Hush Chicago Magazine - June 2010/Issue 4

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h s u h te hnic Ch

! d e s o p x E s s e n d o o G n o i h s a icago F

e n i z a g a m o g a c chi

This issue is something that I am hoping will inspire people. I love Ethnic Hush. I love all things associated with what this issue is all about. We shot some great editorials and we are using fashion to explore some deeper social issues in an effort to get you to think and ponder long after you have read the issue from cover to cover. We explore the word "homegirl", which is a term of endearment within the inner city and the hip-hop community. I think that in this issue, it becomes apparent that we are all the same. What happens when you put a model on the street and have her beg for money? What happens when you take a European model and put her in a Inner City environment? What happens when you put a rebellious Asian girl in front of a plate filled with gold and silver trinkets? Will she conform to her surroundings or will she be who she is inside? What happens when you have a model move from side to side, jump up and down?

Will movement bring a smile to her the stylist. I over heard one of the kids say to face, will it bring a smile to yours? another, I want to be a photographer just like him when I grow up. I thought to myself, this These editorials can be viewed as is what fashion can do...It can inspire! I the key elements that make actually knew that before I heard the little boy say that, because fashion inspired me and fashion...well, fashion! Fashion continues to do so each and everyday! knows no boundaries, it knows no color, it can be worn by anyone One of my fashion hero's found the publication from any culture. It is full of color, via Facebook and it blew my mind completely. I got up the nerve to ask for a interview and he full of movement, it has texture, it granted us with a powerful Q&A that I think has shine, it is glamour and it can everyone should read! Nicolas Jurnjack did not give up and because of that he has become one be lead to fake imagery. It can of the biggest names in the fashion industry make you what you are and that you may have never heard of. If fashion is everything that you are not. Fashion power, he is a true superman and he shows no sign of slowing down! My heart skips a beat, is culture, it is diverse, it is for because we need him to share his talent and everyone that means fashion is wisdom for many more years to come. ethnic! What better place to unleash I love bringing a issue to you each and every this notion than in Chicago! The month that demonstrates uniqueness. I think it ultimate cultural melting pot! is important to bring diversity to any existing I was excited to shoot Homegirl Dougie! We shot it in my neighborhood. I found it interesting that I could not find a team that wanted to shoot at the Ramos Grocery Store. When a team was assembled, we all had an amazing experience. The neighborhood was so happy to see us there. Everyone was so excited and the children were in awe of the model, the photographer, the makeup artist and

medium as it helps us grow. There is no turning back, if there is no one to do hair, I'll do it myself...If we don’t have wardrobe, I'll make some and if there is no photographer...I'll shoot it myself! Hush Chicago Magazine is important not only to Chicago, but to people all around the world who want to admire something different. We are all so very different and that's what we all have in common. This is what keeps fashion rolling and so will Hush Chicago Magazine! Vogue is Vogue, Elle is Elle and Hush is Hush! Trying to be something that we are not means that we don't like who we why be like anything else? Besides you can't copy greatness, you should only tap into your own! Enjoy! Ogi :)

the editors note Hush 2

h s u e h n i z a c g i a m n o g h a theush chic

ed! s o p x E s s e n d hion Goo s a F o g a ic h C

Copyright 2010 - Hush Chicago Magazine

June 2010/Issue 4 Ethnic Hush Editor N Chief/Creative Director: Ogi Merzier Editor At Large: Redgi Woods Beauty Editor: Gosia Gorniak

Photographer Nathaniel Smith

Fashion Stylist Sarah Zakareckis

Food & Travel Editor: Courtney Nzeribe Writers: Ogi Merzier Rebecca Grayson Heather Swick Xavier Lang Fatire Mica Jashari Paige Ashley Steel

Photographer Kelly Hogan

Photographer Bjorn Kanvanaugh

Fashion Editor Fatire Mica Jashari Cover Model Natalie Bryant

Issue Conception, Layout and Art Direction: Ogi Merzier Cover Photo: Image: Chris Nightengale Model: Natalie Bryant MUA: Gosia Gorniak Hair: Ogi Merzier Stylist: Ogi Merzier Wardrobe: V.E. Designs Location: Nightengale Studios Post Production: Ogi Merzier

hush staff

Photographer Chris Nightengale Images via facebook

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Paige Steele-Rollins Fashion Writer

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Chicago has tons of Ethnicity! Including African, Irish, German, Italian, Arab, Mexican, English, Bulgarian, Greek, Chinese, Indian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Swedish, Ukrainian, Dutch, Puerto Rican and a huge Gay and Lesbian group. Chicago is the most diverse city in America and yet most of Chicago is generally regarded as being somewhat racially segregated. Chicago's unique culture arises from it being a melting pot, with nearly even percentages of Whites and African Americans as well as sizeable populations of Hispanics and Asians. A Ethnic Group is a group of people whose members identify with each other, through a common heritage that is real or assumedsharing cultural characteristics. This shared heritage may be based upon putative common ancestry, history, kinship, religion, language, shared territory, nationality or physical appearance. Members of an ethnic group are conscious of belonging to an ethnic group; moreover ethnic identity is further marked by the recognition from others of a group's distinctiveness. In June the city comes alive with festivals, parades and traditional Chicago events! For fashion lovers in Chicago, this is our season! Not only to see fashion and trends live and direct, but finally we have places to go to wear garments we love!

