AFL KiwiKick Booklet

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What is AFL KiwiKick AFL New Zealand’s ‘AFL KiwiKick’ programme focuses on developing fundamental movement and ball skills for boys and girls between 5 to 12 years of age. AFL KiwiKick is run nationwide by qualified AFL New Zealand employees. The programme places great emphasis on parent involvement and community links. Organised lesson plans, volunteer retention initiatives, resource kits and coaching accreditation are all features of AFL KiwiKick. The fundamental skills of ‘Kick, Catch, Pass and Bounce’ are utilised through out the AFL KiwiKick Programme and are transferable to a wide range of sports. AFL New Zealand is working in conjunction with Sport New Zealand and a growing number of Regional Sports Trusts to ensure the outcomes targeted by the programme fall into alignment with the needs of local communities. AFL KiwiKick provides a great skill base for students and their transition from primary to intermediate and on to secondary school sport. It’s for boys and girls, mums and dads. AFL KiwiKick is fun, it’s safe and it works!





How the Coaching Lesson Plan Booklet Works Lesson Plans

AFL KiwiKick Accreditation

Inside this booklet, you will find information on how each lesson will look, with teaching points for each skill.

No need to sit in a room, Get involved and get accredited!

Each lesson consists of: Warm Up: A fun game or activity to get participants active Skill Practice: Simple activities that involve the basic skills in AFL KiwiKick such as catching, kicking and handballing etc. Skill Game: F un games that incorporate the skills previously practiced in the session Fun Game: U sually a fun game to finish off the session, not necessarily based on the skill The opposite page to the lesson plan shows examples of these games as well as alternatives. For more games go to pages 13 and 19. Make sure you bring your booklet to each lesson, so you can get the Area Coordinators to sign off your completed lesson and move a step closer to earning your Accreditation. So whether you are a teacher, co-ordinator, parent, volunteer or staff member, please utilise this book to help ensure a successful programme and the ability to carry on playing AFL KiwiKick whenever you like.


Just by being actively involved in 4 sessions you can receive your AFL KiwiKick Coaching Orientation Level Accreditation. After 8 sessions you will earn your AFL KiwiKick Coaching Level 1 – It’s that easy! Level O AFL KiwiKick Orientation (4 lessons) All volunteers supporting AFL KiwiKick programs should attend 4 sessions assistants/parent helpers should have this accreditation. Secondary School students and teachers can use this as an introduction to the AFL pathway. Conducted through practical, hands-on involvement under the guidance of trained personnel. A ‘typical’ session is outlined and how it fits into a season-long programme. Level 1 AFL KiwiKick (8 lessons) The course takes around 12 hours or 8 sessions to complete (4 more after your Level O). Content includes planning and organising training sessions, skill games and modified games, growth and development, safety and legal issues. Candidates are assessed practically either in course time, on the job, or both. On the back page of the booklet, you will see the AFL pathway available to you. If you are interested in being involved in our Accreditation Program, please get in touch by emailing




Lesson 1 – The Drop Punt Warm Up Games: Octopus Tag: Create a square or rectangular area wide enough so all participants can fan out along one edge. One person is ‘IN’ and calls out runners using particular features (e.g. all those wearing pink socks) Once tagged, kids remain in the middle (but unable to move off the spot they were tagged) until last person is declared winner. Stuck in the Mud: All kids are in coned off area and two kids are selected ‘IT’ and must tag as many as possible. Once tagged, kids must stand still with feet and arms wide apart, they can be freed by other kids crawling between their legs. Game can run a for a period of time or until everybody is stuck. Alternatively you can play this game using footballs or ‘Flush the Toilet’, where once tagged, kids go down on one knee with a straight arm in the air, to be freed kids must sit on the knee and pull the arm making a flushing sound.

Skill: Drop Punt • Laces away from faces • Ball pointing straight up and down • Point your toes to where you want it to go • Step through towards the target

Stations: (opposite page) Foot Dribble – Create a course, for the kids to dribble through, give them practice time for relays Step and kick – 1 footy between 2 minimum just short kicks no more than 10m Tunnel Ball – Children line up and child at the front with football rolls ball between legs of team mates. Progression is: ball is picked up and run back, dribbled back, weave

Fun Games: (opposite page) Empty the Circle Bomb the Coach • Using the Drop Punt kids must try to bomb the teacher standing out in the field • 1 whistle: Kick and Freeze. 2 whistles: Get the ball and bring it back to the partner Please ensure your Area Coordinator provides their signature and date of completion.


