10+2 hp Seduce 2 causes target to believe everything you say 100 1 hour Charm 1 5 Target regains control of its body after the spell wears out and will know they've been tricked good chance they will try to kill you if your still around. Resistance roll 60 Sense Demon 2 senses any demon in the area - - 200
Gaze of Hate 1 use demonic energy to burn targets soul 1d8 50 Demon DD 1 5 10% chance enemy will run Harm 1 use dark magic to internally damage an 2d4+1 70 Demon DD 1 5 opponent Sacrifice 1 sacrifice a charmed or summoned monster 60 Heal 2 5 target creature must be under your control to gain health and have 25% or less health at the time of casting. You will be healed 2d8 +2 hp
9 Rings Spell List ‐ Demon Magic
Name Level Description Damage Range Radius Duration Dmg Type Spell Type SP Cost Attributes (ft) (ft) (Turns) Summon Lesser Gremlok 2 summons a lesser gremlock to fight 0 Physical Summon Physical actions 1 Mental 1 Movement 50ft alongside you Might 3 Agility 5 Energy 0 Vitality 2 Mind 5 Endurance 3 Hp Attack10 Ratting +15 Weapon deamon claws 2d4 +1 damage Armored 70 / unarmored defense rating 60 Mental/Magical resistance bonus +0 Skills Unarmed combat 10 Spot 60 Melee weps 15 Terror 2 2 greater chance to fear target 50 Debuff 3 10 80% chance target enemy runs in fear. If creature is large, RM may reduce the chance or nullify it. Venomous Slash 2 Melee slash that inflicts poison damage 3d4 10 - 2 Physical + DD + DoT 3 10 Enemies take 3d3+3 damage every turn over time Poison unless they roll over 75 magical resistance roll Wounding Touch 2 wound target within melee distance, 3d3 10 3 Physical DD + DoT 3 10 deals 2d4 damage per turn for the two turns causing bleed damage over time following the slash Zombification 2 Zombifies target 100 Debuff 3 10 Decreases target's health by 50%, Increases target's damage by 50%, Target's movement halved, resistance roll 50 Blood Boil 3 call forth the infernal flames to boil the 120 3 Death + DoT 4 15 5d4 damage every turn target's blood Fire Blood Leech 3 draws the blood out of your target to restore 2d10+10 70 DD + Heal 5 15 Damages target and returns damage as your health health to you Demonic Transformation 3 you channel your inner demon to increase 0 3 Self Buff 5 10 Adds 4d4 damage per melee attack, your melee damage output and resistances, Increases hit chance by 50%, Adds 50% full turn action resistance to fire and death damage Infernal Grasp 3 infernal hands emerge from the ground, 1d10 100 3 Fire DD + DoT 4 10 Enemies cannot move and take 3d3 holding the victim in place and burning over damage every turn time Infernal Touch 3 burns target with the flames of hell 20d2 10 3 Fire DD + DoT 6 15 10d2 damage per turn; Full Turn Action Infestation 3 Spawn insects around target that bite it over 100 3 Physical DoT 4 10 2d10 damage every turn time Summon Lesser Demon 3 summons a lesser demon to fight alongside 0 5 Physical + Summon 5 10 Physical actions 2 Mental 1 Movement 60ft you Fire Might 12 Agility 5 Energy 0 Vitality 8 Mind 5 Endurance 7 Hp Attack24 Ratting +56 Weapon demon claws 2d8 +1 damage Armored 71 / unarmored defense rating 60 Mental/Magical resistance bonus +10 Skills Unarmed combat 40 Spot 60 Melee weapons 35 Terrorize 3 cause enemies caught within the spell to 30 30 AoE 3 10 50% chance enemies caught within run in run in fear fear. Enemies must be your level or lower
9 Rings Weapons List ‐ Melee low class cost= 30‐60 gold; medium cost = 150‐500 gold; high and special cost = 1000‐10000 gold Name Class Description Damage Critical Roll Hands Range (ft) Reqs Dagger Low small piercing blade 2d3 90 100 1 5 Iron rod Low medium bludgeoning rod 2d4 95 100 1 5 Spiked knuckles Low small piercing and bludgeoning hand device 1d4 95-100 1 5 Small claw Low small two-pronged piercing hand device 2d3 85-100 1 5 Hachette Low small piercing axe 1d6 90 100 1 5 Crude short spear Low small piercing spear 3d3 95 100 1 5 Short blade Low small slicing blade 1d8 90 100 1 5 Club Low short bludgeoning club 1d8 95 100 1 5 Spiked club Low short piercing and bludgeoning club 2d4 95 100 1 5 Staff Low long bludgeoning staff 1d10 95 100 1 10 Cleaver Low medium piercing axe 2d4 90 100 1 5 Bladed gauntlet Low small piercing and bludgeoning hand device 1d4 95 100 1 5 Light hammer Low small bludgeoning hammer 1d6 90 100 1 5 Tanto Low short piercing blade 1d10 90 100 1 5 Sickle Low short slicing blade 2d4 90 100 1 5 Long cleaver Medium long piercing axe 3d3 90 100 1 5 Three pronged claw Medium small three pronged piercing hand device 2d3+1 85 100 1 5 Long sword Medium long slicing blade 2d8 90 100 1 5 Gladius Medium medium slicing blade 3d6 90 100 1 5 Rapier Medium medium piercing blade 3d4 90 100 1 5 Cutlass Medium short slicing blade 2d6 85-100 1 5 Long spear Medium long piercing spear 1d12 95-100 1 10 Glaive Medium long slicing polearm 4d4 95 100 2 10 Mace Medium medium bludgeoning club 2d4 95 100 1 5 Flail Medium medium bludgeoning ball-and-chain 1d4+1d6 85-100 1 5 War hammer Medium medium bludgeoning hammer 1d10 90-100 1 5 War axe Medium medium piercing axe 1d10 85-100 1 5 Scimitar Medium medium slicing blade 2d3 +1d6 85 100 1 5 Naginata Medium long slicing polearm 1d12+1 80-100 1 10 Great Hammer Medium medium bludgeoning hammer 2d12 85-100 2 10 Great Axe Medium medium piercing axe 2d12+1 85 100 2 10
