IF CASHFLOW IS KING, THEN DIGITAL IS QUEEN Going digital at different stages of the business lifecycle
AGM 2021
Our historic online AGM & Report pg 12 BUSINESS SUCCESS
Wallace Cotton: Beautifully created pg 18 HEALTH & WELLBEING
Supporting workplace mental health & wellbeing pg 20
Business North Harbour provides a voice for your concerns, networking opportunities for your business development, and access to key stakeholders and decision makers who may affect your investment.
Crime Prevention We support our members by managing the contracted nightly security patrols of our Business Improvement District area, 365 days of the year. We conduct safety, security, and communications briefings with the North Shore Police.
Events Our events programme provides members with an extensive range of networking, mentoring, wellbeing, training, and educational opportunities.
Advocacy We provide an advocacy voice to local and central government for our members’ concerns on local, regional, and national issues, and provide access to key stakeholders and decision makers who may affect your investment.
Member Communications Members are kept informed of relevant news, updates and events and are provided with useful business support resources and information.
Traffic, Transport & Roading We work with all council-controlled agencies to develop initiatives that address access and environmental concerns, including congestion reduction. We also provide information on alternative modes of transport.
Business Directory Our online Business Directory provides free listings for businesses operating within our Business Improvement District and allows businesses to update and manage their listing information online.
Sustainability We provide the resources and operational support to encourage business sustainability by enabling members to access food waste and inorganic waste collections along with pallet and cardboard box swaps.
Other Services Members can take advantage of more benefits and activities, such as our Showcase North Harbour business expo, One Day Sale, candidate employment and internship opportunities along with complimentary member hireage of the Business North Harbour training room.
09 968 2222 www.businessnh.org.nz
Welcome from the GM
Finally,thelatest Governmentannouncement B u s i n e s s N o r t h H a r b o u r ( B N Hdifferent ) has businesses ( one early stage, o hassignalledthatAucklanderscanexpectcontinued more toadvocatelocally,regionally well-and established and one that has forme freedomsoncewehavetransitionedtothe nationally new onanumberofongoingissuesfacing strategicpartnershipandexitedoneof COVID-Protection 91 Framework.AsIwritethis members, including the need for clarity, business the units)abouttheirdigital - tran article,thePrimeMinisterhasindicatedneed itwill for beadditionalfinancialsupport,tion. labour There’salsoasummaryoftheBNHAGM, th onFriday,3 rdDecember.Hopefully,theendof shortagesandsupplychainissues.Therehave heldonlineon November, 4 duetotheongoing thecurrentrestrictions,whichhaveseen been many somesuccesses,notablytheavailability restrictionsonin-personmeetings. businessesunabletooperateviably,will of additional have financial support, the lifting Unfortunately, of manypeoplearestrugglin come in time to prevent any more business someimmigrationrestrictionsandthe with recent their mental health and find closuresandjoblosses. provisionofmentalhealthsupport.However, about the subject too difficult. In our Hea Outside of the obvious ongoing financial muchmorestillneedstobedonetosupport andWellbeingsectionweprofiletheMenta issues,theuncertaintyregardingthesechanges businessownerstonavigatetheirwaythrough HealthFoundationNZ,acharitythatisworkin hasprobablybeenthebiggestchallengefacing whatwillstillbechallengingtimes. towardscreatingasocietyfreefrom - discri manymembers.Upuntilthisannouncement, Additionally, BNH has been proactive nation, in whereallpeopleenjoypositivemen thelackofclarityandguidancehasleft providing many a number of online opportunities healthandwellbeing. businessownersinlimboastheystruggle forto memberstoconnectwithsubject-matter Inclosing,Iwishyouallwell,astogether, planforanancially fi sustainablefuture.At experts least todiscussavarietyoftopics,including welooktoovercomeourongoingchallenges. now,businessownerscanhopefullybetterplan nancial fi advice,legaladvice,businesssupport, Kiakaha fortheirfutureandhavemeaningful-conversa nancial fi supportandemployeevaccinations. tionswiththeirbanksandaccountants,In based thisissue FYI, of wemovefromorganuponsomecertainty,ratherthanbeingbased isational culture development toKevin lookO’Leary at the almostentirelyontheunknown. organisational life cycle. We talked to three General Manager, Business North Harbour
In this issue 4 6 7 8 9 10
InBrief PastEvents DiaryDates Advocacy AsianBusiness BNHNews
12 AGMReport 14 CoverStory 18 BusinessSuccess: WallaceCotton 20 Health&Wellbeing
22 Transport 26 23 CrimePrevention 24 ProfessionalDevelopment: 28 PathfinderSolutions 32 25 ProfessionalDevelopment: DaleCarnegie
ProfessionalDevelopment: Driveline Sustainability PropertyMatters
Our 2021/2022 Gold Sponsors
pg 19
pg 25
pg 30
pg 26
pg 24
pg 19
pg 17
Silver Sponsors
pg 17
pg 30
Events Sponsor WomeninBusiness EventSeriesSponsor
pg 31
pg 31
pg 34
pg 11
Contact FYI Magazine BusinessNorthHarbour Editor GeneralManager JaneBlackmore KevinO’Leary jane@brandmagic.co.nz kevin@businessnh.org.nz Design Advertising PeterGreen comms@businessnh.org.nz
LewisHurst lewis@hurstmedia.nz
Printer PrintLounge printlounge.co.nz
BusinessNorthHarbour, Unit2,Level1,32RosedaleRoad, Rosedale,0632.
Theopinionsexpressedinthis publicationarenotnecessarilythe viewsofthepublishers.Thepublishers donotendorseanyperson,company ororganisationthatadvertisesin thispublication.
PO Box30126, NorthHarbour0751 office
09 968 2222
webbusinessnh .org.nz
N O V E M B E R 2021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
From ‘dad bod’ to ‘whataboutism’, Merriam-Webster adds 455 words to dictionary
Asignificantrecent updatetoMerriam-Webster’sdictionary includesslangterms,abbreviations,andotherwordsfr online culture and communication, Covid-19 terminology, techandscience,politics,food,theworldofmedicine,and popculture. Thecompanywebsitestates:“Justasthelanguagenever stopsevolving,thedictionaryneverstopsexpanding.Ne Areyoua manufacturing,healthcare,construction,infrastructure or andnewusesforexistingtermsaretheconstant terms transportandlogisticsbusinessemployingasignificantproportion a living language, and our latest list brings togethe of PacificAucklanders?Auckland Unlimited’s Project Ikuna isnew a and likely familiar words that have shown extens programmetohelpupskillyourPacificworkforce,enablingthem andestablisheduse.” to adapt to the changing nature of work. Nearly 6 0 per cent of Itcontinues:“Thequickandinformalnatureofmessaging, Auckland’sstrong -0 3,9 Pacificworkforceareinjobsmorelikely texting,andtweetinghascontributedtoavocabularyne tobeaffectedbyautomationandothertechnologicalchange–as richinefficientandabbreviatedexpression.” wellastheeconomicimpactsofCovid-19. AmongstthenewadditionsareFTW(abbrev.for“forthe There are two courses that look at important issueswin” from a (abbrev. for “to be honest”), amirite (slang for ), TBH Pacificperspective.BotharefullyfundedbyMBIE: “am I right” ) , super- spreader, vaccine passport, air fryer, • FutureReady:LifeOnline–digitaltechnologyconfidence faux-hawk,anddoorbellcamera. and capability Toreadmore,gotomerriam-webster.com/words-at-play/ new-words-in-the-dictionary • FutureReady:MoneyConfidence –money management tools Fancy expanding your vocabulary?
Upskill your Pacific workforce
To investigate these opportunities, aucklandnz. visit com/up skill-your-pacific-workforce
Why not sign up to receive Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day atmerriam-webster.com/word-of-the-day
The stories behind our street names: William Pickering Drive
W i l l i a m ( B i l l ) P i c k ewraisnbg o r n i n Inhe , 5 7 9 1 receivedanhonoraryinvestiture Wellington in 1 9 1 0 . He was educated at asaKnightCommanderoftheOrderofthe Havelock Primary, Wellington College British and EmpireKBE) ( and , theninhe 3 0 2 was Canterbury College ( now the University appointed of anhonorarymemberoftheOrder Canterbury) before moving to the United ofNewZealand.Thatsameyear,theRoyal States in 1 9 2 9 to study at the California SocietyofNewZealandestablishedthe Pick Institute of Technology ( Cal Tech) , gaining eringMedaltorecogniseexcellenceand inno hisPhDinphysicsin1936. vationinthepracticalapplicationsoftechn Dr Pickering became director of the The Jet medalisawardedannuallytoapersonwho PropulsionLaboratoryinPasadenaand has led performedinnovativeworkinNewZealand the development of US unmanned space throughdesign,development,orinventionwit exploration, including the fi rst US satellite, resultsofnationalandinternationalsign Explorer 1 , the first successful American orsignificantcommercialsuccess. around- the- moon probe, Pioneer IV, the DrPickeringpassedawayathisCalifornia Mariner flights to Venus and Marshome in the in 2 0 4 , aged 9 3 . Then Research 1 9 6 0 s, the Ranger photographic missionsS c i e n c e a n d Te c h n o l o g y M i n i s t e r P e tothemoonandtheSurveyorlunarlandings Hodgson said:“[SirWilliam] was one of the of196-7.Hebecameknownas“MrJPL”. outstanding scientific talents New Zea InDr ,149 PickeringbecameanAmerican hasproduced.HestoodalongsideourNobel citizen, but he never forgot New Zealand, Prizewinnersasanexampleofbrillianceand establishingtheWilliamH.Pickering Schol achievementinthepursuitofknowledge…Hi arship for New Zealand graduates to study lifewasinspirationalandhisplaceinscien engineeringorscienceatCalTech. historyisassured.” 4
N O V E M B E R 2 021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
ChargeNet signs major investment deal to accelerate growth of Aotearoa’s EV charging network
Multi-award-winningBNHmemberChargeNethassecuredadealwithglobalcompany Mercuria,whichhasacquireda20percentstakeinthecompany. ThisinvestmentwillenableChargeNettosignificantlyaccelerateitsgrowthstrategyand givethecompanytheconfidencetodeliverasuperiornationwideelectricvehiclecharging networktoNewZealandEVmotorists,poweredby10percentrenewable . energy “Thisincludesrapidlyscalingupourexistingnetworkandfast-trackingtheexpansion of our 30 kw hyper-rapid charging stations, adding 36 more stations throughout New Zealand over the next three years.The newest generation of EVs can charge at these stationssixtimesfasterthanonthestandard50kwchargingstations,adding40kmof rangein15minutes.They’realsocapableofcharginguptosixvehiclesatasite,”says SteveWest,CEOandco-founder. “ThisdealisnotonlyamajormilestoneforChargeNet,it’sasignificantstepforwardfor NewZealand’snecessarytransitionawayfromfossilfuelstosustainabletransportation. Local Psychologist Samantha Patel has We’rereallyproudtobeattheforefrontofthisshift”. somevaluableinsightsintocreatingincl
Creating inclusive workplaces with vaccine hesitancy
Keeping thieves off your Christmas gift list
workplaces, and, ultimately, communit when it comes to the range of views an beliefsaboutCovid-With .91 thegrowingneed tosupportlocal,national,andglobal - commu nitiestostayassafeaspossible,minimis Covid-transmission 19 andmortalityrates oftenasharedgoal.Ofcourse,thisinclude avarietyofpublichealthintervention as mask- wearing, social distancing, han sanitisation,contacttracing,vaccinati Covid-19restrictionrequirements. Samanthasaysthat“it’sgreattoseesom employers taking a constructive appro which aims to preserve the relationshi matter the outcome. Of course, there a mandatesinplacewhichmeansthetermina tionofemploymentforsome.However,should exiting be needed, leaving on construct termsiscertainlythepreference.” Engaging in individual coaching within safespacecanbehelpfulto:
We’reheadinginto thebusiesttimethem,orhaveasecurelocation of year for postal deliveries.where The theycanbeleft. constraintsofCovid-19haveadded • Makesureyourdelivery hugely to online shopping, with NZinstructionsareclear,andask PostreportingthatQ3was /201 the forpackagesnottobeplacedat Auckland region’s biggest quarter • Supportwiththedecision-makingofwork yourfrontdoor,orontopofan foronlineshoppingever,with - Auckapartmentbuildingpostbox. andotherlifechoices landersspendingover$70million.• Besmartwhendisposingof • Explorethedynamicsofcurrentand That’s $ 1 2 million more than thepackaging,sopassers-by futurerelationships samequarterlastyearandamassive can’tseeifyou’vebeenbuying • Developinsightintoindividualand 51percentincreaseon2019. expensiveitems. collectiveresponsesandreactions WithsomanyitemsandChristmas • Reportanysuspiciousbehaviour • Navigateactualandpotentialtransi gifts being delivered, NZ Police tothepolice–forexample,ifyou “Atthistime,clientsarefeelingamixture reminds everyone to do what they seeanunfamiliarcar(e.g.,not emotions,includingbeingunsureabouthowor cantostopparceltheft.Thieveswill usualtoyourneighbourhood) whethertoapplytheGovernmentmandate take any opportunity to steal, and followingacouriervan. fear of making the right or wrong decision packagesleftonfront-doorstepsor andbeingforcedtoengageinactionsthatar inapartmentbuildingcommonareas And, of course, make the most of notalignedtotheirvaluesorbeliefs.” areaneasytarget. a n y o p p o r t u n i t y t o # s u p p o r t l o c a l Samantha recommends that one method NZPolice’sadviceis: and #shoplocal – thus removing toaidemployersisthroughcoachingwithin • Getpackagesdeliveredtoa the temptation of delivered parcels holisticwellbeingframework,recognisingt placewheresomeonewillbe c o m p l e t e l y. I f y o u h a v e t o l e a v e allpartsofusintegratetocreateouru hometoreceivethemor,if itemsinyourvehiclewhileshopping self.Workshopsandothersupportinthisare applicable,toaworkaddress. ordoingyourclickcollects, & ensure arealsorecommended. • Ifyoudohavedeliveriesmade thesearesecurelyoutofsight,locked toyourhome,makesureyou’re intheboot. For more information, visit goingtobehometosignfor samanthapatel.com, call 02 479 4 1 or email sam@samanthapatel.com N O V E M B E R 2021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
Past Events
You can’t do healthy until you learn to be healthy
Introducing & recognising Psychological Safety
Managing Medical Incapacity & recent changes to Sick Leave
Business Capability Workshop (Webinar) Laurinda Howarth, Wellness Coach & Advocate, Funfit
Business Capability Workshop (Webinar) Simon Weakley, Director of Training and Sales, Dale Carnegie
Business Capability Workshop (Webinar) Sally Palmer, Employment Relations Manager - Monsellier Law Employment
We often talk about health in a way that Howconfi is dentareyourteaminsharingtheir Managingemployeemedicalincapacitycan outside of us, or out of reach. ‘When I am ideas?Dotheyonlyprovideopinionsthatalign betimeconsumingandfraughtwithdanger. healthy.’‘IwillbehappywhenIcanrunkm. 5 ’ withyourown?Howoftenwilltheyspeakthe Duringthissession,participantslearnth Beinghealthyisaboutembodyingthehabits truth to power, raise a difficult issue, navigate or ask thistrickyareawithpractica that we desireIn now. this webinar, partici aquestionthatchallengesthestatus that quo? theycantaketotacklethiscommoniss pantswereprovidedwithve fi thingsthatIn they this session, participants - were headintro on. coulddotolearntobehealthy; duced to the topic of psychological safety Also covered during this session was a which refers to people’s perception update of theon the recent law changes arou 1. Positivehabits – notaboutmotivation, consequences of taking interpersonal sick risks. leave, including which of the propose startswiththetrigger. Researchsuggestsitisthenumberonedriver changes did and didn’t make it thr 2. Eattherainbow –nonotSkittles! ofteameffectiveness.Itisalsoessential into for legislation. a 3. Dreaming –itisamuscleandwehave resilientworkforce,organisationalagilityand touseit. Although wewanttoliveinthe genuineinclusiveness. presentmoment,wewanttocontinueto Along with the concept of psychological dreamandliveonpurposeinthenow, safety being introduced, participants were showingupaswhoweare! advisedonwaysthatleaderscanassessthe 4. Stoptheperfectionism – letyourself levelofpsychologicalsafetywithintheirteams offthehook.Life isariskybusiness andorganisations. andevenifwetrytostayinourcomfort 30September zones,wecannotfeelentirelysafe. Business Capability Workshop (Webinar) Mistakesareinevitableandassoonas David Nottage, Director - TORQUE Limited wecanacceptthisourdaystakeona Oneofthehardestaspectsofhavingonlin moreconfidentaspect.Oncewecanlet meetingsis;‘HowdoIhavepresence?How ourselvesoffthehookofperfectionism, canImakeanimpact?HowcanIcomeacross wecanreallystrideoutthereandtake moreconfidently?Allareexcellentquestio oursliceoflife. andalthoughthevirtualworldisamajor 5. Moveyourbody –Istruggletothink of our communications in the 21st centur ofaconditionthatyoumayhave therearesomeeasyandsimpletechnique thatwouldpreventyoufrommoving that will make us look better, sound b yourbody. Inactivitywillleadyouto and havethatpresencewhenweareonline be unhealthy. Duringthissession,DavidNottageprovided someeasy-to-usetips,tricksandtechnique thatparticipantscanstarttouseimme to improve your online meetings which was all performed with some good humour and DavidNottage anarrayofbestpracticeexamples.
Having presence in online meetings
All past BNH webinars can be accessed via the MemberArea – Member Resources page on the BNH website. 6
N O V E M B E R 2 021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
Diary Dates
23 Women in Business: New Zealand’s Media Superstar, Hilary Barry Time: 10.am-12.0pm Venue:NorthShoreGolfClub,51 ApplebyRoad,Albany
February 17 Business Capability Workshop: Customer Service Excellence – What is your anchor? Time: 8.0am-10.am Venue:BusinessNorthHarbour, 32RosedaleRoad,Rosedale
HilaryBarryhasworkedextensivel in radio and television and is of today’s most recognisable an popular faces on New Zealand- tele vision.Hilaryisamulti-award-winning newsreader and presenter and a accomplished public speaker with a particularpassionandfocusonissues that affect women. Hilary is a proud North Shore local and is both funny and personable with the abili sharestoriesandlearningsfromhe owncareertowhichheraudienceis suretorelate. Sponsoredby:
Thisinteractiveworkshopwillhelpyou identify the retail customer service aspects that are holding you back 24 Business After Five: and ultimately help improve your Mixing Business & Sport business.Lackoforganisation?Lack Time: 5.0pm-7.0pm ofskill?Attitude?Lackofinitiative?Or;Venue:NationalHockeyCentre, Awesome attitude? Focused? Solid 159BushRoad,Rosedale foundations? Attendees will learn ONE DAY SALE Doesyourbusinesswanttoexpandits important tips to engage your - work Time: 9.0am-4.0pm(Individual reach,awareness,andprofilewithin forceinliftingthecustomerperception retailers’hoursmayvary) the local sporting communities? We of your business and how you can Venue:AcrosstheNorthHarbour invite local businesses and sport introducethistoyourstaff. BusinessImprovementDistrict bodiesfromthewiderNorthHarbour district to attend our second Mi Black Friday is yesterday’s news! 17 First on the Scene First Aid Business & Sport After Five event ONEDAYSALEisthemostexciting Workshop with St John JointlyorganisedbyBusinessNorth shoppingdayoftheyearinourarea. HarbourandHarbourSport,weplan It’sopentoallBusinessNorthHarbour Time: 1.0pm-3.0pm tobringtogetheraroundlocal 03 and membersand ( isespeciallysuitedto Venue:BusinessNorthHarbour, 32RosedaleRoad,Rosedale regionalsportingbodieswithbusine retailers,wholesalersanddistributors) owners and managers from across whowishto: Acustomeroroneofyourstaffneeds • Getgreatpre-Christmasexposure urgent medical assistance. You are our district. Our aim is to conne • Maximisepre-Christmassales therst fi andpossiblytheonlyperson t h e s e s p o r t i n g b o d i e s w i t h l businessesandtohelpfacilitaten • Move excess stock or end-of-line theretorespond.You’verung and ,1 1 1 business opportunities. products theStJohnAmbulanceisonitsway. Sponsoredby: • Attractnewcustomers Whatyoudointhenextfewminutes This extremely popular and eagerly b e f o r e t h e S t J o h n A m b u l a n c e anticipatedeventconsistentlyattracts arrivescouldsavethatperson’slife. thousands of shoppers to the NorthAttendeeswillbeshownhowtodeal Harbour business district. It’s the withtheve fi mostcommonsituations perfectwaytohelpconsumersthink, they are likely to encounter in their For more information and to register supportandshoplocal.So,don’tmiss workplace environment, including a for any of outonbeingpartofourbiggestONE cardiac arrest, a falling injury, or a these events, please go to businessnh.org.nz/whats-on/ DAYSALEever! personcutandbadlybleeding.
December 4
N O V E M B E R 2021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
Advocating for our members’ wellbeing
SincemylastupdateinSeptember,mostof myadvocacyhasbeenrelatedtotheongoing issuesandchallengesfacingbusinessesdue tothepandemicandthelatestextended lock down. Many members have not been able to operate at all, or only on a very limited basis,sincemid-August,exacerbatingalready significantproblems. Following the letters I wrote to local MPs VanushiWaltersLabour) ( andEricaStanford (National) asking for their support - in Parlia ment,whichInotedintheSeptemberFYI,I wrotetoMinistersStuartNashandKrisFaafoi F o l l o w i n g t h e m o r e t r a d i t i o n aFinally, l f o r min a lthisupdate,theworkinggroupfor highlightingthetwomainissuesbusinesses advocacyroute,sincethepreviousFYIwas the Activate North initiative,formerlyknown werefacingatthetime,namelystaffshortages published, BNH has made submissionsas to Shore Unity,havebeenbusydeveloping andanumberofissuesinthesupplychain. AucklandCouncilontheStormwatertheir Bylaw strategic project plan and web IthenfollowedupwithalettertoMinisters Amendment 2015 andtheNewSignsBylaw readinessforthepublicannouncementoft Grant Robertson and Stuart Nash 20 ,asking both of which were recently open for initiative,whichisplannedforlateNovem for additional financial support forAuckland publicconsultation. Theadvocacygroupislookingtoworkclosely businessesasthelatestlockdowntook BNH hold. hascontinuedtodeliverthemessage withcentralandlocalgovernmentandot Ialsorequestedaclearstrategyandtimeline ofbuyinglocalandutilisinglocallyavailable key stakeholders to influence the rel for a return to reduced restrictions, goodswhich and services across all our - commu parties to take the necessary act would enable businesses to plan towards nicationsplatformstosupportourmembers achieve positive growth and developm a sustainable financial future and with the some local economy. I was also offered north of the Harbour Bridge, in a planne certainty. These letters were followed the opportunity by a to promote the buying cohesive local andcollaborativemanner. letter to the Ministry of Social Development themeinanadditionalarticlepublishedinthe highlightingthesameissuesandmaking North the Shore Times and other local papers KevinO’Leary samerequests. earlyin November. General Manager, Business North Harbour
BNH has continued to deliver the message of buying local and utilising locally available goods and services.