The fashion industry roup". itself is a "ethnic g one, Fashion is for every and is a part of atus, everyone’s social st is culture or creed. It hich actually culture w

inspires fashion!

Enjoy the June Issue, Ethnic Hush! Redgi Woods, Editor at Large



JUNE FASHION ICONHE LOVES TEXTURE! Meet High Fashion Hairstylist Nicolas Jurnjack - PG 10

FEATURESTATTLE ON THE HUSH! FATIRE MICA JASHARI tells on the MELTING LUXE EVENT! PG 6 Courtney Says: TASTE THIS HUSH! Follow her to the best ETHNIC MARKETS in CHICAGO! - PG 62 PAIGE wants to you have staple jewelry pieces? - PG 72

REGULAR HUSH STUFFHush list - pg 16 Hush events - pg 34 Designer to watch - pg. 48 Fashion 101 - pg 50 The Hush 10 list - pg 73

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h s u h e h t n o e l tt att fashion and art combined equals pure “luxe”!

Chicago Fashion Goodness is exposed! Hush Chicago Magazine took notice at The Art Trade’s, “Melting Luxe” event featuring Chicago Fashion Designer Rosina Mae and Body Paint Artistry by Mario Ink.

Words By: Fatire Mica Jashari Stepping into an art gallery, with an intimate runway set up along side artistic paintings.. you immediately feel the audience of artist, journalist, photographers and fashionistas hungry for show. Rose Mae Turner, an emerging Chicago designer, who was presenting her current collection and Fall 2010 preview along with body paint art provided by the talented Mario Ink.

Rosina Mae presented a collection of vibrant designs which were shown in a way to reawaken a powerful feminine emotion and proved to be wonderfully trendy. Rose describes a "a witty, adventurous, rebel. A socialite .. A nonconformist..., as her primary consumer. “She walks into the room- heads turn. She’s effortless and free… simply flawless, adds Rose. You could feel the “go-getter” in these vibrant designs as the models walked down the runway. The collection stayed true to the designer’s vision, which I admired greatly. While other designers shy away from their previous collections, Rose looks to her earlier pieces for inspiration. In this collection, she recreated certain favorite garments from previous collections. So much creativity in her designs, it was like a work of art in the show itself.

Jennifer Lindsay Sullivan, (an artist herself) who represents The Art Trade Organization, reaches out to other artists. The concept of the organization is extremely unique and will do great things for the artist that needs to see appreciation for their work. What artist does not need that? "Too often do artists’ go home with their own work”, (after a showing or art fair etc.) says Jennifer. “The Art Trade is a way for artists to auction each others work and go home with a brand new piece of art, meaning your work is appreciated by a peer”, she adds. The atmosphere of the arts supporting the arts created a energy that indeed promoted a “luxe” feeling. Fashion is art and Art is so very fashionable. Genius and not done enough! For more info on The Art Trade: To learn more about Rosina Mae fashions: For more info on Mario Ink:

! d e s o p x E s s e n d o o Chicago Fashion G Hush 7


! e r u t x e t S E V O L

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Noami Campbell, Heidi Klum and Jennifer Lopez are a few of the celebrities/models that have been lucky enough to wear his designs, although he is not a Fashion Designer. He is a Fashion Icon from behind the scenes of the exclusive fashion elite. Nicolas Jurnjack is the high fashion hairstylist that every hairstylist wants to be! There is no one who has done what he has done. Only a master would continue to push himself after 25 years! He still continues to create new and contemporary hair looks that help us imagine and taps into our inspirational centers. There are many reasons one should bow to his greatness despite the fact that his work will make you stop, stare and imagine. If you don't know who Nicolas Jurnjack is, you should keep that on the HUSH! You know him even if you don't think that you do! Perhaps you have picked up a copy of American Vogue, Italian Vogue or even Harper's Bazaar, if you have, chances are you know him very well.

r a a z a v a B h r o u o e l l E If y , e u g . o . V s f r o ! a k e y r o y p A co the last 25are a fan of his w u o n y i , h . Wit trust me d e s a h c r u ep

Words and Interview by Ogi Merzier


I think that it is safe to say, that anyone who really knows fashion, should be very familiar with your work. Your talent can not be measured! I think everyone should strive to be the very best in their fields. When you first got into this business, did you think that you could be the best at high fashion hair styling?

Jurnjack: Well, 25 years ago (when I started) the fashion industry was quite different. The rules were simple, you had to be extremely talented to challenge the big names in positions at that time. A “network” or “connections” couldn't really be any help to access the first floors of the industry. This was the time of old technique and pure knowledge of your craft which could only be inspired by the major maestros who came before you. Merzier: Let’s talk about that, what masters did you look to? (Continued on page 14)

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We salute you Mr. Jurnjack! You are a true Fashion Icon and a Hush that needed to be revealed to the WORLD! Thank you for all of the covers, with the amazing hair that has inspired us all! Images used with permission. For a list of credits log onto For Mr. Jurnjacks daily journal and hair videos

(continued from page 11)

