What's On at your Neighbourhood Hubs - April 2022

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on what's

April 2022

at your Neighbourhood Hubs

School holidays Find out what's happening across Te Awa Kairangi!

Let your curiosity run wild these school holidays! Build, create, draw, explore and more with us from 16 April - 1 May! Visit library.huttcity.govt.nz to find more exciting events. All events are FREE and aimed at ages 5+ unless otherwise specified.

Curious Bricks and Pieces Eastbourne Library Monday to Friday, 3pm - 4.30pm Bricks and Pieces every day during the April school holidays! Curious fun with Lego. For ages 5+.

Animals in Disguise

Curious Concoctions War Memorial Library Thursday 21st April, 2-3pm Celebrate the wild and wacky creations of Roald Dahl. For ages 8 and up.

Curious Crafts Wainuiomata Community Hub Every day throughout the holidays Join us to create a fun playing card soldier, and your very own Cheshire cat!

Curious Creations Moera Library Friday 29th April 2pm-4pm

Eastbourne Library Wednesday 27th April 10.30am

War Memorial Library Thursday 28th April, 2-3pm

The animal kingdom is a curious place, filled with animals who can blend into their surroundings and simply disappear! Are you good at spotting an animal in disguise? Maybe you can help us!

What is the most curious creation you can build using Lego? An alien spacecraft? A fantastical beast? Come along to the library and let your imagination soar! For ages 5+.

Curious Creatures Walter Nash Centre Saturday 23 April, 3pm Explore amazing animals with strange and unusual names. What would Mouse Deer look like? A Blobfish? Also Make up some funny names for real animals!

Sport Sessions Walter Nash Centre All sessions are from 10:30am-12pm Tuesday 19 April - Gagaball Wednesday 20 April - Floorball Thursday 21 April - Dodgeball Tuesday 26 April - Kickball

What a Curious Scavenger Hunt Wainuiomata Community Hub Every day throughout the holidays Oh no! Lots of fantastical creatures have escaped from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There and are hiding throughout the library! Can you find them all? A challenge for the whole whānau.

Down or Up? Wainuiomata Community Hub Friday 22 April, 2pm

Registrations are required for these programmes. Please call 570 1090 to book your tamariki in.

Challenge gravity with marble tracks made of cardboard rolls, and pom-pom marbles! For ages 6 and up.

All About Alice - How Curious!

Curious Things Storytime

Petone Library Friday 22nd April, 2pm

Walter Nash Centre Tuesday 26 April, 2pm

Come and join us for stories and a craft.

Join us for stories about a magnificent invention and a trip into Wonderland - then have fun building your own fantastic creation from cardboard!

Baby Bounce & Rhyme


Eastbourne Library Mondays, 10am

Wainuiomata Community Hub Tuesdays, 10:30am

War Memorial Library Mondays, 10am & 11am Wednesdays, 2:15pm

Eastbourne Library Wednesdays, 10am Saturdays, 10:30am

Naenae Library Mondays, 10:30am

Naenae Library Wednesdays, 10:30am

Koraunui Community Hub Tuesdays, 10:30am Saturdays, 2pm

Moera Library Wednesdays, 11am

Petone Library Tuesdays, Fridays & Saturdays, 10:30am Walter Nash Centre Wednesdays, 11am Wainuiomata Community Hub Thursdays, 10:30am A half-hour programme of songs and rhymes in the Library, especially for your pēpi aged 0-2 years.

Koraunui Community Hub Thursdays, 11am War Memorial Library Fridays, 10:30am A weekly half hour of stories in the Library for tamariki aged 2+.

Awhi mai, Awhi atu Wainuiomata Community Hub Tuesdays, 9:30am-12:30pm

Spanish Playgroup

A free, fun, and educational playgroup for tamariki under 5.

Koraunui Community Hub Friday 22 April, 10:30am-11:15am

Discover: Stories

Join us for singing, reading books, and exposing our little children to the Spanish language!