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Area Coordinator

AFL Kiwikick Centre





Octopus Tag

Foot Dribble

Create a square or rectangular area wide enough so all participants can fan out along one edge. One person is ‘IN’ and calls out runners using particular features (e.g. all those wearing pink socks) Once tagged, kids remain in the middle (but unable to move off the spot they were tagged) until last person is declared winner.

Step and Kick

Child uses one foot to move the ball slowly as he/she walks through a circuit. Try using toes, heels, instep, outside of foot and use alternate foot. Dribble the ball around markers. Teaching Points: Watch your boot contact the ball.

Tunnel Ball

Child holds the ball with two hands (as per drop punt) and faces his/her partner. The child takes one step and kicks to the partner, who catches the ball and kicks it back.

Children line up an arm’s length apart, with legs apart. Roll the ball through all legs to the end of the line. Last child collects the ball and runs to the front of the line.

Teaching Points: Hold the ball win both hands with fingers spread evenly along the each side. Step and kick the ball.

Variation: Last child dribbles the ball back to the front of the line.

Empty the Circle

Teaching Points: Keep legs wide apart. Eyes on the ball as you roll it. Last child – bend your knees to get down to the ball and watch the ball into your hands.

Bomb the Coach

Mark out a circle with a diameter of approximately five metres, placing the balls inside the circle. One child stands inside the circle, the rest outside. The child in the circle picks up the balls one at a time and kicks them as far as possible. Children outside of the circle retrieve the balls as quickly as possible and handballs them back inside the circle. The game finishes when all of the balls are out of the circle at one time. The children swap around. Teaching Points: Line up the ball with your target. Have your head bent slightly over the ball. Hold the ball over the thigh of the kicking leg. Guide the ball down with one hand. Point your toes at your target – see the ball hit the foot. Follow through straight towards the target.


Children line up while the helper coach stands approximately 15 meters out in front. Children count down from 5 before launching the bomb (drop punt) on zero (blast off). The aim is to bomb the ball on top of the helper coach. Teaching points: Grip - fingers are spread evenly along each side of the ball with thumbs extended to the lacing. Line up your body with the target. Have your head slightly bent over the ball. Hold the ball over the thigh of the kicking leg - guide the ball down with one hand. Point your toes to the target - see the ball hit the foot, follow through straight towards the target. Follow through in the direction of the hit.




Lesson 2 – The Handball Warm up Flush the Toilet • Have a small group of students who are ‘tagger / it’ who have to tag others. • When tagged, the child becomes a toilet! They have to kneel on one knee, arm up for the flush and other knee (foot on floor) flat for the toilet seat. • To be released, someone from your team has to go to the loo on you and flush your chain. No one can tag you whilst you’re on the loo. Swap over after every 1-2 minutes.

Skill: Handball • With non-writing hand make a flat palm, like a plate, place ball on plate • Hold ball at the same height as belly button • With writing hand make a nice tight fist, and a bent elbow • Reaching elbow behind body as far as possible • Then swing fist through to hit the bottom of the football, just above the cross • Catch fist with non-writing hand, after hitting the ball Teach Pirate Dance Area Coordinator to set up stations and organising parents

Stations: (opposite page) Handball Hockey Pairs on the Run Pass the Guard Keeping off (optional if enough volunteers)

Fun Games: (opposite page) Rob the Nest Sink the Ship • All footballs are put into a circle of cones in the middle of the field • 2-5 Pirates are picked to Drop Punt or Handball the balls out of the ship (circle of cones) • Remainder of the class (the sharks) are to gather the balls and return them to the ship before the pirates have emptied all the balls from the ship • Game is finished when all balls have been emptied from the ship or sharks keep returning footballs for an amount of time Please ensure your Area Coordinator provides their signature and date of completion.


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Area Coordinator

AFL Kiwikick Centre





Handball Hockey

Pairs on the Run:

In pairs, children stand two metres apart with feet shoulder width apart. Children take turns at trying to handball through their partners legs. Use of the hands to block the ball is permitted.

Using the handpass, jog side by side with your partner and handpass to each other over approximately two metres. Change direction so that you can use alternative hands. Encourage children to go faster as they improve.