Jurnjack: Crhistophe Carita, Alexandre De Paris and Garren (to name a few). The generation following these big names,were very influenced by the shadows of the “Hair Kings” behind them! Which can only mean that they were extremely proficient in terms of technique and creativity. Merzier: Did you plan on being better than those you mentioned? Jurnjack: The Fashion Editors of the big magazines at that time, (pretty much all of them), had worked in the past with maestros and the legendary hairstylists. One can only imagine how good you had to be at the that time. I knew that I had to be better so that I could have my turn. Merzier: Vous êtes originaire de France, (you are originally from France,) and your amazing story begins at age 16. Tell me how you came into employment at of all places, a “hair salon?” Jurnjack: At age 16 , I was already attracted to some esthetic visions. I was a very quiet teenager and I was just not into the traditional schooling setting. So, I enrolled in a working agency. I was sent to a hair shop to be an apprentice, and in most of the cases, I was the “cleaning lady.” After providing janitorial services, I became “shampoo person!” I wanted to learn more than just washing people's hair.

Merzier: Working in a hair salon, you have to share at least one good hair salon story! I want to hear about your Hair Salon HUSH!

Merzier: Your first magazine tears came from Elle Magazine! Let's talk about the call you ultimately got from "le meilleur des meilleurs" (the best of the best) Vogue Magazine! Can you share how your relationship with the Vogue franchise got started?

Jurnjack: When I was 20, while in Paris, I did tests (photo shoots) with many of the “new faces” models who were newly signed at agencies. Working with Jurnjack: The last hair shop I worked fashion photographers, makeup artists for free, I must at (I was 19 at the time) was very say, that life was pretty hard. upscale. 45 employees, transparent I must have done (for no elevators..high class! Upon having a money at all) around 250 test very electric conversation with the shoots, with about 60 or 70 boss, I soon had the exit door photographers from all pointed to me, on a Saturday and in nationalities, none of them the middle of the day. I was booked had a career going in the fashion industry. I took my portfolio (on several occasions) to magazine editors, and no one would hire me.

No one would give me a job! full of clients. I grabbed (at the entrance on a coffee table) a Vogue magazine and I said loudly;

"I'll be working for this magazine one day !!! and of course, everybody was laughing at me. 4 years later I sent them a copy of my first Vogue cover. Merzier: Great Story! One should never make fun of your dreams! If you really want it, you can it have it! What a great HUSH!

I kept hearing, “you need an agent " and to get an agent you need tear sheets it was very depressing and very difficult to keep my focus. I joined a small agency where nothing was happening! (in reference to my career) The turn came within a few months of me being signed to an agency. Vogue magazine had postponed a shoot due to rain, (a haute couture story about 16 pages) and they now needed someone for hair. Nobody was available because we were in full summer. (a big break for us here in France) Vogue couldn't find anybody! Even after going from the top Agencies down to the smaller ones.

My portfolio was on the desk of the booking editor mixed with about 20 other portfolios from hairstylists like myself with no current profile at all. I was really surprised when I was asked to go to the Vogue office right in the middle of the summer! Nobody told me if I was confirmed or not for the job, I was asked just one question, "Do you know how to put hair under a hat ? " They had about 15 hats and they were using 2 Super Models. So here we go! 2 days later we're on location, in the garden of a beautiful castle.

I decided to just go for it , I knew I would not have another chance,

Jurnjack: After discussions with the style team, magazine editor(s) and the photographer, we figure out Without any the mood of the model while looking on the racks (of agreement from the Wardrobe Stylist or the garments). I am always Photographer. When the Fashion Editor thinking that I am not working came back to me to follow up, she said for my portfolio, I am working "Wooow!! What do we have here? I was with a team for a magazine starting to sweat! I thought perhaps I took it who's has obligations to it’s a bit too far on this one!!! readers. I am thinking that I am like a vehicle of Merzier: Looks like you made the right information, when it comes to decision! Obviously your risk paid off? a style and a trend. There are five bullet points that have Jurnjack: Indeed, she said: I love what you become essential to me on did! Amazing! She told the photographer, every job and they are: (1) "lets shot the first photo without a hat " she The model should be looks fabulous!" We never used a single hat! beautiful and never ridiculous. 2 months later, I had 16 pages + a cover (2) I will start to develop (with my name mentioned in the credits) shapes and volume that will sitting at all news agents (newsstands) in be appropriate to the models Paris! face in my mind. (3) The texture of the hair will help to The following months I was with options! create an atmosphere. (4) On the set I will keep touching the hair to bring it back into reality. (5) Most important: I try And it became a regular thing! I got calls for to inject (as much as possible) German Vogue, followed by Italian Vogue, some life into the hairstyle, I and, UK Vogue. It was just an explosion! want to create a soul within Merzier: I'd like for you to blow my mind now the hair. and share with me the number of covers Merzier: There came a time that you have done to date? when you decided to get into doing hair for fashion shows. Jurnjack: I think about 240 to 250 covers all Was that a easy transition for together. Very close to 100 with Vogue. I you, and at this stage in your have done lots of shoots with Bazaar, (domestic and international) Elle and Allure. career do you prefer print work or backstage work at a live event? Merzier: When you are creating these

to show

my talents.

amazing looks with hair, what feeling are you trying to envoke in the reader?

