20 minute read
The Nagahelm and The Rag Nok
The Nagahelm are the great northerners of the Dark Moon Mountains. Living in harsh cold and a brutal environment full of dangerous predators, survival has become their strong suit. They are also well versed in knowledge of legends and the lore surrounding the Mystic Tomes, as it was deep within the Dark Moon Mountains that those tomes where originally found.
Knowledge +10; Resist Disease +20; Sprint +5; Grappling +10; Theft +5; Read Tomes +30; Resist Poison +15; Resist Injury +15; Resist Suffocation +15; Resist Exhaustion +15;
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Knowledge – Legends, Hunting, Nature, Books, Runes
The Rag Nok hail from the southern lands of crazed heat, great jungles, and massive deserts. They are extremely talented at battle and train in it from a young age. They are quite athletic and have great knowledge of how to survive in the wild. They are also an extremely religious people, with a great understanding of both their own, as well as many other religions across the lands, and are very mentally resilient.
Knowledge +15; Scaling +20; Sunder +10; Breaching +15; Sprint +30; Spot +10; Leap +20; Restabilization +5; Mind Resistance +15; Dynamic Movement +5; Dodge +10; Craft +5
Starting gold +60gp
SP = Spell points Cost = Number of ability points it takes to learn AoE = Area of Effect DD = Direct Damage DoT = Damage over Time
9 Rings Spell List ‐ Earthly Magic
Arcane Aura
Arcane Bolt
Level Description
1 cast magical shield on self
Damage Range Radius Duration Dmg Type Spell Type SP Cost Attributes (ft) (ft) (Turns)
- - - 5 Self Buff 2 5 prevents 2d4 of any incoming magical damage
1 a blast of mystic power released from the 2d4 80 - - Arcane DD 1 5 hands to fend off enemies Burn 1 the four squares directly in front of you 2d3 0 40 - Fire DD 3 5 alight with flame, dealing damage to all in the area Conjure Light 1 summons a small ball of light illuminating a - - - - - Summon 1 5 this spell lasts for one hour in game world 50ft radius around the player time.
Energy Burst 1 send your energy outward in a violent burst 2d3 - 30 - Arcane AoE 2 5
Force Wave 1 hits the target with a wave of magical force, 1d8 40 - - Physical DD 3 10 Target is pushed back 1d6 * 10ft. If creature sending it backwards is large, RM may modify distance or nullify it
Frostbite 1 a single target becomes wrapped in an aura 2d2 90 - 2 Cold DD + Debuff 2 5 target receives -20ft movement penalty for of icy cold for two turns, slowing its duration of spell movement Minor Deteriorate 1 hits a target with a blast of highly corrosive 1d6 80 - - Corrosive DD 1 5 50% chance that one piece of wooden acid, damaging its equipment and health equipment is destroyed
Sense Arcane 1 sense any arcane energies in the area - - 200 - - AoE 1 5
1 a small swift bolt of lightning sent through 3d3 40 - - Lightning DD 1 5 +1d4 damage if target is in water or soaked the ground and into your target Stun 1 chance to stun an enemy for one turn 1d6 60 - 1 Physical DD 1 5 20% chance to stun target Summon Weapon 1 summon a temporary low class melee - - - 3 - Summon 2 5 This can be cast on yourself or on an ally. thrown or ranged weapon.
Wind Cut 1 hits the target with a high velocity blast of 1d10 90 - Air DD 1 5
slicing wind Arcane Aura 2 2 cast magical shield on self - - - 5 - Self Buff 4 10 prevents 2d6 of any incoming magical damage
Arcane Bolt 2 2 a more powerful blast of mystic power 4d4 80 - - Arcane DD Burn 2 2 an upgraded Burn causes more damage to 4d3 0 40 - Fire DD enemies Earthen Armor 2 boost your armor rating with the power of - 0 - 3 - Self Buff 3 10 Boosts armor rating by +50% rounded down the earth Energy Burst 2 2 send your energy outward in an even more 3d4 0 40 - Arcane AoE 3 10 violent burst Entanglement 2 roots emerge from the ground, holding the 1d10 100 - 3 Poison DD + DoT 3 10 Enemies cannot move and take 1d10 victim in place and poisoning over time damage every turn. If attacked,
Flame Burst 2 Blast of intense heat 3d8 40 - - Fire DD 3 10 entanglement ends.