Eastbourne Library Thursday 7 April, 3:15pm Enjoy stories followed by a creative activity. Ages 5+.

Family Fun

Board Games and Puzzles

Wainuiomata Community Hub Mondays, 3pm-4:30pm Term time only.

Wainuiomata Community Hub Tuesdays, 3pm-4:30pm Term time only.

Welcome to Family Fun, where you can bring your whānau and have some creative fun!

Naenae Library Wednesdays, 3:45pm

TiHei Rangatahi Wainuiomata Community Hub Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays, 3:30pm-5pm. Term time only. Hono mai for a range of activities delivered by the awesome kaimahi from Kokiri Marae. Suitable for ages 10-14.

Inklings Naenae Library Tuesdays, 3:45pm Eastbourne Library Thursday 21 April, 3:45pm A fun group for tamariki aged 8-12 who love stories. Explore books, play games, and get creative!

Challenge a friend or family member at a wide range of board games! For the whole whānau.

Game Changers CoCo Pop Up, Naenae Sundays, 1pm-5pm Board games, card games and RPGs! Bookings required - meetup.com/ wellingtonOnBoard

Arohanui Strings Koraunui Community Hub Tuesdays & Fridays, 3pm-5pm Free violin lessons. Ages 6-12. Email: admin@arohanuistrings.org

Play Group and Mini Movers Koraunui Community Hub Thursdays, 10am-11am Term time only.

Art Spot for Kids

Bricks & Pieces

Wainuiomata Community Hub Thursdays, 3pm-4:30pm Term time only.

Eastbourne Library Tuesdays, 3pm

Create beautiful and interesting masterpieces! All materials provided. For ages 5+.

Moera Library Wednesday 20 April, 3pm-4:30pm Naenae Library Fridays, 3:45pm

Dancing with Daikyn

Wainuiomata Community Hub Saturdays & Sundays, by request

Wainuiomata Community Hub Wednesdays, 10am-11am

War Memorial Library Saturday 2 April, 2-4pm

Come along and enjoy a fun-filled hour of dancing & singing with a smile at the Hub. For ages 2-5.

Petone Library Sunday 24 April, 2pm

Active Hour Inside Wainuiomata Community Hub Wednesdays, 3pm-4:30pm Term time only. Board games, table tennis, and more! Ages 10+.

Active Hour with VIBE Wainuiomata Community Hub Fridays, 3pm-4:30pm Term time only. Drop in, play games, and hang out with VIBE in this informal hang out space for all rangatahi!

Get creative and make amazing LEGO® builds at the Library! Ages 5+

Youth Zone ages 12 - 16 Koraunui Community Hub Thursdays, 3pm-4:30pm

Kids Creative Sessions Koraunui Community Hub Wednesdays, 3pm-4:30pm Explore a mix of art and craft activities! For ages 5-16 years old.

SAYGo (Steady As You Go) / Ready. Steady. Balance. Petone Library Mondays, 11am Walter Nash Centre Mondays & Wednesdays, 1:30pm Koraunui Community Hub Tuesdays, 11am & Thursdays, 1pm The Dowse Art Museum Tuesdays, 10:30am Naenae Library Tuesday 12 April, 1pm

Simplified Tai Chi and Qigong Koraunui Community Hub Fridays, 10:30am

Karate Dojo with Izzy Lewis Koraunui Community Hub Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6pm Term time only. Email izzynz@gmail.com for more info.

Whanau Ora Dance Fit

Wainuiomata Community Hub Fridays 11am Term time only.

Koraunui Community Hub Wednesdays, 6pm

Online, Wednesdays, 9:30am

Senior Table Tennis

Sign up at library.huttcity.govt.nz. A gentle, peer led exercise programme, proven to increase balance, strength and mobility, prevent falls and provide a valued social connection for older adults. Koha for most sessions.

Walter Nash Centre Mondays & Wednesdays, 9am-12pm Term time only. $2 per session.