Jurnjack: It was very difficult for me to go into fashion shows. My agents were going crazy because I was turning down so many options and requests for live events. I was really not comfortable on the fact that I would have to depend on my assistants to polish and finish each and every single model the way I would do it myself. If only I had 200 hands! I had to learn to trust my team. Within 2 years we started to work with houses like GIVENCHY (couture and ready to wear), JPG, JOHN GALLIANO, KENZO, NINA RICCI, GUY LAROCHE, ALBERT ELBAZ, ALEXANDER MCQUEEN, HERVE LEGER and RICHARD TYLER to name a few. I have to say when you are doing fashions shows, your team gives you the glory. Out of 40 girls, (at best) I am only going to style 8 or 9..maybe 10. So the show (in a certain way) has to rest on the assistants and you have to be a smart leader. You can’t be a great coach without a great team! Never should one torture a creative team! Trust me, fear and torture run rampant in the fashion industry. Happiness sparks creativity. I've stopped doing shows for about 4 seasons. I think I’ll be back on it (doing fashion shows) very soon. Merzier: Heidi Klum, Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell, Giselle...just a short list of the countless models you have worked with. I won't ask you who your favorite is or was. I would, however, like to know which models and/or celebrities from the past would you have loved to give a signature "Jurnjack" look to and what would that look be? Jurnjack: I would have loved to work with Marilyn Monroe in the early 60s, Monica Vitti, Jane Fonda, Verushka in the 70s, Catherine Deneuve in the 80s, ohhh the list is sooo long in my heart, I better stop right there! I got a spread coming out in Italian Vogue (June Issue) with Jennifer Lopez,14 pages. A signature Jurnjack look would be a perfect hairstyle, not set, a fraction, raw, and loose, to show another side of the woman’s personality, sexy with a little bit glam but very real, no strong statements. Jennifer (Lopez) looked amazing in this spread and she's also a great person. Cool and relaxed, it was a pleasure to have done her hair for Italian Vogue. (the interview continues on pg. 60

Here is the HUSH for the month of JUNE! Bring on the culture, the color and the Chicago Goodness! Don’t you just LOVE a good HUSH? 1. Catch a good Bollywood movie at the Sathyam Cinemas, 2119 W. 63rd Street in Downers Grove, IL or at the AMC Cantera 30, 28250 Deihl Rd in Warrenville, IL 60555. 2. Shop a Chicago boutique with Cultural Flair! Great fashions and great accessoiries! The Hunny Boutique is located at 807 W. Dickens/60614 log on at: 3. Can’t decide wear to go for drinks? Are you in “between?” Visit the Between Boutique Cafe and Lounge. Monday’s they have ½ price glasses of wine and $5 house sangaria’s. Check them out at 1324 N. Milwaukee Ave/60622 log on at: 4. Z is for great mexican food! Visit Zapatista for made to order Guacamole! Two locations and great Daily Specials! The Chicago location is in the heart of the South Loop! 1307 S. Wabash/60605 5. Try a market of Freshness at LUSH! On Armitage in Lincoln Park. 6. Everyone loves this classic... Thai Classic restaurant on Clark Street. 7. Hair, Fashion and Spa all in one place! M.GO Fashion Salon is a incredible place that you have to experience! Located at 1754 W. Division Ave. 773.772.2772 log onto: 8. Get to know a Chicagoland Thrift Fashion expert, check out writer/designer Caroline Borucki at eborucki 9. Experience the diversity of live theatre! Support the Raven Theatre Company. Located at 6157 N Clark Street - 773.338.2177 10. Create your own scents at the Aroma Worshop! 2050 N. Halsted/60614 - 773.871.1985

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the hush list

1. 2.


6. 9.


If there is a HUSH that needs to be it to us at:


hushchicagom agazine@gmail

Credits: Images: Chris Nightengale Creative Direction: Chris Nightengale Model: Natalie Bryant MUA: Gosia Gorniak Hair: Ogi Merzier Stylist: Ogi Merzier Wardrobe: V.E. Designs Location: Nightengale Studios Post Production: Ogi Merzier

Words by Xavier Lang Have you ever felt so good and so fashionable that you just want to jump for joy? Chicago Designer Ogi Merzier, lends us her recent Spring/Summer 2010 conceptual collection amptly titled “The Liquid Gold Collection”, for this up in the air fashion editorial. When Chicago photographer (who shot our April 2010/Pretty Hush Cover) says jump, Cover Model Natalie Bryant says...”is this high enough!”

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Bold color blocking in foil lame fabrics gives this dress a modern disco feel. The Chanice dress from the Liquid Gold Collection

Lame is for high fashion! The Zafria Dress (zafria means success) $875

Black and Silver done right is hard to do! Left: black and silver satin and lame dress from Ogi Merzier Designs Right: Vintage sheer and metallic ribbed shirt and 80’s leather pant from Fashion Fusion Vintage. com (coming soon)

Twist the drape! Shiny Sky blue lame hot dress with drape from Ogi Merzier Designs.

Gold Foil Lame Keishew Jacket from Ogi Merzier Designs Vintage Acid Wash Jeans from Fashion Fusion (coming soon)


! H S U H e h vha e t

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s t n e v

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Ready for the Taste? Chicago’s largest festival starts on June 24th and goes until July 4th!

The Chicago Gay Pride Parade - June 27th. Halsted & Belmont get’s going at 12pm. The parade’s theme this year is “one heart, one world, one pride.” All of Chicago will be there!