Name Class Description Damage Critical Roll Hands Range (ft) Reqs Heavy Mace Medium medium bludgeoning club 2d12 90 100 2 10 Claymore Medium long slicing blade 4d6 90 100 2 10 Partisan Medium long piercing polearm 1d20 85-100 1 15 Saber Medium short slicing blade 2d6 90 100 1 5 Wakizashi Medium small slicing blade 3d4 90 100 1 5 Lance Medium long piercing polearm 1d12+1 95 100 2 10 Heavy lance Medium long piercing polearm 3d8 90-100 2 15 Scythe Medium long slicing polearm 2d8 90-100 1 10 Morning star Medium medium piercing and bludgeoning club 2d6 85 100 1 5 Katana Medium long slicing blade 3d6 85 100 1 5 Long Curved dagger Medium medium slicing blade 2d6 85-100 1 5 Master's Edge Katana High long slicing blade 4d8 75-100 1 5 Agility 9 Might 12 Titan's Axe High long piercing axe 5d6 85-100 2 10 Might 24 Endurance 9 Cruel Flamberge High long slicing blade 3d12 70 100 2 15 Might 15 Guan Dao High long slicing polearm 3d10 80-100 2 10 Agility 9 Might 13 Giant slayer lance High long piercing polearm 4d6 85-100 2 15 Might 20 Endurance 10 Dadao Saber High long slicing blade 4d10 80-100 2 5 Might 17 Agility 13 Triple Flail High medium bludgeoning triple ball and chain 2d4 x3 85 100 1 5 Might 19 Double-bladed katana High double-edged long slicing blade 4d12 80-100 2 10 Might 23 Agility 20 Twin spear High dual-speared piercing polearm 2d8 90-100 2 10 Might 17 Endurance 7 Colossal Scythe High long slicing polearm 4d8 80 100 2 15 Might 24 Endurance 14 Titan Blade High long slicing blade 5d8 80 100 2 15 Might 25 Endurance 15 Ox tongue spear High double edged piercing polearm 4d10 90 100 2 10 Might 23 Agility 17 Crushing saber High short slicing blade 5d4+1 75-100 1 5 Might 17 Crescent moon Cutlass High medium slicing blade 3d3+1d8 85 100 1 5 Agility 9 Might 13 Iron Mountain Axe High medium piercing axe 4d6 85 100 2 15 Might 19 Vorpal sword High long slicing blade 5d10 85 100 2 10 Might 26 Agility 14 Shadow splitting hammer High long bludgeoning hammer 3d10 75 100 2 10 Might 16 Endurance 8 Bloodletting Bastard sword High long slicing blade 5d8 85 100 2 10 Might 22 Endurance 15 Massive Mace High long bludgeoning club 4d10 90 100 2 15 Might 29 Great stone spiked spear High long piercing polearm 3d12 85 100 2 15 Might 23 Agility 9 Slaying knife High short slicing and piercing blade 3d10 70 100 1 5 Agility14 Might 9 Double bladed heavy glaive High double edged long slicing polearm 4d10 85 100 2 10 Might 21 Endurance 9 Agility 5
9 Rings Weapons List ‐ Ranged low class cost= 30‐60 gold; medium cost = 150‐500 gold; high and special cost = 1000‐10000 gold Name Class Max Might Description Damage Critical Roll Hands Range (ft) Reqs Attributes Dmg Bonus Short Bow Low small light bow 2d4 95 100 2 100 1d6 Sling Low hurls a medium stone 3d3 95 100 1 50 1d6 Small Crossbow Low fires small bolts 2d4 95 100 1 90 +5 to hit 1d2 Blowgun Low shoots small, poisonous darts 1d4 95 100 1 60 5% chance to cause target to sleep 0 for one turn Bow Medium regular light bow 2d6 95 100 2 110 1d8 Long Bow Medium long bow 2d6 90 100 2 120 1d10 Hunting Bow Medium accurate long bow 2d6 85 100 2 120 +5 Hit 1d10 Crossbow Medium fires regular bolts 3d4 95 100 1 110 +20 hit 1d4 Knight's Bow Medium high damage, short range bow 4d6 90 100 2 130 1d8 Composite Bow Medium sturdy bow 3d3 90 100 2 100 1d12 Heavy Crossbow Medium fires large bolts 3d8 95 100 2 120 +30 hit 1d6 Repeating Crossbow Medium fires two shots in rapid succession 3d3 * 2 90 100 1 100 +20 hit 1d4 Ranger's Bow Medium accurate long bow 2d8 85 100 2 130 +10 Hit 1d10 Heavy Sling Medium hurls a large, heavy stone 4d4 95 100 1 50 1d10 Great Bow Medium sturdy bow 2d10 90 100 2 130 1d12 Assassin's Bow High high damage, long range bow 4d6 85 100 2 140 Agility 21 Might 8 +20 Hit; 20% chance of head shot, 1d12 dealing double damage Massive Long Bow High sturdy long bow 3d6 90 100 2 200 Agility 18 Might 10 +5 damage 1d12 and 1d4 King's Bow High ornate, sturdy bow 4d6 +1 90 100 2 120 