Teaching Points: The ball must rest on the platform hand and be hit with a clenched fist. Players should have their eyes on the ball. Variations: Increase the distance between the children and to The punching fist is formed by placing the thumb outside, not inside bounce and handball. the fingers. “Catch the fist”. Teaching points: The ball must rest on the platform hand and be hit with a clenched fist. Players should have their eyes on the ball. The punching fist is formed by placing the thumb on the outside, not inside the fingers. “Catch the fist”.

Pass the Guard with Parents (Minimum of 2 parents required) Team of equal numbers, including children and parents. Using a space about the size of one-third of a netball court, one team lines up across the middle. The other team mans both ends in an attempts to roll the ball past the guards in the centre. One point is scored each time the ball passes the guards.

Keeping Off In an area approximately 10-15 metres squared, 4 vs 2 (in same coloured tops). The “four” move around the area, handballing to each other, aiming to keep possession, while the two chasers attempt to intercept the ball or create an error (ball hits the ground). The team in possession scores a point for each three consecutive handballs. Change the chasers after two minutes.

Variation: Use handball rather than rolling or add an additional ball. Teaching Points: Keep eyes on ball at all times. Body in line with the ball in a semi-crouched position. Extend arms with fingers almost touching the ground, palm towards the ball. Pick up the ball by placing fingers underneath it, with knuckles scraping the grass.

Rob the Nest

Sink the Ship

12 Children, 4 teams of 3

6 Balls, 8 Cones

15 Balls, 4 Cones

Placing the balls inside the circle (on the ship). One child (pirate) stands inside the ship, the remaining children are the sharks. The pirate picks up the balls one at a time and kicks them off the ship using a torpedo. The sharks retrieve the balls as quickly as possible and handball them back onto the ship. The game finishes when all balls are off the ship at one time. Children swap around.

Divide children into four groups of even numbers. Place all balls in the middle of the playing area, spacing them well apart. At the sound of the whistle, children converge on balls, taking one at a time back to their corner (nest). When there are no balls left in the middle, children may rob other nests. At the end of the game (after 12 minutes), children count the balls. The team with the most balls at them end are the winners. Variation: Ask the children to move in certain ways while retrieving balls, such as hopping out to a ball or rolling it back to the nest.





Lesson 3 - The Mark Warm up: Rats and Roosters • Students partner up and split into Rats and Roosters and stand 5 metres apart in a line facing each other • Whichever name is called, that student has to turn, run and try to make it to safety (e.g. other side of Basketball court) without getting tagged by their partner

Skill: Chest Mark • Elbows and forearms together • Scooping up elbows and forearms when ball lands on chest • Keep eyes on the ball the whole time until in lands into your chest

Skill: Hand Mark • Arms out in front of face • Fingers spread and thumbs together • Wrap fingers around ball when contact with the ball • Keep eyes on the ball the whole time until in lands in your hands

Fun Game: Over the River • 2 courts are marked off by cones with space left in between which is the river. • One team starts with the ball trying to Drop Punt the ball into space on the other side of the river • If the opposition catch the ball, they hand pass the ball twice before drop punting the ball back to the opposition side trying to find unmarked space. • Teams get points for: Landing the ball in space or if the opposition kicks the ball outside the court or lands the ball in the river • Further balls are added to develop teamwork

Please ensure your Area Coordinator provides their signature and date of completion.


Volunteer Name

Area Coordinator

AFL Kiwikick Centre





Rats and Roosters

Hand Mark

Students partner up and split into Rats and Roosters and stand 5 metres apart in a line facing each other Whichever name is called, that student has to turn, run and try to make it to safety (e.g. other side of Basketball court) without getting tagged by their partner

Chest Mark

Helper coach stands beside the line of children and throws the ball up high. First child runs out to mark the ball above his/her head. Child runs around the marker and bounces the ball before handballing back to the helper coach. Teaching Points: Keep your eyes on the ball and line up the body with the flight of the ball. Jump off one foot and swing the other knee up to gain maximum height. Fingers outstretched and thumbs almost together – W position.

Progressive Spry

Helper coach holds the ball out to the side of body. Child runs and takes the ball out of the helper coach’s hands at about chest height, continues running, bounces the ball, goes around the cone, handballs back to the helper coach and goes to the end of the line.

Children form a semi-circle about one to two metres in front of the helper coach. Helper coach handballs to the first child and they swap places. Child in front handballs to next in line and the pair swap places. This continues until all children have been out in front.