Contact Dave on 021 560 287 to find out more
North Harbour Asian Business Group
11 November 11 月11日 | HARBOUR HAPPY HOUR
Werecentlyheld aspecialonlineeventforourNorthHarbourAsianBusinessGroupmembers. Ourthreeguestpresenterssharedsomeinsightfulupdatesfromtheirvariousindustriesandareasofexpertise
我们最近为Business North Harbour 亚洲商业团体组织了一场精彩的在线活动。 三位来自不同行业的嘉宾分享了各自领域的最新信息以 及颇具见地的评论。
FrankyWang BNZ’s , HeadofAsiaBusiness GaryLin BNZBusinessPartner-Property, Finally, Kevin Ji,GeneralManager,Birdview Activation,openeddiscussionsbynoting spokenext.Garysharedthefollowing: Immigration,highlightedseveralcritical gration updates, including: • TheBNZAsiaSectorofferingfrom • Thespeedofinterestrateincreaseswill
theirregionalAsiancohortteam putalotofrecenthighlyleveragedhome • Theimpactofthe201One-off hasastrategicfocusonbroadening buyersatgreaterrisk. ResidencyVisapolicyonEmployers. professionalconnectionsthrough• Manypeoplehavefixedat2.19%,and • MandatoryEmployerAccreditation.From theBNZtosupportcustomergrowth thatthesepeoplecouldgetashock mid-20,employerswillneedtohave (e.g.,lawyers,accountants,and whentheyneedtore-fixin12months. gainedaccreditationstatusbeforeh agencies, etc.). andsupportingmigrantworkersonan • AsrequiredbytheReserveBank • ThebrandnewBNZAlbanyPartners AccreditedEmployerWorkVisaAEWV. andundernewCCCFArequirements centreisavailableforBNZcustomers (comingintoeffecton1stDecember • TheintroductionoftheParentRetire formeetingsandbusinessnetworking.201),bankshavetightenedtheir ResidentVisa,afasterresidence Hehighlightedthepotentialleverage scrutinyonborrowers’incomeandliving pathwayforparents,incontrasttothe opportunitiesresultingfromthediverse expensesverification,especiallyaround long-suspendedParentResidentVisa. arrayofcompaniesthatusethecentre. living expenses. 博德威移民团队总经理持牌移民顾问Kevin • Housingandbusinessremainastrategic • Allpropertyinvestorsshouldfocuson Ji 随后分享了有关移民政策的最新消息, priorityforBNZinsupportingAsian theircashflow. 包括: migrantsintheNorthHarbourregion; • 2021 One-off Resident移民政策对企 hestronglyencouragedmembersto 另一位分享嘉宾Gary Lin来自BNZ房地产投 资的商业伙伴,他在会议中提到: speaktooneoftheirBNZAsiancohort 业主的影响。 team members. • 利率上升的速度将使许多高杠杆的购房 • 新的强制雇主认证政策,将于2022年5
Franky Wang - Head of Asia 新西兰银行 BNZ 亚洲业务主管首先与大家分享了以下话题:
• BNZ 新西兰银行亚洲业务拥有一体化 的团队服务和支持,帮助本行客户通过 与各领域的专业人士建立合作共赢,支 持客户成长(律师、会计师和代理商等)。 • 全新的 BNZ Albany Partners 合伙人中 心可供BNZ客户进行会议和商务洽谈使 用,他强调了交流与合作会为各企业带 来的潜在机遇。 • 住房和商业是BNZ支持北岸商业发展 区内亚洲的移民客户的战略重点,他非 常鼓励大家与新西兰银行的亚洲业务团 队交流。
• 许多人会将房贷利率固 定在 2.19%。 当 借款人在12个月之后需要 再次锁定利 率时,那时候的利率水平可能 会高于人 们的预期。
• 根据储备银行的要求和 2021年12月1日 生效的 CCCFA 新要求,银行已经加强了 对 借款人收入和生活费用核查的审查, 尤其 是生活费用方面。
月 开放申请,7月实施。届时没有认证资 质将 不能担保工作签证。
• 父母退休居民签证的推出,对比长期暂 停的父母居民签证,是使父母更快获得 居留的途径。
• 建议所有房地产投资者都应该关注他 们的现金流。
Thankyoutoallourguestspeakersandparticipantswhojoinedusonline.W forwardtoseeingyouatournextAsianBusinesseventinFebruary,aswecelebr theYearoftheTigeratourBusinessNorthHarbourChineseNewYearLuncheo
Business North Harbour对所有参加本次线上活动的演讲嘉宾和参与者表示感谢。 我们 期待在未来的BNH亚洲团体商业活动中再 次见到您,下次聚会是农历新年午 餐会,我 们将与各位一起庆祝虎年的到来。
N O V E M B E R 2021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
BNH’s new home on Rosedale Road
Key facts & figures:
Inlate,02 thelease-holderofParkway 21 DriveinformedBNHtheywereseekingnew premisesandwerenotrenewingtheirlease when it fell due in May 20 1. This resulted inBNH’ssub-leaseautomaticallyendingon thesameday. ThelandlordadvisedBNHearlyinthat 1202 theyhadsecuredanewtenantthatrequired theentireParkwayDrivepremises,meaning thatBNHhadnochoicebuttorelocateand findnewofficesatveryshortnotice. BNH’s journey for a new home began in April, and following multiple viewings, we found some fantastic new offices at Unit 2, LevelRosedale 2 3 ,1 Road,Rosedale.The officefootprintmetourrequirementsperfectly, with only minor interior construction work required to create a customised Training Room, a room regularly used by BNH staff, BNH’s Executive Board, and, more impor tantly,byourmembers.BNHofficiallymoved into our Rosedale Road offices in late May, andtheteamhassettledinextremelywellto ournewsurroundings.
Level 1, 322 Rosedale Road, Rosedale 6 years + 6-year renewal Commencement date 30th April 2021 Level 1 office space of 265 SQM Training Room of 66 SQM 6 carparks
N O V E M B E R 2 021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
Farewell and Welcome – your BNH board members 2021/22 Thank you!
Ashley Baldry High Performance Profiling
TN Chan Compucon New Zealand
As referenced the in AGM report ( pages there ,)31-2 havebeentwochangesonthe executivecommittee. Ashley Baldry has retired from the BNH boardafteroneyears’service.Onbehalfof the BNH team and our members, we say a sincerethankyoutoAshelyforhishardwork, enthusiasm,andcommitment. At the same time, we are delighted to welcomeonenewboardmember,TNChan. TNjoinsourretainedexecutivecommittee members:PeterLambertonPrimacc ( Systems Ltd, chair) , Terry Ottow ( AMPM Marketing Ltd,deputychair)Alisha , Abercrombie(Trio Events), Bronwen Newcombe (Davenports Law) , Greg Cramond ( Cramond Electrical Services Ltd), Ketien Chuor (ASB Bank Ltd), Ryan de Zwart (Black MatrixLtd),and SamanthaMills(PhonePlus20Ltd).
Fostering the Employee Experience
Inmuchthe samewayanorganisationhasaprocess.Onecriticalelementofrecruitment thatrole.Overtime,you’llwanttoknowwha lifecycle,sotoodoesanemployee.Under is the interview, vetting, and selection they’re looking for and how that aligns w standingtheemployeelifecyclehelps process. Get this wrong, and the yourbusinessplans. youfosteranemployeeexperience consequencescouldimpactyour RETENTION: Ensure you create an thatleadstolongevity,success, businessforquitesometime. environment and opportunities t andhighemployeeengagement. ONBOARDING: Use the job encourage your best employees to st Thelifecyclemodeldetermines d e s c r i p t i o n t o g u iCultivate de the these relationships, commu the path for every employee onboardingprocessyour induc regularly,andimplementretentionstrat withinyourbusiness.Thereare tion, training, company values, sothatkeypeopleknowwhattheirfuturewi sixstagestoconsider. andexpectations.Alwaysinclude thebusinesslookslike. ATTRACTION: Whatistheperception membersfromotherdepartments,this EXIT: Regardless of the reasons someone of your business in the market? Are you givesnewstafftheopportunitytogettoknow ismovingon,makesureyoucelebratetheir knowntohaveagreatculture,goodbenefitheir ts, colleagues,anditallowsotherstoimpart time with you and acknowledge what the or work anywhere flexibility?These aretheir the knowledge. haveachieved.Managinganyemployeeexit thingsthatattractpotentialcandidatestoyou. DEVELOPMENT: There are two elements positivelyandprofessionallyimpactsonyo RECRUITMENT: Havingastructuredrecruit to development: 1) Development withinremaining the team members and contribut mentprocessisessential.Ideally,- acollabo existing role, 2 ) Career development tothe as employmentbrandofyourbusiness. rativehiringapproachacrossdepartments people orgrow and roles change. When an teamsanchoredbyaclearsetofcriteria employee and isstartinginanewposition,focus LisaHill apredeterminedprocesswillstrengthen on specifi the cs that will help them succeed Managing in Director
(09) 973 1879
N O V E M B E R 2021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
AGM 2021 Report
developmentofthewiderregionfrom - Devon port to Orewa, have developed a strate projectplanandareaimingtolaunchamedia releaseandwebsiteinthecomingweeks. TheAnnualFinancialReportstothJune03 2 0 2 1 , were presented to the satisfactio of attendees along with key performan measures for the current financial Additionally,thedraftbudgetforthe32/0 financialyearwhichincludesaincrease 1% inthetargetedratewasapproved. There was one change to the Executive Committee asAshley Baldry stepped down fromhispositionafteroneyeartobereplace by TN Chan. BNH sincerely thanksAshley andtheremainingBoardmembersforthei work and contributions to the organis and extends a warm welcome to our new ExecutiveCommitteemember.
