BrightStart August / September 2017

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AU G U S T / S E P T E M B E R 2017





to the BestStart family

It’s always a pleasure to see children playing at their centre, digging in the sand pit, whooshing down the slide and laughing with friends. But did you know that they’re learning all the time that they’re playing?

In New Zealand, our early childhood philosophy is to learn through play, and that’s why, to some parents walking into a centre, it might look like controlled mayhem. In fact, the opposite is true. A huge amount of training and planning goes in to every day your child spends at their early learning centre. Teachers strive to build on your child’s natural interests because they know that when your child is in their naturally interested learning ‘zone’, they are learning at their best. This is often called ‘guided’ play. Learning through guided play, children begin to make sense of the world around them, growing in self-confidence, problem-solving and social skills, thought processing and emotional maturity. These skills stay with a child for their lifetime, and it’s important that these foundations are laid down in the first years of a child’s life before their journey through school and adult lives. Every qualified teacher at BestStart has at least three years of early childhood training to support your child at the beginning of their life-long learning as they progress through the education system. At times, there can be a perception that children need to be moved to Kindergarten for them to be ready for school. This is certainly not the case, as all kindergartens and early childhood centres have the same internationally regarded curriculum, Te Whāriki, at the heart of their service. So, next time you walk in to your busy, noisy and creative centre, I encourage you to talk to the centre teachers. Ask them if you’re not sure what learning is occurring, or if you have questions about your child’s readiness for their transition into their schooling years. We think you’ll be very reassured that they are in the best hands.


IN T H I S MON T H'S I SSUE 4 Shorts 6 How Manners Improve Confidence by Stephanie Jervis 8 Diwali 9 The Magic Of The Dress-up Box 10 The Role Of Music In Learning by Owen Scott


12 Children And Sleep by Dr. K ayl e n e H e n d e r so n

13 How To Deal With Picky Eaters 14 Roundabout Editorial: Stephanie Jervis

Design: Cindy Hurst

For advertising and enquiries, please phone: 09 250 2651 Bright Start is published by BestStart P.O. Box 276-177, Manukau City 2241 Phone: 09 250 2651 Cell: 027 555 8585 Email:

BestStart is New Zealand’s largest private early childhood provider. Over 19,000 families are enrolled annually in BestStart centres around New Zealand. BrightStart aims to better connect our parents, teachers, families and communities. Circulation 55,000 ISSN 2537-7388 (Print)

ISSN 2537-7396 (Online) BrightStart 3

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Feel A Little

2-6 Yr olds

Little poems about big feelings

WRITTEN BY JENNY PALMER BY EVIE KEMP by Jenny Palmer and EvieILLUSTRATED Kemp an understanding and an ability

(Mary Egan Publishing, $25) to communicate feelings ublished by Little Love, a brand new children’s imprinttheir from fromRRP: an early age. Mary Egan Publishing, on 29 May 2017, $25.00 Cute illustrations and strong Getting children excited to rhythmic language both engage read a book about feelings with an get children excited to read a book about feelings with you children and enable adults to you, openes up a safe talking u’ve opened up that safe talking space right from the start.” have important conversations space right from the start. about feelings. Being able Feel A Little talks about Talking about feelings is the pathway to emotional to talk about feelings helps feelings in a fresh, imaginative, wellbeing. Fractured communities, bullying and equip children withsocial the tools and engaging way, and can isolation create challenges for society when they will need to face life’s help set the groundwork for trying to ups promote resilience in our young people. and downs. This book coverstoday’s emotional in our Equipping emotionallyresilience mature children with the tools thatyoung they need to Ideal face life’s ups and a rainbow of emotions, from ones. for young downs,and means thatreaders more focus to go on sad and angry to happy and needs their caregivers. understanding curious, helping children gain and encouraging communication

There is no escaping it, toddlers behaving defiantly can be tough. Here’s a few ideas to help you through: • Stay calm and stay consistent • Practise prevention – if your child gets grumpy after lunch, try to schedule chores for the morning • Give warnings about shifting activities “we will need to pick up these toys in a few minutes” • Offer choices “would you rather pick up your blocks or the books first?” • Pick your battles – not all missteps are created equal • Catch your child being good. Positive attention for good behaviour encourages more good behaviour

about feelings from an early age. And that starts with

WIN A COPY OF FEEL A LITTLE Simply the adults in their lives. email your name and mailing address to by 29.09.2017

t n e l l e c g eg EGGS

Feel A Little enables parents, caregivers

and educators to connect and have important conversations with children about feelings, in a safe

g environment. Counsellors and educators say that talking to children about colours,

the sensations of feelings, encourages them to talk about their feelings.

tle creates a poetic, imaginative and fun world for children to express their feelings.

