Success Magazine Semester 1 2023

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semester one 2023

Be Restless, Be Curious 3 Charting our Course for the Future 4 Celebrating Holi! 6 Why Play-based learning Math is the best 7 Ethan’s Path to Publishing 8 A Lesson in Exploring Texts and Perspectives 9 in Year 12 English Meet Mark Miles 10 Unifying as One 11 Welcoming the New Staff of 2023 the HVGS Way! 12 A Different Kind of Sunrise 13 A Community Picnic at HVGS! 14 Breaking the Stigma: Bubbles For Bipolar! 15 Camp Week 16 Alumni 18 Success is a Hunter Valley Grammar School publication. Editor: Rebecca Plumridge 42 Norfolk Street Ashtonfield NSW 2323 PO Box 458 East Maitland NSW 2323 P: 02 4934 2444 E: <
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Cover: Mark Miles with Year 2 students.

Be Restless, Be Curious From the Principal

“Be restless; be curious”. These were the words of advice from Tricia Martin, one of our Alumni, who spoke at HVGS’ annual International Women’s Day Breakfast in March. It was in response to a question from Audrey McPherson, one of our School Captain’s. Audrey asked, “What is one word of advice you would give to our female students”. Tricia’s response was to encourage young women not to settle for what might be expected of them but to maintain a spirit of restlessness and curiosity – a desire to keep learning, to keep stepping out of their comfort zone – so they can ensure they live a life of purpose.

Tricia embodies this as the founder of Nudge On, an organisation that works with and beside people from diverse communities to help them navigate the complexities of work, job fulfillment and readiness, and the financial literacy needed in the Australian economy.

In response to another question regarding what equity looks like, Tricia also shared the importance of older women championing younger women. Tricia spoke to a wonderful analogy: mentoring might be showing a young person the way into an organisation. On the other hand, championing is about walking with that person through the door of that organisation, pushing the button on the elevator, getting into the elevator with that young person, and then walking through the door of the office with them.

Championing then involves stepping back and letting that young person

take charge of the next stage of the journey. Walking with and beside those people in our communities who need “lifting up” is a key part of allyship.

The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day was Embrace Equity. When we consider equity, we should think of it as a verb: it is a journey and something we need to ‘do’ in our lives. Conversations have shifted in the space of inclusion from equality to considerations of equity and justice. Equality is the belief that everyone benefits from the same interventions. If we think in terms of our students, this is the idea that all students benefit from the same approach to discipline. Student codes of conduct and discipline have traditionally been built on this premise, as have approaches to late assessment. They work on the assumption that all students should be able to do the same thing at the same time, and if you cannot then there is a natural consequence. However, if you are a learner with auditory processing and fine motor skill challenges, then you will not be able to sit still and listen to everything in class or complete an in-class essay in the same timeframe as everyone else.

Our ultimate goal is justice for all and that means removing systemic barriers to success. This is a function of the National Indigenous Reform Agreement (NIRA) Closing the Gap targets – to try and address the systemic issues that lead to ongoing disadvantage for many Aboriginal and

Torres Strait Islander Youth across Australia. It is also the purpose of the NCCD – to enable families to access funding so their children can get the support they need and break a cycle of inequity experienced by those with disabilities in Australia.

Here at HVGS, we know we have a diverse community, and this is something we are getting better at celebrating (see the Holi story in this issue of SUCCESS). However, being diverse does not necessitate inclusion. Inclusion is, like equity, a verb. Being inclusive means having the systems and structures in place to support the diversity of our community. This is an ongoing focus and commitment for HVGS. I believe equity is a verb and a key step on the journey towards justice on a local and global scale. It means for us going beyond acknowledging diversity to truly being inclusive on purpose. As an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School, and a school that is values-driven, this is central to who we are now and seek to be in the future. Our values and status as an IB World School helps us stay true to this journey and provides us with the global partners who can challenge us to be all we can be in this space.