Marc Jacobs Trunk Show at Nordstorms June 15th at the Shops at North Bridge located at 520 North Michigan Ave/60611

We Imagine Fashions presents: The Fashion District Vintage Shopping Event on June 30th at The District Bar, located 170 W. Ontario/60611

The Constructor Craft Fair

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featuring the baddest craft throw down this side of the west side! Date: Sunday June 6, 2010 Time: 10am - 6pm Where: 6615 Roosevelt Rd./Berwyn, IL Log On:

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Free Black Butterfly Screening at the Bronzeville Film Festival on June 18th! Time: 5pm - 7:30p Location: Columbia College, Chicago (8th Floor)

Pretty In Pilsen Designer Shopping Event! Date: June 11, 2010 Time: 5:30 - 8pm Where: 2150 S. Canelport (3rd and 4th Floors)/60608 RSVP: 773.474.7987 Featured designers include: Katie Boggiano, Jessica Audey, Objects d’Envy and more!

The Bronzeville Cultural Festival is hosted by Third World Press Foundation as an event to honor Bronzeville’s cultural heritage and to further affirm the outstanding African-American contribution to Chicago’s rich artistic and literary foundation. BCF is comprised of the Bronzeville Book Fair, the Bronzeville Film Festival, and the “star-studded” Bronzeville Film Festival GALA. Visit the official website for more details

Buy My Body! Naked Bike Ride Body Painting

Expose your "inner" feelings and participate in Chicago's World Naked Bike Ride on June 12. You may delight in the thought of Exclusive Fashion Event being legally able to streak your stuff through the city, but this Where: The Limited is an opportunity to make a little money for a worthy cause. When: June 10, 2010 Sell your body to local advertisers for low, low prices...and Time: 6pm to 9pm everything must go! The entire ordeal will be filmed and made into a mini-documentary. Each donator will be featured in the Details: Join The Limited & best- video and will receive a copy and link of the final product, as selling author, Nicole Williams, well as the satisfaction of knowing that you helped a great for cocktails, dessert & a cause! Please come out and see the show! fashion show of The Limited's latest wear-to-work styles. When: Saturday June 12, 2010 For more info on this event log on to: Terms & Conditions: RSVP required for Water Tower Place event. Please arrive early, as quantity for gift bags are limited. Must attend event to receive discounts. Discounts excludes markdowns & gift cards.

Do you have a event that needs to

The Limited first worked with Nicole Williams to launch her book, "Girl on Top" - the secrets to getting ahead in your career using the rules of dating. For more info log on to:

be EXPOSED? Email info to:

hushchicagomagazine @gmail

Hush 36

Words by: Gosia Gorniak Metallics are high-shine shades that can be warm, cool or neutral. They will for sure draw attention to where ever they are applied, which is why many highlighters are in metallics shades. Used all over the face, they will give a beautiful and fresh sheen for both day and evening.


Shimmers are great products

Yes, you can wear because they can help you wear shades that you would not normally try, for example; very few of us would wear orange eye shadow, but when it comes in shimmer form it's much easier to wear and easier on the eye. Women should wear those colors because they help the eyes stand out and also when applied the right way, the colors will make them look fresh and dewy. If wearing them all over the eye is not your style, then use the colors as a highlighter on your brow bone and in the inner corners of the eyes. Images: Melinda Jane Myers Models: Ira Blackdird (top) & Natalie Bryant (bottom) MUA: Gosia Gorniak Creative Conception: Ogi Merzier

I believe every woman can wear silver or gold! (Brides are one exception, you don’t want to look shiny on your pictures)

If you are going for a bold night time look or for a natural daytime glow, these colors can help to make your palette pop! Wear metallics anywhere and whenever you want to stand out in the crowd!

homegirl dougie What happens when a high fashion model becomes a reader from the west side of Chicago?

For many of us, high fashion magazines provide an escape that allows us to dream of a better lifestyle and gives us hope to wish for the finer things. We live vicariously through the pages and we imagine what it’s like to be that high fashion model We thought it would be interesting to have the model live vicariously through the reader. One reader in particular.

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This is for the fashion lovers who live where high fashion only dares to go for inspiration. Despite that, the inner city fashionista remains as we like to say in Chicago..dougie fresh!

Images: Bjorn Kavanaugh Model: Marta Traskevych MUA: Gosia Gorniak Hair: Ogi Merzier Styling: Sarah Zakareckis Wardrobe: Mekiela Bush Location: Ramos Grocery Ohio/Hamlin - Chicago’s Westside Special Thanks: Mike, Black, Abraham and Boo for bringing the pitt. RIP Tucker!

dougie fresh

For More Information on these featured designs please email the designer at

A new fashion designer is shaking up the Chicago Fashion Scene with a very interesting mix of fabric and texture! Springfield Illinois is now home to the a new up and coming Designer! Words by Rebecca Grayson Images by Chris Petty One of the things that I am looking forward to as a fashion editor more than anything is the opportunity to follow the growth of up and coming fashion designers. I can’t ask for a better reward. When I got the assignment to write up something on Mekiela Bush, the 24 year old, mother of three from of all places Springfield Illinois (which is 3 hours south of Chicago)..I knew my fashion dreams were coming true. Like John Galliano, Mekiela started to draw her love of fashion before she made a single garment. It became clear around age 7 that she had a affinity for all areas of fashion. As a teenager she took a few sewing classes at her local JoAnn Fabric store, and soon began to teach herself how to sew. She obtained a Bachelor’s in Fashion Merchandising from Western Illinois University and had her very first fashion show immediately after graduated in 2009. Her line is a mix of urban fashion and haute couture avant garde looks, “I love to mix different genres of fashion to develop something original” and “I love fashion shockers and trendsetting runway clothing!”, Bush explains. Wearing a Mekiela dress makes women look and feel like they are on top of the world instead of a pair of stilettos. That is so Mekiela and she is indeed some Chicago Fashion Goodness and one to watch in the Chicago fashion community! Contact:

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! d e s o p x E s s e n d o o Chicago Fashion G

Hot Trend Alert:

The Ethnic Tunic! TRENDY ITEM


Work your ethnic tunic with a pair of skinny jeans and be sure to accessorize! Here are two examples of how a pair of wedges, a great belt and the right earrings or cocktail ring can make a huge difference!

Fashion 101 Get Ethnic! how to incorporate the “ethnic trend� in your current wardrobe!

words by: Heather Swick and style tips by: Ogi Merizer

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How to take this Ethnic tank dress

From day to night...



Get the most out of your garments by taking them from day to night! Nothing makes a tank dress look more classic than adding a shrug to complete the look. For a night look, lose the flats and add a peep toe heel, a clutch and a textured necklace to pick up on the trend and give the ensemble balance.

Color-popping fashions, the hottest season of the year is a time to reach beyond the knit capris and embrace a fun, airy trend: the ethnic tunic. The greatest aspect of the tunic is its versatility; a white, flowy tunic hints at an ethereal Grecian goddess, while an African print in fiery reds and oranges speaks volumes of boldness. Not only does the tunic have a color and print to cater to every style, but the endless silhouette options suit every body type, as well. Belted, empire-waisted or kimono style, the tunic has a way of cinching and flowing in all the right areas, making it as functional as it is fashionable. A great tunic is even better with chunky tribal jewelry. The understated simplicity of delicate chains can be lost against the backdrop of a bright ethnic print, so wooden beads, Indianinspired bangles and long necklaces make statements on their own without looking too busy. If you have your own garb from far-away nations, plans to travel the globe or just a case of wanderlust, this summer’s ethnic vibe is the perfect way to experience a little bit of a new culture without setting foot in an airport. Every culture, country and individual around the world has their own definition of beauty, and trying out a touch of fashion from a new culture adds instant worldliness to any wardrobe. At the very least, you can entertain the world traveler within you until you save up for that dream vacation to Egypt.

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What happens when a model decides to pose for donations on Chicago’s famous “Mag Mile?” Michigan Ave plays host to some of the worlds most recognizable brands and it is is a stomping ground for street performers, homeless people and the occasional hustler. Our model got a box of free pizza, $5 dollars and took a picture with a dashing English man here on business. Needless to say, she stopped traffic on several occasions as she held her signs high with pride, “will pose for donations” and “will work for Louie”..(Louie or Gucci to be exact!)

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Images: Kelly Hogan Model: Jessica Meyer MUA/Hair: Ogi Merzier Stylist: Sarah Zakareckis Creative Conception: Sarah Zakareckis Special thanks: Kokko for the CC Fake inspiration and to The English Guy who posed for us (He is soon to be featured in a up coming issue!)

Have A Fit for some LOUIE!

1. $965


2. $500 3. $2950 4. $290 Find your “Louie” online at

1. 2.


Have A Fit for some GUCCI!

1. $875 2. $990



3. $370 4. $1195 5. $795

1. 5. 2.

Find your “Gucci” online at

! e r ! u k t c et x urnja

J S s E a l o V c i O . . N n L o c e I H ion

(Continued from Page 15)

Merzier: Let's go from the past right into the future. What in your opinion is the future of fashion?


h s a F eet

Jurnjack: I think we're walking

toward a kind of commercial message presently in the fashion. In the future, the accent won't be about the hair and make up as in the past, in my opinion! For the next 10 years at least or maybe more, we will see a bit of rebellion against the commercial aspect of fashion, by some photographers, magazine editors (like yourself Ogi) and fashion designers etc. The fashion industry has become very global over the last few years and it is hard to see the difference between the continents and the culture like you could 15 years ago. I will keep trying (as hard as I can) to remain creative ,no matter what. Merzier: it is a honor to speak to you

Merzier: You are one of my hero’s! I need to mention that to you at this time. I've read that some of your heroes are Kenneth Battalle (responsible for creating the bouffants on glam girls like Jackie Kennedy) and Garren. Are they still on the top of your list? and/or have you added others? Jurnjack: Yes, I can say Kenneth Battelle, Garren and Coppola are still on the top of my list because they are “the classic hairstylists.” I don’t feel as if I have been challenged too much (by other hairstylists) and I am not sure that the newer generations of hair stylists’ have all the knowledge and skill that they need for greatness. I can see that it (skill and knowledge) has not passed over into the new generation. The same trends are always coming back every 10 years, you have to spin them to make them interesting again. As a hairstylist you're not complete until you can create absolutely every look, from the most complicated to the most minute. You also should be able to work with every hair texture.

on behalf of Hush Chicago Magazine! I know that you are a fan Merzier: what’s next for Nicolas Jurnack? of the magazine via Facebook. What do you like about our Jurnjack: My ultimate dream is to publication? have a line of hair products. I always from day one, believed that Jurnjack: This magazine is young it starts with good product! I care and fresh! Very modern, good layabout people's hair. It would be outs with it’s own unique touch. This publication will become thicker and amazing to have a range of products that will complete my thicker, I am sure that it will quickly expertise in the hair and fashion be 200 pages very soon! I really industry. I would also like to teach. don’t have any doubts on the success of Hush Chicago Magazine.