Agility 19 Might12 1d12 and 1d2 Titan's Bow High powerful, short range bow 5d10 90 100 2 70 Agilty30 Might15 1d12 and 1d6 Moon Bow High low damage, very high range bow 4d4 95 100 2 250 Agility25 +10 Hit 1d12 Rapid‐Fire Crossbow High fires two accurate shots in rapid succession 3d3 * 2 85 100 1 100 Agility 17 +30 Hit 1d8 Dusk Bow High fires arrows imbued with death 3d4 85 100 2 120 Agility 19 Might 9 +1d10 death damage 1d10 Ballista High siege weapon found on battlefield 5d8 95 100 200 Agility 15 Might 20 30 foot damage radius 0 Catapult High siege weapon found on battlefield 6d8 95 100 220 Agility 17 Might 23 30 foot damage radius 0 Cannon High siege weapon found on battlefield 5d10 95 100 200 Agility 10 Might 30 40 foot damage radius 0 Devil Sling High hurls a large fiery stone 4d4 95 100 1 60 Agility 18 Energy 5 +1d8 fire damage for two turns 1d12 Quick‐Draw Repeating Crossbow High fires two accurate shots in rapid succession at 3d3 * 2 85 100 1 100 Agilty27 +40 hit 1d6 bleed damage 1d8 two targets Dagger Shot High gauntlet modified to shoot knives 4d6 80 100 1 70 Agility +30 to hit 1d8 Soul Launcher High bow that can launch souls from other 3dd10 95 100 200 Agility 25 Energy 10 At an additional cost, as if you where 1d10 dimensions into existence casting the spell you may fire a summoning spell at the opponent if it hits. The bow deals damage as normal whether the shot hits or misses. The creature is summoned next to the opponent. Titan's Crossbow High fires large puncturing bolts 4d10 95 100 2 150 Might 21 Agility 7 +40 Hit; +5 Dmg 1d10
9 Rings Weapons List ‐ Throwing low class cost= 30‐60 gold; medium cost = 150‐500 gold; high and special cost = 1000‐10000 gold Name Class Damage Critical Roll Hands Range (ft) Reqs Attributes Throwing Knives Low 1d4 95-100 1 50 Throwing Stars Low 2d3 95 100 1 60 Spike Darts Low 2d3 90 100 1 40 Throwing Daggers Medium 2d4 95-100 1 50 Throwing Axes Medium 3d3 95-100 1 50 Short Javelin Medium 3d3 95 100 1 80 Long Javelin Medium 3d4 95 100 1 60 Throwing spear Medium 4d4 95-100 1 50 Throwing axe heavy Medium 2d8 90-100 2 50 High class flying daggers High 2d4 90-100 1 60 Might 10 Agility 7 +10 Hit Dark moon javelin High 4d4 90 100 1 100 Might 12 Agility 5 Thunder spear High 3d6 90 100 1 80 Might 15 +2 thunder damage Chakram High 5d4 95-100 1 60 Might 17 5% Chance of decapitation War blade throwing axes High 4d4 90 100 1 60 Might 11 Death stars High 3d3 90-100 1 50 Might 8 Agility 7 +20 hit Kar kaku daggers High 2d6 +2 90 100 1 50 Might 10 Agility 9 +10 hit Boomerang blade High 3d4 90-100 1 60 Might 11 50% Chance to hit target a second time on return
9 Rings Shield List NAME MATERIAL Wood Iron Steel Black Steel Demon Titan Cost Small +5 +8 +12 +18 +25 +55 30‐50 gp MediumShield +10 +15 +20 +25 +35 +75 60‐100 Shield gp Heavy +15 +20 +25 +35 +45 +95 120‐200 Shield gp Full +25 +35 +45 +60 +75 +115 300‐400 Shield gp *Values refer to Protection Effect on Attack Rating: Medium Shield: ‐10 Attack Rating Heavy Shield: ‐20 Attack Rating Full Shield: ‐35 Attack Rating AdditionalBlackSteelIronCosts:+50gp+100gpSteel+350 gp Demon + 1000 gp Titan + 5000 gp
9 Rings Armor List Armor Damage Movement Attack Cost Bonus Reduction Reduction Reduction Padded Tunic +5 0 0 0 ARMO R Leather Vest +10 0 0 0 10‐70 gp Wood Plate +15 0 0 0LIGH T Light Chain Mail +20 0 0 0 Chain Mail +25 0 0 0 ARMOR Armored Vest +30 0 0 0 Steel Breast Plate +35 0 0 0 80‐500 gp MEDIU M Full Mail +40 0 0 0 Strong Chest Plate +45 0 0 0 Cast Iron Hide +50 0 0 ‐5 Full Chain Plate +50 1 0 ‐5 Black Steel Breast +60 1 0 ‐10 Plate ARMOR Heavy‐Plated Steel +75 2 ‐10 ft ‐20 Suit 800‐1200 gp HEAV Y Knight Armor +65 1 0 ‐10 Full Steel Plate +80 2 ‐10 ft ‐30 Giant's Plate +90 1 ‐10 ft ‐40 Heavy Chain Mail +70 1 ‐10 ft ‐5
9 Rings Armor List (Continued) ARMORTITAN Armor Damage Movement Attack Cost Bonus Reduction Reduction Reduction Shadow Knight +100 5 ‐20 ft ‐20 ArmorPlateofValu +110 3 ‐20 ft ‐25 Armor of the Tao +105 6 ‐20 ft ‐40 Gortaiath Plate +105 5 ‐20 ft ‐35 Shackles of +95 7 ‐20 ft ‐30 Shandarus 5000‐10000 gp Virkeriall Breast +120 2 ‐20 ft ‐40 ArmorPlateofthe Sage +90 8 ‐20 ft ‐35 Miran +130 1 ‐20 ft ‐40 Juggernaut Full +150 2 ‐30 ft ‐20 Plate
Treat Injury Kit: Used to heal 1d20 HP or any physical injury. Full turn action. Cost = 100gp. Treat Mental Injury Scroll: Used to heal 1d10 mental stability or any mental injury. Can only use outside combat. Cost = 100gp. Other basic items can be added by RM within a full pricing range of 1‐150gp, such as rope, quills, food, or saddles for horses.
Arrows: Used in all bows. Cost = 5gp for 20. Bolts: Used in all crossbows. Cost = 5gp for 20.