From the Principal Success 2022 | 3

Charting our course for the future

HVGS is poised for a thrilling new chapter as we embark on an exciting new strategic plan that will guide us over the next five years. Throughout the process of bringing the plan to life, we have stayed committed to acknowledging the importance of knowing who we are and where we want to go. As a community we have imagined our possible futures and now enter a period of possibility, consolidation and growth for the School, our students and community. During Term 1, we were delighted to unveil our new Strategic Plan, Future Directions 2023 – 2028. This plan is the culmination of extensive feedback from the Association of Independent Schools Perspectives Survey in 2022 and community engagement workshops with staff, students, parents, and the School Board. Over the next five years,

we will work together as a community to build on the legacy of previous generations to realise a bold vision for the future, all while remaining agile within the ever-evolving educational landscape.

A major focus of our strategic planning process has been to consider our HVGS identity – who we are and how we operate. Additionally, we have remained mindful of the broader cultural changes taking place in Australia. With over 50% of the population being first or secondgeneration Australians and increasing numbers of people identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander; we understand that it is vital that we value and honour all cultures and histories.

Our new strategic direction acknowledges that we must also prepare our young people for the rapidly changing landscape of work, where

hybridity, purpose, relationships, and connections are becoming increasingly important. Additionally, schools must help students connect with their “why” and develop their capacity for ethical thinking, as people are seeking purpose in their work and a desire for employers and businesses to operate from a strong ethical framework. We know that it is crucial that students have a strong sense of efficacy and understand the power of collective responsibility and action, especially when confronting prickly problems like environmental decline, global warming and educational disruption.

Future Directions considers these significant challenges. Through our four Priority Areas:

• Excellence in Holistic Education

• Connected and Flourishing Community

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• Inclusion and Belonging

• Human-Centered and Sustainable Systems

The plan seeks to define our vision for excellence and articulate the future skills and competencies students need for the future, including deep understanding of knowledge and truth, curiosity, creativity, and compassionate thinking.

Connection is fundamental to human flourishing at all levels, and connected communities thrive. Over the next five years, we are committed to connecting with and giving back to our local and global community. We recognise that young people thrive when their identity is valued within a connected community, which is why building more inclusive practice is a critical focus for us over the next five years. We are

also committed to developing humancentered, purposeful systems that prioritise connection and sustainability, including our desire to enhance our green campus complemented by purposeful learning spaces and environments conducive to flourishing and belonging.

Future Directions 2023 – 2028, is an exciting roadmap for our School’s future. It provides a clear vision for excellence, fosters critical skills and competencies in our students, and prioritises connection, inclusion, and sustainability. We are thrilled to embark on this journey together as a community and look forward to the many possibilities that lie ahead.

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Australia is multicultural and diverse, and this too is reflected in the HVGS experience. When schools foster a deeper understanding of our broader cultural diversity it promotes inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone in our School community.

At HVGS, we strive for intercultural understanding and hope to create a culture of inclusion and agency, where all voices are valued in a welcoming and supportive environment for all. students’ perspectives and enhance their understanding globalised world and promotes our aspiration for students to

In witnessing the joy and laughter of HVGS students during community and togetherness that Holi brings to the School

To learn more about Holi from one of the families from the HVGS community, scan the QR code below!




Scoop from a Kindergarten Pro: Why Play-based learning in Math is the best!

Meet Lindelani, a Kindergarten student who loves to make friends and spread kindness wherever she goes. She is a curious learner who enjoys exploring the world around her and learning new things every day. Lindelani feels lucky to have a caring teacher who creates a safe and supportive environment for her to grow and thrive in. Her favourite activity in Kindergarten is math play, where she loves to use her problem-solving skills and creativity to solve puzzles and build things. She has already mastered basic addition, like five plus five is ten.

In Kindergarten classrooms, play-based learning is especially beneficial for mathematical learning. Not only does it allow students to experiment and explore mathematical concepts, it also helps them to develop connections and build upon their understanding. During these lessons, our teachers act as co-constructors, supporting and challenging students as they engage in activities that promote critical thinking, problemsolving, and collaboration.

Lindelani’s experience in Kindergarten is a great example of how the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP) and enquiry-based learning can benefit young students. The PYP focuses on developing the whole child and encourages students to become active, compassionate, and lifelong learners. Enquiry-based learning promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills by encouraging students to ask questions, investigate, and explore. With this approach, Lindelani and other students are encouraged to become curious, independent learners who enjoy learning and have a solid foundation for their future studies.