BusinessNorthHarbour (BNH)wouldlike to thank the members, associate members and all interested parties who attended the re-scheduledAnnual 201 GeneralMeeting th ofBNHIncorporatedonNovember at 4 pm. 4 DuetoAlertLevelrestrictions,theeventfor the first time in our history was held online withattendeesinvitedtospeakandvote inthe events and workshops, tailored-to the iden samewayasifitwasanin-personmeeting.tifiedneedsofmembers,allalignedtothe3 I n t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e c a p a c i tC’s, i eConnect, s , P e t eCommunicate, r Collaborate.This FOOD WASTE COLLECTIONS L a m b e r t o n a n d K e v i n O ’ L e a r y a s C hincluded air theintroductionofaWomen - inLead and General Manager respectively, bothMentoringProgrammeinpartnership ership Tonnes of greenhouse gas outlinedthechallengesandhighlights ofMassey the University.Flexibilitywaskey with to emissions reduced from landfill this year financial 20/1 yearasBNHnavigatedits the success of any initiative asAlert Levels Tonnes of food waste diverted way through the ongoing challenges ofchanged, the withallBNHevents,programmes pandemic. The overarching strategy and and services adapting to meet any relevant from landfill this year business plan for the current year through Governmentguidelines. Funding extension carried toJunewas 420 alsooutlinedtoattendees.BNH has continued to provide consistent The 2 0 2 0 / 2 1 financial year was unique messagingaboutsupportinglocalbusiness over from 2019/20 received from the in its nature as BNH, like all our members, by shopping local, buying locally produced Auckland Council Waste Minimisation had to deal with the ongoing pandemicgoods and andutilisinglocallyavailableand services. Innovation Fund. its associated lockdowns andAlert Levels. Additionally, ourBuyNorthHarbourFacebook Despite these challenges and following a page, where all members can post for free, FREE food waste collections plus FREE successful pilot, we engaged two part-provides time another platform for members kitchento bins offered to BNH members B N H A m b a s s a d o r s t o i m p r o v e m e m bpromote er their goods and services, along Organisations having weekly awareness of and engagement with BNH, with the Business Directory on the BNH which remain of paramount importance to whichhasseenanotableincrease website, collections, including cafés, catering theorganisation. inonline traffic. companies, sports clubs, churches, and This improved engagement served to Advocacy remainedakeypriorityforBNH. commercial businesses enhanceourcommunicationsacrossavariety FeedbackwasprovidedtoAucklandCouncil
35.91 13.5
$4,800 6
The 2020/21 financial year was unique in its nature as BNH, like all our members, had to deal with the ongoing pandemic and its associated lockdowns and Alert Levels.
INORGANICS COLLECTIONS 3 Total inorganics collected 3 Recycled by Abilities Group 3 Sent to landfill
107.75m 98.62m 9.13m 51 2
ofplatforms,includingthenewBNHmobile and Auckland Transport ( AT) on a variety Businesses that participated app,askeymessagesandinformationwere of topics including the Council Long- Term reachingmoremembersastheaccuracyof Budget 201/3 and Local Board Priorities, Inorganics collections ourmembershipinformationimproved.This Council Waste Minimisation and Innovation (Sept 2020 and March 2021) meant that, in line with our main priority FundReview, of CouncilRevenueandFinancing providingongoingsupportformemberspost Policy Amendments, Draft Upper Harbour Members who rated Covid-BNH ,91 hasbeenabletomaintainits LocalBoardPlan,PlanChangeAlbany 473 landfill reduction as “important” or provisionofup-to-dateinformation,links Highway andandTransport 26 Projects. “very important” in BNH’s annual resources to members, regarding- Govern Onekeyadvocacyinitiativethatmembers members survey. ment and other support for businesses have and supportedforthepastcoupleofyears property owners. h a s s e e n t h e d e v e l op m e n t of a w or k i n g In line with the feedback from our annual groupfortheActivateNorth(formerlyShore Pallets recycled – reducing roadside waste, and upcycling to Member Survey, BNH were able to offer Unity)initiative.Thegroup,whoareaiming to programmes,servicesandafullcalendar become of akeyadvocateandinfluencerinthe companies that require additional pallets
N O V E M B E R 2 021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
26 events and workshops 1,114 total event registrations 95% speaker quality rating 98% of members said content was beneficial to their organisation
45 exhibitors
45 participating businesses ST JOHN WORKSHOPS
Mental health and first aid
3 workshops 39 attendees
154 attendees for 2020 Pre-Election
Luncheon with Chlöe Swarbrick, Rt Hon Winston Peters, Hon Phil Twyford, Hon Paul Goldsmith, David Seymour, and compèred by Mike McRoberts
11% returning visitors 89% new visitors 63% increase in users 19% increase in pageviews 29% d ecrease in session time $2,300 o nline advertising income 4 Issues 14,350 printed copies 688 online reads 5,124 online impressions E-NEWSLETTERS
24 e-newsletters sent 21% average open rate
4,600 “Lock your vehicle, remove your valuables” flyers distributed
2,737 Reports received on security “hot spots”
73 Visits to North Harbour commercial premises, resulting in:
120 attendees for Women in Business 104 attendees for Sustainability &
Environmental Leadership in Business Luncheon with Chlöe Swarbrick, Matthew Blaikie, Dr. Parin RafieiThompson, Phil Jones, Mark Hitchcock, Helen Robinson ONZM
Therearenightlysecuritypatrols,days 563 a year.Specialattentionispaidto“hotspot premisesthathavepreviouslybeentarge bycriminalsand/oratriskoftrendingcrim
6 surveys sent 584 responses
with Nadia Lim
21% growth Facebook
16% growth
14 Physical assessments of premises
to try and avoid future criminal activity VEHICLE CRIME
70% Members who rated vehicle security as “important” or “very important” in BNH’s annual survey
34.5% Decrease in vehicle
break-ins in the last 12 months. A strong focus has been placed on patrolling outside restaurants during evening mealtimes.
1.9% Decrease in stolen cars.
The majority of these crimes occur at the overflow parking at Albany park and ride during the day. Strategies introduced by the Albany Community Safety Group have assisted in reducing vehicle crime. COMMUNITY SAFETY
26 Meetings between Business North
Harbour and stakeholders, such as NZ Police, Auckland Council, Upper Harbour Local Board (UHLB), Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, Westfield Mall Albany, North Harbour community patrols and Ramada Suites by Wyndham Albany. 20Pre-ElectionLuncheon
38 Reported incidents of shoplifting – an increase of 18.7% on 2019/20.
N O V E M B E R 2021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
IF CASHFLOW IS KING, THEN DIGITAL IS QUEEN Going digital at different stages of the business lifecycle
Digital transformation is a top agenda item for many organisations; however, the advent of Covid-19 and the ensuing lockdowns has expedited this process at an unprecedented rate. Businesses large and small, from side hustles and start-ups to the wellestablished, are all making this a significant priority.
N O V E M B E R 2 021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
What is digital transformation?
Softwarecompany Salesforce definesitas: andcross-border. “Theprocessofusingdigitaltechnologies to example of digital A recent createnew—ormodifyexisting—business by necessity: processes,culture,andcustomerexperiences The New Zealand Government has been to meet changing business and market hosting APEC201 ,asignificanteventthat requirements.This reimagining of business shouldhavebroughtcircadelegates 20, inthedigitalageisdigitaltransformation.” and media to our shores throughout Digitaltransformationmeansdifferentthings year.Itistheculminationofseveralyears todifferentbusinesses,forexample,shifting planningforanintensescheduleofin-perso acompanytoanonlinecloud-basedsystem, meetings,events,andsummits.Instead,the migratinglegacysystems,embeddinganew New Zealand event team had to convert t ‘softwareasaservice’platform,orupgrading an entirely virtual event to deliver h well-establishedsystemstoreflectchanging of meetings to thousands of people acros marketneeds.Forothers,theirtransformation 1 2 economies and1timezones(spanning hasbeenaproactivemovetouseabroader a 1 7 hour difference! ).This shift to a virtual arrayofdigitaltoolstoimproveautomation, eventwasanenormousundertaking. productivity,andefficiency. With ‘Going digital’ for some has been b y ‘digital’ such a hot topic, we we in speaking to some compani necessityratherthanchoice.However,interested ithas at different stages of the business life numerous benefits, not in the least making business,data,information,events,and - enter aboutdigitaltransformationanddigita
Aimy Ltd Serialentrepreneur EchoGuo owns spent,accuracy,reporting,andoverall ahandfuloftechcompanies;wespokeadministration. toherasco-founderandCEOAimy of Intermsofdigitaltools,Echomentions Ltd,a software as a service ( SaaS) that she is amid a capital raise for her provider. Their proprietary software, new start-MetaDojo. up, “Given the ‘aimy Plus’, is a vital tool in -thecomplexity trans ofthesubjectmatterandthe formationofmanyorganisations. factwecan’tallbeinthesame Itisapurpose-built,userroom, you can’t beat the f r i e n d l y, c l o u d - b a s e d efficacy of Zoom screen booking engine that sharingforcollaboratively provides tailor-made preparing documents before and afterandpresentations!” schoolcareprogramme Telegram is hergo-to management. For app for everyday team example, after- school communication. “We care classes, holiday migratedawayfromusing camps, sports clubs, ballet WeChat as the increasing schools, tuition, and more; all layers of verification made it tracked in real-Echo time. says that less user- friendly. Telegram is fast, beingarelativelyyoungcompany,they encrypted, and there are no limits on havebenefitedfromusingallthelatest documentorimagesize.Plus,agroup tech to create a robust, agile, digitally can have up to 200,000 people, in based company. “We haven’t trans contrasttoWeChat’slimitofI.05 also formedassuch,aswehavebeendigital useDiscord, which workswellforcollab fromdayone;ourfoundationisdigital, oratingwithourdevelopers.She ” adds ourethosisdigital.” thatshecouldn’tlive Calendly, without The team focuses on impact anf online ul hubforschedulingmeetings, transformation. Echo says, “The past eliminatingthetimeandhassleofbackfouryearshavebeenaperiodofrapid and-forthemails. growth; we have been the conduit for Echo recommends that a start- up’s the digital transformation of over roadmap 70 should include a digitised and ( counting)educationfranchisesand model from the outset. “You have an providersacrosssevencountries. opportunity ” to start as you mean to go Fromthetestimonials,itisevident on;that it is more difficult to embed new their onboarding support in migrating systems or migrate legacy systems their clients from paper-based, offline intoamaturecompanythanitistostart systemstoadigitisedsolution - has with deliv somethingthatcanevolveasyour ered extensive cost reductionscompany in time grows.”
“We invested heavily in the preparation process because our focus was on truly future-proofing the business and supporting our growth.”
Snell Packaging & Safety
“We haven’t transformed as such, as we have been digital from day one; our foundation is digital, our ethos is digital.”
