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Attack Types
STANDARD ATTACK: When attacking an opponent with a melee, ranged, or thrown weapon, you will roll the d100 and then add it to your skill with the weapon type, along with your Agility Modifier and CAB, then add any special or magical bonuses you might have to your attack rating. If the result is higher than your opponent's armored defense rating, you hit them and then roll damage. You have to be able to see the opponent and be within range to hit them with any ranged or thrown weapon. If the enemy is in some form of cover, it is at the RM's discretion whether or not to give you a potential miss chance or take subtractions from your roll to indicate the difficulty of hitting your particular target. Standard Attacks take one physical action. SURPRISE ATTACK and FLANKING: If your opponent is unaware of you, treat this like a standard attack, except you get +10 to your attack rating. If you and an ally are directly in front of and behind a single opponent, you both get +20 instead. Any more players teaming up on the same opponent receive this bonus as well, but it does not grow any higher. JUMP ATTACK: At the cost of your move action, a physical action, and a mental action, if you are at least 40ft away from an opponent, you may perform a jump attack at +10 AR and +5 damage. You must also roll a Leap skill check. If you fail, the actions are wasted. CHARGE ATTACK: At the cost of your move action and two physical actions, move to an opponent and attack with +20 to your attack rating and +5 to damage. POWER ATTACK: At the cost of two physical actions, launch a single attack and if you hit, double the weapon's rolled damage.
DUAL‐WIELDING: When dual‐wielding, you get one bonus attack per round with the off‐hand weapon. This attack is made at ‐60 your current attack rating. The penalty is reduced to ‐30 if the weapon is small.