Lindelani is looking forward to an exciting Term 2 filled with opportunities to expand her knowledge in any way possible. With her eagerness to learn and explore, there is no doubt that she will make the most of her time in Kindergarten and emerge with a love for learning and mathematics that will stay with her for years to come.

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Ethan’s Path to Publishing

Ethan is one of our talented Year 12 students who has immersed himself in the world of creative writing. Ethan’s short story was selected to be published on “Good Reading,” a popular website that showcases the best in literature and storytelling. Ethan’s story was featured in the Young Adult April/May issue.

When did you start creative writing and what do love about writing?

I started creative writing during Senior School at HVGS. I love writing stories because they can serve as a creative outlet for any stresses or anxieties I may be feeling.

What are your favourite fictional books and why?

I have a few favourites including, Fyodor Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment” for the tone and mood of the book, as well as Dostoevsky’s portrayal of an unreliable narrator’s slow descend into mental anguish. I also really enjoy the absurdity and peculiarity of Franz

Kafka’s “Metamorphosis” . I also really like the world-building of “Dune” , and how Frank Herbert explores the power of religion and belief.

What does it mean to you to have your story published in Good Reading Magazine?

I am so grateful to have my story published and I am excited to see how I can further pursue creative writing in the future.

Do you have any tips for students wishing to get into creative writing?

The key way to improve in writing is to be curious and actively read. As a learner, I still have so much that I am

yet to read, understand and learn. Even if I do not pursue writing in the future, I would like to continue learning, growing, and improving. When I write, I am almost in a perpetual state of procrastination. I am constantly questioning if what I am writing is good or not. This often limits me because I am more focused on that than on my writing. I am trying to break this bad habit.

My second tip is that it is better to write something bad than nothing at all because practice will make you improve.

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A Lesson in Exploring Texts and Perspectives in Year 12 English

Get ready for a brain workout, because Year 12 English students took on a fascinating challenge! They’re delving into the world of literature to explore how different societies’ beliefs and values impact the content and themes of a text.

The English Standard students are exploring the works of Indigenous writer Ali Cobby Eckermann, while the Advanced group are comparing a classic Shakespeare play with a modern novel or film.

Contrary to popular belief, English class is not just about reading - the students are honing their research skills, critical

thinking skills, and ability to reflect on different perspectives. It’s like a literary gym session for the brain!

In this lesson, students put down their laptops and picked up some old-school tools. On butcher’s paper, teams mapped out the connections between the texts and illustrated their insights on the ways artists depict their times.

As Leonardo Da Vinci wisely said, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,” and our students prove it!

English Teacher Kate Dwyer says, “This method provides opportunity for focus

without the distraction of too much information at once. It also allows students to recall what they know and realise the need to physically engage with the material to best understand it.”

In Senior School English lessons, students are positive, co-constructors of knowledge. They debate points of view, providing evidence for their peers, and it is through this collaboration that they all come to deeper understanding.

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Meet Mark Miles, our dynamic new Head of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education at HVGS. With his infectious passion for teaching and unwavering commitment to promoting inclusion, Mark is revolutionising the way Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students are mentored at HVGS.

A proud Wiradjuri man who cherishes his heritage, Mark is dedicated to helping his students discover and celebrate their own cultures, whether Aboriginal or non-Aboriginal. He firmly believes that knowing where you come from is essential to finding your way forward in life and he makes it his mission to guide his students on this journey of selfdiscovery.

Mark explains, “The reason I wanted to join the community at HVGS was due to the strong value system, the direction the School is going in the inclusion space and because we give students a voice. This was reaffirmed in my interview where two students were on the panel and lead the questions. I love this!”

Mark continues, “In the short time I have been at HVGS I have been spending time getting to know the students and gaining an understanding where they want to go with Aboriginal Education. In the Junior School all classes have had the opportunity to take part in a Smoking Ceremony, I have shared a few Wiradjuri Dreaming Stories and the teaching behind them.