Name Level Description
Damage Range Radius Duration Dmg Type Spell Type SP Cost Attributes (ft) (ft) (Turns)
Flash Freeze 2 a cold blast bursts around you, freezing all - 0 30 1-2 Cold AoE 3 10 All enemies are frozen/stunned for 1-2 turns enemies within its blast radius- full turn action Force Wave 2 2 hits the target with greater force, sending it 2d6 40 - - Physical DD 3 10 Target is pushed back 2d4 * 10ft. If creature further back is large, RM may modify distance or nullify it
Frostbite 2
2 a single target becomes wrapped in a 2d4 90 - 3 Cold DD + Debuff 4 target receives -40ft movement penalty for greater aura of icy cold for three turns, duration of spell slowing its movement further 2 Increase movement speed - 0 - 2 - Self Buff 3 10 Allows player to make twice as many movement actions per turn Ice Blast 2 blast of intense cold 3d6 80 - - Cold DD 3 10 targets movement gets -10ft next round Minor Deteriorate 2 2 hits a target with a blast of more potent 2d6 80 - - Corrosive DD 2 70% chance that one piece of wooden or corrosive acid, damaging its equipment and iron equipment is destroyed health Shock 2 2 a swift bolt of lightning sent through the 5d3 50 - - Lightning DD 2 +2d4 damage if target is in water or soaked ground and into your target Shocking Hold 2 use the power of lightning to subdue your - 60 - 3 Lightning DoT + 3 10 Target takes 2d3 lightning damage per turn. target Debuff Target takes an additional 3d3 lightning damage if a movement action is taken.
Sleep 2 causes target to sleep for two turns - 100 - 2 - Debuff 3 10 Target is put to sleep, unable to perform any actions during the duration of the spell. If attacked, sleep ends. Resistance 60
Stun 2 2 chance to stun an enemy for two turns 1d8 80 - 2 Physical DD 2 10 50% chance to stun target Summon Weapon 2 2 your summoned weapon now lasts longer - - - 6 - Summon 4 10 This can be cast on yourself or on an ally.
Wind Cut 2
2 hits the target with a very high velocity blast 2d10 90 - - Air DD 2 10 of slicing wind 3 cause the ground to shake at location 2d10 100 50 - Physical AoE 4 15 50% chance for knockdown to each enemy caught within. Fire Wall 3 create a wall of fire to prevent enemies from 4d4 80 - 3 Fire AoE 4 10 Enemies immune to fire can pass through moving forward unharmed Perfect Storm 3 create a lightning storm in an area 3d10 80 50 - Lightning AoE 4 15 All enemies become soaked
Name Level Description Damage Range Radius Duration Dmg Type Spell Type SP Cost Attributes (ft) (ft) (Turns)
Summon Frost Fiend 3 summons a frost being to fight alongside - 0 - 5 Cold Summon 5 15 Might 12 Agility 3 Energy 7 Vitality 7 Mind 5 you Endurance 13
Hp 35 spell Attack Ratting +50 Attack Ratting + 76 Weapon Frost punch 3d4 +2 frost damage spell pool 14
Armored110/ unarmored defense rating 90
Mental/Magical resistance bonus + 39 skills unarmed combat 70 earthly magic 40 spells frost bite
Full Turn Action
Summon Golem 3 summons an stone golem to fight alongside - 0 - 5 Physical Summon 5 15 Might 10 Agility 3 Energy 1 Vitality 8 Mind 1 you Endurance 7
Hp 45
Attack Ratting +66
Weapon stone fists 1d8+1d6 damage
Armored 101/ unarmored defense rating 80
Mental/Magical resistance bonus +0 skills unarmed combat 60
Summon Shock Fiend 3 summons a lightning being to fight alongside you Full Turn Action
- 0 - 5 Lightning Summon 5 15 Might 8 Agility 13 Energy 7 Vitality 7 Mind 5 Endurance 9
Hp 31 spell Attack Rating +66 Attack Ratting +86 Weapon lightning claws 2d8 +1 lightning damage
Armored 90/ unarmored defense rating 77 spell points 14 Mental/Magical resistance bonus + 27 skills unarmed combat 60 dodge 59 earthly magic 40 spellsshock
Full Turn Action
SP = Spell points Cost = Number of ability points it takes to learn AoE = Area of Effect DD = Direct Damage DoT = Damage over Time
9 Rings Spell List ‐ Ethereal Magic
Name Level Description Damage Range Radius Duration Dmg Type Spell Type SP Cost Attributes (ft) (ft) (Turns)
Death Aura 1 character emits a sickening aura of death- 2d3 - 10 2 Ethereal DoT 2 5 targets take damage on their turn if within full turn action range not the instant when the spell is cast.