DID YOU KNOW THAT EGGS are a good source of protein, great value rom sad and angry to happy and curious – which are explored through lively ‘read for money, and help you feel fuller y that involves all the senses, accompanied by gorgeous, compelling illustrations. for longer? hythm help children remember and relate to information, while the bright, zany apture their imaginations. Eggs make an affordable, quick and easy meal, and are ideal to thm and repetition are awesome include in a healthy lunchbox – aging children and so sitting reading s together with a child can really open here’s a few lunchbox suggestions:

isual language and cute illustrated characters evoke feelings and provide a starting

dren to explore their emotions. The book features a rainbow of 14 significant

tions about their feelings and how to

em. I so want to put that out into the

author Jenny Palmer.

• As sandwich fillings • Hardboiled as a snack • In a slice of quiche or frittata • As vegetable fritters or

egg pancakes • Chopped into potato salad

Hard boiled eggs will keep, in their shells in the fridge, for up to a week!



Throwing balls into hoops is not only fun and good physical exercise for toddlers, but also helps to develop hand-eye coordination and eye tracking abilities – essential skills for later reading and writing. Start with a low hoop and gradually move it higher to encourage your child to throw with confidence.

Expertise provided by Sophie Foster of Jumping Beans, child physical development specialists

IMMUNISING YOUR BABY Immunisations help protect against 11 serious diseases. These diseases can have severe complications and may be spread from older friends and family. They can result in death. Vaccination has prevented a lot of these diseases, so many people have not seen their devastating effects. In New Zealand, most people choose to immunise their children. Despite this, outbreaks of diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella and whooping cough still occur because not enough people are fully immunised. Having all the recommended immunisations is important for the best chance of strong protection. The good news is, if your baby misses a dose, you can still catch up; you don’t need to start all over again.

Serious reactions to vaccination are very rare; the most common ones are:

• The area where an injection is given may

become swollen and red • You may feel a lump under the skin (this might take several days or weeks to go) • Vaccinations can make your baby unsettled or sleepy • Your child may experience a temperature If your baby has any reaction that concerns you, call your doctor or practice nurse, or call Healthline on 0800 611 116 or PlunketLine 0800 933 922.

Win one of two

Harker Herbals packs worth $200 each!

Harker Herbals has been around for over 35 years and has now introduced a herbal range especially for children! Harker Herbals’ latest new range of seven natural herbal syrups has been specifically formulated to support the health and wellbeing of growing infants, toddlers and children. The range has been carefully developed to treat a host of common winter ailments, ills and chills, chest and head congestion, breathing issues, seasonal allergies, tummy upsets, sleep and overactive issues and even a general booster for enhanced immunity. The flavours appeal to young palates and include fruity fresh tastes such as lemon, orange, mandarin,

cherry, fruity mint and sweet mint. All products are free from parabens, petroleum, sodium laurel sulphates and propylene glycol. All Harker Herbals are made traditionally using only the highest quality herbs and other natural ingredients. Available throughout leading pharmacies and health stores. Tell us one of the flavours of Harker Herbals children’s range and go into the draw to win one of two packs worth $200 each! Send entries to: Competition closes 29.09.17

Tips for you and baby on immunisation day:

• Book your appointment for early in the day before everyone becomes tired

• Plan a calm day with your child • Breastfeeding your baby during the process may help reduce the pain they feel • Try distracting and comforting your baby by soothing touch, talking softly and making eye contact with them while the immunisation is being given • A cool wet cloth can help reduce soreness where the injection was given • If your child has any reaction that concerns you over the next few days, call your doctor or practice nurse immediately • Make your next appointment and mark it on your calendar so you know when it is due

For more information

PLUNKETLINE: 0800 933 922 BrightStart 5


e c n e d i f n o C


T IS SURPRISING HOW MUCH OVERLAP there is between a well-mannered person and a self-confident person. Think of someone you know who carries themselves confidently. Often they are comfortable making eye contact, behave appropriately for the situation, and show respect for others by performing small acts of kindness – perhaps opening a door, helping carry a heavy bag, or showing their appreciation by saying “thank you”. These same characteristics are also called