I have been heavily involved in mentoring students who need a bit of extra support. I have started up the Senior School AECG (Aboriginal Education Consultative Group). And finally, been involved in coaching rugby.”

“I teach all students about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Culture for a few reasons. Firstly, I love sharing our culture so that students can gain a deep understanding of our rich history. Secondly, it is part of an inclusive, culturally safe practice. Finally, I want all the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to know they are valued their culture is valued and see it represented at HVGS.”

Mark’s expertise in teaching culture is unparalleled, and he’s proud to have found a community at HVGS that shares his love for learning about the rich tapestry of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage.

Prior to joining HVGS, Mark worked on Darkinjung and Darug Country, where he honed his skills as a mentor and educator for at-risk students. He also assisted schools in integrating First Nations perspectives into their programs, ensuring that all students had the opportunity to learn about the fascinating cultures that make up our diverse nation.

With his visionary leadership and boundless energy, Mark is on a mission to make HVGS a leader in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education, and to help his students be proud of their cultures and confident in their abilities to succeed in life.

In our Strategic Plan, Future Directions (2023-2028), one of our primary goals is to create and maintain genuine and respectful opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education throughout our entire school community.

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Unifying as One:

As the first light of dawn broke on April 25th over the Hunter Valley, a solemn silence was observed as students gathered for the ANZAC Day Dawn Services in their respective locations.

For the East Maitland ceremony the talented HVGS Music team had come together under the guidance of Mr Parkinson and other passionate staff members, ready to lend a beautiful ambience to the atmosphere with their hymns and anthems. As the students positioned themselves, their instruments resting gently on their laps, the first notes floated out into the cool morning air, promising a spectacular performance. Meanwhile, in Branxton, HVGS Senior and Junior School students gathered to pay their respects.

Later, the parade in East Maitland was a sight to behold. Junior School students marched in formation, joined by staff, teachers, and parents; the School community united on this special day, taking a moment to honour the sacrifices made by brave men and women.

The representation of HVGS at such events not only fosters a sense of respect, service and unity among the students, staff, and parents but is a reminder that we are all part of a larger community.

As an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School, HVGS aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and

caring young people who contribute to a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. Living the IB mission means also embracing our School values - responsibility, integrity, respect, citizenship, courage, compassion, optimism, and gratitude. Through the embodiment of these values, our community demonstrates through action, what it truly means to remember and honour those who fought for peace.

The early morning silence offers moments of deep contemplation. The IB Mission, with its focus on creating a better world, resonates strongly in these moments and encourages us to accept and respect differences, and embrace the values that are crucial in fostering peace and justice while encouraging young people to recognise their own potential for positive change in the world.

“Whatthenbecomesimportantforusasadults,andfor ourstudents,areourbehavioursandwhethertheyshowus tobecaring,inquiring,knowledgeable,compassionateand activelifelonglearners.Bydemonstratingthesebehaviours inourdailylives,westaycuriousandopentoopportunities forpeaceandjustice.” –

It is no easy feat to organise such a special event, and the staff and parents of HVGS deserve hearty congratulations for the effort put into ensuring its success.

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Hunter Valley Grammar School Honours ANZAC Legacy Through Community Ceremonies and Parades


Director of Teaching & Learning: Kelly-Anne Sackey

Administration and Customer Service Officer: Julia Teasel

Tell us a bit about yourself?

This year I celebrate 30 years of teaching. In that time I have worked in various educational systems in NSW, Venezuela, Thailand and China. My teaching area is Science, specifically Biology, but I have been known to dabble in Maths and Environmental Systems and Societies when the need has arisen. I have come to HVGS from a school in Orange and still have a property in the area where I have a small breeding herd of alpacas. As a lifelong learner I look for opportunities to grow my knowledge and practice and am currently working towards a Masters focusing on educational innovation and change.

What is your role here at HVGS?

I am the Director of Teaching and Learning where I focus on the learning progression from the ELC through to Year 12. This role provides me the opportunity to work alongside our leaders and teachers to develop and enhance our practice and programmes.

What’s your Treetops order?

I can’t go past a mango or peach iced tea … and a brownie when I need a sugar hit.