Snell is New Zealand’s largest private ly-ownedpackagingcompany.Theyspecialise inB2Bindustrialpackaging,specialist pa aging, food service, safety, hygiene, and PPE products. WespoketotheirCFOJohn Cash, whohas beenpartoftheleadershipteamsince201 andhasbeeninstrumentalintheirlarge-s digitaltransformation. Johnsharesthattheybegantheir - trans mationprojectfouryearsagobyundertakinga cloudreadinessreview.Asamaturebusiness over ( years 05 inthepackagingindustry)they , were aware that the process would requ considerableworktoupgradeinfrastruc systems,andoperations,includingbuy-inat alllevelsofthebusiness. Johnnotesthattheirtransformationreq extensiveresearchandplanningbeforeeve gettingtotheimplementationphase,notin leastduetotheirsizeorvolumeofinven products) +0 , 2( They . alsohadnumerous legacysystemsinplacethatmostly) ( didnot interfacewitheachother.“Weinvestedheavi inthepreparationprocessbecauseourfocu wasontrulyfuture-proofingthebusinessand supportingourgrowth.” N O V E M B E R 2021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
Aftersignificantresearch,andaconsider ableamountoftimescrutinisingtheirbusiness needs, Snell settled on the SaaS platform Microsoft Dynamics 3 6 5 . “It combines the technologiesoftraditionalenterpriseresource planning ( ERP) with customer relationship management ( CRM) into a single system. It encompasses data visualisation tools, supplychainmanagement,demandplanning, warehousing,nance, fi operations,sales,and communicationtools.” Snell also engaged a specialist provider to build a new e- commerce platform that integrateddirectlywithMicrosoftDynamics. Theresult,anearlyincrease %03 intrafficto thesite.“Ithasdeliveredalltheefficiencies youwouldexpectofapurpose-builtplatform, includingvastlyimprovedorderingprocesses, asimplifiedUX,clearconversionpathways, andopenapaymentgatewayfornon-account customersallowingfornewB2Ccustomers.It meanswecanfunctionseamlesslyinafully digitalworld.” John’sadvice:“Alarge-scaledigital - trans The Drug Detectionp o r t a I MlP, E R A N S . D e s i g n e d t o formation is a big investment. Ensure your Market leader Agency ( TDDA) is the goto solution streamline and increase the efficien project team understands and can clearly provider for workplace drug and alcohol of TDDA’s business units, they have defineyourbusinessinfrastructure,workflow policy, education, testing, Health and moved from timeconsuming manual streams,andassociatedprocesses.He ” also Tickmedical services.Foundedin, 5 0 2 data entry, collection, and reportin notes that a provider that has a thorough locations 56 throughoutAustralia an automated, efficient digital syste understandingofyourneedswilldoabetter theyhave and New Zealand, including nearly 0 1 “People are at the heart and soul jobofmakingbest-fitrecommendations. specialistmobiletestingvansandqualifi everything ed we do; our staff, client collectingandscreening staff. andtheirstaffallinterfacewithus With the sale of TDDA’s lab systemwedesignedhadtobe testing services (TDDA fast, intuitive, user-friend Omega Laboratories) to trusted, and secure Hill Laboratories and said Kirk. theirrecentlyannounced He adds, “We are in strategic partnership thebusinessofhealth. with Healthcare - Hold F u n d a m e n t a l l y, w e ings Ltd (HHL), HHL are a science-based • Telegram has50+million* acquired of % 5 . 7 5 TDDA; company that collects activeusers transformation has been medicaldata.Weadmin • WeChathas1.24billion* on the agenda. We spoke isterdrug,alcohol,Covid-91 monthlyactiveusers to co-founder and C K iE Or k tests,andHealthTickservices • Calendly has10+million Hardy abouttheirdigitaltransformation. Itrequiresthecollectionof‘richd users TDDAhasembarkedontwodistinct names,employmentdetails,birthdate • MicrosoftTeams has250 digitalprojectswithfuture-proofi and ngmore. top Acustom-built solution was million*monthlyactiveusers ofmind.Thefirstfocusedoncustomerthe only answer for us; privacy and • Discord has350million* acquisition, data insights, andsecurity reach. are paramount.” registeredusers;140+million Kirkshared,“weunderstandthepower Both transformation projects monthlyactiveusers of data in marketing, so we moved to addedenormousefficienciesacrossthe CRMplatformHubspot, whichisagreat TDDAbusiness units in terms of time• Zoom hashad47+million* way to pull your digital marketingassets saving,andcrucially,ithasmeantdat downloads&>350million intoasingle,moremanageablesystem.and insights are available at the t dailymeetingparticipants It combines data from our web pages,ofabutton. Theyalsohaveahandyapp • Hubspot has128,0+ GoogleAnalytics,CRM,socialplatforms,designedasapracticalworkplacetoo customersin120+countries andmore,enablingustoreachoutand Itincludeshelpfuldruginformationa *Stats source: The Business of Apps markettonew(andexisting) clients. checklists ” forpeoplewhohaveattende 2021 report T h e s e c o n d p r o j e c t i s a c u sspecialised tomdrug awareness trai built, state- of- the- art data- collection with TDDA.
“People are at the heart and soul of everything we do; our staff, clients, and their staff all interface with us. Any system we designed had to be fast, intuitive, userfriendly, trusted, and secure.”
The Drug Detection Agency
Platforms by the numbers. Did you know?
Whateverstageyour businessisat,digitaltransformationrequiresplanning.TheGovernment-backedDigitalBoostSkill (free for all Kiwi small businesses) is an excellent place to start if you want to upskill as part of the process. The educationalvideoswithinstantlyactionableinsights, andFireside pluslive Chat Q&Asessionswithindustryexperts&businessowne digitalboost.business.govt.nz 16
N O V E M B E R 2 021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
Publicfacilities-openwithupto10people,basedon1metredistancing. Retail-openwithcapacitylimitsbasedon1metredistancing. Workplaces-workingfromhomeencouraged. ECEs,schools,andkuraareopenwithpublichealthmeasures. Specifiedoutdoorcommunityevents-allowedwithcapacitylimits. Regionalboundaryrestrictionsmay apply.
We will keep you updated as this matter advances, and further details are released.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for more • Publicfacilitieswillbeopenwithcapacitylimitsbasedon1metredistancing. specific advice. Where we can go at Orange • • • • •
Retailwillbeopenwithcapacitylimitsbasedon1metredistancing. Educationfacilitieswillbeopenwithpublichealthmeasuresinplace. Workplaces. Specifiedoutdoorcommunityevents. Regionalboundaryrestrictionswillnot apply.
Where we can go at Green • • • •
Workplaces. ECEs,schools,kuraandtertiaryproviders. Specifiedoutdoorcommunityevents. Regionalboundaryrestrictionswillnot apply.
EmmaMonsellier|Director 022 376 4977 emma@monsellierlaw.com Arrenway 2/40 Drive,Albany, Auckland0632
The perfect place to revive, reconnect, rethink and redesign The Institute Directors of says that a top “Flexibility is the name of this game!” priority for business owners in 2 0 2 1 is says to general manager Jacqui Cheal. “We “rethink and redesign our future and want build to make it as easy as possible for our backbetterandmoresustainably”. guests to plan and budget for their event. The meeting room at Ramada Suites by That’s also why we charge a flat room hire Wyndham, Albany, has been thoughtfully rate for a half- day or full- day rather than designedfororganisationsseeking - acondu perdelegate.” cive,off-sitespaceforstrategymeetings,staff Based on customer feedback, Ramada briefings, training, networking breakfasts Suites or by Wyndham,Albany is consistently after-hoursteamsocialevents. rankedinthetopWyndham 10 propertiesin theSoutheastAsiaandPacificRegion. • Fullyaccessible,onthegroundfloorwith amplefreecarparking • Comfortablyseats24delegates To find out more about how your business • Fullycustomisableinteriorlayoutcould –maketake advantage of these world-class thespaceyourown facilities, contact Jacqui Cheal on 568 or e-mail • State-of-the-artvideoconferencing,(09) 74with manager@ramadaalbany.co.nz JabraPanacast • Kitchenettewithadeliciousselection of ramadaalbany. co.nz coffeeandtea • CateringoptionsavailablebyTrioEvents &CateringorNewWorld,alternatively bringyourownrefreshments
N O V E M B E R 2021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
From knocking holes in walls to knocking down a building
We spoke toBill Wallace, co- founder of well- loved bedlinen,homeware,and lounge/nightwearbusiness Wallace Cotton about the pathwaytotheirnewHQ.
upliftaspeoplewantedtorefreshtheir That home musthavebeenaverytighttimeframe todeliveranewbuild? environments. Yes! We reached an agreement in August With your continued growth, you have sinceoutgrownyourApolloDrivepremises 2 0 2 0 . We worked closely with Midpoint’s James Staples to co- design our- requir andhavemovedintoyourbrandnewHQ.. ments, construction began in Jan Withashiftinfocustoonlineorderdispatch Aspec ( site Construction)and , buildinghandove YouhavealwayshadaNorth andhavingtoincreasinglyholdstockoffoccurred on schedule September st. 1 Moving ShoreHQ;wherewasyourfirstbase? withalogisticspartner,wehadtoacceptthat a large business during lockdown levelwas 3 We started working out of a small unit in thebuilding wewereinwasnolongerfitfor onerous, but we moved in just over a week BirkenheadinIt .502 wasn’tlongbeforewe purpose. andonlyhadtosuspendwarehouse - opera needed additional warehousing - and Inyou 0 2 0 2 dedi beganthesearchfornewprem tionsfortwodays. catedretailspace.Wesolvedthisbyleasing ises;whatwereyourkeyconsiderations? What are some of the design/buil the adjoining building and knocking hole tostaywithintheNorthHarbour Wea wanted highlights? betweenthetwo! zone as it is convenient for a large number Warehouse spacedoubledto1,20sqm, RapidgrowthhasbeenafeatureofWallace of our team, plus our retail store had• built a with50palletspacesandroomtogrow Cotton’sevolution;whatcamenext? loyalfollowinginthearea. Sevenbusyyearsofretailexpansion;openingThekeythingswewantedtoachievewith • Truckaccessvastlyimprovedwithdual storesinNewmarket,Takapuna,Wellington, drivewayaccessandalargeyardarea thenewlocationwere: and Ponsonby, followed by a shift toApollo • New,largerretailstore(approximately • Increasedwarehousespaceand Drive, North Harbour. The following eight 20sqm) efficiency yearssawthebusinesscontinuetoexpand • Theoverallfinishandattentiontodet • Highprofiletoattractretailcustomers itsretailpresence,withnewstoresopening intheofficeareas,enhancedbyall-new • Larger retail space with ample parking inCambridge,NorthWestShoppingCentre, officefurnitureandfurnishings • Better,safertruckandcourieraccess andMerivale,Christchurch. • Constructionisunderwayonour • Mostimportantly,wewantedittobea Whendidyou‘goglobal?’ in-housephotographystudio,acrucial Globalexpansionfollowedinan ,7102 online comfortable,inspiringenvironmentfor aspectofourwebandcatalogue store in the UK, then we opened a storeour in teamtoworkin photographyprocess Battersea,London. WhatweresomeofthechallengesalongWelookforwardtowelcomingourcustomers What was the impact of Covid-19 on the theway? backintoourstoressoon. It was a mind-bending set of criteria to businessinNewZealand? achieve! After initially crossing the old Ourearlycommitmenttodigitaltransforma Wallace Cotton Benefi tionmeantwewerealreadywellsetup and tz building off our list, Matt Mimmack Head Office, 2 – 4 Parkway Drive, helped facilitate discussions with alreadyhadathrivingonlinebusiness.(Bayleys) When Rosedale building owners Midpoint Investments. The Covid-19struck,theteamwasabletoramp 09the 920 9806 outcome up at pace. With all our customers stuck at wasthattheyagreedtodemolish existing building. home,weexperiencedaveryhealthysales 18
N O V E M B E R 2 021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
Opportunities for property investment to continue The adjustments regain to the pre-- pan demic economic environment could still be some12-4monthsaway.AtMaat,wealso recognisethatoutofthisadversitywillcome opportunities,aseconomieshaveexperienced severehighsandlowsthroughouthistory. Ourviewisthattheopportunities - forinvest mentinpropertywillcontinuetoendureand grow the wealth of landlords as we recover Thetimetosellwillbewhenthemaximum ( 0 9 ) 41 6 0 7 8 to talk to one of our Facility fromthepandemic. valueinthepropertyhasbeenrealisedManagers forthe or Leasing Managers as to how The important challenge for a property investors, depending on ( again) economic wecanassist. investor is to thoroughly analyse factors all the at the time and the personal aspira Staysafe,staykind,staywell. availableoptions;tounderstand - the tions respon ofinvestors. sibilities of owning property, to identify R e c ethe n t l y, w e r e a l i s e d t h e v a l u e o f a n Office: (09) 41 6078 risks and mitigating factors; andequity to seek investmentinapropertyinWellington, JodiTuffin, Investor Relations Manager adviceatalltimeswithregardstoanywhich aspect we purchased on behalf of investors Ph: 021 84 25 3 ofthe investment. in2014,for$2.75m.Investorsreceiveda NeilTuffin, Managing Director I t i s a d v i s a b l e t h a t p r o p e r t y10%increase i n v e s t oin rs thevalueoftheirequity– Ph: 021 48 1 considerthefuturemanagementofthereceiving asset $102, 0 for their $50, share maat.co.nz before settling the purchase. We offer parcel theinvested. services of experienced facility and leasing We are available to advise landlords on managerstoworkwithlandlordsinthisthe crucial management of their property invest roleofmanagingtheasset. mentandencouragelandlordstocalluson
We’ve moved... for a sustainable future
Powered by Solar Energy. Supplied, installed and supported by local North Shore company SkySolar.