Entropic Bolt
1 bolt of ethereal magic Sacred Energies 1 heals a player of hp damage Soul Armor 1 boost your magic defense Whispers of the Dead 1 Allows you to hear spirits 1d12 60 - - Ethereal DD 1 5 1d6+2 60 - - - Heal 2 10 - - - 3 - Self Buff 2 5 increases your magic resistance by +20 - - 200 1 - Buff 0 5 can hear the whispers of ethereal creatures in the area
Blinding Flash
Death Aura 2 2 send out a flash of light, potentially blinding - 0 80 3 - AoE 3 10 Enemies have 50% chance to resist. If enemies enemy is blinded, it cannot attack, but can roll to resist each turn for the duration of the spell
2 character emits a sickening aura of death- 2d6 - 30 Ethereal DoT 3 10 targets take damage on their turn if within
full turn action range not the instant when the spell is cast.
Entropic Bolt 2 2 bolt of ethereal magic
2d12 60 - - Ethereal DD 2 10 Ghastly Howl 2 a blast of sound mixed with deathly magic 2d4 - 40 - Ethereal DD 3 10 all hit targets get -10 to their attack rating next turn. Reanimate Dead 2 Bring back a slain enemy to fight alongside - 50 - - - Summon 4 10 Target must be at or below your level. you Target loses 2d10 health per turn from decay. Restoring Grasp 2 infuse party member with restoring energy - 5 - - Ethereal Heal 3 5 give party member 2d4 +1 health back
Sacred Energies 2 2 heals a player of hp damage Soul Armor 2 2 boost your magic defense further
Spectral Walk 2 allows you to walk through obstacles,
2d6+3 80 - - - Heal 4 10 - - - 3 - Self Buff 3 10 increases your magic resistance by +20 and unarmored state when being attacked by magic by +20 - - - - - Self Buff 3 10 Spectral Walk lasts until another spell or including enemies attack is performed Summon Lesser Spirit 2 summons a lesser spirit to fight alongside - 0 - 5 Divine Summon 4 10 Physical actions 1 Mental 1 Movement 60ft you Might 5 Agility 2 Energy 3 Vitality 4 Mind 1 Endurance 3 Hp 17 Attack Ratting +44 Weapon ethereal claws 2d4 +2 damage Armored/ unarmored defense rating 95 Mental/Magical resistance bonus +0 Physical damage resistance =5 Skills- Unarmed combat 40 Spot 60
Name Level Description Damage Range Radius Duration Dmg Type Spell Type SP Cost Attributes (ft) (ft) (Turns)
Divine Intervention 3 the gods stop all ranged attacks from - 0 50 1 - AoE 4 15 Only melee attacks can hit caster and allies
Divine Wave
Enter the Void physical objects from penetrating radius within the radius
around you 3 a wave of divine energy damages all in its 4d8 100 10 - Divine AoE 3 10 All enemies in a line from 0-100ft take wake damage 3 Temporarily leave the plane of the living - 200 - - - Teleport 5 15 Teleport to target location
and appear in a new location- full turn action
Ghostly Cloud 3 creates a cloud of spectral energy at target - 150 50 3 - AoE Debuff 3 10 Enemies caught within have movement location halved and 50% chance of 1-turn blindness each turn
Heavenly Burst 3 a burst of divine energy emanates from you 4d8 0 30 - Divine AoE 3 10 All enemies within radius are damaged
Heavenly Touch 3 heals nearby ally
1d10+10 10 - - - Heal 4 10 Cannot use on self Mirror Image 3 creates decoy image of yourself - - - 4 - Self 4 10 50% chance that enemies attack decoy instead of you Mystic Reverence 3 player releases a powerful aura that stuns - - 50 - Ethereal AoE 4 10 all enemies within area roll a resistance roll nearby enemies of 70 if they fail they are stunned for 1d4 turns Spectral Walk 2 3 if you walk through an enemy, enemy takes 4d3 - - - Divine Buff + DD 4 15 Spectral Walk lasts until another spell or damage attack is performed. If you walk through an enemy, 50% chance Spectral Walk ends.