What have you loved about working at HVGS?

I have felt incredibly welcome and have had a sense of belonging from my first day at HVGS. I have been impressed by the commitment and care staff have for our students. There is a sense of shared values with everyone striving to live those values.

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I started working as an Administration and Customer Service Officer for HVGS the start of this year.

I am passionate about customer service, staying positive and making a positive impact with people I meet.

My background prior working in administration has been a Classical Ballet Coach.

I love coffee, a good book and a belly laugh!

What is your role here at HVGS?

I work in Administration as Administration and Customer Service Officer.

What’s your Treetops order?

Soy Cappuccino and a “Bennie Special” (salad sandwich made by Ben!) His sandwiches are very popular amongst staff.

What have you loved about working at HVGS?

I am inspired everyday by our staff and students and the values we uphold as a School. The atmosphere and interactions are authentic, positive and upbeat which is really powerful and a great environment to be part of.

Welcoming the new staff of 2023

Coming into the 2023 school year, HVGS welcomed more than 20 new staff members to our amazing team. Some in brand new positions, others filling the big shoes of those who previously left us for new endeavours. Throughout the Staff Orientation Day, staff met with various key staff members, and were warmly welcomed by Principal Rebecca Butterworth.

The day included a trip to the iconic School Farm and Rowing Shed, along with fun activities, games and delicious treats between sessions.

It’s safe to say each staff member has thrived in Term 1 and we have truly enjoyed having their happy, smiling faces at Hunter Valley Grammar School. We can’t wait to see what amazing things they will continue to bring to our community. Welcome aboard!

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the HVGS way!

A Different Kind of Sunrise

It’s 5:30am on a foggy Monday morning at the HVGS Rowing Complex on the Hunter River. Slowly, students start to arrive with an excited electric energy in the air. Today, it’s rowing practise for the Boys Squad.

By the time the sun has shimmied above the horizon, our students have already prepared their boats, and set off on the river to begin their practise.

HVGS Director of Rowing Rowan Hislop is here too. He’s supervising the students and ensuring the right form and stroke is being followed. Not to be left out, Darrel (his sidekick puppy) sits safely on the shore and watches the rowers glide through the water like magic. The Rowing Program at HVGS has gone from strength to strength under Rowan’s leadership and this year had tremendous success at Nationals, including Year 11 student Harrison winning gold for NSW.

Rowing success is important; but so are the secondary benefits. It is a fantastic cardiovascular workout for students, but where the sport truly shines is in other areas that may not be as well known. Studies have shown that students who participate in team sports perform better in core subjects such as Math, Science, English and more.

According to Educational Psychologist Herbet W Marsh, “High school student athletes have also self-reported higher education aspirations, diligence in homework completion, and lower absenteeism, compared to students that do not participate in sports”. Studies such as Herbet’s, are anecdotally reinforced every year as our staff bear witness to improved capacity to focus and retain information consistently.

“Rowing also builds friendships. Vaughn (Year 10) and Hayden (Year 11) did not know each other before they joined the rowing squad now, they are the best of friends who have bonded from their joint contribution to the sport.”

Students’ connection to the rowing program also continues after they leave us. HVGS alumni James Patton and Molly Walkerden arrive early in the mornings to assist with coaching current students.

As the sun begins to rise into the sky, the students conclude today’s practise and return to base, showering off in the school facilities, feeling refreshed, clear minded and happy after a morning full of exercise and laughs with their teammates.


Harrison contested the Interstate PR3 single on behalf of NSW, taking the GOLD medal for NSW and HVGS.

Men’s Under 17 Double Scull pairing Luke P and Vaughn H achieved another national GOLD medal!

Men’s Under 17 Single, Luke P won Silver, and Vaughn H placed 6th! This was the only program with two students making the final!

Year 10 boys, Luke P and Vaughn H combined forces with Essendon Rowing Club and Bundaberg Rowing under the coxing of Moira G to achieve second place in the Under 17 Quad, earning a SILVER medal!

Schoolboy quad of Harrison N, Max B, Vaughn H, Hayden W and Cox Moira G contested the B Final placed second.