Now at 5-11 Parkway Drive www.benefitz.co.nz N O V E M B E R 2021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
H E A LT H & W E L L B E I N G
Continuing to support workplace mental health and wellbeing
Covid-continues 91 tobeoneofthegreatest The Mental Health Foundation recommends learning and practising challenges to our collective mental health the Three Rs to help minimise, manage, and recover from stress. experiencedinseveralgenerations.Overall, New Zealanders – arguably, Aucklanders Refuel/Whakatipu Resolve/Whakatika Relax/Whakatā especially – have faced this challenge stoi Looking after Identifying stressors Switching on cally, looking after each other and getting wellbeing and and finding solutions the relaxation throughittogether. cultivating energy that help resole the response to During these times of increased pres to refuel causes of stress restore and rest. sureandstress,it’svitaltoprioritisemental wellbeing so we can manage our lives throughoutchangingalertlevelsortrafficlight settings,makegooddecisions,anddealwith reminding them of the importance ofTtheir h e C o v i d - 1 9 Wo r k p l a c e s R e s o u r c e additional stress. ownself-care. is available for free downl Through its Workplace Wellbeing, OpenTheguidewalksmanagersthroughtopics mentalhealth. org. nz/ resources/ reso Mindse-learning,andFiveWaystoWellbeing suchas: covid-19-workplace-resource resources,theMentalHealthFoundationof You may also wish to browse Wellplace. • Recognisingcommoncausesof NewZealandhaslongsupportedbusinesses nz’sCoping with Covid-19 section. It points Covidrelated 9 1 stress wishingtohelptheirstaffflourish. out that, although there’s a lot that • Acknowledgingtheimpactonourmental To further support employers navigating can’tcontrol,there’salsoalotthatwe health the current uncharted and choppy waters, and concentrating on this and taking ac Reducingriskfactors,increasing theorganisationhasdesignedspecific• tools helpsusfeelincontrol.Thewebsiteshar protectivefactors tohelppromoteasupportiveworking - environ severalexternallinkstoinformation,p ment.Its Covid-19 Workplaces Resourceis • Talkingwithstaff,includinghowto and resources about how to take step practicalanddown-to-earth,notonlyproviding reframelanguagetopromotecareand protectyourworkplaceagainstCovid-19. sensible advice for business owners about solidarity There’sareminderthat“it’stotallyn howtolookafteremployeewellbeingbut• also Respondingtodistress tofeelstressedoranxious”and , somesimple
tipsabouthowtoprotectourmentalhe suchas:
Are you feeling stressed or just need someone to talk to? Are you feeling down or a bit overwhelmed? Do you know someone who is feeling out-of-sorts or down? Whateveritis,youcanfreecallorfreetext173at anytime,hours 24 aday.You’llgettotalkto(ortext with) a trained counsellor or talk to a peer support worker.Theserviceiscompletelyfree. Theteamatoffers 73 1 briefone-to-onecounselling support with a focus on one or two key things you needhelpwithrightnow. Find out more at 173 .org.nz
N O V E M B E R 2 021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
• Keepingourusualroutines(e.g., mealtimes,bedtimes) • Eatingwellandstayinghydrated • Notoverworking • Stayingactive • Practising“groundingtechniques”(e.g., mindfulness,“boxedbreathing”,stretch) • Keepingintouchwithfriends,whnau andcolleagues–evenifwehavetokeep aphysicaldistance To read this advice in detail, go to wellplace.nz/facts-and-information/ mental-wellbeing/coping-with-covid-19
Does your business require Job Cost specific accounting, ERP business software? Implemented by experts with over 30 years’ experience in dealing with Job Cost? Then look no further.
www.primacc.co.nz phone: 021 753 222
email: peter@primacc.co.nz www.primacc.co.nz
To save the climate, driving habits must change
“Of the many challenges we face, the climate crisis is the one that will shape TheGovernmentis currentlyworkingonan Transport is our second- largest source of our children and o f the g r e e n h o u s e g a s e m i s s i o n s , i . e the . i t ilives s EmissionsReductionPlanwhichwillset directionforclimateactionforthenextyears 5 1 responsible for: grandchildren the most.” andrequireactionacrossarangeofareas,
• Approximately20percentofgross includingenergy,transport,waste,agriculture, domesticemissions,and construction,andnancial fi services. • 43percentoftotaldomestic New Zealand’s commitment to this future CO2 emissions. meansreducinggreenhousegasemissions The Government has set a pathway toThe a CommissionrecommendstheGovern to limit the global average temperature rise mentfocusesonthreeareastoreduce emis zero-carbontransportsystemby205. to 1.5 uC above pre-industrial levels. These sionsfromthetransportsystem: Inthefuture,manyofoureverydaytasks targetsrequire: willbepoweredbyclean,renewableenergy. 1. Reducerelianceoncarsandsupport • Allgreenhousegases,otherthanbiogenic people There will be cleaner air to breathe, carstowalk,cycleanduse methane,toreachnetzeroby05 2 public transport. charged overnight by renewables, homes • Emissionsofbiogenicmethanereduced heated by solar power and kept warm by 2. Rapidly adoptlow-emissionvehicles and and fuels. atleast10percentbelow2017levelsby insulation, leading to lower energy bills 203,andatleast24–47percentbelow leaving more money available for people to worknowtodecarboniseheavy 3. Begin transportandfreight. 2017levelsby 205. enjoydoingwhattheylove.
– Hon James Shaw, Minister of Climate Change
Genesis – Replacing company cars and car parks with sustainable options
Genesis tried something bold when they moveditsheadofficesinfrom 02 Ellerslie toa6GreenStarratedbuildinginWynyard Quarter,oneofonlynineinthecountry. Itwasmorethanaphysicalrepresentation of the company’s commitment to being a sustainable business. The move provided the catalyst to introduce initiatives that would reduce emissions, traffic congestion andenableactiveandsharedtravel.Aspart of the move, Genesis no longer provided staffcarparks,removedcompanycarsfrom salary packages and replaced its corporate carfleetwithEVcar-sharingstart-up,Zilch. In place of company cars and car parks, Genesisprovided:a25%subsidyforpublic transport; car-pool hubs in South and West Auckland, a free shuttle service from the e a s t e r n s u b u r b s a n d t o p - e n d c h aOne n g iofnthe g peoplewhomadeabigswitchin the bike has saddlebags on the side, s facilitiestoencouragestafftoride,run their orwalk modeofcommutingwasJackieMullan, just pop my laptop and gym gear in there, towork. GroupManagerLegal.Jackiepreviously-trav and I’m ready to go – door to door, ” says Theresult?Theirpeoplelovedit. elled to the former office by car, five days aJackie.Theextrahealthbenefitsofthekm 2 Compared to the travel routines week.at With its the move to Wynyard Quarter, dailycommutehaven’tgoneunnoticedeithe previous office ( which had 2 0 5 car parks)she weighed up her options. Driving would AddinginPilatesthreetimesaweekmean thecompanysawa50%increaseinpeople meanpayingforparkingandwalkingtherest Jackie is doing signifi cantly more exercis taking public transport or using EVs,of and the awayinallweather,ladendownwiththan her shewasbeforeswitchingofficelocations. 1 0 2 % increase in biking, running, walking, laptopandgymbag.Takingthetrainorbus“Therearesomeundeniablebenefitsofthe ore-scooteringtowork.81%ofstaffsigned landedheratBritomart,whichmeantanother new commute, and fitness is a key one for uptothepublictransportsubsidy,and 15-minute therewalktocompletehertrip. me,she ” says.“There’stheaddedbenefitof wereless 489 carbon-contributingtripseach Cycling was a clear winner, so she made feelinggoodaboutexercise,beingoutinth week,areductionofStaff 71%. havecollec theconsciousinvestmentinane-bike. freshairandgettingthebloodpumpingbefore tivelyreducedcarbonemissionsby158tper“It seemed logical. There’s a really good work–feelingmoreenergised.Itsetsyouup annum,sofar. cycle lane from my house to the office, andforthedayandisanicewaytohead home. ” 22
N O V E M B E R 2 021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
Reducing your chances of opportunist theft this summer
Covid-19stillhas usinitsgrip,althoughin recent weeks, we have transitioned to the Level3stepsthathaveallowedustoenjoy thecompanyofmorefamilyandfriendsand welcomedtheopeningofretailspaces.The increasedsunshinehasalsogonealongway inhelpingusfeelbetterandmorepositive. Aswiththelastlockdowns,wehavenoticed Lockingpremises,useofsecuritylighting legitimatereasons;thisisanothergoodrea a change in the incidents of crime reported for you, your team, and your neighbours at and security patrols are all critical. Ensure to us.The most noticeable is a reduction in workand ( home)totakesimplestepstomake that external storage such as containers residentialburglaries;withmorepeoplebeing yourspacesaferandmoresecure. havehigh-gradepurpose-specificlocksand home,itmakessensethatthispresentsfewer Make sure that roller doors and exte possible)suchareasarenotmadehigher opportunities for offenders. We have(ifseen doorsaresecuredifleftunattended;loc risk due to their location. Tools and building moreoffencesbeingcommittedbyoffenders them takesafewsecondswhereashavingan equipment are still a “hot commodity” , so incircumstancethatappeartobeopportunist, unwantedguestinyourbuildingcouldcaus locking these away and, if possible, removing bothintheresidentialandcommercial space. asignifi themfrom sitewhennotinusewillreduce the cantlosstoyourbusinessorteam In residential areas, prime targets are: We wish you all a safe and happy offenders’ opportunities. Youknowthevalue vehicles left open while unloading, sitting festive season. of tools and building materials so ensuring unlocked, garage doors left open with the theseleft aresecuredwhenthesiteisafterhours contentsvisiblefromtheroad,letterboxes Remember that prevention material an is imperative. insecure,andcourierpackagesleftonfront a d vto i cbe e is a l w a y s a v a i l ab l e fr o m D a ve Tradies and their vehicles continue doorstepsvisiblefromthestreet.Remember ( Loader lock your vehicle every time you ( crimeprevention@businessnh. tokeepsidedoorstogaragesanddoorstargeted; that org.nz or 021 56 287) and the Business leave it, no matterwhereyouare.Obscuring providedirectaccesstoyourhomelocked.) NorthHarbourteam.Ifyouseeanythingor what is inside is simple and effective. Losing Thesetipsareequallyrelevanttoprotecting anyoneactingsuspiciously,callor 501 1 1 wallets,cash,andphonesfromanunattended yourcommercialspace. if you need immediate Police assistance. v e h in i c l e ’s f r o n t s e a t o r d a s h b o a r d i s n o t Nottakingsimplecrimepreventionsteps Pleaserememberthatengraving respectofyourbusinessandemployeesuncommon. will tools or marking them in a way so thatSenior they Sergeant Scott Cunningham justpresentagoldenopportunityforoffenders AreaYouth & Communities Manager uniquely yours is a cheap and effective tostrikewithoutanyrealriskofbeingare caught. Waitemata EastArea preventionopportunity. Tomakeitharderfortheoffendermeansyou 021 191 4421 WiththechangesinCovid-Level 91 steps, 3 aredirectlyreducingthechanceofyou,your scott. cunningham@police.govt.nz wehaveseenasignificantincreaseintraffi c business and your team becoming victims
Not taking simple crime prevention steps for your business and employees will just present a golden opportunity for offenders to strike without any real risk of being caught.