A psychic weapon can be from any of the low through medium class weapons of the melee, ranged or thrown variety, that have been infused with psychic energies. A psychic weapon has all the abilities of its base weapon, but in addition it can attack an opponent’s mental stability instead of heath and always attacks an opponent’s unarmored state. In addition, it deals +2 psychic damage with every hit. When rolling, use the psychic weapons skill as the skill modifier Cost:bonus.A psychic weapon costs what its base weapon type would cost + 1000 gold.
RANGED SPELL WEAPONS Low class These items come with one spell imbued in them when sold or found, as chosen by the RM, unless the item is made by the character, in which case they may choose from spells available.
Wand: Fires low class spell or deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage, with a critical range of 95‐100.
Ring: Fires low class spell Totem: Fires low class spell or deals 2d2 bludgeoning damage, with a critical range of 95‐100.
Uses: 10 You may use a ranged spell weapon of this class 10 times before it runs out of charge. You must wait one full day for its magical energies to recharge. Medium class These items come with two spells imbued in them when sold or found, as chosen by the RM, unless the item is made by the character, in which case they may choose from spells available. The one spell will serve as the weapon's sole spell.
Large Totem: Fires medium class spells or deals 2d6 bludgeoning damage, with a critical range of 95‐100.
Stave: Fires medium class spells or deals 3d4 bludgeoning damage, with a critical range of 95‐100.
Spells available: Arcane Bolt; Shock; Burn; Frostbite; Minor Deteriorate; Force Wave; Wind Cut
Crystal: Fires medium class spells. Spell Gauntlet: Fires medium class spells or deals 3d3 bludgeoning damage, with a critical range of 95‐100.
Spells available: Arcane Bolt 2; Shock 2; Burn 2; Flame Burst; Ice Blast; Stun 2
Uses: 12 You may use a ranged spell weapon of this class 12 times before it runs out of charge. You must wait one full day for its magical energies to recharge.
Requirements: Energy 13 Sage Orb: Fires high class spells. +10 to hit with spells.
Requirements: Energy 17; Mind 10 Diamond Totem: Fires high class spells. +1d4 damage with ethereal magic.
These items come with two spells imbued in them when sold or found, as chosen by the RM, unless the item is made by the character, in which case they may choose from spells available. In addition, these items have special properties that improve its user in various ways, but have certain requirements that must be met.
Arcane Crystal: Fires high class spells. +2 damage when using arcane spells.
Requirements: Energy 13 Abyss Crystal: Fires high class spells. +2 damage when using demon magic.
Requirements: Energy 17; Mind 9 High Flame Staff: Fires high class spells. +1d4 fire damage to all spells.
Requirements: Energy 23 Staff of Anubis: Fires high class spells. +15 to hit with all spells.
Requirements: Energy 25 Spells available: Harm 2; Divine Wave; Ice Blast 2; Flame Burst 2; Energy Burst 2 Uses: 15 You may use a ranged spell weapon of this class 15 times before it runs out of charge. You must wait one full day for its magical energies to recharge.
Requirements: Energy 11; Mind 7 Blood Totem: Fires high class spells. +1d4 damage with earthly magic.
Requirements: Energy 16; Mind 10 Staff of Almighty Thunder: Fires high class spells. +1d4 thunder damage to all spells.
Requirements: Energy 13 Spectral Crystal: Fires high class spells. +2 damage when using ethereal magic.
Requirements: Energy 17; Mind 9 Stave of the Gale: Fires high class spells. +1d4 wind damage to all spells.
Requirements: Energy 22 Death Septum: Fires high class spells. +5 death magic damage to all spells.
High and Special class
Requirements: Energy 17; Mind 10 Staff of Life: Fires high class spells. +5 to all healing spells.
Requirements: Energy 16 Sacred Totem: Fires high class spells. +1 damage with ethereal and demon magic.
9 Rings Bonus Talents Name Benefit Cost Requirements Aim AR +5 with ranged weapons 5 Agility 5; Ranged Weapons 50 Ancient Ways ‐10 from any knowledge skill check rolls involving magic; Energy 5 Energy 9; Knowledge 30 Resistance +10 Arcane Adept +2 damage with all arcane spells 10 Energy 6; Earthly Magic 65 Arcane Zealot AR +10 with magic, but ‐10 with all weapons 10 Energy 7 Armor Training Light Light Armor + 20 10 Endurance 7 Armor Training Medium Medium Armor +20 10 Endurance 9; Light Armor 50 Armor Training Heavy Heavy Armor +20 10 Endurance 11; Medium Armor 50 Athletic Swim +10; Sprint +10 10 Vitality 9 Attuned Senses Sense +10 5 Vitality 7 Brawler +2 damage with unarmed attacks 10 Might 5; Unarmed Combat 70 Burrower Tunneling +10 5 Might 3; Tunnel Charmer Charm +10 5 Vitality 5 Craft Wood Can craft Wood weapons, armor and items 5 Mind 1 Craft Iron Can craft Iron weapons, armor and items 10 Mind 6; Craft Wood Craft Steel Can craft Steel weapons, armor and items 10 Mind 10; Craft Iron