Men’s Under 21 Lightweight Single, Hayden W placed 6th in the B final - at just 16 years old!

Schoolgirl quad of Samantha C, Sienna Mc, Millie D, Annabella T and Oliver W contested the C final placed 6th.

HVGS finished 13th on the medal tally amongst 175 programs at the championships, the second-placed school in gold medals and equal first in total medals (excluding our gold in the Interstate Regatta).

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A Community Picnic at HVGS!

Picture this: It’s mid-afternoon on a hot February Saturday and a new school-year has just begun. Families are pitching their gazebos and laying their picnic rugs on HVGS rugby oval. It’s hot! Children are eager to play with their friends, while mums, dads, grandparents and friends are seeking shelter in the shade. Today is the inaugural HVGS Community Picnic.

The HVGS Senior Saxophone Quartet has set the scene for the afternoon with the soothing sounds of their instruments. Families and friends are mingling with each other, while kids play lawn games and compete in sack races. Senior students Rowan G, Mitchell P and Hudson W, take a break from the saxophone and play games and bond with younger students - typical of our senior students and a part of what makes our community so unique.

On the BBQ, Nicole O’Brien, Head of Co-Curricular

Flushed with Excitement: Students Celebrate Opening of Renovated Toilets!

After extensive consultation (including with our students)

HVGS recognised that the Junior School bathrooms located near the tennis courts were not supporting student wellbeing. The faculty had ventilation issues and they were dark. We wanted the bathroom to be open, light and welcoming for students that place positive connections and student safety at the heart of the design.

Students have been waiting patiently for the new amenities to open and finally were able to explore this space. Their

excitement for this new design highlights just how important it was for us to address this area for students.

and Greg Robinson, Deputy Principal and Head of Senior School, cook up a treat. Their sausage sandwiches are raising funds for the Vietnam Humanitarian Tour departing for Vietnam later in the year.

As the temperature continues to rise, the water activities are a welcome relief and the cooling effects of the ice blocks being handed out, are not lost on anyone.

Despite the heat, it is wonderful to see new friendships and a sense of community building amongst families, staff and students blossoming. Planning is already underway for next year’s HVGS Community Picnic to be bigger and better (hopefully not hotter!).

KeepaneyeoutintheHVGSValleyNewsfor upcomingSchoolevents.

Unveiling our Updated Lecture Theatre!

We are so lucky to have a lecture theatre attached to our Weeks Library. However, the theatre was tired and dated. We have recently completed the renovation of this area; bringing it to life again as a warm, inviting and usable space for presentations and performances. We see it as a space we can use to build connections across the community. It includes a retractable door to the outside to enable “pop up” performances in breaktimes and lunch and offers a flexible learning space that embraces nature in the design.

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Breaking the Stigma: “Bubbles for Bipolar”

Year 11 and 12 students, and special guests from Ms Hicks Kindergarten class, gathered to show their support for “Bubbles for Bipolar”. The atmosphere was vibrant as everyone was proudly holding their bubble wands, ready to blow bubbles in honor of people with bipolar disorder.

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that affects more than half a million adults in Australia alone. People with bipolar disorder often have “bubbly” personalities during their manic phase, which is represented by the bubbles in

the campaign. However, just as bubbles can burst, bipolar disorder sufferers can experience a sudden and sharp drop into a depressive phase, which is symbolised by the bubbles crashing back down.

“Bubbles for Bipolar” brings people together to show support and breakdown the stigma asssociated with mental health issues and encourage open conversations.

It was a reminder that mental health is just as important as physical health, and that we all have a role to play in promoting a culture of mental wellness.

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Senior School’s Unforgettable Camp Week

It’s that time of year again! The last week of Term 1 means only one thing for HVGS Senior School students: Camp Week!

This is the week where students in Years 7-11 get the chance to explore new environments, learn new skills, and make lasting memories with their classmates.

This year’s Camp Week had something for everyone, with each year group heading off to a different location for a unique set of activities. Year 7 kicked off the week with a trip to the School Rowing Centre, where they got to try their hands at canoeing and rowing. They also got to explore the stunning Glenrock Lagoon and take a hike up to Nobbys, followed by a refreshing swim at Merewether Beach.