Hush 60

Merzier: It has been a honor and a pure delight, Please keep reading Hush Chicago Magazine. All Images used with Permission!

e once: m ld o t ld e f r e As Karl Lag h your it w o d o t g in "What are go owledge? n k is h t ll a big profile and with it g in r b t ' n o Because you w ..Nicolas .. ! y a d t s la you on the career. is h f o e r u t u ef Jurjack on th

lit le black dres vintage

get down to busines at an chicago ethnic market

e n t r u o C

By: Courtney Nzeribe

The joy of living in Chicago for any adventurous soul is the diversity. There are those that embrace it, and those that shun it. If one were to emigrate here from any land afar, they would find their community, guaranteed. A favorite pastime of mine is exploring the many ethnic markets Chicago has to offer. Some people would be scared or shy of the strange offerings, different languages spoken, and labels with foreign print. Not I. I look at it as a treasure hunt. It would be impossible to list all my favorite stores or areas to shop, but here is a brief guide to point you in the right direction. You will find shopping ethnic is a far more affordable alternative then venturing towards a Whole Foods and the major supermarkets chains. African Caribbean Asian La Fruteria Chinatown 8909 South Commercial Avenue Noodles. Fish, meats, spices, Soy Chicago, IL 60617-3202 Sauces, condiments, teas, and (773)768-4969 Chinese herbal remedies can be This is where the African Diaspora shops on the found throughout the shops of South Side of Chicago. Complete with a China Town. Service is brusque but I butcher selling parts of cows, goats, pigs, find the fellow shoppers who speak exotic produce, palm oil, spices, and all sorts of the language are always helpful. flours from Tapioca /Cassava to bananas, and Check out Richwell Markets candles this is the place to shop. La Fruteria Butcher for great buys on meat, caters to the African, Caribbean, and poultry and fish. Or venture to the Mexican, Jamaican, and Haitian communities. heart of China Town and visit Prices are good. Stock up on Brown Sugar, Rice Chinatown Market. Tight but Flour, Ejusi, Beans, Rice, and Gari while there. packed with goodies. You might even the see legendary stinky Durian Fruit laying around. Pakistani Indian Devon Avenue It wouldn’t be fair to highlight just one store on Chinatown Market this strip. This is called a Desi area, referring to 2121 S Archer Ave the people from India and South East Asia. (between 21st St & Cermak Rd) Patel Brothers and Fresh Farms International Chicago, IL 60616 Market are top picks. Wherever you go load up (3212)881-0068 on spices like Cinnamon Sticks, Cardamom, Richwell Market Curries, Coriander for a fraction of what major 1835 S Canal St retailers charge you. Rice, beans, exotic Chicago, IL 60616 produce and flat breads like Naan are also (312)492-7015 plentiful. Be sure to visit the great restaurants and grab a bite. Japanese Mitsuwa 100 East Algonquin Road Latin Arlington Hts, IL 60005-4618 Pete’s Fresh Markets For a supermarket, Pete’s rivals the major (847)956-6699 supermarkets. Primarily geared to the Latin I like to call this a Japanese Food shopper, Pete’s is a great discovery for all. Hall/ Department Store. With a few Rows upon rows of fruits and vegetables that locations in the US, The Japanese have been imported from Mexico and other community ventures to the Central and South American countries are Arlington Heights location to available. Sugarcane, guavas, napolitos, purchase, books, magazines, plantains. Yuccas, etc. Lines wrap around the cosmetics, cook and house wares , meat counters for goat, cows feet, and other sushi grade fish, produce , and cuts used primarily in Latin cuisine. Every sort of pastry. Comprised of restaurants dried chili is available and a full collection of and specialty shops, if it’s Mexican Cookware from brands like Musa. In Japanese in origin, Mitsuwa has it. addition, depending on the location, small MaKe a day out visiting and be sections with Polish , Asian and Middle Eastern sure to check out the food courts Food are well stocked. Pete’s has eight for soups to desserts. locations in Chicago.

Hush 62


y e

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y e e t s n a t ou r t C

Spicy Roasted Whole Tilapia With Salsa Verde By Courtney Nzeribe Salsa Verde 1 lb tomatillos peeled of skins and cut in half 1 lime 2 green chilies chopped 1/2 onion chopped Sea salt Ground black pepper 1/4 cup chopped cilantro 1/2 tsp sugar Olive oil to drizzle

Whole Tilapia 1 lemon sliced 2-3 plum tomatoes sliced 1 tsp chili powder 1 tablespoon chili oil Sea salt hot pepper

To Prepare the Salsa Verde: Cut peeled tomatillios in half. Place on parchment lined baking sheet with edges. Drizzle with olive oil. Roast at 375 F until blackened and soft. Place the roasted tomatillios into a glass , non reactive bowl. Add chopped onions, chilies, cilantro, seasonings and lime juice. Take an immersion blender and puree. Set aside. Take your cleaned , gutted, and scaled whole tilapia. Place on a parchment lined baking sheet. Stuff with half of the sliced lemon. Place the fish on a bed of the rest of the sliced lemon. Top with sliced tomatoes. Drizzle with chili oil, chili powder, salt and hot pepper to taste. Roast at 450F for 20 -30 minutes. Serve with rice.