Craft Black Steel Can craft Black Steel weapons, armor and items 15 Mind 15; Craft Steel Craft Demon Can craft Demon weapons, armor and items 15 Mind 20; Craft Black Steel Crushing Blow +3 damage, but ‐5 AR on all power attacks 10 Might 8 Dead Shot +2 damage with arrows and bolts 10 Agility 6; Ranged Weapons 60 Deadly Throw +2 damage with thrown weapons 10 Might 6; Thrown Weapons 70 Demon Magic Training You can now use and purchase Demon magic 15 Energy 10; Knowledge ‐ Arcane Devil Mage AR +5 on all attacks with Demon magic 10 Energy 9; Demon Magic 50 Disintegrator +2 damage with all acid spells 10 Energy 6; Earthly Magic 65 Dodger Dodge +15 5 Agility 6; Dynamic Movement 50 Dual‐Wielding Reduces penalty for dual‐wielding to 30 for regular size weapons and 10 10 Agility 6; Dynamic Movement 40 for small Dual‐Wielding Adept No penalty on off hand bonus attack 10 Agility 7; Dual‐Wielding Dual‐Wielding Expert +3 damage with off‐hand bonus attack 10 Agility 9; Dual‐Wielding Adept Dual‐Wielding Master AR +10 with off‐hand bonus attack and +5 damage 10 Agility 12; Dual‐Wielding Expert Earthly Mage AR +5 on all attacks with Earthly magic 10 Energy 5 Earthly Magic Training You can now use and purchase Earthly magic 15 Energy 8; Knowledge ‐ Arcane Ethereal Mage AR +5 on all attacks with Ethereal Magic 10 Energy 9; Ethereal Magic 50 Ethereal Magic Training You can now use and purchase Ethereal magic 15 Energy 10; Knowledge ‐ Arcane Evade Evasion +15 5 Agility 6
Name Benefit Cost Requirements Expert Vision Spot +25 10 Agility 8 Far Reach +20ft range with thrown weapons 10 Might 4; Thrown Weapons 55 Great Flight Flight +10 5 Agility 10 Great Leap Leap +15 5 Might 3 Healer 1d6 +1 extra HP whenever you successfully use a Treat Injury Kit 10 Vitality 9; Treat Physical Injury 70 Hidden Potential +4 to current spell pool 10 Energy 6 Ice King +2 damage with all cold spells 10 Energy 5; Earthly Magic 60 Improved Power Attack +2 damage on successful power attacks 10 Might 6; Endurance 1 Knights Training Melee Weapons +5; Use Shield +10 10 Might 5; Endurance 5 Life Saver Stabilize +25 10 Endurance 10 Long Shot +30ft range with ranged weapons 10 Agility 8; Ranged Weapons 65 Medic Treat Physical Injury +15 10 Vitality 8 Mental Barriers Mental Resistance +15 5 Mind 6 Military Tactics Whenever you double‐team an opponent, you are considered flanking 10 Mind 4; Agility 4 Never Tired Resist Exhaustion +15 5 Endurance 5 Nimble Dynamic Movement +10 5 Agility 5 One‐Hand Weapon Adept AR +5 with one‐handed weapons 5 Melee weapons 45 One With the Shadows Stealth +10 5 Agility 5 Parry Once per encounter, roll an attack right after your opponent hits you. If 15 Agility 15; Dynamic Movement 60 you make their DR, their attack is nullified. Pinpoint Fist AR +5 with unarmed attacks 5 Unarmed Combat 40 Psychiatrist Treat Mental Injury +15 10 Vitality 8 Psychic Wielder AR +5 on all attacks with psychic weapons 5 Mind 8 Pyromancer Damage +2 with all fire spells 10 Energy 5; Earthly Magic 60 Quick Shot Gain a single bonus attack with all ranged weapons 15 Agility 11; Ranged Weapons 50 Quickness +10ft to movement 10 Agility 7; Dynamic Movement 70 Researcher Examine +15 5 Mind 4 Resistant Resist Poison +5; Resist Disease +5 5 Vitality 10 Rider Ride +10 5 Agility 6 Scoundrel Theft +15 5 Agility 5 Shield Adept +5 armor bonus from shield 10 Endurance 10 Slasher +2 damage with bladed melee weapons 10 Might 5; Melee Weapons 70 Small Arms Adept AR +5 with small melee weapons 10 Agility 4; Might 2 Smasher +2 damage with blunt melee weapons 10 Might 5; Melee Weapons 70
The Brute AR +10 Unarmed Combat; AR +5 Melee Weapons; ‐1 Agility 10 Might 4; Endurance 1
Name Benefit Cost Requirements
The Cleric Allows you to make knowledge skill checks on religion, legends, and god‐ 5 Mind 1; Knowledge related subjects. Knowledge +30
The Geneticist Allows you to make knowledge skill checks on demons, humans, and 5 Mind 1; Knowledge ethereal‐related subjects. Knowledge +30
The Apache +5 damage with one‐handed axes Might 5; Agility 3
The Mercenary AR +5 with light crossbows and short blades Might 2; Agility 3
The Cut Throat +1 damage on all surprise attacks and flanking 10 Might 1; Agility 4
Resist Exhaustion +15; Diplomacy ‐10 10 Might 4; Agility 2 The Specialist AR +5 to one weapon of your choice. Stacks with other bonuses for this 10 Might 5; Agility 5 weapon The Swordsman AR +5 with swords 10 Might 3; Agility 2 The Thug AR +5 with clubs and rods 10 Might 4; Endurance 2 The Wrestler +10 on all Grapple rolls 10 Might 4; Agility 3 Thunder Tempest +2 damage with all lightning spells 10 Energy 5; Earthly Magic 60 Trap Dodger ‐2 to all trap damage 10 Agility 5; Trap Sense 40 Trap Sensor Can use and put points in Trap Sense 10 Mind 3; Agility 3 Tunnel Can use and put points in Tunneling 10 Might 7 Two‐Hand Weapon Adept AR +5 with two‐handed weapons 5 Melee Weapons 50 Well Rested 1d6 +1 extra HP whenever you rest 10 Vitality 6 Whale Lungs Resist Suffocation +20 10 Vitality 10 Wind Shaper +2 damage with all air and storm spells 10 Energy 6; Earthly Magic 65