6 BrightStart

good manners, and are so important that they may be the difference between opportunities being presented, or not. When you think about it, the flip side of good manners is rudeness. Humans are very social creatures, and rudeness is a clear sign that we are not welcome in the group. How did you feel the last time someone was unnecessarily rude to you, maybe in a busy grocery car park, or in a long queue? It does not feel great at all, and you certainly wouldn’t want to put

yourself out for that person should they ever need it. These days, good manners are more about behaving respectfully towards one another than enforcing a long list of do’s and don’ts. They are about treating others well, and being treated well in return. Very young children are often forgiven for not having good manners as they are clearly in the early stages of learning and do not always know what is appropriate. However as they get older, a poorly mannered child will become negatively


Age-Appropriate Manners Ages 1-2

In these early days, focus on the basics and use encouragement and reminders to help your child learn. Young children can be taught to: • Use a quiet voice at mealtimes or when playing indoors there is no need to shout when seated at the table • Use polite language such as “please”, “thank you” and “may I” • Stay seated when eating. Although their attention span may be short, ensure your child sits down in the booster or high chair whenever eating, even if it is just for 10 minutes • Hand you their cup or plate when finished, as a precursor to helping clear the table

Ages 3-6

By age 6 most children have mastered basic table manners such as chewing with their mouth closed, using serving and eating utensils properly, and knowing how to ask nicely for something to be passed to them. A few further ageappropriate manners include: • Not interrupting. This one takes time and patience, but a respectful child will learn how to refrain from interrupting, and insert their comment during an appropriate pause. • Cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing! Enough said. • Listening. Teach your child to look at the person who is speaking and to listen without interrupting. They will have the opportunity to respond when it is their turn. • Making eye contact with adults, especially when saying hello and goodbye. This is a subtle but essential social skill that is not only well-mannered, but helps develop and project respect and self-confidence.

These days, good manners are more about behaving respectfully towards one another than enforcing a long list of do’s and don’ts. They are about treating others well, and being treated well in return.

viewed by others, and this can have an impact on his or her ability to develop socially. Few people want to be with someone who is rude or unkind. Conversely, well-mannered individuals, who know how to fit in socially, are better received, gain more respect, and as a result, tend to go further in life. We meet thousands of people during our lives, and for the most part have only seconds to make a good impression. Our manners are one important thing that enables us to do so.

Children learn manners by watching and interacting with their parents, so it is important for you to model respectful behaviour from the beginning. If you shout at other drivers from behind the wheel, you can expect your little one to do the same. Learning good manners is a developmental process and requires lots of prompting and reminders from caregivers and family. But do keep in mind, manners are often the first thing to go when a little one is tired or hungry. In which case, deal with those things first. BrightStart 7


The Festival Of Lights DIWALI, OR THE ‘FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS’ is a hugely popular festival in the Hindu Calendar. It is a moveable celebration based on the Hindu lunar calendar, and takes place over five days each year. This year Diwali is 19th – 23rd October. Spiritually, Diwali recognises and celebrates the core Hindu belief that good ultimately wins over evil. It is the triumph of light over darkness, of hope over despair, and of knowledge over ignorance. As the name suggests, millions of lights decorate houses and temples, gardens and streets, representing the

sun, the giver of light and energy to life. The name of the festival, as well as the rituals, vary a lot from one region of India to another. Commonly, people clean and decorate their homes, many buy new clothes or gifts, and there are special sweets, seasonal foods and fireworks. In some areas women decorate their hands with henna designs and floors are covered in colourful patterns made from rice, dry flour, coloured sand or flower petals.