Teaching Points: Keep your eyes on the ball and line up the body with the flight of the ball. Fingers should be outstretched, pointing towards the ball. Thumbs are positioned behind the ball. Arms must be extended “long arms”. Ball is firmly gripped with the fingers.

Variations: Use alternative hands, catch and bounce when swapping positions, races involving parents and increasing the distance.

Over the River

Teaching Points: When handballing, hit the ball with a clenched fist off the platform hand. Follow through in the direction of the target (catch your fist).

Goal Storm

Two Teams stand in a square opposite each other with a space (the Two Balls are placed in a straight line at 10 and 15 metres from a river). The space can be adjusted for the age group. sat of goals. On the run, the child picks up the first ball and kicks for goal and the then repeats with the second ball. Children kick the ball over the river into the opposite square. The Kick needs to be over shoulder height. The opposite team are trying to mark the ball, to allow no points.

A Point is award if the ball hits the ground in the opposite teams square. The Kick cannot land in the river area of outside the square, if it does a point is awarded to the opposing team. Children who have had a kick must handball to other children in their team. The first to x amount of points win.


Teaching Points: Grip – fingers are spread evenly along each side of the ball with thumbs extended to the lacing. Line up your body with the target. Have your head slightly bent over the ball. Hold the ball over the thigh of the kicking leg – guide the ball down with one hand. Point your toes to the target – see the ball hit the foot, follow through straight.




Lesson 4 - The Bounce, Ball on the Ground Warm up: Stuck in the mud • Students with footballs try to tag other students running around the enclosed area • Students who are tagged must stand with feet spread wide in a stationary position until they are freed by another student crawling through their legs

Skill: Picking Up the Ball/Ball on the Ground • Keep your body behind the ball • Bend your knees to get down to the ball • Keep your palms facing the ball Practice in pair, gently roll the ball out to each other practicing the above points Area Coordinator to set up stations and organising parents

Skill: Bouncing • Hold ball in two hands, held slightly on top by the bouncing hand • Push ball down with the bouncing hand so that the ball strikes the ground on a 45 degree angle

Stations: (opposite page) Stationary Pick Up Relay – 1 or two practice runs then have a race Dribbling – weaving in and out of the cones. Start with hands use feet also and races

Fun Games: (opposite page) Hit on and Pick Up Relay To follow on from skill activities run a relay with the whole group. Aim is to see the support given to those racing. Continuous Football • 2 teams: Kicking Team and Fielding Team Bomb the Coach • Using the Drop Punt kids must try to bomb the teacher standing out in the field • 1 whistle: Kick and Freeze. 2 whistles: Get the ball and bring it back to the partner Please ensure your Area Coordinator provides their signature and date of completion.


Volunteer Name

Area Coordinator

AFL Kiwikick Centre





Stationary Pick-Up


The child runs in and picks up the ball with two hands, runs around the helper coach, places the ball back in the middle then returns to the end of the line.

Children roll a ball between the cones using the finger tips of both hands.

Teaching Points: Keep your body behind the ball. Bend your knees down to get the ball. Keep your palms facing toward the ball.

Teaching Points: Keep your body behind the ball. Bend your knees to get down to the ball. Keep your hands close to the ball.

Bouncing the Ball

Variations: Use right of left hands only; foot dribble; relay races.

Hit On and Pick Up Relay

Each child has a ball. Children kneel, bounce the ball in front of them and then catch the ball. Progress to standing and walking. Extension Activity: Children jogging and bouncing the ball twice to a marker, returning to the start and handballing to the next in line. Repeat as a relay race. Teaching Points: The ball is held slightly on top by the bouncing hand. The ball is pushed down with one hand. The ball strikes the ground at an angle of about 45 degrees. The ball is bounced far enough away in front so that it will bounce into the child’s hands as he/she runs forward.

Continuous Football

In relay formation, place half the players at either end of a marker in the middle. On “go”, first child places ball on the ground the hits toward marker. When both ball and runner pass the marker, ball is picked up and handballed to the next child. Variation: Introduce races against the clock. Teaching Points: Keep your eyes on the ball at all times. Body in a line behind the ball in a semi-crouched position. Extend arms with fingers almost touching the ground, palms toward the ball. Pick up the ball by placing fingers underneath it, with knuckles scraping the grass.

Bomb the Coach

12 Children, 2 teams of 6

Children line up while the helper coach stands approximately 15 meters out in front. Children count down from 5 before launching the bomb (drop punt) on zero (blast off). The aim is to bomb the ball on top of the helper coach.