The Adventurer Allows you to make knowledge skill checks on weapons, traps, and 5 Mind 1; Knowledge monster‐related subjects. Knowledge +30
The Huntsman AR +5 with daggers and hunting bows Might 3; Endurance 2; Knowledge ‐ Hunting
The Naturalist Allows you to make knowledge skill checks on nature, sea, and hunting‐ 5 Mind 1; Knowledge related subjects. Knowledge +30 Ninja AR +15 on surprise attacks 10 Agility 6; Mind 4
The Soldier AR +5 with pole arms;
The Sage Allows you to make knowledge skill checks on arcane, runes, and tome‐ 5 Mind 1; Knowledge related subjects. Knowledge +30
The Explorer Allows you to make knowledge skill checks on cities, maps, and dungeon‐ 5 Mind 1; Knowledge related subjects. Knowledge +30
The Mind is My Weapon Can use and put points in Mental Assault 15 Mind 7
Nine Rings Character Sheet PAGE 1 Character Name: Demonic Genus: Earthly Genus: Gender: Loyalty: Worship: Core Attributes Might Energy Agility Skills & Talents Scaling Use Demonic Gift Stealth Breaching Treat Energy Injury Flight ¹ Tunneling ¹ Restabilization Ride Grappling Earthly Magic ¹ Evasion Sunder Demon Magic ¹ Trap Sense ¹ Unarmed Combat Ethereal Magic ¹ Escape Upheaval Elder Magic ¹ Dodge Leap Focus Energy Dynamic Movement Melee Weapons ² Ranged Spell Weapons Theft Thrown Weapons Melee Spell Ranged Weapons Spot Mind Vitality Endurance Skills & Talents Mental Assault ¹ Charm Use Light Armor ³ Energy Resistance Rest Use Medium Armor ³ Examine Treat Physical Injury Use Heavy Armor ³ Knowledge ² Treat Mental Injury Use Demon Armor ³ Persuasion Resist Poison Use Titan Armor ³ Diplomacy Resist Disease Resist Exhaustion Psychic Weapons Sense Stabilize Dismantle Swim Resist Injury Mind Resistance Sprint Use Shield Craft ¹ ² Resist Suffocation Resist Damage ³ Read Tomes ¹ requires certain SA; ² has complimentary specializations; ³ requires certain skill levels Health Total Stun Damage Mental Stability Wounds Demonic Stability Temp Injuries Special Ability Points Total Endurance Worn Armor Natural Defenses Special Magic Armor 50 + + + + + DR MR Total Energy Resist / Mind Resist Mind Bonus Special d100 + + + Physical AR Total Combat Skill Agility Modification CAB Special Magic d100 + + + + + Mental AR Total MA Skill Mind CAB d100 + + +
Nine Rings Character Sheet PAGE 2 CAB Weapon Name Weapon Damage Bonus Crit Special Name Weapon Damage Bonus Crit Special Name Weapon Damage Bonus Crit Special Name Damage Bonus Crit Special Specializations / Abilities Equipment
Nine Rings Character Sheet PAGE 3 Demonic Traits Gifts Spell List Earthly Demonic Ethereal Elder

ZOMBIE Zombies, or the walking dead, are corpses of expired humans now possessed by powerful ethereal sprits. Filled with hunger, rage, and blood lust, they wander aimlessly searching for their next kill. Flames and slashing weapons tend to be most effective at stopping these horrific monstrosities. Although individuals are brought down easily, packs and hordes can be extremely deadly. PhysicalActions1 Movement40ft Might2 Agility2 Energy0 Vitality4 Mind0 Endurance8 HP12 AttackRating+15 Weapon:InfectedNails 2d4Damage+0MightDamageBonus Armored70 Unarmored50 Mental/MagicalResistanceBonus+0 Skills:UnarmedCombat10 Special:+2damagewheneveryouhitthiscreaturewithfireorbladedweapons DUSK ZOMBIE PhysicalActions1;MentalActions1 Might6Agility4Energy0 Movement50ft Vitality9Mind0 Endurance8 HP23 AttackRating+25 Weapon:InfectedNailsandTeeth 2d6Damage+1d4MightDamageBonus Armored96Unarmored55Mental/MagicalResistanceBonus+0Skills: UnarmedCombat15;Spot60 Special:+2damagewheneveryouhitthiscreaturewithfireorbladedweapons

STALKER Stalkers are horribly mutated, undead beasts that where originally many different live subjects of the Magi Council's ethereal experiments. The failed subjects of these experiments where mangled beyond all recognition and the successes weren’t much better off all were disgusting monsters. When the Magi finally got a creature to stay alive by combining some of the world’s most vile and resilient beasts, they abandoned their work and the monsters along with it. Now, after years of breeding, the creature exists in the form you see here, known only as stalkers because of the way they hunt. PhysicalActions1;MentalActions1 Movement60ft Might10 Agility5 Energy2 Vitality11 Mind5 Endurance8 HP33 AttackRating+35 Weapon:Scythe‐Hands 2d10Damage+1d6MightDamageBonus Armored90 Unarmored70 Mental/MagicalResistanceBonus+10 Skills:UnarmedCombat50 Special:AcidVomit Range70ft;DamageType:Acid;Damage3d8;Playergetsone chancetorolldodgeskilltoavoidthedamage. VENGEFUL STALKER PhysicalActions1;MentalActions1 Movement80ft Might12 Agility5 Energy2 Vitality11 Mind5 Endurance8 HP40 AttackRating+40 Weapon:Scythe‐Hands 2d12Damage+1d8MightDamageBonus BonusAttack:Bite 1d8Damage;AttackRating+30 Armored100 Unarmored80 Mental/MagicalResistanceBonus+15 Skills:UnarmedCombat+30 Special:AcidVomit Range70ft;DamageType:Acid;Damage3d8;Playergetsone chancetorolldodgeskilltoavoidthedamage.