Year 8 headed to the picturesque Ingenia One Mile Caravan Park, where they had a blast hiking through the stunning coastal landscape, taking a dolphin cruise, snorkelling, and even trying their hand at stand-up paddleboard yoga. They also enjoyed a thrilling 4WD bus tour and learned how to surf, making it an action-packed and unforgettable week.

Year 9, on the other hand, took part in Urban Challenge that really puts their problem-solving skills to the test. They explored Sydney, completing tasks and challenges that helped them build teamwork and communication skills, all while having a great time.

Year 10 students headed off to Glenworth Valley, where they explored the great outdoors through bushwalking, horse riding, and abseiling. They also had the opportunity to try kayaking, engage in team challenges, and participate in an exciting game of laser skirmish.

Through Action Learning Initiatives, Year 11 students tackled an array of thrilling outdoor activities such as abseiling, rock climbing, river sledding, mountain biking, and hiking. It was an adrenaline-packed week that tested their physical and mental strength and challenged them to push their limits.

“School camps in the senior years provide students with the opportunity to develop important life skills such as leadership, teamwork, and communication in a unique and challenging environment.”

These skills are essential for success in both academic and professional settings. Additionally, school camps allow students to bond with their peers and teachers in a non-academic setting, which improves overall morale and relationships within the School community.

Camp Week is always a highlight of the school year, giving students the chance to step outside of their comfort zones and try new things, all while making new friends and building memories that will last a lifetime.

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Former HVGS Student

Shawn Hui Named Emerging Artist of the Year at Adelaide Critics Circle Awards

From Hunter Valley Grammar School to the Adelaide Critics Circle Awards, pianist Shawn Hui, (class of 2008) has been making waves in the world of music.

We are thrilled to share that Shawn, was awarded the Emerging Artist of the Year Award at the 2022 Adelaide Critics Circle Awards.

Currently completing a Bachelor of Music (Honours) at the Elder Conservatorium of Music, Shawn has been making the most of his time in Adelaide since moving from New South Wales in 2019. Along the way, he has been the recipient of multiple awards, including the prestigious Muriel Perry Scholarship and the Patrick Cecil Greenland Scholarship.

Symphony Orchestra Concert: A Night of Music and Appreciation

Shawn’s talent and hard work have been recognised by many, and his performances have been captivating audiences across Australia. In 2022, he was also named a Recitals Australia Fellowship Artist, which allowed him to showcase his exceptional talent to an even wider audience.

We are incredibly proud of Shawn and his achievements. As a former student of HVGS, he has been able to build on the knowledge and skills he learned here, and we are thrilled to see him continue to grow and succeed in the world of music. Congratulations, Shawn!

On May 26th, Alumni played alongside students at this year’s Symphony Orchestra Concert!

Alumni were invited to a special VIP event prior to the concert where they had the chance to reconnect with old friends and teachers.

The concert paid tribute to Board member Reverend Dr. George Garnsey, who has played a significant role in championing music at HVGS. As he prepares to retire from the Board this year, we express our heartfelt gratitude to George for his unwavering passion and dedication to music at HVGS.

18 | Success 2022 Alumni ALUMNI
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Image credit: Recitals Australia

Kate Gill Named One of Australia’s Top 10 Influential Women in Sports: A Trailblazer for Women’s Football

Past student, Kate Gill, class of 2003 has recently been named one of the top 10 most influential Australian women in sport by ABC News. This is an incredible accomplishment for Kate, who has dedicated her career to making a difference in the world of professional football.

As the head of Australia’s professional football players’ association and a former captain of the Matildas, Kate’s leadership and advocacy for women’s sports have been a driving force for change. Her hard work and dedication have

not gone unnoticed, and she is now being recognized for her incredible contributions to the sports industry.

If you want to learn more about Kate’s journey and how she has made such a significant impact in the world of professional football, be sure to check out the article linked in the description. Hunter Valley Grammar School is proud to have such successful alumni, and we can’t wait to see what else Kate and others like her will achieve in the future

Alumni Success 2022 | 19 ALUMNI
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