When: 19th-23rd October 2017



ONE OF THE EASIEST AND CHEAPEST TOYS TO CREATE FOR children is a dress-up box. Dress-ups transform to become anything children want them to be, and are an enchantment they can return to again and again. Your local second-hand store or car boot sale is a great place to start to build your dress-up box. Make an outing of it and take your children along to help choose a few items from the racks of clothing, funky hats, shoes, lacy gloves, jewellery and scarves – often for a few dollars or less. Or, clean out your own closet and let the children play with old or unwanted items. To make a simple pirate costume, cut the hems of an old pair of black pants to create jaggedy-ragged edges. Add a red and white stripped t-shirt. Tie a scarf around the waist and add an eye-patch or a pirate hat (home-made or from the $2 shop) - magic. Colourful scarves or strips of fabric morph into fairy dresses, baby hammocks and super-hero capes. A dark dress and a used broom can change your angelic little one into a mean old witch. Old buttoned coats might become firefighter or police uniforms. Scratched sunglasses and worn-out shirts develop wonderful new life when your child’s inborn resourcefulness is let loose. Keep your finds together in a box so you can add to them when you spy that perfect wand or crazy hat. The best part of all is that you needn’t do any entertaining - just let your children and their imagination run free.

What are they learning? • • • • • • • •

Problem solving: how do we turn that scarf into a cape? What can we use as a…? Empathy: pretending to be another person helps a child judge how another person might feel in that situation Symbolic thinking: this is developed when a box becomes a treasure chest or a stick becomes a sword Small motor skills: lots of practice with buttons, zips and knots Large motor skills: super-hero leaps and ballerina twirls use large muscle groups Social development: children learn to select roles, negotiate story lines and to take turns Gender exploration: it is healthy and normal for young children to try out different gender roles as they learn about the world and how they fit into it Imagination: there is no limit to who, where or what they may wish to be


Marvellous MUSIC Owen talks to Karen Mackay, Curriculum Manager at First Steps Palmerston North.


USIC IS ITS OWN FORM OF language with the power to communicate great emotion – joy, sadness, happiness, or peace. Music can help build imagination and thought, and provides a space for us to recharge and unwind. Plus, its role in early childhood learning is vital. Experts are discovering how crucial music is to the development and education of children right from the get-go. This knowledge has been fully embraced by teachers within the BestStart family. Karen Mackay, Curriculum Manager at First Steps Palmerston North says, “music supports the development of language and communication.” To help the children in their learning, the centre has developed a programme of planned musical experiences that runs throughout the day. The programme has been developed with a focus on repetition, because research shows that repetition plays a really important role in the way children learn. Physically, repetition strengthens the different muscles they use. Mentally, repetition extends their use of language. I asked Karen to give me the main focuses for her centre's music programme:


You can make music from just about anything! Even a plain old plastic container can be used as a drum. And that old plastic container can be used to teach many things. For example, it can be tapped lightly or beaten loudly to help learn about ‘opposites’ – fast and slow, quiet and loud – or tapped several times to help children learn to count.

Nursery rhymes and phonology

Phonological awareness is the awareness of sounds and words. If you think that sounds all too scientific, don’t worry! It is

10 BrightStart

simple and important and can be explained through nursery rhymes. The rhyming and rhythmic patterns of a nursery rhyme allow children to hear the parts of words that are the same. When the sounds become familiar, through repetition, they will begin to mimic them. As they get older, children will pick up and join the sounds to form words. That is phonological awareness. Simply put, nursery rhymes help in learning speech.


Singing is known to release the most ‘feel-good chemicals’ (endorphins) in the brain. Singing releases even more endorphins than laughter does,” says Karen, “and endorphins help build new learning connections within the brain“.

Mathematical learning

Who would have thought that a toddler could be developing a knowledge of mathematics and geometry? But this is where the importance of rhythm and repetition come up again and again. Patterns, such as fast, slow, fast, slow… “that is basic algebraic form,” Karen says. “Recognising patterns helps children to predict what will come next”. Moving around to music helps in the development of early geometrical awareness - understanding the space around you. Karen says that children become aware if there is not a space for them when moving into a circle, for example, which means they learn to wait their turn.

Motor skills

Gross-and fine-motor skills can both be developed through music, says Karen. “When we do big stomping around the room (in a bear hunt) it helps develop gross motor skills. Playing incy-wincy spider using just fingers helps develop fine motor skills.”


Singing nursery rhymes together extends a child’s ability to communicate. Says Karen, "music really helps support oral language development. Repetition and the release of endorphins increases enjoyment in music and confidence with language.”

Understanding emotions

Understanding both your own, and others’ emotions is needed in order to fit in socially. The song, If You’re Happy and You Know It is an oldie but a goody for this, says Karen. Children can act out being happy or grumpy, stamping their feet and using facial expressions. By encouraging children to show a range of emotions they start to recognise emotions in others and learn how to manage emotional situations. “They might be feeling frustrated for example, because someone has taken their truck or their doll," says Karen. “We try to show that it is OK to feel angry, but it is important to learn appropriate ways to communicate that feeling."