(Table tennis can be available at other times. Please call 562 8042 for more information)

Wainuiomata Community Hub Tuesday 26 April, 1pm-3pm Support and friendship group for locals experiencing mobility challenges.

Social Table Tennis Koraunui Community Hub Tuesdays, 9am

Enliven Tai Chi Koraunui Community Hub Mondays, 9:30am $5 per class.


Ukulele with DJ Pomare

Walter Nash Centre Mondays, 7:15pm-8.15pm

Koraunui Community Hub Saturdays, 1pm-2:30pm

Koraunui Community Hub Thursdays, 6pm

Creative Sessions

$5 per class

Community Yoga

Koraunui Community Hub Sundays, 2pm-4pm

Hutt Rec Grandstand (Long Room) Thursdays, 5:30pm

Try your hand at creating different art forms at these creative sessions for adults.

Beginner friendly yoga. Mats provided ($5 per class).

Craft Groups


Wainuiomata Community Hub Thursdays, 2pm-4pm

Koraunui Community Hub Tuesdays, 6:45pm Saturdays, 9:15am Walter Nash Centre Wednesdays, 6:30pm-7:30pm $5 per class

Senior Social Morning Petone Library Monday 28 April, 12pm

Naenae Library Fridays, 2pm Bring along your knitting, sewing or crocheting and have fun in a welcoming group.

Artspot for Adults Wainuiomata Community Hub Wednesdays 6 & 20 April, 10:30am-12pm Creative art & craft activities for adults. All abilities welcome.

Book Talk

Catch Up with Councillor Keri

Koraunui Community Hub Wednesday 6 April, 1:30pm

Wainuiomata Community Hub Tuesday 26 April, 11am-12pm

Library staff talk about the latest non-fiction. Everyone welcome!

Bring your questions, issues, views, and ideas to a casual discussion group with Keri.

Book Group Koraunui Community Hub Monday 18 April, 6pm Eastbourne Library Wednesday 6 April, 11am Petone Library Wednesday 20 April, 1:30pm Wainuiomata Community Hub Thursday 14 April, 10:30am Meet with others who enjoy reading for a fun discussion!

Writers' Table War Memorial Library Thursday 21 April, 5pm A regular meeting of writers who share experiences and write in good company.

Saturday Book Chat Eastbourne Library Saturday 30 April, 11am

Scrabble Club Eastbourne Library Fridays, 2pm-4pm Scrabble keeps your mind nimble. Come along and play with others in the Library! All ages and skill levels welcome.

Community Clinic Wainuiomata Community Hub Thursday 28 April, 2pm-3pm Opportunity for residents to raise issues, concerns, and ideas with the Wainuiomata Community Board.

English Tests

Chat and Chill

Koraunui Community Hub Wednesdays, 10am-11am

Wainuiomata Community Hub Mondays 1pm-3pm

Phone 04 801 9180 #3 for more info.

Enjoy a cuppa with a friendly group of people aged 50+

Stokes Valley Seniors Friendship Group Koraunui Community Hub Wednesday 6 April, 10am

Community Waiata, Karanga & Whaikorero Wainuiomata Community Hub Mondays, 6pm-7pm


Join Mama Mate for waiata!

Wainuiomata Community Hub Wednesdays, 6:30pm-8:30pm

Bike Rodeo and Wheels Day

Develop better speaking and presenting skills!

Walter Nash Park, Taita Wednesday 20 April, 11am-2pm

Addiction Counselling

Bike Tech will be offering free bike fix ups and services.

Wainuiomata Community Hub By appointment only.

Family Law

Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) counselling with Te Paepae Arahi. Contact 564 5262 for an appointment.

Wainuiomata Community Hub By appointment only. Free family law advice. To book an appointment contact 564 5262.

Scrabble Day

Stokes Valley Toy Library

War Memorial Library Wednesday 13 April, from 10am

Koraunui Community Hub Tuesdays, 11am-11:30am Thursdays, 11:30am-12pm Fridays, 4pm-6pm Saturdays, 11am-1pm

Enjoy a game of Scrabble in the library on National Scrabble Day!