SP = Spell points Cost = Number of ability points it takes to learn AoE = Area of Effect DD = Direct Damage DoT = Damage over Time
9 Rings Spell List ‐ Demon Magic
Gaze of Hate Harm
Death Gaze
Eyes of Loathing
Harm 2
Sacrifice 2
Sense Demon
Level Description
Damage Range Radius Duration Dmg Type Spell Type SP Cost Attributes (ft) (ft) (Turns)
1 causes target to fight alongside you for two - 80 - 2 - Charm 3 10 Target regains control of its body after the turns spell wears out (if still alive) resistance roll 50
1 magic that chokes the opponent
1d6 70 - - Demon DD 1 5 enemy must roll a to resist at 70 if they fail extra d12 damage 1 use demonic energy to burn targets soul 1d8 50 - - Demon DD 1 5 10% chance enemy will run 1 use dark magic to internally damage an 2d4+1 70 - - Demon DD 1 5 opponent 1 sacrifice a charmed or summoned monster - 60 - - - Heal 2 5 target creature must be under your control to gain health and have 25% or less health at the time of casting. You will be healed 2d8 +2 hp
1 causes target to run in fear - 30 - - - Debuff 2 10 50% chance target enemy runs in fear. If creature is large, RM may reduce the chance or nullify it.
2 transform hand into demonic magic claw 4d6 10 - Physical Polymorph 3 10 1d4 bleed damage for 2 turns
and strike opponent 2 stare down your target with a deathly gaze 4d4 100 - - Death DD 2 10 50% chance to stun enemy for one turn
2 use demonic energy to burn targets soul 1d12+1 90 - - Demon DD
2 use dark magic to internally damage an 2d8+2 80 - - Demon DD 2 10 opponent 10% chance enemy will run +1d12 damage to opponents mental stability
2 causes target to decay over time, full turn - 150 - 3 Death DoT 3 10 After a one turn delay, deals 4d4 death action damage each turn 2 a more adept ability to sacrifice a charmed - 60 - - - Heal 3 10 target creature must be under your control or summoned monster to gain health and have 50% or less health at the time of the casting. You will be healed for 2d10+2 hp 2 causes target to believe everything you say - 100 - 1 hour - Charm 1 5 Target regains control of its body after the spell wears out and will know they've been tricked good chance they will try to kill you if your still around. Resistance roll 60
2 senses any demon in the area - - 200
Summon Lesser Gremlok 2 summons a lesser gremlock to fight alongside you
Damage Range Radius Duration Dmg Type Spell Type SP Cost Attributes (ft) (ft) (Turns)
- 0 - - Physical Summon Physical actions 1 Mental 1 Movement 50ft Might 3 Agility 5 Energy 0 Vitality 2 Mind 5 Endurance 3 Hp 10 Attack Ratting +15 Weapon deamon claws 2d4 +1 damage Armored 70 / unarmored defense rating 60 Mental/Magical resistance bonus +0 Skills- Unarmed combat 10 Spot 60 Melee weps 15
Terror 2
Venomous Slash
Wounding Touch
Zombification 2 greater chance to fear target