SMOKER The Smoker is a term used by the people to refer to the larger, more dangerous zombies of the land. More specifically, those who are so infected with pestilence and disease that they will actually emit it from their body in the form of very visible dark smoke. They themselves are not much stronger than average zombies, but their toxic smoke makes them incredibly dangerous. PhysicalActions1;MentalActions1 Movement40ft Might8 Agility3 Energy0 Vitality7 Mind2 Endurance8 HP21 AttackRating+30 Weapon:Claws 2d8Damage+1d4MightDamageBonus Armored80 Unarmored40 Mental/MagicalResistanceBonus+4 Skills:UnarmedCombat50 Special:DiseaseCloud AreaofEffect30ft;DamageType:Acid;Damage2d6perroundfor tworounds;Playergetsonechancetoresistdiseasetoavoiddamage. BLACK ASH SMOKER PhysicalActions1;MentalActions1 Movement60ft Might10 Agility5 Energy0 Vitality9 Mind2 Endurance9 HP27 AttackRating+30 Weapon:Claws 2d8Damage+1d4MightDamageBonus Armored90 Unarmored75 Mental/MagicalResistanceBonus+0 Skills:UnarmedCombat50 Special:ChokingCloud AreaofEffect30ft;DamageType:Poison;Damage3d4per roundforthreerounds;Playergetsonechancetoresistsuffocationtoavoiddamage.

CRAWLER Crawlers are some of the most agile undead creatures you will ever come across. Infused with dark adrenaline, they move with incredible speed to their targets and are well known for their ability to tear unfortunate victims to pieces. They are blind, but have incredible hearing and smell, making them almost impossible to sneak up on. PhysicalActions1;MentalActions1 Movement80ft Might6 Agility10 Energy0 Vitality6 Mind0 Endurance5 HP28 AttackRating+40 Weapon:Claws 2d6Damage+1d4MightDamageBonus BonusAttack:Bite 1d6Damage Armored70 Unarmored60 Mental/MagicalResistanceBonus+0 Skills:UnarmedCombat50;Grapple60;Sense70 Special:Whengrappledbythiscreaturesuccessfully,take1d6physicaldamage SHADOW CRAWLER PhysicalActions1;MentalActions1 Movement80ft Might9 Agility12 Energy0 Vitality7 Mind0 Endurance5 HP32 AttackRating+45 Weapon:Claws 2d6Damage+1d6MightDamageBonus BonusAttack:Bite 1d6Damage Armored70 Unarmored60 Mental/MagicalResistanceBonus+0 Skills:UnarmedCombat50;Grapple60;Sense70 Special:Whengrappledbythiscreaturesuccessfully,take1d6physicaldamage

REAVER Reavers are the boldest hunters in the undead community, known to be so brash as to even climb the walls of well guarded cities to pluck unsuspecting victims from their bed. They are ruthless killers and enjoy watching their victims bleed from the tremendous gashes their dagger-sized nails leave in their prey. PhysicalActions1;MentalActions1 Movement60ft Might5 Agility8 Energy0 Vitality6 Mind1 Endurance4 HP18 AttackRating+35 Weapon:Claws 1d10Damage+1d2MightDamageBonus Armored80 Unarmored65 Mental/MagicalResistanceBonus+0 Skills:UnarmedCombat50;Grapple40;Spot60 DREAD REAVER PhysicalActions1;MentalActions1 Movement80ft Might10 Agility12 Energy0 Vitality7 Mind0 Endurance5 HP35 AttackRating+55 Weapon:Claws 3d6Damage+1d6MightDamageBonus BonusAttack:Talons 1d8Damage. Armored90 Unarmored73 Mental/MagicalResistanceBonus+0 Skills:UnarmedCombat50;Grapple60;Spot70

SKELETON Skeletons are the reanimated bones of the dead creations of ethereal necromancers designed to be tireless and merciless guards of their darkest towers and most secret dungeons. Manny however last far longer than their intended purpose and now simply wander the land continually trying to fulfill the will of their dark masters. PhysicalActions1;MentalActions1 Might2Agility3Energy0 Movement60ft Vitality4Mind1 Endurance4 HP14 AttackRating+26 Weapon:CrudeShortSpear 3d3Damage+0MightDamageBonus Armored82Unarmored60Mental/MagicalResistanceBonus+0Items:Small WoodShield Skills:MeleeWeapons20;Spot65;LightArmor20 ARMORED SKELETON PhysicalActions1;MentalActions1 Movement60ft Might5 Agility3 Energy0 Vitality6 Mind1 Endurance2 HP19 AttackRating+36 Weapon:ShortBlade 1d8Damage+1d2MightDamageBonus Armored92 Unarmored60 Mental/MagicalResistanceBonus+0 Items:SmallWoodShield;LightPlate Skills:MeleeWeapons30;Spot65;LightArmor20

POSSESSOR Possessors are undead sprits that find and take over the bodies of the young. They then use these helpless children to lure victims out and devour their souls. Once possessed, a child can have immense strength and power, but still seem entirely normal. It isn't until they fully unveil their true form that they are most dangerous. PhysicalActions2;MentalActions1 Movement60ft Might6 Agility7 Energy2 Vitality9 Mind5 Endurance7 HP27 AttackRating+54 MagicAttackRating+40 Weapon:EtherealClaws 2d6Damage+1d4MightDamageBonus Armored95 Unarmored80 Mental/MagicalResistanceBonus+10 Skills:UnarmedCombat40;Spot65;EtherealMagic30 Spells:EntropicBolt DARK POSSESSOR PhysicalActions2;MentalActions1 Movement60ft Might9 Agility7 Energy2 Vitality9 Mind5 Endurance9 HP40 AttackRating+59 MagicAttackRating+40 Weapon:EtherealClaws 3d6Damage+1d6MightDamageBonus Armored101 Unarmored80 Mental/MagicalResistanceBonus+10 Skills:UnarmedCombat45;Spot65;EtherealMagic30 Spells:EntropicBolt PhysicalDR3

DEATH MONK Death monks are the undead remnants of the shadow earth temple keepers turned to ashen shells of their former selves. They stalk the dead lands with deadly speed, seeking any who might pose a challenge and crushing them to dust. PhysicalActions2;MentalActions1 Movement60ft Might6 Agility7 Energy2 Vitality7 Mind5 Endurance7 HP24 AttackRating+46 Weapon:LotusFist 2d6Damage+1d4MightDamageBonus Armored85 Unarmored60 Mental/MagicalResistanceBonus+10 Skills:UnarmedCombat40;Spot65;Sense70 12-STEP MASTER PhysicalActions2;MentalActions1 Movement60ft Might9 Agility9 Energy2 Vitality10 Mind5 Endurance10 HP32 AttackRating+63 Weapon:12‐StepFist 3d8Damage+1d6MightDamBonus Armored99 Unarmored75 Mental/MagicalResistanceBonus+10 Skills:UnarmedCombat50;Spot65;Grapple60 Special:Whengrappledbythe12‐StepMaster,takeanadditional1d4quickstrikedamage