www.police. govt.nz flows.Notallthesepeoplearetravelling for
N O V E M B E R 2021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
Some examples of where we can assist you and your team:
Know which levers to pull in your business for the stage you are at
Start-up: You will be looking for growth and working capital to fund that growth. Wecanhelpyoufocuson:
• Grossprofitmargin–measuringrevenueaftercostofgoodssold • Burnrateofworkingcapital-therateatwhichacompanyspends cash;withoutcash,youcannotcontinue • Acompellingvalueproposition-howyouareuniquelyqualifiedto meetorexceedcustomers’expectationsorneeds • Adefinedtargetaudience–whoyouridealcustomersare. Directinglimitedresourcestocommunicatehowtheproductor servicesolvestheirneed • YourmarketingROIandsalesconversionrate–howwellyour marketingdeliversandhowmanyofthoseleadsyouareconverti
Thestrategiesemploy you andtheresultsyou aim for vary across the business lifecycle, but threekeythingsremainconstantateverystage: 1. 2.
Allbusinesseshavelimitedresources; prioritisationiscrucial. Acompanythatfailstoplan,planstofail. Cashflowisking. 3.
Three questions you should ask yourself as a business owner: 1. 2.
Howdoyouuseyourlimitedresourcestoget the‘bestresult’? Whatisthe‘bestresult’youshouldaim for? Howdoyoumeasurehowyouaregoing, andwhendoyouneedtodirectthose resourceselsewhere? 3.
We use our Trifecta of Tools to help businesses answer these questions: 1.
Businessplan-defineswhichleversto pull,wheretofocusyourresources,whatto prioritise,andwhattomeasure BudgetandP&L-tellsyouhowmuchyou needtospendtosupportthatplanand whetheryouareontrack Cashflowforecast-showswhetheryouhave sufficientcashflowtosupportyourjourney
Maintenance and growth: You will be looking to build and maintain a profitable and sustainable business. Wecanhelpyoufocuson:
• Valuedeliveryandvaluepricing–thisisdistinctlydifferent theearlystage,whichistypicallyaboutgettingasmuchwork as possible • Quality–deliveringwhatwaspromisedontimeandminimisation mistakesorrework • Teamandteamculture–gettingtherightpeopleinplace;growin engaging,andretention • Productivityandeffectiveness-thesystemsandtoolsyourtea usesandtheworktheydo • Organicgrowth–growingyourcustomerspendandfrequency of spend • Acquisition-newcustomersthrougheffectivemarketingandsa activity;marketingreturnoninvestment(ROI) • Cashflowanddebtors–gettingpaidforyourhardwork • Taxminimisation
Exit: Plan your exit strategy early – you will need to maintain consistently strong numbers for 2-3 years. Wecanhelpyoufocuson:
WeareCharteredAccountantswithreal-world businessandinvestmentexperience.Weare focusedonlookingbeyondthenumbersand alwayslookingforward.Withbroaderknowl edgeandexpertisethantraditionalaccounting, we can provide you with robust strategies, options, and information to make the best possibledecisions.
• Planningforsale-planyourexitearly;anunplannedsaleoften resultsinalowersell price • Profitability-maintainingconsistentlystrongnumbers,forexam GrossProfitandNetProfitpercentage-thestrategyforexitingis profitmaximisation(nottaxminimisation) • Productivityandeffectiveness-thesystemsandprocessestha enableandsupportyourteam • Organisationalstructure(rolesandresponsibilities)-toen businesscanrunjustaseffectivelywithoutyou • Cashflowandcashconversioncycle–thenumberofdaysittakes toturneitherstockorwagesintocash
Talk to us now about how we can support you and your business needs in 20 and beyond. info@pathfindersolutions. | 09co. 869 nz 2356 www.pathfindersolutions.co.nz KeninaCourt kenina@pathfindersolutions.co.nz 24
N O V E M B E R 2 021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
RichardOrsbourn richard@pathfindersolutions.co.nz
JamesStuart james@pathfindersolutions.co.nz
Navigating and Thriving in Unconventional Times
On October 2 nd, 1 9 1 2 , Dale Carnegie walkedintotheYMCAinHarlem,NewYork, and delivered the first-ever session of what wouldquicklybecometheworld-famous‘Dale CarnegieCourse’.Fastforwardtoand ,120 DaleCarnegietrainingservicesare aninte gral part of the global business ecosystem. Whetherit’saneedforcapabilitydevelopment inleadership,communication,andcultivating hybridteams:bolsteringagilityandresilience; assistance with self-confidence and people skills;guidanceclarifyingpurposeandvalues, or skills to drive revenue growth and close sales, businesses turn to Dale Carnegie to partner with them as they navigate through theseturbulenttimes. Dealing with change and turbulence is a familiarstateofaffairsforDaleCarnegie.The resultsspeakforthemselves-wehave109 yearsofdeliveringsuccessfultraining,notjust hereinNewZealandbutacrosstheglobe. Our proven track record has helped and supportedbusinessesthroughmajorhistorical upheavals such as the 1 9 1 8 Spanish Flu, WWI,WWII,theGreatDepression,theDot. Com boom, various Stock Market crashes, theGlobalFinancialCrisis,andcurrently,the ongoingrepercussionsfromCovid-19. In New Zealand over the past 20 months of volatility, we have worked alongside and supportedlocalbusinessesofevery permu tation,fromstart-ups,micro-businesses,and SMEs to mid- size organisations and large corporates, through to those selling down ashareholdingaspartofacapitalraise. and recovery, All leadership capability, futurist structures,strategyreviews,andmore.Th have had one theme in common, the need workplace planning, foundation work team for at Dale Carnegie New Zealand and toprepareleaders,teams,andentire building organ positive company cultures, Pacificand is proud to coach and support loca isationstonotonlysurvivebuttothrive harnessing bothcreativityandagilitywithin businesses teams. tonavigate,succeedandthr nowandinthefuture. Wehavetaught“howto’s”suchasleadgener inthesechangingtimes. As recognised and accredited providers, ation, revenue development, and customer We also partner with local and nati we have been helping businesses develop retention, in addition to implementing agencies and tohelpourclients,localbusiness strategiesandplansfor;businesscontinuity establishing senior leadership teams andpartners and where ( eligible)to , accessgrant orsupportthatmaybeavailabletoassis theirdevelopment. Justasinour 192, focustodayisstillthe same;helpingtransformbusinesses,leaders and teams to be the best versions - of the selves so that in doing so, they add val Weareheretohelpyounavigatethroughtheseunconventionaltimes.Tosupport you to the bottom line and positively impac inplanningforthefuture,wearecurrentlyofferingBusinessNorthHarbour members people andcommunitiesaroundthem. a 50% discounted rate for a facilitated Strategic NeedsAnalysis . Workshop Valuedat$2,495+gst,memberscanaccessthissupportfor$1,250+gst. Simon Weakley | Director of Sales & This is an insight- driven and results- oriented strategic view of your team and Training simon@dalecarnegie. | co. | nz business.Itwillprovideessentialinsightsintoyourorganisation’scriticalcapabilities 027 589 2401 whilsthighlightinganyvitalskillsgapsthatneedaddressing. Dale Carnegie New Zealand and Pacific | Theworkshopwillempoweryourleadershipteamwithcrucialinformationtomake 0800 328 7246 accurateandstrategicdecisionstoensuretheongoingsuccessofyourbusinessat www.dalecarnegie.co.nz atimeofchangeanduncertainty. To take advantage of the Business North Harbour member discount or discuss one of our other training offerings, including training designed specifically for your organisation,pleasecontactmedirectlytodiscuss.
“Keep your mind open to change all the time. Welcome it. Court it. It is only by examining and reexamining your opinions and ideas that you can progress.” – Dale Carnegie
50% discount for Members!
N O V E M B E R 2021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
9 Reasons to use vehicle lease company Driveline
Asbusinessescontinue tograpplewiththe 3. Independent, trustworthy impact of Covid- 1 9 related lockdowns and advice… cashflow concerns, fi nding savings across We a r e a t o t a l l y i n d e p e n d e n t c a r l e a s e all areas is a priority for business owners company, whichmeanswe’llgetyousorted andmanagers.Drivelineisavehiclenance fi withtherightvehicleandnance fi tosuityour and lease company that offers free advice particular requirements; in fact 6 0 % of our on vehicles and how to structure the bestcomesfromrepeatcustomers. business nance fi orleasingoptionstosuityouandyour 4. Discounts… businessformaximumsavings.Here’show Weenjoysignificantnewvehiclediscounts, we back up our promise: “With a Driveline andwepass10%ofthosediscountsonto lease,allyou’vegottadoisdrive!” you. We also work with dealers nationwide 1. One-stop-shop… and can source quality second- hand and Asaone-stop-shopcarleasecompanywith ex- lease cars at very competitive prices if branchesinsixregionsaroundNewZealand, yourpreferenceisforsecond-hand. wecanmanagethewholeprocess,including 5. Customisation… finding you the right car, accessories, - sign We have a diverse range of business - offer writing,tfi outs,greatnance fi options,delivery ofyournewcarandevensellingyouroldone.ings, everything from European cars, utes andEVs,tolargetrucks,diggers,andplant 2. Saving you time, equipment. Whetheryouarejuststartingout, money and hassle… Flexibility… well-established,largeorsmall,wecan6. tailor We’reheretomakeiteasyandstress-free. You canpickandchoosewhichofourservices asolutionforyou. You don’t need to spend hours traipsing you need. We can find you a vehicle, or if around all the car yards or on the phone to you’ve already found a car or know exactly financecompanies.We’lldoitallforyou. what you want, great… let’s sort out financeandgo!