Hush 63

We all have our staple jewelry pieces! The gold hoops, the pearl earrings and the silver studs. Never one to do anything traditional, we decided to shoot the basics in a unique classic environment. Thai Classic Restaurant gives us a traditional location, while our model is anything but! Enjoy this YUMMY editorial!

Hush 64

Images: Nathaniel Smith Model: Vanessa Alvarez MUA: Andrea Ca’Mille Samuels Hair: Stacey Kenneavy Stylist: Ogi Merzier Location: Thai Classic/Chicago

do you have your basic jewelry? Words by: Paige Steele-Rollins While cleaning out my jewelry box the other day, I found madness in the form of cheap, broken earrings from middle school! I also found some pieces that I don’t ever plan to part with (unless I am upgrading of course). . . gorgeous, timeless pieces that I realized are pretty much the ONLY pieces I wear. These are the pieces that every woman needs! Do YOU have them in your basic jewelry wardrobe? Pearl Studs- I love pearl studs. They are always gorgeous. They make your ears look stunning and they give women a sense of confidence! Pearls fit with everyone’s style and can be more affordable than people believe. Freshwaters are just as gorgeous as saltwater, just make sure they are round (as opposed to flattened) pearls! Pearls between 6-8mm are the perfect size, in my opinion, to achieve that “classic” look. Diamond studs - Another classic piece that looks stunning no matter what. Despite what many say, a stunning pair of cubic zirconium will suffice until you can afford the real deal. They create a sophisticated, polished look whether you wear them with jeans or on your wedding day. Classic Men’s Watch- Whether it be platinum, gold or silver, nothing can compare to the look of a men’s watch on a woman’s wrist. Women’s watches are often too thin, and really don’t make any sort of statement. I noticed a flight attendant (on a recent flight back to Chicago) wearing a stunning platinum men’s watch--absolutely amazing! It gave the message: “Yes, I may look delicate-but I am one hell of a woman!” What could be a better message to give passengers on a booked flight with lots of turbulence!

Hoop Earrings- These can be gold or silver/white gold. These are great because they can be a variety of sizes. The smaller (and thinner) the hoops, the more elegant. If you think plain hoops are boring, go for small, diamond studded hoops! Regardless, hoops are always a beautiful, classy piece for your wardrobe. Cocktail Ring- This should be a creative item that gives people an idea of who YOU are! The great thing about this item is that you can pick any style as long as it is something you will wear-which also means that you don’t necessarily have to spend a ton of money on this piece either! How Perfect! Go for an oversized jewel (Amethyst, Opal, Ruby, Emerald. . . whatever you want!) set in either gold, sterling silver, platinum (again, endless options). You can pick a trendy look or a more antique look. This piece is really up to you and should be something that you really adore. Vintage stores are great places to find these staple jewelry pieces. Some great places are right on Chicago Avenue! Google Very Best Vintage, Dovetail Vintage and Seek Vintage for a great day of classic jewelry discovery!

the ten hush list

The Owner of the Award Winning

Thai Classic Restaurant Takes on our Hush Ten list! Here is what she Wanted you to KNOW!

1. When it comes to east Asian Thai food, it has more flavor and it’s healthier with less grease and more herbs than most other types of Asian Cusine. 2.We have been established for over 21 years, our weekly specials include unusual dishes. Something else to try besides a regular noodles dish. 3. The restaurant is set up like a hotel in Thailand. I wanted to show the Thai culture. 4. The special menu, I change it every week! You never know what you might find! 5. We have homemade Green Tea Ice Cream and it is truly special! I add lemon grass root and mints for health benefits. Also, there is no egg in our ice cream and we serve a non-dairy in coconut ice cream. 6. People order the Panang curry, Drunken noodles, Pad Thai, and Basil dish not to mention our Spicy Fried Rice the most! 7. This will be our only location for now, I’m hoping to open more in the future.

For the most amazing Thai food in Chicago visit Sammy at

Thai Classic 3332 N. Clark Chicago phone: 773.404.2000

8. My favorite Chef is Wolf Gang Puck 9. Healthy choices run rampant on our menu! I would suggest Tofu and Vegetables Drunken noodles 10. My favorite Thai Dish is Chopped Chicken Basil! So now you have my 10 Hush List! Sammy Lertpanichpun, owner of Thai Classic Restaurant

Hush 73

Remember this? Guess who is standing in front of the sewing machine?

Last Hush....Snap Shot 1

Vanessa without the Hair Spray!

Mr. Jurnjack...was she really that tall?

Last Hush....Snap Shot 2


hush COOL HUSH! / July 2010 - Issue 5 Is this your copy of Hush Chicago Magazine? If not, get your copy at Then Become a Facebook Fan! Now Go Out and Enjoy Chicago Fashion Goodness!

Hush 75

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