DARK WIZARD Dark Wizards are immoral mages hell-bent on studies of only the darkest and most soulsplitting forms of magic. Primarily trained in Ethereal Magic, they are also familiar with some Earthly Magic as well. If you come across one of these mages, strike first and ask questions later these magic users are natural born killers. PhysicalActions2;MentalActions1 Movement60ft Might2 Agility2 Energy7 Vitality6 Mind5 Endurance4 HP20 AttackRating+29 MagicAttackRating+40 Weapon:Dagger 3d3+0MightDamageBonus Armored75 Unarmored60 Mental/MagicalResistanceBonus+10 Skills:MeleeWeapons25;Spot65;EtherealMagic30;EarthlyMagic20 SpellPoints14 Spells:EntropicBolt;ArcaneBlast;SoulArmor;SummonLesserSpirit Special:+1toallspelldamage MASTER DARK WIZARD PhysicalActions2;MentalActions2 Movement60ft Might2 Agility4 Energy10 Vitality7 Mind5 Endurance6 HP20 AttackRating+33 MagicAttackRating+50 Weapon:Dagger 3d3+0MightDamageBonus Armored80 Unarmored60 Mental/MagicalResistanceBonus+10 Skills:MeleeWeapons25;Spot65;EtherealMagic40;EarthlyMagic30 SpellPoints20 Spells:EntropicBolt2;ArcaneBlast2;SoulArmor;SummonLesserSpirit Special:+2toallspelldamage

Having heard about a shorter passage through an old battle site, he led his troops down a rarely traveled path rumored to be the domain of an evil spirit.
Legend has it when a wealthy neighboring kingdom in the Knights' domain refused to pay tribute, their leader Dartrus the Cold summoned all his followers to battle 30,000 strong.
Suddenly the dead rose, wounds still present, some even missing their limbs and heads, but nevertheless alive. They began tearing the knights to pieces. The beast is called Resorack by the people who saved the survivors, but it is also known everywhere as the Death Lord.
Meanwhile, the targeted kingdom got wind of the plan to eliminate them and began to fortify their defenses. They readied their battlements and waited. Two weeks later, still on watch, they got sight of the Knights of the Black Dawn five delirious, blood stained and mangled knights. The rest were never seen again. The only sense they managed to get out of the surviving knights was that they ran across a creature in the middle of the cursed battleground, horned like a beast, but standing upright like a man. The dead were all around the creature their corpses still remaining from the last war and it raised its hands and smiled, sending a chill right through every soldier's soul.
RESORACK - DEATH LORD Resorack is a rarely seen, high ethereal beast of the old world. Tales of its existence spawn primarily from the tales told by last living members of the Knights of the Black Dawn.
PhysicalActions2;MentalActions2 Movement70ft Might10 Agility5 Energy15 Vitality8 Mind5 Endurance12 HP50 AttackRating+70 Weapon:BlackDeathClaws 2d12Damage+1d6MightDamageBonus Armored126 Unarmored100 Mental/MagicalResistanceBonus+10 Skills:UnarmedCombat60;Spot65;Grapple40;Sprint50;Sense50;EtherealMagic70; MindResistance70;EnergyResistance60; SpellPoints30 Spells:SoulArmor;EntropicBolt;SacredEnergies;DeathAura;GhastlyHowl; SummonLesserSpirit Special:+3damageonallspells;Canuse1mentaland1physicalactiontosummon astandardzombieorskeletontothefield;Canusetwofullturnactionstosummon aPossessortothefield.
SUMMARY From these questions, we were able to find out a great deal from our game testers. Overall, the feedback was good and the testers where eager to play again, which as we all know is a very good sign. The main issues were with the learning curve to start the game, as it is rather complicated. The reason for the complexity was to appeal to those who play this type of game, who tend to enjoy games that are rather mentally taxing. If you want to develop a large, in‐depth game, especially in the pen‐and‐paper RPG genre, it tends to need to be complex. The learning curve for all the rules was rather steep, but if the RM understands them, he can guide the players through them piece by piece as they go through the game. A knowledgeable RM can move the players through the rules as they become relevant and thus the problem is a minor one for the players themselves. However, we were still worried about the RM and the learning curve for them, as far as mastering all the rules so that they may teach it to the players. The best solution, rather than just to reduce complexity, is to have a book that guides them through the rules the way they will guide players through them. It is for this reason that we compiled this document the way we did. Lastly, the other main issue was with skills. During our testing, we had to develop a system where the RM in control of the game would set a value bonus or minus to whatever the player was attempting to do and then add their skill to it, rather than just having the players roll and try to get within their skill point range. This was because players don't start out with many skills and like to invest a lot in combative and defensive skills. As such, without added bonuses to reflect the ease or difficulty of tasks, the game starts out with very few options and thus gets a bit boring. This was a big reveal we didn't anticipate when we actually played the game with people and it allowed for a great opportunity to improve the game.
9 RINGS USABILITY RESULTS QUESTIONS 1. How do you feel about the complexity of the game? 2. Are their enough characters in the game? 3. Do you feel as though the characters are balanced? 4. How is the story in the game? 5. Is the game immersive enough? 6. What do you feel is most enjoyable about the game? 7. What do you feel is least enjoyable about the game? 8. Is there a good level of interaction with the characters? 9. How are the skill sets? 10. Is there to much math in the game?