- 50 - - - Debuff 3 10 80% chance target enemy runs in fear. If creature is large, RM may reduce the chance or nullify it. 2 Melee slash that inflicts poison damage 3d4 10 - 2 Physical + DD + DoT 3 10 Enemies take 3d3+3 damage every turn over time Poison unless they roll over 75 magical resistance roll 2 wound target within melee distance, 3d3 10 - 3 Physical DD + DoT 3 10 deals 2d4 damage per turn for the two turns causing bleed damage over time following the slash 2 Zombifies target - 100 - - - Debuff 3 10 Decreases target's health by 50%, Increases target's damage by 50%, Target's movement halved, resistance roll 50
Blood Boil 3 call forth the infernal flames to boil the - 120 - 3 Death + DoT 4 15 5d4 damage every turn
target's blood
Fire Blood Leech 3 draws the blood out of your target to restore 2d10+10 70 - - - DD + Heal 5 15 Damages target and returns damage as your health health to you Demonic Transformation 3 you channel your inner demon to increase - 0 - 3 Self Buff 5 10 Adds 4d4 damage per melee attack, your melee damage output and resistances, Increases hit chance by 50%, Adds 50% full turn action resistance to fire and death damage
Infernal Grasp 3 infernal hands emerge from the ground, 1d10 100 - 3 Fire DD + DoT 4 10 Enemies cannot move and take 3d3 holding the victim in place and burning over damage every turn time
Infernal Touch
3 burns target with the flames of hell 20d2 10 - 3 Fire DD + DoT 6 15 10d2 damage per turn; Full Turn Action Infestation 3 Spawn insects around target that bite it over - 100 - 3 Physical DoT 4 10 2d10 damage every turn time Summon Lesser Demon 3 summons a lesser demon to fight alongside - 0 - 5 Physical + Summon 5 10 Physical actions 2 Mental 1 Movement 60ft you Fire Might 12 Agility 5 Energy 0 Vitality 8 Mind 5 Endurance 7 Hp 24 Attack Ratting +56 Weapon demon claws 2d8 +1 damage Armored 71 / unarmored defense rating 60 Mental/Magical resistance bonus +10 Skills- Unarmed combat 40 Spot 60 Melee weapons 35
Terrorize 3 cause enemies caught within the spell to - 30 30 - - AoE 3 10 50% chance enemies caught within run in run in fear fear. Enemies must be your level or lower
9 Rings Weapons List ‐ Melee
low class cost= 30‐60 gold; medium cost = 150‐500 gold; high and special cost = 1000‐10000 gold
Dagger Iron rod Spiked knuckles Small claw Hachette
Class Description
Low small piercing blade
Damage Critical Roll Hands Range (ft)
2d3 90-100 1 5
Low medium bludgeoning rod
2d4 95-100 1 5 Low small piercing and bludgeoning hand device 1d4 95-100 1 5 Low small two-pronged piercing hand device 2d3 85-100 1 5 Low small piercing axe 1d6 90-100 1 5
Crude short spear Low small piercing spear 3d3 95-100 1 5
Short blade Club Low small slicing blade Low short bludgeoning club 1d8 90-100 1 5 1d8 95-100 1 5
Spiked club Low short piercing and bludgeoning club 2d4 95-100 1 5
Staff Low long bludgeoning staff 1d10 95-100 1 10
Cleaver Low medium piercing axe 2d4 90-100 1 5
Bladed gauntlet Light hammer Tanto Low small piercing and bludgeoning hand device 1d4 95-100 1 5 Low small bludgeoning hammer 1d6 90-100 1 5
Low short piercing blade 1d10 90-100 1 5
Sickle Low short slicing blade
