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Vitality Skills
CHARM: Roll to see how well you are received and perceived by other people and animals. This roll with be prompted by the RM. You may roll your charm skill whenever you wish to make a person or animal like you more. If you fail, they will like you less.
REST: Roll to see how well you rest. RM decides what happens as a result of how well you roll. EXAMPLE: A success may result in 2d4 HP restored, while a failure may result in an encounter with wolves.
TREAT PHYSICAL INJURY: Roll to see how well you use Treat Injury Kits or other items for treating physical injuries. Failure may result in no heath restored or even more damage, at the RM's discretion.
TREAT MENTAL INJURY: Roll to use mentally enhancing kits and restorative ingredients to regain mental stability or to cure a mental affliction. Failure will result in no benefit for the condition and loss of ingredients. This can be done with mental energy alone and no ingredients if your skill is 60 or above.
RESIST POISON: Roll to stave off, endure, or completely avoid the effects of a poison. RM will prompt roll if threatened with being poisoned. Takes no actions.
RESIST DISEASE: Roll to stave off, endure, or completely avoid the effects of a disease. RM will prompt roll if threatened with being diseased. Takes no actions.
SENSE: Roll to use your body’s natural energy to sense the presence of unseen, hidden, or invisible life forms. This takes a full turn action. Failure results in a wasted turn.
SWIM: Roll to determine success of all swim checks. Failure may result in little to no movement through the water. Fail enough times in a row and you may start to drown, at the RM's discretion. Takes no actions.
SPRINT: Roll to run at twice one's movement speed. Failure causes you to move as normal. Full turn action.
RESIST SUFFOCATION: Roll on all attempts to resist damage from suffocation, like while under water. RM prompts rolls. Takes no actions.