Family History Drop-in Wainuiomata Community Hub Tuesday 12 April, 1pm-2:30pm Naenae Library Wednesday 13 April, 1pm Eastbourne Library Thursday 21 April, 1pm A hands-on session with our Family History Specialist.

Board in Wainui Wainuiomata Community Hub Tuesdays, 6pm-9pm A free, welcoming, and family friendly group for anyone wanting to play board and card games. Games are provided, but you’re welcome to bring your own.

Discover a large range of toys that meet the developmental needs of children aged from 0-8 years old. To hire toys, you need to sign up and become a member.

Wainuiomata Toy Library Wainuiomata Community Hub Wednesdays, 11am-12pm Saturdays, 2pm-3pm Save money, storage space and the environment. Toys are best suited for ages 0-6. To hire toys, you need to sign up and become a member. Reserve and pick up items whenever the Wainuiomata Community Hub is open.

Justices of the Peace

Social Drama for Seniors

Eastbourne Library Saturday 2 April, 12pm-1pm

Wainuiomata Community Hub Tuesdays, 1:30pm

Walter Nash Centre Monday 4 April, 1pm-2pm

No lines to learn, no audiences, just fun. We use improvisation, drama, and storytelling to gently stretch the grey matter and keep the mind active and creative. Our classes are full of play, laughter, and connection.

Naenae Library Wednesday 27 April, 1pm-2pm Petone Library Friday 29 April, 2pm-3pm Wainuiomata Community Hub Thursdays, 2pm-3pm War Memorial Library Wednesdays, 11:30am-12:30pm With members of the Hutt Valley & Districts Justices of the Peace Association.

Hutt Valley Angling Club Koraunui Community Hub Monday 11 April, 7.30pm Develop your flyfishing skills! We will teach you how to cast, guide you in the art of fly fishing, and introduce you to other anglers!

SToneD (Strength, Tone, Dance) Koraunui Community Hub Thursdays, 7.30pm A 45min fitness session that combines a fun dance workout using light weights to strengthen and tone the whole body, while dancing to keep it fun and exciting. Classes are only $5 casual or $50 for a 10-trip concession card. 1kg weights are available but are limited, so come early to grab one.

Naenae Library Refurbishment Work Work on Naenae Library is set to begin. The Library will be closed from Good Friday 15th April for up to 10 weeks as work is completed. A pop-up library will be located in the Treadwell Street Hall from 26th April during the work.

The refurbishment includes: wiring and electrical new windows painting Once work is complete Naenae Library will be available for the community to hire out after hours. For more information visit hutt.city/refurbishment


For more information on locations including opening hours:

library.huttcity.govt.nz/locations 04 570 6633 Eastbourne Library 38 Rimu Street, Eastbourne P: 04 562 8042 Koraunui Stokes Valley Community Hub 186 Stokes Valley Road P: 04 562 9050 E: ksv.hub@huttcity.govt.nz Moera Library 107 Randwick Crescent, Moera P: 04 568 4720 Naenae Library Hillary Court, Naenae P: 04 567 2859

libraries@huttcity.govt.nz Petone Library & Heritage Centre 7A Britannia Street, Petone P: 04 568 6253 E: heritage@huttcity.govt.nz Walter Nash Centre Taine Street, Taita P: 04 560 1094 E: walternashcentre@huttcity.govt.nz Wainuiomata Community Hub 1A Queen Street, Wainuiomata P: 04 564 5822 E: wainuiomata.hub@huttcity.govt.nz War Memorial Library 2 Queens Drive, Hutt Central P: 04 570 6633

Follow us on Facebook! WainuiomataCommunityHub HuttCityLibraries




This guide was correct at time of printing. Most of our regular events continue to run at Red. For up-to-date information we recommend you phone to confirm if an event/programme is running.

Hutt City Libraries

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