2d4 90-100 1 5 Long cleaver Medium long piercing axe 3d3 90-100 1 5 Three pronged claw Medium small three-pronged piercing hand device 2d3+1 85-100 1 5 Long sword Medium long slicing blade 2d8 90-100 1 5 Gladius Medium medium slicing blade 3d6 90-100 1 5 Rapier Medium medium piercing blade 3d4 90-100 1 5 Cutlass Medium short slicing blade 2d6 85-100 1 5 Long spear Medium long piercing spear 1d12 95-100 1 10 Glaive Medium long slicing polearm 4d4 95-100 2 10 Mace Medium medium bludgeoning club 2d4 95-100 1 5 Flail Medium medium bludgeoning ball-and-chain 1d4+1d6 85-100 1 5 War hammer Medium medium bludgeoning hammer 1d10 90-100 1 5 War axe Medium medium piercing axe 1d10 85-100 1 5 Scimitar Medium medium slicing blade 2d3 +1d6 85-100 1 5 Naginata Medium long slicing polearm 1d12+1 80-100 1 10 Great Hammer Medium medium bludgeoning hammer 2d12 85-100 2 10 Great Axe Medium medium piercing axe 2d12+1 85-100 2 10
Class Description Damage Critical Roll Hands Range (ft) Reqs
Heavy Mace Claymore Partisan Saber Wakizashi Lance Medium medium bludgeoning club Medium long slicing blade Medium long piercing polearm Medium short slicing blade Medium small slicing blade Medium long piercing polearm
2d12 90-100 2 10 4d6 90-100 2 10 1d20 85-100 1 15 2d6 90-100 1 5 3d4 90-100 1 5 1d12+1 95-100 2 10
Heavy lance Scythe Morning star Katana Medium long piercing polearm 3d8 90-100 2 15
Medium long slicing polearm
2d8 90-100 1 10 Medium medium piercing and bludgeoning club 2d6 85-100 1 5 Medium long slicing blade 3d6 85-100 1 5
Long Curved dagger Medium medium slicing blade Master's Edge Katana High long slicing blade Titan's Axe Cruel Flamberge High long piercing axe High long slicing blade
Guan Dao High long slicing polearm 2d6 85-100 1 5 4d8 75-100 1 5
Agility 9 Might 12 5d6 85-100 2 10 Might 24 Endurance 9 3d12 70-100 2 15 Might 15
3d10 80-100 2 10 Agility 9 Might 13
Giant slayer lance High long piercing polearm Dadao Saber High long slicing blade 4d6 85-100 2 15 Might 20 Endurance 10 4d10 80-100 2 5 Might 17 Agility 13
Triple Flail High medium bludgeoning triple ball-and-chain 2d4 x3 85-100 1 5 Might 19
Double-bladed katana High double-edged long slicing blade 4d12 80-100 2 10 Might 23 Agility 20
Twin spear Colossal Scythe Titan Blade Ox tongue spear Crushing saber
High dual-speared piercing polearm High long slicing polearm High long slicing blade High double-edged piercing polearm High short slicing blade Crescent moon Cutlass High medium slicing blade Iron Mountain Axe High medium piercing axe Vorpal sword High long slicing blade
2d8 90-100 2 10 Might 17 Endurance 7 4d8 80-100 2 15 Might 24 Endurance 14 5d8 80-100 2 15 Might 25 Endurance 15 4d10 90-100 2 10 Might 23 Agility 17 5d4+1 75-100 1 5 Might 17
3d3+1d8 85-100 1 5 Agility 9 Might 13
4d6 85-100 2 15
Might 19 5d10 85-100 2 10 Might 26 Agility 14
Shadow splitting hammer High long bludgeoning hammer Bloodletting Bastard sword High long slicing blade Massive Mace High long bludgeoning club Great stone spiked spear High long piercing polearm Slaying knife High short slicing and piercing blade Double-bladed heavy glaive High double-edged long slicing polearm 3d10 75-100 2 10 Might 16 Endurance 8 5d8 85-100 2 10 Might 22 Endurance 15 4d10 90-100 2 15 Might 29
3d12 85-100 2 15 Might 23 Agility 9
3d10 70-100 1 5
Agility14 Might 9 4d10 85-100 2 10 Might 21 Endurance 9 Agility 5