2 Balls, 5 Cones 12 Minutes The first two children from kicking team kick the balls simultaneously into the field. While the fielding team retrieves the balls, the two kickers run in a figure of eight around markers on their side. Points are scored for every complete figure of eight. Runners are out when balls are returned to the coach.


Teaching points: Grip - fingers are spread evenly along each side of the ball with thumbs extended to the lacing. Line up your body with the target. Have your head slightly bent over the ball. Hold the ball over the thigh of the kicking leg - guide the ball down with one hand. Point your toes to the target - see the ball hit the foot, follow through straight towards the target. Follow through in the direction of the hit.








AFL KiwiKick Coaching Level 0 completed on

You have qualified for AFL Kiwikick Coaching Accreditation Level 0. Thanks for the great work.



Kurt Heatherley from NZ, former International Scholarship holder now International Rookie with Hawthorn Hawks.

Stuck in the Mud

Loose Caboose

In a designated area, all children and parents have a ball except for three who are “IT”. The aim of the game is to tag others. When a person is tagged, they must stand with ball above head, legs apart. To free others, a ball must be rolled through a tagged person’s legs and regathered. Variation - handball the ball.

Astride Ball with Umpiring Two teams line up facing each other about two metres apart. Each child has feet wide apart, touching the feet of the player next to him/her. The object is to get the ball through the opponent’s leg and score one point. Children should not move their feet, however they can block the ball with their hands. Players with the ball have five seconds to play the ball. Start with the children throwing the ball underarm with two hands and progress to handballing. The team scoring the most points wins. Helper coaches/parents to retrieve balls for children, so children do not have to leave formation.

Trains are formed by three players holding on to the hips of the child in front of them. Two children are chosen as ‘loose cabooses’. Loose cabooses try to attach themselves to the end of the train. When attached the ‘engine’ (front child) drops away and becomes the new loose caboose.

Force Back In pairs, 10 metres apart, first child with ball tries to kick directly over partner’s head. Partner tries to mark the ball. If the ball goes over the head or past her/him, he/she must stop it as quickly as possible. Partner must then take the return kick from where the ball was marked or stopped. The aim is to force the partner over a back boundary/marker (for example 20-30 metres behind). Teaching Points: Run straight towards partner. Aim to kick as far and straight as possible.

Variations: Use a circular formation, handball only or have children umpire the game.

Leaping and Rolling relay

Bounce and Roll

Helper coaches set up four skills stations around a ten-metre square. Children work through the course in order: leap and land, log rolls, high marks and crouch and jump. When a child completes all stations he/she go to the back of the line.

The first child runs to cone, picks up ball with two hands, bounces, places ball at next cone, does a commando roll, gets to feet, continues around last cone, picks up ball and replaces it at first cone.

1 – Leap and Land

Teaching Points: Body tucked up as tightly as possible. Keep chin tucked into the chest when rolling.

2 – Log Roll: Place football in hands above head, log roll from one marker to the next. 3 – High Marking: Throw ball up high and mark, ensure knee is lifted up to hip level to aid in achieving height, land on one foot and repeat. 4 – Crouch and Jump: At each marker, starting with a crouch, jump and crouch to each marker. When jumping, ensure body is in full stretch and in crouch position, with knees up against chest.





Lesson 5 - The Ruck Warm up: Under and Over • Students pair up and stand back to back • Teacher calls out: “Over”:students pass the ball over there heads to each other “Under”: students pass the ball under there legs “Side by Side”: students pass the ball to the side and back again Clapping and Catching • Student throw the ball in the air seeing how many times they can clap before they catch it again • Students put ball in between feet and trying to kick it up to themselves and catching the ball

Skill: Rucking • Leap off with natural leg lifting your knee high for powerful jump • Palm ball back to person throwing it up to you

Fun Game: (opposite page) Goal Storm • Class is divided into even lines facing goal posts sitting arm length apart • They are numbered 1 onwards • All footballs are placed 10-15 metres behind groups • Teacher calls out a number and the students must run behind the group, pick up a ball, zig-zag through there team before reaching the cone at the front and kicking for goal • First team to kick it through the posts get 5 points, the rest of the teams who kick through the posts get 1 points and 0 points for teams that miss Hand Ball Game The aim of this game is for players to move the ball across the field to score a goal by handballing between two markers.