Cultural identity

New Zealand is rich with many different cultures, and their music and songs. Group leaders can make the most of children’s diverse cultures and music that continues to strengthen these identities. Music can work as a settling technique, such as the familiarity of kapa haka. The release of endorphins caused by singing familiar songs can be calming and allow children to feel they are in a happy place.

Singing is known to release the most ‘feel-good chemicals’ (endorphins) in the brain. Singing releases even more endorphins than laughter does,”


Singing songs every day can help children’s learning by the use of repetition. Try the following:

• • • • • •

Sing familiar songs in the car Make up songs together about every day activities to help your child learn new words Repeat songs to help your child learn the alphabet, numbers, colours etc, such as “Sing A Rainbow” Sing while changing nappies to focus a baby’s attention Sing together while you’re in the bath Sing lullabies at bedtime – they’re not just for babies


Helping Children


Tips to improve your child’s sleep: • •

DID YOU KNOW YOUNG CHILDREN spend approximately half their lives asleep? Their bodies and brains need this much, since sleep is critically important for:

• • • • • •

Brain development Attention, concentration, memory and learning Growing bodies Physical energy A child’s mood and ability to cope with stress and upsets Keeping the immune system working well

Babies and young children have greater requirements for sleep than we sometimes realise. While there will be natural variation between children, it’s helpful to have an idea of these average sleep requirements (see the following chart). 12 BrightStart


Hours per day

0-2 months

12-18 hours

2-12 months

14-15 hours

1-3 years

12-15 hours

3-5 years

11-13 hours

When children are not getting enough sleep, it is often reflected in their behaviour. If your child is frequently misbehaving or having particular difficulty managing their feelings, it’s worth considering whether an earlier bedtime or longer daytime nap might be helpful.

Early bedtime: When children stay up too late, they can become overstimulated and find it harder to wind down. Foods: Avoid sugary foods before bedtime. Some foods such as cherries, bananas and warm milk contain natural substances that make it easier to relax and drift off to sleep. Avoid screen-time: Screens such as TVs and hand-held devices emit bright light and fast-moving imagery which make it harder for our brains to wind down and fall asleep. Consistent bedtime routine: Having a consistent bedtime routine is helpful so that children learn to associate this routine with sleep. An example is dinner, bath time, teeth brushing, story time and bed. For babies, consider singing the same song each night as you carry your baby to bed so that they learn to predict that it will soon be time to sleep. Beds are for sleeping: Make sure your child’s bedroom is dark or dimly lit using a night-light. It also helps children relax at night when their bedrooms are welcoming, comfortable places in which to sleep and not places where they are also sent for punishment. Wind-down routine: If little ones have particular difficulty winding down or calming their minds before sleep, consider trying a guided meditation with them. There are lovely guided meditations developed specifically to help young children get to sleep at night. You can look for these CDs in your local library or download a meditation session online.


r e t a E y k c Pi A

T SOME POINT, MOST TODDLERS will suddenly refuse to eat certain foods! Welcome to the very normal phase of the fussy eater. There are a few reasons your ‘up until now, excellent eater’ may put down the fork: Independence – your toddler is starting to decide what they will and won’t do. Taste buds – sometimes things taste bitter to a child (they do actually have more taste buds than adults). Your toddler is just not that hungry right now.

How to work with it:

The goal is not to force children to eat healthy foods just today, but to develop a life-time of healthy eating choices, and it can take up to 15 trials before a child starts to like a flavour. So, do apply the one-bite rule, but don’t force it beyond that. Make sure there are some healthy items

• •

• •

your child does enjoy on their plate, but do not give in to the desire to replace a balanced meal with other foods. Unsweetened yoghurt is healthy but it is not a substitute for vegetables! Do not allow snacks too close to meal times. Mix things up – raw carrot may be preferred to cooked carrot; a squeeze of lemon makes brussel sprouts and broccoli less bitter; roasting brings out the natural sweetness of vegetables so they are often tolerated better by fussy toddlers. As always, the example you set is very important. Let your child see you enjoying your meal. Finally, keep in mind that one serving for young children is about a tablespoon per year of age. A couple of mouthfuls of each vegetable and some protein (meat, fish, egg, tofu or cheese) is probably enough. Bright Start 13