“I have been using Alan from Driveline for just over four years now and cannot fault his service or the flexibility Driveline has had for my company over this time. I would highly recommend Alan for vehicle leasing options.” – Jason Goldfinch
7. Compliance Support…
Health and Safety is a priority for - all b nesses. If you opt into the Driveline Fl Management system, it enables you t manage your fleet effectively and see t compliancestatusofeachvehicleataglance
8. It costs you nothing… Itcostsyounothingtofindoutwhatwecan doforyou,socalltheDrivelineteamon0 8 27534tocomparewhat’savailable.
9. Experience…
Tapintodecadesofindustryexperiencewhen you use the Driveline team.As a dedicated carleasecompany,weknowthemarketand thedealers.Weknowallthemakes,models, anddealstobehad.
Give the team a call on 0 8 0 2 7 5 3 7 4 to talkthroughyouroptions-noobligation andabsolutelynopressure;wearehere tohelp.
“I have been dealing with Driveline for the last six years. Nothing is too much. Always my first port of call when requiring finance on any of our vehicle or machinery purposes. Paul Scotting goes out of his way to make the process simple and painless. Thanks, Team!” – Luke Jackison 26
N O V E M B E R 2 021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
Lance Manins | Co-Director Driveline Fleet | 2 Bush Road, Rosedale 0800 275 374 www.driveline.co.nz
Onfire’s history catalogues a range of clients who changed, not for the sake of change, but to drive action. We aim to make brands more visible, more differentiated, more competitive — on time, on budget and on fire. To ignite your brand, call Sam Allan on 021 608 204 or sam@weareonfire.co.nz.
Changing how we travel to protect the planet Average local bus Coach Regular taxi Average car (petrol) Average car (electric) Average motorbike 0
(g CO2e per km)
Is the environment paying too high a price for our love of AC?
N O V E M B E R 2 021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
World’s largest CO2 capture plant switched on in Iceland
New Zealand could be a pioneer in green hydrogen production
N O V E M B E R 2021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
Your locally owned Spark Business Hub — Auckland North Whetheryouare juststartingabusiness full or telcoandITservicesuites,fromcloud to us Contact arewell-established,ourfocusisonhelping securityandmore. TheHub’spremisesremainclosedatthe localbusinesseslikeyourstoreach - their Asbusi afamily-ownedbusinessthatlivesand timeofprintduetoCovid-19lockdown ness goals.As business owners ourselves worksontheNorthShore,weknowtheregion requirements;however,weareonlyan ( Spark Business Hub Auckland Northwell. and Wearepartofthelocalcommunity,but emailorphonecallaway. Spark Business Hub Northland), we deeply havetheadvantageofleaningonourbroader understand business realities in regional a timeand of nationalSparknetworksatany ongoinguncertainty. time.Withus,helpisjustaroundthecorner. With future- proo f i n g i n m i n d , w e o ffe Welook r forwardtowelcomingyouback Email: HubAucklandNorth@spark.co.nz Phone: 0800 482 746 a variety of scalable solutions that inperson enable soonandhelpingyourbusiness Languages: English,Mandarin,andKorean y o u r b u s i n e s s t o b e s e c u r e , r esucceed s i l i e nand t , prosperwithallyour-telecom HubHours: MondaytoFriday–8:30amto a n d p r o d u c t i v e , w i t h t h e o p t i o munications n to work andICTneeds. 5.0pm from anywhere. Wishingyouallasafeandhappyfestive SaturdayandSunday O u r f r i e n d l y t e a m o f b u s i n e season. ss and —Closed technology experts based in Bush Road, Rosedale,workwithlocalITpartnersto Aaron offer Redwood, Kym Dunning, and the team TheHub: 12DBushRoad,Rosedale 30
N O V E M B E R 2 021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
Vaccination Policies. What Employers Should Be Doing Now. The introduction and roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccine in New Zealand, including mandatory vaccines for some roles, has thrown open the issue of to what extent an employer can require its workers to get vaccinated. • Can I require certain roles to be carried out by vaccinated workers? • Can I ask my staff if they are vaccinated? • Should we introduce a Vaccination Policy? • Can I require new staff to be vaccinated?
Employers should be taking action now to get policies and systems in place and to ensure they are meeting their health and safety obligations to their existing staff, customers and new staff. However, these obligations are to be balanced against an employee’s human rights, rights to privacy and the right to be treated without discrimination. If you are an Employer wanting Employment Law advice, get in touch with Bronwen and the employment team: bronwen@davenportslaw.co.nz.
0 9 8 8 3 4 400 DAVENP O RTS LAW.C O.N Z
N O V E M B E R 2021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
First-time commercial investors on the rise
Asweclose thedoortoit ,120 hasbeenan interestingtimetoreflectupontheyearwithin thecommercialpropertyindustry. Aucklandershaveexperiencedmorethan days 81 1 ofLockdownup ( toth 03 November) thisyear,anddespiteconjectureaboutmore businesseswishingtoworkfromhome,the trend appears to have gone in the opposite direction with business owners renewing expiring office leases or relocating to new premiseswhichsuittheircurrentneeds. Moreinvestorsarecashingoutofresidential InSeptember,amendmentstotheProperty a “fair proportion” of rent can be referred properties,andtherehasbeenanoticeable Law Act came into law. The amendments arbitration. increaseinthenumberofrstfi time-commer imply that a “fair proportion” of rentWhether under youarepurchasingorleasing,we cialinvestors.Removaloftaxincentives and “affectedleases”wouldceasetobepayable recommendyouseekprofessionaladvice. increased compliance is making residential cannotaccesstheirpremises p r o p e r t y i n v e s t m e n t a l o t m o r ewhere d i ff i a c tenant ult. due to the Covid- 1 9 lockdowns. This only Further, many business owners have been applies to leases that do not have the “no looking to purchase their own premises, Janet Marshall is a director at access inanemergencyclause.” and this increased demand has seen offi ce Colliers International’s North These aregenerallybespokeornon-ADLS Shore office, a business vacancylevelsdrop,particularlyinthe <30 leases and pre- Christchurch earthquake sqmsizepremises. mentor in BMNZ, and was l e a rates, s e s . T h i s l e g i s l a t i o n r e q u i rawarded e s p a r tthe i e sWomen In Despite recent increasing interest to take all reasonable steps to respond to wehaveseensalesintheindustrial market Property 201Award 9 from the Property working where yields have been around 3 . 5 % and rentalabatementrequestswithinten Council. Janet is available to chat on days, and disputes about what constitutes around5.1%intheofficemarket. 021 684 7 5.
Tips for Buying Commercial Property (1) Structuring the Purchase: Individual, Partnership, Company or Trust. (2) Tenant: Review existing Lease, any Renewals or Variations. (3) Finance: Commercial borrowing can be more complex; talk to your bank as soon as possible. (4) LIM: Your lawyer will check the property title and ensure that there are no underlying issues. (5) Building Report: Undertaken by a qualified inspector as part of your due diligence. (6) Insurance: Check type needed - public liability, contents. (7) Seek Professional Advice: Sound legal advice is essential. For Commercial Property advice, please contact Janet Marshall, Director Commercial, on 021 684 775 or email: janet.marshall@colliers.com
N O V E M B E R 2 021 F Y I B U S I N E SS N H .O R G . N Z
Accelerating success.
For Lease
Browns Bay Trophy Retail 14 Clyde Road, Browns Bay, Auckland This excellent opportunity is available to lease, located close to the corner of Clyde and Anzac Roads. This two level tenancy offers both a front and rear access with generous car parking available. Existing fit out includes cool store/refrigerator area (if required), office/storage areas and level 1 mezzanine. This is an add value opportunity to any new tenant. Browns Bay town centre is a popular, vibrant retail destination close to the beach offering child-friendly play areas, café’s and eateries. Don’t delay, the existing tenant is looking to add value for a new tenant. These premises would suit a range of business uses such as gyms, restaurants, medical and retails. Possible split available for 2-3 tenancies. Don’t delay, call the Sole Agents for more information or to arrange a time to view.
High exposure retail
556 sqm retail plus first floor office/mezzanine
Janet Marshall 021684 775 janet.marshall@colliers.com
Front and rear entrances
Would suit a range of business uses
Kerry Cook 021 194 3949 kerry.cook@colliers.com
Colliers NZ Limited Licensed REAA 2008
Accelerating success.
For Lease
94 Apollo Drive, Rosedale - 4 Star Green Building 1690 sqm floor plate - Highest quality office Relocate your head office to what is currently known as the “3M Building”, the only 4-star green building on the North Shore. Level 2 is becoming available, so don’t delay, request further information and/or a viewing by appointment only. These offices will exceed your expectations. Features include: -
High quality building specifications - 4 star green build rating Take 850 sqm or 1690 sqm 60 Carparks includes secure basement Available early 2022 Lift access available Excellent high profile signage First class security system, fibre and great natural light
Call the Sole Agent, Janet Marshall on 021 684 775 for further information. xxxxx
Green Star Standalone Building
High Profile Building signage
850 sqm or 1690 sqm
Janet Marshall 021 684 775 janet.marshall@colliers.com Colliers NZ Limited Licensed REAA 2008
KC Legal; your specialist property law firm BasedinWilliam PickeringDrive,KC Fromconcepttocompletion,KCLegal Legal is a specialist property law isfirm available throughoutyourprojectto committedtoprovidingonlyexceptional attendtosettlementsandliaisewithyour levelsofadviceandsupport. lenderstoensureanynancing fi criteria Kate Chivers has an established is addressed well in advance of when reputation for managing residential youneedfundstobeavailable. property sale and purchase- transac “Our approach is simple. We work tions, helping both fi rst home buyers withyouandyourwiderteamofprofes andexperiencedpropertyinvestors sionals with to get the job done well. We theirspecificneeds.And,wepromisetopromisetoofferpragmatic,timelyadvice workeffectivelyandefficientlytonalise fi and communicate clearly so that you thetransactionsasquicklyandsmoothly canmeetyourobjective.” as possible. When you’re in need of a specialist KCLegalcanassistwithnegotiating propertylawyer,youknowwhotocall! and drafting leases for commercial tenancies,andalsowithmorecomplex Ph: (09) 72 39 2 agreements,including: E: kate@kclegal.co.nz • Co-ordinatingleasesformultikclegal.co.nz tenantedbuildings • Agreementstobuildandlease • Draftingbespokeleasesfor specific projects KateChivers
Do you have spare usable pallets or do you require some? If you answered “yes” to the above, Business North Harbour can introduce you to other local members to help create a win-win relationship! For more information and to register your interest, visit businessnh.org.nz/greener-business and let us know if you have ‘Pallets Available’ or if you are ‘Pallets Wanted’. Alternatively, contact David Loader on 021 560 287 or via email at david@businessnh.org.nz to find out more.
Auckland’s biggest shopping bonanza is back again!