Please ensure your Area Coordinator provides their signature and date of completion.


Volunteer Name

Area Coordinator

AFL Kiwikick Centre





Goal Kicking

Contested Ruckwork

Divide children into two groups with a set of portable goals and two balls for each group. Children take turns to shoot for goal from various distances and angles. Each child retrieves their ball once it has been kicked. A child from each group is required to be the goal umpire, who signals the score and waves the flags (rotate children).

In pairs, children compete to palm the ball in to their area, designated by a hoop or marker. The helper coach throws the ball into the air between both children. The child who wins the contest follows on to retrieve the ball and handballs back to the helper coach.

Extension: Count the number of goals each child (core group) kicks in an allocated time, for example, two minutes.

Variation: Children form groups of three, two acts as rucks, the other as an umpire.

Teaching Points: Choose target behind goals. Run straight towards the target. Follow through with your kicking leg toward the target.

Teaching Points: Watch the ball in the air. Jump off one foot using the arms and other leg to gain lift. Hit the ball with a palm and open fingers in the direction you want the ball to go.

Whats the Time?

Goal Storm

Ruck Practise: In pairs, one partner gently throws the ball up while calling out the time, ie 9 o’clock. The other partner palms the ball in the direction of the time called (ie for 9 o’clock the ball would be palmed 90 degrees to the left). 12 o’clock is the direction of the child (ruck) is facing. Teaching Points: Watch the ball in the air. Jump off one foot using the arms and the other leg to gain lift. Hit the ball with a palm and open fingers in the direction you want the ball to go.

Two Balls are placed in a straight line at 10 and 15 metres from a sat of goals. On the run, the child picks up the first ball and kicks for goal and the then repeats with the second ball. Teaching Points: Grip – fingers are spread evenly along each side of the ball with thumbs extended to the lacing. Line up your body with the target. Have your head slightly bent over the ball. Hold the ball over the thigh of the kicking leg – guide the ball down with one hand. Point your toes to the target – see the ball hit the foot, follow through straight.

Handball Game The aim of this game is for players to move the ball across the field to score a goal by handballing between two markers. Rules • Six players per team • The ball is turned over if the player in posession is touched with two hands • Ball is turned over if it hits the ground • Players can run up to 10m with the ball before having to handball Variations: • Add Bounce every 10 steps • Drop Punt in from Boundary • Slowly add in more AFL KiwiKick rules





Lessons 6, 7 & 8 Full game of AFL KiwiKick: 1. The Game is played on a field between 50-100m long and 25-60m wide. 4 posts (2x big and 2x small) at both end and cones to mark the ‘oval’ boundary (can be played on a rugby field too) you can play from 6 aside to 12 a side 2. The field will be broken up into three zones. With an even number of players in each zone from both teams at every Ruck. Once the game has started they can move freely in any zone. 3. Start the game with a Ruck 4. There should be a minimum of three girls on the field at all times 5. Always encourage a mixture of boys and girls in each zone where practical 6. You can only pass the football in any direction, via a kick out of your hands or hand pass (no throwing) 7. If the football is caught from a kick that has travelled more than 10 metres, the player is awarded a free kick. This is called a ‘Mark’. A Player cannot be touched after taking a “mark” • The defender can stand where the make was taken, but the attacking player may move backwards in a direct line from goal without the defenders impeding them. • From the “mark”, the player can still “play on”, if they wish. If they do then it’s “play on” and can be touched 8. Scoring • 6 points is scored, if kicked through the two big middle posts (Goal) • 1 point is scored, if kicked through the big and small side posts (Behind) • Does not have to go through on the full i.e. can bounce through • If the ball is touched via a defenders before if goes the two middle post then it’s only one point.(Behind) • If the ball hits the goal (big) post, then it’s only 1 point (Behind) • If the ball hits the point (small) post, the opposition will receive a free kick. • Cannot score after you have been touched • After a goal has been scored, the game restarts with a ruck in the middle of the ground • If a behind is scored, the opposition will have a free kick from between the goal posts.