1. First Steps Coronation



Talofa Lava! We dressed up in Puletasi, lava lava, and other traditional clothes to celebrate Samoan Language Week. We had a Samoan music session from Papatoetoe West School, and the Samoan Group did a performance and read Samoan books to our children. 2. ABC Raumati


ABC Raumati had been looking forward to the local Fire Service visiting us and FINALLY the day arrived. Dylan’s Uncle Jason and three other Fire Fighters arrived in their Fire Truck. We practised what to do if we heard a smoke detector go off: get down..........get low........and get out! 3. ABC Omahu Rd



We collected 68 pairs of donated pyjamas for “Jammies for June” and then delivered them to the children’s ward at the hospital. Thank you to everyone who helped us! 4. ABC Springlands

We are very lucky to be visited regularly by residents from Ashwood Retirement Park. We play all sorts of games with them, bringing smiles and laughter to all. 5. Montessori School House



Our new outdoor learning environment has a water station that encourages team work and collaboration, negotiation, problem solving and creative thinking. The products of our vegetable beds have already been put to use in our baking. Yum! 6. TopKids Mount

Prime Minister Bill English and Tauranga MP Simon Bridges visited our centre and spent some time reading Hairy Maclary to us.

It’s time to get serious about chickenpox Because chickenpox can become more serious than you think


60,000 New Zealanders get chickenpox each year and several hundred of them are hospitalised due to complications 2 *

A vaccine is now funded

at the 15-month visit from 1 July 2017.3†

Contact your GP or Practice Nurse today to find out if your child is eligible.

*Approximate numbers prior to introduction of Varilrix on National Immunisation Schedule, July 2017. † From 1 July 2017 one dose will be given at the 15-month visit to all children born on or after 1 April 2016.3 For previously unvaccinated children turning 11 years old on or after 1 July 2017, who have not previously had a varicella infection, 1 catch-up dose is available from your GP.3 1.Ministry of Health; Immunisation Handbook 2014 (3rd edn). Wellington:Ministry of Health. Available at Accessed 21 February 2017 2.Ministry of Health. 2017 Draft Immunisation Handbook wording; Personal correspondence. Wellington: Ministry of Health. 3.Pharmaceutical Management Agency New Zealand. Proposal to amend listings in the National Immunisation Schedule. Available at 2016-12-09-nis/ Accessed 21 December 2016. Varilrix ® (live attenuated varicella vaccine) is available as an injection. Varilrix is a private-purchase prescription medicine for immunisation and prophylaxis against varicella (chickenpox) in adults and children older than 9 months. You will need to pay for this medicine. Varilrix is funded for certain high-risk groups and their contacts. From July 2017, one dose of Varilrix will be fully funded on the National Immunisation Schedule at 15 months of age and for previously unvaccinated children turning 11 years old who have not previously had a varicella infection. Children aged 13 years and older need two doses with an interval between doses of at least 6 weeks. Two doses at least 6 weeks apart are also recommended for children aged between 9 months and 12 years, to provide optimal protection. Use strictly as directed. Do not have a Varilrix injection if you are allergic to Varilrix or to the antibiotic neomycin, if you have a high fever, if you have a condition that causes lack of immunocompetence, or if you are pregnant. Pregnancy should be avoided for 3 months after vaccination. Varilrix has risks and benefits. Tell your doctor before you have the vaccine if you have a lowered resistance to disease or have a severe chronic disease. Common side effects: mild rash, fever or pain, redness and swelling at the injection site. Uncommon side effects include headache, nausea, vomiting, cough, sleepiness, swollen lymph nodes, a chicken-pox-like rash and joint pain. If you have any side effects, see your doctor, pharmacist, or health professional. Additional Consumer Medicine Information for Varilrix is available at Prices for Varilrix may vary across doctor's clinics. Normal doctor's office visit fees apply. Ask your doctor if Varilrix is right for you. Varilrix is a registered trade mark of the GlaxoSmithKline group of companies. Marketed by GlaxoSmithKline NZ Limited, Auckland. Adverse events involving GlaxoSmithKline products should be reported to GSK Medical Information on 0800 808 500. TAPS NA9094/17MY/VAR/0005/17a. GSK00561

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