9. Out of Bounds • Any ball that goes out of bounds is awarded as a free kick against the last team to touch the ball. The free kick cannot be a scoring shot. • If undecided who touched the ball last a ball up 5 metres in from the boundary where the ball crossed the line. 10. No • Kicking the ball off the ground • Diving on the ball • Tackling • Stripping of the ball 11. In general play, if the person who gains possession of the ball is touched by an opposition player they must dispose of the ball with a kick or handball. • the opposition must give the person with the ball opportunity to kick or handball (3 seconds and 2/3 meters space) 12. Player is required to bounce the ball every 10 steps. They are also restricted to one bounce then need to pass. 13. Umpires should be flexible in their approach to the rules to ensure the game is fun for all participants 14. For videos of all the skills and rules please visit 15. For more in-depth rules please visit Videos


Please ensure your Area Coordinator provides their signature and date of completion.

Week 6

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Area Coordinator

AFL Kiwikick Centre


Week 7

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Area Coordinator

AFL Kiwikick Centre


Week 8

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Area Coordinator

AFL Kiwikick Centre










AFL KiwiKick Coaching Level 1 completed on

You have qualified for AFL Kiwikick Coaching Accreditation Level 1. Thanks for the great work.



Kurt Heatherley from NZ, former International Scholarship holder now International Rookie with Hawthorn Hawks.

Force Back

Hoppo Boppo

In pairs, 10 metres apart, first child with ball tries to kick directly over partner’s head. Partner tries to mark the ball. If the ball goes over the head or past her/him, he/she must stop it as quickly as possible. Partner must then take the return kick from where the ball was marked or stopped. The aim is to force the partner over a back boundary/marker (for example 20-30 metres behind). Teaching Points: Run straight towards partner. Aim to kick as far and straight as possible.

Ball Scramble

Hopping on one leg, children try to unbalance each other by bumping with the side of their body. When the foot hits the ground the children rejoin the game on the other foot. Variations: Children counting the number of successful unbalances they create in a minute and children holding a ball. Teaching Points: Keep arms tucked in at your side at all times. Watch the side (target area) of the child you are trying to unbalance. Use small hops to make you more balanced.


12 children, 4 teams of 3.

12 Children, 5 Parents.

Using an area about one-third the size of a basketball court, children form four teams of three, with a team in each corner. Hoops are placed in each corner and one in the centre with six balls in it. One child from each team runs to collect and place a ball in his/her team’s hoop. Only one ball can be carried at a time, but it may be taken from the centre hoop or from another team’s hoop. The winning team is the one with the most balls in their hoop at the finish.

All children have a ball. Starting in a scattered formation, children roll the ball (dribble) close to their body and in control. Five eliminators (parents) are selected. They attempt to tap the balls away from the children. Using rolling skills, peripheral vision and body positioning, children protect their ball. Eliminators must not continuously target the same child. Once a ball has been tapped away or a child goes out of the playing area, he/she must sit on the ball for ten seconds before restarting. Safety: Ensure children are looking forwards and left and right before changing direction. Start with children walking; when confident, progress to a jog.

Tom Tiddler

Kickers and Handballers

2 groups of 6 childrem. A five-metre diameter circle contains 10-20 balls. Two children are placed in the circle as guards, the remaining patrol the outside. The ‘robbers’ must attempt to steal the footballs from inside the circle. The guards attempt to protect the balls and tag as many robbers as possible. Any robbers caught remain and help inside the circle.


Children form a kicking and fielding team. The first kicker, kicks the ball into the field (if ball goes to wide the kick is taken again)and the entire team runs around the field as a group to the finishing line. The fielders gather the ball and handball it to each other. When each fielder has touched the ball they call out “stop”. Each member of the kicking team that reaches the finish line before “stop” is called scores one point. Each member of the kicking team has a turn at kicking team has a turn at kicking before the teams swap.




AFLNZ.CO.NZ @aflnz


AFLNZ Coaching Accreditation Programme Level 0 AFL Kiwikick

Level 1 Senior

Coach of Provincial teams at all levels

Level 2 Youth/Senior

Coach of NZ U16 and U20

Level 1 AFL Kiwikick Level 2 AFL Kiwikick Level 1 Youth

Coach of all NZ Teams

Level 3 High Performance

AFLNZ Umpiring Accreditation Programme Level 0 AFL Kiwikick Boundary Umpire Level 1 AFL Kiwikick Goal Umpire Level 2 AFL Kiwikick On Field Umpire

Level 1 Senior

Umpire Provincial teams at all levels

Level 2 Youth/Senior

Umpire NZ Teams

Level 3 High Performance

Level 1 Youth

09 448 0305 a PO Box 300 633, Albany, New Zealand p e

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